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?rrrATIOIT8 WAIWWMWMALBa. C ooks. d>t. 1 EXTRA PLACE. OPE 1ST ST., HEAR BOWKRY.-A raafMltbla woman ?> cook, war her tnd trader is s boarding kowt; elty or country. U WERT SSD ST PRESENT KJIPLO YBR'K).?AS Bra* ehu cook; understands her business thoroughly; City or country ; good city rrftrrcrr. TO WEST 34TH >T.?A COMPETENT WOMAN" AS A mi Brat data English cook, who thoroughly uiidarnlBBtia h?r business in oil it- btnnrhes; ran lake (he nutira charge oft kitchen; hat unquestionable city reference. 1Q WEST 4RTH SI (PRE KB NT KM Pl?OY h R'8).?AS it/ nook or to take charge of a l oatc; would go in tho touutry ; 18 yeara' reference. QQ WEST KITH ST\?A KKSPRCTABLE WOMAN AO to eouk. waah and iron; willing to g.> ic the country; references given. OQ WEST illTH ST.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS O J competent cook in a Brtt clone boarding hnuM or pii Bate family. C7 WEST 18TII ST., JtE A B. - AS COOK; UNDER- ; ?) I -lands all kindt it tiakinir; will wash and iron aod i go In the country; cat; take care of butter; city reference. Q(\ WEST 11X11 KT ? A8 PIRKT CLA 88 COOK ; UK Ov uerntanda tneate ai <i paatry: hot! cltv rcfereuce, | If AO Bast both st.-a uoMlrinufTwoxAlt a? , Atr*/ cook; would tlo ?nine coarse washing; no ol\|ectl to | to the e"untrv; bctt rcfereuce. fan bo teen at hirpr/aent I employer'! lor two dayt. ! m-WEST 418T ITf" A VOL'NO WOMAN As liOOl) conk: la an excellent baknr; willing to ataiet wIMi I Ihe washing : city nr coin try. till IflTll-ST.. KEAR.?AN EXPERIENCE!) 1 woman at ttrst class cook and excellent baker; bent ? cilj reftrenoo 115 WEST 19TII ST. -A RKSPKOTABLB OIl'.L AS cook, wnther and Iroier; roler n"c?. nff WEST 4IST SI V WOMiN AS COOK: IS AN ?) excellent oo >k: willing In tolit with llw vtlhlnr and Iron' c; Is an e?oll?nt baker of I read and Meruit; ton be well recommended from latt plaeo; conntry preferred. mWKST 46TH ST.?AS COOK . UNDERSTANDS any etyle of euuking and It a tuporiur bread baccrt cm be recommended. Can be teea for two dayt. 19*> ".VEST l'.'TH ST., HE AH.?AS COMPETENT X?itU rook; is willing to assist with ihe waahlng; city or r< autry ; boat city reference. -I.l | WF.ST .TID ST.?AS >IHST~Cl7AbS COOK; X^ t thoroughly cnnine'en: In all liranchet: wilt sstiat with washing; country preferred; three yeara' city refet enee It) I WEST D?TI! ST.. HEAR.?A VDI'Mi W"MA\ w T as eook, washer and In ner or to dohuaaework ;city relerenre; no cards. ~~wisr"l?TH BT.-A RX8PROTABLB UIRLTs cook and to aasitit with tho witsbiog; boat rcfer ?ec*. 19Q WEST lBTtl MT.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS FIRST wi' oiaas rook ; la a good baker; city or country; beat llty reference. | o(\ west i?ri7 ST., grocery stork.?as good XO" ' cook, wiwlior and irunor and excellent baker; will ing and obliging: country or city, good rolercnec. 1QO WB8T BOTH ST ? AS FIRST CLASS COOK; Xt)U best city rof-renei: underatands ber bnaines* in nil its branches; Newport preferred Can be seen for two Says. *|IIQ* WRBT S8TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG 1 Oi) wainnn as good conk and linker; excellent washer and troner: city reti-runco*. "I EAST l?ril ST.?A LADY WISHES TO PROCURE lOO a place for a g-wd plain c ok. washer and ironer: ?BB be wolf recommended. Call lor two days. mWKST -'srH ST.?AS PRO PEERED COOK; snnps, m?nls. poultry, game, boning, pastry, creams; best of rrferenee. ]?>r WEST tOTII ST. 8TOIIK.-AS OOOD COOK; ) wM assist in 'he washing and ironing; no objection to aboardln- h co; bc?t citr reference. 1 f A WF.ST 18TH ST.-A RhsPFOTABLK WOMAN .I t" as rook , would aaaist with ihe washing; city or (Ointrv; best city reierenra. 119 EAST IsTti *T. (PRESENT BMPLOYKK'S).?A "t?i vonng woman as good cook nnd to nasist with waah lng and Ironing; city or country : best city reference. 1 4 7 west ami sr.. bktwrbn broadwat Xt I ami 7th av ?A respectable woman as rook in a nri vnta lamily ; understands her work : la a good bread and b!a enit maker; it neat and careful; will assist with washing; best cltv reference 1 | y tAST 4'dD ST., Bl.TWKEN LEXINGTON AND J. jfcO 3d ava., third Boor.?A respectable girl at first class rook : ii en excellent baker; no objection to a reepectable boarding house ; ronntry preferred; best reference from lost place Call for two ila.vs 150 WEST JSTH ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN a* first clara rook : beat cltv reference ,-() EAST StTII >T?A I.ADY DESIHES TO OB tain a situation for her rcok In cither the ronntry tain a situation lor her rcok In cither the conn try tr city; la a good wnsher end ironcr. Can bceeeu at present riutilorer'a. 1 r\0 KAST 23D ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS 1 ?JO cook, washer and irotior; a good baker of bread end ttaenit: ennutry preferred. l/'lk WEST WT1I ST. PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? ll)U A rcapcctable yoniig girl to cook end do plain waalf (nc to a smal I private lurnily ; good referoucn. Call on or address II. It. Q/W? WEST 2ITH ST.. TOP FLOOR.?AS COOK AND a.WO to assist with waehlna and muting: rltr or coun try; (rood reference Irom la?t place; rnnr three times.* ??/\J WEST :?2D ST.?AS EXCELLENT COOK w''T and to assist w-itlt the waahinir and ironing; lies! Slty reference. 9(t?4 WAVhRLKY PI.ACn.-nVO RESPECTABLE j colored itlrls; one as .-eok. washer snd Ironor; the i rthet aa wnltresa or cbarob rmslii: no o.ieetlou to city or | tonntry; beat city referent# ittnar third hell. till WEST 26TIJ ST. ROOM A YOUXO WOMAN will aa cook, waaher and to d-> general housework; city ?rconntry: reference. aji - KAsr a?TH tr, k<i m to. a.?as cook, bl') waaher a and Irouar; Is a pood bread and biscuit maker; baat euy reference. ?J'Jh ,{A*T 'i9TH ??T.-A .1 FsPy.OTAblk woman ai_o a? cock, washer snd tr tier, rood city reference; in objection to the country. 9?) I WEST 2HTII ST.. HEAR.?A KRSPECTABI.E ?i ?*T woman aa rook and to asalat In the washing; good dtv reference. tjn i nril av _a competent wov as a ?? "X dinttor or order cook In arnetanraut oi i hl.ooee; seat eit* reference 224 KAST .'?TH ST?A Yor.Mi GIRL AS PLAIN cock, waaher and Ironer; c Is reference. 229 WK*T 27T?f rtT.-A VoUNt) OIHL Art FIRST clnxi cook or lantidrcnt; licit city reference. KArtT .VtTII ST.?\ RRSFECTARLK GIKL AS cook, washer end Ironcr or to general housework in ft small family. OOI KAST JrtTII ST. (PRESENT EMt'LOYKR'rt).?A respectable girl aa cook, waaher aud ironer; two years' ref *reuce 239 WEST 3.TD ST.?AS FIRST CLASS COOK; CITY or ennntry ; good cttv relemnce. nil WEST '-'7T11 ST., Til P f Id IOH.-A RESPECT bT J able woman a? liru cla-a nok In ? b- ruing houae ?r private family; city or country; at -client elty lefrrenc-. nit; WERT 47TH -T?A TIDY AND COMPETENT bT b girl as cook and laundress; city or conntry; good flty reference. >)i 7 7TH AV.?A PROTESTANT WOMAN AS FIRST Oil el ana cook and baker, alao de?*?rt?; city or conn lry; good city r?*f>rf>nrea 114 Q VPKST^iTTH ST.. BETWEEN 7Til AMI rsI t ij it/ av?.~A raipoctiblrt rtrl aa (rood cook ; I* n pood ftaker: underatanda all kunda of dcM#r*.a; would b? willing k> oo too plain washing; good city reference. 265 rrii a v.?a respectable woman to cook, waah and Iron ; best city reference. non EAST til) ST.-A KMPKCTABUI TOtTKO Del"/ Truman ns rend cook; fint class wasber and Ironer; Iwo yuan' city reference. 009 KAST BIST ST. SECOND FLOOR. BACK.?A young woman as rook, washer and Ironer and to make harself centrally uaeftil. ?)?J9 KASI' d:!D ST.?A RK-PKt TABLE OIRL AS ? Jsy?j g...?d plain eook and I I to aesist with the washing and Ironing; l?sl reference. 334 KAST JlsT BT.?TWO SINTERS, TOGETHER: ?me as first rate eook and to assist in washing and Ironing; the other aa rnambertuald ami waitress; city tout try ; si* years' reference t?Q7 MOTT ST. NEAR HOUSTON A FIRST CLASS DO I Protestant cook; la a good b tker; giwd refer ????; country prrlerrod. 