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THE COURTS. The Old, Old Story of Marital Unpleasantness. A COTTON OWNER'S FORLORN HOPE. Another Chapter in the Bleeeker Street Railroad Litigation. THE ANTI-RAPID TRANSIT FIGHT. Tkt general nil# baa been hitherto that the lords ot creation bare lorded It pretty effectually over Eve's daughters, and that where cruelty and inhuman treat* meat nave formed the ground* for an application for divorce the wile baa boen me suffering and complain Ing party. Tba husbands, henpeckod, abused and ernelty treated as, doubtless, they have been In many Instances, tl unable to tight it out on tho matrimonial line with their belligerent halves, have, at least, re. mutned silent in the courts ou that subject, ashamed, perhaps, to aoknowledge dsleat at the hand* of a woman. To this course there have beeh known but three exceptions in the judicial proceedings of tho Bute Courts, in two of whieh tho rights and liberties of the strtckon husbands wer* vindicated, nod the third Is now pending In the Court of Common Fleas In thl* city. In this suit the complaining party is Robert Grace, a grocer on Wast Fortieth street, whose with the defendant In the suit, bears the mild and kindly name of Mary. Robert, according to hi* complaint and affidavit* used in tbe action, progenia a long and grievious roll of wrongs at tbe hands of his Mary. He charges that, though twelve years married, almost that entire period hss been one ot illtreaiment on the part ol bis wile: that though be conducted h im pel I witu all due propriety end managed his household affair* with prudeuce and ocouomy and treated his wile at all tluiea with kindness aud lorbsarance, she, disregarding the solemnity of har marriage vow aud obligation to treat her buaband with kindness aud at tention, within about one year after their marriage commenced a course of hursh and unkind and tyrannical treatment and conduct toward |um which continued, with very slight Inturmlssious. uutil they dually sepa rated Iro'ra each other, about the 30th ui May last; that on divers occasions while they lived together she praciised such treatment townrd him as rendered It un gate lor bint to cohabit wan her; that with an open kuttc in her hand she threatened 10 murder him, tore his clothes, struck him iu the lace and abused and Injured him. Speaking more specidcally as to Iter eon duct in bis affidavit, he swe rs that she ha- been Ire quently arrested by the police lor disorderly conduct; that she is iu the habit or drinking to excess and when under the Influence of the ardent wilt curso in a most Shocking manner and of this habit he has been utterly unable to break ber; that her temper Is so violent as to endanger his life to continue to live with her; that on the 16th ol May, 1876,. ou returning home trom his business, she was drunk and relused to cook his meals, inviting him to go to the regions below aud get bis cooking done there; later on tho same evening she be came aggressive.-seised a pair of scisaors and plunged tbcin into bis knee, and then expressed sorrow Unit mo Wound was uot in the heart; he then left ber and took reiugo with his mother, but soon thereafter she re pented and promised to do better and he relented and returned to his home; but oue moon had passed when she again became violent, lore his clothes, threatened to kill him, and "smashed things generally." Alone time she took a pound weight and "lircd" it at hie bead, hut missing ber mark smashed tho show window ol tbe store; continuing tho tight, ber next ammuni tion was a pail ol butter, the contents ot which was scattered ail over the store; she next seised a large meat knife and informed liim that be hud but to speak another word in order to have the luxury ol the kmlo boiug run through him. So lar as appears by the affida vit he remained silent. The wile on ber part denies the truth of her husband's allegations, and charges that his eoniluot was cruel and inhuman, aud she the vicilm; that he has struck and lieaten and lamed her with out provocation, and on one oc< asion struck out lor ber leit eye with all the certainly ol murksmituship though without the deadly effect of the taiuous Bam Long, of Texas; that with rare intervals his entiro course ol conduct for a long time has been unliormly brutal and abusive, applying t<< her abusive language, linking und attempting to strike her, aud frequently neglecting to support her, and that she considers it un file to live with lniu. On these grounds she ssks a de cree of separation in her favor. Bhe further alleges that he Is doing a good business und is able to pay a lee el $160 to her counsel aud ilO a week alimony to ber, and she wants him to be compelled to do it or the satis faction given her of putting him In Ludlow Btrset Jail. This he answers by the solemu asscrvntion that tbe store is not now his; that bis wile has frightened away all the customers; that be caunoi pay anything and .-ho iIcho. vo- nothing, he having provided fur her a separate borne according to his means. Judge Van tloesen has the application for alimony and eounset fee umler consideration, but the question ol cruelty remains to be adjudicated upon at some later day. I I THE BLEEOKER STREET RAILROAD. The examination before Mr. Isaac Dayton, aa referee. In relation 10 the origin, management anil luturo die position of tho Uleecker Street Railroad was continued rostcrdny. The i#eviously unfinished crosa-examina ilon of Jacob Sharp, who is a trustee both of the Blcccker streot road and the Twenty-third street road, was continued by Mr. Algernon 8. Sullivan, on behalf ?f the receivor. The stockholders were represented luring the proceedings by Messrs. Chattloid and Kan 10m; Mr. Hurlowe, plaintiff in ono of the foreclosure tuits against the road, by Mr. Miller, and "Juke" ?harp by Mr. Bright. In answer to the qnestions put to him, Mr. Sharp testified that he has not heard 01 my of the two-thirds of the stockholders who aero In fuvor of tho )<aso to tho Twenty-third Street Railroad having recently changed ihcir minds. l)u redirect examination by Mr. Itrigbt be said be used to examine tbe hooks whilo President of the road, bnt aioru generally relied on the reports of the treasurer; ho tnude exertions to raise money to cxlond the Uleecker Street road'to the extent ol inquiring where he could place the bonds; the money m?rket was theu such as to make It extremely difficult to raise money, aud his failure to do so Indncod him to lavor a lease 10 tho Twcniy-third street roud. On recross-examioation bo said he never knew of any effort to get back tbe (24,000 spent UDder tbe bead of tbe protection account; tbe rent of tbe Uansevoort lots was (8,(MX) a year; sumo ol those loia were used by John T Conover lor storage ol lumber, and conld not be used lor any otbor purpose. In answer to a ques tion by hi* counsel Mr. (chirp further testified mat ?te thought In tbe extensions obtained by the road it was well paid lor tbe (34,000 expended through tho ?'protection account." On behalf ol Sharp, Cnnover and othera of ihe Bleccker Street directors, Mr. Bright then called Eben excr U. Schnfl'cr, a lawyer, who was present. Mr. bchnffer said be had not been tubpienaed, and objected to be sworn Mr. Bright appealed to the releree, but Ihe latur said he did not think ho had any control over tbe witness, and ll he chose to walk out lie did not sco how be could prevent him. Mr. Schaffer was prompt to take tho hint, and moved towurd tbe door, at tho lame time stating he bad previously told Sharp lie would uol tesitfy unless regufurlv sub|>cenaed, and now that be liuppeued to he present on other business be wanted to take advantage ol it to cont|>el htm to testify; with this he disappeared out ol tne door. A subpoena was hurriedly prepared, and Jacob Sharp, bearing ll in one bund uud with a s.lver ball dollar beld ronspiruoiisly