Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,552. NEW YORK, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1876.?QUADRUPLE SHEET. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DlKKCrOLlY FOK ADYERTI8ER8. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.265 BBOADWAY. OPEN I>AV AND NIGHT, FOR RECEPTION OF ADVERTISEMENTS AND HALE OK PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?IAth Pack?l?t aodSdcoU. ASTROLOGY?10TH Pagk?<Uth col. BILLIARDS? Utii PAGK-fltt. coL BOARDEKS WANTED?2l> Pau*-1i? ?nd Sd eott and 18th I'we-Slh col. _ .. , BOARD AND LODGING WA1ITED?2dPaG*?2d coL and ISTH I'tGK?Mil COI. BROOKLYN BOARD?ISTn PAO*-Sth cnl. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?14m PAO?? M coL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?1 1th Pag*. BUSINESS NUTIOKS-tnii PAG*-?thcol. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1?T Pag*?2d eol. TITY REAL ESTATE KOR SAI.E-i+ril l'AGa-Sd ooL CLF.RKS AND SALESMEN-3d PAGK-3deoL rLOTIIINO-ir.TH Pag*-?Hi col. COACHMEN ANI> <iARDENEKS?3n Page?3d e?L Coal AND WOOL?3i> PAG*-llth col. CO ASTWISE STEAMSIII PS?3d Pack?Sth eol. Country hoard -2d Pag*?ad, ad, 4th and 5th ecu. ?n<l lorn Pagk?tith col. DANCING ACADEMIES? 14th Pag*?6th col. DENTISTRY-Iht PAO*-aib col. DRY tfOODS?1st Pack?3d, 4th, nth and f?>;.co'?-,_ DWELLING HOUSES to let, furmsued and CK. KURNISIIED?lSrn Pagk-IsI and 2d cola. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS?:tn Paok?4th and Sth cola. EXCHANGE?3d Pagk?Sth eol. EXCURSIONS-IOth Pack?2d and 3d eol?. FINANCIAL?11th Pack. FINE AKT8?Utii Paok-M eoL for SALE?3l? I'agk-ttth col. . FURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 15th Pack?2d and 3d roll. FUKNITURE-IStii I'AGK-titli col. FRENCH ADVERTISEM ENTS?3r> Pag*?4th eol. HELP W ANTED?FEMALES?3d Pag*?2d col. HELP WANTED?MALhH?3d Paok? 3d and 4tli cola. HORSES. CAURIAtffcS. AC.?lttrit Pag*?4th, 3th and 6th col*. HOTELS?15th Pack?3th and Oth coin. HOUSES. ROOMS, AC., WANTED?Mm Pag*?4th and S.h coU. INSTRUCTION?14th Pagk?2d onl. JERSEY CITY. HOBOKEN, HUDSON CITT AND BER GEN REAL ESTATE KOR SALE?14th Pag*?3d col. LECTURE SEASON?14th Pagk?2d col. l.nsT AND FOUND?lftTH Pagk?3.1 coL MACHINERY?3n I'ack-ihIi col. MARBLE M \NTEL*-U Tit PAGK.-Sdcol. M ATR1MONIA L-14tii Pag*?2d col. MEDH'AL-1.>tii PAGK-flth col. MILI.INKKY AND I)KKSSMA KIMi?1*T Pag*?6th col. MISCELLANEOUS ADVKRTIfMENTS?12ru I'agk?otli col. MISCELLANEOUS?14th Pagk?2d col. MUSICAL?14tii Pagk?2d eol. NEW PUBLICATIONS??? Pagk?tHh coL PERSONAL?1st Pag*?Ut col. pianofortes. ORGANS. At:.?16th rAG*-6th eol. POLITICAL? I.-t Pagk? 2.1 col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 3n Pa.jk?-<l col. PROPERTY OUT OF THE TITY FOR SALE OR TO RENT?14tii PAGK-3d. 4th and Sth cols. BEAL ESTATE TO EXCH ANGK?I4th I'agk-5th coL REAL ESTATE WANTED?14th Pag*?5th col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Pagk?l?t Hud 2d cola. UEWARDS-IHtii Pack?3d eftl. SALES AT AUCTION?14tii Pagk?Sth and nth cola. SITUATIONS WANTED?KEMALES?3b Pai;k-1?i and 2d coin. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?3d Pag*?2d and 3d coin. SPECIAL NOTICES-Ist l'Afi*-2d col. SPORTING?DOOS, BlKl)S. AC.?10th Pagk?4thcol. FTOKAtJE?1st Pagk?6th col. BUMMER RESORTS?2d Pagk?Sth and 6th cols., and ISth Pagk?Hth col. THE TRADES?3n PAGK-4th col. THE TURK? IHth Pagk?4th col. TO LET KOR BUSINESS PURPOSES-lSra Pag*?lit col. TRAVELLERS- OUIDE-3d PAcr.-Srh andflth coin. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? ISth Pagk? 3.1 and Ith col*. WANTED TO PURCHASE?1st Pagk?Cth col. WATCHES. JEWELRY, AC -l(Hii Pagk-:<d col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY KOR SALE OB TO LET?14th Page?'d col. WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?14th l'AGK-2d col. TACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?12th Pagk?6th col. PBRMIIIAU ARCHIE?WIDE AWAKE, 1 AM. ARQYLE SH ADOW Ball tomorrow nlaht. IIIHDII.. Any hiinorXiile famTly wishing to adopt a little Rlrl o[ respectable parent* will find one by ncnd bic their address una time to call to Mis. SLACK, station V, South Brooklyn Post office. Ark you i ll ? did you notice personal? Wait-d several bonrx. Any day will suit me. Writo. 2 on)?. eautiful brunette.? LhTTKR IX BROOKLYN Post office to your address. l'leuse reply to mr address. HOSKBUD, B D C1HARLBS?MY DEAH SOX, COMK HOME AS SOON J ns posdhle and nil will be forjjiven, and miike arrange ment* lor vonr future to suit your taste; I will help toii ns Tar as in my power; you shall not lie restrained your liberty lor conflncil; if you need money telegraph. Your distracted FATHER. PULTON AND PEARL. saturday. ONE W P. M.?Will latlr In black, who recoirnlred jrctitlemen hi opposite corner, send address to 15. W.. No wharf;, N. Yf DARBIE.?WHY DII? YOn" NOT*IfFitf ME AT 42D st., n? promi?cil ? Address, appointing Interview. AL., tox 12H Herald office. ARL1NWWIKK?THl.\iT6FPET husband AS HE thinks of you. Write Emily mkuchu^o?ir you wn.i- call immr (lintelv at the office of Mr Alfred Erbc, atlorney-nt law. No. 93 Nassau st., New York city, you will hear of loniethltig to your advantage. pborgia W.-8IvN~D YOUK ADDRESS TO ](., UT l>ox 104 Herald office. jn'KORHH nm, formerly AT 117 SULLIVAN ST., IT New York.?Send your present address to box l?5, sta tion A. New York. E. M. G. Inpokmation wanted.?any onf. know i no thk whereabouts of Mr. Wm. II. Little, carpenter, during the month* of Kri'nt?ry or Marc'i, 1S7.'>, or liavluR bonks, papers or letters of his In their possesion. will confer a lat or by communicating with his daughter, MARY LITTLE, 70s) Pulton ir? Brooklyn. NFOI!MATION WANTED-OPJOsKPTl EROTII, WUO lived In New York cltv in 18*>.">, or nf his wile or heirs. JOlIN S. RA\ . 