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THE COURTS. Trials and Tribulations of a City Gontraotor. Avalanche of Witnesses in the Rapid Transit Suits. Disappointed Expectations of "Shiver My Timbers." Entry of Formal Verdict in the Spring Valley Distillery t'aie. Michael Noonan, in November, 1870, mad* a eon tract with the city for building Rawer* tad culvert! through various streets from Seventeenth to Twenty third street, inclusive, the work to be completod in 200 day a. The total value o( the work done, according to Mr. Koonan's bills, waa $229,470 M. The city, how ever, fixed It at $228,098 84, of which, altar dancing attendance on the Comptroller sometimes for six months at a time, Noonan anally recoived $100,712 06, leaving a balance of $00,227 98 due. Ttie contractor complalas that the city otfleora delayed hta monthly certificates sometimes to seven months; that the plans were altered by caprice or favoritism; that he was compelled to sink a sewer along Eleventh avenue two feet deeper than agreed upon, and then the city officials compelled him to raise It two test again, and that all the delays woro caused by tho ofllcials. The city answers that it la entitled to deduct $3,387 17 tram the balance, as Interest due on the ml vauces. The planum denies that interest should be charged heyona the completion of the work; but tho Comptroller wants interest up to the coulirination of the assessment, and Mr. Strahau, counsel lor Noonan, ?ays the Comptroller never made any such claim except In this and another case; that If this were lawful a city tfflslal, having enmity against a contractor, could delay the confirmation ol ttie assessment until Hie thirty per cent returned by the Comptroller was consumed In In terest. Tho city also makes a ot.arge ol $10,000 lor in ipectors' feea; but Mr. Noonan sa.vs three of the Inspectors were merely nominal, being put on the pay. rolls by Mr. Tweed, and he claims that he should not be churned lor their salaries. Tho trial of tho suit brought by Mr. John K. Fellows, as assignee of Mr. Ko<nan, (or the amount claimrd to be due, was com menced yesterday before Judve Larremore, holding Supreme Coort, Circuit, and will probably occupy tho rest of the week. BLOW Pit OGRESS IN RAPID TRANSIT. A growing monotony begins to show Itself In the continued testimony given before Judge Sedgwick, In Supreme Court, Special Torm, In the trial of the Sixth Avenue Railroad Injunction suit against the Gilbert Ele vated Railroad Company. Notwithstanding this fact, however, the court room was densely thronged, at usual, and the cumulative testimony oflercd on behalf of the Sixth Avenuo Railroad as to the probable elfect upon the horses of that company of the running of an ele vated rosd over the track of tho plaintiff*' road was listened to with a good deal of Interest. James R. Wallace, foreman of tho Ninth Avenue Railroad etubles, the Urst witness called, testified that the horses uuder his charge afien became so (Tightened as to fall down, tear their shoes oil, Jump Bround the stable, and frequently sustained aerious injuries, and all on account of the Elevated road ruuntng their cars and engines over their stables. He suited further that conductors, passengers and drivers were much annoyed by oil dripping from the engine and gulling their clothes. There were tweuty-two additional witnesses called. Including Bernard J. Keiley, Jacob Sharpe, Charles Cottrlll and John M. Ackernnn. Tho witnesses comprised prop erty owners along tho road, railroad engineers and railroad conductors and drivers. Tho most important feature of the testimony waa that setting forth tho re duction in the value ol property on Sixth avenue in rase the Gilbert Elevated Railroad Company is allowed to build its road in tho manner proposed. Contemporaneous with the above trial is tho trial before Judgo Van Hoosen, in the Special Term of the Court ol' Common Fleas, of tho lujunctlon suit brougut by the Ninth Avenue Kailrcad Com puny against tho Greenwich Street Elevated Railroad Company. There Is tho same variety ot witnesses in this ease and their testimony U simply further confirmation of the allegations set forth iu the comp'.alut. Among the witnesses examined yesterday was I'ol'oe Controls, sluncr Nichols. In this suit tevonty-seven witnesses have thus lar been examined, and thia 1? said to be ?oly the beginning ol the beginning. A BLOW AT GREAT EXPECTATIONS. One day whtlo Archibald Scott, a tea merchant la Dtune stroii, was sitting quietly In bit store, a man dressed In the uniform of n foreign steamship officer tome into the place and offered lor sale some shawls which be represented to be pore Cashmere and worth f ISO a piece. This strung.) visitor said that his vowel *a< to leave right away for China and that be would sell them at a great saoruice. Mr. Scott purchased two ol tbc shawls, paying, as he ascertained upon subso ^iiodI inquiry, about three times their value. Finding that be bad been victimized ho Kept a sharp look out for the swindler, and subsequently meet* Ing him on the street caused bis arrest, Ihe prisoner giving his name as John Kodgera. I'olice Justice Sborwood discharged Rodgers on the ground thai there was not sulUcieut came lor holding hint on a criminal charge. Kodgers thereupon brought suit In tbe Marine Court against Mr. Scott for malicious pros ecution. Owing to a misunderstanding between coun sel Mr. Scott's lawyers Inlled to appear and ajurigment was entered against blm lor $7a0 lor delault. This de fault was opened by Judge McAdam and the case came to mal yesterday before Judge Sinnott. It was proved that this was an old ganio ol Rodders, who was widely known undor the sobriquet of "slnver My Ttmbars," ?nd that he was not to be believed under oath. Tbo result was a verdict lor Mr. Soott. William F. Howe, plaintiff's attorney: Messrs. Kintzmg k Molt, de fendant's attorneys. THE SPUING VALLEY DISTILLERY. In the case of the United States against tbo Spring Valley Distillery, Rockland county, to recover on a claim of forfeiture of the real estate, tbe trial waa be gun yesterday before Judge Blatcbford, In the I'Diled States District Court. The real estato la valued at 940.000. A suit was originally brought to condemn tbe distillery proper and its appurtenances ou the ground that It had been used (or Illegal purposes, illicit distilla tion. Tbe present action is brought 00 a reversal of a decision previously rtndered against the government In a trial held In 187& In that csso an appeal waa taken to tbo Circuit Court, which was argued before Judge Woodruff, since deceased, who ordered a new trial. The caae wns called yesterday and a formal ver dict was given for the government, suhlect to the de cision of the Court on points raised lor tbe claimant, and on wbloli argument Is set down for this day weak. "OUil BOYS." In the suit brought by Leater Wallaek against Angus tin Daly, to enjoin tho latter from producing or dispos ing of tbe play of "Our Boys," a motion was mado yes terday, beforo Judge Douohuo, la Sapretne Court, Chambers, for leave to Mo n supplementary answer setting up a previous judgment obtained against Mr. Wallaek In tbe Superior Court In a similar suit as a bar to a recovery In this action. The motion waa opposed en iho ground that the present action waa commenced prior to Mr. Daly's suit. Mr. A. Oakey Hall appeared lor Mr. Wallaek and Mr. Olin represented Mr. Daly, ludgo l>onohue took tbe papors, reserving his decision. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. William Nickola yesterday recovered a verdict for $8,000 damages against the Forty-second and Grand Street Ferry Railroad Company on account of Injuries ??stained, the facts of which have been publisbod. On application of ex-Jidgs Cardoso Mr. Francis M. Bisby was yesterday appointed by Jndge Don oh no a receiver or tbe Worm Tape Skirt Company, with power to wind up its affairs. A dispute between the corporators lad to the appointment. Tbe wlio ol Captalu Kussel, in entering Washington Market, lell and broke her leg, the accident being iho result, as claimed, of ono of tbe steps being broken. He bas brought suit against the city for loss of her tervices, laying bis damages at $10,000. Tho trial of tbe case began yesterday before Judge Sanford in tba Superior Court. Mrs. Kussel bas also a suit ponding sgainst the city lor damages. Jain, s Feltrick, a Third avenoo real esta'e agent, sold tbe house and lot No. 143 Kast Fifty nintb street to Frederick DeKay lor I It, 000, the buyer contracting to pay arrears ol rent and taxes on delivery. Mr. rot rick obuined Judgment in the Supreme Court agsiost Mr. DeKay for $UM arrears ol assessments, and Mr. Charles 11. Dennison, riciendani'a counsel, got n re versal of Judgment from the Court of Appeals on ths ground that full possession was noi given to defendant, a portion ol tho premises being retained. A new trial was ordered, and plaintiff was examined before trial in tbe Supreme Court yesterday. Application was made yesterday to Jirlge Van Hoesi-n, in special Term ol the Court ol Common I'lcas, on behalf of the policy holders in the F.clectic Llle Insurance Company, lor an order directing the *uporiniei.dcni of Imniranco at Albany to divide $ luo,too. the funds ol tbe company tn his bands, among the policy holders This application was op posed by Attorney Ocneral Falrchllds on behalf 01 the Superintendent. Mr. John X. Hall, who appeared lor the receiver of ilia company, insisted thai the Court of Appeals, having reversed the decision of tbe Court uf Common I'lea* directing payment 01 the money 10 iho receiver, asked thai some disposition chould lis made of the funds, although under the decision re erred to be couM not ask ihat the money should be paid to tbe ricelvcr. Judge Van liooran took the papers. A Mtrfoiw and taokina ('ass ware gaarUaead u> a inu named Smith. They ?r?r? tirxt seized by a Marshal. After this the owner repleviued Iht-m. The judgment debtor put la but elaim and Ibe rnult was a auil, winch waa trtel yeaierday before Judge Saulord, of the Sapertor Coari. Counsellor Nolan, who ap peared for the plain lid. got a verdict lor (187, being tbe full amouol claimed. with Interest. 1 be trial 01 tbe suit of \\ llllam Kami, against Hubert Hpeyers and others, was continued yesterday before judge Robinson, in the Court ?r Common l'leas. The sun grows out <>f tbe Black Friday transact:ona, but didrrs from tbe suit* previously brought on similar transactions lu dialing this as a loan of ?143,000 cur. rency on tlOQ.O^iO gold, thus avoiding a legal question growing out oi tbe statute of frauds. The trial. Ilka ?II these Black Friday suits, promises to oeeupy sev eral daya lu the suit of J. MacAvoy against Henry M. Sleight, In the Marine Court, the defendant moved to opeu a i judgment entered against h ui by default In Janu ary. The cause of act'on was upon a promissory note ! lor $1,620, lor which MacAvoy had paid $1,600 in the market The duleuce wblou Height proposed to set up was that tlie noto was given to uue liunton for money loat at draw poker, Sleight testified that ha waa a clerk In the employ of Knower, Thomas & Co., Ma 50 Wbite street. PlatnttO claimed that be bad paid the money In good faitb, and that be would lose tbe whole of it as tbe payer of tbe nolo was in bank ruptov. Judge McAdntn on the lirsi bearing denied tbe motion, but two lurther hearings finally opened tbe default and permitted Sleight to eome in and defend. An action has been instituted in the Marine Court ?gainst Robert* W. Butler, the proprietor and manager of the Globe Theatre, on the part oi the Brian family, lor the recovery of the amount duo thein on account of salary. The Brians wcro Induced, It is alleged, by the representations of Mr. Butler to como to 'his city from England to give repreaemations lu their particular pro fessional line under contract, and gate nine perform, anees at tbo Globa. When pay day arrived, bowevor, Mr. Butler declared his inability to |?y tno amount called lor by tbe papers; henoo ine action. Register John Fltcb. of No. 346 Broadway, was jres? torday appointed a United Slates Commissioner, by Judge A. d. Johnson, of tho United States Circuit Court. DECISIONS. ?UPBKMB COURT?CHAMBERS. By Judge Donohne. Duncan vs. Enoa?Defondanl camo in before order was signed. Bowell vs. Van Slclen?Five per cent allowance. Mehrbach vs. Mehrbach.?Referred to it M. Henry. In the matter of Qallard and anothor, Ate.?Roceiver appointed. Iho Real Estate Trust Company vs Rador.?Granted. Memorandnm. McCoy vs. Howard.?Motion denied. Memorandum. Wright el al vs. Baruy; Beecher m Starbuck ? Memorandums. Connelly vs. Connelly; in the m.itter ot Bay nor; Cusbman vs. Carman.?Den*-*. Guslhal vs. Relnhardt.?Motion denied. Andrew vs. The New Jersey Htoamboat Company; Murphy vs. Schmidt; Hltcbrock vs. Mcl'yke; Mafter mott vs. Shields; The lulled States I.lie Insurance Company vs. Boddy and another; Lock wood vs. Chapln; Smith vs. rbillips; Murthaet aL vs Murtba, and Allen ts. Kavanagb.?Grstited. By Judge Lawrence. Salomon vs. Wilbur.?Tbe order should be resettled by striking out the last clauso. Let u new order be submitted leaviug out the clause referred to. McVoy Vs. Cantrell. and Satldikett vs. Cantrell,? The Juaitee by whom the undertakings wore approved also beard and denied the motions to have the judg ments marked "secured on appeal." No leavo to re new the molten was Riven, but iho defendant now moves lor leave to give additional security lor the pur pose; tben, if I correctly apprehend her counsel, of asking leave to have the judgments marked ''secured," *o., I will allow snch lurther security to be oft'ered, and on that tbo plaiuttfT may apply to the Justice hold ing Chambers for such order as she may be advised. By Jndge Barrett. Jones vs. Ratter?Nos. 1 and i?Opinions. HUPBEME COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Van Vorst. Baron vs. Marks oi al.?Findings signed. Millard vs. Ferguson ct al.? Decree signed. COMMON PJ.EA8?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Van Hncen. Dlossy ts. Foster.?Trial fee allowed. See memo randum. Salomon ts. Moral.?Applioation for leaTe to amend anawer. See memorandum. l)avis vs. Davis.?Motion denied, unless defendant consent reierence. See mememndum. Blake vs. Schwartz.?Demurrer sustained. See memorandum. Walker vs. Walkor.?Tbe issues should be carefnlly framed. See memorandum. Beer vs. Gent?Motion denied. See memorandum. MARINE COURT?CHAMBER#. By Judgo McAdam. Bruce vs. Ellis; Wilson vs. Lougbran.?Complaints dismissed. Hyatt vs. iEtna Iron Works. ?Motion to consolidate denied. Legend vs. Burns.?Atta chment dissolved. Olwell vs. Brennan.?Motion to open default denied. Franklin vs. Porter.?Motion to compel security for costs denied, without costs. Sylvester vs. Vnnbleck.?Default opened on terms. King vs. Judktna?G. P. Havens appointed receiver. Harres?on vs. Moore.?Motion to compel plaintlfl to except answer denied, with $10 costs. Seed vs. Teale; Walerhouso vs. Teale.?Opinions. Wrighungton vs. Inness; Sexton vs. Hodman; Young vs. Collins.?Motions granted. Franklin vs. Porter.?Motion to advance cause granted. By Chlel Justice Shea Hlne ts. Dobbins.?Bill ol costs taxed at $41 94. Gouge vs. Hatch; Devoe vs. Crow; Bayer vs. Rus sell: Schwars vs. Herman; Kiogh vs. Swereger; McCanul vs. Sexton; Hart aud another vs. Hunt and another; Cox va Conner, She rid.?Motions denied. (ir*y vs. Leeds.?Case settled. Uoodkind va Struckiand.? Order settled* Johnson va Kearney.?Motion granted. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART 1. Be ore Recorder Hackstt ALLEGED INCENDIARISM. Fire Marshal Sheldon's tnvostigstlon la th? reccnt ease ol iucendiaritm discovered at Xo. &40 Broadway, occupied b.r C. 0. Baldwin k Co., dealers In airaw goods and artificial flowers, bus resulted in tbo arrest of Albert P. Everett, of Pawtncket, R. I. TbeUrand Jury ionnd bim guilty of araon and be was placod at tbe bar of tbo court yesterday, charged with the crime. He pleaded not guilty and was remanded for trial. Tbe Ore took place Ip May under the stairway leading from tbe sec ond story, where a box containing a lighted candle was discovered. It was about tune to close the store, and tbe two portors who saw this box immediately ex tinguished the candle and called an olllcer. Tho "machine" was sent to the station liouae mid the Kiro Marshal commenced his investigation. The box w?s eighteen Inches high and eleven inched wide. Tho candle was la the ceutre and ran down into s cylinder of pasteboard, which was surrounded by botilo* of kerosene oil ?nd gunpowder, loose gunpowder being sprinkled on the bottom of the box. In several por tions of the box matches were so arranged as to be easily Ignited as soon an the candle burned to tbe e ire of tbe box. The puri>ose, thai of ibe destruction of the stock aud store, wis plain enough. Tbe members of the llrni and ail their employes emphatically itemed all knowledge of theaflair and there was no evidence to show anything to the contrary. Alter repeated Inquiries tbe Kire Marshal ascertained tbat Kvcrett had, previous to Mav 4, cousigucd all In* goods, amounting in value ;o several thousand dollars, to Baldwin * Co., and bad tbem insured ler their full value. It is said that ho was teen about the store act ing to a suspicions manner, and it was also ascertained that after the box was ionnd ne had mado an assign ment ol bis property. These circumstance* led lo bis Indictment by tho Urand Jury. His trial will shortly take placet GENERAL SESSIONS-PART 2. Before Judge Gllderaleeve. FLEAS AMD SENTENCES. George Carpenter, aged twenty-one, pleaded guilty to the crime of burglary In tho third degree and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in the State Prison. James Downey, of No. 82 Market street, was sent to the Penitentiary for three months, having pleaded guilty to petit larceny. Henry Mullcr, who pleaded guilty to picking a lady's pocket coming out of church, was sent to itie giate Prison tor one year. FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET COURT. Before Judge Kllbreth. A JEALOCB HUSBAND. Arthur Hetlry keeps a restaurant and boarding bouse at So. M West Forty-third atreet, and among his boarders is John McCarrick. Jobn is by no means a handsome teilow, end yet Henry tbiaks tbat his pretty wife has loat her senses alter him. On Tuesday last, on returning home rather suddebly, ho saw what seemed to him sure evidence of McCarrick's Intimacy with Mrs. Henry. He ordered McCarrick, aoroMlngly, to leave bis house, and the boarder said he would when It suited tym. This enrngeit llunry, who drew a revolver, with which ha bad been practicing lor a week la tbe back yard, In anticipation of jn>t snob an encoontcr as this, and McC.irru-k fled Into the ! street Mra. Henry tnen appeared on the scoae, hav ing come, as her husbaud claimed, directly Irom McCarrick's room, and bar presence tisd tho curious effect of putting a damper on the warlike altitude ol ber husbaua and ol raising the courage oi her ixwrdsr, who, under her protection, returned triumphantly into the house. He applied next day to Juogu Kilbreth lor , a warrant against bis landlord, on a charge ol tiirejten- i ing to shoot In in. It was relnsed, the C< art believing, , even from bis own representation* ol ti e case, that lie , bad provoked Henry to an uaoesrable extent. A sum- 1 nons waa, however, issued, and upon this Henry sp- ' penred in court yesterday, when the foregoing It-cts came out. He was di-cbarred, it I ??--n thown that the revolver he hud drawn upon McCurnck had not tbe cnambers in it aud that lim intention was sim ply to (Tighten his enemy aWay irom his kvese. But this he has failed in, because Mrs. Ifenry is hall owuer ol the business, and it is her wish that he remain. POLICE COUET NOTES. The examination In tne oaie of William V. Veil man, ! the bookkeeper ol Messrs. Brycc k Smltb, liquor mer chants. of tin. 11 front ?ima ?K? u ik* OU> lui. I | forged tbo Indorsement of bin employers to chock* amounting to $21,000, and by that moan* bad ?.forged check for $12,730 cartlOed m geauino by tb? Mer riianU' Kxchange Bank, was called up beloro Justice Murray tu the Tomb* Police Court yesterday. On mo 1 lion of the counsel fur tue prosecution tUe examina lion was adjourned for a week. At the Kaaex Market Police Court Antclne Keeler. of No. 13 Cbrymie afreet, was held for trial for stealing two twenty-dollar nolea from the trnnk of Margaret Wise, residing In the same house. Alice Wilson was couiiiiitlud tor trial by Justice Mor gan at the r.wN Market Court for stealing a gold watch, value $80, from Thorn a* J. Regusnc, of No. 190Chorry street, in n house in tbe Bowerv, on Tuesday night. Charles Mellts. of No. 052 Second avenue, a boy ia the employ jut Charles starts, No. 230 Third avoune, was held lor trial at l e Kssex Market Court yesterday lor baring embezzled $7 which ha waa sent to oolleeu COURT C ALEN DA US?THIS DAY. Sermon; Cucrt? Chamukhs?Held by Jodge Dono . hue.?No*. 54, 11a, 138, 166, 17ft, KB, 177. 207, 210, ! 228, 254, 2U0, 310, JI15, 323. 340, 347, S6L Ibe as sessment calendar will also ne called. Si I'KKMK ColRT?GRNKRA1. TkMM. ? Adjourned Until : Julv 6. for the purpose ol rendering decisions. Si*i*remk Cocrt?Sprcial Trrm?Held by Judge ? I.twreooe.?Demurrer?No. IK. wild tart?No*. 97, 361, 410, 433, ;t;?. 398, 214, 278, 270, 173, 174, 34, 5S7, .'.42, ftOO, 616, 536, 637, 5?S, 691, 348, 349, 400. 426. 42(1 300. Sitkrmk Cocrt?oi iter it?Part 1?field by Judgo We.tbrook.-Ifo*. 1311, 2859, 1636, 262, 114H, 107, 1425 '^. 1301, 1577, 1579. 1647, 1309, 2903, 970, 1779, 1929, 2072, tfc-t, 1519>,, 1627, 1488, 14S9, 1281, 13ft:!, 1099. 1350, 1011, 1657, 1801, 1061, MW9, 125, 075)4, 1725. 1017, 1. 1403. Part 2?Held by Judge Van Vorst.? Koa. M88, 1824, ! ~M. 2404, 1318, 872. 2110, 1442, 2M>8, 698, 1011, 1430, ! 1437, 1870, 1104, 2702, 3012, 1028 (?? 914. 770, 204ft, i Part 3? Held by Judge I jure more.?Case on?No. : 1750, Fellows aud another vs. The Mayor, A-e. No day ? calendar. Si'pkrior Court?SkxhralTrkm?Adjourned tin'- dir. { Sui'kkiok Court?Si-rcial Tkkm ? Held by Judge | Sedgwick.?Caao on?No. 41, The Sixth Avenue Railroad Company vs. Tho Gilbert Klovatcd Railway Company. { No day calendar. Superior C??t'RT?Trial Trrm.?I??irt 1?Held by Judge Sanlord.?No*. 1113, 1136. 787. 1064. 1288. IO0S, ; 1092. 117H, 1177, 1180, 1036, 1071, W79, 3136, 2000. I Part 2?Held l>v Judge Speir.?Nos. 904, 1004, 1027, I 908, 1780. 2203, 804, 1189, 1200, 1201, 1202, 1005, 008, 741, 1139. Common Plrar?Kqcity T"RM?Held bv Judge Van Hoe Men.?Nos. 24, 4. 28, 30. 27. 19. 1, 0. 8. 2.1, 34, 18, 20, 33, 2, 3, 2ft, 20, 5, 9. Demurrers?Nos. 2, 8 and 4. Common Plka*?Usxkral Tkrm.? Adjoin uud until June 26, 187d. fur the purpose ol remloriu; decisions. Common Pi.ram?Thai. Trrm?Part 1?Helo liy Judge Robinson.?.No*. 7tHt, 10U3, lft04>? 2112, 1308, 1199, 2128, 1012, 1721,.2495, 2129, 1?*0, 18*57, 2152, 2230, 1184, 1143, 2154, 1104, 10oS. 22r; 1. 2392, 2072. 1350, 2542, 1353, 1776, 1621. Part 2?Held hy Judge Van Brunt.?Nos. 2441. 1804, 14U7. 