Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,547. NEW YORK. TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. l'RIUE FOUR CENTS. DlfiKCTOKY FOK AUVEKXI8EKS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.285 BROADWAT.? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. FOR RECEPTION OF /DVERT18BMENTR AND 8ALB OF PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?1st Paoe?6tb"col. ASTROLOGY-11th Pao??5th rol. BILLIARDS?I 1th Pack?Itli coL BOARDERS. WANTED?2d PaoK-2d And 34 rata. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2D Pagb?3d eol. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOK BALK?2d Paca-let coL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?9tii Page. HUSINl-88 NOTICES?7tu PACE-Sth ooL CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS-Iat Paok-0?Ii eoL CITY REAL ESTATE FOR MALE-2d Pagb-IcI eoL CLERKS AND SALBSMEN-IItb PAGB-6ih eol. CLOTHING?Utm Page?5th cel. COACHMEN AND GARDENKRS-lln PA0E-8theeL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?'2D Pack?5th col. COPAKTNER8UIP*-?ni Pack. COUNTRY HOARD?2d PACK-3d lid 4th coll. DBNTISTUY-IIth PAGK-4lhcol. ? _ . DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHRD?20 Page-1st eol. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?2d Page?4th Bad Nth coU. EUROPE?2d Page?8th col. EXCURSIONS?2d Pake?6th eol. FINANCIAL?I?th Pauk. FINE ARTS?11m PAGK-Stheol. FOR BALI?1st Pack?Nth eol. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2d Pack??.'d col. FURNITURE?I 1th Pack?4th eol. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?12?* Pace?8th eOL HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12TII Pack?8th eol. HELP WANTED?MALES?11th Pace?8th col. HORSES. CARRIAGES. SC.?lar Page?24, 3d, 4th End Nth eoL. HOTKLS?2n Page?3d eol. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTED?24 PAGE?2d eol. INSTRUCTION?1st PAGK-6th eol. LOST AND FOUND?1st PAOK-Ut eol. MARBLE MANTELS?1st PacK-ftth ooL MEDICAL?2d pAGE-ttthcoL MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING-lsr PAOE-dth coL S MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOth Pace. MISCP.LLAKfcOUS-llTH Page?4th eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS-7th Pace. NEWSPAPERS?1 Ith Pack?5th col. PERSONAL?1st PAOK-Ut col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?Iet Page?5th col. POST OFFICE NOTICE-1st Paca-ftth coL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALB8? I2th Page?6th eol. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR RALE OR TO RENT?2d Page?1st col. BEAT. ESTATE TO KXCHaNOE?2n Page?1st OoL RELIGIOUS NOTICES-Ist Pack?1st coL i K8TAU RANTS? 11 th Page?4tb eol. REWARDS?1st Pack?1st eol. RALES AT AUCTION-11th PAGK-ftth col. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES-12tn Page?1st, 3d, 3d, 4th, Ath nnd Rtb cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12th PAGE-6tU eoL SPECIAL NOTICES-Ist PauE-lst And 2d cols 6PORTINO?POOR. BIRDS, AC.?1st Paua-2d col. RUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack?4th cel. THE TB.VDHS-IIth Pact??lh coL THK TURF-1ST Pagk?2d eol. TO LKT FOR BCSINESS l'CltP0SKS-2p Page?1st eol. TRAVRLLKRS' UUII?F,-2n Pack?5th sad 8th cols. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2n Page?2d col. WATCHIJS, JEWKLRY.AC.?lira 1'AGE-eth col WB8TCH KSTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET?2j> Pack?1st col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.-lOra Page. PlRIGIIAL. SLLlfc-iV'fOU^WiSH TO" SEE SUffl^f iffcR. RE turn at once; telegraph Immediately. "ROY." A 8YLUM.?MET-WITH HErToUS ACCIDENT: AM jCa getting better: will write this week. DENCE. ES. R.?WILL PLEASE SEND "MESSENGER" TO ? "Herald Uptown Rraneh office." nnd get note Await ing him from an old frleud lately arrived In town. A. 8. S. MAftY FK8T. FROM RAN ANTONIO. TEXA8-Y0U will relieve your anxloua parents by sending yonr address or ealllng at 38 Beach at.. New York. Youf Father, SIMON FKST. MAREL-1 WOULD LIKE TO REE YOU AND YOUR Irlenda at 8 o'clock this evening at the place where I sew yon last. PIIYRNK? YOUR NOTE RECEIVED TOO LATE. Pleaae write again, same addros, appointing Inter view. TIVERTON. BIMOUSKE.-WILL W. F. R. SEND ADDRESS OR letter to K. N. Y., Herald office. Philadelphia. GUY RODDICK DOW. *<miP"-OOME HOME: MOTHER IS tUL. TELE 1 graph address. All is forgiven. No one knows. mOPSEY. MEET MB AT BROOKLYN SIDE. FERRY J. ^ nearest ray office, on Wednesday, 1 P. M.; Important. This evening, "48," "V kin? o'clock. MITCHELL. Will n. d. marie Petersen, who was in no penhagen winter of 1674-3, planes send her present address to the friend who assisted her f WILL CALL TO-MORROW AFTERNOON SOME, time after twn. SWEETHEART. 3" D AV. CAlt, MONDAY, 1(T A. M.?WILL YOUNG lady who returned gentleman'* salutation after tie had left ear please address ADOLPIIE. Herald nffioe J 9' TH BT.-WHY DON'T YOU KKrfP TOUR PROMISE of writingf Shall I wait? Address ROSE BUI), boa II* Herald oMee. Z RKLIOIOUR NOTICE!^ wmvmncnm j r~ JL aeth st, Wast, and near Oth ae. (Oreen eats onMlrfr-fourth street line past the tent.) SECOND WEEK OK SERVICES. Leetnre on "Yonng Men of the Bible," by Ker. STEPHEN H. TYNO. Jr., every erenin? (except Saturday) at S e'etoes. Topic for Tuesday?"Joseph." Tuple fur Wednesday?^".Moses." Tuple for Thursday?"John the Baptist."* Topic for Friday?"The Young Ruler." After meetings, at ft o'clock every earning, trill be eon* ducted by Rer. W. HUMPSToNE. SATCKDAY, r P. M.-*mln ? of Christian Worker*, to be led by Uncle JOHN VAfSAR. Singing erery ereniag by THEODORE E. PERKINS and p chorus. NOONDAY PRAYER MEETING prenr day for one hear under the direction of Mr. ALEXANDER LYLE. Seats free to ell. Helpers wanted, as ushers, workers and singers. Address I. P. WILLIAMS, No. 46 East 43d st. Contributions to the support of these services may be sent to EDWARD L OWEN. Treasurer. ? No. 4ft East 43d st.. or No. 71 Wall it. Lost atTl? ruiiHD. t"6?fC5CLARGE EhYELOPE. C()NTaIN|So~PK6m' 1J issory Notes. Ac., for about *3.0X1. address P. 0. Cal bonn. President Fourth Nations. Bank, New York. .Nego tiation of the paper has been stopped The finder will r.*. reive a snitnble reward by letnrning to WM. 1IADDEN, room 3d. 14) Broadway. OST-ON WEST SIDE BOULEVARD^ BETWEEN 73d and 09th sta, on Monday afternoon, a brown spring Overcoat. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving It it 331) 3th a v.. after 0 o'clock P. M. OST OR ST))LKN-TUKSIIAY._JUNE IS, FROM Bergen Point, 17 foot Whitehall Boat, white ontsida and brown gunwale, yellow thorps, green bottom ; branded "J. D. Philips, Port Richmond. S. I." A liberal reward will be paid for returning the emtio to O. W, CUNNINGHAM, Bergen Point, N. J. . life W AH1)?. " > C KEWARD.?LOST, AT jl5Rf)Ml{>AllTC. OX HAT ? J nrdny. on the way back, or left In a carriage, a silk mbrella. The above reward will be paid, together with the thaeka of the owner on Its delirery at 80 West at., np stairs. AllSn REWARD.?LOST, JUKI 20 GOLD, RDfa) IN euln Certificates and the halanco in Coin, either In the rotunda of the Ca-t?m Honse or going Iroin there to No. 4S Exchange place, 'the above reward will lie paid for lie return to ALEXANDER MUKI'HY A CO , 48 Exchange place. _ I "SFEcuL N(FI'Tce?. ! ?A A.? DISEASES OF MEN. ho Importance of the healthiness of the oervnna (system cannot be overestimated; Its power oter life and death and the direct hearing which it has on human happiness taenia to be recognised; its capabilities. Its t|naltties ami its powers; the importance oflt* liealthfnl preservation. Its moderate nsra, the danger of overtaxing it, whether through thought, study, or intense application la mental Inre,ligation and research; whether by iho absorbing attention necessary to the conduct of compli cated and momentous business intricate, or by the exces sive indulgence of tlte appetites nml propensities of the svslrni All these are proper subjects lor consideration, as also the knowledge of what la moderation, what is exerts, and when these exist the absolute necessity of promptly