Newspaper Page Text
citx nna k?T\tk hub. * T ? antral. 4 nn AV. CORN Kit "K A lODFOOT 8TRKF.T? A Choln ie five story Store and Finis, exiremelv low. V. k. STEVENSON, Jr., No. 4 Kin* or 33 East I7lb ??. ( 3IUri>Uanfoua. 4 11 LATEST norsK IN N KIV VOKK TOR SALE. WBTHBEBfcB A MILLS. 1.318Broadway. PROPERTY OUT OF THE (1TY FOR HALE OR TO UK\T. Tt ny.*(:k.won ?i(k HuDhOX?a s'mTlL liotfStf, S. Y plainly but comfortsbly furulahed; oiitubln fur a liiu lly of lour or IL e : situated near depot and landing; terms mo.ierato lor reason or year. Apply to M. K., No. 254 W art 34S li at. \<|A N A Gircalatlou of the EVENING TELEGRAM for the i negk euiltOif J line 17. 187G. ADVKIW 1SINO 20C. A LINK. Monday. Juue 13 84,250 AXIVbitTlUINU 2<H\ A LINK. Tuesday, Juno IS 30.3UU . ADVERTISING 300. A LINK. Wednesday, Jiuit 14 37,830 I AUVhRriKINU 30. A LINK. Thursday, Juuc 15 38.430 | ADVERTISING 200. A LINK. Friday,Jane lit 48,100 ADVERTISING JOC. A LIN fc. Saturday, June 17 34,330 AD\ lmriSINU 2:4). A LINK. ADVERTISING 30C. A LINK. Total 230.300 AUVr.KllSlNU 3<1C. A LINK. Dully averse* 38,381 Parties eoind out of trio eitv should Miharrlbe tor I n i. EVENING TKLKt.KAM, 30c. per nioinh. $0 a year: j>o?iace prepaid. A BARGAIN KAIIM. 133 At RKS. NKAIt CROTON Dam, Westchester county; 111) seres .unrated: house 13 rooms: guild oulbui'dlnca; line orcburda. well wuiered; oul> f I l.iaxi. T. OLIVER CAR IKK, .18 Nassau at., room 11. A MANSION. KCRNISUKII. 22 ROOMS: COMMODI J\ ous outbuildings; 75 acres: unsurpassed for bealtli lulnass; sniiahlo lor family, hoardlnic school; two hours Jersey Central; possession: $8,500; $.">*> euah, balance easy. 182 Baltic at., Brooklyn A.N ELEGANT COUNTRY SKAT ON THE SOUND KOR \ rent, Itirnlshed. for three months 'Address BATHING AM) BOATING. Herald office. At kiverdalk. on ?the hudson?furnished tor the season or the rear; choice locution and view, sit ii. I'KTKIE. I7M Broadway. CNOTTAOK UN TiiK HUDKON?Tij KENT FOR I ) the summer; high ?ro.ind; location healthy , eleven j room* completely furuixhed*. viable, poultry yard, garden ' ami cow : owner will furuiaii Board with private table il de- I lired; term* moderate. Addreits box 62 Milton, Ulster county, N. Y. / KK .VI HY HoM K ~A ND bFbINKBR. *1 .YUli JlS" iN JKR \J Hey; rare chance: no competition; good buildings; 94, it'ft). K, BOOKIIOUT, Engraver. 55 Liberty St., corner Nassau. IiAR ROOK AW A Y. ?TO LET OR FOR SALK, A RRS t iuraru or Saloon, immediately opponiie the United Mate* Hotel and the llr>t house Ir.nn the beach: rent low to a good party. Apply to 1*. S. OOLTON, 1 16 East 62d st. r>OOi) HOMKS-ON INSTALMENT PLAN; CALL OR LX ?elid for circular. K. R. KELLOGG, No. 3 Broadway. IOW KENT?COTTAGE. NEWLY KKKITTKD; BARN' J fruits; garden planted; halt hour, Jer?ey. Room H, l?8 Wall Nt. "\fADLSON. N si.?FROb FOUR TO KIGIIT ACRES, jl?I. -^ood buildings; well fruited: plenty ?huUo; price ac cording with times; would exchange. .SAYRE. 102 Broadway. VJTOCK v \RM FOR BALK?COMPRISING .00 A0KK8, iO tillable, in high ^tate of cultivation; situated b?. twpcn llitisdali unci Littl* Nock station, 12 miles from Hunter's Point, lor particular* address IiENBY COX, Little Neck, L. I. rrui: mo>t beautifully situated country J Sp it in the .State for ?ale; 15 mile* up the Mud*on. on a lake a Hording facilities tor huMtiug, Hulling and shouting not iound elsewhere Address LAKE SKAT. Ilerald oflicj. rno capitalist.* i have for balk a very I valuable Property of about J.800 city lot* (upward of *), having a water lrotuage ?f nearly throe quarter* of a mile, all lying iiitaet, and all within about 2^ mile* nnd in sight ot the Grand Central depot at 4'.'d st. nnd 4ih hv. Any parti or estate disposed to make a sale Investment with a certain Increase of value within the next f vc year* will do well to examine this prcqHSrty which can bo bought at figures which I regard a* a bargain HOMER MORGAN. No. 2 Tin* ?t. mo BET?$1.0 KOR SEASON, BEAUTIFUL STONE JL Cottage; otnnibu* to door; line view*; water; mountain air. Z., Orange. N.J. fro LET?FURNISHED, NEAR KNGLKWOOD, FROM 1 the H 'M ' ' . of .luly to middle of September, a large and convenient House; 12 bedrooms; water .and ?ra*; 8 acre* of lawn and garden; rent k T. G. WALL, Englewood. 110 LET CHEAP?AT FORT 11AMILTON, TWO COM modioli* Villa*; splendid sea view ; 40 minute* bv steain >??iit from Fulton terry Apply to EDWARD ARMSTRONG, 14 Walker st.. New York. rpO ADVERTISERS.?TO LET, FOR ADVERTISING, A 1 Fe ' Fence, 225 feet long, matched boards and painted white. St Greeneville, N. J., on the Central Railroad of New Jer |f\. ? F. M. 1*ABRETT. 531 Jersey av., Jersey City. ItKAL KMT ATE l'O EXCHANGE. [XxCH aNGB F< lit It lit KlfifCflTTciTS?A pukuhask monry Mortrsrs on Brooklyn Improved properly. Ad dress OWNKR. (8 ?>il?r st..'room 23. LVXTRA LAR<>K HGU8K ON' 5TH AV. TO KXCI1ANGK [j for other proDrrty. Address PUTNAM. Ilernld office WOK BXOHANOR?A small FURNISHED HOTEL. [? delightfully lucuted. ut n well known summer resort. O. II. PIRR40N, No. 5 Piue st. L3GR HALF.. F.XCHANOK GR TO LKT-TWO NEW P brown stone liiuh st jop llonses. 403 und 410 6th St., Irooklyn. Fm particulars apply to owner, JaK. A. VAN IKUNt. 78 South ?. A 0 s TO IjKT FOIl BlSIHEgg fPEPQiai'. Bk 8 n k tt buildi n o. ~ ~ FT re proof. Located on Naa?au, Ann and Fulton lU F"lr*t Floor to let. auitable for banter*, inanranen office* or lawyer*. Will be let tOKcther or in part*; be altered to *ult tenant* 11 dcaired; adapted lor office* or atore*. Kea*onable rent*. >l?o aome eligible Law oilier* to lob APPLY ON Til K PREMISE* Take the elerator. Inquire tor Janltoc ITtiIF. ? NK W. ~ELK?AN I'LY HUtLT ROHKVILLK ? Hotel, 11th at., betweeu Hro?;lway and l'ulver*lty place, !h> room*, all the verr uowe*t Improvement*, elevator, Ac , to lra*e low. Office* No. 4 Pine or XI hul 17th *t. \ . k. M KVENSuN, ,lr. OOOO CHANCE FOR O ROC KM.?TO LRT. AT reduced rate*, the old eitabliabed Store, 322 Kant UtHU it Apply on premiae*. Fin ST ANiTsECONI) LOFTS OF U7 FULTOjT ST.; well lighted, trout and rear; al*o entire Building No. 14 Ann ?L, with or without Steam Power. Inquire of F. J, KaLDENHERO, 117 Fulton *t. NK OF~~THE F1NK-.T BUSINESS LOCATIONS IN the eiij to rent. Adore** C., box lift Herald office. 1>Tklok?for Li'jirf b us inkss. lawykit or doctor or ?iiutlar. luuulro of L. KIELLY, 21/2. Final It roaoway. TORE TO Kh.N-f-dT EAST 13TH ST.. BETWEEN Hri adway uml Ciilrerelly place. Inquire in the atore. To Li if OR Ll tHK FOR v T1 km OF TKAW-TBI I Ihiilding 124. 127, 12!I Chrlatopher at., three ?terie*. with celh.r and sub-cellar. *utiahie tor atorage. mantila* tory pr lard reffnery; acceaaible to .hipping, with ateatn power and elerator: .ir.r 7<i br S5. Addrra* F. LINK A ilKO., Iludion and Chrlamphcr at*. Tn I.KI'- I W() 4 slOitY Bl'lLDINOS, KM AND 100 I Woat 4' dh *t.. auitable for factory, atable or any other purpoae. Inqutre on premiae*. ?pi> LET OK FOR SALE?-THK' PROPERTY ' 537 EAST 1 llllh *l ; biiiidintr H3 by 24, h t by -5. Apply to I \ MKit KPSSELL, 'd nr., corner of X'tth at. 'I'o I.IT A l.ilii.K Koi i M in . Ill St.NKSs J'UR J poae*: al*o two ltirni?hrd Room* No. 2HH tlrand It Iio"LkT-LOFTI AT It*. I1T, III AND 1*1 HAM j litth ?t., betweeu 3d and 4th av*., unliable for lirht manufacturing baalne**: alio In 114 Ka*t 14th ?t , oppoeit Academy ot Muatc. Inquire of F. UltoTK A CO.. on tbe premise*. I'O 1.E1-A FIKST~CLASS RESTAURANT. NO. 411 llroadway, wltb Mxturr* complete; cigar aland already r. nted. Apply to P. s. FLOCK A CO., that Broadway. IIHKhhlM. HU18KS TO LET, Furnlatiec. \LL HOUSES AT REDUCED RENTS. V. K. STE VEN."*oN, Jr.. No. 4 fine and XI Knit 17th at. a to ill' COMPLETELY FURNISHED?LINEN*, dlthe*. ttlverware. Ae.?beautitnl three ??ory high aloop biown atone private Realdence. overlooking river in fi7lli *t ; SIUN 43 per month; mo?l ol rent lekeu In hoard It de. aired by tw. ioldlia and child. Addrra* W. HEN Nr. N, box 2.1Htl Poat office. T\fHOLE OR PART OF FULLY FUKMollKI) THREE IT atorv liich aloop houae for aummer month* or longei; rcut low to rc.ponaible party. 