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srrr.vnoxs wjvstkn?rkmuf.b Coi)k>. iVr. E EXTRA PLACE, 1ST ST . NEAR TIIE BOWERY.? ? A Protestant as cook. w.iihrr unci iroucr in a private mlly ?r boarding hoof#; city or country. ft> HIT IITB HT.-OUOO COOK, "WSSHS AND I i jimi r three year* city roferrlirn from her laat place. ?W\ WKST 13TH ST.?AS GOOD COOK. WASllfcH ?\f and Iroanr; good city reference. ' BffiT LANK.-A"colored""woman-"as Irit elui owk ia tho?ity. Call on or address Mr*. A. B. 21 24 WKST 3t>TII f T (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-AS good cook. Caa be Men on Thurjday, from ID to l'J ML nn GRAND ST.?A RRfPKCTABLB SCOTCH WOMAN an good cook; la a first ciajs laundress; best city refer tuce. *ji* vandam ST.?a ukspi- c tablk gi p.l as first ? lO class rook in a private familvor private boarding house; witling to asalst witb tbo washipg; e*>od city refer enco. r C WK?f~5Sfif Si'. IP R K8KNT EMPLOTBR'B)?A *)*J roapertable yongirl as cook, waalior and Ironer or to 49 general iMUevcrk in a small family ; cily or country. At" CliiKTOV PLACE.?A COMPBTANT WOMAN A8 t JO cook in n hole! reatuuruUt or boarding houao ; city or touutry; city reference. \\Q WKST iGTII ST.?A YOU NO WOMAN TO COOK, J.I.O wk-Ii and Iron or ilo housework: is a good cook nn>t ixcel'ont laundress, good baker; bas good reference!.; city ?r country. 11(1 EAST MOI STON HT.7 CORNER CHRYSTIE, JLL'' room 'JO.?A young woman as cook, to do roarsa trashing or chnmberwork and fiuo washing; is capable to do ?ith?r; bom reference. Iili EAST SSTB ST."?A LADY WISHES TO PRO uT cure a situation lor a good cook. Call for two duyx. "1 <)(! WEST 18TH sr. SECOND FLOOR. FRONT.? A * Prat class cook in a boarding house ; would as sist in washing; Rood reference. IOQ WEST MTU ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN A8~GC>bb t r' conk and excellent baker: would do coarse wash ins; cltv or country; good reference. r.TH AW," NEXT DOOR TO CHICKKRINO Hull.? As Mrst class cook; thoroughly understands all kinds of cooking; 1* a first class bread and pastry maker; her daughter, wbola a first cla-s rhambrrraaid. as nnise: no ohlection tc go to the country any' distance ; best city reference. Can be aeen until engaged. WEST 17T11 OT.-AlPROTESTANT-WOMAN AS first class meat and pastry cook; no objection to the emintry ; bent reference.. 1.JT Wl>T ITTII ST., BASEMENT?AS" FIRST ? >T" rla>a moat and pastry cook; no o")(e'.lons to a first rl?sa boarding house or trie country ; good <*ity reference. 1 i n WEST 81 ST ST.?FIRST CLASS COOK AND 1 I j baker, eo.ul waaher and Ironer, best city reference 'or honesty MM sobriety. 1 J Q WESTSEtTli ST.?A PROIESTANT WOMAN AS 1 * I i) good plain cook, washer aud ironer; city or country ; { .od reference. 1 Tc BAHT 41 bTST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN; A l'ii) good cooi and good Uundirst; wages no object; city or country. H" & BAST "aOTH~ ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ?) girl a< eo.'d plain cook and assist with washing iu t priyAle fa.nily; highly recommended. Call for two daya.1 In.I EAST 39 I'll ST.?A TOUNU WOMAN TO COOK, >)t w ish aud iron; uo objection to the country; beat eity reler;n0J. fH3 ttfr '.*8tH ST.?A GOOD PLAIN COOK AND ,l?li a firm class launtre-s; or no objection to house wor'i; city or country ; beat city references. 1.-T H'K>T sisr sr.?AS OOOK AND LACNDKB 8; ? )< nty relVrenre' 1 fro" EAST aOTM ST.?AH FIRST CLASS COOK: JL?)0 ih iron-lily understands nil kinds ol cooking; will s??ist whh washlnc: city refercenee. | PQ Wh8T"MD ST. (RING THIRD BELL).?A FIR8T J.?JO rlii?< rook iu a private family; thoroughly under Hands nil kinds ot cooklug : willing to go a short distance in ;he conntry; best city reference. j CQ WEST 8SD ST.. BBTWBBN BTII AN5 7TH AVs. l>/(7 An to >.l cook and to assist in washing and ironing; ;?od city reference. I Ot?" :ib AV.', NEAR 17TH ST.?TWO SISTBBS; ONE J~_j an first rate cook, and is willing to assist with the washing and ironiuir; the other aa chambermaid or walt r*?; I. years' elty reference. 1 Q j V 7TH AV -A" "nKST CLASS PASTRY COOK i if U auil baker. In a hotel, club or boarding house. rr~HTKST 27TII Sr., NKAtt TI'iTTv , O.NK FLIUIIT, _ ?) back. ?A reliable woman as excellent cook aud bak~r; will assl*< in washing; city reference. o/\Q WEST 10TH ST.?A COMPETkNT PERSON AS iUO cook, washer and Ironer; city or country; best city r.? srence from last place. tno EAST 3STB ST.-A RBSPBCTARLB WOMAN ? L ?) a? first class cook; competent in all branches; Brst elaas bread, cake and deraerts: no objection to the :ouctry; first class refeteuce. Ol r BAST asril ST.?A PROTBSTA XTWOMAH AS mIO cook, waaher and ironer in a small family; city or ?onntry: rclerence. <>?;?> i A if 29TH ST.?A COMPETE NT YOUNG ij^O woman aa good cook and baker; wonld waab or do houxework , country or city; good reference. *><>?> WSST SSTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN jumjit as good plain cook and assist with the washing; city or country ; good reference. WEST lrni sT.-A RESPECTABLB WOKAN jj^l) as first cla*s cook; would ro In the country for the summer months', nnderstands all kiudt of family cooking; <ion city and country relerenee, iioo WEST :?ST ST., BASEMENT.-A" WOMAN AS AwO competent Cook, washer and ironer; good city ref erence. <)OM WB8T 1PTH ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE GIRLS; ijOu one as cook, washer and Ironer; the other as cham tiermaid and waitress; beet city reference!. Call or address. nnA WEST lOTll"ST.-a WOMAN AS FIRST CLAM mOU cook in a boarding house; understands all kind* ?I cooking; city reference. Can be seen for one day. noi EAST 38TH ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOKNO <jOi objection to a little washing; good city reference. 9?>t) KAsT atTIl" ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN JjrJmJ to cook, wash and iron; country preferred; city ref erence. 20 O'JO 3D AV? SHOE 8TOKK.-A KE8PKCTARLE OO woman at cook and t<l *fist in washing; bent city references from U?l place. ()>)/ K AS lr 47 I'll M\. KING "top brll?a COM HE ZdOx tent young girl ?> rook and to d? coarse washing: best references as to honesty. OOQ WEHT 16TH 8T.?A COMPETENT COOK; WILL mOO ing to assist with washins;a good baker; under if\nJ? mtlk Mid batter; bent city reference. l?OQ~ BAST ?n>H ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE 0tMU| *SOO one as first rlass oook : would assist with washing; ilip other a? chambermaid au.i waitress; would assist with (hi wasliiniaud ironing; no obirrtiou to the country; host tit} reference. Oil WEST 2 7 T11 St!?AH mthf~Cl'.ASif CoOKs Jj j:L accustomed to a boarding bouse; city or country ; bed reference. (I J J WEST :*iril ST.?A PHOTKHTAJfT WOXAH At jjT'l Aft class rook : is an exrrllent baker, no objection to no to the country in a summer, homo or boarding honse i) 1Q WEST 41 ST ST.?A YOU Nil WOMAN-AS COOK: ?iO will nssist with washing and ironing: no objections to thi country; best city refer 'n rn from last place. *> 1Q WKST 3i)rn ?T.?A PBOTBSAMT WOMAN AS ZiT:?7 cook in a small private family In the country; first Hui bread and pantry maker; best city rcterence; would assist with course washing. OS? WgHTIWTll ST.?A~RKtiPfcUTAB LK~Y(il ' Ntj L woman to cook, wash and Iron in ? private family. ?),-?) WKST :i">TII ST.?A YOt'NO WOMAN AS VERY ?*'0 good cook, (rood wasli*r and ironer: very good ?iker; no olfaction to the country; K<x>r| city reference. ?T-- wbSt both srTnc the beae.-a sksractw ??> '? ' able tilrl as first cU? cn> klm good baker; no ob cctlon to a boarding house ; city reference. pa 4 ' Tti at.?a uespectaslk womaS is -w'~*T <-o..k; ?? ? objection to a short distance lu the coun try; beat city references. jm orii a v.?a behpT.c rTBiHTvociiir woman OvI L as Urst cl?.