Newspaper Page Text
MURDER AND SUICIDE. A HCSBAND SHOOTS HIM WIFE AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF IN GBEEN POINT. Greenpoint was thrilled with horror yesterday eves lag by the rapidly circulated rumor thai a murder bad been perpetrated, and that the murderer bad then com mitted suicide. The talc grew by repetition until tho excitement for a time lully equalled that of the finding of Simmons' bead, but tno lack ol mystery in the lat ter case led to IU quick subsidence It remains, how ever, the staple subject of conversation with the cro?d* at tbo street corner* and on the sidewalks. The (acta are as follows:? Michael Downey, a carpenter by trade, aged fifty yearn, but who has been working of late an a cotton sampler, awns the ca->ey little cottage No. 204 Greene street, Is which be has resided with bis wife Samh, sped thirty-eight years, and three children, George, tged seventeen years, Mary, aged nine years, and Sarah, aged six years. With the exception of occa sional quarrels when Michael had been drinking the family lived very happily together uutil within a lew months, when tbu frequency of the ([uarrels in creased with Michsel's habits of drinking. Yesterday tbc children went on the picnic of at Anthony's Roman Catholic church, marching In procession with thoir classmate.*. Michael saw theui and it Incensed b>m 10 tbat going homo f?o abu.-ed his wile for allowing Ihem to do it, threatening to shoot both her and hint icit. Mrs. Iiowney becoming iudi^uant, left the bouse ind remained ut tho rusidenco of a neighbor named It'illium O'Rourke for three hours. In tbu meantime Downey had obtained some more liquor and wo* half :r*zed. W lien his wife returned at half-past four P. it. he met her at tho Iront door nnd be nan abusinu ler, calling her a cotnmou drunkard, accusing her ?f infidelity and other oilences. until at las), growing wore excited as ho proceedod, he poshed her oil the rront stoop to the sidewalk and jumped after ber. When ?he recovered her lootiug she turned toward him, and it the same instant ho drew a pistol from bis pocket and fired at her, the ball piercing her neck under the left Jaw, and, passing in, lodged In or near the spine. 8110 fell at once to the sidewalk, Mr. O'Kourke and Dtbers rushing to her vistanco as her hushaud ran up ihe sloop and into tlie bouse, securing the iront door bebiud hiiu. Olllcer Teniore responded immediately to tho alarm tbat was raised, ax did Officer McKillop, and they were cm tho spot a miuuto or two after the anfortunato woman was shot aud Just in tinio to hear another pistol report from within the house. They then lorcod iu entrance, and as tno neighbors convoyed the in lured woman in, they proceeded in their seuroh lor Iiowney, whom they* found deud on abed in the buck room up stairs, ho liaviug shot himself through the heart with the same weapou he bad usod on his wife. He bad placed the pist 1?a Mnglo barrel breocb loador?so close to his breast when ho tind that the powder scorched Ins shirt Doctors Wheeler and Jeoklns had responded lo the calls for assistance which had been made durinx the few moments tho search and removal occupied, and devoted their attention to the injured woman, whom they pronounced seriously hurt, though Ihe ? ound wan not necessarily falal. Kverything that could be done .'or her was done by tho neighbors, who will render ussistauce us loujz as it is necessury. The ?ceuc on the return of the children was u harrowing one, the tragedy overwhelming iliem with grief, though for the g ike of their mother they restrained excessive demonstrations in lior presence. Coroner Nolan was notified of Downey's death, aud will commence the in quest to-day. OBITUARY. BIOHT BEY. ATJGC8TIN VEBOT, D. D. Intelligence from Augusta, Ua., of the 14th Inst, re ports:??'Right Rev. August n Verot, Bishop of St. Augustin, Fla., died suddenly yesterday of apoplexy." I ho above named distinguished prelate of the Catholic Church was an ecclesiastical student at aa early age. Having received holy orders, Ac was sooiv noted lor hit zeal und piety, in tbc month of Aprl., 1858, ho was couHccratca, by authority from Rome, \ icar Apos tolic ot Florida, ilo was translated to the see ol Sa Tiinnah in July, 1801. and appointed Uiahop of St. Augustin in the month of March, 187& JUDGK DUOOAN. Judge Duggan, bo eminent jurist, died at Toronto, Canada, yesterday afternoon. ? SAMUEL WYLIK CEAWFORD, D. D. [From tho Philadelphia Tlmos, June 14.1 Tho venerable Dr. Crawford died at Fayetteville, franklin county, on the 12th inst, la tho eighty-fourth fear of his ago. Be was of Scotch anccairy and his kirtiiplace was Charloston, S. C. Mr. Crawford re ceived his education in tins city, and after rraduatlng at the University of Pennsylvania In 1810 commenced the study of medicine, which be soon abandoned lor theology as more congenial to his feelings and tauten. In 1813 be was licensed bv tho authorities of thu Pres byterian Relormed Church aud ordained at Diianes bur?, N. Y., in 1S23 In August, 1824, he was installed ! lastorol a church In Franklin county, in ibis State. About this time he assumed control of the Chambers burg Wadcrny, in wbicb position ho remained until ISoO, when lu' became principal of tho academical de partment of the University of Penuaylvania. When a young preacher Mr. Crawiord miniatered to tlie Inmates ol tlie Walnut Street Prison, and during his enreor he alio preached at stilted intervala in the Kitslern Penitentiary and the House ol Rcluge, In 1 S.'.'O Mr. Crawford Ailed the pulpit ol a church at Fairmount, sud alter some years spent in that locality he received a call trom a new church nt Seventeenth and Filbert streets, where be remained until 1856, when an im paired constitution compelled him to leave the city. He then returned to his old home in Franklin county. Tne degree ol Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon Mr. Crawiord in 1S44. For t-oiuo years ho filled the cbair of church history and oaatorai theology In the Theological Seminary, and subsequently that of dl vlnity, and duriug the rebellion hu aoie^ as chaplain In thu army. One of bis sons is Cenernl & Wyhe Crawford, of the United States Army. The piety ol the ICev. Pr. Crawford was of an earnest, active char acter. He was noted for deeds of charity and benevo lence, wnilo his defence ol truth aud fight waa of a truly neroic nature. Ho waa strong in bis feelings and attachments, aud no man will t* mourned by a wider Mrcle of attached and devoted friends and admirers. MBS. BET8ET JUDD, Of HAWAII. [From the Honolulu (3. 1.) Advertiser, May 20.] Mrs. Deuey Judd, the mother of tho late Dr. G. P. ludd, and grandmother of the Hon. A. F. Judd, Judgo If the Supreme Court, died at tho bomestoad "Sweet Home," lu Nuuanu avenue, on Sunday morning last. In the nitiety-lourth year of her ago. Sbe eame to theso ?lands from her native State, New York, in 1852, to reaido with her late sou, and tlie last twenty .four yoars ?r her life she has been surrounded oy children, grand children and great-grandchildren. It Is believed that her direct descendants numbered over eiuhty. She waa a woman of rare good aenae. cheerful in disposi tiou, and her death, like her life, waa peaceful and k?ppy THE RAILROAD CAPITAL OP UTAH. Law Or pick or H. W. 0. Maroast, 1 Oook.s, Utah, June a, 1874. J To tu Editor of rnu Hksalu :? In your leader, "Rapid Transit," he., of 1st Inst., te band by Jarrett & Palmer's fast train at 10:21 A. M., Ogilen time, you suto, "Reaching ? ? ? Salt l<ake about noon ou Saturday." At the request of many I arrite to say that Ogden Is the railroad contre of Utah Territory, ana SaUt Lake City la thirty-five miles nearly loutb ol Ogden. on tho Utah Central Railroad, and en tirely ofT the present transcontinental route. It is true that "Salt Lakers" think of that city as concerning Tub "L'rtat c e*t mo*;" but as Ogden la steadily in jreasiug <n population, while the same can hardly be taid of Salt Lake City, our "burg." now baviug some thing over 8.UOO population, is likely to prove + for ntdubie rival to