8J and ?4 Nassau st. I DESIRE TO KNOW THE WHEREABOUTS OP Miiruel I'ledr.v BENJAMIN A. CAITAN, 120 Warren It., Jersey City. I~ P C. J. W. WOULD LI KB 10 IIE A R PRO M L. B., please address L. B., Herald office. IP mk7~tom van buskTrk is i~n~town IIB WILL find a letter ut the Herald Uptown Branch offlco from an old trlena. I" NFORMATION WANTED?OP JoTfs and JOHANNA PonrtJ". of ('lonmetl, Ireland, hv their brother, THOMAS /OflARTY,Caledonian House, !>9 West st. OB-COME Hii>TeT ALL RIGHT; try AUAIN and support yonr little ones. TOM. J ^AfOSKLY"-WRITE TO YOUR old FRIEND OF 1?1 127, at ? N'T M M Boston Post office. .1. W. "j."c"."i':~R?."s lib tI:a iN?Ladv in hi,ack. aD drese THOMAS HUNTER. Herald ?ffic?. i s i v k a?P. v, p lb ask air k a n y "ai ?r mVess for letter Address ORIGINAL. bo* l >f) Herald office. ISS A." H AZ AIN E-LETTER por you. GENKR VL Mat office. P. F ANTON I. Mary (alias) tturttam, laul<> r ? s ?iiba rhe* four years ago.?Stalls in town. Address M. J. N., Herald office. Pussy?i iiave"just~ki-:ti7rned. meet mk~to morrow (Monday) without lall, same hour nnd place, riease do n?t fail to meet your TOM MY. Rem-i 11 avb ciht~tiiehoi"sk knd~lbVt mrs. , s?*??*. fioue one street above No. IJM. ' MABD WINTER a. I) eco.MTENSE.?SOPPOKT sKKX THURSDAY; l> "eyes oj en" t iruest.y; correspond wl>?re I can veo you. DETESTING. The party inquiring for Mr*. k. oould SMITII. dressni.iKer, will tlnd hor at +>.*> -ItU av. T~ HKRESA ?SOMK OK THE-FA.M 1KV"\VILL"liO" BT the mortiitMT tr)p of the Plymonth Rock. th? rest br the afternoon excursion . ?M we will ail meet the Se'iside House. ll?Hka? ?y, belOTi # o'cliH-k. MAItV AiiNKS. ?\irri7, WinVENYlTLMAN WHO XBT LADT IN crii f T a?. staca nnd afterw ,ud on Ctlt sr. last Saturday week call according to promise ? ILL II. H. MAUIK PICTKilSENT WHO WAS IV Off. petihajren winter ol 1h74-">, ple?so >ond her (.resent address t " tlio IViend who assisted h?r f ?\iriLL LADY WHO LEPT BROADWAY CAK AT ?TM TV st and noticed the diamond rin^-s of the ireMtleniau t" Iter left, send nddre-s to I'NIyi.'F. HeraM "Hire r Mm lion material and color of dress, also time of day, to avoid mistake. w W W.-OME. W. W. W. ZED?ARRIVED PROM BOSTON FRIDAY AFTER tioon. A'ltylc Shadow Ball tomorrow nisht. tremont. ?ksLielovl fuficiiii. XSSf'CiATION' OF SPIRITUALISTS. HARVARD Ho mis. Reservoir Park; oonferMre sandar, at '.'J, p. M. and 7\ evening; ?hle speakers and p>od music. "All welcome. (1BDKUII OP THK HOLY TRINITY, J Madison av and 4-'d St. Hoar* of service. 10}, A. M. and 4 P. M. Rev. W. F. Paddock, 1>. D., of Philadelphia, will preach in the mornlntr Rev. W. llampstune will fclve a Bible reading In the after noon. Yonnur men's meetln* at 5 P. M. (^HUfcl'H OF TIIK NEW JKRUSALRM (SwEDF.N J bor rian), Easi Bftth st, between 4th and liexlt uton av< - Sui'dsy, .lime 3'i. the pastor, Itev. t'haui'e'y l.iies, will d seoir-o.iii ' The M'-anlnv of the Holvl'lii of New Described in the twenty-Arst chnpier of Reveia lion." Mrvlces nt 11 A.M. /1IIURCII OF IICMANITY, ?TH ST.. NEAR KROaD \J waj -At 7 :*l. |'r ifessor Falke on "Orlt.'lti M I^iwi st tir?aiii>ms, >howniK the Relation ol Biology to Miciology and RellKlon.'' /Vlfl RfH ..fTiIK HISUIPLS8. MADISON AV.. COR. " ' tier 4"ith st.. Itev. lleorue II. Ilepworth. Mornlnir. . J.avln; Up Treasures In Heaven." Evetiiii';, "Uod With I's .lust Now." Bible clans at 4 nil I Iti'll ?>F THE" IIKA VKN iTV " RES I", "iTll A v7. \J aonve I 'th st . Rev, l?r, ilowlaud. factor, Sorvic^ and ?crnHitt liy rector, II A. M. pr .vers, .'| P. M. (IIH Rfll ?i| Till. IIOLV APtmTLKS, I'OKNKIt liTH ) av. ami VSth St., Rev. Hrady h. Bai kns. reetur. !-cr vice, 1'"A. M. nn<l eiesiuff prayi-^.% IV M. CMII Rt'll i'l IIIK DIVINK I'tTcRNITY. -ifll AV.. ' encner 4f?th st.?Ilcv. Dr. K. II. Uhaplit. pa-t >r. *l|i preach a eerm..n IhU mnrn n* at II, and deli?er an .-xteio. poraneon* aditress US P. M . Pi?:i rLKs of cniiistr. isrii sr. s k Tk Tikha d h|,T Kev. I*. R. 111 Pnskirk preaeties to< rnlnj{ and ?pfen(?itr; tntmerslua ?t . low of evn,nK service. Yon are terdi.i'iy inv.tod. JJlfitsf RkKiiRRKD El'ISViipAl. fill i:t'H, MAPI J; -on av. ami 4itii st.?K#t. William T. >akine rector *111 preach. I?* ?) niornini; a?>l 7: evenlait. fblldrcns tervice :i o'eliwk P. M. Mits. u t. eVa.T>, the i'iioriwii:APini:" te?t medinm. will bold a circle to-uight at flk o'clock. Ul'J Henery, near Cooper Institute. RKI<IC<IO<JS NOTICKft. TMPOllf ANT FREE LECTURE?MRS. tiLC'lUMK X President of tne Metaphysical University. M Bond St., Xew York, will lecture in upper Library Halt. Xewark, N. J., on Friday altfrnwn, Jans Uti, at 3 o'clock, on "Physi cal >alvation." the Oral part of tbe fourfold "Full Salva tion" held forth in tlir blessed Bible to suffering humanity. Mrs. M. G. Brown'* Pamphlet of HI) page*, elucidating tho lawn and principle* of the Metaphysical Discovery will be mailed to any address on receipt <>t L'.S cents. SOU ItKtiS 1VK If"I KITir ALI8TS.-MIKS. BULLIVK, trance speaker. will lecture Sanday morning at 1"::*). evening at 7 at 35 Weat 33d *t. Evening subject?'* the Individual Experience* of Five Spirit* iu Spirit Lift." Children'* lyerum. 3 :30. n't. MaRKsTjD AV. AND 10TII ST.?SERVICES. 