>s rook, n > objectica to assiat In tba washing: eilv reference*. ?Jll7~UAST '*?(ll ST.?A li^KS KECTABLK tilRL AS Ov? I goo.l cook, -.raahsr and ironer in a small privuto family; good clt/ reierenco. kAm" llTtl ST~ KlitST P LOOK.?A KEsPKCIV able girl to rook. w*sh and Iron .n a sntsll family. ?>"1(1 EaStIttTHT.-A TIIOROUUU, ISUAHl.f., O Ly competent woman a* head cook : is eroiiomiiin,.-to lake charge; rannnt be excelled in 1'rcooh, English. all sow styir? ?! cooking; c.iouot lie surpassed for pastry and toufectlonery. ornamental of all kinds; !?> years' expe rience : r?ifrom e. Can t.e seen at any hour this wr-sk. "E.IKI- ITihT 5iC?A_KhSPfcCTAItLB WOMAN as cook, city or country; good reference. "east 2-ii> ST.?A PI EST CLAHB COOK TO OO oat br the day. or to do Unndry work. "east xid sr.?a comim: iknt Woman aS oook; to go in tb ? country; beat reference. V |"T" "east 17TH ST.-a' ' YOl.fii (IIKL AS FIRST tLI class cook; can do all kinds of baking; eity or country. ? ? -iK(II HT.?a5" OOOi> iPUA IS COOK ; iO-J (.-poll waaber and ironer; city or coaatry; live yaars' refercnoe. WKST~40TH ST.-A BBM*ECTAMt.E OIEIi At UV food eook in a r^ivste family; understands all kinds or cHikinu . Is a good baarr; will do tbr coarse wa>b ln(; beat city reference. west Sri ??.?a rovio womab ui 1 :Q private I tuuiv us uond cm.k; understands nil kuds of fa.nily baking, is a lirst c ms waahur and ironer, is wilnag and obllglag ; orst eity reference. 4 nr. ?TH AY.?A Rl-.SI'KCTABLE woma* as ')*J good cook ami bakor. M objeciioti |a lioar.lcrs. a o 7-tS5r" smth H.>A KluriVtABtl Dili a! TtOl plain couk. washer and Iroaar; best eity raier snces. 310 B28 3:12 337 715 in WEST SOTII ST.-A YOl'Ni# WOMAV AH PLAI> i/Iv' oook In a rrstaurant; la capable of doing civ kind >f cooking; good references. rqi WKST HBTH ST.?A KIKST CLASS COOK. \)ZlL fully understands all kinds of cooklug, no nbjec ilon to b.iardinir house t"o.l city reference. ft STM AY.-A RKSi*ScTaHi.iTwOMAM AS PISST U class cook ; i nderstamls all kinds el lamily Cooking, Krenrh and Knklisli soupa, Dsh, lunats, pastry siul cream* nf all kinds; lulleliarge of kitchen If roqnlrad . is a splendid baker;city relerences. fan be seen for two days. 77f\ UI) AY., BETWEEN 47TII AND 48TII STS I I V A voutig Pr..truant woman aa cook, washer And ironor; nest city roforence. QQtk SD AY -A RESPECTABI,E YOUNU OIKL TO OO^ oook, waah and iron; best city reference. 1|W?Q SU AY? BKTWKI1* CtTll AN1? ??TII STB.. ? U t/O <r*t Bo' r ?A* first class rook ; understand* -cup*, in" is rami-, boning sid lai ling; understands cooking in a.I it* l.r.i?cUest 4 ro.itns an.' ie Ilea; lirst class bread and bis ?nlt maker; eity or country ;bo;al. restaurant or a flrst data >Oar*t*g hows*. I ??1 7 3D AY.-A ToCSt} WOMAN A< PLAIN |.MI I rook; would do homework; country profcircit; I?k>I tity r?leie?re. 3D AY.. BKlWSBJt 7?TII AND 7TTII 8TS ? A raspectahlr girl as plain cook and washer; L3&3 tit/ rofortl 1 I ?J7 AX-?K RKSPErTABI.K WOMAN AS L'ltJl oook and l??'Klress, understands her business; a a gi>od. cap ihle woaiau tutd not afraid of work. I iifl 3D AY? HB1WREN 77TII A.VD TflTH >T-.? i.TCOO A rotprctablo yrung woman to cook, watb s?? lro?, ctty or country ; good Cily rsfortue*. hituatiows w vsteiv-ff.mai^h. Chaiubrrmalitii. 11 9 3D AV ? A PROTESTANT GIRL, AOF.D 1!>. A3 chambermaid ?ud waitreia. or to 4o chamuerwoik aud mind e.biid>eB; c iy references. 1/? WEST aaiTWt. (Tlimt B*TW>TEB'*>.-A 1*) young girl to iUi clmintierwork and waiting; city, or woald go a ?hort distaste in the country; good reference. in |AST IWHT ST.?A Rb5FeOTA.bTb YOU NU (URL Lt7 an chambermaid and waitress, or to takr^are of chil dren ami do Miring; best city reference. Call at present employer'!. nT WEST 38TB ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIBL TO DO m L chamberwork and waiting; will assist with washing and ironing, good city reference. Oir KAST~34TllST.?A COMPKTKNT WOMAN~AS ? III chambermaid: tlM>toa~hiY understands Uer duties; be<t city reference. OQ WEST 13TII ST.-A TOUNd^oflUrAS Must 00 class chambermaid and waitress; n > objections to a llr?t cU?? boarding house; best citv reference. (iZ~PO RSTTH RT. (OBOCEBt'lsfOBE).?A GERMAN U(J girt as chambermaid; city reference*. TO" :.TIl" AV , OOBMBB 1STH ?T~ (PRESENT KM O plover's).?A young girl u? chtimbermald aoii wait ress; llireo years' city reference. Can be seen fur two days. fu* EAST ksTII ST.?A BERPBCTABLE GIRL AB XJ-V) chsmbcriuitli'. nml waitress or to astlst with the washing and ironing; willing and obliging; boat city refer ence. ~ 7 WBBT 4#TH RT.. XBAK ?TB AT.-AI CIIAM I brrmaid and waltreaa. or will do housework in a rntnll family; sit years' reference. 1 <HI 9TB AT., WWiMx"lit* ABO l*ni~STS L^O in the candy store.?A respectable Protectant girl ns chambermaid ?r nnrso In a private family; good reter ence. Call or address. i on XAi*i inn nr.?a toobg woman ~as lOU chambermaid and waitreas who thoroughly under. Hands her business; highly resotnmended by present ew pleyor. f??o"WE ?T 10TH ST.-APOUNO GIHI. AS CHAM lOaJ bermaid and nurse; bert city reWence. 14 WKST 2STII ST.?A MCBPXOTABUB XONO I TU girl as ehamliermaid and waitress in a prlvato fam ily; city or country; best city reterencen. 1 'LA BAST 43D ST.?AS OHAUBBBXAlb AND l"t4: waitress; would do Una washing and ironing, if re qulred; good city reference. 1 I 7 WKST .ViTH 8T.?A RESPECTABLE VOUttO IT I colored girl us chambermaid and waitress in a pri vate family; b.'st city roferonc*. _____ irToiibbry"stTnear mabkbt. in ftore.?a 1 > It girl to do chamberwork and plain sewing; ?o ob jection to the country. Call on or address M. L lCffnH AV?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS chambermaid and laundress, or as waitress; is willing to make herself generally useful; city or country, excellent city reference. IOC LUDLOW 8T.. NEAR" HOUSTON.?A YOUNG lO'J Oermnn girl to do upstairs work and sewing; would assist with washing and ironing. nnn west jmth sr.?a rbspbotablb gsbi> '.J as ehamberinnid and waitress; no objection to the country; eight years' city reference. OAQ EAST 6iTH ST.?A" RKSPECIABLE r.IRL, iUO with best city reference, ns chambermaid and waitress. Call or address for two days. 7TH ~AV.?A ' YOUNG oTrL AS~~7ri7AMBER mald or waitress; country or city; reference. 214 91 r KAST 2.VTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE UlRL AS Zi Lc) chambermaid and waitress or to do general house work; willing and obliging; country preferred; good refer t>t)0 WEST 17TH ST., BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TII Uijij avs.?A young girl, lately from lite 01d|Couniry. to do upstairs work or take care of children in ? respectable family. Ot?7 WEST 30TH ST.. BETWEEN 7TH AND 8TH Zimi \ a vs.?A respectable young girl as chambermaid and waitress in a private family; good reference if required. ()A fj EAST 3UTH ST.?A TO US G iTlKLAS^CIIAM JT | bermaid and waltreii; best city reference. QSf\ 1ST AT.?A RB8PECTARLB ~ GIRL TO DO At'V chambsrwork or as laundreis; no objection to the country; city reference. ?11 ft EAST 12TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE IrJIRl7~TO OJ.O do upatairs work and assist with the washing or general housework in a private family; three yean'best city reference. 6i L' WES? 80TH ST., CANDY STORE.?A TODKO Oil) woman ai chambermaid and waitreas or to do sew ing. or would do housework; is willing to do anything; city reference. OOO WEST 41ST ST., NEAR 8TH AV.?A RE OOO apectabiu young girl as chambermaid and waitress; will assist with the washing; city or country; best city ref* ?r-nse. Call fvr one day. qq E JiT AT., IN DRY OOOD8 STORE.?A TOT7NO OOtJ girl as chambermaid and to assist in washing or to take care of children; reference. 