Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,543. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. MKKCTOItY Mm_AuVKtVriSERS. fcMUHBMENTB?2D Pack?<4tli and 5th cols. l.s rKOLOUY? I'Jin Pauk?ttth rol. Hi IjM AilUS?-'U 1* AUK ?2d coL hoAKDr.uS WANTuD?2d Pack?Ut col. ltiMltl) AM) LOURING WANTED-2D Paok?1?? ooL ROOTS ASH SHOES?12tm Paok?Oth col. Brooklyn real estate for sale-in Pa???&u? till. BUSINESS OPPOKTUNITIES?Otii Pack. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tu Pauk-4M1> col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st PACB-?th col. % CITY KKAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Ist Pauk?5th ttl CLERKS AND SALESMEN?I.'tu Pack-M col. CLOTH I.NU?12TII Pauk?ttih col. COACHMEN ASO GARDENERS?12th P*Uk-4th ceL COASTW ISE STEAMSHIPS?12tii Pauk-5th col COUNTRY KOAKD?2d Pau*? Ut ?d4 2d Ml*. DENTISTRY?12th PAUK-tlth coL DRY GOODS?1st PACK-Sth col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED-Ut Paok?5lli ami ttth cala. EUROPEAN STKAMSHIPS?12tu Pack?4th and 5th coll. EUROPE?2*u Pauk-MIicoI. EXCURSIONS- I2tii Pauk?<Uh col. PINANCIaI?Otii Pau*. FOR SAEE-2d PAGK-2dcol. _ __ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? 1st Paok?ttth col. FURNITURE?2p Paiik?5th col. FRENCH AUVKUTIsEMKNTS?lSrn Paok?Mh col. HELP WANTED-FKMALES-I2th Pauk?3d col. HELP WANTED?? ALES?12tii PAUK-4th ool HOUSES, CARRIAGES, *C.-1st Paok?2d, 34 ui 4th cola. HOTEI S?2d Paok?l?t col. HOUSES ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?2D Paok?2d col. INSTRUCTION?lit I'aok-Uth col. LOST AND POUND-Ut Paok?Ut col. MACHINERY?2d P*Ot-2d col. MAItBLE MANTELS? 12th I'AOK-Sth col. MATRIMONIAL?2d Pai;k-3<I col. MKDICAIj? 12th Pack?ttth col. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st Paok??th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS- 10th PAOB-?th eel. MISCELLANEOUS?2o PACK-2d cot MUSIl'AL?2d Paok?SUi col. NEW PL* ULIGATIONS?7th Pack?Uth eol. PKRS IN AL?Iht Paijii?Ut col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AG.?2D Paub?5th coL PROPOSALS?2D Pauk?3th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FBMALBS? 12tii Pauk?Sd col. . _ PROPERTY OUT OP THE CltY FOR SALE OR TO RENT-Iht Pauk-MK col. REAL ESTATE Tu KXCHANGK?1st Page?5lh col. REAL ESTATE W ANTED?Ut I aox-SUi col. RELIGIOl'S NOTICES?1st PAOK-ltteol. REWARDS?Ut I'.?ok?Ut col. HALES A r AOCTIOJI?2d Paoh-3.1 col. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12th Pack?Ut, 24 mid 3<l coin. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-12rn Pack?3d eol. SPECIAL NOTICES?1st Paok?1st and 2d cols. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, AC.-Ist PAOK-2d coL STORAGE?lam I'aok?ttth col. RU M M liIt RESl iRTs -2d Paok?2d col. TIIIC TRADES? 12th Paok?4th col. THE TURF?1st Paok?2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?1st PA0?-5th col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE 12tii Paok?5th and 6th cols. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1st Pack-Oth col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d Paok?3d col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?3d Paok?Hd coL WESTCI1KSTKR COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO L '.T?1st I'aok? 5tli col. YACII TS, STEAM BOATS. AG.?ltVrii I'AUK-6th col. PERSONAL. Fred-please come up to-day (FRIDati, as usual: I liuvo im expUnatlun to make. CHUNKY Q. INFolniATfoN" WANTED?()F "MATTHEW^ORMAN. who eniiirvated Irom Lanidmui. Rutlandshire. England, In March. 1H52; he lived lor some time In Erie coanty, New York : It Is thought li<? moved ?e?tward. He will hear news to his advantage If his address Is tent to RICHARD SUA III* E. Wllkcsharre, fa. IK TlllS SHOULD MEET TUB BYE OP JOHN H. VAN Slvke. he will find Ills Irloii'l ready to aid him; jrourwile at my house. Communicate with G. Q. YOUNG. 42 Cort landt st. li. NORM AN.-BUSINESS REQUIRES THAT YOU return t<> San Prantisco Immediately. B. Ladies, attention i?persons having hats ?C 243 Oth hv. will call before Fridav evenluc. k. n. remington k co. PERSONAL.?IP XUK MAY FERRIS 18 IN THE CITY hIid will greatly oliligo u friend by >endlug address to SAVANNAH. Herald Uptown Branch office. T~ h? LADY HEADING "LAVfiTPAEiaiENNE," IN Eighth Mvenue cur, would delight ifontlomiu she no ticed by appointing interview. Address ANTONIO, Herald I'ptown Braucli office. TO RESUME?I DECLARE I VERY INNOCENTLY wounded and olTeudcd you. t am sorry and beg or you to fitruive mo. IP?COME mTiih. MotVieITisTlL. TEIoEGBaPH addresa. A'l la forgiven. Nobody know*. fJIAYLOR.?43. 7. NINE O'CLOCK.' W~Tll h7d7marie petkrsbn, who was iifco petihagen winter ot 1374.5, please vend bor proieut address to the rriend who assisted her ? si?KAMILY ""tkHKIBLY" ANXIOUS WHY ? don't you write ? Communicate Instantly with <ome one. T 9TH ST., E. II.?YOURS RECEIVED; PL-ASK WRITE ai promUed, and to he sure, rive tbe number of your hou?e. Address ROSEBUD, box 110 Herald offlce. ?-880.-THEUR SEEMS ~TO BE TWO "120-920.' ) II'tbo party who put Pergonal In Thursday's Herald will aridreu note to the naiue ol the parte they dealre to see. to the Windsor Home, ou Friday, It will be received If rivhtlv directod: ir wrongly directed it can do no harm. 126 REUeiOliS NO'iitEh. MOODY'sERMONS AND PRAYER MEETING~TALK read by a vouug preacher at Albro'i prayer and praiae tneetiugs, 3 3 Wevl 36th at., Friday evenings. Please outns ?arly. i'cntonnial hymna before the service. The' oospkl TENT, ' 34th at.. Weat, and near fltli a*. (Green cara of Thirty-fourth at reel line pane the tent.) FRIDAY. S p. M.?Preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. SATURDAY, 8 P. M.?Meetiiur of Christian worker* to be led by Uncle John Vassar. Sinning every evening by Thomas E. Perkins and ? chorus. Boat* fr e to all. Helper* wanted as ushers, workers and singers. Address 8. P. WILLIAMS. No. 40 East 43d st. Contrlbutloos for tbo support of these services may be sent tn EDWaRD L. OWEN. Treasurer. No. 40 Eaai 43<l St.. or No. 71 Wail st. IsOST AKtl JTUL'NAs* Ai YRRY SMALL BLACK AND TAN TERRIER LOST front 41 Weat 17tl> at.: answers to the name of Dot: owner a name on the collar ;* liberal reward will bo paid on ita return to the above address. LOST-B~|TaCEERT. GOLD. IMITATION SHELLS, ON Tuesday evening, between Sooth's and Hotel Bruna wick or in Sixth or Seventh avenne car: suitable reward paid. S. A. WOLF. 128 West 47th st. LOUT?$10 REWARU?ON THURSDAY, JUNE" 8, A liver and white pointer Dog about 15 years old. The above reward will be paid if returned to 41 ath av.. corner lltli at. IO.ST?SUNDAY N1U11T. ABOUT 9 O'CLOCK, ON 1 Grand ami Forty-second street car, a gold bunting anchor Watch, No. 13,474, with twisted link Chain ; 820 re iriird and no questions. Address C. H. 0.. Continental Works. Greoiipolnt. N. Y. I~OST?\ KMAlTl. PACKAGE CONTAININO A SET J of Pcsrl Earrings and other articles o( Jewelry. Finder wl:l be suitably rewarded. Address S. II., Post office box 2,1)11. New York. "| OST?ON THK ftTH INST., A LETTER CONTAINING JLi two Promissory Notes: oue for $24i and one tor $1U); notes drawn by ti. O. Haldrich A Son, iu favor ol ,1. V. Waldron k Bro., 56 Beektuan st.; notes not indorsed Any one finding tbo same will please return to the above number. LOST?IN THE"LADIES' DREH8INU BOOMS OF Clark's Saloon, a Cluster Dlamoud Ring, on Thursday, abont I o'clock. A suitable reward will be given by leaving it with the cashier of the saloon, Broadway, corner 13th st LOST-A BLACK KV BRIMDKRED Van] PROM 98TH St. and Mth av. to 34th at. and Broadway or else In netting into coupe at 34th st. and Broadway, which brought lady to Columbia st. and Broomo. A liberal reward will be paid by addressing 0. T., Herald Uptown Branch offlce. T~?8T?SOMEWHERE BETWF.EN THE METBOPOLK JJ tan Hotel and tbe Ollsey Honse, large solitaire Diamond Kin-.