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81TPATIOW* W1KTKD- KEMALKB.^ IP WEST SSD 8T. (TUESKNT KMPLOYER'B)A AO flrst class cook; understands her busiues* thoroughly; ia a good baker; (food reference. 1/a WEST 27TH ST.-A LADY WISHES A SITUA AO tton for her cook to a#*l?i with washing; alao for Uor chambermaid and waiirraa; both highly recommended. i)A EAST 24TH sT -TWO Vol NO UIKLS, SISTERS"; ?i\J one aa flrat claaa cook, vaeher and trouer; the other ia flrat claaa enambarmaid and waltreae, beat reterenca (ran their last place. 9Q WEST 13TH ST.?A RESECTABLE YOUNG uO woman to do cooking. washing and Ironing; wilting to go in the country; ruler once. 'J/4 13TH BT? BETWEEN 5TU~AXD~inrlTTVri?AX Or encelleut cook; would do tome waablng; go to the country; boat city reference. CK CLIJfTON PLACE. 8TH ST.?A* OOOD OQOjf: O'J no objection to the country lor the summer; good wference. RAWEST IttTII ST., IlKAK.?AH COOK: UNDER 'J I at an da all klnda of baking: will waab andiron aud to 'he country; can take care of butter; city reference. wkbtIhtii ST.-A COMPETENT WOMAN AS flrat claaa euok la' a boarding houae; good relcr 107 111) WEST I6TH HT? HEAR?AN EXPERIENCED LLA woman aa flrat claaa cook; undaratauda cooking in all ita branchea; beat dtv reference, o ntj WEST 40TII ST.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS O flrat elaaa rook; will do the coarae waablng; beat reference; ia tteady and aober. 11 A WE8T~33I> ST.-A ~VOUNO WOMAN. WITH A liT little girl. II yeara old: la a good coon, waaher and Ironer; city or country preference. 'lie WEST 1BTH ST.. KHAR 6TH AV.-A8 COOK; XAtJ nnderetanda her business; makce good bread; no oojeetion to the country; good city reference aa to capa city. lO/l CLINTON PLACE (HOUSE NO. tti.-A VERY lljU reepactabla colored woman, middle aged, aa Bret olaaaeook In a private family; thoroughly underatanda bar bualueaa; neardlag houaa or hotel; no objection to the eonntry. 1UO WEST 19TH ST.. REAR.?AS COMPETENT cook; la an excellent baker; would aaalat with the waablng; city or country ; beat city reference. 1 S)A. W^HT 33D~ST., BASKMKNT? T\V(I II}Ts~I'EOT 1?i*JL able girie: one as flrat claaa cook; thoroughly com petent in all braucltoa; the other aa flrat cluea waitreaa and chambermaid; no objection to the country; beat city rufer tnres. 1 ?J I WEST 19TII ST.. SECOND FLOOR.-AS OOOD LOX eook; excellent baker; no objection to tbo country; boat city referenoe. 1?J?1 WEST 1WTII ST.. REAR.-A RESPECTABLE LO? women as cook, washer and lrouer; city or coun try; good city referouco. li?o"~WEsT 88TH ST.-A~ RESPECTABLE YOU NO lOO woman aa good cook and baker; oxcelient waaher and lronnr; city references. DUANK ST. FIRST PLOOK.-A RKSPKCTA- I ble woman us uood eook: host refereuce. ? 1 ~~ WEBT 4UTH StT?A COLO RE D~AOm"A N~ ~AS i l l eook In a boarding house or prlvnte family. I A A EAST 13D ST. ?TW<) OIKLsToNK AS COOK. 1x1' washer and ironer; the other as chambermaid ami waitress; would go to tha country; city rcleronee. V&Y WEST 27TH ST.?AS FIRsf~CLAKB COOk7UN lo I derstands all kinda of soaps and gamo and is an ex perienced nanny cook ; prefers a summer house ; good refer luce. Call for two day a i nQ EAST 23D ST.-A RKSPECTABLKlWOMAN AS LOO cook and to nsslst in washing and Ironing; country preferred. Can be seen for two days. west ami "st.-a "rekpkctable voumo ?jVJIJ woman as cook and to assist with wasbiug and Ironing; willing and obliging. Address A. B. OAQ WEBT ltlTlTsT.?A COMPETENT PERSON AS ?iDO good cook; will assist with the washing; ulty ar country ; several years' city reference from last place. WEST 2BT1I ST.-AS FIRST CLASS COQK thoroughly understands nil kinds of moats, soups, ne. poultry in every style ; nil kinds of made dishes; is a class pastrv cook; would do meat or pastry alone, or both If required. In hotul. club or boarding house; sea side preferred: best references. WEST 29TIJ ST.-A CAREFUL. COMPETENT Scotch woman aa good cook; understands inllk and batter; would aeslst in wasbiug; a home more looked for Ibanmoney; city reference. ? oTq WEST KIT 11 ST.. ItKAR.?A PROTESTANT ail ?7 woman as plain cook, washer or Irener. or to do general housework in a smell family; good references. TO UNO GIRL AS OOOD understanils EH.. . two peers' city reference. 000 WEST 35111 ST.?A, HKSI'r CTABLE WOMAN ajAil as good pi in cook and to assist in washing and Ironing; good baker: no objection to a short distance In the tountry; good reference. 99 A OTH AV.?VCOM petent woman as a wn AuT ner or order cook in a restaurant 01 club house; best city reference. ilOH WEST 1BTH ST.?TWO GIRLsfoiCH AS~COOK. ZiOl? washer end Ironer; tho other as chambermaid and waltrass; bast city raterence. Call or sddrsss. 001 EAST 2STII ST.-AS FIRST CLASS COOK; NO AlOl objection to do little washing if required; good pity reference HO J~7TH AY.?A~YOONO?WOMAN AS COMPETENT ?UT cook in a smell private family; no objection to a private boarding house; good city reference from her Inst place. 9OO WEST 20TH stT? A YOUNG WOMAN,"WHO AiOO is a good rook, to do the coarae washing; well re commended. Call or addrrst. "WEST 27TII ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; accustomed to a boarding house ; best reference. WEST U ID ST.-AS FIRS! CLA-S~OOOK; NO objection to coontry; good city reference. 999 EAST 57TU ST.?A YOUNG OlitL AS GO ?j?i?i cook, washer and lrouer; perfectly umJorsta her business; would do housework lu a small faintly, 289 289 9A9 WEST 47TII ST.-A QUIET COMPETENT AITAI girl aa cook, washer and Ironer; oily or country ; good references. OA*) MULBERRY ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE WO t?J men; one as cook. washer end Ironer: I lie other to do chambcrwork end waiting; country preferred. OAK KAHT 28TH BT.. REAR ? Art TOOK. WAMHER ?JTtJ end ironer; no objection to boarding house : prefer* I plane to wages. OK K WEST WITH RT.. rkah.-a coitpetent wo" nmi a* cook : thoroughly understands her business: rity or country; best city reference. Of*"l 1ST AV.. NEAR 15TII ST.. IK STORE?A aUL Scotch girl as good plain cook : will wash andiron If required: no objection to the country. *>?JQ WEST 40TII ST.. BETWEEN 7TH AMIikTH sivlO ?vs. (present employer's.)-A respectable woman as first class cook ; will assist with washing If required. Q AO MOTT RT.?A RESPECTABLE HERMAN OWU woman as good cook snd bread baker In a small, ^private I ami ly: willing to do washing: understands care oC '?.lib .snail l...?t?e. sstbw ... ^s??e.w Hall ?... - .1 silk and butter; city or country. Cull lor two days. Ol K EAST ami ST.?A OIRL Art KIRST CLASS ?111 cook ; understands her business; no objection to a boarding house; good ref rcnce. 111(1 EAST 27TM ST.-A TIIOKUI'UII, RELIABLE. ?J.if American Protestant women, who Is economising, to take charge as head eoog ; first class Fremiti and English conk: cannot be excelled for pastry, bsklng; ornamental mntectlonery of all kinds If required: dinners served for parties in the neatest manner; good manager, with little expense. 347 EAST MOTH ST.?AS OOOIl TOOK, washer and ironer; three yeara' city reference 381 5TH A v.?AM COOK: I'NDEMrtTANOS THE business In all Its branches: best reference frmi iier^present employer. Apply between 7 and IJ o'clock A 1 It WEST a5TH ST.?WOMAN TO COOK, WASH tI" and Iron ; Is a good plain cook and a good girl; no objection to n boarding house. A I A EAST 1TTH ST.. ROOM 7.?A RKHPEOTaBLK Ti X girl to cook, wash and Iron in a small private family; Is a first class laundress; beat city reference ; city ?r eoun'ry. A K K BTI1 AV.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A3 Tct)*J good cook and baker; uo objection to boarders. Ap7Q 3D av.?a~ competent woman as cook t I O lii a private family; an excellent baker of bread Mecnlt: no enjection to assist in the washing and Ironing; best city relerrnce. 