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FIB ffl Mil A Dull and Drooping Stock Market Sales Only 91,000 Shares. QOLD 112 5-8. Investment Securities Lower?Government and Hallway Bonds Steady. MONKY ON CALL 2 1-2 PKK CKM. Wall Street. ? Monday. i una 12?6 1*. M. J AMlbw moribund market to-duy, for which absent operators have tacitly voted r*</uiescat in pae* as a proper epitaph. There has been " peaco" cuough to satisfy tho aaplrutiona of Ulysbes Caesar him cell, but not business enough to satisfy the poorest pUbt ot a broker. Fairly strong at tbe start, It was soon evident that the list was sup ported by a wry Insecure underpinning, which was tikoly to yield to tho least shock. This suon exhibited itself In the fading away of the prico ot Central and Uudson, which, on sales of a few hundred shares, drooped down from 108to 106, but closed In a rally U 106)4 a 107 >?. The Commodore's brokers were sim ply lookers on and not supporters, as usual, and a theory prevalloa that ibe ancient mariner was rather too ill too look alter his favorite or else that he had come to the end of his purse, at least so far as this stock was concerned. Tho more probable solution lay In the report of further reductions in Wosiorn bound freights? a reductio ad absurdum, In fact, as thero Is little or no Western freight to reduco?and a further catting of fares to Chicago by the Orand Trunk of L'auada. Added to this it Is confidently stated that some 30,000 shares are hold hero on foreign account, which may be precipitated upon the market any day that Mr. Vander blit'scaso Is bulletined as desperate. Looked upon as it has been as tho keystone of the railway sharo list any sign of crumbling affects tho entire arch, and It was only natural that this should have occurred this morning. Consequently a weakness set in along the whole line, with a result of a dcoline ot from % to 1 per cclit. There was a trail, too, in Lake Shore and Western Union which scenicd strongly of Gould, and considera ble sales In both these stocks were attributed to his kccount. Beyond tho continuance of tho war, which bids fair to be carrlcd into Africa until somo "nigger In tho fenco" is developed which will establish peace md a bull campaign at tho time moment, there was aothing to affect Lako Shore per u. It was different, however, with Western Union, for the rival company bad another dnsh at them In the ihape of a reduction on all press messages which may be forwarded to the Atlantic cities from and during the sitting of the Cincinnati Convention. Tho effect was not important however, for the stock only yielded ibout % per cent under tbo pressure. The coal and miscellaneous shares also suffered from the "blues" in sympathy with tbe more activo (ancles, but in a less degree, and the Western slocks may bo placed in the same category. As lor Pacific Mail it has shown up abou) tho strong tst of tho lot, opening at 26, receding to 24\* and re turning at the close to Extreme duluess was tho characteristic of the narkci, although transactions were somewhat moro numerous than on Saturday. An equal division amoug 1,040 members of tho Board would award about seventy lharcs to each individual us a commission producing sodium, or in cash, at a lair uverage, $4 37J?. To paraphrase u familiar song, under tliose conditions? Who wouldn't be r broker, and With tbe broker*' ktaud. TUX PALKS TO-DAY. The transactions aggregated 81,300 shares, and were llstributed among 1hc most activo stocks as follows:? New York Central and Harlem, 1.760; Erlo, 6,000; Lako Store, 31,300; Northwestern, 200; Northwestern preferred, 820; Rock Island, 520; Pacific Mail, 11,300; it Paul, 6,200 ; 8L Paul preferred, 2.000; Ohio, 4,700; Western Union, 19,060; Wsbasb, 1,600; C., C. and I. C., 1,000; Michigan Central, 3,331; New Jersey Central, 1,060; Pacific ot Missouri, 1,000. OPKXIKO, HIGHEST AND LOWCSr 1'BICXS. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day:? Opening. Highest LowetL New York Central 108 108 105 Harlem liWtf 13S* 13* * Erie 14 H IS* Lake Shore 64?{ 54 X 53?% Wabash 1 \ 1',' H Northwestern 41 41 ^ 40?? Northwestern preferred..... 81 % til60\ Rock Island 108 108 107 * PKubnrc ?3 ua w/t Milwaukee and St. Paul..... U9% 40 Mil. and hu I'aul preferred.. 00% n<J){ u?', Ohio and Mississippi 18^' lt>\' 16?j New Jersey Central 82 82 81 Del., Lack, and Western.... 108,if 108'f 107 Union Pacific et> oo so L\, C. and L ?i 4 41*' 4 Western Union 88 6S>? 67}< Atlantic mid Pacific Tel 15 15 15 I'ociflc Mail 24Jf *5 *4*. Panama 130 140 130 closikcj pricbs?8 r. M. I ncitc MrII ... :4S ? 24U Mill Stl'pl 69^ a ?9k Vo.i LuleL.. WS ? 67? C.CCAl,.. 4M a 4? itIU fac'lll. 15 a ? C. C A 1 C... . 4U a Quicksilver.... 14 a I5W I'd, I. A W.... 107j. a 107)2 Luicktilver pi. 10 a 22 Krle 13U a 13-. J>arl.iindAM ? a H IIae A lit Jo... IS a 14 Varl. A >1 pi 7 a 8 l.ako Shore.... f.UU a 5:)?< Aaama Ex 108 a 108V Mich Central.. 47>J a 48 Anier Ex 58 ? ;'??>, K V i IUrlem.lLI-? a 140 Ichx. . 73 H 74 N V C A II K..UXSW a 10.W V ? la-KarpoK 00%' n 01 > J Can 81H a Hl? Clue* Alton ..lulU a U? Ohio A Miss... 16 a 10>j llev ? PMto....WK a VriK I'MBama IS0 a M'l Uki.v )t... 4"W a 4t lolAWab M a 1 ? lik A .\ W pi. 00'* ? (.IV L nlun Pacific. 5tt a 60 CI'H A HI....IM7U .1 K.7H Mianouri 1'ao 6 u 6? in j. ttr iwS k 4n ADVASCK AND DBCLI.VK. The following are tho changes In closing prices, cob* pared with those of Saturday at the oloae:? Advance.?C., C.. C. and I., )$. Dikijkk.?New York Central, 1J<; New Jersey Cen tral, 1 'a; Delaware and l.ackawanna, >,; Erie, ; l.ake Shore, % ; Michigan Central, \; Northwest, Jfi la prelerred, %; Ohio and Mississippi, X; Paeilic Mail, #; Hock Island, S; St Paul preferred, '4; Wabash, %; Western Union, >{. Station art. ? Hold, I'nlou l'aclflc, St. Paul common, Quicksilver, Producers' Petroleum, Panama, Missouri Pacific, Harlem, Illinois Central, St. Jotoph common auii prelerred; C., C., and 1. C.; Atlantic and Pacific 'telegraph, Atlantic and l'aclflc prelerred. THK MOKUT MARKET. Tho money rates on call loans as weU as lor com mercial paper continue to rcflcct the desire of capital io seek profitable, even though II be temporary, in resttnent We quote 'J and per cent as the ruling Ignres for the first and 4 and 6?< per cent as the rales ?n first class not3i. Sterling exchango is quiet tint firm, prime asking rates 4.88 and 4.90; selling rates4 87and l?Si reicbmarks, ?6K *nd 00 a WJ^ ; cables, a 9GX; prime Paris, 6 14)% a 0.11 Ji. Tha follow lag are tbe rates of exchange on New York at the undermentioned cities to-day :?-Savannah, <4 premium; Charleston, 3-16 premium, selling; huyiuj, \ premium, Cincinnati easy, par to bOo. premium; New Orleans, commercial, *; b*n*. Hi *?? Louis, 75a premium; Chicago, par. Tan OOLD MASEXT. The Gold Hoard hare agreed to adjourn from tho 1st to tho 6th ol July. Oold declined this afternoon to 112)4 aad cloeed at 112)f, which was also the opening aad highest price. The borrowing rates were 1 and 2 per cent. Loans were also made flat and at 3 aad I per cent for carrying. oriaATiona or raa oold xxciiajcos bask. Oold balances $80.V000 Currency balances 065, 90V Urosa Clearances 23,013,000 cleakixu novaa rtatsmbxt. Currency exchanges 167,624,046 Currency balances 4,12K,2J7 Cold exchanges 7,0+0,499 Cield balances l,3dl..>W isvsstmsmt saAaxa laveetment shares brought as followsRock Island, 10k a 107a 107% ; ."lUaburg and Kurt Wayne, 103 >?'; lereey Central, >2 a 82a 12 a II; New "^ork Central, 108 a 1MK a 106 a 107 ?, a 107 a 10?X IOC (seller 60) a 06M a 106 a 106H i Cleveland aad PltUbnrg, guaranteed, BJi? Illinois Central, *7)^; llarleai, 13*H; Oolaware tad flndson, a 109; A merican Kxprca>, 68, es ftfl<est The UHHasi Trsnesrir yaM Ml lo-da/ 110,060 gold f OB account of Interest, and $60,000 tu redemption or Ove-tWCBty boBds. The Sab-Treasury released $42,404 silver coin to day. I The following were the Treasury balance*Car- I rency, tlO,000,000; coin, $86,500,000, lest coin certifi cate!, $23,500,000. OOruaxlt.'CT BOX us. Government bonds closed ttrut aud a fraction higher. In sob* cases, at tho following quotations:?United States currency sixes, 125 a 120; da do,. 