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AMUSEMENTS. UNION SQUARE THEATRE. There tu a very large.atteudance si this theatre last Sight, attracted undoubtedly by the Voltes family is their most popular and most amusing sketch, "The Belles of the Kitchen." This is one of the pieces pre sented to the public that la beyond the palo of calm criticism. It is so uproariously funny, so utterly amusing, that one can only mt It out and laugh heartily at it, and sit it out, even with the tbormometer in the nlueties and fans In activo demand all around. This is the last season of the Vokes Family, matrimonial en gagements, those uecessary but cruel features of the Stage where ladlea are concerned, will tear away, after this summer, those fair sisters who have ?o long and so oiten char mod the public. In ih's hot summer weather, in this season of financial depression, there is an escape valve in the theatrical world, in the thoroughly enjoysblo performance ot tho Vokes Family. Never belorc has the "Miserere" scene from "11 Trovstore" been made a medium of such iu tenae merriment as through the nsirunientality of Fred and Victoria Vokes; the poeiry of motion is ad mirably displayed by Jessie and Koslna Vokes, and there is ovor the enure dramatic, torpeicborcau, oper atic eiiiertainnioat an atmosphere of coiupleto enjoy ment. The only fault we can tlnd with the bill is a (tupid play, "l'be Foet Boy," which preceded the Vokes Family. Mr. Stoddart, who took the principal part, is un angular sort of actor, whoso pathos partakes much of the nature of burlesque, and with the sole exception ol Miss Laura Don, a very deaorvmg actress, Mr. Stoddart was very badly supported. Tbe piece la a very poor intro duction to tho Vokea Family; the sooner it iashelvod Iho better, THE BRYANT TESTIMONIAL. This evening, atChickerlng Hall, Mr. William Cullcn Iryant will receive tho magnificent ailvor vase com memorative ot his having attained his eightieth year. Tho following gentlemen compose tho Testimonial Committee:?Samuel Osgood, chairman; Duulol Hunt ington, John Taylor Johnston, Bayard Taylor, John Bigolow, William IL Appluton, Athcr B. Durand, Henry W. llcllows, Howard Crosby, Theo dore Roosevelt, Frederick de Peyater, Henry C. Potter, William Adams, Edwin Harwood, Now llaven; lames 1,. Cloghorn, George W. Cbtlda, John Welsh, Philadelphia; J. H. Latrobe, Baltimore; K. C. Lamed, Chicago; Joseph H. CUoate, William M. Evarts, George, Ripley, Henry E. Pierpont, Frederick Sturgee, J. Pierreponl Morgan, S. J. Tildcu, F. A. P. Barnard, K. S. Htorrs, Benjamin H. Field, A. A. Low, Frunklln U. Delauo, William J Hoppiu, J. G. Holland, John A. Weeks, H. W. Footo, Boston; James T. Fields, James K. Osgood, Noah Porter, New Haven; Charles 11. ingcrsoil, Robert Coliyer, Chicago; William G. Elliot, St. Louis; Carl Schurz, William T. Sherman, Henry Probasco, Cincinnati; Ogdua Hoffman, San Francisco; George F. Hoar, Alexander H. Bullock, Worcester; Mark Hopkins, J. H. Hawley, Hartlord; George Cabot Ward, Treasurer; Wentwortb S.Butler, Secretary. Tbe exercises consist of un organ recital by Mr. George William Warren; tbe reception of the vuso from the makers by the committee; tho presentation to Mr. Bryaut by Mr. Osgood, the chairman, and Mr. Bryant's reply. OLYMPIC THEATRE. Tho pantomimo of "Hurnpty Dumpty" which has met with such extraordinary success at this bouso on Its reproduction, still continues to draw large andl ?nces, notwithstanding the heat of the weather. Sev sral changes have been made in It of lato, and many ttlrnctive features have been added. The Introduction ?f tbe Pascal sisters ts quite a feature. In their act, living selections from Lococq's French comic opera, they are exceedingly good, singing und acting with a ia>h and vim characteristic ol their nation. Jolly Nash, one ol the best English comic slugcrs, began an tngugomunt hero last night, and met a hearty wel come. llis laughing song is inimitable, und his play ing on tbe cornet and French horn were meritorious, tnd helped to show ibo versatility of (Lis porlorinor. l'be pantomimo itself is much improved, and bids lair to run for a long lime. wood's museum. Owing, doubtless, to tbe somewhat oppressive char acter of the wculber, the audlouco at this establish ment last evening was not so largo as usual. The at traction was a sensation drama, in threo acts, entitled ?'Wide Awake,'' lu the course of which Mr. George Franco und his trained dogs Oruno and Don Ciesar did excellent work in (ho way of rescues and in other situ ttious well calculated to arouse the interest of the as semblage. Mr. E. H. I.ay also leut valuable assistance lu bringing lortb the startling leutures ol tho play. Miss Loult-e Sylvester, in the rule ol Nellie Crosby, awakened much sympathetic leeltug, which generally gave way io enthusiasm whenever the pursuing villain was foiled snd either killed or put to night. Tho pertorinauce icemed to give general salis<sction. SCIENCE 11 ALL. What was termed a musical and serio-comic lecture, called "The Jack ol all Trades," was delivered hetore a small audieuce ut the above hall last evening by Mr. J amen McCarroll. Tbe uutllenco appeared well pleased with the discourse, and the lecturer's solos ou the tluto helped to make tho entertainment pass olT pleasantly. MUSICAL AND HBAMATIC NOTES. Capoul has Isscinated the belles of Barcelona In "Faust." Halansler wants Ambrolse Thomas' opera, "Fran joist; oo Rtmlnt," for the Grand Opera, Paris. The Teuiro del Fiorentl, Naples, put up st auction by Marquis His tori, was purchased by a prieat lor 260,0001 The Italian government will convey Bellini's remains from France to Catania in a war vaasei at the end of this month. A musical festival In London In honor of Balfe will bring the following aritsla together:?Nilsson, Costa, Carl Rosa and Hcrseo. Mr. Carleton. the admirable baritone of the Kellogg Englisft Opera Company, leaves for Eutope to day by the steamship Wisconsin. A communication from Lyons slates that during tbe perloriuuuce of "Marceau" there, at tho Grand Tbualre, on June 6, In the balllo scene, one of the muskets, having been by some unexplained cause loaded with ball, went off and wounded In the tbign a young man Billing In the gallery. A Londau paper says:?"Mr. Henry Dlstln, after a successful career of twenty years as a military musical instrument maker in England, disposed of his business some years ago, and is now preparing to leave for the United States, where he Is called to establish and su perintend a monster musical instrument factory." Tbe Chicago Tribune thus speaks of Mr. 8L B. Mills, tbe pianist:?"Mr. Mills added greatly to the general Success with his artistic playing, more particularly of the Chopin'Tarautellc'aud'Etude.' It was the best Interpretation oi Chopin we havo ever had hero, not even excepting Von Hulow, who, by the way, hai gone insane. Such was the sad intelligence received by his fr here." Later in tbe season there will be given at the London Mansion House, by tbe Lord Mayor, six successive af ternoon performances of tbe principal comedies and dramas now being played at tbe Loadoa theatres, at which tho leading actors and actresses have promised to assist. Una ol these afternoons will bo devolod to the entertainment oi tho boys of the various public schools in ana connected with tho city of London. At tho recoul destruction ol ihe Rouen Tbeatro by fire all tbe musical Instruments, Including the valuable first violins, the double bass and the harp?the last con sidered to be worth 2.000 lrancs?fell a prey to the flame* M. Hasseiuiana, the conductor, lost the score of the Funeral March, composed by bun for the Boiet diou Ccnleuary, aud a score of the music lor the new ballet, "Les Masques." A scene at the Lyons Theatre:?"In the eecond act of the piece?"La Traviata'?a huge wreath ol bay, bear ing tbe inscription, 'To the Management from a thank ful Public,' was flung trom