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until he vu so nearly worn oat that how toaghe lived, or what he heard, or what happened to him was alike a matter of in difference to him. They hare been known to go through their duties undismayed by thunder, lightning and German brass bands with the same philosophic calm that sits on the brow of the pictures of Dante. We thick that the Superior Court might be better em ployed than listening to such nonsense. Commoa Beate Wanted In Coa|rt?? It is a marvel that some member of the democratic majority does not see the exact position of the Blaine business. The ex Speaker has done three things. First, he has tampered with a witness of the House under subpoena, endeavored to destroy his evidenoe and send him out of the country. Second, he has taken from the possession of a witness under the subpcena of the House documentary evidence, which is the prop irty of the House if there is any virtue in tts process. Third, he has trifled with Ihis evidenoe by reading what purported to be a oopy of it to the House, without per mitting any competent agent of the House to verify it When a member puts himself in thin position clearly the dignity and au thority of the House demand that he be summoned to its bar to answer for con tempt. Yet Mr. Blaine throws the commit tee upon the defensive, bullies poor Planta tion Knott until he begins to talk about pis tols in the lobby, and leads the country to believe that he is the victim of a Confeder ate conspiracy. The more we think of the recent proceedings in the House the more ire are astonished at the audacity of Mr. Blaine and the folly and ignorance of the democratic members. If Plantation Knott, Instead of gasconading about the lobbies, swearing at Blaine and threatening to shoot somebody, were to rise to a question of privilege and call the attention of the House to the fart that a member had ocmmitted an sot of gross contempt, it would require more genius than even Blaine possesses to explain it away. Blaine's whole course in this mat ter is a gross oontempt of the House, and if the democratic members had not lost their head they would make him purge himself. The case is as clear as noonday, and we are amazed that the democrats do not see it. A Swiipib.?The ticket to sweep the country is Conkling and Logan, but the party seems to have fallen below the level of the first statesman and the first soldier of the Senate. "Whom the gods would de stroy they first make mad." Th? Irbxliqiotjs Minority in Belgium, finding that their cause did not triumph at the polls, have been rioting, breaking the windows of Catholio clubs and making their accession to power as undesirable as it is im probable. The ??liberals" of Europe have tn unpleasant fashion of damaging their cause by the exhibition of an intolerance of dissent from their views which throws, back real progress lamentably. We Heab it rumored that Secretary Fish is Grant's Great Unknown. Well, can he carry the State of New York against Tilden? Can he take the South with him ? Well, yes, he might, but to do it he must have a nig ger on the ticket with him. How would Pinch back do? Favobs Rettjbned.?What favors in the Bbair of Speaker has James G. Blaine done |o the leaders of " his party at Cincinnati ? How many Caldwells are in his following? This is the taint that will be carried by the republican party if Blaine is nominated. PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. ?George Eliot:?"So many homes are like twenty Others." Lsrkln G. Mead, the artist, Is spending a fortnight at Concord. Brunettes make pleasing eontraits by nalng yellow and violet. That ono fly that bothers a man all the season has picked outils man. In the evening white and yellow may be worn with agroeablo Impunity Mark Twain will spend the summer at Elmlra, N. Y., tho homo of hta wife. Tbere Is a drought in Florida, and alligators are dying for want of a watering place. Chatham used to read In the dictionary for hoars be fore making a great speech. A Hariford fishing club sails round to the various watering places In a schooner. Colorado mothers string dried potato bugs together for beads. The latest fSshion in eoarf pins is a pretzel. The Massachusetts pond so* serpent has again ap peared It creates much consternation among the In snrlates. Since Blaine thought that Tarbox used the privately printed speech of the latter Blaine has never spoken (o Tarbox Tbere was a New England blid concert. The hall was hung with birds in cagos. All the mnslo was aboat birds. Ex Governor Emory Washburn, who has been con nected with the Harvard Law School for twenty years, la about to retire. A Holyoko man had his revenge on an enemy. He tied a rock to a cat's tall and anchored her In the back yard for an all night serenade. Nothing is prettier than a cloar, crystal spring nnder tome great tree. Those city people who cannot have beautiful spring water patronize a dairy. An English preacher advertises In the Manchester Guardian for a sole charge In the country tor three months where there Is good trout Ashing. 