Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,546. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 19, 187G.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. UlUtiUTOKV rou auVKHI'ISKKS. AMUSKM I'-NTS?2i> Psax-lut oil. ASTROLOGY?7tii Pack?UtU col. BILLIARDS?7th Pack?6th cuL BuaKUKRS It aN'i lu>?7tii I'ick?8th col. BROOKLYN BOARD-7tn Pack-<lili col. BROOKLYN KKaL ESTATE I OIt SALE?2d Pack?24 col. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Utii Pack. MUSINK-S NOTICES?5m 1'ack?Sth col. CKV1ENXIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pack?4th cul. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SA LE-2b l'AUk-Ud col. CLERKS AMI) SALESMEN?7tu Pack?lib anil Mb nU, OLOTll INC?7th Pack?5lb col. COACUMKM AND G UtDKNEKS?7th I'ACB-SthcoL COASTWISE 8TKAMSHIPS-1?t Paoh?5th cot. COUNTRY HOARD?7th PACt-Sth coL DENTISTRY ?2u PAU*-3d col. DRY GOODS?1st Pack?4?!i col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN FURNISH KD~2n pA<;?-2d col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS-1?t PAUK-4th and Mb cola. tl'HOPE? 2d PaOK?2d coL XCURSIONS?1st Pauk??th coL FINANOIaL-Bth 1'ack. FOR SALE?1st Pack?tlth coL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Pack?2d col. EURNITURK-7tu Pack?r>th col. HELP WANTED?FEB ALES?7tu Pack-4tli col. HELP WANTED?MALES?7TU Pauk-3Hi col. HORSES, CARRIAGES, At .?1st PAUK-2d, 3d and 4th cols. HOTELS?7tii Pack?6th col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC., WANTED?2o Pack?2d col, INSTRUCTION?7th Pack?5th col. LECTURE SEASON?2d 1'AOK-lst col LOST AND FOUND-lsr Pack-lit ool. MACHINERY-Ist Pack?8th col. MARBLE MAN 1 ELS-7th I'AOK-Gth col. MEDICAL?7CII Pack?P?h col. MILLINERY AND DRK8SMaKIN(V-1*t Pack?4th eol. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? lwru Pack? (Itb col. MUBICAL-ln Pack?Stli col. NEW PUBLICATIONS?5th PAOK-Uih coL PERSONAL-Ist 1'ack?I?t cul. PIaNOFORTr.S, ORGANS, AC.?2d Pack?:M col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7tii Pack?Itli col. PROPERTY OUT OK THE CITY FOR SALE OB TO RENT?2d Pack?2d cols. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE-2? l'.*oK-2dcol. RE AL ESTA iK WANTED?2D Pack -2d col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pack?lat cot ME WARDS -1st Pauk?1st coL SALES AT AUCTION?2d I'auk-3iI col. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7tol Pack?lit. 2d, 3d ai.d 4th col. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES-7nt Pack?UU coH special NOTICES? 1st Pack?1 at Ami 2d coll. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRDS, Ac.?1st Pack?2d col. STORAGE?7th 1'aok?lltli coL SUMMER l?ESOKTS?7th l'AUK-8th eol. THE TRADES?7th Pack?5th col. THE TURF?1st Pack-2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d Pack?2dcoL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE? 1st Pack?5th and ?tli cols. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2d Pack?--U col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC.?2d PACK-lst col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LKT--2r> Pauk?2d col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. A0.-1(>ni I'AGK-Clh col. PERSOKAL. TEEUC39 ySLTwish to sEE oWitoFimi KH jt\. turn nt once: telegraph fmmedlately. (ROY.) LLIK?GOOD~EITUATIOnT"EEPORT AT ONC'\ TIIEO. JUQUET HAH MOVED FROM 117 TO 122 SAME street. Send Uowcra hm abuiiI. LITTLE DAISY. B JEROME PARK.-TUi: GENTLEMAN TO WHOM I gtwe tho money on Saturday laat to buy the ticket* tor the Centennial Kauea will please leave them at llarald office. Address J. C., box 160. M~ARY PEST, FROM SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS?YOU will relieve your anxious parents ly sending your address or calling at 3S Beach sL. New York. Your Father, ctUI.k' Itji SIMON FKST. IP" ?COME HOME: MOTHER IS ILL TELE graph address. All is forgiven. No one knows. WILL H. D. M ARIE PETKRSKN, WHO WAS IN Co penhagen whiter ol 1 "74->, please send her preeent address to tho friend who assisted her ? $100 REWARD. Missing, since Friday, June 10,1876. Katie Malcbow, about five years ot' age: height, about llir o teat three inches; Ihll, round face: blue eye*: light hair, cnt short; has u round scar on left temple: hail a bine printed ealico dress en when mlsaed. .Flense notify Superintendent WALLING, 300 Mulberry St., or G. MALL HOW. 117 Chrystie st KUJilGIOUS NOTICES. rtiHB7368i*EL tent" X 3-uh xt. tr , West, and nenr Oth sr. (Green ears of Thirty-fourth street line pass the tent.) SECOND WEEK OK SERVICES. MONDAY, 8 l>. M.?Monthly meeting of the New York Bundny School Teachers' Association. Address hy Bev. STEPHEN H. TYNO, Jr. Topic, "l'ho Use of Illustrations iu Sunday School Teaching, and llew to Make Scripture Illustrate Itself " Mrs. SEYMOUR will giro a revlow lesson with a class of children. Lecture on "Young Men of tho Bible," hy Key. STEPHEN H. TYNO. Jr., every evouing (except Saturday) at tr o'clocs. Topic for Tuesdav?"Joseph." Topic lor tVcdneaday -"Voses." Topic for Thursday?"John the Haptist." Triple I'or Krlday?"Tlie Young Ruior." After meetings, at t? o'clock every evening, will be con ducted by Rev. rt. HUM PR roNR. SATURDAY, K 1*. M.?Muatiav of Christian Workers, to be led by Undo JOHN VASSAH. Singing every evening by THEODORE E. PERKINS and a chorus. NOONDAY PRAYER MEETINO ?very day for one hour under the direction of Mr. ALEXANDER LYLK. Seats free to all. Helper* wanted, as uslie-s, workers and stnxore. Address 8. P. WILLIAMS. No. -Itl Kas- ' d ?t. Contributions to the auppo. lieso services may be seat to EDWARD 'WEN. Treasurer. No. 4(1 East 43u st.. or No. 71 Wall st. LOST A A >? rtlvkh. FOUND?ON JERSEY OIT y""KE R RYBOAT^ T^CRS dsy morning, a Pocket book. Owner can have same by calling on A. McWIilNNEY, l.vj Broadway, proving prop erty and paying lor this udvertlsement. LOST?ON PKIOAY EVEN I NO. A GOLD lltlRSB Charm : a suitable reward will be given. P. JACKSON, 153 West 13th st. IOST?ON SATURDAY NOON. A BLACK SPITZ DOG. J A suitable reward will be given lor his return to KH H1CH A CO.. 2H7 8th av. LOST?ON THE lSril INST., A NOTE BOOK. CON tsining British >bipinaster's certiUcate No. 34.401? and other papers ol no value to any one except the owner The tinder will be suitably rewarded by returuiug same to GERHARD A 30 Beaver st. Lost?at jkromk park, on Saturday, jink 17. a small Malacca Cane, with silver mountings, marked "Win. K. Mason." If returned to Grand Union Hotel, finder will be liberally rewarded. Lost?on 46TH sr., between tun and .madison art., a gold Chatelaine Piu. Will be snitably re warded at No. 17 West 4-">llt st. OST?FRIDAY EVENING. $7.1, IN POUR GREEN* J backs. Finder will receive reward at 531 5th av. Lost or stolen?a check dated juxe io utado by Georgu K. Martens to tbe order of John O' Utockner, lor (61,900, payment thereof having been stnpprd A rew.rd will be paid snd no questions asked if delivered to JOHN O. G LOCKE KB. SB Sblllvaii st. HEVt (J. 1 It RkWARD - I.tIST?- A LADY'S BREASTPIN, tfl 1' * with ch.iin attached, coming from Bath. L I., to Hamilton ferry. Sunday evening, lstii lust., 0 to S o'clock. Apply to B. MEEK AN, No. tl West s SPECIAL SOT1C iJM. ATTENTION'-DISEASES OF MEN. ~ ' It appears to be a weil known fact that the I'rtutian physicians are experts in the profes-ion, for the good reason that the student has to work very hard (la the books) to be prepared lor the Una! examination. Alter tho student has sbtalned tbe title ol Doctoris Medicine- then tbe young doc tor is oldie <1 to practise for three years iu a military hospi tal ; that gives hint the practical knowledge in treating dis eases with perfect success. In fart, the Prussian doctor taxes a groat Interest and pleasure to restore his patient to perfect health There is no doubt the pt.blic apoWciste the treatment of a German physician, and he deserves the cnnfl dence df the public. All the universities iu Prussia ar?? sute ported br the government and the professors are appointed by tho e mperor for lit -. Evcrv diploma Is In the name uf tbe King:-Serenissimt ac Pntentisaimt I'rlnclpls, "l-'rid erici Gulielnil " Such a diploma cannot tie procured ex cept with intellect The taw in Prussia is so severe t> practise without a diploma that quackery Is not known. I have a diploma, dated November, 1*37, trom Krtderici Gull eltni the 3d. The pnblle are Invited to examine my valuaMo testimonial. I hare adopted that branch td the profession ? disease of men, in all its branches: also diseases ol fhe skin?since 1838. I rum strict attention i am able to guar antee a successful cure, even of long .landing Dr. JAt'OHY. Il l Blrocksr st. A-1SAA0 U. HOYOK. 