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DEATH IN THE OIL REGIONS. [CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE.] k little milk. They placed her on the couch, where ?he remained unconscious or some time. All ?a> in a Hate ot excitement. Messengers uero ile patch' U to Petroleum Centre I ?r the Kev Fulher Donnelv, Dr. I'lav turd and an officer with a warrant for the arrest of the flood in human shape who had without doubt committed a double murder. Mrs. Dougherty remained unconscious for about twenty m inn tee, when she asked to be lilted up and partly turned over bersell, when ner agony was so great that aho seized the side of the couch on which ahe was lying with her locth. She lived not 1 the rev erend hther arrived, soon after which she quietly breathed her last, |ubeut three-quarters of an hour from the time ahe was shot. On examination Dr. Playford found Mr. McCool ter ribly cut In Ave distinct places, with a very great loss of blood. Two or throe wounds lu the hack, one ex tending from near the shoulder into the upper part ol the lungs, causing inward hemorrhage, one in the heck reaching the kidneys, which were plainly rialble by opening the deep gush. His clothing was enturated with blood and his hoots lull. Ue was rerfectly con scious. and gave bis deposition before acting Coroner Reynolds In a clear and distinct manner. FINANCIAL B? Review of the Week?The Course of the Stock Market. GOLD AND PAPER MONEY. Government Bonds Strong?Railway Bonds Firm?Mining News. Wall Stmcrt, 1 Sex day, June 18, 1870. | The events of tne past week have not beon ol a char acter sufficiently interesting to require oxtended com ment. In speculative eiroies little else than a oroitcrs' market Is to be reeorded from day to day, while the aggregate of transactions shows not only a decrease of business but n growing indisposition on the part of traders to take chanees In games where the cards are Blocked, the play Is artificial and the dealers hold the trumps. At the opening railway and miscellaneous shares wore weak, and prices declined from to 3 per sent, the immediate eauie of the downward movement being tho lurther reduction in fares and freights by the parties to the present railroad war; but to ward the close, under the leadership of the Granger stocks?St. Paul and Northwest?there was an exhibition ol considerable strength. A notable luature at this time, howover, was a sharp broak in the price of Jersey Central, which, owing to the state ment that the usual quarterly dividend had been passed, ieil oil 6% per cent., bringing out, it is said, not a little long stock. At the same time, in quick sym pathy with.its coal carrying mate, Delaware and Lack awunna receded 2.1* per cent. Whutever ieeling may bo prevalent that, because Blocks aro low the bottom ronnd of the ladder has been reached, must be rather rudely shaken by the weakness that bos thus been de veloped in hitherto favorite securities, to say nothing of the prospoet of a dull summer and the inevitable re sult ot the light now in progress. Tho largest dealings of the week were in Lake Shore, which fell irom 64\ to 63, but subsequently, under the Influence of favorable reports that were industriously lissemfnated, coupled with the adroit operations of lertain brokers, the price advanced to 65J?, closing at 16. Bock Island maintalued Its strength steadily luring all the fluctuations ol the week. Ohio and Mis lissippi, owing to its larger earnings, moved up to the front, and bid lair to advance strongly, but later fell iff to 10 a 10Union Pacific was comparatively neg lected, the quotations being 60 a 60. Erie romained iteady at 14 a 18J? a 13JL Puctflc Mail, without being tctive, retained considerable ilrmness, under tho pro tection of its friends, but for the moment there is Utile disposition to make tho stock active. ft Id view ol the largo amount of cupltal seeking Invest ment, the great number of shrewd rich men .who tre anxious to avail themselves of every oppor tunity to place thoir surplus funds favorably, tbo ease of the mouy market and the millions that will be dis bursed on and soon alter the 1st of July by tno govern ment and corporations, one would believo the present condition of the stock market to be inviting. Why it is not so, why It is lett to the mercy ol "scalpers" and a lew local operators who may be counted upon the Angers, why dulness reigns, business lags, and busi ness men are all unsettled with relerence to the future, are quostlous which we. leavo to bo answered by' tho public. Our present experience Is a novel ono. Wo are paying tho penalty ol inAatlon uud extravagance, aud there are lew who are old enough to apjtiy the les sons ot the remote past to tho strange experiences of the hour. TKANSACTIONS OF TUB WKKK. The following tablo'rcpresents the oocning, highest and lowest sales, regular way, ol tbo priucipal stocks turinu the past week, togother with the number ol thares dealt In:? ,Vo. of Open- High- Low Share t. ing. tel. t*L Atlantic and Parlflc prof.. IKK) 2# 2# 2% Ailanticaud l'acitlc tel... 1,360 la 1st, 16 Chicago ami Norlhwost'n. 13,90b 40# 42# 40# C. anu X. W. preierred... 22,u30 ills 04# 80# Chicago, It. 1. and l'acillc 8,803 lot) loo 107# Chicago, liur, aud Quincy 089 115 116 11a Cot, Chi. and lnd. Cent.. 1,390 4 4# 4 C., C., U and 1 109 4ti# 40 # 4li Chicago and Alton 330 lul 103# 101 1 l.. I.ack. and Western.. 0,684 loi# 108'4' 1U0 Ainericau Express 613 68# 68# 64 United Slate.-. Express... 4(H) 74# 74# 711# Erie 11,400 14 14 13# Harlem 481 138# 149 138# Hannibal and St. Joseph. ouu 13# 13# 13# Hun. and St. Jo. pre!.... ? 33# 23# 23# Illinois Central 810 97# 97 # .97# Luke Shore 222,678 64# 65# 60# Mn-tnguu Central 1-..441 4s# 41# 47# tlorruiand Essex 601 loi# 101# loi# Milwaukee and M. I'uut.. 23,069 89# 41# 3'J# Milwaukee und Su 1'huI pf 39,24,0 09# 72 68#' Sew York Central 6,080 108 108# 10o' New Jersey Central 11,669 82 82 70# lib!" and Mississippi 13,8 jO 16# 16# 16# Pacific Mail 43.390 24 # 25 # 24# P.icille ol Missouri .'. 1,890 6 0 0 Quicksilver 100 14# 11# 14# St. Louis and Iron M'tu.. loo 17 17 17 St. 1., K. C. aud N. pret. 600 28 29 2s rot, Wab. ami Western.. 11,920 1# 2# V Vnton Pacific 0.0 Mi# 10 60 Western I'll.on Pel 70,687 68 # 09 07,# Pro. Con. L. and I*. Co... 1,200 118 118# 117# ?Tutou Mining Co 2,175 1# 1 ^ 1# Reus, and Saratoga yjo llu I30 119 Bold ? 113# 112# 112# * Total for the week 539.7o5 cLosiKu rattm?satikuat, ir t I atlSc Mad... 2-1# . .5# pi 71' u total 111 le.... ?b# < ? sfc 0,6,061 4..# a 46# All A 1 av IS,. I". ? 18# 1 I it 1 C. 4 a 4# ' 1,1 >ek?ilv?r... 18# .t 15-4 Del, L .4 W .,L0 . ? 10 4, t,vickkiivr-n< le u 2 r.riv ,.?: i . Mar LA Mia.. ># a <># ilan A Kf Jo... i3>. * lb', Marl. A A |il.. 0 .? 6# II A sijopt. ij * gsft Aoaai-Ka. ...PP r. IP Lhah Miuru..,. 16 - ;,L ba.ericai Ex. 56 - 6'J Micb Central 47*, - e i 8 kxprtst .. 73 i 74 N 1 a ]>?. ., ,4" Ml.?-I arg ?J > ?>'( . 90 Kill M it. 107# . Ill i. Lim a 'J... 1. 1# 10! N .! ? en ... 77-, a 7 # I let A 1'it?. 12# i I I 'Uk> A kill. It, 1. Ui48\i 4:- . 4.# Panama .13 a I?? ? |||| A 8 to p! 64# . '4# Itli . Wat,. .# a _ LI It A);! .1 8# ,09 I nun I'atilic.. 