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THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14.550. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1S76.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. HERALD IIRANCH OFFICE,' 1.385 BROADWAY. OPKN DAY AND XIGUI, YOB RECEPTION Of ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALE OY PAYEES. AMUSEMENTS?2d PACB-lid^L ASTROLOGY?12tii Pauk?Oth eot BILLIARDS?2d Paub?3d cwL BuAKDKRS WANTED?1st Paob?Mb and 5th cola board and lodging wanted?in yau?-aui ml Boots and shoes-2d Paui-ad col. BROOKLYN KKaL KSTaTK YOR SALK-2D Pacb?lit col BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIBS-Oth Pac*. business notices?7th Pack?uth c..i CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st PAOU-ith col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALK-Ud Paub?lit ool CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12th Paok?3d and 4th wis Clothing?2d pack?2d ?>i. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?12th Paob?4th cot COASTWISE STBAMSHIPS?13tr fits .SihceL COPARTNERSHIPS?Mil Pauh. COUNTRY ROARD-UT Paob?5th eoL EKNTIXTRY?12th Paaik?6th eel WELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UB KU KKI8HED?2d Paoh? let cot BUROPKA.N STBAMSHIPS? 12n Pibh 41h and EtheoH. UROPB?2d Paub?4th col. EXCURSIONS? 12th PAux-Sth coL YINANCIAL-Otb Pack. YOR SALB-2D Paub?2d eoL FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET?2? Paob?lit and 2d cola PURNITURE?2d PAOK-3d col. HELP WANTKD?FEMALES?12th Pacb?3d ooL HELP WANTED?MALES?12th Pao?-4th coL HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?In Paub-34, 94 and 4th cols. HOTELS?1st Paca-3th col. INSTRUCTION?Ui Paub?3th coL LOST AND FOUND?1st Pauu-UIcoL MACHINERY?2d I'aUK-24 col. marble mantels?2d Pacb?3d col. MEDICAL?12th Pack?tUb rot MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING-lit PAOH-5th cot. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS-Utah Pauh? Bth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS??th PAG?-Oth col PEKSONAL-lar Pauk-Gt col. PIANOFORTES. ORGANS. AC.-2d Paub?4th eoL PoLlTICAL-llt PAUK-5th col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Paub?3d coL PROPERTY OUT OY TIIB CITY YOB SALE OB TO KENT?2D Pacb -Ht col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?3d Paob?1st cot RKAI. ESTATE WANTED?2d Paub?lit coL RELIGIOUS NOTICKS-Ist Paub-lit cot REWARDS?1st Pack?Ut col. BALES AT AUCTION?lar PACK-Oth col. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?12th PasI?lit. 24 and 3d cola SITUATIONS WANTED?MALE8-13TU Paub?3d cot SPECIAL NOTICES?Iit PAGB-lit and 2d cola SPORTING?DOGS, BIRDS, AC.-ln Paub?2d ooL STORAGE? 12th Paub?ath ool. SUMMER RESORTS?1st Pauk?5th coL THE TRADES?12th PACK-4th cot THE TURF?1st Pauk?24 col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PUKP08ES?2d Paob?lit ooL TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?13th Pauk?5tli Aud Sth oota UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2d Paob?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?2d PAGK-2d col. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC.-2d Pack?2d col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY YOB SALE OB TO LET?2d Pack?lit col. TACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC.-lOni Pack?6th cot c PKIUOIAL. ARKfE-MEETlt K TO-NIGHT (PMb AYTr42B~IT. AL. EFF B BIRDSALL?SUSIE SOULE, FROM SAN Fraocliou, aaut letter for you by her friend. Pleaee tall on or addreu MuCAULEY. Crittenden Houie. J~]lUOBNIK FRANCAISB, FORMERLY LIVTNQ~IN It West 31it. pleaee tend your oreient addreu to friend UARLES. box 120 Herald Uptown Branch office. J" OHNNY?WILL MEET YOU SAME TIME SATURDAY. 28th at. and Madiion ar. CUBAN. P' AGE CANNOT HELP SENDING ONE WORD~C>P love and adoration to hii darling. Will the have ne nercy for him ? STATEN ISLAND FERRY AND TWENTY-THIRD itrcet itaco.? Such lovely eyes. Communicate. In cou Bdonce, DISCRETION, Herald office. WILL rf. D. MARIE PETERSEN, WHO WAS IN CO penhaKen winter ot "1374-5, pleaee Mad her preMM Bddrou to the friend who aiileted bar ( HKLIGI018 XOT1CKS. THE GOSPEL TENT " 34th st , Welt, end neer 6th aw. (Green eerii of Thirty-fourth street line pete the tent) SECOND WEEK OK SERVICES. Lecture on "Young Men of the Bible," by Rev. STEPHEN H. TTNO. Jr., every evening (exoept Saturday) et 8 e'eloc*. Topic for Friday?"The Young Ruler." After meetings, it 9 o'clock every evening, will be con ducted by Rev. W. HUMK8TU.NE. SATURDAY, 8 P. M.?Meetln- of Christian Workers, to be led by Uncle JOHN VASSAR. Singing every evening by THEODORE E. PERKINS end e chorus. NOONDAY PRAYER MEETING Ivery dey for one hour under the direction of Mr. ALEXANDER LYLE. Seats ftee to all. Helpers wanted, as ushers, workers and singers. Address I. P. WILLIAMS, No. 46 East 4:id st. Contributions to the support of these services may be cent le EDWARD L OWEN. Treasurer. No. 46 East 43d St., or No. 71 Wall st.__ ~ Lost a.\u nn.\ a?. t d3T-OlT^WEDNF.SDAY~MORNI.VOr^JtrNE"21,"~A AJ Black andTao Dog. with silver collar and smell boll on. $5 will be paid for returniug the same to 141 Eaat 43d SI. L^OST?BETWEEN WORTH AND WAlUtKN ST8.-C60, ths property of e poor man. The finder will be rewarded by returniug the same to No. 335 ; Broadway. In the base ment. -Y UST-OM MONDAY, APRIL 19. A LADY'S GOLD XJ Watch and Cnatelnine. The finder will he liberally re warded by calling at 135 Weat 14tb st. ~ REtt AUUb. Ifc UKWAk'DT^LOST, ^a'^COTC It TERRIER DOG, qpt/ very old end nearly blind; hair on back woru utf 145 East 15th st. d??? REWARD.? LOST. BETWEEN 10 AND 11 A. M.' tpU on 31st, between Desbrotset street ferry and Grand Central Hotel, a brown Morocco Pocketbook. containing a whit# comb, an excursion ticket to Philadelphia tor tbe J 1st and a letter addressed to a lady; the contents of no value to aav one but tne loser. The finder will receive the above re ward by applying to Mr. PHILLIPS. Hairdresser, 837 Broadway. ' BEWARD-KOR GREEN PARROT: YKL low bead; lost leathers on neck; stolen 1Mb from Eaat 57th st.; no questions naked. i on reward!-lost, a cameo breastpin, on VsvU Tuesday afternoon, between 37th and 50th its. Apply at Brewery. 58th st. and 11th av. $<)C~REWA11D~FOR RETURN OP BROWN MIXED w'J large Nesrfonndland Dog to WBNIKL. 104 titb av. AO - REWARD FOR THk RETURN OK THE 8UIT ipju of Clothes and Satchel taken from 167 Woverlay place. June go. and no questions esked. Address K.. box 1UM Herald oitlce. $iis reward!" ? Pawnbrokers, look out. Gold Wateb, double chased case. Fob Cheln, stolon trom St. Denis Hotel. Tbe ebove reward will be paid aud no questions asked If left at office of St. Denis. RTwaRD.?$50 ' FOR RECOVERY OF BODY drowned on the 3Dth of Jane on the Pleasant Valley doek; yours man, IS years old, dark ryes and hair, height 5 feet 3 inches. Mr. 80MMRK. 78 Mb av. ' SPECIAL" .VOTlt'Eh. A -18AAfeToTBOY<5fcT 307 BROADWaY. LaWYTKR.? ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity: daeer tlun. incompatibility, habitual drunkenness, infidelity. In hnmen treetment, conviction of felony. Passports obtained. ?aTTTall prizes cashed in gold Tat this ? office. Third Louisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, .1 uly 38, 1876. Capital prise f 1UO.OUU gold 11 3,580 prises amnunttng to $30X80(X 9U.O 0 tickets S5U currency. Coupon* In proportion. Apply for information Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadway. Post offioe box 8ACM. *4 B8QLUTB DIVORCES. LEGAL EVERYWHERE, A obtained for Incompatibility and numerous causes, without pnblieity; terms satisfactory: advice ire*. FREDERICK KINO, Lawytr and Notary Public. 306 Broadway. *A ?ROYAL HAVANA LoTTRRY, A ? Next drawing July L 1 Prise of Bpenish dollars $100,000 1 Prise of Spanish dollars So.UOO t Prises of eeeb. Spanish dollars 35JJ0U and 865 oilier prises German Government Lotteries, /nil explanatory circulars free. THEODORE ZSCUOOH, feat offioe box 6.584. HM Nassau st. Haw York. CHANCE TO MAKE A FORTUNE PUR One Dollar, If la sail ad an or before the last day of lbs 100th year sf tha Declaration of tbe Indepea dense, ?eaday, J nly 3, 1171. Bend for circulars Drawing will be h*ld la tea days. ftr particulars, and send orders to ?ORGKNT1!AC. BRUNO A CO.. Bankers. 