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r>. THE COURTS. Delving the Hidden Depths of the Bleecker Street Railroad Grant. A CRIMINAL'S LUCKY ESCAPE. Progress of the Legal Fights Against Rapid Transit. JUDICIAL HPECUMOSITT AND ITS SAFEGUARDS. Religious Institutions Not To Be Taxed. Further evidence wu taken yesterday, before Register Dayton, ae referee, In the legal effort be ug made by the eld managers ef the Bleecker Street Kallroad Company to regain poaaeeaion and control of the road nod lie affaire end remove It from the hande of the present receiver. The cross-examination of Jacob Sharp, which bad not ' been concluded en Saturday last, was continued by Mr. Algernon S. Sullivan on behalf of the receiver. He testified, In answer to the numerous questions put to him, that be ooeld give no reason why the bill to loase the Bleecker street road was so drawn as to confer Its powers on the directors or the Bleecker Street end Twenty-lblrd Street roads Instead of the bondholders; at that time he bed en interest ol 100 shares in tha Bleecker Street road and It was his own business what Interest he had in the Twenty-third Street road; he did not remem ber U be wae present at a meeting held In 1873 when be wae appointed one of 1 committee to confor with directors of other city railroads on tlio quest ion of leasing the Bleecker Street road to some ono of them; ho did not know the indebtedness of tbo Bleecker Street road at tho timo ol that resolution, nor did be know the amount of Its indebtedness outside Its bonded debt at the time he ceased to be Its president; at the time he was director ol tho road he did not know from Inspection of the books how the company's financial affairs stood; be believed he was present at a meeting of the Bleecker Street directors in 1873 when a Tkvorable report was received In relation to renting tho tnlmproved franchises of the road lo tho Christopher Itreet road, the terms boing $35,000 cash down aud a j yearly* rent of $3,600, the terms of the lease lo be ninety-nine years; be did not remember if a lease ' to ijial effect was agreed to then by a majority of tho directors; the Bleecker Street road was built before the prosent company was organized; be did not know what It cost, but ho thought (ieorge Law did; Irom all his experience In building city roads he could not then say how much it cost u mils to build the Bleecker Street road; bo could give the loot, however, that tho road could not be built without money, and Us numerous curves would incrouso the cost of cou ?truotlon; tho first owners stocked the road with about ?fourteen or fifteen curs and then the present company was lortued; a part of the expense in fitting up was the borsos, stages and harness of the Knickerbocker and Bleecker Street lines ot stages, which they took; both itago lines belonged to companies and ho did not rocol lect whit was paid to either one; ho did not remember If $106,000 in bonds of the Bleecker Street road was tha stnount paid to the Knickerbocker company; both companies were puld In bonds; on reflection no did not know If there were any bonds; he bad forgotten all ibout It; no believed the minutes were correct In Hating that $45,000 was the consideration paid lor the Bleecker Street (or Seventh Avenue) ' ttago line; in both caucs bo tuought he' bau made a good bargain, estimating the bonds at par; as lo the value of the franchises ol' the Bioecker Street Railroad Company, he believes them to be more valua ble to the 1 wenty-tbird Street Compuuy than lo any one else; that company could run it at tbe rate of $50,000 a year less man anybody elso. and would be ebic lo use a portion of it diUcrrnt Irom anybody else; as the Uleocker Street road is, by Itself, he would not tako It as a gill aud pay the .merest on the bonds; While a director he did not push the road to Iho Twen ty-tblrd struct ferry, becausu the additional txpeuse for s depot, Ac., was moru money than they had; the Twenty-third Street road lias already a depot?the prin cipal expense of the extension?aud they could run the road without ibis additional expense; It would be still mure tu the advantage of the Twenty-third Street line, in ruuntng the Bleecker Street exteusiou, it the former's depot was at tbe corner ol Fourteenth street and Tenth bvcduc instead of whore it now is? at the loot of Twenty-lhlfa street; it woaid be more to tho advantage ol the Bleecker Street road to f;el a lease of the Tweniy-third Street road than lo bo eased to It, provided tbe Bleecker Street road had tbe nioney to accomplish that object; be had nothing to do with ibe leasing of tho Gansevoorl properly Irom tbe city lor the Bleecker Street road; tuo lease waa taken by the Hudsou Kiver Company and then obtained by tho Bleecker street Company; tor the Bleecker Street ' franchise there was paid 900 shares of stock and about $400,000 iu bonds; It wus given for all the road then hud, including Its equipments; of these bonds he got about forty aud about 700 or 800 shares ol l be stock; to Ills knowledge thore was no neglect to build the Bleecker Street extensions Willi a view to depreciate its stock so ibat the Twenty third Struet company migbl lease It; on tbo contrary. Ihcy were making every efiort to raise money to bulla Utc extension; ho could give no explanation ot ibe protection account which appears in tbe books, other lliau l hat he got $600 of tbe amount to pay his expenses lo Albauy; lie know nothing about four notes of tbe company made in April, 1873, nnu indorsed by Cono ver, amounting in ail to $34,000; tbe Twenty-third Street road bus paid a dividend ever since it ran, and when the next dividend is due there will bo $60,000 on band to puy $24,000; the company does not owe a dol lar of debt, the wituess udded, and its business is con tinually increasing. At this point tne examination was adjourned to Wednesday next. ONE YE All FOB A LIFE. George Knight was plnoed at tho bar of tbo Court ot General Sessions, before Recorder iiackutt, yesterday, lor trial upou an indictment lor murder, lor having taken tho life of Joeoph Bennett, upon the 27th of last April, at No. 266 Stanton street, by stabbing bine In tho neck with a knlfo. Assistant District Attorney Bossell prosecuted lor the people, and Mr. William F. Kintxlng appeared for the prisoner. Mr. Kusaell, In ?petting the esse, briefly recapitulated the facts, and called Henry Vonbosburgli, au eyo witness of the oc currence, who leatiflod (hat the dnccuscd had been drinking, nod that words ol an angry character passed between the parties, when Bennett struck Knight on the cheat with his list, upon which Knight stooped down and picked up a kuilc and made a thrust at Ben nett's ucck. The nest tiling witness saw was blood ?port from Bennett's neck, aud m a lew hours alter ward be expired. The witness was rigidly cr<?a oxamtned by Mr. Kintsing, but the cross-examination tailed to shake b>a testimony. Other witnesses cor roborated the testimony of Vonbosbnrgh. Deputy Coroner Goldsmith testified that ho made the post mortem upon the body of the deceased and lound the ; tarotid artery severed. In his opinion death was the result of internal hemorrhage. I Mr. Kinuing, in opening >he case of the prisoner, ! Claimed that the act was iloue in self-defense, the de ceased, as be insisted, having assaulted the prisoner, who, being apprehensive that it was the former's in 'teution to do him great bodily injury, inflicted the in- I lnry that caused death. Alexander Stanton testified to bavtdg been present, and that bo saw Bennett strike j the prisoner first, after which the prisoner made a thrnat ut the deceased, when he discovered be was cat In the neck, llu testified, also, that he saw blood coming from