1)4 () EAST BSD ST.?A YOl'NO <1IR|7 AtT cHAM O't ij bermaid and waitress and make herself usofol |or mind children; good reterencc. q ftt WKnT 37TH ST , FIRST KLOOST?AN XMERI OtU can girl as chambermaid and waitress in ? private family; bast city reference. U L'DSON ST.?A RKSFeCTABLE GIRL, lately landed, to do upstairs or general housework. 354 1 ?? 7 WEST 40TII sr.. UP ONE FLIGHT OF STAIRS, Tul back.?A youug German girl to do chamberwork and waiting or take care of children and do sowing; good reference tr?m last place. A A r. au AV.. BETWEEN 3STH AND 12HTH STS.. T it) second floor, over drug store.?A young American girl to do upstairs work; willing and obliging; good refer ?aoe. Call to-day. AfCX ttFav^a *oFno woman as chamber. T* 't maid or waitress; no objection to a boarding bouse or country; good reference. A Qq 8D AV?a" RESPECTABLE YOUNG GIRL^ 400 need 17. to do upstairs work and help wltli chil dren or to do light housework. Can be seen for two days. -/V1 WEST :nu ST.,"t6p i.OOR?A (JIRL AS ?)UI chambermaid and leamstrrss < r waitreas; best city reference from last place. Call or address. CI () WKST MTU ST. ? A YO0NG (iKRMAN PKOT ? ) L.j ostnnt girl as chambermaid and nurse; Is willing and obliging: no objection to the country; good city refer ence. I nil fur iwn day*. r 1 rj~WEST 40TII ST.?A TOt'NO GIRL AS CHAM tlx I bermaid and Uundioa* or would do general hou>e w<>rk m u nmall private fainllr ; no objection to the country; reference. Call or address for two day*. I-.AST i:iTHbT.?A HESKEUTABLR GIRL TO v)""0 do clianiberwork, or light housework; ix kind and obliging, ami very fond of children; beat city reierence. 81) r 3D AV ?A YOi: Nii OIRfc AS CHAMBERMAID Ot ) and waliross, and to make horsalf generally nsentl; city reierence; no objection to eonntry. OTTT (ITli AV?A KK8PKCTABLE WOMAN A8 0 I U chambermaid or waitress or would take care of children; no objection to the country ; good city reference. "I "Itfi 2D ' AT.-i lUiSl'liCT A11 iiE tJIHL AS I.HJT chambermaid, take rare ot cluldrcn; will make h rseif generally asufhl; will go to tUe country if required; good reference. Call fur two day*. Dri'umakrri and SeaimtreMei. f)r EA8T 37TH 8T.-A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER h? laly'i maid and seamstress: ia a good cutter And finer and a good; can do all klnda ol family sewing; u mi l<l lake en"? *1 grow lag cliiidien or assist with chamber work ; no (?bjcc.ion to the country; good city referenoe. Call for two day*. n l WKST 48D ST. ?Art DRBH8MAKKR, BT TJIE O'X dayorweekt will do nth-r sewing; willing to work ;or low wagea. King pi ivatc stable hell. WEST* XII) ST.?A FIRST OLABSnORKM H.)U maker wonlu like emrloymcnt by the day In prl ?ate families; all the latest styles; no objection to go out ot the clt.v ; city references. 1 /< I BAST SPTII ST\?A FIRST-CLASH DKBSS ll)~t maker to go out to work by tba day. tm?j K.vsr imth tn.?AM BxntB?wolo> pttSA maker wlsties the patronaue of a few first elms fsaalllct; suiu mule for fS ami upward. <>1 (V KASTJlir KT.-A~COM PkTRNT DRESSMAKER ZiL>/ now ili*"nc*g?d; Is a good family aiamstress alM<; terina reiui mlile. t)A c west wrn sr., bino kirst belu?a~be ii't') speclablr girl a* seamstress in u private family; willing to he nseful: no rbjertlou to the win n try; can cnt anil fit ladies' dresses and operate on a?y machine. ! Q/TI| MT AV.?A VOUNO LAOf AS 8UAMSTKES8 <j>IU In a respectable family; would like to mini* rbil drtu. MiDO.N N Kl.t,. ?>7E WKCTlCU) Sir^A FIR.-ITOLASS iJKKSSMAKKR m I ?> wUbea a faw uioro engagements to so out by th* day; thorough trimmer and Ottfr. j n 7 ?? iiamimun a v.: ro list-Tit t;i.i.\ToN sr.. | _i 4 ? ? South Hrooklyn.?A y.mng AraeHean girl as seam strrsa and to wait oa a lady; willing to vo to the country lor the siimmer: good reference. Call on or ndlrrasJ. K. W. I oi('j bast" actTii "5t.-a TnuKti otbi, as VbaX stress; auderstaads Willco* A tiibbs' machine; ii'i objection to assist in niiv other work ; can come highly recommended; country preferred. ??,-l WKST -till ST-A FlltST GI?*M lljUUTSHI 0?)L on Whoe'er ?* Wilson's niaciiine; tind-rstands pe I'ecily rutting and making ladies' aad Infants' outSts: best dty.relercneo. Aduress A. I*. Aduiwmaki5 \vii11kb a?"Tkif xoil 1 n". ea-fineni* by the day or week. Address 8. D., llerald I'ptok n Hrancli ottice. I DRKSSMAKKR AMDlriRST CLASS OPBBATUB J\ on Wheeler A Wilson's machine wishes a few more cust< re*rs by the day ; wouM to to the eonntry on reasona nle terms. Aditreis UBBsSMAKKK. box 168 llerald Up town Branch officii. Oenernl Housework. Ar. 8 8PBIJiU ST ?A BKSPBOTAHLB YOl'XO WOMAN to do general housework; willing and obliging. Mrs. KfKT. 1 ?> JON KB ST., BEAR.?A TOtNO WOMAN TO DO giMieral housework, city or country; good relerenc?. OQ' WMI iSFll~sf.-A KKSI'Kl TAIILK ? DJlANrTO 00 do general housework; city or couatry; good city rei?renc?. ir11 kino st^a sti:.\I?v, OOIPIIIIXT 4ISII0 1 U do housework : g^'d references U- llLDSON 8T.-TO I h.N KB A1. 11 < t? SJK HUii K ? ) la mo ill prlvnte family; city or country. 1 ,-Q WKST MM ST. FIRST KLiiOB. ~UkX?3 A<#0 youn:r itlrl for grnrral housework; good city refcr euee. 1 ro"w?.ST asfii ST ,ViitsT t -A-tilHL TO JL* Kj do iimfril hnnsework; city reference. 1 / ? V" WEST MD 8f-A *00Nil ANUMAK TO 00 IUt grurral hoasework In a ?mall family. nnl KAsI' tiilllTIV-A YOCNO OI itL TO i;o UEN. <dW| rral hon?cwork , willing and obliging. <JM| ?~B \ST 44TII ST.-A l<KsI'M TAHI.K ClKL 10 ?jl/T do general housework ; willing and obliging. hiie N?ST SOTM sr.?A VoC>U OIBL Vu DO Av1) housework ia a small private fatally; best city ref erenra. (1|\J fcAST MM fT.-^A- RKSPKl'TA BLlf vTilTSTi ai"'0 girl It. lio general homework in a prisaM family; not afraid oi work; good rity referrnce. i)(l(V BAir J TH ST. ? A KRSi'BCTABIJt TOVKO girl to do gen*ral bousawork in a small pmate family; best ally relTrnee. Oall for loo dl)>. mrru AV., NKAR' 2SD ST.?A RESPKt TABI.R girl to do housework ; best city referenos from last place no objection to the eonntry. Of BAST S?.TH ST.?A It!?>I'KOrAHLE OIRL TO ? I if 4m gaaorai lioasework ; eitj or country; gooj refer I *?^*' _____ ?'/] Q BAST .'1ST STBfSfH TAIILK mm I JiX'f w .maa ta do general housework in a private fam I ify; roferrnuot from lam ein.iluyer. 0|(1 WKST 1>TM ST. ?A"i"BOTBSTA>iT WOMJuf~T0 \ mL*J do gaaarai housework; go?l rsfmic*. _ sirratiows uaited-fejiales. Oriinral Homework, dir. 99O KAST MTU ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG woman to do general homework for a small fam ily: food city reference ; no cards answered. I?)i WEST 1HTII ST , KIK8T KI.OOR. REAR.-A ?1 Zi'T resectable girl to <Io Koueral homework in a private family. mjS west MTH It-A YOUNG OIRL to dog'bx ? ? U oral housework in a private Inmlly; good rtfsr aaoea. ?W1 EAST ?TH 8T-A~YOUNO~~WOMAN TO DO ^Ol general honsework; city reference. OOO wkst :iOl) RT.?A YOOXO WOMAN TO SO 400 bousowork; city or country; small family; city rthrtMM. east 2it;i st. MfllMI I !WllflT> ^?l?7 bin jtirl !n ? iirirate family; Is a rood washer and Ironer; goed reference. 5j~r"i3ff DOT IT.?i BKBPEOTASOT A ME RL *jtT can girl to do general homework; no Jews need apply. _ O AX WKST ?MTH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S)-AS WT'I general hon?eworker: beat references. <")(> r torn AT.--AN INGUSH PROTESTANT _<U> I girl to do g"nernl housework in the city. i)(\7 wifirab" st.?a germav oibl to do Jj\) I general housework ; city or country; (rood refer ence. QQQ so at., nMnm so and md am?a be ZOO speetatila irirl to do housework, is willinc and obliging: nu objection to tb" country: good city reference. Q/\A KART 4MTU~ST.? A YOUNG GIRL TO DO <iBN OUU erul housework in a private famlir: reference. OAf" EAST fiOTIf ST.