1!B7 BROADWAY. LaWYER. s Divorcos obtained promptly, without publicity: deser tion. incoinpatioillty. habitual ilriinkriinr.%. Infidelity, in human treatment, conviction oftelony. Passports obtained. i ? A.-ALL PRIZES CAMIID IN GOLD AT THIS JY, office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orlenns, July I87H. Capital prisa BIISM1"" goldil 3," N) amoailtliig to $502,500. 2H.O 0 tickets (CO currency. Coupons In proportion. Apply tor information Ac., to Wll.i.l V.tlhOX A CO., brokers,317 Broadway. Post office liox ttJik I A LLKN A CO., 79 NASSAU hi., pi e n )oKk,-?\. a"Y oming Lottery draws June 2(1 Capital priic. $."a).t?iO. (UtXI.tssi distributed. Tickets ?1; tf for $5. Prises cashed. Cltcuiars mailed free. 4 ?ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, J\ , Next drawing June "JO. 1 Prise of Mpanlsh dollar* - Blfto.o'o 1 Prise of hpantshdollars '/XJtt 2 Prises of each, Spanish dollars .... 2u.UA) and otlier nrurs German Government Lotteries. Fnll explanatory clrenl.yrs free. TtJEODy.(E Z8CHOOII, Poet office box 5.5P4. *110 Nassau st.. New York. A ?PARKS. EMERSON A CO. Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dully. Royal Ma'am* Lot vary, drawn e?rry 17 days. Kentucky Single Number l.otlerv. drawn Jane 24 1*7(1. Pr.sos eesiied, in form ati oi famished and circulars tree, tssi Broadway. Post office box 3.J7-', New 1 ork. B?KENTUCKY M ATE LOTTRRIBB Of J. 8. 8M1TH s A CO. KKXTttCKV?KXTKt CLASH XI). 4!l i, Gig I87'k 9. 71, 5k', 01, 7ti. .'ii. to 47. .'a i. :t:i J. U, 48, 58, < KE.XTfCKy?l I.4SS Ml. 11*1. rot i?W II, 49, 19, 1.1, 77. 31. it. 44. 7.'. 41. tl. W. "4 All orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway. or Post ?ilea box 4.87ii, New York city. C10VERINGS POR TUB PKKT -aLI. KIN us OF I Itoots and Shoes at reduced prices, " Ire'I clsds, a stron; style ol olios tor Hoig -tti<t youths: s orisinen slid tourist* can find Ju-t the kind or the- lor i it.tin travel. CANTKv.LL. 33tl and 2il -ttli av. Dlt II. J. JORDAN Sol.r PROPRIETOR ol TI1K New York Museum of Anatomy, lia> ri mm ed Ins rr-i drme and office to .No. 5 Washington place, tbroo .ours west of Broadway. DISKAHI-.S OF MEN A SPECIALTY. HENRY A. DANIELS, M 0 . lit Islington av.. near klith st. Office hours trom s to 3. (NR.* DING, AC.--l3.iAki CIB1C VARUS tip K A it 111 Y to ho r> mnr d from Ik'lsi ?i.. tth ami Lexington avs , and 3.i Kit ruble y : rd- ot reek to be I I t-ted. Apply to i ? y - I El. it. KEN DA Lis, Trinity Building, room uu fruni iu to II.R D SPECIAL NOTICES. ?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KKNTl C KV STATE LOf t?iie?. S.MMoNS A lilCKlXSUN, Manager*. Xf.NTUCKT. KXTBA CLASS Nil. 387?JLSK 17, 1H7U. ai. Hi. :n. us. 20. 78. 5;?, a. to. n?, 54. IUITVCIT, CLASS so. MHS?JLgK 17. 1876. 1, 52, 31. 43. 55, 45. 10, BR, IMl. 8. BBSKT, KXTKA CLASS So. 287-jrWX 17, lb78. 72. <5. 13, 24. Ha, 8. 5. 33, 4?, 37, TO HS?UT, CLASS NO. 288?JUNE 17, 187U. 23. 10, 51, 71. 42. 43, 02. 47, 21, 17. 70. 18. 12. Full information bjr applying to or addressing J. CLL'TE A CO.. 200 Broadway, room Mo. 8, rttsr office. D -33111.000.-81)1 MON8 * DICKINSON'S SIMILE . Xarab#r?Kentucky State Distribution, to be drawn tut i aturday. Juue 24. ln7?L $Jt*l..?0 to bo distributed; 25.4-81 prises and only $50.(100 tickets. Every ntber ticket sprits. Now W your lime to Invest. Prises payable In fulL WYiole. $10, halt, f$; quarter. $2 5U The nest Royal 11a tsda will be drawn on Tuesday, Jane 20. 1878. send la vour orders lo J. CLL'TK, Banker, No. 200 Broadway, room No. tl. rear office. Havana lottkby.-next drawing, junk au; 40.UUO tickets; V> In prises. Address B. MAR T1NEZ A CO., Bankers, 10 Wall at., basement; I'ost office box 4.082 New York. Spanish gold aud Havana bank bills bought and sold: drafts on Uavauu issued. INCONSTANCY IN MAX DISCOVERED AT A lance.?indisputable. Address J. A. 8.. 10 Oxtord sL. Kostun. Mass. K.~m! -CHRONIC CATAKItH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED ;iastantanei>us relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West I4tbst. KENTUCKY STATE 1.(1 flRKlKS?DRAWN DAILY. Ksstscky Single Number llraud Distribution ilr.iwn Juue 24. Whole Tickets. $1<>; Halves. C5; tjuaricrs. $2 50. hoysl ilav iua Lottery, drawn Juno 20. Whole 1'lckuts. $20; Halves, $iO; Twentieths, $1. Scud in your order* at once to JACKSON A CO., Baukora, 202 Broadway. .<?? York. N'KKVOUB KXil AUS1 ION?A MEDICAL ES8AY COM prixlng a series of lectures delivered at Nairn's Mu seum of Anatomy. New York, on the cause and cure cf premature decline. Growing indisputably how lost health may lie regained, aHortin. a clear synopsis of the Inauedi meut* to marriugo and the ireatiuout of uerious aud iiliyti cal debility, beiuic the result of 2ri years' experience. Price, 25 cents. Address the author. Dr. I. J. KAUN, office and residence 51 East 10th St., New York. Notice.?J. Howard rkvii.le is no lonukk la our employ. STUART PETERSON A CO.. Broad aud Noble sts., Philadelphia. /NFFH'K OP THE NEW YORK LOAN AND IMPROVE \.F ment Co.. No. 71 Broadway. New Vork. June 5, 1870 Notice?The annual election of this company for ulno direct ors and two Inspector* of slsction will ,ako place on Tues day, the 11th day ol July, 1870, at tlie office of the company. In the city of New York. No. 71 Broadway, room No. 47; p.dls upon at 12 M. and close ut 2 P. M. 11 v order. LEWIS M. BROWN, Secretary. PILES OB HEMORRHOIDS RADICALLY CURED.? Original painless treatment; two to lour weeks re quired; uo ipes uutll cured; circulars free. Dr. STODDARD, only office No. 8 West 14th St. Royal Havana lottery?wuo.a-o will be drawn ou June 20. Prises cashed; orders tilled: Infor mation furnished; highest ratos paid lor Spanieh bills, gov ernments. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers. No. 11 Wall st.. New York. $300,000.- _ A FORTUNE FOR ONLY ?10. One ticket out ef every two draw* a prise. Kentucky Btate distribution, draws SATURDAY, June 24, certain. THREE GRAND CAPITAL*PRIZES OF $20,000 EACH. Schedule of Prises I Prlto of.... A $20,0(10 I I Prise of $20,000 1 Prise of 2U.IKW 2 Prises of $10,000.. 20,000 2 Prlies or$5.000.... 10.000 | 5 Prises of $2.5UJt... 12,500 20 Prises of $1,000.. 20,(kXII 20 Prisos of $8)0.... W.OOO ??'-? A u ? N?l,wx\?, ? I wV A 5 I two VI ?AJ. . . . IV,l A."' 5o Prises of $250 ... 12,8X1 | 20O Prises of $!(*) .. 20.000 25,OUO Prises of $5.. 125,000 | 128 Prise*, aniount I ing to 10,000 25.430 Prises, aggregating $300.00), cash. Tickets, $10; hnlvex. $5; quarters. $2 5o This is the best scheme yet ollered for realising a hand somo fortune with u small iuve tment. Every prise will be paid iu full on presentation of ticket. Persons holding tickets that have drawn prises (no matter Irom whom bought) can get thou cashed or exchanged for other tickets st Dili office, bend In your orders at once to the Eastern agents. THOMAS 11. HAY'S A CO., 807 Broadway, New York. 8PORTIN G-DOOS. BlililS. jfik? N AIltUUN AND THREE TARGETS FOR SALE? l At a reaaunable price. 10) Pitt st., basement. CTOOD SETTER DOG AKU GUN WANTED-WILL r give 120 acres good Laud adjoining Blooming Drove Park, title dean. Apply to II. WKFTBROOK, Milford, Pike county. Pa. REMINUTOX CREEDMOOR-VEINER Ajfri WIND gauge slgbti; pistol grip, spirit level; cost $108; will sell very Ibw. U. C. bOUIRKH. No. 1 Cortlandt ?tiLe tuhkT ~r?SE?\*'66'b" Pa it k. Premiums 93.800. JUNK 34. 2ti and 27, 187ft FIRST DAV?SATURDAY, Juos 24. 2 ISO Clan, #41?>-9201 > first. $ I.VI seeoud. (So third. 2:34 Class. SCOO-93UO Hrst. (200 second. $100 third. SECONDDAY-MONDAY. June 2tT 2;38 Clan, KM* ?9280 flrst, $150 second, (100 third. 2:28 Clan. (000-9300 Brat. 9200 second, f 100 third. THIRD DAY-TUESDAY, June 27. 2 .40 Claa*, 940O?$300 Brit. Si 80 aacouil. (80 third. 