-, heavy English setting. Tbe tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at tbe offlce of the Metropolitan Hotel. LOST-A ~nLACK AND TAN PUP. ABOUT THREE months old: lung ears. If returned to 125 West 27th It. fill reward will be given. L" ~OST? I N il T H sVoKluti7A DWAV CARS. TO AR nold. Constable k Co.. a long tortoise shell Chain srith Glasses. A suitable reward will be paid on returning ihem 10 15 Weat 21st st. Lost or stolen?a oTieck dated june io made by Scorgo F. Master* -to the order of John U' Ulockner for (2, NW, payment thereof having been stoppod. A reward will lie palil and no vocations asked It delivered to JOHN Ik. HLOCKNEIt. 35 Suilivau st. ItlWAUDN WILLBK'PAI0"~F0R ItSVOSB of'TmaXI ?pi) Scotch Terrier Slut; dark color, ears cut. black and red collar and answers to uamo of Rags. 41 East 18th st. $r/\ REWAHf>-N?> gUEsfioisS ASKED?FOR RE ()U turn of Silver stolen Irom 344 West 58th St.. June 13; 10 Teaanoons and 12 forka, marked **M. L. II.. patented 1*01, Hart Bros , sterling1 cold plated Gravy Spoon, 1 gold-plated Sngar Spoon. 1 Butter knile and 2 Teaspoons, marked "M. I. II 5 Napkin Kings. 1 marked "George," 1 "Mary." 2 "Harrr," 1 "Edward Warner Allen:" 8 Table spoons. marked "A" Address aa above, or 206 West 2Mb st. Ao/wi KKWAKH WILL BK PAID FOR TH* si ?p?)UU turn of Diamond Earrings. Watch and Chain, Ac . taken from 412 East 57tli ?t. on I3tlt Inst. positively no questions asked Address A. B.. Herald office. L~!EKKAL REWARD OFFERED for THE RETURN to 237 West 43d si. er a white Spits Dog. lost 011 Tues day ; he wear* a pink ribbon, and answer* to tbe name of Pin key. t 8FEC1A L. NOTICES," "a ?IHAA^ G. KnveK, 207 broadway. LaWYBC it, uivorces obtained promptly, without publicity. Causes, (**<ertinn. Incompatibility. hsbitual drunkenness, Infidelity. Innaman trniinsnt. conviction of felony. Passports ob tained. Itesbtenco. 3."><i Weat ' 3d at.. New York. Practises In all courts. Slate Mid United States. ?A.?ALL PIU7.l-.rt <;A?HKD lN~ii?lLD AT THIS 1 office. Tblrd Louisiana cold distribution. New Orleans, .1 uly 2t>, IN7H. Capital prise f Itsi.tsst gold '' Il.r.Ki prises auioitntliig to C."iO2^i00L <? tiekels fflrt earreney. Coupons In proportion. Apply lor information *r.. to WILLIAMaON A CO., brokers, 317 liroaUwav, Post office Imis li UlM. \I.LKf? A ( <?., 7V Nassau *?,. it* YORK.?WY Oinlng Lottery draws June Vti. I'apital prise. $.V),0tl0. |_-t?i.(SS?,it?trlbuted. lickeu CI; 6 for $5. PrlMS cashed I'iieulars mailed fre<>. * a " ?pa li ks. emeeSon-jT"t O. ??? J\ ? Kentnekv State Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havana Lottery, tlrawn every 17 day*. Kentucky Mugie Nnmuer Lottery, drawn June 34, 187& I'tises cashed, inlortnation litr?ishe<l and circulars tree. 1st llroadwsr. Cost '.ffioe box 5,272 New York. ?KENTUCKY STATE LorTKKiEs OF J. S. SMITH 1 k Co aasTri'ttr, >tt** clsss 401 ron l?7o 18, 81, 21. <11. 70, 50, 00. .tt, a. 2.1, 43 a KKMTt'CXV. ('!.?** 4U2 run 1S7B. 53. ??, 2?. '-'3. 0. !ttl 4U. 44. M, OH. 33. All orders atldre?s B. NATHAN. 1S1 Broadway, or box 4.H7D Post office. New York city. TVYOKCF.8 41 lETIsY IN any STATE: I'aTiFwHKN I) divorced; auvlco I'roe. AMERICAN LAW AGENCY, 71 Aator Houso. A B ?FECIAL NOTICES. ?-JurtfiL tiAYxiaraftrixY,? . Next drawing J uue :XX 1 I'rite of iHiU dollars $100.0 0 1 Prise of Spanish dollars Si),U<JO 2 Prises of eaeh, Spauisb dollars 83,000 sad Wfc other prises. German Uovernuieut UjttirlM fall inlmtef) circulars true. THEODORE ZBCHOCH. Past offlco bos B..KM. 1 id Suuu ?t.. Sow York. D -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATU LOT . lories.?SIMMONS M DICKINSON. Muivcn KKNTl'VKV. KIT HA CUU SO. 383?JUNK l ?, 1S7H. 69, 58, 21. ??>. 37, 4(), 47, *0, 20, 75. 5. 71, 10. KKNTI'CKT. CLASS MO. 384?JUKIt 15. 1876. 87, 24. 5U. 53, 7, U, Ui. OIL 02. 1U. I. 29. 32. 70. UKMKr, KXTBJL CLAM 9IO. 284?JINK 15, 1M7B. 83, 32, l?. M, 42, 40. 55. 3. 57, 03. 1(1, 53. 13. ?Mtr. CLAM HO. 285?JUNK 15, 1876. 30, 52, 33, 23, 6W, 22. 12, 13. 70, 4?. 37, 27. 71. L Full iorurnintioD by applying to or addressing J. CLUTR A CO., 2(J0 Broadway, or box 4.WH Pent office. -woo.uoo.?sm:mons "i" dickinsovs binulb ? Dumber Kenlucky Stats distribution, to be drawn on Saturday. J una 24. 1H7?; $3t*).l*J(? to be diatrlbuted; 25.430 prises and only 50,000 tick?ts: every other ticket a prise. Now is yonr time to inveat. Prises payable In full; Whole Tickets, $10: Halvos, $5; Quarters. $2 M. The next Rural Havana will be drawn on 'luesday. June 20, 1870. Send In yoar orderi to J. I'LUTK, hanker. .No. 2UO Broadway, or box 4.860 Poet office. New York elty. DC hAjT Jordan, role proprietor or tub New York Muuuu of Anatomy, ban removed hU reel donee anil office to No. 3 Washington place, three ooori wnl of Broadway. Dise a sks of~~m e n~ a "sp ec r alty" HEN RY A. DANIELS. M. !>., 144 Lexlnyton a*., near 29th st. Office hour* Iroiu S to 3. Havana"lotterv.?next drawing, juke 20; 40.000 tickets; *100,000 in p risen. Address B. M AR TINEZ k CO., Biiukera. lo Wall st.. basement; font office bo* 4.683 New York. Susnish gold and Havana bank bill* bought and told: draft* on Havana issued. I'nJtitQtionV<>k the IMproved isstkuction of Deaf Mutes, No. 1,471 Broadway.?Closlu;( exercises Mondav, Jane IU, mid Tuesday, June 20, 1876, 10 o'clock A.M. Kentucky state single number urand Distribution, to be drawu June 24, 1876. *300.000 di.trlbuted. One prise truaranteed to everv two ticket* purchased. Whole tieket*. $10; halve*, $5; quarters, $2 M. Royal Havana Lottery, to be drawn Tuesday. June 201 Whole ticket#, $20; halves, $10; twentioiha, $1. All priaes cashed Ht this office. Send in ynur orders at once to JACKSON k CO., Banker*. 202 Broadway. New York. -CHRONIC CATARRH,' DEAFNESS: IMPROVED > method;instantaneous mlief; permanent cure*. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 Weat 14Cut. N_ ekvous kxhaustion-Tmedical essav oomI prisiuK a series oMuctures delivered at Kahn's Mu seum of Anatomy, Now York, on the cause and cure i.f premature deeiine, showing indisputably how loat health may he revalued, affording a clear synopsis of the Impedi ment* to marriage aud the treatment of norvoua and physi cal debility, being the raault of 2<? years' experience. Price, 25 cent*. Address the author. Dr. L. J. KAHN, office and reaidouoo 51 East 10th at.. New York. XTOTICE.?J. DOWNED~RKVII.LE 18 NO LOWUKR in our employ. STUART PETERSON k CO., Rroad and Noble sta.. Philadelphia. Piles" or h emokrh orDs radically cijrkd? original treatment; no foes until cured; circuiara Ireo. Dr. STODDARD, No. 8 Weat 14th st. T>OOLS SOLD AT NEW'yoRK TURK EXCHANGE, 15 1 West 2ttth aL, on LoniaviUe vs. New Haven, at New Haven. 8EIBERT k McCLOlD. BOYAL" HAVANA LOTTERY.?fOOO.OCO WILL BE drawn on June 20. Prises cashed; ordora filled: Infor mation luruiabed; blithest rates paid tor Spanish bills, gov ernments. Ac. TAYl.OK A CO., Bankers. No. 11 Wall St.. New York. SELF-APPLICABLE ELECTRICITY" FOR THE CURE of nervous, chronic aud spocial diseases.?PI'LVEIt MACHER'S Patent Elootro Bells, Ac., have now stood the test of SO yearn' aueceaaful experience in Euiops. Bonks, with full particulars, free. Atnertoaa depot, 212 Broadway, New York. K Tub evening telegram. SPECIAL despatches TO-DAY WILL GIVE FULL REPORTS OK TUB BALLOT. 1KO FOIt THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES AND TDK RESULT UP TILL THE time OF ADJOURN ment OF THE CINCINNATI CONVENTION. TIT ANTED?WORKING MEN AND WOMEN, IN MASS tt meeting, at Cooper L'ulou, Saturday ({veiling. J on# 17. to consider the cause of hnrd time* mid idleness and the remedy. lion, Sydney My em, of Chicago, aud othors will address you. _ SPORTING?DOG#. diu For sale?a fine lot of skyk terriers and Karretn. JOHN M. LYON, JOB Fulton 1 TftB'TORF. y A """?FLEETWOOD PARK." ? Premium* $3,500. JUNE 24.2? and 27, 1878. FIRST DAY?SATURDAY, June 24. 2 :3!> Claaa, S400-$300 llrst. $15ii mcuiiiI. $5U third. 2 M Clans. $?**'..>-$300 Ural. *'J<?> second. $100 third. SECOND DAY?MONDAY. Ju?e 26. 2:3S Class, $50: ?$.>50 ttr.t, $ I -Ml second, $100 third. 2:28 Class. $00?- $30" > Hrsi. $'.?< ? I second, $100 third. THIRD DAY-TUESDAY, June 27. 3:40 Class, lM<JU-$2<? first. $1511 second. $50 third. 