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UO.VRDKlt* WABTFT). V TSt#<fXS:TLYTorsTs'iifefinkrif'<?k RiToSThTTi-sft JL -ougie 4|>?rtmi*Al?; table unexceptionable; moderate fata*. 33 Went W&.ili!nKton Kqutr#. ISUVOF ROOMS^TifvATK BATfiToLOSlffh. kC.% with private table or without board ; Ruouii lor gentle men , reference*. 3?? East Oih ki, PRokl eooiT- SKOoio plo7>r7~and laj^gk Room, fourth floor, to let, with Board. 2H> West Ifnh ?L BiIhTk FROM WiAmv A Y~ R(mM3, WITII OR without Board; permanent or transient: fid /or two. with Board; reference* exchanged. 51 Writ I i tit it, I IK VINO""" I'LAth.?TWO LARGE I'nNN KG I I N < ? I front Kootna on first floor: another on *#?!??ud and one < n third to lot, with or without Boards referenda. 1 RIA)0R~ KHOM BR<) A I> W A V. 1* K.tSl 10TH ST~ 1 First claaa Board, very reasonable for the ?timmsr, for family or *iugle gentlemen; reference*. i> SIMYh O F K LEU A NT APA KTMKN Tb: ALSO SINGLE i*. Riiqbir, at 432 and 434 Madison av.. opposite GolunibiO Col 1? ire grounds: hou?e* and furniture new 'ransient and table boarders accommodated during the summer. i) OK Til REE GENTLEMEN O k7IENTLEMKX~AN5 mmd their wives can obtain Board at -HA Henry at., with home coniforta. O WIST 42D RT.?L ARGE AX ITsMALL ROOM8, KLK O painty furnished, singly nr en anito, with first cljt** table, ?t very moderate price*. Q NORTH Washington" ?v",;aVk.?Xarhf. go<>7, 0 and well furnished Room*. *ith tirat class Board, at reasonable price*; house and location uoexccpi iotiaido , con venient to cur*. ~KA>T~I7TI1 >T.-LARGE AND SMALL rooms. with or without Board, at auuuuer price*; reference*. 4A81 29T?i ST. itl.'lW LN 5TH AND MADIBON in ?Klifitnt Room*, with or without board; tran* lient parties accommodated. A 7iEXTIjsmYn'~can"be accommodTted with T excellent Boanl in a strictly private family, where all tl?# comforts of a home can be enjoyed; use of parlor and piano. Apply ut l-b.? Last Add st. r rn k\ . 5o7.?rvro handSomkly~~eurnishrd 1 J Floor* to rent, with or without private table; transieut or permanent; references; also pleasant Rooms for gen tlemen. r.Th AV~ 347.?MRS. SKAVKR 0FKEuSTlTuITS OF * ' Apartments, with or without private table or without Board. rnr av..~777i7nkr ibth st.-^skconi) floor or ?-/ five Clozarilly furnished connecting Rooms, bath, Ac . with or without private tahlo, on mo ierate terms, for the t it turner; also single Kootns. with or without Board. h VAMMM ST . NEAR M %CDOtJGAL. lUNhSnMKl V furnished large front Hoora, with Hoard; day boarders taken ; reference. 3 14 6 81'KNCEK BLACK, WEST ITl! RT.-TO LET, with Board, largo double and sintrl* Rooms; hot and told w ater and all conveniences : terms moderate. fee Ttf pEk~wT:kk- i.ahgk and small booms, ?P" ' with fir^t class Board, at 4' 3 West 19tll st., near Klo rated Railway. h MrEST 4-r,T!l ST NI-AR THBWIN DEOR.-HAND I * mely furnished Room* for single gentlemen, with or without Board, at sttmtnor prices. (I BANK ST.ISrCOND I'LOOir FRONT AXliTiiACK ? / Rooms, nlcelv furnUhed, to lot, with Board : $7 and per week : hall Room* .ftl per week. (vni St., m wksf.?choicb?of nicely ruR3ffS?T ?' rd Hi otut to let, with Board; housu has all modern im provements. 1 nTH ST. WI ST, 1 S).Z$i4 FOR TWO FrUNlKIIED J.*' Room*, with Board; modem improvement*; not shown Sunday. "1 1 th st., ir,o \vk>t. nkar'TTth av??with 1 I Board, second floor frotit Ruomx, together or *ingly; large closets; every convenience; summer prices; refor mers. I LAFAYi TTB rLACR.-fLEAFANT ROOMS. WITH 1 mj Hoard; aUo good tabid Board. I OTH 8T., VH~ W 1ST GTI! AV. ? FTK.N Is 111" I> ROOMS 1 ?. to let. with Board \VkSt itth St.?with or wiTiioi r board, haettsome'y furnished Kimnis, at moderate price*; transient' accommodated. i TtTF sTr.7 NO. 815 BANT.?HANDSOMELY FUR. 1 t* nirhed Room*, en suite or singly, for single gentle* oien or tamili firNt class table, pleasant neighborhood, prompt attendance; references. ] 1 ril ST.. : >" WKST. ROOMS, I N SIMTE ~OR J 'dr singly, furnished and unfurnished, with first class B?*ard. at lanunsr price*. "I J Til ST.. 17 EVST.-WITH BO A R! >, W KLfT" kSr .1 i nished Rooms nn second and fourth floors, transieutly or pormancntlv ; terms moderate. 1 /* CLINTON PLACE ?SECOND AND THIRD J " r Floors, with or without Board, for family and tingle gentlemen. If) east inn st.. between university plack end nth nv - Room . with Board. ?S to $7. 17 WEST 1T1I ST.. NEAR .Til A V-SPACIOUS, 1 I nirv Rooms; superior Hoard; litres hull Rooms; water ?li?l closets. 17 EAST -IST ST -NICELY FURNISHED CHEER I ful Rooms, In first class Ito'no ; hygienic Hoard If de rr. d. 1 Q 8ART SID ST.?ELEGANT ROOMS, SINGLY ?* 1 in suite; transient boarders nceouriiodoted; house Irst rlnss; reference. 1(1 M l ST ATM ST.. NEAR RROADWAY.?FURNTSH I ?' eil Rooms. on first, seeond end thirl floors, to gentle nen and gentlemen nnd wives; transient or permnnent. I)A WEST inTII ST.-linARD.~PLi: AS A NTLY >UR~ C-'t nished Rooms for tamilles or party of gentlemen; erms moderate. 91 GREAT JONES ST.?HOUSE NEWLY OPENED.? ? I Hootrs. with or without Hoard ; sninmer prices. 9"| WEST HIST ST-KP.ESIILY KUKSIHHEn. WITH ul flr?t class Hoard, mi snite or singly. to famlliM or [entlemen. >10, >12 and fl.T per week; references. Ol ST ST . I 111 EAST. OPPOSITE (ill An I. KEY PARK ? ? I llrslrahle Unnno, w'th f-rsl class Ttoard. permanently or transiently, at moderate prices ; references exchanged. Y)OI) ST. WEsT. NO :vt7?TO LET, WITH BOARD. ...?? nirely fnrni?hed Rooms; location conrcnlcnt and pleasant: moderate prices. not) st , west?to ErtT with ~b?ard. iiXnTT ??) aotnelv furnished Rooms, >13 and >14 for two. (fall It lis. 9?JD ST.. 240.?LARliE ROOMS ON SECOND AND ?-?) thlnl floor-, single or donbla, for a party of gentlemen; lermanent or transient; excellent Board. 23 D ST. NO. ?ROOMS. ON SECOND AND THIRD floors; pleasant liouae : good table, reference. 9A WEST 2:1 D ST.. NEAR BROADWAY.?A LABOR id I" Suit and single Rooms, with Board; moderate sum tierprieea; reference exchanged. 9 A WEsT I?IT 11 ST.-ROOMS TO LET. WITH OR aliT wlthont Boa-d : referi nees given and required. ?) * Til ST.. WEST. 2?V| -PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET* Jj't will ^ 1 h or without Board, in prlyata family; terms mod" erale; relerenee. ?J A GREAT JONES ST.. NEAR GRAND CENTRAL ?st t Hotel ?Rooms to let. with Board, permanent or Iranstea': snintner prices. ??1 wist iarn ST.?NEW HANDSOMELY FUR. r 11 nished Rooms. together or separately; unexception able Board: private table If desired. OO STIYYESANT PLACR. BETWEEN HTH AND Ot) l'nlt kts.. near 2d sr.-Handsomely furnished Rooms to gentlemen or gentleman and wife; terms moderate; honse first class and private. ? nr. ANI) :i7 WEST 14TII ST.?KI.EGANT ROOMS. 0?*. with Board : permanent nnd transient; >2 per day, table board; kept by English lady. 0?> WEST 42D ST.-UN USUALLY DESIRABLE ??0 Apartments: first class accommodations; dell rhtfnl location, fronting Reservoir Park. 34 F. k?T 2IST ST?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Rooms, en suite or singly, with or wlthont Breakfast. ?> I Til ST.. Ifl7 WEST.?PLEASANT ROOMS ON THIRD 0"X Door to lot. with Board: references given and re quired. 07 VYKST 21ST 8T ? FINE ROOMS; ALL IMPROVE ? ) I menta; substantial Board or breakfast cheap, tore" lined parlies; references. OQ 40, 42 ANI) 44 WEST 14TI1 ST.?ROOMS. WITH On, Boar 1. permanent or transient; house and areom modations first claas. ?JQTH ST.. 2117 WEST ?ROOMS. WITH. SUPERIOR Ot? Board; house and h>cation nnr xcepth-nible; terms reasonable; references. J A BEACH ST.?TWO t>l! THREE PLEASANT 71:11 front Rooms on second floor, well furnlsheil, with a first class table; price reasonable: also table hoard. 46 f>riri>?. torfumilliinr k'tndemen ; .nti umi?*titHy healthy lo r?(ion . ri:?r9n?f? ?ifUnpul 08 I A WEST 29TH ST.-ELEGANT APARTMENTS. IN t" ' a French family, with or wlthont Hoard, at summer prtrds. lit WEST 27111 ST.?KLBU~ANTLV I E; MsilEI) T" S ' Booms, w ith Beard, Reference* exchanged. (1 WERT :r.TII ST.?DESIRABLE ROOMS. WITH *r L Beard, for famillea or gentlemen, permanent or tran sient; table Hoard . Office for physician. 1 L W**T -??TH .-I - A LAMUk AND SMALL ROOM T"itT to let, with excellent Hoard, at rednsed rates lor the summer; also table Board. I - WEST IIT'I ST.- HANDSOMELY ' RNIKTTRD TT?J Second K'.oor for gentleman and wife or single gentle men, with Board, at summer price-; table boarders taken I - Evsr BTII sr.?KI.EGANT PARLOR El.OOR; I') also Second and I bird Floors, with it without Board; transient taken; references. 