Newspaper Page Text
_CITl RBU ESTJiTjB Tor SAL*. C fnlrwlT' '?w A . j WI'BRB full siz?s eleoantlt lo ^!VV-p^ruTrrj}iT?ttvs^i A ^Wli.vo, at specially rk. . l?ced prlee Nt ? r>,h ??. V. K. STEVEN SON, Jr . -I Pine or XI Km 17th M. WOR !ii*u-llili iXV * "TONK IlKSI UKNCR "xo. |.J134 A Hruadwijr, comer 47th at ; great pro?p'-ctive valnc - - ? JOSlAH .1 EX, 1. ? lirondwajr. $1<> ()()() M' Ki:o HIM.. NEAK I'AKK Mm. li ? V i T- K,????nhree .torv hl*h Moop brown ?lone Houm. Apply at iiiw Ea.t-ton, ?t. . K?*? Side. ?10 000 ror * nevv three story htoh a.?H -i.t. _ M 1 ''h",rr" improvement.; beautifully .it,,, toot o7 ? 2 wal,k ,Ullem """bo.! landing HeJ.M o?!i ' Ukru tot Uebt- Adcirr.. CREDITOR, rpilE PRESIDENCY. ~~ THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. FCLL AND LATEST particulars TODAY IN THE EVENING telegram. Gwv*? si.ic. HAND CIRCLE BOILEVARD.?E. II. I.DDT DW A CO. will .ell, at the Exchange fialearonni. Nit 111 h7,'u *7 " '? "?'?l.-k. ?v,u Lot, on tinted Hon lav aril mid nortuwa.t corner of fi-Jd ?t. ; the n.-latl il ??cation o. .aid KimiIhv ird la between .'itHIt and H id Ml ? ,j. .. 'V """ ready lor iinprovmnnt; superior 1.nation nr I Krencb apartmeul bmldlnua. church, ic. Al.o lour el"' 1 Saoi three ?mrv ilfnio front; cabinet finl.hcri r-Stts: K.?n. ara'S to HORACE 8. ely. No J_> Pine ,t. "-.or amwKiatx k?u ?? F%2it2* S$R?a 'J^^iTiSSS lnff 7 room,. WitIor tfn, Addrps. Hyf?li. Her.'ldome" ( ; "v-KNVV; ",1V'KM ' 1ER* PLOT K)l; HALK CHEAP? rn?r^7. W marble and tr.n. MARKS, l?!t Jlruad J<.*> I C IIK.STF.K COr\TY PROPERTV FOR SALE 1VO TO ItKVr A HAROAIN.?WESTCHESTER COUNTY KARU Til & as .".r! out ER 1 ARTER. .m Mnaau ii roan It* I foil SALE?AT TARRYTOWN, ON HIGH AND TERV 7.' ! ? beautiful Residence, with :t ,ir ? acre, i ' fr"1' *"J "k*de it. abnndance: hi. property i U ?rrv de.irable, and I. off-rod at lra< than half I la vain, a ! ior n'l'P.t">r,"ni,Ti,? n bnrpiiln III thin drllirhtful : ?"Otion; immediate ito.acM.lon; term, to ?nlt. ,r"?tnl1"1 S. r.MHEREON, Sole Ajpiit, f55!>6th ?r. K ' blDQE.- 11, A CAE 8 UIOU tlllOIND, WATER I I . .? '" t-ornn t outre, furnmbed: .table, fnilt and ?h?de; value wilt take beat offer \ .. _ SINtJEK. 7f>4 Ur.mdwar rpilE UINDLE HiMM;, |v WINIILE" PARK ~AT teriiM an'd ver"' i" le,? or <"r aale on yery'eaay l,o? 1,1,?. , ! ' chf*',J cl""' 11,0 depot, on hfgrh and very cl."> lm,euVboVXKMh"?lr,i0n "" l"" '1 u<,""nf?"" ? R. EMRKRSO.V. a-.n nth av. PItOI'KKTV Ot'T *iK THK CTi'lf KOlt SALE OR TO KENT. A NICE LITTLE PaRM OK .Vi ACRES F?>? ~8AI E ? heap. Addret. R., box 117 Herald office. "Vf AIUSON. N. .r.-ELEOANT COUNTRV SEAT roR ill lit '"Si ar"r"<'ri!le'i: '"rK" '? e*ery modern improve. I i,,i >,Hn k i ' ? Ovation; connnandiiik inacnlfl. ?pr IIIK >V n t e'r I ii k !?! "'ii'AM IlVon"* 'WaLlTh. itf'piS^*"1, ' kill Wiley Railroad; la*jc* brick h.Miftc; three tHarm?iit houses; large barns; ?1| in perfect order; price ' iiVr^ ertJ ;tVPV c,lv"pt lt"'ulr'of oeoriFe harlow' j rY??"' T,,OMAS "ARLOW, j W?* RALE AT a BAROA1N?ORB OI? ?w BUB j ?? --SM'Yi'fe&K r' V^^JJALE or LBA8B?HODERN 8TOITK MANSION \ ?iil. "?j " 1,11 f"'?P'?te, in (terfe.I orde." I 5 .... 1 iV?!'ono ? 1,10 "'??"t tract* of land on Oranire yountHin side, one hour Irom New York, 4M) feet aliovu tiS., ! a^rd:iHh,:r'n,,,r.ed?r,,ra ???"".'???, ? ; efsgxy YsASwKWMvssa rr s t^OR SALE AT A 8AORTPICE, A TIIACT OK TEN ' ^e,, il?Uh" x 3.^?Pow.1,1 offl^n<1, "e*r ,,rB'"wifk- ??? Ad ft1",?, fALK AT SAt'KIKlt'E?TO SETTLE RSTATIC [trailer ?????lity . gr?I brgaia. OIjIVER. mj |iroAd? ny f; h-s WICH, hive km DE.?CO PNTBT homes LT fnrui.hed or n>luru'.hed..ale and rent: circular..' | ? A FW AI Kit. Riverside, Conn, I TTOI SE to LET IN nilLADKLPHTL'^A WFT r "TLT'I'Mons in it. perhapsro inonii . /-'f Here a heHvUjr liitibered Mineral Tetine<n??<? ia!,.i. Phli:7.7,r,Cr"; ?'?? U-?crl Plot' in S3d Ward 1 hiladi-lphla. for city or .oliurhai, Property. Particular, in S&yMAlF S'V>" EL k"'Patkii:k. iiuiu OWcJibT^.VlS VVStJ tyvj&ism mortfa^r. Acidr.-.. INVESTMENT. Ilc'nld office. "ca R? cottage: laRcWont MANOR. 4H Mhi. Vl?th .t c,,, 1 befhinjc; rent moderate. 107 West 1 Ml LET-IN I" \>s Mr, N?J ""PORTY? KI VE MTsTrriTi from foot of Chamber. ?t., ?handaoma tJothlc t.' rontalouiit ltl room., hathrooui. ca., water Jtc ? f. located ?ii the he.t corner aurront.ded by .hade, fruit and flowrrlne "pp,y * IfVR K(,R SHtsoN -BRAITTIPCL BROWN sralft KS"t>i!pe .*Or a^aT ?5,"j 000 ~,A"v1kvhi v sitcatrd-home NEAR lisss^ SKA !? ESTATE TO EXCHAidi. A N ELEGANT STONE mansion, COM PLETEI Y A HI OMQVIST, ISO Ni.mii U RXni!A|1?"K_,',!FK ''""'ATE AND TWO" PRENCH n . Hon?e? all very lightly encumbered, for a ?tock Bond";'," ?nd h,"k",? seluner, corner Rowery and poll F.XCHANtJE-THHKE FRENCH KL\T HIM MVS SmbV;;" Uorvz\rT>s?!rM h,,r ? l~ >h, nN corner Bowery and Rond.t. TIllRIt AV, LOTS KtiK KALE OR RXPHVVdi h >UIOT, f, . near WM. a,., for Improved city Proper y . WII-LIAM MiEVIIjY'.tKI Broadway. rpilE alivklttlskk IMS v RRAUT1PI7L COUNTRY WANTED TO KXt'HANttK?MtC'NIKRN TIMBER " Lan't*. free ?n<1 deal, for it 1Ioum< worth from IM.IUI) til ?in.u?i. iBortffUL'rd n-it t>< fiwrt SlM.UO; Ion be tweeii 4th andtiih in., Madison mjtiaro and t'enlral l'nrk. rriiieir?al? mlj- may addn-M, with full particular*. ; JOllNA. DobtiK, 13 Wall at. WAXTID-klt iRIMV Vakm wirn T&OOD ?T brilUlnm, ruin" W,M<l.ln richincr IbrflOnQmitili ot Furniture aud caali. AddreM JOHN Dlt ;KlNSON, Herald olBcc. \iraxrki?-u<?rsK fx itiTUT.klyx ok nkw york ?1 lor l?ot? and Land; free. St.SMI, ca?li >; city J'nperty tor country Neat at Mountciatr; tree aii.-thor at Tenallj , free; fH.OUO. R. P., 11'.t Mrondway, room 4tV _________________ KKAIj KMTATK WAVi'KD. (1 RKKNWmm t'KMKTF.UY I.OT WANTED; Ml RT life IT elieAp. AddrfiMi UKOEliB WOOD, 357 Fuhon it., b rook I.r n, N. Y. W'\NTKI? TO rru< II ash-A 1,0T IN VVnom. H WN If Cemettry, clicfip for c?%?h. Addrc?> J. M. T.. II* Llb wty ii> M*V\IU> TO mi run C \m! a Til KF 1 STORY brown ?toi?f? Hon**; nil mo?icni improvement*; must b+ perfect in every r*?peci; furni*hod Iimt?e preferred; lo cality n 34th *n?l >7th *t*. mimi Mud.wn ami ??th nr*. A-t'ir.'M, with full }? iritmlir*. N. > ?.? \ 1. ? I !Vm TtTANTKD T?i I*' ? IIA8E \ HOUSE siirvitLK f? f??r Hutine** jmrpoMM, bnted on leniilttir mnnf, b*. t<*e<*n lMhmul eotn "I*., formal*. Addr??* bo* 217 Hfrild wire. TO I.K'I' FOR IUMHK.MM I'l HllhK.s. TJKXXETT' nrn.biMC ? JJ hrt|>r??f. on Xaaean. Ann and Fulton rU Klret Floor |o let. (tillable lor banker*. insurance nflNewe or tnw^r*. Will lio let torcthrr or in p<rt?; be altered to mtt trraut? II de?ire?l; atlaptcu lor ofliiet or itore* Kenton aide rent? Alan me tlisible I,,ofttcea to let. AITL.V OS Till-. I'll KM ISF.Hk Take the elevator. Iniju're lor Janitor. NKW l'.XTIf*. T.AHtrK STORK. WRST SIDK Of :ID nr.. He low ;t4th ?t. ; Miitnble (or any bn<lnp>? of m?cni Hide; anot'ier with Mn* living Apartment*. *l?o a tniall More on ?th av . near -'.??!< ?t . at ? v-ry low rent. HAMl'KI. KIl.l'ATKIt'K, Hull'* Head llaok UmldinR. riM LKT -A VK N XH'fc HTURK, UM ati.o UN TMI J. noiithw eat cnener ol tlr >"me and ill.; m?