Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,545. NEW YORK. SUNDAY, JUNE 18. 1876.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DIRKCIOKY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1J63 BROADWAY OPEN DAY A.VD MIGHT, FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND KALE OE PATERS. AMUSEMENTS?4th Pack?r>th nd 6th oola ASTROLOGY-Ad Pace?4th col. MILLIARDS?3u Pack?8th coL BuArtKc.K- Wanted? 2d Page?1st End 2d c?Ia, *nd 3d l*AOt?*5th %n<i Oth Quit. BOA 1? AND LODGING WANTED?3d Face?8th eoL BROOKLYN BOARD?3d Park?6th col. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?4x* Pace?lit col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Utm Pace. BUSINESS NOTICES?7tii Par*??tl> col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pack?2d eol. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALK-iTH PaQK?lEt ?bL CLERKS AND SALESMEN?3d Pack?3d eoL CLOTMIKo-Sd Pack??th eol. COACHMEN AND G WIDKNKRS?3p Pace?SUBoL COASTWISE 8TRAMSIIIPS-lSm PAOB-5th coL COUNTRY BOARD? 2d PAGB-3d, 4th and 5th cola. End 3d Vac.k 6th col. DENTISTRY-Kira Pace?5th eol. . . DRY OOOItS?Iet Park?2d, 3d, 4th. ?th an4 6th cola, and DWBLLi'n!i*"U)uses' to LET. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED?15th Paok-IbI col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?15th Pacw-4th and 5?h cola EXCHArttE-lSTtt PACE-^d col. EXCURSIONS?10th Pace?Oth coL PINANUIAL-Utm Pack. FOR 8ALF.-ir.TH rARE-Oth col. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15th Pact.?lat, 2d and I'd cola FURNITURE?IOth PAOB?5lh EEl. ? _ . , FRENCH ADVKRTISKMENTS-3D PACH-4th eol. HELP WANTED?KB MALES?3d Pace?2d eol. JIRLP WANTED?M \LF.S-3DP?R?-3d Bad 4th cola HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.-lOin Pace-3d, 4th and 5th cola. HOTELS?3d PA<nt-ath eol. _ . HOUSES. ROOMS. AC . WANTED?4th Paq>?4th col. INSTRUCTION?Am Pack?6th<x>l. ??? JERSEY CITY. IIOBOKKN. HUDSON CITY AND BUR ORN REAL ESTATE FOR SaLE-4th Pace?1st col. LECTURR SEASON?4th Pace?6th coL LOST AND FOUND-10th I'AQB-2d ool. MACHINERY 4th Pack?4th ooL MARBLE MANTELS?15th Pack?6th eoL MATRIMONI \L?lOrn Pack-IMco!. MEDICAL?3d Pace?6th coL MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?16rtt PACH-lat eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVKRT1.SKMKNTS-I2th Page?6th col. MISCELLANEOUS?16th I'ach??th coL MUSICAL?4th Pace?4th col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7tii Pace?6th col. PERSONAL?1st Pack?l?t rnl. PIANOFORTES. GROANS, AC.?tTH I'ACB-Sth coL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? :tr. Pace?2d col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?4TB Pack?1 at. 2d andSd col*. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?Pm Pace-3d and 4th Col A. REAL ESTATE WANTED?4th Pack?4th col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES 1st Pack -lAt and 2d cola RE>TAURANTS?4th ISrk?6th col. REWARDS? 16th Pack?2d rnl. HALES AT AUCTION?3d PA.;K-4th eol. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?3d Pach?1st and 2d cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3d Pace?2d and 3d cola. SPECIAL NOTICES?IRtii P.\ca-2d col. SPORTING, DUOS, BIROS. AC.-16th Pace?3d col. STORAGE?KStu Park-1 At col.a SUMMER RESORTS?2d Park?5th and6th cola, and 3d Park?6th cel. TTTE TRADES?3d Pack?4th col. THE TURF?18th Pace?3d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES? J5tji Pace?lit col. TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-I5TH Paok?5th and Oth cola UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 1 5th Pack?3d and 4th cola WANTED TO PURCHASE?16th Pace?6th col. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AO.?14th Park??th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?4tii Park?l*t. col. WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?4th Pare?4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC ? 12Tn PAOK-6th eol. ? PKRSOMAJL.. A ^IE-GOOD SITUATION; RE PORTXf ONCF i TUEO. ALLIE.?IF YOU WISH TO SEE OUR MOTURR RF - 'nrn ?' onc>: telegraph immediately ROY B?It??t"TsIIh'* MOV'KD KKuM 'I? TO 122 SAME A.J meet. iSend flowen an mutl. LITTLE DAISY. BRUCK-WILL START ON KARLY TRAIN Ff?R Argylo Sli.ilow Danannte to-morrow nlyht. NEWARK. "DONN'IK?FORGIVE AND WRITE] ~ YOUR BUXNYIIUO. Faithful valkntine-if you wish only ah ??> Heriiirt om"cofriend*' p'""e ?ddr?" KNGLEWo'oD, box G^/^^IBAPPOINTIID; WRITE TO ME IK YOU will come the neat; ?imc place, at hal f-pant throe. I*5?JSJf.AXl?!'vwtA!!TK.D-rfM: ?rosE,>H KROTH, wao A lived in New York elt.v In 1855. or of hi* wlte or heir*. JOHN 8. RAY, ft! end 81 N annuo it. "I F TII18 S11 Ot'LD MEET TI1E EYE OK JOHN H VAN 1 Slyke. ho will find hi* friend ready to aid him ? your wife filodM0""- (,o'umnnl0?'? *??