Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,542. NEW YORK. THURSDAY, JUNE k 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRKCTOliY FPU ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMKNT8?So Pace?5th and 6th coil. ASTROLOGY? I2tu 1'aue?6th col. BILLIARDS?IItu Pagl?6thcol. HOAKDERS WANTED?2n Pag* -2d and 3d col* BOAKD AND LODGING WANTED?2p PACE-3deol. BROOKLYN BBAL ESTATE FOB SALE-2D Pag?? 111 col. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES?Oth Pace. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tu PAur-?th col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pau*-24 col CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2d Pack?lot aoL CLERKS AMD SALESMEN?12th PACE-Sth col. CLOTHING?12th Pace?6th col. COACHMEN AND GARDKNERS-12TH PAGE-5tb col. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?1?* PACE-5th aud bth cola. COPARTNERSHIPS?9th Pace. COUNTRY BOARD?2d Pagk-41U eoL DENTIS'lRY? 12th PAOK-flth col. DRY GOODS?1st Pace?3i col. . w_ DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. KURNTSHBD AND UNFURNISHED?2p Pack?1st and 2d coll. EUBOPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Pag??4th and 5th cols. EUROPE? llm Pagi?6th col. Excursions?ut PAca-oth ooL FINANCIAL?!Hh Pack. FOR SALE?2d Pago?6th a* T FURNIbHED BOOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pau*-2d col. fUBNITUBE?12th Pao??Btheol. ?BLP WANTED?FEMALES-12m PACE-4th and 4th HELP?W ANTED?MA LB8?12th Pace?6th and Oth cola. UOBSBS. CARRIAGES. AC.?1st Pauk?3d and 4th eolo. HOTELS?2d Pace?3d col. ... . HORSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?12th Page?6th ool. INSTRUCTlON-llm Page?6th col. LOST AND FOUND?1st Pace?lot coL MACHINERY-3D PA?H-6th col. SAKBLE MANTKLS?12th PAC?-flth caA EDICAL? 12th Pace?6th col. _ MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?2d Pack?6th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?10th Pace?6th coL MISCELLANEOUS?1 1th Pacb?6th col. MUSICAL?11m Page?6tti col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th PAO?-6th col. PERSONAL?1st Pace?lot ool. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.?11m Pace-?lh cot POST OFFICE NOTICE-Hth PAUE-Cth coL PROPOSAI^S?1 1th Pack?6th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12tji Pack?lib col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOB SALE OB TO BBNT?2d Pack?I at col. BBAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?2d PACE-lot coL RKAL ESTATE WANTED-2d Pace?lot col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pace?lot col. REWARDH-Ist Pace?lot col. BALKS AT AUCTION?llTH PA0B-6?h and 6th eels. SITUATION'S WANTED? FEMALES?12th Pace?1st, 2d, 3d and 4th cola. Situations wanted-males?12m pace-sui col PECIAL NOTICES-Ist Page?lot and 2d cola. ?PORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.?1st Pace?3d coL BTORAGE?12th PAGE?6th col. BUMMER RESORTS?2d Pace?4th col. |HE TRADES?12th PAOK-6th col. THE TURF-Ist PACE-3d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURP0SRS-2n Pace?1st eol. rRAYELLERS' GUIDK-Ist Pagb?6th col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2d Pace?*d col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC?12th PAC*-6th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR BALE OB TO LET?2d Pace?lot col. YACHT8, STEAMBOATS, AC.-lOra PAax-?tb col. E. PEBfUNAL. "T NNIFrOBAY-CAN TTfflK tOU lN W ST.. AT A- 1 o'clock, to-day; You will recollect. I met you about jbur weeks ago at the nam*! place. If you cannot please mower R. JOHNSON. Herald office. Broadway and bboomb st. f. h. k l. 4, d a M. are well. Benjamin killam?is youb fishing rod a good article ? J. R. KINNEY. Mat 29. BRIDGES?SEND YOUR ADDRESS TO H., BOX 204 Herald office. Freddy c , who left his home tubs. day morning, la earnestly requested to communicate with O. HUGHES. No. 2 Front ot . New York. p RAND STREET FERRY.?WILL HANDSOME LADY (JT dressed In black and who stood on front part of boot with a young into". Tuesday evening, about 7 o'clock, kindly permit an honorable acquaintance with gentleman who noticed her ? Address A. F. LEFORT, Herald office. 1* N FORM ATI Of WANTED?OF M ATTHEW~bo RM AN, who emigrated from Langham. Rutlandshire. Englnnd, In March. 1?.">2; lie lived for some time in Erie county. Now York ; it io thought he moved westward. He will hear news to his advantage if his address is sont to RICHARD BHARPE. Wilkesbsrre, Pa. IDOL.?VL B. C.. WHO ARE Yo'u, JOHN-SON? IP oo. call at once ou ' Support Displeased," same place as last summer. FOREVER. LE. NORMAN.?BUSINESS REQUIRES THAT YOU ? return tu San Francisco Immediately. B. ARY W.-WRITE TO MS WHETHER TO-DAY AT 245 will do. TIP?COMB HOME; MOTHER IS SICK; TKLEGRAPH address; sll is forgiven : nobody knows. M U TICA? YOUR OLD ADDRESS IS LOST. TXTILL H. D. MARIE PETERSEN, WHO WAS IN CO T T penhagen winter ol 1874-5, please send her present address to the friend who assisted her 1 E8T STREET~CAR. WEDNESDAY P. M. (BOX strapped).? Lady noticed light coinplexioned gentle man, who left car at Liberty st.; would like acquaintance. If agreeable. Address DIAMOND, llerald office. 1 8.?HAVE LOST YOUR ADDRESS. ADDRESS ? BERDIE J.. Herald Uptown Branch office. E. 126 a_!>20?I ASK. FOR THE LAST TIME. IF YOU wish to coma? Do so before it is too la te. DEE, 5th av. aud 12th rt. RELIGIOUS XoflCES; mai"cr6spEL'TENT. A 34th st.. West, and near 6Ui ar. (green cars of Thirty-fourth street line pass the tent.) THURSDAY, 8 P. it?Preaching by Rev. R. R. Booth, FRIDAY, S P. M.?Preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. SATURDAY, 8 P. M.?Meeting of Chrlatlan workers to be led by Uncle John Vasaar. Singing every evening by Thomas E. Perkins and a chorus. Seats tree to all. Helpers wanted as ushers, workers and singers. Address *. P. WILLIAMS, No. 46 East 43d st. Contributions for the support of these services may be sent to EDWARD L. DWEN. Treasurer. No, 46 East 43d at., or No. 71 Wall st. Ha WT AM? rui NL. I- 08*-A LITTLE MONKEY. A LIBERAL EEWAED J will he paid if returned to 147 East 21st st. T OST.?PROMISSORY-NOTE NO. 2127MADE AND IN 1J doroed by I. Sch? enhof A Co. for S2.500, payable on Iuly24atthe Ninth National Hank ot this city, has been loot; the purchase of said note is warned against. 1'7~OST?BRACELET, GOLD, LMITAtToiTsHELLB. ON J Tuesday evening, between Booth's and Hotel Bruns wick or In Sixth or Seventh avenuo car; suitable reward paid. S. A. WOLF, 123 West 47th st. ]OST?SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, IN PULTON J terry stage, an Opera Ulasv Address box 3,322 Post office. . IOST-THE CAMEO HALF OF A LOCKET. THE J tinder, by leaving It at 100 East 2Sth st., will be re warded. OS I'?A GOLDEN CAMEO LOCKET, WITH MONO J gram and oue photograph. A liberal reward will be given to the finder at the store, 140 Duane st. LOSl-flO It l-.WAKIi?ON THURSDAY. Jt'NE HA liver and white pointer Dog. about 15 years old. The above reward will be paid If returned to 41 5th av.. corner 1 1T li -I. LOST-A NOTI! MADE BY WILLIAM WOOD PAY" able to Ernest Grnndherr, and by hltn indorsed to T. B" Johns. Any person returning said note will be liberally ra w.trded. T. B. JOtlNS. foot or W est 2:td st. OH I' OB STOLEN?WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON IN Fifth avenue stage (going down town), a Rnssia leather Pocketbook. containing 94S and some small chsnge, fu> in {?old. home Canada money and f United Statea money. A liberal reward will be paid for return of same to 604 Lex ington av. tJTRATBD, FROM 13 WEST 30TH ST.. BLUB 8KYK O Terrier Slut: answers to 'tha name of Minnie; owner's name and addms* on eollar. The Under will be liberally rewarded by returning It to above address. $5 A jifclftAHDb. REWARf).?LOhT. A tXlT'DOG. ANSWERS"Td the name of Tiny. Return to 12 i 2d av. *rn BEWABD FOR WATCH LOST THURSDAY ?P*.)U afternoon last. Pleasa communicate wltb F. 0., Herald Uptown Branch olllce. No. of watch, 6,813. No questions asked. Ao/wr~REWARD_ WILL BE PAID FOB THE BE turn of Diamond Earrings. Watch and Chain, Ac., taken from 412 East 57th at. on 13th lost.; positively uo questions asked. Andreas A. B., llerald office. SPECIAL. HOTHES. ?ISAAC hOYCB. 