seeking adrlre tmm an expert who, lor a long series of rears, has devoted hlswhole tune mid attention to the studv, Investigation and treatment of all the maladies of this im portant department, to accurately determine the diseased rmiditions, tliclr nstnre. causes snd origtn. a heihrr arising flrom the want of exercise, its irregularity or excess, and who. irom Ills experience and practice, lias learned to discover st ?nee the derangement and as promptly apply tho remedy, tbns avoiding the pal it fully slow leelltig alter the truth, so common to the Inexperienced snd so annoying In the pa tlent. who, vi-v naturally, wants to know without d<-lar ?hat Is the matter, the extent ot the derangement, the probabilities of recuperation and the time retired. A striking example of the value of experience and praetl Cal observation, as well as III# usefulness of the prompt ap plivHilon of snitahlo lemediea. Is found In the important statement, coming, not from one. but a dosen pnldlc institu tion,. not only at liotno but abroad, that a very large propor tion ol those who sufTcr from menial disturbance and ahse late Insanity permanently recover, who sre nlaeM inthr treatment within a year alter the first symptoms have mani fested themselves. II the intellectual department of ttig brain tia, become ex hausted by Intense mental application, depriving it "f the Kwer ol connected thought. It csn only recover Itssuength j being properly ted and nourished by the use of oertaio ! systematic method,. It is precisely to in every other de partment, whether of a|itsMt.IMMdty at purtmi, twk ? reottlrlng a different remedy for Its recuperation anil diferrnt Means for bringing them up from their overworked ano ex* ! lianated conditions. The importance of lb;- orsneb of merit, cat practice can ,earrel> be overrated, lor it rea? I p? even to the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary ; titles snd the retention ,.f e?isie? in the same family. From a lung and Urge experience In this direction I hav* been shir toeommand bv inv success ihe ihankln! apprerl- i stlon ol ,nmc n' the first lamllir* In the city sod nation . and j 1 certainlv rsn cammntilrate mam io rnltlvatcd minds In connection with my practical experience in what pertains to ' the oror exerclse of even depanm?nl of the nervous system ?no lilt- means of in-overlng tbetr powers, whether of brain, ?p|i*lin propensity or pat-ion. si our*, f t# 3. AHEisULaK .u;i.S 11 -L) Mr.Ell Vfl f)F m.* timid wi I bo he'd ? cyspiing ?i to'cbse*. at I. e.?t H i at T. K ? MlTTKt \Y I I. A -IP A At; IJ. UOVUK. 367 BHUADWaY. LaWYEK. ? Dlvoreee obtained promptly, w ithou! publicity ; deser tion. Inrompatlbltlty. haldtnai drunkenness, infidelity, in ?MUM treatment, conviction of felony. Fas*ports obtained. HPKCIAJL. SOTlCEI> A WfeTHrT6Sf' carpenters or K*w'~tfelft?-iT& A (Centennial CdtlmilM.) 1876. Employing and Journeymen carpenter*. etair builders, sasb makers and fmmen >ra r?quni?4 to atteud a meeting. At roum 21, Cooper Institute, ou Tuesday evening. Jane 20. 1H76. St 8 o'clock. for the purpose of making -mls'ii* arrangements on b*hnlf ul ibe trade* for a nartlri panon In (he gre.n Centrn tcnntal procession end celebration in tills >'1(7 on Ihe .'id and 4tb of JulT. HAVtLAII M SMITH, D. HEXNKSKY, JOHN M. VOORHIB. CHAKLE* WBIWiOOK. _A _ALL pgfzfcg CASHED IN GOLD AT TIlIS . office. Third UmUinns gold distribution. New Orleans, .Inly 20, 187ft. Cupiini prixe $|(M),<mi gold!'. 3,580 emouuliug lo $502,500. 20.0 (J iickrii #50 currency. Conpone in proportion. Apply for information Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., brokers. 317 Broadway. Post office bos lUU6. -ROTAL HAVANA LOTTERY, ~~~ ? Next drawing June 30. 1 Prim of Spanish dollars . $100,0'0 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 5O?0pG 3 Prises of each, Spanish dollars 35,000 and UBS other prims. German Gorernment Lotteries Pull explnnatorv circulars free. THEODORE EBOHOOH. Pest office box MM. 1 lri N'asaan at.. Now York. Z$30q,000 IN PRina-WROLB TICKETS. $10. . Every other TICKET DRAWS a prise. 75.430 PRIZES, PROM P5O.0C0 to #100. KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. draws Saturday, june 24. i?7B. Prises PAID IN PULL AFTER TliF. DRAWING. PARKS. EMERSON A CO., BANKFRS^IM) BROADWAY. POST OKE1CK BOX 5.273. A "GAIN A GAIN. CI.eolation ..f the RYBNING TELEGRAM for the week ending June 17. 18711. ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Monday, June 13 34.350 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Tueeday, Jane 13 .....35,300 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINK. Wednesday. June 14 37.8.M) ADVERTISISG 20C. A LINK. Thursday, June 15 ; 39,450 AD.I'.RTIKINtl 200. A LINK. Friday. Jnn# til 49,100 ADVERTISING 200. A LINE. Bntnrdoy, June 17 34,350 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. ADVERTISING KIR. A LINE. Total 330,800 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Dally areraye. 38,334 Parties cuing out of the I-Iiy should subscribe for TIIK EVENING TELEGRAM. . 50c. per month, #6 a year; postage prepaid. -KENT U 0 K V ST A TE LOTTE 111 ES OK J. 8. SMITH A CO. KuirrtJCKv ? xmu Cb*ai 407. ron I87d. 45, 2, .S, 70. K. 1. 42. 7. 20, IS, 10, \ aa.xTPcaT?class 408. run 1S7H. 2, 51, 0. 45, 6, 43, 37. 02. 7S. 17, 38, 58. All orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Pott office box 4,870 New York c4ty. DISEASES OF MEN A SPKcfALTY. " HENRY A DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington nr.. aear29thit. Office hunra Irom 8 lo 3. Divorces" leually~and quietly obtained for incompatibility. Ac.: residence unnecessary: fee after decree. A. GOODRICH, Post office bog 1,037, Chicago. D' '?() FFIOIAL DRAW I SOS K KNTlTcKY state"LOT . terlss.-SIMMONS A DICKINSON. Manager*. gKNTuexv. axTa* no. 38i<?ecus It), 1878. 44. 42. 38. 4, 74, 8. 21. 72. 50. 2. 10, 67. ggNTUcxr. ct.Ag* no. 390?joke 19. 187ft. 54, 19, 31, 17. 56. 2, 25, 57, 41, !). 28, 11. 12,4. nXXXT, KXTKA CLASS 80. 280?JtmX 19, 18711. 9. 72. 73, 08, 47, 17, 63, 54. 74. 57, 10, 58. Bitwar. n.A** xo. 290-juxk 19, 187a 81, 33, 46. 45, 75, 32, 54, 44, 2. 35. 28, 72, 50. Ift. Cull information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO., 200 Broadway, room ?, rear office. -JBOO.OOOT?SIMMONS 4 DICKINSON'S SINGLE . number Keu tacky State distribution, to be drawn oa Saturday, June 24, 1876; $300,000lo be distributed; 25,430 Srises and only 00,000 tickets: every' other ticket a prise, ow D your lime to Invest. I'ritea payable In full; Whole Tickets, $10; Halves, $5; Quarter*. $2 50. The next Royal Havana will be drawn on Tuesday, June 20, 1876. Send In your orders to J, CLUTE, Hanker, NO. 200 Broadway, rooia 0, rear office. HTvANA HOTTER Y.-X EXT DRAWING, JUNK 20j 4O.01X) tickets; $600,000 In prnes. Address B. MAR TINEZ A CO., Bankers, 10 Wall at., basement; Post office box 4.682 New York. Spanish gold and Havana bauk bllli bought and sold; drafts on Havana tuned, INCONSTANCY IN MAN DI8COVKRKD AT I ?lance.?Indisputable. Address J. A. 8.. 10 Oxford St.. Boston, Mass. -CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: 1MPROVED i method (Instantaneous relief; permsncnt cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14thst. Kentucky htatk single" number urand Distribution, draws Saturday, June 24. $300.(MX) distributed. One prixe guaranteed to everr two tickets purchased. Whole tickets, $10: halves, $5; onarters, $2 50. Prises cashed in full at this office. Benil In your orders at once lu JACKSON A CO., Rankers. 2U2 Broadway, New York. N~ KW YORK HISTORIC A L 8O0IKTY?A SPECIAL meeting will be held at the Library on Tuesday even tvin, June 2ii. at 8 o'clock. Paper by E. K. O'CALLAGMAN, Lu D.. on "The Beginning* of the New York Bar." K NERVOUS EXIIAUHTIOX-A.MKIHCAI, ESSAY COM prising a series of lactam delivered at Ktbi'i Mu mm ?f Antiwar, New Ynrk. on lha cmm tad care r.f premature deollne. showing indisputably how lost health may ho regained. H(fording a clear aynopsls of ihe Impedi ments to marriage and tbc treatment o( nerroua and uhyal cal debility, being the recall of 20 years' experience. Price. 