1'itcrhou dsn bm invented ft stooc solo that will ?ot squeak. It Is made of dried apples, and la wet veattocr It gets thicker on Its own account. Now Is tho time lor lovers to get spooney over Ice jream, she taking a few pretty dabs at bis vanilla and lie borrowing a taate of her chocolate. This process Inspires confidence In the day when they will be throw <ng corn beef and cabbage scross tho table. Norwich Bulletin:?"A medical authority says that a van loses one per cent of vitality every timo be Is raked suddenly from tleep. This Is what makes a truggist look so pleasant when he is rung up at two ?'clock in the morning by a follow citizen who wants )o know It ho keeps postage stamps A bank president stepped up to a lamppost, Just out ef Broadway, lor his regular morning apple, and, find ing the apple stand gone, asked a little girl what was the matter. Said she:?"He's been complainln' a good Seal lately, and said that held trusted too many rich fellers to apples 'till next morning.' " Tho Denver Tribune says that "stock railing east of the twenty-second parallel can never, except for the local markets, compete lor a moment with thoso on tho wide ranges in this buffalo grass region, which is cspn blc ol furnishing ample pasturage, summer and winter, lor all the flocks and herds In tho world.'1 The pictures In certain illustrated papers represent ing Vsi.sar College girl* rowing and playing ball In low corsets and lights aro disgustingly Incorrect. It is a>jout ilmo that fast newspapers let the girls of that Institution alone. If the trustees would occasionally appeal to tlie law n great deal of good would bo done. Congressman James A. Garlleld, of Ohio, who pro ton need Blsine's ease of sunstroke s caso of asaasama slon, was formerly a profeseor in an academy, beeamo I lawyer, was a Union general, is popular in a strong (?publican district, and in the details of legislation Is s gradgrind. Hs is large, awkward, boyish sad good CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. WINSLOW AND BRENT. British Judicial Puzzles?Winslow Likely To Go Free To-Day. THE SULTAN SOFTENS TOWARD SERV1A. The Emperors William and Alexander and Chancellor Bismarck on the Moyi Germany Apologize! to the Grrernor of Gibraltar. West Africa To Pay Up to the ' British Empress. BURMAH'S IMPERIAL BUSINESS. German Residents In Cuba To Be Protected Asrainst the War Tax Levy. RIOT AND WRECK IN ANTWERP. ENGLAND. WINS LOW UXKbX TO BB RELEASED TO-DAY? the xiouisyillb fobqeb's case?IMPOST an r WORK FOB THE QCEEN'b JUDQE8?PARLIA KEBTATT TOT* ON TBI LIQUOB QUESTION. Loxoox, June 14, 1878. In relation to tbe cue of Winslow, George Everest, Esq., clerk for the criminal business of the Home Office, In an Interview with tbe London agent of the New York Associated Press, to-day stated tbat be coold communicate no official Inlormatloa, bat raid, speak ing as a private Individual, he ahould tbtnk tbat Wlnalow would be released to-morrow, as be koowa of no supplementary treaty between Great Britain and tbe United States being agreed to. The Judge's decision to-morrow will depend upon whether Sir John Hollcer, the Attorney General, baa been instructed to hold out the hope that an agteement will be reached, but bo was not aware whether Sir John Holker had been so instructed. TIE CASK or CHARLES BRltXT, TMC LOC1SVILLB rORQEB. Mr. Everest also stated that spoliation was made to Justice Llndley on Juno 0 tor a writ of Habeas corpus for Cbarles Brent, the Louisville forger, when Justice Lindley romanded tbe case to June 1ft for tbe consider ation of the full court ran oOxvict captaix or th* f*axcowia a cause or DELAY TO BR EXT. The case or Ferdinand Kcyn (late captain of the ?tcamer Francos la, which ran into and sunk tbe steamer Stratbclyde.l and in whose caso an appeal was taken at his trial In tho Central Criminal Court as to the question ol Jurisdiction, will be argued before tbe eighteen Common Law Judges to-morrow and will last through tho week, so that tbo case or Cbarles Brent cannot come before the Queen's Bench before Monday. WHAT MAT BE DONE. Mr. Hoffman, Catted States Cbnrgti d'Affalres, tblnka tbat Srent's application will be heard at tho Chambers to-morrow with Wlnslow's. Tbo official notice to the United States Logation of tbe remand ol Wlnslpw does not mention a lull bench. Possibly the matter will be referred there to-morrow. THE UHl'01t QCESTIOX IX rARLIAXBXT. In the House of Commons this afternoon Sir Wilfrid Lawson's permissive Liquor bill was rejected by a vote of209to81. A similar bill, presented by Mr. Lawaon last year, was defeated by 371 to 86. JEFFEBSON DAYI8 TO AN ENOUSH MXS8I0NABT ASSOCIATION. Loxdox, June 19, 1878. A meeting was held yesterday at tbe residence of tbe Earl or Shrewsbury in tartberance of church and unl veralty education In the Soathern States of the United States. Among the letters read, apologizing for absence, was one from Jefferson Davis, dated Liverpool, announcing his arrival shortly In Loudon. TURKEY. THE HBBZEOOVINAN CHIEFS SAID TO HAVE SE LECTED TBE armistice. Raousa, June 14, 1874 Information received here from Sclavonic sources says that the Herzegovinan cbiels have held a meeting and resolved to reject the armistice. AUSTRIA WILL XOT RELIEVE THE RKrUOKBS. Austria will grant no further relief to the HerxegoTl nan refugees. Tbe relief committees aro now destitute of funds. THE SULTAN'S SYMPATHY FOB TOE SERVIANS. Belgrade, June 14, 1878. The Grand VlEter of Turkey has written a very con ciliatory and frifcndly reply to 1'rlnce Milan's explana tion of tbe Servian armaments. He expresses sympa thy with Servla's positron, and says the Porte Is not unmindful of Servia's autonomy and privileges. FBI