11 c* A. M. ami 7:4.'i 1'. M. The rector, Re*. J. II. Rylance, D. D., will officiate. THE GOSPEL TKXT. 34th st., \Ve*t, and near lib av. (Green car* of Thirty-fourth itreet line paia the Mill Third week of service. Sunday?7:45 P. X., preaching by Re*. Stephen I. Tyn*. Jr. Over Bow Sleeting in the Fourth Presbyterian church, on :5tth it., opposite the tent. Addresses by Rev. Dr. Paddock, of Philadelphia, and Rev. W, llumpstone. Monday?8 I*. M.. preaching by Rev. C. C. Tiffany, rector ot Cbnrch ol Atonement. Tuesday?8 P. M.,jireaehlng by Rev. T. D. Anderson, D. D. Wednesday?S 1*. XI., preaching bv Rar. G. II. Ball, D. D. Thursday?8 1*. M.. preaching by Rev. \V. Lloyd. Friday-8 P. M.. preackiRC by ltev. W. P. Ablmtt. Alter Meeting*, at it o'clock every evening, will be conducted by Rev. W. llumpstonc. Saturday?9 P. M., meetintr of Christian worker*, to be lid by Uncle John Vassar. Singing every even ins. by Theodore E. Perklm and a cho rtw. Noondar Prayer Meeting every day, for one hour, under the direction of Mr. Alexan der r.Tle. Beat* I'rce to all. Helpers wanted, a* ushers. worker* and singer*. Address S. P. WILLIAMS, No 40 Kits! 4:td *t. Contributions tn the support of these servicc* may ho lent tn EDWARD L. DVi'KX, Treasurer. No 4(i Kam -?:id st., or No. "I Wall st. HWtC'IAIi SOTlCEor ? XTTKNTION.-CAKPKNTEi'S'OF XfcWT6KkTT$7? (Centennial Celebration), IS70, employing and jour neyman carpenters, stair builders, *a*ll makers nnd friftner*. are requested to attend a meeting at room 24 Cooper Insti lute on Monday evening. .lone 2(1, 1870. at 8 o'clock, lor the purpose of making unliable arrangement* on behalf of the trndc* lor a participation! In the grand Centennial proce*. mm nnd cclebratlon in thin city ol July 3d and 4th IIAVl LAII M. SMITH, 0. HKNXESEY. JOHN K. YOORHKES, JOHN B AX DON. R. MONftOR. p. J. COSOHOVE. IjHAAC U. BOYCK. LH17 BROADWAY. LaWYKR. ? ? Divorce* obtained promptly, without publicity. deser tion, incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. Intideliiv. in human t refitment, conviction of felony. Pa*sports obtained. k- ?VOV OANNOTBEALIZK THE TERRIBLE PATH A? that awnlt* yott by uilnz lead and silver hair dye*. Try Mr*. Connelly'* Salvation, warranted barmlex*; positively restore* irrayot hair In a few dayet leaves hair and *e*lp clean. Druggist* nnd hair doalers. Manufactured 4ih nnd Mercorst*. ?ROYAL HAVANA LoTTERY. . Next drawing July 1. 1 Prize of Spanish dollar* $100,0"0 1 I'riio of Spanish dollar* 5'>,000 2 Prize* of each, Spanish dollar* 25,UOO and 068 other prlxes. German Government Lotteriee. Full explanatory circulars free. THEODORE Z8CH0CH. I'o*t office box S..W4, 1 ltt Nassau ?t. New York. k ?A.?ALL PRIZKH CASHKD IN GOLD AT THIS iV< ofllce. Third Louisiana cold diitributton. New Orleans, .1 uly -1', 1H7H. Capital prlie $1(*>.(I00 itold 11 price* animmtlng to $,Hi2..V*X 1.0 (j tickets ifTitl currency. Coupon* In proportion. Apply lor information Ac., to WILLIAMSON A CO., brokers, 317 Broadway, Post ofllce bo* 6-D2?L T French lady bkndkkh electric and 7V Magnetic Munipulation* for local pain and nervous ness. No. yil flth nv. ?kKXTUCKY BTATK~LOTTKRIES OK J. 8. SMITH * CO. KKXTlTCKr -MTU* CI.AS* S<)7, FOR 1870. 5, 30, 10, 3(1, H, 41, t(7. tiH, 43, 16. 4. 00, 48, 29. KKKTfCKT?ft.ASS 5l'8, TOR 187tl. * 69, 30. 48, ??, ;?f., 25, 33. 47, 2, 38, 53, 0, 34, 30. All order* addre** B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Post ollice box 4.S70 New York city. CilpiTATPRIUarOP TIIls KENTUCKY STATE DIS J tribution by telegruph? No. XI 3 * drew *20,000 No. 0,188 drew No. 27,imi drew 20,<*l0 Xo. 7,0lit drew IO.OoO No. 22.2&1 ; drew 10.000 Full list III New York Sun and Herald luesday. l'rire* cashed at tliia olrtce In full (no matter from whom bought!; ho'ders of ivlxe ticket* will please send them In a* soon as official list Is published: next draw ing .Inly 18711. For tickets or information address the Knstorn Agent*. TIIOS. U. HAYS A CO., IM7 Broadway. DIVORCES USUALLY AND QUIETLY OBTAINED for Incon patibllity, fre : residence nniiece**?ry; leo ?IMr ni-tTM. A. OUVIIKlril, Port office box 1.037, ('liirnitii. ISKASKS OF MEN A SPECIALTY. HENRY A. PAN IK 1/8, M. !?., 144 Lexington ??.. ni'iir 2?th at. Office hmir* from H to 3. 1) D?OFFICIAL DUAWINUS KKNTCCKY STATE LOT I terle* ? SIMMONS X DICKINSON. Manager*. KI'STfCICr. KXTR.t rt.AMS SO. 3tl??Jf.XK 24, 1876. 60, 81*. R3, 22. 7, 21*. 21, S. ?;t, 24. HI. 7U, 62, 3. KrsTtH'tCY. CMM SO. 4UI? JCSK 24. 1876. B, 2H, fli M, ift, 82, 77, 80. 251. 87. IIP. 2. 72. qHMRY, ?hhmum so. 2?i?jok* 24, it>70. 23. 74, 71. II :??. ??*>. 41. 40. 38. 1, 7. 2?, 34, 68. UKXRT.CUW50. MUD-JINK 24, 1870. 68. 10. 4. II. ML 2?. 21, Irt, 58, 43. 75. .12, 1ft Full Information Hy applying to or addressing J. CLUTE k CO., 20U Hrondwnv, room No. II, reiir utiles. -4mmSoST i n_i' rixes? " vb r yTithe rticket a __ j prue. ?SIMMOX8 k DICKINSON'S Single Number Kentucky Slate Lottery, to be drawn July 20, 1876; 30,390 pride* out of.Vi.Ooo ticket*: hUo Kovul 11 av mi ? to be drawn on <lnly 1. 187U. J. CLUTE 4 CO., 200 Broadway, room No. U, rear office. | j TUa FOLL3WINU NUMBERS DREW THE CAlT titl prlxer in Single Number Kentucky State Lottery, drawn at Covington, Kentucky, Saturday, June 24, 1876:? 2.118 Irew $30,000 11,108 drew JO.OOO 27.1XU drew 20.1*0 Irew 10,t**i 22,253 drew 10,000 Tickets for next drawing, July 211, now ready. J. CLUTE. 200 Broadway. Havana lottery.?next drawino .iuly i, l'?7tl: 40,0*) tickets; $001,000 In prlr.o*. Address B. 3? \RTINE7. .t CO.. Hanker*. lOWall ?t.. ba*ement: Post office box 4,(182 New York. Spanish (fold and llavaua bank 1.ills bought and mM| drufts oil Havana ImuciI. IF YOU MKAN Bl SINKss AND IIAYR XORBY OB ITS equivalent call and *oe campbell. French's Hotel. tt" ? llV y today] IV. K'-titnckv state distribution draws Jane 24, 11 o'clock A. M $301 1,000distributed. Witole ticket*. $lii: halves. $5: qnarter*, $2 ftO. Koval llar iti lottery, to be drawn July 1, 1876. Whole ticket*. $20: halves. fltl; twentieths. $1. JACK.SON A CO.. Hanker*, 208 Broadway, New York. ?THE F<ILL'mMMI RVMIEIts MKV TIIE ? principal prl*es In Kentanky State distribution drawn Jttne 24. I87K. 2.123 drew... $90,<?lO 11,11*1 draff 21 l.i>4*1. 27,004 drew 2U.0UO 111 drew 1 .01*1 22,25-'! drew 10.1*10 JACKSON Si CO.. Hanker*. 