the wouud. A numoer of witnesses were 1 tailed, who testified m the prisoner's excellent charac ter for peace and quietness. Both sides then sub- i muted the case to tbe Jury, under the charge ol the ' Court. The Recorder charged upon the law applicable to tlw | ease, defining what would justiiy tbe taking of human j lite, and staling that while tho law Justified the taking of human hie to save one's uw n hfo, or whore there was danger ol tho infliction ol great personal injury, It did not justlty where a blow was indicted with the j Baked hand to return the blow by the use ol a deadly I weapon, Tho jury, alter an boor's deliberation, re- - turned, acquitting *1 murder and bonricting 6f man- j Claugbier in too fourth degree. Tho Recorder then ceuieiiced the prisoner to an imprisonment ol one year in the Btaio Prison. The prisoner bowed to the ! Court and jury in recognition ol the mercy that had been shown to In In, alter which be was handcuffed and taken back to the Tombs. \ THE ANTI-RAPID TRANSIT SUITS. An interesting stage was reached yesterday in tbe trial ot tbe suit ot the Sixth Avenue Railroad Company tgaiMt the Gilbert Elevated road, rc.-utncd before fudge Sedgwick, in Superior Conn, Special Term. The taking of testimony for the defendants began. P.uiaa H. Gilbert, tho Inventor oi the plan ol the Gilbert Ele vated Railway, waa the first witness called. He ex plained at length tho nature of tho Invention, and I stated that the plan waa materially changed before tbe , bill incorporating tho company was passed by tue Matnrt. Considerable Objection, ho added, whs made { bo come ol the legislative committee to the atmospheric j r* plan, the feasibility of which thov doubted, nnd they atimatod that if he alterod hia plan to admit the use of ! (team they would approve it; be accord nr.-ly prepared Ibe present plan tor steam locomotives, and u only differs, as approved, from .he present one In hav lag lor xuppert arches instead of upright pillars. W. L. Wallace, the Vice President j ol tbe road, who lives in Tarrytown, was next exam- j laod. In his cross-examination the fact was developed i that ho owned property in Tarrytown aad wax Inter- : oated in rapid transit. Ill the examination of I.swson V. Poller, another wit- i ?, the tact whs also elicited that he w?s the owner of , I estate In 166th street, and that the perfection of | Maid transit would enhance tbo value of hut property, j P b Mr. William L. Wallace was the I art witness examined. Hi* testimony was ol somewhat similar character. Further testimony wastaken yesterday before Judge Van Huesea, holding Special Term of the Court ot Com mon Picas, in the suit brought by the Ninth Avenae Kailroail Company against the Greenwich Elevated Railroad Company. J. J. Corning, the trustee for the landholders un or which the mortgage ol the rued wan to be loreeloeed; W. L. W*1 face, a director ol the road, aud Milton Conrtwngbt, au engineer, were ex amined. Their testimony followed pretty much the same Una as that ol previous witnesses ler the dele nee JUDICIAL 0FFICER8* SALARY. Judge McAdam, sitting In Chambers of the Marine Court yesterday, rendered a decision which will in terest justices of the District courts in this city, and perhaps Justioos of other eonrta as wslL Ths esse came belore him on motion to vacate en order ob tained in supplementary proceedings by a creditor forbidding the Comptroller to pay the salary of oee of the District Court Justices antll the Judgment ou which tbe order was granted hsd been rat lifted out of the amount. The Judge held that Dtstrlot courts wore by section 30 of the code designa ted anions the several courts of the Stste and therefore formed pert of the Judicial sys tem of tbe Stale. Tbe salary of tbe justices of ssid courts, while in the hands of the disheriting officer as the custodian ol tbe public moneys, coeld neither bo aituohed upon mesno or Una! process nor under sup plementary proceedings founded thereon, and the order made In such proceedings in this case forbidding the Comptroller Irom paying the salary oi ono of the justices was therefore set aside. TAXING RELIGIOUS IN8TITUTION8. A Anal decree In the long controversy between the Female Academy of tbe Sacred Heart an I the Com missioner of Taxes, as to whether all the land occupied by tbe institution is exempt from taxation, tbe facts of which have been published In the Hkualp, was Hied yesterday In tbe County Clerk's office and Judya Law rence, In the Supreme Court, who grants the decree, decides that the taxes in questlou are Invalid and with out the authority of law and that the institution Is en titlod to s perpetual injunction restraining the sale ol its property for non payment of such taxes. Tho taxes In suit amounted to about $4:1,000, being taxes lor Ave years. This settles s question ot great interest to In stitutions of this class, agu.nst whom similar proceed Ings are now pending and will probably operate as an estoppel on the continuance of such litigation. JAY GOULD SUITS. In the case ol Charles Reade against Albert Bpeyers. Jay Gould and others to recover the difference between a currency check for $1411,000 aud $100,000 worth of gold, In transactions growing out of "Illack Friday," in which it was alleged that Speyors was Gould's agent. Judge Robinson, ol tho Court of Common l'lcaa, yes terday dianilssed the complaint. Judge Sedgwick, in Superior Court, Special Term, yesterday granted a mo tion substituting Scwull A Fierce us counsel lor plain ttlT in tho suit of Albert V. Richards vs. Jay Gould et al. It was claimed that Blrdsall ana others, the former lawyers, aro now doing business lor Gould. In the suit brought by Joseph G. Mills against Jsy Gou.d there was a lengthy argument yesterday, before Judge Sodgwick, on a demurrer to the complaint, whlcb ended in the Judge taking the papers. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. Solomon Skinner, the dentist who got beat In bin re cent salt against Henry Ward Boccber, has got his eye teeth eat by this time. In the County Clork'n offlco yesterday tbe Judgment was filed, showing $150 costs and disbursements against Skinner. In tbe case of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany vs. Lambert, who, being reloased here in the ac tion, was Immediately after arrested on criminal pro cess Irom Buffklo and sent back there, yesterday his ball in the civil action commenced in this county by the insurance company went into tbe Supreme Court to justify, and, on motion of William Strauss, defend ant's counsel, there being no opposition. Judge Dono hue approved the bond. James Ssinor, In July '74, was trying to load a horse ik of and cart across the truck of tbe New York Central and . Hudson River Railroad, at tbe corner *of Hudson and Laighl streets, when he was run against by a dummy engine and his shoulder dislocated. He has bronchi suit against tho company for $5,000 damages, and the case camo to trial yesterday before Judge Sauford, of tho Superior Court. The defenco is conlribullve negli gence. Mr. K. P. Wilder appears for the plalntIS and Mr. Frank Loomls lor the railroad company. A test case ol interest to special depositors in tho Third Avenue Savings B ink, was yesterday brought to tho attention of Judge Donobue, In Supreme Court. Chamber.'