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TROTTING AT PODGliKEEPSIE. Second I>ay of the Sum mer Meeting. m WEATHER AND LaRGI ATTENDANCE. TWO CAPITAL CONTESTS. The First Trot Won by Lady Mills and the Second by Alley. The weather wag delightful yesterday afternoon, a shower having watered the course about one o'clock, thus laying the dust on the grounds and the lumpiKca leading thereto. 1 be track was in splendid condition lor speed, and great calculations were uiado on reduc ing the record* o! the contending horses The attend ance was much larger than on the ptevious day, wnd all appeared satisfied with the trotting as it canto off. Two events took plac-, one for 2:39 horses and the other hy those who hud never beaten 2:31 The first trot was for a purse of $750 for horses that had ucvcr beaten 2:38; $37."i to the first, $175 to tho second, $125 to the third and $75 to tho fourth horse; mile beats, next three tu five. In harness. Kor these premiums there were eighteen entries, comprising W Boduie'a bay mare I.udy Mills, YV. K Weeks' chestnut golding W. C. Derby, IV. llnslord's bay mure Carrie N., Wat-b rume Brothers' bay marts Irish Maid, W. A. Hotnnns' hay gelding William Lewis, 1). Cuunlnghuui's chestnut gelding S.lus Kicb, J. H. Goldsmith's bay gelding Driver, M. 11. Whipple's bay tnaro Seu Queen, J. jau't gray gelding Kd. Bills, C. Dlckcimuu's chestnut mare Lady Lowe. It. Cole's bay mure George Kay, U. ". Cole's buy gelding Joseph A., J. J. Hornbook's bay nare Nightingale, W. hakiug's hay gelding Missouri ioy, J. tiillctt's black gelding Jim Murray, A. llopkius' ; tray gelding W U. Roberts, T. Bull's chestnut mare j Maggie B. and L. /.eh's bluet mare Dtlilali. W. C. ^ Derby, Irish Muld, Wllliom Lew is. Sea tjueen, Joseph A., Jim Murray, W. R. Roberts and Georgt Ray were with- j drawn previous to the btart. Lady Mills was tho favor- I lie over any other named horse, Driver the second I choice. Lady Lowe tho third and the field tho fourth in '? demand. Lady M ills lrott< d much luster than any of ! the others, and won tho ruco in three straight hem* In most excellent time; and there is uo uoubt that she oun do u great deal belter when called on. The second trot was lor a purse of $900, for horses that have never bealcu 2:31; $400 to the first, (200 to Die second, $120 to the third and $S0 to the lourlh horse; mile heats, best tbreo in live, >n harness. There were six entrlos for this event. These were Jacob Som | rrindykc s chestnut mare Melissa, C. Clark's hay geld- ! Ing Reuben, J. H. Goldsmith's bay gelding Alley, C. i Dxkerman's bay gelding Harry .Spanker, K. Thorn's , bay mare Kuigma and J. Randolph's bay gelding Jeri cho. Harry Spanker was the favorite, selling 4or a tritic more than Alley, IheJicM being tho third choice at a low figure. Spanker won 'the first beut, Kuigma tho second, and then Alley became the lav rite in the betting at even money against tho other two. The third heat was won by Alley by a head, and bo then be came u great lavoriu over the field. He won the fourth beat, uud then bettrng ceased altogether, as It h as considered, as they suy on the other side of the ocean, "a moral'1 that he must win the race, djh.-y won the filth heut and the race In splendid style, prov ing bimtelt a reliable, enduring and rapid horse. The following are the details of the trolling as It camo of!. TilB FIRST TROT. Firit lie at.?Nightingale had the best of the send off. K.t Sills second, Dedlab third. Lady Mills fourth, | barrio N. flllh, Silas Kick sixth, Driver seventh, Lady Lowe eighth, Maggie U. niulh. Going u ouu 1 the ipper turn Lady .Mills trotted around the others, and it the quarter pole led lour lengths ia<<8 seconds, Silas Rich second, Currio N. th'rd, hd. Sills lourtb. Lady Lowe Ulth, Deli.ah smb. N ightiugale seventh, Driver eighth. Muggio It. niutli. Going down the backstrctch Situs Rich closed on Lady M ills, and at tho null.mile : ?olc?lime 1:14?was at her shoulders, Delilah third, i ,ady Lowe lourlh, Kd. Sills li lb, Carrie N, sixth (she 1 having broken up badly), Maggie B. seventh, Night ingale eighth. Driver ninth S.tus Rich trolled to th? Iront on the lower turn, and came Into the homestretch in Iront; hut com.'.g up tbe homestretch he resigned the lead again to Lady Mills, who ratue on nicely and wo# the heat by three length-, Delilah sec ond, Silas Rich third, t urrie JJ. tourili, Lady Lowe tilth, Kd Sills sixth. Nightingale seventh, Driver eighth, | Maggie it. distanced. Tune, 2:31V Sernnil Unit ?Iuidv Mills was favorite over the field j at 25 to 12. Alter a number of false siarts. In which three-quarters of an hour was wasted, the word was given, with Driver leading. La ly Mills second. Night ngale third, Kd. Sills lourth, Silas R'ch tl th, Lady 1 i.uweseventh. Delilah eighth. luid.v Mills soon showed j in front, and at the quarter pole, w Inch" wae passed in 27 seconds, sbo led five lengths. Lady Lowo second, right lengths in advance of Kd. Sills, fount). Driver filth. Carrie N. sixth. Silas Rieli gov nth tnd Delilah eighth, if ong down thebaokstretch Lady I .owe trotted rfipidlv alter Lady Mills, making the lat ter go to ihe lall-mile pole in 1 11. Miss Rich was thud. Nit'bnngnle lourlh, Delilah tilth. Carrie V sixth. Driver seventh and Kd. Sills eighth. L dy Mills came on iroro tlier: si a rapid rate, several lengths up the lioraestretch, and would liavo distanced lour or live, wheu a man called out to tbe dnvcr ol the mare to < pull her up, so as uot to alter her record. She was nearly ltopptsd.bat wou tho heat by a lew iengths iu 2'3l. ?aily Lowre second. Carrie N third, Delilah lourlh. 5 las Rich filth, Driver Sixth, Nightingale sevonth and Ed Sills eiglilb. Third H'at. ? Denial) bad the best of the lead, Lady Ut'ls ssiond Nightinga.e third. Lady I,owe lourtb, ?'has Rich fifth. Drivi r sixth. Carrie N. seventh. Liny Mills soon reached tbe trout and opened a wide gup ty the quarter potc in 88 seconds, Silas Rich second. Dri ver third, Deihab lourtb. Uarrt# N. tilih, Nightingale sixth. Lady Low- aovtnih. Lodv Mills led s x lengths to the hall in le pole in l'lft and coming on steadily ; won the heat as she liked by sx lengths in 2:34. Carrie V second. Driver third, Sila.- R'cb lourlh. Nightingale fifth. Deli ah sixth Ladv Low* seveiuh, Carrie N. ) Eighth. The following is a si'a us nr. Hrnnox Riykk Privixg Dark, Poiomutwsm?Srcoxd Day, June 21.?Trolling?Rur>-o $7ftu. lor horses that have never hi aten 2:3s; $375 to tho firs), $176 to tho 8c<-omi, $125 to the third, and 17ft to the fourth horse, mtlo beats, best three in live, in harness:? , W. Bcdlne's b. in. Lady Mills.,,, Ill W. Ra?lord's b in' Currie N 4 3 2 I I,. Zeh'a oik. m. Delilah 2 4 6 (X llickcrman's ch. in. Lady Lowe. 5 2 1 II. Cunningham's eh. g. Silas Rich 3 6 4 . J H. Goldsmith's b. g. Driver. 8 ? a J.J Hornbeek's b. m. Nightingale 7 7 6 J l.angnn s g. g. Kd. Jkfll- r> 8 dr Wash bom Broa b. nr. Irish Maid .' ilr W .V. Romans' b. g. IV Lewis dr M H. Whipple's b. m. Sea Queen cir W. K Weeks' ch. g. W. C. fieiby.. dr B. Colo's W g. George Ray dr. K. P. Cole's e g. Joseph A dr. j William Calling's b. g. Missouri Boy dr, I. Gillelt's lilk. g. d 111 Murray dr. k. Hopkins' g. g- IV. R. Roberts dr. L Mud's ch. m. Maggie B dl*. | Tint Quarter. Half. Mile. first heat 38 1:15 2:31 >4 Second heat 37 1:11 2:31 Third heal 38 1:1ft 2:34 Til It SKlOM" TROT. First Ileal?Jerietio had tbe best of tho send-olT, Harry Spanker second, Alloy third, Melissa teuitb, 'Reuben nub. in;.ma S xth. Going around tho up| or utrii Harry speaker went to the trout, followed by Me i.