Newspaper Page Text
ri ? \d i\l Governor Hayes at His Home in Cclumbus, Ohio. Character and Purpose of the Meet ing at Cincinnati. The Man Everything?The Platform Nothing. Views of the Nominees on the Leading Political Questions. HO CHANCE FOR THE BLOODY SHIRT. Carpet Baggers and Scallawags Nothing to Hope For. MR. BELCHER ON THE COMING MAN COLimaiTH, Ohio, June 18, 1870. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall O. Huberts, ex-Governor and Mr*. E. 1). Morgan and Mr. Eliot F. Shcpard, of New York, paid a visit this evening to Governor Hayes, at bis official residence, on Capitol square. There were a low other visitors, friends of the Governor and resi dents ol the town present, and the eveuiug was passed In an Interchange of social sentiment In the morning Governor iiuyes paid a visit to the Xlol House, where shout a dozen ol the members of tlio committee. In cluding It H. Dana, E. Y. Halo and Edward McPbcrsou, appointed to acquaint hint with his nomination to the Presidency, hud remained over for ihu Sabbath. He was cordial and communicative with all und deepened run fcs.voB*BUC iMl'KKssftJN ho made the previous evening by his candid and unaf fected manner. During the day tho Governor was luuud in the midst of an interesting circle si his chil dren, to all appearances as unconcerned by the respon sibility thrust upon him us uny one ot the little oues playing ut his ktioe. AN KSi'IMATK given ino to-day by one of Governor Uuyos' friends, who appears to know his character most thoroughly, is that nobody not on most intimate terms with huu can uuderstuud fully his largo capacity lor statesmanship. Uo has a depth of ncrvu and common sense lor which ho has never received credit. It is impossible to get him to talk of bimseli, but with tho Hold and the op portunities to show what ho can Jo he will rise to tho occasion and auswer all the anticipations of his friends. Yestcrduy and to-day u host ol newspaper men ironi all parts ot tho country culled to 1NTXKV1KW TIIK UOVXKNOK, tut without success So far the Hrkald representa tives have boon tbo only people with wuom he has in terchanged any ideas worth publishing. With the ex ception ol those already meuiioiied few politicians called upon bun us politicians, which is rather a cred itable fact. He is not disposed to talk much on politics. He believes THJS KSPl'BUCAM 1MKTY bus not yet performed its whole mission, and that it would be a calamity to tho country If it failed to fulfil It. Of Ulumo he speaks in high terms, and ho ha* words of eulogy and regard for Conkliug, Morton and liristou. lie says be hopes tbo ablo aud experienced men of tbo republican party will sustain him, as ho has no idea of boiug thought a compelem exponent of re publican principles. In bis way he will do nis host, but he needs all the help tho best representatives o(. the party can allord him. Governor Hayes appoarod neither elaiod nor depressed, and said ho was like Montaigne iu one respect, and practised the philosophy of never ropining at his lot. AFTER THE CONVENTION. WHAT WAS 1T.OPOBKD AND WHAT ACCOM PLISHED? THE CANDIDATES AMD THS LEAD ING liEI'CBLICAN IDEAS. Wasuixotox, Juno 18, 1878. The Cincinnati Convention scattered to all the points ol the compass as quickly as the railroads could carry Its members out ol the hot and grimy Queen City, and on tho crowded trains the various eventu of the excit ing week were energetically discussed by the delcgules and others. |> It Is a matter of remark that the Convention was not aJtsjdjr tr.ccilug for consultation as to tbo most prudent mot-urcs lor the party or country. It was composed of tho lollowors ol did ore til prominent candidates, each set determined to do the utmost to secure the nomination ol its man. The piatiorin was in nobody's mind ; was scarcely mentioned either before or alter Its adoption. It Is douhtlul If ten of the delegates who roted lor it have yet read Ik Tho whulo struggfc was ever the nominations. THS SLOTS AXD INTRIOC1S (or tho two places on tho ticket resulted lu some most lingular combinations. Hayes, Conkliug and Blaino had 110 combinations with others su lar as is kuowu. The lrionds ol Governor Hayes, seeing tho ardor and determined persistence ol tbo struggle, wisely held aloof aud bided their time. Mr. Conkling's irieuds found the Hayes men either uuuble or unwilling to give It mi tho vote ol Ohio and at one time lookod to Illinois for u Vice President lor their ticket, fit soon saw that they had nothing to expect there. Governor Morgan's frivuds ottered htm as a candidate for the second placo with Hristow, Hayes aud Wasbburne, and when tho Uristow men wore most hopeful tlicy bad sottled upon Mr. Morgan us their Vice President. Mr. Washhurnu had no prominent Iriouds In the Convention or outside of it to urge his pretousionr. li was thought at oue time that a concentration upon bnu might have been cllectod had he had irieuds or influence to work for him. The same is true of Mr. Pish, whose name was oticn mentioued. II the Bris tow men had, at one stage of the business?say on Wednesday?chosen to withdraw their candidate and Substitute Mr. Pish lu his place they could probably buvo secured his nomination by energetic work. But they were determined to stand by their chosen man to the last. XOKTOX ASP HRISTOW. The combination which attracted the most atteutlon lor Its apparent incougruiiy was tnat between the Uris tow and Morton incu. This was thought curious, be muse Mr. Mortou is known to entertain extreme views til tbo .Southern question, while Mr. llristew was the mudidatc ol the liberals, woo have all along bcou utt erly o,?po-ed (o Senator Morion, largely because ins kiuihern policy Is hateful to them. Moreover Mr. Mor a nivalis to linlaiioii aud soft money; Mr. Hristow was the candidate ol Mr. Scburx. a pronounce 1 hard meuey ?tan. Hie coalition bclweeu the two liiereiorc natu rally excited remark as being not lit the natural order. But it is probable that the two men do not disagree on the Southern question, Mr. Uristow beiug understood to hold that the lederal government baa tho right aud Juty to interlero lu tho local aflairs of the South when svor It nioy ibiuk this necessary. T1IK BLOOD* SIIIRT AND TUK XOMINKB. Considering the pain* every speaker bcloro the Con. e< utlon, front General Log in dowu or up, took to raue "iho bloody shirt,'' to denounce tho democratic party is a danger to tbegcuuntry, anu to talk ol or bint at the , wrongs ol the Southern blacks, D is a liUle amusing that the Convention, alter a.l, nominated two ntun, both of whom are opposed to an extreme policy in (Southern ntlairs, and neither or whout will raise the bloody shirt or encourage any one the to do so. Mr. IVboetcr la kuowh as Uie author of the Louisiana com premise ol hut year, which was intended to edecl such t settlement of political disputes lu that State tn would leave the ledtral government no further excuse lor Interference, and Mr. Wheeler's compromise measure was bitterly, though vainly. ?p poeed by Messrs. Packard. Pmchback and yearly all tho loading republican politicians except Governor Kel logg. As to Governor Mayes, whose opin.ous now be come n mailer of public Importance, be doee uot. II Is nle to any, believe that the federal government can ? ??? hi ?efullr interfere la the local aflatrs at the Southern States. Ho supported, while In Congress, all the measures of reconstruction which the republicans then adopted, und doubtless does not regret having done so; but he is of those who believe that the Southern States ought now to bo allowed to rulo lu their own internal affairs precisely a* the Northern States do, aud If he should become Presi dent, while he would