33 Park row. New Yurk. Post office box 1,387. A -MRW.000 IN PRIZKS.-7WHOLE TICKETS. ?? A - Every other TICKET DRAWS a prUo. 35.430 PRIZES. FROM $60,fU0 toilOA KENTUCKY STATE DISTRIBUTION. DKaWS SATURDAY. JUNK 34. 1-1*. Prises PAID IN FULL aWkk THK DRAWING. PARKS. KMEK-ON a CO.. SANKEP.8. 180 BROADWAY POST OFFICE BOX 5.37X B*" -KENTUCKY bTATK LOTTEKIKS OF J. 8. SMITH . A CO. gurrocgr?situ class ?o. OS. roa 1876. 18, Ml, 6. 4, 50. S3. 08. 73. 16. 71. 76. b. xa.vtoonT-CL.tas no. 5?i4. roa 1676. 73. 06. 56. 63. 74. 8, 76. 18. 5<>, 13. S, 70 All orders address B. N ATliA.N. 181 Broadway, er Past Mttc* box 4.87n, New York city. DIVOKCRb legally AND QUIETLY OBTAINED for Incom patibility, Ao: residence unuecesssry: tee slter decree. A. GOODRICH, Post other box I.037. Cnlcago. DI.-I-.A8K8 DP MKN t SPECIALTY henry a. Daniels, m d., 144 Lexington m. tear 38ib BL Office hours Irum 8 to 3. QAVANA LOTTKryTTn kit DRAWING JULY I. 1878; 40.0 ?> tickets ; fmiuin m prises. Address H. * A KTI N EZ A>CO.. Banters. In Will st.. basement. Post ?ffio box 4,663 New Yora Spanish gob: and Havana book dllt buagBt aad sold; drafts on Havana Issued INCONSTANCY IN MAN DISCOVERED ~AT A I Ian-? indisputable. Address J. A. 6.. 10 Oxford St.. Instnn. Mass. ___________ ?CH lit INK' i'A I Alt Kit. DKaTnVss IMPROVED methodtloatantanroiis rr-nef. r>eri.ianrnt iurrs Dr. .-KillHard. No s Meal 14lbsl. oTal h a van a id ittkr y.?? .t Vi7mi~ w ill Tie drawn on June 30. Prises cashed - orders filled . Infer nation laraiebed; highest ratet paid ler Spanish bills, goe wemsMts, Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers. Xo. It Well St.. Mew York. A \L. special sutices: "i^SfirtfC8TATH ?JllfHLK KfMBBIt OKAND DI3 IV tributluu 4r>?i Hainrday. Juiw H 1370. 83UO.0U0 distributed. 29,430 prlaM out at 50,000 tickets 3 Unad Cwh Prisma of $2U<U0 ragh. On* prise gurutaixl to wary two tickets purchased. Now ia the time to invest. Whole tickets, $10; helves. $9: quarters, $3 5U. Bead m vour orders > t onus to JACKSON A PP.. Backers, 2ta Broadway. Near York. VTBEVOUB EXHAUSTION.?A MEDICAL K88AY IN coin prmlng a series of lecturA delivered et Kobe's Museum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause end corn of Premature Decline, showing Indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the Impedi ments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being the result of 30 years' experience. Price 35 cents. Address the author. Dr. Il J. V AHM.olfioe and ree ideuce 51 East lOth St.. New York. J^OTICK?NKWBKKN, N. C. _ . All persons are hereby notified that I have no ageute or clerks at present In my employment, and that business ef whatever description involving my interests must ba trans acted with nio tu parson. Juee 31. 187H. L. M. BLAKKLY. N" OTICK. The manufacture and tnla of tha Orover A Baher Sew ing Machines will hereafter be carried on by tbe Doinvstie Sewing Machine Company, to whom we have said our good will and bustutaa GROYKK A BAKER SRW1NT, MACHINE COMPANY. LBO ELEOTKICO.?CAKD-TO TUB PEOPLE OP Hraxll, I, Dr. Cbarle. De IIrath, of New York city, do eertity that I am the sole inventor, proprietor and manu facturer of the celebrated Oloo Electrico Deaotnluado llel Da Dor (King of Palo), Bud bo article of that name te guanine that does not haar my trade mark of my portrait on the wrappets, and the namu Oloo Klvetrico Denomlnado Kel l>a Dor (King of Pain), and words "Trade-Murk." end e star and the name Dr. Chas. Do ttraih blown in the bottles, end the wrapper or labels being registered as patented to Charles De Urath by letters patent of tbe United States of America, bearing data January 18. 187d. And I further certifv that ray sole agents in Uracil are A. L. Perreiru de Carvalho A Co., Kiva do Uosario, No. 12 lilo tie Janeiro, 'o whom 1 have given full power of attorney to prosecute any person who sells or makes counterfeits of my medicine, and the public are oautloned against buying any but my gennlne medicine, sold only by my agents. A L. Parrelra de Car valho A Cm., whose agency is certified by tbe Brexiiina Consul in New York, and whoso namos appear ou tbe wrap per and circnlar as my sols authorised agents for tha Empire of Brasil. All my other agencies aud contracts havo been canceliad and are revoked, and the wrappers ol bottle- bear lug the picture of cripples entering honse are bo longer used by me. Dated Nuw You Citt. June 23. 1876. Wltneaa?11 akkv Buowk. Dr. CHS. DE ORATII. Stale. Cltv and County nf New York?On this 22d day of Jnne, 1870, bolore me personally appeared L'r. Charles Da Urath, known to mo to be the person described la and who executed tho above instrument, who acknowledged that he executed tha dead. ADAM COS. Notary Pablic. New York city ZopkiciaL ij haw in os Kentucky state Lor . terns. d.MMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. Kx.vruCKY, kvtua class NO. 285?JI NX 22, 1*78. 33. 25, 27. 21. 40. 9. 7, 48. 22. 72. 3, 93, la KBNTL'CKY, CLASS NO. I9tl?JUNK 22. 1870. 5, 49, H. 21. 56, 71. 18. 48. 23. 51. 8. !IU, 58. 7a RKNRY. KXTRA CLASS NO. 285?JUNa 22, 1870. 1. a SI. w, 49, 8. 44, 10. 7, 02. 31. 19. 85. liKSRY, CLASS NO. 290?JUNB 22, 1876. 24, 4, 05. 20, 30, 3?, 33, 48. 55, 54, 15, 74, 42. R. Pull Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTB A CO.. 200 Broadway, room No. 6, rear ogloa. ?$300.000?SIMMON8 A DICKINSON'S dlNULB . Number Kentucky 8tato Distribution, to b# drawn on Satarday. Juno 24. 187H. *300.<*X.i to be distributed; 25.430 Srises and only 50.000 tickets. Evory other ticket a prise, ow is your time to invest. Prises peyeble In fall. Whole, $10; Hell. $5; Quarter. $J 60i Toe next Royal Havana will bo drawn on Saturday, July 1, 1878. Sand In your orders to J. CLUTE, Banker, No. 300 Broadway, room No. 0, rear office. $300,000.- ? ? fortune for 310. Ken tacky State Distribution Draws, Satarday, Jane 34, 3 grand Caeh Prises of $90,000 each. Bvery other ticket a prise. 35,430 primes, from 82O.U0O to $100. Payable In fall, withont deduction. Tickets, $10; Halves. $5; Quarters, $3 50. THOMAS H. HAYS A CO.. 807 Broadway. SPORTMG-DOOI. BlRilS. ?Sv. PARTICULAR ATTENTION' PAID TO TTIK TREAT rneut mid cure of ell kind* of dieeuees; Gardner1! Mauire Cure; cure for lite, wcTtna and all dlaeaari: Dog- hoarded, trained, cropped, trimmed, bought, told on eommlailnu. H. GA RON Kit. corner Broadway and 50th at. WANTED?THE U8E OP A MIDDLING-SIZED Bitch. Juat wholped, witli milk; or trill purchaae one. Apply at G2 5tb ar., Brooklyn, L. I. TllB TLKKT J" ""tR^flO'lf ANDFRENCIIPoOLS SClLiyTHIS KVE L ntng at New Y'nrk Turf Exchange. IS and 1? Weat 2sth at., ou the running race a at Philadelphia; prompt attontion given ordora by mail or meaaenser. KELLY. BLISS A CO. Auction and prknch pools sold this even lnr at JOHNSON'S Itoouia, corner Broadway aud 28th it., on the running racos et Philadelphia. Pull retnrna re ceived. All ordora promptly attended to. French Pool Tiaiwia at S3 and PS eaek. T. B. JOHNSON. Fleetwood park, priday.june-js.-a swkkp atakea of $100 each; beat two In three, in hnrnoaa; to commence at 3 o'clock. William Lovell entera a g. White Stocking Jemct Sweeny entera a. g. I rojan. J. Sougbury entera a. in. Lady Jefforaon. Ala.) pur>e $150; heat three In Sve, In harness. A. Hindi entera b. ui. Grocery Girl. J. Kami outers a g. Kip Van Winkle. A. 8. Odell en'.era b. in. Lady llildreth. GATES II. BARNARD, Praaldent. Fleetwood pakk. mobkisania, n. Y.-REO ular Juno meeting, comineneinp 24th. -tith and 27th, eloeed with 12 entrie* tor 2:50 claaa, 8 cntrioa lor 2 claaa, 7 eotrlca lor 2 :28 claaa, 4 entrica for 2:28 claaa. 