2130, 2192, 2139, 2536. Part 3?Held by Judge J. V. JMly.? Nos. 2510, 2503, 2620, 2573, 2679, 2517. 2081. Makkk Ooitrt?Triai. Trkm?Part 1?Hold by Chief I Justice Sliea.? Nos. 440, 4175, ?170. 4177, 3941, 4200, 2720, 7588, 7074, 7803, 40d9, 0195, 3877, 7139, 2376. Part 2?Held hy Judge Sheridan.?Nos. 4116, 4245, 4281, 0534, | 4114, 38S0, "820, 7827, 0705, 4125, 40!H?, 6341, 4241, i 7621, 7574, Part 3? Hold by Judge Sinnott.?Nos. 7330, 0951, 7877, 0008, 6952. 6879, 6308, 4911, 0761, 7077, i 707S, 6927, 7945, 5214, 7442. Coi'KT or (iRnrkai. Skskioks?Part 1?Hold by Re corder Hackett.?The People vs. (ieorgo Knight, homicide; Sumo vs. Jobu Anderson, grand larceny; ! Same vs. John Connelly, grand larceny; Same vs. Kstlier Weeks, grand larceny; Same v?. Otto HopllelU, i receiving stolen goods; Same vs. Andrew Cassidy, petit larceny. Part 2? Mold by Judge (Jitdersloeve.? Tho PaoploVs. Alexander Thoiienct, robbery; Same vs. | Joseph hearns, felonious ussuult and battery; S.imo vs. i Alexander Simons, lelonlous assault and battery; | Same vs. Patrick McMalion, lelonious assault and but tery; Same vs. Willluui Brown, teloulo is assault and pat'tery; Same vs. Frederick Smith, felonious assault and tiatiery; Same vs. Jacob Schoonholx, burglary; Saire vs. Matthew Tiernev, grand laroony; Same vs. Thomas Morley, urund larceny; Same vs. Sarah Smith, grand larceny; Save vs. Kphraim Rock and William Walker, felony; Same vs. John Flaniguu, lalse pre tences; Same vs. Jeremiah Lynch, assault and but tery ; Margaret HalliUbetk, disorderly house. COUliT OF APPEALS. Ai.iiant. Juno 14, 1878. In the Court ol Appeals to-day the following business was transacted:? No. 236. Fnirlax vs. The New York Central and Hud son River Railroad ?Argument resumed and concluded. No. 237. Hall vs St urges.?I'pon motion ot Charles H. Baily, for respondent, judgment affirmed by de&iult. No. 239. Knglish vs. The President, Ac., ol tbo Dela ware and Canal Company.?Argued by J. (J. Runkie, lor appellant; O. W. Ctiapman, for respondent. No. 243. Mercer vs. Yo.-e.?Argoed by S. Hand, lor appellant, and Osborno Brlgnt, lor respondent No. 387. Tully vs. The People.?Argued by William F. Howe for plaintiff in error, and by Thomas S. Moore lor the people. Adjourned. CAUHMR. The following Is the day calendar (or Thursday, June 10, 1876:?Ni?. 147, '231, 208, 206, 217, '225, 151, 244. THE HARLEM MURDER. THE TRIAL or THOMAS BATTEL!, CONCLUDED? FOUND GUILTY OF MURDBB IN THE SECOND DBGUEE?THE TBIEONEB BEMAXDED FOB I SENTENCE. The trial of Thomas Battel! for the murder of Ana Hamrnar, at liarlcni, in March last, win re gained yesterday in the Court of Oeueral Sessions, l'art 1, before Recorder Hackolt. Tho proceedings were delayed some time, owing to the absence of one of the Jurors. The court room was crowded, as on tho day preceding, and the result of the cas'o was awaited with interest. Assistant District Attorney Russell ap peared for the prosecution, tho prisoner being de fended by Mr. William P. Kintzing, by whose side the I prisoner sat with a look ol perfectly stolid Indifference. | It will be remembered that the prisoner denied m gen ' eral torms any complicity in the murder, and ex | plained the statements he had made in the presence of ! the police officers by saying he was so bewildered at the time that bo would hare returned thoughtless an ! swers to any questions put to him Tho prisoner's wifo and a number of friends wcro present in court, as ! also the flvo children of the murdered woman, nil of ' whom were dressed in deep mourning. THK rRlSOMBK CKOHrt-EXAXINKD The prisoner, on cross-examination, testified that the stockings and the handkerchtel lound on his per ron marked with biood were unaccountable to him; no did not know why he put the clean stockings In ins pocket, but thought be had pat them tbore In his hurry in leaving tho houso; when he beard the knocking at the door by Mrs. Freeman he had hltstockings in bis hand; ho remembered at least four distinct knock ' Inns at the door, and then beard jfrt. Freeman say, "O, my Uod;" lie then ran out ol the house, and went I to the corner of 108th street; he then saw a woman ' and followed her; be did so because he thsught It was Mrs. Freeman; bis reiieon lor tearing the house was I bat ho thought somo tramps might have been In the house; he did not remember that any priest was i iu the house when be was taken to tiew tho body, and did nut recollect thai ho told Captain llobbius that ho ! l ad been advi-ed not to say anything, or that be had any fight with Ryan. I Rer. llugli Fhutery was next examined. He said I tbat ha was the house where tho homicide was , committed; lio bad heard of It, and nsKod if the woman was dead,- and the prliouer answered, "Yes, she is deud; ' he Ihen went Into the room umi saw Mrs. B?t I tell aid told her and tho prisoner to keep qtiiei and not say anything until ho was Imuo it do so; the prisoner seemed very much disconcerted. I To Mr. Kintsing?I did not know tho prisoner pre viously. tbk rniso*i;R? wirs was then placed on the witness stand. In reply to Mr. liintxing the said that the bloody tuffs found in the pockot of the prisoner were shown h-r. She icsiltted that she hud iierer seen Hu m before; that sbe had not made the shirt to which they had beeu attach*' slid thai she could liot recognize thorn a? having belonged to her huabaud; she b -mI never made shirts lor her bus band, so she could not havo made the culls in question. THK l"KI*OXKK'H ru.lRAi tkk. Mr. Mark K. Ureen, a master painter, testified thst I the prisoner had worked lor him for nearly twelve years; lie had always regarded his character s* good; did not know he was a drinking man. The evidence of Ibis witness wis corroi.nrmed by tils son. Tbe other witnesses Who also testllled to his good character were Denis M>gan, Felix h. Fort, John .smith, Frederick Hkinner, Patrick Martin, James Rogers, l.eonard It Wells, Joseph Hagurand l.cwis lienor. TIIK A bC K KSS roK THK I'KIXOAKR. Mr. Klntsins then addressed lh<; jwry on behsll of ' the prisoner, and erldPiiilv made un Imorcrsion ou those in i-oeri by the subtieiy of his nrgumeni and the eloquence ol bi* closing ri marks lie first referred to the different theories suggisied liy the lour counis in the indictment, and demonstrated how utterly luiilc it w is to evolve from Ibeni any rational supposition ol the guilt of the prisoner. There was no circumstance to show ibat this crime was eonimltted by Battell; not a particle ol evidence tu sustain a smuioion of malice prepense, and the Idea of compassng the death of Mrs. Krcuinan was the creatloii ol a ferule Imagination. Counsel then adverted to tne clrt umsiances that were relied upon with most ooutldence by tbe prosecution to support the charges In the indictment, ami en deavored to reconcile them with the innocence ol Bat tel . and hi* conversation and excited remarks were marie susceptible of a similar explanation. Thabloxlv Mnrt, the euffs, ai cut oft and smeared with blood, and the stockings, siamed alio with t?io>d, were referred to in am cession, and, by a process of reasoning that was rather fOtitie, pictured ?s being thrown hastily together by the real offender in order to tlx su.