Newspaper Page Text
AMvsvMinrn. fjTH AT. 1I1KATKK j MATINEE l^iottm TO-DAY AT 1:30, I Positively only repetition of I ho Brtngham Benefit BUI. THE SKHlOl'S FAMILY Kill POCaIIoXTAS! Min D??nport,Ji>:in Brougham, Mis> Sydney Cowisll mid Mrs. Gilbert 6" A A r I'll ATKXCK Til V. A THE (BROADWAY AVDJsTM ST.) t) Proprietor and M?nairi>r. Mr. Al'UU.iTIN DALY TO-NIGHT AT H, ppppr n gouu u u ekek i- i* it o q ir r k II g Q c If EES y i! y q<J u u e V II oUUUU KEEK <$> V A PLAY OF TO HAY ! 1H&TH PERFORMANCE! M .s? KANNY DAVENPOUT. Mr. Jnhu Brougham, Sol Smith KmmiII, Mr tlarkina, J ami's Uwli. W. Datidut', Hirrjrman, Rockwell. Mist Uilla-rt. Mils >vdncv Cuwell. Wcorjfiua Draw. MATIVKK TODAY AT 1 :iO "SERIOUS FAMILY" an.I "POCAUONTAi>'' (onlytimei, rv.ll AVENUE Til BATHE. I TIIH BOX TllBpT"I" now oprn tor the mile of seat! I lor ilia _'0<>lli Plyl'E CELE ISRAITO.n, fruUr. June I ii.'t. Matiime of DIVORCE! I Cvi-niiiK?< "PKJl'K " Satin I Pivgnuumea! Photograph AUTHOR'S festival, Sonveulr! And a SILVER JUNE Si. { TICKET. B*"Tk7iTi s tueatre.?to-hay.-a pkkkokm avces* CLOSE of I lie A1MEE OPERA BOUFKE SEASON' "J hi - afternoon lit I :hj I Tu night at H. Onlr AIalee Maliiieo. I Aituee '* last appearance AI^EE'S LAST APPI-.AlU.NOES t.\ NKWYOKK AXO last performances ok okfenbu'us MEKKIBST WORK I.A VIE PAIlIblbNNE (LIKE IN PARIS), in whicti AIMEi-. to-night will introduce lier Ln(lab MBit mill Dance. "MtETTY AS A PICTURE." MONDAY. AIM 1 I - RENTREE IK BOSTON. iMBE~MATfsEE TO-DAT. BOOTU'5 Tin* afternoon at 1 ?.:?). only AIMEK MATINEE. ONLY MATINEE OK LA VIE PARISIENNE. 1MI K WIl.LSING TO NIOat" AT BOOTH'S" her English miic anil dime*. "I'rnttv an a Picture." Last appearance ok aIMEE in new York. A"" IMBK'S LAST APPBARANCR IX~NKW^YORK TO. NIUUT, w lien ?he will ung lier Englis'i none and dance, "PRETTY AS A picture." IM E i' S K N t i LIS H~ SON"[I "a.V D F> AN 0 E TO NI Ol IT. BOOTH'S TilKA1 RK. AIMER'S hut appearance. AIMEE WILL SING "PBhTTY AS A 1MCITKE.' TJSION SQUARE THEATUK. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Manager Mr. A. M. PALMER MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 10. engagement lor a abort season ol THE VOKES, who will appear in tholr great specialty. BELLES OP the KITCHEN, Preceding tin Vokae each evening will be siren tliu Charming Comedy iu two Acta, entitled the POST BOY. Ill which Mr. J. II. STODDAUD ?ill appear, xiipporii'U by Meurs. Claude ltui roughs. H. B. I'lli 11 ? 1>? and II nrrv Joseph*, and Miiuoa Laura Dun, Roberta Norwood and Geraldtne Maye. IJo\ olllce open from H till H. OWERY THEATRE. ?SATURDAY, 3UMK IT, last ni^lit <>f the celebrated tARROLLS in their ramuAil sensation drama, KIDNAPPED. an J the irreat 1 ri>.h larce, McKaDDENS. 1)Alllv THEATRE! BROADWAY AND 210 BT EVERY EVENING AT 8. IO-day and WEDNESDAY MATINEE at 1. Tin' accomplished Irish Comcilian. Mil. JOSEPH MURPHY, mil Joseph murphv, MR. JOSKPH MUBPHY, In tin new char u iur ?poci'ilty ot Dun o'ilai'U, in Mr. FEED MARSDK.V'S romantic Irish drainu, THE KEKIiY GOW. TlIE KKKRY tiOW, THE KERRY GU\V, Hi" auccesa nrilie sntniacr season of '7'1. Admission li*> and 2f? cent*. R?*?rved semsSfi. BEST VENTILATED THEATRE IN TOWN. IiUOLE THEATRE, " J Bromlw ay and :Kld It. Proprietor mid Manauer Mr. JOSH HART ?? <j> 1 list two iii-rlorinuiiceii ol A? ? >1 \TINEE i' Mrs. henrietta CHANKRAP I MATINEE TO-DAY. | in W. Iavlenre'a Play, I TO-DAY. PARTED <t) }\ i last matinee | a last matinee 1 OK THE xEASON I It | U> THE SE vSON I TODAY T I TODAY i at a. I E i at a. | i ?? ?> D <$? 4> ^ PERFOIIMANCE. ^ This evening at H o'clock. This evening at 8 o'clock. Matinee to day at U o'clock. KELLY A LEON'S Ml NSTKKl.S. . 23d >1., near Uth ?v. NORMA. THK TWO OFF-CNS. NOitMA. THK TWO OFF-UNK. NO KM A. THK TWO OFF-VMS. THE ONLY LEON. Couching to I'clliaiu. Coaching to l'elham. f ^ LOBE THKATKK. 7.8 AMD 790 BKOADWAY, ll U. W. BUTLBR Manager lii?AM 1 BENEFIT TO THK ATTACHES Tills AFTEK NOON AND K V EN I NO. A bill of the irranacst masiniticcnce by the OLOItK'H GlliANTIC UTAH COM HI NATION. Mpuri. T. M 1111,1.Y BARKY, WASH NOKTON, .1. 1) OKIFFIN. K. BLITZ, G W. KKKD. 11 Kit N KY mill CKONIN, and M ASTI.K DA KB, Willi fix NY TOMMY IIA 1,1.. Miaae* KVA WEST and M. HOI.I,!1 NIIA1 KK. ami 100 Superb Specialty Artiata, to feiher with the following luroritea. who have kindly volun Icifri'd : ? deb itor Hob Hart, lloiinl)! Kunuells, John Hogan, Andy McKee, Fred W?rr?n, F. A Oltioona, L'h.tries w. > oani;. Jobs Allou, Joe Buckley. ri'ua. W. Ki mble, Giovanni, Jame* Onlini. l.ntry Ti?de>, Scully and Barry, lle\wooi and I Imtnpaon, tilbbona ind McKee, the tcreat Enrurdo, Mima Lime Ki Ney. Mix Hannah Birch, Mian Kltic, Miaa l.aura and a hunt of others. I>AKISIAN VARIETIES. I M \TINKK TO-DAY I'unalar price* | ItHli at. and llroadway. | Evenlni: at 8. MAI 1NKE every Tuesday. Thursday ami Saturday ut "J. MAKE NO M1SIAKK. 1'oolcat mid atnent Theatre. I A Fountain of I'leamro. IIMSTAIt A Iff IS I'S IN Ml NEW ANDOKIOINAL ACTS. IfcXHAi'IONAL. SPICY. PiOUANT ?iid hXIII I.AKATINO V HlsBAND'K SUSPICIONS | The DEACON'S MISHAPS Beaiitifinly Artistic I l,e Mlnuot | seuealionally Voluptuous Miii- Birtha. | New liallet. I Senor Koviaeimo. 80 Elegantly Formed I Tatlcaiix Vivania I Female Modala. Mrayrm. Itelavanti, Alfredo and I 'ohm. Mi** Ko*e kerne and Mr A'llliam Forreater. Mr. John Gonrlay and Mia* Kmily Prior. Miatrie Harrises | Hlancn Elbcrta 1 Minnie Hall. Ueori.11 vtkin*. | John Francis. I Frank Steel*. ureal Horace Weston, tnd our army e( old favorites. L.tritett Combination of laltm. | V,i at Extensive and I'ojin lar Entertainment in N'#w York. THKATKEC ?M BROADWAY A Hummer Houae. Dcliirhtiully ceo!. Piensantest 111 town, Magnificent ilill. llUMFTY IHMI'lV. liUMPTY 1)1 MI'TY. R01IEKT FRA.-*BK a* Clown. The PAMlAlI <J5TKItS In OPBKA BOt'FFB. In- Cl.ouliliUHFS. QL'ILTKK k GOLDRICH. Mis* ANNA MORGAN. FIFTY SPLENDID ENJOYABLE FEATURES. 1'iices luiiunslon, 33c; Kesencd Sents, >.??..; Family Circle, I Sc.. Parlor I'Vaiia, #1. On Monday next la?t <-iiKannirii in America of the great artiai JOLLY NA>I1. Firat tltuc. tl " Pascal Oper ? Boulfe. TUB STKEKT slMiKRS, with other novelties. VVALLArK'S t? THIRD WEEK AND INCREASING SUCCESS Dl the laeomparahle artists, V i'? AND M US. W. J. FLORENCE, In Ihelr famou* original c';?racK>r?. KARDWh.LL Sl.Oiii .in \\ ?IPa ori^dv, t'.ia an.l MK.ill I'Y IIOLLARt Vri OpbithI iHLFI.OKY, | MIGHTY in Woir? liuinnriMiv aud aa I lioi,l,AK ! tirical conin<l> ol tbn 1 MIGH1Y IKU.LAK ! BUHITY I reesl*ed wiili ?? I L'libi'uudeil r.nlhuaiaam DOLLAR I an J MIGHTY 10I.I. vie ! R.iara nf l.aufcbter, >U|ierli >'c m y : by und fit Delighted Au'llenooi. t KKQOAI.LKD ( AST. | f.YKRY KVKNING AN|? SATURDAY MATINEE. ?f'Tht-atre ?iul>-d by n new prncean. BW Iliu m OCK S THIRD AVKXL'K THEATRE ? near f HI at. KVKKY KVKNINO AT H O'CLOt'K durln.- the week, mid WHWIESDAV ?, Ml HAH KDAY MATINKE.1 '. . F AN > V II KICKING. New \ 1 r . a lavoril* Hlrona. Kununi'i famoni N'utt, CGMUODOKi: M IT MaJoi: Nl TV. fit's LKE. Mis* VN.M IIINDLS. the par axerlleuce of all tit >lp iniu. r ooator* Mlaa ADA L.VOKKNT. The Myatery: Or, Dnwing aa It la and Waa. lilt VXD BZLITAKY DRAMA ol THE FRENCH iJMTj Or, THE FALL OF ALGIKRS. ( MI.MORE's I'ONCKKT GAUDBM. I Me??i? SHOOK A I'Al.Mr.K Proprietor* lir. K ?? GII.VoKE Manaier. Mr. 1". S. OILMtlBK. Vllalcal Director. EVERY KVKXISO AT S O'CLOCK. Mr. T. > GILMOKR. LEVY AND rill. FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. I' KOvi KA M M B. I. 0>errurc. Jubel ' Weber V Concert W.flt/, "Inlt^nrtel!r.a?, Oiin.l 11 : * ,tk. liiiiij of ebc l.i>ii." Ki>uia?y 4 "I annul ? on the Fr? |ili?tHuM Mcye beer 5. .