Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,549. NEW YORK. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DlttKCTOKY FOU AUYEKTISKUS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.2?3 RROADWAT. ^^OPEN DAY A.N'B NIGHT, FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALE OF PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Pack?fiih col. ASTROLOGY?12th Pack?3th roL BILLIARDS?2d Pace?Itb col. BOARDERS WANTED?2D l'AOK-2d and 3d eols. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d PACE-Sdael BROOKLYN BOARD?2o Pack?3d eol. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?Oth Pack. Bl'SINEsS NOTICES?7tu PAU*-?th col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pack?H?h cot CITY SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2d Pack?liteeL CLERKS AND SALESMEN I'-Th Pack?5theol. CLOTHING?12th Pack?tllh eol. COAGHMKN AND GARDENERS?12th Pack-3th col. Coastwise steamships-ist Paok?4th andithcois. CO PARTNERS II IPS - ?tii Pack. COUNTRY BOARD?2d PAOK-3d mod 4th coll. DENTISTRY?2n Pack?Uh col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. PURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED-So Pack?1st col. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?1st Pack?4th col. EUROPE-2d Paid;?tilt eol. EXCUKNIONS?lit Pack?3th and Oth coll. FINANCIaL??>th Pack. FOR SALE?12tm PAOK-Sthcol. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Paok?lit and 3d colt. FURNITURK-12th PA?K-?th col FRENCH ADVERTISEMENTS?I2ni Fack?4th col HELP WANTED?FEMALES?12th Paok?4th and 5th HKLFWANTKD?MALES?I2rn Pack?5th and 0th coll. HORSES, CARRIAGES. AO ?liiT Pack?2d, 3d and 4th cola HOTELS?2d Pack?3d col. HOUSES. ROOMS. AO.. WANTED?2d Pack?3d coL INSTRUCTION?1*T Pack?<Hh col. LOST AND KOUMD?1st Park?lit eol. MACHINERY?12th PACK-tlth col. MARBLE MANTELS?2d Pack?Ith coL MATRIMONIAL?2d PAOK-.lth eol. MEDICAL? 12th Paok-HGi col. _ , MILLINERY AND DkBSSMAKIXG?1st PAO?-4theot. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS? lOra Pack?6th eol. MISOELLANEOUH-IbT PAOK-flth col. NEW PCBLIC ATION S?7tii P aim?Oth eoL PKKSONAL-Ist Pack? 1st col. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AO.?Ut Pacd?flth eol. FOST OFFICE NOTICE?1st Pack?Oth col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-rFBMALES? 12th PiOK?4th col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOB SALE OB TO RENT?2d Pack?1st eol. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?S? Pack?lit col. RELIGIOUS NOTICE'-1*t Pack?lit eol. REWARDS-! st Pack?lit col. BALB8 AT AUCTION?2d PAOH-flth coL SITUATIONS WANTED? FEMALES?12m Pack?1st, 2d. 3d ond 4th gals. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?12rn Pack?5th eol. SPECIAL NOTIOB8?1ST Pack?1st and 2d cols. BPORTING?DOGS. BIRDS, AG.?1st Pack?2d col, STORAGE?12th Pack?Oth col. SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pack?4th eol. THE TRADES?12th pAOK-tith col. THE TURK?1st PACK-2d col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PACK?1st eoL TRAVELLERS' GUIDK-lxr PAOK-oth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Pack?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st Pack?6th eol. WATCHES, JEWELRY. AC.-So PAOK-flth eoL TACUTS, STEAMBOATS. AO.-lOru PAi.K-flth eol ' PERAtlSAL. "TTlliE?Some for mY sake or letme A hesr from you. W. I" F JOHN OR FRED FOX WISU TO SEP, THEIR cotitin from Indiana they can do so by scodintt address to 10S Essex st. JACOB FOX. IF"THOMAS JARDINE SHOULD SEE THIS. W. B. SCOTT, 24 Pine ?t.. would like to hear Irom him. JIM.?WISH" TO SEE~Or1|EAR FROM YOU IM mediately. GRACIK. AltY W.?TO-DAY, AT 11. R. 0. II.?BUY OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI AT once. HIRAM. M r|io Il.L 11. D. MARIE PETERSEN, WHO WAS IN CO penliagen winter ol 1M74-5, please send her present address to tlie frieud who assisted her ? TITILL'tHE GENTLEMAN WHO FIRST MET LADY M in air. stage: uiterward on Oth a*, lost Saturday, noon, klndlv eall according to promise. ES?WILL MEET YO CT~T III S~^0 UN IN G 8 A ME time; >uu nnderxtnnd. ROLL L RKJL.IGIOUS NOTICES. THBTGOSPEL TBNTV ~~~ " 34th lit . We?t. ntid nfir flth av. (Green earn of Thirty-fourth street line puss the tent.) SECOND WEEK Of SEltVICES. Lecture on "Young Men of the Bible," by iter. STEPHEN H. TYNG, Jr., every evening (except Saturday) at 8 o'eloea. Topic for Thureday?"John the Baptist." Tonic for Friday?"The Young Ruler." After meetings, at 0 o'clock every evening, will be eon ducted by Rev. W. HUMP8T0NE. SATURDAY. P P. M.?Meetinr of Christian Worker*, to be led by Uncle JOHN VAS8AR. Ringing every evening by THEODORE E. PERKINS and ? chorus. NOONDAY PRAYER MEETING ?very day for one hour under the direction of Mr. ALEXANDER LYLE. Reata free to all. Helper* wanted, as nsbers, workers and singera. Address fi. P. WILLIAMS, .No. 40 East 43d at. Contributions to tbo support of tlieso services may bo sent to EDWARD L OWTEN. Treasurer. No._40 East 43d st.. or So. 71 Wail si. LOST A r?is C Nlr. VTSilCSfflflS't3,~a small f.namEt leo"watcir XJ with chain and keys attached; whoever will give in formation loading to the recovery of the tame will be llher Mlr rewarded. Notify MORTIMER, box 17? Herald ofllce. T ORT?IN NINTH AVENUE AND TWKNTY~THIRD XJ street stage, a Book containing list of theatrical ward robe. Kinder will be rewarded by leaving samo at Sturte vant House. LORT?A HAIR BRACELET; M. W. W. ON TnE clasp. The Under will be liberally rewarded by return ing it to 410 4th av. T OST?ON SATURDAY AfTLKNOON, PROBABLY IN JLi Central Park, a silk Umbrella with smooth, ivory handle: name in full; Initials are A. M. W. Suitable re ward will be glvrn upon its return to 48 West 11th st. T_OST?A SM ALL, 1) A R kT BLUE 8 K V TKRRIKR, XJ answers to the name of Mack. A liberal reward will be paid for his return to 28 East 20th st. T 08T.--A BLaT k AND TaN~8LUT; .AN5WEB8_TO XJ the name of Lily. A liberal rewaid will be paid for the return. Address 0. D. I.. 438 Otli nv. OST?oV JUNK 31. A LA R'4K N K W KOIJ N D L A N I) Dog: color, tuixed brown. Any one returning said dog to No. 104 Otli nv., city, will receive $5 reward. OBT-ON 8TII AV. KROM 15T11 TO litrTf 8T.. A GOLD J neck chain, with blue enatnelied locket attochi-d; locket contained likeness ot ludy and gentleman. A liberal reward will be paid on returning it to 1108 West 10th st. I OST?ON THE AFTERNOON OK THE 2I8T. ON ?TH J av., between 40?tl and 41st st*.. a 8kye Terrier Slut: an swrrs to the name of Jessie. A liberal reward If returned to TON 8th av. Call between 13 and 2 o'clock, second lint. I" ~OST?ON TUESDAY EVENING, I'OTIf INRT., OOINO J Irom t'hsrles and Hleecker at*. to Jane ?t., corner of I.uds.m St.. n Breastpin, nmethvst and penrls in a gold set tin To any one returning the same to 14 Van Nest plsce (Charles st.) a suitabln reward will l>e given. ' * HEWAKDa. 0 if IJ R K W ARD. -LOST ."A V; A M Eo" B kKaM^IM jfToN ?P?s'f Tuesday afternoon, between 37th and 5','th sts. Apply at Brewery, 50th st. nnd Ilth av. d? t) - REWARD-LOST," ON MONDAY, THE 19TH inst.. either on the barges William II. Morton or Leraldlne or on the Itroome street landing, a gold opea face Watch with Inscription on back. Ihc above reward will be paid and ro questions asked, by M. 0. LYNCH, at J. K. Wright A'cn's lUhprnce st. >T V?. Bl'EClAL SliTlCEb. -IriAAO O. BOYC K. 387 HROA bit' AY.'I, A W YK R.? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tion, Inmmpatlbliity, habitual drunkenness. Infidelity, lu hornan treatment, conviction of felony. Passports obtained. ZaXZaLL PRIZES OASHRB in mold At tm ? office. Third Lnnisisna gold distribution. New Orleans, .Inly 3tt, 1H78. Capital prise $1U(MXS> gold!! 3.580 prises amounting to $502,500. 30,0 0 tickets $50 currency. Coupons In proportion. Apply lor information Ac., to WILLIAMSON it CO., brokers, 317 Broadwey, Post office boa 04)28. AGAIN A GAIN. ~ ~~ A Circulation of the EVENING TELEGRAM for the Week ending J nne 17, 1878. ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Monday, June 13 84,350 ADVkRT18l.NO 3DC. A LINK. Tneeday, June 18 35.300 ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. Wedaetdey, June 14 37.850 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE. Thursday. June 15 30,450 advertising aoc. a line. Friday, June 10 49,100 ADVERTISING JOC. A LINE. Retardsj, June 17 34,350 ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE. ADVERTISING SOC. A LINK. Total 330,300 ADVERTISING 300. A LINE. Dally average 38,384 Parties going out ot the city should subscribe ter TIIB EVENING TELEGRAM, 50c. per month, ?8 e year: postage prepaid. a ?ROYAL HAVANA IJ4TTKRY. A - Next drawing July I. 1 Prise "f Spanish dnllar* $100,000 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 5*1,000 2 Prises of each, Spanish dollars.. 23,080 ami if 15 ether prise*. German Government Lotteries. Pnll explanatory circulars free. TIIKODORR ZW'HOCII. Fotl office box 5.584. 11* Nassau st. New York. A?$a?.<v*i IN FKIZBS?WHOLE riCKKTS.fia * s Every other TICKET I IK.VW8 a prise. 25.PAr t'tllZKS, FROM fAo.usr t? 41'" KENTUCKY STAIR DISTRIBUTION. Dl'.AWS SATURDAV, JUNE 24. I*78. Prises PAID IN KCl.L AFTER r!IK DRAWING. PARKS, KMF RS<IN A CO., Bankers, do broauway. poor office box 3.272. B-KENTUCKY STATE LOTTERIES OK J. 8. SMITH A t o. irtwtr- i mt .-!.*? so. '01. mn I87rl TO. 53, l?l. 41. 77. 42. 211. t :i ?, 45. :|M. 1, 54, 83. ?oxm-nr-? mm >,) ,vrj. roe 187a ??'% 81. 2.1. 5|. ,7. .it. :;it, in. .3,3. 5. 3. 38. 21, 73. All order, address II NATllAN, 181 Brtm iwav, or Post ?ffiee (nig 4.a7>\ New rk ritv. tt A - -1 M K it K 1I ATS M ADE OVER INTO THE NEW J style; Fan tin a llsi- tiers. | nnd trimmed at Jtiil.N MON'r. 1,290}, r.r-radwsy. T \l Vi hi ' KS l.L sLLV AND t)l ll.TI.V OBTAINED J J fssin. i? i patlhvttii, Ac . nniissns nniiect'.-irv : len s.tcr necrce. A. G?|tiDKlCII. Trwl nltlre b..\ l.mtT, Cbii-ngn, DI-K.tS'S of MEN * SPEC IA I.TV IIKNUV DANIEL*. M o. 114 Lexington av., ?ear2>*. It st. Orttee hour. I "mi Hta A IjMNK HkmNX . CLOCKS, VASKS. SILVERWARE 1/ an l Cutlers "? Irs" -? >1 lur nc t nut nf w! om it nras cup tern on Fridtj", at lit.'., u c ock, at i:n> >sM?rtmm ;i| >a? mna*. it Nl8 JtrllNnUN, Auetiuncur. A. SPECIAL NOTICES. Havana" "lotterv.-next drawing ju?y T. 1876, ?i tickets. $OOi,l.vY> la prises. AddreB b MARTINi:Z A CO.. Hanker*. to Wall it., basement; Post office box 4.6*2 New York. Spanish gold and Havana bank bill* bought nail told; draft* on Usvana laaaad. INCONSTANCY IN MAN DISCOVERED AT A lance.?indiapntable. Address J. A. A. 10 Oxlord M., Boston. Maes. -CHRONIC OATARUH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED method; instantaneous relief: permanent nm Dr. STODDARD No. H West 14th st. KENTUCKY STATK SINGLE NUMBER URAND Dis tribution draws Saturday, Jon# 24, 1S7U. $i<a.),u*> distributed. 23,420 prises out ol , . NO,000 ticket* :l Grand Cash Prises of $20.1X10 eaeh. One priao guaranteed tfl ererjr two tleketa pnrchaaed* Now la tha time to ioreat. Whole tleketa, $10: halve*. *5: quarters, $2 NO. Sand in yunr order* 11 onoe to JACKSON A CO.. Banker*. 202 Broadway, Saw York. M -OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT . terlea?SIMMONS A DICKINSON, Managers. KK.NTUOKT. KXTRA CLASS !???. 2SS?AtTPB 21, 1876. 30, 22, 23. 2, 4. 20. 43. 33. 12. 27, NO. 32, IK xkstccxt, ruaaa jto. 394?Jt'm 21, 187K 87, 33. 03, 2. 16. ON. 50, IO. 3. 32. 40. 21, 44. HXSIIY. KXTBA CLASS SO, 201?JUS* 21, 1876. 30, 87, 23, 43. 77. 24. 72, 23. 3. NO, NR. 49, TI. linear. clam no. 294?jum 21, 1876. 53, 49. 13, 71. 28, 17. 50. 7. 45. 10. 70, 24, 3.3. ?, W, III, I I, wP, II, OU, I, *??. Ill, lu, 4T, *#??. Fall information by epplvlng to or addressing J. CLUTK A CO., 2fJ0 Broadway, room No. 6, rear office. M-$300.i*XA-SIMMONH A DICKINSON'S SINGLE . Number Kentucky Slate Distribution, to be drawn on Saturday. June 24. 1876. t3J0,uniM ha distributed; 25,430 prises and only NO.OOOticket*. Every other tleket a prise. Now la your time to Invest. Priiesnayabla la fall. Whole, The next " ? ? flit; Half. $5; V'trier. $2 50. The next Royal Havana will be drawn on Saturday, July I. 1876 Send In your orders to J. OLUTE, Banker, No. 200 Broadway, room No. 0, rear office. NOTlCK.-NKWBKKN. N. 0. All persons are hereby notified that I have no agents or clerks at present In ray employment, and that business of whatever description Involving ay lntereits autt be trans acted with me in person. 21, 1876. L. M. BLAKKLY. VTKKVOUS KXIIAUST10X-A MEDICAL ESSAY COM 13 prising a series of lectures delivered at Kahn'e Mn seura of Anatomy. New York, on tlto cense and cure of premature decline, showing Indisputably bow lost health any be regained, affording a clear synopsis of ilir impedi ments to marriage and the ircntraeat of nervous and physi cal debility, being the result of 20 years' experience, Price, 25 rents. Address the author, Dr. U J. KAHN, office and residence 51 East H'tb et. New York. "VfOTICE J. HOWARD RKVri.LK IS NO LONGER 1\ in our employ. STUART PETERSON A CO.. Broud and Nonle sts., .Philadelphia. 0XT-HYDROGEN LIGHT FOR HIRE?MOST ItlML liant light known; Lanterns with powerful 4Jf inch condenser, every tltting; flrst class ana complete: quite new: best London make. Note address and give a lew days' notice to LANTERN, box 3,833 Poet office. Can be purchased. OFFICIAL DRAWING, WYOMING LOTTERY, PATTEK, Manager. June 20, 1876 31, 7, 92. 43. 112. 87, 64. 17. 48, J. 56, 39, 73, 102, 29. Royal Havana will be drawn on June 20. Prise* cashed; order* filled: Infor mation furnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov ernments, Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Banker*. Now 11 Wall St.. New York. TO THE CENTENNIAL! At a meeting of the employes of Valentine A Company (office 323 Peari St.. New York city, factory Ewen and Jarkeon sts.. Brooklyn, K. D.). held Jane 17. 1876, on board the train en route to Philadelphia, Mr. John Dltirich waa - - - y. McCon called to the chair. Mr. II. F. McDonnell, acting as secretary, tlie following was submitted and unanimously approved :? We, the otlic* and factory employes, do most respectfully acknowledge tne very generous coiunllmont conferred on us by oar employers in proposing and giving us a holiday lor recreation nnd a visit to the great Centennial Exposition at iheir own expense, for which we hereby return our most sincere and heartfelt thanks, hoping that by onr united efforts In the future, studying carefully the Interests of the business with which we are connected, and by the diligent persnance ol our respective duties, we may in part pay oar debt of gratitudo to Valentine A Company. Signed by thirty-tWo names. On motion It was resolved that a copy of the above be lent to car employers and the same be patdlahed in the New York Herald, Brooklyn I'imcs and Argus. ISAAC II. DE GRAFF,] HIRAM A. G. WILSON, W. B. TKMPLETON, fCommittee. WM. I). CARTER, J Tamer indikn-a laxative fruit lozenge. agreeable to take: specific remedy for constipation and Its consequences. K. GRILLUT, 27 Rue Kambateau, Parle; depot. CaSWKLL. HAZARD a CO., New York. I300.000." ? A fortune for $HX Kentucky State Dietribtrtloa Draws, Saturday, Juua 24, S grand Cash Prizes of $20,000 eaeh. Beery other ticket a prise. ? 25,430 prises, from $2U,UOO to $100, Payable in full, without deduction. Tickets, $10; Halves. fS; Quarters, $2 5(1 THOMAS U. HAYS A CO.. 697 Broadway. SPOHTI1S O?DOG N. BIRDS, dev. ~~ P" 001M HOLD AT NEW YORK TURF EXCIIANOB tbl- afternoon on Chicago v?. Mutual* at Chicago; Hartford t?. Louisville at I/inUrlllt. Cincinnati vs. Boston at Cincinnati, rit. Lonia vs. Atliletle at Hi. Louis. 8EI IIRRT k McliOPD. SETTER DOU "DA8H," MOREHOUSE STOCK, raised In Morris oonnt.r, N. J.; two rear* old. This lions of tlui best bred and most thorough broken doge in the country. At prlvato sale by VAX TASSELL A KEARNEY, 110 and 113 East Mth .t. TflE TUKF. Mtfi'flfTti" daV A at Johnson's Pool Room. corner Broadway and 28th at., on the Trotting at Pongbkeepsls, ou Baae Ball matehes be tween Chicago and Mntnali, St. lata Is r* Athletic, Boston vs. Cincinnati and Harford vs. Louisville clubs; and Cen tennial Yacht Race, which takes place this day, Full re turns received. til orders promntly attended to, Pool tickets 93 and 95. Also this evening on running at Phila delphia. T. B. JOHNSON. UCTION AND FRENCH POOLS MOLD DaY and evening at NKW YORK TV RF EXCHANGE. 15 West 2Hth St.. on tne l'OUGIIKKKPSIK trots. Also *.'1 FRENCH POOL tickets on all the BASK BALL gatnes to-day. Prompt attention given to orders "V mail or mes senger. KELLY, BLISS k Co. DKERKOOT PAKK?TKOTTINO THURSDAY, JI NK 32, three P. M.; match 8200: T. Bennett's eh. m. Seal skin, B, Sneidikcr's blk. g. Ileal Estate. Same day. Sweep stakes. fl.'st; J, K. J arris' br. m. Mollle Barker. M. Rogers' blk. g. Major Pitlsn. F. Outwater's b. m. Kate Go'iding. Mania <lnr. Match. 