the fourth tier. Instead of reaching the stage it catuo In contact with a candela brum, on which it remained hanging, and took lire. An oificer sitting in a box on tho seeond tier drew bis sword and endeavored, but In vain, to hurl tho burning wreath ou tho stage. Other persons came to bis assist ance, the orchostra (topped playing and the gas was lowered. Slid tho wreath contieucd slowly burning. Alter some little time more It was successfully dis lodged, however, and thrown into the pit, where the police took poetosnlon of It and carried it off " DISOWNED AT SEA. Junes Mahonoy, of this city, twenly-ono years of age, a deck fund on tbe tugboat Indian, Captain Monks, was drowned yesterday morning twelve miles southeast of Sandy Hook. The tugboat was getting a hawser to th^bark George Treat, from Callao, to tow her to tho citjr, when Maboney got caught in the heaving line, was draggca ovcrbosrd ana drowned. SHOT IN THE TlilGIL Daring an altercation last n cbt between James Mc Ardte, of No. IM Division street, and John fmiib, of Me. 34* Cherry street, lu the saloon of the latter, Smith ?hot MeArdle la the thigh, Indicting n severe but not dangerous wound. McArdlo was soot to Bel lev u* Boa piiat and Smith wen locked up in tho ThiMooaut Pro. erenow honaa FINE ARTS. ortMxo or the belmoxt oallebt. Yesterday ?u tho Oral of tbe four day* of ibl* week on wbicli tho gallery of Mr. August Belmont, coruer of riftb avenue and Eighteenth street, will be opcu to tbe public In aid of tbe Ceateunlal Loan Exhibition lor tbe Academy o( Deiigu and Metropolitan Art Mu seum. Mr. Belmont baa over 100 pictures In bla col lection, and la tbe bappy posaessor ot a very beautliul example of Roaa Bon bear, "Kendeavoua de Chaste." with tbe spartsmeu with tbeir horses and dogs gather ing around the dying camp Ares In the early morning, surrounded by tbe rising mists and the cold white sunlight ol early morning. lie has three by Troyon?"The Water Carl," "Cattle Crazing" and "Cattle Drinking;" two by Schreyer?-'Waliuchiun Team" and "Tbo Halting Place," and one by Von Marc he?"Landscape with Cattle." Those cattle pic turea are all large and important work*. "Tbo Water Cart," by 'Troyon, being the only exception in regard to sise. Tbe famous ' Slave Market" ol Gdrorne sud "Ibu Chess Players" of Meissouier, with "T e Twins." one of tlia best pictures ol Uougucrreau, the most successful painter of children bow liv ing. "The Storming of Cairo," by Horace Veruet, and "Going to the Dance," by Louis Kraus, are both important pictures, both lor their urusiio merits a d the ditlleuliy of procuring works by these artists, those of VsllH being guardeu zealously in France. A small landscape by Uousseau la here, one also by Jules Dupre, and a small llgure picture by Paul Delarocbe. There are three lurgu scenes by Audress Acheubacb, a landscape by Kook-Koek, a picture con taining several llgures by F. E. Meyerbeim; "Baron Munchausen," quite large, wuh many figures, by Pro fessor Ueyer; "Wounded Voliigeur," by Bellaugd; "Tbe Toilets," an interior with three Japanese women, by F irraiu Girurd; s "Urittsny Peasuut," by Pierre Billet, aud "Tbe Savoyard," by K. Herbert; a Spanish scfnu by Villegus, a landscape by Meagriguy sua one by Daubigny, both small; "Marino Faiterl und Augioliua Uecelviiig the Sentence ol Minu," u large picture, the Ugurcs both life size, by N. de Key ser; a "Marine,1 by L Meyer; "The Ante-Chamber," with cavaliers amusing tbemselves wbno waiting with cock lighting; a t-au looking little "Italian Girl," by Uoiinat; "Duke of Alvu aud Vargas," by Ixiuis Uailalt; "Tbo Miser," by Guillemiu; "The Wi'uo Tasters," by J. U. Irving; n pretty young woman with a dove, by Chapltu; "Tbe Student, by Alfred gSlcvera; a "nnipwreck," by M. F. H. De llaas; "Tbe Flock," by Charles Jacque ; a amull llgure by Ed. Frereja "French Dragoon," by Delallle; "iho Billiard Table," one or Cbavet's miniuture-like pictures; "The Artist," by Willens?one of Merle's loveliest plciuret?"The Good Sister," a little peasant girl holding her baby brother; examples oi Diaz and Zieiu; the interior 01 a "Flemish Tavern," by 11. Vun Have; "Marguerite Leaving Church," with bur at tendant, aud Faust aud Muphistopbules watching theiu through the grating, by Baron Leys, and other works, whicti con beat bo approciuted by being soon, by Vou lior, Tanv, Falvre, Ticdcmand, Ary SchefTor and many others. SCRIVER'S DEFALCATION. THK DEFAULTKB's FRIENDS TBVING TO OBTAIN BAIL FOlt IIlit. Ilonry Scrivor. the late ussistunt cashier of tho iletbodlst Book Concern, whoso defalcation bos been noticed, was in Ludlow Street Jail yesterday. Nego tiations are pending between bla friends and the Con cern whereby tbe latter expect to rocover a large part, it not tbo whole sum stolen by bun, which was ex actly $16,000. As tho bonds, $11,000, wero not tbe property of the Concern, but wero kept lor privalo persons In lis sale as a matter ot accommodation, they could be roadlly abstracted by this muu, who had access to the safe and its contouts, without being dis covered. During the lost year of tho administration of Carlton and Porter as agents Henry Scrivor was tsken into the Concern In a subordinate position. He had, therefore, been Ave years tn the olOce when tno present agents took possession?four of them under the argus eyes ol Dr. Lanahan. Ills good character was deemed by bis employers hotter than any boud that they coald have received with bitn, and no suspicion of dishonesty rested upon him until the story of his transactions were brought to the ears of the agents, Messrs. Nelson & Phillips, by a ministerial friend of whom Scriver had asked advice. The bonds he took from time to time, us he needed them, speculated with tbom through brokers In Wall street and lost them. Thoy wero In teroat bearing bonds, Issued by tho Book Concern, on which It received loans a lew years ago to pay for the tine mission bouse on liroadway ana Elcvontb street, in which Its business is csrriod oil. They were chictlr of the denomination of $1,000 each. A call having been made tor some of them, that the half-yearly in terest might be paid thereon, driver answered tho call by stealing cash amounting to $4,000 irorn the drawer. Very little money is xopl on bund, but tho agents had n larger uuiouui than usuul at this time to pay iuterest due and becoming duo. The way he managed to cover up this theft was as follows:?Every day ibo books were footed up by the cashier and his aasistaul, Scriver. One day toe cashier, Mr. Uculium, who has been there twenty years, and in whom the General Conference has such conlldeuce that it elected him, though not a member of its body, 10 ore ol its most important offices, called oif the book uc counu and Mr. Scrlver counted the rash. The next day Scrlver took tho books and Mr. Geubam the cash, and thus from day to day they changed. Scrlver knowing how much ho had stoieu always made his books show that much less wheu he looted up, and the cash accouut that much more when called oO. So that the cashier was doubly deceived by hiui and could hardly have discovered the theft unless he had tuken the looting up oi the cash and book accouut altogether upon hinisell. Hot the nine years' good character ot Scrivcr counted, of course, very largely In his lavor and disarmed suspicion. It has been ascertained, how ever, that his cosh thelt had been made only a lew days belore bis arresi. When It becatno known to tho agents he was dtsinisxod on the spot and placed under arrest. Hut as he wished not to be sent to Jail on Wednesday night, but to be allowed to sco some Irieuds who would go bail for blni or replace tbo bonds and money stolen, Messrs. Nelson and Phillips weut bail for Scriver to the Sheriff ou the day of bis arrest and he was kept a prisoner In Dr. NoIsod's bouse. Dut bis ellorls to obtain Iricndly assistance tailed and be went to Jail next day. His friends, as stated belorc, are