2trj llron<Iw:iy, New York. K" ?CHRONIC! CATARRH. DEAFNESS: improved ? method; instantaneous relief: permanent carra. Iir. STODDARD. No. n \V?n Hthst. KKNTCCKY STATE SINULK NUMBER" LOTTERY, Clan* F, drawn J uiie 24, 1870. No. 2,128 drew.. $20,009 No. li.IB* drew 2ii.i*11 No.27.liM drew 2?.M)i No. 7,610 drew 10,0*1 No. 22.253 drew 10,0X1 All thot>e tlckcts ending w th nn odd number are Plit/KS. PAKKS, KMKRSON * CO.. Agient* For Managers 180 Broadway, r.xim 4. Pout ollii'* box ."1,272. Kttib CLAuKT PROMRCWYKD AKD COLLitioi IONS J made bran evperienced lawyer: no charge nnln*s *urce?*htl: oilier Law business caretnlly ar.d promptly irinn a -i-d by T. FRaRCIS IIIIIHIINS, Attornev-at law, No. 12 W>-t *111 ?t.. near Broadway : ofllce open from 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. II you cannot call, write. H. MAHSHALiT M. SMITH. INVENTOR OF THE celebrated "Adding Pencil," Is in onr city; he will *i"in have ready theiie in?truiiienn for lowkkeeper* and others. Addres* him at National Motel, Cortlmidt at.. New 1 ork. Nervoi:h exiiacstiom.?a medical i-.ssay rompr ?inK a *erle* of lectures onlivered at Knhti's MiifOii u o( Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of 1'remutnre liecliue. aliowlai; India^ntably how lost health may tie refrained, affor.llnc acinar ?itio?sis of the lnn??iM. m^nis to marri ice and the treatment of nervous and phvsl i?l debility, being the r suit of 'JO xears' experience. I'rlee 2~i cent*. Addres. the author. Dr. L. J. KAIIN,ofllce and res idence 51 Eaat 10th *t.. New York. P L ES f? R H E M11 P. H110 ll IS. PE R M A E N T L Y K K A1 lT rat -d In two to four ?< eks' nalfttens treat meat; no knlle, ll)t?ture?. raiiKtira or cautery emnloycd; posltiveli NO I'llAIUiK Ft)R TRfATMENI- UNTIL CURED, ''ircnlars (reo. Dr. STODDARD, only ollice No. 8 tt"e*t 14th at. Royal "iiavana" LorrFiiY.?will he . draw n on Juno 20i I'rtse* cas'ieil; order* filled: infor mat ion htrni-lied; til .-liost j-ates paid lor Spanish bills, gov ernment*. .te. TAYI.OR A CO.. Banker*. No. 11 Wall at.. New York. rpo STOSKCI'TTKItv I Wo, the andersiitned employing stonecutters of the RfeoK yn A*?ociiitlon, have enanlmoasly resolved to' and do herein sever nil eotinertlcn and Ignore all Jurisdiction eniauatlni; Irom tne New Y'ora Stono. utters' Association fl< in Mondav. .Inne IS, inst : ? .Morgan A Anderson, Mailll k Blorle. CHI. Beard A Co., 8. lle.iii A Brother, Win. Bradlei. Cnrr in k Cooper. ICankln .V Ron* t'bristaiasA Ko?.'Mlcliael Walsh, Meek* A Robin son, Thomas II. Di^oa V Co No nociety man neeu apply for employment le any of the ahovo-nnmed employer*. TO I'REVKNT HEADACHE AND BALDNESB WEAR. SIIAYNE'8 eelebrated Hall Ounce llat, tlie |wi|>ular ?iimnier stj le tor gentlemen, found only at tVallix k's Thea tre Haildinr;. \jLf~ o. odUtnT IIKNEIIAL A':IMII NTANT box II ? No, 7 I'teo otlie ?, Montclair, N. J. Account* and huai ii"-* a.laim ot corporations and private llrma examined utid WfWiteit. tfc "I ID ~-l WILL PAY ANY piivsician""r7*i TO iJii.nH'i effect a cure o! acrvon* debllitv. Address t,'. H. I'.. Herald oiice. ( R VTRNNIAla RXItltttTR. ~ BLI^s k WILLIAMS, MAM rAfTIBER* tIF Pre *'?. I>l?s anu special Machinery, 1117 to 173 Hyin oii'h st . Hriatklyn. *?i:8 AMI WIlEhLKM, IN FACf ALL Till: WISP. II li??t?l?| ?fnr >inn eric* Ui.?tt*i) hnirtiiitir.d Mn|; ? !??? ro??i?t ?*??nl?i? niiuiiiicr R?yl? ?v^r iniri*dticetl. T?? U*t Umi in 9t?r Vork only hi jjllAYKfv*4, WnllHck'ii TIiHuift. ?tro??lwnv niid I.Htli M. 1 XICIIICAL BANN'eliS, Tr*n?p*r?ncle?, Fl W. B. *, Flag, and Sign* of every description. , COBB, Mo. IW Fultoa wL, New Yark. DRY GOODS. A." H II OOO ?" NX N EEEEB II L L H II O O ?? N X X E II L L II H O O > X X X K II U L II II O O X X N K II L Ii IIIII1II O O X X X EEEB II L L H H O O X X X K II L L II H * O OX N X K II L L H II O O X X X K II L. L H 11 <? OOO X XX EEBEE II LLLL LLLL A* ' ccco oooo A A C CO O A A 0 CO O AA COO A A C O O A A A A A C C.O O A A O C O O AAAA A CCCO OOOO <& S21 TO 3^0 6TU AV? ui offering their stock of BASH KIBBOXS. ft-tneh 8*?h Ribbons, all shsdea. 40 cents. 7-inch Sasli Rlbboni. era*. "II *1111. 69 cent*. 200 cert one fancy Hn-he*. 35 cent* to 74 cent* per yard. 150 omnn Sashes, (1 (*>; 2yards. Soft Silk Sashes, in al! shade*. STRAW (ToCDB. at h reduction of from 25 TO SO l'KR CKXT. American Chip IIate. Sfleento. Importi*?l Chip, Oct ornta (black, white and Drown), French and i ugllsli. MUST ME SOLD. English WalklaK Hate. Sh.ide Hats. Call and examine our Immense stock of Straw Oo?d?, aa It it the largest nnd moM complete In new designs and shspes. and, ni?t all of our own manufacture. BONNET KillBOXa, B, 7, 0, 12, I/O to 20, in all the new shade*. FRENCH FI.OWER8. 2,000 Montnrei, from 75 cents to $2 VX LACE GOODS. Cashmere late, Onlpore Lace, Thread Lace. Bnecisl attention d*en to made-up Lace Goods. Children's Lace Caps a ?peclnlt*. Lace Hudling* In endless variety. LACE-TIES. Faney Ties. New patterns in Xetted Ties. 2,0(in ilnien of Wlnd?or Ties, at 15 eenta to 25 cents. l.UHl dozen Jockey Silk Handkerchiefs, 31 cents; splendid quality. ? KID GLOVES. In all the newest shades Bargains In ? SILK UMKRKLLA8. Splendid stock and selected with special care for first class rata 11 trade. Will offer on Monday, Jane 5, 200 CAXOI'Y TOP PARASOLS, at $'J 50; worth $i. H. O'NEILL A CO., Sil TO 329 BTH AV.. CORNER OF 20TH 8T. 1876. JONES. ItM Extraordinary Redoctiona In all Departraenta. Balis and Dress Hoods. Linen Salts, <?> Dress Goods, - Z Z ? ? Ladies' and Z Z Damasee Pongee. ? Z Z ?? Children's Z Z Cashmeres, Z Z __ Underwear. Z Z lirht colors. ? Z Z Boys'Suit^ Z Z ^Grenadines. Salts. It Z Katiste. Z J OOO XXX EEEE S88 Z . Z J O O N X X E S Z Z JO O X X X EE 888 Z Z J J O O X X X h 8 Z Z JJ OOO X XX EEEB 8S8 7. ?