2:22 Class. (1,000-8800 Urit, $300 second. Slid) third. When eight or mote lioraoa start in a heat tha distance ?hall he 13 ? yard*. Kntriaa cloae Monday, June 19, at 11 o'clock P. M. Entrance ret, 10 por cent of the purse, of which one-half only shall he forfeited by those parties who desire to withdraw, provided they stiall so declare and lodge written notice to that effect with the secretary on or before Friday. June 23. at 7 o'clock P. M. Communications must be addressed to the uudersiicned. at Morrisania. X. Y.. where the entries will close as above at the olUre oi the park. DATES II. BARNARD. President. AT WEST SIDe. DRIViNO PARK, JERSEY CITY J~L Trotting. Monday, June 111. 3 P. it. 2:35 class la K. Dunham, eh. g. Sllvertall. II. H. Gilbert, s. g. ilarry Gilbert. P Mance, a. m. Nellie V. D. M. Hastord. b. m Flora. T. Crane, r. g. lit. (Jeorge. Thoa. Brown, r. g. T. K. Gordon. Special purse will be trotted for la place ef 3 minute class, which did not fill. Admission 91- Stages from horse cars to park. C. BIRDSALL. Maaager. Auction and French poors sold at joh.n SON'S rorims. corner Hro idwav and 28th at., this even ing, ou the Trotting at FOUtiHKKEPSlE. and during the week ou all Rase Ball Matches. Particular attention given orders by mall, telegraph or messenger. T. B. JOHNSON. "TACTION AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD At?L DAT. 1X at NEW VORK TrH" EXCHANGE, 15 West 28th hi., on the running race at BALTIMORE to-dsy: FRENCH POOLS close 8 I*. M.; prompt attention given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY, BLISS A CO. TOHNXY MURI'HY. THE WELL KNOWN RIDER (J and driver, has hcen matched to ride American horses against the celebrated mustang rider's (Peralto) time. 155 miles in 7 hours; the race to take place eu Fleetwood Park. July 3, good day and track. HORSES. CARRIAGES. sVA . N KI.KOANT FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT" AT AUCTION, ON TUESDAY, JUNK 20 AT 10 O'CLOCK. BY VAN TASSKLL A KEARNEY, AUCTIONEERS, at their AUCTION MART, Mil. 112 Eaat 13th St.. near 4th ar. VERY ELKO A NT TEAM RAY HORSES, 18 hands. 7 and 8 years: kind and true in all harness; free Iriuii vice; very stylish and hnndsoma drivers: are atrald of nothing : can he driven by aay one, and are warranted sound, kind and true ; and LAND* l'LET. pole and shafts, in good order, bnllt by BREWSTER A CO.. of BROOM K ST.; set Bne double Harness, Sheets, Blankets, Ac.. Ac. BAY UKLDINO ROYAL OEORGK. DOT BY ROYAL George, dam by Kysdyk's Hainbietonian: Bne. full uiane and tall: 133? hands higli. S years old; kind and true in nil harness, free from rice; Is a stylish and handy driver; lie Wotted last rear a full mile In 2 :.'I3', an l cau heat 2:4<1 now; lie lias never trotted lor money, consequently has no record. > ut has been used exclusively lor a road horse, and if put In training would make a VERY VALUABLE TRACK HORSE: is very Steady and reliable, po-ses?es gieat bottom and enduranre. and is warranted sound ; also TOP WAD' X. pole and shall*. by WATERMAN, and set fine single Harness, bv BAKER. NOW ON EXHIBITION. ^T AUCTION. ON' TUESDAY. JUNK 20 AT in O'CLO. K, SHARP AT 9TABLE. FIRST DOOll EAST Of UNIVERSITY PLACE, IN 12TN sr., A BANKRUPT SALE OK HIGH BRED EAST I'HOTTING HORSES. FINK CARRIAGES HARNESS. AO.. AC.. THE PROPERTY OF A PnlVATB UENILK.\tAN, ALL OF WHICH MUST BE MILD TO HI0MR8T BIDDER BY W B NELSON AUCTIONEER, OFFICE 1-8 EAST 17TII ST. THE SALE OF ALL KINDS OF OOOD8 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 4 SECOND HAND COUPE. IN FINK ORDER, A 3 l oll Wagons, bv Brewster A Co., of Biooiue St.. irom up. top and open Pony Phininu*. too up: Depot Warona, In ail styles, ton and open, from $9o up; rot under lioekasrays and extension top Phaetons, both new and sec mid hand. Express Wagons. Harness, Shi rts, Nets, Lap Dusters. Whips. Ar.. In large varieties. WILLIAM H. GRAY. 2U and 22 Wooster at. 1 GENTLEMAN SAILING FOR EUROPE ON THE A Britannic, June 24. mu-t consequently part with an ttnexteptioaable pair of Horwea, llarriage. ,?e.. at anv price. Address W. A. HOPKINS. Filth Avenue Hotel, or Ingnlre at M.isi ti'i Kmnlre - tallies. 28th st.. near Mb av. Ai'KW mok left ol those #2 SO Princess cherk Sheets, worth (Bv Halters. 4iw . Her Tins, 15e.: stable >he ts. 75c. Fil e Whips at (I 50; elegant Lap Kohes Irom 88c. op. ? ' " ? to, * upleie new Track Hiirnrss $7 .'0. Ac . Ac. Our stork is "consigned' and not "bonwbC st hit h prices. TUNIS JOHNSON, 58 l.lbeity st A fink lot oi Harness at low pricks. SHEETS AND IIOKS CLOTHING IN GREAT VA KIKTV. SAVE MONEY BY DEALING DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER. K. BAUTLETT. U ? Warren St., corner College plate. ? BARGAIN.?BEAUlIFUL 1UV HORSE, 7 YEARS il old. I '4 hand": Hue style and action: (lowing mane and tali; fast trotter: can i>e driven by a lady ; warranted eon lid and kind . will be soul at paulc price; also . heattii lut ton pony Phaeton end Harness. gon<| as new, at less than lial'cost At private stable No. 13 West 27tli st , be tw en Rroadway and full av. t -WILL SELL CHEAP H)R CAsII. TWO EXTRA J\* line cherry bav slngo Horses 7 years, 1.Tig hands, sound and kind, either will stand without Iving In the site. I. Private stable, 131 18th st., bvtweeo Irving place and 3d hi t BAIKIAlNS. BARGAINS-MUST HE SOLD THIS a'\? wees, o re elegant top Pony Phueton, one top Road W . gott, Depot Wagon, .me li jit Kurd and 011 C Wipe Mantes* all CllV marie an not soiled Inqstr t of wuer. at private statue Lit East 1-tit st., bet?erni 3d av. and Ir ving pla.-e A. six I lo USES. SUITABLE FOR FA it M EXPRESS 0 a iv uttsinsss price- $.5 1. jks'i. 97 , (S8; mast sell; a. I,i| E.I/met 1 -I h.'i >-eu Grna I-B I lli lemiH. 1 grown iio.:-k?the Most myi.i.mi in the , V r;v. trots. I rster three inli.itles, ally lady or ve httot warranted sound dtlll kind; ton side ,ir -t a on, I'haetoo. - Mle lit or -. alt nearly new. mod Ire sold at a bar. nits 011 avvonut of death ol owner I3? Wast 3lkt st. HORHBg, CAUIUAGKH. dCC. A GREAT IMPORTANT. ABSOLUTE AND LNBK .sEKYKD SALE, AT PUBLIC AUCTION, TO-MORROW, Tuesday. ji nk arm, at II O'CLOCK Sll AUP. AT THE PRITATK STABLE. 115 EAST 22D ST, BE TWEES l.hXINUT.iN AND ?TU A VS. OK Tllh ENTIRE STOCK OK FAST AM) WELL KNOWN TROTTING HOUSES. ELEGANT OAUHIAOES. BARNES., UOBKS. BLANKETS, saddles, AC. CONTAINED IN AMOVE STABLE. AMONG THE HOUSES AKF THE WELL KNOWN trotters monogram, kkcoud of tkot Tl NO IIA UK, LADV HSU, CAN TBOT INI JO OUP1IAN OIKL. KKCOUD L' Alt. JENNIE. RECORD 2:3ft MON'I TOK. KKCOUD J :3.V.. MONARCH. 2:3ft KKLL1C. 2-.33. AUK ALL THE PROPERTY OK J. S. SC1IOFIKLU, ESQ.. WHO SAILS PER STKAMKK KOYPT. JI NK 24TH. FOK KUHOPK. AND CONSKUl EN I'LV IS FORCED TO SELL TO HIGHEST UIDDBU WITHOUT HKGAllD TO COST OR VALUE. INCLUDING THE VERY KAST AND HIGH BRED DARK BAV GELDING MONOGRAM. I5>i BANDS high. 7 years old; was sired by Wild Wsgner, the tiro of Lydi* Thompson aud mauv other very fan ones; dam a May Dey mare, known ?? llav Bee; this born* can ulwayn trot hi, heat, below 'J:30: ml boot record, 2 at Pro, poet i'arlc; trotted on Kingston halt mile track lu?t tall, when track ws, henry, three Ueata, In 2 :3l,2 :k'M and'JsJ-'.L: ho was then matched to trot on Fleetwood track with Jennie F., and lu couseeueuce of owner disposing of the mare Jen nie F., M nograin received forfeit; since allien time he lia, been on road only: lie will beat hi, record this ,ea?on if he i? put in trainer', hand,, and without doubt, rauk No. 1; war ranted sound snd kind. I He BEAUTIFUL BLOODED BLOOD BAY TIU)T TING MARK LADV FISH. 15^ HIOIl. il TEARS OLD; has tall iiinn - and tail; wa, aired bv Volunteer, and is Intlf siater to the trotting mare lluntruss. and reaeinlde, tier in uuit and action; ha, never boon trained ou any track, but it fl icly broken to alt hurtle,*. anil c n speed a 2 :tO gait on ?mail; I, pure jailed ; sreavs no uoote when trotting, audi, one of the most promiaiug young mare, to lio lound, and worthy the attention of ireotleuaen looking for something really fine; warranted sound and kind. Handsome, faet mid finely bred bay Trotting Mare ORI'IIAN GIRL, by Lexington, dam Slater to Kitty Clark, by imported Glcncoe l if, lflgb, 7 year, old; alio trttou at Watcrtowu lu 1{ :.'t#).t, alau at llutlalo In 'J: id, and waa driven ou Fleetwood truck three heats, in 2:31, 2:36 awl 2: U; ,he la very ham'souic and a, line and pleasant a driver a, lives; she will uertainly creed 2:20 before the seaeeu Is oyer If a he gets iu proper hands; she is warranted sonnd and kind. N. B.