4 - KAST2ATII ST FIRST HOUSE FROM MADISON *!?) eqnare.?Pleasant Rooms, large and small, to et, with or Hoard, pcytmtiictiiljr or transiently; refer meet. !/? WRSTf'TII ST?HANDSOME NEWLY FURNISH. *X? ) ed double and single Rooms, with Board, pertnane it or transient; borne enmJorte elegant table . price modrrato t /? WEST 271TI sr.-LAIU-B AND SMALL ROOMS. *T \J I andsomelr Inrnt-hed, to let. with Board . , ertuaneut or transient; tefcrencev WEST 32D ST.?FINE SECOND FLOOR, WITH Board, to gentlemen, on most reasonable t-rros. r 1 LEXINGTON AY ?EURMSHED ROOMS. WITH ?)L or wltlio'it Board; alt the modern Improyrmenta; terms reasonable. "4) HlTI SI. BETWEEN BI<<I<DWAY AND ONI ?)_ versiiy plaee.?Kieg ?ntlv liitniahed Roues to let, with Board, at summer prlcea: references required. r I West t'irii sr.. between stii \m> btii ?)'Jt eve, --Hands tmely furnished Booms to lei. with or without Board; modern iiuprovenieuls; private lamBy; ref erences r c BEST 42D ST . OPPOSITE RESERVOIR PARE - 1)1) Room* with excellent Hoard, al snnituer vi<l|| SI .2<i| WEST.?RICHLY Fl KNIMIFD ROOMS, t.lD communicating, 10 suite or singly. second floor, brown atone Itonse: all esmvenlencoa; tir-t class tabic; healthy location, neai Central Park; terms very moderate. WEST ATI I .nT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with first viae# Board. f>9 ? EAST .vrril ST. NEAR CENTRAL PARK ? leasant Rooms to ml, with Board, in a small Anterl lly; terms reasonable. /?it HANK ST.?A Ft W l.ADIKS AND GENTLEMEN f)Jj can be aci ob.modated with good ltuard on modera.a terms: gas and bath. /? | IRVING PLACE. CORNER <>F ISTII ST.?SECOND and thiol story front Rooms to let, w.t.i Board, ltei trances. ___ e7?7 CIIHlMOPHKR ST-LARGE e<JM ARK AND SIDE i t Ho mi 10 let. with or without U> aru; also large trout Parlor to let. ? llil AND UNI WAVHHLKY PLACE. NORTHWEST iVll corner Washington s.|.isre. -Several Koutus} uai iurmiy gaoii table; summer prtcea i M BOARDERS YTA.VTEO. TBTaDik< > x aV7- K~<iF ROW wnw sirable parties, either neriaanuut of transient. with or wit (tout Hoard . i'lij M AIM SON A V. - lit ,7i M r WITH ' >R WITH O IT XL'' Board, to transient or prrmeneui parties. I 1 n W K>T ST Kl. A Hi ill atV LY~ KiTkNHIIKD 1 1 V Rooms for gentlemen unii their vim, with Board lor ndiew otiU. ? .* WK?TTilTl ST.?HAXUhUM KL Y FURNISHED ?) Know* to let, witli Board, for itoiitlsioon and wives and single mllraili; tlrat 11*7 WEST iiJo" ST.". XKAK 5th 11* tfiWlYt*TfiT ill luriiiilifil Koorna (Board lor ladies ouly). suitable for gentleman and vsitr. 120 123 only M \Ol)OUGAh ST.?FKOST BOOM TO LI T* Willi Hourr?t for two; ifBimch ?>i?r week. WEST :v.?TH Sl.-Mi Kl.V K1* H NISI i KI) Koomi for g**titlem>.n and wile, with Board for lady 1 ?)(i Hit Y8Tffc KNI^H KiT~K<7(7M8 TO IKT, X with Board. for gentlemen ; table boardt*r* taken. 1OO WEST 1 .Til ST.. a LABOR SKOOXD AM) 1 ? thirl Htorv Iron! Kooin i?? let, furnjfthed, with Board, itt a small Intnily; reference. 133 WhsF 44IX! ST. BKTWEKK ?TH AV. AV0 Broadway ?Superior Boom* at wry moderate prices with K<iod* plentiful table; rolerenceo. EAST Vlflf ~ST., . Nf AK IKVI.n" BhAt h.~ i.arre and muail lionm* to let. with Boiird. 13 1 135 13'.) Ill - KA.>T hiTII ST.. NEAR lltVIXU PL AUK. Hendsoutrly furnished Koonis to re'it, ?ilh Hoard, on *ii11? or sinelv relen lice*. "i ?),*: i JixixiiTox a v., coi:NKiTi?TiH?T-iiAN?r. I sotnaty furnished Rooms; first class house and t*h%; house chanced hands. References. lOQlASrlilTH HT.-A NICELY FURNIBHED Irom Room on third floor, suitable for gentleman and wife or tinule gentlemen, with or without Board. ?TH \V.. NEAR ItfTU ST.?tWO LADIES UaN lie accommodated with Hoard In a private family. WEST ISTH ST.?NICK Flf:1XISII ED " KOiiM to gentleman and wife: Hoard for indy if desired 1 A f* VMTF I8TII ST.?LA ROB, FLKABAXT ROOMS. 11') with or without Board, fur irentlmncn or gentle* men and wive*. 11(1 WEST MTU ST.?FIRST GLASS rooms TO Hi' let. witli or without Board, at reasonable prices, transient or perniiment: references. TTCl W YVKIU.KY i'LACE?? XICRiTY KHIfSISHEb I't ? * llooms to let, witli or without lionrd; private Inra ily: references. I ,-T LEXINQTON AT.?A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL X"'X let two nicely lurdismd Rooms, all conveniences, with or without Board ; references. WEST MTU ?T~A PLEASANT HALL ROOM to let, with Hoard, to a gentleman ; references. WEST MTH ST, iiBTWREX"bkoaDWAV AND nth av.?Aery pleasant Rooms to let, with Hoard; terms reasonable for suinmer months. 1 xQ west ji-t st.-kurxisiikd uf>oms"t6~let. X(JO with or without Hoard, to irentlemen. KJO WKST 3'iTII ST. XKAR~ B ROADWaT.?FUR X' )si nlslieil Rooms to let for -entlenien or gentleman soil wife; Boaru lor lady only. Dull on or a hirers Mrs. SMITH. 1 /??>""AYEST*4<iTir ST~rSKiToXD~FLO'?R. HAND X ' )? ) tomely and newlr fnrnisiied, with or without Board; also una larpe Room on tiiird floor, front. 9(io T rn Vt.. "hktwbkx ud~ and'~sI) avs.?to _('?> let,comfortably furnished Rooma (parlor, first or second floor), partly or together, with or without Iloatii; ;;.is. hutli, Ac.; reference required. Illfc EAST StrrII ST.?AMKRICAN FAMILY WODLD .j' '? I let, with lionrd. to two gentlemen or small family, plinMiut Irnnt Room and hnelc Parlor, tlall for one week. Olli west ilTIl" ST.?PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS' ?i I" ' with or without Hoard, at very moderate terms* wlthaqniet family: true, haili, Ac.: very dosirahlo to per* sons preferring thorough conilort to style. 1)1 1 KASrlSTU ST.?NICELY KURNT8HKD ROOMS, ? I L witli Board if desired, in an Ainerloun family; low rales: neighborhood lirst class. VI I'.sf 4dTT SI'.. NKaK HKOADWAV.-HA.Vn soiuely fiirnlshed Rooms, with or withont Board; also Reception Room for doctor: pricis very moderate. oy i west idi) sr.?a Front room, with )"r Board, to iwo single gentlemen or gentleman and wife: terms moderate. 15B 157 214 WE T 2Ji> ST.?HKCOND STORY FRONT AND tyuv bnrk Room* to let, with ?t?od Board. <>/?Q 34TII sT.. i'ORN I R 0~F 8TIIAT-KXCKLLENT -jU v Board tor two or threw ^Hiitlemen, Ijft per week; two front Rooii'.h on Horond floor ; no otliwr honniera. O] \ EAST 118TH 8T.-TI1JKD .STORY FRONT ?X l.'x Boom, together with hull Bedroom, to let, with Board, to dingle gentlemen or gentleman and wife. *>1<Y WEST 14TII ST.-NhWI.Y A.VI) "ELEGANTLY Ol'' furnished Koom? to let, with Board; French house; 11 mt ela*s table; very moderate price*: bonne and location unHurpiuifted: Spaniab spoken ; very convenient for car* and Elevated Railroad. 'Jt)Q WEST 23D ST.?FillbT CLASS BOARD AND i)wO Rooms fur lauioa ur gentlemen ; inmmcr prices. ?J'JO BAST 1HTII ST._FUK.VI.SUKD llAI.L BED OOO ri'iiins, trilli or witliunt Hoard, for Indira or gentle men; private fnmiiv. 349 K V.-T20TH ST., BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D A VS.? Uood Hoard nud Rooms at $f> per week ; private 0,-1 LEXINGTON AV.-TO LET. IN A SMALL IMtl ? >?/L rule German family; several nicely furnished Kooina, with breaklnat. or.n west 3-tTii st.-handsomk kooms. with OiJU or without Bonrd; three Idocka from Uroadwny; summer prices; references. ? 403 WEST :JUTIl ST.?FURNISHED ROOM. WITH or without Board, In a private family; tcrrna low till WEST 44 Tit ST.?FOUR ROOMS, INCLUDING TIA huh. to lot, on second Moor; Board if deaireu; turniahed or unfurnished; price moderate. 414 WEST 2HD NT.-I'LL AS.\ NT ROOMS AND ?rood Board. | Iji WEST litTII ST.?KOOMS TO RENT. WITH ??10 Ho ird, in a aniall private family, where all the cnniforta ot home may be enjoyed: u few tnble boardera will lie taken. Clia) 7TII AV.. OPPOSITE THE KOSSMOKK .),/?? Hotel.?A German widow lady ha* in her own pri vate hnune a few handnomely furnished Ro una to let. with or without Hoard; aaid bonne couluiulug all modern Im provement*. 1 10nulRulu ST.. PHILADELPHIA. BETWEEN X* XO*' Market and Chestnut at*.?Large. airv Rooms, AW, airy Rooms, with first rlaas Hoard; teyms, if 2 to SJ flo per day. Iior, VINE ST.. ABOVE BKoAD, PHIL VDKL iTaJO plua?Furnished Rooms, with breakfast, for gentlemen; central; terms reasonable. 1 610 Mhl>UMFI V^KN?-N 8TkEE*- I'll ILADKL ?'irst class Kooms and Board, for trans ient parties, only ten minutes to the Centoumat Exposi tion by sleant ears, dinner at Hj*. flXJ. A!SCII ST- i'HIL.VDELPlllA? ACCOMMO ?t,v'T T dntions eqnnl to the best hotels lm Centen nial visitors; terms very moderate; location unsurpassed. A FRENCH GENTLEMAN TEACHER WISHES TO find a ko'im and Board lu exchange of French lessons. Address PROFESSOR, t)7 West 35th at. A LARGE ROOM, WITH BOARD; HATH. AC. A D dress RESERVOIR PARK, Herald Uptown Branch oAioe. A Ur^^'.nS^iui^noiV, i a'm * y'wilh!!,, fin ,{{ "cMUIna ?' "?"