trying to obtain ball and to replace the stolen pro|ierty, una until something dcflmic In th s dlrecuou is uiiuiucd, or the lailuro to do so be comes maul lest, Scrlver will not be brought to trial. His unfaithfulness has been a severe blow to tho Concern, coming as It does so soon after the old troubles and the suspicious of distrust thrown out against the maoagement by Its eneiu'es In the late Gen eral Conference. It will have this effect, however, In luture: the cashier aud assistant will be obliged to give bonds lor their fidelity to too Concern, so mat tho agents shall have somuthiug more than good moral character to trust to In their employes. They do not, howevor, deem this meaauro as lu any sense iu dicattng a want or confluence In their present cashier, but ihoy must make a general rule for tho future. Tho combinations of their safes and locks ol tbelr money drawers woro changed as soon as they became aware of the'tbert, and hereafter only the agents and the cashier will he allowed access to those places. The Methodist machinery is a complicated concern in its Unances. Nearly ail the ureal benevolent interests of the Church centre In the Concern here. The Mission ary. the Tract Society, tbo Sunday School Union, tho Episcopal fund and many others arc kept here. While they are all placod In separate drawers or compart ment* they aro under the control ol tho cashier and his assistant, subject to the order of the agents, who are the treasurer* of those lunds. It will be under stood, therefore, how readily a dishonest man could take a little from each aud cover up the lootings with out being detectod. A TUliKISH "HATT." THE TEXT OF THE PROCLAMATION OF SULTAN MOUBAD ?. Tho following "Halt," or proclamation, was solemnly read ou tho 1st lost, at Constantinople in the presence of all the high officials of atete and a vast concourso of eitlsens. and subsequently published m the official journals:? Mv ltLiirrRiors Vizier, Mzuzmed Rcchdi-Pacha? Having been called, by the grace of tbo All High King of Kings and tho unanimous desire of our sub jects, to occupy the threno of our rovercd ancestor*, seeing your reeoguized experience and your patriot ism, we have couflriuod you in your functions as Grand Vltior, as well a* all our Minister*, officials and em ploy da of our gorernmeuk As n pub.tcly known, lor some time post difficulties have arisen In our external and internal alfairs, which to a c rialn degree have dis turbed public confidence and threatened tho Empire with rum, and conscquen ly It was of the first Im portance to remedy this stale ol tbiugs and restore peace aud confidence among tbo subjects ot the Empire by the selection of a system capable ot renewing public prosperity and happiucs*. To replace the administra tion upon a real, sol d basis is the lirst great object of our solicitude: ibat tbe prescriptions of tho "cheriat" may be observed; that tbe general administration of our kingdom may bo confided in a stable maimer to citizens according to their capacity; that the Ministers may be authorized to discuss and lo decide upoa what principles and bases complete liberty may be dealt out to my subjects without exception, progress of all kluds, concord in the mind and the salely of iho country, of the Empire and tbo nation. In order to tulfll these in tention* we have considered u tisciul to reorganize tbo Slate Council, Miulsiries or justice, public Instruc tion. finance, Ac. As tbe Bureau of Finance is one of the most essential of tbe governmental branches, it will bo especially necessary to scruunizo every measure with reference to It, and to intro duce every possible guarantee a* to order and security; that Is to say, that there shall bo no expense Whatever that Is not authorized by the budget. In this view a severe control should be established, so that this de partment may command public confidence. In order to lacilitate lue execution ol these measures, and to lessen the pre*eut dram upon the Trea-ury, we have decided to relinquish the nsual 300,iwo Turkish pounds, lo pay taxes from the resources ol oar private greaser v. from the revenues of the cool at met of Krabeclee and others, from the manufactory form In it part of oar domain, with the bope of bains ?bl? in ihia way. in connection with certain roductlona in expeuses, to obtain the equilibrium In the financial balance of the empire. Our tlrineat deeire ii that ail treaties concluded with friendly Powers be scrupulously observed, as in the past, and that the amicable and sincere relations which bind us to tbetn may be confirmed snd reassured. May the Almighty deign to bless yon sil. Amen. OBITUARY. CHRISTOPHER B. M. TALBOT, M. P. A cable telegram from London, under date of yaster day, reports the occnrrence of the death of Christopher K. M. Talbot, member of Parliament for Glamorgan shire. Chrislophor Rice llansell Talbot, the deceased, was the son o( the late Thomas Mansell Talbot, of Mar gam, by hit wife Lady Mary Lucy, daughter of the Earl of Ilceeter. Ho was bore In the year 1803, and was educated at Harrow, and Oriel College, Oxford, lie graduated first class In mathematics in the year 1823. In 1836 he married a daughter of the Eari of (Bengali. He has represented Glamorganshire In Par liament since the year 183a In politics he was a lib eral, in lavor of the ballot and universal sulfTage. A peerage was offered to him in tbo your 1800, but lie de ctlnod tbo honor. JAMAICA RUFFIANS CHASTISED. The village and town of Jamaica have for a long time been afflicted with a considerable number of young roughs. The close has been growing moro and more dangerous, encouraged by the comparative Im munity with which they havo commuted minor o'. lences against the law?acta of rowdyism and outrage upon the private rights of property owners and others, and deeds ot violence and petty theft. About half past seven o'clock P. M. Colonel AaroD A. De Grauw, Presi dent of the village, with a party ol friends, was sitting on the front steps ol his house on the Jamaica turnpike, when, Just In tront ol the house, two young women were Indecently assaulted by two ol these roughs, whose names were alterward ascertained to bo Henry Barnes and Finicy Knight. The Oolouol remonstrated with them, and they re turned Impudent and delimit auawers, asking, "What is it your business!"' The Colonel, with ibe remark, "I'll snow yon," went to ihs assistance of the young women, and proceeded to arrest the two ltd lows with the purpose of making a complaint against them. As they resisted his authority ha struck Out from the shoulder and knocked one of tliem down. The other struck the Colouel with a cane, and finally drew a knife and threatened his lifo. This one, Honry Barnes, was subsequently arrested by Olllccr Humor and lodged In the Town Hull cells. The other, Knight, was on his way to the colls in charge of the Colouel and his Irtonds when a rescue wus attempted by two ot his brothers, Robert J. and I rouiont Knight, und Michael Wolsli. Tbo whole party, however, were quickly captured, and tho lire were securely lodged iu tho cells lor the night. Yesterday morning they were arraigned before Justice Bennett, wheu Colouel D? Grauw made u complaint against Karnes lor assault with intent to kill. Fiuley Knight was held for the in decent assault and resistance and Welsh and tiie other two Knights for tho attempted rescue and riotous pro ceedings. Several of them presented evidences of rough treatment on the part of the Colonel and his friends, who uro evidently "heavy bitters." Tho ex amliiatiou was adjourned until last eveuiug to give the prisoners an opportunity to procure the attendance of witnesses. BROOKLYN COMMON COUNCIL. INVESTIGATION OF THE DEFALCATION OF H. A. SOLOMON*?THE STORAGE RESERVOIR. At the regular session of the Brooklyn Board of Alderincn, held yesterday aftornoon, President French in tho chair, a resolution was adopted by the Board, inviting the