-ein for I'oruet. Jtarlmau ?i I a itM-ift .'1 mi Biatlc" Yilicr* 7. ''.iin?ft solo, i^vr I^fiy K Overlure, " I he R?anti/ul tiaUtea ' ?MMr ?n)t. "I l.">* Hut Thee" ... tlit ttt (,iiairilie Marcl "> ? Ucartcn' Mrcuta* AdmiMiou .'ai cema Bo*e? lour place*) $;< aad #4. KI I! VI,FY'S AI.HAMHKA 1'AI.AOK. Hroai', at.. I'bl adelphia. 'll' . mm: lj?M<>aahle reaart in Amari a l.a.t ?.? k vKOL'ND I I1L Wi iKI.I) From- ada Coneerta la the li .rdeii F 11 ippr Mm' Ueriaan F him Donna Frl FRi llKKlO.t ROK01II,. and th IIKDOCI* Alttri oi.tUKSTKA. f 'UAfii vl VI HBlLUi VAuitertLS. i*tTtl ! AND 3D m. Matlaoo luaaitajr. Thur?il.) am! - It inlay. J 1*. Jl. I lie new I'enieunial Matuea, America alnvldia^ her auh a', ta The folii ? ?i I'aria ropri-aeiitci.' ni^iitlv. Hie f(iM> PruajUn ilurli' H if, "The Snv 01. The K. iaale /-ouav, ..?? Nr IDLO'S GAUDBM lulat. au lliwral teraii, la couibii.atmaa or atara for a in. e or j.iirt of auinmar Apply loC. h. AKNOL.D, M Wall at. AM'IXO Ar AMI IUCAN 1N.~IITI TI: IlINK KVKltV III .y .1 I"fi .. 11 and rvpuin.', . ool ami p ea*ml laal l .11..i,.i ii *it siicciai altaauou ta*. Ail x-w. Miiwita I adtaa M. D PALAI' 40 y AMt'SKKKSlo. "t\'o"ul> > museum ~ ~ ~ wooirs. >> THIS DAY, MaTINEE AT a, EVhNlNO AT H. DOUBLE BILL, liliO. 0. BONIFACE ANl) MARIA STELLA is LA Torn DK NESLE and KICK OK TUB WOODS * BOYAL. 4HB6TH AV. ouui; lady attendants. Craml vocal and instru ment ai concert from 7 until I o'clock. Admission free PI A MIKOU'l'KS. (IIU. WI, an*.' -Trot VlMT, U>RiaHT.~"sylTARK ANDURAND ? I'l.uios i.r oar ,iwn uiuke. als.i tar *iuo and runt, a nuiiibor ?r tlno it'cuud hand Pianos, In perfect ardor. WILL IAM KNAHK A CO.. No. 112 5th av.. above l'.lh at. \ T SOHM BR * CO '8. 140 K AST HTH ?*.. HBAB 3D .'V av.. pianoforte manufacturers, first class new, also sec ond hand 1'ialu.s at extremely low prices; Pianos to reut unit ou instalments. $*> to <2l> monthly. Abeautipul riANoTira; wkbkr pia^TkortIT, ?eveu octave. carved It':;*; sacrifice tor cash: Parlor Or^an, very cheap. J. H1DD1.E, IS Wuverley place, near Broadway. MY RBAL BUYER WHO~ desires TO OBTAIN A new Piano of elaborate workmanship at a sacrifice. Address IN NEED, Iler.ild office. A LADY WILL 8BLL LSMi THAN *M0 CHICK* JTV ering 7 octave Pianoforte: four round corners, carved let;*: cost s'tiSO. 'Js Eait 3d St.. ue?r 2d av. T 93 it?NEW 7 ll OCTAVE PIANOFORTE^ elegantly carved ami latent Improvements; value S7U0-, warranted Bve years; box fur shipment. 07 Eaat Uth St., near Broa<lway. AN OWNER WILL SELL ROSEWOOD KI LL SEVEN octavo Pianoforte. film, Itr idrnce 210 East With >t. A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL SELL KOK $-'50. Pianoforte coat W.KJO; el- cant Steiiiw.iy ic Son's 7 1-3 octavo, curved rosewood rase; every Improvement; ? sacrifice. Private residence, 47 West IHth St., near tilh av. * FEW SECOND BAND WKuTr PIA.NOH AT 2\. rrsst liiiriisim: Home of them tttad nut a very abort time bv our best ninsiciuns, aud really all.tost as tiood us new; folly warranted In every respect. Pleaso call ut tho WEBER warerooms, 5th av. und 1'>th ?t. N PIA.VOX.?IK VOL' WISH TO KENT OU BUY CHEAP est and West, call on .MERRELL. No H Union square, {JTE1N WAY, WRBUt, Cilli'KKBINO PIANOS; U)W price*: rosewood Piano. <75: new double reed Oman, (65; Pianos runt, &i. (JOUDON A SON. 13 fc.ast 14th ?t. 1 /\/\ riRBT CLAMB NEW-AND SECOND HAND i'square <nd upright Pianos and Ortrnus to rent ex tremely low, in etv or country. HORACE WATERS AND SONS. 4H1 Broadway. (bffR CASH ^THI?"DAY. WILL BUY A PINE KOBE ?PJ. I iJ wood iy. octuve Pianoforte, used eiylit months; private family; cost iftKXl. t ail at i!10 rt'?>t ?t., near Uth av. d?oi?>-IcuTcKRhimT" i'ianoI i55T; superb touod. richly carved rosewood piano,7 1-8 octave, Brtfct and warranted ; tlitee moutlts' use: coat if'Xi, lor J.'i; positive barg-tin; family must sell at once. Call ut resides** .'it East wb near Broadway. Wl'SlCAL. ~ f !.\v"VokVv tJuNsEkV a roi;Y oY STCsTiT, ?So. ?*> I'.aat Uth St., near .~>th av.. uext to Deluionico'*. A SUMMER TEKM in all liranches of music (with tiractico) lor 415 at lilts renowned lu?tltutiun. \\f A NTE U A N ACCOM PAN IS I', B Y TWO YOUNG TT ladles, to pill) operatic selections; very moderate terms expected. Address W. E. B.,313 West 22d si., or call butwocn 5 and 8 P. M. ~ HOISES. RCH)MS, A.I WANTED. " Tin ttlte CltV und Hruokivn. Wanted?a suit ok o or o unkuknisiied itoomx, on llrst floor, with separate meter, hath, Ac., within two blocks ol fill: av Aditreas, with particulars, U. S. M., Herald Uptowu Uraiu'h ollice. In tli? Countrr. WANTED?EITHER A PLKMS11ED HOUSE FOR say three months, or Board for a family of tour adults and three children : eldest live ; also nurse ; within miles of New York, not iu .New Jersey. Address. Hiving lull par ticulars as to teruis aud location. P.W. T.. llerald office. "WTAKTRD? IN MORKI8TOWN, MADISON OR SUM* TT iuit, until S.'i>luiuhe: 15 or later, u luruiahed Housed for $">i) per month : rolerenre* aud paynr nL in advauce. Ad dreas K.. box tftl llerald office. 11' ANTED TO ltEVr? AT STAMKORli. A KUtt TT uished House lor the summer, h^r a good tenaut, with small family; one with ict ile preferred. Address, with terms, A. L. W., box Post office. __ _ .iiakuLu MAifiiiA. AT PRICES NEVER APPROACHED BEKORlC Slittu und Murlilo Mantels. Largest assortment In tlui dty. PENRHYN SLATE COMPANY, W Union square, Ith av. and 17th si.. New York. Mannlacturers of all kinds of Slate Work. t EXCHVNUE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?ONE P.Vl K OK FRENCH plate Mirrors,!* leet louK by 2 feet tl Inches wide. In handsome gilt frames, with marble standi; would be sold Cheap, torraaii, or exchanged lor a Victoria Carriage and Harness. Apply t" I. O. A., 1S3 William st. MATRIHONiAL. 4 MIDDLE-At>KD*(!ENTLEMAN DESIRES THE AC 1V i|uaititance of a lady or young widow, with a view to matrimony. Address J. I B., box 571 Post office, New Lou ifon. Conn. "astrology "a BUSI.VKSS AND MEDICAL CLAIRVt)YAjfif^JloT A tube equalled: names, likeness, Ac., front 50c. to #1. Office 15U West 2 >th it., betwoeti Uth and 7th avs. REAL ESTATE. The sales at the Exchange yesterday were as fol lows :? K. A. Lawrence & Co. sold, in foreclosure, a house, with lot 25x73, on Delancey street, fifty left east of Pitt street, lor $12,076 to John W. Andreas. Also, in foreclosure, twelve and one-half lots on Sedgwick ave nue. south side, extending to ltl.lgo avenuo, 180 foet north of 205th stieet, lor $3,000 to illundina An drews. A. H. Muller & Son sold, In foreclosure, a building, with lot 2(3x52, No. 30 Spruce street, north side, for $6,000 over a mortgage of $20,000 to 13. Koruian. B. Smyth suld, in foreclosure, a plot of land, 200x 200, ou Andrews place, extending to Huubanan place, 175 teet west ol Centre avenue. West Farms, fwenty tlrrd ward, lor $2,000 to Blunuintt Andrews. \ Friedman sold, by order of the as signee, the house and lot Known us No. 440 l)e uraw street, Brooklyn, for $150 over a mortgage of $2,650 to t. 1>. tiood i au. tRAI?jriCR.H. ? Morton *t-,25x;i<>; II. Lyon mid wlla to Z. Carpenter $13,000 Cliff at.. >. ? . 