1881, regis tered, 110% a do. do., da, coupon, 123*i a 123%; da do.. 1866, registered, 115V a 119; do. do , da, coupon, 115% a 116; da do., do., registered, now, 117 a 117%; do. do., do., ja coupon, 120*4 a 120%; da da, 1867, registered, 119% a 119**; do. da, do.> coupon. 122% a 122% ; do. da, 1S68, registered, 120% a 120%; do. do., da, coupon, 123% a 124; da len-forttesi registered, 117% a 113%; do. da, coupon, 118% a 118%; do. lives, 18S1, registered, 117% a 117%; da do., da, coupon, 117% a 117%. RSILRilAO UOVDS. Id this department prices wero gonerally higher. The changes were:?Au advance of % per coot in Mil waukee and St. Paul (C. and M. division) and Mil waukee and St Paul sevens, gold; % per cent In Chesapeake and Ohio firsts (coupon on), % per cent In Milwaukee and St. Paul convertible sluking fund, Milwaukee and St. Paul (La Crossa division) and Ran nibsl and St Joseph eights, convertible; ^ por cent iu Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific sevens, Milwaukco and St Paul (L and M. division), Chicago and North west consolidated coupon gold bonds and Union Pacific ?Inking fund, and % in St Louts and Iron Mountain tlrsts; a decline of % per cent in New York Central sixes of 1883 and % per ccnt in Chicago and North western consols. The laUwt bids were as follows :? Albany ami miwi 2d.... Ii*8 Cleve .1- Tol new b .. 1?*3 Albany and 8u?q 3d 100 Clere. P'vllle A A, old. .100 ttoi, Itart A Erie 1st.. . 18% Cleve. P'vllle A A new.lOtt Koalun, Hart A Erlogt.. 22 Detroit, Monroe A Tol 102% Bur, C Yl A M lit 7'. g.. 40% Buff A Erie new 104 Chei A Ohio 0's, 1st ..3u Buff A State Line 7*1....104% Chicago A Alt aiuk fd.. .101 Kalamaioo A Wld P lat. 85 Chicago A Alton lit.. .118 Lake Shore dividend.... 103 Chicago A Alton Ine 101 Lake Shore con rg 1st .105 Joliet A Chicago 1st....HI Midi Cent con 7'a, 1002.100% St L, Jack A Chic Int.. 102% Mich C litVs. '82. s r,.112 Chic, Hur A Q8 p c 1st. 118 N Y Central O'i. 1883... lol ^ Chi, R I A l'ae 1st 7'a 110% N Y Central ?'?. 1887. I03t, U, It I A P a r in O'i. '?:> 1 OS N Y Cen U'a. real estate. IOO Central of N J lit new .lit N V Cen O'i. sub l< O Central of N J lit cou li>5 N Y Cen lat in, r 117 Cen of N. J conv. lol 11 ud K 7'a, 2d in, *f. '85.114 Lehigh 4 W It con g'd.. t?3 llarlera lit, 7'i, 118 Am Dock and Imp bds.. 1(XJ'< North Mo lat 98 Mil A 8 P 1st. 8'*. 1'D..115% (JUIn A Mm con ? f. WO Mil A 8 P 2d, 7 3-10, I'D 00 Obio A Mlu cou Mil A St P 7V g, R D.. 100 Ohio A Miia 2d. con 70 Mil A S P lat. La C dlv.103 Can Pacific gold bonds.. 108 Mil ASP lit, IAMU.. t?5 Cen PaciHc, San J br... 01 Mil A St P 1st, CAM... US Cen PaelBc, Cal A 02 Mil ASP con ? r 8*H PaclUc laud gt bda. 03 t'hi A X W link fund...107 Western I'aciUc >.ds ...101 Cb< INK interest 102% Union Pacific lit loft Chi AN'W cou loii-fc Union Paeiflc I g, 7'|....100 ciii A N W ex bda... ..85 Union PaclUesiiik fund. 80 Chi AN wilt 105 Atlantic A Pac, 1 g lu... 15 Chi A NW cp goldbdi... 10 Southern l'ae i.ds Mo... U.'% Galena A Chi ex 10~% I'aciUc UK of Mo lit.... H3 Peuinsula lit, con 100 Paeillc KK or Mo 2d.... 81 Chicago A Mil lit 10 % l'itts, Ft W A Chi lit.. .110% Winona A St Peters lit 70 Pitta, Ft W A Chi 2d...110% Wiuoua A St Peters .d 00 Pitta, Kt W A Cbl 3d.... U*4 Dei, Lack A Weat 2d 108 Cleve A Pitti con U>7 Morris A Essex 1st 115% Cleve A Pitts 4th 1(>4H Morria A Essex 2d 110 C, C A I lit 44% Morris A Kaiex cona'on. 100 C, C A 1 2d 10 Morris A Essex Va. '71.105 St Louil AIM lit 101% Mor A Ess lit cou g'd .. 103 Alton A T 11 1st lt) > i.rie 1st in, ex 100 Alton A T 11 2d pf 01% Erie 2d, 7's, 1870 1"*% Aitou A T 11 2d, incoius 73 Erie ltd, 7'a, 1883....... 103'., Tol, Peo A War, K D.... so% Erie 4th, 7'i, 1880 100% Tol, Peo A War, W D.... 78 Erie .Hh, 7's. 1888 103 Tol A Wab 1st, ext ..01% Long Dock bonds 105 Tol A Wab 1st, St L dlv. U8), Itutf, N Y A E. large.... 87 Tol A Wab 2d. lUI llau A St Jo eon 78% Tol A Wab. cons, conv.. 30% Dub A Sioux City lit...10,1 llan A Naples lit 30 Dub A S City 2d dlv iO.i Ureat West 1st.1888... 01 Cedar Palls A Minn 1st. 80 Uruat Weit 2d. 1803.... tST> I nd, Bloonrn A W 2d ... 5 Quiney A Tol 1st, 1880.. 55 Micu South 7 p c, 2d.... 101% 111 A So Iowa 1st 60 Mich So A N Is r 7 p c.KMt-, Weat Union bds.lOOO.c. 00% Cleve A Tol sr l'*7?* West Union bds, 1000,r. O-J TilK yOREIUX MARKET. The London advices aro favorably to-day, consols ad. vancing % a % per cent on peuoelul advices from the Continent. United States bonds wero tlrnt at au ad. vanco oi % per ceut, except for lS67'a which aro un changed. Tho Bank or England gained ?5,000 to day. A special despatch from Loudon, dated lour P. M., status that a large lailuro is reported ol a cotton Arm with lactones 111 the neighborhood of Waterlord. Ire land ; liabilities said to bo ?600,000. Rentes In Paris are 105.77%. The following aro hair-past lour P. M. Lon don quotations :?Consols, money, 94%; consols, ac count, M1,, a 94%; 1866 bonds, old, 104%; 1867 bonds, 110%; tcu-lorty bonds, 107%; new lives, 100),; trie. 12%; Erie preferred, 18. STATB BONUS. In State bonds Missouri long sixes were firm at 107%. New York registered bounty loan sold at 102, ex interest District or Columbia three sixty flvos ad vanced to 70. Tennessee ucw series sold at 42%. BASK SHAKkS. Bank shares were dull. Fourth National sold at VO The latest bids aro annexed:?American Exchange, 100'4; Broadway, 200; City. 300; Commerce, 115; First National, 200; Fifth Avonue, 210; Fourth Nu. tlonal, 00; Hanover, 72; Importers and Traders', 193; Maubattan, 130; Market, 114; Merchants', 114; Mer chants' Exchange, 100; Metropolitan, 126%; Ninth Na tional, 80; Park, 123; Poople's, 135; Republic, 70; St Nicholas, 98. rHILADBLPMIA STOCKS. The following are the I'hilndeiphia stoak quotations at thrco o'clock this day :? Did. A tied. City sixes, new lO'J 100 ', United Companies of New Jersey 130 130;a Pennsylvania Kauroad 62^ 62* Philadelphia and Heading Kailroad... 44 ? Lehigh Valley Railroad !>~ % 57 Catawivsa Kailroad preferred 40 ? Philadelphia and trio Kailroad ll> 18f< Lehigh Navigation 66 50,'i Loblgh Navigation, gold loan 106 ? MIXING STOCK*. lhe following table of price* ot tbe prominent gold and silver mining a bares, u received by telegraph from Ban Francisco, Is iurnisbod by Mr. William Ward, Drexcl Building:? June 8. June 9. June 10. June IS. Change*. Alpha......... 56 M 65 52 Declined 3 IK-IcIht. 10 IV 10 18 Declined 1 Hestfc Helcber. 53 53 63 68 ? Caledonia. 0 0 0 9 ? California. .... 83 84 83 82 1 Chollar Putosi. 86 82 80 84 ? Con Virginia.. 74 73 72 *70 Declined 2 Crown Point.. 18 15 10 18 ? Eureka Con.... 11 11 11 11 ? Gould A Curry. 16 10 15 15 ?? Hale H Nor a. .68 68 60 60 Advanoea 1 Imperial 7 7 7 0 Declined 1 Justice. 23 23 22 22 Declined 1 Kcniuck 12 12 12 12 ? Mexican....... 32 SI 31 80 Declined 2 Ophir 60 67 64 64 Declined 2 Overman 62 62 60 61 (Declined 1 Knyin'd k Ely. 8 8 10 11 Advanced 3 Suvage 18 18 10 18 ? Sierra Nevada. 14 14 14 13 Declined 1 Silver Hill.... 8 8 8 8 ? Uniou Con .... 11 11 11 11 ? Yellow Jacket, i 34 36 83 82 Destined 2 ? Kx dividend $3 per share. Tbe closing quotations of mining stocks in San Fran cisco to day are as follows:? Consolidated Virginia 69" Crown Point 13S? Caliiornia 81)% Yellow Jackot 32'4 Segregated Belcher... 7o Alpha 54J? Oplur 64 X Belviier 18 s* Cliollar 86 v. Confidence IV 8avage 18.', Sierra Nevada....... 