77fk 3D AV.. BETWEEN 47 TH AND 4rTH 8TB.?A I I If Protestant youn.' weman as rook; would assist with the washing and Ironing: gooa city reference. Ring lourth bell. 77 A 3D AV.. BETWEEN 41rtT AMD 43D STR.. SEC I ITT ond floor, front.?Two respectable girls In a jirl rate family; one as lint class coos and the other as first ?lass laundress, or would go as waitress sod chambermaid: best city reference. QKO 8D AV.. NEAR 53D RT.?A YOU NO OIRL AH QUO cook, washer and Ironer In n private family; best city raferancs. 1 AHo 30 AV> between 7?<th and ami ?ts.? I.tUiJ A young woman as either cook or laundress, or weald do both for a small family; understands Iter business perfectly In either rapacity; has experience and the good finalities required in a good servant. Ring fourth hell. A FRENCH WOMtN'Art COOK; Irt A HOOD COOK, washer and Ironer; no objection to the country, best tity rehrences. Address T. B.. Herald Uptown Branch office. Chnmberninlili. dir. 3 WEST AflTII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYERS!.?A competent girl to do rhsmbcrwork and Hue ?ashing In t family going In the conntry. Call Mi.ud ty and Tustday. |"ATH RT.. CORNER Of 5TH AVT < K NICE KB B( ?C K E R It Bnlldlng), room fl ?A young girl as chambermaid ind waitress; good reference from last employer. At) WEST 40TU 8T.-A COMPETENT WOMAN Art waitress and to assist in the washing, or as waitress tnd chambermaid. Apply for two days at present em sioyer'a. 52 EAST BIST ST.?A LADY WISHES A S1TUAMON for her ehamhermsld and waitress. Call for two days. (?(? WEST 43D BT . FIRST FLOOR?TW.i BKrtPt-OT Ul) able young women; one as chsuihcriuald and wait toes; the other to take cart of children ur would do toe work of a small respectable family: first class reference. Call ur address. WEST 45TII STBiPKErtKNT EMPLOYER'S.) ? 1 A young girl to do chsmberwork and waiting; wil ing lw aafet with washing; good referwnre. Call Monday. 1 11(1 8TI1 RT., SECOND FLOOR. FRONT HOUSE.? U-?d"/ A respectable colored woman us chambermaid or ! laundress: best efty reference. Call or address A t'OUSTA. | 1?>Q WEKT 19TII ST . HBCOND FIAJOR.?A YOt'XO LajO girl as chambermaid and waitress', best refereuees. lOl WRhf Shiffi Sl ?A vol NO COLORE? OIRL LOL as ehambarmald and waitress, or chambermaid and karoo. I 'J/' WEST WTII ST.?A3 RXPKRIRNCED OIlAM lOU bermaid and wntlress In a nrivate family; tbor mghly tfuderstands her busincsa. city rolcreuce. I A A WEST 40TH rtT.? V COLORED OIRL AM Lt'X chambermaid; city or cnuulry. I A 7 WBST 55TH 8t7?A KhrtPfcCTABI.R "TOUNO IT 4 eolored girl as rhambsrmaid and waitress In a pri rale family ; good city reference ; no objection to the vountry. lAU WK.-T 4?TH 8T.-A RESPECTABLE KSOLIrtU L'tO girl as rhambermaid and wait rem. or charuber staM; willing to assist with children : good relerenrc. 1 Ja'* WEST 3MD ST.-A YOUNtl OIRL Art OIIAM LtlO bermaid and waitress; no objection to the country ; pasl referenes. 1 WK8T 2a" *T -A TO UNO WOMAN Art CIIAM Atlrx bermaid and waitress, or will assist wltli the wash ing and Ironing: elty or country; goad city reference from last piece. (Jail lor two days. m WRrtr IITII ST.. PKErtRNT KMPLOYF.Rd.-A3 sham bermaid and welt rest; elty or eoaatry. 154 212 218 HITUATIOBri WASTED-FEMALES. ('!?? nabr rm? Ida. Air. WEST liHTIl ST. ? A RK.-PK(; TABLE YOUNG girl a* chambermaid or to do sewing; wail recom menced. ()j|(l EAST 3DTII ST. ?A RESPECTABLE VOOKO jiU" ?rirl M chambermaid and Una washer; good city rclereuce. _____ n/VQ WBMT STTH ST.. FRONT BAHKMKNT.-A neat young woman to do chainberwork aad watt lug ; city or country . city relerauca. . ()| r | SAtff WtH ST.?A K 8HFCTABLE yOflNti wIU girl a? ehaiubarmald aad to help wltb wasbiug or iroulng, or to do gauaral bouaewark In a uuall family; no objection to country; boat city reference from iaat otupu yar. W KST HOT iFsr - A~It It SPECTaB LB~U IKL TO do cbamborwurk and waiting; a ill a-atal witb waah iug and Ironing, in a email private family; good city infer ence. TTU AV.. ?l) W.-A IBirkOTAIUi 01RL AS cbumberiuaid. to balp sew or to do bouaework in a small family , no objection to the country; boat city ralar rncc from iaat oluco. WKST1UTU ST.?A YOUNG QIRL A8 GUAM barmaid and lanndram; first claaa refaranca. EAST J1ST ST.-A TiKSPKCTaBLK UIKL AS cbambarmaid; bast city reference. O I | WEST 830 ST.?A PIuST CLASS LAUNDRESS _j~xl_ to go out by tha day; is a good washer and ironer; bast city relerance. OatJ WEST 85TH ST., IN GROCERY BTUHK.? ? Two rcspoctablo young girls, to go together, ono as chambermaid and ussl-l with washiug aud irouing. tba other as nurse and to do plain eawlug; country preferred. ftjlT WEST fiOTH ST.?AK ACTIVE, WILLING GIRL ATU ns chambermaid and waUros in a privato family; would waist with the washing; bast city reforoiiue. Q A Q WEST KiD ST^AN AMERICA* GIRL AS cliambaruuid and waitrou m a private family; no objection to the couutry; reference. West imjtiPst~bkcuxd floor. bacil-a ZOO ruspactable young girl. lately landed, w chamber maid and to waist with whshlng and ironing. Gift KAST IdTH sY?A KKHPEUT vlILK illliL AS OlO chambermaid and waitress: no olfaction to the country; Uco years'reference Irom lwt employer. Call for two da vs. ilil l tAST 88T11 ST?A YOUNG OIKiTaB CHAM Out barmaid aud waitress; no objection to tbo country; good city retereuco from last place. o" I ?j 'KaBT BOTH ST.TIa "CoipETENT YOUNG OttO girl aa chambermaid and waitress; willing to n-slst with the washing; no objection to tbo country; good city releronce. Call or address. EAST 80TH ST.-A "wpMAN TO DO CHAM bvrwork aud fine wwhing; six years', rcfcrouco. ~EAS I' HTll ST., TUP FLOOR.?A YOUNG girl as rhambertuald or waltreas; not afraid of 317 400 work; three years' reference. Call lor two days. AT A WEST 4BTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL ill us chambermaid; first clws n as her aud ironer; two years' city reference Irom Iwt employer. Call for two days. ()?) EAST IOTII ST.-"a YOUNG WOMAN AS tt Zs?f cbaiubormald aud nurse; bast city relereuce. AA9 WEST attTH ST.?A YOUNG UIHL TO llO 1 _L _i ebainbcrwork; a good plain sewer; mind children or ss waitrew; country or city; good reference. Call or addrvm. 6TU AV.?A YQUNG GIRL A* CHAMBER msld and wnitress, iu the country. 488 n(\l\ WEST SWD ST., CORNER OF 10TU AV.?TWO t)UU ell It: one as ehumborniHld and waitress; the other as first class cook, washer and ironor tun private tamily; best city rolerenco from lust pluce. ?rift West wk st7, third floor.?a young tfiU llcrmun girl us ehumbermaid or to take cure of ono or two children aud make herselt generally useful iu u small private family. /?QO UT11 AV., BETWEEN 88TII AND dOffi STS., DUO in the bakery.?A young girl as ehamheriuaid and waitress; lg willing to assist with otlior work; uest city rel erance. Hftii arru av? "between"Sra and 5ff5 btr. I Ut7 top floor.?A respectable youug girl aschainber niuid or to Jo general housework in a small family. Cull or addresa "1 Lift 2D AV?~A~YOUNt> UlRLiAB FIRST IJIaTs .IUU cbumberiuaid and wuitrosa; would assist witn tin-washing; is wllliug and obliging; butt city reforeiico from luit place. Dresimakcrs and Seamstresses. -| /' west aaru st.-a middle-aged knglisii IU person as soatnstrc-s; cau do firat class cutting and fitting; best city rcfenbee. a 7"west ottTif st. (1 ? resent employer's).?as T I seamstress by a first class operutor en IVIieoler A Wilson's maeblue; would tuko earo of children or do light ehamberwork; city or country. EAST HTll ST., SECOND FLUOR?A DRESS maker, huving finished her engagement, wants a low more, by the week or month; is willing to go in the country: first cluse releronce. 1 WEST 20TU ST.?A DRESSMAKER WISHES A JLO I few more ungagcmonU by the day or week. Call on or addresa DRESSMAKER. 160 EAST 4TI1 ST.. FIRST FLOOR. FRONT.?AS seamstress aud nurse. l)?)0 WEST I7TH ST-AS SEAMSTRESS; OI'ER i ales on Wbaaler A Wilson's marhine; goad city reforeiico. 