between the forellnger aud thumb ol the other, went In hot pursuit ol the runaway wuneas. He toon returned, however, wiping the perspiration from his globular isre aud announced bis tuiiure, and tbe case had to proceed tor the tuue being without tho testimony or Sclialler. James I- Teeter, a former conductor on the road, who had bceu discharged by the receiver, hut who hau been restored through the intercession of Thurlow Weed ao<l was again ulsctinrged, gavo testimony simi lar to that previously given by other dis. burged con di ctors ss to the receiver's conduct in office. Redo ? led that Major Dane, tho Superintendent of tbe road, bad told him that he was discharged because of steal ing and drunkenness. At ibis point the inking of further testimony was ad journed until to-day. THE RAPID TRANSIT FIGHT. Tbe examination of witnesses on behalf ol the Gilbert Elevated Railway Company, in tbe suit brought agvotl . U by tbe Sixth Avenue Railroad Company, was re- g turned yesterday before Judge Sedgwick, holding I Special Term of the Superior Court, to illiam Ortoo, ; President of the Western Union Telegraph Corupanv, 1 lesliUod that he was accustomed to travelling on Ike Breenwich Street road and has a habtt of watching the , (fleet of tbe noise on the horses; he never saw s run ; sway; he drives his own horses in the neighborhood i of tbe tame railrotd, ami they seem to take little notice ol It. Wilham E. Dodge said he was astonished | to see bow itttic notice was taken of the Greenwich Street road by liorses, auu that some horses did not svctii to regard it at alt Un cross-examination be said there was a strong public teeltug in iarrytowu in lavor o' rapid irunsit. John P. Terry. Cyrus W, Field, John M. t link, A. Ik Stout, Dan lei W. Wy man Jaino- 11. Wil son, Henry K. Davta, Jr., W. I. Shank and other wit. be >ea were called, all ol whom gave about Ihe same lift ?n?nj regarding the rflcctt ol tho of Kle rated Railway rains upon horses. In ihe suit brought by th ? Ninth Avenue UatlroaJ iguinat tho New. York Elevated Railroad Company several amiilioiial witnesses were examined yesterday lor ilie defence before Judge \'u Uocaeu, of the Court oi C'oirmon I' eae, who ta trying ihe tone. Tno wit ne.-es examined were Fredrick Wither, John T. Van Riper, ?>il n t henuto. James Usher, Richard W. Hurl burl, M ivester K. 'John and KuWarU Ulbb. The Isat WII tiese wus the engineer ol the Ural passenger train aver Ih rood, and is still an engineer over the road. Mr. Cnrnuie wss chairman of llie Committee of Archi tects who reported on ihe Klevsied Railroad. Tho re pott was read, lis main point being that though in man? reepectatbe Elevated Railroad waa a nates nee, It waa to be regarded id tho ligbt of a accessary evil, and raoat of -the other witooaaoa along the line ol the road all stated that runaway accidents and liorsea nking friitbt front traina paaaiog orer the Klevated Railroad are very rare. CURIOUS COTTON SUIT. A rather atngular trial waa commenced yeiterdar before Judge Wastbrook, in Supreme Court, Circuit, in which Wilaon Clement* ia pUCnllfl and Franciaco y Turrla defendant. The plaintiff, during the wan owned a large amount of cotton, and In 1805 he aeut 202 balee through Texas, each bale having thepritate mark ol BX?. The bales were taken away by some one at Camargo and sent through Matamorus to Liverpool, where plalnttfl happened to be, and he discovered theui. with uew wrappers outside bis. Defendant saya he bought the cotton in Canada. The piamtiff alleges that defendant kuew who waa the owner, or, at all events. that ho had no title to Ik A suit waa com menced by the plaintiff In the English Chancery Court, where the cotton mentioned bad been sold. Several Mexicans and parties residing In New Orleans pat in answer that pluintllTs purse waa not long enough and the Court was too sluw, so he cut and ruu. and a year ago. when defendant came Into bis Jurisdiction, ibis anion was commenced. Dolendanl setup the action In England ne a bar. but the tact waa It was dismla-ed and never tried on the merits. The whole question is whether defendant has a legal title. A MOTHER'S MONUMENT. A autl presenting some rather norel features came to trial yesterday before Judge J. F. Daly, holding Trial Term of the Court of Common Pleas. Mr. Daniel Draddy has brought suit against Stephen Lovejoy for professional services. Ilo alleges In bis complaint that Mr. Lovejay stated that ha aes rod to have a monu ment erected over the grave of bis mother, lor whioh ho waa willing to pav $12,o0"\ and that ha desired him to prepare plana and specification* for the same, with the understanding that the work of constructing the monument, which was to be made of marble, was to be given to htm. He did as requested, but on submit ting the plans for the monument to Mr. Draddy. the latter staled that he deuired 10 show ihem to other members of the family lor their approval. Subse quently. as Mr. Draddy further averred in his com plaint, Mr. l.ovejoy employed another party to mako the monument, who, with very slight modification, constructed it in conformity with the plaus and speci fications originally submltt'cd by bimscIL I'pon this stale of facts be sites lor $2,' 00 lor services In prepar ing the plan of tho monnraont. SUIT FOR HEAVY DAMAGES. William A. Leonard brought suit against the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, claiming $50,000 damages lor Injuries sustained on' June 17, 1874. Hla story is that in stopping oil a temporary bridge at Fifty-seventh street and Fourth avenuo, after being told by the flagman that it was all right, lie was bit by tho cowcatcher ot a passing train, dragged some dislunee and thrown Into the exouva tion in progress for laying u sunken truck. Hu ra recelved a sever* scalp wound, whs so injured that his eyesight and bearing are si ill Impaired, sad Is also lamed trom Injury to one of his kneepuna. Tne case cauie to trial yesterday before Judge fpelr, in the Su perior Court, Mr. Kdwsrd (filbert appearing for Ilia plaintiff and Mr. Frank Loorai* for the railroad com pany. Alter the testimony lor the plaintiff had been submitted Mr. Loomis muved lor a dismissal of the complaint, and pressed hu motion by a very elaborate argument Jadge Speir granted the motion, uoldlug that there was no prool that tho railroad company was hahle, and Inetructing that if thrre was any lia bility it rested on the city. The intention of tho'plsiu tlfl is To press tne matter further in the courts. CROOKED WHISKEY TRIALS. Tho June term of Judgo Benedict's court opened yes terday with the calling ol tho calendar. Tho case of Philip H. Tusku, indicted on a charge of complicity in the crooked whiskey frauds, came up on Assistant DIs trlct Attorney Foster's demurrer to the defendant's plea in abatement. Mr. K. W! Wood, l'uska'a counsel, was prevented rona being present on aocount ul sick ness, uud General Tracy put In an appearance lor Inm. asking that tho ooso go over until Friday, when ho will argue from Mr. Wuod'* brief or interpoae u plea m abatement in behalf ol bit own clients. This proposi tion was assented to by Gctieral Foster. In t?io eases of Edward Uoury and James .Anthony, indicted on sim ilar charges to that of Tusko. Mr. Thomas Harland, their counsel, withdrew the plea of not guilty and en tered a motion to quash. SUMMARY OF LAW CASES. In the Court of Comtoou Pleas yesterday, before Judge Van Brunt, Benjamin Wood recovered three ver diets against tho city tor $1,855, $921 and $804 18 respec tively, for rent of rooms in his building on Chatham square. John O'Donnell yesterday recovered a verdict before Judge Westbnok, In Supreme Court, Circuit, against the city lor $8,412 60, being the full amount of a claim lor lurnishlng in 1871 Iron columns for one of the District Court houses. Before Judge Van Brunt, holding third term of the Court ol Common Pleas, William