^RKHPETrTABLE YOflNO Owl) widow to do general housework in a private family; best reference. Call for two days. 3j C EAST STU ST.. FIBST F1.O OR, BAOK?A_RE OL?J spectable trlrl as general house worker; city rof crenee. ? >T Q EAST 47TH ST.?A GIRL, LATELY LANDED, OJ.O for gentrnl housework. OOQ WEST I7TH ST.. BETWEEN 8TH AND ?TH ? avs. (In the grocrrr store*.?A respectable young Herman cirl to do genernl housework In a small American family: l? competent to wash att-l Iron and can speak excel lent English; satisfactory city reference from her last pise*. O'jo KAST MTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ? cirl to do r*n -rsl housework ia a small private family; hest city reference. 009"EAST "2-?D ST.?A ttESPRCTABLR~UIBL TO Ot).j do ireneral honsework: best of reference; no objec tion to the country. ?)?>,? WEST 17TR ST.. THIRD ft>To&.- a'girl" TO 0?)v do Ronernl honsework: cood piain cook, washer and ironer: city Of country; good reference. 007 raot md stT. one flight up. back.-a OO I youns woman to do general housework; city or eonntry. OiTj BADT 24TH 8T.-A RESPECTABLE gTrL TO t)l V" do general housework; it a (pod lanndrens; gooi city reference; no cards answered. O A A~ WEST ITT II ST.. "itE \ R.-A REM HE 0 TAB L E 0 l 1 wom*n to do ireneral housework : city reference. ?> j - WEST S5TR ST.?A KESPB0TA8X4I WOMAN to do general homework: is a pood washer and ironer and a good plain eook: best city reference. Si/?Q WEST 11 Til ST.? AN' ENGLISH GgltL. JOTT ? >")?? lande<l, as housemaid and waitress. Call on or ad dress DCRAVT. OOA WEST ?TH~?T.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN OOl* to do ireneral housework: Is a (rood plain cook, washer and ironer; city reference from last place. ztHfi 7? "AT.?A RESPECTABLE" GIRL TO DO t"w general housework In a small private family; best city reference from last employer. TlO EAST ITTil ST.?A YOUNG OIRL TO DO tlO general honsework or cook, wash aud iron; good reference. Ttfc~4ist stTnear otii av.?a yoOWwomaw t1?J to do light housework in a private family; satis factory reference. I WEST 41ST ST.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO GEN T4-1 L oral housework in a small family. A_Ai\ WEST 2STH~ST.?A RR8PECTABLE GIRL TO 7TW do general housework In a private family; good city reference. 7CQ WEST 52lTsT.-A YOUNO WOMAN 'TO DO TuO eeneral honsework; good city reference. WS8T 48D ST.?A BBSPBCTABLB OIRL TO tUO do general housework; la a first claas washer and Ironer. Gall for two days. f\A Q eastTsth ST.-A RESPBCTABLE OIRL to llTt/ do general housework; Is a good eook. washer and Ironer; willing and obliging; good refereneea from her last place. 79?t~AV.'-A YOUNU CURL TO-BO OBNBRAL 1 *.') housework; good cook, washer and ironer; excel lent cit; reference. Honsekeepers, dir. "I ft WEST 13TH ST.-A YOUNO LADT. ACCOM At/ pllshed and of pleasinc iMldreit. at housekeeper in a widower's family. Call all the week. HQ SOUTH W A 8 H IN(JTO N 8 QUA BR.?A FRENCH OO lady as housekeeper. Call on Miss MAPLE CljACK. I/I 7 ATI fAV.-A LAbYA8_HOU8E KEEPER.-C A LL lx I for one week. OAQ EAST 17T1I ST.?A LADY AS IIObSB AV'O keeper, or would take charge of an Invalid. 9QO KOCTII HI) ST.. WILLIAMSBURG.?A WIDOW AGO (color -<1) at housekeeper or to take charge of house during absenre ot family, ?J EAST aTn ST.. fT|(8T FLOOR.?A RESPECT Ot') able nildd<e-aged woman as honaekeeper and seamstress; good city reference. Gall for two days. O7Q" WEST Sm> ST.?A^KXI'ERIRNCED HOUSB OIO keeper wishes a position In a city or seaside hotel. YOUNG WIDOW LADY AS nOUSBXEBPKB OB companion; would accept any position not menial; wonld go to anv part of the world: no nnmbtie* need apply. Address IN EARNEST, Herald Uptown Branch office. ABRSPECTABLE LADT AS liownnnt' IB A widower's family or to traval with an Invalid. Addresa W. F., Herald Uptown Branch office. l*a umlrraioit. 00 WEST SSTIl ^T.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN DO RM laundres* and to assist with ehsmlierwork. lOQ WEST" 19TH 8T.?A YOUNOGIRL AS PIR8T LOtJ elaa* laundres*; dtjr or country; no postal card* answered; beat cltv relerenee. "I CO WEST 513T ST.-FIRST CLASS WASIIER AND ??Jv ironer to iro not by tbe day; best city reference. Inquire for Mr*. O'KKKFE. <)/??) EAST SWTII ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG girl as laundreas and to assist with the chnmber work if required; aatUfactory city reference. nnQ KAKT44TH 8T. FIRST FLOOR.?LAUNDRESS ZvO or housecleaniag by the day. tl/vQ WEST IflTH ST. ?AS >TrhT CLASS LAUN JLV'O dress ?r chambermaid; would go in tlfc> country or to Newport; best reference. till WEST aitTH ST. ? A WOMAN TO (JO OUT BY ?uJLJL tlio day washing anil ironing ; uo d reference. Of)J WEST 1STII ST?A WOK AX TO OO OCT ~BY tU^d the day to ???h and iron or d? an* kind of work. tinQ EAST i?TII ST.. IN B \SEMES r. - A RilSPFCT __0 able aolier woman t-> work by the day a.i washer, ironer or boo?p cleaner; will work on ressonable term*; bent re'erenee. HOO WKsT'iSfll ~ST.. REAR.-A HVRPECTKbLB <i?>0 colored woman a* laundreas or to do plain cooking, fall or address lor two days. s?00_ THOMPSON r-T. iLAWXI)RV,i A jTTXAOiffO _*?)?/ laundress, Willi ilrst class heln. complete tools, tie., desres an eM|NMH Irom country Mitel*. ?"nil or addrcrs. 0~i\ WEFT IT ril ST.?A KF.KI'ECTtBI.E WOMAN to co out hy the day washing and ironing; goixt city reference*. O() 1""KAST 2IST 5tT?A FIRST CLASS f,AUNDRESS; ? > ? 1 excellent city reference*; no objection to coa'itry. Call or addrasa. 55i WEST 201II ST.? A Y0I'"ncj WO*AN AS LAl'N 001 dreMortndo housework ; country preferred; good reference. .)???? BART4*TH ST.?A FIRST 0LASS LAUXDUH OOtJ to (to out lir the day ; under tands "uting with Kis sers and machine; bent city reteretee. ? V | r WEST .-titTli" sr.-A COi.oRjin WOMAN AH ?>"! ?) first cl#*s laundress: city or country; eliy reference. Jlft WMT .'2I> 8T.?A RKRl'KOr.viil.E TOUNG 4 lu woman wishes a family's washing; Is a good, ex perienced hand. ' COIt MADISON AT.?A RS8PBGTABLS GIRLA* ? JOv) Innndress; no objection to the conntry; beat elly roferenc". r-l 1 Jl> AY.l V RK> I'ECT \ 151.K ' WOMAN AH ? ) I ? laundress In the country in a tumnur iiouse or ho tel; be*, city relcrrni'e 1 'iVr; -< I * AX, BETWEEN AND 77TI1 STS. A.Os/f) A re?-pectnhle girl a* Unndre?s: tlmrou-ibly un derstands her business; no objections to the rountry. SITUATION AS FIRST CLASH LAUNDRESS; GOOD city reference Addrasa ti.. box I*J1 Herald olllce. iurset. ?ic. OA r.TII AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S),?A NEAT, ' " careful ulrl to take rare of a child, do chaiubsrwork and ma'.e herself gcnerallt useful. ?)1 ROOSliVKIT ST, KIRST FLOOR, REAR HOUSE. OL A rospcetablo young married woman a* wet nurse, fall for two day* Oil CANAL ST.. SEfONU FLOOR. -AX AWBRIOAR ?jO Proteitant girl a* nurse, and can sew on Wheeler A Wilson'* machine; no objeittou to tiie country. Call or ad drssa. 4.J WEST 32D ST. I PRESENT KMPLOl BR"R).? O A competent irirl as child's imrse and assist with eh>? mberwork ; privnts lamily; city reference. | 7 BAST STTH sr (PRBRRNT EMPLOYS A *X I respectable young Protestant girl to mind icrown children ana to ttnke hereelf generally useful. Call for two day*. _ _ WEST Stvni RT. (PRERF.NT F.MPLOYER'S).-A VJ&l youn* P rotas toot itiil a* infan*'* nurse or aurea to irrowln.; children. <' ?li to-day IVnsi J t.>7 o clack. L?Q HOUSTON RT.?A FRENCH WOMAN AH NURSE; OO Rood experience; best city ralerenra. 7/? WTII ST.. TOP FLOOR?A GOOD NURSE It) want* ono. or two engagements or would mind an invalid lady. Q(t WKST IITII ST.?A TOl'NO WOMAN AS NURSE; Ot' g>w>d city refareace. UK WERT ?