997 WEST 1OTH ST.?A DRESSMAKBK WISHES ?i?J I to angai-o by the day or week; can Inrnlsh machine; terms. $1 3(1 per day. Addresa DRESSMAKER. ()?)/? EAST Ol'll ST.?A. UESPhCr HLK WOMAN ZOW as seamstress; understands dressmaking; no ob jection to the country; can be recommended from whore she Is at present. - y'l JTkAST BIST ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS FIRST Oi*t class seamstrnss; willing to assist with chambar work ; best city rolereuSe. XASTStftB ST.e-A VERY COMl'ETBN'T DBMii maker to work by the day -. best reference. 319 Ann WK8T BOTH ST.?AM EXPERIENCED OPERA tUU tor on Wbeeler A Wilson's machine on fine work by the day; ten years' reference. Address If. KELLY. ?TH A V7?A~CO M PKTKN T d"kEs57m AKER wants a lew rooro engagements by the day. Genentl Housework, die. WEST 57TH ST.?A YOUNG GItsLTO DO GENERAL housework; bast city relorauce. 639 12 58 A HORATIO hT.?A RKsl'KCTAHLK OIHL TO DO T general bouaework lu a small family; reference if ncedasL nST. SI A UK'S-PLAOB (8TU8T.)?TO DO OKJI ERA L In'us-work; good washer and Iranar; reference trom liar lant place. JO N K8 8 tFkEA R. ? AX K N O LI 8 I FY." IRE TO DO housework: s-lty or country; city reference. ()(* MORPOLK ST., TOP FLOOR, ROOM *17.-A UIRL! ?iU lately landed, la a am all family; not afraid of work. Call for two days. J>J KIN'Q dT^ RRAK?A R EsFBf'T A B t.E Wo. TO man to do general housework in a private family; good plain cook; city or ooontry. NORTH If (M lit K ST. ?A BK8PBCTAB I.B WO man to do general housework; good city reference. m "WKdT~XMTH BT.-A 01UL TO DO *??* IOU oral huuaework In a private family, or would cook, wash aud Iron ; beat city refurunce. "I '}?? WB8T SftTII 8T^a" "VOUJfO OIHL, TO DO lOU general ln>iiaowiirk and plain cooking; la a Tory good washer aud troncr; ci y reference. 1 enriiriiMT "I5th ar.-A you no oriuT to~"do JLOO light houeework or miud children' la willing and obliging. 1 Al\ WEST lilTH ST.," CANDY 8TORK.-A BR8PEC J.T"U table woman to do general bouaework; country or city. Id K WEST 3iIU ST.-A RB8PECTABLB YOCNO i.Ttl jlrl to do general object leu to the Country; beat city reference. iTJ WK8T~ irtTii h i .?TWO RESPECTABLE UiRL8 J to do the work of a family; city or conntry; test city reference from laat place. fCD WkFr 1HTH 8T.-A f.BhPkcTABUi WOMAN ll'U to do general bouaewura; good rclerence trom laat place. lu)u kast it riTsii\_KBOoSd kl?>o~ra rkhpkc AVO table girl to do general bouaework; good elty ref erence ; not afraid of work. till tVKMT 20TH.UT., ROOM 2-A YOCN'Q WOMAN' wil to do general honaewerk; country preferred: good reference. til tl WK8T JVTH 8T.?TWoTIbSt CLa88 t'(>LOHKD Ztl?i wonmn to do geueret bouaework; city or country: good refereuce. OfMl WKVT ilTTH si\?A tVOWO Ultt fO DO Zdmd'J general bonaawork In a small private iatuily ; beat city reference. 2" ??Q wKh I 17TH 8T.. REAR-A NuRWRttlAJf wal girl to do housework, cookiug. Ac. illll) WEST irriT 8T.?A KEdl'KU TaIILB YOCno girl In a private taiully; city relereiice. W J. WBBT 1RTH HT., PIKEf PLoOlt, 1RKAR.-a saaiT young woman t > do general housework in a pri vate Iatuily ; is a good laundress. ?ioc 7TH if!-* foUBO < i Mil.. LAII.LT*LAXDED. w>aU to do general bouaework In a small private family. ?/? ) 7~V EST :? U' 11 *8T. ? A~ KIMPECtTbLf. ~Y t) vM Asa I girl to do bouaework In a private latullyi good rel ereiice. O'j.i 8A?r ?mjtii"dT~A~itiiii? RctabLif vot:Sio aaOij woman to do general house*ork In a private fam ily ; no objection to go a alunt distance in the country; beat city reference front laat place. Villi K vsr :,7TI1 htTI-a" " itKdrKCTAkL* YOVM ?aT' l girl to do general housework In a small Inmily; willing and obliging; uo objection to the Cwnatiy. Call lor two daya. ?7T7 w* ?av,""between mth and ami avTl ell A reapectahle young Auier.cau girl to do light bouaework or care tor children ; amall wages rxpectcd. 9^F"WM'i 3JD *r. BETWEEN 7111 A sD !#? ?a''T a vs.?A reapectahle young girl to do I,ght houee work or take care of children; good city referenda. Vfifi HTH *AT.-A**V?irNi; (ilKI, To DOUKN ?aUU oral housework: city or country: city reference. OQAJ 3D AV., BETWEEN Ull AXII Mil' 8ThT-Ta akOO rerpei table young girt to do housework; is wil ing and Obliging; ne objection to the country; good city reter cacc. Odjaa WK.T MfTH IT. (PRMKMT KMI'LoVt-ICK).-a ?'"J young girl lor general hous.-c ork or as chambermaid and waltrees; excellent waaber and Ironrr. ?J/l'J KamT tildT ST.. TOP KLOOR. ? A RK.-I'BCTi". t'"t) ble Ucnuaa girl to de general heneeworfc lu a ?mall private family ; good reference. hABT 2BTH "nT.?A YfJU.NO OtUL, DATRUY OUu landed, to do general houaeworx In a small private Iatuily. ?Jf I o KAdl ddTH XT.?A RIWPBCTAMDk UIHDTU do generul houaewurk ur ehamberwork and wait ing. in a email private family; city or cnutitry; personal ref erence. ' ?J||U wi'.dT 44TH dT.. IX "t!BookkV~~8Tf>KB. ?A OUO respeotable young girl to do housework In a amall private * in uy ; ie a govil cos k. wraaher and ironer and la willing and sshliging; beat city refi-renec. ?J1 j ??Air 44TH dT., ?ftuM~a.?A uiul. It YE ARB <J I L ssi age to sin light housework and be useful. WKdT rolTII hT. ? AX KI.HKHI.y WOMAN. IX A private family, lor all kinds or work. Address. kamt" aaru bt.. top-'"kiamTr." utoxr eyAet/ room.?A rs-apectable young girl, not ls>og lis the csuintry, tss go In a private tamliy. has good reference in ci.nmberaork; good washer and ironer; wil,fag to do any work. WKMT 418T hT. ?A KKhl'kUTA BLE OKKMAh girl to do caneral l.ouaework. Call or adslrsea. 314 408 HTVATIOia WAWTKP?KKMAUM. 1 Ocnvral Houm-work. itt. onr EAST 3eTH HT-AV Ait, KICAN GIRL. 17 Oau ' year* of age. to to light boosework or ehauiber work. Call or odd rex. _____ '\')7 vfisr lnith xt.?a respectable girl to I do general housework lu it small family; city or couuiry. 001 WKdT ?rn kt -a young woman to do OOl housework; good woolior and irooor; olio 0 good baker: good reference. OC1 VUT dkl> sT-St RBSPSOTABLB YOl'WO 00 1 girl to do general housework iu a oat ail private tota lly i city raforouee. Call tor two day*. OZ.l? WKdT Jib ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG 01 lu American irlrl to do li^ht liouaowork or to mind children; it williug and obliging. ?Jf'O^WhST 11 I'll HT.-AN UMHUUNi tttmL, fviI OUo landed, aa bousemsid and waitress. Call on ur ad dreM Dl'ltANT. T/\T" WKST 1WII HT..NKAK 5tH~A Y.. TOP FLOOR? tUt A reepoctable youuir woiuau to do general liouse wurk iu a einall private fatuity: willing and obliging; eity reference. ill 9 W A#!!" OOK.NKKTdTll" ST.-AN AMERICAN* Tiw girl to ao general housework; understands all klude of work ; city or country; would like to live with a Boston family; good reforenca. X EAST 18firsf.7BlKTWKK.V 1ST AY. AND AV* 'J A.?A respectable Kirl to da bouaework; good ref 41 ,1 "l * east itiii sr.?an American oikl to tl'J do general bouaework; no objection to tlio country. ,4 9- TTII AV.-A OIKL. LaTKI.Y LANDED. TO DO XaJt/ general liouaowork; uo objection to the country; wli iug and obliging. Call for two daya. TSf tint ddfit ST.-A R KB I* KCT A B liK ~W OMAN *Z OX to du light housework in a private family. 4i>() 7T1I AY.. slilHlVl) Kl.Oi IK. HACK?A KK XO?7 spoctable girl to du general housework in private 1 urnilj ; it h good platu cook, waoher and Irouer; city rclbr eucc. ao rrii avT^a puotkstant"uirl as house ? ItO maid or to do gcuerul work ; 1* kind to children; city or coautry. /'<H| OTH AV.-A KKSHEOTAHLH YOUNG GIRL TO "J ?* 'J do I ouaewurk lu a small luiuily, i\(vi~~trrH av.. bktwken uuth and aoth nth.. iff UJO the bakery.?A young girl to do general liouao work (1> a good washer and irouer; heat city reference. Tjf'n LEXINGTON AV~ CORNER ivOTH ST?A I Iu colored woman to do bouaework; eity or country; heal city relercuce. I7~\A D~\V. ? A UEHJ*i(;TABLE YOUNG CIKXTtO I oT do housework ; good reference. Call or address. U/|.) GREENWICH ST.. CORNER "<)K WEST 12TI1 Ol'u at.?A young Protestant American girl to do light houaawork. 