-wa, and when f-pmker passed tbe quarter po.e he led .wo hngtli*. Meiis-a second, two lengths in udvwnco of UHsy, J richo lourth. Ktn.ina Ul li, Reuben sixth, ilire 38 seconds. Going .low n ibe litekstreieh Spanker ipenco the .ap to three lengths. Menssa second, tour \ ? nglhn lu advuuc: ol Alley, who was one length ahead >1 Jem ho. kuigma filth, itcuben bringing up the rear, iiiic, 1:14V Going around the lower turn Melissa hut up ail the daylight, spanker leading into the tomestretcli one length, lie came steadily homo, and ton Utc heal hv two lengths. Alloy second, two lengths u iront cl Melissa. the latter tour lengths ahead o: erlclio, alio wa., six lengths in advance ol Reuben, fime, 2:3ft ,V>-na tl'at.?Jericho was away first, Harry cipankcr second. Alley third, Melt.-su four h, Kniguiw 11,iu and t *Xih. At Ibe quarter polo, which was parsed n MM seconds, Bpauker leu two lengths, Aliey oeennd, | tali a length iu trans oi Jericho, tbe latter three engilis \ u advance ol, Melissa tilth and Keuiien sixth. I Jotng down lh<< bockurett h r. tug ma trotted las , pass ! ug Jericho ?nd Alley, and as (ipufier pa??ed the half- ' niie pole was at his wheel, Alley third. Jericho lourth. feint* Ullb and Reuben sixth. lime, 1:14. Going dong the lower turn Kuigma panned spanker, and XWnihg away had three lengths the best ol it as she Stared tits homestretch. Rite was nursed along to too >ad, sbo wanting a heap of it, ami won the heat by a en th, Ppsftkcr second, a length in iront ol Al ey, eho was two lengths In advance of Melissa, Jericho 11th and Reuben six b. Time. 2:30. Tkirtl H" L?Jericho was hist away, Harry .Spanker ireond, Melissa third, Knlgma fourth. Alley filth, ?tenlicii sixth. Spanker took tbe lead .round the upia-r turn andat the quarter poi- wa* two length* iu front ol km gin. i, i ue letter a lei gilt ahead of A Isy. .1 criclio lourih, Melissa filth, Retiis-n six'li. Time, 3tJt aoc mda. Kntgtna pre.-scu Bpauker a.I the do we tuc i s< ksiretch. ami at the hall mile |wtle lay at hi* whci I. i Hhe was three lengths ahead ol Alley, the latter i eing m\ lengths m advance ol Jericho, who was Inerawsy rum Moilssn, Keuiien stx length* inrther or! lime, I 11V Kmgma carried Spanker to nroak on tbe lower i tarn, sod alter taking tbe lead broke op herself. She, however, kepi In front all tbe way up the homestretch until aha reached the distance Maud, when fcOe began to quit badly aud Alley gained ou hrr at every at ride uutil he heat ber at the post by a head. Mel.tea came In third, Harry Spanker lourtli, Jer.cho flftb, Reuben sixth. Time, 2:211 fourth Heat?Jericho bad a trifle the beat ni a capi tal start, Harry Spanker second. Alley third, Kuigma fourth, Reuben fllib, Melissa sixth. Spanker ai d Al ley drew out from the others and at tbo quarter pole led by a head in 38^ seconds. Enigma two h tigths behind them, hut three lengths iu advance of Jericho, the Inner lour lengths lu irool of Reuocn, who we- onu length ahead of Mel sea. fining down the backstretch Kmgma out-trotted the leaders, and passing ihem led halt a length at tho half-mile pale III 1 Id. Alley serond, Hurry Spanker third, Jer.cbo tunrtb. Reuben flflh. Melissa sixth. Kntgma led around the lower turn, acd was three lengths in trout of Alley as she came into the homestretch; hot coming up toward ibe distance et.ind she again quit Imdly and Alley pas-ed and w?gs i he heat by lour length-, Enigma second lour lengths in advance ol Melissa, who hsd her bead in Irnnt of Spanker, Jericho illtli, K? uben sixth. Time, 2:31 h\fth Heat?Jertebc was .-gam first away, Alley second. Enigma third, Melissa lonrtb, Harry Spanker ttllb. Reuben sixth. Jericho kept the lead to the quarter polo, passing that point a length in front of Alley, who was one leuglli ahead ol Kiugma, Harry Spanker fonrth, Melissa tllili, Reuben bringing up tbo rear. Time. 40 seconds, lining down ll;o ? hues stretch Alley out-trotted Jericho, and was Drat at the ball mile pole by halt a length, Kuieinu second, three lengths In advance ol Harry Spanker, Melissa tilth, Reuben sixth. Time, 1:13. The rare waa close between Knigtna and Alley around the lower turn, (he latter pa-mug the thrm quarter pole with hi- neck In front, Jericho ihird, spanker lourtli, Melissa tilth, Reuben sixth. Kutgmu tired on the home stretch, and Alley won the heal and race, Knigmu second, Jericho third, Harry Spanker lourth, Reuben fifth, Melissa sixth. Time of tbe heat, 2:34. Tbe foHowing Is a ?i-hhary. Sans Day.?Purse $800, lor horsee that have never beaten 2:31; *4'0 to the first, $200 to tho second. $120 to the third and $80 to the lourth horse; mile beats, best three in Ave, in harness. k remits. J. H. Goldsmith's h. g. Alley 2 3 111 K Thorn's b. in. Enigma 4 1 2 2 2 C. Dlckerman's h. g. Harry spanker .... 1 3 4 4 4 J. Somerindycko's ch. in. Melissa 3 4 3 3 0 J. Ri.n 'olph's h. p. Jericho & ft ft 6 3 C. Clark's b. g. Reuben 0 0 6 0 5 TIMS. ? Quarter. Half. , Mile. First heat 38 1:14',' 2 30 Second heat 381:14 2:30 Third heat 301:11.if 2:2# Kourih heat 3S'i 1:13 2:31 Fifth heat 40 1:15 2:34 POINT BREEZE PARK RACES. I'ltii.AnKLrHiA, June 21, 1870. The first running meeting of the Point Breeze Park Association begins on Saturday, June 2$, and will con tiuueover the following- Monday, Tuesday und Wed nesdny. From present indications the meeting will be very successful. There aro at present about fifteen In rses on ibe ground, including ilie stables oi Belniuul, McPanlele, Mcfiraih, Clubuugh. Bowto, Lewis A Co., I', l.orillard and Doiiuhue. The arrangcrm-nia are iu charge of Mr. U. D. Ferguson, Secretary ol tho Mary land Jockey Club, and dm rucing will be under the rules of that association. THE IRISH RIFLEMEN. FTNAL COMPETITION AT DT7NDAXK FOB PLACES ON 'THE TEAM FOB AMEBICA?THE 8HOOTINO AND 8COB#8?NAMES OF THE VICTORS?THE CHOSEN ONES?A NABROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. Dublin, June 10,187& To-day we had at the Dundalk ranges the weather to which in England they apply tbo loyal epithet ol ??Queen's weather," because ol tbo proverbial good fortune oi Queen Victoria in this respect. It would have been impossible'to find a greater contrast to last Saturday than to-day "presented. It was simply charm ing Bright sunshine, without being too hot, a pleas ant air that fanned one whenever tbe sun seemed for a moment Inclined to be too warm, aud a capital light on tho targets that all tbe shooters recog nized as perfect. The trees looked simply beautiful Iu their abundant and tender foliage. Yonder, about two miles away to the left, rose die Carlingford Mountains like a chain ol sentinels guarding the fertile plains of Louth at their feet. Tbe whole scene was mors peaceful, perhaps more pic turesque, certainly more cultivated than Dollymount. However, tbe two ranges cannot be compared lor a moment. This at