13 Consolidate Imperial Kxcbequer lsX Mexican 30 K Overman t>0 Could k Curry 15 Justine 21X Heat A Uelcber 62% Caledonia 6\ Hale k MoT or c*a 61 ?nouni lhe reduced rato for freight by the trunk lines went Into effect this morning, by which goods are now be ug carried between this cliy and Chicago for 25 cants per hundred pounds for ilrst, second and tbud class, ami (or 16 cents per 10*) pounds for fourth tut special class. The railroad agcut* aay that although these rates will or t pay for handling the freight the local business of the road will make up for it, and the cars, winch would othcrwiso have to return West empty, will now have something te carry back. The rates from this city to Chicago aro now lower than tb? tana from It os too. The following are the estimated earnings of the Chi cngo and Rock Island Railroad Company lor Hbe first week in June:? 1878 $174,163 51 1874 146,377 31 Increase $27,770 20 The following are the comparative earnings of the St l<ouls, Kansas City and Northern Railway Com pany for the week ending June 1876 $54,879 73 1875 42.255 M Increase $12,624 & Tmal frnro January 1 to date:? 1176 $1,328,042 72 1,101,263 80 Increase $226,788 0J A despatch from San Francisco says:?"The South ern Pacific Kailrout track has been extended io tho summit of llio HSrrra Nevada mountains, at Tehanc hopa, and regular trams nave no m me nor d ruurr.g dntly beiwren tali itsy and Krone *wtl?n, 338 m les, ?r te win in seventy-eight wile* by Singe of Los Angel**, and tUo grading of this gap ia boing crowdcd with workmen. The Hack la already laid 160 miles east of Lot Angeles,'' , The Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company have re duced night mossagca 16 the pre** from Cincinnati to all point* past of the Missouri llivor daring Contention week to lfc cent* per word. Tho A. & W. sprazu* Manufacturing Company have given order* to dote their mill* and print work* a* ?oon aa the stock 1* ran out In tbi* they follow tlio action of tho Atlantic Cotton If ilia, which hare not failed, but simply have stopped work. At a meeting of the second mortcago bondholders of tho Atlantic and 1'uclflr Railroad Company, beld at the office In this city to-day, a committee was appointed to take measorc* (or the early reorganization of this com pany, with a view to the protection of the holders of the preferred stock. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES SIOO00 Mi SP coa sf.e ?-?*> ths iCrlo RR 40 < do 4 >0 do ?Vsi do e :tOO do 300 Wait In Tel Moxdat, Juco 14, 1878. RKFftltK CALL?111 A. M. 88* 400sh*LSAMS 64? 13'; 13* ?#? w, ' CHKi t.8?, ?WK . - ? 3'?> Pac MalfgB 2 (J*) do 60) <Vi 4 M do JIM do .'O i do 2VX) L H A M S Rll. 54 54 54 54 W IUKI r.iio 3 HI lo> 200 5 ?l HUO I O do du do do do... ?to..... do oo .3 ..bJ ?1 UK I 22 0 100 luo 24 Si -4'. 25 24*< 54), 54 54 54 100 do. 40(1 do 3300 du ?3 3 0 do 10 i Mil i St P RR ... ?tOO do ... 1(?J do c a to tio ?:? ci Mil .1 St 1' pf... bS 100 do 20) Atl A Pac pf. 4 JO Mich C?u Kit *H Km du b3 71 do <8 ?? 20" ( hi A It I Rll. .13 !<IH 100 do 108 lUOTol A WabttK.... I.St l'Ni do b i I 100 do M O no 1... 10 i Ohio A M RK.,,, 100 .io e 900 do *3 IO1) do 8 s 30', 4" 6' X ?? 1 1?W mS ie>2 U>:15 ANI? ll:3> K. M. >UinO>U S6'?.o. '?1.. 123V f?0003-30, r. '(17..b c c ll?*f 10COJ IS 6-20,c,'87.b3 122jtf 6800 U Si's, 10-40,6 be 1 IH>? KlltSr W1AU1I?10:3(1 L M. $2000 Mo 6's. longbds. 107V T!X>*h* P?e Mall 88... loo UIO 80) IOO aoo 200 auo 100 400 100 100 100 501) 30I ?jooo NY 8 7's,b l.r.z I 103 2000 Teuu 0'*. u s 42% 10 ?*' I-li* ('oi 3.o4'f.bc 7o 3000 do b3 70 8 00 C. KU P7<| . Ill 1000M A S P. I A M. 05 4000 do 05 K 6000 M A 8 P. I' A M 08 ;.(?*) M A 8 P 7'?,jfol't 10" 83000 M A f>P c *1. .be 89\ 15000 StPlm.l-C.bcb3 103', 1000 Ohl ANW eon. 102* 1?4ji) 0 .v > ce b. vOJ? 4000 do 00 51*10 N J C tit, coll.. 105 1000 II A S J 8's. con 70^ llioo Mlcli Hou2d 10H, 8010 l.ona Dock 105)4 5</(IO N Y Cen ?'?, '*3. 102 KltM I u I'm sluna.. ?jot*) P, Ft W A C 1st lltfk 3000 P, K W AC 2d.. 110X 5( 100 O AO lst.c 30', 5i? OC. O A 1 0 let... 45 1000 81 l.A I M 1st... 101X 5'jOOGt Wdt lit. '88 01H 1< (WO III A So lu 1st.. 70 IOO IL A S c, "U8.. . 03 ? 2UK) T A W 1st, StLit 0!) 3'KX)Ohio A 7l>i 50 nits Kourth NntUk. to IS Del * It ('?u.. i. e 100V .Vio ?00 Cn M'u Co.. bo ?00 100 At A Pac IOO ill On Kl< 300 West Un Tel...It o tig ii 24', 21* 24 * 2?'? Hi 24 24H 24\, 24? 34*2 300 Harlem UK be 13-?? 183 do ?3 1381: lOdChl A b3 4lAi loot: AM Wpf..bc.*3 OH, l?> NYO.tlIUUK..bc 1'IH>2 ,b3 100 iai loo lo 3 0L8 A 300 UXI WX) 8t> I 300 1400 1I>J do. do. do. do. .>3 WW 1'?i 20) l'*i (100 7 W 2(>J .*> .13 do. do do _ do b3 40 ) Erie Kit be lis) do *15 200 do ..?3 20 ' do.........?10 400 do 4 i 1 Mich Cen UK.. .be 2M0 do s3 2 O do.... ....>80 300 do 4< I 1 do 10Clev A P ntd ? A) Pacific Mall loj do b3 15 07 >< ) 8'.. ?8)2 (,8'i (Jh !3Ji 13*. 13?i UK 13 1400 M HI 300 do. do do e 53'j do Mt\ do ?4 53?i do *3 53*i do 63Jj do b3 53,'| IOO NJ Cen 82 10 do 83)( Sr.rWIC ict. .b e 103Sj 13)S) Mil A 8tP KK.O 40 HO I 100 4oo 200 100 200 S5000 I n PiM' KU Ists't 105 1 O til* I'll M Co . ..s3 1>4 loo \> L-st v n Tel.... b J :ioo lcoo 100 4 ") 100 200 P*e 3 io IOO 4O0 3.KI . .s3 .SlO do do 3 *1 Mil A 8t P pf.. 401 do 4??i 2tV Tol A Wab 4s?; 2tX) do 47?2 400 Pac UK of Mo .bo 48^4 30" Atl A P?c pi., i.u 47J, 200 Ohio .v Mls*.b c.s3 t'2'? 200 do 24 U 100 do *10 2ili 100 C, C A I C RR. b c BKYollK C:ALI<? W:3:i p. 100 sha Mich Cen RR.. 100 do li?) do IOO Tol A Wub UK.... 1 oo H ??> A M KR b3 68, 08 ?3 24 80 loo 3uO do. do. do. do. ..b3 24^ .-IS do ... . all do..... do do s3 do b.t to N Y C A II K RR. H.7 100 1 D 100 ? 200 Mich (. on UK . i7>, 100 C, C A I C KU.. 1uo . ? ....*3 5.t? 4M00 do 53? lU)Cbl A NWRRpf.. oi5 100 do ... ( I - 200 Mil A St P ItK.slO 3UXi do 1 1CVJ Mil A St P RIt nf.. t,?s* do *!0 10< . lUUCbl A Alt RR...,. 101 do 108,10 _ _do. 10 L' P M $100 *) t' S li'B.r, 'SIbe 60 O vat, c.'ttft. n .be 1U000 US 5-20,0, >tM.. 50 ami * o ou< loo 0 0 IU) 1210 5 O goo i o HIX> ;>oo 22uO 119? jj 120X SKI >08* u< 101 105^ 106 Si K'l? I0U ?$ ?IHk 18S 6?^ ?* do s3 W $200 > MA HP let.LaCd IOmil M A M I' con * f li * ?J0 Am Ok A Imp 7'* 50J0 Long Dock lid* . in II tn 1'ae lilt lit.. 34 K H? Went Fee bonds 111 aha D A U 2 10 t a Expreaa 10iJ do . .be 20 ' W Cn lei....bc.b3 300 do Jo. do. do. b3 do do do. .?U ..bit Co ?i do... do ... do 52 Amor Ex be xd 40 ' Pac Mull S.S.b c ?3 ...?3 10 . 100 50 I loo l'JO iuo a ?< 100 loo 500 do. do do b.i do do do do. 63 do do do 50 Mich l?'en UK. b a loo do.... 3 do 200 NY CA IIU ?jiA) do *3 50 do do do do do 10" 100 100 loo 0*',' 07 ? ?K'J ?7}, ?7S b7j2 07S 58 ?* S? 24* 24-* ?24 K *ir, *7a 10UW KM 10? 105 101 105# lots $5000 I'PS's. r. '81. 7000 M * St P, C A M 1000 Alt* Til Inc.... lOOH) Long Dock be. 6i*)*b* ?> u'l'tl.. loo do do *3 do. do. do. do. .bi 200 8 rO 100 190 I 50 I 400 Un Min Co loo FHe Jiaii ba. .. .. 20ll do b:? 2>io do b3 loo de ion do >3 liiO NYC All It KK... 100 do a5 loO 6oO 13. A) loo 600 m* UM 73 I0>* iVi tiS 07 a US HVA 3$ 24J* IO?H 108 H $10000 C8 S't 10-40, e. 2000' du o 0X1) \UD?I P. 3oi?h? Erie 1200 do b.i 100 do (15 2 0 do '-(> Chi A KI loo do 100 do 10 do ... 70o L 8 A V S KK be U400 do.... >3 2i>" do do b3 do do |1 do *5 do 30 CM tltW 10JCU1ANW pi. .be (3 H>" do u;i 2 0 do it 3 loo do 20 do low J Cen 14 do 100 do IU) do (30 3 JO do 100. do >30 2'JO Mil A M 1' * io do 2JO Mil A St P 2'?. do 100Tol. W A W I'W do...... 100 do 50 Del.L A W SO t UUto A M KK. .u c U? do 100 do >15 2>i do 100 C, C A I C Its* do ti 0 do 50H Pac Kit ol Mo..b e 100 do 10O At! A Pm pf. 10J do ... TO 3 I'M (he Erie KK ? 