Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,548. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21. 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOU ADVERTISERS. AM USE.M E NTS?2d ri?l-4t!l coL ASTROLOGY?2d Panic?<4 li col. BILLIARDS?IItb Pagb?OtU col. HOARDERS WANTED?2ti Ptua?3d col. boaku and lodging wanted?2d Pa BuOTS AND SHOE*?11m PaUK-flth ool. BROOKLYN SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE?2b Paob?lat ?"L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?6th PAOB. BUSINESS NOnOKH?Trn Fags?flth col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS-Iot PauK-mheeL CITY REAL ESTATE POR BALE?3d Pao?-U?-?bC CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Pack?6th Ml? th col*. CLoTll IN'U - 11th Pack?t>|l> col. COACHMEN AND GARDEN EES???? PAGB-flth eol. COASTWISE STEAMsllIPH-lBt Pagb??th u< 5th eol*. COPAKTNKRSUlPS-Wn Pack COUNTRY BOARD?2d Paok-34 Bad 4th aata. DKNTISI KY?12TH PAGB-SthcoI. DRY GOODS?Iot Pack?4th eol. A_ _ DWEI.LI.Mi HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AMB UK PUKNISIIBD?2b Pagb?l*t and 3d eon. FUROI'KAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Paub?4th coL EUROPE? 11th Paub?Sth eol. EXCHANGE?1st Paub?3d eol. EXCURSIONS?1st Paob?Sib Bad Mb eolA FINANCIAL?Dtit Paub. FOR SALE?1ST Pauk?6th eeL _. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?3b Paob?2d eol. FUENITUEE-IItk Paub?6th ool. FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS? Dim PAOB-fllh ooL HELP WANTED-PEMaLES? I2th Paob?5th eoL HELP WANTED?.MALES?1?r? PAGB-?th col. HORSES. CAKKlAQKS, AC?lar Paub?2d and 3d cote. HOTKLS-2u Pack?2d col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AC.. WANTKD?2d PaSB?2d eeL INSTRUCTION?l?T pAUK-Sth col. LOST AND POUND-Iat Pack-IuooI. MACHINERY?lint Paok?flth eol. MARBLE MANTBLS-IItr PAOK-ttth eol. MEDICAL ?12th Paub??th coL MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?Xbt Paob?4th eoL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS?IOtb Pagb? Glli eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS?7th Paub?6th eol. ?ER80NAL?Ibt Paob? In coL IANOPOKTES, ORGANS. AC.-2D Paob?flth eeL POLITICAL?ID PAGB-flth col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?Uth Paob-?'heel. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?PBXAIiBH? 12tu Paob?5tli col. PBOPEUTY OUT OF THE CITY FOB SALE OR TO RENT?2d Paub?l.t col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?3b l'AOB-Ial aaL REAL ESTATE WANTED?2d PaGX-lnt cel. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?In Paob-Ut eol. REWARDS?1st Pagb?lit ool. BALES AT AUCTION?2d Paob?4th aud 5th eela. Situations wanted-females?i2tb paob?tat, 2d. 3d. 4th adiI 5th coin. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12m Paon-Nth aal SPECIAL NOTICES?tar Paob?let and 2d cole. SPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, AC.?1st Paub?2d eel, STORAGE?11th Paob?6th eoL BUMMERIRKSORTS?2d Pagb?4th ceL THE TRADES?12tu PAGB-flth col. THE TURF?2d PAGB-2d col. ro LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?3n PAGD-lat aaL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st Paob?5th eol. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2n Paok?2<l col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?IPtk Page?flth ooL WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-Sd Pauk?flth coL WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SAXaB OR TO LET?2d Paob?lit col. YACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AO.?IOtb Paob -flth eol. B PERSON Al*. ILLIE H'^F3~tR L)-;TTKR"P.&fn&9Kffr"WSI9i"?b tue ut Saratoga ; will be beak noon. MARY MOORE. gRNHST OERMANN-THERE IS A LETTER AT THE 14th et. office for von; cull on Wednesday or Thursday it, et box 44. 206 Kant 14th it.; mention your name an fou lined to nipu your lcttern, R. B. tr THOMAS JARDINE SHOULD 8EF. THIS. W. SCOTT, 24 Pine nt., would like to hear from him. Mary fkst. from ran antonio. texas?you will relieve your anxioun purentn by (ending your tddren or calling at 38 Beach at.. New York. Your Father, SIMON PERT. N KD-MF.KT ME TO-MORROW AT 11 O'CLOCK AT Stowart'a, an lent. LOUIS. TJHYRNE ?IMPOSSIBLE TO-DAY, AS AM ENGAGED L in court. Thursday will go with carriage at ten ; if in tonrenlrnt, don't be discouraged. bat tend an sddrcn* or name another day. Cannot trust my addrem to a Pergonal. TIVERTON. <*QEK HERALD, YES." FROM 44TH TO 26TIi ST., O Monday evening. If agreeable, addraea BRUTUS, Herald office. WILL H. D. MARIE PETERSEN. WHO WAS IN Co penhagen winter ol 1874-5, pleaaa nead her preaent add man to the friend who emitted her t RKliGlOtS SOTICEb. fp H ffoOSPKLTK X ?~ 1 :Mtb *t , Went, and near R|h it. (Green cere of Thirty-fourth street line paee the teat.) SECOND WEEK OK SERVICER. Lectnra on "Young Men of the Ulble," by Kev. 8TRPHKS H. TYNG, Jr., every evening (except Saturday) at 8 o'cIock. Topic for Wednesday?"Mosos," Topic for Thursday?"Jotn the Baptist.** Topic for Friday?"The Young Ruler." After meetings, at 0 o'clock every evening, will bp con ducted by Iter. W. HIJMPSTONE. KATUKDAY. 8I\ M.?Meeilnr of Christian Workers, to he led by Uncla JOHN VASHAB. Hinging every evening by THEODORE E. PBRKIN3 and a chorus. NOONDAY PRAYER MEETING (vary day for ooe hour under the direction of Mr. ALEXANDER LYLE. Peat* free to all. Helpers wanted, as ushers, workers and singer*. Address I. P. W11,MAMS, No. 40 East 43d St. Oontribntivns to the support of these service* may be sent |e EDWARD L OWEN. Treasurer. No. 46 East 43d ?k. or No. 71_Wall it. laUis'i'" A ii i7 rtii it Ebt^oST noo r bte p op housr idiTRISFiSTii st., between Irving place and 3d av., on the night of IP, an oval gold locket, with diamonds, rubles and searls set In. Whoever will retnrn the same to Mrs. BRAD FORD. at tne above address, will be hsndsoinely rewarded. f~OST-AN IVORY HANDLE BILK UNBRBLLA. WITH Lj my name on. Finder will receive $3 reward ir returned )o48 Broadway. H. F. LIBBER. I" bsf?JUNE 1 2. A SMALL ENAMELLED WATCH JLl witb chain and keys attached: whoever will give In formation leading to the recovery of the same will be liber ally rewarded. Notify MORTIMER, box 17? Herald olllce. f OPT?LOCiCKT AND PENCIL CASE IN 59TH ST.; AJ restore them to 738 Islington av.; reward. D3T?B RI GMT ST RIP ED 8I1AWL, ON TWO O'CLOCK L train from Portehesterte New Roehelle; reward given. 168 Adelphi St., Brooklyn. fc" OBT-A PI'RSK, CONTAINING GOLD PIECES, Li valued as the gift of a deceased mother. A liberal re gard will be paid the Under. Address HENRY B. MEAD, 137 Broadway. T)8T~-"loCKKT and CHiixrnrKCriCTZB* PABK; liberal reward paid en retnrn to UOSth av. STOLE N?ONTML' RAD AY LASTTfROM 8a WEST 27th st., solitaire Diamond King; a liberal reward will paid, and no question* asked, if returned to above tnmber. L I REWAttfib. . ^Q~Ttfe w A?fb.?Cost "yTster'dayV opiNu'Titoii I 24th st. and (Rh av. to Khrich's store. Lower Part of iiamond 'earring, one stone. Return to 184 West llth st. REWARD"WILL RE PAID FOR THE RETURN ipw' of a small black aad tan female Dog; loot from 41 West 17th St., us Thursday last. sp,..(IVLi VOTTCEh. ~ "jf _r6 yiXT ii a van aTotte rtr (1, Next drawing July 1. I I'rir.e of Spanifh dollars ....... (100,000 I Prite of .Spanish dollars .V.nno I Prises of each, Spanish dollar* 30,000 ami !NV> other prima Germun Government Lolterioa. Full explunatery circular* fret. THEODORE Z8C1IOCH. Fost office box 5.534. lib Nassau st. Now York. A?ISA aToT BOYCK, 287 H ROADWAY. LAWYER.? ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deter lion, incompatibility, habltaal drunkenness, infidelity, in human treatment, convietlon of felony. Paeaporta obtained. A?A.-ALL PRIZES" CASHED *IN GOLD AT THIS s office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, .lulr 2W, 1878. Capital prise SIOO.O"" goldl! S/osi prises amounting to $302,500. 