25 cents. Addieas the anther; Dr. L. J. JCjUIN. afijee and residence NT P.aet 10?h el. New Yorki Notice.?J. howakd kkvili.e is no in onr employ. STUART PETERSON A CO.. Broad and Noble ate,, Philadelphia. EOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.-jeoo.nno WILL BR drawn on June 20. Prlae* cached; ordera filled; infor matlon turniahed; highest rate* paid for Spanish bills, gov eromeola. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers; No. 11 Wall at.. New York. $300,000.-. ? A fortune for HQ. Kentncky State Distribution Drawn, Saturday. June M, fi grand Cotb Prizea of $30,000 each. Inrjt other ticket a prlae. 21,110 prison, from $'JO,uOO to $100. Payable In tall, without dadnrttoe TIakets, $10; Ilaluea. ft; Quarters, S3 (Ml THOMAS H. HATS A CO.. H97 Broadway; ~ BPORTIBi (J?DOGI. BIRDS, At. " TEAR OLD POINTER PUP WANTKD-POR$l7) Address P. J., box 102 Herald offire.. Good setter doo and oun wanted-will give l'Jti acres goo<l Land adjoining Blooming (trove I'ark, title clean. Apply to U. WKt'TBROOK, Mil ford. Pike county. Pa. POOLS SOLD AT NEW YORK TURP EXCHANGE this afternoon on Hartford rs. Louisville, at Louisville; Ronton vs. Clnrinnatl, at Cincinnati; Chicago vs. Mntusls, at Cblosgo; Athlella vs. St. Lduls, at St. Ixinis. SKIBKRT A MoCLOUD. gPORTIXO OPPICE, 8 WEST 28TH ST. j Mutual combination made on the following four Baae Ball mulches to-day (close at t P. M.) At Chicago. | At Sc Louis. | At Cincinnati. I At Louisville. 1. Mutual. I. St. l.ouis. I 1. Beaton, I. Ilarttord. 2. Chicugo. I 2. Athletics. | X Cincinnati. | 2. Louisville. French Pools on the autr.e; also Auction Pools (Bakar. auctioneer). All orders promptly attended to. fi I BARD A CO. A TttK fVU rr~wu*r ?mii mmw J\ Tuesday June lit. at :l P. M . March. $20tl.?A. K. Bur nett's br. m. [Jills; P. Mahee'a b. m. Vermont Maid. Ad missing, Mm. Stages from earn to Park. C. BIUIsSALL. Manatrnr. Auction and French pools sold day and evening at New Ynrk Turf Exchange. 15 West 28th at. nn the Pnugbkeepsle trots; prompt attention given ordera by mall or messenger. KELLY. HI.ISS A CO. A ITCTTON AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN A SON'S Room*, corner Broadway and 28th at., this af ternoon and sterling, on the trotting at POUliHKKKl'slK. Each heat treelvod by telecraph Particular attenllun given ordeia by niall, telegraph or messenger. T H. JOHNSON. CNKNTKKVILt.B COUKME.-T IKSDAY, JUNK 2ft. J match $H/I a aide. J Concklltt's h. IT.. Lovely 11., ('. II. Denton a cli. g. Alpha Hood day and track H P. M. horses called. Admission $0 cents. lslRKNCII POOLS SOLD THIS DAY AT JOHNSON'S 1? Pitol Room, e irtter uf Hroadwar and 2e-th St.. en the Trotting .fares at Pnugbkeepsle: also on liase llall liamee? Mutual vs. Chicago st. Lduls vs. Athletics. Huston v>. Cin cinnati, Hurl lord vs. Louisville. Pools 'rinse at 4 P M, Particular attention pald'ln all ordera bv mail or messenger. Tickets $5 and $HeOcVi. RAND A Dt POST, Managers. HORSES, CARBUOEk. NC. AT AUCTION. ON TUESDAY. ~ **" JUNK '.si v r 10 O'CLO.K, SHARP. AT FIR8f DOUR HAST OF UNIVERSITY PI.ACE, IN I'.'TII ST.. A BANKRUPT OF IIKIB BI5ED FAST TROriTNO HORSES. FINK CaRKIAOES. HARNESS. At;.. AC., THE PROPERTY OF A PRIVATE GEN I'LEtl AN, ALL OF WHICH MUST It it SOLD TO lllltllF.8T BIDDER BY W. It NKL.MlN. AUCTIONEER. OFFICE I.H EAST 17X11 ST. THE SALE OF ALI.*KINDS uf GOODS PROMPTLY ATTENDED fO. t -MAJOR CIIARLI.A W. BARKER'S ,/Vs GREAT regular II OR HE aiol Carriage sale, TOMORROW (Wednesday1 to-morrow, AT ELEVEN o'clock, AT BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION Marl and New Ynrk Taiteraall's, CORNER Bread way and 28th St. SRF. des-;rtp:Ions in t.-morrow's Herald. ADYERTIsHI) entries bir abuse rlnae et 4 P. M. sharp to day. 4 PONY PIIaRTUN. SIDE BAR BUGGY $175; SKV 1\ rrul second hand Carriage* taken In exchange, at her rants, i.andau, Landanleta, Depot Wagons. HAM'S. tCai Broadway. A-r'Olt BALK, IN YOUNO IIOftdKB JUST FROM , Indiana, suitable lor ail purposes. tni|u re at 122 Norfolk st t VERY FINK IMPORTED IRISH COB PONY, 7 A years old. IS to 14 hands high ; used to saddle and Iter nasa; suitable tor Polo." <ook prise furlenping at the Dale lit: Horse Show. warraated hi every way. Also very stylish lady'sPliaeton aria ll.iin.--s. by best Dublin makers. Ap pit to Til I iM A.- FOKNYTII, 144 West kmli at. VCITT BUII.T SIDE BAR TOP IVAOON AM) IIAK ar-s. gvod is nets, vary cheap. .'|i> hast bOtk st. Ipllt TO MR BOLD*\T Pub Lie AUCtlON, AT the Public Pcund, ou -' hi Inst.. S3d st.. near 2d av. fANOt ?1LK~WA00N FOil SAl.l aV 15 lit as., between -401k and 41s? eta A A I HOKSKS, CAURI iOK*. <SC. 'rvmss House hk van tassell * kkarn!V JX 110 AM) IIJ K.AST i:<TIl ST., XKAR 4T1I AV. REGULAR RALES OK HOKSKS AND CARRIAGES, EVERY TUESDAY AND EH I DAY. On rrerr b<?n?e thai in wnrraiitH n< un?l or kind and Irne in harn?Mt from ono to three dart it girea to test war rantee*. CATALOGUE OK THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENT?TEAM BAY H0RSE8, 16 hands hlirti, 7 ar.d rl years old; kind mod true in all Irre from vlre: prompt and stylish driver*; m Rood travellers, (ear nothing; have boon used by a pri vate lamlly, and are 'Old only on account of tlielr go ing abroad; are in arery way aafa and reliable, and warranted sound. SILVi-.K MOUNTED DOUBLE HARNESS, GOOD AS new. made by Campbell. ELEGANT LANDAU, IN PERFECT ORDER, BUILT by Wood tiroa. BAY TROTTING OF.I.DINO ROYAL CEORGK. OOT BY Kovai George ; dam by Hyskyk'slHamhletouiiui: la l.?S liamla UirIi. H years old"; kind and true in all liar neaa: Iree from vice; a superior roadster; trntt*.| In private laat year In AS3t* and ran trot In 4*1 say time; has Rreat endurance, and with a littla handling will make a valuable trark boras'. Set flne Track Harness and TOP ROAD WAGON. CITY BUILT. ELEGANT PRIVaTJI TURNOUT, TEAM BAY DORSES; i.">\ hands tilRli, 7 and S years u'di kind and into In allnarnaas: free from ti-e "; have extra flne style and actinu; are superior roadsters; trot close to thren min utes toRetber; ate Una tingle drivers; suitable lor road or carriage driving, and warranted sound. RET GOLD MOUNTED BARN ESS AND LANDAULBT IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY BREW, star A Co., of Broome at. DOO CART TURNOUT?BAY HORSE. 16 HANDS high, H years old; kind and true In nil harness; free Irom vice; has line stylo and action; fears nothing; an extra flue dog cart or coupe horse and warranted sound. Set tandem I)eg Cart Harness and T.tO-WHKKLKD DOG CAitT IN GOOD ORDER, built by Wood Brothers. PONY TURNOUT?BAY CONY. 14VJ HANDS HIGH, S years old; kind and true in all harness; Iree Irom vice; extra line under saddle ; has been used by a lady and is perfectly safe for a lady to ride or drive, and Is warranted sound; also art Harness anil TOP PONY I'll Ar.TON, NEARLY NEW. TEAM BAY HORSES, 10 HANDS HIGH, B AND ? years old; kind and true In all harness; free from vies; good travellers; free and pleasant drivers and a first class team for carrlaRO driving or business use. Double Harness in good order. CLARKNCK, BUILT BY WOOD BROTHERS. BAY Mark, 15V HANDS HIGH. S YEARS OLD; KIND and troe In all harness; freo from vice: very stylish : a fast traveller; fears nothing; can be driven by any one, and sold only lor want of use. Also set Harness and TOP WAGON. BUILT BY BREWSTER A CO., OK Hroomo sr. ELEGANT IIaY PONY. 46 INCHES HIGH, 7 YEARS old; kind and true in all harness; extra fine under saddle; free from vice; splendid pony lor ehlldreu to ride or drive, and warranted sound. Also Ssddlo and Mrlrlle. POUR-SEaT PONY PHAETON. WITH RUMBLE. BAY GELDING. GOT BY ETHAN ALLEN. DAM BY Abdalluh, Is 15SJ hands high, 6 years old; kind and true In all harness: tree Irom vice; pvtro galtrd; an easy and prompt driror; does not shy or pull; sale lor a lady to drive, and warranted sound; also set Harness and TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW. SORRI L HORSE, ?