Newspaper Page Text
CIT1 K BA.L B8TW Wft SALE. ( rnlrmi. AMOUm ACCTIO* SALE OK THE SUPERB full >l.f Dwelling ?3 Park a*., today, by T. K. STB TKNSON. Jr. Raat Sido. iff [\(Ut ?GREAT baruaix. owner lbattno V).\'UU. oouulry. For m!?, Houn 380 l?t M.j renta Kir about 91.000 . equity. 9\UU0 r??h ; lint mortgage. 9H.334. hi. ki. W , Herald office. Principals uddre Mltrellaneoni. Choice full sized cemetery wits?9112; halves and quarters in proportion. Inqaira at 1.JS0 Urn ad way BUUOKli If Si PROPERTY F4?K SALE AY I) TO LET. A" barqaTh-a pirst Class three" story brown atone Ileeu. aiae 20x43, lot 100. built In the rery beat manner; llr-t riass location, on the Bill, western llope at Proepnat Park, Brooklyn : will be sold at a rery frrat ? irrifice tor cash. Addrr-a D. J. O., owner, box 4,883 net oflire. TO LIT OR LEASE -ON HVyyiNOTON ST. BROOK Irn. a brick liuildm* vuiiable for a factory ; rent low. Inquire of WILLIAM MAT HEWS. No. 34 Catharine it.. Now York. WMSTCU KETXR COl'NTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AM) TO REST. WOOOLAWN CEMETERY: CHOlCB LOT KOR RALE: cheap for caah; very accessible; beautiful imrrooud 111, a .-ill. RS A hi. Herald office^ PROPERTY OCT t>F THM CITY #TOt SALE OR TO KENT. 'a "HANDSOME NEW COTTAGE-3 MINTTES KROM /\. terrr; Stolen It tnd; irarilen: fruit, ttowere; water dew; 92.3X); alio Cottage; acre ground; abundance fruit; ) ll .HO. I)a KRIS, 48 Broad at. A MODEL MORRIS COUNTY FARM. 104 ACltlR. A bcli atme el cultivation ; main residence haa 10 rnoma, it ample outhouses and burns; farmer', cottage; ainck. rrnpa, utenatla, lurnitnre; beautiful locution . term* easy; bargain offered. Photographs at J. D. OONIMC'PS, 23 I'ino at ? T I.OMil BRANCH?A HANDSOME HOI'SE. HAVING j\ 10 rooms. Ac . on Ocean avenue, near the Prealdent'a; rent very cheap. F. U. A C. S. BROWN, 90 Broadway. A FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. AT MORRIST"\V,N, N. J . ten rooni,. with hath. (Inn garden, shade and fruit. Address Mrs. JOHNSON. hox 480. Morrietown. N. J. \ BARGAIN-FOR SALE. AT UNION IIILL. N. J." new LLuise, ?tx rootna, attic, eloaeta, Ac.; hit 25vlOtt; sn one nf the heet it recta; large woodliouae leultable for ihup or etahle): due tree*; one block from rare: price 92,200; part may remain on mortgage Addreae BAR LAIN. box 224 Herald oftice. CIOTTaOE ON THE nUDSON-TO KENT FOR / the rummer; high groand; location healthy; eleven roonie compiately furnished; stable, poultry yard, garden xnd cow ; owner will furnish Board with private table if de lired; terma moderate. Addreae box 82 Milton, Ulster lounty. N. Y. COUNTRY HOME AND BUSINESS. 28 MILES IN JKR sey, rare ehanee; no competition; good hnildinga; 94,900. K. BOOKHOUT, Engraver. 33 Liberty at., corner N avian. For rale?a fink farm ok ra acres of land. with cropa. etock and utensils, vltnaled In nnnterdou lounty. N. J., bull a mile from I.andadowna depot on the Lehigh Valley Railroad; two houra from New York city. For particular*, addroaa ISAAC CASTNEK, Clinton, Hun terdon ounbty, N. J. For sale?a oood farm in dctchesr county 87 acre,, with paving vineyard; near railroad; poei" lively no agents- Address CLL D. WUOu, box 345 Post office. For sale-92 acres, dwelling house, barn, rrni-., Ac., near Stamford. Conn. ; 94.000. -worth 97,500; (rent chanoe. HULBKRT PECK. 264 West S4th_st. G~ Tk>d invbstmk" t.- ix? sections of land, Co inted in Northwestern Texas, now ready for patent; patent to iaaiio In namo of the purchaser. For aele low down by II. M. TRUEHART k CO., Keel Rattle Ageuts. Galveston, Texas. nRKAT SACRIFICE.?4SU ACRE FARM. 20 MILES VT from New York; large river front; plenty shade; price |!> 500; terms very eaay; buildings wnrtli naif the prlee tsked. BOuKOUT, engraver, 59Liberty at. OLD MORAVIAN SUN HOTEL. BETHLEHEM Pa., accomn.ndatea ISO gneata; four stores, livery stable and private residence connected with prop !> tv; three hours Irnm New York; two from Philadelphia. Terma. third rash ; balance, morvrage; cltv property taken a, rash. CHARLES BltODIIKAD. Bethlehem. OTAMFORD.?27 ACRES; OOOD DWELLING; OKEK.V. kJ house,; In perfect order; commanding view; near de pot. For sale or exchange for clly Property. SCOTT A MYERS. No. 0 Pl|?e at. Rakatoi;a.-to let for the season, six fur nlshed (looms, opposite United States Hotel; hot ami cold water. bathroom. tens. Ae.; rent $800, Apply to JOUN N. WYCOFF, 201 Broadway. OTuUK FARM FOR BALE?COMPRISING 100 ACKER, O HO tillable. In high state of cultivation: situated be tween Hinsdale and Little Nock station, 12 niilea from llnnter'a Point, i'or particulars addreaa I1KNHY COX, Llttlo Neck, 1.. I. TO CAPITALISTS.?I HAVE FOR SALE A VERY valuable Property of about 1.3<k> city lot* (upward of lllOacrca), having n water IrontaK' of nearly tliree-'inartert of a mile, all lying Intact, and all wltliln stout'-"-, utiles and In sight ol the (Sriinl Central depot at 42d st/ and 4th av. Any party or estate disponed to make a safe iitveetment with a certain Inerenae of \ nine within tlio next lire years will do well to examine this property which can be bought at figures which I regard ae a bargain. HOMES MtiKUAN. No 2 Pine rt. TO LKT-A NEAT. PLAIN OoTTAtlE, it ROOMS. AND 3tj acres of Land, on Long la and, 2.r> mtlea or one hour _ ?S ' front the city; rent (J t) per annum ; or wonid let for the tummer. Apply to or addreaa OWNER, 227 Eeat 3?th at. TO LET?AT BLOOM FIELD. N. J., HOUSE COMTAIN 1 nu' 11 roottts. with harn and large grounds; centrally orated; three tnlnntea Ironi depot. Apply to U. 11. BID DULPII. 23 Beekman at.. New York. TO LET-A FURNISHED COTTAOB, NINE ROOMS; garden, ehede, stable; una hour in New Jersey ; loca tion healtltv and desirable; rant eery low. Arply to owner, ? 1 West 22d at. TO LET?FURNISHED BO'JSB READY FOR IMMK diato occupancy: hot and odd water; alio leehonse, garden (planted lake and boats; H Idee wood, I.. I ; live niintttcs fr mi depot Southern Railroad; rent low. K M. STKATTON. 1W7 Clinton at , Brooklyn To LET OK LEASE?AT RYE. NEAR THE PORT cheater depot, a flue House, contaiiilng lf> roome; grotntda high and very healthy; fine view, good garden, carriage hoiiee, Ac.; a very desirable piece: rent low. In quire or DANIEL STKANO, Kye depot, or WILLIAM M.aTHEWS. .">4 Catharine at.. New York. rt RENT-AT BITBBDALE. ON THE HUDSON, (tally furnlahrd, for the season or year. GEO. 1L PETRIE. 178 Broadway. 3~ ACRES EXCELLENT LAND; OOOD BUILDINGS, ') stream, orchard, stock, crope, Ac.; Bear West Held, touvenlent to depot, churches, sohoola, and Newark and Elivaheth markets; 1 am determined to teke the heat offer In ten days. D. CUREKV. owner. 12 Centre it r) 000 A?1**- ?>l:sT..PA!?T. REDEMPTION. FIRST class Eanda; will sell In plots for a son/; lilies Indisputable. Apply to II. WKSTBROOK. Mi I lord, Pike county, Pa. REAL ESTATE TO EX( IIANCE. ~4 Fine property-good house. 14 city lots. J\. for sale or exchange, for Fattn, one hour from cltv; also very desirable llooaes for eeleor to let. R. I. BltoWN, 1ti7th at.. 2?d ward. city. noHNTfiY SKAT AT BYB, WITH WATER FRONT. x_' good b I buildings, orchards and II acres of rhetre land, to exchange, free and clear, for productive New York city 1'mperty. J. C. CLINTON, M Liberty at. I3 ARM NBA R* N BW IIA YEN. I NKNCUMBKRK D FOR 1 city or Brooklyn Property, S. D. MACK, 3-1 Colon tqunrtv For sale or exciianok-pivk new three story high stoop brown atone IIonset, enutheest corner at Hid st. and l/extnzloq a v.. subject to oue small mortgage; ?rill lake good Lota lightly encumbered. J. C t LI N TON, m Liberty et. IYOR -SALE OR BXCBANOB UUK CITY HOU8K. A larm It* arret, all improvements. Ar . Iree suit clear, IS hours from city J. S M ATIIKW8. &S Pine at. CALK, EXCHANGE? BOSTON HOITSRM FOR 1SLIP O Lots, Ire - and clear; cash. Iowa Laud, for Brooklyn Lot*, tlenr ; South I trance l/'t?. clear, for Brooklyn House; Tene mints tor Southern I'arma. O. II. PIKKMON, No 1 Pineal. TTH) EXCHANGE FOR YALUABlK TBNKMKNT TROP A erty In the best part of Sew York city ; In the midst of business en?l soon to be required bv mercantile houses: a good larm or Title re uteure wt.l be take>< In part payment. Apply to I. SKLD.NER, haeement Rood Street barings II ink building ro LET FOR IH'BISKNH PURPORE9. Bennett building. Ft reproof Located on Nassau. Ann and Ketlon eta. I I ml Floor to lrt. euilahle lor banxere. tnsuronro offleoe or lawyer*. W III be lrt tocetber or in parte; be altered to suit " nBtelli* ' * 1 leneme II desirrd . adopted lor offices or ? tores. Reasonable rents Also some eligible Law Offices to let. APPLY on the premise*. Take the elevator. Inqnire for Janitor. A -THE NEW. KLKGANTI.Y BUILT ItoSKVILLK Hotel, 11th st , between Broadway and Uulierstty elevator. lUce. mi rooms, all tbc terv newest improvements, el be., to lease low. Offires No. 4 Pine or 33 East 17th V. K. S|KVKNSO.