5'J a Si Mil A It Paul 41# II# THE BOSKY BASKET. The unusually abuaduiu supply ol capital at this centre Is attested by the difficulty of finding sac for the ennio at higher rates than 3 and 2# per -tent on call, with stock ijr collateral, und 1# und 2 per rent on government* The bank-lavement shows an inciea-e of $1,446,436 during the Week, a further indication ol tbo continued accumulation ol turr ucy and a prospect to sum during the* summer. The b,nks now ho i {'54,360.2' o ia legal temiera, and thore h i? lie u a laige iii> ruaso of national bank notes. The following arc the ruling quotutioua ol business notes:? CUBtBNCT I'aI'KK. Double named? Sizty Hint, four JhonUm. lirst class 4 a a# 4 a 6 , (iOtfil 6 it 6#u6 tingle named? first class 4# a 6 6 a 6 tiood 0 g 7 7 u h Not no wed known hap 9 a 10 COLO PAPBU. Double named? 6 aO tl a 7 Sib, le baiuad? Loud 7 a S 8 a 9 TIIK COLD MARKET. Speculation in gold durn g Hie week In* brcu dull, aud ibu changes unimportant. The two extremes uro 112 # a 112 #, the latter being IBe i price. 'I he export oi sp tic lor the week Smonnt. U to $#123,310 The following *fc?w* the value In go d of 1190 green bark* (Foiled States Treasury notes, fractional notes and national bank notes) at twelve o'clock to day, and at tbe same hour ol tbe days named:? June IT. June Ifi. June Ik June 11 June 13. Junt U f My TO $88 TV $88 TV $88 6? $88 7B $88 TV *\l?ORTS AM) IMPORTS. The foreign commerce of tbe port fcr the week was as lollows:?(j-'ucral merchandise Imports, including dry goods, $.T,01.T38V; produce exports, $8,613,308; and specie exports, $1,123,310. Tbe total imports of merchandise since January 1, this year, were $148,817,888, against $189,812,671 lor tbe corresponding year m 1873, and $204,307,010 In 1871 The total exports of produce were $112,004,034, against $110,836,824 In 1873, and $131,861,333 In 1874. Tbe total exports of specie were $26,471,887, against $46,790,102 in 1875, aud $29,007,637 in 1871 / UNITS!) STATICS BONDS. Daring tbe week this class ol securities has been in unusually good demand, both by individual investors and by Instllutiona Tbe result is a reasonable al though not nn ex pec tod degree ol firmness and the be lief that prices may advuuee still higher. Tbe large amount ol idle capital seeking employment and the steady strength of government bonds ure elements of the situation that are well calculated to attract tboso wbo are distrustful of tbe ordinary speculative stocks end are looking lor a soenro place In which to plant tbclr surplus luuds and derive profit lroiu their use. Tbe London market Is noticeably strong for our bonda This is doubtless duo to tbo unsatisiactory conditions which attach to many ol tUo continental investments that have berotolore been favorites, but by roason o( political complications, hare Buffered a loss of confi dence. The clo.-qng prices ot securities in London have been as follows:? June 2. June 9. June 16. U. 8. sixes, 5-20's, 1863, old. 104^ 1041* 106 0. 8. sixes, 5-20's. 1867 10iP? 110^ HOS. U. S. lives, 10-40's 106 \ 107 107 Now Uvea 103,', loo'a lo6J, r-Manfit Since Jan. 1, 1870.?. Luwctt. ihghctL D. S. fl's, 6-20's, 1865, old. xl03)a Apr. 12 10o>, Apr. 6 U. 8. d's, 5 20's, 1867.... 107v; Jan. 3 111 Juno 9 U. S. 5'a 10-40's 105 Apr. 20 108 '4 Feb. 10 New 6's 104', Jan. 13 100,\ Apr. 6 KAILHOAU 1JON OS. These have Bhown a declued tendency to higher prices, especially such as are not Involved In tbo pros eut dangerous competition between tbe leading lines. Tbo 3k l'aul, Northwestern and l'ucific ruliroads all give token ol fresh conlldeuce In their future. On the other hand, tbe coal currylug roads are depressed, sur rounded with doubt and lor the moment are tillering lltt.e encouraccmout, either to retain old interesis or rnako Iresh ventures In this councction It is proper to say that tbo Toledo aud Wabash road will protably be reorganized by a new compuuy, and it is not impossible thut the rights ol the stock holders may yet be recognized. It will be rememberod that Judge Chase, In the Indiana Circuit Court at Lo gauspori, granted a stay ol foreclosure proceedings, upon tbe tiling of tbo customary bonus, upou -tbo grounds that tbo docroe cannot allow a sale without redemption, and that the original complaint was de tective. The effect of this decision is to render the sale at Toledo on tbe 10th of no acoount, unless tbe de cision can bo changed at a further hearing, or unless It can bo reversed by the Supreme Court. The decree of sale requires that the property shall be sold as an en tirety, and it must be confirmed by tbe courts of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. No title can be glvtn, therefore, until the stay is removed. The foregoing proceedings will account tor the slightly firmer prioe of tbe aiook. statb norma State bonds have beeu generally firm as tar as doalt In, bat business was chlelly confined to Tennessee# and Louisiana consols. The Missouri Slate bonds, lor which proposals were recently received at the State capital, brought a fraction above 4)4 premium. Florida gold bonds brought 85. Over $300,000 ol the new Georgia State sevhn per cent bonds wore sold at a premium. New York took $200,000, and tho Citizens' Bank of Geofgia tbo balance. Comptroller l'owcll, of Brooklyn, invites proposals for the purchase ol $1,300,000 city bonda Tbe bonds are cbietly Brooklyn city perma nent water loon aud tax cortificalea Some Improve ment has boon shown in tbe District ot Columbia 3.65 bonds, owing to the introduction ot a bill In tbo House of Representatives, by Mr. Fernando Wood, to make a standing provision for the interest In the place of a semi-annual appropriation. Louisiaoa consolidated bonds yesterday brought 66?^ per ceuL Interest Is now belug promptly paid. They ropresoot 60 per cent by composition of tbo original dobt of Louisiana. By tho amendment of the constitution ot the St te of Lou isiana, ratified by the people, the whole State debt ic limited to $16,000,000. Tbo old debt is belug consoli dated at tbo rate of 00 per cent, sod $15,000,000 pro vision will more tbao cover the outstanding bonds. GOLD AXU S1LVKK MIXING. In San Francisco seven saining companies have been formod within a single week each having a nomi nal capital of $10,000,000. We fear our Calilornia friends are overdoing tbe capitalising business, their evident desire being to exceed all tho other Stales and Territories in their estimate of values. A capital of $10,000,000 ior a company that has never doue a stroke of work, and whose total'property consists of a lew huudred feet on e not verv well tested lode, is as a rule ten liuios larger than is permitted by tbe usage of other mining localities. The following companies were organised in San Francisco within a single week, such having a nominal capital of $10,000,000:?Cuervo, Dar win Consolidated, Cerro Gordo Consolidated, bouih Modcc, Inyo, Uaribaldi and Modoc Consolidated. Thus far tho ISauk ot California has levied $2,000,000 in nssessmcnta An assessment of 76 oents per share bas been laid by the Oro Fino Mining Company. Tbe trustees of tbe Trujan company have taken oil 60 per cent of their present assessment On the 8th inst tho Calilornia oompeny shipped twuniy-lour bars ot bullion valued at $U2,307. While the mining inteiligoa. e Irom all oar Western Hutos is ot a favorable character It Is wanting in those facts and tigurcs which the Eastern mind Is wont to hold in much higher esteem than mere generalities. COLOBADO. The gold shipments troin Gilpin county during tbe mouth of May were $135,000, and would have been greater but tor the heavy Hoods. Tbe shipments tor the same month in 1876 were $85,uOJ. In the county named and the couuties surrounding it niacinne dr lis aru'rapidly coining into use. Excursion trains arc run botwuen Central City and Denver at $1 lor the round tiip. An agent has bceu sent to Utah lor the purpose of