4 /\r WKST 3STH ST.? t VOtfMi WOMAN AS EX Tiv'nJ eolient cook; will assist with the washing and Imnlnv; no obtcetlon to the country or to a boarding house, best citv ref reuc s. i7| rtTII AV.. BKTWrKX -Mil ASH '.HT1I STS., T I 1 second Boor?An iulelligcni woman at firat rlasa took: understands her imalnese th'-ronghly; un objection to t hotel or antuiner bon*e. i QQ 7TH AV?AS FIRST t'LtSS COOK; UNDER TOO stnnda cooking in all it* hr inches: be*t city reler ence; nlso a first elass waitress ; hoth go together; country preferred for enmnier: lies! rttv rcfe-ence. Z.(\U KAST MTU ST.. TOP FLOOR. FRONT ?A Rl - tj\n) ape -lahje yunng woman as cock in * learning kouae In the city; three years' referoneo from her lass place. Call for two dara. ,-07 WEST I7TII ,-I-t PROTESTANT WOMAN t)' f| of long eaperlotrce as d-at class cook ; understands touklug In all Its brandies, piIvale or public; willing to go to the eountrr : food reterencts. 565 :II |V A HI.-I ? r ? :WOMAN AS OOOD cook and laundress: gusMl city reference. MOO 3D AA*.?A YOl'NR (JIRL AS COOK AND TO ? DO assist in washing; wliiinr and cbltging; best elty fofhronro; city or e urntry. |- 3D AV . NEAR 44TII >T A RE-I' t'TVPLif t. 11 as firat riasi c?Mik, w .s !-r and Ironer; ;; oil rtly reference. ts(A - Fl'LTOV AV.. BROOKLYN ml ADDRESS LttJtJ A. M . Ilrrstd office ?A respectable perann aa sook or to do general housework Q11 7TTI AV , BETWEEN .VID AND .i4TII STS? OLA A respectable gtrl aa plain eo k, wasli-i aud Inner; dtr refcrene.-. Q,l rr ?TH AV.-A KELUHLK WOMAN AS TID'R 0"X?A oubE eook sad excellent aker. itty or ronntry; an objection to firat class boarding houae: good reference. A (JAIN A GAIN Circulation of the BTKKIX I TF.LKCRAM for the week ending Jane 17. |470:? ADVERTISING, 2f> CENTS A LINE. Monday, June 1.' ... St.'.'SO ADVRItTISING. 2U i KNlb A LINK Tuesday. .1 nne |3 ; O.rtno ADVP.KTlSl.iG. JD CENTS A LINE. Wedaoedav, June 14 37,sV? ADVERTISING. JU CENTS A LINK. Tfenreday, June IN.. .Tf?.4V> ADARRTIalNG. Ji> CF.NI.i A LINK. ni<#J ? 11 40.1W ADVERTI.4l.Nt., J-l CENTS LINK. Balnrdey. June 17 34,n*ki ADkEKllblNU, *0 CENTS A LINK. ' ADVERTISING. 2" CEBITS A LINE. Total 330,:**t ADVERTISING. *? CENTS A LINE. Dally arerage 3S.384 pirtif" going out of tli? city *honl<i for Til K EVENING TKLHt.K a M : SO cents per month, $0 \ year, postage prepaid. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN A? FIP.-T CLASS COOK; no objeetlona to do |ho coarse waabing. Addreaa L, pax IRD Herald 1 ptown Branch oflite. BUSPECTAHLK YOCKO WOMAN AS COON; nA8 few years' reference tree* met employer; coaairy pre ' Addreee & H-. Herald oOcd. SITUATIONB WMTBIVrKMrA?IBN^ ( hambiriniillll. die wbst 1st 11 sr.. rear.?a protbstant oiiil McliMubftmala and nur?e or rfinoibrnniid aid *r*ll? ret* Id a ?m*ii private family; food city rafertnw. 20 Mwkkt isth nr.. rear, kirst floor. back r.'uin. ? A young vKKBWi u chambermaid and wait rcae and to a*<l?t with tbe washing in a (mail family; city or country; good city reference. WIT 1STII K1'.? AN AMEBIC AS GIRL AB .. flrM class chambermaid; it an excellent waitress no otJtnlM tu a bwmllng house , good city reference; city or country. 40 4 A WKHT Burr ST (MWBHFf EMPLOYER'S)?A X competent young girl at chambermaid and waltrota in a private family, or will aaalM with growing childrau and if?. FLl) WEST 47TH ST.?A LADY OOIXO TO THE OOUN ?)?j try wiahes to seeore a aitnation for a competent cirl paten and to assist with washing. r.l\ (IKKKXWICU AV. A RESPECTABLE OIKL AK fit) chambermaid ? and waitress; beat reference from latt employer fait tor two day* 8- HORATIO ST.?A YOUHO GIUL AS OUAMBBB. ? / tuald and wultrcaa in a small private family ; beat city relerencet. l(u; WEST 41 ST ST.?A VOL'XO GIRL As CHAM ]''') hcriuaid and wailrea*; understands lierbatlncm thorough'/; excellent reference; elty or conutry. U7 PF.RBY ST.. RK.aR.-A KKSPRfTABI.R YOU NO I ..ertn n girl I'rot >? tout. t I. npat?lraw ?k and ws tiny In ? email lami'y; rtfarenca gl ran by pa entt. It) NEW O.ll HfH ST.?A RK.HPP.C TABLE YOUNG | J. ?. J' woman at cliamberniald and wat tress In a rests-eta ? Lie family , country preferred; beat city references. Call or I.yr Wit* I t It si. PKKtshN I KM Pl.OYKlt'S).?A -j I reste.-iaulo girl at chanibcrtnaid and waitros; willing autl otsIi*t? n>{. lit. Kti-r 45TH ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).?A _pO young girl ae chambermaid and waitreao. 120 134 VTKST MTU sr.?AS Oil AMHK KM A lit AND floe washer; rtty or c .nntry ; heat c't.r reference. IV EST iftTH Hi:."?Aft'"oli aVkkum aTd" and lanndrexat best city reference. Isj/r WEST it.i ll ST. tlx TUB STORr) A TOUBO J.Or ) woman t. ehaiubenuaid and waitress; best elty rcf rrtiee; city or country. "ItC WKST3MTH ST.?AX ENGLISH PROTESTANT J. I?) girl ?? chambermaid. fall on or addroaa M. A. M. "I r I CLINTON AY.. BROOKLVN.?A YOUNG 1 ? )"X American Ctrl to do upstairs work In a ProtCJtnnt family; good references. Address KLLKV I "Q WEST .VlTfl ST.?A YOUNG liIRL AS CHAM J ? )0 barmaid and waitress, ?r WOnld take enroot grow ing children ; lx>rt elty references; no objection to ronntry. Address or call at present employer'*, o7i?r west mini "st? a Voir no OIBL A* CHAM dt'/U Perm aid and ? nitres-.; best city retetencc; city or ronntry. 91 Q KAilT 46TH ST?A voirxti woman as oh am ? I 1 barmaid and to assist with washing. <>r to take cure of children; will he found willing and obliging; nine jeers' best city reference. ? 4>97lu?Livia ST.?A fouio OIBXaX onu. TO _j_j I do ebamborwnrk; willing and a lining; good rvler t)?> f WASHINGTON aV.. BROOKLYN (PRESENT ?gsJ'fc employer's).?An American Protcstunt girl to do npet'tlfk w rK and scwli g, or iron Id like to tskeesre of an invalid leiy; high >*t references run be furnishad by apply ing tp 145 Broad* ay, room 11. ?>')0 EAST -tOTII ST.?A RESPECTABLE IHKL To -ws)0 do rharaherwora and aasist with tile washing; will ing and obliging ; good city referonce. O A Q WEST aoTil ST.. FIRST KLOOR.-Afi OHLIO _?.:Q In* girl as elianibermaid an! waitress in a private family; willing to assist in tba wnabing and ironing; blgbly loeommeiiiied. til* 7 A EST 4HD ST.?A BB8PRCTAHLE YOUNO ? "'I r.n.-llsh girl as chambermaid and lanndrc-s; city refers nee. *>1M ST. (PRESENT KMPLOVER'S).?A OIo young Protectant git) to dn ehamberwork and assist with washing niui ironing; Will go a short dittsmce In the country. Call for two days. ?>01 " EAST liBTH 8T~A RKSpROTABLB OiRL ?)?.! at cnamheriuald or would do housework In a small family; good city reference. Call for two days. *"*2(5 KAST S6Tir IT?A8 CHAVIBKRMAID AND OajU wa-trcss; willing to assist in washing and ironing; giuid city releronce. ?J?? - Hi DBON ST.-A YODNO 01 RL AS ciiamUKR ? )')? ' maid and waitreaa in a small private family; good city reference*. Call for two (lava. EAST 33D ST.?a SMART .YOCNO CIKL AS eliumhcrmaid and waitress; best city reference. 344 EAST lilt!) ST.-A TO UNO WOMAN AS CHAM barmaid and eeametrcss; beet elty reference. Call A(\A 41" AV AS CHAMBERMAID ANI) WAIT " I" rem, r>y a neat and clean young person, with good eity refwwtce: tltjr or country. 490 WM?T lin'll ST.?A RESPECTABLE GIRL TO do ehamberwnrk auii waiting or Miambcrwork and nnnie; no objection to the country : good city reference. Oil KAsT iff 11 ST.-TWO SISTh-Ks TOOK I'll EK ; TO'I' one an chambermaid on I waitress; the other a* first elae* laundress; no objection to city or country ; good city references. 4 - - WEST 1BT1I ST.?A VOL'NO GIRL AS GUAM i'iJ bu/mald and seamstress; city reference. Call for JCQ WEST S6TH ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOU NO "J >)') girl to do upstairs work and take cam 01 children; references. 602 WF;ST 3V,H 0r~A \?UNa OIKli, IN YEARS, to do uuttalrs work and take care o! children auu make herself generally useful. Can bo seen lor two uayt. ClitQ *D /Tv.