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THE DEMOCRATIC ML A Canvass of the Choice of the Delegates to St Louis. TILDEN'S STRENGTH. New England, tie South, the Northwest and the Paeifie Slope for the Great Reformer. HENDRICKS- CHANCES. Old Bill Allen's Slim Buckeye Body Guard. IS IMCOCK THE DARK HORSE? Bayard's Chevaliers Doubt His Availability. THE SHADOWS OF THU1HAN AND DAVIS. We have taken I ha trouble to ascertain the political ?lews anil Presidential prefcrencos of tho delegates to St Louis, which we bare printed from day to day, and Bow, on the eve of the meeting of the Democratic Na tional Convention, we have summarized the Informa tion so carefully gathered, and this morning we place It before onr readers in compact form. ALABAMA. DSLSOATS* AT LARGS, >S rit Set: und Third Choice. Cluic?. C'.otcc Walker, L. P Tiluen - None Nono Lungdon, 0. C Tilden None None tfborier, Eli 8 Hendricks None None Morgan, John 1 Tilden None Noue. DISTRICT DSLKtl ATKS. Armstrong, U. C.... huncook None None Arriuglon. J. N Ttlden Nouo None Caldwell, H. M Tildun None Nono Clement, N. N Tilden None None Haudley, W. A Thurmsn Nouo None teller, A. H Ttlden None None Kyle, K. B Thurmsn None None Lyon, F. H Tilden None None Mctiuire, John Tilden None None lloren. K. H Hancock Nono None Pelt us, K. W Tilden None None Icott, C. S Tildeu Noue None icrewB, W. W Hendricks Nono None tnodgrass, John.... Hendricks None Noue Itausell. M. L 'lilden None None R'utltins, F. Tilden None None Mumary ? IS lor Tilden, 3 for Heudricks. 2 for Han lock and 2 for Thurman as first choice. No sccond or Unrd choice. ARKANSAS. This Stato hu a ntu delegation appointed by the Blultt Convention as iollows:? OIUKAIU AT I.AKUB. Gerdan, Andersou. Reynolds, W. W. Loughborough, J. M. Rose, U. M. Maiiguin, U H. Royston.U. D. Mitchell, Jaines. Turner, It O. Hector, H. II. Jr. Turner. Jesse. Reynolds, D. H. Will mini, B. D. DISTRICT DKLECATKK. Izard, V. B. Jones, M. L. Joyce. James, McCabo, John D. MoGavock, P. G. MeGuier, U. H. Martin, R. W. Matthews, 8. J. Minor, Charles. Mitchell, U K. Mitchell, J- P. Moore, W. R l'arks. W. P. Patterson, J. H. Pettlgrew, J. K, Pindall, L. A. Reagan, W. O. Scott, John R. H. Smith, W. Speers. J. B. Sumpter, John J. Taylor, Gtorga. Wilson, J. P. Witt, A. R. mmmaby ?These sixty delegate* will determine the Will ol me State and select twelvo of their number to represent it In the Convention. The delegation rotes M a unit and will probably support Tilden. 'cAIjrOBHIA. OXUtOATBS AT LABOK. J-\rtt Second Choice. Boge, J. P Tilden Euglisb, J. S........ Tilden lay lor, Clay W. Tilden Hu*er, John S Tilden Baber, M. 0. Baylis. ?. H. Bradshaw, James E. Bunch, Bradley. Butler. Jamea W. Caldwell, William X. Carter, W. A. Cale, W. H. Collins, Benjamin. Cornell, John. w'owall. John. Dinsiuore, A W. Doswell, F. Dunham, J. S. Kuiersou, Satnnel H. Parrls, a. p. Fiuclier, Tnomas. Pranklin. Samuel. Frolioh, Jacob. Unrrelt, Q. Goodwin, Hubert Greenhaw. G B. Hewn, John W. Hughe*. John L. Choice, None None None Nose DISTBICT DBLSOATkS. Third Choice. None Node None None Baldwin, P. D Tilden None None Say, Armaud Tilden None None Cornwall, (>eorge N. Tilden None None Dumpby, W Tilden None None Bayes, John Tilden None None Hull, C 1? Tildeu None None Moultlne. J. A Tilden None None Bogera, George H.,. Tilden None None ."I'MMARr. ?Twelve for Tilden as first choice bp in structions. No second or third choice. CONNECTICUT. DSLBOATBB AT LARGS, >'i nt Second Third Choice. Choire. Choice, Burr, A. E. Tildeu Hoard Nene lugersoll, C. M Tilden None None l,i>niais, Francis B.. Bayard Tilden None batnuiu, William H. Iiideu Bayard None COUkTT VkJ.MU4.Tttn, Art-old. Isaac Tilden Bayard Hendricks Klines, Thomas Bayard Tilden None links, Richard S... Bayard Davis Tildeu Hubbard. It. D Tildes Bayard Hendricks Huuter, Kdward C.. Tilden Bayard None Hunter. John L..... Tilden None Nono Morru, Bright Tildeu Bayard None Pherwood, Henry... Tilden None Nono Nummary.?Nine tor Tilden and 3 tor Bayard an first choice, For second choice Tilden has 2. Bayard 8, Davis 1. and 3 are undee.tded For third choice 2 aauounce themselves for llesdricks, 1 Is tor Tilden and 0 are undecided. COLORADO. TUB statu AT LABOR. Jh\rst Choice. Titden Tilden Tilden Tilden McBrlde, Samuel... Marshall. P. J Martin, D. J Patterson, T. M..... Williams. A. J Tilden Wusou. Adair Tilden Simmabt. ?81 j for Tilden as first choice. Some of these, however, may cast their vote for another candi Srcond Choice. None Noue Nono Nuuo Nuso None Third Choice. None Nod* None None None Noae DELAWARE. TMB STATS AT LABdS. firrt Choice. Pray, George Bayanl Hall, Johu W Bayard Martin, Edward L... Bayard Hicbardj, Charles & Bayard feulsbury. liovn Bayard Wliitely, William G. Bayard Srcond Third Choice. Choice. Tilden None None None N<>ue None None None None None Tilden None Si-mmarv.?Six lor Bayard as first choice. The dele gation lias no second <>r third choice and only two of lno delegates, who are lor Tilden, would consent to In dicate a preference. FLORIDA. BBUCGATKS AT LAROR. h'trti Srrnnd Third Chinee. Choice. Choice, Sary. L. Q. X...... Tildeu Hancock None Stanley, G. A Tilden Hancock None MeKinney, J. H.... Tilden Hancock None Harris^ T. J Tilden Hancock None BIBTMIlT OBLSUATKB. lioggett, A Tilden Hancock None Hartrldge, J. K Tilden Hancock None (Festoon, Johu Tilden Hancock None Vuiee. C W Tilden Hancock None Svmhabt. ?Bight tor Tilden as drat and ft lor Has lock as.second cnoice. OEOROIA. DtLSCATBS AT LAB OX. rtt .Second Choic*. Choir*. fmitfc, lames M.... Tilden Bayard IVoitord, Jens W... Tburman Tilden Barnee, Ge>>rge T... Bayard Tilden Lester, K K None None BISTSHT bRLSOATBB. llell. H. P Doubtiul Nose lilauiord. M. II... .