Newspaper Page Text
Stocks Finn an) More Active?A Strong Un dertone to the Market. OOLD STEADY AT 112 3-8. Money on Cull 2 Per Cent?Foreign Exchange Quiet?(loverunieut Bonds Pirm? JRailroad Bonds Steady. Wail Stkiit, .1 Wcdvmday, June 21?# P. M. j The Impression cautiously suggested by .he haitALO for some weeks put. that the continuous decline In the pricee of properties marketable at the Stock Ex change oad been arrected, seems In the light of fact* to be borne oat. The spasm of yesterday, which threatened an ill wind to holders, has been more than cared to-day by the lozenge oi a better feeling, and Aatulency baa been converted into firmness. The turn upward In the coal stocks was a potent In gredient In. toe curative process, and was to a great de gree stimulated by the medicament Issued from the office ol John Taylor Johnson. ex-President ol the Con* tral Railroad Company ol New Jersey, In the shape of a circular. Mr. Johnson, naturally, does not like to see his stock go down, and casts about for a reason plausible enough to sat sly his stockholders, and finds it in circulars, pamphlets of the most unprincipled character, "which have backed up a supposititious raid. '* A little further on, however, Mr. Johnson tacitly ad mits that the decline In the stock is not wholly due to the machinations of rascally brokers, lor ho confesses that the company la making no money and that the dividend last declared was borrowed from the surplus fund. It seems, too, that the company has been affected by the Centennial craze, uuu lias imagined that because a Sty show was in process at Philadelphia every visitor would, with his admission ticket, purchase a ton of coal in warin up his enihusla-m to a boiling point. How the Exhibit ion was to increase the sales ol the company's coal in any other way it is difficult to see. Mr. J ihnson further states that "the transportation ot cool has bettt limited to less than hall of what the re gions have ibe power to produce, and It is evident that until the production cau be largely increased the profits el the business must be seriously Impaired." So It seems that tbo stock uiay have declined In value s.mply because holders huvo sold out a property Which they believed was capable or paying s dividend of ten por cent per annum, and which they now find out can pay them nothing it all, though Mr. Jubnson, to the contrary, asserts that the "movement In the stock has been entirely a bear movement," with the object of frightening holders oat ot their property. How an increased production and addition to a stock on hand ^ready a glut in the market and unsalable is to improve the condition of things, Mr. Johnson may know, but decllues to tell. The further opinion that the difficulty is a temporary ?ne, which will be rightod in due time, is sansiblo enough, and it is to this view may be traeed tho sharp recovery oi the stock to 78V to-day. The market, hesitating upon the edge of confidence, requires but lltttle to mako it brighten up, and the llllp given to it by tho improvement in the anthracite properties quickly showed itself in Lake Shore and Western stocks, and imparted a feeling of confidence to the whole list To this was added a report that the representatives of the great railroads, now at loggerheads, wore tn town, and it was argued that their presence could mean but one thing, and that a truce orceisation ol hos tilities in the ra amities was now pending. Apart from other con-lderations it eannot be denied that a Iceluig strongly bullish, based upon a more favorable outlook, is gradually making it wuy, and ia shown in the quick recovery ana steady tone ol the market The droop tn quotations, which occurred about now, was recovered 1 .ter on, and the best figures of tbe day ruled at gong-sound, while private sales made a ter adjournment at prices higher tnan those quoted on the official lists. TUS SILKS TO-DAT. The trau anions at the Stock Exchange to-day ag? gregaled 114,770 shares?New York Central and Hud sod ltivor, 490; Erie, 1,000; Lake Shore, 01,900; North western, 4,560; do. preferred, J.300; Rock Island, 800; Pacific Mail, 1.000; St Paul, 3,200; da prelerred, 7 700; Obloe, 1,700; Western Union, 8,700; C., C. end 1. v., 100; Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 3,960; New Jersey Central, 0.030; Michigan Central, 3,400, orsNiso moHKST and lowxst piwcks. The following table abows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day:? Opening. Highest. Lowest. New York Central 107 107 100)* Harlem 134 137 134 Erie 13V ' 1*S 13 V Luke Shore 64 v 86V f>4', Waia*h 2 2 2 North western 42 V 48V 42 V Northwestern preferred.... 00 V 07 0?', Koi> Island 109V 10?V 108;; Pittsburg 92 V *? 02 Milwaukee and St Paul.... 42 42',' 41V Milwaukee h St Paul pref. 71V "2 71V Ohio and Miss'saiopl Id1, 18V 10V New Jersey Central 7.">,V 78>; <6V Del., Lack, na Western... 100 10*V 103 Union Pacific 69 60 58 D., C. and I. C...7 4 4 3\ Western Union 07"; 07V 06T, Ailanuc aDd Pacific Tel..... 17V 17 V 1TV Pacific Mail 24), 28;v 24 V Pan. ma 140 140 140 Producers'Petroleum 118 118 118 CLOS1NU FKICS8?3 p. M. I aelflcMail.... .5', a ;.V; t .< C.* I,... 43 a 46 Van l nlel. l.7V ? *7', O.OhlC .. 3V ? 4V Alt* I'M'Ki 17V ? 17', Lel.L a W....IO I, a 107V Quicksilver.... 13 a l? KHa 1S?, a 13', 18 a 32 l> an A St .In... 13-. a 14' t ar I.ana A M 6', a 7 lian A St Jo pi 22'; a 21 Vai 1 e >1 pi ??, ? 8 Luke Shore.... 65(2 a 66V IdtnsKx low a tin Micht'entral.. 4H' a <8V kmer Kx f.t? a 00 N \ A liar.xa.l: 4 ? 137 t !?*... 7'.'V 74 M(!*M a lOH a OH', t ? Is-KargoK 8H?, a 00 N .1 ten .... 7"V ?' is Chic A A len . lo.' a l'<3 Ohio A kiiu... 10', a !?V lle? a Pllt. H2.V ? 98 Panama ? a 14.'' t tlcAoW ... 43 a 40V lolAWat. ... l'(a 2 I hu A .S Vi p . OT > a 07 * I'nlon Pacific. 58 09 II". A I l..l(?V ? l"'V M;?..ur Pae.. OM ? ? 1 11 a HP . 4 V a 4.V Pro PCo 118 a 118V fell- MPpf 71V ? 72 ADTAXCI AND DXCL1XB. The following are the cbaugea In closing prices com pared with those of yesterday Advance.- Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph, V;New York Central, ; Delaware and l.ackawauna, 1), ; loiko "bore, I',. Michigan Central. 1V; Northwest, ; lo. preferred, 1- New Jersey Central, a?,'; Oh to and Mississippi, V; Pacific Mail. V; 8t- I'anl common, UtrtiML ?Hold, Vi C., C., C. and 1., 1. Stationakt.? Atlu tic and Pacific preferred, C., C. and 1. C., Erie. Hannibal. Harlem. Illinois Central. Missouri Pacific, Panama, Cuick-iiver. Rock Island, St Paul preferred, Wabash, Inmn I'sciUc mud Western : I' mou. TUX MoXST MARK XT. Money wax easy at IV hod 2 Par cent Prime paper 1 4 x 6V par cent . Tbe following are the rates of exchange on Now York at tbo undermentioned cities to-day:?Savannah, ', percent prrmiam; Charleston?selling, ', premium; buying, ', premium; Cincinnati, cosy, par; New or- > leann, commercial, bunk. V; Chicago, 26 cents discount, and St Louis, 76 |o 10(1 premium Sterling ?xchange was firm; prime asking rates, 4.88 a 4.90; Mllingratea, 4.67V ad.89', Rolchmarka, 96 a 96.', nad 96V a 95 V- Cables, 90V a 20J,- Prime Paris, 116x6.12 V TUX HOLD IIA ax FT. Cold was steady throughout tbo day at 112V rotes paid for borrowing were l'? 2, 3 and 2), per eeut Loans wore also made fiat orssATwss or vn mold xxcmaxob sank Cold $1,162,468 ! Currency balances 1,816,032 ! Oross clearances 20,214,UU0 n.CAOixn aorsx xtatkusvt. Curreney exchanges 863.1)17.112 Cxrrenry balances 2.980.767 (?old exchanges 4.447^740 Gold ba.snces '770,760 Ths specie engagemeau smouated to 8260,000. isvaamxxT M*Mm. Investment shares sold as follows:?New York Cen tral, 107 a 100.V a 100Rock Island, 109 V a 109', a ' 100 V; Delaware and Lackawanna, loO a loo v a 107,', a 107 V ; New Jersey Central, 76', n 78 V a 78 a 77 V ? 