111 cntrioa for 2:10 claaa and 4 eutriva for 2:23. Trotting will com mence at 3 o'clock and heata will be trottod alternately. GATES H. BARNARD, Prcaident. SARATOGA RACING ASSOCIATION. llooma 1,230 Broadway. New York. Auction and Paria Mutuela will he sold every night and morning on the Point Breeae Park Aaaociatlon Races, com mencing this evening. JOHN MORltlSSEY A CO. SEAYIEYY PAKK. 8TATKN ISLAN D.?SATURDAY, Juno 24. at 2P. M.. purao of $200. tor 2i>l claaa, has filled with live entries. George Wright's b. g. Unknown. K. 11. lleard'a b. in. Maud Miller. T. Brvwn'a b. m. Annie K. J. E. J arris' blk. in. Jonuie. K. Coil's b. g. John. Traiua connect with the boat for the track. Pare 3Qe frorn Now York. Admiaaion 50c. T. LI'LEY. Manager. w E SELL POOLS AT FLEETWOOD PAKK TO DAY. KELLY, BLISS A CO. djO ?KKENCH POOL TICKETS WILL HEREAFTER ?P?3. be aold on all Important events, in addition to our well eatahllahed $?> pools, at New York Turf Exchange, 15 and 17 Weat 28th at. KELLY, BLISS A CO. A HOUSES. CAllRlAGEh <?c. N KXKCUTOK'8 SALE, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THIS DAY (Friday), JUNE 23, AT 11 O'CLOCK, PROMPT. AT THE PK1VATB STABLE OP J. GOULD. ESQ.. DECEASED, IN BEAR OF PRIVATE RESIDENCE 140 5TU AV. I ENTRANCE NO. 4 WEST 1BTIL ST.), op the following valuable horses, car riages. H AllNKS.-, AC.. VALUED AT OVER $20,000, AND WILL POSITIVELY HE SOLD TO HIGHEST UIDDER. The handsomest and beat broken Team of road and family Marea in the city; lf>)? handa high, " aud 7 veara old; beau tiful bright baya, very powerfully built, with extraordinary fine feet and Itiuba; aired bv Champion, raiaud bj J. L. Haigh, at Anbnru. N. Y.; trolled at county lair last aprlog, wheu purchaecd. in 2 2>2. alnre which time they have been naed aa a family team. I'or wliieh purnoae they aro Invalu able ; tbay are vory prompt, atyiian Jrivcra, do uot ahy or poll, are not afraid of locomotive, will atand without l)!ng and are perleetly broken, aiugte and under aaddlo, and ara ?ate for a lady to ride or drive; either mare can trot better than 2 r45. and are warrauteil aound and kind. The elegant hay Trotting llur-e Ixiuu. I5)f handa high. aired by Pearaall. dam an Abdallah mare; trotted, when fiurcbaaed. two heuta at laland Park eoiiree. Albany, N. Y., n ISUA, 2 28K: he la a horae of Innnenae pnw?r and endur auee, fine feet, with a tlat and curdy eel of Innba. very power ful mu-clea. and can pull two men to a lop wagoa ei|ual to any boree In tho city; lie la a very alvllah driver, doee not pull when (pending, la not eacitahle In company, la very pure galled, aal'e lor any ordinary drtvar. a remarkable pole horse, and warranted aound anil kind. Vary atyllelt driving Horue General Dix.aired by American Clay. dam by Melbourne, raised at Lexington, Ky.. liila borae liaa trotted aeverai raoee In the *tmt before being [ brought to thL city, one of which he trotted at Cincinnati la-t 4th of July, beating High Cloud. General Grant, | aud two otheta. In 2 :SO)i. ami, 2 :2 "4 ; he la 15JH banda high, S yeara old, and a hnrae of great endurauee, a very I pleaaant driver, a good pole liorae. a very pure gonad, ar.u, } if put in train thla, cau heal 2:25. and la warranted aound and kind. [ High bred strawberry roan mare Lady Packer, aired by | Jnplter Ahdailah, dam a Mraaeiiger mure, lit* handa high, 8 veara old, raUod hy J. Muucbcn, Grange county, N. Y.I trotted two heata at Govhen laat aprltig, when 5 yeara old, ' In 2 .'41. fdl; the waa then purchaeed by proacnt owner and I given to M. Haauen. el Floetwood Park, to train, and alter I lour ???,>' handliue aha Hotted a mile govar the above eoiir.c lu 2 '28, aince which time -he hat been driven on the road; ehe la a vary pleaaaut driver, hae got a inild dlapo-i tlon. doea not pull or eliy, vary good guitrd and good pole mare, and II put in tra<mnv tnla teuton can trot a mile cloae | to 2 :!NI. aud is warranted lonnd and kind Baautllul brown tuarc Little Nell, aired by W'oburn, dam I by Clay. 8 >e?r? uln. 15 handa high : has never been handl-d 1 for apoed, hut trolled a fuL mila wheu purchased In 2H6, [ since which time the hat b?en ua -.l by ladlea and children, for which purpose ahe la Invaluable; will atand without I tying; aal? under all clreumataucea. la not afraid of cart or a&vlhiiigeiev; la perfectly broken under the -addle ami -afe foi children to ride: the .a a very atyllah. pleaaant driver, and without an exception ahe la the prettiest phaeton mare 1 In thia city and watranted tonnd and kind. Uerrlagce conaiai of 1 Coupe. retention top Park Phaeton, pole and ahalle; 1 top I'ony Phaeton, 1 aide bar Road VY agon I Inll epring top Wagon, tingle and doable llariiees. Blanket*. abeota. Kobe*. Whip*, redd lea, Bridle*, A|f*_r!IR aBOVF, STOCK IS NOW ON EXHIBI TION at BTABI.K as AHuVt. DK HIKING To PUIH'llAsh Can HAVE THE OPPOR TUNITY O- DRIVING AND TESTING THEIR SPEED KEFoBK TIME oP HA LB. ? ALU POSITIVE. RAIN OR SHINE. BY ORDKU OP TRKP.Sa a. GOULD, Executrix. A. J. PON LI. Executor. A t??t? on# ll*roe?*. ?ti #o<hI .ai new, ?t nrivMie IH We. ?- - - - No. i:i We?t -'7th ?t., between Broadway mid Mt? GRNTLR.MAff WlfeHfctt To tfh.LL HI? TUKNOUt. c??i<it?i#le. fbf AflOJ; bo null I ul bay Horno, b iter# oi<i, linmt*; w?rrented ?<>und titii kind; trot# fe*t; A -TK.V Bl'NIBK**- WAUU.\#e t&> TO *for ex A? jiruhp. grocer*. bidfchcru, Uwkert, milk, Iftunory, park* ftrivcrtlfiitg. depot, delivery \t aff.tis, new mid ?ecand lu$n?i. ?t W'.MiOfl M.iM'KAC fMRV, Spring it % BAUUAl.t KilB CArtll?1(11' filUK HAH ItUAD V Wmcon. we|Hit W?;.mi, two ?vi* ?(ii|ile llarne$?. At t Villi) llUOlltl 111 Kfcli I'Mll lie i -roll HALK, TIIIIKa liUll.HhS, tlM'U; hi'if. ! V* eoie for >uiv huaiuent. Aleu two light Agoiit. 14 , rend M., Beer Verivk. I liORSKM. CAIlfti \CES. 4l'. ' 4 UCTION HOUSE UP VaNI'ASHKLL A K.KaR?S? ii 110 AND 113 KAST 1MT11 ST., NEAR 4TH AV. RBOULAlt SALES OF HOUSES AND CARRIAGES, BVKKY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Ou every horse that i? warranted sound or kind and true ia harness, from ooa to throe days ia (iru to Mat war rantees. a CATALOGUE 07 THIS DAY'S (FRIDAY) SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. TBAM BLACK MARES. 1 HANDS HIGH, S AMD 7 years old; klud and true in all hnrtiaaa; free item vice; extra good roadsters; have great endurance; fear nothing; have been uaed iu a T earl; are an extra Ann family team, end warranted wound. Braaa mounted double, and SIX SKAT 1'AKK PHAETON, IN (lOOD ORDER. BAY liOKSK, KG* HANDS HIGH. ? YEARS OLD; hind and true in all liarneee; lree from vice; a feat traveller; a tree and pleasant driver; good under tad. die; sale for a lady to drive, and warranted sound. Set fine It xrneu, and Top ROAD WAiiOX. BUILT BY BRBWSTBB A CO., of Broome et. TBAM DARK BAY HOUSES. 16 HANDS HIGH. 7 AND S yeare old; kind and true in all hnruoes; free from vice; promt)! aud stylish drirert; faet traveller!: heve been used in a private carriage and eold for want ef ate. Set tllver mounted doable Harness, end LANDAU. IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BY BREWSTER. BAY HAMBLKTONIAN HORSE, 13V HANDS HIGH. Syeart old: kind and true In all harness: free from vice; hee fine ttyle and action; trottclota to three ntltiutet; fears nothing; a tuperior horte for family driving and warranted tounrt. Aleo ?et Harneta and TOP FULL SI'KING wagon, CITY BUILT. CHESTNUT TEAM. HOUSE AND MAKE. 15W HANDS high. 0 aud l) yoara old; kind and true in ail liarnet": free from vice: trott clote to three mluutet; have been uaed ou the road tingle and double; ere free and pleas ant drivera and waranted sound. Set double Uarnote and TOP WAGON. WITH POLB AND 8UAPTS. BUILT BY Brewster A On. BROWN TKOTTINO MAKE KIND A. GOT BY BILLY Dentin. he by Haiubletonian. dum by Conklln't Star: l? Id hands high, 7 rears old; kind aud true in alt harness, tree (rum vice ; Hotted when 5 years old ou Mhidli town track In '1:43>g; has been used on the rond aiuce; It a free and ploatunt driver; feara nothing and warranted sound, net 11 a rue tt, made by Duna eoroh, and top uoad wagon, built by brkwstrr a go. OUAY MAKE. 15 HANDS HIGH; KIND AND TRUR IN all hurnott; free from vice; has been uaed by a lady for riding und driving; it In