81<> >; T. Bennett's d. g. Dnndcline, A. Hopkins'g. g. W. U. Roberta. All the above II in 5 to har ness: admission, 50c. WILLIAM MrMAHON, Proprietor. LKKTWOOI >"l'A K K, FRIDAY. JUNK 2A?A SWEEP - stakes of 91UU each; best two In throe. In harness; to eommenco at 3 o'clock. Willlsni I-ove 11 enters a g. White Stockings. James Sweeny enters a. g. Irojati J. Songbnry enters s. ra. Liuly Jefferson. Also purse 8100; best three In five, in harneta. A. Illnch enters b. m. Grocery Girt. J. Kuoc enters s. g. Kip Van Winkle. A. M. Udell enters b. in. Lady lllldreth. GATES II. BARNARD, PreMdent. LEBTWOOD PARK. MORRIS AN LA, K. Y.-KEcT nlar Jnue meet inc. commetielng 24th. ktHb and 27th, closed with 13 entries for 2:50 elass, 8 eotries for 3 ela-s, 7 entries for 3 :BM cl-sa. 4 entries for 3gpt class, 10 entries for 2:10 das* and 4 entries for 3:33. Trotting will com mence at 3 o'clock and hents will be trotted alternately. GATES U. BARNARD. President. A HORSES. CARRIAGES, die. ?major Chas. WT~baSSTii takfis"pi,KahTTrS in snnouncing Captain GROKGK D. IIANNA'M (ul Boarhon county, Kentucky) FIFTEENTH unpre cedented SALE of the fsstest GREEN TROTTERS In the world. Just arrived from KENTUCKY. In take place on Sat urday. July I. at It o'eioek. at BAHKEK A SON'S Cur Aoc ion Mart and New York Tattersalls. corner of Broad way andliuth St., and comprising TWENTY HEAD of the richest bred in America, including gteen horses that can trot In irura 3 minutes DOWN TO 2:35, some of the flnett conpe. match or T CART HORSEM, aad the balance tue most snpero lot of PREMIUM all galled combined SAD DLE and harness hones ever brought from the HLI E GR.tS.s region, nnd all warranted sound and kind. Stock will arrive at the Marl this morning lor exhibition and trlul, when DRflOHX W. CLARKE, agent for Capfain llsnnn. will be on band to give everybody the opportnnlty or RIDING and DRIVING and TESTING the SADDLE qualities nnd SPEED of any of the lot HE.PORK the time of ?ale. Catalogues, with extended pedigrees, ready to-mor row. Male positive. No postponement. Auction house or akcii. Johnston, ID, 21. 23 and 25 .3th si., near University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ABE HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND FROM 34 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, TIIE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA BLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. GENTLEMEN HAVING IIORHF.H OR CARRIAGES to sell, or those wishing to bny. will And onr btndnets continued on precisely the same strict and honorable principle- which have always characterised the dealings ol our l:on?e and Won the respect and eonOdence ol lbs business community, as well aa the public at large. AT PRIVATE SALE, TWO LtUilT LANDAUS. ENTIRELT NEW. VICTORIA. LATEST STYLE. LaNDAULET. IN GOOD ORDER. CO IIP KM, BY THE BEST MAKERS. CLARENCES AND CURTAIN COACH. ELEGANT BAROUCHES AND PARK PHARTONB. Top and no top Poor Phaetons. Rorkaways. Depot A'siust Exten-lon fop I'h-etons. Baddies aad Bridle-, t< . Ac. By Van TASSEL A KEARNEY, ll'iand 112 Kant 13th st. AT VKllY LOW I'KICIAM - 75 SECOND HAND CARRIAGES, COMPRISING ALMOST EVERY STYLE. Landaus. Landanlct-, Cenpo-, Cnache-, Cabriolets, half top Phaeton-, Kxten-ion Top I'haeton. Mail t'haeton, Man bops I'haeton. T Carta, Dog Carta. Coupe Itoek.iwsy-, tt-sent Roekawavs, Pong Phaetons. Top ititl noton Wagons. Home ol the M boy - by lirewsier A Co., of Hriomn at. A. A, Fl..4N DR A V'M Carriage Wari-mom-. 372 ami :t74 Broome -t . old stamt of Brewster A Co. t HORSE Ttl BE MOLD \T PUBLIC AUCTION, AT J_ V the I'nhlle Piutnd. an 2.>d ln?t.. M3d ,t.. near 2.1 at, t ItOAI) WAGON, ONE JUMP SEAT BUGGY, ONE Jv open t'oacli, one Half I'litrrttee and one ('0011", nt 2 West :<l?i -1 X?IIOKBRS, Sl'ITABlJC Fob TRUCR. ill -rnc--r? or firm ?..rk;, |Mi. ?115, 875 sndfl'*!. ItG Elisabeth St., between gprnste ami Grand V FANCY Mll.iC tt A..ON I" : SALE (TiEAP AT 715 I-t sr., be 1 ween SOiIt ami 41st -t*. t -HI.'KWH I I'll l?oi CaHT. I*it.NY I'll AKToNlf. .2Y, ei? 1 u liar Buggy, -ix --si Boi-kawsy ; -ei-oad hand far nagettakea In excliaugn; carriage* tre*:iy renu< m *r, pric s. MAM'a. li ai Broad*ar. HORSKR, CARBl <VGKS. ?C. 'rSnEXKCUToH'ij SALE, "" J\ HV ri'BLIl' AUCTIOX, TOMORROW (Friday), JINK 33. at ii O'clock, prompt. _ _ AT THB PRIVATE STABLE OK J. GOULD. ESQ.. DKOIAMD, IS RBAR or PRIVATK KKSIDENl'F. 140 5TU AY. (ENTRANCE NO. 4 WEST I9TH ST.), OP THE FOLLOWING VALUABLE morses, CAR RIAGES, HARNESS AC.. VALUED AT OVRR Cao.UUD, AND WILL POSITIVELY HK BOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDER. The huivmnt and ban broken Tram of road and family Mares in the city ; 1">V* hand* htrh, ? and 7 ream nidi bran tlful bright bay*, very powerfully bnllt. with extraordinary Una feat and ftmba; aired br Champion, rained by J. L. 11 sigh, at Auburn. K. Y.; trotted nt county fair taut spring, when purchaaed. in 3:52. since which time they have been nsed a* a family team, for which purpose they are Invalu able; they are very prompt, ?tyliaii driver*, do not nhy or pull, are not afraid of locomotive, will atand withont tying anu nre perleclly broken, single and under aaddle, and are aafe lor a lady to ride or drive; either mare can trot better than 2:4.1, and are warranted round and kind. The elegant bay Trotting Homo lxton. lo>; hands high, aired by Pearaall. dnm an Abdullah mare; trotted, when purchased, two bentn at Island Park conrse, Albany. N. Y., in J gi, 2 :il314; he la n horse of Innnetiee power and endnr ?Me, tine feet, with n Hat and cordy rot of limit*, vary power ful muscles. and ran pull two men to a top wagon equal to any home in the elty; he la a v?ry ttvliah driver, aoca not 111 ... . ... pull when speeding. It not excitable In company, it very toire gaitvd. aafe lor any ordinary driver, a remarkable pole lorsc, rod warranted round and kind. Very stylish driving 11 or re General Dlx^ired by American Clay, dam by Melbourne, mined at Islington, Ky.; this liorte baa trotted rovers, racer in the vVem before being brought to thla city, one of whleli he trotted nt Ciucluuati last 4th of July, beating High Cloud. General Grant, and two othetr. In 2 3 :31. 2 di >t* ; he It l.'O^ hand* high, S years old. and a horte of great eodorsaoe, a very plearant driver, a good pole horse, a very pure galled, and. If put In tram this reason, cau beat 2:25, and Is warranted sound and kind. High bred atrawberry roan mare Lady Packer, sired by Jnplter Ahdallsh. dam a Messenger mare, 131* hand* high, ~ r, .1. f.l 0 years old, raised by J. Muucheu, Orange county, trotted two heata at Goshen last spring, when A years old. In 2 :B3. 2211: ah* was then purchased by present owner and given to X. Koadea, of Fleetwood Park, to train, aud alter lour wreas' handling she trotted a mile over (he above course in 2 <2U, since which time she has been driven on the road; the Is n very pleasant driver, has got a mild disposi tion, does not pull or thy. very good gaitvd and good pole mare, aud If put In training tnis season can trot a inils close to 2:2U. and la warranted sound and kind Reautlliil brown mare Little Nell, sired by Wnbnrn, dare by Clay. U yours ula. IS hands high: has never been tmnoled for speed, but trotted n full mile when purchased in ?:tti, since which time she has bean need by ladies and children, for which purpose she Is Invaluable; will atand withont tying; safe under all elrrnmatancos; is not afraid of cars or anything elan; is perfectly broken under the saddla and safe lor elilldreu to ride; she is a very stylish, pleasant driver, and wlthoat an exception ahe it the prettiest phaeton mare lu this city and warranted sound and kind. Carriages consist of 1 Coupe. I extension top Park Phaeton, pole and shall*; 1 top Pony Phapton, 1 side bar Koad Wagon. 