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AtlimKHKlTK. TTNIoS SqUAUK THEATRE. Vr?i>rtrtor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOCK Mmuger Mr. A. M. l'ALMKR MONDAY EVE NINO. JUNK 10, eugA^emeul tor u *l;?irt .t'tt.un of THE VOICES, wlio will npin>?r iu thoir irroat ?iH'claIty, BULKS ' OK TUB KITCHEN. PreordlriE the \ okct ca< Ii eronilld will be ^ivuu the ?hurmiug Cowudy iu two acl?. uutilleu :ha COST BOY, Iu which Mr. .1 II. sTODDA.iD wlit niipeur. Kuiiporteil b? Me??r? Clauds Huinoiirh?. 11. 11 Khilli|>t? .nil llitrr) Jutcphu, mid Mi.-i.-i Laura Don, Robert .1 Norwood noil Gnrnldlue May** Bo* othc. oiau Iron N lill a VV' ALLAfK s. T? T<> MIGHT MR. AND MRS. W. .1 ULORKNCB will tin ir n. the HON. HARDWK1JL -L >TE and MUX. GENERAL tilLKLORY. KOB THE 12BTII riMl. IN Tills 1UKIR NATIVE CITE. N'OTF. TO BTRAN'i.Kli' The in nt cnti attention to the t vet that the Com. eiiy ni the Mliitl TV DO I. LA it wua the ONLY ORIGINAL PLAY produced in Nov lint, ituriaic the aaaion ol* 1*75-*1. ami at onceachleveil i I.EiilTIM A I I. Bl'COESS. It i* now in iu necond run and i>nightly uttractiuKcrowiia ol ilailghtod audi ton. Curtain risen at 8 o'clock, ami carriages tuny bo ordered at id1.,. PAKK THEATRE. BROADWAY AJCJJ 25 ST. U.N EQUIVOCAL SUCCESS. Second week of the brilliant eaafa ftuisllt of Mr. I OSEI'H MURPHY, Mr. JOSEPH MURPllY, ?a DAN O'lIAUA, in Prod Msmdcn's Druuia, ?Till: KERR. HO ," -THE KERRY iJOW" AN IRISH PLAY OK THE ROBERTSON SCHOOL, AKKOUDTNlJ TWO HOURS OK JOYOUS KIN. CLASSED BYTIIK KUEsS with ?Till sllAtUHRAUN." EVERY EVI.N I NO AT s. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. AdmifdOB. ROe. and 25c.; Reserved Seats. $1. BEST YEN MLATED I'll KA'i RE IN TOWN. AY J ODD'S Ml HE CM. WOODS. THIS DAY, Matinee tit *J mid evening at 8 GEO. nivM'r, AND K II. DAY. an 1 DUGS BRUNO AND DON 1LE>AR, in the great fcciiMfUlon, W I. E AW A kh. 11 AV K N I' K TI i K AT UK. t) Proprietor mid Maungjr. Mr. AUGU>TI.V DALY KVKKY NIGHT AT s. every nigiit. including Saturday night, ppppp ii gugg u u kkea p p n g g ij r i PPPPP II Q Q U IT FEE p 11 q gg u u e P II QQQV UUUU EEEK <$ O A l'lav of To-Dhy !!! lUNth to JOOth Performwnee. Mine FANNY DAVi Nl'OUT. .Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM. Mr. IIA RKIN >, .1AM ES is W IS, SOD SMITH Rl'SSKLL, A SI. DAVIDGK. Alt* GILBERT. Miss SYDNEY COW ELL FRIDAY. .'USE j:i, \ I'lHull'S FESTIVAL Double celeb- at Ion of the performance of "Pig UK!" A Festival M A IT AEn, at I h YKN ING AT ?4 TO 8. 1 oVI<N'k LTHUli time ??i "Plquo," with 'DIVOROK!" the great *jno | it** original cant. A Silver light ouiupaiiiou pluv to | Ticket and a Satin Pro M'iiiue." A Photograph Sou gramme toovorvlady. Grand rt*nir atid SutIu t'r>igr.*miue I illuuiiuatioii of the theatre, tooveryladv. .->ol Muitn Kub J Sol Smith UubhoII. Fay mmI Fay fetupletoii and the I Templet mi and the Georgia Georgia Ja >ike SiBitt rt iu | Jubilee Singers in special on special enter! amine uL , tcrtaiuiueitlM. rTH a yeni h iii*Ea rkh." FRIDAY. JUNK -A. At I'llOH S FESTIVAL in celebration of the TWO HUNDREDTH performance of pigUK TW O PEKFOiOIAXgKS. VEN ING AT 8. MATIN h AT 1, for this occasion only. .Mr. Daly's ere at companion dra ma to PloUK. DIVORCE! Miss FANNY I)AV F.N PORT in her original charac ter of hU Ti.N I. Yl K. Nr.Oltsrles FUlier as It irrett, Mr. James Lewis mt Jitt. Mr. 1). II. I lark ins as Adri HIIRO. .Mr, \Y. Daeidgi* De Witt. Mr. Geo. as Lynde. Mis Mary Wells us Airs. Ten Eyck. (11 cr first appearance here.) Mis* Jeffrey s Lewis an Fanny. Minn Ueorgi Lirew *s Niiss Kate Ki oil a ml as Molly. Miss ?-? a? F oia. and Mrs. Gilbert as Mrs K? mp. For the time, with the ORIGIN Ala Ca.nT restored, PigL'K! A l'LAY OF TO-DAY. Miss Fanny Daveuport as Mabel Renfrew. Mr. John Uroutrhatu as Dr. G tssi11. Air. Charles Fislicr as Mm thew. Mr. II ark In s as Chip tain StnmiUh. Mr. Lewis mm Sntumy Dyiuplc. Mr. llardcubcrg as Rag money. Mr. Davidge as Puddcr. Mr. Ilarrvtnort* as Raymond. Air. Drew as Thorsby Gyll. Miis Jefhreya Lwli as Alary. Miss Coweii as Rait eh. .Miss iiollund as Lucille, and Mrs. Gilbert as Aunt Dorothy. In addition to the Play AT K.UDI PERFORMANCE MR. SOL SMI 1 11 RUS^hLL will appear in his ODD I'll A RAt TEUS. LITTLE FAY TKMPLKTOS w ill apn ar as AIMF.K and a MINSTREL BOY and FLAVIN'S GKOliUlA J I ItlLFL SINGKRS will appear. The sol Vi,NILs of the occanUm will bo:?For the M \ IINFK, a Plu?ti?_rraph of Plgl'K Troupe ami a Satin Pros.r.inniie?ami tor the EVENING, a SATIN PKO UUAAiMi; ami a SOLID SILVER TICKET lor each lady. pILMOUK'* CONCERT GARDEN. \T Mewrii. SIIUOK X i'ALMKR Proprietor* Mr. I*. S. UILMoHK .Music*! Director Mr. E. U. Gil,MORE .Mnuager KM KV I V KM Mi AT 8 O'CLOCK. Mr. 1\ 8. UlLMuEK. LEVY and the FAMOUS MILITARY HAND. rUOOHAMMK TO.MGUT. 1. Overture?"Fro Dhivolo*' ..Aubcr 2. Concert WnUi?"Ketiini to AuutIc*" Ferruuti H, Kiiut<utL* truiu the (J mini Opera '%Il Cro ciatw Meyerbeer 4. Duet uno f itsalr "Lncre*U Borgia" .DouUottl 5. C< n?? t Solo "L*st Wait/. Yurie" (Arbuckle) W eber #t. ^ election "Quartet" from "Kigoletto"...... Verdi 7. CuniHt Solo *K ii-** mi Air and Variations' tL ivy).Levy 8. Grnnd Centennial Quadrille*-* the great Exhi bition. introditrin, ih** tirsut uli nation!, with \ art minus lor the principal in strum* fits, clos ing with t "St nr Spangled Banner'1..,. .. 1 ? rt W uitK?' Soi; ;!?? ie her" Htritiisa. 10. Poiaa?"Lovely Laura"., Gilmore. Admission Fifty cents. Ituxei thmtr places' Ill mid |i I>0\VKltV Till ATKK. i 3 M S DAY. June ll? fttsriiriraont of tire popular artists. Meter* si UN ' V SMI 111 un I il AttRY COLTON, in the ureal sensation Drains. * ntitk'd UNDe.ii HAIL. To commence with the Faroe, BASIIFC L LOVKRS. i 1.1 A M LKoN'M OPBKA IIOL'SB, *8D ST.* opposite Booth's Theatre. KELLY A LI ON > MINsritBU. Unqualified ? access of NO KM A and the TWO OFF UNS, Norma. Tie only Leon Couching to Pclham. Dedicated to Colonel Kane. rptllKD AVFNCK THEATRE, X n ir Slat *\ I MM f N> R lUhh THIS WEEK. Mi h HERRING iii her jrrvstost nart CVK hU OF 1 \CK SHhPPAUD, together 'a ill the following: talent:? ?V art en Slater*. Commodore Suit. Wis*. Liliio til i, Major Null, Ills* Annie hitidic, tins Lee, MDs Ada Laurent. .1 W. McAndrews, His* Neh e Young, George F. M aedonald, Ueorgp W'nrred. 0. Soulier I, and others In their specialties. Every evening * ?Fch?ck Matin* ??? Wediieitinjr Mid Satur day - o'olock. PARISIAN VARIITII - 100 L FA U Hi AN VARIETIES. lovfl\ WOMEN. Popular price* i IBfU *t nod Broadway | Coolest Ihcntre. The Leading sensational Varieties of America. GIGA NTH' ARRAY Oh I ALhNT. \rti*t in "JI Original lets. KXUIhKRATINU. PIQUANT AND SPICY. " I I MY VACOIITV DEACON- | MY WIFE'S GARTHR. rIIK KillTSOr W M 1 N. LA F. II: DK CAUTINIER. *A MINI FT. i NO NO I ' | TAHLKAl X MV v.VTS. Everything New. I <? nn t Olio | Everything New, Make no mistake. Most popular and extensive entertainment in New York, str inger'*' Delight and the Envy of Rivals. Fa hioo's Kes ?rt. Every Evening st 8 o'clock. Ma tnee every Tuesday, i hursday and Saturday at 2. ( RAND CHARITY CONCERT. II ST' I \\Y v v HALL, TUESDAY EVENING. Jl nE 20 "or the benefit ??f the Juvenile ??tiardian Society. Thirty iminent artists have volunteered, including iho "Young ft polio (hub. Tickets$1. at Delnumir Schubert's, Filth Avenue Ho '.el, lludnut'*, Herald BiiMiug, and at Steiuwuy Hail luring Tuesday. f 111 ATEAU'M ABILLK?34TII HT. AN D 3D AV. Kj The sertKaiioual theatre of New York. IU STAR ARTISTS |> NEW AND ORIGINAL ACTS. Spicy and entertain nz. 20 BEAUTIM L FOHMKl FEMaLK MODELS in the dm it Tableaux Vivants extant. Le Mitinot de Paris,delightfully voluptuous. Best of talent ami spiciest entertainment in New York. Evening* at H. Tue?Uav. Thursday and Saturday Mali nee* Don't rhtl to visit the Chateau Mahille. * NIHLII'S GARDEN To let. on liberal terms, to combinations or start for abole or part of summer wesson. Apply to C. E. ARNOLD, 12 Wall st. N EW fOUOUTI KNI vM.oa.n KXIIIBITIOM.ISM. BK LMOKT <? AI.I.K KY. I'R> Mh ?