the present capital. F.verytbing from last or wed lor Salt Lake City goes through Ogden. fhe excitement in regard to the last train Is large and ?eneral, and the results looked lor with much anxiety uid good wishes. Your obedient servant, H. W. O. MARGARY. MURDERED BY HER FATHER. IS EXBUMAM M024STKB WHIPS BIS DAUOHT1B TO DXATH. One of the most horrlblo outrages that It has been Hir painful duty tocbroniole, and one that has Justly tailed forth the rigbteous indignation ol every one who las he. rd of it, occurred about three miles from Allen Ipringa some two weeks ago. David White, a man who vas believed by many who knew him to be ol a brutal tature, waa, with bis little daughter, twelve years of ige, is a Held some distance from tne boose, planting lorn. Wh?n the hour of twelve arrived, and tbey narted liar their dinner, Mr. White forbade his child iding the boras with ?Inch he bad juat been ploughing, ?llisg her the horse waa poor and tired, and that she tas more able to walk than the horse was to carry her. The child left the Held, leading the horse in the dires Uoo of the bars, but alter going nouie distance, and probably leeliac a little weary, child like, led the horse lo the lence and mounted mm. Her father, seeing ?that sbe bad done, aud being controlled more by S spirit of malevolence than a fleet ion, rushed (o Ihe spot where sbe waa and jcrkeu ber irom the horse, and, in a manner more like a fiend than a lather, beat ber unmercllully. The child, on arriving at the l.ouse, tuiormed the leat ol the family ol what lm<l occurred, When the ffctber renewed hia assault, knocking ber doers a number of times, * aud aunipin^ and kicking her la the region of the stomach, despite her cries lor mercy, wltb such force and rapidity as tu ?oou cause ber to become insensible, when at last hia brliiah bate Seemed satiated, aud be stopped hia breunty. The child was taken to her bed. Irom which sbe never again arose, and the general belief is the neighborhood was So. corroborated by ihe laat words ol tbrf dying girl, whieb were, "my father killed me." The ueiginor hood Is very mueh in< eoscd at such as innumau out. rage, and tt la hoped that immediate .taps will be taken tabling to j??U*oand punianruent the |>crpetrat?r of this, eoe of tae most hslseas crimee that has bees re aarSsU isrysMt A PEDLER BRAINED. HIS HEAD CHOPPED OPEN WITH A HATCHET. [From the Fort Scott (Kan.) Monitor, June 11.] Word was brought to the city yeeterduy morning by ' N. Rockwell, a larincr living ten miles northwest ol Fort Scott, on tbe Mapleton road, that a murder bad been committed near Blair's bl.icksmlth shop, about seven miles tram tho city. Dr. Garwood, tbe coroner, was noiitlcd, and together with Sheriff Gutnm, Con stable Allen and Deputy Sheriff Hulbert, started for tbo scene or tbe murdor. On reaching tho place a uuii l-etweeu tbirty-Qvo and forty years ol age was found lyiug on tbo ground, near a wagon, with his head cut open and brains scattered around on the grass. Appearances Indicated that he must have bled pro fusely, as there were two large pools of blood where the body lay. V. Copes, J. Copes, R. Osburn, J. C. Uanna, K. Rock well and John Uisbop were selected as a corone r's Jury and John Bishop, Dr. Barlow, John Allen and J. 13. Veith, partner of tbe inurderod man, were tho wit nesses examined. Tbe lacu elicited were substantially as lallows:? J. R Veith and Colestlno Desprey left Leavenworth tor Ila.\Ur Springs u lew days siuoo lu a wagon drawn by a kpan ol mules, tbe outUt belonging to Desprey. A kind ol partnership existed between them in tbe busi ness of peddling harness nil and emery stones. Nifclit boloro lasi they camped about one mile Irotu Blair's shop and half a mile Ironi tno Mnpleton road. It 1s an out of the way place, und uot such a one as is usually chosen lor liio purpose by persons who depend on uuighbortug lartmirs lor their supplies. About lour o'clock yesterday morning Veith started for Mr. Blair's residence alter food lor him self and partner (>o he state*). Oil arriving, he noticed his mules ruiiiuug across the prairie, and remarked to Mr. Blair Out Mjinetblug must be wrong, aud started after them, goiug by the wagon, lie lolluwed tbo mules four or live miles to Mr. Bishop's, where ho announced that Ills partner had been killed, aud stuted that the mules must huvo kicked bun to doatli. A hatchet covered with blood and two cans of har ness oil were found about sixty ynrds froiu the wagon, whero they bad evidently been* throw n by the person who perpetrated the deed. On Veith's psntaioons there wore throe bloody lluger marks, where ho had wiped his haud. His explanation of this was that i.e had moved Denprcy's body, and in doing so lie bad put blood on his hands. Tho general impression of those present was that Veith had killed his partner, but for what purpose It could not be surmised, as uo money was found ou his person. There is another side to tho case. Sheriff (iumni re turned from the country nigtit before last, und when about one mile from tho blacksmith shop and several rods Irom the road he observed two men lying in the Krass and two ponies neur them. They both hud a bottle ol whiskey, aud for some reason were trying to lude, but on discovering thut thoy were observed the fellows got up aud "took suthln'." Other parties also report having seen tho same two persons, and Veith says he and his partner met them, and that Desprey felt uneasy and loaded bis revolver to be in readiness should any demonstration be made. The Coroner's Jury returned u verdict that Celestlne De.-prey "came to his dcalh bv a hatchet belouging to J. I!. Veith." The body of tbe murdered man was brought to this City yesterday evening aud lell with S. O. Uoodlander. undertaker, for lutorinent. Veith was urrested ana taken beiore Judgo Cheney for preliminary examina tion. which was pusiponed until Tuesday. In the moantiino ho will board at tho county hotol. W. J. isuwden Is attorney lor tbo prisoner. DIED. Satles.?Bbutha, eldest daughter of Henry L. and Nellie V. Siiyies, died June 14, 1870, aged & years, 10 mouths and 22 days. Funeral to take place Irom tbe residence of her parents, 1,021 3d av., between COth and 01st sis., Fri day morning, June 16, at ten o'clock. Relatives and friends of tbe lamily are respectfully invited to al> tend. [For Other Deaths See Ninth Page.] SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. DATU or DKTAUTUKBI F1IUM NkW ToBK FOB TBI MONTH! or JVSM AND JI'LY. int.'*. I Jtrttuintlim. otlea Si-vtliia. y ... ..... JJuiif 14.| Liverpool. | 4 Bowling Oraaa 15." 17. 17. |7. 17. 20.1 -'1. State ol Virginia.. i'uiuiuorauiu W wr City ol Richmond. Pereire Anclioriu tt ISCUUS1U. AL-eria Mate ol Nevada.... P Calaud II ammonia. Britannic Egypt.... hlyaia St Germain California Mosoi. Kothnia Lessiag Mala ot Inmaua. City ul Berlin Italy Ethiopia D niau I atirador Wyoming July Abyssinia | J uiy Wlelanu Julv ?V A Kcholtcn iJiIt Canada j Julv Garmantc I July The Vui-on I'n'T July July July July Jur July J my lJuly June Juue June Juno June June June June Juno June Juno I une Juue Junn June June June June Jnne June Jui? ..Itllv lJuly IJulv Victoria Glasgow An lia Rlieiii City ot Cheater. Celtla Spain Idaho 7ii Broadway HI Broadway :2 Bowlinir Green , 1ft Broadway 56 Broadway 7 Bowlinir Greaa ,'JV Broadway 14 Bowlinir Urea* 72 Broadway 50 Kroaaway 61 Broadway 37 Broadway C9 Broadway 7 Howling oreaa ?V. Hroadway 7 Bowling; Groan Howlinu (ireen 14 Howling Greaa ?'I Broadway 72 Broadway 15 l<roadway *Ui Broadway 7 Bowling Greea <L'Howllno Greaa illavre IBroadway ! Liverpool.. I2H Hroadway .ILiverpool.. |4 Howling oraaa . hatnliiirir.. HI Bronrtwav . I Rotterdam. '!>" Hroadway .|Havre !5ft Broadway .! Liverpool.. Ik7 Broadway I Liverpool..IW hroadway Glasgow. ?? Hamburg.. Bremen.... Liverpool.. Havre. ClalL'OW... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Ulataow... Kotterdain. Hamburg.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. London.... Havre Glaagow... Bremen.... Liverpool.. Hamburg.. Glasgow.... Liverpool ? Liverpool.. jtilHuirow.... iHremcu Glasgow.. Glasgow.... I.OIMilttl Bremen.... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. 7 Howling Greea 1 Bowlinir Urwaa 7 Howling Green V Bowling Green lft Hroadway 37 Broadway ,BU Hroadwav !'JO Broadway *ST-NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OK VESSELS IK TIIB COASTING AND FOREIGN TRADE-Captaint or officers of ?eaaela engaged is the coasting or foreign trade, observing the displacement or removal of tea buoyt, are requested to com municate the fact to the Herald. to that it may be broaght publicly to the attention of the proper authorities A letter addretaed "to the editor of the Hkbald, New York city," giviug at accurately at pottible the number and potitlon of diepiacadbuoyt or the caasa of tkielr removal, will tufllco la all tarn obterved along the Atlantic and Pacilic coaitt of the American Continent. Wboa they are obteived on the coatt of European couutiiet or In the Mediterranean It It requested tliat information be teat either by telegraph or letter to the London office of the Naw Yoke Hkbalp, W Fleet street, London, or to tbe Parit office. HI Avenue de i'Opera, Parit. Where tbe telegraph it uted detpatchet nay be addretaed "Bennett. 46 Fleet street, London." or "Bennett, 01 Avenue da I'Opera, Parit." Where eatet of diiplaceinent are obterved In the waters of countriei beyond the reach of the telegraph, aa in Asia or Africa, captalm may communicate with ua upon reaching the Bret convenient port. This information will be cabled free of charge to tbe UaitALP and published. W-NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS ENTERING THE PORT or NEW YORE AT NIGHT.-Tbe Naw York Hbbald has adopted a distinguishing Coeton night signal for use on board the Hibalp steam yacht, showing while burn lag tbe colors red. green, red, changing from one to the other In auccetaioa. and can be seen several miles distaut. Cap tains of vrtsels. upon reelag this signal, wlU oblige at by preparing any mariae news they may bare lor the Ship Newt Department of tbe IIbbauk i W-I'ertoos detirona of communicating with veaeolt arrlv Ing at New York caa do aq by addressing to aaca vettelt, care ofllBBALP newt yacht, pier No. 1 Eaet River, Naw York. Lettere received Irora all parts ofthe world aad promptly de livered. Duplicate! are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAT. SOW AID MOOS. I BIOU WAT ML Son ruca 4 28 | Gor. Island are San tela 7 32 i Sandy Hook vca Mom gala. ....Mora 12 11 ] Hall Gat*. eve 2 JO 1 36 4 04 PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 14, 1876. ARRIVALS. uroim IT Til RgRALD HTBAM YACItTf Alt MBBALB WHITkSTOgg TEUCUBAI-B LlgB. Steamer Algeria (Bri, Watson. Liverpool June 3. via (Jueenaiown 4tb, with mdse and paseeugert to U G trucklya. Steamer Clarfbel (Hr>, William., Jacmel May 3>t, Aux Caves Hoc h For; au I'r aoe June 3 and Kingston 7, with mds? and passengers tu I'm.. Korwinxl 1 Co Msamar Cllv of >ew York. Tlmmerman. Havana 3 days, lis hoart. with mote an J I*.' passengers to F Alexandre A Sotn June 14. waa anchored off the bar if boors, detained by 'og. Steamer Wilmmrtoa. Holmes, Havana June 0, with m<i?e and S:' p???rnrrr< to IVa P Clyde A Co. Steamer r?an Jacinto, Hasanl. Savanaan 4 days, with nnl?<- and paaaenvers to W KtJs'rlson. Steamer Benefactor. Jones. Wilmington, NC, 3 day*, with nilw and passenger? to Wm P Clyde A Co. Mnainer Aioemarie. Glbot. Lewes, i>el, with mdse to the Old Dominion Sieaftisliio l> ? Hark \rsuvio .Iial>. Carace, Livarpool 34 days, with .Liiity barrels teordvr; reuai to Fnnch. Edge A f!o Hark Alma iNori. WoaWlh, Oloucester. E, 31 daya. ia bal laat t? Fnnch. Kdye A Co Hark J 1. M oodworth (Hri. Frederickten. Havana 12 days, with .tifar tn l.rlnnell, Mlntiltn A Co. Bark Lacil e (Bn, Andrews, Mataatat 13 dajs, with (agar to Win In. alls. Hri* Mariposa, KirtcUer, Calbarivu Jaae'J, with sugar la Miller 4 ll'>ni[iiton. Jw hr Ida M Kldridre (of Philadelpnia). Stinson, Cow Ray todays, with coal to Perkins A Job. vessel to Jas W Ell well Jt Co, Hclir C II Dow, Howes. Savannah 10 days, with laaher t* Southard A Co; ve.set to mastei. SchrJ I' Kelsey. Steelman. Virginia. flrlir Joseph hston. Jr. I'etrrsou Baltimore. Sctir island Holla, Wondmaa, Uocklaad, Me. 3 dart, with granite to llaviland A Prossay. Mbr Hniradiar, Norton, dockland. Me. '?day*, with granite Is U F Brown TA&SKD THKOUGQ Li KLl. GATE. HOUND SOUTH. Steamer Kleanore. J.tbnvon. Portland tor New York. Steamrr (ilauvus, Hrarsr. Boston lor New York. hteauiar city of New Bedford, Fish. New Bedford for Maw York. Steamer Meclra. Voang. Pmndenca for Maw York. ssiir Ida II hldridgo. Sua too. Cow Bay, OS. far Naw Vara. Baitr liMtat, Walker, W la deer, Ml, far Kaw York. Scbr Jobu K llurst. Cook. Providence for New York. Scbr T#xm I>avi?, Cttv Ulind for New York. Scbr Awory, Hotter*. Uvoryr'i Hank* tor New York. Scbr Sirnh tfrtien. Au*tin, Hr?ivii!?uce lor New York. Scbr B***ton. 5icknrM>(i, Ho*t' ii tor New York. Scur Orlando Smith, Karri*. Portcbester for New York. Scbr NMiimn, Eaton. City Itiuud for New York. Scbr Expedite. Uackett. Orient fur ftondout. Scbr Kmuia. Karri*. Nantucket fur Now York. Scbr ll Spragve. Howard. Block 1 aland for New York. HchriJ 1'urvM. Lisl*. New Haven for New York. Kchr Inaac Rich. Walker, I'rovlileuco for Saw York. Scbr K Wttfthburn. 11 at U a way. I'rottdeuM for Now York. Scbr Kxcelsior. Blidenburtf. Cold Spriu/ for New York, Scbr Fanny Kern, Eaton. Provideute tor New York. Scbr *'vi?ihia Jane, Gardiner. Dot by for New Yoik. ^cbr Mifiouss, Phillips, Providcnce for New York. fiohr W V* Dickiubou, Warren, George'* Banks for New York. Scbr Bet*v A Ann. Clark, New London for New Yorfc. Schr Wellington. Harbour. Gardiner. Me. for New York. Schr Joseph Mar*h, Brown, New Bedford for New York. Schr W D Marram, ChiiM', New Beulord for New Yorft. hear U il lorsytb. Hobble. Stamford tor New York. BOUND EAST. Steamer TUiie, Ewintc. New York for New London aad Norwich Bark Von Moltke (Br), McCullev, New York for Londen. Brit; Florence. Math burn. New York ior Mystic. Scbr Albert Halley. Mason, Port Johbson for Boston. Scbr Snoeuaway (Br). .Mitchell, New York for Alma, NB. Kchr Grace Cbisblni;, Hamilton, llondout for Portland, Me. Scbr Star, Harmon, Port Johnson for Boston, Scbr J T L?e. Ktdeont, New York for Oala&a. Scbr Victor, brnlth, New York lor Noank. CLEABED. Steamer Othello (Br), Bristol. Hull?Clias It Wright. Steamer State of Virglula (Ur), Moodio, Glasgow?Austin Belt] win A Co, Ntuumer GulfStrentu, Crnwell, Charleston?J W Quintard A Co Steamer Elisabeth, Clark. Baltimore?W Dalxel!. Steamer Switserlauu (Uulgj, Jackson, l'UilaJuiphla?Geo W Col ton. Steamer A () Stlmers. Warren. Philadelphia?Jan Hand. Ship Alex Marshall. Gardner, Liverpool? ChasU Marshall A Co. Ship Oiiuara (Br), Slmpsou, Liverpool, E?Bowrlug A Archibald. fhip Universe (Br), Jones, Liverpool via Queonstown? Williams 1 Guion. Ship Jobu Bertram (Nor). Reed, London, K?C Tobioe A Ship Plymouth Rock, Grtflln, London, E?Grluell. Mia turn X Co. Hurk Geneva. Oorliam. Hriatol, H? Miller A Houghton. Bark Assyrian (Br). Murchison, Gloucester. E?Parkins A J oli. Bark Thor (Nur), Jensen, Cork or Falmouth?Punch, Kdye A Co. Bark Nathanlol (Nor), Jacobsen, Roval?Punch, EJye A Co. Bark Arlington (Nor), Palmetrom, Rotterdam?C Tobias A Co. Bwrk Flid (Nor), Hansen, Richmon d, Va?C Tobias i Co. Bark W L Whiting (Br), Fuliuore, Baltimore?P I Nevias A Son. Brig Aquilla (ltal), Damora, Cor* or Falmouth?John C Sender. Brig Nellie (Br), Rood, Tercelra, Axorai?0 B Swain A Sou. Brig Susan Bergen, Tuthill, Corfu for ordor*?B J Wen be rir. Brig L'stica tltal), Cappula, Palermo forordera?JohnC Senger. Hrijf Ella (Br), Leluh. Klo Gando do Bui?Oelrlchi A Co. Brig Wnlfvlile (Ur), Bailing. l'ernombuco and Bahla? Boyd A Ilinckeii. Brig Peri. Stevenson, Klngxtoti. .la?Brett, Son A Co. Brig Somernet, Henley, Richmond?C W iteriaux Brig Evh Parker iBr), Slocuw. Klchmond?C W Hertenux. Setir Delia O Yates. Yates, Progroso, Mex?B F lletcalf A Co. Scbr Right Away, Crosley, Baracoa, Cuba?BJWenberg A Co Schr R B Franklin. Tyler. Jacksonville?Geo 11 Squire. Scbr Ilelen, Dinsinoru, Wilmington, NC? Brett, &'on A Co. SehrSpartel, Oossman, Boston?Jed, Frye A Co. Sloop Ed Crollns, Jarvis, South Amboy, NJ ?J B Gregg. SAILED. Steamer* KcytLia (Br), for Liverpool; Greece (Br), Lon don ; Royal Standard (Br), llumburg: Gulf Stream, Cliarles. ton: &wit>orlHBU (Belg). Pnliadelpbia; ship Loretta Ki?h. Loudon; harkx Aphrodite (Ur), Antwerp; Idaho, Cienl'ue goi; Edwin (Br), ??? Wind at sunset. RE: at midnight. SSW; light. Barometer at sunset, 30.18. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Tbe purser of the steamer Ciaribel, from Kingston, Ac, has our thunki for favors. . Hiiiu Julia Linulky (Br), Knnwlton. from Rio Janeiro for New York, at M Thomas in distress, waa discharging cargo J une t) for a further survey. 8c mb K S Twispkn, Klmpsou, from Table Bar Jan 11 for Madagascar, wont usbore off Moutoudava Fob - unci be came a total wreck. The wreck was sold next morning as It lay for iii 10s. Capt Simpson semis ill* following report o.'' the disaster :?"Ou the 22d Feb tho Twlsden whs at anchor oil Mtiurondava. Ou the morula* of tbnt day a typhoon, which had commenced the previous day, reached its climax, and the vessel, which had lor many hours been riding with both anchors down and nil chain out ivls. 111) fathoms . oarted the port chain, and dragged the starboard one until tne ship struck, wlieu the starboard cuble w an at once slipped in order to beach her, and all pussblo sail was set so that she would get a good position on the beach, livforo partiuv tlio brig sprung a leak and tbe water rupidly gained. in spite of all efforts to free her. The men at the pumps had to be lashed there so as to avoid being washed overboard by the sess. which made a clean breach over her tore and alt. At 11 o'clock the vessel was last in the breakers, and effort* were made to save lite and prop erty. An attempt was mad-) to pass lines ashore, but. owing to the tremendous surf, it was unsuccessful. At about midnight, the ea having gone down, tho crew salely got ashore, alter having been expused tor nearly 4S hours to ti e eff-cts of the typhoon. During that time It was impos sible to cook anything, so all hands suffered considerably from hunger. as well as from their exertions to save the ves sel. Of course it was Impossible !>? get the vessel to sua, lor If an attempt to weigh aucbor had been made the vessel would Inevitably have gone broadside ou the beach; so the only hop1.' was lu tho strength ol her cables, which were of extra *iio. The crow only ?.<voii the clothing they had on, nnd Captain Simpson managed to sare his chronometer, al though in a damaged condition. Witblu two hours alter striking the vessel was lull of water, aud within twenty-four hours she was a complete wreck. Scttit Ki.lkx Baiiukk, Sullivan, from St John, MB. lor Providence, sprung a leak Monday last and put into Rock land evening ?>( 13th. She will discharge her deck load, re pair aud proceed. SriiR IlKXltr MkaXO. from Penaacols for Boston, having sprung a leak ou the 12th Inst, threw her deck load over board. and nut into Savannah yesterday with four feet of water In Iter bold. The crew were exhausted Si'itR Ann T Sirru:. reported ashore at Seacoiinet Point, came off at high water ye terday, leaking, but will proceed first favorable opportunity lor Lyun. Kaltimohk, June 14 F \V Bennett A Co offered for sale yesterday at the Exchange lour steamers of the Balti more and Souihi rn Transposition Company, together with the boilers and various property on the wharf of tlio com natty; also the cliarter rights and franchises of the line The steamers offered were the Kaletgb, 503 2.VIKI tons'register; the It ,1 Foley, Ml 14-100; tho Rebecca Clyde, 443 *-100. and the Lucille, 437 lO ltxi tuns. They were offered col lectively and started at $40,UK), but the bidding was very dull, and Messrs. Bennett A Co. having bid $**1,000, to pre vent a sacrifice ol the property. It was declared no sale. WHALEMEN. Arrived at Mew Bedford. Juno 14, hark Presldeut. Duvls, from Atlantic Ocean, last from llcrmtioas. where she put In May ID. leaky. She comes home lor repairs. Arrived, at Barbados, May 20, barks IIntlley, Cleveland, KB, Iroui a cruise, 30D bbls ol!; 23d. -arali I! llale, Slocutn, do, do. 300 do oil; 24th, Li Beer, Dowden. do, do, 320 do oil. Sallefl irom Honolulu Muy 12, bark Norman, Campbell, N B, for the Arctic Hark Norman, Campbell, of New Bedford, at Honolulu May it, reports hail a pleasant passage to Cape de Verds; touched at St Jago Nov t? and left the same day. Cruised one month ofT Kivcr la Plate, saw w tales only once, aud then going quick to windward. Was three wueks off Cape Horn. Heavy westerly gales. Took on-? whale in lat .V> Ion 30 W. making t*5 bbls. Anchored at Attend, Clilll, March 1, and sailed ilth. Saw whaies twice on the passage; took one making 7H btiis on the I Iff Snore tiround. Had the XK trades light all the passage up to the Islands. A Istter from t'apt Moultoc, of hark Tamerlane, of NB, reports her at Port Williams, Steward's Islsn.i. April 14, shipping oil by the Eilsa Adams, which would sail in a couple of days. A letter from Capt Sherman, of bark Hercules, of NM, re ports her at i.-a April 21, with 170 bbl* sp oil, all well and bound to Off Shore Ground. SPOKEN. Steamer City of New York. Caverly, from San Francisco via Honolulu for Auckland, >2, and Sydney, N?W, Hay l.">, olf Koudevati. Ship Clara iNor). Eitscn, from Antwerp for Qucboc. May 2i?, 1st 4*. ion 3* Kchr Win Hunter (Nor), from Bremen for Hampton Roads, June 1.', 1st 41 2U, Ion tt4 Ofl. >p?nish bark JCXL (Papa, of Rivadeo), from (?lth for New York. May 7. lat 27 15. Ion 31 15. An American hark, showing JOTC, from Sourabaya for Cork. April JM, lat _? 13 N. Ion 22 53 W. Au Australian bara bouud west, June 11, lat 41 03, Ion E 2j?. Brig Raven, from New York for Havana, Jane 8 lat 33 SO, Ion 72 li. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchants, shipping agents aud shipmasters are Informed that by telegraphiug to the IIrrald London BuAaa, ad dressing ''Bennett, No. 4*1 Fleet street, London." or to the Paris ofllre. addressing "Bennett, HI Avenue de l'Opera, Paris." the arrivals at and departures Iron European and Eastern ports of American and all loreUn vossels trading with the United States, tbe same will be cablet to this couu try tree of charge. Captains arriving at and tailing from French and Medi terranean ports will Ond tbe Paris office the more economi cal aad expeditious for telegraphing news. OUB CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Autvkbp, Jane 14? Arrived, bark Vestorllde (Nor), flea drlcksea. New York. Bristol, June 14?Sailed, skip Nuovo Battler (It*!), La Commara, New York. liaaaKK, Jane 13?Arrived, brig Ran a (Nor), Lartea, Oalvastoa. Sailed 13th, bark Slclpaer (Nor), Aadsrsoa, North Amer ica Borobiix, Jane 11?Arrived, bark Araldo (Aas), Tare butliia. New Orleans. Arrived at Pauillaa 12th, brig Uenri Andre (Pr), Legael lea. I'aacagoula. CoraxHAtiBS, Jaoa 7?Arrived, bark Mercarius (Her), Ladvigseu. New Orleans for Crouttadt. Arrived 12th, brig C C Sweeney, Cole, New York. Dbal. Jane 13?Arrived, ship Mary E Kiggt, Laagdon, New Orleans for Bremen; bark Donnebrug .Nor), Kurtte. d > for Cronstadt; Rosa (Uer), HoffschllU, Wilmington, NO, lor Hamburg. Dcmxibr, June IS?Arrived, barks Nletaas (Br), Meat era. New York; 13th, Sarah. Rica, Philadelphia. Gloccbctkb, Jane 14?Sailed, brig Entice (Ans). Tramm. New York. tiBaaaoCB, Jaae 14-AaOed, bark U L Roatk. Mart I a. New York. UslvsT, Jan* IS?Arrived, bark Caaada (Oar), Lasa mart, Dariea. UisBALtsB. Jane 7?Arrived, ship Lacy L llada, Daatai, Maw Orlaaas far Uemaa. Oejioa?Arrived, bark Regina Folek. Ray. X?