^X YOUNG GIRL ASCII A M BERM AID UUO and .vaitresa and to u<ltt in washing; best eily reference; city or country. C(IO utii At'.. HMfSaX ?BfH AND lOTti KL, UvO oakery.?A young girl as chamhermaid and wait ress; willing snd obliging; best eity reference. (?Q- :tl? AY?A RESPECTABLE GIRL. LATHI.Y nyd lam lrtod. todi clinmbcrwork und vnitlfig, or would do general housework. 706 EAST 13ril ST?A YOUNG GIRL TO DO rbamlierwork or light housework; coid reference. 778 IOTII AV,?A GERMAN GIRL (PROTESTANT) as chambermaid in a private family. X 061 :U> AV" fI"RN,iB rt3I> f,T ~A YOUSU GIRL to do chambersrork snd waiting. It"! A 3D AT.. MVOBP PLOOB.?A BBftPSGTA . LJ.*? ble young girl aa chambermaid and waitrese. Dri'stiuakers and Seism at resacs. 9- CLINTON PLACE tSTH 8T).-A FIRST CLASS dressmskpr would like to g? In the ronntry for a month or two with a family; beet city reference. U- WEST 4GTII tIT.?A YOUNG GIRL TO GO CUT ?J by the day as plain sewer on Wheeler k Wilson's machine. IliH WFST 11T" ST- (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S) A JLvJl I good <lr>'?uiaker as seninstress in a Drst elass fam ily or in atlei.d to a lady; willing to go to the conntry; is a good traveller. OiUI WEST 25TH ST.?A KIKST CLASS DRKSS _i''ei maker to do the work of a few more families; Is n good miter and fitter; Wheeler A Wilson machine; will work 111 hotels and fco<rJing bouses, as meal* are no i>h)rct; $1 .V) a day. ()CU: WEST 37TII ST.?A KIKST CLASS DREsS ^?B) maker wishes a tew more engagements by the I day.entsand trims beautlfnlly; terms t'J. Address Mrs. ! 0., room 4 ? >M J WEST I5TII ST.?WANTED? DP.K.SHMAKIKG OUT and all kinds of fsmily sewing. Call, for two days, on Mrs. J ESS K.N. 310 as llrst class secmstrear and dressmaker In a nrlvate family: Is an ex;.erienced operator on Wheeler k Wilson's machine; wnnld assist with growing children: can take ehargo of an Infant from birth; good reference, ('all for two days.. SJ -1 WEST 4UD ST.?AS K1RST CLASS SEAMSTRESS Ot)l 011 Wheeler A Wilson'* machine ; underetends per fectly fitting ltdlee' and Infants' oulllls; best city reference. Address A. O. 40 r East itth st. -a seamstress and childs' '.) nurse withes a plaoe. Call for two day*. rtir ?tii ay.?as seamstress and ladvs ? )^() maid; can cnt snd fit ; la a good halrdr-sser; would Ilka to go to the country; would make herself useful. EDO st 11 tV . BRYWKRN :i7ril AND MfS STS.. tJUag tu French bakery.?A reapeetoble Kretich girl aa s'*m-tre** and nnrse; works on machine; no objection to the country: good reference. t GOOD MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER TO WORK XL by the day or week : would take work home ; on reason able terms. BUSINESS. Uerato Uptown Branch : office. AOMBMAN GIRL, WHO IS A PERFECT SEAM ?tress. In a first ri??* lamil. ; no ehjei-tien to the country. A!d>e*? L. V., flerald Uptown Rrai.clt ofBee. \8 KII'.ST CLASS SEAMSTRESS AND LADY'S MaID; willing to assist In taking care ol children or do cham berwork; can do all kinds of fami'y eewlng and .ireaainaking; is wllliti*; and o Birinc: best ol reference. Ad tress LAUrl MAID, Herald Uptown Branch "(flee. Doit oral Imu?r >s erk. die. (\ BEDFORD ST.?A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WO \) man having a lit:Is gtrl five years old. to do general louse work ; eity or country; city referetteea. flail or ad dress. s>1 i WKST I.tril ST. IN the p.EaK.-a RKRPBCTA. w'' bit woman ee bo-tee ? oyer In a small family; wants a come: wages sin til; good reference*. 31 Jtti'/'TM 6TH tV. ?A GERMAN Ullil. KOK era! honsework. ?>?> KING ST.-A RESPECTABLE GERMAN GIP.L tit) (0 do general housework in e private family ; best rol rrcDce; city or reentry. ?>7 SPRING ST. ROOM tt.-A NEAT. flDY PERSON ? > I to do grnernl housework ; Is a good r - >k *od excellent washer tud Ironer; nnderttaoii* mils and hotter. Ir willing and ol-'lgin* it. her u.anaer and not to work; country preferred . neat country reference. | (V WILLRTT ST.. NEAR DELANO MY. TOP FLOOR ? "I ?' \ ie*->-ctable girl t? do honsework in a plain fktntly, where she ran hare a good home; eity reference. 07 '1*tv.. sr.-a respkctamlr girl in a pri Ol * te tamlly: best city refrrene-*. ('.ill or si'.drass for sr. M ( KK'e I'LACK. ? V vol Nl. ICllhlll III 1., r - ? to > . v-nerai Iiiois-work in a small prlrate family ]|1" A AS I MTU si. A ItKel'Ki TABLL WGM \N TO 1 t/r ) dogcn>-ral howew. rk , 1* a goo*l washer and Ironer; no ohj -i-tlon to Do country; '.est eltv reference. 117 " K*T ,,rr" BT. ? a'Ei TABLE i.illl. TO All do general kou-ework In a privet* family; good references. mi AV.-A RKSPKCTABLK WOMAN TO DO rter*I boost wen or eouk in a small fsmily, guod ruibrebce ft .hi. last plac-. 1>A<y EAST tilt ST ?A GlBI. 10 DO GENERAL r h-.-i?ework : run be a"en at her pre?eni en>|.l<iyet's. 1 ?)(; ? r.s I Art II el.-A YGUNG GIRL T > Do Ob N I s ?I ) e- .l h'<it*e?rork and plain; Is a very good 1*>(V WKST VJMTI1 nr.. IN HIE BaKKRY.?A HE l?l(" for rpeetahl# young girl t" do general housework In a ?m >11 prirate lamllj. 1 lO EAST H()lJTGir sr FANCY STORK.l-A RE 1 ' r ? Si's.'tat.le young woman to do gem general housework. Cell fur two days I I 7 w; -I SftTH *l\ V RUtPKCTABf ". COLORED I I g': t ' da general housework in a prnatu family; good city relerenrc. HO EAST ?D ST.. TWo FLIGHTS UP. FRONT I ItO room.?A yonag Preteeoanl gtrl to do general | i onsework In a email fa By. Cell for twe days. MITVATlOlfB WAJfTKD?Pi'MVI.ES. Wen??r*l~TioMJievrorkI &c. RAIT 30T1I ST. (PRESENT BMPLOYKlPBl.-A respectable young irlrl to do bouse work; la * good plain cook. weakar and Irooar. 150 EAST 4?D 8T.?AN AMERICAN GtKL TO DO homework la a am all private fatally. 1 fCQ WEST 1HTH ST.. KKAlt.-A YOUNG OIRL TO ?AtJO do iw?t| homework; exeallaut refer*see from her lait pine*. liffj HUDSON ST., FIRST FLOOR.-A PROTESTANT Aviv) woman to do general homework; a heme pre ferred to high wage*. 173 W EOT SftTH ST.?A PROTESTANT GfRL TO DO housework ia a small private lamily; good reler EAST 4STI1 ST.?A YOUNG UIRI. TO DO GBN oral housework la a small family; host city refer ence. 201 <)in WEST _>HTH BT.-A RESPECTABLE OIKL TO i ajI'J ite general hoosowork la a small family: eight yours' reference. 91 ,T KAST 21TI! ST.?A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO i1' do general housework In a plain family, city or rountry; good reference. 9^J WKST 87TH ST.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL TO du general housework In a small family; city sr country. 999 WENT 1UTH ST. ?A RESPECTABLE YOUNG iJMat woman t? do bnu*ework, or no objection to do chanibcrwork or waiting. WEST HOUSTON ST.?A RKBPBCTABLR i ail J young American girl to assist with hoosowork and take care of children, fan lie aeon for two days. 226 9??rt bast ikith ht.?a girl pgr genrr \l AiOU lioutework; excellent oook and laundress: besteity referenoe. 231 y.AriT HTH sr.?A i?iHis, LATELY LANDED, to (!?? boaftrwork. 234 KaST liHTtl NT.-A KBSPKUTABLB OIRL, lately landnd. to do housework ; is a good worker. f)GQ BAST 42D ST.-A RESPECTABLE WIDOW, _sj>7 with a little girl. . to do general housework In a plain family. 9 i 1 WKST 27TH ST., FIHST FLOOR A YOUNO jt 1 Protestant woman to do general ltonaewerk in a sinall private lamily; city or oonntry; reference. 9 A A WKST 30T1I hT.-A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO AitT housowniK In a small family-, city or country; good rlty referenci. 9^7 WBST 43D ST.?A GERMAN GIRL TO DO ajU I general housework; boat references ?J1 7 BAST WITH ST.. TOP FLOOR.-TWO KB ? JJ. I apcctablo young girls to do the w >rk of a small privatn faiouy; no objection to Harlem ; best rofsrenee. ?>'J1 WKST 20TH ST.?A RKSPKOTA RLE YOUNG OO.L woman to do hoosowork, no objection to a board. honsowurk, no objection to a board- I Inh?n?e; good reference. 