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FINANCIAL USD C01BCIU. Speeulitire Sham a Trifle Firmer?Sharp Decline in Coal Parrying Stoeki. GOLD STEADY AT 112 1-2. Money on Call 2 and 2 1-2 Per Cent?Govern ment and Railway Bond* Steady In vestments Generally Firm. Waix Strut, 1 Moxdat. June lb?6 P. 1L J There was a disposition to let well enough alone this morning, if not even to advance prices, but tlie coal ?tacks broke out with a Iresb exhibition of weakness and alarmed the whole list. Not badly, however, for the decline in other things was limited to \ per cent ? so, and was chiefly shown in Lake Shore, which fell off from M}.j to 54J?, and in Western Union Irom Ml* a68)f. loused the St. Paul and Northwestern shares refused to be scared at toll, sod assumed a deiant (ront in the shape of bettor figures. The Old Broad atreet party, which has been dry nuraing their (av^>ritos through good and ill report, still occupy their former Sairey (iamp position and by caretul attention, have succeeded to licking their bantling into about the most favorable financial shape of any railroad securities in me list. There is no doubt that these lines are doing a profitable business at paying rates, wbich is likely to continoo so long as grain flows Eastward, and they themselves keep out oi the cutthroat competition which the great trunk lines are indulging iu. There Is somewhat of a pause in the Lake Shore movement, although In magnitude of operations it stood at the bead of the list. There was no evldenco that the reported manipulators were acting at all, and tbo stock was left to be guided by tho "Judge" and his Jury of fellow scalpers At the very end Lake Shore rallied up to bd, with rather a Arm tone to proceedings. Western Union atone time betrayed great weakness, being offered down to 68X in such a menacing manner that there was a general standing from under. During the lest half hour, however, a prominent broker who had Just arrived from the "sad tea waves" of Fire Island dashed Into the market as be is wont to do into the surf and slashed about with the result of accumulating a considerable amount of stock and of marking the price up to 60, the highest point of the day. To-morrow tho transfer books close lor the promised IX per cent dividend, which will probably bo paid, despite reports to the contrary ana the doubtful sources from which the money bos been procured. The slocks of the coal combination do not seem to be having a very cheerlul time of it with ail their monop oly. Too may load your horse to water, but you can't make him drink, aud the combination may carry its coals to market but it can't lorce buyers. Therefore, their product remains a drug on tbo market, which bids fair to physio stockholders of other compauies than New Jersey Central. There was a re port to-day that Delaware and Hudson had swallowed the pill which would result In tho passage of the dividend, and the consequence was t tumble in the stock irom Saturday's price of 108 to 106. In sympathy with the abovo New Jersey Central roceded from 78 to 76, and Delaware and Lackawanna from IOC),, to 104X- I" the final dealings there was a rally of about ono per cent, to supply the short de mand sod to realize tho protits of tho day. As s whole the markot was dull and pretty much left to the predatory attacks of the guerillas, tho com manding generals who usua ly "shape tho ends" of matters keeping sedulously aloof. THK SALES TO-DAT. The transactions lo-duy aggregated 83,000 shares? Hew York Central and Hudaon River, 730; Erlo, 775; Lake Shore, 20,026; Nortbweateru, 5,600; do. pro ferred. 7,300; Rock Island, 5,100; Pacific Mall, 8,100; Bt. Paul, 8,100; do. preferred, 0,300; Obioe, 800; Western Union, 18,800; Wabasb, 500; Union Pacific, 100; Panama, 100; Delaware, uacxawanna and West. ?rn, 0,200; New Jersey Central, 5,330; Delaware and Hudaon Canal, 850. OPENING, HIGHEST AND LOWEST PRICKS. Tbe following table shows tbe opening, btgbest and lowest prices of tbe day :? Opening. Highest. Lowest. Now York Central 108* ' 107* loot* Harlem 13114 142 138 S Brie 13* 13 * 13* Lnke shore 65 66 * 64* Wabash 2* 2* 2* northwestern 42* 43 42* Northwesteru preferred... 84 * 85 * 04*' Hock Island 100 ? 1U9* 100 Pittsburg 92 93 92 Milwaukee and St. Paul... 41* 42* 41* MIL 4t St Paul preferred.. 72 72* 71* Ohio abd Mississippi 10* 10* lb* New Jersey Central 77* 78 74* Del., Lack, and Western.. 106*. 108* 104* Union Pacific 60 80 60 C., C. and 1. C 3* 4* 3* Western Union 68* C!? 68* Atlantic and Paolflo Tel... 18 18* 18* Pacific Mail 26 25 24* Panama 130 140 138 CLOCINO PRICES?3 P. M. 1 ?< if.t V ail... 24* ? 20 C.C.Ct 1... 44* a 46* It 1 at 1 a Tel... ?8* * ft* C C * 1 O. 8W a 4* AtlA lac lei. 18 ? 18.* Del. LA W. ..105* ? 106* t,ulektll*er.... 13 a 15* hrte l;-V a 16* t. afck?llv<-r ot 18 a .2 Han A St Jo... 15;, a 13* Mar L A Mia.. 6* a 7* il a St Jo pi... 22* a 23 8-, * 8 Lake Nbnre.... -'5 a 15* Auani* hx " Aii.eiiean Ex. t b Kipreaa .. 71* a 74 M CI 11 U..100* a 107* It tl.wr ara..i'.x 1)0 ? tt>* N J Cea 76* a 76* ..!'?* * 10* Rich Central 48 a 4s* t. 59 a 60* .N Y A Harlem.138* a 141) .. 71* a 74 N Y C A 11 U..100* a 107* atl.eisrs'l'.i DO ? CO* N J Cea 76* a 76* CbicA Air.. l> 3* k 104 Ohlrf A Mlse... 16* a 1-Ji (lew I'itt- P2* a 3 Panama ? a 140 <kl A N W.. . 42* ? 42* Tel.. Web. 2 a 2* 1 A N W pi 65* a t>6* Union PaelAe.. 6> a 61 CI it A K 1 .HP* ? ni'?, Missouri Pae 9 a 10 ? Mil A St Paul. 42* ? 42* Pro P Co 118* a 118* L11 a MP pi.. 72* 72* ADVANCE AND DECLINE Tbe following are tbe changes in closing price* compared with those of yesterday :? Advance?New York Central, *; Hannibal and St. Joseph, *; Lake 8nore, *; Michigau Central,,*; Missouri Pacific, 1; Northwest common, *; do. pre ferred, *; Ohio and M nais'lppl, *; Hock Island, *; 3D Paul, *; do. preferied, >?; Union Pacific, *; West ern Union, *. Decline.?Wabash, *; Panama, 2; Pacific Mall, *; Hew Jersey Central, 1*; Delaware and Lackawanna, 1* ; C., C., C. and L. 1. The rest of the market wea stationary. THE MONET MARKET. Money closed easy at 2 and 2* per cent. Prime paper I and 6* per ctnD The following are the ratea of ex ibange on New York at tbe undermentioned cities to. layBavanuab, * premium; Charleston, easy and unchanged;Cincinnati, oaay at par; Now Orleans, * a *; Chicago, par, 25 cants discount, and Sd Louis 58 to f6 premium. Sterling exchange was firm. Prime asking ratea, A88 and A90; selling rates, 487* a 4.88 and A89* a 490 Kelchinarks. 96* a 95* and 95* a 96*. Cables, 96*. Prime Paris, A16 and 5.12*. THE GOLD MAR EXT. Gold opened and closed at 112*, with sales in tbe Interim el 112*. The ratea paid for borrowing were 1, Sand 1* per cent per annum and 104 per diam. Loans were also made flat and at 2 per ceni lor carry ing. OPERATIONS OF TMI COLD MXCMAXOB BANK. Gold balances 1065,21*4 Currency balances 760.244 Gross clearances 9,580,000 CLEAR (NO MOCSB STATEMENT Currency exchanges $04,134,053 Currency balance*. 2,803.510 Gold exchanges. 8,537.212 Bold bnlancae l,o21,36d OOVEBNMKST SONDE Gerernmest bonds ware firm in tone. 1887's sold at '.23 n 123*. New fives were active aud sales wars made at 117* n 117*. Thi lot owiug were the latest quotations:?United States currency sixes, 125* a 120*; da da. 1831, registered, 120* a 120*; do. da, do., coupon, 120n 124*; da do., 1805, regis tered, 116 a 118*; do. do , da, coupon, 116 n 110*; da da, da, new, registered, 117* s 117*; Jo. do., do., do., coupon, 120* n 121; da do., 1887, legistered, 119* n 120; da da, do., Coupon, 123* n 123* ; do. da, 1968. re gistered, 121 a 121* ; da da, da, coupon, 124 * a 125; da ten-forties, registered, 118 a 118*; do. do., cou pon, 118* a 119; do. fives, 1881, registered, 117* n 117*; da da, do., coupon, 117* n 117*. TSB TORSION MARXRT. Tbe London ndvleus report n steady market for it curates. Consols advanced * per cent as compared with cloning quotation# of Saturday, but have slnca lost * per eent of th? Improvement Unitod states bond* are * per tent higher, exoept for ten-forties, which are steady. Brie 1a quiet at 12* a 12*. French runs OSvaBOftd to 1084 30E 462,090 sterling went into the Bank of England to-day. The increase oI specie in the Imperial Bank ot Berlin for the past week 2,aS3,000 marks. The following are quotations at Ova o'clock P. M :?