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HTVATIOaS WA5TEO-FEMU.E8. - Ar, n UNION COt'ET. BETWEEN ltTII AND I2TH Its. .University nlsev).?A scotch Presbyterian ?n taaa as e?ek: thoroughly hndcrsteede her basin*** meats, ?naps sad Jallirs. bread. Mrfutt sad pastry uoobjwtiia to assist with tha cosrss washing or to a privet* boarding house ; country preferred ; Past reference. ' west wiF i?r TrBwiNT km pu>yee'>C-ah lira class cesk; understend* hn business thoroughly ; Is s goad bskrr; goad rwfiervne* fl) MfM ST.. JtKTWERS ATM AND ITI AYR?A A.JZ reepectable young siimtn *? good plain cook, washer sad Ironsr; willing and obliging; two years' refer Met frem last place. 23 118 123 124 1 on WKST 28TH ST.. IN TUB MAitXKSS STORE ? JLOi7 A respectable worn?n as rook ill u private family; illy or country; bast city reference. WKST IWTII 81 (PKRSFNT KMI'lAlYKR'8iA wantan as cook and to assist la washing. Call or ad no west irn ST.?AN IMS cook. washer jLO and ironsr; no uojoction la a boarding bouse: city or sou at ry; city reference. A I' PKRRV AT.-A RESPECT\B1.K VgUNG WOMAN TV) as good cook, wasber and ir nar In a private family; rafsrsaco. rr CLINTON PLACE, 8TH HT.-AH HOOD COOK; l)t I ao objection to tbs country far Ihtsainmar; good reference. ??1 KAST BROADWAY, TOP FLOOR.?AH GOOD Ol eonk ; willing to go in the country; understand* milk sa I putter; good refcrenee. Csa be I'fii until suited. A?(F WK8T 31) HT.-A MIDDLE AGF.I' WOMAN; IS A Ut7 first class French and i.srnian cook. 77 west urn st (PRCkbnt employer's)?a I I respectable woman as cuok la a restaurant or hotel; aftr or enuntry. 87 MADISON ay. iPREHKNT KMI'LOYKH'M).?ah I first class cook in a private bosrdiug house or eammer bouse, by one who is experienced in that capacity j%A BART ATM ST . JOUR SD AV.-A TOVM Jt man as eacollent cook ; is an excellent laundreea and Joker: In a private family; city or conntry; good referenSe. No oards aiirwered. 1117 WKKT 4lrt'r ST.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AH l.vr I ook; is au excellent baker; willing to aealet with Ibe washing; excollont city inference ; city or country 1(17 *"6* -'Tit ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN XV/ I as good cook, wasber nnd ironor, or laundress and chambermaid; best city reference. 11 if WKST ldTH ST.. REAR?AN EXPERIENCED XjljJ woman as Uru class cook; nudarstands cooking ia all its branches; host citv reference. 11?J WEST 27TII ST.. K1RHT FLOOR?AH FIRST 1IO class icofored) cook in a private family; rlty refer joces. Call or address, lor two days, between 10 and 11 o'clock. mWKST 24TH ST.. NEAR OTIl AV.?AB FIRST class cook ; understands boning. Freuch dtsbes, pas tries and desserts of all kinds; city reference. 11 Q BAST 4TH ST., FIRST FLOOR. UPSTAIRS. XXO back room.?A respectable 1'rniestanl girl ae first eiass cook for the conntry; understands all kinds of cook* Ing; good city reference. BAST J1TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE GERMAN girl to cook, wash and iron ; good reference. WEST SKID ST.?AS COOK ; DO ALL KINDS OF baking; In st reference, (.'all for two days. 1 Ot WEST :C1L) ST.?ENGLISH GIJtL AH FIRST lAT class eook; thoroughly competent in all branches; Ro objection to the country; city reference. WKST 33D ST.?AH GOOD COOK; CITY OB country; is not sfrnid of work. 1 9ft WKST 19TIJ ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN" AS KIP8T l^O cists cook ; city or conutry; no objections to assist with trashing; best references. mW EST I'.ITII ST.. REAR -AS COOK. WASHER and irouer In a private Isinlly; tlx years' city ref erence from last place. 1 OO WEST 2HTI1 ST-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG lxiu woman as good conk: is an excellent baker; also good wasber and ironer; city reference. 1 '-1(1 CLINTON PLACE. ROOM 10. REAR.?AS COOK; XOU no washing; city or conntrj. Call for two days. 1 1 WEST 19TH ST.?A 1RB8PRCTABl.K YOUNG iOtr girl at cook, waslier and ironer. or laundress, lu a private family; utiderttsnds hor business; best city refer mWKST 10TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG woman as good rook nnd bdker; excellent wasber knd ironer: city reference. IOO WEST MTU ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; NO LOZl objections to a small hotel; <lty or conntry; good reference. 1 OA WEST 17TH ST., BaSKMKNT.-AN ENGLISH lot Protestant woman as first class cook; no objection la a country boarding honse; best reference. 11/1 WEST 1HTil HT-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN It" as cook; will assist with the wnshing und Ironing; kest eity reference from last plaee. 141 1 Ml WEsr 17T" st.-a* first class Sikat and 1*?U pastry cog in s boarding homo; city or enantry; bdsl eily relerence, Call lor two day*. I A II west tSTU ST.?A RIUPKRTABLB WOMAN ITU fin rook. washer and Ironer; willing to go in tlie ?onntry; best city rabrrnw. wi>t :;:>tii st.-a 11'?spettablk OUL TO do plain cooking and washing and Ironing. \A-f) wb*t sirr sr.?as iubt class cook ahs 1 I baker; will assist with iho washing; best city ret ercnrc for honesty and sobriety. l~JO?WBST IWTII ST. -TWO KKSIMiCTABLK CI It Ls~; JL r ?J ono to cook, wash and iron the other ns rhntuber maid and waitress; Rood city reference*. No cards. 1 ylO WKflirwrTM ST.-A PROriiSTANTAMKKICAN XastO woman as good plain cook, wash**' and Ironor: homo more of an object than wages, in a small larnily; good ratoronce. I A Q IflTH ST.. FIILST FLO OK. ?A RESPECTABLE JLTiO woman to cook, wash and Iron: it an rxcrllunt roa* ; good baker; understands all kinds ol desserts ; no ob leetlons to private boarding house; good city reference. WEST i(JT 11 ST.?A COLO RED GIRL AS rook ; citr or country. 144 1 ic EAST lflTll ST.?A Itc.SPi?CTAHLK WOMAN TO ItD cook, wash and iron In u private family; willing and obliging Cell tor two days. 1 I O EAST f.'D ST.. BETWEEN* LEXINGTON AND J. *10 : d av? ?A respectable woman ns first class cook; understands cookiDK in all branches; no objection to tho Mnntry; best city relerence. Call lor two duya. west" vTf h "st.-a respectable woman as flrst class cook in the city; good reference. 150 204 211 I ~ I WEST '-'3D ST.-A RESPECT ABLE WOMAN Aft L'JL first cla-s c.ok; will do the plain washing; Rood rel? mee In m last employer. l?T-jstli sr, is~*Toitk-a woman as coon It/'x plain cook, washer and Ironer; good baker; city or sountry; city rolerence. ' i)7w\ west ?jtiii sr.. top FlookT^as cook and uvU to assist in washing and ironing; city orcountry; food city relerence. WEST t-1? sT A REsPECTABLE GIRL AS rook, washer and Ironer In a -mall family i>7k??~WMT 3TTH BT.. PIRST FLOOR, ]BACK; ROOM ssUU 3.?A Maasacliuselu woman as first class cook; ?lty reference ill 1k EAST JUT I! ST.?A YOlNG GIRL AS PLAIN #ndJ.'* cook, washer and ironer, or to do chatnberwork and washing: la wildnr and obliging; best city relerence; no ob lectlon to tlie country. west sorn st. ?Ad good cookaxd to as washing: country or city; rood reference. Ill') EAST ti.TH ST.. NBA R 3D AV.-A IthSPECTA Alt) ble woman at flrst class cosik ; thoroughly compe tent; a fir.t class bread, cake and desseri maker; would seelst with the washing it required; best city reference. in I WEST ?Til ST.." IN TIlEi BASEMENT. ? AS wiT first class colored cook to go out hy the day or week, loll or addiaes. ijiifii" W K>T lsTlf st:; REAR.?A RESPECTABLE young girl as go-el cook and a Brit claaa washer tad Ironer; oett city relerence. EajsT WTII .vr -A KKsFkcTaBLE UIRL AS plain rook, washer and ironer. ?l')'J_East 43TII ST.?A "RESPECTABLE tilKI. AS s.fO pood eook and to assist with the washing; is a |imJ baker, willing and obliging; no objection to tin coun ?ry; best city relerence. no/"has r isra RT. (PKKsENT KMPLUTKR'8).? aOt A respectable girl as eoek. washer and ironer; two reart tefereuce. II ? J / ? east" .".ITU 1t.