-pn hii on the pr tutor, and irrnn a similar motive the cuffs were deposited In his unlortnnale client's pocket while he wus partially intoxicated. Kacli incident was regnrded as a link In the chain of evidence In the case sgiiinat Baitell was touched iipon hv Mr. Klntxing, In order to point out such weak features In It as might render it inadmissible, nnd to illustrate the nnsnle snd unreliable charsrier of circumstantial evidence a num ber of c.ises I rum Phillip's work on evidence were read ?war and ssmnriAslail unOA at aaaM |?ih The Mil- 1 lion of the crime of murdor, according to tbe statuto, wux then given by counsel, by w?y of refreshing tho nun do of tho jury and to prevent any misconcrptlon In arriving at a conclusion. Mr. Kintziug concluded by a vigorous and touching appeal to the jury on the i imporiant issue now placed in iheir baud*, where tlie j prerogative of life and death tniheoccused might be said 10 be exorcised by them. Whether doomed to ibe ' gallows or consigned to a Irion'a cell lit* fate would he , gloomy In the extreme, and would oflect his wite und relatives noM painfully, lie therefore entreated a | careful lilting of the evidence and mature deliberation ( on tbe result, und that where any dount arose the ( prisoner would be allowed the beuellt of It. ArTKU KKCMM&. Assistant District Attorney Kusseil summed up on , tbe part of the prince ut ion. He contended that tho i ca*o was extremely simple from beginning to end. There was nothing complicated about it, and If any j douhiB prevailed in the minds of the jury us to no guilt ol the accused, tho doubt must liavo been dis?i paiod und solved by the testimony ol the prisoner on the stand. His explanation ol bla movomeuis ou the day of tbe painlui occurrence could only produce one . imprerstun, nud that unfavorable to tho prisoner. The j mo-it able utid learned Judge* have expressed the npiu iou that circumstantial evidence is more rellnblo tbun direct eridenco. Couuael hern cited aeveral eminent authorities m support ot bla opinion, nud then pro ceeded to review tnc evidcuoe, submitting that it wa? cleur throughout and implicated tbe prisouer in tho terrible crime with wbioh he was charged. Recorder Hackett then charged the jury with cbarnc teriatle lerseness and Impartiality, detlning tho law ou tbe questions at issue and otliorwise Instructing them in the main points bearing on the ease. He showed that they had but one alternative II tbey believed the testimony adduced against tbe prisouer. whilo on the other baud, if they had any well lounded doubt on tho subject, tbe prisouer was entitled 10 Ik The jury retired shortly alter threo o'clock, and after an absence of about hall un hour brought in a verdict of MITRDKR IX TUB SKCOXD DKURK*, on the annouurement of which there were man Heeled the usual whimperings of opinion incident to such occa sions. The children ot tbe murdered women, however, became groatly exulted and screamed loudly. Two of them nude a Iraiuic rush at tho jury us they led the jury box and caine very neur scratching out the eyes ol one ol tho jurymen. Tbo verdict took every body by surprise. The prisoner sensed his counsel t?y the hand and thanked linn warmly for having saved him irom tho gallows. Alter the excitement had subsided the prisouer was remanded and will be brought up this morning tor sentence. A CRAZY WOMAN'8 COMPLAINT. Some foar days ago an elderly lady, who gave tbo nnmo of Mrs. C. C. Allen, appeared before Justice Duffy, at the Washington Place Police Court, and asked that a warrant bo issued for tho arrest of Mrs. Ammorman, keeper of a fashionable boarding in East Highly, sixth street. Justice Duffy granted a summons In the case, which was served on Mrs. Ammorman. Mr*. Allen then applied lor subpeeuas for witnesses whom she wanted to testify, and it wus then discovered that site was eccentric, as among the person* she de sired to have in attendance were the Into A. T. Stewart, Johu Jacob Aslor, President Grant and Charles Kumntir. Yfestcrduy aiiernoon Mrs. Ammerman appeared at court, uccotnpauied by Mrs. John A. Kennedy, wile ol the Into Superintendent Kennedy, Mrs. l<oril lurd, aiid a number of other prominent ladies. Mrs. Ammerman said that Mr* Allen came to board with her and owed #25. 8ho ordered her to leave and sho did leave, her clothe* and trunks remaining behiud. Miss Linda Gilbert, the founder of the prisoners' libraries through the country, was examined, aud lcs? titled that Mrs. Allen had called on her and said she had been assaultod by Mrs. Ammoimau, who detained her clothes; sho called on Mrs. Ammerman, who re ceived her in a ladylike manner and gave her the clothes, saying she was glad to get rid ot them. Mrs. Kennedy aud Mrs. Lorillard testified as to Mrs. Am mcrmuti's character iu tbe hlahest terms ol oommen datlon. Justice Duffy discharged Mrs. Ammerman, expressing his regret that his official duty bad required him to compel her attendance at court. MUNICIPAL NOTES. On Juno 23 the Commissioner of Public Works wilt open bids for laying Croton mains on Willis avenue and other streets. On tbe 22d ho will open bids for the construction of four Iroe baths. Tho Police Department will on tho 23d open bids for the supply of 1,600 tons ol coal tor tho use of the de partment. i Uu the 21st inst. the Park Department will open bids for paving tho roadway lu Washington Pork, 'fho work consists of 0,700 square yards or new pavement aud 770 feet of new bridge stone. On (he sumo day thoy will open bids for a,000 cubio yards of screened gravel for use on tbe Central Park. It is not likely ihe investigation by tho Com mittee on Fire and Ituildings, ol which Alderman Kccnnn is chairman,?will begiu work until alter tbo 8U Louts Convention, as members of it intend to be present at the Convention. The republican members are now absent at Cincinnati. t The Commissioners lor tho Opening of Streets hava filed thoir reports with tho Clerk of the Supreme Court, recommending the opening of parts of 100th strwet. V*4th street, 158th street, 157th street, 158th street and 150th street; tbo assessments for which work have been Hied. BEAL ESTATE. At the Exchange yesterday tbe following foreclosure sales were hold:? R. V. Harnett sold a house, with lot 20x80, on Lod low street, east aide, 29 feet north of Stanton street, lor *21,21)0 to tbe plaintiff. K. A. Lawrence k Co. sold a houso, with lot 26x100, on West Twenty-sixth street, north s:de, 187.9 feet west of Ninth avenue, lor $10,700 to A. N. Marsh. William Kennolly told a house, with lot 19.4x108.3, on West Twelith street, south side, 382 feet east of Sixth avenue, (or SO,400 to D. M. Thompson. James M. Miller sold one building and lot on tbe north side of Boston road, flttft feet west of Denman street, 21x86x33x75, to lho plaintiff for $5 000; also one lot, 20x100, on the south side of Denman street, 225 teci east of Cortiandt avenue, to Hie plaintiff lor $0,026, There Is aaid to bo unpaid Interest upon the mortgages upon both of theso "parcels," watch has not been estimated. With St., s. s,, I60JI ft. e. of 24 av.. 87.0x100.3; aiao (*)th ?t.. a. a., "412.0 ft. o. of 2d av.. 1*.thtlUU6; tieo. llepper mil wife to Jnlin II. Repper Nora. 110th ?l., a. R , 175 ft. w. of lat iiv. 2">xl0tl. 10; J. A. Kolcrana aud wife tn O. S. Illrkok $3,000 Madi?on av., a. p., lo; ft. n. of Id tli *t.. 20x30; .1. W. Allen and wife to 8. C. Welah an I other*, cxecu turn Moo Hiwrdnle av., e. a., 13 acre# iXlth wurilj, \ part of; K. 1). Kwen to Analin 1). Kwrn 9,750 Ciitl St.. n. a., 70 It. e. of Concord av., 21x200 i-'tii ward); Jnrod K. llarnaon and wife to II. r. S. \Viie?ler 1,000 9tli hv., e. a., 78.10 ft. a. oi l*tb at. 2\x100; I*. Mnloneto.T. Ruai'ell and other*..... 100 Ciitl at., u. a.. 7>l ft. e. of Concord av, 21x'.'00 (23d wnrili : U. P. S, Wheeler and liuaband loC. Decker. 