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Ward, >nm, sprtgbt on Mm lived, ud If elected iw woald Mk! an excellent President. Ike FrwMMk, who bad returned Irom I long, pleas N( drive, retired early to Ilia library wltb his m, Mr. Ulyssesil Grant, Jr., wbo la also his Secretary. The Prealdeat being dlapoaed to reat quietly altar bla tatigue, bla bob descended to tbe red room, and, to re ?pooae to Inquiries aa to tbe principal expressions of tbe Free Went relating to tbe nomination of Hsyes, waa guile communicative concerning bla father's feel ing* When tbe President was discussing tbe sabjeet ?f tbe nomination be said "I aa very much pleased wltb tbe action of tbe Cos vention and I (eel highly gratified. Tbe great re spectability ot both candidates will five dignity and ?sal to tbe campaign." uBesides this," said Mr Ulysses, Jr., "tbe Prealdeat Is so sanguine ot the sucgcks of tbe ticket that be telegraphed Governor Hayes Immediately in cordial and enthusiastic terms, presenting bis concratulations and assurances that be would be elected bis sucoesaor. Mr. Hsyes bad a flno record as an officer during tbe war, having been major general In the vol ?n tears." Tbe President has not felt so well for a long time, and tbe reaultrf the Convention brings bim un doubted pleasure and satisfaction, ii we are to believe tbe many persona about him to whom he has expressed himself so freely. Tbey say that be watched tbe whole proceedln??during the day with great interest, and ex perienced a sense of belief at tbe termination by tbe nomination of Hayes. THB DgPSATXD RIVALS. Tbe (bar defeated candidates, wbo live here In Wash ington, almost within a few hundred yards of *ach ?ther, bave spoken words that are "like apples of gold 1b pictures of silver" in the four eloquent congratu latory addresses they bave sent to their more lortu Bate rival, and which are given further on. MTBBVIBW WITH SENATOR MORTON. An Interview was bad this evening with Senator Mor ton, whose name waa so conspicuous for so many years aa a Presidential candidate. Ho waa found sitting in his reception room, calmly and complacently, and in company with bis tslented. young son, Oliver P. Mor ton, Jr., who is a great help and solace to him. Both were ebattlng pleasantly and even merrily together, with little thought or reflex, apparently, of the recent ?xcltlng political events with which tbe Senator's nsme and iortunes have been eonnocted. Tbe great debater was reclining comfortably and at rest In his easy chair, having Just returned from an evening ride. As tbe representative of the Hrralu entered be broke out witn a good natured strong laugh, saying, "Come and ?it down." Agreeably surprised at his cheerfulness the reporter complied, and a running, easy conversation Was commenced. After saylnj that ha felt somewhst tired, the current toplo of tbe hour as to the nomina tion at Cincinnati was discussed. CoRRBsroKDBXT?What do yon think of tbe nomina tion of Mr. Hayes? Senator Morton?Why, it is very good, indeed. It Is perlectly satisfactory to me, and I intend to support It heartily, fully and zealously. CoKRisroiroRirT?Yon seem, indeed, Governor to take it with very good grace, considering the tenacity of yonr friends and the unproductiveness of their fidelity. Senator Monro*?Now, I want It distinctly under ctood that 1 am not at all what la vulgarly called ??aoreheaded" In any way, becauae I was not nom inated. I am perfectly reconciled to the selection of Governor Hayes, and I shall go Into the campaign M the proper time and work hard lor It Be Will make a very good President and, with out doubt, be triumphantly elected. I ean ?ay, disinterestedly, that I am very much pleased with It and shall do everything In my power to ?tteat that feeling sincerely. ComRMroKDBKT?What do you think of tho success of Ibe ticket? Senator Morton?I regard that as assured and be yond question. It will undoubtedly be elected. 1 am going to commence my work by opening the campaign kere, at a ratification meeting to-morrow, at which I have been invited to apeak flrot on behalf of the ticket ?f Hayes and Wheeler. CoKRMroNbKNT'?What will be the leading questions yon will dlscnss there. Senator? Senator Morton?I cannot iully say as yet, bnt I will dwoll on some Important points, and they will be pithy nnd Interesting at this time. For one, I will ditcuss the platform, the strong and vital parts of which aro those that 1 have been contending for during years past, and for doing which I have been charged with ?baking the bloody shirt. Tho platform, in great meaa nre, is wknt I have In substance snd essentially madq Ihe subject of debate for a long time past. CoRRksroxDKHT?To what particular Idea do yon re fer? Senator Morton?I mean the Idea of national unity, which, In other worda, Is the argument that we are a nation and not a league. I shall augment my previous declaration upon this point, and go into the subieot hilly. CoKRisroxnRirr?What Is your theory about the way Ike nomination eventuated when Mr. Blaine bad Macbed so high a vote? Senator Morton?Well. I can't say bow that Is, In the Ibsonce of knowing or seeing everything which trana ^Ired. It waa all done up in a hurry toward the last then It waa seen that tblnga had reached a emit, and Mr. Blaine's nomination waa probable in the opinion Of bis othor opponents. ? CoRHRSPoxon.iT?Will tho nomination effect an entire reconciliation? Senator Morton?Yea, I think It will, and have ?very confidence in such a result. CoRRBsroMDRXT?Waa your name withdrawn with your aanction and rcqneat? Senator Morton?My friends had the matter In fall Charge, and all that waa done was left to their discre tlon. As they were present on the ground they were best able to Judge what was proper to bo done for tbn best interests of the republic in party, and I ar* per fectly reconciled to thoir action, feeling that what they did was for the best. I have no fault to And with It, nnd, on the whole, I am greatly pleased with it, as well ns quito relieved of suspense. CoRnKSPoxDRjiT?What will the result of Mr. Hayea* nomination be upon the democracy and bow will they take it? Senator Monro*?I believe it will result In tbe nom ination of Hendricks, and I think It will Impress them tbst they have mete than they can do to match it in Strength. Corrispondrnt?How do you figure out the logic of tho Convention and the nomination? Senator Morton?Not having been preaent, and not having been Informed of all the circumstances, I cannot ?ay. Even my telegrams were delayed both ways, so I was kept unadvised, as they reached mo quito tardily. 1 havo not analyzed the proceedings yet, but I think It will appear finally there was good reason for doing as they did, and every republican will feol satisfied with Wbat was done. I certainly feel very gratelul to my friends for tue devoted, faithful and complimentary manner In which they presard my namo and stood by me. Indiana bos again earned my lasting grati tude, as alao have my friends In the Sooth. I nm better than four dead candidates, and shall live through the next four years with composure, I hope, nnd continue to fulfil my mission faithfully. 