-~A kfl'IKT. GU.MPh.TKNT aOU woman to cook, wash mid iron; city or country; test city reference. otju mtif icw> nr.?two gIrls, tuobtuks; uxs At)l) as eoo*. washer and ironer. tor other as clintnbcr naid and waitress, citr or country . oily relerence. 9')7 EAST .Mil M A iiEM'KtTaBLI. Wii.MAN uOI as cook, washer and irotirr in e small private f.sul ly; city retereaces. 232 244 l).fO MADISON AV. (PRESENT EMPLOTER'd).?A wOO flrst class French cook; uuderetapde tier butiqyss thoroughly. llsJQ ~W E sT j?T IF ST.?A PROTESTA NT~WI DOW uOo as good eook and linker; a bouie preterm! 10 high we tee; city or country %) I i) J-ilTl" M ?a.s UUOD OoOK. WasIIER otw aii i ironer. or weuid ija housework in a smell smiiT . city refierence. E As I A .Til ST.-A ' EEsPKOTABLE TOUNQ giri as conk, washer and ironer, or to do general ....rework . od euy reference ? lid WEST ?IST sT-A V lit'NO~ WOMAN AS GOOD UTO ios. ws.h?r and irouer, no objection to iiio "untry. ??st city relersnces trnm iast place. ?)JU wT.iTl .kai :t it! \ KEsPBCTABLK TOUNU* j'lO woman as rook, washer ai d ironer. good bread ?ad htseau maker spi .laundress; best city reference (mm ?I ;Bee ?pit*} *k*t .r.ui ar \ i tiMPKiKNT woman is wOm e nk and to da cwaroc washing : uuderstsad- m -?t-, .?lip. o'.l pastry, aleo go-4 baker. city or eoaatry ; gwd nlMWtt TUTaT -A flitM ll WOMaN \~UK T n - co-it it ? prt?ste family . eit; refertaea. ? icU i ll! tBHrii sr., neak hi.kkckrk -ukhman ?sOm ewssa l? do .?? ?kis. ,u plain ahiir 'st dug I,.mee ??? private lamtlf; good w sen#r and lloaer. ?|k.j r. tsi mar sf -TM'i HE.sPr.1 TAPl.f: TuCNO girte, oae ? o?4. ee? e. ami Ifotser, Mi thrr as 'hainherisiaid and (SlUto, ressiry pselcfredi gnau c ly refieedMoa tllJ EAST ?T1I ST. MI.TWKKN t-T AMI -.d .)!/1/ sea ? A reepecdabie y-aug grri as g'asi plain nw,. eaaiier and iroaes ta a pmsie fa-o..i s a gmsd ureatl Sb'l ? ereit aoher te tally eoinpeteot. will make here#!; gen#!, st y a##<?i. smi mtereoc? iraes last | iae* ??1 I .Til AV , NEAR ITU Al.-A KMrECTABLK till smot #t g#s>d|d#.a mil, wash#r and leansi. >at wis r#fcrea<# 277 315 WEST :s<|ll ST.. Kfi M <J I si A-. ..ill >1 - \ I.ill! S.- IIMIK IN , ?Qi O uss'l private 1 in i. i e?i t .is eoierroc# ?)1U KAsT IT III a. a ril< >K< > .III.V MKLtlRI. ? else Awierietn I'rsdeetant wowiaii is ecsrWsusiiflins ?ompeieai ?sr Iskr charge at a? ?, s esmioi be rv .-.'e ? a French f jllsh owd at. new .tiles -nam* dikes ??( a si ids with lutle egpei se . a n rte, t j Miry rtsnk and ?xi er rtdl "?ak#r . :?? y??r. reference RAFT ?fl> IT k ViHMl WiiMAN \a i.iyit OdMtv# C'Hik. wnfitivr ??!?. Ifwi r; Ht J 't . Wrtr.T de-Ill -T - I IU. Nil tliid. AS oih'l OlW w#sl ?r ??;4 iromr, i.oob.e tim. to Uai firf. Pall I Arc# bay. 5*JiT wf ar JbTii t "ili rEcrk.ti.ii umi. a i/#)U good trmt I-. e rr vet# :ami y , ukder-? si ns a lladdof ???king, isagosdo.ksr sad #s.?it#ai ws#a#r aa esdsti k#et ?u wfiweaee. MITl'ATIOM* WMTRS-rEMILXK. Ywoka. a?e7 388 KAST 35T1I ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS TOOK-, washer and ironer; city or roan try; bed refer Mil. ?)')0 WKST 48TR ST.?A WOMAN AM COOK; UN ? WO dcrstands all kinds of cooking; no objection to ee sltt with the washing; city or country. good returence. Oi II WKMT '-'."iTIT ST.?A RES PRfTA R1. K WOllAS Ot'' se Ouok; understands her business In ell t|? brenehet; no ohlection to tho country; Newport preferred; beat of rofereara given ni to ehereeter end capability. Call or address. qVf KA8T 16T1I NT.?A RK8PB0TAVLB WOMAN I/Tl to cook, wash eud Iron for e private femily; good reference. ?JTfiT WK.ST 46TH ST.?A UK KM AN GIRL Ad COOK ? I'M/ end to assist with the washing end Ironing or gen erel housework; city relerence. ?JfMI 6T11 AT., HETWBKX 23D AND 330 XT*.?A ? I" Im NwedUh girl to .-ook, week end Iron ; city or coun try; understand* milk end butter III- WEST 3; it i I ST.-A YOUNG WO MAX AM RE Tt/tJ eellent rook: will assist with the washing end ironing; no objection to the country or to a boarding home; host city reference. I i to KAST 23D ST.. MB AM Tsf~ AV.?aT'KOTKK TUU tent girl to Cook. wash end iron; no objection to the country. Call for two days: Bret floor. ,flQ WBhT 42t> ST.-KiB-ST Cl.ASS COOK; TlfOR "1 Lv onghly understands her business; beet city refer ence. Cell for two dire. A k)/l WK8T kSI'H ST., RE Alt.?A RESPhfTaHLS aw'/ rnnnc women as plain cook, washer endlrnnornr to do general homework In e private femily; excellent ref erence Call or addicts for two deye. ; ItKF.NWIC? H ST7SBOONiVTUiOK. FRONT ? ?al A respectable women ee cook, weeher nod Irouer; ro objection In the country; wonld go ai laundress; city refrrooce. A lie WERT* 17Fit ST-A lthSfc.CTABLK VOL'NO xT>wtJ girl eo plain rook end laundress or to do general housework ; city reference. Cell for two day*. [ <)"? WK.ST .toTII A WOMAN AH ?14HTflUfi I cook In e hoarding home; country preferred. 4' 07 wbmt ?rri xt.-a kksi-kctahi-k woman Ol e? cood plain cook end to eeaint with weelilng; city or country; reference*. Onn be eeen for two days. T i o tii if av.. fourth floor.?as frkncii Ttv conk In e private lemily; Bo objection to tho conn try; city reference ; can be eoen for two deya, Cell or ad drraa. A KQ ?TI! AV.?A WOMAN A8 'r?l?/ nook ; understand* Iter buaineae in all He bronchos; no objection to the country; good city reference from laet rtnp'.o ver. A ft i 3l> aVI (MIlTf.lNBK* STORN)."?TWf) SIS T " ? t" ten In e private femily. one e? first rate cook; willing to assist with the washing end Ironing: the other as chambarwerk ..nd waitress; 10 yaers city references Add reas. 511 GO 81G too flTH AV.?TWl) VOINil WtiMK.S, TOGETHER; Tcv'tr one plain cook, washer end Irouer: the ?th"r as choniherniaid end waitress; willing and obliging; city or country ; best clly relbrenca. 3D AV. IN~llli. -sTORK?AS FIRST CI<AS8 o?oh; host clt> reference fall for two days ... KAST ONI sr.-A WOMAN AM MEAT AND ') pastry eovk : country proferred; cod rolerencos. 7711 AV ? hktwmkjT imi ani? dstii-5ts. J I \? trine fourth belli ?A Protestant yeuns wntnaa as e-ak. washer and Irotier; city or rnntilry ; city reference. 7 TO ntll AT-A RF.SI' KCtYb IK "PR< IT F.STA NT At I *J plain oaafc and c?od hekar. or to 4? general house work In a *mall family ; city avcoaaltjft best city reference. 77 Y I0TII' AT?TWO TOCNO dRUt ORM . All fix c ok. waalier and ironer; the other as upstairs girl and wallrosa.oe would do light honaework; eity or country ; good refarene?. Cell lor two days. dTil av ?as first CUM OMMCt NO M. jection la tbo osislry; good city reference. COT ?TH~" AT-A RFFI'Kf'TABI.K WOMaN AS on I conk, weeher and Ironer; city references . city or count r/. SO AT.?AN HtiNKsT tilRi. asYm,atv Maker kitchen maid In a prfrate family; good city rofereara from last place, fall or address. 1CCI| Hl? AV.. MhrvVKhN K7T11 AX H twfll KTS~ .?/?/?/ An espcit-acrd women as llrst class cook; will. Ing to go In the country : ears milk and butter; best reter enoe. Ieen li xV.. niVDFM Atb tm Im-a ? ?young girl as rook end leuadreea; uv would go to the country as dairy maid. HF.SFKfTAHI.K WtiMAN AS FIRST OfcAM 0o8F| n < objection to a boarding house : would assist In wash ing; city references. Address I2ti Herald Uptown Branch office. Ctinmbcniialda. ?e 1WB8T 44TU ST.?A Rh.-IM'.t TAHI.K YOUHO GIRJ, as fheBhermald or wnltrers In a private family; bast ally relerence. HORATIO ft.?A VOUXU WOMAN At OHAMBSR mald and waltrem; two years' reference from last place. Call lor two days. ^MORTON HT-. RBt'OXfi "RBBC FRONT "ittsiN.? *' A young girl. 10 years old, lalaly landed, as chamber* maid and wsltresa. 7 west tvrii ST. (Present kmplmyi'.R'H).?,a .voiuib girl ee chambermaid and waitreaa; country pre ferrod; beat etty reference. 