Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,541. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14, 1876.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS DiKKcrrouvr fok adtertiskks. HERALD BRANCH OFPICE, 1.265 BROADWAY.? OPEN DAV AND NIGHT, for reception op ADVF.KTISBJih.NTS AND SAUK OF PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2b Pack?"hh and 6th col*. ASIil0L0<> V?2o Paok?*lth pal. BtLLI AKDS? 12TH Paok ? 6tli col. Bo MU)hits Wanted-11 Til l'A>!*?4tb and 5th cols. BOARD and ,|M; WaNIED? Uth pAU?-5th col. BoolS t.ND SII0KS-ut Paok-4th col. Bl.O^Kl.VN REAL ESTATE FOK SaLB?2d Faux?Ut col. BUSINESS opportunities?#f? Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?Tin I'auk?6th col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS- 1st Paok?4tn eol. 01 rv ItK AL ESTATE Foil SALK-2t> Paok-1H col. CLERKS AND SALBSMEN?12tii PAOt-Sth col. clothing? lltti Pack?tfth c>?i. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12rtt Paok-0tl? coU COASTWISE STEAKS MIPS?2d P ASK-3d and 4th colt. CO PA RTNERSH1 Pti?Btu Paok. COUNTRY IIOA HD ? I lTU Paok?5th and 8tt Cols. DENTISTRY?I Ira Pagk-?iI> cot DKV GOODS?1st P asm?6th coL DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED?2n Paok-.M col EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d Paux?2d aid 3d cola. EUROPE-2d PA0K-6thcol. EXCHANGE-lit" Paok?tltb eol. excursions?2d Pack?4th col. ?FINANCIAL?Hth Pack. FOIt Sale?2d Paiik?0th coL FURNISIIED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET?3? Pack -2d col. HTBNITURP.-Ist Pa<;k?6lh col. FBBNCH ADVKUTISHMENTS-iatH PAGX-Cth coL HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12tii Paok-5th eol. HELP WANTED?M A LBS-1.Til PAok-?th col. HORSES, CARRIAGES, JkC.?1st Paok-2d, bd and 4th cols. HOTELS?11th Pack?5th col HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?1st Paok?6th col. INSTRUCTION?Ilit Paok?4th col. JERSEY CITY. HO Bo KEN. HUDSON CITT AND BEE. OE.V HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?3p Pack?lit col LOST AND FOUND?lat Pack?let col. M ACHINEllY?2n Pa<;k-6;|i col. MAKIILK MANTELS?1 Iw PAi.n-Cth col. MEDICAL?3d Paox?4tb co'.. MILLINERY AN'I) dressmaking???T pAOK-fltb col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? lOrK Faux? 6lb col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?Tth PuiK-Uth col. PERSONAL?luT Paok? lit coL pianofortes. ORGAN*. AC ? 11th Park-6Ui col. POS I' OFFICE NOTICE?in Paok?<ith eol. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?5th col. PROPERTY OUT OF the CITY for SALE OB TO RENT?2d Paok?1st col. REaL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?3d Pack?lit coL KEAL EsTATR WANTED-2d Paok-1si coL BELIUIOUS NOTICES?1st PACK-lst col. REWARDS?1st Pack?1st col. HALES AT AUCTION?2u Pack?5th ar.d 6th coll. SITUATIONS WANTRD-KEMALES? 12th Pack?lit, 2d. 3d, 4th, mnl 5th cols. SITU AI IONS WANTED-MALES? 12th Pace?5th and 6th COtlfc SPECIAL notices?lrr Paok?lat and 2deoli. SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS. AC.?1st l'A0X-2d eol. STORAGE? Its Paok?0tli col. SUMMER RESORTS-1 1th Paok-6th col. THE TRADES?12th Paok?6tli col. THE Tl'KF? 1st Paok?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Paok?lat and d cols. TRAVELLER'S C.I IDR?2d P*ois-4th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 2d Paok?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d Pack?flth col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.?1st I'AOU-Oth col. westchester COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET?2n Paok?1st col. f ACHT&, STEAMBOATS. AC.-IOth Pam-ftth eol. . . PE?*ONAL. A" LL~ RIGHT?ONE, RAIN OR SHINETOlT) WAY. BULLDOO. Blue dress, carrying roll of music; walked with you to ferry; like to become acquainted. Address EYE GLASSES, Herald office. (~^KNTBNNIAL EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. J Thuradiy. June S. 1876.? Lady In black silk, noticed by tall k'tMitleuiun. If agreeable, addresa GEORGE DEW1TT, Herald office Ii'DDY NEWMAN. OF BROOKLYN? WILL HEAR j something to his advantage by addressing 1,102 Dtvi aioo st., Philadelphia, Pa. SUSIE. Enamelled watcii.?the party now holding the small Wstch loft with them on Monday night, will please send word to MORTIMER, box 136 Herald office: lib eral reward given. IN FORM ATION~W ANTED?OF MRS. P. Il7 (1ilmore, inaldeu nsme llarcorn; will be thankfully received. Address box S75 Post office, Baltimore, care Miss Alice Cooper. IT TH is SHOULD MEET THE BYE OF JOHN H. Van Slykc, bo will And his frieud ready to old bim; your wife at niv house. 'Communicate with G. G. YOUNG, 42 Cortiundt st. Y E. NORMAN.-BUSINESS REQUIRES THAT TOD ,IJ. roturu to San Francisco immediately. B. VT~N.-PLEASE COME HOME. IF NOT FOR ME, 1" . the child. I am vory lonely. PATENTS. OP B.-I WILL BE ON'HAND'AT 12* ?. SHARP, ? to-day. N. OF O. The gentleman interested in w. e. o. will he benellted by nppointlni; an interview with JCSTlLE. Address Herald Uptown Blanch office. f IP?COME HOME: MOTHER IS SICK; TKLBGBAPH address; all is forciven : liohodv knows. HE"SENTLEMAN WHO fOOK A BBOWN SILK umhrttlla by mistake, on Monday, June 12, at (lilmore's Garden, will pleaao return the same and receive thanka of the doorkeeour. "JJ TICA?'YOUR OLD ADDRESS IS LOST. ?WHITE- ROSeI 42D ST. MONDAY EVENING,?THE TT ownor of the lovel) rose would bo happy to continue the acquaintance of the lovely donor. Address, In sincerity, Y. box lit* Herald office. ?ur l LL H. D. M ARIE PETERSEN, WHO WAS IN Co" TT pculiHicen winter ol 1S74-5, please send her present ?ddreo* to tlie friend who assisted Iter ? KmoRTHF?I KEPT YOUR APPOINTMENT MON, TT day evening m seven. What prevented you ? Write aicxiu. J. M. 1 2, J.-SEND ADDRESS TO MY OFFICE. Hlfiltioioul NtniCEh. T"Be""OOSPKI- TENT. :<4ili St., Went, and dfu (Uh av. (irrcen car* nf Thirty-fourth str.-et Hue pui the teat.) WKUMihDAY, 8 I*. 11.?Preaching by Kev. W. Hump ?tune. THURSDAY, 8 P. M.?Preaching by Rev. R. B. Booth, I). I). FRIDAY,* 1". M.-Preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. SATl KDAY. 8 P. M.?Meeting of Christian workers to fce It1 <i by I'urlo John Vasaar. Slngin; every evening by Thoma* E. Perkins and a chorus. Keats Ir o to all. 11 elpers wanted as ushers, woraers and elngors. Addresa 8. P. WILLIAMS, No. 411 East 43d at. Contributions fur the support of these services luav bo aent to EDWaRD L OWEN, Treasurer, No. 40 hast 43d sc., o( No. 71 Wall st. IiOKI' A lj li'Ui Mj. LOST?ON VONDAY EVENING, IN FlFTill AVENUE *tagu. up to ta.l St., a Ku-sitn loather Pocket book Kinder will please return Pocketbook and Papers to lttO Water st. and keep the money. IOSr?SUNDAY .nTiTuT. ABOUT !) OHJLOCkT ON J Grand ami Forty-iwcoad street car, a gold huntinit anchor Watch, No. 12.474, with twisted linx Chain; S'J<>re ward and no questions. AuUross 0. U. (J., Continental Works, Ureenpoint. N. Y. I" "osf-ON SUNDAY ,\Fl KKNOON. OOINO TO CAls J vary Cemetery, hair Hreastpln. valuaale on aceoatit of belong in: to dei eased relative. The tinder will be liberally rewarded by lesvinc it at No 46 Gold St. 1" O. T?0.\ HATifltDAY KYENING. aT GfLM ORE'S J Garden. ? guipure lace Scarf. A liberal reward. llO West 4-">Ill st. IOST-BETWEEN THE AsVoR HOUSK~AND JOHN J St., in Broadway, a Gold Masonic Keystone. A re ward will be paid If ruturued to WELLS A ELLIOTT, 11 Gold st. 1 OHT-BUN DAY KVBJflNO OB ON* MONDAY, BR. J J rweon 1 -tih si. and Waverley plsel, a Pocket Hook tontaluln - in I.ill*. A liberal reward will be paid lor its return to S. E. DAVIS, 11 Waverley place. TBAIKD FS5i UOil MON DAY MoKNINtsr MAL teso Oat. collar with silver Utile. Th? Under will be re warded bv reiurnlnjr the above at 151 West 47th st. A REWAKD.