. A petition was submitted by K. 11. Smith and Satnuel Cohen for an oraer directing Samnol llurd, receiver of the Third avenue Savings Bank, to pay over to the petUioocrs certain moneys which they claimed to have deposited in the bank about the time of its fail ure as a special deposit. It is claimed that tbe money is tbe exclude property of the petilioaers and that tbe bank has no Interest in tho same. William H. I>u.T brought suit aratnst tho Bank oi New York and the Security Bank. Plaintiff was s broker und drew a gold check on tho Bank of Now York, who gavo their check on the Security Bank for $3,800 gold. The check was drawn to plaintiff's order and was ludorsed correctly by some ono who suc ceeded In obtaining the money Irom tbe bank. Plain tiff claimed that tbe cheek was forged and sued to re cover the money. Tho trial or the sntt was had yeater dn.v, before Judge Van Brunt, in tbe Conrt of Common Picas, and resultod In a verdict lor $6,245 20 lor the plaintiff. The United States Grand Jury will make thetr final report to Judge Benedict this morning, and tbo new criminal term, which wilt probably be very short, will begin ou Wednesday. The cases set down fbr trial are those of Alexander Stnuse, purloining registered let ters; Jelin Smith, John H. Gill and Charlotte Thomp son, passing counterfeit money, and Charles Moore, felonious assault on the high soas. Tbe paities in dicted ny the last Grand Jury for alleged complicity In the crooked whiskey Irauds, will come up to pload fur ther. In March, 1873, Matbew Wortllge was arrested under an order of arrest granted tn an action brought against him in tbe Marine Court by Msrous Fleiscbbsuer. The defendant gavo batl, as required by tbe order ol arrest. Judgment was thereafter recovered against htm, and an execution Issued against his property was returned unsatisfied, sod an execution against his person was returned ''Defendant not found." One of the sureties of the defeudaut died subecquent to the arrest, and an action on the undertaking on arrest was commeuced acainst the surviving surety and the executrix or the deceased surety. Tbe executrix surrendered the de fendant to ibe custody of the Sheriff. A writ ol habess corpus was granted by Jndgo Donobue, of'the Supremo Court, and the matter came ud ior argument yesterday, when it was contended ior the prisoner tbnt the execu trix had no power In isw to surrender him, ns no so tion could be maintained against her, and that the sur render of tbe prisoner more than ten days alter an ac tion commenced on tho undertaking on arrest was Improper. The Court discharged the prisoner. Messrs. Jacobs and Sink appeared lor prisoner, and ex-Judge Joachtmsen lor surely. Mr. Algernon S. Sullivan has commenced suit against tbe city for $1,160 60, with interest Irom Janu ary 1, 1872, being tbe amount deducted fioni his sal ary of $10,000 as Assistant District Attorney from June 1 to December 31, 1871, in accordance with a reso lution of the Hoard of Apportionment of May 15, 1871. ana reducing the enlaries ol all employes of the elty county of New York twenty per cent for seven months. ' DECISIONS. SUPKXME COURT ? CRAVrERS. Hy Judge Birmt, I/rct to Ttao Equitable Life Assurance Society ? Motion granted in part and denied in part without costs, as indicated on the margin of the notice oI million. Hick* va The Equitable I.ifo Aqfnrance Society.? Motion granted in part and denied in part without coma, aa indicated on the margin of the notice of motion. SUPERIORS COUBT?SPECIAL TERM. By Judge Sedgwick. Richards re. Gould et al ?Motion granted wltbost costs. Memorandum. Frank et al. rs. The Chemical National Bank.? Motion denied on the ground thai the proposed snswer would not set up any deieaco, $10 coats to the plain HIT 10 abide the event. Macphoraon n. Runner.?Motion denied, with $10 costs. Klein ??. Wolfaohn.?In this cane I would like to bear the news of conneei. 11 runner va Brnnner.?Memorandum. Cunningham ?*. Cunningham.?K.fty dollars allow ance lor counsel fee nod expense in carrying on the action. Well vs. Fischer at al.?Proposed case and exception* set tlod. Wood to Mnlock ?Judgment signed. Smith vs. Ryan; Knospfel vs. The King* Connty Ftro Insurance Company, and Haruell el al. va Uarvey,? Remittiturs filed. l.ynch to Pyne.?Case ordered on flle. Muore v*. Uilderaloevo?ordered on special calen dar. Cohen rs. Coggsbell; Angler vs. Diners; I.a Ituo vs. Tlie Oceanic Steam Navigation Company; weaaets* rs. llicu et al., and Comoon va Scott.?Orders granted. MARINE COUBT?CHAMBERS. By Judge McAdam. _ Rcminey to Gedney; Kllpatrick to 8alnes.?Opin ions tiled. Hatch vs. Rotnslna?Demurrer overruled as per in dorsement on papers. Ilreylaas va Eclipse Baking Powder Company; Townannd vs. Crow.?Motion! granted Cohen vs. Moses; Petit va Bertram!?Bee indorse- i meoiM on impers. Stafford va Tyler; Bollea vs. Jordan.?Motions de nied. Morebonso Oil Company va Rartletl.?Motion J grained, conditionally. McKinley va Belts ?Referred to A. T. Ackert Cohen va Elchbncht 11. B. Brltton appointed re ceiver. Jacob! rs. Roach.?County Clerk ordered to pay moneys. Morris va Benson.?Judgment on frivolous answer. Cohen va Moses.?Order tn proceedings for contempt ? Kennedy va Waring; White vs. Hitchcock;Kelly va Neilson; Meyer vs. Lichtenslrlh; Damunheimer va Pfeiior; llayward rs. Nolan.?Motions granted. Schmpf va Williams.?Motion to vacate arrest gramed. latnaux ve. Meyer.?Order as settled. By Judge Weep p. MeRture TO Little.?Opinion, case settled. OOtTBT CALENDARS?THIS DAT. 8prM?? ftw-cuiw,. a.n ihm. s?Si"fciS ?'"??? aw-* Scruii Cormr?SracuL by J edge ' ** *7*- ??. IT*, mt M, m. J*>. 131, 336, 71, 19k, 1*4, 41W. 431. 4*3. M4. W4 -.'"y* nwrrrv?Pert t?Rwm kv lo;a- 131!. *M. aut. ?j. 114* lit iJFbtI* **'?"- lfm- >"??? ?"?? i?"? iyv5!-:SL.1T^ ???. 1. I*0*. 3?3?. 1737 Part ?- HrW ai H-l.T X**r0*"'OB *n ??*???? r?? >ro diy?Xi^' nMD*r*-^ ?*-*?? dlfCMB,?* Coc,T?Tws.?MJwmiH mm _ ?ppmio4 Obwt?Hmbu Tmib-UmI bp J Mm ^?fr ? *1- Rk 4*7 wkrt?f. C"PkT?-T*??t, r??? -e*t 1- RM4 k* Judge Maiiord.?Nat lUMt, 11 Tk UT7 tea* .'1 u >?ni?r-?w?m 1 lai *p*,r ?Ru* !<?*, UK led*. 74^79^ ? ^ T?*. TXl, UM. tJ'i. 1*1, I 'omjiob PuAg-Owmi Tut-ldieartM mi 2SSS5^,*m"? ,8T*f#r ^ ?"?? * Oomiiosi PLBAft?Kocrrr Tvnn?H** br Jm4ro A r Daly?(.ate on?N?. ii Jfo <Jav ciitalir ^SMM* SETiX 'rJTW, 'ST ? ,fA"i 'K, Van Ufmt, ?Nqh, 2441 2067 '2My 21 ?i vm JJSf *2l ? ^ 4,111 no"' 2? ??, 3?t "g V4*i"XJif?."7. 3*01, 3*1*, *33,' 3438, j?? % m* C. Marius OoctT?T*ul Tiaa?Varl 1-H?I4 by J* r. AiKer, in room No. 16, old cut Hill - N >%. W74 jnmi *?*> ?gj. <J?. ??. W Jovn, 1414 iwt. 4T;1 JJi JM4, 7861, 3S46. 736A. Pert 3, Held b* Jtiin . '0 Hupremo Court, tien. rti Term ?.?, \ . 5? V.ZL' 4114' *** 4;240- ?T5, ami vmr -,** ? ,m *3^3. 1'art 8? Held by J*i.f * m ? ???? J'?/'"?mm"*? street.-V.w 7 WU. ..v.vj ?.?. r,:?| 7om' a' aWl' B'T0, r**U- *?"?. Tl *, Mel CoritT or Oumkk.o. SBiuofim?l'?n 1 ll?id m i, border Htcketu?Tlie Peopte *e, Hr..ry n .? e,.B rrci'iring rioIcu koo<ir, Kniue \?. tMte' Hui.nem rr cniv'og Rtolni (.thkIs; same r*. Andr. e larceny; Seme n lioorgltiuia Hint. i?. i ?r ? t., Inri 3- Held uy Judg" tiildemlruve ?ti e | . ,, I cier Mr.Mtnii. relumon* n?>Hiilt ,tu<l batter) , - . ie ? Alcxtiiider Simon, fclotnoue n>t?i I tM<l lulirrt ->nie re. H illtnm Murphy, le onioua trniuM ?c >^n?r, ^ntnn r.i William Urown. trl niem a , ,'t a u t>*i terv; Mine %-s. .Iu?,-pli Kerrman, faloiiloua ?-? ,.u i, i battery; Sntnd va, Robert Smith, lelomt oa f . , i battery- Same v?. M.rltael M?SV.n?, rape - ? Joaeph Kerrigan, burglary; Same rt I'atrwk t f . e and riiontiut l,yn.|., burglary; Same v* : ry.l r-rli . "'Haley, burglary; Same r*. Jaiue* i ni,ntr< ?b?1 I .1 ? rt | Leo, burglary; Same v?. Kr-.terlrk Mu*.|rn, kii?i,a %, eeny; Same va. Mary McManu-, grand iar< i-ut , S.nne va. Mivhiiel Mullen, grand lareetiv; Same tra 1. ... |. tiaiiM, rerelrlng 01 atolen gmala; Mime ra t'tiane. - , 1* abduction; Samo v?. Archibald M'h ie, petn larc-nt Same V8. tleorge Connelly, |u>nt iare. 11 v , Same ? ?. 1 ? 