1A "lVKMT irt^H >T. -A Y(Tlr.V?rwOMAN aXiIIAM I'* bermaid and aeamatreaa; CM operate on Wheeler * Wllaon'a machine; good referen-e. fO BOND >T?WANTED lit A UOt A SITUATION l?i for a chambermaid ar.d waitreaa la aubl vllh vikIi tngand ironing: well rernmmen led. flail on priva'e tnmlly. II EAST TITII ST -A YOl'NO ill III.. LATKLY lau.ed. aa cliaiubermald ana telnke cero ef children. 1f ? STANTON ST.. FIRST I Li lull. HACK.-A tilKL, 111 anoeklng fSerninn and Kngtlah. aged 17. aa chamber maid nod tu do plain lowing In n private family: willing and ??"lining; ana v.-?r'? rereren, i* 't'm h?r la?t pia -e. >W I NEW MnW'KKV, 111 K.N hit i >K MAIMSIIN HT, / aerond door. ?A young woman aa chambermaid or to do general bonaowork In a amall familjr. Addreaa. WMT?tT? SI (PRESENT KMPLOVER K).-AS chambermaid and .aundroai; city or country. Vq so at ?a Torm aim to iORRflEi TU work, mind children or no light houaewnrk; deal city referenc Can he eccn lor twmlaya. '?t | GREENWICH A VI? A "i;K>Phi'TA BI.K YOPXfi ?JI? girl to do chambarwork and waiting; would a*?.*t with waahing and irumng; city or country; feet city f-for med 42 /?"I WI'JT 44TII ST.?AS FIRST CLASH t'llAM KKR UJ. moid and wnltri-a, and fine waaber; will mind chil dren ; beat city reference. 9t KAST 4TH HT.. NEAR 21) AT.?A RKePKCTA *t Ma young woman aa ebainbcriu aid and wuitre**. or infant'a nnrae; good refcrenea; la a plain aawer and needle worker; no objection to the country; no card auawcred: wage* $12. WEST 29TH ST.?A YOCNO (IIRL Alt OUAM b<>rmaid and lanndreaa in a private family. 107 ?mo ?TH AV ?A RESPECTABLE YOU NO HIRL, AY/0 with aix year*'city rrierencrt, aa competent wait re*-.. good chambermaid, Ac.; la willing to aiitet with ilie waa'ilng and ironing. un'ii Stop ?11 ? st. . 1190!d~f UMH, m ack.? A young girl a* ebambarmaid and to a??lrt In i lie waahing and ironing or light honaework; cltv rclerencr. BAST 4bif ST.-A YOUXfTwilMAX AS i'IIAM" bermaid and waitreaa or aeamatrre; city reference. Call for two daya. IfVJ BART SO ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A REM I' ?i T a Bl.r. SdO fating Carman girl aa chambermaid anil waitreaa 1 9Q WEST gSTli s r^X"vT7u Nl? WOMAN AS I'll A M la* J bermald and waitreaa; lor tba country: beat rrler 138 W r ST IttTIi ST.?AS CHAMBERMAID AND wail res*, or would do houaewnrk ; city reference. TOQWRsf HI ST.. TIUUP FLOOR," PltoNT-X AO'/ young girl aa enaml>erinaid and waitre*a and to take rare of children or do light houaewnrk ; city reference, id t> west liftH st?a respectable fobm 1' I mi girl aa rhnmhermatd and to nreiat In watting; good reterenre. lid WEST 4HITI sT-A COI.ORBI) UfRL chambermaid and waitreaa; city or country 145 WKsT SSTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE COLORED girl a> chain her maid and waitreaa. SALI.IK TRAWLET Ml WEST SURF~BT.?A ""RESPECTABLE ""VOINO I colored girl aa chambermaid and waitreaa In a nrl | vate family ; good eity reference ; no objection to the country. I 1 (A EAST S2I> ST.?AS CHAMBERMAID AND I'tv waitreaa or take care of rhiidren; beat rtty refer ones, IC'J WEST 2 ID ST -A RKSPKCTABLE UIRL !?)?) her maid and waitreaa; can be woll r-corn 220 AS bambermnid and waitreaa. can be well ree ?tended. m 7 east 4TH kt."Thy* joiin vax"~aciieSj7Z2 awL'r Oerman girl aa eherabermaid and waitreaa; good mlereeeta. i)l It EAST 2STH EX.?A VOIMi aTmERICAN lilRI, ul'l to do npatalra work and take care of children ; wilt ing and obliging ; reference Call or addrea*. oil 7 EAST 47TH ST.?A RESPECT A Blah. TO I) PS ?? L I girl aa chambermaid and waitreaa or nnrae . no oh. Jcctlun eo the country; three yeara' eity reference Irnin laat place. WEST 27TH si-VrhTit?fl X-A V(M? nti \;[?f, to d < chamberwork anil aetial with waahing ; beat city reference <)?>( 1 WSSt ISTtt El?A fSrUi TARl,"u uIlil. vs wUi" ciiamberotaid and waitreaa; beat city reference. Call or aiidrcaa. 0<? "WEST KID ST.?AS CHAMBERMAID AM) mt'iL waiireaa; will vaalat with the waahing .tml ironing; wool o to the country fur the maimer month* ; boiritv referent ? O'J'J WEST Msr ST.?A Rr.SPKCT ARI.E k UP Nit ?.?)?) girt aa chain bermald and waitreaa or In do rhemlter Wotk and take care of children; ia willing and obliging ; hert eity reference. ?>" \ EAST 54TH -T~ rt!Ni; ;tl? ?KI.7,7X"a YtlL'NO Oeripan girl ea chambermaid and waitreaa ; would aaeiat with a-aehmg It required; beat city reference, fail or addreaa ()?)(a"KASr N4TII ST. CHAMBERMAID AND WATT _1?Jl I re ay er aa narte, by a, competent girl n| ;n. 7 \ sf .'Til ef-.A VOINU iHEL AS if HA M bermald and waitreaa; eity refer nee. .Jt|| IS EST 4|sr ST.?1 Wo tOCNU <}|RLs""jUI _ i ' " eh 1 uibermaida or waitreaa,<? in u driver* board! ig how a* or iioiel. would prater a private family; city or c< tin iry. cltv refer?nn?. ijf'7 SVKST 44TII ST.-TWO lilRLS " TOUKTIIElf: ?')| one aarhainbermaid and lanndreaa; the other aa c"<k and retaalat in roarae waahing end Ironing; city or . ouatrv: two yeara' reference. East mTH sr.-a YO(f?0 AMERICAN OtNI. n? cliamlietrmald end nnrae; la a nice plain arwer; u > cnjrci ; city reference 237 811 wii zr% 31 (i KsST I2TII ST., Dip , Iai ill -v It P ?h-? tl I ea chambermaid and waltrva* end J ?bins, it veere' beat cltv ,-efetcnee. 'tlx east ittii st.-a JiKsii.i Table voumo ? II1 g rl a. rliembennaid end waitreaa; willing to n? alerrnc* 321 \st asrra *t.-a yocmh iiiei, a< oium ?onal, ,ar laandrcaa In a email private faill e ; . lj e.-rceiic,. < ,1, |oi two Maya ?I'JU EAST 24TII ST,-A RE PECT.AHLK iflRI, AS ? >? )i^ ,!, ? uitierma d 'ltd w i ire., and to >.?!*! with ?.t. n s and ir .in.-. goad t-ua reierence ; no nnjecrhnt taa coun try ?J,| 7 E*sT fk'ill ST-A RKSPECTABM: WOMAN ut I aa cbaaiher.Mtd a ad leandraat; # yeara'city rvf T SITUATIONS WAWTKD?PEMAX.ES. Chambcrmaidt. Ate. 3 ST AV. HAKKRY.-A YOUNG AMERICAN ?i girl as chambermaid and waitress; la willing and obliging; city reference. 4TII AV . NBATwf\?*?7-11"RKSPBCTABL E T"/0 jnnnr Swedish woman as chambermaid and wait ress, or anraa and seamstress; city or country ; city refrr aaea. 402 A no "Til AV.. BETWEEN 32D AND USD STS.-A RE ? un speetable young grirl to do ehambervork or wait ing : city or country : beat city reference. A 1 II WEST 38TI1 ?t.-a" KWIOMIU TDORO I A" " arirl aa chambermaid and waitress or to do gensral houaework In a amall private family. Call or addreei. 119 west mtiT SE-ayocno girl as oiiam" Tl J barmaid and nuraa: lonr years' reference from laat place; no objection to the conntry. >197 KA8T1 7TH ST.. FANCY"STORF.-A YOCNO I (Irl aa ehatnbernsald or valtreaa; no objection to go a ftbort dlatanre In the country. Call or address A 97 EAST MTTH ST. 7pRB#BNT"EMPLOTRR'SI. ? w I At chambermaid or waitress: city or conntry; two yean' reference. A 9q EA8T~~ J4TH ST.-AS CHAMBERMAID ~OR X mJ is valtreaa: bp t city reference. Call for two daya. Ton wirt arrfi st.7~rkar.-a respectable tw' girl at chambermaid or valtreaa; no objection to the conntry; pood city reference. A Of' sTTaV.-A RESPECTABLE GIRL AS CIIAV X Of t bcrmafd. or would do general housework In a tmall family: pood city reference. a o<) WEST tnrn ST.-a TOUNO GIRL AR CHAM maid and valtreaa or to take care ol children and do sewing; no objection to the conntry: two ycart'refer ence. 1QQ TTH AT.?A TOUNO GIRL ARCVAVBIRVAfe lOn and valtreaa; would aaalat with waabluf: pood city reference. r ka~ ffrii AV.?a ~ young okkman girl as ? I?!T: chambermaid or valtreaa. or to take cure of a child and do plain Hawing in a amall American family. Call for two daya ZfQQ 3D AV?A R'KHPKCTABT.K WOMAN AR CIIAM UOO barmaid or to earo children; no objeetlon to the country: beat city reference. ftQfC 3D AV.. CORNER OF 44TH ST.?TWO GIKLfl; O'/tJ one aa chambertnnid and waitress; the other aa Orat claea cook, waaher and Irnner, in ? private family; beat city reference from Inst place. 7"! O WASHINGTON ST.?A RESPECTABLE OBR t J?J man girl to do npatalra work In a email family. Call or address. 