74 Lexington av. Fnfurn tali eel. A FOUR STORY HKOWN SloNK HOUSE-OAS. hxture* and mirror* ; ,V. We*t .sih ?t.: rem low. WILLIAM TUCKER. 220 -tilt av. All houses at reduced rents, v. k; stk V K nsoS. Jr.. No 4 I'ine and XI Ea*t 17th tt. A "three story hi.or stoop f7o"usf.-40 Cliarle* at.; 14 room*; all iraproveinent*; rem $74 a CliKISTAx Kit, 17 Abin.doa aqtiare 4Bh av.) T 26 MRI'.KNwTciTaV.? Lo\V RENTS-HOUSE, Store and Floor* near Wcat loth ?t. Seen morning*. THREE SIOKY HOUSE III TIV EI.N I4TII ANI> 244 ?t?. and 4th and Stii ava., will he rented trnm now 10 day 1 at $tkJ a month, h. A. CRL'lKaliANK Jt CO., us 11 roadway. AT REDUCED RENT?A NUMBER OF F I ItST CLASS lion* ? in rplendid location*. M.VKk LEVY, T7H nth nv., corner 44th *t. IsLKOANT STONkIToI sI, 142 KA?T MO ST.. AT A j ancrlffve; open. JL H. LUIlLoW. No. It Pine at. TO LK??SMALL HOUSE.*, IN IM>lRAKl.P. NEIGH. I h irhood*; r< tit*, feat, flat t and fl.UUO; all in complete order. Acpty at office 1IH> Ea?t 12th ? ? TO hff-A Til KB E STORY HIGH SIO<>P Hoi sE. IN A good order. In We?t listn at., to (rood tenant, ftfi ruonihly; no objection to boarding hon?e. Inquire at 41U St It av. ________________________ Vl'HNlsHKl) ItlMEHb AND APAHTMR.YT8 TO LET. ~7 pSTVaTe pAAULt vTifX let iTie lower par' ol their house. fttriti?hed for h?n*ekeep!ug; rent |tli per month. Apply at -tn Win bait ?t. A-" ?,iami><Tmhly room's, sInolt . or en anile; lamily prit ate. breakla.t If de?lr#d- 4i W eat 2!?th *t., lour door* v??l of Hroadwav. FInK K LooK. KtitiRs, FUKMsilEO, f h'-. K reach FT at*, ??>?; other*. WeTHEKBKE a MILLS. 1.2IS Broadway. "x COMFORTABLY- KURNTsThKO parlor FLOOR, jV wlt i E\ten?lon ; hot and cold water ; ?tnall private lamily ; rteitr llrondwav. 2tF ' W>?t 44?l at. ______ *Nt I.aHY LI VI NO alone AN!> IIAVlNti MOKE j\ riHint then *he require* can let one to a gentlemen w o laiieiirona "I having ail the comfort* of a homo. Ad.ire.* II. II. II., Herald Uptown ilranch uffieo. ^ T very laRoh nicely furnished room x\ KitcImB edjolnlng. auitable for llxht h uveaecntitq, e7 a wrea , alao one lor 44 1ST No 417 4tn av , near .tnh It. iTTlVAVR KAMILY~#r*HKB I" Lr.I HANDM)*$f ly ftirniafced parlor floor in *ulia or aingly; uae u kitchen If required. Adtlre** 14l> We*t 41*1 at. AIRtT OOMFORTARLE Fl RN1SH Kl> ROOMS. LA ROE and' aiuall. with every convenience. at l?*l 2d av.; terma moderate. NICELY FURNISIIIO) ROOM. WITH ALL IM , orovementa. 84 per wrA. Six IIAWe*t.l2d it, naar kr**tl??y. __ _ T~FURnTsHeD FRONT ROOM FOR UF.NTLEMKN A All convenlenoe*; private family, term* moderate. S3 West UiRea A FIRMSIIKI) ROOM* .ATtO APART* nm to unr. /AlirAPRsT I.N Til K I'lTY-KUKMSIIK1) hoOMS: V ' clean, Ileht airy. rheerfhl. 317 hul 13th it., near 2d tv : elrtfiint house; r?i?rfQrti. /M.KAN. COOL. NKWI.V kFrXUUED ROOM* TO \. irl in llnest location down town; tr- n?ient or pcrina n Til pirllfi ici'iiiiimuiitttfd. 1J J hast hub *1. / TOM Pillir \HI.F F1 UNISIIKD KoOmFtO I.KT, WITH \ J ? vrrv convenience, in a private French family. No. Ill Wnl 23d m|. 7 vl I.Dilll FULLY Tool, SINGLE and DOUBLE I t Itu >m? In handsomely furnished and (parlous Iiouia. N.i 8 M Mark'* pi a. a. 7 \I- SI K A ItI.K Kl' HNlbII KI) K<>OMS TO LKT TO <IKV J' Hi in-n, ?itliuut board, In ttrsl class house. 34 West . .".ib ?t. 7 4I' llNisll I ll.-TII rkK ROOMS, (a WEEKLY; ALSO I Lower Part of house cheap lor summer. 338 West 42d Ml. TjM'liKISIIKD lioiIMS.?FIRST FLOOR: ALSO OK I Hits and Bedrooms : attic Itnom. cheap: line location, 10# EM INpb ?t , near I ni. n miliar*. Fu k nThhkd Tt o< 1 n s- n 01' sk a no location lira! i lasa; moderate raits. 31Kl Wast 44?lt St., near Broadway. Ip I KNIBHRD 1TOO MiV?WIT 110 5f BOARD76n^ Til IR D floor, for gentleman and wife or ?lnrle gentlemen ; rent moderate. 3!>4 till a> .. between 37th and 3Hth sta. EpURIIlHUkl) PARLORS AND O I'llER It' ><IMS. A LI. P newly furnished. 10 let: terms moderate; house private and central; no boarder* ? 7 East 30th st. 7pUHNI?nB I) FOR IIOI SI KKKI'ING. A WIDOW I lady lias nlre. ccsey, furnished A part men la for house keeping !u prltaie h. use ; terms modi-rate. 333 Kaat lOtb H ANMOMKLY rURJUHIIRD &OOX8, BN iulTB OR sluirlj. with prive!??;e of 11k kit house keening; terms Imv; private brown stone house. .'116 West .*>'2d st. UANDSoMBLY rURKIHHKD ROOM*,*KN SCITK OH ?tntfty: every requisite for housekeeping. 361 West JHth st.. near elevated; summer prices. I viuirsr. COOUUn AND iinkst FURNlsHBD J Rooms; bent located; lowest terms. 21 Went Utli St., utf*r .'?th av. Call soon. T ARi)K. MANDSOMK FUKNlftllED PARLORS-#3. $4 J and k"> wekly ; each parlor suiting two ladias or grn I enti-it: housekeeping privilege . gas, bath. Residence Hli- heat 1 Ml I) at. 'TcKLT FURNISHED, cool, airy rooms, with" out board, near Broadway and Madison squart; terms moderate. 37 Wett "JUth si. r> i ><) M S 273 M ADISON AV~?A PARTY OK IIKNTLK I men wiahlnir cool, elegant l ooms at Summer prices, can be acromiuodated. rpo"LKT?A FURNISHED ROOM, AT NO. 2 NEILKON 1 place, between Waverley plare and West 8th St., one block Irom Broedwuyfor gentlemen only. rpo LKT? To GENTLEMEN. LARGeT PLEASaNT 1 Rooms, at reasonable rates, where there are no other lodger*. Inquire at 433 West lUth St. rpo" I.KT PC8N isHKD- (INB LABOR FRONT ROOK, 1 with ab ove ; also had Room :b> Irving place. II.*1,1, ~ BEDROOMH, COM PORTABLY FUR I uished, lor one or two gontlemeu; separate; terms moderate. 531 3d av. IJI# I > ROOMS Pi RNIsTtkl). wFtH ALL CONVK No. 4 Morton St.. near Hleeekor. Pi AS r I7TII ST. I) KSI It.A H I K FU KN ISM Kl) ROOMS; relerences required. (3?r? TO ?U.?II AN DSOM RLV FURNISHED ROOMS; tjpv), marble basins. hot and eol-j water, bath anil k-an; Rood table; borne comforts. 373 West 33th St., near nth av. ?q wk?KliT.-svrr ok Furnished ROOms. ?pO second floor, front; eleqantlv furnished: housekeep ing privilege ; all convenlenees on floor. 318 East 14th st. W.ST WASHINGTON PKACK.-TO LKT," TO centlemen, without board, Konmt. nt ely furnished. 7?? CLINTON PLACE..-NKWLV PUKNI SI I Kl) RttOMK' 11) with or withont French Board; healthy house; sum nier prices; references. UK A 5f 31 ST ST.-XICRLY KU lt.\TsMKTr cTl KKR" till liooms, in Urst class house; hygienic Board if de sired. ?)Q WH3T HlTlI ST.?Kl.KOAN ILY KUUNISIIKD ? JO Hooiiis to permanent or transient parties; also single Rooms; summer prices. r~'}~ ttii av.. cornkIP TaW ST.-KLEOANTLY i/i) furnished Rooms; breakln>t if desired; private fam ily ; terma moderate. h I I.kXlNOToN AV.. NEAR 23TII ST.?FURNISHED ? ) r Rooms to rent; also one K-xini auitnhle for two; all conveniences. /?Q SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE (WEST 4TII UO st.), corner South 3th av.?Elegantly furnished front l'nrlor; also sinuller llooms for gentlemen and light Ituuse keeplng. II l k MACDOUQAI, BT.?FURNISH ED ROOMS, WITH 11'* every convenience lor huusekeoDlng, to let to re spectable hiiihII iamtlles. * ' 1 ?>?) East 44TII ST.. NEAR GRAND CENTRAL I _?) depot.?Rooms, lurnished completely for house keeping, for small laiulles or single gentlemen ; rent $3 to Us per week. Apply on the premises or to W. 8. GAVKY, 48 Bleeeker st. WEST ISTH ST.-A LADY II.AH SEVERAL nicely furnished Rooms to let to gentlemen or 0 14 144 1-*) EAST 3BTII ST.?TWO NICELY PUKNI8IIKD ? )_* Rooms, suitable for gentleman and wlte or single gentlemen. ?11 7 t?f II ST., NEAR 2D AV.?FURNISHED SMALL i ) 1 L snd large Rooms to gentlemen or respectable mar ried couplca .IQfpWKST 33 D ST.-PARLOK BEDROOM AND rOW Kitchen to let furnished; suitable for housekeep ing; terms moderate. /? Q7 ?th av.?to lkt. in a vkhv pleasant VO I neighborhood. a front Pnrlor ami Bedroom for light housekeeping, or would give partial Board. UNFURNlsIIKO ROOMS VVO APiM. MKBITS TO LET. X^Ff^^t'AssKKrNiTir'mfrToi^"^ A. reduced rent. 01 We*t 39tb at . corner houie. ?kXaTsT KIOHT ROOMS EACH; CHOICE LOCA ? lion; all improvement*; reduced rente. JOHN D. CRiMMINS. 