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WUU AM CHBCML The Stock Market Firmer, Higher and More Active. GOLD 112 5-8 A 112 3-4. Money on Call Lonni i a ! U Per Ceat?For eign Exchange Quiet?Government tail way Bondi Strong and Invert ment Share* Steady. Wajj. Stbxbt, 1 Wbdsbsday. June 14, 0 P. M. J lake Shore ruled the rooM u>-<l?yt wniob la appro priate enough is ?iw of itae two per cunt dividend which report sfcye the director* are going to cook up tor hungry stockholders. The belief that a new pool has been formed was qulto prevalent to day. A block or 20,000 shares was aald to have been transferred Into the Commodore's name, and It waa asserted that a prominent broker, just returned from Europe, had changed hta allogianoe from the god dess of the sacred tire to the support of the mundane railroad. Whether the Commodore's thoughts are In the poaitlon of Mohammed's coffln or not la nobody's busi ness, aave so far as their bearings earthward are likely to influence his financial transactions, and by sympathy the actions of others. So the probability of his having engaged iu so considerable an operation in bis present state of health is one which each ono must figure out for bimsoll. It is sufficient to record that with trans actions of over 60,000 shares, or nearly one-half of tbo lay's total sales, Lake Shore worked Its way up from 14 to 64*, and held at this latter prico at the close. It was a species of leaven, too, which leavened the whole maaa of the market, for the rise was exhibited through the entire list, prices advancing from * to * per cent, and generally finishing with the improvement Bustalned. This waajtartlcularly noticeable In the Western stocks, which attracted more attention to-day than for sotno time past. Nor was the (food foeling confined to the railway shares, slnoe Western Union and Pacific Mall were m equally good rcpote, the latter particularly so in the afternoon, when it took a sharp rise to 26*, RC" com pan led by Important purchases, supposed to be for account of Mr. Russell Sage. The improved tone of speculation was by no moans confined to the railroad and miscellaneous list, but was also observable on the bond call, in a wider demand at increased prices for the better class of mortgages. |l A feeling Is springing up that the Kilkenny cat busi ness now prevailing among the railroads is almost as farcical as tragical, and that It may end at any moment, most likely as soon as the directors of the contending companies have covered the long lines of short stock which they bavo placed on the market It would not lurprise some people if It should turn out that the whole "wtft" was nothing but a huge stock gambling scheme on tho bear account first, preparatory to a bull movement to follow. There is certainly a firm resistance to a lurthor de cline, which is referable either to the probability of the above theory being correct or to the growing impres sion that the bed-rock has at last been struck, or per haps to both. Meantime money Is abundant at 2 a 2* per cent, and stocks aro loaned at the same rate, a feature not very significant of a bull market, it is true, anless othor ex isting reasons may account for it Ty> SAUC8 TO-DAY. The transactions at the Stock Exchange to-dsy ag gregated 107,800 shares:?New York Central and Hud ton Klver, 460; Erie, 1,100; Lake Shore, 64,600; North western, 2.TOO; do. preferred. 1,100; Rock Island, 400; Pacific Mail, 13."00; St. Paul, 2,600; da preferred, 4,700; Dhios, 6,450; Western Union, 13,000; Wabash, 2,900; 8., C. and 1. C., 200; Michigan Central, 3,000; Dela ware, Lickawanna and Western, 700. OHKXIXU, lllOnKST AND LOWKST PUICKS. The following table shows the opening, highest and lowest prlcesof the day:? , Oprning. UighuL Lotefst. New York Central 107 107 100* Harlem 138* 140 138 * Erie 13* 13* 13* Lake Shoie 63* 64* 63* Wabash 2 * 2* 1* Northwestern 41 41* 41 * Northwestern preferred... fll'4' 61* 61* Rock Island 107* 108 107* Pitlsburg 83 93 92* Milwaukee and St Paul... 40 40* 40 MIL k St Paul preferred.. 69* 70 69* Ohio and Mississippi lO'j 16* 16* New Jersey Central 82* 82* 82 Del., Lack, and Western.. 107^ .107* 107* Union Pacific 69* 60 69 C., 0. and L C 4* 4* 4* Western Union G7* H8l4 67* Atlantic and Pacific Tel... 16* 15* 15* Pacific Mali 24* 25* 24 * Panama la# 140 130 CLOSING I'RICIS?3 P. M. I Mific Mall... 2.'.'; H 15', Ml .< Ml pi., 89* a TO Witll II Tel.. ?8 4 tf* C, C,0 A I ... 4>< a 47* All A l'ac 'lei.. 1.-1* a 10 C C A 1 I). 4 a 4* V nick silver.... 14* a 15* Del, L A W ...H>7* ? |U< Jelckallvf nl 18 a 12 krte I: * a IS* larLAMIn.. II a m llan A St Jo... 13 a 13* ktiLA) pi.. 7 ? 8 II A St Jo pi... 'I'l a 2J-, aciMiii> h\ 7* a 1<^* Lake rthore 54* a 64* Hu trican Ex.. 58 a 5Ht, Mleli Central 48 a 4k* I !? li * press .. 73 a 73tf M l Harlem.lHSW a 140 Rrl.i^ara f.% Wi* ? HI NYC AI1 It..107 a 107* ll.ii A Al!.. 1(M?Z ? 105 N J Cen M* a Ha* Mew Pit. >a* a H Ohio A Miss.. lU^a !?'* I l l A N W.-... 41* a 41* Panama 18*4 a 140 liU A > \< pt til*,* ?1* Tola Walk a 2* til. A 1.1 .1' 8 ?!(>?* I'ninn Pacific.. 6t?K a 60 M il A H Pant. 40* ? 40* Mlsw.ur. Pae.. 7 a M* ADVANCE ASD DBCLIKB. The lol lowing are the changes in closing prices com pared with those of yesterday:? Aovamck.?Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, * ; New York Central, *; C., C. and 1. U, *: Delaware and Lack wanna, *; Hannibal and St Joseph common, *; do. preierred, *: Ijike Shore. H; Missouri Pacific, 1*; Northwest, 1*: <lo. preferred, *: New Jersey Control, *: Pacific Mail, *; Rock Island, *; St Paul, *; do. preferred, *; Wabash, *; Western Union, *; fold, *. Dscuvs.?Ohio and Mississippi, *; Producers' Petro leum, *; Michigan Central, * The rent of the market was stationary. THB MOMMX SA1IR Money was easy snd abundant, with loans on govern ment collateral as low as 1* per cent, and on stock eel laterals at 2 and 2* per eent Foreign exchange Is Irsaer, with actual business at 4.87* a 4.87* for bank ers'sixty days' sterling bills, and 4,89* a 4.89* for ?emand. The nominal salsa remain tl 4.88 a 4.9a Tho following are the rates of exchange cn New York at the undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, * pre ? um; Charleston, selling * a 8-16 premium; bsnk, * premium; New Orleans, commercial, *; bank, *; St Loala, 76 premium; Cincinnati steady, par, and Chicago par. Til GOLD HA ax ST. Gold opened at 112* and closed at 112*, at which flgures all the business of the day waa transacted. The borrowing grades were 1*. 2, ?, 4, 3* and 1 per neat per aanum and 1-64 per diem. At the elose loans were made flat orsaATioirs or iu gold ixchakos bask. Gold balsnces $1,398,695 Currency balances 1,700.334 Cross deeraneea 17,077,000 CKSABmo Hocas statbmkbt. Currency exchangee $4fl,782.604 Currency balances. 2,726.697 Gold exchangee >,616,800 SOU balances 927,061 The specie engagements lor to-morrow's European ?learners toet up $900,000 gold ooln. oovxavMSST so* cm. Tfeera waa aa active demand lor government bonds, aad quite a number of telegraph lo orders to buy were received, partly from Massachusetts savings banks. Prices advanced general y, but more particularly for the five-twenties, aad at the higher range of quotations the offerings were small. Tin market c.osed strong st the lol<owlng quotations:?United States currency sixes, t2?