> EIGHTH AVEXUE EIGHTH AVEXUE A XI) XIXETEEXTH STREET. NINETEENTH STREET. Z 4 z J OOO NX N F.EEE R88 Z Z J O O X N N E 8 Z Z JO O N N N KB SSS Z Z J .IU ON' N N F. 8 Z Silk*. Z^ JJ OOO X NX KEEE 888^ Z Laces, Bummer And Z^ ^ Z Veils, Fancy Silks, Z^ ^Z Millinery, Black Silks, Z Z Straw Goods, ? Z Z MW Vary Superior, Z Z Trimmed Hat*. ?? Z Z , Great Redaction. Z _ Z French flower*. ? Redaction. Fancy Goods, JOKES. Keduetion. Hosiery, JONEH. Reduction. Parasola. JONES. Reduction. Hun t'rnbrelias, JONES. Reduction. Carpets. JONES. Reduction. Upholstery, JONES. Reduction. Curtains, JONKH. Keduetion. Oilcloths, JONES. Redaction. Fnriilture, JONES. RediK'tion*. Matting*, v JOXhS. RoJuctiun, Bedding, * JONES. All roods will be offered at an immense sacrifice. Cheap est stock of Domestics In the city. Sheetings, Shirtings, Prints, Denims, Ticks, Ac., Irom auction, at vastly reduced price*. Orders will roceive prompt attention. Samples aent free. JONE8. 8th Mr. and 19th at. JOKER. Ar ? t A GO 888 F L AA O G B 8 F L A A O g F L A A O 8 FFF L A A O 888 F I. A AAA G GG I F L A A G G g F L A A G G I 8 F LLLL A A GG 888 <f> XOW OPEN, FULL LINkTaMERICAN AND FOREIGN FLAGS IN ALL QUALITIES AND SIZES. AMERICAN MUSLIN KLAUS from 4r. nerdoaan upward. AMKRICAN SILK FI.AUS. la all sises, at special bar gains. Bl'NTISO FLAGS. hesl quality, warranted. In all aites, at lowert wholesale pr'.e Full line of FLAO HOLDERS. in all sixes, very convenient lor decorating purposes, at a trillini: <*o*t. C1I1NK>R LAN TERNS, all and styles, at 6c., 7c., Sc. and We. each. f TlTF NF.W ILLUMINATING LAMPS, very handsome for Illuminating purposes, in all colors, per fectly safe, 7T?c. per do?rn. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO SCHOOLS. SOCIETIES, AC.. AC., at ^ ehriciim*. ? T kTihiciis-.~^ B 287 AND 280 8TH AV., NKAR 24TH ST. AT info "surfs. LORD a TAYLOR. Oar assortment of Bathing Suits for ladles and children Is now complete and Includei nil the new styles and ma-, terisls. Fancy striped camel's llalr (J 7ft tlrs.v and lilne Flannoi 8 ui N*?y Mu? Flannel, flue nuniity :t 70 i:?mel'< llair, neatly trimmed 4 ju Fine .ill w>ol nary hlne Flannel H .Y> White and colored Sert'n. 7-24 Ml **#(*' Salts at proportionate prices. B ulling Salts to order at a tew boura' notice. Also Rathlng Shoes 4fic. Bathlnc Caps 81 00 Btnndway and 20th St., New York. A. T. SfEWAuT A CO.. prior to taking their semi-annual Inventory, will offer on Monday. June M, aud daring the week, EXTRAORDINAItV BARGAINS IN Foreign and domestic Dress lioods, Mlks and Velvets. LINENS AND WHITE OOODR. RID RONS, FLOWERS AND MILLINERY GOODS, LACES, LACK ARTICLES^ TRIMMINO.t. AC.. SHAWLS, SUITS. CLOAK8, AC., NOTIONS AND RMALLWakKS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, AC., GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OOODS BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S READY MADE SUITS, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLLENS, FLANNEL* ADD BLANKETS, BLEACHED AND BROWN DOMESTIC COTTON. CARPETS. CPHOLSTERyTnD IIOUSB FURNISHING OOODS. To which they Inrite the *p?-cl?l attention of their friends, customers, strangers and residents ?i neighboring cities. BROADWAY, 4TII AV.. t?TU AND 1?iTH STS. P" " LAI TING" OK ALL KINDS. SHIRKING, 4C._ STKVKNS A CO., I tth ?t.. ? pposlte Academy of Maslc, age at* lor Oea Plaiting Machine 1 orice 830. Call esd see It. DRY GOODS Ar STERN BROTHERS, SIXTH AVENUE AND~ TWENTY TIURD STREET. t SIXTH AVENUE AND TWENTY-THIRD STREET. fr CONTINUED CLEARING OUT SALE CLEAMNO OUT SALE THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT. ORFAT BArTIaTnS IN OUR LADIES' FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS. LINEN, BATISTE AND LAWN SUITS. PERCALE AND CAMBRIC SUITS. BATISTE AND LINEN" OVERGARMENTS. CAMBRIC AND PERCALE WRAPPERS. GREAT BARGAINS IN SUN UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. GREAT BARGAINS IN HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR GREAT BARGAINS IN MILLINERY GOODS. GREAT BAROAINS I.\ SASH AND BONNET RIBBONS. GREAT BARGAINS IN LADES AND LACE GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN FANS AND ITANOT GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN PERFUMERIES AND TOILET OOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRESS AND TRIMMING SILKS. GENERAL INDUCTION OK TRICES IN EVERT DEPARTMENT. STERN BROTHERS, 6TH AVENUE AND 23D ST. QARPETS, OILCLOTHS. MATTINGS, LACE CURTAINS. CLEAKING UP SALE AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. IN ORDER TO CLOSE OUT PATTERNS WHlCn WE DO NOT INTEND TO DUPLICATE, WILl7 OFFER AT LESS THAN COST OF IMPORTATION or MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, LARGE LINES,-CHOICE DESIGNS, WQOCRTTES at 92 VS. formerly ?1 25. VKLVBTS m *1 75 and ?J. formerly 92 75. BOD* BRUSSELS at 91 OO unit *1 75. formerly 92 25. TAPESTRY BRUSSELS at CI and fl 2ft. formerly 91 35 ami 91 50. THREE-PLY, 91 and 91 25. formerly 91 Sii. INtiKAINS, ?Jc., M)c., 75c. and 91, IN GREAT VA RIETY. A MANUFACTURER'S ENTIRE STOCK OF OILCLOTHS, VARYINO FROM one to eight Tarda wide, at LESS THAN COST OK M ang'FACTURE, at 33c. FEU YARD AND UPWARD. Jmt racelved. a cargo of MATTINGS, WHITE. RED. CHECK AND FANCY, FROM 2llc. PER yakd Alao a lot ot JAPANESE MATT!NO at 30c., WORTH UOc. AN IMPORTER'S STOCK OP LACE curtains, fr?'m ONE DOLLAR par pair to tho finest Imported at HALF PRICE. From auction, alao, CURTAIN NETS and COTTAGE DRAPERY. CRETONNES, REPS. FURNITURE chintzes, Ac. i WINDOW SHADES and CORNICES. MORQI'ITO NETS. WINDOW SCREENS at toe. each, to FIT ANT WINDOW (near patrol). RHEPPAHD KNAPP, NOR 198 AND 1S5 6TII AV NEW TORE, one ttoor below 1 litb it. P. 8.?MAIL ORDERS will recelva prompt attention. Send for circular. ? |jMO.xTDAMS, SO. 817 BROADWAY. Hosier]', Glove?, Underwear and fine Fnrnisbinga. South