\, Jr. A PROMINENT CORNER TO LP.T?SUITABLE FOR any kind of business; now occupied at e liquor store. Apply a4 IW South st. STORE TO RENT?41 EAST 13TII ST.. BETWEEN Broadway and University place. Inquire in the store. I HI LET OR LEASE M?K A TERM OF YEARS?THE Building 121. 127, 13B Christopiier at . three stories, eith ceiUr end sub cellar, suitable tnr ?ior?gs. manals -lory sr lartl reOnery; accessible to shipping, wttti eteant power and elevator; slae '<) by HI. Addreaa F. LINE A HIIO., Hudson and Christopher sts. TO LET OH For. S ALE?TilK PROPERTY 137 EAST l.'ttli -I tiu'lding t>'? by 21, lot l"3.-I by .5. Apply 10 JAMES BDNSKLL, 3d sr.. corner of 31th st. rilO LET?A I.ARC.B ROOM FOK BUSINESS PUR' A poses; also two famished Room a No 2te> Orand at. r" " Jp-WHl At 11$. uT.TIS-AND FjI EAST 13tli at,, between 3d and 4th av? . snlt able for t?l-t manufacturing business; also in 114 l.a-t 14th ?t., opposite { Academy ef Matte. Inquire of E. OUOi'E A CO.. on tue premises | fJMi LKf-?i It'll R> SHOP. 7t. K1S-7 ST.; ?)LD stand; rent low fnr the year to a good tenant DWKi.UMi inn <f.? VQTT2S* Furnished. 10 LET?A FINELY FURNISHED HOUSE. DK ? Irsblr location. Addrets P.. M ANflKN, 0 (tooth 7th M-, Philadelphia. r nfaralahcHt. A N ELEGANT PRIVATE IIOL'sR TO RENT, ON A Wett 3.'d st. ?Four story high atoop brown Mono, extra wide, beautifully frescoed ; hi mere end heater both; hsnd eeme gas fixtures. In hoe order throughant; owners decline te rent lor boarding house, but to prl< tie re.rwtisible parties will take $1,4 Onr balance ot year; a B.olli house, and well worth examining. JAMES n. EDWARDS, 107 West .3d at. A BARGAIN.?ONLY 8*3 PER MONTH: THREE etor.v high stoop. Philadelphia brlek . excellent central leeetien. near Hrswdwat . perfect order POTTER BMOTHERS, No I Ifarrro it. * I! HICK TWO .S-TIIRY II lull NTUOP MttUSP. TO A let; tub-cellar end all modern conveniences; garden let adjoining : ust It st., north side thirl*- nth house west nf lhb av. Inquire of owner, ROBERT A llKoiVN, bl Neteaa at, reem 72. FOUR BTORV BROWN BTONF. IIouse-UAR, nature* and mirrors; ,v> Wrst .'Sth st.; rent lew. WILLIAM ICi KER. JJi :>tlt ??. FOUR STORY BROWN STONE HOUSE TO LRT? between Broadway and Uth ?r , 3$ West 2elh at., rent eua ttA. iw ITRKIBimD KlMinS AND APARTMESTA TO LET. X"-W A PRIVATE BROWN STONE nbVs'K-FORA J\. yentlaman anil wife or two gentlemen. a nleclr tur nislied second floor front Room, with cloaaU. wurai and rold ?<itr, bull, tu ud vtitr eloHt, Rl per went. 'Ji6 Em 4?>lh at A~"'r~s? south washinoton" syrark. corner South Sth ar.?Handsomely furolahad Rooms fur ten tlnnen or light housekeeping 1R A TLY K 6 K NIS M K D, AIKY. L.\ ROE KR< ?ST Room, with communicating bedroom and bathroom ; alao out' imallar Room, at 10U 3d a*.; tar ma nmferata. A At SO weekly, a hall Room at S3 ; all Improvements; family priaata. 134 West 37th at., naar ttth ar. "a CONVKnTInT SECOND PLOOrT TORNI8UBD. iv for housekeeping, with priaata bath and cluaet. 408 Waal 34th at t" S4v?iianmk~floor tok house keep Ida; live rooma; 33d at., bata?n Nth and 0th ?rt. H. B iHHiDAt.K. No ?'? Waat 3?d st. A A SCOTCH LADY HAS HANDSOMKLY PI'R ntabad Rooma to lot to ladies or gentlemen ; alao ball Bedroom; private hath. 371 Waat 33d at. \ private family "WISHES TO I.KT HAND soniely furniaSod Pa'lor Floor. on anlte or singly. Ap ply at Mt> West 41st at., between Itroadwav and t<lli sr. LAOT OCOPPYINiJ a kink KIRS I M AT Wants to let a fnrnlahed Parlor, alao a hall Bedroom, to gen Ilatnrn. tlall lor "ne weak at 4It I'll a*. A HAKDMOMBLY KCRNISIIKD ROOM. KM ONE . V or two gentlemen; rttnninir hot and cold water, bath and tea*; atao single Room. 334 4th ar., near 34th at. CI LEAN, COOL XIWLY ytlMMRB ROOMS TO ) let In lineal location downtown; tranaient or perma nent parties accommodated. 133 East Huh at. " DESIRABLK PURNISnED rooms" TO LBT-TO gentlemen, without board, in flrat elaaa house. 34 West 26th at. F~ ok~ KKxf-A bsaotipcT unit or mom 1 or aiimmcr montha, nicely far nt sited, cheep to nice people ; northeaat corner of 4bth at. and Hth av,. over large drug store; two liedrooma. parlor, dining room, kitchen, bath ? room, water cioaet and servant's room; bed linen, table linen and allrer; ready to move in ; ring twice. jYURN IhllKD lit >0 M S - T HE US RAPE 5? "iN TIIK rity ; clean, light, airy and cheerful. 317 East 13th at., n-ar 3d av. I3CRNISHKD PARLORS ANdUtIIF.R ROOMS, ALL newly famished, to let: fenna moderate; honaa privata and crntri.1; no boarders. 37 Eaat 30th at. IiUtlkOH PLAT?A OKNTLKMAN HaTINII TAKEN 1 a honaa, offers his eegant Plat of 8 rooma at a very low rent; every modern Improvement, private hall, dumb waiter, Ac.: Aral claaa location in Brooklyn. Apply to Kl.ON JORDAN, 385 Broadway, New York, aeeend Moor, front ofliee. I A R5K, Ha'NDSOM K pTtRNfsllMlTaRL05*7 *3. *4. J $?*?; each pnrlor auitltig two ladles or gentleman; housekeeping privilege, gas, bath Reaidence 310 Eaat 13th at. F N VTICKLY FURNISHED ROOMS FtiR I10USFKKEP it Ing?Alao Rooms for single gentlemen. 141 Cllnto'a at.. near Broome. jlCSLT iPU K N IS HE D PRO NT Sy C'A R K ROOM, WITH eloaet, to let: S3 80s No. 13b Eaat ll?t 1?OOM o* MOOND rLOOR?xeatlV pcektshkp, It' for rent; light honaekeeping If desired, bath, Ac. 300 West 34tl. at. SL' IT OF FURNISHED ROOMS Vo LKTTw ITII~ALL conveniences. .V4 Lexington ar., near 33th at. SEVKHAL HANDSOMILT FURNI8BRD BOOHS, IN suite oralngly. to gentlemen or lor housekeeping; terms moderate. 3111 West 34th at. TO LRT-A LAKll E, WELL FURNISH ED FRONT Room to one or two gontlemen. 74 West 3d at. TO LBT?TO o kNTLKM F. N'7 LakTiK. PLRA8 A NT Rooma. at reaaonatile ratea, where there are no other lodgers. Inquire at 43o West Iflth St. TWO SIMTS AND A FKW SINGLE ROOMS, WTTllOCT board, in house, 37b Madison ar.; house Juat opened and everything new and elegant. 1" LARUE FRONT ROOMT* FURNISHED. FOR OBN* tlenien: also Hall Rooms. 30 Irving place, opposite Westininater Hotel. $'-1 PER WKEK FOR COOL, NEATL~Y"k7'II t) *}\ f nLhed hall Room, fronting on Broadway. 832 Broadway, between 13th and 17th ata. ?fll AV.,' NO. 104.?PC RN IS 11 ED ROOMS, FRONT ? ) and rear, with hatha on each floor; references required. &TU AT. AND 14T11 ST.?A HAXDSOMK "SUIT OF ? ' tiimished Ilium. In the elegant brnwn atone house No. 4 West 14th at. ; parlor, bedroom and private bath. 6 BAST I7TH 8T.-DRMRaBLjTkCRKI0UBD ROOMS; references required. 1/1 EAST 38T? 8T., BRTWKKN ftTU AND MADISON l" ava. Handsomely furnished Rooma, all conveniences; anmmer prices: reference*. 1 r BOND ST.?LARUE"sTFrfsu ROOM AND BED' l'J room connecting, running water and gas, at 37 per week; new enrpets; also small Rooms at 83 50. "I /? CLINTON Is LACE.?LARGS AND SMALL ROOMS. 11) newly furnished, at summer prices, with or without Hoard. 9?> EAST 31) ST., NEAR 2D AV.?NEATLY _EI.TR ntehrd Room to rent, to one or two persons, snllable for light linimekeeping; teas, bath. Ac. 9y CLtNTON PLACE.?HANDSOMELY Kl.'R.NIKIIED O Rooms, In suits or singly, at snntiner prices. 4 it KlNt) ST.?TO LET, FURNISHED ROOMS, TW suitable for sincle gentlemen or gentleman and wife; bath and gas. st) UNION SQUARE.?NEWLY AND HANDSOMELY "T Ju furnished Rooms to let, transiently or permanently; references exchanged. ,4 4 EAST 9TH ST.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED TT Rooms, en snlte or singly, without board; terms very moderate; references exchanged. ,rro west mil et.-fuknibiikd rooms |J?) Indies and gentlemen. "Il /\ MACDOl'OAL ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH 11"' every convenience for housekeeping, to let to re spectable small Iamtlles. "I <)s) KaST 44TH ST.. NEAR OKAND CENTRAL 1^?) depot.?Rooms, fnrnlshed completely for house keeping, for small Ismlles or single gentlemen; rent $5 to per week Apply on the premises or to W. 8. UAVKY, 46 Bleecker st. 1 4 i WEST 1ATII ST.