Newspaper Page Text
I1IIUEKA1D H Ml Ml. Enthusiasm of New Jersey Citizens Over Sunday Heralds at Thau Breakfast Tables. The Herald'* Express Route Extended Through Dover, Rockawajr, Boouton, Schooley's Mountain to Hackettstown. Mokkihtowh, J one 25, 1S70. Tbe feet that the Nuw Yoke Uhhaui ?u te push lti papera through New Jersey to-day lurtber than they had ever been carried before became known to tbe cltl nens of Newark at a late bour on Saturday night, and many people interested In the undertaking aasembled at tbe Market street depot this morning to see tbe faal express off. Tbe same good driver and tbe aame One team that oarried tbe Ha*Ai.n to Morristown taat Sun day were on hand, and a moment after tbe arrival of tbe mail train from New Ycrk tbe papera*were caught up and thrown Into tbe Hkralu carriage. Old George abouted to hia horses "go," and off we went at a thun dering paoe toward Orange. Many folk* to whom our coming lait Monday was a novelty were awaiting ua to-day and demanded a copy of tbe |uipor. But the wagon made no elope until It arrived at Wilder's newstand. Thence it went ou its rapid way to Summit, and tbeaoe took a atraigiit oourse tor Morriatown. Tbe Bole competitor against us, who has been selling tbe Haaai,o at ridiculous figures to the citizens of thin eity, was completely distanced on tbe way, and our enter prising newsboys, headed by Tom flaixjj, bad re Delved their pa para, folded them and were out on their routes before tbe rival teams bad come into town. Tbere were more sold In Morriatown to-day than on any other Sunday hitherto. enterprise, however, did not pause here. Che moment our wagon arrived two other teama were In waiting to carry the paper to regions where it had ?ever been aeen before on Sunday. Our team, under eonlrot of Mr. Arrowamith, started out for Mover, Bockaway and Bounton, whilo your correspondent was In tbe carriage which waa to bear the paper through to Huekettatowu, passing through Meadham, Herman Valley and Schooey'a Mountain. Thla team waa the finest and swlttest taut could be procured, and tbe carriage which It pulled over the mountain waa licrht, roomy and new. The moment we left Morriatown wo were out of the territory of tbe newadealere and were carrying the Bangui over entirely new ground. I have not time to mj anything about tbe beaaty of the secnery or the jraodeur of tbe Jersey inountaina Our coming waa everywhere a surprise to the people, who toek advan tage of their oppoitanlty, bought a paper end said goodby to us with a "What won't the Haaai.n da ?cit?'' Our Oral atop was at Mendham, which la a quiet out of*lhe?way sort of a place, but which durinj the sum mar mouths la thronged with city v In tor a. The bal coulee of the Phuauix House were well tilled with ladlea Ud gentlemen, and a moment alter the carriage wheeled up to the hotel directly opposite the papers were in eager demand. The comments passed upon HaajLit spirit, courage and enterprise were highly flattering. Leaving Mendham we drove on to Chaater and Ger man Valley. The same enthusiasm and wondermont greeted us everywhere* At last we arrived at the favorite summer resort for the people of New York, New Jersey and Ponneylvania, Schooley'* Mountain, and upon conaulttng the watoh tound that It was a quarter to two K M. The surprise of the guests was ?ery great They passed the warmest encomiums upon our success, while the proprietors of tbe Heath House end Belmont Hall personally congratulated us upon tbe extraordinary quick trausit which we had made be tween Newark and the springs. We stopped at Suhootey'a Mountain only long enough to tee ear papers properly handled aud then descended the mountain side lcr Uacketutowu. Wo arrived there before three, and gave the horses a good long reet. which they so richly deserved, and on our homeward trip arrived here at twenty minutes past leu to-night. In its way this is regarded by the people we mot to lay as a piece of enterprise as grout as anything else 'hat the Hkkaj.u has done, ior it brings them ou Sun day what they never before have had?the news of the country and the news of the world. TBE HERALD'S FA?T NKWHPAPKH TEAMS. [Newark Sunday Call, June 2S.J The fast teams ol tbe Nnw Yohk UaaaLb dashing through the tow us between Newark and Morristown laat Sunday morning caused the peuplo of those local itiea to rub their eyes with wonder. At remote points ?Ike Morristown, where as high ua twenty Uve cents baa been charged lor the Hkkald, tbe people gladly received tbe paper at a reasonable price, and expreated their admiration for the enterprise shown by tbe Hsa-. ald. To-day and during the season the route will be extended to Hackettstowti aud Scbooloy's Mountain.The first team atope only at Orange, Summit and Morris town, arr.vlng at (be latter place at eight o'clock, when the second team immediately starts from Morris town lor MeiidLam, Chester, Oertuau Valley and Bcuooley's Mountain. Tbe third team leaves Mendham Ibortly alter eight o'clock fur U^ver, ltoekaway and Uconto.i. The Ural Sunday Hkkald delivered In ilack ?ttstowu will be pri.-enti-d to lAe proprietor of the principal hotel ol that place, to be framed unu bung up as a curiosity. The Hkrai.d doe* so nian.v surprisingly good things that we are getting to accept every new ex periment it undertakes in mat line as a matter of course. THE AQUARIUM ACCIDENT. To tib Editor of tub Hkkald ? Aa varioua reports relative to the buratiug of the mammoth tank at the grounda of tbe "New York Aqnarium," now in tbe course of construction, have unfortunately found their way Into the public preaa of tbe dtv, 1 beg leave to submit tbe following plain statement of facts:?It being deemed expedient to test the full capacity ol the mammoth tank, recenlly builtforthe purpose of exhibiting tbe large whales ?b*a the) arrive from the coast of Labrador, tbe water was slowly turned ou at au early hour yesterday morning, every preuautlou being takeu to prevent auy accident to life or property. Mr. (igdeii, the architect, having previously notified the builders ot the iron work aa lo his doubt in relation to the etreuglh of the work constructed, guve lis personal attention to tbe ol the tank. Tbe water had reached to within six inches ot the top. containing at tbla time about 3U,<>00 gallons, when suddeuty the tank broke upon one side, wrenching the ti on up right* and bolts as l>y magic, the large body of water tainted therefrom noou lilting the entire area ot the f rounds. Very lortunately, the tank gave way spun he aide entirely tree trom the workmen or lookers ?n, thus preventing a serious loss ol lite Aa the Ions waa entirely a |<couoiar>- one. rosulung merely in slightly mounding tnree ot the workmen, they lieing knocJced do*ru by tlin sudileu ?.