Dundalk Is so narrow thai only two targets cau bo used. It Is also provokingly short, so that to-day, for example, tbe firing had to be suspended more than once by reason of passing vessels coming into range. These drawbacks certainly did not exist at Dolly mouut. TBS shooting. The tiring did not begin until past ten A. K. But It went on slowly, and did not finish until half-past six P. M.?eery dilatory practice, it must be admitted. TDc clnel cause of this slowness was the "fish tail" wind, which kept veering about all day as if following the sun. and c ime occasionally in disturbing eddies through the trees. Subjoined aro Till SOORKN. Eight liumtrrd Yard*. Total*. Clarke 06;) 3445 6 535556 5?62 Creed 35445445354 5 64 3?63 Pyas 5 2 4 5 6 4 5 4 5 4 3 4 4 6 2?61 (ton 5 4 5 5 63343666 3 4 6?64 tireeublll 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 5 4 4 6 5 4 2 5?65 Joynl 2 5 4 5 6 3 4 5 5 5 6 3 3 3 2?oil McKcnmt 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 5 4 6 4 6 5?62 Pollock 6 3 5 3 4 4 5 5 4 6 5 4 0 2 2?56 Highy. J"hn 3 5 4 5-6 5 5 6 4 5 4 4 5 4 5?66 Captain Harris 4 4 3 3 0 3 2 5 5 2 6 3 0 5 4?46 Smyth 4 4 4 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 4 5 5?67 1 henne 2 4445345646444 3?60 Traill 30 5 5 4445 5 55464 4?62 INCWKNT8 John Rlgby was cot competing, as it bad been al ready arranged tnat be should be subsequently ??uom n.iltd" lor the Dual competition. Ho fired really lor the sake of practice. Ca-tain Harris (late oi the Twentieth regiment of foot, regulars) bad bad some intentlou of entering the competition lists; bui this Intention vanished tins morning n presence ol li s low score. Neither he uor Mr. John Rlgby fired at the higher ranges. Instead they d voted thcinelvcs to the less honorablebni most necesenr) business ot marking, the markers engaged not acquitting themselves satisfactorily ol their duties. The scores at the higher ranges are as lollows:? JVlwe Hundred Yard* Total*. Clarke 6 3 2 5 5 6 5 6 4 4 5 3 4 5 6?65 Croed 3 4 4 3 2 5 3 4 4 0 3 5 4 5 6?64 Dvas 4 3 4 3 4 4 5 6 4 3 4 2 6 3 5?57 (iolT 4 4 6 6 2 4 4 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 6?67 Grecnhtil 5 2 3 5 2 6 5 5 5 4 3 8 4 3 0?54 Johnson... 0 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 6 3 5 5 5 4 5?62 Joy lit... 3 5 4 3 6 5 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 5 5?65 McKctina 6 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 5 4 3 0 4 4 3?52 Pollock 4 4 4 3 4 2 4 0 8 5 5 5 5 4 4?66 btnvlh 3 5 3 3 2 4 4 5 4 6 5 2 4 4 6?66 Thynne 4443 5 454604450 5?66 Iraill 4 3 4 0 4 6 3 4 4 4 4 3 0 5 5?52 One Thousand Yards. Clarke 5 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 5 5 5 5 8 6 4?63 (reed 83 3 23464 5 4243 2 4?62 Dvas 6 2 6 4 5 4 0 2 4 5 4 4 4 5 3?56 Coif 5 3 3 5 5*2 54463466 o?b3 Oreenhill 3 4 4 8 6 2 3 6 6 6 6 3 4 4 6?00 ?loin son 5 3544645456463 4?65 Joynl 6 4 2 4 6 2 3 3 3 5 4 6 0 3 8?61 McKenna 2 3 5 0 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 4 4 5 0?14 Pollock 42460566 4 6 4 2 4 8 2?54 Smj th 3 2 4 4 8 2 4 5 5 6 4 3 5 4 3?56 Thvnne 3 5 0 5 5 5 4 6 6 2 0 4 6 4 5?57 Traill 00504000050 3 43 8?26 TOTALS. Names. Clarke.... Creed Dyas (Jon oreenhill. Johnson.. Joynl McKenna. pollock. . . Smyth.... Thynne... Traill Jou neon ....... tiotf Kigbv, William. 0 arke Joynt Ryes Oreenhill.. Smyth (reed rii\ nne McKcnn t PolKw k Seymour 1 ay lor TVislll hi a * ?T S O a a X s. -5 V s -lit. ;?? - 5a ^ A ?4 -'f j 5 183 im. id'. 378 18. _ 104 376 ll*i 177 387 17* 175 1?*> 365 16*1 185 175 360 174 tM 17 i 359 157 173 170 352 ? 167 181 848 15" 177 16 .146 l.v. 17.. 167 17. 15? 539 31J 164 16* 16< 330 10* _ ? 166 _ ? 161 146 31 297 ? ?M Pi 3? 6 9 1 & ? a. 65 63 160 63 5 52 169 61 6i 6t> 174 64 t.7 63 l'?-4 66 64 (0 179 65 62 65 192 60 6. 61 175 62 62 44 158 66 56 64 1(16 ? 67 55 66 181 60 66 67 172 6. 62 ?26 159 RKI.KCTIMU THK "TkS. There were now all the daia necessary lor "select ing" the ten competitors. The rule adopted by the Irish Rifle Association was that the ten competitor." whoso totsi scores taken on any two days out ol the three days ol competition stood highest should bo ??selected." The meaning ol this "soli clinn" shall hu. explain-d presomiy. The lollowing is tho summary of the total score, lot the three days:? Mrtiunst Thus, It will be seen that rt, pr. Jnhn<on's scores were highest on the -eooud and third days, hence bis I total will be taken for tbose dsya; whereas Pollock's highest scores were on the dm and tuird dare Golf competed only on tbe flr-t ami third, William Higby on tbe tirst and second day*. Theme example* wnl ex plain the principle on which the tins! "total" lathe fourth column ?i tbo foregoing table has b*'eu aiade up. it will be seen that the ten bmbest competitors stand in tbe tallowing order:? First, JAhuson: second, Golf; third, William R'ghy; fourth, Clarke (Brodigan); filth. Juyol; Mxib, Dyas; seventh, (iron lull; eighth, Smyth; ninth, Creed (Cooper); tenth, Thynne. CHOLCX. These ten competitor* are now "aeleetod." That is to say, they will ho admitted to alnrther trial, together with lour others to be "nom.Dat' <t" by Minor Leech, as Captain. This flnsl trial will be held at Wicklow on the 23tb and 29tn of Juno. On each ol those days each competitor will he te<iuired to Ore fifteen shots at each ol the three ranges?800, 900. 1,000 yards. Tbe ten men scoring the highest total* ol points in tbia two-day competition will consulate the team for America. FOOT NOTCH. 1 should add that although Major Lceeh Is authorized to ''nominate" only lour additional competitor*, it is understood that be tnay uomlnatn more, it the commit tee of management agree that they arc proper persons lor such "nomination." It is generally known that among those to be nominated are John Rlgby, J. K. M liner and Mr Watson. There will not improbably be four or live more. . It will he noticed, on looking at the above list of "selected" competitors, that Messrs. Clarke and Creed havo two names Tbe ical names are given within the parentheses. They did not, during the competition, wish to appear In propria prrtond. A NARROW ESCAPE. 1 regret to say that the day was vory near being marred by a sern us accident. Tho markers being new to the work Major Leech bad gone up to the targets to instruct them. While he was engaged In washing out the bullet mark from target No 2 one ol tbe riflemen, who was tiring at Mo. 1, missed Irs own target and hit No. 2 The bul el splintered lu the rebound, mi some ol tbe splinters penetrated Mi\)nr Leech's bat, cutting the right forehead; others struck bis lace. c> nlusing the left cheek for fully three inches Immediately under the left oyo The eye narrowly escaped. Tlio hat was quite riddled, (iroal sympathy was naturally Iclt and expressed for the Cuplam ol the leant, whose zeal had brought dim into the position which the awkwar Inesa of a shooter had made so dangerous, and ail rejoiced that the ill eOocts ol the accident were happily light by comparison. ?CHEEDMOOR. CONTINUATION OP TITE COMPETITION TOR PLACER ON THE AMERICAN-IRISH TEAM. The second day's shooting In tho first competition for places otf tho American-Irish team brought one more entry to tho tiring point >esterday. Although the wouther lo ordinary eves appeared very One tho marksmeu lou d much to complain of in the fickleness of the wind and the uncertain light. The object of this competition was to select from all the competitors ihe sixteen making the highest aggregate scores for both days; but there being only fourteen competitors none are excluded from the noxt contest, from tho rocord of which, addi'i^ to that of the present competition, tho twelro composing the team and reserves arc to be se lected. Soma of those who stood among th highest In tho previous day's shouting did but poorly yosterday. Below aro tbe scores:? Vardt. a. w. tale. Total*. 