XX PLY COXFERRXCR. He admits tbat there has been violation of tbe fron tier by both parties, and promises to appoint special delegates to confer with Servian delegates upon tho means or preventing sueb violations in the future, THE BULBB OF BOUMANIA CAUTIOUS CONCEBN . INO NEUTRALITY. Bucharest, June 14, 1874 Tbe Roumanian government bas issued an order re minding foreigners of the penalties lor conspiring on its territory ag.nnst foreign States and for trafficking In arm* THE KHEDIVE OF EOTPT EXPECTBD III CON STANTINOPLE. Loxdox, June 1ft, 1874. A Vienna despatch to tbe Standard says tbe Khedive waa expected to arrive In Con*tantinopio yesterday, rxixcrs to attbxd tijb imperial ixvestiture. The Priocea of Roumania and Servia have sent tele graphic despatches to tbo Porte announcing tbat they will be represented at the investiture ot the Sultan to-day. oeriiax WAmaitxos or peace ix t?b east. Tbe Pmvinxi^l Ctrrttpondrn*. of Berlin, has a very pacific editorial, which concludes as follows:?"Be tween tbe last conference at Berlin and tbe Interview of the Czar and Emperor William at Ems lies a mo mentous epoch of modern history." tux otAR orsatkr Tn-tx ma oiAXCBLLoa. The Standard, commenting on this remark, says It meana thit II tne Czir had not Interbred at the last moment Gortschakofl would have plunged Russia Into war with Turkey nnd England. TIIK II OTHER AXO SOX Of ARUl'l. AXXIS ST1I.L ALIVE The Timr* officially denies she reports of tbe death of tho mother and son or tho late Sultan. GERMANY AND RUSSIA. CORDIAL FBATBT.SIZATIOS OF THE POWEBFUL MOKARCHS. Eva, June 14, 117a The cm tf Russia met tbe Itaperor William of Germany at the railway station on his arrival haca to day. The greeting of their Majeetles was cordial. BISMABCK HKCU PIRATING. IfbrLin, Juoe 14, 1876k Prinoe Bismarck has gono to Kissingea. CUBA AND GERMANY. HBATT FAXLUBa XV TBI ANTILLES noraaon TRADE. Havana, Juno 14, 1874. M. Belaunde k Co., Importora and dealer* la provis lona la this city, failed to-day. Their liabilities are eat I mated at $600,000 in this Island. GERMAN BBStDENTS TO BE PROTECTED FBOM UNJUST TAXATION. Berlin, Jane 14, 18781 The official Gazette states that the Imperial govern ment some time ago opened negotiations with Spain lor the purpoae of freeing German residents la Cobs from the extraordinary war taxes levied there. Differ ences arose respecting the Interpretation of the treaties on this subject and a series of difficulties, including the general political situation, were put forward ss pro venting Spain (rora acceding to Germany's demand* SPANISH jcsncs to tits teutons. Germany, however, has now succecded in obtaining the conoesslon thst procesa of distraint and forced sales of property (or paymsnt of said taxessball be suspended in the oases of German residents antll an understand ing Is attained FRANCE. m. Burner's senatorial aspiration a causb OF CABINET DIFFICULT!?BISHOP DUPANLOUF ASKS A PBBTINENT QUESTION. i Paris, June 14, 1878t President MaoMshon assured Minister Dufaure yes terday thai he intended to remain neutral in the mat ter of M. Buffet'a candidacy for the Senate. as sxscutivr DirriccLTr. Lt Tempt says tho Ministry would regard M. Buffet'a election as an act of hostility on tho part of the Senate and would resign. The affair causes excitement. It ts said if the Cabinet should resign and a new one be formed out of the Right, the Chamber of Deputies would retuse to vote the budget. A QUESTION FOR TUB POPS. Bishop Dupanloap has writton a pamphlet entitled "Whither Are We Going?" It endeavors to show that sooiely and religion aro In the greatest peril through the triumphant progress of atheism and materialism. The publication is widely circulated and causea a sen sation. A* AMERICAN BALLOON hoax The French papers have been astonishing their read ers with a report that a balloon Irom America had landed at Rennes. The storv, which was given with circumstantial details la some Journals, was a oompleto hoax. , BELGIUM. THE ANTI-CATHOLIC BIOT AGITATION CON TINUED?A CATHOLIC INSTITUTE WRECKED IN ANTWBBP?THE CABINET CALLED TO COUNCIL, Brussbls, June 14? Evening. Great agitation still prevsils, but there has been loss disturbance to-day than yostorday. Bands of rioters continue to hoot snd hiss In Iront of the Catholic In stitutions. Some windows have been broken and a few arresta made. / RIOT AND WRKCKAOB IS ANTWXBT. At Antwerp tho d'sturbanoos were renewed to-day. Many thousands marched through tho streets shouting "Down with tho ministers!" The mob sltacked and wrecked a Cathollo institution. roues ciiARo*. Tho gtndarmet charged upon the rioters, and sev eral persons were wounded. A number of arrests h*va been made. THB CABINET SUMMONED TO COUNCIL A Cabinet council has been called for to-morrow. THE LATEST REPORT FBOM THB SCENES OF DIS TUBBANOE. London, June 18, 1870. Disturbances took place in Ghent last night. At Liege tranquillity has been preserved. GIBRALTAR. THE FIQHT OF THE GERMAN SAILORS WITH BOATMEN?EAISEB WILLIAM'S MEN-OF-WAB'S MEN OBEATLT TO BLAIM. London, June 14, 18781 Tho Pott says It learns that the riot st Gibraltar, of which announcement was made yesterday, took placo on the 5th insk CAUSB or THB RIOT. The difficulty was between German sailors snd the Gibraltar boatmen. Bludgeons and stones were freely used. Many of the participates wore thrown into the wate:, btft nono wcro killed. The