-tUK ABOVE TWO MARES MAKE A VERY CLOSE MA I t'll IN SIZE, COLOR, STYLE AND SPEED, AND ARE HARDY AND RUGGED; CAN BkAT 2:35 Tt? FOLK OR 2-..J0 SINGLE. BEAUTIFUL STItAWUKRRV ROAN TROTTING MARE JENNIE, SIKED MY JUPITER ABDALLaII dam a Messenger marc; yours old, 15), hand, lilgh ; trot ted three lieais at Norwich Conn., last lall at tulr In 2:'<6, 2 :3S and 2: 5)4, over a very heavy track; she Is a very pleasant, prompt driver: docs not pull when speeding: I, very good galtod ; is perfectly broken and safe lor anybody to urive ; a good mare, und warranted sound and kind. VERY FINK BAY TROTTING GELDING MONITOR. SIRED BY VOLUNl'KKR. D\M A CLAY MARE. IS tbo finest gentleman's horse for top wagon iu tliu city; I5N, lilgh, s years old: trotted a mite around Prospect Park last fall lu 2:35 10 road wagon; very prompt, bold druor; goodgaliod; lias extraordinary bottom and eudiiraULo; sale lor any one to drive; can trot a uillo In harness lu - :3' or I ettcr, aud is sound and kind. The handsomest aud finest gentleman's Road Horse in the city, known as MONARCH, sirod by IVarsall. dam by t.'ona lin's Star, 7 yuara old, I0'4 banns high: i, a beautiful golden soirel. with flowing mane and tall; be La, lievor been put In a trainer's hands. but trotted at Hempstead, l ong Is.and, at fair, taking first premium iu 2 :37>,, 2:3ti and 2: IS, driven by M. T. Sauimis, who raised hint: he wa, then pur chased by present owner, and bus bcon u?od us a road horse up until the present time; lie is very pure gaitud ?ud a prompt, pleasant driver, Uucs not pull or sh.v, and Is ,ufe for a lady to drive: be 1, a very good pole horse and ner'eclly broken under the saddle, atii wurrunteil sound and kind. Very pretty bay Mara NELLIE slrodhy llentsel's Gamble Ionian, dam by Kllian Allen: 7 year, old, IS.'a liands lilgh; trotted at Albany last fall In 2:3d, 2:.4)y. 2:33; she is a very pleasant driver; does not pull when speeding; is not excitable in coiiipiiny: is an cxiraordiiiiiry poll mare; safe ?or any ordiuary driver, and warrunted sound and kind. Carriages consist of one extension top Park Phaeton, ono ton Pony Pbueton. two ton side bar road Wagons, one lull spring t 'p Wagon, single and double Harness, .-sheets. Robes, Wliipi, Ac. SA*jE POSITIVE. RAIN OR SHINE. STOCK NOW ON EXHIBITION. AND GENTLEMEN DESIRING TO PURCHASE SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AND R1DK BEFORE TIME OF SALE, AS ALL ark w arranted and will show the time on ANY GOOD TRACK. Auction house of arch. Johnston, 10.21,23 aud 25 .dtli St., near Unlverelty place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HELD pc EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ? OS EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS l'G 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA BLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. GENTLEMEN HAYING HORSES OR CARRIAGES to sell, or thoeo wishing to buy. will find our bnaiiiosa continued ou precisely the same strict and honorable principles which have always chsraeicrtrcd the dealing, ul our house and won the respect ami confidence ol tua busiuess community, a, well a? tho public at large. ?FOK SALE, CHEAP, NIXK GOOD Bl'SlNESS Jfi.. Horses. Apply at No. 3 Vestry St.. between Varlck and Hudson. A splendid kukhh milk cow kob halk tuakea 12 pound* of butler per wq?k or uo sale. 428 boat I8tb at. AT THS FAMOUS I OWK'FOWM CARKtAUK, II Ali ne*, and llorao Clothing llaaiinr, Kockaway*. $120; elegant Phaeton*. 411ft; Kuggtea, 4140; Depot Wugotia, Park Hint Canopy Phaeton*, Ac.; llarae**, 410 to $2t o. ovry atyle: Lap Duatera, Sheet*. Wliipa, Ac. JOI1N MOoRK. 47 Warren at. ? PONY~PHaKTUN, HIDE BAK -BUGOY $1771; MKT eral aocouu liand Carriage* taken In exuliniigc, at loir Kama : i.audau, Landauleta, Depot Wagon*. ham's, 0 >v Broadway. "foil BALK cIlKAP, A PlUR HOA t) IIOR8K: IBAV| ? Syoara old, lft)/ band*; ,ound anil kind; drive* well; double or aingie. Apply at private ataolo, No. 117 Weat 37th at. ?TO LKT, 10 to 10 8TALLM. WITH A M P L b ? wattou room, at l.p>3 and lftft buat 37d *t. ASACKIF10K.-MI ST BKoOLD. TWO PHAETONS, one aeata (our peraio r ; two lull apring top Wugona, two tide bar light road Wagoua; Duuacoinb llitrueaa; all late atylo, nearly new. Private viable. 57 Kuvt 33J at. LADY'S TURNOUT!?BAY HORSE! i?>i HANDS 'high, 7 veura old; warranted aouint ami kind; line Pony Phaeton ami llariieta. Ala > Mrewater lot Hroomo at.) top IVa/on. No) 5 Weat 13th at, ?ONK LANDAU, ONlfoLAKKJIOE. oNK COUPE" ? all nearly new; uved by a family leaving the city; cheap for caan. To bo tceu at M. Cli ALLY'S, 1UM i'.aat 13th at., near 4*h av. ?FOR SALK. lft YOUNG UOU>K8 Jl'ST FROM * Indiana, aultable for all purpoaea. at 122 Norfolk at. A?10 BlSlNKKri WAGONS, NSW AND SECOND . hand, lor expreaa, groccra, butchcra. baker*, uillk, advertiaing, depot, aelivcry; Wagona, $30 to $175. 22t> Spring at. ' TWO SEAT PII AbTON,~ WITII POLK AND ahatt*. will be aold cheap at 381 Ith av. BAY HOBSbT SOUND AND KIND! fin I;" A I. SO puny-built llorae, $3.7; aultablo lor truck, inilkmau, larntiug, Ac.; bxpreaa Wagon, Darneaa cheap. 124 Diviaiou at. -ON ACCOUNT OK LKaFinTTtIms CI I'V I WILL ? tell, at panic price*. one light extonglnn top Park Pbaeton. pole aim abaft*; nun abiftlng tup Boat! iTa.on, pole and ,hatt?: one light double Harue?t. two vet* of light aingie road Harneva They wore all city made to order thl* spring, and are aa good a* new. Alau one top pony Phactou. 1 eqalre of THOMAS, at 123 Kaat lritb it., one door frotu living placo. A." B lor lailtea or children, a hand,oiut black Pony. 143-j, baodv; vouuil and klud; will aland all day by a rallmau trulu , be lias no tear ol anything; nlvo a no top.Puny Pbaeton and lLirneaa. Whip, lap Uluuket and fancy Mai; nricc inuat be aold thia week. Inquire L'uiou Club Stable*. 20 IHth at., near Broadway. t'HANCK Sr.l.DoM OFKBRKDIO BUY A BKAtT tifyl shifting top aide bar Wagon, lull teal: alvo Puny Phaeton, act single aud double llamoa,, illnnketa. Bobca, Ac . property el a gentleman compelled to aell; together or aeparete; uu reasonable offer re uaed. Stables, Iftl Weal 3olli at. ? fyji wauonb-top pon y phVki O NS' ./Y. single aeat no top iroltiuu Wugnu*. nl*u one C'oupo' ? ue tea Part, panic price*. LsIoN CLUB STaBLK, JO lctli at., near hroadway. boil CAKT-$6i; dlMT ?#?*?; ALMnSr NEW: at lIL Il.r KYi.i.'.- carriage factory. 233 Meat 60th it, ABCiAlXS.-8i.l OND II AND?4 TOP BUGGIES, 2 lady . Side MPIItl, 4 light Pole,. I .'4 W e?t tfttli *1. /7 AKRIAGr.H AT K\ TREMKLY LOW MANUKac TI It \) era price*?All my own make and warranted; Pony and light extanaion top Park Phaeton*, all [rice*. Haggle*, hockawaya, I'ppet. .liaiip and oilier Hi lea; atrienrild boctor a I'iiaeton cheap. t li As. (illl Ilk, :irai ?'anai at. FOR SALK?I.AUGK TBI <"k IIOKSh~ I'l HANDS. 7 yeaia old; warranted aonnd aud kind : aingie Truck and Harm ,,. must sell; no w. rk. inquire lor CAKMA.V ,tore 324 lludaou at. FHik ItdLnROAIf mwwlh P* H a NMi 8PIT A HI.!-: for truck or any busincaa; warranted. lfto Christie pher at. SOLO TO CLOI4K PAKTN i. USIII P-Tl IP OR~XO Top Urootry. r.xpret* Wagon, Horace. Harnett; reparole. No. 137 71 bav. 1/1 OK SALE-A BRETT. NKAItLY NKW. ALL IN HOOD r order, Pol* and shafts, at the ~iutile- or br. K it. Mid dlebrook. East 7sth at.. No. 1.0; price modern*. E. P. >11 i'lil.KHKOoK. ijlOU BALE?A PONY. LIOIIT BUSINESS WaooN and new H.trneaa; price $.23. 7.1/ 10th av., corner With at. J7oR SALE. A BAKOA1N- -HORSES. HARNESS AND* Dunn Clarence; price SklO, the t'lirence alone being worth the money. Appiy at atanle 72 Yoik at., Jereey City, N. J. I70R SALK CI1KAP-A PAIR OK SPLENDID DKIV. log bay Mare*. 