Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14.553. NEW YORK, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1876.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE POUR CENTS. UlHKOTOai FOU ADVERTISEKS, HERALD BRANCH OFFICE. 1.204 BROADWAY.? open day axd night, for reception or advertisements AXIj SALE OF PAPERS. amusements?Bth PAGt-4thcoL ASTKOLOOY-7TH I"au??t*b cuL BILLIaBDB?i*H Pack?lid ooL BOARDERS WANTED?7th Pago?ftth ?-ol. BoailD a.NJD LOUlll.NU WANTED?7tii Paob?SihcaL Bl'Sl NESS opportunities?frru Pacb?3d mL BUSINESS NOTICES?.?th Pac*. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pac*?3d col. CITY KKAL ESTATE MJK SALE? 1st PAC*-6th coL CLERKS AND BALKS MEN?7th Paob?4th col. CLOTHING?7tr Paaj*~?th col. coachmen AND UAEDENEKS-7ra Pau???th mL COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?1m Pacb-4U ltd Sib 0*1*. COUNTBY BOARD?7th PAQt-ithML DRV GOODS-1?T Pags?Ud col DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FLRMSHED AKD UN FURNISHED?ith Pao*?6th coL european STEAMSHIPS?tut Paou?4th ?L BUBOPB??** Pace-4th eoL EXCURSIONS? lav Pace?5th col FINANCIAL?Am Pabb-34 col. PINE ARTS?WTU PAeB-?tb roU POR SALE?7tb Pag*??th col. furnished HOOMS AND apartments TO LBT? ?til Paob?5th ooL FURNITURE?7tb PACB-Bth coL HELP WAITTED?FEMALES?7th Paw 4th Ml HELP WANTED?MALES?7th l'AC*-4th ool BOUSES. OARBIAOBS. AC.-1st PACB-Jd and 8d cob. HOTELS?7th i'acB?5th ooL HOUSES, ROOMS, AC . WANTED-7th PAOa-eth mL INSTRUCTION?In Pac*??ith col. LOST and POUND?1st Pacb-UIcoL MACHINERY?7th Pacb-WL cL marble maniels-#th paqb-m ml MATRIMoNIAL-Uth pAGB-adeoL medical?7th Pag*?6th col B1LLINERY and DRESSMAKIN'O? 1st Pa a I?3d Ml. IHCELLaNEOUS ADVEKTISBMBNT8?1Mb P?B*? 0th ml MUSICAL?1st Pacb? Hth col. NEW PUBLICATIONS-oth PAam. PERSON AL?1st Pag*?1st col. PlANOPORTK*. ORUANS. AC?1st Pao*?6th col. FBOFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 7th Pack?4th col. PROPKKTY out OP the CITY FOB 8ALB OB TO RENT?1st Pais*?6th ool. REAL ESTATE TO bxchange-lir PAUB-tttb col RELIGIOUS notices?Ibt Pacb?1st col. Rewards-im Pag*? 1st col Sales AT AUCTlON-&rH Pac*?5th and 6th cola SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7va Pack?1st. 3d, 3d sad 4th col*. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALES?7th Pacb?4th coL spkc1al NOTICES? 1st Pag*?1st uul 2d col?. BPORTINO?DOCS. BIRDS. AO.?1st PAUK-Jd col. BTOBAGB??ra Pag*?4th col. BUMMBB KESORTS?7tu Pack?5th and dtb cols. THE TKADES?7th Pag*?Ith and 5th cols. |HE TURF-1st I'AUK-Ud col. fo LBT FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES??rn Pack?6th coL travellhrs' GUIDE? 1st PACK-Sth col. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND APARTMENTS TO LBT? 9th Pag*?5th col. wanted 10 pukchasb?1st Pto*-?tii cni. watches, jewelry, ac.??th PAG*-t;tb coi. WESTCHESTEK COUNTY PROPERTY POR SALE OR TO LET?1st Pack?Oth col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AO.?IPtM PAOK-ttth eol. PKRBOMAl ^nC^ie^?p^nuTff. AROYLE" SHADOfr ?DAN JX. saatc," on balcony. MABEL. C~THARLRS?MYDEAR SON, COltB HOME ASSOON J as pooiblr and all will be forgiven, and make arrange ments lor your futuro to ?olt your taste; 1 will help ?ou as tar as IB m.T power; you shall not bo restrained your liberty Borconfined; if you need money telegraph. Your distracted FATHER. 1 DESIRE TO KNOW THE WHKREABOUT8 OF Miifuel Pledra. If K.N J AM I.N A. OAITAN, 130 Warreu St., Jersey City. EGATTA-?WHY DON'T YOU WBITB ? " ~~ yachtsman. STAGE TolfTATENTsLAND BOAT, SATURDAY 3 :SO P. M.?Will lady In black kindly permit gentleinau uexi to Iter, whom she lecofnlied on euterin* the gate, to lorta ber acquaintance! Address, mentioning some Incident, ENRICO, bo* It8 Herald Uutown Branch office. O RESCMfc^COME HERE TCMiAY ~AT laTOR AS soon alter as posalble. auQ oblige WILL II." D. M AK1E PETEKSEN, WHO WAS IN CO peuhairen winter ol 1*74-5, please send ber preMnt address to the frleud wbo assisted ber 1 TS7 ILL MARIA HUNT, ~F0RMERLY* WITH MRS*. II Chavez, please send ber address to T. M.. box 3,601 Post office. ? RKLlOIOtS \OT1CKJs. ^0081^'^.:.*^ "" Mtli *t.. Wait, sad near 6th a v. (Green ears of Thirty-fourth street Une pas* the teat.) Third week of service. Monday?H P. M? preaching by Rev. C. C. Tiffany, rector ot Church or Atonement. Toe?day-Ji P. M., preaching by Rev. T. D. Anderson, l>. D. Wednesday?8 P. M., Breaching by Rev. G. U. Hall, D. D. Thursday?* P. M.. preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. Kriday-8 P. 11.. preaching by Rev. W. P. Abbott. Alter Meatinga, at 9 o'clock every evening, will be conducted by Rev. W. Unmpitune. Saturday?8 P. M., meetlnft of Christian worker*, to bo led by Uncle John Vaaaar. tinging every evening. by Theodora E. Petklaa and a cho rus. Noonday Prayer Meeting ?rory day, for one hour, under the direction of Mr. Alexan der Lyie. Scats Area to all. Helpers wanted, as tubers, workers and singers. Address 8. P. WILLIAMS, No 4(1 Earn 43d st. Contributions to the ?upport of these services may bo seut to EDWARD L. OWEN. Treasurer. No -Mi Last 43d St., or No. 71 Wall at. LOST Ai'ti* f'Ulltti. T OST?ot'NK 15, IN MADISON AV.,'NEAR SliTIi' ST. J-J a imail white Dog. uau;ed "Prince." A liberal reward ?ill be paid for him at 441 West 36th St. SST?MONDAY, JUNK lit, A LADY'S GOLD ENAM eled Watch. No. 28 H41, wltb iritis! on back and i .aielaine attached. A liberal reward will be paid on ra mming to 27 West :nih at. _ Itkw Altos. $'r REWARD' WILL PAID TO THE PERSON ?/ wlto will brio.: back'tu me a Bloodhound lost on Sat ardav, J une 24J c h i I - t Leo, with name John Wolf, West ItKHh si., between 10th av. and Itoulevard. JOHN WOLF, Proprietor. *7C REWARD AND NO UUKbfloNilTllKEll VoR ? I tJ return ol tloi.l Watch, Chain and Heal, lost on Tuesday night; $50 will bo paid for Watcii and Seal ami 135 for Chain. If sold, please return pawn ticket. Address OWNER, box 210 Herald office. fcfjftll REWARD.?STOLEN FttoM TIIK PRIVATE IplUU stable of Robert Crowley 114 Bedford rv., <or k?r Rodney ?t., Brooklyn, E. D., ou Wednesday morning, I une .1. about I o'clock, a dark bay Mure, lti>, hands high : iont black tall and Hewing mane, with black points; 8 year* old: was last settn leaving Roosevelt street ferry, goiuc alnog South st. Any one giving information that will load to the detection of the thief or the retarn of the ?are will receive the above reward. __ . SP1CC'I A Is SOTiCBii. i"-I8A~AC a. BOYCE. 207 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? ? Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tion, incompatibility, habitual dronkenaes*. InUdeliiy. in human treatment, conviction of leiony. Passports obtained. ?ROY AL 11A VAN A Li ITTERT, ? Next drawing J nly I. I Price of Spanish dollars $100,000 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 3t',iH*? 2 Priae* of each, Spanish dollars 25,000 and 965 other Oerman Government Lotteriea. Full explanatory circulars free. THEODoKK Z8CH0CH, Poat office box 5,594. 1 Id Nassau st. New York. -A.-ALL PRIX KB C A ? H K D IN UOLO AT~THli i office. Third feuisiana gold distribution. New Orleans, J uly 20, 1870. Capital prise BIOO.UJO gold!' . 3,58t> prise* amounting to $502,500 20.0 U tickets JsS> currency. Coupon; in proportion. Apply tor information Ac. to williamson A CO., kroker*, 317 Broadway. Post odica box (MX!1!. -PARKB. EMKRSON A CO. ? ?? ? Kentucky Stata Lotteries drawn dally. Royal Havau* Lottery, drawn every 17 days. Kentucky Single Number Lotterv. drawn July 29. 1870b PrisesCHshod, information furnished and circulars tree. 180 Broadway Post office box New York. A B -KENTUCKY 8 fATh LOTTERIES OP J. K. SMITH A CO. xiurrccxr -kith* class 607, rou 187<l. ?, 30, JO. :?!. 9. II. 07. ?'?. t.'i. 1ft. 4. 00. 48, 29. kKfitlK KT?CUSS ,VS?. roa 1876. ?o, so. 49, ttz. :?5. ?, 83. 47, 2, (ML 53. 6, rt4, All orders address B. NATHAN, 181 Broadway, or Pott office box 4,870 New York city. (' 10VBRINOH FOR THfc KERT?ALL KINDS OP J Boots and Sboea at reduced prices; "Iron Clad*," a ?tronr style of shoe for boys and youths: tpurumea and tonrist* can And just the kind of shoe lor mnnutaia travel. CANT .ELL, SB sad 241 4th av. DIVORCB8 LEiiALLY AND 4JIMKTLY OBTAINED for lucotr.patihility, Ac ; residence unnecessary: lee ?lor decree. A. tlOODRICII. Post office bos 1,037, Chicago. PlfttASKS OP MEN A SPECIALTY. HENRY A DAN IKLS. M. D., 144 Islington av.. ?oar 29th st. Office hours Irum a to 3. ZoFFICIAL DRAW1NOS K K N T L' C K V ST A TlT LOT . tarlea?8IMMONS a DICKINSON, Manager*. KKXTICXT. II1IU CLASS *0. 