0 tickets $60 currency. Coupooa In proportion. Apply for information Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadway, Poat office box 83)26. "T~ -$30o7*A) IN PKIZE8?WflULK TICKETS, $10. A, Kvtry other TICEEr DRAWS a prise. 2X.42H PRIZES. PROM $5(1,000 to $100. KENTUCKY STATE DISTK1BUTION, DRAWS HATl KDaV, JI NK 24, 1878. Prises PAID IN FULL APTKR TflK DRAWING, PARKS. EMERSON A CO.. BANKERS. ISO HROADWaY. POST OFFICR BOX 5.272. B?KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OF J. S. SMITH . A Co, kkxtccxt, extra ctaaa 4?? ron J87B. 58. 7S, 23. 8. 12, 74. 38, til, 51. 18, 5$, 17. 48. ki.>TrCkT, cun 580 ron 1878. 73. 1. 21, 44. .VJ, 38, 3. 40. 48, 23. 11, 38, 48. All orders addre-s H. NATHAN, ldl Broadway, or box 4,871) Post office. New York city, Diseases of men a spkcTaI.ty. HENRY A. DANIELS. M. !?.. 144 lAXiagtoa av.. tear 20;b si. Office hours from 8 to 3. D* " IVORCK7 LKiTaLLY AND QUIETLY OBTAINED for incompatibility. Ac.: residence unnecessary ; Ire niter decree. A. (iOODKiCH, Peal office box 1.037, Chicago. H" A VAN A" LUTTERY.-liKXT DRAWING JULY I, 187b; 4o.'? "i tlckois; $801,000 in prise*. Address B. M a RTINEZ A CO., Hansen, 10 Wall ft., baaemeut: Post office box 4,682 New York. Spanish gold end Havana bank bills bought an t -old , drafts on Havana issued. INCONSTANCY IN MAN DISCO Vh RED AT A lancr. ? indisputable. Address J. A. A, 10 Oxlord at.. Hsskis. Mass. "?oVTrOnTc-(TaTAKIIH. DRAFNBSB: IMFROYBD method; instantaneous relief; permanent enrea. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West 14that. Kentucky state: single numbkp. grand Dib tribntlvu drags H.vuirdey, June 24, 1878. 5300,(4*) distributed. $5,420 prirev out el 50,000 tlekett .1 Grand Caali Prlaea of $AL).(iC0?a*h. One prise guarantesd in every two ticket*purchased. Now IB the time to Invest. Whole tickets, $10, naive*. $3: quarters, $2 50. Send m your order* st one* to JACKSON A CO., Hunkers, 202 Broadway. New York. JP -OFFICIAL DI'.AWfNGS KENTUCK Y STATE LOT Y. toxica?SIMMON'S A DICKINSON, Manager-, kasri? it. xxrat class go. Ml ?ji xn 20, 1878. ?3, "I. ?*?'. >8 2;I. 4". 1. 7 . 51, 31. .Vt, 18,34. KUXTPCKT, class go. jug* 20. 1876. 41, 3*. : 5. 47. H. I. 43, 22, 1.4, 37. 10. 10, 4. MRnki. i iiki i u.i go. 24)1? jirgK 2". 1878. 25, 52, 81, .VI. 4". el. 711. ile. .4, |;t -J4 40 31, 75. IIK.VHV. ei.ass xo. 222 drxr 2n, IB78. 20, 13, Its. 2.1, ;c,, 47. 17. |. , 24, 11, 2, 85. Full Informal!, n bv applying to or addressing J. CLPTE A CO.. 200 Bioadway. ro?m No tl, rest office. K?E'Usl.ilOa?SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S SINGLE , Numboi Krntu. *y fitsle Distribution. 10 be drawn on (?atnrday. Jen* 2 4, is.v.. Ei(R),tA?> to be distributed: i,..43i> Brlirs sad r.n.y .'iO.CS " tickets. Every other i.cs-t a prlss. i.w is y.Mir lime to invest I'rlies psyable lu full, whole $10; Half. $6; Vuarter. $J 00. Tit* nest iD.val Havana will he drawn on Saturday, J nil I, l?7*i. Bund in your ardors in J. CLOTH, Berber, No. .00 Broadway, room Hs 8, K. SPECIAL .\OTlCK8. VTIfK Vo U$y. ? H A tfSTlON - A M B DIC ItTtfSlft' COM - 11 prising t HrtM of lactam d-Hverad at Kabn's lln Mum of Anatomy. Now York, on the canoe and care cf preitiatare decline, showing Indisput tbly bow loat health ai; be regained. affording a cloar >y nopals of i he impadl menle to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physl eal debility, being the reenlt ot *1 year*' experience Price, af>cents. Address ths author. Or !.. J. WAUN, offiae and reaidenco& 1 East 10th at. New York. NOTICE.?J. HOWABU RKVTl.LR IK NO LOftt.KK in our eiunlor. STC ART PKTKH8UN A CO., Broad and Noble ate., Philadelphia. Royal Havana lottery.?$auo.oto will bk drawn no J one JO. Prises cashed; orders filled: infor mation tnraiehed; highest ratea paid for Bpanlah bills, tfor ?rrnntoli. Ac. TAYLOR A CO.. Bankers. No. 11 Wall sL. Mow York. f" 1IE COMMENCRM ft NT KXBRCISKs"oM~THURKDAY next at the Academy Monnt Bt. Yineent. on the Hudson, are to be strictly prlrnto: no one will be admitted who it not provided with a ticket. $300,000? ? A fortune for f Id Kentucky State Distribution Draw*, Saturday, Jane 34, $ grand Cash Prises of $30,000 each. Bvery other ticket a prise. 38,490 prises, from 820.U0Q to 8100. Payable In full, withont dednctioo. Tlokoti, $10; Halves. 85; Quarters, $2 .10. TllOMAR H. HAYS A CO.. 007 Broadway. &>)/W\ IlfWl IN PR IKES.?BUY YOUR TICKETS lOUv.UUU this week la the Kent nek v Slate Single Number Lottery, as the orawtng takes place next Saturday, June 34; three prises of $341,000 each Every other ticket a prise. Whole Tickets. $M): Halves. $8; Quarters 83 30; Eighths, $1 33. For circulars containing lull Information address the Uptown Agency. KIRK A CO., 1.287 Broad way, room D. 8PORTIN G?DOBS, IHUDS.tWts. P" OOL8 SOLI) "aT NEW YORK TURP~ EXCHANGES this afternoon, on llen/ord vs. Lottisvilie, at LouisylUe. hKIBKRT A Mct'LoUD. S~ TART LI NO NEWS?JUST ARRIVED, PROM MEX ico, hoc lire Blrdt. to be sold at very reasonable prices at 33 Great Jones ?t. Go and buy nns O1 iNZaJ.E'Z. ? THE TL'RF. SWPooiJ "T<n;6T5>A t~ANb -A. evening at NEW YORK TURK EXCHANGE, ff West 3?th St., on the I'OUOIIKKKPSIK trnte; alio $?! French pool open on HARTFORD vs. LOUISVILLE, at lmnisville, to-day. Prompt attention given orders by mail er ines-em-er. KELLY, BLISS A GO. bOTlOM AMD FHKNOH foOl.8 SOLD TO-DAY AT JoUdsou'i l'uol Loom, corner of Broadway aud 3Sth St., on the trots at Ponghkeepsla ; nlso on the postponed ball gatne, Hartlord vs. Louisville. All orders by mail or mes senger will receive prompt attention. W. II. A T. B. JOHNSON, (YENTKUVILLE COURSE?WEDNESDAY, JUNK 21.? J Match $l(?o. J. ConUin's b. m. Ix>velv B, and C. II. Denton's elt. g. Alpha. Saiue day?Match il-u, between Lady Jane and Happy Jack. KERFOOT PARK-TROTTING THURSDAY, JUNE 23, three P. M.; match $300: T. Bennett's eh. ra Seal skin. B. Sueidiker's blk. g. Real Estate. Sains day. Sweep stakes. $130; J, K. J arris1 br. m. .Mollis Barker. M. Rogers' blk. g. Major Pnlae. P. Outwnter's b. in. Kate Guiding. Some day. Match, <iOI; T. Bennett's d. g. Dandeliue, A. Hopkins' r. g. W. K. Roberts. All the above 3 in 5 to har ness; admission. Sue. WILLIAM Mo.MaHON, Proprietor. LBETWOOD Park, MOKHfRANIA, N. Y-KEG tilar Jnne meeting, commencing 24th. jUtli and 27th, closed with 13 ontrtea for 3 :50 rlaas, H entries for 3 :'J4 class, 7 entries for 2:38 class, 4 entries for 3:38 class, 16 entries for 3:10 elesa aud 4 entries for 3:22. Trotting will com mence at 3 o'clock end henta will be trotted alternately. GATES II. BARNARD. President. HORSES. CARIlIABEh, <KC. A'"' f D t P K L'b 'Jl* C/t Vlti CITY AUCTION MART AND N. Y. TATTERS ALL'S, corner ot Broadway and 38th at. MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. REGULAR BALKS every Wednesday and Saturday. TWENTY-FOUR hours allowed for trial. WARRANTEES EXPIRE at eleven A. M. day after sale. THE ONLY driving tract in tbe State. CATALOGUE OP SALE THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK. TOP FULL spring Wagon, by Huntington; top Express Wagon, by Smith; no ton aids spring Wagon, by Collins; top aide bar Wagon, by Howard: no top side bar Wagon, by Mortimer; top Depot Wagon, by Webb; top I'ony Phaeton, by Huntlngton; no top Express Wagon, by Torrllt; Rock away, by White. Large lot new aad second hand Harness. GENTLEMAN'S ROAD Turnout, comprising a handsome and speedy bay^Trottlng Gelning, 15>? high. 6 years old ; a prompt and very pleasant driver; never trained, and can trot snre in 3 -AO; can bn driven by a lady; also top Wblte chnpel Road Wagon, citr builder; Harness, Blankets. Ac. THE CELEBRATED bay Trotting Mare Oakland Maid, got by IIambletoninn Chief, darn by Jupiter, nearly 18 high, (oaled 1888,: one of the awsetrst galled and most elegant drivers ever hitched; has a record over the Saugns track of 3:34V. and in condition eat. ent her time: is fearless of anything; nnt-qnalled foe gef'vtnan's road iim ; sold to closa an estate, and is warranted sound and kind. THE NICELY BRKI) golden sorrel Trotting OeMing Louisville, bred by l/Clonel Is Is Dersey, Jr., of Eden Farm, Kentucky, I6U high, foaled I860, got by Blltie Oolddusl, by Ericsson: is a game, stylish, handy and reliable driritg horse, and for saddle uso is unsurpassed; he trotted at tunr years old In 3:50V. and has since rapidly Improved In speed ; as a combined saddle and harness horse lie has few superiors: sold solely for waot of nso. and is warranted sound and kind. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT, consisting of an extra com bined bay sndiTe nod harness Gelding. 13V high, 7 years old; splendid under saddle, fine in harness, extra style and appearance and warranted sound and kind; also fine Juinn seat Wagon (built by Brewster, of 33tlt St.), Harness. Ac. ROAD OUTFIT, comprising an elegant sorrel Gelding, ; high, 8 years old; extra stylish and pleasant driver: sharp traveller; warranted kind; aito no top single seat Road Wagon. Harness. Ac. THIRTEEN OTHER top andno top Road Wagons, Depot, Express and Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. SEVERAL OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. BALES NEVER postponed on aeeonnt of weather. 4 T PRIVATE sale. A TOP SIDE BAR WAGON, by 1. B. BREW8TBR A CO. TOP PULL 8PRINO WAOOM, by J. B. BREWSTER A CO. TOP WAUON, by BREWSTER A CO., OK BROOME ST. VICTORIA, pole end ?hafle, by W. IL BRADLEY A CO. BAROUCHE, by BREWSTER A CO., OK BROOME ST. TWO WHEEL DOH CART, by WOOD BROS. COUPE, pole end shafts, by MIXER A CO. LANDAl LET. pole end shafts, by .1. 0. HAM. DOCTOR'S WAOOX. hy WOOD BROS. TOP PONY PHAETON, br KLANDKAU. TOP AND SO TOP PONY P1IARTOMS, TOP AND MO TOP WAOONS, ROCK A WAYS. Ae., Ac., in great variety. VAN T A SHELL A KEARNY. 110 end 112 fceet Mtb it., near 4th it, 4 ?FOR~8ALB. 15 YOU MO HOR4K8 JUSTKROM Ai Indiana, unliable for all purposes. Inquire at 122 Norfolk it A HORSE TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION, AT the Public Pound, on 2.M Intl.. IKId at.. Dear 2d a*. FANCY "MILK "WAOON port SALE CHEAP AT 715 lat a*., between 4dth and 41 at ata. 4 STYLISH TITOROUOHBRBD MARK. PERKKCTLY A aound and gentle; Brewster full spring top Wag >n, and Campbell Uarneaa for aale cheap. Prleat'a atabie, l.ts Weat 38th at. AT MOORR'H DOWNTOWN EMPORIUM 57 WARREN at;?Pbaet-nt, (115; Root sways, f KM; Depot Wagnna, Buggies. Ac.: IIsrnest. $1?? upward; Sbeeta, Lap Dusters, Nets. HaerlUeea fnr eaali T~?pffK Hums Ks. suitable for Truck", A. grocers or farm work; prices $50. $B5, 475 and $1UX 104 Elisabeth at., between Broome and Grand. T~VERY LOW PRICAS? ? 75 second hand cakriaoes, COMPRIHtNO ALMOST EVERY STYLE. Landaus, Landaolets, Coupe*. Coaches. Cabriolets, half top Phaetons, Extension Tap Phaeton. Mail I'lineton, Man hope Phaeton. T-Carta, Dog Carta, Coupe Rockaways, ti-seat Koekaways, Pany Phaetons. Top and no top Wagons. Borne of the above liy Brewster A Co.. of Broome at. A. S, KLANDRAU'S Carriage Wareroom*. .172 and 374 Broome at , old stand of Brnal r A Co. BAItOAIN.-fl75 WILL~BUY AM ELEGANTTOP Wagon, coal $4-V> last month: a One Harness *45, worth (lull, at private ttable. No. 13 Weet 37th at., between Broadway and 5th av. ITaCKIPICK.-MUST BE EOI.D, TWO PHAETONS, one sea'a four parser.*; two full spring top W agon*, two aide bsr light road Wagnna; Duuecoinl, Har..e??; all late style, nearly new. Private stable, 57 East 33d st. ?FOR "SALE. CHEAP,- NINE~UOOD BUblNXSS ? lloraes. Apply at No. 3 Vestry at., between Varirk and Hudson BKOOKD- HAND BRi'WSTEK BARoUCHE FOR tale. ? Also *et of silver moaaied doiuir Harnett and a coupe Horse. Apply at private stable 133 West 53d at., between nth and 7tn art. ?ONE LAXli AC, ONE ?ol'PE AND ONE COUPE ? Ko-kaway, with division irnnt, for sale cheap. To he seen al M. CURLEY'8. lOBfant 13th st., near Itl. av. HANDSOME PONY. WELL BNOKK TO SADDLE or was on, used oy children. To he seen at Jl. CUE LEY'S. 100 Bast I3lh St.. near 4lh av. A ?FOR SA LE. TWO H OH-K.- - SUIT ANY" BU8J ? neaa; $35 each; alto two light Wagons, cbaap. 14 Oraad at., near Varirk. ?Moo "wTll bu y a br a rnn "l top "pony , Phaetou, gem mountings Harues. to maieh, tao; atyllth, young, aound hay Horse, (JOU, al atabie 31 East 1,-th at. A BROWN HO KM?TUB MONT KTYLIMI IN Til K elty; trnta faster than Ibrae mlectes; any ladr ran drive him, warranted aound and kind; top sMs A aron. Pony Phaeton. single Hariiesa: all nearly naw ; tnn?t he sold at a bargain on aecontil of death of owner 13s West Slat st. -AT PANIC PRICES, one BHAKTlFbL BAY ? Horse. 7 years, 15L hands high; warranted sound and klan. One Splendid, city in woe light full spring shifting top Road Wagon: on- tingle teat t'frtllag ft agvU, weight 115 lbs.; one top Pony pliseiou and tine single road Harness all as good as new. Inquire of owner, ul private stable, 123 East Ittlli at.. for three dart. t fiea?klIuant "lkXthkr top pony ruA ten. nearly new; line ilarneaa. si 1,4>1 Bread way. RKKWMTBK (OK BRtklMK sT I "HALFSPRING top Wagon ; great bargain. No. .*> Wo t l.dh st. A~F0K MALE. To PAY ADVANCES, ONE T CART. . nearly n-w, with pole and shsrts, one lop Hrrw - ter string side I ar Koad W agon . pole and siiatsi ,,n? ele gant c spring top Pony Phaeton, very stylish; one plant top Pony Phaeton and one pair of . rotting Mares. Iminlro st the Union Club .-table. No. all ! aat loth at., noar Broad way, Also one Sue single Horse. VSACKlflCK ?TIIK PROPERTY*or" A OltNTLK* man baring no fnrthor nae f.-r him, s remarkahiy Stylish hrown Carnage Horse. II! hand- high; perl.-ctiy brtiken to tingle and double harnesa. is nerferi nnder saddle ; warranted soiinu To be seen at 15 W est 44th -t A GENTLEMAN (iOlXtk ABROAD WILL SELL ATA saerlflee. separately or together, the handsomest Turn oat In ikeelty?one block Mare, lJtg hands lil.h, it tors old, ean trot n?tter than 2:35; eleg..nt top Wagon hy Brew ster. built las: tall. Improved springs, poie and alielta; 1-uascoub Harness, Whip, Mantels, 4c. Apply at 115 East ?d at A HORSES, CARA1AOE8. ?C. A-ASjilSlslYRXTGSH'HAtS _ . Bl PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY (WEDNESDAY) JUNK ill. AT 11 O'CLOCK PROMPT. AT THE BOARDING STABLE CuKNKK EAST 4TII NT. AND LAPAYETTE PLACE, Including the valuable and fln? Mock ofk^jltrJI. Price, consisting of lloriri. Hurncu, ('?rriHiM, Wagons. Ac. llMlMimt and high bred m?liogeny boy .war*, aired by * ' " .. y, |5% Magna Chart a, dam unknown . ia half slater to llenrr. hands high, 5 yean, old, an elrgant atrled mare and a* fine a genteel driver aa ever waa driven: fear* no bell carta nor anything else: cafe for the moat timid to drive; without vice trick, (salt or blemish; can trot a lull mile to a top wagon In 'J AO or batter; la warranted eoend aad kind?a uoble and One animal. Past and bandaome team of premium Uolddust Trotting .Wares, dark golden sorrels. IAS hands nigh. One long flow ing manra and tails; both 8 yearaolti this spring: half siaiera and the cloaeat matched pair of trotter* in the State. They were both tired hy Golddust. and purchased from L. U Dor sev, in Kentucky, two years ago last October, alter they bad trotted together at le.uisville in 2:4(1, and the one taken single trotted the third heat la 'J They are the most elegant team of roadsters tor gentleman's private nae In the city; are pleasant, agreeable and well hebavea; drive with out palling or frettinc, and are very reliable when speeding; they show high breeding and reqeire no checks; are prompt and game, fear nothing, and are warranted sound and kind. This team must be seen to be appreciated. Also the fast and handsome young chestnut Trotting Mare Wallklll Maid, IS', hands high, it years old; raised by James Yen Arsdale, in Orange county ; aired by Edwin Everett, foituerly Major Wlufield, dam by American a tar; pedigree guaranteed; when 4 years old site waa broken aad handled by Carl Burr, Keg., and showed trials from - -II to 2:43 in the spring, when 5 years old; waa then taken bone, and hne born used for private road nae ever aluce; alio can nlamya go out now ana beat 2 on any gowd track; the t-au be driven by any ordinary driver at speed and ia warranted sound and kind nnd reliable in every particular. The magnificent cheatnat Oeldtn-r Duke, about Id hands high, 7 years old, br -d hy Colonel Clay in Kentucky, and purchased then nl Sta e fair for $1,200, and then brought to this city hy Mr. Price; be is acknowledged by all who sue him as fine a built horse as stands in this c.ty :h<- is one of the finest saddle in thle country; nae all gaits and guides by motion; lie was sired by Plying Cloud, darn an liugiorled running mare; iia is broken in harness, and can trot in 3:1() with ease, and warramed sound Handsome young blood hay Trotting Main, a genuine trotter. 