2:22 Clam, $l,000-$wj0 first, $:??) soeoud. $1<<0 third. When eight or mine horses start in a heat the distaaee shall be 15 ' yards. Entries close Monday, Juun 19, at 11 o'clock P. M. Entrance Tee, 10 par cent of the purse, of which one-half only shall be forfeited by those parties who desire to withdraw, provided they siialt so declare and lodge written notice to that effort with the secretary on or before Friday, Juno 23. at 7 o'clock P.M. Communications must be addressud to the undersized, at Morrisania, N. Y.. where the entries will close as above at tlio office ol the park. GATES U. BARNARD, I'reside at. American jockey cluh.-spring mbetino. 1870. at Jeromo Park, 3d. 6th. 8th. 10th. 13th. 15th and 17th Jnne. Races commence each dav punctually at 3 o'clock. A. BELMONT, President. C. Wrkatly, Seeretar?. A$l FRENCH POOL WILL BR OPENED AT JOHN SON'S Pool Room, on Broadway and 28th st.. on the running races at Jerome Park In connection with our popu lar $5 system. All order* by mail or messenger promptly attended to. T. B JOHNbON. Auction and fbench pools sold at john fON'S rooms, cornet Broadway and 28th ?t., this evening, on the running raees at Jerome Park Particular atteutiou given order* by mail, telegrauh or measenger. t. b. Johnson. Auction and frbncii pools sold day and eveniug at New York Turf Exchange, 15 West l'8tU su. on the Jerome Park running Races and Harlem Re gatta. Second French Pool on Hopublican Nomination for President closes \l M.; prompt attention given orders by mall oi messenger. KELLY, HL1SM A CO. yPORTING OFFICE, NO. H WEST 28TH ST.?AUG O tlon Pools sold on Jerome Park races and Philadelphia trots to-day, afternoon and evening. T. F. BAKER, Auc tioneer. Mutual Combination. French Pools, Winner aud First and Second sold this evening. til HARD Jt CO. HORSED, CARRIAGES, dit. Auction house of van tasskll a kearney 110 AND 112 EAST 13TII ST.. NEAR 4T1I AV. REGULAR SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES, EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horse that is w err an tod souud or kind and true In harae**, from one to three day* is given to test war rantee*. CATALOGUE OF THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT PRIVATE establishment.?TEAM BAY Gelding*. 15X hand* high. 7 and 8 year* old ; kind and true In ail hanc**: free from vice, trick or fkult; extra good roadsters; trot in 3 minutes; have Une style and actiou; are good drivers single; a superior road or family carriage team, and warranted sound. Silver mouuteil Harness, good a* new. made by Campbell. STANHOPE PHAETON. LATEST STYLE AND NEARLY new, built by Mrewater A Co.. of Broome *t. lLANDKOME TURNOUT. RAY DOO CART HORSE, 10 hand* high, 7 year* old; kind and true in ail harnen; tree from vice; ha* extra fine ityle and high knee ac tion; a fast traveller; spirited and stylish driver; a first claaa coupe or dog eart horse, and warranted souud. SILVER MOUNTED TANDEM DOO CART HARNESS, In good order. TWO-WHEELED DOG CART, IN PERFECT ORDER. bnilt ay Wood Broe. BAY COUPE OR DOO CART HOR8E, 10 HANDS high, <1 yeer* old; kind and true in all harness; free from vice; a last traveller; has One stylo and ac tion ; fears nothlug; has been itnod by a private gen tleman for general driving, and is warranted sound. GOLD MOUNTED DOO CaRT HARNESS AND TWO WllBkLED DOG OART, IN GOOD ORDER, built by Brewster. ROAN MARE rosaline. FOALED IN U>72: OOT BY Exchequer, he by Revenue, dam Nina, by Boston. her dam was by Ned Brethall. a son of imported Oleucoe; Is 15J* hands high ; kind and true In all liameti; free from vice; ha* a fine open gait; can trot In 2 :~>0 with out tialning; the i* very promising and warranted ?oand. Set Harness, and Tf?P WAGON, WITH POLK AND SHAFTS. BAY COLT exchange. FOALED IN 1873. OOT HY Blttegras*. he by Rysdyk's Hauibletonian. dam Lady Evelyn, by Exchequer; Is 14)t hand*: well broken ; re markably kind and gentle; can be driven double wl?h either a mare or gelding: has never been trained for speed, but can trot in 2 .50 and I* warranted sound. ELEGANT FOUK-IN-HaND BREAK, or drag, used but a few times, built to order by Wend Bros. VEBY STYLISH AND HANDSOME BLACK HORSE. hands high, 6 years old ; kind and true In all har ness; free from vice; a stylish and young driver: tears nothlug; can be driven by n lady, and warranted ?ootid. TOP RoaD WAGON. BUILT BY NELSON A CO. chestnut PONY, 13 HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD; kind and true in all harnese; free fiom vice, trick or fault; a good traveller: fear* nothing, and suitable for ladle* or ehildren to ride or drive. Also set of llarurss and NO TOP PONY PHAETON. BROWN MARE. |5<? HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD; kind an'l true in all harnese, free from vice, an extra fine driver ; lias been driven \?jr ladles, and I* In every way ?afe end reliable; sNo set Harnese end TOP WAGOlf, IN OOOD ORDER BAY PONY. IIS HANDS HIGH. 7 YEARS OLD; KIND and true In all harnen, free from vice, trick or fault; a first class i>onv for children's use, either under sad dle or in harness, and i* warranted (oand. SADDLE AND BltlDLE. TWO LADY'S SADDLES AND BRIDLES. GOOD AS BAROUCHE. OOOD AS NEW. BUILT 1IY MINER * Sleveus. FINE PARK PHAETONS. IN GOOD ORDER-ROAD Wag. ?ns. Phaetons, Jump seat Wagon*, Depot Wagons, Ac . Ac. TRUCKING ESTABLISHMENT ? TEAM TRUCK Horses. 10 hsnds high, 8 years old; kin I snd true in all harness: Iree froui vies; have been used In a truck, aud arc good workers; Truck, Harness aud DOl'BLK THI CK. IN t.OOl) OHDER. WHITE TRI CK lloRsE. 10 HANDS IIIOII, 8 YEARS old; kind and true In all harness; tree from vice; a first clnts ooraer; ulso Harness aud SINGLE TBI t'K, IN tfOOD ORDER. DOUBLE IKL'CK. IN (IIM)D ORDER. Double Harness and single Harness Several good work llorsev hull descriptions lime of*nl*. sai.B COMMENCES Al lo O'CLOCK. A VERY HANDSOME middle or road PONY for sale?12 hands nigh; warranted sound and kind lor the most timid child; will sell cheap; also Ana roan liar nest, best maker. Appiy at 101 East 28th it. _ HOUSES. CAKKIAGKS.. ?fcC. AUCTION HOUSE OK ABC Il'."jOHNSTON, 10, 21. 23 and 25 13th St., I near University place. I SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARF. HELD I every tcksday a.nd kriday at 10 o'clock. ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND KROM I 2t HOURS TO 3 DAYS KOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISH RD AND MOST BE ^ I LIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. THIS DAT, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT SORREL TRAM, HORSE AND MARK, 1'>S hands high. ? and U yean old; kind in all har ii*iiii'. free from vice: have been iiwd by tliu pres em owner for paal three yean a* a family team ia city and country; are not afraid af a locomotive or auytbing elae ; aafe (or any one to drive; have not a vie* or trick of any kind; In every way reliable; warranted sound. SET DOI'RLK HARNESS, made to ordor by Wood Gibson. EXTENSION TOP CABRIOLET, nearly new, ty Brad COUPR Kst'aBLISHMKNT: elegant bay Iloree, 10* hand*, S yeara old; kind in all harneu and under ? addle; free from vlre; la not afraid of a locomo tive or anything elae; baa been naed alnirle an<l double a? a family h?r?e; doe* cot ahy or null, and la in everyway thoroughly reliable; (old oa ac count of owuer going abroad. SET COl PR HARNESS, m ad* to order. ELEGiNT LIGHT COUPE, lu good order, by Miner A Stevens. FINE CARRIAGE TRAM RAYS. 1??* hand*, A year* old (Euirllah stock), kind in all Itarneaa. without a vice, fault or trick ?f any kind; are verr nhowy, free, stylish driver*, not afraid of anything, step well together, are fluely matched in sl/e, gait and color, are in every rexpoct a flrat claaa family team; told only 'or want of use. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, In pood order.Ity I-owden. KULI, CLARENCE, in good order, by Brewster, ol Broome it. CLARRNCK COUPE. In geod order, bv Wood Bro*. ELEGANT BAY TKAM HORSES, lfl hand*. S and 0 year, kind in double and Mingle hames*. free from rice, have been u?ed in elt.v and country, are not afraid of anything, of urf at endurance. <io not ahy or pull, very steady and reliable for carriage, or any use: sold only on aecouut of owner leaving the city. Set Harness, Ac. LIGHT VICTORI A, in good order, by Wood Brothers. PARK PHAETON. In good order, by Brewster, of Broome *t. PONY ESTABLISHMENT?Black Ponv Horse, with loutr mane and tall; IS* hands; SI year* old; kind in nil harncKH ahd under saddle.; free from vice; has great endurance ; Is a nice, free, all day driver; an iiusnrpasaed pony for tamily use; Indies and children can drive him ; is not afraid of locomotive or anything else, and in every way r*liabl?; war ranted sound. CANOPY TOP PONY PHAETON?Built to order by Wood Bros.; set Harness. Ac. PINE GRAY COUPE HORSE. HI hands; 0 years old; kind In all harness; free Irom vice : Is not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; has been used, in cltv and country, by a private family: has not a vice or trick of any kind: la every way thoroughly reliable; warranted sound. ROUND KKONT COUPE, in good order, by Wood Bros. 1 TWENTY-ONE o'hor Horses: description time of sale; 25 Saddles, large lot of Sheets, Ac., to be sold for account of whom it may vouceru, by order of the assignee, PONY PHAETONS and Top Wagons to be sold to pay advances. Ac. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of new and second hand Car riages, of everv kind, this day, at ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Matt. *w to 21 13th St., near Uni versity place. Weather never Interferes with our SALES AT 10 O'CLOCK. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OP ALL THE VALUABLE HORSES. CARRIAGES AND HaRNKsS, THE PROPERTY OK JOSEPH J. MACY. hSQ.. THE UNDERSIGNED. ASSIGNEE, WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) JUNE 17. AT THE STABLE. NO. 3 NEILSON PLACE, (MERCER ST.). BETWEEN WAVERLEY AND CLINTON PLACES. AND IN REAR OK THE NEW YORK HOTEL. WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN REMOVED KOR CON VENIENCE OK SALE. AT II O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE PBOPKBTY, VIZ.:? The handsomest team of bay Martin In the State. rained by C. Beaulurt, at Lexington, Ky.; full aiaten; tired by Amer ican Clay, dam by Melbourne : 0 and 7 yearn old; beautiful bright bay; 15Jf handt high; have taken four premium'an being the cloeeit matched and boat driving team in that State; they alto won the llrit trotting premium at Cyntbl ana, a> the fasteat trotting team. In 2:40, as 12, 2:41. when they were purchased by pretent owner, aud h?ve been used at a family and road team op to the pretest time: they are perfectly broken, tingle and double and under the taddle: they do not pull er thy, are not excitable In company and are tafe for anybody to drive; either mare caa trot better than 2:35, and are warranted sound and kind. The above Team will be told separate if drtlred. Reautllul ttrewberry roan trotting mare JENNIE, tired bv Jupiter Abdallah. dam a Meaaenger Marti, 7 yeart old. U>X hauda high: trotted three heatt at Norwich. Ooun.. laat tall ut fair in :34, 2 :38, 2 :35W over a very heavy track, she it a very pleaaaut. prompt driver; doea not pull when speeding: ia very good gaited; la perfectly brokon and safe for anybody to drive; a good pole mare, and warranted tound and kind. The flnoat gentleman'* road Horse In the city, known aa Hloll CLOUD, 1 handt high, H years old; trotted at New Haven. Conn.. In 2:38 to a wagon over a balf-mlle track : it very pore gntted and eau pull a top wagon equal to auy hone In the city: extraordinary stylish la harneeo and la perfectly broken, tingle or doable; doea notahv or pull, and for road horte he eannot be turpatted, and warranted tound and kind. The handsome dark bay Trotting Oelaing CHIEFTAIN, tired by Volunteer, dam by Harry Clay; 7 yean old; 15 W handt nigh; hat never been handled for tpeed, but trotted when purchased, over Nyack half-mile track, two heatt In 2.35 and 2:3I>4: be it a very prompt, stylish driver; doea not pull or ahy; it not afraid ol anything; it good gaited and doea not wear boots when speeding, and warranted tound and kind. Very tine high bred Trotting Mare LADY WK8TON, tired by Middletowu. dniu by Billy Denton; 8 yeart old; lb^banda high: beautifal bright bay In color; hat asmuch bottom and endurance at any borne living, at the trotted live mllet at Myttie Park. Bonton. in 14 dO, and three heatt, tn a wagon. 2 *.33, 2:34. 2-.32^: the It a very pleaaant. styliali driver; la not excltsble in company; doea not pull when Heeding; doea not wenr boota: la good galted; an extraor dinary pole mare, and warranted aound and kind. Handsome black Ueldlag NIGGER. tired by Darkey, dam bv Kattler, 15V. liandt high, 6 years old; trotted at Port Ed ward. N. Y., lu 2 :38. 2:3H. J 37^. he It a remarkable pole horxe, very ttyllth In harneaa, aafe for anybody to drive, good gaited, and warranted aound and kind. N. H.?The above bortea will be on exhibition at ttable at above uo to time of tale, where parties can have the oppor tunity of driving aoy ol them before time of aale. Carriage! Include one top aide bar Road Wagon. pole and ahartt. built by B. M. St I vert; one tide bar top Wagon, built by Loakwood; one fall tpring top Wagon, bv Lockwood; one canopy top I'ony Phaeton; also one tet doable Harness, two teta or light alngle Harneaa, two aeta ol fine Track Harneaa, lot Horse Boom; alao a large lot of Sheets, Blankets, Mobea, Whipt, Surcingles. Ac.. Ac. The whole will be told to highest bidder without limit or reatrlctlon, without regard to cost or value. Hale positive, rain or shine. By order of THOMAS B. WAINWRIOHT, Assignee. -MAJOR CHAD. W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER J\.. Uentleman'aelegant HORSES. T CART, HARNF>S. Ac., at public auction, on Satnrday I to-morrow >. June 17, at 1 lo'clock.'at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tattersalli. corner of Hroadway and 30th at., and coinpritlng a pair of extra ttyllth and handtome bay and brown UELDiXlH, 15\ high, A and 8 yeart old; extralree and pleasant driven: aharp travellert: one can trot In Til BEE MINUTES, and are warranted tound and llnd; Alao T Cart In tuperb order, built by Cnrhett; fine Harness, bv McAullfle; drett and ttable Hlanketa, As., Ac. The whole now on exhibition at the mart. ; "T oentEeman7 having"disposed op his J\. hone, will tell balance of his road establlahmert very low forcath, conalttlngof beautifal shifting top tile bar Wagon (full neatl, tet of flrt? claas robber mounted, single Harnett, Kohca, Hlanketa. Ac., together or eeparaie. In quire at stables. Ill Welt 3."?th at. ________ ? ((kskb tooko and iboiiDi A. $50 and H*J; ault any butineta. 124 Division it., ex prettman. "a ORVTUCMAN'S Tl'BNOUT CIIEAP.-H A1DS0VE A brown Hone, 15V hands, aound and fait: ii* bart Wagon and Harnett; both aa good aa new; price W'?1; ? irately or together. Addreta DARK BHOWN, llet oINce. A BREWSTER BOaD WAGON KOB SALE CHEAP. Inquire or J. OOMAN. 25 East 'JMtn at. LL~ KINDS NEW AND SECOND BANDWAGONS Trucks. Carta and top Buggiet. Uepoilto*. Hudson corner 13th it. PINE LOTV)y IIARNBM AT LOW PHL'Ea SHEETS AND IIORSK CLOTHING IN tfREAT VA BIBTY. SAVE MONEY BY DEALING DIRfCT WITH THE MANUPACTCBER. K. BAlfi.ETT. 02 Warren tt., corner Colbgo place. ELEGANTCOUPE BOC'KAWAY FOR TWO boriet; alto, two teated Depot Wagon (pole and thaflt); aaperb order; owner must sell tln? vnek at any tacriOce for caah. Stable! 151 Weat 35th it. A WEI.I. ESTABLISHED SALES, BOA HUM. AND Livery Stable, netting over tmio per ninni:. la offered for aale, owner having other business in I'hila tfplila. Par tlculari of E. ?1. LOCKE, 13?Kth it., near Brotdway. A? FOB SALE CHEAP, 7000DBITSIN As HOK8BM. S Apply at 3 Vestry tt.. between Hudson ml Varlck. ^FOft SALE. POtTRnORHKH. SUIUBLE FOR . gn>e?r. express, fanning or (any botiltti; uinit lie told. 201 Orand it., near Mott. "i "fine SECOND HAND MAiL PHAETON, IN PEbI A feet order, at a bargain. A. S. PLANIttAU, 372 and 374 Broome at. lold stand uf Brewtter A On.)