-oninsaion 01 theiush Ing waters. It waa not considered liy ma of aufliclent Importance to the public 10 personally uotity the press ol this unavoidable accident, lu the preeenl uudert?k lag ol producing an aquarium In the city of New York, 1 would reiterate that neither time, trouble nor ex penee snail be saved In making It commensurate with the dignity and reputation of the metropolis. Jen 36, 1876. W1I.UAM C. <OLP. TWO CLERKS' ADVENTURES. Jamea F. Cook, a clerk reaiding in Eighteenth street Wd William H. Morgea, bookkeeper In a Chicago rail road office, on Saturday night aecompauied Blanrb Williams, aged seventeen, and Carrie Douglas, aged twi-nty one, to a house of aasignation kept by l.ou?a Curry, ta Twelfth etreet. The girls requested them to leave them In Mrs. Curry'e room alone for a lew miaulea and the youni; men complied, waitiug for them la the Laliway of the bouee. After the party leu Mr*. Carry lound that her bureau had breu broken open and roboed of trinkets aad other property, valued at $75. She gave cbase to the party and had tneni arrested by Officer Haulon, of Uie fifteenth precinct. Pari ol the stolen properly was lound in th? poesesaion of tbe woinaa Douglas by thcolbcer, and the remainder picked up oa the street, where sno bad dropped It in her flight. The quartet were locked up in tbe Mercer street etation, and oa being arraigned before Justice lalth at the Washington Place Police Court yesterday the two clerk* were discharged trom eusiody, and both fuBM oomBitted for trial ia deiault el 11.000 ball eaoh POLICEMAN DROWNED. VaJeatiae Mack, aa officer or the Righteeath police precinct, waa drowned in Bowery Hay, at noon vester day, by the capeixiug of his boat The body was recov ered. Deceased waa ebeut tbirty-aix years eld aad warned. He had bees a member of the lore* about sias yeare aad wae detailed at tbe pier at the foot ot IsM Tweaty -third etreet. WASHINGTON. FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Washisotox. June 25, 1878. BOW TH? APPBOPKIATION BILLS WILL BB PBAI.T WITH ? PBOSPKCtB OP BKTBXMCB sulnt?wobx of cohgbbsb dukjjio the UKS8IOM? PBOSPBCTB OP iDJOVkNHKNT. Next Friday being tin last day of the Ileal year tbe condition of tbe appropriation bills becomes a matter of extreme Interest. All tbe eOorta to bring the House and Senate to an agreement bare so far absolutely failed Tbere la some prospect ol an agreement on tbe Post Office bill within a day or two, but Mr. Kandall will bare to report to the Hoase on Monday a failure to agree on the Legislative bill, and Mr. Holman may also make a similar statement about the Post Office bill. Tbe demoorata in the Uouae sre considering what course they shall adopt in view ot the approach of the end of tho lineal yaar. Tbey will not reoede from what they consider their duly to Inalat on many Im portant economies. Tbey are not disposed to stand i out about trifles, but will meat the Senate lalrly. they say. and are ready to surrender any details in i their bills which may seem to tbe Senate partlcnlarly objectionable, bnt they will not give up tholr main ob ject of economy and retrenchment. It Is probable ' that tney will toward the end of tbe week bring in a j bill extending the appropriations of the present year for a brief period into tbe next year. The length ef time la not fixed, and it may be decided to carry over lor ten or for thirty days. The laal named period would appropriate one-twelfth of the sums granted last year, and it Is supposed that this would give the Senate abundant time?a whole month? to conaider all the appropriation bills and to debate them. If such a bill is pa?sea In the Hoase It will bare to be adopted at once by the Senate, else that bodv would put Itself In tbe awkward position of itself embarrassing the government and stopping the public business. It may be thought j best by tbe House to extend tho old appropriation only for ten days at a time, so as to hasten the Senate as much as poaaible. There was a suggestion to rnn tnem over to next December and make the Issue ol retrenchment or no retrenchment tbe prominent one in the canvass, having It understood that If the country does not want economy In the government it will slg nily It by returning a republican majority. But this plan does not get much favor. It la more probable that a thirty days' extension will be moved and adopted In tbe House. In any caso there is no danger that the government will be embarrassed by lack of timely and sufficient appropriations. Complaint is made that tbe Senate eenfereoee com mittees are very adroitly selected to oppose the House bills, even democratic Senators being chosen who are known to be hostile to retrenchment. Thus Senator Withers, of Virginia, who Is on three conference com mittees?the Diplomatic, Navy and Legislative? Is on tho record with a speech in which he declared himself opposed to retrenchment, and Senator Davis, of West Virginia, who Is on tbe Poat Office conference is so cbnneeted with railroads that ho is opposed to one of tbe main points of re trenchment in tho Poat Office bill. The Senate goes farther la lu opposition to retrench, meat than It is probable tbat the Boose republicans would. For Instance, the Nary bill vrug framed u It paased the House with the consent ol Mr. Hale, mem berof the committee, and of Secretary Robeson him aelf, bat Senator Sargent haa sent it back to the House with $3,000,000 added to II There la reason to believe that aach members as Halo, Foster and Wheeler (re publicans) on the Appropriations Committee, and Sen ?tor Morrill, chairman of the Senate Committee, would , speedily oome to an agreement about the House bills; I but a number of republican Senators oppose all the re ductions. In the legislative conference the main strurfle is as to the redaction of clerks' salaries la the department*, the (Senate relating so far abaolutely to allow reduc tions. It la understood that on this and the Post Office bills the House has made propositions to the Senate looking to giving op some important points, but the Semite has rejected them so far. On the Senate side H is sold that they bad not had the appropriation bills long enough to maturely con sider them, and that the Sundry Civil bill, one of the most Important, came to It only on Saturday. It Is understood tbat General Logan does not mean to touch the Army Reorganization bill at all at this session. The Army Appropriation bill, in which' the infantry is re duced by 3,000 men and the cavalry increased to 9.0110, as being tltted for use in the Indian service, lias beeu rejected In the Senate, partly because it reduces the salaries of some of the higher officers. , The Sundry Civil bill, which was sent to the Senate on Saturday, is reduced from $27,000,000 to $16,000,000, ! and over this, also, there.will be a tight In conference. ! The River and Harbor bill, which iaatlll In Senate com mittee, will, if It ever comes back to the House, be ma terially changed and the appropriation lessened by at leaat $1,000,000. Tho House Committee on Commerce did not sufficiently ncrutlulxe this bill, which contains usaslly a favorite piece of legislation for nearly every member. The Senate holds that the House, In Its consideration of the subject or tho appropriations, haa no right to do anything sUooting the nnmber and salaries of clerks. Senators contend thst the latter action is proper only in a measure of simple legislation. On the whole, there Is no immediate prospect of agree- ! ment between tho houses; but tho republicans j believe that there will presently bo divialon among the democrats, to some ol whom tho retrench ments aro no more welcome than to the other side. It is believed tbat some opposition to Mr. Randall may develop itself to-morrow In the House on his own side, and thst thus the force of the economists will be weakened. But such opposition will only pro tract the struggle, for it will make tho Senate more obdurate. The supporters or the retrenchment policy asaert that they have succeeded in arousing the coun try, and that letter* and newspapers in ^reat numbers are received urging the Bouse to stand Ask THB BEPOBTKD BKCOBCILLATION BKTWKXN PAT I TKKSON AMD CHAMRKBUAlN DkMtKD?PATTEB bun tux ArrnoK or the ripoht. Last Friday It wa* stated In these despatches, on what waa tbcu believed to bo good authority, thst Gov ernor Chamberlain and Senator Patterson had bariod ' the hatchet, and tbat Chamberlain had pledged Fatter- J son to redeem the Blue Ridge scrip and the con- | version bonds, after which he woald >w sent to tho I'nited States Senate to j succeed Rohertsou, with some other matters to the same general effect. Governor Chamberlain now tele graphs here that the whole statement Is false, in every respect and oaks this public contradiction to be made. On inquiry It turns out that Senator Patterson was himself the suthor of tho (also report, having given it to a pcraon to communicate to the press. SENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. Wamiiioto*, June 26. 