II. Dclany yesterday recovered a verdict for $496 against the city for services as clerk in the Bureau of Bewers, udder the appoint ment o< tne Commissioner ol 1'ubiic Works, in 1 ->71. Application whs made yesterday by Merrick .Sawyer to Judge Donohue lor au attachment against the prop erty lu this Btalo of the Collin* Granite Company of Mamu. Tbe piuinilfT claims that the defendant Is lu dobied to htm in the sum of some $19,250. being the balance ol a bill duo him lor cut granite furnished to tbe defendant. Owing to the illness yesterday of Judge Clldcrsleeve Recorder linked adjouqped the Court uutll to day. Tbe com of Cbarlcs 1. Williamson, aline Perrio, alias Farnham, is set down lor trial to-day. lie wu* con victed in l'art 1 last iortn ol uttering lorged Now York Central and DniTuio and Krlc Railroad bonds, and lie will agaiu be placed to nnawer to another ludictniont against him. District Attorney Illlaa was yesterday Interrogated as to whether Churlcs I- Ijtwronco would be sentenced during the present sitting ol Judge Itenediet, and the official replied that ho thought no sentence would be pa-scd. and l<<> added, significantly. "We haven't got tbrough with him yet." It is said by those acquainted with tbe case that a motion for aentonoo will never btf made. In the salt brought by Mary Crocheron against tbe ; North Shore Slalen Island Ferry Company to recover damnges lor Injuries sustained by lading down the stairs leading from the lower 10 ihc upper deck of one ol deiendanta' steamboats resulted yesterday in a dismissal ol lha complaint. Judge Kobmann, ol the Court of Common Pleas, before whom the case was triad, directed the dismissal on the ground that no gross negligence was shown on the part ol tbe com pany. 1 he trial ol the salt brought by Joseph Agate against J. 8. Sand* 10 recover from the delendsut, who is a stockholder of the Manhattan Hewing Machine Com pany, lor rent of the premises occupied by the com Kny, amounting to IS, was begun yesterday lore Judge Van Brunt in the Court of Common Plena. | The suit la brought under tbe new law making stock- 1 holders liable (or the amount of tbe stock held by them. The defence Is that the defendant lias paid twice the \ amount ol his stock and is relieved from liability. An Indicimcnt found in tbe district of Louisiana was 1 forwarded to the I'nltvd Stales Marshal's office in this | city on Tuesday, charging a number 01 parsons In ihts ' city and eisewbere with eouspiriac to defraud tbe gov- 1 ernmeut In the construction ol ihe New Orleans Cus tom House, lor which they were contractors. One ar- I rest has been made, and ball given for the defendant's appearance when railed upon 10 answer. Several of the other defendants are dead, and others are out of 1 he jurisdiction ol lha Marshal. The matter la kept as far as la possible irom public nolire, ihe officials being anxiou-* 10 inako luriher arrests. Ihe suit brought by tlia Manufacturers' and Dodd ers'Hank against Will,am C. M'dlo.v, tried yesterday before Judge dheridan, in the Marine Court, la one In volving a question ol u-ury. and bringing up the ques tion whether State banks are liable to the oik,ration of the laws relating to usury. In tbe case of the Dunk ol Wbiiehsll vs. Lamb tho SupretnoCourt 01 the Foiled ; Slates held that national banks did not lorieit tbe con- I tract ny usury, but merely the amount charged In ex- j cess ni l ho seven per cent. The New York Court ol Appeals held otherwise, and the question is which c uri controls. Uls Honor directed a verdict lor tne for the amount rlaimed. Tbo defendant's ; counsel moved for a new trial on three grounds, and, alter argument from Mr. ICandy In support and Mr. Drigbt in opposition to tbe motion, the Court reserved Its decision. Charles Moore, s Russian, was tried yesterdty before Judge Benedict, in the United .-Males Circuit Court, on a charge of committing an assault with a dangerous weapon on Frank Kingsland, an (englishman, on noard lha American bnrk (ioveruor Morgan, while on a voy age The two men bad a dishuis over the perormance ol some duties and Moore, applying an opproorious epithet to Kingslaud. was knocked- down. He remit aied by drawing a sheath kuila and slitting open Kmgsland'e fare from his leit ear to Ins nose. The prisoner sua attended by Judge Welcome E. Reeoe. who gave as the delence the heal ol psasion. Assistant District Alioroo) Foster, in his address to the jury, paid s tribute to tbe English people, saying that tu dis putes of this kind they slwaya used Ihetr lists, the weapons that Oort gave tbciu and did not resort to knives or firearm.- Moore wss promptly convicted and was remanded for sentence. Jeremiah Devlin 4 Co. brought snil nga nst tbe Ulobe Mutual l.tle Insurance Company 10 compel a specific performance ol an option 10 iea*e rooms in ihe building now occupied by plaint ifla as a clothing at or*, on the corner 01 Warren street and Broadway, which, it is ; claimed, defendants exercised, i he rooms have been j orcupled by tho defendants lor some time, and, their lease having expired, negotiations tor a renewal were ! entered into between piaiuitils ana the President 01 the t,lobe Company. Pla.iiiifl* now claim that there was a dlMinri agreement to less* the rooms in question, while the defendants sny that the conversed on- between ihe president and plaiulilT.- for flisl purpose cannot be eon strued aa a contract, for tho reason thai tbe ,'ormer had no power to make any propositions without toe eon 1 sent of the directors. Judge Lawrence, holding i-u pretne Court, Special Term, tie .'ore whom the ca-o was tried, yesterday disntl-teo the complaint. DECJlblONfc ftTtPRKMB COURT?CHAVDF.R8. By Judge Donnhue. Sltgler vs Dhckmsn.?tit) ihe addition proposed to the order by plain<n! the order as it is stands AuOmordt ra Goldstein; Grant vs. Jooaa e*. ' SSSJEU**? HoW# 8#wln? Oompany.?Mem CfiMih t?. D?n?fh and Bonthwtck vs. Tha flnl Natioual Bank of Memphis.?Motions dented.?Mamo miifuRin, i ^0.!L'!!\T*,?^i,Ma, *n<1 Mo,,er ** *?"*r ?? Noa. *' "? *nd 4.?Orders granted l? .IT Currt'?M""on denied, without coat*. In the Mailer of Hurd and Moora u l.illcol No. 1? Motion framed. Memorandum. denied V* Vm 8icl*n* an<1 <*?*?? v*. Bail.?Moilona llrawaicr va-Oatiey?Adjustment affirmed. saniord ra Cochran?Motion framed *c aL ra Barria; The Untied State* Trust Company va. O Keele; Strauss ra Kichardaon; The Th. ?- ?}*" T!.U" u,mP?nr va Cndlipp; Kennedy vs. SU TSf* ,!i?#rjr Marb,e Company; Percy va. iii MilntaCame; Bloxutn ra The Mayor Ac. ? I>t "Infer ra The Mayor, At a ; Thomaa vs. Th'? Mayor,' Mar'oJ IT" v* Sh*a ??! McKntyra ra. The Th. w.t 1"" "~d " The M"'ror- *?? i Kracni ra *a Th u ' 1 Sl#renB v>- The Mayor, he.; Finley ? ??" S"r?r- ??-: *hon VM> Thp *?-v?'. *?? I Stewart nflrw . W ?!!i *r- : Jon*,? u Tlj* Mayor, Ac ; McCor flMtz ? tk! u',0r' 1?*: Jar'1,na ** Tha Mayor, Ac j } ;*'* v* The Mayor. Ac ; Ball ra. Tha Mayor, Ac Jiuckay ra. Tha Mayor. Ac.; Wright ra. The Way or, ** Tbo M*T?ri 4o-1 Carroll ya. Tha I rulu'. i Oonn,cr T* The Mayor. Ac ; Boellgrr ra. I TvUJi. ? * u?u?herty va The Mayor, Ac. : Mc Ar m /*" tT 1 Kerry vs. fhe Mayor, Male ? t' **" i',f M?y?r- ; Hagatnan ra. tiiltnoie; I)w?m?*w 'J ?'? Whitney; August vs. Hark; t-nrV..r.l o"rUi a'aa TH- Th? Security Insurance C?i?].^f ?!er^U Uw ' Richardson ra. Toop, and oaue va acrihar and another, (.ranted. . By Judge Barrelt ? 1 I,,The MM'tahio Lite Aaaurance Society, and "J'y* Same Orders gran leiL Millorra. Miller.?Order settled. ^ Chartea J. Langerfrld and Wtlhelmlna I*ngertel<t I.eport now conirmed and Judginout of dlrorcegranted. COMMON PI.KAU?8PECIAI1 TERM. n v By Jud*a c- p- ??'y Duhanoy vi Blossom.?see opinion. By Judge Van Brunt Keener ra. Adoipbi?Amendments do not refer to fa do? * DOIC8 C**e fal,not be ???'*<! antil this W ecu ra. Bell?Same decision. .... By Judge Van Hoeaon. llartahoruo ra. Staples.? Motion grunted. memorandum! Ho'moB?APP"?"'