3S*?? JIIItK 24, 18741 K, 38, 63, 2A 7, 20. 21, 8, ti?, 24. 4il. 7d. 62, 3. exhtccx*, so 400-ji'nk '24. l?7fl. B, 28, 68. M, 2ft, 77, MO. ?. 37. Hv*. 2. 72 ? KRKT. KXTKA CLASS MO. JUX1 24, 18741. 16. 74, 71. 11 <??">. 44. 40. 2.(. 1, 7, an, 34, 66. UXNKT. CLAM NO. SUO-JVltk 24, 1S76. ??. 10, 4. t?. tk>, 20. 21. 16, "'8, 4U, 75, 52, 1ft Pall Information hy applylnv to or addressing J. CLUTK ft CO., 2UU Broadway, room No. rear office. ?csuu^oouTn i kizks-T very Other ticket a M.'? pose - SIMMONS h l>l?'<KINSON'S .single Nuukber ' Kentucky state I^ottery. to be drawn .Inly 29, 1S70; J0.33n ?vises out of 5(i.usi ticket* ; aho Hoval Havana to be drawn au July 1. 187?. J. CLUTK A CO., 200 Broadway, room No. 0, rear oalre. Havana ~lottbry. -next~"bmiWinu"j cl"y-T, IS76; 40.11 SI lirkets; |UI ..IKS) In prises. Address 14. MaRTIVKX A CO.. Bankers. I<> Wall St.. basement; Post K?0?. box 4,tU4'.* New York Npanish gold and Havana baak MitsboufCt aad sold; draft* on Havana Issued. -CHRONIC CA.ARRII. DEAFNESS; IMPROVED > matbod; Instantaneous re net; permanent cures. Dr. >'1 oI'DA ItD No. 8 West Uthsl. Kentucky state tr rrkRiRs-drawn daily. Royal Havana h'H j. in l?. drawn Jol; I. ?tM4*p i?si .ll-tribiitert. Whole Tickets. KJO; Halves gin, fwentlctbs, $1. 1 or information, circulars, .1 ?? . 4p., dd<li?ss or apply to JAI'KsiiN A CO.. Bankers, 2i>2 Hroad* ay. .<sw York. N BRVOCS EXHAUSTION -a MEDICAL ES8AY lOtapr fill* a >.?rie* of lectures delivered at kabii's Maseu u ul Anatoio}. New York, on the cause and cure of I'rvinature Dccilne. s'iowi-il'indlkputabiy how lost health ??sy he regtitied, affording * rleif ->vnopsi. of the iuipeiil ?cnt* to luarriave and the treatment of nersous and nnrsi :ai debliity. being the rrsuli ol 2IJ years' exoertenre. Price Pi cents. Addre?? ihe autiior. Dr. L. J. VAII>.office and res Ideaee 31 East loth St.. New York. Royal Havana i.4> will r.R drawn on Jnne W. I'rlres cashed; order* Riled; lafor nation tnrniehed; hi. hsst rates paid for Spaalsb bill*, gov Maeott. Ac. TAYLOR A CO., Bankar*. No. 11 Wall at.. New York. K SPECIAL. NOT1CKS. OWKJtfTST fHtflStW YOUTWJttnNinXrWSWL mem ('Mil"!!. Mo 71 Broadw*v, Xtw York. Jane 5. InTli.? Notice.?The annual election of thin wmpu; for ntae director* And two iMiwiuri ul election will take plaee on Taet.dK>-. the IU.i ill* of July. 1870. at the olhce of lb* eom putty in the my of .w Yore. Ho. "lBroodway. rw Ma. 47; poll* opea at IS X. tad clooe M 2 P. K. By order. LEWIS M. BEOWS, Secretory. gIMGRB EXOtlUIOM.?A MEMTING OP TUI siifx muahciiriti employee m bold on one of the Central traine and the Wlo*in| nnIiUoii adopted We. ttie officer! and IMtory taplarei of the Singer II an u I act or lag Company, do moot respectfully acknowledge tbo very geueroui compliment eonlerred woo ui by oar employer! iu propuiing and extaadlat; to ui a bolidav and excnraiou to tic Centennial Rxpoeition at Philadelphia, for which we re turn oar alncero end heartfelt tbaafck. Many uf ui who, for the iui 23 your*. hlTa both m tbo employ of the Sinter Manufacturing Company, eaa with pieamiro aad profit recall tbe maay evidence! of the good will aad untir ing attention that they hare always dUplayor1 toward at. their employe*, In makiax their effort! all lead toward oar adranceneat aad late re eta. ilopiug by our combined effort! in the future, undying eareluliy tto latereew or the buiinesi with which wo ire couaecteu, aad by the diligent pursuance of our reepeetlro dot let. wo may la part dUebarge our debt ol gratitude, we oaiaolvaa. gentlemen, your! roapecifully, 8. U CARLISLE. Cbalrmaa. 0. A. Sautaa, Secretary. _______ Till VOTIOlrfRiT we-akSTnot OONKBCTBD with nor ia any manner Intercited in the buiine** car Hod en under tbe name of a. B. Auitm. at Koa. IW aad Sttl Chamber! et.. Mew York city. Dated New Yon* City. Jane 24, 187?. AUO. C. BECHSTEIh, christian r. tibtjkn. WANTED.?PERSONS TKUUBLBD WITH HALT Kbeuin, or Soap* of any kind, to oak tbe droirglit for Pike1! Centennial Halt Rhoain aad Chilblain Halve. JOHN f. HENRY, CURRAN k CO., Manufectarer*' Agent*, No*. S and ? College place. Mew York. T*TANTED.?PSBBOMhT HAVINil HOU8RCLRANINO If to do, or Oil to take from Germ eat i or Carpota, to oak their grocer for Piko'a Magic Cleaaelng Cream. JAMBS S. BARRON A CO., Manufaclarers' Agent*. '-'HO WaeblngUia et.. Now York. F gPORTOG?oooi, BIRDS, ?L/. or sai.r-two ohhyh6cndb. aY tta 18T"~lV," ftrat Boor. HUNTINrt DOa-PURB BRED 8RTTEB DOO. MORR boute *tock. rained in Morrii oountv, N. J.; thie le ona of tbe bolt breii aad moat thorough broke dog* la tbe conn try. If not diipoaed of before will be eold at auotkju, Tuea d*y, Jnne 87. at iOo'clock, by van TASsELL A KEAR NEY. at tbair mart, 110 audi 13 E**t ISth it POOl-S SOLD AT NEW YORK TURK EXCHAMOE Monday on Hartford va. Loulirille, at Loal?vll'e. ? SK1BKKT A M'CLOUD. THE GREAT SALE OP THE PINBBT BRBECH loadert ever Imported, will take place on Tueadey aad WedneVday, at TUNIS JOHNSON'S laleeroom, 37 Naasau it. They are now on exhibition. ___________ - Tgg. XITRF. ~ X'^LKETVrSOjrHARi^-RElJLLAftJU^MEET. A., ing, kocoad day, Monday, Jane 20,1876; trotting to commence at 8 o'cloak P. M. Clarl 2 -.38, O. T. Baekua enter* a g. Butcher Bot. John Murpliy euton br. m. Kity Hugbe*. M. L. Brandon entor* b. re. Carrie B. B. Cobeu onteri r. in. Leo. Gerry Walker enter* blk. g. Whiaper. >1. L. Whipple enter* ch. m. Dolly Dot J. De Camp entor* g, g. Billy. Claie 2:28. John Murphy enter* br. in. Lady Dahlmaa. J. W. Crawford enton r. g. Baall Duke. M. H, Whipple amor* b. m. Lady Whit*. T. C. Harden enter* g. tu. Menle. Adniin'au, $1. GATES H. BARNARD, PraaUkat. No l'ree lilt lor eoacliinea or driven. "TTcflON AND FRENCH POOLS SOLD_ DAY AND J\ fvenliiB at NEW YORK TURF EXCHANGE. 15 and 17 Wnt 2uth st., on the PHILADELPHIA running race* and DEMOCRATIC nomination for PRESIDENT; French pooli. S2 and V3; COMMISSION, 3 per ooat. Prompt attentlou ghron order* by mail or meiientor. KELLY. BLISS k CO. Auction and fkknch pools bold at John son-s Room*, corner Hroaawiy and 2Hth it.. ALL DAY aud nlglit.on tbo Running Racea at PHILADELPHIA, Democratic Nomiaee for PRESIDENT Mid all BASE BALL Uiatei. French L'ool Ticket*, $3 and B. Partic ular attontlen el von to order* by moll or meiienirer. T. B. JOHNSON. SPORTING OFFICE, NO. 8 WEST 28TU ST.?FRENCH Fool* and aeveral Mutual Oombiaatloa Pool* on Point Ureete Races, thU day; the book olao li made on name. OIRARD k CO. THE hampden PARK ASSOCIATION. SPRING field. Man., offer* the following trotting nareoa2-21 elm, *1.1100: $TtOO to Brit, SJOO to lecoud, $200 to third; 2 :20 claai. ftiflO: 300 to flnt, >3110 to necond, f 100 to third, tu bo trotted July 4. Entrance ton per coat. National rulei to govara. Ratriei eloie Tuaeday, Jane 37. at II u'ciock P. M.. tu bo addreiaod to D. J. XIARsH, Treaanrur. Spriugfield. Mail. TATTBRHALL'S TURP AGKJJOY. 1.2*7 BROADWAY. continue tbglr books m ail Important events. and as toon as alteration* Ma completed will nail auction aad French poola at papular prices. McDOUOALL A CO. ~ HOUSES.ALRniAGEb. W/. )V " ~m *WjWfe?y* jjpyW'" '?" ? i***1 GEO. W. JENKINS. AUCTIONEER. WILL SELL. THIS DAY, JUNK 'M. AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. SilAKP. all the Una Stuck of pr irate (table No. 131 Raat IHth it The above stock ?111 be aold at tba Union Auction Houae. MO. BO EAST 18T11 ST., NEAR BKOADWAY. Sale punitive rain or thine. to settle a claim against the ?tack. No. 1?Fine large cherry bar Dorse. 7 ;(tn, baudi; aouud aad kind. No. 2?Larue luary blood bay Horse, 7 years. 10 kaada; aouad aad kind. No. 3 is tbe faat trotting chestnut Bare Warwick tilrl; can trot in 2 :3ft any dajr: <J years old, 1S\ banda, sound and kind. an<l is aaplandid sola mare. No. 4 ia a snleudid Trotting Colt, ft years, 151, lianda; sound and kind; trotted (hi* spring a (rial ou Fleetwood truck ia 2 =54. No. HH a very elegant combination Horse; sound and kind In all liaraem; I* one ot tba finest saddle horses In the State; waa raised in Paris, Ky.; ia 6 years old. 1&V bauds high. N. B.?The above Horsee are all first class and are VKBY STYLISH AND HANDSOBE. (1. One eleitaut T Carl, pole and sbalts, by Bradley, Pray A Co. Nun. 7 and it shilling top Bond Wagon and sat of single Harness, M. Eleiraat C spring top Pony Phaeteo. 