every way aafn and reliable and wiirrnnted aouml. COUPE KOCKAWAV, WITH POLK AND SHAFTS. BAY COt'PK IJOKSR. IHV HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS eld: kind ami true in all harneta; free from vice; an extra flue luinily animal; hat been ured iu a coupe aad family carriage EXTENSION TOP PIIAKTON. . BAY MAKE LADY KNOX; SIRBD BY GENERAL Knox; dam by Witherel'c Messenger; It 13)f hands high. 8 voart old; kind and true In all harneta; tree from vice; n prompt and gamy driver; can trot in 2:30; eon be driven by any one. and ia a Oral claw mare for gontlemaii'i road use. TOP WAGON. IN GOOD ORDEB, BUILT BY WATKR tuair ELEGANT THOROUGHBRED SADDLE AND DtttVIXO Horte, 16 hands high. 8 years old; kind and true ia all herneaa; free trout rice; a tuperior saddle horse: hat been used by a private geutlemaa for riding aad driving. TOP ROAD WAGON. BUILT BY R. M. STIVERS. ELEGANT BAY PONY. 48 INCHES HIGH, 7 YEARS old; kind and true in all harness; free trom vice: extra lino under saddle; perfectly eaie for children to ride or drive, and warranted sound. Also Saddle and Bridle. BAROUCHE. IN GOOD ORDER, BUILT BY WOOD Brothers. BAY PONY, 14 HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD, KIND and true In all harness; free from vico; extra line under middle; a free and stylish driver; a tint data pony for riding or driving, and warranted sound. Alto set Harness und TOP PONY PHAETON. NEARLY NEW. BBVEKAL OTHER HOUSES. DESCRIPTION T1MB OP sale. H CL tKKNCE, BUILT IN 4-KEAT PARK PHAETON. PARIS. 2-WHEBLKD DOG CART. SIX-HEAT PHAETON. COACH, BY LAWRENCE. ? PASSENGER WAGON- DEPOT WAGON. NKTTK. TOP KOAD WAGONS, BOCKaWAY. DARNUitS, AU TOP AND NO TOP PHAETONS. 8 ADDLES AND BRIDLES. SALE COMMENCES At 10 O'CLOCK. UOTION HOUHhTbt' ARcTlTjOHNSTON. 10. 21. 23 and 2.5 13th St., noar University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HBLD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HOUSE WARRANTBD SOUND 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. THB OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST BB LIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. THIS DAY, AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT TEAM BAY HORSES. 15)f hands high, 7 years old; beautliul full tails aud manes; have not a fault, vico or trick of any kind; are finely matched in site. gait, color and action; drive like one horse: single or double; are not afraid ol a locomotive or auything else; are free, showy, styl ish steppers; in every *"? reliable for any use ;cau trot close to 3 minute*; the must stylish team iu the city and are warranted sound. SET DOUBLE HARNESS, made to order by Wood Gib HOII. CLARENCE COUPS, In good order. by Bravilird Ho. SUPERIOR YOUNG BLACK llOltSK, lot, hand*, ft ream old; kind in all hornets and undor saddle; nat been well broken In every way. bat never trained tor toeod; cun trot In 8 miuutea and proiu ike* to be very last; la not alratd of anything; baa been Uked in city and country; ?afe for any one to drive and without fault of any kind; warranted sound. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAQON, nearly new, by Frank Ashe. SIX SKAT EXTENSION TOP PUAETON, by Barton A lloylo BRIGHT BAY MARE; all black points; sired by Kim ball Joclmon. he by Long Island Jackson; full mane and tail; very handsome; 1ft bends high, 6 years old; kind In all arnesa; extra Que under saddle; can trot a full mile In 2t){ minutes: Is an nnuaually stylish and free driver; la not afraid of a locomotive or anytiiiug elee; haa been uaod by preaeul owner's I molly for past tour years, and Is sale sud reliable tor any one to drive; warranted sound. TOP PONY PHAETON; la good order; by M. E. Greene. PULL CLARENCE: In good order; by Dunn. DARK BAY COUPE HORSE, lit bauds high. 8 rears old; kind In all harness; tree front vico; is not alraitl ol a locomotive or anything else: liss been used as a iaiuily carriage home, single and double; has nut a fault or trick ol any kind; sale lur auy one to drive; warranted sound. LIGHT COUPE: Utile used; by Miner A Stevens. 8KT COUI'E HARNESS, nearly uow. BAY PONY llOKSK. 14% hands high, fl years old; kind In all harness and under aaddle; free from vice: Is a good. fast, tree traveller; not alrald of anything ; any one ean drive him, safe for a lady to ride or drive; warranted sonud. TOP POXY PUaKTON. set Harness, Ac. TWO LIGHT COUPES, by Wood Bros. SIX SK vr EXTENSION TOP PHAETON. GLASS FRONT CO AC IK PULL CLARENCE ^ THREE KNOLISH SAD DLES. SIX PONY PHAETONS. SIX TOP ROAD WAUONS. LIOIIT VICTORIA. TWO PARK PHAETONS. TWENTY SADDLES. TWENTY HORSES. Description tlmo of sale. LARGE ASSORTMENT of every kind of Carriage, Wagon, Hariie-a. Sheets, Whips, Ac., this day, at ? ARCH. JOHNSTON'S Mart, 1U to 1ft Rivh St.. near Univer sity place. Weatoer never Interferes with our SALE AT 10 O'CLOCK -MAJOR cO AKLKS W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. . POSITIVE SALE of a private gentlemen's ENTIRE ROAD OUTPIT. at BARKER a SON'S City Auctlou Mart and New York I atiersnll'v. corner of Broadway ami JSth St., on Saturday (TO-MORROW), June 24. at 11 o'clock. tne property of C. IV. BARTON, KS()., and sold on accouut of owner's intended removal trum tlie city, comprlalug the ex traordinary crosa-niHlched PAlilut TROTTING GELDINGS, Albert and Howard. Ift.lj high; foaled February n and June 8, 1SUS; one by Ethan Allen and the other by Jupiter; bave trotted In J 4bto the pole, and both have ahoau close to VI ;40 ? ingle; will be sold avparstely or together. I he very fan bay Irotttug Mare. ORPHAN GlKL. 15\ bigli; lualed 1HSS; got bv General Knox, darn by Taggart's Abdallali; ba? a RECORD OK 2 ;34. Top aids-bar W agon, by BREW STER. of Broome tt . polo and (baits; run four limea. Single ?eat side bar Bead Wagon, by BKhWSTKK. of Broome at.; nearly uew. Co?;.s Kockaway. by (JL'I.MHV; nearly new and in tnperb order. Llgbt doable road llarnras, double carriage Harness, tliree Seta hue single Harnett. Saddle. Briule. Blankets. Kobet, Ac.. Ac. Tlie whole (THE KIXEsT ever ut'.ared at auction; now at the mart lor exhibition, bale without reserve or postponement. bargain.-pom"Sale?an ?klSuanr kxteb iion mp Phaeton, Pole and Shafts; carries four per sona; u double and tingle Harnett , alto a good top buggy; all good at new and at panic privet. Private ataule, firtt door east of University piece. In lJth tt. A? t very "low p Sic its-* ~~ To SECOND HAND CARRIAGES, COMPRISING ALMOST EVERY STYLE. Landaus. Landanlet-. Coupet, Coachet, Cabriolets, hslf top Ptiaeiom. r.xteii>iou Top Phaeton. Mail Phaeton, Man hope Phaeton, T-Carts. Dog Certs, Cotope Roeksways.S-seal Kockawave, Ponv Phaetona Top and no tup Wagons. Some of the above by Brewster A Co.. ofjlroomo it. A. S. KLAXDKAU'n Carriage Warerouma. 372 and U74 Bryonia at., old slaud of Brewster A Co. ?kIvk HuRBKS. SUITaBLK FOR TRUCK, . grocers or larin Work ; prieet $.V). fH.'.. *75 and 61uU lot Elisabeth St.. between Broome and Grand. A?BREWSTER Dug CaRT. PONY ~ PHaETonI* ? side bar Buggy, six-seat Iteekaway; teeood hand Car riagea taken in exchange; carrlaget greatly redhead In prices HAM'S. 6'*t Broadway SECOND HAND TOP PONY PHAETON, 6100; 11 Top Wagons, by Brewster A Co., of Broome tt.. Iron 8-'<0 up; top aoil open Pony Phseiout, flkj np; Depot Wagons. In all ttyle.. top and open, from fDO up; ml under RocSawnyt and extent.on top Puaetons both new and see end hand; Express Wagons. Harness. Sheets. Nets, Lap Duatera. Whips. Ac.. In large varieties. WILLIAM if GRAY. Jti and 21 Wootter* A-POK bale CHEAP, HEVKN OioOD HU.MNEB8 ? Horses. Apply at Ne. > Vestry tt . tetweea Varick and llndtoa An elegant bkrwstkk iSEp wagon, pulk and shafts, with Improved springs, nearly new; also Dun? eemb single iiarnets. will be tobl cheap. Apply at I Ift East lid at. *H aOM PIC B?MY" HI DM Bar Tur WAGON AND Harnett. good at new; beet makers .'IG Kut: .vtb Ik ? GENTLEMAN HaVI.Ng" SGLD TTTs ]l(J>H>k, COM IX binding not to ride any more.wfsbet to sell very low lor cash hit. elegant tliiftinr top Wagon, pony Phartoii by Seamen, tingle and double Harness Robei. Blanket*. Ac.; til In superb order; no reasonable o(hr reius-d; together or ti-parate Ars> ual stabloa. Wess 86th st , near Broadwa>. "i saciii picf'7.?