of Colon square. A CARD. To connolsseara of the ceramic art. We hava Jnst received from Venice sixteen s.smple Ymet, "fac similes" of those recently excavated at Pompeii. Connoisseara are invited to exaralno the** peculiar reprn ductions, of which wo hare the sole agency, R. O. macy A CO., 14th it. and Hth nv . New York. A." Womlerfal success of our ne?" Invention. TIIE mahoukrita WAVE. which forms COIFFURE for Iront and back ; ?aa lie iwjusted without a single lialr pin and wilt not rip or tear, from $:j jp "INVISIBLE FRONTS In large variety, very stylish. and Improving the lookaol all ladles Instantly,92 per Inch on real patent hair lace; 91 rr inch on imitation hair lace. The largest awaWwit HUMAN IIAIR GOODS, positively ret lied st wholesale pi tees. HAIR switches or the finest quality of hair and CURLS, warranted to lie natu rally cnrly. In immense quantities, at prices, to ?ult everybofly. NETS lor the front hair, 25c. and 50c. aaeh. CtlMRINGS mada up in the moat ap proved manner. 25c. and .Vic. per ounce. LATEST METHOD. ROOTS ALL ONE WAY. IIAIR TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. GRAY IIAI it A SPc.i'IaLTY. On'quality of iiumaii kali go."]* cannot tie excelled. The best pr.?if In tiie world, highest premium awarded by the Ameri. can losti:ma. L ftHAW'rt unrivalled beautifying BAZAAR. CREME BLANCHE, or the Magfc. Reautifler, lor the complex ion. Imparts a brilliant transparency. It delightfully moling snd an Indispensable article th" toilet table; warranted to lie abs 'lutcly harmless. 9i i?er Imt. F. Cwidrajr*s celehtmed AURORA, to bleach hair of any rotor a lino gold n iilonde wiilnml injur* to tlie hair. I'rtco for three ooorc hwttlc. 91 5*'i for i-lx-naure oottia. 92 {( J, H. Fontane'a wonderful preparation. HERMANNe;. a sure enre to remove all ?rin>ie? tiie face, *2 per bottle. A large assortment ot all mo4' ern beautifying CoSMhTIQI'ES mi hand. Keeps custom shirts, made to measure, the very bast, H fnrftl: not the slightest otiligati.ui to take ur keep any ot K? e;. < Mlilrt . iinle.s perfectly satiafac tor}. ">71 Broadway and K2I Arch st., Philadelphia. MME. LAFORCADE, OF NO 5?> VTII AV. PREYIorS inlier departure for Peris, will sell ail her elazant Noveltm*, latalv receive.t. at a (treat reduction \T tlOOVROl'X, 122 4TH A A-., NEAR I2Tn sr._ ? . Stamping establishment ; specialty o ladl s and iia bics'Trousseaux: Lingerie sn.f t n.lerwear; Monograms to order lor Table and Bed Linen. Handkerchiefs, Ae.: ahole sale department. ?K? East I2tb it. Perforated paper Pal tarns, machines and ecce a?r1e? Ibr flamming. L L L L L L LLLLL 3 SSSS S S s SS8S S S 8 SSSS H II H H II II minim it ii H II 11 u A AA A A A A A AAA A A A A W W W W WW w w w w w w w w w WW WW VV VV W W :: SO. 54 WEST HTM ST., DRY GOODS. Y oH&' A TAVXi.K " ' "iwir,r" A J are dosing out their entire stock In all department*, at great reductions. BLACK AND COLORED SILKS i i reduced folly 'J~> per rent from ioruier price*. Good qual lie* at 75?. to (I per yard. ^ FANCY SILKS in plaid*, stripe*, check* and Daiiia**eu, from 50c. par yai upward. GRENADINES AND BATISTK in new and eiciusirr design*. A large ami elegant stock of thin *0**011'* importation, Iroin IU)tc. to 50c. a yard. | POPULAR DRESS GOODS ^ in ill the *tyles of the *ea*on. al much below real value. Really beautiful good* at -'V. aud 25c., *uch a* formerly wild at 40r. to 5Uc. LADIES', MISSES' aND CHILDREN'S SUITS AND WRAPPERS. A vary *uperlor lot of good*. in all fashionable ityle*, at TRBMKNDOUS REDUCTIONS. MANTELS SACOI'RS, DOLMAN'S LLAMA LACE JACKETS AND SHAWLS, ALL AT LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. ALSO LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOUSEKEEPING AND OTHER LINENS. ALL AT MUCH REDUCED PRICES. SAMPLES OP GOODS AND CATALOGUES OP LADIKS' ANIl MISsES' SPITS AN l> MUS LIN UNDERWEAR AND INFANTS OUT KITS KENT Kit EE OK CHARGE TO ALL SECTIONS OP THE ? UNITED STATES. RULER FOR SELF-MEASUREMENT SENT ON AP PLICATION TO ALL PARTS OK THE COUNTRY WITHOUT CHARGE. ORDERS FOE EVERY DESCRIPTION OK GOODS WILL BE CAKEKULLY ATTENDED TO, AND THE SAME PACKED AND FORWARDED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. BROADWAY~AND 20TII ST., GRAND AND CHRVSTIE STS. NEW TORK. RING STOCK sp of CARPETS, KURNiTURE AND UPHOLSTERY CLOSING OCT. If LORD A. TAILOR. ? 255, 2V7. 'JO(t "and 301 GRAND ST., CORNER CHRYSTIK, AND *3 FORSYTH ST.. annnnnce tluit owing to ih? lateness of the *eason, and d* alring to close out tne balance or their_ CARPET Stock, will offer Carpeting* lor the next thirty day* only, at tueli further reduction* it* will give purchaser* the jtreutest inducement* yet offered. furniture" tTnnmal Inducements urn now offered In all (trade* of I nod* in thin department. Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and library Purniture, in the latest and mint desirable ityle*. UPHOLSTERY GOODS. In this department they are offering special and decided bargain*. Real Lace Curtain*, ??? 75. former price, 910. Guipure Curtain*. $5 former price, $7. Nottingham Curtain*. from $1 Si per pair. Window Cornice*, iroin 50c. each. ( Holland and gilt border Shade*, made and put up at tha lowest price*, PURNITURE COVERINOS. Loose Covers lor Kuruiture, cut and made, at popular price*. Piano and Table Coyer*. QUILTS. Marseille*. ?3 50, worth (5. Honeycomb, 75c., 90c. and f 1 35. BEDDING. Spring Reds of superior quality and workmanahlp. Mattresses, Pillow* and Holders or the Hnest <|iiallty, at extremely low prices. GRAND, CIIRYSTIB AND FORSYTH STS. II H OOO " NN N EEEE II L L II II O O ? N N N E II L L IIIII1H O O N N N EES ML L 11 II O 0 N N N E 11 L L U 11 <S> OOO N NN EKEE II LLLL L.LLL baring added another bnildiug on the corner of Twentieth itreet to tbair establishment, are bow prepared to offer Bargain In their two new departmauta. Underwear or every description. French and domestic manufacture. Which baa been ho went for cash In large quantltie*, and irlH be offered exceedingly low in price. Infant*' Outflt*, ready mado and lo order. Ladle*' and Children'* Hosiery, Balbrlgsan Hose, a5c., 45c . 