not permit grave und dangerous dlsturimnccs In uuy part of the couutry be would not bolster up ineltictcnl und corrupt State governments In the South, nor make the led oral power the tool ot uosigu ug carpet-hag politicians, as has been douu too j much during tbe last low years, lie will, It Is quite sale to say, disappoint the carpel-bag und bloody shirt politicians of the South and their extremist allies lu the North. KBVBMl'X AND TARIFF QCKSTIOX*. It may be added that Governor lisyea is known to havo made for some years a close and careful study ol the revenue and tariff questloua, and, while he is a person of great moderation, ho leans decidedly to the opinions ot those who deairo a lower and simpler tariff, aud closei commercial rela tions with the nations upou the two American con tinents. Ho is likely to give considerable and intelli gent attention to these qucslious und, il he should bc coiiio President, to select his cabinet somewhat with relation to the opinions aud knowlodgo of Its members upon them.' Ol courso be Is a hard money man, and he would probably, hud he been consulted, made tho currency plank ol the Cincinnati pluilcrm less 11amby pwoiby than it is, lor he learned in the Onto canvass last lull that it la safest to meet that Issue squarely aud courageously und not bv evasions which excite tho suspicions and discontent of both hard uud soft mouey men. TUB CINCINNATI CONVENTION was an excellent body of men, above the average of such bouios lu intelligence uud conduct. It was col lected in uu execrable building, badly veutilatcd, lu which the speakers could inuKe themselves heard ouly by buwliug, and whero it was very dllllcull to maintain order amid the inteuso excitement and extreme heat, liul the Convention transacted us business with patience, uud on tho streets uud In the hotels, though the crowds wcro dense und the strife arduous and even b'tter, there was no disorder, no druukonucss and no quarrelling*. BKOTHEll BEECHElt HIS THOUGHTS A1JOUT THE TICKET?WHY HE PREFERRED BLAINE PERSONALLY?HE BE LIEVES HAYES AND WHEELER A WINNING PAIR?HE St'MS UP QUANT, WA8HBUUNE, BBISTOW AND THE REST?A PREDICTION. "I was a Blaine man all through the Convention," said Henry Ward Beechor yesterday altcrnoon, as he looked over the top ol a Sunday Hkkalu at the inquir ing gaze ol a Hkkalu reporter. "I was very hopeful lor his nomination, although down to tho timo ot his maguiflcont light 1 cared but little about liiru. If ho had been nominated there would havo been a stirring campaign, with heavy blows given and taken. Hu would huve created nu enthusiasm among the young men of the nation that no other candlduto could pffBsibly havo gotten up. I at no time believed that Conkling could get the nomiua tiou. Ho is in his proper place, and docs the devoir admirably, no deserves all tho good things tho Hkkalu has said of huu, hut his friends should huve known better than to keep him so long in the light. They should have known to a certainty what reversible strength he hud, and when they fouud they could not win with htm, should havo gracefully retired when it was within llioir power to numo the candidate. Instead ot that they were outrageously beaten and subjected their friend to a most unneces sary humiliation." Kkpoutkk?But wouldn't the nomination of Blaine have uecossilateU a UKPIXHIVE CAMPAIGN T Mr. Bbeciier?Well, you soe Mr. Blaine's idea of defenco constate in attacking bis enemy so vigorously that tbo defence comes from tbe ether side. Yes, that element would bave boen unfortunate, and, doubtless, so far us the republican purty >s concerned, It Is better as It is. The prime essential in a campatgu like this Is to have a candtdato against whom nothing can be said. But there are very few of tbat kind of men! I^be Presi dency hits become a kind of lottery anyhow, and we have to lake the good with the bad. Bometlmos wo get a good President and sometimes we don't. Reporter?Do you know GOVERNOR HA VIS personally? Mr. Bebchrr?No, but I know of him. Re has come up since 1 moved East, but I know about him. Ho will not make a brilliant campaign ? >r a brilliant Presi dent; but ho is a sound, practical, reliable man of good common senso and an excellent war record, which, by tbe way, appears to be a great point with both partios. I do not look at these matters as a par tisan. If I know myself I AM NOT A PARTISAN, and I say, with the Interest of the country at heart tbat I do not think tbe democratic party Is quite ready to bave control of tbo government. 1 do not believe In reviving llio ante-war feeling, nor In recalling tbe war sentiment. I don't believe there would bave boen so much made ol those elements as is gcuorally supposed had Mr. Blaine boen nominated. But still I think it best that tbo power ol tbo government .should be retained a while longer in the bands of the republican parly. And, therefore, while 1 should huvo preferred Biaiuu, I am glad Governor Hayes has the nomination. 1 know nothing of Mr. Whoeler except I what I am told and read, but from all accounts tic, too. | appears to be an unusually sensible, practical, well < balanced man. 1 RsptiKTEK?Neither of tbcm has the PERSONAL maonktism ! of Mr. Plaltie. Mr. Bkbchkr?t bato tbat word. All tbia talk of personal magnetism is so much bosh. If u roan pro duces edi cts it's because ho has brains lu Ins bead and knows bow to use tbcm, not becaitso bo bus an extra furnaco In his body. Mr. Bialoe bus developed a surprising degreo and amount of : power, but it's In Ills brains, not lu his body. He will ' do utl in Ins power to muke the ticket a success lie i ought to be In i be Cabinet and not go to the Senate. The ; Senate is well enough lor old men, but Blaine has a ? future which ought not to be rusted in the Seuuto. Ho , either should have a place in the Cabinet or go bank to the House as the leader. He'll make his murk a long | time yet. Kkvortbr?Grant didn't bave much of a show, did he? Mr. Bkachkr?Not a particle. These investigations ' and d seoverles convinced Hrant's friends, even if tbey | ware t>?l corviuced before, that there was no hope lor him. Tbe Convention, to lie sure, mentioned him lu ' their resolutions, hut It was a kind ol mention not worth much?something like the story they tack on to l>r. Osgood, who, on entering heaven, is supposed to I meet 1'aul and say, "Ah. I'aul. Haul; oh, ves, I hollevo I I did hear you mentioned somewhere;'' nnd that's about all tbe Convention did lor UrabL They men | tloned him. Kbi'urtbk?Does imirrow's KBSIOXANON mean anything * Mr. Ueki'Hkk?I think not. Yon see this is the lag end of au administration. liristow has notbiug to gain by stayiug lu mi uncomfortable antagonism, ami his private business needs bun very much. He lias made i some reputation and can lake it borne wlfb him, where It will he of some service. It would do hitn no good at Washington, where be has literally nothing to liopo ' for. Reporter?How do you acrount for 1 washiuhmc's lack . of strength In tbe Convent Ion * Mr. Beeciikr?Wsshburne has alienated tbe con fidence and regard ol evory leading mini In Illinois. He did so before he went abroad They used to say as long ago as theii that lis had held on lo lbe parly until be had got all he could Irom H and th> n he dropped it, took no interest in us ailairs. kepi away from lis con ventions?In la<?i, led ti. And that raised a corre sponding leeling among the leaders which finally grew into autacoaiafn, nnd they vowed they would never do more lor bun. And they won't, f am disposed to think the party has made the MRST PGSslBLE NOMINATION lor suei ess. I'eeeotiRily I shall take no active part In Uie canvass There Is no occasion for it. Hut I sin