introducing tbure the Hunt A Douglass process lor treating oro* A now mill baa beeo erected at Iilsho Springs Tbe Shoo Fly mlue sent 133 sacks ol oro to the Golden Works last week. Tbe shall is down 107 feet, and the ore beiug turned out la of suthcieiit value to pay the expense ol development. Reports Iroiu tbe Colorado State Mining Company tell ol continued improvement In the Lucerne, Collax und Hubert lodes, all tho openings shewing good ore at a reasonable depth, wtih gold sometimes in excess of sliver. Tho shall in the Colfur mine is worked by two ah.Its of tnoo, one tor the night and the other lor the day. The Cannon Mine, two miles from Bsllsrat, shows tree gold and tellurium in paying quantity at a depth of 26 feet. The Eureka Las a shaft 81 feet deep, with a pay sireak 10 mches wide. Tbo Evans and the Northern Slope tunneis are id respectively IsT and 130 ltd. Total of levels and shafts, 600 (eel. The tiuyaz, at Sun beam gulch, at u depth of 60 fort, bus a crevice ul lour feet, with two pay streaks, one of winch is ssld to be 12 inch'-l wide and yielding $300 to the toe, tbe other carrying tellurium and free gold which assayed 11,000. The Moomouth Kansas, Hubert, Suduborg, Hoi tall and Collax are a.l reported as progressing .-at.aiactori y. JtAlLWAT AND MlSCrSLLaXSOOS irSMA The Bostou and Proviien.e Railway Company are trying an experiment lor laving the uuat a'otig their I.n , and thus lar it has proved s success. It consists in a deposit of oyster shells along the road bed to the depth M two or three niches. it la said that tbe < mu dim and Atlantic and Camden and Cape May railroad-, are within easy reach ol the great oyster beds, will follow the example. tbo bonded debt of tbe railroads of Missouri is soout |ho,goo.000, the annual Interest on which is about $4,tOt,000. Their total net earnings are $0,600,000; so that the interest on their deble calls tor two thirds of their not earnings, leaving only about $2,300,000 as the cntiro income ol worfcs tbe uost of which bas been about |i.s,000,000. At a ineein.g in Louie, June 0, of the Mississippi Valley am! Brazil SuauiMnp < unpniiy such action won uikeu and vubec; iptioua made as will insure (be sue cess ul toe en The subscriptions to the stock ol the company now amouut to $800,000, and steamers adapted to ibf irnue bvtwoen New Organs and Urasii r avail.,bP ul short notice. Dr. -ig r?er, ol Berlin, has collected eotne interest ing statu tics ol railways, which aucw a total complete1' mileage la all countries of over 183,000 miles. Tba fol lowing to a summary Total at Opm*d rwl qf in 1874. 1875. Europe ? 4,347 88.746 Asia 507 7,'W3 Airica ? 1.461 .8orili America 1,605 70.307 t'euiral America aUd West Indies.... ? 667 South America ? 3,701 Australasia ? 1,75:1 Total 0,500 183,343 Thus it appears that 401% per cent of the railroad mileage of the world is in the United States, 43 1 3 per cent in North America, 455% per cent in all America. Europe baa 481% per cent, Asia little more than 4 per ccut, Africa about threo-lourths of 1 per cent und Australasia less than 1 per cent The United States construeto.l more than any other coun try in 1876, though loss In proportion to its extent than many others, and less In proportion to its popula tion than some. DOMESTIC MARKETS. UALVXxroic. Jum> 17, 1876. Cotton steady: middling, 11 \,e.; low middling. 10J%c.; good ordinary, Nut receipts, lug bales. Exports coastwise, 74. dales, 111. Stock, 8,35)1 New Oauuxs, June 17. 1876. Cotton Arm: fair demand; middling. 1 lj%c.. low middling, 11%*. t good ordinary, :i4tc. Net receipts. Hi) tialus; cross. 333. Exports to Ureal Britain, 8,6 i. hales, 3,100. Stock. 81,863. Mobilk. June 17. 1876. Cotton firm; middling, 11 Sac.; low middling, inc.; good ordinary. SVe. a tic. Net receipt-,. 113 bales. Ex ports coastwise. 433. Sates, 300. Stock, 13,461. Sasas.vsii, June 17. 1876. Cotton firm; middling, lie.; low middling, lo 1-1- c ; good ordinary, 8j%c. Not receipts, 130 bales Sales, 54. Stock, 4,531. C it a ui.k.htoX, June 17, 1H70. Cotton quiet; ntlrldllng, 115%c: low tniddling, M%c. a 10j?c i good oruinary, lClc. Net receipts, 136 bales. Sales, 25. Stock, 6,382. Wilhdkitom, June 17. 1876. Spirits of tarpontlno steady at 27>,c. Ruaiu steady at 81 20 for strained. Tar firm at 31 60. OawKuo. June 17, 1876. >'lour unchanged; sale* 1,300 bbls. Wheat quiet; No. 1 Milwaukee ciub. I'd 26 a 81 28, the latter figure lor car lots; rod Statu, ?1 42; extra white Michigan bold at 81 50. Corn steady, at 58c. Coru meat unchanged. Mill feed un changed. Canal freights?Wheat, 5J%c ; corn ami rye, 5c* to New York; lumber, *2 to the Hudson, 32 75 to New York. Railroad Ireights? Hour, to Huston. 75c.: to New York, 25c.; to Albauy. 20c. Lake receipts? Lumber, 038,iXJO tuet. Canal sliipuuuts?Lumber, JU Icet. * UwirraLO. June 17, 1876. Lake receipts?Wheat, lO4,0UU bushels; corn, 22,0 O. Railroad receipts?Flour. 3,900 bids.: wheal, 12,000 nusluds; corn, 15.UOO do.; oats, 10,000 do., rye, I.20I do. Canal shipiiieiils ior tidewater?'wheat. 2JO.0 KJ bushels, interior pull,is?Wheal, 14.000 bushels. Railroad sliipmeuts?f lour, o.poo bbls.; wlieut, 12,UUO bushels; corn, i20.OKI do.; out*. In ouO do. ; rye, 1.2<J0 do, i'anal freights?Wheat, 6c.; corn, S'av. to New Y'ork. Flour lu good demand .tudUrin; sales *) bids. at unchanged prices. Wheat ooiiltnue* very dull at iioiulually unchanged prices: sales of l.ifckl bushels wliite Michigan at 31 38; 4nouo. do. at 31 34j%; one car No. 2 Milwaukee ciub a; 31 13, Corn in lair ocmuiid: sales of uios cars Kansas at 53J%c., on track; ten curs No. 2 mixed Westum at 52c.; two ears, bv sample, at 48c. Hats dull; minimally 3<'c- Rye dull; nominally 85c. lur State prirno. Hurley inactive. Mult quiot uud steady. Pork dull at $19 56 to. heavy incus. I.ard dull at 12c. Higliwlnes ,1 nominally $1 11 tor city made. Toi.kiki. Juno 17. 1876. Flour steady. Wheat steady; extra white Michigan hold at $1 34, $1 33 ottered ; umber Michigan, $1 21,1%: July, $1221%; No. 2 amber Michigun, 31 02)%; No 2 red wlutcr, 31 20 M; do. Duvlou Michigan. 31 02; rejected red, 80c. Corn fairly active and a shade higher; high mixed', spot, Juno and duly, 52>tc ; August lie id at 53c.; 5212c. offered: No 2 white, 40c ; no grade. 46c ; damaged, 37J%c. Oats dull; Michigan, 33c. Receipts?Flour. 200 bbls., wheat, 36,000 bushels; corn, 2H.UOo do.; oats. 8,i 00 do. shlp oieuts?Flour, I,50o hols ; wheat, 21,000 bushels; corn, 19,000 do.: oats. 26,000 do. CitlCAi.o. June 17. 1876. Floor dull. Wheat* Irregular and active, hut weak and loafer. No. 2 Chicago spring. .51 Of*, spot and June. $1 "55% July, $1 047% August; No. 3 Chicago spring, tHi'^c. ; rejected, 79),c. Coru active aud a shade Higher; No. 2. 46c. spot and July, 4?J?c. August; rejected 41c. Oats llimer; No. 2 at 2i)Jjo. a 2Uj%e. spot and July. Rye easier at 7Uc. Hurley steady and unchanged. Pork fairly active and a shade higher; $19 20 spot aud July, $10 375% a $19 40 August. Laid? Demand active aud higher; $12 375% a $12 . 12 46 spot aud July, $12 50 a $12 52>%~August. Hullt meats firmer; shoulders, 7lae.; cloar rib sides. lo'4c. ; clear sides, lOJ%c., all boxed. Whiskey firm at$l '9. Freights?Coru, t? lluf talo 2J4e. Receipts?Flour, ll.OUO bhla.; wheat. 111,000 bushels; coru, 152,000 do.; oats, 80.006 do.; rye, SJXXJdo.; barley, 4.UOO do. Shipments?Flour, 9.560 bbl*. ; wheat. 95,out) bustles; corn. 306,900 do.; oats, 9J.000 do.; rye," 25.UUO do.; barloy, 400 do. Railroad Ireights to New York 20c. PRINT CLOTH MARKET. Paovinxjica. It. (..June 18. 