? tth KX'::0nn- Addro" U H O i u c., He r a lit Uptown 4 laoy, living alonk, having a cheerful J\ hou?e, wi*h?* to meet with a gentleman find wife wnntini: un elegant, quiet home and Ho trd for lady. Ad dre** RKHXKMKNT, Herald Uptown Brunch office. 4 GENTLEMAN ONLY t * AN HAVE, WITH OR ?\. without Board, two handsome front Boom* In private family lip town: nil modern improvements ; splendid locu tion. Audro** Mrt. JAMKH, box 187 Herald Up.own Brunch offlc\ A PRIVATE FAMILY UK I'WO HAVE TWO OR three fine largo Boom* to let, with J ward, U,r sing e getitlemctii; summer price*. Address ii. i . 8., Herald t p town Branch office. 4 LARGE A IKY ROOM: AMPLE ULOBKTS; ALSO iA. hall Boom, with superior Hoar t, for #8 each; Elavil* ted KaiU a> Mtatton near ; everything very desirable. 3H7 West guifi it k PHYSICIAN;* FAMILY WILL ACCOM MoDaIK with elegant Rooms and good Hoard a lady previous to and during confinement; neighborhood iir?t Ha**: strictly prlvato. A duress 1*., box 171 Herald Uptown Branca after. BOARDING. v .i \V l-.sT I S i > 1 - 11 \ N {>,-? ?.M FLY furnished third story Rooms, opposite Park; terms, $|il and $12 for two; single Room*, laulo tin except toitauir ; reference* Boarding for centennial visitors.?corner house; all front rooms: three line* ol car* pa** the .nor; terms $2 hi per da*; reference, ?reen, It.ackv . . t o., Greenwich sb. New York. I,HA*? Poplar ?t., Phil* adeiplda. * G. II. PAIIJBH'K, Proprietor. CI! TV AND COUNTRY HOARD t'O.M IS I NED, NORTH ) dels of |;trah thu'U door oast oi Ale\auder hv.. North New York; 40 minute* **it to Fulton lorry C1KNTKNMAL VISITORS Dh.SiRl.NG AUCoMMODA / nous equal to the best hotels, at very moderate terms, go to private boarding house 2,014 Arch St., J'ltiImieiphi ? ; - itioii tin?urp*?*<*d I.Msi.GA\T SilTK FURNISHLI) ROOMS?PRIVATE j family: superior ? ?*r.unt?iottation; Board it deeircu; reference* exchanged, tai West .'tath st. EpLEt i AN XL Y Kl RnTnIIED Sfct uND FLOOR ROOM ; J j tir*i cia*> Board* private ns.denoe: Murray 111 ii, near at It XV. and ttttll st. ; cheap. Adurcsa box 'i.ftj(i Post office. HARLKM.?Wh.l.L Ft K Moll <%(> KtMJMS, WITH GOOD Board, eun b<' bad tu a healthy location very near the boat* and on*. IM i.a*t 12*th at. Ud.ML fOMKOHTd FOR A FEW BOARDERS IN private .amtlv (American ; hue house; central loca tion. Address NLA f'NLSN, llerntd office. MR*. UuHKRTS offers' MOST DBsTkaBLR Rooms lor the auinni* r neaaon at very reason Hue prices, persoan< nt and trau.?ie?;t, with uud without Ho .rd. 27B. $81 and w.t 4th dr. YEAH ChNTKAL PAVk~ELBOANTLT FVkklsH. O i* itoiu> very low; first c a** Bonfd; private res,deuce j I.* East 78ta ?t.; elegant neighborhood. uear Madison avenue curs. N O ELY FL'RNfsHhU ROOMS TO LET, WITH Board, to a ?.emH m t grntlvmen. ? Mml ?* a panj ?f ,ilie,# ,"r,V " """?al; ' J '? Lie j.xbiinima ? ?' 'I A MIL Ton Ti'lo.\lA?",;<M,-h"n'."ir' U"'- 41 r"' f >11 I,\|). I.fli I V ll\^l?^^?MKla l-URNIBHRD I* Rata** Rnt dlW HuarU, ;term iir,?t J. W. V., 1,.V*I North IW# ??. >1111. VDKi.Fli 1A HOARD MIK VlHIToK.M. I'RiVATE hua?? |.*> miniitc. to ?xhibitinn; cplainlitl location; : ;>erd?j . 2.IBH At?ti tt. pHIl.ADRLr.iiA HOARDING - MUX HROOKK. I.A.K X ef l.AOJ Walnut ,t.. rvnu.vci to 2lt> Weal Kittfahona* ?Utiara; newly lurniihe.l; elagant location. J)II!LAMLLI*HI A UR.STAN.XItL It*iAKDtNtl, SIX I,look. Irom hxpo.ition; atrict!> l .-tcln--, everything ... ; tern.- mi'Octnti', A4d.e., A. I). Ki t M.i.l , .">23 North tttli ,i. I >lilLAI'LLI*lli A BOAHD-DAV UK WEEK; BROWS L alone; tlra: clnai. I.Kil Viae at . near I7tu. pUiLADp.raU BiiARDINtl- vliLS. .-AS DLM AX L 2g- Weat RiMenbonaa aqu ire; Apartment*; uperinr location ; -t' Kiuut* . tu ' 'autenni*.. j>:.RMAM.NT AND liCANSIIST BllAKD FUR M*R r.e I en'i atng.e, ^>1 end f-per day ; e?r> pata tho rtvor tor Cetitounlai. 117 North IUh el., Brat tauuaa above Arch aw, I'hiiadeiphlA COUNTRY BOARD. jWUIRl>iD FRONT ROOM'S, SINOtK OiTnrStfFfSr. O to geutlerann Rati wife; Hoard far una; location and everything Br?t cUu. Addres* II., Harold Uptown Branch ritn. YTAO.tXOIliS 101t HOARDERS. CITY AND COUX ? try, Information free, at TRIPP'S HOaDIXO HOUSE DIRECTORY, aw K?<t 14th ?i. Z?-NEWLY FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR TO LET, ? tilth Board, at summer price*. 53 West 4Hth *t. AT CENTRAL MoKRISa.MA, HARLEM it. R.. TWO ,V gentlemen friends too be OCOtimgodafttd .mil lira; class 1!| .trtl Riitl oil comlorte ul 0 Inline; lorty train* dolly, up ruiI down. Address HOARD, box aOlf tlerdd nflhe. A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER HiTaKDINO TToUmTaT 1V Delaware Water Cop.?Romantic walk* on<1 drives; coquet ground*; fresh egg* and milk ; vegeta lee raised an tlm place Adiire** II. w. HUBBARD, Cataract Home, Dels-are Water Hop, Pa. A T NEW BRIGHTON, STATEN ISLAND.?-LARuE, aW airy Room*. Willi excellent Board. Hi a French family; 7 minute.' woik to Irrry. Apply ot 4 llomiltnn I'ork. LADY WISHK8 an INTELLIGENTUtTli GIRL n? cumponlMi to ber owu cirt nl ten. piauo le-snns in entiled: till* it o r*re chance for it itooil home .ml lie.t of eitre. reference* exchanged. Address L. N. ,M? Cot; ofliee, Nework, N. J. A SUIT Of TWO IIOOMS, OX SECOND FLOOR, , V anil utile tor o an all loinily: nlao h aliiirlo Room ; liouto Minuted In Rulnirb*. on high ground; first clou table. , Ad Urea. II.. box an Po*t oltlee, llackensock, N, J. 4 PRIVATE FAMILY. NICE la Y SITUATED AT xi. Nyoek, on tbe river, ond convenient in both cor* ond boot, w.uibl take it gentleman und wlfo In Hoard ; term*. > per week lor both. Addrek* CUUNIBY, box No. 121 Herald oltlce. A lady, owning a nice place, to minutes XV Iroin Kertr-Rccond street depot, can accommodate adult, or children with Hoard; tnririR reasonable. Addres* Mrs. COYKRKDAM*, Tn-niotit. N. Y. At a larom farm, finely situated among tlte Cat-kills. n lew persons can obtain good country Hoard, witn abundance of milk, rogot,aides, poultry, Ac., at nniiiuroto prices; Inrge rooms : beuutilul scenery, walk* and drives; croquet grounds and plenty of sliailo. Address S. L. SIMI'KINS. Cherry tlrovc House, Leeds, Greene oounty.N. V., or Sirs. 11. T. .NICIIoLsoN, 15Clinton St., Jlrouklyn. A LADY, rwo YOUNG CHILDREN. NURSE. II US band on Sundays, want Hoard pleasantly located fam house, of ea?y access to city. Address, with partlcatar*. ex act price, FAMILY, Herald ofliee. A FEW FAMILIES C.VN HE ACCOMMODATED AT A. XV Forest Dell, Claverack' village, with first class Hoaid and large rooms: milk, trull anil rentable* in abundance : extensive grounds; lino lawn*; good .tabling; the above not a a vti a..i' -1 along tiic iiudsou. Address ,1. A. SIIULTS, Claverack, N. V. 1 CCOMMODATION l-'OR A PARTY OF TWELVE. XV consisting of six large Room*, on Central Railroad of .Sow Jerssy, foot ol Liberty *;., Mo minute* train city and 3 Irom depot, on the wator; apiendnl tie*; good boating, battling and listilng; sail Uouls in atiendunce, free accent modal ion for horse*. Addres* JAMES L. .-l'ENCKR. I'am rapo, X. .1., care ot railroad agent. IT WEST Hit UIHToN, NORTH SHORE STATE Nt Jv Island.?Pleasant Rooms, with Hoard; Irt-sh milk; salt water batbing and boating; reference! exchanged, Apply at Foaulsiii House, Welt Hrightun. 4 FEW PERSONS CAN OBTAIN GOLD HOARD A aud pleasant Rooms i* at a I 'rge lurm house, with lawu and croquet ground; plenty ot shade, Iruit, vegetables, milk and egg*; I" initiates' ? alk Irom depot; H'd minutes from city. For further particulars address WILLIAM ROBERTS, box -14 Monnt Vernon. New Vork. At tarrvtown.?first class board-, house on high ground; tine river view; moderate terms: ref. or-mcea exchanged. Address box 143 l'ost oiUce, Tarrytuwu, 4 ?COUNTRY HOARD, FIRST CLASS; ALL MOD Xv* ern improvements; mountain air; iplcnilid drives; huultliy; gu"tl stabling: term, reasonable. GROVKR liOl'Se., Caldwoll, N. J. A GRAND VIEW OF THE HUDSON?WITHIN TWO hours by New Jersey and Near York Railroad, ten tniti ulo*' walk from statiou : large, airy rooms; stabling sccuin modal ions; private Inutile; terms moderate; limited num ber of boarders tukou. for particulars call at !1 5 Wast 45th St., or address S. sFRI.NOSi'EAD, Stoney Point. N. Y. AT YONKRKK, ON HUDSON 1UVER. HALF HOUR'S ride from New York; privnto family; elegant Rooms; excellent table; high mid ** grottnda; plenty fruii* air I dowers; no hoarders. Apply immediately to FLEM ING, box 49J Post oltlce, Yonkers. A PARTY OF ADULTs CAN OBTAIN BOARD IN private Inmily; 35 minutes from city ana X minutes Irani depot; superior accommodation and flrst clnss tar lc; boating, bntliing and dshlng. Addres* II., box 117 Herald Uptown Brunch oldce. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN DESIRES GOOD BOARD up the Hudson or on tbn sea shore; one hour from the City llall; references. Address M.. box 1.44U Post ulhoe, city. A?PREMIUM POINT. THE FINEST LtlCATION ON ? the Sound, nnd abiolutclv healthy; strictlv first class Board: beautiful heaeb, with ten bathing houses; large grove, theatre: boating, fishing and stabling. References io.iaired. Apply, trout 10 to 3, to Dr. BKOVYN, 134 Wett 45th s*. A FRENCH PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD LIKE ONE or two Hoarders lor tbe summer; house near depot. Addres* J. M., box SB South Orange, N. J. A FEW PEKSOXH CAN BR ACCOMMODATED WITH Board in au old-fashioned farmhouse, one hour from the city by f.rie Railway; terms moderate. Colt on or nd dresa JAMES A. OSHoRN. tiohokus, N.J, GERMAN LADY. HAVING A FINE COUNTRY seat, would nooommouute a party of gciit'etncn with iirnt class Board; large, airy rooms, lialli, Unelocaliou. A.I dross. O. K. B., corner Palisado av., lingue St., West Ho boken, N. J. Board wanted?for okxtlkmak: ivfii] throe children and nurse, between New Vork and i'hila. delpliin, near water. Address 1,. M. L., Herald office. Boabd tux. t?5 per w eek, olfitENT cottage, on New York Bay, two minutes frotn depot, *55 per month. Address i'ost office, Southern Bayonue, X. J. B~Iy shore: L. L?HOARD AND PLEARANT Rooms: good boating and flatting; reference, Address W. B. Ul'RTNi'.TT. Mrs. T. J. OOX. 791 Bill ay.. New York, or Mrs. W. A. PIC KNEED, Hay Shore. Board at riverside, conn.; muff class table; one hour troin New York; bathing and halting; stabling. Address R. A. NEWMAN, Riverside. Conn. Board at MKA.DOW8XDK.11* t, 1 % MILKS from Locust ValieT dopot.? Large fnrtu house; lawn well eliaded; bathing and boating on premises; line sliady walks and drives, lni|iiireolE it. KKaNKLIK. 1JH i'e at I St.. or address CHARLES E. KEEKS, Locust Valley, 1,. I. B~"oa KD?SUM MiIT, N jT; THREE M I.Ni'TES' WALK trout depot, large, airy Knouts, exce'lent table: exten sive grounds; reasonable prices. Apply to Mrs. WARD, Summit. Reference, C. B. Payne, 4?l cliff St., New York. RLLKVUE. ATTLKKOR(>, BQCICM COUNTY, PA.? Two hours trout New York, one from Centennial grounds; a delightful place to spend tile warm inontha Address W. T. SEAL. OAKD IN OUA.NlIK COUNTY. NEW YORK OS farms and In villages, vis.Goshen. Chester. Florida, Wssliinglntiville, Cauiphell Hall, Midtlleiown. Montgomery and llowella. Apply to JOHN II. COMER, No. 9 Murray St. Board the green mountains.?a few boarders can be accommodated in a private lentilr In a healthy location, with puro mountain air. good Board; room-largo and airy, slisdv lawu, pleasant drives, with a variety <>l scenory generally pleasing to per mits desiring a quiet, rural home: releretices c tit lie given from some oi the first fainliles In New York. Arlington is situated on the llarte.n Extension Kutlrnad. 4" ral es north of Imy, ami per. tot,? starting Imm New York at is A XL. p r Hudson River iln-|rnod will reach this place it:lia I'. M.; also a P. XL. and rcnclt here at II dtx 1'. M.. without change ol ears. Address liox .HI Poet otitic. Ets-t Arlington, Vt. BUAKDKK8 WANTJKD-iiioARBStdi CAN KIND ALL the eointorts of a home;largo house, wllh large pittsrn; lieautllnl shade, good wntke and roads; splritdid locstloti; siimmer house on tlta mountain alone lite boarding house; lornllon Itealthi ; hoatd Iroiu #7 to #?; ?> miles from New York; 4 miles from I'eckskill; reference, J. M. Pidgeun. No. hliSouin si.. New York; or address JOHN IV. McLEaN, Putnam Valley, Putnam county. N Y. BOARDCRE W ANTED?IN A Pill VATE~ KKK NC H lamily; house near depot. Address J. M , box Brt Post ofliet. South Orangei v J. Board wanted?is the coi'mhy. krom july 1. by a lady and three child en (aped 17. 14 anil II); litres Rooms required; two of tl.etn must m large and con nect ; will pay liberally for hr-t class accommodations. 'Ad ores-, stating terms per week. J. C. A. box 8,3A?> l'cst ?Mm, New York. B" Tiarii iVir the ai m eh. Wi rTf a prTvate lamily. In a village in Westerly ( niniertient or .Mass;,, chnaetta, is desired for a gentletnsti, wife ami servant; p.ace where no oilier hoarders will he taken p-e erred. Address, staling terms and particulars, W. l>., box |, r>7 Post uliice. New 5 . rk i it \ Board wa"ntrd~by oi Nri.hM\.v "wTkk and two years idd child, wllhlu Itytm les ol'New York. An* diess, lof one week, giving lull parlirtilais. KKA.NKI IN, ileraiil oltice. BovIM' tv\N I'ED-Koi: TWO Yin xu LADIES, ft Y tlie -eaaide; terms moderate. Address, stating particu lars. C. M. K.,.iB7 tlraod av , Itroeklyn. UT^RD. -ITALIAN VILLA. NEAR "filiS DELAWARE ,1) Water Hap; pure air. ttinning water, benntllm seen ry ami light gymnastic*: terms reaaou.iMc. Add less E. L. ?vdu, Bel vide re. V J. BO villi ON I KOToN LAKK.-CAX ACCOMMODATE litre,>r.r four families, with rhildron; noma new ami l.irgc: halting and fowling: JL iniles front h tonal-. Ad ores. WILLIAM lb YKElH'NHUKO. K atom It. / I MM'RY BOARD?Al ItMioVIHt.I.D. V .1, 11R. V suable scroinmo.lal olls (or families and single persons; rooms large and airy ; well .shaded: Use minutes horn tie pots; commutation, fo SOtier month. Address I W. ilOvV. ELL. Particulars at No. 7< M st. i t n boardkrh can kind a plkasant Noil V ' at a larni hours oil tbe Catskllls; a new houso, large giry rooms ; fresh meat, milk, eggs, Ae.; dally cotivcyanee to and ftora Oatskill; terms yd oer week. Knr further par ticulars address II. n. ilOUUri, Cornwallvllle. tin sue cunly. N. T. / tol'N I it yHboARO WANT E D?WI I'll IN TWO Hol'IDs; \J b.itliin . fishing and boating; lowest terms. A<li!rcst k. C. K.. Herald office. i rot NTRY BOARD. ?DESIRABLE RnOMS, " WITH aJ good table; location pleasant, near the ocean: terms in .derate. Address Mrs. V M UOODALK. Water V.I.Is. oatbampton. euffolk county. i~ I tol'N IIIy HOARD AT A KAKM HOUSE -l'LENTY milk, eggs, vegetables, pleasantly located on high mi Eor particulars, call on or adifresi ?. D. s.MIftl, i'eckskill. N. Y. / Tol SNiY BOARD ROCKLAND COLNTl ; EX ' , ceilent table modetatu charges: handsome larm hoaee. Ailllol COOPER, r? Terns, N. X or OLIVER, ltd Broad c / HrUNTKY BOARD AT K A It XI HOUSE, ONE MIl.H " J Inuo village of Red Hank, N J , tor families or others terms moderate. Apply "n premises, tie II. K. Mutt, place, or to It IO MA'S R KoBINMlN, I-'.' I. rooms St.. Ne? York. /TOINTRY BOARD. AT RED BANK, ON Til \.; Nhrewsbu-y. ? T?o pleasant Rooms, with B<>?rd. In I-rivals lamily ; house stiMsted on the hank of the rive l?ne, shady grounds: boating, fishing and batlmiir. A ISS II. B.. box ?>!"? Post ..Oh e. Near Turk. dre i tOCNTRI BOARD. AT XIAPl.KWooD. N. J., BOUTII end of Orange Xleunlatn ? Larg". airv Ronmt. broad pi anas. Spacious prolines, plenty ot shade and goou table; terms m iterate. Address box ttij Pott ohice, Hontb Orange. N. J. / TOl'N! RV HOARD WANTED-WtTHIB 10 OR 1ft V./ to tes nt New X'"rk. hi a gentleman and wile, in - pri vate 'ilsht'ilki family; cam tart renter than style desired; ter-et mtial '.e modo'ate. Address J. J. C., bite *11 I'osi oflle.v. Near Vera. TOINTItY BOARD WANTED-KuR LaDY AND e'ytld on llmlaoa River; t-rms tuu.ler.te. AildteM II. D. (?raid I (down Branch office. c /TOINTRY HOARD At' K\K-OS NEW YORK AND \j New llaren Katlmad. .4 miles from city, half mile Ir.'id <t alien; very dealt able piece; rvlercBOcs. Address box lb Putt olll. e, itye, N. 1. COrJfTRT BOARD. /TcfifjFfltY" boaBiTTr' "tITk fr a\ t h* IToFTk. L. I. ? Modrrn limtin; bmlii, rlo*?l?, P""a t?f?; tortus ift# to >1') par week . b*ihlng. boating and dsn in,-; shade, croquet grounds Ac. Tak, Flushing and North blue Railroad at It A. M to Great Neck Depot. Addreae 4(1 neekumn et. Ciouktry" Tioakd?on Cong island Sound; ) good boating and bathing. Apply at or address 143 Meat 121 at at. /HUNTRYBOARD.?BRICK HOU>E, OVE RLOOKI NO V7 river : all the coiulort* uf a farm ; term* moderate. Ad dress PAUL I AMK.s. stony Point. Rockland county, N. .?r I K. BARTON, 54H>, Hudson ?t. (TOUNTftY BOARD WANTRD-BY A GKNTLKMAN 7 anil ? |r?; Si to i li Orange preferred. Address stating terras, dinner hour, Ac , J. W. u.. Herald ollire. tlOl'NTRY HOARD WANTED BY TWO YOt'NO ) eoiiplea, one lionr from New York; terrna moderate. Addreaa (1. A. H.. HJli Warren at., Brooklyn. S. Y. noostry iii?akD.?at a fakm ?i< ?rsi7f vvououm V7 from the Grand Central; l'> ni ?ttt1 walk fr m llie depot; Suiner s Centre; 10 minute* to Lake Mahopac; a ehiinee for going and rclurniug four time* a day ; high ground, shady and health*, stabling aocoramodatlon*; term* 31 Hiid jtl |ier week. (Tall utt or aildre?