*. 'rulritiio, on *i.). Mr. Ausukt tfslu. xii h?viuit |{. cm.<i)trd to ourii bi* 0?JI,rT in roiiii. rli u till nn I .11 ,i<L ot lb, lVm.nui.1 Ixi. 11 Kxbibuiuu. ihi (iiIIwiimi ?ill b, nu ri<w fmn H A M. lallf. M >n VxikI.v. . u.'.dx', W?Mlnr>?il?jr .ud Tliunil.jr, jun, I 'III in inxiurivx. Ilrkrt., VIc,ni?. linn notiM will b, irivi'ii <>f thr < iMxiiair xr 1I1, crand rol Uexi. n. .it iho Nation.1 niv xt lie.iitn ?n.| at tlie Metropolitan Mixc.m I Art. nANCISU AT AMf.Kit: VN 1NSIITI TK KINK. 3I> ?v., IbM Muiid.<)) tr?niri,r. Ai nnapixu cent,; la li.'S (ran. r.sTUALlND-WKATMKK MA MRS No L txica. AriEjri, "Inflow Kail to-ntgbt. HA1.C1ANY. riiK liKCMllS ?SAM).\. SfihNOK it A 1.1.. 141 -Til Sr.-MK. .(AMKS McCAK r?ll wlli deilv. r bit mu.x al ami .xrlo-rxin Ic lprtur?, " the .1.1 k of All tral,a." ta niorrow ?veiiln,'. V\ K?, Jf-W KI.KY. Mix At 77 HI.KRCK..K st . v'kak iikdahwav ? monky aiieanct o, lllarn. nWatrbea. Jewelry. Ar.; alan I I'awnhrxkera* 1 icketa bou,bt of iiiamoixla. V\ atches. Be. 77 Hleekker ?l AT ?UH KKUAHWaY. orrtMlTI IITH KT. ?IllA raumla, Watcbea, Ac., buuit A ami *<>l<l lx>an? ni >[u Uat?l. K it i.It f J. KOShNTil AU. AT Hf?7 BROADWAY, CORNWll 4TH ST.?DlABON DB. M'atehra. Jewelry. Silk., LawiuB I'eraxnal I'roperty ?l eeery draeripibm bou/ht and aul<l. I.xan- m-.xtii.t' J. lAali.S 1'. MAT fll Ktt'S Diamonds-kini.s. #i.*> to faoo-, kauhiram, *?<? ttf fill?!; CrxwM*. 9hOKt*f>'<|H*l Simla. #1(1 to *li*i; x .id tVatch-a. Sin t? Silver Watch--. #'? to f-kl; llntd IB'l Coral Sela, H" l<> Cl'J'. Braerlna, #10 to $l'?l; -auie imuebl; Dlamxuila rea l, M'atchea au<l Jewelry 1. pair,J. t.lNDll MKOS.. I.i<>7 Ilrt>a>l*?y MUNKY ON DIAMOND*. KCKS, Ai'.?DlAMtINDS, W al, lu*. J,a*iry. .-ilverwarx, t aixel'a llair .-hawlt. Nrai Sarr|H?'B, Lwri, silk. Ac.. ' xn^bl an-1 aolii baca at a ,? r) a > all alvMrr. lir.OIUlK I J. ALI.KN, Jeweller, I ltn krlwlear, uear .bib ?t. w Ati IIKS AND JA.Whl.UY ItKKAlKhD UY KlIDIT tlaaa wuram?u. lii.OKlik C. Ai.l.KN, 1,190 BruaJway, near JMlh at. A. CITY H r, VI, jESTATS MliB. ( cutrul. -rt'PKKB AT SPECIALLY UK. A G?2? dun .1 prlcj: 5.11 vt.. ne er 5tU ar. V. K. STEVEN SOS, Jr. 4 Pin* or S3 I i-t ITtli st. " BSoLUTM AUCTION SALE OP TUB BUrKKH FUM. .i??' Dwelling <>3 Park av., Tuesday uext, L>> V. K. mEVKNSON, Jr. I ttal Sine TjW>R SVI.K CHEAP-THREE STORY IIHiH STOOP I. brow n smno lluuss, 244 Kail 33d st., between 2d and fid a**.. In perfect tinier. NiM'Hlinneon?. OOP HOMES?ON IXSTAl.ME.VT PLAN. CALL nil fur circular, K. R. Kl'l.I.OliO, Nu. :i liroadway. UltOOKLVA PKoPKK'i'Y HtU SALK AM) TO LET. IaV)R SALE CHEAP?A SMALL THREE STORY I brick tloiiso, well located In Brooklyn, E. I)., couta'n lug 7 MIOBH, water nnl gee. Ad Ire o I1YHK. lleriibl office WEHTCHKItBU COINTY PUOPEAtTY FOR HALE A.YD TO KKVT. * T N W HOChELLK-KOR SALK OR TO LET? A Cottage: IO rooms ham, ball acre, fruit, high ground, suuud view, boating. filling. rent low; see photographs. A. I . W ILLM.VUi ll. Netr York Pint olllce.slourtn floor, room IS t T MOOirr YBRMOM, WRRTOHEifKR CO.. N. Y. Jt Thirty minutes' rn'e via N. Y. and N. Iluvn Hail rod, mid ten minutes' w alk from depot; first class lloitrd In private family; re eons lar o and airy; location unsurpassed; fiousn lituidseiuely turn.shed; lerms incderate. Apply at premises corner '2d ?v. ami 4th at., or address boa !??> Post utlice. Meuiit Vernon Reference. exchnuped. KINOSHltlDok?1>, ACRES HIGH GROUND. WATER front. III room Cottage, fttrftiahed; stabl-s, fruit aud shade; value $31I.IM.KJ; will take best offer. HINGKK. 7til Rroalivfcy. PROPEHTV OUT OF THE CITY Full SALK OR TO RENT. I TOR SALE?IN THE TIIIUVINO CITY OF LANCa'S 1 tcr. Pa., a Une Suburban Rcsideuqe, two atory brick, double front, with back building, covering an area of 1,77J square fcot; modern conveniences; the lot U about twn-tlilriD of an aero. It planted with one dozen apple and pear treea, half dozen apricot, plum and gage, half dozen cherry and half dozen peach and quince trees; all good bear ers, about lf> years'standing; also about !<>> bearing grape v lues; abundance ol small fruits mid vegetable garden ; good ?table, carriage bouse; O. Will sell the Furniture, Horse and Carriage Ifddslred Possession given any time miring the your. Address SAM UEL HESS, Centre square, Lancaster, Pa. FOB* SALK?rN FORkOLOdUBB?TRBBTOX LOOO motive Works, later known as New Jersey Anns aud Ordnance Works; covers six a'res; has spur of railroad and canal; valuable machinery; sale absolute ou Thursday. June 22, at I P. M., at Court Umise, Trenton, II. J. Full particulars at COUOKRT BROTHERS'. OS William St., New York city. FIOR MA LB?ON JERSEY OITY HEIGHTS" TNRBB i|iiartcrz of an hour irom City IIoil, a large stone House, w 11li slono extension ; four lull city Lots, nice fruit and shade trees; situated oo tery blub gronud; eomiuaudiug very flue and extensive views; will be sold low aud on easv terms. Apply to HOMER MORGAN, No. 2 Pino zt., or CEO. W. LIi'Huow. 1MChamber* st. Irfoit SALEOlt LEASE?MODERN STONE MANSION, stables and outbuibliugs uiimplete. In perfect order, with 2*4 acres, one of the tlnest tracts of land on Orange Mountain side, one hour trom New York, 45o feet above tide u ater; house in the edge ut a uiitnral forest, commanding splendid views; suit spiing water flowing to all rooms, gas an i every convenience; lor healthlulncss. beauty ol location and accessibility there Is no mure desirable location near New I ork city. A. BALDWIN, 115 Hroadaray, room 17. mo I.ET-IN PAfMAIC, H. J.T FOHTY-KiVe MINUTES 1 Iruiu foot of Chambers st.. a handsome Uothlc t'ntt me. containing 10 r touis, bulhrooui. g is. water. Ac. ; la located on the boat corner, surroiiioled by shade, fruit unJ {lowering t uos ; with or without stable. Apply to owner, JAMES T. BURNS, :t;i Union square. TO LET OIMOR SALE?NKAit"ELIZABETH, N. J? A furnished Hoiiae, with all modern Improvements; coach and stable; lour acres ol ground; garden p an.od. Address THOS. TONE, IhSd st.. near ?tl> av , Harlem R (WW\ ACRES. JUST PAST ltl.ltKMPTION, FItMT iJ.lrvJv' class Lands; will sell In plots for a sour; titles Indisputable. Applv to II. WESTBltOOK. .Mtlford. 1'ikc county. Ph. tkMJiiSt ESTATE TO 3XI HAY UK. T.t.vru v LARGE HOUSE; LOCATION UNRUKPASSED; I J aiso Stores and Flats, in tnv best buaiueas avenues In the city, to exchange for elty or country Property; uflerod by owner. Address PUTNAM, llarald oUica. lAOIt s ale (?li BXO11ANQH (>R CITY IOR COUNTRY i property?One of the bo.t Buildings on liroadway, near Astor idnce; store ami basement and cellar, 2.1x35; tour tine light lofts, 2ox itlCI; batciiways enclosed in glass and iron patent heating apparatus, Ac. This is a rare oppor tunity for a firm to locate permanently in that location, which is fast becoming the very evulre of trade. Princi pals only. W. N. (ililw f OLD. No. 744 Broadway. rito" EXOIIANUE- IIOl sil IN HAKLKM. GOOD LO" L cation lor a Well estubliahed business. Address store ??4 av. A. TO EXCHANGE?FINK FARM; GOOD BUILDINGS plenty of fruit; near dep it and village. SPENt'Klt 0 DOTY, owner, 31 Union square. REAL KHTATK WA1TEIJ. "1 \r A NTI:D?TO PURCHASE. A HOUSE. 