\ Doubtful Bo wen K. C Tilden Carlton, H H Bayard l>u hose, Charles A. Doubtlnl Port, Allen ........ Tildeu Kail. J. 1 Bayard Mo well, K. P Tilden loho'on, W. O Bayard Jones, J J Douhtlul MrArihnr, W. T.... Doultful N iruls, J. C Doiibtili Pace. J. M Doulitis! Payne. W. M IKmbtlsi Predion, J. W Doohtinl luruer H. G Doilbt.Ui Waruer, Obediah. .. Tilden Tosng, P. M. lhiubtful None Mayard None Nose Bayard T ilden Bayard T tides None Nose Nose Soot None None None Hendricks None Nrae None Third Chotce. Nose None None None None None Noae None None None None None None N'>ne Noae None None Nose Nose Nono BoasusT.?Firs for Tilden, 4 tor Bayard and 1 for Thai-man u first choice, 12 being doabUuL The Stat# I* estimate by oar correapoadent us lollows:?Tilden. 11; Bayard, 10 and Tburnian 1. Por second and thira choice si la indicated that Tildea and Bayard change pUCML Illinois. DSI.KUATCH AT LABOR. Fi rrt SrrtmA Third Choice. Choice, Choice. Allea, W. J Hendricks Derm Tildea W mstoa, P. H TiIi'bu Hendricks Darts H if bee, C. 1. Tliden Nona Nona Dunham, Charles.... Tilden None None DISTRICT DBUKiATBS. Butter worth. Thos.. Davis None Noaa Chauey, a P Hendricks Tilden Nona Chittenden. 8. P.... Tildeu Tildeu None Crawford, J. C Davit Tild n Nona Cummiags, L. P.... Davia Hendricks Nona Drake, J. 3 Tildea None Nona Dull, J Davie None Nona Cilia, David, Tilden Hendricks Noaa Kpler, J. K Tildea Heudricka Nona ?wiag, J. S Davie None Nona Forsyth, Joha Davia Hendricks None Puller, II. W Tilden None None Greene, W. D Tildeu Hendricks None Gerrard, W. M Hendricks None None Habiett, J. T Davia Hendricks Nana Hathaway, M. W.... Tilden Hendricks Nona Hayes, a. S Tildeu Hancock Hendricks Herriogtou, A. X... Davis None None Koerner, O. A Tildea None None Lee, John S Davis None None Lteb, Herman...... Tliden Nouo None Macaughtry, T. H... Davis Hendricks Nona McCleraaud, J. A... Tilden Hendricks Nune MesveubolT, W. H... Tilden Davia None Mitchell. W. H.,.... Tilden None None Murray, T. B Hondrlcks None None O'Hair, Williams... Hendricks Noue None Oug, J. K Davis Hendricks None 1'iuney, D. H Davia Noae Nona Keddick, W Davis Hendricks None Kicbberg, JobaC... Tildea None Noue Smith, Herry H Tilden None None Terry, E. H Davis Hendricks None Vau Horn beck, G... Hendricks Nona None Wall, G. W Hendricks None None Welsh, W. K Tilden None Noue Wbittaker, C, H.... Tilden Hendricks Parker Worcester, L. K.... Tildoa None Noue 8ommart ?Twenty-oue (or Tilden, 14 (or Dsvls sad T lor Hendricks as first choice. Per aecond choice, scatterag preferences. INDIANA. DIUUATKS AT LABOB. Pint Second Third Choice. Choiv*. Choice. Kerr, M. C HeoJricks Nque None Hanuii, B. W Hendricks Nouo None Mnuson, M. D...... Hendricks None None McDonald, J. B Hendricks None None DISTRICT OMLKUATSa. Armstrong, A. P.... Hendricks None None Armstrong, Thomas Heudricks None None Bernard, D. P Hendrickn None None Cobb, T. B Hendricks Nono None Dailey, D. B Hendricks None None Klder, J Heudricks Noue None Ewing, Cortez Hendricks Nouo None Gurvui. Thomas K.. Hendricks None Noue Hurd, P. I Heudricks None None McDonald, Daniel... Hendricks None None McDowell, J. P Heudricks None None McGaughey, Samuel Hendricks None None Mitcbell^Joba Hendrioks None Noae NelT. G W Hendricks None None Ncwlknd, Klijiih.... Hendricks None None Roberts, O. H Hendricks None Noue Hyan, J. B Hendricks None - None Sausbury, J. W Hendricks None None Spesuer, M. B Hendricks None Noue Stoil. Johu B Hendricks None Nona Taylar^Samuel H... Hendricks None None Voorhees, D. W.... Heudricks None None Voylos, s. B Hendricks Noue Noue Weiborn, D. M Heudricks None None Williatn9, J. S Hendricks Noue Noue Winterbotbam. J. H Hendricks None None Scmmakt.? Thirty for Hondrlcks as first choice. N* second choice, this being Hendricks' own State. IOWA. DSLBOATKS AT LAROK. First Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Montgomery, B. F.. Tilden or None Nona Hendricks Trimble, H. H Tilden None None Ham, M. U Tilden None None Pinch, D. O Tilden None None DISTRICT DRLXG ATX8. Ainswortb, U L.... Tilden None None Allison, J. P Tilden Noue None Auuersou, T. J Tilden None None Baker, I). M Tildou Noue Noue Bowman, T. L Tilden None None Day, I'etor A Tilden None None tltaihntn. C. M Hendricks Tilden None Hendersboi, U. B.. Hendricks None None Kmne, L. G Tilden None None McKettrick, 0. W,. Hancock None None Miller, G. Tilden or None None Hcndrlcks Monroe, A. J Tilden None None Stone, W. A.., Hendricks 'lllden Noue Thayer, K. H Tildeu None None Waiuwright, V Tburman None None Williams, Jacob.... Tilden or Noue None Hendricks Wright, G. C Tilden Hendricks None Yesgor, Ed id and... T Iden None None SrvnABT.? Seventeen for Tilden as first choice, some of them being doubtful, and 3 equally favorable to Hen dricks^ others name Hendricks as first choice and 1 for Haucock and 1 lor Thornton. >'or second choice 2 Hendricks men are ior Tilden and 1 Tilden man for Hendricks. KANSAS. S1UOATSS AT LA lull. First Secona Third ' Choice. Choice. Choice. Hcndrlcks Allen Noue Hendricks Allen Kuno Hendricks Allen None Hendricks Allen None DISTRICT DXLKGATKS. Bennett, W. V. B.... Hendricks Allen Hancock Burrhard, G. W Heudricka Davis Alien Davis, J. L.......... Hendricks Tilden Hancock Donelson, Samuel... Hendricks Noue None Iaiwc, 3. O.Hondricks Noue Noue Palmer, S. N Hendricks None None Summary.?Ten for Hendricks as first choice. For second choice, 5 for Allen, 1 lor Davis, i for Tilden and S undecided. Por third, 2 ior Hancock, 1 lor Allen, the rest undecided. KJtNTUCKT. Shannon, Wilson... Blair, C. W Eaton, Isaac Taylor, Joseph W. DXLXGATKM AT LARCH. h"irst Second Third . Choice. Choice. Choice. Brockenridge,W.C.P. Bayard None None Kice, John M Hcndrlcks None Noue Watterson. Henry... Tilden None Nona Mactien, William B.. Allen Hendricks None DISTRICT DRLXOATKS. Bigger, J. M Hendricks Allen None Brown, A. M........ Tilden Burton, P. A. Tilden tiusb, William M... Tilden Cbenaslt, A. T. Allen Cunningham, W. A. None Desha, Lucius Allen Dishmau, John Allen lloern, George P.... Tilden Duvail, Alviu Tilden Oaitlier, Nathamol.. E.Uou Garrett, James B. Gravea/hlugene. Hoke, W. B. Markiey, A. J. Heudrlcks None None None Hendrieks None Hundricks Noue None None Hendricks None Hendnoiu None None Noue Hendricks Bayard Tilden Heudrlcks Hendricks Noue Tildeu Hendricks Noue Hendricks Tilden Noue Hendrieks Tilden Bayard Martin, Alexander.. Allen Hcndrlcks None I'erk^ Benj. P.... Tilden Hendricks None Perry, Kad Tburman Tilden Bayard Sbackeliord, James. Tilden Hendricks Bayard Yeamau. Malcem... Tilden Heudrlcks Bayard Summary.?Ten for Tilden, 0 for Hondricks, 6 for Allen, 1 lor Bayard, 1 Mr Tburman, 1 old man for fclaton and 1 undecided lor first choice. For second cboioe Hendricks bas 12, Tilden 4, Allen 2, and S are undecided. For third choice Bayard has 4, Tilden 1 and la are undecided. LOUISIANA. DRLSOATXS AT LAROR. Third Choice. None Hancock t\rst Second Choice. Choice. Wickllffe, C. 0 Tilden Barard, Thomas C Bavard Tilden Murr, K. H Tilden Kiud, K. C Bayard DISTRUT 0RLS0ATK8. Brent, J. 8 Tilden Bayard Corkem, J. B. Hendricks Tburman Garland. Henry L.. Bayard Tildeu Guode, P S Tilden Jeilries, James Bayard MeConnell, James.. Tilden Mellon, J. J Bayard MitcbviL, H. C Hendricks Thurman Moncure. John C... Tiidrn Hendricks Nun* I'.pes, W H Bayard Tilden None Tobin.John Tilden None None St. Martin. Louis... Tiidrn None None Mcmmamt. ?Kight for Tiidos, ? lor Bayard and 3 for Hendricks for first choice. In second choice Tilden bas 0, Bayard 4. Hendricks 2, Tburman 2 and 2 are unde cided. A number or delegates name a third choice, but without a decided pretcrene* mm Hendricks Thurman Tilden Hendricks Hendricks None None Heudrlcks Noue G't L'nk'a None None Bayard Tilden Bayard Tilieu DXLKGATXS A* LAX OS. First Choice. Anderson, S. J Tildes Wall. Samuel. Tilden Leavitt, S. D Tilden Hill, P. W Tilden Second Choice. None Nouo None None district drleoatm. None Hastings, D. K lllden McLellan, W. S Tildes None Pintthaui. U. D Tilden None Kedman, John R... Tilden None Hit h irdfou, K M... Tilden None Kicker, John S Tilden None Kobmion, A. U .... Tilden Notie Sbaw, Tun. M., Jr.. Tilden None Small, Arthur Tilden None Smith, Samuel K... Tilden None summary? Fourteen for Tilden as first second or third choice. MARYLAND. DXI.KOATkS AT LARGS. First Snond Choice. Choicer MrUie, Robert M.. liayard Tildeu Horsey.Outerbridgc. Bayard Hancock C'armioliael, KB... Bayard Tildon Wilson, Kph K...... Bayard Tilden DltrniCT I'KLSOATKA. Archer, Stephenson. Bayard Tildes HsSkS K. * -- - IUnp4 TiMn Third Choice. Noue None None Nose Nona None None None None None None None Noue None choice. No Third Choice. Hendricks Tilden Hauc?ck Hancock Hendrieks Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Hancock Tilden Htud ricks Hancock Chapman, A. T. Hendricks Tilded ?enner, (ieorge.... bayard Tilden Gala, W F Bayard Tilden Harwood, 8. Bayard Tilden Johnson, R. D Hendricks Tilden Mark land, W. F.... Bayard Tilden l'earae, Alfred Iiayard Tihteu Slater, R J Iiayard Hancock Talbot, J. V. C Bayard Tilden Turner, J. J B?yard Tilden Summary.?Fourteen lor Bayard and t for Hendricks as first choice. Second choice for TUden sad thud for Hancock. MASSACHUSETTS. MUtOATSS AT LAM* First Stcvnd Chuic?. Choice Choic*. Abbott, Joalah G..? Tilden None None Avery, Edward...... Tilden None None Collina, P. A Tildes Hancock Hom QUI, G. W Tilden None Mono DISTRICT USLBOATBS. None None None None None Nono None Mono None Nono Nono Nono Nono Nose Hendricks Nose Bird, F. W Tilden Oarleton, James H.. Tilden Olapp, Frederick W. Tildes Clerk, Charlea G.... Tilden Cebb, Philander..... Doubtful Dacey, Timothy J... Tildes Doherty, Michael... Tiliiun Donnelly. Hagh Tilden Rstabrook, James E. Tilden Nono Nono Frotblngbam, Itlcb'd Tildes None Mono Gaylord, W. W Tilden None None Haggett, A. A. Tilden None None Harwood, N TIKl?n None None Hathaway, Nicholas. Tilden None N6no Morse, Leopold Tililen Nono Noue Murphy, Patrick.... Tilden Noue Mono Norton, Michael..... Tilden None Mono Power, Jamea. Tilden Nono Mono Quackeubusb, Cabra Tilden None None Reed, Edward P.... Doubtful Nono Nose Ropes, CbarleoA... Tilden None None Vorry, George F.... Tildes Nono None Summary.?Twonty-foui for Tilden as first choice, 3 betsg dosMftl Second and third okoico not Indi cated. mjchigam. dklsoatss at laros. Webber, Willis* M. Mills, Merrill J. White, Peter. Chamberlain, Hear?. OlSTRiOT UKLKOATNU. Bancroft, Win. 1* Montgomery, M. V. Blair, Juinoa Sunt, Frederick A. Bnggs, A. O. Norton, J. D. Brown, A. G. Kedfleld, H. C. Burroughs, J. L Ryan, Edward. Copeland. W. A. Shoemaker, M. Manter, Edward. ' Slinson, T. O. Maxwell, A. C. Turner, G. B. Monroe, George C. Wattles, John M. Summary.?The delegation ta quoted 16 for Tilden asd 7 lor Thurman as llrst choice. MINNESOTA. THX STATU AT LARCX. First Second Third Choice. Choict Choice. Bock, C. F Tilden None None Back, Daniel ... Tilden Noue None Castle, J. N Tilden Noue Nono Doran. Michael Tilden Nono None Lee William........ Tlldon None None Mckenna, J. H Tilden Noue None Mealey, J. P Tilden Hancock Nono Norria,JohnP Tilden None None Skinner, G. E. Tilden None Nono Wilson, Engene M.. Tilden Hancock Nono Bpmjlarx.?Ten for Tilden os first choice. MISBISSIPPL BSLBGATSg A* LARGE. first Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Festherston, W. 8.. Tilden Nono Nono Lewis, A. E Tilden Mono Nono Walthall, E. C Tilden Nono Nono Houston, LookE... Tilden None None D1STKICT UKLBQATK8. Allen, R. H Tilden Noue None Baldwin, L. W Tilden None Nono Banks, James O.... Tilden Nono None Barksdale, W. R.... Tilden Nono Nono Clayton, A. M Tilden Nono Nona Hampton, Wade, Jr. Tilden None Nona Jaruiguu, H. L. Tilden None Nono Johnston, Frank.... Tilden None None Pre welt, J. C Tilden None Nono Saflord, R. C. Tilden None Nono Smith, J. W Tilden None Nono White, T. W Tilden None None Summary ?Sixteen for Tilden as first choice, by In structions. Two or tnree of the delegates express a personal preference for Baysrd. MISSOURI. Third Choice. Tburmau Hancock Hancock Tildoa Hendricks Hendricks Hendricks Hendnck* Tilden Hendricka Bayard DBLKOATKS AT LAROR. ? Pint Second Choice. Choice. Woodson, Silaj Hendricks Hancock Hardin, Charles H.. Hendricks Tilden HulcUiub, SillUou... Tburman Tildoa Spannbumt, H. J... Hendricks Thurman MdTBICT DBLBdATMS Alberson, A Thurman Tilden Alexander, A. M.... Hendricka, Tilden fc'?flur?-^n Anderson, K. S Thoruian Hancock Tilden Autbony, A. W..... Tilden Hendrloks Tburman Cullen, Matt. J Broadbead Tilden Hendricki Doniphan, A. W..... HendrickaTburman Bayard Kdwards, J. C. Hrodnead Tilden Hull, Thomas'G,.... Tilden Tbnrman Lamb, A. W. Tburman Tilden Lancaster, R. 0 Brodbead Hendricka Tildaa McHose, Abraham... Brodbead Hendricka Thqrman Mc Michael, J. N Hendricka Haacock Thnnaaa Moore, K. C Tilden Thurman None Moore, Joseph C.... Tilden Hendricka Parker Morchoose, A. P.... Hendricks Tburman Bayard Muntord, M Hendricka Tburman Bayard Nelsou, J. K Hendricka Tburman Bayard Newman, D. A Tilden Hendricka Bayard Newmau, I)aYid..... Headricka Bayard Tilden l'riesi, John 8 Broohead Hendrloka Thurman Keese, K H. Hendricka Bayard Tilden Slayback, A. A Brodbead Ti den Hendrteka Wade, W. A Hendricks Thnrman Bayard Walker. I* D Hendricks Tburman Wiaby, Joseph Tilden Thurman Yates, J. B Hendricka Hancock St mm art.? Fourteen lor Hendricks, 6 lor Urodhead, 6 lor Tilden and 4 lor Tbnrman as ilret cboioe For second cboioe Thurman haa 10, Tilden 8, Hendricka 6, Hancock 4 and Bayard 2. For third choice Hendricks has 7, Bayard 7, Tilden 8, Tburman 0, Hancock 2, Parker 1 and 1 la undecided. NEBRASKA. *mb btatb at la Bar Firtt Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Bear, Alexander .... Tilden Tburman Nona Caator, Tobias Tilden Tburman None Harmon, F. D Tilden Tburman Doollttle McDonald, Charles .. Tilden Tburman Noao Schotield, O. B Tilden Tburmun Noue Miller George L. Tilden None Nona Summary ?Six for Tilden as first choice. For second choice 6 or* for Tburman and 1 undecided. One delegate la for Dooliule as third choice. NEVADA. TU BTAra AT LAROK. t\rii Sctvnd Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Bvamsey, J. A. Tildeu Tburman Nono Ueunls, John B Tburman Tilden Hendricks Kllis, A C Tburman Tilden Hendricks Fall, John C Tilden Thurman Hendricki Kuneen, John C Tilden Thurman Nona Kelley, K. E Tilden None None summary.? Four for Tildon and 2 fbr Tburman as drat choice. For second cholcc, S lor Tilden, 8 lor Tburman and 1 undecided. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Taa BTATB AT LAROB. First Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Bailey. Edward C... Hancock Nona None Cummlngs, Win. H. Tilden Nona None Hall, Latayetta Tilden Nona Nona Harrington. E. W... Tilden Nona Nona Luke, Gustavus..... Tilden Nono None Metcalle, H. U Tilden None None Moulton. John C.... Tilden Nona Nona Parker, F. A Tilden Nona Nona Putnam, George F.. Tilden None None Sulloway, A. W Tilden Noue Nuno Summ-ary. ?Nine ror 1 ltden and 1 lor Hancock as flrsl choice. No second or third choice. NEW JERSEY, DBLEUaTKS at LllOl Fir ft Second Choice. Choice. Abbott, Leon Parker Tildon Mtockton, John P... Parker Bayard McGregor, John.... Parker Tilden Roe*, Miles Parker Tildon DISTRICT IIBLBflATKS. Ackeraoa, Oarreu.. Parker Tilden Beckman, GeorgoC. Parker Tilden Covle. Calvin Parker Nona l>odd, David Parker Nona Doyle, Patrick Parker Nona Hoagland, John K.. Parker Tilden Hopper. Joba Parker Tildon Kays, Thomas Parker Tilden Ljverty, Patrick H.. Parker ? Tilden Kabe. KndolplioF... Parker Nono Smith, A. J Parker Tilden Vroom, U.D.W Parker Bayurd We*icott, Kbenaser. Parker Tilden Tatea, Joseph W Parker Tildca 8QMMABT.? Klghteeu for Parker as Drat second cboioe Tilden has 12, bayard 2 decided. Tbara la no third choice NEW YORK. MLBUATBa AT LARUIL Fint Choice. Kernan, Francis.... Tilden PorsheiBMT, WilMam Ttldcn Murphy, A. U Tilden Hewitt, A 8. Tildon Andrews, Robert E. Benedict, tS. T...., A. M B>?ebo. George M.. Belmont, August. Second Choice. Nona Tilden Nono Nona DraTRirr dblboatrb. Tilden Tildon Tilden Tilden Non-com mittal n.-sch, Allen C Seymour Brown. J. K Seymour llookstaver, William Tildaa Carry, Cb*r>ea L.... Tilden t nilds, C, S. Tilden Cooper, Edward.... Tiuiea C'uyier, Georgo W... Seymour Cooke, Frederick... Tildoa Cex, S S Seymour Davids, George W... Bayard Dean, Gilbert C Tildes None Tilden Nona Nona Nona Ttldea None liayard Nona Tilden Tilden Hideo Third Choice. Nono Tilden None Noue Nona Nona None Nona None Noue None None Nona None Nona Nona None Nona ahoiea. For and 4 are en Third Choice. Nona Tilden None None Noae Tildaa None Nona None Nona Nona Nona None Tilden None Tilden Hendricks Thorn Nona Nona Nono None Dounelly, Edward Non nony- ? ? initial Fox, John Non-com- ? ? mi Mai Olowsckt, N Tilden Tilde* Tildes Arts wold, John A... TUden ? ? BallidAy, a O Tilden Hendrloks Nono Hill, David B Tilden Bavard Hammond, 8. H C It arch Tildes Jacobs, John C. Tildes Tildes Jones, B. B Tildes Hose Kelly, Jobs Nob com mittal Nose Kissella, Thomas... Tildes Mono Kiugsley, William C. Tildas None Litilejoho.DeWiUC. Boy moor Church Laphatn, U. H. Tildes Bayard Laning, A. P. Tildes None Manning. Daniel.... Tildes None Marbla, Ma'nton.... Tildes. None Mackin, J amen Tilden Tildes Magone, Jr., Daniel. Tilden Tilden Manning, Gilbert... TUden Nouo Ottendorfer, Oswald In douM Tliden Olney, Peter B. Tildes None Oakley, J <mea. Tliden None Pryor, Roger A...Tilden Bayard Pierce, James 9.... Tliden None Peek bam. K. W Tliden Nona None None Tilden Nouj Noss None None None Noue hi u no Nona Nono Noue Tildon None Nono None Nose Nono None Nono Buyard or Hendricks Tilden None Noue llendricki Nono Parcell, William Seymoor Charcb Porn ell, W. a Tilden Tilden Parsons, J. Roweli. Tildes Nono Ruaaall, Win. V Tildes Tilden ltuggle.4, Wm. B.... Tilden Bayard Ro&b, Charles N.... Bayard Nono Roberta, Wn.kB.... Non-com- ? ? milial Russell, a W Tlldeu Tildes lllden Sbaualiaa, James... Tilden Seymour Bayard ML Johns, 0. 