1 1/1 1ST AV., CURNKit 01ST ST.-A GIU TO DO ? 11t general housework ; Is a good plain cook; no ob jection to the country; good rolen-nce. 1 30 AV.-A KBsFKCT'AitLif YOUNG GIRL J .olU to do general liouaowork in a email private fam ily. Cull for too days. SD AV.. HKTWKXX 1l?TU AMI) IISTH . _ ate., llarlcm.?A respectable girt to do general liouaowork; good plain cook, washer and irouer; good refer ence. 'V ? ROTE STA XT~ \V??2 AS TO" GO IN ' SUM CO 5N 2 V. try; can do any klud of housework lu small family. Cull 011 Monday, tirst high ttoup bouse lu 73d et., near let av.; good reference. llousekeepert, dir. 7 1ST ST.?A YOUNG WIDOW AS HOUSEKEEPER: I no objection to the country. Inquire fur three daya. 2.174 18 IIOND ST., Tillltl) FLIGHT UP.?A YOUNG LADY as housekeeper. Call all the weak. XX REACH ST.. SECOND FLOOR (MRS. BRENT).? tJtJ As superintending or working huueokoupar by a lady HI years old; Ural claw cook and seamstress. Apply for three days. ill I) WKST"ioTH HI-., FIRST FLOOR. BAGkTtO >jT^ the left.?A young lady of 11) at houeukeepor lor a widower'i family. A RESPECTABLE"young colored "lady as housekeeper for a ueutloiuou. Address CUBAN, Herald Uptown Branch olUcu. l.ii uiiilresses. <K( ? >H WEST 18TH ST.?A WOMAN TO GO OUT BY 0*dr the day: is a good washer and IroDer: will maku her self useful; good city releronce. ,1 >) WEST IHI1I 81'.?AS iTr.s'I' OLASS I./TuNL)RKSs"; Tl) underMtands fluting ami polishing; no objection to the country lor the summer months; eity rulorencc. Call ou or address at present employer's. WEST 1HTH RT.-AS rIKST OI ASH~LaUNDBBSS lu a private family; best city reference. 57 1105 1 WEST SOTH ST.. NEAR OTH AV.-A RESi'hC '2 table colored womaT wishes a tnmlly'i washing. Oall lor two days. ?~ -,'tifii HT.a ifll" FIRST CLASS iJLUN* iul dress; will go In tlV-lMntry; will aaalst with cbau burwork; best city referciuS So cards onawored. 1 AO-WEST 1MTI1 ST.-i'^MPBTKNT LAUNDRESS ITU to do ramilios' of gakatlemcn's washing; 75c. per doxcu; fluting. WEsTI'-tT 11 ST.?JC ft RST CLASS LAUKDBKS8 wishes families' or iHgle washing; fluting in all Its branches; moderate terms. E. P. A. 1 e*l KAST 4SD ST ?A REsVbCTABLB WOMAN 1UO wishes a low goiiileuieti's or family washing at hor own house at 75c. per dosen, or to go out liy the day; city reference*. Call on A. 1'. D. 1 XH WEST 27TH ST.. SECOND KLOUR.?A FIRST l'l f class laundress or chamhermisid; would go iu the country; best city references. ICQ WlUt 5117 SI'. A RK-il'ECTAHLK 1VOMAN lut) wishes a fow ladies', gentlemen's or taiuiltea' wash ing, or would to out by the day; best city ruleronce. In quire for Mrs. U'KEKKL ofti wk?t mm st? top klodb, :back boom.? mUI A Bret claw laundress to go out by the day wash ing; best city reference. ililO EAST 3DTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNO kiUO girl a* lauiidrose and chambermaid or chaniber tuoid and waitress; long and satisfactory relereuce. DO/\ KABT MTU ST., IN THE LAUNDRY.?aMEBI can girl as llr?t claw luuudress. or would assist with cliamhorwork ; country preferred. Call lor two daya. tT?TsT w est an5" sr.?a rksrkctabuc uibl to ?/OkJ go out by the day washing, ironing or liousocloan lug; good city reference*. Of X WEST 27TH 8T? ROOM 6.?A GOOD LAUN sw'X' / dress wants to go out by the day; a thorough shirt irouer and iiuderstauds suits; city reference*. i)Q" wut .oru sr.?a kkspkctaiilk woman ?i VIJ to go out by tho day to do washing, ironing or house-cleaning. *)AQ KAsT tsrii ST., BOOM UL?A RJUHBCTABUt Out/ tuintn m laundress; no objection to tho country ; two years' city releronce. ? > | - ;>tu sf.,~Kltti?T CLOOR, HAUK,?A UiUdf. OLtJ ablo to go out by the dav washing or i.ou iug. Mr.. I.A WLKK. 397 EAST MTB ST.-A MttTKOTAlU UIHti AS mJ I line washer and ironor and to do upstairs work; Rood city reference. _ ______ 44TH 8T<_a yoUXO 'tVUM AX AS KIltST ? )t)u close Inuiolrcu; tbruo year.' rcterauce. Iroin bur laal place. Call Monday. J_(W w'KMi- ??rn stT. onk st.viks" i:p.-a ffi&T 'two clsst lauudree* to do ladies', gentlemen's or fem ily washing by too or tnoutli; ba.t city reference. C 7 J3D AV., HETWEKX 31 .i f AND tCIl) ST8.-A BE" t) i T timetable woman aa lir.t clae. laun km in u pri' vate tamiiy; 1* a Rood |>Uiu cook : beat city reference. mfrtt AY.,TuT KLOOH.-A HI.bPKC TABLE WO' man a. tint uiae* laundress. or aa cook, waabar and Ironer; city or couutry ; city references. U(J.) 31) A V. (Til I 111) BKU.,.-A~ KKKPKCTahEb 000 woman to waali and <r?n or houaacleau by tbe day 01 week; alavan years' reference. 1 0*vl MAT. AkO MTM ST.?A KKSPKCrAHLK l.t/Oi woman to go out by the day to do washing or Uouaeeleaniug. \ urac. ike. ll| OM.Vi'OX PLACK (8TII HT).-A BRSPKC TABLK 1W Protestant girt as nur.e and seamstress or chamber maid aad nurse; ao objection to the country; Rood city refer tMt 111 iSTH ST.?'A VtR'.VlfWOMAN AS NUK8E 1U ami aeaaiatrc.a; operate, on Wheeler .k Vt llson's ma chine ; city or country ; two year.' reference Iroui la.t plane. 1 Q'HuValtl)~HT.~A MIDDLK .VilKD UKKMAX VTO J J man aa cblidren'a maid ; ha. hail In year.' experience with the Brst lauiilie* of Germany and eun giva good reter auca; ta not llaant in the KuRliah language. 9 ~" "ar> "av.-a~lauy "iWidovv ok "a "cl'ban) ajtJ wouid take care 01 a lady Invalid, na/voua or other win; Would travel; H never tea sick ;perlect .eamstrei. and dressmaker; kind and obliging; Kuban family prelarrcd; atly reference, MM trom Panama, ('all on HKNoitA. lij WKSI 4t)NI SI' (PitKSKNT hMI'LOVKH'Mi?A JtrnJ competent woman a. miro and seamstress or lu fant . nurse. Can be ?eeii lor two days. r./ wksV 11 uurrox ?t.-bT a ritKxfTifffoFii It t guiynouuo aa wet nurse; 34 years old Add/ea. Mine. Uk 1 ? 1,1 X. r * WKMT 47TI1 ST.?A COM PKTKx7~l tI KiT~itS ? )>J imam s nurse or to take eare of youiiR children ; will ing and obiiRlUR. Oil ioT aV.TITa 5iijT)LK aukd kiii;m:h wo 0 'J man aa nurse; Rood seamstress. Call or add re si 1 oft KAsr mil sr. iPKBSKxr kmplovku sj.^a Amj't thoroughly c.impeteui youuR girl as nurt-; no objeetion to the country lor the summer; several years' Ihst class city reference. I all or address. m~ wkst" itaii "IstT?An i"t)mpetrxt xkkmY; can full charge of an Inlant; city ur countiy; three year.' ally releronce from la.t place. "mTaV.-a"*- kxPKIUKXCKi) JtUMHI IXAiT kind of sickness; hast references. ***? "amiltox. \\KMT &4TH ST-iX KXI'KKlkxt.'kl) NUHMB In any (Ickneae; relereuee. Call or address. I m WKj*r mn sf.?a xovJM '"12kl to A?JY/ mind childreu and tuaka ner.elt useful; city or couutry: Rood refers aea irons tat place. Call to-morrow. f ||<7 JUMRX ST.. kiksT "kloor.?A YOUXO J U I Kreocli girl, lately trom Pari., to take eare of chil dren. or as teuy'e maid; undoratand. drcssinasliiR. 1 7.) AV. 11, lil.lWHI'S lofll AXI' 11TII )7fs.-A 1 I ?< w.ll educated Carman Rtrl to take care of rblldreii in a prit ale luinily; can do all ktuila of hand sewing and 111 aehlae sewing: city or country or would travel; good rcf erenea. Can be seen until 3 P. M. ?)i|i KAST 47111 SI'., KIKsI' I'TTi )<) K. ?A YOUXtt wvT Rirl to take care of children and make bertalf gen erally useful. Oi'lU ?o,.l7 ST., HKOOKLYX.?a KKNPEOrABLK tbiv/p young women to lake eare of a Rro.Tng child and saw; bast of relereuee. >)(1Q wksf~i5rii .-t. ? ah compktkrt" xTksk oJv/O and seamstress; 11 good heme pralarred to high wages; city or country; best city reference. f>1 1 WK",T ^T" ST.?A HBSi'Kt'TAHl.K VOt'XO <iIRAs wi A to take care ol grown children and do plain sewing ; w llllng and obliging; wall racomniendcd. m WEST 11)111 ST.?A YOUXO lilKL, WILLIXO ond obi Icing and kind to cblldran, would take eare of growing children aad da cbaraberwork. 141 ISO 91 -'D ST., HKOOKLYX. K. ?.-A YOVXO OKK maa girl aa anna and seamstress; would like to travel. 