-LoiT. *A SETS flRR^BR boot JpLv" xinw-rs to the name of Tobey. 1 he above reward will Im> pa d on r turslng it to 54 West ?2d st. Sr.ii kewakd for watch lost tjiubbdat altertioon last. Please communicate with F. (>., Hera '< Uptown Branch office. No. of watch, O.U13. No questions u*ked. AfTrn KKWAKD-FGH ARTICLES TAKEN FROM irjl East 80tn ?t.. on Fridav last; #5ti f(,r Brooch and Locket oontaiulM pictareas no ijtiestlon* asked. Ad dr?>* SECBKCY, lleraid Uptown Branch office. REWARD or GllI-THIBD OF THE VALUE op __ -nods lecoverid will bo paid lor the romis ,tnlen Irom bu.-' Canal St. JOSEPH SWAN. _ SfPl-XlAt. NOTICES. ATTENfioN 1-DI8BASBH OF MSN. It appears to be ? well known fact that the Prussian piit'Siclans are experts in the profes-lon. for the good reason tliHt the student has to work very hard (In tlie books) to be prepared lur t!,e final examination After the student has f.btaiu?d tlie title ol DmHTO MefMnse then the young doc tor la abUiC' d til or .ctise for three years in a military hospi tal : that nlves Inm the t>racllcal knowledge in treating dis. lasi-s 'villi perfect sue e?s. In fact, the Prussian doctor tasrs a great Interest and i-leasnre to re-iore his patient to perfect health. rhero i- no i-oul.t tlie public at?prei iate the treatir.ent or a to rmaii plitsiclsit. and he deserves the confi dence of tlie public. All the universities iu Prussia are ?up Cort*4 bv the Kovemment and the prolesMirs are appointed ytbe i-aiperor for Itf ?? hv?rv diploma Is in the name of tlie Klne:- ser,-ni??inii ac l'oteiitisaiml Prlnclpis, "Frld erlc Qt iiielml" -uih a diploin t canaot lio procured ex cept will, intellect The law in Prussia is so severe ta practise wlthont a ilip'oma (inackery Is not known. I have adkdnma. ilateil Nov. on er. 18!t7. Ironi Frlderlel t?vl eliui the 3.t. Tlie pabiic are invited to examine my valuable testimonial I ham adopt n| that branch of the prnf?*?ioti ? diseases of men, in all Its branches; also illseses o! the akin -since lrctx. From -triet attuntion I am able to guar antee a anccessful cure, even of Ionic stundinir f>r. JACOB V, I' 1 Blaeeker st. a ? Isaac u. hoyoe. ait? Broadway, lawykr? Divorce* obtateed promptly. ?ithout publicity; deser tion. Ii.e impatihnlty. lisblttMH drunkennesa, lutldellty. in huiuau treatment, conviction ol talony. Passports obtained. *4 ? A.?ALL PP.IZr.S t A> 11KILf> AT THU /V? oOae, fhtrd Umlslana ? old dUtriltutton. .New i irleans, -lulv I'M, |S7il. Capital i-rix* ? I<a1.1 rsi gold!' proea anomntili^ to $.'?iiJ ">00l <1 ll' Kela S-VI eurren y. Coupons In proportion. *pply f.T III ll.rill atiiui Ac.. IO \\ I l.l.l A MmjN x CO., hrokers. HIT flrMdw ,iy. Post ofici# box 04.0J. *7" -UOVAt. HAVANA i,.i|TKUr~ J\ , >e\t drawlnt June 20. 1 Prise nf Spanish I flOO.O'O 1 |'r|n of-p"Hsb dollars & i.isst 2 Prises of ea<!tt, Spanls'i dollars .... 2."i,(?it I and ?<40 other prtaea. liennan IJovernmtatl (?>tterle?. Fnll aiplM^tory Circular* l ee. THEODORE MCHOCH, rust ofllc** box *,M>4. I III Nassau st.. New York. tiK lillMoKliHiiTds RADK-ALLv CURED? icin il '.n iiiueni i.o tee- until cared; circular* tree. 8ToDDAl:D, No S West 14th tt. PILK X orlj Dr. BT< i A. 1870. Popular American Anniversaries; ?specially the American F?p?lu iiilwur; of iu finl Policy issued 10 rssrt since to-day, Jan* 14, 1888 yet standing?1870. All other A1 Grade Risks are now alio Invited to partake of the aame blessing, and be Insured, $10000 for t00 premium. Call or Mad Tor document* explaining each point, 4111, 421 Broadway, comer Canal st. ?PARKsTKMKRSO.N * CO. ? Kentucky Stale Lotteries drawn dallv. Koyal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 dart. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn June 24, 1*76. Prises cashed. Information furnished and circular* free. Uf9 Broadway. I'wi office Imx U73, New York. ?KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OK J. S. SMITH * CO. HWTCCBY-XITKA CLAM, 487?ro? 187d. 23, 65. 83. 14. ?7. 37. 60, ?, 13. ?4. 22, 41. 17. kkwtucky?class 48s?roa 1870. 75, 57. 21. 39. 23, 30. M?i. 40. .V), 4H, 30, 58. 2. All order* address H. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Post offlcu box 4,870 New York Clly. ("UNCI N N ATI. / OPENING OP T11K HF.PUBL1CAN CONVENTION TO-DAY. PL'LL PARTICULARS ASU GKAIMIIC descriptions UY SPECIAL despatches IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM TO-DAY. CIRCULATION. 3tl.3'<i DAILY. ADVERTISEMENTS, 20 CENTS PER LINE. OMIOIH iut ?wimn ifriiTi uirv iit?th tot . toriea. SUMMONS A DICKINSON, Manager*. KkXTUCKY. KX.TRA 0UA8S HO. 379?JC.NK 13. 1S7H. 50. 23, 10, 33. 7H 89. 20, 3. 37. 25, 50, 78, 63, 1& KKMTCCBT, CLASS Xu. 380?JUMK 13, 1876. 46, 50. .17. 45, 30, 47. 34. 33, 17, 48, 55, 70. UKXHY, KXTKA CLASS SO. 279? Jl'Nfc 13, 1870. 43. 9, 41), 11. 4. 73. 3*1, 09. t2, 71. 3 2, 28, 46. llKMUr, CLASS MO. 280?Jl'SK 13, 18715. 6 20, 31, 4, 15. 40. 11. 4M. 23, 3ft, 37. 49. Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway, or twi 4,009 Poet r^Hce. C"T^J0007*)0.?WMMON8 A DICKINSON'S SINGLE J, number Kentucky State dlstribntion. lo be drawn on Saturday, Jmio 'ti, 187W; $300,000 to be distributed; 25,430 Srises and only 50.000 tickets: every other ticket a prize, iow is your time to invest. Prises payable in full; Whole Tickets, $10: Half, $5; Quarters. $2 50. The next Royal Havana will be drawn on Tuesday, June 20, 1876. Sena In your orders to J. i;LUTK, Banker, No. 200 Broadway, or box 4,060 Post office. New York city. / 1H0ICE LIBRARY,?oil7PAINTING8, ENGRAVINGS, \J li rouse*. China and Silverware to be sold at auction at the country residence of Mr. lluyler, at Hastings, on the Hudson,on Thursday, June 15; 1U mile* iroin city and three minutes from depot. Train leaves 42d *t. at 0:10 and 30th sr. and 10th av. at 10:90. A large and valuable assortment of Household Furniture. UKASES OFME.V A SPECIALTY. 11KNRY A. DANIELS. M. D.t 144 Lexington av.. near 20th st. Office hours from 8 to 3. Havana lottery.?next drawing, junk *>; 40.000 tickets: $W*>,000 in prizes. Addrers B. MAR T1NEZ A CO., Bankers, 10 Wall St., basement: I'ost office box 4.082 New York. Spanish gold and Havana bauk bills bought snd sold: drafts on Havuna issued. Zf! M RO N WO ATAKRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED i method; Instantaneous relief: permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14thSt. K Kentucky state lotteries?drawn daily. Kentucky State Single Number Grand Dlsttlbution dr iws June 24. Whole Tickets. $10. Koyal Havana Lottery, to be drawn June 20. Whole Tickets, $20: Tenths and Twentieths In proportion. For Information, circulars. Ac., address or apply to JACK. SON A CO., Bankers, 2(>2 Broadway. .Sew York. Nervous exhaustion.?a medical ess a* comprising a series ol lectures delivered at Kabn's Mu seum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of Pre mature Decllne.Vobowiug Indisputably how lost health may be regained, it (fording a clear synopsis ot the impediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being tlie result of 20 vcars' experience. Price 25 conts. Ad dress the author, Dr. L. J. KaHN, office and residence 51 East ltitii St. N*m. York. _ vr auticalT? having patents from tiik .il United States and (ireat Britain tor an airungeiiibut by which the card and needle of tue ordiuary mariner's com pass are relatively adjustable, so Mint by a simple manual process the variation of the magnetic needle may be applied aircctly to the compass, thus making the courses sailed the true courses; the winds reeorded the true winds; the bear ings taken the true b*ariii?S. and no allowance nor coriec tiou tor variation necessary for working np the dead reckon ing. Correspondence with manufacturers and dealers is solicited witn the view ot its Introduction Into general mari time use. Address SILAS BENT.. 717 Garrison av., St. Louis, Mo. OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.?