* York. V ilea ecru, J una 13-Arrival, bark (ioethe (Oar), Sehn bert. X?w York. Sailed 13th. bark Bartha Bahlrua (Gar), Mllseky. Quebec. IIklvokt, Juua 13?Sailed, barks C F Ktwall (Br). O'Brlea, Now York; Ufo B Doaua (Br). Coruiug, do. Hair*. J una 12?Arrived, bark* Patriot Queen (Br), Har per, Charleston: Catbarina (Sw), Kaaamuaaeu. flaw Orlaaaa; Hili, steamer St Laurent (Fr), Laschesnes, New York, LiTKiirooL, Juna 14? Arrived, ahlp Baltic (Nor). Llad rnp, Pcnsaeola; bark Lord Clarendon (Br), Niuhola, Saw Orleans. Arrived lOtb, bark Superior (Br). Beruier. Quebec. Sailed 14tli, ateamer Pennsylvania, llarri\ Philadelphia; (liip Thornhill (Br), Ilayues, North America, Also aallcd 14th, bark llorbart. Black, Treat, Valparaiso. London, J una IV?Cleared, ships Rhine, Spencer, Maw York; Marietta W (Aua), Pot rat a, United fitataa; bark Francesca (Ital), Caatallano, United States. Lisbon, Juna 9?Arrived, skip Mariana a T (Port), Fer rer!*. New York. Makskillks. J use 13?Arrival, bark Warrior (Br), Flem ing. New York. Nbwrt. Juae 18 Ballet, bark Hawthara (Br), Fejrsoa, Nortb America. Pkntlaxd Kirtn, Jane 1?-Arrlved. bark Gaatoo, Staple*. Reval for Belfast. QuwxtiofK, June 14?Arrived, steamer England (Br), Tlionrpson, New York for Liverpool (and proceededj ; bark l*rvi Dubrovacki (Ana), Pende. New York. Also arrived 14tb, 2 PM. steamer City of Limerick (Br), J mule son, Pblladephla for Liverpool (and proceeded). Alio arrived 14th, brl(Atba (Nor). Hanger, Baltimore. RorraKPAM, Jnne 12?Cleared, bark Cupid (Br). Grant, Called States. Southampton. June 14? Arrived, eteamer Kepler (Br), Johnson, New York fur Antwerp, short of coal. SiiiKLDa, June 13?Sailed, ship Tarapaca (Br), Baa Fran cisco. 11 artlntool. Jsm 12?Arrived, bark Lalnatar (Rus). Dauielsea, Penaacola. Railed from a port in the United Kingdom Jnne IS, bark Christopher Colombo* (Nor), Knndsea. (Jaltad Stale*. WRATHKR REPORT. Bristol, Jnne 14, PM?Calm. Hue. ?oltorad, June 14, PM?Wind SW. moderate. FOREIGN PORTS. Asnnwall, Jnne 13?Sailed, ateamer Crescent city. Cur tin. New York, direct. arichat. CI), June 10? Arrived, brig Jdsepblae (Br), (janloii, llostou. Burkarii Inlkt, June 9?Sailed, bare Oreo (Hal), Sens ertu. Valparaiso. Haui*. April 28?Sailed, brig Katie (Dan). Robertson Prrnambuco Arrived (Ith. brig Saruh A Kmnta. Carter, Havana. Bahdaro.*, May IS?Arrived. >cUr? Vesta (l)r). Palmer, St John, SB;'.Oth. Ann K Valentine, Potter. tU<> Janeiro; 23d, J 1! Stlcknoy, Pooka, Baltimore; 25th, brig Como (Br), Tooker. Philadelphia; -clirs Mary lleleu, San born, Hantns; Km a, Sawyer New York; Llclit of tlio Ka.?t. llarper, do; 27th. bark Montesuma, Brlggs, do; brig Kva (Br). MeDouirall. Baltimore; hucenia, I Veasie. Philadelphia land all remained In poit May 29). Sailed *Jt>th, brig Beaver (Br). Ilouiunget, Quebec; -l?t, | schr O K iBr). Thompson, St John. N B; ?JOtn, brie Ruby (Bri, Pier. Quebec; scur Julia Orace (Bri, Dickson. Boston. C*Rdkx*8, June 3?Arrived, brig Prairie Rose, Ureeuleaf, Havana. Sailed 12th. hark Burn Brae (Br), Mnrphy, north of Hkt teras; hrig Alherti. Oilkey, do. Cow Bat. CB, June IS?Clearod, bark Septentrio (Nor), New York. I>aro*mxllk9, Jnne 7?Arrived, bark Maria (Ans), Cum mins, New York for Odessa Detroitx, SZ, Mar 4?In port, bark Stillmaa B Allen, Tavlor. from New York, disc. * Dknkkara. May 15? Arrivod. brie Glancj (Br), Hill, Philadelphia (ami sailed 23d for St Thomas). In port May 25 bark tiaiolle. Duntse, from New York, ar rived l.'nli. loading for da; brig Italia (Br). Crowell fordo Fatiikr Point, Juno 14?Arrived eteamer Austrian (Br)' Wylie. Liverpool for Montreal. (tUAMTAMAHO, June 11?Sailed, steamer Reading, Coiburn New York.5 ' Havana. Jnne 14?Arrived, steamer Tappahannock, Cook sey. New Orleans. ('leered IHb. brigs Stella Lodge (Br), Kibby. Delaware Breakwater via Cardenas; Plying Scud (Br), Cartor, Car denas. Sailed l'<th, steamer W G Hea-es, M or (run, Indianola. Sailed 7th. brigs Medina iBr). Virgil. New York via Sagua: Oth. Caacatelle. Sparks. Caibnrien. IIAI.ITAX. June 13?Arrived. *chr Oriental (Port). Lisbon. Sailed 13tb, bark Ocean. Baltimore; brigs YVestwood (Bt). Site-nan, Porto Rico; Delta (Br), Kingston, Ja; Evaiigellue (Br). Jamaica. Kingston. Ja, Jnne 7?Arrived, schr Madison Holmes Baylis. New York. ^ ' lu port 7th?Schrs W C hoo. Strineet. for New York; Linda YVhiimore. and M'lteh Ilaiel. Cheater for Mobile. Maplmain, May 1?? Arrived, bark Solomon, Ferguson, from Akyab. Moxtmjo Bat. Ja, Jnne 5?In port. brie Frontier, Blals dell, and Alex Nickels. Petora. from Kinsstou, Ja. Sailed Hd, schr Sunbeam. Kaln, New York. Montrkal. June 12?Arrived, bark Zebrina, Burrill. Cow Bay. Cleared 10th. steamer* Peruvian. Richardson, Liverpool; Longiliaw, Pari*. London ; ship Chippewa. Milne, Glasgow ; bark John Rail Kmerson, London. Otauo. NZ. May 1?In port, ship Maulesden, Borden, for Han Francisco. Oporto. June 7?Arrived barks Callis (Nor). Hanson. Fenxorola; Da Capo (Nor), bvondseti, Darlea; brig Com peer (Br). Eills, Baltimore. Sailed June 1, brig Paquete de Nova Yotk (Port), Cunha. New Y'ork. Pkrxambdco, May 11?Arrived, Thoe Small, Dllwiu, Rio Janeiro. Port Stain. May 2??In port bri as Victoria, Sander*. Irom and lor New Y'ork, arrived 18th; Monline Light, lor do; Blanche iBr), lor do; schrs Stenhon Bennett. Irom do. ar rived ISth for Philadelphia; Kate Foatcr. from do. arrived l:*th. lor Delaware Breakwater for orderi, Susan, from Pen aacola. arrived 18, unc. Point-a-Pitrk. May 30?Arrived, brig Robert Mowe. ' D-ar^orn. New York. Qi'<bkc. June 12?Arrived, ships Solo, Daraborg, Green ock; Pnderwrlter. Robertson. Rio Janeiro; St Lawrence, Bradok. Fartund; barks llebe. HorchennW, Arendal; lien riette (Nor). Holly, Umdnn; Oberbureomeisier Von Win ter, Schmidt, Pembroke Dock; Kathleen, 11 oyer. Baree lona; hri? YY'andorer. Sewell, Marvport. Cleared l?.Hh. ship Nelson, Walls, (irecnock; barks Para gon. Williams, lllehbriJge; Bertha, (>aeiii% London; Edda, Anderson, (ilaagow; Chioltain, Suitor, Troon ; Freden, Nell son. Creenock: Aldebaron, Svenriaeii, YVeat Hartlepool; At aianihe. Jainieton, London; Rubv. Kobertnon. Limeric?; Flora. Joreeimen. Sliarpneaa; Dunrobin Castle, Jackson, Dundee; Kate Burrill. Robertson, LIverpiMil. Kin .1 am Kino, May U?Sailed, brig Nushka (for), YVelsh. United States. St Tiiomai. May 28? Arrived, brigs Annie Ratchelder. Steelman, Lisbon ianil sailed 31st lor Cuba); Klberia (Hrl, Barnes. Deiuerara land sailed 30th for St Jago); L'iUli. Atlas, Powers. Bordeaux (and saile-l June 3 lor Ouan tanamo); ?)th, James Miller, Parker, Sautander (and sailed June 3 for Cardenas;: schr Anna E Glover, Podger. New Y'ork: 31st. brig Harry Stewa-t, Larrabee. Oporto (and sailod June 3 for Uiiaii'unamoi ; j un.i | 1. bark Y'ihilla iBri. Kenny, Deiuerara land sailed 4:li tor Cape 11 aytiesi and Euiope) ; 2u. schr Mom-s Willianiooii. Weaver, Bari'itdoi: ;td. briirs Klfrida (Bri. Danlord. Ber muda (ami sailed 5th for Kio llache and Europe) ; Kmilv (Hri, ilarrla, Swansea: Ouidlng Star (Br). Sm th. Rarbados: Agilio (Br). Satchett, Demerara; schr Maeeie K Gray. Iludgin-, Rio Janeiro; 4th. brin Bild- ('(r). Hartaby. Rarbadoa: 5th, barks Barloclian (Br), Kidd. Pernninhuci: Ilva (Br), Clark. Itoiario: Ethiopian iBr). Smith, Coa^t of Africa: brig Premier (Bri, Taylor, Barbados. Also arrived 5th. bark *arah Buruyeut ,Br). Mackic, Bar bados. . Sailed May 20. bark* Craigowl (Br), Durlo. Guantanamo; Asphodel (Br), Stone. C-ira?-ot: schrs Jos Nickurson, Y'ates St Johns. PR: 31st. Ceclle. Nlckerson, Bsracoa. In port Jnne ?. brig Julia illak- Br . Knowiton. from Rio Janeiro lor New Y'ork. Ulig for lurther survey. St Pirkrk 'Mart), May 24?Arrived, hark J H Pearson, Taylor, Boston via Fort de France; brig Jennie Morton* Fooks. Baltimore. sailed 24lh, ?ciir Mary (Br), Dolve, New Y'ork. In port May 29. hark Columbia. Dickorjon, New York; tchra Marguerite (Pr), Bensa, do; Matilda (Br), Cameron, for Philadelphia. Saxtanukk, June 9?Arrived, schr Kensett. Downing. New York. Saiji'a. June ??Arrived, bnrk Rob-rt Murray. Jr. Purlog ton. Havana schr K S Powell, Willia ns. do. Arrived 4th. b?rk R A Allen Tair. Havana. Svp*?v, CB, Mav 31 ?Arrived, barn Temolar (Br). f*hll llp. Dunkirk (and -I-I June for I'ictuu and Montreal) : June 1. ship MK (iardner iBr), Homer, Havre >and tld Ja lor St lohn. NBl : barks Glenroe (Bri. Mockler. I'ralee (and ?Id 3d for Richibucto); 5tli. Itanger .Br). Doty. Havre laud aid Oth lor La Have, N'S); Mariner (Br), Thnrmott, Belfast (juid sld 7th Tor Baltimore), In port June 7. harks Carleten i Br), Durkee ; Disco (Br), Allen, and John Read (Br). Nlckerson, unc. StJoh*. Nil, Juno 13?Arrived, achr Bagaduoe, Cax, Rli bmonil. Cleared l.lih?Ship Muskoota (Br, new). Liverpool. Sailed 13th?Ship Arrau (Br), Duiuarteq, Loudon; brig Mine .Bri, Dakin. Newry. ruicsTk. May 27?In port, bark Kmma (Am), Levi, for New York. Idg. Y'ictoria, June 5? Arrived, bark Joban Irgent (Nor), Mortensen. San Francisco. WiMtyttK. NS. June 12-Arrived, sehrs S L Bums, Kaaf port: 13th. J L Uroaslcy, iBri.Nrw Y'ork. Sailed l lth?SelirsH L Burn*. Philadelphia; J L Oro?