12K4 tt. e ol Concordat'., 28.4x101 2 (;3U ward); Clara Decker and hiiabaud to L A. Dayton 1,000 Cliff at., >. 100 It. e. ol Concord av. (23d ward), ?JH.4xi I. 2; aame to G. J. Decker Noiu. Cliff at . a. e. cornor of Tinton av., Ml.tixlOl.2: also Cliff st. a. w corner ol Tinton av., 28.4xlul.2 (23d ward); aame in John Kinuel Nom. 9th >1. ?. a.. 3.X It. e. of hv. 0.. 20x04; Augnat Kl?cin?r anil wile to Jacob Kata 15,000 Lew i* at , w. a , 1VI it. ii. ol' Dal an coy at., 2.">alOO; M. White acd billhead to .1. Knehicr l.S.OOl 4th ?i.. a. w. corner IO-<th at., 100x10); William If. tiebhard and wife to Joitn llanacliiidl 24,000 Uaary at., ? w. corner >oimu>el. '2~>. 1 xTx.H, J arob Van Wiper and wile to Herman Remitter*. Nora. (trammel at.. w. II. ?. or Henry. 3I X2>.2\; aaiue to Hamilton L?avi? Nom. Cliff ?t.. B. 1H?U 8-7 ft. a. of Con.'ord av., Jfci.0 IS 7x21; Clara Decker aud huibsud to J. U. Decker 1,200 12iUh at . u. ? . I:?*r.rt It. ?. of 3d a*., 12.iix75.8?-4; C. A. !larrli to Tbeoiaa Hanson 8,000 120th si., ?. li' IX e. ol' 5th av.; Tbcniaa liatnon mnl wile to Caroline A. ilarria.... 21.000 2d av., ?. c. corner llMth at., i!0.11x80; llarman Ii ar>.ea ai.rt * lie to T. Lohiaann 20,000 li:>t(i *t.. n. 'u. intit. e. of l*i av.. 2f>x too. 11; \tiil Daviea and wl:e to Staph* n Tej.ler 2,350 l.t ?v., n. ? coriicr'.'tith at.. -1.0x1 IX); Henry Lelevre t>. I.. K. Mruti? 10,00*J 17tli ?t.. a. ?.. tW.O It. w. of 5th ar? an 0x?J; I>. D. Ur.l una ?tli*r< i.-x ecu torsi to Mary M. William*. 3J.00U IStti -t.. a. ?.. 24U.4V, It. e. of 8th av., 27.1 tj. I . Hin*aiaud audwila unJ other* to M. ."-until aud othjra 8,135 2d av., w. a, Jtt.5 It. a. of .CM at., 20*70; till) 2d av., w a., 100.5 It. a, of 5-d St., 2<'XiO; I'eter >ui/ aud wile t" A. Kaiaer No:ii. atitii at.. B. a. 2.VI It. w. of lat av., 25\IU>; r red rrtek Iropo ami wii* to L. K llruua 15,(A>J l:.'J,l >| . u a., 135 It. e. ?f t.tli *v? IriilxUHll; O. \V Wing*ga (reTerct!) io C Norwood 0.40J Henry ?t., ? w. corner of Seukniel *t,, -6. lxtA)4; Daniel A. t'a*i.arly (roler. o) to 11 Hetuuiera 8,60) be mantel at.. w. a .ot tt. ?. of tleory ?t., '-'.?xl7; aame to saiua l,bOJ XUXTUAIiKS. JV*n 1(1. 187U. lUuJCiillilt, John and wife and others, to William II. i;*bliarU, w. a. of >tlt ??., a of lttMtli ?t; :i yeara... ;i..VH 8atae to ?4n.e. w. a. of Itli av.. >. or u>f>ili i>t.; :t yuan N.?iue to tame, a a. ef lie4ih at., w. of -Itn av.; 3 years u,.*a/.t Haw* to same, a.?. ol 11 >? i: i *t., w. of 4th a v.; :i year* 4,i?)ti f ame to name. >. >. of 1<it., w. ol 4ii| uv.; 3 ve?tra ;i,:ml Kami to aauie, a. a. oi ltmtit at., w ef 4tli av.; 3 jrearl 4,t (> t saute to >aai , a a of |t>8?n at., w. of 4tli av. ; :i , para 4,(?m Naioe lo same. ?. a. of n>e>ili at., w. of 4tu av. ; 3 year* 3,5U> lain in leiaa a a. or :0Btii *t., w. of 4tk av,; 3year* 4,00ti .-ami' to aame, ?. *. of lik-th ?t., w. ol till av. ; > ear* 3,.>O0 .^ame tn aanie, % a. of KMth at., w of -aall av.; !l yaara 3,.HaI Same to -auie ?. of ICHIli -t . w. of ttli av. ; ;i >e*ra 4.i?)0 Li a, rreilnnc'a. to M. tlattelic, w. a. ol'id av., ? or :M?tl. at.; 5 year* H.CXM) 8*1: .' to Joliu P)U? and others, w. a. or id av., a. of iOtii *?. ; 5 yejr. H,0U) Walslcv. Janvoi.J I u.hand. to Mary J. Kyer, n. a. of 144th ?t . e. if Willi* uv. (.3 I wartli; 3 yaara 1,1X10 McMalion. Ilagli, lo Ylieresa Kiebitr, n. a. ol 53d at., a. ol lat ?v.; i yetirt 1,000 Ran?*W. Aaron f' nod "Ho. to A. I'. ltanaam, r. a. ol Cortlaadt at. (Wist llromlway and Oroenwichi ; Instalment*. 1,780 Curie*. I'a rlr? and wife, to Ann M. M. Cnrlfy. n. s. of 113th at., w. nl av. A; 1 year ;i53 Davio, ilatuiltou. to Ka*t Itiver Savinr* Inatltntloii, a ?. ol rcan*iael%t. and Henry; 1 year 1.200 Uriinitaxr. ICobert K. and wite. to Jared V. l*cck, e. a ol Writ Broadway i>o. *t|; lycar 6,000 Gerty, 1 bomaa aud wife, to Kllia Wien*r. a. a of tfJd at. e. of I. xiimton av ; & tear. 10,000 Uarvev, v'alliarine lo O. O'Donnell, a. w. rurner or53d at. mid i.eMni;i II av .. 10,500 llunter, J aiuaa. to Deorjre W. Kim >all, ?. a. of 10th at., e. of -'d av.; 1 year 12,000 llau.oa, i lioittaa, to t'aroline A. Harris n, a ol 12ttth it e nl 3<) av.; 3ye?r*. 4,500 lleriit. Meyer, to J<?a|ilt K. Hitfirs, a. *. of dial at., w. ol .'>tli av.. 3 yaara 12,000 WUU tt, Marinaa ami wife, to Henjaniin Mephen* and I'tliar*. e. a. of UrHMVav, t-ruaa lane; alao tllaacker at., m a. oj itreen (l u part) , 1 je.vr. U.7XI Kl, ei. X.irta L? to I nton liltne MaviURa M ink, e a al ilnd>on at. n or Dumlnick ; 1 year ... 4,000 Decker, <ieor|e J., to Clara Decker, it. a. of Cliff at ClStf want > ; .'year. *10 ? Kami a* ?, II.. to II. U Mniter, a w. corner of Henry and v amine! ata. ; .*? yaara .. 5,000 8vtn*, V1 IlliaiaJ . to Columbte College, a. a Canal St.. w. or KIm; ft yeara 23.00 > Jonaa. Mi ram II an I wile, to Max Omnia er. w a Malbenry ?t.. a. nl llaiartl; ftiuontlii 15,0.10 Itranoiii,'"!'. Adam and wua, to Kuitnlff. n. *. Il>th -l . v>. ol ?'d a?.; .i yaara ?,0D) Htaflord, Itn haul, to t'har'.i > K. Appleby, w. a. 8th a> . u .ii 57th i ... 10,000 tauii' to Sea i urV l.ile I naur*nre t omtiany, w. ?. 8th av . n. of .'>7t;i at; I year. *Vas) (?jiur io a aula, w. a, will ?? a, of .'>7tli at.; 1 y?ar .. ? MMse tuSaete, * -.1. m . n ol Tthat., I year ... StU.ClOJ CUSTOM UOUSiE NOTRS. Mr. Van broiher of the Lkui< nant Governor of Khotlc I- an 11 Ii.m ' e n VMt.palSMil to the ofDee of Cnstimi- lh?i'eclur, uud lias taken tUu oath Oi nllira a delictjncy **4 fliw Itaa uccurred in the caabicr's office. THE COURTS. I Opening for the Defenoe in the Anti' Rapid Transit Suits. COX ST IT ITIOX HIT Y OF TBI! HAND TRANSIT ACTS. A Dentist's Bill Against Henry Ward Beecher. Love T ransferred from the Galley to the Cabin. On bcUalf of the Gilbert Elevated Railway Company In the suit brought against It by tho Sixth Avouuo Kallroad, being tried betore Judge Sedgwick in Special Term o! the Superior Court, Mr. Lowery yosterday made the opening, lie said that the present action evidently had been brought to restrain the people from enjoying rapid transit over the beat route j thero was n? question us to the necessity of rapid transit iu this citjr. Every scheme had been thwarted in tho Legisla ture through the influence of tho borso car companies They had now learnod thut tbore wad 6ne kind ol rapid truuslt to which thoy were lully committed, the magic carpal ol tl.o oriental imagination. Ho dwelt at length upou the power ol the defendant to build an elevated road upon tho plun proposs-d. lis dul not doom it necessary to discuss the utility of the Gilbert Elevated Railway plan. Ue reviewed the vari ous acts of legislation In regard to it, showing how, la IS" 1, an attempt was made to get a charter lor the Gil* bert Klevutcd Atmospheric Kallroad, aud how this scheme tailed because it did not enlist the confidence of the capitalists He went on to state that a year later various partlos interested in rapid transit in this city talked upon tho subject with Mr. Gilbert and their j willingness in asiim him in obtaining a Irauchtse if he could perieci a plun by which cars could be ruu In tho open air by steaui. The present plan was, therefore, eMeted alter great labor, and a bill passed by the Legis lature incorporating ihe Gilbert improved Elevsted Hallway. Ue referred to the authority ol the Legislature over the streets ol' the