7 years old this spring; sired by Legal Tender, dam a thoroughbred half eister to Red Cloud: this young mam was tioror trained but 7 week* when coming A years old, when she showed 2 :41; was than taken home, and has been driven on road ever since, and lias greatly improved in speed . she can show a 2 :T< gait, and trot ? miio and re fieat ia less than 2t-15; is a splendid road mare, and prom ote, witli training this spring, to trot low down in tbo 2<)'s, and gentitmen wishing a first class trotter should call and examine this fine vount- mare; aha is warranted sound and kind, and aa represented. Post blood buy llamlHonian Mare Kitty Talmer, tlx years old, 15% bauds high, tired by Edwin Kiorikt.dsm by Ksiiien Allen; the is one ?i tho most promising young iuarrs in but three the State; was nevur trained but three weeks, last fall, wlion sbe trotted In 2:43; was then purchased hy own-r and boa allies bo- n used on roau: is pure and open gulied: can be driven hy a lady; baa no vice or tricks aud ran trot it full tulle and repeat In 2:40 on any good track; warranted sound and kind. Without any exception one of the finest ponv phaeton Mares in tlds city, 15 bands high, 7 yeers old, dappled brown; a perfect picture and pet; has been used end driven by a lady and children to none phaeton; is amiable, intelli gent and safe; fears no locomotive or anything else; war ranted ho a ud and kind, and will stand without tying. Also two top side bar W axons, by Hrewstar, ot Broome at., equal to new. Also one no top side bar Wagon, by Brewster, of Broome It, equal to new. A loo one no too side bar Wagon, by Waterman. Also one top Pony Phaeton, by Bradley, Pray A Ca. One no top Phaeton, by Plandrnu. One extra fine Coupe, satin nuad, equal to now. One double set Oonpo Harness, by story. One double set English Harness, cost #400 gold. Two sets single Harness by t'ommerford, equal to now. One set double Harness, by Dunsconib. English Saddle and Bridle; Boots of every kind; Bits of all kinds. One complete Snit of Ltvary in brown and drab One complete Suit of I.lvery In green anil drab. Blankets, Sheets, Whips, Robes, Ac.. Ac. The whole rompriaos llie finest stork ever offered at public unction. Stock now on exhibition at stable, wbere they can be seen nnd fall particulars ascertained. Sale positive, ruin or sblne. CHARLES C. DUPK. Auctioneer. A PULL AND COMPLETE ASSOKTMKNT OP THE J\. "Brewster Wagon," the standard tor style and quality, now ready for inspection at our factory and warerooma, Broadway and ;7tb at., 5th nv. and 14th at. Special sttentlen Is called to our improvement In side bar Wagons, which enables us to offer the lightest, sotest nnd best riding wagon ever produced. BREWSTER A CO.. of Broome at. BROWN PONY BUILT MARK, SOUND AND KIND, 7 years; #00; Express Wagon nnd Harness. 121 Division st. An extra fink top pony phaeton, built to order by best city bnilder, not soiled, with fine sin pic Harness, at a very low price. Inquire lor TOM, nt Mr. Rankers' stnhla. No. I West 15th si. A BARGAIN.?MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. ONE A extra fino hay Horse, 7 years old, 15% hands; war ranted a >und and kind; n lady enn drive bim ; also elegant side bar top road Wagon, one stylish top Pony Phaeton, ono Depot Wagon, one single Coupe and one single road Har ness; thia stock is all first class and city mode to order, ('all at private stable, 131 East 18th at., between 3d aw. and Irv n?place. (1ARRJ AGES-SECOND HAND; POUR AND 8IX ) passenger Roekaways; Jninp aeat Wagons; top Wag ons, elliptic and side bar Trotting Wagons, Phaetons, Lau danlcttc, % Clarence, Dog ('art, Ac. K. M. STIVERS, 144 to 152 East 31 at st. CARRIAGES.?OWINU TO THE EXTRA DEMAND for my cironlar combination spring side bar Wagons I will sell iny elliptic springs (of which I hare a large stock) at n reduction ; also ? few four par Sanger Phaeton*. R. M. STIVERS. 144 to 152 East :tlst at. ?1 AKRIAUr.S AT EXTREMELY LOW MANUKAOTUR > era'prices?All my own make nnd warranted; Pony and light extension top Park Phaetons, nil prices; Buggies. Roeknways, Depot. Jump scat and other styles; splendid Doctor's Phaeton cheap. CHAN. OKURK, SOB Canai st. FOR 8ALE-T1IK CELEBRATED TROTTING HORSE Kentucky; can trot In 2:40: warranted ants and sonnd. Call nt 210 Christie st. F OK NALE-A GENTLEMAN'S ENGLISH SADDLE nd Bridle, new; price, $50. No. # West 13th st. 1NOR SALE-TWO GENTLE HORSE", SUITABLE 1 for eitlt r light or heavy work, cheap. Can be seen al T, MAKTINNEl'S, No. 50 lat at. between 1st and 2d nvs. For sale-a pair ok very handsome, ntylihii dark roan Horses: to lie seen at private Mable, 42 West 18th st.; price very reason able. For sale?a handsome pony, 14% hands high ; thoroughly broken to saddle and harnena; at 2<>8 East 25th st. F OK HALK-ONK LlfillT VERY HANDSOME I>LA1N spring Victoria, suitable fur either on# or two borni; iu good order; eery cheep. UKKW.nTKR A no.. ftth ae. and 14th at. FOR MALE-TWO COWri. HALK ALDhltNKY; O.N ft Calf, fonr weeks old. at -00 Km ?Hh si. For"sale-a very stylish "saddle, carri aor or family llorse (color, gray). Id hands, warranted sound, kind and gentle: a lady can drive him; will ba sold cheap. Inquire at So East 3M at. FOK SALK-\-.HKAT ~BRKWRTRK A CO. KOAD Waeon, slightly soiled : weight, 154 lbs. Inquire of A. H. V.V.N COTT, l.ane A Hauls' stables, 114 West 4tith at. FOR rtALK-UKNTi.KMA.VR TURNOUT; HANDSOME bay Mare; perfectly sound, gentle and kind; Hurgy, 1'haeton and Harness, nearly new, for fttStk. Address ALEXIS. Herald omce. F~ OK .SAI.E-A KIND. (JKNTLR. WELL BRED BLACK Mare: perfectly broken to saddle and anltable lor pony phaeton, together with English Saddle end Bridle. J. B., 10 Wall st., roans 24. , For sale-vert stylish gray horse, lav hands, trots last; side bar top Wagon aud Harness, cheap, stiAJ Clinton at.. Brooklyn. P~OR SALE CHBAP?LABOR TRUCK HOKSK. 7 years old, 18hands, warranted sound and kind; trial given; cuuse for selling, no work. Inquire tor carman, 324 Hudson st.. store. ORSK, TRUCK Al*H IIARNKBhToR R.VLK CUKAl'~ Call at 52ft East 11th St., after 8 F. M. Harness.?oh rapknt harxIM store in nkw York; good Baggy Harness hand made, $!.'?; good ttrocars' Harness. C0; good doable Team Harness, Sv3>: a good Horse Blanket, $1 Vk Please eall and exainlae lor yoiirselres. KISHKK A OS HORN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay st. H H W OWELL (JUEKX AND tihORtlE IV. Top I'ony Phaetons, side ber or elliptic spring TOP ROAD WAOOX'b. A. S. KLANDRAU, 872 and 374 Brooms St., old stsnd of Brewster A Co. WILL SELL MY BAY It ARK. I.VT~UANM HIOII, S years old ; a picture ; a line Park or rood mare : can be uriven by a tady ? kind in all harness and under saddle ; alto a tup side bar Wagon, nearly mm. Harness, Itches, Ac.; pticc $3oO; will be warranted by a responsible partv. I". J. BURKE, JOT Siultvsn st Lhi?I?