1 tor Rohotonn, nolatlng Kxclae law. GENERAL 8KSSION8?PART 1. Before Recorder llackett. FUSAS AND Charloa H. Leigh wag arraigned at the bar rhargcd I with embczziMnoiit. Tlie prlaoner wga a bookkeeper with K. Bates A Co., Xo. 406 Iiroaduay. Un the .'bib of April ho was detected tn embezzling $*00, and alter hla nrrnat admitted having taken at different liinee auraa amonnttng in all to $6,74?. He pleaded guiilt To 'our yea'a In the Slate Rrliuiii Kdward Cesaldy, ot No. 2ft Lewis street, offered to see Joseph Iaerhole home on the ltd Inst., and while pausing through Monroe street snatched his watch and handed It to a con federate. He pleaded guilty and waa sentenced to two years and six months in the .State 1 rlson. GENERAL 8E8HI0N8?PART A Before Judge (illdersleove. A TOOTHFUL OFFKNDKR. Michael Ferner, aged tourtoen, was placed at the bar charged with having on I he 30th of May presented a forged check lor the sum of $30 to Albert Sailor, of No. 462 Third avenuo, knowing the same to be forged. On the day In question the prisoner proceeded to Mr Salter s battery establishment and banded him a letter ciLpurporle<1 to comt ,Iom Mr"- Julie A. Beach or No. 809 Filth avenue, asking that bor check for the amount named should bo cashed, and also requesting Ine complainant to 6end her by the tncsienger a dot l?1" ? worth of cakes. Mrs. Beach being a customer and the banks being closed on Decoration Day Mr. Mailer at once complied with the requost The forgery was discovered and tbo prisoner was arrested. It appeared that hla uncle was employed by Mrs. Beach as a waltor, and that the prisoner frequently wont 10 the house lor the purpose of obtaining clothes to be washed. He was lull* iden tified as the boy to whom the monev was paid. In his defence the boy denied nil knowledge of the check stating that he went to Williamsburg on the 30th ol May to see a base ball match. The Jurv lound him gulltv and he wns remanded for sentence,' the Impros sion being that his uncle, who has since disappeared was the author of the forgery. ALLOWING A PRISONER TO ESCAPE. Michael UrKenna, a keeper in'the Penitentiary, waa Indicted for having, on the 9tb of December last, al lowed ono Kdward Malone, a prisoner Intrusted to his cut tody, to escape. Malone bad been sentenced to threo months' imprisonment In the Penitentiary for an assault. On a writ of haliess corpus ho was takon by McKenna 10 the ?upremc Court, Chambers, before Judge Davis. Before returning to the Peniten tiary McKenna allowed bis pr ? iner to go lo his resi dence In Morris street, where some clean elotbes were procured Malone pulling them on In an adjoining ft a] Don. McKoona subsequently accompanied tho nrls M?x.rt shorr?'8 liquor storo. near Greenwich street. While the former was absent for a lew minutes Malone escaped and has not since been captured. MeKenna denietl all complicity in tflc matter, stating that as the prisoner was an old niau and was about to get out for bail he merely want with hrm to his house tn order to oblige him. and that ho dirt not entertain ihe slight est Idea that he would escape. Tbejcahc has not con cluded. CHANOIMG HIS MIND. John Bowdln was placed at ibe bar, charged with felonious assault, haviug attacked two sailors with a kntle. The prisoner had previously pleaded guilty, but when brought up yesterday he deulcd having so pleaded, although his own counsel, the prosecuting ofllcer and Ihe record of the Court showed ihenonirarv It would seem that as the witnesses against him had disappeared the prisoner thought he would chance b.s tactics and escape. He was sentenced to llvo years' Imprisonment iif the State Prison. COURT- OF APPEALS. Ai.baxt, June 19, 1S76. No. 20ft. Traphagen vs. Burke.?Argument resumed and concluded. No. 23ft. Wail va Ray.?Argued by George YV. Rav for appellant, Isaac H. Newipn for respondent. No. 3*4. Cook vs. Allen ?Argued by John C. Strong for AppeilMiii, WHlmm 1L fiurary I or respondent. Ordered thsl this Court will take a recess Irom Toes <ay, the -JOth Inst., until Monday, ihe 18th day of Imuember next, at the Capitol in tbo city of Albany SUPREME COURT. Ptjrrai.o, M. Y., Jane 10. 1878. The following I* the Supreme Court, General Term, day calendar tor Tuesday. Jane 20:?No*. 14,24,01. 107, 120. 122, 130 >4, 174, 203, 215. 218, 221. NON-8U1T GRANTED BY JUSTICE WESTBBOOK., June 10, 1978. In Ik# cm# of the people #|nlo#t W. C. Steven#, Thomas Gale and other#, Justice Wcstbrook rendered hi# decision this slternoo# granting the non-suit asked for upon two grounds: first, the setlon Is barred by ? former Judgment ol the Supreme Court rendered in nn notion In which the same plaiutifis were parties: second the officer* o! (he Stale and the Legislature thereof having, with full knowledge of the alleged un lawful combination by which the price fitted in the contract was secured, ordered and required the per formance thereof, the State in in no situation to re cover damages by acts whiett itsell, through It# officer# and Legislature, directed and required. INTERESTING. INSURANCE CASE. Judge Gilbert, in the Supreme Court of Kings county, rendered a decision jesterday in lb* anion brought by Kdward M. Jewell, a stockholder in I he Crsltemen's Life Insurance Company, to compel Edward A. Lambert, President of said company, and the Hope and Mow Jersey Mutual Life Insurance companies, to make an accounting lor the money to the receiver or the craftsman's company. It wat alleged by the plain tiff that In 1872 there waa a danger ol the Craftsmen'a company booming insolvent. and a ooniruet waa made with tho Hope Life Insurance Company transferring the greater part ol the asx-ta and business of the Craftsmen'* company. Tho Hope subsequently transferred lis business to Ike New Jersey Mutual Com pany management. Mr. latnbert received, by agree ment, $0,400 from the Hope, which wa< kept bark ont ol the assets of the Craftsmen's paid over to the Hope. The plaintiff asked that tlm latter amount and the sum paid the Hope by the Craftsmen's, $140,727 70, lie paid lo tht receiver and distributed according to law. Judge Gilbert's opinion is that the Craftsmen's company transcended Its powers in making the transfer of assets to tho Hope Life Insurance Company, and the transfer of the latter company to the New Jorsey Life Insurance Company wax also illegal for the same reason. The assent of the Kxeciiftve Committee of the Craftsmen's com pany lo the transact urn between Lambert and the Hope compaoy relieves the former from the imputation Of actual fraud. Hull, that transaction formed a part ef or rather was subsidiary to the Illegal transfer from the Craftsmen's company to the Hope company, and waa therefore illegal. There must he a decree declar ing the several transfers illegal and void, and ordering th" New Jersey company to retransfer and deliver to tne receiver *il the moneys, securities, Ac.. in thte no tion. Mr. IoMlkert la ordered to pay to said receiver, within thirty days, tho sum of $1,029 sad interest. REAL ESTATE. *%? IMHwiag aalea aamraaed tb? bualocai at lb# ? 11 tow. BenaarUv a#*d, la loeeeloanr*. a fonr atopy WM i?ararM kaaa. auk M **?*.?, ?? ?"**?> 'We at TVnr e*htb atfa*. tt? toat aaat ?t Second avenne. tat KM at ->aapk ?? E. A I i i t * Cm. antd, la lloreetiaeare.. a bm?.?, walk la* fMA*. M ??tk aid# af Thirty ei*th afreet, Tt laai ewt af *a*aaUi aveaae, ?ar flOWd. to the M. AIM, ? karatMaa. a haaa#, w?b '<4 mm aiMia a'<~ at Xmny tk'M aleeat. IO ?aa at TVr4 nai?. it <* *. t? Ih1 plain!it P r ??*<* a?i4 ia a ia.ri.te rharah *d?e? ?4h p??t a??*? ta*?a? aa *?e?h aid. ; ?rflll Ik'flilntl, IBt M #l*?i?alk arrkK tor tva I ait. it the K?liii|aliiti Savtwga llauk. in* ptatTt m- 'tii ran an- tar abtah tb'? ct?areb ifteidiet) tM $o4Nt W%* /*?** ?%* *! '<? itH1 + ?