>? O.o. YOUNu; 4B OmrS IFiAMESR. WEBB. FORMERLY-WOODWARD OAS IS IM P.ui '2 S?P mTi W"1 7" nn *'? "ODEREY. room W r 0 IKnn?<hI,>e ?o hie advan TOHN SCOTT. WHO DISAPPEARED FROM Tils that in* ? n"Und- la*t. I* by till. Informed i a L-v ? ? eomtnnnicate hi* whereabout* to Mr. PAL LAKY.Prlrate Inquiry Offlce. 13 Paddlngton Green Ixln don, or to Poet oOlco brx3.;i2l. New York citv he will ho wm be oal'T an*POrt".,1?r1 h.0rV' ?nrt H" wl" *>' forgiven. ffkl H) ve*?oM HZ Fnr. r r?r1lnf:"'"l*,,on of hi* location. He |? aW?eo... '. . . LQ?" Vch h,Fh: proportionately built; I.thl, i i u 1 I1.,r*1 w,<,e ?hort feet, with <&?iSIfoBS?bpox ln b'"e Mo,,on cout- A" JOHN DAVIS HATClC ARCHITECT.?SOMETHING way T?ur Interest; confidential. GRIKKIN. 240 Broad J O. N.? SEND SEND TO MOTUErT LAI ltA?are Nut THE BLUE AND BLACK SATIN corsets nearly worn out ? HAKRY \fA^m VT,T1K *ou CANNOT SEE MK TO-DAY-1 before tint. *?? 3?a " two oVloclc or ?n7 time yon name M~???APPROVE EVERYTHING. PRAY FOR YOUR Mv an'eul I *na wrUo m? before Wedi.e* mm;. Mj Niitrtmli inrVscrlbable. M \ti\K Ma mm v. -waited o \s aturday at old plaT: k ? itMderitood h riday night: would you; |et me know' wu?n I can *ee you nny time after Wenneaday. 7.. XTORRISaNIA, M. K. B.?PLEASE CALL FOR LET ; FEBRUARY 14. EW HAIIPSHIRK.?WILL STOP ONE \YKEK~AT n HWHWH T?f r ro7WMV UON"r VOU WRIIt-r I AM WAITING 1. e. I<mip"_roMK HOME; MOTHER Is ILL TELE ?I graph adrlre*,. All l? forgiven. No one know* Urii.L ii. d. m arik petrksbn. who was in Co penhagen wlnt--r ol 1874..-, D|..*,B ' u tddre** to the friend who aa*l*tod her * P'oeettl &PBro"dw?7 rll w1 ""d C?"'er a f"or J ? . \V ?'?< 3,rtS- FRANCES. FORMERLY OF 44 WFST addrei* through penonal* to her ?M friend K II . Herald Uptown Braich "dice. TyAco-too late for Saturday afternoon _ _ Arityle Shadow Ball to-morrow nltrlit, llATTIF* * roi RS RECEIVED?WILL M KT VoT^aNV i,AY lhi? week or next. j-ai_thl* week If poMlble. 1 ()T'ind R y'J> ST ?plp-ase WRITE WHEN A*/ and where I can ?ee you. j ? RiiLlGHH S VoTICEh. A BRoSiAfioN of spi kitu a lists. ?'Howard ,^r,M,rro,rJP?wh.-A dl-curae at 7V e'rln,-k !ta$k V feVeS!1 ""rn"fiC L'rn,"m-; ''"ffereree ASSOCIATION IIALL ?.T-v;,;!;:^eV, A xtKA tVa be uFld at -v-Tiith AV "5v Fata piven^ whoee aplrit voice* may he heard'and BLKKOKER STREET FxtVERsAI-Isi Cliff rod ? Rer. R. II. Pnllman will preach till* (Snndari morniiiw ?d; at !<?; r. and 7 .45 nVloek. All are InrUvd " "nl'Y ^BINITY, MADISON AV. lloura ot aerrlce*. 10'i A. M. and 4 p v n?? c.?i _ H. Trnc. Jr.. will pieaelt In the mnrnlnc.' jier. VY Ilium.. Itone will rlve a Ititde rcadin* in the alterneon B |. y"* men'' ,1,ee,'n(t in tne l.aac-mvnt of the church at /1HCR0M or THfc HOLY APOsTLRS. IN) EX BR trffl y'^rt -VU :?-?ev Brady K. H,oku.. rectoj-sVr ticci Hi's, a. M. nnd py??nink,r pr*.y?r at ,S |\ M. f'Mi Ri'ii OT rHM NEW JERUSALEM CHWEDKN. horrian ), I'.aat H that.. hetweenMtb and Lexlnvina ?T"-' heniHtey (lllee, paetor.?Serricee 11 A. M. the New U.un li 1* I n.tarian; hut it il n..t the I nltar.anlam of the Jew nor of.modern time*. It i* a new I nitarianhm whiih t-nchc* the abaolnta per?onal unity ot Ih d in a Clearer and more exact lorni than it ha* ever been tan iht before. 11,1* ie it* central doctrine. But. at the eame t.m/ It allow* that the unity ie not only compatible witn the divinity ?r Jren* ( hurt, hut HcmlMet it. " ,he nnUKCII or THE DISCIPLKS MADISUN ,\\. COR "i'hfcmi I'm"*" K't- " n*nworth.?Moraine BM.Vai lJik l-'i*'* V ,"Th' ''??? "f Succ*M In 5 * * Sunday aeiimd and Ribleclaa. nSfflPJ1 ?' J'FMAMTy;Til BTH sr.-PARKKR and f . abol* Vnd^Tl"'"1 \ 'K'' "'rhi to Land eon l abor and I hoiight* on American Culture, ?' /till ROI of THE HKAYENLY KKsi SrTi Tf" n.,d ?rmon bv'l'l "l ' Ur Ud''- rector.-Saro.'e ft o cUc? ^ "Cl?r- " 11 *? M prayer, ?| f tiil RCH (IF THF. DIVINE PaTKrmtv -t? ; v" k sr SEtr^rh: ,nd re,?er. ,,t a I'. M. .'rJ'ST" "" ,re,< >? - She; ?: ;? 1 tD F'^n f: I', erenlnj. Rev. U rn. T^Samne. rector" will prewh j^lrft ; apirlt friend* matrriallte tfiem.elve* ' Z* eic.llnna: nam*. 11. mil gireu. the*, ae.nce, Hre .h-o ." Nt pr?*r?*nt. "?*n? nr? iheir ia?t p . o,; R has IV K' p IRtTUAUs'flU.MHli itH.iArA A francc apeak an ?III lecture al L *.0 ca\ mormits, PCiii; eveninx. 7 ;.'H: e-eniny auhl.ct ??fn'o StiY experience* ot Ton sptriu.- ChRdr..,,'. |>, k*Sw,-tiaiiiag^iifjb. gagg^Brsii R-.eirifsSiSK'r1 ?? ?~si BELIOIOi'S NOTICES. ST'" ION ATI M'"0lri' R0lC~?bT n' ST.", JWWflflWrCTII ami Oth avs., Rev. K. O. Rwer, It 0.. rector.?Services 7, R. 10 :3U,and 11 A. M. and H p. M. Preacher In the morn lux. Rev. Mr. Miller, of Baltimore; even lax. the rector. Strangers cordially invited. ST." MARKS. 2D AV. AMD IOTH ST.. RMV. 1)R. Rrlance. rector?At 10:4.7. mominx prayer end ser mon, "Serpent! end Doves;" 7:44, evening prayer and sar mon. "The Sunday Question." THE GOSPEL'TENT 3tih it . Wert, and near 6th av. (Green ear* ?f Thirty fourth ?ireet line paaa the tent.) SECOND tVKKK OK SERVICES. SUNDAY. 