4,<MK) Madiaoti av., n. e. corner of H4ih at., 02 2x76; John W. Warner and wife to J. W. McKee 2,400 34th at., a. a1.268.4 ft. w. of *th av.. 10.HXH8.9; P. i.arkin to J. Carry Kom. H4tli at. aame property ; John Carry to K. I.arkin ... Nam. Thompson at., w. a., 243 ?! It. n. of i'rinee at.. 4U.4X loo, B. vt. Hitcncock and wife to William W. Sharpc 80,000 57tli at., n. ?., ISO ft. e. ol 4tii av., 20x101.3; B. .McKenuey and wife to M. L. Patten 32,000 Mulberry at., w. a.. OK. 3 ft. a. of Hayard at., 60s leaf. 10: M. HmniKer to A. H. Jonea 23.Of) 130th it., u. a.. Itlti l|. S. eif6th av., 10*1>0.11; K. W. Loew ireferee) tu A. Oilier 0,090 73d at.,n. a., 1M tt. w. of Mad'?on/v., 16x60;John ' A. Ooodlett (returee) to K. P. I leach 23,000 ?OKBMSSia. Decker. Clara and liuaband, to II. P. 8. Wheeler, n. a ClilTit. <23dwanl>: 1 year .V>0 Heme to >anie, n. a. Cliff at. (2:iil ward) ; I year NO Same to tame. n. a. I'liff at. (2 Id ward) ; I year !HjO Same to aama, n a. Cliff it. i2 td ward) ; 1 year...... 600 Same to tame, n. a. Cliff It. (23d ward': 1 year...,,, .VK) Same to aame, n. a. Cliff at. (23d ward) ; I year .VJU Moralise. Ilymeu and wife, to H. Moruii^o, a. a. Broome at., s. of K*?ex tt 2 yeara 8,OOu lJInda, -Mirati an I hnabnnd, to Manhattan Savings Hunk, a a. 27th at., e. of 0th av.; I year 1,000 Beyer, Maria A., to A.lolph Speck, a. a. corner Ter rar<? place and Milton at.; 2 m?litha 3,00k) I)e*liur-I. ,iohn and wife, tn M. I.. Jarvla, a. e. rnr nrrof7tbav. and40th at.: 2 yeara 6,730 Martin, Adaai I). and wll*, to William W. Lettou, n. a. i>l (III it., w. ot 7lh av. ; 1 year 2,1X10 Keeber, Mary M., to William M. Smith, itallroad av. (.'.'td ward) ; 8 yeara 2,300 Hoover, I,. a. altd haaband. to Fernando Wood, t. a. of H?4th at,, e. of 4th av.; I moii'h 1,730 Joii'-a, A. II.. to Max l>an?l*rr and otbera, w. a of tinlberry at., a. of Hazard at.; 2 mouth* J.JtO Tan Cott, Maria L. ana bu*band. to .iainea 1*. Low rey. n. a. ol Wall it., e. of Boaton road <23d ward) : 3 yeara 8,000 Callignn. William and wife, to Mntnal Inanranre Company, a. a. of Monroe at., e. of Market at.; 1 jtmi ?... 4,000 Dewhurit, John and wife, to fame, I. a. corner of 7tl> av and 40th at.; I year 86,000 Brrnmann, Jobs H. and wife, tn Mutual Mte Insur ance Company, n. a. of 2l?t St., w. ol 7th av.; 1 year 10,030 llaje*. William ami wife, to New Y?r< Having Hank, a. w. corner of 3d av.,H>th at.; I tear l'.'.SOJ Clark. Klliaheth C. II., to (I. A. C. van Bearen, a. a. of 2.'?th at., e of *th av.: 3 yeara.... 0,000 Ba ita, W.. to William Mallory. a. a. of lianavoort at., w. of It nxhlliaton at.; I year 61 f Burke, Marxaret and husband, to Henry l>. Bronk man. N?. ?3 h I u ninth at 2,000 Ca-aln. .lamea an<t wife, to Henry I*. Townaend, n. a. of o4th at., w. ol Iltli av,...'... 16,000 SALE OF "JAUNCEY COURT." That well known plena of property entitled "Jsuneey Court," whu h hears the nurabera of S7, 90, 41 anil 43, on Wall street, between William and Broad street*, being 61 feet front and 80 feet rear, by an average of 118 feet, with ail the krick buildings thereon, wsa sold at the Real Estate Exchange, No. Ill Broadwny, yea terday, by Messrs. K. IL Ludlow It Co., Morris Wllklns auctioneer. It was an abnolnte partition sale, by de cree of the Supreme Court, under tbo direction of Jamr* P. Led with, referee. A larce crowd assembled in front of tbe aaetioneor's stand and opened the bid ding quite spiritedly, tbe flrst bid being $200,000 or $100,000 over a mortgage ol $100,000 held by the t'nited States Trust Company. It was finally knocked down-lor $384,600 to tbe (Joern and Orient Mntnal in sarsnce companies (ointly. Tbe former is an Engliah company. The price brought waa a good ono for these times, but considerably less than what It would have brought lour yearn ago. This orueero waa ortclaallr the sua af tbe raaideace of Mr. Jaoin Jntinrojr, ? relative of the D? ran family. Mr. Jau ncey ?ul??e<(ueiilly look up hi* !*?*<?are 10 l'au, Prance, and died iliorn. Alter hm d?>alU Mr. (??or(e L Schuylcr,-of tint rlly, became lru?tee lor bis children, ami In IMw the properly wax Utueed lor twenty years to Alexander ami Jntue? A. Hamilton. Mortimer Livingston. of Livingston, Kox A Co.. and William Lowndea, ol South Carolina, at a (round rontof 911,600. These gentlemen erected the building* which no* statu) upon ibe icriiundaiau entire coritoriem than (36,000, and cbrisu-nod ibr placo with its present name. At the expiration of the lease the buildiiigs re verted to ibe estate. The onlv surviving children of tbc late Juuicx Jauucey ure William H. and Jam>'a Jouueev, who si ill r< aide nt Pau. The rent ol Jauucey Court, when full ot tenant*, la now about J;12,ikki. and It bu.? been kn wu to net a* high as (40,000. All losses on Hie property expire next May. A HaK4i.ii reporter inquired of the purchaser* wbat they proposed to dn with I lie premies, and If the report thai thov Intended to tear down the present buildinga was true and erect a new and handsomer one. The Insurance people stated, however, that they bad not deliultely determined what ihcy would do lu the mat ter, having several plans In viow, bnt none decided upon a* yet. SAliKH AT ArtTION. A?TUNIS" JOHNSON, AUCTION HER." ? Old stand .'17 Niimito st. CONTINUATION Or HHKRIFK'* HALE OF CAB riages, Park. Doctors' and 4?eat Pony Phaetons, Bond Wmm>, Kockaways. Jagsters. Depot Waiiunt, Ac. hade Br the best makers. On FBIDAY and 8ATURDAY, commencing each day at 12 o'clock. At the salesroom 37 Nassau at. Now on exhibition. By order of K. Donas, Deputy. W, C. CONNER. Sheriff. A -TUNIS JOHKSON, AUCTIONBEB, ? Old stand M7 Nassau at. MO SALE THIS DAY OK CONFECTIONERY ESTAB LISHMENT. THE SALE OF THE MACHINERY. STOCK, FIXTURES. Ac., ol Meaars. Palmer A Co., M and US Ou.tnc, advertised to take placo this day. Is postponed. __ Now on exliibltlou at tbe Sclmnck Art Oallery, No. HO Liberty it., a vary rhulce cuUrctlou of American and foreign Oil Palntiuvs, thirty-four of which were exhibited at the lata exhibition of the National Academy of Design, and the oilier Atneiicau paintings direct Irom >lie artists; also soma very fine foreign pictures never before exhibited. To be sold at auction on THIS DAY ami TO-MORKOWi JUNK IS and Hi. at 12 o'clock each day. _EDWARD SCHENCK, Auctioneer^ A UCTION SALE OK MAONi KICKNT IIOUSKHOLD MX. Furniture, property ol K. Hay. K?<(.. to be hell'. THIS (Thuradav) MORNlJH}, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the elegant five story hrown stone mansion, No. I'M West 'JS'l si., near Otli av. Two elegant rosewood Pianoforte*, one a Ntelnwsy A Son, and Windsor upright, cost HS7?MI and 01,000; inainllk.-nt rosewood Ktageres, lure Clirtaliii, Mirrors, lutest style Inlaid Parlor Suits, cnvcred in *atln. brocatei and reps: Inlaid tentre and console Tables. Cabinet*. Jardiniere*. Brontes, til I'aliuinjCH, Ac.: Chamber Suits, in black walnut; Dre** Iiic Caaes,Bedsteads, spring and lialr \luttre?-es, Carpet*, Ac.: Bookcase, tJOli volume? choice Hooks, Ladles' Secrets ries. Library Tables. Turkian Suits, dining room llufT?t, K\ tension Table; silld walnut t'liuirs, in leather; China Din ner and T?a Sets. Lounges, lint Stand. Also basement and aervants'Kurnitnre. LUKE KITZOKK ALD, Auctioneer. N. B.?Cioods packed and shipped, city or country. UCTION SALE OP BLKOaKT TlolWlloLD Furniture. S Parlor Snita, Pianoforte. Bronsrs, Ac., this (Thnrnda ) morning. commencing at o'clock, at four story resldenca VI East 20th St., consist In it of Parlor Suits covered In aatln, cotellne, rep and hair cloth; Mirrors, Oil Paintings, Etagrres. Centra and gilt Tables, Bookcases, Desks, Turkish Chairs. Lounges, Bedroom Suite, wltii Dress ing Cases; Bureau*. Waslistauds, sprint: and hatir Mattresses, Wardrobes. Carpet*. Mantel Ornaments, Clock*, Bullet, ex tension Table. Chairs, Crockery, Cutlery Ac. N. II.?House to let; goods boxed or removed city or country. HENKY ZIN.N, Auctioneer. ~A BT.?LARUE hale CHOICK OIL PAINTING*. ELE 2\. gantly framed, to pay advances. this ditv. at J o'clock, M3 Broadway (St. Nicholas Hotel): extraordinary chance tor hotel keepers, housekeepers and others. b. MAYERS, Auctioneer. ADMINISTRATOR'fTSALE.?K. A. LAWRfcNCR, AItTT tioueer, will sell at 1111c ion. st l'J2 av D, June 15, at 1 o'clock, all the Stock In trade. Tools and Implements, Wag ons, Harness, Trucks, Boats, Ac., of the late l<?wia Ray mond. boat Unilder: terms cash. By order of Maria Ray mond, Administratrix. A. -(JKOKUK W. KKKLER, AUCTIONEER, 53 Liberty >t., corner Nit.