$000,000 WILL BE drawn on June -O. Prises cashed: orders filled: infor mation lurnished; highest rates paid tor Spanish bills, gov ernments, Ac. TAYLOR ,t CO., Bankers. No. 11 Wall st.. New York. TEA* AT WHOLESALE PRl7;ES-^TN QUANTITIES OF live pounds and upward; cheaper than anv house in the city, at 11 io WELLS TEA COMPANY. 201 Fnlton St., be tween Church and Greenwich. IGS, TOO P KKS.-G. RAUCIIPUsS. PRACTICAL Wigmaker and importer of Human Hair. 44 Bast 12th w WYOMING LOTTERY.?J. M. PATTEE, MANAGER. Official numbers, drawn st Laramie City, June 10.?special das* 111. 72. 103. 41, 17, 62. 85, 115, i4. 08, 0 >. 51, 23, 3, 77. 31. Frlies cashed. Circulars mailed free. ALLEN A Co., 70 Nassau St., New York. 62, 85. 115?drawiug $7,500?was sold to a lady in Brook lyn. If! HOURS AT CENTENNIAL?TOTAL EXPENSE, 1U with refreshments, $5 50. Tea Store, 410 East |7th st., New York. SPOUTING?DOCK. BlliDS. &ix.. A' FINE tan TERRIER, VERY SMALL, FOR SALE. A cheap, at WILKINS' Bird and Cage Emporium, 1.247 liroadway. near 31st St. A remington SPORTING RIFLE, 3A-CALIBKE, globe and peep sights complete; prico $30; a bargain. J. W. GODFREY, 72 Cstharme st. VALUABLE WATCH DOG. HALF MASTIFF AND St. Bernard, lo be sold at auction, at Hastings, on llnison, 11* miles from city and three minutes from stailou, at tlie country retidenco of Dr. HUYLAR. on Thursday, June 15. i rain leaves 4:\1 st. at 9:10 and 30th st. and 10th av. at 10:3U. _ Pools SOLD AT new YORK TURF EXCHANGE, 15 West 28ih ?t., this afternoon; St. Louis vs. Boston, st Boston; Louisville vs. New Haven, at New Haven; Athletics vs. Cincinnati, at Philadelphia. SEJBKKT A M'CLOUD. HiolIK.-T quality dougall Lock "rAST-NO finer bun in th? United States; never shot, but must be soiu ; also a Lancaster Muzsle-loader. II C. aQUIRES, No. 1 Cortlandt st \\fANTKI) TO Pl'RCHASK?A LAI'.OK HIZKO DOG. t T well trniued to draw n wagon for children, at a mod er?l( pries: alio a neat Wagon, lit lor the pui pose. Call on or address P. _Voa?. No. 1 Bridge il, Brooklyn. THE TURF. ~ "4*rfLlTirW5ti15 I'arXT* k i > .V iCs t> a VTWN?~f4. A- Trotting Ht a o'clock. Twelfth scmi-aniiual meeting of the Saratoga Stable Trotting Association. Beet three in Bvo, to harness. Third Clans. John Moore enter* blk. g. Rocket. 8. Liiirienateiu enters b, g. Jake lies*. K. Udell enters b. in. Lady Mary. Second ClasR. J. Klsber enters b. a A. T. Stewart. Oeorgu 0. Olaxtoii enter* br. g, Prince Charles. A. n. Udell enters b. m. Lissie. Kir?i Class. Char'c* t>cckerman enter* b. ni. Pauline Lncca, A. S. Odell enters* c Star Henry. Oeorgs .tbipman eulera br. tu. iiessie. John lingers enters b. ni. Carrie Myers. K. Odell enter* blk. in. Oertrudc. Also d.isti of one mil* lor gentlemen's road horses. OATKS H. BARNARD. 1'residont. A" MK?IOAM JOCKKY CLt.B?SPRINO MKT.'TINO, IH76. at Jeromo Park. :td, tith M, luth. IMth. loth and 17th Jnno. Race* commence each dav punctually at J o'clock. A. BKLMONT, President. C. WBRjiTLT, Secrctar*. 4 UOTIOM AND PRP.NCH Pools SOLD AT JOHN J\. SON'S moms, earner Broadway ami ^Stli st.. tins alteruoon, on the trotting at fiiil?<i<-1|>hia; also thl* e>en lag on tlie Jerome Park race*; particular attention given orders by mail, telegraph or me^enger. T. B. JOHNSON. AUCTION POOLS SOLO filiS Ai-ThKXOON AND evening on the Jerome I'ark races anil the J'hiladcljibla trots at J>portlnsr olTicc, No. H Went Mh at T. K H A K ER. Auctioneer. UCTION AND KKKSHrVooii SOLI) DAV AND evening at XHW VOliK Tl'i.V I.XCll ANGK, 15 Weil '.Mill st.. on tbe RKI'l BLICaN iiomlnatlon for PKKSi DENT and JKKOMl. i'AKK running races. Prompt at tention glvou orders by mail or mrsn -n .-i r. , KKi.LV, BLISS A CO. A ?1 KilKNCII POOL WILL ill-. OPhNKD AT JOHN'. -?ON'S poolroom on H road way ami UtHh ?t., on th* running race. at Jerome Park, in counecll n with our popu lar system. T. M. JoilNnO.V MDTOKL COMBINATION -KKKNOII POOLS, WIN nor and lir.i ami ?econd. mid this ei ruing at importing oOice, No. ? M oat "Jtitli st Orders attended to. . oIKARD A CO. WAV KRi.KV PARK.?SPItlN(> NKKTINO-jTiib TT class. second <la>, closed with 7 Mtrtes: :t minute rla?s clo?. (| \tliii In entries. Races comment* at H o'clock, i lie entries In U lift and 'J : t:i oass will be advertised iu to marrow's paper. All locai trains will atop at Waverley. COHKll A SANDKOitD IIOKSKM. CARRIAUE!). <KC. t -frt.1 CASH. ONK MKAl Til'l L LaDIKS' SlbK JX. Ssddln und Bridle; lu'en no?i] three timet; roittUi. Inquire i?t IJ< Kaat >Uth st., between Irving place and ad av., for three days * IlKACTIKtrL WllllTINO TOP slDE HAU WAiiON. /V tilvcli wneel I'ony Phaeton, act single and double IUr Mee, all no.irlv new; nlso Whip. Lap Robes, lllank?t?, Ac. ; nniai l>e Mild tlila week, very low lor cash, as owner must leave the city. Arsenal Studies, Welt 36th St., near Bioad way. ?Poll" BALK. POUR HOM&rt, SUITaHLR Tor ? Krocer. express, larming or any btuineet; must b? ?old. jt> 1 Urand st, near Molt st. A HOKSKS. CAIUUAGES. ?C. __ I ItTi; A c! F. K S A L K. -A. HV VIUTl'B OK A CERTAIN CHATTEL MuRTGaGE and bill ok hale to mk III kkuted I WILL SELL HV PUBLIC VENDUE. on this day. jcne m. AT U O'CLOCK IK Tin; POkBNOON PROMPT. AT TDK UNION AUCTION 1IOU-E. 20 EAST l*TH ST. BETWEEN BKOADWAY AND M M AV , TUB FOLLOWING VALUABLE AMI WELL KNOWN TROTTING AND CARRIAGE IIOKSKS. Wagons, cakri agi- h. harness. *c. DESCRIPTION. No. I. The larse bay Kentucky trotting Ilor?e Lone Branch, IU.I4 hands. K years old; sound mid kind; trotted throe heat* in *J 44 2:41 and 2 ; lie ia very guutle; stands without tying in the street, and u one of tin- beat driving and beat galled lior?oa in the Stat'* Noa. 2 ami >. Fair of Kentucky bay carriage Homes, 1?) hands, about 0 and 7 years old; very gentle and stylish; a perfect lanitly leant in every respect; sound and kind; the ntirli ride horse is con sidered one ot the beat Kentucky saddle hogfM in the city. 4. Coupe, by Wood Brothers, lit fine order. 5. Set ot double coupe Harness. ?>- la a fiue bred trotting dark chestnut Gelding. 5 yoara old. 15?i hands; sound and kind: can trot In a top wagon 111 3 luimuos. 7. Beautiful full sprint; top Road Wagon. 8. Single seat, on* man. no top 1 rotting Ruatl Wagon. i?. Top side bar Itoud Wagon. 10. Top Pony Phaeton. II. Set of double Road Harness. 12. Set of sin gle Ceupe Harness. 13 and 14. Two fine sets ol single Road Harness. N. H.?THE ABOVE STOCK WILL BE SOLD TO THE HIGH F.ST BIDDER, RAIN OR SHINE. BY ORDER OP ZIMRI W. BCTOHER. ATTORNEY FOR MORTGA0KE. ?51 BROADWAY. T BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION MART AND N. Y. T A TIERS ALL'S, CORN BR OF BROADWAY AND :JiiTH ST. MAIOR CHARLES W. BAKKKR. AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SALES every Wednesday and Saturday. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed for trial. THE ONLY driving track in the State. CATALOGUES OF SALE THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. COMMENCING WITH the following two very valnable KENTUCKY bred Horsea. the property of Oeueral Moss, who shortly sails for Europe, comprising 'I'll E VERY speedy chestnut trotting gelding Ned Hum mill ; pedigree at sale; Iftjif high; fouled 1S70; an elegant, game and easy driver; can trot in 2 :50 to road wagon and is warranted sound mid kind. THE REAUTIFL'L chestnut gelding Kentucky P"t. po? itlvely the moat perfect and superbly combined saddle and harness Horse in America; 16\ iii. lt: loaled ItWO; mi ?veiy known gait under saddle ; perfect in harness and war ranted sound and kind. PLATFORM SI'RING an top Wagon; teats four. THE CELEBRATED sorrel trottiuir gelding Oberon. cot by Jupitor, 15W high, foaled June <3. lrtllli; a very pleasant aud extra stylish driver; lias a public record of 2:40J^: la valuable lor gentleman's road use ; no faults nor vices, aud warranted sound and kind. NO TOP Itoad Wagon, by Mortimer. TOP DEPOT Wagon, by Webb. LADY'S PHAETON Turnout, connietlng of a very desir able aud fast Bay Geldiug, got by Etnau Allen, 15?2 high, foaled 1HQ0; a Iree, easy and very handy ilrlyur: can trot, sure, in 2 :5U: can b<> dnven at speed by a lady, and is war ranted sound aud kind; also efogaat top Pony l'haetou, Harness. Ac. TOP EXPRESS Wagon, light and new. EXTRAORDINARY PAlRofvory closely matched sorrel Mares, lull sisters. 15)4 high, 7 ami S years old. got by Kim ball Jacks-iu. Jr., ditui by Seeley's American Star: are of splendid style and rich appearance; can road in are suougly recumineudea .for family use, and are warranted sound and Kind. TOF SIDE bar Road Wagon, by Howard. EXTRA FINE bay Mare, 15 High, 7 years old; very stylish driver; ean trot In 3)4 and ia warranted kind. LAKitE LOT new and seeoud baud Harness. beautiful COMBINED cherry bay Saddle nnd Har ness Pony, 18H high. 5 yuare old; fine under saddle or In harness ; warranted sound and kind. THREE SI'RING lop Fouy Phaeton. BROOD MARE, by Lexington, dam by Alexander's Ab dallah; sure breeder; pedigree strictly guaranteed. TWENTY-ONE other top and 110 top Koad Wagons, De pot. Express and Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. SEVENTEEN OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on account of weather. AraNAU?'TION TO TUB TO-JIORBOW (TIU'KSDaV), JUNE 15 AT xi.. w j *. o'clock prompt. ?# ? are?vory uVw?P.^d,bV!?*'.-P!d",.bt ""T"' -^n?r; Road u'l they are warranted houikI aud kind superior, and Ihe above team will be sol.i separate it desired I lie faatest road homo in the citv known t i. ? red by North Star Miimbrino. dambyfiarrv Clav^tr J thro.- hen to last fall at I'oint Breese p;.?? PI !R h'^I10" MSft vs*y?(S?-A driver; doe. not pull wheu^peedinir'is uuT'exaitaf?' company : iIopk not u-imr tl/knl., ? _??* not exuubltt In dam ? Pw?,tjr bUck (Jo,lliuR Kalpli. air id by General Knox , bbmx?tS&E^ | | ?55siS^ I ant driver, good cited. and ca-.'trot in a?5?>w?'dw ifute I ?uU WMrrauteii ?ound and kind y 0f fml* i j~^a-2tfr^r4-srj Kfai'ra ?5 AtV'Katix'll.!';:" ?"? ????'? 'JSffSiiS ?uV. " ,took " no*",n ?""?'t'ltton at .table m A ~?t'v^Hr?|jnAS; K*KKI" At'L'rioNBHfc vTlv -i. t. .? ol ,he am-.bica* express pom 'V*'!! '???old, at Barkor A Son's Citv u ^ -second hand oarkiaokT ~? l.anlati in irood order. Summer (.oach, newly lined and varnished. ... . r" ' ''aeton lor lour persons v letoria, own rnaku. in irood condition Itoad W agons; a larre assortment Warerooms, 5th av and 2ist ar"1"^ in U?th it. A -SHEETS. I*1?Y NETS, EAK Tll-i a Summer Road Blankets. * Liuen mid Woollen I.up Dusters. Closing nut atock of summer Roods. At retail At coat. At coat. Ureal redaction In tbe price, of Harness. iw,PuJiTK.KS A CAI-HOCN CO. OIU Broadway, oppoaiie St. Nicholas. A ?lifW-JpXKIS*, VUCTUi.VEK*-WlLi ni-1 i /i v nT pa'y'Ve"?. rr.;r" ? :r? 10 bands bi*h. 7 year* old. sound aud tin" '? O. JENKINS, proprietor. A """ti'ii1 8AI-fc;?'5 VOUNi; HORSES j 1st KiiiVu NorJou'al:"'' "Ui'"l"e fur ?" A-lre ? A ~10 " "?'**** WAtfOya. ALL MIM.MI*ti a.,.\ ?A* for Express, grocers , butoheis h?ker?? mils . "'?* packnite. advertising, depot and delivery Wa'.n \i-n T* ? anulactory. 2.U Spring at. oe,,*?r ? agon.. Wagon A-KOR SaIk THREE HOkHEl?; hlTf TltL'CK Tt . pres. or larm work ; so work. U Orano . varick and Sullivan. uranu at., between \ fJ"LuR J[2 WW. r??r OVXAf-CONTAiNIv?7 1 t*o s.alla and commodious lolt. Ap^l, :lt io7 A KiNX ft0/" ?K I'A.M i jUY IIORSK FOR ?Tt l< " A "Ck ^Don CAKT. .SI tlJ-f lt \ ,r.UTTi? V . , hl'WlOIH, t'OUM), Ki>ckuwuv> tUk 1*II !>? *? t ' . ' I fur half mt H a5m ; ? 4,1 . ii.i ?i !.,,?> Hfcntiiwsf A gtWKAWAV carriaok M AMU. Piti/viVu zTiiwi w "a SAI.I. CIlKAl', (iNi. Kt cia MPRl\'li ?T? ' ^?7'^ir^ddi;?^Y?i;h?^ twecn Irving nlacr nuil ad *v bu' A ri i-! Nfi.ii !:<tka.\av fi.(. ?,M mo Brewster*and ?ltl?n,!nrIy"n!,""iaf.v " ton, extension lop and Koad Wairona tun !?.?.? i . ^?te^irv^^":;;:- *",,rie"i,,d *.?_"? and aa Woeater n A "fi"14 SM'K ?HUAP-nTxk oooii firsivi M A''ll^Sr AW>y 'l ?N" ;s W at., beta'een \'ai7ek \ T 11 \ I r COST?TWO III-; A l i IF3E FilAKTONXi Jx one four pi^r^oiiH; two lull atirinw ?! S. ' two aide baia, .pienrt.d lltfM Koad "vanmi fll ?S yV"??"" * m B"ri A ?ALK-i?KAr;T,Ktx bayViokse .t M *?on, by tlrewVtar; l>nn'^mio?^||(Jii!im ' *'''r^l"^lop pjJ^:::"A,,,v'So-u w*? A H?Z"uni^dVHAY farming. Ac. No. H Harrl^l, u ,.?,Jl*,',,.'.':iri''1'' An eleuaxt laovm imiaeton. with hcvTHT new and lu perlrct older, cost ?mki Jill h- ,!. auction, on Ihuradny Juim Ifi ?> n,. ?1. , M?hi at Or. IIuVlaK. at lla'itC* on*t*e "Iuo'aon ^!IiTTn'""ft city and three minutes rront st! ion ? Ji , I'll aeton, without ruo.blj; ele It i .1,,. Wagon, by Brewster. h.' ^'a,.1' leave. 4JJ at. ?, U:lu aud 8Utli at. and 1 "h nv at^Orflll " A eV^VH,rV,!.VVSVMp'V,''.','\. ,'"U I"V " I'hu-t.-ii, poie.Shan..%%?$?!?,:r.t AT trafn^d b!'ar!linf ."t!|lnV,rH(;.H.i'0J" B I ?eil broil ai.d tralnro iliirses to jro^nder aaidi* "'1 '" uc!?i*' a law hoHi-iinra i ' , iiuU in har* 1 ' * ,ww f>WH?uor? can bo i?c'-<'miuoiiA{<??j. ??"KO J. E.NOKL.KAKDT. Arfl/aL..'^ ?C,r A "KAI'TIKCIj Toil' tS2iis.'tt5"Ws ?fir;,%t^\""ss,,nr >2th st. between iSJSj"** HOUSES. C'AKKIACi Kfl. &C. 4 GENTLEMAN'S fUHXOl T. HAY HOUSE 1.'^ j'l hands hiirh ; six yours old ; wurnnitcd touud and kiuU ; BrewMir lop WNiroti; tino hitmen*. No. 8 W(Ml UHh *t. iKEWSTfcli i GO. B' i <of Broome it.) r>tll ??. ah'l Mill St., Broadway anil 47th st. Grand Victorias, Plain Victorias, Cabriolets. Landaus, Laudauli'ts. T Carts. Stanhope Phaeton*. Two-Wheeler?, Ac., In the latest and boot t*urla and London styles. exquisitely finished In all the fashionable rolors, together with a lull assortment ol K'tud Wu.'oii-. I n ail Wrights, for which wo claim superiority over hII otheis. Many of these vehicles in ?lock urn duplicate* of those we have In the Philadelphia Exhibition, und visitors in town are assured that In extent and value our stock hat never been equalled by the display of any single manufacturer. Principal warcrooms, &tli av. and 14th it. L ILT BY BREWSTER A CO., OV BBOOMB t/t, TBM following second hand Carriages. some In perfect order: idan, Cabriolet, 0 seat Phaetou, T-Cart, 16 top Wagons tu $ ISO to $361 >. BY OTHER MAKERS. Laudaus. Lamlauiets. Coach, Cabriolets. depot Wagon, extension top Phaeton*. half ton Phaetous, Coupe, mall fhaeton, T-Cart, top and no ton Wagons. Clarence. A. S. KLANUEAC. 372 and 374 Hroome St., old stand of Brewster A Co. A BO AIN-8176.?POLE AND SHAFTS, TOP 8IDE bar Bujjgy; Joe Godwin maker. Apply at 124 Wutt tuth st. C<ARitTAOESaTMY OWN MAKE, AND WARRANTED ) an represented; Buggies, Pony and Park Phaetons (lour scat), Kockawavs, Coupes, Depot and other kinds; Marly all styles. at manufacturer's prices and below market rates. CHS. GRt'BE, 380 Canal st. tllNCINN ATL / OPE NINO OF THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION TO HAY. FULL PAKTIOl'LARS AND GRAPHIC DESCRIPTIONS BY SPECIAL DESPATCHES IN THE EYI-.NINO TELEGRAM TODAY. CIRCULATIOH. 