7QJ" -1TH AT.?A RESPECTABLE Yf>BNO GIRL AS (Ol chambermaid and vnitreea or chanibermaid and to assist with the washing. Can be aecn at praeent em ployer's. oA~A~5lT av.. con\kr"tivrii st.?two young girls; one ne chambermaid and waitreea: the otlier aa chambermaid and to do fino washing; country preferred; good reference. Qn<) 1ST AV.", BBoOND FLOOR.? A RESPECT Ot/O able yonnc; girl to do ehambervork and waiting; no nlijectlor to a private hoarding honae; city or conntry; city reforencea 97 I RD ' AV.. BBTW BBW - IWTH AND B9TH lit ? " t A renpeetable yonng American drl na chamber maid and waitress, or to assist with washing and Ironing; city reference*. I AO() 2!> Av7~?RCOND~~FLbOR A RESPECT* ? 1/Ot" aide yonng girl a* chambermaid and waitress In a private family; willing and obliging; beat reference from laat plaee. n'iJ 2D IT.?A YOITNO OIRL AS CHAMISRR ? ?*r maid and to aaalat with the washing and irnnlng; no objection to tho country; city reference. Dreatmaken and leamatremea. 1A WEST :t'.TH ST.?A MIDDLE AGED LADY AS 11! *eii*matreaa; can cnt and fit Indlea' dreaae* and do all kinds of family ?cwlng; beat cltv reierence. 3" EAST 127T11 ET. (PRESENT KRPLOYKR'Ai.-A ? I nsefnl young German girl aa good aoamt trcsa and ope rator. Call or addroa*. 9 f! K a ST 1?TM ST.?AS "SE AMSTRKSR TO GO IN ?d\i the country: can cnt and St children's dresses and op. rate on machine; would take care of a grown child; terms moderate. 19 UNIVERSITY FLACK, UPSTAIRS ?Afi "iHtESS T maker by tho day or work home: salt made for fti; flue work and perfect ft guaranteed. AH TV EST 5i IT IIST. (1'KESKNT KMPLoVkRS).-AS Tl seamstress by a class operator on Wlu-clcr A Wilson's machine: would take care of children or do light rhatnberwork; city or country.' "lib EAST KDTII "htTa RESPECTABLE TOC'NO J lO girl aa first class drersmaker and ?e am stress in a private family; con cnt and Si: sews on Wheeler A Wilson's machine; highly recotnmendod frotn her last place. Call for two duyi. "I HART ROTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOt'Kft X*X' I person In a private family; is a perfect cutter, fitter and trimmer and operator on Wheeler A Wilson's machine; would take care of a growing child; beat city references. No postal cards snswered. T"ccj WERT 2*TH~ ST Tar COMPETENT REAM LalO stress: good dressmaker and operator: would wait on a lady, help with ehambervork or children ; no nhjcrtlnu to the Country; heat reference. Call on or address SEAM STRESS. 999 EAST"WTH'lST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL Aft iT! competent aenmalreas and nurse to growinir chil dren: cuts nnd Bts children's clothing; thoronghly under stands her business; good reference. oon FAST MTU ST.?A RESPECTABLE VOtJNO iclrl in seamstress tn a family and to take cure of children: ran be recommended. 41/fl EAST SSTH ST.?AS <iOOD DRESSMAKER mtI and operator by the day or month; city or country. Call for a few days. 07 " WEST nn ST.?A FIRST CI.ASS DRESS ?< < si maker wishes a four more engagements to go out br the day: good reference. Of.Q STII AV.. NEAR USD ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN OUO a* dressmaker and soamstreaa; can cm. lit, trim, Ac.. I adieu' and children'* garments of all kinds; sews by hand or machine; eltr or country. IQI 31) AV.?AS SEAMSTRESS; FIRST CI.A8S TT.wTt operator: ran eat and fit children's clothing; is a first class shirt Otter; ran bring her own machine. Call all the week. CI 7 3D AV. STORK.?A til | maker by the day. ?A FIRST CLASS DKKSS. 10Q7 3D AV.. BETWEEN 78TII AND TOTII STS.? .On | As first 1 class seamstress; has her own (Wheeler A Wilson's) machine; best city reference. FlRVT CLASS SE AM STRIPS TO Do ONE OK TWO families' work : can trim in evere style; can cnt and fit any garment; country preferred: highly recommended as to capability and character Address S., box 141 Ilernld t'p town Branch ofhee. ?\VANTED-BT A FIRST Cl.AfsS DRESSMAKER. EM fl ployment: can cut, lit and trim in first elass style; well recommended. Address E. M , llerald Uptown Branch t^pice. Uenentl Iloueework. the. 9 CLAKKNON ST.?A RESPECTABLE SCOTCH Zt woman tn do general hoesework In a aaiull private fam ily good reference. 10 WENT ST.-A KKNPKCTArtl.K WOMAN WANTS A aliuatlon. either conntry or city. Call for two days. ?JO CARMINE ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOITN'O OIRI., OtJ lately landed, to do general housework ; has lived out in Ireland; Is not afraid of work, tailor address. 38 __ geesratly useful dren . resides with lier parents. Mrs. CROIIT. I ?J|J WEST UTH ST.-A YOUNG filRL TO DO OKN 1 iOU ersl honsework and plain cooking; It a very good wadier an I iroucr; city re'erence. 146 housework In a private family : best rlty rrfercnee. 110 154 260 WEST 1*TII ST.-A RF.SPECTABLK OIRL TO DO general housework; best city reference.* a 9 west Houston st.-a widow with a lit- 1 Tss tie girl In a private family with no children ; small i wagea. Address. A I? Kl'TOERS ST . TOP FLOOR.-A UEAPRCTABLE TU vonng girl to do housework in a small laii.lly; good reference front her last place; It a good laundress. Can he seen. n - CANAL ST.. ROOM HI?A RESPECTABLE OER ? I man girl tu do general housework In a private family. Call for two days. 7 A LAIlitir ST.. SECOND FLOOK.-A RKSFECTA I g We ynang girl, not Ion* In the eouutry. to do general housework In a small family ; Is a good washer and Ironer: is willing and obliging; good city reference Ur WEST 331? ST..-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG t) woman to do general housework In a prlvnte fam ily ; host elfy reference from her last employer Address. 11J EAST IMTII ST.?A HERMAN OIRI. TO DO OKN 1XO eral housework la a private American family; can be seen at present employer's, fall trom f? to 13. I I?n PRINCE sr.?A YOUNG Flfr.SCII OIRL WILL 1 slew make herself geasralljr useful or take care of elill 136 WK,<T -'"T" *T ' RESPECTABLE i ate fami voriog girl to do general housework In a small prt ?tly. Ur WEST 311.-11 ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?TWO ?I girls, lately landed ; one to de houses, ork or to take rare of rhlldrea and sew. the other aa chambermaid and waitress or m assist with washing and Iroelng. SULLIVAN ST., KKaR.-a OIltL To DO IIOL'SK ) wofg. WEST 2-?TII a f ?A RESPECTA RLE TO UNO 1 WEST I7TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNO Xc/O woman to do general housew rk in a private family; no objection loeftyer roimtrv; or at laundress. IpfQ 7T?I sT.-A KKSt'KCTAIlLK YOU NO OKKMaN it lO lady wishes a situation in a small respect able family. Address Oi lI.IK KHIT/.K. |R||| F. th'T ViTII ST. A Mil Nil i.tUI, TO DO aIMI general ? housework la a private family; ander ?lauda washing and Ironing; rlty reference. EAST 4T!I ST.-A YOl'NO OIRL To DO houtewerk lor a small fatally; good reference 9||1 WEST I STII ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN mI'1 to do general honsework In s private family, best referenca. 204 WEST 'JOTII ST.- AN AMKKIr AX OIRL TO work In a small family; city or country 20 7 F.ANT 44TII ST.-A PKOTKSTAXT OIRL TO DO I general nontewirrk 208 KA*T 44T" KT' l4Kr?,;<" EISB'K. FRONT.? iiUO A young gtrl to do central housework la spectalde faintly. Call or address. 9f 1 WEST MTH s? -a REsPEi i y i.i.k UlEL TO e* 1 L do general houscaork ; ctty or roaotry; good refer 9| >J EAST JUT!I sr., IN TOE STORK?A MUrhCT I ?) .file young girl to do general housework ; city or country; good relerences. tkl .-.KAST **TII ST.?A RKSPRi IAKI.K YOl'Ntl ?.I'/ gtrl to oo general housework . good city reference. Call lor one day 910 EAST -JH ST.-A RESPECTABLE COLoUKD Z 1 O girl as general honteworker In n email family , rlty or country. Call or addrots lor two dayt. OtWt WENT 1TH ST.. TOP FLOOR A YOUNG *m. -' gill lode crneral housework in a small family ; re fere nee. >9%J WENT ISTII ST.