267 BROADWAY. LAWYER. ? Divorces ubtaiaad promptly, without publicity. Cauoca, datertion. Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity. Inhuman treatment, conviction of felony. Passports ob tained. Residence. 3o0 West ^3d St., New York. Practiaeo Id all courto. Stata and United State*. "A LL PERRONS HAYING" (K)OD8 AT 343 ?TH AV. f\ wlil please call by Friday, 6 P. M., as the nlaee closes anSaturdav. E. G. REMINGTON. -A.-ALL PRIZES CASHED tK GOLD AT THIS office. Third Loulxtana gold distribution. New Orleans, July 1S76. Capital ntrisa flUO.UUI gold!! 3,oS(i prises amnnntlug to $.V)2..>00. 20.0 O tickets ffllt curreney. Coupons In proportion. Apply lor information Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadwsv, Post offioe box BOW. A.LLRN A CO.. 7? NASSAU ST.. NEW YOBK.?WY A oming Lottery draw* June 2U Capital prise, fSO.OOO. B2no,o<>) distributed. TlckeU f 1; ? for |5. Prties cashed. Circulars mailed free. A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ? Next drawing June 20. 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 8in0,0 >0 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 3 Prises of each, Spanish dollars 25,000 and tHo other nrtsea. Oerman Government Loitsrles. Pull explanatory circulars free. THEODORE MOHOCK. _ Peat office l?ox 5..VM. Iltl Nassau st . New York. A?PARKS. EMERSON A ?'0. ? Kenincky State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery, drawn cverv 17 dais. Kentucky Single Number Lotlerv drawn J fine 21, 1S7Q, Prises cashed, information lumlo'hed ami circulars free. 180 Broadway. Post office box 5,272 New York. B -KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OF J. M. SMITH ? A CO. EEXTt-rET-KXTKA I'LASS 4H|t r?R l?76. 6, 27, 17. ao. 34. 31, 44. 4.\ :iO 2. 77, 4S, 13, Ifl. EEMTCCHT?CI..ISS rilK IK7||. 14, 71, 35. 2H. V?. 7?. lit, 41. 0. 73 37. 7?. S. All orders ad-tressB NATHAN. 181 Broadway, or Post office liox 4,:<70 New York rltv. Diseases~ok men ~a specialty IIKNRY A. DANIELS, * |?., 144 I,e*lnFton av.. near 20th St. Office hours Irotn H to 3. DIE. II j. JORDAN. SOLE PROPRIETOR" OF TIIE New York Museum of Anatomy, ha- remove,1 hit resi dence and office to No. 5 Washington place, three inirs res*, bf Broadway, Havana i.- ii rk nk\i dhawInTI] .m v; 4".<*?> tickets; f??s),t<siin | rlre?. A.idre-s B. MA R T1NE3! A TO., B "nkers, |t> Wall st.. baaeniattt I ost office box 4.US2 New York.^panish |.-nht and Havana bank bills boaxht and cold, drafts on Havana issued. IPECIAt NOTICES. At CIIKQKIU CATAjtSH, DEAFNESS, aud di?uu of the Throat. Lnnga ud Xirfou Syatem epaedtly ?ud permane?lly cored by Or. LIOHTBILL, Mo. S3 Wait 20th li I ' I I I X I 1 I An experience of over twenty rear*, aided by recent dis coveries ol the moat important nature, frequently enables Dr. Ligluhlll to effect radical und permanent cures eves in apparently hopeless cases. Ia preot ol this assertion. Dr. ijficlithill Las in his pouesslon hundreds of testimonials of cures similar in tenor and character to the few specimens published below, front i romiucnt clergymen, lawyer*, edi tors, bankers. merchant* and other rcridents of New York of tlia highest respectability. I X I 1 From the Right Rer. T. K. Ilenurlcken, Bishop of l'rovideiiee, It. I. I I i i i i Mr Dkak Dr. Liclthill?Permit me to thank you most heartily lor .vour kindue?s to the sisters of our couvent. I had no expectation when I consulted you ou Sister Domin ica's ileal iiess that you could so quickly restore her back to her hearing;bat sho telKmethxt *ho hear* now even better than before. For this mid for your successiul trentiiient of my own deafness, I can recommend \ ou as a surgeon and ptiysician, thoroughly acconsplisbed lu those departments of medicine in which you practice. Very truly and sincerely yours, T. F. HfcNDIUOKKN, Bistiou ol l'rovidence. 1 I I I I 1 From Mr. S. B. Close, 100 Duane street, New York. I I I I I I In rlev ol the faet that so manv neraons afflicted with catarrh and throat ailment* frequently fail t > he benefited and deipair ol ever recoiring permanent relief, it uppoars to me a simple Giirmtian duty to recommend to Midi suf ferers a phyaiaian who, from tuy own personal experience, possesses the skill and ability to effect a cure?numel;, Or, Lighthlll, formerly oi 212 5th sr., now removed to 32 West 2titb st.. New York. Years ago he effected a permanent cure in the ca^o of a sister of mine of catarrh of long stand ing, which threatened the most serious consequences. and more recently he ha* treated my own caae with equally happy results. The outarrh from which I suffered was so severe as to debilitate ray whole syatem, and since Dr. Limb thill succeeded meff-ctiag its cure I experlnce renewed health aud vigor, and only hope that my card mar he in strumental lu having other* benefited to an equal extent. 6. B. CLOSE. I I 1 I I I from Mr. R. B. Llrermore, No. 133Wen 47th it.. New York. I I I I I I I am happy to state that Dr. LlghtMll effected a radical and complete enro In au aggravated case of catarrh from which I had suffered for many year*, and which had seriously impaired m.v hearing. Dr. Lighthlll removed every vestige ol the catarrh and restored nty hearing to all Its fortuar per fection. Being aware of the great prevalence ol catsrrU, aud having mytell experienced its perclcious effects, 1 teel it my duty to l*t others know where they can pbtain skill and attention which 1 am confident eannot be surpasses in this department of medical sciena*. K. B. LI VKKMOKE. I I I I "rom HI* Honor Judge B. II. Bizby, I I I I I I I cheerfully furnish my testimony of Dr. Lighthlll'* *kill In the treatment of catarrh, since he effected a radical and permanent cure lit my own case, after some of the most cele brated physician* had signs IVy failed. His method ol treat ment is so thorough aud philosophical that it will couimoud itself to every (offerer a* soon aa demonstrated. B. U. BIXBY, 110 Lexington ar. I I I I I 1 Office hour* fro* 9 to 2. I ? I I ? I I I ?OFFICIAL URAfflROH KENTUCKY STATB LOT D terie*. SIMMON'S * DICKUSBON, Manager* K, ? CXTCCKr, EXTRA CLAW! NO. 3S1 ?JUKK 14, 1878. SP, 01. 17, 33, 73. 34, 27. bO. 67, 38, 77, 25.' KKDTDCgr, CLASS NO. ItttJ?JCXK 14, 1876. 00, 6, U, 63, 16, 31, 71. S. 1.1. tie. 36. 53 30, 34. HKNftY, KXTXA CLASS NO. 281? JVtIM 14, 1876. 48. 17, 45, 6tl, 78, H, 57, 54. 64. 08. 44, 38. HKNRT, CLASS NO. 2?2?Jl'.XK 14, 187& 50, 37. 9, 31, 25. 14. 55, 39. 57, 8, 38, 23, 27. 19. Full information by applying to or addreasing J. CLUTE & CO., 200 Broadway, or box 4,WU Post office. Dm ??3iki.(xjo.?si.M MoliS A DieiuxsoTvs-sTnolb ? number Keotacky State distribution, to be drawn on Saturday, June 24. 187b; $300,000 to be distributed; 25,430 Rrlu* and only 50.UX) ticket*: every other ticket a prise, low I* your time to Invest. Prise* payable In foil: Whole Tickets. (110; Halve*. $5; Quarter*. 92 SO. The next Royal Havana will be drawn on Tuesday, June 20, 187U. Mend in your orders to J. t.LL'TiO, Hanker, No. 200 Broadway, or box 4,969 Post office. New York city. ?CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED , method; Instantaneous relief; permanent cure*. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14thit. KNTCl'KY STATE SINGLE NUMBER GRAND i> 1stributioTi. to be drawn June 24, 187U. C300.000 distributed. One prise guaranteed to overv two tickets purchased. Whole tickets, $10; halves. $0; quarters, 82 .'*A Royal Havana Lottery, to lie drawn Tuesday, June 20t Whole tickets, #20; halves, $?<>; twentieths, 91. All prises cashed at this office. For information, circulars. Ac . address or apply to JACKSON A CO., Bankers, 2i 2 llroudway, New York. ERVOCs' EXII Al'STlON. ?A MEDICAL KSSaT comprising a series of lecture* delivered at Kahn'* Mu aeum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of Pre mature Decline, showing Indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the Impediments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physical debility, being the result of 20 rears'experience, i'rioe 25 cents. Ad dress the antbor. Dr. L. J. KAHN, office and residence ">1 East 10th st. New York. PM'CARTIIY, DECEASEIX?ANY CLAIMS AGAINST . the above named Patiick McCany, late of irt?d st., corner 9th ar., aad 1*1 Crosby st.. in thi* city. mu*t be nre seuted within 14 days from this date to the administratrix at the office of S. UKYMAN, No. 6 Wooster St. Naw York, June 15, 187ft. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED? original treatment; no fee* until cared; circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, No. 8 West 14th st. Royal Havana lottery?wuo/ko will he drawn on June 20. eas'i?d; orders filled; Infor mation furnished; highest rates paid tor Spanish bills, gov ernments. Ac. TAViiOR k CO., Bankers. No. II Wall st.. New York. TAMKR INDIEN-A LAXATIVE FRUIT LOZENGE, agreeable to take; specific remedy for constipation and Its consequences. F. GK1LL<<T, 27 Hue Rambateau. i'aria depot, OAxWBLL. H AZaRD A CO., New York. rjlHE PRESIDENCY. THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. FULL AND LATEST PARTICULARS TODAY IN THE yVENINU TELEGRAM. WANTED-WORKINO MEN AND WOMEN, IN MASS meeting, at Hooper Union. Saturday Evening. June 17. to consider the rause of hari times and idleness and the remedy. Hon. Sydney Myers, of Chicago, and others will address yon. $300 .000." _ A FORTUNE FOR ONLY ?I0. One ticket oat of erery two draws a prite. Kentucky State distribution, draw* SATURDAY, .June 24, crtsln. THREE (JRAND CAPITAL PRIZES OF 820,(XO BACH. Schedule of Prises. 1 Prise of. *20,00111 I Priso of $2o,0nn 1 Prise nf 2UU00 2 PrUes of 910,000.. 2 i.issi 2 Prises or$5.lXJU... lo.Uli 15 Prises or *2..V*?..., 12..VS) 20 Prises of $1,0si.. 20,i?lO I ?? Prises of ?'<?>.... lo.tmo 5(1 Prises of $.'5?t ... 12,'>iai | 2>si Prises of 9KSI... 2<l,0.*> 25,000 Prise* of$o., 125,000 1 128 Prises. amount I ing to 10,01?) 25,430 Prises, aggregating 8300.00 I, cash. Tickets, 8IO; haires. 85; quarters. 82 5(1. This i* the best schema yet ottered lor realising a hsnd some foitune with a sinail Inre tmeat. Erery prise will ne paid in full on presentation of tickit Persons holding tickets ihnt have drawn prises (no matter Irom whom bought) can get them raslied or exchanged for other tickets at this office. Send in your orders at once to the Kasiern aceuts. TlltiMAs II. IIAYS a CO., 6H7 Bread way. New York. ~ Dliv oooio. Y. StewakT a co. : . will offer for >ale in their CLOTH DEPARTMENT, on Till RSUAY. 15th Inst., 5.< M) pieces ,1-4 and tt-4 HEAVY WOLLENS, ia good order and In erery way attra tire. Lot* to suit purchaser*. AUCTION 7'RIOES. Cnfliisting of rarlnns and desirable styles, comprising th" pro hictlon ?f the following well known mills:? UTtCA KTKVM WihJLLEN MILLS. ???.I'NIIAM WtMtLLEN MILLS, Mi HI AW K and ELBOEUF MILLS. WASHINGTON MILL, HEW YORK WOOLLEN MILL. Ct?U MBIA WIMILLEN MILL. WATERYILLK AND t'ATSKILl> MILLS. WOODSTIH K BILL. This offering Is worthy llie attention of every hnyer of woollen goods, aad the trade !? cordially Inrit d to ex amine, llroarfwny nrd chambers it. cMvrKMHri.ili i; \ii i hi rh. BliVs A iVli.LIAM?, \t AN r K A ?? r i; I'. I, its" OF i'reise*. Dies an'isp-eial Ma?i.lnery, lH7to 173 Plym on It st, Ilrni.klvn rnuE only authoki/kii amkrican I rsnt on the Centeunial Grounds It in of Agri ul tural Hall. SPORTIMG?DOaS. BIRDS. PIP A few fine blue scotch terriers, full blood, for sale at 147 East 35th at. FObTaLE.-A BEAU I iVlJL ITALIAN GBRYHOUND, at No. 704 3d mt. uultl sold. JUrtf"IMI'ORTKD?A KIN liToT~? )V SKYK TKKrTeRS jtud Ferrets. JOH X M. LYON. 2f*? Fulton ?t. POOLS SOLO AT 318 RI'TLEIJgR ST.," near UMOB Ground*. litis afternoon, on Mutual! vs. Chicago. on Union Grounds; Athletics vs. Cincinnati, at Philadelphia; Hi. Louis vk. Butk>d, at Boston; Hartford ??. Louisville, a* Hart lord. SEIBERT A McOLOUD. WANTED TO~PURCHA8K?A LA ROE 8IZID DOO. /> well trained to draw a wiucon for children, at a mod erate price j also a neat Wagon. (It for the purpose. Call on or addi?ss I". Vti!--. No. I Bridge "t.. Brooklyn. AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUB.?SPRING MEETING. I87?. at Jerome Park, 3d. nth. 8th, 10th. 13th. Ifttli and I7tl? June. Race* commence each day punctually hi 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT. President. C. Whutlt. Secret ar>. AUCTION ANli~fREncTh POOL*, hold" ALL DAY and evening, nt NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE, 15 West 2Hth *t..on the JEROME PARK runnlnir race*. FIRST FRENCH POOL on the REPUBLICAN PRESIDEN TIAL noininatiou closet at 11 A. M. Prompt attentiou riven order* by mail or messonger. KELLY, BLISS A CO Auction and ekbxch pools sold at john SON'S rooma, corner Broadway and 28th at., all day, on the running races at Jerome P irk and trotting at Phila delphia. Particular attention given orders bv mall, tele graph or messenger. T. B, JOlIXsOX. $3 FRENCH POOL WILL BK OPENED AT JOliN. SON'S Pool Room, ou Broadway and 28th at., on the running ruce* at Jerome Park lu connection with oar popu larfft system. T. B. JOHNSON. MUTU1L COMBINATION.?FBENCH~ POOLS-WIN lier and llrst nud aecond mid to day at Spo Unit office. No. 8 Weat !Mli <t. Older* atteudrd to. GIKAROACO. Anc Ion |>?ula sold to day on llie Jerome Park racea a< d the Philadelphia trot*, at sSportiug Office. No. 8 West 28th at. 1 F. BAKER. Auctioneer. kTRW VORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD. Jerome Park Race*. N I June S, U. 8. 10. 13. I."> aud 17. Special traina. with reserved cara for ladles, will leave Grand Central Depot on race days at 1:3U and J P. M.. re turning after the race*. Fourth avenutie car* tun direct to the depot. hxcurciou ticket*, 4U cents. C. M. BISRELL. Superintendent. ChkTngfikld "drivTng PARK. 1.7 L. ONEIIALF O mile sonth ol Queens.?Trotting Thursday. June 15, at P. M.: Pur*e No. I, tor three year olds. Blled with fear entries; Purse No. 2, for three minute horses. tilled with live entries; same dar, match tor 81<K>, mile heat*; S. McNeil'* s. c- Jamaica Boy. L. 8. Sauiuils' b. m. Lady Jane. Stages at King* County House, Bast New York, direct for the course, at 2 P. il. D. B.HBNDR1CKBON. HORSES. CAHItlAUKS. dH/. Attention of gentlemen is called to the AUCTION SAL!'. OF ALL NIB FAST AND WELL KNOWN TROTTING HORSES. PINK CARRIAGES, KLEGaNT HARNESS, ROBES, BLAN KETS. AC , THE PROPERTY OK CHARLES W. DARLING. ESQ., AT THE PRIVATE STABLE IN REAR OF PKIVATfc RESIDENCE 140 5TH AV.. KNTRANCE OX WKST lttTH ST., TIII8 DAY (TIII.'RSDAY), JUNE 15, AT 11 o'c ock prompt. The handsomest Team of Trotting flors s in the city. Road Master and Triumphi both aired by Rvsdick's llaiubletouian, daui Star maresyears old. 1>\ hand* lii>rh ; rich blood hava In color; drive tjxether like one horse: do not pull or shy; are very *tyli?U and safe fur anybody to drive; they were put together last spring by present owner; Koiul Mas ter wus raised by A. Goldsmith, aud allowed two heat* on Go?hen hall-mile track in 2:34 and ^ :32>, when purchased; Triumph wns raisrd by John Hawkins, and trotted over Kingston half mile track in 2: 5 and 2:341,; last spring; they were thon purchased and put together, and after iwo weeks' handling tt.ey were driven a full mile over Fleetwood track In 2 :38 by D. Mace, since which time they have been used aa ? road team, for which purpose they have no superior, and Ihey are warranted sound and kind. The shore team will be sol.. separate il desired. 'I he I'astost road home in the city, known as Lookout, sired by North Star Mambrlno, dam by Harry Clay : trotted threii lieata lust fall at Point Breese Park, Philadelphia, beating Snow storm, Hone?t Abe. Ac., and a lield or seven horses In 2:3t), 2 ? '?'-"'a; he is a very prompt, pleasant driver; doc* not pull when speeding: is not excitable in company; does not wear boots; ho la a home of extraor dinarv bottom and endnrance. and safe lor any ordinary driviir-,1* a remarkable pole horso: tor a r iad horie he can not be surpassed, and for hack purposes he Is Invaluable; warranted sound and kind, and 8 years old. Very pretty black Gelding Ralph, sired by General Knox, dam i* Metsenger mure, tt year, old, li)i hand* high ; has never been bundled tor <peed. but trotted when purchased at Bangor. Me.. In 2 :37'? since which time -he has been Ufed on the road, he is a very stylish, pleasant driver; does nut pull or shy: very pure gaited; a good pole horse: aafe for any ordinary driver, aud warranted sound and kind. The beautiful saddle and phaeton Horse Sorrel Ned, sired by Superb, dam a thoroughbred mare, 15'? hands hli;b. 7 years old; trotted at White Plain* last spring, when pur chased, In 2:44. since which time ho has been nsed by ladles and children, for which purpose be Is Invaluable; stand without tying; safe under all circumstances; pertcctly broken to saddle; has been ridden by ladies and children; ha* a very easy trot and canter; lie I* a very prompt, pleas ant driver, good gaited. and can trot In 2 &0 on day of sale and warranted sound and klud. Also 1 Hue top side bar Itoad Wagon by Stivers. 