8o say ing, tbe Senator Jocularly sipped a glass of milk cheer ily, snd turned his suentlon to tke (oltcitudc and af fections ol his devoted wilo and son, presenting a pic ture of calmuesti and quiot after "the storm was over" nnd its agitations forgotwn lor the time being. INTRRTIRW WITR snX.tTOR COKKLIXO. The Hrralo representative next wended bis wsy around to Wormley's corner nnd to tho reaidence of lenator Conkling adjoining It, on H street, near Klf. teenth. Senator Conkling was, to all appearances, ?ever in a better humor than he was to-night. Scott Lord and Oeneral llanks were In his room when the reporter called. Ms. Lord, who was formerly bia law parner at Uttca, is In cordial relatione with Mm, although he belongs to the opposite party. Tho conversation was of an oasy, social character, glancing occasionally at politics, but reverting to liidifloront topics of tbe day. quiio as much as though It had l>een held a year ago, far away from alt political excitement. "The ticket Is an excellent one," said Senator Conkling, with manifest sincerity. know Governor Hayea personally. He aerved with me in the House, and I have the highest admiration for hia qualities as a gentleman and atatesman. He always has been a flat-footed republican." This point waa emphasized ?specially by Senstor Conkling, aa though It afforded him particular aatisfactlon. "A republican who ?evor apologized for his parly. He la the bardoat of hard money men. His ability Is unquestioned There has not been even a shadow n bmath ol slander, against hia purity; and in every feMNtt it ? no excellent nomination. Yon know, ol Marat, that It waa the New Tork delegation that nom inated him." Toar correspondent atsanted. Senator Conkllng eeemed te be Much pleaded at thla fact When asked whether this notion waa pursuant to bis Inatrnotlona be said:?"It could not exaotly be called instructions, but it waa In harmony with tbe original purpose or the re publicans of New York, tnat If be (Conkllng) eould not get the nomination the delegation should wheel into line for Hayes.". Senator Conkllng here alluded to the fact that be bad always declined to entertain the thought of a nomina tion until a short time before the Convention, when be received letters secusing him ot trifling with tbe party. Ho then oonaented, with some reluctance, think the Hbrald will be pieaaed to-night." He re marked, In tbe further oourse of tbe conversation, "Al though I am aware that It expressed pre erence for me, but, alter all, what the Hsrald wsnted wsa a good man, and it, therefore, will be satisfied with Hayes. It Is a matter ot great gratification for me to know that I bave received the support of the Hsrald unsought and un solicited." Senator Conkllng then turned to his guests snd ssked tbeir op<niona aa to wbat democratic nominee this ticket pointed to. General Banks thought Hansock; Scott Lord, Hendricks. Senator Conkllng expressed no opinion beyond that he thought It would hurt Gov ernor Tilden. "But," said bo smiling, "I think we are going to give these democratic gentlemen," humorously pointing st Soott Lord, "trouble with this ticket. I tell you they wouldn't bave gone to Cincinnati to help Hayes even If you hsd paid their ruilroad fare." Mr. Lord thought that the democrats would defsat tbe ticket, although it wa.s a good one. "In four years from now?" Senator Conkllng re turned, Jocosely. "No, in tour months," Mr. Lord retorted. General Banks thought "at tho end ot the twentieth century." ? The conversation then turned to other topics, but tbe Vice Presidency being alluded to Mr. Conkllng expressed satisfaction with Mr. Wheeler. "He is not very well known," said he, "but we can soon make him known." He said Governor Morgsn wonld slso make a very good Vice I'rosident. Then be told some good stories, and humorously remarked that Governor Hayes* wife waa one of tbe handsomest womon In Ohio, which, in Itself would Civs blm an advantage ovsr Governor Tilden. "Many beautiful young girls drlvo out with blm," said be, "but, alas I they drive to no purpose." Tbe reporter took his departure from the Senator, leaving bim In good humored conversation with his friends, and evidently not contemplating auicldo or any other dreadful thing on account of his fhiluro to obtain the nomination. Tho Sonator expressed his gratitude to the proprietor of tbe Hrhai.d Tor tho un solicited support given him. snd impressed Its repre sentstive strengly with bis gratification at Governor Hayes' perfect freedom from rings, or from any taint of corruption whatsoever. MR. BlUIlfB HOT RKIABLK. A call next made upon Mr. Blalno to ascertain his views about tbe nomination and how he regarded It. His elegant house was brilliantly lighted up and open at every window. In his large saloon parlor a beauti ful scene was transpiring in contrast to what might be supposed would be associated with the prevailing disappointment ot the hour. His favorite little daughter, who watched the ex-Speaker so tenderly with her mother during bla recent dangerous indispo sition, was seated at the piano playing a familiar opera air, wblloGail Hamilton, the gifted authoress, his sister in-law, was pacing leisurely and in apparent meditation up and down the room, attired in a magnificent and costly dress ot white figured satin,the long train of which swept gracefully along the flowered oarpet, her superb carriage and toilet, reminding one of a scene in tho palmy days of eugenic and the Tulleries. All was ev idently cheerful to the observer and tho Inmates of the bouso had made up their minds to look on the whole affair of Mr. Blaine's defeat with philosophic in diflerenoe. Presently Mr*. Blaine, In a mod eat plum colored silk, made her appearanco and looked every Inch the proud matron and brave woman ahe has ahown berself In her husband's trials. In answer to an inquiry she said that, while Mr. Blaine had not yet retired, tho doctor had called and taken eharge of him, forbidding any one to see or talk with him, as ho bad alroady had several callers, and, sbe thought, had somewhat fatigued himself In talking so much about the event of the day. She added that ho did not realise how msoh be had actually gone through, and she was appreheosive, as well as tho doc tor, that Mr. Blaine might overtax himself! Hence she would prefer that he would not be Interviewed until tw-morrow. He was feeling nicely and taking every thing ooolly, saying which, with groat politeness, sbe bowed berself away kindly and said good night. Mr. Blaine rode out immediately alter hearing the news of Mr. Hayes* nomination and passed the telo graph office where a crowd had gathered, bowing hit recognitions with a cheerful smile and assumed levity whien struck the bystanders most favorably. He took off hia hat and promised the crowd, in a short speech, that Maine would give Hayes and Wheeler a rousing majority. ? isrsavnw with bristow. * Secretary Bristow was out driving whon your cor respondent called. Presently he oame In and chatted with Governor Jewell and his family In the most un conoerned manner. Hero were two defeated candi dates both smilingly exchanging comments on their defeat "You bars been out cooling youraelf, both from the heat of the day and of the political contest," the re porter remarked. Secrotary Bristow laughed. "No, the latter did not trouble me very much," bo replied, "although, ol course, 1 could not holp thinking about It, and I am glad that it Is over. 1 do not think 1 look as though 1 bad suffered." This query merited the candid reply which It received, that the Secrotary and Whiskey Bing Smasher had rather increased In avoirdupois during the contest than decreased. In giving bis opinions of tho ticket Secre tary Bristow waa, If possible, oven more enthusiastic than Senator Conkltng He eulogised Governor Huyes, and said that he