-Consols lor money, 94% a 94X; da for account. >4',' aM)^; Ore twenty bonds or 1643, old, 105%; da da, 1887, 108%; ten forty bonds, 107%; new lives, lofl %; Krie, common shares 12% a 12% ; do., preterred shares, IB. A large failure Is reported In Cardiff, Wales, in the corn and provisions trade. Liabilities said to be ?100,000. Amsterdam ad vices report Northwest preferred at 57%. railroad uonus. In railroad bonds the transactions were small outside of the St. Paul issues, which were strong, firsts selling at 116%, La Crosse at 104 %a 104s stid con solidated sinking funds at 93. Chicago and Northwest ern firsts wero in demand and sold at 103 %, do. consol idated coupon gold bonds advancing to 92%. Central Pacific* rose to 109%, do. San Joaquin Branch to 92%, I'nion Pacific firsts to 106%, New Jersey Central con solidated firsts to 106, and an odd lot of Fort Wayno third at 103. Tho latest bids were as follows:? Albany and eusq 1st....11*1 t.TvveATolsf 108 Albeuv wiiti mi?4 2*1. .liHi^ t'lvw .* 7ol uew b ..KM Albany and tiusq 3d luj Clave, P villa k A. old.. 11/7 Iks, liarl A Kris 1st . 19 Detroit, Monroe I Tot .102% Huston Hart A Kriegt.. 21% Buff A Erie new lot Hur, I'llAil lit 7'k g.. 41 1* BuO A Llue 7's. ...116 I'bes A Ohio tPa. 1st 2r% Kalamatoo A Wld P 1st. "O t'hlcagu A All sink fd... ll>i l.nkv Shore dlvidoud... 11*3 Chicago A Alton 1st.. .118 Lake Shore con cp Int..107% Chicago A Alton Inc.... Hi i Lake- Shore i-ou rgl>'4 J olio t A Chicago 1st 11 < Marietta A Cinriu 1st... 103 St L, Jack A Cliic let . lusts Mich Cent con 7'i, 188.101 Chic, Bur A y * pc let.118% Mich C litB'a, '82, tf.,112% Chi, K I A Pac 1st 7's II1% N .1 Southern 1st. 7's... 20 C. K 1 A Pe fin W a.'95.1'JU% N V i entrsl O'e, 1887 103 Central of N J 1st new .III NY Cen it's, real estate. 100 Central of N J let con..116 N V t en IV tub IK) Cen of N J con* 1*8 N" Y Cen 1st m, r 114 Lcblgh A W B con g'd.. 91*4 Uud K7'e, 2d in, ?f. '83.110 Am Dock and Imp bdt. 100 Harlem 1st, 7'*-, coup... 1)7 Mil A Si* let, 8'?. P 0.11*' Harlem let, 7's, rag. ... 117 Mil A s P id, 7 3-10, PD 90 North Mo let 98% Mil A St I* 7'., g. It D 102 Ohio A Mut cob if. 98*, Mil A S P let. La C dlv.H'4% Ohio A MUs con 9e% Mil AS Peons I ..98 Ohio A M iu 2*1, cou. ... 69 Mil A St P id. C AM... 94% Cen Pacific gold bonde.. 1?9% Cbl A N W sink fund.... 107 Cen Pacific. Sau J or.. 9*2*, Chi A N *V interest 103 Cen Pacific. Cal A 0,1st 93)* Chi A N W 1st 103 's Vt'cYtern I'a. ifle fit... 10: Cld A NW cp guld bds... I niou Pacific 1st 1*6', Peninsula 1st, eon 100 t.uion Pacific I g, 7's....1U*'S, Chicago A Mil 1st...... 104)4 I nlon Pacific sink fund. 89% Winona A St Paters 1st 83 Pacific KK of Mo 1st.... 93% Wiuuna A St Peters -d 7'? Pacific KK of Mo 2d ... 81 C, C, C A I 1st, 7's. s f 119% Pitts. Pi tV A Chi 1st. 120 Del, Lack A West 2d.. Hot pit is, Ft *V A Chi 2d... Ill Morris A Ksscx 1st 117 Pitts, Ft W A Chi 2d.... 10 <% Morris A Ktu>ex 2d 110)* Clove A Pitts con sf 108 Morris A Kssox 7's. '71. 105% Cleve A Pitts 4th luf>% Mor A hss 1st con g'd. . 103.% St Loala At M 1st H I % Krie 2d, 7's, 1879 103% Alton A T II 1st ....III Erie 3d, 7's, 1883...., 103% Altou A T II 3d uf 91% Erie 4th, 7's, I8?0 102 Tol. Peo A War, K D ... 81 Krie !>tl?, 7's. 1888 103 Tol, i'eo A War, W D.... 8 >% Long llock honds K6 lol A Was 1st, ext 93 Huff, N Y A Erie 1st, '77 88 Tol A Wall '2d (*0 Buff, N Y A K, large.... 88 Tol A Wah, eons, conv.. 37 Han A St J" cou 79 llan A Naples 1st 33)4 Dub A Sioux City 1st. ..10o% Cruel West 1st.1888... 91 Dub A 8 City 2d dlv.. . 'tOo% Uuincy A Tol 1st, lSStu'..' f>3 Cedar Falls A Mluu 1st. 8) III A So Iowa 1st 6-> ]ud, Hloom'11 A W 1st.. 27 lian A Cen Missouri 1st. 84% Mich South 7 p c, 2d 102 West Colon bds. 1900. c. 99% Mich So A N I s r 7 p c. 10il*4 West I'niou bds. 1900,r. 99 Till PXITID STATUS IKKAIl'RY. The gold paymeuta ut the Sub-Treasury to?day amounted to $B7,00U lor bonds and interest. The silver payments amounted to $23,274, of which $10,274 was 10 130 applicants under $190 limit} the premium on small change runges from 1 a2% purr cent. ?AMU SHARKS. Bank shares were neglected. The latest bids are annexed:?American Exchange, 10B; Central National, 102; City, 300; Commerce, 113%; First National, 200; Fifth Avenue, 210; Fourth National, BO; Hanover, 73; Leather Manulacturers', 130; Maubattan, 120; Merchants', 112; Merchants' Exchange, 100; Metro politan, 123; New York, 117; NintU National, 30; Phoenix, 92; Republlo, 79; St. Nicholas, 98. STATE HON us. Slate bonds at the board were % lower for Missouri long sixes, and otherwise firm, with business In Mis souri sixes of 1878 and Tennessee sixes uew. District of Columbia 3.66 bonds sold at 70%'. IMVRsTMKXT SUAUKS. In the Investment Iiuoof stocks weakuess was shown by Delaware und Lackawanna, which declined from 106% to 103 a 104)4, closing al 103%. Jersey Central followed in quick pursuit al 77% a 77% a 78 a 77 a 76% a 74% a 73%. Rock Island wus firm at 107% a 100 a 109%. Illinois Central brought 87 a 87%. C.. Ci, C. and I., 44 a 46 a 43. New York Ccntrul, ox-dlviaeud, 106% a 107% a 107%. Delaware and Hudson, 106 a 103. Pennsylvania Coal, 260. Wells Fargo Express, 80. American, 38 a 38% a 38%. Pittsburg, 82%. TUB RAILROAD WAR presents no new feature*. It liu uow lasted for neanv two months and the motive lor a settlement is dally diminished by the malting of contract* with tho prin cipal shippers, both Kaat and West, to transport freight at existing.rates lor a period extending lrom six months even to a year. A glanco at the tables below will show bow severe and biltor the tight has be come. The rales of January and February, 1875, are those that word flxed by the compromise of the rail roads after the cutting that lollowed the opening of the Chicago Branch ot the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, during which tho rate on grain to New York was reduced to thirty cents. BATKS OX WKBT BOCXU VBBIGUT. 1st 'Id 3d 4th sp'l c Id**, class, class, cast, class. January, 1876 $1 00c. 70c. Otic. 45c. June, 1370 -he. 25c. 25c. 10c. 16c. From tho West thero is little to come except fourth Class and grain, which In February, 1876, were 35 cents against 20 now. The rates given lor 1876 are nearly 60 per cwL below tbo average rates prior to 1873. While tho foregoing are the all rail ratas to and from Chicago as published, and at which long contracts have beeu made?the rates to and lrom Intermediate and competing point* being made upon this basis?It Is as serted that In special cases a rebate bas been made from even tbeae low prices. On west bound fourth and special classos, by rail to Buffalo and thence by lake to Chicago, tIn*rates are 11 cents. And on grain from Chicago to Buffalo tho rate ta 2*4 cents par bushel by lake, thence by canal to New York 6 cents more. rutnaosiPniA stocks. The following are tho Philadelphia Block quotations at three o'clock this day:? Hid. Asked.' City sixes, new lbsjf 100 l ulled Companies ol New Jersey 140 141 >4 Pennsylvania Railroad 6d>,' uz\ Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 44*4 44*4 I-obigh Valley Railroad <k> 60*, Philadelphia and Er e Railroad 18', ISi, Northern Central Railroad 3334>4 Lehigh Navigation 40', 47 Lehigh Navigation gold loan 10314 104 MIXING STOCKS. The following table of prices ol the prominent gold and sliver mining shares, including the opening price to-day, as received by telegrnpb from ban Francisco, Is furnished by Ur. William Ward, Drexel Building:? June 15. June 16. June 17. June 19. Changes. Alpha 50 52 47 47 Declined 3 Belcher 17 17 17 17 ? Ue>t A Uulcbcr. 63 4w 4" 47 Declined 0 Caledonia t? u I) 8 Declined 1 Calilorma. 76 75 74 75 Declined 2 Chollnr Polosi. 83 81 81 Oil Declined !'? Con. Virginia.. 63 64 61 60 Declined 3 ! Crown Point.. M 11 11 11 Advanced 1 KorekaCon.... 11 11 11 11 ? Could k Curry. 16 16 14 15 ? Hale Ac Nor a. 6t *11 10 10 Declined 14 ; Imperial...... 7 7 0 0 lis lined 1 ' Justice 22 24 23 21 Declined 1 ! . Kentuck 12 12 12 12 ? Mexican 20 27 25 2i! Declined 3 Oplur 52 53 60 50 Declined 2 Overman 65 68 54 65 ? Raym'd tt Kly. 10 0 0 0 Declined 1 bavagc 10 10 18 13 Declined 1 Sierra Nevada. 13 13 12 12 Declined 1 Stiver Hill.... 7 3 8 8 Advanced 1 Union Consul . 11 10 10 10 Declined 1 Yellow Jacket.. 20 31 30 30 Advanced 1 ?