&V HANDS II 1(4II, 0 YEARS OLD; kind and true In all harness; free from vice; a good all day traveller : has been driven by a lady tlie past year; Is safe and rellahlo, and warranted sound. BASKET PHAETON, WITH BUMBLE SKAT. BAY HORSE, 15>? HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD; kind nml true in all harness: tree from vice; n prompt and pleasant driver; a tree traveller and an excellent horse for general nse; also sat Harness and TOP WAGON. NEARLY NEW. SEVERAL OTIlKK WORK. ROAD AND FAMILY Horses, descriptions time of sale. IAK1UES WAGON KIT. CARRIES EIGHT PASSENGERS. EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. NKAKLY NEW. BAROUCHE, IN OOOD ORDER, BY WOOD BROS ; doctor's top Wagon, Jnmp seat Wagon, Knckaway, top and no top Road Wagons, ladles' and gentleman's Sad dles and Bridles, Ac . Ac. SALE COMMENCES AT lo O'CLOCK. A UCTION HOUSE OK ARCH. JOHNSON. A IK. 31, 26 and all lllth St., uoar University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ABB HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY'AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RE LIABLE HOUSE IN T11K CITY. THIS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. Elegant team of chestnut carriage Horses, I.V4 hands high, 0 and H years old; kind and true In all harness; both excellent tingle; very stylish and rapid trav ellers; perfectly gentle but spirited and tree; lull manes and tails; one can trot a mile ill 3:111 single; they have been only used for private driving und hare been made domestic pets; sold on account of the owner going abroad, and warranted sound. TEAM FINK BAY CARRIAGE HOUSES, HI hands high, 7 and H years old, kind In all harness, tree from vice; flne, free, showy, stylt?h drivers; not alraid of a locomotive or anything else; are nicely matched In sine and color; do not r.hy or pull; are an excellent team for any use, and are warranted ?ou ml. SET DOUBLE IIA UN ESS, by Wood Gibson. Kl'Lli CLARENCE, In good order, by J. B. Brewster * Co. AX ELKO A NT BLACK COLT, 15* hands. 3 years old, Mtd in all harness, tree from vice; eaa trot In 2 |M I and baa never been trained for ?pentl: la n handsome, Iroe, alyliah driver; not afraid of any thing ; can bo driven by anv one; an excellent borne for road, bnalneaa or lamily use; wurrnuted sound. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, built to order by Frank Ashe. TOP PONY PHAETON, In'good order, by McNally BAY TRUCK TRAM (and extra bone), horse and mare, 10 bands, K and 0 years old, kind in all harness, free from vice: are pood, fast walkers; net afraid of anytblnp; have been used by present owner for past two years' are an excellent team (or any use. and drat class tuaineas truck team; warranted sound. DOUBLE TRUCK, In pood order. Set Harness, Ac. SINGLE TRUCK and set Harriers. BROWN MARK. 15k hands. 7 years old; kind In sll harness; free from vice; a pood traveller; of pre at endurance; Is not afrsbl of a locnmntlre or anv thine else. a- lady ran drive her; has been used its a family horse : warranted sound. TOP PONY PHAKTOK, set Harness, Ac ELEGANT COUPE, but little used, by Minor A Stevens. WHITE TROTTING HORSE. 15 hands hlpb. U years old; kind In all harness; free (four rice; an excel lent roadster; can trot in 3 minutes; Is not afraid of a locomotive or anythlnp else; aafa for any one to drive; an excellent horse for any use; warranted sonnd ROAD ? AGON, In rood order, by Dally, SET SINGLE ll AKNKSS. made to order. years old; kind In all har ness and nnder saddle ; a pood, fust traveller; baa | been used to a butcher's wairun; Is not alraid of a locomotive or anythlnp else; la every way a pood, reliable horse for any use ; warranted sound. CONCORD ROCK A WAV. Ill pood order. ELEGANT PARK PIIRATON. by J. It. Lawrence. BROWN HORSE. 1(1 bunds, n years old ; kind In all har ness; free from vice; su excellent horse for any nse; warranted sound CLARENCE, by Brewster. ELEGANT COUPE. GLASS FROST COACH. ROAD WAGON. Brewster. TWO ENGLISH SADDLES. SIX SEAT PHAETON. EX. ToP PARK PIIAKTON. TWO CANOPY PHAETONS. Very llp'it I'ARK WAGON. ENGLISH SIDE SADDLE. TW ENTY ONE OTHER HORSES, description time of sale. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of new and second band Car riages, Wapons and Harness, Ac., of every description, this day, at ARCH. JOII ,\HTON'B Mart, I# to 25 I nth at., near Unl versity place. Weather never Interferes with our 8AI.KS AT 10 O'CLOCK. ALL KINDS NEW AND SECOND HANI) WAGONS Trucks, Carts and top Ruppira. Repository. Hudson and !3tli eta. * HACRIF1CK.?MIJKT BE Mtl.D. TWO Ml A ETON'S, A. one seats four persons; two full sprln p top Wapons, two side bar llpht road Wapons; Dnnscomb Harness; all Isle style, nearly new. Private stnble, 57 East Mil sr. A SECOND HAND CARRIAGE, HRE IT. CLARENCE Cn-wli, lop Huppy. Rnekaway, new Wapons. Coupes Ac. Hb 3d av. a / TOP PONY PHAKTOM AND HARNESS. BOTH J\. cltv inade; hilt littlo naetl; will sell lor half their vslue. 35 West '.Dto tt. A -TEN BUSINESS WAGONS, $3 t To $175; EX . press. Grocers', Butchers', Bakers'. Milk, Laundry, Package, Depot. Delivery Wapons. Wapon Manufactory. i.2tl Sprlnp St. ? ' Dot' TO ICS EST A Mil Sll M KN T FOR SA L E^LKJ fl T bay PatebrU Horse, 15't bands. 9 years old; warranted sound and kind, all in pnod order. Iu<|ulte ut 21A Wen 13d st. A -KITE IIORSBB, SI'IT ABLE FOR TRUCK. . pror-rs or farm work; prices 5fi", f?Ci, #75 and $IUU DM Elisabeth sr.. between Bro.-me and Grand. A BARGAIN -FOR SALE. A Dl.'SENBLRV AND Van Dossr half sprlnp-licbt W upon. In flrsl class order Apply at litnt',, Broadway, up stairs. ~t -FINE SECOND HAND MAIL PHAKTOM. IB FBR J\., feet order, at a barpafn. A. S. KLANDKAU, 872 and 371 Broome st. 'old stand of Brewster A Co.) *4 T A S4t'IMFICE -GOOD WORK HORSE, $5o CO A IIKW. 835 Canal St. T~MOORE'S DOWNTOWN EMPORIUM 57 WAICKEN ! St. ? PI)a#I ns, $115 lluekawatrs. $180; Depot Wapons, Buggies. Ac. t II .'rneaa, $ltt upward; Sheets, Lap Dusters, Nets. I A HANDSOME FULL SPRING TOP WAGON."" ONE | A aide bar top Wapon, one pony Puaeton; al?e set *ln;-ln i and doable Harness, to be disposed of at lea* than half I value i ait nearly pew. Inquire at Arsenal Stanles, West I 35th at., near Broadway. a BROWN MARK, s YKAP.S, SOUND AND KIND A f'Vtt, also I- xproea Wapons, Harness 124 Division at ? -lint salt, ciikap, a bay horse. 13*4 A. bauds, S years obi. lull mane and tnil; can trot rln-e to minutes; perfectly ueutle ; single or double; It not arrntd of any thins; sound and kind. Can be seen at 117 West 37th si. A FINE SADDLE AND IURXKSS I'ONY FOR BALK? A 4s laehea blub. ?iapnlr-t tray . ? an be nseR by the mtrsl llutlrl rltlM; all palts In saddle; will sell cheap. Apply at |H| East .'Sth ?4. ? . ?FOR r? A I.E. CII MA P. NINE GOOD BUSINESS j\. Ilorsea, Apply at No. 3 Vestry St.. Iietwren Varick and lludso-i. a SECOND HAND tiil PK, IN I INK ORDER, $5511; A Hi J\ 3 Top Wagons, br Brewster A Co., ol Broome St., .irnm $7ts) up. tnp and open I' m Pliaetons, till up. Depot Wagons. In ail ?tyle?, top and open. Irom #!?? up; cnt under Itockaonys and i Mansion top l'uaeions. both new and sec ond band. Expresa Waeuns. Harness, Sheets, Nets, Lap Dusters. Whip-. Ac.. In large vart -ties WILLIAM if GRAY. 211 end 22 Woodier tt. BKaUTII'I L ' AICKIAWK HORSES FuR SAl.K. IB . bands, s year-, sound and kind; great endnrauee. will ; sell cheap. 223 Wes.4 irjd St. j Bl'll.l BY HKEWsTEU A C??..V?V BKOOME ST.". THE ; folborlnc second hand Carriages. soma In perfect order ; ( Lands i. t'abriob-t. tt teat Phaeton, T-Cart, 15 top Wapons > from $l dl to Nit.e i BY OTHER MAKERS. Land ins Landaklvta, Coach. Cabriolets, depot Waron, I extension top Phaetona, hail top Pbnetsdti. Coupe, mall j l'baeton, T Cart, ( larsace. top and so too Wapons. A. s. r' 873 aad$74 Broom* st., eld stand ol Brewster A Ce. | HORSES, CAKKIAUHH. ?'