telegraphed two days ago to General Harlan to transfer his (Bristow's) delegates to Hayes as soon as he deemed It expedient. When asked whether Blaine bad not boon dofoated by a combina tion of the other candidates, Secretary Bristow replied that it was moro a tacit agreement to beat Blaine than an expressed combination. He thought that as Scburs had supported Hnyes last year he would work for htm In this, and that the ticket would carry with It tbo support of the rolortn republicans ot the Adams, Bullock, Bryant school. The platform, ho thought, waa excellent, although, In hia opinion, thb bard money plailorm waa not quite so bard aa It might havo been. Mr. Bristow also thought that Hayes, although a hard money man, was not tbo hardest of the bard The plank as to Chinese Immigration was a pltce of dema gogism; but with these exceptions Mr. Bristow heartily approved of the platform. "I suppose you will do ell you can for the ticket?" the reportor asked. "Well, yea, aa much as I can," Mr. Bristow replied with some hesitation, "although I shall not be very much in politics after this, as, Indeed, I have not been In the past." "Is it true that you have resigned* " "My official resignation is not yet in tbo hands of the President," Mr. Bristow replied, "but I have inti mated tt> him my desire to retire, and hope to do so early next week." Mr. Bristow expressed perfect confidence In the suc cess ol the ticket, and although Mr. Jewell addressed bis conversation more to the ladiea present, bis Inci dental expressions left no doubt that he thought it wus a strong ticket. Both gentl.'mon thought that the ad dition ot Mr. Wheeler strengthened It considerably, and Mr. Jewell said tbat Governor Morgan would also bavo been a strong nominee lor the Vice Presidency. nntaTow's niTCKssua. Mr. Preston informed a leading republican Senator to-night tbat he would withdraw from the Cabinet on Wednesday next and cease thereafter to be Secretary of the Treasury. His successor Is not yet known among the best Informed leaders of the republican party. Tbe name of ex-Governor Morgio, of New York, is mentioned. Tho retirement of Mr. Bristow will, it Is said, involve that also of tbo Aaslstant Sec retary, Mr. Burnham, and Messrs. Blaford Wilson and Yarjan. THK CABI5ST M.tKKK*. Very naturally Ibe Cabinet makers hsve gone to work to construct a Cabinet for <>overnor llayts in tbe ?vent of his being the next President of tbo United States. Just as naturally these gentle men have Jumped to the conclusion that President Hay* would not disturb Secretary Fish, l>ot that in choosing * Secretary of the Troaaury be would probably let his choice fall upon Senator John Sherman, of Oblo, Chairman of the Com nit tee on Finance, wboae recognised ability In flninolal mat ters would bo bla great recommendation. ikxator anIanak was interviewed to-night concerning this rumor, but he laughed good liumoredly, said that the gossips knew mnr? than be did and a good deal more than Governor Hayes about the matter. Evidently Governor Hayes was one or the most modest men in the world snd his nomination must have been a complete surprise to him. He was tar from making Cabinets so soon. The Senator then adverted to the career of Governor Hayes, which bad boon one of steady promotion and advancement, based upon his honest merit He was an educated if not an erudite man. Ho was a graduate of a law sehool. and a profouod Jurist, and would bring great Intellectual ability and talent to the admlnstratlon of the office or President. Ho had steadily risen from place to place until he was now Governor of his 8tate and likely to bo President of the United States. CONOR ATC LATIO.18. Senators Morton and Conkling and Representative Blaine and Secretary Brlstow have severally sent tele grsms to Governor Hayes offering their congratulations and support. Senator Morton's despatch was as fol lows :? Governor R. B. Havss, Columbus, 0.:? I rongratulate you upon your nomination for the Presidency, and shall labor earnestly lor your success. 0. P. MORTON. The following Is a copy of Secretary Bristow's mes sage:? Governor R. B. Barns, Columbus:? 1 be* you to accept my earnest an<* hearty congratu lstlons. Your nomination secures vtclorv In Novem ber. B. H. BRISTOW. Mr. Blaine telegraphed as follows:? Wabhmoto*, D. C., June 18, 1878. To Governor R. B. Hatkb, Columbus, Ohio:? I oiler you my sincerest congratulations on your nomination. It will bo alike my highest pleasure as my Orel political duty to do the utmost In my power to promote your election. The earliest moments of my returning and confirmed health will be devoted to se curing you as large a vote in Maine as she would have given lor myself. J. G. BLAINR. In reply to Mr. Blaine's despatch the following waa receivtd at an early hour this evening:? Coi.cMBca, Ohio, Jane 18, 1878. To Hon. J. G. BrjintK, Washington Your kind despatch has touched me most deeply, and I hardly know how to respond in Siting terms. Tho assuranco of your sympathy and support nerves me for tho contest in which we are about to enter. With your returning health and strength I see an omen of republican sucrose. I trust that all trace of your recimt illness will speedily disap pear, that you may speedily be restorod to your family nnd country. I send you my first despatch since the nomination. IL B. HAVES. As soon as New York's voto on tho seventh ballot was reported Mr. Blaino sat down and wrote his con gratulatory despatch to Mr. Hayes and it waa on the wires to Columbus before the lootings of the ballot were rccelvod in Washington. Immediately after tho formal announcement Mr. Blaino rode out with his oldest son and was recolveJ with load cheers wherever crowds were assembled on the streets. Mr. Blaine rocetved dospatchec throughout the day In his library in company with some dozen friends, whom he oontinually assured Hayes wonld be ulti mately nominated. He was fully impressed with the probability or a successful 'combination against him, and eicept during twenty minutes following the sixth ballot, did oot expect tho nomination. Uo was n!to gether the coolest add least excited of the company. During the evening his residence was orowded with callers, whom Mr. Blaine received with cheerfulness, exhibiting no trace whatever of disappointment. Dis cussing the events ot the day, he says tho Immediate cauRe of the fallnre of his friends to securo his nomi nation was the holding back of votes for him from Pennsylvania aft?r the third ballot. This Mr. Blaine attributes to tbo ficticious strength lent to Bartranft from time to time by the Conkling forces, which made It possible for a minority of the Pennsylvania delegation to urge that their candidate ootiId not properly be dropped while he was still appa rently gaining votes. Mr. Blaine has sent to Messrs. Hamlin, Halo, Frye and Stevens the following despatoh :? Bear to all my fiends who have so nobly and de votedly stood by me tbe prolonndest expressions of my heart's warmest gratitude. J. Q. BLAINE. Senator Conkling sent the following telegram to night:? "Governor Hatha, Columbus, Ohio:? "1 heartily congratulate tbo country, tbe republican party and yon on your nomination. Ton need no as surance of the cordiality of mv support. Sincerely yours, ROSCOE CONKLING." NEW YORK OPINIONS. It Is hardly likely that there waa more exeltoment Itt Cincinnati over the proceedings of tbe Republican Na tional Convention deliberating in the "Quoen City" than tbero was In New York yesterday. Early