1 (nil spring top Wagon, single and double Harness, Blankets, sheets, Robes, Whip-, Saddles, Bridles, 1L?THB ABOVE STOCK IS NOW ON EXHIBI TION AT STABLE AS ABOVE, WHERE PARTIhB DE SIRING TO PUltCHASK CAN HAVE THE OPPOR TUNITY OF DRIVING AND TESTING THEIR SPEED BEFORE TIME OF SALE. SALE POSITIVE, RAIN OR SUINE. BY ORDER OP TERESA A. OOULD, Executrix. A. J. POND, Executor. At auction to-mohuow (Pkiday), At 10 O'CLOCK. BY VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY. AUCTIONEERS, at their MART. 110 and 112 EAST 13 fU ST. near 4th Av. TEAM BLACK MARES, with long flowing mane* and tails. liK hands; U and^7^-ear?; kind apq true in all harness and under saddle; tree from rice; very stylish and handsome; of great bottom aud endurance; can be driven by any one;are afraid of nothing: are in every way a sale und rollnble family team, aud are warranted sound, bind nud true. LANDAU, on KIGUT SPRINGS, very light, by BREWS TER k CO. BAROUCHE, by WOOOD BRO., and doable Hnrnesa, Blankets, Me., Ac. A SECOND HAND TOP PONY PHAETON, $100; II Top Wagons, by Brewster Jk Co., of Broome St., from SJOO up; top aud open Pony Phnotons, IfMU up: Depot Wagons, in ail styles, top and open, from $90 np: cut under Korknways und extension tup Plmetons. both uew und sec ond hand; Express Wagons, Harness, Sheets, Nets, Lap Dusters, Whips. Ac.. In large varieties. ? H. ( WILLIAM II. GRAY', 2ii and 22 Woosterst. A SPLENDID FRESH MILK DURHAM COW FOR sale; milks 23 quarts of milk per day; makes 12 pounds of butter per week. 430 East IHtli at. A?FOR SALE, CHEAP, SEVEN GOOD RUSINE8S ? burses. Apply at No, 3 Vestry St., between Varick and Hudson. A SACRIFICE.?MUST BE SOLD. TWO PHAETONS, J\ one seats four persons; two full spring top Wagons, two tide bar light road Wagons: Dunseomb Horn ass; nil 1st* style, nearly new. Private stable, 57 Bast 33d at. A TOP PONY PIIEATON AND IIARNESS-BOTH A city mads: bat llttlo used; will sell lor half their value. 37 West 29th *U ? A -FOR SALE, THREE~UOKSEX. $35 EACH; SUlY .I. able for any business. Also two light Wagons. 14 Grand St., near Varick. A ?10 BUSINESS WAGON'S. ALL SIZES, $30 TO $173. J\? tor express, grocers, butchers, B%kers, milk, ndver tlslng. depot, delivery Wagons. Wagom Manufactory, 22ti Spring st. ABL tCK CANADIAN PONY, 7 YEARS, SOUND and kind, cheap; expresa Wagon and Harness. 124 Division St. A GENTLEMAN WISHES TO SF.LL HIS TURNOUT, comnlsle, for $30>; beautiful bay Horse, 0 years oid, 134a hands; warranted sound and kind; trots fast; elegant top Wagon, line Harness, nil good as new, at private stable. No. 13 We " " Feat 27th at., between Broadway and 3th nv. A BAHRAIN'.?Kl)R SALE?AN KLEGAN t KXTEX ?lou lop Phnatnu, Pols and SlnlU; curiei four per ?on: ? double mid single Harneaa; alto * food top buggy; ?II Rood a* new and at panic prices. 1'rlvate ttablc, Hrat door east of University place. In 12th ?t. A chance to but AT h alt VALUE new top Pony Phaoton, $125; No top, 075; Buggy, $0?l. Sit 7th ar. BARGAIN.-A NICE DARK CHESTNUT SORREL Mare. 7 yeart old, 1ft bands high; warranted In every Way. Apply at southwest corner or 4Dth st. and 7th av. A~ BRKW8TER (IT 25TH 8r. ONE " MAN TOP Wagon, only need a few limes, cist $tH0, price 8350. No. 5 West 13th st. Bargain.?mttlimh black mark, i.y hands, s years old: sound, kind, tree Imm vice; safe lor lady to drive; $l<>0. COWPKRTH VYAlTK'S furniture store, 15ft Chatham at. BARGAIM.-EMO FOR A 80RRKir HOK8E, 15?< hands. H years old; tonnd, kind; Kcntle lot lady to drive; trots In 3 mi tin tea. Apply at Id South st. C10MPl7KfK TURNOUT FOR LADY OK~CHILDREN, / ronaisting of hay Pony. 13l? Hands high ; Basket Phae ton, with Canopv and Harness, all In rood order: wltl he iold cheap, or will trade for a ??solitaire Diamond. Pony has been driven liy owner's wife, and la sold lor want of use. Addreat W. M. MAYNARD. bo* 1.818 Poet olflre. DO?WOW? CAEEIBMtlT"HARNESS and horse Clothing Emporium. .'>7 Warren at.?JOHN MlltlKK ntfera, for the balance of the season. Phaetons (umbrella, canopy or leather top), from 8115 to 820I; Rorkuarava, 813"; Buggies. fllo; Depot Wagons, shifting top. fl.'Hl; exre'lent ilarneas. from(IUupward; Sheets, Lap Dusters, Net", Ac., at bottom prices. TjlO K H AI .E- A> AIR O F VkK V MA N ilSONK.STY ? M r dark roan Horses: to be seen at private stable, 42 West 1 hi|. m | price very reasonable. OR HALE-ONE-LIGHT VKRV HANDSOME flsili spring Victoria, suit able for either one or two horses; in good order; very cheap. UKKWtTl'ER A CO.. 5th nv. and 14th st. OK 8ALR-A HANDSOME AND COMPLETE flTKN out, consisting of team of bay Ponies. Phaeton, Har ness, Ae. Apply at 213 hast 24th it. C. A II. HAi MaN. K HALE? AlioFph AND FOUR SKAT PIIAI'.TOX in psrfect order with pole and shafts, bmil by Brewster of Broome St. Apply at No. 253 West .'CM St.. New York. F'OK SALE?A VERY STYLISH HORHE-.'WAKRANfRb sound and kind; also apart Phaeton sad Harness, nearly new. for $3(JU; oust $3Mk Applyfor address <F>4 Hth ST.. In the store. Irion saITpT-twTi gentle uokmeh, suitable 1 for cith r light or heavy work, cheap. Can he seen at T. MaKTINNKY'H, No. SO 1st St.. between let and 24 avs. IftOKHALE?5 lloRERH, AT HALF VALUE, PROM ' 845 to 8100, snlttbl* for say business. Apply at 43u Bast Iftth st. I)R HALR.?yJVK HORSES TO BE MOLD AT A aacrlflee, fit for fanning or express or any purpose. To he seen at 57 Great Jonas si., near tne Bowery. FOR SALE?HACRIFlcK?Til EE IIORHKH, ehnnky bntlt; suit truck, farmer, any business; warrranled. MV Greenwich st. Good "pahturk for " iToruks at i7i?th ht. Klngsbridge road. Address H. M. G.. Fort Washington. HARNESS.-CHEAPEST HARNKHS HTORE IN NKW York; goad Baggy Harness, band made, 815: good Grocer*' Harness. 825; good double Team Harness, 830; a good Horse Blanket, 81 Sd Pteane rail and examine tor youraelvos. FISHER A OBBOKN, Manufacturers, 71 Rar elay St. HO HELL QUEEN AND UbOKUK IV. Top Pony Phaetons, side bar er elliptic spring JONi*. TOP ROAD WAUt 8. FLANPRAC, 372 and 374 Brooms St., old stand of Brewster A Co. II s OK8F. WANTED?FOR ITS ROAKD; WOULD GIVE s .tttle for Its use. Inquire In lee cream saloon SHI 3d IN CONSEQUENCE OF ILL HEALTH, I WILL SELL the following flr?t rim* Property at a surriflee for ea*h :? I very elegant lop Peny Phaeton ; 1 fltit class top tide bar road Wasen. with J. C. Brewster's Improved rrovs spring; I flue single llarne-s; I superior One light gold mounted doubla Harness; u handsome, learld** blioid bay Mare, l4Ji hand*. ?"> >e vr? o.d: can tent in 2;5<i; warranted sound and kind. Can lie aeen this week Ironi H o'clock A. M. till H I'. M . at private stable Na 3 West 15th at. T IGIIT WAOON?A CITY MADE HIDE BAR TOP lj VI agon, nearly new. In perfect order, roal $325, will l>e sold for f 125. Can lie aeen at KhYHKK'H Htove Works, Mth *t and 4t>> av. PONY TUB. FOR HALE-IN FIRST CLASH RUNNING ? ndei. sultabto lor children. Addre** 4-< Kaal (I'.'det. 1I8WMCE-IIM BAR TOP WAGON, NEARLY dl.-e I; I HOYNtOX, jHf) Mth nv.. 24ill at. QTOVMUK KOR O.lHRfAOKH ASP ttLKYGflM. O r.'ioir.n !i?h?, rlfmi and dry 'Jprm* Itheriil. A. K ItAXliKAC'rt Carriage \Varero?>miif H7J *ftd '174 #f? wni El. t?lt| f?ctnrjr nt Hrfwuter A * 0 t <<rKCl\ls AlTKXTfOR 1* C\U,KO TO twfiflnn I.Mndm?l#t?. a^nnd hand, lu fierfeet order; nil? Im.IiI by HfEfitur A r'o? of Hrn?n?? >t.( otlior by Wood JImp*. , mi?l for *?l?* ?? vrry low A. M. KleANOKAl'^ C?r riH?{?* b uf TDHina, *i7'2 and 1174 ltr?M?mo tt., old lawiorjr of Hrnwitff A I'o SACKlKIlK I'D ( 1.0 ^ h fUKTsX ftUtA II11*.?Rill R Pr. n fill ilor*r?. mnl ? driving llnrsp, hxjir^a mid lSuai* iti.Hn AdKuti* |i;*j vi ?*?? Sljai K, riHIRKh gi AitTEK liitK.ii maTe. hltilir YEARN j I old. sound .nd klnd . M 11 lor hill of krep. Stable So. 2'JB E,a?t .1 Hh *1 U'A.Nfr.D-A PAIR nf CARRIAGE llOlt.'RH.-ifl b inds III h; net to < xceed 8 "> Address 11., box 141 Uerald llntivwn Hraeeh sMna ? HORBEI4, CARRIAGES. ?VC. xjtrAKTfcD? A KOC'lf AWa Y, TO SKaT KOCK. AD " dress, si aling price. Ac., DOUGLASS A PKTKRK1N IW anil 187 t'lymer ??.. WillnimehurK. TV JANTKD-A SECOND HAND PONY PH aETON and light Xngle Harness. Address box 2.9*4 Poat office. WANTKD-A GELDING. KKOM 15 TO 16)*; GAIT. .1 to 3)*; sound and kind. Stair color, ago, aire, speed and price. Addraaa E. P.. Heroic office. WANTED?A UOOD SECOND HAND ENGLISH SAD die and Bridle. Addrc.a SADDLE, box 2.K1I Poat ?ffica. TITANTED-A LADY.'S SADDLE HORSE; MUST BK TV aoand and gentle, not leaa than 1.1 handa; chestnut or hajr preferred. Addreaa, with price and particulate, box 77 station O. ?tlTANTKD-A LADY'S ENGLISH SADDI.K; MUST BE > Y in good condition. Addreaa, with price and particu lar*. box 77 station D. ?yyANTKD-A SECOND HAND LIGHT hiDK BAH i < Wagun, no top K or lull teat; must be ehep for cash. Addreaa. staling price. Ac.. SINULKFOOT. Herald office. -FINK DOUBLE ROAD HARNESS, BY Brigs*; Ittlr used: alao tbrea-tnartli aaat no top Uoad Wagon, be Hnlea, In Una order. Seen at JO South at. $100 ?VOK BALK. HilKSF.. HARNESS AN] i butcher Cart, in good order. JOS. SIIKINS. 