0 jtie.i Cob KK loo do .. ,b3 20*J I. S 4 KKKK 500 do sJ 200 do. ? o3 1*0 do loo Chi A X W KK.. . ,.s3 100 Chi A It I Ull 100 Mil A M P ltlt.b >0 10(1 Mil A St P UK pf. ;>oi> do. lCVlOhio A Ml** KK... 100 Dol, LAW KB.. . P. M 107% 100 1UU Uo. do. do. .ft.1 COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTOK OM THK SPOT l-16c. BXOHEB ?PUTUR18 CI.OSEO * STEADY?PLOUlt QUIET ? W1I1CAT LOWER ? CORK STEADY ? OATS LOW KB? WHISKEY FIRM?PORK LOWER?LARD LOWER? PETROLEUM QUIET AMD MOMIMAL? SPIRITS 1U UPEMTIME QUIET? ROSIM QUIET?OILS QUIET?YREIGUTS OE5ERALLY IRRKOULAB? COPPER QUIET?RUOAB PIRIL Moxdat, Juoe 12?0 P. M. There *u but little animation in commercialcircles to?Uy?the general market* being dulL On 'Change flour waa <|uiet. Wboat was teas active and lower. Corn waj steady aud Arm. Oats unsettled, lower and nomi nal. Whiskey arm. Pork and lard were qulel and lower. Freights fairly actiro and with a slight change. Cotton on the ?pot was 1-lHo. higher. Fu uron cloned steady. Coffee was quiet. Xaral stores wers dull. OUs were quiet. Petroleum waa quiet and nominal. Sogar wil eery Brm. Corrsa.?The market Car Rio was qalet. Mild coffee Wit alto quiet. We qaoteOrdinary cargoes, 14%,* a 15c.; fair do., 10^%c. a 10\e.; good uo., 17e, a I7j?e.t prime do., 17>%e. a 17Jsc.; extreme range lor lots, 14)*c. a ISJie.; Santos, lair to good, 1UV?C. a 17c., gold, ninety day); Java, government bags, -Oe. a 22c.; do. grxin mate, 20c. a 23c.; Singapore, do., ISc. a 20c.; Cejlou, lli. jc. a 1bH<- : Matacaibo, 15e. a M.'^c.; Laguayra, 17e. a IMe.; Janelca, 15c. a l!>c.; St. Domingo, 14^c. a 15e.; Porto Kico, ISc. a tUc.; Coeta klci, 17c. a Ite.; Macassar, I Sc. a l'J^c.; Mexican, 17c ? Inc.; Manila, I7c. a lHe. ; Ango? 011.1, 17c. a l*c., Aavanllia, 15c. a lti){e.; Curacoa, 15c. a 17c. Corru*.?The market tor cotton on the spot ?*%? active and 1 18c. higher, future* eli-?ed tleady Tte cubing ;>nce? Mir eoni|ure uitn Saturday's pricee as follows;? Uttimnlay, Jut' IU MomSny. Jm-* 12. June II il-;i'.'a U Jnm Ill I .'J a 12 I I" Julr ?... 12 I 32 ? U l-M Jul/ 12 LID a 12 |-W? August.. 12 tlia- An^uet... 12 3-18 a 12 l-2Sj ?wilt 12 S-.'tJa? hep: 12'( * 12 5-331 October.. 11% all 20-33 (Ktoliur.. II 15 lit a II 31-32 N..V illvaaell 13-18 Nov 11 2.-SI a 11/4 J|?C II 2V3Ja II 1:1 IS bee II 27.32a 11,'e Jan 11 VI ii ? II IU Jan It 21 3.'a 12 IV b 12 1.12 a 12 -?12 Pi o 12 ??? a 12U Mm,CM.... 12 "?-3'i e 12 ?-18 Marrb.... 12'? a 12 S.?S I- 5 I'i f I'Jjtf April l**Z *12 7-18 121 ? X1 a li'S Mr.v U 17-33 a 12 9 10 -Qvo;?ttcM ere laud ea American standard of eleeelle* tlon and on cotton In store running1,1 quality not iu .re than b?ll a gtade above or below the grade quoted : ? t/'i> >ia<ta, Al'Mrtimti. JKrw OrttUM. Ti +IIS. Ordinary J.. hi, 8S? h?, m1,, .Strict ordinary 9 7-16 it 7-16 7 7 16 7 H16 Good ordinary lu 10 lO', 1 Strict good ordinary. 10 11-16 HI 11-16 10 19-16 lolS-10 J.ow middling 1|U ll'j 115a llJu Strict low middling .. 11 11-1H 11 13 6 II 15-10 U 15-16 Middling 13 1-10 12 3-10 I3'a l2)a (Jooa middling 12 9-10 12 11-10 12 1.) ltl 12 13-10 Strict |(i>od middling 13 1-10 13 3-1H 13 .-lli 13 Vl? Middling fair 13 7-10 13 W itt 13 1110 13 1110 'air . 14 5-16 14 7-16 14 9 10 14 9 10 ?Stained?lood oidinary. 8 1 l-16c.; strict good ordinary, (? 13-10c.; low middling, 10 516c.; middling, 11 3-l6c. Spot ?ale* war* a* follows to-Day, Sat Butting. lotal. Export 440 4iO 810 Consumption 4U8 All) tiurt Speculation 250 ? 25O Totals l.lHd 040 .1,788 Oelivered ou contract, rxX) bales. For future delivery the ?alei were an follows Saturday altar one I*. M.?July, 1.200 at 12 1-3'ic , 800 at 13 1-lCc.; August, 1UU at 12 V. (JUO at 125 32c; September, I'M at 12 3-3X0., 1,0011 at 21 l-16c. 1 October, Sou nt U^jc.. Ua. amber. 500 ut 11 13-ltk, Total, 4,000 bales.' To-day up to t?u 1*. M ?June. 3l)u at 12 3-320., 100 at 12c., 100 at 12 I-32c.; July, 4,9n0 at 12Ve-. SOJ at 12 5-:<2c., 1,000 at 12 3 Itic, 200 at 12 V. 100 at 12 3-32c., 1,100 at 12 1 - itic. ; August. 2,200 itt IVV, 7U> at 12 ?-3Jc? UUU at 12V-. 300 at 12 732c.. 1,000 at 12V. 100 at 12 7 32a., 7UO at 12V. *>-> nt 12 9-3jc.. 1,800 at 12V. ItfWf '?? 1* 7-320.. loo at 12 V- WV at 12 7-t2c.. 50J at 12 310c.; September, 700 at 12 :J-1??C.,-.00 at 12 7-3.:c., 200 at lake.: Octobor, 1,ji?7 atU31-32e.: November. 100 ut II 27-32c., BOO at ll'.c., 100 at II 27-3'Jc.; December, SOU at 11 -7 3-'e ; January, 20I) at 12c. Total, 22.700 bale*. Urand total. 27.UOJ bales. The receipts at the porta were at follows:?CSulves ton,40 bales; New Orleans. 1,075; Mobile, 147; Savannah, 55; Char.cston. (1,1; Wilmington, 58; Norfolk, 315; New York, hk . Huston, li; I'hiladelpbia. 521. Total, 3,303 bales. Tins day <ast wee*. 2,U-'5. This diiy lust year, 3.45U Total since September 1. 4.032,531, lo Saturday night. Cotton heights closed a? follows'To Havre, by stuaui, Jje.. com puted. To HAniburg. by steam. J,c.. compressed. To Bre ?neu, by steam. V. compressed. To Liverpool. 6-1 lie. bv tt-'am ; by sail, ti-32i'. Ki.ol'K ukain.?Receipts?Hour, 17,925 bbls.; wheat, 203,0113 bushels; corn meal, 42" bbls, und 1,100 sacks; oats, 110,800 bushels; ecru, <17.411 do.; rye. >>,U(lO do.; i.arlcy mail, 18 -tisi do. The dour market dull, but prices woru without change. We note sales ot 13,5(S) bbls., iuulmiilig State, Western and Southern, at the annexed quotations, live Hour was quid;. 30..I bols. sola at (3 75 a *5 20. Corn meal was quiet. with rales of 000 bol*. at ?1 10 a $ . 45 lor liraudywlue aud ?3 n *3 -5 for Western, Jersey and I'enusylvauia yellow. Wo quote >o. 2 State $2 75 a $3 40 SuperUne State 4 OO a 4 4() Extra State S i 0 a 5 23 Cboiee Mate 6 25 a 0 on Supcrtine Western 4Uia 4 40 Extra Western 5 00 a 5 2.? Mimic sot a 5 35 a 7 00 Kouud hoop tlhio, sliippiuic brands 5 00 a 5 25 liouud hoop Ohio, trade brands 5 50 a <i 5(1 Kauiiiy 7 00 a 8 50 St. Laiuis, low extra 5 (X> a UUI St. Louis, straight extra. 0 5o a 7 IK) St. Louis, choice double extra 7 00 a 8-5 St. Loul>. choice lafnily 8 25 a I) 5ii ltye Hour, line to superttn.t 3 70 a 4 20 Southern. No. 2. 3 mi a 3 75 Southern, sup*iline 4 00 a 4 50 Southern, exira 4i?iu it 75 Southern, lunilly 7 00 a 9 oo Corn meal. Western 3 mi a 3 30 Coru iiieal, Jcrsev 3 OO a 3 30 Corn meiil, lirnndywine 3 .">5 a 3 0 i Corn meal. ouucheoM. 20 00 a 20 50 ?Wheat was less active and about 1c. lower. The sales were about UOJ.OOO bushels, ut $i 10 tor No. 3 spring, $1 it) a $1 20 tor No. 2 Chicago, $1 2J for No. 2 Milwaukee, in etore and atioat; fl 21 lor Mlnuesota, til 20\ lor No. 2 .Northwest aim $1 lo a $1 Ski for ungraded sprit)it. Corn was in small supply and tirm ; 1^5,000 bushels sold at 54c. a 54)jC. for no grade, ">7,Ue. a,58c. lor steamer and 3Uc, a Oi k'. fur mixed, 0 c. for choice sail mixed, in store ; 48c. a 3c. for uniuerciiautalili), 58tgC. a 5tlc. for July aud 01c. for Au gust delivery. l je was dull. Uarley and barley malt were dull. Oats ware unsettled aud lower, closing uoiiilnul. Sales were 32,000 bushels, at 40c. u 42c. for Western mixed, 37c. a 45>tc. lor Western white, 42'gC. a 48c. for State white, 33c. a 40c. for .No. 2 Chicago mixed, Hkmp isn Juts.?Market ouiet. We quoto American dressed. 11>) a $200 lor single, t'JiO a .f225 for double and $12o a #125 for rough; Manila hemp. 6^c.. gold; Russia clean. $20:) a $210, gold; Italian, $275 a $280, gold; Jute, 4Vc a&V, currency. Jute butts, 2V. cash; Sinai hemp. 4>a<\, gold; lstle, .,'.c,a .'is,c.. gold. Mouassas.?The market for New Orlenns was quiet but liriu. Foreign was quiet. We quoteCuba, centrifugal and mixed, 22c. a 28c.; clayed, 29c. a 33c.; do. muscovado rellniug, 30c. a 34c ; do. grocery, 32c. u 40c.; Porto Rico, 3.'c ft 50c.; Kngllsh Islands, 32c. a 50c. J New Orleans, lair to good. 48c. a 520.; prime to choice. 5iic. a SSc. Naval Stoiiks ?Trie market for spirits turpentine was quiet; 100 bbls. sold at 30c. ; 2tltj,'. was freelv bid and re lused. Kosm was dull. We quote .?Spirits turpentine, 3dc. Koslu?common to good strained, $1 05 a $1 75. Tar? Washington, $2 15 n $2 25; Wilmington, $2 15 a $2 25. Advices Iroin Wilmington were as followsKosln, quiet; strained. $1 25; goon strained. $1 Hi Tar firm; $1 On. Turpentine steady; soft, $1 80; virgin. $2. Spirits quiet aud steady. S aril. Ariixil. Rosin 38.07 7 1,2U0 ?fur 745 ?7 Turpcutiuo 2,254 ? Spirt is 8.103 2,132 Oils were quiet. We quote Llniesd, cask*, Stic.; cottou *eed, crude, 40c. a l-c ; .southern yellow, 4 He u Title.; yellow winter, Stic, a SSc.; white winter, 05c.; lard, present make, BOc. a 93c.: sperm, crude, $ 1 :17; do., bleached winter, $1 70; do., natural do.,#l 05; whale, crude. Northern, 00c.; tin., boiitlietru, 5.'