* a 126*; da da, 1*81, registered, 130* a 120*; to. da., do., coupon, 123* a 124; do. do., 1865, regis tered, IU* a llfi*; do. do , da, coupon, 116* a 116* ; da 4a, da, new* registered, 117* a 117*; Ja do., da, coupon, 120* a 120*; do do., 1M7, registered, 119* a 119* ; do. da, do., coupon, 123al23*;d<t da, 1868, re gistered, 120* e 121* ; da do., do., coupon, 124 a 124*; da ten-forties, registered, 118K a 118??; do. da, cou poa, US* a 118*; do. fives, 1881, registered, 117* a 117*; da da, do., coupon, 117* a 117*. rns roasiu* makxxr. London advices report e firm market for securi tiea, consols being * a * per cent higher. United lalaa heeds * aer seat higher Jer old ISoU. aa.i new five*, 1447a and ten-forties being unchanged Krie rose to 12*. T o-i I ay m ticket day and to-morrow fort nigntly selling day at the London Stock Exchange. ?49.000 weut into tbe Hank of England on ba1 ance lo-day. Tho following are five P. M. quota tions:?Conaola lor money, 94* a 94*; da for ac count, 94*; 1848 bonds, old, 106; 1867 da, 111; ten forty bonds, 107 S ; new Uvea, 106*; Erie, 12*; da preferred, 18*; New York Central, iff; rentes, 106t 106 ; exchange on London, 26i. 28c. isvmtmkkt en a a is. Iq tho Investment share list we note sales of New York Central at 107 a 106*, New Jersey Central at 81 a 82* a 81, Rock Island at 107X a 108, Delaware and Lactt wanna at 107* a 107* a 10774, Wella-Kargo at VOX, American Express (ex dividend) at 68 a 68*, Illinois Central at 07 a 97 * and Producers' l'etroleum at 118. TBK OKITKO BTATKS TKBAHUttT. The Treaaury now holds $20,750,000 legal tenders for tbe redemption of national bank no lea The Ami slant Treasurer paid out to-d?y $40,000 gold on account of intercut and (16,000 iu redemption of flve-twenty bonds. Tbe Sub-Treasury released $36,804 stiver coin to-day. Revenue receipts to-day, $276,000; customs receipts, $600,000; bank notes received for redemption, $760,0001> BONDS. Railroad bonds were strong, and tbe Influence of cbeap money is showing itsell in tbo demand for bonds known to be good but which rule at comparatively low prices. For instance, the bonds of the Wisconsin roads are In demand, the Milwaukee and St. Paul (C. and M. division) being * higher, the consolidated sink ing lundo *?, tho firsts ol tho La Crosse division * and the Chicago and Northwest consols *. Outside of these wo notice an advance of * In New York Central sixes or 1883 and * In llock Island sevens and Union Pacific sinking fuoda. In exception to the general list Wabash firsts (St. Loais division) were * iowor and Ohio and Mississippi seconds 1*. Tbe latest business was in Milwaukee and St. Paul sinking funds, which were freely taken up to 01*, against 00* curly In the day; Northwest uotiBolidalod coupou gold bonds ad vanced to 91* and sinking funds to 90*. The other bonds were firm. Tho following were tbe closing quo tations for Pacific Railroad bonds:?Union Pacific firsts, 106* a 106*; da land grants, 100* a 100* ; do. sink ing funds, 89* a 90; Central Pacitlca, 108* a 108*. HANK HI1AKKH. Bank shares sold at 114 for Morchanta' and at 80 for Republic. m.Mxo STOCKS Tbe following aro closing quotations In San Fran cisco:? Consolidated Va CI* Crown Point 11* California. 76* Yellow Jacket 29* Segregated Belcher.. 70 Alpha 62* Ophlr 61* Belcher 17* Cbollar 83 Conildence 18* Savage 18* Sierra Novada 13 Con. Imperial 6* Exchequer 17 Mexican. 28* Overman 67* Gould & Curry 16 Justice 20* Bout & Bolchor 46 Calodonia - 8* Halo h Norcross CI FUILADKLPHIA STOCKS. The following are lbs Philadelphia stock quotations at three o'clock to-day:? Bid. AtknL City fixes, old 106 ? City sixes, new 109 109^ United Companies of New Jersey 138HO 1'oniisylvauiH Railroad 52, 1'htludolplua aud Heading Railroad 44 44*,,' Lebliih Valley Railroad 68*4 6SJf Catawlssa Railroad, preferred 40% ? Philadelphia and Krie Kailroad 18 18*4 Northern Central Railroad 34 34 *4 Lehigh Navigation 46}f 40 Lehigh Navigation, gold loan 100 ? STOCKS AT AUCTION. The following were sold to-day:? By order et the administrator of M. R. Van Ronsse laer, deceased20 shares City Bank. $100 each, 301 ? 300; 19 shuros Leather Manufacturers' National Bank, $KX) each, 170; 113 shares North River Insurance Com puny,.$25 each, 139>i a 140. By order o( tho adminis trator of John A. Merritt, deceased:?85 shares Fourth National Bank. $100 e:ich, 89^*90. By order of ex ecutors:?142 shares Manhattan Bank, $50 euch, 133*4 ul34>4; 33 shares Metropolitan Insurance Company, $30 each, 65. For account of whom It may concern:? 20 shares Atlantic Kirn Insurance Company of Brook lyn, *50 cach, 115; 40 shares Nassau (ioallght Company, $*25 cach, 78; 68 shares Phoenix National Bank, $20 ouch, 90 a 90>3 ; 100 shares Tradesmen's Nutional Bank, $40 each, 130 150 shares Manhattan Bank, $50 each, 133*4; $45,000 Now York, West Shore and Chicago Railroad Company, first mortgage bonds, $1,000 each, 10; $5.000 Central Pacific Railroad of California. 7 per cent bonds ori883, interest January and July, 105>4. ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. The earnings of the Atlantic and PaelQo Railroad (A. and P. division)) are officially reported for? Week ending June 7, 1876. $24,035 23 Week ending June 7, 1875i. .. 19,261 '20 Increase 1876 $4,774 03 January 1 to June 7, 1876. ........... $528,733 06 January 1 to June 7, 1876 484,912 04 Increase 1876 $43,821 03 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES 400 shs We?t L'nTel.c aon 5 *> 4m -:Oll do. do. dn. do. do do. do. do. Wednesday, Jane 14,187(1 HKhiHK CALL?10 A. M. 400 shs L 8 k M 3... ,b3 do .... >3 do e'.l ? bt H7^5 (8 B? 118*4 (?l? 68* (>8 (18 lOOl JHOO PS) If MI lux) IIVO .13 41*1 Mil k Ht P Kit ,b3 do ? U 101 :??> 200 JMH liiu Pse> nil **' A Hi P Kit pi 311O do 24?? 5<*l Tol .? \V?b K?t. 400 do e* 24*4 lOO NY C .til n KR..0 1U7 15 do 1W*? ItK* do s"? 1|IHS ltm do s2 107 2?*> Krlf >?K 1<) > Mich Cen KK. 200 do It*) do 2UO do 200 L 8 k M 8 Kit !M) do 13% 48 48W 48 48* 54 53J4 iit;r> tND ii-?i y m $1000) U 86'e.r. '81.. 120* $30000 U85-20,e,'fl5,? 120*4 10UX) l>6'?.e. '81.... 123* 2<0o>iUS0-2(i.c, '?7.. 122'* 800 . 08 <?0. c,'?6be 116 I'?WI U 6?e r '81. b3 10 10 jO 2>".i ?lo 100 do 21/1 Ohio A Miss.*.. ,|3 H ? do 400 do liU do t3 lOil do 700 do loO do 54* 64 * 54* 64* 64<J 64* 51*. 40 (U* 2V? P l(J*, M* 16* i'i?2 1(1* untHfi?[ 1 loo .In L8 A M 8RK. do. do. do. do. do do. do. do.. do., do . do.. do.. do.. do.. 4UO do 110, llKJuO US 5-20,r, '06.B. 117* m<sr IIOOO Bar, CHAM 1st 41 30001! A 0 1st. c oa. 100 UUUC.KUI'7'l . 111S* MO 5(4*1 L A W H con... Kl 1UWJ M A 8tP let.LaC 103*4 tks) OIJW) do b c IO:(* 10 ' l IK mil >1 A St P cou ? i ?0*4 6tO 4000 .V J C let. con.. lO?)4 lid ttooo Mor A lis 7'?,'71 JO". t*? low) Mlcli Cen 7'e. 101* soo 1000 N Y Cen U's,'??. 1WJ 20 > li*jt>Uar 1st7's.c. .. 116*4 9*ei 5000 < e? Pat gold 6. II 8* 10) 2iI 0 Un Pec KK 1st.. U*'t 700 3000 do 105*4 20 i HUOO Will Pec boude. lid1, 1300 ftOOOPacefMo l?t... IOX Sow do. HSO C. C A I O let.. .46 SO do. ItOOAlt AT H let... Ill 3J00 da. 4l*JO M A 81 P. 0 k M ?ix 2700 )i**> Ohio A Mlee -a. <0 3000 UnPec ? HO 2000 i: I* lit,C A U hr v'3 9 4JUNW c i ts b. bi U\ 5(100 TAW let, HtL d 70 1000 A I)k A I 7'e. .be 1??1 24 ehe Mer Ksnk 114 14 Bk or Kcnublic.. 81 50 At A Pec Tel 15 20 AoierlCAD t*. 7 J do bo 58)4 14ii0 well >?'...b e :4', 100 NT CA li 7 41) do e lOOJi SCilTil Jt Weh KK..b e hooWeet . .e3 .63 1M aoo aoo 10 1 5(*> 2 "O 40 I do .. ' Mich Cen UK. .be do., de.. . ,e3 . b3 100 10 > 100 100 401 10 ? do dn ..bS ,e3 4 son 40I 12 loo 200 MM 700 Ml 2' O 200 100 :O0 800 Krle KK be 2l*> do e3 5 N J Cen KK ..b c HO do e3 50 do loo Ilea k 8t 2Uout..- .? V.6KK..I' e 4O0 do.... 2 C8'4 (18 do.. do do do do II do b:t ?84< do *4 do ?:? ?W do slO 07 V do ?7?? e.8'^ 6tl?, (W?4 68 & *l Cbl k KW RR. .be 4 0 oo .. si 1>*I dtt ... . b I 100 Cbl .t NW KRpfbe lOOUel.i. A W 11174] 100 do 107 100 Cbl AKI I.N... .1) c 107?; 20 do 10* 2t*i do ... 107% 53 do e'l 108', lou 40', 100 do 63 4 >34 20) do 4-1*4 $50< O La Ceosol. 400 >.A tet.LaCd 1KI 4<mi M A 8 P con e L. 10 ? OHO do 50Ui>Norih Mo let. ..e 5<S*i Oblu A Mlee cob y?**l CA NM ccs 6. MX*I do lO.isbt U? M's Co I>*| \> eel l a tel... . 100 do.... ..eS 2i XI do b3 5IXJ do 100 PaeMalld^ 3 m do. .bJ ?< ? de 2 0 Mlcb > en Kit 11*1 do.. e to L 8 A M 8 KK ?3 1 ?p ?!< . b ? 1100 de ?3 200 do 100 do ba 2>> do IOJ0 do *.... 40 i Oble A M UK. .6 c 100 do 201 uo el 4M? do ..63 54-; JtY.V 'UK 0AI.U-W:?? **? e .'i 700ehe L> 8A M 8..... (S7t is;, '?* *1 2a* &4iJ do do., do. do. de. o?. do. .63 3UI e r. $3501*1 l*S ' JO.e.'M. n 12i'*g $300 O U8 5'e. r,, IUOJOU ?5-*0,e,Mi.. 133 KdiNli I P. 4./<) ehe i'mc ^hii 88... eu $2000 Tenn C'e, u 7<SM> 'U un O (jo k<u Co. :?.?