6 nnd 7 year* old, from Hi. John. V H.; can t.nt very fnet ingle or double. Inquire kt Madison Park Livery Stable,. fftoK SALK LliW A VKIlft KAHT TllOTTINO ROAD llor,e Addrea, J. S. IIIKCH.37 Maiaen iane. , IMPORTANT AND EX TBAi iKDl N A BY aale of the KENTUCKY r-TOCK FARM, Lexington, ky., together with iti. the valuable TIIOROl UtlliRhli AND ritiii.iNO STUCK, including the .real t.rl.laii, T'El.Lr IWCRAPi . IIA M B LK I oN IA N sTALLIOX 8. valuable Brood Marcs Colta nod I i lies two hundred in number, I l M -I. ISftt. Tlnewl I r.e tlm ?io?t exten live aale of valuable ,ioek ever held in tire I nltcd States Cetato-Ue, Will be tui warded. Mhliea* HlCHAlU) PKMsTAN, Pbttadulpbla. or I. >.in.inn. Ky. QkOtlND IIAND CAKKlAUhS Ai BABOAlNH?TOP 0 dndgiet. Iloekhway,. P.?el"u?. hrett-. Clarences 1 oacuu.. Ac. No. i*2a a ar UfaSoi-.D-A i.iioo ,KC'tJ.xD IIAND oXr. HOBHK I ami ml t or inulul Irmi t . u. c but little weed: ami ea.v rnnntng; nark e .11 or Irvitrei rifted. ;ddre-s elating al. ,,iri.cuiaia. witu luweat ia,u pi I o, lock box 21, PMrUMeuco, it i. HOUMKfe. CAUUIAUES. ?C. \rKiin i.ks in fashion.""-1 "L Landau*. Hockawsys. LuiiUaulcts. Cabriolets, f otcbe*. T Carta. Hrouihauii. Phnetous. Cou o?. Brltton Wagon*. ROAD WAGONS. A. 8. FLANDRAU. 373 aud 374 Broome st., old factory of Brewster A Co. GOOD BOMUMiUtT COUPM TIDOI mTSS press; from 850 to $100; top Urooory \Vagon aheap. 550 West 35th at. BACH?FOtf* HEW TOP EXPRESS OR vl*ao Groeery Wagons, worth $300 apiece. Stable 134 Wait liKli at. (S?t>"cjwj" WILL BUY rfrt>CK AND F1XTURKS (>K ail old caluliltabod Livery Boarding stable, doing good business; pood location; atock In good order. Addr??? STOCK. Herald Uptown llrancb office. B DllY GOODS. ATHINU SUITS. i LOltU A TAYLOR. Oar aiaoriueut of Bathing Suits for ladies and cbitdreu it now complete, and includes all tbe new styles and ma terial!. Fancy striped camel's hair ...C3 75 Gray and l.lue Hami.'i 3 1*1 Navv blue tlunuel. line quality 3 70 Camel's hair, neatly trimmed 4 .'?<> Fine all wool navv blue llauuel Jj 1*1 White aud colored serge 7 35 Misses' Butts at proportionate prices. Bathing Suits to order at a few hours' notiee. Also Untiling Shoes 45c. Bathing Cap. 91 uO Broadway and 2<Xh at. New York. qarpetJ." ~ OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS. CLE VINO UP SALE AT UKliAl REDUCTION'S. IN ORDER TO CLOSE OCT PATTERNS WH1CU WE DO NOT INTEND TO DUPLICATE, WILL OF FER DURING THE BALANCE OF THIS MONTH, aT LESS TIIA.V COST OF IMPORTATION O.. MANU FACTURERS' PRICES, LARGE LINKS CHOICE DKSIONS MOQUKTTKS at $J ;5. formerly $3 35. velvets at f 1 75 and $-'. lormorly $3 75. 1IODV BRUSSELS at $1 50 and $1 75. formerly 93 35. TAPKnTRY BRUSSELS at Bland $1 35, formerly $1 35 ami $1 50. TIJBEK-PLY, $1 and $1 35. formerly $1 5?.. INGRAINS, 4Uc., 50c., 75c. and $1, IN GREAT VA RIETY. A MANUFACTURER'S ENTIRE STUCK OF OILCLOTHS. VARYING FROM one to eight yarda wide, et LESS THAN COST OF MANUFACTURE, et 35c. PER YARD AND UPWARD. Just recvlred. a cargo of MATTINGS, WHITE, RED. CHECK AND FANCY, FROM 3(>c. PER YaKD auo a lot ot Japanese matting at 30c., WOKTIl tax. AN IMPORTER'S STOCK OF LACE CURTAINS, from ONE DOLLAR per pair to the fluent Imported at HALF PRICE. Froui auction, also. CURTAIN NETS and COTTAGE DRAPERY. OULTON.V' a, REPS. FURNITURE CHINTZES, *r.> WINDOW SHADES and CORNICES. MOSQUITO NETS. WINDOW SCREENS at 50c. each, to FIT ANY WINDOW tuew patent). SHKPPAKD KNAPP, NOS. 183 AND ls5 CTH AY.. NEW YORK, one door below liith et. 1*. 8.?MAIL ORDERS will reeelea prompt attention. Send for circular. jjNION ADaM8.N0. 847 "BROADWAY^ Iloslory, Gloves, Underwear and fi^is Furnishing!. Eoutii of Union square. .111L LIN1311Y AND DHBtBHAKDIlG. MARIE TILMA.V. OF PARIS, IMPORTER; OFFERS A a large assortuient of latest line Parisian Summer Bonnets, Millinery aud English Crapes. 433 Uth sr., user 30111 st. T ADIES OF TASTE WISHING STYLISH IMPORTED Bonnets or round Hats at greatly reduced prions will iind It te their advantage to call at Mme. CAM ILLS DE LACY'S, BS3), Broadway, noar HHh st. M" 'ME. HAM, FROM PARIS, PRESENTLY CNN tenuis!, Philadelphia, has an elegant choiee selection Of Ladies' Bonnets and llats, at 173 West -3d st. mm 1 r /<>k Liverpool dTkkct. . The ma mil. . m AI steamer AUtt KALIAN, I solum Prter, 2.500 tnn?. appointed t<> anil eaalmvu on Thnradav, Jane 33, ir ill I If I pi North River. offers ?lf saperior Drst class M Coin latlou iot pi.lieugers. Nor particular* apply to I'til, KOKWOOD A CO., A grata, M Wail u< M PIm at. U>IPL space and box plaiting bv machine,? hJ "At ii great expense t hnvo secured * numi,erut ma elilaaa with the newest Improvements, superior to any In the market *s yet. 1 cau, therefore, assure ell that iDo plaiting oone in my establishment la the only perfect plait ing nltcri-d to tbu public. Samples can be had tree of charge. All 1 solicit la a auil tin sure will gulu your rusloiu. Ladies' waists. Ac., plaited. Shilling and hemming also done bv luacbiue at mi* cent por yard, by S. JnSKt'II 38 F'orsith at. Branch office, 3U2 Knltoii St., between Pine apple and Orange, Brooklyn. lB\TEi(9IIAL E A III HITS. Bliss * Williams, maxuf'acturbrs ' op Presses, Dies auu special Maeblacrjr, 107 tu 173 Plym outh st, Brouklyn. E ONLY AUTHORIZED AMERICAN- RKSTaU raut on the Csnteunial Grounds islu ITuM ol Agrlcul tural Hall EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. WHItF. STAR LINK. V> FOR OCKENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, carrying the united states mail The steamers of this line take the Lane Routes recom mended iiy Liouteiiant Maury. U. S. N.. going suutli of tha Banks on the passage to ljuccusiowu alt the year round. BltlTANNIC .7.Juno 34. at 4 P. M. OK It M A.N 1C Itily S. at 4 P. M. CELTIC duly 15, at 11 A. M. BRITANNIC July -H. at 11 A. M. GERMANIC August 13, ? Fruin Whltn Star Dock*, pier 53 North River. Rates?saloon, $ts> andSIOO, In gold; return tickets on reasonable terms. Steerage, <3N. Saloon staterooms, smoking and bathrooms are placed amidships, where the noise and motion aro least affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sen. For Inspection of plans and other iuloriuation apply attbs company's office. 37 Broadway, New fork. ' R. J. CORT18. Agent. XJtT UTU G h It MAN LLC Y D IX STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier foot of 3d at., Uoboken. MOREL.. .Saturday. June 34 I KlIKlN... Saturday, Jtilr S DoN'AU ...Saturday. July 1 jODER Saturday,July 15 ltaies ol passage Ironi New York to Southampton, Havre or itreuo u First I'aliiu. #I "J. gold; Second Cabin, ft)1, gold; Steer age, #5U. currency. Ketnrn Tickets at reduced rates Prepaid Steerage Certldc tes, <33, currency. Fur Ireight or passu c apply to OKLKICHs A CO.. No. 3 Howling Green. NcTiiIB LINK UNITED STATES MAIL~STBAMKdS. NEW YOIIK AND HLASOOW. t: \LIFOBNlA.Juns.34.JP M. | VIC To til A ..July s.aP.M. ETHIOPIA... .JuS 1, Nihiii. | BOLIVIA.July 10, 11 A.M. NEW YoltK AND LONDON. ELYS IA June 34. 4 P. M. I I ToPI A Ju'y 33, 2 P. M. A.MIL.A. ..Julys. BP. M I AUSTRALIA. Aug. 5, 0 A.M. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDON UR LONDONDERRY. Cabins. Sd5 to StNi. eurrenev, snwdbists tecum mod at Ion a. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, <38. currency ; inleimedisto. currency. Dratts issued lor any amount at current rales. HENDERSON BitOlHcllS, Agents. No. 7 Bowling Green. STATE LINE. NEW YoltK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BKLFA<T AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 43 Notth River (loot ol Caual st.> at follows:? AVAIL OF NEVADA Thursday, J lot 23 SIAIc OF INDIANA Thursday. Juiiu-0 STATE OF i'EKMsI I.VaMA Thursday. Jo.y I I sn.l every alternate Thursday tliereatter. First cabin fUV to f so, according to accmumodatioii-: return tickets, ?135. Second Cnblli. <50; rvturu tickets #!??. Steerage at lowest rate-. Apply la . I s I IX BALDWIN A CO.. Agents. No. 73 Broadway. New York. Steerage Genet- at 4 i Broadway and at tha company ? pier, foot of t anal st., Niirtu River. Hamburg American packet company-sTink for PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and H AMBURG. IIaMMONIA Lille 33 I WILLA.ND Inly H Li .