city, in wliioi. regard ho claimed it hud sutiiome control. Having cited various authori ties ui>ou this point he iusisted tout tbo Legislature might at any tune chaugo one kind of public use of the street to another use of the street. He next spoke ol tho constitutionality ol the rapid transit act, and in con- , elusion iusisted that the purpose In view by the Gilbert i Improved Klevuted Kallroad Company was to enjoy ; the rights of us franchise so as to do the least possible injury to other purtles. When he had lintshod his opening, Patrick llurns, a member ol the Legislature in 1872 was called as the first witness lor the defence. Ho staled tnat tho plan submitted to the Legislature did not contemplate the propulsion ot cars by tho pneumatic method, but by steam in tho open air. In tho suit ol the Ninth Avenue Railroad against the Greenwich Elevated Uuilroud Compauy, being tried be* lore Judge Van Hoesen, ol tho Court ot Common Pleas, Mr. A. J. Vandor|>ocl opcuod the caso yesterday on be half ot thu deietiuauis. He uiude a lengthy and cogent argument. Alter reviewing the decisions ol Chief i Justice Only und thu General Term upou the Patton case, he showed how the roail, even with a live years' restriction, was not debarred by any act ol the legislature In currying to a completion Its ruusouable plans. He spoke ol the long drawn out testimony prosented ou the part of the plaintiff as very much exaggerated For Instaucn, thu starter ol the Ninth Avenue Kallroad testified that there were 1,000 j accidents a day, which was iiu accident nearly every minute. Another wttuess testilied t'.at a frightened ; horse jumped us high as the ceiling of the court room, w hich was some thirty leet high, and would lie arather dllllcull equine feat. i ENliY WARD BEECHER It Is very rarely that the great pastor of Plymouth church makes his appearance in a court outside the City of Churches. In Supreme Court, Circuit, held by Judgo Westbrook, he put in an upposruncc, however, yester day, the occasion being his compulsory resistance of a suit brought by Solomon S. Skinner, a dentist, to ro cover payment lor two sets of false teeth alleged to have been lurnishod by thu plaintiff to Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher und one set to Dr. Lyman Beecher, some twenty-live years ago. Mrs. Beecher was also present in court Ex-Judgu Busteed appeared lor Mr. Skinner and Mr. John S. Hill lor Mr. Beecher. Judge Busteed made one of his characteristic openings, which kept the court room couvulsed, und theu called the plaiutill, who tola uu Hide ot the story. Henry Ward Hooclicr was then callel by Judge I Husteed. Ho lilted the right hand, Indicating that lie 1 would bo sworn us he was ou thu scandal trial. He 1 won very cool and good humored, nnd got up several ; good laughs, wuilo the counsel spoke ut tbo top ot bis voice, gesticulated, aud ttxed terrible looks upon the I witness. y. How long ago was It since Mrs. Heecber had no teeth? A. I couldn't locale it; but 1 kuow ihtl very early she was obliged to rely ou an auxiliary set. (Laughter.) ? y. llow tnany false sets bad she? A. I don't know; I never counted them?(laughter); I don't know what they were made oL y Tliey might bo lead or turf? A. They might for all I kuow?(laughter)?I did not pay Skinner that 1 know ot: 1 kuow of nothing about toeth lor uiv lather, except skinner's demand; 1 don't know what 1 said to lura; I got rid of biui astjulck as 1 could, because be wes drunk. (Laughter.) y. Ub, you say he was drunk? A. He had all tbo appearance of IL (j. (furiously)- oh, he had the appearance ? Now, wax he drunk, or was It only the appearance? A. (Without a sinilo)?Well If 1 was in thai stale 1 should have been drunk. (Hoars of laughter.) l?. Were you ever lu that stater A. Never. y Hid you ever expect to be here? Mr. Hill ob jected. and Judge 15us teed "tcok it all back.'' Judge Westbrook promptly dismissed the case, as, on the plaintiff's own suowlng, the goods were fur nished twenty years ago It was amusing, while tho counsel was reading de nunciations of tdaiute of limitation deleuces, to soo the witness colly occupied reading a book, and, ap parently, taking no notice of all tho terrible things shouted Into his ear. A ROMANCE OF THE SEA A novel case, 'nvolving the characters ot a sea cap- | tain and a young girl, came up before United States i Commissioner Osborn yestorday for adjudication. From the testimony ta?ea in tbo ease it appear? that Frank Hoard Is, steward ol the Arooru&a brig W unburn, ot which josoph Spencer is captain, took on board tho vessel, while lying in tbo port ol Liverpool, a young girl named Harriet Miles, whom he introduced as bis wiio, tho captain assenting on condition that tho stew ard shoul.i pay Harriets iiaso-i-e and board to tlsl<> port, ! for winch tbo ves-el sailed on tiie 2Jd of March last. ' The parties were, in fact, not marilod, although It was arranged that the ceremony should be performed on their urrival here. Tho pre-nuptiai honeymoon did not continue long, Harriot uucomiug tired ol her (.roiector, the nicwurJ. und trausieri ing ber allegiance to tho captain. The vessel ariived at, C uba, after a voyage of thirty-eight days, when Miss Miles lell the galley lor tile cabin, which she fniiiinucd to occupy till the arrival of tho vessel at this port. J' this timo Harriet was boss, lore kU<l alt. us one ol the sailors phrased it, nnd peretu|> tvrily scouted ail tbe steward's advances und pledges i ol matrimony which ho vowed with ire<|uent protest*- j lions to lullll wu< never the) should arrive In pot t. Tbo i climax which brought the caao luto court was reaciiod I when, ou fie crew ueiug paid on in tiie port n lew davs 1 ago, the captain teudvred ticardis bis wages, deducting I tbe girl's pa?sa(.i' and board money and about |10 j lor a laucy comb, a bell, a pair ol gloves, a parasol and a veil, which the cnptala liimsalf had presented 10 her. This unexpected treatment In dented the pttssion ol Ihe Steward, be looking upon It as auding injury to insnlt, and he indignantly reinsert to receive hi" wages with any sucii dciuitious. He thore Upoa brought the case before tho Commissioner. Mr. Osborn recommended a compromise and reprimanded Ueardis lor laklug a woman on board the vessel under false repr< Hcntstious. As thus wits all tho rel:el that at present Meardls could obtain he lelt the court, If not a wiser, a sadder man. 8UMMAUT OF LAW CASEa In a suit brought oy Mrs. Henrietta S. Clark against William C. liarllett to recover $2,600 alleged lo have been loaned lo him In August last, Judge Donohue yesterday granted permission to serve tbe summons by publication Francis 11 Sheridan, John K. Milody and R. H Bishop, attorneys, were yesterday declared by Judge lionohuc lo be in contempt lor bringing an action against the receiver of tbo Hleecker Street Railroad without llrst obtaining the permission of tbe Court They were pursed from contempt by paying tbo < osts of tbe motion to punish. lu the matter of the libel filed against tbe schooner Ellen Toblc, which collided with aud sunk tbescboooer 8. T. V ines off the coast ol New Jersey on tbe 7th of May, 1975, the action being brought by t'hilo 0. Cailioun and other-, owatiw or tbe lost schooner and lt?r otrso, Judge lllaichford has order<>d a decree lor the Hoellaats, with costs, with a rciercncu lo