In the morning tbe leellng of interest was evlnoed by tbe crowds that gathored In the vicinity of the newspaper offices and eagorlv scanned tho bullotloa, and by the exclamations of the business men as tbey hurried past. It was conceded that ere tho day was done the fate of some ot the candidates must be decided, and the curiosity ol everybody was on tiptoe to learn who would be killed, figuratively, in the hot political fray then Impending. Before tbe news of the result of the first ballot in the Convention was received here tho chances of every candidate for the nomination had been thoroughly canvassed everywhere in the city?In the clubs and tbe hotels, en the thoroughfares, before tbe newspaper offices where the loungers waited patiently lor the first announcements, and "on tbe street." At tlie last named place, the groat centre of tbe moneyed Interests, the question "Who will be the nomtneo t" wan put frequently aud answered variously. Blaine, however, was tho favorite there, and In him most ot tlie speculators placed their faith. It was ex plained by them that ho was tho champion of progress, the sdvocato of the develop ment of the country through the extension ol railroad facilities, and consequently the man above all others to be put forward by tbe republican party for tbo suffrage of Its adherents. These advo-, caiesof Blalno pooh poobed tbe charges against him, denounced "the Boston Mulligan," and, pointing to the records in tbe morning papers, asserted that tbelr man would carry tho Convention on tbe first ballot. Democrats, as well as republicans, took part In tbe dis cussions, and when the lllaine men ?poko of tbelr can date as an advocate of railroad extension, sonio Tilden.tea responded, "Well, il tbe republi cans put up Blaine because he believes in railroails we liavo a man who is equally zealous in tbelr behalf, and has not bia bad record in connection with them. His name is Samuel J. Tlldcn. II railroad extension is to be the test between candidates for tne Presidency Tilden can beat Blaiue easily. Hence, II Blaine is nominated we shall not have to lake up his religloas intolerance as a weepon with which 10 heat him dow n." And thus crowing tbey expressed the wish that Blaine might be nominated that Tilden might be niaoe stronger in the St. l,oul? Convention. Yet, though theso men spoke out there were other democrats also inierested In railroads who said naugut. And these ni<-n thought Ions and wisely, II tlie statement be true that s 'Still tongue makcth a wi-e head," or conversely, "a wise head makeiii a still tongue." Very lew "on ihe street," as bus been said, thought that Mlntne would lie bonicn; yet the questions arose, "II. hy some un'oreseeu chance, ho is beaten, who will be ihe nominee? Who Is the great Unknown? l*pon whom will a combination he made?" it was conceded early ill tho ilsy that if Blaino was defeated Conkling would not win, iior Itrls tow ho the mocessful aspirant. I he contest bet ween the (idle-rents ol these gentlemen. It was said, was too bitter lor ilicm to sgreo upon either. Hence "the dark horse" must win, Il was declared. But WUKSK IS "THR DANK ItoKSK f" Has the "speeder" a name? These conundrums were thus solved by several sapient petsons:?"The first tnr<-e ballots will to- tbe lest ol the strength of lllaine, rooking nod ?rlstow, end il no result is rea< hed through th?m a fourth man will tie sought and a com promise made in his favor. Alter tlie candidates named cotne Hayes and Wbeeler, and of these two Wheeler has the smaller chance, became he Is not known | throughout the country, sod because those who do , know him characterize him as a "railroad jobber." I From this course of reasoning the conclusion was drawn that in case lllaine was defeated Hayes would be nomi nated, yet the reasunera had very little lalth that events would verify tbelr logic. When tbe new* of the( result of tbe first ballot reached here the opinion was expressed everywhere that lllaine would lie nominated. Tbe belief of most people was summed np curtly by Mayor Wickham in bis remark to a reporter that "The man who ran poll I'UJ Totes is a hu-d man to beat." After having de livered li unci! of this remark our worthy Mayor pro ceeded to rnn counter to the topic previously ex potiuded herein, by saying:?"My individual opinion ol tho struggle as it stands la that Conkling wilt Dually unite all the elements ol tbe opposition and prove tho successful man ' This thoroughly evinced the Inalgbt which Mr. has into the subtle workings ot parly politics. In every department of the city government, as welt as in tbe most offices of tbe ledtyal government, there was a levertsh anxiety to learn what the Convention waa dome Clerks rtseertsd tfretr desks and qhtmiM the chance* "f candidates; but the opinions expressed In each place were very little different irom those given abort. JXaxT o'bribh'b roRi'icirr. In the As tor Houm, alter tho flrat ballot, were gathered ex-Shcrilf O'Brien, and several other ex-oln clais ol the sity, with a oumbcr of their tollowera. Tbev were all expressing their opinions. O'Brien waa asked by a reporter:? "What do you argue from the first ballot f" "I think that It meana tbe nomination of Hayes," wax the response. "How do yon oome to that conclusion?" aaked the reporter. "!ii<> I think that rote waa taken aa a test. not ?o much of the strength ot Blaine aa of the weakuess of Washburne an>l Cenkling. Now they will concen trate all the outside strength oa Hayea. Wait an hour or two and aee if I ain't rt?ht." All the afternoon until tbe final reanlt waa tele graphed hither betting waa brisk in every hotel, club, or other place of congregation. The sums wagered were not large, however, for moat of tbe belters were of the order of minor politicians. John Momssey was reported to have made many beta, bnt upon whose suc cess could not be learned In the afternoon. aptir thi saws. When the news of tbe nomination of ex-Governor Hayes, of Ohio, for first place waa received, there won evinced nothing to indicate that it was In any sruso a very popular selection by tbe crowds that canvasaed the action of the Convention in the pobl'c places. There were no loud or boisterous approvals benni, no shouting or cheering such as one la apt to associate with tbe welcome reception of the choice of a favorite. Whatever of satisfaction waa expresaed confined itself to tbe Inner circles of republtcanlam, rarely, If at all, bubbling out in tbe open plaoea. From the talk beard lait evening there la every rea son to believe that Blaine's nomination would huve met with a heartier reception throughout the city. Conkllng's ram*, too, would no doubt have stirred the masses. Hayea, though hla name was Associated with no weakening reports, was not known sufficiently in connection with any inspiring public effort to bring out enthusiasm. As so instanco of the fact that Hayos la in some sort "a dark horse" It may be said that uot one New Yorker In a hundred, evon those who devote their exclusive attention to politics, could tell what Hayea' Christian name was last evening. "WHAT 18 RATKS' BAMB?" asked a Hbrai.d reporter of one man after an other, anil Invariably tbe answer came in these words, "I'm d?d If I know I" The question In one instance recalled a local historical circumstance. When Frank Pierce was nominated bo, too, was very little known to "the boys" In New York; but still they shoated lor him, as in duty bound In those good old days. "Hurrah for Frank