91 fi EAST rut 11 ST.?AM KKKXCU XUKME I e&A'f private taially. spakke good Kn.ll.h; is capabl# ol taking eliarga of a baby Irani Its birth ; lately from Uan ada; nooMaetlonto ally or country, hast reference. UaU tram 1 lUI 5 o'oloak. 308 SITUATIONS WAITED- KEMALEH. Nitrat-a. Air Ql?* 7TH AV.?A FRENCH PROTESTANT OIRL TO *j1U take nrt of children aud do sewing. Address. n?)o west '/ffii sr.-two roi'io mhui to take ?rO*J car# of children aad bo generslly useful. 4iC?J~W EST :r7TII ST. ~A CO il I'ETKNT WOM AN AM nurse mid seamstress; capable <>f taking charge or an infant Irom lilrth ; can come wall recommended. *>7|0 WEST AST 11 ST.-A HKSPKOTA BLE GIRL TO OU?i take eara of ebildrau or taka tba antira charge of a baby ; nina years' reference. west-ami ht.-a uirl to takb care of oblldrau, to go in the eouniry. QllQ BAST dflTII ST^-A BKItfSmUJ fOIAl AS OUO wet nurse; beat rofarauca. ?>11 7TH AV.-A YOING WOMAN AH NURSE OR OH chambermaid and waitress; city or country; beat city references. ?TTTf WEST JOTtl ST., REAR.?A LITTLE OIrT"tO UTt' mind a baby. O IT KAhT 15T1I MT. (LAST "EMPLOYER'S).?A O'T J German girl to take the entire charge of children and teach them the Herman languagq^ can aew well. OQQ BTM aV.?A YOUNG OiKLAM CHILD'S NURSE; rJiJfJ no objections to tiiu country; beat city reference. inc KAsr iTi'ii It.?a bbspmotablk married X"'' woman as wet uprse In a private family ; doctor's refuroiice; no oljectinu to the couutry. Call tor tarn daya ^ WEST 02D ST. ?a KESPKCTABLK MARRIED woman to gn out as wet nurse. W EST 82D ST.?A YOf N?>"UIRL. 14 YEARS, to take care of children or aasiat west SrriTst.-a "rkspectabTe YOUNU woman as wet nurae. 454 457 502 7 A_7 *TH A V.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS lil child's nurae and to do plain tewing; ycara' city reference from laat place. 7' 'in rrii AV.?A YOONO UIHL. LATELY I I landed, to tuke eare of children or to do light cliuniberwork in a private fatu'iy; no objection to go iu the country. 1 (f(UP* AV ?AS"CHILD'S NUJtSK AND SEAM l.t'UU atreae; no objection to the country. Addrcaa I t IQ1 3D AV.-A YOUNUTi7RL AS NURSE AND .vwl cliambortuuld or chamheriuaid and waitress; two yuart' city rcfarouee; eity or couutry. WANTED?BY AN AMERICAN PERSON A POSITION to lake ehurge of one or two little ifirla, assist with sewing and lis:Itt houaowork; a position where she will meet with kind treatment; New York city preferred; reference tioiu present employer and others. Address M. MARSU, Brooklyn Poet omce. A1 ? 7Q STII AV.?A LADY WISHES TO PROCURE A I Q situation for a waitress, a faithful and excellent girl (or as chambermaid) ; country preferred. Apply for two days as above. WEST 231) 8I\ (PRESENT"" EMPLOYER'S)!? wT Two young girls; one as wailroas and to do cham ber work ; the other as nurae, la a good sewer. oor WEST 30TH ST.,. TOP FLoTTr.-a RESPKCT mImJO able girl as .waitress; no objection to do chamber work; Ave ycara' city reference from Iaet Tlace OUO "3D" AV.-A YOUNU UIHL aYFIRST"CLASS ilOO waitress; can take entire charge ol the dining room and would assist in chatnberwork; no objection to the country; boat city references. i)')t) EAST ~4STH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ?lOw woman at first class waitress iu a privato family; understands sewing and chamherwork; no objection to go a short distance In the country J best eity rofereneo. ?j t 0 east i'mtTi ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG O'tO girl as waitress or chamheriuaid; heat city rotor etieea. "WANTED?A SITUATION TOR A VERY GOOD WAIT vr res and chambermaid and to assist with w ashing and Ironing, by a privato tamiiy leaving the city. Call at 12 Bond at. Mlacellitneoua. i)tl EAST 3IST ST.-A SMART, WILLING LITTLE wv girl to run o' errands and make herself uacditl lu a dreaaniuklng establishment. Apply botwoon I) and 10 o'clock A M. il l WEST STd ST.?A RBSPBCTABLE AND OAPA -11 hie youug woman as lady's muid; first class refer ence. Call at present employer's. f>o Madison avT-as Lady'8 " maid and UO Miainstross by a first class dressmaker; is a good cut ter and litter; good operator; can do all kinds nl family sow iug; would take ell re of grown children, or would help with eliHiulmrniirk; country preferred; good city reference; can bo scon fur two days, t all on or address. , Will AV.-A WIDOW"" LADY AS LADIES, maid and seamstress; no ohjootlon to tho country 141 500 B EAST &T11 Si'.?A YOUNU U1UL, 17 YEARS old, wsnts a place. A YOUKG lXuyTTvFlo IS A UOIID ACCOUNTANT, desires a position 11s c shlor or saloslady in a store or restaurant. Address II. S.. liorald Uptown Urauch olliee. Intclligeuee Uillees, URRAU POR I'IKSf CLASS UK KM AN SERVANTS, 131 13th st . between 3d and 4th avs. .Mrs. LOWE. Cs ekm 1N. ENGLISH SERVANTS?CAPABLE AMD T truetwortliy, constantly on hand. Mine ' HOLES I'EIN, 247 3d av., near 20th st. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS W ANTED? FEMALES. 7 1ST sr.?a You no HSWTru do ~c oPi home; work douo neatly aud cheap. | HELP VV A NTED?FKM A L EC T" la D v UK a hi L i i Y" aSITZIjV Cat 1' on "ko r 6 k A partment of our business; fair salary If capable; sales ladv preferred. Address, stating age. experience, Ac., PER MANKNC'Y, box 111) Herald offico. "l PLAIN COUNTRY OIRL WANTED Foil GENERAL J\ housework; two In family. Apply at 04 West lUth St.,. liail door. PEUATORS.?WK WANT 100 OPERATORS ON Wheeler A Wilson's machines tor ladies' suits. First class hands apply to U. U. BABCOCK A CO., 107 Church st.. top Hour. WANTED?FIRST CLAStTMILLINKKS. TO UET UP VT pattern hats. Apply to KAHNWhlLBU A LEWIS, 0T> Morcer st. WANTKD^A COOK FOR COUNTRY; ASSIST WITH waaiiing; wages. $14; must have city ref-renees. Call at No. 113 hast 17th st. on Monday after 10 A. M. \V AN TED- FO K UhNh R AL lib US KVVORK. A WIL" M ling, strung girl; wagoa. 91 J; alio, lor upstairs work and care of children, a young girl; wages, $.">, out of city. Call at 7tt Franklin st., tear office. U'ANTED?A OIItL TiMK)' GENERAL HOUSEWORK TT for a small family in the country; references required. Call from U to II at 202 Broadway, basement. ANTED?A li KL TO R O EN Elf AL HOQUWOBI; good plain cook, waslier and Ironer. 337 West f>7th ?t w WANTED?ONE HOUSEKEEPER, TWO KIKST clui wait re???? and two ehamborniaida, fur largo board* tog bouse. Apply immeitlately at 37 Weti 14m it. ANTED?AUIRIo WITH CITY KKkEKKN'GEM, KOR general house work; threo in family. 2H West Sftlh it AXTUO?AM BXPKRUUtCKD MKSKaNI) ska if. ?vrem lor two children; German pruferred. Apply at 30H East 1 Mill st. w w ANTKD-I'ltltKfc FIRST CLASH LRKRBM AKKRS at JiHH Wihi 24th lit. (.'*11 from 0 until 11 A. M. W W A WANTED?A PKOTAHTANT WOMAN POR GENERAL housework in an American family; must bo a good cook, washer and ironer. '.'to East 4?th ?t. WANTED?A rikst CLAM LAUNDKlUtt AID TO assist with the ehamborwork; best city ruferonce re quired. Call at 444 Madison a*., near (Vwth at. \if ANT. D?A ' RESPECTABLE til RE, IN"a SMALL ? r family, who will make helsclf generally nseiul. Ap ply after 9 o'clock at mis 7th a*. King second bell. A.n"tkI>?A GERMAN WOMAN AS NCRSK AND seamstress. Apply at 3U7 Mb av. before 13 o'clock. WANTED?A GIRL. IJ OR 14 YEARS. KG K LIGHT housework, with references. Call at No 303 East 33d st. fANTBD-AN OYSTER AND CHOP COOK. APPLY? with relerences, at .tn~ llroonio si., 10 A. M. WANTED?A GIRL IN KITCHEN AND TO ASSIST in cooking in boarding house No. 'JO. I Wost 34th st. 2GIRLE WANTED-ONK AS K1RST CLASS LAUN dress and waitress; the other as chambermaid and to assist with growing children and maka herself uaefhl. Apply at 10 East Tilil st. .JJO WEST 43D ST.. UP ORB STAIR.-WANTED, t a girl, aired IS or 17 years, to help to take care or two children and help with the washing. WAN fED?EXI'KRIKNCKD NLKsK FO? 0iTTLD; must be thorough seamstress. Apply at 3d Lauiurtinu place, between Sth and tub an Wanted -a competent"uiTTlikh xuehk. and seamstress. Apply, with eity roleronoos. No. 104 East USlii >1. ANTED-A Klli.