>c.; bleached winter, 70c . u 72c.: olive, casas. If l 17}j a $1 22tt; do., casrn. $1 .i5 a $4 40; wluter, bleached fish, I He.; crude tlati. S5c. a d7o Pktrulkcm was dull und nominal. The closing prices were us followsCrude, In bulk, H*ie.; do., in bbls., lie.; rellned, in bbls., 14>,c.; do., cases. 18c. Refilled at l'lula delpbiii, lJ'4c..? I4?,c., and at Baltimore, lie. a IIV- Ad vices.from the Creek were as followsOil City dull, if 1 W7Jg: ?iiipmeul. tv! 22,V, i'arker'a dull; United, #1 07>?; ?hiu ment, #2 22)^. 1'Boviaiosa.?llecclpti?Lnnl, 372 tiercel and 2|"> cases; cut meats, 205 packagoa; bacon, 1,441 boxes: bee* 21(1 bbla. aud 001 cases; beuT hauls, GO bids. The pork markst wan dull uml easier, but nearly nouiinal. The closing "call" prices were a? lollowsJune, $18 75 hid, #lo 5u asked; July, Hit) 10 bid. CIO 3.) asked; August, $10 30 bid, *10 SO luked, September, #10 40 bid, *19 HO asked; October. #10 jS bid. *2 i asked. Tbe skies were about 1.500 bbla. at #10 .V> a J t|0 for August; 10) bbls. spot mesa ?old ut $ 9 40 and ?*) bbl*. prime mess on private terms. Cut meats were very dull. Fresh hams were quoted hi 10,'?c. a I l,Uc., pickled do. at 11 ' .e. a 1'Jo., fresh bellies at 10c. a 10t,c., pickled da, at a 11c. and boxed do. U^c a 11c. llacoii was lirm at lOUc. for city long clear and lOc. a IO'4c. for Western; I'm boxes city long clear sold at iO)jc. Heel was quiet, with sales of f t bbls. mess within the rauge. We qaote Barrels? Kxtra mesa, #12, plain do.. #11; packet, #14. Tierces?City extra India mess. # 3 a #24; India mess. #2-\ and prime muss, ?20. Beef hauis were quiet and unsettled; an bnla. soiil at IHc. Smoked meats?We note sal's oi 000 hams at 14c. uud 800 shoulders at UJ4C. a O'jC. Lard opened firmer, but the mar ket was subsequently depressed by unfavorable reports from the West and closed lower, closing ut tlfb second ' call'' as follows:?June, #1145 bid. $1105 asked; July, #11 -471 i bid, #11 tSoaiked: August. #| 1 (17,1^ bid. #11 70 asked; Sep. teniber, #11 SO bid, #11 85 asked: October. ?11*0 bid. #12 asked. We note aales of ti.SOO tierees at #11 55, #i 1 ihj and #11 70 for July aud $11 117,a #il87t, fur August. Spot sales were 50 tierces city at ll'ec. aud about 300 tierees Western at #11 52U a *11 05. Refined?We n ete sales of SOU tleruca, lor the Continent, at I c. a 12}ac., and ISO tlercea, for South America, on private terms. iiiitt-r was steady at 20- a 25e. lor Slate aud 15c. a -<>c. for Western. Cheese was ileadv at io^c. a lujfe. for faucy Statu aud lOc. a l< i.'ac lor good to tine. Mick.?'i he niarael was *teady and a little more active for Louisiana grades. We quote :?Carolina, fair to prime, ttc. a O'jC.; Louisiana, lair lo good. a 5'jc ; do., prime, 5)%c. a tic.: Kangoon. fair to good. Ue. a 0'4e.: t'atua, good, 7\'c. a 7>ic., cold; Rangoon, in bond, 2),c. a 2?.c . gold. ?SuciiU.?The markot for raw was very firm, with sales of ISO hhds. at 7*?c. for fair redoing, aud 1 ,(JIX) lihds. reported ?old on tbe basis of 7 1110c. a 7 IS Hie. for fair to Rood rofinliig. Itetlued was strong We quote:?fair refining, 7 11-Hfc.: good do., 7 15-10c.; Cuba, kro tary. fair to choice. st>c, a 8>lc.;do? centrifugal, hhds. and boxea, Nos. 8 to 13. Siic. a tic.; do , molasses, hlida. and boxes. t)>jc. a 7>?c.; Porto Klco. rellning. cotiiiu tn to prime, 7c. a He.; do,, grocerv, fair to choice. '\c. a H!jC.; refilled, standard A, 10c.; off A, 0,'ac. a ; crushed, loWe a lOMe.; powdered, 10>^c.; granulated, lu'4c.; cut loaf. I (We. KtiaBINX.?The market wai quiet. Tallow.?Ueculpts, 103 bblt. The market was bleady, with sales of about 100,000 lbs. at H4ac. for prime. Wiiisx*r.? Kaeelpta, .117 bbls. Them rket was quiet, but firm, 100 bbla, aola at $1 10 a #1 11, the latter an extreme figure. KuxioilTa.?The market will fairly active in grain und petroleum touaage, aud rates were well maintained, iierih ro'/in waa Irregular, but iu active demand from the pro vision trade, and in this Inst nice was held higher, while Inr grain some concession was made, it being wanted. The en gagement I were:?To Liverpool, per steamer, 500 bales cotton at 5-lfld.. as It runs; 7.IAX) boxes cliee-e at 55s.; 1,000 boxes bacon at 45s; 32,000 bu,he.? grain at bd per lni-hel. and by lail, l'4."0<) bushels wheat ut 7Kd., 125 hhds. tobacco at Sit ttd., 3.USJ bales cottou at V 32d. as it runs. To l<oudnn, hy ?nil. l'K) tous mahogany aud 75 hhds. tobacco ai 27s bd . and per steam, H,w>) bushels grain (relet room; at 10>,d. The charters com prised:?A .Norwegian bark, hence lo Bergen, alih 2,000 Lbls. refined petroleum, iu 4s. 7}id.; a Norwegian hark, hence to the llaltic, with 2,000 bbls. do., reporlusi at 5s.; a Norwegian bark, from Baltimore to the Baltic, with 2.000 bbls. do., at Tit ; au American brig, from Philadel phia to (ienoa, with 1,200 bbli and 8,000 ua?e? do., at 4s !M. and 24c. : a Britisii hark (reported nime days since to the Mediterranean on private tvrujsj, hence to the Levant, with H.OUU cases do., at a Oermau bark, hence to the Baltic, with 3.IJIA} bbls. on., ai Is. ud.i a Herman bark, henee to Bremen or Hamburg, with 3,(1ii0 bbls. do. at 3s. 7 Wd.: a Norwegian bark, hence to Havre or Dunkirk, with U.OlU bbls crude petro eiiru at 4*. 3d.; an American ship, from Philadelphia lo Bremen or Antwerp, with 8,5*JO bblt. refined do. at 4s.; (the three Snrwegia u bark* reported In our last, hence to Cork lor orders, with grain on private terms, was at Us. 6l. per quarter) ; a British schooner (having centreboard), hence to Cork fur orders, with 2. too quarters grain at Os 3d; a >oi weglan bark, hence for same voyage, with 3,200 quarter* at Us. lid. ; an Austrian bark, hence oitli 3,tk> i quarters to Cork for orders at tie. 4>.d.; an Italian barg (relet), hence lor same voyage, with 3,f>Ui quarters at ti*. 4.t^d. ; a British bark, hence to l'rnarth Itoads fur orders, with 3.IM) quarters do. it He. flat (the American schooner reported in our last, tirnce to Calaii. was al lis. for 2.1)00 quarters grain); a Hrltish bark, hem e to t'ardllT. with 3,000 quarters do at 5s. Ud., and a British brig, hence to Cork for order*, with 3,300 quarter* at Us. Gd. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Momdit. June 12,1874 ?Kcxirr* roa Tan past wxkk. Vtttit ami skfp tn I ford*. Bern*. Com. Caleet. Laimkt. IlorJ*. Blxtieth etreet ... 4,474 24 2,183 5.0*3 ? Korty-eighth stroet *? 53 444 1,120 ? fortieth street.... ? ? ? ,, 10,027 Jersey City 4.942 ? f>J lo.S41 ?,7.j1 Total* t?,4lrt 77 a,MM 32,15o 18,.17s Fresh to-day 3.U>i ? Itotl 7..0J 4,774 Bsaris ?Trade o|iened slow on this forenoon at a frat tloual reduction <in the closing ratecol last week ; the qual ity of tbe herd! lo li.tad wa* coarse and genera lily not lai enough to meet tbe demand. 'I he maikel closed weak; prices ranged from 8\e a lie per lb.; welgliu, (I cwt. a ltiewt. Kroin M lbs. a 57 lb*, has been allowed net; only a very few sieei* obtained 07 lbs. net. At Mineih street yaidsT. C. Kaatntan sold for self 54 care of horned cattle; ?ales as follows:?115 Illinois steers at t).l?c. per lb., with Cl off per bead; weight ewt. strong: 133 Illinois steer* at UV*e, per lb., with n ilMetlon off per lb., weight 7U cwt , scant; 52 Illinois steers at 8\c. a 0'4c , per lb., weight li>{ cwt., sin nt\ 32 Illinois steers at per lb., weight 7Vl ewl.: Ktl Illlmds steers at Oc per lb., with a fraction on per lb , weight cw t., sc tut: 12 illinoi* sleei* ? i VKe per lb., with |1 un per head, weight 10 cwt., scant. 112 Illinois sieers al 8'^c. a 10c. por lb., weight 7Vjewt., scant: 18 lilli.ol* sieers at l?J,c. a loe. perlli.. wel?lit 7H cwt.: 18 Illinoi* steers at UX-. per lo., weight 8 cwt. . 11.1 Illinois ttcer* at 10c. per lo.. welkin H'.t ?.wt,, scant; f. Wheeler sold lor T. C. r.astmau 32 Illinois sieers al O^o. per lo , weight 7 e*t; 12 Illinoi* steers at 10c. per lb., weigot i\ cwt.; 58 Illinois steers at '.<'40. a 10,'^c. per Its., weight t ewt. (1. Oilles sold for self m Illinois steer* at !?>?