1U. One elliptic ?pring top Pony Phaeton, set ol single llarnasa and a beautiiul black Poay, suitable for a lady or ehlldren. 11. Oue set of Irack Harness. 13. One eel of fine double Boad Harness, unliable lor a conpe or phaeton. No. 14. Set of double Boad Harness. No. 15. Set of light single Road llarne?? No. 17. Blankets, Lap Dusters, Whips. Ac. STOCK NOW l>N EXHIBITION AT THE UNIoK AUCTION HOUSE. COACHMEN WILL BE IN AT TENDANCE. MB STETSON, OP THE TURK EX CHANGE, WILL 111VK ALL NECESSARY INFORMA TION IN KEGARD fO THB STOCK. A_ LOTION HOl'SR OK ARCH. JOHNBTON, lt?. 21. 88 and i'.r> >3tta at.. near University place. SALES OK HORSF.S AND CARRIAOES ABE HELD BVKBY TUESDAY AND. FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. OK BVKRY HORSK WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS TO S DAYS FOB TRIAL, THB OLDBST ESTABLISHED AND MOST BELLA BLE HOUSE IN THB CITY. GENTLEMEN RAVING MORSES OR CABRIAGB8 to sell, or those wlahing to bay. will lad oar business continued on precisely the same strict and honorable priaeipies which bava always characteriied the dealing* ot onr house and won the respect and confidence ul tne business community, as wall as tbe public at large. pair ok kink carriage bouses pub sale at a sacrittce ?The owaer, having no further use, will sell very cheap. Address K. S. D.. boa 5.S7S Cost office. -FINK LOT OK HARNESS TO BE SOU) CHRAP"; . BLANKETS. SHfcKT-. NETS. AC.. LA KGE.iT StOCk AT LOWEST PRICES: SAVE MONEY BY DEALING DIRECT WITH THB BANUFACTUREB, E. BARTLKTf. 02 WARREN ST., CORNER OK COLLEGE PLACE. A BORIS ? an IKD~ Foil ALADYS CiT; MURTBE A sound, kind ano gentle; ?tate price and where to be set-n. AJdre-i WM. W. BROWN, llerald odite. ' A VKRY FINK LIuHT TWO SKAT CUT UNDEB Rockaway nearly new cheap at GORDON'S stables, 5 West 13th st. A?F< >K SALB" CHEAP, KJNRGOOD BUSINESS . Mumea. Apply at No. 3 Vestry st., between Varick and Hudson. . Lp'oR SALE. THBBB HORSES, *36 EACH'; ALSO. ? two light Wagons, cheap. 14 Grand at., near Varick, rear. C A RBI AG K~ AT COST; HANDSOME NEW COCPE, T Cart, Wagoasuf all kinda. Phaeton.. Rretts, Coaches, Clarences, second band Wagons, doctors' Wagons; Car riages to let. FU NKY, 4MU 3a av. ROAD WAGON" JUMP SEAT BUGGY. OPEN Coach, half Clarence and a Conpe. 'JCti West 31st st. AVEBY FINE PULL SFBINO TOP W.iUOK, ALSO Brewster top one seat Wagoa. cheap; bay Horse lor lady's pbseton. prlea #1"*> No. ft West 13tb st. BROWN PONY IIU1LT MARK, $7!i; BLACK CANA dlan Pony. yonag and sound,$ 1 O. 12* Division st. A -KOlTSALB. POUR IIORSRS. FIT FOR ANY KIND . of bnaiaevs, at half value Inquire at my shop, AM tnh a*., between 20th aad 21tt at*. ?Fob hale,la horsks,~ j~ust~fhom indi . ana, suitable for all purposes. 122 Norfolk st. ACIIA.WK TO BUY CHEAP. TWO FULL SPKINll and side bar Top Wagons, two beautiful Phaetons, one se?u lour persons; Dttuwronib Harness; all by beet city matters. Private stable Of hast J3d St. A -FOR SALK. K0CR~Ti0RsBS; 8I1T AMYIusY ? neM; good trial; cheap. 104 Kllsaoeth et., between Brootae and Grand. A-on I lan da(Fan d cocpS" roc k a way." w mi ? division irontiln good orrter; mu?t be sold thli week. To trt seen at M. CCRLEY'S, IW Kast 13tb tt . near 4tb av. \ ?FoK saLrTo NE LARGE ~BAY HORSE, la CWT t JV. sold to close partnership. 2M South 3th av., near Grand st a -pob malk. a cheap horses, IfJt'pok PAJRM J V ? or budlnesa use, aad mutt be aold at a great saoriflee. S|i<iaifa at 57 i.reat Jones il. t -FOR HALE-ONE' FINK COUPBOB CAKltlAGK . llorsc and top fall spring Wagou buug low, and top pony Phaeton ; also oue one man trotting W atfuii, with tingle aud double U?rue*s; all as aood as new and of the beat city maker*. Call at private stable, l-!3 Kaat l?Mb st., one door from Irving place, lor three days. HANDWORK FOCBsKAT PARK PHaJCTON. ILtS, worth $4(41, Top Wagon, ftlUO; llerses and1 Carriages to let. IV. l-.sst S9d st. ?TRN Hl'SINEMS WA<iONH.~~ft-? TO ?i7., FOR ? eSirfas growers, butchers baker*, milk, lauadiy, package, advertising, depot, delivery, at Waguu Manufac tory, 'JJ Spring at, ATWOSBAT PHABrON. WITH POLE ANDbHaFTS' in good order, for f Km 301 4th av. AHAKGAlN.-A GKNTLKMAN LEAVING THE ClFtf will tell Ills Road Turnout less than half value; beantl ful stylish >i>rrel Horse. H v--ar? old. 15', bands: Warrante d soumi and kind; elegant Top Wagon and fine Harness, at private stable, first floor ea t of University plare, tn 1 Jth st A' -THE PlHBfT ROAD KSTAML IsTTbrntTn THE . ?itr lor osle at a ureat aarridce; ?altable for ladj or aemleni?a's driving: beautiiul bay lioise. 7 years old, I?>L? hands; a nnd aad kiad; good top Wagon and Harness; also a beaatiful lop Pee* Phaetea ?? "?ble No. 13 West 27tn at. _ HORSKS, CARtUAQES. ?t. ] AfTfcrioK,' ~ BY Tan TAS8KLL A KEARNEY. ADnTIONEEBS, AT THBIli HOKSK AND CARRIAGE MABT, 110, 112 F.AHT 13TH ST.. NEAR 4TII AV.. 0* TUESDAY, JUNK 27, 187#. AT 10 O'CLOCK. DAVID LATIMER. BAY HORSE. FOaLED IS85. p< t?T BYRDYK'S II AMBLETONIAN, dam "LATI MBR'H PREMIUM MAKE,' waa railed U> Dutchan Miiiijr, N?# )urk, b? Mr. LATIMER; !? kluil nod trae la all liarneaa; free from vie*; i* a proud, clean iteppvr; very atvliah; m> wel*bt; la loo to uch and no road la Mo loaf for bin ; ba la thor oughly brokn to the aide aaddla, and la without trick or fault la tho (labia: ba la warranted perfectly eound aad frca from blaulak. BELLE LEWIS. BAY MAKE, FOALED 180*. col by VOLUNTEER, dam a STAR MARE ireeord. S:ill), ralaad la Orange county by Mr. LEWirt; ?ba bat been ueed by liar preeeat ownrr with DAVID LATIMBB to tbe carriage and oa Um road; aa a tingle road mara fow can beat bar; iba haa a clean, opea gaH, troti all her heata bottar than 2-.M; aaadaao aback. martingale or boot# , le very prumpt, but no poller; the haa ao public roc aed; fa perfectly gentle and kind aader all circum itaacee and li warranted eouad. THIS MARE i? the dam of a feat by BLACKWOOD, for which *3,000 li offered and refined. FEDIWRhK AND SPBBD 07 THESE HORSKS ABB GUARANTEED. PAIR BLACK MARES, KINB LONG FULL MANES AND TAILS, l'?H haadi high. 10 yean old; klna and true la all harneu; tree from rlee; are both (food uo? der laddie; are very pleaaaot aad prompt roaditori; ar* afraid of nothing; can be driven alongiide of a locomotive with parieel aafbty; are a Oral claaa road ar family team, aud are warranted toand; alao aet light Carriage Haraeea aud X CLARKNCh, GOOD AS NBW. BUILT BT MINER * BTRVBN8 TOP PULL ' SPRING WAGON, POLB AND SHAFTS. BUILT BY LOCKWOOD. EXTRA STYLISH BO AN GELDING, Ifl handa high, * rear* old; kind and true In all harneia; free from vice; haa ipicadtd itrle aad action; haa been driven to a COl'rK and DOO CAET; la perfectly Ire* from fault or trick of aa/ kind : duel net iby or pnll; ia eold aolely on account of owner hariai ae uaa far Un, aad U war ranted lound. _____ CARRIAGES OF" ALL KINDS-TOP BUGOIbS. PONY l'haetona, Bockawaya, light extenalou top Park Phae tent, aud other* of my own make, at maanfarturer'a prlcea aad warranted. l?ok at my work in Philadelphia Conten ulal Exhibition, No. 7.S87. CH'S GRUBB, 3t> < Canal it.. New York. (SSBAP WORK HORSE WANTED-NOT OVKR $40 J caih; moit work tingle aad double. Apply at 431 Waal ^Hth it., before B A. si. and after fi P. M. Fine oakbxagbb at low prlcei. LANDAUS. LA.NDAULjrrS, BROUGHAMS, COUPES. COAOHKii, HOC ? A WAYS. HKKTTrt, CAHIUOLETs. PHAETONS. PONY PHAETONS, DOCTOR'S WAGONS, DOCTOR'S PHAETONS, T CARTS, - KOL'K SKAT WAGONS, ROAD WAGONS. A. S. FLANDRAU, 373 aad 874 Broome it., aid at aud of Hrewater A Co. T7IOR SALE OH E A P?A BASIC KTP R A ETON";" "irOOD r aauew. Inquire at ANDKt^lON'S liable 110 Weat UAh FOB BALK?A GOOD HOR~8e7~1 6~HANDS~Hfoil-AND apvady; top Him and Harneai; alao a Road Wagon, reaaonable. Inquire of LKDKitKR at McDoaald'i a table!, 14* Eaat 41at at. POR SALK?A WELL TRAINED OOAT, WITH Wagon and llarneia complete. Apply at the private liable No. 4'J Welt 55tb it. OR SaTe-A KJ.NE BRED TROTTING MA~itK; CAN trot in 2 41.); warranted toand and kind; peduree guar, anteed. Alao a good Brawitar Wwrou aud a good net of Harneai. Can ba teen at the Continental atable, 7th av. aad Sad it. OR SALB-THK HAND80ME8T BAY PONY. IJ handa liiuh, S yeara old ; warranted kind and nolle for ehlldreu to riae or drive. Call for two daya at 324 Had aoa at. . I~>OR SALE-POUR" YOUNG UtJRS tL PROM $46 TO Slot) mot hall rata*), laltabla for any buaiaeie. Apply at No. 4J0 Eait 18th it. For" sale-a pony-built roan, ih uandi, 7 yeara; auil aay buetaeaa; warranted. 