* Mrs. KAKAlI WRIGHT, Komer*' Centre, Wrsteheator county. N A'. C" tATSKILL MOU N T AIN S. ? HO A K1> AT FARM HOM8, 7 near tiie Clove ; fine roada, beautiful *"onery; trout stream at the door; term* reasonable. Andre-# JOHN S. oYKRHAUUIl, Voarrvville. l ister c-uniy, N. Y. CNAUMtm*.*. kioiNiains? hoard atTilkn cot 7 tape, near Mountain llouae aii'l falls; terms moderate. Address O. GLhNNON, CaUkill. Reference, D. t'urley, 13 Centre at. C'tUUN TRY BOARD -ON ~ UK It K S H liUf "? OUNTaF XM ) on dairy (arm : surrounding* rellrod end beautifnl: Aral rinse private table end train11> accommodation#, milk, cream, eggs, Ac.; large, airy room*, line shade and fishing. stabling. Adnlta, $7; children, tf.'l. .1. Wht.CS, and A. Railroad atatlun. at Cheater. (lOl'NTKV BOARD AT MoUST T'T. K A S A NT. N. .1.? 7 Fine lann hou*c, pood table, fre*b meat*, fruit* and vegetable# ami comfortable rootna: terra* .r< a week. Ad Urea* WILLIAM A. ACKKRMAN. Allendale, itcrgen ronn tv, N. J. I'urtica met at depot by sending word. Itelerouce, T. M. Harris, Nassau Insurance Company, 17.') Broadway, x. y. CIOUNTKY BOARD.?First class hoard CAN BE 7 oi,tainud at a farm bouse in Rockland county, half mile Iroiu Northern Railroad of NewJeracy, by upplvlug to 11. W. AVKRKLL, 22 Gold St., or JOHN L. BLAl'VKLT, Monsey, N. V. / fOUXTRY BOARD K(iR FAMILIES OR SINGLE l'KK \J sons at moderute prices, one hour'* distance Irom Now York; liouse large ond airy ; lucatrd on the Bound; gronuds delightfully shaded : boating and flailing. Address J? D . BlytUe House, itarrutto's 1'oint, Hunt's l'mnt station. West cheater county. CIOCn7rV BOARD, AT CRANFUKU, N. J., 51 Mill J nte* from foot of l iberty *t. hy Central Railroad of Now Jaraoy.?-IIoum ha* all the city Intprovemelita; plenty of fresh milk and country produce ; boating and tubing: large prove ; five minutes'walk Irom depot: terms d-7 and ipS. he ?renre?W. A. Lawrence. 12H Pearl st.. Now York. Apply to or address Mrs DUBOIS. /1oi'Ntry "noMiiT-i" clash, in privath *7 laniily, at Wiiinpu* Lake, near Mount Kiseo. Harlem Killroud; mountain air, Irnit, shade, boating. Ac Aduresa Mr*. K. BARNARD, Ariuonk l'oat oilico, VVoatoheatcr county, K, Y. C~ T6 UN Tit Y~BOARD OAjh" PI tfiUX AT 'THE LARGE J house and vxtenalve farm ol Darld Glbb. Central Yalley. Orange county ; forms uioderuto; diatanco 47 miles Iroiu New York, Krie Hlmrt Cut Railroad; this valley is 1.6U.1 leet above tidewater. Address DAY1D OlBB, Cen tral Valley. Orange county. /NOUNTKY BOARD AT A P^M HO^hR TWO H0UR6 V' tram city by Central Railroad of New Jersey; plonsnot and liealthy loo.iuuii; pood table, plenty of mux. fruit and vegetables; grove and carriage drivel; term*. $7 per week. Reference, 21) hast Oth st. A duress A. B. VoN hl.EKT, North Branch, N. J. . CIO UN TRY l)OA KD?AT A FARM HOUSE, MILES 7 Irom Mouut Klsen; large, airy rooms, plentv id shade ; terms moderate. Address h. s. LEK, box 41 Newcastle (N. V.) Post office. C100NTRY BOARD.?GOOD BOARD FROM ffl TO $10 7 per week at Armouek, Westchester county, N. Y.; ci.nntry oeautifnl. nlr beaitbful and invigorating; no chills. Address V. t?. BO A KU, Ariunnck. N. Y. Further iulornia tlon can be had at 33 Irving place, city. (NOUKTRY BOARD?CAT.HKILL~ MOUNTAINH; CITY 7 table; seven imur* from New York; splendid fur fuiu Ille* and chlldrun. Mrs. HATFIELD, Griffin's Comers. Delaware county. Reference?Thomas Miller, ll.Vi Oth av. (NOUNTKY BOARD-THREE HOURS" UF~'FhK HUD 7 *"n; plenty of shade; large; mountain air; no mosunitocs; terms $0 to Fliotot nrrani initocs; terms $0 to $->. Flintoprapb of place aud iipnmenta made at 100 Henr.v at., Hrooklyn. (TOUNTRY BOARD, TWO HOURS FROM GRAND 7 Central depot, via New Haven Railroad.?The house in bi autiiully located on high ground, overlooking the water; very henlthy: extensive plums; pleasant lawns, tvi-ll sliaded; salt water bathing, lioatin-j, llshing, Ac.; term* moderate; references; stabling. Address A. P.. box Herald offico. tlOUNTRY BOARD?IN A PRIVATK FAMILY FOR ) two or three married couples at Hilladale. Berg-n County, N. J., one hour from Chambers St.; large Rooms and good Hoard. Call on or address R. C. M AChLKA'i'il, 1N8 William st. CTountry board.-one large" one"~rmall ) Room, with flrst clasa Board, at gentleman's resilience, one rnilo tram station; 35 minutes from 43d st., ou New Haven Road: terms, $10 per week: stabling. Addreaa box 211 Mt. Vernon, Westchester county. CYOUNTRT BOARD?AT SAO HARBOR, L. I.?MRS. / Julia M. Wade Is prepared to make arrangements with parties desiring H .ard, having a house with large rooms and ample grounds, hern and stabling. COUNTRY BO A MONO TH B IlIUHK^F PEAKS J of the Catskill mountains; 3 ininules' wala troiii ihowp's station depot, on the Ulster and Delaware Railroad, upon a large farm; 1 minute's walk to liebing ground; house large, anu airy rooms; large, shady yard; largo verauda: a good table ;;daily malls; good hunting grounds: terms. *0 per week. Address ALBERT BROWN, Brown's station, Ulster county, N. Y. CYOL'NTRY BOARD-AT NYACK. ON THR HUDSON, J in private house, near the depot. Refer to A. .Mr KEKTERS, 181 William st DI-.SIRaBLET'ARTIKSTiNLY, MARRIED ANirsfx glo, can have unsurpassed accommodation and table; AO minutes Erie Railway. Address EAIRBANK, box 124 llerald office. }~Mil/. ABKTII. N. J?SELECT "FAMILY, COMPOSED 1 of gentleman and wife onlv. will receive two or three persons to Hoard; location excellent; four minutes' to depot. Address R. B.. Herald ofllrn. Fine board can be obtained-r.s prTyZtk family, at Danlmr.r. Conn. ; hath, closets and splendid spring water through the honse; grounds ilnc; good -tabling; boose large; only short distance from depot. Address box h48 I'ost office, Danbury, Conn, FrsT clash" COUNTRY HOARll-WITH RbAL home comforts and unnsuully large and pleasant Rooms, can he obtained from date. In a large modern built house on a farm live minutes fiom depot, where all trains step, aniohg the mountains at Turner's .Station, Orange county. N. Y.. 47 miles trom city; Eric Railroad: plenty of everything that larm produces: unusually healthy: no mosqultoe*. Address N. 11. STARKWEATHER, Turner's, Orange county, N. Y. 1>TlSl CLASS HOARD AT A ~KAKM iToT'SR In " Dutches county, a little east of Pougbkaepsle. on line of Dutchess and Columbia llailrond, one utile from depot; high ground and mountain air: plenty milk, cgvts, poultry, fresh vegetables, trulls In season: ice i eferences?II. Are s m, HUB Centre st.; Snow A Carver, 28 South st. : or address E. 11. POTTER, Mountain View House, Moure's Mills, Dntcheia county. N Y. Fllivr CLASS COUNTRY HOARD, NBA R CITY; private family; terme moderate. Address ALLAIRE, box 101 Herald office. TAA RM~I fo I IS K? NEWLY*" Kl UK XIHH E I); TROUT >fVH. I? Ing. game forest; heating on river and lakes; accom modatfnns unsurpassed. city reference. Address JOHN KASMITII, East Davenport. Delaware county, N. Y. XjllKKTcl vss country* hoard in wkstciiitSfSri r on the Sound : one hour trom city lir boat or cars, bath ing, boating and fishing; boats and bathing booses treat terms ri1'i'c truck* Address MOLLOY, station L tjttMT CLAM HOARD AT CRANDVIKW, ON THE ' Hudson, below Nyack ? (In the river and ncsr depot; private family; good s'ablinc. milk, frutt. boats ami bath ing on the premises: rolorences. Address box. S.lhiO Post office, New Y'ork. / a ooD HOARD A MONO THR MOUNTAIN!! Of \T Orange county.?Pleasant rooms, large grounds, very healthy, good stnhlin.'. references. Ac. : I' j hon's from New Y'ork ; 10 tniniues Irton station. Adilress r?. TITCH, Ceulr tl Valley, Orange connty. N". Y*. /AO.,It HOARD ON A KAIIM IN STONY POINT. ON VjT the line of the New Jersey and New Y'ers Railroad, wiihln I"' minutes' walk of depot: plenty of shade, fruit ami vegetables; flu- view ol the Hudson. Apply at 3d7 West 4*tb st. on Monday, after 10 A. M. ami Tnestiav till 2 P. M /aood boaudinT; mayIik-i?iifaiifi:i?'at a faIim AT house I" tne country; first class aecommodaiions nnd delightful sltnutlon. Tor refercnee Inquire of C. K Harts horn. nowar. st.. New York for particulars aduress LEWIS LK KEVKK, Oardluer. Ulster county. N Y. /AKXTLKMEN OR LADIES CAN OBTAIN cool) VT H-ard. pleasant Rooms, private family: terms mod erate ; rcfernrts cvehanged Address C. A. W.. Oraege. N. J. n'ooii HiiAitii can h: had at a farm three \T n.ll"s f ton Ramsey, on Erin Railroad, nor moun tains; ve y health*. Address W. B.. bo* 12. Itnm>?r. N. Y" CA REBNWICII, CO\N -l',|RRT CLAS" ~ BOARD; T plenty ol shade ; boating and bathing, sh. rt walk from ilepot and host landing. Address Miss MITCHEK, Delano Cottage, (ire. nwlrb nAVINO m ITABLB BOONS AND BKlNfl DEnTiiA bly locst. d. would take a iew Hoarders lor the turn tner on rcn-onable terms near l'e-onle Waters tiiit ,v nuYYKLL Itiverhead. l ong Island. IN II I' V I T I IT I. LOCUTION. ?.N CON N KCTICT T Hirer. in IValpole, *i,-w Han.pshirr. near Hellnws Kalis. VI.: noted iron ani snlpltnr springs on lbs place , new house with large, pleasant Rooms: everrthleg first class; p* to flR per week Apply to J. C. YVIN'Cll, 4vO West 2t?th st., New York. JERSEY CITY.