800 54625446345885 6?66 900 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 6 6 4 5 6 4 0?67 l.OUO.O 635464655366455303 5?79?212 H. penTON. 600 464664434555 8 6 3?66 9(H) 06 6 64366446464 6?63 1,000.4 4 0 0 6 3 6 5 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 3 5 4 5 6?80?209 a. n. hoiigmax. 800 ?6 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 4 5 5 3 4?65 900 6484336 5 4 2 4554 6?63 1,000.3 5 0 5 4 5 5 6 4 6 0 3 4 4 2 5 2 5 3 3- 72?200 T. LA MR, JK. 800 443 5 5 6 46433553 5?63 900 6 3 4 3 6 5 3 6 6 3 5 4 4 4 6?b3 1,000.2 5 3 6 4 3 6 3 5 4 6 3 3 3 2 5 4 2 6 2?73?199 c. nustranKRKT. 800. 0 0 5 5 4 6 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 6 8?60 900 46536546636346 4?65 1,000.0 6 4 2 2 6 4 5 6 4 3 4 3 6 2 4 3 5 3 6?73?198 ISAAC L. ALLEN. 800 6 5 4 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 4 2 5 4 4?65 900 65605544545455 2?63 1,000.6 2 4 3 0 3 0 0 5 4 6 4 4 3 3 5 5 6 3 6?68?196 R. RATH BONK. 800 5 4 6 6 4 5 5 6 5 5 5 4 6 5 6?72 900 6 5 3 5 4 4 2 4 6 0 5 5 6 4 6- 61 1,000.0 4 4 4 6 0 5 4 0 6 4 3 4 2 5 3 2 0 2 4?60?193 A. V. CAXPIKLD. JR. 800 2 5 4 5 4 6 5 5 4 3 5 4 3 5 6-64 900 43356636536352 2?58 1,000.5 243333544530450352 2?65?187 H. F1HHKR. 800...., 3 5 3 5 4 5 2 2 3 5 3 6 6 2 4?56 900 53444333536454 6?f,0 1,000. 62 2 5553038055304446 3?68?184 O. W. DAVISON. 800 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 8 6 4- 56 900 6 3 4 4 5 0 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 4 4?61 1.000 . 3 0 0 4 5 6 0 3 6 6 6 5 0 3 4 0 0 3 4 3?57?174 A. AN HER SOX. 800 3 6 4 5 2 4 5 4 3 5 2 2 5 4 6- -58 900 64430434 5 45646 4?59 1,000 . 0 0 0 3 3 4 2 3 0 3 3 6 0 6 2 3 3 5 2 3?40?166 Tl. SMYTH. 800 4 5 3 4 0 3 4 0 2 3 3 3 5 8 0?42 900 5 236 6 634 3 3450 5 4?56 1,000. 5 3 2 3 4 4 5 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 4 5 2 4 2 0?68?166 * UK. HI.YUKNBl'KC. 800 3 4 3 3 5 5 5 3 4 5 5 3 6 5 5?63 900 8 0 0 2 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 6 4 5 3?30 1,000. 5 3 0 2 4 6 2 4 2 6 3 4 4 2 0 5 3 5 3 5?66?169 O. 1. MORSE. 800 3 4624335330263 5?60 900 3 2 0 0 0 6 5 6 0 0 3 4 2 4 3?80 1,000. 4 3 4 2 3 0 2 0 3 2 6 3 5 5 3 3 2 4 5 0?58?144 DOMINION RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Ottawa, June 21, 1876. The council of toe Dominion Ritlo Association met hero to-day and arranged a programme ol mutcbca for the annual competition. Alter fixing tho date of mooting for the ftth of September It was decided to allow srdooih-bnre shooting only with Martin Henrls. A Canadian trophy Is to bo oflercd tor competition at Wimbledon. Colonel Kirkpatnck leaven Kingston to morrow to take charge ol the Wimbledon team, which satis from Quebec on Saturday. BASE BALL NOTES. To-morrow . (Friday) the great game between the representative amateur clubs of New York aud Brook lyn?the Arlington* aud Chelseas?will be playod on the Cuuitoline Grounds. Saturday the Nameless, of Brooklyn, play tho Staten Island Club at Prospect Park. The following Saturday same clubs piay at Staien Island. Ou July li, tho Chel-eas, of Brooklyn, play the Yale College nine ou the I'uion Grounds. In future tho Chelsea Club will piny all their games on ilir Union Grounds. lilforts are made to have the Arlington* play ilictr games there also. The New Havcu Club g-arted lust uight on a Ave weeks' trip through the Western Slates. TheSiars, ol Syracuse, dcientcd the St. Lawrence Cluh. of Kingston, Canada, who are the champions of the Dominion, at Oswego, yesterday, by a seore of 14 to 11. At Providence the Fall Rivers beat the Rhode Islands by a score ol 2 to 1. At Indianapolis tho Philadciphlas dofoatod the In dianapolis Club by a score ol t> to I. LA CROSSE. Toronto, Ont., June 21, 1876. A special cablegram says tho Canadian la crossa teams played bcloro the Queen at livo o'clock this afternoon. A birch bark address was personally pre sented to Her Majesty by the Indiana. THE HEYNE POISONING CASE. . Nicholus Heyne, the father ot tho child supposed to hare been poisoned by the servant girl, Augusta Kas sen, yesterday told Coroner Kn kholl thai ho would not pay the expense ol having an nuulysls ma le of the child's stomal h and intcsliues, as he thought It was the duiv ol tho authorities to have the work done in tho interest ol law and the prosecution oi the crimi nal. The Coroner-say that tbey will not pay the ex pense, a id tho chemists, in wte absence of any guarau tee of their compensation, having already bilis against the city lor similar work, reluse to proceed lurther. The inreM Italian, ther. fore, remains lor the present at a standstill, but it is probable that the District Attor ney will take sicps forthwith in the matter. HOME FOR SICK CHILDREN. The arrangements for openiug a sanitarium for stele children at Morgan Station, on ihe Long Branch Rail road, have been completed, and the first colony of little ones leave to-morrow lor a week at tho seaside. There they mil have the benefit of fresh air. sea bath ing. wholesome lood aud totrty acres of shaded p.ay ground, one hunorcd children will Iw taken at first and others will to,lev as last as tonus are provided. Pick children under five years ol age will be taken, and these wilt bo selected trom the crowded tenement bouses. Such a practical charity as this deserves sub stantial suppo t, as it will do so much toward bringing down the high rate of tmani mortality lu the city. Contributions can b? sent' to Houry King, chairmnn, No. 40.1 West Twenty ninth street. The work Is under charge ol the ladies ot tho West Side Relief Association at that place. COLLISION ON THE HUDSON. toast uigbt the ferryboat Hudson City, of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company, ply lug ben\ocn Jersey City uud Iti-sbrosse* strovt, was run into by an iueora lug sieumcr ol the State Line, irom Glasgow. A large port on oi the leiryboat was carried away. It is uiiMiglit the Icrryboat. alter blowing tho fin-t whistle, 1 whicn means go' to tne right, and re- etvlng no answer, j proceeded on her course The Hudson City proceeded hi a dilapidated condit.on to Jersey City, whence sho was I round. i YACHTING. The Centennial Regattas To-Day and To-Morrow. WHAT VESSELS ARE ENTERED. Speculations as to the Probable Winners. Tbe regatta to-day, the first id the sertea given under tbe auspice* of tbo Centennial Committee, will be lor ; ecboonera and sloops, each divided into two claasea They are to sail over tbe New York Yacbt Club codrie, and tbe race will be sailed undur the munagemeot of Maura. G. L. Huight, New York Yacbt Club; Philip Schuyler, New York Yacht Club; D. S. Hines^ Brook lyn Yacbt Club; R. D. Tucker, Eastern Yacht Club; O. K. Cromwell, Scawanhaku Yacht Club, and John H. Rhodes. Atlantic Yacbt Club, comprising tbe sub cora mittoc appointed by the Centeunial Regatta Commilteo. The lollowing yachts have been entered for tbe reg'ttu:? F1BST CLASS SCnOOXERS. Mean Length. So. on Same. Owner. feet. Sail. Rambler W. II. ihomas I:t3.75 Id Drcadnaugl)L...C. J. Osbnru 122 05 1R Alarm Com G. I. Klngslund.. 