-M t s r be ooldTtwo phaetons, 2\ one tea:- four persoi.l; two lull spring top W -gont, two sine bar IIght road Wagons; Dnnscomb llar..cts, all late style, nearly now. Private stable, 67 Bast 83d St. AVICI! Y LIGHT CUT "UNDER "TWO-SEAT ToCE aw ty, nearly new, cheap, at Oerdla't stables, Ne. 6 West lath st. _____ BAR ? A1 N.?HLACK CANadTajTl'iIX V, AO3ND a nt kind, RB6; hxprers Wagon, 616 114 Division st rwu * E AI PHAETON," wiTiT 'POLK*" AND thalta. In good order, 61 tt 301 4th av. A A A A I :7th SL. MaC V S boa laekory. HOUSKS. CAKIUAGKS. 4SC. BAY" HORSES, 15 3 HIGH. RELIABLE. STEADY goers: can trot inside 4 iniuiitos: suitable for road or carriage. Un ?hle at stables 130 West 38lh st. CAAUIUAGKn 8ht'OND~ UAED; TOfK AND SIX J pa.senxer Kockuways : Jump teat Wagoas; top W ax una. el.lpllc and side bar fruiting Waguua, Pbaetous, Lan daulettv, L Clarence, Doz Cart, At 11. M. STIVERS, Id* to l.'a Kaat Ml at at. fSAKRIAaM AT RXTRKXBLY LOW MAN 0KaCTCU \J era' prices?All my own uiaks aud warranted; roup And light extension lop Park Phaetons. all prices; lltig.-les, Rockaways, Depot. Jump-sent and otlior styles: ?nlrn.Ud Doctor's Phaeton cheap. (JIIAS. GKL'BE, Ait) Cauai at. D? AffitU ORAT BOttK. 1BK BAKIM HIGH, 7 yemvotd: trota In three luiuutea: ?err atvlian and proiiiut driver I aound and kind; will he aold reasonably. Apply at Lane A i'uvie stable, 114 Weal 40th ft. Owner's address, No. 0 Weat 40tb at. DOUBLE ROAD HAKNKSB (DUNBCOMB'S), K XT It A bap and uew. never need; bargain. Aak lor BILL! MOTT.Widabovk'a atablu. 330 Weat 47tb at. IitOH BALK?A BEAUTIPUL DARK CHESTNUT 1 llorae, 17 banda; weighs 1.900 Iba.; eery stylish: grent ruadater: young. sound. kind, gentle and warranted right In every way. Can be aeon at Suu rrsacisoo Stables, IVU W eat 53d at. For sale?a splendid tkam OP HOUSES' double ?nd tingle 1 ruck and Hurueaa. empty liazs' Bafe, Senior, Dusk. At; muat be aold by July 1. ?a the owner It going to Europe. Apply to J AM L8 PUYNON, 385 1 lilt at., corner 38th at. 1"5ok SaLE-MAIIOUAN'Y BAY TKAM. B1I0RT 10 } handa; rangy; smooth turned; sound, kind and young; lively ronuatere: plenaaut drlvera; tree; drive like one horae; tliey are an elegant, slashing road ?r light car riage Team, that will benr the Rejection of aud plensu a buraunian'a eye. T. SEAM AX. 33W Weat 4<lli at. For balk?a pair op very handsome, stylish dark r<nn Horvea; to be seen at private stable, 43 Weat Irttli ft. ; price very reafOUable. fSo it BALK?11 AN DBOM K TURMOUT; A TEAM OP r bar Mnrea, with Dusetibury A Nelson Phaeton ; al most now; will exchange tor lot In the Twenty third or Twenty-fourth ward. New York . alao aide bar top Wagon, alnioat uew: the whole will be soldttogeiUi-r or separately. Apply to WILLIAM CLbAKY, 170 Vurlck at. FOkIalkTFive young HORSES. CHEAP, SL'IT nbie for any bualneaf; must be sold; no work. Apply at 4'!0 East lsth at. I TOR S.\L K 67IKA P-OLASS K RON T CO AC U. IN 1K K leci order; lined with blue cloth. Apply at 133 East Broadway. I~ SOR BALK OHKAP?A COUPS KOCKAWAY, IX zuou order, lined with brown cloth. Apply Immediately at SWIKT'S. 133 West 3"th ft. VOiT S A EK 0 RE A #=fwo GOOD BUS IN EBB HORSE? r and two beautiful road llorecs; warrautad sound and kind. Inquire, for three days. In the cooper shop. No. l.ttiU Broadway, between 54tb aud 56tb >u I TOR SALE OR LET?A VERY HANDSOMR TKAM of black Ponies, lit for a lady to drive to a phaeton or for ehildren to ride i will be sold cheap at No. 9 West 13th St. GWITLKRAK'B PKRFHOT ROADSTER rOR BALK? Can heal 3 :3A; price B 1,000; sound and kind. Addroaf box 1,431 Post oftice. ? H OWELL gUEEN AND OEOKOE IV. Top Pony Phaetons, side bur or elliptic spring HONS. TOP KOAD WAGC A 8. KLANDRAU, 373 and 374 ltroomo at., old stand of Brewster A Co. AKNKS9. -CHEAPEST 11A RNEHS 8TO ilElNNEW York; good Buggy Harness, hand made, 915; good Grocer-' Harness. #36; poixf double Team Harness, 930; a good Horse lilnukel, 91 50. Please call and examine tor yourselves. KIsUER A OSBORN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay st. PHlEa^K THE LITTLE CHILD BEN.?TI1E BEST Pony you can find al 110 Wast otlth St.; 0 years, 80 lnchse high. gPKCI AL~ATTENTION IB CALLED TO two flne Lsndaulcts. second hand. In perfect order; on# built by Brewster A Co.. ol Broome St., other by Wood Bros., and A>r sale at very low nricex. A. S. KLANDKAU'B Cur nag* Warerootna. 373 and 374 Brooms St., old laclory of Brewster A Co. STORAGE POR CARRIAGES AND BLEIOUd. Rooms light, clean and dry. Terms liberal. A. S. KLANDKAU'B Carriage Warerooms, 873 and 374 Broonte st. (old factory o! Brewster A Co ) SUBSTANTIAL. STYLI-H AND CHEAP-ELEGANT Phaeton. $113; Eneknwaya. $13U; Depot Wagons. Buggies, Ac., Ac.; Harness, $11) upwards; Sheets. Lap* Dusters. Nuts, Ac., at bottom prices. JuilN MOORE, t>< Warren ?t. JACRI KICK.?SIDE BAR TOP WAGON, NEARLY new, $130; cost ?85a BOYNTON, 381) 8th av.. 34th at. SOUND. KIND. PAST AND STYLISH BAY HORSE 15% handa, 8 years old. vary low price. No. 50 West llHh st SECOND BAND CARRIAGES AT RAROAIN8?HUO glen. Rockaways, Phaetons, Brette, Clarences, Coacbss Ac. 4B0 3d av. TO LET-LARGE STABLE" NO. 30 AMITY ST., near Broadway. Apply to BRADLEY A CURRIER, 61 Dey St. ANTED-A GELDING, KRt>M 16 TO 15k; GAIT" 3 to 3W; sound and kind. State color, age, else, speed and price. Address Pi. p'? lleruld ofllce. ANTED?A LADY'S SADDI,Pi HORBR; MUST BR sound and gentle, not less than 15 bands; chestnut or bay preferred. Address, with price and particulars, box 77 station D. -llfAJ'fKD-A LADY'S ENGLISH SADDLE; MUST BR IT th good eoudittoa. Address, with pnw tutd particu lars, bu* 77 atatlou D. _____ W"~~ ANTED?A PAIR OF CARRIAGE HORSKH, 10 hands high; pries not tu exceed (QUO. Address U., box 141 HereUI Uplowu Brunch office. WANTKD-A SECOND llAND PONY PHAETON, with rurulile heliind. in pond condition. Addreai J. F. F.. box 1HJ llci'Hiil Uptown Branch uifioe. TVfANTKI) ?X IIDKSK; ALSO 81DK BXlt~3PKINQ Vi Buggy In exchange for eigare. Addreaa F. DK Bt/LO, ao:i Won aid at. $100. -FOR SALE, HOUSE. HARNESS AN J butcher Cert, in pood order. JOS. SHE INS, 323 Beat 35th at. Ollin WILL BUY AN ELKOANT TOP PONY ?J.UV? Phaeton; coat$4ia) laat uiouth; e flue Harness S4>). At liable No. 33 Kant 12th at. 2 HOARDEltS WASTED. I" BLOCK FROM MADISON 8(j I! A RK, 110 hXST, 23D at.?Extre largo cool Koomi, with or without Board. 1 PARLOR- FLliOR-2 Sl.NGLK ~ ROOMS, WITH Hoard, ffibed28Keat23dat. (Madison square). Oil HUU 'HaK iVsoiiiELY rC H.NUH Kl>" ROOMS 1 en suite or singly. with Board, for fauilliea or single gen t lent en. R24 Lexington ev. BLOC KS PRO M H ROADWAY?LA ROE AND SMALL Rooms to let, with first class Hoard. (L'l East 4th at. 41 IIANDsOMELY FURNISHED LARGE AND SMALL AT Rooms. with Board, at inndorate prices: modern Im provement!; references exchanged. 25i Weal 25th at. rtrf AY., tM?-VKRY PLEASANT HOOMB TO LET, l) with Hoard; table etrlotly first class; terms vory ree o liable "r prospect place, isasF 41ST st.?handsome aJ Rooma. good Board, high location, eool breeaes, river view, tor tamlliea. witb or without eblldron; terms moder ate. FtH AV.. 2"J4, OPPOSITE HOTEL BRUNSWICK.? t l Large Rooms, with bath; also single Koome; eumuibr puces. (fell TO (U?HANDSOMELY IPUUNISUED BOOMS: ij)u pressoa. marble oasina, hot and cold water, bath end os; good tnble: borne com forte. 272 West 25th et, near cos nth in WAVE RLE Y PLACE, NEAR BROADWAY.? J.U Pront Rooms, for iwo. $14 to $1(1, with Hoard; eingle Rooms, $7; transient people taken; table Board, 84. BAST 81ST ST.. BKTWBBN MAOIHoN AND OTH av*.?Handsomely furnished, with first class Prench table; references. EAST 28TH ST., NEAR 5TH AV?FIRST CLASS Board, Rooms aud attendance at moderate priees. bp day or week. , TH ST.," VfKST, S3, 33; 37?KLSOAMT ROOMS, with Hoard; |Mirmaneut or transient: 82 per day; also table Hoard; kept by English lady. THST., 217 WKSl\?fiLEGANFROOMS. KN SUITE and singly, witb Hoard; location central and desir able; references. 