principal citv officials to witness tho break ing of ground for the new municipal building, at eleven o'clock to-morrow, Wednesday morning. The law committee, to whom was referred tbo communica tion ol William Mayo Little, late Registrar of Arroars, rclativo to Henry A. Solomon, bis defaulting cashier, reported that they had examined witnesses und books connected with that office. They found Solomon, as cashier had the lull confidence ol the Registrar, ami that there was nothing to excite suspicion that Solutuou was dishonest iu the perlorinance of his duiius. The committee find that tho system ol keeping accounts was such as to develop ol Itself any fraud or disbouesiy on I he part of the cashier in his official duties. The amount taken by Solomou wus ?1,328 68. The cotn mittco lulled to find any lack of diligence on the part of the late Registrar ol Arrears iu tno transaction of his official duties A resolution wus therefore adopted exonerating William Mayo Little lrotn nil responsi bility in the matter. The Joint Committee on Low Water and Druiunge, wno had under discussion tho resolution proposing to appeal lrotn the decision ol Judge Neilson lelerritig the suit of tho Storage Reservoir contractors, Messrs. Kingsley & Kenuey, to a commission of reference, re ported that tho Corporation Counsel and John K. Par sons wcro willing to procood to trial of the suit. The resolution to appeal from the decision of the Court was therefore rescinded. GERMAN NORMAL SCHOOL. A meeting of the New York German-Atnericuu Asso elation lor raising funds to erect a National Seminar; wan bold last night at Liederkranz Hall, and was pre sided over by H. Weseodouck. Tbo only business be fore the tneoting lust night was bearing ot tho report of the New York delegates. They reported tbnt over $60,000 are already collected toward tho building of the seminary; that the name ol the seminary should be the Germau American Normal School, and that It shall be located In somo central situation und to he governed by a board of flltecn directors froin various Stales, the school to he opeued us soon ns the interest ou subscriptions will nmuuut to $8,U00 per annum over expense of building tnnd. Tho ob|ect of tho school is tor the proper Instruction and education In all tho branches requisite to qualification as teachers in the public schools In toe German ana Kuglish branches. 1'upils shall bn accepted and admitted without rogard to nationality or creed. The mam ob ject is to havo teachers ready to lako positions iu tho public schools who are competent to teach In both languages. STABBED SLIGHTLY. Nicholas llamas, ot No. 67 Sullivau street, was stabbed lu the side with a penknife In the hands of a man named DUtcffar, on Crosby street last night, but the wound is cot serious. Dlslolfar was aricsicil. HOW TO PRESERVE MOUNT VER ' NON. To TUB EDirOR or TUB IIxkalo: ? 1 read In the Herald or Saturday, June S, an ac count ot the Emperor of Brazil's visit to Mount Ver non and tho neglected condition In which the tomb is kept, also the locllng which he and tho Empress displayed iu placing bouquets on the tomb. Now I consider It a disgrace to the uatlou to neglect It so. If the patriotic spirit Is suffered to decline in this man ner it will not be long ere America will eutirely forget him who should Itvo In the memory of his country-, liu-u lorever. To tho women of America belongs the honor of having secured Mount Vernon Iroiu total destruction; he it theirs also to raise a lund suitlcient to keep it iu ordor. Now, if overy lady in America would contribute one dime a sum could soou bo raised, the interest ol which would ho suUiclonl lor tins pur pose. Knowing that the Herald is generally success ful lu such undertakings, I thought that perhaps you might see III to agiiHte the matter. Surely it is an object worthy ol (tils ccutonulal year, unii vtliiclt, if accomplished, will no longer cause the ladies of Amer ica to blusli for Ainuricuu ingratitude. If a subscrip tion is started 1 will contribute myself and endeavor to get my tricnds to do the same. ?I I'.nk, lit, 1S76. AN AMERICAN LADY. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. OATHS or DBTARTUKSS FRO* SSW YottK TOR THE MONTHS or Jl'MI AMI Jl'LY. ?Mooter. I Aat/a. \iMtlmaitm. \4 iscoustn. iJunelM. Liverpool. fane :1. Liverpool. State ol he vails.. f inland llsniTuotila. I'r il it. mo | k.gypt..? I fcl \ ?' M 1st Germain....... Cftlilorni* Mom# I Hothfti* : LfMinc I M?t* ot Indian*. | Cltx ot Merlin.... ? Kt"loipi?; | Donma .1 u tie '.'li, GI astro w. -Isns li'l. ttottrrilani Juno 22. Hamburg.. June 24. Liverpool,. J no. 24. Liverpool.. Juno -J4. London.... Jno. 24. Havre Jon. g4. Glaieow... Inn. 24. Bremen.... Jnne'.'s. Liverpool.. Jane 21*. Humour?.. June2B. Glasgow.... I ? jr I Liverpool I ul - 1 llvrrpool,. ?t? Kroaitwav Inly l.GUteow., 7 BowlingGreea July 1. Brtmeia... 2 Bowline nr..a iJnlr l.i Havre i-Vj Hroauway Wyoming i.lulr 4.! Liverpool.. I2P llro.dvea. Al>y-.lnia (July 6.11.'t.rpooi.. |4 Bowhnir itreen Wlelaoa IJoIr fi.I Hamburg, ,1'H Hrnadwnv WA Sebidt.B (Jnlr l>. I Rotterdam I.'SI Broadway t a II ail a jjal. R.itinera !V> Broadway Germanic 'July B-! Liverpool.. Ik* Broadway In. vueen |Juir B.| Liverpool.. MP Hroaiiwar 2V ltroaiivray 4 Bowling tireea I- Broad war Mi Hroaiiway til Hrtiadwav 87 Broadwar Lb Broadway 7 bow line iireea 46 Hmndwny 7 Bowling Green 2 Bnwlln* lirean 4 Howling lire.a HI B-oadway 72 brand way Victoria I An lis . Rhtln Kim-la | Male ot Pennsyl'a ! Kri.ia I City ot Cbeat.r.,,. I t IUr r : lloiivia 1 Amcrlqiie........ ; Cehte .. I hM . m. Idaho ^ Oliaferta i I'tonia City of Richmond Jay July H. July f. July 1 . Ju.v IU. lu'y IB July 1j. July 1.1. July I >. .1 til v 1.1. July LI. Juir L>. It IB Jnlr VO. July 22. July 22. Glasgow. I.omr.n Bremen.... l.iverpool.. itUagww. tlnmbnrr.. Liverpool . Bremen.... Glasgow... Havre Liverpool.. Liverpool.. 7 BowlingilrMt 7 Bowling Hre*m 2 Bowling Grsea 4 Bowling Groan 72 Broadway HI I.ros.lwa* lo Broadway 2 Howling Green 7 Bowling ilrset t>6 Uroa.iwae 87 Broadway Bp Hroadwae Liverpool. . 2t? Broadway ItainPorg.. iHl Itroadwav 1 Mulna ... 11 Bowling <lre Liverpool. 116 Broadway JCJ-NOTirB TO CAI'TAlNB OP I F.SBRLB IN TIIB COASTING AMD rORHlUN TUALK-Captaint or others of veaaela enraged HMbe i ?nlh| or foreign trad*, observing the displacement or removal of eea buoy*. arc requested te com municate the fact te the USKALD, so that It may be brought publicly to the attcatlea of the proper authorities A letter addreaeed "to the editor of the 11 skald, New York elty." giving aa accurately as possible the number and poeitiou of displaced bnoye or the eause of their removal, will suffice in all caesa observed along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the American Continent. When they are obsaivsd on the coast of European coantriee or In the Mediterranean It is reqnested that information be sent either by telegraph or letter to the London office of the Naw You Hsuald. 40 First atreet, London, or te the Paris office. 01 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris. If here the telegraph Is need despatches may be addressed "Bennett, 46 Fleet street, London." or "Bennett, 61 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris." Where casee el displacement are observed in the waters of countries beyond the reach of the telegraph, as la Asia or Africa, captains may communicate with us upon reaching the first convenient port. This Information will be cabled tree of charge to the 11 SKALD and published. ?9-NOTICB TO CAPTAINS OP VBSSBLR ENTERING THE POUT OP NEW YORK AT NIGHT.?The Nntr You HsnsLD has adopted a distinguishing Coston night signal for use on board the Hkbald steam yacht, showtnr while burn ing the colore red. green, red. changing from ons to the other In succession, and can be seen several miles distant. Cap tains of veaaela, upon toeing this signal, will obllga as br preparing any marins news thsy may hava lor the Ship News DoDartmcat of the UasALo. J?