1876. There was a little more activity iu the print clotli market during the past week, without quulablu change In prices. Sales 42,100 piece* ou the basis of 3>%c. a 35,c. tor stuudurd and extra 64 uy 64 goods. HAVANA MARKETS. IUvaka. June 17. 1876. Sugar in lair demand and firm, owing to encouraging news from abroad; Noa. 10 to 12, Dutch standard. 65% a 7 reals per arrobe; Nog. 15 to 20, Dutch stanuard. 7J4 a 9 reals; molasses sugar. Nog 7 to 1U, 54% a 0 reals; con ecntrated sugars, fair to good quality, 3J, a 4 reals; Musco vado sugars, common to fair, 54% a 6 reals; fair to good re fining, 6J% a 65% reals; ceutrifugal sugars, 13, iu Not. 11 to 13, iu boxes and hogsheads, 7J% a8 reals. Stock In warehouse at Havana aud Matanxus. 355.0IJ0 boxes aud 35,500 buds. Keueipla of the week 4,U5iO boxes sud 2.00U hhdt, Exports during the week, 1 ,144) boxes and 4,000 hiids., including 5,04)0 boxes and 4.1) k) hhd*. to the United States. Mol.iatea nominal; 50degrees polarisation, 4 reals per keg. Bacon?$39 a $'0 per ewt. Butter?$79 per quiutal fur superior American. Flour? $31 a $32 per bbl. lor American. Jerked beef, $3 75 a $4 per arrobe llama, $18 a $50 per quintal lor American sugar cured. Lard, lu kegs. $38 a $4*) per quintal; in 6ns, $46 a $48. Potatoes, $8 50 a $10 per bbl. Tallosr, $29 a $30 per quintal. Wax, yellow. $14 5o a ?IS per arrobe; white, $23 a $26. Honey, 5 reals per gallon. Uoious. $12 per bbl. for American. Coal oil, in tins, 85% reals per gallon. Empty hhd*., $4, gold Lumber nom inal ; wbit* plus, $35 tier M. .Shook* dull; box, 7 a 75% mala. Sugar it It da . 17 a 18 reals. Molasses hhd*., 20 a 21 reals. Chewing tobacco, $60 a (64 per quintal. Corn. 12 real* per arrobe. Hoops weak; long shnved, $35 a $37 per M. Freights In fair demand tor the united States; loading at Havana for tbs United States, per box ol sugar, 75c. a 875%e.; par hhd. of sugar, $3 5<%a $3 75; per hlitl. of mo lasses, 32 37J% a $2 50; loadiug At ports on the uorth coast toutslde porta) for the United stales, per box of sugar, 75c. a87J%c.; per hbd. ol sugar. $4 37J% a $1 50; per hhd. of molasses. $2 511 a $2 75. Tobacco, considerable animation st higher price*, but kept private. Spanish gold, 217J, a 217}4. Bxchango firm. BRAZIL MARKETS. Rio Janeiko. June 17. 187(1 Coffee Animated; pric -s firm : good tint*. 5.HHU rem ? S.UufJ rein per 10 kilos. Exchange on London, 25L, " le 17. Radios, June 17, 187)1. Coffee?Jlerkct quiet, but prices mamialiieU j superior 8nntos, 5,200 reis a 5,350 rel* per 10 kilo*. FINANCIAL.. "PFTibXiid?i aSCIi rat as. - wTTi ye' Alio J.V. Knduwoeiit insurance 1'Mlclon. Mortgages *nd otuer securities; iusurauce ol *11 kinds ulfsoted with best ctiu). patties. J. J. liAilRICtl A OO.. 117 Hroadway A.ny amount TKL'trr fundi to loan ok mortgage, City or Brooklyn. Li.AVUT A WULL'OTT, 10 Pins St. CilaTIb ox jay oookk m oo? grand rapim J nnd IndUn* linilro?d Bonds, k.m?in I'.icl' c Railroad LhiuI Grant toads wanted, by WILLI AM U. L'TLKY, No, 10 Wall St. E.STATE FUNDS OF fBMO.OX To LOAX AT )> PER cent, city property. Apply to Executor. 20)1 Nth sL, near Bowery. Buvk years-k-t ate money to loan at u per cent interest on choice propoi ty. I UTATT. 1?6 Broa.lw*v. I ALWAYS 11 AVE Mo.vrfv TO LOANTjN MORT gage New York city prnp.-rly; city railmai Stocks and Bunds bought und sold. 11. L. URANT. 14> Broadway. WAXTKD?tIU.00O OK *11,IMI FOR FIVE YKAKri TO bull J; the nnniey will ?e well secured on tliu ground; no bonus. Address B., box It*.' Harold otttce. Hl'MI.VKM* llPPOliriMTIES. A iTaLP 1 x'fKREoT'O'K PA it r.NEK KKrntlNti'PKO.M A a well established roatAurant; location excellent: price $7oO, MALOKE, Mo. 5 Dey St. Akkoulak physician can pcrchahk cheap for cosh a Practice yielding W.lkVi to AN.isn, cash per annum . location on Central Railroad of New .Jersey, within 2ii minutes ride Iroiu Near York. Addrces DOCTOR, Even ing Mail office. N. Y. Partner w anted?wi ru aroc r si.uoo cahh to extend and cnlarc a sunerior Iniyiiiess. v.tiIt little or im competition. Address ASBISI'ANCR WANTED, Herald office. IAUTN Kit WANTE.It?TO ACT AS FINANCIER IX A Brat class day bnslue.s. GAFFNgT k SMITH, 17 Centre st. 11 AHK OPPORTUNITY.-HI* SALE,, a good, sake. crotliable Business, well established; goods sold to merchants and Jobber* ouly; the proprietor bit. other buel I will in same city, and will renoer the purchaser bis aid. cash required. PI,5ft); none but a peipoa requirlnf ? pood, safe business need reply to tbls. Audr ss lock box 28 Post [. n r. office, Newourg. CKI-L CII*AP-I1 ALP InTEKEsT IN LlwHTUP ICE Ustfesii, paying Ct.Vi weekly urottl can psy part In inatalincuts oat or the b sinoss. Address CoN ThOL, llorald 'Bice. S ") 000 ~^AKT>,K1:- as (KKAkURKR: EX! KN. . sl*e. prolitabl". well established ni.ties luring busiuesa; w*re.o"iua, Broadway. Address MTEaLT hUslNESs. Herald offica CAPTURE OF A RUFFIAN. Recorder, of Huboken, yesterday held Patrick alius "Buck" Daley, a coulheavor, und (Fell known desperado ol liobok.-n, 111 del.-UK Of toOil I<a.1, (or commuting an unprovoked asiujU on Ernest Berg man. ol So 10 Jollereou street, Hobokeu. When asked ??y the R< corder if he bail any excuau to oiler, "Buck replied, iu en oil-hand way, "S'po-e I was s little under the influence." Toe prisoner Id sn ex-eonviuk SHOT IN TEXAS. [From the Galveston (Texa*) New*. June 9 j Reliable information is Just received here ol a horri ble s*SAMln.ition commuted in Athena, Henderson county, last night, about eight or nine o'clock, colonel John C. Goodgsme was murdered lu a social gome of cards with some frond* A report ol a shotgun hu beard and Colonel Go xlganio lull forward s corf so, with several buckshot in his nerk and shou.dcr*. The murderer was nut seen, but one Jesse Pack wood, a young uiau and Justice of ttiu Pwsoe of Athena, i* (be suspected party, and be can't be found. Colonel Good tonne aud he bad sox.o harsp word! regarding a young lady Packwood was visaing. N-ho who GoOdgame'a nicec. It ipjHtar* tnui young Pack wood wished to marry ihi* lady, and Ooodgamo objected, on account ol ; I'ackwinHi's urinking Colonei''oodgunic was an inilu ci.t ai mac. .i.u laie Sherill ol Ileum r-on county. He Lavs* a aidu* and aiovo to mourn nia Im* THE COLLEGE REGATTA. HAL* AW HOC II WITH PHIKCBTOW ? CREW AT PRACTICE. Tbe disaster to Princeton which last year cut her down in the middle of the race, leaving bor position uudeiinvd, combined with the very brilliant work of bor Freshman crow of the your bolore In rowing a wait log race till within a ebon 100 loot of tho lluisn lino, and then snatching victory Irout tbo very jawa of deieal, make her possibilities and proDable performance Una yeur matter of deep intercut among all rowing men, especially those who bopo that aouie other college crow may win. Wiaely retaining the atreke of the crew which wou so hunisoniely, aho discards all other of her last year's team save Mr. Van Lennep, who then rowed at No. 3. but is now to pull at No. 5, or sturboard stroke. He was ahsetil yesterday, a substitute rowing In hia i)lace. This, probably, In part accounted lor the iact that, whonevcr the pace was iorcod, bowalde had the worst or it. and the rudder was shoved hard to jx>rt to prevent ruunlng luto the bank. Their practice track, tbe Karitau Canal, is wider thau canals usually, looking scarcely narrower than Broadway, and, while not straight, has but very gentle curves, and could hardly be improved on as a place in which to learn accurate steering. Their home track thus more nearly rescmbics their orango-trimmed lane at Saratoga than tho