>-t nut alii* lor a drwij ttori- or any oilier An - lni?inr-?. rent moil eiate A|?|? y in the banemtnt under lh? ?tor?, nr at No. U1 Knltoa Marv-t. mi) s.h. <Tk F.kask i on a 11 i:m ok" vramsTa X lar;.-e itulldins. Hire" >tnrle*. r?il?r aad ?nb-eallar. ?nit al-ie lor >t?ra?r*. manufactory, parkinn Iioum> or lard (*? Knery; l>e?t location on the w-at ?ide; ?team power aud ele vator, of building iUiHi. Adlrex J. 11., IM> Kam Slat (I. mm 1.KT?LOKT, I4DXA WITH BXCKLI,KNT UOHT. I Me.mi fuwrr, MMciiinery.,ev Ac.. complete, lor III 'm ii'ilai ture of rliandelieni. bia? nnmimiK. Ac. ; alao Mir oi ?amr *l*e, with Machmery, TriotKlifl, Ac. for i:le?? riittlnir. Apply t? K H Nll'UI. A t'O , No. 4 tiraat Junei ?t i I.K tSK. Iior. I. KOI |tH>K NK? litll>Ks t??.l |./i tttr an 4A'1 ">th ar , will be altered InMi frenck ? or hotel. CIlAltliKS B. IIArtT. IW Hriwdwaj. DWKi.lJ.VO IIOIMKM TO l.t. I . XKATLY Fl'RXISHKH llOtsK; NOMINAL KRST; lnrnlthed Fl?t? lad lUtn ; leftriitrt A. DAILKY, 6th ar. T A DWUJilNU HOt1 MRS TO l-ET^ KiiriiMii-d. A LI. HOUSES AT REDUCED RENTS V. K STE VENSON. Jr.. 4 Fins and 33 Baal 17th st^ h^^HU'BMSHED FuUBSToRY llOLBE. 25~FEET WIDE; part rant taken in lizard ; location near i.ur office. TIMPsON .t I'M.T, 1.4H8 Bruadwaj, near 441 h at. {Tor pkr month part taken in board vl ' If desired. for completely lurnlahed three story high sloop brovrn atone House, beantllully located lu 57tu ?t. Addiess \V, D., box 2.363 Putt office. I' nfiirBlahvd. * -TO LET, FOLK BTORY BROWN 8COKR HOUSE ?iV. Vl Weal 2Hlb at. WILLIAM Tl'CKKR. --JO Mh *v. AKOUR faTOKY BROWN STOKE HOUBB?UNEX ceptloiiahlo neighborhood; nominal rent for summer months. Owner. Us Warren at vkky low rent-three story iii>;ii stoop I brick. 13 rooma, perfect order: all linprovenieuta. --I Went loth at. Tak I your choicb-i.abo b assortment brown Residence. ??Viii to 91.000; lour story llo'iaca, near Mndiain ??., 4t.2<r) and upward: Flats and Purta at all priiea; I'urnltlied l'arlora for plivalclana cheap. LIONEL FROEHL10H, 7sm 3d av. TiTlET SMALL HOU8B, XO i:i7 Kast UTll sT*. nico location; lu perfect order; aeen anytime; a perfect gem. TO LhT-A VKKY DESIRABLE HOUSE ON 24TII at.: one in 'JMh It.: in perfect ord'-r: ?ylendtd loca. tion ; imall but eery complete Oflice. No. 130 I.sat I2ih at. TO LEI?Foif BALANCE oV~YKA It. VERY LOW rent, three atorv brown atone: nelghhorhO'nl unexcep tionable. ('all. between 1 and ft. at No. J ' Eaat 46th at. T^^HO -LET?A TWO STOKY AM) BASEMENT BITcK llonae. all improvements; rent $?'>?> ? month. Apply 371 Weal ftSth at. V,-.TH ST., NEAR 5TII aV.?KOI" 11 STORY BROWN atone: modern improvements. ?"< West 45th at. :lm mediat*- possession. Open lor three dnva; 10 to o'cloi k. FI RN18HEU KOOMS AND APAHf9I?Ait3 TO UW. A^Hf~LABOK. cool QUIET BOOK". lift PET? MONTH. uenr (Jr.iuil Central Hotel. Address, fir coo week, hi MM:?.!!, box 130 Herald office. A ll ANDSOti ELY FURNISHED HALL ROOM, $228 per week; also, elegant, newly furtiialied Room and Iledroom, in private house 3il2 East 14th at. A I'It IV Ail-: FAMILY WISH TO LOT SLVEHAL J\ cool, comfortably furnished Rooms to gentlemen; terms reasonable. 100 2d nv. A "Va?oe"aNb VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, .A with hall K<M>m adjoining. together or aeparateiy, in privute house. No. 231 K*?t llt!i at., i.ear 2d av. Vhb' NEATLY' FUBN18HBD FIRST FLOOR WITH haaement: r.tnge, stationary tuha and every conven ience. $.Vi per month. 11" Weal 41ai ?t. AH~II AN MO ME P A KLO It - FI ? K N I SI I E 0 oinrNFl'R nlahed. ton party of refinement. 11 til at., near St. Mark's eliurch. CRaNITCIIE, spl Hroadway. LAHi7|7. FI(ONT~ROOM," XICKLY FURNISHED and provided with every convenionue; price low for the ?umitier. It) Weat >Hh at. AKUIlX r iliilOM. NEWLY Vl RNIS TeF; iiAS: b.uh ; in private Mute. 21D Eaat aotk at., near 3d av. AHgj~PRlVATE FAMILY Wll.l. LET SECOND KLOOH, furniahed or uulurnialied : private bntli and eloaet. 40S W eat Ultli ai. AHBTM IB VINO PLAOK] NEAR WESTMINSTER HO. tel. eleKHiitly fnrulihed Koonta. ainxly or en auite; ref crenee. CCONVENIENT TO HOATINO, ON lURLl-M "hITEbTI J Cool. Inrnialied Rooini, from #1, $4 ?'?>. Addreaa I Oth at., near Alii av.. atatlon L. / 1ENTRAI. LOCATION. 4'. BOND ST. ?KHJtNIS HE II a J front Room* to let, to gentlemen, at $1?and #4 per week. / lOltNER ROOM AND HF.HROoM, NIC ELY KI'R " 1 niahed, with privilege of kitchon if deaired. UOo Weil 4<sth at. I V LEO ANT FURNISH ED PARLOR. V\\ ANOTHER Jjj I'arlor. $3; another, ft. each aulting two ladira or gentleman : housekeeping privilege ; gaa. bath. Reaidence 31(1 Kaat 13th at I^I'RNISHED RflOMS KOR GHMTLBMKN oS~PAMT liea: privilegu ol lionaekeeplng. IMS Weat 3flth at., near Bro iilway. ?pl"RNISHHD KOO.MS t(TLET-AT 44 URBAT JONES P at., for gentlemen only. Ii*URNISHBD PABLORB AND UTHIM BOOMfl, Afci newly fnruiahed. to leti termi moderate; honae private and central; no boardera. o7 Kaat JOth at. HANDSOMELY PUBNI8HBD ItOoMS I'OK H0U8B keeping: alao aingle Rooma for gentlemen. 361 Weat 34tli at., near Elevated road; terma moderate Handsomely puriAhbd rooms for houkb keeping: alao aingle Room* for xentlemen. 1.V1 Clinton at., near (Irand. ? Handsomely" fubSwhe!T~ room-"to" "rkkt* without bonrfl. 35 ^*nt 18|h Rt. nANHSOMELY FUR.-lfsii ED" ROOMS" TO ~LET?-EN aiiltn or aingly; mwlsrn improveutenta. Nik 8 St. Miirk'a tilace. H andsomblv fcrnished kooms. en suite or aingly; rent low. Private houae 316 Weat 62d at. Meala il'deaired. UANT?OMELY PURNIflll hi) ?oi?MH. MINOLE AND cnintnunlcating, to lut, to gentlemen, at No. 138 Eaat loth al. LAHilE AND SMALL ROOM'S FOR OBNTLEMEN; alao front Baaoment tor iloctor'a office, or gentleman an d wife, uae of kitchen. : 0 Irving place. N-EaB 2D AV^COMPORTABLE HALL ROOM. I'JMi; alao a large, cool Room ; 216 Eaat 10th al.; furniahed. SUIT~OF furnished ROOMS TO LET, WITH ull convenienrea. .">4 LexlWgf n av.. pear 2.">ih at. Til REE TO FIVR FINELY FURNThHKD 1IOOMS. completely for light houaekeeplng: private lionao; bath, hot and cold water, Ac. No. l,a?k> Broadway, between 4t*th and .XMIi ala. TO LET. ~FURNI8KEI>^RoOMS. WITHOUT BOARD! to gentlemen or tamilloi, or would rent a Floor, either tiral, aecond or third atory; houae haa all improvemeata: atriellv flrat claaa. HY Ollntou place, Ave door, weat of .">th av. T(TlET-A NICELY KI RNISHED ROOM FOR ON'. gentleman in the private dwelling No. 216 Eaat llth al . between 2d nnd 3d ava. Referencea required. TO LET-TWo NEATLY FUKNIsHED FRONT"ROOMS, with gaa, water nnd hath. 1.% Morton ai. O LET AT 310 WEST 4<Hh ~8T.?ELEOANTLY TUB nlahed Rnoma to gentlemen or gentleman and wife; alao Rooma for houaekeeplng: water, gaa. eloaet, TO LET?FURNISII ED OR unfurnished. FOR privata orliualneaa nmpoaea, the aecond, third and attie Floora (11 rooma) of a honae In Bond at. Addreaa R. X., Herald office. rpWO WELL " FURNISHED RoTlMs" roiP HOUSE J keeping: water and cloaeta; private family; $."