98,360 DAILY. ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 CENTS PER LINE. COME AND SEE THE TWO SHETLAND"POMKR ri and 7; warranted sound uud gentle ; very cheap; with Wagon to match. Due Dusenburv smglo seat; cost ?326, for * 126: one ide bar top, cost $425, for $i5m; one Horse, 8186. At II ASKlN'S stalilei, lltl West 50th at. Edw a p. d ic B EN t K. AUCTION B ? ?-eI'.euant Horses, Carriaires. Harness. Ac.; elegant four-iu-hand Sleigh ; to bo i>ald on accouut of the owner s intending itu parture for Europe, at the private stiible, No. 13ti West ISth St.. on Wednesday morning, June It. at 'clock. Horses?One splendid pair Kentucky thoroughbred Horses, 10J* hands high; warranted kind and gentle Laudait?One Landau, double C springs, bv Binder, of Paris. Chariot? One Chariot, double springs, lined with blue satin, hy Wood Brothers, t'urtaiti Coach?Due Ourtniu Coach, by Brew ster. of Broome st. Coupe?One singlo Coupe, by Brewster, ol Broome st Break?One lour-in hand Break, by Binder, ol Paris ; very little used. Sleigh -One four-in-hand Meigh, with ltells, Primming.'Ae., in the Russian stvie. by Brew ster, of Broome st ; three elegant black bear Robes. Har ness?On* four-ln-hand Harness, one double Harness, one coupe Harness, nnn double llarnes-, nearly new; one double Harness, usea tor chariot, nea.*ly now. All the haness made to ord?r by Wood Gibson, and the carriages to order lor present owner. Three throe-quarters dress Blankets. All the above to be seen at the stable, on and after Monday. "L^ A ST Tl I! USE AND B11K WSTKR IMPROVED J? spring top side bar Wagon, value $1.0.10, to exchange for Diamonds, Watches or !? nruiture. Apply to JOHN 3. BWEN, Si* Nassau St.. room 17. FOR SALE CHEAP-SIDE-BAR ROAD WAGON, CITY make; vary little u?ed. Apply at liossuiore Hotel Bil liard Purlor. 42d st. and Broadway. F~ OR SALK?A 5-GLAHh LANDAU. BUT LITTLE used, good as new. Apply at LOOS A WILLIAMS', tap Wost null St.. New York. OK SALE-A PULL CLARENCE, LINED WITH drab cloth, in Brst rate order, fur $-60, at 378 Broome F For sale?a flrst class express or grocery Wagou, no top. used very little ; also set of Harness; half price. Store 202 Wooste. St., for HUNTER. F" OR SALE?BLACK IIORsB. It HANDS. I ItAMl warranted sound and kind; suitable for grocer express or any business; one horse Truck aud Harness. 662 llud son st. For salb? a handsome top pBakton, plated bars, handles mid lumps. Inquire at the Saratoga stables, 67lh at. and Lexington av. _ ? __ --??,-,7,RS.? ' sound, kind and gentle: not afiaid of a locomotive or anything else, any lady can drlse liini. * 'all at private stable 313 West 52d st., or address 241 West 51st st. IfioK SALE-AT HALE VALUE, H0B8B, WAGON AND Harness; brown Mare, 14,'i: top side Bar Wauon, nearly new ; Harness, Whip and Robes; price $20U Inquire for Mrs. VAN Dl'SKN'S turnout, at Tvler's stable, 1UU and 106 Charles St., between Hudson and Bleecker. l50B 8ALE LOW?KOR~WANt" OK USB, PONY BUILT L Horse, 10 hands: suitable for cart, trurk or any busi nesa; also Concord express Wagon, platiortu st rings. Sid West 12tn st. 1ri$t SALE CHEAP?HORflB, TBCCK AND HAR ncsi, with privilege of work tor five stores. Apply at 118 Ludlow st. BH>K SALE-A VIKH BLACK COUPb. HORSE, 1? iiands, 7 vears; good driver, single or doubles owner leaving town has no use lor him To be seen, for two days, at private stable No. 4 West tttHh St. PGR SALE OR E XCI f.\ NO E-BOARDING AND livery stable; doing good business; long lease; will be exchanged lor New York or near by property. Address box 101 Herald office, " owe'll, queen and gbTTkokTyT Too Pony Phaetons. Side bar or elliptic spring top Road Wagons. A. S. PLANDRAU. 372 and 374 Broome tl. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) ABNB88,?CHKAPEST iFaRNESS STORE IN~NEW York; good Buggy Harness, hand made. 815; good Grocera'Harness, #26: good double Team Harness, 830; a good Horse Blanket. $1 5<> Please call and examine for yourselves. FISHER A OSBORN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay st. Harness-dubableTsfnisii amTciIeap. from 810 to ?22.>; Morse Clothing and Lap Dusters in great variety; goods made to order without extra cahrge; Pouy Phaetons, Hockaways, Depot \\ agons. Buggies. Ac., Ae. JOHN MDOiiK. 67 vVarreu st. ALT YaLCB?8123; SIM.ENDII) NEW 'TOP hX press or Grocery Wagon; worth 8200. Seen at 124 West I'.nil st. H EMPORTAXI" AND EXTRAORDINARY ?ill? Ol 111* KENTUCKY ?T()CK FAltM, Lexinirlou. Ky., together wltli all the valuable THOEOl'Ull H Ki'.D AM) TKOrrlXtt STOCK, including the street Matilda. K I'. l.l,i iwCKA F r. H A M B LE TOM AX STALLIONS, valuable Hrnoil Marcs, Colin and Ktllioa, two hundred >11 number, JINK -I. IH7U. Tli? ? will be the moat extensive sain of valuable atock ever henl in the I'nited Statot. Catalogues will be lorwarded. Address RICHARD I'ENIsTAN, Philadelphia, or l^rxinglou. Ky. IT's KLNNY IIOVV \VK IK) IT. BUT WK Do! Sell Sheet. Holies. W'lilus. Ilurne*a. saddles. Ilalter*. very beat 3-pl.v llnrillD Hum, llmuiiMicks, Camp Chairs, Ac., way down below eoat ol manufacture Tl'.MS JoHNSON, M Liberty et. OSETaNDAC. ONK CLARENCE. ONE COUPE AND one Kngiiah tlunliii'.' Cart, nil nearly new, for ?aie el leap, To be neon at M CL'KLKY'S, No. 1U0 East 13th at., near 1th ay. OPECIALTV IN Six-en gat ituckau'fty a and Coupe Rockaways of the tlnest uuulity anil a. s flasdrau. 37"J and 374 Broome at. told stand of llruwsler A C<0 QPLEXDlD COUPE lloUSK TO EXCHANGE FOR H a "tyliiih Victoria, Piano :r Diamond*. Inquire of KKANK, coachman. -n St. M irk ? place STAELB TO LBT.~NO. I2?1Fk5t~?5tF~HT~MAH live ?nil*; lar e carriage room; excellent Mocomoua tions for coachman's lamiiy. Apply at No. 1IO Fulton ?t. r'llUMS JOHNSON, Al t'l lOSKKK. X Old stand 37 Nassau >t. On rrtlDAY iiml saturday. continuation ol Sheriff's ?aie ol carriages. WAOoNS. PHaETONS AND UNFIX ishM Stock. By order W. C. CONNER. Full particulars to morrow. w INDsOK W AOONS, by BREWSTER. Of 25TII RT.. possess in a superior ile;rree the ea-rntUi qualities of a atandard Wagon, ?*xcel11 nk In conatructlou aud ifenoral tiuith, aud lor steadiness and tan ol moiiou, III" brat Wagon made. IV' ANTED?A IIKKWSTKK LIOHT TOE ROAD IT W agon, one little ii??*d: will givo in exchange a Dt*> moii: itinv unleash. Address M. (J., box 113 ller.ild Up town lira ill ? oltit'c. 1 It LAO k IIoksE ; WILL 8IIOW 2:42 t'XDKB J. waich; price $.'?->?>. Apply to Dr. COOK, White Plains, or at I Hi Weal AOtll at. A(ui ?si'LEW DID BAY IIOKSE, 7 YEARS, 13 ?7>t/v*. hands; sound, gentle lor lady. No. Lilt! Weal 31 at at. 0 i ?) s wiu, bU y s i mebak toe w aoox, b ew %VL???' litel fall; u good Waton. for less thau half value. OAKKI0OVS atnlde,SIS and 3'.11 Weat 4Hth at. CEVMCVMUi EXHIBII'N. ~ BLISS a WlLLiAM MANUFACTURERSOf Presses. Die* ami special Machinery, 1<17 to 173 Plym outh at., llrooklyu. rnilE ONLY AUTHORIZED AMERICAN REST A!/? 1 rant on the Centeuuial tirounds isiu lrnnt ol Agricul tural Mall. c M.1 ilUl i'lt'iV. VJLL Mill A C()LI.'Eti i:. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. i xamlnallotis fur admifeloti will commence on Wednes day. June -'1. at HJj o'clock A. M 4ppncant> are requeal. d to preavnt theiiiaeivea punctually at I lie lime naatea. the Hiiiiiial lonuueuceinniit exerclmi will l>? iiei>t at tbe Acwle my ol Muiie on Wednesday, Jne !iH. at lit'! o'clock A. M. r. A. I* IIA UN A RD. l,Li)., 1'rvaldunt COLUMBIA CoLLl'.i>Ei J SCHOOL Of MIXES. Examlnatlona lor adnilaaion will be held on Friday, June 23. at '.?S o'eloc* a. M. Appllcauta are requeated topreaent thrtuaeltea punctually. The ayatetu ?