?" granted. See GENERAL 8E83ION8?PABT L . Belore Uecorder Uackett OBABBINO A WATCH. Frederick Green waa arraigned on tha charge of Healing a gold watch, chain and iorket, valued at $86 Irom tha person of John Velth, at landsman's Park, on the 12th Inat A brisk shower dampened tha tvrpsl chorean exercises of the throng, and during tha rnah for temporary shelter It waa alleged that the prisoner m company with other bird, of prey, conim" to make awuy with the artlclea uom.d iu tbo indictmout The jury promptly found the prisoner guilty, and in passing sentence the Kvcoruer alluded to the Tact that toe Prisoner proposed to plead guilty the day previous be ore Judge btidersleeve, yet on iho present trial he Old not besiute to perjure himself in the present In ?unco in order to avert the necessary consequences oi iat crime. Be waa sent to the Sute Prison lor live ycuni. Pr.RAS AND SENTENCES. Walter A. Chapman, a waiter, who gave hla reaidenca ' as No. 342 West Thirty-elghth street, pleaded guilty to j the charge of snatching a poekethook containing $8 A8 | from Keoerra W. Johnaon. of No. 42.1 Sixth avenue, ou It', "'h, loau. aa the complainant was wulklng up ' Tht Kec?r?lcr sent the colored I oucoUir to ttie ^lato Prison for lour yours. .lattus Jobnson, cuargoil wuh sioAUug sight reams of 1 paper, and huving pleaded guiliy to the olleuce, and en dence oi p'evious character having been given, he was lei oil with six mouths in the Pemteutiury Charles Daniels, ol No. 150 South Fifth avenue, waa charged by Officer Loflertg, ..f tho Fifteenth precinct, with having in his possession a number of skeleton S, 'Dtonl, l? commit burglarv at So. 71 Woat Klevcnih etreet. The prlnouer pleaded guilty to the charge of carrying burglars' tools, and he waa sent lo the i euitoutiary lor six montha FIFTY-SEVENTH STREET COURT. Belore Judge Kllbreth. IN FEMALE ATTIRE, Officer John O'Brien, of the Nineteenth precinct, arrested, on Third avenue, a man named John Kd wards, who was dressed In lemale attire. He bad his picture taken in a neighboring photograph gallery and had just come out df a Indies' hairdressing saloon, whore he bad hla hair done up in the latest female fashion. He was dressed In a black alpaca dress a flaming scarlet bow, illusion veil and black straw hat neatly done up. He carried a lan at uia side C?Url.KC h? Wa*. nn HCtor' having a room in i ilty-lnurth street, near Third nvonue; that he waa not aware ihat he was committing any offence, and "y?V. 1 wax his drat ofleuco ot any kind Ha waa tlncd $10 and commuted In deiault ol $1 ood bail , to keep the peace for a year. He offered lo pay tho Court tho tt.iKg) lor his liberie, but. of course, the oiler was not accepted. Suhsiquenllv ho f"Vf * reaaon for donning female clonics that he had been employed by a downtown merchant to net as a detective leal night, but he relnsed to give the mime of his employer. His commitment seemed to excite him considerably, because ho and It would pre vent his leaving the city, as he intended, last night. THE AELKOKD CONSPIRACY CARE. Thomas a Wyatt, the lawy. r implicated in the al leged conspiracy to delraud, charged against Wil- I lington A. Carter, appeared In court yesterday. Bail i waa I)zed In both cases at $1,000, which was given, bnt I the aocased have not yet decided whether to waive an ' examination and go down for trial immediately or not. ? l.sey will decide to-day. Mr. Carter claims to have no connection wltn tho case until after the house In Kiglny-urst street had been sold by Sheriff O'Brien and Hint then b? only sold in good faith ? $6,000 mort gage lor a man named Kelly, who waa also one of tho parties to tho alleged conspiracy POLICE COURT NOTES. Otto Schmidt, keeper of a stationer/ store at No. .62 Bower/, and Siegfried Wol.crtz, of Na 79X Bower/, were held for trial at the Essex Market Court by Jus tice Bixby yesterday for selling obscene llterainre. At the Washington 1'lace Court Stephen Schnatl, of Na 01 South Filth avenue, and John Schoenbols, of Na US South Filth avenue, were committed on a similar charge. The complaints in both cases were made -hy Anthony Comstock, agent of the Society for tbe Sup pression of Vice, and Special Detective J. A. Britton of the Host Office Department. At tbe Washington Place Police Court yesterday John Kilday, a laborer, of No. 6'J Barrow street, was held to awatt the result of tbe Injurlos of his wile, Mary Kil day, whom be struck on tbe head with an axe during a driinkon qu irrei at ibeir residence on Tuesday night. Jacques Chollct, a French laborer, who wus em ploye.i to repair the flagging of the yard of No. 49 West Third street, ww arrested by Detective Slavin, ol the Fifteenth precinct, aud held lor trial at the Washing ton Place Police Court yesterday for stealing $100 from iho' apartments ol Francois Wontert, who keepa a laondiy hi the same building. Justice Duffy, at the Wa-nington Piece Police Court, held Frederick Cop.-nit, foreman of the London Bottling I Company, No. 137 South Fifth avenue, for dealing a i quantity ol sugar irom the laciorv. II r. George Kay nor, j the manager ot the company, suited In court that for | tbe past six months the prisoner has been constantly ? pt Icring various essences and casentlsl oils used in the | business oi the company, hut always evaded detoelion ' up to the present tune. if somewhat singular case came up before Justice j Murray at the'I otiiha It appeared thai John Coeteiloe, ; a workman employe.! by the Kievuied Railroad, was re- ! pairing the track yesterday and left his monkey wrench 1 lying ob one ol the crons-slcepcrs. Owing to ? sudden Jar Urn wreneti fell down and s'ruck Jacob Joannes, of No. a Greenwich street, who was walking along the aidewalk, on tbe head, fracturing tiis sltnl:. Costelloe wee am Sled by Roundsman Winard, nf the Twenty seventh precinct, and on being arraigned before Justice Murray was commuted to await the result of Joannos' Injuries. COURT CALENDARS?THLS DAY. Kcrnsna Cocrt?Chamrshs?Held by Judge Dono hue.?Noa. 45, 54, 61. 68, 8?, 90. 91. 92, 93, 96. 104, 140. 157, 161. 182. 19s, 199, 200. 202. 204, 205. 206, 20V, 210, 216, 217, 220, Tbo assessment calendar will also be called. 8 c rants cornr?Srsnat Txax?Held by Judge Lawrence.?Demurrer?No. 13. Law and fact?Sua 220. 214, 278. 279, ITT. 174, 587, 690 591, 230, 181, ??'?, 71, 198, 146. 419, 421, 493. 560, 324, 471, 566, 5 9, 519. rcrasss c-ocbt?i larrtr?Part 1?Held by Judgs Weatbrook.? Case on?No. 1U3. No day islonditr. Part '2?Held oy Judge Van Vorei?Noh. 68u. 1366, 1824, 736. 2404. 1818, 872, 2110, 1442, 24"8. 698. 1011, 1406, 1437. 1876. 1164, 3012. 1028!-. 770. 2646. Part 3? Hcla by Judge Larremorh ?Case on?No. 1750. No day calendar. Mrrtniou toiler?Spscial Tanx?Held by Jadge Sedgw ick.?Case on?Na 41. No day calendar. mti.kiok CovKT?Tauk Tsau?Part 1.?Held by Judge Hsu lord.?N*oe. 1176, 1177, 1035. 2M5. 2060, 1924, 116s, lu7J, 1114, 2155, 1180, 1104, |s4s, 1124, 48L Part I 2?Held by Js.ige 8peir. ?Nos. 2203, 74i. 2162, 1206, i 714. 1210, 1211, 1213, 1216, 1216, 121U, 12.6, 1227, 1027, : 1780, 12U6, 764. Coiiox Puua? Kqcmr Thru? Held by Jadge Van IIo*seti. ?Cue ou ?Nu.24 No day calender. com so* Plsas?Ibiai. Tusu?Part 1?Helo by Judge Kno a son -So*. ius'J. 1850, 2281, 1871. 2o72, 2842. 2454, 1(44, 1007, 2128. 1104. 2121, 377 S. 1518. 2230. 1184, 2118. Peri 2 -Held by Judge Van Drum ? No* 247, 22a6, 1945, 194 . 2266, 2169, 2.54b. 2253, 2209. 2280, 22v0, 2296, 2303, 2-109, 2283. 2326, 2346 2350. 2354. 2861, 2310, 1191, 1594, Pari 3?Held by Judge J F. Duly.?Noa. 2438. 2439, 2527 2207. 2056, 244.,, 2114. v,Asian. liookT? Trial 1'suu?Part 1?Held by Chief Justice 8hea.?No day ? until to morrow. Purt 2?Helil by Judge -huriluo.?Nos 6534, 2624, 7801, 2-W, 4294. 4297, 4298. 6876. 7988, 8588. 4241. 4048, 7928, 7929. 6575, 79v7. Part 3- Held by Judge Sinoott. -Nut 5214, 794 ). 