1 do. by Lorekalea. 1 Ml Hiring top W?*?*. I P?>ny Phaeton, t set line gold mounted double Harness, 3 sets (ingle Harness, fine Sheets, Blankets, ltobcs. Ac X. B.?The above stock Is now on exhibition at stable as ibora. At auction TO-MORROW (FRIDAY). JUNK 16, AT 10 O'CLOCK. BY YAN TASSELL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS. AT THEIR MART. 110 AND 112 EAST 13ril ST., NEAR 4T1I AV. VERY SUPERIOR TEAM BAY GELDINGS, 15?i hands. 7 and 0 years old: kind and true la all harness: tree fVoui vice, trlek or fault; can trot close to ;? minutes; are In every way a first class gentlemen's road or i-ark te m. and are warranted sound, kind and true. STANHOPE PHAETON, ballt to order by BREWSTER A CO.. of BROOME ST.. and nsed only a few times; and FINE SILVER MOUNTED DOUBLE HARNESS, used but few times, made by CAMPBKLL; also, BLANK ETS. IIOBES. AC.. At:. ELEGANT FOUK-IX HAXD BREAK OR DRAG PHAETON, with everything complete; used only few H times; made to order by Wood Bros. CHESTNUT PONY, 13 hands, S rears; kind and true every way; suitable for ladies to ride or drive, eud Is war ranted sound, kind and true ; and. NO TOP PONY PHAETON AND SET SINGLE HAR NESS, AC., AC. DOG CABT. TWO WIIEBLER, la Dae order; made by WOOD BROS.; and TAX DEM HARNESS, WHIPS, AC. AC. UCTION ~ AUCTION. THIS DAY (THURSDAY). JUNE 15. AT 10 A. M.. GEO. W. JENKINS, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL THE ENTIRK FINE STOCK OF MR. BIKLAR. AT HIS PRIVATE STABLE. NO. 1S1 EAST 1STH ST.. ONE DOOR FROM IRVING PLACE, CONSISTING OP No. 1. ONE LARGE bay Coupe Horse.with large flowlug mane and tail, verv stylish, stands without tying: he Is also a splendid saddle Horse, being well broke to all the gaits, and is without any exception one ol the most reliable laml-y borres In the city. Is IB hands, about 7 years old; sound AND KIND IN ALL HARNESS. No. 2. ELEGANT bay Ilorae. l.V^ hands, about 7 years old, has Iwen rode and drove by the ladies; this Is one of the fin est Kentucky saddle nad harness horse la the Stale, and la eonnd aud kind. No. 3. FAST trotting brown Road Mare Belle, 6 years old. 15>i hands; is perfect la every respect; a lady can drive her at speed. does not pull or interfere, and is war ranted to trot iu 2:43: whs at the track two weeks Inst tall tra'nlug. and trotted a mile In and repeated in 2:31>: | tills Is one of the best road mare* In the State, and with proper handling will trot low down nud will rank wiM the List trotters or the day; lull pedigree will be given to the purchaser _ No. 4. OXE T CART, by Bradley, I'ray A Co., has pole and shtft; top Road Wagon; ti. top I'ony Phaeton; 7, single Coup# Harness;I*, light Road Harnesa;t>. light dotili e Itoad Harness; !<>, hog skin Saddle and Bridle; II. set Track llarae.-s; 12, Bear Robe; 13, Seal Robe; 14. Bureat HI"ni5,ULADY'8 SIDE SADDLE AND BRIDLE. N. B.-SALR POSITIVE. RAIN OR SHINE, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, WITH OCT LIMIT. SALE of GENTLEMEN'S HORSE, CARRIAGES, AC.. SOLICITED. QUICK SALE AND PROMPT RETURN. OFFICE, 2ltt I8TII SI. GOOD CUT UNDER ROCK AWAY. fl.W>; ONE TOP Pnnv Phaeton. *125: one Road Wagon iStivers). *50; a Brewster Wngou, r?te and shafts, nearly new ; also a large as sortment ol new and sreond hand Landans. Coaches, six saot Kockawav. Coupes. Coupe Rockawara. Pony Basket I'hae ton, extension top and Road Wagons, top |>en<.l and three seat W a.-Mill; also Harness, all price* and kinds; Sheets, Ac.; will be sold very -heap. \VM II. GRAY. 2Uand22 Monster st t~~cebtral" park riding school, balm. tr.unlmr and boarding stable ?For sale, a number of well bred and trained Horses, to g.i tinder saddle snd in bar- ! nesa; a lew Boarders can be accommodated. FRED J. ENtlELHARDT. A PAIR OF BAY HORSES. SIXTEEN IIAXIM 1 one inch lieiug one nl the finest pair of carriage j horses In this etty; alio, a well broken gray >ad lie Mare, | aired by i<camtngtou. Inquire at I4tl West |8th st. A PAIR OF BAY CARRIAGE HORSES, GOOD i roadsters, warranted kind and ireatle, will he sold, as the own-r l? iroing out ol tho cltv; also Landaulet. inqnlrc ot It. J. ANDi'.RSON. Wlntield Staliles, AOtli St.. between tltli and 7th av* AZhlai k m\.:k, about i >\, hands hi<hi. i<> ? years old; sioiud and kind; a perfe.t Inmily horse. Can be seen at MUMFORD'S stable. IM2 Thompson st. Arabian tiio??oighbkei?? handsomkst horse in tiie c.ty. speed, lande of three minutes: perfectly sound and gentle; been driven by a lady: owned by private party : also I'haetoa and Harness. Apply at 15 East 28th St. LVOR SALE CHEAP, 7GOOD BUSINESS HORSES. ? Apply at No. 3 Vestry at., between Hudson and Var Ick. _____ =FOR SALI'.. FOI R HOKUM, 801TARIK FOR . grocer, exnress. larioing or any business; must bo sold. 2til Grand st . near Mott. ___________ AllufiAlN -?.?<>> CASH WILL BUY MB MOST elegant snd stylish Turnout In the city; suitable for lady or gentleman to drive; lieantllol bey Horse, 7 years nl.i, lAJu :'4iid?; warranted sound ar.d kind and to trot a mile in'd sl5; top Pnaeton and Harness; good as new. At private stabll No. LI West 27|I| St. A -TWO IHMtSEs CHEAP, SOUND AND KIND: . Kxprets Wai;on and Harness. Ul Hudson St., naar Harrison. SPITeNDID TKAM oFhaY IIOKSEJtj lftK llANDS high. <1 year* old, warranted sound and kind; Brews ter (ol liroonia st. I top Buggy Wag in. No. ?> H est l-'tli St. k UKNTLiEMAN~"wH iSE 01 RtM.'jEsTANCKS"WTll J.\ not permit hi* riding mu?t dispose of a aide her top aa-in. top pony Phaeton and single Harness, all by first class city makers; no offer within r^aaon refuted, siab.e i:?8 IVi-.'t ;tl?i -t. 4 DIItT~l!AIIT. IIOKSE AND'HArVesM; PRICK *?>; | il uIho ??ne tiirx? .Muri. lb*.; muni toll. 14 Uraiid ?f., ; neup Varlcte. V ?KXTfJkM A S~ TI UNOI T AT A BAHUA1N*? I HiimMvtofiiHU !??iy ll??r*<*, tj y**rn old. HundK ; mmith! irulkind; fmai. Kle/nnt top Hac^t vrit i tint llnrn*Fi? At private? ftmt d?ior ???>( of L nl phc?, in J'Jth ^t. i -fr.N in MMC.^S WAUONsS. ALL sHIZKS. roltBX i\i grcctr*. biitebtrt. biliri, nilk. aj;*. ?I?Hvery .ug'iDi, $30 to $l7i; 2 collector's Uigs. 226 fprinjftt. * AhORSER, CARKIAGKN. diC. PI*. SRCOND HAND" MAIL PHAETON, In perfect order, nt > birjiln. ! A. 8. FLASDRAU. 372 Ind 377 Broome it. (old stand of Brewster A Co.) ROKAWAY CARltlAOl WANTED. PREFER whals to turn under, Send price aud where It can be *eea to 4>LKN, Herald office. \BA ?'n4i> wagon; CATV?BAY IIORSK, 1V?; CAN BEAT 2 :'?> t or double, or no sale ; top Vim and I3ti-pound buncombe II>rnu? Private stable M) Kant 't td at. ?ALU corner IS A PAlTV AWAY WILL tfh IA* A <JOOD paiiif (*?iich Ituriwi ebeup. Cut) l?e teeu at private M*.r.wt 112(1 si. strtbl?. '.U BIII.T fx BREWSTER- A CO., OK HROOMK ST..THR folio ing second hand Carriages. some in perfect order: Landau, abriol-i, 0 seat I'liu-lou, T-Cart, 15 top \Vsk?ui from flat to $350. BY UTIIKR MAKERS. Landau , Landuutets. Coach, Cabriolet*. depot Wagon, exlensiot tnp Phaetons, half top Phaetons. Coupe, mail Pbaeton, f-Cart, top and uo too Wagons. Clarence. A. S. FLANDR.VU. S7l^ind 374 Broome St.. old stand ol Brewster A Co. 1arri ItR TKA>T?KLKUANT AND WELL-BRED street, pOW VV prem Oair. moi r New high. 0 am perfectly iiandiotne thoroughI speeding , and Rati lit high; foil NM NEW AND SECOND HAND WAUOKS. s. Carts and top Buggies. Repository, Hudson, C Rro4) Kentucky Horses, 10 band*. *1 and 7 year*. VERY 'YLISH AND RAPID TRAVRl.LER->. KIND, gentle am without fan It or blemish, nud warranted sound. TIIEsK RK EXTRA FINE HORSES. AND WKLL worthy hi entlon o! the most fastidious. Will be Hold at PRIVATI SALE FOR ONE-HALF THEIR VALUB AH their own r Is going nliroad. If not sold before to morrow (KKIDaY. at 10 O'CLOCK. TUB* WILL THEN BE sold at a ction at Arrh. Johnston's. I!) to 25 Thirteenth NEAR UNIVERSITY PLACE. WHERE THEY are on exlfbiiten. II brought under the hammer the aale rill bo ahfMutaljr without reserve. iung frksh mTCoh cow. celkbTiated im slock, very large, rich milker, for sale, with SIMPSON, Yottkers, near Mount St. Vincent. LK -,1 UST ARRIVED FROM NORTHERN {ork sn extra Htyilsb aud Hue pair of black irnuiihbr'd in form and action; 15.3'^ hand* 7 years old; lull. long. Sowing mam's aud talis; 4>tind and reliable In evorr respect; also a verr pair of iron gray Mare*. 