-SING Ione3M ' F tlsIA Joiv IS Rales efpastag* in I'lyniMlh. London, Cherbourg. Ham burg and all iiolitls in England, Scotland and Wales;? Cabin. ttrst saioun. gold lift) Cabin, second saioun, gold,. m hlceragv, currency 30 Ki Ml A I! I ? I A CO., C. H. RICHARD A BOAS. General Agents. General Passenger Agent*, 81 St.. New Yofk. 81 Broadway. New t ork. \lMLSON LINK POR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL vt ?ailing iroin pier 58 North River, us follow*:? HINDoo Julv 1 | COLOMBO Jnly 3W N'aVARI.VO .July 15 i OTHELLO Au.u-i >3 First cabin, fit) eurrenev; second cabin. $45 currency. Kxrnrsbih ticket* on vvry lavorsble terms Thwagh ticket! Issued to I 'oBiinenial anil Baltic porta. Apply, lor fall par ticulars, tu c|jAKLg|4 u WBIGHT A CO.. 56South st. IN MAN I.INE M NIL STeaMKRS. for uueensTown and Liverpool. i IVY OF BERLIN Satur ay, July I. at 1 P. M. CITY UE CHESTER Saturday. July 15. at 11:81) A. M. CITY OP KM IIMONO Saturday. July 33. at 3 P M. CI i Y OF HER CI N Saturday. August 5, at 3 P. M, CITY OF Ctl KbTKlt Saturday. August ID, at 3 P. M. From pier 45. North River, i a?ilu,fW?aad<|i?i. gold. Return ticket* on favorable farms -le. rage. ffUH. currency. Drafts at lowest rales, sal.iou*. stai, ru.iuis. and b.itb nium? ajaida I ?. JHII.N G. DALE, Agent. IN and 3.1 Broadway. New York MOST DIRECT AND ECONOMIC ROUTE TO HOL iVl LAND. BELGIUM. THE RHINE. SWITZERLAND, *. . AC.. VIA RtirTKKIIAM. St. atner t, ALAN J one 23 Steamer July<1 these bcaiiliiiil steamers, car'Tlng tlioUnlt'id Stoles mail te the Ni'therlauda. are great lavurltes with the public. I rip- regular, ratea low ; isnntnrt and living perfect. Ier fraignt. For passags. F L'NcM, EDYK A CO. L. W. MOKRiS, M ilruadwar. KllHIPKA.V STKAJINIIIPN. U" Althi) STATES MAIL LINK-STEAM TO QUEENS. TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, sailing every TUKSDAY, Irom pier 4'i Nurtli River. WIRCONSIX.Juuo 3D, 3 P.M. I iUAHU Jhly IH. 3 P. M. WYOMING. ...July 4, 4 A. M. I NEVADA.. vug I. 3 P. M. Cabin, foil. $7o and $80. currency. Intermediate. $40; steerage. $211. Passengers booked to and Iron Paris, Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Drafts uu Ireland. Kuglaud. Franc* aud Uer uiauy at lowest ralos. WILLIAMS A Ul'DIN. gpHroadwar. SPECIAL NOTICE.-THE SPLENDID MAIL STKAM kbip Wisconsin sails Irom Pier 4t>. North River, loot of King St., fur Quevustown ami Livuroool ok Tuesday, Juno 2<>, at 3 o'clock P. M. precisely. For passage apply to WILLIAMS A GL'IOX, 2D Broadway * GREAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK. TO UltlSTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, selling (rem pier IS Kelt itiver aa follows AKAGOX. Synioaa Saturday, June 2d COIt.NWALL, stamper Tuesday, July II Cabin passage, 17.'; intermediate, S>40; steerage. $3tl, cur rency : excursion ticket*, $12'': prepaid steerage cot tifteales, $2ti. Apply to W. D MORGAN. Agent. 7<> South at. NATIONAL LINK-FROM PIKKS 14 AND 47 N. 1L poll LONDON III : EOT. DENMARK. Wcducadav, Juue 21, 3 P. M.. FOR LIVERPOOL AND yOKKNSTOWX. EtSYPT. Juno 24.7:39 A. M. | Til* UUKEN. July 1,3 P.M. ITALY. ..Jatly 1. 12 3d P. M. I SPAIN ..July L'?. 10:30 A.M. Cabin passage, $7d and $8'>, currency. Keturu tickets at reduced rates Sto rage pussuge, $.'<1. currency. Dratls issued li??in ?1 unward at current prices. Apply at the company'* ollice, tl.) Broadway. K. W. J. III'KST. Manager^ (TI'NAI'.D LINE.?B.AXD K. A. *. M. g. s. co. J NOTICE. With a vtow to diminishing the chances of eollisiou, the steamer* ul this line take a specific course for all seasons o( the year. On the outward passage Irom Queenslown to Now York or Hostou, crossing the tne idtuu ot On at 43 latitude or uothiug to the north of 43. On lite homeward passage, crossing the meridian of00 at 42 latitude, or nothing to tne uorili of 42. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIV ERPOOL AND yUKKNS TOWN. ALOE ill A.... Wed., June 21 I ABYSSINIA... Wed . J uly 0 BOTHNIA WeiL June2s|*i L'SSIA Wed., July 12 Steamers marked * do uot curry steerage pus.eugora. Cabin passage, $89, $livi and $130. gold, according to ao Couimo-iatiou. Return tickets on lavorable terms Steerage tickets to und Irom all parta oi Europe at very low rules, freight and passuge otllco No. 4 Bowling Urocn. CHARLES O. FKANCKLYX, Agent. _ ONLY DIRECT LINK TO FUANOK. THE OENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW VOItK AND UAVJtK. CALIH.NO AT PLYMOl Til iti. B.) for the landing of passengers. Tho splendid vessels on this favorite route lor the Conti nent 'Calons provided with electric liells) will sail from pier 43 North River, foot of Barrow si., aa lollows ? ST. UKltM UN. Reeutoux....Saturday, June 24, at 8 A. M. LABRADOR Suug'lor July 1. at I P. M. CANADA. Fruiigeul Saturday. July S, at 1 P. M. AMEKiQI'E. Pons >ls Saturday. July 15. at 12 noou. PRICE OF PASSAGE IN COLD (including wtnci : ? First cabin, $110 to $120. according lo accommodation. Second, $72; Third cabin, $4tl. Return tickets at reduced rates. Steerage. $20. with superior accommodations, including wine, bedding and utensiU. without oxtra charge. Steamer* marked thus * do uot carry steerage passenger*. LOUIS DK BBB1AN. Agent. 5A Broadway. P COASTWISE STEAMSHIFs. ANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIFIC MAIL ' steamship limes. F For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, OREGON, ACL Sailing Irom pier 42 North River. For SAN FRANCISCO Via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, steamship At'A PC I.CO, Friday, June 23, connecting lur Central America and South Paciiic porta From SAN FRANCICCO to J Al'AN aud CHINA, steamship ??, Saturday, July 1. For Irelglit or passage apply to \VM. P. CLYDE A CO., or IL J. BULLAY. Superintendent. No. tt Bowling Oroeti. pier 42 North River, foot Canal si. NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINK.? Theae llrst rlase steamships will sail nt 3 P. M. from ider 13 North Itiver, foot of Cedar *u, for Ilavanu direct, aa lollows ? ? WILMINGTON Tuesday. June 20 COLUMBUS Thursday, June 29 For freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tions. apple t?M j, CLYDE A CO.. No. (I IlowBng Green. McKKLLKR, LUIHNO A CO.. Agents in Havana. on NASSAU, N."l\?REGULAR MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO loaves New York July I. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO.. <12 South su Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL SS LINE ? Steamers leave pier No. 3 North River at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF Ni.W YORE Thursday, June 22 CITY OF MEXICO . ...Thursday. July 0 FOR VERA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Prugresu, Canipoachy, Tuspnu and Tacuplco. CITY OF MEXICO Thursday,July B For freight and passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamer* will leave Now Oricaiie June 18 und July 9 lor Tarn Crus and all the above porta. * 1t6u halifax, y. a. and $t. johms, n. r. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. Steamers leave pier 10 North River tallowing days, at 3 P. M GEORGE CROMWELL Tuesday, June 90 GEORGE WASHINGTON Friday. Jnne 30 Must direct, quickest und cheapest rente tu Nova Scolta, Newfoundland aud the Lower St. Lawrence. Excellent pas seugor accommodations. Fur freight or passage apply to CLARK A SE.AM AN. 8 I West st. FOR NEW ORLEANS 1)1 It EOT TIIE CROMW IH- LINK. The steanipsiilp NEW ORLEANS, Captain Dearborn, on SATURDAY, June 24 at 3 o'clock P. M.. from |der No. U North itiver. Through hills nt lading given to Mobile and all principal points oil the Mississippi Itiver. CaOiu passage, $50; Steerage. $25. Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN, 86 West tt. o fPEXAS LINK FOR OALVKsTON. TOLOHI.Vti AT KEY X W?>(, carrying the I lilted states mail. The steaun r CITY OF SAM ANTONIO, Captain Pennington, will ?nll on Saturday, Juiie Jd. at 3 P. M.. Iroin pior 30 Kant lllver. TbrmiKh hills ot lading given to all points on the Houston ad Texas, i eutral International and ilrent Nurtliern, Gal Teston, Houston anil Henderson, ami the Galveston. Harris burn Hint >an Antonio Railroad*. Freight* ami Inaurnme at lowest rates. Fur freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. II. MALLOUY A CO., 153 Maiden lane. ONLY 01RECTLINE~FOK VLOKIUA.