335 bast -tsni ST.?A young girl to Du gen crut housework; good reference. GOC WKST 44T1I ST.. IN KKAR A Y( t )? if ) to do general housework; city or conn reference from lost employer. I'OUNG GIRL r country s good city : employer. GO.r WEST 4'Til ST.. FIRST FLOOR-TWO RE. OO'J rpeciabls oirls to do the work of .i house between them; no objection to the country; beat city reference. ?>1 - I'.AST .'4TII st.-a YOUNG GIRD TOl>o G It N Otg aral Jinuaswork ; best city reference from liar iaat place. ?).*:() WKST airril ST - A YOUNG GIRL TO DO QRX OtJt/ eral housework; willm r and obliging; city reference from last place. ?JI'*) WKST HTH sr.?AN ENGLISH OIKL. JUST a Ji m) landed, as heusemald at and wattreaa. Call on or ad dress uu rant. 403 WKST 20TII ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN | to do general honaework; good reference. 4/1 f WBST 1STII RT.. NEAR 9TU AV., TOPJPLOOU? t" r Sitnstion by a respectable young woman to do general honaework In a small private fdmily; willing and obliging; city r Terence, 405? general boneo i ork ; city or country. M7 WEST2STH ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN TO DO I seneral housework or s* airte in a small family; good reference. C79 3D AV? BETWEEN 111 ST AND U2D 8T.S, IN ?J I sJ laney store.?A young girl to do general housework in a private family: best cltr reference. 591 639 GREENWICH ST.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG woman to do general hou<ework lu a small fatnily. isT AV., ItBTWKKN MTU AND 37TB STS.? A vonng girl to do housework; good idty relerence. 7.4-1 0Tl1 AV.?A COMPETENT AMERICAN OIKL I 1 JL to do general housework; wages noNibject to a good home. orq EAST 48TI1 ST.. CORNER 1ST AV.. THIRD Ot/ij floor..front.?A girl to do general housework; is a good cook, washer and Ironer; good baker; good reference. 913 8TH AV.??A UE8PECTAHLK OIRL fOR OBI oml housework ; *ooi! city re.eretice. "I 1 '>7 Jh AV" HMWKRN A0TII AND floril 8T4.? 1.1?j! A respectable jronug girl to do genernl honse worK In a email private family ; i* a good plain cook. w oaker and Irnnrr. anil a good bread and biscuit maker; willing and obliging; c>.?l reference from laet place; no cards answered. 'NO 04RL TO DOG ENKRAL or country; Rood eltjr relerencra. 11 ?? I UK AV. A vol? .IOt houaowork, city or i i |o au av.. Tor ruioK. front, near both J ."X" at.?A respectable g'.rl to do general homework; best city reference. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. WHO has broken up honsokeeplng. to do housework or take care of children ; Is a Rood aewer by hand or machine; no ob jection to the country. Address, for two days, Mrs. KEMP TUN, Herald Uptown Branch office. House Keepers, die. /T| WEST ISTII ST.-A YOUNG LADT. OF CHEER s IX fill disposition, as housekeeper in a widower's family; cltv preferred. Call for two days. CO Wf'.ST I3THST.-A YOUNG I.ADY, OK CHEERFUL ?JO disposition, wishes a position as housekeeper in a gen tleman's lumtly; widower preferred. Call alter "J o'clock. f'U SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE. CORNER I JO South Nth av., front parlor.?A yonng lady of pleasing address as hnua-keepor. ine west ;hth ST.. corner of Broadway.? A Danish lady, recently come to Ibis conntry, as housekeeper. Asa lor Mrs. THAN hit. 147 ttTII AY?A . ADY AS HOUSE KEEPER. OA EL one week. O i)~ WEST 40TII ST.?AN EDUCATED YOUNG JjmJtJ widow lady as bou'seaeepor in a gentleman's tam lly. OOO THOMPSON ST . NEAR 4TII, PARLOR FLOOR.? ?<Ot' Young Knglish lady as housekeeper In a widower's family. Csll all the week. 420 4TH AV.?A YOUNG LADY AS UOUSEKKKP er lu a widower's family. PHILADELPHIA.?A YOUNG LADY (sTKANGF.R IN Philadelphia! cheerful and accomplished, as house keeper In a widower's family. Call all the week, kit) South II tit St. Ia?undresses. At. 2- WEST 44TH ST.?A YOUNG GIRL AS FIRST ?J clues laupdress, or as chambermaid aud laundress. Call or address. 27 WEST /7ril ST.-AS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS in a private lamily ; good reference. OQ 7TII AV., KKTWKKN 1ST II AND ISTII sTS. sJO (present employer's.)?A young girl as laundress and to assist with clierahwrwork. Call tor two days. r 7 WEST ISTII sr.-AS FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS ?J I In A private family; city or conntry; best city refer 7 - KINO ST.. ROOM fk-A YOU.NO COLORED I ?/ woman desires washing and ironing by the Jay; a good washer and Irnuer; good reterence. tlfP) 7TH AV.?A COMPETENT WOMAN AS Zt vO first class laundress; city or country; best refer ence. ? Hi I WEST ?)TH ST.?A KKsPECTaBLK GIRL AS jvt lanndress; would assist with chamberwork; ran do all kind* of irouing; hast city reference from last place. 212 EAST 47TII ST.?A GIRL TO GO OUT BY THE ilav washing, ironing or honseeleaiilug. <11 - Wtsr ISTII ST?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN waiXtJ wishes washing at her house or to go out by the day. Address Mrs. MOOAN. OOik CIIRYSTIK ST.. ROOM li'.-A RESPECTABLE ' girt as first rlass laundress in a private lamily: un derstands her business in all its branches: no objection to the conntry; good reference. 330 WEST 44T1I ST.?A YOUNG GIRL As LAUN dress; city refereuee. l|i I 4i II AV. ? A REKPKCTABLE YOUNG WOM AN I T's'l t-i assist with the washing; is a good laker; will- I ing and obliging; heat reference. 1 If; EAST f.TH ST. IN GROCERY STORE.?A HE- : X'XvJ spectaMr Gormen woman wiancs gentlemen t waab itig in Ilia douse. Call or address. 4')fk EAST ITT II ST.. ROOM 10.?A "RESPECTABLE I ? )VJ woman to do ladies', gentlemen a or family wash- < Ing at her own homo; flutingduas in all branches; best city j reference. |'i- WEST JtiTH ST.. TOP FLOOR.?A RESPECT tO( ah e woin n ?? laundr-sa by the day; wilt taka wahin ; heme or do ho ao leantiii. ?'?TH AV.. T>UI('f U FLOOR.?A GIRL AS :OC Ural claas laundress; no objection lo go in the country; best city reference. VS FIRST GLASS LAUNDRESS; UNDERSTANDS her business in all lit branches. Address I.AUN DitESs. Herald Uptown Rrsneh ollloe. HhSPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN AS LAUNDRESS; Herali good references; conntry preferred. Addres* L. N., aid ollloe. 8 knr?e?. ive. ?NION OOURT.-A TOl'NU FRENCH GIRL IN A private family to lake care of ehllrtren ; no objection to v?c pgr i v wsa iwwiuj .*??*.?< a... . - * nu i ,omi to j travelling, or will go to Europe; good reterence it required. I ()Q WEST fiSTti sT. lI'KKSKNT kMPLOYKIPS).?A m?) Protestant American as nnrar and n aln seamstress. Can be seen from 111 A. M. till P. M. QO IIUTII ST.. NEAR MAIHSON AV.-A RKtiPECTA aj( ' Me yoang girl as unrse and eharibermsid; aitv or country ; reference It required. Call or address lur two days ?JI1 WEST '.MTII ST.?A LADY WISHES TO OBTAIN ?)mu n situation for a nurse that lire i s lung time In th- lamily ; she Is competent to Iske the entire charge ol a hahv from lie birth. U9 -ID AV.?A MIDDLE.A.rKl? SCOTCH WOMAN TO take rare of an it valid lady ; In a good plain rewer rvlerenr-e? fiom the bes; phyirtrlati*. Apply forlwodaya Oft WEST >1141 ST.?A RESPECTABLE YO NU OIIM Oi' us nurse; willing to go in the country; beet city ref erence. Uo WEST I1TH ST.?A COLORED GIKI. AS Ni'KKE; O csn take entire charge of infant or growing cntldren, or won! I go as rliamherroald, country preferred for the summer: good city reference. Address M. K. (l(| M il AV.?AS NURSE TO A CHILD OI.D ENOUGH i'il to walk or as maid, to go to Ki;n<t>e; a French Prot eataiil. Apply at her present employer .*. 1(11 WEST hTfll .->T.?AS EX I'lsKIKNChD NURBS I'M In any slcknesa; laoy or gentleman; reterence. Call or address. 1(17 *'K*?T <1ST NT.?A YOl'NU PROTESTANT 11* ? wmiian a> nurse aud seamstress; Is klad to chil dren; city or country. 108 ALLEN M". ROOM I?A YoUNG ULRL AS n ine in a respectable family. Address. UO EAST 37TR ST. (PRESENT KMPf,OYER'S).?A il respeetahla yonng woman aa nnrs-< and seamstress; con do all kinds ol latnily aewtng; operate! ?n Wheelar A H llson ? maenlne. * T <)?j WEST 24TH ST.. MKi.L 14.