15 hand* high, that are J broken and can bo driven by any one: while *? trot in 2:50, and require no boots: Eth n Alien T stock: also a very fine dappled Cray, 15 hands jfliito tall: suitable lor lady's phaeton. Inquire Ht MUM HI'S sale stable, 41) and 5| Liberty at., Brooklyn, near Fnlto| I'erry. For s a if:-a FIRST class EXPRESS OR GROCERY Wa 1:0% no top. used very little: also set of Harness; half price. Store ltl2 Wooito. St., lor HUNTER. FOR SaLE-A FIRST CLASS FAMILY llnRS-, sonnii, kind and gentle: not afinid of a locomotive or anylhin^else: any lady can drive him. Call at private ?table 313 West 52d st, or address 211 West 51st st. OR SALK-A VERY FINK IMPORTKD IRISH~COB Pon.v, r years old. 1.1 to 14 hsnds high; used to saddle and harni'>c suitable for polo; took prise lor leaping at the Dublin born show; warranted in every way: also very stvl isii lady's Phaeton nnd Harness, bv heat Dublin makers. Apply to THOMAS FORSYTH. 144 W?t 28th st. For SAiio?landal'lkt. iiorsk and harness ill goojorder. by first clas* maker*. Call at BRIOOS' Stable, corner 42d st. and 7th av. FOR SALE-A HI" P K RIO It NEW GOLD MOUNTED Harness. Iuquire at stable* 451 4th av. For kalk~a pony built mark, about it hands liish, sound snd kind, with Park Phaeton and Harness: complete and in good order; would suit for a lady : owner going to Europe. Inquire at private stable 149 West 2tttU st. FOR RAM?LOW. for want of use. pony built Ilorsj, lit liands; siiitablo for cart, truck or anv busi ness; alsn stylish bar Horse, 14)i hands, for light business. 375 West 12th st. TjVJR SALK, VERY Oil BAP-TWO HOUND HORSES. J price $3*1; banie** and wapr n. 431 l.sst 12th st. FOR sale.-A LliillT clarence, MADE BY DUNN; glass Irnnt: Coach and Top Wagon, all In good order.? II. B. MOTT, 150 West 27th st. FOR SALKT-Tivk HORSKjT AT HALF VALUK.FROX $73 to $25, suitable for any business.?Apply 4IO East IStU st. F" OR SALR-TlANDSOMn BAY MARE, 15* HANDS. 0 year* old: warranted sound, kind nnd gentle; not afraid of locomotive* or anything; any ladv can drive her. Call at private iunise 7.1 Vandam st. For SALif cheap?a "jump seat top buggy, in good oritur, suitable tor country or depot wagon : also lour Horses, suitable for any business, warranted sound and kind. Impure at Y. HUNNKKK'S 1,041) Broadway, be tween 54th and 55th Its. H 0WELL, QUEEN AND GBORflB IY. Top Pony Phaeton*. Side oar or elliptic spring top Road Wagous. A S. FIANDRAU. 872 and S74 Broome *t. (old itand of Brewster It Co.) ' LTARNhSS.?ClIKAPEST HARNESS STORE IN NEW XI York; irood Buggy Harness, hand made. $15; good (irocora' Harness. $25: good double Team Harness. a piod Horse Rlanket. $1 50 Please call and examine lor yourselves. FISHER A OSBORN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay at. H"AHN??SEm'RA?i7B7 mtylish and cheap, khom $10 to $225; Horse Clothing and Lap Duslero in great variety; goods made to order wltuout extra eahrge; Pony Phaetou*, ltockaways. Depot Wagons, Boggles, Ae., Ac. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren *t. IMPORTANT AND KXTHAORD1NABY L sale of the KENTUCKY STOCK FARM, Lexington, Ky., together with all the valuable THOROUGHBRED AND TROTTINO STOCK, Including the jrreat .-talllen, FhLLOWCBAFT. HAMBLBTON1AN STALLIONS. valuable Brood Mares, Colts and Fllllei, two hundred in number, JUNK 21, IS70. This will be the mo*t extensive tale of ralnablo stock ever held In the United States Catalogues will be lorwarded. Address RICHARD PENISTAN, Philadelphia, or Lexington, Ky. IRON STARLK FITTINGS?NEAT DURABLE AND cleanly: Partition*, Hayracks, Mangers, Ac.: order* promptly filled at lowest price*; catalogue* lurniihed free; ?pedtueus at store. JANES A KIRTLAM), Nos. H. lo*nd 12 Readest^ Must he sold-any fair offer accepted* Team of Ponies, II hands; Brewster top road Wagon ; one man, side Bar Stiver'* trotting Wagon; two set* Dun*> combe Harness. Private stable. HO Amity st. Tunis joiinson, auctioneer, Old stand, 37 Nassau st. CONTINUATION OF SHERIFF'S SALE OT CABRIAC.KS, PARK, DOCTOR'S YI8-A-VIS and four scat Pony Phaetons, Road Wagons, Kockaways, Jsggers, Depot Wagons, Ac.. ALL MADE BY THE BEST NEW HAVEN AND CITY MAKERS, Vl/,.-r Henry Hooker A Co., Wm. II. Bradlev A Co., B. Manritle, J. F. Ooodrlch A Co., J. Vatidergaw, Miller Brothe*s. .latne* R. Cone. Lawrrnre Bradley A Co., C. F. Dibble, Uonaeman A McManu* snd many other*. On FBIDAY snd SATURDAY, commencing oacli day at 12 o'clock, nt the saleroom 37 Nassau st. Now on exhibition. By order of W. C. CONNER, Sheriff. R. Doner., Depnty. rpilE GREATEST BARGAIN YET.?BAY MAKE 1 Blanche, by Mlddleton, dam liy old George M. Pateben ; pedigree warranted or no aale; ft years old; eau trot now netter than 5l>; also Pony Phaeton, single and double liar nes*; sold only on account owner has not time to spare this summer. Private stable. No. 5 West 15th st., west of.'ith av. TWO HORSES FOR SALE?TOGETHER OR KEPAR ato; warranted sound; can work in all harness. Can be seen at 120 Macdongal st. TO LET-STABLE, IN GOOD LOCALITY; SEVEN teen stalls: ample carriage room and wnshstand ; $ill) a month. For salo, three cheap llor?e<. Apply at 274 Mer cer st. Topside bar road wagon, nearly new, at I n bargain. Apply at ^'2!* Otli av., rnrncr 15th st. ANTED-A FAMILY HORSE. ABOUT I&S hands high ; must l>e sound, kind and true : a lair prlre wtll be paid In rasp. Aildrixs CASH. Herald oljlce. W ANTED-A SECOND HAM) ROCKA WAV. AD dress box Post office. ANTED A BLACK MARK ABOUT 13 HANDS high; must be young, sound and perfrrtly gentle. Address PlilLO, Herald Uptown Branch office, 1.2?>5 Broad way. horses, suit anyTiusinkss. atTanic PRII p.? no fair offer relnseil. see lor >our?ell. 4li> West : litis t r; FOR X FINE SET ?)F DOUBLE ROAD Harness by Briggs; little used. To be seen nt 10 w 6_ $H5 South St. (1?-| r:n ?A HANDSOME SIDE BAR SHIFTING TOP ?pLs^l'a Road W agon. In perlect order, pole and sliAfts, by Williamson, at 7J East I3tli st . until *old. db()C|k WILL PL KCIIA4B ~A STYLISH lluKSK. sound, g"iitle and fast; Buggy I'haeton, liar lies*. Hlatikets siol Whip, complete Address EDMONDS, Herald office. i ______ EtROPKAK ITKAMfilllPS. A~"NCHOR LINE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. A.NCIIORIA .lune 17. Noon I ETHIOPIA....Jnly I.N.on CALIFORNIA June24.3 >'M | VICTORIA.. JulyS,3 P. M. NEW VOKK AND LONDON. BLYStA lime 24. 4 P M. I UTOPIA . .Inly 22, 3 P. M. AMI Ll A.... J ii I v S.3P M. AUSTRALIA Aug. 5.1) A. M. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVf EPO >L, LONDON OR M)N DON DEII I'. Y. Cal^n*, $05 to ?*>. etirrenci, se -ording to accommodation*. Excursion tickets on lavor?l>le terms. Steerage. $2*. currency; Intermediate. $:I5. currency, limits Itsued lor any amount at current rates HENDERSON BliOl IIKRS. Agen:? No 7 Huwllng (ireen Hamburg amrkhTan pa?:'ket company's link lor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HaMKI'RG. I'oMMKRa.MA Inne 15 t l.hSSING lune21) H AMMONIA Inne 22 | WJKLAND tuly U Rales ol passage to Plymouth, Loudon, I'herbonrg. tfam burg and all points In England. Scotland and Wale*: ? Cabin, first sa 0"n. gold $|o>l Cabin, second saloon, gold If) steerage, 80 KL'MIAltDi A CO.. C'. R. RICHARD A BOAS. Geneial Agents. General Passenger Agent*. 01 Broad ?t . New York. 01 Rroadway. New York. i I M l bit STATE* MAIL LINK ?.4TKAM TO QUKENsT U TOWN AND LIVERPOOL sailing cvrrv TUESDAY, trom pier 4 I North River. WISCONSIN.June2U, ? P.M. I IDAHO Jniy IS. 3 P. M. WYOMING Iilly 4. 4 A. M. | NEVADA Ang 1. 