18 TO 22 FEET tl front, between Lexington and ilth ava., from Both to 4iltb at. Aridrr s, with permit, alatiiig lowest citsh price, W. II. K., Wl Leroy st. TO LET FOfl BUSINESS FUKPOSES. BENNETT BUILDING. ~ *??? Flroproof. located on Nassau. Ann and Fulton st*. Urst Floor to let. suitable lor hunkers. insurance office" or lawyer*. Will In- lei together or In pert"; be altered to auit tenants II desired; adapted tor offices or store*. Reasonable rent*. Also some eligible Law offices lu let AFF1.Y ON TI1K FRi'MlSEH. Take tile elevator. Inquire lor janitor. ?TIIK NEW. ELEGANTLY" I1UILT KOSKVILLK ? Hotel, I lib st.. between liroadway and I diversity place. bU rooms, all tho very newest improvement*, elevator, Ac., to lrase low. Office* No. 4 Fine or 3D hast 17th at. V. K. MI'.VK.'iiDN, Jr. IjllOtlTll AVENUE 8TORB TO LKT. Nk'aB TIIK J j Grand Opera House and opposite hhrleh's Temple of Iashtoa, at the reduced rent el $.V>; suitanle for e. nice tlotter. trult. gentlemen's furnishing or any business requir ing a nice show. 'J77 West'JJd St. fTio EEt?TMB BEST CtUX Ik FNHM Ifl HI 1 Eighteenth VarJ ; has been long established a* a liquor store; la well adapt d for grocery or any other business. In quire at ttOJ Fast -lid st TO Kh N T? I W11 STOKEsTTi ST CoMFLKTKD; OE strable location; a aplendh. opportunity lor a grocer, hour and feed or druggist. Address S. s. WILLIAMSON, loV Uru.tdway, room J, or at Arlington, N. J. mo OHt hYeRS?TU LKT AT UDCCID RENT. A the well esialdislied Store, southeast corner of 1st nv. anil'.'.'Id >t.; good business locality. Apply to WILLIAM F. FOLK Y. real estate office, 4tm Fast tlitd st. ' OX% KI.1.1X4. (HKHKb 'l'O bhi'iiq l it I n I'll ishe.l. A BHICK TWO STOKV lUtill STOOF llOl'SK TO let: sub-cellar and all modern conveniences; garden lot adjoining. litUh st.. nortli side, thirteenth house west of 10th at. Inquire of owner, ROBERT I. HKOWji, 2 - Nassau st., room 7J. fGUllHEl) HOOfflS WD .VFAUTMK.VTS TO LET. CILKAX, COOL. XKWLY FURfclSllKD ROOMS TO J let In llnest location downtowu; transient or permo n til parties aceomniodutcu. I'd.' Kust UHh at. Ijll RsT FLt>OR, FURN 15 RED To II 11C> L s UlUMllO A to let, to a respcetablc,small family til Maction,-al st' I>L*n VIS i i K D A NO" INF 0 HX IS II Ml MI IKS OF ' live Rooms; also Store to let. BOB Wes* M'Jd st. IjHlK HOUSKKI Kl'IN..-- FU KNISIIK0 K<toMS, Eft C to S7 per week; ball Rooms, SI 00 up, for ladies or gentlemen. H?t Wist ltd ?t. IAKGK. KKAt'TIFCLLY FURXISIIKD FARLOR. #4. J t". #11; eah parlo" suiting two ladies or gentlemen; housekeeping privilege; gas bath. Residence Ulti hast Kith SUIT OF FUKNISIIKD ROOMS TO LKT. WITH ALL conveniences. >4 Lexington ?v? near 26th at. rpo jlet-fITrxiahed. at no. t? vakick "flack 1 and 41 Booth Washington square, pleasant Rooms, suitable for gentlemen or light housekeeping. rp? Lkt-haTwomklv n nxisiiKH faklorami I Itedrnoui. terms #?> per week. 20i Kast tltith st, ono door from ;td av. mWOnSboMS, FURNISHED with" ALL convex A tenees t o housekeeping; private bouse; rent low. .No. 4 Morton st., near iileecaer. WEST Buril ST. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Rooms, without board, at reasonable ratea .or sum WEST lllTH S f. -K L KNlSIIKl) ROOMS FOR ladies and gentlemen. 300 19 nier. 53 017 f.ast 13rn sr-ix a frivate family, s.11 three lt.smis, furnished or nnfuriiUhed, to gentle men or a murtled eoui le; term* reasonable. ?>OU WHT HUTU BT? HEAR 7TH AV. CARS ? Tbt 1 e nieoly turn slied Rooms for light housekeep ing In a small private family ; terms moderate. west 25Th st ? handsomely n rnihiikd Uoouis, lor HAht housekeeping. at reasonable prices. ? Ill nril ST., REAR -I1 AV.?FURNISHED LARGE ? >1 A a id small Room* to gt-uileiieu or respectable mar ried couples. IX FlIUMsll Kll lltHOFt A At* AFAItT MKM's TO l.ttT. TTtKtnrOCTI? gt?f7i"sT."TLtkj"s 1 u lkFt il improvement*. See owner on promises Ifoni It to 1 o'clock. I Hi LKT. IN lloUSK :i>7 :u AV. NKAII jVtTli -X., st . ? >tnt 1'IRooms a 1 palnt-ll. with water closet, gas, Ac,; rent #'JJ. Apply to the hout keeper, ?FLATS, KHillT Ui.OMS KAt II; CHOICE LOCA tion; all improvements; reduced out*. JUtill Q. CH'MMl x.s, 1,0(17 3d nv. 1>BIVATE, NICK, NEW HOUSE -ROOMS AT 411 A 1 month; g*s Ac #1.' East Jtnli st. mo LK I AN BAKUANT FLOOR OF ? ROOMh IN A A French Oat hnose . hot and celd water tin oughout; tuarble bowls and cr. ry Imprntemeut; to let by the pre-cht nccu pakl wuo to eves oni> to get ante room: rnu only #37 '41 per month ; eaipel- . lie remain If U -sired Apply at 'JH5 Broadway New York, - e nd floor, front office, or on prem ise- got .tli av , llreoklya. rpo LET?FIRST FLOUIIR FIVE ROOMS. ALL LIURT A and .n good order; gas. water closet, Ac fklltithav.. corner SOtli st. mil LKT THIRD AND FOURTH FLOOR#; TINIKTIIKK A. wOvlill, HtMl.M"*, At ., lYAN I'F.U. its title "Its and ilnaiklvn. WANTi-.ts?A OOODMIXKD. AIRY RoOM. NEATLY laratahed, tor a gnttUemsn and hi* wire, tn a iten-la oalsitiTe lanillv where m-hoarder, are kept, terms must be moderate Addreis. ?taling partiealars. itKel'KC IA ttl.K. Herald Uptown Hraneli office w KUMOFF.. RUCK M ASTER A CO.. Military. Naval andHentia! Tailors. No 3 (only) New ilurlingt.ot st . leu..ion. H , Kn land Kslabl -bad 76 y*ar? first quality ol goods only. U> pur cent discount uir cash. Instructions for seil-msasursmvat seat on application. HXUKH IT AUCTION. tfl'fcVENS.iN. JR., AUCTIONEER. ~ ? Peremptory Auction Tuesday next ut 12 o'clock, at Exchange Hal enroot*, No 111 Broadway: ? No tJH Park avenue.?Elegantly built, planned aud lo cated modern hard-wood finished. four-story high-?t*K>p frttscofd Dwelliui;: *!*?? 25x115;Jot. HO feet; built hi th but manner t>> Ma:tin w Byrnes. Esq. The supern Mirror*. I pier Ulea.HCK, Chandelier*, Cornice*, (its fixtures and , Shades will be Included in the aale. Also. At haiiic time and place, No. :ttti West 57th St., (100 fret i wUt-.) bat woe* Sth and Otli av* ; aptaudidl) built, located 1 and IrusiMMSd; medium si'.e Rovidetice, with elegant Mir j ror*. Cornice*. Um? i i\tur??, A?.; coaveiiler.t to Broadway j entrance in Centra! Park and rapid transit depot. M ips I of &u tioucer. Now. 4 Pine and 33 East 17th *l VUCTION SALE OK MAGNIFICENT HOUSEHOLD Furniture. twporty ot K. Oav. Esq.. to be sold THIS iMonday) MORNING, commencing at 10 o'clock, at the elegant five story brown stone mansion. No. l:o West '.'3 i ut., near Bth a v. Two elegant rosewood Pianofortes, one a Stein way A Son. and Windsor upright. cost $7tJ0 and $I,OUU; uiagiiithont rosewood Ktagere*. lace Curtain*. Mirrors, latest style inlaid Parlor Suits, covered in satin, broeutel and reps; Inlaid centra and console Tables. Cabinets. Jardinieres, Brouftts. | (ill Painting*, Ac.: Chamber Suits, in black walnut; Dross i lug Cases,Bedsteads, spritiK and hair M nitre*-en. Carpets. Ac.: Bookcase, Kou vofumes choice Book*, Ladies1 Secreta ries. Library Tables, Turkish Suits, dining room Itaffint, Ex- | tension Table; solid walnut Chairs, in leather; China Din- I tier au l Tea Sets. Loung* s. Hat Stand. Also basement and .servant*' Furniture. LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. X. B. ?Hoods packed and shipped, eity or country. ?TUNIS