$TH HT.-A YOUNtJ AMERICAN WO li?J man as nnrse and rhatnberinaid, city reference. n7 WEST atJTII ST., ROOM 10 AN ENGLISH I Protestant woman as Infant's nurse; can take en tire charge of an infant from birth sod hring It up bv the bottle; willing to go In the rountry or travel; city refer ence. 100 WEST 34TH RT . BELL 14-AH FIRS* CLASS 1ZO nursa and seamstress; capable of taking char^a ol an infant from birth; cau come well recommended. Iti | GREEN E HT.?A FRENCH GIR|? 17' YEARS JtT old, to take cmre of children and maka hereelf use ful, A<*dresa or call. mm KAST 2.VTH "ST - A (IKSPP.CTAKI.E YOt'NU girl aa aurs.-, or woald do light apstairs work; cl:y reiereaca. I ll 3D AV.?AS NURSE IN ANY KIND OF ItI sickness; no objactlon to travel; good reference. Addraaa NURSE. fffA WEST MTH ST.-AN KXPEUIKNCBD Nl'RSE lUU la any sleknaaa; reference. Call of addresa. 1 Ci WB?Y 2KTII ST?AS NURSE; CAN TAKE KN IlJ'X tlra charea of an mlant or grown children; good (aaaitres*; n? objection ta travel; best city reiereuca. ^ SITUATION'S WAHTEO-FKNAIiBR. Kurtti. die 1-Q WEST 51rt ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS ')*J wet nurse; baby six month*; plenty milk; no ob jection to the country. 1/< BOWEllyT[N thk kkak.-a rbspect abi.e JH)?I young woman as wet nnrsa, wltli a fresh breast of milk ; cnpablo of taking charge of a baby from Its blrtb. Can bo teen for two dart. Mrs. JllloWN. 1 (JO HLBBCItBtt ST. iKUKNCIl" LAUsl)KY).-A J. '7?) respectable French girl ?? ntirae In a respectable family; don't ?p?<ik English; beet city releruuce. Call or itddrest for two days. i) ( k I EAST 37 r 11 BT.?A COMPETENT W>OMAN AS mV/X nurse an i seamttrest; ?U yoi?r?' reference. <17iQ <ri?8T~T?TI< ST.?AH COMMKTENT XI?R8B iwO uud seamstress; Rood home preferred to high wages; city or eonntry; best city references. OJJQ ?iif MB ST.-A KRK.NT II NI'RSE TO TAKE ? W?/ care of children and do sewing: no objection to the country; good reference. n/in WKST V7T!I RT. (OFF'fcE).?AN KX P F RI - ?jw?7 enced nursn t? take tho entire charge of an Infant from its birth: best reference. olll WEST Sjfil BT.?\B CHILD'S NURSE OR ul'l chambermaid. Call on or addrcM CLABCEY RRIMGS. 911 BAST a?m ?T.?A~YOUNG OIBIi AS N I!RSK; aJll Is a good sewer; would do chauiberwork; good ref "EAHT iUID"~ST7?-A FCMTNOlGIRL AR NUR8E and seamstress; can take entire charge of children. mo WEST 43D 8T., WEAK 7TI1 A v.?A LADY jid LO wishes to procure a situation for a competent nnr-e; is a good se Mir stress and willing to assist: is a Scotch Protestant; bat no home ; would go In the eonntry; best city ref?rencek. Call for two days. 99Q WEST 18ru~KT.?A YOUNG GIRL TO MIND ?jZ/Q children and make herself usefi'l; city or country. Coll or address. 212 331 9<)(l WEST 5HD ST.?A LADY WISHES TO OBTAIN juZiO a situation (or her trusty nurse aud seamstress, who has lived with her for aix years. 97 r WEST 1BTH ST.. THIRD STORY, BACK.?AN Zi I >J American as child's nurse; would loave the city. ?57\lj WK8T 37TH MT.-^k YOUNO WOMAN AS OuU nurse; la a good plain seamstress; two years'city references. Oil" BAST 44TM BT.?A RESPECTAHLE YOONO Oil girl an child's nur?e ?r to do chamberwork and sew ing; a steady place more an objoct than wages. ?>1(1 KA8T37TH ST.?A RRHPP.CTAH U?~WOMAN tfl'J as nnrse; capable of taking charge of a balir from its birth; is a good sewer; no objuctlon to the country; best city ri'leronce. ooh B A.nT 3STI1 ST.?A KB.-PECT ABLE YOIWO u?)U girl at uurs? and saanutress, or do chamberwork and sowing; ran operate on Wheeler A Wilson's machlue; best city reference. Tsf AV.?A YOUNGAMEBICAn'IhrL lO DO light housework. Call or address. yTn BROADWAY.?AN" ENGLISH GIRL WISHING Olll to return to Liverpool ?auld like to meet with some party where her services as child's uurse or lady's maid would be an equivalent tor Iter passage money ; good reference. Call on or address J. H. BRADLfeY. Oil WEST-38TH ST. (PRESENT" EMPLOYER'S).? O r 1 A respcotable young girl ae nurse ; willing to make herself generally useful. Can b? seen for two days. oTkl 9TH AY.-?A YO UNO GIRL, W YEA R8l)LD. O'taJ to mind a child and assist with ehainbcrwork; no objection to the country. ?Jl?9 WEST 17TH ST.?A COMPETENT PERSON AS OUnnrse and seamstress; country preferred; 4>4 yeart' citT reference from one place. WEST51ST ST.?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL QUO to go in the eonntry as nurse: understands dress making; operates on two different machines; reference. V'CI WEST 48fH ST.-A YOUNG WOMAN AS WET .TfJi nurse. AZO WEST 17T11 ST.? A BBS PECT A BLB YOUNG I(Ja girl to mind children or to do light housework. Call or address. 457 WEST 32D ST.?A YOUNG GIRL, 14 YEARS of age, to take care of children or assist. 552 7TH AV. ?A YOUNG WOMAN TO MIND 0H1L dren and assist with the chamberwork; city refer 809 7?J4 1ST AV.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO TAKE I Ox care of children and assist with chamberwork; willing and obliging. Call or address. 74.7 0T" av.-a competent woman as child's 17 1 nnrse and plain seamstress; lour years' city refer ence from last place. Ql|?* 3D AV~ FIRST FLOOR.?AN AMERICAN OvU girl to mind children or assist with housework; city or country. 7TH AV.?A MARRIED WOMAN AS WET nurse. n jl 6TH AV.. BETWEEN 47TH AND 48TH ST8., IN 0*1 J. store.?A respectable middle-aged woman as nurse to tako care of an invalid or delieato lady; good seamstress 3D AV.. SEOOND~K~l6oR, BACK KOUM.-^V iOOu young girl, lately landed, to take care of chil dren or do light housework. A" *" FRENCH YOUNG GIBL AS NURSE.?CALL AT 0 Union court, near University place. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN *8 NURSE AND chambermaid or to do tewing; best references. Ad dress R U, Herald Uptown Branch olHce. YOCNG FRENCH GIRL AGED 16, SPEAKING Fronch and English, as nurse and to assist in house work in an American family ; references. Address L., box 125 Herald Uptown Branch oflice. American woman to~~take care of an in valio or entire charge of an Infant Address MARY KVERi-ON, Brooklyn l'ost office. rjuiE pkesiuencyT" THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION FULL AND LATEST PARTICULARS TO-DAY IN THE EVENING TELEOBAM. Wallrrtiri, dtc. It) WEST 44TH ST.?TWO GIRLS, TO OO TOGETHER; U on<' as waitress, the other as cbambermnid and ti <lo Dili; washing; country preferred: city and country reference. t)A WEFtTwTif ST. (PKKSENT KM PLOYKR'S).?A AT yotinj; girl as waitress and chambermaid. Can be iieen on Thursday. from li? to 12 A. M. Y7| r? K AST :* iT 11 ST.-AVOUN G ufkL AS FIRST ItU clans waitress in a private family: eity or country; bent city reference. Mff K AST 82I) ST.?A Kh fir ROTABLE, VOL'NO )X woman at first clans waitress in a private family; no objection to tlie country; best city reference. O/17 west 2tiril t>T.?A NEAT, TIDY GIRL AS &'l I first class waitress; understands all kinds of sal ads ; best reference. Otil EAST 2IST ST.?A COMPETENT WAITRESS; 1 trill assist with the chntuberwork; conntry pre ferred; best city reference. (MR WhDT 3TTH ST.. ROOM 12.-A RESPECTABLE utiu young girl as first class waitress ia a private board ing house ; understands all kind* of salads; good city refer ence. OQQ SO AW. NEAB 2JD ST.-a" YOUNG GIRL AS wOO first class waitress; would assist with the cliatnhcr work; best city reference. ?> 17 "Sast aSrii St.. dark of rev. j. a prin. Oil cell.? A respectable Swedish veung lady as wait ress in a first class tuslaurant or ice cream saloon. 