323 Kaat 35th at. A"1 or KACII.?TURKK SPLENDID NEW lOP EX press or grocery Wagons, worth $203 a piece. 124 Weat l'.'tli at. EUROPRA.1 STEAMSHIPS. irniTK STAR LINK. W POIt OUEKNSTOWN and LIVERPOOL. CARRYING TUB UNITED STATES MaIL. Tha atenmer* of this line take the Lane Kontct recom mended by l.ieuteuunt Muurv. U. S. N.. going aouth of the llanka on tlie passage to Oueeustown ail tbe vear round. BRITANNIC June24, at 4 P. M. lib KM A NIC Inly rt. at 4 P. M. CELTIC Inly 13, at II A. M. BRITANNIC Jnly 2H. at 11 A. M. GERMANIC Angu.t 12. Prom White Star Docks, pier 52 North Rirrr. Rates?,-aloon, $hn and Slim. In gold; return tlrkott on reasonable irrm*. Steerage, S2H. Saloon staterooms, smoking and bathrooms are pieced amidships, where tbo noiae and motion aro least affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. r or inspection ofjilaua and other information apply at the company's office. 37 Broadway* Now York. B. J. CORTIB. Agent. VTORTII GERMAN LLOYD IN STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company's pier foot of 2d at., liobokan. MOREL...Saturday, June 24 I KIIKIK... Saturday, JnhrH DoNAU?Saturday, July 1 I ODER Saturday,July IS Katoa of passage from New York to Southampton, Havre or Bremen Klrat I'ahln, $100, gold; Second Cabin, $63, gold; Kteer age. $30, currency. Return Tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid Steerage CertlticMe*, $32, currency. Kor freight or apply tu car ? ? OKI.Kit'IIS A CO., No. 2 P-wllng Green. Anchor line united states mail btbameus. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW. CALIFORNIA.J line 24.3 P M. | VICTORIA ..July R.S P.M. ETHIOPIA Jnly 1, Noon. BUl.lVIA.July 15, 11A.M. NEW YORK AND LONDON. ELYSIA June 24, 4 P. M. I UTOPIA... .Jn'y 32, 2 P. M. AMILiA Julys. 3 P. M. I_AUSTRALIA. Aug. ft, rt A.M. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, LONDON Oil LONDONDERRY. Cabins, $65 to $M I. cnrrrncv. accurdlng.lo accommodations. Excursion tickets on favorable terms. Steerage. $2S, currency ; Intermediate. $35, currency. Dratt* lamed lor any amount at current rates. HENDERSON BROTHERS, Agents. No. 7 Bowling Green. 'TATE LINK. ) NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND LONDONDERRY, Ivfr I from pier 42 North Kivfr (foot ol Canal at.) as follows:? STATE OF NEVADA Thursday, June 22 STATE OK INDIANA Thursday. June 2l? STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. July 1? and every alternate Thursday thereafter. First cabin $65 to $So. according to accnmmodatlnns; return ticket*. $125. Second cabin, $50; return tickets, jam. Sferage at lowest rate*. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO., Agents, No. T2 Broadway. New York. Steerage ticket* at 45 Broadway and at the company's piar, loot of Canal at.. North River. FASSKNGKKS FOR THE STEAMSHIP STATE OK NEVADA will embark from tha eomnany'a pier foot of Local St., North River, on Thursday. 22d inst., at noon. AUSTIN, BALDW IN A CO., General Agents. 72 Broadway. Hamburg American packet company's line lor PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG and HAMBURG. H AMMONIA June 22 I WI ELAND Jnly LKSSISG June 2V ) FRISIA July 13 Rates of passage to Plymouth, London, Cherbourg, llain jT passage burg and Ml points In England, Scotland and Wales: Cabin, first sa.oon, gold..... $100 Cabin, second saloon, gold 6> Steerage, currency 30 KUNHAKDl A CO.. C. H. RICHARD A HOAR. General Agents. General Passenger Agents, 61 Broad St., Now York. dl Broadway. New York. 1NMAN LINK MAIL STEAMERS, FOR UUKKNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CITY OK BERLIN Sstur lay. July 1, at 1 P. M. CITY OK CHESTER Saturday. July 15. at 11:30 A. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, Jnly 22, at 3 P. M. CITY OF HKItLIN Saturday, August 5, at 3 P. M. CITY OK CHESTER Saturday, August 10, at 3 P. M. From pier 45, North River. Cabin, $60 and $103, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms, .-teernge, $38. currency. Draft* at lowest rate*. Saloons, stateroom*. smoking and bath rooms amldilii *. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 anil 33 Broadway, New York Most direct and economic route to Hol land, BKLQIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, . AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steampr CALAND Jane 22 Steamer SCMOLTEN Jaly These beautiful steamers, enrrvtng tbe United State# mall to tbe Netherlands, are great favorites witli the public. Trips regular, rates low; comfort and living perfect. Kor freight. Kor 50 Broadway. WILSON LINK KOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL sailing irom pier 53 North River, as Ibllows;? HINDOO July I I COLOMBO../.'. July 20 NaVARINO Inly 15 | OTHELLO Aueti-i 12 Kirst cabin, $70 currency; second onbln. $45 enrrency. Excursion tickets on very favorable terms Through tiekvta leaned to Continental and Baltic porta. Apply, for frill par ticulars, to CHARLES L. WRIGHT A CO., 56South st. CUXARD LINK.-B. AND N. A. R. M. S. K. CO. NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chances of collision. the ?teemera ol this line Uke ? specific eunrae for all aeaaona oi the yenr. On the outward paaaage from Queenstnwn to New York or ftoaton. crossing the me-idlan of 5o at 43 latitude or nothing to the north of 4:1 On the homeward passage. rroasHig the meridian of 30 at 4a latitude, or nothing to tue north of 43. FROM NEW YORK FOIt LIVERPOOL AND qUERNS TOWN. BOTHNIA....Wed. Jnno 2SI'RUSSIA Weo.. July 13 ABYSSINIA.. Weil.. July 3 i SOVTlilA.... Wed., J my 1* Stearaera marked ? <ln not rarry ateerage passengers. Cabin pttaaage. $*?. $11X1 and *13", gold. according to ao* conniiolntl.m. Return tlcketa on favorable terma. Steerage tlcketa to and Irom all partt of Europe at rery low rates. Freight and paaaage office No. 4 Howling Green. CllAKl.f.S O. FKAKCKLTN. Agent. Nil ED STATES MAIL 1, IN R?ST ? AM TO (Jl'KK 55 TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, calling every TI'KSDAY, Irom nier4d. North Hirer. WYOMING... July 4.4 A. M I NEVA DA... July 23. 9 A. M. IDAHO Jnly IH,:tp. M. I WISCONSIN.. Aug. 1, 3 P.M. Cabin, $?>. $7" and <W. currency. Intermediate. $4": steerage. $Nt. Passengers bunked to and from I'aria, llambnrg. Norway, Sweden, Ac. Ilraftaun Ireland. Eoglaod, France anil tier many at iuweat ralea. WILLIAMS A (if ION, 39 Broadway. RRAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK. TO illtlSTOL (ENGLAND) DIRECT, tailing from pier IS Kaal Hirer aa lollowa ARAOON. eyraona Satnrday. Jane 24 CORNW ALU stamper Tneaday. Jnly II Cabin passage. ST.'; Intermediate, *43; ateerage. $3". cnr. rency; excursion ticket a, $12": prepaid ateerage certificate. $2tl Apply to W.D. MORGAN. Agent. TO South at. ION At. LI NR. ?FROM PIERS 44 AND 47 N. r[ FOR LONDON DIRECT. DEMI tftK. Wedneadar. Jnne 21. 3 P. M.. FOR i.rVKKI'OOL AND QUKESBToW.V EGVPT. .June 34. 7:30 A. M. I THE QCEEN. Jnly s. 3 P.M. ITALY...July 1. 13 JO P. M. I SPAIN..Jnlr 15. 10:3 > A. M. Ckoiu paeaaga. $7" and $(*>, enrreocy. Return tlcketa at reduced rate*. Steerage paaaage, $29. currency, orafla leaned from ?1 npward at current prices. Apply at toe company'! office. ? t Broadway. F. W. J. HURST. Manager. HHRlCAN LINK. eekly Mail Steamship service between PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL, culling at (Jneenatnwn. Sailing every Thursday item Philadelphia and Sailing every Wedneaday from Liverpool. The lullowiug ateamera ara appointed to sail from Phil*, dalpnia ?LORD CLIVE.... Jnne 321 ?CITT of LIMERICK July 13 OHIO June 39 INDIANA July 2?> PENNSYLVANIA. July fl| ILLINOIS... July 27 PRICK OF PASSAGE IN CURRENCY, Cabin, $75 to $|(Xi, according to location. Steerage and intermediate ticket* to and Irom all points at the lowest rate* ?steamera marked with a star do not rarry Intermediate. Passenger accommodations for all clataea tinaurpnatcd. For paatage, rates of freight and other Information apply te PETER WRIGHT A SONS, General Agents. 