> l ino j M A > I '.ftJUO do b IIMIU Uo.... )ii l*i C < ? t i !((?.? N V Cen ('?'*, V1 I <10 >ior A l.wwx l> i4H do. ?. do .., do ... b3 8 1 1 li 8 A II UK lOJoO U SS'e, '81. 0... Wi'H M. 5414 6??. 54*4 54', 54'J 64). 64S *** 54^ 64*1 64)2 64*4 54-, 64,H 54*5 .'H-, 54 \ Ml 54 >, 4 48 | 48', 48'j 4 48 4IM 4114 IS de aui eo ? "4 do s3 07't 2t*> Mil A 8tP KKpfo (??',' L9% ev . HV*J Ul", l?', l?2 i?2 X. 64S 54', 64'! 54,'4 fW IOO Cbl Al W pf...e30 (IP. loo Mil A 8i P KH..S8 40 |i*i dn ... 4<l 2U) Kit A ?t P Ri: pf.. ?.d'; 2 O |ol A Malt KK .. J 30JK.I.I. A W KK. . 10774 1 ? Ohio A MU? KH.V4 10', >? ' Wi M 1?7* M. 00', 1 00 OF lit, ClObr. Iium I'u ft, KK IM.. 1U?J do 4?v?irn Pac7"?.l iUWt'j Su lit. c on.. UC'Ui I. A N con. 't#H . 2<Wn I'acof "o 200 ?ba P t'L A J'Cobc 2d ' V\ III CD 1*1 be l?<0 Jo... bS 80r? do b3 NO do *j 500 do 20" Mich < an RK. be t? 0 Pacific Mail OSW 60 > ia) .'?JU 3 '' 100 221)0 1.VO 500 2 <0 100 da. do. do. do. do. do do., do. do. do. do. .b3 25 37 H8? 117!. 67 X IH <6 26 23U 25 >? $500 0ITS5'?,r.,8l.. 100000 U 8 ?>'?. 10-40, r aOUOCle** PltU 4th lOinlii P C L * PCo SOD I'u Min Co b3 300 Atl ? Par Tel.. . *?> Mraat UD Tel. do 0(U ao? 7U0 do .....". 1 0 uo 7fK) do HO do 2IO Pat Mall SB I'D 3;?? 1<K? 1UI 1* HI two 000 100 ??< itmo 5 o 500 -jOO ?lo 4o do do ?H do \>X do do... b:t 700 Mich Can RR ?1 HI .. * * a iUl...b3 101 do ... ...4 1700 do do ?& do ta do do do do aa>4 25?$ v-'.O 23?i *3 U7?; 11HS. hh?4 UH IX 15. (8 ,7'< ?17',. C8 >8 6*Si ssS 4* W, Kg 100 Chi IKT 3ijo do 2'?# do b3 10O do -HO Chi k NVT BRpfbe lit* So b3 200 do IOO do 200 111 Crn Rlt be in N J Cen ISO Chi * R I RR .be 10<> lot. W A W 60 Del. LAW RR .. SOU do be 1 i0 MU A Kt P..b e.l>3 ?MO do b:i ?V do b3 ll?> Mil A St P JOO do 1800 do 10:# Chi 4 Alt RR 100 Ohio * M HR..b a lm> do.... i3 aw 10 Mor A Usa RR. .b e -:30 TO i P. ? ) >ha 1.8 AMU BRbS do do. do do. do. do. 54). 54 Si 54-, :#? 1??) 100 au> moo 18 <u 21V i.rla KK (I In# do.. bS 10 1 do 10 III Cen RR 5t*J Chl A S\Y RR lOJ do blO 1 m do 2<J) do 1UO do bi 100 Chi A MW RR pf.. 200 no r... Iki S J Con RR. *10 11X1 do >J 2 0 Mil 1 Ht P RR.... |i>l do *3 2 O do 4' X) Mil it St P RR pf.. IOO Uau A St Jo.. 200 1?1 A Wab UR.... 1"U do b3 100 do 3U- > Ohio A Mtaa RR... 50 do luO Pa. RR of Mo.... COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT STEADY?FUTUBES 1-32C. A l-ltic. HIQ11EU?FLOUB QUIKT?WHEAT DULL AND LOWEB?COHN FIBMEB?OATS STEADY?WHISKEY NOMINALLY HIOHEU?FOBK VIKMKB- -LABD FIItMEBl'ETBOLEUM FIKM EB ?SFIBITS TITBFENTINE QUIET?KOSIN QUIET?OILS QUIET?FREIU1ITS IBBEOULAB ? COFFEE 1-4C. DEAUEB?SUUAB FIBMEB. Wkdnksday, June 14?0 P. M. Tratio was still slow to-day, and not much wus dono either on or oil 'Chango. Flour wus quiet, but un changed. Wheat was dull and lower, cxcopt Tor spring, which was steady. Corn was tlrm. Oats stoudy. Whiskey was nominally higher. Pork was llrinor, but ijulot Lord was tlrraor and In (air request Freights flruior lor petroleum vessel*, but easier tor grain ton nage. Cotton on tho spot was stoady; futures wero from l-:'2e. a 1-ICc, hlglutr, closing steady. Doffuo wiu de cidedly firmer. Naial stores wore quiet. Oil* were quiet. Potroleum was Urnior and active. Sugar was decidedly Hrmer. CorritK.?The market for Hriuila wait very Arm, and quo tations were maraed up >4c. per lb. Mild colCee was quiet. We qnotuOrdinary cargoes, ISc. a lSKJc.; lair do., 10J?u . a 17c.; good do., 17)^0. a 17)?e.; prlmo do., 17%c. a 18c.; extreme range for lot*, 1 Tic a llks.; Sautos, lair to good, lti^e. a 171?c., gold, ninety days; Java, government bugi, 20c. a 22c.; do., grass mat*, 20c. a 23c. ; Sluicapore, do,< 18c. a 20c.; Ceylon, 10){e. a 18)$c.; Maracaibo, 10c. a 18.^e.; Laicuayra, 17c. a 18c.; Jamaica, 15c. a 18c.; St. Domingo, 14*^e. a 15c.; Porto Itlco, 18c. a ll*c.; Costa Klca. 17c. alUc.; Mnca*s?r, 18c. a lUJic.; Mexican, 17c. a 18o. ; Manila. 17c. a 18c.; Angostura, 17c. a 18c.; Savauilla, 15c. a 18^0. : Curacua, 15c. a 17c. Corrox on tho spot waa steady and unchanged. Future* were Irmu 1-3JC. to 1-ldc. higher. ttio market closing steady. The closiug prices to-day compare with Tuasiay's price* a* follows:? Junr IS. J urn 11 June.... II 15-lfl a 11 31-32 June ... 11 31 32 a 12 July 11 31-32 a ? July 12 a 12 1-32 August.. 12 l it) a 12 3-:i2 August.. 12 3 32 a 12'i Sopt 12 . a 12 1-32 Sept. ... 12 1-10 a ? October. 11 27-32 a 1 October.. 11% all 29-32 Nov llji all -'5 32 Not.... u U5-J12* II |?.|? Doc 11*2 a 11 2 -32 Doc Jau 1 V/t all 29-32 Jan Ksli 12 a 12 1 32 Feb March... 12* a 12 3-10 March... April.... 12 0-3ia 12 11-32 April.... 11 25-32a II 13-16 11 29-32 a 11 15-10 12 1-32 a 12 3-.12 12 3-10 a 12 7-33 i* >>?y":::: ?Quotation* arc turned on American standard of cUrtta. tiou. and on cotton In .tore running In l|Uality not more than half a grade above or below the grade quoted ?_ n 41 VptamU. Ala)*lma. A. Orleans.' Tanm. Ordlnanry Hfcj n?; ?..yr"""*' Strict ordinary U 7-10 ?' 7-10 [)"l. Good ordinarv 10 10 uLlle '."J?-18 w.13-16 Strict low luiudliug.. Ill 1-10 Middling .... Good middling Ilk 11 13-10 ?>a a 7-10 10^ 10 is Ilk Hi 111 j-10 1115-10 12 1-10 12 3-10 13>. 12 U 12 W-,0 12 1110 12 13-16 12 13-10 .. O-MJ uii-iu 12 1:1-10 12 13 Strict good middling. 13 1-10 13 3-10 13 5-10 13 5-10 Middling (air 13 7-10 13 9-10 13 1110 13 11-10 lair 14 5 10 14 7 10 14 9-10 14 9 16 ?Stained -Uood ordinary, 8 11-lHc ; ?trlci good ordinary, 9 13-IOe.; low middling, 10 5-lOc.; middling, 11 3-18c. Spot sales ??re a* lollows:? To-Day. La* Kcrnimy. Total Export 2,240 380 2,020 Consumption I WO 102 2H2 Speculation ? 110 110 Total 2.430 5t>8 3,028 ?Delivered on contract, 1,100 bales. For lutnre delivery tbe sale* were as lollows:?Yesterday, after two f. It.?June, lUOat 12 31-32; 500 at It 15 10; July, 100 at 12; OOtlat 1131-32; August, 400 at 12 3-3.'; 500 at 12 1-10; October, 2 0 at llfi: December, 10 I at 11 13-10. Total, 2.500 bale*. To day. up to two P, X.?June, 100 at 12; 100 at 1.' 1-32; July, 500 at 12 1-32; 10 1 at 12;1.400at 12 1-16; *JOat 1131-32; uctiat, OOOat 12 1 10; 2.200 at 12 J-32; 200 at 12 W; 1,200 at 12 3-32; 700 St 12 5-.I2; 300 at 12 3-10; 800 at 12 6-32; :nO at 12 3 16; 2,-1*1 at 12ft; 200 at 12 3-32; 100 at 12 1 10; 50n at 12 3 32; 20) at 12 1-10; Septembor. I.soi at 12 132; 30>l at 12 1-10; 2,400 at 12 :<-32c., 4*JO at 12 Mile.. IWI at 12c.; October, 100 at I lj,c.. 2ipO at II 15-lrtc.; November, loo at 11 13-iOc , tt*l at II 25-320.; December, loo at II 2532c, Total. 17.80O hales, (?rand total, 21,200 bale*. 1 he recupt* at the port* were a* followsOalveston, IS; New Orleans. 240; Mobile, 52; Savannah, 221 : Charleston. 23; Wilmington, 15; Norfolk, 173; I'lilladelpliia, 14. Total, 780 bales This day last week. 2,0X2. Tbla day last year. 1.0HI. Total slnc% Sep tember 1st, 4,0.n,500 bale*. Cotton freights closed as fol lows;?To Havre, by steam. J?c., compressed. To Hamburg, by steam, Ue. compressed. To Hrcinan, by steam. J^'o., compressed. To Liverpool, by steain, 5-10c.; by sail, ll-32d. rUlUU and lia.tlif.?ItecKlpts?Klonr. Di.OUti bbis.; wheat, 128,to*!bushels; corn meal 4 O bull, and 523 sacks; oats, 20,731 busliels; corn, 82,500 do.; rye. 3,000 do.; barley malt, 1,5<4I do. Tbe Hour market was dull but unchanged. I III' sale- were about 12,5<0 bbls.. Including State. Western and Soutliern, at the iinnexed quotations. Itye (lour was quiet, with ?ale? of 300 bbls. at &I 75 a $5 20 Corn meal waaquie.; about 4O0bbls. aold at S3 3D a 40lor Krandy wine, and (2 80 a #3 tor Western, Jersey aud Pennsylvania yellow. M e quote :? No 2 State >uperdue State..., Extra -tuts Choice State Saperdtie Western Kxlra Western.... MinunaAta Uound hoop Ohio, shlppiug Irands.. Bound hoop OIlio, trade brands famUf . ... St. Louis, low extra i>t. Louis, atritighl extra St. l.ouU, cltoiri- double extra..,...] St. laiuis, choice family Bye dour, line to supt rlljie " 8vu(itrm. No. 2 | Southern, superfine Southern, extra "" Southern, family Corn meal. Western Corn meal, Jersey Cora meal, Hrandywine.. Corn meal, puueheons... ...W 75 a 13 40 .... 