*au, TO-DAY (THURSDAY). at 12 o'clock. Peremo'ory tale or trench China Dinner and TeaSetn, Cut Ola??ware. Cutlery, y"IM,*"p?r|?n St ft Hen. I'aintInK on porcelain, rich Parle #n(, -Vooiioi THii CTHUB?.?AY,cMOBNINO. Over SIS.OOO worth and over #00 Inta ' flratda.. Hon?ehold Knrnlture. 11> l arpet., a.,it*- rixHwodil i'i&nofurte. fftblti. Kliigcru*. , *-V5 A? VhS at 10 o'clock, nt At? itory orown rtoje maroon. Vfl SO. 47 WEST IrtTII ST., HKi WKK.S 5TU AND 6TII A\ ? . Chlckerlnirij; octave ^ fttelnway four round 7'? octave Pianoforte, PARLOR suits!'rtVlVly"' c a r'v d in '?rtetnealtertln" end i. ml brocade''"1 Turkish und Hpunlub LonttSf>. B?*V Chmrn, .nteSdrnVrblV'tup &*re id ' 5KS&j5,HRT*!?SS,.??tISg ????*???? Hed?w?di?. ?r???lti|t /. ' Wfmhntmul* Chiffoniers. fine hnfr mid fprtni? M I tre?.e'?. Pillow.. Blanket. ;nl?o .mill* and donblo Bed.te.d-, Bmvr<"PKl]KNITnv?R-E^on.i..n Tabic.. Side1 oard. -niSMLL. WELLEB Jt Mil.LET, AUCTIONEER!. FRIDAY, Jan* 1?, ?} 'OJi *? *?? At our flile-tooin, No. Murray *t., ,y?!S-!g SS to 15 bull Roman ??nu ? . Jnatterieli Unrdcn Piece., Sample. only will be phown. f\v f W CAMFbRLLTJAICTI05EKB.-BELU8 T^\|,u j ' u'o c|ork. without re.erve, entire ht?>ck ele ?.. :n,f?i woiulneit Ke.taurant end Diiilnir Room.. ??"? ? 'onDoelte M. Nlcholae Hotel, quantity eupe .i i H.w!?7>?kd #we. fliontlty *?'??? dlnln* Table. and H .i,. n?intltT Table l.lnen end Napkin.. lar?lot .npe Cl.?lr.,qu.niHyl ,, .n.l Counter., H..r Vir^-e Kltche'T rt'enlll. I.m. Icebo*. OWee F LowmIo of riJhV'arYor?1 Bedroom and Dining Room teller X""b, v~p Wardrobe, .Ilk Dre-ee., Ac., to clo.? en e,tate. _ ? . ?rvuv A SMITH. AUCTIONEERS, OPI'IOrf 17 (1*1 .1 ,,|| ihl. day at 'J o'clock, tlio Stock and Fl* neatly fitted up Bntcher'. Shop.?? Jam.. ?.. wlth.ytt renervo. _ rnry d miner, auctioneer. (late llenry II. L.ed?A liin.r). office ""d v ?fSt?J?,i, THIS DAV (Till RSDAY). JUNK I!? at 11 o'clock, at the country teeldence ol Dr. E. P Huyler, AT HASTINGS^THE HUDSON. ?il., tileeewar,", Ac. SlJgfcA.""" buyers Invited : every lot will be ?.da to the hlghcei bidd-r. without re.crre. _ ? H WKINBKBUKK. AUCTIONEER. SELLS Tim m?*?ately th.r.alter. at 11 o ciock ,t mptcUUy incited. r f ' WBINBEROKR. AuctionEEB. B.!w*rr'*for I i,,.,. ih at IOU fi'duck. At mlnroom 7H nowtrf. i ?r . v; .S-m .. in ..'eJiiek at the Exchaiige Saleroom. Ill ?fih?h^n?to??" -the deOraale two .lory and bawmeut niellVic allitawd "n we.ierly ?"?e ?l W e.hla?.on ^r.. Wt MWth' r IItb .1. Hou.e U Ibont :*? feet. .quare. S?E?V;sr,u-: ssf. W.r, z,.::: MHI'SSBAl'X AUCTIONEER. Mi W?WERV lell. .h>. day at l<> o eli>?k, corner tircbard end l>e. ?.??.! Ml.-kVed Kl.tnre. ?r tlr.w-r, Store. Colhe. xJ'a. **u *ar l/Iiep. Spice.. Conned Krnit, Sc.le., Coffee Si*'-Sur Dealer. c.U. S, Vi'4?MAUM AUCTION EKE. ?l BOWERY. eaIIh thU diy? M tDI* Q'dneKt al 3|fi Kmi <?3tH ?e.r2d a? llon.efcold Knrmture. Cornet., Wordrelfe. Ex un 'ton T.hle' Mlrrorv Sol?. Chair.. CU., Stove., Crock He l>e.l?i? inv11e<1 Xf siMBAl'il. Al'CTIONKKII, *H B^*R^Y' IVt. ?ell. tbl. dar, *t S o'clock, at 7o King ?t., noa ? er Irk Kl.iure. ol Butcher Shop, loeho??. Itench. Blick.. Rx-k.. Tool., Horw. *?? IHolor. laTlted. MuRTtiA'iE SALE.?OEoROR OROOIIKtlAN, A1<C Umw'eHI eelU .? U " clock, June Ii^th n.t cj? ti _r ijnuM onii Ovilsr buloon No ?"?* l'HU ??. "F tenuof Uqnor on? 0)?^u? BCUTrKTX&> HortrifM. H 1. | HALEM AT Al'CTTOM. ! VISWWfttff sale -a. skkbachi-.r. aim* no*k rk, i i?l salesroom No. li Blviugton >l? near Bowery. will vll this day, at 11 o'clock. at No |Hj HMMflL.thl wMnMnf ? flr*T Was* Liquor Slurp c<>noiii!<(>K <?' ('oantw Back Bar, Shelving, Uaa Fixtures, Chandelier*. RarreU. Bed am) Bed ding. I' J. if AM HI' KY. Attorney fur X(^li|ii(n. MTUAOI MALK.?J. SBKBACIIRK. AUCTIONEER', will ?clL thin d*y. at 12 o'clock noun, at In, 440. 441, 442. 413. 444 Writ at., and on the lot adjoining on Bank st? our Strain Koclne and Shutting, Elevator*. Hollers, Kettle* Pain, Sapollo Prose.-s, Sapollo Mou d*. Steam Pump*. Cry* taliiani. Receiver*. Soan Frame*, Too la, Platform Scale* *?., Ac. By order of JOEL 0. HTRVENR. Attorney lor Mortgagee. ARRHAL'8 SALE. ?BY ~VIItTUK OK AN E X EC U tion. 1 will this liny ..(Tor for aala. at I?. 367 Grand ?!., In thiaaily. at 10 o'clock A. 11 . ail the right title and Inter est of P Donnelly, to and in all the stock and fixture* now on the above prpialiei. DANIEL O'BBIEN, Cltjr Marahal June IS, IWN, _________________ N- OTICK" TO LIQUOR DEALER*?THB BARS, Ac., on the excursion lor the benefit of the school* at tarhe.l m St. Anthony'* K. C. church, will be aoli! at auction. Thursday evening, at the hull ttO Macdougal at,, at eighl o'clock; all l?l<la subject to approval by th? Executive Com mittee. 1*. H. NAMII, Chairman. PAWNBROKER'S SALE THIS DAY.-JAMES AOAB, Auctioneer, will sell nt W New Bowery, 5<>> lota l)re**e* ShawU, Keninanti, Tahle Linen, Underelotblug, Sheet*. Spreada, Blanket*, Quilt*. Coats. Pantaloon* and Vests. By order of executor* of the late John J. Kelly, 701 1*1 uv. PAWNBKltKKR's" SAI.F.-BY R? PIRI.D. QKN, eral Auctioneer, Salemooui. No. HO Bowery, will *ell this day, at 11 o'clock, *"0r> I tit? Men'* and Women'* Clothing Dresiet, Shawls, Kemuanu, Underclothing, (Jnllts, Blank et*. Bedding. Boot*. Shoes, Ac , Ac.: also Coats, PanU and Vest*. By ..rder Mr*. S. Fuilan, WeM 30th *t. PTwnbrTmCRK'S HALE?THOMAS KEYWORTII will sell till* day. at 4UO Wth ay., at one o'clock, a large assortment of imri deeined goods, consisting of Coats, Pants, Ureases, shawls. Sheet*. Boota and Shoe*. Ac. By order ol II. BRBOKWHIIBL, 4dOI>tli av. C HERMAN. SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUCTION lO? eer.?Wine*. K-midies. Gin. Bourbon and Bya Whla iteya, Champagne. Cigars, Ac.?till Friday. June 1*1, at 10)^ o'clock, at No. lit Bowery, et public miction, the entire .Mock of a wliole?ale dealer and importer, being flret cla*a Wine* and Liquor*, consisting of ? and eaaka Hran die*, Gin, Hum. Ac.: also about '.??'? blil*. choice Bourbon and Kre Whiskey*. troin two to Ave year* old. well known brands In original package*; also cn*k* Port, Sherry, Claret una Kliloi* Wines: al*o about 00 ca*k? Brandle* and Oln. ?bout ai*i cane* Claret Wine*, case* and t>a*ket* Champagne, a large lot Cigar*, Iron Safe*. Ac. Every lot will be told, wltliou'. reserve, to inlt dealer*. S HERMAN. SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUCTION ? eer.?Sale of Leaf and Havana Tobacco, Cigars. Ac ? Friday, June 111, at II o'clock, at No. 13 Bowery, about 40 case* choice Connecticut Leal Tobacce, 1S73; select *tork cf Wrapper*; aluo bales Havnna Cigars. being the entire atoek of a manulacturer. Sale positive, without leaerve. Dealers Invited. T HE PRESIDENCY. THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. PULL AND LATEST particulars TO DAY IN THE RYE NINO TELBURAM. TO JEWELLERS.?AUCTION SaLK. FRIDAY, AT 10 A. N., of Tools and Fixtures: fUOU Safe Locket Die*. Hi ml; Dio*. Matotiio Roll* and, Frame. 01 Ha . lltoa at., Newark. WmTsT MOl'NT, AUCTIONKBR. UO AJfD lM PCANR *t? corner West Broadway. ?Private stock of valuable nnd choice old Wines, Brandies, Ac., from the cellar of the Into K. A. t'rownliuhtehl, Boston. On Friday. June 18, at 11 o'clock, at salesroom*, the private stock from the abovo estate, comprising very choice old Oodard, Loger and Otaril Itrandle*. tiordon and Duarte Shorries, Bourbon and Rve Whl*k? v. Itne crusted old Port, a few lot* exceedingly choice Madeira, Including private re*er?e. Tnorndike, Kcllpse mill Montelro, the lot lor.nlnjf undoubtedly the Dnest private stock ever ollnred for public competition. 