1 M BAST 420 ST.?STKaNOBRS VIHITINO THE li) city will find first close aocommodations, with su perior Hoard. iTfTU ST., 14B WHMT.?NICELY FLKNlhllED ROOMS AO witb Board, $7 to SS, double Ho mos $10 and diaper week; house newly painted end furnished. GREAT JONES ST., CENTRALLY OPPOSITE LA fayette place.?Airy, nest, pleoaant Rooms, with first Class Board. D ST., 101 WEST.? LARGE. AIRY BOOMS, WITH or without Hoard; vary cheap for summer, <1*JD 8T~2i? WEST.?DESIRABLE ROOMS TO LET, with Board; table uuexceptlon able; refrrenee ex changed <1,1 Tl I ST.. 210 WEST.?SIN i ILK A N I) DO U BL K eiT Rooma handsomely tumislied. every cvnvenienee, to let. with superior Hoard, to families or single gentlemen; transient or permanent: rnnuner prices. <1C EAST 2I-T ST.?A SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY iji) will lets few lurnlshed Rooms, with or without Board; best reference <1(1 EAST 21ST ST.-A FEW SELECT BOARDERS Zf' c.m bt accommodated: alee tran lent and tai les strictly first class. >1(1 WEST MTU ST.?LARGE and SMALL ROOMS. Oil perteclly ventilaiod. near Madiaon Park; table Brat ciass; terms moderate; transient or permaneni guests. A /I EAST 85TH ST. (MURRAY IIlLLl .-IIAXD T U soaieiy turnlshed| Rooms end good table r summer prices. A O EAST I2TH~ rr.?FURNISHrd rooms, " with tu Hoard; gentlemen, $3 and SB per week; transient boarder* taken CI LKXINdTUN AV.?COMFORTABLY PtlRNIdHKD tJA. Rooms, wither without Board: furniture new; terms 19 23 50 west iitu sr.-wiru fikst clams large aud email Rooms. board. 58 WEST UITI r>T. ?NtcBLY FURNISHED with first class Board. ROOMS. 7 A WEHr HATH sr.-PLKASA.NT SINGLE AND I I double Rooms, with or without Board: moderate terms fur summer mouths: location unexceptionable UQ CLINTON PLACE.? P URN I SUED ROOMS, WITH Ou Hoard, for gentleman and wlfis or single geullemen; terms moderate. rI iY w hi>F iiiTH Tt?large rooms." niorly I'") furnished, with er w.thnut Board: releranae re autrad. t . E AST27T11 ST.. U it I WEEN I.K XIN G TON AND last/ 4th avs.?Large. handsome eecund Boor Heonie; superior Board ; all conveniences: city telegraph Use, Ac.. beet references; terms reasonable. WELCOME E. SIIKLDON kas: 17ru sr.?fuhmishrd room* to let. mi with or wtthont Board. <>||7""WKHT 24TII ilF-~rO LET, WITH BOARD, Second Story, together or saparaeeI ralavaaaa; 132 207 218 309 Board. MUAHOKUH waktkd. Tmnv - v kkt,ttya tfEoS~ro~EE*.~?0 l?u persons, villi Hoard; $8 earli. ?AlT~?ti?"TrtTxKTii 3d AV-plk'aoavr. furnished Bourns at low prices, with or without OOl WEST WTU ST-WlTU OR WITHOUT HOARD, o-ii elcove room nicely furnished; also single rooms; Ural moderate. 9 i\AA AIIOII ST.. PHILADELPHIA.?SUPERIOR ?d.U i i accommodations tor Caatouiual visitors. at reasonable price* t gentleman a no lady oXniiavk booms oTa aud Board, or two or three gentlemen. at 58 West 19th st BOARDING KOK CENTENNIAL VISITORS?to U.Ml U house; all front rooms; three Hue. of ours pass the Ooor; terms 82 5G per day; rcfrreuce, Green, Hiackwoll A Cu. J.'iii UreenwicUst. New Vork. l.n:c> l'oplar it . Phil adelphia. (|. H PADDOCK. Proprietor. NO OH A ROE.-P ARTIES IN HK.tKCH OF FIRST class accnniiuodatlons call at SANDS' Board Directory, 1.19.1 Broadway. y -PI I 1LADEL phi a. bo akdino. Choice llo ms. all parts of the city or Deer the grounds, (2 per day. $8 to $12 prr week ; best houses. Il AN KINS A CO.. 28 Wast 29th St. Sew Yora. Z? HANDSOME BOARDING ACCOM MOD ATioNB, ? all locations; terms very low. I,lit free HA.NKiNK A CO.. 29 West 20th st. Ill) A UU ASD LOliOlNCI VVASTKU. T~MAKBIED LADY* De.81 ltr:r"HO AIU),'A f A MOD J\ erate price. In s private family residing in tho ?uluirhs ol Stockhridire, Mass. A.dress, lor cue ween, K. O., Herald Uptown Branch ultice. By a ~gkn rlkman anii wifk-pkkmamknt Board at $14 per week; requiring s room with hot and cold water, gas aud ample closet; no objection to a re ipcciable private family. Address K. ?.. llerald Uptown ltruuch ollioe. WASTED?BY GENTLEMAN AND WlPt, U.N FUR uisbed Boom, with Hoard, in private Christian tamily, ?r lew hoarders: terms nioilnrato; reloreuccs; below both st. Address E. lv. S.. llerald Uptown Branch office. ~ HOTRh^ ~ ' AT NKW"KNGLAND HOTKL, 3o "BoWKIIY -ALL light single rooms; lodgings SOc. ulglitly; $3 weekly, for geutluiueu only. LWAYS OPEN.-FRANKFORT HOUSE. CORNEII Frankfort aud William sts., 35c.. 50c., $1. geutleuien, families. CUT* HOTKL,- BROADWAY AND HTH ST?ROOMS / aud flrsi class table. t'J per dajr; tingle Booms, $3 weekly; table Board. *"> weekly. (T RANT HOUSkT 48 NKW BOWK BY. LADIES' EN T trance Mo. 48.?Double and single Booms at low pricosi always aoou. i-r ELAND'S STUkTKVaNT bOVHK, CITY.?-LOCA J_i lion and uccoiumodations unsurpassed. prices re duced to suit the timos; $3 50 end $4 per day; Booms only $1 per duy aud upward. LEWIS A OXOM1 S. Lh.LAND. OUTUKRN HOTKL, 079 BROADWAY, CORNER 3D st?American pl?n; $2 a day; finest location iu the city. COLATRV BOARD. A" 'T~TO M P K1S SV11, L H."' S KAll FK H K1 ES,"' STATUS Island. ?Pleasant Booms, with Board, $S to $10, in pri vate family ol adults; good locatlou; shade; lawn; bathing. Address REFERENCE, Herald office. good still water bathing, rowing, s tiling, Ac : no bar ; 1 *S per week. JAMES ACKbRLY, Proprie ACKKKLY HOUSK, N'Olt I'.: PORT, L. L-PLEAS ently situatad. on tho Hnett harbor on Long Island; terms irletor. BkattleboTio', vi ~piitsr class boa "il very near the village; monntaln se fiiery, drives and walks unsurpassed tor beauty; siiurches and stores handy. about fix hours' ride Irion New York. Address Mrs. K. KIRK LAND, Brsttlehorn', Vt Pull particulars eun also bo ob tained at l lKast 34th St.. Now York, Board can be had in tub county?at a farm house, delightfully situated, 22 inUos Irom New York, on tbo Erie Railway, itidgewood station. N. J. Pur refer ence aud particulars inquire of A. J. CAMnKON, Uii Reade St., N. Y. Board on the ckoton lake?for familibb having children; roouis now aud largo: good fishing, boating aud fowling. Address WM. D. VUEDKNBUEOU. Katouah. Board at meadowsidk, l. i.. ik miles pbom Locust Valley uepot.?Lurgo larm house; lawn well ?haded: bathing and hoaliug uu premises; Una shady walks and drives Inquire ol K. R. rKANKLlN, 128 Pearl St.. or address CHARLES li. PEEKS. Locust Valley, U L Board at COUNWALL-OV A PARM; MOUNTAIN air; good hoard; two hours from New York. Address S. BRUNDAOK. .Mountainvilli-, llrauge imfUJf, N. Y. Board on haulkm road, first station-above White Plains; small farm; good rooms; shaded lawn. Inquire ut No. 1 Barclay St., tailor store. Board in rock land county-on a paiim, on p. mile Irom Spring Vulloy depot; one hour by rail; boating and bathing. Per photograph and particulars call at 142 W est 48th st. CAN ACCOMMODATE A FEW BOARDERS WITH large rooms; close to water . Ashing, boating. Ac.; l)j hours Irom city. E. YOUNG. Youugsport, Isllp, L. 1. ?0 UN TRY BOARD AT XBW~~B RIOHTON. sTTXa lew lamilloa can be accomiuedutod in a private family; five minutes' walk from tbo lauding. Apply to Mrs. T. DUNN. York av. /NOUNTRY BOARD.-FARM 1IOU8E, MOUNTAIN AIR, \J beautllul scenery, pleasant rooms; laiiut $>> per weak. Address i.LY PALMEH. Ooeytuan'a Hollow. N. >.? (TOUNTBY HuAKD WANTED?FOR GENTLEMAN, J wile, infant and nurse, about ouo boar'* rids of city. Address, with full particulars, also terms, which must t>a reason able, M? box 3.383 New York Fust office. (TOUNTUY BOAKD WANTED?FUR A LADY, WITH J two children anil servant girl, within 80 miles from Now York, on the Morris and Kssox or Brio railroad; loca tion to i.ii healthy and tree from mosquitoes. Address, with terms, B. I>, 0., Herald office. CTOUNTUY BOARD-CAN BE HAD OK A PRIVATE J family, near W bite I'lalns; pleasant and hoaltiiy loca tion. Call or address, for two days, J. 8TOR Y. 73 7tii ar. C1O0NTBY BOAKD WANTKD-FOR GENTLEMAN J and wile, on the sboro road, between New Brighton and TompkineviUe, S. I. Address, stating terms, which must be moderate, r. II.. box 5,033 Post office. CTHILDKKN WANTED TO BOARD-HEVKND MILES J from city: charges moderate and lull caro taken of them. Apply at urug store, 400 Canal st.. New York. MONTOLAIK.