4 00 a 4 40 ... 5 00? & ... 5 25 a 6 00 ... 4 00 a 4 40 ...ft 00 a 5 25 ... o 35 a 7 00 ... 5 00 a 5 25 ... 5 5il? 0 541 ... 7 IJOa 8 50 ... 5 00 a 0 ? JO ... if :aj a 7 (JO ... 7 ills s 25 ... N 25 a H 50 ... 3 70 a 4 20 ... 3(Xj? 3 75 ... 4 Oil a 4 50 .. 4 WJa 0 75 .. 7 IUi ?> 00 .. 3 oo*. 3 25 ... 3 Ola 3 25 .. 3 40 a 3 511 20 00 a 2o .X) 20(H)* 2ii ? ? Wheat was dull and lower, except for strictly prime, which waa steady; tUe saie? were ai.ont 2lJii,iUO bushels, at II 08 a $1 nx'i lor Ne. 3 Chicago, $1 10 for North west, SI Olftf aSI 12 for So. 3 Milwaukee, SI IS a SI IStj lor No. 2 Chleage. SI 19 a SI 2o){ lor soft Milwaukee, ft 21 a Si 22 lor good to choice do . # I So a $1 it2 for No. I sprilje, II 2S for good red wiuler and SI Ots lor poor do. Coru was Urm, especially lor sail; sale* were about IOO.iMO buahels. at 57,^c. a 58c. for low mixed ana steamer, 53c. a Oil-, lor ungraded mixed, 5tf?kc. a tide, lor graded mixed, 54^c. a M'ic. for no grade and ?"?7>,u. a 58c. lor low mixed and ateauier; sales ware ab?ui 400bnsbels, at 85e. lor Western Sariey was quiet. Harlcy malV?W e note aalu* of 10.UXJ buahels Canada on private term*. Oat* were steady, with ?ale* of about 80,i?0 uushols, at 42)^0. ?a I 44c. lor unxed Stat*, 43c. a 47c. for white State, 45c. lor No. 1 white W'ustern. 41c. lor No J graded New York inspection and 38c. lor No. 2 do., and 35,000 No. 2 Chicago in stora ; last evening at 41c. Utar amu Jura.?The market waa quiet. Weqaote:? American dre-sed. Sua) a S-' ?O for single; S2 1 a <225 for oouble, and SI20 a 1125 tor rougb. Manila lisuip, O'^c . gold; Kassia. clean. S2UI aS3I . gold; Italian, S^"J afiwJ, golil; Jute. 4'?c. mb\c.. curr?uc\ , Jute iutta, 2'4c., cash; SUal heiop, 4?,c.. gold; Istle, >,c. a >S.e-, gold. . MoLAssaa. ?the market for New Orleans was very flrm; 04 bbls. sold at 4Wc. a <Uc. We quote;?Cuba, centrifugal ana tn<xed. 22e. a 2-ic.; clayed, 2,'c. a ;3c. ; do. uiuscovado rclining. 30c a ;;4;'.; do. grocery, 3.c a 40e.. Potto Kteo, . 5c. a Vie.; English lalanus. 3.u. a .'a v. ; New Orle.-n*. fair to gmut, |kc. a 52c , prime to choice, .V?. a 58c. Naval croaks. ? Market for e:<lrit* of turpentine wa* quiet, nale* late last evening were 185 bbls at 30c , aud la) bids at '.t>>kC. Itosiu was quiet. We qnoteSpirits turpentine. 21i'ji- Hoslo?common to good strained. St 05 a fl 75. Tar?W asbiugtou. S. 15 a f - 25. Ad vices (rum Wlimnigtyn were as follow : ? Kutlli. atrall), $1 20 bid ; g-atd .5 hid. Tar tlrm. Si 00. Turpentine Iteady; soil, SI 80; vlrgiu, $2. Spirit*steady, 27*. Oiu ? Market quiet. We quote : ?Llnaesd, casks, 50e.; cot ton seed eru le, 4'ic. a 42c. ; Sonthn-n, yellow, (x a 5oc.; yellow winter. 5<tc. a 58c.; white winter, 05c. lard, present maks.uie, a U5c.; sponu, crude. S 37; do., bleached win ter, SI 7<>; do., natuial do.. SI <>?>; whale, crude. Northern, 0 c : do., llouthern. 5 >c ; bleached winter. 70C % Tit.; olive, casks. #1 17'. a *1 22${j'vdo., o#-e., t4 35 a S4 40; winter, bleached llsh 48c . cruue hell, 3.V. a 37e. a ?Ihe market was very active and decidedly Onner, closing alth ll'jc. bid and reluaed. 1 he sale* at New York were fHlly 2o,< (k> hbla reflued at I4.',c. aud 5.i*Obbli crude at lie. At Baltimore, lo.iMl bbls, refined ?old at I4'?c. I he sale* at Philadelphia were 6,0on bbls. do. at 14 5-IOc. a 14J,c.. and 7,!*JO bbls. do nu private term* The Closing prices were as lollows;?^Crude, in bulk, S*(c,; do., in bbls., I Ic.; tsikned. in bbls., I 4<^a a li*,c. ;uo.. cases, 1 -e. itellued at Philadelphia, I4',c., and at Baltl tnore. 14'^c. Advices from the l.'reek were as follow*;?Oil City linn lalrly active; S2 01'4 bid lor United; *hipinent, S2 25 I'urker's steady; United, S2 bid; ihipment, $2 22H1 bid, *2 -7>j asked. I'uovmuss ?Keeelpts?Lard. 882 tierces. 140 keg* aud 2frJc*<e?; cut maits, 2U1 package*; bacon, 1.550 boxea. \>i?- pork maraet wa- H mi r but quiet. The closing "call'' price* w le as tollow.Jnue. Jltl bid, till 15 aak-rd; July, sou 2D bid. SHI 4ft asked; tugst.i. $!!? 30bid, Sl? 7nasaed; September, Stl*.2ft bid. #20 asked; (l? tuber. S'O hid, S20 a-ki d: 250 ^lils. Augu.t -old at SI9 3,>, and 175 bbls.. mess, at SIH 25 a 41)1 .Si, mostlt at S19 ;40. Cnt meat* w?r>(nlrl "e note sales ol 15 tierces pickled* at 12c., 2.ill da. shoulder* at , 15.1 Si 1 lbs. plekiod bellies, heaiy average, at l','4c , and lO.itsido. do., II Ihs. average. 011 private terms, rreih Inims were qnoted at 10*{c. a I Id. I pic.ied do. at 111 ,e a llJ,e; Iresli !?<? I lie* at i'),c. a lOe.; picSleij do. at l<*4c a 10',1 and hosed do. at a He, It ecu a was <)Ulet and ateail> ; |(M boxes city long clear (old 4(1"',' Heel was q ilet. with sales of .V) bhla. extra mesa ?t qu"taliens. We i4uute ISariel*?Kxtra niSS?, fl2; plain do.. *11 . packet, SI4. tierces--City estra India mess, S23 ? s')i' l~?'a ?????? SJW. asiat Utiata uiaa*. S-U. Heat bAiua wero dull at f-'l a <23 for prime Western. The lard market was flruwr. The cioaiin- "call" price* w?r? it> lull"*?:? June $11 45 bid. *11 55 Hiked; July 911 45 bid. $11 52',, ?skod; #11 ?S0 lid. 911 7D askod; Seuleraber 911 7if? bid. 911 *<i asked: October 911 HU bid, 9U97',' asked; taller year 910 40 bid, 910 7<> aaked. The sales were about 0.4'?> tierce at #11 50 for July; 911 9'1 ?2W. *11 as, 911 87>e and 911 70 for August and 911 80 for September. Spot sales were 10<> tierces city at IP, iv a ll'ji- . and .'><XI tiercel Western at 911 47,'i a 11 5o, molly ai, $11 SO. Helloed was quoted at tJMf. w Month America, 12c. the Couiineni a?d lot^c. a 11c. for Cuba. Half! were 200 tiercel for the Continent at 1-3., 30O tiarcea for Cuba at 10|Cc. a lie.. and 230 tierces city No. 1 at lO&c. Butter wan steady at 2<>c a 25c. for State auil 15c. a 20c. for Weatern. Cheese was steady at I0l,c. ? ?*?. tor lancy State and 10c. a loj^c. for r.'cod to fine uo. Kii'a wa* steady, with a fair Jobbing business. We quote Carolina, fair to prime, tic. atU.; Louisiana, lair to good, ?r>lic. a SVJa.; do., prime. Wi. a 8c,: ICaBftoon, fair to good, Uc. a 0l4u : I'utna, good, Y.',c. a T%c., gold; Baugoon, In bond, 2*fcc. a JJ?c.. gold.'I he market for raw was decidedly firmer, but qnlet. Uel*ned was quiet and steady. We quote Fair to good refilling, 7\c. a 8c.: Cuba, grocery, fair to choice. Mfcfc a ftfc'c.; do., centrifugal, bhda. and boxes, Nov H to IS, S'^c. a Uc.; ilo., molasses, libda. and boxes. *l!ac. a 7)?c.; I'orto ltlco,refining, common to prime. 7c. a He.; do., giocery, fair to choice, ?>?c. a H\c.; refined, standard A, t'7?c. a luc.; oil A. '.'V a Ujic.; crushed, I0>ac.; powderod, lotgc.; granu late, 10>,t; cut loaf, l(i?4e. stkakink, ?Kecelpts?103 tiorces and 41 bbls. The mar ket remained dull itt 13',e. at 13,'ic. for prime. Tallow.?Receipts?01 hlids., 10 tlorcea and 150 bbls. Tbu market was steady, with tales ol 70,000 lbs. prime at 8Kc- and 154 bbls. off grade nl H^c. a H?,c. ? iiisk?v.?lteccipts?177 bbls. The whiskey market was nominally higher; hut no sale* were reported. Kiikhwits.- -Petroleum vessels were lu very active demand and lully 3d. higher, while grain tonnage was offered lower to Induce shippers to take hold, which they did pretty freely at the inducements held nut to llioin. Berth room was in moderate demand and taino lu the line of grain accommoda tion. The engagements were;?To Liverpool, per atcaiu, l.lMi bales cotton at 5-ltld ; about 5,000 boxes cheeto re ported at 55a., and some lots of bacon at 45s.; and by sail 10.000 bushels grain at 7d.; l.Soo bales cutton at I. a 9-32d.; 1 >0 tons oilcake. 21*. 3d.; 150 hhds. syrup at -5 a. To London. pur steam, 32,00.) bushels grain at O&d.; and by tail, H.000 bushels at Ht4d. per t'O lbs.; 40 tons tallow scraps at 90s. The charters comprisedAn American brig, hence to Falmouth for orders to tho United Kingdom, ultb 2,(150 quarters grain at > >s. 4>?d ; au Italian bark, hence to Cork lor orders, with 2.500 quarters at lis. ltd., long days: a Norwegian bark, benue to Coutlueut. with 3,000 quarters do. at As. ad.; a Swedish bark, hence to Cork fur orders, with 4,001) quarters do. at Us.; an Austrian bark, hence to Penarth Roads for orders, with 2.00o quarters at 0*.; if to Cardiff or Newport. 