Pierce I" shouted a lesty -follower of the old-time war horse of tbe democracy, Marshal Rynders. "Hurrah for Frank Pieroe!" and, turning to a friend with the Inimitable swagger of tho ward "heeler" of the time, he added, "Who the ? Is Frank Piercof" lint, then, not to know great men Is to argue one's self unknown. In another Instance a democratic politician, who was asked by a Ubrald re porter what was Hayes' name, after giving tbe inva riable reply, told the following story of a conversation between two bootblacks shortly before William Make peace Thackeray's visit to America:? "Do you know wbo is coming to this country, Jimmy V" queried bootblaok No. 1 of hla associate. "No," repllod No. 2. "Who's comlug?" "Why, the great Thackeray," said No. 1. "And who's the great Thackeray f" further Inquired tbe unenlightened South. "I'm d d If 1 know," responded bootblack o. I. Hut while those of democratto sympathies and the Independent masses looked at tbe matter In this light, tbe republicans professed to be highly gratified at tho result. They affect to consider tho nominations In the light of a movement for reform. Hayea, they say. Is A HAS WHO WILL TBIDMH OVBR ALL OfrOSITIO*. At the I'nien league Club the feeling excited was for a cementing ot the recent rupture, since Brlstow dis appeared from the oanvaaa. Blaine's gallant struggle waa everywhere, among republicans, spoken of with respectful sd miration that seemed to have In it a tlngn of regretful sympathy. Conkllng's weakness was to some equally a surprise, though this was accounted tor on the ground of his personal reserve. Hayes' name seems to te favorably aceopted by the representatives of the Republican Reform Club of this city now In Cincinnati. Last night a telegram was received st the club rooms, No. 39 Union square, from the Secretary, which read as follows:? Bknjbi.icab ltaroKM Club llajres In nominated, honesty and reform trlnmphantt The machine politicians defeated at every point. Yet If the sender of that telegram wore in New York last evening he would Ond "knowing ones" ready to prove to btm that tbo nomination ol Hayes was trotn tbe first "fixed" snd that the combination of foroes to beat Blaine did not arise from tbe exigencies of the hour, but was a prearranged and skitiully executed coup tor which thoso Inside the olrele were not unpre pared. Some democratic politicians basted theme*Ivos with ?peculations on the manner In winch this cboieo 01 the republicans U likely to alfoct tbo chanoes of Governor Tlfden for fttst place at St. Louts, llayes being a Woxt ern man It was thought the West should be asked to famish a man to Ileal him. If the nominee had been chosen from a point lartner west, however, tt would have been considered more detrimental to Mr. Tilden's chances. The money question, too, foand its way Into tbe dis cussions o( tho hour, and at one time formed the sub ject ol an animated wordy quarrel at tbe bar of tho Fifth A venae Hotel. Bat as tbe crowd Involved did not embrace any notabilities Interest soon died oat in tne dispute, particularly as tbe discussion was of a rather rambling nature. Among the visitors to tbe Fifth Avenue Hotel daring tho evening was the Warwtek of republicanism, Tbtir low Weed. After a brief stay, however, be left tor home, evidently displeased at flndlng few with whom he could talk satisfactorily. AT THB HOTEL*. The hotels wero densely crowded by persons who are never seen there except on ooeasioos of great popalar Internet, such ss political and flnsnclal crises. From the moment ol tbe snnounoeinent of the nomination the Fifth Avenue Hotel, the BofTtnan ? Bouse, St. James and other uptown hotels were thronged by In dtvlduals who were at Drat surprised at Blaine's defeat' and secondly at Hayes* nomination. Certainly the great mass of the loungers In these public places did not sxpeot that the "fsvorlto son Of Ohio" would be chosen to carry the standard of tbe republican party dnring this campaign Instead of Conkling. Bristow or Wasbbarne. Then, too, it was evidently tbe belief last night that Blaine's defeat wan accomplished only alter a bard bsttlo, by the combina tion of sll the followers of tho other candidates, who felt it necessary to the lifts of tho party that be should not be chosen to lead It in the coining struggle, being a vulnerable man and one on whose banner victory would not smtlo. Therefore tho nomination ot Hayes and Wheeler was universally satisfactory to the republicans who met in tbe above mentioned places to discuss It and not quite so gratifying to the rank and file of the detnoorats, who could only jadge ol its value by tho manner In which the opposite party regarded It. There was a singular abaeuce of prominent lrval democratic magnates from the hotels; of course thoso of tbe opposite stripe were in Cincinnati or at the Vuion League Club. Nevertheless, the * cones in each of the places herein before named, were animated and buttling, although not very uproarious or marked by enthusiastic demonstration. The pervading spirit was speculative rather than Jubilant. At the Fifth Avenue Hotel Congressman Wbitebouse, of I'oughkeepsle, said to a Hssald reporter that he thought the republican ticket a very strong one indeed, and that the nomina tion of Blaine woald have oeen very disaatrous to the republican party. . Tins opinion rravailed among the loungers, who had little else t/? say when spoken to on the enbjoct. It was noticed by all who scruti nised the bulletins hanging in tbe hotel containing tbe votes and ballots cast on ull questions that came be fore the Convention yesterday that the number of ballots by which Have* was nominated tallied very closely with those which decided all questions (its posed of by the Convennon during tbe day, showing plainly that there was an antl-Hlaino organisation from the opening to the closing of tho proceedings powerful enough to crush his chuncc* snd bring about tbe. result afterward obtained. This tho republicans noticed and promulgated, adding Hint, all things considered, Mr. Blame's detest was skilfully en compassed Md was sought by Conkling ss well as BrIMow Men. Tbe democrats were surprised that neither the latter genilemnn nor Mr. Wa><bburne de veloped much strength. They did not like the Hayes ticket. AT TBK Pino* I.KAOt'R CLUB. Perhaps no body in this city was more afTeeted by the Cincinnati nomination than Hie Union league Club. Its members began to aasemblc at tbo dun h<>u?e as soon as the ticket was announced, snd as they met In tbe reading room and parlors expressed their satisfac tion. No formal meeting wax held, but one baa been called for Wednesday evening, for the purpose 01 rati fying the ticket. l.ast evening a Hkr.w.u reporter called at tho clab and conversed with several ol the members, all of whom pronounced the nomination ex cellent, and Such as would undoubtedly be IMoTSi d by a large majority of the members. Mr. seligman said that Governor Hayes was well known to be sound oo all tbe great questions so vital to tho republican party and a man whoso record is without s b.omish. '-Oners! llayes," said he, "is without denbt tbe beat choice that could have been made, and his election l>- certain. As lor Mr. V heeler, he is in every way fitted to occupy the second place up<>n the ticket. ' I think the Union League Club can unite upon these gentlemen without any difficulty and will do so. The nomlnstion of both wnl enable us to sink tbe differences t-ist were said to be pending on the Presidential question. Of course there are a lew demo crats in the clab who may not vote lor the ticket, hui I bare oaiy iooud one man to si^ht who s.iy? bo won't vote for Hayes and Wheeler. Assuredly Mr Hriatow could not have been nominated Neither could Mr. Conkling; and Mr. Washbnroe was too un popular In bis own .