> a week, lot Weat 2l>th at. AO TO -COOL ROOMS. liAH, BATH; LIOHT lionaekeening; three doon from Washington Square Park. I4S Mwcdougal at. ?) OK 4 ROOMS, "FURNISHED. FOR HOU8BKEKP O Inp; $-"? or fit weekly 528 Weat 42d at. 4TII ST., 26 EAST.?rcRNISllED ROOMS,"8ITtABLE for lani.liet or aingle gentlemen. (J?T PER WEEK Vtm NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM V i Iroiitine on Ilro.tdwar: alao. Room, with alcove, li>r bona keeping, if deaired. *.!2 Broadway, between 12th and 13th ala. era AV. AND I1TI1 ST.-a PHIVATB family Vlfil ft n n*. a handaome Suit of fnriiMted Rooma in the elegiint b'own -tone houae J o 4 Weat 14th at.: parlor, three b#d rooina and private hath, tojrelhcror aeparateiy. 6KV-T I7TH ST. - FI NNISH 1) ROOMS~fo" LET, tlugly or en ?ulte; reference required. 9 BAST 22D ST." EI.EOANTI.Y Fl itNiThEI) KOOXS on aeeond door to let. without hoard: restaurant aecond door: permanent or trantient; refercncea 1i) WEST 23D Sr.""OPPOSITE " FIFTH-AVENUE md Hotel.?Newly and handa imeiy fnruiahed Rooma, to genllrmen: location nnaurpaaaed. Til sr.. No. JUO WBMT.?A FBW BLBOABrLY furniahed Rooma; ilrictlr private family: terma low; location lirat elaaa. 1 (j W EST 4TII ST. NEAR BROADWAY.'?FURNISHED 1 fj l(o una on flrat, aecond, and third lloori, to gvnia and genta and wives Hoard if required. ?jit' EAST l'.iTII ST. ?IIAND8()MKLY FIRNISIIeI) Ol/ third ator.v front Room, to gentlemen or xvntlemun and wife, without board; pTerence*. ? >C west ii Hi I ST.?KLBAABTLY FURBISHED 00 Rooma. tn permanent or transient parties; alao single Kwint. aunimer pricea. WEST 44TII ST ?T PRIVATE FAMILY WILL >)?; rent Inrnialied Hon es; bslhj, hot and cold water; to gentlemen ; terma moderate - - Wist .-till 8T?TO LET, rWO BtTBLY FCB tJ') mailtd Rooma. -/? WEST 2 IT 11 sr.. NBAB FIFTH AVENUE ? )lj Hotel.?Nice tipper Room, for a gentleman, to let, lurnialted; ^.'t no 2D avT?to Tet~a niorly fubnis'iibd JO front hall Itt-droom, anilable for a aingle genllrtnan. lilt MACDOUOAL ST -FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH 11'" every convenience lor houaekeepins, to let to re spectable small (amnion. lUrtbSlDHRD ftooils YVO APAHT MEYTS TO let. T sScoSTTTlooK W fSlfUifTSIsTlMfi, iSTa private laniliy . rent low :'.H3 Weat 22d at. I^RBNUII FITaTH fo BRNT?<B0 and f 17 EAOH; IN r line condition Hm; second bell, 412 West .Vitli si, tor hona?ki eper. L^RKNCH FLAT aT KE DICED RENT?NEWLY 1 paiuted; in e<m| lete order: all Improvements; on Lsxlugton av Apply at 26 West 43d at. IoV KENT ?CIIOIC K APARTMENTS TO LET J Applv on the premises, 312 Ea?t 2'td St., near 3d av. N'ICE AND CHEAP FLOORS TO LET-IN NO. S3 ST. Mark ? place; all nil painted. rpti let - * r -js.' t?r iutTi >r. foub boobs, ok J second floor; rent $1h per monlh. rp'llE PRESIDENCY. ~ THE CINCINNATI COXVF.NTI0N. FI LL and LATEST PARTICULARS TODAY IN TDK EVEN I NO TBLBMBAM. rro Lhf niK lower paiit o? hol'Tsb u . ?\ i ^r I 21 at at. newly painted, Ac.; within half a block of Elevated Kailwav ataMnn. Applv al 310. ice office fpO LET?A BEAUTIFUL FLOOR OF FIVE ROOMS, I water, kitchen. Ac., In No. 41Weal 4:>th at.; also a aplendid Floor ol live rooma In No 242 Weal 3Hd at. 40 T \ " r rM El N III VMM III IV.- - I nfnriuahed back Parlor and Kxtenalon: all con \entencr Iti? V H DKKtt W IM'F.I). 1 BLOCK FROM MADISON WJUaRE, Il? EAST 23D at., extra large, cool Rooma, Willi or without Board; iialconiea and shade treea. 1_OR TlWO l.ARtiE. DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH Hoard, also a smaller Room: is ma low: lab:e aaliatac lurr, or home made bread, pastry, Ac. 241 Weal Mihjt __ l -i l: Ol ROOMS HANDSOMELY FURNISHED L private bath, closets, Ac ; with pilvale table, or wltln ut board . Rooma tor aeittlemen , reiermcea. JH Kttl 'Jlltb SI. I LAKOE rRoM hod*, WITH OAS, "k UN NINO 1 water and good Board, to gentlemen or gentlrman ami wife, ai aitminer rates; American family. 4<i3 Weal llnh St. 1SUIT VKRY DESIRABLE SUMMER ROOMS, WtTH Hoard I.V; Madison sr . corner .T.'d at. 1" -RICHLY FIRM SHED BOt?Vs m 1.1 r. IN A . .lewlah f*mll>.with first ciasa Board, to Iraatlsul or prrmanent boarders. No. 72 West 491b ?t _ UOlRDRKn WANTED. 9 RlhSast ii6i'*i:s. ox .m a />l m i\ ><5i a7?. #Ill *< Mvnniinpermanent or transient ptrtl*. Terms moderate. Jt. East 2:id .?, ?I AST .v'TU ?T.-KL*?*AKT BOOM*. VACATED l?k* ?"h or without Hoard; transitu parties '^T'! at.. di'i'osrr ^ h < itrTTTir w i IT id jsuperior Apartments a i reduced rents, with r without Breakfast; reference. KTH AT., oi._ELBOAXTI.Y KHRXIflriKni BOOM*. . .. H:>ard; "French table;" llr.i rui accom modations. ~TH AXIi OTH AT8 VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS, >J with Hoard, iu a small rmmlv. .">* West l!?a st. Kol erences Q W*SmiSt HT.-DKI11A|LI ROOMS, ttCALTTT y end appointments, villi Hoard; day and transient boarders; references. 1 9 LAFAYETTE PLACE.? FLEABAMT ROOMS, l.mJ with Hoard; alio ^uo<l tar?lc Huiru. Mth |*t., west. :h, :?, i7.-kL?oax: rooms; with Board ; pei nisnent ?>r transient; U pc day ; also tableJBoard; k?pt by hnxloh lady. 1- EAST 4J1I ST -HOARD. FAMILY t.XI SIV.I.1: I ?/ Roona, connecting -r sepsrately; table Hani alto, nWKHT 1 "1*11 ST.?LARGE," AIRY lcocjts. WITH superior Hoard; front ilall Room, will water and cio ?et. '10 WEST 1?Til Ir'SKxtt '-Til AV. -llA.HMO.MKLY X?.? furnished Rooms, suitable fur families, *i| wiili ex cellent Board; neighborhood i.neieeptionablu; ermt mod erate. $14, *IG and location tint 9(ITH ST., 261 WEST?A SMALL fTmiJT HAVE "' three Hoohin to let, with Hoard; prices mideratc. OO WKST SotiI st~lahgk and hm.ll KIH K*ntly furnished Koonia. with or without )oard; ref erence. 9?-iD ,ST- Nf> >-??. X K A It rril AV -FIRMSHED Hwint. with Hoard: families and slngi) nrmm; terms $7 and $H per week; good labia; flu location; transient and table boarders taken. *>?<" ST . I?il WBST.?LABUE AIRT uV WITH or without Hoard; families or gomlemen ehsap for mmmer. *}'iD ST. 2 .0-LARUE ROOMS ONSE'ilND AND ?t'f third floors, singlu or double or a party of,'etulataen; permanent or transient; orcailoiil Hoard. 9itTil -NO -W WEST, NK Alt BKOA D\$AY.?SL'IT of ?'< connecting front Rooms, ?u third loor hand j nomely furnished, with first elans boa d. logeihe or singly; I also hall rimin; accommodation for table hoarlera: re Tor j enceft exehan/ted. Ofi KAST 47T11 ~ST. - Ki: It xl sil K D Kooii TO I.KT. with or without Hoard, at reduced rate*. 4>/t CLINTON |FLA<'E, NKA K BHOAI)\V'A*'."--rK(>NT md\) Rooms. to $18 tor two, with Hoard; oitffU Rooms, f7; iranslent people taken; table board, $4. j 2Q W-KST' 2sFK-fIjc7.ktiANT ROOJlii, WlfTH FIRST kj class Hoard, for families or single tceutlftten; reler euces. OQ WI58T HTH ST.?COOL, airy HOOiC Httd $1H, for two, with Honrd ; house aodloc clihs? table boarders accommodated. ? m~KA?T" iisr ST-A KKW SKI.KCT HUARDBR8 aj?? can b? aceommi>dated at aumtuer priect; strictly hrit claw. ?>< l OR EAT JONES ST.. XKAR URAXD RRNTKaL ? f\J Hotel.?Kootna to let, with Board, ptrmanent or trnn?lent; auminer i rlcen. O^TII sf.,~l?s W KST.~IIAXtMOMKLT VU'Bxi.SilBO 'I t llniimi, with Iine.teaptinnablo Board; iiroi reason nble to desirable parties; reference*. 0L1NTOK PI.A?!K.-Ta KKW Yol.'XO Fe.V AND ?Jl/ ladies can flntl Board and elocant Koonn; day Board ers taken; term* reasonable. ?)