117.03 3 t'ldnl Wave Wlliam Voorhw lid 6d 6 Aiolanta William Astor #0.08 11 SKCOMl clam scuooxaua. Estellc J. 1>. Smith 79.33 3 i Kc-.tlcss S Nicholson Kane 75.79 22 Mela. W. E. India 69.30 10 Peerless J. R. Maxwell 70.70 7 1 Kva K. Bum t.rubb 71.00 1 FIK8T CLASS SLOOPS. Graclc J. K. Hal-ey 68,73 R Arrow Dauiol Edgar 0.1.(10 4 Vmdex R. Centre 59.50 lu SKI ON It I'LAM SLOOPS. i Orion W.Cooper 60 50 17 | Und ue W. M. Brasher .51 50 21 W dudward H. 1. Willougliby 50.45 d Sadie W. E. Green leal 49. 9 Kmc O. F. Randolph 4937' 14 Schemer U S i.eo. 35.06 20 Annie J. EiUw-ortb. 49. 15 MnggeU C. s. Miration. 41.33 13 White Cap...... J. M. Forbes 37 50 12 Tbo entries aro cot as good ss were expected, and if the stranger visiting the regatta Imagines he sees the pick of the American yachts be will be in error, as ucilber the Idler, Palmer, Mndclclue, Colombia, Comet, Mohawk, Magic nor Triton are down on the list. In the Urst class scnconers there are ibe R imhlor. Dread canslit. Alarm, Tidal Wave and Atalama, three keel and two centre-board yachts. On paper the race looks I like A Cirr FOR TBI TIDAL WAVK, that Is, presuming the yachts encounter ordinary ' weather. An interesting loaturo ol tbo regatta will be tbo contest between the throe koel yuchta, and, Judging from what she has already done, tbe Drcadnaugbt will probably arrive homo tlrst. Tbe Atalanta is said to be sailing very fist, and as tbe Tidal Wave will have to allow bcr considerable time sbo may possibly de feat tbe favorite. For tbe aecond class schooners the Estelle, lie ?t loss, Mela, Peerless and Eva come to gethcr. The latter baa not been seen lu those waters Ibis season, so it la bard to say bow sbe will go. If the breeze be light the Mela will probably be able to dispose of tbo Peerless. The Gracie, Arrow and Ylu di-x meet lu tbo content lor the first class sloops, sod, judging Irom past performances, the Arrow will achieve another victory. In tbe second class there are nine ent-ies. Including the Ori >n, Undine. Windward, Sadie, Kate, Schemer, Anuie, Maggie B. and White Cap. It is ucarly impossible to pick a winner from so many Inst yacbis, especially without a peep at the weather; but, inking ibe chances of a stifT or light breeze, the Undine or Schemer will probably arrive In tbo front rank. THE SECOND day's RACES. Te regatta to-morrow will probubly be one of tbe most successful events ol the series, as H Is lor vacbts under fifteen tons measurement. In all probability tbere will be at least tblrty-tlve starters. Tbe regstta will be sailed uudcr tfe management of John 5i. Saw yer, Brooklyn Yacht Club; O. Cromwell and 61. Rooscvolt Schuyler, Soawanbaka Yacbt Club, and C T. Lippitt, Atlantic Yacht Club. Up to tbo present tbe lollowing yachts bsve entered:? tacuts or rirrssx tons axd index. * Length. Same. Club. Feet Henry Hoimes (new) Pav.onta 22 OR Fruu-Frou I'avonia 26.09 Fulton (new) Pavonta 26.09 Susie S. Brooklyn 27.03 William T.Leo Brooklyn 27.06 Yiciorta Brooklyn 27 06 Journeyman Columbia 28 06 Tough Columbia 16 07 Greenpoint.: \VillMinsburg 20.00 Mary Emma Soawanbaka 24.00 Fidget Seawait baka 27.11 W. Brown (new) Seawanhaku 27.04 Piuck and Luck (new) Williamsburg 22.08 Cricket Williamsburg 32.06 An Revnir Jersey City ? | H. W. Bt-ccher (new! Jersey City ? j Kate Jersey City ? ; Favorite Atlantic 21.00 W. H. Hamilton Hudson River 43.00 F.uroka Hudson Riv* SO 00 , Clara S Hunaon River 24.01 i Annie I. Hudson Kivor 22.10 I Florence Red Rank 27.00 i Maude Williamsburg 36.00 Am rica Williamsburg 22.00 j Rebecca Jersey Ciiy 36.07 ' Ac die Taylor I'avonia 21.00 , The regatta will be sailed under the following rcgula- I iiod?:? CLASSIFICATION AND ENTR1II*.? Fir?t class. all CiOllD aloopt under fifteen tons, old New York Yacht l lnb measurement, .-second class, all opaa yachts over twenty flva tret maun length. Third elas*. all open yachts of twenty-five tact rpcaii lengtti and undar. Fourth class. all open yacht- carry tngplea?e.-e or working taila. Entries mast t>? tu wrltlntr and Hied with the Chairman ol the nub-committee, Mr. J. >1. S wyer. No. H-i .-south street. New York, before twelve o'clock noon. June XI. 187B, and must contain actual me-suratncot ot the yacht entering over all and on the water line, accompanied by the measurer's certificate ot the club to which the yachtf belong. Sh.nsln. NtiNnrK* and Sail*. - Each yacht to fly at tbc peak the signal ot the club from which she is entered. D1 tinmiishing numbers will be assignud to a-eh yacht en tered. and owut rs and captain* will see that ther aro placed in the centre ol the mainsail abovo the reef points. Num bvismayhe procured Irotn J. M. sawyer. No Kb south street. There will he no restrictions as to tails lor first class. Second and third class to carry Jib and mainsail nulv. Fourth oiass will ho restricted to woraingjib aud mainsail, but tna> carry light sails. Thk Start - Tna start wiil be a (lying one tor all classe*. and ail yaclite will anchor in the cove to the ttnrtbwa d ot | tlic New York Yacht (hub House on Siaten Tsland aud he prepared to cross t.<e lina between tb ? judges' boat and club house at eleven A. M sharp and must cross the line within ten minute* a ter the gun fired for their class First pun to pi spare to start, secon i pun for lirst and fourth clseeea to start and third aim tor second and third classes to start. These guns will be fired at intervals of live minute*. Am j edit passing the line after the expiration of ten minutes from starting gun w,II he tiim-d a* though she had passed I ten minutes alter gun firedtu etart In r class. I Tiir Cocksk.- From siwkebflal off Ne > York Yacht Club llouse to and around stakebnat oil t.'onev Island I'oint. thence tb and around a stakco-n off Kay Kldge, thence to aud around a off Kohl ins Href, thence reinruinc to the homo st.ike'iuai and thence over the tame ronrso once again keeping all atakehoat* on the port bund [ In pni'ltig ano rounding them I IMK ALLOWANCK AMD MKASl'RKMItNT. ? Time aliowence will b>-ba-i-ii on length only for all classes, one-half ol ov- rliang Included In measnrcment. 'I ho allow inc.- will i be two minutes to the lout in mean length. Any t.rst class vuclil shill ng ha last the shall toreit ail clsiin. ( to the prise No restrictions as to number ol men In the ercond. third and lourih class tlieie shall be no re-trlctions as io ballast or men. except boon-lug nut ballast, which will not he allowed, i -wtier's lnra-nrciuent certified by he measurer of liiaciub will be received for all yachts enter I ing, but In ea-e a iiueailon ari-es concerning the meianro ! ment ol any boat it will be remeantrrd hy the committee. rUiLtMU yacht toueliin . any ho it. buoy or (tag used 10 mark out the course shall forfeit all claims to I the nrlse, except a* specified below. i An. boring will he allowed during the race, but no means allow e<l to propel a yactit except sails. [ .V competent person shall bs place I by the Regatta Com mittee on lu-nrd ol each stakehoat to make oheerratlons. and In the erent ot anr inform it loll being required he may he examined by the Judges lor that purpose. Aay viu stu n ?f these regulations shall be reported to the Judges Inim-dlately after the regatta, and. It required, re dueed to writing. 