JOHNSON, AUCTIONEER. ? Old stand 37 Nassau St. On WEDNESDAY, at !0tf o'clock. LARGE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Carpets Mirrors, Refrigeratory Rugs. Ac vuu>veil front ? gentleuiau's private MiHitaiou. Auction hale-by k. Horn, auctioneer, this (Mondavi morning, commencing at IB o'clock, til! the handsome Household Furniture at the private resi dence 1U5 East I3tb si. and 4th a v.; elegant Parlor Suits in satin, brocade, re.p and haircloth; rosewood PlanntYrto. Curtains, till Paintings. (Carpets, Mirrors, Beadstead*;. Bureaus, Dressing Cases. Wardrobes, Wnshatand*. hair and spring Mxttrasses, He 's, Bolsters. Pillows, Lounges. Kta gores Tables, Sideboard, Extension Tables, Glass. China. Silver Ware, Cuttlery, Ac.; a rare opportunity for house keepers goods packed and delivered for purchasers. Auction Sal r-pobitivkly to-dat.?rich Household Furniture. THIS (Monday) MORNING, at 10o'clock, at tlvo story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST IB I'll ST.. BETWEEN .Vl'H AM) BTIl AYS. Decker A Bro. upright 7b, octave Pianoforte, Stein way's lour round lx\ octave Pianoforte, Painting*. Works of Art. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS, richly carved roeewood and wahrutframes. coveted fn crimson, tan and gold brocade saiitt and cotelaine; Turkish and Spanish Lounges, Easy Chairs, inlaid marquctric and gilt C? and Comedo Tables, rosewood Lie ire re*. Cabinets, French plate Mirrors, lac > Curtains, French Mantel Sets. OH day Clock', Musical Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookcases, l Books. Libr .rv Tables. Turkish Suit. V riling Desk. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING i elnborato and plain Bedroom Sets, inlaid and gilt Bedsteads, | Dressing Oases, Bureaus, WitshntHiid*, single and double ; Bedsteads, 33 tin* hair and sprittg .Mattres es, (bather Pil lows, Blankets, Toilet Sets, rep and plush Suits, marble top Tables, Chairs. Rockery reclining On air*, Lounges. DINING FURNITURE?Extension Table*. Sideboard, Chairs iu leather. Silverware, Crockery, two Hull Stands velvet, Brussels and ingrain Carpets; Kitchen, servants' Furniture, Ac. Take Sixth avenue or University place ears. N. B.?Men to remove, pack or ship goods, city or country. ROBERT 0. CASH IN, Auctioneer. BY ISAAC 0. GOLDSTEIN, AUCTIONEER?HELLS. 10)| o'clock, Tuesday Juno 20, entire Furniture of Boarding Hon *6; also Barroom aud Restaurant Fixtures. Particulars (lav ot sale. George iiolmkook. auctioneer.?holbrook A ROLLINS sell, this day at 2 o'clock, ut 432. 454 and 45R Caual St.. a general assortment < f Household Furniture, Parlor and Chamber Suits, Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Car nets. Oilcloths, Mattresses. Bed*, Bedding, Crockery, Glass, Plated Ware. Kitchen Utensils, Ac. ; also one bav llor-e, 14 hands high, six years old; sound, and will go iu three minutes. GNAFFNKV A SMITH, AUCTIONEERS-OFFICE 17 I* Centre at., sell this day, wt 10 o'clock, the Lease, Stock aud Fixtures of tiie neatly nttod up sample room 282 3d av ; 4 pull Pump, Ac. J COOKE. AUCTIONEER-HELLS THIS DAY, AT . I0>? o' rs ? ??*-., ?? clock, entire content' of the private residence, 145East 12stb *t. illuiloiui?Brussels and ingrain Carpet*, bedroom and parlor Furniture, walnut buffet. Dining Tables and Chairs. Hookca-cs, Secretaries, hair Mattress, s, Easy and Arm Chairs. Crockery and Glassware. Sale positive. LOUIS MAYER, AUCTIONEER?SELLS AT 11 o'clock the entire Fixture* of saloou 16J av. A.; ele gant Beer Pump, Bar, Tables, Icehouse; sale po-ltive; v. e alert* invited. * MX U SSH A U M, AI CTIO N E B it, 2* i 1 BOW K R Y, ? soil* this day, at 11 o'clock, at comer 2d av. and 113th wt., Harlem, Stock and Fixtures of first class corner Liquor Store, consisting ot tour-pull Ale Pump, with tnir ck Bar, Billiard Table. Bagatelle Table, ror; elegant Bar, Bad . splendid Icehouse, Tables, uiarble Wash Basin, Gas Fix ture*, Awning, wire and iron Window and Door hereon*. Shades, hogshead* Liquors, Ac. Positively in lot*, without reserve. No postponement. Worthy atteution ot deal cms and spoculatora. Mortgage sale.-peter bowk, auctioneer, will sell at p Folic auction, Monday, Juno IB, 1H7B. at IHJfc A. M , at No. 3 Barclay at., under and by virtue of a chattel mortgage, the Fixtures. Furniture and Effect* of a !ir*t clan* Liquor Saloon, By order ot the Attorney for the Mortgagee. Mortgage sale.-tiiomas reilly, auction eer. selU tins day, nt 1U)? o'clock, 322|East 13th at., one fine Horse. By order of mortgagee. Tm.vrH Monday's sale of straws. JLl 3UU cases uiauofactiired Straw Goods, a hill assort incut, will be sold on Monday, June 19. WILLIAM TOl'* PING A CO., Auctioneer*. No .32 Church si. PAWNBROKERS SALE.-THIS DAY, JAMES AGAR Auctioneer, will sell nt 59 New Bowery, 5fK)lota Dresses Shawi*. Remnants, Table Liurn, Underclothing. Sheets Spread*. Boot*, Shoe*. Coat*. Pautalooit* and Vests. B, order ot M. S. Madigan. 511 2d nv. PAWNBROKER'S SAL. .?THOMAS J. .M'URATIf, Auctioneer. 158 Chatham St.. corner Mulberry. will hell thin liuv. nt II o'clock, men's n?d women's Cluuilug, Dresses. Siiaivls. Henimims, Bedding. Hoots, Slitter, Ac.; aIvi Coats Pantaloons and Verts. By order tl. TMnitk, Illcccker it. PAWNBROKER'S SAL.-K. ; IKLD. CKNKRAL Auctioneer ir*lo?rtioiii No. si) Bowery), will sell litis tier, at 11 o'clock. B'stlms men's and women's Clothing; Drosses, Shawls, Remnants I'udemntbimr. Quilts, Ulan Weir. IB ddiuir, Boots, Suites. Ac.; ttlso Coals, Pantaloons and Vests. By order of Hugh Freal, Host at B1011ARD WALTERS' SONS. AUCTIONEER.? i Groceries, Ac. Marshal's rule. Will rell Monday, at ! lot, o'clock, ut No. jt'i East Broadway, the Stock and Fix- i turor of a Ural class tirooery store. vis?25 barrels Flour, 1 boxes soap, starch. Canned Fruits, Sjiices, sirups. Rice, 1 oils. Sauces, men nntl cluck I err. OoflV s, l.xtructs. Ink. Castile Soap; 8 casks imported 1'lckles, Glass Cases, Scale*. Jcc Utixcl, Couuti rr, I Truck, Ac. RICHARD C. \\ AlsSH, .Marshal. Alio, at ID o'clock, lot Doxka, School Furniture, Ac IMON ABRAHAM. AUCTIONEER, MILLS AT II 1 u'cioex. at No. 738 id ax-., cem ral (tousefamisldnK tinoda, .Mores, Tiuw r?. Cutlery, Woodenwaro, Maclttnery. Tools, Counters, Si# lyings, Ac , in lots. Dealers invit' <L s TTTILLIAM ABBOTT, AUCTION ERR. OFFICE NO. 3 II Chambers slreei, New Fork, will sell, ou Tuesday, ?joib Inst., by virtue of a writ of execution, the Stock and Fixtures ol a large grocery aad tea itora la Brooklyn, l or lull particulars se- tuls ctdunin in to mnrrow'a Herald. WILLIAM ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER, II otHco No II chambers st.. will sell this day, st 10, o'clock, at 535 East 1 2th st.. a large lo. oi Furniture; wal tint Bureaus. Wardrobes, Withstands. Mirrors, Extension laities. Brus-els aud ingrain Carpets, Oiiclotbs, Ac. I'lA.VOFOIlTKk, (>RUA.