-SEVERAL NICELY Fl'R Itt nltbed Rooms, to gentlemen or ladles, in house of private family. iys-1 WEST HIST 8T.?FIRST FLOOR AND RAKE' 1UI mrnt, nicely fnrnlshed: will let separately or to" getlier to a clean, responsible pnrty; terms moderate. UXKl UV1S11K1) ROOMS AND APART MKYTS TO LET. A T ??> 4TH av. NeaR * "WL*f; A improrerointi. Hoe owner on premise* from II to I o'clock. A lower part of house, 337 west isth st., 7 rooms; all improvements, rent $4-1 e I'll RISTALLKK, 17 Abingdon square. 107 WAVERLBY PLACE, BKTWEBN CHARLES and West Kill ata.?Four Rooms, first Oner, rent $18; water, gas and closet. ?FLATS, KIOIIT ROOMS KACII; CHOICE LOCA ? linn; all Improvements; reduced rents. JOHN D. CRIMMINS. 1,037 3d nr. A I1AI.K (IF THE LARUE HOUSE 43.1 WEST 23D jV at., altered for two famlllee; location first class; to a small American family; rent $1.1; references exchanged. VN ON FURNISHED SECOND FLOOR TO LET. IK A private family: newly painted; rent moderate. 305 W est 22d st. French flat. r.?: every improvement; all light; elevator. 814 Btb ay., near SAth st,; Janitor In attendance. MORRIS R. BAER. 72 West 4th at. TO LET-SPLENDID M7IT iff FOUR ROOMS IN the new French flat house 3!?h 3d av.; rent, $17 to n small lamily. Inquire of the Janitor. rpo let-to a respectable family, parlor 1 and Hssement Floors In house 138 West 2ttth St.; rent $*\. Apply within. rpo let-half of high stoop brown house i 139 West 4tHh st. Apply^en premises. ~ HOisex, ROOMS, <VC.. WANTKI), in title CitV and HrooWly n. APHYHCIaN DESIRES to find a suitable Ofliee, with an additional Room, between 4th and ?>lh ays. and nth and 35th sis. Respectable and responsible par lies may addrers I). M. !>., box >4,632 Post offiee. ai" antkd?an uNfuenibhbd First oe meoond TT Floor of at least five rooms, in good neighborhood. be tween M and 7lh avs. and 14th and HiRIi sts.. lor faiuilr without children; relerencee exchanged Address S., box .1,.1fi4 Tost office \yANTKD--AN UNFURNISHED ROOM AND BSD II room by a lady who Is out during the day, between 1?nli ami 3<ith sts.. and nsar 6th ay. Address DRESS MAKER. Herald Uptown Branch office. VWt ANTED?TWO ADJOINING FURNISHED ROOMS. It In 14th ?t or vicinity; references. Addrers INDE PENDENT, box 4,017 Foal office. In thf Conntrr. TITANTKD-NKAK THIS CITT. A SMALL HOTEL IT or a House that could he altered to suit, nearthe water preferred; some ground. Addreea, with full particular-. I.. LENT, Iti4 Orand st. IlOAJtDKUM WANTED. I 1 HLnCk FROM MAlilSON SQUARE. 119 EAST'23D : 1 si.?Extra large Rooms, with or without Board. 1 PARLOR FLOOR i >1 NO LB Rooms. WITH board. 26 and 2S East 23d st. iMadisou square). 181 I OF ROOMS. ilANOSKMRl.Y FURNISHED, private hnlh, closets. Ac , with priva e table or without I board; Rooms for gentlemen; relerences. :<6 East .Otli st. l,VKt;E. KI.KiiA.NT FRONT ROOM. WITH HOARD' at 217 *4e-t lath at ; house first rls-s; references vj?| TO ?2 PRR DAY. Jul TO $10 FKK WEEK 01 I.rr.-e. airy Rooms, first elas? table, large yard; ernqset ground. I7H HleerksrsA, near Broadway. ?) OK rilKKK ORNTLKMEN OR GENTLEMEN AND md their wives can obtain Board at 23,1 Henry at., with bom* rum fnria ?> OR FOUR GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOM.MODS ? > ted with braulifnl large Rooms and Board In a sina |"?ily, located at 42 West 20llt st.; terms reasonable. "Til AV . 341.-MRS. OFFERS Si'!|> O ') Apartments, with er without private table or witbot Hoard. C PROSPECT PLACE .KAST4IST sTi.oNK OF THE ? J fen e?t locations ia the city.?Splendi-I view, with ex cellent Board and well furnished Rooms, terms very low. "Til AV , Jl?l -VERY DESIRABLE KO iMS. WITH OR ? ) without Board; first rlass app< inlments In ersry par appi lieal ar. ?l? lO $6?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM rT1') p-eews. marble basins, hut and sold water, bath rs ? comlort- 272 We-t -'?'?tli st . near S|h Q FtST (2D ST. ?DESIRABLE . RfMl.Ms, W~IT O Board, for families or gentlemen, transient or perm umt; references I 41 WEST i"Til 8T . NEAR ?TH AV.-A FEW sI'LK.N 1 w dtdly nirnlahea Rooms, double or stnrle; full Board and Ural class in ile; summer rates. 1'J AND 1.1 WEST 2trril ST. ?FLOORS, SUITS OR > o singly, with or without Board; transient or otherwise. I 1 It \MMii l I'viiK -GENTLEMAN ANirWIFi A t or a lew single gentle .ni. ? ?n find pleasant Rooms! 1 with Board irrsn moderate; relerences. lITI1 WERT, B$, Bfi, 37?BLROANT ROOM A M With Board, permanent ur transisnl; $2 per dee also tabic Hoard, kept by English lady. 17 WR.4T ;?IST ST I'KslKAHI.E SUITS AND SINGLE Rooms, for families and gentlemen, with Board 19 WERT 24TII RT., OPPORITR .VTH AV -BI,E DanGeM'till""1'1"* ?'?h er without Board. BOARI1RR8 WAJfTED. oATif kt.v 2*>i wkst:-la.r?r. iiasDttf*g-iooa ?<" lo lei, ?lib Baud; dlokir H gooi; also !*? ttbli boarder*. . OQD ST., 185 WK8T-1I ANDIMiMK, NEWLY KUB oiO nlshrd second (lory front Koom. also a hall Koom will ha vacant in a fear day*; labia first class: transient or par mnnent; references. Mrs. KTBHBINti. 20D~KT.7WO. 300 WK?T. ?TWO BRALTT>|L Hl'ITB <) op Rooms; cool noil spacions corner house ; summer prices. OQ west St if NT-la r<ik7 airy ioTTmr. >14. ? I ' fit, filH for two, with Board; house and location first clam; also table Hoard. 9(1 KART af>T RT. ?A PKW SELECT BOARDRRfi _ ?/ can bn accommodated; also transient and labia; strictly first class Off KAW al8T~ ST~ KHAR BROADWAY.?BLR OU g only furnished Rooms, with Board, tor faun I let and gentlemen: transient boarders. ttm IT.?A BKAPTtrUL RI'IT or rtHUIRHBD ? MJ Rooms to rent, with or without Hoard, together or ?erarst-ly; if desired private tattle. 241 Madison as., cor ner aetii si A"* 7TI1 AV.?SINGLE AKD DOCBLK WILL TUB Tt) olsberi Rooms; all conveniences, with generous Board, rery rhran. WKi-T IiiTiI nT.. .aKAR 5TH AV.-DKRIRAHLK. cool Rooms with first class Hoard; permanent or transient, at summer prices; single rooms $5 to $7. A O WKBf MM< RT.. BKTWBXN STH Rjfo BTB Itl av*.?Handsomely Inrnislied Rooms to let. with Board, transiently or permanently. WEST 1 IT 11 ST.. HEAR-STH AT.?LARUE AKD <!?/ small Rooms to lei. with Board. MADISf > S "a v.?J IKS I it ah Itit K RONT ROOMS OB second and third Honrs, with Hoard, at summer prices 88 89 7TII AV., BETWEEN IftTH AKD 18T1I STS. Two third story front Itooma to let, with Board. 119 1/Vl A HI) M3 WAVKRLKT PLACE, HORTHWBST J " ' 1. corner Washington ?qu*re.?Several Rooms; uni formly good table; summer prices. LEONARD ftT.. KKtR BROADWAY.?ROOKS with Board; 85 .V) and RB per week. 1 Qft EAST 1RTII ST.?PLEASANT DOC BLR AND single Room, with first class Board. It I IK A ST MD ?r.i HEAR 4TH AT.?A NEATLY Jj~t furnished front Room to let, with Board, to gentle man and wife or two single gentlemen; accommodations lor keeping horse and carriage; nrnr Central I'ark. East iff! sr" d'khiuahlb rooms. large t and small, nicely faruisbod, to let, with Board; ref erences' exchanged. WKsr 12TI1 ST., NEAR 6TII AV.?A PRIVATE family will lot large, wall fumlshod Boom, with all 136 conveniences, and good Board; references. 141 LEXINGTON AV. ?TURN 1811BD BOOMS. WITH Hoard; terms moderate. li(| WEST 14TH 8T.-KIRKT CLASS ROOMS TO J.t r7 let. with or without Hoard, at resuionahle prices, transient or permanent; references 1 r f) WAVEiil,KV PLACE. NEAR 6TH AT.?B1NGLK J^j Rooms and one double Room, nicely tornlshed. with best Board, at moderate terms west 4tii st ?FckTisuki) ROOMS TO LET. with Hoard; terms 85 and 87per week. WEST 4liTII ST., 5ETWKKN BHOADWAr AHD ... J_ 8th av.?To let, with Board, to. two gentlemen or SnCrman and wife, a nicely furnished Boom with alcove, a private Jewish fiiinl.y. 'ft MADISON AY. (CENTRAL PARK).?HAND > ) tome Rooms to rent, with Board, en snite or singly. 