-AS FIRST GLASS iadJ fmrsa and seamstrasa; eapabla at taking charge of an infant from birth; had reference SITUATIONS WA.TTKD?FEMALES. 141 an av.-ar experienced nurse is amy kind of alckueea; ktit rtimufi. Mm. HAMILTON. 1 SO WEST S4TH HT.-A YOUNG GlBL AS NCTKSB I'lO ingrowing cbttdrtn: bnidtr nlfrrnw: no objec tion to ptwi n t rv OnB or odd rear ?( preaent emplover'a. Bart aaru ST.?a young Si si. as nuhsb; woold do chamhrrwark; U fond of children; good reference. 91 2t> *T! BROOKLYN. K U.?A YOUNG ORR ?!?) moo girl u nurae ?nJ (oamitroeo; would Ilk* to travel. OOfk BART 34TII ST.?A YOUNG WOMAN AS ?iU nurto or chambermaid sad wait rem; no objection to the country; good reference. 10ART 4Tfh ST.?AN AMERICAN*GIRL AS 226 nurse; would do chain berwork or towing; city reference. 9?>Q KAST aiTH ST.. FIRST fUOOR. PRONT.?A wO?7 healthy yowng Irish wotnsn so wot narto; hot plenty o? milk: wtaos no nbjrct; city or country. Oil WKST SttD ST.?A NEAT, TIDY YOUNG girl aa nure* and eeametreea or tttitt in ebainher work; no object Inn to trowel; boil reference. 91 9 WEST ISTIi ST.?A YOUNO GIRL AS FIRST aj dc mi clstt Infant1* nnrae or to tske earn of grnwinc chil dren ; ne objection# to travel; good oily reference from her la-t place. 279 WKRT 11 Til ST. (MOTHER'S RES DENCE). I aa near Bleocker ft.?A young girl (a-red Id) to taka ears of children or wait on table; beat reference. 9QO WB8T BOTH ST.-AN INTELLIGENT YOU NO M>)u girl to take care of children ; can make and repair drraaea; would do light work of any kind; n good place pre ferred to wages Call for two deva 0f\0 KAST 40TH HT.-A HF.SPPOTABI.K MARRIED OUO woman at wet nttrae: baby flee montht old; will ing to go In the country; best referenc ? can tie given. Q1Q WKsf~ISTII ST fPBBSKNT "**PLO YKB'S).?A ?I.IO ladydetlrea a aitavion f r a yottnc trirl ?t nnrta and ?eam'tre??; la an exo? loot ban I aawer and button ' ol* mater, can emi ro der; w II be p'raona'ly re o.nincnded by larly; willing to go to tlie roantrr. 5518 1ST ST.?A RESPECTABLE MARRIED woman to wet nnrae a baby. OI)f? LEXINGTON AV.. IIAKKMKNT DOOR.?AS t) ?U nurse and chambermaid or ehamliarmaid and waitreaa. QOft WKRT dOTn ST.. FIRST FI.OOR.-A RESPECT OO'J able vrmog girl to take earo of children: ran ope rate on Wheeler A Wlleou'a maculne; can hava her own machine If preferred: beat reference. 336 KART ;?TH ST ?A YOUNG OF DM A.N GIRT, to ntlnd children In a small family. O JQ WKRT -RID ST.? A RRSPKOTA BI.K YOUNG ? /"t" ?/ girl to take care o' children or to do ehamhe girl to take care o* children or to do ehamberwnrk ami waitlutr <n a email private family; willing and obliging; city or country: good elry reference O/'Q STIC AT.?A VttRY COMPETENT OTRti AS ? I')1? nurse; iimlerstaiida all about children; will make heraolf uacfnl: rltv or conn try: boat city reference. 97Q WASHINGTON ST.. CORNER BEACH ST.?A OJO French girl girl aa nurae for children. Call or addreaa for three darn. 40 ... F. VST 1!>T 11 ST.?AS WF.T NURSE ; DOCTOR'S ?) reference. Call for two days. A OA "TH AV.. BETWEEN 21T't AND 3dTII STS.? j \t" it"I? A yonng woman aa nurae or to take full charge of | an infant: no objection to the city or country; good elty I reference from her last pluee. 426 WEST HIST ST . IN STORE.?A RESPECTABLE woninu aa Invalid nnrae; bea* reference. 7J.7 f,T,: AT.-AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN AS i Ixl ehlld'a nurae and to do plain aewing; four years' . elty relerence from Inat place. yyg 8TII AV.. NEAR dsTII ST.-A MfIRT RESPECT wnrk; beat rltv reference Nursi::?by a protbstant woman as an kx perlenced Infant'a nnrae; will be highly reeommenrted by a flrat rlaas family in thla city: willing to make heraelf n?etu1. Call on or addreaa A. A.. Young Women* Chrlatian Aaeociation. No. 7 East 1.1th ?t. Hour* from 10 A. M. to 5 P. SI. TYaitreaaea, dir. 5 EAST 27TTI ST.. BETWEEN 1.1 AND 12 A. M.-A lady going abroad wlahea to procure a altnatlon for ber wattreaa. whom ahe can reeomm-nd. Meast ?tii st.-a lady wishes to procure n place for her waitreaa; city or country; elty refer ence 99 WEST 2ITII ST. (PRESENT KM PLOVER'S).?A young girl aa Rrat clmti wnltreat; beat city reference. Can be aeeu for two (lava. 1?m EAST HIST ST.?A LADY GOING TO TIIK ?)' ' country wlahoa to find a tituatlou for her waltre?t. w ho It an excellent luundroas; she can be aecn at preacnt employer'a. mWRST H?T 11 ST.. CORNER 7TII AV.?A RR apoetable young girl aa flrat elaaa waitreaa or cham bermaid; well rccotnmended from laat place. Call for two day. 1 C I WEST HIST ST.?A. YOUNG WOMAN AS flrat claaa waitreaa in a private family ;no objection to the country; heat citv reference. 1 WKST 2<Tl1 ST. (RING THIRD BELL.)?A IUU first class waitress la a priests faintly; best city reference. Ol O BAST 25TII ST.. IN THK STORE.?A YOUNG ?jIO trirl ?? competent waitress; understands waiting in ftll brunches; good references; city or roanlry. Call lor two (lays. 9?ll) EAST 46TH ST.?AS FIRST ObAM WAITRESS: would do chamberwork or assist with washing and MADISON AV.. PRRSKNT EMPLOYER'S?A young woman as Aral .'lass wall re a; will aaaist with light rliamberwork If required; no objection to elty or country, beat elty reference. Call fiorn 0 till 2 I'. X. O ID EAST 1ST!I BT?A NEAT YOUNO GIRL O'xO as waitress and chambermaid; city or country; best city reference. A Un "ni AV- SECOND PI.OOR, FRONT-AS T'Jvl first class waitress; city or country; best city ref erence lrotn last place. llllacelln norma. OQ WEST N2D ST?A MIDDEE-AGED WOMAN ?J'/ (American) would make herself generally ueefhl; Is a stood seamstress; city or country. C.ill or address. 2,~*| WEST 39TH ST . BETWEEN 7TII AND STII ')JL avs ?A r-spectable wo nan to (to out by the day liunseclentiing end washing and ironing; beat city refer OOO 1ST AV.. NEAR IttTII ST?A VERY HE ? speetable vontiK woman as teald and seanist ?portable yontig woman as teald and Seamstress; no nojection to growing children or would do chamberwork; city or ennntry; ten years' best elty reference. Call or ad dress. O'Jf \ WEST 25TII 8T?A RESPECTABLE PROTEST OtjU ant girl as children's maid: can cut and make child ren's clothes; would like to go in the country lor the sum mer. 007 WEST 41 ST ST-A IIESI'KOTABLK YOUNO OO I girl to do light housework or tako care of clilld'en; is willing and obliging. ?> "'J WEST ?TU sT?A YOUNO OIBL To ASSIST OtJay in kitchen and make herself generally usetul, small w ages. JQ|1 6TH AV., SECOND FLOOR, FRONT?A T vosnt lady ns lady's inald or nurse; speaks Frenrh; no objection to trartl or country. Address Mlse PRRN. r;or: ist av?a vouno wom .n to do light iJw ) bourework iu a smail prlratq family and take care of children; home preferred to high wagee; beet -eft retires. A RESPECTABLE YOUnTg" MARRIED OOtTPLE wish to take charge of a gentleman's house fer the snmme-; beef city references cau he given If required. Call at so Bast 41 at at. A LADY OF RBSPECIABILITY AND CHEERFUL deposition de.ires a p> Pio 1 ss ccmsaolo 1 te on sged ludr. housekeeper or any 0 k > purdtioa rot tnrnla'; j.ouey no ohjeet. luit n com! bonis. Address M>s fc P.. Herald i 1 plown Itrsueli uOire. PKOKF.SSIONIAIeNITi; ATIOMS WANTKIs- | FEMALES. X^^^jfo^rasrAN'imi>T. #DirwKZK>~viB: i A Hah thoroughly and understand- innate, wishes soma | scholar*, Apply to 1* K.. at the Belvedere floose. corner J 19th ?t. and Irving piece. A YOUNO EUROPEAN LAUY. SPEAK* AND TKAOH ES lierman aad Frenrh. as nursery governoas; rery beat elty reference. Artdrvus Mi?? K. II.. cars of Mrs. X. Atari nott, 270 East lOthat.. New York. HELP WAITED- FKNIAUF, A ?WANf iftr, linrKstTlAifDS OlTf,I>SK PLATf -?'