1.037 3d a*. IjlI.KiiANT FIRST FLAT-REDUCED KENT; CORNER 'J 51*t >i. mid Lextugtuu av.; perfect order; aplendid lo cation. with beet fatulllee. IpLOOKS To I.KT?-OVER STORE CORNER OP 6TH 1 av. and lHth ?t ; rent, $.'3 and $20. Apply In etore to K1CIIARO XLAKES. 13LATK SIX ROOMS EACH, IN NO. 15H EAST 55TII St.. 3d anil Lexington avs . $30 and $3.'>. Impure on premier a. IpRKNOII FLAT.?A GENTLEMAN HAYING TAKEN ' a house, ollere hla e rcanl Plat ol S room* at a very low rent; eveiy modern linproremeut, private hall, dnmb waiter, Ac ; Pre! elau location In Br.okljra. Apply to LLO.N JORDAN, 2S5 Broadway, Near York, eeeend boor, front ofllca. Handsome parlor floor and~baskmknt to let, enltablc lor a pbyairian. 121 Eaat 12th at., near 4th av tj|\ | EAST 4STH ~HT., CORNER 3D AV.-FIRST 1 Floor, four nice rooma; pantriee; two other latu iliea in hotiae; rant l|2.'>. I. J. CARPENTER. 20 3d av., Rible llonee. ?)?)?) last 20I'll sT . NBAkTd A V.?DESIRABLE aJeiM parlor Floor, nnturnlehed; rent $24 anionth; also neatly furnialied Rooms; rent low. 11(11 SKS, ROOMS, ?fcC ., IVAVI'EI). ' lit ti?i? t'llv uml Braeklvn. WANTED TO RENT A SMALL DOUSE. FURM8DBD Tr or untiirnlehed. In dairahle neighborhood, between 23d and 42d ate and tith and i^xlnjton ava, by a respond ble tenant; intnllv conalate ol three prraona. Addreea, w til lull particular* and rent required, TENANT, box 1,23 i New Ycrk Post office. Z) ROOMS, WITH ACCOM modation" RRTWEKN md ftth and 3d av?, 14th to ."tilth at.; private htuily pre ferred. reference* exchanged. Addreea 744 Broadway, room 11, stating tertna. In the t'nuntrw OM ALL LONG HI!ANUII COTTAGE, FURNISHED, O wanted, hv lamily of three adults. at moderate rent Addreea, with particulara, PRIVATE FAMILY, box 104 Herald office, TV* ANTE U?A GENTLEMAN'S FamTlY (FOUR H adnlta and nervant), went a amall, coiuloitsblv fur nlatied House, ?ea*lde or mountain, fur two or three month*; one hour from Wall *|. moderate terma. Full particulara to COUNSEL. Herald ?Bte. _ IIOVRIIEKM HAVrEl). 1"ilLoOK FROM MADISON SQUARE, 119 EAST 23D at.?Extra large cool Rooma, wtth or without Board. 1 Parlor flimTk-2 single rooms, with Board. 2il and 23 Eaet 23d ?t. (Madlaon aquare). 1-1 IT OF ROOMS? PRIVATE IIATM, CLOSETS ACT, with private table or without boAd; Roonta for genrle nten ; reference*. SB East 2 >th it. 1 SECOND Fl.ooil. WITH HOvKD. ALSO IIAl.l, Room*, to permanent or tranaient parties, with l.oine e rnlorts. at mmlerate prloea. 44 West 32d at. 1 LARGE DESIRABLE ROOM WITH BOARD; ALSO 1 a smaller Room; term* low; table satlatactorv; abund ance home male bread, pastry, Ac. 241 We?t ltt)i at. ^.1 TO fa PER DAY. TO $10 IT.i; WEEK - ?C L Ltrge, airy Room*, first cla*? labia; large'rnrd; eroqitet grnttnd. I Til llleerker ?A., near Broadway. t} PEL ASA NT FRONT ROOMS FROM $14 T<7~$is, M with Board; tingle. $7 to $s; newlv painted and fnr nl?hej throughout 2H Clinton plaee. near Broadway. >) LARGE CiiNXRCriNG ROOMS, ALSO OTHER dj large and amall Rooms, with Board, from $."> upward. AO F.u?t thh it., near Broadway. "Til AV.. i.l. NEAR 34T11 ST. -FRONT ROOMS. ?./ handsomely furnished, with or without Board; transient; summer prlees "Til AV. -?'.?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS t) on second and third boon, suitable for a lamlly or a perly of gentlemen, with first data Petrd; permanent or tr tusieiit. CTH \ v. NO "224. OPPOSITE HOTEL BRl'NSW1CK.? ?' tine large Room, with hath; also single. Il.iimi; loll Board. rTH AV.. 2?1 -WILL BK VACATED, COMMODIOUS ? ) Ko mi*, with first class table and appointments 1 very moderate terras -Til av'. :*'? -PARTIES MATING I IIE ( I I V ? V \ ? ) ke sec .mmndsted wtth uouble or rlngle Rooms, with or wlthont Board; reference*. "Til At . vn 20b MADisoir SQUAKF..?KI.EilA 3TLY ? ) lurtilshetl Rooms, all eonvenlencea. en suite oraliiile, with or wlthont Board, first, second and third floor*; anm mer prices. CTH AV.. 123.-TERY pTTKASANTTidoMS TO LET, a) with Heard; table strictly first class; terms very rca on able - PROSPEI I PI ACK WKS1 4I>T SI. ?11 VNDSnMR *) Rooms, c?-od Board, higli location, cool breese*. river view, lor amiliea, with or without childrrn; term* mod erate. Au and upwards-desTiuhlk large and ??l) ?mall room* to let with good board at .Ut Clinton plaee. 'k,'asi; :?n st.-dlsirabll" RfMijd.w, tt mi 0 Board, for families or gentlemen, tran*iaot or perma nent ; references. UWKST .'??Til ST.. OPPOSITE ST. JAMRS HOTEL.? Elegant Suit* and tingle Room*, also Rooma for tran smits. tT ST , I U. WEST ?rII AV.-FURNISDED RfBIMS to let. with.Board. 1 s> K a ST 23 D sr.. FRON tFNO MADISON BQCARR.? 1 & To let. furnished, elngant Rooma, With Board, by the day or week. 12 IMUR11RRK MWTKI1. T2n?~*C"wr. r.~Avisr^-iim&rrKGtm. -I X with Beard. permanent or trausienl; $2 per day; alio labia Board; kept by English lady. 1 A HOCTH mil HT.7 PHILADELPHIA (RETWKBK AT Market ami <'h~sinut .?Pins Booing, with first el?iw Hoard : central locallou. I'artieulars at 114 East IBtti st . New York. UTH ST.. 317 KaNT. WITH BOARD, WKlaL PUR tilabed ttooiua, transieut or periuaoeut; leruii mode rate. UTH ST.. 217 WKBr.?KLKOANT ROOM*. KN HDITB and amirly, with Hoard; locallou ceulral aud denr? able; refe'eiicen. 1- west .d.ll Rt.-PLOORft. HCITB 01 UROLR i) Rooms. with or without Hoard; transient or otherwise. It' ri.lNI.DN PLACE?NEWLY TV RNIRIIBD ROOM* Lv) with or witbont board; heallby bouae; tuioroer prices. References exchanged. ill WEST HIST ST.-NKWTy KL'KNtrtHRD ROOMS, ee l first class Board, to gentlemen and their wleee, for $2U. {.:> and { u per week; every* accommodation an i au elegant home to reapectable partlea: alao ball Room, {12. WEST mini sr. NKArTtm" AV -CiK.vri.KMI'.N m L and wive* or aiuirlo gentlemen will find pleaeent Koutna. with or wittiiint Heard, hoiiae and tablt flrat rlaaa. OOD ST.7 2?B WEST. BETWEEN 7TH AND ?TII ?sal ata.?Nici-lv furnished Kooina to lat, with Board, luaamall French faintly; terras moderate. 2*)l> sr . lift" EAST, NEAR MADISON l'AKK ? J Largo end small Rooms to let, with or without Board; teruia very moderate. <)?> WICSr tiT.I ST.-LA ROB AMI SMALL rooms, ?.') elegantly rurntalied. en suite Or singly. with or with out Hoard, at summer prices. <Td Til ST.7 2|7T WEST ?SINvTlK AND DOI. BI.K sJT Rooms. hanUsomelv lurnlshnd, every convenience, to let, with superior Hoard, In families or single gentlemen; transient or permanent: summer prices. 0(j F.ASI 21s i - r A PEW RELBOT R0ARDKBH ma* * J can be accommodated r alao tranalent and table; strictly first class. ') i oujrros PLXofU^jfeatly kurnisued rooms ? )L nod good Hoard at very moderate prices. ?Tr ok a m M;t' v peace. -la rue handsomely s Jr. J furnished Iront Room, with first class Hoard, lor gen tleman and wife or two gntitleuieu; also smaller Room; prices mod- rate. ?Ml" 'WEST?26TH ST-L. A ROE AND SMALL ROOMS. ? JrJ perlcctly ventilated, near Madiaon I'ark; table llrst class; terms moderate; transient or permanent guests. I I WEST uilTH ST , THREE DOORS PROM BROAD T L way,? IIandsoraely furnished Ireut Knont on third Door; alto hall Room. with or without Hoard; ralerenee*. At) K.ABT ?>TII ST.?LAUllli ANI) SMALL ROOMS, I mad either in -nits or singly, to lot, with Hoard, at re duced prices for the summer. ao east sr.?kurnibhkd rooMh, with t?) Hoard; gentlemen, $? and $0 per week; transiont boarders taken. 40 WEST WASHINGTON PLACE.?N1CKLY FI7R O nished largo aud amall pleasant Rooms, with first class Hoard. I Q WKST 1ST 11 BT - HANDSuMK I, Y TURN I.SUED A i' Rooms to let, with Board, transiently or peruia nrntly. Jo "WKST ' 48TH ST^DKSIKABTe ROOMS FOR r ?/ rent, with Hist class Board, to a family or gentlemen ; terms very moderate. rJT west gsrii "St.?laroe. airy rooms, with *)?J good Board; transient or permanent; terms mod erate; relerence. WKST I l fiT ST.?WITH FIRST CRASH BOARD, large and small Rooms. 56 71 MAlHsON av.?klkuant ROOMS, WITH BOAHD, at snminer prices; transient and table hoarders taken. 