717*~&TU A v., BETWEEN 55TH ANtTsuj'H 8T8. I ID ipiesent employer'!).?A Scotch girl as walir>*s or chambermaid; willing and obliging; understands her busi ness; good city reference. Call for two days. .Ultrelianeoui. UK WEST 19TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN ?J to do light housework; would make herself useful where tiiera are children; understands family sewing. im l "KAsf S3D ST.?A RESPECTAIILE_~MARRIED ?') L woman will glee her services three months to a nice family or lady ?ravelling to Cnllforniafor her fare there; references mid particulars o7io kasc ?fffTi st.-as lady's maid or mUO child's nurse; good hairdresser aud plain sewer. tiaij west-frrii st.?a woman to" go oct aUa three days In the week; denning or washing. ijiiii lit aV. near jbth st.-a vrnTIS ij&Zi spectablo person as maid and teaninrens; can operate on Wheeler k Wilson's machine: m. objection to tr.n couniry; three years' city reference. Call or addrese. ~A I)C? WEST 371'li "5tT?AN~ AMERICAN dluTAi 1U O lady's maid and lr am stress; would go to tlio coun try; three years' references from last place. lf(? 21) AV;; NKAK .I'TII isT~.~. HASRME NT.?A .lit' respectable German jrtrl to do light housework in a .mmll private family; good relerence. . * COMPETENT AMERICAN LADY DESIRM a PO J\ sltTOn of trust, to take eharire of linen ruotn in ? hotel, or us proprietress of large boarding house In Philadelphia or eoun'ry. Address AMERICA, lleralu Uptown Branch offlca. WANTED^" PORTION ~To TRAVEL"WITH A LADY or family as companion; understands dresemaklng. Address IIIXON, Herald oflice. PUOFKS.MOXA^SITt'ATIONS WASTE1) KKMALKS. A* JUAOV dEsIrk.s a position To fKSHTraC /V dren hnglish, Krcnrh and music; terms very moder ate. Address TKAOIIBK, 715 5th av. A YOUNG NORTH GERMAN LADY. WHO TEACHKS German and French and also the rndiments of English and music, and takes entire charge of growing children, wants a position aa governess, prefers the country, or as la dy's or travelling companion. Address X. L M., Herald I'p. town Hrancli office. HELP WANTED- PEMALE ~ ~A ^NUtLL'sVrRKISH" HaTIIS WANT XIHIBCaI JV woman to wash ar.d iron, also seamstress, to lesrn bathing. /lOOK WANTED?Ml'?T BK A GOOD LAI NDRESS \J and have best reference. Call alter II o'clock at .VJ West 49th st. DRKSSM A K K R*4 WaNt?D-ONLY~FIRST CLASS. Call Thursdiiv a ternoon. niter six. Mme. A. KLAliHAUI>, 136 West Iflth st. Dressmakers wasted-a nitmher op hx perieuced waist and skirt trimmer*; come prepared to work; at 111) rt est ?"Jd at. 17XPEKIENCE1)~OOK~WaNTED-IN DAIRY ASD 1j lunch room No. 5 College place. Call between Hand 10 o'clock. Saleswoman in suit department-. mtst be experienced and of good figure. Apply at KOCH'S, 0th av. and 2lWh st. \\7 a;MTEtJ-A rRENCII NtTirtKRY HOVKRNRSS KOR IT thiee children, from tt to 8 years. Apply by letter, box 5,544 Poet "litre. WANTED-A VERY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER; no ethers need apply. 21U East 50th st. WANTED-34 EXPERIENCED" II ANDS ON~iZikCE Vf work. W. H. tIALLl'P, Kl Walker st. WANTED-A PROTECTANT (1IRL To COOK. WASH and iron, to go to the country; references required. Call at 342 Lexington av., between B and 10. not later. IVA.\TEI>.-AN INTKLLI....NT OKRMAN oTllL rT {North Uerraan prnferiedi competent to nurse and cn I tertain growing cliildian can find a plea?ant situation. 0$ West 51st M. WANTKD-A KKKNOII PHOTKSTANT WOMAN A* nurae tor child years old. light cli.nmborwork and waiting; family of t)irre ; ten mli"a In lonnlry ; wages$IS. Address P., box 4fc5 New York Post dice. WANTHD-A" SMART" t)IRL TO DO GENERAL housework; good reference required. Apply at <-'3 Weal -7th st WANTED-A HEAM.iTHfa.SS AND UOOD OPRKA tor anderstaadiag lastly (Owing. Appiv at 219 IfrM 434 m. m IIEI.P WAVTED-FKIHALES. urANTED-A young qirl to io oMB ' ? honsework in a small tamtlv ; mint be a good plain tnok. ?Mliir and irnner. Apply.'with reference. at 81 Or shard it. TITANTED?AOlBL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK? I? _ 1-1 Kast llflhst. X\TANTED?A OIRi, VoRGENKRAL housework; vY understands cooklncr, washing and irontug; lamtlr, llirpo adults. 3fM Went 3H?h at TOAKTOD?CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS AT " .VI We-I Vnh at. Call botwocn ? and 13 o'clock. TXT ANTED- ? AN DS ON DRESSMAKING AT 117 ?i Wavertoy plae?. ?fXTANTED?A~~OOOD OIRI, AS LAONDREaS AND I? chambermaid who la willing and obliging. Nona othcra need apply at 33 Wist 13th at. WANTED?A MIDDLE AO KB Wfl\I A XT') DO OS*, oral housework Id a plain family. No. 900 Kait SOth at. WASTilD-A" FRENCH NURSE FOR TWO "CHlt 1" drrn ; moat be a good seamstress and hairdresser. Apply, alter 3 o'clock, at room 43 En ret? House, Union iq tiara. WANTED?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORKS likewise good dreasmskers. 133 West 11th St., base ment door. TITANTED?A* OOOD AND TilOROUOif HOUSST T V keeper, competent to take charge of help and assist to conduct a large boarding house. Apply Immediately at 37 Wast 14th at. WANTKD-A CHILDREN'S NURSE7 GERMAN OR French preferred. Apply at No. 427 Weat 33d at. from 8 to 13 thia day. WANTED-A GIRL. ABOUT IS. TO ATTEND DOOR and make herself generally utelul. Call at 113 Writ 13th st. '*/ll W)MT ?TH ST.?A NEAT OIRL AS COOK, t)T 1. waaher and ironer or to do general housework. SITUATIONS- WASTED?."li.lbES. A SUCCESSFUL TRAVELLER. OF OOOD ADDRESS, is o??n to engage In any line; first clans references. Address M.. Herald offlee. SINGLE, STRONG MAN. AGED3LWISHES TO DO any work: references. Address 0. K., No. 14SOrchnrd at., barber shop. Y~Yorso~ MANEX PERIENCEDIN THE- MANAGE xv ment of fartorlos. wants a situation: speaks Spanish, Frencn and English ; is wlillnir and industrious; not afraid nf work : beat references: willing to start at the bottom of the ladder. Address A. J, St.. box 143 Herald office. STENOGRAPIIER EMI'LOVED~DURInTTtHE DAT desires evening omplovment; corresnondencc work preferred. Address SHORTHAND, Herald office. ? YOUNG MAN AS FIRST CI.ASS WAITER;~NO*OB IV Jertl'm to go to Philadelphia; first clasr- ritr referenoe: t? willinir and obliging. Call on or addresa WAITERS, 1H6 East 33d at. A FIRST CLASS BAKER AND PASTRY COOK A wishes a place In the city or eoantry. Address V. HKNKEL. HI! Ludlow at AR ATTENDANT TO AN INVAl7lD~OF.NTI.KHAN? By a competent Oerman nurse (male): best city refer ence Address Y. Z , Herald office. As waiter! by a youno sweedish MAN. IN A private family: good reference. Address W. L, box 110 Herald Uptown Branch office. A RITt'ATlON WANTED IN A HOTEL BY A MAN A of experience: can make himself useful In any capac ity : reference of the best. Address A. B, box 19S Herald Uptown Hraneh office. RESPECTABLE YOUNO MAN WISHES A RITUA> tlon as butler or waiter in private family: two years' city reference: country or city. Address H. B., 331 West 13th St., private stables. A RESPECTABLB YOUNO M~AN AS PORTER OR TO A do general work; bjst reference. Call at or addresa 115 West 30th St. majTwould like a situation as waiter In a private family. Call at No. 133 Wast 13th st. Bartender, just disengaged, desires f.m. ployment: choice city referenoe. Address JOHN, box 310 Herald office. Courier, by "a swifTs~1sfanwhosp kaks poor languages; cood references. JI'I.ES. 188 Wooster st. 1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED?AS WATCHMAN. SHIP. J ping clerk or porter, by a steadv. able-bodied man: willing to make himself generally useful; beat references. Address DICKSON, No, 3 Columbia st. IjViPLOYMEN r WANTED?AS watchman, SHIP J ping clerk or driver, by a strictly temperate man. 73 years nf aire: the best of reference. Call on or address N. M.. A3 Christie at., room 4. Hall boy in bummer iiotkl: city rkper ances. Addreas E. M.. Hsrsld Uptown Brsnch office. SITUATION-BY E. W." HKNSON, FIRST CLASl waiter (colored). Apply at 31S West SOth at. W" ANfED^BY a YOUNG COLORED MAN A POSL tlon as waiter. Can he seen