/j-ril ST. ?A TIKC I, ' Sl'lT " TkISM KD O'> llooma 10 rent, touetbor or ?eparatelr. with or with out Board; If desired, private labia. 214 Miulir ia nv cor ner 3tlth at. OQTirsf., 21)7 WKST.-ROOMS-\vTflToi WITHOITT tJtJ Board; house and location unexceptionable; tarms re?iaonable. 11 KAST 2?ST ST. -IIA NIKSfTx K I. Y ri'KMslTKD XX front Itooins on second and third floor*, with Rr-.t claaa Board; reference. V1 WKST HITII STT-XTrIVATB PAUliT WILL, r L rent nicely furnished Koonia. with or without Boari A \ VIUTKTH ST . THRBK DilOHS KRiiM BROAD TTA way.?Handsomely furnished Third Moor, with Board; also hall Boom ; references. T'3 TlTf AT.?iTrOXVX rtTOXK. UKNTKaC (iKx". to teel, all conveniences, with ironeroaa Hoard, single and double Rooms, very low. KA.ST I2TU ST.~FUMMIHD ROoiuT WITH TO Hoard; gentlemen, $5 and per week; trausient boarders taken. A Z lVH AV.7 BRTWHKN I3TU AND TStH STS - TCiy Room?. with Hoard, permanent or transient; house *nd accommodations first clans; at summer print**; refer ences exchanged. 1 ???WhS f MTlF HT~ha XDSOJ4ELT KURXISHKD Rooms, with Board, singly or en suite; summer prices. 46 WKST :?D ST.?KINK 8KCOND KTOKY KOO.MH with Hoind. on very moderate terms. Ali wEStItriTsT.-LABUK AND SMALL ROOMS, XU handsomely furnished, to lat, with Hoard; permanent or transient; references. WKST lliTII ST.?KURNISUKD R()OM8, WlTU ' Board, on* larua and two small; terms moderate. f{i) MADISON ST.?MICK. AIRY HIX<^Le ROOMS', vJ tj_ from^$j to $."> 50 a week ; excellent Hoard. HH ??~AVr~HETWKKN isTII Atttt irTU~Sl"fi.Z. Uw Two front Rooms on the third floor to let, with Board - house and neighborhood first das*. -|m AND 108 WAVKRLBY PLACK, XoRTHWKST A\r L corner Washington siuara,?Several Rooms; uni jormly (rood table: summnr prices, 1 f M BAST 281) ST-WKLL KL'KNISIIKO ROOMS, 1V/T with Rood Hoard; terms moderate; references. "|/l^ WKST IHTII ST.?NICELY KI.'RXISIIKD I.AROE iw'J Room a, with or without Board; references requireu. 11)7 W EST ??'?T st7?t<) kknt, two nicely eur 1"! nlahed floors; also Reception llooiu; Hoard or light bousekeeping: private family. mWKST 2STH ST.?HANDSOMELY KI'RNISUBD Rooms to lat on second floor, iroat; also two ou third floor, wilb or wlthont Board. 1 |C| KAST 17T1I ST., NEAR UNION SOUARK AAt/ Pleasant Rooms, with Board; low prices; table Hoard. EAST : oril ST.. BETWEEN 4TI1 AND LEXINO ton avs.? Large and small Rooms, with or without Board. i *)Q Ka8T 27TI1 ST.. BETWEEN L".IIXGTON AND A^u 4tli avs.?Large, handsome saeooil floor Booms, su perior Board, all conveniences, elty telegraph line, Ac. ; best references; tarma reasonable. 1 CANAI. ST?TO LET, AN ELEti.VXT KOR At/*j nisbed Kooin, with two beds, with or withont Board. 1 O.rr EAST IOTII ST.. NEAR UNION SQUARE.?TO ?Iw rent, with Hoard, handsomely lurnlshed Rooms an suite or singly. references. I Tq WAVKRLKY PLACE?LARUK AIRY "ROOMS itu 'furnished) Irom <3 to $S, with or without Hoard; location central; American famll). i)(|A WEST 4T1I Sr -EURNlsirED ROOMS TO LET ?d\jyj Willi or wltlimit Board: terms, f.". and W per weok. 9(17 WKitT 45TT ST. ?-VROXt" ANI) ~BACK ROOMS, ?J\1 I with Board, on second and third floors; no other boarders; terms moderate; good table. Oil WEST 431) ST.-TO LET, IX PRIVATE KAM "I i lly. furnished Rooms, with good Board; alto Recap tion Booms, for doctor's office. 9fiTl 23lD..8?T -TO LRT. WITH BOARD, A pleasant hall Room ; also table board for two. t.,rM rST ; iEAR AV -H KX1SHEO ''All Booms for housekeeping; Rooms, with or without Hoard. Call one week. wTSt -?SthJst.. coxvenFent TO KLKVAtED B.? Iront Room, with Hoard lor Kantleman and wlfo or a few gentlemen ; irruw moderate. 9 (1 li A,u'H ST? PituTaI)KUMUAT^hAND". ?X X some Rooms; botintilul taiile; location nnsnr passed; terms verv low. \ T CK X THALM (.BRisTN I A, HARLEM R. R.. *WO ?*. Krl,,'*l"cn friends can be accommodated with first class Hoar I and all comforts of n home , forty trains dailv up an i down. Address BOARD, box 2'W llerald olllre. Board - iian1?s?>m"k'lV" itksmikh ruiims" pleasant home; mrictly first class N., 13 East Uth st." Kirn it k sf.coxii kiamir, bealtikii.l* kFr nisned, with !ir<t el am Hoard; private rexidetiee near V\\*v' *tnU a.4t-,LrV.: de*(rab,e ?PP'icsnt liberally treated. Address box 2..VKI Post office. tjiiqSr ami sidk umiii, with iolio "FoboAl tlenisa. wife and child Address box l,;t2i Post office. t>RONT ALCOVE KOOmTWItTT^OARD7^44TH 8T X ?lh ar. and Broadway ; tii per week for summer- ref erenecs. Address PARftCULAK, Herald Cptoan Branch olhca. Harlkm.-well furnished rooms WITH COOD Board, can be had in a haaltliy location, very near the mill mri 1A4 !???*.? IO>irt> .? boats and ears. 154 Kast l2Mth si. Near central paiik.-kleoant ro)ms, ueivly fnrnished; very low; first class Hoard urivala reside nee 118 rast 7Mth ,t.; elegant neighborhood; near Madison atenue cars "VKAll I.KXINOTON AV.?PLEAS A XT FRONT AND j.1 ball Rooms; good table; Jewish family 140 East IMth Philadelphia boardino.-mrs brookk. late ef l.?U Walnm st., removed io2|h ?>st Klttanhouae s^n ir?; newly furnished; elegant loeatloa. Philadelphia op.xtkxni u, boakdino mx bloek, irom h.xposition; stricily first class; erarythln* new; lerms moderate. Address A. H. REVNE1.L ZXIAorth 441 li si. "" HOOM. WHOLE OR PARTLY I'URM^HKD WITH full Bosrd. for .Ingle gentleman; on West side between tb n'r" J ,U *U * W'b IU A,lorpM, BOA HO AM) LiiDuiVti WAXTKI). Hoard wa.ntiU) on"*the~ souJi'iir kok ?ii'l?' rot family ol six; stabling, and bathing re quired on me place Andres* J, M.. box I.IH2 Post office. MtH KI-Jt. t T NKW KVUI tND ill iTKI,. .a, H.lWi:!nM,|. i.i slncle Koomt; Lodging*, fide, uUlittrt $:i weekly; for gentlemen only. ?"gmiyt t l.W AXs ?iPh.\ --HlAXKK0KT HOI CORNKK fauimesT* William ???., V?e., *1 gentlemen, OM.vt.Nf HOTbIT ri'LToX ST. xkw: BROAD R.M.m* l> t:...,;.".,,p,.,1plv' ? ;t-r"mlly /MTV IIOTKL. BROADWAY AMD MTU 8T. ROOMS s^.;aTStf8ftJiit,r ? ??? ?" fHXK LltlHT AIRY ROOMS AT MW PRICKS 7Tx now.ecuredai Para ,1 .tel. c .rner HeesSm and " ?t ^if?w passenger elevator rmiBiiu illl 11 p. M. /^LKXHAM HOTBI. IXD BESTaJkanT .VTH A?" V | and 22d sis ? or ? , , elevator and every modern convenience, i ^? #? HARBY, KiftSftr, ??I ELAND'S STl: rKVANT IIOfsK CITV " liK'T. IJ tiou and acconim.Ntations un.urpa.sed.' prices ra Sr^sr:'. *? *? LEWIS 1 OKiilUlE S LELAXD. s" saini'isvA ,i,,.,1wh,a- ? n">n? can?l *#.? t.i likllKl.h Klr.l.KKlir. proprietor. ? KiKopean plant new and ?l*?