-l'ersout desirous of commnmiesting with veaaela arriv Ing at New Y'ork can do so br addressing to such vessels, cars ofHkBALD news yacht.pier No. 1 East River, New York. Letters rscolvsd from all parte ofthe world and promptly de livered. Duplicates are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. Str.V AJfO MOO3. I BIOS WATBR. Pan rises..... 4 58 | Gov. Island eve 7 12 Nun sets 7 311 Sandy Book eve 0 27 Moon rises....morn 2 45 | Hell Gate. ove 8 67 PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 19, 1876. ARRIVALS. REPORTED BT THB BBRALD STEAM TAOHTS AXD HKBALD WUITKSTOXB TELROKAPB LIMB. Steamer Arragon (Hr), Srmons, Bristol June 3. with mdss nnd lli passengers tu IV I) Morgan. June 18, (at 40 33, Ion 71 (Ml, passed a bark, altering south, showiug signal letters WSHN. Steamer City of Mexico, Sherwood, New Orleans May 28. Tauipico :11st. Tuxpau Juno I, Vera Crus 7th. Campeclis IMIi, l'riigreso lutli mid Havana 14th, with ludae and -id pas sengers tu K Alexandre A Sous. Steamer City of San Antutilo. Pennington. Galvestnn June ID and Key West 1 lib, with mdse and passeugers to C H Mallorv A l!o. Steamer Cnrondelet, Kaircloth, Fernandina, Brunswick, (la. and l'ort Koyal, with mdse and passengers to C H Mal lory A Co. ?Milp Vera Crua (Aus). Blllafer. Alexandria. K. So days, with rags to Butterwith A ainiley. Passed Gibraltar May 12. ship Zouave. Means, Trapaal via Gloucester, Mass, f>4 days, with salt to Yernun II Brown A Co. Passed Gibraltar May 18; June 12. oil Sable Island, passed ship City of Mon treal, hence for London. Bark Geo Treat iof Boston). Carver, Callao via Hampton Roads DSdavs, with euano to llubsun. Hurt ado A Co; ves sel to K P Muck A C<>. Passed Capo Horn April 2D, and crossed the Equator May 2M. In lou 43. Hud fine weather. Bark J K Ilolbrook. Levitt, Cubarien, 14 days, with sugtr to Uriuuell. Minturu A Co; vessel to Prett. Sun A Co. Brig Kovigllano i Itali. Lie Oeniiaru, Messina .Yfl days, with fruit to Lauro. Sturey A Co, Passed tiibraltar May ID. Brig Blauclio (Br), Boberts. Port Spain, 14 uays, with suvar to Dwight A Plntt: vessel tu Master. Brig Dauntless. Perkius, Arecibo, Pit. 9 days, with sugar to (iosacr A Co; vessel tu Simpson, Clapp A Co. .-tcbr Itate YVentworth. Meatl. liemarara, 10 days, with su gor to order; vessel to Miller A Houghton. Scbr C C warren. Smith, Abaeo, 5 day*, with pines to Wru Douglass; vessel tu B J Wenbor. Schr. John Mosser. Rhodes, Klenthern, 4 days, with pines to T J Madge: vessel to J It Maples Sehr Virginia Ritlou, Rulon, Bermuda, 5 days, with pro duce to E P A N 11 Looruls; vessel to Wurreu Hsy. Schr \V H Jones, Line, Fe'rnandiua H days, with naval stores tu Dolluer, Putter A Co; vessel to A Abbott. June 10, olf Cape Komaln, lout foro and main tails in a heavy E*E gale. Sclir E D Endlcott, Carroll, Boston. 4 days, with lea to the Knickerbocker Ictt Co; vessel to Vanbrunt Bros. PASSED THROUGH HELL GATE. BOUND SOUTH. Schr A M Bird, Falos, Windsor, N8, via Vineyard Haven for Now York. S?-hr Little K (Br), Morris, St John, NB. for New York. Schr Joseph P Koss Green, Providence for New Yors. Schr Achoru, Nicholson, Millstouo Point for New York. Sclir Stiiiiu -I ltlalielcy, Blakeley. Calais for New York. Schr N Berry. Nichols, Bangor for New York. Sclir Joint L Merrill. Merrill. Orient for New York. Sclir John Muiller, Marklium. New Bedford for New York. Schr Thus III*, llall, Rockland for New York. Sclir Capitol, Fowler, Providence lor Kingston. Schr Isaac II Burden' Baker, Full River lor New York. Schr Arlo Pardee. Shropshire, Providence for New Y'ork. Schr Ariel. Illll, Fall River for New York. Schr J II Bartlett. Barrett, Kennebec lor New Y'ork. Sehr Saxon. Chapman, Georges Bunks fur New York. Schr Itutli Tuouinu. Blake, Providence for New Y'ork. Sclir W \Y llralnsr.l. Pitch. New Bedford for New Y'ork. Schr John S Blackman, Racket t. Providence for New York. Schr Atlantic. Frailer, Ilyamtis for New Y'ork. Schr Ida. Cook. Taunton for New York. Schr Samuel L Crocker, Thrasher, Taunton for New York. Schr Hsae. Newman. Hertford lor New Y'ork. Schr Clarissa Allen, HoUgdou, Vineyard Haven for New Y'ork. Schr Salmon YYaahburn, Hathaway, Tannton lor New Y'ork. /febr Kate Chbrcb. Giffird. Georges Banks for New York. Schi Ada Herbert, Manton, Boston for Now Y'ork. Schr Curvu, T> lor, llockluu.1 lor New York. Sclir Golden Ray Davis. Stouybrook for New York. Sclir Saxon. Brsgdon, Franklin. Me, for New Y'ork. Sclir Otrorito. ilaininond, Ellsworth, Me, fur New Y'ork, t-cbr K 0 smith. Smith, Providence for New Y'ork. Sehr Loehlel, Bangor for New Y'ork. Schr Matthew Yasser, Jr. Kelley, New Bedford fur New Y'ork. Schr Clara Post, Ferris, 1'orlchester for New Y'ork, Schr Hester, Davis, Portchester fur New York. BOUND EAST. Steamer Kranconia. Bragg. Now Vork tor Portland. Schr Kanuy Pern, Eaton. Hurt Johnson for Providence. Sclir J --nihil, Herri*. New York for Brentford. Schr Orient, Smith, New York for Port Jefferson. Schr Alluy-baiiia. Merrill. Port Johnson for Boston. Hclir Mabel Hell Bartlett. Hoboken for Klttery. sclir l.'lins K Mo?ri*on, -mull. New York for Boston. Sciir Boston, Nickerson, Port Johnson for Hostou. Sclir Re seme, Kety. Port Johnson for Boston, schr Sesrsvillo. Dodge. Hoboken fir Boston. Sclir I .it t la i)e/l?l, Bradley. Port Johnson for Stratford. . ii. New York for S tret lord. Schr Kile. Brown, Mr Jes II Moore, Moore, New York for Portland. Schr Emily, Morrcll, New York tor New Bedford. *3-The schooner reported eshoro on Bicker's Island 18th Inst not oil et high wnter seme date. CLEARED. Steamer knight Templar (hr), Kirby, Antwerp?Fancb, Edye A Co. Steamer Concord. Shcerin. Philadelphia?James Hani Steamer Kranconia, Bragg. Purtland-J K Ames Snip Theiese, Shaw, Uiuraltar for orders?Tbos Danham'S Nephew A Co. ship Edith, Hanson. San Krnncisro?Sutton A Co. Bark Print (Nor), olsen, Cork or Falmouth for orders? Punch, Kdj? A Co. Bark Elide (Br), Dnnlop, Sllgo?Snow A Burgesa. Bark Sandvlx (Swa), Sainuelsen, Stettin?Uockmann, Oerlein A Co. Bark Kong Carl (Nor), Ilenrlchsen, Rotterdam?C Tobias A Co. Bark Euro (Aos), llreglich, Rotterdam? Sloeovlch A Co. Kark Arietta. Nichols, Montevideo?J Norton, Jr A Sons. Brljc Annlo R Storer. Adams. Sliro -Miller A Houghton. Brig AiiKUsta (Swe), Dornery, Wlsmar?Bockmaun, Oer lein A Co. Brig l uomas Owen, Guptill, Cartagena (Spain)?Marcos Hunter A Co. Schr Anna A Booth, Stephens, Kingston, Ja?Leaycraft A Co. Sclir E'la Brown, Brown, St John. NB?A T Heney. Schr White Wing. McPhelan, Savannah, Ua?Brett, Boa A Co. Schr Mary Ann McCann, Kavaaagk, Bangor?H W Loud A Co. Sclir Hero. Baker. Salem?C F Bobbins. Sclir Winnie Ltury, Spear, llo-ton?11 P Brown A Co. Sciir I. W Mathersiin, Mclntyre, Provincetown. Mast?B J Wenhcrir A Co. Schr Reindeer, Howard, Cold Spring?Campbell A Oerdl SAILED. Ships Fawn,for London; Kama (Nor), do; Marcla C Day, Bnltliuore; Tuereso, 1 barks America iOer), l.iverpooi; Alplia (Nor), (Jueenetown or Kaimuuth; Oalatea (Br), Bristol; Bulcarry (Br , Cork or i'aimouth : Divico (Nor), do or do; Arlington iNori, Rotterdam: John no Marie (tier), Hamburg: Martin W Urett, Prnarth Bonds; A W McAdnui, Cork; Kidcnte lAus). Sllgo; Ashantee (Br), Baltimore; W J brig Thetis. Curacoa. Wind at sunset. S8E : st midnight. SSW. Barometer at suusct, 3U.04; 10 I'M, 3.11)0. MARITIME MISCELLANY. The purser of the stenmer City of Mexico, from Vera Cms' Ac, hat our thanks for favors. Bank Jkxny uumiiolo lltal), before reported ashore neaMlince Bay, CB. was taken off 17th Inst and towed to North Sydney, CH. 18th.