1 j (I EAST lTTlF ST., NEAR UNION S^BARE.? Alt* Rooms, with Board; low prices. Transient nnd table Board. I ()/T EAST lftTIi ST.?I'liKASANT DOUBLE AND AdZiVJ single Room, witli flrat class Hoard. 1 DO WKST 44TH ST.. BKCWKBN UTH AT. AND AOO Hroadway.?superior Rooms, with good, plentiful tabic; terms moderate; excellent location; twlbrwacss. 1 'Alt WEST urn ST.. NEAR ?TII AV?TWO HAND lOU sumtfly furnished lloums to let, with Hoard, In pri vate house; terms moderate; references exchanged. V?7 EAST 2WTI1 ST. NEAR LBXINOTON AV.-A AO I handsomrly furnished Iront Room to let. with or without Hoard, to single gentlemen or families; also small single Rooms; gas and bath; terms moderate. FT 7 WEST 221) ST.?to iTet, to okntlkman and li 4 wile, or geiitlouioii, lar e Iront Room witli alcove, with or without Hoard ; also two connecting Ro .una; refer encus exchanged. l"7<?> WKST -Siril ST.?I1 ANUSOMKLY FUHM8IIKD ADO second Elour, en suite or singly, with or without Urat class Hoard. <)7yj WEST 24TII Si.?IO~~LKT, WITH BOARD", ?\i 4 Second Story, together or separata; reference; terms easy. east hstii sr.?a iAAspeotabee widow woman wishes two small children to board 211 WK81 SsTH ST?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED gSsjLr suit of Rooms on second floor; also large third story back Room, with Hoard fur two, fur {12; nice single Rooms, f-i fit I. t>7C MADISON AV.?TO LET WITH BOAHD, ONK M I 'I Hour of lire Rooms; a so two single Reims; house just fitted up, etorything new and elegant; transient parties accomodated. o<Ti "west flirrlTsT?with or without board, i)-1 alcove risim nicely furnished; also single rooms; terms moderate OOO W EST d.'D ST., NEAR 8TH_AV.-LA Kt i E, O^O pleasant Rtnims, with Hoard, in private family; tonus mode rule. ?J ,-U WEST 20TII ST.?NICELY PURNLSHKD KRONT O'JO Ho nil. with excellent Board, fur gentlemen or gen tleman and wife; also utiles for physician ; terms moderate iTzLzL ARCH ST.. I'llILADKLPHlA. ?SUPERIOR .l/TT accommodations for Centennial visitors, at reasdnahis prices BOARD FOR a OENTLKMAN AND HIS WIFE CaN be had in a private tamily, near tilth it. entrance tu Park; terms moderate. Addrna ELLIOTT. station 11. BOARDIXU FOR CENTENNIAL VISITORS.?CORNER liouae; all front room*; three lines of curs pans the door; terms #2 .VI per Uav ; reference, tirren. ltlnckwell A Co., 252 tireenwich at.. New York. Il'nplar at.. Phil adelphia. (1. U. PADOOdK. Proprietor. (tKSTKN.NIAL VISITORS At.CoM.MOD aTK1> WITH J good Rooms anil Hoard at 1,732 Chestnut at. Invention uuanrpassed; charges moderate. ELKOANT HI ITK FURNISHED ROOMS-PRIVATE family: superior acromntonation; Board it deaired; reterancea exchanged. MR West 3fttU at. Ill RSI' CLASS PRIVATE HOUSE NEAR 6TII AV,; line Rooms, witn good Hoard, 140 East i ftth et. Jew ish family. (UtA.vK'tCY PARK. ?DESIRABLE HOO.Ms, PKRVA X neutly or transiently, at moderate pric-s; first claaa Board; references exchanged. No lilt East 21at at. Harlem hoard?city and country com hincd; terma moderate: (rood location; very near the boata and cars. 154 East I 28?h at. T)II I LADKLI'Iil A BoaKDINO.?M RS. SANDKMAN X 222 West Rittcniinnse square; choirn Apartmcuta; superior location ; 20 minutes to Centennial. S)lliLAl>KLPtIIA ROAKDI.Nl!.-MRS RHOOKE RE moved lYom 1,102 Walnut st. t.l 2 ? West Kittrnhouae square; house and furniture entirely new . elegant suits. \rAOANOIK8 KOK BOtRDERS; FIRST CLASS LOOA * lions; city and country; information freo. TltIPP'8 Board Directory, 20 Raet 1-tth at. BOARD AM* LODOIMi WANTKD. AIT A MED- B f. i W b K N 4?l>lTA?mR > III S fs. TaSTj TT 2d and tth ava., or on the ahove avenuoa, between 40th nnn Tut' st a., a fair sized tarnished Bedroom, with Board Included, for $5 or ?B per week. lor single lady: no other included, for $?? or ftt per week. lor single lady: no other buttrdere. Addrota AGATE, Herald Uptown Branch office, 1,265 Broadway. WANTED?THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON ONE TT floor, with board for three. Addroea J. M., box 103 Ilerald Uptown Branch ofHee UlitM>Kl.YiV HOARD. *5(1 I 'Tilt KS ST., ON I lis D i I IT S. ? ROOMS, "VPTtH tLd iJt Hoard; moderate aumnier pricea, to gentleman and wile and single gentlemen. "t T NElV IXfiLAXI ? HOTEL, HO IloWERV-ALL A lignt single rootne; lodgings ftoc. nightly; $3 weekly, tor gentlemen only. A LWAYS OPEN -FRANKFORT HOUSE, CORNER A Frankfort mud William sts., 35o., SOc.,$1; gentlemen. families. Belmont hotel, kulton sr.. near broad way - European plan; Koomt, 50 conta upward; family Rooms. Always open. TllTY HOTEL, BROADWAY AND HT1I ST ?ROOMS and first Class talne. -2 per day; single Rooms, $3 weekiy; teble Hoard. $? weekly. Ct II EST bit FIELD HOUSE, 208 5TH AV., OPPOSITE J Madison rark.?Board, pit and #4 per day. JOHN P. Wo RETELL. STLUHHAM HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, ftTH AV., \J hetween 2tat and 22d sis Elevator and every modern convenience ; prices reduced In rooms aod restaurant. N. H. HARRY, Manager. <?T ELAND'* STU TKVANT HOUSE. CITY."-LOOA XJ lion ami aecommodatlona unsurpassed; prices re tin ed to suit the times; $3 50and $4 per hay; Rooms only $1 per day and upward ' LEWIS A OKOKOE R. LKLAND. COl.VTKl UilAHi). Vi N'KW JtRDilltoN. STATKN ISLAND.?f.AftoK, 2\. airy Rooms, with excellent Hoarl. in a French family; 7 minutes' walk fo lorry. Apply at 4 Hamilton Park. AT HTATKN ISLAND?PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH Board, ps to $DI, In private family of ailnlia; good lo cation; simile; lawn; battling. Addresa REFERENCES, lleia d office. A FEW FAMILIES CAN FIND PLEASANT HOME on reasonable terms at Highland Hotel, Vail's ilnte. Orange county, N. Y. j rtotll cool and airy ; healthy loca tion; lire minutes'walk iroui depot; three miles to Corn wall For particulars addreea THOMAS W. RYAN, Pro prietor. Hoard in the uoumky?at Cornwall, on the Hudson . a few good Room* to let with Board at Linden Para; terms very moderate. C. II. RINO, Proprietor. Hoakd-at freehold, hrkknk county, n. v.. by J H. MARIE. Call at 17M Fulton at.. New York, from 1 to 4 P. M. Board may he had on a farm?m I rem New York. vis Erie Hallroml. For full particulars audre-s II. t DENNETT, llohokna, N. J. Board can he had on a farm in kockland county, one mile anu a half liy rail, one mile from de pot; terms mi derate Adores* M h. S.. Talliiian a, Rock land I 'unty. or INI7 East ftotli at.. New York. Board on m*u island ?iii.altiiy, hiady, atlilog. halting iiilvate family; #7 a w eek. Address, hy mall. M. A. KlICIliK, Port Washington, L. I. B~OAHD IN THE CAT.sKILLS.-A FEW HOARDERS can ho arrommodste-l ai the Cottars House on the Catekilla: trues reaaonable. Address W. S. WILDER, llunter, N. V. BAYoNNK. N -I TWt? DENIRAHLR ROOM>, LAKOS mi l elry, handsomely furnished, with good Hoard, at rrasnnslde rales, in prlrute family , 25 mlnntea' front loot ol l.llirrtv St.. boating, bathing and Ashing; stabling It desired. Address HAlTLESI MMEK.t, Ilerald eMce. BOARD WAXtKD? IN THE COUNTRY, FOR FOUR adults, tulant and Burse, within one hour <?? City Hall; no high price* paid. Addresa, with lull particular*, CLIF TON. He raid eflkee. Cnan accommodate a few Hoarders with / large rsami; dose to water. . Ashing, mating. Ac- i l>g boars from city. t. TOUNO, Vonngsport, iaiip, L. L COUNTRY BOARD. fSorrftifruoA kd~11 a iftiST c Lah 3 T'^fiTJnJFJiB V.' In Connecticut, iimi J<|wi, Pott udw, t?lt(tftp6j three ho?n front New Vorlt: hultk; Itetllok', fltttul plant.v milk, vegetables, laa, Ac ; terms moderate. Call for lae dava for full particulars at 'J40 Atiantla at.. Brooklyn. / tOL'N l KY BOARD.?A LADY WfHHBB TO MSKf \J wuh an Invalid that would appreciate a pood noma (country > or eaa or two children that naed a mother's earn. Address Mra. J. M. WRIGHT ?23 5th av. C50UNTRY BOARD WANTED.?IF A STRICTLY PRI J eate laniily, living In a hilly euatUT. hsvieg llrtt riots nrcominoditloiia, excellent table, and stebltng for thrsa hornet, with to reduce their expenses by taking a gsiitiemeu, lady and coachman to board, who will pay liberally, they may address HOMR. box 120 Ilarald office. (VoUNTBff' BOARD.?SMALL FAMILY. IOK TIIRIR J ? eaniiful country seat, near Montrose, firs mi nates Irom .Morris and Eatex depot, one hour from city, will lea one family only; erery modern Improvement; SOOfeetof piatsa; shade, lawn, fruit, fountains; keep horses, carriages and coachman; also extra room for horses sad coachman. Address box 2.602 I'ost office. (COUNTRY BOAltD AT RfVBRDALB. OK IICDSOK. J One hoar from Wail at.; locatloauasnrpaasad: three minutes from depot; terms moderate. Address 8.W., box 1U8 Herald office. /lOUKTRY BOARD-TWO HOURS FROM THE CITY; V > private family; grounds shady; plenty ef milk: eitst snd fruit iu season; terms low; no otyeetloa to children. Apply at 3H4 East 52d st. tlOUKTKY BOARD?AT A ARM IIOI SK IK ROCK > land county: near the Stony I'olnt station. Kow Jersey end Kow York Railroad (loot of Chambare St.); carriages will mwet parties and taks them to the home every day this week. Apply to WM. JAMK8. titony point, or W. II. CltlOHToN. 