* II Tti*r* a et>tl a *r*-iaa#) * ahaat <#.??. lAirfyi an I n paaea*. wbtrfc a- I pr ihaaiy Ha ^ l-" j."i""at*i rr at -b* ehar. l> It iw?a ia d?we lb* ( ?UlUir>at'i<l ia ? ha member 1* tbe flaiat'W? fka tola mm atad* ta athaa peae* aaant lha akakM' haaa *?????* abaa d?#awrd ?MM erivaa hue a? ???* <v? v.-*ra, . _ _ ... i Th>? fhrr ti aaa 1*4 a?*wewb*t at aa iwteeewaiag I kuM.,, |i n evar-.. 'ha aaaw cdiAew at Mrh -iwe , mmm - | - ,,,,r at .? T tMl't ptrht ?*?e# ~ ~ ft. . * mm* ?|;m ft it* i?MVN>f. 1%# I **?? I* I B*f?B ? ,w* ,,w *, . . . ai.?a?i aaa taiaaaM atatM. bp #??*#, a*>4 ta?raried ! *y i I.WI S Mat aa. a a. ?M# * ft, at ?? ?#**? t 41 l^ata I KaataiaMi Bam ... .... ? ? in' ..? ~ 1 a' * a ?, ta h ? ?"**.?? ? i**"1- . | tVM?. .??????? ?? ra*v A? *?*?? _ I a* hi* m BBlWI. AhhiI. ?V; 1. J.XT v..^ ^ :? - lXZ ?%n t-r "?* 1 , aa a ? ? hit a ? ? ??> ta??ai tm *? _ ; taathl. "h?a . I mi ?* ? ? ?'J*4*1 f #. IhakwA ? it*., j.* .?* V%Ma aa . a ? a^aar ^ laaa <a. "*???> ^ ,T^ ?h'* t*~ ???**' fh* 4 *' * itt.T ai ? ?4taa? a* , *Tw*t*? It aa <t > ? Sr^T f t., m t? ? * !??? h V |?Eaa.? a, ffc-wh ? t? hta ?.* a ?ttM .?? a??" v.. Ml? omrnmrn ? *?? Tth at . a a aatt" <4 >N? <t. !"?? " r *?.. t_ aBt ttl? .Stattaaka ?"ha A ?"? " ? A hht**ta?4 tat ?"???' ???? I*n*?*w !?!?????? ?? t aft' . a*. *? ? ? .. .? a at ttt * 4 1 ?m% ? A>m. ? .*???. ? * ?' ?t4-~?a at., a at ????? ftf. ....... . M u.,.. IMa. ktt Awwahhee tea'?e*<wa. m ? " ' ~ Ml Mktit. * ? ??"**? Vl? ??. t*4 tit ? . I IMuh't Btrt A ; f n-tat# J ?. Kta ?? Ahrai I 1MB a? -in 4 jyrt,allS"! Kr ? at>4 .? T ?*a*, ? t ????* * I A.k at wtMt? _ ??? ?? j grMttt ? -?"*?? at h i? * P-rnr ? ? twaar <4 ^ tilt t* ?'?t *??<* a . J ' Mi tnlln. II ury. ta JuAa ??>>t?Mt. t? 1JI"" " fair-*- "'* ?** f *?*-_! IJ_ " iw.. ?Untr l? ????? ;<? t '' attrh .1 . . ?t ?ttrk , a ?? ? ' SS: !: M.t; ha % r K a ? ??, , j ir:z,rmrtWfts*_rw, ?traaitn.'Ttwrr I" * athaila. t ttaatt lith ?? ??4 lt?hl< t ; A ^.... -? " Haillwr. Marr A . ta I?a*l4 lltitk. I t Pit ?! ,t ataBI 4 nk t? 1 raw* .. nottnlitrr. Joa??. ' PtaMar ? a art. ? t ??> ??. ^ w if l?l iv.S ? W#iMh*imi?r. IIh-hhi .s * * ph. th i attaaa4 I TOMPIIXI HylAHP.. Tha rtaolatloa of AM?rta?? J??h? RnWr. Airtaiia* lb* l*arh Comuitaai?Jt??m ta prnt**4 aiih lha tuir'"*' aaeata of Toatpkiaa .,aara. hy 4.y'. ??** ??? rail** DP yatlerdky In lb* W< ar4. mt4 a. ? r*n %*r4 araaataaa volar lo para II th-r* art *<?! a rafBriaal nami-r ?ra* ant t* ar.cumpllth ihal oiijat*. Mr IUHU ? rorontlilrralion, aa<l ilia rrralalloa *lM ?>>?? ?a *?aia at a aulMt-uunni intrlit*. M?, . The rrpulHIatn., Mi-a-ra. Ca4llpp. W?.la aa4 TOtKt aaainat lb? rr?<.l<iil<'0 "* Ih' itoui.4 that a ? ?a traol liat ?>**? aaar4r4, llta tantivt ?ppr..*?.!. a trrak ago Itat Krnlajf. and that a. thta ^ lntaiide<l lo ?i*? Ilia w?-rk < ill b> day', w. rk .It. von tractor will nava a ralld alairo aaaiaat ih# ni*_ br Hoiliy, on iliv ronirary, maiaa ibti Una enairatn <M?.y corara enrbluK and jrradin*. and aatoanir ?" I' **"? which will have nothing 10 do wlih iba Interior aork '"uompiroMor ?rean waa aet-n after ih* art)...irnn.'?il of the Hoard nl Aldermen, and lia ?..alai?.? iba ra tion taken by memticra iba* tka eontract wHb It-bam only covera ll.HCO for rarb and faiiat work la iba aqnaro. LIOHTIKG THR PIElUi Aldartnan Morrla yaaterday inlro laceJ a raaolution providing for tbe llgbuiig or tho ph ra on lb# river front*. In compliane* with the reqi?e,t o< Hie In^k Ito pariinent. At tho raqnaal of tba intrwdaoar lha reao lotion waa laid ovne. KtlAMTIUK. -i-y-pMaiainrstiotntANKA ?' A "14. flral rlata aad rallal?le It.mat a, 1?3 and 154 Weat 2.dd ti. (Lelween ml. and "th ai. . Thla eaten tlra aloek. of "nr ?wn m an ti fact era, .?ffntc. at retail for next Itl d?yt at maniifactarcrt eli leaale price. Uraateat nppnrtnnlnoa 'or l>arif?ln. f" "H'tca T PRIVATIt "KAMII.Y ?i??1N?i T'> I I Hiil'K W Il.l. A. eell tbalr mamlflaaat na??ahatd farnltare ui I ?r lor, Llhrarr. tihaather ana Dlntn* hoorn ? araHare. an* ^ vanl Meinwar A .Hon a Klaan, ai .?r Oce. ? alt at private residence 1M Wcet i:?d at., near Oil. a a "i~>KIVATK KAMII.Y WIM. HUM. ir -ACliincK. A Mita V?nr Hutu, eoet ?Jh) .. f-r tJ ? ?IVi; Piano KI'J5: TarkltU Knit. *7.; rep *ait. *.?.%. Utienrker Seta, with l)ra?luif Caaaa. A"1"; Ked?|eaU. Baraaaa. ? pounil lialr M?itre?.e?, *1 Kxian.l^TabU. Bode. H.~h fanrr. Palntlaiie llniwaea. t arp'te. t all at private real ilenre. 47 Wet Hltliat. nearHil. av A -VIKKJiY AND MOXTIIbT I'ATMK.vTA TAKKll A. far Kwrnllare. t'arpata and Baddia* at It 4. i tlw PKKTIIWAir A tfO.'fi. IU and 157 Chatham ak Anna mo'naeatock at low prn-ea ,_ AHAWuTli KOE OA*H.?MAt?KlKlCB!tT fAbbOll Knit in aatln rotellnc; coat*"i?) 'or *1HI do., rro and haircloth Irom it"> ?P . lie. I room Kalta. complete, from AVI lot i:r> i Ihanifcrta. kc. OnM 'or onawaak. b'fora pnrcliaeliiK clacwhare. at reddenee .I Kaat Aftu ft., aear ilroadwa v. _______ llfCTiO* BtKMII. IB KAST l.YTil KT.?PrKMITl KK.. A I'arprt.. Mirror.. Pianos W-rdrohea. raH^ m..*. Arraohee. Bedroom KeU, Ae., at prlrata aala at aacttaa prlcea. ? TTotlO* ROOMS, NO. r> I'. \ST IITU ft. A banner ?Lar*e lot Knn.ltnr. ??*,???< fc*" v... \ low: one Parlor Knit. <100; eoat AK*I * all. ISuHNITL'KB PRIVATE 4ALE AUOTIOR PHirKS. I I.nrxe a??orlni#nt rich and common; ownera want money, packed elieap. M. B. KAV'Oll, Anetlan Iloiaa. 18 KmI 14th at. i fikOBTALK CIIRAP?TWO WALMI'T ?K'?^RAI?K r two Wardrot ?? one very nlra t neklag Ktoia. Carpeta and aeverkl other arttclea ot II1 nrattara. Apply. Irom 10 A. M "i 4 P M.. at ?>! Ka.t _Oto ?l 7d ooi)" SBCONil HAlin ASD MIKKr -N"'?1 *'11 IT Bruaacla three-ply and Inurain I arpete. Oilcloth*. ?f.. v,Jry cHh?pM.t- Ikaoldplaee, ifi Ko.tou^ I free. * ? I>0PULA? ACCOMMODATION. i.enntry bonaca and l-rench llan urin-'i"! on .liberal F? MfSCiLLAKKWl'!!. wswBfrnrvcamiim CROHSB A BLACKWKM.'S for* Plcklea In mull dneptr. Illch Haneet for fl?h, meat and gtma. P. ttcd Mcata and nu. Oenaine Wnatara roperlnr Malt Vincirar, .lama, ./allien. Marmaiadef, and other labia dcllem-lea arc llaplayed In the Avrten'tnral IIall, where Impaction ir inviird. and are ?oid he ail deal ere In >ir<t claef yrocrriet in die "nlted Mater and Canada Kerry genuine article la labelled OKOKAK A ill.ACKM'KI.l., Pnrveyora lu tbr Queen. >ui><? aquare. lend on. ffKAS AT Wliill.RriALR PKICI 8?IX Ol*A.V rfTIK.- OK J. .'i lea and mxrard. cheaper than am nuaae la the eily, at the w Kl.1,8 IK A (iOMI'A.VY, ?il Paltoa ft., bale ran rtiiirrti and ilraenwlrli. . S2Z..S35SK: HlKliiAKIIb. V.MKRIOAN M'AMiaRI) IIKVKI. I'A RI.K*; ALHO A large vine i llalla, I.lolba, Ctr,, Ac., at raduc prl rea. be oud band Tablce at area I Intra a Inc. W II I.HIKHTII A CO., dOYttey.t 41.XB mbKdlHJD HtLlilAKI) TAHI.K, Wlll/l) AS naa, at IIKO. K. PIIKI.AN'A, ail Kaat Hill at. C~ 10 LI. K NI ? K K' 8 ST A Jt 0 A RI) aMKRIca* HKVKI, J Billiard Tablra, with the calrbrate.l I'hrlan A 1'nllrndcr cnnibiaatlon cnahtone, fur aaie in thia city only at "* Broad cm rpwo RKVhjL KU MILUAUO TAB LAM. 4\n "a.NH 1 *k,xV. in perfect ortier. will b- anld very cheap lor caah, at piano wareroama, 3IH Kaat 33d at.. ?? - ? ,i?^r-Tmran NTOItAUK. "i'f 'siiiHAbh ~WArtKfrOVrtfc, Itadaoll at., for Furniture. I'lanoa, Track a. Ac., in aep arale rnorat. KIlAKI.KS II. BOIIl?K. Proprietor. iiAOlik M MlRAIlk WAKKIIorsKS-rXHrKI'A.IPKIt J J for aafe keeping of gwoda of eiery kind; loweat ratea. lid to l'>7 H cat 33d tt. ; one iloor cell of ?Sth a*. STORAUK FOR FUKNITI KK. PlABOA, BAfHUOR, Ac.; aeparate rooma; Iowa at rata*: every convenience , alaralor; watchman. Mii'll A I.K.n A HON', AH to 43 I'onmerre ?!.. naar Hleecker. A SCWiFrk).' ?wrTfrmmr *a? irraitEr aooifir i? Weil IMtti ?t.. between nth and 7th art, near Broad way. Hpeclal mechanical dentletri ; coral, rubber, roae, Biarl, wbaleboae rubber, tro.d and platina Beta; I'lumpera, ecnlatora. Ac Take rrttn car I rum Uraad ctrcet tarry er Math arenue cantor Broadway can. NKWHROCUtl, 138 Weat 34th tt. - ftg.NTA(;KA%,|.N> ViCaison ki< iikkIki , iflt i.kx inu mv AV-PIRBt J.U elaaa Kroneh raetaaraat lor ladle* and |tMleail; I'arItian ftjrle; labia Board aad taoaU rent oat. 91LEI AT AUCTION. a tKttm tal#brwamrmsr wcmatsttr JV Furniture, i?r??t??rty uf K. Gmr. K?q.. THIH iiu-ndnv) MOKlVIJlO. commencing at 10 ?