-lock increased Ave nttr sbaree for one of old. Tho following are tho closing quotations received lrom San Francisco by telegraph cauroaxu stxixo stocks. California ? ugregaied Helcber.. ? on. Ini| Mexican 571, Crown Point 71 Yellow Jacket ... MM 70 Alpha 48 V lie.c her Confidence ... 17 10 v Sierra Nevada ... 51 Kxrht-qOer . .. 16 25 ? Ivernisn 15 Justice 44 \ Caledonia ... 0? Hal*it Norcross.... XRMOBAXDl'K. The St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railway earnings (estimated) are as follows:? June 8 10 16, 1378 161.318 67 Juno 8 to 16, 1876. 40.702 30 Increase. $11,615 38 January 1 to June 15, 1376 $1,380,361 20 January 1 to June 15, 1175 I.l6u.u54 GO Increnae. $233,404 60 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES Uoxoat, Jans 10,l$7& BKKftUr. ALL?10 A. M. 21*1 sbs *m1 CmTelbS lit)ibs C k N W pi..63 05 10) do U? <? Chi .? N W Hiw... .2?4 iOO do i :30?> do 4.;, UW so ad ' 6)2 100 M J Can BR ...... 7712 Jiu do Krit KK ano L > 1 M S KK 10 ? do ?8 l + O do ?3 Km do 1'JO do ft ? ? uo ?3 K40 do..* 2 0 do ym do. :iuo do. Km do b3 U'O do ?3 10 do Me*) do., 100 ? do . ?3 3 4(10 Par M all S8 99 SOI) dft 77} 24*. 20 iln 774 13* BO Cbi I U I KB ... J'WS 55 100 do ... ??? 64*; lO > Mil A St P RR ... 41* 65 3iO do 65 It lU do 55 Mo do 56* 8 0 do 4) 66* 100 do *3 42* 56*. 3t*i do bS 4- i 564; 100 do 42* 55* lOO do ? 42* 65 . liAt do e 42* 56* 2 O do 42* W :?*) do 49* 55*, It*) do 42* 35v; 200 Doi. law h* ? ioo* l OHIe i.n ItK 8 * But) Mil A St P RU pf. 72 *1 ?> Cbi A N W KK |,f.. 64* 4U? do 7S.S 100 do H4* 14*) do 72 M 100 do 61* IOO do 7?J? ?*? do 85 200 do 72*4 ?00 do 65* I' O Tol A W Ob UK ...? 2* I CO do. *?'? 160 *'? soj d* 64* 10:11 \>*!> U:J;? k. II. $10003 C KB'a.t. '81.. 124* *1200 C8 5-20.F. W o. 117'; 20X10 do bo 124>, 100U C 85.20.e,'65, u 120* 100.1 <08 3-211.f. tlft.. 118',' 800 08 5-20. r. '87.. 118'.. UUXJ V S 6:0 a, 116* IOOJO UM 3't.O.'31.bc 117* KlltSJ' HiMitll?I0:8t> k. M. *1000 Mo (J'?.'78 103* 300 aba LS 4 M S...b3 66 . MX) Mo ' 1 7* 8' 10 do .. 65*2 2CXJO do 107-. 300 do *3 55* loOOTtnn O'a,a.... 83*. 2o Br a i! bo 13*4 6O0O do 44 25 Mich Ceu KB. be 48 600.1 Out ul 70.'; 20O Cbi A 1* W 42 , 30110 5 J C lot. con. 100 100 do b3 421 1U0U M A St 1* 8',. let 118*i Ml do 42; UXXXt M A StP 1*(.L*C lot * 200 do 43 ltdOO do M4* 3X) do 4<* 35o*>' *' j. st t' Con a I 83 3(X) do 43 iUUO Win A St I* let . 85 BOO du 42T, 50CX) Win A St 1' 2d.. 70 UU) do <7 42 _ MA) C .1 3 0 82* 'Kiel do _b3 42* ,111111 I ' I? V U' 1.1 1. ? lilAt? i/Ml .1a * 4*i .. JPWHBHH 42* 401W ? en I'm-oold 0. ltd!'. Ml 42* 4110 do 1111* 200 Chi 4 XW KRprbo *-'?'? luooo C V I?t, St J br. 8.', mo do ?6*. II"1 dKmVHiM.. 401 do b3 86 t 500 P. Ft W A C 3d. 103 20O do ?5* Mm I'd \V con cvbl 37'; 4<o uu ?>, 11000 W Un Tele, 1000 00*4 100 do 86*4 2U" Bur, O.v A M 1st 41* 25 111 Ceu UK 07 i.Ushe Ml d I! Can.. lOO 20 N J Can KK..-b c 77 250 do be 105 23 Pens i'o?l 260 100 At d Pac Tol 18 IOO do t 18* lUU do 77 Uo. 18* 25 do ... 7 100 Weil CnT? 08* loo 00 7s 2lO 00-4 ?8?4 ICVJ do t5 oa* p 61 du *3 77*; 400 do ??>', 25 do ?3 77 In > du 8-*, 100 du c 7.* i.00 UU " *? ?w UO .......... .V I ? 7yI do *3 08* 1<?< do 77* 200 du *8 , 100 du .3 77 7oo do. 08* IOU do ... 08* 100 do 108 1U) P.* MallHS.b c.*3 25 loo do 25 61 jO do M8-_ 7*10 du 24* MO do e IU).* lO i do b! 24'. 100 I'.c iSR of Mobc?3 0 10 Amar Ex.... opb 58* 300 Mil Jt St P KK. .bo 42* 100 NYCAIlKKKbixd I11O* 4??i au 42* M5)fc 100 do c 42-, Mi lou du 42* 100* 3 <1 du 42* 107 1*10 do 42 ^ lt<7* 3uu Mil a 81 r pl..b c 72* 107* 100 do 72* 56* 220 Uel.l. A W Kil..bu MM* 55* 2I*> do .... .3 100 Ii5* 183 C, C, C A 1 Ulv 4? 65 10 uu be 40 36* 100 du 47 36* 100 U.n ? 81 10* 53* 100 <>Ui? MI?..o.-.t>3 16* 55* -O 0, C k I C 4 24 dor.. 1ft # do.... 30 do ... loo do.... &*) do.... ?JOJ do.... 2 mL K A H ?. .b c..bO 100 do IKK) du ?3 25 ?lo ., 10J do.... do |3 JO do.... 200 do.... 100 do ... 100 do .13 lift) do 200 do 4n) do 500 do ouu do ?JkV do an 'iOO do tb3 400 do 2'*? do . ,s3 1 m? b:i 200 Cbi & NW Rftpfbo do 40? do ..b3 200 do 4 *.? un too do 25 111 Ceu UK ..b e 20 N J Cen UK .b 0 :i?h? do 1U? du 100 do luu do 2ft do lCKi 00 20 j do I'M do . .a3 2? do ..?3 urn do 1<M uo 100 do h3 200 Chi d KI UK... ?00 do 00 do bi ftU) do I'M do 0 1U) I*?C it it of Mobc?3 300 MU Jt A\ U KK. .bo 4<M uo 100 do..... . l?iu do 3 0 du 1(10 do 4kmj Mil .si r ui ..b c 100 do ia 66* Bi.K'it/. CALL?li:.?) P. M. $50 I U 8 5-20, e.'OS, n 120* SO *!,? N J ('on KR... 70* 8tl70 b'8 6-20, c,'o 1'.. 123* 200 '1'ul at VV.b hit.... 2* 1000 do 123* 100 du. .3 2* 5Ui U8 u .O.C. 't 8.. 124 500 Del, L 4 W KR. 1(41 SO ? O I! > 5'r. '81, c . 117* 200 du *80 104* 600i Lonj{ laiHbd lit. 102 200 do 107* 0 **11. .1 .? ? c tfb.. 827; li*l do IO >* 1(1X1 do 82* 200 do 10.7* IOOO do c 82* 1100 do IUi* 17l?"l M . 3 1* g?u . f.. 83* IOO do *1 1"5* 12000 Un P?c a tund. UO 20o do *3 105 6 a. alt* .. t n .el. (3 08 * 2U1 do 1"6 12X1 do 'O'i.MO do lOt* 2O0 do *3 08* 100 do *J 1? <6 2 ?l P*c N *11S...... . 24* 300 do 1047i loo S Y C* II K KR.. 107 60.1 do 101* 2 ' Krio lt 1.3* It" do *3 M4* lt*l Pnn*m* BR. ? 130 20 1 do ? c lo4;. 4i*l t. s *t M s KH .. . 5*- 6141 Ohio A Mi** RR. . 10* 8 O do *3 66 ?, OOi Mil. st f ilii . 42* 100 do b. 56* 5n0 do 42* Ml do 56* 106 du *3 42* 5tX> do *3 55 Mi do 42,* 100 I'n Hue UK 81 100 Mil * St P pf . *3 72* 5J Plttikurt; KK t'2* It" Ou *.? 72 200 Cbi A N VV KR 42-? 1U0 do .b3 73 10.) Chi * NW RR pf.o HUOChl A R I RR H O* H O <1 1 en KK 77* $00 du *3 l.'U* 10 do 70}, 7ui do IOU* 100 do 77 800 do luU), MO do 78* 3U0 do IOU* l.O do *3 78* 53 Mor k E*a RR.... 101*4 ^ P. M. $5<*)0 CF6 *.e. ' 131 SUXK10 U85'?. 10-40, r 118 43000 Lb 5-20,r.tlo... 116 5J006 L'rb'i.0, '81. 117* SKW?SI? ?I P. M. 42000 Erie 4th m 102* 10 1 (b* M J Can RR... 77 1HX1 ? >16 Ml' lal.MOd 104* 1U0 do 78* 2000 N J Cen lat. n.. Ill M' lid 76* 5HUOUP l?t, 8 J br- U2* 100 do . .*30 76* p'l U Un Pac KK lit.. 108 10 1 * du *3 7d 11)00 I'n Pttc 7'*, I t;.. l'XJ* 1<*I do 78 5 tail 11 i H. atita 1. . 80 100 do 0 7'.* 1(*X) T A W lat. StL d i.U 7 0 00 7.'?* SotO \Yoat Par bd*. 102* 10 J do 75 401*1 8t 1.A1 Mt 102 20 I do ..*3 75 10 slut Uner . x Bk IOU* 100 do *3 7l* luoWUnTel ?8* 2>> do bd 7"> 200 do b3 08* IOO do. 40 1 D*1 .* II C?n 105 100 do. 30 American Bx. . -. 5U 200 do 7 >* 3y do optt 6sj; 100 do 75 lu WeUcFargo Ex . 80 100 du *10 75* 4 11 ? > hIi .-.U c.a3 * 4* 5 a)Mil A St i*KK..bc 42* tOO du 24*; lO.) do b3 t2* 1(81 Mich 1 on ??$* 300 do 42* 20 Uo.... 48 2 O do 42.* 5 a . La A ?. .-KR.bc.?3 55 30 I do 42 -(JO do 66 100 do. b.'l 42 100 do e 55 3<ai Mil A st P 71* 30 1 do a3 54* 200 do .b3 71* uijO do ,.b3 65 100 111 Con Kit .be U7>, 1 at do 65 40 D*l, I. A W 0 6 ?J.a"7*NW KK. .b c.?3 42* 2.10 do 104* 600 Cbi A NW ltKpfbc 85* 280 Ohio A M l(R. .6 e IB* liB du *3 65* liai do. ..I18 1 * 1 o do 85 100 Pac RR of Mo. .0 e 10 10) N J Cen KK bo 77* 5uo do *3 10 2:30 ro J P. ,M. $|(X)00 L'n Pk l?t.... 108* 700*h? CW UW 42* 111XXI do 10 la lOOChlANR KR pf.. t>6* |ix) 0 M A 8 P con a f. *03', 1 U do U i 6.3', ltf>eh* At* PTbl ... 18* l'k> du 15? Big .25 American Kx? 58', 280 do iu> Pee Mali 88 24', l'*J Uo b3 MO Wait Lb 1*1... . 68* 4<J0 do ... ... 8.63| 8h(, MUNJCenltB. a HO 73', 68* lO.) do .adO 7i* (8?, 100 do 76* 68* 480 do 76 ?, .sa, 405 OKI .1 >1 I KR ... Il l'* em; 210 Mil A st p uu.... 42* 68* 200 du ... 42* IM* 4 ai 42* 68* 100 Ml) A KtP KUpl.. 71* 68 100 do b3 71* 68', .*?? do 72 68* 800 do 72* 13* 2>a) du ,3 72* 14 100 do 72 13* l'at Uu ,..b3 4* lO*) do .5 50 do 72 * 65 ion 0*1, L A W RR a3 104', 54* 200 do |i?4* 64:, 200 du 104* 64* H*) (lo *3 H'.* 55 200 do ?) KM 4 56 4U) do 105 65* l(*l do 11)5* 42* loo Han A St Jo 13;, 2UU do 2i>> do b3 :ajo do l(M> do KUJ do 2 JO do ?M? do MA) do 1 lim 00 ItKX) do IUI do a?Jli do 10 J Erie KK 20 do.4 4 1 ? do b3 ltr.) Mich Cen RR.. ?3 :m># . .. m Kit. 4r? do - .bi vS(0 do 3(M iOft do 7m? do iOO do duo do ? b ' 200 Chi AS W UR..b3 72* COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON ON THE SPOT FIRMER?FUTURES l-8c. A 3-l6o. HIQHEB ?FLOUR DULL?WHEAT FAIRLY ACTIVE?CORN QUIET?OATS DULL AND LOWER?WHISKEY QUIRT AND NOMINAL?FORK FIRMER?LARD FIRMER?PETROLEUM FIRM ER?SPIRITS TURPENTINE QUIET?ROSIN QUIET-OILS QUIET -FREIGHTS STEADY COF FER STRONG?SUGAR FIRM. Monday, June 10?6 P. M. ? The merchandise markets wero dull almost without exception and prices fluctuated continually, though comparatively law Important changes occurred On 'Change (lour was dull. Wheat wus fairly ac tive, Put at lower prices. Corn was quiet and un changed. Oatt were dull, Irregular and lower. Whis key was quiet and nominal. Fork and lard were flrtner, but nut active. Freights were ateady. Cotton on the spot was lirmer. Futures were )*c. a 3-lCc. higher. Codec was firm. Naval mores were generally quiet. Oils .were quiet, l'etrolrum was strong and active. Sugar was quiet snd firm. Corrsa.? The market Tor Braxllt wst firm, but quiet; 3.740 hags Rio told late on Saturday at Baltimore, ex It. 0. Wright, on private terms. The stock bert tonight It 107,422 bags; at Galveston, 4.U00 <lo.; at New Orleans. if.AUIdo.; at Mobile. 