-A FAMILY HAVING RECENTLY leased a very desirable residence, at Montelair, Junc tion of Orange road and Gates sr., van accommodate a few gnosis, upon reasonable teruis by the soason or year; house delightfully located; ample grounds, shade, fruit, Ac.: ex cellent table an I attendance; best of references famished. Apply t ? WM. H. HARRIS, Montelair depot. N.J. NOTICE TO ARTISTS.?GOOD COUNTRY BOAKD IS offered to a competent artist In exchange lor a I'oi trait, In oil. ot a child. Address H. O. K.. llersld office. Real country board?with private family, near city; terms moderate. Address ALLAIRE, hox 101 Herald office. W7 ANTED?BOARD AND TWO ROOMS FOR FOUR H adults In the country or sea side; must be within a halt hour'* ride or sail from the elty. Address, statiug terms, NO MOiqUlTOS, Herald office. iVMJIER KURORTS. -JKNklNfcoN'K * HotffcE: flfOH LANDS, MON mnuth epunty._jf.jj., U anw ojjmi.^ Access _by Long Branch line. Pier 8, N. R-. and Sea Bird, Pier 35, .V K. JAMES J EN KINBON, Proprietor Bath, l. I.?locust grove hotel and pavil ion (late residence of ex-Mayor Ounther). with au ad dltlonal wing, containing SO rooms, fronting the hay and ocean ; excellent halhlinr, flshing, boating, Ac. For board apply on the premises or by note to JOHN IIOOPK. 1JOULKVAED HOTEL. COLLEGE POINT WOODS, Jy L. I.?This well known favorite rnsort Is beautifully situated, fronting on Long Island Sound: Drat classaceoiu. itiodatloii for boarders, families or single gentleman; best accommodation: bathing and boating; 43 trains daily to and from New York. J. M. DONNELLY. CIOLKMaH house, far rockaway. u I., IS NOW > open for the season: first class accommodations for permanent and transient hoarders at reduced rates. JOHN J. COLEMAN, Proprietor. COZZKNH' HAMILTON HOUSE, STAMFORD. CONN.? Gas and water in every room: bleb gruun i; perfectly bealtby : good bathing; fine drives. W1 Hall. 3 td st. and Broadway, on Tuesday evswing, June jh, .. - """i foil ' - - - Cntiventlon eeibodiae Hie sound principles Of Jpaid govern w era $500. Maple shade farm house, at dukiiam Greene county, N. V., is ready for guests, pleasant scenery; good accommodations; good water, fresh milk and butter; terms $'1 a weak; three drives a month free of charge; will try to please. HIIUIIAl, FINCH. ORIENT POINT HOUSE, Orl'nt Point, L. I., now open. Kltuatod on the extreme end of Long Island, fronting Gardiner's llay; only a mo ment's walk to the water; splendid sea bathing, driving si.d sailing; Qablng unexcelled: terms moderate, -end lor cir cular. M. B. PAKMJNS A CO., Proprietors. Pavilion hotel, new Brighton, s. I.-NOW open; accommodations for single gentleman. $13 per week and upward. Call ou or address R. F. COLE. WHITE MOUNTAINS. IH78.-GLKN HOUSE WILL open June 15 and close October 1, 1m7?V Alpine Houee, mew , Corham. S. II.. will open July 15, 1876. W. k C. R. MILLIKEN, Proprietors. ERST Ell HOUSE. CATSKILL MOUNTAINS.?PK1 vate house for summer boarders; large rooms, bath room, hot and eold water; Board Ural class, $7 to $10 per week; siahling for bursas; livery all ached. Address J. B. WEBSTER, Cairo, Grceua county, N. Y. MlLiiiNKltY AND UKKSSMAKinte. "k -marie TiLMAS.or pakis. importer, uppers iV ? a largo assortment of latest fine Parisian summer Bonnets, Millinery and English Crepea 423 Mth av.. near Mi st. ________ IaDIP.S OP TASTK WISH I NO STYLISH IMPORTED J Bonnets or round Hate at greatly reduced prioe? will hud it to their advantage to call at Mae. CAMILLB Dtt LACY'S, SH3"^ Broadway, near lath st CKNTKNNUL EXHIBITS. TJUSS k WI L LIA M S, ~"k A N I ' F A O f U R h It 3 OF J5 Presses. Diss and special Madhlavry, i?7 to 173 Plym outh - poblTltAL. " HE KRoULAR ~ M ? ?NT H 1,V MEETING (JP THE RK~. publican Central Comuslttee was held at Republican Colunrl -loel W Mason presiding The following reeolutlons ?ere unsniinonely sdoj.ied Resolved, That we Join with every republican, far and near. In ratifying the nomination of flayes tad Wheeler le be our standard bearers in the coming campaign, recognis ing in thsm men whose private ami public character le ailse uatmposcbed and unimpeachable . vln. have. m every posi tion. iulfl? led tbe anitre measure of their duty : who enter the contest with tbe orestige of uniform success in tne past, and whose very names oairy with them the occurence of cer tain triumph in the future Resolved, I hat the platform adopted by the Cincinnati metit which should mewl the hearty approval of avery lover of his country. INhTltt U lTDff. i,kbman' laDY. cgMPMWrWfaXT:it gkh man, t ranch, Kugtish sad inaaic, wtstoee a sttuatlou or t? give inuslc lessons la eschaago for Board Address GOV KKN Esh, Herald offiee. ?IRVING INSTITUTE, TARRYTUWN. ON _ _ _ > Hadaeu. no military: ao extras; reopoao Bop tomhor 12. Addrom A aEMauaaC, PrLampai. MAJL.ER AT AVCl'IOA. 1 -fl.viS 76fi xs.cCaOcfibxe e if A< Old kuud, J7 Nassau 11. THIS OA*. ?t IBM o'clock. KOB TUB BENEFIT UK WIIOM If MAT CONCERN, ELEGANT ASH<)KTMEN f OP PHOTOGRAPHS. COLORED IN OIL. WITH HANDSOME INLAID FRAMES. SEVERAL MAGNIFICENT MARHLB CLOCKS. WITS VISIBLE WORKS. ANY QUANTITY OK OA8TORS. 1UB PITCHBBS. TBA SMS. ANT QUANTITY OK CUTLERY, SPOONS. CARD RECEIVERS. Every description of lTru<??. ladles' H?t?, Boots. BhA kerchief Boxes. Uluru Boxes. Ac. Klna Water Colors, Oil Paintiuga. Ac. ^BT 8A1-K. ~~ " " Now on exhibition at (ho Cllutoa Uall Saleroom*, a large collection of Oil Paintings, One proof Engravings, la. M be told without reserve. Kill DAY KVKNINO. June 23, at B o'clock. The MotWre. LKAVITT. Auctioneer*. a uction Sale ok magnificent household A Furniture, property of E. Uay, Bra., to he .oul THIS (Friday) MORNING. commencing at Hi o'clock, at the olegnnt Ave story hrown alone insnsle*. No. 120 Weet 23d at., near tfth a*. via. 2 hrllllaut toned Klnnofortea, Steluway and Wind*** 3 auprrb aatln Karlor Sulta. 3 elegant roaewoml Utager** 2 elegant Msnioi Seta. 2f> choice brontu H.ures. 2ii piece* Parian Statuary. In windows' Lace Curtains 2f> llruaaela aim lugralu Carpet* St' line Oil Painting*, best artist* 2 elegant Cabinet*. 8 elegant Library Bookcases. 4 elegant Library Table*. 2 Ladies' Secretario* and llnoltcaee eombindd. H Kasr Chair*, Turkish style 2 Music Hnxc*. > o*t Pari* maker*. 12 elegant lledrootn Suit*, rumplete. la Mask waloot. 24 curled lialr and spring Mattress** 24 Pillows and llolticr*. 10 olecam uiacx walnut Rockart. 24 lied room Cbaira to mutch. 8 hluck walnut la'ungo*. b elegant Bedroom and Parlor decks* 2 elegant black walnut Buffets. 3 superb Extension Tables 24 black walnut Mining Chain. 2 cblna iJinner and Tea Seta ? , Castor*. I,'ina. Pitcher*. Fork*. Knives. Spoons, tilnsawnre. Ac. N. It.?Tin* I* tlio largest aale ef the oeaaoo. Balk positive, LUK.K FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. N. Be? Competent men to paca and ship good*, alty or country. A SSlGNBh'S SALE?UNDER AND BY VIRTUB 69 A a general assignmoiit to me made, I will tell at publto auction bv PKTKK BOWK. Auctioneer, on the premise* No. lot) chambers at., lu tlm city of New York, eo the 24th day nf Juno. 1*7(1, at 10 o'clock, Paper Box Machinery, Stock and I Ixtures. SAMUEL WEIL. Assignee A. ?GEORGE W. Kk.K1.EK. AUCTION .-Kit. Art Oullery, .12 Liberty at., curner Nassau. SATUitli.AV, .lone 24. at IB o'clock. Collection nf Cltromoa. Oil Pauitliig* and Engravings. J^CCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of a large number of Lots aud of several Dwelling House* at tbo Lake View statiou. in the city of PaMraou, on Tiop day. June 27. Salo tu cniiiiuencn at 1 o'clock P. M. This aide la positive, to .'lose out an estate. No Ireo passe*, un baud of music. Terms liberal. Erie trains leave Chambers st. at 13 o'clook, JOHN II. 111NMLE. Auctioneer, Peterson, X. J. Auction.?extra large housbuold purni* tore solo* Ihis (Friday: morning, eomiucu. In? at 10 o'clock, at residence 101 East 12th at.. near 4th *v . velvet, Brus?ols. Ingralu Carpels: Parlor Suits in satin brocade, reps aud haircloth: Piuuol'orie, Paintiugs. Curtains, Cloeka. Mirrors. Vase*, llodsioad*. Bureaus, Wasbatauda. Grossing Casof, Wardrobes, sprtug aud liair, Lounges, Bedding, Extension Taldea, Sideboard: 2<W lot* Glass, China Silver Ware, Cutlery. Ac. Good* packed and delivered (or pur* chasers. B. BOTH, Auctioneer. 