cerely hops for the election of Hayes and Wheeler, and | ! have no doubi, with proper management. It will lie 1 stcured. Hayes is personally and politically popular i at home. They know him there thoroughly' and like lum He made a splendid Ggbt therein the gultcrna 1 torial rami sign. Every one agrees thai he did not only well but splendidly. He is said lo imisscsk the < qualities and traits Just now essential lor tho rest ration of confidence in the minds of the people. lie will lie supported with great unan imity by the party and the party leaders. The friends of Mr. funkllng would not have supported i Mr, Itlaino ?itn an> heart, nnd certainly those of Mr. Blame would not*have rallied about a Conkling ban ner with great enthusm-m. Against Hayes none of then has any leeling. He is not only negatively strong j with Ibcae fictions, hut positively strong as one who has an unimpeachable record, and went to tho Iront with energy and seat. The nomination ol MR- WlfKRI.KU ; was Judlcmus and wise. It secures a cordial support i from the men wbo went shouting for Conkltug as a New Yorker. Mr Wheeler was a promt j nrnt candidate for tho gubernatorial noun ' nation* aud his selection lor the national ticket Teat es a place unoccupied, which will he filled by some other strong muu. thereby securing the en thusiasm ol bin friends a* well. Mr. Wheeler's strength in Near York State is unquestioned. Ho will do more to se cure tbls State lor the repu dicans than any other could do Governor Morgan would have dono well, but Mr. j Wbeeler has geographical as welt as personal political I strength, and hi# nnm nation was a wise and shrewd I selection. On tbe wbole, I am quite confident that tbo Republican Convention aeted with sagacity and dis cretion, and ihul a triumphant result will confirm that opinion. WHAT THE POLITICIANS SAY. Tburlow Weed said Roscoe Coukliug could not be nom inated. Ho thought Washburne, Hayes, Hatnillon Fish or Edwin D. Morgan stood a bottor show. Mr. USalno's letters, according to the veteran Weed, are not ex plained, nor are thoy explainable. He believed a Blaine campaign would bo a defensive fight. Brlatow us a detective is all well enough, but llristow as a Presi dent Is u d i lie re in matter. Krastus Brooks says Joel Parker could carry New York with groator ease than Samuel J. Tilden. John Kelly insists that the Empire Slato will be all O. K. in ihe loll, and says the democratic nominee will he the favorite, spilt or no split. Thurlow Wood Bays If Ihe demoerata have sense enough to nominate Seuator Newton Booth they a il) give tho republicans a lively Ughu He thinks they huven't sense enough. Kx-Goveruor JJix Is preparing for a campaign of sport on Long Island's sea-girt shore. He still sees in his mind's eyo a split at St. Louis, u (allure .before the people and an election in tho House ol Representa tives. Alexander H. Stephens will receive a counterblast from Vice President Uainiiu aud Thurlow Wood in a lew days. William C. Klngsloy, Boss McLtughllu, Thomas Kiu soilu and other Brooklyn leaders lean toward Newton Booth 11 L'uclu Saiuuel tails at St. Louis. Peter Cooper dreads a revolution conceived In pen ury ami horn in despair. Joel Parker said recently that a bond fide, war dem ocrat?like Parker ot New Jersey?wouiu rally ail ihe bouthorn Stuies, sweep New Vork and curry Sew Jer sey's ttug straight up the steps el the While House. Morgan lux will give his spectacles it ibo democrats cau see their way to hoist ihe name ol JoUu A. BlX. Proctor Knoll says Old Bill Allen is tuo noblest work ol' Rod. Beu llutler thinks there will bo no election by tho sovereigu people. All the political par ous are quiet Just now. Mono ol Boss 'tweed's Ineuds believe in 'l'tldon. When the bogus ciuuiuu.iu despatch wus read in the rotunda ol u uown town butt-1 bots wore made mat Bluiiiu wuuid he nominated on tin- st cuna tiul.ut. V\ hen us innpiilous nature was disc.used the Blame lueu withdrew itieir case. --shed .shook telegraphs troin Cincinnati that it's ail right. uovernor English says ho is embarrassed. tiuvernor Buu.e thinks Joel l'arker would do all lie promises uud uu ad nu possibly uou d u elected. Beu Bailor thinks Uiu men who go lo conventions as delegates aro moid, lie rays it is preieruble to stay at borne and instruct them. Uovernor Kenton rays nothing. Lx-Lieuteuahl Uovernor Wood lord Buys tho llug ol our country is ag.oriuus tiling and must oo permuted to wave. All the Kings couuly delegates start lor Si. Louis to-morrow they take Chicago in their liue ol march and propose a lurry ol u uiglu in that hospitable city. Coiouci John R. follows does not believe m healing up the war scar between Tammany and Its loos. ilu minks ihore will no two tickets run at iho lull uieoi-* lug. Tho ColouoJ is uiie ol tuo knowing fellows. Mr. lluribert idealizes Bayard and ogles Hen dricks. Boo Cameron said be represented the two beauties of the campaign, ituscoo Coukhog and Governor General liar n un il Ciucluuull Gazelle. Richard Smith is easily salislled. llo caliud loud lor Bristuw, louder ior llayes uud loudest lor Morton. Pincuback and Uurueu say ibe colored brother has had a little ebnucu under Grunt, but tho colored sister bus been left out iu tho cold. General Jobu Cuchiaau says the domocruts may take a hint, 11 liiuy will nutiue that ail the liberal leudcrs were at Cincinnati. There was so much noise in tho Convention tliat tho doiegutos couidu t hear Iho prayer. The telegraph in slruuieuts were busy, so the delegates, like ihe people, took the petition ou tick. V red Ho ugiuss says ibe republican party cannot get along without Ibo black voto, but his views are col ored?by prejudice. Boss Shepherd says ho made a great mistake In going to the Convention as u contestant without cre dentials. Secretary Brlstow takes his buck seat very graco lully. He suys he bad no thought ol a nomination, uud tncruioie cannot bo disappointed at another's se.ecuou. Peter Cooper told a Irieud y ealerduv thai if Tihleu be nominated at e>L Louis Bill Alien will he elected. Mrs. bar.ih Speucor said all she hud to say about woiuun's suffrage In ten minutes. &arah Bpenc'er lime to good advantage. Ex-Congressman Poland still wears a blue coat with brass buttons, aud suys he will hurrah for the ticket. Very lew ol the Cincinnati delegates had hoads of hair. Tbey are grave aud diguified and bald headed. General Logan insists that patriots shall bncklu on their armor. Tho democratic lookers-on at the Convention talked loudly in lavor ol Blaine. WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SAY. Bulttmuro Gazette:? "All faces are turned toward tho rifling sun. 11 old Andrew Johnson was alive now ho might pity Grant'' Wilmington (Del.) Herald:?"In the selection Grant's revenge ia complete." Boston ?"In tho presont despcrato condition ol the party it is perhaps as well as could be done; but the candidates do not laeo toward victory." Builulo Courier:?"Hayes can bopo to make tlio campaign neither of a Blaine nor a Hristow. But let us not be misunderstood as pronouncing the Cincin nati tickot a thoroughly woak or bud one." Syracuse (N. V.) Courier:?"Tho nomination of Hayes shows that the rogues aud knaves of the party still retain control, and propose to run tho country an other four years. Tho ticket is a ticket that will arouse no euthusiastu among the musses of the party. It Is a tickot that is doomed to a cerium defeat in No vember next." Kochestcr Democrat:?"The nomination of Governor Hayes was the result of the wisest thought of the Con vention, New York, Massachusetts and Ublo cordially recognizing It." Alhauy Keening Timet:? "Mr. Hayes is not invincible, even on his own stumping ground. We believo that Hendricks could best him lit both Ohio and Indiana. Thure Is very little danger now llutl the SL l.ouis Con vention will noniliistn Tiidcn. The buttle hold Is in the West, where fildou is most odious." Poughkecpsie (N. \.) 