4.'*JO do.; at Savannah, J.OUOdo. i at Baltimore, >>1,34 du., afloat and loading for t inted States to May H, U.4R" bars; purchased lor United "Rates States to May ?, J4.4WH bars; purchased lor United Mutes to June 17, Il4.i*>> hags We qnote Ordlnarv carjoe.. lftt.. !?lr do., Iflfigc.: good do . 17tie. . prime do., I'mC.; | a lfl\e. " ? " extreme range for lota, I4%c a I-s\,r santo. tstlr to good, ltllae. a 17c.. sold, oiuutydavs; Java, gorernmeul hags, 3Ue. a 32c : do., grasa matt, due a 28c. ; Singapore do., inc. a 2tJc.; Oeylwn, 10%#. a IrtQe.; Maracaibo, I t',e a iwc . Legnayra, lo',c a i"fie.; Jauialca, 16e. a 17c I iitiniiiud I AlAn is 1 fa-< - Pnrin Kistis 1 Mat sa 1Mla.e I Doiiiiugo, 14Uc. aloe., i'orto Kico. 1*?, a l"v',c.. Uosta Kica, 17e. a iuc.; Mexican. lBQe. a I8e.; Manila. 17c. a IS#.. Angostura. 17c. a ISe.; SavaatUn, 14>4c. a ISc.: Curtroa. I4)?c. a 17c. i ottox. ? lbo market lor Spot was firmer lutone.lmt ?luotabiy higher Futures were S^c. a 3-1 tie. higher, closing Arm The nosing prices to day compare wi.h Hsturosy'a prices a. follows:? A-ifurd.jy, ./uh< 17, Monthly. J-use I'd. June.... I'd a U 132 June 12', aid fi-32 July 1J 1-33 a IJ t?-l2 July 12 6-33 a 12 3 I it August.. 13S a 13 6-33 Aurusl. . I <>4 a 13 V-33 Sept. .. 12 3-32 ? 13% Sept. ... U 7 32 a I3Q October. II I6-IU a 11 3t 83 (ictnher. 12 l id a 12 3-33 Nov IIU a- Nov... 11 31-33 a IJ Dec UK a- Dvc .... 12 31-33 a 13 ;an II 31-82 a 13 Jan.... 12 3 12 a 12% Feb 12% ? 18 6-32 F eb 12 7 12 a 12 U-33 March 12 II 33 a 12 .'.Hi Mareh . . 12 II 33 a 12 1 .'.'-Sit April ... 12 13-3 a 12 1.32 April.... 121, a 12 dirt May. . 12 17 32 a 12 'J-Id May.... 12% a 12 11-10 ?Quotations are based on American 01 classifica tion, and on cotton In store running In quality uot more than half a erade anere or below tile grade quoted .? UpUimt*. a'uhime. M. Grists**. rerun. Ordinary *1110 Hint) Hliitl sinel ordinary UQ b% l>% #>, Good ordinary lu 1-10 10 110 I'l t-l? 10 3-lti strict good ordinary. !'>% lo\ 111% Id*, Low middling II 3-10 II 6-10 II 7-Iti II 7-10 Strict low mtdtittug.. Ilk n't 12 12 Middling 12 , 12', 13 fl-10 12 6-10 ?feed middling 12f, I2)g 12?, 12', Mr let good middling. 13', l.i'a l.V, 13' Middling lair 13', 13', 13% 1.0 Fair ^ IV, ? 14% 14% Id's ? ?Ftaiavd-Uood ordinary. 8%a ; strict (M ordinary. I low middling, 10>jc.; middling. ll>?e. Spot sales were as [ follows:? fu-Aijb. Sut. K rnutjj. Tu'&t. Export ? l.utt) Consumption . 123 , Speculation 15 to) 415 J Total iss 2.14** 2.236 ?UtllTcr?d on contract, l.HtlU bales. iror tutor# <l?lirtrr th# taiss war# u tollow#Saturday, aflar ou# F. M ? July. 100 tales at 12c.. 200 at 12 l-32c. . August. 400 at 12 llflc, 3011 Ut 12 3-.2e.. 200 at l'JVe.. V*) at 12 5 32c.; cepteuiber, l()> at 12 1-tOe.; October, 800 at 11 29-32#.; November. ItO at 11 13-16c. ; December, IUU at 11 2T-12e. Tola., 2.300 balea. To day, tip to two 1*. M.?June. 2<J0 at 12 1 10c.. 30O at 12 !&., 100 at 12Wc.; Jnly. 1.2i?J at 12>*c.; August, - It*' at 12 8-32c., Hi*) at 12 3-IUc.. l.UXi at 12 7 32c., "00 at 12 3-16c., 100 at 12 7 32#.. 3t*J at 12'4?., HOo at 12 7-32c., 9i*J at 13'4c., 2tto at 12 7 32c, 4UU at 12'4c.. 1,0*1 at 12 7-32e., 2f?) at l'J'ic : Keptember. Hr.'at 12 l l?c.. SO ' at 12 5-32c.. Hi to at UU-Ibc.. UJO at 12 7 ?2e.; October. "00 at 12 1 2c. Total. 0,7U> oalca. Urarnl total, 12.70U bal*>. Thatweclpta at the porta were a* follow*Ualraaton. 100; New Orleans. 1.974; Mobil#, 65; (savannah. 332: Cliarlva ton. 23; Wilmington. 5; .Norfolk. 581; New York, 99; Boston. HO; Philadelphia. 42. Total, 9,371 bales fill* day laat weak. 2.303. This day last year. 2.338. Total alucv September 1. 4.041.01S bales. Cotton treighi* closed as follows:?To Havre, by steam, 'fcc.. compressed. To 11am bu(g. by steam, 'sc.. compressed. To Bretnan. by steam, . Jtfc.,compressed. To Llvurpaol, bv steati). 5-ltic.; bv sail, t?32d. I loch aMuGaam.?Racalptt?Plour. 13.75U bbis.: wnaat, 291,674 bushels; oats, 11U.9HH do.; corn uieal 570 bbls. and 3H.J sarka; Corn, 114.401' bushels; rye. 3*2.413 d>< T'ti n llcur market was dull. but without de clued change. 'the sales ware I2,<00 bbls., in cluding State. Western and Southern, at the annexed quotations. Kye rtonr was unlet; annul 3<xl bbl<. sold at 63 50 a 85 -0. l orn meal ? us unlet; l,fkjf) bbis. suld ut $3 30 a $3 33 lor ilrau.iy wine, anu 82 65 a 83 25 for Western, Jersey anil Feunvylv aula yellow, VVo quote ? No. 2 state ; #2 75 a $3 40 superfine State 4 00 n 4 40 Kxtra Male 5 tsj a 5 25 Choice State 5 25 a d l*) Superfine Western 4 no a ? 40 Extra Western 5 OU a 5 25 | Minnesota 5 35 a 7 00 I Itound hoop Ohio, abippint; I rands 1 HI s 5 25 j Round hoop Ohio, trade brands 3 50 a 0 50 Family ... 7 i*> a 6 SO St. Louis, low extra 5 00 a tt 00 St. Louis, str tight extra t) 50 a 7 00 St. Louis, choice double extra 7 00 a 6 25 j St. Louis, choice laiuily..,,. 6 25 a 9 50 I llye Hour, tine to superfine 3 70 a 4 20 ' southern. So. 2 Sod a 3 73 I Southern, tupcrllne 4 00 a 4 50 I Southern, exu a. 4 V*) a 6 75 i southern, family 7 Wis 9 00 ' Corn meal. Western 3 00 a 8 25 | Corumoal, Jersey 3 o 'a 3 25 | Cunt meal, llruudy wine . 3 10 a 3 50 | Corn meal, uuneueous .201*) a 20 50 I ?Wheat was in fair demand, but at lower prices, and the sales showed a decline ol email le. per bushel, and in some cases eveti more. Tne market was irregular and prices, to a arual extent, nominal, the sales were about 25,1,000 bushels, at 07'tc. for uuauuud No. 5 Chicago. $1 a 81 06 lor ungraded spring. 81 15 a 81 16 fur No. 2 Chicago, 81 17 lor soli No. 2 MllwuuXoe, 81 19 a 81 20 lor prime do., 81 20 tor ungraded Minnesota. 81 12 lor unsound Chicago, 81 28 a 8131 tor No. 1. Included In the above It 5o,UUO outhelt prune N-? 1 Minnesota at 81 111. Corn was qu el but Urra lor prime mixed. The sales were annul 105.UJU bushels at 46c a 53c. for damaged and heated 57!,'o. a 5-h;. for ateauier mixed, 6o>tc. tur mixed. 50c. for low mixed. 53c, a 54Si-'- fur an gran- and n3c. for white South' ru Oats were dull, irregular and lower. The sales amount d to about ;tu,is>i bushels HI 3t)?c. a 3-'>c lor 37o. lor No. 2 white, 43c. lor No. I wl ite. 33c. a 43e. lor Ilia range ol rnixod. 30c. a OU.SjC. for the range ol while, tDc a 43c lor rnixod Male, 4Uc. a 40V,.-. for wl Ite State mid 40c. for No. 2 Chicago, ltye was quiet. Hurley and barley malt were dull HKMt* i.xn .lift*.?The market was quiet. Wo quote:? Aiuertcuii dre ted, $190 a 82 O lor single, 82<k) a 8225 for ?loiible and 8120 a -t 125 lor rough: Manila hemp, *40.. gold; Russia, clean. $2011 a $21 .gold, Italian. $u7.j a$2*0, gold; Jute. 4'uc. ao'sC., eurreucv; Jute bulls, 2 ,c., cash; hemp. 4Vc-. guld;lstle, laC. a .-^c., gold. MoLsasks was : enerally quiet. We quote:?Cuba, centrif ugal anu mixed. 22c. a 2ne.; ciayed. 23c. a 33c.; do. mus covado reniting. 30c. a .>4;.: do. grocery, 3-c. a 40c.. I'orto Rico, ..he. a fete.; English Islauus. 3-c. a 5oc. ; New Orle.ns, fair to good. 4Fe. a 52e : artme to choice. 55c. a 5Sc. Nsvsl Storks.? TI10 market was generally quiet and un changed. We quote:?Splrlls'iurpenliue, 3"l#e. a 31c. Rosin? common to good straiued, 81 65 a 81 75. Tar? Wuthingtuu. 15 a $2 25. Advices from Wilmington were at lollows: ? Ifusln firm; strained, $1 20; good strained. 61 25. Tar steady at'Sl 00. Turpentine steady *. soft, 81 60; virgin, 82; spirits, 27e. hid. Turd. AjL> it. Rosin 32.910 797 Tar 555 2 Turpeuliuo 1.104 3 bpirtls U.87.1 25 Oila.?The market was qoieV We quoio Linseed, casks, 5tic.; cottonseed, eruor, 40e. a 42c. ; Southern yellow. 4Hc. a 5oc ; yellow winter. 5Hc. a 3Sc.: white winter, 65c.; lard, preseut make, 9 u\ a 95c.; sporm, crude, 61 37; do., bleached winter, fl 70; do., uatuial do . $1 05; whale, crude. North ern. Hoc. ; do.. Southern. 5.5c : bleached winter, 'lie. a 72c.; olive, casks. 