23 Liberty st. DORBS' FERRY, ON THE HUDMlN. Mrs M. B. SUMMER. Large a'ry house; within throe minntes of the depot; baa several fine Rooms for gentlemen ; breakfast for any of tba early tiaios, and regular dinner at tlx, and later If required. If ARM, N EAR "Ifij M MIT?NODIM BOOM, UMI 1 rooms; fresh milk, ergs, Ac. ; lawn, shade, stabling; $H. J. WAGNBK. Kow Providence LMRST CLASS BOARD IK ROCKLAND COUKTY; f boating and bathing. Call for circulars at 143 Watt 4Hth at. First class country board ?a youmg mar rled couple would like a young couple to board: no other boarders; half hoar from Kow York. Address ALLRM, Herald oRlca. K~KYI'Oltr. N. J.?BOARD FOR THE SUMMER, 30 miles from Kow York; five minutes from boat; botb Ing, boating, fishing; terms low. E. LaPl'.TIT. LARGE FRaMK HOUSE-LARGE AIRY ROOMS, with every farm comfort; stabling. Call st 114 Bast luth st., or address box 27 Crnigvllla. Orange county. K.Y. NOW OFMK FOR~THE KRaSOK?A FIRST OLABM private Boarding House, Just completed and wall tar nished ; will accommodate about 15 guests; first clans ltooms and Board from $8 to $10 per week. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM K HENRY, box 17 Poet office. East Stroudsburg. NEW BRIGHTON, ? L^dJOOD BOARD. WITH water view, waoted. by a gentleman. Address box 8, 1*7 Post office. New York. scTruana lake house, ok TuK beautiful lake ol that name In the mountains above the Hudaoa, 0 hunting, fishing, shooting. Terms $10 and $12 per week. Keierence, Hushnell A Albright. 2S7 Broadway. ABIjAll LEE, Proprietor, Peskskill. >. Y. WAKTED-UOUD PLAIN COUNTRY BOARD BY gentleman, wife. Infant of 3 months and little nnrse fir!, at some place from which New l ork cao be reached by o'clock . ? M. ; near salt water preferred Address stating terms, which must be very modest, B. 8. Herald office. WEST BRIGHTON. 8. I.-KICBLY KUHNISHED Rooms, with good Board. $7 t < $IO; 10 minutes from landing. Address W. H., box 127 Herald office. ________ St.HMKK REPORTS. "" X~PAM1l yh or kfr olurNGK'-^J flirtHit*58lY A six raiiiutea' walk Irom Mountain station ; Humiliates from New York; large Rooms, with gas; sovcu baths; hot snd cold wcter; veranda 200 fret; 20 acres In lawu: foun tain and garden; carriages: lute dinner. Write lor circular. Address MOUNTAIN HuUSK. South Orange, X. J. A -JKNKINSOXS HOTEL, HIGHLANDS, MON" Ai month county. X. J.. Is now open. Aocess by Long Branch line. Pier 8, K. R.. and Sea lllrd. Pier 35, N. R. JAMKS JBNKINBON, Proprietor. AKKRA' GOTTA OH, MILPORD, PA.-HKaLTHY LO cations bcHiitlful scenery; llne drives; loreiy glen near the house; board $8 per week. Bfc HOUSE. HE A GIRT. N. J., NOW ol?EN. L. U. MALTBY. Bath, i* l?locust grove hotel and pavil ion (lute residence of ox-Mayor Uunther). with an ad ditional wing, containing M rooms, ironting the bay and ocenn ; excellent bathing, fishing, boating, Ac. For board apply on the premises or by note loJOUN HoOPK. c CONGRESS HALL. Saratoga Springs. This elegant hotel, possessing the nneqaalled advantage of being tititafd between and ad|oining the celebrated Congress ami llathom springs, will reopen for the reoep tlon ol guests June 1. Terms, <21 per week for J uue. Thoroughly renovated, with additional baths, closets, new furniture slid other extensive improvements. Jt will be loonil, bv those in search of health and pleasure, the most complete and convenient as well as the most delightful of summer hotels . 1IATI10RN A COOKE, Proprietors. C3ROFT HOUSE, GARRISON'S OK THE HIGH LAN Ds] J Hudson Riser?Pure mountain air; fine stabling; ample grounds; strlotlv a family hoise; terms moderate B ' ' II I lll'Ul c H. J. HUMPHREY. SOZ/.KN8' HAMILTON UOCSR, STAMFORD^ CONN.? J >.S3 ami water In erery room; high groon s; perfectly healthy : good bathing; fine drives. C5LAKKNDON. OCEAN AV? LONG BRANCH.?NEWLY ) painted and renovated. I? now open aa a private hoard, ing house tor permanent or transient guests, at moderate prices. Mrs. -M. H. STRAIU IONG BRANCH, OCEAN aV.-"CHILD8' COT J tape," near the Pavilion Hotel. Elegant Rooms, with strictly first class Board, "tabling, Ac. AN SIGN HOUSE. ROSLYN, LONG ISLAND?FIR8T class hotel; beautifully located ; rooms large; splendid grove; boating, fishing, bathing: fine stable: no mosquitoes; one hour trout Hunter's Point; steamer Irom Peck Slip; terms $lt>per weqk. J. UIVKNS. N-KITI'NK HOUSE, ROCKAWAY BEACH. L. I.? Families desiring board for the Mutton "cheapnil th comfort* of a home; a grand place for children, for term* addros* ae above. Captain A. B. SAMUELI.S proprietor. RIK.NT POINT HOUSE. ~~ Orient Point, L. I., now open. Situated on the extreme end of Long Inland, fronting Gardiner's Bay; only u mo ment'i walk to the water; aplentlid aea bathing, driving and tailing; Belling unexcelled : term* moderate, -end tbr cir cular. M. II. PAKSONS A CO., Proprletora PAVILION HOTEL. NEW IIKUJHTON. I.-NOW open; aroommolationa for fintrio gentlemen, $12 per week and upward. Call on or a tdreee R. P. COLE. PARRY MOCSE. AT II Lill LAN t> PALLS. t)N THE Hudson, near Weat Point, opena .Inne 10; term* reason able. WILLET PARRY, Proprietor. ivrksidk ts. J.i pavilion House. koh fami Ilea and transient. only 10 mile* from Philadelphia on New York Railroad; hourly traina; clone to atation and river: grove, orchard, porcltra, tlahlng, boating; cool, healthy, accoaeible; Mrat cla?* and moderate. N. a. RE A D, Rlveralde, N. J. ROSS MANSION. NYACK QN THE HUDSON, milea from New York, beat or rati; extensive Ittwn and ahade. SOUTH SIDE, L. I.?ON SlIINNEOOCK RAY; SURE and atill bathing, boating and abootntg; tablo well aup plied; periectly healthy ; stage at depot Iree. Vr. F. HALSKY, Allan tievilla. The foster iiousk, on siiinnrcock bay, mid way bettaeeu (Junguo and Sonlb Hampton, offer* apodal Induceuienta aa a boarding lioneetor lamlllea; bay and ocean bathing, sailing, and snipe and low! shooting In the season unaurpaaaed on long laland; termt extremely low. Apply to WILLIAM S. POSTER. Hood Ground, L. I. rpHK winds6r, A ot Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Tlila new and Mrat clas* hotrl. occupying the moat com manding position on Broadway, and overlooking Congress Park, will be ready for the reception of gtioats Jnne 15.-187(1 JOHN K. POOLE, Proprietor. Tower hill house. \ Narragansett Pier, opens Jene IS, under management ol K. L\CllK.N M LYEK. formerly of Si. James Hotel, terms i12 to #17 per weak. Information or circular* at III Weat jtttb at., or hoti I. WHITE MOUNTAINS. ISTH-OLEN HOUSK WILI. open June 1.1 and cloee October I, ISTO. Alpine Honse, inewi. Horhain. N. H.. will open July 15, 1B7G. W. A C. K. MILLIKKN, Proprietors 11TII ITS SULPHUR SPRINGS.?PARK noTRL, f T Cherry Valley, Otsego county, N. Y. : lighted with gaa; termator two, $1(1 to $211; lor one, $ in to $1.1 per week; $2 50 per day. EVANS A JAXSKN^ EilHOPi; ~ LONG'S HOTEL. Sew bond ST AND CLfFFOKl!) at.