70V teller 00; Chicago, Burlington and Wulnoy,114\; Adams' tSfM% 100 V i WoUaJTargo, 69 V; A me neon Express, i 39%; Delaware and Hndaon Canal, 106,% a 100%; Chicago and Alton, 101a 102. ITATI aOTM. In State bond* the only reported traniaotion waa In Tennessee new series at 44%. OOVBSXMBXT BON OS. Government bond* cloeed steady, at the following quotations:?United Slates currency alxei, 120)4 * 1ST; da da, 1081, registered, 120 a 120% ; do. da, da, cou pon, 123*4 l 124; da da, 1806, registered, 116% a 116.','; do. da, da, coupon, 116% a 110%; da da, da, new, registered, 117% a 117%; da do., da, coupon, 120% a 120%; da da, 1867, regis tered. 110% a 120; da do., do., coapou, 123 a 123%; da da, 1868, registered, 121 a 121%; da da, da, coupon, 124% a 124%; do. ten-forties, registered, 117% a 118; do. do., coupon, 118% a lit; da Ores, 1881, registered, 117% a 111%; da do , do., coupon, 117% a 117%. rnt CNITBD STATES TElASl'KV. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to-day $44,000 cold on account of Interest, and $11,000 In redemption of Arc-twenty bonds The Sub-Treasury released $17,324 silver coin to-day. Internal revenue receipts to-day, $107,000; customs receipts to-day, $426,000; bauk notes received for redemption to-duy, $900,OOU The Treasury balauces are as followsCurrency, $10,000,000; coin, $66,600,000, less coin certificates, $23,000,000. TBS TORSION MASK ST. The early London advicos report consols firm and a fraction higher. United States bonds are stoady for 1866's and new fives, % tourer for 1867's and % per cent higher for ten-forties Erie was weak and declined to 12% for the common and to 18 for the preferred. The rate or discount in the open market for three months' bids Is 1% s 1% per cent. Forty-seven thousand pounds sterling went into the Ba k of England to-day. The Stock Exchange will be closed on Saturday next In order to allow some necessary repairs to the building The following ore prices st half-past four o'clock F. M.Consols for money, 94 9-16; do. tor account, 94 9-16 a 94% ; five-twenty bonds o( 1866, old, 106%; do.. 1867, 108*4; ten-forty bonds, 107%; new Area, 106%; Kris common shares, 12%; do. preferred, 18%. In Amsterdam American securities are firm and un changed. Krte, 12%; Northwest preferred, 68%. BAILROAD BONUS. Railroad bonds were strong. At the early Boa'd Harlem firsts advanced to 117, Union Pacific firsts to 106%, sinking funds to 90%, Chicago and North western consolidated gold coupons to 94. itnd Milwau kee and St. Paul, Ia Crosse division, to 104% ; pt. Paul I. and D. division sold at 93, da consolidated sinking funds si 93%, Chicago sod Northwestern firsts at 106%, Morris and Essex consolidated firsts st 103%, Union Pacific land grants at 101 and Cleveland and Toledo consolidated singing fond at 108. In the afternoon there were Urge purchases, especially In the St. Paul issues, which advanced to 104% for La Crosse division, 100% lor C. and M. division and to 93% for con solidated sinking fund9. Eric second sold at 103, and third at 103%. One lot of $28,000 Western Pacifies brought 102%. Chicago and Northwestern consolidated sold coupons brought 93%; C. C. C. and I. firsts, 109%; Chicago and Milwaukee firsts, 104%; Albany and Sus qusftannB first, 116, and Ohio and Mississippi con solidated Sinking Innd. 99%; Central Pacifies ad vanced to 110 bid st tho close. The following were the late bids:? Albany and Su*i" ?, pTill? A A. old. .1?7 Pwton, Hirt A i 1^" I,h4 pi?va' p*v<II?? Jk A n*w.lO ? ^C\VV,iik W '?l Til 1??X cSKuU ;.t.:::^o ?nrr a ? CMc*iro ^V'n ? Luke Short* dtv1d*iid.... JJJ?, J? 1 fack A 3h?c Lake Rhore eon ep U?. ?OT*i ^tottUVTrtiig ? il I A Pt nnH'".'W5.1'*>* Mleh Cent ??m 7 a 19*13.101 Central of N J let eon { ^ K J , ,ntr,*V,. 1SH7. . "WS. fS.ll vr^eoa k'd i X T oiX.real *dUt*.?00 Lehigh A W n eon x?-. 7* ? , ,1'W MU *SCP U? "ePP D 111 i ilud R7'?. Skim. ?'? Ml! * S P ->d '7 810 Pl> ,w " Hrl,",, ,,,< r*' co,,p?'' \ i7 M A St P Te. K E D ? 103 Harlem let. 7's, re* 117 MHASP lrtVeCdlv.l<>4K North Mo let .. M I A S P lit' 1 A M D.. l'6?i Ohio A Miss eon s f. v A M Plit IAD . tfl Ohio A Miss eon ?}> m ! i rtt P lit H A D.. hm Ohio A Mt?* ad.eon.. .. ??'. 2!! A Bf' let. OA M... Wg 0." " *8 ?" * ^VJS "CAM.:.' c" Periflc! t^al A (Llet M 103 W??em Pejflc 'de -'io j O.l'l * 2 Jf ?* 00 liik.H' L'nlon I'acWe sink fund. ?>?? Chi A X W cp told bde... h*X Athentkn* P^'j.^s"'; w, Pcnlntala let con .1?> bo?theirn Pa h3\ feMW&V-ff* ku'LacVA W-eet id. It* ?<??. ? $'A Chii 2d. . 11? Del. Lack A W Te con I *M>4 " K J^pitt. ? ,7\.. 108 8sss|sa^ji l^rr^.v.-v1^ ssr.5gUufimj-::::::^ Krtr Kd, 7'a, 1*83...... ltiala Alton A T 11 2d. Income 70 Erie .'.th,7'e. 1H88 103 Tol. I'eo A War, ED.... ?>X Long Dock bonde 104 Tol A Wah let. est .. ..02 MuB; N Y A Erie let,'77 90 Tol A Wah, cone, cone.. 30 Han A St Jo 1 * Ill Han A Naplee let 85J4 Han A St Jo con ..... 7tf 111 A So Iowa let ?."? Dub A Sioux Cltr l?t .10 *4 Han A Cra Mieeonrt let. *4*4 lnd. Bloom'n A W let . West L'nloa bde.19tx).e. 8W1, Mich South 7 p c. 2d 1TO Weet Union bde. 1900,r. WO Mich bo A X It f 7 p o. H >7 miLADSLPBIA STOCKS The following are lite Philadelphia etook quotatlone at three o'clock thie day:? Bid At kid. City atxoe, old 104 City etxes. new K81; ins \ United Contpaulea ul New Jeracy ? 141 Pennsylvania Railroad. 62*4 DC Philadelphia and Binding Railroad... 44.1a 44*, J.?i. iKh Valley Railroad AW 69)4 Catawissa Railroad preferred 40*4 ? Philadelphia and Erie Railroad is 181a Northern Central Railroad 3!34 Lclugh Navigation 4d>, 46', Lehigh Navigation, gold loan lUS>a 104 BaMK aiiARKM. Bank aharea avid at 00 lor Fourth National, 128 lor Motrupolllan and 100 lor American Exchange. M131X0 STOCKS. The following are the cloalng quotations m San Fran ciauo:? Consolidated Virginia 69*4 Crown Point. 10 California. 74). Yellow Jucket 00% Hrgrefu i-d Belcher.. 70 Alpha 45\ O.hir 49 Belcher. let,' Cboilar 7814 Confidence 18 Savagd 18', sierra Nevada lit, Cunaolld'a Imperial.. 0% Exchequer 16\ Mexican 27*4 Overman Asv CouidACurry 1A Jualice 22 Si Heat A Belcher 48 Caledonia 8 L llaie A NorcroM 9 >4 . ascosiTisa at a potion. The following aulea were made at auction:? Filty shares Citizens' Fire Insurance Company, S20 each, 181.*4; 40 shares Sate Dxponit Company of New York, $25 each, Ul>4; 45 ehures Lnllai Slate> Ware house ( ompuuy. $50 each. 3A; 600 ahares People's Oal light Company, ol Btookiyn, 50; $500 Cuiseus' Insur ance Company certificate (feVerve laud), 89; $18,000 Brooklyn city sevens p< rmanent Improvement bonds, 111; $1,100 international Oocau Telograph Company's seven per cent bouda. ?7; 19 shares Leather Manufac turers' National Hauk, 1T91,; 10 ah res Kulton Bank, ol New York. 161: 000 shares Lorlilard Insurance Com pany, 98 a 97; 30 shares Republic Fire Insurance Com pany. tfd: 20 shares Oebhard Fire Insurance Company, i8>i ; 16 ahares Eagle Fire Insurance Company. 2S>?; 10 shares Mercantile Fire insurance Company, 108; 20 shares Sterling Fire Insurance Company, 110; 100 shares Toledo. Peoria and Warsaw Kaiiroad Company, 51;; 18 share* Metropolitan Caslight Company, 147;,; 160 shares East River Hank, 101*4. ?bmokasda. Mr. Jewell, President and receiver of th* Erie Rail way, sails on Saturday next lor Europe, to cooler with Sir Edward Watam and others on matters con nected with the road. A special despatch from Chicago reports as follows Receipts of producw iroro Juus 1 to dato?^Wheal, 2,295,140 uuthols; t orn, 5,642,*e4 do ; oats. 1,628.720 da; barley, 116,430 do.; rye, 1M.63A da ToteJ, 9.500.796 bushels. Flour, 190.048 barrela Hogs, 244,792. Members of the Beard ol Trade stats the above amount of gram is larger than aver before re ceived at Chicago during any whole month. The Ten Million Silver bill, with Senal* amendments, has been referred to th* Committee on Banking and Carrency. The rumor that the railway war has ceased or Is shout to cease, which was freely circulated la Block circles to-day, is without foundation. The premium on silver Is down to par a 1 per cent, In consequence or the belief that the Ten Million Le gal Tender SUver Dill will become a law. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES 1 Wbuxbsday, Jane 21,1$74L Bhhittt. ULL?!i? M. i 10 sbi American Ex. AM',, It**' sits C k S W pi.. ite*< luuHnlla ?*!... . <7*4 4 SI ., ?1', ? 2181 do 471, -til do Ii i Ss.1, Pi 0 u? .. ... Ii7 , lit* <!*.??. .a2 tSiL 101 67'4 1 > > 8 | ?> O oi> S3 10 ? Okie A Mist RR pf 31', 2?' N V C A H K UK 107 10' >.. ?ig .3 ! |i? L ? A M Kk ... 4 , .VI X J Ces Rlt 74L I 12 <U do >3 54*4 IU> do 75k 1IKJ do .1 64*4 d<> 7 f \ A*J do 64', ??< do 3 7 tfcil ' do.. st 54|, !<*? do e 7 7| I 7 *1 d# AiS .>U? do 7 : 7.. ov ... ?J 54*, lui 7? JUJ do 64 >4 AO da 7U I 7 O do (3 54% !<?? do 76% uu P*i do 54 "I 200 do *10 70 100 do e 54% 1 ?? do ..*5 76% l'*)> d.. ?*t 54'? 41)0 Mil IMF RR. .53 di .'"(hid SI RR ,i3 109% ?*) do 41 \ 100 do 53 It 8% 400 do 43 - O do *3 1(9 , 200 do bS 41J 30' Kri* Uh 18% 3 ?' do 41% 1' 0 die < KR ? 71'ttMU A St P pf... o 71V KM do ?3 47', dU) do 73 100 do 47% 1(10 do 71% K4) a.. 4.% 300 do 71S ICOChlANWRR 43 '4 100 Dol.l. * W BK... H*? 50 do ? 4.'% !?30 do IMS 3"0 do 43 300 do 108', 300 do 43'. 20 do >3 100% 300 Chi IMT RRpf.. 60)3 W?H? AND 11:90 i. M. $3400) U 8 0'i.e. 'HI.. 123% 100000 I'FB'i. c. *61.. 117J|j 4oU0:-Jo.e. ??3.. bo 115% 2o(X4) do 117% locioti If 85-20,0.'65. a 120% 13U0J 1'8 &'o.r,' 117% 3501) U 8 5-30, r, '07Lc 180 KIRSr BOARD?10:5ft A. M. 83000 Toon d'i. a i.b e 44% 50110 N J Con coot.. 100 ^ 1000 M A 811* 111,LnC 104% 14 X) do 34'. 3D00 M AStP,l?t.lAD Mi Sun do. nS 54% 34O0(l M S P on ? L. 03% OOO do b3 54% . 34 % 4ail%liWo|b.. 94 3*1 . do *3 54% f"" J- 54% _ ... ., 34% SOU) Mich Con 7V . 101 % 500 do 34% 11**)? Plit, Sjbr.. H3 500 do... *3 54% 8 *4) U*r lit 7'l,e.... 117 57 0 do 54% - ? -- " 5)? 1000 IIir lit. 7'*. r... 117 loo do *3 3<?, *4)i MM I ID..* 81 I i_ ? Al/ t dDA J_ .41 4J4 70U0 Welt IVc boodi 1 0% 1400 do ...?? 34% 8**1 I u Pm- KK IK.. 1*1% 501 do .. 54% 5'**> (In !'*< ?ink I... t*)% ?n do *8 5.% 150 ihl Chi. 3' V ? A M ? HB .U kS 14'*) do. SO' do. .8 ouo do. 2(41 do. S *1 d<> 3(4) do. 8(IU do 500 do 5(4) do 57'0 do. 1(4) do. *5 1400 do. 50> do S.M do 1800 do 5 4) do. mo Co I'mr 1,1 p.. 101 two do bit 54% .be 101 3 41 do .. 54% loooo do. ????? PUK) Like Shore dir. 103% 100 St 1., K < A R. be 5% lU(MCI#?APc?t loB' 2UU Cht A N W RKpfbo 6 k 2TOOI. - Neon. '98 1)4 31*1 do.. tRWj 8000 1)6 h r. '84. be 110 3l*> do (81% 8 (III Fourth NnlBk Ml 4 4) do 6 % 128 6?> do U% 13 Ml,' II C*u .he 1U5% 100 do 86% 300 All' Tel be 17% 100 do ?t% 2') I 7% lnO do 08% 5 4) do k , 07% 200 do 68% 100 do 0 87% 400 do ??'. SOU do 67% ll? .to 88% lOI do h3 ?7% 11*1 do 6 % 200 do llO 6.1% I'O do >3 MM'" 1O0 do t>7 10 do 88k 11*1 do 88% 100 no .8 18% 1000 do 67 11*1 do it -8% If) do *3 67 100 Chi AKI 10-' 214) do ).7% 100 do. bt 11)9 75 Auitr Rx be 30% 3 do. 88 Ailimi Ma':".', ho 10f?'? 100 Ohio '"mO 31 WellitVrk-o.bc.bS 88% 2m do.... ..1)3 18% K41 Piefflr Mill 24% 3-0 do 1(1% 100 do 24% 100 R J Con KK .b e 78% UK) Mleh (in RK...he <7% 100 do *3 76% lO. do .13 47% I'M do k3 76 3-4) do 1)3 47', 31)0 do 7 % 300 do 47% 11*1 do 7 % KM do 47% I0O do ?t 76, IOO do ...|3 47% 100 do *60 74 2O0 no ... 48 1UO do 70% 4.1%' .0 d? 7).% 10 do 43 I'M Mil A St P 71 11*1 do 43% 3O0 do 71 KM do 43 I'M do 711 5 4) do bt 42,% SOU do 71% I'M do.*.'......'.'.. 43' 300 do b3 71% ..*8 43 8 Oil, LAW K'6% 00 Mil A 9t I* RR. .be 41% 20(. do... ?3 K*l 8 I) do 43 100 do 10 1*1 do 42% 1)mi do *0 1141 100 do *3 42 214) do C 108?, 4 ) ' Rrle Kit be 13% 80Ohio A M 22% B".K -IIH OAI.W?li'Jt P. M. ?5000 r S 6V. car 118% O'X) ihl liS A MS RR... 55% tfUOO North Mo l?t..b3 87% 21)1 do 55% 1"00 Erin 2d m 1 3 2'*' do *3 53% 80 O '.Vi ASP eon - I 98% IKO Chi, It A U RR... 115% 7 00 0 P lit. CAOur. 94,% 3o ? Chi A N W KK..b3 43% 10UO 0AM eon if... 98% i> d? . 43 100 ihl 1* C Ii A P Co 118 l'OChi A R W RRpf. 80% 50 i V) e*t I'd Tel b3 ' 7% KM do ' H% IOC) do 67% 1?Q do 66% 101 Pel* H. b3 13% 8141 do bS 6% 400Mich Cen RK 4H 2(4) do KMC 314) do o 44 1 *'Mil A St P Ki(..b2 42 100 do t3 47% 600 Mil A St P RK pi.. 71' 800 do 48 24) do 71% .... __ 7ig I- OOhlo A Mill KR... 16% 200 do 300 do 1% 100 Del, LA 141 do 1 % KM do 108% 5.ML8AMSRR b3 .'4% 3o0 do 100,, 1200 do 54% 300 do ..}... .HJO 10 ? 4 0 do 54% 100 do 1()7% 100 do b i 54% 100 R J Cen RR.....*7 in. A.. 54' 4'*) it., >1 76 10) do 54% 4(A) do It 7>,% 3pn do ll ? 47* 300 do >3 70% Si) 0 do t.8 55 200 do 76 1500 do 53 2J0 do 77 ?J, i do -.bS 65% HA) do iS 77% 11'4) do 56% 115 do 78 1.0 do e 55% 4>4) do 78% 190) do i'i 55% 2(4) do 74 1.4)0 do bS 55% 300 do 77% 2 P. M. *.'500 08 5-20,?.-ton. 120)4 SKOOXD BOARD?I p. *, S'JOOOAlbASualst... ll? ' 3IOOehsLHAM8..?3 Ml. iiou * bP 1st.LaC. im??* 2<? o do 3-,? 41IW0 M A St P ?on ? t IKD, 0 4) ,|o ".'ia 55l! 5i*A> L A TV B con... Bo 17 K) do.. 5 *J 8 14)*: N Ct li. 34 4) do.... Lk 55? UiOo Krie 3d m 1031, 200 do... ',3 5 ,? aiwixyondy.o. 10.' loochi A is 43 8U00 do 103U ]0> do 41 2*?lu Oblo A M ooa t f ftD? 1100 do.... 401. 28*> O West Pac l-d*. 102)J II) 1 do " "bS 4 1< OOuCht A X Ul... 104?t lOOChl A NW RRpfbc Bfll' 40001!, C, CA 1 Ul. HW>. li>) do... ? ? SO 1.hi ? 0 1 *1.1)0.13 07Hi IO do b3 Hi" WW do U3 67Q, 101 do HuC 7'*) do I'7^j 20*1 do * BtlC 8 0 d.i ... l>8 ?7't .MX) N J Coa 78 WO do 1 iS lOo no . 7 1' 3*W do B7). 100 do ... "" 77? 1*W do ?7?, 37 do 78* 100 All A Poc Tol .ho 17*4 50C.C, 1: A I HR.hc 41 2 <?' ?. Voll.ih.bc.b3 .51, l' O < ht A K l. bc b I lOB 2*> do bS 25*, I< *1 Mil A St Piti*. .be 42'< I05 do. 23? 400 do 4-f SmBrio lilt. 13*, 311 do 4-*t? IOO do 13*4 30.) do.. ii 4 ? 50 Mich Cea RB.. .bo 48 Out) Mil A MP RRptb 71V 1<?* So 4?V 2 1 > do "... 7|K IOO do 48', 111) Ool.L A W RK. .be 107*, 100 do 48*, in) do ,1 K17 3 *0 do b3 48*, 2111 do l(i7 30) do 48*J 3*1) do "" 11,71; l'W do. 48, 4 > Cbl A Alt lift..."* HI14 1 WW* ?0D do ... bc.i3D IOJ 1)001,8 A M 551, lo do .3103 1800 do ,3 551, 100 Oblo ? M KR..I, c IB*. , ?? do ?..M 55*4 l'l' do bJ i s* 1000 do b3 5.i?, 2'W do 1?? , 8 W Oo 55', 100 Ohio A Ml,, pf.bc. 33'" 6<W ? do >8 65*2 ll?0, C A I 0 RR. bo 4 I 401 do 55', 300 Poc Kit of Mobcs3 lo 700 du 5:30 TO :t }* v ?100f?V8 8'i. cur.... 13)?4 30 ?>ibi f, fi A MS.. 551.; 53" O) MA 8P con if. B3I, 1.00. do . bS 5 r IIl> 41 do 83?, 3D do . '..,.1 JJi' 12000 do II lOJChiAXWpf... bJ BBC I 31WO M A St P. C A M 100*2 101 do III) 0 P In. 81 J or. I'3V 50 do flat! 20 41 W P?c bd, KrJ? 1(|) do ...." tB> I .'?aha Amor * Bk 10.) 6 0 do nor? 1 75 Oil A IIud *"?n.. 1141*4 lO) do .bli) S7 2 >?> Won 1 n lil.. . 7*, :*?? do ( 7 100 do HO 67*4 'JO t Chi A .N W R : .b i 43*4 DMl'ac olid.... V.<?7 901 Olilo A Mill RR.. 1 ? 100 N Y C A.H K KR.. 10(1?' Ml do.... ??'? 3*4) N J Cob KB.. bS 77 . All)Mil A St P R.t'pr 71I 200 do ... .|W 75*4 2011 do ..U3 71'! I ..11 1. MKRK.bS at ID) do 71? I 1<D0 do |3 6ft?J ,2*1 do lis 73 2500 do 56-, COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTON, SPOT DULL AND EASTER, FUTURES 1-16 off?flour dull?wheat lower COBN QUIET?OATS U> CHANGED?POKE l.O WEB?LARD LOWER?WHISK IT QUIET RTROLXUM FIRMER -NAVAL STORES yflET OBOCXR1K8 riBMBK?FKE10IIT8 STEADY. WkDMMDAY, June 21?? P. M. There w.-.s no improvemeoi In itio merchandise nn?r keta lo-dajr, but, on the contrary, they woro charac terized by extreme dalnoas, almost without exception. Floor waa dull and heavy. Wheat waa dull and lowor. Corn wax quiet. 011 a without decided change. Whli key waa qn at Pork waa doll and lower. Lard waa lower. Freiftbte ware quiet, but atcady. Coiion on tho apot waa dull and aualer. Future* were 1 lflc. lower. Coffee wai *,c. higher. Naval atoroo were quirt, tllla were alio quiet. Petroleum waa Brtner. Kugar wai 1-lBc. higher. CorrxA?The market for Rrailti waa very itr-iug, and price* a era advanced '4c. per ft. Sale* were S.iU) beg? Rio. ax BrasiUria, at 17 V for barely good, and 2,u 1) bug* do. at Baltimore, ax Aqaldneck. al I7*,e. for Tally rair. and reported tale of 837 bag* do. al do., ax Mary Rice, on prl vale term*. Mild coffee wa* quiet. We quotaOrdinary cargoes, l5e. a 13 V; fair do.. 1? )4'e. a 17c.; good do.. 17V. a 17>pC' ? prime do.. 17V- a ISo. 1 extreme raago lor lota. 14V- ? ISc.; Kautoa. fair 10 good, a 17V. gold, ainoty day*; Java, goeorumeut bag*. Ale. a 33c.: do., grata mats, 30. a 2:tc.; Slagapore, do., 18c. a 20c.; a 18V- i Maracalbo, 14 V- a 18c.: Laguayra. 