1'rett:?"The 'Great Cnknown' wus nominated for President yesterday by the repub licans. Uluiue hauls in bis horns, and Beiltnup, Har rington, SUcpard and the balance ol the thieves cuu go home." Washington Chronicle:?"Althoueh it Is with diffi culty we lorgivo them tor dclcatiHI Mr. Blaine, yet we ruunot but Icel that iliev have, by their choice of Mr. Hayes, done much to condone their taull " Newark (N. J.) Journal.?"His nomiustlon tails Hat, tame, lev. It excites no popular response iu the party and the politicians have hurd work 10 conceal their dis gust. Muce yesterday count New Jersey sure for tho sjl. l.ouis cnndidHio." Bangor (Me.) IVhig?rep:?"We lmvo no disposition to couceal our regret and disappointment over tho result ol the Cincinnati Convention." NewHavcu Rtgider:? 'The republican party has de serted its geucral?descried not only 'the grandest combination of heart, conscience and brain' known to the republican party to-day. as Mr. lugcrsoll, ol Illi nois, characterized Mr. Blaine, but it lias deserted every known lender of Its parly, alter the tnshicu ol the whig* in and placed itself under tho command of the Great Unknown." Portland (Mc.) Argus:?"This plank ol the platform was evidently made lor Hristow, und it lits liaycs as the saddle o( Bucephalus Would III a pony." Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin:?"As we havo already sug gested, the lickct as a whole Is a trllle less formidable tli ill our adversaries loured, and there will he|oy in the democratic eamp lor n lew days; and yet It is exceed ingly duuhtlul whether the St. Latum Couvetition can put up af good names. It certainly cannot select u'.ty better." Hoi-ton Advertiser:?"The candidates teprcsent ail that Is good in the party, aud they will iiudountcdly curry'Ins und every other republican State by old fashioned majorities au<l he triumphantly elected in Novc tolxf." Provideuce Journal:?"Mr. Wheeler will give groat strength to the ticket and will worthily bear the high Honor which the American peopic designate lor bun." Baltimore (iaiette "fhe republic iit plattorm is a drag net to catch votes but not to hind the party. The little rascals can slip through its meshes aud the big oucs can break through It nt auy point '' Boston Globe .'?"too action of the Convention will have the eflect Intended, ol uniting the party, and will give it, on the whole, an excellent prospect In tbe race." Boston /M.'?"Popular oonundrum?Who's Hayes ?" Worcester (Muss ) rr-ss :?"The oflect or the Clncltt natl result upon tho republicans ol this city was like that of a wet dishcloth ou a live coal" THE UNION LEAGUE CLUB. A special meeting ol tho Union League Clnb will be held at the club bouse on Wednesday evening, 21st Inst., at eight o'clock, to respond to the nominations made l>y the Republican Convention at Cincinnati. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. ATM or DBTABTUHZS fZN *KW YORK FOR TBI SOUTHS or jcrr ash mi Mhhmt. Nil'*. | /Msfffin/ km. ^ 1 M OIIhi It .1 une J Liverpool 2B Broadway Altrrnne... J une-I. i.lwrpOGi . 4 BowlinjrUraaa Hate of Nevada.... June 83, (tllH.'OW . < ? Broadway 1* * i une 22 1 otterriam. ?id Mroauwa? II ammonia......... Julia 22. Ilambursr.. t*i Hroiwi war Britannic J una 24. LlwrtKHK.. 27 Broad war Mine If, Liverpool.. Broadway h ly?ia . .. J tin# ~4 Loudon.... 7 nowiiB.' ?*raaa St Germain June 24 Mavre ?Vi i roadway California.,...... June -4. ? ilmeow ... 7 BowlinprDr*"* 1 Inn# 24. Bremen.... 1 Howltna Hrroa Bothnia... Jim 28. Livarnool.. ? Bowline tiraaa Stumer. Le?M?r Mai* ?it fntiiHiiN. City ol Berlin. Italy.... KtlnopU. ?'una 'J**. June 21'. Jul.- 1 1 D'tiau IJ uly /fentimition. j Ojf4?v, il*D>Durt?. . (ilancow.... r|t*tol. rpiMil.. .. Hramau.. ?r1 B-o*dw*y 72 broad way t.'i HruidwHt <U) lirnxdwar 7 Hoallliit <?raaa J Bowliou ??ra?n L*br*?|.?r |Julv 1.1 II *vr?* '55 ]troa<iwar W voniiuir IJ uly 4.: L? verooot ..I2H Br?atiwatr Al'V-xima iJttly 6. |Llv?rtMioi.. |4 itovUavUrH> Cattail* jJuIr H. H*vra jM Broadm ay Garni attic I July i Liverpool.. ?b7 Broadway Tiic Queen ,, lJu'T 8.|Liverr>ool.. H'B Broadway Victoria......... . IJnly H. It?iatuuw.. .17 Howlin* 11 roan . r Bowliny Craoi Klialu..... V.I II. 11 i I ?! uly H. ilreineu.... ? Bowlln* Croon Kriafa.. !j???y 13 lluniMirir.. ?l Bro*dw*? City ol Cheater.... Ju?y 1"?. Liverpool . 15Broadway Celtic July 15. Liverpool.. 87 Broadway Hfiettl.. Julv l.'t, Liverpool., t<9 Broadwav Idaho...... Iv IB Liverpom. 'JBHroHdway Cimhri* JuL' -HI. iiarotiuri;.. 61 Bro*dwav L'topia July 22. London /Bovlinr^Btn ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. NTS AXD MOO*. I HIGH WATKIL Sail run 4 26 | Gov. Island ovo 6 11 Sun nil 7 33 | Snudy Hook ovo 6 26 Moon 2 01 | llell Gale. eve 7 50 POUT OF NEW YORK, JUNE IS, 187G. ARRIVALS. KKPOBTKO BY THE HERALD HTKAM YACHTS ABB HERALD WUITESTOSE TKLkUUAPU LIKE. Steamer kgypt ilir), Urogau, Liverpool June 7 and Siieeiislowii Stli. with iiidno uu<l (7'J passenger* to John It ale. June II. let 48 is. Iou 211 ">"J, paced a British .hip I eon J east. showiuu signals Pllvtj: I2lh. lat I'KO. loll 36 35. tpoks .hip Paistaff ? Br . hence lor Liverpool, and sup plied her with provision.; 14th. lat 42 12, Iou 4!) 4U. saw a t'unard and a White Star .teauier hound east: 15tli lat 41 33, Ion 54 53, ahip "Monarch," ol London, do: 17th. 12U miles cast of Sauilr ilnok. brig Italclulha (Hr), licnee lor Oporto: II" mil. a east ol'do. an Anchor line steamer, hound east; lo'i mile, east el do, an luiuau ttcaiuer. do, 87 uiiles east of do, a Herman st-amer, do. Steamer Reading. dolburti, Atpinwall May 2ft. Santiago de Cuba June 7 and Ouaniaiiamo 12th, with iud?e to Win I* Clyde A do. Steamer Canlmu (llr). Llddieoat. Bermuda, with ludse and pas?inters to AK Outeruridtie. Steamer rtapidan. Mankin. .-oiviunali Juno 14. with mdse and iiH.sentrers to Murrar. Kerris A Co. Stesiner Cleopatra. Itiilklvy. Savannah June 10, with mdse slid passe utters to Murray, Kerris .V do. Steamer Wyonoke, Onucli. Richmond. t'ltv Point and Nor folk, with indsu and passeuger* to the Old Dominion Steam shin lie Meaiuer \lbemarle. Oib'j*. Lewes, Del. with mdse to the Old Doiuiuiou Steauishio U? ship M I'atn, VV'ooo, Antwerp 33 days, in hallast to dhap inan A Kim. Was off Sable Island 13 day., with heavy westerly winds. nark Vulpiui (Ilal), Oneto. Loudon 36 days, with chalk to Henliaiu A Boyeso*. May 17. lat 4SU3, Iou 11 55, Mlglio I'aoiu. .eamsn. wa. lost overboard Hark Neversink. Jarvls, Loudon 26 days. In ballast to Brett. Son A do. Hark Norway ,of Boston). Mathews, Hamburg 30 davs. with mdse to Punch. Kdye A Co, Hark Cecilia (Itall, dastagitolo. Palermo 7" days, with (riiit to Sjjohel A Day. vcs.e. to J C ncagcr. Passed Oib raltar May I. Hark (iazetle (of New Haven), Dnntse, Demerara, 17 days, with sii^ar and molasses to II Trowbridge's Sous. Hark Delnhlu (Nor). Lonelily, Havana 14 d?ya. with sugar to Churles Luting; vessel to huuen. A do. Hark Scotland din, Wetmorc. diuntucgos, 16 days, with sutrsr to J Aviles; vessel to matter. Hark Mary Agnes <Bri. Decost, duihsrien 7 days, with sugar to Kuowleton A Co : vessel to Bird, i'erkin. A Job. Hark Continent at. Terhune, Cardenas 7 days, with sugar and molasses to order; vessel to muster, (in the 13th and 14th lust had strong I) to LShi gales, with u bad cross sea from NK to SB, during which shipped great quantities of water. Brig Kergus (Her). Christiansen. Tobasco 43 days, with mahogany to order; vessel to Punch, hdyo A do. Brig W D Andrews, Wilson. Ht Marc 7 days, with logwood to It Murray. Jr. Brig Sarah 1, Hall, Morrell. Snb i June 2 and St Thumas 4th, with sulphur ore to O W (icsiier; vessel to master. ilrig Mary d Mariner. Tltcmnb, Havana 10 days, with sugar to 11 II llowell. Sou and do; vessel to Crocker, Wood A Co. Brig Leonora, Blood, Caiharion ft days, with sugar and mulasios to order; vessel tu Swan A Sou. Brig Moruing Star (Bri. Borden, Sagna 14 days, with sugar tu 'lucker A Lighthuru; vessel tu Simpson, Clapp Brig II 11 Cleaves. Cumuiin, Sagua 14 davu, with sugar to S A \V Welsh; vessel to J II Winchester A Co, Sclir Impulse. Knunlree. of au>l Irom Belice, Hon. 17 days, with logwood. Ac. to Leaycraft A Co, June 16, lat 36, Ion 75, spoke whaling bark Merlin, of and lor New Bedford, with !,7<IU bbls oil. Sclir A L Bird. Lawrey, Mont ego Kay. Jn. 13 days, with logwood, Ac, to k Busseli A Co; vessel to Overton A Haw kins. Scbr Siimmervllle, Ryan, Puerto Plata 12 dtys. with fus tic. Ac. t<> Bertram Brothers; vessel to W A Ruse A Co. Sclir D P Keeliug, Bennett, Arecibo, PR, U days, with sugar to C 11 Russell; vessel to master S.