->T CLASs" MILUNKKY ttALKS Jady. Apply at 3UU>, titii uv. WANTED?A GIRL TO COOK. WASH AND IRoF; also an upstairs girl; must hava reference. No. 317 \\ est 3Jd st. SITIA'PIONH WANTED-OtAistC*. N EXPERIENCED MAN' AS WAITER OK TO TAKE charge ot dining room; references 3MO Medium av. A""if~ONK DEM ring' THE SERVICES OK A HKI.Ia" hie young man who ran lurnisli KIKST OLAS- reler euret as to integrity and Ability. Address INTEREST, Her ald office. SITU ATI OX WANTED?AS COOK AND CAMVAfL Audrasa G. L,. AtiO Hrooiue st. A~~ BOY n7 YEARS OLDi V\ !S3SS A Hill ATIOX in a store or odice; good rafercucr. Address M. II., 3d Henry st. SITUATION WANTED?BY A BOY~OK IT, WffiKRE ha can make himself aviuraliy usslnl; has had thor ough instruction In hookkiOplug. Apply at lornier ump.oy er s. ?31 6th av. BUTLER or VIKST CLAM WAITER?BY A* ltl{ ?pactable young Man; Is a good cerv.-r; tiiiderstaiul. his huslnaas thurouahlyi la a Protestant /has toe best of relerencos; strictly teinperato. Address K W , box IHj Herald Uptown Branch office T1 M I'LOVMKNT W ANfED-AH W A 'ft: II MAN. h 11* fP. I'd pmg clerk or porter, by a steady, able b. died man; will, nig to make liiiuself generally useful; best references. Ad. druse C. OA ".DIN Kit. No. 3 Columbia st I ANITOK'S~ P(MOTION ? ANTeIF-Vy A ME fj spectablo man and'wll'e; only una child; fully capable of taatng charge; good reference Audraas JANITOR, Herald office. SIf P ATIfIN WAN IKI). -GKKM AN AfiD WIKk~ AS cook, laundress or waiter; uuderslamis nursing in valids. address OKkM ANlA, Herald I'ptown Braneb office. iif iNfED-llv A YoTnu INI< 1,1.-sIIMAN. IN A PRD TT vate Inwily, city or country : will make hlmsell use ml alio II th? house; has good city recommendations. Address OKORUK, Post office, Astoria. Is I. TTOtNO Man it A.N IS A .?ITUAMON.-OAN TAKE X cliarge of house, wash windows, clean silver, wait on taiile or run arram s and make himself useful In auitliiug; bast city reference. CM, Irom II to 4, at 133 West 3.'id st., lor two days. s?T ,'LINTO.VPLArk.-l'KlVATE WAITER, FviTTi 'It unsurpassed recoid; apoakt Krench, (Spanish and English ; city or country ROM a.NUKK. (TjKHKN A\l> ?Al*ICN.?fie!*.~~ : AVOL'NO KKENt.'ll M A N. SPEAKING ENGLISH', wishes asituatlon as salesman or cosresr ondent; bust reference. Apply m M. M Macdougai si. A WAN OK GOOD BCHINKBs All LIT! KOK A permanent position ; lair salary if capable . nne hav ing at ted a* saiesmsii preferred. Apply to WillTING A Co.. No. .'? Dey st.. nee -lid Ibarr. GENTLEMAN OK Tag i, energy" and" AD dress can s icura profitable employment with PU1UL) A CO., IT Path i' CLEHKM AMD BAL.KBWKW. * PRACTICAL BIIUKKKKVKK OF IO Y EARS' KX A uoiUuce. wants it situation ** bookkeeper or anaiat huI; la experienced in investigating book# aud account* ; bmk? iuvcBti^atod ?r written op by the day or Job ; per manent employtueut preferred; city wr elsewhere; unuues liaaabla rtwraoevi A*? ACCOUNTANT* Herald omct, nitfa clFrk! im-i.k. who ha* iia1j bight years experience, desire* a situation iu cily or country; beat reference ylvon. Address ALOES, box 124 Ilerald D A BOO t'LKHK WANTED?WITH GOOD CITY relsrence.. Apply *t 343 3.1 av. WANTED?IN A riRR INSURANCE AGENCY. A youiiir man, who can Intlusuce liuiim-M and can as sist at books. Address, staling nalary expected, K. A., box 133 Herald Uptown Brunch office. WANTED?A HITUATIOM Ait TBAVKLLIMO KALES man through tho South and West, either ou voiuBtlsslun or salary*; retereuces givtn. Addreae GEORGE W. HEAD, Macon, (la W ANTED?TilUtaK YOUNG MKN~ TO LKAKN_BOOK keeping front practical bookkeeper, evenings; Brook lyn, near tity Hall; terma moderate. Addreaa COLLINS, Ilerald oOico. TIT ANTED?IN A CITY UOTKL A 7 Fai TO I. ASS ROOM YY clerk, luuat know tbo business and be well recommended; wage a low. Address, with full reference, \Vbox ll.i lloiald I'piown Hraocb office. WANTED?AN ENERGETIC GENTLEMAN WITH bualneaa tact to solicit business among the mcrchunta of thla city. Apply to 8. K. YOB8TON, 13 Dey at. ~ lOAlTMlKN AND (1AHUKNEUN. YOL'NO FIRST CLASS COLORED MAN WANTS A situation usc.oarlinian : has flrat claaa city reference. Call on or addreaa C11AKLKH, No. 4 Weat 45tu at., H. T. Elder1 a stable. A~ 8 OOAOUMAN. GARDENER AND 1'8EF11L MAN? City or country; re I ere nod. Addreaa EDWARD, box 138 Uerald omoe. J AokkmaN OOAOHMAN (PRUSSIAN) ?A1RI A altuation; ia a Hrst claaa groom and driver; sober, honest, willing and obilgiug; bust relerence. Addreaa M., littt East 4th at. A" khSPF.CTABLK YOU NG~MAN AS COACH MAN and groom: hia w ife would alt ? come aa a Drat duos cook: both willing and obliging; best citv reference; no family. Addreaa A. 11., 3UU Do Kalb av., Brooklyn, aocond Door ASINULKM AN WISHES A' SlTCATKlN Al COACH ?uan and gurdoner; usefnl msni moderate wages; country preferred; good reference. Addruaa C , box 134 lleralu ottice. FIRST CLASS P ROT EST AN T~P A R MKRAND OA R denar, with JO years'llrat class testimonials; cumpe tcut to take charge of geullcuiair'* place. Addreaa FARMER, Post office, Flushing. L. I. A COACHMAN'S 8 Fi UATION WANTED BY' A JY young man; underetande gardening; can milk; will make himself useful; good relerences. Address M. M., box 3U3 Ilerald office. YOLrS'G, SINOLB GERMAN. W ANTS ~jTSITUA tiou lu the country; undurstsuds horsos and gaiUen iug. Apply at 35 Bayard St.. fur three days. A COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED?BY SOBER, trustworthy single young man. In city or country; aafu. experienced, aceustomed city driver; excellent groom ; thoroughly understands care and treatmont of horsos, har ness, carriages; understands gardening; can milk; not alraid to work; will make himself useful; wages moderate; 13 years'best city reference. Address A. Q., 533 l'eari at., lor two day*. C'toai HUMAN AND GROOM?BY A SINGLE YOUNG J man; thoroughly understands care of horses and car riagos; good orivor; elty or country; will make himself generally usotul. Address P., boa 300 Ilerald oilier. t~l)ACIIMAN AND GROOM ?BY' A YOUNG SINGLE ) man ; willing to make himself generally usolul in cilv or rountrv; seven years' reforeuco. Addreaa COACHMAN, Ilerald ouico. /SoacIimaiFXnd ukoom by sin7;LKYOUNu"MAN; V understands proper care und treatment of hor-es, car riages aud harness; can milk, mow lawn; willing to make himself generally useful; best relcrcuco. Address J., box 134 Ilerald ottteo. illIlis I' CLASS COACH MAN AND GROOM?BY~A~(IEit' X1 man Protestant single man; thoroughly underst mda the treatment of horses, cnrrlagus and harness; competent, careful driver; city or country ; tnko charge of gentleman's place; good gardonor; six years' highest reforeuco. Addrass. for two dsys, J. P., box lKt Herald olllcu. Gardener?or oabdenkr amTcoaouman.ITy au Englishman, aged 43 ; well experienced In the stal 1?, garden and greenhouse, ami Is roinpeteul to keep a place iu llrst class older: total ahstaiuor; good testimonials. Address A. IV. i'ost oilier hox 90S Monlcluir. \. J. O ITU ATI ON AS 11 BAD tl AKDKN Ell. FARM BR AND kA carotnker w anted by a trustworthy man ut long ex|fcri enos. Address yHKRDKEK, llorald office. "ANTED?SIKN ft) DRIVE MOTEL STAGES AND coaches: Germans or Amorlcans preferred. Addross hox 184 Ilerald oOice. XlTANTBD?A~MITUATION, BY A VOUNQ MAN AS YY gardener, and willing to make himself useful ut any thing; can mils aud do all kinds of workaround a gentle man's place. Address W. II., Ilerald ulllce. WANTED?IIY A PROI'ESTANT SINGLE MAN. A coachman and groom's situation; good city reference. Address J. W.. Herald offloe. _ _______ llllllsf IVAVI'KI)?H V I.KM. A' GENTS WANTED?IN I OWN AND COUNTRY, Tl) aell our pure teas to tamlllos. hotels and largu con sumers: best tonus aud largnst stock in tbo country. Apply to the WELLS TEA COMPANY, 301 Fulton el., between Church and Greenwich, New York. GENTS.?THIS IS No II I'M BUG. tlAI.L AND "sEK for yourselves; $5 to $1<> per day. 3111 Canal st. YOUNG M VN WANTBD?AT 513 WAMHINQ tou st. Call from I) to 13. "HL'TTKR CAKE BAKER WANTED.