7:44 P. M.-l'rrachliiB by Ker. STEPHEN H. TYNU.Jr. MONDAY. S P. M.?Monthly meeting ef the Now York Sunday Sehool Teacher*' * "neeiation. Ad-Ire** by Rev STKPUEN II. TYXO. Jr. Topic. "The Use nl Illustrations In Snnilay School Teaching, and How to Make Scripture Illustrate Itself." Mr*. SEYMOUR will give a review lesson with a elaet of children. Lecture on "Young Men of the Bible." by Rev. STBPHBN H. TYNG, Jr., every evenmy (exoept Saturday) at 8 o'cloc*. Topic for Tuesday?"Joseph." Topic for Wedneeajf? "k?w?." Topic for Thursday?'Jntn the B*ptltt." Topic for Friday?"The Younx Ruler." After meetiux*. at A o'elock every evening, will be con ducted by Rev. W. llUMPSTo.NK. SATURDAY. S P. M.-Meeiitt - of Chrletinn Workers, te be led by ITnole JOHN VASSAR. Slngiug every evening by THEODORE E. PBRKIN9 end a chorus. NOOMdkt PRAYER MEETING every day for one bdtw under 'he direction of Mr. ALKXANDER LYLE. Seel* free to ell. Helpers wanted, aa ashe-*, worker* and linger*. Addreee R. P. WILLIAMS. No. -Ml Keel 43d ??. Contrlbniioue to the support of these services may be sent te EDWARD L OWEN. Treasurer. No. 4R Ka*t 4 Id ?t . or No. 71 Wall ft. EIGHTH AVENUE EIGHTH AVENUE AND NINBTEBNTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. CfSNT KNNIAL EXHIIIITS. TTlI's'S a"" WILLIAMS, MAtftfFAOfljRfeKS df D Presses, Die* and special Muchlnery, 107 to 173 Plyin ouili at. Hrooklyn. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED AMERICAN RKSTaU rant on tb* Centennial Grounds Is in fitont e( Agricnl tural Hall. Sry goods. 1876." Great Attraction*. * IMIks and Dress Good*. Black Silks, <j> Dress Goods, ?? Z Z ~? from hoc. upward. Z Z Damasee Pougoo. X Z Colored, from 90e. X * Z Cashmere*, z z Fancy and Sntn-^Z 8 flight colors racr Silks, Z Z Grenadines Z Z from 6f>c. Z Z Hatleto. .1 J OOO NN N EEKE 888 Z Z JO ON N N K S Z Z J O O K N N HE SSS Z Z J J O O N N N fc 8 Z Z JJ OOO N NN HEBE RS8 Z Z J 000 NN NEEEE SS8 Z Z JO O NX N K 8 Z Z J O ? O ft N N EE 888 Z Z J J O 0 >' N N K 8 Z Veils, Z J J OOO N NN EEEE 868 Z Suits, Z Z Millinery, Z Z Stylish de Z Z Straw Goods, Z Z sign*. Ladles' Z Z Trimmed n*te, Z Z and Children'* Z Z French Honneta, Z Z Underwear, ? Z Z riowen. Ma., Ac. L ^ Z Boys' Salts. Bargain*. Linen Sntti, JONES. Bargain*. Fancy Goods, J ONES. Bargains. Laces, JONES. Bargains. Hosiery, JONES. Bargains , Parasols, JONES. Bargains Carpet*. JONES. Bargain*. Upholstery, J ONES. Bargains. Oitrtaitts, JON EH. Bargains. Oilcloths, JONES. Bargains. Furniture, JONES. Bargain*. Mattings, JONES. Bargain*. Bedding, JONES. All rood* will be offered at an immen*e sacrifice. Cheap en *tock of Domestic* in the city, embracing 100 case* of Sheeting*. Shirting*. Prints, Dentin*. Tick*. AO,, from auc tion. nt vastly reduced prirc*. Orders will receive prompt attention. Samples sent free. JONES. Plh ar. and 11Kb *1. JONES. A." WWW A L L EBBKE RRRR W VV w AA L L B K R w wv w A A L L K K it W WW w A A L L K K K www w A A L L EES RRRR WW WW A AAA L L K R K TV YY A A L L K R R w w A AL L E K R V V A ALLLLL LLLLL EEEEB K R AND MM MM cee SSB OOO RRR L BKEE.Y T MM M M e e 8 S O OK Rli E Y V M M M M e 8 S O O It K L E Y Y M M M M c e 8 O O It It L E Y Y MM M M ceo 888 O O IttlR L EEE YY M M M M S t > o K K L E Y M M M M 8 8 0 O It U L K Y M MM M 8 8 0 OK K L E Y M M M SSB OOO K KLLLLEEBB Y 245 Grand at.. near Bowery. New York. Immense reduction in price* this week. Extraordinary bargain* in every department. Call and examine our immense atnek before purchasing elsewhere; a saving of 25 per cent guaranteed. Silk Department. Black groa grain Silk, recently eold for (1 25; redneed to BOc. Black gros grain Silk, recently sold for$t 65; reduced to 81 I2>i. I.yon* black grain Silk, recently sold for 82; reduced to ft 4 Lvntta black grntn Silk, recently sold for $2 25; reduced to $1 75 Bcllon's best black 811k. recently sold for 81; reduced to 82. Beautiful plain Silk, recently sold for 81 70; reduced to 81 25. Beautiful striped Silk, recently sold for 81 12X; reduced to 75c. I)re*s Goods Department Summer Cashmere, recently sold for SOc.; redneed to 40c. Silk Pongees, recently told for 70c.; reduced to 37,l,c. All plain Dress Hoods, recently sold for 40c. and hoc. ; re duced to 20c. aud 25c. Black Good* Department. Fine quality black Alpaca, recently sold lor 4Ce.: reduced to 25c. Extra black Alpaca, recently aold for K'e,; redneed to .Vfjfe. I1 wide black Oaabmerc, receutlv aold for Uoc.; redneed to 8V. Buck satin striped Grenadines, recently sold for 40c.; r? iluced to 2tlc. Bl.tck Iron frame Grensdines, recently sold for 50c.; re duced ti 31c. Ladles' Snit Department. Alpaca, Moba'r and Cashmere .