/ A SECOND HAND TOP PHAETON, $IOO-OPEN PhaetOn. t?5; I top fall spring Wagit, by Brewster A Co.: I do. Bids bar; both In fine otder: ctt under li?ck aw\y. In good order, tl31); Stivers' Itoad Wagon. $t>5: 3 nine naaaenger Depot Wagont. suitable for tlk country: De pot Wagons, ton and open; Harneit, Sheeu Nets, whips. Aa., very cheap. WM. II. GBAY. 20 and tt Wooster st. Avery pine bay iiobse. isw tit yeart old. warranted tound and kiad j al ster bslf tpring top Wagona, only uted six to ABBEWSTEB A CO. LIGHT TOP WiOON. EQUAL to new ; four othert; bargains. 400 3<frv. A BARGAIN.-GOOD CLARENCE. 1*1'AIlK QL'Ali ter Coach, tlx teat Phaeton. Brett, qw and tecond hand Buggiet, any price. 400 3d av. NDS IIK;[J. 7 , alto two Brew iter half tpring top Wagona, only uied tlx months. No. 5 West I3tli it. ?POR MALI, THE HANDSOMEST PA IB OF BAY ? Ponlet In the State; H and 8 year! old. 12 handa; warranted tound and kind; Aave long Mis and tnanet; l^,va been driven by a lady. wb? It the p**ent owner, lor one year ; they have all I .e taddle gain: liey are contld ered the flaeit Udy't team In the State ; tk> are Jnat alike ill lite, style and color; also a beautiful tip Wagon, with Harness to match. Can be seen at the Unfct Club ttable, 20 lHth st , near Broadway. ??I75~WIl.[TBUY A BEAUTIFUL TOI' WAGON, ? Cult f45o last month : a line Harues. beautiful I'ony I'haeton, WW. Prisate ttable. Nol i Weit 27th at., between Broadway and .*>tli av. f -Foil SAUK?TWO OK THE BUT BaY COU'K . or family Honas In the Mtate ; lianda 7 years obi; sound and kind; top road Wagon; t# pony - I'haeton; two aeat Depot Wagon ; aet ol tingle andtet of coupe Har ness; all Br?t claaa. Call at private stale, 181 Eist 18th it., twodosm liom Irving place. j A?KOR SALE, ~ONE ~PAlB Of U?T TBOTTINO ? brown Marai. 8 yean old, ISKhaads; wan anted ?onnd and kind; can trot togetlier Imie of 8 minutes or ?Ingle tn 2:45; drive Jurt alike: wilt ill separately or to gether; also top Pony rhaeton, fall tpritt top Koad Wagon, Pole and Shaft!; extension toy Park PltPton, earriet four; tingle and double tlarneei; all ai go*, tt new and by the best elty makers. Inquire at private st#le 128 bast 18th st., between Irving pine* and 3d av., forllret days. UOUIKk, CARRIAGES. ?C. r cow WIl.L BR HOLD AT AUCTION AT PUBLIC potuid. on Jan* la, U3d at. an J 2d a v. _______ "a" ?ioAtmm wauons. all mskh, won kx J\.m areaa, grocer*, baker*, butcher*, uillk, laundry, pack tn, ilell very ; Wa|p>na, new uud Mcoud hand. Wagon Mauu faetery. XiH Spring at. A BARGAIN?HAY HORSE, 15J?, BOUKD, KXTRA irrntle ; ciin heat 2:30 aluirle ?r double or no aale ; Top Wavun and 13U lb. Wagon; Duiutcontb llarueaa. Private atablu, Ml UaM U3d it. V PARTY GOING* AWAY WILL SKI.I, A GOOD J\ pair of coach II ui aea cheap. Can be aeon at private ?table. 90 Kaat 934 at. A-ro?-7l>SY PHAETON, HIDE MAR BUOOY, ? aeeond hand, for $I7.V, a iroad variety ot I,aud*us, Laadaalets. Depot Wuguiia, I'haotou*. HAM'S aew ware room*. ttftO KroadwHy. BAHGAIN _#?I0 WILL BUY AX BUOAfV teiuiou top I'liauton; uarrlea four peraoua: pole and ahafla: u top Buggy. Ifl.VI; double Harness, 91(10; alatrle Ham***. #4 >: all uo-wl Ml new, at atable No. S3 Kaat 12th at., between Broadway and Uulveralty place. Built ui iumini k ca. w mmmmb k, the following second hand Carriages. aoma in perfact orilur: Landau. Cabriolet, U seat Phaeton, T-Oart, 15 top Wagou* from $150 to $U5i i. 11Y OTIIKR XAKKRS. Landau*. Laadauieta. Coach, Cabrloleta. depot Wagon, extension top Phaetons, half top Phaetons. Coupe, mail Phaeton, T-Cart, Clarence, top und no top Wagons. A. 8. FLANDRAU. 872 mid 1174 1! rooms at., old ataud ot Brewster A Co. BAi'TIKUI."* BAY "liORSK FOR SALK-15:I, 7 years; sound, kind and gentle; u>rei\t endurance, and extra family horse; will a?ll cheap. 221 Weat !Ud at. BARGAIN-J125. SPLKNDID WEW TOP EXPRKBH or Grocery Wagon, worth C2tHI. Seen at 124 Weat 10th at. (tAKIUAOKK-XY OWX MAKR, AMD WARKANTKD J as represented; Btigglei., Pony and Park Phaeton* (funr aeatl, Kockuwaya, Coupes. Depot and other kiud?; nearly all styles. at uiannfacturcr'a prices mil below market ratea. IMIS. GKUBK, 3iRI Canal at. (1ABRIA0K8. HARNEHS, HORSE CLOTIITnU.? J Great sacrifices: elegant Pony I'haetoni. 9115; Rock away*. 9130: Depnt Wagons, Bturgies. Ac.; Harness at low ?at manufacturers' prices; Lap Dusters. Sheeta, Neta. Ac. JOHN MOOIth, 57 Warren at. tiow W>R S Anf ALDERNKY. 4 YR ARB OLD. IK I calf to tbortniichbred Alderne.v bull; will be anld low: owner leaving for country. At private atable No. 147 Kaat 33th at. ELK*iANT COUPE, by Miner A Steven*. EXTENSION TOP CARRIODET, by Bradley Jt Co. I FIJI L CLARENCE. by Brewster, of Broome at. I PARK PHAETON,by llrewster. of Brootue at. * I TWtI FA MILY COACHES. by J. R. Lawrence. P I GLASS Ot'ARTRK COACII. by Dunn. fe SI N DOWN POSY PHAETON, by F. Eyere. 'A I FULL BROUGHAM, bv Wood Uroa 3 . POUR CARRIAGE AND HIIAI) TRAMS. O TWENTY-ONE OTHER HORSES, description time of "? I tula. I Twenty-live Saddles, lot of Shaota. to ba (old by order of S I tho aaaicnec, thla dav nt 5 I ARC'll. JOHNSTON'S MART. ^ 10 to 25 13th it., near Univeraity place. I Weather never Intcrlcrea with our aaloa at 10 o'clock. I See Cataloiiie above. BXTBAOK 1)1 NARY REDUCTIONS?BOTTOM AT LAST. Priuceaa ('heck Sheeta. f'J 5JI (laat year $0). Woollen Lap llobes. f'J 5(1- last year. (5. Sia'de Sheeta. two buttons, full slie.T'i cents. II altera, flue web, 10 centa (about half price). Harneaa?Complete acta, from #7 30 up. Garden Hose, cents per loot. Hammocks, 92 40. Whips, $1 SO; worth ffi. Saddle*. Bridles, Ac. TUNIS JOHNSON. 5H Libertr *t. FOR SALB.-JUBT ARRIVED KBOM NORTHERN Now York an extra stylish aud line pair of black Horses; thorouuhbrod In lorm and action; 15.3^ hand* hlifh. (I and 7 yeara old; tnll. long, flowiii* man'a and tails; Crleetlv sound and reliable In every reanect; elan a very ndaoino pair of iron isray Mares, 15 hauda hitch, that are thoroughly broken and can be driven by any-me; while apeedlnc can trot in 2:50, and require no boots; Eth >n Allen and Rattier stuck ; alao a very flne dappled Gray, 15 hauda high: full white t^l; suitable fn' lady's phaeton. Inquire utMCMBY'S aale atable, 49 and51 Liberty at., Brooklyn, noar Kulton Kerry. P" OR SALE?A VRRY FINE IMPOBTKD^IRISH COB Pony, 7 years old. 13 to 14 hand* blph; use?l to aaddle and harness; anitable for polo; took prlie lor leapini; at tbe Dublin horse show ; warranted in overy way: alao very atvl lah lady's Phaeton :iud Harness, by heat Dublin maker*. Apply to THOMAS FORSYTH. 144 Weal 2Hth at. For salk-landaulet. Hom AMD ?****?; in gnod order, by flrnt class makers. Call at BKICHIS Ktiblo, corner 42d ?t. and 7th a*. __ Fa? hilR-? PONY BUILT MARK. ABOUT 14 hnnds hltrb, sound end kind, with Park Phaeton and Harness; complete and In good order; would suitfor a lady; owner goiug to Europe. Inquire at private (table 149 Weal 20th ?t. __ FOB HALE?AT a SACRIFICE. T CART, im good order, pole and shafts; set of double Harness, gold mounted; or would exehaniro lor a good Horse. Ad dreae A. 8. M., box a,327 Post office. FOR MALI?Tlii MOST pfOTLB,. ?WUW_ AMP every way deslrablo pair o? thoroughbred blood llorses. for gents' road or ladle*1 carriage to be found It the mate; blood bav : rai.jod by owner. Call to day. Owner, room Itt, 22? Broadway. ? TOR" HALE-HaNDHOMK 8TYLI8H "ABE 7 11 yearn old; warranted sound, kind and gentle. Call at atal4e. 54 Park ?t. u?ar Duane at. triOH 8AliK?a"vIOTOBIA cabeiage ab pcoo A8 r new. Can be seen at Wilson's livery stable, 10th it., M,WILl'5Si1'AvLOR. nt. Dents Hotel, SOI Broadway. TTIOBRALlf-FINB BOADCTB COUPE TEAM; ONBAN r elegant Saddle horse; Top Wagon, Harness. Addreas 8., hex MM Post office. ? Fib halb^-two hoksbh ado two coal, CABTi at No. 405JSnst 24 th^ ^OiTbALB-H aSDSOMK PH AETON ONLY U8BD A P law timet; made l>y Dusenbury A Nelson; will b? sold I** *li? owner nan not usa for It; aUo top Koad Waiton, ?InMtM* Apply to WILLI AM CLEAR?. 