? A~~~ ORKaT IMPORTANT. AHSOl.l' I K and TKr? pKRVFD SALE. AT PUBLIC Al'ITHlS, THIS DAT TUEBDAY. .ll'NE JOTII. AT II O'CLOCK sharp. AT THE PRIVATE STABLE, 115 EAST 23D BT. BE TWEEN LEXINGTON AaDaTII AVS. OP Till-: ENTIRE STOCK UK EAST AND WELL KNOWN TROTTING HORSES. KI.KGAN'T CARRIAGES, Harness koiirb. blankets, saddles, au. CONTAINED I.N ABOVE STABLE. among tub; iioksks ark the well known trotters monogram, record or a:jtt*4. trot ting mark. LaDY FISH, CAN THOTINaaU ORPH AN OIKL. RECORD as??. JENNIE. RECORD J :*!. MONT TOR, RECORD 335*,. MONARCH. 2 :Urt. N'KLLIC, 2 :33. ARK ALL THE PROPERTY OP J. S. SCIIOKI ELD. ESQ.. WHO SAILS PER STEAMER EGYPT. JUNE 24TII. FOR KCHOPE. AND CONSEQUENTLY IS FORCED TO SELL TO III Oil EST BIDDER WlTHOl'T REGARD TO COST OR VAHHt INCLUDING THE VERY FAST AND IIIGU BRED DARK BAY GELDING MONOGRAM. I5C, HANDS high. 7 years old; was sired by Wild Wegner, ihe siro of l.yiiis Thompson and many other verr fast until dam n May Day mare, known a* Slav Ban; this Imrso can always irol lii? heat* below 2:S0J hi* best record. 3 :2rt'4 at Pros pect Park; trnltad on Kingston lialf mile track last tall, when track was henvy, three heats, In 3 #1,2:30 and 3:1-'II; he wa? than matched lo troi on Fleetwood track with Jennie F , and in consequence of owner disposing of the mare Jen nla P., Monogram rrrelvrd forfait; ainrn which time lie lien been on road only ; be will boot bin record ihta season if ha is pat in traliiar't hand*, end without donbl, rank No. 1; war ranted sound and kiml. IIIK BEAUTIFUL BLOODED BIJKlD BAY TROT TING mare lady pish, 15^ high, a years old. has frill mane and tall; wat airnd by Volunteer, and !? half sister to the trotting inare Huntress and resemble* her in gait and action: ha* nreer been trained on any track, but is finely broken to all liarne-s. and e-.n speed a 'J :40 gait on road; Is pure gaited; wear* no ooota whon trotting, and la one of the inont promising young itisree to he found, *nd worthy the atteutloa of gentlemen looking for something really fine; warranted sound and kind. I!auiiaonir, fast and lluely bred bay Trotting Maro ORPHAN GIRL, by Lexington, dam Sister to ICitly Clark, liv lir p irted Glencoe, lojj lilgb, 7 years old; alio trotton al Walrrtown In J :34)a, silo at Buflalo in 2:33, and was driven on Fleetwood track three heats, in 2:3*. J :!M and 'J: 11; she la very handsome and as lino and pleasant a driver as llres; she trill cerlninly crowd 2:20 helore the aesaon is agar If she geta In proper hands; she la warranto.i toninl mid kind. V II.?THE ABOVE TWO MARES MAKE A VERY CLOSE MATCH IN SIZE. COLOR, STYLE AND SPEED. AND ARE HARDY AN1> RUGGED; CAN BEAT 2:35 TO POLE OR 2:30 SINGLE. BKAUT1PI L HTRAWUKKRY ROVN TROTTING MARK JENNIE, SIRED BY JUPITER ABDYLLAII dam a Messenger mare; years old, 15*, hands high ; trot ted three heats at Norwich. Conn., last tall at lair in 2:3rt, 2:38 ami 2:.7'4, oyer n very heavy track; she Is a very pleaaant. prompt driver; does not pull when speeding; Is very good galled; is perlectl.v broken and safe lor anybody to nrive ; a good mare, and warranted sound and kind. VERY PINK RAY TROTTING GKLulXO MONITOR. SIRED BY VOLUNTEER. DAM A CLAY MARK; IS the finest gentleman's horse for top wagon in the city ; 15', high. A years old; trotted a mile nroiind Prospect Park Isat fall in 2:3540 road wagon; very prompt, bold driver; gondgaltnd; has extraordinary bottom and endnramo: safe lor any one lo drive; can trot u mile In harness In 2:30 or better, and is sound and kind. The handsomest and finest gentleman's Road Horse in thn Cltv, kuown aa MONARCH, sirod by Pearsall. dam by Conk tin's Mar. 7 years old, IOl4 hands high; ie a beautiful golden soirel. with flowing inane and tell: be has never been pat In a trainer's hands, but trotted at Hempstead. Long Island, at fair, taking first premium In 2 :37J4, 2 :3t> and 2 :3H, driven by M. T. Saranila, who raised him-, he waa then pur chased by present owner, and has been n?ed as a road Imrso npnnfilthe present time; lie Is very pure gslted and a prompt, ploasant driver, noes not pnll or shy, slid is safe lor a lady to drivo: ho Is a very goon pole horse and perfectly id kind. broken under the saddle, am warranted sound ami Very pretty bav Mare NELLIE, sired by lienuel'a Hamble toiilnn. dam by Ethan Allon ; 7 years old. l.V4 bands nigh ; trotted at Albany Inst fall in 2:34, 2 :-4,',. 2:33. she is a very pleasant driver; does not pnll when speeding: is not excitable In company: la an extraordinary poll mare; safo tor any ordinary driver, and warranted Hound and kind. Carriages consist nl one extension top Park Phaeton, ono too I'ony Phaeton, two too side bar road Wagons, ono lull spring top Wagon, single and dnnble Harness, Sheets, Robes, Whips, Ac. SAgK POSITIVE. 1IAIN OR SHINE. HTOCK NOW ON EXHIBITION, AND GENTLEMEN DF-SIIUN'O TO PURCHASE SHOULD NOT FAIL TO CALL AND RIDE BEFORE TIME OF SALE, AS ALL ARK WARRANTED AND WILL SHOW THE TIME ON ANY GOOD TRACK. CIlAS. C. DUFF, Auctioneer. A ?ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. A. TO MORROW (WEDNESDAY). JUNK 21, AT II O'CLOCK PROMPT, AT THE BOARDING STABLE CORNER EAST 4TU 8T, AND LAFAYETTE PLACE, Including the valuable nnd fine etock of Walter M. Price, consisting of Horses, IIarness. Carriages, Wagons, Ac. Handsome and high bred mahogany bay Mare, sired hv Magna Cliarta, dam unknown; le half sister to Henry, HJjf hands high, 5 years old, an elegant styled mare and as fine a genteel driver as ever was driven ; fears no bell carta nor anything else : safe for Cm most timid to drive; without vice trick, Isult or blemish; can trot a full mile to a top wagon In 2 :-to or better; le warranted sound and kind?a uoble and fine animal. Fast and handsome team of premium Golddnst Trotting Marea, dark golden sorrels, 15*9 hands nigh, fine long Mow ing manes and tails; both 8 years old this spring; half sisters and the closest matched pair of trotters in thn -State. They wore both sired by Golddnst. and purcliasod from I,. L. Dor se)', in Kentucky, two years ago lest October, alter they lied trotted together at Louisville in 2:13, and the one teken single trotted the third heat in 2:3)<*s- They are the most elegant team of .-oadsters for gentleman's private nse in thn city ; are ploasant, agreeable and well bcbaveit; drive with out polling or fretting, and are very reliable when speeding; they show high breeding and require no cheeks; arc prompt ana game, tear nothing, and are warranted sonnd and kind. Till* team mn?t be seen to be appreciated. Also the fast and handsome young chestnut Trotting Mayo WAMk i 11 Maid, 15', hands high, ?> years old; raised by .lamea Van Arsdale. In Orauga comity: sired by Edwin Everett, formerly Major Wlnfleld, dam by American Btar; pedigree guaranteed; when 4 years old she was broken and handled by Carl Kurr. Esq., and showed trials from 2:41 to 2 :43 In the spring, when 3 years old; was then takou "" Go home, and has Geeu used for prlrato road use ever since; *h? can always go nut now and beat J su on any good track : aha ran be driven by any ordinary driver at spend mid is warranted sound and kind and reliable In every particular. The magnificent cliestnnt Uridine Duke, about Id hands blgli, 7 years old, br-d by Colonel l.'lay In Kentucky olid purchased then at Sta e fair for $1,200. and then hrouCTit to this city by .Mr. I'rice: he Is acknowledged by all who see him as line a built horse as elands in this city; he Is one of I he finest saddle horses In this country; nasall gaits and guides by motion ; ha was sired by Hying Cloud, dam an imported running mare; ha Is broken In harness, and can trot in 3 :lo with ease, and warrsntod sound. Handsome young blood hey Trotting Mate, a genuine trotter. 