81 17k, a 81 22)#; do., cases, 84 35 a 84 40; winter, bleached full 4Hc. : crude itsh. 35c. a 37c. Fktholuvm.?The market wae active and firm. We note sales of 15,000 bbls. rellned at 14Sc aud 10,000 oases at ISO. There was a rumored sale at Baltimore of 5,0.*) bbls. retlued at 14Hc. The closing prices were as follows;?Crude, iu hulk, S*,c.; do . In bbls.. lie.; reliuod. In bbls., 14)*c.; do., cases, 16c. Refined at Fhiladelpliis, IT'-gc. ; no. at lial tlmore lltgc. Advices from the Creek acre nt follows:? 1'arlter's. qulot sud dull: butted, fl L'ntun. $1 H7){; shipment. $2 2ii; Oil Citv quiet and hrnt, $1 961# bid, 83 asked; I'tilted, no transactions; shipment. 82 20. 1'auvisio.Na.?Receipts?fork, 120 bbls.; lard, 1,547 tierces; cut meats, 152 packages; bacon, 1.161 boxes; beef, 13M tierces, H7 bbls. and 3-hI cases. The pork mark t was firmer but very qntet, closing at the second "call" a* fol lows:?June 819 uo bid. 819 60 asked; July, flU 75 bid, 819 DO asked; August. 819 HO bid. 82o asked; September, 819 65 hid, 820 20 asked: October, $U' 20 bid. 819 .M) asked The sales were 500 bbls. at $19 60 for July; 200 bbls. prime tuess sold at $19 25 a $20, and 50 bbis. family mess on private terms; 2?.M bbls. spot uie,s sold at $19 1*1 a $20. cut meats, were qulst, with sales of M? plcaled shoulders at He.. H.uOO lbs. pickied bellies at 10tte., and j.liUI lbs, do., heavy average, ou private terms. hams were quoted at lOJ^e. a I ic.; pleated do. at H Ue. a 11*40.; fresh bellies at J*,c. a 10c.; pickled do. at 9>4c. a 1d}#c.. and boxed do. at Ul#r. a lie Hacou was firm but quiet: 25 boxes city long clear told at 1 Ic.; 25n bnxel long clear sold lit Chicago at 10c. Ileef was quiet and tin changed. Wa quote:?Barrels?Extra mess, 8i2; plalu do., #11; packet. $.4. Tierces?City extra ludia ut ess. 823 a $24; India mess, $22, and prime mess, $20. Hoof liaius were dull at $22 a $21 fur prime Western Smoked meats were quiet at 13J,c. a 14c. fur hauls and 9J4C. a 9)#c. lor shoulders. Lard was firmer, wttli a fair busluess. The clos ing " call" prices were as lollows :?Jline. $11 92y# bid, $11 97J2 askod: July, f 11 90 bid. $11 Ojasked; August. $12 bill, $12 .OasKcd; September, $12 15 bid, $12 20 asKed ; October, $12 25 bid. $12 4-1 askuu. the sales were about 12,1**.) tierces at $11 DO, 811 92J$. $11 95 for July; und $11 57 J,: $11 9.1, $12 OJJjl, $121)5, $12 D7J,. #12 10 and $12 12)8 lor August. Spot salve were 100 tlcrcet city at ll',c. and I.2UD tlcrccs W.-.tcrn at #11 PO a ill 95. Re fined w as quoted at I2',jc. for South America. I2l4c. for the Coutluent and II l,c. for Cuba; 25o tierces sold for the Con tinent at I2'4o. Butter was quiet at 20c. a 26c. for Stale and 15c. a 20c. for Western. Cheese was quiet and steady at 10c. a HJHc. lor fine to fancy Mate and 7c. a 9)ic. for lair to good do. Kica was steady, with a fair lobbing demand. We quoteCarolina, fair to prime. Uc. a U'4c.; lamtslana, lair to good, 5t4c. a 5t#c. . do , prime. 5)#e. a tic,: Rangoon, f.ilr to good, Uc. aUV4e ; I'atiia.good, 7',c a7\e., gold: Kan goon, in bond. 3&,c. a JVe , gold. Si'iiaK.?The market lor raw waa firm. We hole salea of 27 hliUs. I'orto Rico at 6 1-lbe ; 226 hints, aud 2UO boxes niotaasrs at 7VC. a 7x,u. We quote ? Fair to good refining, i}{c. a He : Cuba, grocury, lair to choice. H)#4. a H'jr ; do., centrifugal, hlids. and boxts, Noe. H to 13, 8!4c. a '.'Sic.; do., molasaes, hlids. and boxes, 0J4c. a 7)ic.: I'orto Rico, rebtung. cominna to prime, 7c. a 6(,c.; do., gtocery, lair to choice, e'^e. a H>,c.; refined, standard A. I'J&c. a 10c.; oil A, a 0*4c.; crushed, 10)tc.; powdered. 10)#<-.; granulated. lo'Jc.; cut loaf, 1054o. Stk.vRI.xx?1 be ntarke. wus dull. Txliaiw?Receipts, .'01 hhds., 31.5 bbls. and 5 casks. The maiket was very dull at H^gc. for prinio. salas 75.U.X) lbs. at 6*4c. ami 20l*KJ lbs off grade at H)#c. WtiiSKKT.?Receipts, 273 bbls. wolsacy. The markot was quiet and nominal;."*)bbls. choice sold at $1 12)#, FuxtaiiTa.?There was comparatively no change to th* market gvnerally, with a lair business accomplished. The engagements wareTo Liverpool, par steum, 400 bales cotton at 5-Idd.. >5,000 bushels grain at 7)#d. a 8d.; 3,DUO packages provisions within tho range of 4<)s. a 42s. 6d. for bacon ami 50s. a 55s. for cheese, and by sail 2H,ik*i btishela grain at i'5,d. aUXsd.; 2AC)uhda. tallow at 25x To London, by sail. 1.1**11.bis Hour at 2s. 6d. and per steam 24.01 JO bushels, grain at DlgtL tloiba. To Hrislol. per steam. If*) tierces beef at us aud a small quantity tallow at 45s.. and by sail ?2,i*)U buvbels grslu at 7f(d. R 7 ,'4d.; 300 tons oil cako at 21s. 3d., und 7>i hhd-. tallow at IIOs. Ilto charters comprised ?An Austrian bark, hence to Cork, lor orders, with 3.A0D quarters grain at ?>(. ?d. and ?10 grutuity; an Italian bark (relvll. hence lor same voyage. Willi 3,U*J quarters at Ha.; nu Austrian liark (now at HunJy (look; from HhOudelpliia to L'ork tor orders, with 4.t>*> quarters grain at Os. lid; two Norwegian barks, from Baltimore (to arrive) to Cork fur or ders, with J.Utsi quarters grain each, on private terms: a bark of oUO tons and n brig 2tA) toils. I rum Huston to Cork lor or ders. with cruln at Us. 3d.; two origs, with :!,(**) quarters do., tbvnce to l aip-d Klnedotn direct, at 6s., and an Amer ican bark thane* to I'enartn Roads lor urlers. with groin at 3*. 9d ; an Ainark-an brig reported front I'biladelphie, with 350 ton* general cargo to United Kingdom dLi-n. nt Ut. lor grain, oatutoal 3a. or batum 80s.; an American bur* hence to li e Herman Baltic with 3.2U) bbls. refined petroleum *t 4e. IO)$d.; a vessel rmn>ired hence to .lava w-ltli esses; a Nor wegiau bark from Ba.tlmore to hlsinore lor orders with 2.8i?i bbls. ret,aed petroieiim at 5s. 6d.; another thence lor same voyage with 2,50u bbis. do. at 5s. fid. a brig with laju tons copper ore Iront a Hpatilsli port to New Vurk ut 9s.; an American schoouer hence to a Spanish port with tobacco 011 private terms; a Hriilsh ship 1.26.1 tuns lain on the bortb tor Uristoi 1 using most ut the above o utmiomtiov. Later?A Norwegian bark Iront Ualtitttoie to the Hattie, with 1.91*1 bbls teltucd petroleum, at ? a.'Si.; an Italian bars hence to Trieste, with 3,HO 1 nuls. do., at 5a. ; an Italian bark hence for *ame port, with 3..Vs> ?ols. do., at 5s.; a Ocrmau b irk hence to the Baltic, with 2.'**) bbls. do., at 5s an bark hence to (llhraltar fur orders, with 2,HI*) bbls. no., at 4a. Oft. and -4c ; to the Mediterranean, privtlega of Adriatic, 5a. 6d. lor obit, aud 2i>c. lor cases. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Miwaoxr. Juno lU. liTJL xxceirra rox t?k r*ar wxxk Veil'* tint SK"p <lnj FartU, J3rnet. Cine, Otic". Lamb*. Uiji. Sixtieth atroet.... 3,4>*? *4 4,li?0 ? Kurty eighth,treat ? 31 874 733 ? fortieth ureal.... ? ? ? - 10,584 Jeraey Cu/mkix Tot kit 7.419 45 3.U7 Ift.tMg 1H, Mii Kreali to-day 4,474 4 J9.? 0.8.7 7,'I.'J in ?? k< ? On ? llgiit run of borne i cattle tiring the peat wee* trade on Mia forenoon waa alow nut Arm, ami when the taar*eta cloaed IfctTa ware no cattle untold; prlcat did not advance on tba ciunlBil rait a of luat Irak. Haiti were a [feeted Iroin H'4c. a lit. par lb., arclalila in, ewt. .i d'* nut. j Irom M III*, a 5ei lb?. hat been alio* , u uat. At Sixtieth airuut jrarda T. boatman told for at if 40 can of homed caltla. ???*;?? at folloa* 1'il'tj-oif" filmjU atrer* at Uc. a b>4c par IP., aaiulu i cart., acant. 11> ? III aota Metre at tar lli. arlib a iractiou on par lb., weight cart,; 101 llliuofa ?to ra at U^e. par lb, weight Hi* ?wt. ; *5 Ilduola itaera at 9&C. par lb., weight 7 cwt.. aCant. Ib9 Illlnt.i-altera at O'aC a 10c. per lb., aaeiirht \\ cart., aaaut. Hi l.ilaola aieeia at ??V * Inc. per !h.. weight 7A, cat., ?tiuBtf, 35 IlliBoi* alter* at 10?. per lb.. (H,, W B I J|M B a ? at a?iua||| , '*? ? a ee e eo?.a ~ ? o ? o ?? a a -c*. we a a a#. weight d tart., T. Wbaaiar told for T. 0. Kaiimau 70 llllnol ?trera at I0l*p. a l'i'4c (Mir b . tropin it cart ; >0 x01 4 Meyer told t..r aalrea I3?i Mill-fed llliuui* at a -ra at S?*a?. per lb., weight 7 net.; 1-3 IIUBoii tteere at !,c. per lb., welgnt it-* cart, a 71* cut ; 7i fllinui* rtearu at 0 ,c par io., eight 7'e I wt. ; To llliaola ateara at l<tr on lb., u lib $1 on per need, weight H carl. it. M tea aold fur a it 70 Iniuoi, ateera *1 10c. par lb., weight (Watt. if. K. IIin hero aold lor Itanain A I'bompeon 78 a it -1? n etacr* at ;?