3117 IValaut si.. Philadelphia; GEO. W. COLTON, 42 Rroad at.. New Vork. JOHN MrDONAI.D, Passenger Agent, No. S Hattery place. ONLY DIRBCT LINK TO FRANCE. TIIB GENERAL IRAN* ATLANTIC COMPAXY'S MAIL STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAVRE, CALLING AT PLYMOUTH id. R.) for the landing nf psaaengera. The splendid vessels on this favorite rout# for the Conti nent (cabins provided with electric belltl will tall from pier 43 North River, foot of Harrow St., aa tallows ? ST. GEKMaIN, Kccnmux. ...Saturday, Jane 24, at H A. M. I.AHRADOK Sancllcr Inly I. at I P. M. CANADA. Frangriil Saturday. Jnly S, at I P. M. AMKRIQUB. Poua.d* Saturday. Jnly 13, at 12 noou. PRICE OF PASSAGE IS I.ol.D (Including wlnei : First cabin, $11" t<> $12". according to accommodation. Second. $72; Third cabin. $91 Return ttrkcta at reduced rates. Steerage, $2". with superior accommodation*. Including Wine, bedding and utensil*. without extra charge. Staamera marked tints ? do not carry ttearaca passengers. LOU IS DE RKHIAX, Agent, 33 Broadway. ~ COASTT\ INK STEAMMHIPM. I>ANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP LINES. For CALIFORNIA. JAl'AN, CHINA. AUSTRALIA, NEW 7.KA I. VND. BRITISH CODC.MHIA, OREGON, *0. Sailing irom pter 42 North River. For SAN Fit A.V'Isro via ISTHMUS OK PANAMA, steamship AOAITLOO. Friday, Jane 23, connecting tor Central America and South I'aciltc porta. From SAN FRANCISCO to JAPAN and CHINA, attamahlp CITY OK PEKIX, Satnrday, July I. for treiglit or paaaage nppli to WM. P. CIiYUa a Co.. (r II J. Ill LLAY. Snperintendent No. *1 Howling Oreen. pier 12 Nortli River. loot Canal st^ |3i)R NEW ORLEANS DlltECf! r TIIB CROMW. LL LINE. The atoampabln NEW ORLEANS, Captain Dtnrhoyn, on SATURDAY. Jnn# 24. at :t ?'el?uA P. M.. Irom pier No t? Xortii illvey. Tlirough hltla ot lading elvon to Mobile and all principal point' on the Mlaaleatppj River. Caliln paeaaga, $J0; Steecyre, $23. __ iaairia Ul.tak i UKAVtX. H Waal it COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS. STAR BALL LINE UNITED XTArkS AND BRAZIL MAIL STKAMRHIPB. Mlliuc monthly from wharf, ttrookiyu. N. V , for PaKA, PF.RNAMBLCO. BAIIIA an.l KIOJAMKR0. calling at St. John's. Porto Kieo. J. if WAl-KKR, >at nrdsv, June 2L NKLLIK MARTIN. July ?. *HMi|ar accommodations flrst eiu.s. For freight ami passage. al reduced rules, apply to J. 8. CTBIM * Co . Agents, <>T Pino ?L_ N T.. HAVANA AMI MEXICAN MAIL SK LINK ? Steamers leave pier No II North Hirer al 3 P. M. KoK HAVANA DIRECT. riTT OP NKW VOKK Thunder. Jane 22 CMY or MEXICO Thursday. July 0 roll VSttA CRUZ AND NKW ORLEANS, via Havana. I'rograao, Uanipeacby, Tuapan aud Tamplro. CITV OF MEXICO Thursday, July ? Kor freight and paaaaga apply t? r. ALEXANDRE A BOSS, hi and 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orieana Jane 18 and Joly H for ?era firm and all the ahovo porta. FOR NASSAU, N. P.?KKOULAR MAIL 8TKAM8IIIP LEO leaves New York Julv I. MURRAY. FERRIS A CO.. ?2 South sL _ MORGAN'S NEW VOKK. NKW ORLEANS AND Texas steamship*. ? Tli ? MORGAN CITY will sail from plerilH North Hirer Ml Saturday, June 24, at If P- M., lor Now orloana direct. transferring Texas freight there to Morgan'* Louisiana and Texas Railroad for Morgan rlfy. tbenre per Morgan's vtoamers to Texas ports. Through bills of lading signed to all points on the Mississippi River, Mobile, fialreston, Indianola, Corpus Christ!. Ruck pori. Ureses Santiago, lfrowusville. antl to all points on the (inlvesion, 11 srrj s Imr it an i Sail Antonio, llunaton and Texas Central, International anil Croat Northern, I vxas Pari tie and Trans-Continental Kail road*, freight for St. Marys ami Ku.ton laudi'd ut Itockpnrt. Ligliti rage and channel duet at Corpus Christ! and Ilraso* Santiago lit the expense and risk of consignee. Insurance can oe effected under often policy of C. A. Whitney Jc Co.. to New Orieana ,'L per cent., to Texas pons per cent. Tor freight or luriTier information apply to ITIAKLKS A. WHITNEY A CO.. Agents, ofliee, pier 36, North River. rpiXAS LINK FOR GALVESTON. TOUCHING AT UV X Wot, carrying the United States mall. The steunicr CITY Of SAN ANTONIO. Captain Pennington, will sail on Saturday, June 24, at .'I P. M? from pier 20 Kast River. Through bills ot lading given to all points on the Houston and Texas, I entral lutrrniiiionn! and llreut Northern, tlal vestom, Houston and Henderson, and the Oalve*ton. Harris hurg and San Autunlo Railroads. Freights and Insurance al lowest rates. Kor freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to C. H. MALLOKY A CO.. 153 Maiden lane. ONLY DIRECT LINE KOR Fl.i)RIHA.-WI- KK I.V LINE lor Purl Royal. S. C. ; Fcrnaiidlna. I- la ; llruiiswick, lis.; sailing every Thursday, froin Pier'JO Kast River. The steamer CARONDF.LKT, captain Kalrcloth, will ail I Tlinrs day, June 32, at 3 P. M.. lor Krruandina and l'ort Royal. Through t-cketa Issued to all points iu Florida. For freight or passage apply lo C. II. MALLOItY A CO., or 11EKM AN Ol'.LPf'KK, 153 Maiden lane. NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAIL LINE.? Thcso llrat class steamshipa will sail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North Hirer, foot of Cedar st., lor Havana diroct, as follow* ?? COLUMBUS Thuraday, June 20 WILMINGTON...'. Tuesday. Ju . u For freight and passage. having nnanrpasaed accoiuiuode. tfons, apply to^ p yLYDK A CO.. No. tt Bowling Green. McKELLKli, LULIXG ?fc CO.. Agent's in llav.tu*. FOR HALIFAX. N. 8., AND ST. JOIINS. N. F. CKOMWELL STEAMSHIP LINK. Steamer* leave pier 10 Ninth Klver folloadng day*, at 3 GEORGE WASHINGTON Friday. June 30 GEORGE CROMWELL Tuesday. .fitly II Most direct, quickest and cheapest route to Nova Scotia, Nrwloiindlaiid anil the Lower St. I.awreuce. Excellent pas senger accommodations. For ireight or passage apply to CI.aKK A SKAtl AN. H I West St. OLD DOMINION* STEAMSHIP OOMPAX^ * sailing Irom pier 37 North III vor. Kor Norfolk. City Point and Richmond. Tuosdny*. TVinrs days and Saturdays at :> I*. M? connecting with tlin Virginia and Tennessee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake anil Ohio Railroad and with the com pany ?steam lines to Interior points iu North Carolina and Virginia. Xewheru ami Washington, X. C. (via Norfolk), every Tuesday. I liursday und Saturday. Lewes. Del.. Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland and Dolaware railroad*. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Through passage tickets and hills of tailing to all points at lowest rates. Insurance to Norfolk, Ac., >4 per cent. Freight received dklly at Dler 37 North River. General olHces, luT Greenwich ?t. N. L. McCREADY, President. ~ L TRAVELLERS' GlTUh.7 "A ? CATSKILL CKELK 11A i iTV"" LINE.?STEAM KR J\.? NEW CHAMPION Monilay*. Wednesday* and Krl Uay*-. steamer WALTER It RETT' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at fl P. M.. from pier 42, foot of Caual si., con necting al Catsklll with Western stages. Fare, .A-c. "a IiBANY.?PEgPLK'B LINK; STEAMBOATS LKATE il pier 41 North River, dally, Sunday excepted, at 6 P. M., for Albany and all points north and west- great rednctlnns in fare. Excursion tickets to Albiny, Saratoga, Montreal and return. Meals on European plan. ~\ LBANY 'Nil TROY BY DAY It OATS c7 VIBBARD A ami DANIEL DREW.?Learn Vestry St. pier at 8:10 ami 24th st. at S-.3H A. M., landing at N'yack and Tarry town (hy ferryboati. West Point, New nrg. Pouglikeepsie, Khinebeck, Catsklll and Hudson. Close cnunectiou at Albany with new train at H:30 P. M. for the West, over New York Central and commencing June 26 by special trnin to SARATOGA and ROUND LAKE. To W est Point and Nrwburg and return same dar. SI. I'oughkeepste, St Mi Brooklyn. NKtv York and nrwburg, by steamboat ARMENIA, commencing June 26 -I?eavo Fulton St., Brooklyn, at ft; Vestry St.. New York, at W -.20 and 24thit. att)-.4h A. M.. landing at Yonkera. loua Island, Coxsens. West Point and CornwalL Returning, arrive ai Brooklyn 71*. M. Tickets fnr the ronnil trfp SI uV ESTABLISH KI)TJ.n K KOR BTHYVBRANT. OATS kill and Intermediate lan lings ? Btoamer ANDREW HARDER, from KraukUn st. (oier 3.7), Tuesday, Thur?da? and Saturday; steamer MONITOR. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at P. M. Fall river link to boston, via Newport and Fall Hirer ?The world renowned steamboat* BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier 2H North River, foot of Murray st.. daily (Sundays Included), at 5 P. M. Through tickets sold at all the principal hotels lu the city. _ Highlands or the Hudson by daylight.? The MARY POWELL, for Wrst Point, Newburg, Pouglikeepsie. Itondout and Kingston, landing at CozsenC, Cornwall, Milton ami New Hambnrg, and Marlboro hy ferry, will leave pier 3D North River (Vestry st.) daily. Sundays excepted, St 3 :3<I I'. M Connects at Poughkeepsia with evening trains lor the North. STONINGTON LINK FOR BOSTON? Redact I en of Fare. Steamera RHODE InLAND and NARRAGAN8ETT, from pier 33 Nortu River, foot of Jay st., at S P. M. Providence Line, from pier 27 North River, loot of Park place. Steamship* ELKCTHAand GALATEA, at 4 :3? P. M. (imZENfrLINK STEAMBOATS for troyTand all J points Northeast and West, leave daily, axeept Satur day. at 6 P. M., from pier 40 North River. Philadelphia via long branch and the New Jcraey Southern KallrowL-Ktrt lower than hjr any other route, commencing Jane 10. IH76. Leave New York from pier 8 North River. loot Rector at.. fldA A. M. for Long Branch and Scaorlght. Ac; 0:4."> A. M., for Philadel phia. Icing Hranch, Tom? River. Waretown and Vlneleud, :i :?i P. M. for Philadelphia. I.on* Branch.fand Tncaerton ; 4:4" P. M? lor Long Branch Tom? Itlver and waretown,0:0 P. M. accommodation lor Long Branch. Sunday* 9 :.'h> A. M. for Long Branch, returning at 5 P. M. W. 8. SNKDK.N. P. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. tilth AT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROUTE. Tralna Leave New York, via Drebroaeet and t'onrtlandt Street* Perrlea. a< lollow*: ? Exprr** for llarriximrK. Plttaburg, the Weat and South, with Pullman Palace Cam attached, 0:30 A. M., t> and H :*) P. M. Sunday. ? ami 8 : W P. M. For Willlamaport, Lock llaven, Worry and Erie at 0:30 A, M. and 8:30 P. M? connecting at Corrjr for Titumdlle, Pe troleum Centre and the Oil Region*. For Haltluiore, Waahlnirtnn and the South. "Limited Waah ington Exprr**'' ol Pullman Parlor tiara dailv, except Sitndav. (1:3ft A. M.! active Waahlngtnn 4 :lt? I* M. Regu lar at H:40 A 3 and H P. M. Sunday 0 P. M. Expreea fnr Phlladrlphia, 7. 7 :H0, ? H. 0:30 A. M.. 12:30, 3. 4. 4:1". tt. 7. M::io 0 P. M. and 12 night. Sunday ft. il. 7, 8:30 and D P. M. Emigrant and aerond data, 7 P M. For Centennial Depot at 5:30, fl;3f), 7:30, 8 A.M.. and 3 I*. M. Returning, leave Centennial Df|iot at 1, 4:45, r>:30. ? and 7 <!.'> P. M. For train* to Newark. Ellaebeth. Hahway, Princeton, Tren ton. Perth Ainbny. Hrmmglon. Helvldere and other point*, we local ached ulna at all ticket office*. Traill* arrive ?Krotn Pllt?tiu'g, 8:'20 and 10:30 A. M. end HC'JtlP. M. dally; lft:IOA. M. and tftOOP. M. daily, ex cept Monday. r rem VVaaliington and Haltimore. 6:30 A* M? 4, 5 lo and 10:-'0 P. M. : Sunday tr: Hl A, M. Front I hlladelphla .Nf 15, 0:20,6 7*1. 10:10711 SM), II AO A.M., 2;IO, 4, f?:ln. 0:1O. H JO, s to and 10:*} P. M.: Sonday, 115 0:90,6do. II :-'Si A M,0:30 and 10:20 P. M. Ticket Office* .">20 and IM4 Broadway, No. I A*tor Honae, and foot of Dcahrixae* and Conrtlandt at*: No. 4 Court at., Brooklyn; No* 114. 110 and 118 lludaon at., Mohoken; depot. Jereoy City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. 8 Battery PU<FRANK THOMSON. D. M. BOYD, Jr.. tieneral Manager. fJenerel Paaaenger Agent. KtCtBSlOXff. V"DKLT61iffui, EXCURSION. A PLYMOUTH P.OCK, for ROCK AW AY and the ATLANTIC OCEAN. JARRK1T A PALMER'S enperh KLOAT INti PALACE, the ateamer PLYMOUTH ROCK, will make a grand axciiralnn to KiiCKAWaY BEACH and the cool breeaee of the ATLANTIC. EVERY DAY. Including SUNDAY, leaving the foot of 22d *t.. N. IC. at Itlrfkl o'clock A. M.. and pier UN. R . at II o'clock, remaining at the Reach three hour*, and returning to the city by 7 o'clock P. x. PARE, lor the whole exrnralnn. FIFTY CENTS; aingle trip Heart*, to or front Hockaway. Hf> rent*. A ORANl. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT la given every day hv HOKat'E WEsTOn. the t.'namplon Banloiat; MADKICAL HOVs. MOP.AI.T OLEE CLUB. CHIMES OP CHURCH BELLS. Ac To-morrow iThnrxlayl. the 22d Inat . ocra.lon of tee OKAND CENTENNIAL I NTrKNATUJN Al. YAC.IT RACE. Ihe Plymouth Rock pa?*eng?r? will !>e enabled to wltncaa the a*MtmhUge ol the yaclita, the atart and bomeaireteh. The ateamer will lav to lor a while at the atakrboat aad afterward proceed to Rork*way-__ _____ T SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WITNESS THE OR AND INTERNATIONAL YACHT RACB, tomorrow (THURSDAY), will be afforded by the PLY. MOUTH ROCK, on Iter trln to end returning Irom ROCK AWAY". The imperii ateamer will proceed to the meeting ereand of the yacht fleet, "lay until tlir START, then run to the STAKKH??AI' Md altrrward g? lo Hockaway beach. Returning, peaeetlgeni may aen the exciting HOME Sf RE Hill nt the conte.tanta. *," Boat leave* the toot of 22d at.. North River, at 10:B0 A. M and plei 2, North River, nt II n'rloek. PARK ...FIFTY CENTS A? FtSIIINO BANKS EVERY DAY (SATURDAY'* . excepted).?Ocean ?tranter SETII LOW. leaving Harrl?on at., North River, ?l:3ft; Sth at., K??t River, T; pier 27 Kaxt River. 7 :13; I'Kh at . North River. 7 :4U. pier 0 North River, 8 A. M. TlckeU, ?l. AL t?, FOSTER, Manager. a _A.-IIaILY ' AND sI NDAV KXCUHftfoNS TO i\. Port Lee. Pleaaant Yalley and Shady side. -Meamboat* leave Canal at. dally al S ?!."? and 10 A. M.; "J, ft ;t.Y and 7:13 P.M. Sunday at ft. 10 and 11 A M.; 12 M.. 1, 2, 3, 4,0 and 7 P. M.; landing at 'J4th and 34th tt*. (dally and Sunday) 10 minute* later. Be? 4 lite. IN.; a hi I dree half art?. A. KXC (UNION*. A -A -TO CHARTER, SrKtMBoit"T>oSf~CT?ff; ? will arcomnoidale 4' I > pas-enuer" , price AX) to (11<0 par day. Apply ll tin- (fttnukw at 47 Kun >11 at. -FOR EXCURSION* -\I>>.;N RT J5AMKK iVViiy" lug, barge- Republic, ttliiuio, Baldwin. Caledonia ?nil Anna; Oriental. Excelsior. Alderney Turk, Cold atrlnj and Ions lelanii llrom. Address or liu/mre at >>l4 H'nti ?I., opposite Christ- pltvr (trect ferry. II H. CHOHsETT. D) I.I UITFCL. \ N I > QUIRT DAILY FAMILY' U Cl'HSIilNH TO SaNIIV HOOK. I lie rlu^tnl alrauier J r.HSK IIOYT and CliYeTAL IVA > H. i the Nan- J^rwr ewm'hern Railroad Hue. leave pier 1, North Kivnr, fu>>t Hector at., at II :4.*> A. J!. Returning arrive in New York I :IU f. M. Alan leave pier 8 at J : K> and 4 :4a P H and arrive In N'tw Y'nrk on the return trip at h p M (in SI N I)AY'r> leave pier 14 at 9 Hit A. M., connecting at Sanity Honk wlllt train (or Ixing Branch. Returning leave Long Brandt :> I'. M. W. S. SNKDKN, General Manager. TXAILY FAMILY' K.mT'V KSIONS TO FtSHINO J " Hanks On and after Sunday, dune 33, the popular and well known Steamer TWILIGHT will leave daily, Saturday earrpted. an follows:?llarriaon St.. N. R.,8 A. M ; Grand si., K. It , S :I3; feck slip. K. K.. MtSH; loth it , N. R. S:4A;pler "J, N. R. !? o e'oek Returning l.y .'> I*. .M. Halt and Oshing taekle on hoard. Mualc and refreshments. Fare for cenlleoien. |( ; ladles. .V) rent*. l^OR CENTENNIAL. OPEN MOAT REGATTA.?THE r ele.'unt excursion ate oner VIRGINIA SEYMOUR a 111 iirrnnipany tho yachts over the rnurae on Friday, 23d Inat.. and will niako the following landings: -Saw Mill d.tex, (Ireeuptdnt. 0 A M.; Ninth at.. East Rtv->r, 14:13; Grand at., I':'* I. and Hover St., Eaat River. 9 43: Fulton ferry, Brook lyn, lo A. M. Knrn lor tha e xrnralou. ft )c. TjVIR EXCURSION'S?THE LARUE FIRST CLAM FA J? vorite Steamboats Sleepy Hollow, now railed the LONG BRANCH, uud METAMORA. Knglf*w??d, Mplne. I>iil ley'a. Spring IIill. Myera' and Ion i Islend Orovea. with Barges and Boats ol "nil kind* J. MYERS, corner Morton and treat sta. /NRAND CENTENNIAL \X Interiiiitional Yacnt Rare. Thursday, June 22. I*7H Nnrtn River boat. The large and lust claaa palace steamer LONG BRANCH will arrnmpany the yachts over the soars*, leaving 34th at.. North River, ti::t(l A. >1. : Franklin St.. North River, Ifl A. M.; pier 3 North River. l(i:4H A. M. A llrtt elaaa liraas hand will he on hoard. Fine for the excursion. SI. Tickets lo bs had at tho pripripal lintels and at thd bout. Refreshments on luiard. C* TRANli CENTENNIAL I Internntioniil Y'urht Race. Thursday, Jnne IF', IHJti. East River boat. The splendid sea going Steamer WYOMING will secompanv the yachts over tho course, leaving 23d St., East River. I*:l.'