1*7& MB. BLdUNX'u ILLNKMK. Mr. Blaine's condition Is unchanged, or, at least, haa not changed for th? better. He haa boen entirely con fined to his bod for the past four days, aod exhibits symptoms of extreme physical prostration. He has a low form of frver resulting Imti malaria, and his phy sicians have some apprehensions of its assumn>g a ty | pboid character. A chsnge from this climate is re | garded as absolutely indiapensuble to his recovery, and arrangements are now being made for his departure for Maine on Tuesday, by a route on which ho can go directly boms without change of car*. DEATH IN CHURCH. , Michael CoanelI, ?ed fifty year*, of No. $0 West j Thirteenth street died suddenly yesterday morntrg In the Jesuit ehnrch iu West Sixteenth street while mass was Uemg celebrated. His body was removed to tbe Twenty ninth precinct station honse and word was . aenl to the Coroners' office. SUICIDE OF A CHiikllST. Thomaa lleilly, aged twenty-seven years, of Na 105 Elizabeth street, a chemist bv profession, committed suicide Saturday night bv taking belladonna. He was attended by l>r*. Hunter and Cook, of Broome street, bat notwithstanding their efforts to save him he died at three o'clock yesterday morning. The cause ef his act was business troubles The Coroner was notified. BOY DROWNED. James Redmond, nineteen years old, of No. 21VWest Thirty-second street, near Seventh avenue, while bath ing at Rik'r's Island yesterday afternoon waa seis-<d with c rata pa and drowned before assistance oould reach him. The boAr waa act recovered. THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. BBf-OBTU Or AWABD8 ? TILE CEmiXUL CHIVK8?PRLNCK OKAB'H VISIT? PBOUBAMVB TOR THB OBAMD CKNTEXMIAD INDBPBNDXMCB DAT CKJ.KBKATION. At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of Ihe Commission ? resolution ?u adopted instructing tlia chief of the Bureau of Awards to confer with the Judges ol tho Exhibition, and arrange as far as practi cable for tho pre|iaration itt report! of a general char acter from the several croups, summarizing the (Ex hibition in each Important lino of production or manu facture and indicating the recent progress of the indus trial arts Theso reports are to be reudered at or before the dose of the Exhibition. A resolution was also adopted providing that, In ad dition to the awards to Individual exhibitors already provided for, a special diploma (without a modal) will be awarded, upon the recommendation of the jndgea of any group, to municipalities, States or nations, trade societies, societies ol learning and public institutions lor collective exhibits of exceptional merit, provided that such exhibits shall not be in competition with in tended exhibits. THIS CkkTSNKUX CU1MKS OX TUX FOURTH OF JULY. The chimes will usher In the national holiday at mid night of the Sd, when the quarter* ol the hour will he chimed, in imitation of the Westminster chimes of Loudon, snd the hour of twelve tolled on the lsrge bell; alter which the following progiammo will be played by Professor Wlddows, assisted by Mr. John Sen la, of tho Grace church chimes ol New York:? Changes on eight and ten belli. KiriiiK a natioual aalul* un the bell*. Centennial March of the K alios*, introducing the follow ing national aira:? Called state*?"Hall to the Chief' Bnglaad?"Uod Mare the Voeen." lrelanil?"VTeariuic of the Ureeu." Scotland?"The blue Bell* of Scotland." "Star Spangled Banner." Bracll?Brazilian Imperial Bjmm. "Hull Columbia." Austria? Imperial Uyran Urand March and Wall* of '79 CI ah. France?"The ManMllaise." "My Mart laud." Kunla? Buaaian Hymn. "Kentucky Home." Germany?"Tue Watch on Ua Khia*." ' "KeU, White and Blue." Sweden?National Hyuui. "Bonnie Hlue Flag. Turkey?National Hymn. "Washington's March. Norway? National Hymn. "Carry Me Back to Old Virgtaay Shore.'' Kicypt?National liynia. "Vive l'Am?rie?" Japan?Japan*** Barcarole. "Dixie." vne* the Conquering Hero Comea." Teakei Doodle. During the national holiday the chimes will be played st six A. X., twelve M.. Ave P. M. snd sundown, the programme consisting of national and operatic airs, marches snd popular melodies. ntUHRAMMS or THS I'SkSMOSIKS CPOB TBI UOX11U rOUSTM. The formal programme lor the grand ceremonies of the Fourth of July observances has been completed, except tor minor details, and is substantially as fol lows:? The ceremonies will take place at Independsnoe Ball, beginning at an early hour, with a review ol the military lrotn in front of the hall, on Cbeatnnt street? a stund capable ol accommodating from 100 to 160 per sous being erected lor the purpose. The literary exercises, under the auspices of the United Stales Centeunial Commission, will take place in tlie square immediately in the rear ol Independents Hall, where a platform or sufficient capacity to accom modate some 4,600 persons, among whom will be the guests or the city, musicians, &c., will be provided. The exercises will commence immediately alter the termination or the military review, at about ten o'clock, and will lie Initiated by a prayer by Kixht Rev. Bishop Simpson, ecclesiastical successor of the chap la in ol the Continental Congress. Overture, "Tbe Great K>public." By George F. Bristow, ot New York, ? member of tbe group jury on musical awards. Chorus. Keadinugof tbe Declaration of Independence from tbe orig nal document, bv Richard Uenrv Lee, of Vir ginia, grandson 01 tbe mover of tbe Declaration. Hymu of Welcome, by Oliver Wendell Holroea, written to tbe music of Kelk-r'a Hymn. Orohestra and chorus. National Ode. By Bayard Taylor, of Pennsylvania. A Grueling from Brazil?A bymn composed at the request of Ilia Majesty Horn l*edro, Emperor ot Brazil, by u distinguished Brazilian. Carlo* Gomee, and dedi cated to i bo American people. Oration?By William M. Evarts, of New York. Hallelujah?Orchestra and cborus. Doxology?"Old Hundred." Gtltiiore lias boen given charge of the orchestra, with Carl Sent* as cborus mtutor. Toe period to be covered by the programme la eaU maled rot to exceed three hours. invitations to witness tbe demonstration on the evening of the ad and to participate in the observances ot the 4th have beeu sent by General Hawley to the Governors ol all the States and Territories lu the Union, and from several assurances of their intention to be present have been received. From Governors IfcCreery, of Kentucky, and Rice, of Massachusetts, telegrams were received on Saturday, tbe lortner stating that no would be hereon the lid and the latter that he would arrive on tbe 4tb, but without staff or escort. MWKUISR VISITORS. Among the visitors to tbe grounds on Saturduy were fifty-six cadets lrotu tbe Swedish corvette Norrkopslng, who spent several hours in examining the Swedish dis play lu the main building and the Swedish school oi house building. Prince Oscar Charles