200 64 717 7TII AT.?A LADY HAS PLEASANTLY LO I J. I rated Rooms, gas and bath Included: will tako gen tleman sad wife: Hoard for lady ; also a hall Bedroom for a single gentleman i VINE ST.. ABOYB BROAD, PIIILiDBL L,'r?'J plua ?Furnished Rooms, with brenkCsst, lor gentlciiu-ii; eciilral; terms ressonahle. WIDOW LADY, FINANCIALLY BMBARRaHSKD, wonld like s gentlrmsn to take Rooms to enable Iter to keep her house. Address NECESSITY, box 125 Herald Uptown Branch office. WID (> W LADY~LIVING ALONE HAS A PBW pleasant Rooms the would let to gentlemen or gentle man and wife, with Hoard for lady only. Address Mrs. J. II.. box 117 Herald Uptown Branch office. Board ?BKAl HARD times by living IN THE healthiest and coolest part of the city and have coun try advantages; nice, clean, niry rooms; no mosquitoes; six blocks Irion Central Park, on line of Klevated and street railroad. Board and Room $5 per week : meals at alt hours; Rooms $1 50 per week; excellent place for vnnnv men doing business downtown. WEST HIDE HOTEL, 815 9th av. OARDING POR CENTENNIAL VISITORS.?CORNER house; all front rooms; three lines of cars pass the door; terms 82 50 per day; reference, Ureen, Black well A Co., 252 (ireenwicb St. How York. 1.035 Poplar St.. Phil adelphia. t). II. PADDOCK. Proprietor. TARPKT8 OR PURNITrRK WANTED?IN EX J change for first class Board; Address HACKhTT, Herald I'ptown Branch office. ELEGANT 81ITK KURNI8HED ROOMS?PRIVATE family; superior accommodation; Board It desired; references exchanged. <13 West 35th St. Near centennial, skvekal persons can be accommodated with Hoard in private famllv on reason able terms; 2t> minutes from Centennial; fishing, boatfrg. Ac. Address J. (i. HOLMKSUI'RU, Philadelphia, or MUR PHY. 23(1 East 34th St., Now York. ONK KLOOIt AND A KKW OTHER ROOMS IN house, 273 Madison av., with or without Board, at tntu rner price*; house Just opened and everythiur new and vle gant. PUI LAD ELF 11IA AND NEW YORK. Cot this out if you contemplate a visit: It will nave you time and money; drat class Boarding and Lodging, in all locations or near Centennial Buildings, $1 to fil'J per week; satisfaction guaranteed. 4Si Walnnt St., Philadelphia. (Store) 2H West 29tb St., New York P" tiiLADKLPHIA BOAUDINO.?MRU. SANDEMAN 222 West Kittenhouse square; choice Apartments; superior location; 20 mlnntos to Centennial. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARD FOR MAIL ried and single, f 1 and $2 per day : cars pass the door for Centennial. 117 North 11th at., first house above Arch at.. Philadelphia. SRLKNDtD front rooms, sinulkok kn suite. to ganilrmau and wife; Board for one; location and everything first class. Address H., Uerald Uptown Branch ?litre. InkWlY~KURNI8IIKD HBCUND FLOOR TO LET, with Board, at summer prices. M West 4?lh st. z. HOARD AND LOUOIKO WANTRD. XnV"rrspkCta'Slk off~wi5'ovr Tady living alone, willing to acoommodate a single man with serond floor furnished Room and Board, will pleasa state terms and address RUPERT, Herald ofllee. ?\1TANTBD-BY TWO GENTLEMEN, IN AN AMfeRI ?r can or French private family, two nicely furnished Rooms, with breakfast; situation between 14lb and tilth sts. and 4th and 7th avs ; references exchanged. Address, stating terms. C. R. box 4,183 Post office. T17 ANTED?BOARD POR tJilTH)" FOUR YBAKx' It old; not to axceod CIO par month. Address L B., 141 West 44lb st. ' At new kncLanD hotel. r? bowery.-alL light, single Rooms. Lodgings, 50c. nightly,93 weekly, tor gentlemen only. LW A YS OPRN.-PR A KKFOKT HOtTsE. CORNER Kraakfort and William eta., 85c., ftOe., CI. gemlnmen, families. Belmont" iiotrl, relton st, near broad way - European plan; Rooms, .10cents upward; family Rooms. Always open. '?T ELAND'* STCIITKVANT HOUSE, CITY."-LOOA 1 i tlon and accommodations unsurpassed, prices re duced to suit the times; S3 Viand $4 per dny; Rooms only Cl per day and upward. LEWIS A (JF.OKUE S. LELAND. QOCTHSRN tOTlL ?7u Broadway, corner" so O st.?American plan ; $2 a day; try It ?nce. <JT. OKRMAIN. NTH AY, 25 ST. AND BROADWAY.? 0 Unsurpassed location ; Booms all front: elevator, hatha; Hoard to suit times, $2 to S3 iter day ; Rooms. Burnt-can plan. #1 and upward. _WM. O. TfiMI'KISS, Proprietor. COUNTRY IIO A11U. rjfiW II RlttliToN, 8TATKN ISLAND.?LA RoR| airy Rooms, with excellent Board, in a Prench family; 7 minutes' walk to lerry. Apply at 4 Hamilton I'ark. FEW DESIRABLE PAMILIKM~OR AOULTS CAX obtain good Board In a pleasant family; rooms con necting, pleasant, airy. Call on the lady, from 10 A. M. till 2 P. M.. at if Lexington IT., or address fi. I,., box 1,12 Post office, Huntington, l-ong Island. FAMILY OP HEBREW-PKRS~UaTi'o.N. CONSIST ing of two sdnlts, three children and nurse, desire Board for the summer not more than 30 miles from New York ; a comfortable home expected. Address, with foil par ticulars, A. A? box 2.6 Brooklyn Post office. BELLKVUK. ATTLEBORO. BUCKS COUNTY, l>ZZ Twohonrx trom New York,one from Centennial grounds; a delightfnl piece to spend the warm months Addrese W. T. HEAL OARD. NEAR THE WATER.ON THE NORTH SHORE of Long Island, 30 miies from city and 20 minutes from depot. Address Til DM AS UN DE Kill 1,1,, Locust Val id. I* i. Iteterence, Kichard Cos. ISO Broadway. Board on haklkm road?jr miles from city ; small farm , good rooms; trrms reasonable. In quire at No. 1 Barclay at., tailor store. Board in the couniby -atTornwall-on the Hudson; a few good Rooms to let with Board at Linden Parx; terms very moderate. ___ U II. KINO, Proprietor. Board wanted-in the oooctH, Wttiitnt fifty miles ot New York, lor a party of six adults and two children: will require fonr rooms : must be near depot: farm house preferred. Address, staling location and terms, A., Herald office. BF.ROKN point.'?airy" hooks, with board-, boating. Iiatliing. stahlinc Apply to Vrs. TAYLOR, ElBgiiln House, or HOl.MKS BROS. 4ii East 23d st , N. Y. Hoard' in ulster oounttat a vert LaMs 1) farm house, 7 miles west of Kingston; boar's drive 1 mm boat or cars; excellent table ; large rooms; line shade ; large piata: rioqnet grounds ; good drives; in miles from Lake M.ihunk ; horses and carriages: good stabling Address W. P. ROLE, Jr.. Marbletowu. ( later cuantv, N. Y. Best references. Board \ pkw"pk'kSonm ran be accommo dated at a finely shaded iarm hou e. Address J. W., le x 237 Post office, llndson, Columbia county, N. Y. Board may rr iFad on a farm ?23 milks Irom New York, via Erie Railroad Forlnli perticnlsrs address H. i DENNETT, llohokus, X. J. tVIH'XTKY BOAItp?AT CltoTON iiN TIIE liul'SON, / about one and a half hours from the city ; line house ; large airy nanus abundance ol fruit ; first' class tunie. Apply at INI Broadway, room 2; or it >7 Nth av. CIOUNTRY BOVRD AT t il KBTKIiVI LLB, X. t7?IN A / private fatnilf. Inquire, for two dars. at 4UO West 41th st. or address UIIaHI.ES LA PAUOii, Westerlo, X r. Reference, Rev. O, Dodge, No. 7 Murray st. /voi XTRY BOARD.?MOUNT HOPE, PITY LIMITS, \ llarlem road, elevated situation, rplputlid for chil dren; family private; plentv vegetables, a. ; ivomis adjoin ing: Board fit to fi7. Adiiress A.. Herald office CTOU.NTRY BOARD?AT ORANOR VALLEY. N. J., / with t private French family, superior acrommoda lions: large eud airy rooms; fine views, with the privilege est speaking the French language: references required. Ap ply to Miss M , Highland end Essex evs.. or address hex 43 rest office, orange Valley, N. J. / 'OUNTKY BOARD.?TWO COUPLER OR FIVE OF.N YV tietnen can be accommodated In a pirvste family, at Cnerry lilll. boating and fishng; 4?i minutes from Cham hers *1.; 20 trains daily ; terms SB to fin per week. Apply lor reference to W.K. MAONL'EftOK. 341 Rcoadww. country board. fWBVtffl itoia'6 "X? cornwalTI?tJin or \ J twelve p#r?oa? can biv? good Board at ? fi?"?t J5f# farmhouse about 3W miles frw-a lb# river sad aaar the fthort Cut Railroad. Cornwall station; to end from the city three limes s day. time 2\4 hours; conveyance te the house from th?? depot. plenty of milk. ?**? vefetebiea, fruit, ae.; large, siry rooms; pleasant view ; mountain sooner J: sta blinr for horses Kor particulars apply to or address E. ?. BKfc EDICT. Vail's Gate, Orange county. X. T. C NOCPUB POND SOCIETY W1BB TWO GENTLEMEN Join taking cottafi, Brighton; ke.l of acootamoda lion.. Inquire Ntnrtavnnt House. _ _ FIKST GLASS HOARD AT BaOI.EBWOOO.-TE5 minol?>' walk from Perth Amhojr ?t?liun Long Branch Railroad. ? Accommodation* for fonr ft***;**"** ? boating, bathing and fishing. Addrau Mr*. TIMSUS, Perth Am bay, V 1. TjtlBUT CLAIM C&jiffRT BOARD CAN BR HAD ON r a farm In high, healthy part of Penneylvunin. 