-!ev (Br). New Y'ork. Y'okoiiava. May 23?Sailed, bark Wallace, McCormaek San Francisco. Yaiiudittii. SS, June 2-Cleared, bark Austin (Br). Davie, Queoustown via ruskot. [Pkr Srr.AMKR Algkria.| ALtiOA Rat. May 2?Arrived. Bunguereaii, Hogg, London. Railed 1st-John Kendall, flames, Boston. A hot. April 17?Arrived, Madame Demareat, Biasett Shanghai. Accra. May 7?In purt. S L Flti.-erald. Leadheter; Olivia, Stevens; La Plata. PMIlipa, and A Devereux. Dye, wtg: laat two from Bostou. Bf unRiixa:. HV, June 1?Off. K W Stetson. Moore, from London lor New Y'ork: lopeallant. Phillips, do tor do; Jae A Wright, Morrison, do lo- Now Orleana BiarAirr. .Inn-' I?Sailed. Lotlmir. Ilolywood. St John NB; 2d. Ilattie (iouday. Shelburn. NS. It Rh a km . Mav 31?Sailed. Itraunsrbwvig (a), Uadenteb, Baltimoie aud ielt Soutliampton June 2). B IHTOU. June 2?Sailed, Three Sisters. Philad ipbla. Barrow. June 2?Sailed. HeiUnce. lioii. bion, Quebec. HorpkaI'X, May 31?Arrived. Ksperance, Camic, Cbariee ton. Sailed (toai Paailla e Slit?Wlllcotamen, I'aplow. Mira aiichi. t'onK. May 31?Arrived. Jobnay Smith, Thompson. Phila delphia., May 30?Passed, Bcrahard Zaraott, New York tor Stettin. Dt'CLin. June 2?Arrived, Romolo. Crovaro, New Y'ork. Drau Jauc 1?Off, Iteier, lvcr?ou. Irom Antwerp lor Phil adelphia. Dovkr. June S?Peased. North Wales, Owea from Shield* for Sen t'ranclaco, Rtjisoae, May 29?Arrived In the road*. Konigia Klua beth. Rleck. Kouleaberg for Philadelphia. Fni.KMro.XK, June 2?Off, BriUili King, Kutter, from Shields lor San Francisco. (?i.otn'RirTKK. June I?Sailed, Francesco Av?;no, (Jaiinla, Philadelphia: Hobeniollern, Wslduian. do; 2d, Rosa. Uroa waid. Miramiihi. tiLAsuow. Vay 31? Sailed. Fulda. Hassan, San Franeiaoe, GRNOa, Mav 30?Sailed, Lucco, Olivari. New York Gakooji, WCA. April 21 ?In ;ion. J Bickmore. waiting, lioi.u Jane 1?Arrived. Z Ring. Moran. Bombay. Hxiled?1st, Ladv Dutferin, (it John, NB; 2d. George Moon Blende Y*lp*r*iso. Haaeuao. June 1?Arrived. Wleland (?), Hebich, Mew York. .Sailed?.'list. Lady Bleeaington, Gendenen, Quebec. Arrived?At Cuxhaven. June I, Underwriter, Mct;oaa*ll, Lnbos. IIavrk. May 31? Cleared, Edith, Hoetaer, Sydney, CB; Oerlrnde. Mc Arthur, Causo. IIklvukt. May 31?Arrived, Hilda, Olsea, Philadelphia; B rtolomeo Marc am. Carrara, do. Irswiri. June 2?Arrived. Topat. Ililller, Philadelphia. IdVinrooL, Juue 1?Sailed. B F Nasb., Rio Janeiro; >alo. Nordgrra. Qeebec; Matbilde, Hiorrstadt, Mlramichi; Chrlsilne. Jacobsea. Three Kivere; 2d, Nera, Moulin. Qnebi-e: <d Ariatides. Salvesen, Miranncbl. Cleared 2d, Olive Mount, Jordan, Quebec. TJ noetharst. Woo worth, M Joha, NB; llevolving Liebt. I'oonaa, Sbei barne, NS; Float M llnlbert, Uaudy. Sidney, CB. Loxpo.v Jnne 3?Arrived, Liverpool, Lambert, New York iaaterod mi to retaraJ. . 1 I Cleared 34. Bliss Manr, Charles. Qaebee: Charlie Meeto*. Pike. Huston: HusltM. Hag*man. Delaware. _ . . l.oKUOMUKKiir, IIay SI?Sailed, OriNli Mllb*rg, uim. _ _ . Lkuuoux, Hi; 30? Arrived, Daniel Dr*p*r, I att*rsoa. LuiaasTorr. J tin* 2?Railed, Sendenianden. MlWlnlctt. Lisao.v May 27-Salled, Helen O Plnnnev. Bo)U ?ew Yotk; J 1? Aikiimn. Eimisur, Philadelphia; Rhone. O'Brien, Rio Janeiro. ? , v XiUtiu. Mar 16-Salled. .Howm?? Pitch ?("e"1 yaehtj, '23d, Emprtu, Kdoondi, Bull River, Malaga. If at 29? Arrived* Abb/ Baeoa. MerHll* Alnaarla. XI a i: kit III, 31?Arrived, -Nellie M sladc, Atwood, NkwcasTLic, Jane 1?Cleared, Woodbum (s), Philadel P N Kwroirr. Juno I?Sailed. Elisabeth Ahrens. Aim. Que bec- I'd. Maggie. R*e. Montreal; Constautiue von ltoacke, Crelourtt. Quebec. . _ . _ (Jur.kNSTOWN. June 3?Arrived, Weal Wind, Beoden, Da rleu via Latnlash tor Cork. ..... > Sailed 1st, llu'ton Vale foe Montrose; Cecelia, Liverpool; Zla Caurina, Bristol; yd, Brodreue, London; Aqullla, Leith: Conuauglit. Limerick t 3d. Marselo. Greeuock. Off 1st, Lady Milton, from Prince Edward Island and proceeded for Plymouth. ? Rkvai, Ma/ 2d?Arrived, Berlin (a). Uelabruek, Sa yannnli _ Sailed 30|h. Kllsabaih Htmilioi, 8t#wart. Soiaaam, 0a? too. staple*. Dundee. __ ~ . Soitiiaiiitox. June 2?Sailed, Hetmod. Krog, N*w York. SuiM-iis June 1?nailed, Naukiu <s), Pbllaa*lphla. Kligu. Jnue 1?Sailed, Vela, Merlato, Delaware Break- i water. .. .. ... Kwimudxdi, May 30? Airlved. Abu* Wokl. Baltimore. St Nazaise. May 30? Sailed, Eintrackl. HinU, New York: 3lit Helen-, bauiuelsen, Quebec; June 1, Jeaele Heiarich. Haas*. da ... ? Tkalkk. May 31?Arrived, Harriet Upham, Putnam, bt Maruaret't Bay. . , , St 11 kj.lma (by tel from Madeira, June 3)?Arrived, City Camp, Green. Bombay fw Hull; Edmund Pblnney, Bacon, Akyao lor Falmouth. _ _ ? , VkNTNoK. IW. Juno 2?Off. B H Daval. Treft-y. from Bot terdam for New Vnrk. _ ? ~ _ Yokohama, to X ?y 27-Airived. Alaaka U). Howell, Sa? Pranclsco for Hung Rung. Flours, May 21?A large ship, inppoaed British. laden wltb limber, bat been wailied aaliore here waterlogged ana abandoned. Sbe ha< no name. Her tigurebead la a crowned nepluii*. with two tridenta. Her pumps and oapetan nave name. Brlatol makers. Havrk, June 1?The Labrador is), arrived here from New York, took the ground in coining in this morning, but wee got off by a lug and came Into the harbor. Liverpool, Junu 2?The Quebec (s), from Quebec, and the burk Rising Sun were In collision May 23, In lat 47 N, Ion St W -. the lormer vessel bad cathead carried away and bulwarks damaged: tko latter was followed by the steamer for some time, which, however, eould uoi come up to her; ihe bark win carrying all sail and wa? supposed not to have sustained much damage. There was a dense log el the time of the collision. [The Rising Sun waa afterward sunk by ice at Ant 1 costi.] Manila, April 18?The Metis, before reported as having been ?"ld as she lay ou the Padang Shoals. has sine* been towod into Cavlte. Mackmua. April 2S-The New Bepnbllc Is laid up waiting for owner's orders: <30 canisters of sugar bevo been sold at auciiou by order of the sui voyors, being damaged and unut f?r reahlpmenL AMERICAS PORTS. ALEXANDRIA. June !2-Arrived, steamer John Olbsoji, New York; schrs H T Hedges, New Loudon; Armlda llall. New York: Geo II Wills, Providence. ?wtl BOSTON, J uue 13?Arrived, steamer Wllliamsport, Wll lelts, Philadelphia; schrs Hutlle M Crowell, Crowell. Balti more; M H Band, Kiiumey. Philadelphia: A 3 Hickman, Shaw, and Agnes I Grace. Smaller. Philadelphia. 14th?Arrived, bark Warreu Haliett. Doane, Goree; sebrs Julia Grate. Hicksou. Barbados: Skylark, small, Phila delphia: Cora Etta Pendleton. Weehawken. Cleared -Steumers Human. Crowell, Philadelphia; Gen erul Whitney. Haliett. New York: schrs Imogene. Lord, New York; William S Jordan, Crowell, Baltimore; William Gillam, Mehafly, Chosier. Pa. Sailed?Bark Commerce. . . , , BILL KIVElt, S C. June 10?Arrived. bark Lorenso (Nor). Keltle?en, Arendal; Glynllifln, probably Olenllffou (Bn. Taliack. from Buonos Ayres. Suilod, barks Emilia (Bus). Oeeterman, linited Kingdom, brig John May (Br), do. Cleared, brig Prioress (Br), United Kingdom. BALTIMORE. J uue 14?Arrived, barks Elln\o*e (Br), Doody, Independeocla Bay; Mlda (Nor). Gunoersou, Liver p>mi1 ; schrs Calvin F Baker. Baker, Boston; U l) Wiiberell. liartii'ld. do; John D Williams, Pearco, New York; yacht Helen (Br). Brailey. Bermuda. . Also arrived, bark Sen no (Ital), Balestra, Limerick; schr Easton, Dash, Elentliera Cl-jared?Steauior Vlueland, Bowen, New York: barks J C Williams, Vaughan, Cork; Paladin (Arg), Jones. St Johns. PR; Kong Kvorre (Nor). Ellassen, Queenstown; brig Geo Latimer. Norris. Ponce, PR; schrs Ruth A Prico, Ro berts. Port Antonio, Ja; James H Hoyt, Lyon, New "Sailed?Ship Mncaulay. bark Matilda, brigi Amelia Eiuiua, George Latiiuer; schr Ruth Darling. BUCKSPOUr. June 9-Arrived, bark Homeward Bound, Merrym?in. KoUordam. r Sailed?scbr? Oliver Ames, R B Graham and Carria (rrom ^ BaStgoB?i une 12?Cleared. ?chr S E Woodbury, Uagan, Washington. ,, ... 