7 years old ibis spring: sired by Legal Tender, darn a thoioughbred hair sister to Ked Cloud: this young mare was never trained but 7 weeks when coming 3 years old, when she shoved 2 ; was then taken home, nnd has been driven on pond ever nnd has greatly improved In ?peed ; she can show a 2:3.) gait, and trot n mile and re Cat In less than 2|U; is n splendid road marc, and prom 's, with training this spring, to trot low down in the 20's. aud gentlemen wishing a first class trotter should call and examine this flue young mare; she Is warranted sound and kind, and as represented. Fast blood hay llamiltonian Msro Kitty I'slmer, six years old. lAjf hands high. sired ny Kdwin Kverltt, dam by Kathen Allen; she Is one or the most promising young mares In ed but three weeks. the Siute: was never trslned but three weeks, last Tall, when she trotted In 2:43; whs then purchased l>y owner and has since htmii used on road: is pure and open galled: can he driven by a lady; lias no vice or tricks and rnn trot a full mi'e and repeat In 2:4*1 on any good track; warranted sound aud kind. Without any exception one nf the flneat pone phaeton Marea In this city. I ft hands high, 7 years old, dappled brown : a perlcet picture ami pet; has been used and driven by n Indr and children to pony phaeton; Is smtnble. Intalli gent am) safe; fears no locomotive or anything else; war rented sound and kind, and will eland without tying. Also two top side bar TV agon a, by Brewster, ut Broome St., equal to new. Also one no lop side bar Wagon, by Brewster, of Broome at., rqnal to new. Also one no ton side her Wagon, by Watermen. Also one top l'ony Phaeton, by Bradley. Pray .t Co, fine no top I'haeton. by Handrail. On* extra flue Coupe, salin lined, eqnat to new. One double set Conpe Harness, by Story. One double set hnglinli Harness, curt $400 gold. Two seta single Harness by Commerlord. equal to now. One set dnnhlo llnrners. by Dnnscomb. Kngllsli Saddle end Bridle; Boots of every kind; Bite of alt kinds. On* eoniplet* Knit of Livery In brown nnd drab One complete Miit of Livery In green and drab. Blankets, .?sheets. Whins, Robes, Ac.. Ac. The whole comprises the flnest stock ever offered at public auction. Stock now on exhibition at atable. where they can be seen and fstll particulars ascertained. Kale positive, rain or shine. AN EXTRA FINK TOP PONY PIlAETnN, BC1LTTO order by best city builders, nnt soiled, with line single Harness, at a very low price. Inquire for TOM, at Mr Banker's stable. No. I West loth st. (TLO.Hh PARTSKKslllP?TilKKK DRAUGHT, ONE J Driving Horse: two Express Wagoos, three-quarter Truck, poacrful Mule. Saddlery, 137 7tli av. DUN RHOMB LftlHT DOUBLE SKT KOAll IIAR nesa. new. novor nred, extra line, cost $2-'0; will sell ; lor $?*>. Gall st IIIDABOCK'rl stshles. .'30 West 47tli st. I I MR SALE?AT MADISON PARK STABLES A GRtY ' l'ony, IVji hands high, 0 years old: sound, kind and truth- lor children. Inqnire of GIlASE A 40 nsl 2d*h St., New York. TOR K A LB -A SPLENDID NKW HARNESS. AT STA bin 4RI tli sv. p?OR SALE-HANDSOME UKAY PONY, 14 HANDS; _ perleetlv safe lor ladles; afraid nothing; $1)0; war ranted. Mil Kin.-st. Tit OR SALE?ONE NO TOP WAGON, POLK AND f shads, nne seat; only nsed Ave times: In splendid order; il.iiilt by Brewster of Broome st.l Can Ins seen as 111 Wast ,'ils! si., private stable. {TOR RALE?A VP.BY ELEGANT PAIR OF SEC | f olid Ethan Allen tlnrses, from Vermont; young slid , sound; very fine light carriage roadsters; lull of spirit and but I "in : close match; pleasant drivers; worth $2.<?*), but I will lie sold cheap. T. SKM AN, 241 West 47th st j T-TOR SALE-POCK HORSES. FIIOM f|.*> TO $K", (NOT I ?? hell value), suitable for any bustneaa. Apply at 4.'*) ( East lath st. ft OR .WALK-THE HANDSOMEST PONY IN THE State nf New lurk. 12 hands high: csn be ridden of driven ny a i blltl. Call at I.Vt and l?*l West 41st si , near b rswbdway. I.Tor, kali, low for of csk-stylish * Bay Horse, 14>; bauds: snllable for any kind o( light bu-lnr? or roa-l n*e. $'t-V 375 West 12th at. tjion sale; or exchange? blood bay gelding, f* H V'. -rsold, Ifiji bunds; can trot in 3:311; sorrel Mare, ID years, I" hands, has ironed half mile In I :I4. Apply at f RC E.wDI'.LI. r-. No I 2H A est pttli st 11 lltSE, TRUCK AND HARNESS FOR RALK Clf EA P. Call ?> fl'25 East I Ith st., alter H P. M. Harness?chkape;st harness btohk in new York: garni Boggy Harness, hand made. $l.'>; Mod tinner- Harness. $2.i; good noitble team Harness. $1*1; a llorie Itlnnket, $1 St) Please cell ami examine lor yourselves. k OKBOUN, Mnnufaclnrers, 71 Bar clay at. 1ANDAC FOR SALE ?GLASS FRONT. GOOD AS j new, coal $1 .Sisi; will -ell lor $l,ia>i. Call ai ItlDt BUCK'S stables. 23d West 47th st. LADY'S ELEGANT TURNOUT-SNOW WHITE; AHA hian. I horongbhred, perfectly annnd and gentle, been drlsrn i y a lady lor It., years; handsomest horse tn the etiy. Apply nt I '> East 2Sih st. IT not sold lor Its ralna will be taken home soon. Mi le team fob sale.-mkdii m >i/,e; and good work. ra. Apply at $M 3d av., Brooklyn. IJIIIVaTE: GENTLEM AN wihMKs TO WELL STYI.TeH speedv Itoad Horse. Apply to TKANKY, 41 West 44th si' TJON'V FOR SALE? A ftl'PKRH ANIMAL IN SHAPE; I sine nnd action and ns*<l i -addle or harneoa kind and liellevetl to be sound; price flflO. Apply to W. H. RAIL LI.U, 108 Wall st. HORSES. CARRIAGES. AC. CTo'kaGK Koi: CARRIAGES ANU SLEIGHS. O Rooms lirbt, clean and <lrr. Terms liberal. A. S. KLANDIUtr, 37-' Add 374 Broome *t. (old factory of lirrvner A Co ) THREE-QUARTER BRED GRAY MAKE. H YEARS old. sound and kind; sold for bill of keep. Stable, So. i a.ft Knit 4<Mh st. rno LET-A TURKS story stable. five stalls J. and ?lx rooms. Inquire at J S Dfttli n 'EIIICLKS IN FASHION. Landaus. Hu.k.unyi. 1 .Mild milyta. Cabriolet*. Coaches. T <!aiti. ?Iron. ham). Phaetons. Colli en. Brit ton Wagons. ROAD WAGONS. A. A FLANDRAU. 37a and 374 Broome at., old factory of llrewater A t o. TKTANTKD?A GOOD sKCO.NI> HAND ONE HORSE It Landsuli-t or round fron; Coupe, but little used : light and east running: dark cloth or leather luieil Address, Milling all particular*, with lowest raah prion, look box 21, Providence, R. I. WANTED?A COMPLETE KAMII.Y ESTABLISH iiiont. conaiating of Horses. Carriage. Harness, Ac , for which 1 will give a n?w three story brown atone Houm In llariem ; equity BR.'**); a good rhniirn lor a gentleman de cllning to keep a carriage. Address HOOD VALUE, Herald ofllce. WANTKD-A WELL TRAINED GOAT. TO ] 11 wagon. Apply nt No. :t Kaat "Jfitli at., on Wi lieiween Sand 10 o'clock A. M. <?>T?Mk ?HANDSOME SIHKHAK SHI KTINtl TOP ?iP l.j" *. Knad Wagon, new last tail, made bv one of tlin heat city makara; unlet bo sold. Apply atCoupa office, -?! Kaat I'Jth at. a??l a> ?; -TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON. MAPI! .by Geo Moore; nearly new. Stable, 1J4 M eat Ittlh at. ^9 ")()() M l 1,1, ItCY STi>CK AND FIXTURES OK i|)wiUUU hii old entnblUhoil Livery ItoantiiiK Muhk, doing good hiiKiiiom; gm?d locution; in gc?*d ordor. A<1 tires* ttTOCK, 11 rnltl Uptown limnclt office. A "i FOR SAi.Ro SAMPLE" ROOM DOWN ToWN;""TRADE AVKR ca SJ.i daily; autislnctory reason* for selling. LLOYD, ?l> Broadway. A FANCY GOODS AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH" ing Store lor sale; also Rakrrios, Confectioneries. MITCHELL. 77 Canar st. A SPLENDID SAMPLE ROOM AND C1IOP HOUSE A (best business locationl for sale cheap MITCHELL, 77 Cedar st. A WELL KITTED CORNER LIQUOR BTO B IX the heart of the city; first class location; very cheap. LLOYD, 2!> Broadway. L7IKST CLASH BUTCHER'S, DOING PAYING BITSI D noss; owner has other business, WE1GKKT k CO., Auctioneers, 141 8th st. TITANTED?SIDE BAR TOP WAGON, SITTING |,OWj it Pony Phaeton and single Harness, in good orclar, cheap for cash, in a hurry. Particulars to TAYLOR, I'd4 Warren st. \\T ANTED IN EXCHANGE FOB A LIGHT SIX-SEAT ?? Phaeton, a sice loir top Wagon ; will nay cash differ ence. P. It. M ASfKltMlN. fttttli st. and 7th av. YITANTED?OLD SECOND HAND BITklNKnS WAGON'S, tt single Trucks, top Buggies, Hock sways and Phaetons Address, with full psrtleulurs, UHEKI.WlUGIIT. No. DUB West 23d st. i) GOOD TRACK SULKIES, I KCI.L SPRING TOP mi W.igon.uew; I sound horse, fit for a lady, cheap. lit! West 90th st. Mill WILL . feVr A SIDE BAR I KAT1IRR ?I* 1 III top lload Wagon ; new last fall; loss than half value. Garrison's slnhlo. HIS nnd 320 West 4stta st. I'.RST CLASS COit.N'Elt LIQUOR STOKE FOR sale chenp. ne ir the Bowery, doing good business. GAeKNEY A SMITH, Auctioneers. 