\N, xVt,. A ?FOR KEN I. "ui'RtUil T. SQUARE AND (IRANI) s Pianos of our own inake;aiao lor saio and rent, a aunt bar of tlno second hand I'ianns. in perfect order. WILL IAM KNABK A CO.. No. 112 5th av.. above li'th st. A BEAUT1FI i. PIANO, $75; WKBl-.E PIAN'nFORTK, il soxen in tare, rarvod teas; sacrifice lor cash: Farlor Organ, very cheap. J. BIDDi.E, IS Waverley place, near Broadway. -PIANOFORTE? f ' RKST.'oF OUR OWN MAN? , faeture, by CIIICKER1NO A SONS, 130 5th av., cor ner of 1Mb ?t. Y MACINIFlCe.N i 7 1-3 OCTAVE PIANO. WITH ALL 1\ modern improvements, lor less than $21)). Kiuix ACER, 352 Bowery. IT SOHMEIl A CO'8. MB EAST 1ITII ST.. NEAR 3D iV av .pianoforte manutactiirers, first elass new. a so see otiil linr.rfPlain a. at extremely low prices; Pianos tn rout and on instalments. $'? to $20 monthly. A Pn A PR 'ianot irte cost $1,0U0; elegant Steinwar A Son': 7 1-3 octave, carved rosewoml case ; every Improvement; a sacritbv. Private rasitlon'-!', 47 West mih st,,near Bth av. * N OWNER WILL SELL BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD i t 71, octave l'iaiiororto lor $123. Rvsideiice 2iR East Roth st 4 MAGNIFICENT DMICKR A KRO I'llE FOUR s'V round corners 7'? octavo rosewood Pianoforte, lull a jralfe and all nind -ru Improvement# attached ; eo?t #IK) t, for $190; I'artor Suits. Bedroom Miitn, Ac 0*11 betorv pur chasing elsewhere et residence 21 bast 'Joth at., near Broadway. B HAI TI Ul, ROSKWIIOD PIANOFORTE, $33. ALSO superb Stelnwuv. Rare rlisace: trant money GORDON'8, 157 Hleecker st. /TREAT REDUCTION IN PRICER.?NEVV FlhHT \T class s piare an I upright Pianoiunei and .con.t bund Pianos and Organ* for sale and to let. T. bUDKK, warc rooma and laetory <V > East 4th st., near 2d nr. ]>IANOs-D YOU WISH TO RENT uK BUY CHEAP est and liest. rail em MKKKr.LL. Nis H Union si|u?re, CFBINW AY'^. WRHEU'sT CliTcK ERINH'8, WATKfUT SO ami other first class new and second hand .>i|'i re and I pricht PI iiius aud organs, at extraordinary low price* for caslt, or to let until 4?ald lor as per contract; to rout In city or country Ir on $ I to f T per m?nt h HOR vi w aters a st SONS. 1st Broadway. W'UOLKBALK PRICES.? 7'., OOTAVK NEW \\|) t> second baud Pianos. #."U upward; instalments taken; rent $3. CAULK, IDT West 23d st Wt;" -A7 OCTAVE HOUND CORNERED ROSE *a?). wood I'mII x, a it 1 stool, in perfect order; a oar i sm. Apply at -T*s Henry sk. between At.antic and Slate. Brooklyn. ~7 - 0A8II - rills n VY. WIKK BUY A FINE ROSE. $r<o w ,od 7', ..els e Piau.'lortr. used eight months. I n % ate family; coet Call at 120 Wo?t-3d ?t, near th h av. Cjx).)- -CUICKeRINO PIANO. $225; HUPkRR C?s^o? toned, rlehlc curved r.ieewond piano. 7 I t octave. Seiuct and warranted; thiee months' use: cost $!??(. lor 225; positi ve bargain; family mini all at once. Call at rrsidciicc 54 final l<tb St., near Broad* ay. Did* i is I'll 1 . A SET OF TEETH M V')E IN THREE llul'K> AT 1.8 1\ West itltn st.. tiriweentith >nl 7th avs , near Bread Way. Special meelia ii al dcnii-tr.: coral, rub' cr,, pearl, whalebone, go.d and platina Sets; Plumpers, Reeulato.s. Ac Tak" green tar Mom (Irandetr. et lurry or sixth avenue enrsf o Broadway cars. NEW HKOCtlH, ?28 W est 34th at. Y ?NEW IMPROVED ARflFlCIALTbETU; SETS, $5, jV.? $8; gum seta, $H); silver Bllinga. .lOc.; k od ami pia no*. $1; ail work warranted first class at 155 "th av. Dr. WIIITK. ORAUTIPUL ARflFIOlAL TK.xTH, ff; kINOLE. J) pi; wairmteu; >llver Flllinirs. 'Vc NEW IOIIK DeN TAL ROOM s. Jt)_- oth av., near HUh ?t. Established 1851. MISSING MAN. Tb? pollen at tbn Brooklyn Qcadt|anrtcr? worn noti fied jrcstt'itlay that Theotloro I.on. r/. u lelt Ins homo, No. 746 Fulton atrsnit, lis; 22. Tbe ttuMlng mania thirty-seven year* of age. five feet eight incite* In h? .got, baa dark brown hair antl side w biski ra, and lull, dark oyea llo Wore when last seen, ? blkcE Coat, diagonal vest, light pantaloon* and a cap. THE IXDIAS WAR. General Terry's Column Moving Toward the Yellowstone River. SLOW PROGRESS AND RAINY WEATHER. The Urbanization of the Expedition and the Personnel of the Stuff. THE "BAD LANDS" FRUVING FERTILE. A Cavalry Scout Under Custer Returning to Camp Without Result. THE EFFECT OF THE WAR. Ix C'avp ox tub Missorui Kicks, I)akot?, ) May :iO. 1876. J Tho expedition orgunixod at Fori Lincolu lo operata against tlio hostile Indians under Silting Dull, aud which lelt that lort on tho 17th inst., arrived ol ibis j oint to-day, having been marching thirteen days, during which tune it has traversed 10b miles, all aver age or little less than thirteen miles per day. This ruto of progress would not be likely to bring us tu contact with hostile, Indians, watchful and 011 the alert as they arc supposed to ho; but tho obstacles which have been met. and which havo tended to render our jirogress slow and uncertain, have been sufllcicnt to furulsh a reasonable excuse lor no more rapid rate of tnurchlng. In thts latitude it can bo calculated with almost mathe matical certainty that during the months of May aud Juue the raiutull will bo excessive, scarcely a day pass ing without Its drenching shower. The cnaracler of the soil is such that under Ircqueat ruins tho entire country bccomos almost impassable for oven ordinary IndeD wagons. This Is contrary to tbo published theorlos and opin ions of a class of which General llaxcn, of tbe army, Is a fair representative, and whose ooject Is lo describe this country aa seldom visited by rain and so devoid of moisture us to bo iucapablo of producing anv vegetable growth ; in fact, as being but little bettor than a barren desert. If Hozen aud those who think with him upon ibis subject could havo accompanied this expedition and obtained, for the first time probably, a glimpse of the country which they bare criticised in such un measured terms, they would have ridden ovor a large exteutof tbe finest grazing laud that could be desired, and hare secu useful grasses of different varieties grow ing in rich prolusion along our entiro route, while at the same tuno wild flowers ol the most varied beauty and color were to l>o seen at almost every step of our progress. Not only this, but in passing tbrougb tbe much abused bad lauds, tho cavalrymen rodo for hours at a time over a greeu sward of rich, nutritions grasses, tho height of the latter extending to their horses' kncoa Much ot TUB COUXTUT we passod over was tar superior to some of the best portions of the old and settled Stntcs of tho KasL Tho inquiry was frequently mude, in a Jocular man ner, us the troops tnarchod along over the beautiful green velvet carpet, iuterspersed with rare and deli cately tinted flowers, '"Whero is Huzen's trail-?-cer tuinly not here." dome one suggested that a bunch of grasses, selected at various points along our route, should bo prepared and transmitted to Goneral liazou us a fair specimen of what nature produced from those lauds which he publicly has announced would uever be worth "a pcuny au^acrc." The blue grass regions of Keutuoky cannot produce fluer grazing than much of that ovor which this expedition has Just passed. This expedition uttracts no llltlo attention from tho public prior to its final organization and departure from Fort Lincolu from tbe fact that tho President, in an un usual manner, took sucb special interest In designating what officer ghoul J go Id command, or. more correctly Mating It, lu designating what officer should not go lu command. The result was that General Terry was chosen to lead this column. The General arrived at Kurt Lincoln a few days boiore the departure of the expedition, but did not nssuuie command until tho troops were about to tako the field. General Custer, who commanded the military district, of which Fort Lincoln is the headquarters. exercised tho inmiediato command until tho tormal assumptlou of command by General Terry. Tbo following outlino ot TBS ORUAJtCtATlOX OP TIIK COLfM* may be of interest:?General Terry, commanding, Is accompanied by his tbreo aids, Brevet Lieutenant Colo ncl Edward