|T inatrnctioii Includea Ave parallel rouraea f study?^vi*.. tivil enniui orlni!. uilning engineertn*, uietal I'i'O', Keologv and natural loator.. auaiytlcal and applied chemistry. F. A. I'. RaKNARO. I.L.D., Freaidelit TITANTED.-A" PROFESSOR OK ancient LA N II ^uagea and natural acicMt (tenor >lnyrer preferred! : also prohiaaor of modern Mjklfluages (Froteaiant) ; a la?ly teacher ol piano and orsran .a.doi .c); lady lesclier n[ vocai li ation laoluiait ; lady ti-acher of drawing andjiain t>ng coii liaUo xlugerj AdslreM, l.nmedlately, I,7u7 Cheatnut at., I'liiiadi l|.uU. It* H>'?S A V O NIIOK*. SI-oRfSMkN AND Tol'RISTH' IMI'OKTED F.NuLIsH Slioeo, anitaiile fnr tup country Mid mouatala travel CAN riiai.L. iiW and >41 4th av. SALE* AT AUCTItr*. -private librae!? ~~~~ A. Sow od exhibition at (lie Clinton Hull Salerooms, a PRIVATE LIBRARY, comprising ?u unusually choice col. lection of Illustrated anil Standard Workf, to be (old ou Wednesday ?J>d Thursday evenings, June 14 and 15, coin - uiencing at o'clock. The Mcmi. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. A ST.?LAKHE HALE CllOli'i. OIL PAINTINGS, ELF." i'L gantly trained, to nay advi.uces. this day, at 2 o'clock, 51.1 Broadway (St. Nicholas Hotel) ; extraordinary chauoo lor hotel keepers, housekeeper* mi J others. h. MAYEKS, Auctioneer. A. ?GEOROE W KEELER, auctioneer, 53 Liborty St., corner Nassau, TO-DAY and TO-MoRROW. at 12 o'clock. Peremptory salu of French Chins Dinner and Tea Sets, Cut Ula?wara, Cutlery, elegant Bohemian Vases, Cologne Set*. I'sintiuix on porcelain, rich Paris Goods, Parian Sta tuary, French Cloca?, Bron/.is, Travelling Hags, Meld and Opera Glasses, Swiss Carved Goods, Hlver-platcd Ware, Ac., Ac. ARTT^TiilH DAY, AT llTO'CLOCK.AT Til K MATHEWS GALLERY. 57 LIBERTY ST.. BUPERB CARRARA MARBLE STATUARY, Clastic Vases. Pedestals, Alabaster Groups aud Statuettes; also an elegant .Motuuiueuial Statue, Fine Bronzes. Ac. Tho sale will he aiisoluie and the rloelug one of the season, DANIEL A. MATHEWS, Auctioneer. 57 Liberty st. 4 UCTION SALE Of M AON1 FlCENT IIOUSEIIoLD~ A Furniture, property ol E. Gay. Esq., to be held Til IS tWednesdry) MORNlxO, commencinir at 10 o'clock, at the elegant live story brnwu stune niunsion, No. 1-0 West <94 st., near l>tU a v. Two elegant rosewood Pianofortes, one a Steluway A Son, and Windsor upriuht. cost $"iJO and $l,iXJU; magnificent rosewood Etageres, lace Curtains. Mirrors, latest style inlaid Parlor Suits, covered iu satin, brocatel and reps; Inlaid centre aud console Tables. Cabinets. ,1 arillnierex. Hronses, Oil Paintings, Ac.; Chamber Suits, in black ? aluut; Dress ing Cases, Bedsteads, spriug aud hair Matlres? es. Carpets, Ac.: Bookcase, SOD volumes choice Hooks, Ladles' Secrets rlcs. Library Tables, Turklsn Suits, dining room lluiftt, Ex tendon Table; wild walnut Chairs, in leather; China Din ner and Tea Seta. Lounges, Hat Stand. Also basement aud vervains'Furniture. LUKE FITZGERALD. Auctioneer. N. B.?Goods packed aud shipped, city or country. ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. ? Old staud 37 Nassau st. THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY), at lot,"o clock. LARGE KALE OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 300 Chairs of every description, 6 i'arlor and Hedrouni Suite, Carpets. Refrigerators, Mirrors. 'Ulcloths; laiRe assortment of llueu Shirts. On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock, CONTINUATION OF THE Slll-RIFF'S SALE OF CAR RIAGES, WAGONS. phaetons, UNFINISHED STOCK, AC. R. Donas. Deputy. W. C. CONNER, Sheriff. Aw ? ~ New on exhibition at the Sch?nck Art Gallery, No. *X) Liberty st., a very choice collection of American and foreigu Oil Paintlui:*. thirty-four of which were exhibited at tho late exhibition of the National Academy of Design, and tho other paintings direct Irom tho artists; also some very line toreigu pictures never before exhibited. To he sold at auction ou THURSDAY anu FRIDAY. june 15 aud 1?. at 12 o'clock oacb day. EDWaUD sell ENCK, Auctioneer. -WmFIoIinson,"auctioneer, OLD STAND, s 37 Nassau at. THE sale OF THE CONFECTIONERY establish ment OF messrs. PALMER A CO.. <W AND IW DUaNE ST., comprising all the Stock. Machinery, Tools. Ac-, WILL TAKE PLACE TO-morrow. TilI'RaDAY. .Inue 15, at 10>? o'clock, on tho premises. DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.?E. A. LAWRENCE. AUC tioneer, will sell at auction, st 122 nv D, June 15, at 1 o'clock, all the Stock In trade. Tools and Implements, Wsp oils, Harness, Trucks, Boats, Ac., of the late Lewis Ray mond. boat builder; terms cash. By order of Maria Ray mond, Administratrix. UCTION~ SALh OF ELKOaNT HOUSEHOLD Furniture. 8 Parlor Suits, 5 Bedroom Snits. 2 Pianofortes. Brontes, Oil Painting*. Ac, Tills (Wednesday) morning. commencing at i<)>j o'clock, at lour storv residenca 21 East 20th st.. near Broadway, cen stailux of Parlor Suits In satin, cotelino, reps and hair cloth; rosewood Pianoforte. Oil Paintings, Mirrors, Etagnrea, Bonk Cases. Desks, inarhle and vllt Tables, Keilrooni Stilts, with Dressing Cases. Bureaus; Washstanda. sprint aud hair Mat tresses. Buffet, extension Table. Crockery, Cutler/. Ac. N. B. ? House to lot; goods boxed or removed city or country. HENRY ZIN.N, Auctioneer. UCl'lOk SALE RICH HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE THIS (Wednesday* MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at flvo storv Brown "tone mansion, NO. 4i WEST ItlTII ST.. BETWEEN 5TH AND 6TH AVS. Chlr.kerlng 7)^ octave Pianoforte, Bteinway four rouud 7'A octave Pianoforte, Paintings, Works of Art. PARLOR SUITS, richly curyed iti "damask satin" and "silk brocadeTurkish and Spanish Lounges. Easy Chairs. Inlaid aud marble top Centre and Console Tables, t'kbinets. Eta/eres. plate Mirrors, bronto (Mocks, Fiinires, Statuary; BEDROOM SETS, consisting elaborate Bed-tea ls, Pressing Cases, Washstands. Chitfoniers, flue lialr and rpriuu' Mat tresses, Pillows, Blankets : also stnule and double Bedsteads, Bureaus, rep. plush and haircloth Suits. DINING FURNITURE.?Extension Tables. Sideboard. Chairs in leather. Silverware. Crockery. Library and Secre taire. Bookcases. Library Tables, Turkish Suit, Desk, two Hail Stands, velvet. Brussels and ingrain Carpets; Kitchen Furniture. Ac. N. H.?Sale positive. Take Sixth avenue or University Place cars. Men to remove, pack or ship goods. ROBERT 0. CASH IN, Auctioneer. A" ZpKRKMPTORY AUCTION. TUESDAY "NEXT. EX ? chanje salesroom, of 382 West 57tb (100 feet) si., be tween Stli and 9tb avs.: splendidly built, located and irescoed; medium siae residence, with ?legaut mirrors, cornices, gas flxtnres. Ac.: convenient to Broadway entrance to Central park and rapid transit depot. Maps of Auctioneer, V. K. STEVENSON, Jr.. 4J'ino and 33 East 17th st. BY VIRTUE OP A OKATTHL M<>RTGage, EXE cnted by Oeorire Dlereks to Jolm Seliweltte, dated the 7th dav of April, 1S7.>, and tiled in the office of tha Keyister of the cltv ami couutv of New York on the Sth day of April, I87."i. and rellled April 7, 1K7K, and upon which default has lieeu made. I will expose lor sale at public auction, ou Thursday, the l.'>th dav of June. |S7>>. at 11 o'clock in thn forenoon, at No. :?l'l 10th av . In the said city of New York, the property martgaced. consisting of all Fixtures. Furni ture anu all Uteusils in the iquor, ovster and dlnini: saloon und cellar of premises No. 8H3 l'?tn av , New York city. JOHN SCHWELTZE, Moitgaicee. Nxw Yobk, June 12, 1S7H. DANIEL DRISCOLL, AUCTIONEER, will sell this itHjr. at 2 o'clock, the Slock of Dry Oooils. ladies' ; mid Gentlemen'* Furnishing Uoods. Ac., in (tore 25H Urund >1., Williamsburg. IjIDWAKI) SCHBNCK. AUCTIOVBBR. 