>nt *|.p.?un meois . Raoua Sj I he day and week. SOl TIIKRN HOTEL, 8JH BRO AIXITAY, t'OKSKH 3D K?AmtrUan pltn. ?4 a dV ; try it obm. COVVTKT u<?AIll). iT OKSKXWICU, OOXX? FIRST CLASS B"oaTST>TX /V "very particular, at a f?rtii house; wide veranda, bcautiiuil1 v nh.ided Uvii .m?i a varlfi> of frnlt. R. M., bo* *1 r..?I afBua. A AXIJ TTTs WIKiT WITH ONE OR TWO AV. gruau children, can Had verv n!oe. cheap Board el a f irm houao wttliin tm minute*' walk of th* depot. Addresa P.O. VOKHKBHK. HomTWIIa. X. J. At new* brioiitox," states mland.?laroe, jury Rooms, with excellent Hour I, In a Kreneh family; 7 mlnutea' walk to hrnr. Apply at No. 4 Hamilton Park. GENTLEMAN WANT* A tit-IT OP SIX rooms IX n oottaice at Long Branrh, situated on Oceau avenue, f >r balance or M?on Iroiu July 'M, with private table. Ad dr??? H.. box 4,4IM Post office. \YoUXO (iENTLEM AN WISHES ROOM AMD Board at I-onc Branch, not exceeding 91". Addre** LE RUE, llernld Uptown Branch office. ____ VFBW BOARDERS CAN PINdJoOD BOARP IN quiet place. cool and nhady, 50 mile* irom city. 7 from '???P"t. lor |U per weak ; also a lew can And Hoard with a pri vate family at Tarrytown, on the lludnun, 10 minute*' walk from depot, bv calling at Mi Ea*t flth at., near Broadway. Board in roc eland couxtyTis A kakh?oTe ?uile troin Spring Valley depot; one hour by rail; boat ing and bathing For photograph* and particular* call at >o. 11J Wen 4Sth at. Board-kakm ITouhk. "one hour from' nbw York br New Jeraev Midland Railroad, at Areola, we*t ot Hatkenatck, X. J.; 9-s to 910 per week ; #r*t claw. In quire ofUKO. 11. VOORHIS, Areola, or of WM. U. Dtt nOLF, Xo. 5 Beekman it., Xew York. Board vvaxtkd-at ska shore ok ox a par*. at moderate prices. lor lady, geutleman and boy. Ad dres* J. 11. P., box 3,MM?i Post office. Board at meadow side. l. i., ik milkm krom Locust Valley depot.?Lsrge farm houae; lawn well ? liitded; bathing and boating on premises; line shsdy walk* and drive*. Inquire of E. B FRANKLIN, 128 Pearl at., or add rasa OH A RI.E.S^E.FEKKS, Lacu.t Vallev. L. I. T}RATTLEBORO\ VT.-KI R8T CLASS BOA RD. VK RY J3 near the village ; mountain acenery, drive* and walka unsurpassed for beauty; chnrche* and atere* handy, about ?ix hours' rid* from Xew York. Addre** Mm. E. KIRK LAXll, Hrattleboro', Vt. Full particular* can alao be ob laiueil at 4.1 Irvine place. New York. BKLLEVUE. ATTLRBORO. BUCKS COUXTY. PA. Two hoara trotn Xew York, one from Centennial ground*; a delightful place to *pend tho warm month*. Adore** W. T. SEAL. B<JARlTwAXTRD-BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. OX the line of Older and Delaware Railway; must be in a cool, mountainous region and uear to depot. Addre**, with terra* and full particular*, J. L, box 178 llerald Up town Branch olDc*. Board wanted-within r. ok ao mi lbs op Xew York, by a gentleman snd wlla, In a private (Catholic) latnily; term* must be moderate. Addieu, dating Ixirtieiilar*. J. J. C., box 311 l*o?t oflice. Xew York. C1UEAI* BOARD O.N IIKAl/rilY, PLEASANT AXD J ahady farm near Metnchea. Addraw box 100 I'oat office, Metuclien, X. J. CCOUNTRY HOARD WAXTKD-BT A LAI)V AMD J vant, amoni! the luonntaloa. wlthlu about one hoar from city; rate. ately. C10UNTRY 110 AR11.?DELHI II rPUL MUMMER BOARD J at Milton, on the lludaon; price* to <uit the time*; pictureai|ue aurrouudinirs; uear the water; twatluK Qnhlnc, driving, Ac. Addre** box HI 1'oit nflice, Milton, on the IIud *on. ity; irood board and nice room*; farm hauau or pri vate. E. IIYMES, IQIJ Wavorley place. Anawer iminedi CIOI'XTRY BOARD?A MONO THE UAT8KILIA; ) pl?A*nnt farm houae, directly *u iiue of UUtcr and lielawar* Railroad; two minutea' walk Irom atatlon and l'o?t ollice; plenty of ahade. lovely rasnhle*. milk, *Kr?, vetf 'tabie*. crnqnot. piano ; line pl*c? lor younir men or boy* from acluiol. Addrea* o. HRODllKAD, Olive Hrid^e, Ulster C 'unty, N. Y. CVoi'XTRY BOARD?PIRST 0L.A88 LARGE, AIRY J Konma; term? moueratn ; near brick church, Oranxe, N. J, Ad<tre*a U., Herald offlrr. /VoUftTRY BO A llD.-.M KS. JCUA M. WADE 1h PRE* " J pared .to make arrauKement* with partle* dedrluic Hoard at Sag llarbor. L. I., having a boo** with large room* and ample ground*; barn and ^tabling. CIOUXTRY HOARD AT rilE SCLPIluT8PRIXO PARK / Hoimb, 1iniiea from t'amklll village; good table, pleaaaut Room*; view* unaurpaa??d; crounet, plauo, (olpliur ?urlngon iireiniac*; tertn* f7 per week. Addrcu M. L. BE1IM, C'aUkUl, S. Y. Refer* to MMM* Hro..0H Barclay *1. CIOUNThY BOARD AT CoRXWALXT?THE HOUSE i J formerly kent bv William T, Tltu* I* now open for Hoarder*; everything of the beat and term* reasonable. Apply at 12? We*t 3oth it., or addrau Mr*, n. tiHANK LAND, Cornwall, X. Y. EXCBLLEXT BOARD, LAKOE, AIRY ROOMS, 8PLEX dld abade. abundance Iruit, good boating, bathing and lishiiiir. at keyport, X. J.;97 to $12 per week. Inquire at Po*? ofllee. Keyport. or lilft Htli av. Mrs. TEAl'HONT. f'^iRsT clash country boardTxeaR cityTwIth private tamlly; term* very reasonable. Addre** AL LAIRE, Herald oiUce. Farm noPRR, is hourh travel cextralrail road of New Jersey; One Rooms, Brat class Board and mountain air; term* Address box 17 Pott oftiee. North Branch, Somerset county, M. J. GOOD ACCOMMoliATioNsVoR A KEW BOARDERS, In a plala private family, near i<ocu*t Valley dapot. Apply to CHARLES A. UNDKRllItX, Valley, Queens county, L. I, Good country board cax be had ox a farm near White Plains; location un*urpa**ed; term* mod crate. Irquire of Dr. TODD, DentUt, 2M East 'ilth *t. Keyport. x. j.?66<?i>" ?oarIT"k6k the hum mer; flue Ashing, bathing, Ac.; term* low: qulek and cheap comrannlcatiou with cltv by rail and iteamer. Ad dre** Mr*. JOI1X HILL, box 109 Post office. OltANUE MO U NT AI *5". OBANOB.?PARTIES UEKI. rime Hoard at the above place, may learn particular* by addre**iag I7t> Colombia Height*. Brooklyn. S~oI'TU sTdk. L. I,?ON SUINXECOCK BAY; 80BP and *tlll bathing, boating ani ahooilug; table well sup plied; perfectly healthy ; itage at depot. Ire*. W. K. 11ALSEY, Atlaatievilla. STATEX ISLAND-NEW BBIOUTON.-THBKE OK four gentlemen can be accommodated with Board. In private family: location high, healthy, retired aud pleasant. Addre** or apply at room B, 2:r> Broadway. fjpiIB PRESIDENCY TIIE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. PULL AXD LATEST PARTICULARS TO-DAY IN TIIK EVEnTxU TELBORAM. AIT"ANTED?BOARD PoB A LADY AT A QUIET TT larnt boa** op th* Hudson. Addre** A. W., Herald offloe. WANTED-FOR A LADY, COUNTBT BOARD XRAK the Hndson, at reasonable tertn*; good milk **? Kdally required; Herman family preferred Addre** R., East Hd >1 ~ Rl'NMKK HK80HTS. A^PAMILY HOTKL. ORAN'oE Vol?NfAl!r,V6XLY ? minutes' walk from Mountain *tatlon ;flo miante* from New York; large Room*, with gas; s*v*n bath*; hot and eold water; verandah 'JoO feet; "M aeree In lawn; fountain and t arden; carriage*; late dinner; write Inr elrcnlar. Ad dress Mot'XTAIX HOUSE, South Orange. XI J. CCKINOHAM 11 OTEl7,~ATLANTIc CITY^ IS OPEN at popular rates. D. P. l'ETERS. CSONOBBHS HALL. J Saratoga Springs. Thi* elegant hotel, possessing the unequalled advantage of being situated between nnd adjoining the celebrated Congress and Hathorn springs, will reopen for the recep tion ot guest* June 1. Terms, (ill per week for June. Thoroughly renovated, with additional baths, closet*, new fhrnlture *nd other extensive improvements. It will be found, by those In search of health and pleasure, the most complete and eonvenlent as well a* th* most delightful of summer hotels. HATIIORX k COOKE, Proprietor*. CtOZXBNS- HAMILTON HOl'SE. STAMFORD, CONN.? J (la* and water lu every renm; high gruuud; per bet health ; fine drive*( good bathing. ATs KIL L. -C K E B K111) I HOUSE, ()N THE J Cauteraklll, two miles fr*m Catsklll village; first class bon?e; large rooms- good