-This well known comfortable hotel for lamlllea and gentlemen, the only one In thla central ailiialion, ha* now a moat commodious and luxuriously appointed smoking and reading room, with a Urge hay wiudnw commanding a moat cheerful view of tills Important and fashionable thorough tare; your visit is aolirited, should yon nut already have made choice of a hotel In the West End of London. Under the management ot W. I. and Mrs. Chambers SALE Of THE "CHATEAU WARTKOO," Near Rorschach, on the Lake of Constance, Hwitaer land, the propertv of H. It. II. the Duke ol Parma and of the Count do Hardt; one ol the largest, Hnrst lo cated princely po**o*"ions, near the Lake of Constance. It comprises the old Castle, with modern additions, contain ing two large saloons and about .1(1 room*, new onthnuac. In Swiss style, with abnnl 111 rooms; a newly restored chapel and parsonage, a gardener's nouse with two dwellings and a back kitchen; two large farm bouse*, with coach sheds an I stable*. Ac., a bathing honse adjoining the lake. The premieea are situated In the centre uf a wall ronnded and closed territory, covering an area ot about IM hectares. Splendid meadows and orchards, park and garden*. for further Inlormatlon apply to Mr. LI TZ. Attorney, in Rhtlneck, Canton of St. Hall (switserland). Agent of It. R. H. the Duke ot Parma. UlLLIAKUS. X mTTriUA.v?f a.nI.Arii b fiVltir YaM Usf klsTTa J\ largo stock Italia, clotlia, Cuea. Ae.. at reduced pricea second band Tables at greet bargains. , W. H. GRIFFITH A CO.. ddVeaeyet. A?4UX? ROSEWOOD BILLIARD TABLE, HOOD AS . new. at GEORGE B. PHhLAb'R, aa East I4ih at. CTOLLKNDER'S STANDARD AMERICAN REVEL J Billiard Tables, with the celebrated Plielan A Coilrnder combination cushion*, for tale in this city only at 7.IS Broad way. rR SALE CHEAP?A KIRST CLASS BILLIARD Table, 12 month* old; celebrated maker; In ported or der. W. II. WALKER, 47 East IJtb el. (Piano*). TWO BEVEL KD BILLIARD TABLES, 4XH AND 4'tx". In perled order, will be eold very cheap for rash, at piano warerooraa. J IS E.asl J.Id at.. DK5 TIM'H k . AsKI Oe'iKeI iI M.tHK IN I llKi-E HUUits aTT-M West 34th st.. between i>th and 7th ave , near Broad way. special mechanical dcntlstrv; coral, robber, roes, pearl, whalebone rubber, go.d and platina Hots; Plumper*. Regulators. Ac. Take green car iroin firand etreet ferry or Sixth avenue c*r*|or Broadway rar*. NEWHItuUUIl. 138 West 34th at. ?I V II HI.I*. ftAfi rikk. AT PRICES NEVER APPROACHED MEpOfifc Slate and Marble Mantels. Largest assortment In the oily. PKNRHVN SLATE COMPANY, .Ml I'nion square, 4llk a*, and 17lb it.. New York. Mannlarturer* of all kinds of Slate Work. ITOX BROTHRRS-8LATB MANTELS.?EXCELI.BNT 1 work; new designs: lowest prices 47 Dey ??., New York. Mnnuiactnrero of a! kind* of (late trwrk. r ?AtM AT APCTKM. XSEEScKS: At'OnoNikJsk. Valuable 87th st. Property at suction, by order of the Supreme Court, aodor the direction ?f Rue Hamilton, Esq., roferoo, 8 I or ire Lots, eouth tide H7th it. between -tin end Lexlng too ??., with three story trams House (about (U teel square) nod Stable; street curbed nod guttored; only a block and a ball from I 'antral Park ; sals absolute. Maps at anctlnueors', A. J. A ."ON. lHtl Broalwav. saxJE Hew on exhlbUiea at kite i.'llntoa Hall Salerooms, a Isrce eollsetlon of OU Paintings, One proof Engraving*, Ac., to be sold without ressrrs, FRIDAY EVENING. June 25. at 8 o'clrek. The Meesrs. LK AVI rT. Auctioneers, a RT. ~~ ?????? A HPKClAL. NOW t)N EXHIBITION, at the art emporium %7 aud 4n Liberty at., a lame Bad attractive collection of German OH Palming*. recently con signed and net before exhibited Ther will be sold on Thursday and Friday, the 'J2d and Xtd of June, commencing at n O'clock. BARKER A CO.. Auctioneers. A?TUNIS JOHN.>ON, AUCTION KKR. e Oldatand, 37 Nassau St. ,?OK TODAY. AT 10X O'CLOCK. FOB ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAT feONCBRN. klroant amortmbnt ok photographs. "?2 i IN OIL- WITH handsomk inlaid FRAMKb; One bronie Clocks. Vases, silrortilated Tea Seta, Tablo Cutlery. Ice Pitchers, (Tasters. Ac., together with sev eral Quo Parlor and Bedroom Suits, Carpels, Oilcloths, Refrigerator*. Ac. Now on exhibition and worthy of Inapeetlon. Auction rale of maunipicknt "household Furniture property ?r K. Gay. Esq., to be fold Tl(!8 (Thnrsdav) MORNINO, commencing at II) o'clock, at the elegant Art story brown stone mansion. No. 1 JO West 23d St., near 6th sr. nx Jhrilllant toned Pianofortes, Stelnway and Windsor. 8 supsrb satin Parlor Suits. 2 elegant rosewood Ktagerca. 2 elcgaat Mantel Seta. 25 choice bronie Klgares. 20 pieces Parian Statuary. 15 windows' I-ace Curtains 26 Hrunfl* and in^tlii Carpeti, 30 fin? Oil tilings, best admit. 2 elegant Cabinets. 8 elegnnt Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Tables. 2 Ladles'Secretaries and Bookeaae combine 1 8 Basr Chairs, Turkish style. . 2 Music Boxes, l est Paris makers. 12 elegant Bedroom Suits, complete, la blaek walnnt. 01 V?,. h*lr ?Prl"K Mattresses. 24 Pillows and Bolsters. 10elegant mack walnut Rockers 24 Bedroom Chairs to match. 8 black walnnt Lounges. 9 elegant Bedroom and Parlor Clock*. 2 elegant black walnnt Bullets. 3 superb Kxtension Tables 24 black walnut Dining Chairs. 2 china Dinner aud Tea Sets Castors, Urns, Pitchers. Forks. Knives. Spoons, Glassware. Ac. ^ . B.?This 1* the largest ante of the season. Sale positive. Iih K K P1TSGKRALD. Auctioneer. N. B.? Competent to psc* and ship goods city or country. Auction balk?positivblt tu-dat.?bicm Household Furnitnre. THIS (Thursday) MORNING, at lOo'clock. at live story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WKST 10TH ST.. BBTWKK.t 5TII ANDOTH AV8. Chlckering upright 71. octave Pianoforte, Stelnway'* four round 7^ octave Pianoforte, _ _ Paintings, Works of Art. PARLOR AND DRAWING ROOM SUITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut frained, enveted In crimson, ?tun and Enid brocade satin aud cotelaiue; Turkish ami Spanleh lounges, liayr Chairs, inlaid marquelrlo and gilt Centre and Console Tablas, rosewood Klagere*. Cahinctt, French plate Mirrors, lac.' Curtain*. French Muni -I Sets till day Clocks, Musical Boxes, Library and Socretalre Bookcases, Books, Library Tables, Turkish Suit, Writing Desk. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Bedroom Sets, Inlaid and gilt Bedsteads, Dresaing Cases. Koreans, Wnshstmuls, single and double Bedsteads, Bit line lialr and spring Mattrea oa, feather Pil low*, Blanket*, Toilet Sets, rep and plush Suits, marble top Tables. Chairs, Rockers, reclining Ciialr*. Lounges DINING FURNITURE?Kxtena'on Table*. Sliloboard, Chair* in leather, Silverware, Crockery, two Hall Stands velvet, Brussels nnd Ingrain Carpet*: Kitchen, servants' Furniture, Ac. Take Sixth avenue or University iverslty place cars. 1. city or country. OBKKT 0. CASH IN, Auctioneer. N. B.?Men to remove, pack or ship goods, oitv or country. hi r Auction sale or rich and elegant Household Furniture to be sold at public unction THIS (Thursday) MORNING, commencing at lOff o'clock, al tour story residence, 21 Kaat 2 >lh at., near Broadwav, consisting of Parlor Suite, lu satin, cotellne, rep anil hair cloth; Decker A Brother 114 octave rosewood Pianoforte, Mirrors, Gil Paintings, Rtageres, Bookcases, Hooka, Desk*. Turkish Chnirs, Lounges, centre, side and gilt Taolea; Bedroom Soits, with Dressing Caaes, Bureaus. Withstands, spring and hair Mattresses; Hei|*t*ada. Wardrobes, Car pets, Clocks, Ac.; Extension Titlde, Crockery. Cntlery, BufTet, Chairs, Ac. N. B.?Goods boxsil or removed, city orconntry. HENRY JCINN, Anetioneer. Assignee's"sale.?under anTT iTv virile hf a general asaignineut to me made, I will sell at public auction bv I'KTEIt HOIV E. Auctioneer, on the premises iNo. 159 champers *t? in the elty of Now York, on the 24th day of June, I87H, at 10 o'clock, I'sper Box Mitcliinery, stock ami 1 lxtares. SAMUEL WEIL. Assignee. AUCTION?EXTRA LARJK UOOHKRoUD FuKNl ttire sale. 