3d. off; a Norwegian brig, hence to Pen tance, with 1.? >?*> qnartors do. at 7s.; an Austrian bark, hence to Cardiff or Newport, with 6,000 quarters do, at 5s. lid.; an Italian bark, henco to Cork for orders, with 4,200 quarters do. on private terms; an American brie, liouce to Lisbon, with K.OOJ quarters at lHc. per bushel; an American brig, from Philadelphia to the Continent, with 2,100 quartors graiu at lis. 3d.; au Italian bark, thence to Bristol Channel, with 2.OO0 quarters do. at Gs. ; a Swedish bnrk, from llaltimor> to Cork for orders, with 2,000 quarters do. at (la.' d.; a French Bark, 274 tour, hence to ti e llaltic, with I..'>00 bbls. refined petroleum at 4s. i>d.; an American bark, 20t tons, hence to the llaltic, with 2.000 bbls. do. at .is.; a Norwugiitu bark, hence to the llaltic, with 2.500 bbls. do. at 4fc. Hd.; an American hrl .', hence to the Mediterranean, with 10,UK) cases rellticd petroiaum on privaie terms; a German bark, Iroiu Philadelphia to Ilr.'men, with 5,000 bbls. do. at 3s, 10' jd.; a German ship. U10 tons, henco to Bremen, with 6,OjO bbla. do. at Ua. ljS, i an Italian bark, from Philadelphia to the Medlierrancan, with 15,(AX) casus refined petroleum on private terms: % Norwegian bark, hence to Stockholm, with l.joO bbls. i?tln*d ami 1.0" bbls. crudu petroleum, at 4s. 10d.: a Norwegian bark, hence to Cronstivdt, with 5.41W bhla. 'clined peli uleum at 4s. od. and ?10 gratuity ; a Brit ish brig, from Richmond for Klsiuore for orders, with 2,100 bbls. rcliucd do. at 5s. Oil., and British hrig, from Kicbinoud. with J.ooobbl*. do. fur sum,< voyage and rate; a Ucrmau bark, liouce to llreinen, with 6,i<00 bbls. refined petroleum at 3u. I'd ; a Norwegian bark, trom Philadelphia to Carman or ljaiiisli llaltic, with 4.tVio bbls. do. du. at 4s. (1<I.; a XiirwcL-lan bark, from Philadelphia to Bremen, Antwerp or Hamburg, with 4.50 ' bbls. do. at 4s.; a Norwegian bark. SiO tons from Baltimore to Bristol, with rosin at 3s. Ud.; a German bark. :<tki tons, reporiod from Wilmington to t!ork for or.'ers, with naval stores at 4s. a an Amertcau bark. <HM tons, hence to an Italian port, with Kentucky w bacc.i on private terms; a British slop, 1.43H tons, laid on the berth for Liverpool, with irenerai cargo at market rates; n ve??cl, 24H t?n?, Irom M. John, X. B? to Newry, with deal at 7Ss.: one. thence to Wutorford, with do. nt smiu rates, and one, U6S tons, thence to Gloucester, at 72t. UL NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. WiPKKsnAT, Judo 14,18701 rkobipt* rou two bays. Kmi/? .Ship uail and Vetera. Cow. Culvf. Lam'tt. lloffi. fllxtluth street u:>* 22 *?3 1 -.^.l ? Forty eighth streot ? ? 1,4 *** 1 unlet h stroot krT, 3tt43 1 570 Jersey City 8'- ? a'mJ Total* l.S-S.i 2J 1,450 4.010 5.053 * Bgnxa.?Trade still alow on a moderate run of cattla, lu uiniliiv slightly bottor than on Monday Inn. The markets ulosid weak, will) several car loads unsold. 1 rice* ranged troui Kl.c to 10c. per ID.. woghts 0 cwl. to 0 cwl. l-rcui .?0 lb*. to M lbs. hu b?uu allowusd not; only a lew howl ob titlnod 57 Ilis. to tho owt. nut. At Sixtieth street yards I. C Ka*tman sold for ?ulf S6 car* of horned cattle; sales as follows;?108 Illinois steers a( He. a WJ^o. par lb , weight 7V ca t., scant; & Illinois steers at 0'.,c. per lb. with a frac tion off per lb., weight 7'4 ca t.; 78 Illinois steers at ??c. a m .? nur Hi weight cwt. strong; 107 Illinois tuW# ui V>*aC. p?r ib., weight 1% cat strong; 78 Illinois steer*: at t& a llX. por lb., wilght 8)? cwt.; ?HI Illinois ?tears at Wc. a 10c por lb., weight 8 cwt. scant. Slegel A Meyer sola lor selves. 12 Illinois steers, at 0K.C. per lb., weight ??i ?wt.; 17 Illinois steers. at i*r lb., weight 7l? cat. strong; IH Illinois steers at 0j?c. per lb., with fl off per lb.. weight V-i cwt.: 18 Illinois stairs, at 10c. per lb with $1 off per head, weight 7?4 cwt.; 10 Illlnol* steers, at Wc. per lb., weight 0 cwt. l?. Walxel sold lor Morris & Walx el*. 17 Illinois ,*i*ers, at Uc. par lb. weight 0'4 cwt.; -JS Illinois steers, nt ???? Por ,b~ wlt?. " off,Per weight 0>4 cwt.; 30 Illinois steer* at ?l4c. per lb., with $1 ?inner head weight <% cwt.; 75 still led Illinois steers at Swe per lb!. wltl fl on per uead, weight OWcwt. scant ; lurid on > ale 10. head of horned tattle. At Jersey City vanl??8 W. Sherman sold lor 8. \\. Allorton 10 Illinois ?teers at 8Vc. a H'.,c. per lb., weight ? cwt. Mwnf, 8 III nol* steers ut He. a Usjc. per lo., weight ?S? cwt ; <17 Illinois steors at OKlc. per lb., weight 7'4 cwt. Coney <k Mel herson "" for if W. A Her ton lit; Illinois steers at to. , L p?r lb., weight ewt.i 84 Illinois steers at ?Ce. per lb., with f 1 or. per head, flight 7>icwt.; for A. andJ. Christie 50 Pennsylvania steenf at l>r. a H>tc. per lb., weight 7 cwt. M. Louterbach sold lor Mopfer A I o. 17 Missouri steers at He. per Ib. weight 6)4 cwt.; 13 Missouri ste.r* at H>aC. per lb., weight 8 cwt. C. kahn sold lor J. &!* H Mls-ourl .leer* at %. per lb weight 0* cwt ; 34 Missouri steers at Hl,c. per Ib. weight 7 cwt. Uoldsclimldt sold on commission 18 Illinois steers at l y. por b. with *1 Jm per head, weights tttj cwt. a 7'? cwt ; 4l1 Illinois steer* at UVc. a 10c per lb., weiulus i'i cwt. a 8't cwt. siikkp *st> liAnna.?Trad* show iteneral Jobs in small lot*, oaallty also generally lair; rates off %c. strongperlb.; sheep sold at 4V>c. a 5*.c. per lb.; lambs a? 8c. a 1 lc. per lb. Jndd aud Uuckfnghaiu sold XM Colorado sheep, weight. lbs at 4'?e. pertb.; 218 ?heop. weight, 18.1120 Ib*. at 4',c. per lb.; 2ltf sheep, weight mtKIO lb*., at 5c. per lb.: .18 sheep, weight. ID."I0 lbs., at i'.c pat lb. Wase and Pldtock *uld V)hlo sheep, weight, 11.H40 lbs., at |per lb., i11 Obto ?he?*p. weight, lb?.. o\c. p?r . I?1* tuclty lamba, weight. 7.770 lbs , at 8c. per lb., .41 Kenlucky lambs, weight. 15.5 0 lbs., at 8'ie. per lb.. 41 Jersey lambN weight, 2 S50 Ilia, at l">ic. per lb 47 Jersey lambs, weight. 02 ??. ler head, at lie. per lb.. NY. KUiott sold 141 IllluuU she*p, wolght lJ 480 |h^. at 4**c. per Ib.; 211 Illinois sheep, weigh! 18 ,llo lbs . at 4 ???. parl^T 11 Virginia lambs. Weight 0U? lbs at 8c. per lb.; llume and BMIott *oldHOOhlo sheep, weight 7,000 lb*., at 5>-4c. per lb.; 74 Ohio sheep, weight 0.34O lb*., at 5',c. per ",aTlf? Cow*?Trade rery *low at onrlaat qnotatlons. Vxau and Caltk*.?Buiter milk led calres sold at 3J?o. a 6c. per lb., quality coarse Ordinary quality caivei have como to hand of rathar a better description than those re ported for .eraral week* past. Still, on a heavy run. trade was alow at Oa. a 7\e. par Ib. rhero were uo smooth quality Teal* to hand. llooa.?There war# Bo lira bog* on lale. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Qaltb*tok. June 14, lfW. Cotton qnlet; middling, like.; low middling, lO^a ; l?oJ ordinary, ?Ho. Net recuipt*. 18 bale*. Hale*, 74. 8toek. U.284. nrv ori.ka??, Jnna 14. 187?. . Cotton firm, good demand; middling. llSa.; low mid dling. lofce.; good ordinary. Net reeejpis. J40 ba e*. Uroa* 20?. Kxporta?To Ureal Britain. 4,751; coastwls*, 850. Sale*. 3,460. Stocks. U3.857. Moaibm. Jnna 14, 1870. Cotton nnchaninMl; middling. lie.; low iniddllug. !(>?.: good ordinary. "So. Net reeeiptj. 52 bale*, bxporta? Coa*twls?, 43. Sues, 250, bto^k. 13.818. SATAjniAa, Jnna 14. 187'!. Cotton quiet; middling, 11?.; low middling. 10?e ; good ordinary. 8Va. Net receipts, 321. Oross. 332. k.xporta? Coastwiae, 3?li (tales, 04. Stock, 4,7i,7. CmarlkktoN, Juno 14, 1870. Cotton Arm fhr good grade-, other* ?..mimal; middling lH4e ; low middling. lO^c a lOJ.e good ordinary. 10c. Net receipts, Si bales, galea. 