13...".. Tilden Nono Nouo Sawyer, Wm. H.... TUden Nono Nona Smyths, Frederick. Non-com- ? ? mills 1 Schell, Augustas.... Non-com- ? ? initial Stevens, Jamos Seymour Church Tilden Taylor, J. J Tililen Hendricks Nono Torrance, Crrenioa. Tilden None Nona W< st, Do Witt C.... Seymour Church Tilden Waldo, A. B Tliden Noue None Weed, a M In doubt Tilden None Wairath, C. A. Seymour Bayard None Wickham, Wm. U... On the leuuo Nouo Nono Wtlkesson, Alfred.. TUden Tildes Tililen Whitney, Wm. 0.... Tiideu None None Youmana, Wm Tilden None None Scmmakt.?First choice as follows:?Tilden, 48; Sey mour, y; Bayard, 2; In doubt, 1; oon-oommlttal, 10. ? NOBTB CABOLINA. DSLNGATKH At LARGS. >Yr?i Second Choice. Choioc. Ctingman.Thomas L. Allen Nono Green, Whaiton J... Bayard Thai-man Tilden Bayard Third Choice. Nono Hancock or Parker Hendricks Nono Bayard Hancock None None haucock Hendricks Parker Tburmaa Nouo Tilden Nono Tilden None None Noue Nono Nono Hendricks Thurman Haucock None Nouo None Nono Short, Henry B Bayard Cameron, Paul C.... Black DISTRICT DKI.EOATKB, Battle, James S.... Hancock Parker Dortoli, William T.. TUden . Hardy, Washing. M. Hancock Kirchser, F. W Bayurl Latham. Charles.... Bayard Little, Benjamin P.. Hendricks Bayard Manning, H. E. T.., Bayard Nouo Muthes, George M.. Tilden Myrorer, G. M Bayard Shaw, J. D Thurman Shober, Francis E.. Best man Skinner, Thomas O. Hendricks Bayard Staples, John S.... Bayard Hancook Tato, S. McDowell.. Tildon Parker Webb, Thomas Bayard Tilden Withers, E. B...... Best man None Summary.? Eight Tor Bayard, 3 for Tildon, 2 lor Han cock, 2 lor Hendrloka, 1 lor Allen, 1 lor Black, 1 lor Thurman and 1 undecided (or first choice. For second choice. 4 are lor Bayard, 3 lor Tilden and 2 each lor Hendricks, Hancock, Thurman and Parker. For third choice 13 are undoclded and the rost divided between tho favorites. OHIO. DELEGATES AT LARGE. Firtt Second Third Choice Choice. Choice. Pendleton, Geo. H... Allen Thurman None Ewing, Thomas. Allen None None Morgun, George W... Allen None None O'Brien, William L.. Allen Thurman Nono DISTRICT DELEGATES. Armstrong, Wm. W. Thurman Heudricks None Atberton, Gibson... Allen Thurman Hendricks Baker, Jacob Allen None None Biughuw, E. F. Thurman T!iden None Brown, WiUlamS... Thurman Hendricks None Buei, P. B T liar man Alien None Cartler, A. G .Allen Thurman Hendricks Chapman, H. J Allen Thurman None Collins, LC Allen Thurman Western man Com ins, A. H. i Tburman Davis. K. A. Thurman Ester, J. M Tburman Kinll, James A Allan Glafee, Isaac.'. Allen Higgiua, 1'. W.,.... Allen Hoffman, Silas W... Allen Hook, George W.... Allen Howard, William... Allen Hunt, & L Allen l.e Blond, K. O Allen Lee, E. B Allen Lincoln, Goorye A.. Thurman Morquis, W. V. Tburman Netscher. John B... Allan Nlpgm, John A..... Allen O'Neill, Wm. 3 Allen Parker, C. 8 Allen l'axton, Thomas B.. Allen Raney, Charles J.... Tburman Ranney. Rains P.... Thurman Reeae, R. K. Allan Sevey, George K.... Allen Sbiohis, Robert Tburman Hheridan, William.. Allen Smith, George B.... All. a Spriggs B. K Tburman aiea imun, Jamas B. Allan Thompson, John 0. Allen Wbita, James H.... Allan Sdmmaat. ? Allan has 30 and Thnrman 14 lor Oral choice. For second choice Hendricks bus -JO, Tbur uau 10, Allan 0, TUden 2, Hancock 1, and & are unda - cided. ORKOOV. Allen Nona Allen Nona Allen None Hendricks None Hendricks None Hendricks Nona Hendricks None Nuna Nona Hendricks None Hendricks Hancock Hendricks Nono Tburman Hendricks Hendricks Nona Hendricks Nono Hendricks None Headricks None Tburman We*t'nman Hendricks None Hendricks None Tiiden Nono Hendricks None Tburman Noue Hcudricks None Allen None Hcndrlcki None Tburman Hendricks Allen None Hancock, Nono Hcudricks Nona Hendricks Nona ma stats at lakqs. Third Cm'not, Nona Nono Nona None Nona Nona FirM Second Choice. Chotci. Bramley. J. C Tildon Thurman Brown, k. Tlldan Tburman Gilloy, H. H Tildun Tburman Mill iron, Thomas.... Tiiden Tburman Thompson, R. B.... Tiiden Tburman Turner, J. H Tildon Tburman Scum art.?Mix for Tildan as Qrtt cbolca and Thur man aa second choice. PENNSYLVANIA. PBUGATSS AX UMI. ftrrt Second Third Choir*. Choic*. Choic?. Wallace, WlUlim A. Hancock None Nona Clymer, Heisier Noue None Nona Dill, Andrew H Hendricks Tiiden Nona North, Hugh M Bayard Nono Nono PMimrt DkLSUATfcH. Balrd, John 3 Hendricks Noue Nona Beck, John B Hancock Hendricks Nona BeltzbooTur, K. K... Tildcu Nana None Benliy, J. Anihius... Hendricks None Nona Boyle, Cbnrles t.... Hendricks Nona Nona Brennan. W. J Pendleton Hendricks Nona Broadbead, A. G. T. Tiiden Nona Nona Clark, 8. M Nono None None Cocbrun, Robert L.. Tildon Hendricks None Cochrane, Ale*. O.. None None None Corbeti, James Hendricks Hancock Nuno Dimtiiick, Win. H.. None None None Douobue, Heury.... Hancock None Nona Duulap, William B. Hendricks Nuno None Plsher, A. J Hancock Hendricks None Knllerton, John.... Hancock None None Uerker, Henry Hancock None None Guttwolts, J. V.... Hancoek None Nyna Drier, W. Hayes.... Hancock Tiiden Noue Hay, Malcolm Bayard Tiiden None Jackson, George B. Hancock Nono Noue Jolinsoo, R L Hancock Parker Nono Keaung, A