16*4. a 17\e.; Jamaica. 15c. a 17c.; gt. Domingo, 14V a 1 .V.; Porto K|e". *8c. a 18 V : Ooata RIca 17c. a IBr.. Moxicaa, 1 V Ul IS; "7f ? ** \ 1'e. a 180. i Savaa 111 a 14 V ? I8e. : CuracoA I4V- a I7e. Corrwa.-Tha market lor spot cotton waa dull and eader. luture* closed weak, with a decline nl I I He. frutn yeatrr dnyb. closing prices, pe price* to-day coropara with laotday e prtoea a* follows:? Tutmuty, Jun* 30. nw*)?l,iy. Jmt 21. iT*'" H , ? " \i \ W II Mfw a II 81-32 i1!. '?*' ? !a } M J#l' " 11 ,a-l" ? II 81 -.12 August. 12*. a 13 5-72 Augu.t. 12 1 10 a 12 3A2 8ept 12 3-32 a 12*2 Hept s 12 IJ2 a 12 Md October II 2B32 o II 15 10 f)ctober II'i I _ Nov.... II M ? 11 29:12 Not..,. 11 i;5*32 | 11 18-16 Dec .... 11 lit-IS a II 28-32 De, .... II ! || |i!" Jan .... 11 13-1*1 a II 31-32 Jan... II 21U2 a ? ton.... IS 3 32 a 12*4 Feb .... 12 I 32 a 13 1-1B March.. 12*, a 12 D-32 March. 12 3-l i a 12 7-:?2 April. . 12?, a 12 7 IB April... 12 11-32 a 12 13-32 May ... 12*. a 12 8 Irt May ... I2*d a 12 17:12 ?Quotation* are baaed on American Manaard of clssaiSca tinn. and on c-tton In *:oro running la quality not more than hair a grade above or below tbo gride quoted. 'V?"*l4. M-thamu H Orlmtu. Txrum. 8 || IB 8 II IU 8 11-10 H II It) ntrict ordlnory H)4 ju, flood ordinary ID 116 10 |.|8 It) Vld I" 3.16 Strict good ordinary. lo\ IDA |o?, Ia>w iBiddliug 11 3-iU U 5-10 U 7-10 11 7-10 Strict low middling,. 11V II'; 12 12 Middling IS? 12-; 12 5-16 13 S-16 ? l.rnd middling I2?, 121, 12?4 12'. Mrlct good middling 13', l.'t'lj jj)*, Ig'-J Ml- diing fair 18*4 l ih? ,3? ?AW 14? 14? 14*1 14)1 ?ntnlntd -Good ordinary. 8\'C.; >lr rx goo-1 ordinary. H;ie.: 1 low n.lddllng. IIP,*.-, middling, II <qc. ppot aaina were aa follow* Tn finy la* Horning. Total. K 1 port ]2t) ? |2*) ? uaauniptloa. 194 ltr. -JUO npeculatioa 21) jp J"fl 34<) T*jS 445 -Delivered oa eoutraat. S5u balea For hi to re delivery the ta r* wera aa lol^w*:-Yeaterday after two P. M.?mum. 10 al 12c.; Jnly, MJUal 12 MBa : August, ?s) at IS S-32e., J*W at 12 V : October. KM) at II 31 32c., 314) at II lA-IMc ; N. Ttuiber. 30) at II 27 32a : December. 3UU at 11 27-32c. ? otal, 2.01)1) haioa today up to two P. M.-Juno 3*)| at II 3,.32c. i July. 1 WD at l'2c.; Angutt. B*?i at 12 S-32U.. 2<4) at l2',c.. 3,i*)X) at IS S-3S-*.; -epterabsr. I.IUlat 12 1-IOc : O toner. 3iw at IIV. 20 at II t)32c ; .Soven.ber HUDatll IH-D-e.; December. 100 at 11 IB-Isa Total, S.30J balsa Uraad total, 12,6uu Th* receipt* at the porta war* a* loilowaI'.alvesieo. Hit bales; New Orleans 4H7; Mobile, 1.': rtavanuitli, 287; Cuarlesteu. 12tt; u ilalugtoa. ?: Norfolk. *31; Hiltnior*. 20; New York, lot Total, .,202o?lr*. Thi? day last seek, 78<t This dai last year, 1.044. lotel line* nrptember 1, 4.047.4m! bales. Coilou Irelghl* closed el lo loweTo lavre. bj tleem, *,e . compressed: to Hamburg. bj eteeiu, J?c.. compressed: to Bremen, by steam, *ae., compressed; tu Liverpool, 5-18c. by eteim ; by veil. 8 32d. i * ann IIbain.?Receipt*?Vlour. 0.768 hble.; wheal, 157 318 bushel*; corn meal, 172 bbli. end 320 aaclth: oeie. HI,H78 hualiels; corn. 54,188 ilo.; ry*. 27.782 do. ; berley melt, 3 i.Hfkl da The flour market was dull, aeil, in eouiu caeea. lower. Til* aalea wor* 13,400 bbla.. Including sit at* 14 latere aud tionthern at th* annexed quotation*. By# flour Bold to tb* axle in of abont 300 bbla. at #11 40 a ?3 I.Y Coin meal we* quiet. with aalea of 70O bbla. el $3 34 for Brandy win* ana $2 85 a $3 1U for W**t*in Jeraey and I'enn avlvama yellow. W* quote;? So. a Mete Id 7.4 e (3 34 Huperflno Stai*,.. a N4 ? 4 30 Kxtra State 4 '<0 a 4 35 Cholc* Slat* 5 34 e 6 on Superfine Weateru 3 85 a 4 -O Kxira Weetern 4 1*'* 4 30 Mlnnetota 5 34 e 8 7.4 Round hoop Ohio, shipping brauoa 4 ou a fi i' Round hoop UhJo. trade brauda 5 '?*> e tl 40 7 1*1 a H St> St. I.uuls, low extra j in a U <0 ft. Louie, straight extra tl 4ue 7 00 St. Louia, choice double extra 7 O a 8 35 St. Loula. choieu faintly 8 35 a B 41) Rye Hour, flue to superfine 3 70 a 4 30 Southern, No. 3 3 on a a 75 Southern, aupertiu* 3 8.4 a 4 JO Southern, extra 4 74 a 6 75 Southern, tauiily 7 00 a 0 00 Cum meal, Weateru 3 0>a 3 35 Corn meal. Jersey 3 OO a 3 35 Corn meal. Hraudywln* 3 40 a 3 O Corn meal, puncheon* 20 OO a 20 40 ? The wheat market wax dull and price* were lower, cioslug nominal at$l 13 a $1 14 for No. 2 Chicago and $1 1H a tl is a tl !H tor Milwaukee, the out?id* price for very rh dee. The aalea wero about 04.000 buaheU at tt.ol a $1 01 for rejected and flu. 8 Oswego, #1 "U a tl U for So. 3 Milwaukee, tl 14 a tl 14>i lor prim* So 2 Chicago, tl is for lair So. 3 Milwaukee. $1 3o lor No. 1. tl 41) for white, tl a $1 23 for ungraded and tl 30 fur old amber winter, crop 1874. Uye waa uuiet. Bariey and barley mult were unlet. Corn waa uuiet and stead/ with aalea of ubou{ 120.000 hnatiela at 4 c. a 531oc. for heated and damaged; 5H)$c. a 57c. foratnamer mixed, 58c. lor low mixed, B2c. for New York yellow, 5?c. a tt lc. for graded mixed, o2c. a 0o'ac. fur ungraded do, and 5!ic. for June deliveiy. data were quiet but steady. Sale* were about U5.000 bpshe.s ut 4<ic. tor mixed. 44c. tor white, 4<>c. for No. 1 unxed. Hic. ? 46c. lor vYextern white. 4Uc for white mixed, on track; 3.H.'. ? 40o- fur Weetern mixed, 3dc. e 38c. fur graded low mixed end 40c. for No. I mixed. Licnn 1 xs.?We note axle of 4O0 roll* hogging at 13c. IIkmr and Jit* were quiet. IV e quoteAiuer can dreaaed, tlW) * $-'00 for single, $200 e $.'25 for douule nnd $120a $12.4 for rough ; ManlU hemp, iij*c., gold; Rueaia, clean, i J 0 a $3111. gold, Italian, t 7.4 a $380, gold; Jute, 4'4C. a 5tjc . currency; Jul# huttx, 2"?c., ceah; Staal hemp, d.'-r., gold; Iatle. 5'0c. a 5',c., gold Mimas*** was quiet and steady. We quote:?Cuba, cen trifugal and mixed. 33c u 28c ; clayed, 3<>c. x 33c.; do. niita ruvitdo refining, 3"C. a 3tc. ; do. grocery, 33c. a tCc. ; I'urto Rico, 35c. a .4 c.: Kngllah I stands, 32c. a 50c.; New Urleatu, fair to good. 48c. a 52a ; prime to choice. 46c. a .4 e. Naval. StonKt ?Th market lor spirit* inrpciitlnu waa ! quiet, Koein win a shad* Uruier. Tar wax flriu ; l()0 bbla i sold at $2 3744 >br inapecieu and Si 2.4 foe unimpeded. We i | quote;-Spirits turpentine. 3 <c. a 3U' .c jaiu?C'oiniuun j 1 tu good atraiiicd. #1 70 a $1 75. Tar?Wuahinglon. $3 1.4 a ; $3 35. Advleea from Wilmington were ax follow* :?Kosln, , strained. $1 3 > hid; good ttrained, $1 24 hid. Tar firm. $1 >*1. Turpantlue ateady; hard. $1; salt. $1 S i; virgin, I $3; spirits. 37c. bid. I On.*.?The market waa general}} quiet anj steady, ill 0 1 i bhl*. Northern whale od sold at Sew Bedford ycalcrday. for [ ] manufacturing, ou private lerma. We quoieLiuxeed, 1 casks. ,4t>a ; cottonseed. crude, 40c a 42c.; Southern yei | low. 4flc. a ,4<ic.; yelltxv winter, 4tlc. a 38c ; while wiuter, i t.?e., lard, present make. t*lc. a U5c.; sperm, crude. $1 37; do., blenched wiuter. $1 70; do., natural an.. $1 05; whale. I crude. Northern. 80c.; do., coutliein. .45e.; bleached wiuter. 7 lc. a 72o. ; olive, cask*. $1 17a $1 23l:,; do., caxoa, S4 3.4 a $4 40: winter, bleached llah. 48c.: crude flali, 36e. a 37c. I'ttanWVl.-Tbr morsel for refined was decidedly hrmer. We note aalea ol 5,HoO bbla at Baltimore at 14;ac., and .'>,<*>) at do. at lty. The closing prices were ax loilowa.? Crnde. in ImlX, H-'ac.; do , in bbla, lie. a 11rellned, in bblx.. 14t,c. a 13c.; do., caaes, Ira a I8'4c. Kofi nod at l'hlladelnnia, 14>*c.;do. at Baltimore, 14 1 Ho. a 14 V Advice* from the Oreek were at folluwa:?Barkers, xteauy aiidtirin; I'nited. $2; Conduit, $2; I nioii, $1 tl7Jgi oulaide lines, $1 H4' ship ment, $3 13 bid, $2 171; asked. Oil City Arm; $1 US?; bin United; shipment. $3 17,'q'. PNoVi*I(?n.