Augustc, of Sweden, reached the Exhlbttlou grounds during tbe afternoon, aocout 1 >a:ned by bis tutor or governor, who is his invariable uttendanl on Kxhibition visits. Tbe royal visit was of short duratien. being muiniy confined to tbe mala building. Yesterday afternoon the visit of the l'riuce was repealed. His Higbneos being esrorxed among others by Commission! r lianfelt, chief ol the Swedish Commissioners. Yesterday morning, upon the invitation of the Swedish Commissioner*, General Hawlev and a number of gentlemen ol the Centennial management vis,toil tbe Norrkopsing and were present at the religious services on board the corvette a waubixu at rua kxhibition. On Thursday evening, at eigbt o'clock, in tbe main hall of the Judges' Pavilion, Miss Bertha Dannfelt, daughter of the Swedish Commissioner 111 Chlei to the Exhibition, will be nnitcd in marriage with Mr. W. Chrisiopberson, ol tbe Norwegian Commission. Kev. C Clausen, tbe Norwegian pastor in Philadelphia, will officiate, and some 300 invitations to tho nuptials Lava been issued. PROBABLE MUBDEB. A GANG OF TiOVVO KUVFIAN8 FATALLY WOUND A GKRMAN CITIZEN IN UNION BQOABK?-THK LXADKB ASBKSTKS. Aii unprovoked and brutal assault J>y a ganp ot young ruliiaus and thieves in Union square yesterday morn* Ing upon a respectable German workman will probably result In tbe death of the latter. Tbe facta in refer ence to this daring and unusual crime are as fol lows Shortly after two o'clock yesterday morning Officer J ernes, of the Twenty-ninth precinct, while on duty in Fourth avenue, saw a gang of young rufhans enter tho Union square park They were six in number, and among them was James McGuire, aged twenty ouc years, of No. 61a East Ninth street, who claims to be a truck driver, and who. Officer Jerttes asserts, la a loafer and thiet. Officer Jerflos observed tbe gaug go to tbe Bower garden, near the north end of the |>ark, and pluck up planting sticks, each stick about a half Inch in diameter and three or four feel long. Officer Jertlcs knew there wax no use in di rectly giving chime to them, and endeavored by making a ueiour to come on them by surprise. Id tho meantime the gang proceeded down the park, and amused themselves by striking those persons who either from being |)oinelcas or drunk were sleeping on tbe benches. W hen near Fourteenth street they struck William Sclireidcr, aged thirty-four, a German linker, residing at No. 310 Devoa street, Brooklyn. ,He Jumped up and made somo resistance. The next moment one of tho ruffians shoved a garden stick Into his left eye. Tbe sharp pointed end of the stake penetrated about three inches, entering ihe brain. Scbrelder screamed, ??Oh my God!" and fell back over tbe baauh. Officer Jerboa pursued the gang, and, with the assistance of Officer Hanlon. orthe Fifteenth precinct, captured Mo Gulre at the corner ol Fourteenth street and University place. Returning to the scene ol the ailair, Officer Jerties found Schrelder suriounded by a number of persons, who had not been able to assist him in auy way, although bo was suffering ex cruciating agony. Officer Jerries procured a horse and wagon, sad, placing Scbrriuer in it, removed hlin to the Thirtieth street station, where, in respouse to questions by Csptaiu Steers, be gave his name, resl dunce and occupation. Police Surgeon Salience, on being summoned, drew the stick out of Schneder's beau, when the injured mau became unconscious. Or. Saiterlee pronouueed the Injury fatal, *ud ordered Schriedcr'. removal to Bcltevue Hospital, to which In stitution he was at onco conveyed in an amimlauce. At the Washington Place Police Court yesterday morn mg McGuire was arraigned belore Justice Smith. He 'la a truculent looking young ruffian, and did not, although tightly handcuffed, seem to realise his posi tion tn ihe least. In addition to the testimony given by Officer Jernes, two witnesses, James Thain.'a clerk living at Na MA Elizabeth street, ouj William Wilson, a newsboy living in the Newsboys' Lodging House, In Chambers street, were produced. Roth of them testi fied that they heard Schre:der's cry nl agouy, and saw MrGuiro running away. Justice Smith committed McGuire without bail, to await the result ol Schrleder'a luiuriea. II?< was taken to tbe Tombs. When a Hkrilu reporter asked him what be bad to say about the aflair, be slouched his shoulders and said, "I don't know nothing about it." At midaigbt tbe patient (William Schrelder, who was aiaauited iu luioti square at ten minutes to three A M. yesterday) was delirious, and much worse than when be was taken to the hospital. Ihe resident of No. 310 frevoe street, Brooklyn, where Schrelder said he lived amfssn ui kaaw sutinas abop? ? SEDUCTIVE BUTCHER. George W. Cross is a middle-aged, **U known and well to-do resident of the Thirteenth ward of Newark. Some time ago be waa publicly charged with Improper dispo sition of diseased meat. Now he ia charged with still graver offenses again*! law and decency. Beater Callen. a widow of rather prepossessing appearance, haa canned hla arrest on charges of larceny and seduction. Ho Induced her to keep silent until now, as she alleges, by threatening to kill her and, at other time*, making her presents of jewolry. Finally, ?be avers. bo became so abuaive that ahe left bis family, tu which sbe was employed as a domestic, and went to board elsewhere Recently, as she farther alleges, be eutered her apartments during her alwence nod stole a gold waicb and cbain nod <>tber property belonging to Mr. Upon being brought beiore Jujiicp Otto <>n Saturday night Crons made no reply to the greater i liar^e inudu by Mrs Cullen, that ut ravisbtuent. but in regard to the alleged stolen articles admitted havlug taken then, claiming them to be his proi*rty. He lianded thvnt over to the Justice. Ho was admitted to ball pcudiug the meeting of the Grand jury. lira. Cullen ia ubout to become a molbor. As Cro?s is quite notorioua iu his neighborhood and hat* not a happy laculty of mak ing lrl?uda the widow's story has created much ot an excitement. FOUND DROWNED. Tha body of an unknown man was found floating In tbo Hast River at the foot of Ferris street, Brooklyn, yesterday. It was live leet nlue inches In height, with dsrk hair and sandy whiskers and mustaohe. aud wis about thirty-Qve rears of age It had on gaiters, white stockings, white shirt, light trousers and vest and black diagonal coat. The little linger of the left hand was missing, and on one ot the lingers of tho right hand waa a gold ring, with tbo emblem of a com pass and square. The body hsd evidently been but a utile while In the wuter. It was taken to the Morgue. ROBBED AT ROCKAWAY BEACH. Yaaterday afternoon Captain Bonuani, of the bark Joade, lying at pier 16 Kaat River, while bathing at Rock away Beach, near Peter McGorce's house, waa robbed of his gold watch and chain and $1:! in money, iu all amounting to S-<& The articles wore in his clothing at the bathhouse. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. At ten o'clock yeaterday morning a horse attached to a baker's wagon belonging to John 11. Drwsler, of No. 261 Sixth avenue, took fright st the corner of Sixth av enuo and Twenty-llrst street, throwing Francis Klcbner and Charles Scheter into the street They were both badly bruised about the body. The horse continued In his course and ran against a lamp post, amashiug the wagon. He then broke loose ? from its harness and ran down the avenue to Fifteenth street, where be was caught by Uffloer Scbmittberger. SHIPPING NEWS OCEAN STEAMERS. xutbs o> ssrAaTCitia from xiw toss ron m vowras or JVM AXU Jl'LT. tinik. I UnHMtttm. I Bothnia Lesetng Mat* of luuiana. City of Berlin... Italy Ethiopia..... Dunau Labrador Wyam tag Abyxiala Wlelano. W A Rebolten.... fauada Germanic The yueea Victoria.... An Ua Rtaeiu Kvmta fttate et I'enaayl'a Krmla City ot Chester.... Oder Bolivia Ameriqao. Celtte .. Spain.. .... Idaho fimbria I'tonta Cltv or Richmond. Cellert.....'