7442. 0701, 677d, 6914. 6550, 6916. 7t>69. 7913, 446s. 7438, 71.8, 7944. 7H-.3. 7J46. Cepsr of figSKSAL tsssitnta?Part 1?Held by Re corder Hackett ? The I'eeplo vs. Albert Smith, 'eloni out asraull and battery; fame vs. Harms iluckln, '.."?I"- ? Same vs. ilvuiau Goldstein. grand larocnv: Samara James Shaw, forgery; Sam# ra Lew's Knn Tli/ker, receiving stolen |uo<la; Sam* vo. John Mc Carthy and James Sowar a, receiving stolen good*; Sains ra John Mcbults, pstit larceny ; Sams ra ihel field t? sorts, cruelty to animals; Sams ra Willi in Jonas, violatinglottery lawa; Sams ra Gsurglanna White, vio lating sailors'boarding bouse laws; Same ra Isaac I* Cans, rarsiring stolen goods; Sams ra Patrick Jour dan and Tbntnas l.jrnnb, burglary ; Sams ra John Con nalh, grand Inrosnr; Same rs. John Malony, grand larceny; Mams ra C bar las Harding and William Moorr, pent larceny; Sams ra. Usury J. Paulding, aasnnlt and battery. Part 2?Held or Judge Underlies vs.?the People ra Charles J. Williamson, forgery. GENERAL TERM CALENDAR. Bnrraho, N. Y., Juno 21, 187$ Tbs following Is lbs General Term day calandar for June 22, 1870:?Noa. 1, ft, 6, 40. 62, 02, 7lt, 87, 100, 108, IIS, 128, 130, lis, 100. A SAD SOCIAL STORY. TBI TJNHAPPT MARRIED LITE OP A PRETTY JEWESS. One of those sad stories whleb the polios courts bring to light was derelopsd before Judge Murray at tho Tombs Court yesterday. Morris Stone, a barbsr, doing business at No. 140 Chatham street, was arrested by Officer Canaran, of tbe Fourteenth precinct, for sink-1 lag bis moi her-In-law, Mra Catherine Wolf, with a club, anl for brutally basting and otherwise lll-nsing bis wife, Rebecca Monn On tbs prisoner being arraigned at tba bar Mr. W. P. Howe informed Judge Murray that the present arrest was merely preparatory to tbe Indictment of ?tone by the Grand Jury for kicking bis wife In tbe abdomen and causing n miscarriage. A certificate to that effect waa handed the Judge. The story which followed, as a aequenes to tbe state ment of the counsel, was briefly stated as follows;?About fifteen months ago Stone married Re becca Wolf, the daugbtor of Mra. Catharine Wolf, wife of a clothing merchant, residing at No. 222 Rest Broad way. Mho was then and Is now an extremely handsome girl. A law months after her busbuna began to abuse her, sod nnaltv, on tho 8d oi last Muptomlier, during a marital quarrel, knocked hor down and kicked her In tbo sodoiuen. From tbe effects of this injury she was ooctined to her bod for several months, and Mtoue still continued bta 111 treatment. On Tuesday evening her mother, Mra Woll, was visiting her, when Mtoue cams in and assaulted her, clutching her by the throat and attempting to choks bor. Mbe oriod lor help and her mother eudeavored to drag Mtono away. Mtone turned on Mrs. Wolf, and, catching up a towel roller, struck her with It on tbe arm. He waa about to strike her again when tbs roller waa snatched from bis band by a young man named Dwyer, who, attracted by Mrs. Stone's crisa for help, had entered tbe house. Officer Cansvan was then called in and Mtone arrested. Mrs. Wolf testified that stono repeatedly beat and abused ber daughter; that she went lo her daughter's residence In order to protect her ftora the luutal as saults of ber husband; that Mtona attempted to choka her daughter, and that on bor interfering Mtone struck ber with the wooden roller. Tbe wile of tbe prisoner was next called. The poor girl was so utterly prostraied and weakened that she was unablo to walk and bad to be supported Inside tbo bar railing by bor iaibar. Judge Murray gave ber a tout on tbe bench beside him, and one of the court officers brought some ice water and brandy. She could hardly give her evidence, being seised every now and then with fits of convulsive sobbing. She fully con firmed ths evidence of her mother, and said her hus band had not only endeavored to choke ber, bat bad ordered Ills younger brother to beat her IT she slapped bun. When Mrs. Mtone attempted to rise from the chair in whiob she waa silting she staggered and fainted aw?v. ? Justice Murray committed Stone In $1,000 bail for assaulting his who and in $500 ball fur striking his mothcr-m-law. He waa unable to find ball and waa locked up In tbe Tombs. POLICE TRIALS. Tba trial room at Police Headqaartera waa wall filled with spectators yesterday, several cases of Interest being on tho calendar. All the Commissioners, with the exception of General Smith, occupied the bench. Tho citse of Officer Lefierts, of the Fifteenth pre cinct, charged with illegally arresting a Mrs. Woods, wna adjourned, owing lo tba Illness of tbo complain ant. The complaint against Captain Ixiwery, of the Sixth precinct, waa next taken up, and a large number of witnesses were sworn. Tbe charge was to tbe effect that Lowcry, on Sunday, May 28, stood on the corner of Worth and Chatham streets, In tront of tbe saloon of complainant, John Koster, und -made uso of the words, ?'! will have the damned Dutchman If it lakes twenty-lour hours." Thomas P. Walsh swore to hear ing Captain Lowcry mako use of the words charged. Patrick Hogan corroborated tbe previous witness and Bartholomew J. Mulruoney heard a portion of the language. The case, however, waa cut prematurely short before any defenoe was put in by Commissioner Krhnrdt, who said tbm officers often louod It difficult to enlorce the laws. Tbe rase will be dismissed. A second complaint against Captain Lowery, made by Officer Kawley of liia command, urns n-xt taken up. Tbe officer chargsd bis Captain with calling blm a cow ard and cur and ordering hint to arrest two Italians, against whom liters wss no charge. The complainant testified tbat on tbe night of the 12tb Inst, he heard a disturbance in a tenement house in Mulberry street aud entered, in company with Officer Fogorty, to see wnat was the trouble. He found four lialiena asleep on the root On coming out be met tbe Captain, who eiided blm a coward and our for not arresting tho Italians and ordcrsd him to go back and arrest them. Tbe Captain admitted calling- him a coward and giving tbs ordsr to arrest, which, be claimed, wss perleotly legal. Patrolman Hill, of the First District Court squad, waa put ou trial charged with roughly handling the wile ol tho compltanant, a Mr. Buckingham. Tbo oulv Incident in the trial worthy of note was tho discovery that Buckingham was a porson or extraordinary versa tility of genius. He had in bis liicttme figured as a policeman, a lawyer, a sheriff and a homcropathlc and allopatnie physician. It also transpired that he was once arrested lor bigamy. Hill's defence *?? that he merely separated complainant (torn his wife in the court room. The case will be dismissed. Offioer Mitchell, of the Fourth psertnet, waa ar raigned on the charge of unwarrantably clubnirg Frederick Rciwinkle. Tbe faets ot tbe outrage wore all published in tho Hsrald a lew days ago. The officer put In a defence that he did not see the boy at nil on the day In question. But few witnesses were present and their testimony was pointless. The Important wltnossea did not Rtoko tbeir nppeurance. ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE FROM "THE MARIA" One of tbo worst gangs of penitentiary convicts ever sent out of tbo Tombs were placed In tbo " Blaek Maria " ran yesterday morning under the chargo of Deputy Sheriffs William Kennedy and Julius Recs, for ?removal to Rlackwelt's Island. They were sentenced on Tuesday, and while locked op In cell 11 In the Tombs on Weduosday night attempted to tear onl the water plposand do other damage. Keepers Finn and (lover put them In separate cells to swait iboir re moval 10 the Island. The leaders ol the gang wero Henry Conklln, alias Fish, the notorious pickpocket arrexied by Detective Jackson, of the Fourth precinct, In front ol the Hskai.o bulletin, and sentenced to two two years' imprisonment; Michael.Kelly, convicted of petty larceny, n l Paul Hill, convicted of assault and battery. These men are well known to the police as desperate characters sod noted Ihiorns. Tbo other pris oners placed in the van wero Frederick Rurgcr, llonry Williams, Herman Jsnnwlts, John Connolly, Hainpaon MeOtbe, Wldlam Hrokus, Philip Dare. Charles Bnrr and two brothers named diehard and James Filzpnl rick. While (he van was being driven up Third ave nue, near Twenty-third street, ,-heriff Kennedy had Ins attention attracted by hearing a muse inside the van, as it I lie prisoners wero lu break out. Heat once stopped the vehicle, and opening the door saw Cooklin, Kelly and Hill tearing down the Iron sheeting on the roof or the wagon, lio at once entered the wagon, and. armed with a heavy cane, soon reduced Cooklin, Kelly and Hill to submission. The van was driven as rapidly as possible to the dock of the Com missioners ol Charities and Correction, at tbo foot of West rwciity-sixtli street, where ibo prisoners wero ir*n?ierri-0 to the stesmer Minnehannonk and taken to Blackwell's island. On their arrival st (he Pemien tiary Warden Fox ordered Conklln, Kelly and Hill 10 be put in Irons and placed in the dark cells. Rut for the promptness and courage ol the deputy sheriOs doubtless all the prisonera would have escaped. AN AUTOCRATIC JUDGE. A few days since a woman somewhat advanced In I years was arrested on complaint of ex-Constable Smith, ol Laurel Hill, on a charge ol assault and battery and taken before Juatico Vauderveer, at Newtown. Upon the hearing of the caae the evidence showed that the parties were neighbors snd had qunrrellod about a line fence, which the woman claimed boloogrd to Iter. Mr. 1 hiuiib wished to repair It and siruck her with a ham mer. 01 this she did not complain, hut r"nnth swore she threw ditt at htm, a small piece ol which bit mm on tho lace. The Justice found the woman guilty and sentenced her to the County Jail for s g months. On tho following morning lie made out a new rommitment, snbsiituting ihe Kings County Penitentiary in place of the (Jacens County Jail, where she wss taken. On the Tuesday following two young bloods of Maspcib were arraigned before tho same Justice on the com plaint of a poor German woman, wno charged thetn with assaulting her., Her eyes were black and body terribly bruised. Tho prisoner* acknowledged the r guilt, and the Justice, alter consulting with ih? con stable. Hoed the prisoners $10 each, flie respectable people ol the town of Newtown are highly incensed at the action ot the Justice in these- oasea and have already taken sieps to have the woman liberated from prison ANOTHER M188ING FEMALE. Kale Nevlnc, aged twenty years, living at No. 313 F.ast sixtieth street, lelt bar home oa Tuesday morning lor the purpose of vtsitntg her sister in West Thirty tilth street snd has not since bean noon. Being a stranger in the c'.ty it la iwiieved that she is lost. Tbe nolic? were ootided to look lor her. A HIFPANO-CUBAN FIGHT. Tza EDITOR or EL tbibumo curano badly BEATEN BT A BPAN1BB PLANTER, fleiior Ramon Rublera d* Armai, edttor-lnchlef of tho Spauish Joarnal t'l Tritmmo Cubano, published al No. 31 Park row, appeared belore Juslloe Murray at tbo Tombs yesterday and applied for a warrant for ttia arrest of 8*Aor Domingo tiuiral, a fipsnlsh-Cuban planter, residing at No. 0 West Hixteenth atreet, on a charge of aaaault and battery. He dor do Armaa' bead abowed two very severe scalp woaoda and bis embroid ered shirt and clothes were covered with blood. He In formed Judge Murray that about a mouth ago ho published an article lu bis paper in refer ence to Ibe dissensions existing between He dors Cespedoe, A millers and i'alrua, rival candidates for the Presidency ol the Cuban insurgent government, Wbleli In lis turu was inimical to the cause ol Cespede*. At noon yesturdav be visited tbe office of HeAor Ponce de l.eon, room 69, No. 4'J Broadway, to transact mime business, and mere met SeAor Uotrul. The laitnr leit the office on his entraaoe. Alter transacting bis busl neae be was going down atairs, when be was confronted by tinlral, wbo aaked hint if he waa the aatbor of tho article In aueallon. He answered In tbe aftlrmntlve, when tlutral struck bim twice over tbe head with a loadod cane, indicting tbe Injuries complained of. ReAor Qutrml will appear at the Tombs to-day and an swer the complaint. He claims that he acted In self dafenco and tbat tbe assault was Initiated by SoAor de Aruias. SINKING FUND COMMISSION. Tbe Sinking Fund Commission met yesterday and authorized tbe Police Department to inks possession of tbe market In Hast Sixteenth street for tbe nee of tbe Street Cleaning Buroan, during tbe pleasure of the commtMten, at an annual rental of $3,000 per year. TboComptroller was given full power to sell all the materials ol tho old aqueduct, upon tbe line between Ninety-third and 107lh streets, which huvo been abandoned, either at publlo auction, or by sealed b'da, alter publlo notice has been given for live days. The Comptroller reported thai between December 26, 1807, and May 29, 1870. thore waa collected through the Bu reau for the Collection of ltevenue, from the sale and use of water, $22,884 00, and for the use ot water meters, belonglnu to the city, $22,531. which has been transferred to tbe sinking fund toward tho payment of interest on tbe city debt. BOARD OF EDUCATION. THE SCHOOL REGISTER FOB THE C1TT?TTTBW 1HO AWAY SCHOLAR* THROUGH WANT OF AC COMMODATION?TRUANCY FXGURRS?FINAN CIAL. The Board of Education met yesterday afternoon at their rooms, corner of Elm and Grand streets, Presi dent Wood presiding. Tbe report of City Superintendent Kiddle showed tbat the number ef schools examined slnco May 1 was 43, classes 331, which the proficiency In 142 was found to be excellent; In 181, good; In 8, fair; and In which tbe discipline In 318 waa excellent, and In 14 Imparled. Tbe management In 88 schools was fooo I to be excellent and la 8 good. On May 10 the school ship St. Marys was examined, and tha pupils gave evi dence of careful and effloieni Instruction. Tbe num ber of pupils on the register was 108,020, being 1,607 lent than at aame time laat year. Tbe average attend ance waa 00,268, being 816 less Iban at same time laat year, which reduction waa caused oy tbe closing of Grammar School No. 7, Ur.immnr School No. 4 and Primary School No. 40. The report eonoludes a* fol lows:?"It la to be regretted tbat It bos been found nccessnry daring tbe last month to refuse ad mission to 1,361 applicants, owing to an insui thiency of accommodation In several of our schools. While some ol these children have, doubt less, obtained admission In other schools, very many. It is to be (enred, bavo been deprived ol the benefits of Instruction. It Is proper to state, however, tbat tnore than one-half of these refnsais have taken place In the Tenth ward, and that Hits has been caused by the closing ol Grammar School No. 7. Upward of 300 of these case* occurred in tlie Nineteenth ward, in which the schools are in a very crowded oondlllon." rnrAxev. Tbe report of Ihe Superintendent of Truancy stated that, from June 0 to June 20, the number of cases In vest tgnled by tbo agents wna 607. of which number 440 woro not clussed as truants, leaving 248 truants and non-attendants. Of these 230 were returned and placed in school and twelve committed to the Society for tlie Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents. A resolution was rrlerred requesting the Comptroller of the city to return to the Board bilis for services rendered by numerous merhnnics for work dono on public school buddings in 1870. 