boating, bathing and Ashing; boats fret; bouutltul labia; fl<) to Uli par week lor July and Anxuat; June, JO per cent off: (tabling; reference* given; mail daily. II. S ECKLEJ*. Cataklll, N. Y. C1ROFT HOUSE, GARRISOX'S, IN THE MIDST OF I the Highlands, HOD leet above the llndaon. pure moun tain air; Ana stabling; terms moderate. Address as abova. L~AKB SIDE HOUSE.?A SUMMER BOARDIXO house, six miles west of Xawbarc, N Y.; mou boating and Ashing; terms, f7 to per week. Se* B LANDER, lit John st., on 14th, l.'ith and IHth Inst., from 10 to 2. oxu dranch; Lsird'* Mansion House I* now open. Term* reasonable. MclXTlKK A HOT BY, Proprietor*. LIIOBTON BODSB, NEWMAN si'Rl.XiS (SOLPHOB and Iron); tiahlnc, I'oatlne and batbin/ on premises; eaaily accessible by rail or boat, l>? hours from city: term* low. Inquire of R. DYElt, on premises. Red Bank, N. J. I- OXO ?K ANC lT-CHTLD8' CO^TTAOkT~OCEAN AV., J between I'nitad States and Pavilion Hotel*, elegant Ink 'Villi Mnotlv Arst cla** Board; *tabllng, Ac PUIRY HOI'Sh AT IIIt 1IILa ND KALLS, OX_THE Hudson, near West l'olnt. opens June 10; terms reason able. WILLKT PARRY, Proprietor. PAVILION HOTEL, NEW IIRIOHTON, STATEX IS. I*nd?Now open: accommodation* for single gentle men. $12 per week and upward. Call on or addre*( K. p. COLE RICH HELD SPRINOR SPRING HOUSE OPEN 1ST June: term*. 91.1 to $11 Rheumatism and gout cnr*d. Illustrated circular tree. SUMMER RESORT A.MONO THE CATSKILL MOUN TAINS. THE LOCUST OROVE IIOl>K, bat more extensively known a* Solltnd*. I hi* Is a large and elegant mansion, well Tarnished throughout, and I* fltled np in the mo*t modern *tyle. Including hot and eold water: the hnn?e I* beautifully located In a locust grove. In a plcturexjne and healthy section of country.jti the Junc tion of two mountaiu streams; the mansion wa* built lor and formerly owned by l?>rd Wlllougnby. who ;or many year* pa**ed his summer in solitude in this lovely locality ; rclers to John P. Luther, Sill Hrootne at. : R. M. Culler, M. D.. WM West 42d *t.; Jas. II. Remtnlnittnn, |.'<7 Broadwav; L R?se?*teel, 141 West .Villi it.; Mrs. Juliet Howard, 13 South Portland, av., Brooklyn. Tor particular* addre** II. B. KElsLY, Proprietor, Arkvllle, Dean's Corners, Delaware county. X. Y. IHB I'KK>I.jKNi V T THE CIXCIXXATI CONVENTION. FULL AXD LATEST PARTICULARS TO-DAY M THE EVENINO TELBORAM. THE WIND90R, ? of Saratoga Springs, X. Y. rhl* new and Arst elas* hotel, occupying tho most enm msndine position on Broadway, and overlooking (Congress Park, will be ready for III* ol vnest* lune 1ft, ltJ7rt. JOHN K. I'O.iLk. Proprietor TAPPAX ZEni HOUSE. XYACE ON THE HUDSON, ?J.", miles from New York. Is now open lor guests; a few choice Rooms lei. Applv on the premise*. P. Jll'XROE. rroWM! iiIll iioi sbT J. Narraganottt Pier. ?t>en* Jnn* Ift, nnder management ot K. LaCIIBN MEYER, formerly ol St. James Hotel; term*. 912 10 91 r per week. Information or circular* at 1H W*st oi;th ?t.. or hoti I. WHITE MOUNTAINS. IH7S.-OLRX HOUSE WILL upon June l i *nd close October 1, H7?t. Alpine House, iiowi. Oorliam. N. ll.. will open Jul/ IS, IH7B. W. A li. R. MILI.I IvRN. Proprietor*. 11" 111 ri. SULPHUR SPlilNU-i HOUSE, CATSKILL ff Mountains, now open; term*, 9" per week; city refer ence. Address WALKER >. LI.NNON, Cairo, tlroeas county X. Y. HITK SULPHUR SPR1NOS.-PARK HOTEL. Cherry Valler, Ot**go county, X. Y.; lighted wiih ca*. Term*, hr two, 91tl to 9'Jft; lor una, 910 to 91ft per weak; 9*1 pet da/. ?VA>b A JAX8KA. WiXTACKi *77--. n THIRD WEEK AND INCREASING St/CCEM of the Incomparable art law, MR AND MKS. W. J. FLOBENrB. In their famous original character*. BAKIiWM.l, SLOTS i la Woir? comedy, tb? and M1UII TV l?ollar I Mr*, General uilklory. I MltillTV In Wolf, humorous ami >a I UOLIiAKJ IIHoal comedy of the MIGHTY DOLLAR ! MIGHTY ! received with I Unbounded Rnthniiaaa DOLLAR! | and MIGHTY DOLLAR. Roan of l.aughter. fuperb Sccnciy by and an Delighted Audiences. unequalled CAST. | BTBBT EVENING AND .SATURDAY MATINEE. %Tlieatre cooled by a new prncesa. /~1 ILMORK'S CONCERT GARDEN. VT Madison and 4th art. and -'ilti and 27th ?(?. Messrs. SHOOK AMD PALMER ..Proprietor. and Managers Mr K. (i. gilmore Ilnalneaa Director BVKKY KVKSlSiJ AT ? O'CLOCK. Mr. P. ri. GlcMOBK, I.BTY AND THE FAMOUS MILITARY band. PROGRAMME. L Orertiira, "Prometlien*" Beethoven 2. Part ?oim. "Farewell to the Korea!" Mendelasolin 3. Grand selection of farorite operas Bo??lut A Solo for cornet, Arbuckle Weber 5. Concert raise brilliance Weber <L Holo forsaxophone Belilu. ' 7. Coronet aolo. i ovy Ilartmann R. Marcb mllltalre, "Twenty-second Regiment"...Gtlmore 9. lirena. from II Troracore, "Miserere" Verdi 10. (lalop coin (que "Southern Life" Casaldy TO-DAY, THURSDAY. from I 1'. II. to II P. M.. (IRAKD HORTICULTURAL exhibition. with music erery afternoon t?r a military band and M. HENRI KOWALSK1 The Pianltt EVERY BVKMNG. gilmore's famous military band. Admission S"> cent* Boxes four placea and H CTH AVENUE THEATRE (BROADWAY AND MTB ST.! U Proprietor and Manager Mr. AUOU.^TIN DALY THE CiREAT SENSATION OF 1*70. le?lh to lB-Hli performance. Ml?s FANNY DATKNPORT. Mr. John Brougham. D. H. llarkitia. James Lewis, Sol Smith Rus*ell, W. DarldKe, M. Barrymore. Miss Sydney Cowell. Mlaa ollbert, Ueorgina Drew. SECOND extraordinary MATINEE HATI RDAV, June 17. THE SERIOUS FAMILY and pocahontas. 200th performance of PIQUE Friday, June 23. A SILVER ticKET for every lady ^TH AYENUK THEATRE. ' EXTRAORDINARY MATINEE. saturday, June 17, at 1 :?0. and POOAHONTA& ?vrlVltP,AYS*P?.1Ti Mr JO,,x BROUGHAM, ^ ilfJl? - ra* ^^HEHT, in their crent pitru. J^OOTH'S THEATRE. AlMKE-TONIGHT. aimee, THE QUERN OF OPERA BOUFFE i'wT *L* TW0 OF T1,K SKAsOK -ft Slkltr ?ltiSTvHHT.IW0. OK T,IK SEASON. rosW: 1:12? ? gf tt vie StBKISBS TO-NIOHt! I,AST NIGHT OK La VIK PAR1BIKNNR T?i.vuiv/Vv1-?2ndr ? L'B D A * NIGHTS. ONLY "l'EUl lOKMA^CSri^^OFKENBACU'M ntmt^wpaiAr work^ ^ JOUK parfumeusk AiSSt' i" Iher *re?w" ?hara?ter rose MICHON uvSx&ai&s&i ?ar;f5sp-??w ?g" MATINKE of LA VIE 1'ARISIK.VNE ' OSLY MATINhB of L.A VIB PAHISIKNXE. Next week, AIMhK In Boston. |jnion~BgUARB THBATBK. PropriBtor Mr. SHEBID.tM shook M*n?K" Mr. A. JL PALMER MONDAY BVENINO. june 19, ?ngnui'uieat for a abort season of TUB YOKES, who will appear in tbelr {nil specialty, . BELLES Of TUB KITCHEN, which has been entirely rewritten and supplied with new business, dances and music, speclslly tor this engagement ch^rA.iV^r. ri?wttfu b# ?"? *? m which ro8T Buy ... J. H STODDARD Will appear, tupported bv Messrs. Clande Burroughs, H. B. Phillips and lisrry Joseima. and Misses Laura Don. Roberta Norwood and Geraldine Maye. Bo* offlre open for sale of reserved seats this (Wednes day) morning, at 8 o'clock. 1 w OOD'S MUSEUM. WOOD'S THIS DAY. MATINEE AT 2. EVENING AT 8. DOUBLE MILL. G. C. BUNIF4.CE In two pieces, LA TOUR DE N'fcsLB and NICK OF THE WOODS. The beautliul Drama. LUCILLE: OE. THE ML1ND SOLDI Kit OF EGYPT. Ogden, Sheldon, Sylvester. gwsk.^ 730 ??^^^ay MINISTER OF NIORO comedians. ? Mr. BILLY BARItY. AFTERNOON AND EVENING TIIK GLOBE'S GIGANTIC STAR combination:? Mi"Pry i n FuPJiKS' NORTON, EUOENE BLITZ, J. D. GRIFFIN. G W. REED Misses KVa WEST. II. MOLLKNIIaI'BR, S FKIK snd l.l IT R a TtaiMVlIALL^n/.m cbo{?