155 Chriitopbar it. POB SALE briRAP-PONT. LIGHT BUSINESS Wagon and new hand made Harneu. Apply at No. 737 loth av. corner 5Uth it. PULL BLOODED DURHAM FKR8H MI1.K COW FOR ?ale; mAkei 12 lba. of butter a weak. Call at No. 490 KaatJStbat. _ JjlOB SALR CHEAP?A BRACTIFUL POMY BUILT 1 bay Mare, alx yeara old, lettable for doctor, grocer or butcher; alao two at/ilih aad fall road Horaai, one bay and Cy, warranted eound and kind; alao an importod Kngliib Idle and Bridle. Inquire in oooper ihop, l.tuu Broadway, between 54th aad 36th ita. H EN BY D. MINER. AUCTIONEER. Office aad Art Gallerlaa 046 Broadway. AUCTION SaLB OP PUKK BLOODED JKRHEY CAT TLB. TUESDAY, JUKfi 2f, at 11 o'clock, at tb? private stable No. Ml Kut 131b St., be tween troadway and 4th a*. Tbe Mock t> all fine breed ana consists of six Cows, orl(fi nally purchased from stuck tama of Messrs. W. B. Dinsnioro, M. Livlaipiuii and W. Redmond, tbe .Calves comprising two two year giii Heilers, one yearling Heifer, three calves and tbiee yearling Balls; were bred front Jursey tail Divelshof, Nn. 806, and Jeisey bull J upiter, No. *>M, lu Herd Book. Can bo Men Monday before sale, from 12 to tf P. M. HARNESS.-CHEAPEST HARNES8 STORE IN NRW York; good Buggy Harness, band made, fl.<; good Uroceri' Harness. 92 >; good uuuble Team Harness, 930; a Kood Horse Blanket, $1 60. Please call and examine tor yourselves. PIStiEK A OSBOUN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar clay st. T~ADrs COMPLETE TURNOUT. SNOW WHIT 8 J_j Arabian thoroughbred, perfectly sonnd and gentle; no such turnout to be found in tUe city. Apply 15 Bast 28th >1. 1~ADY'S ESTABLISHMENT-BAY M a KB! i> YEARS. J 15 hands; warranted tn every way; can trot In .'I min utes. Phaeton. Harnett, Whip. Sheet, Ac., separate or to gether. No. 135 Oth av. cllRLKY. CARRIAGE MANU PACTLRER. OP 1J? ? Has I Kith st., having established a branch of his b sluees at 1.505 Broadway, oae dooi above 40th ?t.. It now prepared to Oil orders for building or repairing carriages of every description at either vl bis factories. Cacelul esti mates made for repair*. ROCKAWAY. C1IS; handsome AND RELIABLE; the cheapest In the world; eiegaut Phaeton*. (115; Depot Wagons, 9ISO; side bar or eliptic spring Buggies, 9140; Harness tliat. la variety, quality aad cheapness, are unsurpaesod; Lap Dusters, Sheets. Nets. Me. JOHN MOURE. 87 Warren St. g~jECOND BAND CARRIAGES.-T~ * Three fine Landanlets, two Lendaas, Coach, Clarence, five Cabriolet*, extension top Cabriolet, two Coupes, six eeat Rockawavs. two Coupe Rockaways. Mall Phaeton, Stanhope Phaeton, two sixseat Phaetons, Dog Oarts. T Cam, top and no top Brewster A Co. of Rroome street Wagons. A. S. KUAN UK A I1. 372 and 374 Brenme St., old stand of Brewster A Co. Those in search of thr most eleoant first class ton Ponv Phaeton for lots than half coat can see oae at No. 1 West l5tb st. iprirate stable). Thr~ownbr op one ~op hrrwster s best broaglianis, which le not soiled, will sell it lor IKXI less than It coat a few week* slnceu To bo seen at the builder's, 84 5tb av., corner 14th St. - Tor side bak road waoon and harnem. both new, at a bargain. Store 2.D ?th av. T~0 LET-A BRICE KTABLB. 77* WATTS ST, IN good repair. Inquire of OHTKANDER, 391 Canal ?t. Whips-orkat -drive" Tn whips. ma iacas warranted, at 91 50, worth $.>; Ear Tip*. I V. up; Bne Webb llaliers. 4Clc.; Sheets 7iV- : fine wiwl check Robes. 13 80. worth M; line* at 75c.; complete new track Harness, 97 50 up. Balance of a Boston consignment below cost. TUNIS JOHNSON, 6H Liberty st. TITANTBH -A WKLtT MATCTIED ROAl?~TKAN, l'.\ TV hanu? high; mnst be uaiteil ami bitted alike and trot In :i minutes. Address, gitin* lull description, with cash price, J. B. <1., box 4.4?4 Post office. _______ "IITANTBD TO PCROHAfcE POR CASH-A NK'E SEC TV und hand light Coupe Rockaway, with shafla and move able divlal?n Iront and suitable fur one borae to draw; nr a light Demi-Landau or Landnulet; either carriage must be Brewster manufacture. Address, giving loaest price, A M. R., Herald office. ANTED-A PAIR" OP COACH HORSES; KAYS, with black points, preferred; must be voung. fearless of locomotives. It's, hands high and pnaerfully built. A<1 dress, giving tall description and price, WaLTEK, box 109 lleralu office. WANTED TO HIRE POR THE SUMMER MONTHS, a team of stvllah Horses, Carriage, .tc.; tirst class turnout wanted; a liberal prtre will be paid sml best <>l r?f erences given. Addieea COUNTRY HOME, Herald Uptown Branch ofllce. "MTANTED?IN 1EX CHANGE FOR NEW PC KNI T f lure, a sonnd yonng Horse, inltable for cart. Address FURNITURE, station H OOOtl HORSES, SUITABLE POR ANY BUSINESS, at panic ernes; 46 to M6 Ponies cheap No. 4 7th av. fe-IOC BACH. HALK VaLUK Tl7UKr. SPLENDID vIa*' new top Expfeee or Grocery Wagons Stable IJ4 We<t lttth >t. _ Or it NEW AND SECOND HAND CARRIAGES. i.OU Landaus, t'oupe, Coupe Rockaways. 4 and 6 seat I'ark, Pony and Basket Phaetons, from 975 up: Depot Wagon*, ooe home Rockaways. ftnai 96o np; extension top Phaetons. Victorias: euo bne Brewster side bar tup Wagon, Sulkies aad Skeleton Wagons. Road snd Express Wagons. Am closing my slock of seasonable Carrie gee, oat at low prices. WILLIAM 11. CRAY, 20 and 22 Wonster it. DRV UOODA. JJNlON ADaMs, NO St7 BKOAbWSr Heelery, uleves Uedorwear aad Sao Peralsbiega. South of Uaioa sqaare. " iOLLlVERV AtfU OltKSS.MAKimi>. -MARIE TlLMAN. OP PARIS, IMPORTER. UPPERS , a large assortment of latest Bne Parisian Summer Bonnets. Mluinsry and English Crapes. 423 Otb nr.. near 2Mth St. I ADIES or TASTE WlSULVO STYLisH IMPORTED J Bonnets or round Hats at * realty redaee'. price- will find it !?> thsir advantage to call at Nine. CAM1LLE Dh LACY>. SS2l, llro/nlw:?v. near 19t>- tt. IaoirhoFt aste~wTs ii i no" stylish' imported J Drrases at greatly redii'-ed prices, will iiod it lo ttielr advsntare to call at Miss Mc?\t EBNEY'H, 21 East 17th tt., on snd after June , .' ?- \ _ ? M~ Jut." HaM, PRO* PARIS. IS, WITH A Cliull K assortment of Ladles' Huanets aad Hate, at 172 West 2.1a sV I.AlTlNO FOR LADIES' DRESSES "blPPKRENT patterns, one and two cents per y ird. 191 Canal st. CEVrUNMlAL KiCHIBlTH. mar t ~ wtux?sar~*&Kwwworw of X> Preeees. Dies anu special Machinery, i?7to 173 Plysa eathat, Brooklyn. 3 A P EVaOPEAS STEAMSHIP*. fNXAN LISE MAIL STEAMERS. ? 1 KOR QLEENSTOWN and liyebpool. CITY OK BERLIN Saturday, July I. tl 1 P. M. CITY OK C111: SII. K Sato rday. J uly IS, Mil 30 A. M. CITY OK KICIIMO.SU Saturday, July 22. at 3 P. M. 01 fY OK BERLIN..... Saturday. An?ll 6. at 3 P. M. CITY OP CHESTER Saturday, Augast 1U, at 3 f. M. i'roui pier 45, North River. Cabin, MO ?n<J (KM), gold. Return ticket* on favorable terms. (2M. currency. Drafts at lowent rate*. Saloons, stateroom*. Koukmjf and UstU room* aaidaui a. JOHN U. DALE. Air cut. 1j and 3U Broadway, New York AMHl'Ri; AMERICAN PACKET OOMPAITY'S LIMB fur PLYMOUTH. CHERHOL'KO and HAMBUKd. LRSSINO June 29 I PRISIA July 13 W1ELAND July 0|ClMUnIA July a) Kataa si passage to Ptymontli. Loudon, Cktrbwrf, Uw burr end all point* in England, Scotland and Wale* Cabin. first saionu, (old ........(100 Cabin, secoud saloon, gold, 60 Steerage. rurraney ,. >0 WlNlIAKDt k CO.. C. B. RICHARD A BOAH. Ueneral Agents. (Jeneral Passenger Amenta, ?1 Brand ?t.. New York. til Broadway. .Saw York. ("lUNARD LINE.