-tale to have commended himself to the Convention as a possible candidate. There can he no doubt in the world that tho op|>?ncnte of I'lane lelt it necesasry to curb their Individual aspiration* and unite to prevent his obtaining tho nomination lor which lie had so powerfully orgimr.ed. That they did so would appear 10 be proven by the ntmerlcal simi larity of the ballots cast on the que-utons settled in the Convention snd those ca t fer Mr. Hayes." COLOSSI. STBAN ALUS. The well known Literal republican. Colonel Ethan Alien, was also at the Union League Club last night and said to a Usa*u> reporter that the liberals weuld lie sure to support tbe Hayes ticket, which was an entirely satisfactory one. 'tjoveraor Haves," said he, ??stands o* public questions where the liberals did loot years ho. He Is straight on the hard money question, has the conddenee of bis state, the principles enunciated by Carl Schirs long ago and is in every respect a most estimable gentleman. I think that Mr. Hayes is a splendid choice, ss la also Mr. Wheeler, sad both should eoMatil the support of a large majority ol ihe Union league Clah For the last foar yeers, however, Hayes has beea sooad on ati vital principles of policy, and has beaten the flivorlte and powerful candidal** of bia Bute. Hit nomination was deliberately planned, no doubt, by tlio opponent* of Blaine, because it wn? evident tbal neither I'onkllng nor Brlxtow could liave teen nom Milled. " Hpcaking of tbo .SL 1-ouia Conven tion, Colonel Allen said thai, while It had not occwrod lo liirn before, the mention of General Hancock aa a possible democratic Presidential candidate sutgested the likelihood <d tils beiug a very strong one, and able to give Covernor Have* a close coulctl. Alt ;gelber, however, the Cincinnati nomine'H wer* auch a* to warrant -anguine belief In tbelr election. Mr. Appleion, another member of the Union League Clnii, thought that the republican party hud made a very Judicious selection in Messm. Hayes and Wbeeler, who would undoubtedly be tbe successful candidates In the coin in* campaign. AU thm had been aald by Messrs. Seligman uud Allen wa? related by Mr. Apple ton. who added that he bad llttl* doubt now of the suc ????* of lb* republican party. THE MANHATTAN OI.UB AND BEN WOOD. A feeling of IndllTerence prevailed among the mem ber* of tbl* Institution last evening in reference to tbe nominations at Cincinnati. Judging by tbe sentiment* expressed br several prominent gentlemen tbe "Dark Dorse" of the democracy la still In tbe ascendant, and no fear* are sntertalned tbnt the next President will wave tho standard of Jefferson and Jackson. In con versation with Mr. Benjamin Wood tbe following senti ments were expressed "The ticket Is a weak one, and If the democrats act with any discretion lii making op their nominations It I* my Arm belief tbal It will be badly beaten. Hayes, In the first place, i* certainly a Great Unknown?lew bavo beard of blm. Again, be Is selected from a State (Ohio) which the republican* claim In any case. Now where was tbo policy in taking a man for tbe first place on tho ticket trom an assured republican .State? Why didn't they secure a doubtful State? The selection wan much inferior to a ticket bearing either Conkltng or Blaine's came. To New Yorker* Conkltcg would have been Infinitely preferable, and Blaine mnoh better, because while the former I* dlroctly from onr State, tbe second I* a neighbor, close by, an Kastern man. and ? plucky one, with a brilliant record." "WIIAT ABOtTT WHKKLKR ?" "Why, Wheeler is comparatively unknown outside his own district. He has been In Congress a long time and wbo ban hoard of bun?'' ?'Wouldn't Woodford bavo been a better selection "Yes, indeed. I served In the .Slaia Semite with Woodford. He IP an excellent presiding otllcer, impartial, high toned and decisive: and you know the Vloe President is simply a high toned chairman, after all. Woodford, be sides, l? a man of popular manners aud on able orator, eloquent and argumentative. Ho would have been In finitely better than any in tbe Stale except, perhaps, Kvaru or Morgan, but 1 doubt if cither of tbc6c gentle men would take the second place." "Well, Mr. Wood, should tho democracy nominate TUden, Wn*T All* THN CHAKCKS O* StJOC*<?*T" "Excellent. Indeed, la my opinion, we will wla *ure." "Don't you think there is a good deal of oppoaltloa in the Stale to Tildon1"' "No, not at all?not enon^h to speak ot When It comes to a voio that little will quickly disappear, and thoHo who made It will bo ashamed to acknowledge it. 1 tfilntc Tilden Is suro to gel the nomination and with a good second that means an election against ibis Cin cinnati selection." THUBLOW WBED ON THB TICKET. Having taken a turn through the Manhattan Club, tbe Fifth Avenuo Hotel, tho Union League Club and Glltnore's Garden last evonlng, Mr. Thurlow Weed roacbed his homo shortly after ton o'clock, and blithely heraiaed his approbation of the Cincinnati nominations, coupled with his firm conviction that, proporly man aged, tbe republican parly cannot fail to win tbe com ing flgbt. "I have felt from tlio first," said tho grim old chieftain, aa bo slid one fool Into a slipper and rested hi* favorite leg on an easy chair? "I have fell from tho first tbal tbo strong candldatos woro entirely too strong for tbelr own good. Conkling and Blaine wont to Cincin nati for Conkltng and Blaine, and nobody else. The bond fide Conkling mon bad no special enthusiasm that 1 know of, but they felt bound in honor to stand by their man alive or dead. They would make no terms with the supporters of Mr. Blaine. In fact, tbo canvass resolved Itself Into a fight to tho death aga'.nst Mr. Blaino. Anything and anybody to beat Blaine must then sooner or later have become the war cry, even o( the Conkling men, lor they wero certain 10 see or have forccd upon them the fact that of tbo two Bialne had the groator strength. Well, it wna the same thing with tho blulne people. Under what possible circumstance* could they gain anything by aiding Conkling? Conkling meant Grant, and Grant's friends are all In p aco bow. Oh, no! 1 have never Keen the slightest possible chance for Conkling. Yhree months ago I thought WASHHIRNK WAS Till MAS, and If Washbnrno bad been nominated he would havq bad. In this city alone, from 16,000 to 3u,0<>0 votes that no other republican can get. Ho would have bad Ottendorfer and all the Herman democrats, and he would have had the real Catholics, that Is, tbo Catho lics to whom the-church is more than party, on account ol his services in Paris. But when Washburne's own State refused Its countenance then 1 leit there was but little hope lor him. At a confer ence ol somo ol Mr. Conkllng'a bost friends 1 urged that 1.0 should not be pressed, because I felt that he could not beelectcd It nominated, and 1 didn't believe ho could be nominated. Inci dentally 1 spoke ol Governor Hayes as an excellent candidate and was warmly seconded by prominent men, who, however, have since carried their devotion to Mr. Conkling to what was at least tbo further verge of duty. Hrportx*?Then you think this IM A 8TUO.M1 TICKrrf Mr. Wskd?In every senae I do. It It strong posi tively and negatively. Nothing can be said to tbo detriment or either candidate, and a groat deal oan bo said In their favor. Hki'ubi sk?What are the STRONG FOISTS IX MB. HAYXS ? Mr. WstD?