. |Jnne28. June 2W. Jana.29. 1 1. 1. 1. 4. ?. t>. ?. 8. J air JK l Julv iJuly jJnly Jaly i i..i_ .Julv ; July IJuly .. (Julv 8. July ?. July H. July 8. July I J. Juiy IS. July IS July la. July 15. Jaly IV July IS. Jaly 15. Julv 1.1. 11.It 18 Julv JO. July 22. l.ilv 22. IJaly 27. Liverpool. Hamburg, tilaacew... Lbfrpuol. Liverpool. Olaurow... Hieaeb... I Havre i Liverpool. I Liverpool. Hamburg. Rotterdam | H ? rre ! Liverpool. I Liverpool, tilaagow.. I ?>< ii dun Bremen... Liverpool, tilaaaow... lieraburc.. Liverpool.. Bremen.... Ulaagow... Havre-.... Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Liverpool.. Hamburg.. I .ontlnll Liverpool., l Hamburg.. (4Bowling (ireea ?i Broadway 72 Broadway lb hrctartwd. W) Broadway 7 Bowling Green I'Bowlibtr Oreea . iSi Broadway . I Brnadwar *. 14 Bowling ureea .Ml Hroadwav l 'fiO Broadway I.Vi Broadway .Ifc7 Broadway . itiO Hroadwav 7 Bowline Groan 7 Bowling ttreea 2 Bowling Oroea 4 Bowling Ureea 72 Broadway HI Broadway 15 Broadway 2 Bowling Groan 7 Bowltag (Irooa U Broadway 87 Broadway HO Broadwav 29 Broadway 61 Broadway 1 Bowline; 'MM . 15 Broadway 161 Broadway wNOTICE TO CAPTAINB OP VBSSBLS IN TTIB COASTING AND FOREIGN TRADE?Captains or aScers of veeeals engaged la the coasting or foraign trad*. observing the displacement or removal of tea buoys. are requested to com municate tba I act to the Hihild. *u that It may be brought pabllely to tba attention ol tba proper authorities. A la(tar addressed "to tba adltor of tba Hutu, Now York city." giving aa accurately ai puralble tba nambar aad poeitlaa of displacedbuoys or tba caasa af tbalr removal, will suttee In all caaaa observed along tba Atlaatle aad fseltc coasts af tba American Continent When they are obsei red on tba aoast of Enropaan countries or In tba Mediterranean It le requested that Information bo sent aitbar by telegraph or latter to the Ixmdon odice of tba Nbw You Huus, 46 Fleet street, London, or to tbe Parle often. 01 Avenue da 1'Opara, Paris. Wbere tbe telegraph is used despatches may bo addraeeed "Bennett, 44 Fleet street, London." or "Bennett, 01 Avenue de 1'Opera, Pans." Where eaaes at displacement are observed la tbe waters of countries beyond tba re a eh af tba telegraph, as In Asia or AlHis, captains may return uslcate with as upon reaching tba ftret convenient port. This Information will be eablad tree of charge to tba Hiuu and published. 49-NOTICE TO CAPTAINS OP VESSELS ENTERING TUK PORT OF NBW YORK AT NIOHT.-Tbe Nbw Yobb H an alp hae adopted a distinguishing Coeton night signal for uso on board tba Hiuld steam yacht, showing while horn ing the colors red. green, red. changing from one to tha other ia succession, and can be seen several miles distant. Cap tains of veeaals. upon seeing this signal, will oblige as bv preparing any marina news they may have for tha Ship News Department of the llBBALa. Persons desirous of communicating with vessels arrlv lag at New York can do so bv addraasiag to sucn vessels, can of Hbbslo news yacht.piar No. 1 East Elver, New Tork. letters received Iron all parts of tha world aad promptly de livered. Daalieatss are required. ALMANAC FOR NEW YORK?THIS DAY. ?m A*P MOO*. I HIGH WITH Pan rite* 4 20 | Got. lilaad. ...morn 12 00 San tell 7 U ? Sandy Book eve 11 15 Mooa mm. eve 11 13 | Hell Gala. mora 1 46 PORT OF NEW YORK, JUNE 25, 1876. ARRIVALS. aaronr? bt tbb miLB hmi tacit* in) iuiii WHlTKttTOJt* TBLKOBAKB LIXB. liteamar C*ty of He liu iRri. kenut-d}. Liverpool Juuj 15 and (jueenstown Ititli, with ludse and patsengert to .1 O Dale. meaner Wyoming <Br), Jones, Llvernool Jutss 14 and Queenstown 15th. with in l?'i xud 4* i>?s>engiT? to Wll liams A Guion. June 24. lat 41 2'.', Ion til .'I, pataad a tier man steamer hound K; s.tuic ditjr. *.'& I m:le? E ol Sjndy Ilnuk. passed a 9-matted steamer bound ? : a>th, I'Jli miles E of sandy lloos, a Canard strain* r hound K. Steamer W A Xebolten (lint hi. Janrrn. flushing Jnr.e 12, with indse aad paa.eagers to Kuuch. Kdye A Co. J i?? a3. lat 41 14, lull 41 <H, rliip Catllda. Irnra Liverpool lor Ssn<1y Hook ; ?a'ur day. lat 41 01. Ion rti ??? steamer P t'a laiul (DutcUi. Iionce l^r Rotterdam; ?nu time, steamer llatnmnnla iGert.dofor ll? linrg. Steamer Magnolia. Daggett, Savsnn ?h 3 days, with mdse to Miirrat. Verrl? A Cm ? Steamer Wyanoke, Clinch, Richmond, City Pnlnt and Nor folk, with mdse and passenger* to tba Old Dominion Steam shin Oj. Meaiuer llatteras. Mallett, Norfolk, with endue and pas senger. to the *>ld Dominion Steamship 0a. SteamerAiueinarlv. (llb'js. Lewes. Del. with mdse to tha Old Dominion Steamship Co Steamer Perkiomru. P larva. i'liiladelpbla, wltb coal to tba Reading KR Oo. Bark Henry Knight, Ames. Caibarlea 11 days, with sagsr to ordor; ve?sol toTaruui A laiud. Brig Tula. Miller. Belize, Hon, 10 days, logwood. Ac, toWJexAl-'o. ScUr Victor l'nlg (of Boothbayi, Tinkhaiu, Baracoa 12 days, with fruit to T J Madge; vessel to J K stapl?a. June I5tli. lat 22. Ion 74. spoke sehr J W Brown, troni tit Thomas for I'ardenas. ehr Sarah B Douglass (of Nassau), Bethel, Blenthcra ? day*, with i>ii>es to James Doaglasa. Acbr r B Wharton, llusli, Hlmtbera 7 days, with pinoe to TJ M adge ; vetsel J R >t ple? Sclir Charley Wooltey. Brown, AImico 0 days. With pines to Oemet A Pearsall: ve??ei to B J Weub'rg. June 24, lat :?M. Km 74116, opoka steamer Andas, hanca for Aspui wall, Aa. Sehr Julin Cadwaller. Pliinuey, Jacksonville 7 dsyt. with | lumber to msstar. Will proceed to Albauy to discharge. sehr W A l.ow, Trua*, tleorgetowa, s(\ 4 days, with na val stores to order. ?Sehr Telegraph, WlWoa, Charleston 4 days, with naval stores to order. t-ebr Wary I*oiiisa. Ua-kill. Washington, NC, 6 days, with naval stores tw Zophar Mills. Sehr Sarah A Rurr, Araild. Virginia. Sehr II II Pitta, French. Virginia. Schi Praaklia Bell. Kahili, Virginia. (tebr Jameatuwn. Byard, 'leorgatown, IK'. Sebt Howard Williams, Wainwrlgbt, i.rorgetowa, DC. Is bound U> Bridgeport. Sehr James Rmsoa, Doctor. Baltimore. Sclir Geo Hotchklss. Graham, Baltimore. Setir Willie Martin. Mvaber, of and irom Portland 8 days, with beading ta master. PABSJCD THROUGH HULL OATIi. BOUND SOUTH. Steamer City af Pltohbarg, Springer, New Radford for New York. SteamerTlllla. Swing. New London and Notwleh fur New York. Sehr Ira Stargea, JobnsBa, Plttston. Me, for New Yvrk. Sehr Ira Laffrlner. t'oleiuan, Boston for New York. Sehr Anna uell, Jones, Boston tor .New >ork. Srbr l.illie O Wells. Wells Providence tor New Yerk. Sehr B K Hull. Bruab. Providence for .New York Sehr D M Ktenrh, t'hlids, Gardiner, Me. lor New Vork. ScbrM J (Inrnev. (inrnejr. New Haven for New York Sehr B P Meaney, Rogers, Portland, I I. tor New York. hchr t'otiaecticni. Allen. New Loudon lor New York. St hr Sarah W Blake Buggs, Dlghtoii for New York. r^clir J K Perry, Perry, New Haven lor Baltimore. Sebr J Anderson, Johuson. Norwalk lor New York, Sehr Maria Klemlng. Ford, .Norwich lor New York, Sehr Pllabt, Wilson, Pall River for New York. Sehr J alia. Baker. Providanee for New York Sehr Vapor. Yeaag. New Havea far New York. ' Schr J 0 Rogers. Kogeta. Bath he Saw Tack. Schr kv; Froelaud, Yaadusen, S?w Haven for town. hebr Joseph Mali. Smith. Portlaad, Ot. for Sew Tark. Schr Express. Kennedy, Rockland for Now York. Schr Wave Creat, Pruvi donee tor New York. Schr Angler. Homo, Sow Bedford Stw York. Ml PtniHhaiila, J 'met. Pni?llner Ior Now Ym S?br Georae. StaaclifT. Portland, t.'v for How York. Sehr A B llayc ?. Hayes, Providence !or Sow York. Mbr Surprise, Seaman. Providence tor Sow York. Schr (luld-u liule. Wdson. Norwich for New York. Scnr Darius Eddie. Yonn*. Raagnr for Kew York. Kcbr (leu Howard. Weaeott, Gardiner. Ma, for N*w York. Schr Mary A Lovell, Havelock. New Haven for Saw Yort. Sciir l"aan. Slocani. Portlaad lor Mew York. Si'lir Ida Palmer. Painter. Main ford fur New tork. BOUND EAST. Schr Phcvbe Kllrebeth. Mapeii. New York for S<^ir Helen August*. Pratt, New York tor Portland, Ui John Uder Lincoln. S*w York for Tain*tun. Hchr H li Pitu, WhlUm?OB. llnbukfO lor Providence. Wind at kuoift. W?W ; ut midnight WSW. Barometer al snntft. 