-* AND N.AtL~uTi.1L' CO. J NOTICE. With n view to diminishing the chances of collision. tha steamer* of this Una take a specific course far nil uuou ?t tha year. On the outward passage from Queenstewa to Now York or Boston. croa*iu;r the meridian ?f 6u at 43 latitude or nothing to tha north of 4-'J. On thr homeward passage. crossiug tha nieridian of SO at 42 latitude, or nothliiic to tue north of 42. KROM NEW YORK KOK LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN. BOTHNIA....Wed.. June 28 | ?riUSSlA Wed.. July 12 ABYSSINIA.. Wad..Julyftl HOVTiilA.... Wed., J my 1? Steamers marked * do not carry ste*rag? passengers. Cabin (100 and (130. gold, according to ac commodation. Return tickett on favorable terma Steerage tickata to and iron nil parts oi Europe at eery low rate*. Kreiirht and passage olBce No. 4 Bowling Ureeu. CHARLES O. KRANCKLYN. Agent. U~N1TED STATES MAIL LINE?STEAM TO QUEKNS TOWN AND LIVERPOOL. tailing every TUESDAY, from pier^il. North River. WTOMINO.. July 4.4 A. M I NKV\DA . .July 29, 9 A. M. IDAHO July 18. M P. M, | WISCONSIN..Aug. 1,3 P.M. Cabin, (65, (7o and rHU, curtcacy. Intermediate, (40: steerage, (.tl Passengers booked to and tiom Paria. Hamburg, Norway, Sweden, Ac Drafts on Ireland. England, Kranca and tier many at lowest rates. WILLIAMS A JJUION, 28 Broadway. Most direct and economicjuoutk to uol LANU. BKLOIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, AO.. AC- VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCUOTEN ..J uly tl | Steamer MAAS July 00 I hesa beautiful steamers, carrying tha I'nltedstates mall to the Netherlands. urn groat favorite* with the public. Trip* regular, rates low ;comfort and living perfect. Kor frcitflit. Kor pauage. PUNCH, 8DYK A CO. L. W. MORRIS. 50 Broadway. S_ TATFxJjiK NEW YORK TO OLASOOW, LIVERPOOL. DUBLIN. BELKAsT AND LONDONDERRY, from ptar 42 North River (foot of Canal at.) ea follows:? bJ ATE or Indiana Thursday. June 29 STATE OK PEN N s YLVAN 1A Thursday. July 13 STATE Of YIRtilNIA Thursday, July 27 and every alternate Thursday thereafter. Klrtt cnbiu W5 to (SO, according to accninmoilations; return tickets, (12V. Second cabin, (50; return ticket*. (JO. Steerage at lowest rata*. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN A CO.. Agaat*. No. 72 Broadway, New York. Steerage tickets at 4 > Broadway and at the company1* pior, foot of Canal St., NortuRlver. ^ WILSON "LINE KOR SOUTHAMPTON AND HULL sailing lrom pier S3 North River, as follow* HINDOO....- July 1 I COLOMBO .July 29 NAV ARINO Jnly 15 | OTHELLO Aunust 12 Klrat cabin. $70 currency; second cabin. (45 currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable term*. Through ticket* luued to Continental and Haltic ports. Apply, tor fall par ticulars, to CHARLES L. WRIO 11T A CO., 5*JSouth ?t. Anchor line united states mail"steamers. NEW YORE AND ULASOOW. K i UTOPIA... .J "ly 1. Noou I BOLIVIA July 16,11 AM. VICTORIA.. July 8, a P. M. ALSATIA . .July 22, 3 P. M. new York and London. ANOLIA July 8, 3 P. M. I AUSTRALIA. Aug. 5, S A. M. UTOPIA.. .July 22, 2P. M. | ELYSJA... Aug. 1?, 3 P. M. NEW YORE TO OLASIX1W. LIVERPOOL, LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabins, 9B& to (90 currency, according to acoonimodatiaa* Excursion tickets on favorable term*. Steerage, (.8. currency; intermediate, (35, currency. Drafts lasurd for any amount at current rate*. HENDKRbON UROTU KS, Agents, No. 7 Bowling tireen. VTORTH GERM \N LI.OYD J> STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, SOUTH AMP 1'ON AND BKKUKN. Company's pier foot of ud St., Hobokeu. DONaU....Saturday, July I I ODER... .Saturday, July 15 RHK1M Saturday, July 8| MAIN Saturday, July 22 Rates of passage lrom New York to Seutbaapton, Havre or Bremen :? Kirst Cabin. (100, gold; Second Cabin, (00, gold; Steer age, (:0, currency. Return tlckote at reduced ratea Prepaid .-teerage Certificate*. (32 currency. Vor freight ur passage apply U OELRlCHa i C CO.. Na. 3 Bowling Oreen. G NLY DIRECT LINE TO KRANCh. THE OBMtRAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY'S KAIL smWERS BETWEi'.N NEW YORK AND HAVRE. QALL1NO AT PLYMOUTH (U. &) the landing of passengers. A "?%sa4* M litis iavnrite route for the Contl >IVr(tiMs flmiiaJa trfth electric bells) will tail tram pier 43 North River, foot of Barrow *t., a* follows:? LABRADOR, Sangiter July 1. at I P. M. CANADA, Kraugeul Saturday, Jnly 8, at 1 P. M. AMER1UUE, Potuolx Saturday, J illy 15, at 12 noou. ?ST. LAURENT, Eacbeene* July 22, at A. M. PRICE OK PA8SA0E IN' OOLO Unclndlng wiue) First cabin. (HO to (12t>, according to accommodartoa. Second. (72; Third cabin, (ell. Return ticket* at reduced rates. Steerage, #20, with inperior accommodation*, including wine, beddiu-- and uteniila, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus * do not carry (teerage paucngers. LOUIS DE BEM1AN, Agent. 55 Broadway. F? VTATIOSAL. LINE.?-KBOM PIEBS 44 A ND 47 ti. B. l\ KOK LONDON L1HKUT. HOLLAND, Saturday, Jmy I, 12 M. FOB yUKKNHTOWN AND uvbrpool. ITALY ...July I. HflU P.M. I SPAIN ..July 15. 11 :S0 A.M. THE yCKK.V .JuIt *, 3 P. M . I KNULAND . .July XI, 3 P.M Cabin ibun, *70 and $hu. currency. Return ticket* at reduced rates. Steerage pasaage, <j6. currency. ilnlll Imii?<1 from ?1 upward at currant prices. Apply at the company's odloa, 110 Hroadaray. K. W J. HL'BST. Manager. WHITE STAR LIMK. FOR QlKEN.-rOWN AND LIVERPOOL CARHVINO TUB UNITKD STaTBS MAIL. The ?teair.i-ra of this liae take the Laae Hon tea recom mended by Lient. Maury, I). S. N.. going aoutli of tha Beaks oa the passage iu Otteeuatotrn all the year round. UBHMa.MC July H. at 4 P. M. CKLTIC ?? ? July 15, at II A. M. BRITANNIC Jaly W, at 11 A. M. OKHMVNiC August 12. at 1<> A. M CKLI'IC August 1U. at fl P. M. Kroiu While Star Docks. pier ft?, North Blv- r. Rates?Saloon. JefO aad 8IUU. ia cold; retara ticket! OB reasonable lerma. Steera.-r. il'S .ssloon ntst* rooms. suioking aad bathroom* are placed amidships. where the noise and motion are least, affording a degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. Kor inspection ofnlan* and other Information apply at tha company'a offlce. 37 Broadway, New York. R. J. 00BTI3, A tarn. BEAT WK8TERN STEAMSHIP I.INE. T TO BRISTOL iENiILaND) DIRECT. aelliiig from pier IH Beat Hirer ae follows:? I CORNWALL Stumper Tuesday, Jaly 11 | so.MKUsKT. Western Tuesday, J air 25 Cabin pasaage, <7... inturmediate. <45; tteerage, fcki, currency; excursion i Isketa, $13'. prepaid steerage cert ill ceiea 0a Apply tnW l> MuB'i vN. Agent. 7(1 Sooth ?t CO VH'tt 1SK STK AMSHIPs. R NASSAU, K P.-BBOULAB MAIL STEAMSHIP LRU leases New Vork July I. MI.RRaY. KBHR13 A CO.. 82 SouthSt. TilOB NBW ORLEANS DIRBCT. r THfc CROM WELL LIMB. Tin- steamship BNICBi-KIKH'KKR. Captain Kemble. oa SATURDAY, July 1, at 3 o'clock P. M., iroiu pier No. H North River. Through bills ol lading given to Mobile aad all principal points on tha Mla.iralppi Hirer. Cabin passage,$?>?* .-t-cnitf.'. $25. App.y tn CLARK A SK All A.N'. S6 Wen ft. XT V . HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL 88. LINE ll ? Steamers ieitira pier No. 3 North Hirer at 3 P. M. KOR HAVANA DIRBCT. CITY OK MEXICO Thursday. July 6 CITY Or' YBRA CRUZ Saturday, July 8 KOR VERA UBL'ii AND NBW ORLEANS, via Havana. Pragraso. Cain peachy, Tuapan and Taapico. CITY Or MEXICO Thursday. July 6 Kor freight atM passage apply to r. ALEXANDRA A SONS. 31 aad 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave N?w Oneaus Jaly 9 aad Jaly UOfor Vera Cras and all the above ports. PANAMA TRANSIT AND PAOIPIC MAIL sTBAMkHIP LINKS. Kor CALIFORNIA. JAPAsTcHINA. AUSTRALIA, MRW ZEALAND. Hill TISlI COLUMBIA, ORKUON. Ac Sailing Irani pier 42 North River. ? Kor SAN francisco via IsTllMl'S OK PANAMA, Slesmauip Clil.iiN ..Saiurday, July 15 Sie*raabi;> ACAIM't>*;0 Saturday, Juiy 29 coonectiiiK tor Central America and South Pacillc perta. I1 rout SAN KRANCISCO to JAPAN aad CHINA, Strait-hip CI i'V OK PKK1.N Satarday, July 1. Kor freight or panaace Mpply t>> WM. P. CLYDK A CO. or H. J. BULLAT. Superintendent, No. 0 Howling tirren, pier 4'J North hirst, foot Caaal st, | Texas line koh oaLvk?ton, toucihno at bet ! Went, carrying the I: aited states mail. Tbaataamer { CITY' 1)1 SAN aNTONIo. Captain Psnniactan, will sail i oil Saturday. July l.at3l'. M,. from pier W Kant Blear. Through biila ol laillag fhi-n to all point* oa tha Haaatoa | S 'l 1>*aa. ? ? ntral Interonil jnsl anil Great Northern, tial reataa, Uunston and Htn>ler*ou. and the OalveatoB. Harris- ; bur.- ?nit Kaa Autunlo Rntlroada Kreizhts and iaearanca I at owest I acroni Maiden lane ONLY DIRKCT LINK KOR 1KLOIUDA.-WKEELT | line fur Port Hoy?l. S C.; Kereandina. ? la.; Hrunswuk, 1 0 Sailif.if 1-vi ry fliiir.ilsy Irom pier 20 Kaet Hirer Tli? I rteamer <'lf Y Oh DALLA.