* KLMiANT Tt'KNOUT?KNOW WilltU ANA* Man. thoroughbred, perfectly sound and gentle: been driren ly a lady lor twn years; handsomest horse in the city. Apply at I f? Knst -Mt!i st. if not sold for Its value will be taken home soon. PONY FOR HALE?44 INCHES HIOII. WITH BASKET l'hneton and Harness: can be n?e<| by the mod timid culld ; cost $37. >; will sell lor fUSO. 217 West 37lh st. P ONY TIB. Kill BALE-IN PI RET CLAM RUNNING oidet, suitable fur children. Address 4** Last HVdst. SjTORAIIK roit C'ARKIAOKS AND SLKlOlIn. 5 Rooms light, clean and dry I onus liberal. A. h. KLANOiIAU'H Carriage Warerooins, 372 and 374 Broome st. (old factory ot Brewster A Co ) fTIHRBKHJl'AKTKK BRED* MA NP~~ EfllHT YKvRH 1 old. sound and kind; m 11 for bill of keep. Stable .No. 22ft hast s(>t h st. rANThO TWO HEAVY TRUCK lioRRKM; IJS? to bard work. I^enve oddrc-s st No. 2 Carmine st. \Vr A N TRD?LI CUT HURRY CART, WtT?i TW O Tl seats: not ossr aftOlbs. Address, with price. HAMIL TON. box 21 !i Hersld oBlne Vt?ANTED?"a PAIR <Tk C'aRKIaUb" ifoKsKS,-18 If hands huh; pries not to exceed $ 00. Address II., box 141 llersld Uptown Branch olBce. \\r ANTED A ?KCO N D II AN U SIX .>KAI ROCK A ? IT way, city make. Apply at 2ft East 12th st. ty.V.NTKIf?A HOOD sl.i'gMi HAND ONE HORSE IT Land unlet or round front Coupe, but llttlv used: light mid easy running; dark cloth or leather llnrrL Address, Slating nil particulars, with lowest cash price, lock box 21, Providence, it. I. TIP AN ThH-OLI MKCON1) II AN l> HV a IN E nf. WAtMlXB, Tl sla tie Truest, top Boggles. Rockawayn and riiastous. Andres-, mth full particulars, WIIKKLWRIolIT, No. 808 West 2Hd st. 41 OOOfi TRACK SULKIES, 1 PULL HPRING TOf Wagon, new; I sound horse, lit for a lady, cheap. 11? Hest ftOt h st. lj>l|)|| WILL BUTALKATHER TOP PHAETON IN Vi'l" good order, and extra set of Wheels, suitable lor doctor or country use. Inquire at ceks ofllce, 4 .2S West IBtlt si. -HIDE-BAR HHIPTINU TUP WAUOS CITY m?*e. Apply st Oonpe olllce, 23 East I2lli st. 7 ,-?*?!DE B VR TOP WAOOX; uhed few i months; cost #325. Address H. 0., box LIT lirisld orbre. If.Xt'.llAXfdK. \V iTav S tot; to TXaTiM for sf.owi tfoitrft V f ut gtock : cutnoitiDtentlon* conft4#ttu*llj irittH; BO BftBit. Add rot# OAS, H#nUd ofllco. ISO $1 DRY GOODS. TlfBSfAHTro I HOUSEKEEPERS. A. T. STEW A UT k CO. ar? offering, prior to tholr send annual inventory, tbo fol loving LINKS GOODS at finally REDUCED PRICES. l,l?s> DOZEN FRINGED DOT LIES, *ory superior quality, ul $1 13 por do ton, (IM BLEACHED TABLE CLOTHS, various styles; him slightly sotlad. Alto a quantity of BLEACHED LINEN DAMASKS, In ramaanta and cut pieces, at VERY LOW PRICES. _BROADWAY. 4TII AV., 9TH AND WW W. SHL.L.INKK Y A SB DUESSlttAKlNto. ?M ARIE TILMdS". OP 1'AKIrt, IMPORTER. OFFERS * a largo assortment of latent One Parlaian Summer Bunnell, Millinery and English Craped. 423 Oth a*., uoar 26th at. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. " TirfllTK STAR LINK?" ~~ V? FOR OUEKNSTO WK AND LIVERPOOL, CARKYl.NO Tlili UNITED STATES MAIL. The iloiiiiHTi ?r this lino take the Lane Knuiea recom mended l.y Lieutonant Maury, U. 8. N.. going auuth of tbo Rankt on tlie passage to Oueeititown all the year round. BRITANNIC June 24, at 4 P. M. OEKMAMO luly 8. at 4 P. M. CELTIC July 15, at 11 A. -M. BRITANNIC July 29. at 11 A. M. UERMAMO Angus) 12, From White Star llook*. pier 52 North Hirer. Rate*?Saloon. $hii autl $100, In gold; return tlckota en reneonable ternia. BteOfaga, $23. Mluoa staterooms, smoking and bathrooms are pieced amidships, where the noise and motion aru Inust affording n decree til comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. r <>r Inspection of plans and other Inlorinatlon apply at ilia company s office, 37 Broadway, Now York. R. J. CORTIS, Agent. NORTU HERMAN LLOYD " STEAMSHIP LINK BETWEEN NEW YORK. SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pi -r foot of 2d st, lloboken. MOSEL.. .Saturday. June 24 I ItHKIN... Saturday, JulrB DON AO....Saturday, July 1 I ODER Saturday, July 15 Kates or pasragu Irotn New lurk to Southampton, Uarre or Bremen First Cabin, $10ll, gold; Second Cabin, $80, gold; Stcor age, S30, currency. Return Tickets at rednced rstea Prepaid Steerage Certiticetas, ?I32, currenoy. For freight or pastase apply to OELK1CI1S A CO., No. 2 Bowling Green. A NOHOlfLINK UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMEKR J\. NEW YORK AND OLASUOW. CALIFORNIA.Juno 24.3 P.M. I VICTORIA...July 8.3P.M. ETHIOPIA luly 1, Noun. HOLIVlA.July 15, 11 A.M. NEW YORK AND LONDON. ELYSTA June 24, 4 P. M. I UTOPIA Ju'y 22, 3 P. M. AsOLiA luly s. 3 P. M. I AUSTRALIA. Aug. 3, 0 AM. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL. LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cablna, 005 to SOU. currenoy, accommodations. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage, $23, currency; Intermediate. $36, currency. Dratta issued lor nnv amount at current rates. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agpnta, No. 7 Bowling Green. STATE LINK. NEW YORK TOOLASOOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN. BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, from pier 42 North River (foot of Canal st.) aa follows:? STATE OF NEVADA Thursday, Juae 22 STATE OF INDIANA Thursday. June 2W STATE OF PEN N - VLVA.NIA Thursday. Jmy 13 and every alteruate Thursday thereafter. First cabin JOY to $BU, uccording to nccnmniodntions; return tickets, $125. Second cabin, $50; return tickets $9)1. Steerage at iowuat rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN k CO., Agents. No. 72 Broadway. New York. Steerage "tickets at 45 Broadway and at the oompany'a pier, foot of Canal st.. North River. fASSKNUEKS FOR THE ST RAM SHIP STATE OF NEVADA will embark from the company's pier foot of Csnal st.. North River, on I'hnrsday. 22d inst., at noon. AUSTIN, BALDW IN k CO.. Ueueral Agents. 72 Broadway. AMBURO AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY'S UNB lor PLYMOUTH. CI1EKBOURO and HAMHL'ltd. II AMMONIA ..!line 22 I WIKLA.ND July 0 LKS8ISO Jnne 2U | PRISIA July 13 Rates of passage to Piymunth, London, Cherbourg, Ham burg and all points in England, Scotland and Wales:? Cabin, Hrat saloon, gold $100 1 h;u. socond ssloou. gold 00 - crsge. currency 30 KL'NllAItDT A CO.. C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, Ueueral Agents. General Passenger Agents. 61 Broad st.. New York. til Broadway. New York. 1NMAN LINE MAIL STEAMERS. FOR UUKKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK BERLIN Saturday, July 1, at 1 P. M. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday. July 15. at 11:90 A. M. CITY OK RICHMOND Saturday, July 22, at 8 P. M. CITY OF BERLIN Saturday. August 5, at 3 P. M. CITY OP CHESTER Saturday, August IB, at 3 P. M. From pier 45, North River. Cabin, $30 and $100, gold. Return tlekata on favorabla terras, Moorage, $23. currency. Drafts at lowest rates. Saloons, stale rooms, smoking and bath rooms amtdsld a. JOHN <1. DALE, Agent. 15 and 33 Broadway, New York C1UNARD LINE.?B. AND N. A. K. M. S. 8. CCA J NOTICE. With a view tn diminishing the chances of collision, the steamers of this line take a specific course for all seasons ol the year. ? On the ontward passage from Qneenstown to New York or Boston, crossing the me. ldtan of So at 43 latitude or notliiug to the north of 43. On the homeward passage, crossing the meridian of 50 nt 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. FROM NKW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUERNS TOWN. ALGERIA....Wed., Jane 21 | ABYSSINIA... Wed.. July 5 BOTHNIA... Wed. June 281 "RUSSIA Wed., Jnly 12 Steamers marked * do not carry steerage passengers. Cabin passage, $39, $10(1 and $130, gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickets en tavorable terms. Steerage tickets to and Irwm all parts ol Kurope at very low rates. Freight and passage office No. 4 Bowling Green. CHARLES G. FKANOKLYN. Agent. "PASSENGERS PRR STEAM sTflP ALGERIA EMBARK XT from the Canard wharf, foot of Grand St.. Jersey City, at 3 P. M.. on Wednesday. June 21, 137)1. CHARLES 6. FRANCKLYN, No. 4 Bowling Green, New York. FOrTuVEKPGOL DIRECT. The magnificent At steamer AUSTRALIAN, Captain Peter. 