J Bayard Hcudricks None Kerr, IC. L Hancock Tiiden Noae Lee, H. K Bayard Tiiden None Lowcnberg. David.. Hancock Tiiden Nono McGowau, George.. Parker None Noue McOrath. Wm. v... Hancock Tiiden None McMullin, William.. Nono None None Magee, Jobn A Hancock Tiiden None Metzger, Thomas B. Tburman Tiiden None Mlsbler, Evan Hancock A11 on Hendricka llouugban, R K.... Bayard Tiiden None Mutcbler, William.. Nuue None None Neeiy, Thomas B... Tlldan None None Nice, Decatur K Bayard Tildon Hancock Noyes, A. C Hancock Hendricks Noae Packer, R. A. None Nona None Pattoo, Alexander.. Hendricks None Noue Pearce, Thomas D.. Hancock Parker Bayard K?ndall, a J Hancock None None Randall, Wm. M.... None ? None None Read, John R Parker Bayard Nona Keilly, If Hancock Nona Nono Rootles, J. B Bayard Tll.ien Nona Roaa. George. Hancock None Nona Ryan, George W.... Hendricks Tiiden None Spang, George H.... Hendricks Tiiden None StalBmeti, i. U.... Tiiden Hancock lluy.ird Stranaban, Jas. A... Bayard Hendricks Tlldeu Thompson, J. Rosa.. Tiiden Noue None Uuley, Thomas M... Hancock Hendricks Nono Wanner, Amos B ... Hendricks None Noue Wright, Hendrick B. Hendricks Hancock None SinKAkT.?There are 21 lor Hancock, 11 for Hen* drtcks, 8 for Bayard, ? for Tildan, 2 lor Parker, 1 lor Tburman and 1 for Pendleton aa Brat choice, while 8 are undecided. These arp rather personal preferences than actual choice For second and third choice the delegates are undecided, some naming Tiiden, Hand licks or Hancock, while one or two name Parker or Allan. BHODB ISLAND. TU STAT* AT LAkUK. >V?< Choic*. Angall, A T Tildan Beach, Vol B Tiiden Uooney, John P.... Tildon Do Blois, Henry.... Tildan Pierce, John B .... Tildon Ptudley, JobnM.... Tlldan Van Slyck, X Tll.ien Ward wall, W. T. C. Tildon SvmiAaT.?Eight for ?Second T%ird Choice. Chotce. Hendricks None Hendricks None Hendrick* None Hendricks None Hendricks None Hendricks None Hendricks None Hendricks None Tiiden aa flm choice. Hendricks la the second akais* of ike dslimiM. ?OCTH CABOLINA. MUKiATn At l iim Firtt Ht. md Choice. OkwM i. Bratton, John Tilden Nona V rter, W. D Tillies Nous Aiken, D. W Tilden Nona Kennedy, John I)... Tiiiien Nono district piuuuru. Nunc None Nod* None None Nouo Nona None None Noue Third Choice. None None None None Elliott, William..... Tilden None None Kvin?, J. H. Tilueo None Nona Kickeu, Jobn F Tilden None None McGowun, 3 Bayard None Noue McLncaa, J. Tilden None None O'Connor, k. P Tilden Nouo Noue Perry, B. F. Tilden Nona None Kichardsou, J. 8.... Til.len None None Sbeppard. J. 0 Tilden None None Stanley, W. B Bayard Noue Noue Si smart.?Twelve (or Tilden and i for Bayard M Orat choiec. No second or third choice. TENNESSEE, PIUHMTN AX UUK Firtt Second Third , Choice Choice. Choice. Flemming. JohnW. Hendricks Hancock None Gardner, Jobs H... Heudrlcks Hancock. None Browu,JohnC Heudricits Hancock Nona Burcb, John C Hendricks Hancock None DISTRICT DILKOATKS. Allison, T. P....... UcadricKs Hancock None Caldwell, Alfred.... Hendricks Haucock Noue Campbell, A. W.... Hendricks Hancock None Carnee, J. M Hendricks Hancock None Carroll, Wm. H.... Tilden Buyard None Cochrane, S. W Hendricks Hancock Nono Culler, 1'. H Hendricks Haucock None Douclaon, Samuel.. Heudrlcks Hancock Noue Kwlu, W. O. Hendricks Hancock None Hi-hus, John E Hendricks Hancock Nono Kirk|>utrick, 8. J... Bust nian Noue None Murray, John P.... Hendricks Hancock Noue Newman, James W.. Hendricks Hancock None O't onnor, Tbotuas.. Ueuaricks Hancock None Polk, Marsh T Hendricks Hancock None Kieliardson, Jos. D. Hendricks Hancock None Kaddler, W. K llondricks Hancock Nouo Smitb, P. J........ Hendricks Hancock Noue Whittborne, W. C.. Hendricka Haucock Nono Wrtgbt, W. M Hendricks Hancock Bayard Scmmark?Twenty-two for Heudrlcks, 1 lor Tilden and one for the -'best man" as tlrst choice, the whole vote to be counted lor Hendricks on the first ballot For second clioico the delegation is a uuit lor Haucock. TEX\8 DBLKOATKS AT LARGE. Herndon, W. & Walton, W. M. Sextou, F. B. Clark, George. DISTRICT DBIKGATKS. Dwyer, James E. Murray. W. H. (iotidmtts, J. U. Nuuu. 1). A. * Jones, J. B. Smith. AsliboL I.i?hlIoot, W. H. Stockdale, F. S. MoCoy, J. C. Tucker, W. A. Moody, W. L. Weaver, J. A. Summary.?This delegation mast be elaseed as doubtful. The majority are lor Tilden. ? VERMONT. DKLEGATKti AT LARCH. Firtt Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Gllmttn, M. D T.lden None None Smaller, B. B Tilden Nouo Noue Ueujanun. P. S Tilden None None Kanu, Jasper. Tlluen None None DISTRICT DKUK1ATKS. Bliss, Joseph W Tilden None None Cain, John Tilden None Noue Chase, C. M.... Tilden None None Fish, George M Tilden None None Kennedy, T. B Tilden None None < W11 Hums. J. H Tilden None None Scmmakv.?Ten for Tilden as first choice. No second or third choice. . VIRGINIA. D1SLBOATKS All LARGE. First Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice, Walker, James A... Tilden Thurman None Godwin. O. J Tilden Nouo None Lee, Fitzbugh Bayard Haucock Tilden K. A Bayard Best man Nona DISTRICT DKLEOAT&S., r ? CognlU, Aston, William B .. Tilden Bocock, ThomasS.. Best man Klournoy, T. S Tilden Gunihcr, B. F Tilden Harman. M. G Thurman Hinton. W. K., Jr... Hancock Johoson, William F. Thnrman I.ainb, William Best man Mann, WiHiam H... Tilden Meredith, John A.., Tilden Neal, 3 A Hancock O'Brien, Timothy... Tilden Peyton, H. ? Bayard Prince. J. B Tilden Soutliall, 8. V Best man 8fc Clair, C. E Tilden Sutherland, W. H... Tilden Watts, William Tilden Scmmaxy.?Twelve for Tilden, 3 for Bayard, 2 for Tburnian. 