-hr Lucy llamm<>nd (of Machias), Robinson. Monte Crisli 7 days, with logwood. Ac. to J D Rivera A Co; vessel tu Chase. Talbot! A do. Schr Jessie B Smith. Tyler, ftagua 11 days, with nxtlasses i Huntley, (Jildorsisove A Co. to Vt'avdell A do; vcs-ul to Si-1,r William Douglass, Mclndoe, Harscoa 7 days, with fruit to Oomes A Pearsall; vessel to B J Weuaberg. * Sclir D Sawyer, Curatniogs. Harscoa 8 days, with fruit to T J Madge ; vessel to 1 H Staples. Schr Jacob J Houseman, ltyder, klentbera 4 days, w 1th piues to James Douglass; vessel to B J Weudberg. June 15, lat 33. Ion 75, saw schr Mary 0 Decker, Irom New York for Nassau. Schr Kva. Wand, Virginia. Schr L 11 Hopkins. Predmnre. Virginia. Sclir (Kenwood, Halluck, Virginia tor Hartford. Sclir Senator Crimes, Csssady. Calais 10 days, with lum ber tu Wilson llodirey. Will discharge at Handy llook. PASSED THROUGH HULL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer City of Fitchborg, Springer, New Bedford for New York. Steamer Klectra. Young. Providence for Now York, steamer Tlllle. Muring. New London and Morwicn for New York. Scbr Abbte W Uodgman, llodgman, Sbnlee, NS, for New York. Schr Evelyn, Fowler, Two Rivera, NS, for Now York. Scbr Jw Scott (Br). MvQuald, St John, NB, for New York. Scbr Soa Lion iBr) Mclntlre, St John. NB, for New York. Schr Kliia B Beard (Br/, tiowell, St John, NB, for New York. Scbr Fannie 0 Warner, Dlckimon, Middle town for New York. Schr J F Carver, Oray. Calais for New Y'ork. Scbr Millie Frank. KdwarvL, Providence for New Y'ork, Bohr Joint C Seed, Keed. Portland for New Yora. Schr Kuuna K Smaller. NcFadden, Lnbee tor New York. Schr Andrew Peteri, Torry. Calale lor New Y'ork. Scbr 1 boa Hull, .louea, Hmnliiglou for New York. Scbr Hannah K Brown, Sackott, Providence for New York. Scbr Couttltutlou, Young. Provideuco for Now York. Scbr Naiad Uueen, smith. Providence tor New York. Sclir Viola, Dudley, Machine lor New Y'ork. Scbr Jobu L Merritt. Merrill. Motion for New York. Scbr Julia A Crawfoid. Hatch, Providence for New Yorn. scbr Eleanor, llogau. Newport for New York. Schr II A Dewitt. Bath lor New York. Scbr Edwiu. Summit. Providence for New York. Scbr J at M Baylea, Arnold. Providence for New York. Scbr Marietta Smith, Preatou. Oreenport for New York. Sclir Harriet. la-wit. Providence for .Sew York. Scbr Flora King. Kawvnr. Calais tor New York. Sclir Y'olant, Adami, EINwortn lor New Y'ork. Schr llrr>>ert Manion, Crowoll. Koekport for New York. Scbr A T Kiiwlaud, Howland. Bath for New Y'ork. Schr Hem, Thomas. Kocklanil lor <cw York. Scbr Samuel P liodwtn, Williams. Stamford tor Now York. BOUND EAST. ? Sehr Reno, Shaw, Am boy lor Milton. Me. Scbr J S Lamprey. Wolf, AmOoy for Boston. Schr Harvest, Oorwin, New Y'ork for Providence. Scbr Excelsior. Blydenbucg, Port Johneon lor Providence. Schr I. M Si rout, Clements, llobokcu lor Button. Scbr lleo D Perry, Flynii, Amboy for Bolton. Wind at auniet. SE ; ul midnight. SB. Barometer at auuaet. 30.08. Ilttkai.n Trucgraimi STAfioa, ) YViilTa.iTo.VK. 1,1. Juue 18, 1870. I The schr Annie Colter ihr>. for St Jo in, NB. went to tea this AM. Kara speedwell (Br). for the Pira-ui. and brig Euroclyden, lor (Juecnstown. remain at prvluutly reported. MARITIME MISCELLANY. The partem of atearnera Beading and Canlma will please accept our tbanki lor favors. Scuu E Jt (? W Hivus, Ilill, from Boston, got ashore on Clara's Ledge, near Todd's Head, bin Intl. but calue off without apparent damage, by assistance of a crew from tHo L mted SiMet cutter Woodbury, and arrived at Calais loth Sena Skth W Smith. Marshall. from Calais tor Laralatb (Scotland), belore reported lu collision with the sclir Jndox, put Into hasttxirt on the 8th lint. Damage, ll any. Mot re ported. Helta Sksaian, for New Y'ork, light, and an unknown loadei schooner, went at.lore on Kikur's Island yesterday I'M. They would probably Hon at hlgll water. Bamuok. Me, June is?schr tllube. of Bangor, ran on the rocks at Farther Point, last Might, lu a dense fog, and now lies uuder water- I be crew were rescued. Ciiari.ksto.v, June HI?The debris of bark N O Kierke gaard, wh-eh went ashore off the coast recently, floated to the Sullivan's Island coast during the late storoi, and yes terday the fragments lay on the hoach. WHALEMEN. Arrived at Bermuda June II, hark A R Tucker, Baker, ! NB, with 220 bbls idl. put in tur provisions, j Arrive-) at ratal April 15. bark Com Murrls, Wlnslow. NH, having taken Uju hb.s sp oil on her southern cruise, received relrc-hui.'iits and sailed April Ul , Mac 14, bark J anils, (ill I lord. N K ; lu k b> bids sp oil <-n tier southern cruise Sini lelt ! same Jay ; will call hero again in ihc l-egiiiinug of Octohur; 1 the above vessels land no oil at lliis island: 21st, hark ' . JMtdiis, Lapbam, of NH. landed Ihols sp oil and le'l on ' cruise May'J*; her sec-il l mate was discharged here sick; | 22d, bark Ohio 2d. Smith, Nil, lan.lod 2tM bbls spoil and lelt 25th. Arrived at St Micl.a.ds May Id, bark Janus, (lartland, NB, from l enoriffe. Salh-d from St I'elemt May 22, barks President '.'d. Robin- , sin; Ocean. Holmes-. Draco, Peaks; Adcliuo (iibbs, Miielt, j ami Palmetto, Holies ail of anil !or Now Bcdtord. Hailnd Irom King bleorge's sonud MarhJI, bark Canton, Bliermnit. tooruiso. A U tter Irom C?pt Nyo, of bark Mary Frasier.of NB. re ports her at Buy oi Is amis May 2, having taken do bbls sp j ami 200 do wii oil tlie last year. Had taken -11 freight lisai j bbla oil Irom barks Matilua Vrsr- and oatello. and would - tail that day to cruise and be at homo in September bf Oc tober. SPOKEN. Ship Puritan, Doana. from Liverpool for Calcutta, April 24, lai 2) 8, lou 7 YV. ship Oregon, Cum-, from Cardiff fur llong Kong, April !IU, lal 8. Ton 281, W ship Mary I. M-n-r. Phinner. from Cardiff lor llong Kong, no daiv, lat lis. Ion 2* W ship Cynosure (Mr . lr?m Ptnimcola for Huoderlaud, Juno 1. lat 48 22 N. hm is tk 8hi|i Mag mien* ill ri. Ilenrke. for firemen lor New York, Ju> ?? ?>, I" miles cast ul si Catnerlun's Point. Ship Carmiitmi. I.rwii. Irom Liverpool lor New York, May as. lat 48 04. ! >II 2J P. Slop Tabor. Taylor, from Liverpool for Kan Franeisco, Mar do. la 81 II 8. loll 17 20 YV dtiip Elpliinstunc tMr), Irom llenoa for (Juebec, May 28. off Cape Heeraolt. An American ship, showing signal Dll R, a bin-- pennant and a white one with an n in It, May Id, lat 41 N, Ion 18 W, itark llertnlne tOOO. IVIiius. Irom llremuii tor New York, June I, lat 45 On, Ion 2800, Bark Henry A i.itciiheld. Driimmontl. from New Y'ork for Callao. April 28. 