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iriUATlOai WASTKD-fEMAIiEI. 19 Cooka. Ac. 3 BAST HTII ST.?A YOU BO WOMAN AS COOK, w??h?r and ironer; bast city reference. Call or address. 17TH " 8T (PRESENT KMl'LOYKIt'i) -A lO M.v wish0> to procure -Ituatioas for three good lirli; ona u good pluin cook: the others *? chambermaid and ?atirtu and oftaiubermaid and n?at sewer. 1 x ' MAST 3UTH~ ST. (PRESENT EM PLOYKB'S).?A 1') respectable girl a* cook iu lbs country; boat refer ?MM WEST 4KTH 8T.?AS OOOO PLAIN COOK; OITT referencrs. Can tia soen at last employer's. ncT WEST"lTT11 ST. ? A 8 COO) COOK IX~aTpRI. U*J val? family, beat city refereme. OQ "WEST I'tTH S T. -X RE SI' EcTtaKLP TOUXCJ (JO woman to cook. wash and Inn ; would Ilka to go to lb* country: food reference. 9Q WE?T 13TH ST.?TWO RKsPUCTaBLK WOMBN. ' sisters : one a? KO?d plain cook and tba other 111 |<u4 laundress; or wpnld do the work of a small privet* family; city or conntry; mod city reference. io WEST 22D 8T. <p: h SN r~EM P Lo Y E R~8). - A Xw competent iritl to cook and assist In the washing, in this city; well recommended. ~ WATM~?T?A 8 PI, A IK OOOK. WA8X1BB ANA Inner; city or eouutry: itood reference. 50 RfJ WBBT IHTH 8T.-A8 KIK8T CLAIM COOK kj e thoroughly competent in all branches; will assist with trashing; country preferred : beat city reference. QO ~MAD1SON AV.?A RESPkT;TABLB OIHIi AH erO rood cook; understands ber business. Can be ieea U present employer'*. he CLINTON PLACit?AB~(WOK IB A REKTAC rant or hotel-, city or couatry: Rood city rofer?nc?. Y/17 WflHT 20THll?.^A PROTESTANT'woMANXs J."' I cook or to do general houiework In tbe city or adantty; Rood reference*. fl 0"wR5T^iTl! ST.?A BBBPECTABLB" TO UNO ilA woman as first class ook or only to assist with the washing; best city reference. l'lQ~W7ST JtiTH ST.?AS ooor> PLAIN COOiT: LxO willing to assist with tbe washing; five years'city references. 11 (4 East 24TH ST. (PRk5eNT EMPLOYBK'R) A 11'' yoang girl as cook, washer and Ironer in a private raroily. m~ WBST 1UH 8T.-A8 COMPKTENT COOK; gpud baker: willing to assist with the washing and Ironing; bait city relerenco. m ~EA8T ?ITII "ST?A LAD?"dBMBeS TO OB tain situations for two girls; one a?cook and lann. dram; the nth r as c ?m her in aid and waitress or chamber maid and nurr-e; both willing to go In the country for the summer. 137 1*)f* WEST 19TH ST.. SECOND FLOOR.?AX EXPB w" rieneed woman na first clasa cook: understands Conking In alHts branches: best city relerence*. 1 ill WEST IBTII STTsECOBD~K LOO B.?AH OOOD JO I cook; excellent haker; no objection to the country; best citr reference. I'JO WKSt'ToTU ST ~ REAR. ?A RKSPROTABLE ? J woman nt cook. wa.hcr and Ironer, city or country; food city reference. ~ EAST ISTII^T-A"VoT-"x6~;1ri7as"c6oK; can he recommended by present employer. 1 y| Q EAST 3-JD ST.?A RESPBCTaRLI YOU NO WO. man as cook: la willing and obliging: no objection lo a private family or 11 private boarding honse; ha* liest ?lty reference. Can for two days. IffO WEST~1fYrif ST-A toUno"WOMAN AS^OOOD A' cook; excellent washer and Ironer; no objection to the country; cltv reference. 1RQ ^1 :-'2D 1 ?t.Ha"bespEctablb woman'am first e'a?t cook; is an excel'ent haker In all its branches: city or country; first class city reference. OA A WEST 241'II srT. TOP FLOOR.?TWO OIBLfk one as Rood conk and to asvlst with washlni;: the other ?? chsmhermald and waitress la private (bmily ; city er conntry: two years' reference. 0()Q WEST41 ST8T. -ARB8PECTABLKGIBLTO5o plain cooklnp, washing and Ironlntr. or gencyal housework ; good city reference. Can be seen for two days. Oin EAST a.lD ST.?AS ('OOK; I'NDBRSTANDS ?il*> maaketiiiK and can take tho entire chargo of a kitchen: bast elty reference. 9"! "I WKST29TII ST.-TWO SISTERS TO OO TO ull g' theri one aa good plain cook, washer and Ironer, the other as clr mberntaid and wnitress: good r Terence. 91 WEST "?4 Til ST., "CORNE R H ROAD WAV.?A Zj J U respectable woman to cook, wash nnd iron ; city reference. 9{)fi NAUISON AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'**.?AS good rook snd baker by an experle need woman who I* an excellent manner: inikes good soups, gravies ?nil bread: is en excellent meat cook: reference. noA vhfkt 18TH sr.?a BEKPKCTARitS yobho ?t?AT irir! nn poo I cook and a first clan washer and Ironer best eitv reference. 