-WhKKLY LINK Ir.r I'ort Royal. S. C. | Feriiaudluu, Fla.; Brunswick, it a,; sailing every Tlinrsilay, front Piei 30 Kast lilver. '! he steamer CAKONUKLE I', Captain Fnlreloili, will sail Thurs day, June 33. ?t 3 I'. M.. tor Frriiuudiiia and I'ort KoyaL Through tickets Issued to all point* in Florida. For Height or passage apply to C. II. MALLOKY h CO.,or llKKMaN UkLPOKK, loll .Maiden lana. MORGAN'S LINE Or STEAMS IH PS, lor New Orleans and Texas. * will sail every Saturday to Now Orleans, transferring Texas ; freight there to Morgan's Louisiana aud Tex sfKailrond fur I Morgan . Ity, thence, per Morgan's line of steamers, to iexaa j porta. The MORGAN CITY will sail front pier I'O North Klter. Now York, on Saturday, June 34, at 3 P. M., for New Orloatta direct. Through hills of lading aliened to Mobile, Galveston and to all poinia mi the Oalvestott. Iisrdi'mit and Son Antonia, llotistoii ami Texas Central, International and Oreat North ern, Texas and Tactile and Iratis-Conlir.etltal railroads, and to IndUnola. l<r,satis Mautlnga, Corpus CltrlstL ttneuport. St. Mary's and Fulton. Freight for St Mary's and Fulton laiidetl at Kockporl. Lighterage and channel dues at either Corpus Christ! or Urates Santiago at lite expense and risk ol consignee Through rates to llrownaville via Kio liranile Railroad, Insurance cau he efleetod tin lor open policy of C. A. Whit ney A Co.. New Orleans. Front New York to Now Orleans, *4 per cent,: from New York to all Texas ports via New Or leans, % per cent. Freight at lowest rates. For freight or further informa tion apply to CHARLES A. WHITNEY k CO., Agents. pier 36 North River. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PAX t~. sailing front pier 3" North Itirer. For Norlolk, City Point snd Richmond, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at :t F. M.. connecting witn the Virginia and Tenueatee Air I ine, Atlantic tioast Line. I'iedmont Air Line, Chesapeake ami Ohio Railroad and wttlt the coin pan.v'ssteam lines to interior (minis in North Carolina nod Virginia. Newborn and Washington, rta Norlolk), every Tuesday. I hurMlay and Saturday. Lewes. Del.. Momlnv. W. dn -day and Friday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroads, I'us,eiig r aeenmmoilations inisiirpa-sod. Throiigo passage tickets and hills of lading to all pnlntsat lowest rales, insurance to Norfolk. Ac., '4 per cent. Freight received daily at pier 37 North Hl?ar General ofliees, U7 Greenwich it. N. L. McCltEAiiY, President. Tll.VV KEL.I0IIN' UllDE. \~CATSKM.I. CKKI.K DAltV LINE.?STEAMER ? NEW CHAMPION Mondays, Wednesdays snd Fri days; steamer WALTER IlitKTl' Tuesdays. I liuradays and Saturdays, at It P. M., from pier 43, foot of Canal si., coa ???ilb| n Caissill with Western stages. Faro, .nil. A I. MANY ND 1'UOY BY HAY BOA fS 0 VIHIiAKD ami DANIEL DREW.?Laave Vestry st. plrratSHO nn.l 34lli st. at s :3D A. M.. landing at Nyuck and larry tuAii ihy ferryboatI. West Point, New urg, Pou.haeepsle. tlllineherk. Catsklll and Hudson, Closo connection at Albany with new train at 6;i*l P.M. tor the W est. over New York Cciurat and Co iinieneing June 3d by special train to earatega. To West Point and Newliurg and re-' tunc same tlat. 81. Ponghkeepsle f I AO. LIIaNY. -PEOPLE'S LINK; ~<t I! A MIL'A IS Ll.TvB pier 41 North River, daily, .Sunday exeented, at 8 P. M., for Albany and all points north and west' ureal reiim-tli ni In tare Excursion tickets to Alb my. Saratoga, Montreal anil return. Meals on European plan. YJROOKLYN. NEW YORK AM) M.WBIItU, BY 1) steamboat ARMENIA, comiiienclng June 38. ?Leave i Fulton ?t., Brooklyn, at H; Vestry st.. New York, at U :2l) and -!4tli st at 0:4 ? A. M.. landing at Yoakers, I on a I si ami, Cultons. West Point and Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Brooklyn 7 I'. M Tickets lor the ronnri trip 81 CNITIZKNS' LINK STEAMBOATS FOR TROY AND ALL ) points Northeast and Weak, leave daily, except Satur day at 0 P. M-, from pier 4;? North liner. F~ Alls RIVER-LINK TO lit) TO-V via Newport and Fall Hirer -The world renowned steamboats HKISIOI. anil PROVIDENCE leave pier 3M North River, loot of Murray st . daily i-unduvs iheliidod), at If. II. Through tickets sold at all the principal botela in the etty. _ _ Highlands ok the hudboM hy daylight.? Hie MaIIY I'OiVKLL. for W?M Point, Newbttrg, Poitghkeenaie. Ron tout and Kingston, landing at Cossein , Coriiwnll. Milton and New Hamburg. SHd Marlboro hy ferry, mil leave pier :t i North River (Vestry st.) daily. Mondays excepted, at 3 : ?? I*. M Connects at Poogbkoepsie with eremag trains lor the North. LI) KSTAHI.I-HKO LINK FOR MTCVVKMAXT. CATS _ kill an I interim-iilale Ian ings -Steamer ANDREW II irom Franklin **. (oler HA), Tuesday, Thur- Is* and Saturiiay: steamer MONITOR. Mt nday, Wednesday and Friday, et A P. M. 1)H II. A DELPHI A VIA LONG llKA.XCII AND TBI New Jersey Sonthern Railroad. Fare lower than hy any oiher route, rumiiieneiag June lit, 1X7H. I.oave New York from pier s North River, loot Rector St.. 8:41 s M. lor long Branch and *ee right, dtc; l):A> A. M.. for Philadel phia Long Branch. Tnm? River. Waretnwn and Vin-iand, S..TH P.N. lor Philadelphia, Long Branch.Sand Tar action; 4:4d T. M.. lor Imng Branch Toms River and Warrtown, j; t) P. M. ari'inimodai inn lor lean Branch. Sundays W Jo A. M. for Long Branch, reinraing at A P. M. W. S. MNF.DKN. G. M. tNTONlT?T<)N LINK FOR BOSTON, xj Reduction of Fare. Steamers RHODE I*LAN D and N AKRAU \N8RTT. front pier 33 Nortu Hirer, loot of .lav at., at A P. M. Provhh'iieo Una. flora pier 37 North River, loot of Park piaoa. Sliaraihlpe ELECTRA and GAIsATkA, at ? *0 P. M. D TRAVELLERS* OVIDK. AlLY LINE TO NuitWAnC.?V\kKKEDUCRD, " By tbe swift steamer AKKtjSVSMITII, leaving Jewellf wharf. Brooklyn, ut 2 :?>> P M ; pier :f7 East Uiver, 2 :4ft P. M . 4 nd loot??!' :tu.| ?l., .1 P. 51.; returning. leaves None elk at TiSUA. M., daily (Sunday# excepted); connecting each eras Willi thu 1 (anbury and Norwslk aod Ni;w Haven railroads. Faro. 30 colli"; excursion llekuU, M cauls. Pennsylvania railroad. * GREAT Till NK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Traioa Leave New York, via Deabrueae* and CeartlnH Streeta Ferries. aa lullowa Express for liatriabnrg, Pittsburg. the West and South, Willi i'ulltnan Palace C?r* attached, 0:30 A. M., 0 and 8 30 I'. M. Sunday, 0 and 8:30 P. M. For Williaiuiport, L:<ck Haven, Corry and Brie at 0?90 A, N. and 8 : >D P. M., connecting ut Corry for Tltnavllle, Pa trulouin Centre and tbe Oil Region*. Par Balliuiure, Washington an<| the South. "Limited Waah inglon Express" ot Pullmau Parlor Cara daily, except Sunday. 0:!I0 A. M.; artlv* Washington 4:10 1*. k. Regu lar at H:pi A M., 3 and 0 P. M. Sunday 0 P. M. Express for Philadelphia, 7, 7-J*), 0 :4U. 0:30 A.M., 12:30, 8, 4, 4:10. 5,0, 7, 0:30,1) r. M. and 12 night. Sunday 5, ii. i. biii and 0 P. M. Emigrant and necond class, 7 P. M. For Ceutennial Depot at 5:30, 0:30, 7:30, 8 A. M., and 3 I*. M. Kelurnimr. lenvo Centennial Depot at 1, 4 ;i5, 5 :3||, 0 and 7 :? i."i P. M. For train* to Newark, Klixulietli. Rabwav, Princeton, Tren ton, Perth Am buy. Fleatlnxton, Belvldere and other poiuia, tnn local schedule* at all ticket office*. Trains arrive : ?From Pltuburg, 0:2U end 10:30 A. M. and lO'.'JO P. M. dally ; 10:10 A. M. and H:5(l P. M. dallr, ex cept .Monday. From Washiugtou and Baltimore. 0.-3OA M? 4, .>:to and lOu-0 I*. M.; Sunday ii:3U A. M. From Philadelphia >a?5. 0:20, fl :3tl. 10:10, II 2*0. 11:50 A.M., 2:10, 4, 5:10,0:10. UdU, s ki and 10:20 P. M.: Sunday, Sao. 0:20,0:30. 11 :io A. K? ii:50 and 1030 P. M. Ticket Office* 32D and 044 linotduuy, No, 1 Alter Honae, and loot of Dcsbrosae* and Courtlandt *U; No. 4 Court it., Rrmiklyu; No* 114. llli and lis lludaon It, lloboken; depot, Jeraey City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. 0 Battery place. FRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD. Jr.. Uenurel M-tfgtft (loneral Passenger Agent. ~ilfcTKSIO.