*.?Receipts ?Kork, 7ti bbla : lard, 3,228 tieroet ! and 4<1 kega; rut moaia 152 packages; cacuu. 0 tlercaa and ! 731 bbla.; beet. l.Wtterrea, S4 obi*, and 3HN caaea. The pork ' market waa dull ami easier; aales HO bid*, mesa at $1H Ht? e $18 75. caili. The closing ? call'' price* w ere as luliowa ?? ! June, tin bid, kin 30 asked: July. $12 bid. $10 ti3 asked; August, $10 fa) bid, $10 tkl asked; September, $12 4o bid, $lH8lla<ked. Out meats were quiet; tales were 5D boxea clear bellies at 11.14c ; 10,0U> Iba. pitkled beltlea, 13 lbs. average, at lo*.; 500 pickled barat at 13c. aud about I,UU> ptcklcd shoulders at 8c. Krosb hams were quoted at I0jqc. a 11c., fresh hellita at Olao. a lUu , pickled uams at 1I VC- * Ul?e . pickled heiiiea at 2?4c. a 101,0. and boxed beillet at ?l,c. a lll,c. Bacon waa ateady at lie. lor city long clem, and 10*{r. lor Western do.; 374 buses Weetern long clear auld on private terms. Beef wai dull at former pi lcea. Beat' ham* were du.l at $23 e $24 for nrim* tYextern. .Smoked meats were active. Lard was dull and lower, closing at the xecond call a* loilowaJune. $11 321$ bid. $11 50 aaked: Julv, $11 32Hi bid, $11 40 aaked; August. $11 45 hid. $11 .40 asked; 8eptrmhcr, $11 02l? bid, $11 >'5 asked: October, $11 <14 bid, $11 ho asked. 8*1** were uboul 8,5LkJ tiercea at prlcea varying pit 471, to $11 721, for August, nnd $11 70 a II 7.) lor Hepleiuber. After't'bang* 500 tiercea July sol J at $11 3.4: 350 do. du at $11 20; 403 do. Au.uit at $11 45. aud 2H) do. September at II U21.. Spot waa quiet; 3LX> tiercea Weateru sold at $11 52J,. Re flned waa quoted at 12'?c. lor South Amrrica, I l'ac. lor Continent, and 1 lc. lor t.uba Bale* were IlkJ tiercea for the Continent at 1 like, and 100 tierce* or Cuba at 11a Butter and cheeea were quiet at uuclianged price*. Rice.?The market was at.-arty and without Important change. W* quoteCarolina, lair to prune, tic. a U**c.; Louisiana, lair tu good, 51qc. a 51,c.; do., prime. 5?$c. a Uc ; Rangoon, lair lo good, oa a HI4C.; i'atua. good, I'ic. a 7*sc., gold; Rangoon, in bond. 2l,c. n 3\c.. gold. Ht'oait.?Tb* market for raw waa firmer, sale* were 375 bhd* Krench lelandt at 7^e. R. lined waa ateady. W* quote:?Kalr to good refining. 7 11-lHc. a 8 1 10c.; Cuba, grocery, lair to choice. 8),c. a 8.laa ; do., centrifugal, hhds. and boxea. Noa 8 10 13, nt^r. a i">c.; do., molaaaea. buna and boxea. tl'sc. a 7^e.: Porto Rico, refining, common 10 prime, 7c. a 8',c.; do., grocery, lair to choice, 8**0. a Hike.; refined, standard A, R?,o. a llle ; off A. tt*,o. a l?*4c.; crushed. l<il,a; powdered, H?,a; greuuleted, lUJqc ; cut lost. |ll\0. _ Stxarix*.?Receipt*?10 cmIu. Th* market was Arm. with salty of 50 tierce* off grade el luJde.. and .to do. do. "'rALidiW.?necetpt*?48 hh<la . 67 tierce*. 402 bbl?. and 17 cask*. Ylie market ??? steady, with aalee o HO,OHO Ilia prime at K4,?. and *3 hhds. city at B]La Whisxict.- Receipt"nola whiskey and |(I0 bbla. ale ilini. The market was qui t; d ibble mid at ffl 13(, Kalenjin.*.?Tba auvauced demanded or peiruieum elieeked a liberal uiveetnrat ru tonnage roiled to I . ajii a< lor grain vessel* tnere waa a I.roiled demtni'. Berth mom trae In ialr reqnest Imm grain and provision trades Katea In general were unchanged. I lie engagement* were?Tu l.iverpool. by talk 44,ikiO " "~K>bl " bushels grain at rl\d lor 12,000 and 7d. lor 2.000 bushels; 2 a I libda. tobacco at 27 a ftd a 3 is . according to aiae, and, par aienrn. H.UUO busliale grain at Hd.. n.iltk) bu ll la ,tBl4d, tlie Inside price lor elnpirent thla week; 2",0 II Imxee ch. Cue at-V>e.t 1,001 tioxea bacon at 40*. To London, per ?.*k ii. A WJO boxes cbasse at .AO*. To lilasgow. per ateatu, UtOOO busliela grain at lid. <2>Hia I he ebarteri compriaed an Ilailau bark, hence to Cork tor nrdere. wltn 3.BOO quar lera gralu at he. Hid. (the Norwegian bark reported In ..ur last with 4,(100quarters grain, in Cork lor orders, at As ti.l is loi a direct port Lulled Kingdom, at As. let I; aimrman bark. Irum Hsltlmnre to Hremeu, with A.tkji) hbts. r - Aued petmleum ?t 4*. '.id.; a British bark mow ?It I lie breakwater), Irom Baltimore to eu w.rp. Bremen or Hamburg with i.ftUI i.bla. do at 4?. Ill'jd . an American schooner, hence to Kcuni, with 2 **> tin *. naphtha ou private term, a Norwegian bark, ba ne to Criinatailt, with d.bUO libla refined at a lid; an A , -rlcuu I bark. Irom Rlchm.ui i to Main e? fi r order*, wltli 3,1kei ,.i,i? do. at .'.a. Hd.; aiirrmm hark mow here). r> p tried fr in | Richmond to the Baltic, with U.reai bids u.i on private terms; a llermen bark, hence to Bremen, a Itli t.MIki bid., do. : ?t As. Hit; an Aniericnb ship, row Philadelphia In Antwerp \ or Bremen, with U.AUH bbla. do. on privais terms; a Nor- ! wegian schooner, with 2.4ISI bbla. do, Irom Baliinioreto the Baltic, at At. (id.; a Herman alilp (to arrive), from Haiti more to Bremen, with d.'tiu hbl*. do. ou private terms; >in American vrbooner, 244 tone, hence with l.imu bb.i. and H.Huncaae* do., particular* as to deetiuatlon and rale not known. NEW YORK CATTLE MARKETS. Wkoxxxiiat, Juua 21, lh7tf. aacatrTi ron two nttl. I'r.da SJ" rt' an 'I ana YarU ftrre. ftni. Calm. Lamia. Bag*. Sixtieth street. .... 1,128 4 Mii 2A7 ? Korti-eighth street.. ? 2 220 fortieth street ? ? ? ? .V22H 3,17H Jersey City. 1.410 ? ? i'.OUli Totals. 2.A4X 7 J.IHt 2.8M8 M.404 Basra*.?Trade opened alow on thla loreiioon on a mod erate run of horned cattle, at ,'4c. reduction on be closing raiea of laat Monday. Prices ranged from H'^r a HIV. per lb., weight 6)4 cwt. a V cwt.; I rum .A Ilia a A7 Ilia, bae been allowed net. the herd* to baud ranged Irmu pour In lair, ami were uearly all sold off by noun. At Sixtieth street yards H. C. hasluinn sold lor sell Si cara uf horned cattle, isnlca ?? lollowt;?129 lllinola ntvers at Be. per III., weig it 7 cwt., etroug; WO Illinois steers at Do. per lb . aelixhl 7', r lb., t ? ? - ? cwt.; 4M Illinois steers at Bl4c. a H'.e per lb. .weight .cwt.: 34 Illinois Btssrs si ?y. per lb.. Weight 7),cai.: 12a ltd nols steers at USic at)',.- per lb . weight 7.*% cwt.; 40 1 Ilia us steers at ll\ per lb., with a tia. liou off per lb., weight 7'4 cwt.; 72 Illinois steer* at B'4c a II*. bar In., weight * cwt., scant. I) Walxel told lor Morris A Waixele IU7 lllinola steers, terms not obtained. X. Minis .old lor s?ll 7.'? Illinois steers at Bl*e. a 10c. per lb., welgbi 7.', cwt. J. II. Williams sold lar self 31 Illinois sievra at Bl*c. per lb , weight 7 cwt., scant. 21) Illinois slsars at I'Je. per lb., weight 7', cwt.. scant; held on sal*, lb Illinois slsars. H. K- 1 orchard wdd lor Coou A Ho,bury 3-1 Illinois stsura ,,t Be per lb., with $1 ou par bead, wi Ight u>* cwt., strong; 4A lllluuls stears at lilc. a m'4c. per lb., weight "S ewt.; heIgel A Meyer M.ld tor selves 17 still lad Illinois stesra at B'4c. per In., weight 7'4 cwt.; HI lllinola steers at p>4.. per I >.. weight 7 U cwt.; IX Illinois steer* at B>*e. per lb . weight V cwt.; 17 Illinois stesrt at b*4c. per lb . weight si?.t cwt. a 7 ewt.; HI Illinois steers at I He. per lb . we ght h'4 cwt.; 3u Illinois ssecr* at ltl'.,)). per lb. a ith 41 on per head, weight Hi, ewt.; bald 011 sale Mil Illinois steers. At Jereey City yards w. O Donned sold lar X. W. Allarton 17 Colorado steers at H?