350. Moak. 0,522. WtLBiTOTos, June 14, 1870. Spirit* of tnrpantlna *teady at 27c. Bosiu brut at ?1 20 ?forstrainad. TarhrmatilOU Ogwwo. j... u. llrW, rieur steady; Mo. 1 ?prlng. W 75; ambar wlntar. ?7; while winter. *7 25 a $7 70; double exira. $7 75; conces sions ar. in .de an large lot* sales I.SdObql*. Wheat dull; s?le> 0.0"?' bushel* No. 1 Milwaukee club nt fl 20 a ?sl .8 Com llim r; saloa of old western mixed t orn meal uucbaoaed. Mill feed unchanged. Canal f,elghU-Wbaat. 5Uc; com aud rye. 5c. to New Vork; lumber. #2 the Hud son t-l 75 lo New York. Kailroad frelghW-Kionr to Koston, 35c!; to New York. 25c.; lo Albany, 2. 'n. Lake recelpt* Whaat, 7,100 bushel*; lumber, 3<i,l*XI feet. Canal ship ments?Lumbar, teal. fit-rrALO, June 14, 1876. l.ake racelpt*-Klonr, 0,000 bhls.; wheat, OI.OW) bushels; corn, 343.IAJO do.; osts. lh.OOO do ; barley. 15.000 do.; rye. 1 7i?i do Kailroad?Kl.iur, 2.700 bola.; wheat, I5MM ousbelc corn. I7.no0 do.; oats, U,000 do.; barler, 2,50o do ; r?e 800do. Canal shipments for tidewater?Wheat. 3U.5O0 bushel*. Interior?Corn, 8,1*10 bushel... Railroad ship ments-Klour. 2.700 hbla.. wheat, 87,000 bushels; torn, 74 OKJ do.; oats, 9J,IJ00 do.; barley, 2.500 do. ; rye, KX) do. Ca'nal^reighu lower; early, ?>??.; ater, ?k:. on wheat for New Hirk. Klonr quiet and unchanged. Wheat held llrm, buyers holding off; sale* 1.8??) bushels No. 3 Milwaukee club at (I 14' lO.msi do., to arrive, privately; 1,000do. No. 1 Mil waukee at #1 23U. Corn dull and linn ; lew cars No. 2 mixed Western at 5I?. a 52e. Osl*. retaillug only. Itya n.iml iiaJIrS'Mi. (or ntate . no sale*. Harlay neglected. I ork dull at SIU 75 for heavy mess. Lard dull at 12c. lilgbwluas noml nally at #1 11 for city made; little doing. Tolkho, Juno 14, 1878. Flour dull Wheal dull, lower; No. 2 while Wabash. $1 .11; No. 1 white Michigan, ?l 27; extra do . fl 33; ambar Mlchiana. *1 21V; June. ?l 21} 23; No. 2 do., ft Ui; No. 3 r?o wlntar, (I 2lV; No. ? red, $ 1 04K: re jected liaylon and Miehlgan red, 85J?e. Corn steady, with a lair demaud ; high mixed, ; J sue, JO,4c.; Jaly, olc.; low do., 48^c.; Jnna, 4?c.; July. 4?c.; no arade, 4j>4o. Oats dull; No. 3, 33c.; Michigan. 33>4c. Keceipts?W heat, '?c? UUO bmUelt; corn, 4^*UO.tdo.; o?l?. 13,' w w. fchlp menlt?Wheat, 24.000 bushel*; corn, 2U.IJOO do.; oata, 0,000 do. ? , ,. 10_rt , Chicago. June 14,187*1. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat active, Brm higher; closed a shade lower; No. 2 Chicago spring. #1 Ofi?< ?pot and Juna; fl i?HJnly. Corn active. Brm and higher So. 2 at ipft una .Juno; bi<i. July; 41k*, m August, (lats quiet but steady; No. 2 at ? 2?V spot , 3llWe.. Allans!; 2?S?. a July. Ilye steady an unebariged. Barley steady and uncimnged. 1'roTlslons mod erat. ly active and higher; mess pork steady at *1U, spot f)H 05. Jul*; fin 2ft, August , lard tnoderatoly active higher; (11 20 cash. *ll 22X >>ulk meats steady Willi a fair dcuaaj; siioalder*. 0>ic a 7c.; dear rib sides Hie. Whiskey active, but not quotably higher, at f I Kecelpls?Hour. 13.000 I.his.; wheat. 12;M<*Ibushels; corn do.; oai*. t!4,o00 da.; rye, 4.UJO do.; barley. 4,4. do sh:c?nnt* ? Flour, 7,'Wo bbla ; wheat, "d.OOU busiir s corn. 22?,oi/v do.; oat*. H>4,U? i do. ; rve, 2,000 do. At atemoon call of the Board;?Wheat higher; ft Oft'f afl July, fl o5U August. Corn tinner; 45}^ June, July. Oats eatler; -9>ic. a 2H',c. cash, fork higher fl? 1(714 .luiv, fl? 2'jW Aiign?t. Ijiird higher; 911 15 ?11 17), July, fl I 27Jt a 911 80 AuguH. PRINT CLOTHS MARKET. Fmtidmici. H. I.. Ju?e 14t ll*7d. Printing cloth* firm nt previous quotation*, wltk more qnlry. HAVANA MAHKET. IIavasa. June 14, 1870. 8p*nl*h gold, 217 ft Sl7f(. Kxehnnge aetive; on United Stales, 80 days, currency. ?'4 a uieeount; day*. gftid,2?ft9 fiannum; eft Lftodon, Atfe ft l&M BRAZIL COFFEE MARKETS. Kio JAMMftO, Jan* 13, INTO. CoBee?The market 1> unchanged Sairroi, J ana 13, 1976. Coffee?The market i* unchanged A EUROPEAN MARKETS. Lonikim Puunoc'K Maukkt?liMNUuM. June !?? RTen iuk.- Calcutta Unseed, 47*. iKl. ? 4-s.; linseed oil, 23a. 3d. per i?t. FINAKCIAI. . FISSIONABLE RATE*.?MONEY WLfRl ^ Endowment insurance Policies. Mortgages and other ?eeurltlea; insurance uf all kind* alvctwl with IwMwa pauiM. J. J. HaBRICH A CO.. 117 Broadway ALKX. rROTUINQHAM A CO., BAHURSi S WALL ?t. maku investment* ot large ur small amount* in stocks of a legitimate character; reliable put* and calla; ?locks bought and carried uu a deposit uf 4 to it ptir cent. Circular* and weekly report* lent tree. NY AMOUNT ritrs |?" F L'NDS TO LOAN ON mortgage, City or Brooklyn. LKAVi rf A WOtCOTT, io Plaett. ?OPE U ATORS WISH I Ntf TO T AK E AO VAST AUK ? of our low quotation* for Stock Privilege* should aend u* their order* at ou.'e; Put*. Cull* and Spreads J day*. 10 days. 30 day* ?nd UO da>* on 100 *harv* or any part: amounts Iroin $10, $H*>. $5<XI and upward Invested aceord lug to tnatructionsand lull report* ul the market given .stocks bought and carried on llaii per cent umrgiu; relervucas froui leading banking bouses. Write or telegraph order* to JOHN H10KLINU A CO., Bunkort and Broker*, 72 Broadway. New York. LAOV IN BVSIN5Sriroll IIKKSKLK WIS?TiTJ loitn of #100 lor one month; >0i:urily ample; also a partner with $S,Um Address Kr-MKK.V1.UA, Herald otllce. CioLoBAOO MINK -TIIK AOVKHTISKK DESIRES TO J asaoulaM with a capitalist iu a splondld mining enter prise which will unquestionably yield profitable returns; t.ri( i,i km immediately required; an luieatigatiou respectfully solicited from principal* only. Addrena COLORADO PROSPECTOR, Herald olllce. I "always" nAVE MOiat TO LOAN "on mort" gago New Yoik city property: city railroad Stocks and Bond* bought and tola. H. L. URANT, 145 Broadway. JO UN S. PIERCE. NO. 3 PINE ST.." ?oaNS HON ST uu New York und Brooklyn I'.oal K*tale. Six per cunt money tor,tlrat cla** loan*. M" ON FA TO LOAN ON MFRINSURANCE POLICIES, on libural term*. PECK A CO., 16-i Broadway, room I. ONKY LOANEO?ON NEW YORK OK NEW JlTtl *ey Property In *uui* to suit * J. O. CONDICr, 33 Pino *t. M SAKE AND ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES purchased or loans mudo on same; other sccuritiel negotiated. V. W. 0 AOK A v'u., 17:t Broadway. SEVERAL SMALL SUMS OF $1,000 ANO OfWARD to loau ou We*tcliestur county Property; Mortgage* bought ? L. M. D.WEM'OltT. 14.> llroadway. fPRUSTEKS, KX~KOU ToRS.-MY "specialty' Id TO X place funds ou sound bond uud mortgage. W. PYOIT, 34 l'inc *t. ?7 fWWI WANTED?THRBK OhTfIVE YEARS, ON ?J) I .Ul/vr Leasehold worth <!ai>,0 K>; no bonuc, no brok er*. Aduruas ATTORNEY, box -~-i Herald office. iOO / WW) TO LOAN ON RICH JKWKLKY; LOANS >w\'.UUU liberal aud strictly conlideutiai. Box. 2,541 liberal aud strictly coulldeutial. Box 2,041 os/i nnn ESTATE funds to loan on aioUiUUU city property at 6 par com Apply to EXhCUTOR, 200 5th St., near Bowery. $1,000,000 "??<"?'? " ___ V. K. STKV1.NS0N. Jr.. No. 4 Pine *t. PPnJB^COpARtNEKSH IP llEUE T<)FbKE"KXISTlNO 1 under the nuine and llrm of E. Lux A Co., COI'AIHW K UNlilPm. i . ha* boon die ?olved by mutual consent. Louis Selig A Waterman are alone authorised to sign In liquidation. E. Ll'X A CO. rpijK COPAKTNERSUil' HERETOFORE EXISTING X between the subacrioer* under and by the llrm uauie of "Griggs A Co." I* hereby dluolved, Neul Boyle retiring therefrom. Nkw York, June 7,1876. ISAAC OIIIUOS, JAS M. UltlUUS, NKAL BOYLE. riMIE UNDKKdIONKO HAVE THIS DAY ENTERED A into copartnership, under the llrm name of Frederick Link A Son. lor the transacting or the wholesale and retail provlaiou bu*lne*a in the city or New York. FKEUKKICK LINK. DA VIO C. JUNK. No. 502 llunsoM Stkkkt, June 8, 1S7U. The casing businuss ?111 berualter be carried on by Churle* W. Link, 302 lludaon at. J UK K H. 1876. A IIK COPAUTNKWSHIP H EKE TOFOItE KXISTfNO between Frederick Link aud Charlci W. Link, under the firm natuu of F, Link A Bro., 1* this day dissolved by mutual consent. FltKDKlUCK LINK. Nkw Youk, June 8, 1876. Cli.vKLRS W. LINK. BUSINESS OPPOIITU.'VITIKM. "V""-AOOn itl.