'j Elegant llorse* end Carriage*, at the private (table No I J)! Wnl Mill at. Sen head of "Horse* and Carriage*." 1J11) 7\ A K D i'ETTlNtIKR. AUI1 TloNBffH~ SELLS, 'j this day (Wednesday) 10'^ o'clock, content* Smith'* Hotel, 5* Chatham ?t.. larce lot Furniture. con*i*ting Bed. ?t?ad*. Chair*. Washstanda, Mirrors, Settees, Imir and other .Mattre*?es. Iled^iuic ?*? every description. Carpet*. Oil cloths. Stov**, Office Furniture. Clock*. Pieturo*. Crockery, (ilansware, everything appertaining to hotel; *ale per I emptory. F' "COLTOK. At'CTIONBKK. ? Executors' <ale ol rich Household Furniture | b\ order ol the Executors ol J. L. Aiiier. deceased, I TIIIx DAY (Wednesday),June 14. at II o'clock,' at the privata rasldeuce. So. !? I.oti(1on TtrrM 41*.1 Weal I 2Jd ?t.), rich Parlor. Bedroom and Dining Boom Furniture. elegant real Bronte*. French Clock*, line Oil Paintlnirs. ; Wetier rosewood 7)$ octave Piano, almost now. co?t fl.i**ii ' Cirptlt, MattreAe*. China dinner and Tea Seta, fine cut | (ilntaware, Platedware, Cutlery. kitrhen Furniture. Ac. Also a large quantity oi llr*t elm* Bedding. Sheet*, Hlank eta. Spread*, down Comforter*, Ac. On FRIDAY, June |t>. at 11 o'clock. at the salesroom 53 i-a*t lMth *t.. a lar re and reneral as sortment of Furniture, Carpets, Mirrors. Piano*. Ac. CIROBOB HOLBROOK, AUCTIONEER?HOLBROOK X A KOfcLlNH sell tills day, at 'J o'clock, at 46i. 4.'>4 and 4"i6 at., goods Irom ttorage: rosewood Piano (Fisher maker). Parlor and Chamber Suit*, mantel and pier Mirrors Secret try Bedstead, H>okca?o?. Etagere*. Ward robes, extension Tables, Carpets, Oilcloth*. Mattresses, Bed*. Bedding. Crockery, glas* snd plated \\ are. Counter*, tin Caddie*, Showcases, Desks, Tables, Sewing Machine, Kitchen Utensils, Ac. B. IIKKTS A SONS, AI' OTION EBBS. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD KUBNITURE, PIANO, MIRRORS, CARPETS. CHINA, GLA88 WARE, ON WEDNESDAY. JUNE 14, AT 10,'f O'CLOCK, AT NO. ?-? EAST OIST ST., comprblug moqnet. velvet and Brussels Carpet*, rich French plate Mantel and I'ier Mirrors, Parlor Suit in satin, rose wood four round corner 7^ octave Pianoforte, Clock*, Hroutes. Easels, Parlor Tables, Lounges, ha*. Chair*, e'.e dant French I'liina nnd richly decorated Dinner, De*-ntt and Tea Seryices, rich cut and engraved lilasswam, together Willi a large assortment of Kitchen I tonsil*. making In ell a strictly first class rale. Catalogue* now ready. ENBY D. MINI'.it. AUCTIONEER. 'late llenrv H, M*di A Miner), office and salearnom h|."i Broadway. THURSDAY. JUNE l.V at 11 o'clock, at the couutry residence ol Dr. E. P. Huyler, AT HASTINGS, OS THE HUDSON'. Handsome Household Furniture, made to order by Pottler A Htyiim*: Wilton anil Brussels Carpets, ro?ewiH#d ?cnil i-rand Piano, original modern till i'aiotlnu-s I'iieian Itilliard Table, rich marble >u>l bronti) Clycks ami ornaments, Ac.; al?o t wo ncariv new light Phaeton*, one with rumble; IVJ pound top Trotting Vuon, built by Brewster; double Mar be**. Stable Fixture*. Ac.; also a large variety of buthuuse and hardy plant*. Train leaves 4Jd *t. depot at 11:10 tnd HOt'i at. (North River) at :!*? >- Catalogues .it ollire of Anctloneer. JP. TRAVBR. AUCTIONEER, WILL NELL THIS a day, at o'clock, at StV Mott *t., Counter*, I'-ar Fix ture*. Oianswsr . 1 allies. Chain, Furniture of family. Ac. JIV Til A V Kit. AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL THIS ? day, at 10,'J o'clock, at salesroom *>li ilreat JnMs it, I'arlor, ' bamiier, Dining Room and Kitchen tunitura: al?o labile*' and gentlemen'* Fancy tioods, Weailut: Ap parel. Watches. Jewelry, Ac. (lencrel sales every Wrdnes day and Saturday J KW1S K. WOO!). Al'CTION 1-KK, ~ office and (nlosrnoni ";j Monlgomory st. Special notice to Invrftors. Imilder* and eanitallsi*. Peretaotofy ?sl? in partition ol' t> I Clio Ice Building i...t-, on Mont^Mtery nn?l York st*., THUKMI AY, J one 18, 1M7U at a o'clock I'. .M .on tin premises. Tnke MontHwlnary ?t. rsr? at Coltlandt and Desbroase* Itrept ferrle*. which pas* the property eyery Itl minutes, t inly IA minutes lr<?m City nail. New N ork. For iu?|i* and full particular* of I lis above apply to LKWIS E. WOOD, Auctioneer, No, n.1 Montgomery st, MOKTOAIsK SALE -J Sl.hllAf iKK. Ai cfloNhKM will sell this day, at 1">? ? clock, at No. Hi the content* of a hrst claas Bakery, consisting ol .? eft ases, taarble top Counters. Peeis. frougns, Ac.. Ac DAYID ULLMAN. Attorney for M. rtx (ee. H H.XL.K* AT Al'CTIOS. _ VJORBIS WlI.KlXti. AUCTIONRK1L?~?~ " Peremptory sale of Jauncay court, Wall ?., by order of the Supreme Court. E, 11. LUDLOW A CO. will tall at auotloa oa Wadna* day. Juno 14. 1?76, at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salaa room. Na 111 Broadway, by order of James P. Ledwlth, Esq.. the valuab e Building* Noa. 37. 30. 41 and *J Wall *fc, known as Jauncey C4jurt, being III leat front, NO leal rear~by an average depth of I IS feet. . .W_ Sold subject to a mortgage of 1100,000 to the United Slate* Trust Company. . . ? . . , ,, >r.. Snlpman, Barlow, Larocqoe and Muclarland, At Mm loruc.vs MOUTOAj!*KKMACHBB APCTIO.MBBR. wilt sell on Thursday, June 15. 1H70, at 12 o clock ????' *' Nog. 410. 441. 44-. 4*3. 444 Wont at. and *n the loi adjlBsi Inir on Ban* *t.. one Steam Engine and abafjinf, hlejatora. Boilers. Kettles. I'sni, Hapollo Pr*??*a. 8mpolio Moulds. Steam I'utnpt, OrystallUers. Itecolvers^^P r Ac.. Ac. By order ol JOKL 0. STlfcVKNS, Attornoj lor Mortgagee. . N'OTIci; TO LIUUOH DBALBRH.?TUB BARS. lie., on the excursion for the benefit of the schoole at tached to HI. Anthony's H. C. church, will he sole it auction, on Thursday evening, at the hall No. HO Macdougal citrht o'clock; all bids subject to approval bv the Kxecoovg Committee. H. H. NAsH. t/hairmao. PAWNBROKER'S SAl.fc.-B. rlELD, kJENERAl Auctioneer (salesroom No. *9 Bowery), will sell Uin tlar, at 11 o'clock. HOO lots Men's and Women's Lloiujnc Dresses. Shawls. Kemuants, Underelotbintf, guilts. Blan ket t?. Beddluy. Boots. Shoes. Ac. ; also Coats, 1 nntalooni und Vests. By order of liu^h .VlcAloeuau. 2d av. PAWNBROKERS' SALE WATCIIKS AND JKWELRY.? JAMES Aii Alt. Auctioneer, will sell this day. at.M New Bowery, at 1U o'clock, UUU lota Mold and Silver WatcBea liold and Diamond Jewelry, Opera Classes. Onus. Pistols. Silverware, Musical and Mathematical Instrument*. Silk Umbrella*. ?lx Sew I on Machine*. Ac. By order or Patrick Slurr, ltH3 :id ?>.. and M. Naltenhcluier, J.l1" :*d av. OHE RIFF'S SALE OP CLOTHINO.?GERARD liETTR Slier!IT* Auctioneer, will sell tlii? day. Wednesday. .Iun? 14 at 11 o'clock, at 11W Church it . * .|uantity or readj maao Clothing, consisting of CoaM. ^r?aNNBR." Jixri Vat. Deputy. LMIERII'F'S SALE.? STOCK AND FIXTURES OP A 0 Llnnor Store. -OKRARD UKTTS. SlmrirT. Ain-. will .11 till" d*y. Weunesdav. June 14 at >? , ?> clo k. a, 1 -j:t lleekiuan st., stock and llxturcs of a Liquor and La? ci Beer Saloon; al-o all the ritfM. title and Iniere.t of Uenry \V. Buckmaun. iu and to tlio lease ol the buildiuu at the above number. WILLIAM C. CONNER. Sheriff. Makk LA*inAH, Deputy. AVTM."Smount, AL'orio.NEi'.:i, lOOAXDMMAW ?tcornor West Broadway.