ascertain lh" ainouui ol damagev SIMM Khlnit has commenced, In tho Court ol Com mun I'teas. an action attaint Aoguetiuo Iteckstciu and other pork packers to recover $&,0M lor having bU lingers cat oil in a sausage niactanc which lie was working, and which he claims waa lu a detective con dition. und was by tho negligence ol tho defendant the Mumi of tbe accidont. Defeudaut claims contributory ' negligence. i iu supremo Court, Special Term, beloro Judge Law [ route, yesterday, waj tried the suit of kUuuey vs. Haven* and others. It Is an action I of the foreclosure of * mortgage on * boune and lot in Ku?t Kigbtienth ?treet lor $4,000, mode by Mr. J. a Davis. Havens claims that be never deeded the property to Devil Alter taking a considerable amount of proul, including the testimony of tho official who took the acknowledg ment and of a number ol persons present at tbo time, the Judge took the papers, reserving bis decision. Ex Judge Joachirusen and Mr. appeared lor tbe plaintiff ana Messra. A. At IS. Levy for tbo defend ant. Corporation Counsel Whitney appeared In Supremo Court, Chambers, yesterday, before Judgo Douobue, on behalf of the city, to move an adjournment of tbe mutter of appointing commissioners to assess the value of what ta known as the Parade Ground. The motion was opposod on the ground that the property had been practically condemned by filing the map because it could not bo improved, and it was further claimed that tbo Court had the power to compel the proceeding to go oa. Tbe Court adjourned tbe matter to August 10. DECISIONS. HUP OX XX COURT ?CH A3i BEB8. By Judge I.awrence. Allison vs. Tbe Oliver & Harris Company.?I do not see why an order should be made requiring the witness proposed to be examined to produce the books and pa pers mentioned tu the order. The affidavit seems to state facts sufficient to authorize tbo granting of an or der for tho examination of tho witness under the provi sions or part 3, chapter 7, title 3, articlo 6, ol the Bo vised .Statutes. By Judge Oonobuc. Dewhurst vs. BucbaracU.?Granted two and a half per cent allowance. Kytm vs. Ryan.- Reference ordered. In tbe matter ol Dlc.kie.?Report confirmed. Baructt vs. Meyer.?Granted on payment of |10 casta. The German-American Bank vs. The Williams Mower and Ri-nptr Company et aL?Costs as adjusted. Middloton vs. Bowne.?Motion domed. Memoran dum. Berger vs. Raymond.?Motion granted on payment or costs of action. The Germun-Amcrtcan Bank vs. The Plttston and Klmlra Coal Compuny.?Coats as adjusted. In the matter or Rives, &c.?When tbo accounting is bad I think the Surrogate has power to dispose ol ull asked for. Morgan vs. The Continental I.lfe Insurance Com pauy.?Motion pranud. 1 think tho proper placo to try the question of right Is with the ledeml court Brewster vs. Onttev.?No papers submitted on which any question can be iiasse t on. , Trncy vs. Arms.?Receiver appointed. llin.-dalo vs. Hoideubeim.?Motion denied, without costa Bryan vs. The P?oli Belt Company.?Motion denied. Walah vs. Walsh.?Memorandum. In tbo matter of opening llOib street.?Order granted. Maskell VS. Krausse.?Denied. In tbe matter o( Beruhcliner.?Motion denied. Marshall vs. Marshall; Murtlia ot ai. vs. Murlha: Howe vs. Little; Sloune vs. Miller (Nos. 1 and 2).? Granted. SUPREME COURT? TERM. By Judue I.awrenco. Gano vs. McCunn et ai..-As it appears that certain of tbe defendants have been served by publication aud their time to answer has not expired this cone is im properly upon the calendar, and the motion to strike It therefrom must be granted. By Judgo Van Vorst. Morris et ai. vs. Porter.?Findings of fact and Judg ment lor plaintiff settled and signed. Tuliman vs. Tallmaa et aL?Kindtngs settled and signed. SUPERIOR COURT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Sodgwlck. The People, ko., vs. BulL?Motion denied, with $10 costs. Crowell vs. CrowelL?Order settled. Wilson vs. Knapp.?$160 allowance. Scliertnerhorn vs. Wheeler.?Motion dented, With $5 costs. Lambricht vs. Meagher; Herman vs. Meagher, and Kuiick vs. Cook.?Ordered on short calendar. Bartholomew vs. fcngler et al.?Jedgmtnt vacated. Hess vs. BurckeL?Leave to serve supplemental com plaint granted. Tho American Medicine Company vs. Kossler.?Re mittitur filed. Anderson vs. Priest Orders or the 8th and 12th of Juno vacated; with $10 costs to abide event. Smith vs. Short?Complaint to be filed wtthin five i days. The Dry Dock Savings Institution vs. Cobb.?Refer ence ordered. Rogers vs. Rowo ct aL?Rofcree's report confirmed, 4 c. The National Park Bank vs. Bucking.?Docreo signed. Struppman vs. Muller.?Order sett lot. Neher vs. Donough et. aL ; Wooii et aL vs. Davis; The Webster Loom Compuny vs. WhittaKer; Uhlumn vs. Koliner; Holmau vs. Tho Central Nutioual Itank; Oherlo vs. Fagun; Struppman vs. Miller; Wusbburn ?rs. The Dry Dock Savings Institution, and Donobue **. Johnson.?Orders granted. COMMON PLEAS?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Van Hoesen. Murray vs. Casson.?Motion lor new trial denied. Shaw vs. Sbaw.?Order of reference to settle leauea. San lord vs. Hurd.?Motion don iod. MARINE COURT?CHAMBERS. By Judgo McAdam. Fluschauer vs. Wortge.?Motion to exonerate sure ties deuied. Lanuux vs. Meyer; Raynolds vs. Brumlacht.?See indorsement on papers. Biootuingdale vs. Oatman.? Proceedings stayed until costs ol former action are paid. Carlisle vs. Davis.?Diaooutinuance allowed on pay ment of (50 costs. Simonson vs. Meyertng.?Arrest vacated on stipu lating not to sue. Black vs. Frey.?Judgment lor plaintiff. Thompson vs. Dupoiit.?Motiou denied. OU vs. McArtbur.?Order settled. Black vs. Freedlander; Harvey vs. Miniszek; Nich olson vs. Conner; The East River National Bunk vs. Glover.?Mr. John Henry McCarthy appointed receiver. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART L Bolore Recorder Hackett. "JIMMY THE KID" CONVICTSD. John Anderson, better known to the police aa*'Jlmmy tbo Kid," who was charged with stealing a watch and chain (rum Mr. George W. Mantel) while he waa riding on a Third avenue car on the nlgbt or the 5th ot April last, was yesterday convicted or the (trim*. The com plainant wa? smoking at the itme and the prisoner asked lor a hglit. A lew minutes later Anderson and others lett the car and Mantell missed his properly. The prisoner was subsequently arrested on another charge. Ho was taken to l'ollce Headquarter* whero he was tdeutltled by tlie complainant. Tho Jury found him guilty and the Recorder seutrnced him to ten years imprison ment in the Stale Prison. PLKAH AMD SENTENCE-1. Frances Gardner. colored, pleaded guilty to the charge ot having a quantity of Jewelry, valued at SU60, from-tier mistress, Mrs. Martha Aulesdall, No. SB West Twenty-third streoi, on the 20th ol March last. The prisoner was sent to tbo State Prison for four years. Mary Drown and Maria Smith were jointly indicted lor larceny and pleaded guilty. They were sentenced to one year each lu th.> Suta Prison. John Sullivan pleaded guilty to the charge of having stolen l.ww cigars fiom Stewart's store, in John street, on the lotli ol June, and waa sentenced to two years in the >tate Prison. William Davis, alias William Derrigan, who gavohis add reus as Ho. 72 Bant Sixty-sixth strrot. was charged w,t!i !>tc.