1 i In s. Ion M2 o7 W. I B.irR Euwin Rood lllirgfo*. Imm Newcaaile lor Han Fran i else-1. June it. iat 411 15 N, H>u d kd W. * hark Cnlumlm tOvrt, Ihlder. from Rotterdam for I'hlla | defpliia. Jaao -> lat 48. Ion t&ikr. | Bark lellHl (Nor . Irom the Tyae for 8t Johu, NB, May l Jo. lat 5.1, lou 28. Bark Abraham shall* (Nor'.frotn London for Miramlchl or N-w York June I, lai 47. Ion Bark M A .Inhnvoa .Mr . irom Plynioatlt for Queenatowu, Mat ill lat 48 4.',. Ion 12 48. , Bark ( blciilan (Nor), from Cardiff far (Jaebee, Jaao 2 lot 48 bid. Ion 1J 13. Hark Guinevere (of Halifax), bound eaat, *ey 20. off liirk Traflfc I Nor). Jaeobacn, from Dnbllu for Mow York, May 27. let 47 4<>. Ion 4? 22. ? hritr (kHidwii), ('rnig, troiu MinolUn for UwdiOM, Aiay 2h, (iff Citpc >wcr*iiff. ? - Unitioooi Brijr C v Mmi (4<er), Zepliea, from Bremen for Montreal, June 1, off tbo Wi^bl. ____________ NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merchant*. shipping >(ratt andshipmaster* InfermeJ that by telegraptalug to tba llltitu Luudou Bureau. ad dressing "llouaell, No. 40 Fleet itreet. Lnartna " or to the Paris office. addre.slur "Bennett. 01 Avenue do I'Opera. Pari*. "the arrival* at and departure* lr>-m Kuropeau and Eastern purls uf Auiericau and all loreUu ve??el? trading with the United State*, the same will be cabled tothi* coun try tree of charge. Captains arriving at and sailing from Freneh and Medl terraueau port* wilt find the Fart* office the more economi cal and expeditious for telegraphing nawa. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Anrwimr. June 16-Arrlved, hark* P Bredsdorff (Xor). Ilassell, I'asca-oula; Thor (Nor). Thorvildaen. "New Vork (the Tl'.or wa? reported cleared at Now York for Rotter" daini; 17th, Jauio* Kitchen (Br). Reynold*. New York; Ju piter (Uer), Strieker. do; Ladru k Gertrude (Her), Vogt. do. sailed 10th. ?hip R B Fuller. Uilmore. Cardiff, to load for Bombay; bark Nannie T Bell. Buckman. Boston. Au'tttien, to June 17?Arrived, bark Jennie Cobb. Small. Bordeaux. Alkxaxuuia, E?Arrived, brie Batni (Nor). Jeusen, New Y'ork. Alicast* ? Arrived, brig Halista Grilllu. New York. Buivtol, June IS? Arrived, ship Ella S Thayer. Oilmore. Lobu* via Falmouth. 11 uknax. Jtin! Id?Arrived. >hip* Cha* Luting (Oer), Wieke. Baltimore; Mary K Kigg*. Laagdou. Now Orloant; bark* Eolng (lien, Berding. nad Adolf (tier), llartinan. New York: Mora t (Uer), Jullleher, and Ja?on (Uer). Grimm, Baltimore; llarxburg (Uer), flashagen, Now Or leuim. sailed ltlth, hark Silo (Nor), Tellolscn. New York. Uakckloxa?Arrived, bark l'alestina tUr), Ford, Philadel-# pbl t. Cno.Nsr.uiT, June 10?Sailed, *hip Kobena, llagen. New York. HAxeuna, June IB? Arrived, bark* John J Marsh. Kick ett. New York; 17th, Victoria (tier), Testiow. Wilmington, NO: ?chr CephasStarrett. Kabhiilgc, Porto Cabello. M auskillks. June 13?Sailed, bark Maggie M (Br), Chal mers, New Y'ork. Or O It TO?Arrived, brig J 11 Brown, Fo?lor, New York. Plymouth, Juue 18?Arrived, steamer Uellert tUer), Ba rendv. Sow York for Hamburg (and proceeded). QucknstowM, June 18,11 FM?Arrived, steamer City of Chester (Br). Leltch, New York for Liverpool (and pro ceeded). Kuval?Sailed, ships B F Metealf, Blanchard. New Or leans; C B HaiJltiue, Uilkey, Cape Breton. Skvillm -Sailed, schr T 11 Liviugatou, .McDonald, New Y'ork. Stettin. June 15-8 ailed. bark Oral Moltke (Uer), Ohir, New York. WMATBKB REPORT. Falmouth, June 18. FM?Wind SW, moderate. Uoltbkad, June 18, PM?Wlud SW, smooth. FOREIGN PORTS. A men at, June 14?Salloo. brig Josephine (Br). Cork. Belike. Hon, Muy 27?lu port, brig fuln. Miller, from Now Yore, ?chr Bou *Moo (referred Am), repairiutf. Bermuda. Juno 13?Arrived, bark Eliza Bitm (Br), Vohoy, Now York. __ , Sailed tit it. brig Rover (llr). White. Demerara; echr Lauru, Roberts. I'liiladelphla: 10th, brig Osaeo, Lawry itrjut Mobile). Havre; schr Virginia, Rulon, Kulon, Now V li|Uport 14th, ship Transit (Br), Dixon, from Fensacola for Bristol, K, reloading. i ,u , vs.. Ul'ANtAXAgo, J uue 12?In port, bnrk Cralgowl (Br), Du rle, for New Vork. Idg; brigs Harry Stewart, Larrabee. and Atias. Powers, lor do, do. Sailed 5th, hark hvi uiug Star (Br).Chick. New York. MoNTitual. Juue IS?Cleared, steamer lexas. Laureuson, Liverpool; bark Troas. Muir, Cork tor order*. , _ , Pout IIasti.nus. Juuo 14?Arrived, bark Wawalench (Br), Caruitcbael. SUediae lor Liverpool. Qi-xauc. June Id-Arrived, bark Nepotin, Neilaon, Norway (loading at Tudousae). .. , ? Cleared 14th, bxrks Cbarger, Dunn. Belfast; Ann e Bur rlll, Sanders, Liverpool; 16tli. steamer Pernvlan, Richard sou, Liverpool, ship Acme. Deviue, do; bark Galatea, Olson, do. [Pep Stkamkk Moxkci AXTWKttr, Mav 31?sailed Horn the roads, Jolyi Blue, Mel V,AKVAU.'al April*'26?Sailed. Wakefield, Carver. English C luti'txLoaA, May 31?Arrived, J oven Narclsa, Mai, Naw ?Bo*hi?maux. J una 2-Sailed. D U StockweU, Cummlnge, New York; 3d, Pope. Gerdree. Delaware. Bomdav. May 12-Sniled, Auuio Larway. Gale, New York. Cardiff, Judo 2?Clozrvd, iPZDiiit Skolfleid, Hunt, Rio "'c'oiik, Juue 3?Arrived, Willie 8 Sbeppard, Reeve*, St """Carrxfilay 30-Setled, Merle TrUari. PaolHlo New York. Ckonhtaut, Mny 28?Arrived, Bollevue, Kyfflu, MobUe; Lore ley, Malqviet, New Orleeu*. , , Calcutta. May u?Sailed, Ivanhoe. Luke, New York. Deal, June 4? Paised, Ella, Larien. Irom London for St J0l)ovKu"juno 5?Off, Magdalene, llencke, from Bremen for DuNoasitsH, Jane 4?Passed west, ship Peter Maxwell, of Kaxts'ouuxk. Jane 4?Off, Quickstep, Chase, from Ant Klxinouk June j?Arrived, llellos, Tiemer, New York for Stottiu; 3d. Annie M Lew. Hlltou. Revel for Sydney, CB. Gu.kxock. Juno 1?Sailed. Susan A Blaledell. Sawyer, Quebec: 2d, Jobu Boyd. Ellis, Weymouth, Nd; St Joseph, Cli''L* *rITcne 5?Arrived, Agnee Campbell, St John, NB "t?axoA.WJune 1?Cleared. Magnolia. Warden. Quebec. IlAMHUito. Juno 3? Arrived, Underwriter, McCounell, Lo Bon* called 2d. Franklin, Petersen, New York. Sailed Irom Cuxbaren 2d. Lady Blessingtou. Gunderscn, Quebec; 3d. Humboldt. Corsaju. New York. Havkk. June I?Sailed, Edith, Homer. Sydney, CB; 2d, Kdltb, Fuller. Sandy Hook: Win G Lewis. Baxter, do; Ger trude. McArlhur. Causo. Na Hklvukt. June 2? Arrived, Orpheus, Jensen. Baltimore; Frisk Mjinthe, anil Vassalu. Vassalo, Philadelphia; lico B ? Dunne, Coruiag. Hrouwershaven. Liverpool Juno 3? Arriveo, Bothnia (*), McMlekan, New Y'ork j 4th. Cecilia, Cacace, do; 4th. Daniel J Touuey, ^cleared 3d."'Kam*ch?tka, Oleeo. Philadelphia; Bonnie Dundee. lloffe.Quebuc; Stella, Key, Sydnoy. CB. Lonoox. Juoe 3?Arrived, Themes <*), Quebec. Cleared 3d. Kuslta, llageman, Delaware. Entered out 3d. Anglia (*). Murray, Saw York. Sailed from Uravesand 3d. Ella, st John, N B. Lo.vDOKPKRur, June 2?Arrived, llan* Thlla, T.tlle, New ?Sailed 2d. Livingston, Crosby, New York; Noel, Knowl tou Baltimore. Lisbon, May 2?-Salled. Trafalgar, Kroffk, Darien. Moxtkojk. Jnna I?sailed. Petreas. Jensen, Quebec. Nkwcahtlk, June 3?Cleared. Agder. Johnson Baltimore. Ft Cathaiiinkk. June 3?Passed, City of Halifax, from Loudon for Kurruchco. , Siavanckk May 27?Sailed, Protector. Falc*, Quobec. SAIUOX, April 17?Arrived, E M Young, McMicken, Soura baya; 18th, Clara, Simpson, Singapore. Galwav. June ft?The bark Agnes Campbell. arrived liere from St John. NB. in towing up tlie bay, struck St Margueta shoal, but pot off in about an hour, making uome water. fPktt .STKAKKR UuiT t.VMl . I Antwkup, Jnnu o?Armed, AObolstord. Churchill. Callao. Sailed Irum Plashing Bonds 1st. (Jules step, Chase, New York (and pained I>1v of Wight 5th). Auknual, May 15?Arriveo, Lord Lufforln, Hansen, Pen lacola. Sailed 13th, 1'rndhoe, Penersen, Mlramiubi; 32il, Iona, Jensen, do. Aau. May 20?Arrived, Louisa, Dahl, Savannah via Ber gen. Aracati, May 12-In port, O B Stillman, Tlbbetts, for Liverpool. aum.aipk. no date (by telet-raoh from Gallee June 7)? Arrived, Olnste, Nlckerson, New York. A JtJKK, April 24?Passed. Prederlc Tudor, Bearee, Liver - Sourahaya; 27tb, Tuvalu, Sandberg, New York lor pool lor 1 Malaria. IIkai'iiy IIkaii. no dale?Passed, Alliauee, Ualvotsen, lroiu Philadelphia tor llusuer. llKkUK.N, June 2?Arrived. Khein (s). Francks. New York. sailed od, Ualtimors (si, Kliiukist, Bultiniolb ; Maieo Polo, Hchaffrr Sow Yura. III am Patau, April 30?Sailed. Choice. Masters. I.ondou, Bkt.rA.sT, June 7?Arrived, Aladiiin. Ilousklu, Baltimore. Sailed ."