W. Smith, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral; Brevet Major Hubert I*. Hughes, Lieuteuaul Eu gene B. Gibus; Assistant Surgeon John W. Williams, chief medical olbccr; Lieutenant Edward Maguire, or tho Eugiueer Corps; Captain Olho E. .Yilchaehs. ol tho Ordnance Department; Lieutenant Henry J. Xowlan, Seventh cavalry. Chief Quartermaster; Lieutenant Kichurd E. Thompson) Sixth lnfhntry, Commissary of Subststunco. The troops composing the expedition consist of the entire Seventh cavalry, embracing twelve lull compa nies; a battery of Galling guns, commanded by Lieu tenants l.owe and Kinzio, of tho Twentieth inlamry; two companies of the Seventeenth infantry, uuder Brovet Major Louis IL Sanger; one company of the Sixth infantry, commandod by Captain Stephen Baker, and a detachment of Indian scouts, commanded by Lioutcnant Canrh s A. Varnuin, Seventh cavalry. Accompanying the troop is a train of 150 wagons loaded with rations and for&gc sutlicient to last thirty days, bclore or at the end of which tun.; it is expected tho Yellowstono Kivcr will be readied, where two steamers have already been despatched with stores and provisions for both ineu and horses. With the Memoi rs will he three companies ol the Sixth infantry from Fort Buiord under command of Major O. 11. Moore. These will also ho added to the eUectlvo strength of thu expedition after a junction has been eilccted on the Yellowstone. It will thus be seen that this force, considering tho diminutive ? zo ol the en tire army, is quito n lormidublo one, cnmberiug up ward ol 1,200 lighting men, and If opportunity occurs will no doubt render u good account ol ttscll under tho leadership of tho hero ol Fort Ftshor, tho lort that Big Bcihcl Butler of bottle fatno did not take. Geuorul Custer is second in coinmund uuder General Terry. lle exercises immediate command or the twelve companies ol the Seventh cavalry and tho detachinenI ol Indian scouts. Strango as It inny sound to uuimlitary cars, It seems that is tho first instance in nineteen years, ox c. pi during the war, of an entiro regiment of cavalry surviug together in ouo command. TIIK MARCH FROM FORT UXL'OLX to this point lias been an almost due west direction, and for tho benolit or thoso whoso geographical know ledge may require brushing up our present location may be given ns about ten miles south of tho forty seventh degree ol IhtitttUo and midway between the lulld and 1041 h tueridiaus. * Thus far our progress has t>ocn almost unmarked by any incident or evidence going to show that we are In a hostile country or in a country inhabitod by buatilo In diana lu lacl, tub track* or taniAxs thus far discovered nave been so few and Indistinct that tr wo had no other facts to judgo in in wo miuht regard the rod man ns having belonged to a pro-existent race. Twice only have huuttng parties accidentally come across tho half expitlng embers ot small tires, wnich had evidently been built by small parties of Indians w ithin easy watching distance ol our camp. These parties evidently being engaged In observing our move ments, but up to this date not an Indian has been seen, nor unylhing to Indtcalo that wc are to lie favored with ? sight of even one o! those broech-cioutcd warriors. The country over which wo havo passed Is not en tirely new or unknown, our course having led us along tho surveyed line of the Northern Pacific Uailrond. THK SI K.Nunr, while partaking of the general character of that of the Plain-, was suificienll> varied to prevent mono ouy. Hore and there as we threaded our way leisurely across the green grassy surface wo could spy iu the distance, rising np like a ship upon tho bosom of the ocean, and projecting itself against the borl sob, a high hill or succession of hills, serr 'ii,' to too traveller, red man or white, a* 1 'Uilinark* to guide him on hi* journey. Tbo torn bit' I* norer heard 011 the Plain*, every prominent elova Hot. I* spoken of aa a butte; instead of ridges ono hears only of divide*, while valleys are seldom heard of, but In their stead one constantly hears of ravines. Most at the batten retain their Indian names some ot which are quite suggestive; others have been na tod because of some local event, pcrhups couuouted with war, happonlmt near by. Fur example, "Voung Men's Unite" was so uamed because, iu a war between two bo.-dlle trlltes, a number of young men, constituting tho (lower of one tribe, w ere met und overpowered at the liu -c ot the butte, none escaping to tell tbc bloody tale. l>og Teeth Butte. soen irom the proper points, ex plains tl o derivation of it* queFr name. The projection of its various peaks against the sky as seen at a dis tance ot twenty utiles, presents on a gig utile scale an exact likeness ot the teeth of a dog, ooiutncnciug with tho lurger ones of the Jaw, then tho long tusks, finally the smaller ono* in froui. "itainy BuMO," lying far to the south ol our trail, wus so named bceuuse, us tho litdiHii claim, no person over passed within view of that butte without at tho same time witnessing a shower ol ruiu. As wo itdu along, our Indiun guide poiuts out to us tho various buttos, some ol which cau be seen at a distance of fifty miles, und gives us their uuinea and history, lor each oue has its history. Yon* tier, in tho southwest, at a distance of perhaps twenty miles, are to be sueu, rising as if Irom tho ocean, two symmetrical buttes shaped cxictly alike, and re sembling a pair ot graceful cups inverted. They stand alone upon wliut otherwise would bo au unbroken sea of llviug green verdure, dooked throughout by buds ot wild dowers. Ol'It IN DUX QCIDU observes that our attentiou has beon attractod to this pair of bcautilul hillocks, but, Indiau like, will not volunteer to gratify our curiosity uutil asked to do so. To our inquiry as to tbc name of the two buttes, ho replied, "Maiden's Breast." Many of the streams retain their ludlnu titlos. Tuo Little Missouri River, ou whose bank we are now one imped, Is known by tho ludiaus as ??Thick Timbered Stiver." A CAVALRY SCO IT. General cu.ster, taking several companies ot his regiiuont and some Indian scouts, left camp this morning und started up the valley of the Little Mis souri Uivcr in soarch of ludiau trails, but particularly lo determiuo the truth of the reports and rumors brought in Irom time to Mine by guitlo* to tho offect that the hostile Indians had a largo camp located on tho Little Missouri Liver not lor Irom this point. Cusior's scouting party rodo Utiy uitles in about twelve bours, thoroughly ex amining tho valley of the river, hut this evening, inaro port to General Terry, Cuslor states that not only were no signs discovered Indicating tho presonce of In dians In the valley, but the further (act was deter mined that no considerable body o! Indians have vis ited or passed through tho valley within a period of six months, thus showing that tho rccuut reports, bused upon the statements of guides and hall breeds, that SiHiug Bull's main fordo wa? located in this val ley and intended to contest the crossing, wore utterly without loundatlon. TUS WHKRRA BOUTS OF SITTING BULL Is now as much ot a conundrum to the military as is the hiding placo of Boss Tweed to the New York police. Rutnor?that busy but not always reliable dame?now places Sitting Bull and all his followers snugly In their villages oh 1'owdur River, one of the eastern tributa ries of the Yellowstone, and distant from