13tli?Sailed, schr Wm Boardman, New York. B \TII, June li?Arrived, sehrs Elisabeth Deuart, Low, Baltimore ; tieorgo W Jewett, Jewett, Philadelphia 13th?Sailed, schrs M A McOahan. Call. Philadelphia; Tllilo Vanderhercher, Batsman, do; Laura Brldgman, Thompson, do; J C Rogers. Fletcher, New York; John H Hancock. Haliett, Georgetown. DC. . CHARLESTON. June 11?Cleared, schr F St Clair, Ed wards. Some?, Philadelphia Sailed?Sehr Myrover, Brown. New York. 14th?Arrived, stoamer Ashland. Hinckley, Philadelphia, echrs Admiral. Steelman, New York; Lucy ? 'tght, Norfolk. CALAIS, June 7?Arrived, schrs Com Kearny, Mason, J^ew York. Cleared '0th. sehrs W H Boardman. Richardson, Barba dos; Slh. Florence 1* Hall. Keene. and C H Baton. Curry, Now Y'ork; Beth W Smith, Marshall. Lamlash Bay (Scot land! ; Uth. Anolo B Lewis, Lewis, Penarth Roads; Albert Treal. Sawyer, New York. . , .. FEKNANDINA, June ??Arrived, schr W G Mosely, Ab FORTBESa MONROE, lune 14?Arrived. t?rk' Brlmlga (Br). Porter, Belfaat via Saudy llook (and sailed for Ba *1 "i'tark Viva (Nor), Peterson, from Oalway, ha? been or dered to Baltimore. , . ,, . FALL RIVKR, June 12? Sailed, schrs N H Skinner, Tnrasher and Henry Allen. Tntern. Philadelphia 13lh?Sailed, steamer Norlolk, Ford. Philadelphia. Sailed 10th, schrs Joseph Hall, Hamilton, and Horatio Nichols. Hepuy, Philadelphia. GALVESTON. June O?Cleared, brig Susie J Stout, Pick ett, Pascaeoala. .... ... . 8 tiled nth. schr Franklin. Miller. Indlanola. GLOt'CKSTRR. June 14?Arrived, ship Zouave, Means, Trapanl. to proceed l;")th for New York. KENNhBUNKfOBf, June 0?Arrived, schrs Melville, Hatch Port Jnt.nson ; Thos W Holder. Gray, Wilmington. NC; Carrie Bell. Seavey. Philadelphia. loth?Arrived, schr Kendrlck, Ush, Sprader, Virginia. Ll'BEt', June 10?Arrived, schrs Maggie J Laugbton. Uallow -II. and Huntress. Brown. New York. MOBILE. J uue 14-Cleared. schr Henry Lewis, Sinclair, B >Ta ??B LKHE AD, June 10-Arrired, schr J as S Shlndler. Le.-, Philadelphia \'kw ORLEANS, June 14?Arrived, steamers City of Havana, Phillips, New York via Havana and Vera Crus; Margaret. Baker. Havana. Cleared? Steamers Warrior (Br), Hughes. Liverpool: New Orleans, Dearborn. New York: barks Harold (Kr), Poulle, Havre; Marghi rita Galatola (Ital). Manciuo. Cette. Pa*?k.<, .1 uue 14?Sailed, steamer Morgan City; bark rsuny J McClellan. NORFOLK, June 12-Arnved. schrs Steph-n Morgan. Haines. Fall River: Albert Ihomas. Pose. New York: Majoo Rogers, Abrauis, New York; Rebecca Knight, Call, New * N'KWPORT, June 12, PM?Arrived, schr Artist, Clement, New Bedford for New ^ ork. Sailed, schrs Jsiues M Bayles, Arnold, New York: Msry, Periy, up the river. 13th?Arrived, schr Albert Jameson, Oandage, Providence for Sew Y'ork. .. .. Sulied?Schrs Phoslie Elisabeth. Mapes, Providence for New York ; ilellc ilalitday. Burt. Norfolk. .. NEW LONUON, June 13?Arrived, schrs Martha May. New York lor Providence; sea Drift, do; Fanny Fern. New port tor New York. . . pour TOWNSKND. June 9-8alled. bark Orsleo (Ital), C?URT LUr'iLOW, June tt-Salled. ship Commodore, Cath cart, Sau Franclaeo. PORT DlSCOVhlRY, June 4-8alled, brig Deacon, Cal houn. .-an Francisco. . ? . _ PORT Itl.AlC KLY, June 0?Arrived, bark Oak Hill, Craw ford. San Fritucisco. PHILADELPHIA. June 14-Arrived, steamers Phila delphia. Davis. New York; Juniata. Catherine, -arauiiah; harks Neptune nier', Struve. Hamburg; heuador (Br?. llugiies, l.lver|MMil: M * fc Cann (Bn.Cann, Dublin: brig tnula. Over, Calt.srien: J i. Craig. Stirliug. Ruatan; L Stunlevaiit. Anderson. Nswbern; It \ aunaman.* Brown, Itardiuer; ii Doran do; Kraik O Dow. Kennebec; AL Dow. Bath, Philadelphia, uo; John Somea, Mason. Wll "aiVo0'arrlvid. echr W L Fraaklin. Bobsnnsn, Harbor ''("la.iVfd?Steamers Illinois. Shackford, Liverpool: Nor man Nivkeritou. lloston: Catharine Whitias, Hardin/. Providence; Florida, Crocker, do; Ceneord, Sbirui. New York burk Danieie Munin (Ital), Roitlni QueenUown; brig M P liarriugion (llr). Lucas. Penartli Roads; sehrs K 11 llarli.ig. ll?.lglnso;i. Si Lurla: S R Thomas, Arnold. Norwith, Mary l%> Oarroll, Carroll. IWckpjri; H Cnnwy. Terry. >oiner?et; l^xsie C Lieiekiuan, Vaui, Charlaelon ; K Tiltoii, Ireland. Ilo??oi? ... ? . Also cleared, uleuiners Lcopartl, Alberiton, Boston; L#an castor. Mills*New York ; Florence Franklin, McLaughlin, Baltimore: sehrs J C (.Nottingham, Ayr**, Lynn; R W Hud don. Deputy. Gloucester. hsileii?r>teaiuers .Norman and Catharine w biting. Sailed?steamers Florida and Krauklin I.KWM, Jnue 14?Passed in. brig FideUa, N*al, from Me>.inn. Brig II B Cleaves remains, wind booad. . . _ PORTLAND, Me, Juno 12?Cleared, hark Samael B Sorin Small (noi Woodier), Penarth Roads; sehrs Jas R Bayies, Nickersvr.. Bath, to load lor Baltimore; Minnie C Ta> lor.'T?> lor. Bridgeport. Ct lull-Cleared, schrs May A Power, New Orleans; Odell, ^tn.o'arrived, steamer FraLOoala, Bragg, New York; echr Acsdia (Br. Plctou. ..... , ., nth ? Arrived s lir Sea Nymph, Philadelphia PAWTI'CKkT, Jnue 13-Salied. schr Mendero, Stewart, New York tor Calais!. PKOVIDKNCK. June 13?Arrived, schrs Albert W Smith, White (late I-eaviit, ilfceasedl, Rio Janeiro via Newport; M M Merriiuao. Crane, Bay River, NC. via Norfolk. Sailed?Steamer lUrks. Pendleton, Philadelphia: schrs John S Meai'liani. Woodland, Baltimore; George Tanlaue, Adaius, 1'hiladelphla; Proviileiice. Rice, do; Luna Wens, New York: J S Terry. Ita)nor. do. Poluter, Dill, do via New port Agues. Young, do (or Calaisi. RICHMOND. June I J?Arrived, steamer Old Dominion, Walker. Now York ; schr* Portland (Br). Cothtl. Middletown. Ct tiilo:id tor Rio Grande do Sui; Bessie Morris, Birch. Boston; Frank Waller, Saxion, New York; Snow Flake, Cale. do : Ida B Gibson. ?ogart,<lo. Cleared?Brit; Mary Alien..n. Burgess. Rio Grande do Snl. SAN FRANCISCO. Juue tt?Arrived, barks Samoset, Mar tin. Tacoma; Aureola, Malgram. Seattle; Modoc, Christian sen Columbia River. Cleared ?Barks Wm 11 Bosse, Frost, Houolula; Wm H Diets, r.udtroii, Port Townseod. Sailed--Hark Jenny I'itts. Hliun. Fre*port 13th?Arrived, ship Mln y tBr). Leslie, Sydney, NSW SAVANNAH, June 10?Cleared, bark LojIs* Gebiu (Uerj, Strnve. Birkenhead, K. 14:11?Arrived, staumer San Salvador, Nlekerson, New York schrs Wapella. Wsiton, do; Henry Means. Smith. Pensaeoia U't Boston, wnt Tlo^gcd. V1NRV ARD 11 AVr.N. June 13? Arrived, schre Flore M Crowley and Charles l.awr?-nc*, Philadelphia for Boston; Thomas Hooi. Delaware Cltv lor do; Seventy-sis, i *rlh A III hoy for do; Isetis, Kllsabethporl lor Salem ; Sinaloa, New Bedlord for Machias; GW Baldwin, New York for Plvmoulh. Roanisr, Calais for New Yora: E J St tples, Shnlee lor do; it A Painu. Kaatport tor do; Kexa K Smal lev Luix-c tor ?io: T T Ta?ker. Farm in ud ale for do; v'a nary. Bai.uor lor Georgetown ; Wm Stevens do for Tl**rtou ; L S Leverlns. Boston for Riehro '0d; It A Boyce, do fur Balti more . Wm Mill. Franklin tor New Bedford; Faeaie Han iner, Nantucket for Philadelphia. Ssile.l- sehrs II II Junes. Clarissa Allen. Orlando, A T llowlsnd, l.tmv James. Alder Ice. Grace Vau Dusen, HP Deveriv, KliW-ave V Turner. Bengal, Raeh*i Seaman, lirxtnaton, Kalco (Br), Sallie M. Evans, Win f Barn*e, We.tori -o. Pi..ugh Bov. Benjamin strong. S*rah Wooslor, Flora Kiug. Gustie Wilson, Cen t, Hatt>* Coombs. Canary, L S levering, I A Paine. Wm Hill. Koamer, * A Beioo and k J Maple*. WILMINGIOX. NC, June IS-Cleared. brig Uildin( (Nori, Elllngsen. Cork . WIsCAlttr, June 1(V?Arrived, bark Jeee B Loyea, Mc Donald. I'orilaud, lo load lor Haeaaa v? ailKUAM, Jaa* 1*-Arrtv?i, taeh* Arga, OaaMy, New TsA jTACHTl, BTBAMBOATB. OtO. POH SALB.-THK BEACTIPOL AMD KA8T-8AILI!J<I Moon Yacht Bree.e, of tbe New York Vachl Cl?li. Xo* particular, apply at tbaolBce of JAMES W. Hit!REV, No. 0 fc.