?th, B Webster. Prince, Cardiff. Haui'KUika. May UU?Sailed, Lena, Liukalla, Bull Kiver. B isjiiaWANJlk, March 2->? Sailed, Oil soole, ttobertson, Kn gland. IIaiavia, April 2S?Arrived, Ellsworth, Smith, New York (and sailed May 1 for Saiiiarangl. B ikuiiw. lune A?Sailed, Ragear, Foster, Sandy Hook. iioRiiKAnx. June 4?Arrived at Pauillac, Flora Uoudall, Qoodal), Sail Hebnsl a i. Sailed 4tb. L 11 Moukw.-ll, Cumniingi. New Y'ork. t'OKk, June 4?Arrived. West Wind, liedhatn, Darien. Cauhivv. June 7?Arrived, Caroline Eddy, Lodge. Bris tol. r-ailed 7th, Fanny SkalOeld, Hio Janeiro. Capi*. May 3t>?Arrived, L C Ciiapman, Knight, Gib raltar. sailed 2d, We'aka. Perkins. Limerick. Coimmapa, April 30?Arriveo, Cnas II Southard, Itcaitle, Bombav. i'honstaDT, June 1?Arrived, Australia. Papesson, Gal veston. C isTKLLAMARk, June 3?Sailed, Assunta, Maresca, New Y'ork. LkAb. June 7?Sailed, Ferris 8 Tliouipson. Potter (front Loudon), Yokohama (put back same da and anchored!. 1>U It MA L$, June 5? In the bay, a vessel supposed the S B Hume, IMgirins. irotn St John, Nil Sailed Till. I.aura B. Uunliam, Sydney, CB. rial. in niiaiiva.x. June &?Arrived, Muriel, liulden, St John, NB. I>l.'ei.t.x, June ?Sailed, Addle Benson, Sydney, CB; Pth, Trulednlca, Philadelphia' Kong Carl. Muher. New York: Wiudward, Baker, Cape Breton; 7th, Kvvlvn, Pharo. New York. Elsivoiik. June 2? \rrived, Be-sle Crosby, Trofry, lleval for Sydney, CM. 4th, Uentoe Staples, no lor Dundee, sailed 2d. Freldlg, Berg drum Baltimore . Copenhagen. 1 (USoith, June ft?Arrived. Zeita Merie, Ch?rluti-to?n, PKI; 7ili. Mien, lie. Main1 rouge Vancouver Island, i iff 'til. Tabor. Tat lor, from Liverpool for San Francisco FiyaL. May Is-Arrived Modesta. Lias. Boston land sailed .nth loi Ttrveirai . JIHh, Y II Ilill. Patrick, do (and satlad 23*1 for Terceira). t> Yauuoi Til, June It?Arrived, Matilda, Nielsen, Gal vestou. (iL vnuow, June 5?Sailed, tlrad BvnJ, Babelii, Phlladel I phi a. | tiKKkstncR. June H?Sailed, I'lKPiilclan (n. Scott Mon I treat; Harvest Home, Latl-. Valparaiso; Fnlda. Heaaon, Sao Francisco; Susan A Mlaisdeg, Sawyer tjuebec. (Is sua, .In .e 3-Mail d. Mavntslia. Wervtcn, (Jnrbrc 111; l.i.. Jnne M? Arrived. Ili.iulco iti, Jenkins. New York, llAunvnu, Jnse 4?Arrive.I, Frani,uel>ar. Watcrbonse, in dependence Hay; Mqnando. D'lver, Lobes. Sailed 3d, BremerMie ItlMes, NV-.v York, arrived at Ctixhareu <>, J II Mrl-aren, Ludlow, Hnanil Ina; Frisla itl, Hroiidt. New York. tailed 3d, I ranklln. Petersen. New York IIatKB, J mo 3 MaMed. .Mary llnrkee. Blanche. (Joebec: Sth. Kbeneaer, Nielsen, New York; I'nioc, Ureeulsai, Phil adelphia. Ipswich, June 0?Sailed, B Bjorusen, Nielsen, New Or leans. Lit kKPiioi.. June 0?Arrived, William, St John, NB ; 7th, The ljueen isi, Bragg, New York; sth, Algn ua, Davis, st John. Nit. _ Sailed ilth? Helen lliitton, Miremlrl;i;T J Hoothard. Woodworth. st John. N rt; olive Mount, Jordan, <; Boiinte Ltiadee, (iolfe. (Jueliec. J M IIalbert. Handy, Syd Mr. CU: 7th. Champion, Klllam. Delaware Breakwater; uHltSj ?nd Hermon, Dlllea, ,'! Li K"* *<?<?*. Khaw, Sydney, CM. Kin'*** Villain, Delaware Breakwater; M Kllen (ioodspeed. Morae W/"h"-N?i K'chnrdlll. Iluhbar 1. Sandy lliok. real"R.' 2?" ,l~A1lrrlv?"1- Hils.nnd ?>. Davison, Mont York'.?ini,"L"1?-, ?"*?*?'?. N3; 7tl.. Kmdreue, VI*. Sew V.i ? Baltimore. Que"e ~Uoi,"e' Halifax; 8th, Percy, Jansoa. WMtU- yufl'?;TU.,u.. Qaehrtv "'""'"??"d. &tU-Elisabeih Mary. Charles, -.l'**?' ?*?"><>ft?Arrived, Ada Barton. Haven. New York; Urk.-ui0 '"?Uu; 1'lmuian.un. .Vow Linauica. June 6-Arrived. Conangbl, Tufta Sew York I 7tl. t.'eo'e McraiU.,rt. Havul l.lH.KK ' nailed 7lh?Victoria. Cbristensen. S| John NB. Lunox, May Jl?Sailed. Urania. Saw York Xe?"v!.,?BOU"lU"' * 5-*?lled- l*>>'?>? Mill, Pudorsea, Malta, May !JH?Arrived, RodiaU Potters ]!<>?./?,* /.nj jallad 3tdh tor Olbraltar) ; Arciduca Kudollo Cat^ariulcb? Lu.sin und -ailed Joili for I'litla lelphia.i v-aiiariuica, MauauiLLXg. June ?>?Sailed. Trneritfe, Iracy Now Yo M.u'i.haix, Apr., JB?Salted. Caribou. Storm, Kurone Moxtkosk, Juneti?Bailed. Aluo, tiigmuu, Miruuiiehl Mklhoi'iixs. nu date my telegraph Iroiu Uiillo. Juue Tl? Arrived, Lightning Vt ataon. Sew York, w sr d *1 s'lan (L" 'Qn? '''?Arrived, Pinto, Chellow, Prinee Kd Xtectnu. JnaeO?Cleared, Louise, Three Riveras 7th. fceau Queen, Juuies, Montreal. * ^ hulled. 7tb?Meta, Vanaolaii, Philadelphia. neneii"UI"' M*rcl' 155?1s*lled? Kosetta McNeil, Brown, Plymouth. June 4?Arrived. Lady, McRea, Char, lottetowu; 6U,, Margaret. Barker. Ponsucoln. QttjtJCffaTuwx J lino (]??Arrived, steamer Quo (?) New York laud proceeded for I Iverpoot); Samuel Muir. Kurd Deuicrura and M. Thomas (and tailed 7th for Loudon) ? 7th", Steele. Pri ce tdwarii I.laud. a,!?U^ 4th?Marianne Noltebohm. Wliltlng, Hamburg; itJi. Ilakou Jarl. Massfelk. Keith: Zennoia. Auiundaeu Antwerp; Normanby Koatlng. Uiasgow; 8th, Hamilton Kish. Mortimer, Dunlin. OH?tiMictV0** 1?c'lel,'8t'i l'rank Carvil, McKee, English ill port, no date, Harriet McUllvery, Blake for . loudod. " Uiua, Mav 3?Arrived. Lulnetar. Olsen. Sew York. Kkvai. May 31?Sailed, tlraeo E Caitu. Sheldrake, Wy. buric; Juno 1. Clara Katun. Davit. Hclsinglor.i. Arrived. Juno I? Mississippi. Uein, Sew Orlrana. Y^ J tine d?Suited, Agusliuo Repctto, Antula, New Suoo. Jnne 2?Sailed, Klduciu Scblaflluo, Baltimore; 3d. Uleuroaa. Jones, Quebec. ' ^ y Saxaiuk, Juno 1?Sailed, Anturea, Albrecht, New SvvisKuc.NDK. May 3<>-Arrived, Anna, Wahl, Baltimore, June J, Helios, Zicsnicr, Sew York 8r ll?l.x*A, May 17-Sallod. K.imund Phlnney, Kacoi Sow lledfom' niUU"U : J-d' * Anthony. Webb Ainoy31""*1' Apr" U)-8,"lod' r">? Trade. Merrymau, SixiiAroKK. April 29-Sailed. Milo, Krecht. Shanghai. Juai.kk. June A-Arrived. Corea, OUen. llnl'i.nore PkntT1*i?il,"'i J"no 7"~'"r- Aqullla, Walluaehing, from I hiluiieipUiA vin i^uceustown. lor L^ith. ? Bohbat, Mav l.'i?Tho John Clark. Amoriran ahip, from Lhrerpuol (coall, which arrived hero M.iy H, was louml ta huve a lance quantity of a noko ari?l.i8 from tbo cartto; about .i loot oi water wan tliruwn int., t|lo bold and the diarhartre promptly proceeded with; tho lire uppeart to be extini^Qiiuod. ri o^I'm U?1 7-Tbo El ta Mary. bark. Cbarlea. from Lon. dou tor Quebec, which arrived In the Dowua ou the4th iuat.. is ctMineu, the craw beiug; rufmctory. M*y 25?Jho mafter (Smith) of the Ohio, Amerf ban whaler, reported that on May 12. In lut 3tt X, loo 32 i'.i i. I1*' * *",e'lu|Hf?d and Hhandoiiud rhip, laden with pitch pine, nnd louu her to be the Ocean of hratrrroi liv'mhen 1PUtiJ"^a1.!*^ t had apparentty bern already bearded by others. The Atlantlco (m re port r that boat, belonyuif to Horea vot hold of tin, derelict and ran her aahore on th? ea,t coast of that island (a m "Kiowa" paratfrapo". I'LiMttis. May 23? llio derelict vessel which was towed ashore herelycaterduy is dtscliurVinir; the foilowlnir are the "\fi i ?7 ''r c*r*uj?13 !"