police wero power less to suppress the rioting, and troops were called out and rostored order. As previously stated, the trouble originated Ina Ger man sailor insulting a lady. CKRMAN OrriCIAL APOLOQT. The German Admiral communicated with the Gov ernor of tho garrison, expressing regret at the occur rence. The sailors wore confined to their ship and otherwise punished for their bsd conduct INDIA. THE "EMPBESS'" RELATIONS TO THE BURMAH BOTALTT NOT MADE PUBLIC. London, June 14, 1878. A despatch to tho Routor Telegram Company Irom Simla says that all reports concerning the result ol the Grosvenor mission to investigate late the Margary murder arc premature. No particulars hare been divulged. The mission being an imperial affair, the report has been forwarded to the home government. DAHOMLY. THE POT VALIANT KINO KNUCKLES DOWN TO THE BRITISH TARS. London, June 14, 1878. Advices from Cspe Coast Castle, dated May IS, state that the King of Dahomoy will pay the fine Imposed upon him by the British naval commander-in-chief. Rear Admiral llewett, for maltreating a British sub ject. RACING IN ENGLAND. SECOND DAT OF THE ASCOT HEATH MEETING? DASHING STENTS?THB CORONATION STAESS WON BT FOOTSTEP? HOPBLOOM TAKES THB BOTAL HUNT CUP?AN EXCITING MATCH BACB WON BZ MB. DANBT'S CONTBOVERBT. London, June 14, 1878. Brilliant weather graced to-day, the second of th Ascot Heath meeting. rtrs STENTS. The three events on the card most worthy of note ware the Coronation stake*, the Royal Hunt Cup and a match race for |5,000 between Mr. John Danny's bay horse Controversy and Mr. H. Bird's chestnut horse Lowlsndor. TBS coronation stabkb. For the Coronation Stakes a field of seven horses fhced tbo starter. Footstep landed the prise, with Ap peal and Arena a dead heat for the second plsce, and Levant fourth. tun (ibttino. Ihe latest betting on this nca was 9 to 4 eaeh against Footstep and l<evant, aud lo to 1 e.ich against Appeal and Arcns. THB ROT tL HUNT CCP. For the Royal Hunt Cup the large field of twenty-two horses started, with Sptnosa the larorlto at S to L Tho race was won by llop-bloom, who started with 20 to 1 against him, JMham b.'ing second, Thorn third, Ecossais fourth and the fsrorllc eleventh. BRTTINO. The last betting on this race wss I to 1 against Spi noza, 7 to 1 against Ecosssta, SO to 1 against Hopbloom and 36 M 1 each against Dalhasa and Thar*. A SAIOS BACB. The match race tar 94,00* between Coatrovarsy and LowUnder, who gave Controversy If lbs,, in won by lk? former. Th* following arc tb* _ apwtaatu. . , ? Oo*o*AT.o* Stabbm ol 100 so vs. each, hair rorioit, ior three.year-old Allies. 8 st. 10 lbs. each; the winner of the Epsom Derby. Oaka, 2,000 guineas 1,000 guineas; Grand 1'rlx de Parts, French Derby or Oaka to carry 7 Ibc ; of any two of tbeae races, 14 I ha. extra: maidens allowed 7 lba.; the second Oily to receive 300 soys, and the third to save her (takes; old mile; (21 BUbB.). ? LoTd w?ton*B b. t Footstep, by See Saw, out of Randal, 3 years .' 1 *>,lr-v*8 br- ' Appeal, by Headsman, oat of Hrlbc ry 3 years. ?2 Mr Howe a b. f. Arena, by Gladlaleur, out of Go ahead; 3 years . Lord Kosebery's b. C Levant, by Adventurer, out o( Repulse, IS yeara 4 ? Doad heat. The Sotai. Hrirr Cot, a piece of plate, Tains 800 V *ovs. to the second and 60 bovb to the third, added to a Handicap Sweepstakes of 10 sova each for all ages (two-year-olds excepted); the winner ol any handicap value l'"0 sov., Including the winner's own Btake, alter tho weights are declared, to carry T oi i**Ara" m '6 , ~ ? Astl?y,.B b. c. Hopbloom, by Parmesan, oat ol Co^uiaaunco, S years 1 The IJuice ol Westminster's b. c. Dalham, by Cathe dral. out ol Gertrude, S years. J Mr. K. It Bait's eh. & Thorn, by King of Trumps, out of Lady Alice Hawthorne, A years 3 Mr. l/erevro'a ch. e. Kcossais. by Ulalr Alhol, oat or Margery Daw, 4 years 4 Hatch race for $?,000. Mthi?M??Dlinby,# 5*.h Co?t',ovfrBy by Umbton, or it J u il i: oul of *'m]y Caroline, ? yearn 1 iL * c?1* k?w,ander, by Dalesman, oat of Lain, 0 years ] XHE ASCOT DKBBT WON BT FOBZBUNKXB. Lo.hdo.x, Jane 16, 1878. In tbe A loot Derby yesterday only two ran?vis., Mr. Merry's bay eolt Forerunner and Lord Falmouth's Skylark. The race was won by Forerunner, on whoa this Dot ting st the start was 06 to 40. THE SCOTCH RIFLEMEN. PBOGRESS OW TUB COMPETITION FOB PLACES ON THB TEAM FOB AMEBICA. Losnos, June 14, 1878L The competition of the 8cotch rl demon for places on their International team was rosnmed to-day. Kach man fired fifteen shots, at ranges of 800, 000 and 1,000 yards. TBI scons. The following Is tbe score:? Sit!?. 1*0 Campbell. *hl"law 176 McVutle I! li0 S?l- n" Duncan l.Sg Mckerroll 173 Frazer 167 1T2 Henilea 154 Thorburn m Mclsaac 161 ui.n>hn1 1(14 Fmdlay 161 smith......::..;:;;;; uj 103 Brewster 145 ?U.rk# 163 Mclntyre 144 P1!?8 183 Watson 141 Luke... 182 Rlddell 134 ?tats of rns wkathrr. Ths weather was bad and thero wan a'hisry gale whlls tbe men were shooting at long ranges. MISSISSIPPI DEMOCRATS k TILDEN DELEGATION SENT TO ST. LOUIS. . JacKBOft, Miss., June 14, 1878. A full and very enthusiastic delegation attended tho 8tato Democratic Convention here to-day. Represent atives to the National Convention were chosen, all of whom are Tilden men, and tho delegation was in structed to act at St. Louis as a unit in casting the vote oi t&e Stalo. THE LOUISIANA INVESTIGATION. Nbw Orliaxs, Jane 