*, Captain Hiaea. will sail Thara day, June 2M, ?CIP M . for F-rnandlna aad Port Ko??l. ? Tlirniirh tieVeta iaauedtn ail point* In Klorlda Kor frelfbt I or paeaaaeapply u.?: li MAI.LOKY A CO.. or IIBRMaN Uhl.PCKE. I '-I Maidea laa*. N|| TMI AND HAVANA DIRK.CT MAIL LINR ? j Tlies* flr?t clius steamships will sail at 3 P. M. front . i.ier 18 North Hirer, foot of Cedar it, for Havana direct, as ! follow*-? * COLL'MBCS Thursday. Jaae 29 j WILM1NUTON Tuesday. Ju - It I Kor freight and paasaga, hating aasarpasaeO aceommeda- i ?Ions. ,, ,.|>VDB A ,;o.. No. d Bowling Oram. McKBLLKu, LCLINO A CO.. Aireufs In Havana. ' MORGAN'S NBW YORK. NBW OBLKANH AMD ! Tesas staaiusblps.?The BBASHKAB will sail from ; p.ei 3H North Itivar on Saturday, July I, at 3 P. M.. for New I i)rU'?n? direct, ti-ausfbrriiiK Teaaa frelfht tlier? to Mnrgaa's J,?uiaiana aad lamas Railroad far Morgaa City, thencr aer M'oireii aateamera t? Taxaa porta I'hroagh i.llla ol lading -irn-d to all i-oints on the Mieaissinpi Hirer, Mobile, Oal v. ?iuu, ladianoi*. i;?rpa? Chrlsti, R. ckpnrt, Brasoa Sao tiagi.. Rrowaarllls and to all potnta oa the llalrastoa, liar 1 lahurg and pan Antonio, Honaton and Tcsaa Central, la ternational and tlreat Nortnern Tanas Pacite aad Trsas CmiilMrntsI Kailr'.ada. Krelghts lot St. Marys aad Palsoa larded at Rockpart. Lighterage aad ehaanei duet st Corpat Chrlsti aad Braaoa HantiaK" al iha expanse and rixk ol ronaignae. Iinnr .nre can be affected under open poller of C. A. Whitney * Co : to Now orieaaa.par east. to Tesaa porta, '4 per rent. For freight or ftmlier ialormaUon apply ta CHABLBs A WUiT.nkY * CO., tgaals. oSea. ptar M North Rleer. iat rates. Kor freight or pxoairr, having superior ! nodatioa*, apply to C. II. MJiLLOBT A CO., 153 ! COAST WlttB ITEA.U SHIPS. WoiHAWFAX. N O.,'AND ST JOHNS, .V.' ?. P CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINK. SMMmlitii pier IO North Hi*?r followlug day*. M S P. M. UKOROE WAHHINOTON Prlday. Jun.30 iaEOKUK CROMWELL Tuesday. July ?' j Mom direct, qutckvai and cheapest ruuu> iu Xo?a scotia. Newfoundland and ttie U?rr St. Lawrenca Kxcellent |>? HDlit ecc?minodalioua. Kor treighl or uiun apply sr ulakk a seaman. mi West <t /\LP~DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANt." V./ saillngfrom pier 37 North River for Norfolk. City roiut and Richmond, Tuuaday*. Tharo dtyl and Saturday* al S I' M.. connecting with the virgin!* and Ieuuemce Air Lino, Atlantic Cout Line. Piedmont Air Line. Cbeaapaaice and Ohio Kailroad and with the com pany's iieam line* to interior poiute In North Carolina aad Virginia. Newborn and Washington, .V. (\ (via Nor talk), ovary Tuesday. Ihureday and Saturday. Lowo*. DaL. Monday. Wednewlay aud Friday at S P. M., eonuoeiiug with Maryland and Dalaware railroad* Pa**auger accommodation* unsurpaxed. Through pa*aage ticket* and hill* of lading to all poiaUM lowest rale a. luanranea to Norfolk, Ac., M per cent. Freight receive.! dally at pier 37 North Blvar. Ueueral odicea, HIT wteh at. P N. L. MoCRKADY, Prwideut. ~ travellbrk' ouiiiiir "a ?CATSKILL CKEKK T&AlLV UNK.-STEAMER A. NEW CHAMPION Monday*. W aud Fri day*; steamer WaLTEK BKKTf Tuesdays. Thursday* and Saturdays, at 6 P. M.. from pier <?, loot of Oaoal u.. con necting at Catikill with Western ttage*. Kara. r<On A LB AN V - PEOPJLK'8~LINK-MEAMBUATS LKAVE A pier 41 North River dall.v. sundav excepted, at 0 P. M., lor AiuanV and all p< lnl* North and We at; great reductloae i.i (are Excursion ticket* to Albany. Saratoga, Montreal aud retain. Meal* on European plan. ~A LBANY~NI) TROY BY DAY BOATS 0. VIBBARD A and DANIEL DREW.? Leave Vestry at. pier at 8:10 and 34th at. at ? :30 A. M.. landing at Nyack and Tarry town (by ferryboat). Wen Point, New urg. Poughkeapsie, Khinebeak. Catikill and lludaon. CIo*e connection at Albany with new train at 0:.*> P. M. for the Win, over New York Central aud commencing Juua 28 by apeciel train to SARATOGA and ROUND LAKE. To Weal Point and Nuwbnrg and return aatne day. sil. Poughkeeptie. $1 ftt> -IIwThlaNbs~UF THE HU DSON IV DAYLfOHT. . Tita MARY POWELL, lor Woet Point. Newburg. Poughkeep*!*, Rondout and Kiuyiton. landin* at Coaaeus', Cornwall. Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlboro by Tarry, will leave pier .48 North Kiver. (\entry at.) dully. Sunday* excepted, at 3 ? P. M. "Connect* at Poughkeeptle with evening train* for the North. BBOOKLYN, NBW YORE AND NBWBl/K(T MY steamboat ARMENIA, commencing June M.?Leave Pulton at., Brooklyn, atU; Ye*try *t., New York, at 9sil> and 24th St. at 0:4ft A. M.. landing at \ inker*. Ion* lalaud, Coneaa. Wt? Point and Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Brooklyn 7 P. M. Ticketa fbr the round trip SI C" ITIZBN? LINK STBAMBOATS FOR TROY ANITaLL point* Northenat aad Wost, laava daily, except Satur day. at 6 P. M., Irom pier 49 North River. D AlLY LINK TO NORWALK.?FakB REDUCED. 0 By the awlR ateamer ARROWBMJTH, leaving Jewell'a wliarf, Brooklyn, at 2 \M P. M.; pier 37 Eaat River, 2:4ft P M .Nod toot or33d at., 3 P.M.; returning, leave* Norwalk at 7rfV) A. M., daily (Sunday* excepted); connecting each way with the Daniitiry and Norwalk and New Haven rallroadi. Pare. 3ft cent*; excursion ticket*, ju oonta. Fall river linb to"BOSTOK, via Newport and Pall River.?The world renowned ?teamboat* BRISTOL and PROVIDRNCB leave pier 2H North Elver, loot of Murray ?t . dally (Sunday* ineindodl, at S P. M. Through liekate *old at all the principal hotel* in the city. _ LD KtrrABLIflHRD LINK FOR 8TUYYE8ANT. CATS kill aud intermediate laniiage.?Steamer ANDREW HARDER. Irom Prankliu *t. (pier .V>), Tneedav, Thnrada* and Saturday; ateamer MONITOR, Monday, Weaneaday and Friday. at^'.JV M. Philadelphia via l'6'so~branch a\d the New Jeraey Soatliern Kailroud. ? Kara lower than by any other route, commencing June 19, 1S76. Leave New York from pier 8 North River, loot Rector *t.. U 4"> A. M. for Long Branch and Seaiirluht, Ac; t>:43 A. M., for Phlladel Sbia. JLong Branch. Tom* River, Waretown and Vlnelaad, JU P. M. lor Philadelphia, Long Tncxerton; 4 I P. M., lor Long Branch Tom* lliver and Waretown, 5; <J P. M. accommodation for Long Branch. Sunday* 9:30 A. M. for Long Branch, returning at ft P. M. W. 8. SNEDEN.O. M. ENNBYLVANIA RAILI!OAD. ~ GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UN1TKD STATES MAIL ROUTE. Train* Leave New York, via Deabroaae* and Conrtlandt Street* Kerrie*. a* follow*:? Bxpre?a for Harriaburg. PitUburg, the Weat and South, with Pullman Palace Car* attached, 9:3U A. M., U and H:30 P. M. Sunday. ? and 8 ; J0 P. M. For Willlamtport. Look Haven, Corry and Erie at U3UA, M. and 8:31) P. M.. connecting at Corry for Tituirlile, Po troleum Centre aud the Oil UagionH. For Baltimore, Washington and the Sonth, "Limltad Waali lngton Exprea*" ol Pullman Parlor Cart dallv, except Sunday. ?:3U A. M.; arilve Washington 4:1U P. M. Regu lar at 8:4U A M.. 3 and 8 P. M. Sunday 0 l*. M. Exprea* for Philadelphia. 7, 7:30. 8:4O. U :30A,M.. 12:31). 3, 4a 4:10. 5, tl. 7, 8:3U. Dr. M. and 12 night Sunday 6, 6, 7, 8:30 and 9 P. M. Emigrant and aeoond da**, 7 P. M. For Centennial Depot at 5 30, 0:30. 7:3Q, 8 A. M., and 3 P.M. Raturnnig, loava Cantenniai Depot at 1, 4:4ft, ft 0 and 7 Kft P. M. For trains to Newark, Eliaabath. Rahway. Princeton, Tren ton, Perth Amboy. Klemington, Bolvideru and otuer points, see local schedule* at all ticket oflrss. Train* arrive:?From Plttaburg, 0:20 aud 10:30 A. M. and. 10:00 P. M. daily; 10:10 A. M- and Odd P. M. daily, ex cept Monday. From Washington and Baltimore. 0 ao A. M? 4, ft :10 and 10 :M P. M.; Sunday ?:30 A. M. Kroin Philadelphia .1<5, 0:2<I, 0:?). 10:10,11:20. 11 JO A. M? 2:10, 4.?:1<), 0:10. ?:?, 8:40 and 10:20 P. M.; Snudav, fi :U6. 0 2O.mi). 