?? marked "UN." two marked without mark mi4rked KA'. <"'e marked "NA" and 1(1 (luinsnv. June A?The waterlotriccd Uusalan hark Umata (helore reported) was towed uu the Weal Mud tbia alter, neon. r Hbuimopom, Jnne l-Ths lleorlk Ibsen, Rasruitasen. rreni Mobile (cotton), arrived at H.uiiru, bas been louud to have part of her can;o damaprnd. Hoso .May 2tt?Tlio Joaiiumo Anna. United States Schoouor (ballasti, liaa been abandoned and been towed iu here by the Seutlaud, Lnitcd States schooner; crew saved. Livjcupool. Juno 5?An Iron conicul biiov was passed '.'2d May, In lat 3.? N. lon US VV, by the (luillernu (?), arrived hero Irom New Urleuus. ? London. Jnne 6-The Prosnita (s), from New York. re. ports:?Left New York on May ii and proceeded with varia Ule weather until the IMth, at 2 P.M. when the cwnk ehaA broke at the after end and rendered both onciues usnle.a. Me at. once disconnected the after shaft coupling to allow propeller to revolve, uiidput the vessel uader canvas. Then tuadb an effort to repair the broken crank-abaft, which wa mauaircd after an interval of a>x days and iilsUts. so that we could no hull spoed. and procneded ou our voyaire ar riving off Beachv Head on June 2. at 2 AM. when ihe re pa re K?ve way and rendered the vessol ayain immaiiaire. able. Secured the shaft aasin and proceeded, reachiua London on June 3 without asilstance. ^Mauritius (by telegram from Aden). Juno 5?The cost ol repairs to tho Sew Republic is estimated at about ?4.U00. Hixuapork, April 20?The Hawthorn. American bark ? i'Tif., .1;*1; ^ ?r^i w" c*"*1,t aback In a heavy aquall, April and Immediately afterwards was tounii to be making water; she )iut into Aujer on the 11th, from which piece ehe has since been towed bere with oxtra hwudt aaeletiiiK at the pumps; surveyors rooommended tno eariro to bo dlscharyed. A larpo quantity of tho coffee is dam !eae ao rattans on the ttat of the Uoor are more ol Mat??The Hawthorne having been placed In dock and again surveyed. It was found that the water was runniui out of Ihe carboard seam mi the port side aud that the en* "J*'"p ***? both sides of the vessol and the so ami alack, the lalso keel was also more or less worraoaicn Ti.s ?urveyor. reeommond that Ihe (else keel and metal eJieatli '"f.he. tak'|1 "f ?nd replaced and the vessel be tb?rouirlili calked. Including the between ducks. Part of ihe cargt has been sold at auction. vurgs AMERICAN PORTh. Kfanclsnl^' O, Jone 7?Sailed, bark Klval, Ad ami, San n^?DBn4i ?"?.* "-Arrived, srhra D M Anthony, John K Baker. Oeo K Vreeland. Emllv U Savior, M K llaw towii Pharo, and W D Murvell. lor lieorge Sailed?Sebrs Helen Hasbmuck. Hohoken; (?eo H Mills. Stoningtou; lleiiry Klnch, Allvn's Point; American Team! t.-koViST'Cf*? . "w*OBl,r^ (trom ftftoriretown), . Piii. n ki f If?Arrived, steamer Leopidd. Alhortson, Philadelphia; berke Keynord, Field. Liverpool; Meatinti* ctnik, lleinmigway. rtt Martins; Vontebello (Br) Kellv Liverpool; brig Lillian (Br). Campbell, Cadis; schrs Hill v!nffr,ii ter' B?rae"a; Sev.iity-six. fo.-l. South Ambnyi Nellie Bowers, StacRpole. Baltimore; Isabel Alberto looker, itondout; Eunice Rich, Jenkins. New York; At wood. At wood. Annsiiolis. ' v Sailed?Ship UmUicI BALTIMORE. June 17?Arrfved. echr Lottie, Taylor, v ^-frr'vrA sleainecf WlUlam Woodward. Young, New Shriver, (food?do*' MeU1*u?'"tn. Philadelphia; John S MHIer Dakm""' **** 7-Arrivcd- brlg W 11 Tucker (Br), dl" ?m P?hBadXhl?~Arr,V,d- *Chr Mark P*ndlet?m' P?? iI a"7^.T1 re,1J ,clirs Je-so W Knlirlit. Boston, to load for Philadelphia; Carolina Klenslo. Dilkes, do for Bowdnlnliam. to load lor Sew York. * ? - u" ,ur soh?l<td..TnH*^ John A Wnthorp Sheveriek, Sew Bedford) v?ih? iw MIOe'i Baltimore: Margaret A Lucy. Weeke( . elllo I rowull. Phelps; A lleaton, I'liinnev; Otar. llaiu. u-? Si ? Mnr?'>. Mar. New York: M'm B Phelps, Stlmup" Siu"th do.8CC* l-?.II?dolpl,i?; .lot, OIIAKLKSTOX. June 18?Sailed, schrs P St Clelr Ed. R^l Mlt,Phln P 0* -d>,i: Hattie, Pklge. Baltimore, Adraftal jVcksonvHle. ? ' Y"r^ Telegraph, do. CAL\ E8TO.Y; June 13?Arrived, schrs Ceorge Peabodv, lol^i'r"i' .h r*r?" < hr,,tl; Draco Andrews. Audrows, and Clara ti Ijoud, Thompson, Sew York Sailed?Srhr Washington, Berry, Cedar Kevs denKBeR.b.ETp?v?deI^iJ,,n' ,0-S?n?"- ^ i?u?,'!il'?lil'.v!lr Stephen Morgan. Haines. Norfolk. Monte o Ha ? ?Into 14?Arrived, schr Sunbeam, Kain, SOBJoLK, June 1<>-Arrived, schra H II Upplneott, Hcrt. Sew York ; sloop CourJr,BH.v^>tMwJ,,*e I#-Arrived- ?hr T W Spencer, < i! h|!! POST, Juno HI. PM?Arrived echr Kxeter, Pondle ton. Providence for Sew York. iMo'fll?di?iricl'ri.'Koni,','" H*"?"- Brooke, Nantucket foi Philadelphia; W W Itralncrd. Kltch, Now Bedford for Now York : lis p Sophia, stepp. do for do. Also sailed, schr Charlie Miller. Thomas, Providence fot is 0 \v i ork. Ke turn ad-Schrs Aueon Brown, Mills, Providence for New lorlc: r .inula iiunmcr. Bara t5enoaLA'J,,Ue 14?Arrlvi,d. ahlp Marietta D (Ital), J,lln,r. '"?Arrived, steamers Ohio, Lssrsulr wm x" : V U PUu- Klchmond| Lancaster, Mills, New York; ship II 8ewill. PennelL Liver pool : schr J Rlcvrdo Jova. Little. Portsmouth ^NiifMl?Stemuer Virginia. RICHMOND June l??Arrived, brigs Bogota. Johnson. Baltimore, to load for Brasll;John Wesley. Kurd. Haiti more. Ilgnt. to load lor London. Sailed-Htenuier Wyan kr. Coach. New York: schre Yo"kCV th' 'd. Rio Janeiro; Hreese, Oraumer. Sew BnA'e. N*S!' JU"e 10-Arrlv?d. bark Forest Qneen. Cleared-Hark Marmlon, Jordan. Port Townsend. Sailed?steamer city ol Pimaiua. Nelen. Victoria: ehl? ; barks Dorsetshire (Br), i'asard. wlrikprTViNtlanii. ,lon' J?'dau. Seat,,.; brig ?.8Vi J1"? '.^dalled. steamer, Hoop, tr.ii ili'T0'?;s.Mhr'> t floret. Sew York: May Mori. L t?M> V ?"*!V ^ " Woodstock. Kla: revenue caller truwrord, New \nrk. porA,'R*' J""e ?Arrived, echr Isetta, Illcks, Elisabeth, sailed?Schr 8 J(0flmore ffrom Monut Desert). New York YACHTS. WKAMtHiATiH. ?fcc. iwt BOATS OIIEAP; "ALL KIMM /v?I> SIZES; ? metallic Lite Busts snil Spoon Oars. HUH South sU, near Ooavenenr slip. STEPHEN ROBKKTS. ?STEAMBOATS POR EXPOSED ROUTES AND ? river srTVira, with sort withont staterooms, and ol lig it draughts;lrr>n ami wooden Steamships, several bir.-e sml powerful Tug outs. light draught freight Propellers, large Steam Yachts, Perryhoats ami Steam tessel Property in general for tale br PMUlBKnNt C. SCHMIDT. No. 1 South Wliliaunst. F~ OK 8VLK?"A it Kr.KT tMNCII (IIB ~AXD MAINSAIL Hunt; II feet beam; In cmapleta or ler; ready for im ?tdltH use. Apply at the llobuken llath. ______ LHIR SAIlK-T>-POO r OA 111 h HI.OOP l VCIiT7 COlC P plete in every rasp ret, |SH t' Broadway, room 41. I HOB SALE CHEAP--* HLOOPRIOGKD PISHINQ Boat. 2'i leet lonu, H fret hcaui; at \VM. VAN KF.IT. It I'.N's Material Varil. foot ?f Washington si.. Jer.ey City. \EW, PINM-V MODELLED. I' t til'NTKIlHrKKX". 3>x 10. labia sloop, in ouatpiete wrier, lor salu or charter. Address coal omce "*-i Grsn.l St.. Williamsburg. TIIE ~LAR(IEST \SAOItTMEKT AND CllKAPEST lloats in tue city at SS3 >outh si. ECtlKNK DALY. W" anted to hike a ca'bi.n yachtToW OR about the Nth o' duly; must be elieap. Address R. A. C., bo* 6.201 Post Oli'ce, .sew Vol*. Hj'AirrBn-A second hand cat kiojkd ou.iTi ft BoM. In good order, m>t loss than it" tact long, Ad dress, stating price. bo\ i 4-Vi New Yofs Post ? IH.-e, ?1 ISC ELLA *KOt'lb " \B SOLUTE DIVORCES. LRHAI. I. V k It YWflT. if? ??btelnrd wiihuut publicity; terms satlsisctory: ailrict tr-e. KKf.DMtll'k KINO, Lawyer, :?M HrwMwar. ABSOL JTKlM VorTmA OBTAINED KI Id* DIPPKIU ent Al lies, lor nu n-rout causes. withont pnbliettft legal everywhere; no ebtrg ? in olvance , a Ivioe tree. M. HO JAR. Attorney lot Broadway.^ fpKrHSK.S-Titr.4SKA. cLAVTie BANDAtlKM. AC. ? I SKKLhY'S hard rubber I BIJ.ASRS; rellel and eure lor rupture. light, coot cleanly; used in bathing; always re liable. Kllabllsnod HMd Rm dwiy, New York, and IJ47 Cbeotnni si., Philadnlpbin. Patronage ol loading snrgoooa