!? Ings; also henmer (WIHcex . Glbbs machine * ; but tha most experience! need apply to PAIKUIIlLD, HILL A CO.. f?7 Prince st. A PLAIN COUNTRY GIRL WANTED?FOR GEN eral hints*work; . sroln family. Apply at hall door. b4 West lOth st. ? \GIEL WANTED?Pull PLAIN COOKINO: GERMAN preferred. Central Park Hotel, corner 7th ae. and 50th st. Y YOUNG WOUAN POR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; __ good washer andlrnner; plain cook far three adntta; referenee from last amployer's reqnired. M04 West PUth aU, ! bas-mcnt liell. N ursk wanted?must also be a good seam stress. Applr at 2SS East List at. Nurse wanted?a respectable young girl as nurse lor a bsbv and to make hernelfgeneratly use ful. Call on Mr*. 1IORTOX, 34B 4th av.. after 10 >.'clock. \V anted?woman fur general housework in TV the counter, who can make light bread and nice better; having ene child trip, not he objerted te If otherwise suita ble ; a reed home lor the right person Apply to K. i.'RILKY, 057 limed ray, between U> and 4 o'clock. -\VANTKD-A Lady To 7aKR KNTIKh charge or TV a flrst class boarding hon*e in city; most nr.derstand luarkrting; best rslerrntes reqnired. Address COMPE TENT. hnx IBS lleral I I ptnwn Branch office. TVASTKD-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK M ?ud mind children; bring city references. MIS East 14 th St. AI'A.NThlr?AS INTKLLI ir.NT GIRL TO A: SI*T IN TV genera! housework ; an American ; must be a I'rotea tant: to such a one. well rrcommi tided, a gooil Christian home I- open. Address II. W., box IPs Herald oilier. TI'ANTKD-RXPKP.IKNDKD SEWERS ON UF.D TT eannfiiee. Apply to LORD A TAYLOR, st 30th sL entrance, llroadwai and JtHh st. \\fANTED?A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Tv in a small private family; mast be a good washer and Irener. Call -at 217 East 72d it. \\: ANTED ? TWO OlKJ-S; ONE A* COOK ; THE TV other to do general hensewark : both mu?t be good washers and iraners. Apply, with city referenee, st 113 West 45th st. llfAXUlD-A GIRL Til AT IS TIIOitUl'Gil LY K.YPE V 1 rleneed In Inhellrng and wrappI11 r bottles. None otner need apply at lies Fnltmi it., np stairs. VI f ANTED?FORK WO M AN ON I.aDII-W COLLARS tT and cuffs; an experienced person only; mn-t h ive Al reterenre*. E. r?. LEVI, 44 Llspenard st. II' AN TED?A NEAT YOUNG GIRL Tlr Ml Ml A TT baby; wage# fH. Apply. between II and 1*. at 42.1 West 3d ?t \\TANT/.IV- t t'OMPETKNT SEAMSTRESS AND TO TT take charge of a child sceen years old ; French or Ger man preferred , good reierences required. Apply, from :? to 11 so-day. al No. It East bill. it. WANTED- A FIRST CLASS IHuXKIl ON LACK IT work. Apply to JAMES .MILLER, JR., A CO., tM Mercer st. VtrANTKD -A GOOD GIRL TO TAKE CAHK lip A TT baby; one who understands washing end I oning; ref erence required. Inquire nt No. 44 l ast 74th el. ?rANTKD-A young woma* who is trust TT worthy and obliging go clean and wait in a confection ery, only those who can mnt well recommended peed aa 1 ply. CMl, betwteu IV and 3, 7? fib ur. w HELP '.VAKTED?KKBALKB. XC^f?D-A7i^XATrS?SI[?rf^ASHW " washing and make herself useful. 10 fcM TM M. 'ANTKD-AN OPERATOR ON OEOTRR 1 BAKER'S machine; .ilao t good dressmaker. M 15* Km OTlheU WANTED-A WOOD cook, wahhir a nd iruuer with re com?ndittait Apply at 131 Km loth it. ANTKD-A YOUNG OIBL, TO ATTeVd sTORE ?IT*, from l( to IS: nod r?lkmn raoalrcd. Apply at Bit Hrwadwav. WaXTKD-1N"~THB COUNTRY, NEAR BY. A WOOD cook and a (rood waitress. Apply, with reference, at IS Kaat dlat at., fir-m 3 toS to-day. VK,rA WTI' I) ? W A 1ST AND SKI KT D RMS8M A K KKS < attorned to flrat class work. tome at 8 o'clock pre w AO .a work. Coma at H o'clock parad lor work. 176 6th av, WANTED?A VotTNO GIRL TO A88I8T IN TAKINO earo ol a baby; Preach preferred. Apply for three dayi at 147 Kaat 81at at. ANTED?A FKKN0H NUR8E. APPLYrBKTWEBN the hour* of I and 4 P. M.. at 716 Madison av. WANTKD-HEVERAL P1R8T ULAdl* DRESSMAK vf are: (wnl wages siren incompetent ooea: wore iriren out t<> thoae of gaud recommendations A'.piy to Mine. K. DE CORDON A. 2 j liatt JOth at., basement door. TimiD HT.^TWO~kTtCHKN GIKL8 KOR COUN try. Apply German Cooka' Society. EAST ssrrii-5t. ? DKESHIfAKKRS WANTED; alao operator on Sieger's machine. 14 247 SlfUATlOSS WA.Vl'ED-.UAiikia. AYOUXO MAX. 28~YBARS OK AOR. SPEAKING German, wnnta a position aa collector or private watch man. Addreas DANA, box 172 Herald office. A business m"anTnpka'kino"bkolmh. French! German, and having mme Knowledge of Spaniah. wi?hc? an cng tgetnent: no objortion to go South or West: beat rcfcroncea. Addreaa A. 11AK8, rare of A. W. Mannel, SS Prince at.. .New York. \ COLO It EDM AN W1RHB8 A SITUATION AS PoS" aV ter or coachman. Can be eeen Icr two dayi at 161 Writ ?-?nth at. A RESPECTABLE GERMAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF a lunch counter In a reatnnrant; it a good cook; :1I Scars' experience; city or country; good reference. 103 nlltran at., room 13. YO UN O LAD. JUST GRADUATED PROM trhool and living with his parens, would like a agina tion in a store or office; (rood writer and mathematician: can fnmleh the very bast of reference*. Addresa R. O., 217 Wait 13th at. A YOUNG COLORED MAN 1* A BOARDING HOUSE or prlrnto family; best city reference. 6. P.. 138 West 311th at. A SITUATION WANTED?AS COOK AND CARVER. Addreaa G. 1,., 560 Itroomc at. \\T ANTED-A ~ SITUATION AS WAITER IN A PR1 " rate family or liotai by a voting who speaks a little English. Addret.i T. H. P.. 141* llleecxer at \I~ANTBD-HV A YOUNG MAN. AGED 28 YEARS. A TT situation as companion to an Invalid gentleman : no i bjeetlon to city or country. Address ROBERT HAM, Poet office, Jamaica. L. I. . WANTKD-ASITUATIOX. BY A SINGLE xTa.V TO work on a farm ; understands the care of boraas; good reference. Address P. II., Herald office. ?)(\') 7TH AV.-A OOKPKTKNT MAN. "sPBAKJNO several language*. wants a situation at bead welter in a first class hotel: beat references. CtKRKa AMP KALEIMIKX. i CTIVF. HEI.IAIU.R AffKNTS WANTED-IN EVERY 1 j\ r unty, to insn*ge exclusive salesof staple goods. Gall , on or address NEW YORK TOBACCO 00.. 36 Renwlck ah. New York. YOUNG MAN, THOROUGHLY KXPEkTeNCKD IK dry goods and having moat satiafactory references l'rum last employers, deatre* a situation in an established re tail store In soma thriving town within twelve heura of New York ; I* a good salesman, enpnble of managing store and making purchases. Parties wishing faithful, rtdiabla acr vlcea address ANDERSON, hex 102 Herald office. ADRL'UoiST OP "1 YE ARS' KXPEBIKNCH WARTS a situation. Andreas A. H.. box 132 Herald office. AM YoFNcTktAN'WANTd A MITUATION~AS OFFICE clerk at some summer resort. Address K. M. H., box 3,430 Post office, CI (jit RESPONDING CLERK WANTED-TO CONDUCT J correspondence of a bank; abllltv and experlonca In dispensable; salary mudetato; soud references. Aildreas BANKER, box 129 Herald office. D" rug olkTuTwTnts A s7tUATCON-IS a ORADU ate of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy; six years' retail city experience; salary moderate. Addrets. linme diately, F. J. L., room 26 6t. Omor House. 381 and 386 ?th av. RUG CLERK WANTED.?ONE Wilt) .SPEAKS GRR mas may apply, wltb good referanoe, to OSCAB KRESS, corner r>2d st. and 7th av. . (GROCERY CLERK WANTED?A YOUNG MAN WELL T acquainted with eity retail trade. None otbera weed apply at 6!ki Nth av.. Strath Brooklyn. SI ALK8MEN~WANTBD-SALART 0~R COMMISSION paid. Call nt the office 813 Broadway, room 4. SITUATION WANTED?IN A CLOTHING Olt HAT boose, br an experienced man. Addreaa II. H.. box 126 Herald office. Travelling salesman.-* kalbnmaji. having a first class trade in New England, desires a petition to travel for a dry or fancy goods jobbing boats. Addreas C. 8. 