> A. M.; Smith l?t at., WilUemsbtirg, ft :4S A. M.: Fnltou ferry. Jewel's does, 10:3() A. M. Musi - Irr Spiers'brass band. 7'ic-eu <i 1, to bn had on the <(oe.k mt the morning of the race. Refreshments to he had on hoard Grand centennial inikrnational yacht RACE. THURSDAY. Jnne 22. and FRIDAY June 23, IS7U The stanch aen going Steamer WILLIAM FLETCHER will accompany the yachta over tho wliolo course en each way, leaving foot of Maiden lene at If o'clock A. R. : Jewell's wharf. Fulton terry. Brooklyn. nt 9:2(1; foot oi Naukoit at.. Hrooklvn, at 0:33; foot of Cuurt at. at 10 A. M.; Bay Kidcn at Itt :3C. and Fort ILtniiltoii at 10:43. Fare $1. Keliesh nunits on board. IoNA l-l.ami. WKSii POINT AND NBWBCKG.-4MU advertlectncnt of atenmboat Armenia. R OCKAWAY BEACIl F.XCURSIONS. "TWENTY MINUTES ON~THK ATLANTIC OCEAN. FOUR EXCURSION'S DAILY by the favorite and commodious excursion steamers, AMKKICUs and NEY'EKSINK. Musical entertainment hy tlie celebrated ORI'll EL'S GLEE CLUB. AMERICI'S LEAVES 34th St., N. R. I 10th ah, N. R. I Veacy at. I Fulton St.. B'n. A.M. P. M. A. M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. S-.3U and 1:13 8 :43 and 1-2(3 (9SHI I :l<i I 9VJR and 2 .JO NEVERSlNk LEAVES EAST RIVER. (4th St., E. It. j S. 1st, Wtnsb'g. I Grand at., N.Y. I Brtioklvn. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A M. P. M. SdX) 12'431 8:13 and 1:0'I 8:30 and 1:10|?PJ0 1:30 Steamers leave Rockaway at 11 A. M., 3 and 3 -.13 1*. M. Fare, 33 cents. Excursion tickets. 30 ci-nta. Return tickets good on either above boats. NOTICE.?No delay from low tide. Only boats making the upper landings at Rockaway. On SUNDAY'S the steamers WILLIAM COOK and AKKOYVSMITH will tnake excursion to Kockawar In connection with tho above boats. R'oCKAWA* BKAOll.wRTEAMt.R~MARIOS LEAVES daily from 34tli at at 9 .(. M.. Franklin at. at lo 4. M. Fare 33 cents: excursion tickets JU cents. Loaves the Beach at 4:30 P. M. TIIK STEAMER JOSEPH INK CAN BE ftA I) ~FOR excursion parties. Applv at tho Staten Island Railway terry offico, foot of Whitehall at. TO CHARTER ?FOR REGATTAS OK EXCURSION:', A hamisotiie Steam Yacht, fast and safe. Inquire aboard MULFORD's dock, Staplelon. EST POINT7~N KWMURUj I'OUUH KKBPNIB AND return same dav liv dav line steamers. MILUNKItY Alklk DUEaisMAliiltG." A-MARIKTILMAN.OF PARIS, IMPORTER, OFFERS a a large assortment ol latest line Parisian Snmniei Bonnets, Millinery aud English Crapes. 423 Bill sr., near 2Hth at. ____________ ( EYTEY YIAIi KXIIIKITS. ~ Bliss"'* Williams, mancfacrUr&rh "irf Presses, Dlea and special Macliinery, 167 to 173 Plym outh st. Brooklyn. POST OFFICE NOTICE. POS'FOVtTCK NOTIilE.? (HE FOREIGN' MAILS FOR the week ending Salnrdav, June 24. 1H7R. wlU close at this odiee on Tuesday, at 12 M.. tor Kurope. per ffteamahip YVisvouslu. via Queeiistawn: ou Wednesday, at 12 M., lot Europe, per steamship Algeria, via Qneenstown: on Thurs day. at It-.'kl A. M , for Kurope, |>er steamship Ifwmom | nla, via Plymouth. Cherbourg and Ham urg; oa Satiirriar. at A A- M.. lor Franre direct, per steamship St. Germain, vie itarre, and at 1I:3D A. M., for Germany, Denmark. Swa I den and Norway, per steamship Moael, via Southampton | aud Hreiuen. and at 12 M.. for Scotland direct Imnst Ire specially addressed), per steamship California, via Glav I uow.i and at 12 M? lor the United Kingdom, Belgium, | Netherlands, Kwltte-land. Italy, Spain. Portugal, Asia, Ac. lal.n aperlnlly addresse I letters for Germany and France, per steamship Britannic eta Queeaatownl. The direct mall for Hrar.ll. Ac., wfll leave New Y'ork Jnne 24. The mail for the West Indies will leave New fork Jnne 24. The malls for China, Ac . will leave Ban Francisco July 1. The mails for Australia, Ac., will leave Han Franrtacn July 1H. T. I* JAMES, Postmaster. w I l.tNTRU T H?,s. la6y~desirBs " iNsf iCr<frtoirifR6jif^k' coil A L petont stenographer at reasonable terms. Addrcse APPLICATION, box 14H Herald odiee. 1U] RTII AV. ?FRENCH LFSSON8. W?fH A~P0RB 1 O.I. pronunclalfon. given In private farulltas or at pro lessor's residenra, bv Mr. GARKAU. formerly a magistral* and member of the University of France. /L71 4TIIJ 'ST.-A LAD Y ~0 Fj~BXPBR IE KCB T3 X I J. teaching the French and German langnages: ii willing to take the entire charge of rhildren; understand/ due needlework ; best references. Address. PIANOROKTKS, OHliASH, M/. _ III Kl KlI ANT TOSKli" 7)i ?'M?T aTk" ' WWSSol Pianoforte, coat f 1.0)0. for ifJNO; Stool, Oorar. Mneic Cabinet; al*n n ineiniiflccnt Stelnway A Son* Piano at a aacriflce. Cell at private rreldenco No. 420 Wait ?id at. near Kilt ar. __ * _roK mkt. upright. Huvkhm and grand .1Y? Pianoa i/f our own make; al?o lor ealo and rent,* nnrober offlne aaaond hand Pi anon, lu perfect orilar. W title I AM IMAM * DO.. St.. I 12 '.tit a? . nhoro lflth ?P'lANOPORTKS T I HI NT. Of OCR OWS MaNIT" . Capture, by CIIICKKItl.NO A SUNS. ISO Nth nr.. pop nar of lath H. A ?CLOs195 OI T LAKg B." KUCO t NT HFoSiToi A. Piano*. halt price, Barmore aetata, 3KR Bleecker at. ; *1??. $1 St. Sioci. ________________ A t tlA-MAtmnt riANOTONT*, BOUND CO*. J\. nere. perfect order. ewaet tone, ell* maker: mnet ha ?old, money wanted. J. RIDDLE, Id Warerley place, near Broa.lwar a?. fjgi.y i rifvAfi easily will"" mill pur fasoi, J\. Pianoforte coat *1,1*10; elegant Stain war A Son'a 7 l-.T nclare, carped m?ewo?d eaae ; eeerjr (mproreinent; a aaprlBce. Prirata residence, 47 Went IKth *t., near Hth ae A PRIVATE KAMILY WILL BILL THEIR KLBOAKT J\. rnrewood Piano, carred lege and all Improranieotk for *I7.V, grant bargain. 1H Kaat Irtth otreet. A 7 14 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO. LESS THAK hall port; tao hank lit ?top Organ. fl.'Ai; llradhiiry Piano, *12.'.; Organ. E'st. 21 Clinton place, near Broadway. A lady will sell pur am; maonipicekt mar wood 7 octave Planforta; celebrated maker: earred eaae ami leg*: oreratritiig haea. 2S Eaal 3d at., near 2d tr. ChRKAT BARGAIN*?NEW aNI) MUORD HAND T Plant* at PlsCHKK'B wararoomt and manefaclory, 4211 and 425 Weat 2-th ft. _ MAONIPICRNT ROSEWOOD PIANO?ONLY Rio: al?<> a superbHtclnway, sacrificed t>y a lady. Addraaa GORDON, IB? Illearker at. PRLOObkt7 PKi,Tt?N A~IXL Btl and S43 Broadway, New York city, manufaoturera <<f TUB STANDARD ORGAN*. nnriealled in tone, deaigu and llnlah of rata, and In general workmanahlp; anparlr- for parlor, reliool or rhnrch : prlrae liberal: rented and aold on Instalment*. Call and examine or tend for catalogue. CTKINWAV* CIIICKKKINi 8. WKBKIl'S, WATER* O end other ftral cl?*a new and aacnttd hand aqn ire and Upright Danaa and Organs at extraordinary low prlcaa fog raah or In lat, until paid for aa per contract: to rant In cttf or eoantry. HUKACK W ATER* A SONS. 4*1 Broadway. WANTED?A 7 OR 7S, OCTAVE WEBER PIANO, .low lor eaah. Addreat box .t,.'si7 Poat office. Naw York, jttktir ?tillICKKKING PIANO, SUPERB TONED, richly carred roaewood. 7 1-3 octare. three months' aat; coat Pi*al, tor *'22&; warrautad; lanillr mint aril: pnaillre bargain. Coll at reatdanea f?4 Kaat Hth at., near Broadway. AoijA -new pianos, mi cam, baLancr jun VaUU. monthly; Prince Organ, naarly naw. SoUs Pianoa and Otgana, rant. *3. GOKDOK It RON, IB Kaat 14th at. WANTfel> TO l'lltCIIAMK. XNT'paktt Having a gong Id disposL oK addraaa HOTKL. Herald nffica. elating price, Ac. S'econd hand shelving"WANTED; also ~ri?T tnraa. Addraaa box 2.SSK Poet office, city. W" ANTED TO fVRCH AMK?8 TO B TON*""OE~*KO> ond hand Ball Irmi: aiae 1 ',*'1 inch, .iddreaa. mat, Ing price. (I'HKIKN A CURTIS, ia. Adelplil at.. Brooklyn. WANTED?STOCK AND PIXTUKIM OP RETAIL Boot and Shoe Store: mnat be cheap and good aland. Addraaa SHOES, Herald office WANTED?A UIMAIK'I PLATPORM SCALE 300 lb* Addraaa, mUh prica, SCALES, box Hit Herald Uptown Brnaeli oAen. WA NT ED "TO PURCHASE POR CASH-CI GAR store. In the elclnity ol Wall at. and Broadway. Ad draaa CIGAR*, bax 1 ."X? Herald I plown branch offiea. NHK'ELLAKEOLS. wsas at trhjka&i md*s. i? WikWti# 1 of Bra Iba. and apwarit. cheaper thiMI any koaaa In Ik city, at tba WELL*' TEA COMPANY, B01 Vnltan M..M I, twaan Qbnrak and Grainwtak