2 lor Hancock and 3 for "best mau" as first choice. For second and third cboido uo fair indication of prelerence. Thurman Nonp None None Hendricks Nono J barman None Rest man Nono Tilden None Tburman None Tburman ,None 1 Best man None Thurman None Best man None None Nono Hendricks None Thurman None Noue None None None None None Tilden None ?WEST VIRGINIA. BKLKQATBS AT LARQK. Beckley, Albert. Camden, J. X. Davis, J. <1. Cotrau, L. K. DISTRICT BBLBJA.B'S. BeaU, Wilson. Kelly, J. W. Camden, G. D. Monroe, Alexander. Cresap, C. J. Sims, H. C. Su*ma?y.?This delegation must be clawed aa doubt ful WISCONSIN. DKIJCQATKH AT LAROK. first Second Third Choice. Choice. Choice. Doolittle, James R... Tiliicn Hendricks None v bmitb, George U Tildeu Nona None P.udolpb, Theodore... Tilden Hendricks None Mitchell, Alexander.. Tilden Dnvia Bird, 0. W Tilden Carr, J.I Tilden Ciarke, J. C Davis Dickenson. S. W Tilden Earu??t, James U.... Tilden DISTRICT DILKOATKS. Davis Davis Tilden Davis None None None None None Hendricks Noue or Davis Davis None Hendricks Nono Hi .13 None Nono None None None Davis None Hendricks None Haydea, H. H Tilden Hnnk y, J. A Tilden Lewis, E. C Tituen Lyman, F. W Tliden Pratt, W. D Tilden Kankin. Joseph Tilden Heed, Myron Tilden Hobmson, James Hancock Tilden Nono Seraier. A Tilden Hendricks None Vilas, W. P Davis Tilden None Wilson, William Davis Tilden Noue SmMABT.? Sixteen for Tilden, 3 lor Davis and 1 for Hancock. In second choice 7 Tilden men are for Davis, 6 for Hendricks and 1 for either, while 3 Davis men and the Hancock man are lor Tilaen. RECAPITULATION. Alabama. Arkausou Caltiornia. Colorado Connecticut. Delaware Florida (i.-orntu. Illinois ludiaua. Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana. Maine Maryland Masaschusotu .... Michigan. Minnesota Miamssippl Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. .. New Jersey Now York North itaroliua... Uhio Oregon Pennsylvania Kbode Island South Carolina [ Tennessee Texas Vermont. Virginia West Vtrxlnla Wisconsin 16 2| ? -| i *{ K Totals 3M 114 03 36 M 30 0 20 << 1' 2 t 1| ? -11? 3 10 171&& CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION. Botsius, Vs., June 94, 1874 Colonel Doncaq McDonald Llndsey was nominated for Congress by the republicans of the First Cob ?rcsstoaal district of North Carolina, at Rdenton, on yesterday, over ox-Judge Jonathan W. Afbertson, one oi the North Carolina Centennial Commissioners. The First district Is represented in the present Congress by Hen. Jeeee J. Yeates, democrat. THE 8TATUE OF LA LIBERTE. More than $200,000 hare been subscribed toward the erection ot the oo I usual statue on Bedloe's Island. The whole amount needed Is $260,000. It will require two yeers to Uaish It. M. Barthoidi, the designer and sculptor, Is bow In this country. He bears letter* from each of the French artists, authorizing him to receire and put to the credit oi the statue luad tlie $10,000 readied from the sale of their paintings lor the relief ol the sufferer* of the great lire in Chicago. It appears that when the paint ing* had been sold the Chicago Fire Belief Committee had eoncinded their labors ?nd had dissolved. When this condition oraffkirs became known the money was piuC) d en deposit with K. D. Morgan A Co., nl this elty, and it Is there still. M. Rartholdi will eensull with Mr. F. R. Coudert, President of the French Benevolent So ciety, as te the beet node of having the fund trass ftwwifc TILDEN. How the South and West Are Supporting Him. ILLINOIS LEANS TOWARD NEW TORI. Southern Sentiment on the Presi dential Nomination. ARKANSAS FOR TILDEN AND HENDRHJIQl ILLINOIS. Chicago, Job* 22, 187C The following are the views of the democratic dolog* lion flrom this Slate :? ' DELEGATES AT LAROE. Charles Dunham, Geneseo, lawyer?I am fer Tilden Urst, and beyond tbat I am unprepared to say. If Mr. Tilden cannot be nominated, I think I should proier a Wontern man, but would abide the Judgment ol ibe majority. William J. Alls*, Carbondalo, lawyer?My Brat preference is for Governor Hendricks After him I am for Judge Darts, aud laatly for Tilden or the beat 4 man.. That is as near as I can express my views. It is possible tbat on consultation it may bo deemed bail to go for aomo one wbo ia not the iirat choice of many, but we are for success, whoever is the nominee. Uuauxgkt Hiuiue, Pittaliold, Circuit Judge?This gentleman's views were obtained from his most in timate politloal friends. Ho la reported to be strongly for Tiiden, with no special preference niter him. Ho will abide the event of the Convention and act with tho Illinois delegation lor the man most available. F. H. Wisbto.y, Chicago, lawyer?I oannot giro you any indication whatever ot my preferences. I have none. 1 am cordially In favor of any man whoa* name shall be thought by the aggregate wisdom at St. Louis to guarantee success. We want success, and if It can be obtained by selecting either Tilden, Hon drlcks, Davis or any other good man I am heartily for tbat man. I have no first or second choioe beyond wliut I have told you. first DISTRICT. Jons Forsyth, Chicago?I am, first or all, lbr Davie Davis, and think him tbe best and strongeat man. Seoond, 1 should support Governor Hendricks, and lastly somo good Western man. Would aupport Tilden If nominated, but he is my last choioe. M. W. Fuller, Chicago, lawyer?I am for Tlldra and have no second choico, except to find a man who will win. But 1 shall not go to the Convention. I am not a politician, but 1 am a democrat, and will work lot and vote tho ticket. I shall send my altornato to at, Louis. He is for Tilden. BBeoxo DISTRICT. John C. Bichbbrq, Chicago, lawyer?I am for Tilden. but my views are largely controllod by a preaent bellel that ho can carry New York. If I can be shown that he can't carry New York I shall oppose him. I eaa give yon no Information as to a second or third choico. Six months ago 1 was far Tilden against all others, bnl my views are liable to