-A VoUNtl ill Kl. TO 1K> .? honteaerk or take care of a hahy; e.ty reterence. 223 man to d? housework , good rlty reterence IVKST IftTH >r -A HKSPKt IaBI.i OIK de general housework, best city reterenee. 2IL i:??ner*t hnnaework in i? *nt.tU (tmUj \ city rtfer 241 RAPT r.'D ST.-A TOP NO WOMAN TO no general beueework cltv er couutrv, city refer ?ITtTATIOWB WAlfTKO?FKMAL.BS. ? Uta?r?l Housework. Si*. *7A 1 WKST 33D ST A Yol'NO DIAL TO DO QBX mt! eral housework : is a good lubt nd troner and plain cook; live nni and eight months' Mbnaet Dam laal place. Call for two days. t)~1 'J WEST NVTH HT.-A KTEADT WOXAX TO DO t *> housework In a private family; la a good cook and Ural class laundress; cltv rateransa. oTk vriurf wo nr.?a kkbpkotablk oirl to As xtJ do general hoaeewurk la a final! private family; ally or country : eitv rtfarenca. Od Q WKOTMir iV.-A YOCXO ?"1 w girl to da general housework In a small private family; no olijactinns to tha country: beat reference. 9T'J WBMTBTTH ST.?A RESPECTABJLfc YOUNO wOO girl to do general housework; goad cook, washer and Ironar: best eliy reference. Of 11 east ;ifriT Hr-A kkbFeotabLE GIKL ov/i to do general housework in a small family: no ob jection to go la the country city reference. *|1 Q KaST I1TH BT.. PIIUT PEOOB. IK THE olO roar.?A girl to do general housework in a small family: or country. Call or address. Zr. H KST 42D ST.?A YOUNO OIKL TO DO DP 'J stairs work and waiting. OOl t "RART MDlif.7(KINO BECOXD HELL. WEST ? W slda>.?An experienced girl to do general housework in a private family ; good city reference. O'il WKST~OTir NT ? A YOUNO WOMAN TO DO ? >?11. housework; l? a good washer and irener and good bread baker: country preferred. Rant aap dT.?a respectable oirl to do general bonsework ; ao objection to the country; nest reference. 'X'J'JI KAST~T.<TTrstTbETW KEN iStTxT) 2~ri AVs. tlO?i A respectable Protestant girl in a private family. Call for two days. EAST JSTH HT.-AN KNO Mali PROTEST ART girl to de housework; dty'ur country; beet refer 32 332 338 390 '1/11 WK8T 30111 ST.?A NTKADk WOMAN TO DO iTl i. housework iu ajpmsll femily; not efraid of work; city or country. i> ,t7~WES7 Mil ST?A EESPHUTABLE YOUNG t/UI girl to do general housework In s email private fam ily; city relerence. Call lor two day*. ?ThZj W Y.S T ~33D ST.-A It KB I'KCTABLE YiUNtl 0?1U Auicrlean girl to do light housework or to mind children: willing and obliging. ?llll w'iCHT :'5T?T StT?A RESPECTABLE YOU BO klsJJ. women to do general housework; no objection to the country; a good bakar; city references. west~iiTH bt,-ax?knulibu oikl, just OUtl landed, as housemaid and waitress. Call on or ed dross DURaNT. TbTaV A YOUNfFWOMAX"TO MO GENERAL housework ; good city reference. Call for :wo days. J1W~ irirrv; andat?TH sr.?a kwkdibii young Til j woman to do general housework in a private fam ily; neat and clean in work and person; city reference. jllTc BAST atlTn ST., NKAIl IS? AV.?A YOUNG rV'J girl to do general housework In a small private family ; good city reference. A 1 ,"T WEST dlBTTf., NEAH WTH AV'7-A KhBPBCT tl'J ablo young woman as light houseworkcr in a small private family; good city reference Iroin last place. Call or address, 40t1 WEST .WTH ST.?A COMPETENT GIllL TO DO mJ general housework; best eity reference for rnmpe - tcnc.r and hone-ty: the right party oiily engaged with. a siii bast ihtii sr.-a protest ant woman to Xswtl do general housework; city or country. Call fur two days. 2T'76 EAST IITH ST.7 SECOND FLOOR, PROMT T jU room.?A respectable Protestant girl to do general housewora iu a private femily, city or country; good city refe-ence. 4r?5 ^ WEST ami ST.?A YOUNG PiiUTESTANT girl to do general housework. ?i .1(1 WEST 66TH BT. NKAR.lOlH AY., TWO PLIGHTS iTw up ?A respectable young girl to do housework In a private family; no objection to the country; best city reference. AOO TTII AV.?A YOUNO oTkL TO DO GENERAL TOO housework iu a smell faintly; good waalier and iroucr; good city reference front last place. A WU~rfli AV.?A GIRL TO DO GKKKKAlIiOUHK" xOt7 work Iu a private family; best city references. ili'FwH" av.?a -aukd" LAD\~TO DO 'X dO general housework In a small family; willing to go at moderate terms. Call lor three days. *Tn7 WK8T -8TH ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN TO DO ?JU | general housework; eity or country. Can be seen tor two days. cU'TTi nf a v. - a~ young a m e k j c an wom a n"to uOtl do goneral housework or chombet work or as nurse lor children; city or country; good relersnce. -111) 3D AV.. BKTWKKM 831?" AND :ctl? sfsT^A tJ'Jmmd respectnbla girl to do general housework ill a private family; city rofercnco. UKXINUTON AV~iPRKSENTrEMPLOYER,8) ? UO I A young girl to do general boueeworkin a small private lainily. aY> av.-a kkbpectablb ulbl to do housework ; go d eily relereiu-e. 9TII AV -A "uKSPECTAHLE WOMAN TO DO ?iU general liousewurk; good eity references. 61) 0 726 H Ai \ EKXi.NUTUN AV., CORNER 5PTII ST.?A t To colored woman to do housework; city or country; best city relerence. 7/1 Q 5S AV.. TllIltD KEOOU. BACK BOOM.?A I Tt/ young girl tn do general housework; is a good cook and laundress; three years' city reference. 7Q?j washTnoi on bt? on kTiTi i ; iTt u i*. - a ue I JO spectabln young girl in e private laiuily er has no onjectloti to a private awarding house; is willing and oblig ing; will assist In anything sne is asaed to do. Call for two days. uo - ao av., iihi\\'i.?N -ura and -wth sts., OOw two ttigats up.?A young ifirl to do geueral honee work. UJ w au AV.?A RESPECTABLE UIRL TO DO OtO general housework; country preferred; good ref erence. 1 676\ 3U AV-- SKCOND FLOOR?A YOI7KO WO ? uUu nmn to do general housework; il a good platu cook, * so-her, Ac.; best city reference. T I | *1 3D AV? NEAR BOTH ST.. TOP FLOOR, ii' tiij front.?A respectable girl to do general house work; city reference. MTU ST., TUIRD FLOOR.? i 3D AV.. CORNER ?Ui/T Two girls. In city i Unmekerpers, die. 1ST ST.-A YOUNO WIDOW AS HOUSEKEEPER; uo objection lo the country. Inquire for three days. 8 BOND ST., FRONT PAKLoR.?A YOUNO CANA dlan lady as housekeeper in a widower's family ol means; reference. 1 "ir WEST 1ST 11 Islv^4~YOt'NU LADY, ACCOM I' / pushed and of pleasing address, as housekeeper in a widower's family. Call all the week. /(/? ?th av.. stork.?a w idow as houskkFkpeh UU lor California, mirier the charge of Chinese servants, or as companion with a first class party. /?Ij SOCTII WASlllXUTON MjL'AliK, CORNER UO South fitli nr., front parlor.?A young lady of pleasing address at housekeeper. Ill O 011KYSTIK ST., TWO PLIGHT*, ROOM 3 ? wlO A lady as housekeeper, or would do ahirtiuaking at bouie. Address W. PaTTERsON. WEST 1ITH ST., SKAH 4T1I.?A WIDOW LADY as housekeeper. EX PI It IK N i 'ID PR aoTcaL HOIBKKKePKK 1!T an edneated American voting woman speaking French language fluently; does all ktmls first class cooking, mur ketlng and Address I' Branch office. 272 d a wing; beat city references; city or country. RaCITlaL llOUsKKGhl'KK, Herald Uptown Ice. PHILADELPHIA.?A YOL'XlT LADY (ST RAN (IE R IN Philadelpblaj, cheeriul aud accomplished, at house keeper In a widower's family. Call all the week. 818 South 1 lib at. UTiANTED?BT AM AMEKICAN LADT, A POSITION TV as bon.veaeeper or would Uo sewing or assist In house work, where she would be treated as one of the lamily; good reference. Address Mrs. VERITY, Jericho. Long island. WANTED?POSITION A8 IIOU KB KEEPER TO WID TV ower or bachelor by a middle-aged lady. Addrees W.. box 181 Herald Uptown itrancn office. Uaundrrsses. du. WEST 18TH ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN A8 FIRST class laundreee; best city reference. 38 v?0 WKST 480 SI., KOOM 10.?A RESPECTABLE UO girl as first class laundress; understands her baslness thoroughly, good reference. 