-nits, recently sob! for $15 and 82''; reduced to$t'l and $12. Black, colored and striped Mlk Suits, recently sold for $00 and $70; reduced to $30 and $10 Blsek, colored and striped Silk Suits, recently sold for $100 and $125; reduced to $?>" and $75 Llsm i I .a co Sacque* and Sh .wis. 8750, ffMO. $1,200, $1,500, $2,000. Ladles' Liner Snlta. 4.000 Ladles' linen Milt*, handsomely embroidered and braided. $4. $U, $8. $10. $12. 1,01k) Ladle*' Itucn and Orersklrts, $3, $">, $8. Parasol Department. 3,ntkl silk Parasols, front auction, front 75c. to $0; folly ,10 per rent less thsn manufacturer*' prires. WaLLK It A McHORLKY. 245 Grand at., near Bowery, New York. X EEEE II L L N K If I, L N EKE II L C XI K It L L NX bc.EE II LLLL i.LLL 0C0 OOO c coo C GO 0 CO it CCC 000 4> baring added another hailditig on the comer of Twentieth street to their establishment, are now prepared to offer Bargains In their two new department* I'nderwear of every description, French and domestic manufacture, which has been bougnt for rn-lt in large quantities, and will be adored exceedingly Ion in price. Infants' Outfit*, ready m tde and to order. Ladles' and Chlld-?n's Hosiery, Balbrtegsn Hoe. 25#., 45e . 4l?e. and N.V. up. Embroidered Halbriggan llo-e, 3n<\ HIV. Ladles' I lose. lull, regular, 25a?; wor.|h .18c. (tents' summer merltio Vests and Drawers, 40c. and on Oents'Jean Drawer*. 65c. and np. Drets Trimmings. Fringes, Bullions and Braids. Fall and complete Hoc of Fancy Goods, In all the various branches. II. O'NEILL A CO., 521 tn 320 6th a*., corner 20th it. KEEP'8 PATENT PARTLY MADE DltESs SIIIKT8? The vert best *tx for $*|; can be finished as easily as hemmlne a handkerchief. 571 Broadway and 021 Arch St., Philadelphia. llK'dOV\L? VMK A. DI'VaL. FRENCH DKEN8 JV maScr and importer, Ita* removed to >t re H'.'tf llronl way. opposite leird A lay tor's. La lies' ownpnaterlai made up and trimmed in tne most approved Parisian styles, at abort notice: has the uttu Kreotli I'aiiuler Indispeu sale. J'sri- Patterns of nil the latest UHAYNK A CO.. HaTTIMI. WILL Of PER. ON .MON 0 day. men's Straw Hat*, only $1, worth $2, men's llats, $1 5o, $2, $d an I op; boys' lists .'die.. 75c.. $1. $1 25 and upsard Wholesale trade supplied. It e tall department, 842 Broadway, rornrr |3th ?. A." II H OOO II It 0 O II llllil 0 0 II II O O H H *> OOO AA A A AA A A. AAA * DRY GOODS. 'P.BAT B8DUCTI OS S SUN UMBRELLA* AND PARABOLA -? win eloea cat their entire stock el these Roods, ?m bracing sit the newest stylos. In endless ysrlety. st 25 FBR CENT LESS THAN MANUFACTURERS' ERICH*. being about oao-hslf the nsnol rotsll figure*. BROADWAY, CORNER OF 20TH ST. GRAND ST., CORNER OK CHKYST1B. X. Y J. " __ B. * CO. ?FECUT. sale. /OHNSON BROTHERS A CO., Union square, will comments on Monday. June 10. s prett clearing out tale of tlicir entire stock of Millinery, btrnw Hoods, Rib bom.. Bilks. Laces, Kmbroldories, I'nrosols, Lndle*' and chil dren's Suits sml Underwear, Hosiery and Fancy Bonds of every description. The sale will continue for thirty days, St tbe present greatly reduced prices Note some or onr prices. TRIMMED ROUND HATS. $5, reducer! from fil SSO, reduced from $10 60. redncrd from $12 JO. reduced Irom $15. TRIMMED BONNETS. (7 50, redncrd from $17 50. ' $8, reduced from $15. $11, reduced from $1*1 50. $10 50, reduced from $IR BOO cases ot Straw Gooas s* leer than half cost. 5*i dnten white Swiss chip lists sod Bonnets, 2Se. each; former price, $1. 15(1 closen tine Leghorn Pints st $1 50. $1 75 and $3 each, worth $2 25. $2 75 and $A 150 doson seaside lists, trimmed, 70c. each, worth $1 25. 100 duseu boys'trimmed Bailor 11 au at 25a each, worth 75c. 250 doten of handsome trimmed Railor Hsu, for boya and misses, st 50c., tiUc. and 75c. each, worth $1. $1 25 and $1 75. 850cartons of Ribbons, all widths snd all new shades. Noe. 30 and 60 Dssket Klbbons. extra quality, in idack, brown, navy bine. Cardinal, creme ecru, light blue. Ac.. Ac., aS?-. per yard, former price <>?'?. 7 inch alt aillt black eaeh Klbbons, 50c. par /aid, worth $1. PARASOLS nt $1 75, reduced from $3 7\ 1 00, reduced from 3 2 (*', reduced from 3 50. 2 25, reduced from 4 id. 3 00, reduced Irom 5 OIJ. Canopy Tops, $2 25, reduced from $4 50t LACES. 700 piocea of black French Laces at half actual e- st. l.i 100 pieces at U>c., 15c., 18c., 20c., 22c. and 25c. per ^Y.OOO pieces of Hamburg Edgings st 60.. Pe., 10c.. 12c., 15c., 18c., 20c. and 25c. per yard 1 leas than half gold coat. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Chemise, plain bund and edging, 40c.: worth 75c. Chemise, tucked yoke and rorded bands. 50c.; worth $1. Chemise, corded bauds and ruRle, 75c. each ; worth $1 25. Cheinter, tuckedyose, three rows of Inserting, "Sc. each; worth $1 50. Drawera. lucked and trimmed with edging. 