modification. S. S. Hayes, Chicago, lawyer?My preferences stand in the folloiAng ordei:?First, Trlden; second, Han cock; third, Hendricks or Davis,, I am lor Tilden, bo cause he is a man ot well known ability, aud I think ? has the greatest strength. THIRD DISTRICT. Hermann Lieu, Chicago, County Clerk and editor?I am (or Tilden first, and ihall greatly deairo and nrge his nomination. Hia selection would Insure t< lie democracy the support of the Gorman element to a greater degree than any other. I have no choico bo* twecn the other candidates. Pekrt A. Smith, Chicago, lawyer?I am decidedly in favor of Tilden, and have no other choice. Should ho be unsuccessful I shall cheerfully support tbe nomlnoe whoever he may ba. Mr. Smith is regarded as tbe special repreacntativo ot Tilden upon tho delegation. a. FOURTH DISTRICT. A. M. ukreivoton, Geneva, fcwyir?First choice, David Davis; second choice, W. M. Evarts. Undecided as to third choice. Thomas Bcttbrworth, Rockford, manufacturer? Reporter failed to see Mr. Butterworth personally, but he is known to be la favor of Judge Davis for Presi dent, and he has no special choice after him. PITCH DISTRICT. W. H. Mitchell, Freeport, banter?I am for Tllden all the time against the field, and have no seoond choice. M. D. Hatuawat, Rocbelle, lawyer?I am flrst foi Tildea, and as long as a possibility of his success re mains. Socoad, for Hendricks. No third choice, but preler a Western man after Tilden. sixth dibtbiot. W. h. MisiMKor, Princeton, loan and Insurance sgent?My preferences are to tho following order:? First, Tilden; second, Davis; tblrd, undecided. J. S. Drakb, Rock Island, editor?My first choice is Tilden. Alter him I am not very strongly inclined to any particular candidate. It may be that it will not be advisable to support Tilden throughout, but will have to await events. SSVXJiTIl DISTRICT, William R<DMCK,]<a Salle, farmer?1 am not for TlUtcn. We want a Western wan, and I shall supper! Davis flrst aad then Hendricks. I). H. Pisrbt, Jonet, lawyer?My flrst choice fx s msn wbo can succeed. Think now that Davis Is th< best man. Have no second cholee, but prefer a Westers man. EIGHTH DISTRICT. Johatoax Duff, Pontine. lawyer?My preference is Judge David Davis. Secondly, have no personal choice, but want a Western man. J. h. Due, Lacon, lawyer?My pretorences are flrst, Davis; second, Hendricks; third, the most available man, and from the West if possible. XISTH DISTRICT. a p. Ccmmimgs, As.oria, merchant?I have no pref erence whatever between candidates, and shall expresi nune nil 1 get to St. Louis and see what the feeling is. Mr. Cumminge' friends say be will go for Davis or Hon or cks in preference to an Eastern man. Jons 3. Lie, Peoria, lawyer?# haven't any flrst choice, nor any second choice. I don't know who I am lor. Can't teiL My people are Inclined to favor Judge Davis, but 1 don't know what 1 shall do, but will likely derer to wishes of constituents. TS NTH DISTRICT. C. H. Whitakrr, Macomb?1 sm a Tilden man and shall support him ilrat, Hendricks next and Joel Parker as third choice. Dr. D. A. Ellis, Augusta, physician?My in I choice Is ftovoraor Tilden. If be Kbonld /ail my second choice is Governor Hendricks. Have no third choice. XLKVBtTH DISTRICT. S.. R. Chittsmpkn, Mendoa. merchant?I am for the nomination of Tilden, ana while he Is a candidute 1 have no second choice. LnvsE. Wukcsstsk, Whitehall, County judge?Am strongly in favor of Samuel J. Tilden for the Presi dency. Have not considered upon a seoond choice and cannot say until occasion requires. TWBLFTH district. Johh A McClkkkaxd, SpriDgOeld. lawyer?My choice and that of my people is strongly ler Tilden. railing to nominate him 1 should he for Governor Hen> drioks. Have no further preference at present. Jambs M. Ki-lbk, Jacksonville, lawyer?My Drat choice is Samuel J Tilden. After him I am for Hendricks or any other good man. Can't say now wbo woald be my preference tor third choioe. TUIRTBtXTH DISTRICT. Jambs S. Ewnro, Bloomington, lawyer?I am lor Da Tut Davis Jrst, liuitsnd all the tima JamksT. Hoblit, Lincoln, lawyer? My flrst choice ii DavU and prefer him to others. Second 1 am for Hen dricks and alter him for some Western man. roctTium district. E. S. Tbbrt, Danville, lawyer?Am for Dsvie flrst over sny man in the nation. Cannot say wbo would b? my second choice, but probably Heudncka Do nol favor Tilden. Tbomas H. Macocuhtbt, Tuscola, lawyer?I am quits undecided ?s to choice for Presidency. Think a West* era man like Davis or Hendricks would suit our people best, but will give ao opinion which nought commit nss against aay man wbo may he nominated. nPTBtUTB DISTRICT. Dr. W. M. Garrard, Lawronoevtlle, physician?I have nothing to conceaL lain for Hondrick* so long sa he has aay saow. If he rails, snail go for some good Western man. William 8. O'Hair, Parlf, trader?I sm for Hendrleta. He Is it?e choice of my district. Am undecided ss to second and third choice. butbrktr district. T. & Morrat, Vandalia, merchant?Am for Hea* dricks lor #r?l choice, as are my people. Can't tell who next, bet preler a Western man. No particular tblrd choice. G. A. Vam Hoorbrkke, Csrlyle, lawyer?We are for Governor Hendricks flrst, and some good man, probably lr?m the West, after him. Have ao poeittve pieMNM lor seeoatf choioe. sKVRsntaxra aunticr. "? A. Kobrvbs, Belleville, lawyer?We are, la my district, strongly Tor Tilden. He te my choice, lava no second choice. W. R Welch, C.irlinvilie, lawyer?My eboieetsTU. den. Have no aecond choioe. BIUMTBKXTB DtSTRICT. Gsnaos W. Wall, Du quoin, lawyer?I really have ao pre eminent first choice. We want seaeas% and I am undecided wbo is the best and strongset man; cannot give yoa my flrst cboic* Mr. Walfa eolleagues Mate that he is lor Ueadrieks lift add a Weetert