4 UCTION SALE RICH HO USE HOLD PUBMITOM^ ?L THIS (Krlday) MORNING, at 1f> o'clock, at live storv browu atone tuaDsloo NO. 47 WEST ltlTH ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND STH AVB, Chlckuruijr 7V, octnvo Pianoforte, fetolnwuy'v lour round 7'.& octavo Pianoforte, i'nititine#. Work* of Ari, PAKLOK HUITh richly carved in ''damask satin" eatf "?ilk brocade ;' Turkiaft and Spanish Lounge*, Bur Ohftiri, inlaid aud marble top 1'ontre aud 1 oimole Tablet. Cabiawtt, Ktauurcit, pAulo Mirrors, Bronze Clock*, Flgurea. Statuary?* HKuitOOM SiCTs, connUtingelaborate Bedstead*. bretunng Cams, Waihstanda, Chi Corners. tino bair nud tpriuf Mat* treaaes, 1'lliowa. Blanket*; al?o hid^Ic and double Bedatoads, Bore,in*, rep. plush nod haircloth Suits. MINIM) FURNITURE?Extrusion Table*. Sideboard, Chairs in leatlirr. Silverware, Crockery, Library and Sacretaire, Bookca*u*, Library Tables, Turkish Suit, Desk, two Hall Stand*: velvet, llru*sels aud In grain Carpet*; Kitchen Furniture, Ac. X. B.?Sale positive. Take Sixth aveutte or University place ear*. Competent uieu tu retnoyo. pack or ship goods. ROBERT C. OASII IN, Auctioneer. 4 UCTION BAI*E OK RICH AND ELEGANT 21 Uuusehnid Kuruiture to be sold at public auction Tills (Friday* MG4tM HI. miam<?<iiu* M lOW o'ehmh, at lour story residence. 21 Kaat 2 Ah sc. ao*V Broadway, consisting of Parlor Salts, In satin, cotellne, rep and hall> cloth: Decker A Brother '<}? octave roaewood Pianoforte, Mlrrora, Oil Paintings, Ktagern*. Bookcases, Books, Masks, Turkish Chair*, Lounges, centre, aide and gill Tablee) Bedroom Suits, with Drilling Cases. Bureaus. Wash stands, spring a id hair Mattrvsses: Bedsteads. Wardrobe*. Car put*. Clocks. Ac.; Extension Table, Crockery, Cutlery, Buffet. Chairs, Ac. N. B.?Goods boxed ur removed, ellf or country. HENRY ZINX, Aurtinneer. BISHNLL. WELLES * MILLET. AUCTIONEERS. This day (Friday I, Junn J.I. itt I'lJg A. ML, at our salens room, Nu, 15 .Murray it.. Largo sale uf mcr 7n) loti Hardware, Ciitlar.v, French ami Tinware, comprising In part, Mm dot. Film. 5:idoi Hatchets, 300 dm. Ourrv Oombi, Vkldos Table Knlve , 50 dot. M hoop Army Palls. ISO poxes Clothe* Pins, 2id?t. Neil Houi. 40 Moat Cedar Tuba, Lawn Mowers. Knr. aauipla Carda, Ac., A*. Alan, at 13 o'clock, 150 boxes Klro Crackers: full lino lint quality Fireworks, comprising liotnaii Oandlea, Sky Rockets, Triangle*, Wheels, Mluea. Ac. Alio, large lino Fourth duly Tuya. Platuls, Flaga, *11 ait**. Bunting Flags, Ac., Ac. BY JOHN A. DUNN, AUCTIONKKR-8BLLB THIS day, at 10>J o'clock, at OS Ttli av . tb* Stock and Fix, turua III Meat, fruit ami Vegetable Market, consisting ol f stent loo Houae, Mcut Kacka. Keuchea. Ac,; alio canned ouiatoei, Poaches. Dried Fruita, Sweet Oil, Or* a a and Black Teat, Colfee. Au. Snle puiitlre. ByTi. W CaM PBKLL, AUUrioNSBR. Sella tliia (lay. commencing at 11 o'clock, la Iota, at 74 Hoover it., corner of Hanover, all thir One. large, a* aortvd Stock ot choice Liquors, also Champagnes. uthet selected Cooda, Ac. (about *1,0(10 worth), Including elegant Store Fixtures aud ull other coiitenia in (tore. Buyer* dealers, speculators are specially Invited. No reservei posh tlvo aale. All goods removed altar sale. CAMPHKLL'I olBce, No. 7 West Third at. fCOLTON, AUCTIONEER.?LA ItOE AMOUNT Of ? every kind and deacriptlou of Household Furniture anil Csrpets trom a store in the country, tids day (Friday), Juue 2H. at the suction rooms. 5:1 East Ulth St., near Broad way, at 11 o'clock; one or two Planus, several large French plate Pier and Mantol Mirrors, all kinds of Parlor. Dining Itoom aitd Bedroom (roods; Wardrobes, Birokcaeca, Mantel Clocks, best hair Mattresses, elegant Dressing Cases, solid carved Bedsteads, Crockery. Class and Plated Ware, Ac.; also a very large amount uI good plain black walnut Furni ture. entirety new. Iroiii a dealer in the ceuutry >3 large loads). Carpets will bo sold about 3 o'clock. Catalogues early. C1KOROE flOLBKOOK, AUCTIONEER.?HoLH ROOK X A ROLLINS sail till* day, at 2 o'clock, at 4.CJ, 154 and 4 ?l Canal St., a enteral Mssnriiueiit of Household Uoods; hl*ck walnut and enaui*ll?il Clumber Hulls, Parlor Halt* iu raps and haircloth. Mantel and Pier Mirrors, Carpet*, Oilcloths,, Beds ami Bedding, Crookary, Glass, and Plated Wars, Kitchen Utensils, Ac. GWAHBUKO. AUCTIONKKK, HELLS, at II , o'clock, 51 Bund St., corner Bowery, over bank, tb* Htock and Machinery ot extensive Trimming, Cord and Tas sel Manufactory: Looms. Smithing Wheels. Tables, Chairs, Desks: also large stock of Spool Silk aad Cotton. Pods lively in lots. "|T WB1WBKBII l'.R.g AUcfioNEhB.- M ARSII ALL'S ? sale this day (Friday), Juno 'JB, at 101, o'clock, by virtue ol an execution, at 711 Bowery; 20 demijohns aad lugs of Liquors, (llltce Furniture, 10 boxes M*coaroni, I Beer Refrigerator. By order of D. O'BRIEN, Cltr Marshall. Thereafter, a lot of consigned iroods, vis. :?Cigars, Parol are, Ac. Saturday, Juwi 34, salo of Oeueral Marcbaudls*. M UKKIS WII.KI.MS. AUCTIONEER. ELEGANT FURNITURE, BUSS WOOD PIANOFORTE, FINK MIHRUBS CRYSTAL CIIaNDELIKKH AND OTHER UAH FIXTURES, Kl.RUA.N'T OBOORATKO I CHINA. FINK CUT Gl.Art.WAKh; TURKEY. WILTON I AND OTHER CARPETS, At!. BALK BY ORDKit OP lit?N. WM. D. BUIPMAN, AS* HIUNK). OF WM BUTLKK DUNCAN, BSU K. II. LUDLOW A UO. will sell, at auction, os Tuesday, June 27, at 10)4 o'clock, at No. l'J Washington square, mirth, corner of otli av., all the elegant and easily Furni ture ihvrelu, consisting, in part, of rosewood Parlor Halt* anil Divans, culnred Huong Room Halts, In leather: Library aud Secretary Bookcases: tine maple, satlnwood, rosewood, walnut *nd ninlingsiiy t'ltsniber Furoiiere . tuffled Chair*, Lounges and Sofas . elagnnt velvet and other Curtains, Baa Mirrors; Turkish. Milton and Rrttssals Carpels; also elegant crystal Chandeliers, Ac.: together with Kitchen, Laundry and Servants' Room Furniture. Permits to view the furni ture cu the day previous lu the sal# may be had at lb* oil** ol the auctioneer. No. 11 Pine St., or will be sent on applies lion by mall. All orders for purchases will be attended t* for p'artius out ol the city. _ ^ > i ; PAWNBIIUKKK'H BALK.-TIIIS DaY JA.MKM AOAl Auctioneer, will sell, at 5U New Rowcry. 5011 lost Dresars. Shawls. Remnants. Table Liuon, Underclothlng sheets, spreads. Bouts, shoe-. Coats, Pantaloons and Yeas* By order of D. U, ? erguson, Broome st. PAWNBROKER'S SaLK.-THOS. J. M'OKATll. AUO tioneer, 15H Chatham si., coraar Mulberry, will sell this day, at II e'ciock. Men's and Women's (.'lathing. Dresses. Shawls. Krmnants. Bidding, Boots, Shoes, Ac.; also Coats, Pauls and Vasts. By order T. Carroll, South 5th ay, HERMAN.~SHKKIFP'S AND OBNBRAL AO!* ? tioneer. Large and special snle ol M ines, Liqnon, Clears, Ad THIS Day (Friday >. June 31, at IUJ* o'clock. No lit Bowery, the entire Htock of an Importer and wholesale dealer?trie., I of l'Jhjbsrrelt Bourbon and Rye Whisker, choice breads, from 'J to 5 years , 40 casks Brandies. Oin ; 90 casks port aa* sherry Wln"S; Boo casks and cases of claret aad Kbiaa Wlaas Imported, ehotce brands: also ahvut Jin eases Brandts*, (Ma Bitters, Champagne. Ac. . also a larga lot Havana aad da me.lie Cigars, 3 Iron Bates, Ac. Bala positive, Namptei rvadv morning of sale. UINON ol Lb lo m aUClr ion B km. belli) THla DAT, O in,1, o'clock, at 29 Ludlow si., tsaefTUk | damaged hy lire. SHERIFF'S KALK OF CLOTH. At -UkttAKD METTd, sheriff's aactioueer. will sell this day (FrMtykJtMM^ m .OH o'^k. at tot Pear. -tfHggggjp Jsms Rotsm, fluMf.