1 be Judges, If In their discretion the charges shall not he Irivolons. shall appoint an aarly day lor haaring tbem, and upon such hcarin.- may examine melt witnesses as snail lie produced bef <ie them Only one person from each yacht i affertrd by (lie decision shall appear be lore thru* \ achts on the port tack must invariably give way to those on the starboard tack, and In all cases where a nouht of the poseiollity ol the yacht on the port tack weathering the one on the ? hrb >uru tack shah exist the yacht on tho port tsek shall give way. If the other yanitt keep ber coatee and ran I into the own ro' the yacht on the port lack shall be com|>elled to pay all the damages and forfeit all claim to tbe prise. Any yacht bearing away or altering hrr course to leeward, and thereby compelling another yacht to bear away to avoid ' collision, shall lurleit all claim to the prite, except when I two yachts ate approaching a wind war shore, bnay or 1 stakehoat together, with a tree wind, and so woaa to each olio-ribs' i lie we alhariaaat can n <>t hear away clear ol the ' leewsroinost, and by standing on further woulu be In danger of ranuiag ashore or touching said buoy or ttakeboav, each . lee* ardiuoel yacht, on belug requested to boar away, is im mediately io comply, i n I will forfeit all rlalm to the j h> not so doing. I ll- wratliermoat yarht must, however, in | tills easu bear swav at the same tinia as the one sht hulls, If she ran do so will put coining In euiitnet | \V hen two racuts, by tna wind, are approaching shore, a buoy or stakehoat together, and so close t at the leeward most cannot lack eb nr ol the-Tlndwaidmnst, and by stand I ins on furtli-'r would l e In danger ol running ashore, or ' touching said buoy or stageboat ?ueh we thermost yacht, ; on being requested to nut about, is Immediately to camply. | and will birleit *" claim to the prise by not so doing, l'he I Irewardinost yacht must, (a this Case, however, lack at the I sanis-moment a* the one she haiis. If she can do so without i cciumg in coat ict. W hen r-nnding a mark boat or bnoy tho yacht nasrer thereto shall be considered the he.-idmo-t boat, and snoald any other yarht that is Io the regatta or rare compel a yacht or rer any mark boat or buov to tour b tlie said mark boat or buoy the arbt so compelling her shall fi'r I leit all claim to tbe prfie, and hat owner tuail pay far aU Imwm IkM tnar oeror thereby. Thi 7KI1I so compelled to touch ? mark boat or buoy ihi.U uot aufl. r pay penalty there!.,r Va kta (oinr free matt iavenably {In ?ay to those by tha wind ?a aitbar tack. In order Ut avoid conftistoa the Regatta Committee earnestly re<|tteal tho captains ol all steamboats, tugs and railug boats to keep oat ol the tray ol the racing yarhu, us, with such a Urge leal of starters, plenty ?>( room will be required In order to give every yacht a fair chance. Tn 11V CAM1DUH YACHT. Qi'snsr, June 31, 1876. The yacht Countess ol Dufferm arrived here to-day and waa visited by Lord Dufferm, accompanied by the Countess ana others. YACHTINO MOTES. The schooner yacht Vesta, Mr. S. Mllla, N T V.C., left Southampton (England) at noon yesterday, and Is now on her way to this port. She trill probably ar rive within twenty days The Reratta Committee of the New York Yacht Club is bard at work testing the merits of tho different yachts in ordor to select the one that is to represent the ciub in tbe match races for the America's Cup with tho Couatese of Dqferta. Tbe Madeleine and Idler sailed s trial on Tuesday afternoon, and In a lair breeze tbe latter was outsailed. Tbe Tidal Wave bas not yat been afforded a trial, but her speed will probably be tested before the end of tbe week. Tbe schooner yacbt Dreadnought, Mr. C J. Oaborn, has entered lor the Cape May race, to be sailed next week, and should there be plenty of wind will no doubt give a good account of herself. The schooner yacht Magic, Mr. Franklin Osgood, bas not yet made tier appearance In public Yachtsmen are looking forward to a match between her and tho Comet. Tbe members of the Brooklyn Yacbt Club will accom pany tbe regatta to-day tn the steamer Nevcrslnk, winch they have chartered lor the occasion. Tho Pavonia Yacbt Club baa ordered a handsome gold modal, valued at $76, which will be sailed lor !u a re galia with tbe Hudson Yacbt Club of New York. Tbe Brooklyn Yacht Club wnl start on Its annual cruise on Ju y .0, rendezvousing at Glen Cove Tbe lollowiug named yachts passed Whitestone, L. L, yesterdayMohawk, N.Y.Y.C., Mr. Garner, from New York, cruising eastward; Atalatitu, N.Y.Y.CL, Mr Astor, from City Islaud for Now York; Arrow, K.Y.Y.C, Mr. D. Edgar, Irotn New Rncbclle for New York; Queen Mab, no club, from Nnrragnnsett for New York; Vlodux, N. Y. Y.C., Mr. Robert Center, from a cruiee through Long Islaud Found for New York; Gipsy, N.Y.Y.C, Mr. H. L. Livingston, irom New York, cruising eastward. Tbe Columb'a, N.Y. Y.C., Mr. Les er Wnllaok, from Stamford, Coon., arrived off Whitestone, L. I., at sun set yesterday, and ancnorcd for Instructions. Tho Comet Is ancboreu off tbe Munbunsett House at Shelter island. Tbe Neptuce Yacht Clnb held \m'Cting last evening at their headquarters, corner of Sixth uvonue and Thir teenth street, to make arrangements lor tho coming season. It was resolved to open the dub house on tbo Shrewsbury River the second week ol next month. Alter tbe meeiiug tbe club indulged In a salmon supper and did not adjourn till midnight. THE NEREID REGATTA. To the Editor or Tine Herald:? Tbe Ubkald's account of the regatta ol tbe Nereid Boat Club this morning Is very humorously pitched and has csuscd a great dest of amusement inside tho club, if uot out. Some dellolencies and some inaccura cies io it, however, are calculated to misload poisons who only know the club through tho Herald and should "be corrected. 