17 Centre st. KINK IIAKBR i. DOING A good BUSINESS, KOR sale at great snrrifice. M I TCII I'.LL, 77 Cedar st. ?CORNER GROCERY STORES IN BROOKLYN ? for sale cheap; Restaurants, Hotels. Cigar otoros. MITCHELL, 77Cedar st. WELL LOCATED CORNER LIQUOR STORK KOR sale cheap, on the west side: doing a good business. GAPKNEY A SMITH, Auctioneers, 17 Centre st. t -GREAT SACRIFICE.?$7i a i WILL PURCHA8R J\? Slock, Fixtures and l.csse of first class handsomely fitted corner Liquor lore. MALON K. No. 5 Dey st. FIRST CLASS LIQUOR STORK KOR SALE.?IN quire on the promises, corner of Park and liaxtersts. A COSBY SAMPLE ROOM AND Ll'N'CII BAR KOR sale at a sacrifice?Uin-or Clark's Exchange office, No. 2 Chamber* at., corner Chatham. Along establish bd shirt stork for sale cheap Tor cash; good location for gentlemen's furnish ing goods; order trade of 40 I private customers. 1,215 Broadway, hot ween 214th and 3Utn sts. Drug store in jersey near new york; long established : doing a good prescription business; cheap for cash. Address I' ITKATK, Herald office. I30K SALK?A KTRST CLASS PRINTING ESTABLISH ' mont. complete in all partirnlara and doing a large busi ness, notwithstanding the depressed condition ol the times; term* easy. Address PRINTER, box 3,812 Posloffice. I NOR SALE-CORNER LIQUOR STORE. APPLY AT 1 H8 Cortlandt St. For balk?a first class corner liquor Store, cheap, on easy terms. Apply to A. SKRNF ELS, 40 Vesey St. TilOR SALK?IIAKKOOM. MAGNIFICENTLY FITTED J up; good trade; best part of Broadway; rent BftO; price $750; would arrange partnership;owner in wholesalo trade; apply early. Address WINE, llorahLfiflice. I30It SALK-AT A SACRIFICE. A SPLENDID RES' 1 tauraut, four years' established; nawly repaired and doing a good businoss; call anil see to be convinced; soiling on account of III health. J. MART, 3d New Church at. For sale-the old established liquor store. I IS Amity at., corner of McDougaL Inquire on the premlso* or ut.tlie office of FLANAGAN A WALLACE, 2Bth sf. nnd lutli ur. FOR SALE VERY LOW?liLEOANT OOXFECTION ory and lea Grenra Saloon; boat location In city; cheap rrnt: price $9U0, not tlilrd value; resaon for calling, not ncoiialnted with bnaineaa; now doing a good trade. Audreaa MALVERN, Herald Uptown Branch office. BlOlt' SALE?A WHOLKBALK AMD RRTAIL COX lectinnerr and Ice Cream Saloon, a abort dlatauce from New York, inquire at Hit Weal 11th at., grocery atore. OR SALE?ALMOST (i 1V KN AWAY?MRAT, PRUIT and Vegetable Market, OH 7th ay.; private aale tbia day, or at anetion Thuraday, by JOHN A. DUNN. ~ ARBLK SODA WATER AND ROOT BBJtB APfC ratua. all ttylea. for aale below coat. J. M. WI1ITFIKLD A SON, JBJ Water at. M Tea and orocery stork forsaliv? in brook* lyn. doing a good eaah trade. Apply to OKAY A LOCK WO 'O. No 2MI Waablogton at. New York, or to A t>.. 22 Henry at.. Brooklyn. All linn WILL IIUY AN OLD ESTABLISHK ft KX 5)OtUwH preaa and Trne.klng Bnalnnaa, doing a bnai neaa <>l rroin RAMI to RUM) per wek; mnat aell on acrnutit of other buaineaa: none but prlnelpala need apply; a chance not to lie lound every day. Adore at J. B.. boa l'Jtt Herald Uptown Branch office. POST OPPICK NOTICK. flisi'OFFICE NOTICK.-HIK FORKION MAILS KOft the week endtng Saturday, June 2 I. 1H70. will cloae at tlila office on Tneaday. at 12 M . lor En rope, per alearualilp \t laeonain, via Queen down; on Wedneaday. at 12 M., tor Europe, per ateamablp Algeria, via Qneenatown ; on Thnra dny. at 11 C*? A. M., for Europe, per ateamablp lleninio nia, via I'lymoulli, Cherbourg and llani urg; on Saturday, I at A. M? for France direct, per ateamalilp St. Oerinaia. via i Havre, and at 11 ? A. M . for,Harmony, Denmark. Swe den and Norway, per ateamalilp Mnael, via Southampton and Bremen, and at 12 M., for Scotland direct mutt he apeclally ad'lrraaedl, per ateamablp California, via Olaa gmv.iandat 12 M.. for tho l ulled Kingdom. Belgium, Natherlanda, Switro land. Italy, Spain. I'lirtngal. Aria, Ac. i?lan apeclally addreaaed lettera for tlermany and France, per ateamalilp Britannic via Qneenatown). The direct I mall lor Brarll, Ac., will leave New Vdrk June 24. The I mall for the Weat Indlea will learn New York June 24. The malla for China, Ae , will leave San Franeiaco J uly 1. ! The malla for Anatralla. Ac., will leave San Kranciaeo .Inly 19. ^ T. k JAMES. I'natmaater. _ aakslic' jtAstiiiir | 4 T PRICES NEVER APPROACHRD BEFORE. A Slate and Marble Mantela. I,orgeat aaenrtinent in tha city. PENKI1YN SLATE COMPANY, SO Cnlon aquare, dtti nr. and I7tbav, New York. Manufacturer. of all kind* of Slate Work. ? BlOX BROT11KIts?SLATE M A N I ELS ?KXCKLLfcNT work; new da?lgna; loweat prlcea. 47 l)ey at.. Now York Manufacturer* of all Kinda ofalate work. PIANOPOllTKN, ORGANS, dtp. V-FOIt RENT. 'UPKIOIlf. SyllAIIK AN II 11 RAND A. I'lanna of oar own m?ke;?lao tor aula and rant, a number of line aecond hand I'lanna. In perfect order. WILL IAM KSABK A CO.. No. 112 5th nr . nhovo Kith at. A BRILLIANT TONED TJtf IHJTAVE WINDSOR j I'lanoforte, eoat $1 .OKI. for $750; Stool. Cover. Mualc | Cabinet; elan a magnificent Stelnway A Nona Piano at a I aacrlfire. Call at private realdenee No. 120 Weat 2dd at. ,| near ?Hh av. 4 -PIANOFORTES To RENT. OP OUR OWN MANI7 A.? facture, by Cll ICKEIIINO A SoNS, ISO jtb av.. cor ner of l-th at. AIclosino" OCT i t Ko K, KLKi'? A NT flllCC OF ? I'lanna, hall prlca; Barmore oaiate, Rleoeker ?I. ; HUD, (II SI. $21 Ml. AltKACTIKUL PIANO ONLY $100; A 8TEINWAY I'lanoforte (area octavo, carved lega.* overatrung: every Improvement ; great aacrfllre. J. BIDDLK, 13 Waverley plare, near Broadway. 4 LADY WILL DISPOSE Or. AT 1121. CARVED A. roar wood 7 octave I'lano. overatrung baaa. carved flTTt oily makar. 9M Eaat M at., near 2d av. A PRIVATE FAMM.V WILL SELL FOR $2.V), Pianoforte eoat flJMMl; elegant Hieinwey A Son'a 7 1-3 octave. carved maewood raae . every Improvement; a aacrlfire. I'rivata realdenee, 47 Weat I64h at., near Ath av A SPLENDID SQUARE PIANO TO LET AT A MOD erate rate, or will rail on Inatalmenta. Addreaa box 4,142 fas office. HlKAf BAKOAfNl* ARK OFFERED IN NElvTilt SEC kJT onil hand -qtiare and nprl*lit I' and Organa, lor ea.h. Inatrumenta tn rent In rlty ur coantry Irowt $3 to $7 per month, or to rrnt until paid ft r aa per contract. Ware, room a 4-1 llroulaay. HORACE WATERS ,| SONS. /vRKAT BAIIOAINS-NEW AND SECOND HAND ijr Pianos at FISCHER'S waremnma and mannfaetorr. 423 ami 4J."> Weat 2-th rt. pEI ,OI BKT, PI. ETON A CO., 811 ?idN4il Broadway, .New Vork rlty, mannlartnrera of TUB STANDARD oKUANS, unrivalled In tone, rlealgn and fiulah of enae. and In general workmaaahip; anperlttf lor parlor, .eheot or church prlrea liberal; rented and aold en lualalmeuti. Call and examine nr .end for catalogue Rosewood niolian "pi a so. >7.%!"fkincb' bib; an. nearly new. $Ml; stelnway. Wnl>er, Cblnfcerlng upright Pian..a; low rent-. OOKDON A HON, Id Ka-l I4ih ?l Wanted-a Ffiwt clans i* htmnwai pi Vno; moat be c heap lor caah Addreaa, with all partirulare, PIANO, lleraol office. Aot)* -?:II11? KV.tffXU PI ANb. "nOHBKB" TONED. ViewrL richly carvtd roxewood, 7 |..t octave . three mnntka'nxe; coat $BOO. for $223; aarranred; lamllv mnat Mil; noaltlve bargain. Call at rxxldence 54 tUalMhat., Mar Breadway. w AMIlHKKtiSIITn. T|7 aIXACR'S. iiT* T? TO XI. HIT MB. AND M US. W .1 FLORENCE Will npnear it* th' HON. HAHDWKLL -LOTF. and MRS. GENERAL GILFLORY. FOR Til K I27TH TIME IX THIS Til Kilt NATIVE CITY. NOTE TO STRANGERS Thp managem-m call attention to the fact tlint (he Com Ml* of flic MIGHTY DOLLAR waetho ONLY ORIGINAL PLAY produced in New York during the season of 1S73-S. and u t.mi'' achieved a I.KG1TIM ATI. SUCCESS It i* now In ii? second run and is nightly attracting crowds of delighted auditor*. Curtain rises at S o'clock, and carriages may ba ordered at 1"'J. 1)A R K~"THKATR K. BW > XDXV xy'TnD 22D ? 