*c. per lb.. Wright tt,(* cwt 1 17 bo,, ursdo St. ars at Be. per lb., weight? cwt ; Id Ilinois sleera atB'ic par lb .weight 7cwt; <1. Uala>cliioidt suld lor , ersch myer A Co. 4B Illinois sisers at Be. a B>?c. per in., weights '4 cwt. a 7'j ewt.; Illinois steer* at Ma. a Ih'4c. per lb., weight 7>< cwt. a -it* cwt.; lor Hopper A Co.. 03 ililnois t^steert at Btqe. par Iti., with ffl ou par uead. weight 7'., can; .12 Missouri steen at Hjac. par lb., weight HV ewt Samuels A Itegenstaia sold for Hlrseh, Mvsr A To. 73 Illinois " s tt?4 stears at B'*c. per lb., walghis W4 cwt. a 7t* cwt.; :id Illinois steers at W\c. per lb., with SI ou per head, weight ">4 cwt. a 71-, ewt. M. Louterbacb sold >or Hopper A t o. 17 Mi-*ourl steer* at Mr. per lb., with Atlc. on per head, weight 71*ewt.. scant; Id Missouri stears at BJ4e. per lb., with PI off per bead, weight 7<4 cwt ; hd Mltsoa I Hrert at t",c. a H\c. per ib . weight 7 cwt. H. W Hbcrman sold for *. W, Allertoa MB Illinois steers at Be. par lb., weight ?' j cwt.; 17 Illinois steers at B>jC. per lb., weight 7l4 cwi.; Id Illinois steers at Bjis. tier lb., wttl' 91 en per head, aaiglit 7,'e CWL Coney A Uei liersosi told for X. W Allerion Id 1111 nols stsera at Be. a l*?c nsr lb., weight 1'4 twt., for S. Hum nitr< H4 Indiana steers at n%e perlb , weight Urwt. Xiiyrr ARII Langs.?Trade alow; quality from poor to fair. Xbeep sold at tc. a <l'4fl. per Ib.: Inmns nt ?c. n Inc. par In J. Klrby Sold 4A4 Kentucky lambs, weight 20 A7(> lbs.. at Be. per lb. JuddA Hueklagbain sold 211 tjtilo tbebp, weight ?m irlb, ? 1-.2XHI t., at O.tgc. per lb Ks-oA Kidcock sold 22? Ohio ?heeo. welgtit IB.ilHH lbs , at A',e. oar lb.; I?3 Ohio Sheep, weight 12.270 lb*., at Be. par I ,. t l?4 BW Mil . _ Ohio sheep, we gut 17.41k! lbs.. At .Vic par lb ; 2i? Ohio sheep, weight ?g0.B40 lbs., nt >'*?. par lb.; 374 TlrrlnU lamb-, weight 3 ,4HO lbs., at Xe tier Ib. S 1211 Kentucky lambs, weight H.B20 lbs. at X'*c. per lb.; TiHOalawnra lamln, weight H.4ltl lbs., at Be. tier Ib.; .>4 Jersey lambs, weight 8,470 lus., at like, per IV Hams A Kdiott s >ld 4d Hint* sheep, welglit 3.M.VI lb* . nt 4e. per lb.; 27 state sheep, weight 2.4 U ins , at 5V per lb.; 31 Xtate sheep, weight 4.BIO lb*., at AV per .b.; 34 Xtate lambs, wnight i.x.ti lbs., at ajar per Ib. Miu-n ( ova ?Tiiran Iresh cows sold nt a 992 0 a 96A par head, calert Included. Vx?t.a ARB Cai.tbs. - Bnttermllk fed raises told at 4?. a Ac. par Ib.: ordinary qaallty calves at A'je. a tie. par lb.; no eholce quality veal* *? y?t te band Hon* ? rbtr* w*re no live bogs (,? sale. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Oalvkstor, Juae 21, IB7B. Cotton quiet; middling, IIJH?.; low middling, lo',* ; good ordinary, BWc. Net receipts. So bales. Alports coast wl*a, 18. bales. s40. Stock. -.B41; Btw oblrar*, June 21, 197R Cotton qaiet and steady; middling, 11 Wa.; low middliag. I Rind ordinary, IM.e. Not receipts. 487 bales; gross. .V7 Rxporta to K.slice, 3.B4H. coastwise. 1.311. Stock, 79.H3U _ Morilb. June 31, 1878 Cotton firm: middling. lllje.; low in-ddllng. !"????; ordinary. 9c. Not rodolpto. 12 baleo. Export* coast 142. Saioi, 300. Stocx, 8,51*1. . _ BArA.niAii.Jnno 21, 1878. < otton quiet; middling, lie.; loot middiiug. lu^e.: ic?od ordinary. 8Lc. Not receipts .87 bn e?: groas, 387. Exports coastwise, fl"8. Sales. 1H. Htock, 4.2B8. ? Chari i.srois. Juuo 21, 1978. CjBton quiet: middiiug, II k,c , low middling, 1(>%C. a lf"ac.: good ordinnry, 10e. Net receipts, 128 baton. Export" eoaatnrioo. 107. Salt., gnu Stock. 3.808. _ . . . WlUMKMOR, Jnao 21. 1B7B. Spirit* of turpontlno steady at 27c. Rutin Urm at $1 20 for otrained. Tar Qrtu at (I till. _, Oawsuo. Jane 21, 187". riuur moody; No. 1 spring, $H75; ainlirr winter $7: white do., 87 25 a 97 30; double extra. 47 73: concessions are made on round lota: .ale., l.diiu bids Wheat quiet No. I Milwaukee club, 81 M: car lot. do . 81 27, extra whliii Michigan. 81 SO. t'orn unchanged: wiles, '.',UUU buali *1" at Site, t orn tneal unchanged Milliard unchautred. Canal heights? Wheat, 5)te.; corn and rjre, 5c to New York: lumber, 82 tn the Hudson l.ake receipts?W beat ,2.41.0 bushels: lumber, t!W3,0i sj I'eel. Canal .Lij.uicuta? Wheat, 3.UA) bushels; lumber, 133,tWO feet. KirrakO. N. Y? Juno 21, 1878. Rccelpto? Bjr canal ? Flour, t),7 <' t.bla,; wheal, J33.UU0 huahrlo; corn, I'd i,t??t do ; oato. 19 out) do. . by railruado? Klour. 2.Ht*i bbls.; wheal, HM??> bushels; com, 2I.UUI do. t oale. 13,1* 0 do.: barley. 2.0 tO do. .-bipment* -By c.inal to tidewater?Wheat. ;t?, OH bushels; corn, 2-1,1 AX) do.; by rull roada?Flour, 2,' 0 ) I.bit.; wheat, 4O.0UU bualiela: corn, 80,1) 0 do ; oata. 1 :!,(**.) do.; barley, 2 (JOO do. Canal freights dull; S\u. for wheat, S'.c. for com, to New York. Klour quiet aud unchanged. wheat neglected: entirely nominal (lorn dull, easy; .alee of 3.71J0 bushel* high mixed at S'-Hc.. 4,"<J0dii. No. 2 mix. d Western at S2!,c. a ! 3c Oata quiet; aales ul 7UJ bu.hel* No. 2 Western at 38c., 2,500 do. Wi.enu aln at 33c. Rye inactire. Hurley neglected. Malt quiet, steady Pork dull: 819 73 tor hoary mesa. Lard dull at 12c. II ighwlnes nominally $1 13, city made. Tolrpo, Juno 21. 1878. Flour dull. Whent weak: No. 1 whito Michigan, 81 27',; No. 2 do., #1 14: extra do., 81 34: amber Michigan, 81 'Jul,; Jmie, 81 2tiJ, ; July, 81 21; No. 2 do., 81: No 2 reel winter, 81 It",; No. 3 red. $1 Oil rejected red. 90c.; Michigan, K.ic. Corn dull, shade lower; high mixed. 52c : July. SI ',c.; August, >2JuC.; luw d?..41'r. : no grade, 4fltuc.; dam iged, :i7c.; do Dayton and Michigan. NKc. Oala dull; So. 2, 32c.; Michigan, 32'aC,; rejreted, 80c. Receipts?4HU bills, flour, 77,IJUO bushels wheat, 47,'X.Kldo. corn, 7,'LOdo. oats, (shipments?0110 bolt, flour, 18,0011 bushels wheat, 23,000 do. cum, 23 (JOO do. oata. Chicaoo. June 21, 1876. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat unsettled: opened at rung mid higher and cloi-d at Inside prices; Nu. 2 ''hir.i l? spring, #1 Od. June; $1 OP* Jul. ; sales et 81 OJkJ a 81 04, July; 81 03. August; No. 3 Chicago spring. SIPJe.: re jected. 7Sn. Corn lu good dsmaud. but lower; No 2.4.>'ac. sp -i; C>\c.. July: 437ac.. tugusi; rejected, 41c. Oals easier; No. 2 at 28taC. a 28j|p., spot; 2?f?e. a July. Rye easier ai 6!?c. a t)l"ac. Hurley dull and nominal at 38a. Pora in fair demand, hut at lower rates; 818 80 a 818 83 apol and duly: 819 03 a 81". August. Lard dull, weak and lower; 811 <>S, snot and July ; 811 13 a 811 17Ja, August. Hulk me its dull aud u shade lower; shouldrra, 7c. x 7'0C.; clear rib sides, 10c. a l"',c.; clear sides. 10>?c. a lUj*c. Whiskey higher ut 81 10. Freights un hanged. Receipts?Klour. 11.0 *1 bids. ? wheat. Hl.isrt bushels; corn, 147,0OO do.;outs. 33.0t.0do.; rye. 4.000 do.: bur.ev. 4.UI0 do. Shipments - Flour O.tHO bins.; wheat, 77,000 bn-hels; corn. 422 000 do.; outs, 84,00>) no. i rye. 9.311 do ; barley. 24.000 do. At the nliernoott cull of the Hoard:?Wheat eusy.Sl 03 a 81 03jg, Jttly; 81 09V, August. Curu lower; 4.'i'.tc. it 4S7,c , July. 43\e., August. Oats dull. Purk lower; 818 00 Jo y ; 819 811 bid, August. Lard dull; $11, July. PRINT CLOTH MARKET. PkOUDKWCK. K I., June 21, 187". The printing cloth market eontlunes flrm at 3.',c. a 3*4c. for the best 04x04, with light transactions. 0 EUROPEAN MARKETS. Lonpox Pkopucr .markkt. ?Loxoox, June 21?Even ing. - Lluseed oil. 23a. 'hi. perewt. Livxurooi. Pkoui pk MAKKxr.?Livxkhool, June 21? Evening.?Linseed ui^, 23a. Od. per cwt. nVARClAL. TTni AHflN ABLkT"HA Tests. ? Jti)N Elf oTQMptlS A Endowment lusuraucs Policies. Mortgages aud other aecnrltlaa; Insurance ol ai siuds effected with beat com. paniss. J. J. HAHKICIi A CO., 117 Hroadway A-Znov* SPKCULATO (UCAN RECEIVE.A SAMPLE . copy ol this week's doiugs in Wall sL Ires; contains predictions at to luture prices ol stocks, with quotatioua of slock privileges for aavco to oO days aud Infortuatlon a> to heat mode of operating. Address TL'MHRIDtjK k CO., Slock Brokers. Ug Broadway corner Wall St., New York. Ill VK YK.A118?i STATE MONKY T<I LlJAN, AT 'B AND 7 per cent interest. 1IYATT. 143 Broadway. For sale-a FftW~ sharks' citizens' bane .stock. Wanted?O a.-ou Steam Navigation Company's Stock, by K. S. Mi-.NDELS. Jr., 35 Wall st. 1 ALWAYS HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MOUT gago New York city property; cltv railroad Stocks aud Molids bought an t sold. 11 L OKA NT, Ipo Hroadwut. TtlHD N. PiTskCeTno. 