*y?MWART DARE ?<i ?K ? II I 4 KKJ superb artists in a magnificent bill. TlVhlYTpWakV* m*"* Tol"B,??r*/1 and WIU. POBI. I , . Al rBAKMmhm S. Rickey and Burner L Tooley, John Allen. P. A. Gibbons Andy MeKee. J. Hog'an ^a**n? West, J. Bradley. J. H. Graham II. Monta w. Brockway, M. Wheeler, Walters and Morton Re fT?r?nk-.lj?l'?ehan and June* Misses Adah Richmond ler Mr I V?MyAH5v\ .'I'lV1 B.,reh "od Lrt'<,nor? Brad. oLAifin.. f I. ? 1 t" *,ory- ,n lhp evening a Grand Trial Dance for a silver Gup by six well known dancers Parisian varieties! j matinee to-day . .L??."'*r pricea. I lath at. and Broadway, j Evenlng al a Saturday at a.**" ^ KT*STS Yv'au Nlilw AXDo'rIUI!?AL^ACTs' Miss Roee Kane and Mr. William Forrester. - - - ?? ? "siiimui r urrifHia m . ? Mr. J?h" Gourlay and Miss Emily Prior. ffin?.! V.YhiT* I1 Blanch Elberts | Minnie Hall. A'.V"'- I John Francis. I Frank Steele Horace Weston, and our armv of old favoritbs. Largest Combination of Talen,. | Moat 2nd Popn. Eniertiilnment in New York. (?\ltmpic thbatre. .(ii bkoadway. __, The eoolest and plnaeantest homo in town tsr>vZ!l^, mammoth fans in operation wafting delicious breezes throughout ?_Admls?lon SOc.; ; 15c. :fl. 1 TV DC'MPTY: Mile. DELPHIParhat Anniission, HUMPTV DUMPTl*; Fraeer as clown. QUILTER A GOLDRICH, in eon re and dances. VNN> Miss ANNA MORGAN. GRAND PANTOMIME. BEAUTIPl'L EKFKCT8. NOVEL EFFECTS. GOBGROUS COSTUMES. FIPT Y "nOVKLtYhs""' MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATUKDAY AT 2. Mile. DELPIiVnE PASCAL, Mile. JULIE PASCAL, the charmlnx artistes. In OPERA BOUFFB. Pompiers of Nanterre. LEs CliOGDOCUEtl ROSE OF KILLARNEV. THE JOLLY FIREMAN. STREET OPERA HOUSE. SET WIS EN 2D AND afti*-. !M V ?f lh# ^elebmted .Mile. NINON'S T? Beemi#4: Revolving Mode In. Le Minud NI?hL D?vcliCon:ics. SerloComlr*. ?**ro t omedlana. New laces, new novelties, everything ? Every night. M ednesdav and Saturday Matinee* "IRALFY'S ALHAMBRA PALACeT K tuiiAADnA I AhAt'B, Broad st.. Philadelphia. ine most fashionable resort in America Last we.k of AROUND THE WOBLD. I romenade Concerts In the Gardens. r?t ap(M>arance Uermau Prims Donna Frl. FBBDERICa ROKOHL, and tho BEDOUIN ARAB ORCHESTRA. /IHATEAt* MABILLB VARIETIES, 34TH ST. AND 3D av.?Matinee Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. 2PM Tnj aew Ceutenulaj Siaiues, Awlrica shielding her sub'. JSf" nlKhtlr. The Franco Prussian Burlesque. "The Spyj or. The Female Zouaves." /"J.EORGB RiGNoLD'S ~ \X FAREWELL TO AMERICA BENEFIT OF NEW YORK'CENTRAL dispensary. ? Aeademr ol Music. rnURSDA\ EVENING. JUNE 29. IS76, _ when . ROMEO aND JCLIET will be prodnoed with entirely new scenery. The balcony scene, painted by order or Mr. Klngsland. portraying the original home or the ( apnlets. Mr. t.EORtiE rignold Miss SARA JEWETT have generously consented to appear in title roles. Admission $1. Reserved seats. #1 So. Box office will open at Academy of Mn?ir on and alter Thursday, Jnne J ? ^ r^r:'d !,rtor *hl? by sending order bj mail to Central Dispensary, l>34 Sih av. Brooklyn academy of music, " ThtiNijr, .Fntie IX * ___ MR. W. IR\'IN(1 BISHOP THE CHARACTERISTIC phenomena .v spiritualism EXPOSED, At the reqnest of and under the ausplecs of llis Ilonor n't? I1 ^"?h Hunt Schenrk. D. D ? T Dewlit Talmsge, D D.. R. s. storra. D D. Ilenrv Wa,j Beeclier. Fred. Bell, rfon. J. W Baaler IIou nTm^ Barnes, S. Fleet Speir and oilier leading rltliens. ' mM Adniienion .*?<)?.; rfwrtfd $1. ^ML.MOHK'S GARDEN^ Owing to the i;reat rurrese of the HORTICULTURAL exhibition emturs^'and""*' 7hnr^n' ?< Friday aft.rro?n, and gilmork'S FI LL BAND. rpAMMANY IIAI.L Last night of the Grand Cenu n.ilat Billiard Match for?3,flOO between Cyrlllc Dion and Maurice Daly. on a Griffith A Co. Amerlran Standard 5*10 Tshle, with Drlaney wire cushions. Admlaaion. j<a'. Referred eeata. $1. /'Kami VEM>CIPBDK CONTEST PI Is EVENING at American institute Kl?? iwtil st. and :<d av Ad' DliiliuQ UlCrOK. u EVEN I NO?AMERICAN CONSBRVATUBT OF Inif 1L.?I ?"i *" Awi|"nl .' *hlbltlon Coaeart at Chlrker ?lUf "H" * r?i?en?or Acltrti^tlor, tlire? tor. V'BLOS t.AKDKN " j J" '?!. o? liberal Israi, to combinations or stars for "Jwali'sl" ",llnm<'r "a*0". Aupb toC. E. AHNOLD, rpiiE presidentrT " ? the CINCINNATI CONTENTION. FULL and LATEST PARTICULARS TO day US TUE EVENING TELEGRAM. AKVISSnSTTS. piRr-%TA-TR?.:-~' X EVENING at H. HATUBDAYami WEDNESDAY MATINEE M ?. The aceoinpluha.; Irish r<a?u?tti?n, Mlt. JOSEPH ML'KPHY. MR. JOSEPH Ml'RPIIY. in bis now ?k?wrt.rwUli.? of Dan (filar*, in Nr. F*E? M \R8I)KN 8 mmautio Irish (Iran*, IHB kerry GOW. THE KKltKV Uliff TIIK KERRY GOW. Bv^ v?nv? .*t:t?;nce!jt.r,. *Merved saat.$l. BEST _V ENTILATICD THEATRE IX TOWN. ?HUGLB THEATRE, ~ Proprietor and Manner BAST last performances of the brilliant artl?t Mr. HENRIETTA CHANFRAU, C. W. Tajlenre's oART?*P Am,rle?? Flay, entitled PUtTKD New Scenery. _ A Powtrfbl Catt MATINEE SATURDAY AT 3 O'clock KKLLY X LEON'S MINSTRELS. """ TM ??.. near (5th a*. NORMA. THE TWO OFF-UNS. NORMA. THE TWO OPF-UNi. NORMA. THE TWO OFF-CNS. THE only leon. Coaching to Pelhaiu. Coaching to Pelhao. Bowery theatre. ENGAGEMENT OF THE celebrated OAS rolls, lu the great domestic sensation Drama, entitled KIDNAPPED. To conclude with the OA UHOLLV great Irish Dire*. THE McKaDDENS. "PALAIS ROYAL." 489 OTII AV.?FORTY youno J. lady attendants. Grand vocal and Instrumental con cert from 7 until I o'clock. Admission free. FOR MALE.. A '-SAMPUTaSTD IttM' HOOtf. "DSWSnfoW; u1 ? prominent corner; 20 yean' established; at nncriilea through iinturosern circumstances. Apply to LLOYD, 29 II road way. A WELL LOCATED CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOK sale cheap; on tho west side; doing good business. QAFFNEY A SMITIJ, Auctioneers, 17 Centre it. A FINK~ CORNER "BAKERY~p6r~SALE CHEAP ? Best business locatlou lu Brooklyn. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar ?t. -FOR 8ALB?CORNER LIQUOR STORES. DIS ? tillery Stores, Restanraute, Coffee and Cake Saloona. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar it. A CHANCE SUCH AS ISQSELDOM OFFERED.? W# cash will Imy the Stock, Fixtures and Lease of a well stocked secondhand Book Store, on 8th av.; satis A SAMPLE ROOM DOWN TOWN; FIRST 'CLASS; old established; large business. Apply to LLOYD, 29 Broadway. A DOWN TOW N~N AMP IK AND LUNCH BOOM; location unsurpassed; doing a good builnrsa; derided bargain; bent reasons for selling. (MALONK, No 5 Dey ?t A RESTAURANT AND SAMPLE BOOM FOR SALE? Splendid locatiun; good business; great bargaiii. SHAY. 302 Broadway. A?FOR SALE-PATENT RIGHT;FOR STATES UN ? sold; article used everywhere ; sella at ?lght; real es tate taken. MA LONE. No" 5 bey at. A BAKERY.?GREAT BARGAIN; CAN BF. MADE^O run fifty barrel! a week, MaLONK'S reliable agency. No. 5 Dey st. A -THE BEST opportunity IN "AMERICA?AN ? established Buainesa, doing $30.1X10per annum; don't loae thla chance. MAL0N K, No. 5 Dey at. DURQ STORE FOR KALE?BARGAIN' FOR CASH. Flrst rate, old .established. well stockod, doing uood cash business. Address DRUGGIST, 21 av. D. BEAUTIFUL SAMPLE ROOmToN BROADWAY; cheapest place in this city ; must lie sold immediately; rent very moderate. Call on CAKSTAIlt A McCALL, 38 Broadway. pOAL YARD FOR SALE-WEST SIIIE.AND IN GOOD \J location. Address F. A., box 174 Ilcrnld Uptown Branch office. Drug" store por~*alk-in the mu?t de' llghtful city of Western Massachusetts; the baud' somen and beat store In the place; i*oing a first class re tail and prescription business; will sell at much below in ventory. for fH,">00. Address box 1,097 Post offlco, or G. W. .strickland, 3ti Beekman st. IpOR HALli?TO A MAN OF SMALL CAPITAL, A profitable Business In the city of Pater.on and Eliia beth, N. J. Address WM. llASTIE, 420 Broad at., Newark, For sale?an ai stkam laundry, thoroughly fitted up with the latest improvements last January; but little caah needed; facilities. 