/clo^A, At ibe ft*, ?turjr brown tti*ii?ioB, So. 1.0 We?t it*. nenr ?'th ?v. Two ?U?ir*iit rtwwimd I'iftuolortea. on* a StrJnway A Won, ?ml Windsor npri .'ln. com f7?m ?n ! $l,iflki. iu*jrniftr<-nt ro?o?<*oU Kllffrr^. Iim Curtain*. Mirror*. !*??*t it.vie Inlaid fifl'f Alt*. covered in ?MJn. brovatcl mid rop?; Inlaid rfMff and ???*?!? Tftblet C tliiittik, Jtniinlrrfi. Bronmn. (Ml Falnttnta, At. : 1'hmnh.r Mail*. In bUrk walnut: Dnhm iotr C**#ii.Hed*te*dft. mi l iiair Mmtre-f*. Carpet!* 4?*.: ttiMtitKW, i4li vnltim?i Mmic' Hook*, Ladle*' Secret a He?. Library Table*. htrkUn Suite, dintn# room Buffet, Kx tf?u*i.<n Table; eolid walnut ('hair., in leather; China Din ner and Tea Seta, Lounge*. Ilat Stand. Al?o baacment and .ervaute'Furniture LI KK FlTZtiRKALlJ, .N. If. ? IuhmI" |?ackiu| and eliipped, city i 1 ?a??t7k s rk\ kns > v,.? K, ArirritVb'RKVL 2Y? ferrmplinrv auction lo-dav, at 12 o'clock, at hxeiiaitx*1 Salenrooiu. So 111 If roadway ; ? v,. it:t I'ark uveiiue.?Kleican'lv built, planned and lo cated modern hard-wood liuuhcd, lot?r*?tory high ?t??op feeeewed llwellIn r; al*e, V5x*l?j l? t HI feet; hull? In tk be?t n.annerh* Matthew Ityraea, K?q. The imperii Mirror*, wier tll-a?e?, tdtandeltera, Cornice*, Gum Mature* and Shades will he i net tided in the ante. Alao. tt ?ante time and ptuea, No, :(?!.' Writ r?7th *t.. (1<mi feet w d\l betueen *<ll? mid Bth HV-* ; *plcn?ii<llv built. located *?<d tr ??et?ed; medium flapIlealdenee, with eletrnnt Mir "?r?, Cm nice*. ?.?* Mature*. ?Ve. ; eonvenlert to Broadway #a?r?iite to Central I'.irk and rapid trm-it depot. Map* nla'i i ..ti#?r. Xnv 4 I'lnr and ikl Kant 17tli *1 | lit. A sprciai-. NOW o.N i-.XIIIHtTION. ?i On art emporium |7 and 4H Ltiierty *t...n Inrjre and ? or.. il.* '.-Ileiii.-n <?! Merman Oil rointini.*'. recently Con ?. I'.-l Mid n..i ln-fni? nklMtfi Ther will h? wild Oil Yl ???? lay ano I' rtday, tin* ."-'d and '.' Id ??f .1 nn*. commencing a> l.'a'rliifli. I^,||IKKK A I'O.. Auctioneer*. AUt rio\ s vi.:. rosiTivi'.i.v to-d.W.?ltio.i ll.MiMilx.ld Kiirnitoro. fills iTa**adar> WOHNINH. at 1(> o'clock, ai IIir amrv brown aimic matiaton AO 47 WK ?T MIDI sr.. MKTWKKN aTH ANUUfll AYR. ? ' h keont tiprlilit Ji. xeiava Pianoforte, f l*lf ?at'* limr pound 7V( octave Pianoforte. ' I'ainllHaa. Wxrka of Art. P \l<lalli ami DKAM INO ItooM SlUTR rlclilv rarrprt aaa walual Iramca. nivntod in orlnianu, tan and I aailn and iidclaln.I TurkUh' mid Spanlah I. ?..,???. I'hairv Inlaid manpiolrlc and ulit I'omr* and .'imimiI. Tabloa, rwacwoo. hl.fri.a, lialilucla, Krcn.h pi-'- Hlxari, lar i'uriaix?. Ppcnrh Mantxl Sen. Ik I day . .. v. kni'.l ll?\.., Idlirary and Sei rolalre Hxnkca?ca, I' l.iSear. l aid' .. Siili, 4'rilinir lleak. NK.MIOOM KI'ltSITI'ltK I'ONSISTI.MI a'???ne and plain H. Irmmi Seta. Inlaid nm! Jflll Bndktcndk, Mi ? n t'aaxa Mareaaa. Waah.tnnda, .ImkIx and double Hi .I.,e ? i? d ? ftne lialr and Iprlkl Mnttrea ???, leather I'll, Tnllei ini, ren and plnali Snl?a, marble top t ild. a i haira. lUifh.ra, -xellnlnc I'lialra, l?xiin|(?a. ! v i S i II UVITI It P.?Hmeiii.iin Tahlea. sideboard. . I mar, Mlv-rwar*. I'rnckery, two Hall Stand. vStM. krii.i"li ni l Inirriiln I arpeia. KIicIh'ii, aervanta' MMMM Take Si\lli arraue Off UklfOfalty plm'o rar?. S il Mr a I ? rrnn-a. park or alilp inmda. city or eimntry. KoHSKT I!. I'ASlilft, Anrtlonccr. 4 71 NIS JOHNSON, AI'I'TIONKP.K. >|i old .land. -47 Naaaao at. On WRI?Nr.S|?\V. al 10*^ o'clock, I. * HO P. s\t. OP ImTFkRIIOLD rUKNITURK. Pin. ar.?I Mark nntnui Tartnr and Bpdrnnm Sctk, Til bra. iiirni'nr., rnrt*d half Wallfeaaea, vclrat. Brn-aeU . i drain fariM-ia. ollctotha. KcfrlKPfatora. Ac.: MT'ral "tl ?f > ra n 1. late iiMt?, hatnlaiiiii. roaewnod aqnar. a ip'idbk 1'iaiM.lnrir( Haa :i.ent and Kitchen hurnl tare. Ac. k -SI .\pi a nl.1. - I MikK AKO BY VlltTUK OP Jm J|W?'ifi ?.?!<? meat la ma made, I will ti-ll at nubile MMSBgt t'KTKK How'p. MMMHi on the premlaca s I i Hand era ?t. hi ik* cMf of >le* Y'ork, on the 2-ltli d#f at Jna- l?K at M net wk. I'ape. Itn* Machinery, WdtwA aaad ? hum SAMURI. Wl'.ll,, Aaalimec, a . tins Hil.i H\ K BOTH. Al't'TIO.VRBH. ~ a\ tMa (7??^af mnrnln. eommeneind at III o'eloek. MR f%? lMtida-.n,r II..naeliold Karnliar* at lha prlvntc real. *? ?? M* ' >?? I din ?? and 4th at.: clepaat Parlor Sulu .? . ad. r?p and lietrrlnth; r?a?wi>nd Pianoforte, ? ? a ma Oil I'alatw :a. Oati'eu. Mlrmra. Bedakcarla. Pit.-ana Iiia*.,n* i aara. M ardtnlwa. Waaliatanda. nalr and aprin. dauraaaaa. He a. Hnlatera. Pillow.. I.nfaeea, hta nek T <i<l< mdammed. Kiiearm Tahlra. Olaaa. China, ?| irf Ha- i uMafji. Ar . a rare oppnrtunity for lionae ke*|.>ra .i. pa' ?r I and dell.rn d for parrhaawm. BT BBBNAB* ?MYTH, Al CTIONKkH JI NK ?l.nr57. Ill WaMMf. a ale arren Rr.t rlata four ?n h. ainiMi llaai-aa. aamlhweak eatrker Madlann av. ?Mad " in *' B\ ISA AC C_ .io|.|isfmN, aC?TIONBRK.- HKUJI . (niattiieiy la l'?Sa e'eleek. d'?i Meat 4.'Mh at., Saeo f ? *?? -I Mail* rntlrr f'nrn lare K*d4tn|. tlattreaara, Ar, I a I a* r< aianraat sad harr.i <m Ptatarea nf aald bona* one 7'< wtk'k Ptaa.., ?i.e i *???? a. Wawnn aa I llarnraa Meatcra In ? 1-d. Isaac I ooirtislhlN. olkca l.fdki'/da*. hx ions A III NM. a CCTIONP. KK--W II.I. SKI.I, iWaltf. HHfc a'aliiSk. S4I Ada* , tit* Psraltare of a ?an ill i,.< akin. .)? In.narkerpin* halrrl.dll Suit. Ma. k aal put Sadat-ad 11 .lea, I haira, Mlrrora, Stmaa,, I nitery. ? arpeta A. ISaSn lamed HT J W CAMPNKIX. Jit. At CTIONKBB. SKUdt cda dar, w |H-..i rpaen-e the aid and well known |?f ?tnlnrnt l.l,*n> Stop* 'tx?l Oree-iwlrl at . rorner NoftOS. Wrlndta. Meat. Plti.rea, A, In the tilsheat bidder ? kMPBK.I.I. s .dftee. Ka 7 Weal Sd at (4 KR A7 Al'CTIOK SALK OP HROpTKAIIS- AT 4-Vi I Weal s?h at and alaai I ai-mai Mea-h. r I at area and t t'aatta lelaatttt in a Arm elaaa Hotel. Bat, Back Bar, s Iff. Br-i rleaa lee ll-ua . J-1 Hera., Al H date.da IO hue 1 . lea M?| rliillt, AH Ma tf. aa. a Hlankrl- PtlhfWm and f'aiUe* H - la Paper i.lpaae., Ar , h.lmi(ta? to a bar. to he mid .i laetlrn laaaday. Jane Jn. at 4A ? Wert 4.MH at., lie. t ? - H Hli aixl ItNk ari H. i.itn af the propct.lPf, In ula WMMlfi ISAAC C tlol.ltSTKIN. Apetimieer. >. jU-BTS A SONS, Al t riti.NKKSM. SNKKIPP's SAUK BI-KO **T PUSMTI HB. I I'HOIrSTBKT OOftfMt, AO , OB WPMNKSDAY JI NK II, AT IOU OTI.IM K, AT Mo. ,7n BHOAMW AT, coftNf K HTII ST. It i .letne .d a aort ils rrernO.Mt. I will e.pna* frr Bale at Chili ien-ta> an W edaaader. lane It. at |id| a'llaft, S a 77i. Mfaadwat. a larirr -id ?' Cabtiirt ana Parlor far ?liar*. I t-'-olatei i 11it,eta anln.iat.ed f .'nilare. Aa. Ar. W I I.I I AM C. UONMCB, Sheriff Wittui ?ami, I team I Sheriff Ketlee We hag ta aaM partiaalae atlratioa to the .hot* aal*. aa It MArw. a a aplendid rarioty of rti h and plata Par lot - Ml ta in aalia. edeiaina rayt l.tntr, la-hiaara Ac. : elr.pMi cii.atbar Salta Ieaaaea. Ka?t Chatra. miaid I al.'B'.a I'ar'm Table. P aael. tta.le StaaAa. Ilat! Standa Wardr-d-ea. Heneethir I'lnt, Ac : all atrtrtly fir-t rlaaa work and a-ll ? ?rihr 11.a attebttou of pareliaaera II H IIKNTs d soNs. A nettepeeev f ST WPINHRRORII. Al (7 III 'A KPH. M AKStIA l,S la aale till, dar Itnr-day lao. J" al HW^ , rl.