01 the three races rawed, two were highly respect able, and lor the unquestionable failure of the third a good reason existed. If the Herald reporter bad only known It, which he apparently did not The flrst raco was lor (our-oared g gs. The start was good, tbe race was quite cloaely coutested, the crews pulled well to gether, and the two miles were covered In 12m. 28s., which, fcr^ pigs in lumpy water, is good time. Tbe lost race was lor singles. The pulling in two oi tbo three boats was very good, and the race was intoresi'ng and devoid of ant ridiculous element. The second race, lor pair oarod shells, will ooubtless loug be laughed about Scarcely ever docs a regatta come off without some mishap, and the pair-oars were the victims In tins one. At the time ol the start tbe water was execs sively rough, and tbe light shells, beiug held by the sterns at tho storting boat, were violently wrenched by tbo seas. A pas-in; steamer Increased the commotion to such an extent that the steering ap paratus ot noth boats was demolished bv the efforts of the men to bold on to tbo sterns. Tho yoke lines ol the blue crew were snapped off and the bingee of tbeir opponents rodder beat so that it could not be turned, hut steered tbe boat on its own account. A pair oared shell Is the most tick lish ol crafts, and in rough water, without a rudder, is unmanageable. Still tbe crews of the two, talking across ut tbo stakebouts, decided to start, inas much as tnany Iriends were on the steamer purposely to see them. They v? ere scarcely off, however, hoforo the strong wind and tido began to sweep tliem help lessly down to the wes'ward, making tbe whole race into a ' good joke, winch tho oarsmi n, making the best ol circumstances, entered into. Tbe Herald bos been more thau severe in styling it a bur lesque regatta, as tbe only incident which waa out of the usual way of private regattas was the erratic courses ol the pair oars produced by the broken rud der Id a regular amateur or professional race where severe criticism is expected, tboso boats would novcr have started. ''PAIR-OAR." 8PELTERINI AT NIAGARA. A LADY TO CROSS THE RIVER ON A SINGLE ROPE. The great sensation ol tbe present day In the amuse ment world is the projected trip across the Niagara River ol a young lady, lately arrived Irom Europe, and known as tbe Signorina Maria gpeltertnl. This young artiste arrived id New York about two months ago. and baa ginco boon quietly making preparations to ac complish lb* feat that gave Blond In a world-wide repu tation. During ber stay in this city the Spelterini gave two representations at Jones' Wood, and per formed teats on tbe high ropo 100 Isct above tbe ground that at ouce convinced tbe specta tors of ber perfect right to tbe encomi ums sho has received from tbo Knropean press. Somo well knowu manag< re who wore prcscut at ber Initial performance treely expressed Hie opiuioa that sbe.excrlled in grace and daring any artiste Unit bus ever visited this rouniry. A Hkrai.o re porter paid Mile, dpeliorinl a vlait yesterday af ternoon, and in course ol a conversation learned the following (actsShe was born in I.fvorno. Italy, and made her first appearance tu public with her father's company when she three years o< age. Sue performed until soe reached the ago of icu upon tho tight rope and then com menced tho slack wiro aud the rolling globa In tho two la-l acts sbu achieved a brilliant success, pcrturm ing lor two years in Berlin and Viepna. In 1871 aho went to Ku-sia and made such s grand success upon tho high rope that snn adopted that branch ol her profes sion entirely and gave it ber solo attention. She Is gilted with wonderlnl nerve, combined with cool daring, end during her entire career has never made a Kiugle misiu-e, although on s verai occasions she was only saved from accident by great presence ol mind. In 1K73, wbeu periorming in iho Surrey Uardc-us, Londou. ou the day tbo Alex<ndria I'aisco was destroyed by lire, she was standing on the pUiform waiting 10 commence her act when the rope broke aud the shock threw uown the poie on the other end. The one supporting the platform on which she stood rockc i violently us ber assistant wus lumping about and about to throw him.-elf oil. but sho carnbl him by the hair ol the head and mado bun stand still until as sisiauce was brought, and they both landed on terra ttrma tale and sound, on ono occasion, when perform ing at night In Jersey at a height ol 125 leel over the bay, a violent thunder storm arose. Ingot en'inj everybody in tbe vi unity, but sho went through her perfortnanro with tho lightning flnsuing all nronnd her huu never for a mo ment lost her presence oi nund. Lust year at Oporto she was advertised tu tarry a buy across on her buck, a distance of 300 leet, about eighty iect from the ground. Tbe boy dissppoin ed her nnd she carried ber brother across, a geuth man weigblug 170 faiunds. Speaking ol Niagara, the Speticrlnt does not regard the feat as anything at all extraordinary, as walking across the river do a not display ibe artiste's nerve half as much as the difl'erenl performances that she proposes to give on the rope. If sufllcient strain tan be got on the rot>e so as to stretch It tolerably straight she will be alee to give her entire repertoire, and, in any case, il the rope can be prop rly guyed sbo will perforin some ten or twelrc diflciont acts. The roi>e it now being mannlactured In this city, and when completed will measure 1.000 loet and weigh 1,700 pounds. It will require 1,U00 pound weight or guys to keep It lairly rteady. Tbo r pe will be ' stretched across tbo Ntagara Rapid* abont 21)0 feet below tbe Railroad Soap' nsion Bn ige, and two fen* ou each bank of the river will ne enclosed and arranged with sent* for the accommodation of ihe spectators. The Krle. New York Crotral, fireat Western. Cuntda Southern and other roads will run trains at excursion rate* to accommodate tbe visitors anxious to pay a visit to the Kails and see a worn in cross tbe rapids on a rope, a feat never before attempted The first per lormance will be given on July 1, Dominion Dav, at 4 I*. M.. and the second at the tiamo hour on July 4, in bonor to the Centennial celebration. Th? Spel terini aud her brother left last night for tbe Interna tional Hotel, where she will remain during her stay at Niagara Falls. MAKKlAUEi A.1I) PEATltX MARAIED. Paka?Boxxi-tt.? In this city, on Tuesday, June 30, 1870. by the Kev. Stephen Hi Tyng, IX D.. Bonus i rZ~^VSrmLtl~00 Thursday, June 15. 1878, at the Umu-wd? Sr. ^ brid?'? paruou. by tlie Rev. R. p Brtsyrr1"1 * mav> jr-to um *? m?nw* "lNbvKt7,nrUYp"~l,n 'hl* 0,lv' 0B Wedneslay, June i V. RoIt Ul'mttD' *ri '*?* K. Noa*i. ioMias "Air.TtrrsSi'S&Js Mrdfc*'? *" iUli0'* Cdri"*. both of this city. V? Watsos?Dvx*?Oil Tuesday, Jans 20 Kr th? a.. sass^a-^- s: Rev J. J. Brojoi-r, tnwix Wrestead. of New Vorfc Mornstown,' ?f J" a V~ *""< DIED. Brookb.?O? Wednesday, Jau# 21. Joint MAcnrrrns Brouks, youugeet sou of Charles M aud EleauorW 13 rook b, aged 1 year, 11 months and 23 days " ' * men! services will bo Held at the residence of hi, J* Y"' US k- Westchester county. N". v., on Fri ar(;n "ueed^.uoi!dVUn ?'Cl<>C'' T..C<imw5,?Wednesday morning, of consumption, pins 8 secon'1 son of Thomas and Isabella T. Cop! Nonce of funeral to-morrow. agcdTO^w^0 Tb#m,?* Jbm 30. Crattoh, ..ifLnalS !!"? ,l}<1 ?'*Dd8 ?re respectfully Invited to ?r m i 7 ,Dn?'ra,. tb.s day (I burstlny), at one o'clock, Ircm lior laie re-nlt-nce. 276 West 10th ft -1' CURl8T" Do"A Relatives and Iricnds are invited to attend bia fn ne,at. from 216 8ih so, on FrUay, at h.7?ist l? Haoas?On Wednesday, June 21. Joint, beloved sos of John aud Ailco, in the latli year ol bin an Relatives and friends of the family are resDecGuHv invited to attend the lunoral, from his late re?"ence on??P M ?" fmv' ,h# 234 ??*. ? Ul ? H^-m-On Wednesday, June 21, 1876. Mrs. Maroa \lr Pa^ri .'k'lt11! 