- with steam pumps on board to keep her atloal. she was to go on the marine railway on the Hull lor repairs. A previous account said the J y was a total wrock. Bank Za.siuk (Nori. Wallahra. from Norway, In bnlla-t, for Sydney Ctt. went ashvrv dune IH on Eastern Hocks, Scstarla island and will probably be a total Wreck. |Tlia id was bullf - . ? /, was 548inns register ami was built at Aarendal, Norway, in INTO. Souk J K Csavan, from Calais with a load of laths, con signed to .led Free A Co, passed Hell Uato yesterday AM, leaking lUm stroke* per Hour. Hchh M A liKTltK. Ilndg'ton, from Port Antonio, J a, for New York, which put into Charleston ItJth iust le.tky and with sails split, also carried away rudder, having met a severe gate Iroui the southeast on the ikli, iBliiJi 45, lou 77 ?i. Stun Ja.nvt MiDDLKTOk (not Janet) fisherman, reported nd-sing. sailed about March Son a sail trip to the Bunas, and lias not been beard from since. She was 00 43 tons, built at hssox. Si nit Cordova, of Plymouth, arrived at St Johns, NF, Hull iust, trom the (Jraiid Banks, with loss of aaila and two men. scun T L Haumosd, before reported missing, was an old vessel of some t*J tons, and was owned by the captain, who resided at the eastward. Her cargo consisted of 3.>,<ku bricks, owned liyMrJainoa l.ucas, of East Dearing, who bad no insurance. II ALirsx. J tine 18?A bottle was picked up 'JO miles from Habru containing a niece of pa|ier on which was written. In distinctly. the following:?'"Snip Kosaiuoml, sailed from Liverpool May I, 18711. Vessel going to bottom with all hands " ; An slop Rosamond is in the register It will prob alilv prove to be another of tho uiaav attempts at this kind of hoaxing ] WHALEMEN. A Intlor ftom Cant Smith, of bark Ohio 2d. of NB, reports her st layal May 83, having landed Jt?1 bbls sp oil to be shipped home. lifporis ttaat bark Midas, Lapliam, Mi, ? ailed from KMal May 23. Laving landed I; I bbls sp oil. At st Miciiaols, bark j anus, Uilford, NB. with ItMbblssp since leaving FaysL SPOKEN. Bark Bnajr, Heard, from fniermo for Philadelphia, May 23. lat 311. Ion 31 25. Hark Batuvia, Brown, from Roitoo for Queenitown, Judo 11. Infi 42 35, Ion 15. Hark itobinnoti Crusoe, Kobin?on, from Boaton J una 8 for Uueeftatowti, J ana 14. lat 41 45, Ion 58 50. Hri< ^ii?alMiippi. from Baltimore lor l>omerura, June 16, lat 3tf 45. Ion 74 30. Brit; Maggie VhII <Br). Welah, from Havre for Hampton Road*. June 18, 30 miles eaat of Five Fathoui lightship. NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Merehante. (hipping agent, andihlpmsstsri are Informed that by telegraphing to the Dekalb Loudon Bureau, ad dreaaiag "Bennett. No. 40 Fleet street, London." or to tbo Parts office, addressing "Bennett, 01 Avenue da I1 Opera. Paris." the arriraia at and departures Irons European and Eastern porta of Ameriean and nil foroUn vessel. trading with the United States. the ansae erlli be cabled tothle coun try free of charge. Captains arriving at and selling from French and Medi terranean ports will had the Paris office tho more economi se! and expeditions for telegraphing newa OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Ajijstn, June 10?Arrived previously, hark Edith Been. Harding, New York. Bristol, Jane 19?Arrived, steamer Somerset (Br), We it em, New York. Helvast, June IS?Sailed, ship B J llarland (Br, new). English. San Francisco. Hrkme.h, June IS?Arrived, ship Slrius (Ger). Miller. Baltimore; barks Uutenbnrg (Ger), Gerlnch, Philadelphia; Carl Jobann (Nor), Akland, New York; Atlantic (Nor), Kl llngsen. Psnsacola; brig Flamingo (Nor), Lorenscn. Wil mington, NC. Sailed 16th, bark Maria Rlckmere (Ger), Heine. United States. Sailed 18th, ship Hannah Morris (Br), Dunbar, Sandy Hook; bark F Reck (Gar), Waltjen, Philadelphia; also the Echo, for America. Bordeaux?Sailed from Paulllac Juno 17. barks Lea Bons Fils(Fr), New Orleans: J F Mann (Ger), Delaware Break water. CARDirr, Jane 19?Arrived, achr A B Weeks, Farr, Phila delphia. Arrived In Penarth Beads 18th, bark Bono (Aus), Vece rlna, New York. ComiBACEV, June Id?Arrived, brig Janet (Dan), Han sen, Philadelphia. Dundalk, June 18?Sailed, schr S B Hume. Dlgglns, North America. Fayal, Juno 14?Sailed, bark Ator, Davis, Boston. Glouckktek. June 18?Arrived, barks Sarah E Frailer, Knight. Portland, Me; Po (Ital), Schlaffino,New York; Itu ma (Ana), Begna, do. Glasgow, June 19,8 AM?Arrived, steamer Sidonian (Br), Edwards, New York. Obkemock, June 19?Arrived, bark Jorgan Lorentsea (Nor), Pedersen, United States. Galwat, Jane 18?Sailed, bark J W Scammell (Br), Ed monds, Now Y'ork. a, Juno 10-Arrived, bark Anny (Ital), Sellafonte. Mobile. Hambubo. June 18?Arrived, ship Marianne Nottebohm, Whitney, Enderbury Island. Hklvoet, June 18?Arrlvod, barks Lohcngren (Ger). Fret" wurat. New York for Rotterdam; Jnlia Heyn (Ger), Schroe. dor. Darien for Dordrecht. Havre, Jnne 17?Cleared, bark Home (Br), Morgan, North America. Liverpool, Juna 19?Arrived, steamer Trinacria (Br), Bombay (has cargo for New York); ship Saracen (Br), ilave ron, do. Also arrived 19th, steamers Bolivar (Br), Doherty, Balti more; Kits (Sp), Rlestra, New Orlpanr. Arrived 18th, s' ip Walter D Wallett (Br), HatDeld, St John, NB: barks Velocity (Nor), Olseu, Savannah; Robert Uodfrey (Br), Cbipman, Galveston. Sailed 18th, barks James E Brett, Gibson, United States; 19th, Lllta (Ital), Picasso, do; scbr Luoln Murehlson, Jones, do. Lokdor,June 19?Cleared,barks Weymouth (Br), Dur kee. North America; Duca dl Galllere (Port). Viganlgo, United States. Lrxs, Jnne 19?Arrived, bark 8tepantno (Ital), Geeta. Philadelphia. Londonderry, June 18?Sailed, bark Conntese of Duffe" rtn (Br), Degau. North America. Movillk, June 19?Arrived, steamor Moravian (Br), Gra ham, Montreal for Liverpool (and proceeded). Newport, June 18?Arrived, baik Merta (Ger), Kraeft, Darien. Qukknstown, June 18?Arrived, barke Raffeele Llgnre (Ital). Consigliere, Baltimore; Sldlaw (Br), McGlathan, New York; 19th, Otec Mibo (Aus), Ztblllch, Philadelphia for Dublin; Virgo (Nor), Schonberg. Galveston for Liverpool; Ailmuri (Ital), Trapani, New Y'ork; Queen Victoria (Br), McKeuite, Baltimore. * Also arrived 19th, steamer Indiana, Clark, Philadelphia for Liverpool (and proceeded). Kottkrdar, June 17?Sailed, (hip N B Palmer (Nor)* Larsen. Now Y'ork. Cleared 17th, bark* Gamaliel, Shaw, United State*; Uno (Nor), Lorentten, do; Anna (Aut), VldullcU, do. Sunderland, June 19?Arrived, ship Cyuosur* (Br), Hall, Peijsacola. Seville, June IS?Arrived, achr Jaa A Potter, Oiler. 8a vnnuah. Hantander, June 14?Arrived, bark Andromeda (Nor), Neilsen, Savannah. Shangoai, June 19?Arrived previously, bark Annie rirag Ington (Br), Smith, New Yora. WEATHER REPORT. Falmouth. Jnne 1Q, PM?Wind S8W; thick fog. Uoltbkad, Jane 19, PM?Moderate gale; FOREIGN PORTS. Alexandria. E.June 5?Arrived, brig Bams (Nor), Jen ku, New York. Amir. May I? In port brig Vesta, Percy, from Chefoo, arrived April 2d, unc. Hatavix. May 3?In p?rt bark R P Back, Cnrtii, trom Newport, arrived April 2d. a or. Bombay, Hay IS?In port, ships Wm McGllvery, Nleboli, for I'uited Kingdom or Continent; Phineas Pendleton, KichoW; A S Davis. Ford, and Winona. Bray, lor Havre; Luc* A Nickel-, Nickel*, uuc; Howard Kidder, Park, do. Stilled May 12 (not 8th), bark Annie Lorway (Br), Unlet, New York. Cabdkxas, June 10?Sailed, icbr lndianola. Bloom, north of llatterns. t'iKNriiitoo*, June 15?Arrived, bark Terete (Br), Kohl, New York. Cow Bar. CB, June 17?Arrived, brig Catherine (Br), Portland. Sailed 17th. brig Panl (Br). Stevens, New York. pLsitota. June 10?Arrived,bark Uraham* Polley. Clapp, New York. Oiiraltar, May 29?Towed through Abe Strait*, brig Mary M William* (Br), Ilanna. from Cette for New York. Havana. June 10?Arrived, *teamert C W Lord. Colton, Havana; 18th. Cu-sie. Hill, lndianola; 19th, City orMerida, Remolds. New York tor Vara Cru*. Sailed 17to, iteamer Columbus, Reed. New York; bark* II 'J Ltbby, Brook*, do; Samuel Welsh, Spear, do; Felo (So). Me?trl, New Orleans. Halifax. Juue 15?Cleared, bark Laura (Nor;, Sunder ?en. St Margaret'* Bay. Arrived 17th, brig hliia Morton (Br). Leland, St Ubei; lxth, steamer (leo Shattuek (Br). Uuilford. StjPlerre; scbr K M Ortiminond, Higgin*. Lisbon; 19th, steamers Carroll. Wright. Boston (snd