^AT DOLAN'M No. 3 Park row. A "VfULTCM IN PAllVf)."?MOST MONEY MADE HELIs jYi iugjoas for CANTON TEA COMPANY, 148 Cham bers st. ilTANTKD.?ANY PERSON' CAN MAKE lw*) A YY month soiling our letter copying book: anyone that bus aleltor to write will buv it: no pros* or water used; send for circular free. EXCELSIOR COMPANY, IB Tri Imiiic Building, Chicago. III. W" ANTKD-FIRST (TlA8.S FR^NCirPASTRY COOK. Apply at st. Juliun, No. 4 Washington place, after 10 A. M. ANTED?A FIRST CLASS FKhNCH WAITER. AP ply at St. Julleu. No. 4 Washington placo, alter 10 ANTED?A BAN tO COOK AND WAIT UN TA bios In a colfeo and cake saloon. No. 3 av. D. VlTANTBD?WAITER IB RBBTAUKA.NtTW.tGF.S ?-.0 YY per month and board. Address WAITER, Herald otUce. with residence. w TUB TRADES. "X gKrSIVSgTMKKICAN BSTaiIRD"T?r^'IMIIEM Jv to learn a trade; good relerences. Address MIIOE STORE, 1.139 3d av. AFIRtJT CLABS BAKER WANTS A SITUATION AS loruman ; city or cuuutry. Address 413 5th st. A BOY, A (JED 16, WHO HAS RECEIVED A KAIR A education, wlahe* to luarn a roapoctable trade. Apply to or nddrraa 6 M. UNTKItKITKIt. 3?I."> ay. A. T rTTI I Kit WAN I kT>?ONE T1I AT UNDERSTANDS tho buaineaa; no otbar need apply. Call at (At Wont 33d it. ANTED?A BUTCHKK; ONE WIt O U~N DE RbTANDS vita huaiui a*. 183 Ttli ay. \l rANT 1)?A KIltST CLAM WOOLLBN AND 11 worated ageln yarn dyer. Addreaa K. KLA.NDElt A CO., (Juakcr City Dyo Worka. Philadelphia. w PUKYITURh. "a ?WeeK-Tan o ISiFttCf FaIOTSW taken A. lor Furniture, Carpet* and Bedding at H. SC. COW FKRTli W A IT A CO.'S. 155 and 157 Chatham at An lm maniaatoek allow price*. \ LARUB ASSORT MENT OP"~CARPKT8, KURnT ture and Redding at O'KAURKLL'N, 41" i Stli av.. bo taaeeu Both and 31it Ma.; paymanta taken weekly or monthly. T PRIVATE FAMILY OOINO TQ? Bt'ROPl WILL Jx. anil their inajiiiQcenl Household furniture via.Par lor. Library. Chamber and Dining Room furniture, and elo pant Staiuwuy A Sou'* I'lano, at aatriHao. Call at private ra-ulonce 138 M eat 388 at., near 6th av. BARGAIN FOR CASH.?VAUNIFICBICT PARLOR Suit in aalln cotolinn; coat 87U). for if 135; do.. #l< ?J; rap and haircloth Irom 835 up; Badroont Sulla, complete, from $50 to$13&; 1'laimforte, Ac. Call lor one week, before puree taing elaewbere. at realdenoe 31 Baet 30lh at., near Broadway. ("soon "TUBKITU KK WAN TBI).?CAJIH PAID IF X very cheap; in 11a a or otherwlae. Addreaa DE ALL It, Herald ottlco. OOD SECOND HARD AND MISFIT ENGLISH Itrnancla, 3 ply, and lugralu Carpel*. Oilclotha, Ac., very cheap, at the old place, 113 Fulton at 1JAUTIKs DECLINING HOUSEKEEPING ADDRESS, Inline.liately, I'KYSKR, 3W3 7th av. Ilighrat price* paid lor Carpela, Kurnlture. 1'tanoa; Money advanced at d tier cent. IJOPULAR ACCOMMOOATIOK. I Kaahlouable Furniture, Carpet*, t'pholalory, Ac.. _ reduced pricea. at OEORGK A. CLARKE'S, 747 Broadway. Aounliy houaee and French Uata turnlahed on liberal t?rm?. list it a t'i'lOA. BOOKKEEPING. PENMANSHIP. A KIT MM KTIC. AC. DoLB EAR'S Commercial College, I, Had Broadway, remain* open day aud evening all auuiiiiur. / 11IAKLI Kit INsTITI'TE, ~~ \J Central Park. New York, a preparatory acliool lor not? and young men of 7 to 30 year* old. 'I he twenty aecoiid year will begin on Septemlior IS; college, vi lentitlc tchoolt, Iniaiiica* modern language*. Cloalug overdue* on Monday evening, June 111. Profeaaor LI.IE CIIAKLIKK, Director. CSOLUMUIa COLLEGE. J ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Fxaminxtiona hip adniiaaloii will commence on Wodnea da>, June 31, at Uj* o'clock A. M. Applicant* ore requested to preaent theniaelvr* punctually at the time named. I he annual roiiimenceuieiit cxerci.e* will he bold at the Acade my ol Muaic on Wo Jneaday, June 38. at I"14 o'clock A. M. f. A. P. HAIC.N Aid), Lhd, Pri fiilH. (SOLI*SIBIA COLLEGE. J SCHOOL or MINKS. Examination* lor adnii?*lon wi.l ne held un Friday, Jane 33. at o claek .*. M. Applicant* are re<|iieated tupreaont the in - d vea punctually. I lm -y-teni of Instruction Includei Ave parallel eourae* > f ?tudy -via . etvll aiig.iieerlag. mining metal lurgy, geology and natural hiaior.,. analytical an t applied chemiatry. F. A. P. BARNARD, LL.IF. Preeldaat * thoriiiNto. ?a=J= AT M1XT//S. 3-is 3D AV., *KaR ilOTll ST.?LADIES and gentleman will he enrpriaed at gTeat price* H. HINT/. pa> - In cn?h for Caat-oft Clothing. Carpeta. Jew elry. Order* attended to by Mr. or Mra. MI NT/.. VT 1.374 BROADWAY, BETWEEN :i-_'D AND. 880 it*.? Broadway price* paid for Ca.l off Clothing. Jew elry. Ac., by calling on or addreaaing H. HARRIS. 1,371 A?NATHAN'S OLD ESTABLISH MBIT, 88kf 8TH ? av , near 4th at ; th hlghaal value paid lor ca-l on clothing, Carpel*. Ac. Call on or addrca* Mr. or Mre. NATHAN. AT EDM'AUD MILI.KRM WBLL KNOWN KSTAI1 tubman:. 88 oth av.. near Waverler place, utm >t value paid lor cnat off Clothing. < areata. Ac., by calling uu or addreaaing Mr or Mia NILl.KK. AT PLATTO'B, miuhtII AV.. 46111 ST.?90 PER CENT JtY mora than elaewhere will poaittvetv he paid lorcaat oll Clothing. Addreaa Mr. or Mr*. KLa i id. AT AN HALTS, 17* 7TH AV.. LADIES ANDUKNTLB iiif-ii will he aktouialied tat th# high tiricva you get in caah for Cnat Off Clothing, Carpet*, Kurnlture, Diamond* nnd Jewelry: pmaae try and aaUsQr yvuraait Lamaaat tauded to by Mra AnbalA, 17 28 BOARDBHS WAITED. I BLOCK fKOM MADISnX SQUARE. I 1H KASl ml ?I.?Extra large cool Rooms. witli or without Board. PARLOR FLOOR?J SINGLE ROOMS. WITB Hoard. 2d and 3S Kant 23d at. (Madiehu square). r.Tli AV.,~'s4l". ?MBi_BEATER OYERIW Bl'ITS-OP '> Apartment*. with or without private labia or witkoal Hoard. itH A v.. SO. 123.-VKRV PLf. AS \NT ROOMS TO LKT~ t) wiili Hoard : labia ilricdy Drat class; tariaa vary reason able: day Hoard. to"pbr wsnr von rDivnuiD boom*. v'l with Hoard. families accommodated equally low; transient boardera lakeu. H7 Clinton place, bill ai, Deal 5th av. M~WAVKRLKY PLACE, SKAR BROADWAY.?PllOBT Room*. 814 to $20 fur two. with Hoard; single Room, $7; trauaiont peopla taken; table Hoard. $4. Til ST.. Ill WKST. N H A It .VIII AV.-3.LKOAN? Hooina, with generous table, lor fainlllea or gentlemen OOD'SX, WKST. 243 ?II ANIISOMKI.V PL'KNISIIRB ? -J hall Room, with Hoard, for gouUeuion; houao an4 table lirat claaa. 113 \vk>T" pta BT.?LAEHK ASD SMALL ELrf ?ear gently furnished Rooms, with or without Boardl suiuuior price. iti WMT 55 sr . NKAlt HHOADWAV -A Irtffti _ r Suit uud single Rooms, with Board; moderate auia mer prions; relereiiee exchanged. wSht^iIbt-ir?handsomely furnished', with Board; references. 4>(Y KAST21ST ST.-A TEW BBLKCT BUAKDERB ? ?' ean Iw accommodated; alao traualeut and table; strictly lira! claaa QO 35 AND 37*VVKST I II II ST. -KI.KI I ANTROOMS, Ot). with Hoard; pcrmuneiit and transient; 82 por day, tab)# board; kept by i.nglisli lady. I || KAST BTH IT., NEAR BROAD WAT.?IO LBT, x' 7 with or without Hoard, doubio and single Itoouiat traualeut and day boardera acuomiuodated. I EAST lorn ST.. NhAR UROADWaYT?WKLE fc 1 furnished Himuiih eelinectlug, ou drat and secoud tiuore to rout, with Hoard; alao single Kooina. IQ WEST 201II SI., SE.VU BROADWAY.?CUBA J t O or other gentlemen or lauiilica; handsomely fur niahed front Itooma, 11 rot and second lloors; location an I table Brat claaa; price moderate. r?) "Til ST.. IIKTVVKKS HltOA IHVAY AND UNITE* 00 sity place? First claaa French table; Itooma, cn ai|it? or singly, lor lamillea or sluglo gentlemen ; refereucoa ex thanked. f'lt IRVIKO PLACE.?PLRABaBT PRO** ROOM, UU with Hoard, t> gentleman and wife or gutitleluen| auiumer prices. 