2.500 tone, appointed to sail aa above on Thursday, Jnne 32, irom pier 46 North River, offer* very anperior first class ac commodation lor passengers. Nor particulars apply to P1M, FORWOOD k CO.. Agents, 56 Walt and 59 Pine at. Red star line. Appoint*'<1 to curry the Belgian end United Statee ntall*. The following steamer* are appointed to sail TO ANTWERP From Philadelphia. I From New York. YADhRLAND June 20 KF.NII.WOKTIl Jnne B NKDKitLAND Inly 14 | SWITZERLAND July 1 PRICK* OK PAS.nAOK IX CUKRKXCV. First Cabin $t*.l | .Second Cabin IWl Steerage ticket* to nnd Irom all point* at tne lowest rates. Passenger accommodation* for all cla**r* unsurpassed. For passage, rata* of freight and other information apply to PKTF.R WhlOIIT A HONS, General Agent*. . 07 Walnut St., Philadelphia. GEORGE W. COLTON. K2 Broad at.. New Vork, JOHN McDonald. Passenger Agent, No. H Battery place. New York. OST DIRECT AND ECO NO Ml (f ~RO UTK TO HOL LAND. BKLGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZEIILAND. At!.. AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer CALAND June 22 Steamer NCHtlLTEN July! These beantllnl ateaniem. earrrlng the Putted Slates mall to the Netherlands, are great favorite* with the pnbllo. Trip* regular, rates low; coinlnrt and living perfect. For freignt. For passage. FUNPH. EDYE A CO. L. V. MORRIS, 90 Broadwar. TV'ILSON iTiNK FOR SOUTHAMPTON~AND HULL it sailing from pier A3 North River, as follows:? HINDOO July 1 I COLOMBO July20 NAVAKINO Inlv 151 OTHELLO Attgn-l 12 Flr*t cai'in, ST) currency; second cabin,$43 enrreney. Excursion ticket* on very 'avorabls term* Through tickets issued to ('outineutai and Baitla port*. Apply, for full par ticulars, to CIIARLES L. WRIOHT A CO.. 56 South st. UNIIkD STATES MAIL link?steam TO QUKENS TOW.T and LIVERPOOL, ?ailing every TUESDAY, from pier 4*< North Kivcr. WVOMINQ....Julv 4. 4 A. M. I NEt ADA....Aug. I. S P. M. IDAHO Inly |H. .1 p M. | WISCONSIN. Aug.?a,2 P.M. Cabin. SC."). $70 and $80, enrreney. Interoicliato. $4<l; steerage, 16161 Passengers hooked to and Irom Pari*. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, .tc. Drafts "u Ireland. England. Franco and Oar many at lowest rate*. WILLIAMS A UUION. iU Broadway. G"Treat western steamship line. r TO BRISTOL (ENGLAND* DIRECT. sailing Irom pier IS hast River a* loiluw*:? ARAOON. Hyraons Suturday, June 24 CORNWALL, Mumper Tuaaday. Jutv 11 Cabin passage. <73; intermrd'ato, $Sf>; vteerage. $SO, enr reney; excursion ticket*. $12<l: prepaid steerage "eriitl ? itos, $'_'rt. Apply to W. D. MORGAN. Agent. 70 South at. National line.-from piers 44 and 47 n. iC For LONDON DIRECT. DKNM \UK. Wrdtteadav, .Jnne 21. 3 P. M.. ECU LIVERPOOL AND QU KEN'SToWN. KOYPT. .June 24. 7 : b) A M. I THE QUEER. July 8. 3 P.M. ITALY...July 1. I2 30R. M. | HPaJN..July 15. lit:.?) A. .*. Cabin passage, $7lt and $80, wnticy. Return ticket* at reduced rata* Ste-rage t>a*aage, $-'6. currency. Drafts issued from ?1 upward at current pricey. Apply at the company'* office,?!.? Broadway. S. W. J. HI RST. Manager. ONLY DIRECT LINE TO FRAMN: THE GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S MAID STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW VORK AND Havre, calling at Plymouth g. b.i for the landing ol passenger*. The splendid ve**ei* on this lavorite route lor the Conti nent (cabin* provided with electric b-llsi will sail from pier 43 North River, foot nf Barrow at . a* lultowa ? 8T. OKKMaIN, lieeutoux....Saturday, June 24, at H A. M. LABRADOR Smgller Inly 1. at 1 P. M. CANADA. I'rangenl Saturday. July 6. at 1 P. M. AMERIQUK. Pone I* Saturday. July 15 at 12 neon. PRICE OF PASSAGr. IN (iUM) (including wine g? First cabin, $110 to 4I2D, arcmdaig to accommodation. Second. $72; Third cabin, $l<i. Betum tickets at rrdnced rate* Steerage. $26, with superior accommodstlnae, Inrladlng wine, bedding and utentiK aritlinut extra charge. Meamcra marked thus ? do not carry ateerage paaaengera. Mii'lS Ul'i BKMIAN, Agent. 55 Broadway. COASTWIRK STKA.UMHIPh. PANAMA transit and PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LiNKS. For CALIKORRIA, JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA. RBW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, OREGON, AC. Sailing I rem piar 42 North Kivar. For SAN FKANCIHI il via ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, steamship AC A PI'I.CO. Friday. Jnna 22, connecting tnr Central Antcri< a and South Pacific porte. From eAN FKANCICi'O in JAPAN and CHINA, stentitshtp ?? ??-. Saturday, .inly I. For Trelghi or paaaage apply to WM. P. CLYDE A CO. or if .1 BHLLAY. Superintendent. X's, il Bowling Omen piar 4J North River, foot Canal ?r, ETOR NASSAU, N. P.?REGULAR MAIL STKAMRIIIP ? LEOIeavfi New York .In i I. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO., 62 South el. Vr ~Y C?/^?W1SK 8TEAi?Hips. N: CITf OP NKW VOKK A D,KJ?''T. ' ' CITY OP MKXK'o Thuraday, Jan* S2 KOK VKKa iii'vi" J"'r ? via Havana. p"* ,Q . l,,,? D. WSft ORLKAM#. CITV OP MEXICO ""peachy, Tu.pan end Umpire. Kor freljtbl endlp?iwwi'ipp'iytn "????ley, July ? .IbWM -iiiutr. N??*rdON8- V "1? Broadway. *r* t'fm and a|| th? abore porta ?* *?d Ju>r 0 toT F',K KKH' <>'< LEANS niKKCT. THE CROMWrLL LINK. OB BATUR?) A V i^.' .VJ?"",ln Coarborn, OB bailedAt. Jnno 24, a ?Vt k ? Through bill. " Worth Klrer. * POOH. o? ,h, Mlwttftf? ,0 MwW,? ?n<1 ?" Principal V* $-W; Steerage, S2.Y Apply IILARK ^ SPAM AN". m Wmi at Morgan'a Loitlaiane and TV^.^K ?nr o.Y'rheight thara to III "ice par Mowan'a .tel-fJtl Railroad for Morgan city, bill* of ludlne T,.?l .n*J' 1*X"" p?ru' Through Kivar, Moblla. Oalro^.m "V-"" ,h\ M '"?<dppl port, hra.o. ?*u-4 *??* Ualroitun, Harri.lVnrc an is?*" ?'"'n?a on the Central, ^"erne'lo^l IdT<"<" si AMssr&Sgi ?riss-S^*"" CHARLES A. Will TV E V A ort r 'nlormat inn apply to North Hirer. 1T*>EV * C0 < Atfrno, nffleo, p/ef 36, on SaturdKv J?' atinln; Tho Rtnaiufr * npt c j\ .y AiMUX () ?t"?iurr on Saturday. June J4 ??,'/ ? Pennington, will .,,11 at loweat raiea. Fur f.-i-i,. , #,"? 'n.uranre Su'idonUl.a?"i!OU,> "PP,J' ?? C" " ?ATw>Hv'iVorm u?.; "tiling every Tlnir.d'ay. from 1 "e "'o piV ,Ai1r",,?w'Vl't? ikw;;? ^'fV?,n "?Mh.wHi.tTThJS: Thro,mli t.,v.ot? U>,l(Ki H11'p?1*1 ?''V'lorl"l"'' 1?rt .K">hI or ne.HM-e ,pp|y ,|"'\PI",y""J flor da Knr freight OfcLlVKK, Ifij Maiden l,!i,c ' Ki * ' ?-or "e?MaN jVKti AND HAVANA DIRECT MAII r'rvat? COLUMBUS tk . . ' WILMI.NUTON... Thuradny. June 1>9 Hon" aht,(:"d P'"^: hnvltiK unturpa^rlceommm^ F;,u 11 1' M P,?1" North Itlver follotrln^dayi. at S OKOUOK WASHlNtirON .. , , OKOKOK I'ltOMWKLL itr'tlay. June SO ?Mo.t direct, quick,",, ?nit lueiiuay. July || Netyfouudlatitl hum the Lower St. LHwren"'," *Kve'Vn W?0"*' ffnger ueeomtuo,lation>. For irel.-hT Lkcelloin pai CLAHK A ShAMAN. HIWoat a,! * Pa??oKo apply lo QlrD OOMINION HTEAMsiiFl* OOXEur* Kor Norlolk'c liVJln? Hi b<'rt,, !llv" ' day. and daturda? at-i K 1 Kfchutonvi. Tiiandaye, Thnra. ami Tannaaaeo Air i.fne At'laiitle i"#C ^ w',ri.t,le Vir?lnln Lino. Chdaapaake and 'ohi,? luiiV.'HV 1''n,,v Air R*ny ? ?teamAI?eatolnteriorp'd*ita in v?n,1KW.',,h ?m ?rlnia. No When, and Waafi nSloi" v ??,h ,1 "?'ln? ?"<? *VLewirr;i'|r'J hU?,1'Vnd ??"?r<ia>.-V ( ? (ru Norfolk,, S"M ?" fisa:" '?" ? l?la?'***?V^ 10 M P?ln*??? re*elved <ta*iy It nlor 17'^rtuh' A?- P" CeutK Oraenwioh .?T p'Cr J7 'MSr^P?^7 TRAVELLERS' OLIOh. - A-~x^TvfVi-i'Mp/.TvK';A,I'V?- 1 ;I*k.-stkamkr day.: .teainor WALTKli IOtKT?rT f'nerday. >tud Krl ?Saturdaya, ?"?? P. M fro?, Thttrnday. and noctinr "t (Jat.kHI with We.tern etaae. Knee"""a"" Oon" A^AxIZSSllify? v''ar5T7:~viIibako and adth at. at S :!I0 a Jl' hlV/'v J,1<"r *' 8:1? town ,hv ferryboai) Wa.tiWt I"* at Wyaek and Tarry. fr T?? train to Saratoga' iTCStt ? %%2Si torn. ,.w. day, d 1; P?u,hk"J.T^ WewbnrK and ? &? Apib.uV ".y** "???* ?