14, 1871 Messrs. Vance and Woodburn, the Sub-Committee on tbe Coushatta affair, made their report to General Randall I* Gibson, Chairman of tho Cammllteo. After detailing the circumstances of ths shooting of King and Twltcboli, tbe report says: Wo cannot, within ihe space of this report, recapit ulate the worse than profligate conduct ol tho school affairs and other Irregularities and malpractices of Mr. Iwitcnell and Ins associates, as was shown to have ex isted in Red Hirer parish sinoo Its organization. In s word, the anairs of the parish bavo been managed under tne direction of Mr. Twitchell, in such a way as to merit and rocetve the condemnation of good citizens of both political parties, and your Commit tec bavo no hesitation in saying they were unprepared and greatly surprised to find such a lamentable condition ol things existing. In conclusion the Commltioo says the iosil mony of leading men of the two political parties is ex plicit In establishing tho ract that tho shooting or King and Twitchell was not caused by reason ol their political opinions and that the affair was not or a political characicr. CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Ithaca,*. T.. Jose 14, 18781 Tbe annual meeting of the Board of Trustees-of Cornell University was held to day at Ithaca, a full quorum ot trustees being present. Hod. Joslah B. Williams, Hon. Amasa J. Parker and Hon. Henry B. Lord, were elccloa trustees to fill vacan cies occurring tbis year. Tho estimated Income of the prC,enl >c"r <,U1,P??C>1 to be ccr Professor Barnard, of Colombia College, delivered the annual addross this evening. There aro ?ixty-two graduates. Tho namber of candidates lor admission Is nearly double the corresponding terra last year. The commencement exercises will bo held to-morrow. HORTICULTURAL CONVENTION. Chicago, Jnne 14, 1878L The National Convention of Nurserymen snd Florists met here to-day, and, after organizing and appointing oominlttoos, elected tho following officers, this being the nrst mooting ol the society:?President K. Moody Ixickport, N. V.; Vice President* G. H, Hubbard, Fre' donta, N. V.; _A J. Harrison, I'a'nesvlllo, Ohio; John ! w ,1.14!1!0' Qyd' i F" "S^nfriti, Monroe, Mich., J B. I.udd, Sbullsbury. Iowa; J. S. Kellogg, Janesville, Wis ; P. A. Jewell, I.ako City, Minn.: J. ? Loveu, lied B.fnk, N. J.; Josiah Hooks,' Westchester Pa ; G. Bush Bashbory. Mo.; Klwin Hovt, New Can' aan. Conn. J J. W. Manning. Readme. Mass ; Dr. Bid die. St. Catharines, Canada. Secretary, D. W. Scott t.aiena, JIL Treasurer, A. H. Whitney, Franklin's it rove, ill. SUPERINTENDENTS OF THE POOR Saratooa. N. v., Jane 14, 1878. The sixth snnaal cftnvention of the Superintendents of the Poor of this Slato was held here yesterday and to-day. Hon. Georgo R, McGonegal, of Monroe, was sleeted Chairman and William Parish, ol Seneca, and Stephen R Williams, ol Suffolk, secretaries. Yester day wa< occupied by tbe reading of papers, prominent among which was ooe by Dr. Charles S. Hovt of *|. bany. Secretary or the State Board ol Charities, "on *ni1 0D*' pertaining lo pauper enlldren by n illiam P. Letcbwortb. or Malta o. Vice President of the ?'tate B' ard. In the evening a reception wa? given tlio delegates by the citizen* at Congress Hall. Ibo Convention cio^e* to-day, and to-morrow the delegates will visit tbe Ssratoga County Almshouse. ROBBfcJtY AND VIOLENCE. Newvii.lx, Pa., June 14, 18781 Three masked men lsst night broko into the house of Samuel Abrahams, a wealthy rarmrr residing throe miles rrom this placo, and, placing a halter around his neck, threatened to hang him ir he did not deliver ap hN money. Alter cruelly tonurlng Mr. Abrahams and Ins WHO by burning their feet, tbo miser, ants lied, inking with tbera #86 In money and a valuable boras and buggy. PHILADELPHIA RACES. * PniLADRI.PHIA, Jane 14, 1878. There were three races at the Point Breezo Park to day. The first race was for horse* of the 2:46 elaas lor a purse of |t500, and was won by Phil Dougherty Time, 2:30.1a? 2:37l?? 2:3.1. The second rare was lor a purse or $700. It bad nine entries, snd was won by Gea A. Ayer. Timo, 2:30|(?8;3u? 2 .12;, The third rsco was lor a pars* oi $1,500, Mtween Adelaide and J. H., the former winning ihs race. Time, 2MH ? 2:28S?2 .MX Tbe attendance was good and the track An*. MILL CLOSED. Salmo* Faim, JT. H., Jane 14, 18T4 The Salmon Falls Manufacturing Company closed their No. 1 Mill last week and will close the other next week ior two months, aa there la no sale ior tbelr goods. MUTINEERS DISCHARGED. Sax 1 aa.*ci*<-o. Cnl., Jane 14, 1878. The six mutineer* or the ship Canada, who wero brought hereon tb* steamer City or Peking, were dis charged to day by the Cniteil Stat'"* Commissioners no evidence agam>t them having been lor warded by the United States Consul at Hong i\ong FOUR MEN DUOWNED. vi khrc, Jan* 14, 187a four men, engaged In drawing log* in tb* Ktobcml* <??*?** br acoid?ntal apMMtag WASHINGTON. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Wasbixotow, Jan* 14, 1876. OUR BXTBADITIO* TREATY?THB DITrEBlRT YTEWS or SECRETARY FISH AMD LORD DERBY?TBI FORM KB SUSTAINED BT TUB COURSB OF DENMARK AND BELGIUM. From tbo correspondence lately published In the Winslow case It appears that Lord Derby claims that tbo principle contained In the British act or 1870?vix., tbat a criminal (ball be tried for no offence in the country to which bo Is delirerod up other than tbe particular extradition crime I or which be was sur rendered, Is tbs proper and accopted nil* oa tbo question. Mr. Fish, however, baa In sisted that such was not tbe proper or the general rule, but that tbo limitation should bo tbat a surrendered criminal isbould bo tried for no offonre other than one of tho extradition crime* named In the treaty. Lord Derby referred to the fact that many countries had negotiated treaties wltb Great Britain under the set of 1870, as evidence tbat tbe British rule had been adopted, and among tbem Denmark and Belgium. As Great Britain had bound herself by the act ol 1870 these countries appear to have made treaties tbereundor, but la support of Mr. Fish's view It ap pears that some week* since when Belglu-n snd Den mark came to negotiate an extradition treaty between themselves, Ireo from the English act, they adopted tbo rule which Mr. Fish baa laid down. In a treaty of extradition between Denmark and Belgium, signed March 26, 1870, tbe following is a translation of tbe article:? Bo cannot moreover be prosecuted or condemned for any of the crime* committed previously to the extra dition which are not provided lor In th? present Con vention unless, after having been punished lor or ae quittcd of tbo crime or offenoe which has served as tbe ground of the extradition, he has neglected to leave the nonotry before tbe expiration of one monlb, or has returned thore again. THB C HA ROM AOAINST J. A. BRIDOBLAND, COJfBUL AT HAVRE?A SINGULAR FEATURE IN THE CASE. At the session to-day of the Committee on Expendi ture* ot the 3late Department tbe case of J. A. Bridge land, our Consul at Havre, waa taken up, and tho charges preferred by \V. C. Moore, late an internal revonue assessor, were allowed a formal presentation. It seems that Moore mado those charges several years ago, when Bridgeland was a supervisor of Interna revenue tn Toxas, and tbey were weighty enough to get the attention of the Grand Jury, although tbey wore eventually dismissed. Tbe chief charge was that be procured the sum of $"S0 from one of the enllectora of Internal revenue in bis dis trict upon tho collateral of bla government pay, when, a* It turned out and as Moore charges, he had already drawn bis pay. The singulsr feature of tbe ease, however. Ilea In tae disposition tbat was made of tbe official charges preferred originally by Moors. These were nowhere to be found on searching the flies of tbe Treasury Department, b?t as soon as Bridgeland made bis accusation Bon too. the clerk of the Military Committee, a relative or W. O. Avery, the convicted chief clerk of tbe Treasury, and a trloud of Bouton, turned tbe papers over to Bouton for use against Bridgeland. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. Wasii!xoto!?, June 14, 1878. The Naval General Conrt Martial for (be trial of Pay Inspector J. N. Carpenter met at the Nary Department to-day. Tbe Juniata left Norfolk to-day on a cralao to th? eastward. Tho Fortune arrived at Norfolk yesterday from Port Royal. The Gettysburg arrived at Washington this morning from tbe West Indies. The Tuscarora arrivod at Honolulu Ifay 27 from Aus tralia, via the Samoan IslanU*. MOVXMKMT8 or NATIONAL VE88XL8. fortrrbs Moxror, June 14, 187<l The United Slates ship Supply, from Philadelphia, arrived here tbls morning and sailed at live P. M. for Washington. The United States steamer Juniata, from Norfolk, passed hero at one P. M. en route lor Bermuda. THS MONONOAHELA AT NXWPOBT. Niwfort, R. I., June 13, lfi76. The United States sloop-of-war Monongabela arrived here this afternoon irom Portland, Me. On Ibe pis sage here she found considerable fog and was obliged to anchor twice. She is bound to Norfolk, Vn, whero she la to go out of commission July L She will re main bore about ten tljys. The lollowiog Is a Hat ot ber officers:? Captain?L. A. Klmbcrley. Lieutenant Commander?t>. P. Heyerman. Lieutenant*?K. C. Collins and J. K. Cogswell Matter*?R. Mitchell. H. it Tyler and J. A. Barber. Chief Engineer?H. I. Snyder. )'ay matter?John Kurey. Surqeon? Dr. S. 1). Kennedy. Airittant Engineer?IL Crawford. Aint'-ant Surf/eon- S. H. Dickson. United Stale* Marine Corp*?Second Lieutenant a F. KUtolL Jioattwain?J. S. Sinclair. Sailmaker?John rt. Kranklln. Gunner?J. P. Foster. Carpenter?J. S. Waltermeyef. J'aymatter't Clerk?J. J. Walker. Cavtain'l Clerk-?H. Hatlon. Tho Mononguliela lies at anchor In theonter harbor, and It ia expected tbat visitors will bo allowed on board aa soon as possible. CALIFORNIA GRAIN SUPPLIES. Sax Fraxcirco, Juno 14, 1878. A prominent grain operator givea tbe surplus or wheat In California for shipment ibis season as 760,000 short tons, exceeding by .200,000 tons the sur plas of tho crop of 187ft The yield Is unusually heavy in all parts of the State, and In quality tbe grain Is the best ever harvested in the mate. He gives the price for July delivery alongside the ship as Me. per bushel. Ho anticipates no difficulty In procuring labor lor har vesting tbe crop nor in procuring means tor harvest ing it Irom the Interior unless dm bulk <>f the crop Is held until late In tho season, which would probably overtax tbe railroad faciiitto*. The tonnage o( grain here ami known to be on the way Is 4AO,000 ions. Capacity enough Is expected between now and December to lake all that Is offered. The surplus of barley is estimated at 76,000 tona, at (Ifly cents alongside ship. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. War DKrARTMKRT, I Owes or vhk Cuicr riioxAL Officer, J Wasbixotor, June 16?1 A. M. ) 9 ProttabiMie*. For Thursday In the South Atlantic States, continued easterly winds, stationary temperature and pressure, cloudy and rainy weather. For tbe Gulf States, sonth aad eaat wlnds^Jncre.-isiug cloudiness and local rains, stationary or bigbor tem peratures and pressures, and IB tho interior of Texaa continued clear weather. For the Upper Mississippi and Lower 11 Issourt val leys, stationary or higher temperature and presaure, south and cast winds and clonr weather. For tbe lake region, northeast to soutbeaat winds, slight changea In temperature and pressure, partly cloudy weather and local rains. For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, stationary temporatnre and pressure, eaaterly winds and continnod cloudy weather, with light local rains. For the Middle and Kastern States, south and east wind*, slight enanges in temperature and pressors, partly cloudy weather, except possibly continued dond and log on the immediate coast. Tbe Missouri and Savannah rivers will contlnM ris ing on Thursday. TUT. WRATH lit TXSTXBDAT. The following record will show tbe ebaagee la tbe temperature lor tbe past twenty-roar bourn, In com parison with the corresponding date of lest year, as In dicated by tbe thermometer at Hndnut's pharmacy HcaALO Building: 1876. 1870. 1876. IS78. 3AM 63 87 3 30 P. M.... 73 83 8 a! M 6I M 8 P. M 70 78 o A M 80 T6 ? P. M 86 87 U 88 7fl 12 P. M 81 ?6 Average temperature yesterday T2J< Average temperature for corresponding date last year CROOKED WHISKEJf MEN SEN TENCED. Yesterday John Lynch, Mlehael Ktrw'n and John Klrwin were arraigned before Judge Benedict, In the United States Court, Circuit, to plead te the indlet mente found against these lor working in the illicit dis tillery recently seised on tbe Crepeey farm at New Utrecht. They pleaded guilty and were sentenced te Ue Kings Oevaty Penitentiary tm aut? Ujt "A THE EMPEROR OF BRAZIL. B? MAJB8TY AT BOSTON?A BECEFTIOK BY XXOCT 11UXDKED MEDICAL MBR?INTERVIEWS WITH WBITTIIK, WENDELL PHILLIPS AND LONG FELLOW. BOSTON, Jon* 14, 1S70. This morniDf the Emperor devoted the boun before breakfast to the Inspection of Professoi Robinson's wireless Electric Railway Signal, which Is In use on the Lexington and Arlington road. Tht system was tested In various ways, to show Its ac curacy and the simplicity of Its working. His Ma jesty was very mnch Interested, and Inquired t arefully Into all the details of the system, with which he was very much pleased. On the Emperor's return he was warmly greeted by a large crowd which had assembled at the railway station, a compliment he graciously acknowledged, rna kirk alarm. Ills Majesty next visited the City Han and tmm? dlately proceeded to the Fire Commissioners' office, where he was met by Commissioner Sawyer and escorted to the dome to inspect the operation d the lire alarm telegraph. This was minutely and clearly explained by Mr. Kennard, the Aperlntend^ out., and the Emperor's questions wer* very nu merous, displaying the curiosity and Beat of as earnest student, ami giving evidence of femUiarlty with the scientific principles upon which the system Is based. He was very much pleased with the ex planations given, and warmly thanked the officials for their attentions. KTflHT HCXPRKD DOCTORS. In the afternoon the Emperor attended the meet ing of the Massachusetts Medical Society, to listen to the delivery of the annual address. His Majesty was Introduced to the doctors, some hoo of the pro fesslon being present, by the President of the soci ety, and was received with enthusiasm. The Presfc dent announced that Ills Majesty had consented tfl accept an honorary membership of the society, which announcement was received with applause. Ills Majesty declined the Invitation to take the floor, saying that he was not a medical, but a social, phy sician. After the delivery of the annual discourse by Dr. Sttckney the Emperor withdrew, bat Dr. Boaza Pontes remained to inneh with his profes sional brothers. TDK POUT WIUTTIBK a1vd WTOTDKI.t. PHILLIPS. During the day Ills Majesty had the pleasure ol meeting the poet Whlttier, whom he was very anxious to see. and also Wendell Phillips, who made quite a favorable Impression. Hits. AOASSIZ AND LONVFKLLOW. After dinner the Emperor, accompanied by the Vlsconde de Pom Retiro, visited Mrs. Agasslx and the poet Longfellow, with whom Ills Majesty had a long conversation about the poets of all nations, which was very Interesting. Bis Majesty bade the poet "goodby" with regret. TOR SARATOGA. , At nine P. M. the Imperial party left Boston tot Saratoga, where they will arrive to-morrow. HOTEL ARRIVALS. John Qulney Adams, of Massachusetts, and General H. H. Baxter, of Vormoot, are residing at the Brevoort House. De Witt C. Ellis, Superintendent ot the Bank Department, arrived from Albany yesterday at the Fifth Avonuo Hotel. General Gadolln, of St. Peters burg, arrived from Europe in the steamship Algeria yesterday and Is at the Hoffman House. Congress man John O. WhitehouHC, of Poucbkeepsie, and Uaron de Overbcck. ol Austria, are so journing -at tha 'Albemarle HotoL General Charles H. t. Colli*, of Philadelphia, is staying at the Union Square Hotel. Geoeral JcIT Thompson, of New Orleans, and franklin A. Alberger, of Buffalo, are at the Metropolitan Hotel. Thomas Dickson, President of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, la at toe Gllsey House. General John H. Ring, United Statei Army, and Lieutenant Commander John C. Kennett, United Stales Navy, are nt the Sturtevant House. Pre fnssor Carl Frehtlcn, of Vienna, and liaron von Oertzea aro nt tlio Fifth Avenue Hotel. General J. J. Alter crombie, United States Army, is quartered at the Cole man IIouso. HALES HONEY OF HOREHOUND AND TAB In a sure rcmody lor all lung and throat dlseaacg. I'ikks TooniACHr Dnor* iur> In one minute. MOTH ALINE?THE ONLY RELIABLE MOTH PRE Tentative; usrd by J'uiriers; sold by druggists. 