practice ground of any other crew, and though tbo harder ol tho two to steer over, because bew must keep a bright lookout uhcad for curves and canal boats while at Saratoga hu gots his rungo entirely trom tho rows of flags astern, and so never uoeds to turu his huud, still It should not give him the dtlU culty It docs. Tbe shortest man In this boat, wiry and enduring. Ins reach is not great enough to keep his oar parallel with tbe others ou starboard side, and it also gets Into tho wator too soon, marring the llmo of the bout, as well as her sleadiuoss. Th's latter do can remedy, and a week's oatolul couch ing would doubtless wood It out cullrely. He plainly tries lo pull faithfully, ami seems co d aud easy at his work. Mr. Campbell, at No. 3, better off as to beigbt and reach aud larger in the arms, hua a good Idea of swing, and though bow bus throe feet more leverage seems to puil him around, though No. a and No. 6stroko, arc no doubt in part responsible lor this. Pulling with fair streugib. he must try to pull his oar clear through, getting in full Instead of throe quarter strokes. lake all tho men astern of him. he keeps his eyes in the boat, ana so helps steady her. Tho substitute was at No. O, ana the next regular was Mr. Stevenson at No 4. Tho stroke ol last year's Freshman is the only th ckly made uud noticeably strong looking man in the boat. Not over tlvo !eei eight, lie is thoroughly well built ind developed, aud lias proved that ho can stand largo dosos ol liurd work. His old and very bad trick of tnc0ilQ2 li??? oar has gone, his arm# bavo tar less to o, his back aud neck are eroct, his head Is op and thrown better on to the lust halt of the stroke than any oilier man's in tho boat, aud lio has almost as good an idea as stroke of getting his weight on the moment his oar gets hold, li he could Imparl to his musclesisJlttlo more of tho wtriucss so evident tu the latter a, ho would prove, and will ut any rate, very likely, yet i prove, one ol the two or three best oars i Princeton has turnod out In the > reshmau crew last year ho showed that he could stay, una that at a stylo which wn* as wearing ou the men as It was ineffective. Mr Stewart at No. 5 is a spare, trimly-built man, a trttlo above middle height, and on the morning or the race will scale not lar front 160 pounds. Ho has a good Idea of how to use his strength, sits erect, gots h s hands nrnmntlv away I'um bis waist as soon as they have gotten ihere, koeps his baok straight, gets hold of the water at once, copies stroke promptly and wel andsets bis side ol tho boat au oxcellout example. should she bo lound to trim better with Mr. Van Lonnep on his old thwart ut no. 3. alter all It might work an Improve ment to change Mr. Stewart lo No. 6. To Dr. MuCosh s good nstured suggestion, that the rowing intortored with the ?tu.iying, we asued how Mr. Stowart managed to keep at tho bead ol hia class. '-Oh, that was oidy till the rowiug camo ou !" said iho Doctor. Jhe yoar s score, however, may show that he does the young gvntlemuu an Injustice. . Captain Nlcoll at stroke Is tho best known man In tho bout. Stroke ol the winning Fresbiuan two yoar* ago, and of the I'uivorsity last year, though only twenty years old, ho does uot seelll to tlli out, but remains tbo game long, lean, lough, nervy looking lellow that he hits always beeu. Any one who ever saw luring ol the Harvurd international four row will And here a man ol much the same bolght aud mnkefoxcept not quite so broad m the shoulders) aud ol the same No ?"? will ever charge either ot these tuou with lack of lire and duah. There is almost too much of It, aud the trouble Is that it gets the man One too oarly aud keeps linn too rosiloss to ever let him got back any 11 va>11. Nearly six loel hlgli, he will row at 160. and would bo a bettor man could he weigh ton pouuds more. As 11 is, H would be well lor him tohusbandls sircugth by either rowing lower milos each day (lor he says ho gives them eight hard ones) or else ?'OcasioD ally laklug a day OH', putting Mr. sievonson at stroke aud a substitute at No. 3 Ha also did not row last year for nothing, and picked up more thau one good poin^ ut sjuratoga. His noad was never low. but It is up fhr better than in 1S75. iu fact, his chin is hold higher than any other in tbe boat, and be gets tho whole good of throwing It ou. Peaching well ou? Willi back ana head erect, he poise, his oar lor un mstaut and then grabs the Though lie buries his blade at time* tdo deeply, he pulls .v well through, and by the surge wblcb foilows U shows that ho is doing hts work- ^seems to have the confidence ol hi* men, and he knowa how .ret the work out of them. , Taken together iho crow look noticeably evon of height, bow alone not silling ss tall as tho others, have learned lo sit up well, ure encouraging well to gether. roll very little after they get undor wuy gct well forward aud buck, do not sloer well suough, have a good notion ol rowiug with tholr weight Instead of the r muscles, do not get their shoulders torwsrd moosurcdlv and their hands fast, uso tno sliding ?, If not too much, and manage .o gel a deal of HI" -uto the boat. Indeed, thoro Is nothing sluggish about ft, and the question, aud the very important ar.c, w hich augg?h* itself Is not can they go, hut can they nay . lhe> tan skip along at thirty-six or tnoro mr a good rode to gethcr but thev look hot at tho ena oflt, and setn* of them rather tired, aud oue cannot help thinking what a mi it would bo if they could get a ilttle more power In the boat They seemed to havo too much last year, ai d are now purposely a llgnt team. But had tH*y kpown how to use their power then ss they know how to use their strength now they would bavc boen dwi cerous all over Ibe course. 11 young Mr. McCosh can ?owwwctl as he can run 100 yards, b. shoold be at once captured for me crow. But this can lie said, that the men in It are doing thoir host, and that always works well. THK CRKW. Ag*~ B ripAt Bow-C. S. Greene,?77, Cedar Kapids, la... M 107 No. 2?J. A Campbell, 77, Washington ... M 160 Now J D. Stewart, '78, Baltimore... ?*> J-'? No. A?H Stevenson, '78 New York...... In MS No. 6?W B. Van Lennep. '76 Le Boy. V Y. ? 1 .? Stroke?Benjamin Nicoll, '77, New York., JO^ 150 Averages 20 1-3 Substitutes:? 01 no John Taylor, '7?. Philadelphia. -1 {?> J. M. KoisCbcrrjr, '77, Belvidore. N. J il CRICKET NOTES. The present wreck will U? s llvoly one (or the lovers of tbe game of crlclcoi. To-morrow the flrst eiereus of the St George Slulcn Island clubs will play a game at Hon >ken. On Saturday the second eleven oi the St. Georgo's Club will play an elcveu from St Paul's School, Concord, X. II., and on Thursday the second oluvcu of the Manhattan Club will play (gainst an cloven ol the llrooklyii Club, ou the grounds o. the Manhattan Club, at Prospect Park. Tbe Manhattan's teaiu wih be selected irom P. McDougal, R. Hooper, Tilly S. Gilbert. H. Tucker. Oakley Honoris, J Tucker, Kru'/cr, Ulgglnson, 1U.. ward. Rutty and ,'aoksou. on the itatii inst. iho St. George'* Club, of this city, will visit Philadelphia, and piay against the local clah-. Ou the ttih Inst, the Manhattan club will play the l'aterson Club at Prospect Park. TWO YACHTS CAPSIZED. Yesterday afternoon, during a squall, tbe sloop yacht l.elitiu, ol Urooklyu, cup.