50c. each; worth $1. Drawers, with ruffles, 65e. each. Drawer*, cambric, $1; reduced from $1 50. Long Nightgowns, with Insertion, $1; worth $1 SO; Long Nightgowns, tucked yoke back and trout, $1 25; W(Ja!nbric Suite reduced from $7 50 to $3 50. Linen Suits. $3 -*>0 antl $4 .'.0; redured Irom $8 and $0. Wrappers. $1, $1 50 and $1 75; reduced from $1 50, $2 and #2 75 Bin *' linen Snlts. 50c. French hand made Corsets In great variety. Dressing Sacques, in cambric and lawn, $l,$l 50 and $3| reduced from $1 75, $2 50 and $ I. HOSIERY. Ladles' g*u?e and merino Vests, 50a. 6So. end 65a i worth 75r.. $1 end $1 23. _ Gentlemen's pause merino Vesta. 50e., 75c. end SI. Cluldren'e end mieeee1 merino Veala, if-.a. 30a end 33a '"Dulles' ltalhrtggao Ilnee, extra lone ond foil reenter. 88a per pelr. reduced irom 50a Gentlemen's cotton Hell Iloan, Rill reenter, 22a per petr. Gentlemen's end boys' Jean Drawer#. GLOVES. ConrvotaaleT'a kid Glovaa, In all the now ebedoe Undressed kid Gloves. A full line of Dale end eltk Gloves, black leoe Mitts, Ae FANCY GOODS. SO doaen Qneen Elizabeth Bella, la leather and velvet, from 3Hc. to Si! SO each. 5,000 Fun*, pearl atieka. carved, ebony painted, Roaotaa leather, pnpiermeche end Japanese Fans, all the leteat styles. at a reduction of 33 per rent on laat week's prices. Keel t?rtniae ?nell and Imitation Back Combs, English crown Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes; horn, bone and rubber dressing Oomb*; silver Vinaigrettes; Fan Cliaina from He, to S3 50 each; blue and steei Jewelry, cold plated Coral and .let Seta at half price, Russia leather Wallets. Card Cases, Pocketbooka. Ac.. Ac. JOHNSON BROTHERS A CO., M and 30 East 14th at. (Union square.) InZKY'M CLEARIKO sale. En tiro wholesale department at retail this week. Ladles* Underwear selling at lees than coat of materials Fine Chemise and Drawers, 39a Cluster tucked Skirts, 44c. Embroidered Skirts at 91. Summer Waists from i'5?, op. Bargains in Damaaka, Towels, Napkins, la Dirge Turkish Towels, 17c. each. Genta' all linen Handkerchiefs. 13a np. Ladies' all linen Handkerchiefs, Ma up. Closing alt our Sun Umbrellas. French Bonnets and Hound Iluta 23,(1(10 silk. linen and Japanese Fans, to close, from 3c. up. Fine linen Goiters and Guffs, Be. and 10a Bargains in Dice Goods, to close. Hamburg Embroideries, 3e. yard np. Embroidery trimmings, 25c. piece. 13,000 yards wide Sash Ribbons, Closing out at 10c. and Inc. yard. Fine Berlin Gloves, ladies' and misses', 9a Ladles' very nne Berlin Gloves, 35a Lot of Kid Gloves, flfia pair. Two-button Kid Gloves, 40a pair. Dale Lace Hose at 23c. pair English lloae, mo le rolora, 13e. Ladies' English BaTbrtgcan, extra length, full regular, worth .die., at 23o. Colored silk clocked Balbrlggans, 31e, Extra ailk clocked lialbriggans, Jla Misses' English striped Hose, 19a Misses' fancy Hosier), tt)(a Ladies' h?avy striped Hose, 20e. Misses' do., lull regular make, 23a Gents' very flue Lisle Hair Ho?e. 23c. Gents' English .-tripod Half Hose, 23a Gents' flue Balbrlggans. silk embroidered. 31a Gents' mode colors, silk embroidered, 31 c. Gents' foil regular English Half Hose, 19a All the titty cent llose, 26a pair. Trie"* reduced In all our departments to reduce and close out stock. A i shoe Kl.NZET'B KINZEY'8 KINZEY'S KINZEY'S KINZEY'S KINZEY'S KINZEY'S KINZEY'S JUXZEVS KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZET KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY KINZEY'S KINZEY'S KINZEY J DEPARTMENT. J tlavlnj no extra txpense to run this epart ment We propose to give the benefit to onr cus tomers. We sell Irom 91 to $3 per pair le^s than ordlnarr prices. KINZEY'S Ladles' fine Kid Bnttoned Root*, worked button holes, potent front and backstay, 93 17 pair, KINKErS Lartlss' (litest Kid Slippers si f I 49 pair. Burs' Double Soled School Sh es, $2 97 pair. KINZEY'S Also full assortment of Ladles', Mlssea and Children's Slippers and Shoes, equally low. KINZEY'S We call particular attention tn our ettston de partment. W<< make a last to St the tool with out extra charge. Our shoes are very nobby and KINZEY'S Examine onr custom made French kid hand sew?d Dress Hoot; al*0 our Newport Ties, Mora toga two button and Long Branch sandal button. KlhZE Y'S Br sending ward we will send an experienced last manufacturer t? take measure and show sam ples of goods at your limits. DEPARTMENT IN MILLINERY ROOM. WM KINZr.Y, 7t37 AND 709 BROADWAY. corner Ninth tt. JJNION AD.tMi*, NO. 847 BROADWAY. Hosiery, Glove-, Underwear and due Fnrnisltlnga Sou tu of Union square. Iff, D. LIVKRKRA. 