4Hc. and Vh\ up. Embroidered Balbriggan llo?e. 3Sc. to 80c. Ladles' Hose, full, regular. J5c. ; worth 3'^c. Gents' summer merino Vests and Drawer*, 49c. ana np. Gents'Jean Drawers, 05c. and up. Dren Trimming*, Fringe*, Bullion* and Braid*. Fall and complete Hoc of Fine; Good*, in all ^ nrlou braucbe*. H. O'NEILL A CO., 321 to .121 ? 6th av., corner 20th it. biiH L OO OO MM MM 8SS "" B B L O O O O M .V N M 8 8 "? B B L O O O O M M M M 8 ? B B L O 0 O O M M M M 8 BBB L O O O O M MM M BBS HBL O OO OMNMM S B B L 0 O O O M KN M H BBL OOOOMNMMS 8 ... BBB LLLL OO OO M X M 898 ? 348 Bowery. 810 GREAT REDUCTION IK ALL SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS. <9) ^ STRAW HATS AM) MILLINERY GOOD* red need 2.'> per cent. FRENCH KLOWBSS, FEATHERS, SASH AND BONNET RIBBONS In *11 new and lending *hade* and ityle* at half nmal price*. EXTRAORDINARY* BARGAINS IN t "HUN U.MBKE1.LA3~aT|> PARASI)LS| * ^ SELECTED WITH SPECIAL CARE FO* OUR TRADE, cloning nut at lex than manufacturer'* price*. ^ LADIES'*M) ( MIMiKKSS UNDERWEAR ^ In great variety, at eren lex then our wall known popular price*. <?? $ I LADIES' WRAPPERS. DUKTERS. AC. <S> in great variety at an immen?e rednciion Iroin nunnl price*. (iREAT INDUCEMENT IN OUR t=2 LACE OOOM Dl' PAItT* ENT. LACB SArQl'ES, LACK SHAWLS, LACE CARDI NALS, 0f ABF*. TIES. BOWS. AC.. In great variety, purthaorrt nt the recent auction (ale*, and which we are chuing nut at .">0 per cent below coet of itn|K>r tktinn. 'f LADIES' AND ClftUMfcB'* KWIMY ] ?nd MEKINO INDKRWKAR ! LADIES' AMI 0KK1 I.ENEN'K BATH I NO SUITS. Ir?m 9- H* u|?wai4?. SILK FLAGS, all ?lie*, at popular price*. BI.OOMS', J i BLOOMS ^ HkWKIIY. .tl ? between Bond and tir ?t .lnn?? ?t?. KEEPS. PATENT PARTI.V MADK MM SHIRTS, i the very he?t. ?tx f?r8?: ran h? Aniaheii *? ra>llv a* i hemming a handkerchief. A7I Broadway, and ll.'l Arch at., Philadelphia. l T J. D. LIVERHB'B. 441 ?ril AV . MKTWEKK DRTN Jx end-'7th ?!> -Stamriinu an t Knilir<i|.|ermi F.?ta?ii-h incut: Urre -tick nl Imported yoke Chcmtee Bmni-. Drawer* end Lingerie.: l,*<li"?' Bre*kf*?l l'ap?. l.e<ltev Tt-ouueaaa; -pc> altv Monogram* anil Initial* for Imii'laer chlrln; Table mid Bed C|o|iie? embroidered to order; l.ace Curtain* cicane<l and mend?d ential to new. f jtAIIKAl"* IN VISIBLE HAIR NETS FOR THE I front hair; a'?n invisible Crini|.? nude of natural enrly lialr. ann a large anaortnieni m Braid v. Cnrl*,?6c. 'it I nl on f?i|iiarr. KUrU PATENT PA IITI.V MADE DICKsS SHIRTS, the *ery bent, ?i% for t><: can l?* Ilnl*h<->1 ?? eaeily ? li?mml*t * handkerchief. 671 Broadway, ami mil Ar> h ?i , Philadelphia. lui VIN KID ULOVKS, VIOLET LETTUCE BO.kf?, el .ill ;c- itu ii ? article*, at II. i>i.i)DKa A CO.'S, Ut<> Mrnc, Si r.??t i.'ih ?t . aeer Broadway, T/XT B ADR DIN AltV BARGAINS IN M*N'S? AND Fj bnra'Hat*.-*'ll>? flne?t -fork ii!?d ?ro*t< ?. variety In i?ew Turk nt SHAVNE'S wliol-??le and re I t || e?t*l>li*li nient. Wallark'* Tiit-air" Kuiidinif, headqnartem for Mia>u? > ? i tetirxted ll*>l <?mea Hat. KEEi'-S CI KfOM SHIRTS. MADE TO MBASI'RE, the very he?t. n for tu. not the *IH(hte?t oiill^atlon in iei>e or keen anr ?f Beep ? Siiirt* anl>>? larfri-tlr laiialac tory. ill Broadway and Ml Arch ?(., Philadelphia, DRY GOODS. A." oo ooo SSS zui EBER a a o o g > e b o O O see o o o see g o O AM) 8KB ker EEX o ao o o as e o a <> o s e e O g O o s be e oo OOO MS BEER EEER? EXAMINE THE ENORMOUS reductions. NO misrepresentation IN any adverti8b KENT or -<*> e> burioh'*, i i EIGHTH AV. AND 31T11 ST. BERT SERGE SILK PARASOLS, flout pearl bandit*, at $2 69; former prlcc, f4. CANOPY PARASOLS at a great sacrifice. imported FRENCH jhtp hats, all shapw, at WHITE swis6 CHIP iiatttreduced to 25c. PANCY WHITE strawmi ATS at 29c.; former prlea sl 1,000 DOZEN BROWN AND WHITE 8badr BATS at 20c.; former price 40c. 100 DOZEN fully TRIMMED EXCURSION HATfl at soe. NEW ALPINE COACHING HAT, all gradm, at lo* pricei. LADIES' suits. Ele;snt line of LINEN SUITS, OVERSKIRTS AND BASQUES, travelling DUSTERS, AC.. AT kxtrhmrly LOW PRICES. NEW STYLES RECEIVED DAILY. 800 fine SPRING buitstall STYLES. reduced to leu than eoit to ciom. A FULL SUMMER SUIT. NEATLY made. AT $1 68. silk suits IN GREAT VARIETY, , AT greatly REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' AND mtsseb' UNDERWEAR. compare OUR PRICEs'wttH THE LOWEST SIXTH AVENUE PRICES. tflk most EXTRAORDINARY SACRIFICE IN LA DIES' CHEMISES, SKIRTS. LAWN BASQUES AXE 8ACQUES LACK SKIRT*. WRAPPERS, AC. PRETTY SER(se AND FLANNEL BATHING SUITS at $2 83. EXAMINE OUR SUMMER CORSET AT 72e. children'S marseilles AND linen DRESSE& all marked down. LADIES WILL MISS agrbat OPPORTUNITY FOB CHEAP GOODS BY NEGLECTING TO PAY AN EARL1 VISIT TO $ tt> <g>- 4> t EHRICH'S. | | eiikick'S, i 7 287 EIGHTH AVENUE. 2w?. above mth mm* millirery' AND dhekmmak1nu. A -MARIE TILMAN. OF PARIS, importer. OFFERS jv. it large assortment of latest lino Parisian snmnioi llonuci*. Millinery and English Crapes. 423 6th av., neai 2?mh ?t. A -MRS. 51 nbdilt rknownkd cmmk ? perfect Cltlnsr; failles fitted at their residences with out extra cbargo: Abdominal Corsets and Supporters spe cialties howcy. M A 1st in ? ALTON7 8h2 ~ BROADWAY, alofl . Union Square ?Importer* of fashions In Bonnets anil rvuitd llats from Pari* and Loudon. aim a choice selection ol Mourn lug. AT mme. COLLINS' dressmaking estabisii. ill en i, 2*1 West 11 tli at., ladles can rely on getting pep feet qttilig dreste* made. trimmed lu latent Parisian stylo. Ladlei In viteil to coll. A"" LL KtXDS OK DRESSES MAKE UP AFTER Tiff latoxt Pari* lailiion ; woollen dressun from $10 to $16, an i silk hiilti from #12 in $ix; aim ureases and polonalsai cut mid boated; u perfect 111 guaranted. 