170 Varlck St. TIOB SALE?A THOTTINO HOBSB. 15 HAVD8 HIGH; 1^ trot iu 40; warranlad ?ale and sound. Call ai 2iO Chrystle il l T7K>B 8ALE-NICB BAY HOR.sE. 15 UANDS ? YEARS; I? suitable for grocer, express or family. also Express Wagon and Harness, nearly new. 300 Hudson St., butcher shop. FOR SALE CHEAP?HOUSE. TRUCK AND HAR. ness and privilege work of Ave stores. Apply at w Walker st. FOB hALB LOW-A VBRY PAST AND BABY driving young trotting Hone. J. B. BIBCH, 87 Maiden lane. TTUXK8T COUPE HORSE IN NEW YORK KOR 8ALB r very law; blood bay, Itt# bands; not afraid of anything; heavy nisn* and tall to the ground. Call at 124 Warrau st., from 12 to 7 o'clock. fy BEAT BARGAIN.?BLACK MARK. EIGHT YEARS VJ old, 15K hands high; eouud, stylish, kind; good trot tVr: safe for lady to drive. $100. In.inlro at lurnltnre store, 15T> Chsfham st. Cl ENTLKNAN'M PKBPKCT ROADSTER. cheap. J handsome, sound and kind; can beat 2:25. Address box 1,431 Post office, city. /Sood Bay horse"FOB, TBUCK groceryOB VJ Bxpreas business, $100; Horse, $00; I'ouy. $00; Gro cery Wages,|4IX No. 5ft<> West 35th at. OWKLL QUBBN~AND GEORGE IV. Top Pony Phaetons, Side bar or elliptic spring. TOP ROAO WaOO^Vlasdrau 372 and 374 Broome st. (old stsnd of Brewster *C<0_ TJARNKB8.-CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IN NEW Jl Vork; good Bnegy Harnoss, hand insdn. fl-> iirood Grocers' Harness. *25. good double Team Harness. $30; a good Horse Blanket. *1 50 Please call and examine for yourselves. KlJillhR A OSBOltN. Manufacturers. 71 Bar clay st. . 1MPOBTAN r ANO EXTRAORDINARY I sale of the KENTUCKY STOCK PARM, Lexington. Ky., together with all the valnabla _____ THOROUGHBRKD AM) TROTTING STOCK, inclnmn^the^rea^M^I.^ HAMBLETONIAN STALLIONS, valuable Brood Mares, Colls and Pi I Ilea, two hundred w number, JUNK 21, WW. This will be the moil ?xtantlva ?ale ofvaluftblt slack ever held In the tutted Stataa Catalogues will be rorwardod^Udre^ p>|IW Philadelphia, or Lexington. Ky. oNY KOR SALE?12 HANDS HIOH. A PERFECT pet aud a beauty; suitable for children; well brjae; price Address A. B., box 788 Post office. 1 laliifleld, N. J. _ OTOBAOB FOR CABH1AOE8 AND bLKIUHS -ROOMS O clean, light and dry; terms liberal. A. 8. ? LANDBaU, 372 *nd 374 ilroome st. old stand ot Brewster a Co.) TUN 18 JOHNSON. AUOTIONERB. Old Mand. 37 Nassau st. CONTINUATION OK SHEBIFF*8 BALE OF OARBI AGES. PABkTTToCTOR'S VIS A VI8 aud lour seat Pony Phaetona, Boad Wagons, a??{'tT? K ne'ITii/vMn AND CITY MAKBBS. V12._ Henry Hooker A Co.. Wm. H. Bradley A Co., B. Manvllle. J. T Ooodrich A Co., J. Vatidergaw, Miller Brothers, James B. Cone. Lawrence Bradley A Co., C. F. Dibble, Houseman A BoMsnus and many others. THIS DAY and SATL'BDAY, commencing eacu day at 12 o'clock, at the salesroom 37 Nassau St. Now on exhibition. ^ ofd(f of w c COJ,NBB gherlC R. Doock. Deputy. moP SIDE BAB ROAD VAUON. NEARLY NEW, AT 1 a bargain. Apply st 220 <Hli *v., corner loth st. mo LET-STABLE. IN ?iO?.D LOCALITY; HEVKN 1 lecn stall*: ample carriage room and wasbstsnd ; $tW a in on tl>. For sale, three cheap Horses. ApBty at 274 Mer cer st. WAXTED-A GOOD SECOND HAND COUPE PAN elled llockaway Carriage, by a good maker, for one horse. Address, stating price and where It may be sees, box 5.11W Poet office. WANTED-A GOOD HOUSE KOB IMS KEEP LIGHT VY driving; reference. Address H. S.. box 172 Poet of fice. Port Chester. N. Y. _ WANTED-A GOOD. SOUND. STRONG YOUNG Draught Horse; price about $10U. Address M. D.. Herald office. ________________________ Wm "aNTED IMMEDIATELY. kor CASH?STYLISH, gentle Ms re or Horse, top I'onv I'haeton and Harness the property or some private wenllemsn; no dealers aeed answer; give lull particulars a? to maker and coloring of pliaetoii and harness; age snd full description of horse, and positively lowest cash price, which must bo n bargain. Ad dress PllAETON, Herald office Vimi.L pa* cash roii an ikisii jatntino <'tn, W III gooif nuistng order. Address L IIAGAN. box 5lti Bewburg (N. Y.I Post officv. ? HORSES, SUIT ANY BUSINESS. AT PANIC PRICK; no fair offer related; sea for yoarsalf,^ 41<? -liANDSOilK bay UoiwK, 7 VKAR4, 1ft ? hands, sonud. in?rule l?r lady. 21tl w??l Hist st. 6 Coo _ Alt)-?top SIDK. BAK BUGGY. NKARLY new, ?P1 Jij made by George Moore. Apply at 124 West J CITY HEili KDT.VTb WB SALE. ( < * A -SUPEKll DWELLING. AT SPECIALLY RE ? due fit prlcj : 53 d ill.. Iirir.iib >v. V. k. STEVEN SON. Jr . 4 Pine or 33 Ea.t I7ili ?t. Ii^OK SALE?ON 4-1T11 SI, UETWkEK BROADWAY aail tlth nr.. a three atory liIarli brown atone House It;. (1*50x101X5; house In periect order aud ueicbUor hooil first clunk. HOMER MORGAN, No. 2 Pine si. "LI (Jit S AI j K AT A 11A IU< AI N? A NEW AND KLEOAXt I nientmu siied House. situated on 5?th >1.. between 5th and (kit av*. MORGAN. No. J Pine ?t. Kilal Slain LIOR SALK OR TO LKASE-FOR A TERM OF VKAKs, r 111* building 537 Ea*t 1 Hi la at.. between ava. A ami X. Apply to J AS. RUSSELL. 524 3d a?., or J. 11. MARRE CELLa, 53J 3d av. _ Weal IjlOR SALK?LOT, 35XIIU, 1MTII WARD; GOOD LO cation for a tenement: no cash required Ironi nartie* who will Improve. UNDERWOOD. GREGOK .t MILLER, 3d av., corner 50th it. MiMellauFOHi FOR SALK OR TO LKT-ONK OF TICK FINEST LO- | ealloua In the city, suitable for any biisiucs*. Addrea* 1 X. V.. Herald offlee._ i The evening "teleurak. j SPECIAL DESPATCHES TO-DAY WILL GIVE FULL REPORTS OK THE HALLOT- , ING FO.? THE PRESIDES I'lAL CANDIDATES AMI THE RESULT UP TILL THE TIME OF ADJOURN- ! MKWT or THH CINCINNATI CONVENTION. UHOOKl.YM PROPERTY FOR SALK AND TO LET. OR * SALE CHEAP?A SMALL THREE 8TOKY F brick llouae, well locAtod In Rrooklyu, E. D.. contain lug 7 rooiua. water and ga*. Adilres* HYlJh, lleruld office. WESTCHESTER COUNTY l'ROPEHTY FOR SALK AND TO RENT. AT YONKERS.?SKVEKAL furnished and~'un furuUhed House* to runt cheap; for ?ale or exchange. YOUMANS. Agent. Yonkers. VERY DBSIRAHLE PLACE AT PORT CHESTER, Westchester county, to let?Including Dwelling lion* j, necessary outbuildings,' with live aerea of land, lino apple orchard and other Ir.ilts; rent $.'iOU per yoar. Apply to 1). (!. HAVILANlVNo. J Howery. _ House and barn?with -> acres of ground, uleuty of Iruit. within one mile ol New Rochclle depot. Inquire of JOSEPH V. MALTMY, .V)t> West 45th at., N. Y. To l.l'.T?FUK.VISII KI) HOUSE AT YONKERS, ON Warl.urtoii av., tlvu uilniitea from depot; 13 rooms; all modern Improvement*; let low to good I en nut C ? 11 on or addruaa the owner, J. F. VAN WAUENEN, 233 Went 37th it. PROPERTY OUT OK THE i ll'V FOR HALE OK TO KENT. A" CHARMING ItKSIDKNCK AT NY'ACK FOR SALE or rent, fiirnlahed; una hour from tho city, 1J? tnilei fiont depot; the liou*e lift* 11 room a. batlirooni and clnaet* coinmauda auperb view* Ironi every window, and la entirely free from chill* and lever: water or the purest quality In tho houxo: Irult* of all kind* in full bearing. largo garden planted: nothing more de*iruble for a pleatant country home can be louud on the Hudson River; the place contain* 'JO acres, 15 under cultivation. 5 in wood, kept a* it pleasure ground; gardener'* cottagu and large barn; I* free Iroiu mortgage and cau lie purchased on liberal term*, much be low it* real value; the place I* open for inspection, in oaaily reached from the city, and will bo tonml all claimed for it after tlio cloaeat acrutiuy. Adilrea* \V. It. DEAN, Nyack, N. Y. CCHOICE TEXAS LAND-IN LARUE OR SMALL. J Iota, cheap. Addrea* S. T., Herald Pltilailelphia Branch office. i3or"SALE-BKAUTIFULLY SITUA TED COUNTRY r Seat on a lake 45 mllea up the Hudson. Address DONNE, Herald office. "ITKJRSALE?AT A BARGAIN, A FARM OF SO ACRES. I good Buildiaga, pleutv of Iruit; uear Morriatowu. N. J., oue utile lYoui ilepot Apply to 11. _Is, SIRE, Braudrcth llouae, corner of Catial at. aud II roadway For sale or lease-modern Stone mansion, atablea and outbuihlliiga complete, in porleit order, with 'J4 aerea, one of the flneat tract* of land on Orauge Mountain aide, one hour ironi Now York, 450 leet above tide water; bullae In the ediru of a natural loreat, commanding aplaudid vlewa; aol't apt ing water iiowing to all room*, gi? and every conveiiteDca; lor hoaUblulucs*. Iieauty of location aud atceaalbllity there ia no nior.' desirable location uear Now York city. A. BALDWIN. 