1 ftu WEST 33D *T.. ONE FLIUHI' UP.?A KB 1UO Ipeetsble women as laundress, or would go ont by tne day; good city reference. EAST ?TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A ccmpetent waitress and laundress. MOTT MT.?A KKriPKCTAMLR WOMAN TO OO out washing ur ironing or honsecleaning. 161 16 214 214 214 220 i %?r out Of th<* lio'iiic. i^^Il nil the nroKg 420 488 BANT -ttD ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO go out by tbe day. 7~Tvksr .-md sr""a .sI'kuxit woman to wor;k I by the day; terms moderate. '5?W VUT Ittli ST.. IB fU tMilKELLA STORE.? A competent woman as drst class laundress, best city retcrence; would go iu tbe cocatry. Oft I W. sr STTU tt.?A REEFROTABLE FRENCH <?U"t woman wishes a family's or gentlemen's washing at her residence. LAsT MitTT ST??A FIRST CLASS La IN Li rev# to go ont by the day. tlli BANT M ?T.". KBAR w5 a**., IN OROCKET ssi'C store.?Au excellent lanndress to .<>> out by the day; reference. , WKST "iOTIl ST, 111 THR RAHBaSNT.-A Wo man would like lo go out today's work. wkst wrii st-a lady"wTsTies a situ. ati?n for her laundress ; city er country ; riiy reicr ?11 7 EAST J1>TM ST.-A YOUNO WOMAN AN FIRST awl I clast lanndress; wishes to go into the country; best fit) reference. Can be seen for two davs. east ;itru sr.. i> ink laundry.?AMBiti rsn girl as lir-t class Isnndress. or would asettl wrtn rlra ttt>er? orlr. country prrfetrest. Call lor two dsys. Iw.) KANT JI'TM NT.-A RKsPM 'TABLE < ilKL AS _?) ? laanUre-s; thnroiigbi) nuoerstands bar business; no .vhj-clion to the country. I) III K AST 4"ril ST .-a" FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS wTV to lake In wsaitlng, or would go oat by the day; best dlf rslerenres. ?liir. WK-T :MrII ST ?*A " kRSPAUTABUK INMt Oe>?) gtrl to -to fins washing anil assist with chamber work . eity. reference. 'W6 kast drru st.-Wasiiixo and ironing Oift ? W f if ,perish e womnn as Isnndress; understand- all Bum- ot hire muslin and dating, or would go out lo work hr the day; best referenee. Mr- MrHIKk. 1117 F'.AAT W>rH ST.?A HKSl'l.CTABLK UlRL TO *X V" 4 go ont by the dav to w asIi or Iron. _ MAIKiAKK? BUCKLEY. fill 1ST AV.. NBAB J4 TII ST.?AS HRFT CLANS * J. L w laatxlresv to go ><nt by the dav to do washing and iron1.1a; good reference WKNT 4t?ril ST.. SECOND FLOOR ? A FIRST laatitlrets tt" ont by the day: giwwl referonc-. ?TR AV. ?A RKNFKi'TaBI.K OIRL AS FIRST clasa lanndress or rook . best ref 'renew. -1 f* WEST mil ST.. REAR.?A tlutiU WOMAN TO ' )IU ge tat by the dav ws?aiac er eieaaiag for f 1 per Bar ?nTATIOM_WAl?TKP-f??* ?'??? .. laaiMlrpu?>' dw- ? ??4 0 20 AT. (RING THIRD BKLL).?A RBRPKCTT UTta able riri >i laandreaa or chambermaid. clir or eon a try. te willing and obliging; food refereaee. tan lor two day*. OAif ;iD AT. rfHIRDB EL Id.?A RBBPBCTABLR D4:*/ girl a* laendreae or chambermaid and to aroint wtth waahtng in a respectable family; city or eeontry, reference*. Call tor two day^Nt^ oarda aoawarod. 6 FORSYTH BT.-a" RKsT'RCTABLK lady aa name to Infant or to take care of growing eni? dren . wars* not as much an object at a comfortable noma. Address X. K. _ rTTAsf-iaTH sr.~7YorNG wbmens c hkistian I Association) ?A young woman d* nurtc and ?tnmiue?a, can do plain sewing; good city referenda. _ 1~0 UiyWARI) HT.-a MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN ,WO 1 y man aa children'. maid ; baa liart 1* year. ? with the drat tamille* of Germany aod ran giro good relet ?nee; la not fluent in the Bngliah language. Oil" MORTON ST.?A REsi'ECTABLK GIRL TO CARE Z" a baby and do light ehambarwork; good refereneo. Apply to or addreaa Ni'RiiE. i?7; bast aofH st?ak ~~a * k kican g i rU *8 ZO yaara of age. to take care of children or do chamber wok; Call or addreaa. _ 4>U WKSTM6THT?A COMPETENT WOMAN AB ZO Infant'a nnr?o and to do aewing ; ala yaara reference. 4i\ WEST 4HTII ST. (PRESENT EMPLOVEKS')?A Z competant woman aa nnrar and ?eamatreaa. maid or lotint'a nurse; no objection to the country or travel nag# 7~Q KART 41 ST StT-AN KTPKK1KNOED NCRHBs TO can take full charge of an infant; three yaara city reference. ?"it* or country. 55 fff WKa<T 421 > KT. (PKKSKNT KMPLOYKBMW.?A JO competent girl aa Intent1* nurte or to take cere or young children ; willing end obliging 63 U cure. i.tKJHT 8T. ?-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN TO take care of an infant at her own home; good rater 80 102 an" AT.?A M1D01.K AGED FRENCH Wo man a* nnrae : good aeamatreaa Call or addreaa. ?t> WEST lirtTIi ST.-A HF.SFKCPAULS PKUTKS iJi taut girl aa nuraa or chambermaid; ia a good plain ?ewer: willing and obliging; no objection to tho country, four rear*' city reference. 1~7T'7 WEST 53D ?T.?A THOROUGHLY GAPABI.B IU I child's nnrae ; beat reference* 111 "WEST dfsT ST.?AN INTELLIGENT WllioW Xi-L infant'a nurae or nurte to an invalid Indy; la *,nu pal'.cnt and experienced in sickness; city or country; boat city reference. 111) WEST BOTH sT.,~ NEAR tJTH AV.?A PROTEST kiii young girl iai excellent ntuse and chambermaid; siinn,' and obliging, good city reference; city or country. 1 410 EAST ?>rU BT.-A RESi'EOTABLE UlttL AS LjSO nurae mid seamstress in city or country. trnu be ?den at prfwnl employer's from 10 to 3. 141 150 80 AT.?AN EXPERIENCED NURSE IN ANY kind of sionnesa; beat ref^onca.^ uaMILTON. "west 54TII ST.?AN BXPHRIKNCKD N UltSB in any elckiiene; refnrnnoe. Call or addrera i -T~ELIZABETH ST.. HBCOND FLOOR. KRONT.-A XOl respectable woman aa wet nurse ;a fresh breast or milk. 1 EAST Ol'D HT.-A8 NUK8K AND HKAX8TRX88; 1 A O rood operator; city or couutry; good city reference. Cell on or address 8K AMH'l AKH8. ?? SCHOLUs'ST.,' BROOKLYN, K. D.?A YOUNG German widow, who oan apeak Kngltab, aa nnrae, svamatreae nr t? do housework in geuerai; waablug excepted. Onll ou or address A. M _ tftQ aY. A.-A YOUNG RKsl'ECTAoLK MARRIED l?Jo woman aa wet uurse; baby eight weeks old; good reference. 4Xf7T\ REST H*fH ST.?AS NURSE FOR CHILDREN; ZUU willing nnd obliging; no objection to the country; good reference. ? t)<\/< EAST 3.VTU ST.?A RKSPKUTABLE WOMAN ZUO oa clilldren'a nurae; la a plain newer; flrat date embroiderer: ia willing nnd agreeable; will aeelet with chambcrworfc. t)(iQ WEST 1BTIJ >T.?AS COMPETENT NURSE JUO and xeamstrrea; a good home prelerred to lugu wages; elly or country: beat city reference. 41T ?> ID ?T., BROOKLYN. K. I).-A YOlNii GKR A'lO man girl aa nurae nnd aeamatrese; would like to travel. 4>1 n WEST 4JD ST.-A UIRL TO TAKE CARE OF Jjl I children and do light ohamoerwurk; well recora meuded. . ()i ft KAHT ??Tli ST.?A COMPBTKNT WuMAN AS Zil I Intent's nurse; thoroughly understands her busi ness; no objection to the country; bnst relerenco. WfcHT 34T11 ST.?A YOUNG GIHL A8NUKNE; ZZ^t would make homelf generally useful; or ??Cham. )?< rmaul and waitresa Id a small private family; no objection to small WHges, bill a good home desired. WKAT 418T 8Te?ENGLISH J'KOTF.STANT Z*Jd& nurse to take care of one or two children; good city relerenco. Call or address. 5 rfWKfiT aBTlFTf.?A RESPECTABLE sounq JiTl girl Hi child-, nurae ; boat reference given and re quirrd. Gall or addreaa. 4) .< 4> WEST 18TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE PERSON' JihA aa nurar, who la fully competent ?r taking charge of ababytrom ita birth; good city rcierence. <)EQ WEST a?rn ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG ZOO woman aa numo; will take the entire charge of it bahv from Its birth, no objection to tne country; three years' city referenoe. 4>*iU WEST"adTH .