>ling a silver watch from Adoiph u. Durgess, of Hast New York, on tbo 6th Inst., wtiilo riding on a Third avenue > nr. lio plrnded gnllty, and w.ia sen tenrod to flvo years in the State Prisou. Thomas Daudrean pleaded guilty to grand laroany. Two years in tbo State Prison. GENERAL SESSIONS?PART IL Bctoro Judgo Oildersleeve. THE FATE 07 A KUltCLAB Jacob Shoenholz was arraigned on the charge ol hav ing burglariously entered the premises of Harris Phil lips, tailor, of No. 107 Hester street, on the morning of May 4, and stolen a gold watch and chain and a quan tity of cloth in#. It was clearly osiablished that tho prisoner belonged to a gang ot thieves, and tho jury having found ium guilty, he was sontcncod to isn years' imprisonment iu the State Prison. BECKIV1NO STOLEN GOODS. James Brady, who gave his residence as Na 220 Ravt Fortieth street, pleaded guilty to the charge of having recoived Molen gooas, and was seat to tbo Slate Prison for two years. FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET COURT. Before Judge Ktlbrelh. A SNEAK THIEF A?RESTED. George M. Ash, who said he was an auctioneer, was committed lor trial on a charge of stealing a coal, worth $40, from the hallway of Mr. Theodore Hnsted'a rtol4eaw. No. 32 West Fifty-sixth street. He liau a gray irockcost under his arm when arreated, which it also supposed to have been Stolen. a conscientious prorecito*. J<?*l>> Mar?al, a baker, employe I by Sorelln Cohen, of No. 1. *9* Third arena*, was charged with tho era be*rl> sa??i <?' I - It .ippeared that the accused has hli <?? u ?u.i i> ? - ?'* |image to Germany |iaid and that they mr><, i?a?e V-tfov He whs committed, but he will fce lite ttr?t mimsw arraigned in the Special Ses sMit* to ? fhe toniplainani wanted the trial post C>itt4l earn i? *e?k Iwc iun she did not wish to vio le h?r .?abudib? appearing in court to-day. Marsai had ?i a mMM ii Uurniunv, and his intention to re turn w .s or MM MMI ol* NpOTttSfl litinnell to his go\ ernm< nt aa the miliary law of his native land re quire*. in* Court leit iiirlined io deal lenieniiy wtlir bun. but the <? >inp in?i?ted ut??n lua being pun ished and he wax accordingly commuted. POLICE COURT NOTL8. At the Wellington Place Court yesterday, before Justice Duffy, Michael Uleason, of No. 5t) Ventry street, and William Connor*, of Carmine street, were held lor examination in attempting to sell ? lady's gold watch, evidently stolen found In their possession by Do loettves Kennedy and McConnell, of Central Ofllee. Detwtive Morphy, of tho Kiglitb prefilnct, yesterday morning arrested Mary 0,<? "b0,> or' ?* steaitug thirteen pair* of stockings from tbs store o Henry Miller, No. 154 Spring stroot. Shs ?u held for trial by Justlco Duffy at the Washington Mace Polico Court Charles Daniels, of >0. 160 Soulh Fifth avenue, a noted burglar, who ha* already served two terras In the State Prison. was arrested by Officer 'f Fifteenth proclnct, while loitering around the stoop 01 F. V. Mullcr's residence. No. 71 West KleTeotb atJNiet, with three lockpicks, lour skeleton keyaand a pocit jimmy" In bis possession. .?t?rnoon At the Tombe Police Court yesterday aftarnoon James Butler. aged sixteen, ot No. 4WJ ?v^ni1 , and John Waltxlnger, aged fifteen, of No. tt? avenue, were held lor stealing fifteen pairs of P*g? n?, value $100, trom the residence of Sergeant Frederick Bumsted. of the Nineteenth precinct, at No. ? Clinton street, on Wednesday evening. .rr??u>d Morris M. Cohen, a resident of Boston, was ?rr?*~ by Detective Kielly, of the Central Office, lorroceiving $600 worth of goods from Molton Chamberlain, of rre moot street, Boston. Ave weeks ago. On Mu* ur ralgned bofore Justice Wandell, at the Tombs, he was surrendered Into the custody of Sergeaut Weir, 01 Boston police, anu taken to Bostou for trial. At the Washington Place l'oiice Court yesterday notorious rough, named William Fitzpatrick, was > lor trial for assaulting OUlcer Andrew Wayne, or ttio Fifteenth precinct. _ _ , u.^,n?n William Lelth. ot No. 683 Pacific rtreet Brooklyn. arrested by Detectives ltielly and Haley, of tbe Central Office, for complicity in the Veltroan forgery,, w arraigned before Justice WsndsU at the Tomos jsster day, and remanded for examination until Wednesday U?At the Ksscx Market Court yesterday William Mo Oelian was held for abusing and turning his daughter Nellie out into the stieet at eleven o clock at night, sue being under tho age of sixteen years. COURT OF APPEALS. Albany. June IB, 1878. No. 208. SintUi vs. BUalty.?Argument resumed and concluded. y|k Tll0 jjayor, &c., of Nsw York.? Submitiod lor appellant; argued by E. R. Kohinson lor ^Trsphsgon vs. Buck.?Argued by S. Hand for "PP?1" ln.111, iud by Charles Matthews for respondent Caso still on. Adjourned. calenoix. _ Day calendar for Mouduy, Juus 18, 1678:?Not. an, 226, ML, 3*5, 240, 213, 30, 55. ALABAMA CLAIMS. Washington, June 16,1874 In tbs Court of Commissioners ol Alabama Claims, yesterday, Judgments were rendered In the following cases for loss of personal effects and wages by tho de struction of various vessels:? Case. Aame. l,/>60?James T. Mosher ???: l,?Wi?Simeon Doane, administrator. 1,087?Simeon Doane, administrator *??> 1,778?Antonc Do Costa. rr l,7itt?Thomas Conroy, administrator ow w 1,872?John D. 1,544- Manuel L. Georgs f" 1.677?John U George " 1 g:ju Marianna Katbartna, administratrix .... aiu w Interest in all cases a; four per cout Iroin the date ol loss. CRUELTY TO CHILDREN. While Dotectivo Handy, of the Sixth precinct, was passing through Mulberry street about eight o'clock yesterday morning ho heard cries of pain proceeditig from the hallway of tho house No. 70 or that street, and on entering it found a boy named James Dugaa, aged thirteen years, wholly nude, wttn his back and leu* completely covered with stripes and bruises and bleeding proluMly. Tho detective look tho boy to his residence, in the resr house ol No. 78 Mulberry slroet, where the lad informed hlin that his father, John Dugati, a fruit pedler, had beaten him brutally witli a cowhide. It appeared from tho statement of the lad that his lather bad repeatedly boaten him In the same manner, and that on awaking out or a drunken ?UP?' yesterdav morulng he charged the boy with having tnkeu t.iirty-Ove cents from bis pocket, and beat bun In the brutal manner already described. Mr. Jenkins, chief agent ol tho Society for the Prevention orC?olty to Childron, appeared at tho Tombs 1 Oourt to prosecute the case yesterday. Dusan, who ollercd no delenco, was held In deinult ot $500 ball for triaL DELIA M'DERMOTT. Superintendent Walling yesierday received the fol lowing letter from tho Postmaster oi Cllutou, Mass., in relation to Dolia McDorunUt, the girl who was re ported as having been abduclod, but who, us It subse quently transpired, wss jent to a nunnery by a Catholic priest. |,0!|T ornc*. Gustos. Mass., June 14, 1870. To tho SurSKlSTSSOSNT of POLICK , . . . Siu? Alter Inve.tlicatlng the uiHtter furthor I nna t?e Mean referred to in inv letter to MeUeriuott was net the mun wanted but I know the one In question. He went bv the nwne of J. B. Ifyt hire. About ten day. he earn" To me and wanted 1 should .end hi. aiall to Mollis N. H.. Where hi. wile wa.. and further mild he Wii* Hoinif to.the Centennial that morning. I have n" t .ecu hlT. "k?. I understand th. irfrl wa. not treaty J" , well and. If the truth wa. known. Hoy* (Bean) wa. a ra??al lu regard to Rev. Father Patterson and what he mhvs About it 1 fhAll reler you to tho editor ol the Clinton Commit W K. I'arkhurut, who ha. had ?ever*l interview, with bliu about It. and .ay. If you wl.h he will give you what Mr. 1'atter.on .av. about^It. H. own. uj) he .