sailed lor Charlottetowu); Falmouth, Coli'V Portland. Sailed K>tli, brig Proteus, Tarr, Plctou. Iloilo. April 25?In port ship Carricks (Br), Carr, for ' Kockwooa (Br), Jewell, a " " New York, idg; barks Kockwooa (Br), Jewell, and Coarser. Krllmau. lor do. do Messina, May 13?Sailed, brig Emilia Clampa (Ital), Co flero. New York. Manila, April 12?Nailed, bark* Zohrnb (Uer). BoltorlT. New York: 2Jd. B Aymar, Lopbam. Sabic and Shanghai; schr W O Cation, Connor, Hong Konj via Jba*. In port May 2, bark liermaon itlen. Barn Parte, for New York. Idg. P? XAXli, May 1 ?In port, ship Herald of the Morning, Touuv. tor London. Idg. Sailed April 24. brig Su?an K Voorhls. Falford, Rangoon Poiit Hastings, NS. June I7--P***ed, brig* Coriiaiiuo, and Asteroid, bound S. Punwash, June u?Cleared, brig Valero (Br), Fulton, Queenetown. JUval. Juno lO-Solled, ship O B Haseltlne, OUkey, Cape Brelon. KxXOOON, May 5? In port ahip II McOllverv, Blake, for Europe; bark* Carrie Humphries. Uroaier; Minnie Allan, Soper. aud Rainbow. Rowe'.l, for do . Km Janeiro, May lo?Arrived, brig J A liortey (Br), Cofflll. New York. Singapork. May 6?In port barks Brisbone (Br), Huddle. Stouc. and Peruana (Br), lor New York, Idg; Alma, Lord, S'Salled*ApeH 29, bark Mllo, Kraeht, Shanghai. St iltLkNA, Mny 22?Passed, ship Robert Lees (Br), Roee, from Calcutta lor Now York. srPikKUK. Mart. Junett?In port brig Jennie Morton, Smoot. lor Philadelphia next day. ST Johns. PR. June III?Sailed, steamer Nellie Martin (Br), Jaekson (from t:io Janeiro. Ac). New York. STJ ago, June ll-Arrited .brig* Carrie Purington, Whit mote, Boston; Ellen H Stewart (hri. Miller, New York; lath, nclir C W Anderson (Itr), Halifax. sr Joux, NB. Jnne 19?Arrived, brig Sarah Wallaca (Hri, Reed. Portland; ?clira Falco, New Bedford; Jeddo, Hnstoort. Me Sailed loth, ship II L Richardson, Morton. Liverpool. Cleared 17th. ship Hen Shepley, Hutching*. Liverpool (anil sailed 19th): hatk* Vary A Mythall (Hri. l in ker, Pen- I artli Roads; Anulo Troop iBr). Frits, Limerick; iirtg* j Roskva, Lepreeux; ("nion (Kri, for Cartliaxona; Westmore land (Br), Waterlord; Caledonia(Br). Hantry. Tahiti, Mar it?In port ?clir Florence Bailey, Coffin, from Sydney. NSW.repa. Valencia, May 31? Sailed, bark Carrie L Tyler. Hudson, Almelra. Yarmouth, NS, June 18?Arrived, *ehr Jessie Jones (Br), Antigua. _____ AMERICAN PORTA ASTORIA. 0, Juna 15?Sailed, bark Wkve Qmaan (Br), Anderson, Liverpool Hi) TuN, June 17?Arrived, bark John Mathews (Br), Beavey, Pnrtland for Auckland. NX; brig Kenath (Br), Uau gan, st John*. Pit. l*th ?Arrived, steamers lohns Hopkins. Hal ett. Balti more via Norfolk; Hen Whitney. Ilallett, New Yora:?ebrs II M Bnell. Ireland, Philadelphia: W I hlkina, Ludlam, do. loth?Arrived, steamer* Berks, Pendleton, Philadelphia; R. in a ii. Crenell, do; schr* John II Converse. I'lummer, Sugua: Ueneral Connor, nebula, do: Lucv Holme*. Te?l, llaracoa; Whitney Long. Itlukmorr, Philadelphia; W L Ab bott, Ludlam, do: Manlta Welsh, Weetley. do; Spartel, Cro?man. New York; it L Adams, Rabbins. Hoboken; Both Shaw. Shaw, Heorgeiown; Olive, Jamisuu. Jamison, Port Johnson. Also arrived, *ehr* 11 Stlckney, Fooke. Barbados; R M llersey.Cuggini, Naguabo, Pit; 8 II Howe*. Fort. Plidadel plna. R S Miller. Sinltb, do; Arctic, (MM, do; >Vta A itaron. Hear*!-, Heorgeiown, DC; M A risk. Fisk, Baltimore ; Kelieeea A Carter, Tomiilt, dot Aneroid. Talbot, do. Cleared?Steaiuer Hlaucut, Bearae, New York; bark Zephyrine, Johnson, Uenierara; scbr Jacob M lla?kell. Crow ell. II nil, H. MAI.MVOkK. June 18-Arrlved. bark* Neres O (Ana), Scoplnlrli. iroot Hloucester via Hampton HoaJs; Augustina (Spi, Acordagoicoaclie, Havana; Wellaiuo (itus), tlobiu nin, Dublin; brig* Annie Ingram I Br), Ashwood, At Jwbns, P It; M nodal a ittri. Truftoa. Laloarlen ; schr lialen O King, Bracey, Fortune leland. IPth?Arrived. bark Coneepeloe <>p>. pnblic (Hr), Marker do: scbrs Josiah Urn. Kennebec. W H Whlttaker. Carl, do. Horace Moodl#. Huud. Boston; B I' Kmnmell. Bernard. Bhllndalpnlik Cleared, eteanert K W Bruna. Foster. Sew York. William Lawrence. Howe.. B...t.m; bark. KuugCsrt (Net). Haaartfc Droghrda; Kalken (.Nor). Chrl.ten.en, Wlsbeach: Bmannav Andereon. Queenstewn or Falmouth: schrs Helen, rerrr. Sew Bedford: Rodney Parker. Barker. New Haven; OB WilheruU, Garfield. Boston. a Sailed, barks Marie. Arriean. Isabella. Lre, Annie ? Elliott. Milan. W 11 Jenkins. . ? . _ BKb'KHtflCK, Oa, June 14?Ballad, eehr Santa Roan, Herrick, New York. ? BANGOR, June 16?Arrived, eehr Hark Pendleton, Pen dleton. Philadelphia. _ CHARLESTON. Jane IB?Cleared, aclir Emma Qreeu, Tlbbett.. Satllla. Oa. _ 181b?Bailed, eteamera Champion, New York; Ben doll, Baltimore 19th?Arrived, bark Architect, worn rare. Cleaiad?Brig Nellie Croaby (Bri. Bain. Cork. Sailed?Bark Fred Eugene. Young. London. CITY POINT, June 17?Arrived, bark Adier (Oar), Hack* ''dIOHTON,' June IB?Arrived, eehr Helen Mar, Ward, ^ImVvERS, June M-tArrisred. eehr OM Porter, Porter, P'siTkN ANDIN A, June 14?Cleared, eehr Emma MeAdam, Murch. Philadelphia. KOltTKESS MONROE. June 19-Arrtved. schr Wm nun ter iiuui Belfast. *eektuir. , B "eased in lor Balilniora-Bark Antoinette (Ger) Roeenen, fron. Bremen; Satur (Ant), Premuda. from Liverpool; ,lp*T?edhout-5erk? Preciosa (UCT). Havta: OtasepM Fnihnnel 11 tall. lor Queenetown; Yitlage Belle (Br), foe Londonderry <el> front Baltimore); eehr Nancy Smith, from ^KaL^ IUVEK,JJun'e'?i7?Arrived, eehr Wm Manon, ^S.Ued?Schr*?arnh L Simmons. Oandy Philadr 1 phin GEORGETOWN, SC, June 13?Arrived, schrsB I llaiard. Rowland. New York; J O Floyil. Gaskins, do. York. 1 "kHI'1,W"!st ' June 2-Arrived, echre Arl.tae, I"0?e, Nen York (end .ailed blh for Ker Large. to load Inr Naw York), 7th. Sarah Hall. Iluckelt. Pascagoula .. loth?In port, eehr Aunle Lewie, Aldrlch, Tor Peneaeola "miLI&IUDOE, Juno 10?Arrived, eclwi Jae Holmes, By ft*r New York: 14tl>, Mary, Mngee, do. NEW ORLEANS, Juno 17?Cleared, steamer Mantaret, Baiter, Havana via Key West; ecUrs River Quean. Hobbe, l'en.acola. Three Sisters, Apalachicola. 19th?Arrived, steamer Bra.hear Forbes, New York. Cleared?Bark Humboldt (Fr). Crooner, Belle Isle. Soutiiwkst Pass. June 19-Arrlvod, tteamer Muriel, from Vera Crui; achr Geo Sealey, Cuba . SHileil?Steamer City of Havana, Mexican ports; echi ?nV*KFOLK.'? June*"*? Arrived, echre Lvdia H Roper, Crnumer, Portland, Me; L T Knight, Uraffsm. Hockport, "nE\Y BURY PORT, June 17?Arrived. iteamer Panthan MSalled?Brtir J^ohn Price. Nlckereon. Philadelphia NEWPORT. June 17. AM?Arrived, achr Exeter, Peudle tou. Providence for New York (of Rockland). Sailed?Schre An.on Bruwu. Mills, hall River tor New York: E H Braeos, Haynor, Providence tor do. I'M?Arriv?u, ?chn? lUa. Deo ring, Tauutou for N?w Yort ; Niitntic. Morrln. and S T Chartre. Trefelhan, do [or *?. Sailed?Schr Kobt Byron, Nlckereon, New York tor Bucks P?N0RWICH. Jane 17?Arrived, eehr Quieketep, from Ho? b?NKW LONDON, June 19?Arrived, eehr Joshua Grlndle, Smith Porto Rico tor Norwich. Sailed?Brie Pathfinder (Br), Odell, Charleston. PAbCAGOULA. Juue lf>?Cleared, brig PepplnoLugie (Aue), Mareeenaioht, Liverpool; schr Thos Wlnans, Morgan, Z,pEX8ACOLA, June 13?Arrived, hark Rochalais (Yr), "ci^nred-Uark Vllle de Camillas (Sp), Font. Toulon. 14th?Arrived, ecbra Anna Stineon, Hloman, New York; El'a M Storer. Wade. Pascagoula. 