>??. at t'V ? per lb., weight 7** cwt., atrvug; 91 llunoia tiecr, ?t n t*c. a I'o,i' per Ib , weight 7,W cwt., itrong. II s t: nciithai aoi I " In at for Morria 4 Waixel* In, utii fad llunoia ateaia at PJgc. par ib . wricbt 7 cart.; lor it. Vogel II llllnoia iKtrt at U'.c, head, weight .''4 per Ib , with ."arc. on par head, weight . '4 cwt. t oou at lliumpeon aold for aalrea Id lliiiida ateara at a 1 . per lb., weight d cart,; 45 llllnoia atear* at Hie. a lut.c. per la., weight bk cart. I'lery A i'ary aold lor J. II. VtllliaoieA Son ?>H Miaeoarl ataera at Ik* a IU'*c. per Ih.. weight "** cwt a ? cart. I. Ulllee aold lor tail 1 Hi llilooia clear, at lOtac. a I Ic. per lb., wrigtil K1* Owl It Joraay i,'ity yaralt 11 W Altai aold tor Murria W aixela Id ilttnuU ateara at s*4C per ib . avelitltt 7 aart,; 148 tllineU ateara at Pc par lb . 9 cart.; 31 Iittaaoi? >tear> at ti.'Jd- par lb., weight 71* cart. ; .'d llllpola ataera at HVtC. par lb . weight 7,'? cart.; 14 liliiiul* Mr era at U^c. per Ib , with #1 on per head, weights cwt ; Id llllnoia ataeia at par lb., weight 7 rart. *7*4 cwt. ( Kaim aold lor Kahn a Kuril 15 nulla, (rota weight I..MP3 Ina. per bead, at 44 Id par cwt.: d nulla at <),t a t-,c purlb ; IIIoacla at is1** par lb. wi Iglit 7 cwt . lei oxab at da per Ib.. weight 7,1* cwt, atrong. M tarbach aold lor Klopfer 4 Oo. 77 Miaiourt atecra ?1 9>lc. par lb., weight ?H awt.- ? ewt.. villi ?1 ou per bend on 17 head: 16 Missouri steers it 9%c. per hi., with 01 on per head, weight 7rwt H. O'Doonell Ssld lord. W. Allrrtou 1*1 Illinois Moors at !?%r u W%c. per lb . ? night 7V. cwt. : 32 illiuuis steers at lUo per lb., weight 7% cwt. 5>udlay A Toffsy Mid tor selves 14 Illinois steers ?I per lb . weight 9% eat. Samuels X Kegrnsteiu ?old for Mires Iftl Illinois steers at 0l4c. a 9*.i\ j#. lb., weight 6% cwt. a 7% rvt. ? >amuel? sold for Morris k Waixles li*i Illinois steers at tie. a 91,e. per lb.; those sold at tie. per lh. wore allowed 01 on per head, weight US cwt. a 9". cwt. ntntae ivo Lxnax?Jttdd X Buckingham sold 397 Ohio sheep, weight. 37,790 I bt0, at 4%c. p. r lb.: 193 Ohio sheep, weight 15. Mo lbs.. at 4',c. per lb. '.33 Ohio sheep, weight 19.740 lbs, at tic. per lh.; 133 Kentucky lnuibs. weight U.rpei lbs, at tike, per lb.: 2K8 Kentucky lambs, weight I5,640 Ibs.. at tic. per lb.. Sold lor week ending Juae 17, 1876, sheep and laiubt. average 04 14 per head. Kase k Pidcock sold -34 Virginia sheep, weight IH.Wk) lbs., at V per lb.: 230 Virginia lambs, weight 12.829 lbs., at 8 per lb.; 430 Virginia lambs, weight 23.380 lbs., at n?r lh . l.'P* lambs, weight H.03O Ihs.. st Hhc. per lb.; IX iatnhs. weight 1.17U lbs , at H\'c. per lb. ; 128 vheep weight 12.2801 be, at Sc. per lb. Hume A Kllloit sold IX Ohio sbeap, wsiehl 5,?9n lbs., at-VsC. pet lb.; 101 Ohio sheep, weight 8,930 lbs.. st 5%o per lb.; 103 Ohio sheep, weight 0 rt'i lb- , at lie. per lb.; 1 >3 Ohio sheep, weight |a.33U Ihs.. at 9%c. per lb . Sold lor week ending June 17. IS7U, 1,110 sheep and iambs, average 01 3d per bead. 753 calves, average t>3 J.i per head. W. Elliott s<d<l 1 '0 Ohio sheep, weight 11,729 lb*., at 5c. per lb.' 10 Ohio sheep, weight 899 lbs., at 5Ug. per lb.. 45 Ken tncky lambs, weight 2.020 lbs., at 7'.,c per lb.: 132 Ken turky lambs, weight 9.120 lbs. at 7%c. per lb. . 9 Kentucky lambs, wcigut ."?UO lbs.. at 8o. por lb.; 225 Kentucky lambs, weight 13.520 lbs , st 8%o per lb. Milch klows.? Tuose to hand held 011 sale. VuaLS ami Caltkx.?No smiioth quality veals to hand Buttermilk fed calves sold at 4%c per lb., ordiuary quality calves at 5c. ? 6%e, per lb. linos.?27 Ohio hogs were sold on live wtlglit; terms not obtained. DOMESTIC MARKETS. G alvkstov, Jane 19. 1876. Totton quiet and steady: middling, ll%e.: low middling. 10%e.; good ordinary, 9,%e. Net receipts. 199 bales. Exports coastwise, 123. Sales, 115. block, U.423. New Orleans, June 19. lBTtl. Cotton firm : fair demand; nnddllng, 11?4o.; low middling. 10%c.; good ordinary, 9%c. Not receipts, 1.074 bales; groes. L'.iilb. Exports to lbs lontinonl. ?oO. Sales, 2,tXi0. Htock, cel. 23. Mosilx, Jims 19. 1678. Cotton firm: middling, ll)4*e.; low middling, inc.; good ordinary. HV4o. a Del Net receipts. B5 bales. Sales. 25, block, 12,546. Savannah, Juus 19. Ie47 Cotton hrtn; middling, lie.: low tuiddliug. ID I I 'c ; good Ordinary, *14e. Net receipts. 332 hales; cross, 379. Ex ports coastwise, QkU. Sales, JO. Stock, 4,232. OnAitt.vutTON, June 19, 1870 Cotton quiet; middling, ll%c : low middling, IO?4e. a IDT,i- ; good ordiuary. lite. Net recrljits, 23 bales. Ex ports coastwise. 553 Sales, KW slock. 3,752. Wilmington, Jane 17. tSTO. Spirits of turpentine steady at 27c. Uostu steady at 01 29 fur siraiuoJ. Tar Uriu at 01 tin. iIswkoo. June 19, 1870. Klnnr steady; No. I spring. 00 75; amber wtuter, 07; while winter. 67 25 a 07 .A), double extra. 07 75, ctmree slous are utado ou large lots; tale*. I.- 09 bbla Wheat un changed. Corn quiet at 58c. Coru meal uurhauged. kllll leud unchuiiged. t'aual freights?Wheat, 5%c: corn aud rye. 5c. to New Vork; lumber, 02 to the Huilson, 02 75 to 1 New York. I. a - 0 receipts?tt hept. 17, 900 bushels; lumber, i 2114,000 leet. 'Caual shipments?Wheat, 3.UU9 bushels; lumber, 532,990 leet. UcrriLo, June 19, 1879. Grit hi lu storo?Wheat, 4.50,705 bushels; coru, 2U9.7S4 do.; osts. 19.505 do.; barley, 13,913 do.; ryo, 2.939 do. ; malt, 49,052 do. Total, SOO.U'JS bushels. Lake roc-iple -Hour, 19.599bbU>; wheel, 44u,0U9 bushels; corn, 143,hhi Jo., oats, 02.000 do.; rye, lH.DOO do. Railroad receipts? Flour, ~..?X) bbls.; wheal, 22.UXJ uusbole; corn, 2S,uutl do.: oats, 19.U00 do.; barley, h.Usldu.; ryo. 1,99 ? do. Canal ship ments tor tidewater?WUeat. 52.9X1 bushels: coru. 58.UUU do.; oats, 40,0iJI) do. Interior points?Corn, 6.fx)-1 bushels, ltullroad shipments?Flour, 7,51X1 bbls.; w heat, 54,990 bush els; coru. KiO.OUOdo.; oats. I8I1X) do.; barley, 3,tX10do.; rye, 1,909 do. Canal freights lower?Wheat, 5'4o.; corn, o'4c.; oats, 354c. to New Vork. tolls iuciuded, this is unpre cedented cheap transportation. Fiuur brut and in good de mand; vulev l.lXXl bull, at unchanged prices. Wheat in light milling demand aud lower, sales at 1.400 bushels w hite winter at 01 .19 a 01 37; 84(1 do. whit* Wisconsin at 01 29; l.tKJi do. No. 2 .Milwaukee at 01 I J; 3.'* I do. red Ultio utSil 29; 1,29.) do No. 1 huril Milwaukee at 01 08. Corn ffrtn; sales 01 I <>.0011 bushels No. 2 mixed Western at 52c.; lot.- held at 52%c. at the close; 3.999 bushels by sam ple, at t*c. a 49c. Oats retailing only; held In store at 39c. Bye neglected. Pork dull at 019 5' 1 for heavy mess. Lard dull at 12c. llighwlues dull at 01 12 lor city made. Tolkoo. June 19. 1870. Flour steady. Wheat inactive; No. 3 white Wabash, 01 20; Nu. 1 white Michigan held at <1 20,%; extra situ, 01 33; amber Michigan, sput and Juue, 01 21; July, 0122; No. 2 do , 0192%; No 2 red winter. 01 21; <lo. Davtou and Michigan, 01 19%; No. 3 red, 01 92; rejected do., Btk'.; do. Deyton aud Michigan, 85c. Corn strong; high mixed, 63%c. ; June, 52c.; Juiy held at 03%o., 53c. offered; August, 34c.; low mixed, 19%e. ; nu grade, 47c.; damaged, 38c. (latsQrm; No 2, 33c ; Michigan, 33<4e. Reo .pis?Flour. 259 bbla; wheat, 19.UJO bushels; corn. 20,991 do.; oats. 6,i CO do. (shipments?Flour, l.UUU bula ; wheal, 39.UU9 bushels; corn, 77,999 do.: oats, 3.909 do. Chicago, Jnne 19, 1876. Floor qnlst but steady. Wheat 111 lair demand, hut l>?c. lower; Nu. 2 Chicago spring, 01 93% a 01 94. spot; 01 91%, July; 01 94%, August; No. 3 Chicago spring, bB'jc.; re jected, 75%c. Coru active. Brut aud higher: No. 2 at 49\c., spot; 46%c., July; 46,T,t\, August; rejected, 41%c. a 420. Hats I'alriy active and a shale higher; No. 2 at 3o%e., spot aud J ulv ; rejected, 24>ac. Kye tinner at 7oe. a 7u'?c. Bar ley quiet at 3?%c. cork unsettled, opened strong and _ 011 70, (September. Hulk meats steady aud uu changed. Whiskey Hrmer. but not quotably hteller at 01 19 asked. Freights?Wheal to Buffalo, 2%c., corn to Buffalo. 2V4c. Railroad Irelglits to New Vork, 20c. Receipts-Flour, 9.0J0 bbla : wheal, 124,090 bushels; coru, 2311.ODD do.; oats, 92.9.0 do.; rye. 11.DU0 do. ; bar.oy. 4,4i?4 do. Hhipinenia ?Flour 13,U(S) bbls.; wheat, l5tl,tX4J bush els; coru. 359.DOD do ; oats, 138,1X10 00.; barley. 