this point about 100 miles, be the same moro or less. The troops will, probably, llud It more. It was expected, partly hoped, 1 believe, that Sitting Buil would make good his boasts and actually attack the troops, thereby bringing matters to a speedy issue and putting an end to what must be to Uncle Sam a very expensive undertaking All military expeditions are, nocossarity, expensive. % TUB COST or INDIAN WARS. It has been estimated that the government pays $1,000,000 for evory Indian slain In battle, squaws and pappooscs not counted. This is hardly true of the es timates upon & fair basis; but II tho dead Indians cost , Uncle Sum so much It would bo Intorcsttng, and per hups more to the point, to know how much tho self s icridcing old gentleman Is called upon to pay yearly lor each live Indian. Now us Sitting Bull has tailed to answer the hopes and expectations of bis enemies by butting his head and those of his people up against ono of the best organized and equipped expeditions ever sent by the Greut Father to effect his destruction, since the mountain will not coran to Mohammed. Mohammed must go to the mountain. In other words, this expedition must move In search of ttio ap parently ubiquitous Sitting Bulk The latter may l>o caught napping, but such an occurrence is ex ceedingly improbable. Considering the advanced stage ol tho season, tho lino and plentiful growth of grosa everywhere avaiiablo on tho plains, Sitting Bull cannut only keep himself thoroughly iulormed as to our move ments hut is in condttiou and free to act as may bo most to his advantage IIo can tight or run away or by a combination of both annoy us greatly without Buflenng severely In return. At tho same time the toils are tightening about lum; ho hna not only one enemy or two to watch and elude, but threo powerful columna, each under distinguished leaders, arc gradu ally converging upon bis strongholds In the ltig Horn and Powder River countries. Crook, moving trom Laramie and Fetterinan northward, with a strong force ot cavalry and Infantry, is directing his march tnarard the Big Horn and Powder ltiver valleys. General Gibbon, with six compitniea of lnfautry and four of cavalry, acting uudcr General Terry's orders, is moving from Montana across the Yellowstone to strike from tho west, while Terry, with bis formidable colurau, starting from Fort Lincoln and moving toward tho same contral point, Is aiming a blow from tho east. Now, Sitting Bull may dodge one or two ot these columns, but in dodging one does he not run the risk ol placing himself In tho path ot the other two? This rontains to bo seen, and tho result wil) not bo long in doubt. To-morrow this command will cross the Little Missouri una continuo Its march to the (minion the Yellowstone lllver known ss Stanley's Stockade, there to obtain a fresh supply ot rations Mid forage boforo following out tho abov i programme. EXCISE ARRESTS. At the Washington Place Pollco Court, before Justice Bully, Philip Holland, oj No. 109 West Houston street; William Twisten, of No. 60S Greenwich street, and Mar tin Maher, ol No. 711 Greenwich street, wero hold In $;!00 bail for keeping their saloons open and sulliug beer. At the Tomba Police Court, before Justice Wan dell, Joseph Hughes, ol No. 15 Oak street, and Patrick McCarthy, ol No. 38 Washington street, wero held for violating tbe Excise law. But one case of violation of the Excise law came up before Justice Morgan si tho Ehsox Market Police Court?that of Jacob Wolf, of No. 192 Iklanooy street, who was held in jdKM) ball. ; eighty-five days in the Hudson. The body of the unknown man found floating at Day's i Point, Woehswken. on Saturday and taken to Coroner : Crauo's Morgue at llobokcn, was identified yesterday as 1 that of John Daley, of Jersey City, by ills brother | James, who gave tno following details of his brother's doutli to a Httuau) reporter last evening"My brother ; fell luio the river oighty-flvo days ago on a very wet ; Saturday from off Morris A: Cumin lugs' niu I scow No W Tno deck of the scow had lierome slippery by the rain and that caused him to lose Ills loolhold. He could nolMWim. For about a year previous to Ins death he had been somewlint nervous through a friend ol bis failing into tbe river and being drowned before any a-sislatice could be g'V? u htm. Ho worked lor the firm above mentioned for thirteen years aud at the Jersey City Steel Works lor two year* previously. A BOY'S DREADFUL FATE. About five o'clock yestordav afternoon William H Tobin, a boy twelve years of ufto, residing with his par*, ents at No. lid Adams street, fell from the roof of a building attached to Thomas H. Dawson's leather fac tory and was instantly Itihod. It seems while playing he lost his balauco aud fell to the (lagged sidewalk, striking head foremost near lite curbstone. His Buck and both arms were broken. The County Physician deems an inquest unnecessary. HARDSHIPS OF A SEAMSTRESS. Mrs. Matilda l'a|ic, of Na 591 Broad street. Newark, seme time ago purchased a sewing machine on tho in stalment principle. Miie Ifad paid in une-half of tho whole price, $46, but owing to tbo hard times was un ahlo to make further payment*. The agent, Morris ft. llahu, then attempted to take sway the machine, but Mrs. I'a|ie stoutly ro-i-lod. A lussio ensued, aud, as Mrs. Pajie alleges, she was violently assaulted. Un Saturday she applied to the authorities lor redress, and upou making nilnlavii to the lnrogoiiij lacts a warrant waa issued lor tho arrest of Hahn. It baa not yst boon executed. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. TKATINO GEORGIA BITUMINOUS COAL?MOVE MENTS Or 14TIO?U VESSELS- PROBABLE RENDEZVOUS or THE SOUTH ATLANTIC SQUAD RON AT POET BOTAL?TTBEE ISLAND AS A NAVAL STATION. Bui-kit, 8. U, Jane 18, 1878. The corvette, Plymouth, Captain Edward Barrett, which recently returned from an interesting cruise Shout St. Domingo and Jamaica, Is now lying st the Port Royal dock, testing tlio steaming qualiii s of soma bduui nous coal touud In the state of Georgia. The coal is represented to ho an excellent article, whifih can bo laid down at Port Royal at low rates, and U is to ascertain its value that s Board of Engineers la giving the article a thorough test. The Board on the Plymonth coii-ista of Col el Engineer King, of the Dictator; Cbiei Engineer llairis, of the Plymouth, and Assistant En gineer McXairey, ul the AJax. iheir report is loeks4 tor with inu-ie-t. The Plymouth, after coaling, will probably proceed North at au eurly u.iy, to give the officers and crow a change of atr and a chance to ruu ashore. A cruise is th > troiucs at this season is very debllitaung, and there is nothing like the tonic ot Northern air to build men up. The ooivetto Vaudalia, Commander Haxton, is now supposed to be on iter way Iroin Aspluwall to Port Royal. Blu- is daily expected at the latter place. THE IIUKKUUEH SEASON. As the hurricane mouth* are approaching it is likely that the cruisers of tfao ffi-et under command of Hear Admiral l.o Roy will speedily return irom the Gull of Mexico and congregate iu Port Royal lor the summer. The port is healthy the year round, and no finer hurhor can he ?found in the ouuntry. The assembling ol the squadron will doubtless be tot signal lor a SERIES Or DRILLS snd fuuetions Interesting to proles*ionals and to lands uieu us well The capacious waters ol the harbor pre sent an excellent field lor squad rou drill. VTHS* IS