at hfa present employ er's, No. 38rt Lexington av.. to whom ha refers. W~ANTED?A SIT U ATION? BY A ~ YOUNG MAN willing to work In an/ capacity. Address C. P., Her ald Uptown Branch offiej. ffwTSo AV. ENTRANCE ON ?6TH ST.?A 1.11U respectable yonait man, lately landed, wishes a s tnatlon aa bartender in a liquor atora or hotel; city or country. rLERKS AKD SAIiESMEJf. PEW SMART. ENERGETIC BUSINESS MKN WITH ?rood addresa, as salesmen. Apply to 8. F. YORhTON, 13 Dey st. "7 YOUNG MAN FROM VIROINIA~\^NTX~A SITU A J\. tlon in tinware and housefnrnlahing line or stove cm pany: is well acquainted with buslnaaa; has some capital to loan his employer while with him. Addreas STOVES, AC., Herald office. T-YOUNG MAN DKSIRKS A situation AR BOOK A keeper or assistant, having a thorough knowledge of said science; salary moderate; best reference. Address J. W., Herald office. YOUNG VAN. AN EXPERT 8ALR8MAV. DESIRE? a position as traveller or salesman to a first class honse; wonld for a trial rngage at a low lalarv; good reforonce. Addreas A. L.. Herald Uptown Hraneh office. CI (OAR DEALERS.?A SALESM ATn. WITH A J prompt paying nearby trade of $50.0.10 per month, wanva a situation : references from last em ploy or. Address THOMAS, Herald office. (* lOFFhB SALESMAN WANTED-TO SELL A NEW J kind of coffee: $5 to $10 per day can be made by any good man. Addresa. with reference, for three days, COF FEE SALESMAN. Herald office. rOTsA -sit U AT ION W ANTED BY A DRUGGIST OF eight years' experience. Address DRUGS, Herald office. Hats and 7urs -a steady salesman, with eight yetrs'experience in the business, is desirous of an engagement: salary exported to auit times. Addresa HATS AND FURS. Herald office. JEWKLLEKS.?A YOUNG XAJf, POX T8t PAST 10 years salesman for a mannfactitrer, would like a simi lar position either with Jobber or manufacturer; or, having acquaintance with manufacturers, would push a line of goods sold to them : references. Address DURHAM, Herald office. fo DRUGGISTS AND PHARMACISTS.?A. YOUNG physician. lately graduated. bnl wllliont the means to wait lor practice, who Is also a uradunie of the Philadelphia Colic ire of Pharmacy *nd one of the best practical pharmsctts In the country. would like to make an engagement: can fui nlsli testimonials from the hlirhest sources as to first clnsa ability, character. Ac. An Interview can be arrsneed lor t>y addressing ISAAC H. CLOTHIER. Sul Market St.. Phila delphia. WXVTBD-IN A MANUKACTUR1KG BUSINESS, A smart, active younc man: onn who thoroughly under stands bookkeeping. collectlni and general outdoor business and will make himself generally useful. Address MANU FACTURER. box 16? flernld office. WANTED?A KKW FIRST CLASS SALESMEN; 8AL ary 95 per day. Apply 61'? Broadway, room 4. WANTED?TWO DRY GOODS 8ALESMAX FOR prints and dome<tlc* Apolr at 601 Pulton st., Brook lyn^ __ EDWARD McCAFFREY. WANTED.-A SMART. ENERGETIC TOUMOMAN. FOR embroidery department. Apply to CON KLIKO A CO., 7IW Broadway. COACHMEN" A*U (SAiroENKRS. A Single man wants a situation as coach' man and gardener: country preferred: moderate waires; good reference. Address J., box 208 Herald office. 4 COACIIMAN AND GROOM'A SITUATION WANT iV ed?By a single man; understands gardening, also farm work and can milk; willing to make himself useful; good reference. Address II.. box IS3 Herald office. A" \s IjROOM. FOOTMAN OR-BELPER.BY A m? sper table yonm: man, of good character; generally useful. Call on or address C. K., 145 West 33d st. 4~BE8PECTABLE YOUNG MAN WISHES a SITU A - il tion as grr>om and footman; three year*' city refer ence. Inquire at 3:11 West 15th st. 8 COACHMAN?BY A SINGLE MAN WHO THOR nuirlily understands his business: beat city references ; no obtection to the coantry. Address J. B., box 122 Herald Uptown Branch office. A?TcOACflMAX. GARDENER AND UHBKI'L MAM: cltv reference. Call on or address WILLIAM. 300 West 44th St., resr. ("tOACIIM AN? 8 S1TUATION WaN fED?BY A SIKGLE J man; city or country; best clt* references. Address T. K.. box 103 Herald Uptown Branch office. C~ OACHMAN'8-SITUATION. BT A fflNGLR MAN. Protestant; thoroughly understands Ills business; car denlng if necessary; can milk: good references from last employer. Address J. A. 11., Herald office. CtOACUMAN AND GROOM?ST A SINGLE YOUNG ) men: understands the proper care and treatment of horses, carriages and harness; can milk, mow lawns; will in* to make himself generally useful; best reference. Ad dress J., box 124 Herald office. CtOACHM AN AND GROOM BY SINGLIFyoUSO MAN; I nnderttands his bnslness: in city or country; thor oughly understands rare of horses, carriages; can garden, milk: will maks himself generally useful. Address W., box 2'X> Ilerald offioo. C10ACIIMAN ANP GARPENER-BY A SINGLE MAN: ) thnronghly understands his huatnes* la both branches; threa years reference; willing and obliging. Address M , box lot Herald office. /1OA0HMAN AND GROOM?BY \ m.m7u YOl NO man wi o thoroughly understands his business; city nr country; willing and obliging; seren years' best reference. Address COACHMAN, Ilerald office (10ACHMAN ANP GROOM MNULE MAN: WOULD J he generally useful oa ? gentlemm's place; rliy or country references given, Address P. L. bos 143 Herald Uptown Brancli office. Private coachmav wishes a iiTUAffqJFi city or country; best reference. Address P. n No. W4 rtth av. SITUATION WANTED-BY ~ A~ VOUNti' C.ERMAN 1 single, speaks English perfectly) as coachman and gardener; knows how to tnilk; beet refeeence. Address M. L., box 114 Herald office. SITUATION WANTRD-BY A COA0RMAN OF Loll U experience, who thoroughly nnderstat.d* his husineea, lu city or country; ten years' ocst reference. Call on Mr. LAWSON, OS Hioadway. WA N TED?A~81TUATION AH COACIIMaN; NO Ol? Jectlon to the counti? ; understands frnlt and vegeta bles ; fire years' reference from present employer ,"V4 West 52d st. HGliP WAKTKD-MALEll. " A SuitiX's" 11 a i ll s," ?i ~1XiiSitiros It., W/tKt American men aud women under 'JO; alsu colored errand Iniy. GKNtT.KMAN Acqi?AlNr. "p"WITII THE IMPORT lug interests of New York city can secure a profitable engagement hy calling on K. DUNCAN SN1FKEN, offices "2 and 73 As tor llonse. GENTLEMAN <1 F"RXPERIR_NCK18 DESIRE 1> TO eanrass far advertisements on a first class meilinm. Call at once. B. U. NOAM SN1KFEN. office* 72 end 71 Aster Boos*. HELP WA1TED-HIALEI. rtr ma umssv'Ti eTadqu abtkrjttw ?1> *C, whalemen, boatsteerer*. cooper*.,e.rwinters blacksmiths, cook*. aeainen and .to?t American and Ue[?? young (rrtu litoila warned fur wbalini voyage*. Appty 5. MORISON. _ _ A OENTS WAMTTED?IN TOWS AND COUNTRY, TO A nell our pure leu to families, hotel* aud large ???' suiner*; beat tarma and largest stock in the country. Apply to the WELLS TKA COMPANY. 201 lulton at-, between Church and Greonwicb, New York. _ _ . YOuKU MAM WANTED?TO ATTKKD BAR. AP ply M tMJt! Kth av., corner of 49th It.; beat city refer ence. - ToBNTS WANTBD-TO SOLICIT ADVERTISEMENTS A tor a monthly Spanish paper. Call at 31 Perk row, room 4. __? VuEJITS WANTED-TO SELL RlTTER'S ELASTIC A check rein guard; good profit.; oulck sale: circular went; ? ample 10 cent*. Adrtros* A. J. RITTER, boxoT Putt office, Hah way. N. J. S"dY~iA5Til?-IM A DOWN TOWN STORK. WHO rS wrften ? cood hand and haa aoroe knowledge of figures; ? ?f3 per week. Addreaa. In handwriting of applicant, UTER. Herald office. wages . IMPOK f^(?*-WANTE"D?IN A COMMERCIAL COMPANY; .Done who write. a goodlmnd le ?l?ry, $100 tiret year. Addreas. with reference*. UKA1N, Herald office. TJOYS TO WRITE WRAPPERS RAPIDLY AND JJ plainly; steady work ; $3 per week. Apply to SMITH A ENSIGN. 324 Greenwich st. USA^t ^^t^^l^EA^OM?