3 P. M. Cabin, $115. $70 and fsi), currency. Intermediate, $4*>: steerage, $2H. Passenger* hooked to and trom Parts, Hamburg, Norway, Swedi-n, Ac. Drafts on Ireland, England. France and tier many at lotreat rates. WILLIAMS A GUION. 2? Broadway. iifllioN LINE FOR SOUTIIAMPTON AND HULL TT sailing Irom pier 5;t North River, as follow*:? OTHELLO June*15 | NaT ARINO Inly 15 HINDOO .Inly I | COfsOMRO July 2tt _ First cabin, $70 rnrreiiev; second eabln. $45 enrreuey. Excursion tickets on very favorable term* tlim?|S ticket* issued to Continental and Baltic port*. Apply, lor fnil par ticular*, to CUARLB8 L. WRIGHT * CO., 9? 8<mth it. El'ROPEAl STRAMAHIPS. 0~ NLY D1RBCT LINK TO I'KAM K. THE GENERAL I BAN'S ATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL. STEAMERS BETWEEN NKW YORK AND HAVRE, OA LI.I SiJ AT PLYMOUTH (O. B.) fur the landing ot pas*ougers. Tile splendid vomIi u? I lilt tavcrlte route fur the Conti nent (cabins provided with electric bells will tail from pier 4-T North Itiver, loot uf Barrow at . a- follows ?PERUKE, Daure Saturday. June 17, at 1 P. M. i NT. OKKMaIN, Reeutuux... .Saturday. June 24. at 0 A. M. I LABRADOR Saugller luly 1. at 1 I'. M. CANADA. Kraugeul. Saturday. July 0. at I P. M. AMKKlyl'K Poosols Saturday. July 15. at 1 - noou. 1 1'RICK Oir PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wlnei : - Klr?t raklu, 111" to $121). (o accommodation. Second, $72; Third ctbln. 9K>. Return tickets at reduced rata*. I Steerage. 9211, wltli superior accommodations, including wiue. bedding and utensils, without extra charge. Steamers marke t thin ? do not carry stearagu passenger*. LOT IS DK BKHIAN. Afent. 5S Broad a ay. Nobth~gbbman LI.OYO STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NKW YOKK, KOCTHaMPTOS AM? BREMEN. Cumpany'a pier loot ot 2d ?t . Ilobnken. WKSKIt .. .huturilsy, J una 17 I IHJNAU. Saturday, Julv I MoSEL. Saturday, June !M I KIIEIN .. Saturday, July r. Kalaiief pas^itgr from Now York to Southampton, Havre I or H rumen First t'alnn, $1"0. gold ; Second Cabin, (UU. gold: Steer- | age. #30, currency. Return 'ticket* at reduced rate*. Prepaid Steerage Ceriilleates. 4:1.'. currency. For freight or paasage apply to OKLKICHS A CO.. No. 2 Bowling linen. 1NMAN LINK MAIL NTKAMER8. _ FOR Ol'RENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL CITY OK BERLIN Saturday. July I, at I P. M C ll Y OK CHKSTkK Satuiday. July la, at 11 :3U A. M CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday. July 22. at d:'m A. M CITY OK BKKLIN Saturday, August A. at 0 A. M CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, July 22, at 3 P. M Krom pier 45 North Kiver. Cabin, 980 and 9 loi, gold. Keturu ticket* on favorable term*. Steerage, $2?, currency. Drsfta al lowest rate*. Saloon*, atalerouni*. auioklug and baihioom* amlilsliiuj. JOHN G. PALM, A gam, 1 > ami 3:1 Broadway, New Yorifa \\rillTK STAR LINK. T? FOR Ub'KENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamer* ofthl* line tako the Lane Route* rc.oiu , mended by IJeutenaiit Maury. L'. S. N.. going south of the Banks on thn passage to Queenatowu all the year rou'jd. BRITANNIC J line '24, at 4 P. M. I (?hit.manic. Julys,at 4 p. m. CELTIC Inlv 15. at II A. II. BRITANNIC lulyl'U. at II A. M. GERMANIC August 12, From While Star Dorks, pier 52 North River. Rates?Salooii. and Vll>i), lu gold; return ticket* on reasonable term*. Steerage, 928. Suloon stateroom*, smoking and bathroom* are placed aiu'dshlps, a here the noise and motion are least affording a j degree ofcomlnrt hitherto unattainable at sea. Per inspection of plan* and other iutorinatlou ap| company * office. 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. CURTIS. apply at the Agent. N STATE LINK. NKW YORK TOOLAXOOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELF.VT AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (loot of Canal st.) a* follows:? STATE OK VIRGINIA Thursday. Juue 13 STATE OF NEVADA...: Thursday, June 22 STATE OF INDIANA Tuursday. June 2tf and every alternate Thursday thereafter. First cabin fill to $so. according to acciiinmudation*; return ticket*. $125. Second cabin, 9iO; return tickets. $>*'? Steerage at lowest rates. Apgly to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agent*. No. 72 Broadway, New York. Steerage tickets at 4' Broadway and at the company's pier, foot of Canal St., North River. ATIONaL LINE.-KROM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. R. FOR LONDON Dl KECT. DENM VRK. Weduesdav. June 21. 3 P. M.. KOR LIVERPOOL AND QUBKNSTOWN. KOYPT..Jnne 24, 7 :?*) A. M. I THE OUEEN. July H.SP.M. ITALY...July I, 12:30 P. M. I SPAlN..July 15, 10-.3JA. ?. Cabiu passage, 97n and 98t>, currency. Return tickets at i reduced rate*. Steerage passage, t-H. currency. Dralts ! Issued from ?1 upward at current price*. Apply at the company'* office, MM Broadway. K. W. J HI RST. Manager. I CU'NARD LLNE.-B. A sI) N. A. R. M. S. S. CO. ) NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chance* of collialon. the steamer* of till* line take ? specific course for all aeasons ot the year. Ob the outwrirJ passage from Oueenstowu to New York or Boston, eroaaiug tho me idlsn of 5u at 43 latitude or nothing to the north of 43. On the home ward passage, ironing the meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. KROM NKW YORK KOR LIVERPOOL AND gl'EKNS TOWN. ALGERIA... .Wed, Juu* 21 I ABYSSINIA... Wed. July 5 ? BOTHNIA. . . Wed.. June 28 I ?ul SSlA Wed., July 12 Slexmera marked * do not rarry stueragv passengera. I'abin passage, $S?, (1<U and (1311, gold, according to ac eonimo^ation. Return tickets on tavorable terms. Steerage tickets to iind Irom all parts ot Europe st very low rates. Freight and pussage office No. 4 Howliurf Green. CHARLES 0. KRANCKLYN, Agent. C"BEAT WESTERN HTBAMSIIIP LINE. T TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. ?ailing Irom pier IS East Biver a* lollowa AKAGON. Symons Saturday. June 24 CORNWALL, Stamper Tuesday, Julv 11 I'abin passage, 975; Intermedlato, 945; steerage, $30, cur rency ; excursliiii ticket*. 9120; prepaid steerage certltieatus, 92(1. Apply to W. D MORGAN. Agent. 7() South *t. Most diukct and economic'route to Hol land, BELGIUM. THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, , AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. SteamcrCAL.VND June 22 Steamer SCIIOLTEN July ii These beautiful steamers, carrying the l.'nlted State* mall to the Netherlands, are great lavorites with the public. Trips regular, rate* low; comfort and liviug perfect. For freight. For passage. KUNCll, ED YE A CO. L. \V. MORRiS, 5t) Broadway. American line. Weekly Mall Steamship service between ' PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL i calling at (Jueenstown. Bailing every Thursday Irom Philadelphia and hailing every Wednesday from Liverpool. The following steamer* are appointed ;o *all Irom Phila delphia INDIANA June 8 1 OHIO June 21* ILLINOIS lune 15 PENNSYLVANIA.. July tt ?LORD ('LI VB Jane 22 I 'CITYof LIMBKICk July IS PRICE OK PASSAGE IN CUBBKNCY. Cabin, 975 io 9IO-I, accordiug to location. Steerage and intermediate Iiekot* to aud Irou* all points at the lowest rates. 'Steamers marked with a st ir do not carry Intermediate. Passenger accommodation* tor all classes unsurpassed. Kor paisage, rates of Ireiglit aud other lulormation apply to PhTER WRIGlfr A SONS. General Ageuts, .?)/Walnut st . Philadelphia; OKO. W COI.TON. 42 Broad st? New York. JOHN MrlNJNALD, Passenger Agent, No. 8 Battery place. C~ OOK'S INTERNATIONAL TOURIST TICKETS To all perts of Buroin-. available lor passenger* landing at Qiieenstown, Liverpool or Glasgow, are sold at reductions ranging from H> to 45 per rent. FOURTH SUMMER VACATION PARTY lall* bv steamer VICTORIA July 8, for Scotland, Kiiglauil, Belgium, the Rhine, Switierland, I*ranee and Italy, conducted by Mr. Thomas Cook. Price* lor tlrit class stesmvr, rail and IL-tel, 9;?X), #400 and *?*?'. gold. l'?K)K'S EXCURSIONIST has all particulars of nearly one thousand European excursion*, showing routes and fares. Price I" reuts. COOK. SON 4 JKNKINfl. 