^ut Dulia away. Very truly yonr?, t- W. ln.NnM(jKr., r. *. 1? S ?The whole thing will be ventilated Ut^lie fW.uiJ ,li l ...4 1 will sen?l you a enpy. Mr.. McDennott tho mother of the icirT. wm"nVormed. and th. matter -ill be fur ther investigated. BRUTAL ASSAULT UPON ITALIANS. A| an early hour yesterday two Italian ragpickers, named Felix Arron and Miguel Btongerman. residing in Adams street, Brooklyn, while pursuing tholr avo cation, were assaulted and brutally beaten by a gang of ruffians known as the "Fourth Ward Gang. ' Tho prisoners were arraigned bolore Justice aish and ga\o their names as William llreunan, aged thirty-six years; John McLaughlin, aged twenty five years: Joseph Wolf and James Brennan, aged twenty-eight y??rs. Biencerman's injuries woro ol a nature tlnit rendered his attendance impossible yesterday, and the prtsouers were committed to await examination. ANOTHER SWINDLE. Offlcor McMabon, ol the Nineteenth tub-precinct, acting on a warrant, yesterday arretted Paul R. Ber nard, ol No. 6S6 Second avenuo, a reputed snook thiof, on a charge of swindling. It tt alleged that Bernard In sorted In provincial papers the following advertise ment:? WANTED?A family to adopt a little boy who po? ?***?? a yearly incomt of $UTxi, one half of which Mm will be paid to hU adooted parent*. KuelosO reference* and fifty ornts for photograph 10 f. tt. Bernard. So. 8">6-Sixth avenuo On being arraigned before Judge Duffy yesterday aiternoon ho wat remanded to await the production of additional evldenco against him. BATTELL'S good luck. Tbomat Battel!, the convicted murderer, who was , sentenced to imprisonment for lite on Thuriday lor the killing of Mm. Mary Hamrnar, woe retnovod from the ?Tombs to Slate Prison yesterday by Deputy Sheriffs Coughlln and Daly. At he was leaving bla cell he said to a Hkrai.h reporter, "What a lucky man I am. I oevor expected to leave this prison alive." His wife and a number of friends called ou him previous to his loaving the Tombs, when he cried bitterly. It Is under stood that oil oris will be made by nla relatives to pro cure tho revocation of big sentonoe. municipal NOTEd, Comptroller Green has approved tho sureties of Denis Dowu, lor paving Bojfart street trom We.-tt street to Thirteenth avenue; John P. Lcnlhan, paving Fiity llrst street trom Twollth avenue to the bulkhead lino, and 112th street from Third avenue to Hkrlem River; | Kdward Bradbarnu. paving H'JiU street Irom Thirl to Fourth avenue; Patrick Viuiholland, paving Seventy nttn street Irom l-'irst to Second avenue, and Abraham Dowdney, grading, Ac. , on luitt street between Honle vard aod Riverside l'ark. This work Involves tho ex penditure ol about 25, and will give employ ment to a number of laborers Comptroller linen yesterday deposited with the Chamberlain $3,000 on account of the College of the City of New York. CAK accident IN HOBOKEN. Yesterday nfternoon J. Dlilman, a driver In the em ploy of the North Hudton County Railroad, had an almost miraculous escapo Irom a sudden death. Dill man was driving a car tbrougb Washington street, Hobokoti, when the horse* became unmanageable, and one ol tbeanimals kicked tho piu oat <>l its place, wuicli separated them Irom the car The driver was precipi tated bead foreoicstover the dashboard and lell boaviiy ou toe pavement, iu Tallinn, however, ho retained bold of the rein* and was dragged a considerable dis tance. One ol the passengers had the pretence of mind to apply tho brake, and thu? stopped the car, which might otherwise have crashed the unfortunate driver Dtlimao wat severely injured about the bead and body. THE RiVEK'S DEAD. The body of nn unknown man wat found floating In the Kail Rivor yesterday mor ling at the loot ?! Ninety-third street, and was sent to the Morgne to await Identification. Deceased wat about thirty-six years old, with dark bair, mustache aud chin whis kers. nM Wilt dressed In I.gut overalls att'l brown striked woollen jacket. Coronor Crokor will hold an muiiest. The body of a drowned man wat found in the river at ibe (not of Smith street. Brooklyn, yesterday. De ceased h id on a ll.niowl und a itneu ouat. two pairs ol penis (linen and plaid), a black vest, white shirt and no -hoe.". He was Ave loet seven inobet In height and was aixiut llliy-ilve year* of ate At the loot of Wotcott street wat loond the body of a man rboot tnlrty-flve j ears of age, a rested in a Mack suit, platd woollen akin and laeed shoes. The re msint were removed to tht MeJf? far leeutlkqalten. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. f PUOGBEM or TH* DAB1BB CANAL PBOJXCTT?A DKPOBKD PBEHIDXNT BETIBBB?AHUICiH CAPITALIST XNTKBPBISX?A TBBBOTO XX PLOBION, FOLLOWED BT 71BB AND DEATH. Pajiaha, June 8, 1870. Mr. Antboinede Gorgost's Darien Canal project con tinues to gain popularity in Bogota. An entbutlastlo meeting was bold on IB* 30th ol April, wbicb waa at tended by the President or the Republic and offloera of State, the Archbishop, foreign atnbaaaadon and a large concourse of distinguished citizens, young and old. Mr. Gorgoza arorks under the aaapleea or a syndicate composed oI capitalists and aeieniitlc mea of all ns tioualltiea, with the Uuogmrisn General, Tiirr, who opened tho canal between the Oder and the Danube, at its head. BOLIVIA. Don Tomas Frits, the deposed President of Bolivia, baa withdrawn to Pent. Data, tho revolutionary sua cesaor, will be resitted by the seacoast provinces. PKBU. Mr. Henry Meiggs offers to complete the Oroya Hall way and make a branch to the Cerro de Pasco at hit own coat, providing the government give him a cleat title to all tho mines he may discover, not the property of others, and tbe machinery, 4c., belonging to the State now in the Cerro. Mr. John (J. Meiggs, at present In Europe, is sup posed to have enlisted capitalists there for this project, rm ocaxo contract nxakcikkiko. Tbe guano contract with the Soeitftd General of Paris, of March 30. has been suspended and General Mariano Prndn is personally treating with tbe bondholders ib Europe. FATAL SXPI.OSIOW AND FIRS. A Ore occurred in tho city of Cuzco, on the 29th ot April, through an explosion In a fireworks establish ment A rocket foolishly lit In the room, landed In s 600 pound pile of gunpowder. The fire that succeeded tbe explosion burned from hair past six A. M. 1111 ball post eight P. M. before It was subdued. Six persons were killed and a large number wounded. Tho value or tho property destroyed Is considerable. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. The following circular has been Issued by tho Cen tennial Celebration Committee:? At a meeting or the New York Centennial Celebration Committee, held the 10th inst. at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, tho following resolution was adopted:? Kcsoived, That the Finance Committee be requested to exteud tu the general public, throuch the preas. a cordial invitation to aid by voluntary oubaciintiont in dafraying the exitensns of thU jrrand centennial celebration, and that tbe uaiue* of tbe contributor*, together with those already re ceived. be published in tbe dailjr papera from time to time as received. In pursuance of the above resolution, we earnestly solicit subscriptions rrom all those citizens who may desire to aid In carrying out tho programme ror tbe grand centennial celebration as adopted by the com mittee, to be held on tho evening or the 3d and day ol tlie Fourth ol July. All contributions m?v be sent t< Henry Huvemeyor, Na 78 Wall street or No. 16 West Seventeenth street, New York. RUSH C. HAWKINS. Chairman. JOHN B. PANNES. Secretary. THUKLOW WEED, Cbuirman ol Committee on Ode, Oration and Invitations. ALEXANDER SHALER, Ch?irmsn or Committee on Proccs tious, Illuminations, Decorations aud Police. HENRY llAVEMEYER, Chairman orCommittee on Finance. PAUL (JOEPEL, Chairman of Committee on Mutlc. The following Is the list or subscribers to June 10:? J. ft H. Auchencloas. .$260 S. ft W. Welsh 100 A. T. Stewart ft Co.... 260 D. Yun Xoslrand 60 Rusn C. Hawkins 100 J. D. Vermllyo 60 ThurlowWeod 100 T. D. Tappan 60 Augustus Scbell 100 William l)owd 60 Henry Havemeyer.... 100 Thomas Mlnlord 60 Dexter A. Hawkins... 100 R. Hoe ft Co 60 John H. Davis 100 Kane, Spring, Dale ft Ruseell Sago 100 Co 60 John J. Cruun 100 Eugone Kelly 60 Edward Cooper 100 H. S. Kennedy & Co.. 60 T. B. Musgrave lQp John D. Lawsou 60 William H. K>gg 100 Morion, Bliss ft Co... 60 B. H. Howell, Son & O. D. Muna 60 Co 100 C. A. Peabody 60 Benj. B. Sherman.... 100 Clark Bell 60 W. R Vermllye 100 Telt, Griswold ft Co... 60 Brown Brothers ft Co. 100 P. You Yolkenburgh William Bordeu 100 ft Co 60 Moses Taylor & Co.... 100 Naylor to Co 60 Harper Brothers & Co. 100 A. R. Whitney ft Co.. 60 R. L. ft A. Stuurt 100 A. B. Warner 60 H. K. & F. B. Tburber L. M. Bates 60 ft Cs 100 Wm. Wall's Sons 60 Charios Binkhalter... 100 J. M. Ccbailos 60 J. J. Astor 1U0 A. Ruppunor 25 William Astor 100 John O'Shaughnessy.. 26 Roll l. Lenox Kennedy 100 E. Buetday 26 Arnold, Constable ft A. Yatuble 23 Co 100 E. S Terry 26 J. ft W. Scllgmann... 100 Parker Handy 25 J. Warren Goddard... 100 C. S. Smith 25 George Jones lew J. Trtylor Jounston ... 25 Charios Lanier 100 Stnclntr Tousey 25 W. H. Webb 100 James F. Wen ham.... 25 William H. Yanderbllt 100 F. SigeL 20 H. U. Clullin ft Co.... 100 Ed^urd Solomon 20 Scball'or Bros 100 Willy Wallach 20 Phelps, Dodge ft Co... 100 James Wiener 20 Borden ft Luvell 100 C. F. Hunter 20 Piersou ft Co 100 Cash V 20 Charles Li'iilng ft Co.. 100 Cash, L. 20 RECEPTION TO MR. ROACH. Tbe Associated Pioneers or the Territorial days ot California give a reception on Monday evening, June 19. sf tbe Sturtevant House, to Philip A. Roach, of San Frsncisc >, on hi* first visit to the Atlantic coast si nee the spring ol' 184M. Mr. Roach is the California Chinese Commissioner, whose trenchant views on the Chinese questiou were lately publlsned In tbe Hsrald. A LOUISIANA TRAGEDY. IKK COX, A NOTORIOUS DESPXBADO ASSASSI NATED?HIS DKATH NOT REOBXTTXD. [Prom the Feliciana Ledger.] From a citizen of Port Hudson, who arrived on the ?pot a short time after the blood/ deed, we glean the intelligence that Ike Cox, a notorious, treacherous and dangerous character, was shot and killed in that vil lage on Wednesday night, the 31st ult. The circumstances that led to tho commission or this sanguinary deed are substantially as follows:? It seems that the whole neighborhood of Port Hud son were in constant dread of this man Cox, on ac couut of bts having committed some foul and atrocious murders some time since in that immediate section, and bud by the lonlency of packed and bribed Juries evaded the just penalty of the law. That, emboldened by bis success, he had contluuetf to follow his dark and censurable cour?e until his uume bad become a perfect symbol oi >?o and terror to the citizens oi tho tamed little settlement. His dally and nightly work was but on* ol blood and violation ol law. He thought It but i his duty to Hog, shoot and slab reople wherever hr j net them; ready at all time* irom the slightest aaus< to wuip out a revolver and tire, iiy tbU means he had miuie himself intolerable and nnoesrable to the cltl j zeus, so that driven to the last extremity they armed themselves and drove blm Irom the town. From that time up to a lew days ago bo bas been i trudging about from one parish to another, still pur I suing his evil ways. We believe that in the parish ol i St. Maty he at one time shot and dungerousiv wounded a constable ?lio was sent to arrest him. He mado good his escape irom the parish, but returned In a lew months alter, thinking perhaps that all thoughts ol the past had vanished Irom tho-people. Not so, however, as was alter ward proved. So sooner bad his presenco In the parlsn been made known to ihe ssberiff than that individual hunted bun up and attempted to arrest blm, in which attempt the unlortunate official lost h a liie, as Cox unhesitatingly drew bis pistol snd shot blm down, again making his escape. A short time after he bocame Involved in a difficulty | with Some Spaniards, or Italians, in Donaldsoavtlie, we believe, in wnicb allray be shot and seriously wounded two or three men. and again suoceeded in es caping and evading the law. Immediately alter ibis ho took his departure and alt trace was lost o.' him until a lew weeks ago, when be ngain relumed to the scene ol his Hrst tragedies. ' From bis own lips the Information was obtained that during his long absence be bad been travelling In and about the parish of Cousbatta, as the excitement and lawle>sn?sa which at times existed there would aflord bim opportunities to tndalge in those heinous cnmoi for which his nature thirsted. This may account foi i some of the bloody and unlatbomable crimes that have been jierpetrated in tbat section. tV ilb the snbeidtng of the outrages In that parish his wanton deeire to kill natarally emved for a new field of action. So, having no whore else to go, be returned ; to the "village on tbe cliff," where he soon com menced bis old r6l?. He msde u bis business to go around an J notify a number of tbe officers (so our informant says) of Baton Kouge and a few ol Kast Fe liciana, who claimed to be republicans, that they must resign or be would soon "Hx them." He openly boasted of being In tho crowd tbat mad* tbe aasanlt on Lane m Haton Kouge, aud even went so lar as to say tbat he had been in Laue's room mat very night conversing and smoking with him ; that he bad been sent as a spy upon his actions, and that be guided the men to the room In which he slept. It is alleged tbat on tbe night that the jest vengeance ol <?od was meted out to him he entered the store ol a Mr. Bell In Port Hudsou, demanded wUiekey and cigars ol hiui, ?nd on his relusal to comply with bia request ho struck bun with a club or siting shot, nearly frac turing bis skull Immediately alter this act be stepped iicroas ihe sirt?.t to another store, wburo the parties willingly granted his demand out of pure dread aud fear. After receiving them he at once left the store and started up ihe strict whooping and shouting IB a hideous, braggadocio manner. At this moment the omnium ucton itious ol a uozen shot guus broke out upon the evening air, and Cox. with a death yell, lell to the earth. Tue parties lullvwed up Ibeir lirsl volley by another, heeiik'ss of bis piteoes walling and en I treati's in sp?ri- InH dentin life. They heeded him | not, but continued to Ore as long as a anoecie Mtrii '