> AL tfAP1TAL' PHtitJURED FOR MER A. ehant*. miinuracturers aud other*; Koul Estate ex changed lor Budnexs; Mining Interest*, Ac,, negotiated; person* with capital kecking business udvUed, without charge, of approved opportunities. Kelereuce*?11. U. Claf 1 in A Co., Ltry Uoods, 140 Church st.; Baldwin, Sexton A l'eteriou. Manufacturing Jowelers, No. 1 Bond st , Ac. UKMUS A OABLETON, Fluanclal and Businoaa Broker*, US Broadway. 7 PARTS WITH MEANS AND EXi'ERlENCR Jl want* the agency of *ouie salable go >ds. Address TYliON. Herald ottu e, \ RARE CHANCE TO SECURE GREATEST MANU it facturing enterprise in market, by luvesting equally with udverDsrr. Only until capital required. Balance froiii business. 62 Montgomery ?t., uooin In, Jersey City. N Ol.D-K^T.uilJsTllui bUSl.SESS, ESPECIALLY adopted for a Uirnian, will b* sold cheap, tor ca*h, to a prompt buyer. Apply at No. 7 3d *t. Ilobokou. N. J. M~U P it IO I1T YOUNU bit COU 1ST, SVi T U "aTraLL. capital, dolred in copartnership in an established Drugstore 111 Brooklyn. Addrea* FRANK ItKVNoLDS, Kaq.. 44 Court *t., Hrxoklyu, room 53. TKU ST Y man, OF~ UO(?O HA BITS, H A Y1N U JftKu cash, wanted to takechargn of branch agency ill Phila delphia, Pa.; salary and comiul**lou to the right man. Ad dres* MANHATTAN, 4W Htli a v. "I PARTNER WANyED WITH 980J FOR IKIKST il class city Theatrical Enterprise ; already established; capital required fur extension and Improvement. Addres* M. B. L. Herald Uptown Branch oltice. FARTNEK WANTKO-IK YHKAI'RICAL BUhl.NKSS, with <1.000 to $l.;>l*). In till* city. Apply at 7d5 Broad way, loom 7, Iroin 12 M. until 3 P. M. TO INVK.vrORS IN CITY It A ILItOA OS.?AN OPPOR tunlty for luveatment can be securea lu a large blcicx of ?tock In one of many horse railroad* lu a larne illy; the stock ol every other road aulls trum par to a large premium, aud it Is believed thl* will advance a* others within ul my day* ; the road J??t commenced running. Address box 1,'Jll Post olKce. rjpUK hKKSlukncvT TUK ViKOlXKAfi CONVENTION. FULL AND LATEST I'A itTICULAR.4 TO-DAY IX TUB BVEN1NO TBLEUKAX. Ol'LO AKKANOK TO FUKNIrtil CAPITAL FOB A tnmmfecturu of undoubted Import mi re, nutlirtiiiitly dcruloped to recommend ItMdf aud m-uured Lty letter* pal ent; no toinniunlcailonii nntlceil th:it <lo not state the na tor* of the Invention. Addres* CAl'ITAl., box lUt llerald olllue. WANTKD?I"ABTNKK, WITH #1.SOU CASH. Ta'TAKK I third iuluroal: money will liu well Hocureil; itivml (TH(lon lotttttM Address WUOttlfc !*H West 2.'ld St. & Hill OAIH WILL HMOOBB A HAL? IMTkUKST In h *?ll ustabllilioil ca?h llutlnpss, paying i UU par moutU. Addrou >1., box I".' il.-rulil office. <t?7nn -FAttTMBK WASViTd WITII $700~TO TAKK ?jp | UUi mi iuUiram In Hn uitny cash bu?luu?s out ol town, uhviiik f4U0 par month net profits; principals prepared to i ink bestaeSe call for WAl)K, 4# Welt ititii ?t. r. fWWk TO ?IMMU -I' V KT N KK rl( BXTKN8IV K iM/U" profitable. wcll-rstsbllsh4d niHiinfaemriiiK bu^lnau. warrroom*, It road way. factory Brooklyn . i.wn. r retiring to fcuropo with fortuue. Address, lull uauiu uuii address, I'KliMASl'.ST, i(<_rind Office. DEPARTMENT OP PARK8. At a mooting of the Purk Commissioners, yesterday, K. C. Morrison, 8uperiut?)udent of Street* and ltnads In the annexed district, was romovod. It was docidod to allow bsll and croquet playing in Central Park :or the remainder of the season. Permits for Indulgence In the pastime* arc lo be obtained from the Superintend ent in the Museum Bulldiug in the Park. FIIIE DEPARTMENT. At an executive bcb.iIoo of the Bos*A of Fire Com missioners yesterday the contract for famishing fuel to the department was awardod to Samuel a French ?t $7,003 iA. Tho following Is an abstract of the quarterly report of the department for the present year:?Total num ber of Ores, 344; estlmnlod loss on building*, $629,707; insurance, $1,S?77.K00; on stock, loss, (2,1(0,289; In surance, S3,SON,028; total lose, $2,717,090; total Inxur ancc. $5,3*0,427: uninsured inns on buildings and Stock, $28,000. In 107 caves tti'o origin of dre* was Irotn pipes, or the carelessness of o< cupsctts or em ployes. 'fhc sum of $9&o 60 was received tor licenses for tho selling ot kerosene oil, gunpowdi-r aud fire works. The 101*1 uniformed force of the department was 763. The total coutracts awarded lor tho quarter were $20,497. The bal'inco, March 31, in tho life in suraneo luud wss $470, aud la the relief (und, $216,674 21 A BRUTAL HUSBAND KILLED. Coroner Klckboff yesterday helJ an Inquest In the caso of Phillip Htehl, who was aubhra by his wile, Louisa, on the 29th ull, while be ras beating her. Mrs. Btebl Is a young woman of twenty-two years, of slender build, and has dolicate, comely features. The flrst witness called was Officer Ad.iiisk.v, of tho Tenth precinct, who testified to seeing recenxed sitting 1 Ob a stoop in Kivington street on ibo uinhc of ' May 29; asked him what the trouble was; h> j replied that he had bees stubbed, sad exhibited I blood on his cloihing; be said that his wtle had stabbed hun in the side with a knife; went to his bouse at So. 127 Kldrnlge street witb him and ar ret ted Mr*, .si eh I: at the station house she staled that her hushaud ku oeaten tier and that she acted la self deienco: Iter lace bore marks of violence. Several other witnesses tn-tined to hsrlng seen Stehl besting bis wife. Ihe Jury retarned a verdict that deceased came 10 his death from a stab wound In the chest inflicted by his wile Lomss In selt dn/enrt. Tbe prisoner was then placed under $600 bail to await the action ol tbe Grand Jury. SMALLPOX IN JERSEY COT. Tbst UTftUe scoursc?smallpox?which bad almost entirely disappeared Irom Jersey Oily during the post two months, has brokei out sfiii a boy named McNeill, residing aV No. 173 Hrunswlek' Street, wss st> tacked yesterday. A few day* prsTIo?1| a aluM la the same family died fross this mslaar. CHARLEY TIOHS AGAIN. Christian K. Roar, the father of tb? child abdacMi from Philadelphia, culled at the Ceulral Othce y*?l*r> day und hid a prolonged consultation with Superin tendent Walling. 'Ihi u.ituru of the conversation is withheld for the present, hut It ti behoved to have beeu about new und un|iorlan'. clew* which have been ohtuiocd. Mr. lions still euiertaiu.s hopes of finding little Charley. It Is rumored that tbo new clewa were furnished by Westerveli, the brother-in-law of the dead burglar, Mother, who is now in Moyatnensinf Prison, and that the information concern* two accom> plieea ol Mosher and Douglass. wbo accompanied then mi Philadelphia ou the ktuuapping expedition. A VEBY DELIBERATE bUICIDE. On Monday evening Captain Kgbert llayuor, o( Rivet* bead, reached New York from a Southern voyage, mad tbo same uiglit started for home, leaving bis vessel la Now York. On roacblus his boine und going Into tbo bouse ho found his wife lyiug ou the bed, fully dressed and apparently deud. l'hyslolatis were at onco sum moned. who lound Mr*. Kaynorcold and rigid, and la thoir opinion sho had been dead fruui thirty, atx lo iorty hours A letter written by bor? self wan lound lyiug on tbo lloor, near the bed, which titled lhut she' had taken slrychiiinx to end bur exist ence. In her loiter she noted tbo effects of tbo potcoa taken on her feeling*; that she loured she bad been deceived; that she had taken morphine instead ol strychnine. She said she would iry Mother potion li the second tailed. She look It the tlilrd limo and tbea lay down on Iho bed. The letter ?a< commenced with peu and ink and finished with a lead penctL The jury found a verdict ol death Irotn poison, administered by ber own band. THE BIVEES' DEAD. At four o'clock yesterday morning, ?? Henry Ftyna, of Uarretlo's l'oiut, was Ushmg in the Sound, ho loun4 the body of an unknown uiun, apparently about forty years or ago, floating in the water. He was dressed in a black suit and woro a black beard of about on* mouth's growth, lie is Ave feet six or seven tnchol in height. The body was sent to the Morgue and tbd Coroner notified. The I'ody ol an unknown man was lound In th4 North River yesterday, at pier Xi, and was sent to tht Morgue. It is described es follows:?Itod hair, smooth lace; the clothing wus dark coat, vest and pantaloons; white shirt and gold studs, and uew boots. .OlUcer Jones, ol the Kleveutb precinct, found tbd nude body ol a lemulo child, about one month old, la the East River, at the loot of Seventh street, it wal removed to the Morgue.' MARRIAGE.) AND MATUS. ENGAGED. Lima?Obttincbr.?Mr. Hrnry Libsa to MlaaVAS* mi Orttinubr, both of lbl? cliy. No earda. MARRIED. Riuurrstakf?Slauuiitkr.? On Tuosdsy, Jane 1\ 1870, at the Scotch I'resbyierian church, New York, by the Kov. S. M. Humlltou. Mr. J. F. BtooKKSTArr, ot Edina, Mo., to Miss Kli.a MoI). Slacuiitru. daughter of the lute Dr. P. C. Slaughter, of Culpeper, Va. Cassakd?1'ombkoy.?At St. Thomas' Episcopal church. 