2ttl Broadway. COAHTWIHE STEAMSHIP^. PANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIKIC MAIL ' " STEAMSHIP LiNES. For CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. NBW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA. OREGON, *C Sallincfiom pier 42 North River. For SAN FRANCISCO via ISTHMUS OK PANAMA, steamship AC A PULCO, Friday. June 23, connecting for Central Ainerl -a and South PaclRc ports. From SAN KKANCICCO to JAPAN and CHINA, steamship ?Saturday, July I. For freight or passage apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO , or II. J. BULLAY. Superintendent. N >. 0 Howling Ureen. pier 42 North River, foot Canal st. XT Y . HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS. LINE XI ? Steamers leave pier No. :t North River, at 3 P. M. r'Ort HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OK MKKIDA Tueaday, June IS CITY OF VERA CRI'/ Thursday. .Iuu* |."> KOR VERA CRI Z AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havnna. Progrra.i, Campeachy, Titspan and Tampko. j CITY GK MKKIDA Tuesday. June IS Kor freight and passage apply to K. ALEXANDRE 4 SONS, 31 and 33 Broadwav Steamers will leave New Orleans June 18 and July tt for Vera Cm* ami nil the abuva ports. ONLY DIRECT LINE KOR KLORIDA.-M EEKL\ LINK lor I'ort Royal. 8. C.; Fernandiua, 11a; Brunswick. Ga.: sailing every Thursday, troin pier 2l> East Itiver. The steamer CITY OK DALLAS, Captain lliue*. will sail Thur* ?lav. June 15, at 3 P. M.. lor Fernandlna and Port Royal. Through tickets l><ued to all points in Florida. Kor Irelghi or passage a|>p!y to C. II. M ALLOIt Y k CO . or IIERM AN UELl'CKK. 153 Maiden lane. M GROAN'S LINE OP STEAMSHIPS, for New Orleans ami Texas. will sail everv Saturday to New Orleans, transferring Texas trelgbt there to Morgan's Louisiana aud Texas Railroad lor Morgan City, thenc >. per Morgan'* line ?l steamer*, to Texas ports. The ALGIKBS will sail from pier *1 North River, New Ynr*. on Saturday, June 17. at-I P. M , for New Orleans I '"Through hills of lading signed to Mobile. Galvestou and to ; all points on the Galveston, ilarrtsbnrg and San Antonio, | Houston and Texas Cauirai, International and Great North : era, Texas and Pacific and Trans-Continental rallioads. and I in Indianola, llramis .'Santiago, Corpus Christ!. Rockport, ' St. Marv'iand Fulton Freight lor St. Mary's and Pulton landed at Rockport. j Lighterage and channel dues at either Corpus Christi or | Brasos Santiago at the expense and risk of consignee. Through rates to Br< wnseille via Rio Grande Kallroad. I Insurance ran he effected under open policy of C. A Whit ney A Co., New Orleana. Krom New 1 ork to New Orleans, i ^ per cent.; from New York to all Texaa port* via New Or leau*, % per cent j Freight at lowest rate*. I'orfralglit or further Itilorina Hon apply to t!|lAK( Ks a WHITKKY A CO., Agent*. Jill HIm*. SV^T^aV^VD BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. sailing monthly from Wat*on'* wharf, Bnmkiyn. N. V . for P.tKA, PEItNAMBUCO. BAIIIA and HIOJA\?KHO, callin-; at St. John s, Porto Hieo. J. B. WAl'KER, Saturday. June 21. NELLIE MAKTIX, July -. Passenger accommodations first nn-s Kor Ireiglit and pas*age, al reduced rates, apply to J. S. TUCK KK A Co . Agents, M I'lne st. NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINK ? These llrst class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North Itiver, foot of Cstiar su, for Havana direct, as follow* ?? m WILMINGTt)N Tuesday. June 20 COLUMBUS Thursday. June 29 For freight and passage, having unaurpassed aeeommoda tions. apple tu^ (1 ,.| VDK k co ? Bow|lnK ijr^n. McKELLRH, LULINO k CO.. Agenr* In Havana. 1">o7t NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. 1 THE CROMWELL LINE. The ateamshlp HUDSON. Captain Gager. on SATURDAY. June 17. at S o'clock P. M., from pier No. tt North River. Through hilla of lading irleen to Mobile and all principal poiiiisou the Mississippi Klver. Cabin passage, 9'*>"; steerage,925. | Apply to CLAItK A SRAVAM. m Wastat. T- EX As LINEKOR GAl.VP.STON. TtMJl IIING AT KEY West, carrying tha United States mall. The steamer STAT!*. OK TEXAS. Captain Boegar, will sail on Saturday, June 17. at 3 P. M., Irom pier 20 East Kiver. Tbrougn hills of lading given to all points on tbe Houston and Texas, Central International and Great Ni rthern, Galveston. Hons ton and Henderson, and tha Galveston. Ilarrishurg and San Antonio Katlroada Freights and insurance at lowest rate*. Kor freight or passage, having superior accommodations, ap ply to C. U. MALLOKY * CO.. 15S Maiden laaa. F COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. OR NASSAU. N REGULAR M AIL sTEAMSHI^ 1.KU Iium .Nf? Y'ork Julv I Ml KB AY. Kk K KIS A CO.. ?2 South ?l. FOK II ill PAX. V S , AND ST JOHNS. V. F CRO.M WELL BTEAMSH I F LIN t. Steamers leave pier 10 North Klver following days, al ?< P M : ? UEt ?KG E t.'Kit VI WELL..,,. Tueaduv, June 2 ? GtwIli.E WASH I MilO.V Friday. June*) Moal <tlr?ct, quickeat aud cheepcat route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland uud ibf Lower St. Lawrence Excellent pua lender nccouimodaliub*. Fur treifr'ht or pasaage apply to CLARK A SHAVI AN. S.) Weil at. OLD I>OVIINION STEAMSHIP fllMPA.Ni. Bailing ifotn pier 37 North River. For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, I ue?d*v?. riiur* duya Mild Saturda\a ut 3 f Mv connecting with tile Virginia Mill Teuneaaee Air Line. Atlantic Const Llue. Piedmont Air I.iu?. Chexapeake mid Obiu Railroad and with the com ouuy'a aleajii hue* to Interior poiuta lit North t'aiollua a lid Virginia. Newbern and Watulugtoti, .V. (via Norfolk), every Tueaday. Thured*y uud Saturday. Lewea. Del.. Monday. Wedu-wlay and Iridayat 3 1. VI., counseling with .Maryland aud Dataware railroads I'liaaenger *< <-0111 modal ions uuaurpaaaed. Th rough paa?.?.! ticket* it * i J bill* of lading to all point* at loweat r " * " ? * "?* r?c*i Greenwich i h rough paamgo ticket* it'll bill* nf lading to an poiuiaat eat rate*. luturntic* to Norfolk. Ac., >, per reut. !? r*lgl? eivil ilally ut niur :t7 Norlli Knar Geueral ofBcee, 1B7 'etiwleh at. V I.. Md'READY. Pr**ideiit?_ TH&VKlJiKHV UL'IUb.. AI.HXNV ANI) TROY BY DAY BOATS C. VlBBARb and DANIhL DREW,?Leave Veatry at. pier at?:10 aud 24lli it. at s ?:*> A. M . l.iii-lni/ at N vault uud Tarry town (i y fairy boat), We?t I'olm. Newbitrg, Poiighheepile. Rhine beck, Cittlkill and liutianu floe* c?un*ctlou ut Albuny with truina fur the North and VVeat. lo VVeat Point and Newburg aud return, same day. $1 ; Poughkeepsia, $1 >VJ. ill cheek daily link -stkamrr . NEW I'll A M l'I< >N. Mondays, VVednendavii and Frl days; strainer WALTER BRETT. I iicsdaya, Thursday* anil Satuidays, at ?t P. M . from pier Nu 4-'. foot of Canal St., connecting at Catakill with Western atugia. Para, 3U cent*. LB ANY. KKni'l.KS LIM:; 51 E A M BOA l'H~LRA VH pier 41 North Ri?er, daily, Sunday excepted, at tl P. M., for Albauy and nil poiuta unrth uud writ; treat reduction! lu faie. r.xcursiou tickets to Alb my, Saratoga,* Montreal uud return. Meala on European plan. CIITIZENS* LINK STEAMBOATS KtlH TROT AND ALt / poiuta Northauit aud Wi;>.t, leave dally, axrapt Satur day, at II I*. M., frotu pier-IK North lliver PEv'lAL NOTICE.-KUtST TKlFOK THE ENTIRELY new and mmrntltrenl ateamer (CITY OK TMOY. of th* Citixena Line, Imm Pier 4U. North River, fool of i?roy at., TIH'KKDtY. June 1\ at ? P. M. A aoeclal day trip will also be made SATURDAY'. Jura 17, leuvlui; at 10 A. M., arriving at Troy early in tliu ev?? In*. I) AILY LINE TO NORWALK.?PARK RRDlItlED. By tha an lit ateimer ARROWSMITII, leaving Jewell'! w ltaif, Brooklyn, ut 2 :SO P. M.; pier 37 Eaat River, U :4S P. M . and foot ofSN at , 3 I'. M.: returning, leavea Norwulk at 7:'iOA. M . daily iSuudaya excepted); i-ouuectlng each waj with the Oiiutiur.v and Norwalk and New Haven rallroada. Pare, 3.'i eenta; axruraiuu tlcketa, .'iO renin. tilAXX IIIVKit LINE TO BOSTON, 1; via Newumt ai.d Pall River.?The wjrld renownra ?teamboata BKISIDL anil PBOYIDENCE leave pier W North Klver, foot of Murray at., dally (Sundays Included), at 3 P. M. Through tickets sold at all the principal hotels In the city. Highlands op the uuosuH hy daylight.? I ho MaRY POiVELL. far West Point, Newbury, Pointhkeeinile, Rumlout and Klnmton, landluit at Cossens', Cornwall, Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlboro by ferry, will leave pier 31t North River (Ventry at.) daily. Sundays axretited. at 3:'?) P. M Conuecta at Pougltkaepale with evening trains lor Hie North. OLD ESTABLISHED LINE FOR STl YVESANT, CATS kill un?1 Intermediate Ian lings.?Steamer ANDREW IIABDER, Irom Franklin al. (oier Sol, Tueadav, Thuridav and Saturday; at earner VIONITOR, Mcnday, Wedueailuy and Friday, atP. M PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ~ GREAT trunk i.iSe AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROCTR. Trains leave New York, via Deabioaae* and (%irt<andt strati ferties, as follnwa: ? Expreas for ilarrlsburK. Pittsburg, the Welt and South, witk Pullman palara cars attuehed, 11:30 A. M., ?) and M : tU I*. M. Sunday, U aud S :3> i P. M For Wiillaiiisport, Lock Haven. Corry and Erie att*:3!