115 Broadway, room 17. Greatest Iaroaix offered-si acre farm, two *et* Building* complete; oppo*ite atore and Post office; Junction two railroad*; splendid town ?lte; will make a fortune for purchaser; hones, cow*, poultry, tools, grow ing eropa; aee photograph. C. II. OLIVER, lflj Broadway. House to lbt in Philadelphia.-a wkll furnished House. containing 1J rooms, Including linen ?ail china, kit complete; locnlu'i No. 2.132 Vine st.. un line of cars every live niiuutA* lu Centennial grounds; will l>o ranted cheap to a good tenant Apply at 111 liioadway, ruuiu 08. RIVERDALE. "on "HUDSON-FULLY FURNLSHED; Unely located; for season or year. GEORGE il. FKTRIK, 17S Broadway. SHORK FRONT COTTAGE, lo ROOMS; MODE UN conveniences; flue neighborhood; all trains; hour Iroiu ?ity; absolutely healthy; positive bargain: circular. J. \V. ATWaTER, Riverside,Conn. O LKT-IN PASSaTc'IT J., FORTY-FIVE MINUTES fr?m foot of Chamber* at., a handsome tl?liilr Cottage, containing 10 rooms, bathroom. gus, water. Ae.; la located on the best corner, surrounded by shade, fruit and tluwerln* tiees; with or without (table. Apply to owner, J AMES T. BURNS, XI Uniou square. T~V)?LKT?Long BBAMOH.?A rOUIIWID COT tage; stable; abundance of fruit; garden planted. Address PAPER, 231 William at. r LKT?IN "FLUSH I NO. ATA HAROAJN\ HAND somoly furnished Mouse and Grounds PITNEY, -MM) 3d a*. fpo LKT KOR THE Kufcttlt -A FURMSIIED HOUSE 1 at Bloomttold, N. J.; Wrooms; large nlauae; plenty of shade and fruit; 45 minutes from NewVork. Applv to owner, PlllEBUS W. LYON, Utt Chambers St., New York, ?7(T ACRES. VaRM.-9I.uni; CASH fi.noo;' BALANCE OU easy; stone hous.> and barn; cows, trigs, poultry, horse. Implements, carriage, Ac., Ac. Address E. PONTI, t^uskertowu. Pa. fTwi UlTS, FREE AND CLEAR, FOKHALB AT LIN 1UU den Park, Staten Island, or will trade for a stock of salable Merchandise. Office or JERK. JOHNSON, Jr.. 21 Park row._ ' ~ REAL ESTATE TO KXCHANUE. TOXCIUNGE-UNENCUMIIKKED BRICK RFSI JrJ donee, elegant grounds, at Rochester, for city Resi dence; unmortgaged House on Wabash sr., Chicago, for the same; an Ohio, Indiana or Illluols Farm wauted for unen cambered Hons* uear Brooklyn. M. DUNN, Hroslwsy, P~OR ~ SALR OR EXCHANGE?A THOROUGHLY built House on 23d St.. for a snur little place in the suburbs and cash. O. H. PIKRSON, No. 5 Piue ?t. HEOWNKR OF unmortgaged property at Brooklru, New Jersey and East New York Is willing to exchange It for Cigars. Smoking or l<eaf Tobacco. II. COLELL. KM Water st. TWO LOTH, SUPERBLY LOCATED. WEST! SIDR Madison ar.; excavated, sewered; ready for Immediate Improvement; dirt cheap: will exchange. SAMUEL KIL PATRICK, Bull's Head Bank Building. WANTED TO KXlH A.NUK?SOUTHR** TIM SIR Lands, free ami dear, for a llou?e worth from (33,000 to940.UKJ. mortgaged not to exceed tlH.UUU; location be tween 4th and 0th a vs., Madison square and Central Park. Principals only may address, with full particulars, JOHN A. DODGE. 12 Wall St. HEAL ESTATE WANTED. TirANTED TO BUY?FOR CASH, A THREE HTORY TT brown stone House; all modern improvements; must be perfect in every respect; furnished house preferred: lo cality be'weeu li-<tl> and ">7th sts, ana Madison and ilth avs. Address, with full particular*. N. S., box i.lfil Post oltlie. WANfED~To "pURCHA SE - A " MOC8K AND LOT between 14th ami Hrtth sts. and .1th and Oth avs., with possession immediately; $15,0U0 to 923,000. Address IN VKSTOK. Heraul office. TO LET FOIl lilSlKESS PURPOSES. Bennett "building. Fireproof. Located on Nassau, Ann and Pulton sts. First Floor to let. suitable lor bankers, insurance offices or lawyers. Will be let together or In parts; be altered to suit tenants If desired; adapteu lor offices or stores. Reasonable rents. Also some eligible Law offices to let. APPLY ON THK PREMISE* Take the elevator. Inquire lor Janitor. ORNKR STORK TO RENT?Tl AK LRM: CENTRA LL Y loeated; 3d av. and 12>)th st. GEORGE W. WELSH, 263 Green srlcu tt. f~PO GROCERS TO LET, TIIK WELL ESTABLISHED X Store southeast corner ol 1st av mid '.'Mil st.; good busi ness locality. Apply to WM. F. FOLEY, Real Estate office, 4Ul? East 23d st. r LET-LOFT, 140X2*, WITH EXCELLENT LIGHT, Steam Power, Machinery. Lathes. Ac.. complete, lor the manufacture of chandeliers, brass flnislilng. Ac.; also one of same slse, with M acblnrry, Troughs, Ac., for glass cutting. Apply til v. It MCOL A CO . No 4 Great Junes si TO LKT?THK FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR 117 Fulton St., near Nassau; wludows hack and frout; with or without stsrvui power. Inquire on premises. f. J. KALPlEBKRO. TO LKT OR LB ASK FOR A TERM OF YEARS?A large Building, three stories, cellar ami sub-cellar, suit able lor storage, manufactory, parking house or lsrd re Unary ; best location on the west side ; steam power and i le vator; slse of building 70xtC>. Address J. II., I3H East ?1st st, HTII AV.?STORE AND BASEMENT. SEEN IVom H 311 to 10. S. Kit-II. 74 Murray st. . DUELIilM- IIOLHKN l() LEI. Kurn lalis*u. ALL HOUSES AT KKDUCEH RENTS. V. K. STK YBNMOM. Jr.. 4 PI? and 3a Beet lTtk st. A LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT, lx ROOMS. West 22d at.; Jl.'ai per mouth snd B.iant for owner (tm?). JAMKS H KI>WARDS, lo7 West 234 st. AT *125 FOR HUMMER; FOR YK A It, HISO-HAND* suniuly furnished time story high sloop; lltlist. Mar Jtli av. s B i.ooDAI.E, No. 5 West 2U st. (Fifth Aveiiae Hotel), TO SOME RESPONSIBLE PARTY A HANDSOMELY lurnlshed House; portion ol rent In Roaid for family, three adults, privilege of letting drsl class offices to both i physician and dentist. rent verv moderate. Inquire at IJ Bast 2sth St.. betweeu 5th and Madison avs. WHOLE OU PART OF FULI.V FURNISHED THREE story high stoop House for summer months or longer; rent low to responsible tenant. 7 I Lexington av. Uiifuriiiatird. A?FOUR STORY EM. LIS il BASEMEN I IIOUflB. 43 ? Horatio St., lo let; tusi. BURNHAM. dun Hudson st. 667 A BARGAIN.-THREE HTORY HIGH STOOP BKlt'K. only H.UIO per year, ceutrally located uear Broad way ; excellent order ; linmedlaie pinsessmu. POT I Kit BROTHERS So. 4 Warren st. LL HOUSES Af RF.IH CED RENTS. V k KTE ^^gVSNSON. Jr . No. 4 Pine and 3J East I7tb st. A BROWN STONE IIOUSK TO RENT ON WKST 331> st nominal rent for the summer; a large Roard lug House on Lafayette place; 25 rooms, f Iti per month; cheapest lions.- In New York; paying largely. furniture aew ; will bo sold low II wanted ; present occupant suddenly A called oat of the country. JAMKS B. EDWARDS, 197 West 3M tt. UWELUNU IIOIMKS TO LET. I ii I ii mi i nli i d. ?~?? rpO LKT-A TIIKRE STORY HKOWK STONE KKON* 1 high stoop llww, a perfect Hula item, iu tttd it.. ue? I.exia/luu *v.: rent \ery low. Apply at l.oiu 3d av., bo (veci'ill and '.ll?tjit*. FL'UWIHIIKD ItOOM* A !VU APARTUENTi TO unr. \FlJtAHANT Kl RVISHEI) PlRLOR AND Al.CofS ?In private housa, H ~>0; quint party desired. 232 West 17th at. WIDOW I.ADV II VS ONE OK TWO Ml Mlft Room* to r nt to atrlctly lirst clans people. Audrest I'ltl V A I K box luj Herald I plowu Krauofi olliee TUT LARUE, K(UBLY WrNMIHKO front Room. Hedruuiu adjoining and Kitchen; b?t aud cold water and iraa: summer prices. 417 4th av.. near 2Wth >t. ? T 1" KAST 1 jTII ST.. BKTWKEN BKlIAUWAY AND 5tli av.. a few newly furnished itooms. gentlemeu only; price* very moderate iluriug eiiuiiner. kkiTantlv fur kTkTTkI) 5 kcond floor. v7$ j auite or singly, for hou>ekeepinr. at a very lour price: IIrat ela?? neighborhood. 330 33d St., near Elevated KtilrutiL liHRMMIIKD FOK HOI*EK kKPINO.-A WIDOW r lady liHi Mr* liamUoiue K>?ws on Hour, with every convenience tor housekeeping; bullae private mid tonus tnoderute. .'