1'rlce. 30a per ynrd. AN lNVOIClToF CHAMP ^NRsl)F Jules Mttmm A Co., Jn?t landed. to he sold at tha following prion, cash, in currency Dry Vericney, quarts $30 no Kxtradry 231 30 Private stock 2.1 .10 Imperial 17 50 Pin ts per ease additional. Tni? wine Is In everv reipeet e<jual to any other brand. For sale by II. B. KIKK A CO., 7U> Ilroadway and ?? Fui ton >t. A?THE DRESSHAT FnlTwARMWEATHER FOB gentlemen Is iinqneattonabl* the "R.vky Mountain Bearer," introduced by KNOX. It is strikingly beautiful In appear ance and as light an a frat'ier, thus securing comfort and a dm- regard I" the demand* of the promenade. Make yout purchases nt K>OX'H, 312 Broadway, or in bla Fifth Av. onus Hotel establishment. A GENTLEMAN'S PEARL CA8SIMERB HAT, S2 '.H, w>rth $4. Spealalty, Alaska Bbavbbb. 15 Now Clinrcli nt.. np stairs AN UNLIMITED DEMAND EXISTS FOR THI new Sii.k Elastic Truss, sold only by ELASTIC TRIM COMPANY, C'SS Broadway, which, worn eaay, aoon cant rupture. KEEP'S CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE.-* The very ben, six for 90. Not the slightest objection to take or k?ep any or KEEP'S Shirts unless perfectly satisfactory. 571 Broadway and 021 Arch St.. Philadelphia. LAFAYETTE RESTAURANT, NEAR THE AR1 Gallery and adjoining the masic pavilion, is In every re aper! it first clan* restaurant. SODA WATER~APPARATU8 FOR MAKING ALL Aerated Beverages. JOHN MATTII EWS, lit ar. and JOih St., city. WATERS.?SELTERS, VICHY, CARBONIC ACID. Kilter Kisaltigen. Carlsbad. Artificial Saratoga. Ac., shipped to hotel* and families in the country. Address CARL H. SCHULTt, Htlu Hroad-vay, New York. W10S, TOUPEES.-d. RAUCHfouS, PRACTICAL Wlcmaker and Importer of Unman II Air, 44 Eaat 12th at. .VKV\ lkL'ltLlCAflOftH. ~~~ Bright* d!.-<Ra.*b.' biABKfBS; bk'tiPsV, tarrh, calculttv gravel, gout, rheumatism, dyspepsia, diseases of the heart, blood, liver, kidneys, bladder, pros, tate gl*nd. premature debility and chronic diseases hith erto incurable. Pamphlets explaining their anecessfnl treatment br ASAIIEL. MaDK OF OOD, World Peerless Mineral Spring Water, and Dr. HEATH, proprietor, free. Depot and reception rooms. 300 Broadway. New York. Re Mineral Depot m . duced to 3-"i ocnts a gallon per bariel. CHANCERS -NEW TREATISE." EXPLAINING TNB1B J successful treatment, seut free. Dn. BROWN M STODDARD, No. H West 14th St. IftfROPE AND ALL THE WORLD. 14 Now ready, >10 It FORD'S SHORT TRIP GUIDE TO BT7ROPB for IS70, with Hwlaa and some otlier routes rewritten ue to dale) valuable new Information on many routes and plaeee, ina portant paper on Cathedrals of Great Britain, and a paper detailing GO ttoote snd Miner Plaeee, making It easy to And and reach nearly all p!sces in the whele world. Handsome 16tno. with Man. 81 1ft PORTER A COATB8, Publishers, CHARLES T. DILLINGHAM, Philadelphia. New York. T"E POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, (Established May, 1*72.) conducted by I'rolessor h. L YOUMANE, CONTENTS FOR JULY. L The Mechanic <1 Action of Light. By Wa. Cnitu, F. Jt. S. Illustrated. II. The Causes of the Cold of the lee Ported. By PraC J S. Newberry. III. A fitting Recognition of American Science. IV. Blaselus"Theory of Storms. By 1'rol Y. L Ceerad, M, A. Illustrated. V. Ordeals and ttaths. By F.dward B. Taylor. F. R. $. VI. The Chromis Pater-Familiaa. By Dt. Lortot. Illue trated, VII. Bigotry In Scientific Controversy. VIII. Lrssons in Electricity. By John Tyndatl, P. R. ?. IV. Illustrated. IX. Ccrtalu Phases ot Bird LHIs. By Oh arte* 0. Abbott, M. D. X. "Of the I'ncertalaty and Vsalty of the Sciences." By Irwin Itussetl. XI. Animal Powers of Offeuee and Defence. XII. Sk?tcii of Alexander Bain. With portrait. Mil. CorrespondenceThe Water Utaaw-tte "New I'hiloiophy'' ot Heat. XIV. Editor's Table'Tito Radiometer?Sunday at the Cea. tennial Kthibltlou. Literary Notices Talae's Ancient Regime?White's Warfare of Science?Becker's llaaderyabrlee Re puhilk ?Klng'a French Political Leader*?Tattle's ttermaa Political l.eaders?Clodd ? Childhood el Religions? Blackwell's Pbysteal Basis of Immortal Ity -lodhaater's Acconnt of Whewell's Writings? Mivart's Lessons Ivom Nature, Ae. MiscellanyIJestrnctloa of the Buffalo?Distribution nf the Rocky Mountain I^K-ust?Flgtit Between-a Mouse md a Scorpion?Natural History of the American Antelope?Damming of Streams by Drift |.e?Where the Arm) Morm Moth Lay* Its Ruga? Glacial Phenomena?Pereeptloa ef Musteal Teeea Ac. Notes. Terms?$5 per annate, postage free, or 90 cents per bum Appleton's Journal and the Popular Sntoeas Moethla together, lor fe per anaam. postage prepaid by tee pus >! rr" D. ArrLBTOK * CO.. PaeHMien, MO and .151 Broadway, Naer York. mwfl orrr directory, ? ?! a pht ff