<. ? lie. pir b., weights 7-, to 8U cwt. rt Moses sold ior sell 1- Illinois sieers allV.'per lb., weight 7 cwt. C. J. Vaaan sold i?r self 77 lllin >ls steers ai V%e. per lb., with Mlc. off per head on M2,head. Wei gist 7^ cwt . Itrong. I.'trry k Cars so d for .4. Kirchway U4 Illinois steer* at '.'^c. a ll*c. per lb., weight 7Jt ewl.; for Coon .1 Thompson, 8 J illinoi* steers st a S'lJ.o. por lb . weight 8 ewt. Coon A fhoasMon said for *<t!v,>s 33 Illinois steers st ii'te. p r lb , weight 7 c?t ; 30 Illinois steers, at M>ie a K't^c per lb., welrlil 8^ ewt. II. 1'. Kurchard sold lor *>? A llosiiur? Itllfs >s steer* at t>r. a lu)%<:. per lb., welfLI* 7W a lOcsvt. : for W. Adams <>4 Kan as steer* at IU4c a lOi.e. per lb . we'ght 7U cwt. II H. Kos-nthal sold lor Morrit A Walsel IM mil ted Illinois eteers at V^e. a 10c. perlti , weight 7'j cwl Kiegel Jt Sijrcr sold for selvM 187 llliuois ateera at per lb , welirht 1 cwt.; 20 llliuoia >in r? at U tc. per lb., ?lib CI on per head, it U)j*c. per Hi., weight cwt.: 14 Illinois steers at t?'4c. a li'V'. p-r lb., weight * ewt. : 1(M Illin..'S steers at #y. per lb., wri.-lit, 7>4 ? 8 cwt : 14 lllluils >lnt< at lHac. a 10'4c per lb., weight. 8 cwt. ; .'>8 Illinois a-eers at 10a. per Hi. with (1 <>tT per head, weight, x cwt., scant. At Jersey City yards Dudley k Toffev aold ft?r selves '-'7 Illinois steers attic, per lb.. with925effthe lot, weight. *>*4 cwt. a 7cwt.; 140 Illinois eteera at tll4c. a 0\,'c. per lb., weight. 7 cwt Coney Jt Mcl'hei ?..u aold tor T. C Koatmau l->3 llllut ia steer* at 0>,c. a IfiJ.jC. perlb . weight, 7i4 cwt.: tur S. W. Allerti.u 1*0 atill fed Illinois ateera at 9c a 0*fe. per lb., weight. "li ! ewt,: for 8. W. Sherman. 10 llliuoia aieera at Re. per lb., I weight cwt.: SJ Illinois -leers at U\e, prr lb . weight 7?4 cwl.; Hti llliuoia ateera at SH.- a 0',e. par lb., weight t<\ cwt. 8. u'Uonnell aold tor S, W. Aller.oii, 12 llllaola aieera at tic. per ll>., weight T%cwt.: 3*' Illlnola ateera at t'HjC. a O^c. per lb., welghte 7 cwt. o 8 cwt. I). YVnisei sold lor Morris <1 Wu'XeN. :I7 atill fed Illinois altera HI H'^c. per lb., weight 0, cwt.: 40 (till fad 111 Inula ateera at 0>?c. per lb., wetglu j cwt. : .'>4 llllutoa steers at He. perlb.. weight fljjj cwt.; 2ti llliuoia aieers m M>,c. a IV. Bir lb., with 91 on |?er head, weight cwt. a 7it cwt,; 23 liuoia aletra ut tic. per lb., with 50c. on per head. weight 6'4 cwt.; 3(1 Illlnola ateera at 0'4c. per lb . weight TV rwt.; 14 llliuoia steors at US?c. per lb., weight 7'f4 cwt.; 50 llliuoia steers m 0?4e. per lb., wiih $1 off per head, watjfht 7t, ewt.; 78 Illlnola steers at OS,'e. u lOc. per lb , weight cu t. SumiF ami Lamb*.?i rade alow. General aalea in small lota, Quality fair. Sheep aold at 5c. n (ll4e per lb.; lambs at 7>.,e. u 8ke. per IIj. Knae Jt l'idc?>ck aold 512 Ohio ?beep, weight 46,310 lbs., ut 5c. uerlb.; litl Ohio sheen, weight M.77" lba . ut 5>4c. |>or lb.; 77 Ohio sheep, weight lbs., at per lb.; 2dtl Kentucky l mbs, weight I2.:<tfi lba.. at 7)jC. per ib.: 137 Kentucky lambs weight 7.470 lba., at 8'.I', per In. Judd .1 Hiieking.ini:-. aold 3!?i Ohio sheep, weijpit 36.27(1 lb*., at 5^c. |>ur lb.; 0 Kentucky lambs, welgnt 1.120 lb?., at 8c. i or lb.; 213 Kentucky laiuba. weight 14,450 lbs., st MKc. per Ib. Hume A Klliott aolil 173 Ohio aboen, weight lti,7-"0 Mt. per Ib.; 37 KontuAy lutnha, weight 2,<i|ii lbs., ut 7l4c. per lb. : 146 Keittueky laiuks. welulit 8.450 lba.. at per lb. Sold for week enu lltgjuno 10. 187tl;? I ilt?5 aheep. uverage price 94 -12 per lie ml. W. hlllott anlil 20 Ohio sheep, weight 1,7.111 lbs., at per III.; 37 Ohio aheep. woit'hl .1.44(1 lbs., at b\e per Ib.; 4tl Ohio alieeti, weight 3.7UO lba., at <>c. per Hi : 10 Ohio sheep, weight *Km lbs. al ?l4c. per Ib.: 1 (Hi Keutucky lamba. weight 12,01(1 lbs., at 8 ^aC. per lb.; ti43 Kentucky lambs, weight 30,830 lbs., at 8}je. per lb. Milch Cows.-Trade small at $50 a $05 per bend, calves Included. Vkai.s (Mi Calvk* ?Ordinary quality fitlvcs slow at .V. a 7'.|C. per Ib. Iluttennilk led calvi'a aold at l,',c. a Sc. pur lb. There were no smooth iiuulity veal* en sale. 11012.4.?One car lou>t of tliilo hogs, in uumber 140 head, areruge weight 207 lbs. per head, aold at 6*4c. per lb., gross weight. DOMESTIC MAKKETS. I Moiiilk, Juue 12. 1876. Cotton stoaify; middling. 11c.; low iinildllug, 10c.; good ordiiiury. 8J4c. u lie. Net receipt*. 147 bales, hsporta coast wise, 100. aalea. 500. Stock. 13.708. Sew Outturn, June 12, 187ti. Cotton Arm; good de in mid ; middiiui;, ll^c.; low mid dling, 10)?c.: t'ood ordinary. Ii'^c Sot receipts, 1,075 hales; groaa, 1,078. Hnlos, 3,000, Stock, !Oj.3il2. Sava.nnaii. June 12, 1870. Cotton dull; nilddtlni;, lie.; low mldlllng, lo l-ltle. ; good ordinary, 8J,'c. Set receipts, 55 hales; gross, 267. Exports coaatwise, tiUZ Sales. I HI. Stouk, 4,541. CatULMTOK, June 12. 1S70. Cotton quiet; middling, ll\jc. ; low middling, 10 7-ltic, a lO'.^c.: Kood ordinary, 10c. Net receipts. On bales. Kx ports coaatwlse, 423. sales, 75. Stock u,4Utf. OAi.riiSTON, Juno 12. 1876. Cotton inactive, no demand; middling. 1 l J4c.; low mid dling, l(J'ac.; good ordinary, U;'ac. Net receipt*, 40 bales; gross, 51. l.xporta?To ilin Continent, 4<U; coaatwlse, 1,450. Sales, 2tl2. Stock, U.10J. Tolkho, Juno 12, 1870. Klouri|ulet. Wheat dull, lower; No. 2 white Wahaah held Mlltlfi^; No. 1 white Michigan. 91 30; No. 2 do., held at $1 18; unihor Michigan. $1 24; June, $1 2:H4 offered; July. 91 2~<; No. 2 red winter, ?1 24'4; Xo. 3 red. 91 ''HI Corn dull, lower; high mixed, spot and July, file ; low do., 50c.; uo grade, Itl'jC. uMVrcd, 47c. naked-, damaged. 4dc. Oata dull; No. 2 and .Michigan, 331 jc. itei eliita?Wlieiit, 26,000 buahela; corn, 77,000 do. ; iats, n.Wm do. Shlp meiits?Klour, 1,500 bids.; wneat, -I'.i.O'AI bushels; corn, 31,000 do.: oata. 0,000 do. ? Buffalo. June 12. 187ti. Lake recolpts?Xlottr, 5,90 ' hbla.; wheat. .'thO.UiO buahela; corn. 210,000do.; rye, 3O,(J(J0do. ltallroad receipts? Clour, 7.4 HI bills. : wheat, 27,(? ai bu-huls , Corn, 42.000 do.; oats, 24.01K.I do.; bailey, 7,000 do.; rye, 1,2(11 ito. Canal shipments for tidewater? W heal, KsH.iiOO bushels, luterior pjlnla ? Wheat, 20,000 bushc.t. Kailroad ahlpments?Klour, 7.400 hbla.; wheat, 44.000 buahela; corn. 112, i a k i do- i unla, 24,(N*idu.; barley, 7,0JO do.: rye. 1..00. Kailroad freights unchanged. Canal freights lower?wheat weak at 6Jtc. tolls iucluded. flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull, he<vy and drooping; antes O.IJOU buahela No. I Milwaukee at 91 88: 3,000 unrd do. at about 91 2H Corn dull nnu easy; sales of 10 cars No. 2 mixed Western at 52c. Oata, No. 2 nominally :tttc. ltnrley neglected, ltye held at 85c. Seeds Nothing domg. Pork dull al $ly 50 lor heavy meaa. l.urd dull nt 12c. Illfelm Inea nominally 91 11 lor city made. Grain ill store?Wheat, 417,2118 buahela; corn, 152,81(1 do.; oils. tt.205 d<L7 rye, 1,310 do.; malt, 40,052 do. Total, (>20,000 imshilt ' Oswego, Juue 12, 1874 unchanged; sale* 1,500 bids. Wheat Urtu; No. 1 Milwaukee club, ijil 27; car lots held at 91 28 a $1 20. Corn unchanged. Corn Ineal, $2li n #27 tor bolted; 925 a 926 tor unbelted par ton. Mill teed unchanged. Canal freights? Wheat, ; corn and rye, 5c. to New York j lumber, #2 to the Hudson ; *2 7i to Now York. I.ake receipts-Wheat, 7,3'JO bushels; lumber, 543,1 mi feet. Canal shlpiueuts? rye, 8,000 buahela; lumber, 1,274,0X1 feet. Chicago, June 12, 1876. Flour dull. Whnut unsettled; opened strong and higher, closing at Inside prices; So. 2 Chicago spring, 91 Oil', a 91 l?& spot ; aalea at 91 Oll'.i u til (i-j Ju.y, closed at $1 (>, '? .1 uly; f 1 uf^ii August, No. 3 Chicago spring, tWc. ; rejected, 83c. Corn active, lint weak anil lower: No. 2 at 44'^c. spot; 4l?ic. July; 45)<o. August (these prices were bidi ; rejected I4*sc. O>ta in lair demund. but lower; No. 2 nt 2>)%c. spot uml July. Uie anil barley lirm und un changed. I'ork dull, weak und lower; 918 tl5 a 918 70 anot aud Ju.y; 918 !"l a 918 02). August; 910 15 September. I.nrd unsettled, but gencrallv lower.; opened active, but closed dull; 911 05 Miot, 91105 n #11 07k July, $11 17^ a #11 20 Au^uat. Hulk meats In lair deniaud. but lower; shoulders, 7!4c.; clear rib sides, OJ^e.; clear aidoa, 10c. Whiakey $1 on. Keceipta ? I'lour, 0,00) hbla.; wheat. 