1I7ILLIA M abb* >TT. Alit'TlON HER?WILLSELL OM it thl* day. at l'i>^ o'clock, the Content* ol the Liquor and Lager Beer Saloon -t-4 Ka*t 10th *t.; walnnt Countera, later beer Ico llouac. Extension aud other Tables, Cbalri, Mirror*, Ac. ?' PiAXOF()llTKS V ?FOIt RF.NT, I'PRKillf. 's^uAKF. AN 1> (IBANS iii Pianos of oar own make; also lor salo and rent,* number of fine second hand Pianos, In perfect order. WILL IAM KNABK A CO.. No. 112 5th nr.. above Utth st. ?PIANOFORTE? to"RENT. OP7?Vk~OWN MANU ? lactnre. al o second baud Piano* for *aie at moderate prices, by CIIICKEKINO A SONS, 130 oth av? corner ISth ?t. T~ BBILL1 ANT TOBBD 7U OCTAVB ~WI N DSO H A Plauoforte, eost $l,UI0, for #25 i; Stool, Cover. Music Cahlnet; al*.i a magnillcent Sicinway A Sons' Piano at ? sacrldce. Call prlva'o rosidence No. 1 West 23d St., near Oth nr. ___ RARE ' Oh AMOR-NEW AND RLEOANT PIaNOj must l>e sold; superb tono; 7 1-3 octave; richly carved rgsewooil case, for &!J5: quarter of cost, and warranted best bargain in New York. Call at private residence 54 East Oth at., nenr Broadway. PR1 TATE FAMILY WILL a40BIPICR. If^sold loimeiilateiy tnolr elegant rosowood Piano; carvud leg*; all modern improvnuvnta. Call at 13 East 10th at., between oth av. and Cnlon square. A - closing out LA St IK KLEtJANT STOCK OP A. Piano*, half price, BARMuUB'S estate, SHS Hleecker St. ; 911*1. *15u. OKKAT offer.?we will, during this month, dltpoas of a large stock of drst clu?.i,new and second h ud square and upright piano* and org.n*. for cash or on instalments; pianos and organ* to runt irom $3 to (7 per month, in c ty or country. II0BAUK WATEKS A sons. 4S1 Broadway. "a PRIVATE PAmTlY wTlJij bKLL FOR ?U50. J\. Pianoforte cost #1,000; elegant Steinway A Son's 7 1-3 octave, carred rosewood case; every Improvement; a aacrlflce. Private re*ldrnce, 47 West IKtli *t., near l<th av. ATBIjMaNT BAHEWOOD SR V K N OCT AY K PIANO forte for #100. and Decker A Brothers' Pianos for 200 per cent less than cost nrice. fall an I examine tbem at our wareroom. No. OS Bleeeker st. DKCKER A BROTHERS, one bl<>clt west of Broadway. LA I if W ILL IDISPl ?sr"ok a b< )Skw7?od STOO art I'iano'o te. including Stool for 075. Apply at pri vate re*ldence 2S Ka*t 3d St., near 2d ar. A \ FEW HKCONO II ANl> W ISBKK riAlHIH AT J\. (.-rent bargains: mime of thorn lined but * very short time bv our best musicians, and really almost a* good ?? ??*?; fully warranted in every r -nprct. l'isase oall at th* WKHKR warerooms, 3th 0. nnd I nth >t. A BOSKWOOdT'* OCT A VK I'IaN'UKi >kti.. OVER 1\. strung bass, <1UU. Kci tlenoe, litt( Kut 30tu st, neu S3 nr. ELEGANT ROrtRWOOD PIANOFORTE, ??.?KUPKKB Sieiuwnv, having sverv improvement; rare bargain. GORDON'S, 157 Hlesckor at. t'ST BK auLD?TWO NEW FIRST CLASS 7 l-? PO? tare l'lanos, price very low. Inquire at UQJ 24 a*. OTKIN WAV, WEBER, t) III CUBBING Hp I ANOS; LOW O prlrea ? Kosewood Piano*. #73; new double reed Orfaa, $03; Pianos and Organ*. rent $?'?. OURHON A HON. 13 East 14th et. XT HALk A CO.. Ift BAST 14TH"HT.-f PRIUIIT . nnd aquare grand Piano* and Organs cheap for cash of InatHtmentH. and to rant. fjoiK presidency. THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. PULL AND LATEST PARTICULARS TO DAY IN THE EVRMNti TELEGRAM. . "Ml'BICAl,. rw YdKK~coN*kKVArollerTOR5; No. ?'> Kit lit 14th >i.. near 3th *v., next to Delmooleo'l. A RUMMER TEKtl In all branclimormusic (with practice) for (In at this renowned inatltnt*. ANTED?POl'R SOPRANO VOICE* IN A CHORUS choir. Episcopal, Isth at.; a small salary to useful N W cuuir, Cipinvwiinii unit at. < m raiati ?mtij ?v u shiver*. Address .1A MBS MACLAURY, Herald ofllcn. lANiKtCi'lUA. CMjLlMlil A CoLI.KiJK,' > ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Examinations for admission wilt commence on Wednes day, Jtms 21, at t>K o'clock A. M. Applicants are rMHcstvd to present themselves punctually at the time named. Ilia annual commencement exerrlees will lie lielil at tlie Acane my ol Music on Wednesday. June 'JM, at to1* o'clock A. M. P. A P. 1UKNAKD, LLD., I resident. CCOLUMBIA COL*.K?Br ~ ; SCHOOL OP MINER. Examination* for admission wi.l oe held on Priday, Jane 33. at Ok o'clock A. M. Applicant* are requested to present themselves punctually. i'lic iy>tsai of Instruction include* (Ire parallel oonrsca > f study?vis., civil engineering, mlnlatc engineering. metal lurgy, geology and mitiiral history. analytical and appHa* rlieinistry. P. A. P. BARNARD, LLD., Presides c MlEtiARAY INitnfCfB (Reopens Wednesday. September HQ.) For Young Ladle* and Misses. Boarding and l>ay School; l.atlu, English and Praach. French I* I lie language of the taniiljr. 1,337 and 1,52".l Spruce at., I'llIIft'loijilita. Pa. MME. DIIKRVII.LV. Principal. PAINE'* KtMNRU C01.LUK, ?g BOWERY.?COM merrlal, English and classical departments; Writing Lessona $U mogtnlf; open all summer. POST OVFICfc aiOTICK. "* Post of kick >oncK.?i Hp. ko/ikIon'm Ait?>oft the week ending Satnrdav, Jane 17. 1X70. will close at till* office on Tneaoav. nt 7 A. M.. lor Europe. per steamship Nevada, via Qacensiewn; on Wednesdav. at 7 A. >1., for Europe, per steamship Scythla, via (jueenstown; on Thurs day. at II :30 A. M., for Europe, per steamship I'oinmer aula, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and flam nrg; on Xaturdar, at 1<> A M.. tor Europe, per *teaiii*hip City of Richmoud, via Queen>tnwn, and at 10 A. M . ror r'ranee direct, per ?tesmahip Perelre. via Havre, nnd at lo A. M., for Hcotland dlreet iranst be specially ad<lrc?sedi, per atesashlp An chorla. via Olanfow, and at ll::fi A. M., for Kurope, per steamship Wesrr, via Houthampton and Bremen. 1 h? malls for the West Indies, via Havana, will l*av? .New York .lune 3U. Tlie malts for China, Ar , wilt leave Man Pran cisco Jaly I. lKTtl. The direct mall* lor Brail!. Ac., will leate New > ork .Inne 211. The mails for Australia. Ac . will leave Han Pranetacn.lnne 21. T. 1-. .tAMP.Jt. Pustmaster HUIIOPE. ?t OSO 8 HofEL," NEW m6nd Hf" AN!TcUP>oTffi lJ St.?nil* well known comfortable hotsl Icr families and * lie miiy .me in thi* central ?itiiation. haa now a moat ciiuipodl'ins and luxurioa*ly appointed smokiag and reading ro?in, with a largo hay window rommanding a most cheerful view al this important and fashionahie thoroach fare; your visit 1c solicited, should yoa not already Have made choice of a hotel In the West End of l-ondno. Under the management of W. I, aad Mr* Chamber*. AMKUK)AN xTaNDaRD Hc.Vr.l, lliM.IAkD lfaHlKS with Dclaney'a wire cnshlons. eolely aned In all cham tilnnshtp and match game*; second hand Tables at greal bsrgnins. W. H. ORIFPITH A Cu.. No. 40 Vcapy n. / lOLLKNDKK'H STANDARD aMKBICaN BRvSt " - Milliard Tablet, with the celebrated Pbelan A Colleadci combination cnthloas, for Ml* la this city only at 7Jft Broad way. TO PiloT'HiRAl'IIERri ?TRNDkks #fflTv|S"ll|. celved for photographing .1 apanrs* art tre**nre* col lection in d?t*li. Apply at Chicfcerlng Old Hall, It East 14th at., at ones. " minckllahkovn.^ IIHMff AND r;fi11/(>KKN'rt ~ Hreakfast. THE PACAHOt'T DE? AKABBR Is the very best and most agreeable brraklast for MNagtfc enlag chlldrra and persons (offering tram deiicat* aod weak cheat, stomach, or attainted with chlcraels cr "anemic." This nutritive aad fortify lag: food is prepared by DfcLAN <JRBNIfc?ol Park ?? Depot at New Yorfc at JOHS dCNCAN * BONtT ami *t koi ti era s Phanaagy. B WISH TO" HiilB POB tS? BRi W" water generator; sis htstslst; will Am SCOTT A CO..