* ?pa B*5?5S Ak'meN,V,KK AN1' NKWBlTittL MY Knlton ?t, llrLk* n ?t ?: V.Ttry and L-dthai. at 9:A> A M UndfoL-It V?. i, ^.ork- V Loaiena. Weat I'utnt and Cornw.n m n* Brooklyn 71'. S. Cornwall. Keturnlag, arrive at Ticket* for tho round trip SI O''ir'llf^';INHKD LINK'KOK STI YVKSaNT CATd IIARilBR, lrom f?nWlu^.t!^oli?^T8TAN*DREW and Saturday; ateamer MON'IT iu ij 'a .*5?*/' Thurwtav Friday, at . P. M ' *OJ,ITJH. Monday, Wedneaday and Fall kiv?:r link to bostTTr - Mea^boata'^RIHTfJL ffS!!Mfl!,0R9U,ig^5V4 -,J5is= excepted, at "M*l P. R Connect? m v Sunday, evening train, lor the North. ^oughkoopalo with CTOXINOTON LINK CO It BOSTON: ptt-Xt "?MP. 'ffixo!^8^wonAu.r,odjroT^At,& day, at 6 M.. from pier 4? NoVth ttlyer 7, ""P' Tariff : York from pier S North hirer iJ.. n J.' ? Now If" k Branch and Sea?,,^?' A^ A.M. for phiM. Lonjf Mranch Tnm< Hirer ' w*sr ? '?r Philndel 3:30 P. M. for Ph iadelnhia l^e. i '?Tn. v'nel?nd. iSSSilpSS ?*. R. RNEDRk, 0. M. CUARMINO PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. (? RK AT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Trains Iit'iit New York, via Desbroases and Conrtlandt Streeta Ferries, as tollow*: Expreaa for llarrtshnrg. I'ittsbnrg, the West and South, wtllf Pullman Palace Cars attached, 9:30 A. M.. 6 and 8 .?) I*. M. Sunday, (i and s: ?) I'. M. For Willlanjspurt, Ie-ck listen, Corr.v and Erie at 9:30 A, M. and 8:30 P. M? connecting at Uorry Tot Tituarltle, Pe troleum Centre ami the Oil Regions. For Baltimore, Washington and tlie Month, "Limited Wash iiiKtou Express" ot Pullman Parlor Cars dally, except Sunday, 9 -IIIi A. M.; artire Washington 4:lli P. M. Kejrn lar at 8:10 A. M., 3 ami 9 P. M. Sunday 9 P. M. Express for Philadelphia. 7. 7 8 :4U. 0 :30 A, M? 13:3f). :i, 4, 4:IO. ft, S, 7, 8:30. 9 P. M. and Id night. Sunday .V t>, 7. M :D0 and 9 P. M. Emigrant and second class, 7 For Centennial Depot at 5:30. 6:H0. 7:30. MA.*., sad 3 P. M. Ketnrnlnir, leave Centennial Depot at I, 4:4ft, 5 :Ml, 6 and 7 tfi P. M, For trains to Newark. Elisabeth. Rnhwey, Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Amboy. Klentineton, Belvidure and other points, see local schedules at all ticket offices. Trains arriveFrom Pittsburg. 9 :30 and lt):80 A. M. and 111:30 1*, M. dally; 10:10 A 41. aod t4l)P. M. dally, si rept Monday. From Washington and Baltimore. 0:3nA. -M.. 4, ft in and 10:30 P M.; Sunday M:*l A. M. From I hiladolphla ftrrt. ?:3n, 0:30. It): 10, II JO, 11 :5o 4! M.. 3:I0, 4, ft :li>, 0:10. 0 i>0, S :4(i and 10 JO P. *.: Sunday, :30.0:3n. 1I:.'>0A. M.,i?:ftOand 10:30 P. M. Ticket offices ,'?3ti and 944 Hrnadway. No. I Aator House, end foot of Ilcsbrosses and Conrtlandt sts; No. 4 Court St., Brooklyn; Nns 114. Ill and 1IH Hudson St., Heboken; depot, Jersey City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. 8 Battery place. FRANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD. Jr.. lienerul Manager. Oeneral Passenger Agent. KXC I HNIOMS. ' Tr*BtC15WPr0l." excursion. A PLYMOUTH ROCK. lor BOCKAWAY and the ATLANTIC OCEAN. J ARBEIT * PALMER'S superb FLOAT INO PALACE, the steamer PLYMOUTH HOOK, trill make a grand axeursion to KOCKAWaY IIeach and the cool breeses of the ATLANTIC. KVKI'.Y DAY. Including SUNDAV. leaving the foot of 33d st.. N. R., at 10:*' o'clock A. M.. and pier 3 X. R.. at II o'clock, rctualumg at Ihe Reach three hours, and returning to the city by 7 o'clock I*. M. DAY. PARK, lor tho whole agrnmion. FIFTT CENTS; single trip tlesets, to or from . Rocksway. So reota A ORANI) MUsK'.tL ENTERTAINMENT Is given everv day liy HORACE WE**TON, the Cnamplon Bimjoiet; MADKlUAL BOYS, MO/.A.iT OLEB I'l.UB. CHI MEM OF CBiKCH BELLS. Sc. V To-morrow (Thursday. Ihe 33d Inst . occasion of tn4 (iRAND CENTENNIAL INTERNATIONAL YA( IT RACE, the Plymouth Rock passengers will l>e enabled lo witness tho assemblage ol the yachts, the start and homestretch. Tho steamer will lav to for a while at the slnkeboat and afterward proceed tolloekawnv. Y SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WITNESS THE ORANI) INTERNATIONAL YACflT MACE. to morr .w (THURSDAY), will be afforded by the PLY MOUTH ROCK, on her trln ?o and returning Irom ROCK A WAY. I he sitpnrh steatnrr will proeeed to the meeting ground ol the yacht fleet, stay until the START, then rue to the STAKKH'iaT and afterward g? to Reckaway bench Returning, pesaengers may een Ihe exeltlng HOME St KETCH ol the conteatants. Boat leaves the loot of 3311 st.. North Elver, nt IO:SD A. M and piet 3, North River, at tl o'clock. FA RK......L riFTY CF,NTH A -A.-TO CHARTER, STEAMBOAT FORT LEE: ? will accommodate toopas-angers, price gaotu floo per day. Apply In the afternoon at 47 Fulton at. A -A DAILY AND SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO , Fort late. Pleasant Valley and Shady ."Mdt.?Steamboats teste Canal st. dally si ?:45 and 10 A. M, ; 3. ft :1ft and 7:15 I'. M. Monday at 9. 10 and 11 A M.; 13 M? I, 3, 3. 4,8 and 7 P. Mlanding at 34th and 3tth sts. (dolly and Rnnday) I" minutes Inter. Round trip. 33c.; children half prlue. A' ?FISH I NO BINES EVERY RAY (SATU'DAYb . excepted).?Ocean steamer MKTII LOW, leaving Harrison st.. North River, <1:30; Hth St., Ka?t River, 7; pier 37 East River, 7 :l."u KRb at.. North Rlvor. 7 :4", pier ? North River, 8 A. M. Tickets, fi ^_ AL a. FOSTER, Mnouger. KXCl KMIONS. "TrtT?TfreT^PoK conky'Tsland7 daily?i87aC? Tha new steamer IDLEWILD will run to Coney Island OD ?ud ?fler Sunday. June 11. every day, Irtrlnil 'XM *1., N. K . 9 A. M . 12 M ami 3 P.iM.; lull St.. X. K? H:1U, 12:l<) ?ml 3:1<> P.M.; Frunktln st . S. 11.. >? din. 12 :to ?n.| 3 JU P. M.; pier 3 X. J4.. ?:?>. U-*' ?n<l 3;3*> P M. Tho fUPPHO leaves 23d It., X. R. |O:30. 1 :90 end4 :30 P. M.: loin St. N K. 10:4*1. I :4*> and 4 to P. VI.; Franklin ??? X K.. !<? JO. 1 :V. *ml 4 :fx> P M . plrr 2 N R.. II A. X.. J end 5 P. M. ELIZA HANCOX. June 1H. Irom EAST K1VKK. will leave 3 Id *t . 9 A. M., 1J 3<i and 3:3*1 P. M.; 234 sc. 11:10 A. 12:40?ml3:4l* P. M.; Wh?l,H'.1o A. Jt, 13:X? ?nrl 3:50 P. M.; Pillion ferry, Bronklrn, 9:35 A. M., 1 O'i mill 4 111 P. M. DELmilTrVL AND Vl lKf TlAlLV" FAMILY ex." CURSIONH TO SANDY IIOOK. I he elegant steamei JESSE HOYT and CRYSTAL WAVE, of the Xnw Jersex Southern Railroad line, leave pier 8, North River, foot Keetor il.,MH4'> A. M. Returning arrive in New York 1 :1<* P. M. Alan leave pier 8 at 3 '30 and 4:1" P. M.. and arrive in New York on the return trip at s P M *)u SUN DAYS leave pier H at 9:31) A. M . connecting at Bandy Hook with train for Long Hi inch. Returning leave Long Hranrlt 3 P. M. W. 8. SNKDKN, Oeoeral Manager. I(3o"r RXOD rsions tHS UIM itMT ClaAM pX rorlle Steamboats Hteepv Hollow, now called the Li>N*l BRANCH, Mild METAMOKA. Kngleawnnrt. Alpine, Dud ley'a, .Spring Hill, Myvr*' and lonu Island Orovea. with Barge* and Boats nt uli kinda. J. MYKICS. corner Morton and West sts. /IRANI) CENTRE* N IA L 1 N'TERN ATIONAL YACHT U race, THURSDAY. June 22. 187ft *1 he tavorlte strainer* ? WILLIAM COOK and MAiiKNTA will accompany the yacht* uvortlio whole eonrae to thd 11 at 111 a 1 ? 11> and return. Pare One Dollar on either boat. The Wm, Cook learn. 24th at., N. IS., at HilO A. M. Tho Win. Cook leavea lOlli at . N. 11.. at 9:45 A. X. *1 lie Win. I'onk leavoa pier 2 N. R.. at II) A. SI. The Win. Cook leave* Pulton ferry. Brooklyn, at 10:20. The Magenta leavea Voaey at.. N.-R.. ut9:j0 A. M. IM 10:11). The Macenta leavea 21th at., N. R., at 0:45 A. M. The Magenta leave* Hhli *t , N. It., ai Hi A. SI. Tlie Magenta leavea pier 2 N. K.. at 1*1:15. Tho Mageuta leuvea Piiltou ferry, Brooklyn, at 10-.33 At M. Grand centennial international Yacht Race. Thuraday, June 22, 1370, Kaai River l.unt. The favorite steamyr NKVERSINK will accompany thfc yacht* over ihe whole rourae to the Lightship and return Under the anaplcea of the Brooklyn Yacht Club. Leaving pier 37, Kaai Itlver, at S:t."