20.7W; At K) I'M, 27 79. MARITIME MISCELLANY. | Sc'hh filH.10*. Smith, is ashore at Viaalhaven; will . > probably ba got 08. j Scim l.tvr Yanckk. anchored ofl Monhsaan. luat head ' 1 gear and had Sabine oeM torn to pieces a few uisitit sluco, j I by aa unknown acbooner ruauing Into her. Scua Rxmowk (of Salcontbe. E), lluxum. bound t> I 01 1 I don with a cargo of plaea, wa> wrecked at Kleuthera on the 1 j 7th inat. Y m ht W W Johbson. which nunk below Charleston in [ ; completely broken up and the reiaaloi aro fatt disappear I lnic 1 rum tba Middle Ground. WHALEMEN. Sailed ftom Stonlntrtnn ,Jnn? at, schr Thomas Tlant, El- j ! dridire, South Shetland Llanrte. ! Sailed from Freeman tie. Australia. April 4, bark Castoa. 1 Shttrmau, of SB, to cruise. SPOKEN. Ship City of Montreal, irom Sew Tork for London. Jobs 22 lat 40 17. Iob (14 '.'U Ship Choice iBr), Masters, from Bimllpataui for i.oouon. May A. lat 17 N', Ion 87 E. Ship Cup-- liable (Br). Pa;;e, from Ardroaaau for San Fran ci wo Jvau H. off Minehead Ship Louis Walsh. White, from I'olnt Loboe for Queens town, Aorll 2lal 10(U s. Ion M 10 W. Ship Atraea0-wald (Br), Irom Glasgow lor San Francisco. June IO, elf Tuskar. Ship Scaforth (Br), Woodward, from Liverpool Tor San Francisco, May ft lal 8 S Ion l!8 W. Ship Richard III. from Liverpool for Band* Hook, Juas 1 12. lat 31 (*i. Ion tf 54. Ship Isaac Webb. I'rnnhart. from Liverpool for Sew York. June ?. lat 47 53, Ion Ifi 21. Ship Moouligbt. Watsrboase, from Philadelphia for Bhauchai, May 3, lat 27 4 ? S, Ion ri3 W. Ship Sew York (Br). Irwin, from Liverpool for Baa Fran cisco, Juae 7, lat 45 20 S, Ion 15 4~i W. Ship Loretto Flih, from Kefr York fur Loudoa, Juae 20, 4(1 SO, Ion ?? Aa Americas ship, showing letters J PliL. steering S,*May 1. lat 4 50 B. Ion tf?37W. Au American ship, showing Utters JWVB, steering E, Jnue 8, lat 45 S.ioti 38 W. Amnrican shin JCQH <?>, from Liverpool for Valparaiso, April II. lat 2 S. ion 2S W. Hark Moueta iHn. McCoanarhy, from Sew York for Mel bourne. Mav 20. laid S. Ion ?7 W. Bark Forest Queen (Br>, Mfcrria. from Liverpool for Que bec, Juae 7, lat 48. Ion Ml. Itark Jobann Ludwlg (Uer), from Bremen for Baltimore. May :to, lat 48. lou 25. Hark Titos A (ioddard. Smith, from Bmyraa for Sow York, May 25. la the Uroeiaa Archipelago Hark Winona (Hr>. Gordon. Irotn Liverpool for Valpa raiso, no data. lat 5 IV S, loa 25 08 W (not aa misprinted ye.terday). Hark Thames (Mr). Williams, from Sew York for fort Ade laide. Mar 2U. lat Ji 40 S. Ion 84 40 W. Bark lllchard [Uer). Crepla, from Darken for Brake, Juae 5, lat 41, Iob Kt Harks Germaaia (fort), from New York for Oporto; Nym phen 1 Sari, from do for Hamburg, and Sirius t.Nor), do for (JiicraatowV Jane 20. lat 4050, Ion U8. 1 A British bark, showlag tellers UfLS, Irom for Magualena Ray Cal, March tt. lat 57 01 S Ion 7o 23 W. An Amerieuq bark, showing letters WTMP, steering W, ! May 23. lat 48 S. lou 3!< W. A brig, showing letters "BLFH." from ? for Han Francisco. May 3. lat 4 S. Ion 20 W. .-rhi J S IliC Adams, bouud west, June 25, 50 miles E of Sandy Hook. Schr Adelia (of Aanaoolls, SB), bound south, no dale, lat 41 lit, loa tti 15, NOTICE TO MERCHANTS AND CAPTAINS Marahaat*. shlpptag agents aud shipmasters are Informed that by telegraphing to tha HiUld Loadoa Bureau, ad dressing "Bennett. So. 40 Fleet street, London." or to the Paris oilca, addressing "Bennett, 81 Avenae de l'Opera, Parts." tha arrivals at and departaras from European and Eastern ports of American and all ferelia vessels tradiag with tha United Ittataa. tha same will be cabled to this coun try Area of charge. Captains arriving at and salting from Prench and Medl terreneaa ports will Dnd tha Paris ofHce the more eeoaomi cal aad expeditious for talegraphlng news. OUR CARLE SHIPPING NEWS. Antwykf. June 24? Arrived, steamer August Andre (Belgn Grave, Sew York. Bbistol. June 25?Sailed, schr Ueary Wlthlngton, Stona, Sydney, CB. iiOBSMCm, Jane 24?Arrived, bark Jail a Hejro (Gar), Bchroeder, Harlen. Filioortl, June 84?Arrived, ship Betoluta, Slckels, Pa ballon de Plea. ? I.iTKKrooL. June 23? Arrived, iMibu LUt Magantlo (Br). Bittenli;, Montr**!. HtlM 24th. ships Harrester, Bos worth, ud Dul Mirer, Bursley, San Francisco; Runerdule (Br), Porter, d.) (all thr?e not previously); Cbarle* Cotesworth (Br), Brows*, do; N Mother (Br), Stuart, Delaware Breakwatrr; bark Madge Wildtira (Br), Hoffman, Sandy Hook (tba latter not previously). Also (alien 24th, ship W A Campbell. Curling, St John, MB mot United states). Lsith, Jobs 24?Arrived, bark Edward Hvidt (Mar), Sor ensen. New York. Pinarth, June 25?Balled, ship Rydal Hal' (Br), San Francisco. Pltmoctb, June 25?Arrive*, steamer Pommerania(Qer), Schwensen. New York for Hamtxirg (and proceeded). Qcukstown, June 24? Arrived, steamer Illinois, Shack ford. Philadelphia for Liverpool (and proceeded). Southampton. Jnne 24?Mailed, steamer Colombo (Br), Laver (from Unlli, New York. WKATHBB BBPOBTT. , Falmootu. Jane 2S, PM?Wind E, light: One. Uoltiuo, Jnne 25, PM?Wind NN E, fresh and dear. FOREIGN POllTS. Fathkk Point, Jmie2f>?Arrived, eteamer Manltobani.Br), froui London for Moutreul. Halifax. Jnne 2T>?Arrived, steamer* Caspian (Br), Trocks. Baltimore (or Liverpool; Nova Scotlan (Br), Rlcb ardsnu, Liverpool via Si John. Nil, for Baltimore. Qisnat-, .lane 21?Arrived, bark Norma, Baraecker. Grangemouth. [Pkb Stxaxir Cm*a. at Bosto*. I Ahdrossas. June 11?Hailed. P W Cochrane. Mlramlefcl. Bn.risT, June 12?Sailed. John Lorway, Lorway, Phila delphia, Kkistoi*. June 12?Arrived, Oliver, Emery, St John, NO. Burdkai'I. June It?Arrived, Lauretta, McDonald, Cbar lotteiown. PK1. Sailed fitb, Loul?e Charlotte, Hansen. Quebec. Has*kin. April 20?Sailed. 