134.000 bushels; corn, 450,(*?l do. ; oata, 134,0'ai do.; rye, 7,< * * i do.; barlev, 8,(KU do. Shipments?Hour, 12.000 hbla.; wheat. 122,000 buahela: corn, 400,01111 do.: oats, Trt.lSai do.; rye. 1 fiftl do. At the nttornoun call of the Hoard?Wheat unchanged. Corn llrmer; 44^a June; 44\c. a 44Sc. July. Oats unchanged. I'ork lower; 918 50 n 918 57k July: 918 77k n $ls 811 August. I.nrd lower; 910 05 a 910 of ? July; 911 07^8 911 lOAujuat. THE CHEESE MARKET. L'tica, N. Y.. June 12, 1876. Five thnuannd four hundred aud sixty cheese were offered for sale and 4.450 sold at from 10c. to 10j,c. the a? e.'aga price being IO'.jC. * ritINT CLOTHS MARKET. ?'?otidknce. R. I.. Juno 12, 1878. Printing cloth* market dull ?( unchanged price*. HAVANA MARKETS. Havana. June 12, 1870. Spanish B"ld 3lt!>? a 217. K\chun;re ? On the liiiil>'d Stat ??, ?ixty days, currency. h>4c. ? He. discount; do. do. abort sight. ?t;<4c. a tS>.,c. dix'ouut; on Loaduu, 15^?c. a lllc. premium; ou Pari*, 2Xc. * Sc. premium. EUROPEAN MARKET. Lomvo* Pimuuc* IIaukkt.?Lomoon, Jane 12?Calcutta linseed, 47*. !'d. London PnonccK Mawckt.?London, June 12.?The market tor Calcutta linseed, wtilth opened at ?47 tta., closed active at ?48 Us. per ton. A FINANCIAL.. A T REASONABLE BATfc.8.-MONKf Olf LIPE ASB J\. Endowment Insurance I'oltcle*. Mortgages and other securities; liisuraucj ol nil kinds effected with best com panies. J. J. llABRICII X CO.. 117 Broadway ALkX-VKOTIIINfillAM it CO., BANKKKM, 12 WALL make Investment* ol large or small amount* In stocks of a legitimate character: reliable puis and calls; ttockn bought and curried ou a deposit of 3 to 5 per cent. Circulars nud weekly reports sent tree. ~~NY AMOUNT TBC8T KUN LH TO LOAN ON mortgage, City "r Brooklyn. L.-.A VI rf i WOLCOTT, 10 FJm ?t. La dy. finano i ally tx ba iiramkd, hayino her own boniH. would like to meet some honorable gentleman who would kuikI be? to retain it; security glvuu; reference*. II desired. Address IMMEDIATE, box 174 Her ald Uptown Ur .uoli uflko. IALWaI* HAVK MONBY TO LOAN ON- MOKT n ?ge New Yolk city property; city railroad Stocks and Bonds bought ami soia. II. L. GRANT. 14't Broadway. OllN 8. PIERCE. NO. 5 PINK 8T., LOANS MONEY oil New York and Brooklyn Keat Estate. Six per cent money toritlrst class loans. T OANd ON MOKTOAOB S(X 1'Eit OlVT.?FIMV 1j data brown stone House. Murray (till. cheap; two rural luily furntahed Mansion* to rent for season : improved liar lem River whole hlouk water Ir nt; auction sales. Busi ness string confidential. OLIVER BRYAN, MM Broadway, corner Pine st. NUN till AICEh AND THE < lltllAmzino of 5olf pornte companies a specialty; purchaser* wanted lor vaiuablo mining pnipertip*. WILLIAM WARD. Drexel Building. EaD THE hVENINO TELEGRAM " POB SPECIAL REPOKTS of the PROCEEDINGS of tlie CINCINNATI CONVENTION every day, In the EVKNINii Ti LEUltAM EVERY NIUHT. CIRCULATION 80.32U COPIES DAILY. _ ADVERTISING KATES JV CENTS I'KK LINK. W ANTED-**, ?*? ON Til REE NEvvHOUSBB. ONLY principals Hern nppl^ M. MOIIL, corner Monitoi aud Herbert at*., Williumstiurg. J R roperty for flvo year* j lam* sum* pro HYATT, 146 Broatway. $350,000 p? *** *m:T"AOK C,T* 91.000.000~&??&?u" 1,OBTOAOE AT V. K ariiVh.NSON, Jr . No 4 Pine st. COFA KT.\ KKMlIll'ft. ^ XfEvTVoRK; .il nE' 12. lt<7?;-.Noi lCE ts'HEllKBY 1.1 glvon that the partnership heretofore exlstliiic under tlio tirnt name of Puilllp*, Andrade A Co, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. WOOLK PHILLIPS. i> o. aNdkadk. mi:<s s. NEUIIAM. The builno** will la future be conducted iiy """ ' W. PHILLIPS. Blf?lNK8S OPPHK'riMTIKII. A'vT?Kmrk'EB~flTfESfilBlfTi oWtitED'AX '?& *ocl*te nltfi 93 ?.iJifi in an estahll.lied mnnufaciarliig btislne**. well known, owning tine lactorr iinenruinlx reif, and only Ili-xlrlnir capital to extend. Apply to ORHKiS m CAKL.ETON. BroadHK AN EitTABMsHKU CITY HoUMKr CRNISiirNU llnslnea* in * e?od location, with Stock abjut f I4.t??>: will exchaiiiie lor rlty IIone*, llrhtly mortgairpd and some money; pliiwipaL only. t. HEED, 1 lu Broadway. A"" HOOD MAV WITII IW VI C\SH WANTED?TO take ehnree anil raanagr a Branch Ajrency in Phila delphia; a perni'ineiit pos'tion and good salary to the ri*ht man. Addreo. MANHATTAN, "tIi a*. A GOOD Hl'MNElM MAN W\NTKI>-WITH to Invtist In and manage an excellent enterprise which will yiold a very larre return; n sure thing; no risk; will bear a therooKti Investigation. Address hTAPLlt, Herald Uptown Bran.h ollica. itKSI'ONM IIL,K AND ENKMGKTIC PARTY wanted, with ? easli capital of 91,,'aiu. to inve?t In a la tely payia* buklnen* ol priutnu *ngravin?ii; * party having the ;ih<>ve capital will Bii.l this a rare opportunity and one Hut will bear the clo?e?t Investigation. nt?i cl**e retcrenci'Iflven. Address o. ERCftON, llerald oflice. F'Vill SALr.-OM|.UALP I.NTKKHNT IN UlHit) WILL, fronts, Fnrniture and Kqulpmetit. c miplet ? ami eloKant, of a lrtrK*u an,l tarll.onable Kilth avenae i>oardlng Hnuiie (.private table*). parlns-larite prodls and roll from tvtober to May ofprwtnpt. lashmuable unestc pavs expenses during summer; asoiatnnc* In management needtd: a rar# oppor tunity f?r a party with capit.l. tddresa. witlt real KNllATNOM, M?.raid Cptuwu T i Breach ettce. BCBINESH OfHOIITIJIVITIRll. J"*OR liALK KoK IIAI.K Cosr-t-I.KiiAM fITTEuTff Irs Creani Milium atnd Oowltctlonary. beat location ia city: ahaap rant: doiuir payiuK biulueaa. AUdraaa MoNA. OAS, llarald I'ptown Hr.wioli uRtce. ]~JAKTN1 ir \V p T K~O^JW~A~Ll V CRT A11) BALM atable, or would liira a lori-man who could laud irom | U<JO to $SOO ou good security. Addrei. M. L P., Herald I office. RABH Ol'I'OKTUNI rr.-MTKAM ItAfVUKY KOR ?ale in city of l.'t.iuO Inhabitant.; no oppoiitlon: doinij good limine.. : low rent; Ioiik leane. Addreaa P. rt. L, bo* ?JUT, Herald >lit UXITKK STATKS PATENT It I till? IUI ill! ROYAU ty (IIuau madical tupiily) ; It! year.; large damaud' margin 39U Addraaa I'oat "ftIce lock box B. Qam4en, N. J. W1IA hl Y A HALF iXTERKHT IN A I I Ml bmdiiuaa paying ***) |.er month ; ?.ock will fool ?p f l.UOO Apply ?t 1711 Broadway, room a. Al fWWl -WANTEU, PARTNER WITH THIt Jpl.UU'J. auioiint In an lionaat, good paying business. SI Park row, rnoiu 6. <fe 1 IWM V -i'ARTNKR WANTED; HI!8INES8 eH ?Pl.'MM*. tahliahed; proflta easily extended to $JO,UM }oarly. 367 Bleecker at., lower b II. A| nA| \ WILL bKCCIlh INTEREST IN BVyNMjrf ?JM.UU"' naw tnauul'acturiiii.'monopoly; indtap?Bi?ble to every bualntaa; aura lortuua II properly manipulated. 1U"> 4t!i av., Iia.eiuviit. ?? (WWI TO WO,(X>) WANTMD?IN ? aTAPLi ?DU.v'Uv/ culi manufacturing buainena (vary prolan. Me), where n iarice amount la already iuvested. Add rial MANIKAUTURKK. Herald office. NEW COTTON EXCltANGti MEMBERS. The following gentlemen wero admitted member* of the Cotton Exchaugo yesterday:?Messrs. Robert U Hill, of Walter & Kruliu; James Welsh, ol Welsh J| Brother, and U. 1). Coleman. MAKIUAGEJ AitO DEATHS. ENGAGED. Mavkk? Rick. ? Ml.s Sakaii Kick to Max Matm, botll ol this city. No card*. MARRIED. Fobs?Kitchi.vo.?On Thursday, June 8, 1876v at Christ church, Marlboro. X. Y., by ilie Rev. 't'heo. Irviujj- "? I'-. J'KAKCW W. Kotto, ol Now York, to AM Nik M. Kitciiinu, ol Marlboro, N. Y. Haymkh? Uauk.?On Thursday, June 8, 1878, at tha roaldiMico of the bride's ?later, by tho Rev. Charles F. Hollman, Mr. 0. Wkslky Hawm to Miss Mary J. (>aob, youngest duughtor ol William 11. tiago, all ol Now York. Lockitt?Hai.mku.? On Thursduy, Juuo 8, 1870, al tho resldonco of the brlde'i parents, by the Rev. T. l'yoott, Mr John Lockitt to Miss Maky Ualhvk, all ot Brooklyn. Littokx?