441 ATM AV . HKI. KEN MTH XX and -7th sta.?Mtomplng and Kinbrotuering Establish ment large stock ol Imported yoke Chemise Hands, Draw ers and Linger)#. Ladies' Breakfast Gaps. Ladles' lr-u* ?eaux ; Hperiait) Monograms and Initials for beidkerrhlefs; tai ls and bed clothes sinbroniered to orator; loot curtains rlegned and mended equal tn law. DRY GOODS A" BTERN BROTHERS. SIXTH AVENUE AND TWENTYTniRD STREET. 307 SIXTH AVENUE. 367 ? ? no WEST 2SD 8TKRET. 110 371 SIXTH AVENUE. 371 SIXTH AVBNDB AND TWENTY-THIRD STREET. CLKARINO OCT SALE CI.RARINO OUT 8 AIJS CLEARING OUT RALE TH RoUdnOUT THROUGHOUT throughout OUR OUR ENTIRE intIrb ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHMENT. ESTABLISHMENT. GREAT BAKdAIMS IN OITR ^ LADIES' riJRNISHINd DEPARTMENTS. LINEN, BATISTE AND LAWN SUITS. PERCALE AND CAMBRIC SUITS. BATISTE AND LINEN OVERGARMENTS. CAMBRIC AND PERCALE WRAPPERS. GREAT BARGAINS IN SUN UMBRELLAS AND PArasolr GREAT BARGAINS IN HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. -? GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY GOODS GREAT RARGAINR IN SASIf AND BUNNKT RIBBONS. GREAT RAROAINS IN LACKS AND LACE GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN f PANS and fancy ooods.' great bargains in PERFUMERIES AND TOILET GOODS. GREAT RAROAINS IN DRESS AND TRIMMING SILKS. GENERAL REDUCTION GENERAL REDUCTION generaT "reduction OK OK or PRICES* PRICKS. PRICKS. D? EVER* IK ~KVBRT IN KVhBT DF.rAUTVKX* DKPARTMEXl okpa'ktmkxz STKKX BROTHERS. STH AVENUE AND 2SD BT. A." ? H a OOO ?" XX X FEKEE II L L UH 0 O " N N N K II L L II II 0 O ' N X N K II L L II II 0 0 X X X K II L L 11IIVI11 0 O X X N KEEK II L L II II 0 0 X X X K II L L H II 0 0 X X N K II L L H II O O X N X K II I. I, H II $> OOO X XX KKBEB II LLLL LLLL AA CCCO OOOO A * C CO 0 A A 0 CO 0 AA COO / A A 0 0 0 A A C 0 0 AAA C 00 0 A A C 0 O 0 AAAA A CCCC 0000 ? 821 TO 329 ?TH AT. are offering their noek ef STRAW GOODS at a reduction of from 2.1 Til 50 I'UA CENT American clilp Ilnta. 25 eenta. Imported l~ and Knsltflt, MUST BE BOLD. Imported Chip, 60 cent*?black. white and brown?French id fit ' ' Fnrtlah Walking Hat* Shade I lata Call and examine onr lmmrn<a mock of Straw flood*. a* It la the larirom and moot cotnnlete In naw design* and ahapea and moat all of onr own manufacture. FRENCH FLOWERS. 8X100 Xontnraa, from 75c. la S2 50. lack uoods. Caahmaro Laae, Oalpnra A-aee, Thread Laea. Special attention riven to made-ap Laea Oocda* Children'* tare Cape a aped ally Lace KufUlnga In endlcaa rarletr. lack tier Fancy Tlea New pattema In netted Tlaa. 2,00(1 doacn Wlndaor Tlea. at 15 eenta to 25 eenta. l.OODdoaen Jockey allk Handkerchiefs, 31 canta; tplendlil quality. KID OLOVES In all the aawaat abode*. Bariralna In SILK UMBRELLAS. Splendid (took and aelected with apeetal care for Brat data retail trade. Will offer on Monday. Jane A, 200 CAXOPY TOP PARASOLS, at $2 .Vi; worth ft. IL O'NEILL A CO., 321 to 321) Hth ar., corner ISHb at. BBS II MM MX OO XX S S II M X N M O O * * S II MM M M O S II M M M M O 888 II M MM M 0 S II M XX M O SUM XX M o 8 S II M NX M O . 688 II M M M 00 haa removed hie whole*oie Unman Hair bnelneia from 993 Broadway to 28 ham 14th near Cnlon aqnara, where be will retail liia entire ttoek at wholeeoie price*. A complete aeaortinent of everything in the line of French llnman llefr Cooda, af every poeaihle klnn. on hand and ni?da to ardor. A fail aeeorimcnt ol new e Imported and Uutueclir Fanct (rood* and Toilet Artielea Strictly flrvt elar* rooda at low prirca 4. SIMOXSOX. 29 F.aat 14th at., near Uaipd aqnara. ISA BEACH HAIR NETS FOX THE FRuXT HUE keep* the heir in perfect order; Invialble Crimp' mala .?I natural marly hair, and a large aaaortment af Hralda, Ac. ho. 23 Cnlon aqnare. KEEP'S CUSTOM SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE? The vary heat alx for 8i?; not the allghtem indication to take or keep any of Kaap'a ehtrla nnlo?a perfectly aatka taetorv. 571 Ernaowav and 921 Areh at., Philadelphia. GrlF DllT GOODS. i? .O TO THE UO TO TUS GREAT SEMIANNUAL CLEARING OUT UKKAT SEMIANNUAL CLEARING OCT OKKaT SK.MI-ANNUaL CLEARING OUT CHRAI* SALS CHEAP KALI CHKAP HAOK SILKS AND DKR88 fSOOl**, SILKS AN I) ]>K SK GOODS, KILK9 AND DilLaS OOODi, POrOLAR DRY OOOWI STORK POPULAR DRV GOODS HTOEi; POPL'LAU DRY HOODS BTO U J coKKLrao a company, CONK LI NO A COMPANY, CONKLINO A COMPANY, N*. 763 Broadway, between 8th and Mb itv, ?a* block below A. T. Stewart A Co*, femmendni MONDAY, Jane IS (I RE AT REDUCTION OP PRICKS GREAT reduction ok P KICKS OKKAT REDUCTION OP PRICKS la all eei departments. Lyons black groe grain tflkt of tba meet renowned marre factums nt H.V., SI end SI 33. A splendid quality black irroi grain, Onlnet celebratrd make, at SI 30. Snnerb qualities of Bonnet A Ponton*! manntaetnre at SI 75. S3. MI, S3. $350. $4 and S4 SO; aU fully 35 per cent below fbrmer prlcca FANCY SILKS. The balanced ear stock offaney Silks nrlll be closed out without regard to enm. Choice now st.vles at B3e., 75o~, 85a. and SI, aU fully 50 per eont bolow former prioee SUMMER DKKS8 GOODS. Colored Orenadlnes, In now and drelrohle etylM, at So., 10c.. 13a., 30r. and 20e.; abont 50 par oent below former prices. Printed organdy Lawns, l'J>?'e. and 15c. Tard wide English Calicoes. Lane itrlped and checked India Madraa Cloth,'now rcrn colore, taXc.. 15c. mid 35c. Pure linen batlete Cloth, yard wide, 25a. Satin itrlped earn panie de Clmm bray, 20a. WORSTED DRESS OOODS. 