3 PINK ST' loaNS MONBY U uu New York ana Breoalyn Heal Estate. Six per cent money for first clai< loans. MORTCiXuBB FORlCCLOBBb PRE E OV CUABOR BY xu experienced real estate lawyer. Address ATTOtt NEY, oox 1.>? Herald olllce. mos OK TUB*'ILLINOIS CENTRAL KaTlHOAD Company. New York, Juuo 21, 1870. A dividend of four per cent has becu declared lir this company, payable ou the first day ol August next, to the holders of full paid shares, registered at the close ol tho 14th day of July next, alter which and until tho Sth day of Auguat the tronsler hooka will be closed. L. V. P. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. N LIBERAL TERMS?MOXKY ON LIFE-1S8UR anre policies. Apply to LIFK AND LOAN ASSO CIATION. 102 Broadway, room 1. fPO LET?THE OLD ESTABLISHED EXCHANGE X and Hanking tllflcc. Bull's Head Bank building; umd crate rent t. an energetle party. App.y now. SAMUEL K1LPA I'KICK. uEirr 39. h -t wanted Upon a oooo chaTiel xnur iP'"'U gage. Address T. S., Herald Uptown Braucb office.. 117 ANTED?8-'8.""0 ON M OR I'll All K AT fl PER TT on Improved Property. MAKTIN. 247 West S (fcsilWWY WASTKu-oNk'-rurKriiappraised JbOUUU 'valus ; Funs on l-ong Island; 15 miles Iron Hrooklyo; i>'? s*res under cuhlcstloo; house. lorwe born, windmill. *?. Adilrew slMONBON * CO., AW Rum ague it. Brooklyn. , Arii iiiwi-lll 1,1 >AN, O.N BOND AND MOKT. $5Ui"4lvn'r?wTLU Sh Ptr. ?>, Wow Torfc. S1.U0U.U00 t.^bK ?OKroAU,s AT V V. K. STr.Vr.NSON, Jr., No. 4 Pino at. _ cOP.vkTn RltiiHIPn, TAi-HiiLOtIO ?TilE COPARTNERSHIP ?KKhTO IJ fore e&Wttiic tinder the ttrii nstue ofWhftefy M Neil m ho* boon Oil. d.y dlwolT.d b^muL.o^euuTO.t^ WALTER H. NEILSON.) BCkllVKM OPIMHITIMT1KN. i HARE Bl.-IN MS OpFoJkft Si TV.? A JUBHINU A Keroeene Lamp Bu.ine.s of 11 year.' .landing In Hol timorr. t.>r ?ni? . prwanl ????'? deeire to derote tit Ir in t.ra tnuo to tliolr petluleuni and other oil Ifeue; bu?tn>'?. Ltand con be hod on lease ot reasonable rent For portico lor. kd it roll bo* 7h6 Punt oltico, Bolil ilfl. Md. k PARTNER WAN TED-CAN MAKE MONEY FAST. A iJ W rouuired; Itoll Intare.l; kojol IcKltlntotc bu?lne??. Portico or. ot W.iKK. N. BIN Knot I th ot. T ClIANCR SKLDuM OFFERED TO A YOUNU MAN A with f IDA A'ldrc.o H. J. 0-. Horold oBco. o 'KI'-I.NKsS MAN. WITH iMO". < vN SECURE AN A #?|Ool Intere.t In o well paylBK ???; eou control u?n lonil.; o roro opportunity riifjit party Yr.tlooll.iii .oliolurd. tnil mi oroddrot. O. i. La lOKl A Co., 3?sl il..wery. ? | T Vol Nil BUSINESS Ml* WILL INVEST $a.WO j\. and service* In en established busltiOM. Address MUK KiMON. box 120 Mefeld office. A?ciJ?XuUtlon oMb. EVEN I NO TELEGRAM for the week endli,,.100.17.^:-^ 9> nKm A MNE *#*4V,AlTr.KTWVNO:''^'cfcNT1?"A" LINE" Tneedky. nVfiWiEVi","iki" CBNW A LINE." ' W,d".rf*Abv"?KTlMNO.'' JO CENTO'A'LINE.' ' Ti^'^dTkktmino, ^.cento'a line:'' ;? ' VTl ?y,,ADVKRTWiNO.'^' w"okNTii" A'iatfiC" ' , ?otnrdojr.^Jnne ' j.^MTO' A ' MNS. J__ ADVERTISING. 2C CENTS A LINE. Trtftsl ??????**?' ? ? .**.?aw'i'mW ' ADVKRl'isilid, CENTS A LINE ^ ^ n^ly|"rti??*i.lnit out ei tii? cit<- ihould subeerlbe iur TH fc EVENING TELr lit:AM ; 50 cente per montli. to o yoor. poueg.- prepaid. T THOROUGH BC9INEM-. MAN. WILLING TO UK A ?ote in. entire time, e n purchase f .r ?l. Oil e luir In bu.lne.o which p-e.ent owner con not Kiv? the Otientl-.n It mente; li competent may I.oto lull oharae o. nu.iue.s, with reo.onoolo .alary for .ervlce.. i Call U Merchant ? Manufoclnrliu end Construction i <?tn poor. 40 Biruod ?t. _ _ ? HAMPI.K AND LUNCH Ri>i>VI?SPLENDID LOCA A lion, e.tniiilebed. porino bnelneoe. donre town, o h*r WILLIAM w BHAW. 41 linhenre plncn. i It.IlK CIIA.NCK FOB A MAN WILL}NO TO IN J\ re.t $.1110 oud oitetd in ..Mce dutlee?Hoi I I itere.l ill no e.lob i.h^.l money mn.inir ...mns A.ldre.. stlLlD FOUND vTION. Iler. Id ? IBee . AN OLD EHTAiljdHED EN''N|<j*? EU-'iNitgN PoE ?|p. C. W. MM IT J. 4th nr., J7lh .t. InxFea induoembntT-for malk. a. can aha li I'stent: tne food* ere ?Upl? end meet with *r#st SSI# hern; o Inetory In fa.I operotlon un.ble to (III ?r<irr.; oxominotlon lled fr .tu nny penl.tmon meonln? huD new. ? nil at ?l Hud...u .t? r-?m I. or nddre... o..x l,.l-?b l*o#l office. . . .. rioksATk cm kxchanok for F orn Property nnencniuberrd. ? well e.tobll.bfd . bmr In Mill in in.I operotlon. In o Eeotern Mole, with Hi. run ot ond o eopoolty ^"^IeVkTOn' TO r4 ..OKI cleor. Apply to tlRIOHK A t.AELBTOE, TO Brood way. - til OR DISPOSAL-ONE UP THE BEST * A BEETS ON F tbo wo.t ?lde; leodlnp ovenu ?. for fall portlcnlor. iVtnlro of fA T LtrK A LaNV. 7H Bnrolny ?t- . MANUPACTUKERS OF STAPLE ARTICLES HE tirinK to eotobluh o ooieo oponcy In Mo.ton con meet witn on e erKotlc mid reliable ojeiil. wba.n refe.oi.te. .re u.idonbto I. by oildrewlBK CKOVVELL, boo IM P.?t ^ce. Ne? ip'trleh. N. H. Partner wanted.-the MaNVPatuMR op a popular ohlrt. c.mtrollinir o lor?e Al trade, .le.irlo* to reorironuo tin. foil, bat who., eoplltl I. i..en?lcleot to ? o tbo trodr olon., do%lro* o portnor either wwclol or act .re; the letter preferred. ArldreM $. ?!., box Ik! Herald o nce. ILL EaCHANUK PART INTEHKjT IX MV Elevator lur Me ohondlee or ?o??d i.oal K.toto C vMPMELl Pr.neh ? I resell ? Hotel. AVTKD-A MAN. will! CAPITAL, to enoaob VT in o eommerci .1 enterprlw. the plan of which I. n.w and taking A.inrew N. or c.ll >1 JTO Mow lltb ?l WJ w; anted-a partner in an old establishkd Vy city rotall dry ?<wdo bouw; location oo.l bo.jn.w Sr.t clow; W a tnorou.h booinow man. Willi $1 A**'"7 ?*.%.< Ik) o,h capital a roe# opportunity will be *i?en Ad drew J, M. b.. iter.Id idkeo AV ANTED TO IN VKSI -WITH HKRVICRS, $b.0>?' TO Vf 'iKlUUU.My ? b??i?s?s min, ll mannlnc nrlng or ae.e .utile, wi.ete cap.tol '? "snlr.d t. extend or partner Metre, to mliw. AddrwW REaDI. box 4.UM Pool OMOO Bl'HISKSS OPPOKTl7*ITIKS. fl-r/l VVI l.l. l-STABUrtfl ANY GENTLEMAN I!fX Df?, proBtsUla ISumwh. never Introduce* la this eouutrr ; can tuake *-?> weakly po-lil vHy. llAKDINli, HM1 Brnsilwsy. <J?i>> i|| ||| CASH-PO* BALK (NO BKUKEKi* tf. KO V-.'M/W apply), Chop sud Club lloutr, with Lease anil Flsitires: s -mart man. ur>ed tu the bii-iitvs, this la the Elace for hint; no better lu fne Slate: leara alt J ear? ; aat ifari.>r> rvasoo* far selling; tint la an A1 place. Address WILLI AM. Herald oBioe. d>.\7|}u| -MAM KACTfRI.Nii Bl'diMEAS, IN Stc" ?P'JtUlM/. restful uprr.ttlon. 8 year*, natliny IW.'I <? to pd.tJtllJ par annua; suulpped with ail tiece.aery machinery, carrying no stork. without rink or liability; prirc worth $12,000; ia offered for aala uu (aroriabla terms. the owner briny called to Europe; only cash reriulrad, balance easy tamo from profits; every facility lor ?tncteat iuvt-ai igation. Address STEADY HI -I Nh>s, herald oSlca. Afu\ Him ?a rlifiii wax i-kh. silent <>5 VtlW.UUlr, active. In the gold and ailver bullion aa aayii g and refining bu-lue-s; established for yrartt and pat ? my laryn prottta: no chance of loss. AUdraaa V., boa ItM Herald owca. Sft/in 11| || | w anteuT- Iemvli'kmtiaE a no ? 111U.I loo. responsible party to feriu carnpuny Ad drear t 'lfdl'ANY, Heruld office, ataliug wbare an tniarvlaw cau be bud. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Messrs. Lewis K. WoilF k Hroiher, manufacturers ef bruahea, of N'u 78 Pearl street. have been sold out by the Sbenlt. The liabilities of Meesra. William Cheeks k Co., job bers In dress gooJs, of Broadway, are now slated to be only about $50,000, inatoad of $-260,000, aa previously reported. Messrs. Cheeks k Co. are endeavoring to settle with their creditors by a compromise of forty cents on the dollar. ( The examination of Otto Huster, dealer In lors, of Maiden lane, was continue J yesterday belore Register Allen, of No. 152 Broadway. The first meeting of the creditors of Henry W. Uowett was held yealvrduy before Register Alloa, when Frun? els Scbell was elected assignee, alter the following debts bad been proved:?K. P. Scott A- Co., $2,501 81; Pettis A l.uaiho, $510; Thomas Usftiehl, $500; Francis A. Hull, $500. The ilr-i meeting of the creditors of Franklin A. Thurston, builuor, was held yesterday before Register Alien. No uebls weru proved, and Mr. .lobn 11. 