9"U ?V'*ar h?r "*>'c> W,fo ?f tho late Fermauagb, rAdlm'it n*llvo ?' ^ow'own Butler, county Ir,o<"l!liV'T rnd lr.,?uda are Invited to attend the funeral from iter late residence, No. 213 Moll St., ou Fridav' June 23, at two o'clock. ' ,aay' HA**,oAX._At Hew Suffolk, L. I., on Tuesdav Jane uibud* yuun*e81 cb"d ol James J. and Ellen ?.' Han Iteiatlvcs and friends are re-pectrullv Invited to meet New Butmik 'nn rTl0r ,b 00 arnVal tram Irom : o'clocicl Thursday moruiug, the 220, at eloven Habusk.?Ou Sunday, June 18, 1878, at Luzerne. Warren county, N V , Hkhmax G. HAfcumt. ^02erDe? Ko.utives and Irieuu* oi tbo family, Company A. SoveutU regiment, also members of r gimont and veteruns, arc respectfully luvned to attend ihToner?L from the church ol tne Holy Co nn union corner 2i)th si and ?tb av., on Friday, June 33?" t,?VT A Com pari , hsvBNTH Kkuimk.nt, N. G. 3. N Y ! oiKIha "KK' f 1874?11 becomes ibe painful duly , ol the coiiitni.ndant to announce *.1x0 death ol our lute I comrade, Herman G. Haegcr. Tbo member, and e? membi rs ol Hug company are requ sted to ultend tho ih?lpUi s^,r,ccs. tn citizen's dress, at tho Cburcn of the Holy Communion, eth ay. aud 20th at., on Fridav -3d ilsu, at ten o'clock A. M. By order of Tu?w. U V m Captain K1CUAKD ALLISON. Thomas rl. 1 ax Tihh, Jr., First Sergeaut i 0F ^HK Natiohsl Guard New York June 20, ls7??Tlie Colonel regrets to aunou..oe to the r.aio M80' Ul? u??oc,ui'pu thodoath oi our late asso ciate, Herman G. Haeger. Tho mcin era aro roouested u?-|Bti?nU lhu funeral services, at the Church oi tho Holy Communion, 8th av and20ihst, on Fridav 231 inst, at ion o'clock A. M. an r KSHaL LKFFERTS, Colonel Commanding. C. B Bomtwick, Adjutant * seleu'T0" Wodne8d"y' Jun? 2I. Mr& J- Q- Hill, aged aLFm.eKr1Jr?a' I,eler'8 Episcopal chnrch, West 30tl ?\ *rlduy a ternoon. ai ono o'clock. Uokto.v.?At WUite Plaius, on Tuesday, June 20 age" l yeTrtnd Uau?Uter ?r '?'? J?-hua Hortoni .-Rf'^." antl?r? respectfully Invited to at .v,? ' ,rom Urac? churcn, White Plains, on Tburaduy, 2lu lust, at bair-nast three o'clock. Car F%VZZl?!l!?l!"?'??"10:30""" "?a *.pp.jriz'zz'ass r John H. anulauiiyj. Kenny. Remains interred ihCsuv.iry Cemetery. MAODmuj.?ln Jersey . itv, Wednesday Jane 21 Hra Llua Mauixxis, aged 76 year. * tunerai lrom 279 5th sr., at nine o'clock Friday St Kem" u* W"1 b? 'U Salem, Conn'!'*? Mauixst. On Tuesday, Jane 20, 1876, William Ma yours!' n"UV? U1 Oalway, IrelTni^ed ^ #-J'IIl^d! ?re re,P#ctfully Invlied to attend the funeral 'ro? bla ,utc fesideuce, 47 Adams sl, Hoboken N J v. riduy, June 23, at one o'clock P. M ' ? Nacuutin.?Cn Wednesday, 21st lust., Jon* Pktrr Relatives und triends are respcctluily invited tn at. ?un,. ?ATu*K 'r0,U 1U8 iia^ou st. on FrX June .M, at bali.past ono o'clock P M f, wisssu^ us .'.trr, ?T'-m Parkkr.?in this city, on ibe 20iU iorl at tho r??i dencuol Ins sou-lii-law, Walter S. Piorca ?.o ta'B Bichaiio B. Parker, formerly of Lcx neion Uo' where bis remains win no inierrcj. aged 8" vcars' Pruuiomot.-AI West Hoboken, S. J on Wed2??,i? yiAra""'tll# ^l8' ,U8U' Feuoioxor, aged 70 Tlie relatives and friends aro resuectfuliv in ?lied to attend the funeral, irom nis late res!" clone?, West si near Demon at. West Hnhnii.J Friday. Ibo 23d insL. at two P M M HobokoB. ?? ? The relatives and iriends of the familv are ra.,,?, fully Invited 10 attend tne luneral iron, i.?r ii?^P dince. No 70 Elliott place,'"Kl^^Thur^v lhu 22U insl., ai two o'clock P. M *?ura<iAyf Gleus Falls papers pioaso copy.' W fl. 2 4i! E1?-r'iK??i. nH: iJii ch? . Slaudurd, NO. oO, 1. O. F. S. of L, Congregation Rudolph ftholom, arc respectfully Invited to intend thf funeral, on 'l'bursday morning. June 22, at leu o'clock, from bis late residence, No. 409 Kaat 6otb BL Isaiaii Iajdok, No. 49. I. O. U. B ? Brethren are bnroliy rcspectluliy requested to attend a special com inunication oi ibe above lodge, at our lodge rooms, Urovoort Hait, 54th si. and 2d uv., on Thursday, Juus 22, at nine o'clock A. M., lor the purposool attending the funeral of our past Presided', Abraham J. Seroei. Tbe mctnb rs oi ibe tiraud Lodge uro most cordially and Iraternally invited, by order of N. BERLINER, President. J. Kateendkrg, Financial Secretary. MorsT Nebou Lodge, 257, F. asd A. M.?The br.-tbren ot tbo aoovo lodge are hereby soinmoued te attend an emergent communication, at tuc lodge room, northeast corner oi 3d av. aud ">7tb bl. on Thursday, June 22, at nine A M. sharp, lor Ibe purpose of at tending tbe funeral ot our late worthy Past Master, Abraham J. Setuol. Members of sister lodges are cor dially and iraternally Invited. Itv oner of DAv ID WlLE, Acting Master. N. Berliner, Secretury. Edward Everett Lodge, No 07, L O. B. B.? Bretiirea ol the above loa.e aro respectfully requested to alteud a special communication, to be held at their rooms. 33 I'niou square, on Thursday, June 22, at half post eight A. M. sharp, for the purpose ol attcoding tbe luucral oi our lute w orthy honorary member und past President, Brother Abraham J. Setnel. By order of BENJAMIN M. BoNHElM, President SaecelSlomon, Finatieial Secretary. Henry Clat Lodge. No. 19, I. O. F. S. of L?Breth ren ol the above lodge are hereby notified to attend a special communication, to ba held at Brevoort Ball, East 54lh St. hoar 3d av., on Thursday, Juue 22, at nine A M. sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late worthy Rrotlier Abraham J. Somcl By order of SAMUEL SLOMON. President. Dr. Bernarp Uess, Financial Secretary. Suister.?In Brooklyn, June 19, Mart, wife of John Shutter. Relatives and irionds of (he family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, Irom her late residence, 179 Amity st, on Thursday, the 22d Inst, at five P. M. sunn ?On the 20th Inst, Mrs. Mart R. Smith, aged 91 years. The remains will be rcmorod for Interment to tho Irvingtou (N. J.) Cemetery, at eleven o'clock A. M., on the 23d inst, from the Aebttry (formerly Greene street) Mcihodlst Episcopal church, corner of East Washington square and Washington pi ice. Relative* aud Iriend* ol tue uimily, as also those of bor sons Jonn, Moses aud William Kainer, are respectfully in vite i to aitoud the tuners! New Brunswick (N. J.) paper* please copy. Sorer ?At Jersey City Heights, ou Wodnesday, Junt 21, Iamks M soter. m the 69th year ol hi* age. Funeral services at hia late residence, lu7 Summit av., Jersey City, on Saturday, tbe 24tn, at three o'oloeit. Stastos.?-On Tuesday, June 20. Faxxt Acld Sta* tor. daughter of Heary and Kii-ahctn Auld atanton, aged 4 years, 1 mouth aim 10 d-ya. The relatives and Irieuds are invited to attend the fune al. at yie reeidenco oi her parent*, 178 Division av., Brooklyn, E. D., on Friday, at one P. M. Caliloruia paper* please copy Still*ax.? on Tuesday, Juno 20, of cholera In fantum. Eddie, son of Thomas (i nod Addis Sttllnnn. Funeral ironi the residence ol hi* parents. No. U Leroy si., on Thureday, Juus 22. at hali-psst tw? o'clock P. M. Relative* aud mend* arc inv led swreset? ?On Weuiiewd iy, Juue 21, at tu* iute reek done.-, US v\ i leu ?i., Eiiwvku Swehre*. sgod 76 yeara Notice of funeral herralter. V allai.kk. ? At Lo- uai Pi,tut, N. J., June 20, C'tLARLRI H Y, ol Bangor, Me. Relatives aud Iriead* are invited to attend the funeral, irom hi* i*te rsideure, Locust Point, on Thursday, June 22, at oce P. M. Steamer Helen, irom foelof franklin at .-eo "timetable'' Ut New York i limes. loUrauul*1 ?