00 mile, from Ntw York ; splendid shade and fruit; Brat aiaaa table: liberal terra, for the taaaoa. Address PBNN, box IS) Herald offioe. <?T ROOETPR BOARDINO HOCKE." BETHLEHEM Li Centra. N. Y., V hour from depot.?Bow ling alley, croquet. An . ROtofO; reference. Apply, for two any., at 42U West 44th at., or sddreea MECUATT A HUNT, Ken wood. N. Y. PRIVATE FAMILY IE GREENWICH, COMM.. CAN X offer Arm clau Board and ncromrnodallon* to a few partie. desiring home eoinforta; house delightfully situ amd near Oie water; benntifully shaded lawn end pleaatnt grounds; bathing, boating and Ashing; reference, ex changed. Adores. E. 11., box 116 Post office. Greenwich, Conn. Q T AT KN ISLAND. ?B EST BOARD AND LARGE, U cent room, for two goutlemon. Address box 4.0B4 Poet office, hew York. AirANTED?COUNTBT BOARD. FOB THESE MONTHS 11 if satitlnctor}, for party of inree adnltt. six children and two nnree.; not over 1}$ hour* from New York; not ?nanyothrr hoarders; terms not over $00 per week. Address box TTI Post office. WANTBD-BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. WITHIN AN honr and a half of thie city, for gentleman, wife, nurse and Infant, where there are few or no other hoarder! preferred. Address P., 42 Pearl sk, New York. TIT ANTED?COUNTRY" BOARD. NEAR CITY AND TV salt water, for gentleman, wife and two children, aged 6 and 2 years; taruie must be moderate. Address, staling particulars. A. K. R.. Herald office. fft'MMER RESORTSV ?? Ackerly Hoi'Hii, ifi>KTii port, l1->T,eaA antly eitnatod. on the Bnest harbor on Long Island; good still wntor bathing, rowing. nulling. Ac.; no bar; terms $8 per week. J AM KS ACKERLY*. Proprietor. B RACH HOUSE. BRA GIRT N. J., MOW ot'KN. L. D. MALTBY. ARNKS' COTTAOK, MI I, FORD, PA.?HEALTHY Lo cation ; beautiful scenery; line drives; lovely glen near tha house; board $8 per week. (NONGKBBS HALL. ' J Saratoga Springs. This elegant hotel, possessing the naeqnnlled advantage of being situated between and adjoining the celebrated Congress mid llathorn springs, will reopen for the recep tion ot guests June I. Terms, $21 per week for Jane. Thoroughly renovated, with additional baths, closets, new furniture and other extensive Improvement* It will be lonnd, by those In search of health and pleasure, the moot complete and convenient as well as the most dellgbtfnl of summer hotel* HATHORK A COOKK. Proprietor* JilORKST HOUSE, Bl'DD'S L.tKK. N. J.. TWO UOURS from New York vln Morris and Essex lUllrosd.?Terms Irom $12 50 to $17 >U A. BROWMSON, Proprietor. T KNOX HOUSE. (IKEKNWICH. CONN??FIRST JJ class In every particular; absolutely healthy : no nnn qultoee ; central. ADOLPII RUTJKS. PARRY HOUSE. AT HIGHLAND ~FALLS, oM THE Hudson, noar West Potut. opens June 10; terms reach able. W1LLKT I'AKKY, Proprietor. AVI LION HOTEL, NEW BRIGHTON, f. I.-NOW open; accommodations for single gentlemen, $12'per week and upward. Call oti or address R. F. COLE. Riverside <n. j.i pavilion house, for kami lles and transient, onlf 10 inilos .from Philadelphia on New Y'ork Railroad; hourly trains; close to station and river; grove, orchard, porches; Ashing, boating; cool, healthy, accessible; first class and moderate. N. 8. READ, Riverside, K. J. SJUMMER BOARD -EL M WO 55" 1 fA LL, WOO D8TOO K. 5 Conn., reottens June 20; constant cimiI breeses; thirtr mlloview; terms $7 and $S per week; children nnd ser vants less. A. CHANDLER, Proprietor. rpHE GRAND UNION UOTKL, " ~ Saratoga Springn, M. Y., IS NOW OPEN for the reception of gnnst* Adtaffi GRAND UNION HOTEL, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. HENRY CLAIR, I WM. WILKINSON, j ????$??? Tower hill house, Narragansett Pier, opons June 15, under management ot K. LaCHRNMEYKK, formerly of St. James Hotel; terms. $12 to $17 per week. Information or circulnr* at 10 West 20th tt.. or hotrl. The rkthklkidge house is open kok summer guest*; it is located on bigh ground, in foil view of the Catskill Mountain*, *ix mile* f(om Catskill and ?ix fnim the Mountain House; term*. and 17 per week; children nnder lO half price. Address JACOB FISTKK, Leeds, (Ireone county, S. V. TAPPAN ZBK UOUSK, NYACK ON THE BUDMUN. 25 mile* front New York, either via boat or rail.? Kooms can be secured on the premises W. I'. Mi'.NKOK. TirillTK MOU.NTAlSK 1876.?GLEN HOUSE WILL YT open Jane 15 and close October I, 1876. Alpine House, (newi, Oorhara. N. H.. will open July IS, 1876. W. A 0. It. MILLlKKN, Proprietors. imi SULPHUR 8PK1NGH.-PAKK -HoTKL, Cherry Valley, Otsego county, N. Y. : lighted with gas; term* lor two, $16 to $26; for one, $lO to $15 per week; $2 50 per day. KVANS A J ANSKN. (VttSOV HOUSE, ON LAKE "WARAMAKG?HOUSE TT and furniture ? titirrlr new, open* June -'7. for tne accommodation of summer boarders; good bathing, fishing and boating. Address J B. WILSON, New Preston. Conn. ~~ Kl'HOPE AN STEAMSHIPS. ~ TITBITS STAR LINK, >> KOK QUEKNMTOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL The steamers of this line take the Lane Rente* recom mended l>y Lieutenant Usury. U. 8. N.. going nouth of the Banks on the passage to Queenstown all tbe year round. BRITANNIC June 24, at 4 l?. X. UKKMANIC Inly M, at 4 P. M. CELTIC July 15, at II A. M. BRITANNIC July 26. at II A. M. (?HUMAN IC Angn?t 12,? From White Ster Dock*, pier B2 North River. Kates?naloon, $ttt and $ltk>. In gold; return ticket* on reasonable term*. Steerage, $2H. .Saloon staterooms, smoking and bathrooms are placed amidships, where the noise end motion are least affording a degree or comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. For inspection of plan* and other information apply at the company s office. 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. CORTIS, Agent. North germ an lloyd hTKAMsHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW YUKK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier foot of 2d st., Ilohoken. MOREL...Saturday. June 21 I KIIK1N... Saturday, Jutr 8 Df?NAU ... .Saturday, Jnly 1 I ODER Saturday, July 15 Rates of passage Irom New York |o Southampton, Havre or Hremctt :? First Cabin, $106. gold; Ueeoud f abln, $6\ gold; Steer age, $3U, currency. ?. Return Tickets at reducsd rates Prepaid Steerage Certificates, $32, enrreney. For freight or passage apply to OKI.IIICHS A CO., No. 2 Bowling Green. A"" NCHOR LINE U XITED STATES M AIL STB AM E Kit. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. C ALIFOKNlA.Jnne24.3P M I VICTORIA ..July 8.3 P.M. ETHIOPIA.. .Jnlv 1, Noon. BOLIVIA.July 15, 11A.M. NEW YORK AND LONDON. KI.YSIA June 24, 4 P. M. I UTOPIA... .Ju'y 22, 2 P. M. AsOLiA July 8. 3 r M. I AUSTRALIA. Vug. 5, 6 AM. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabins, $65 to Wu, currency, accommodations. Rzrnrtlon tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $28, currency; Intermediate, $35, currency. Drafts issued ior any amount at current ralea HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents, No. 7 Bowling Green. STATE LINE. ' . ' NEW YORK TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, " front pier 42 North River Boot of Canal st.i as follows:? STATE OK NEVADA Thursday, Juos 22 STATE OF INDIANA .Thursday. Jons 26 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. Jo.y I t and erery alternate Thursday the realtor. First eshin $83 to $81). according to accommodations; return tickets, $125, Second cabin, $50; return tickets. $1*1. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents. No. 72 Broadway. New York. Steerage tickets si ?~> Broadway and nt tbe company's nier, foot of Canal si.. North Rirer. Hamburg American packet Oumpant'8 line Tor PLYMOUTH. CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. IIA.MMo.MA 1011*221 W!ELAND Jnlv 6 LEMMING Jnne 26 ) PKlSlA Inly 13 Rales ol passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg. Ham burg and ail points in England, Scotland and Wales;? Cabin, first saloon, gold $|is) Cabin, second saloon, gold, Ol Steerage, rarrenrv.. .' 36 KI N IIA RIIT A CO.. 0. B RICHARD A ROAS, General Agents, General Passenger Agent*. 61 Broad si . New Vork. 61 Broadway. New York. IN MAN LINE MAIL STEAMERS. FOR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OF BERLIN Saturday, Jnly I, at 1 P. M. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday, July 15, at it 90 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, July 22. at 3 P. M. CI I Y OF RERUN... Saturday. August 5, at 3 p. M CITY OF CHESTER Saturday .August 16, at 3 P. M. From pier 45. North River. Cabin, fsi and $D*>. gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Merrage. $28. currency. Drafts at lowest rales. Saloons, staterooms, smoking and bath room* amidsul a. JOHN u. dale. Agent, lltal $$ Broadway, New York CTUNARD LINE?B. AND X. A. R. M. S. 8. CO. J NOTICE. With a view to diminishing tfcerhance* of collision, the steamers of this line take a specific course for all season* ol the year. On i he ontward passage from Qneenatown In New York or Boston, crossing the me idlsu of in at 43 latitude or nothing to tlir north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north <?( 43. FROM .NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. ALGERIA....Wad.,Jnna 21 I ABYSSINIA... Wod .JnlyS BO I H.N IA . Wed. Juno 2$ | onUSslA Wed., Julv 12 Mounter* marked ? do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage $811. $100 and $130, gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage tickets in and trom all parts at Europe nt very low rates. Freight and passage ollice No 4 Howling Gretii. fillAKLr.8 O. FKANCKLYN. Agent. "LdOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. X? The magnificent A1 steamer Al'STRALI AN, Captain Peter, 2.500 tons, appointed to sail as above on Thnreday, Jan* 22, Irom pier 46 North River, offers very superior first riata ac commodation lor passengers. Nor particulars apply to rr?. kobwood a co. M tsBMl^AwA SVBOPBAH STEAMSHIPS. A iidiicAN' .LiJnC ~ ' XL Weekly Mull Steamship service between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, _ calling at QitfotUivii. every Thnreday from Philadelphia and Bailing every WtdniM*) from Liverpool. Tn# following steamers kr? appointed to Mil from Phila delphia :? ?LORD OLIVE J an o JJ I *C1TY of LIMERICK July IS OIIH) Dine a? INDIANA July "JO PENNSYLVANIA. July ?| ILLINOIS July 27 PHioK or passage is currency, Cabin, I7S to $100, Accordiny to location, flteerage knd Intermediate tickets to and from nil points kt tbo lowed ntn. ?Steamers niorkod with k etkr do not carry intermediate. Passenger aeeomluodetiona lor all classe* unsurpassed. Pur passage. ratea of freight and other Information apply to PETER WRIGHT A SONS. General Agent*. :*?7 Walnut at., Philadelphia; GEO. W. COLTON, 42 Broad at.. New York. JOHN McDONAl.D, Passenger Agent, No. S Battery place. OST DIRECT AND F.OONOM 10 ROUTE TO H 6C LAND, BELG IU XI. THE RHINE, (SWITZERLAND, AO.. AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer CALaND Jane 23 Steamer HCMOLTEN Jalyo Theee beautiful ateamera, carrying the I'nlted Ktatet mail to the Nethrrlanda, are groat tavoriiea with the pnblie. Tripe regular, rate# low ; com tort and living perfect. For freignt. For passage, PUNCH. EDTE A CO. L. V. MORRIS, SO Hroadway. ILSOV LZMM POM aOOTOAMPTOM AND HULL railing Irom pier AS North River, at follows:? HINDOO Joly I I COLOMBO Jnly2? NAVARINO .July IS | OTHELLO Augut 13 First cabin, $70 currency; aecond eabin. $4ft currency. Excursion ticketa on eery tnvorable term* Through ticket! iaaued to Continental and Baltic porta Apply, for tall par ticular!, to CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO., M South at. WMTED STATES M A IL LI NK?STKA M TO QUEENS* TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, aalling eyery TU KSDAT. Irnm pier 4(i North River. WISCONSIN.June .>0, 3 P.M. | IDAHO July 1ft, 3 P. M. WYOMING July 4. 4 A. M. I NEVADA . tug 1, 8 P. X. Cabin, $70 and $80, currency, intermediate. $40; uteerage. (29. Passengers booked to and irom Paris, II am tin re, Norway, Sweden, Ac. Draft* on I reload. England. France and Ger many at loweat ratea WILLIAMS A OUION. 3$ Broadway. SPEC IA1, NOTICE. ?THE S PL K N DID" M AIL STB A M - ahip Wisconsin sails frdtn Pier 4?>. North Iliver, loot of King at., for Qneenstown and Liverpool on Tueaday, June go. at 3 o'clock I'. M. preclaely. For paasage apply tu WILLIAMS A GUI ON, 39 Broadway THREAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK. \JT TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT. eailing from pier IS Eaat River aa billows:? ARAGON. Symona Saturday, Jnne 24 CORNWALL, Stamper Tuesday, July II Cabin passage. $7'i; Intermediate, $4ft; ateerago, $30, cur renry; e.4rur*ion tickets, $12<>: prepaid steerage certificates, $19 Apply to W. D. MORGAN. Agent. 7n South at. National line.-fkom piers 44 and 47 s. ai FOR LONDON DIRECT. DK.NM UtK. WVdiieadav, June 21. 3 P. M., FOR LIVERPOOL AND QURBNSTOWN. RGTPT. .June 34. 7:30 A. SI. I THE QUEEN. Jnly ft. 3 P.M. ITALY...July I. 12 :3i) P, M. I 8PAll?July lft. 10:30 A.M. Cabin paasage. $7i) and $80. enrrency. Ketnrn ticket* at reduced ratea Ste-rage passage, $2?1. currnney. Drafts Issued from ?1 upward at current prices. Apply at tho eompauy's office, H3 Broadway. F. W. J. HURST, Manager. ONLY DIRECT ~UNK TO FRANCE. THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAM ICRS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (O. B.) for the landing of passengers. The splendid vessels on tbit favorite route for the Conti nent icablua provided with electric bells) will sail from pier 43 Norili River, font ?f Barrow it., as pillows ? ST. GERMaIN, Kerutoux....Saturday. June 24, at ft A.*M. LABRADOR Sangller July 1. at I P. M. CANADA, Prangeul Saturday, July ft, at I P. M. AMKKIOUK. Puna ds Saturday. July lft, at 13 noon. PRICK OF PASSAGE IN GOLD (Including wine) : Flint cabin. $110 to $1*20, according tn accommodation. Second, $72; Third cabin, $40. Return ticketa at reduced rates. Steerage. $2H. with superior sccomraodiitlons, including wine, heddlug and iiieiisil*, without extra cliargo. Steamers marked ihu* ? do uot carry steerage passengers, LOUIS DE BKBIAN. Agent. V. Broadway. COASTWISE STEAMSUlPh. PANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LiNKft. For CALIFORNIA, JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, OREGON, AC. Sailing from pier 42 North River. For SAN FRANCISCO via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, ?teumahip ACAPULCO, Friday June 23, connecting lor Central America nnd Smith Pacltlr porta From SAN FRANOICUO to JAPAN anil CHINA, steamship , Saturday, July I. For freight or paasage apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. or 11. J. BULLAY. Superintendent. No. ft Bowling Green, pior 42 North ltlver. foot Cunal ai. VTEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE ? Il These first class steamships will sail at 3 P. M. from filer 13 North River, fbot of Cedar at., for Havana direct, as hllows ?? WILMINGTON Tuesday. June 2fl COLUMBUS Tbnraday, June 29 For freight and paaaage, having nneurpaased uceommoda tionn. Annir to 11 WM. P. CLYDE A CO., No. B Bowling Green. McKELLER, LULINU A CO.. Agenfa in Havana. OR NASSAU. N. P.?REGULAR MAIL STEAMSHIP LEO leaves ->?w York July I. MURRAY, FERRIS A CO.. ?2 South at STAR BALL LINE. UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, sailing monthly from Wataoo'a wharf, Brooklyn, K. Y. for PARA, PEKNAMBUCO, BAHlA and RIO J ANIKRO, calling at St. John'*, l'orto Kion. ,J. B. WAlKER, Saturday, June 2(. NELLIE MARTIN, July Passenger accommodation* Brat Clare. For freight end passage, at reduced rates, apply to J. 8. TUCKER A Co.. Agf(its, 54 Pine St. F HY., HAVANA AXU MEXICAN MAIL SS LINE ? Steamers leave Pier No. 3 North River nt 3 P. M. for Havana direct. CITY or NbW YORK Thursday, Jwne 22 UII'Y OF MEXICO. Thnrsdny. July ? FOR VERA CRL'Z AND NEW ORLEANS, vis Havana. Prngraso, Cam peachy, Tttspan and Tampleo. CITV OK MEXICil Thuraday, July 6 For freight and passage apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS. 31 and JO Broadway. Bteitmer* will leave .New Oneans June IS and July 9 for vara Ornr and all the above porta. fOR HALIFAX. N S., ANI) ST."JOHNS. X. P. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. ^Steamers leave.pier 1<? North River following day a, at 3 GEORGE CROMWELL Tneaday, June 20 (iEOKOE WASHINGTON Friday. June 30 Moat direct, qulekeat and cheapest route to Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and the Lower Si. Lawrence. Excellent pas senger accommodation*. For freight or postage apply to CLARK A BEAM AN, SS Weat at. FOR NEW ORLEANS "DIRECT THE CRO.M W I'.lJi LINE. The atenmpaliip NEW ORLEANS, Captain Dearborn, on SATURDAY. June 24. at Ji o'clock P. X.. Irom pter.No. H North River. Through hllla of la tino given to Mobile and all principal point* on the Miaaiaaippi River. Cabin passage, $50: Steer.ore. $23. Apply to CLARK A SEAMAN. HS Weat it Texas Link TiIS oalvYston. toucmxno at ikey West, envying the I nited stalea malt The ate am er CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Captain Pennington, will anil on Saturday, Jnne 24. at 3 P. Irom pier 2H Kaet River. Through hilts of lading given tn nil points oil the Houston Bud Texas, < entrai Internntlonal and Great Northern, Gnl veaton, llooaton and lienderaon, and the Galveston. Harris* "burg aod San Antonio Railroad' Frelirhta and insurimc at lowest ratea. F'nr freight or passage, havlnc superior acromuiodaiinna, apply to C. H. MALLORY A CO., 133 Maiden lane. NLY DIRECT LINeT(7k FLORIDA.?WEEKLY LINK lor Port Royal. K. C.; Ferna-idina. Fla.; Kruuawick, Ga.: sailing every Thursday, from i'lei 2tl Ka?t River. The ateainer CARONDKLKT, t aptaln Fuircloth. will aiil Thurs day, June 22. at 3 P. M., Inr Fernandina and Port Royal. Through ticket* Issued to all point* in Florida. For freight or passage apply to C. II M ALLOKY A CO., or HKRMAN Ui'.LPCKK, 133 Maiden lane. MORGAN'S NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS AND Texas steamship*.?The MOKO^AN CITY will sail from pier :til North Klvor, nn Saturday, June 24, et 3 P. M , lor New Orleans direct, transferring Texas freight there lo Morgan'* Louisiana and Tea a* Railroad for Morgan city, thence per Morgan'* steamer* to Texas ports Through hills of lading signed to all points ou the Mississippi River, Mobile. Galveston. Indianola, Corpn* t 'hrlsti. Rock. I port. Brasos Santiago, Brownsville, and to all points on the l Galveston, Harrisburg an i San Abtonlo, Houston and Texas j Central, International and Great Northern, Iexas Pacific I and Trans-Continental Railroads. Freight lor St. Marys and Fnlton landed et Jinckport. Lighterage and channel I due' at Corpn* Christ! and Bratoa Santiago at the expense I and risk of consignee. Insurance ran be effected n inter opea | policy ol C. A. Whitney A Co . to New Orleans. per cent., I to Texas ports Jt per cent Fur freight or further informs linn apply to i ilAUl.ES A. Will I NKY A CO.. Agrats, office, pier 36. North River. o o nun ? viii" eecw /tit i?11? tt, nuniitiv. * want i?iiic, Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad snd i fany setaam lines to Interior points in North Irgtnla. Newhcrn sinl Washington. N. C. LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PAN*, sailing from pier 37 North River, per Norfolk. City Point and Richmond. Tuesdays, Thura davs and Saturdays at 3 P. M? connecting wltn the Virginia and Tennesaee Air I Ine, Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air "" with the corn North Carolina and . _ . N. C. ivta Norfolk), ovary Tuaedny. Thuraday and Saturday. lsewea. Del.. Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroads. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Through passage tickets sn l bills of lading to all points nt lowest rate*. Insurance to Norlolk. Ac., h per cent. Freight received daily at pier 37 North River General offices, li)7 Greenwich si. N. L. McCHKADY, President. TRAVELLEI13' UllDk? A1-CATSKILI. I'KKI-.K DAlLf I.InK -STEAMER , NEW CHAMPION Mondays, Weitaesdsys and Fri days', steamer BUETI Tuesdays, Thursdays snd Salnrdays. at '? I" M.. from pier 42, foot of Canal et., con necting si t'stsklll with Western stages. Fare, 'sic. ~\ LllANY Nl> IROY BV DA V Bi?A TS~~C VIHBAKD iV and DANIEL DREW. ?Leave t>*iry at. pier at 6 :10 and 24lh at. at Si.Ti A. M , landing at Xynck ami Tarry - town (by ferryboat). Wasi point. New nrg. 1'on^hkeapsic, Rhineheck, i'atskill and Hudson. Close connection at Albany Willi new train at B:K? P. M for the West, over New \ ork Central and commencing June 26 hi special train to Saratoga. To West point and Newhurg and re Inrn, same dai. $1, I'onghkeepslo. $1 I.HAN T.?PK? I PLK> 1.1 Nl:;" SI F. A M B OA I S LEA VK pier tl North River, daily, Sunday excepted, at 6 P. M., for Albany and ail points ndrth and west crest reducti-ms in fair Excursion tickets to Alb tny, Saratoga, .V.ontreal snd ratnrn. Meals on Enropoan plan BROOKLYN." NEW YORK AND NFWBl'RG, HY steamboat ARMENIA, enwinienoing June 26.? Leave Fulton st. Brooklyn, at'J; \ estry St.. New York, at 9210 and 24th M at BA) A. M.. landing at Tonkera. Inoa Island, t'ossen*. West Point and Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Rrooklvn 7 I'. M. Tickrts fnr the round trip SI OLD MtTABLIHHKD LINE ~POR BXl'YVRBANT, CAtS kill an-l intermediate Inn lings.?Bteamer AXDItKW HARDER. Irom Franklin at. (pier AM. Pneadav. Th?r*da? and Saturday ; Steamer MONITOR, Mcudav, Wednesday and Friday, at ? P. M. TjlALL RIVER LINK TO BO-TON, ~ ' r via Newj.-.rt and Fall River ?The world renowned steamboat* liRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier 2X North River, foot of Mnrray st.. dally iSnndars Inclnded), at .*> P. M. Through tickets sold at all the principal hotels la the city. Highlands or the iu dsdn by DAtMoRT.? The MARY POWELL, for West Point, Nrsbii't, Ponchkeepsie. Kondont and Kingston, landing at Cnssrns', Cornwall, Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlboro hvterrv, will leave pier 39 North River (Vestry st.t dally. Bunders excepted, at 3 :3M p. M Connects at Pougbkoepsia with evening trains lor the North. STONINOTON LINK FOR BOSTON. Reduction of Fare. Steamer* RHODE INLAND and NAREAOANBETT, from pier 33 North ttivsr, foot of Jay it., at S P. M. Providence Una Providence Ulna, from pier 27 North River, foot of Park I lUA0XiUtah4UAlaATJU.MilMr.JI. TRAVELLERS' GCIDB. /UfUljl* LINE* STEAM BOATS FOB 'tROfTOWAlK ^ P?'"*" *?'"?ane? aad Woet, leave daily, IXM|>1 data* <1 ay, si d 1 M., from pier 49 North Hirer. J-JAlLY LINE TO NORWALK.?FAJiK REDUCED. By the ewtlt steamer jjytOWBMITH. lesrlag JvweUS wharf, Brooklyn, at 2 :30 P. M.; pier 37 Ka.1 Hirer. 2 :t5 F.v Jl-. tiJ foul of 33d *?., a P. M.; returning, leave* Norwalk at 7:M A. dally (Sondeya excepted); connecting each wa? with the 1 January and Norwalk aud New Haven railroada. Kara, 35 cents; oxcuraion tlcketa. 5<J cents. PHILADELPHIA VIA LONlJ BRANCH A n5~thb Now Jeraoy Southern Railroad.-Kara lower than by any other route, eotunteueiag Jane 19, 1H70. Leave New York from nier 81 North River, loot Rector at.. 6:45 A. M. for Long Branch and Heabrlghl. Ac; 9 :4ft A. M.. for I'hlladel Iea?n* BrkMh. Toma River. Waretowa and Vineland, .1 :.*) P. M. for I hiladelphia. Long Branch.fend Tncaertoo; 4 :40 P. M., lor Lonir Branch Toms River and Waretown, 5- O P. M. accommodation lor Long llranch. Mindava 9 30 A. M. for Long Branch, returning at 5 P. M. W. ft. 8XKDEM, O. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. " " GREAT TRUNK LINE and UNITED STATES mail ROUTE. Trains Leave New York, via Deabroaaea and Coartlaadt Streets Ferries, a? follows:? Expreaa for Hnrrtsbnrg. Pittabnrg. the West and Booth with Pullman Palace Car* attached. 9:30 A. it.. 6 and H :.-?1 P. M. Sunday, 6 and R :30 P. M. For Williameport, Look Haven, Corry and Erie at I?t80 A, M. and 8:30 P. M., connecting at Corry for Tttueviile, Pa trolenm Centre and the Oil Region* Pur MWItlmore, Washington and the Strath, "Limited Weak ington Expreu" ol Pullman Parlor Care dailv, except Kundar, 9 ;3'i A. M.; arrive Washington 4 :IU P. M. Rbgu lar at hr40 A M., 3 and 9 P. M. Sunday 9 P. M. Express for Philadelphia. 7,7:30. 8 ?>. 9 30 A.M.. 13:30, 3, 4, 4:10. 5. it. 7, S:30. 9 P. M. and 13 night. Sunday ft. it. 7. 8:30 and 9 P. M. Emigrant and aacond claaa, 7 P. M. For Centennial Depot at 5:30. 0:30. 7:30, RAM., and 3 P.M. Ketorninv. leave Centeunial Depot at 1, 4:45, 5-.3U. 8 and 7 <15 P. M, For trains to Newark. Eliaabetb. Rahway. Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Amboy. Klemington, Belvldere and other poluie, aee local schedule* at ail ticket offices. Traius arrive:?From Pittsburg, 6:20 and 10:30 A. M. noil 10:20 P. M. dally; 10:10 A. m. and MAO P. M. dally, eg. cepl Monday. Frtmt Washington and Baltimore. 6:30 A. M? 4, 5 :ltl aad KJ:-'t) P. M.; Sunday 6:30 A. M. From i hiladelphia 5*?, 6:?), 6:30. 10:10. II -JO, 11 AO A M? 2:10. 4, 5:lu, 6:10. 6:50, H 40 and 10:20 P. M.: Sunday, 5 05. 0:20. B :3i). 