- Honesty, firmness and a good war record. 1 this been a long time m public life, and nothing lue ever been hoard to his discredit Ho has been prominent In cxcltlug campaigns, when blows, wero given and taken with a will, but no ono ever dared charge hint with aught that was mean, underhanded, tricky or wicked. Mr is constitutionally llrm; not obstinate, but Urui. He has a Will of his own based on conviction. He is cour teous and ready to yield to argument and evidence. 11 is war record Is sdmirable, and during the canvars, when that Important element comes into play, as it will, Governor Hayes will be found to have qualities of the greatest magnetism. Ho is mora than available; he Is absolutely useful. Rxi-ortkr?And how about MR. WUXRI.XIt f Mr. Wkxd?All! there is a man whom tbo people may well delight to honor. I remember him whea be 0ri<t entered the I,egl?lutnro many years ago. His modesty, Intelligence and industry attracted attention and maoe him favorably known. Since thon he has ? grown steadily and well. He has been In Congress about twelve years, and never made'a mistake?not one. Ho is a good, sonnd, practical lawyer, lie speaks well and always understands him self. While not In ono sense a popular man, he haa based himself flrmiy In the popular regard, as his votes show. His nomination renders the re covery of ihe northern tier ol counties a certainty. He lives out there, and represents the district In Con gress. He is sagacious, carolnl. prudent, and under stands himself and bis subject. Governor Morgan and he are very friendly. Iii fact, I believe there could not Well have been a less objectionable nomination. Rrportxr?Do you believe they can CARRY .*KW TOItK HTATK f Mr. Wxrn?Why, of course 1 do. I'm glad you asked that qdestlou, lor I would like lo be put on the recom, I don't oltcn commit the lolly, lor It is a folly, ol predicting the result ol a campaign yet in embryo, but I will now. I predict that il Governor Tllden is nominated, either as President or Governor, he will be beaten ooi of his boots, and ihe republicans will carry the Siato by from 30.000 lo AO.tiOO majority. And it Won't bo entirely republican votes The democrats will kill Tildeii. 1'hey'll skin hlin alive. He'll be cot from one end of the State to the other, and here in New York he'll run a losing race from the very first. ISxroRTxa?How does ritRsiDicvr oRAirr FXRi.f Mr. W'xxn?Sore He'll be sullen, doubtless, for things haven't gone as be wanted them at nil. His first clioicv was Conkling, and then Morton. He dlil noth ing st all for Wsshburn*. Wlist the matter la 1 can't ssy. but there's something that has hurl Washburne with Grant and with all the leading Illinois men. Ho useil to have almost a unanimous return to Con gress, snd could have as many ihous<nds majority W> Congress as be wished. lint now you see ho Is hardly mentioned. Yet ho wonM have been s very string' caudldnto. The federal of Oi ers here stood by Couk ling with great fidelity, quito as long as iluly d' inauded. Now they will, of course, bo very uneasy and unhappy. Hlaine, I under-tand, has sent s cnoiiraiubitory dee pa I ell to Usyrs. In lact, I believe Haves is a man on whom the friends of all the other candidate* can readily unite. He has bad no quarrels with any ol tliem, and lias never run across their tracks. This Maid not h. said of Conkling. ItBroRTSR? Do you think IIKOMOR WILLIAM crime bsd anv Influence hi L'onkliUfc's defeat? Mr. w>M?Not the least. Mr. Curtis is a msn of no account in politic* or nfTitrs. He in lm|>r.v tinahle, vis lunacy and all that, il he had know n what he was abotn lie would have had al least a do/en -iroiig sop Erters on the l|o->r and would have made hi* point. i is perfectly indiflercnt in my oyes. 1 think he bad no weight whatever in the Convention. KurosTiR?This is quito a dissppolntment for tbo Trxbunr people? Mr. Wkxiv?Yes, indoed. Il will hart tbo Tribune and be a heip to tiie Timet, which, however, doesn't dorerve it at all. Conkllng's defeat is most humiliating to him. I here was so much ?md aboil it, and it was asserted so confidently that be was certain to be nominated that when the disappointment came it must have been terribly mortlfylBg. KiroRTXR? Does tho nomination of Mr. Wheeler help tho CBARCRS or CORXSU. for Governor t Mr. Wkrb? I should say to decidedly. Al all events it puta Mr. Whoolor out of the way, doesn't It? and that's something certainly. Oh yea, It helps Cornell Tbo campaign will be TMf lively, my animated; and It TIMra la nominated it will be mort intensely exctt in?; but Hayea and Conkling will sot only sweep New York, but carry the country witu tile rub of t whirl wind. They'll do U as certain as lata. EABL1 IN TUB mU>. The Young Mon't Centennial Republican Campaign Club of the Twentieth Assembly district threw a very large banner bearing the namea of Hayea and Wheeler acrosa Third avenue at Fifty dfih street laat night. The republlcana of the Seventh Assembly dialrlet are early In the field for Hayea and Wheeler. A club wia formed last evening at a meeting held at No. 71 Sooth Washington square. Thomas K. Stewart waa elected temporary chairman nn<t William P. Richardson secre tary. .Several speeches wero made. Committees won appointed to report a constitution, bylaws and perma nent officers. The meeting wu adjourned until next Monday evening. RATIFICATION IN CINCINNATI. AW ENTHUSIASTIC MEETINO A* PIKE'S OPBBA HOUSE?THE BRIBTOW COMMITTEE DfTITES THE HATES COMMITTEE TO MEET THEM? JUBILANT SPEECHES A!fD JOTKTTL DEMOMSTEA TIONS. CmonrVATi, Jane 16, 1878. A grand ratlfleatlon meeting waa held to-night at Pike's Opera House. The committee of the Brlatow Club, of thta city, wailed upon the Hayea eomalttM and Invited them to inko possession of the Open House. The large hall waa tilled to its utmost capacity, and all the speeches made wera received with the ut most enthusiasm. The meeting was callod to order by John Carlisle, who said that the elub known as the Brlstow Club, but now the nayes Club, had lendored the use of the hall lor a grand ratification meeting. He Introduced GBXMAL HAWLIT, of Connecticut,'who caino forward amid loud cheers, and addressed the meeting aa followsMr. Chairman and geutlemon?being Just at your door when thla call came 1 could not plead In Jusil.'loation for noa-attead ance the extreme weariness which we cnrtainly all feci You are aware of our arduous labors of tht last three days, especially those of us whe were on commlttoes, some of which sat up all night to complete reports, and now wo are quite ready to rest, and to rest sweetly and ploasantly, because 1 can say that oc the whole we are exceedingly satisfied with the work we havo dona (Cheers.) We do not deny that we snITored no little aoxlety. We were conscious that this was the turning point In the history of the repub lican party. I sny no more to you than I said frankly in tho Convention?it waa not worth our while to shut our eara to the fsot that thore existed throughout the country not a little dissatisfaction; but the great body of the staunch, faithful, patriotic, Indomitable republican party stood by its colors. (Choers.) There were many with mon or losa dissatisfaction who left us. Many moro were la an nnsatlsflcd snd dissatisfied condition. Of course, when a party has been In power lor