-si'LKNDtb ROi IMS. W irll OR WITil out Hoard, at 1 M tirui.d street. Jersey City; six min utes from terries. . KtUTKRhKILI, CI.O VP H?>AKD KlliiM To Jl'i tier week ; reduction to those remsinin - the entire season A.lnresa J. T. WILLI8TON. I ulcnviile. (Ireene connty, N. Y. , I UNO HKAnc|| ? I'Ai H's COTrVoK. CHRLRKA J iv . near hotels, beach an I dsp t, has been tlinr. 1 oughiy renovated and Is now open : excellent talde; terms j mmiprate . stabling, Ac I ttNO III; \ N ? ,1 HOARD <'N OCEAN AVTj DR. J j light tally and desirably situated: terms reasonab e; I table unexceptionable. Mrs II. II ROW.N. King's Cottage, | Long Branch, or 14 West rt J?t st Tunc, h ranch "LLaSanF rVmems'to lki, wini J Hoard, on Morris as , between 2d an 1 3d aw ; the br.t 1 ol relerei.'-e can be given. T AKh Sr A R AM A U11. - k VERY PLEASANTLY SITU I \j sled Hon-e. overlovking a' lake; excellent table; good boating, (lulling, Ar terms fS. 'or reference Inquire of E. A. WRIiillT, Tt'Hsesltl. h'or particulars , address L O. SHELDON. New Preatnn, Conn. I- 'OXO BRANCH - LEVY* T't ITT viTe, ?'HI LSKaTavT, J n-arO eau Commodious Rooms, gas, Ac., with (list j ci i' Hoard; eiuMtng. Apply as ahoee, or N. W. HLOAs, ; VT IJberts ?t. ______ Maple ijlwn, with rw nttvMoDion.M iiousr and apacieus aioisi. emu mantling slews positively I licalthv air; g"neroue tabiu snd terms ; hare always gran liedgiie>te: accommodate 26 . beet references; Sfi miniitee hs llarl m fttsad; one qnarler mile from depot. Address box 1".Y Poet odlee, Ketauah. N. t . A| It."*. CAMP AND Mi>s ANDREWS HAVE TAKEN jtl one of the most delightful and attractive plares at the Highlands at Neverslnk and sre prepared to make arrange ! nientf with a few more families for the summer. a Sue stable i on the premi'cs for the free n-e of permanent guesie. Ad dress as aiiove. ! V KIV ftin llM.i.E COUNTRt HOARD. WITH KH'H I JJM for f>*-r*r?n^; hnuw n?*w urifl rrtmplMe ; Hnn l ?r?ommiHlntimm Inr h?>r*?"i' 15 mlfiittcf. ln>m <*? Ad | dr?M U. C>, bo& a\o. 2 !'??( oflic?, M0iaatye-ecA, COW?TRT BOABO. mr'108106%'; s. l-onk famim' ak rwf* ? ' gentlemen can obtain superior ?w?mmo atlons in * delicbilully located private rwMtnet, It* Mtntd from 'iiinllnalso fun islied ('Ottawa to let. Adfirtis# box I'7 t'oat office, New Brighton. VTKw hbiouroiC-tatkn"island.?on" hioh ix mono Terrace. third hou?e wert ol I'erlllon Uml. Hr?t data accommodations; hosting, bathing. Milliard table. Ad dress IIAYKS. Herald offioe. VTYACK UN TliK Hlt)S< lN.-GKXTI.KMEN OR FAM ^ i lllr*, wishing good board, ea" obtain the aame at the Washington House, but Ave minutea' walk Iroin station! will have all the attention to render comfortable. A Idrcaa box 231 Povt olhee. _ 0"i:ani;k"mouktair. maplewood station. 7<> minutea from eltv and fivs minutea' walk from depot.? Larue farm house , plenty o| shade . good a?coinniodatloti. Address II. A. 3., box 132 Post office. South Orange, N. J. OranokTn J.-PLEARaNT mil IMS. WITH HOARD! on Main St., next St. Mark's church; references ex changed. ORANGE MOUNTAINS, ORANOB.?PARTIES DE siring Board at the alaivo pine- can I'-arn particulars by addressing 173 Columbia Heights. II rooklyu. ORANGE. N. J? Bill 427??Labor" ROOMS. "TiTiOD table, shade, fruit, vegetables. extra, good stabling; high and healthy; terms $5. #?;. y7 a week. f) AHTIKS w'lsi UNO A P LHASA NT IIOMB ~t~AN ~KIN 5 L it at Plensantville: one hour from city. Harlem Hall road; Ore minutes from depot; honse situated on high ground, in centre of large lawn, with abundant shade: no inoauultoea: terms very moderate. Particulars of CIM HKKDK, *72 Broadway, or address U. WINSIIIP. Pleas antvilln. Westchoter county, X, Y. Pkiv.vtf. pa Mi ly7 deld 1 hWitlly~~Loc atkd on the Hudson, would rent pleasant alrv Bourns, with an pcrior Board, to l!r?l class parties only ; good boating, shade and lawn: 25 minutes from .'lOtb at. depot; references. Ad orers B , room H2 No. 24 Park place. Prospect point, on thF b^nd. bo minutes from city, via New Haven Railroad; hoatlng. bathing, llshing; large grounds.will shaded ; unquestionably healthy; terms reasonable. Call on or address t). K. P., 42 Pine St., room 13. PLAIN OOUNTBY HOARD OAK BE HAH AT MOTT'S Cottage House, near Artist Lake; plenty of fresh eggs, milk. Ac.; half an hour's drive from sen shore; healthy lo cation: answers received fur two weeks or uiorv. Address .Mrs. .IIMNNA MO IT. Coram, L. L PABTIKS CAN KIND GOOD ACOQMMODAtlOKS KOR the season with a private family.?Hons" large and airy: high groundt: good shade: scenery unsinpitssed; car riages, croquet, fishing, Ac. Reference -T. K. Beanlsley, Esq., No. 173 West st. Kurthsr particulars addrsss HOME, Unmhurg. N. ?). PARTIES DESiRlNG OOOD BOARD AND""HLEAB aut Rooms, with water view, can apply to Mrs. WOLK, Shore road. Port Kichmond, ritntru Island. Ql iOiUEm.-III)AKD IS lirK viLLAGK OP (juogue. on south side of Long Island; surf battling, uoating, fishing, gunning, Ac.: terms per week?Adults, -10; children. At;. For further particulars inquire of N. (J. FOS TER. Ml Broadway, or M. E. GRIFFIN, Qtiogue, colt my, S. V. be Mil Kit BOAK0 IXfHi tmVKTAINB. AT MOUNT O Pleasant, I'lster county. N. Y. ; on the Ulster tt'sil Dela ware Itailrosd. 20 miles from the city of Kingston; post idhce, telegraph and express office at the house a modern built house, with broad | laxsna; large, utry rooms, with high ceilings and handsomely furnished to accommodate 75 hoarders; ternts AO to per week; reference. J- Rider, Nos. 5 and 7 Dev street. New York. For other particulars address H. A. HE f OltK.31. Longyoar Post office, U 1st or county, N. Y. Q E A SI D K~SoAR I > A f~" RIIRKWS BURY. NEAR LONG O Branch; also furnished Cottages, with Board. E. DARRiiW, Ocean*. S.J. CHReWsBURY RIVER.?BOARD IN A PRIVATE O family. H. W. YKKXNOTON, Oceanic, Monmouth county, N. J. SARATOGA RPRIN^R.?COUNTRY BOARD, 2^ inilt't west of Saratoga Springs; place beaiitiftHly situ ated on sn eminence; modem Sense: large shadv lawn, piaxsas; croquet ground : abundant table, larni luxuries; snring water brought to the house; omnibus twice dally to Saratoga: I a re 25c. round trip; terms trout $8 to $l(x Ad dress box 1,2UH Post office, Saratoga Sprltfgs. QARATOOA.?EflfcRT OlAUft BO A KD CAN BB HAD O during the summer In a Jewish family. For parlicu lars call at HO St. Mark's place. qbahidk hoard desirbd by two ladies and O two children, aged 15 and 11; price about $18 a week. Address M. H., Herald office. QTATBX ISLAND.?A FEW B0ARDKR8 CAN FIND O excellent accommodation in a private family; bouse new and newly furnished; ou wntcr: bathing, limiting and In hi tic. Inquire on Bay st., third huidltig, one door north Of Captain Still Well's, or D. R. HITCHCOCK, SI Broadway. S'UMMBR ~BOAKI1?OjT BrKKSHIRB *01 NTAIN; j reasonable rate*: private family Addross Mrs. S. P. FRENCH. Peru, Mass. S~taHfobd, oonn.-a raw rooms vaoa~nt in modern bouso; most fashionable locality ; terms inod rrate. Address U- F., Stamford, or L. L, 345 Broadway, room 10. T'rNAKLY, n. J., VIA NORTHERN RAILROAD ? Good Rooms and first classs Board, nca depot and churches. WM. B. SlODDART. WO OR THREE 111bAKDKKri ~\VILL FIND EXCEL" lent home, private family, on the Hudson; fruit, shade, pleasant walks: terms $8. Address Mrs. GEO. II. ELLS WORTH, Madalin, Dutchess county. 