-ued oil' Coalle Point, liobu kcn. Those ou board clung on to the bottom, and the I.ctltia lowed to A rope was put around her must and attached to another vessel's maul, and she wa? righted. A sixteen loot calboat, with soveh young men In her, was capsized about the same time in m,d-rivor. No body was drowned. The boat ?us lowed to the Stcliiu dock, llobokon, and will he righted to day. The boat was a hired one, and it la alleged that the man in charge Of Dor was drunk. CAPTAIN WILLIAMS AGAIN. 81 ILL AMUTHKn CAME OF CLL'BDIN'O 1M THE Fot'hTH WARD. Officer Michael Fitzgerald, of the Fourth preclnrt, yesterday luurnibg ariaigued before Justice tVandeil, at iho Tombs, three men, Jeremiah Casey, James Muhor and ltl< hard Donovan. Donovan had a revere scalp wound on the right aide ol the and one on the leit temple, uillcor Fitzgerald said that Maher and Caa ?> were tlgbtlng, but be could not tell what Dono van was doing. Justice Wandell?What did you arrost him (or, then ' officer Fitzgerald?Well, he waa one of the crowd. Justice Wandell?Did ) ou n o him Itgliting f oittcer Filagernld?No, but he was one oi the gang. .Justice W slidctl?Wlist have you to say. Donovan f Donovan?1 was standing at my own door, No. 67 Hew Cuambers street when a minuter ol men began lighting in me street, laid not go near thein and was perfectly quiet, when Captain WiiIiuiiik >alne be hind me and clubbed ma on the head I wuf then lak Into the station nouse. ?u lice Wunduli?You are discharged. Something must lot done to stop this claiming busuies* It the law i-uBuoi protect the rights ol citizens they wilt take the law !? their own haada. FINE ARTS. OPKMINO OV THE BELMONT GALI.EBT. The private gallery of paintings belonging to Mr. August Belmont will bo opened to the public to-day and remain open daily until Thursday evening, Jane 1 from nine o'clock A. M. to six P. M. Tlie admission , feo will be flftjr cents, and the procee Is ot the exhlbl- J tlon will be addod to the funds raised by the loan exhl- j billons at tho Academy of Design and Metropolitan Art Museum and divided equally between theiu. The < residence ol Mr. lielinoul is No. loo Filth avenue, cor ner ot KigiiieeutU street, the entranoe to the gallery being through the basement, on Eighteenth atreot. THE CHANGES MAJOR IN TUE AltT DEl'ART MEKT OF THE EXHIBITION DUUINO TUB PAST WEEK?REVIEW OF SOME OP THE PAINTINGS IN THE PRINCIPAL BOOM. Philadelphia, June 17, 1870. The work of Improving tho art department ol the Exhlbltton la aiill in progress, nearly every day ad dltions and changes beiug made in some of the rooms. In tho grand hall an allegorical Centennial picture, by Van lteuih, has )ust been hung, whicht with the elaborate tramo, weighed nearly l.tioOpounds. That devotod to Russian art is still closed and Is the only ouo in Memorial Hall to which the public are not admitted. Turkey will exhibit tho half dozen pictnras sent Irom that country m their industrial department, as Jupan and several other countries have done. The sculpture is being unpacked and mounted Tin podcstalu, which are generally of marble, but aro sometimes improvised Irom pucktng boxes, which will assume a tnoro artistic appearance when covered with drapery of some sort. The works of Harriet Hostner nnd ol A. E. llaruisch have not yet arrived from Koine, nor the statue ot Washington, twelve loci high, cut troin a single block, in the pose from Louize's picture, and which was to have como Irom Florence. The rootu do voted to the architectural drawings of France was flu.shed to-day, and new pictures have been hung in tlie United States rooms N'os. 10 und 4J ol the unuex building, also In the room devoted to historical por traits, Callin's Indian pictuies, Ate., No. 44. Hero has beon placed the slatuury contributed by R. H. Parke, whifih makes the best display of any in tho Ex hibition, the oleven pieces being arranged in ? semi circle at one end ot tho rootu, with a screen of maroon drapery at the buck. The pictures In the Hulled Slates department of Memorial Hall buvo not boeu changed, but a low will probably bo rehuug when the arrange ment takes place and tho picluros are ull unboxed. Kolhermel's large picture of the "Battle of Gettysburg" occupies the ouuro wuil at one cud of the principal rootu. Representing a huud-io-haud conflict, the fig ures are of necessity in ibo principal group lit tho most violent acilun, uud iu the surrounding groups oppor tunities were allorded lor showing lu masses the coucerted inovcmeuis of ibo troops coming up on both sides, with broad masses ol light and shade. Tho arils# has (ailed to uvuil himsSll ,o( these opportuni ties, and bos sacrificed artistic sheet lor u realistic por trayal of tho buttle Hold. There is much vigq^ous drawing displayed lu'somo ot the figures and the scone is terribly real, but me picture as a work of art lucks both color aud breadth. The pluco ot liouor at tlie op posite end ot the room is occupied by a lull length por trait of lienurai Meade, by Tiiomas Hicks, ol New York. Beneath it hangs a sceue in Conway Valley, N. H., by Keusett, which was exhibited at Leuvili's art rooms, New York, during tho past winter. The principal place on ouo ol the side w alls is tilled by Thomas Me nu's "Mountain ol tho Holy Cross." "Sup plication," by 8. J. Guy, of New York, Irom tho gallery of John H. Sherwood, hangs ou tho left, and a portrait ol an old Italy on tho other side Is of Mrs. Sully, wile ol tho artist, painted by him, und uow owned by one of ilio daughters. Still turthor ou is Uiorsiadt's "Settlement ol Cali fornia," which docs not look as if puiuted by the same hand that pictured the "Vulluy of San ltutTaellt.". Helow laSnulhe's "Lake View," and turlhur ou, in the corner, is David Johnson's picture, boloru which ull slop to udinlro (or Its artistic merits, uuill tho lumil larity of tho scono seems to strike them, uud the ex clamation is hoard a hundred times during the day, "Why that's Crawford Notch, aud that Is the Old Man of tho Mountain," and the familiar boat lauding Is re called, ibo dllferoui trees eveu ore recognized, and the picture, though a lundscapo. is roully one ol the most attractive aud interesting in tho Exhibition. Near by is an "Interior ol an AmoricanSmoking Gar." with dlifer ent types of Americans enjoying their tobacco in tho styles ^uitod to their individual tastes. 1'ue artist Fred James?has, howovor, overlooked one class, lor there Is not a singlo representative of the American gentleman, with his air of mingled diguity aud gcmul democracy, In the group. "Coriuno" is by Mua K J. Gardner, an Araoricaii artist, who is a great favorite | among the Parisians; a portrait by Miss Anna M. Lea, a j Coung Pbiluduiphtau, who alter u few years ol study iu | oudon has produced some powerful work, uud a j "View ou the Wiusaluckon," by \V. T. Richards, occupy > places on the same side. There, too, are several pie- j lures which helped to make tho tamo of | somo of the older artists?"The Uuu | Foundry" of John F Woir, "The liuago Uruaker," I by Leutze; T. W. Wood's "Village Post Office." j Huntington's "Bowing the Word," Eastman J trim - j son's "Old Stage Coach," Henry Peters Or ay's "Apple i ol Disoord," Wluslow Homer's "Soup tho Whip" una a j scene from "Kanilwortb," by ltoiburmel. An autumn j scene by McKuten is near, aud turtlier on we hava ' Nan lord K. Gilford's beautiful views?one oi Constan tinople aud Ibo otber of a group of fishing bouts, wuti { tlieir gayly painted sails, neur Venice. Ol the works ; by the rising school of artlnts ihore is a little domestic i scene by Will Chuiupuey, a young artist u<>w living ; abroad. A group of children are blowing soap bubbles, ' ana "Don't Touch," addrossed to one of tho youngest trying to grasp a bubble, is llio title. "Tlie Flower ! ol tbo Haruin" ?? the least conspicuous of I several lu this room, by F. A. I'ridgtuan, an j American artist who has lived several yeurs in I'aris. j "Eiainc," by Toby K. Rosenthal, a young Calliormau ! studying lu Munich, represents fenny-one lovely I heroine in her eternal rest, Healing in her gondola j decked with [lowers, and steered by her dumb alien- ' dant toward the dwelling of Sir Iaiuucelot, according to | her dying wish. On tho same wall hangs George II. Story's "Young Mother" uud "Echoes ol tbo Sea." pic tures iu which all the color is concentrated in the ex quisite flesh tint*, and "Tho Kud Ol ilic Game," which gave J. U. Irving his position as a leader among our Uguru painters, is near these. A "Scene on the Au Sable," by Krusotnau Van Elton; a landscape, by shut luck. and one by Suydam are a few ol the uiout prom inent en this side of the priuctpal room ol Amcrlcuu pictures. THE COURTS. POLICE COUKT NOTEa Officer Wilson, ol tbo Fourteenth precinct, arrested eight uuloriuuate women In Hester and Kluaboth j streets on Saturday night. Among the uuuioer was , Delia Smith, formerly tho mistress of John Dolan, who j was hangod lor tho murder of Mr. Noe. She was sen tencod to ten days' Imprisonment. While Luther F.. Hall was on an excursion to Pleat-- 1 ant Valley sn abandoned woman struck him in tho > lace, snd during tbo milte which followed his gold watch was stolen by George BP.'wart, of No. 836 iVnth i avenue, who whs hi rested veau-iduy morning by Delve - live Kennedy, ol the Central miice, and on being taken before Justice Dully, at tbo Washington Place Court yesterday morning, he was hold for trial in delault ol fl.OUU hull. At the Essex Murkot Police Court yesterday Henry Rnhd, Of N'o. 105 Stanton street. Was held for trial lor attempting to steal $8 Irom hlieu Dana, ol No. >4 Third avenue, whilo she was standing alitor door on Satur day evening. COUltT CALENDA1W ?THIS DAY. ScriiKMi Court? Charukrh? Held by Judpe Dono. hue.?Court opoui? at ten o'clock A. M. lot oxparlo l.u-lue?. The third Monday motion calendar will u? called at eleven o'clock A. M. siirkrk Court?Ck.hcral Tkkm.?Adjourned until Thursday. July 0, 1878, lor the purou-e of reudcriug MHMtMM. SOi'RKR* Court?Spkcial Trrr?Held by Judge Lawrence.? Demurrer*?Noa. 10, 12, ia, Id. 17. in, 20, 23, 26. Law ,.nd l?ct?Sot. #7, .nil, SSC1, as7, 214,27", 370, 173, 174, .'.si, 34, 342, *00, 401, 230, 131,, 71, 10". 14b. 410, 421, 403. 4bU. 324. .siPKKtia Count?>.ikccit? Part I?Held by Judge ? Wie.tbrook.?No*. 1311, 284*, 2848. Ilia 1*31, 242, 114", 107. 1433 ? law, 1477. 1470. 1647. 1369, 2003, 076, li>2t?, 3072 6.1.1. 1427, 14"", 14"9. 1680. 1340, 1"47, 1*01. part 2?Held l?y Judge Van Voret.?Nkh dsn. Is24, 7 ni, i 24*4, .316, 872,2110, 1442, Ml, MM, 1011, 1436. 143., 187?. 1164, ia*12. 1028',. 770, '2046. Ian 3- Held by Judge Liiren.ore.?Case mi?No. 1740. No day calen dar. Soi'RHioR Court?Grkriial Tirx.?Adjourned tins dir. SCntHiOR Court?Sprual Tea*-Held by Judge Sodg ?> ick.? Case on ? No. 41. The (tilth V venue Hail r?. id company v?. The lillbert Lie va lea Hallway Com pany No day rRleti lar. OUPRMOH Cot'ar?1 rial 'Ikkr?I'art 1-Held by 1 Judge S lUlord. ? Nna l2"3, 106", itwj, 1176, 11'. 7. ll" i I 1034. 21*4. M0, 1024. 646. 1133, HIS. Ill *, lib" Put 2?Hold by Judge iSpoir. ?Nor. HlM, Ion... 608, 11*6, 1148, 047. 04", 1192; 064, 9611 till. 1163. UH6. 16. PMM, 1103, llos, 174a, 1203, 1204, 12d... 12 6, 1207, I2U", , 120V toRHos I'lkax?i.kmiKai. Triih? Adjourned twin Monday, Jon* 26, 1876, (or the purport. of rendering drciriiuir. C?RM<m 1'i.RA.a- KootTY TiU-HrM by Judge Van Hoceen.?t.'nie on?No 24. Son. 4, 28. 30. 27. l'.?, I, 6, 8. 2*. 34. 18. 20, 3, 2. 24, 6, 9, 21, 3. 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 28,14. Hrtnorrerr?Nor. 3, 2. 4 and 4. Hie cab ndar will not lie culR'l wlule S<. 24 I* on. Corrox Clear?Trial Term?Part 1?Helr^hy judge H'li..n-..u.?Nor. 1608, 2112, lttsu, 1"..7,, 207-', 18*0, 7 oil. J438, 2*62, 1843, 2140, l?74, 228L Part 2 Held by Judge I an lirtinl.?No- '2441. 2067, 1407, 218*. 2440, 1074, .'4-u. 23 .,' Pari 3?Mold by Judge J. y usiy.?Nor. 2620, 2->42, 2207. 1410, 2?>47, '212. 1404, 2441, 2627, 2408, 713. 1462, 2066, 1140. 2ll?, 2383, 2#Jf, 24"1, 2414, 2422. *438, *43t?, 1673. M Attest. COURT? ratal. I RUM ? Part 1? Held by lit go Aiker. in room No Id, old citv Hall.?Nna. 7074, 417.4. 4176, 4177, 3041, 4200, 3177, 7130 '2373, 77os, .unig, 1819. *487. 1014, *161. fan 2?HaM by Judge gfaen dun ia Supreme Court, General Terra room. ?Noa. 6534. 388(1, 7827, 8706, 5341. #410. 7757, 4114. 2589, 2M>'. T801, 3440, 4240. 8474, #31 2. Hart 3? Held _bv Judge Htuuott. al No. 27 Chambers *lf<e8 ?Nua 7630,4811, 7077, 707s, 783*, 0008, (1952, 6308, #701, 8927, 7945, 5214, 7443. 687*, T809. ' Court or (>sxkkal Sgssioxs?Part 1?Held by Ho. cor.ler Marketl. ?The People re. John Kulghl, bnm? c,ilo ? Same VI J oil II Kenan. liomicldo; Same va Henry M. Luke. lube pretences; Same vs Robert Crawford, rolitiery; Same vs. Frank Williams and ^ Ed ward O' Koele, grand larceny; Smno vs. Henry i-oe, grand larceny; Same vs. John Klynn, false pretence#: saiue vs. Edward Caaaldy, pent laroony. I'art 3?Held nv Judge t>ild<-raleove.?Tbo People vs Al re Fiig ^t-rald homicide; Same vs. Henry P. A-u.i, grand lar cent ? Same vs. Moses Strauabey and Salop???n ltoaen blat conspiracy, Sam" va Michael McKenna, oscapod prisoner- Same vs. Churlus J. Williamson, forgery; Simo va- Michael Herman and John Herman, forgery; Same va James Shaw, forgery; Same va Uarcol Itu. kill, burglary; Same vs John McCarthj^wnd jainel Powers, lalse pretences; Same va. Frederick Green, larceny ; -ame va John Schulix, petit larceny ; baran va Thomas Noble, assault and battery. SUPREME COURT CALENDAR. lieFFAi.o, June 18. 1878. 'I ho following Is the Supreme Court day cnl -at arfoi Monday, June 18:?Son. 9, 74,118. 119, 127, 129, 142. lbi 172, 1.81, 184, 1-8S, 192, 211, 212. ALABAMA < LAIMS. WasuivoTO*. June It, 187c. In the" Court of Cotnmia-doners o! loo Aiabami Claims yesterday the following Judgmonts w- re ren dered for loss ol personal effect* und wages by, the do* struct ion ot vuriou* vossoIb: ? Caso 1,441, Mary A. Peabody, administratrix, $706; cue 1.657, It. Elv, $371; case 1,814, W. Masou, $400; ease 1,559, l> I. Lambert. $214; caso 1.587, A. L. ni ton, aumiuiatrator, $100; case 1,505, Joseph Suvona, $420; case 1,750, Johu Fuller, administrator, $<li5; case 1 871, A. 1. Sibria, adiniuislrutor, $440. Interest is allowed III all ot the ubove caaes at font per cent from the dnp. of the loss. Several cases wore submitted on the tostiniony and oral argument of counsel, one ot llictn butug case 904, John U. Biuinaii, ot Pittsburg, Pa, vs. The l nilou states?Loss of personal effects by the destruction ol the Hattcras by the Alabama, January 11. 