-ek, a' aataaoaam 71 li...., > hr virtu* .d aa aaorsti.iH, M wataat raloaa Tahte., I.' ' haita and aa asa#;latent of laiai.ora and Clsara P? ordar of HaNIRI, o NKIRN, CHt Warthal. J*~ P. TMA Y KB Al CTIOKKBK-SAHSMaTk *iTaM( a 'bit dar. hr Ortaa at an a?e.a>laia. at II a'tdork, at Rn :t7 ? I at ar . corner af J.'I at , elosant Bar and Hark liar. Bar Plat urea, T ahtaa, t hair. Ptcturaa Mlrmra. Ht.ta> 1,-hoaa*. haa fi-at pull Al* 1'ampa, Oa> P nun NItrna I III* of hall rotoa . aton* of Him I. r -him. Ac. M ATTIIIV MWUKMT. Marahal. M MI HSBACR, AI'I'TIONKBR.SKI HWlWRNY,MKtlui a Oil* dap at ...... k al Mo idt Casaon at, staofc and Plttnre# of liroeoep stoee I nRkea, Teat, Sapart. Soana. .-lib ra. Srataa. t auatna, Ptatarea Ar llatlrainiltfd f>A WM HMORRH'S SAI.R Tills MAY J A MRS AO Alt. Ann inn re I will -ell ai Yh N-w Baa err, lh?1 Iota I liana. ?, shaala, Retaaaat*. Tahla I nderrtnthlnr Sh. rla, Spreada, Hedd ag. .loot*, Sha-a Coata Paalaianbi and Ve.ta. M>n'* eir-thmg will h. a>4d at II u elark Hp i i.tor of II. Aafteaa. ntaat -a at. PAW N HRi iKP.K S SAI.K TIIOS AS j" M UK ATM. kneiieneer IS" t hatham at. aarner Malherrt, alii a-II Ihia dar. II o .-lie-k men a and traataa'a Cb>thinr I ire**#* -hnalt, Itemnaala. Heddia*. Hnata. Mtaei, Ar . a'an I ..alt I'ani* and Ve-ta Mi order I. i tint, Canal at., and U. i. Pry.JM a* ? pEEWiiiSBElNi saCk -? piri'd hrxrrai. J anrtlonr.t, aalearnom N? WW Bower) , will a*|| thla aay, ?t 11 a Olack. 7, n I'd* Mr a a a ad Wataea * .'xohina, Mr* aa**.. MiawW. K. aiaanta, t'ndorriarih ag. IJalltA. Blaafeal*. Ned dill, llaxt* Sheet. Ar , Ar. at*., a lar, ' l-t af Rra'a Oath Inc. C.ata. Paata I kriantnu af l?-ith Ar , Ar . ale* arveral **ia llaraea. By 'Br dar J A Crania, urand at CHI HHPs UU of BCU I'KIIS MATKRlAU k* iIP.KANB BRTT*. sha-lff a Aarliooeer. will tall. ?M dap. Tar-tar. Jaar Ifl at in ? dark, at 7Y nth ar . a large ? ??ortinrat ofkail'lerv Malarial <onalatlaa of Itaara. ak'.ea, lllinda. Ar . Ar W M t COXMRR. Sheriff. M. U>rtt?.a| Ihpllf, s w II fill P PS UAI.K UP M MS km. n ASH K V |Cfc. lore*. Mart atag Maelita., A* IIP.KM A S Sherllf a and Oeueral AhCMeane*. **M* thta dap O-iradap . Ian' U. at 11 e I t,? k 1* I t Mower. hot and htnr ???ml Plaaoag. Kuan. I-a ahel Saabe*. Pmta. In* hniea, Hhxltrrt. L.-rk> > ana M-m ? nr Rhrhlnr, Wt**??, Ac. W II.1.1AM C rOKKRH, Sheriff M. L.a*ritasr,a. Irepair Shactff. Ti-I-I Y4~ ABRoft," aTiTIOMRRh ? Mh< 'Sat. uaiahera at.. Men I erh lip rtrtii* el a writ ?' ? aerettaa I will **ll thta da; *? |ll|, o etoek Hr* atart and lialarea S tha larer Oraeery and fa* ni..r? at tlhl ttlari'le *? near ? .-art at . My?Air* ? rhrr't of in* feha, ? -der ?**?" faaey i ttaiii.n in - lie (ft if* ra lor s aalnat t irh'"rra ? %en m Praita. A* ; a4a? en* Indian fflfnea. In# I ?? ir'oeeyy W Kills J Kits . ,,?** ah in >KH Nt*AI*Kltft. fun xai.R-a bum i ?r lui.tmi* r? wRriu f. r%f ??..? M lure 4. Ill tntil 144'*** hoi 4.ICIT P >?t .Ulr? v*a I '4t *My riXK AMTu. PMriM.H\piih'. OH?r ?*. ulu <M (.trim rur I'Mirah* r?i *r ?"< ?Miai i- *< tm m rtrriilar. U. M JlilDllHtll, 1lt Rfwrfm, >?? CkUflllllt. AT MI.XT/. 1 IM M> W . XR*R .X?TII ?f.-l.?ri||M **<! c*iill*m*a ai.i b# .*ru'..*4 at ?r??' *ri. ?? * MIMTZ MT? la '?? ?'*>( I'HMn ? arpaia. J*ar elry. Ordara all >*4*4 to b? Mr ? 4i. MIXTA \ r i.rti HK'MitWAV RhrwRk.ii w? ?m< mi iV ?n llrawlKi urir" h*>4 I ? i ? # < ?( i?r >aa rlrr, A*., by ?r >MrraM?| 8 HAMMIX l./ri A? natiia.xa olii K*r\ni.inHNhiir -???, utii ? ??.. MU 4(1 *4 . ID. MlAMI IVM MMWuiI ..A i |..thin|, ( ?f|-t? A*-. Call ?? or tMnti M? at Ufa AATIIAV At IDVAiil iilXRM'* WMU. I.4T4H Ilihlllflll (IX *4)1 ?? MM * ?")*? friar* atn>*?< ** a* paid for real "t i'K.( .mf ( ar*ri?, A#., bt railing mm or addmatuc Mr Mln MII.I.RA \f rumx. km ?rn *V jNtfK. -io fli Ml mm# lk*f ? I*r*h4f- "(11 ) ? p*44 l..r ***!?# ) i? ?(I"i. v' %? i?'r Mr at In PI.aTTH A T IIABWW, RTII AY,WRAM WAT 4 RI.RV fLlOl, I\. Ilia .lim a) t alti* |.< 4 tm I ad a# I lath)**. Jmmmi, t br railing on at aiMnmai Mr a* Mr*. MAKMi At tiir AiiRRcy now*. mm mi ?i - ithiuh in r**R I ? fatthaa* Waaata* Arm**' ? >?*lai and criillafa?n will rmrm tm lha hlghaM pitaaa lataMR *?4 wixrian Urrana. ('oali, rantalmn* I anwia, 4*. C?l| ..* ur**Mr arln KOxR.N HKKO 341 tlk at, RmM ?M a bora W?at 'J?il> ?( mrrii at. i.adir* am> urnti.r mm will b* aai?aitb*4 mi lb* Rim trim caah fur I'aalal Clalhiag, I'tqwla Para liar* {nmmhS Laalaa at and J**r*irr. piaaaa ?rp aa4 aaitalp yaaraaif. Irnlal la 1? lira. AlMl AITHOUHil. AwowHRfcrri. filltK I'lmco with m^owo ?igM. t*lta *v*rptlilac aritbawt .|a*aii..*>*?. alalta pr..par'r ; auaaal fnaada, Hrlag or 4aa4 UW Waal Mk ?I . aaar Bra*4way. _ A?WO IMPORITIOM.?OWR iTkMT RL'mINKMM CI.aTk ? varan* Mr* POMTKIt, M I<*tlngi*a a*., mm Ak H . A*. to .Vic MIL SOMA RKYKaI* TOO WMOLft UTS FROM mwMMi|rm M7l OaaatM raa |L M I WATCHER. JEWKI.IIT. <?". AflT MlEECKbK *T . WEAR advanced on Diamonds. Wamhoa. ",'w*'r7 A^ ?* pAwnbrokira' Ticket* bongtkl ?f, ?? 77 BlfffkfP ?t ?,_ At w?f hkoadway, opposite iitii ?t-MA mouds. Watchea, Ac .. hoagi.t aad sold ?*!* UMli K >IUt J. CLERK* A M? (ALKRNIIir AYOUKli FRENCHMAN .-:*!? iKINO K* wUlie* ft*itu4tion ?? * drum*nor r??rr**fw>?4??t. reference. d%|?ply t<> M. At HI.nKAI , H4 ?? i ^ AI'RAI ri(-\l. BOOKKEEPER OK H? TEA**' EE poieuec. wants ? situation ?? Ixokk'eper ?? aa^ak ? ill: r. experienced in Investigating b.ol* ul ?o h...k? Inve.tlgatud or written up by ibe day ??job. per ninnrnt employment preferred; city orelerwhere. nnuna* Durable references. Address A. * '>1 N. iNT 11 ? r ..?! odLw. I Yiil .VII MAN. AH1- JO?WISHES V sMUATIO* J\_ ? honkke -per. clera or otherwise . ?? Itrek rlaaa penman and acioun.anl; bcal city reference. Addreaa MARTIN, 14ft Kiwi 4la? rt. i sir .vrniN an"i'IRHK OR pokter-BY A .\ young niAii, at present fn<?|wi ? leather. Addreet K., box Mil Herald Uptown Branch office. . ATHOROUlllU.r EXPERIENCED BUHINRlMt MAW, wlmae firm ha? gone into bankruptcy, i? open foe M engagement; position more Important thai .**'*?;. '** highest testlmonlala ?* lo Integrity, ability, Ac. Adareae II. II., :k!7 West 20th at. ? A YfUTMl HaN, TlloROOHLY EXPERIENCED Ul jV dry iriHidh nnd hnving moat aatlafactory references Item Inat employers. ilcairea ? illuellon in an established retell store iu thriving tnirii within twelvaMiners or Aon York;la a good salesman; capable of managing store MM ?miking purchase. ; parties wishing faHhful. retlaulo aervleet plena., ii.nlreaa ANDERSON, ho* U? Uernld office. N F.XPKRIKJfCBD Y'U NO MAW IS n,*T_0?9,PJ u. m. wl*h?* a ftliuiition; 1* * Gr*t el*** ticket wrlt^f? ftl#f enco given. Apply to T. L COI'II. Dtl Most 20th It A ence given. Ap|u> v? ?. y/uoh, ??*? .. A YOI XO MAN. AUKD 18. WISHES a SITUATIOS J\. In n wholesale house ; la it good penman, quick and cot reel nt figure. *111! c?n furnikh Brat oik** .rofkrenok kk to elinrnkter nnd uI? I ? 11 v. Addrear III Kill,, Herald office. i,A \ l*Kl(IKN('EI) Al'i'fH NTA.NT ANI) M ANAOER DB> Ei aire it poaltlon or irukt: beat city roferonek: kklon moderate *. li a a vti.iiAl nnd could Ittrt ttlwy 00 ilapoklt Ad.lreaa EIOHMOWii, ller?ld olllek. CJ VI.KnMI S M tilt OOMMIHSIOi O pnld. (foil ?l 1 be ofnce ftl-A Broodwr. room A ^ IlfASTRD?aTsITTATIOW AS TltAVELOlNO SALE* VI inuT. tliruueh the South and Wkkt, ?J.tbkf og oranlury; relerencoa itlren. Addreia (IhOltUK W. lie.AO, Mkeou, tin. "11 r ANT K11?T11 It r. K YOI'SO MKN TO I.KARN BOOK \) ktepini; from practical bookkeeper, evemuifa: Rn?k lyn, near l ily Ukll; terina moder?te. Addrekk OOIaLIRM, liarnld ofWce. YTANTED-A EALKSMAN IK TIIK PRIWTI.NO AMD VY blitnk book bualneaa; one who luta k trade or t Itrp circle of buaiiieat acqnalntanoe* preferred. AddreM W. & W.. box JlU Herald ofljce. ANTED?A YOUNti MAN OOMI'KTKNT TO KKEI a aet of booka, who will make hlmaelf uaefnl; rankl live with Ilia parenla In thla olty. .Addreaa, ?tatln? refer ence aud aalury expected. A, box 175, Herald olBoe. "lirANTED?BY A COMPETENT MAN A POSITION AS Y> buyer for an out of town notion and trlmnnu* boueo. Addreaa M. box 170 Herald nfljee. lifANTKD?A~ 81NOLE MAN WHO CAN TAKE YV chaafco of a aet ol booka and make Mmaelt uenerallj uaefnl: name aalnry expected. Addroea X. T. 7... box i? Herald office. _________*e "WANTED?AN KXPRKIKNOED CLHRK AND BAA YY tender in a hotel neer city. Addreaa, with rererenco. box J..Vk< I'oat ofllce. ANTKII?MAN A< iKR FOR "BTAIL HOSIKRT. underwear and gentlemen;. Inrnlah ny of JOHN SHILMTO A t:o., Cincinnati, Ohio. W nto them, BtallnK retail experience. XP'AlfritD?A RAPID PENMAN WHO WKITES A Vf clear, lo^H'lo hand; Mlnry $8 per week. AddreM I.KTTKK8. box I J3 tlera d office. TV ANTED?A SPECIAL DISTRICT OR STATE AOBNT YY In Pennaylvanla for a life Inaurence company; liberal terms to a live, energetic man. Address, stating former boaineaa. S., Herald Philadelphia Branch office. (OAtll MKN AND GARDENERB. 