LASIX Much amusement is allorded those who know what T> bvu Island is and thu waters about at the last efibrt to make Tybee a-uaval station. In no possible wuy does it at uli corn pure with Port Royal tor cupaclly, he Ithl'uluess or saioty us a naval station. Tbocom miitoe to exuiniuo the various hurbora will douhtloss soon see Its real value. MERIi'ED PUNISHMENT. THB BAD DEATH OF COMMANDER SMITH S WIPE?SPEEDY EXPULSION FROM TllK NAVY OF A PABT'Y IMPLICATED IN THE EVENT VERDICT OF THB COBONEIt'B JUBY. Beaufort, 8. C., June 15, 1876. As a sequel to tho sad tragedy which recently occurred here it may now bo slated that tho offlcsrs ol the squadron lying off Port Royal, oa soon as they beard In a direct and authoritative way of tho causa lending to tho death ol the wile of Commander Smith, put in motion tho only tnaclilnory in tbeir control to punish one ol tho persons who bad been implicated in the event, Tho person alluded to buppeued to be attached to the monitor AJax, under the command ol Commander T. H. Eastman. Ilia follow' officers, as soon ls a correct statement ol the case bod reached them, placed tho culprit in Coventry, isolating him so rigorously that bis position became unendurable, and be attempted to offer to tho Captain an explanation which was at once so disingenuous and unsatisfactory that it was worse than a confession. He was promptly told that bis presence longer in the navy would not be tolerated by bis lell<>w officers altet the double violation of the rules of honor and decency us a physician and officer. Thereupon he wrote out his resignation, wlueh was approved by his command lug officer uud by commodore Ciilz, commanding till station, and sent to Washington. He was granted leave ot absence and be lore sundown was ashore, bag and baggage, and thereafter practically CHASED TO UK AS OKKH'KR of the nuvy. The deportment at Washington lost no time iu accepting the resignation, and the nuvy wri rolievod ol the disgrace of an acting assistant surgeon whoso conduct brought death and dishonor In a ones happy family. The prompt and high toned mauner in whtoh tho officers ol thu squadron vindicated the honor of tin service is commented upon most favorably in,ull cir cles. it shows that the origin fame of all honest pro fession exunot be tarnished by any member wlthoul his speedy and conclusive disgrace As ' " Til K CORONER'S JURY In tho case of Mrs. Smith had returned an open ver dict, the testimony was turned over to tbo Grand Jury lor conslderntiou. and that body, after hearing souio evidence, unanimously concluded that tne deceased cainc to nor death by her own hand, thereby relieving any one else of all suspicion. The caso always was vory clear, but the action of tho Grand Jury finally places it iu ita true light. THE PONTIFICATE OF PiUi IX. The thirtieth anniversary of the accession ot Pops Pius IX. to the chair of St, Peter was commemorated by the Do La Sallo Club at Manhattan College yester day afternoon. The celebration, whicn was of an In teresting and enthusiastic character, took place in the study hall of the InsCitutiuu named. It may be slated that tho association above mentioaod comprises the somor class Iu the colloge, tho members of which have recently undergone a rigid examination lasting Alteon days, the objeot being to determine their Alness lor tbo degree of bachelor of arts. At the close ol the exercises, which were ren dered in a highly crcdiuiolo manner, Kov. Dr. Braun, by rcqucsi of Urolher Anthony, tbo President of th? C ilioge, addressed the club. At tbo annual Commence incut, which takes pluco on the ditli iiiSL, the grad uates will be addressed by Mr. Vredericlc Coudert, of New York. The following programme was given by the De La Salle Club yesterday afternoonMarch, "Class of '16," Carroll, band; "The Day wo Celebrate,'' P. JT! o'Mcara; solo, "Eiioen Alanua," Thomas, R. J. Keefe; selection, '?Julius Ca-sar," Messrs. Dully and Ferrer;, "fbereson," "Faust," orchestra; "Our Doty to the Colored Kaee," J. if. Herohl; 'The Knight's Farewell," double quartet; reading, "Pio Mono." T. H. Steers: popular uirs, Walsh, orchestra; farewell address, M.J. Cousidine. PASSIONIST MONASTERY SERVICES. The services at the Passlomst Monastery in West Hobolcen yesterday afternoon were ot a very imposing character. There was a procession of the Blessed Sacra, niont. In which all the Catholic societies connected with the churches in chargo of the Passion 1st Fathers par ticipated. An Immense congregation assembled from all parts of Hudson county. THE FITOIl DIAMONDS. It is expected that General Sherman will remove the Fitch diamonds, made tree of duty by act ol Congress from tuo Sub-Treasury, where they are now locked up, within n couple of days The diamonds in question an the latnous gift of the Khedive or Egypt to Genera Sherman's daughter, Mrs. Fiicb. They have been it this city for n little over a year, awaiting thn action o< Congress Their valuo In s been estimated Iron $7?,tKXi to $20J,000. The necklace and earrings an superb. The Turkl-h Minister, who might by the pro rotative ot his office have leeeivcd them without pay ing duly, has not shown any iniorest In the matter, as the present was from the Khedive, who is a mere vas sal of the Sulian of Turkey. CLUBBING A POLICEMAN. Yesterday morning the ne ghborhood of Kostrand and Flushing avenues was disturbed by the noisy pro ceedings ol a crowd of roughs congregated on the south west corner of those sir uts. OAlccr Janicke, of tha Sixth sub precinct, ordered them to disperse, Where upon one Thomas Muith seised the oiticer'a club, and by a sudden wrench obtained possession of it. Then, us tho crowd scattered right and loll, he clubbed the officer uniucrciiuily, Indicting two ugly scalp wouuds by as many blows. Tbo officer caught him manfully, however, with tbe blood from bis cuts streaming over his lace, until Smith tripped and then tbe offleer closed with him, and, recovering his club, retaliated on his antagonist with ibat weapon until Smith was in s worse condition than ho was. Officer Dolan hearing of the difficulty then came up, and escorted both to Hit station t.ou-e, where Police .Surgeon Murphy drotsed the wounds. Smith, who was then locked up, is ? desperate character, having served one term ot seven years in States Prison lor burglary. SWALLOWING A PINT OF PAINT. George Fairweather, n blacksmith twenty-two yearn of age, residing at No. 24 Montelth street, Williams burg, attempted suicide last evening bjr swallowing n pint of green paint. Fairweather while under the in licence of liquor quarrelled with his lather about their supper, and as the latter threatened to put the sou out unless be behaved bltnsell ho took the paint, ?* he said, to "end all trouble between them." Powerful emetics relieved him of the paint, and he was then locked up In the Sixth precinct station house to prw vent n repetition oi the dose. A DISHONEST BUTCHER Adolph Ungor, who. had been discharged from the employ ol Charles Kisucr, No. 144 Ewcn street, Wiliiame burg. called on several or bis old employer's customed on Saturday und collected various sums to the amount ol |A0 which he applied to his own use. lie Wat ar rested yesterday. FOUND DEAD. The dead body of Edward Reynolds, thirty-Ave yean old, ol No. lfli East Thirty-drib street, waa found yesterday at Forty-second streut Second avenue. The cause ot deatn waa heart disann, A Coroner Waa MsMML