sixteen years It has committed moro or less blunders. Inevitably U has made errors In appointments and In other dotalla of tho administration; Inevitably II haa made mistakes In legislation. The wisest iron could hardly have tailed to do this. We shall never find a party or an administra tion that will conduct the affairs of this government Is a perlectly satisfactory manuor. Bui many of us left that It might have been much better than It wn^ whatever the reason, whatever the philosophy. And 1 don't stop riow to point out these errors. Thai is quite unnecessary, and would corialnly be an un grateful task. The fact waa that they existed. And it Is an excellent sign?not ono he lamented?that there prevails throughout tho country an interest longing to lift up party politics to a hlghei plane as lar as possible, to make all possible apology, If you choose to call it ho. to the American peoplu' lor our shortcomings by giving them new pledges, and the strongest in our power, for a better future. (Applause.) It is impossible lor any man In tho United Mates to bo brought into personal contact with James 6. Blaine anil not lovt him. (Applause.) There la in the man i rnro combination ol mental and physical power; a certain magnetism, directness an< onorgy; a rem less, eternal activity, tbat makes youn| men cling to him and follow bltn, und as to the history o( Oliver P. Morton, It neod to bo told men wbo livt upon the borders of Indlaua. (Applause.) Nobody tlila aide of heaven know' the debt of gratitude this country Owen to that man tor the indomiiitble courage with which he throttled rebellion In that State. (Cheers.) I stand here also to Kay that I have profound respect for the character o( Roscoe Conkllng, of New York, lor I know what he has been dnrlog the last three or fonr years in Washington?(cheers)?while there was mora or less of flattering and uncertainty and shortcoming among our leading men, eepeniajiy In the grave matter of the currency and matters of finance. I know thai vicious billa were passed one way or tbo other?a few going so far as to reach President Grant Id that re^ sped Roscoo Conkllng stood like a rock. Yoa may call It pride; I prefer to call It principle. Ha did It all alone, bocause be bad tba courage, and apen the question he was erect from the beginning ta the end. (Cheers.) Now wa might bare been with either of these men. Wo should have bad an honorable and able statement, bat the great masa of people, for somo reason or other, were unsatisfied wlta oitlior precisely. I am free to say myaelf, that from the first ballot to the last I worked for your neighbor across the river (Bristol). (Cheers.) I abould have been on the last ballot if the others bad not ran so fost tbat there waa no neceasity of my running I con gratulate you and the narty In general upon tba platform and the candidate. I feel now, to-night, It seems to me tbat 1 cannot be wrong. I feel assur ance of an overwhelming victory next November. (Applause.) We have announced sound doctrine upoa the leading questions before the country. I think wa have especially done ao la the matter of finance. Lief fall at the election In yoar Stale you made a gallant fight. You met the enemy In bis most dangeroui form. I use the phrase of tbo field?ot th? soldlor. Indeed, those wbo tsogbt thoe? dangerous doctrines concerning finance wert more dangoroua to the country and the wbota United States than wore tho men who sought to destroy them by force of arms; for the same, at the very loundatloa 01 republican government, are the integrity of the peo ple and the integrity of the nation. The whole country owed you a debt of gratitudo lor the gallant fight yoa conducted bera We looked with admiration, wa looked with great respect upon the course of your moat excellent and admirable Governor, Rutherford B. Hayes, who turned neither to tbo right nor to tho left, and did the thing which wat right, caring not whether victory or deieat waa coming. (Cheers.) Tho republicans of Ohio did this country a great service, and tt was not the first time in politics or in battle that the State ol Sherman, 8 hertdan, (? rant and scores of others has served thil country. Those of us out of the State who do not know Mr. Hayes personally will find upon more par ticular and close inquiry that thev can gladly support him. They will begin irom thia boar all over tho land to ask what sort ol a man la Rutherford B. Hayes, and they will learu that he m a man ol sonnd Judgment, of purity, of unquestioned Integrity, self respect and man* lioess?an admirable representative ot the best type of tho American cftisen. (Cheers ) Of Mr. Wheeler I can speak from a close personal knowledge. I bad the honor 10 oil with.him three winiers in Washington. Ha is a man of much more than ordinary force of charaa tcr?a rn-oluto. broad-Jawed, strong-willed, frank, fear less, direct, courageous man. There Is not a member ol Congress and never has been, ol either parly, la that House who would not, upon the very first queatloa, answer promptly tbat he knew William A. Wheeler to be an honest man?a respected man. There It no cxcuso now for our liberal Irtoadl wbo partially or wholly left us, I can imagine no ex cuse for them. I see no reason why they should not all come back now, and again stand elbow to elbow with us in this fight. It will not be a light one. We have very many one mien. A vory ahrowd enemy. Wa have whipped him a good many times, bat we must not tako It lor granted tbat wo always shall whip him. Thoy will pal their boat array In the Held against us?an able man and a shrewdly devised platform. II they choose to mike the issue either hard or aofl money yoa know slial tho result will be. Wo woa ? victory on thia question once, and under Rutherford B. Hayes we can win another. (Cheers.) Looking tba whole field over, gentlemen, I oiler you my sincere con gratulations, and Join with you in hoping for and pre dicting a glorious triunrpii next fall. il,oud cheers.) The Chairman next introduced Mr. l'omoroy, of Nen York, who waa received with applause. He said h< always haled to muke a speech, but on tbla glad 0C00> slon ho waa proud to be pinsenl Mr. Hayes waa ae stranger to bint, although living far from Ohla H? had formed bia acquaintance in the city of Washington during the war and liad found him one of th( best friends tho Union ever had and one of tbo wisest legislators that ever sat in ?JMgyesg. (Cheers.) Ilia personal character was well known aa aliora ra Tlio speaker said ho was so well sattafisd With the nomination that be was ready to ratify aa soon aa anyboty. He had worked for Conkllng?(cheers)?had believed in him, and had wished tbat gemlemaa might have been placed on the ticket Tho Convonlon did not sec fit to do this, bat he was glad to sny they bad nominated somebody who would save the republlcaa party and tbo aaite& (Cheers.) He would aapport Hayes on the stamp wherever erected In the State of New York and do hM best toward tho success of the tloket, and he prnph* sled a glot ious victory. ? TELEGRAM Fi.OM BBI8TOW. C' MjrwAn, June 14, ltTI Shortly after the nomination of Governor Haysa tba KentU' ky delegation received the following ISli|H> Irom Colonel Brtatow fuaiMTO*, Juao 1% lm Bon. Jo*x M. Hari.a*:? I congratulate the Convention on Its good work in nominating Governor and 1 rejoice that friends have helped to do it. Yoa have sec a red a v? tory for us la November by giving aa a true man tat whom everr republican can rota. 1 E MUM $3