-"J East 10th ?t. Biurnisiied For TioTfsis ickkpisa-on firhi Boor, Farter, closets. kitchen; all improvements; 41 per week. 2<1H Won 2Mth st., between 7th and Htb ava. Al?a unfurnished Room* cheap FURNISHED I'AIU.OUH AMI OTUBK ROOMS, ALE newly furnished. to let; terms moderate; Lousa private and central; no boarders. 37 East 20Ui st. FVMUMKO KOOMH-FIRKT. IKOMB AND THIRD lliiors ; oniee and lledrooiu, hall, $3. 106 Kast 15th St.. near Union square. IP I' K N1 i II2 D FOR OBNTLBMKX . K XTRA l.AROfl trout Rooms, suitable for two. $4 and $f> per week : front bail ROOMS 'UJ iltli av., between ltnli and 20th sts. IjMHNI.SIIKl) TO liENTLKMKN. WITHOUT HOARD? l.arire Kouin; closets aud water in; $4; releronco. 223 West 15th st. IAROK 1IANDMOMK KURNlsHEl) PARLOR. *4! J auuther, #5; ai other, #H. each suiting two ladies or gentlemen: hou tokeepiug privilege; gas, hath. Residence 31U Kast 13th st. 1A1IUE AND SMALL ROOMS FOR UHNTI.KMKv'; J also front Hasuuient lor doctor's office, or gentleman and wife, use of kitchen. 30 Irving place. J ~AltGK8T7 COOLEST'""AND FINKBT FUllSISIIKD J Kooins: bast located; lowest terras. 21 West Mli st., near .'>th av. VTEATLV FURNISHED ROOMS, ~$2 AND M PEH J.\ week; private family, 127 Waverley place, uear Oth avende. NICE IDRNiVhkd'"rooms,"Tok 1'.'kntLkman and wife or single gentlemen on third story. 3U4 4th av.. In the store. PARLOK, ALOOVe ~and TiaITl ROOMS-HAND somely furiiislied; term* reasouatle; references. 47 West 1 villi at. s PARTI EH ACCOMMODATED WITH LODOINOf near Centennial ground"; private family; breaktasi if desired. Address A., Ilorald omce. i'liiladnlphia. JCTIT OK FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET, WITH all conveniences. r>4 l,exlngt?u av., near 2.">th st. TO LBV?A SICKLY PVBWSHKD ROOM rOB ONf gentleman In the private dwelling No. 2HI East lit! st, between 2d and 3d avs. References required. TO LET FI UNISIIED-TWO LARtIK ROOXX, SUIT able lor siuglo gentlemen or gentleman nnd wife, 84 Kast loth st. r.TH AV. AMD 14TH ST.-A PRIYATB FAMILY WIU ?/ ' ri nt a handsome Suit of lurulshed Rooms in the elegant brown .tone home No. 4 West 14th st.; parlor, bedroom and private buth. r T11 A V., 341.?MRS. ~ SKA V K R OK KB KM ? U ITS "o"p ? ' Apiirttuoiit*. with or without private table or without Hoard. tf EAST 17TH ST.-FURNIHUe.D ROOMS TO LET, I singly or en suite; referouce required. dw* ?H ANDSOM ELY Pl'RNIHHKD LAHOK BAOK tjlvla Parlor, ftrst lloor; water, ^u>. bath, closets; hall Room, $2. I'rivate residence 32C Kast 14th St. lOTH ST.,""BETWEEN 2D AND SD AV&.fcll.-NK AT J.Zj ly furuistied hall room, with closet and gas, to a gen? tlcman, without board. 93; good bath. MTH ST., MO. 900 WW.-A FEW BltBOANTLY furnished Rooms; strictly private family; terms low; location first class. "I 7 EAST 21ST 8T.-XJCBLY Kt7RNI8IM*0 CHBBR^ I I ful Rooms. Iu first class bouse ; Board, irflestrad. Ol WEST 31ST' .ST.-KRESIILY KUKNIShVd wl Rooms, en suite nr singly, to lamlUe*or gentlemen. (110, $20 and $30 per week; reference*. 110 9U EAST 8D ST., NEAR 2D AV.-A NEATLY jO iurnlihod Room tu rent, without board; bath, gits; fniiiIly private. 7~7 east lOTlT KT -KL"RNISII ED UOOmTsUITAB Lfc I I for housekeeping or gontlemcn ; a*o of bath; 93 ? week ?fjfi7 east lOTHsfT?FUKnihhed-fkgnt room, LU | with Bedroom, for housekeeping or for gontlemau; all WMMiaMH. MAUI SO N A V eSTJ eT?ROOM ? FOB Q E N TLB men, transient or permanent. 1 c7 west~22D bt!?htkictly private fami'ly lij I would lot on* or two connecting front Rooms to geutloinon; Breakfast If required. tne east 34T11 ST-L A HUE AND small rooms, ?l.O turnWhed or untarnished, to rent, vary low, wltti or without Hoard. ?JM Q KAST 4HTH ST.?PLftASANT jiftOOM IN PEL AiO vate home, furnished or not, with use of kitchen) or Hoard. ~WBaT 2STH ST-HANDSOMBLY FURNISHED Rooms, for llirbt housekeeping. at reaeonable prices. ?) 11 OTH ST.7~NRAR ID AV.-FURN laHED LARGH OIJ and small Rooms to gentlemen or respectable mar ried couples. OKQ WE8T~flifriT 8TV~HETWEitN STH AND OTH 0? )J avs. - A eouole of large desirable Rooms; splendid location; Board If witliod; only 30 minutes by Elevated road from battery. Addresa U. H. II , box 532 1'ont office. UNFURN1HIIEU ROOMS ASD APAKf MKNTM TO LIST. * T 420 4THAV..NKAR 29TII ST. - FLOORS t6'L*Tj 1\ improvements. See owner on premises from 11 to I o'clock. T ?&"> FOR THREE MONTliS-HANDSOME FLOOR 33d ik, between &th and 300 AT ?&'> FOR THREE MONTH for housekeeping (?> rooms); 0th airs.; privilege or year at f&O H. B. OOODALE, No. 3 West 23d s?. A -PLATS AND PARTS OK HOUSES IN CHOICI ? locations at low reuts; Immediate possession. Apply to JOHN D. CR1MMIN8, 1.QJ7 3d av. A PARLOR FLOOR, WITH PRONT BASEMENT, 454 West 20th it., opposite the college grounds; rani $27 per month. A -unfurnished SECOND FLOOR TO LET IN J ? private family. 906 West 22d St. N T (CENTRAL PARK.?FLATS; GRAND CIRCLE BUILD. J Ing. Broadway, corner MRh >1 ; elevators; all modern Improvementa; moderate rente. LOW EENT.?CHOICE apartments TO LET Apply on the premises, 212 East 33d it., near 3d av. ICE AND CHEAP PLOORS TO LET-IN NO. 33 ST. Mark'i place; all oil painted. d'LET?A FLAT, IN ~THE tthsT KEPT HOUSE IN _ the city and the cheapest rent; almost the highest point of the city; parlor, dining room, kitchen, bedrooms, prlvste water closet, atatlonary waabtnba, marble mantels, chandeliers. Brussels carpet on stairs, halls famished and llglfted. Janitor to keep everything in order, water to the top of tlie bouse; In fact a perfect hnuso ; rent from SIS to $18 a month; rent commenoe July I; good reference required. Ap ply at I,Sit! 3d av.. between HOth and Mist sta. TO LET?THE LOWER PART OF "HOUSE .115 WEST 21st st, nowly painted, Ac.; within half a block of Elevated Railway station. Apply at 310, Ice offlee. TO~LET?Til iltb and fourth STORIES OP SS East 18th st., separately or together. Inquire on tit* premie?. SRy Bdom. * stewartTcl?. aro offering for sale la their CLOIH department :i'?> i pieces 3-4 and H-4 HEAVY WOOLLENS, la good order and in every way attractive. Lots to suit purchasers. AUCTION PRICES. Consisting of various and desirable itylei. comprising tfc* production ol the following well known mills UTICA STKAM WOOLLEN MILLS. GLENIIAM WOGLuF.N MILLS, MOHAWK AND ELBOKUF MILLS. washington MILL, NKW YORK WOOLLEN WATEEVILLE AND CATSKILL MILLS, WOODSTOCK MILL. This offering is worthy the attention of every buyer el Woolllen Goods, and tha trade la cordially invltod ta es amine. BROADWAY AND CHAMBERS STREET. To PREVENT IIK XDACIIE KEEP YOUR HEAD cool; wear KIIaY.WK'S celebrated llalr Ounae Hm, uoiet comfortable summer style ever introduced, fl 50l Wallack a Theatre Building, Broadway. KILLIIKHY A\IJ UHKSSlUAKlNts. ' At marie tilmann's, of pahis. "Imported Opening of the Dne?t. largest assortment of Parisian Hummer Millinery ever brought to this market. 423 Sill av. neur J'ltli st. (late Michel's). Tunics of TASTE WISHING stylish imported J Bonnets or round Hats at greatly reduced nrloes will ttnd it to their advantage to call at Miue. CAM1LLE UK LACY's. Broadway, near 10th st. CttMTftNNlAl. fctmtlfl. " '* a 'Williams, "manOfaotOreus"~6* Presses. Dies and apeeial Machinery, 107 to 173 Plym outh st.. Brooklyn TUF. OM.Y AUTHORIZED AMERICAN RESTAt rant on the Centennial Grounds iliu front et Agrtcul IVS I l< I l i lta.%. C>ol'0mbia c<>CUeg4,j' "*? ? / academic department. 1- laminations for admission will commence oa Wednes day, June 21. at l?)i o'clock A M. Applicants are requested to present themselves punctually at the time named. The anonsl commencement oxerrioes will be held at the Aeade my ol Malic en Wedaesdsy, June 2H. at IU|^ o'clock A. M. F. A. P. BAKNARD. IX.D., President. _ COLUMBIA COLLEGE, V SCHOOL OF MINES. Examinations lor admission will ae held on Friday, Jans 23. at OS o'clock A. M. Appilcaats ate roqaested tepieesat thorn selves punctually. The system of Instruction tnclndes Ave parallel ooateei ct itndy?vis., civil engineering, mining engiaeeslng. metal Inrgy, geology ?aiAiatnral history, analytical and applied chemistry. F. A. P. BARN AMD, LLd.. PrertZlM.