1'latl, the otflciul assignee, was appointed ass goto. At a meeting of tho creditors of John M cMullen, held vesterdaP at the office of Register Williams, ol No. 4 Warreu street, Mr. JohnU. Cameron was elected assignee. The first meeting, in composition, of the creditors of John C. and John K. Baxter was buhl yestorduy. belore Register Fitch, of No. 345 Broadway. The bankrupt* opposed a composition ol twenty live cent* on the dob lar. but the meetingpdjourned without taking any ac tion thereon. At the second ootupusition meeting of the creditor* ol i i cor go |. Burr, lield yesterday, before Register Fitch, thero was no opposition expressed to the ottered composition of forty onta ou the dbiiar. The Urst meeting ol the creditors of William 1? Fisher, to elect un assignee, which was set down tor yesterday, beloro Register Fitch, was adjourned until the 30th Inst. DRY DOCK SAVINGS BANK. The run on the Dry Dock Savings Bank was con tinued yesterday, and tho crowd of anxious peopl* waiting to draw their little saving* was even greatei than on the previous day. Tho sidewalks were thronged long before tho doors were opened, and aa soon as ihej were thrown open a rush was made for tbe paying let ler's desk. The crowd steadily increased Irom tea o'clock till one, and three policemen were required t? keep the excited people lu order. Several of those whs called, however, finding their money was promptly forthcoming, went away without drawing It, and some even made deposits to mark their unshaken confidence In the bank, The greater part of the crowd were Ger mans and Hebrews, and it la said that tbe run origin ated at a meeting of a German lodge. At tbe time the bank closed at three o'clock there wero about 300 per sons Inside, and a great number were still on tbe side walk. I'p to that hour abaut $70,000 had been with drawn. Mr. Mills, tbe President, stated that the bank would be well able to stand the ruu, and that It could, If nocossary, pay every uollar of deposits. He said that tuere were n > grounds lor the panic and comparod H to a groundless cry of Ore in a crowded thcalre. The bank officials, be said, are utterly at loaa lor a reason lor it. uuless it can bo lonnd in the fuct that the poor and uon-Lngluih speaking customers ol the institution had confouuded it with tho Mechanics and Traders' Hank, a reiereo lor which bad been appointed by ttu courts. The bunk baa in bonds and mortgages, $2,346,950; in bonds of cities of tbe State of New York. $1,304,000; in New York city bonds, $4,427,000; government bonds, $2,308,000, and In real estate, $020,000. These securities can readily be realised upon a basis of at least ten pur cent above par. If net emarv $7,000,000 ran be put at command to meet anv ami all deniuuds. tbe oenk oUlcials express themselves as very confi dent that as soon as the people become convinced thai there is no real cause toraiarra the run will cease. THE EMPRESS EUGENIE'S LACES. New* has been recelvei at the Custom Hoaie from the United States District Attorney's office that the ee.ebrated smuggled lece goods which were made for Eugenie, ex F.mpres* ol the French, ere to be shortly ?old for government eccount at United States Mars abal'a auctlou. They were soiled In May, 187$, by Capiain Bracken, Special Treasury Agent, who fob lowed their owner, a Mr. Hoorlx, or Brussels, fro? this city to Philadelphia, tbenec to Wilmington, Del, and thence to Wualiington, where they were seized bm contraband. The goods were exhibited at the last Pari* Exhibition. Toe late Mr. A. T. Siewart ex pressed a to be present at tneir aaie. Mr. Grant, ut tbi Arm of Urant k Miller, swell known Custom House lace expert, was asked to ptaoe a value upon the laces, and said he could not. A dress and shawl have been restored to Mr. Hoorix upon his representa tion that said good* belonged to his wile i here re main some eighteen or twenty pieces to be disoosed ol and their promises to bo n most Interesting affair in sp-.te ol hard limes. THE POLICE PAUADE. The annual parado of the police taxes plsoe to-daft The line will form in Lafayette place between elgul and bill-past eight A. M., and start promptly at nine o'clock, passing through Fourth struct to Broadway, up Broadway to fourteenth street, aero? Fourteenth street to Fourth avenue, up Fourth srenue to Twenty third street, across to Madison avenue, up Madison sveuue to Tblrty-iourth street, across to Filth avenue, down Fifth avenue to Fourteenth street, tbenoa nl ng west a de ol t'nion rqiinro to the plaza, where the foico will be reviewed by Mayor Wlckbam aud probably Governor Ttlden, and also the beads of the various uepariments, besides other distinguished persons The time set for tno review ir ton A. M. Between l.fiOO and 1.H00 men will be in line. The entire command will be under Superintendent Walling, and tbe four Irspcctora will each have a division. The men will nil wear the new Berby hats. THE BOILEIt EXPLOSION. Coroner Kllinger yesterday empanelled a jury In ths case of Kneeland Wright, the o?ok of tbo tugboat H. W. Workman, who met hi* death the day previous by tbe terrible explosion. Alter the Jury formally ex amined the mangled remains of the deceased they wem dismissed for the pre-ent. It bo ng the intention oftbe Coroner not to hold ihe inquest until alter ovory exer tion has been made to find tbe bodies of the two miss ing men who were in the boat si the time ol tbs ex ploaiou. No traces ss vet baru been Ioul.1 ol them. I BROOKLYN'S NEW CITY BUILDING. Yesterday forenoon ground ws? broken on tbs Site set span by the Common Council for tbe erection of n new municipal building, on the west side ol the King* Couuiy Court House. At eleven o'clock a large assemblage of cltlzona and officials gathered on Jorale mon street, in tbe vicinity of the ground selected, and Mayor kebMOder made his appearance, ahovel In hand, and removed u small quantity of earth amid the cheers of the spectators. President French, ef the Hoard ol Aldermen, lollowed the example, after wbtoi several addresses were made. Tbe Mayor said sotnf lorty years ago tne corner stone waa loi-f for the City Hill. It was urn intended to erect a build lug which sbeeld covet the whole of City H.?ii suuare; but* tbe panto ol 1KI7 put a atop 10 the bitllilmg lor the time being, and the project smmber d nil 1?44. when tbe present t'liy Hall was begun sod completed within two years, 011 the modified pian. The nulluing as originally m ti-noi d would be wbst s now wanted lor room and con? venlesow The i-raritcsi mechanics who are member* 01 th-1 Aidermanic Commute# on Building will nee to It, Hia Honor said, 'that this is as bnueai a Job ss was ever put op In Ihe city ol Brooklyn.'' It Is a loriu nnto nme, iiou provides work lor many unemployed mechanics and laborers In ths city. Alderman Fisher then spoke, reviewing tbe history of the t'ny Hall, whie.i cost, with all us lurniture, 9'iM.OdO. The uaw Court House cost bat $V?l,7fW 'ix. It cannot be said that Brooklyn la extravagant in her public buildings. Corporation Counbal Be Wilt, .toper visor ('lark aud Alderman Martha also made short speeches, slier which the work of excavating w s began. The bulking, wbleb is to con 9900,000, will bare a depth of l.'iO feat and will have a troat on Jnratcmob street of 100 leal. It to to be finished by May 1, 1V77 HAD FATE OF AN UNKNOWN WOMAN. Early yesterday morning an naknowa woman, sap posed If ba a tramp, wan horribly maagtod on thai Pennsylvania Railroad, within the limits oi Newark city. The remains had to he gathered tip la k scooj. They are beyond reuogmt o i. tint are held till to-day it tue Morgue. II not iduutiited they Will M couat^iahA to the Potter'e Field.