1 *>7"~KAST~ BOTH ST.?1IANDSOME LARUE AN5 1 _r I small Ituotna, with or without Board; location ttral claaa. SWWi" WKST 2trII 8T.?PLKASANT ROOMS, WXTd ilUU good Hoard; table boardera taken. ill J" KAST 40TB ST.?PLBAHAST BOOM" IB PB1 iTO vato . ouac, iuruiahed or uot. with uau of kltehea) or Uoaril. orT 7, it \ i n t rro n~ a v. ?to lktTTn a "small prii O'H vate Herman family; auvoral nicely furnlaliet Rooms, with breakiaet. ?>7 1 WKST ~ 32D ST!?A HKAl TIP ILLY Kl'K. ? ) l/t nlalicd floor to let. with or without Hoard; alst single Room; location and ueatneas unaurpaaaed. ft*)A "lkSSiitoS AV.-ELKflANTLY TOREfsTlKD U_< r Itooiua, with or without Hoard, In tlrat idaaa locality. I ioe nWii~st., abovb "broad, piRE"tdel ? 1 wi' phia ? Kurulahod itooma, with brcakfaal, fot gentlemen; central; terun reaaouable. A PHYSICIAN'S FAMILY WILL ~A0COMM0DATH j\. with elegant Itooma and good Hoard a lady previoua to and during coullucment: neighborhood Ural claaa; strictly private. Addrcaa P., box 171 Herald Uptown Branch office. *r SMALlT STRICTLY PRIVATE FAMILY. LI VINO 2 V ,iu their own houao on l'urk av., will lot. with Hoard, to a gentleman and w fe. their Second floor; referuncci. Addrcaa DKi'KYSTEIt, llcrald Uptown Branch office. BOAIlDIXi; m CENTENNIAL VISITORS.-CORMBB houae; all front rooou; tlirou Hues of cars pasa the door; torms 8*2 .Ml per day; reference, tiruen, lilackwcl! ,ft Co. 2f>2 Uroouwlch at. Kuw York. 1,035 Poplar at.. I'hlH udelphiu. 11. II. PADDOCK. Proprietor. CtKXTKNNIAL VISITORS CAN UK ACCOMMODATED ) with Huard lu private family, No. 1152 North 2utb ah, Philadelphia. Furniture xhb ? CAWKTs wa nted in WC ehaiige for tlr<t claaa Huard ; host locality. Addrcaa fALSTAff. Herald I'plowu Hruiich offieo. BEWKLTI liiiAlto. ?JKft HENRY ST.,'NEAR STATK.-HO AliD ANUX'C ?s ? " I cation Brat clasa; llvo mluiitoa from Soutn and Wall at. ferriea; terms $?> to 87. liOfKi.S. A T NEW KN(JLrAND HOTEL, 30 BoWKltY.?ALL 2V likiit flnulu Itooma; lodglnga 50c. nightly, 83 weekly; lor gentlemen only. BELMONT MOTEL. PULTON t?H NEAR BROAD way.? European plau; Room*, 50 ceuta upward; family Jtoom.s. Always open. C1ITY~ HOTEL, BROADWAY^AND 8TH ST.?ROOMS J aud first clas* table, $2 per day; aingle Hooina, $2 wockly; table Hoard, $'> weekly. <?T ELAND'S 8TUHTEVANT HOUHK, CITY."?LOCAe \J tluu and accommiHlationa unaurpaased. prices ro duced to ault the tlmea; |3 50and 84 per day; itooma only 81 per day aud upward. LEWIS A OKOKCK S. LKLAND. ST. GXRMA1N7 HR 'ADWAY AND f.TH AV.,"22D ST.? Location uusurpuaacd; rooms all front; hoard reduced to euit the times; #2 and $3 per day; Rooms $1 anil up ward; elevator, Ac WILLIAM O. TOMPKINS, Proprietor. SPINliLKK 11 > I u SK, ON aMKKIi.'AN PlaA N'TXiUTi ICB Rooms to rent, lor laiulliea and aingle vontlemcn. Iront ing Union square, at moderate prices CQvMTiY UtiAUD. A"" ?HOAKDINO AT THE OLKN PAItM IIOUSK, ONlj a tulle weat of Soring Valloy, Dockland county, N Y.; ono hour by rail Irum Jersov City; the coiuiorta ol 14 ipilct and healthy home; all modern Improvements; high roiling ground; puru. Invigorating air; no malaria or niom)ultoea| allude, boating, bathing; fresh meat, eggs, fruits, cogata. blea; pure milk from the farm. for particulars aildreaa, ai abovu. .Mrs. GUAffEK, or J. A. U., box 2.S4U I'oat office, New York. Bellkvi:k," attlbbobo. bucionuHTnty:"pa^ Two hours trout New Y'ork, one from Centennial grounds! u delightlul place to apeud the warm month*. Address W. T. SEAL. Board, nkau tiik m ater,on the north siior^ of Long island, 3D miles Irom oily and 2" mluutei from dopnt. Address TIIOM AS UN IX. I; IIII,l? Locust Val ley. I* I. Reference, Richard Cox. 1H0 Broadway. elUUNTMY BOARD?ON LOJftf MleAMB SiHNIij J good boating and bathing. Apply at or addrcsa 143 East 21 si at. CIOUNTRV HOARD WANTKD-fOR THREE YOUNtl ) persons, in a healthy locality, within a abort distance ol the city, where they ean-ecure Inline comlorts and have thu adva .tagea ot boating, lisliing and good atabliug. Ad* dress U.. box 173 llcrald I'plowu Branch office, DKSIRAHI.K COUNTRY HOARD?KXCi-LLENT boating, bathing and Ushing; terms $7 to 8I<>: Ifd miles from detail, ou N'oioion Hill. Addreas box 5HD Poll olliee, Stamford, Conn, Hud son u" 1 v u rT?ho ariT T kink" slruATioNl twenty mlnetea net, tee depott higii ground! modern Improvements; Cretan water, shade, Tnwna. gar den, stahlea, line drives; terms moderate. Address C. D^ fort Washlegiee. Nt'.MMKU UfciSOtlTN. EkUCIIH IIOTKL AND ' RKHTAl RANT~LON(l ? Brunch. i* now open fur tl.o soaaun A. 1 AlCII. MCt niid 8K; Hrnadwty. UtOBKBT HOIJHK, BCDIPH L.Vkk, N. J , TWO TFouid I from New Vurk vln Morris and Kan Itiilroad.?Term* trom#IJ &>to?17 A BKOWNSON, Proprietor. T*h7(?llTON Route. NliWM \N HPKINOH, KM) BANK 1J N.J.?Boating, tblilug anal hwtlii >iir; terms very Mod* erate. Address K. DYiiR, at above. ur box 44J Poet "(Bc? Now York. T>AVILION IIOTKL.' NEW HKIoIlTON.' ~. I.-N'oW ipen; actum mo latlona for single gentlemen, $1.' pel week end upward. t all on or ? olress R. V. COI.K. RIVKItSlDK (N. J.) PAVILION Hol'SK, KlK KAMI lias and transient, onlv 10 miles from Philadelphia ol New York Railroad; hourly trains; close to stalloti and river; grove, orchard, porchee; tishlng, boating; cool, healthy, accuaslble ; flr.t cln-t ami moderate. N 8. READ, Kiversitle, N. J. S~ CKMSB BOABD?ELMWOOD hall, Woodstock^ Conn., reooene Juno iiO; constant cool hrceaee; thirty mile view; terms $7 and *H per week ; children and aer> vantaler*. A. Cll A N'DLLR, Proprietor, White mountainsT"i87rt.?<ii.ks Hou?k~wTf? open June l"i and cloan Ortolier I, 1H7M Alpine House, inowi, tiorhaui. N. II.. will open July IS, 1870. W. ICR, 111,1,1 k EN, Pmprletotn. M'l'UICAISlt. ' AT POKTIN'i. ION'S eioK\Wh "w7AUKlTl)DtfK,"6ti Iliuiiiiii i?t., lor Furniture, 1'Iuior. Trunk*. Ac.. in ?etr r<?uin?. <11 UilaKs I!. ii? >11Dh. Proprietor. STOKAUK IN I'LAHTKltKO ROOMS AND LOFT* FOR Kurnlmrti, Carriages, Ac. Km, 111, 113 tn?l 115 Bs?*N4tj? *. lilltljlliiDV ^ IMKKICA.N STANDARD BfiVKL TaHLKS; AL80~X large stock Holla, I lotlis, Cues, Ac., at reduced prices, Decoud hand Table, at treat bar jams. W. II OIUKHTII A CO., tOVeeeyst. CAOLLKNDKR'9 STANDARD AMKRICAN BKVKIi J llllliard Tables, with the celebrated Phelan A Collenalet combination ouslilons, for sale iu tbls oil/ only at 73H Broad* ?sy, RARBLj: JlAHfTtilih. CTKWAIlT'.d SLATK, M.tKHLK AND WOuDMAN't EtT 0 new anil elegant deai,-n?, from RIO up; the trade liber* ally dealt with. _'J<> and Ji- Weet j:w st. AMHOMHit. AHl'HINKSs and MR HIiI A I, CI, Al BVOY ANT?NO* to be equatlod. twain.*, ii. Ac., Irom SOe. M fL Ulltre I No VYcat J itli St., between tlth nutl 7tli ava. A-xi) i m rosiTio v-ukkatkht hi.'.sinrhb aNO ? medical ? lalivutant, Mrs. PoMTKIltehe tells all eventd through life, names In lull, causes marriages. M Lexington av . between - 4111 and J 'til >is. . 6c. to 'sic. MM I' MI'NN, JW RKTCRNKD PROM HOUTII America, tan he consulted on nil affairs of lift); NO cents to At. IH6 Ihinupsou st MME. COLLINS. A KKLlAMLh AND TKt'STWORTlTi Clairvoyant tm agnatic treatment), ?7S tHh if., neat 17ib st. )l Kim; \i? A? mmk. it lis fKij, iHwmstmtrx** tixt ? tkr*t ?ia-tr from .Nth *v. Advice (f#?. A -MBS WURCKSIKB, TilVSIcIanT"BhAKd"Alii . nursing. UU Charles St., bet. Washington ami West, ?DR. tXll' llK. VAN BL'dKlkk: KKSIDKNoi No. lot Kast IMth at., liotween H and Lexington eve. ?DR. M A U KICK A C ; Ml YliAllS' PK\(H ICK." OR. s Bee lit) Liberty at. Pemale complaints a specialty. A ?DR. AND MMK. BOTT-OONriDKN ri AL.CON suit.<n,hi en all .'uniale complain la ?7 West lath st. ?Dlt AND MMK. LUIS DLL. It: WlisTtsTII NT,-. Conlldcutlal consultation on all Pemale Complaint*. R DWINDLE THKaTH ALL PKM ALU COMPLAINTS Whatever the caueo Olhce It-' West tosh st. R. Wtill KllliAD, 'JUU LAST SBTU iTt. NRAJI 3Q sr.?r emals c. nipLaluis sslnly ireatid laar $115. US LYONS. KCMALK PHYSICIAN OI.'RKS AL4 caiuipleints; ne cure, ne pay. No. t(> Last JUtb eu gucvKservj^ci^iKdy ^carantebd. all oabm D D M