1'retuler. Mciiilverv, England. Cor una PA. May IS?la the Koadx, Ch*? U Southard, Beattie. for Havre. Dkai., June 12?Arrived, Yarra Yarra, Bugge, London fer New York (and proceeded 13th). lv'th, Albertlue. Brown, from St John, NB; 13th, Ariel, Doane. from London for Halifax. Dvnimi *, June 10? Arrived. Loboramus, Adair, Darien, tie , 8 B Hume. Dlggins. St .Inltn NB. IHsmbr, June 12?Sailed, Chae Purvis, Small, New York. Ulabuow. June 13?Arrived, Slate of Pennsylvania (a). Knight, New York. UmkknovK. June 13? Arrived, Lake Michigan, Lauiout, Montreal. II iRTLtcmot.. Juan l<>?Arrived, fonder, Oisen, Darien: I.eunataj, Danielsea, Pensacvla. I'o.tu KO*u. to June ??Arrived, Nearcbus, I'earse. Car did. Ki/rkachkk. May 15?Arrited, Charlotte A LittleBeld. Carver, Cardiff Li'ikrooL, June 12?Arrived. Freeman Dennis. Fletcher. I! avre. Sailed HKh, Boa*. Jacohsen, Mlramielil; 12tli, Granger, Doane. San Pranclaco; Hex Baleenth. New York: 'Inree Brothers, Cumiulngs. ilo; 13th, J * Beard, Robinson. Klo Janelm; Kijrn. Laraen, New York; Stnatsruad Broeii, Ura? seu, Klchmond. Clear -d I2tli, Ro<? Bonheur, Rnlls, Ottebec. London. June 12?Knt red out, Hudson, Knight, New York; l#th, Kalfaele, Savareie. do. Lmtii, J une 12?Airived, Aquiia, Watlusching, PblladeL ** I.VNK. June 12?Sailed. Kate Howe, Riley. Philadelphia. l.iMkkJi k, Jane 13?Sailed, Syringa, Trefry, Philadel phia. Mnrraosu, June 11?Arrived, Bnston Vale, Anderson, New York. Jnne 11?Sailed. E L Partridge, Partridge, Cadix. N'rvsr. .Tun* 12?Arrived. Arianna. St John, NB. Pl.THotTB. Jane 12?Arrived. Maaltobait (si, ]>ondon(and left for yurhecl. Poolk. June 12?Arrived. Scotsman. Malow, Prince Kd ward Island. (ji t-sxarowx. June 11 ?Sailed, SJolbn. lor llla?gow; Jo hann* Marg*rcth*. for Stockton : l.Uli, Alrnon Bird. Drink water. Sutton II ridge. Kkval, lune 4?Sailed. Jacob A Stamler, Crvstall, New tork 'and arrived at EUtiiure loth . Svi\iia. June 1U?Cleared. Dnppel. Montreal. St S axaikk, J un* 8?sailed, lie ?t Vltmne. Canrin, Far nandina Wvxrita, Jan* 1?Arrived, Cirace E Caen, Sheldrake, Reval. Qt'tKNnrowN, Jnne 12?The t'a'ie Clear. Tupman. arrived here from Sau Francisco, louleu vnh Inst. wbilat at an chor in (his harbor, by the Clansman, James, cooling In from Trinidad, ami bad spankcrbonm carried awsi, c ?o> panion dam-veil. Ac; the Clansman had topgallaittrail and : maiurail spll:. i>t sbai.k. .lune 13? llrig Mentor (Mori, Knadsen. from Boston, arrived off in the bay yestenlny; she will remain there to he lightened and theu com* lu. Wgt.La, June 12?Fl?b*rmen belonging to thin port, re port that a vessel, supposed to bo a Targe steamer and re i-entlr ?uuk. Ilea 4 taiies NIC by N trom the Hell Bnoy, with two masts upset and f?*t to the wreck, floating at low water. Her crane. Willi galvanised cliaiu altiched. was also seen 3 lect above water at low watrr slack. Ilcr spars are aright, of I*' Inches diameter. She lies in lOlaihoai* of water, and in tbe navigation of ?mall vr?sels. [P?.a Sttaukr Cm or Hsiiun | ANIWKKr, jsut 14-Arrived, Jennie B. Shearer, Monte, video. Sa led from Flushing Bonds 11 tit. Mary P Kitchin, ICitch In. England; Hjuka'i. Hansen, Quelier. AnanoaaN. June 14?Sailed. Kldderkirk. New York. Iliiriit, Jane It?Sailed. Alice Koy, Mtliamie, New York. Harrow, June 14?Arrived. IVavo tjucru, Wilson, Rali Hkkuxn, June lO? Arrived, John L Dimtnoek, Miller, New Orleans; lltb, i^lpug (?) Hotfinan, Baltimore ; 121b, Haaowr in. Huabeck, New Orlean?. Hhiton Fiiibv. June IS? AiriveU, Julia A Merrill, St John. .VB i?0!?ton. Jane 11?Cleared. Mio Oneta, Delaware. UoatiBAt I. June IO?Arrived. Lauretta, MeUonal*. Char t louetosrn; l?b. KseeleiOT. Batted 10th, Lee Bom Plilt, Domu. Hew (Mnm; Ami r?l Tegetbol. Toraick, Mlramlcbl; 13tb. Lilian. Busball, (Vim Breton. CAkntrr, June 1:>?Arrived, Canada Ball*, TlsdaU. Lm< don. i Com. /una It.Iflalled, i hnuopbrr Colamb**. BalUmora. Cabtmauiuu. J una ft-Salted. Oeorgw. Peabedy, Wkite, Cadis. Duvkb. Jawe lS-Paaaed. II aula E Tapley. Tapley, Point l.obos for Hamburg Arrived 15th, Colombo is). Laver. New Vork far Hall. Juaa lli?Sailed, Mariel. Holder. tit John. nicsua. J una !4-8?W, O racial la, F.apalaad. Philadel phia Ialmoi'th, Juna 13?Arrived. Nesutan. Brown, Lobo*. ballad 13th. Kllphulet Greeley. Watts. 1.1 varpool; 14th. ? V II ('lamout*. London. Pa?-ed tne l.izard 14tb, Agnes Sutherland, Sutherland, from Ri-val forfaidltf. ULOCCItSTKK. Jane 13?Sailed Lorenco Cogolito, Peggi, Philadelphia; Nth. Baltic, Herwlg. Mlrimachl; Mary Law ton. Oliver, Cap* Krrinu; knk-a, Fionnin. New Vork. lil.Ascow. Juue 13?Mailed, Oeorgir Sheppard. Rich, Mlra mlclil iaud ?ailed from Greenock 1 r>t. (JKKKNOVK. Jane 13? Arrived, Abeuaa Graasort, Montreal: 14th, Hoilvla (II. Small. N*w Vork; 15tb. Drag*n. Thoin ai?r:, Wilmington. I'leared 14tb. tValdeuaian (a), Montreal. Gihhaitab. June ??Arrived. Lucie L Blade. Daabar, Maw Orleans land ciaarcd tor (ieB iai. Hitrixu*. June 14?Off. Chat Purvu, from Dunkirk (be New Vork. lltMoarr, Jan* 13?Sailed, C V Blweil. O'Brien, New York. Cleared 13th, MiritHarib. Hardrat, America. Hambi#ku, June 10?Arrived, Uoetba (*), Meyer. N*w York. Balled 12th. Bertba Bahlruha. Wllachky, (Quebec. IIavbk. June 13? Sailed. Bristol. F?s?ett. Bandy Hash T Golden Rule. Morse, do : Oarolina, Cook. Miramiclil. lAVKHrooL. June 13?Arrived, Celtic (?), Uleadell, N*w Vork; lttli. Bertha. Pot*. Naw Orleans; Dominion (?), Roberta, Ouebec: I'tlh, Kuglaud It), Tbompeon, New York; lOlh. Freiierica A Carolina, Lafviagren, Galveston. Sailed 3tb. Rota Bonheur, Bull*, OuehM; Regla. UltM, New York; 14th, llugucunt, Bra*. Philadelphia; Italy (?), Webster. N*w York; Mississippi iti.fLindall, Montreal. Ac: Tliornlilll, Haynes. Baltimore; Herb*rt Black, Treat, Val paraiso. Cleared 13th, King Cenric. Betts. Bombay; Agantyr, * lite ii. Dilbousl*. NB: 14th. Raaper, Poole. San Francisco. (ill I'ulnt Lynas Uih, Lincoln, Irorn Liverpool for Phila delphia. Utuoa, June 13?Arrived, Albertln*. Brown. St John. NH;14th, Rnlgl. Menaatcrl. New Orleans; island Home, Smith, St John. NB; Jupitrr. Dayman. Baltimore. Cleared 13th. Marietta W, Potrata, Delaware Breakwater) 14th. Khlue, Metson, New York; Franeetoo. Caalellats*. Philadelphia; Anotbuker Dieting, Segebnrtn. Sbediac. Entered out Idth, Canada (?i, Sumner, New York; Port land. Smith. Quebec, Ic. Lo.ndonds Bar. June 13-8ailed, Harv*st*r, Peterson, Baltimore; Flora, Kloater. Quebec. Limerick. June 14?Arrived, Jotaf, Ivaueicb, New York. Xituin, June 12?Sailed, ltangalen. Onweband, Boa ton; lath. Cut id. Crant. Plctou ; (ieo B Doane, Coming New York. Malaga, Juue 7?Sailed, Eiliog, Swondren, Naw York. Niviastu, June 13?Cleared, Bucephalus (of St J oka, NB). for Krgasterla. Ntcwsr. Juue 13?Sailed. Hawthorn, Maw York. Nbwpurt. June 14?Sailed, (ireaban (ti. Mace, New York, Plymouth. Jnn* 15? Arrived. EI*auor, Steele, Cnarlott* town for Qneenttown. Pkxauth. June 13?Sailed, Alice, Dyer, Padang. Pompiciikkby, May 111?Sailed, llatti* U Hall, Carta* R*uilon. Ot'kK.isTDW*. June 13?Ballad. Seminole. Holmes. Dnbllai PaciUc. Liverpool; Hermes. Button -. Klc. ardo Terjo, Ooolei Cmustadt, Hull; 14th. Risurretlone. Plymouth; l&tb, James E Ward, Nawow.le; Zeuobla. do; Artuoula, Uloucetter. Rottskdaii, Juue 13?I'lcared, Advocate, Spicier. Eng land. SH1KLU3. June 13?Sailed, Chelydra (t), Philadelphia; 14th. Ttrapitco San Francisco. StLLOTtt, June l'J?Arrived, Agder. Uelnertsen, Philadel phia via Ouecnstuwn. SuiiO, June II ?\rrlved, Aretbata, Oillie, St John. NB. St Vimckht, June 11?Paused. C I Punch (s) Eaudjaa. from Bueuos Ayres for Corunna and Antwerp (since arrival at Oi. Bantajcsbb, June 8?Arrived. K*as*tt, Downing, New York. Swabika. Jnn* 13?Put back. Ecouomlit .or Quebec. Cleared 13th, Henry, tor Qnebec. Bbcnhachbx. Jane 11?'The Uoethe (t). from New York, which was aground at Subulau, got afloat yesterday evening and proceeded up. Liverpool. June 14?The Americana, from Sheerneaa fat St John, NB. hex put in her* to day, haviug sustained data age to julzenmast. AMERICAN PORTS. BOSTON, June 2!V-Arrived, brig Lucy W Snow, Hall Hoboken; achrt J O Babcock. Babcock; Isaac Rich, Stndlay, audJohu Karnum, Tracy, do; K B Kvertuan, Floyd; Wu Wller, May. and Sarah Wood. Hickman, Philadelphia: Eleanor Van Duseu, Oodfrey, and AnuidaC It. Hail Ale? audrla; Calvin !? Baker, Baker, Baltimore; Boston, Nicker sou. Port Johnson. BALTI MORE, J line ?-!.