8., box 130 Herald office. WANTED?ONE OK TWO OOOD TRAVELLING acent* calling npon the clothing trade Watt and SonGi to introduce a special line of goods: samples light. Artarr*a. wiih r*ierecce?. WOODWARD MANUKACTUR INO COMPANY, hex 1.410 I'net office. Mlddletown. Conn. TITANTED? IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD SALESMAN, ft who D acquainted with the Oral class jobbing. notion and dry rood* hnuaea In and ont of the cily. Addreaa, stat ing aalary exported. P. L . box !30 Herein olBer. TANTED?FIRST CLASS C AN V ARSKRS ONLY: NEW artirle: money e.nn be nu de. * 10 per day eaailv. FIT7.GIBBONS A MK38KR. 203 Centre at. AXTEn-lN SHOE STORE. SALESMAN ACCU8 totned to lartlee' trade. Apply aD?T 8 A. M. KNOX Jk SMITH, 383 Canal at. w "UT ANTED?A YOUNG MAN OR BOY. THOROUOHLT Yt acquainted with tbo stationery and printing bnslnoas. Address stating previous employment anu> expected, C. If. W? box 3,333 New York roat oltlee. WANTED-AN KXPRR1ENCRD TEA CLERK IN A grocery hoove; mn?t come well recommended. Inquire at K. SCHEUEK'S, 73G Broad =t.. Neward, N. J. ?xroi^xo MAN DESIRES A SITUATION AS CLRRK X in a grocery atoro; liaa been in hnaineaa Ave years; good penman; city reference. Apply at 453 West lftli it. COACHMKN AMU GARDKKERS. AN AMERICAN AS CO AMU MAN-CAN MILK AND be naeful. Addreaa WILLIAM, box 1135 Herald office. KKENCHM AN~;M ARIflEU) WANTS A SITUATION; iinderatanda flower and vegetable gardening and care of (Vutt trees; wife aa lanndreaa or to take charge of a dairy; good reference. Addreaa S. ll? box 103 Herald office. SITUATION AH COACHMAN?BY A MAN WHO baa the beet reference. Call on or addreoa H. M.. 144 5th av. S COACHMAN. GARDENER AND TO KEEP A place In order; aity relerenco. Addreae EDWARD, box 138 Herald office. A COACHMAN AND GARDENER'S SITUATION wanted?Hv a young man; con milk; or would work In a Uverv ate We; la a good waeber. Cation er addreaa, for three daya, J AMES, 338 Eaat 13th at. TobNO" FIRST <["LASS COLORED MAN WANTS A ettoatlon aa eoachai.m; haa flret elaaa reference. Ad dreaa CHARLES, No. 4 Weat 45th at. T Tan-wishes a "Situation as coachman. j\ fall at 218 Weat -0th ?t. (basement). CtOAOHMAN.-HY A GENTLEMAN FOR HIS"COAOH J man; Brat claat; thoroughly onderatanda his bnalneaa; ta very dealrablo In every reapect; ten year*' beat reference. Apply at private atable. No. 11<> Weat bOth at. Coach"manTnd garT:knkTs "situation want. ed?Br a single young man; thoroughly iinderatanda both brancbea. g ?od milter; make bimaell generally uaetnl; three year*' mlWreUCd. Addrhea I"., box 12s Herald offiee. /"tOACIIMAN AND GROOM-HY A YOUNG SINGLE V man. In city oreonniry; can take eherre of a gentle man'a country aeat; aeven yeare' Or>t claaa reference. Ad ritrai I.ONG. nerald office / 1 oacuman anD GROOM?BY A RESPECTABLE i V alngle uien: nnderatanda gardening; good city reler enee. Addreaa ft, K . box 115 Herald office. /NOACHMAS AND GROOM-BY A siNbT.lTYOUNG I man; nnderalaedv rare of bom e thorongnlv ; go d ? ?'rlvrr in city or country; wUI inoie hlina-ll generally uae fn.I; live y <ar?' reference. Adlxeea P., lot .3 . .leri.d nftirc" ("FTU ATIOjTw ANTKD-HY a FIRST CLASS COLOKKl) yj coachman ; two rear* driving in tne cur; beat city rnf rrence. Addreaa LEWIS JORr. K.N, Herald uptown Branch office. ' w A /"ANTED-SlTU Alios AS GARDENER: CAN MILK, good reference Address A. N.. box MD Herald office M IffitV vv A vri. i>?aiXlIEK g KjrffCTfwrrnnr^ dally. 307 Bleeeker at., corner Char lea, lower boll. A boy wanted to attend coal officb. must depnelt 9 5 aa aernrity; aalary tlO) per annum; reference repaired. Addreaa J. U. A C., Herald nptewn Branch office B- oy wanted.?a smart, active boy. or good addreaa and nnt afraid of work' age ab-nt 19 yeara: muat reside In Brooklyn ; aalary at Drat 94 per week'. Ad dreaa !v, box 100 Herald offiee. ? T)Y INDUSTRY WE THRIVE."-FOR WORK THAT 13 pave apply to CANTON TEA COMPANY, 148 Chambera at.. Sew York. CianvaSsbk wantkd-for ONE OF THE MOST ) salable be->k? 'v?r oflb-red. 51 Cortlandt at, room 8. jTtOOiv WAnTeiT-MaN OK WOMAN; etlUPS, MEATS, pa'tr.v. Ae.; 25 perrons answer, refe rcnce and wagea experte i. GOnD. Herald Uptown Branch office OTKL MEN WASTEt)-O AK WITH SOME CAPTTaIT. tn c nduct be? located city licnae. Address OWNER. Herald effiee M"~ AL NURRK~~WaNI'KI> "wlfli t> >t>D KEf ER. n-? :or an Invalid yo ui gent emau ; termi mat >e moderate and ataied. or no nj.ite taken Addrpaa D. t>. II., Ilerald Uptown Brniieh awed. Porter Wanted at" releont hotel, kultun at. Applr before 12 to-day. \ITANThD-A MaTasToNTRH IN A WHOLESALE If linear. Addreaa. in own ban jwnting. with relerencea (none other notie-dl. i. K. U.. box 73 nation A. ?fir anted?a sofTtiiTorFicR work"; must "re M a good and reaide who hta parvnta. Addreaa, with reference*. G It. K.. box 7s atatina A. l\' ANTED?A VOlVjtO MAN FOR A KhT KVENlNtM M competent to eettle np a email rotate. Addreaa \. V. A.. Herald offiee. H 'ANTED immediately-ten live men with horvea and wagon*, to aell Enreka imnked beer; mad bo of r-epectahle eppeiiraare and plemlng addreaa Apply to J. W. HKAHDBi.eY A eON.a. I?:i We-tat. U'Tastrd!?T\ smart, rdugated man of good ad Ire-e c.m itnd a good and paying petition by ap plytngtcs, i lUMiTiiji, 12 l>cy at. \VrANTEIiTTSk AtlKNT ioTlANVA.xK A WORK IN If New York : good rommiaainn paid. Addreaa L. Herald I'liilailelphia Branch office ANTED?A FEW KXt'KRIKNCKD GENTLEMANLY canvaaaerx to aollrlt advertliementa, between Id and 12. 49 l<ie|n*nard at. \\r AN TED?A VOl NG MAX TO ASSISr IX A I.IOUOR It at ore. Call at St Weat Broadway. i'IkTFTilass bar h-ra need apply. Inqnlt# at Sweeny * lintel, room Yl'ANTED?A riBST CLASS BaRKKEI'KR: NONE ft oih-r? need apply 35, trom n.N. nntll Hi A. M. WANTED?AN EXPERIENCED BARKEEPER; TO one who ran fatniah Brat claas reeommendatlcoa a per manent aitnation ta open. Addreaa, with reference^/. E. O., | Herald Uptown Branch ~ HKLP WAVTED-HAMCa. ttrOfflfii-A* ttfBKlESCEfT CXkVBC WR J VT country hotel. immediately; ?nfi (80 euttl 1st at September. Address CAitVEK, lit raid office. ' THE TKAUKId. J J wall pup-r factory, 3 3d and Sanson sts , Philadelphia^ SITUATION WANTED?RYAFIK8T CLASS KNOIN ear and machinist Address M. A. J.. Jersey Oily Pact office. TVrANTED?AV ENGINEER FOR A HOTEL; OWi " that in witUnir to in like btmnelf rritortUy mtfei. A4 driJEa J. 8TOKY. liernld Uptown Branch offlct. -yyAWKD-A GOOD BREAD. Flh AND oakk baIi ar. to CO to Florida; rnjri rood; rolarunoa rrqui. ed Addraaa .1 W. A.. Herald office. ANTEU-A FIRST CLASS MODELLER. APPLY T< A. STRAUS, ait) Broadway, room 38. w r'UEM'H All V ? KTHMIijlfir ffsn&a kif oh cTCbtfsrHAffiorfinra L at I'allrmaad. d-sire aa placer daua ana maiaon boor, irrone. hotel uu roatauraul. H'adreeser a ULOK, U Hoae ion at.. New York UVchkf dk ccikink. fraxoTdTET BA DAMB, lamiua da cliainbra uu bonne d'enlaats, daaire aa plaoel dam la mrm? maiaon. d'adretser a BAUDBY, ISO WaN 35th *t.. New Y'ork. UNE TRES HONXK CIISINIHBE KT SON MARI Dfl alrent >e placer ici en a la campagne. S'adreaaer aa a It) Clin too place, on i la out trarailla pendant den* aaa. KOK SALE. A FIRST CLASS CORNER LIQ aale rbean. near the llowery. dotng food basinets. GA<* FNKY .1 s.WITM. Auctioneer. 17 Centre at AMI OKI 11 STORK Kt?R SALE CHEAP" FOR CASH?fi one of the beat location] in tha city. Add rami C. S K., Herald office. IT CIIANCR. - FO K 8 ALE." A NICBTAIDOR'S 8TORR ..'V with a flna atock of French cloth; proaeat ownai coin* to Franco. Addraaa 3H nth ar. ' A~ FINE SAM PLE" BOOM,~i>Ol SO GOOD DAT BUSI neat, near Stoak Exchange. for tale cheap. M ITCH EEC, 77 Cedar at A?FOR ' SALS?CORNER LIQUOR STORKS, POD ? SIOJ; RoataurnuU. ColTee saloons, Hotels. Clear Storrr. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar at. ?BAKERIES, CONF KCT1C1NE RIES] FANCT . Goods Store*. corner Urocerv Stores, Meat Markets. l'ro*l?ion Stores. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar at, IT YIBST CLASS LIQUOR STORK VERY CHEAT A mast be sold this day. Apply to LLOYD, 39 Broad ??7 BARROOM?MAG NIKIC BNTLY FITTED. GOOB trade, beat part of Broadway; rent $5<>; price $7501 owner In wholesale trade, would arrange partnership. Ad dree* WINE. Herald office. (^OAL YARD FOR SALE. WEST SIDB-IN A FIRST J class location nod doing a good healneta. Addraaa la M., box 101 Herald Uptown Branoh office. DItIfC STORK FOR sXLE^FIRST CLASS; $1,90$ rash. For particular* uddreas Post office, Jersey ?:i?r _ For bale?a first clabs printing establish ment. complete in all particular* nnd doing a largo be al oe**. notwithstanding the depreased condition et the times; term* easy. Address PRINTER, Imix H.H43 Post ofllee. For sale-onk of_drT Irish's ottawa" bf.rb Fountains, nearly new, with counter and all of the ap> paratna, and a receipt given to make the beer. Call at the Old Botanic Depot, No. 5 3d ??., New York. IjVoil SALK-TUE STOCK AXD FIXTURES OF A ciger store doing a good business; etieap rent, on Grand at., Willtnmabtirr*. good rroa. u given fur sailing. Apply at 184 Grand at., Williamsburg. F~ OR 8ALE.-(HOAR STtlRB AND BARBRK'S SHOP, doing flrst class hnalness; owner going to Barope) price tor everything, hen*eliold furniture iudnded. $16,IJIKl Address for live days M. J. W? lleraid office. T.10R KALR bnRA>?CIGAR sTOKb (8AMFLB ROOM I attached); lower part of Broadway: possession Imtnei diatclv. Apply to GEO. C. MOORE, 15 Chambers St., 10 to 11 A. M. FIR8T CLASS VARIETY HTOUE-DOINU A GOOD business; reason f r soiling, owner has other baslnesffi good Investment for little money. WEIGBUT A CO., Anctioneere, 141 8th et. FOR SALE-ONE OK THE OLDEST CRACKBR AND Biscuit Hekeries la city. lnqnlre ef THOS. BEN NETT. XiB Fulton at. FOR SALfc^ALMOST GIVEN AWAY?MEAT, FRUI1 and Vegetablo Market, IN 7th av.; prlvata sale thk day er positively at auction to-morrow (Friday). FORSALK?5 IMPROVED MANHATTAN 8RWINQ Machines, for $15 each: those are new machines, la perfect order, and tally warranted la every respect. Sales room. 483 8th av. JTOR SALE?A FIRST CLASS CORNER LIQUOB Store on a liosinsst aveane. West side: average re ceipts $.f> to ffi) per day; long lease. Apply to P. GAFF M Store on a liosinsst aveane. West side: average re is $.T> to $2Y per < NICY, 387,S Bowery. FOR SALE OB EXCHANGE?A STAMPING AND Pattern Business chenp, on aeconnt ot illness, saltable lor a lady. Address VRR>)N A. Herald office. ARRLB SODA WATER AND ROOT BBBR APPA ratns, all styles. for aale beiew cost. J. M. WHITKIKLD A SON, 303 Water et. R" EST AURA NT FOR SaLk?CAN BE BOUGHT cheep; southwest corner of ?th ar. and 34th street| basement. d?OCA-WORTH $700.?FOR SALE. BAR AND ip^t/U Lnnclt Knmu No 3 Chamber at., corner Chap ham St.. ander Clark's Exchange office, through unforesees ctrcnmstsnoos. -WORTH TWICE THK AMOUNT?BBS ten rant and Barroom, with fhll l!cen*e; lou rent; best location down town; half eaeh; the owner it going ia the wholesale badness. 190 William St., riga< store. $800. BlACfliM KKt. inc * ttftOTftti A Press, compel' la every respect, if offered si even low price for cos -c?*u be sold by addressing HO BROKER, 11 ersld uBce. _ fOK SALE? 20 IIOR8K POWKR ENGINE ANT Boilor. with Gearing, Bolting. btnrMvant pressor* Blower, Ac. Address a. A., Herald offloe. PtlRJHTURh. t fHSEQaAAP^XTSoOliHANK'S J\. old, lirst cisss and reliable 153 and 154 Wept 23d st. (between tlth and ?lh avs.) This axtensivo stock, of nor own manufacture, offered at retail for next BO days at manufacturers' wholesale prices Greatest opportunities lor bargains yet offered. ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN a for Furniture, < 'arpsts and Bedding at B. M. GOW FEKTHWAlT A GO 'S. 155 and 157 Chatham st. An Im mense slock allow prices. * 0CTION ROOMS. 3:1 EAST 13TII ST.?FCKNITURR, Carpets, Mirrors. Pianos, Armours, Bedroom Seta Parlor Suits. Sofas, Mattrosscs, Springs, Ac., at private aalt at Auction prices. PRIVATE FAMILY wTlL SELL. AT SACRIFICE, sstin Parlor Snlta. cost f?01, for #200. $150; Steinway Piano. $225; Turkish Suit. $75; rep Knit. $95, Cbambei Seis, with Dressing Cases, $50; Bedsteads, Bureaus, 40 pound hair Mattresses, flo; Kxtension Table. Buffet. Boek ras'S, l'aintings. Brontes, Carpets. Call si private rest* dent-e, 47 West 10th St.. nearBtb av. I' nUKNITUKK PRIVATE SALE. AUCTION PRIOBR? 1 Largs assortment rich and common; owners want money: parked Cheap. H. K. PAYOR, Auction Uonss, IS Kast 14th St. C'lOOD SECOND HANI) AND M1SPJT ENGLISH, r Brussels, three-ply and ingrain Gsrpets, Oilcloths. Ac,, very cheap at the old place 112 Pulton St.; send for prlco list. M. J. BP.NDALL. GEO. a. CLARKE, 747 BROADWAY. UPPERS A large oasortment ol fine Purnitiire, Carpets, Ac., si greatly reduced prices and en his popular system of pays menu. Fart IKS having, plrniture they are noi nsiIIIf. can have house room In exchange, or will p?| liberally lur the use of The same, where it wii! be careful!; used. Address FURNITURE. Herald office. CLOTHLVu. * T NIXTZ'R. 04S 3D AV., NEAR 2"fH7sT.?LaDI'SI and gentlemen will be surprised at great prices R MINT/, pays in cash for Cast-off Clothing. Carpets. Jem e'.ry. Orders attended to by Mr. or Mrs, WltTE. I T 1.271 BROADWAY.-BETWEEN32D AND 331 A *t*. ? Br^M-lway prici'si paid for Clothing, J Hrr, 8c., by cAliln;r*on or A?ldim?f?t*inr li. IfAKKfS, 1,274. ?NATHAN'S OLD "KSTABLisII NEXT. 38U ?Tf . av.. near 4th st.; the highest vatoe paid lor east oO clothing. Carpets, Ac. Call on er address Mr. or lira NATHAN. AT EDWARD MILLER'S WELL KNOWN E8TAR llshraent. ?s ?ih av., near Wavcrley place, utinosl value paid lor cast off Clothing, Carpets, Ac., by calling on or addressiug .Mr. or Mrs M 11,1.EK. T FLATTtVs, MBtifH A V~. 4HI H ST.-50 PER CRN* more than elsewhere will positively be paid for cast-on Ciolhlng. Address Mr. or Mrs PLa'ITU. At riiK triENcY siore, -gdti 7tii av ?reokivkd $35.'so in cMli to purchase Wearing Appsrel; ladles and gentlemen ivill receive the highest prices for silk and woolen Dresses. Costs, I'antsloons, Carpets, Ac. Call on ol address Mr or Mrs. KOnKXHEItU, '-'41 , th av., second door above West 24th st. AT HARRIS'. 81 ?t1TavC NEAR WAV.KLKT PLAC* the utmost value paid lor Cast-off Clothing, Jewelry, by ealling on or addressing Mr. or Mrs. HARRIS. IT AM HALTS. 178 7TI1 AV.. NEAR 2HTH ST., 73 A per cent mere than elsewhere will positively bo paid for cast off Clnthlug. Address Mr. or Mrs. AN HALT. ASTKOLCUY. iTiKsFYoN.-$fxmv rti y lFKsW5npjHBoftifrHMi Imposed npon by pretenders; go In 15B West 41st St.. near Broadway; consult that unequalled cleirveyent. Cuf this out. PRE NCR, LADT, TELLS" FORTUNES. NO. 1,2* Broadway, near 85th st . first floor, room 3, A~ loairaid and ' me 010*4 claTryoyant-noI to be egasllsd uusmes. likeness, Ac., from 50c. to RL Ofllee I.Vi Best A>th at.. between 8th end7th av*. WONDERFUL child, gifted with second j\. sight, tells everything without qnoationinr: stole! pr>p?r'v. snseal tr ends, living er dead. 12B west 4Utl St.. near Broadway. -NO IMPOSITION.-GREATEST ML'StNKSS CLAI It vo.ant. .Mrs. FOSTER, 54 Loxlogtea av., near 2ftU st., 2Se. to .Vie. A" "Trkiniox.?consult atiunr "on in; sink 13 law suits, enemies, losses, absent friends, love, marring! and ceath. Par refused unteas satiated, .si.' 8th av. Mme. Si St: II I. Clairvoyant. COLLI NR. RELIABLE AND TRUSTWORI Itf rUlrvoysnt; magnetic treatment. 275 tlth av.. nesr 17th at. MR. BORA REVEALS YOUR WHOLh LIPS FROM cradle to the grava. 472 Canal st Fi-e?l. MK044'A,.. " ~~~ "i "ZStKM. Wf KLL WTuWtM kDfki k TWrTWT A, East 514 St.. drst door front 5th av Advice free. t ?m iff wtiRCRKTE r. physic Fan 7 "hoard a'4 ./V. nursing. I4? Charles st., het. Washington an! Wen* A ?DR. and MMK ltdrr?CONFIDENTIAL ourf ii.1 imitation oil *11 foni*l.* 47 \Ve*t 13Mh Nt. A -DR AND M?IK MM Rii.'hA' : SoYbaUS' PliAt> jfV. tire. Office If)Liberty St.. near Greenwich. A? DRAMIMMR. GRIMii.E. fll WK.sT WTHmC . USStfldentIsl consultation mi all #emalc Complaint* DR." WHITF.IIIA D, 2.?! EAST ."atTII .ST.. NEAR 35 av.?r entals rnmplaints safely treated lor $U5. MKsT LYONS. Pi.MALE l'ltTSICIaN, OUR ltd ALL eomplsiuts; no rurs, no pay No 40 K*?i _*?thev. SUCCESSFI j,Tu RKS uI'ARAXTERIA^'aLL CAiUB by Dr. or Mnte. \\ KHT. 4.r llloscksr si .near Broadway. s rti ?< a ?* k. ~ ? atovzur' ivisuaitioitt, m JX Hudson ?t lor Fureltur^ Plasos, Trunks, Ac., la sop ?nto mat CHARLES u. BuUDE. Fin Hi In. M