188a Iba Claimant was sailing master of the I uiled Slates ship Haltoras al tho Hum ol her destruction, and the case wad nnxucul bv tiottiTftl IkfDjmniD i1- Btitlor. He claimed 'it wus an udmltsible claim within tho language of section 11 or the act creating the court, which raakoa it tho duty ol tho Court to receive nnd exmnuie all claims admissible under this act that may he presented to il diroetlv resulting Irom damagea caused by tho so-calod Insurgent AJubuutu. John A. J. Creswell, lor the got " ernmout, claimed that the claimant. being hut an otU cer ol the I'tilted Stutoa wheu ho took upon himself the oillce contemplated ull tho dangers of naval warlara and dhi not look to the insurance ol bis government against them, and, Uieroloru, was not entitled M damagea # .. . MAllttlAGEG AND DEATHS. I MARRIED. Evaxs? Pickmax.? At All Angels' rlnireh, June 15, bv Uev. Benjamin Webb, G. Dalr Evas* Pi LsriikR PickmaX, grai.dJuilghler ot tho lute Kov. rhouiui *"|a'sk?Tu-irn. ?On Wednesday. Juno 14, at the Fourth Presbyterian clmrch, h.v the Kov. wllltam K Hall. ot Nowburg, ussistud by the ltev. Dr. Crosby, William T Llsk to Mathiloa Mvkk Tuoux, both ol ^Nkshit?Nohtu. ? On Wednesday, .luiid 14, by the Kov. Mr. Harris, Joux A. Nx-nir to Katk Souru, both ollhiscilv. No cards. Wkkxur?Misii ?In this city, on W dnesday June 14 by tne Rev. Dr. Jacobs, assisted hv Hie Rev. hngel. Jolts Wrusrk, ol Chicago, to Miss Kav .Muni, ot luia city. Chicag > and San Fraucisco papers pieuao copy. DIED. Anna ? On SaturUsy. June 17, Jorkpii W. Adr?, to the "3d year ul Ins age. Relatives and friends of the family are reapectruliy Invnod to attend the lunural, from his late rosidouoe, 300 West 24ih st., ou Tuesday, 20ih mat, ut halt-past two o'clock P. M. _ Ali.kx ? At Stamford, Coua, Juno la, Jjxatha* ?. Ali.kx, of New York city. Relatives and Irn-u-U uro invitoi to ation-l tho fu neral. from libs late residence. Stamford, on Mouduy, 19tti |nit., at twelve o'clock. Carnages will t>o in wait ing on arrival ot -he 10:10 A. M. train lrom Graud Cen depot; returning train at 1:43 P. M. luioruiont al Wooitlawu. , ? Allison.?June 18, Aliikrt, aged 5 months, son. or Thomas and Mary 0. Allison, ol this oltv Bkll. At Moil Haven, N. Y., ou Saturday morning, June 17 8. Fostkr Uki.l, Hi the 22.1 year of bis ago. Funeral from the residence of his parents, on Heuna .Ridge. Tuesday, the goih, at live 1'. M. Relatives and triemb-are rvsp. cilillly invited. , , , ftKKRlAN.? At Ktngsbrldge. June 18, of scarlet feter, Samcki. 1.. Ukkuian. Jr., in the 5tb year ol his age. Funeral lrom the resid-nce of his parents, al Klaa* brnlge. Tuesday. June 20, al hall-past two ?> clock I. H. Urowx.-?On Sunday, 18lb in*t., after a Imgonug ill* uc-s' Korrrt LL Urown, formerly of St. Johns, New Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, Irom his lulo residence, No. 1,001 Allantlo av., llrook ivn. at lour P. M., on Tuesday, 20th inst. nAVlleL Camkror.? At 54 Chrystie st., ou June 1(1, liaxixb Camkko*, aged 73 years, a native ol Perth, Scotland. Funeral look plucoou dundav, Juno 18. at two P. M. Dhakh.?At Hvo, N. V., Mil Thursday, Judo la, Mabt K., wife ot John J. Drako an-1 daughter of the late James Raymond. , Tlie Iuu.-ral services will bo held at A ooulawn Ceme tery on Moti-Uy, Juue 19, at cloven A. M. llarleni train leaves Forty-second street depot at 9:15 A. )L Evans.?"u the 18th mat., J""* Evaxs. iu hi* 77ttt 5<Friends of the tamily, also members of the Ancient Rrlton's Botiellt .'Society, are re.pectiully invited to at tend the luncral troni the residence of tils *ou-ln-l.iw, Mr. Martin II. Puuuo, 0118 WHIougbby av., Urooklyu, at three o'clock P. M., on Tuesday. 2otU. Kahikv ?Maiuiaklt, beloved wile of the Into Ttiomai Farley native of Ktllshoile, county Dorry, Irulsnd. The relative* and Irb nds of tho lamity nre respoov lullv invited to attend the funeral, lrom her late resi den'cc, 48 Moll *L, on Monday, Juuo 19, 1878, at two ' Flood.?At Summit, N. J.. June 17, Sisax, the be lovsil wire ol Edward Flood, and daughter of Joun 410 K- mia, of Dlronahinch, county Motiugh in, Ireland. Her luncral will meet car-mgei' at t'lirlstophor street torrv, at hall past one o'clock precisely, on Monday. Glsdiiilu?Dn 'June 17, Joax llkdhiu. , Relatives and friends nre respoctluliy invited to av lend the funeral, Irotn the Church ol '.he Holy Apostles, corner ol Wlh av. and 2Stb sk, on Monday, Juno 16, tt one o'clock. Ilaliiax (England) pap-Ts plnnso copy. Kimmkns On ^atur-Uy morning, Juno li, auiamiy, MI?S Raoiixl A. Kimrkxs. Relatives and Iricnd- are rcspecllully invited to at tend the funeral, from No. 11 Mutitgouury al., Juno 19, at two o'clock. . . , Loud, ou Sunday, Juno 18, Jarls Isird, a native ol OldcAlle, county Mealh, Ireland, aged #8 years. Relatives and irlenda are rcspvctlulry inritcd te attend Hit funeral, Irom his lalo residence, 1.145 2d uv on Tuesday, Juno 20 al hail pust one o'clock I. M. I vo>a Un Saturday. Juno 17. Dkxis Ltoxs, nativa of kenmare, county of Kerry, Ireland, In tho liOio year HI his age. , The friends of the family aro respectfully Invited to alielid Ibe luueral (thisi Monday, at two o'clock, P. a., from his late residence, No. 25 Vandewttor at. Mall art. Entered into rest, on Satur-ley, June 17, 1876, Janr C., wilo of Rev. Thouia* Mallaby, raclor of Calvarv church, Moi.ingiou, Conn. The relative* and friends ace invited to attend the funeral services, on Monday, U'tn iu*t.. at three P. M.. lrom No. 8 East Win St., New York city. Tho iutermonl wlb lake place M Newark, Ohio Mastkkh ?In Hrooklyn, Juno IT, JCI.JRT LiLLiAJf, iniani dnughier of Ho-eu C and Augustu* E. Masters, Jr.. aged dmonllis nud 4 duya. Funeral -ervico.-: will be held at the residence of her parents, No 4b# Chnion. corner L'nioo ?lrcet. on Monday, at hall past three o'clock P. M., alter which the remains will be taken to Romsclaer couuly for M " m 'vVi'lk ?i ?n Sunday even ng, Jun? 18, Anraao G. Matikr, only child <d Alexander and Grace A. la Mo* tier. Nutter of funeral hereafter. M vac*.?Suddenly, Juno IT, Fkkukkick Mtbck, formerly nl IHmiIii >rk. nyed da yoara. Funeral will lako placo lu iday, Juno 20, at lour P. M , Ironi nil iato residence, No. Ill 3d it., South Brook lyn McCahtht Moms.? Ailkbx, rrllct of (Barmaid Mc Carthy. Cark*, Kama are, Kerry. Ireland, in tho Mtb year ul her ago. Dece*-ed inn a descendant of the old honest and hospitable SUcCarthicK nod O'S'lUiVaa Mora. Will ba hur.od iruin Na 20 Kooaovult at, on Juno 19, M ona o'clock -h irp. I'uinov ?On Sunday, Juua is, K.dward Jamkh, only child ui J iRiira and Ki /.? J. t'riddy. I lie luneral will lake place uu Tucmlny, 20th Inst, at Imu o'eiock, trom the residence of hla parents, IM I-iFayctie av . Kctd av., Brooklyn. Ili a.-ill?At Newark, N. J . suddenly, on Saturday, the ITlli nt-t., \V n l.| tM II. ItraaKLu. Tito luneral Win bo attended from hi* late residence, 51 Mount I'leuKitnl av., Newark, on Tuesday, the 20tfe mat. si three P. M. Ki-IiiIivvh and irh nda of the lata liy are invited to no pre-ool. ? iii.ttiiHkviik. ?In Jor-uy City, on Friday. June Id, Kaum ar F. (knamuatirM, In the 2Vtli rear of hi* age, Kclatives Mini Irianda ol the utufiy are luvitoU to at tend ibe (, from the residence ei hi* lather in law, J. K. *(? mil. loo 3d at., lourih door above Bender miii at., Jer*e City, on Monday, ihe lj,n mil., at half pa*! I wo W l'llK k. .-an ii ?nn I'rul.iy, June 10, Jamkh .Smitii, native of F.dihhurvh, Scotland. f uneral will take place from bW late reiideacr. SIS Ollt ar at ball-part one o'clock P. M., Monday, June IV to the Cemetery ol the Kvargreena wr .ooKtrr?tin Saturday muriuos, June IT, IkTtt, Ml'* M lit WooDKtrr, iigcd "3 yearn. heiativei nnu irit- U* of tliu iMnnly are rrapectlully Invited to attend the funeral, Irmn her late roiidcne:. No 31S Weal 2'dh at., on Monday, the 10m Intl., at bell-peat one o'clock, without lurther notieet \\ HtuuT,?Juoe IT, ls;?, sax I* i. 1. M incur, la th? flat year of In* age. The remailo wnl lie token to Mount Kihco, JdmM lor miernieni, hy Initio I'Jd -t depot. Yvkuim.?tin tho id:h tutt, allera*hort Illness. -I v Yn.tis I'll I luiura. wdl akepl.i ? Irom hla late reslJadfte, i -'ift'J 5th ar . in thl* c.ty, on Monday, lath mat. at hall paat one o'clock 1'. M it.-mama wUl h Uracil wood lor latarmaat,