%?Arrived, steamer* John S Sbriver, Wood, Philadelphia: Wm Woodward, Young, New York. BANOOlt, Jnue 23?Arrived, scbr Watchman, Pendletoa, New York. Cleared?Schrs Harbinger. Dodge, Newbnrg, NY; John 0 Smith, Jones. Oreonock (Scotland. CtiARLKBTON, June 22?Sailed, barks Teletnach (Nor>. Moller, London; Constance (Bri, Jenkins. London. Off the bar Bark Laura Emily (tar;, Juhntou. front Liv erpool lor Bull River. DANVEK8, Jnne IB?Arrived, tehr O M Porter, Porter, Philadelphia. 23d?Arrlveo. tchr Sarah Clark, OrlSin, Philadelphia. GALVESTON. June 20?Cleared, scbr* Clara U Loud, Thompson, and Johu. Hughes. Pensacola. UREENPORT. LI. June 21?Arrived, tchr Anadir, Win tort, Riverbead for Albauy land tailed tame day>. Arrived 17th. tchr Ida A Latham, Potter, N*w Bedford (and tailed 19tn for Georgetown, DC). NEW ORLEANS, Juue 24-Cleared, steamer Haitian (Br), Watson, Liverpool; bark Elliotts (Br), Rnmbelloa, I .on dun; brig Ktperanca (Me*). Sancho, Vera Crut. Paxsks. June ^4-Arrived, steamer Algiers, Hawthorn, New Vork ; >chr (ieo M Brainerd, Rockland. Balled?Shlpt Baden, lor New Orleans; Western Empire, do. NEWPORT. June 23, PM?Arrived, tchr* Little David, Bradley. Port Johntoa; Anton Brown, Miller, Perth Amboy for Hyannlt (and sailed AM 24th); sloop Mary Elliabeth, Lewis, Hoboken for Dean I sport. Also arrived, schit Artist, Forrester, Somerset lor New York; John Rtndolnh, Parker, Mew Bedford for do; Ripple, Brown, Martha's Vineyard for do Sailed?Bclirt Martha May. Vroman, Green port: Chariot L Lovering, Seart, Hoboken for Cantreville, Man; tlOof Wm P Huat. Deery, New York for Boetou. Also sailed, -chrs Oliver Atuet, Babbitt, Providence toi Geortretown, DC; Daalel Brewn. Emertoo, Fall River foi uo; Flight. Wilton, do for New York: Hunter, Fly, an4 Sarah W Blake. Btiggs, Diirhton for Pooghkoeptle; Wn Voorhlt, Goldsm th, ProTidence for Haverttraw; Veranda. Pond, do for New Vork; Lkcy E Snow, Marblehead for do( Ney, Chase, Fall River for do. Returned?Schr Mary li Mifflin, Ken-It. Warren for Hubo< ken. 24tb. AM?Arrived. sebrs Charger, White, Koudout; Abkl Wesson, Uray. Calais for Pbiladolphia; Congress, Wlllard Bath tor New York. bailed-Sclir J I. Cotter rBr), Nutter. Tor St John, NB (towed to sou by steamer HI rem Bender). The wind bound vessels are mostly going oat thi* AM. wltb a light S W wind. PORT TOWNSKND, Juue 1G?Salle*, ship Clara <Br>, Sampson. Melbourne. PHILADELPHIA. June25?Arrived, steamers J W Ever man. Piatt, Richmond; Centipede. Miller. Bolton; MIIIvi 11*. Keaner, Mlllvllle; acbrs Orvetta, li-wey, Cat Island; Nellie, Collison. do. Also arrived, ileantr Pennsylvania, Harris, Liverpool. Sailed?Steamer Equator. PORTLAND. Me, June 23?Arrived, brig Addle Halo. Sbepberd. t'hiladelpbia; echrs Ada F Whitney, Masters, do; Ioua. Coombs, New York: Grace Cukhlng, Hamilton, Boa dout. Cleared?Bark Harriet F Hunsey, Darrah (not Shaw). Bowling (Scotland) ; brig F H Jennings. Malioney toot Young), Haiaiia; scbr Nellie CUase, Uantall, Kennebec, to load for New York. Salted?Harks II K Hitstey, Glacier; scbr Edw Waits. Bclir C .1 Willard, for Philadelphia, want to sea 22 d. 2 >th? Arrived, sclir M K Bawley. Smith, Amooy. RICHMOND, Jone 24?Arrived, bark Klld (Nori, (IftaMO, New York, to load for Europe; brig Livingstone (Uaaj, Fisher. New Yurk. Idg for Kin Janeiro. Sailed?Scbr Annie Burr. Simpson, Elslaore for orders. !?AN FRANCISCO, Juno 17?Arrived, ships Commodore. Hastorf. Port Ludlow; Freeman Clark, DwiglU. Departure Bav; barks Adelaide Cooper, II awes, Port Ludlow ; J B Bell. Kevell. Sestt.e; Amethyst. Betas, Bel.lugbam Bay; Wm 11 Uawlev, McUuire, Port Madison; Eureka, Wallace, Seattle; brl. Deaton, Calhoun, Port Discovery. Cleared?Bark Modoc, Chrlstiansaa. Port Towasend. S illed-Hark Forest ijueea. Burns. Port Ludlow. SAVANNAH. June 'Jf? Sailed, scbrs Jos O Stover, New Tork ; G W Holt. St Jobn. NB. SALKM. Juue 2M?Arrived, scbr* Alpine, Marshall, tad Clara Smith, Packard, Ellsatwlhport. ' VINEYARD HAVEN, Juno 23?Arrived, brig Maniaallla, Calais tor Providence; scbrs Modeaty. Hallo well Tor New York ; Mary Weaver. Cedar Orovo, Me, for do; A Hammond, South ttardlner fordo; Wm A Morrell. Plymouth lor dor Annie V Bergen. Mary Riley, and J M Carter, Bowdolabau for dn; Oresa Wave. Bangor for do: Oceanus. J Clark, an4 Margaret A Luey. Katb for do: Copia. Usurers for do< KatleJIIoyt. Dtesdan. Me, for do; T Benedict. Portlaut fordo; Wm Thomas, Pocbauet. Annie K Stevens, lieo W Jewett. and Lucine, Gardiner lor do; Frank B Colton, Lis sle Cochran, and W elcome K Hoebe, Richmond, Me, for do t'sar, for do; AM Aldridgo, snd John Stroup. Richmond. Me, for Philadelphia; Cbas E Smith, and J Hearty. Hallo well lor do Also arrived, schrs C J Wl'lsrd. Portland for Philadelphia; Joliii S l>etireier, Augusta fur do; Mabel Thomas, Bath foi do: Theresa Wolf, tlariliner for do; Nellie Crowell, How doinliam Tor do; Je?ne Knight, and Mattlo R Taher, Rich* niond. Me. for Baltimore; Frank Atklas, Swan Iiland fordo; Elite J Simmons, Plttston, Me. for do, Amos Edward, aad Wui F Phelps,(la'dtner for Washington: llatletoa. Hyaanil for Georgetown, DC; E Nicker son. Iloston for Norfolk; Lit tie F Dow, Richmond. Me, tor Richmond Va; Joeeph W Allen, Salem tor Staten Island: II P Ely, Now York, to die> charge. Sailed?Brig Wild Horse (Br); scbr* Henry Davey, Kllea Merrymau. II S Marlor, White Foam, Chaa U Raymond, Uangala iBrl, and Ocean Wave. 24th?Arrived, brig Isio. Pblladelpbla for Boetoa: scbr* Oli us W Mor-e. Hath for Now York; Imogene. Bostou fordo; Commerce. Spruce Head lor do; Lark, Belfaet for Beach Haven. NJ. Sailed?Brig Isio; schrs Win Thomas; Chas W Mors*, Modesty, A Hammond, Oc?anus, and Katie lloyt. WICKKOBD, June 23?Arrived, scbr H*lsn, Searl*. Ito boken. 1ACMT9. * 1'ICAMtMIATM. 4(C. VBl 'LAROK ASSORTMENT OF BOAfs KEAltf ToB salo. Orders received by T. DESMOND, Boat Builder, W Front st , between Oouvarneur aad Montgomery at*.. New York. AM-IU" hoats7all KINDS AND~*fz?S. hYooH ? Oars metallic Lll*buau, cheap. 3f? South st.. aeae Uouvernenr slip. STEPHEN BOBBRTK. A -STEAMSHIPS, STEAMBOATS. TUU8 OF ALL ? vises; Steaiu Yachts, Ferryboats, Freight Propellers and steam vesn I Property In general for sale by FnKU BBIl K ?' BCUMIDT, No. I South William st. T' I'KntknnTal"boat biiop, 26i soith st.. five JX luinutos from Wail St.?All kinos of Hosts. Order* re ceived. GEORGE ALEXANDER. Agent. AT THn. OLD ESTABLISHED PLACE, SO 4 mT Water st., near Catharine Market-Metallic and wo. den Boats. JuHN T. SMITH, formerly with IngersolL FlOB SaLK-THK HKACTIFIL AND KaSTSAI LI NO sloop Vacm Breese, of about :*) tons bunion. For particulars apply at the office of J AS. W. HICKEY", No. C East IHth at. OLOOI" YACHT "LICILLK TO~"cU ARTItK, WITH > J crew* to parties ?r gentlemen or lamlllcs. Addrow NOBLES. 21 Christopher st VI LAKGhr-T ASSOHTM EN T AND T'HRAPKm* Heats iu the city. kL'tiENK DALY, 234 aad 235 south si. WTANTKlC-TO CHARTER- FOR ~A~TWO " WEEKS* v t cruise, a Sloop Yacht about STi feet long: also service* of SaHing Master. Address, tilting full particulars aad loer est terios. H. B., llerald office. VrACHT FtIK SALE.?THE FABT sVlL!NO Msuor yacht Maggie B . 44 tret li ng, full rigged and In conpte<? order. Apply on board, lout ol t:nuri St., Brnoklya, tar bat days. rpiiK 1 Be HIMtBlil.ANKODk. Absolute uiVokck* iihraI.nko kkom'iHfWuC ?at State,, tor uumrrous causes, without paMisilf; logal every where; uochar^tla advaace; isdvioe lr*a. d. HOUSE, Attorney. 1IN Broadway. AS<"I I TK niV.iRi KS LBUAL hVMtYWMEHK, OB taiaod w thout paot'olty; terms satislactors . ad flat Mi i tsanaaloe eiUu i - - ?1? _ m,, - ? -