-T -A RESPECTABLE, YOUNG ZOO girl aa nurae and aeeuiatreaa; i? an excellent band Mwrraml buttiBhnle maker; can emoroider: very beat city recnmnicndatlon irom late employer; no objection to the country lor the aummnr. (jiiit WEST 1PTTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WIDOW ZOf would llkB a few gentlemeu'a ami fauitllea' w ash ing. 302 WEST 40TI1 ST.?A YOUNG GIKU Art .NURSE mi and to do waiting at table. Address. ?j7j(i KArtTdrtTII ST., TOP" KUOOR, HACK ROOM.? Out/ a respectable wcmait aa nurse; city or country; two years' city reference. ?n 7 KAST~itr.TII ST.. FIRST floor, kko.nt.?a Oil young girl, aged 16, to mind children; willing to make hcrsoll' useful. ')??! HAST ItSTH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OOv girl as nnrse and seamstress or to do ehuniber work nnd scwiug; ran operate on Wboeler Jt Wilson's ma chine; city or colliery; best city reterence. OOf; EAST 1BTH ST.?A perso n wiio thor ? )t)U oughly nnderstands her business as nurso; faithful, inmost and trustworthy; can take entire charge of s baby Irom its birth; willing to take rare of growing ehiidren; highly recommended in erery respect; 3 years' reference. Apply or address. 'J fr IaHT 15T1I st! .LAST KM PLOVER'S) A 0 jl J German girl to take the entire charge of children and teach them the German language; can sew well. 16 cotan try. KA8T 32D ST.-A YOUNG GIRL. 14, TO TAKE care of children. ?) I /? WKnT 14T11 ST ?A COLORED YuCMI WOMAN OTU at nnrse, to take care of a child or baby, or do plain sewing, or sa chambermaid and waitraaa; first class reference. Gall for two days. * ?>/? k 1ST" AV.-AKErtPROTABLK GIRL. A GEO M OUu ysars, to mind children or to do light cbsmber work and waiting. 1 fll) 4TM avTT pirst_ I'LOOR.?A HEALTHY T"ii young English woman as wet nurse; has Iresli brast of milk; willing to go to the country; good city reference. TfiO F.ArtT iiT? 81.-Art PIRrtT KATE NUKNK AXD Ti'O seamstress; city or country ; good reference; wages moderale. ?J 1 ?> 0TM AV.?AN AM KitIGAN GIRL, AG KD OxaJ year*, to attend a baby; no objection to the coi try. 345 432 WEST 2"TII ST. (PRESENT KMPLOYKR'Si.-A mi yonnz girl to take care of growing children end do plain sewing or cnamberwork. ( A?7T WErtT~N?TH ST.-A RKSPKCTaBI.E TOl'NO .rU'r girl to mind growing children aud do light chatn berwork: willing and obliging; good city reference If re quired. Call for three days. ffsji yrkst TiSVlT.sT.-a hkhpkctahlk American t)ul 'girl as nnrse or chambermaid; best city relerenee. ?5i SO AT.. TftlrtO FLOOR.?A M (DOLE-AGRO tJOl Krencb lady as nursa to a baby or growing children, or to assist In cooking In a lintel or prirate family. /il 'J WASHINGTON ST.-A TOt'SU GIRL. SPeTk DtO ing Krencb, German and English, to taka care of two cblldren. fci**X 6TI1 AV.?A PROTESTANT GIRL TO TAKE O'lt) rare of children in a prisms family; Is willing to assist with the cliamberwork ; good city rsference. 7 OA EAST "?TM ST.-A* R lot PEAT A BL k~HO (ITGIl j ? I Protestant fcirl a* infant's nurse and chambermaid; Is capable ol taking rharie of an infant Irom Its birth, no objection to the country; beat city reference. Address K. H., care ol Mrs Smith 7 T7Ttix 11 AV?a"co* P ETftXT wTTMAjTAS 1 HII.U'S I T I 2 nurse and plain seamstreaa; 3S ycars' city relcr ence from last plit'e. 7474 as child's nurse and to do plain sewing; a good home more an oh)?it ilian wages, 7 7 O liyTtl AV -A MOST TtksPLCIA BLh YOUNG I t mi girt as child's nurse ami to assist in rhomber wora; best reference from issi place. , OlO tit aV -a RESPECTABLE GIRL AS NURSE U"iO and chambermaid; two years' relerenee from last place. 914 ?ITtl AV., IN STOKE.?AS NURSE OK TO liO upstairs work; cttv o. country . city reference. W'ANTMI-ni AN vMKkiCaN PKKSON a POSITION 11 to take charge of one or two Utile girls, assist with sewing and lighi housework; s position where she will meet with kind treatment; New York city prelerred, reference from present employer end otliera. Address .M. MaKmI, llrookli n Post ofllee. Waitresses, At. 70 ftTH AV.?A I.Al?V WISHES to PROCURE A I O situation for a waitress, a faithful and excellent girl or as chaiiiherniaid) ; country preferred. Apply for two days as shore II ? I p. AST -H 21 > sr. -A'Kl.'l Aill.r, YOilMJ w77 11)1 man as first class waitress, in a private lamily; no ? blection 10 the country heal city reference. vj I O WKsT tTI II ST.; KlIlnT Kl.o'oil, TiimTaTso. w LO A?A yonng girl to do wnltlng and chaiuberwors ; best city reference. o m kast iwTii st.-a neat yog no gTriTa* 0 rO aalt-css and clismoerinaid, city or csiuntry . best city rel'erencrs. ? "?T7ful? A V. ?a until aSKIKST CLASH WAITRESS. *t')l) can take whme cuarge of a .lining room; Is cspanie 01 doing anything, good city reference Llt l tuii sr?kkspkgtablk young I girl as flrsi clss. waitress and chambermaid or sew Ing. is willing 10 go In ibe c uiiury . best eiiy reference 11-a nt: 1??a situation kok a very good Wait Tl rasa and cliainhermal 1 and to assist washing and ironing, by a prirate lamily tearing the rily. Gall at IS iioiid si. Mlsrellanenit*. ?;/! EAST 21KT sr.-A SMART, All.UNO LITTf.E .w'r girl to run o: errands and make lieraclf useful in a dressmaking citsldlsbmeiil. Apply heiwisen !l and III ..?el.H k A. M. s?1 | -' .AST l.TTII ST.-AN KNGl.lHtl LADY AS GO*. ? /L"fc pan ion or to attend growing rkiidren. Gad on or address COMPANION, .from '.'til. * r. M ?JO 1 KA<T run ST., TIIIKIt ll.nOR. HACK.-A OO't y-mng glr". In a small prirate famllr . no unjeetlon to ilie ccn.iiry , good city references, fail l?r two days. TOG K AST 1ST1I ?T.. KBAR HOUSE.?A WIDOW 1 W.O woman wishes work la a restaurant weshlag dishes and msSISS hetWif BSSlUi. 81TTTATIOWg WAHTBD-fXMAT.lii. wham she cm day*. IfiQ WEST 43D ST.?A BBSPECTABLB WOMAI tUO wants employment in a reiltarut by the day. Address M. 8. 7*lfl 8TH AV.-BT A FAITHFUL WOMAN. WH^ I <W baa served umi of tha beat families ia tha ally, to ? rafar; city or country. Can ba aaaa tor Ira TOUNGLaDY ah LADY'S MAID UR MUB8B| xv oa objection to ttevel or country; speaks Preach. Ad draaa MAKDID, baa 131 Herald Uptown Branch offiee. FKENcTfT,ADY'H MAIdT who "iJ"A UOOD~i>RKM maker and belrdresaer; -underManda bar duty well. Ad dreaa A. L. K., Ilarald Uptown Branch office. Intellifeacr O/Tires. WET NURSES or ALL, NATIONALITIES, WITH references A good aalectlon at HANSEN'S Agency, 141 East 33d st. PROFESSIONAL.SITUATIONS WANTED-^' FEMALES. r i st"st.?a "Yor Nt; lady to ~5o~6<JhTfD<o^i# I home; work done neatly and ehaap. A" ~N_AMERICAN LADY UK t'ONSIDKKABLM EXPX rleuce In teaching music and higher branabaa daatraa a position aa children'! governess or lady's oontpanian to (anilIt in or going to California; beat reference*. Addrato Miss E., 744 FairiC'iant av.. Philadelphia YOU NO (1K RldA N~17a D Y.~WH O SPEAKS RNO J\ Halt thoroughly and naderatanda music, wiahes soma scholars. Apply to L. E., at tha Belvedere Hoaaa, corner 15th st. and Irving place. T YOUNO~OBKMAN LADT. SPEARS AND TBACSjfi A German and French. at nnraery gore mess; vary beat ettr reference. Address Miss K. II., care of Mrs. K. Atari. nott. 2 0 East 10th at.. New York. I [TRENCH NURSERY GOVERNESS: SPEAKS PARI, slan Kreiieh ami Herman well: la a good aeanaatraa*. city reference Address L. 'A.. Herald Uptown Branch office. GoveRNKss-pluknt frkmchT german. eno llsh, oinsic, English branches: would take entire charge oi two children. Address B. C., South Orange (N. J.) Peal office. ANlKD-B Y~A YOrTo EURbPEAN LADY. A PO it sit Ion at useful companion to a lady or yonng ladies, travelling or otherwise, or a* governess to one or two young children; la a good render and writer: speak* three Ian images: can hnlrdresa and do all kind* of needlework {had hem travelling for five years. Address, tor one week. Mice BELLE. 3It) East H'.th at., Naw York. HELP WANTED-PEMAXB X~Ff RsfATLAffiTXifRTSin?