8.XI do. At the allernoon cull of the Hoard wheal lower. 01 01, July; 01 04%,-August. Corn easlor, 40.*sc., June; 49%c? J"j>'l 46%c. a 4?%c., Angust. Oats lower, 3 St., cash . 30-4c., July. Cora lower, 019 05, July ; 019 2-5. August. Lard, 011 37%, J uly. DAIRY l'RODUCE MARKETS. Little Fall*, N. V., Jttoe 19,1870. The market for cheese to-day was the largsst ?f the ssa sou, prices nearly the saute as those of last week. 5,7i*) boxes were sold at a range of 9%c. a 19%c., but lasr sales at the outside figures; most of the sales wero at 10%e. ; 209 farm checs* wore sold at 8c. a 11c. Less than 190 flrkius of hatter w?re offered, and they were to to at 22e a 24c. The top price being lor ereaia?ry make only, while 23c. was the ruling Agure. PRINT CLOTH MARKET. Hxoriuiuicit, R. L.June 19. 187>'>. Printing cloths are Arm at provlous pr.ces, with bcttsr demand aud some sales. HAVANA MARKETS. 11 at an A. June 19, 1876. Spanish gold, 217% a 217%. EUROPEAN MARKET. LivKxrooL Pboduck MAtikXT?Litxiipool, June 19 ? Bvening.?Lluseed oil, 23a 90. a 24s. per cwt. FINANCIAL.. ^ TTtSXsON ABL^itAfl-.S.-MO.VKY ON LI KB AN D Endowment Insnrnitce Policies. Mortgages aud other seeurltiee; tusurance ol all kinds affected with bast 00m pVnlas J. J. llABItlCIl k CO.. 117 Broadway A?8TOCK SPECULA VoKS CAN IlkcKIVH A SAMPLE . copy 01 this week's doiugs In Wall st. free; contains predictions as to (nture prloes ol slocks, with quotations of stock privileges for seven to 99 davs aud information as to best tuode of operating. Address Tl/M BRIDGE * CO., Stock Brokers, 92 Broadway, corner W all st.. New York. AUCltcuUHtmAorN'the EVENING TELEGRAM for the week ending Jjne 17, 1879. AOVER1I8INO 20C. A LINR. Monday. June 12 34,250 ADVERTISING 290. A UNB. Tuesday, June 13 35,300 ADVERTISING 290. A LiNh. Wednesday. June 14 37,850 J ADVi RTISINU 200. A LINK. Thursday, June 15 ? .......... 39,450 ADVERTISING 200. A LINK. Friday Jans 19 49.190 y, ADVERTISING 29C. A LINK. Saturday, J une 17 34,350 y. ADVKR flSIN'G 2iC. A LINE. ? ADVERTISING 20C. A LINB. Total 230,300 ADVERTISING 20c. A LINK. Dally average 38,384 Parties out of the city should subscribe for rentes g g ^ KVBN1NG TELEGRAM. 30e. pei mouth. ?9 e year; postage jprepitld. WIDDW sTTlC IT NO A HOARDING |HGl'SK IN A first clsrs location wishes to meet sitli e gentleman to Inau ner $1 Got; chattel mortgage and a choice ot rooms, with good Interest, would be given Address Mn. LoVKTT, Herald Uptown Branch nihce. ? /A HOICK INVESTMENTS. yj 7, 0 and 10 per cent. City and County Munteipal Bonds, Railroad Bonds, Cltr Rtiiroad Stocks, Insntance sad Bank Stocks, Ac., strictly flrst class secnrlties, for salo at desirable prices by ALBERT 11. NIOOLAY A CO.. Nil 43 Pine st, New Vork. N, H.?Reliable Investments our specialty .5 years. 1/UU SALE?$100,U*J SILVER MINIMI STOCK; OR r wlllexcbange lii llou of capital. Tor an intar..?i in any rcspaclable Husmeea . Muck coinprlsat our-Ulth Interest in a lodiiiji properly In Utah, Incorporated hs re and controlled by real.lain capitalists; a prospective fort an*; am in ?x gerieitce.i boohkre.ior; eor.espoitd In different langtiaera, aril understand tne routine ul commerce Address TUN MSL. box IM Herald oflko. IALWaY* have money to loan on mokt jfeiro Ne.v York city property; eltv railroad Slocks and Bonds liana''! anil sold li. L. wit A NT, 14i Broadway. 1 MMEDIA I E ANSWER* FURNISHED TO APPL1UA A lions for loam on city Property at lowest rates. IIYaTT, 145 Broadway. JOU.N N. PIRkCK, NO. 5 PINK ST.. LOAN* MuNKY on New Vork and Brooklyn Heal Estate. Six per cent money for li rat claai loam TO UET-THE OLD ESTABLISHED KXCHANOR nn.l Ranklug Office. Bull's Head Hank building. mod erate reut t' au energetic party. App.y now. bAML'EL jylhl'A I ltlOB. Wanted? on $11.1**1 for kite year* to hull.t: the money will he well secure J en Hie ground; no bonus. Address H.. boa IS.) Herald oihee. 4?i r.nn Wanted-foe theatrical comm. ipl.'JUU nation : excellent artiata; commence staple m lineral terms to capltatleu. Addrese alsH.s, boa 4.'J7S Post office. New Yore. d?o nnn T<> W)AN ?* cedoubted bkou Ipsa.UUU rtiy, Willi Tair salary lor eoraleet; lumber preivrre I. Address sM.'L'KI TY. Herald office Ar n/Wk TO LOAN AT .I PER CENT ON Pi ret V'/t"UU eiaaa City Prepert. any amount it 7 per cent. AI.HKltr BELLAMY. Nu. :t Pine at (OPAIITYKIitlllPa. '\To. hn wall .a i . NSVf yoke. 3I'NT'??>,'ic7&? IN Noiiee.?I he Arm ul Marvin A Loniiison it this day d.? meed by mutim eons ut. hither partner will .1 llnuidatiun MAKVlN A ROHiNmiN o.oor :e It. ear.I Marvin. Wm. H. Kobinaonl. The uadareigned have 1I.I1 day lorined a copartnarsblp lor Ilia transact i..n ... a banking and 1 r..aeraga bualncet iu railroad end miscellaneous n-cks. and *nld?making a spar tally or railroad bonds and investment eerurlilti. Incluelse of those not ilealt in at the New \ork Str-ek Kr. hanj? under the tlrai nam* end style efliEO 'IK 11. d Alt .IN A CO. Oeorge Howard Marvin, ot the I tie ftrme at Marvlu Hr?s A Co. aad ?' K. Marvia A Co. , Edwin K Perkins, inatnoer ol the New York Stock ha change. W m II. Iluhtaaon * III continue on hit ewn sccoaul . a cutnmiteioa baameae in etocka, boooa, An, at abaee I BUSINESS OPFORTTKITIK*. j 4 tiAMfi.!. a\]? Li'Nt'H k"uu'ifXs p i. i-.x'i/1 u lorC 1 -.I- .'T1!' p">'"? buslu..??, down town, a b.ifc. I 5*11:. ?ILLUM W Nil AW, 4r\ Rxcbai.x* A *AIP' CU4Pl,krh. olioiiF, NO? ? ru"n;ntf. tor *ui<'.; purt exchange: a very rar? rlmncc business. Address MATCH, boa TJksi I'HI.v, IN THMi '""^TTHT SBlmft fljHB I "?cT,', l/IiT.'t Consult CAMPBELL, Partner wanted.?th~5 m and patp rer~of~ 1 popular shirt, r.nitrullu.g a large At trade desirin* i? reurgaiiiie I tils full, but whose capital It maufflciaut to Jo tiia trade alone, deairas a partner, either special or aotlv*; tt?a latter p. .'erred. Address tj. I , box Hi 1 11 -raid utiico. TO FlKUli ASL INTEREST iN VALUABLE iinu.r:rL.Jy,v. r'.'V iaou *tupiB- Ro?,u ? A?t..r rlotiiu uflicn, l'1 to 4 o clock * piRTNER WANTED?Wl f*H 0 Y.SH I.V AJf ,Tr ?"h manufact uris hu.inert : sjr* Income P*' ?n"um: tnve?tigation solicited. AdJreaa BUT. a.>u, Herald office. pAlt l VKl; WANTED?WITH gi.vsrj TOffJS.UOD COM Jr. w ..UTLiiS?* ,:,e b,rt ?aanfaeturin* hiiainctsee la thli city, with BlOrt.UUO trade. Only tlioae inaaiiinir hutixe**, having ready caah, noed address UALVIX, Herald office. PARTNER WAXThlD?WHO IS "kRRRUKTIO ARB haa (1(1,000 or $13,000 to Invest: no agent* or brokers office *"'wer- Ahdren A. M. Z.. Herald Uptown Branch UTitilippo^lMiTTV.-roR sale, a good, haHE Lrodtable Business, well established: t'ooda sold to merchants and Jobbers otil v ; the proprietor haa oilier busi ness in same city, and will render tlio purchaser bit aid: caali required XI,.dai; norm lull a person requiring a good. "!ci v1"iI1?"n Y' 10 ",U' Audr " lock bp* liU Boai ' 'IKVI'-IIAI.K ivrfcitksr ix i.HiIit ok hum ,, l'u?inv)*?, paying $150 vcuckly profit, curt p?jr perl ia idlk' * UUt 11,0 b-a'iest. Address CONTROL, 11 a raid vy A PWtlNKK P. A W K I, I, EST \ ULIS1IKO i. I'mJ",rt'ttlo" und comiuiailou biisinoas. with a caah capital of from S.i.iMI to <0.(**l; for a young and aoiart man a splendid opportunity to icet into a remunerating business. Dptjw'n"BrnnclMiffl** i,UrrTiuw. A. B.. box 134 Herald ry ANTED-A YODNO PKINTK7t" JoHHKR, AN 6 n ii 'Wf,lv- w,lh ?*"'?ll eapltai. aa partner. Addrea .be lit nV " *tuu,lh 'or partlcuinrs, TlluS. K. KLYNN, UM WANTRD-A PARTNER WITir$IJ.OW? To (13.000 IK a manufacturing business ol 11 yours' slandiug, bar. lug a doalrable established trado ; any bnsioesa man wiahlnu W.'.Hc r a I d olllc. s. uPp""u'"V AMnmTV S>1 1)00 -1* V; l ,Kli " ANTlil) To KXrKNin yiiVVUa pnhllshing bnnlnnaa II Parh iww. mneda jiJ/| onn -MANI h'AOTUitiNll 111'sIXKSS, IN BDa i? .:V ceaa.ul operation. H years, netlinp M,(fJU to say per aiiunin; euuipped with all n. ce sary utaehiourr ""''dd' r'?k ur liability; price $8,?IUU wortb $ld O *>; Is oiforad for sale on favorable terms ihu owner Pelnc called to Kurope; only M cash required balance eitsy terms from prollta: every ltd Illy lor atrietost Investigation. Address nTRADY BUoINKriS, ller.tld office. S~) 000 "ilsVi" AN" ^-"VICKd KOK RALAKVOf i|/Oiv/VH I p-JO ) per annum as casmer or auperiiiteiid ent in some manulactiirlnK "r mercantile eaiauiialnnenti real estate or good bonds required as security for tbo wouey. Addross D. T. U., Herald iilBee. jfelTl OOO ,'N , TI,K VVHoi.KSAI.IC M1LHINERY Jb'A'A.V/t/(./ business; Partner wanted iu a good bouse r.i'rsSfnrTJ a*?.! ,t,r,uJ%,Knd tliu b<,Kt ol couuoctious. Apple to l.lllGfiS Jt UAKL.fc.TuN, HH II mad way. 4s9f) (W)(l -VV'ANihlU," x I'AfVTNKH, WITH TUB VWy.VUU, above naiuod cash capital, to lako an ae tire inieroet 111 an esiablisliod and paying business In Baa rraiiclsco: llrst class rereiences vlven and roiiulred: for thn right man tblals a rare opportunity. Addross Y.. bo* lud lioralu offieo. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Waller Li. Whiting, Importer und Johbnr or lancif goods, ol No. Boa Broadway, aud Wunor U. Townaond, oilcloth comiiiismou merchant, ol No. lSB Dunne atreat have madu asaigmucnts for tho benoUt of their credi lora. The examination of Mr. Alvln Bunt, Daniel Drew*a attorney m bankruptcy, which was act down for Bttiur duy last, before Regiater Williams, of Nu 4 Warren atreet, baa been adjourned until Thuradity next nt two r. M. Mr. Drew's examination will probably be held this week, at bin country resort, iu Butnaui county. _ ll Is uow said thill tho liabilities ol Messrs. William Cbccka ii Co., a (joins and jobbers in silk und dresa goods, of No. 'Jul Broadway, will reuoh $J60 00U This was contradicted, however, at Ihe store ol' iba llrni yesterday aiternoon. The llrin hope to make such nu arrangement with their creditors aa will enable them to resume their business. Tbey are preparing a statement which will ahow their oxact Huh lilies and assets. The euuso of their failure is shrinkage in tha values ol their stock on bund. LEGAL COMPLICATIONS. A complicated case ol alleged conspiracy to defraud caruo up m the alternoou session of the Fifty, seventh Street Court yesierduy, in wnich James J. A. Bruce, of No. 120 Broadway, was tho complainant, and Thomus W. Wyutt. a lawyer of No. 21 Fark row, and Wellington A. Carter, a merchant of Nu 42 Cort landt street, wore the defendants. It appeared thai Bruce Is the executor for three persons nuiued Kitnua B. Uruco, Klluso B. Melvin and William C. Stout. I'a riles Tor whom Wyatt noted as counsel obtalnod ? Judgment against the estate of those tor whom Ilruce was executor In the courts of Wcatcbeslcr county fbr the aura of $80. Mr. Brace knew nothing ol the proceedings by which this judgment was obtained. Wyatt, it is alleged, thon procured a transcript of tbo Judgmout, which be entered In the County Clerk's office In this city. He next got Sheriff O'Brien to levy on the premises No. 10& Host Highly. Urst streoi, which belonged to tbu estate, all Dough there was sufficient property to satltiy tbo Judgraoul in Westchester county il tbey had seen III lo seixa upon iu The house, which was worth $13,000 wul sold lor $180, and after Mr. Wyatt and his client, Mr. Carter, were satlslied the remaiudcr was claimed by the Sbonir. Possession was still to be obtained however, of tbu house, and this wag no small difficulty to fel over. But Wyatt II Is alleged, was equal to the emergency. A man n .raed Dunn was brought into tho plot, and he leased the house from Bruce lor a year. Having obinlucd possession ol it be transferred it over to Wyatt and Car ter. Then It was mortgaged and sold and resold until it changed bands several times wlibin a short space and then Mr. Bruce became ut last acquainted witn the plot by which bis wards had been swindled. He oumiueiicod proceedings lortliwith to recover the house on tho grouud ol couspirncy to defraud and succeeded, alter a lengthy litigation in the Hu'perior and Supruinu courts. In obiasutng a judgmeut iu his favor. Judge Sedgwick, lt is said, lu rendering the decision characterized tho proceedings by Wvatt and Carter as a gross outrage. \Vhile the litigation by Mr. Bruce wa# being carried ou a man named Cotton W. lluau began an uctiou to fhrclosu a mortgage ou ths house, so as to coinpiicato matters and prevent iiv that means the recovery by* Bruce ol the house. Bui thai edort, like all the others made lo prevent the decision In Brtico's favor, tailed, and Hie bouse Is uow iu the hands of lis rightful owner. Mr. Bruco has commenced criminal proceedings sga.ust Wyatt and Carter with the view ol punishing them, for be holds them'to he the principals iu the ullcged conspiracy. It Is due to tlio defendants to ^tato that they deny the charge lo toto, und that tbey will, ibey claim lie ahlo In an examination to disprove the allegations here made. Wyatt has not yet been arrested, and Carter was allowed lo go until to day ou tho responsibility of his counsel. SUNDAY LIQUOR. Tho following papor, which has boon circulating for about s week, has received tbo signatures ol numerous cilizunt, tho names of the most prominent of whom ars appended:? X*W VoRk. June 8. 1*70. From the ekrlls.l colonial dsv. ths qtiist and order at Monday in this city and Sialo have i.csn protected by legls. lation and the salvor Inluxieating drink on that dar baa beeu restricted vr I'orhidden Ststl.tlcv shew that puidic liquor aellin/ on Monday has b.'vn the moat fruitful toiiree of pauperism and disorder mi*ary and crime. Tie sentiment of the State baa wlth.tnod all effort* in Chsna:? the lew In this respect, and It lv the clear duty of all citrseus, Iroin the Judge upuii the heueli lu the buiubleet servant vf the law, in give it turdlal support ? ThU means not only that suitable measure* shall b? adopted to punish nnrndcrs, hut that persistent and flagrant violation of In* .hall lie nruvrmod. To thi. end the offieeri ot the law are clothed with aiithnritv tu arretl summarily those Who sre seen In the cuinmls.loo of crime, and thusa whose conduct Indicates a clear i nrposeaad Intent to com* nut crlinfi The uii lortlgned feel that llieir aypaathlev and e>-ipera Hon aliotild M with nil who In the?j dey? -xlilblt ie<tl In lit* effort M tnfortt din* obedience to the uw. Prompted ny thai. Infrcxl In whatever r* n.-ernx tii* well being ?f III* city in wliich liter live. < It ?>? rtr|Mlf>ll; pre** upon the at toutioii of the proper ttutliurltio* ilia rrurxun iiupii<ail by ?t.ituto upon liquor tolling. and requeat thai aueb inetaurea ?hill be adapted and maintained no will moet ?uoeoufally t'unipi l reaped and obedience. >or man White. Chairman; Jamey VV. Beekman, Xelhea Blalmp. William A. Booth. Robert Carter. Thome# Dure* tiitiK. Join Klliott. Fredrrick i>. Fetter. Theodore *K.??u, John 0. Mereninyer. J 1'iarponl Morgan, J. M. Mnrrteoa, llenrjr A. Uekh >, John E. rirauii*.UuaiavSchwab, William A > until, Otia D Swan, William Walker. P. H. Wla* ?ton. Ulirar K. Wood, Philip Behalf, W. VV. Altar, bury. Secretary Now York Kaobatit Committee) i.eorpe W Lai e. Sai.<uel Sloan. John Taylor Johnetoa Harvey I'M Benjamin B. Itherman, R. L. Stuart, Crrut W Field. VV ilium Jeffrey, Alexander Stuart. Roll Ida Krothera k Co , Tllurlow Weed. Jamea Eennoa, Brown Bruiheri k Co.. 11. F Butler. Wllllaut Doted. I* P. Morton. William Elk .i'v, William K. Dodge. Jr. , H. T. Morgan A Co.. Sawyer. Wallaeo k Co.; Thomaa C. Aetna. M. k. Jeonp, Painn k i'u., John A. Stewart, D B. Hatch; C. K. Robert, Amm It. Rno. R chard Irvln, Valentine U. Hall. I. If. I'bvlpa and llaraea Uray. A paper, a*pre?aing the same object, ha* bean tigb*u iiy ineinbara ut Uie iter, among whom an tba following:? D. H. Eaton, K. 1. F metier, E. S. Vanwlnkla, Rllleti P. sheperd. C. A. tlavtaoa, S U. Storra, Chauncey Snadbr, Wllllaut U. Wililita. J 0. Jaekana, William lallartuu, Kulaa F. Andrewa, Ueerge E. Chaao. William II. Scott, Franeie II Weak*. William A. Jcnuer, Edgar Ketehara, Wiiiiain Mitchell, E. C. Benedict, Denial II. Lord, Hiram Harney. iie<>rga llotfnian. A P. Man, Oeorge M Fuller. ().. rgo W Homey. William Stanley .Jobn I. batting, A. P. vv hi teli a ad, K. II. (Jwrn. K. M. Crewall. Kdmund Weimore, A. S llainvialay. Ir., i harlea Tracy, Wililaag AI lea Bailor, Jobn I'. Cr .aliy, John A. VV rtkt. David llmrntoa, William M Puree!!, (harlot J. Butler, I.. K. Chittenden. A. H. Welllt, Jamea P. Hleckhnrt.. Herbert Ik Tnratr, Oapbaa Bralnard. Addiaon Blown. William B. Croeby aad i V? l??~~BEATINoT At til* Fifty MYontfe Street Court yeaterday Tbomu Donahue, of Mo. *67 Kirat arenuc, was heM Ml await 111* reault of Mljiiriaa inflicted by blBi oa bu Wife, ABB, on Sunday afternoon. Me kicked and MM Mat, aa IM offloer wbo nrreeled bim teau&ed, ta a BMBt aBaaiiBf Bad brutal staaaer.