>A. M. and ?:*' P. M., conurrtin/ at Corry for Tttuavllla Petroleuui Centre and the oil rerlont. For Baltimore, WHablu^lnu and the South, ''Limited Wash ington Kxpren" of Pulliiian parlor cara dally, except Sun day, t' A. M ; arilve at Washington at 4 :It) P. M. Rbku lar at S :4<l A. M.. 3 aud ? P M. Expreas lor Philadelphia. 7, 7:3t?, 8:?0, 9-10 A. M . 12^3 3,4, 4;I0. .ri, it. 7. H;3o, tl P. M. and 12 night. Suuday, 5, U, 7, 8:3o uud B P. Vi Emigrant and second dusa. 7 P. M. For Cciileiiulal depot at f?:30, 0:'k). 7?'*), H. H:4U, it::*) A .VI , IJ 30, 3 and 4 P. M. Returning, leave Centennial ileiiot at 7:1S,8;|S, 10.30 A. M., I :l\Tl M, 4, .V3tl,Uau? liA P. M. Fur trains to Newark, ElUalietb, Rahwav, Princeton, Treit tuu, Perth Auiboy. Fleuiiuaion, Helvidera aad other point?, see local acltedulos at all tioket oOees. Train* arrive : Frmu Pittsburg, U t-M aad 10 ; t I A M. and lOrJOP. M. dally; IO;ir>A. M. and tfAl F. M. dally, ex cept Monday. iioiu Washluytou uud Ualtlmocc, 0:J? A. Ticket odicsa^jiu and ?44 Broadway, No. 1 Aator llouae and foot of DesoSnaea and Corllaudt sts.: No. 4 Conn at.. Brooklyn; Noa.J)W. Ilti and IIS tludaou St., Ilobokeis Emigrant ticket nRice, No. 8 Battery pluce. FRANK THOMPSON, D. M. IIOYD. Jr.. Ueueral Manager. Oeiiaral I'aatonger .i^oui. PHILADELPHIA VIA LONG BRANCH AND TUB New Jersey Southern Hail road. -Pare lower than by uuy other route, commencing June 4, lS7?i. !<eav* New Yolk from cler H North Biter, loot Ke< tor ?t.. 0 4'> A. M. for lAing Uisuch and intermediate atatlous; tl t-'i A. M., for Philadelphia. Long Blanch. Toran River. Vlneland, ke.; 4 P. M. lor Philadelphia, Long Brauch, Wan-town, and Tncarrton ; 0 P. M.. lor Long Branch aud iuteiiu?diaia sta tions. Sundays 8 30 A. M. lor I^oug Branch. W. S. SNEDEN.G. M. K ON Dorr AND KINOSION. CONNECTING WITK Ulstar aud Delaware Rallrjad. landing at llle hi and Kails (West I'ulnt), Cornwall. Newburg. Marlboro'. Milton, Poughkeeuale. Kaopus?Steamboatt TIIO.V1AS CORNELL and J AVIES W. B VLDWIN leave, daily, pier foot of Spring St., North rlvar, at 4 P. M, TONINtiTON LINE FOK BOSID.N. Reduction of Fare Steamers RHODE INLAND and NAKKAOANSKTT. froM pier tl Nort'j River, loot of Jay St.. at !i P, M. Providcnco l.lue, fiom pier '27 North Illter, loot of Park place. 8teatnsklps ELECTBA aad GALATbA, al 4 JO P. M. EXCLUSIONS. ADKLltlllTFl'L EXCURSION ROCKAWAY' PLYMOUTH ROCK, lor ROCKAWAY. ? JAR REIT A PALMER'S superb floating palace, the steamer PLYMOUTH ROCK, will taake a grand excursion to Kockawsv CHARMING I Be arli aud the cool bree/ee of tha Atlantic, ? AMILY TO DAY AND EVERY DAY, EXCURSION including SUNliAY, leaving the foot oi XV'EKY L'2d st , N. R, at In k' A. M., and pier 2 N. DAY. R? at 11 o'rliK'k A. M., and returning tr the city by 7 P. M. I-arc. lor the whole axrarsion. Wleentsi , tingle trip tickets, lo or frmu Km kaway, i Vi cants. A GRAND Ml'sIt'AL ENTERTAINMENT is given every dey by Horace Weston, the Champion Baajo 1st; the Jubilee Singers and lustriimentalUts. Madrigal Boys, Mox?rt Glee Club. Palermo Siring Baud, Chime* of Church Bells, tc. ?.?One trip only oarh day, INCLUDING SUNDAY. Th* saasop at Rcekaway is now folly openad, tbe beach, which is uustirpaasad for surf bathing, being dally thronged with iadic. children and family picnic partlaa. KH K AWAY BEACH BXCDMIONE ~ " Hc TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OCR AN. FOL'K EXCURSIONS DAILY bv the favorite end cotuuiodiout rxcnraluii ateainort, amekicus and NEVhKSINK. Mnilrai entertainment by tbe celebrated ORPHEUS GLEE CLUB. AMEBIC US LEAVES 24th St.. N. It. i loth at., N. R I Y-sev St. I Fulton St.. B'n. AM P.M. 1A.M. P M A. M. P. M. I A M. P.M. S :'JII aud 1:15 8 4N and 1:2% !? 'Al 1 :40 | H :T> and 2 Ml NEVERtlNK LEAVES EAST RIVER. Wtli St.. E. R. I S. 1st, Wonb'g. I Grand it . N Y. I Brooklyn. A. M P. M. A. M. P M A. VI P. M A. M.l'.M, 9:(?l 12 *4'| I H :1ft nnd IO'|?:S0 and |;IO|9i0n I HQ Mt-aiuers leave RiM-kaway at 11 A. M , r> and .1 :l"? F. M. Para. 3.*> renta. Excuralou tickets. *>0 rents. Ilaturn tickets good ?u either alwve boat*. NOTICE.?No delay from low tide. tlnlv boata making the upper landing* at ILwhaway. On SUNDAYS the ateamera Wll.LlAM cook and AKKOWsMITII will niske excursion to Rockawav Is connection wltb the above boata. A-CATSKILL t reek daily linr.-stea'mem ? NEW CHAMPION .Vlondaya. Wednesdays and Fri days; aleauier WALTER BKETT Tuesdays, Tharsdays and Saturday*, at tl I*. M., Iroin uler 42, foot of Canal St., cam* aertlng at Catsklll with Weatern stages Far*, .Vie. AHI?l778 FOR CONEY ISLAND. DAILY?MM.? Theorw ateamer IDLEWILD will run tol'onav Island, ou and after Mun lay, June II, * vary day, leaving 2'W at, N R..0A. M . 12 M and 3 P. M ; I'Hh at . N. R.. u IO. I2:IU and 8 in P.M.; Prauklln St. N. R , H St. 12 :*) and 3 :M P. M.; pier 2 N. R. M 30. 12 :?i and :t :-? P M. Tha SAPPHO leave* SBdst., V R. 10:S0. I rioaudt no P. M.; loth st . NR. 10:40, I 40 and 4 4n F. M.: Franklin af, N It., 10 .V), I tVO aud 4 X) F. M ; pier 2 N B.. II A. M . j and fV P. M ELIZA MANCOX, June 18. from East River. ?A ?TtT CHARTER STEAMBOAT FOKT LKEI ? will arrummiKiat* 4" ? paa-*ngera; price f.*W) to $I<W per day. Apply In the alternoon at 47 Pultin st. A -FISHING HANKS M'KKY DV* (SATL?DAY? ? excepted).?Ocean ateamer SE1II LOW, leaving llnrriaou at.. North River, il:30; Hth st.. East River, 7; pMw 27 Esat River. 7 1A| loth ?t . North Klver. 7 *0. pi*r 4 North River, 8 A. M. Tlcketa. $1 AL. O. FOSTER, Manager. A -A.- DAILY AND SUNDAY EXCURSIONS f?) ? Fort Le*. Pleasant Valley and Shady Side. Steamboatt leave Canal st dallv at II :ir> and lo A. M. ; 2, .1 ;tr> and 7:1 J I'. M .Sunday at S. loand 11 A. M.; 12 M., I, 2,8. 4,? and 7 P. M.; landing at-!4th and 34th ata. (daily an I Sund.iyi ID luiniltea later Ronn < trin 2V ? children bail n.M* A -FOR EXCURSIONS. SAIAMIN sikANSR WYT) ? in I ii g. barges Republic, Chicago, Baldw in. ' iledoaii and Anna; Oriental, Excelsior, Alderuey Park, Itaritan Beacb. Cold Spring and lona laland Grov*?. A<ldre-~ er In onire at 3H4 VVrst at , opposite Christopher street ferry, " K CROSeETT. fStlOI.EllA HANKS. .SATURDAY MORNING JUNR l'i \ ocean at*atuer Beth I^?w. leaving Harrison St.. N. R ? J0; Hth St.. R. K . Ml pier 27. E R., 6:1ft; lOtn St., N. R. ? :?), nter ?, N. R. 7 A. M. Ticket*. SI .Ml. Pilot SAM GREENWOOD AL. Ii. POSTER. Manairer. i^OR I.M I KSIONS -THE LAKlJP. FIRST CLAM FA r vorlte Steamboats Sleepy Hollow, now called the LONG BRANCH, aud METAMORA. Engleswood, Alpine. De* ley's. Spring llill, Myers' and loaa Island Groves, with Bargea and Boats of all kind* J. MYERS. eora*r Morton and Wan atv ! i\AILY EXCURSIONS To ."aEW IIaVEN THE ELE i 1" gant ateaincr TWILIGHT will caiuimem-e her trlpa on i s'undav, June 18. and contlnn* daily therealter (Moadayt excepted) as follows:?lieav* llarrlaon at.. North River, at 1 7A. N.; Fallon ferry. Bmoklyo, s A. M.; Graml at., I East Klver. s :1ft A. M.; 23d at.. East Rlv. r. n Jit A. M. ar riving at New llavan at 1 :.'*l P. M. Itelnrnlnir. I**v* Now I llavea at 3 P. M , arriving at New York 7 :?) P. M. Far* ' f>rexciirai.>n.fl Masle and r*IV*?h?eata. R' fKIKAWAY BEACH-NEW SKA sTKAMER MARION leaves dally from th* foot ol Franklin at. at I" A. M.; far* 3r> rents; excursion Greets :*l c*nt*. I?avea fhe Heaeh at 4 3d P. M. ?tlTBRT "POINT, KIWSORO, FOUuHKRRFNtS AMD M r*t*ra taat day bf day lis* MMMS