11 AO A. M., 6 AO and 10 -.20 P. M. Ticket Office* 526 and 044 Broadway. No. 1 Attor Honae, and foot of Deibroues anil Conrtlandt at*; No. 4 Court sL, Brooklyn; No* 114, 116 and UB lindaon at., Iloboken; depot, Jeriey City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. B Battery place. FRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD. Jr.. General Manager. Oenernl Pnaaenger Agent. EXCLUSIONS. SPLHJ} i>W6 PP6 ItfC NITY* TO "WlTN GRAND INTERNATIONAL YACUT RACE. on next THURSDAY, will be afforded by the PLYMOUTH ROCK, on her trio to and returning from ROCKAWAT. The auperb eteamer will proceed to the meeting ground of the ynrlit fleet, stay until the START, than run to the stake boat and atterward go to Rockaway beaeli. Returning, pas sengers may see the exciting homestretch ol thn contests ant*. V For farther particular* aee regular advartlsament be low. FARE FIFTY CENTS X DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION. H. PLYMOUTH ROOK. for ROCKAWAY and the ATLANTIC OCEAN. JARRE1T A PALMER'S superb FLOAT ING PALACE, the eteamer PLYMOUTH HOCK, will make a grand axcurtion to KOCKAWaY BEACH and the cool breaiea of the ATLANTIC. EVERY DAY. including 8UNIJAY, leaving the foot ol 22d St.. N. K-. at 10:3h o'clock A. M.. and pk-r 2 N. R., at 11 o'clock, remaining at the Bench three honrs, *nd returning to the city by 7 o'clock P. M. A CHARMING EXCURSION DAY. FAKE, for the whole excursion. FIFTY CENTS; single trip tleaats. to or from Ruck away. 35 cents. A GRAND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT is given every day by HORACE WESTON, the Champion Banjul*:. MADRIGAL BOYS, MOZART ULEB'CLUB, Palermo string band, chimes of church URLLn. Ac. ?*? On Thnreday, the 22d io?t., occasion of the GRAND CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACE, the Plymouth Rock pansengers will he enabled to wltneee the assemblage ol the ynchta, the start and homestretch. The steamer will lav to for a while at the stakeboat anil atterward proceed to Rockaway. A -A.-TO CHARTER, STEAMBOAT FORT LKBj s will accommodalo 40O passengers; price Z50 io flUO pur day. Apply iu the afternonu at 47 Fulton si. ?a?daily and sundaY~~iTxcurskjns to . Fort Lee, Pleasant Valley and Shady side.? Steamboats leave Cnual st. daily at H :45 and IO A. M.; 2, ft -.15 and 7:13 P. M. Sunday at 9. 10 and 11 A. M.; 12 M? I. 2, 3. 4,6 and 7 P. M.; landing at 24th and .'t4th sts. (dally and Sundayl 10 minute* later. Round trip. 25e. -, children hell' prioe. .Irishino day (Ka"turdaym # excepted).?Ocean strainer SKTI1 LOW. leaving Harrison st.. North River. 6:3t); Hth st.. East River, 7; pier 27 East Itivcr, 7:15: 10th st.. North River, 7:40; pier 6 North River, 8 A. M. Tlckete. $t AL. G. FOSTER, Manager. FOR CONEY ISLAND, DAILY?187B.? The new steamer 1DLKWILD will run to Coney leland on sud after Sunday. June 11, everyday, leaving 23d it., N. R.. 9 A. M.. 12 M and 3 P. M.; 10th st.. N. K.. 9-.IO, 12:10 and 3:10 P.M.; Franklin it.. N. K., W3*i, I2;30 and 3:20 P. M.: pier 2 IS. K.. 9:30, 12:30 and 3:30 P. M. The SAPPHO leaves 23d St.. N. R., 10:30. 1:30 and4:30 P. M.I 10th St.. N. R, 10:4O. 1-.40 and 4:40 P. M.: Franklin St., N. R., 10:50, l iSo snd 4 :5<) P. M ; pier 2 N. R.. 11 A. M . 2 and 5 P. M. ELIZA IIANCOX. June 18. from KA8T RIVER, wilt leave 3 Id st. 9 A. M., 12:30 and H:3nP. M.| 23d St.. 9:10 A. 12:4() and 3:40 I'. M.; Hth St., 9 30 A. M., 12 :"iO and 3:50 P. M.; Fulion ferry, Brooklyn, 9:35 A. M., 1 Of. and 4 P. M. / 1ENTENNIAL.?PRIVATE KXClTRSlONR, WTfll v guide, fare. wlmlnilim. dinner end tee, rneud trip, W 410 Km I7tii it. Now York. Fob ex cuitslons-Tflih large first class fa rorite Steamboat* Sleepy Hollow, now celled ibe LONG UK AM'II, end MKTAMOKA. Engleawood, Alpine. Dud ley'*, Spring 11 ill, Myers' end Ion i intend Orove*. with Rnrgo* and Boats ot "all kinds. J. MYERS, corner Morton end West at*. CI KAMI CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL T Yeclit Itece, Thursday, J uue -2,1876, Kent Kivcr boat. The favorite ateemar NKVEKSINK will acompeny the yacht* over the whole conree lo the Lightship and return, I'ndor the euepice* of the Brooklyn Yeebt Club. Leaving pier H7, East Klver, at 8:45 A. M, Uarlnt 23d it., & hL. el 0:15 A. M. Leaving I'lh at,, K. K , ell':S0 A. ,M. Leaving Grand at., K. K . at 0 :15 A. M. Leaving South let at , Williamsburg, at 10 A. M, l.eavlug Jawell'a wharf, Fnltoa ferry, Urooklyu, at 10:40 A. M. Music bjr Lent'a Rand. a Kefreahineiita of all klnda on board Kerr Une Dollar. RAND GBN TKNsTaL INTERNATIONAL YACUT raee, THURSDAY. June 22, 1876. The favorite eteamera WILLIAM COUK and MAGENTA wilt accompany the yaclita over the whole conree to the lightship anil return. Fare One Duller on either boat. The Win. Cook leavea 24th at., N. It., at It:*) A. M. Tim Win. Cook leavea l'Uli at , N. B? at 0:45 A M. The Win. l ook leavea pier J N.'R.. at 10 A M The Win. Cook Iravpa Fulton ferry, Hrooklyn. at lOdOi The Magenta leavea Vescy at., N. K?, at: >0 A M. ana 10:10. Tho Magenta leavea 24lli at.. N. It., at 0:45 A. M. The Magenta leave* 10th at., N. R.. at IO A. M. The Magenta leavea pier'J N. R.. at IO:15. The Magenta leavea Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, at 10:35 Jb M. CI BAND CENTENNIAL X International Yacht Race. I 1 hnrsday, June 22, 1876. North Klver boat. The largb i end Brat claaa palace Mramer LONG BRANCH I will accompany the yarbta over the eonree, leaving 34th tt., North Mlver. 1MB A M ; Franklin at.. North Klver, lO I A. M. ; pier 3 North Klver, 10 :10 A. M A Brat claaa breaa hand will he on hoard. Fare for the exrnra'eu. fl. 1 Tlcketa to be bad at the principal hotels and at the { boat. Refreshment* on hoard. C~T KaND IhTn TE NIAL X International Yacht Race. I huraday. June 3"'. 187U. Kaat Hirer boat. The splendid aea going Steamer WYOMING will accompany the yacht* over the courae. leaving 23d St., | Kaat River. 9:15 A. M. ; South lat at., Williaiuaburg. ? 45 AM; Fulton ferry. Jewel's does, 10:10 A. M Mnalc by Spiera'braaa band. Tieeet* fl, to be bad on the dock ?a tlie morning of ibe race. Refreshment* to be liad on board, 1(1 NA ISLAND, WKSI POInT AND NEWUl'ltU.-?h? advertisement of ateamhoat Armenia. J^OCKAWaY BKACil excursions. TWENTY MINUTES (>N~THK ATLANTIC OCEAN. FOUR EXCURSIONS DAILY by the favorite and rniuinodloua excursion * learner*, AM Kit ICl'S and NKVEKSINK. Musical entertainment by tne celebrated OKI'HEUS GLEE CLUB. AMKRICUS LEAVES 34th et.. N. R. I 10th St., N. R. I Vcaey at. I Fnlton et., B'tw A. M P. M. A. M. F M. A. M.V. M. I A. M. P.M. 8:i*> and 1.15 18:45 and I :23 I Pflll 1:4d I !?:30 and 7*? NKVEKSINK LEAVES EAST RIVER. IHh *t.. E. R. | a. lat, Wiuab'g. I Grand ?t.. N Y. I Brnoklvu. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M A. M. P. M A. M. P. ML 8:Ui) 12 -4518:15 and I .-0 |8:.'t0 aud l:lO|fl**l. Ida Steaiuera leave Rockaway at II A. M., 5 and5 :15 P. M. 1 ara, 115 cent*. Excursion tickets. -V) c-nla. licinrn ticket* good on cither shove boats M iTIOh.? No delay from low tide. Only boat* making the upper landing* at Rockaway. On SUNDAYS the steamer* WILLIAM COOK aud | ARKOWa.MITH will make excursion te Roekewav In connection wltn the above boat*. Rockaway beach new sea steamer margin leave* dally from the ford ot Franklin et. at 10 A. M. ; I fare .15 cent*, excursion ticcets 50 cent*. Leavea the Beach ' *l <:30 OLOOr YACHT LUCILLE To CHARIER. WITH I O crew, to gentlemen or famlllea, by day, week or mouth. Address NOBLER. 21 Christopher ?t. rpo CHARTER FOR DAY OK NlOlIT EXCURSIONS I Barge BALTIMORE, with tug Apply to C. ||. LONG* BTKKBT. on plsr 22 Kast River. _ \\ri.sT POINT, NEWBORG. POl'ollKKRPSIK AND II retarn tame day by day line steamers. Kl'ltOPK. "? tlRKNCff LETTERS. 1 Capot Anglais, Preservatlvea Toilette de l'onrhe. AL?. IllRmDIMANN, Hamburg _ - BItDlbAL, A-.M.MK. rKsTKLU MfilWriFK StNlfK l*40~~SttT . Easl S.'dat tiro d?.?r from uliav Advi-e free. t" -MRS. WoRCKStSK" PHYSICIAN: BOARD AND ;Y. a end eg. 149Charleset., bet. Washington sad WM* A -nit. AND MMK. norr -CDNFIHENTla!7~COif , puliation nn all female complaint*. 17 W'e.i I tih at. A -DR. AND MMK. ORIMDL'bT Ma WEST ?frftl BT ? . CenUdenlial cen*ultat.<>., on all Femele Complaints. Du. WHITEHEAD, mm tvsr aetTH ST near ac ^v.?Female coinplslnte aately treated lor 1125. nil WEsTHRooK. "in WEST So sCnKAB BROAft *?' ?Female oompl Gat* t specially Hnura. 9 to ... \fl.N LYONS. FEMALE PMYsICUn" CURES VI, 1 1*1 complaints; no eure. no pay. Nf. 40 Real JOth s. SUCCES8FUL OLJP18 OIARANtV.KD.-ALL OaBBI r by Dr. e? lime. WJMT. tl Blesabsi ? Bw i