-Da Tkjaoa.?On Monday, June 12, 1878, at the rosIdctire ol the bride's mother, by the Rev. Father McCauley, Paul Kiikkiiaku Littukn to Pajwmta L. O. uk Tkjaua, third daughter of tho lute R. G. de Te.Uda. McCapkkiitt?Amkk.x.?At the Cathedral, Tuesday, Juuo 6, by the Rev. Father Kearney, Jamks MuCav. VKKTY to KLIZA J. AUKKN. Stkarns?Nkii.hon.?Un Thursday, June 8, 1878, at tho Church ol tho Nativity, uelhlehem. Pa., by th| Rov Cortlandt Whitehead, Mr. UaoftOK Hkubirt Pa. uhax Stkaii.ns, ol EltzaUell), N. J., to Miss MahT Cami'ukli., daughter of Mr. William Nellaon, ot tha loriner place. Wii hon?Hkbr.?On Thursdnv, Juno 8, by Rav. J. C. K. Mllligun, Mr. John Wilson, of tins city, to Miss Ella K. Bkxr, of Brooklyn, daughter of the lata Wllldcr lieor, Sr. No cunts. DIED. AnnoTT.? At Elizabeth, N J., on tho lllh Inst., after a brief illness, Micuahl Anno it, lu the 84th year ol hi* ago. Relatives and friends of tho family are respectfully invited to uiiecd the luncral, from his luto rosldeace, No. 471 Mudlsun a v., KHzabeth, on Wednesday, June 14, at two o'clock P. M. Carriages will meet tha twelve o'clock train on Pennsylvania and New Jersey Central Railroad at Kllzaboth. Arihkil? At Yonkers, .Sunday, June 11, Gboroi W. AKunr.iL Funeral Tuesday, Juno 13, at 3 P. M., from hie lata residence, Ailiburton av. Bain.?At his residence, Klnderhook, N. Y., on Sun. day morning, Juno 11, of apoplexy, Pxtkk Bain, la th? (12d year ol his ngo. Notico of IuuituI hereafter. Haltik.?In Wollsvillo, N. V., on Saturday, June 10, of consumption, Fkancis Bkcumav Balt?n, aged 34 years. Black?Suddenly, on Sunday, Juno 11, at Rich mond, S. I., JosKru Black, a-cd 69 year* and 1 month. Relatives and friends are Invitod to attend the tnncral, Iroin St. Andrew's church, Richmond, tbil (Tuesday) morning, ut oluven o'clock. Fnonds cun take tho nine A. M. boat from (be toot of Wbitehall at. Ulaxckk.?On Juuo 12, l87ti, Thsrrsa Blaxcks, youngest daughter of Kerd. aud Caroline Blancke, aged 2 years, U mouths itnd 20 days. Bkixckkkuoi'k. ?On tho 11th Inst, Mkussa, wl ? ? D. 1>. BrinckerholT, aged 2D yearn and 2 months. The rolatlvos aud friends oi tho lannly aro respect fully Invited to attend tho funeral, from her late rusl denco, No. 1U Van Ness place, this (Tueaday) afloruoou, at two o'clock. Clark.?At PlonsantvlMo, Sunday, June 11, 1870 Joukhh Clark, in the 86th year of his age.. Friends aud relatives are invited to attend the to neral, from his late residence at eleven o'clock ;churcl at twelve o'clock. Carriages will meet the train wbict leaves Grand Central depot at 10:3u A. M. Ccititr.?In Brooklyn, oa Monday, June 1% Jossrs 0. Ct'RKY, In tho 94th year of his age. The Iricnds and relatives of the lamily ore respect lully Invited to ulteud tho luneral, from his late rest deuce, No- Union ut., Brooklyn, on Wednesday, the 14ib Inst., at jhree I*. M. Do lax. ? On Sunday, June 11, ot rheumatism, PiTM Dolan, a;:ed 62 years. Relatives aud Irieudsare invited to attend bis (unerai, from his late resilience, 202 West 24th on Wednes day morning, at nlno o'clock. Soiemu requiem mass at St. Francis Xavier church. Tho Society Sl Vincent do 1'aul aud Catholic Union sro specially invited. Kllim.?At Treinout, Monday, Junu 12, ot paralysis Mrs. Bloomy Toiicy Kllim. wife of tho late Russell F. Ellis, of Augusta, Me., in tho Crtth your of her age. Funeral Irom the residence of her son-in-law, W. & Bogurt, Tremont, Thursuav, 16th Inst., at tea A. M. Frieuds of the family are respectfully invitod to at> lend, without further notico. Trains leave Grand Cen tral depot at W:lft and U -10. Augusta and FuirQeld (Mn.) papers please copy. Holly,?Sunday, Juuo 11, F.dxa C, twin daughter ol William P. aud Ftuily II. Holly, aged IS months. Funeral Tuesday, Juno 13, at two P. M,, Irom the resilience of her grandlatber, John II. Holly, Kalotiab, N. V. Train loaves Uruud Central Depot, via Harlem Railroad, at 10:JO A. M. Jackman. ? In Brooklyn, on Monday, 12lh msL, 1'BTiu Jackxax, a native of tho parish ol Adumsiown, eouiity ol Wexlord. Ireland, iu the 22d year of his age. The relatives and Irionds of the faintly are Invited ur attend the funeral, on Wodnesday, the 14th InsL, al ten o'clock, Irom his late residence, Na 74 Amity si, to Si. Fetor's church, coruerol Hick* and Warren sta., where a soiemu mas- of requiem will be ollerod lor th> repose ol his soul; thence to tbo Cemetery of the Hoi] Crons lor Interment. Jknni.vus.?On Monday, Jane 1'2, Louisa, before* wife of Frank 1*. Jointings, in tbe'Jisi year ol ber age llclatlvo* and friends ure respeciiuily invited to at tend the ruueral services on Wednesday at one o'clock at Su Luko's church, Hud.-on st., opposite Orove. Kxkalk.?On Monday, June 12. Rohkrt Uumpurii Kkkalr, aged 32 years and 10 numbs. Relatives and friends of the imnily, also members ol Pyiauiid Lodge No. 490. F. and A M., are respect full J invited to attend bo funeral, irom bis late residence, Na 780 Greenwich St., on Wednesday, June 14, at t?f o'clock 1'. M. LaRkix.?On Sunday, Juno 11, IlSRCa Larkjx, ia the 40th year of his age. Relatives and friend* aro Invited to attend bis fa> neritl Irom his late residence, 21V 6th St., this Tuesday, al one o'clock. Mazr.?On Sunday, June 11. Katk, beloved wife ol Abraham Maze, in the 321 year of her agu. Funeral at 216 Bleocker si., Tuesday, Jane IS, Si two P. M. McDowxll. ?Suddenly, on Sunday, Juno 11, at the residence of his mother. No. IV Kail 40th el,> R, T. McDowxll, in the 10th year of ins age. Funeral at nine A. >1. Tueaday, the 13th. Mi'Siiaxr. ?On Suuduy, June 11, al hla residence, No. 14 Barrow si., Cmarlks McHraxx, a native of Lon donderry, Ireland, iu ibo 84th yoar ol bis age. Funeral tins (Tuesday) afternoon, al half-past one o'clock. Relatives and friends reapuciinlly invited to attend. owsx.?In Brooklyn, on Monday morning, June 12, of neuralgia ol the heart, M. Blixx Owkx. Funeral Wednewluy, June 14. al one o'clock P. M., from Urace church, corner Krie and 2d su., Jerscj City. rtiABSA.?On tbo Pith I list., Mar hi K., wife of J. Martinez Picabia and daughter ol Robert > rancia, aged 27 years. Funeral from 481 llonry sk, Brooklyn, on Wedne? day, at two I*. M. Rkillt.?In ibis city, on Saturday evening, June Id; at the age of 28, alter a href iiln?xs of hasty consump tion, F. Ai.foxsK, lor thirteen yeare e laiihiul clerk with U. W. Carleton k Co. Relatives aud friends aro invited to attend the funeral, at 663 Broome sk, June 13, si one o'clock. Smith. ?In this oity, June 12, 1876, William ? Smith, aged 34 years. Funeral 10 Cuivary Cemetery this day at two P. M. awARTwoi-T. ?At I'arrytowu, N. Y., Monday, June 12, 187ti, Khbdhik Piitur, Min ol Thomas 0. and Sera* J. Swarm out. In his 13ib year. Kriunds aud relatives are tnvlied t ? attend the to neral services at Aebury Methodist Kplscopal churcli Washington si. Tarry town, on Wednesday, June 14, al one o'clock P. M. Toon ?On May 19, al hla father'* residence, St Nicho.u-t Collage, (>rei<nisland, B< llast, Ireland, JaKU Toiii>, lulu ol Brooklyn, L L \V ii. ma urn.--In lirooklyu, Saturday evening, June 10, lKTti, Klias F. Wilmartr, aged 62 years, 8 months i and 8 days. Funeral from, bis late residence, 611 Pacific St. ' Wednesday, June 14, at 10 A. M. Relaiivo* and I friends are re^xxtluily iuviied to attend; also Bedford Lodge, F. and A. M , 674, end Enterprise Lodge, t. and I A. M., of New York. I Ailliam*. ? ou Sunday morning, June 11. 1876, si ' the resnii-noe of her paresis, Carris, eldest dsegktei { of George A. and Sarah Williams, aged 16 ftI i month* and 1?> days I Relatives and Irieada are respectfully Invited to St , tend ihe luneral on Taesday, the 13th Inst., st bsll post two P. M., Irom the residence of her psietls, M Rodney st. Wilcox.?Suddenly, on Mondsr, June lt,st bis r^sideucc, 141 svepue A, Jaase Wiummi, m the 64tt year ol Ins age. Tbe relatives sad Iriends of the lamily and thoss ? his son-in law. James Kagan, are respeo 11ally iavites to attead the luneral, on Wedaeeday, Jane U, al MM