^ AlftKb toFdSmC xv trv; $10 per moatb. Apply at 242 Watt 22d at., baton I1A. M GIRL WANTED?POIl GENERAL HOUSEWORK; muat be a good laundress. Apply at 33ft West dftth at. CYOMPETRNT tawTTO COOK, WASH AND IRON; J German preferred: good reference required. Call at 134 Wost 34th St.. between t and 12. C~ OOK WAN?D-MHBT~BB~A GOOD LAUNORBki and have best reference. Call altar0 o'clock at 52 West IDtli st. ? J3XPERT OP I-. R ATORS OhT"w7LLCOX A GIBBS' MA J chines to make luce goods at EH RICH'S, 287 and 28$ 8th av. A \V ANTED-WOMAN por gknkrai, housework in YY the country, who can make light bread and nica butter; having one child will not he objected to if otherwise anlta. bin: a cond home for the right person. Apply to E. J.YRIJLKY, (157 Broadway, between 10 and 4 o'clock. WANTKI1?TO GO TO TI1K (lOUN'TBY FOB TBI summer, a Protestant girl as waitress aad to assist in the washing. Apply at 312 5th av., Tnesdav, from 10 to 4 o'clock. WANTED-A GIRL AH CHAMBERMAID AND waitress and to assist In the rare of two children, to go a short distance In the eouctry: mnst ba neat, obliging and well dlsposen. and have good references. Apply to-dar and to-morrow, between 12 and 1 P.M., at 13a Second place, Brooklyn. AN lED?POIl GENERAL HOU8KWORK. * A Swede or Germno Protestant woman: mnst he a tape rior cook and laundress, with references. Apply at 077 Lex ington av.. between 70th and 71et sta. WANTED?A PIRflT CLASS OTRL_A8 LAUNDRESS aud chambermaid for a small private family. Apply this forenoon at No. 148 East 00th at. TTT ANTED?A ~CO LO K K IT WO M~AN AS COOK AND TO VV do tha washing. Call at 30 Lexington av. YlfANTB ri-A COOlf WASHRR ~AND IRONER IN A YY small family: mnst have city references. Apply, from 9 till 1. at No. 8 Wost 33th st. WANTED?A RELIABLE PERSON TO TAKE PULL YY charge of ehild 3 months old. hronght up by the bottle.- country preferred. Adores* JOSEPH O BRtBN, 41il tith nv.. In store. W~A NTKD^ExFkRIKNCED OPERATORS AND FIN laliers on Keep's custom shirts, 500 Broome st; alsa operators experienced in making cuffs tor fine custom shirts, ut l?5 and 107 Mercer st. WANTED?HOU8KKEErKK IN A KIR8T CLASS YY hotel, near city. Address, with reforenee, hex 2,588 Post office. Wanted?a~young girl to do iiousKwoiti, Y Y In a small family. Apply at 340 West 40th at. ANTED?A M 1DDI.K AGED WOMAJI AH GOOD plain cook and to assiat ia waabiag ana ironing Av ply at 317 East 14th st. AKTKD-A GOOD DRESSMAKER WHO UNDER, stands finishing. 150 West 24th st. w WA.NTKD-SEVERAL GOOD hands to work A1 YY dressmaking. None bat experienced hands nead ap ply, betwo n 9 and 10 A. St.. at 30 East 21st st. WTStKD^A LADY OF REFINEMENT AND EDUCA YY tlnn to solicit and collect for charitable parpoaea; must good testimonials. Call at or address 521 Bast WANTKD?A WILLING YOUNG GIRL, GRR8lAN OB YY colored, tar general housework. Call a* Jfa. 07 Wrffi 35th St., between 11 und 12. WANTKD?A gTrL, WILLING AND OBLIGING*; YY one willing to go South. Apply at No. 202 Wast 38th st. for two days. ~UNTE L>?A KEW~GOOD DRESSMAKEKS; ALSO an operator on Wheeler A Wilson m. chlae, at 231 West 30th st. WANTED-A GOOD COOK. WASH KK AND IRON KB for a boarding house. Apply at 40 West Washington place. w TANTED?To DAY. A GOOD COuK, WAStlhh A.\U ironer. Call nt 215 Went -Kid at. \Vr ANTED?A .VICE. RESPECTABLE WOMaa lUr i T take care of a baby., at 434 Bast inh st., top floor, ir^B w ANTED?A CHAMBERMAID. WHO 18 ALSO A good laundress. 4B Bast t>l?t at. "\V* AXfKD?nEVKRAL KlKBl CLASH DRESSMAKERS, TT at 35 East HHh at., nber Broadway. anteD-XTLAi.'r-(:(?uk7<Fou n washer and irimer lor a small faintly; city references required. 140 East "with at. TV ANTED?A YOCNU UIKL TO DO GEXERAfi housework. Call at 141 West45tb si., after 10 A. M. WANTED?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work, a pood cook, washer and ironer, at 18 Cottage place. ? fllfb ATION t? ? AS TED?oiALfcTs. T~MOV <|7 YhAKroLDT^'lsms~A A In a store or office; good reference. Address M. H., 88 lleary ft. A VOL'NO MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS FOB. A ter In a botel or boarding house; ha* no objection to toe country; best reference. Address J. W. M., Herald office. A MARRIED MAN WANTS A POSITION AS FOR. ter. driver, collector, Ac. ; can give good recommend ation and security. Address G. K. O., Herald office. A YOUNG MAN WHO bFKAKS FRENCH, GERMAN and English wishes a good situation; good references. Address t. l... Urt Ludlow st. COLORED LAD WOULD LIKE A SITUATION OP any kind; city or country. Address ALP, Herald office. SITUATION WANTED AS COOK AND CARVER. Address G. L, Ml) Broome St. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A COMPETENT YOUNQ insn. as graoiu or lootman; thoroughly understandi Ins business; willing and obliging; no objection to the country ; (.Kid city reference. Call on or address J. K., 141 It est 394 st. A MAN AND HIS WCFB WANT A PLACE rOE country or city waiter, Dlaln rooking nnd laundress; gret cla-s city reference. 133 -Oth at., between 8th and 7th art., down stairs. SITUATION WANTKD^A* P0KT8R, NIG Hi A watchman or any kind ol work; good reference; secu rity if required. Address or call far three days on J. N., 33* East 13th at. A SMART AND HONEST BOY, 14 YEARS OLD, wishes a sltustioa !n n -tore or office. Call on or ad dress U. D AGNhR. 43) West 37th st. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN AS BUTLER OR waller in private family; two years' city raferenoa. S. M., No. 8 West 15th st. Bartender?ust disengaged, desires km. ploy me Wt; choico refereuce. Address JOHN, bos 310 Herald office. BARKI.EPKR.-A SMART HOY. KNOWS HIS BUSI net; best reference. Address DRUG STORK, lltb rl and 1st sr. Hotel .--tkwakd ok head waitek-hy an ex penenbM man, with good retorenee; conntry pre lerre .. Addr.-s- STEWARD, Herald Uptewn Branch office J ANI Ft) K'S PusITflIN ANTED?BY A RE spectahle man and wife; only one ehlld; fully capable of taxing charge; good relerenee. Address JANITOR Herald office. SITUATION WANTED.?A RACING TRAINER Of exi>cricnre is open to an engagement for lbs seaeou Address W. I... Spirit ?t the Times office. TITANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PRKXCII MAN TV speaking English, a situation as ralet or waiter wltl i. single or prieate taiuily; understand, his du ties; Arst class relerenee- Address J. B. H-. Herald office. WANTED?BY A YOUNG MAN OF EXPERIENCE IS TV ill- rutting of meats, flsli. Ac., a situation In sorat rest an rant or hotel, end would nelp as waiter. Address CUTTER, Herald office. tL'ARTEIL-IY AN INTELLIGENT AMERICAN BUY, TV 17 rears old. a situation til a wholesale produce or hard*are hohse, where iu?lhlwl work can secure advance mailt. Address KNMMGt. bo* 31*4 Herald effidl. \\' AITKK ?A YOUNG COlxiRKD MAN DESIRES IT -iicii a siiuaiitin. Can tie seen at the residence of his present eiiiployer. No. IBM Iseaingtou a*. W'AXrKM-A PLACE AH PORTER. JANITOR (IS TT coaehni en ; gi??i cite retcrence. Call, Mr too da<-a ut HI 'Hi at., In drug stare. "It*A.NTKD?SITUATION AS PORTER IN A STOKE TT ?r Janitor of a banking, insurance or oilier building; bare had 3d years e vperl-nee as porter, and am fully cum' nave nan a.i year- ri -m,- ,? porier. and am milv com petent lor theposition a; Janitor. Ad Iress PETER'iC MI.\. care of Tliomas G lirnton A No. HP West St., in wh.rse employment 1 Hare lieen, an 1 in whom 1 usee per. miI" ww. W ANTED?A SITUATION AS BUTLER WHERE A footman or page I- kept; ?r -Ingle handed in ? -m ill priest- family; be-i of reference from lata employer Address tor three duys F. C,, No. .'tl West 3Wth at. r'UKMt II IUV KKTIHK.UKMTS. 1 . . r n . PARI. AN I |.h FRANCA Id V.' et I sllenioiid. d-slre *e placer dans une maisoii lionr s?oi*a. knicl oa reatanragt, S'adresaer a ci.or, ;g| Huas Im? ?%., .>?ir \ ?nk TTN CHEF DK CUISINK FRANCAI8 ET HA DAM \J lemma de chain bra on bonne d'enlvntj, il-slre se plac 'i"t?li aeme nslem. S'adresaer a BaCDuV, ISO Ml 3-ith t|.. New lock. TJNE C! ISINIF.KK KKANCAISK (CORDON BLEU) VJ nourellement arrlree. dealre uae place. ' am Mo. S Broadway, chet M. SUHuMJijrJUJR