-Prlvate atock of valuable and choice old Wine*. Braudica, Ac., from the cellar of the lata E. A. Crowainahield, Boatou. On Friday. June 16, at 11 o'clock, at utlcaroomi, the private atock rroui the abova otate, comprising very choice old Uodanl, Leicer and Otard Hraiidiot. Oordon and Duartu Shvrrles, Bourbon and Ry? Whlakey, One crafted old Port, a lew lot, exceedingly choice Madeira. Including private raaenr*. Tborndtka. Ecllpae and Montelru. the loll. ruuuKuudoubU-dl> the private ?tock over olTurodfor public competltlou. Cataloguei ready VVednei.d?y. U/IuJaM ~AB BUTT. AUCTION E KB, VV oBiee No. 3 Chamber. ?J will soli on this day. at 10 o'clock, at I 44'- .Id av.. near s-'d ?t a lar^e n??ortinent of Parlor and Chamber Kurnlture. the balance ol Him stock ol a roanufacturar. Solid carved walnut Bedntaad. and Dresaiug, tholfonlera rcaua: eleitant I'arlor ?uit>. in rcn?. plush and .Ilk, walnut Wardrobes. Loan^cs. ("hairs, Tallies, .V>-. Catalogue^ ?v MtUa DRY wi?l)?. &TCks. A. T. STEWART Jfc ?^0. will, through the week, make a (fraud display ol SILKS to close the season's Importations comprising^the Boo*1 fabrics of the looms from all the celebrated Kuropeau uatiu facturers. m UI Af;K kaNcT and COLORS. in all the new and desirable shades, aud which will be offertd at (jreatly REDUCED PRICES. offering Inducemauts to purchasers .eldotn preaanted. AMUR CAN SILKS. black and fancy colors, of their owu mahiifacture. which art now so inucli attriMjting t?e attontlon or the Urst ?!**?? trade, will bo opoued In Ireih assortinents, Broadway, 4th av.. 9th and l(Hh "t?. mLUltBKT ASH ORKSIIJUKIM.. i T MARIE TIlAfANN'AV ftP PAIlW. IMI'ORTI'.R A Openlimorthe hnesl. larijest assortment or Parisian Sumincr Millinery ever brought to this market. 4_.l dtli av., near U6th st. (lata Mlchel'W. iVwKHKMAKtllS AND LADIES WANTED?TO OET 'their Si.ic and double box Plaltiugd'rum 11 to ^'Inches) done, with all new improvements, while yon wall. J4_l<raud si.. 2,070 3d av. . TVilKSSMAKKRS AND LADIKS W vNTED?TO i.ET I ) their side and double box Plaiting (Irom 1 to .Hi inches) tloue. with all the new Improvements, while you wall. .4.1 tllh av., between l&th and lUlli su. T ADIES OF TASTE WlsHINU STYLISH IMPORTED 1j Bonnet, or round Hats at greatly r'du^ad priw- will Und it to their adratita^e to call at Mine. CAMILLK litt LACY'S. HHJVg Broadway. Pear 19HI ?i. Ladies can have their duessks cut and iltteil perfectly, or no pay. alio suits made In llio late.l style at reasouable prices; at 4fl0 4ii? av., belwaen .llsi and 3-Jd sts. OIDK PLAITING.?SIDE, SPACE AND DOrBLli BOX 0 plaiting, from 1 to jr. inches wide, by machine. 8. JO J-KPII..1S l-orsyth si.. New York, and 'Ml hulton St., neat Pineapple. Brooklyn. , . HOST OFFICE .VO-l'ICB. f)oWOFFlt'E NOTICK? rllE FuREtOS_ MA11.S FOR L the week ending Saturdav, J line 17. I"<H. will iloso .it Ibis ollice on Tuesday, at 7 A. M.. lor Europe per .teamahip Nevada via Queenstewn: on Wedne.sday. at 7 A. M.. lor Europe, per steamship Scytlua. ?la yueenstown; on Hio.s day at 11:30 A. M., I'or Europe, per staaiushlp Ponuner aula, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and lUm urg; ou Saturdav, at lo A. M.. lor Kurope, per steamship City ol Hjchmaud, VI. Queeustown, and al 10 A. M., for ? "J"0' '"I steamship Perelra. via Havre, and at 10 A. M.. for Scotlai d direct iiuusl be specially add retted) per I' ^ ?i.nriu via (ilasirow. auu at 11 .HO A. M..lor r.urope.pei ?luamshlp Weser, via Southampton and Bremen. TM mails Tor llie West Indies, via llavaua, will aave New )ork June The malls rot China. Ac , will leave San * ran Cisco J uly 1.1S70. The direct malls for Braill. Ac., will leata New ^ ork June iiO. The mails for Australia. Ac . will leave Sa*Francisco Juna Ul. T. U JAMES. Po.,m..ler _ HOtJSKS. HOOMB, Sta WAWTBO. , v |S~iuie Cltv 'inu arooltlv*. T>BRSON NUiHTLY ENOAOED WILL TEACll T11LK I graphv "t pupil's ra.ideiice r.w use or rnrnishad Roynt. I Addrex. I hLKORA.M, box 1^4 Herald i ptown branch ollice. ! Itrv.M'KD-THREI-. FURNisilKD ROOMS* fUM ; \V b..u.ekeep,ng;? $18 per month; Ninth wart | preferred. Addresa IIA RTI.h\. Ilarald ofllee. Wanted?thhbb nice r<>??ms um-ikmsuko ii.,I ab..v.. J'id .t. Address \ AN. Herald ollice ? , WEST .-'III XT.'. BETWEEN .VIII AND .rill JL jT av* ? A respectable woman wUbcs to take chargoori house lor tne Miiumer; good rererence. I K;vsT 4,Til ST. ? A respectable WOMAN 1?> I wants a house to take charge of during the absence of a family this summer; five years" reference from her la.l | place, where she can be seen. In the t'oiintrr. _ _ s YOUNO OENTLEMAN WILL TAKE CIIARC.E or A an unoccupied Residence during summer iu return lot 1 use of Room. Address box I.Xi.'i Po.1 olHoe. WANTBDTO RENT Voir TH KEF. MONTHS BY A .mall private lamlly O.o children)-A nlcelv ^ 1 nished House, with one or more acres of ground and ?0o4 ?,i,le ,,n line ol llud-ou River Railroad, not rurtbar distant tha? Tarrywwi. Address, stating lerms and giving lull dc-. npnoo. RAILROAD. Herald I plowu Branch oOlce ^ j FIJJlJVITintK. "Xt?rrioN koomCw BauT Y3fIf.?fCk.vlrCkfi, 2\ Carpel*. Mirror*. I'lanix. Arniolrca, I'nrlur Suit*, 11*U room Mel*. Ac., h( private Hale. at auction price*. A?T"PKIVATK WALL IN L"TS TO rtlMT 1*1 ltril\S~ er?. ? I'riuite f'jrnlly will tell Parlor. Library, Chamber and Dining Room Furniture: I'arlor Suit, in aatlu. 9I7&; rap Suit, 9iOl Turkiih Milt. $75; Ulianilwr Suit i-omnlcte, vrtth llrcnlni; Ciw'.tUO; l!?rp?U, liod*tead*, Uuflel, Chair*. Kxtenilon Table*. rail and examine. Private realdenc* 47 We.t Hkklk. Mtr6th ?v V It ?Steinway I'tano. fr-!75. Ankw and bkautikul lot ok body hkIjm. aela and Wilton Carpeta will be gold at aucllon. at ?li? country reaideore ?l Dr. Ill Vl. tll. at lla?tlnir*, on tlx littdaon. ID mile? from city and Hire* minutea from depot, on ThurMl.iy, .Imin ITi. Tiaiu learn 4'Jd ?t. at U:IO au< :nnli ?i and H'tli a*, at 10:.*). A larga lot of valuable a* k. Up.I Furniture. ml Painting*. At BKDSTKADS, HUKKAUS, W ami stands. HIIKS81.SU Cawi. Kiiflet*. I able*. Mattretnet, 1'arlor Suit*. Ian reducing injr larm- aloek. new and iiecund hand, away dowl luri*Hall a! dull time prieo; one flano. KILLBKN, il Kad X->| Ii at. full. 1>1 KWITUKK 1'iliVATK male" AUCTION PRICK*. - I Lar*a na.orlnient rich and common; owner* want money: packed cheap. M. B. KAVOK, Auction IIuum 1.1 Kaat 1 tth at. C> ROROK A. CLARKB. 747 BROADWAY, CUNTINUKI r Ilia great clearing out aale of hue Kiirnltnre. Carpet* Jlirrora. *r , at a reduction of In to uO per cent from loruiei price*, ati'l oil lila popular ayatem of payment ; houaea autf apartiiienta furuiaued to order. (tood SKCOND HAND and MISFIT KMuUXII, T Hrna*el?, tlnoe ply and lifgraln Carpet*; Oilcloth*. Ac., very rln-nn. at tne old place 11J Knit mi at. fGR AND KOOD WA#TK l.K>S IX THR ZKIIQ 1 llefrigerator than any other; lick room Cooler*; l<? lrig?ratora repaired. LKrtLRY, !1W Weet 2Hd at.; aend for book. WA'ICHKn. JKUiKUV, ?vc. Vf 77 m.KKi.Ki-1; ?T.. nkak iikoa^waT-iiuKSY I <?dvititc*?! on I>i*if??ondw, .1 ?Wtflry, Ac.; *1*4 Pawnbroker*' 'itckctt bought of DiainotiiU, Watches, Ac. ) 77 Hie<*ck?rr nt \Mhi;lCAN 0KKirK-i7.,.<??)-I)lAie0NU.S. VTAIVIU ?*??. .I??**lry, Mlverwmrc, V|luit?leii, lc, bought, ?old | nii?i ?affected. Kutubiiftucil .> II HAUiiiNOKlt, U<ml*r. 7.C. l?rondwnv. % T ? v\ KV COKNKK HI! N I; V AiU I A v ?nc?*d on DUnititida. Wniclm. Jewviry. I'linw. Ac.; I_ rick 14 hotijfbl of ttfeV N 9&I Motirjr, V|OXhV <?s liiAVtoMH fiJHfi, So DIAMONDS, m W<Wrhi?t?, .fowclry. SMv<*rw*rr. oamwIV buir Hucqtif*, Silk. Ac,, bony tit nmf sold back at Hftlf ] mlvmirc <?h(), i?. Al*Li.N, ilttwfliitir, I ItM Hri?a?lwijf, i iifir J1. *ih f i ? ; - i n ,r N ruilAifh. A! ?" f~f(f uYf Jrfu ft ?N'' H MIDk/tilh a it KHoCsk, 14) lludaou at., lor Kuruiture. hano<, I runk*. Ac., in I *r*te rooiua IMlAHI.Kft II. HOIIUK. Propitetor. I VAUU HTOKAtJh WAKI.riOl HK8-I'NMUHfAlWIiD 1 J J f?r aafe kenplnic of iroiMt* of erory kind; hMr ratM. 108 I to 1(17 kVett iMd it., one do>ir wcat of Mt av.