011 Wednesday, June 14, by the Rev. Dr. Mor guu, Wiluam J. Cammakd to Airbua 1'okbhoy, eldest daughter of John K. I'latt, Esq. CouumtAW?Tkatukx.?(in Tuosday evening, Juna 13, at St. l'uul'a church, Brooklyn, by tho Kov. T. Stuf lord Drowuu, D. D , Gkoiuik M. Coulikhaw to Iuknr C.. daughter of the lato Cuptatn James Trathen, United Slates Navy. Da Kukkht?'Tut'man.? On Wednesday, Juno 14, al the Church of iho Atonement, by the ltev. C. C. Tif fany. CiUKi.KH H. Db Kohkst to W., only daugh ter of S. J. Wallace Truman, nil of tins city. Harrison?Wbiii.? t?u l'u?sd<iy, Juno 13, 1870, by tha Kov. Dr. Westou, Ubouub W. Harrison to Hits Mauuir M. Wbiii, both of this qiiv. Hoi-kimh?Lkatu ?On Wednesday, June 14, at tha Rutgers 1'ret.bylerlau church, by Rev. N. W. Conkllng, D. D., Anson S. Hopkins, or St. Juhusbury, VU, to Mattib V. Lbath, of Memphis. Tsnn. DIED. Archbjl ?Ou June 13, Mr* Manr A. Archkr, agai 47 yours. Funeral services will takcplaco at hor lata residence, 32 East 10th st., at hall-past eleven A. M., on Thursday. Relatives and Irlends are invited. ? Brnson.?After a long ana severe illness, ou Monday, June 12, Maria 1* Bbnhon, ol tnls city, In the 43d year ot hor age. Her remains were Interred in Qraenwood Cemetery June 13. Bbtuw. ?On Wednesday tho 14th Inst. John Thomas, youngest sou of Anton aud t'atliarlno He tow. Itelstives aud lrieuds ol tlie lannly are respectfully invited to attond tho luneral Irom the residence or his parents. No. 154 Christopher st., on Friday, tha 16tii Inst., al two 1'. M. Cattus ?0:i Tuesday, June 13, Zob, wlfo of John Callus, and daughter ol Johu Van Auiwurp. Relatives and friends of the lumiJy aro iuvltod to at. tond tho luneral, Irom her lato resilience, Orango, N. J., ou Thursday, 16th inst., at hall-pant two I'. M. Carriages will bo tu wilting al tho Orange depot to meet the tram ol Iho MornxuaA Enzox lUtlrond, leaving Hoboken lorry, f'ooi of Barclay *t., at 1:10 1'. II. U01.K.?Oo Wednesday, Juno 14, 0ko.?^> I., son, of Isaac and Mary Cole, in Iho lllh year ol Ins ago. The friends of the laiutly aro requested to attond tha funeral on Friday, lUlb iosl, at two o'clock, Irom OT South 4th st, Brooiclyn, E. D. Conk. ?At Astoria, ou Wodne?day, Juno 14, ofdipth Iberia, FRkdi'Ib Comb, aged 7 years, 0 months and 19 day a Funeral services at resldonco, on Camelia St., oa Friday, Juno 10. at three o'clock. Ckockkk.?At Bridgeport, Conn., Johkphinb Bond, wiie ol 1.0granii0 U. Crocker. Relatives uiid friends are invited to attond the funeral, from her late residence, 280 Broad sL, Bridgeport, on Friday, the 16th insi., on arrival or the train that leave! Korty-second street depot at 1 1*. M. Crowkll.?In Brooklyn, on Wolncsday, Juna 14, Cakhik B., ouly child or William T. and Amauda M. (Jrowell, agod 7 years, tl montus mid 9 days. Kulutive* and lrieuds aro respectfully iuvltod to at* lend the luneral, Irom tho residence ol hor parenta, 240 Warreu at., Brooklyn, on Friday lUternoon at threa o'clock. Dk Fohrusi ?At I'rovidenco. K. 1., on tbo 2d insL, FrriB Dm Noybllbm Db FurrrmT, a^ad 3 yoara and a months. "Bear hot out sMtly To her la-t rest; Sale with her Saviour, Darliug is blest. Jesus balli called her, Fare, uiidutllud; Take couiJort nad waanar. 'Tis well with the child. ' Relatives and lriend? of the lainiiy are respectfully Invited to attoud her funeral, Irom 210 8th av., oa Thursday, at two o'clock, without further invitation. Fkasrr. ?Ou Wedue?day. June 14, Mr. Jams* Fma sku, aged t>" years. Tho tuuerul will tako plaro from his lato residence, 122 Kast 83<l St., on Suuday, the l?lli iusu, al twelve o'clock noon. Relative* mid Irienes aro Invited to at* tend. Kattbniioms ? Suddenly, on Tuesday. June 13, 1870, William A., son of Henry and Kebecoa Ksiienhoru, la the 32u year ol his sge The reiailvus aud irlends of the family are respect, luliy invited tu nvu-nd the luneral, Iroiu 136 Bergeu sL, Brooklyn, ou Friday, at two o'clock. Kblly.? In HohoWon, on June 14, Florrncs Him. mibtta, y.utigest child of Isslins and tbo Jato Tbomul H. Kelly, aged 7 month* Nolle, ol luneral hereafter. Kt sTrR.?tin Tnes.lay, June 13, 1870, Herman Rrft tbk, aged 63 years and 8 months. Relatives aud lrieuds ol the family, siso the ex-mem. bers ot Company A, Filth roglnieiit, .M.Q.S.N. Y.. ara respectfully tnvtioit to auond the luueral, from his lata residence. No. 143 l>ewis st., on Thurxday, Juno 1ft, al two o'clock I'. M. Lrkds.? On Wednesday, Juno 14. Eiiiub T . son of Edward A. and Josepliiue Leeds, aged ft years sad 1 months. Kelauvea and Irlends aro Invited to attend tha lunera! services, at the residence of his grandfather, Darius Farrlugton, 6*7 Desu ?L, Brooklyn, Fridaf moBilog, the lmh insL, at ten o'clock. Tbo remalm will be takon to Stamlord, Conn., for interment. Mar*.?Sadden death of Mrs. Saliva Marx, aged 44 Died Juno 14. 1870, al her residence, Na 14 ar. II. Friends and relatives are rospectrully Invited to afc tend luneral, Friday 10th, at nine A. M McArtnbt.?On Tuesday, Juuu 13, Horkrt McAk* mky, voungest child of Robert and Mollnda MoArtney, aged 1 year and 10 days. Itelaiives and lrieuds are respectfully Invited to at* tend the luueral, Irom the residence or his (tarsals, 1| Commerco st., Thursday, June 16, at two 1*. M. McVrak-Kbnnv.?On Tuesday. Juue 13. at the rest* douce of her parents. No. 26U 9lh st.. South Brooklyn, Emma M., wife or John H. MeVrai,, at Now Or leans, 1a., and eldest daughter ol Edward andMargaral M. Kenny, nged 27. Notice of luueral berosftar. Pakrbmonbl?On Tuesday, tha 13th Inst., Mrs. XaSV L Farrbmokr, in the 75ib year of her sge. Her relatives and rnouds and those ol ber sons, Francis S. Street and Wililain A. I'arreiuure, au<) daughter, Mr*. Mary K. Brown, are reipoctrully Invited to attuud har funeral, from the I'aion avenue Baptial church, Oreuu|>oini, lUiir-dsv. at hall past one o'clock Pbttit.?On June 13. Konnitr fKrnt, son of Richar4 and Ann i'ettit, aged 1? years and 3 niuntho. Tha frieuds and acquaintsnres are invited to attaa4 his lunoral, irom his lato residence, ins East Houston St., on rtiucvUy, June U, at two o'clock Shottk*.?On June 10, 1870, at the residence of her son-in law, Dr. Mcwburu, ol Drummondvilie, Ontario, Mary Fmancbs shotirr. wlio ol the lato Sponaer WotKl Shatter, ol Situn.;bourne, Kent, England. Ix>ndon Times please copy. TuottruOK.? At Knscde, S. J., on Wednesday, Jaaa 14 Gioruk;TH TnoMraoR. Interment stCypresa Hills Cemetery oa Friday, lfltH Inst., at two F. M. Warrr* ?On Monday evening, June 12, Ella Rat mom), only ehild oi Mortwu C. and Lacy R Warren, ?*?it 14 f-evrt aad 0 months Keiatives and friends ol tbo lamllr ara reapecWullf invited to atUiu4 the luneral. Irom hor parenia' resi dence, No. ftft 34. J antes place, Brookljra, oa Tbaradojr, June IS, ai throe o'clock P. M. Boston pa;>ers please copy. Yalr. ?sMtddenly, at Moniclslr. N. J., oa Tuaadaf, Jane IS? o4 nnsamoaia, Ambrtos Yalr, lata ol tha Urn ol Carey Ji Vale, m tho 33d year al his age. Funeral servicsn at the Cougrepuionai shank. Moat clatr, or Friday, tbo 10th ins*., UMiodlately after tht arrival of tbe iraia leaving .Vatr York, Horn* aa4 Hfe> aea Kallroad, loot Barclay sad Christopher sic, at tar* > e'aloek f. M. Carriaaaa la waitiM at tiki <?as