1 UNEQUIVOCAL SUCCESS. Second week nf the brilliant engagement of M r. JOSEPH ll'RPIir, a* HAN O'llAKA. in Fred Marsden's Drama, ?THE KERRY III) '? ." AN IRISH I'LAX' OK THE ROBERTSON BCIIOOIa. AFFORDING TWO HOURS OK JOYOUS KI N. CLAIMED BY TIIK PRESS wlth 'THB All AUOIIHACN.v EVERY EVEN I NO AT s. WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2. Admimilon. .V).' anil t'V : Reserved Heat*. $1. ~fOOD'S MUSEUM. XVOObi! TIIIS DAY. Matinee at J and evening at 8. GEO. FRANCE ASI) E. II. LAY. and DOUR BRUNO AND DON C.EJAR, In the great sentatlou, XVI IOC AWAKE. fTTH AYENCK THEATRE (WtOAWAY~AND2STH 8T.) tJ Proprietor mid Manager Mr. Al'OUSTIN DALY EVERY N'lGIIT. INCLUDING SATURDAY NIGHT and SATURDAY MATINEE. rrrrr n qqqq v u kerb p p 11 q <3 u u E pprpp II (} Q U II KEB p u Q qq u UK p II QQ<W UUUTJ BKBB *> Q A PLAT OF TO-DAY! -With Miss FANNY DATEI*. PORT. JOHN BROUGHAM, SOL SMITH RUSSELL. Mr IIA It KI N S, JAMES L* WIS. XV. DAVIDGP.. Mlae SYDNEY COXtrELL. Mr*. GILBERT and MiesGKOKGIKA DREW in the OAST. FRIDAY. JUNE 23, 2U0th time nf PlUUK, and AUTHOR S FESTIVAL. TWO PERFORM A NOBS. Friday MATINEE at I. | Friday EVENING at '^tot? The companion play to | Jiaitli performance of "Pique, "DIVORCE." I "I'KJI'K!" For tni* time uklv, anil Snl XX'itli the original cast re. Smith Unwell. Kny Tern- I stored and Sol Smith Russell, pleton slid tltn Genre nil Kuy Tetnpletoii and the Jlibl Johilre Singers in their lien Slngi n in their special speeialties. A Photograph [ tins. A silver Ticket and Souvenir and n Sstiu Pro-1 a Satin Programme to every gramme to every lady. I ladv. THE SALE OF SEATS NOW IN PROGRESS. irsiLMOKE'S CONCERT GARDEN.'" \X Messrs. SHOOK ?* PALMER Proprletnrn Mr. P. S. OILMORK Musical Dimeter Mr. K. U. Gil.MORE Manager EVERY EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. Mr. P. K. GILMORK, LEVY AND THE FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT. 1. Overture?"ItIcnxi" XVnguer 2. Serenade ?"Nocturne" Titel 3. Selection-"II I'roptieta" Mayerhoer 4. Overturn?"Csmp". Linnpaintnnr Ik Cornet Solo?"Facllite" (Arbucklo) llartman ft, selections from Kuryantlin Wener 7. Cornet Soln?"Iiiilnmniatus" (Levy^ Rossini 8. (irand Promenade March Verdi 0 Concert Walts?"New X'len" Strauss 10. Msrcn?"Salute to New York" Gllmors Admission .Fifty cents. Boxes (four places) $:i and $4. Bowery theater! i MONDAY. June lit. engagement of the ponnlar artists, Messrs. SIDNEY SMITH anil HARRY COLTON. in tho great sensation Drama, entitled UNDER BAIL. To commence with the Knrcn. BASHFUL LOTKRS. KLLY A LEON'S OPERA HOUSE. 23U ST. opposite Booth's Theatre. BELLY A LEON'S MINSTRELS. Unqualified snccess of NORMA aod the TWO OFK UNS. Norma. The only Leon Coaching to Pelbata. Dedicated to Colonel Kstin. HiRD AVENUE-THKATKbT ' nsar 31st at. IMMENSE BILL TIII8 WF.tflS. k Miss HERRING in Iter greatest par f CAREER OF JACK SUKPPARD. together with the following talent XVnrran Sisters Commodore Nttk Mlaa Ltllie Hall, Major Nutt. Miss Annie Hindis, Gils Lee. Ml?s Aria Lanrent. J. XX'. McAndrews, Mies Nellie X'oang, George F. Macdovald, George Warren. C. F. Neahert. nod others In their specialties. Every evening S o'clock Matinees V\'edne*day and Setts day 2 o'clock. ARIRIAN VARIBTI lis! MAT UN EE 117nit? PARISIAN VARIETIES. 100 LOVKLV WOMEN Popnlar prices j Ifitli st. and Broadway | Coolest Theatre The Lending Sensational Varieties nf America. GIGANTIC ARRAY OK TALENT. RSI Star Artists in 21 Original Acts. EXHILARATING. PIQUANT ANDSl'ICT. NAUGHTY DEACONS. I MY WIFE'S GARTER. THE kIGHTB OF WOMEN. | LA FETE DK CAUTINIER LA MINUET. | NO I NO ' I I TABLEAUX VIVANTS Kverything New. | Grand Olio. | Everything New, Make ne mistake. Most popular and extensive entertainment in New York Strangers' Delight and the Envy of Kivala. Fashion's Resort. Every Evening at H o'clock. Matinee every Titeiday, Thursday nnd Saturday at X OLYMPIC THKATRbT " " No. ?24 Broadway, near Bleecker st. Mr.JOHN F. POOLE Managni A RUMMER HOUSE. COOL AND PLEASAJIT TIIK MAMMOTH FANS IN OPERATION. Last appearance in America. One week ouly. JOLLY NASH. Comic Vocalist, Bogle Soloist and Laughing Philosopher^ First time in America, Lecocn's Opera Honffe, TIIK STREET SINGER*, by Miles. DELPIIINK aud JULIA PASOAIa Tenth week of the greatest ol Paetomimet, HU.MPTY DUMPTY. Mr. ROBERT FRASRK OLOW* J. K. Thomas' latest beautiful Ballad. THE ROSE OF KILLAKNKY Mile. IDA DKVERE'8 exqnisite Character Dsa-ra Three hours of laughter and amusement. Prices?2."ic., 50c.. 15c. and $1. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT. T K u NlON SQUARE THEATRE. Proprietor Mr. SHERIDAN SHOOK Mauser Mr. A. M. PALMER MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 10. engagement lor a abort Mt?a of THE VOKEH. who will appear In thair pnt nadaltr, llELLKH OK THE KITCHEN, Preceding the Vokoi each evening ?U1 be glren I be charming Comedy in two acta, entitled the POHT HOT. In which Mr. J. II. 8TODDAKD will appear, anpported by Moaara. Claude Burroughs. H. B. Phillip* and Harry Joseph*. and Miaaaa Laura Don. Roberta Norwood anil Oeraldlne Mayo. Box office open from H till ft ClHATKAl' MARILLE?B4TH ST. AND 8D AT. ) The aeoaational theatre ol New York. HO HTAK ARTISTS l.t NEW AND ORIUlNAL ACTS. Si'try and entertaining. 20 BEAUTIFUL FORMED FEMALE MODELS In the Uncut Tableaux Vtvnnta extant, let Minuet lie Pari., delight lull j volnpiuoua. Heat of talaul ami spiciest entertainment In New York. Evening* at H. Tuesday. Thuraday and Saturday Halt nee*. Don't fall to vlait the Chateau Mabtlle. Cl HAND CHARITY CONCERT AT KTEINWAY HALL, r TUESDAY EVEN I NO, June 2D Itenant of the New York Jnvenlle Guardian Society. Eminent artlata hare volunteered. Including Mlaa .Marl* Rrainerd. Henry Carter (organiet of Trinity rhnrch), W, F. Milla. Max Itiiinn.lhe Ynung Apollo Club, Can Lanier. O. FROKL1CII ..Cnmlurtoa Ticket*. SI ; at Deliuonlcr.'a, Hcliuberth'a. Ilndniit'o, lleraid Building, and nt btelnivay Hall daring Tneaday. Door* open at 7. Concert at S P. JI "iJALAIS ROYAL." 4Sit BTII AV. FORTY YOOTUI J. lady attendauia. Adiulatlon free. RW YORK CENTENNIAL LOAN EXHIBITION, I8TR, BELMONT OALLRRY, IHft Nth av. 'entrance on l*th at.). Mr. Augnat Belmont having geueraaaly conaented to neeft hla Oellery in connection with and in aid nt the Centennial Loan Exhibition, the collection will be on view from t) A. N. to H1*. M on Monday, Tnoadar. Wedaeaday and Thuraday. June IBtli lolttd inrlualve. Ticket*. .V) cent a. Due notice will lie given of the op,-nine of the grand cob lection* at the National Academy of Design and at tb4 Metropolitan Muaeum of Art. KIRALFY ALIIAMHKA PALACE. Broad at, Philadelphia. The original Spectacular Ba travaganea, A TRIP TO TDK MOON. New Seanary, Coatnmea, Armora, Jewela and gwrgaeaa Bad let a. Promenade Concert* In the garilana '?? ALMS ROYAL," 480 ?TH AV. FORTY YOI'NO lady attendant*. Admiaelon free. NIBLO'S HARDEN To let. on liberal term*. In rnmhlnatlona or star* fat whole or part of autnmer teuton. Apply l? C. K. ARNOLD. 62 Wall at. N "P "PALAIS ROYAL." 4*0 OTII AV. OltAND VOCAL L and Inalrnmental concert every evening. Admiaaiaa Iree. ,111 l.l.l ,\ Ell V AMD IIKKSSMAKnta. A -MARIE TILM AN. OF PARIS. IMPORTER. OFFESi . a large aaaortment of Inte-t line Parisian Hummei Rooneta. Millinery and English Crapaa. 42.1 < th av., uaif 2Hth at. MCVrtSWNlAI. EXHlBIfS. ~ J B'WT~*Z'WILLIAMS,* MANUFACTURERS""*)# Praaae*. Dies and apeeisl Mactilnerr. 107 to 173 Plyui outh at.. Brooklyn. A Jllfl'KtUTIUA. TEACHER OF KNilLlSH, FA"KNcB"*jQ|D"ii0i|J) wlaliea a borne for the aummer. Addraaa Mlaa A., MA ClOLUMBlA Col,I,Ei,K. J ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT. Examination* for admltaion will oommaaea a* Wednea day, June 21. at !?'? o'clock A M. Applicant* are ragucaled to present themselves punctually at the tune neroed. Ike annual commeacament exerclaae will ha bald at the Aawde* my ol Mualc au Weiliieaday, J un* 2M, at 10)4 o'clock A. M. F. A. IV BARNARD, LL i>.. President. CIOLUMBIA COI.I.K'lK. J SCHOOL OF M1NBB* Examinations for admission will oe held at) Friday, June 23. at l?'j o clock A. M. Applicants art reqnvsted to preaent themselves punctually. The system of Instraetion lucladaa ?v# parallel eearaea nt ?tudy?vl?.. civil engineering. miaing engineering, metal ouu^.,, sLsr