> A. SI. Leaving 23d ih, E. 11.. at 9 :13 A. SI. leaving IKIi at.. E. It., at !? :???? A. SI. Leaving tlrnnd at., E. It., nt It :t.Y A. M. leaving South let at., Willlnmahurg, at 10 A. M. Leaving Jowell'a wliurf. Pulton furry, Brooklyn, at 10:4S A. M. Sluaic by Lent'a Bund. Refreshment* of all kinds on hoard Pare One Dollar. raniTTTkn ten xTXl X Inlernntlunal Yacht Race. Tliuraday. June 22. 1S7G. North River boat. The large and llrst clan* palace steamer LONU BRANCH will accompany the yachtn ovr tho eourto. leaving 24th St., North River. A. M. ; Krunklin at.. North Ktver, 10 A. SI.; pier 2 North River, l*>:4li A. SI. A llrst elaaa liraa* brnd will bn on board. pare for the rxcurs.on. El. Tieketa to be had at tho principal lintala and at tha boat. Refreshments on Imard. C" 4 It A N D CKNTKNM VI. r International Yucht Race. 'I buraday, June 2 ', 1878. East River boat. Tha eplendld tea going Steamer WVOMINU will aceompanv the yachts uvor the course, leaving 23rl at., Ea*l River. 9:15 A. SI.; South 1st at., Williamsburg. 11:15 A. M.; Pnltou ferry. Jewel s docg, 1< >:.'*) A. SI. Musi.'by Spiers'brats hand. Tieanta El. to bo had on the dock on tiio morning of the race. Refreshments to bn had on board Grand centenni al exci rcHin rp the iiui> son River from New York to Nea lmrg. on hoard the I uga iw ft ami m ignilleent steamer T MOM AS CORNELL, Captain Hilton, July 4, 187*1; lara lor round trip, $1. Par tlrnlara given hercaltur Git A X D "Z'KX TEN NIA17 IN TERN ATIONAL YACHT RACK. THURSDAY'. June 22, and PHI DAY. June 23, 187ft Tho statirh sea going Steamer WILLIAM PLKTCHKIt will aceompany ihe yaehta over the whole coarse on eaeh way, leaving foot ol Maiden lane al 0 o'clock A. M.; Jewell's wharf. Pulton ferry. Brooklyn, at 9:20; foot ofSnckelt St.. Brooklyn, at 9:35; foot of Court st. at 10 A. M.; Bay Rldce at 10:30, and Port Hamilton at 10:43. Pure $1. Refresh ments on board. ION A I sLAX'D, WEST POINT AND NKWBURO.-SIIH advertisement of steamboat Armenia. 11 OCKAWAY BEACU EXCURSIONS. TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OC8AN. POUR EXCURSIONS DAILY by tha favorite and eommodlous excursion "teamen, AM ERIC IS and NKVERSINK. Musical entertainment by the celebruted ORPHEUS til,EE CLUB. AMKRICL'S LEAVES 24th st., N. R. I 10th st., X. R. | Vesey st. I Fulton at., B'k A.M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P.M. 8:30 and 1:15 | s :45 and 1 215 9 OH 1 :4<? 11* :2" and 2 Ol) NKVERSINK LEAVES EAST RIVER. 9th St., R. R. j S. 1st, Wmsb'c. I Grand st.. N.Y. I Brooklvn. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. 1'. K. 8:00 12 A. | 8:15 and 1 O > I H :30 and 1 ;lt) | 9d>0 1:31) Steamer* leavo lloekaway at 11 A. M., 5 and 5 :15 P. M. Pare. 35 cent*. Excursion ticket*. 50 rents. Ratnrn ticket* good on either above boats. NDTIOK.?No delay from low tide. Only boat* making the upper landings at Rockawar. On SUNDAYS the steamers WILLIAM COOK and ARROWSMITH will make excursion to Rockawav lu | connection with the above boa*.*. R OCKAWAY REACH.-STEAMER M A It ION LEAVES daily from 34th st at 9 A. M., Franklin st. al lo A. M. < Pare 35 cents; excursion ticket* 50 ceuts. Leaves tha B ach at 4:30 P. M. The steamer "Josephine can bk had for excursion parties. Apply at the Stateo island Railway )erry offlce, loot of Whitehall st. TO CHARTER FOR DAY OR NIGHT EXCURSION*? Barge BALTIMORE, with tug. Apply to C. U. LONG. STREET, on plrr 22 East River. EST POINT, NKWBUKtiTPOUuHKKBl'MIR AND return same day by day line steamers. w CE.Y'TENXIAL KXIIIBITS. BOSS A WILLIAMS, MANUFACTURERS OF Presses. Dies and special Machinery, 187 to 173 Plym outh st., Brooklyn. Philadelphia, junk"To, "i87ft-TiiK~ avkhill Chemical I'alnt Company bare one of the Aneat build ing* on the Centennial grounds erected for the purpoe* of exhibiting the Avrrill paint. General agents, hEKLhk Jk STEVENS, 32 Boning slip. New York. FOE M ALL. "i FIrSt CLASS CORNER LlyUoH" STfillE FOR J-X. sale cheap, near the Bowery, doing good business. GA INKY ,1 SMITH, Auctioneer*. ITCeotrost. A PINK CORNER l.iyi'oi: STOKE PGR $500: ALSO Restaurants, Cigar Stores, Coffee Saloon*. MITCH P. LL. 77 Cadar at. A PINE SAMPLE ROOM. CIGAR AND Lt'NCII Room; best stand, near Stork Exchange; for sala rheap. MIT*'IIELL, 77 Cedar st. \ ? FOR SALh-COKNKIt HKOCKIUKS. MKAT MAR /\.? ketii, PrnvlHon Store*, Finer Uoeth ami IJrntleaien'l Ftirnlihlni; Htore*. MfTCIIKLL. 77 <'clar at. * IgRIAT SACRIFICE.?ff7i*> WILL FUtOUAM A? Stock, Kixtnrca and J^??c of flrat claa* handnomcly Itlfd corner Liquor to re, MAL<?XK. No, A Dry at. T"-FOR SALK, A FIRST CLASS OflRNKB LIOFOR ./V* Storit, on htialnre* nrrnuo, trait nldc. goo.I lea-o| cheap rent, md dolnifood btiiinet*. Apply to P. OAKK NKY. 2S7H Bowery. WKLL KITTFtD (idKNKK J.lgbOK STORlT~IN the heart of the city; Aral clad location; vary cheap, LLOYD, 39Broadway A' F1K1 COIN1I LigcoR stork korTsalV?IN Brooklyn. near the ferry ; good familr and tranolenI trade; cheap for cn?b: aalial'uclorv ronton* for *elllBK. Art tlrnaa, for three day*. OIIANOR. Ileralrl oflice. A Bakp.ry for salk-bkst Location in brook lyn; average daily receipt". $'t'> to SNA; lor lee* than half It" value. Addtea* CASH, ho* 110 Ilerald office. (NOUNTKRS. ur-SKS ANIl orilKR FIXTCKKS, SUIT J able for clothing or dry tfood*, lor *ale cheap. Apply at MB Kulton >i __________________ CfOAIo YARD roi SALR. tt KnT SlDK-ix A FIRST J claa* location anil doing a good boaiuea*. Addrc** L. II.. ho* lot llerahl llptrrwn Hr.mch oltico. DallU STORK IN BROOKLYN?Ltixd" KSTABLISIL ed: exiallent reputation; owner Ita* other htiaiae**. Addrc** L.. hnx ni3 1'iwt office. Itrooklyn. DitCrt STORK FOR SALK. A BARGAIN; VKRT DPf ?irahlr locatod. Apply to K1MKK A AMKMt, cornel ISih Hi. and :td a*. * ININU ROOM. DOWN"TOWN. It KS r LotUYIO.t IN the cit.V; moat ho aold; (ponl reaeona. Addr-a* BOSTON, Herald office. J""ik5r~?alk-a \viioiTksAi.ld aK1 itkYAiir cox". lectlonerr and let- i.rram Saloon, aaltort dlitance from New Y ork Inquire at S'.t VYeat 111h at., grocery alore. I" YOK S kLK?AT A liltKAT SAORtTtOR, LaOKK IUKR and lilllutril Saloon, trend /i.ind for a restaurant; cheep rent, Call at 4tl Wooater at reel. 1 OK S AI. K?T11 F LKASh. STOCK ANDCIOOU MB F? M _ of a flrrt ele?a Boarding and Idver.. ?.-t*hle, c-utrally located, in the city nf Brooklyn, now doing a ttood paying bu"!'!!'"". parties having other bualnra* and cannot attend to bom. I'artiea dcalrln* to purcha-e cheap for caah can haep the deairarl Information by addreiin.; LIVKKY STAbLRS, box I-Y7 llereld office. 1NOK SALE Oil RAIL?A LITTLK UIART DOUIbM 1 tower Mangle ; o?t MffH; will eell lor $190; been la uae two week*. Apply at l!h? Wa*hlagton ?t. No|T SALK CHEAP BI'TTKR. I'.OOS ANI >~VRURTfC b'e* Store, ?n loading avenue in Brooklyn. Inquire at Nil Court at.. In aaloon. ih?OR SALK. Crt SXl'T?HOODWILL AN D FlXTURM r of tho heat locate.: in.I .-ataMiahod I lining Room In I'hlla.l. Ipbla. Addrt .? JEFKKR.SO.N, Ilerald I'hlladelpbtn Branch uffrr. ARHLR S( III A \V ATH K AND ROOT BEKK APT ~.C rate*, aliatvle*. for .ale halow co*t. J. M. WHITFIELD A SON, ml Water*!. R" MtAURANT FOR SALK?CAN BR ~BOUflltT cheap; wrath wen corner of ttth ay. and 24th tlreet: beoentent. StvriovKHY st7>kK RKKT LOCATION, ON I.EAO* Inj erenne. cheap for canh. M VI.ON K. No 5 Day ?t. TAYIiIIR (A. RTiT'IIKSS for sVLK, 34X5jT~RK" centlj repaired: pond aa new ; price $tn. Addreta TaYLOR, Herald oflice. _ j,'y 4.7 "7k CASH WILL BlToSK OFTIIF. BRST AND 3) j ?/" haadaonieat flttod np Confectionery and Ico Cream Saloon* in tho city; Aral claa* location aqd cheap rent; doine I are* hnetnc**; good ren*on< for aelllng. An dre** BISMABK. Herald Uptown Branch office r"~~ A uVRMAfT'LAikY". fcSSfFBTR'xf^"WtiCACirtiKB"" A man, French, Kugliah and nntlc. wl?hee a ailaatton or to give ntutlc lenaon* in iitliMt* for Board. Addreta (iOY>, Ilerald oflice. CNOTKRN*#S WANTkiT-FRtVATK FAMILY; M T perienced teaeher of mualc and the I* anna * * * required. Addrt** KXI'KtUKNCK. Hereld *?**- W?laiam 1 I