11:50 A. M.. 0 A* and 10:20 P. M Ticket Ollicea r.'JO and 944 Broadway, No. 1 A*tor llou**, and foot of Daebro**** and Courtlandt *U; No. 4 Court at., Brooklyn; No* 114, 110 aad lib lludaon at., Hoboken; depot, J*r*ej City. Emigrant Ticket Office, No. 8 Battery ''""frank THOMSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr . Ueneral Manager. Oanarml Paeaangor Agant. S- TONINOTON LINE k6r~BOST0N ~ Reduction of Fare. Steamer* RHODB ISLAND and NARRAQANSBTT, from pier 33 North River, foot of Jay *t.. at ft P. M. Providence Line. from plor 117 North Kiver, loot of Park placa. Staamahlps ELKCTKA aad UALATKA. at 4 JO P. M E XV CJ HHIO X S. * X-?iCLfiii?frtJtr fe*?rttisioN . TO-DaY AND llVhRY DAY. JARRETT * PALMER'S PALACE STEAMER PLYMOUTH KOCK. FOR ROCKAWAY BEACH ?nd the ATLANTIC OCRAM, ORANiTmUSICAL FESTIVAL Madrigal Bay*. Mnirt I)Im CI ah. Select String (Ircbnln, Cburcb Chimes, Horace WiUon. baajoist. Ac. AFTRRNOON TRIPS ONLY THXs WEEK. Ltira foot of 2ad st.. K. R, it 1 90o'elook. Lmti pier Ma. 2, N R., il 3 o'clock. FARE. for the'wholo excursion FIFTY CENTS Single trip tickets tto or ftM Eockaway) 35 cent* v NEXT SUNDAY, July 2, end every day thereafter, the PLYMOUTH ROCK will make two trip*, a nioroiug aad afternoon excursion. A -ROCKAWAY BEACH EXCURSIONS TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OCCAM. FOUR EXCURSIONS DAILY by tho favorite aad eetnmodioas excursion steamers, AMEK1CU8 and NEVKBSINK. Musical eatortaiament by tue celebrated ORPHEUS ULEE CLUB. AMERICU~LEAVE* 34th St.. N. R I lOtU sc. N. R. i Vesoy st. AM. P. M. A M. P M. i A. M. P. M. U JO aad 1 ;15.l ?:V> and 1 :2ft i (M? < 1:40 N EVKRSINK LEAVES EAST R Mb St.. K. K. , S. 1st, fnnli'j, I Orand St.. N. Y. I Hrjoklvn M. P. M. A M. P. M. A. M. P. Ml A. M. P. M. Fulton St.. B'n. A M. P. M. ?:?? aad 2 M VER. SOO 12 '451 8 15 and l<>>|sao aad 1:10| ?:UU 111) Steamers leave Rockaway at II A. M., 6 and 5 :15 P. M. ( are, 3.'> rents. Excursion tickets. SO cuts. hetum tickets good on eltber above boat*. N< iTlOfc ? No delay from law tide. Ouly boats tusking the npper landing* at Rnckowar. On Sl!NI?AYS the steamers WILLIAM COOIC aad A It KOWSMITII will make excursion ta Reclawav la connection witb the above boats. V ?PI SHIN O BANKS BYRRY DAY (SATURDAYS a. excepted).?Ocean steamer RKTH LOW. lesriat llitrrisoa St., North Hirer, 8:JO; Bth st., Kail River, 7; pier '.'7 hast River, 7:15: lUtli st., North River, 7:40; pier * North River.SA M. .. AU Hi FOSTER, Maaacer. Y*!!?I77&-FOU CONEY LSLAND ^DAILY-ldio - me aew steaoier IDLKWILD will rnn to Coner itlaad en aad after Sanday. Jane 11. everyday, leevlag 23d st , N. R. H A. M? 12M. aad .1 P. M.; lOtb st.. N. It,. k? to, 12:10 aad 3:10 P. M.; Franklin St.. N. K.. I' 30, 12 :.tu an<l 3 2. J P M.: pier 2 N R.. ?::#>, 12 :3U and 3 J P. M. The PILOT MOV leaves 23d St., N. R. 1(1:10. 1 :30 and 4:30 P. M.: l'ftn ?t.. N. It, 10:40. I :40 and 4 40 1*. M.. Franklin St., N R.. 10:00. 1 :V> and 4 !*) P. M pier 2 N. R.. 11 A. M 2 aad 5 P. M. KLIZA IIANCoX, June IS. Irom KAST Rl VER. will leave 3 id st . t? A. M . I2:?> and 3 :30 P. M.{ '.'3d St.. ? 10 A. M.. 12 ;40 and 3:40 P M. ; HO,st..?:30 A. M.. IX :.'*j aad 3UX> P. V.; Palwa ferry, Braoklra, (di A. M., I audjt 1J6 P. M. _ A ?A-DAILY AND SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO J\. Fort Lee. Pleasaat Valley and Shady Hide.?Steamboat* leave Canal st daily at 11:45 aad 10 A. M.; 2, 5:15 aad 7:15 P.M. Sunday at ?, 10 and 11 A. M.; 12 M., I, 2, 3, 4,6 and 7 PM.: landing at 24tli aad 34th sta. id*iiy aud Sunday) 10 miuotas later. Ronad trip. 2^?e. . children half prtoe. k~ -A -TO CHARTER! STEAMlioi# FORT LRE| il. will accommodate 400paeaeagorv price RJOtofltf) pei day Apply In the attemoMU at ii tslOBIt r#OR EXCURSIONS. SAuOON STEAMBR WYO ? mlag, barge* Republic. Chicago. Baldwin. Caledonia and Anna. Oriental. Ksoeleior, Karitan Beach. Aldoraey Park, Cold Spring and lona Island Oroves Addreea or in quire at 3*4 West sv. opposite Christopher street terry. fl B CKOsSETT. DkLiailTKlJL AND* UIJIKT HAILV FAMILY EX CURSIONS TO SANDY tlOOK. I he elecaat ttcaiaer JESSE IIOYT aad CitYSTAL WAVE, ol tin. Mew Jersev Sootbera Railroad line, leave pier S, North Elver, foot Rector st.,at?-45 A. M. Keturnio* arrive In .New York I :IO P. M. Also leave bier S at 3:*) and 4 40 P. H. aad arrive in Sew York mi the return trip at S P. M. On SUN DAY.* leave pier K at :*0 A M . connecting at Sandr Hook witb train for Long Breach. Retnrnm* leave Long Branch 5 P.M. W. S. SNEUKN. Uenaral Maaacer Daily family excursions to pimhino Banks.?Oa aad after sunday, .lane ^ the popular and well known Steamer TWIL10IIT will leave ttajly. Satordav excepted, as follows i?Harrtaon ?t.. N. R,S A M ; Urand St.. h. R . H I... Pack slip. K M ?.:*>. lOta st.. N. H 1-4.V pier 'i, N. R. '? o cock Iteiarnlair ny 5 P. M. Halt aad 0*lnng tackle oa board. M nsie and rofresbmeats. I- are for nantloaea. f I; ladies. 50 cants For excursions -tiie i.aroe first class fa. verite Steamboats Sleepv Hollow, now railed the LONll BRANCH, aud METAMORA. Englesw.Mxi. Alplae. Da* ley's, Spring Hill, Myem' and loaa Ijlaad Oroves. with Barges and Boats of all kinds. J MYRBS, corner Morton and nest stv Iona i>land, west point and ne'wbubUT-seI advertisement of steamboat Armenia Rockawa* beach.?steamer maTion~Heavp.a daily fruni 34tb st at it a. M , FraakJIu st. at 10 A. M. Fare 35 cents; excarsioa tickets Ml coats. Leaves the Beach at 4 :3t> P. M EST POINT, NKWBURO. POI '.HKBEPSIR AND retora same day by day line steamers. w 4 TH OF JILY (Iraad excureion frost New York to Niagara Falls, via Erie Railway. Bonoa trip oxanrsloB ttekots only Onod lor 31 day*. Orrst redact lea at tare* to oil poiats Weal. Tickets for sale at Erie Railway office*. 239. 401, 529. 987 ?roadway : aepot foot Chambers St.; No. 2 Coart St., Brooa lya: ISO Market St.. Newart, A CIT% BBAL EVTA'l'li 'Oil KALE. i * ~ 3D AV. rORJTKR OF A 100 FOOT STREET? Choice five storv >I?# aad Klata, extremely low V K. H I I VENHON. Jr.. 4 1'iue or 33 Kwt ITtb st. lJXECUTOR'S S VLE.?4TH AV.. CORNER IIOTH ST., Ti 75* W, and 102 Beat ll.'tb ?t.. on Tuesday. J una 27, at I. M at Exchan ?? Salesroom*. 111 Broadway; maps, Ae.. Hit HAK.D V. UAKXI.TT. Auctioneer, ? 111 lnid??]i, btHJim. Fa?t tild*. AHVMJMOME BROWN STOKE HOtTSB IV IIAR Um. rilai f, on* mortgage of $j,0O?i, In ex change fur small Country Place or Luis. Apply at Counter cial Agency. 2# Kail 16th at. IOrrSB TO UUi at \ DEAD bakuaiN?IN onb ?f ttia moat complete I lira* atory b ik b atoop brown stone llousea lu tba Nineteenth ward. No. I IB Eaat Mtb at., aaai Park aT.; it baa Just l.een orarbaalad. painted. fre?-o?d aud put In perfect order: immediate possession Particular* ea premises. Open dally. THOMA-H M<'MANl*S Mason aud Builder, owner. Alio a similar llouaa on Lexington n?., near fi7th at. UTn LKXJNUTON AV.;iT0RNBH~.30 ht -at aCo" U L I lion, ruc adav, J una *7. at 1'-' M , at hxchaug* Salesrooms, ill Broadway. RICHARD V HAKMETT. Auctioneer. M rat Mt?|e>. Four lots for sale cheap?corner 4?th st., I lib a*., callari excavated. with a builder's loan, la qulro oa tiie pretal***. So agouta. North Bide. A FIRST class COTTAGE BELOW cost; TERMS ?aay. Address JAMES L. pakshau,, Mcrrissnia, Naw York. ______ NlicaUaunona. Aouod savings bank-homes on instal. mautplao; saad for circulars. E. It. KELLOOG, -No. H Broadway. _____ WKBTC-HK8TER COUWTY PBOPKBTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. 'NICE PLACE?CONSISTING" OF FIVE ACRES ng (Juat . house aod otliar building*. orchard of applaa, pears. Ac., to A I and, l>welilng (Juat put in perlaet order), carriage iad otliar building*, orchard of applaa, peers. Ac., to run, at Portchester. WestcUeater county. Apply to D. C. IIAVII.AND, No 1 llower>\ PROPERTY OUT OK '1 UK ClT* FOB MALE OR TO RENT. rt'xtrsi'EWARW ~ A UAKDEN CITY, L. I. NEW HOUSES. furnished AND UNFCRN1SUXD TO LET. Several elegsnt brick winter aud turn in er Residence*, with gardens attached and containing al ibe modem tin provementa and < onveniencea; but air furnaces, ranges, batha. water closets, Ac., surrounded by ampin ground* laid out with walk* aod shrubbery, lit an agreeable neighbor hood, combining city HIV with all the advantages of country air, a pare ana bracing atmosphere, tree Iroui malaria uui peculiarly healthy and agreeable at all season*. Tba bonara are located on the natural aur.'aceof tba ground, about !<?> feet above the ocean, with abundance ol good water. Man road* and drive*, and easily accessible at all tiraea and in all weather, aud where lauiily auppliea can he liud from liral claaa lUtre* and groceries aa conveniently a* in the city. Kor $1,200.?A Urge and eieiraut ManaloE. about 50 feet square, containing 13 rooui*. furulalied In modern atyle and wlihavery convenience; ground*, aboat 1 acre, beautifully laid out. Kor 9I.000.