'This (Thursday) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock, at residence IDA East llilii -t.. uear 4th nv., velvet, Brussels, ingrain Carpels: Parlor Suits in satin brocade, reus and haircloth; Pianoforte, Paintings, Curtains, Clocks. Mirrors. Vase*. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wsshstaiids. Dressing Cuses, Wardrobes, spring and hair Mattresses. Lounges. Bedding. Extension Tables, Sideboard; 2<>) lots Glass, China Stiver Wars, Cutlery, Ac. Goods pocked aud delivered for pur chasers. E. ROTH, Auctioneer. 1)IHaELLTWKLiTKS A MILLET, Alt'.TiO.xEc.R3. X) Kridav. June 2.1. at 10!* A. M., Utonr salesroom. No. 15 Murray St., sttrnctive sale of about 600tots Hardware. Cutlery. French Tlawnra, Ac., consisting in part of large linn Files, Hatchets, metallic Planes, Roles, Brashes, cedar Tubs, lawn Movers, Ac. Also, Fireworks. Full line Roman Candles. Sky Rocket*. Triangles, large aud smell F'lre Crackers, rourth uf July Pistols. Cautions. Flags, Ac.. Ac, By j. w. camp bill, jk., auctioneer.-per emptor; sale floe iniporteil Liquor*. Champagnes, Win**, Hon ed Goods of the finest quality. barrel* mid casks of Imported and domestic Liquor,, Brandies. Wines. Ac.. comprising a -tuck of $3,50): also, elegant Fixtures, Iflce Furniture, Se e. At., on I'rlday, June 2d. OHire Furniture, Si e. Ac.. on I' rida;, June 3.1. it 11 o'rlock. J. W. CAMI'BKU. Jr.. Auctioneer, No. 7 Wort ad it. (formerly Atuity). near Broadway. FCOLTOM, AFCTIO.NKKR. . On Friday, June 33, m 11 o'clock, st the Salesroom, 53 Bait lath it., near Broadway. the entire eonienta of n furniture nore. removed to tire salesroom. mshImiik of rich and plain parlor, oedio on. library and diuiiiK room Furni ture, about 50 iledsteada nml ilureaus, t'lialr*. l'ablei, French plate pier and mantel Mirrors. Uu natures, Cur tain*. Cortitcea. roeo wood Piano, hair Mattresses. J.I or JO Carpets, Lounges. 1(1 Parlor Suits. Ac. CI EO. W. KKKLLR. Al t riONEKU.-AdT* X 53 Liberty St.. corner Nassau. To-HAY (Thursday), at 13 o'clock. Fancy floods French Clock*. Hronai-s, China Dinner and Tea Sets, Cutlery, (Hasan are. Vases, Cologne Sets. Ac. IS, WF.INHKRGKR, AUCTIONEER, SKLL8 TIIIS ? day, Thnrsdac, June 33, at 1 o'clock at 73 Itowery. 8 Ollice Desks. 13 Hcdsteit Is, 15 llair aud llnsa Matrasses, ((locks, Cigars, Liquors Ac. JOHN H. DRAPER. AUCTIONEER.-BY JOHN H. DRAPER A CO.. on THURSDAY, June 22, at IX o'clock P. M.. in their store. 113 Pearl it. (For account of whom it may concern), r I RISC RAC KERB. S.OCIOboset best (.old Chop FIHBCRACKBR8. 3*<J boxes extra large aise FIRRCRACKr.KS. 3D oases Japanese assorted Lnnterns. T P. TRAVKK, AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL THIS tf ? day, at 10X o'clock, nt 511 West 35th st., near loth av.. Furniture and Fixture* o( bar, restaurant and boarding house: elegant Counters, I'ler and ? ther Mirrors, Tables, Chilrs. Castors. Crocserv, Cutlery, Pictures. Hrussels and otlier Carpets, wa'nnt and otlu-r Bedsteads, Dressing Bo renus, hast hair and other Mattreines. Feather Reds, Bed ding. llltkM Furniture, Ice Hoxa*, Store* Ac. J P. TRAVKR. AUCTIONEER. WILL SKLL TIIIS ? day, qt 3 o'clock, at 3*8 Howery. stock end Flxturea oi a dry and faney quods store. Connters, Desks, Sewing Machines, . tores, .-shelving, ready made Clothing. Dress and Piece (Foods, ladies' and gent's Kurnishlur Goods, Hats, Siinss. Parasols, Ribbons, Hosiery, Ulores. Children's Dresses, Ac. I S BLACK, AUCTIONEER, SKLLS THIS DAY, AT A* 3 o'clock, s general assortment of Household Furni ture, Kedri nit, Curpeta, Sewing Machines. Ar, JjKO. H K.RT35IIKRC1, AUCTIOSKEH-?HERTZRERO BROTHER* sell this dar at ID o'clock, at 311 Lest 3*111 St., large Stock and good Fixtures of Grocery Store:? Coffees, Tees, Sugars. Snaps. Flcnr. Ailspice, Canned Fruits, large Coffee Mill. Jeabox. Senles. Counter, Lamps. Ac. ; positively In lots; dealers Invited. MAKNH.LH SALE. T1108. J. MctsP.ATll, AUC tionear. will sell this day, 10X o'clock. No. 83 Chat ham at., the Contents of Boot and Shoo store. By order P. KEEN V, City Marshal. MARSHAL'S SALK GROCERIES- BY J AM KM R. MOOKh. Auctioneer. No. 7 Madison at., this dar, at H>X o'clock, 5 bags roasted Coffee, 5 ha:f chests of Tens. Saiareius, Canned (.lends. Spices, Hour, Soaps, Clotbes pinv.Pall*. Scales. Ten Hlns, 5 cask* of Imported Pickles and sundry Shelf Ooode, By order MaTHKW f. BKIRNr., Marshal. MARSHAL'S HALR.-R. FIELD, GENERAL AUC lienaer, salesroom No. 8# Howery. will nil this dar, ?til o'clock, two Pianofortes and two Trunks. By order J. McUUNuUGH. City Marshal. MORTGAOc. SALK.?HKNKY DKRHRK, AUCTION e-r office No. 36 1st St., will nil this day, at 1<>X o Clock, at \n. 163 Stsnton St., Centen s of a Candy Store: Counters and Shelving, Show-ases Jura. 1 sides. Chairs, stores, Ac.; aiso one large marble Soda Water Fountain. Sale positive. In lots. By orderof HKNRY DREHKR, At torney for Mod gages. PAWNBROKER S SALK.-JAMF.S AGAR, AUCTION oer, will sell this ds> at 5,t NEW BoWKKY. a Urge assortment of line Hid.I end Silver Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, (tuns. Pistols, t >peia tllssses, Ae,, Ae By order of HIMPNOX. SOKEKS A CO., 37 Chatham St. To commence at 11 o'clock. Richard Walter's sons. aI'cii< inkers. mill sell this day (Thursday), at I0)j t'dotk, at No. 34 Ann at., contests ol Restaurant and Lager Hier saloon, via. :? Walnut Bar and chelnng. .Ml wood Chairs, 34 Tables, Range. Crockery. Castor*, Glassware, Tinware, Ac. Halo positive. SHERMAN, SHERIFF'S AND GENERAL AUC ? tiuneer. Large and special sale nt M'lnc*. Liquors, Cigars, Ac., Friday, June 3b, ?t Kit, o clock, at No. lit Bowei v. the entire stock of an unportar and wholesale dealer?vis., I'J.1 bbK rhol e old Hourtmu au i Rye Whiskeys, ciiolce ?genua, Ir im iwo to fir# years; 4<> casks Brandies and Uln, 3Dcasks Port end Sharry Wines, Mil casks and cases claret and Koine wiine*. imported, choice breads: also about cases Brandies, tlin, Hitler*. Ciiaiupwgne, Ac.; also a large lot of Havana and domestic t igara, '-' Iron Safes, Ac. Sale wit Ire. sample* raadj inomtngofaale. SHKRIFl ri SALK OP CABINET Fl KN1TURE.?THIS day. Thursday, June 33, at IOX o'clock, at No 770 Broadway. corner nth si., ilo*lug*u? of entire balance of Mock of rich and plain Parlor, Chamber. Library and Dining Room t arni' .ite. By order oi \t 11.1.1 IM 0. CONNER, sheriff. Wli.Uan Ilk.rgT. Deputy sheriff II. B IIKKTS A HONS. Auctioneers. MATltlMOM Ale. TWO GENTLEMEN. AGED 35, DES1KK Tlilf A0 qnsints'icc of two Indies matrimonially rtiltned Ad dreee C. C. 111LLB, Herald < ~ ivni XXTSOTHrtttK? W355V f? THIS DAT. Matinee at 2 and evening* R GEO. PRANCE AND E H. i?at, _ Md DOUrt Bl.UNO AND 1K>> ( ASSAM, to ROCOH AM) REAP! Md dog or m.-irtakgis. 5TI! ATKNl'K THBATKK. (BROADWAY AND38THBT) I'rftprixor mS Uwiatr Mr. Al'flUsTIM DALY Lvery night, including Saturday night ; ll>-r,th to -DDI (lM PPPrP II QQQQ U U KHKA P P II Q Q U U E pprrp ii u u it ii KBi P II Q QQ U V K P II QQW OUVU BBIB ?? y A PLAY OP TO-DAY t?With Mise Pansy Davenport, Mr. John Brougham, Mr. llarklns, Jaatei Lewis, Sol siuilh Kium-II. \Y. Davidire, Miaa Sydney Cbwell. Mra Ullbrrl Md Miai (ieorgina Prow lu the (IKEAT CAsT. "PIQUE" EVBKY MGIIT and SATURDAY MATINEE. KrMay. .lone 23 (TO-MORROW), celebration of tb? TWO HUNDREDTH PertdrraMcfl of "PIQUE." MATI NEE at ONE of "DIVORCE" Evening at a, "PIQUE," 200th tune. _______________________ 5fH~AVENUK THEATRE. EXTRA' PHIDAV. JUNE 23. AUTHOR'S FESTIVAL! CELEBRATION ot the 200th Performance of "PIQUET' MATIN Eh FRIDAY. at 1. I FRIDAY Evening, at J, to 8, "DIY'ORC K!" "PIQL'K!" with Ml>a Davenport. Jeff- I for the 20<Ab Performance, rnyi Lewis, lila Jeffrey#, I with Its OKEaT ORIGINAL Mary Walla, Mra. Gilbert. CAST RESTORED! (icoryina Drew. Charles | ? Flsbcr. 