\IS. ~ 4 LlELiUllTFUI. EXCURSION. '* A PLYMOUTH liOCK, ? fur ROCK AWAY. J ARRET T k PALMER'S eiiperb FLOAT INii PA1.ACE. the Meamor PLYMOUTH ROCK, will make a grand exeureiou to ROCKAWAY REACH and the cool braeaee of tbo ATLANTIC. EVERY DAY. Including SUNDAY, leaving tbe foot of 22tl at.. ,V. K.. at 1(1: In o'clock A. M., and pier 2 N. R., at 11 o'clock, remaining at tbe lfeacli three hour*, uud returning to lb* city by 7 o'clock P. M. FARE, lor tbe whole exeurxien. FIFTY CENTS; single trip Ucaet*. to or from Itockiiway, 35 cent*. A ORAND ML'bJCaL ENTERTAINMENT ix given every day by HORACE WESTON, the Champion Huujoiat; the J L llli.EE SINGLES uuo tu*truineutali?ta, MADR1UAL llOYS, MOZART CLUE CLUB. PALERMO STRING BAND, CHIMES OF CHURCH BELLS. Ac. V -A.-TO charter? STEAMBOAT FORT LKE; J\ . will accommodate 400 passengers; price 050 to $1U(J per day. Apply in the afternoon at 47 Fultm ?t. CIIAUMINO ?.v.?daily and sunday excursions to ? Fort Lee. Pleasant Valley and Shady hide.? Steamboat# leave Citiial at. daily at 0:43 and I') A. M.; 2, t>:15 and 7:13 P. M. Sunday at 0. 10 and 11 A. M.; 12 M? 1, 2, 3. 4,0 and 7 P. M.; landing at 24th and 31th at*, (dally and Sunday) 10 uiiiinto* tutor. Round trip. 25c.; cbildron half priaa. AFISHING BANKS EVERY DAY ttiATU (DAYS ? excepted).?I icean steamer SKTli LOW, leaving Harrison ?t.. North River, 0:30; Hth ?t., Kaat River, 7; pier 27 Kaat ltlver, 7:15; Hill St., Norm River, 7:40; pier 0 North River, 8 A. M. Ticket*, f I AL G. FOSTER. M anager. J^UI?1T70.?FOR CONEY ISLAND, DAlLY-1870. Tho new iteamur IDLEWILl) will run to Consv Island ou and after Sunday. June 11, everyday, leaving 23d it., N. R.. ? A. M.. 12 M and 3 P. M.; 10th ?t.. N. K? 0:10, 12:10 and 3:10 P.M.; Franklin it., N. It.. llffiO, 12:80 and 3 JQ P. M.: pier 2 V K? 0:30, 12:31) and 3:30 P. M. Tht SAPPHO leave* 23d at.. N. R.. 10:50. I :30 and 4:30 P. M.| 10th It.. N. It. 10:40, 1:40 and4:40P. M.; Franklin it., N. It.. 10:50. 1:5" and 4 :5o P. .51 ; pier 2 N. It.. 11 A. M.. J and 5 P. M. ELIZA IIANCoX, Juno IS, Irom KASl RIVER, will leave 3'd it..'.) A. M.. 12:80 and 3 :30 P. M.| 23d ?t.. 11:10 A. M., 12:40 and 3:40 P. M.: 8th at., 0:20 A. M., 12 :30 and 3:50 P. 51.; Fuhou furry, Brooklyn, 0:35 A. M., I KX. uud 4 1*. 5L __ A?FOR EXCURSIONS, SALOON STEAMER ? Wvomlng, haritee Republic.- Chicago, Baldwin, Caledonia and Anna: Oriental, Excelsior. Itarltan Boacli. Alderney Park, Cold spring and lona Inland grove*. Address or inuulre at 3*4 West St., opposite Chriatophat htroet ferry. IL B. CRUSSETT. DaILY KXCURSIONS TO NBW HAVBN.?TUB BL1L gunt stestner TWILIGHT will cuuimouce her trip* on Sunday, June 10. and continue daily thereafter (Monday* excepted) a* follow* :?Leave Harrison at., North River, at 7:30 A. 51., Fulton terry. Brooklyn, M A. M.: Grand at., has# Kivor. 8:1ft A. M.; 23d ?t.. East River, 8:30 A. M.. ar riving at New llaven at 1 :30 P. M, Returning, leave New Haven at 3 P. M., arriving at New York 7:30 P. M. Para fur excursion, $1. Music anil rotroslimenia. FOR~EXCU ItSlONS?TH h LA RGB FIRST CLASS FA vorite Stoaiuhnat* Sleopv llollow, now called ibo LONG BRANCH, and MKTAMOP.A. Bngleewood, Alpine. Dud Icy'*, Spring Hill, Mycra' and lona Island Grove*, with Hitrgc* and Boat* ol all kin da J. MYERS, corner Morton and next it*. PtUID CENTENNIAL I NT Ell N AT ION AL VJT Yacht itacc, Thursday, dune 22. 1870. Ea?t River boat. The favorite steamer NEVKKBINK will accompany thn yaobt* over the whole eourv* to the Lightship and return. Under the auspice* of the Brooklyn Yaobt lilnb. Ijoavitiu pior 37, Ea*t River, at M. Leaving 23d St., K. It., at W:15 A. M. Leaving Hill St., h. It., at 0:30 A. 51. Leaving Grand ?t? K. K . at 0:45 A. M. Leaving South 1st at.. Williamsburg, at IOA. M. Leaving Jewell's wharf, Fallen ferry, Brooklyn, at 10rW A. M. Music hy Lent's Hand. ReIrcshinetit* of alt klndaon board Fori) Ono Dollar. /AKA.NO CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL YACu? \JT rneo. THURSDAY, June 22. IS7B. The favorite etenmara WIl.l.lAM COOK and MADE.VIA will accompany the yacht* over tlie whole coarso to the lightship and retom. Faro One Holler on Oitlior bout. The Wm. Cook leaves 24th sk, N. it., at 9:10 A. M. Tho Win. Cook leaves 10th at . N. K.. ?l 8:45 A. M. , Ilin Win. conk leave* pier 2 X It., et 10 A. M. The Win. Cook limve- Pulton Terry, itrooklyn. et 10:20. Tho Mtxeatt leaves Veaoy et., X. Ik. BlUuO A. M. aa4 I0:1K. The Magenta leevea 24th at.. X. R., et 0:15 A. M. Tho Magenta leave. lilth ?t. N. Ik. itt 10 A. M. Tho Magenta leave, pier 2 N. K.. et 10:15. Tlie Maihiuit leaves Kitlluu ferry, Brooklyn, et 10:35 A, M. ____________ IONA IHUXD, WKST POINT AND NKWBl'UO-*EB it irertleeiuunt ? f ?touniloott Armenia. 1)0UKAWAY BEACH EXCTUSION8. TWENTY MINUTES OjTtHK ATI.AKTIO OCEAN. FOUR EXCURSIONS DAILY by the favorite mnl commodious excursion atoamert, AMKKICLS en it NKVKRSIMC. Musical eutertaiiiinent by tho celubmteil ORPHEUs OI.liB CLUB. AMKlllCUS ILEAVES 24th tk. N. Ik I Kith et., N. Ik I Voeey at. I Fultouek.B'ih V M P M A. M. I' M. A. M. P. M. A M. P. M. 8:20 anil 1 SlS -M and 1 :2S I HDD 1:4<i | P:2n and 2JUl) XKVEKS1NK LEAVES EAST HIVKIt, IHh at., E. It. i 8. let, Worth g. I Ornod at.. NY. I Bmoklrn. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. S A. M. P. M A. M. P. M. 8 :<*? 12:46 18:15 and IS) 18:20 and l:in|p;:? 1:30 steamers Iniive Rockaway at 11 A. M., 5 and5 :16 P. M. Para, 35 cent*. Excursion tit kola, LO emits, liuinrn ticket, pood on either above boots. NOTICE ?No dal/ly from low tide. Duly iionte making the upper landings at Rockaway. tin SUNDAYS the steuuiers WILLIAM COOK end ARItOWsMlTII twill mako excursion to Kocknwer In connection witu tho a hove boat*. Rockaway bkacii -new ska steamer .mahTon leaves daily Irnm the foot of Franklin at. at I" A. M.; tarn 36 cents; excursion llcsets 50 cents. Leavea the Beach at 4;:UI P. M. EST "POINT, NliWBCKU, POI tDIKKKPSlK AND return shiiio day by day line steamers. w FOR KALE. FINK H4KKKY PDlt SALE?AT OREAf BA& gain: now doing good business. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar et. k ?BROADWAY SAMPLE ROOMS. CHIMB STORES, A . Ketiiinrauts. Ueaw Stores. (JroeerT Stores. Provision stores. M ITi II ELL. 77 Cedar at. A X OLD ESTABLISHED HlftlNKKX, ESPECIALLY A nduptsd for a Herman, will be sold cheap, for cash, to n prompt buyer Appljr at .No. 7 ddsk. Ilobokeit, N. J. ?Ellis r'~:LA -S BaKHEK shop and cioab , Storqfor sale on Broadway; well fitted up; doing A good trade; rant low. OAFKNEV & SMITH, 17 Centra it. DHL'(J STOKE F"R SAl.K CHEAP?NEAR NEW Vnrk; will sell for $ OJ; worth BtXMl Add rasa, for Bare days, (> I .<1 CAMP BOB, ilerulu ulHce. POK SAI.E-ANOLD ESTABLISHED CRACKER AND Biscuit Bakery. Apply to THOMAS BENNETT, 2IS I niton sk _____ I TO ll SAL K?FIKST 01I .ASS C(?R NK R LltJU O R STO KB J cheap tease; low rent. Call at MSI Oreenwioh sk, to il a V. TAOK BALK-A DI M NO SALOON; KB NY, Slot PRB F month : Alt*' worth of hoard par month taken by the landlord For perttcular* tnqnire under Hoaaas Hotel, Clictliem eqiiarc. ___________ I/OR SALE?i<E TAFitANT AND OYSTER HOOBB; F an elegant piece; 1" years' lease; cheap rent: See building ; 11 rooms m dwelling p ?rt: Hrst class| nr -at bargain apply to ilKH. kl.NTNER. Presoott House, corner lirootiwaj and Spring st No agents. Ft oil SALE CHEAP?TI1K OLD ESTABLISHED OON lectlonery and Commission Bakery. Lunch Konal and Soda Water Counter. Li t Liberty ak, on lite main thorough (are to Philndelpnia, Long Branch and Pennsylvania Hail road. I .To It sALf.-A HOOD CHIAB SToKK ON STB AY. 1 luau r? at Xa. 504 Stli av. bum SALE?A FIRST CLASS CORNER LIQUOR Stare, cheap, on aaay terms. Apply en the pram is*,1 No. 12 Jackeon sk. earner Madioou: or to TRACY A KC8 SELL, Brewers, corner of Oruenwtch av. and 11th St. The" CIOAB STAND IN ONE OP THE BBlf New Vork city hotels; a eliuoce lor n entail lav ait merit Inquire of IIKNRY tsCNTIIKif, 14 Contrast. AtmirwiLL-BOr A SMALLBUMNBsH.tlARBIRD if ^DD on ibrea years by present proprietor, ou Sib av.. New Vork. Address WHEAT CHANCE, Herald Uptenn Branch o#ce. MAt;iiiNKk 17 . .j.2 UH)R SALK-AT A ORBaT SACIUFICiC "a WtibiB r Sawing Machine, with Horse I'owrr. Ac., complete. Apply et ,V FEDEkLIN'S eoai yerd. 528 West 24th sk Mi?ubUsAnF(iun w'ood and IKoN WOBKIN0 M coin. rv. shafting. Pullles, Hangars. Portable En giues. at Da VIM' Mnehieery Ynrd. Stf Railroad av.. demey City. ^Ift'NiCAla. ? ""I Yt (CVW^CaMIs'BXI" A ' ytsilTiait A prnno In a ebalr. Addrae* B, B., 38# 4th av.