^^. ?5 Chamber* il . rpHE PKESIDENUY. THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. FULL AND LATEST PARTICULARS TO-DAY IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. PA NY, 5*5 Reade ?t. Send stamp. bane Building Chicago. UL | rirANTED?IN A BROKER'S OFFICE, A SMART boy \V ol from 12 to 15 year, of age; ** &* o?eo ' experience. I* a n?nm?n ?ild enn fjirnl.h refcrenoe, wage# $4 per week. Address W.. hog 207 Herald office. ANTED IN A STOCK BKOKER'S 0FFICB, A younir man experienced In the online**, to a*?i*t a* ! ,he de.k; .alary, *IU0. Add re. a, with age. Ac.. PASSAIC. Ilerald office. . ? WANTED?AN AM KRICAN YOUNG MAN TO LBARN the grocery bu.lne**; one from the country preferred. Apply alter 2 o'clock P. ^EsTBgVKLT, 187 Bleecker at. tlTANTKU A FIRST CLASS BARKEEPER; NONB VV other need aonly. Inquire at Sweeny'. Hotel, room lO, between 0H A- **? - W-ANTED?A YOUNO MAN TO ATTEND BAR; COMB recommended. 77 Lexington ar., corner 20th *t. T HK TttAUES. 1 II ri 1 UJlwJCia# "A^V'r^TWAS^BXltW^ASPfS A AftVATftft A understand* the baking or bread, eakee and paetry. Apply at 20 Rector**. mn*phivt^kH ?A JOB COMPOSITOR AND THOR T oughiy energetic busioe** man deeIre? *n with a nrst cla?. nouae to whom hi. "'vices would bMugU. able a. c*nva**er and compositor. Addre** BNERQY, box 147 Herald office^ WANTED-A SITUATION BY A FIRST CLASS EN. W gineer, machinist and miller. Addre** R., box 117 Herald office. ANT D-A FIRST CLASS W(i?y^NNDR?N2 wonted skein yarn dyer. R. KLANi ER CO., Quaker City Dye Work*. I hlladelphla. ? . _ HOUSKS, ROOMS, WAI?TKP. ~ ^'^.Tcitrand' HrWoliivn. WOULD LKASB SMALL FURNISHED HOUSB OR W would buy or lease with privilege of kwlng?nfa* nlslied- between 14th and 23.1 sts. preferred. Addre?, slat ing situation, cash terms and all oartlculars. U.,boxl,08? Vost office. - i AMTED-A SMALL FUUNISHED ROOM NOT hhrher than 110th St.. near Broadway; price not more th.n$2 o? MJ Address J. H, R., Herald office. ilYTvTBD?A FIRST CLASS ROOMY HOUSE, BE \V ?Jeen Madison and <?th av*.. awUto 4M sU.f,? 1*1 k tha anilltv in thred vttluubl? tots will he given in lieu !Vh!?.,th "ox 124 11 erlld Uotown Branch office^ ? r.. ^ AV_AS COOK. BY A PROTESTANT W0 182 man or to take care of a honse for the tummer; bert city reference. In the Countrv. ? YOUNO GENTLEMAN WILL TAKE A an nnoccupled Hesidenoe daring eumraer lu return lot u? of Room. Address box IJgft Pa?t "Bice. WATCHES. JKWKliltV. t\Jt. "i'f77 bbEECKKR ST.' NEAR BROAU*VAY ?MOKKY A. advanced on Diamond*. W atche*. J"welry, Jte.. al*o Pawnbroker*' TlckeU bought of Diamond*. W atcba*. 77 Bleccker *t. ??_ tTw7 BROADWAY CORNER 4TH ST.?DIAMONDS Watches Jewelry, Silk*. Lace*a?d Personal Property of erery de^rip.lon bought and jjold^g I "? f 3fl8 BOWERVr^BNhilTol^TII ST.-MONEY I A. advanced on Diamond*. WHtche?.JeweliT, llano*. At., | al.o Pawnbroker*' Tickets bonght ol the ?ame. 8B.i Bowery Se^aamend* re.^t ^an'r ?tVEa VCAL?' Tro^y! naar 29th *t. -? ? g'IH>ItA<*l6. poifTlSofONftAiik vV'ARHildiJME, Mi A'S'-. <2 103 to 107 West 33d *t.. one door we*t ofwth ar. ___ QTOKAOE IN PLABTERED RO0M8 AND LU<*****? O Furniture, Baggage, Carriage*, Ac. loa. 111, lia ana 116 Ea?tH4th it. , DBSTISTHY. ^ BKAUTIFUL^ARTIFICIAt TfiBTO" ^V??>*OLB, $1. warranted; filver filllnga. ??c. New Dental Room*. 212 tith av.. near 10th ?t. Established 1S5L . s=_= ||1ARBllls .tl/tri'ii-Ls. 7 IT PRICES NEVER APPROACHED Bfcl''OR?- ... A Slate and ?-rb.e Mantel^ 1-rje.t ^rtmentlnth. J' 00 Union iquaro, 4th av. and .17th *t.. Now York. MannlActurers of all kinds of Slate Work. FURtflTUR*,. A '-^eRkiA- XSBTSoifiI'il CV PAYSfiSftTS TAKftlJ J\., for Furniture, Carpets and Bedding at B. X. t'OW PERTH WAIT A CO.'S, 133 and 157 Chatham it. An ita naiNitoek at low prices. UCTIOK BOOMS, 30 EAST 13TH. ?FURNITITBR Carpeta, Mirrors, Pianos. Armolres, Parlor Suits, Bed mmn Sets. Ac., at private mile, at auction price*. PRIVATE FAMILY \VILL sifLL~AT HACRIFIua satin Parlor Suites. cost 9SO:> for $21X>. $130; Steliv waj Piano, 9226; Turkish Suite, 875; Kep Halt*.935;Cham bcr .set*, with Dresiing Cases, $50; Bedsteads. Ilnreaus. 44 pound hair Mattresses, $10; Rxtenslon Table, BilTet. Boo. cases, Paintings, Bromtes. Carpeta. Call at private resi dence, 47 West Irtth St., near Bth av. (" 1ANB SEAT PORTABLE CHAIRS (FOLDING TO J qaarter space*?ln.-,tunlled Tor summer; 40 styles; circulars mailed free. GOLLlONOUS, Manufacturer, 181 Canal st. IiH'KKtTURE PRIVATE SALE. A~TCTION PKICES.? 1 Lux* assortment rich and common; owners want money: packed cheap. X. B. KAVOK, Auction llonse, 13 East 14th st. (1 EORUE A CLARKE. 747 BROAbWAY, CONTINUE8 T hi? (treat clearing out sale of fine Furniture, Carpeta, Mirrors. Ac., at a reduction ol r > to 50 per cent from formal prices, and on his popular i.ntim of payment; houses and apartments I'uriiiahea to order. ^tOOD BECohO HANI) AND MISWT ENGLISH T IlruneU. three ply and Ingrain Carpets, Oilcloths, A<x, very cheap, at the old place 111' Fulton St. ICE AND FOOD WASTE LKSS IN *THB ZERO Refrigerator than any ether; sick room Cooler*; Re frigerators repaired. LESLEY, 220 West 23d st.; send fir book. _ OLOTHlNb. A?NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISHMENT. 331$ f>T!I ? av., near 4th st.; the highest value paid for caat-nlt Clothing, Carpets, Ac. Call on or address Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN. A T MINTZ'H. 248 SD AT., NEAR 20TH ST.?LADIES A and gentlemen will be surprised at great prices B. M1NTZ pays in caah for Cast-oif Clothing. Carpets, Jew elry. Orders attended to by Mr. or Mrs. M1NTZ. A T 1,274 BROADWAY, BETWEEN 82D AND 33D J\. its.?Broauway prices paid for Cast-ofT Clothing. Jew elry, Ac., by c a 111 it sr on or addressing B. HARRIS. 1,2(4. A T FLATTO'S, Slfl ?TH AV., 4?TII ST.-SO PER CENT _"Y. more than elsewhere will positively be paid for cast oil Clothing Address Mr. or Mrs. r'LATTO AT EDWARD MILLERS WELL KNOWN E8TAB lislimont, tW Oth av., near Waverley place, utmost value paid lor Cast-off Clothing. Carpets, Ac., by calling on or addressing Mr. or Mrs. MILLER. AT THE AOEJSCY STORE, 246 7TII AV.-RBCEIVED 933 (100 in cash to purchase Wearing Apparel; ladlea and gentlemen will receive the highest prices lor silk and woollen Dresses, Coats, Pants, Carpets, Ac. Call on or ad dress Mr. or Mr*. ROSKNBKItti, 246 7th av., second door above West 24th st. ttention i-phTladklimi IA ordkr received^ immense prieea psid for Cast-olT Clothing, Camels' Ac., by Mr. or Mrs. HARRIS, 81 6th av.. near Waverley place. AS*rK01i0UY. j^&TROiAHiER. Vor?.' A wonderpcl child. <;Iktei> wtf ii'siiiioSTS A sight from birth, tellt everythine ?ithout puestloningt absent trlends. living or dead. 123 West 40th st. near Broadway. tOLOUKK ?PROFESSOR LISTER, 319 M ?f~[ ml for circular. Address box 4.82H Post office, New A TTENTION.-?CONSULTATION <?N It is I ,vT ss7 i,AW 1\ snits, enemies. 1om-s. absent friends, love, marriage and death ; pay revised antes* miisfl-il ^o. :*>2*thev Mf *"??- SIXmjI, Clairvoyant. MMK. ROSA Rl.VEALS YOt'R WHOLE LIKE FROM rrs'lle to the grave. Canll ?t. Fee 91. MKIilCAb. A ~K?tKVMKtSraKI'U, SINCiTl?t<i~KuT f1* fcast.i.iUt,. |tr*t ilmir from 3th av Ailvieo free. A~.1,,! r i N", ?n,K- ??KIX1>T,K. 142 WEST 4KI II ST ? ? Confident Ik i,Mi!t.,ti?t,j.n all female complaints. A WORCESTER. PIIVSICIanT HOARD AND U\.. narsinK uti ( harles u., bet. Washington and West. A -w!!',VV MM!1 VAN Hi SKI Kk;" RESIDENCK ? Wo' '?'* Mft*t iM nn? liCJiiQfttl ? V*, A -UK. AND MMK. HOTr~CoMFlf>KNriAL coll ? sultatlon on M lemale cwplainta. 47 West 13vh st. Ti?. WHITEHEAD, 202 BAST 56TH rtT..~NBAB HI -* av. ?rcmale complaints sslely treated tor 923. Dr. okindle tkkats~"all female cov plaints, wnatever the matter. 142 West 4Sth st. g'UCCM?Ft.J7 Cl'?iVs'uijARANTEBD.?AMs CASE! ' Mm? WEST. 4?> Bleocker at-.aear