10th?Cleared, eehr F L Richardson. Wette, Philadelphia l'OKT ROYAL, SC, June 19?Arrived, steamer City ol Dallas, Hlne., New York, (and aalled lor Fernandlna vie BrpiHLADBLPIA, June IB?Arrived, steamers William* nort. Wllleti, Button: Rattleeuake. Snow, do; Norman, Nlckersou do: Florida. Crocker. Providence: Catharine Whiting, Harding, do; Beverly. Wallace. New York; hark* O.iuo iRut). Kantala, Ipswich; Francisco G <'talj.De Bonis, Limerick; Alba (Dan). Fox wood, KigtutibrlrMa tilaa H (Br). Ilackett, Martinique; ecbr Katnon de Alurln. McBrlde, Mataniaa: Laura. Roberts, H??n?a; Lucy.CoeJ. well Windsor, NS; James M Hanegan, Richardson. Gardi ner Mary K Rankin. Fuller, do; W 8 Scull, Barrett, Boa ton- R H Shannon, Wllsou. Danversport; E G Wlllard, Wal lace Portland; W R llouiton. Gardiner, Peusscola. Also arrived, ehlps Lennie (Bri, Weston, Belfast via Syd ney CB; Independence, Strout, Boston; barks Kuploea YoVr). Lister. Dunkirk; Solleolto (Ital , Marcone. Genoa; ?clir? Jae S.tterthwalte, Wolff. Hallo well, Me: Guttle WU Son Floyd. Morton; llioe J kewnrd. Patteroon, Norfolk; Mignonette, Austin, J ernes River; "jury AJ'en^ **teai? Dighton: Laura, llltch, Rappahannock; Bailie M Event. ^('l?ared?Steamer Mayflower, Davidson. New York; berk Athlete (Br). Hutchinson, Dublin; brig Tenant. Nelll, Havana; achrs John Rose. Alien. Boston; Elwood Doreu Harrington, do; Kosle A Adra. Gaul, and W 0 Irish. Tlrrsll New Bedford; Olive Avery, Topper, Newport. Also cleared, steamer \aderUnd (Belg). Rsndle, Anb werD" barks Irlsdue (Br). Trotter, Cork or Felmonth) Sfapah (Br), Potter, Belfast; Finer, (Nor). Heemsen, Leilh; brig John Pierce, Townsnnd, Newport; schre Gustle Wilson Floyd. Boston; fe B Kverman, Lloyd, do; Terry Not, Cerson. Charleston; F A Server, burners. Savannah; Haul* NkwcI'stlk",'dcI. Juno 19? Pasting up, brig Meehanie, "LkwiSTPel?Jmie l??*mvetU ship'Mataura J?rMil' Havre ; barke Bel lum (Br), Mother, Liverpool; brig Mel r?Aleo arrived! 'bark Radomlito (Ital), from London to? 0rBark Msrgaretta Blanca (Ger), from Rotterdam, wat ordered to Richmond. v?_ PORTLAND, Me, June 19?Arrived, eehr Calitte, Now YCUarod-Scbr 8 M Bird, Plitou, N8. PORTSMOUTH. June i??Smiled, echre Lorine, Romero, rbiludelphla; Plymouth. Stewart. Maltland, NR. PROVIDENCE, Juue 17?Sailed, etenmere Wm Kennedv, Foster. Baltimore via Norfolk: Florida, Crocker,and Oath srlna Waiting. Harding. Philadelphia; echrs Ellea ABcrib ner Smith, and Lucy Grabaui, Smith, do; AO Lawson, Mehrhof, llackensack. NJ; llanuah E Brown, Hackalt. Ha verstraw; Sarah A Falconer, Wilson: Arlo Pardee, Niekar ton and Knth Thomas, Blake. New York. ISth?Arrived, sclin Kllsa A Anderson. Clark. PeMaoola; Stampede, Dow, Saillia River. Go; Oliver Ames, Babbitt, JliTol iV Havens, Brown, Georgetown, DC: Forest Oek, Parker Baltimore. John N t)olbr, Wilcox. Philadelphia; I'eaced'sle. Caswell: Wm M Everett. MoDanlel. andTmo gene Divert , Gsndv. Port .Ioliu?on: Anthony Burtou, Johnson, audi G Fell. Shropshire, do for Pewtuekot; MIn quas. Phillips. South. Amboy; Laconla, Crockett Rondout via Newport: Floreuee, Sackett, \erplank s Point; Amot Brlcgs. Dunn, and Shamrock, Troy. lUverstraw. Sailed?Schr Wm Young. Fenderson, New York; sloop KlAt Urn hand of''imng Island Sound 17th. AM. bound oust, schre Wm A Levering, end Amelia; PM, Naraeelbo. PAWTUCKBT, June 17?Sailed, eehr Ceres, Alley, Nen VtRlCHM0ND, June 17?Arrived, eehr Edward Slude, So Pe?rtU(*d-Pchrt Geo P Hallock. 8harrett, New Yorki 14 word Stanley, Dyer, Boston; Trade W Ind, Bryant, Salem, " Irtth Sailed, berk Edwin (Nor) Chrietoffereen, Llveo pool; schr Portland (Br). Cofllll, Klo Grande. ? SAN FRANCISCO, June 11?Arrived, ship Rhfrlay. Map thews Tocoina: barks David lloadlev. Kahler, Port Gam ble ? Vidette, Boyd, Port Madison; Hrnry Back, Sorman, Nsuairao; brig Percy Edward. Turner. TabltL Sailed?Ship War llewk, Doyle. Port Dlecovetr. 17th?Arrived, ships Frith of Forth (llr). Johneon, end City of Lahore (Bri. Greenhorne. Sydney. Nats. Cleared?ship Coldrtren.n. Slater, Liverpool 18th?Arrived, tlilp Merchant (Br., (juinu, Sydney, NSW, ST MARYS. Go. June 7-Arrivea, schr AbMe Rnralar, B*0th?Arriveu^schr E S Gildersleeve, Jordan, Naw Lon ''"cleared?Bark Foraete (Nor), Chrlrtenseu, Hartlepool, R. SOUTHWEST IIARMOR. Juno 7?Arrived, schre Kureka, Maryo. Jlachtaetor New York; W H Bosrdman (new). Rich. ? nl.on. Calais lor Usrbadoa _ _ SALEM. .1 una 17-Arrlved, tohr Commerce. Woodman, Spruce Hasd for New York. ? ?e? ibth Arrived, brig Anna D Torrey, ? BCekell, Kissebrt RSOMEBSET,YJnne 16?Arrived, eehr Llssle Young, Young,' r Safled-Schr ? A E Coreun, Corson, Philadelphia. STONINGTON. Jun# 17?Arrivad. achr Henry A Tuber, B*Some,lB*or'l4?casteni bound veseels remain In tha harbor, VINEYARD HAVRN. June 17?Arrived, schre Wm H Sargeut. Perth Amboy tor Borton; Alnontak. New York for Baifgor: Saxoo. Kronklln tor New York; ^'"L'.^a Vdri I,,un SB lor New York; M L St Pierre (Br), do tor Providence : Mexican, do tor Bridgeport; Empire, Hsntror for New York; D Brlttaiu, Boston for Richmond, Va^and Spray* Two Rivers, NS. for Philadelphia, l'ast.-d hv?Schr Moninouth. Salem for Philadel^hle. sailed?Schrs hmma K Smaller, Abble Ingells, Bnrekn, Evelvn EUa Francis. Wm Penn. i.abal Alberto. K P Hall. 11 arret' Ryan, J L Colter (Br), II Waddlnglon. Pedro A Ur."!sea Lton (Br). A Petero. Ell.e B Beard, John A Load, Maggie R Suiltli, Julia It Crawlord, S A Hofhnan, II A Dewltt. Anna Currier <Br). Allegro, W m H Rowa, Rachel Jane, Aurora B realls l"?-) Neme idorttrowe Twenty ot.* Frtoiids Clara K Rogers. Addle E Seavor, B T Woolsey, N llerrv II Prescott, H K Welluian, H P Hallock. Geo H Stt^to, Oregon, Wm Whitehead A 11 tdwards, Osprey. D Urittain. M L St l'lerre (Bri, and Llssle K (Br.) stli?Arrived, brig Arcot. Small, Cardenas for Borton; Charles Dennis. Baltimore for do; schrs Charles E Gibson and J w Drlsko. Baltimore for Boston; J H Htlekney, Sagun. tor do; Five Stslers. do tor do; Moses Eddy, Rtmuout fordo: H A llurit, I'hiladelphhla fordo; Defiance, Divided Creek. Ve. tor Bath; Kllen >1 Golder, Georgetown, IH). lor do - White Sea, Wilmington. NC, lor do; Robert Byron. New York for Bucksporl; Onward, do for Nantucket; Lit On Annie (Br), ami Crown Prince (Br), Proyldenee tor SI John ? John Avtlss, Windsor lor New York; Pearl. Seeo for do; (ieo P Trigg, Gloucester tor do; Gen Howard, Oerdlner liir'cio* Express, Cltrk'i Inlniid tur do. , Seitod?Schrs W D Green. W II Sargent. Saxon Mexican Empire. J H Stlckney. Ellen M Golder, H A Hunt, Hes perus. White Sea. Kobt Byron and pallanca. ' WILMINGTON. NC. June 17 ?t leared, h?rk Nancy Holt (Br). Swan. Lellb; schr Willow Harp, for Bo^toa. Satletl?Steamer Regulator. Dosna. New York. k'AC HTM, STE AMBOATS, <VC. A ?iilU H<> A I'd Oil KAFr AITk iNSS sTZSsj J\? metallic Lite Boat* and Spoon Oera. S8H Month St., near Gouvenenr siio. STEPHEN ROBERTS. A "gain a gain! Circulation of ilif AlVftSISO TELEGRAM for tha week ending Juno 17, isltf. ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Monday, Jnoo 12 84,230 ADVERTISING 2DC. A LINK. Tuesday, June IB gviii 83,31? ADVERTISING 2UC. A LINK. Wednesday, June 11. ????????????? 87.830 ADVERTISING 2<?C. A LINE. Thursday, June 18 ?? 89,430 ADVERTISING 2GC. A LISK. Friday, Juna !?> 49,100 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINK. Saturday, June 17 34,330 ADVKRTISING -JOC. A line. ADVERTISING 20C, A LINE. Total. . 230 300 * ADVERTISING 8001 A LINK. Dally average 38,384 i'artiaa going oat ol tba city *boul<l subscribe tor THK EVENING TELEGRAM, SOe. per month, Mtl a year; fSMft i renaid. f~dS^ALB-7iCLL OK NEW CENTKRHGARD BAKOi Schooner, 113*2:1),*9; price H..VXJ. HULMK BROS., Newark. N. J. _ ___ ______ PohTsale?a an koot open vacut, 10 feii beam; splendid sea boat, nearly new ; everything cs.nw plete: price 947o. Andrew G. Y. C.. Herald oRico. T" HE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND CHEAPEST I'.oats in tne city at 233 South at. El'OENK DALY. ' " MlSlELLANBOtb, ' a iiuUirk divorces, legal kveWwTiekE; _?V obtained without imbllclty ; terms aatlalactory; advice tree. I KKDKKIt'K KING, Lawyer, 309 Hroauway. AUSoLCTK Di VoROci* OBTAINED from DIFFMfo cat States, lor numerous cauaos, without publicity; legal everywhere; no charge in advance; adviea tree. M. HOUSE, Attoruey, 191 llmadwav. rnKl'SSRo-TKI? SSKS, ELAsTlC I! A N D AUKtC AC.? X SKKI.KY'S hard rubber IRUssES; relict and tnira fot ruptnre, light, ooul. cleanly; used in bathing; always r? liat-Lv KttabMsned flS'J Brosdway, New York, and 1,341 Cbeetaat at., Philadelphia. Patronage olTaadtgg surgeons