1). H. llayklns, James i Alao Special Acta. Bonn, Lewis and W. Dnvidge in the Ac., by Mr. Sol Smith Russell, caai. I Fay Terapleton and tbn Geor Sol Smith Russell, Pay | gla Jubilee Singers. Teninliiion and laotn'aGaor-1 ?? rla Jubilee Singers In Spe-1 The Theatre dacoratad and ciul Acta. I Illuminated! and a Satin A Satin i'rogrnmrae and I Programme and A Solid 811. Photograph Souvenir to or- ver ticket to every lady hay ary ledy. I ing Reserved Seat. THE SALE OP SKATS NOW IN PROGRESS. FAY TXMPLKTO*,"?" the Palry star. Afternoon aa a M1N9TRM BOY. night aa AIMEB (an imitation). "Pretty aa a Picture" and Bouffe skelchea' 0 ,~Tll AVENUE THEATRE. AUTHOR S DAY, FRIDAY. June 38, DIVORCE 1 PIQUE! LYMPic THEATRE. tia-t BROADWAY. SUMMER PRICKS. Admission. 23c.; reaerved aeata, r?iie.; parlor ehaira. (I ; family circle, live. THE COOLEST AND PLKASANTESI HOUSE IN TOWN. THREE GRAND ENTERTAINMENTS IN ONK. PANTOMIME. OPERA BOUFFE, SPECIALTIES. I UK GREAT .IOLLY NASH. JOLLY NASH. THE MAN WHO LAUGHS. THE CHARMING PASCAL SISTERS AS THE PARIS STREET SINGERS. BUMPTY Dl'MPTY, WITH ITS HUNDRED AND ONE NOVELTIES. THE RESORT IN WHICH TO SPEND A DELIGHTFUL EVENING. MATINKKs WEDNESDAY und SATURDAY at 2 o'clock. ("iLMORB'i CONCERT GARDEN. T Meaara. a HOOK A PALMER ...Proprietor! Mr. P. s. Gil,MORE Musical Dirt-clot Mr. K. G. GILMuKH. Mauugei EVERY EVENING AT H O'CLOCK. Mr: P. 8. UILMor.K, LEVY AND THE FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. programme to-night. 1. Overture. "Corlnlanua" Baethoren 2. Song. "Hlnmenthal" Lange Ii. Selection lrom operas of Bellini 4. Overture, "Nacbtlajor".., Krentaen ft. Cornet Solo, Arbucltle ....De B'-riot fl. Concert Welti. "Bright Star" banner 7. Cornet Solo, Levy. "Traviatn" Unrtmnn 8. Selection. "M idarne Angot" ..Lecoen 0. Scena. "II Trovatore?Miaerere" Verdi 111. Farketans, "Marche am Flambeaux" Meyerbeer Admission.. .V) cents; boxes (tour places). S3 and *4. Bowery theatre. Thursday, june 23, Benefit "f the popular artiste, Mesara. KIDNEY SMITif and HARRY COLTON. and Oral product .on ol the new S naaiional Drama, CALIFORNIA PIONEERS, In which Mr. M. E. RYDER will appear. Alao the favorite Burlesque, BL aCK-KYED nUSiCT. K r.LLY A LEON'S OPERA HOUSE, BSD BT. opposite Bootlt's T heatre. KEL1.Y A LEON'S M1NSI KEL& Unqualified success of NORMA and the TWO Or'F-UNB. Norma. The only Leon Coaming to Pelhata. Dedicated to Colonel Kane. TTNION SQUARB THE AT IRK." ?? Proprietor Mr. RTIERIDAN SHOOK Munager Mr. A. M. PALMER MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 19, engagement for a abort season ot THE YOKES, who will appear in their great specialty, BELLES OK THE KITCHEN, Preceding the Yokes each evening will be gives UN charming Comedy In two acts, entitled the POST BOY. In which Mr. J. H. STODDARD will appear, supported by Messrs. Claude Burroughs, TT. R Phillips and IL-rrj Josephs, and Misses Laura Dun, Roberta Norwood and Geraldine Mare. Box office open from 8 till 6. PaRtsiAN Varieties. matinkk to-day; PARISIAN VARltTIRR 100 LOVELY WOMEN Popular prices 1 10th St. and Broadway | Coolest Theatre. The Lending Sensational Varieties of America. GIGANTIC ARRAY OF TALENT. IIS) Star Artists in 21 Original Acta EXHILARATING. PIQUANT AND KI'ICY'. NAUGHTY DEACONS. I MY WIFE'S GARTER. THE IGHTS OF W 'MEN. LA FKTK DE CAUTINIBR LA MINUET. | NO! NO ! ! I TABLEAUX VIVANTH Everything New. I Grand Olio. | Everything New, Make no mistake. Most popnlar and extensive entertainment in New York Strangers' Delight and the Envy of Rivals. Fashion's Retort. Every Evening at 8 o'clock. Matinee every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 3. T"~HiRD AVEKUB~THEATRE. near 31 at *t. IMMENSE BILL THIS WEEK. Miss H ERRING in her greatest nurt. CAREER OP -IVCK SllEPPARD, together with the following talent;? Warren Sisters, Commodore Nnit, Miss Lilllc Hall, Major Mitt, Miss Annie Hindis, Gus Les, Miss A'la'Lanrent, J. W. McAndrews. Mlsa Nellie Y'onng, George P. Macdoueld, George Warren, C. K. Keahert, and others in their specialties. Every evening 8 o'clock Matinees Wednesday and Fa tab day 2 o'clock. w ALLACK'M. TO-NIGHT MR. AND MRS. W. J, FLORENCU 111 appear a* the vlll appear ?> tne HON. BARDWKLL a DOTE * un<t MRS. GENERAL OILPLORY, FOB Til K 120T11 TIME IN Tills TIIKIR NATIVE CITT. NOTE TO STRANGERS The managi-in nt call attention to the fact that the Cometh of the MItiHTV DOLL AIt wan the OM.V STRIOTI.1 ORIGINAL PLAY produced in New York Muring the eeaaoi of 187-t-at. and at onec achloTeil a LEGITIMATE SUCCESS It Is now in its second run and la nightly attracting crowdt ot i.alighted auditor*. Curtain rises at H o'clock, and carriage* may be order*! at KAf. PTrK THEATRE. Itlto \DWAY AND XID 81 ORE AT SUCCESS, Second week of the brilliant engagement of Mr. JOSEPH MURPHY, a* DAN O'llAKA, in Fred Marsden's Drama, ?THE KERRY OH AN IRISH PLAY OP THE ROBERTSON SCHOOL, AFFORDING TWO HOURS OF 'JOYOUS Fl/N. CLASSED BY THE PRESS with "THE 811AI JIIIUUN.' EVERY EVENING AT 8. BATURDAY AND WEDNESDAY MATINEE AT 3. Admission. SOe. and 35c.: Renerred Seats. SI. J^IGNOLO'S FAREWELL. POSTPONEMENT. On acooent of the great * access of Mr. GE9RQB RIG NOLD In California his performance of ROM Kit AND JULIET, for the bensflt of the New Yurk Central Dispensary, trill n* avoidably l>e postponed until SATl liDAY Evening, Julr 8, 1878. The box office will be opened at Academy of Mnslc to-daj (Thursday) for the sale of tickets, as promised, but sflel thin date will not be again opened until and alter Wednee day. July r>. C1HATBAV MABILLI ?S4TH ST. AND 8D AVl " J The sensational theatre ol New York. IK) STAR ARTISTS Is NEW AND ORIGINAL ACTS Solcy and entertaining. 20 BEAUTIFUL FORMED FEMALE MODELS In the finest Tableaux Virants extant. Le Minuet de Paris, delightfully voluptuous. B?st of talent and spiciest entertainment in New York. Evening-, at Tuesdav. Thursday and Satarday MaM nee*. Don't lall to visit the Chateau Mabllle. I RIRALFY ALHAM BRA PALACE. Bruad it., Philadelphia. The original Spectacular Ex traragansa, A TRIP TO IDE MOON. New Scenery, Costumes, Armors, Jewuls and gorgecn* Bal let*. Promenade Concerts In the gardens. JJALDwTn'iT AOA&KMY "OF ~MUSIC, * Ban Francisco. Cal. Proprietor and Manager THOMAS MAGUIRB Acknowledged the meet b-anllfnl appointed theatre la the United States, most favorably located Wa .ted, immediately, for the season of 187B-7T, a youthful Juvenile Lady. Low Comedian. (Inst elaae; First Walking Gentleman. Stellar attraction of the highest class, operatic and dramatic. Individual or in combination, Bret open date August 7. Mrs. James A. Dates' English Oomlc Opera Company ha* in*trnct*u pending negotiation*, unanswered correspond ence and application* for lime referred 1st the undersigned Address NAM UhL COLVILLK, 94 4?h av.. Mew kork. sili nee a respeetlnl negative. Palais'royal. 4*? hth ay.?40 yduno lady at trndants; greed voce! and Instrumental concert Iron 7 until 1 o'clock ; admission t'roo. , A GAIN A GAIN. A CI eolation of the EARNING TELEGRAM fbr tbf week ending Jaoe 17, IB7B. ADVERTISING 900. A LINK. Monday, Jnne 12 * .....84,330 3D. . A LINK. Tnrsday, June I ;t 83,301 ADVERTt.sING 30C. A LINK. Wednesday, Jane 14 87.BM ' ADVERTISING 30C. A LINE. Thursday, Jane 13 39,490 AD.KRrl.-I.SO 3UC. A LINK. Friday, Jnne IB 49,1(0 AOVEP.TIBINO 20C. A LINK. Saturday, Jnne 17 84.SBC ADVERTISING 20C. A LINE. ADVEKTIBINU 200. A LINK. Total 330.300 ADVERTISING JOC. A LINK. Dally average > 88,384 Parties going out vl the eity should snhscrtbe for riiE evening tklkgram. fiOc. per month, $d?ye*r; postage prepaid. TV' HITTIKR K "I'll TKNNIAL HYMN"? PKIrE ICC. IN T7 Svo. form, 3D*, in sheet music lortn: lor mixed and molt voices; music by J K. Point: no ce ebratlon nt Joiy4com> Kiel* with jut this magnificent hymn; also Keller's "Angel of Psace," lUc., and the American .National Airs, He. each.i DtTsoN A Co., 711 Broadway. tt atc iiknT jEWIEHTTlitT Tf 7- bi.eeckr.ritlUX'I^aB^aI' ?WfltCT A advanced on Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry. Ae.; aloe Pawnbrokers' Ticket* bought of Diamond*, Wetibtn, Ads