*?t 18tb at. TlrANTED?A SMALL CATBOAT. ABOUT 14 KEET VT lout, in good oniar. Addrcaa. with price, CAT, llarftlt OM. MIStKLLAMKOUv Absolute divorces obtained kbom dikkeb. eat Suki, lor uuniurou* c?u??*. witliuut publicity; leiial evarjr wbero ; no ch*ri;j in ?dv*iic?; advioo free 8. HOUSE. Attorney, 194 Broadway FKEDEUICK I. KINO. LAWYER.?divorces. LB. gal everywhere, obtained wltliout publicity; terms ?at l.laclory; advice free. WJ9 Broadway. j^oval Havana lottery-oi'Ficiau DUAWIKG JUNE & MEAT DRAWING JUNB 30. 18701 Priori JVo. 9658 9717 27 $aooi 102 anol a*! aoo 277 ww 3U'? 'WO 33d aiw 338 ?* ww 371 .... WX) 376 5000 XHi 3"" aim wx> 442 W*0 477 *?' 4?1 31X' aid w?' 5Wi 500 587 WW 603 SIX) till! 3001 699 50J 723 3W?I 735 3LKJ| 748 WX 754 800| 807 3(>i 84 V* ?>9l 500 1014 5lX>| K?7 3t> 1124 WXJl 1104 300 1174 300 liao auo| 1210 aw; 1287 WW 1401 3001 1573 10tW| 1708 *W 17.9 300 18*19 WW 1*80 ?>? ?2011 300 201ft WJ01 2019 300 ?Jtrjri aoo 2043 5001 ao5? low 217 0 ?w 217 1 1?XW 2214 300 2272 WW 2303 500 2118 WXi 2307 UWO 239**.. .. ^01 2423 WW 2508 1000 2551 500 2579 30O| 2051 WW 2847 300 2859 MOO 2904 300 2805 IOOUi ?.<919 WW 31103 WW 318<1 WW 3194 3J0 3260 300 3291 WW 3338 WW 3:172 WW, 3385 500| 3429 WJU| 3450 ** , 3474 WWl 3498 1000 3517 3591 WJO 3593 300 3006 80" 3651 300 :<074 300| 36UO 300; ..$500f ...30* 9718 :?? 988*1 300| 9925 .. .1000 1*947 lOOO1 9998 .'?) 101 >15 Wxil 101O4 500 10152 ....300 10288 aoo 11*314 liUtl 10829 8011 11*41** WJO IIH46?.,..WX* 1IJ453 500 1(1577 W?' 11*580.... 300 11*704 3001 10804 W*0| 10811 1000 10887 :joo| IU9I3 dlXI 11*915 31W 3725. 3756. 37*12. 3813 3921. 10922 WW 10050 500 10952 100 I 1101 3 WW 11(119 WW 11100 300 11118 WW I1I3S 300 11145 WXI 11218 500 11254 10OO 11397 300 11550 WW 116B3 WW 1HXJ8 aoo 1101 4 500 11047 500 11053 300 11740 300| 11787 WX) 11783 wxll 11894 300 11948. ..MOO* 11908 WWj 12012 WWI 12032 aoo 12054 WX) 12179 3**)| 12327 300 12337 5(W 12354 :i00| 12412 WXI 12502 300j 12512 300 12554 300 12594 WW 12017 W.0, 12621 300 12750 300 12772 500 12884 WW 12880 3. JO 12610 300| 12923 WW 1WX0 :iool 13000 wjo 13287 WW| 13354 WW 13WJO WWI 13375 WW 13405 WW 13426 8001 13442 WW 13450 300 300! 13639 WW 13647 WW 13073 WW 13*189 30 I 1WI90 WW 1377 4 wjo 1377 5 WW JMaa.liir* lt)<12..,.*3ix>i 1'.*1*32. ... 300 19.138 300 19.172 3U 2(X >22 :?w 20:102 ...10000 20007 aoo I 20 >94 1W? 20118 :.Oo| JO 123 100*1 20194, 5001 20*27.. .HJOU 20265 300jWia20. 20288 300 20313.......300 ?20380 300 20432 WXI ?204?? 300 20503 WJOj 20541 WJO i0.88 300 20*121 aoo 20*132 30O 20738 300 .300 .WW .500 .300 .300 3989 WW 3979 WW 4032 WW 4049 500 41W1 50. 4197 300 4268 50 > 4285 W)0 4348 300 4413 300 4459 300 4503 lOW 451 8 WX| 451 9 KW.. 4649 300 4555 500 4022 WW 4091..:...WW 4796 489C WW 4902 500 4920 WX> 4947 WW 5001 3001 5063 HWO; 5148 aoo 5197 aoo 5254 300; 5281 300 5285. WWI 53*17 300, 5309 WX> 5417 WW 5*95 WW| 6511.. IOOJOU 5^84 300 SSS:::::S?, 5740 WW 5803 WW 5945 WO 5903 W.W 5905 300 5971 300 5977 WW 6012 300 a*48 0**49 300 0056 WW 60 >8 ?<**-! 1W70 11W. 0086 WW 6131 WJO 6145 WW 8181 WW 6211 3?? 6251 1<?" 6280 rW0! 6417 3fW 6450 WW 6483 05 J7 300 85*J 6624 -WO 6*.78 ;*W 6084 WW 6704 WW] 0747 100". 0811 aoo 681'i WW 8898 W)*> o9i*t aoo 8M89 WW 7101 ''00 7185 ....1*?> 7203 WW 7439 50O 7457 300 7515 ... .auo 75*K> W*' 7583 WW 7:.95 W*> 7<H5 WW 7856 WW 7. .7/ aoo 7079 WW 7087 WW 77-20 WW 7738 30*. 7750 SOW 78**1 900 78.4 WW 7874 ?..KWO 7877 WW 7 880 WW 794H WJO 7973 WW 791 *4 WW 8015 WJO 8119 W?' 8142 KKWI 8150 WW 81H2 W> ' Kill WW S3J0 WW 832*1 31W, 8332 5tW 8350 ??? 83*19 aoo 8379 100O 8129 WW 8431 WW 8438. *W 8144 WW 8477 8.H*1 WW WW 855* > W*' ia?5? ww i:?*82 aoo | 1398:1 500 14017 WW i4uai ;wo 14033 MJO 14110 WJ*J 14302 300 14314 300 14421 WW 14487 WW 14491 WKJ 14512 300 14555 W> 14589 !W0 1403'J WJO 14006 WW 14734 300 147W1 30(1 14741 WX! 14789 WW, 14841 wm 14848 WW 3>A>j'l49(.>3 500 14914 1000 15003 1000 15033 300 M155 300 U*058 W*J 15U8 300. 15102 WW 15193 300 15J48 wm 15271 :?w 15289 3.W 15407 5.W 15409 300 15418 WW 15425 1UW 15481 WX> 15513 W*> 1>:>30 WW 15570 WJO l.">574 wm 15735 Wm 15785 5<J0j ?21 >953 300 20990 JO" 21135-....300 21171 300 21190 WW 21241 300l 21298 300 21349 3: w 21402 300 21439 WJO 21502 300 21542 8001 2] 552 300, 21589 500 ?11595 WW 21618 WXI 21054 WW 21862 .WO 21673 300 21764 300 21803... . 300 21823 BOO 21932 :>C0 21974 300 21987 WWI ?22023 300 22:134 300 ?22065 3001 22078 BOO 22147 WX) 22198 300!S2136 300)33 22211 22256......300 22161 :>oo 22420 300 225 j5 WW 22*56 500 22022 : 00 22711 WJO 22-C15 300 22408 300 22901 3W* 22961 WW, 22964 300 22987 500 22990 300 23000 aoo 23003 300 23143 WJO 300 23173 1**X* 23274 300 23299/ 300 i*> l*> .'.*821 $3*10 29831 30U 29896 6O0 21*898 aoo 21*939 300 w*oi 1 ion wuoi aoij :mi23 3*10 30182 300 ?*>199 ....11X10 30220 3110 HJ247 1000 ? .500 3(?48 300 :tu:i98 aoo 3o5ii aoo 30523 ltWO 30.551 .....30n WI583 WJQ 306(14 5O0 WJ03O WJQ aodse aoo 30704 30O WI716 ?*? 30(07 300 WJ777 aoo 3087 7 300 3087 8 500 30893 sua 30913 300 31065 aoo 31132 aon 31158 aoo 31167 300 11182 300 31184 300 31220 500 81275 800 81375 800 31428 WJO 31430 WXI 31685 30Q 31721 800 3172*1 800 31729 aoa 31801 500 31808 300 31855 300 31887 800 31921 300 31920 SCO 32046 WJO 32117 WJO 32125 WW 23301. 172... lOOfl 32199 30Q 32209 50(1 32271 WJO 32298 UKM 32349 WJO 32395 1000 32410 300 32543 300 32552 300 32585 WX? 32614 50U 32851......WW 32739... . 500 32781 300 32849 300 32923 WJO 32965 300 32995 :iOO 33033 300 33085 5O0 133043 300 30*1(33126 500 33132 WJO 33138 WJO 33219 300 33353 WW 33431 ....300 33402 300 23378 300 ?23423 WW 23424 500 ?23428 300 23457 1UW 23480 300 ?23487 WJOjaa >22 300 2.631 30tfmv41 HWO 3058 300 23733 WW 23807 300 23864 WJO ?23901 1000 23928 5?W 2 (950 SO* 23990 WW 23992 WW 24044 WJO ,24047 WWj 24084 3001 241118 WJO 2415 0 WJO| 2415 1 WX 24172 800 33.49 300 33569 300 3:1059..:...300 3374(1 300 33770 WJO 33797 WJO 33808 WJO 33422 300 33865 WJO :;3478 WJO 33961 300 8 900 HWO 34902 300 34IWI 500 84008 aoo 34*99 500 24193 300.34135 WJO 24199 1000 24203 300 24205 300 24230 ;;oo 24273 IIWU 24331 500| 24394 1000 24443 WW .14511 1000 24591 300 24729 300 34170 WJO 3423 9 aOO 3424 0 300 34283 300 34 *45 500 34373 300 34544 300 34573 300 34751.#....SCO 34774 WJO 348U aoo 24778 H00-S4927 1000 24790 WJO 24805 30O 24849 3001 24887 WW 24900 10001 24919 30Uj 24918 anu 25067 WW 25074 30O -?5o:i3 WW 25128 WJO 25172 WXI .US WW 25-214. WW 25218 300 25257 500 1 .787 WW 25279 300 1579*1 W XI 15811 8*W| 15855 3*J 15857 500 1*898 3*XJ 15908...... WW 500| 15939 3* W| 159 W 300 1.(953 300 100 J8 500 l*W?7 300 1IW51 a?w< 10*106 5*W 10096 300 I01U7 WX> 16129 WJO 16139 300 16165 3W> 10208 WXJ 10206 300 16240 WW 1*1-272 aoo 1**306 WW 1(5157 WW 10409 WXJ 1*1501 WW! 1(1565 WX> 1*1507 ....ItXX) 16734 3*x 10752... .1009 1*1753 3*x 107i>2 WW 1U8U6 bU) ltK43 WW IOII21 l*x* 16955 3*x 8031. 8030 30t(| 8!l:C? 3*x 885*1 :*J* H-?!6 30* 8^79 WXI 8921 IliiJ. 8927 ...1*>J(>| ?W53 8961 WW 8t>72 31X1 81 >77 3**J 10994. 16h90 8 0 17* >75 :.00 17HW 3*xi 17120 Wx* 1714* WX* 17232 <W, 17214 W*J 17395 500| 17434 :KJ*' 174*12 3*xj 17178 :?x* 175*1! WWj 17. *89 WJU 17027 WM 3UI 17701 WXI 17843 -W.I 1784*1 WXI 17-*1>1 31X1 179*10 aix. I7:v.l :iui 17903 3 xi 17.192 .. ..WXi 1 -m *75 aw l8**-?> 3*x. 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WXI 27718 .M 277*29 WX>i 277W1 WW 27)80 WXJl 27839 WXl| 27842 WXI 278SO UXX> 2791 0 860| 2791 1 WX 281-22 WX) 28128 W(0 24104 5U> 28219 WX 28236 WXJ ?28256 300 28434 l'JUl 2841>2 WXJ| 284!k> WXJ 280* >3 11XW 28.129 WXI ?28171 W?l ?HV5 HXXI 287-26 :ioo 28?01 WW; 28-*|3 .... WX> 28824 WW| 28849 ?X> *8884 ...IWW 28**21 WX* 29.XV1 >W 29069 300 -29.(8*1 WX* 29339 WXJ 29358 3?x>| ?29 108 30I 29.182 !*? ?? 29449 WX) 34936 5(10 35017 WX? 35071 WX> 35095 300 135110 300 J5134 1000 35147 300 3517(1 500 35184 1000 35211 auo 35248 .>? .0 35274 500 35280. 3o0 35310 WJO 35341 300 35417 800 35445 W10 35475 ....1000 35511 aoo 35624 800 35'?30 300 I. >570 300 35736 300 35770 WW 35937 300 35948 100(1 35992 WJO .10148 9U? Wll 53 3U0 38229 8O0 30279 HOO 3631!) 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