400 dosen white ahlrts net week. Address B. A., Herald i^fflce. OR SALE-A HOTEL IN PHILADELPHIA. WITH 40 beds and two harmoms; front on two streets; near the wharves; a aland of 3H years; first class for a sailors' house. Address H. M. W., No. 360 North Front at, Phila delphia, Pa. UOK SALK-A BAKK R Y ~DO ING A GOOD PAYING 1 business. For partieulara apply at 74 Catharine at.. New^ork. FTiR SALE at a babgain^a~wbll established Jewelry Store In the city of New Haven ; stock, flxtnret and machinery will invoice about 91,500; watch repairing will more than pay expenses; the owuer giving the aaine up on aocount or ill health. Addreaa PHILIP GOODHART, No. 10 IfoHdley Building, New Haven, Conn. or kaXk^I'nfrki) states handsewino ma. chines at leaa than SO centa on the dollar; singly ot in lota; especiallv adapted tor light work: can be acrewed on anywhere; children delight in the poieesaion of one. Apply to O. GENNERT. 38 Maiden lane. Fob sale?a fib&t class cakrom billiaed Table, 10x5, In good order. Apply at 1,170 Broadway. Irom 11 A. M. to 12 M. and 4 to 6 P. it. FOR S A LB?FIRST CLASH CORNKR iaIQUOR STORE, sacrifice. Call corner Greenwich aud Morton sta. from 9 to 3. fjtOB SALE-ONE "OF THE BEST distillery Storea in the Seventh ward; now taking in $400 per week; the owner selling on aceount of having ether busi ness to attend to. Apply to CHARLE8 KELLY, 358 Water st. Ij^OR SALE?AN OLD ESTABLISHED OROOEBY Store will be sola cheap, as the owner haa got other baalneaa toiattend to. Apoly en the premiwa. 119 Mulberry st , or at m Greenwich st, cooperage. r R ?ALE?HANDSOMKLY FlfTED VP SAMPLE and Wine Room; good location down tnw*n; a bargain: part caah. part tine. Address EDWARD. Herald office. lOit SALE?A YE BY ELEGANT CORNBR LIQUOR Store; good lease; aplendld business; cheap for cash. Apply, Irotn 12 to 2 o'clock, to CHABLES BARRON, 68 "LAOR SALE-RB8TAUKANT. OYSTEB HOUSE AND r lc* Crenm Saloon; beautiful nlace; 10 yean' lease; cheap rent; fin* premises; thoroughly fin* clam; mnst be Mid; greatest bargain on earth. Apply to GEORGE KINTNEK, 1'rescott Home. Broadway, corner Spring it. So agent*. F~OR BALE?AM OLD established LIQUOR Store. Inquire at the ofllco ol FLANAGAN A W <I. LAC K. 450 Went 20th it., or at the store, corner Amll; And Miudougal ill. (HO Amity). FOR BALE?A SAMPLE ROOM OX l'ARK ROW; will be sold for one-half itl value. Call on CARSTAIRS A McCALL, 38 Broadway. oktalr FOE HALF~C0ST?elegantly FITTED up led ('renin Saloon and Confectioner*: belt looatloa in cltr; doing paying business. Addrete MANliORA, Herald I pto? n Branch office. F~*OB BALERS ELEGANT AND thoroughly FUR n shed Hmail Hotel and Restaurant. In ftill riew of the main blinding or the Centennial Exhibition; perfectly ?at. Ist'actory reasons given for the sale. Address E. K. 8., Her aid office. FOE SA LE-AN~ALLBO RETTI refrigerator; ?lie. 6k feet high, <J feet long, in perfect order, cheap. Call at No. Ju-i 9th av.. after 3 P. M. For bale or to let-an old established Restaurant and Confectionery business, in Brooklyn, in complete order and all conveniences for doing a lar^e trade, io a perfectly competent o?rty. who can give un doubted references, rerr easv and liberal terms will b? given. Appty to CHARLES GRAEF, 65 Broad St., N.Y, BEERHOUSES. boilers and pipe for bale tr cheap. Address florist, bos 165 Herald office. rkat bargain.? a first cla'ss downtown Restaurant and Barroom. 181 Greenwich St., cigat store. 1 UMBER YARD FOR BALE?THE OLD R8TAB lJ IIshed Yard ot WELLS, B< iNTECOU A CO.. comer llonston and West sts? with Stock, Fixtures. Horses, Trucks, brick Office and Stable, with Mill attached, to eloee the concern. Apply, in person or by note, 34* West St. &BBLE SODA WATER AND ROOT BBSS AFP A ratui. all style*. for sale below eost. J. M. whitfield k BON, 363 Water et. M 0 pen work banners, netting for sale bt demarkst k .IORALEMON, 100 Barclay .t. STATIONERY STORE FOR BALE?PRICE, 91,300; situated on business side of principal nvenne. Bp town, weet side; to 9400 can be mane the next three week* on flreworks alone ; satisfactory reasons for selling. Address STATKTNHR, Herald Uptown Branch office. Tea and wine business.?an unusual ofpor tuniiy lor purchasing one of the finest bosiunss location* in the city, and where an IntOMM* business can be done; a prompt purchaser wanted; slr-uess the ioie cause of retir ing ; cash required, about #3,00U. Address A. B. C., box 1U Herald offle*. rpn k ~T u es i u knty? THE CINCINNATI CONTBETIOBi FULL AND LATEST particulars TO-DAT IN THE EVENING telegram. Ao-iv ( ASli IN HANft WILL BUT WORTH ipUt)U Hardware, Paints. Brushes, Ac. ?1 Park row room 3. before 3 o'clock. .uac-mimkk*. nOILER FOR SALE? LARGE TUBULAR; VERY fr on coil. Apply it LRHLIR HOILKK W OH Kit, M l>?rl ?%., Aoroti rtinijrlfliili iUiIrond, Jcrtcy lOII.ER"*" Folf" S"AX^fcA>oS"ft-Rlff.ARl Vg'RY Ml ?'-?> tlOTPER PLATE PRES8. WITH ROLLERS 10 TO 30 ) Inches long, ol approved make and in good order.-ehcap iorca?h. Addreas. with price, W? B. M.. Herald office. iSoSTEALE?-TWO PARKER l>EEv?hS. NOS. j and r 3; oue l:? inch Prat: A Whitney Lathe, Hx 1:1 Inch and ">x7 iiK-h luigines; alsoinhor** power locomotive Bolter. Address B.. box S,:W.l i'ost office. New York T^OR "S ALE VfcRV CHEAP-A~ ? GHOItSE HORT F *?ntal Engine, now running; cotnnlrie in every respect. LAFFAN a Co., 5m Ann st. IfirANTBD-A* S II. HOISTING BNG1N8C 6 IO? TT cylinder. snlMole lor Stevedore. with liol.tlnv attach* men! all complete, lor ca.h. LAFFAX A CO., 4P Ann ?t. \i'ANTEI?-A SKCo.Nl> HAND HAXTKH ENGINE ?t four horse power. Address CIlAKI.Es KRtiM" BaCHKII. Tarrytowu, N V. \y ANTKO? V\ ITKhSHT BOILER, ABOUT NO ff iaeWs by S or H feet high; lube not les? than int'Ues; snmii Uandor new ; sta.e prieu. Ad.Ires- Boli.hrt. H?r?U i pto#lt Hr*mu ortico. MlLlil.tKKI AMU l>KE*HMVKINto. VT'tlAHIK TILMaN.vs. OK pahis. importkR - opening of the finest, !srge?t a.sor:rae^it ..f Parlsiaft Summer.Millinery *> .t brought to this market. 4:3 0th ?v., near-".tli st. (late Hlciiel'n). T AD IBS ok IASTK wisHlNU S I'YLlsVl 1M I'ORTriD tJ Bonnets or ronnd Hats at greatly reduced prlcis? will 11 lhB*( ?dv*atnge to . all at Mme. C DE LA CI '8, 883(4 Broadway, near lOUi **,