500 pieces itrlped and plain tephyr Salting. OSfo. | former price 30c. Black and white Castor Cheeks, ISXe.; former prtoo 20a. 100 pieces pure mohair tilase for travelling suite, 20c. t former price 30e. 50piece* pore Mohair Lcno, 30c.. former price 35a. 45 pieces, plain colon. Mohair Daral.snle Cloth 20c., former price 30c. 75 plocet all wool Debelge 25a.. former prleo H7}?e. 60 plocai eunimer camel's hair Cloth 18c., former price 4Or. 50 pieces cho ked Debelge, all wool. 23e., fbrmer price 50c. BLACK IKON Kit AM K GRRNADINR8, BLACK IKON KKAMK OltKN ADINKS. BLACK IRON KKAMK GRENADINES, A good quality, l'JXc.. good value for 25e. Splendid qnallty 25c., good rnlae for 50s. Superior qnallty, lilk and wool, 37)fa, good ealue for 63X0. Snbllme qnallty, ?llk and wool. 41a, good valne for TSe. A eplendld qnallty Mexican Orenadlnes, 30c., good ralue for 62Xn Silk and wool Braxllloano Grenadines, 50c, good yalno fair 75a. BLACK PRRNCII CASHMERES. AD wool black Krench Cashmeres, the famous gold medal brand, IXynrds wide, 73c , good value tor $1. Superb qnallty, 8Se., OUe.. Si ; worth 50 per rent mora. MAKB NO MISTAKE OUR NUMBER IS 703 ONLY. Jonw B. KatronitAK. i CONKLINO A CO.. K. W Cnivvis. > 763 Broadway, W. II. CohKUno. ) between 8th and Ota Ha A. ?> announcement extraordinary. BBB L 00 oo MM MM BBS "" B B L 0 0 0 0 M < N M B B ' H B L 0 0 0 0 M M M M 8 B B L 0 0 0 o M M M M B BBB L 0 0 0 0 M MM M SSS H B L 0 o 0 0 M NX M s B B L 0 0 0 0 M NN M 8 ., R B L 0 0 0 0 M NN M S B ? BBB LLLL 00 oo MM U MB . S.'IA Bowery, 310 between Bond and Great Jnnci iti Pricet throuffhont all department* have hoem T GREATLY REDUCED Jail received a large Importation of LACK SHAWLS AND SACQUES, WHICH WE ARB CLOSING OUT BELOW COST OP IMPORTATION. llama lace bacquf.s. ?a as and upwarDi LLAMA LACK SHAWLS, ft .10; WORTH Bit FINER GRADES I* PROPORTION. LACK CAPES, MA.NTALI~s""aND CARDINALS VERT LOW. f SUN I'll IIRKLLAS AND PARASOLS. " f Bargain* In Iror.r, ebony, pearl, ehell and cold mounted San Umbrella* (?mo* guaranteed) al an innnenae redtirtion from lortnar prieaa Canopy top Paraeola in groat variety. LADIES' AND MISSES' UNDERWEAR. LADIES PREPARING FOR THEIR SUMMER TOUR WILL FIND IT GREATLY TO Til111R1 ADVANTAGING call and examine our STOCK iiefork m aking THEIR I'l RCHASr.H. WE HAVh MADE STILL Ft R. Til KK REDUCTIONS IN THIS SI'ECIAL DEPART. MENT. AND GUARANTEE PERFECT SATISFACTION. -J> I -I LAWN AND UAMHRIO WRAPPERS In all the different grndee and rtyle* | SEAL BROWN AND NAVY BLUE WRAPPERS | 4 trimmed with white, combining Baaqaa and Skirt, very novel and etyllah. fii 7.1. CORSETS AND PANIKRS. all makea. In woven and handmade Content verv lew. HOSIERY AND MERINO UNDERWEAR. A verv large araortment at greatly reduced prirea CHILDREN'S PlgUt and LINEN DRESSES. ALL SIXES. New end novel dcnlgnt In boye' and girle' Dreaaet and Aaila. al half former prices. INFANTS' COMPLETE OUTFIT I A SPECIALTY. & ? LIKEN UI.RTEIlS AND DUSTERS In great variety, from f J SI and up A complete line of toilet article*, eomprtalm; ail alnJ*of Soap*, 1'owdert, Per fumery, Florida W ater, Ac. aits BOWERY. :???? between Bond and Great Jena* at*. TAMES M'ORBF.RY A CO.. Broadway and llth at.. ein offer en Mon DAT, June Iff, hendantne India Delhi Wrap* at BIO: worth$90. Llama and Lace Shawl* and Saogaea, I rent $! upward. Shetland shawl*, from No cent* epward. hfCONOMY IN BOOTS AND SHOES. j - Price* reduced ? l.adle*' line Halter*. Rt. St an d ft'i. - Ladle*', Oeiitlemee'* and Children'* Boot* and Shoe*, -I ... - the heat mad* In the city. *1 lotrer "price* than eey other hnn?e " Ordered work, liatxunme and eaay flu, a ?pecialty.-? ??? ruled t>n<H|* half price Thoae eat of the cite <end for measuring card. BROOKS', Start event aad Oiler j k nneea, I,IBB I Broadway ', cor. 29th ik DRY KOODM. F.BBB n 8 RRRR 11 ( K ? H R It II C R H 11 B R II 2 B II H R R II ft EBB imnu KRR It 0 B ii It R R II V K H H R R II c K a H R R II 0 KBKB B a B R II ( COC 8 H BBS *** C H H f g? a u a ? H H 3 HI! Hit BSS 11 H 8 H H 8 OK H 8 ( OOO II H 888 BTH AVENUE. NKAB 24TH 8t GREAT REDUCTIONS IN EVERT DEPARTMENT, A> f P4 RaSOLS <*? REDUCED TO LESS TriAN COST OP MANUFACTURE. REST SKIUiK SILK PARASOL, with flueit Pearl Handle*. gj 75; lormsr price 34. LARGB SIZES AT $3 Mid El 25; former price* $4 29 *ad M 50, OANOPT PARASOLS, KIN EST STYLES, AT II ALP THE FORM Kit PRICES. OUB STOCK OF PARAHiiL* IS TIIE HOST CO*. PLETB IN TUB CITY To"SELP.CT FROM. ALL OUR SILKS ARB GUARANTEED TO WEAR. AND OUR PRICES IIAVK BEEN REDUCED REGARD LESS OF OOST, IN ORDER TO SELL OFF THE 8TOOK BI5K0RB TUP. SEASON CLOSES. Hats. 2 ENORMOUS REDUCTION FROM FORMER PKIC ALL TIIE LATEST "niTvBLTIES ON HAND IMPORTED FRENCH OUIP HATS. ?