1871 snd 1872. and which on May 4, 1874, were transmitted to the Comp troller. By tho law of June 1, 1870, the Board la re quired to audit and adjust these claims within thirty days alter tbe paseage oi the net. it having been Ascertained that a number of children residing ouiside of Ibe Jurisdiction ol tho Bosrd were rec iviug instruction In the city schools, a resolution Instructing the principals ol scboois to hare this prac tice discontinued was relerred for action. A petition, signed by about aixtv principals of schools, asking that the special teachers be paid tbo same salary as thai received by the teachers ot draw ing, was referred to the Committee on Teachers. I ho salary ol the teachers ol drawing Is now $2 26 an hour, and ihat ol other special lenehers?French, German and music?$1 76 an hour. The report of the Finance Committee, to whom had been relerred the reporte or the committees on Build ings, School Furniture and Warming and Vsulllation, recommending appropriations lor repairs to bulldiugs ] of $10,000, lor repairs to lurmtureof $3<0:? and for ' topnirs lo healing apparatus of $4,600, was adopted, i be samo committee's report that the $100,000 trans- j fi-rred by tho Board of Apportionment from the rdncn- I tlcra estimates ol 1876 to 1876 be reserved by the Board lor expenditure as may becomo necessary during the . year was adopted. Tho Board tlion adjourned. It may be stated tbat the school derm this year will close ou Friday, June 30, FIRE DEPARTMENT. At a meeting of tho Fire Commissioners yesterday a resolution was adopted to decorate and Illuminate tbe Headquarters of tbo department on the coming Fourth of July. Flrn Marshal Sheldon submitted the following report of Urea lor tbo month of May:? Total lires, 1:4. Involving an estimated loss of $18,644 on buildings not $109,650 on slocks; total, $128,300. Uninsured loss on buildings, $800, and on slock, $1,046; total, $2.b45. Insurance on buildings, $240,776; ou slocks, $413,026; total, $663,800. I ho following la a comparative statement of fires, losses and insurances lor May. 1875, and May, 1876:? F ret, 1876, 120; loss, $02,030; Insurance, $004,300. Fires, 1*73, 114; loss, $128,306; Insurance, $663,800. Which was ordered to be tiled. BRIDGET BARRY'S SEWING MA CHINK To thc Editor or thr Hirai.d:? Jl.v intention has been called to the articles published In your paper concerning my difficulty with the Weed Sewing Machine Company, and 1 feel very grateful lor the arm pat by expressed lor me, but the statement published in iho Hkkai.d ol .Sunday by the Weed hew ing Machine Company Is not true. I purchased Irom the Weed Sewing Machine Company a sowing machine at the price ol |oA, in be paid In Instalments. I made my payments regularly until the last instalment bo came due. I went to litem and told tbeni 1 woilid pay tbn 110 due in two days, to which no objection was made. On the following nay three men came to my room ana eaid iltat they wanted tbo sewing raachiue. I told tnem that I win going to pay the flu duo on the nnxt day, but that I would pay it then if they would only leave me my machine. They raid that iney did nut want the money but tbo machine, unit then forcibly look the panic away trom me. By reai-oii ol the Inns of tny rawing machine I have been unable to aup|>ort my evil, and linvo been obliged to dispose ol my lurniltiro ploco by plceo until all is gone; and, driven to despera ttou and despair, 1 went to the Weed hewing Machine Company anil begged and entreated them to restore my machine to me or give me my money or a portion of it, no ilml I would not starve, nut they only laughed at me and put mo out of their store, llrtven to irenxy by such treatment 1 picked up a paving clone and smashed the pleto glass windows in ineir store, lor which I wm arrested and subsequently discharged by Judge Duffy. The sewing machine which 1 bought for $A& and on Which I have paid $iA they sell for $40 csah. Bv direction ol Judge Duffy I bare placed my easo In the bauds of Mr. Willium II. (isle, who lias kindly con sented to hike the same wltbonl any lee and as the champion of one of liie poor wnrkingwomen of Nsw York. 1 sincerely ho|>? that his eflorta in my behalf will not be without reeults and that Justice may be ren dered to DKIIMJKT HAltltY. New Yoitg, Jane 31, 1876. TUB BBIDOET BAUBY FtTHD. The following contribution* have been received at the Hkbalo office for Bridget Barry:? Dr. Barry, Xew Harsn, Conn $10 Scamsir.'s*, Waterbury. Conn 1 Crocker M Campbells, fulton Market 4 P. Bradley, New York 'J Anonymous, .New York 1 A. B. C., 1'ortclirsier 3 Total $3o CHARGE Of ARSON. Fire Marshal P. Ready yesterday earned the arre*t of (.sorgo W. McDonald, alleging that on or about Juno 18 he set Ore to his livery liable, situated In Atlantic, near Flnli>usii avenue, John Brennan. hi* wife and child living in the said premise* al th? lime. The war rant lor the arrest was isarn d by Justice ltiley, of the Third District Court, end Officer Sbanly arrested Mc Donald The prisoner was committed to jail to await examination. The building is the property cf the Knickerbocker l.ilr Insurance Company of New York. Beside the three persons whos" lives were endangered by the incendiary lire there were twenty-sewn horse* in lb* (table at the lime the Darnel were Uncovered. REAL ESTATE. TUs following foreclosure salaa Ware at Exeb.Bg. yesterday Hugh N. Camp .old B hauee, witfc lot 171*100.4, 0* K.*t forty flub street, north tide, 3*4.1 feat mm of Seventh .venue, for >10,000, to the plaint It Lesplnasse At Friedman sold a house, wtth lot31.4x 100.4, on WM FIfly-seveuth straet, north atda, *9.S l..t went of Ninth .vonuo, for $18,004, to Edward Ludlow sold three lots. 11x100, on so.lh etsi corner of Filth .venue snd Niuety-flrsl Charles Knight, ?* tollows -l.ot on corner $0,300-, next adjoining on fifth .v.uue, $8,300; next adjotn lug, $4,600. T*?*?rrit*. 4th av.. n. w. corner of l.MU ?l.. 24.8x90: George Hoffman M Ktiwani C. Ripley 90'000 S9lti at , i>. It*' tt ?? of lib ?v.. 24*OX.?. J. Rot. A. B Lindsay ;???? ? ? ? ?? ? ? j '"?mM Mliih at . a. ? , ??me pruperty; A. M. Lindsay to J. ^ T&fUZ*.'a.'."i*T? ft.' *w."of P.'eVl '.i!liltaio.3t .lame, Lenox In H I- MaUlanU ......^ ,...^. 6?? l2?Hh ?t.. a ?..**> 0 e. oi <tli ?v.,, B._ V 1>. held to Elisabeth Adame... .. ?"????d "om? Map. .t a i "Ik) it e. ol Cortland* SV., JoBlUO ?Sd ward) "Anna Stein and to M. P. Flupt 2.000 .Lexinirlnn .v., w. a, 00 4 rt. a of 40th et..2ux75. J. Bcek.l to B. f. Beckol 80.CXX) Hceaei xo o. r. nt-ram. 123d at . a a. 224 ft w. ot 7lh .v., 03.4x100. J. Bran nan and wif. t?P. Brennaa.....-????v; liBVTYn"rJ?li. W Of 7th'iV..'iftHxlOO?lrregu lar . Patrick Brennan to l>. P. IngTaham^........... U.WO Madison av.. a. e. corner 2.rtlt St.. !*???"????*? ' Barreda and wife to Catharine L Kernochaa......112.1WO 28th at. a a. 84 It. w. of I*>xlniiton av., ?8.?x2U, ?t. U Carablanra to P. Hnltnc* .... W.lViVVav' OOth .v., n. a. 2<>4.4 1-3 ft. e. oflthav., ?a 000 M. A. Culvln and hit-band to David II. MeAlpln.. 14.WW Madison av.. a. a. hat wean 27th and 2Hih ?ta 24.*X UK); A. f>. flake and wlta to N. \ ? Municipal 8 ety. 33,tx*l Cortlamll av.. a a, 74 tt. n. of Banaou at.; ls>?li nao lar and wife t? V. Banter...... ...... ??????? ?iy?* ' l.Vith .t? n. ... 274.91. IV a. of Cortland* av 24.2* Hk) (23d ward); Jo?aph Sticker and wife to Bllaa ^ IWth^a a. 28l 'ft:i>V'of fW-;V"TOxl06TlV& Wetul and wire to R. Kturt.kobcr and others .... W.ltw 4th av., a a. 141.0 ft. a. of 4l.t at.. 1? ?*><?. 0. O. Kingfley and wife to George h Klnirtlev. ... I7,7?w 2411.T ? a corner av. A. 40.4x81.4; Ucnry I-e fevra to I,. K. Hruna ... ... ? ? ?? ? ;.? ? ??? v oww MciilUou ?%., n. w. corner Jatn?t. ??*?*>* rradertok _ ^ Trope and wife to "ma........ - ???? ?A.-.V.;" 1 i rope HUU will' hO a a a 132d at., n. a. 74 ft. w. of Ul.av.. IWl": * K. Lavertv'snd wife to Mary J. Burrhlll......... 52d it., a. a. 110 ft. W of l^xlngtoa av.. JDxIOO.S. 1 Joseoh M. Koahlar and wife to (7 toe ring ???? ? ?.?? Berrlan a v.. a. a. a. 2iio f? o. a. of Jd ?t.. 4?Al?> ;24th ward) ; T. O'Malionay and wife to John K. ^ 74thh.'t!i n- i."' '825 ft. a of 2d av.. 24xio2.2; 0. B. Smith trolereei, to'Malllda Myer. ............ . 10.801 let av., w. a, 5U.8 ft. a ol 123d it.. 17.10*81.21*; Bd ? ? ? it / i a .% IImh war It* ill Hn re .....a 8.221 ill ??.. W. >IU.n It' 4t Ml a ?>?>? ?w., - ? ? ? -a ' ? ? an nMI ward 11. Seliall (raiaree). to Henry fulllng..^...8,2* 117th st?. a a. 145 ft. a. of 4tli av., 2Mxl00.ll, ChJui ll illldreth frafaraa). to Martin V. Rath- ^ 8th iv'.'a. a. 40 It. n. of BOth at., 25x100; Phllo T. Rugglea (referaa), to J. J. Aator 28.1W !.?****. ? ? Clinton it. n. a. a. of I'nlvarally plaoa; Sailors Snng Harbor to Kllsa H. MacdonalJ: 21 yean. ..... ... "4 50tU ?t.. w. of t'lrola. Ollvar 8. Jonaa to Mary J. Tall- ^ ^ PoTayth i'i?H";'?i?noa Primaf to il Bo'aan '?,d:63r"? ao^i?a ^ Aflitinvill Islord iod wif?, to WIlHtit H. Atpl? wall (executor), n. a of 10th aU. eaat ot University Brennan. Patrick, to John IjOWIs, a a of l-.ld at. W. ^ ()no Baye'rVrhlilp andVlfa,'to^ j. Halnemann, n. a of 7 Oflior, a m'lf """ T 21?t at.. W. of let ay.; 4 yaara...... . Borrowe. Samuel and others, to f. G. ? a or Plka St. between llanry and Madlaon, 4 year*. ' Dougiasi 'joeephine! ?o 'Beiija'ml'o' ?? J1"4*?"' *? ?? ft380 corner of .1th av. and 41st ?t. : l/#af-a;?/????????*? cornarof 4th av. and41st at.: ~ * * ?''""" NawVark Municipal x? 20000 Mad Woo av.. between 27th and 2Hth sts., 4 years.. Hart. Ellen H. end husband. toU. Kogemaan. n. aof aSfM-^WSili UTtraxn'i'i'xrmx Smith* Philip. "o C.V'o'Donasll and others, a a of 1C 000 .Imlth, Philip, to i:. U. w iranneu |C 000 81 av., s. of 41 St St; 6 years i'Vash'X*. ai Smith, f. in in a. to A. Medulre, a a of 16th st, a. ol - ? 4,500 Tallman. *M ary'"and husband, to j aeob L i)o<ige. n. a of 58th St.. w. of Circle; 2 years ? *?'**' Pean, J. W. and wife, to John Castree (guardian), a. a of 46th St., a of 7th a v.; 6 years........ - ^v ? Knots. William and wife and others-toP. P. Wood bury and ethsra e. a of 1st av. i 5 ~ Kingslev Oaorge R., to Home Insurance Comoaay. a s ofblh av . n. of 4l.t st; 1 year.. ........ 20.000 Myers. Matilda and nnsband. to L. U Levy. n. s, or ^i.l. .a a aM/1 av ? !1 ,?ww WetaaL Stephen and[wife' to WHUam M. Poweil, a a ^ of 44th ?t, w of 0th av.; 8 months PRETENDING TO SELL A HOUSE. Charles Illbbard, real estate agsnt. of Twenty-fourth etroot, near Third uvenue, New York, was srrosted by Detective Mahoney, of the Third proclncl, Bnwklyn, yesterday slternoon, on complaint ol Thomss O. I.ittlo, of No. 119 Union street, who accuses him of obtaining $300 upon false repre?ontations. H Is alleged that the prisoner obtained the mouoy to bind a bargain in the sale ot tho bouso in which the ounplainaut lltea On Inquiry being made by Mr. Utile of the heusc Mr. Do Rrarso Livingston, it was ascertained that lha prisoner. Hibbard, had no luteroat in the bmt?" which ho protended to own aud cell. Ho is held to awall examination. ______ WASHINGTON PARK ROADWAYS. ?WHY THH WEST HID* THOBOCOHPAR* J8 NOT OPKNRD?THE COMPTROLLER VS. THE TARE COMMISSIONKits AND THB ALDERMEN. Some six months ago the attent'on of the Board of Aldermen was called to the wretched condition ol lbs roadway across Washington Park, which, it is claimed, is dangerous to life and limb. As this roadway Is the key to I he connections between Sonth Klltb avenue (lsli Laurens street) and fifth avenue, snd as South Fifll avenuo was opened by a commission, with the mori direct view of rellovibg Hroadwsy, our clttxens who us* carriages have taken s deep interest In the opening up of tins continuation of West Broadway, wblob, it wns announced, would give tree transit between the Oily Hall and the Park at all hours of the day and night. The Alderman promptly, by resolution, called upon Iho Park Commission to com plete the work by flni"hitig the roadway mirosg Washington square. Yet this request was regarded, and the heavy taxpayers of the c.ty have selected Broadwav lor ihe.r carriages rather thm endanger the lives o( tbctr families by crossing wabhimitox SqUABS. Influences have been st work over since, by ettef and petition, to bave this west sido onllel opened but Washington square lias been the-stum It Hog Finally oue of the r'publican Aldm in n? som- slg weeks ago?had a resolution paanad initio Hoara ol Aldermen culling ii|.on Iho Park ComntlsalPP 10 pro ceed at onee arnh the completion ,h" tension of laiureiis street) ucroes Wushin0ton 1 ark. The Park Commission AUVKKTtSXD for bid# to be opened yesterday When the time arrived tor tho opening of ihe bids the Comptroller entered his protest against any lurthor action ..n the part ol the Park Commission, on ths ground that the proposed work is a conl'?u*\'"" *' I aurens street, which was laid out by a commission, like other public streets ol the city, commissions! Martin was In favor ol opening the bids, not withstand ing tho Comptroller's protest that tho Department ol Public Works aioao has jurisdiction; hut ho was over ruloil and the mallnr was laid over. This action ou the |iart ot Comptroller Green caueeii grest astonishment to member* of the Bourd or Alder men who learned of hi* netion. President Lewia and other moinber* of the Hoard expressed their regrets that the Comptroller had assumed a dictatorial policy, and ttiey ended attention to oliuplor ?.\0 l.nwa of 18V3, defining the duue*and power* ol the I'ark Itepartrnent. wlilrh, lit aectlon 1, gives them Jurisdiction o( a!) street* and avenue*. to quote the law. ?'within ihe dia lance of .'UiOfcot from toe outer boundaries of any pul> lie place or park." Chief Clerk fMorrs. of the finance Department, rlalma that the lu*t clause of aoctton 1 01 the act placeathe work* in the hand* of the Commiaalonnr ol Dublin Work*, fhe line* of aucb work to bo determined by the Department of Park*. Aa the two nrannhea ol the city government are divided on Ihe Intcrpretaf Ion of the law It la probable tliat ihe dlapuic will not be ael at rcat until the Corporation Counsel given an opinion. THE RAILROAD WAR CONTINUES. There wan a rumor yesterday on th# Slock Exchange that the high conflicting parties who control the rail, roadn recently no hotly competing for freight and pea nengera had come together in a aplrlt of mutual con. dilation, and that the lamb ol Krie and the lion of New York Central had consented to lie down together, with tbo Intent to arrange their difTerencea witboel further Jeopardizing the groat intcrentn of which thay are the cuatodlan*. I'li.'ortuimtely, however, lur the ?lock holders. Ibis pleaaant Wall street atory posse asm only a modicum of truth. I'pon inqairv at toe Erte Railway olllce it waa discovered that the only founda tion for the report waa the fact that several Western railway managers yentorday arrived In New York, with a view to consult with the officers of the New York Central road, to neo II aornn basis of compromise be twren ihe opposing radrond interests was not possible, in order that the suicidal war nitouhl cease. There had not aa yet been brought to the notice of the Erie road any lurmal proposition. Mr. Jewell, ire receiver ol the latter road, aatls lor Europe on Saturday to confet with ftlr Edward Watkin, la regard to the situation here. FIRE IN NASSAU STREET. Tenterday morning a Ore occurred on the third floor of the five story building No. 13J Nassau street, ooen ptcd by lAwrenceO Uoulding, publisher of "Coupling's City Directory. " The stock was damaged to the extent of fl,nun, but the building only slightly. The ttru war extinguished by the police sod occupants. A HORSE AND WAGON THIEF. Police Officer McDsrtnott, of the Hoboken pollet fotca accused William H. Van Skirn, of Uuckensaek, ot stealing a horse and cart from Henry Medhiag, et Meadow strest, Jeraey City Heights. The arrest was made ie Clinton atreet as the prisoner was driving the c.rt ?t a lurioes rate toward the lerry. Yesterday Recorder Hohuaied comtnitied hint to the Ceehty dad ta default ol |l,Wu boil.