112 went 14th St., nonr titli av, REnS fringes," CORDS, TASSELS, m., ao, made to order on the ithorteiil notice. In aur color* and leugth*. JACKSON'S Factory, 115 to 121 East 13tb it. First class dressmaking at moderate price*. Mrs CLEBY, (87(hll ar. ttiint plaitings MADE WHILE YOU WAlT l',t\ JV f?cr yard. EMPIRE ROOMS, 8111 Broadway, cornet i.'ill -i. I AMIES OF TASTE WISHING STYLI8 ii IMPORTED 1 boiinet* or round 11 au at greatl/ reduced prices will fl.'rt it t.) iielr advantage toeall at mnia. camille dm LACY'S, shj'^ Broadway, near iut< it. 1ADiEs"or Taste wish i no "stylish imported J Drei.?e* at greatly reduced price*, will find It to tlieli advantage t.i call at Miss mcstt EENEY's, 21 East 17th St., on and after June 26. Mrs. firm in. KROM l.hii BROADWAY. kakrs isshionable Summer Suits from #?!. 465 6th av., above mb *t. M.1ik DKLLAC. 16 WEST24TH ST.. HAS RECEIVED new Pattern* from Paris; makes walking suits and dinner dresses at moderate prices. D M ME. 8. p1nchon, 42 Ea*t IOth st., is offering the balance of her stock of Pari* Grenadine and summer Urease*, muiitlua- and Carriage wrujis, at greatly reduced prices. Mme. picakd. late with m. baillarih make* up ladles' own material: latest stvle*; ten ?tktomer*; Nainsook and Batiste st cost. 30 East lhtta st. Mmk. e. uiieyalier. Importer, S-i Knot Kill) ?t., liw? rccelred per llie 1a*t French a rich naaoriment ill Collar* ami KtKvt Set*. Chtmton, Wrapper*, Drawer*, Ac., Ac . trimmed in the late*t *tyle*. Previous to her de? partiire for Europe Mme. Chevalier will *ell ?t ercatly re duced | rice* her ?trick In imported Bonnet* and llat*. RS. IIA V DEN. CORSET MAKER, H AS REMOVED from UK) |n 27s (itn av.; Coraet* made to order, war ranted a perfect lit. Mmk. KI'liKNIK WINTER, UOINtJ NEXT SATUfc day. July I. lo France, will ha at Mr*. Orapauehe'*, 14 Ru.t 1."it'll *1., third hMM from Tiffany'*, whers *he will fill III any order* or take aome for Perl*. FJaITINO OK AM, RINDS, MHIRJUNM, AO.? STEVENS A CO.. Mill at., opposite Arademy of airent* f?r titm Plaiting Machine; price, $5U Call and wi" it. OflTH MADE AT t S ION I Sll IN OLY LOW FrTcKh} ti ?p ; mimpieit ifanwii and natUfaclory guarantee. 151 Ea*t Itrt?l at. QIDE SPACE AND HI IX IMA ITI NHS HONK BY MA. p rliine grille ynn wait, from 1 to 2.1 Inehen wide. Sam. pic* tree <>r charge. All I a?k in atrial, and I am mire t? gain your cu'.ltwi. I.adie*' wai*t?, Ac . plaited; ablrrln* and hemming done by machine, ?t Ir. per yard, hy s J(lllltI'll, HM Foravth ?t.: branch olllee Fulton ?t., b* taeen Omnge and Pineapple at*., Brooklyn. CII)K iTmX. IIOI Itl.K ItOX ANl? HI'ACE ~PLAITtliS3 P the only place where plaiting la done ?o a* n<rt to *how preiwnre on right aide or goc.d?, at OSTllOfK'8, Ulovf. Cleaner. K3| ttth ar. _____ 2y WEST IOTII ST.?SI"ITS ' MADE* SATlftrAS t )r torily, cbeaji and on thort notice. Call and see asm* P'fa. frtil WK?T HflTll ST.-FA8HIONARLE walking i'yjh Suit* and Evening Coetumea made In the latent rarlalan U lea and at low rate* "I AV.. FIRST FLOOR.-ECONOMY If J OO wealth. All arti*tlr modiMe will cut. I>??te an< ornpe ladle*' ilri Me*. and will r.irniMi ttood dre*>maker* ti flnUh lit #1 VI to J.'per day. without board; out ?f fethlof nnd mUlt die*u> altered e<inal to new. Pleaie call and *o< ?pecimen. _ N'I'DRAbk. ^ * -storaoe. West side storage* War* ,/Y- lioute*. SOT. (KM. 6QH }|ud*<n *t.. 770 Greenwich Mb and 10 Abingdon w|ii*re ? Siortge and aafe keeping for fan nitiire, piano*, inirnave. ? trank*. 'mirror*, painting*, ?rn* mentt, carpet*, theatrical properties; good* and warea oj every dcwrlption receive ! dav or night. aenarate room! of anv tif. oiiMut (e*t.ihl|?he.| |SH?. lo?e*t In nt*. man eerommndntinj.', e*len>ive and reaponaihle estahiiahment I# the hu?itie?*. It TAUti ART. Ow ner and Proprietor. UStj Uti lludann *t. (Abinnlon ainnre). AT PORTINGTON'S STORAGE WAREHOUSE. tut llndaon *t.. lor Furniture. I'iano*, Trunk*. Ae.. tn mm anteroom*. CIlARLES M. HollltK. Proprietor. J|<AOLr. STORAOl WAR) IIOrsEH -rNSCRPARIttl 'j lor ?afe beepiiiK of irood* of every kind: loweat r a left |<rt to I?t7 Went :t:<d at. . one door we?t of Ath av. /"t KAN It CENTRAL HTOIIAOR F??R FIRNITURM ll Piano*, llacxnae, Ai- ; l>i?pe<tlon invited: Hroadwj and I7tii*t. HORiiAN k RRO., Proprietors. TORAOK roil FI'UNITI RR. PIANOS, BAGOAnl . ) Ai . *i parata room*. lowe?i r^ie. everv ronvenienoet elevator; trAMNuan MICIIaLRH A SON, H* to 41 t'ommeree *t . near Hleerker. C?T<>i:t?IE IN I't.tKTFItED MOOM* ANO LO?TS FO| ii (?arnilnre. Itlfme, Carriasna, Ac. WW, 111, ||3 ant IMl?tMl|4 WANTRH TO PtiRCIIAH*;. I^IIIIST CI,A.-S HAl.OdN WaRTKD -VKIlltESS CtV". F l?lt e> ory particular. tiLMOM. Iternid oWce. M % C111 \ K W t NTRO?WIIRRI.ER A WIL nnd hand, in .-ood order. Adi!re*?, lor > ne week, ti. T. liox U47 I'oat oltire l?f.?iv'I machine wa ntki>-wh: lr \fi?Ri i wnrk. \iidre?*. *| itln|t price and tuuke, J. FINLEV mMITII I Is i himli'r. *t \trn<?TON I?F.-nK wan I Kl> ..HKi'OMi IIANII; STATl t? |o.< e*t eaidt price. id#riiaa b 'X ii.K't Poet wfct. WVNTI Iu-a FIRST I I.ASS VACl;I"M PMR Ail Pump etdMifptp. Adare?< R. W.. >xia I lit Herald ?fflo* iiH-j** !)?*?%. ? _ ?i: ?new lv !VHM?iei> AKffKir-"i\'l. TBKfOJ _? Oum Tech, $10; Silver Fillintra, Vtn,, Oel'i. $1 All ..rl* v nrranted Brat elaae. open Sandaya. At id Will flt'S. I V. <;th av. B~RA tfirill. A K11 Kit: i A L TEKTiLf-: HlH^iarir, warrnnted. silver nillnim. MM). ??few Yorit Untitnl Room*," jvj oth ti ; oetablKbed I Ml. Monday* natfl a. s SK A.