6 RENT, WITH BOARD?l-IX LARUE. AIRY, FRONT Heonts, In a hotel fronting one of the most beautiful parks in the country; gas. bath and bells. For particulars address C. M. DOOLITTLE, proprietor. Scovllf House, Waterbury, Conn. . TO LET?SEVERAL PLEASANT ROOMS. WITH Board, in 0110 of the muni desirable situations in Slum lord. Conn.; Ave minute* from depot: ground* bcMiititiil)? thtided. Apply tilt trie premises, Soa.h st., near Willow, or 32 Went 14 th ?t.. New York ehy. XJjl ANTED?AT A MODERATE PRICK, HOARD POR ft young man and wife, in Vonker*. In a small private family; no other hoarder*; about ten minutes' wain from depot; high ground, commanding a view of tho river, pre ferred; best relorcnce* given. An?wer at once, stating price, to F. E., 12 Kn?t ."i7ili St.. New York city. WANTED-COUNTRY HO AMI) AND GOOD HOMB. ineluding washing, for two boys, s and IS year* old Addre**. stating terms, if., nox I.HN7 Post office. New York TIT*tiiTEO?COUNTRY' BOARD NEAR NEW YORK. y? for gentlemnn, wife, child 19 months, nurse, Jersey preferred; convenient to depot; private family; l.tgh grounds and healthy locality; terms moderate. Address, stating particular*. YOUNG COUPLE. Herald office. \\T IT 11 IN "TWO MM. E8 (IK Cult N WALLOON THE ft Hudson. Ave mlnntes irom depot; new house: Hue, lurge Rooms; term* moderate. Address W. M ANY, Vail s Uate. Orange eeantjr. N. Y*. ?nrANTED?AT A FARM HOUSE, DISTANCE NOT TO ft exceed 40 miles frrm tlie eliy. good suhsiantial Hoard for a family consisting of ladv. seven children, servant and gentleman on nnnday: mnuntniiious location prelerred; will pav 0>O per week; no net ice will be taken e> answers unless full particulars are stated. Address R. H? box 1.U53 Post office. iirANTK1N?HOARD IN' A HEALTHY LOCALITY, ft wi.ltlu two hoars'ride of city, w tli plenty of shade and lawn: one large Room and good Bonrd for two adults. Answer, with full particulars. B.. HR West lllh st O UK 4 ADL*LfSTcAX OBTAIN UOOD HOARD AT A 0 larm house pleasantly located, on Harlem Railroad; f>0 minutes Irom 42d st., three minutes from depot; terms mod erate, no other hoarders. For particulars apply to C. P. SHERWOOD, 234 Water St. t* ') "TO *?"> PER WEkTk FOR COUNTRY BOARD FOR O children; instruct it if desired; pleasant and large grounds. UOKOVfcICS Homo School, Old Bridge, N. J. ?Wk" ~M INt.'TEs FlTOM FOOT t?F LIBEBTY- S fT? gjYJ Large Rooms to gi'iitlemeu ; boating, bathing, lislt ing; terms 00 to 08. Address hux.42 Post office, tireeuvillc, N. J. SlMMKIl REDOUTS. -KiRBsf" MR'oVK "ilOL'SK; WATER, OAS throughout; billiard lal.le; hoelthlest. most delight 1 til Slimmer resort; contiguous to New Yoik; hich grounds overlooking the Sound: fine lawns, beaultlmly,shaded; ere <|um, boating, bathing. Ashing: accessible hv hoat; only V of hour Irom Fultou ferry: llarieut Railroad to Melrose l.'i minutes; com.unto lor ; terms moderate. Address FOREST U-.OVK HOITofc, Melrose, N. V. ___ FAMILY" HOTEL. ORANGE MOUNTAIN, ONLY six minutes' walk from Mountain station ; iK> tninutos Irom New York: large Rooms, with gas; seven baths. hot and cold witter : veranda 200 feet: 2<> acres in low u : foun tain and garden ; carriages; late dinner. Wrl'e lor circular. Addr-s* MOUNTAIN llol SH, south. Orang.-. N. J. i ? PALMADR ffOl'MH. ENGL oYOOD. N. NEAR 2:\.? depot, 43 minutes from New York?npactoiis Rooms, well ventilated and new ly Inrnisaeit; line drives. Ae.; terms very low ClIILTOX A Whl.l.S, Prnprieter. A r glen COVE". L. L-PAVILION* iTo'IKI, is NO A' Y open: comninnieatinn by steamboat seawanliaka front Peek slip and leing Island Railroad Irom Hunter's Point; splendid bailing, bathing and boating: terms reduced lor this season. Send for lllii-trnted circular. SAM(EL M. WEEKS, Man"per. a c'KErLy iioFsK no it i n p< >nr.~ u I.?i-Cbas J\ antly 'sitnated. on the Anest harbor on Long Island; good Still water bathing, rowing sailing. Ac.; no bar; terms 0* per week. JAMKH At'KERLY, Proprietor. AddisonIiourk. middlkruky, v*.; among tup. iireen Mountains, nine hour* from New York: Central Vermont Kal way ; throngh parlor car; b sutllnl drives; magnificentscenery; fine trout and other shing; no moa i|tntoos, CLARK N. BOO FIELD. Proprietor. \ ?JKNk~l Nsi'tN'A nil IKL. H IG H L AN 1>S, N. NOW , open: ac-ess liy the Long Branch line froni pier a North itiver, and by steamers .-ea Hird end Helen, foot ot Franklin st. JA.MEn Jr.NKINSON, Proprietor. A. B each iiourk. ShA <11KT. N. J., NOW OPEN. L. V. MALTBY. Bath hotkl, bath, l i.?within one hour hy boat or rail; splendid boating, bathing ann Ashing; a Cottage, containing nine rooms, to let on the premises 0. A. BUNTING. Proprietor. BLAKK OOTTAOK, WHITEN TON K. LONG ISLAND - Bosrdin private tamity, rooms overlooking sound; I shaded lawn reaehing to beach; halhing; stabling; !re*h ? mi k and vegetables; host Irom J gates slip and thirty loiirth street lorries connecting with ears liourb front Hunt, t ers Point. Particulars Mr. lll'TCH 1NSON, 72 Water st., j up stairs. JKI.LKV1LLi-., N J.. HOTEL.- SToNE HO' RE; J rooms large; HV' foot piassa; lawtis, garden, fruit, ade. bathing hoatinc, Ashing and barns, tlireo Hues or ira. and depot witinn four block -. miles out: pric-s low, 1,1 I e l.est CHARM'S COLBATH, bug 2,420 Post Ace. New York. (40N0KESS HALL. j Saratoga .Springs. Thl* olegant hotel, possessing the unequalled advantage of being situated between and ad)> uting the celebrated ( unities* and ilatliorn springs, wilt reopen lor lb, recep tion oi gne>t* June I Terms. JBl pet week lor Jit tie Thoroughly renovated, with additional hath* closets, new furniture and other extensive Improvement* It will be foun t, by those in weareh of health and pleasure, the most complete and convenient as welt sa the most dili-;ht'ul of summer hotel*. IIATHORN A COOKE, Proprietors, "pHRtSTIR MANSION." PENNSYLVANIA AV.. Y^ Clifton, R. 1., directly on Narrows ?Boating anTI bathing on premises, several seres, shade, fhslt, Ac.; terms moderate. /1LIFTON REACH COTTAGK, GREENWICH. CONN? " J 23 utiles from New York by New Haven Railroad, com pletely fnrntslied: bathing, b .aiing, ilstiiug. rent low. W11,MAM HEATTY . I'ortchi str r. K. T. CTOOFER HOUHL COOPERS TOWN, N. V.. FOOT OF of J Sep., l.ake, will open Jnne 2i, 1RTP. Address as above, or plana of toe house may be seen and Rooms encased at the Coleman House, 27th it. and Broadway, New York. Boerd, 01R to 02.N per week. W. B. Cl LEMAX. Proprietor. /TLARKNIXYK, OCKA.s AV., M?KO BRANCH, newly painted and renewated, tw now open aa a Brat ei.sss private hoarding housa, at Baederatepr Ires fovpcrtn a neat or transient guest*. Mm m- ?- mtmA.11* f RrtMKR RlS SORTS. ! fL/T?r re v.t SI Ufa oU h~e. 5B f Vy skill. two miles from Catskill village ; first elass bouse; I??rir** romn?: good boating. bathing and fishing; boat* true; bountiful table; $KJ m $15 i?-r week for July and August: Juno, JO per cent oil; stutdinz: reference* gl>??; mull dallv. II S ECKI.KU. Cslekili, X. Y. COZ7.KNB' HASn foK UOUSK, >TAM FORD, CONR.? ti.?? end witter In evcrr room; high ground ; perfectly hculthy; fin* drive*; good bathing. /11ti)ET HOUSE, GARRISON'S. IN TlTli MIDST OP W tile Highlands. 000 feet abov* the llndson; pure m?nu tit'll eirj Rue stabling; term, moderate. Address a* aboro. /II. IKK IIOI -I. ON r 11K fllK hi: till I "NO \J l.lnoil SouihI, one mile from Rve Million ? Pine b:ith Inir. boating and Hatting; lieallh, comfort, economy ram liincil; truly a summer home: no chlil*, no malaria, in m?eqnlt<M's; 24 train* dally. Till* layorlt* family hoime open* Jnifnl; ucrorumodH)ion* for hor*es, carriage*. serv ant*. Ac. Address ULlFr' HOUSE. Kve, Westchester county, N. V. nELfoiitknr7"Sum mkk rksokt?near ijkda wnre Water Cap: romantic walk, and drive*: croquet ground*: aliundaiit table; good society; term* $4 to $10. Addreae WILLIAM F. BUSH. box lb I'o?t i.Bioe, Kaal Stroudsburg, l'a. T.1 AtiI-KSWOtiD PARK ? HOTF.Io MUimTPUIiLI Ji situated on the Cardan River, at Perth Atnboy. X. J., midway to long llraucli; flo luinuta* by rail, foot of ljoerty at. : flne crouud*. shady drive, and walk* and charming kcener.v: iiathiinr. boating, ll-hinc. Ac.: fainllie* and other* seeking retirement, quiet aun freedom, at reasonable price*, will And till* to lie a mo*t desirable place. Clrculai* and particular* on application. Address JaMF.8 WAKKbN, Proprietor, hagleswood. I'erth Auiboy. N. J. "1^ V K K? II IK 1 X OIHIVK lioUsiT CATS KILL MOSS. J?J tai".