-Aa elegant Maailon, saute claaa aa above, with carriage bouae grounds, Ac., but unfurnished. Kor Aai>W ? An elegant Dwelling Houia, same claaa a* laat, unfurnished. but witbi.ut carriage liouao. Kor filjO. ? A auperb brick durolUuiC Hottm. i nutfttning 11 corntuodlou* routna, almilar ground* and oouTauleneaa a* laat. Kor $."i00.?A large and Tory attractive Dwelling, with 10 room* and all modern convenience*, witu *pacioua garden attached. Kor BMW ? A very comfortable dwelling Houae of 10 room*, witb like conveniences aa laat. Kuilroad Station. ?Brick buildinc, with lartre. wall warmed walling room a, within Uva.minutea'walk, affording l otniuuaicatioii with me city uearl.r every hour of the d?.y hv tba Fluabing and Northaide Kailioad trom Hunter * l'oiut aiidjauiea alip. A forty uiluute*' ride ibrongb beau tiful aceaery lu Hr*t claaa rail oar*. Wutci anil Oaa.?Contracta have been made torereetlag extenaive work* to lupply water lor domeatie aod lire pur poae*, wbicli. with Hie gaa work* proposed, will make real dcncaa very dealraole. The larice, Hrat claaa hotal. located In au elegaut park ad Joining the railroad elation. I* open for vialtor* at all tinea aud auppliad with everything In neaeou. CarrUgea had at a niinute'a notice. A visit of inspection I* requested. Aiplv at tbe ollice, near Cardan City Railroad Station, to ff. B IMNhDALK, Manager. NBA B1DB (JOTT\i;E <in OrtlENTAL PAKE" Woat Haven, Conn.; dellghtfnlly situated; suieuiiid buihing gronuils, Ac.; for sale balow coat. Address bji 3U3 Poat olUce. New Haven. Conn. A?TO LET7AT BATlf lll., TWO NEW "HOUSES a with ail improvements. Apply to AKCU. YUl'NU, BHtn, or V. K. STEVENSON. Jr.. No. 4 Pine st. FLRNISUKD COTTAOE TO LET IN elizabeth^ .N. .1?Ten rootaa; pleasant locatiou ; fruit, vegetable and flower gardeu; gaa, bath, Ac. Address B., iiMMourt* av? Elisabeth. IMMENSE SA.CBIFIOB 1 SPLKNDID FARM 0F~~5!i Acres, in the most Uealtby and beautiftol part of Penn sylvania; three miles from large town, one hour from PUlla dalpbla; 14 dally trains: one mile from thriving village; post olUce, cbarcMs, scboala, stares, die ) splendid, smooth, i ii'ti lee<t, aaalaMJaMh ea'tivation; Bne stream through eornei ettann; bathing aad Ishiag. plenty fruit; haudaeme stone dwelling, nine rooms, coat SS.MJU; apiendid atone baro. BSa 04; stabling lor H horsas and IS cows, coat $3,000: carriage, wagon, hog, poultry and ice houses;" all good as new; la acres grain, 31 do splendid grasa; crape will be harvested without charge: cash market for everything; this (arm, richly worth ?lO.OUO, will be said within lfi day* for (tS.Vlu; teriua, $3,000 cash, balance verv easy; no exaggeration; sale positive; take 9 A.M. train from foot of Liberty St., New York, Naw Jersey Central Railroad to Bethlehem. Fa ; there take North Pennsylvania Railroad te (juakertown, Burks county. Pa.; arrive before 1 o'clock: can returns P. M. Inquire at Millar's Hotel lor O. L. Walker; carriage waiting ON THE SOUND.?BLIOIMLK SITES ANU waTBB Fronts at Saugatuck Harbor, W sat port depot, near Korwalk, Coaa.. at auetloa. oa the promiees, J uly 3, 11 A. M , on the arrival of the 11 iX> train from New York. JAMES MITCHELL. Auctioneer, Norwalk. CAPITALISTS??T~ HAVE FOR SALE A VKRf valuable Property of aboat 1.30D city lot* (npward ol lot) acres), baviag a water frontage of nearly three-quarters of a mile, all lying Intact, aad all within aboat "J't miles and la sight ol the Orand Central depot at 42d at. asJ 4tb av. Any party or estate dispeaed to make a safa Investment with a certain increase of valao within the next live years will do well to exasame this property which can be bought at Bgures which I regard aa a baigala. IIOMEK MORGAN, No. 1 Placet RENT -WEST PHILADELPHIA OOTTAUK, 14 _ rooms, furnished; all city iBDruvtntBM: and likoda<ioi? ground* and iia)iUb|. JU S. UKOONAHD. UUfi SiNkuw >i.. Phiiadtlpbla. ___ rro 1 r 70 KARMS TOR SALE?KROM B1.000 TO 910.0UU. HUBBARU. Town Hall. stnnford. Com REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. IIOK SALlToR'hXutfANUK-NBW TWO STORY COT tage, Barn mult fix Lata aaar city: Ikrn mMiutoa' walk . _. HP . ... _ (.'?(XJcaab rrqnlred: voulrt Ukt a nice Piaao or lady'? Pone *>?<1 Phaeton in part payment; terma to unit. <'all on or ad* Iroin :le|iot. achoola, chnrcbea aaU bolala: 40 train* daily; ?ver $4.<? *>; If ?old witblu ID daya price #:?.???); only red dre?? KM AN K ilWVort, Belmont Hotel, Pulton at. iq Alias paRM to ?xchakob'toe stock oi JU blioea or Orocerfoa, 80ml tea from eity. Call at Ne. 1 let at. _ PIANOKORTEH, OBOA1*. M,. ' ~T "M U ft Li ANT foNBD 7k OO#AV M ~WI NDsol A Pianoforte. eoet 91,W?, for 9'JSO; Stool. Cover, Muili t'ablaat; alao a magnificent Stelaway A sona I'lauo at i aacrifica. Call at private realdenoe No. 130 Weal XM at. near Otb a*. _A ?FOlirR KN T,~U PR1U H T. H*jUAtth AND UKANJ A. 1'ianoa of oar own make; aiau lor Mia a ad reat, I number of fine aeoond hand Piaaoa. la perfect order. WLLL I AM UN AUK * CO.. No. 113 5th av.. above l?!th a^ A beautiful PIANOFORTE. fffc-CMIlkkKlNtl ui.rlglit I'lanoforte, oarvod lege. Men improvement, aacrlBce for caah; will real It. Apply to J. BIDDLE, 19 Waeerley place, aear Broadway. " a -riANoroRTtTs to emit, or our own manu A. lactnre , alto aeeond hand Hanoi inr tale at moderate p Irea. By CHICKBRINQ A SONS. ISO 5th av.. eeraet 18th at, A ?CLOSING OCT LiAROK, elkoant STOCK Of A. Piaaoa; half price; BABMOBB'H eetale. *? Mleekei ?t; fioo. Biao, ?joo. Tk ELEOANT DECKER BROIL' PIANOFORTE J\ (33 I'iiion aqaaral, lor $375. ?Ooad order; double round carved r j?ewood caee; a aarriiee. Call at prlrata realdenoe 47 Weat lHth et., aaar <Hh av. "a UDT WILL SELL BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD 7 J\. oetav.- Pianoforte, evetitrane baaa, Me.; alee elegnai Pier Mirror lea* than $175, eoet $600. M Beat Id at., aaar 3d av. B~A~ROAI!?K.?7'?' OCT A VB PIANOf. $150; INSTAL. mant? taken; reat $5 raoathly. CABLE, Maaafaatarei, ItfT Weat a id at. IMMENSE BARGAINS IN NEW ANU SECOND HAND 1 Piaaoa for caah. on monthly fuitalmenta, or to real I don't rail to call. KRAKAL'EK. 953 Uewerv. M_ aOMIPICENT stkinwat pianoport* sac hi fired by a lady; alee |wd Piaao, nu. at GORDON'S, i."i7 Blerceef at. P""icLoUBET. PBLTON A co~ ~ nil a ad M4U Broadway. New York oily, manulartarere or TUB HTAKDARD OROANB. unrivalled la tone, dull* a ad Bui ah or caw. aad la geaeral workmaaablp; auperler foe porter, aaheel or cbarah: prlcei librrai; renivd and aoid ea iaataUaeata. Cail aad elamlat or aead for catalogue. PlAMOaT-IP Yt>u"wiSU~TO KbNT OBBCV (iHKA* eat aad beet eail on MRRRELL, No. S t'aiea aqaara. P~iT?o? a Mii~() ito anii?We~are"pkbpahei> To offar Pianoa and Urgan? at prleea w aetoaiahia(ly Iww, lor raati or uu In.talaieata, that the pooreat nead not be de void of the lu*or> of a (ooil iaatrumrat. People meat have a Bood dea. for * little moaey. aad IKiRaOE WATKRB A noNS, 4HI BiOadway. have aot only reda^ed Ike prieee of their <elelirated Piaaoa and Oryaai, but aro aollInK othet ?cll known makea^aaw aad eeoond head, at lower price* then ever bolero inted. Call and eea them. PRIVATE KaMILY orPKR' FOR $m?'7 BCPEBB tI4 I roeewood Piano; eoet (DUO latt Mareh; apeculator or dealer eea make moaey oa It. Call reeideuce, 54 Raet Vth et. MlL'fllCAL XT 2W ~A.n?T 'BK1LL1 ANT"IWli-^AMU AWi i.1 Wheeler Crand March," Btraudborc, with portraits ? t, pla*a title :Me . for haada Bl i Ofenbaeh'e aew Ameri can roBipoaitlnaa, "Bnrlea<|up Polka. 3Ue.: "Lea Bailee Aiuarlcainea Vala<-,n 7Ac.; "Offenbach Valee" (writtea f?r and pitted bj Lavy), ?.'??. earh: kae a line portrait aad autograph of < Iffoubach; "Columbia'? ktandard," auae and rlioroa, Schornbrnn, Sit: Centennial N>u| and Oaoraa, llarloe. 3&C. : "LM>erty Bell," ova* M uatrlntic pierea paper cover*. .10c.; board*. 75c. Copies mailed. WILLIAM A. PON'II A CO.. 547 Broadway; braaeb *? Ualon aqaare, Now York. TITANTED?VOLITNTKltB BINURRS POR CHORUS M {Rolaoonal ehnri-ln la ratarn lor I Attraction Addreaa OROANIhT. Herald office WA1TKD TO iPTACHAIk. U> A MrsT c(."ass V%cri'M I'feN^Akb Camp romplete Addreaa II W., box 110 llerald ilBca. ANTED?A PIW UOOO sBroNU HAND HLMBEB livery coattat Empire ??ahl?a, 3 A naat llifct. f**?'t4l I i'li?\. ??_ (fcrwTiT^rwfrNci nryHfrmc inartMWfsr ffl> VoUU. llndaon. no military : ao extraa; rtefM l? taaiker It. Addram A-AKMAdNAC, Principal. w*?.T: w