*?.. former price 83 7SV FINK WHITE STRAW IIATS, NOe.; former price. 81. FINE MILAN HATS. ALL COLORS AND SHAPES, from 75c. up, BOYS' BROWN STRAW MATS, fully trimmed. Me. And up. SATIN BRAID ROUOU AND READY Purnel* Hot*. :tlc. : former price 7f>?. RUSTIC CORD AND TABSKL8, FOR TRIMMING. lite. eech. KINK FLOWERS AND FEATHERS. AT RF.bUCED rRICES. 1.000 DOZEN NEW FANCY TWIGS, Iroin 25c. up. ? TRIMMED BONNETS AND ROUND HATS GREATLY REDUCED FROM FORMER PRICES. AN EXAMINATION SOLICITED. <?> ? ? ^ LADIES' SUITS. ^ Elegant line of LINEN SUITS, OTERSKIRTS AND BASQUES, TRAVELLING DUSTERS. AO., AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES NEW STYLES RKCKIYED DAILT. 5.T0 FINE SPRING SUITS. ALL STYLES. reduced to le?? then cost to elnae, A FULL SUMMBlt SUIT. NEATLY MADE, AT 81 S3. SILK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BARGAINS. DRESS GOODS OK ALL STYLES. BLACK SILKS, BLACK GRENADINES. COLORED DKBEOKS, AC., *0. Full line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. TABLE LINENS. NAPKINS, TOWELLINGS. CURTAINS. NETS, AO.. AC.. GREATLY REDUCED, BARGAINS IN FINE FANCY GOODS, FANS, PERFUMERIES AND TOILET GOODS. TRAVELLERS- articles. BHAWE STRAPS, TRAVELLING BAGS, FANCY .1 hWf.LKY, WORSTED EMBROIDERIES. AO., ACL 1,000 JAPANESE FANS iti ID cent*; worth 25 cent*. HOISERY AND GLOVES. ofeverr drecrlptlon AT REDUCED PRICK*. FLAGS of ewer* description end et ell notion* ? t popular price*. ORDERS BT MAIL RECkTvk SPECIAL ATTENTION. Ladle* visiting the eltr will ilo well to pity * ?t?lt to oar e?i*hll?liment. Our assortment i* ?lw*y* complete end our price* the lowest, all Goods marked in plain figures. NO ONE URGED TO BUT AT A A A* Ell RICH'S. I | Kit RICH'S, J 0 ? 287 8TII AVENUE, 280. near 24th Greet __ IF TOU ARE GOING TO THJK 888 BENE A SSS n DDD *??.? B ? E AA 8 8 II Li D K 8 E A A 8 HDDS 8 E A A 6 riDDB 888 KEB A A 888 II D D KKB 8 K AAAA 8 II O D B S 15 A A 8 II D D K 8 8 E A ASS II DDE . 888 ESEB A A SSS II DDD KEEK, TO THE COUNTBT,~T<7rnE CENTENNIAL. OB IT TOO A KB GOING TO ENJOY COMFORT AT IIU.ME, BEAR IN lKXD THAT YOt~OAK EFFECT A ORBAl SAYING BT BUYING VOUR FURNISHING GOODS AT BHRICH81, T T KHBIOHS', RIOIITn AYR., BETWRKN 24TH AND 2STH 8T8. BEAUTIFUL LADIES' CIILMISES AT 80e.. K5c., fL 81 28 and n? Nloa took and tacked FLOUNUR SKIRT, redaced to 88a. NEEDLEWORK EDOB 8K1KT, REDUCED to Me. ELEGANT DEMI-TRAIN EMBROIDERED SKIRTS, M 81 78? RICH LACB SKIRTS. Rl DI CED to 81 00. NEEDLEWORK INSERTION AND EDGE CORSET covers, ?t f 1 10 EXTRA QUALITT NIOltT DRESSES, BMBROID EKED, at 81 28. LAWN TOILET 8ACQUE8. LACK TRIMMED, at 81 18 LAWN BASQUES AND WaISTS, at great redaction*. ' GREAT SACRIFICE IN OUR LINEN CAMBRIC ANS FRENCH PERCALR HAND embroidered Underwear. BE RGB AND FLANNEL BATHING SUITS, at 83 88. [ CHILDREN'S MARSEILLES SUITS. REDUCED. EVERYTHING A LADY OR CHILD WANTS V COMPLETE HER WARDKORK OFFERED AT POil TIVE INDUCEMENTS AT A -? ^ KII KK'l IS'. | 1 BHRH ?J87~ EIGFITH ATENITB. 2M0, above 34th A Ar FFFM ? A ?0 888 F L AA 0 0 8 B F L A A 0 I r L A A G B rrr L A A 0 888 F L AAAA G GO 8 K L A A G G 8 K L A A O G 8 B r LLLL A A GO 888 ? NOW OPEN. PULL LINE AMEftlCAN AND FORKIOS FLAGS IN ALL QUALITIKS AND SlZhS. AMERICAN MUSLIN FLAGS (rem 4c. per deeen apward. AMERICAN SILK KLAUS, tu all *i*et, at (pedal bar ?rain* BI N IING FLAGS, heat quality. warranted, la all die*. at lowaat wholeaale price*. Full Hue ul FLAG HOLDERS. In all (Ilea, eerjr eonronleat for rtei-oratlnc pnrponea, at a trilling coat. t TlIK NKW ILLUMINATINO LAMPsi J eery bandtuiue for lllninlnatiue pnrp >ae*. In all color*, per fectly ante. 7.*>c, par doaen. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO SCHOOLS. 80018X11% AC.. AC., RHRI0H8*. 2*7 AND 2*0 mi AYR.. NEAR 34TH BT. A. I are nfrerins extraordinary bargain* is a large and alrreni line of LACE GOODS, CASHMP.RE LACBS. MECHLIN. SPANISH. ITALIAN YALKNGIKNNKS. GUIPURE. VIIKNCII POINT APPLIQUE. ?C. IN SCAErS. TIES. FICHU*. sets. tacquRs. collarette. HANDREKORIBFS, AO.. AC., at ranil). In great Alee, at a LARGE REDUCTION. Cellar* and Caffa. plala and embroidered. 81 MS J dfle and quality. Handkerchief*. plain and embroidered. Mlk Tie* and rrart*. Members Lditin**. Insertion*. Galpnre and needlewerk ltanda and Na?? Kama fa BROADWAY, 4T8JIT.WH AMD WTH ?f* Far Othar Drr Beetle AdrartlweeH Sm tlitaenth Pegt.