'A^ YOUNU, SINIII.P, OHRMAN. WANTS A SITHA J\. klon In the country, nnderntunda horaea and nerden Inir. Apply at ftft lluyard at., lor three deya *T YtH-Nil MAN, ONLY TIIHHK w KKKS IN Till A country, wante a situation aa ijroom or coachiuan; no object ton to travel Addreaa J. 11. 11.. U Kaai 4>th ?t. 1 OKKMAN~TmaRKIED) WISHES A SITUATION /\ aa aaHener; utideratanda hia hualneaa and la not arrald to work. Addreaa, lor two duya, JOHN K. SCIIAI.I., Tarry town, S. Y. ' "T SITUATION WANTED?AS flAKDBNKR AND j\ coachman : can milk and make MraaeU (tencrallv uae fnl In ? ycnlleinan'a place; rclnrunce from laat place. Ad dreaa P. JtJl Herald^olBce^ a YOUIU M.V WIS UBS a 8ITDATION AS UN DEB A eardener. nod will make hlmacir generally uekful; ^<md coontry relereuce. Addreaa B. OONn AY, 3J7 Hudson a*., Brooklyn. _ . A COAUHMAN'S SITUATION ^WANTED?BY A yiiuiiit niun; uiidcralunda iturdenlUK; can milk: will make blniaelt tiacful; beat city relerence. Addreaa t_llAl.ll MAN, box HU Herald olBce. T t'oatTiiyTa.vs situation want'bd-hy an A Euxllaliman: alnitle. IhortMuhlv competent; wlllini and nblipiuit, ir?<>il refereuce. Addreaa r. J. ? ., Herald Lp town Brunch office. t S tfOAt'HMAX - IN ALL KP.SPKOTK QUALIFIED A for I but position; seven veara with lavt employer; eauee ofleavlnu, lamlly wont to Europe. Addreaa M AN. No. all West 13th at. 4 SINIILK MAN WANTS A SITUATION AS UOAUH J\^ TviHtt nnd ftrootn ; etn tuilk and mak? hliiinell titetul? bsai rtlirfnrt. Addrew J. M., Il?rHi<l^t)<ttc?? "a YoUNO COLORED MAN WANTS A SITUATION A as coachman; ha. the heat of e.ty r-fercnce. I ell ot addreaa a:II tKI.KS, Nr> 4 W."t f'oh at . II. I.Jilder a. / a< 111' 11M AN AND liltotlM. BY A fSlNOLK) YoUNfl tj man; the care and treatment of horaea, carriage., barn.-aa and garden ; will make hlma df Kcncr.tlly nacful; Bee years'reference. Addreaa P.. box J?> Her.ll office. -- /MIACIIMAE AND IIROOM (UNMARRIED); TIIOE ty ouublT underatanda his bualneaa; nnderatanda ffarHM my ami irroenda; wauea no object: boat city reference FRANK. Ill Beat J.'dit.. stable. / COACHMAN and 'OARDKNC.B.-A SINIILK MAN t aha Iboronylily ur.dcralanda hla bualneaa In botl branches; wllllnu no! obllyinic; torea years' reference. Ad drew M.. box 11 a Herald ofBce. . /SOACIIMAK AND "oKtidM-BY A KINOLB ITOUNO ty man. In city ?r country; can mow luwna; willing to make htme *11 generally tiaciul; aeyou yean' Brat clnas refeo rn.-e AUdrrsi L. Herald office. IbUIVATK COACHMAN WfrllRS A SITUATION| | city or country; beat reference. Apply nt Olile a mar ket, nth ay. -?Ml trii.Na WANII.I) MAN AMI WJFK; MAN Ad ^ c -achutan and plain (tardenor; wife aa cimk. willing to aaalat at Bonaonorfc. Addreaa I'. F. L., Herald office. OITI ATION WANTED?HV A SINULE MAN, \8 o c mchinun or to travel with a family ; 11 years' refer, enee Irftm leel piece Addreaa A. P.. I I n averley place. LJITCvTDiN Aft COACliMAN fill < 1A ItDKNKit OR TO do farm work ; unplle nt ol mnrh experience ; well rej emln -n k I Add.kaa box II I Herald offl--a. w> 111 \ THIN WANTED BY A YOUNH (JKKMAN. Af* o a.airtunt xardener or to take cere of horioe. Addreei L A. <i Herald Uptown Branch office. \4'\NTKD-A SIM \ 110N. Hilt A OKRMAN (l-ONll YY biro, handy aim toolal. aa coachman anil If room, *ar dfti#r or |h?i t#r: liii wifo ccdmpuny hitn if viOtKL \ 1.1 ffa h'.X "ffi'*'' 'VMKI. \ S I \ I'Kltl KNt'KH HOLOBKO COACH f ^ nun !or ilm Miinirv; oi,s ?i?i<fwr<st- th? c?r? ol |of>f> , ?rrUn^B andInn milk, m?/ h?ro apjr hi?itnation. AWnhh <5. L. II , box 1H7 llenldonico. \\ Mknetiiattaktlon. ________ WARTKI) A SITUATION AS COAtlilMAN; PROTKS YY lant; B*e years In last place. Addreas U. U., SOI West J>Nh at. HELF W4NTKD?UAI.ES. Aj""" y.iLN'o Man WaNTi.D~TO LtARN fELiT ?rapliv for ra lr ad alaliona. hotcla, Ac.; nermanent ,?..(tlnT, lul. .alurte. NEW YORK TELFAllfAPH IN MKl t'TION I iikl'ASY. J1 Pa.a row. A?N KNKMfiKTIC C TO SELL AN ARTICLE J\ of dally oonaemptlott atnenff the wholesale atorkt dnwk I,.an . aala.y and r.m.u)aaton ; re.ereiieea required A'lures. MONEY lloeald offtoe __________ Ah m MKMt OK a M t K T MEN WANTED. WITH A ..?all capital. In a light buaine-a in which ekk make Sdft weekly ll ANDINL. nsi Rr"H_?l^r-_ A^nKiHribi- D. K ol l' o HUM III a|NE>3. *% rear* ?f ar*l meat come well reconimended. Apply, a'.cf I.)o'clock, to WlliriNO A b'O., No. ft Dey at., ypi Ikflii (tonf. _ h ?.(.?; I I. AS* H AKKKEPKR? APPLY, WITH KEF .ranee, at S<W Ore-i.wlch at ??/a RP.ATLitl .Mil ? ' VI f r MONEY FASILT ( f made aeltlnc teas fo. CANTON TEA OOMl ANY, Ik* Chambers-.. . See Y?rk. __________ tt'ANTBD AM PERSON 'AN S.vKr. f'FYi A lY ,n >ath keliln ( our letter cooymit book . anr on, yiAk ba. A ie.t?. I. will bar it: m, press or water ..led; V-4'or . irralar If. K.XORLRIOB COMPANY. D? Trt ??.,e Rktidin*. Chiea*". III. _ tt' |\fKli A ROY. IN A PToitE; ONE WHO WANTS YY i?, train ba?in' *? and nak? blmeklf ifenerally ueefoL a I kai II IB cwn Msadwrl.uik. ACTIVE Herald nfflce. \t*? ?? n i; Mi > f'lH A UullT miTPOOB " i..??.?-?? AOfreee, ?? ???!. enduring eleatp lor oar Mrnltn, TlUM I l?. Watted 'Tiatvo hov i> a wTiouSal? " In "t bnoineee. Kagoe, M ? w ?k; reference. re 1 *M?PA IJ Neriei. ?| uu i> hVKitv ? irv in thb ?? I Mm \ im ? make f A per iter MHnr the Eureka I run < npylap itth an i H?k ; m? nre-e. brueh or w iter i .am*. Andre.. i.lMKkA M AN1r'ACTI HI Mi iMiM. f A A 1, M K> ?4? .1 MM Mar. ' WMJWMe l IMtv AOKD I?. *11.? llAM NWfftVXtf -1 ?? m e. .II'IM I I. t'ii.r?i|.TUlii trade. Auiily te M eAdrree A N I XTK.Htf ITKK. jMA ?<. A. Ve 1KI.I K A I'll ? ?fMIAToK .null * Sol' NDKIl. A'.I r ? ? I eteiir# ? A Mr,.., II M i.NKl>8. boa ? l*eM ?'? Med * Out Ti rMfikbi wam- a iiri ATi.iNl.iftoi A re.inn ne.e. moderate JaIIK? HclAll'lillUN fin Sunk #d .? , |i# Mllfa Altll N?l If AH. AUKII 17, ?TH'? HAN RECEIVED 4 lew e'tarei' ? ? e ielie? %n leave a reepatetde ireda n .. k.ienii oreieir*4 Apple to or addraea KAMDOL PtlU UK A : ? Reel I All >t ?e?r Alb a*. MM K CI'TTRBN W A NTKD-IIGWJf I.L. 4 HOI'RKE'N ? all paper factory. 1 M . ? ?! Naaeuuf Me ,|ihia. rnu rilkTMn. niti atio* aa anYkd by a yoonu I men a# .reaaiaau . Ui i inrlili nuderelapde rylindor and ? mdmi pre-eo,. rea do IrM .1... emrk , m-mm! referaaa". 1-1 mule -agri AuUreea ftlUMPMIM, Ml DW Herale B U'AAT l? A riMT OUaNN WiiOI asc TV onroa.d >aeln yarn fiei. ANini R kLA.vOII 4 c?i. v?**- *?'?*? t*t? w<wm YkaiapeipMe. WANTRD-A MBet 01.ANN OIITTIN ON OUBTON Vl ?nra. in a loading Hat hla< koneo In HatMmm*; a par ei.aent elleati?a eearanload elt mid bp prora putupelPM. Aiiiire.e alHAnHI Ri.Kit A MM, (lay aad Treat etc . Hal llaiare. w w ?#ae pa pp#4 aa Troy Apply ?p' ?epprtwfiw. TePgnkeepMe. i. T. ANTED?A riRNT I'LANN WATCHMAKRR NT Ply ?p WILLIAM MulK -rra m *% AXTHD-THREK HI IDE MfI.I. ROt OHMM A1 Iba T-ncbknrpeta KM line Mill; none be* a.el elee# ollk lamllMH preferred; TNT Kf *9 m Apply M mx m. rSum,