*.?Till. liou?? i? now open, having been recently enlarged and newly furnished. being located one mile south oi Cairo village, and po.a '?.ea all tlio attraction* of scenerr. beautiful drive. shade. tout balling, h thing. Ac,, that can l>" deaired, References, K. Clark. No. 8u4 8th ??. KnaojPs drug store. Hudson, corner of Kiiijg; or addre** 0. KICK. Cairo, lireenc couuty. X. V. IjlAK HOCKAWAY, I-. L?ON AND AFTER JUNE 15, Klin*' Hotel will receive guest* tor the season. J. FOBS. Forest house. bitdd'h lake. n. j.. two hours from New York via Morris ?nd K??ex Railroad.?Term* Irom $12 50to *17 6U A. BROWNBON. Proprietor. Frki m 5*er "riousK," middle bp rc. s y-about Ml boarder* can tie accommodated at from $7 to $10 a week: liefItliful location; dtllghtliil mountain and valley aeener.v : fl*hinir and hunting: commcdlon* room*; excel lent table: b' sting and c roquet within 2tW yards of the house: just the place lor city boarder*. FOREeT LAWN 1IOTKI., COLD SPKIN'O ilARBOR. L. I.?House nnd furnitnro new ; laming fishing and bathing: dell litful drlvs: acres of beautiful lawn and shade; healthy and Invigorating atmosphere: no roosqul toea: unexceptionable tare: term* moderate; stabling for horses, Ac.: HO miles ront city by Dong Island Railroad. H. W. HKMARB. HEATH HOUSE. Schooler Mountain Spring*, X. J. Thi* moat delightful and healthy ol all summer resort* It now open; only hour* Irom New York, pure monntalt air: great attraction Circular* lit "he Colomun llonsa Broadway and 27th ?t.. where Mr. Coleman can be see* every Wednesday, from 12 to 2 P. M. COI.KMaN A CARRIQUE. IIBK JtTY ~HOUBE. LIBERTY. SULLIVAN COUNTY, J X. Y.?On Midland Railroad.honrs from New York: ? pleasant anmmer reaort: will neromrandate a few boarden at moderate priees: cisv reference furnished If desired. Km particulars uddrcs* U. L. MESSITKR, Proprietor. I KNOX HOUSE REMAINS OPEN DUK1XO THB J winter. IE X (>X HOUSE. GREENWICH. CONN.-FIRRY J clnas in every partlcuar; absolutely healthy: no mos quitoes; central ADOLPH RUTJES. TO NO BKANCGT?T MAS E LEG ANT A X D C( )M M ODl" J mi* private reaidence. situated on Bath avenue, within live minute*' walk of beach, kn"wn a* the 8. T. Myr* Cot tage, is now open for the reception of permanent and tran sient Ouest* for the summer: extrusive grounds; lawn, shade, fruit. Ho were, croquet, rustic arbors, Ac,: carriage to bench for bathing frco; terms moderate. Address box 13fl Long Branch Post 1 flicoe I" A TOURBTTE HOUSE, BERGEN POINT. N. J? J Thirty minutes from Liberty st.: liberal terms math with families amt gentlemen desiring to stay the season. J. BOWMAN. Proprietor. IONG BRANCH. OCEaN AV.?"CHILD*' COTTAGE, < J between United State* and Pavilion Hotel*;'elegant Kooni*. with strl tly first class Board, stabling, Ac. Mansion nousfc. "rciblyn, "lono island?first clas* hotel; ocnntlfnllv located . rooms large; splendid grore; boating, llshlng. bathing: flne stable; no innsqnitoaa; one hour from Hunter's Polut; steamer from Peck Slip; terms $10 per week. J. GIVEN8. Mountain" house, rocklano lake, is now open for the accominodntion of hoarders: the bouse It beautifully situat 'd^ a good table, bunting and Halting; par ticular at t' ntion given to children: term* reasonable. Ap ply to J. DALY. Rockland Lake, N. Y. Norwood" hou?k.~N(>R"woob~ n. j? "20 miles from Xew York.?100 rooms: spring water; high grounds; shade; near depot; prices low. Apply to F. T. KEITH, Pronrletor OSCAWANA lake- HOUSE?ON THE BEAUTIFUL lake of that ttsme. in the ntountslns. above the Hud son : hunting, ft*h!ng. shooting, term* $10 and $12 per wvek: reference, Rushnell A Albright, 287 Broadway. ABI .1 All LEE, Proprietor, Pveksklll, N. Y PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SUMMER BKSORT? Island Park Hotel, Snmmcrslde, nn on Island: 140 nerrs: beautifully wooded; connected br I rry steamer; sea bathing. Ashing, puro air, oysters, horsos. carriages, bouts; terms $2 per day; open 1st June. J. L. HOLM AN. Proprietor. ARKY HOUSE. AT HIOH LAND TaLLS, ON THE Hudson, near West Point, open* June lit; term* rea?on able. WILLET PARRY, Proprietor. P" A LIS A DBS MOUNTAIN HOUSE. KNOLKWOOD. ON the Hudson, opposite Spuvten Duyvll, 37o feet above the river and 4fi minutes front the fool of Harrison St., New York, at 4 and 5 P. M.; special rules for June. D. 8. HAMMOND. PAVILION HOTEL. GLEN COVE, L. I, IS NOW onen?Communication by sreamboiit Rewanhaki from reck ?1ip and Long Island Railroai from Hunter's Point: splendid fishing. bathing and boatlnir; terms reduced for tlio season. Send for illustrnted circular. SAMUEL M. WEEKS. Manager. P~AY1L10N HOTEL. NEW BRIGHTON. K. I.-NOW open; nccommodationi for alnglo gentlemen, $12 per week and upward. Call on or address R. F. COLE. PAVILION HOTEL KKYPORT, X.3, ttJSwOPEM Tor ? Foarrtcrs. Apply' to or addrost IIKN DRIOKSON A FRENCH. PRINCETON. N. J.?NASSAU HOTEL.?THIS NEW hotel, elegantly tarnished. Is now open; families for the summer at low rates: a delightful summer resort; no mosquitoes; high and healthy; Rooms can he secured in sdrnnoo for college commencement h.v addrossing AT WOOD A CO.. Proprietors, or inquiring of A. L COOK, Esq., 14f> West St.. New York Rock grove house, pompton junction-one of the most healthy and heantiful locations In New Jersey ; I'7 miles from the city junction of Montclair and (ircenwond l.nke and New Jersey Midland railroads; opened May IN; fishing, boating: no mosquitoes: no ma aria: new management; terms moderate. Refer to Colonel C A Wells, room 7. UN Broadway, and Fnllcrton k Co., :r.'d Broadway, where photographs csn be seen. C. ADAMS, Proprietor. R TVERSIDE HOUSE. Pleatnre Bay, Long Blanch, N. J. Now open. NO I L DAVIS, Manager. Riverside <n. j.i pavilion house, for fami ll?s and transient, only lit miles from Philadelphia on New York Railroad; hourly trains; elbse to station and river; grove, orchard, porches: fishing, boating; cool, healthy, accessible; first cla-s and moderate. N. S. READ, l.lvcrslde, N. J. Robbikswood house. wh itkrt6ne~l. ]i.Tnow open for the season; beantlfnlly located, overlooking Long Island Sound; rooms 1 <rge and airy; fmit. milk and vegetables: bathing, boating, fishing; one hour from New York, train or boat. M. F. RUOG, Proprietor. Relcrence?. O. W. Van Slclen, Sit Nassau. EllDGKPIBLD PAlk HOTEL?FORTY MINUTES L from cltr via New Jersey Midland Railway, now open; sting. fishing. bathing Addtrss FRANCIS HOVRY, Little r'eny Fost ofllce. N. J. SKI,. CT HOARDERS TAKEN At MOOMB'S MILLS, Dntchets county. N. Y.; airy Rooms, pleasant aur rnnndio'-'s. plenty of shade: three hours from the city; terms moderate: reference given. Address A. B. DUNCAN CUMMER BOARD?ELM WOOD HALL, WOODSTOCK, tr Conn., reooonj Jane SO: constant coolhrnetes; thirty mile view : terms$T end $S per week; children and sets vants less. A. CHANDLER, Proprietor. ST. MARK'S HOTEL. NEW BRIOIITON. S. I.?HOURS n w open; Cottages to let. CRAWFORD k DEMP. SKY _ Spring House, ttichtleld Springs. N. V.. now open. Reputation unsurpassed hv'any similar estahllshmentla the United States. Send lor illustrated circular. T. R. PROCTOR, owner and proprietor, Hagg's Hotel. UHca. HE MANSION HOUSE IN O RAN OK IS NOW OPEN for the reception of guests; house has hern thoroughly ed, newly furnished and everything first claae. Call BARBOUR. Orange, N. J. moWKR IIII.L HOUSE. 1 Nnrrsconsett I'ier. opens June I ft, under management ot F. Lm'JIEn'MKYER. formerly of St. James Hotel; tcrma $1. to $17 p?r week. Information or circular* at 10 Weal 3t>th St.. or hotel. rjlHK OK AND UNION HOTEL Saratoga Springe, N. T., , V Hi opea for Abe reception ef guests Jane let, W7H Address "grand UNION hotel Saratoga Springs, N. T. HENRY ''LAIR, I WH. WILKINSON,! "*""*"*? The Windsor. of Saratoga Springs. N. T. This new and first ela?s hotel, occupying the meet eora msipling position on Broadwav. and overtooklflg Congress Park, will be reedy for the reception of guests June l.V IS70. JOHN K. POOLE. Proprietor. ""WENT POINT HOTEL WEST POINT, "ifvT? tor. rnilF. WEST POINT HOTEL WEST POINT. N 1 The only hotel ea the military post. m Al.MEH* If CRANOT, r?>|4le WHITE MOUNTAINS. I-7a-ol.KN HOUSE WlTS open June IS Slid close October I. 1*70. Alpine Hones inew , Oorhsm. N. H . will open July I.S |s7<l. W a C It! Ml I.LI KEN. Proprietors ' ^ W'llITK SULPHUR springs' HOURkT CaTsKILL t T Mountains,!aow.opea; terms. $* per week ; elty refer ence. Address WALKER N. LENNON. Cairo, lire ens c uiiitT, N. Y. AiriLLOW" HAVEN HOI SR. ??? \v K rUt'KRR, Manager. This elegant sammer rc- wt is situated on Newark Bay an I Is accessible bj the New Jersey Central Railroad foot of Liberty St., hourly eserydaynp to midnight; fare 15 cents, stopping at I'sturapo deput, eight minutes from the honsc Tbe establishment will he open Tor the season oa Monday. May Ij under the management of K. Tucker, formerly of the Maa-on limine. NWragansetl pier. R. L.tha building having been thoroughly renovated and refuralsheiL Bastae** men desiring a pleasant borne for their families ?luring the summer months, hall an hour from the City llsll should make early application for rooms; the attractions oi Shade grove*. Micndld drives, fishing, heating and bathing *nlhU.?"* ?u?cr. N?* Address h. Tie* Kft&Jt, Murmur, Pimripo, K. J. WHITE SULPHUR IP It IN ON.?PARK HoTIL Cherry Valley, Otsego county, N. V ; lighted with gas: terms lor two, flu to $Jt>; for one. fID to $|A per week; $3 50 per day. EVANH k JaKSEN f?r Other Bearrlltif Advertlsaaieats fee Dlieclerr.