221 WRW 87TI1 ST.?A BFSPKCTABLE OIRL TO cio ire ueral housework: city roforenco. f)})A f>Tll AV.?A COMPETENT WOMAM AS Dl\ ner or order cook In a hotel or restaurant; refer ence*. cyt)A WBBT "2D 8T. (BINO BASBWRVT BELLI.? ^ As good plain cook: linderstnnds bakln?: is a first class washer and Ironer: no objection to nsslst with the housework if required; no objection to the country. Can beseen for two dtys. ()?j7\ EAST 1?TH ST. (PRE9KNT FMPLOVKR'sT^ A respectable girl as first class cook, washer and Ireiier. Ot)A OHRS8TIK ST. ROOM 5"-TWO OBBWAN girls: ou? to help a* ennk. the other to do iraeral imteework In a restaurant or hotel: city or country. !)<?/? BAST 2XTH ST.?AS FIRST CLASfl COOtf{ tiOl) will do tlie washing and ironing; good city refer IMS 246 248 9QQ WEST S'D ST.-A COMPETENT YOUNU wo &*Jri man as first class Fngllsh cook in a private family: ihorouahly understand* het business In nil the branches of snnKlnir: would assist with washing; best city reference Irara last place. WK*f?S!> HT. -A R E8PE OTA BLB WOVAN A3 cook; city or country: go d rity reference. west aorn bt?a?~c6okI wash f. r and Ironer In a small private family: good references. ifTnT "'^sT S2D ST.?A YOCHO AMERICAN' WO. s ?/ man a?eook: willing to do coarse washing; no ob jection to eo lu the country. 9 Cfi 7TH a"v.-a compbtbnt woman" ah "cook nml washer u a private family : no objection to a private boardlnsr house ; iiood city reference. ilfll) STH AV -A LAOV CHVINO~TP HOrgRKEEF 4-/U--J ing wishes t.i find places for an excellent cook, a laundress (who will assist with other work) and a girl to lake oare of children and sow. Applv for three days. f)L>7~WEST 4Mr HT.?A GERMAN QIBL AH COOK 4-i 'II or to do general housework; city or coaotry; city reference. QQQ 3D AV!7STORE -A RESPECTABM! WOMAN as eood cooV and bread baker; would assist with washing; city o* country; no objection to a boarding house; go-d city reference. Csll for two days. QAl trrn AV ? A REsI-KCTAHMTyoIWO WOMAN ?W1 as good cook: no objection <o assist witli washing sad Ironing: best city retereuce. Q1?J EAST 6TH Vt.. FIRST FBOMT.?A OJ ?? Danish girl aa cook or tp do general housi-wnrk In an American family. NIKLS05, !>Q1 EAST &0TI1 ~ST.. THIRD FLOOR. FBOVT 001 room ?A respectable yonng girl as cook, washer Mid ironer or wonld do g n?r 1 housework in a small privato lamlly; one year's best relerenee. mjtjfWMT 28TH ST ? A YOUNO W OM AN Aft "OOOD tJ')<) coek and good baker; excellent washer and ironer; ftoi city reference. K A8T -J.-.TH ST.?A YoVSWQM AN A8 OOOD O C""k: city or chantry; good references. 338 355 EAST 5HTH ST ?K RK^PECTtPLE OfRTi AS plain rook, wash- r and Ironer; elty or country. Tn<f west"?mi sf. two rtiuMnf ibv'ilokf.J. tU" A respectable Scotch woman ns good plain cook, ?rasher and ironer. Call tor two days. ijfOA BAST l?t!l IST -A RESPECTABLE WiIMaN r iT as c?.od cook, to assist In washing; good city rer irtnre from last employer. < 17 WBsffeTH St.. THIRD FLOOR.-A SI 'Habla girl as <took. washer anl lroni three years' reference from last place. :4J I speetable girl as <took, washer an l Ironer In a ftali family: WEST 3I8T HTr~AS (lOOU COOK ABD TO assist with the we hing. Ring th- bell. 430 434 WBHT SID ST.? A RESPKCTAHl.E OIRL AB eoek ; no objection to the country: good reference. *D AV.?A PROTFsTABT WOMA* AS FIRST class cook: country preferred: beet reference >1 OQ_WEST 49TH ST -A " RES^Erf A RLK omiTTs TO'' gasdeookln a private family: understands all Made of cooklftg: Is a good baker; will do the coarse wash lag; heal city reference. _____ ________ __ objection to aesist with the washing. 136 457 enc WE-T 33D ST?TWO UKSI'ECTAHLE tilRLH, to go together: one to cook, wash an it Iron ; the s.her as chambermaid and w itress; best reference; elty or toantry. jrlTTwest s rn st.-two bkrpectable vorjto ttlJj gtHs: one good plain conk, washer and Iri^in-r: the other aec ^ amber maid and uarse; good city references. Calf for two daye. ?t'n AT. HEAR-*TTI? St., TMIBJ) flilfllL* On t A gond Freach cook In a private family; no objee* ll'<ns to tlio eountry: g?od rity references. f?h* 3D At.?A YOt'NO OIRL AS ~ IRKT CLASS O?/?./ codk. washer and Ironer; elty or country; best city refers nee from las| place. Q/'/\ lt> A~f. COUXER WTH ST.. TOP FLOOB,?A OOU respectable glH, with city rsfsrsnees, as cook, arasher and Inner: city nr country. sd~av~skcTTm. floor.?a toi-no""wo" ,"IDU man ae plain cook or to do general housework-, Bo objection to the country: best city reference. 1AOC 1ST AV:~?tOBNEB ?0TTr* ST-a" COM PR. tent gtrl aa good cnok, washer aad Ironer; a splendid baker, no objection to tho country; best city ref. ?rsnce Cltantbrrmaidi. *r. 7WK8T AST II sr. (PREMBNT EM PLOT F.R'SI.? A young girl as ehaatbarmaid o* waitreaai beat city refer ences; eountry pref rred. 07~isf ST HETWKFvTkt" AND 3D AYS.?A TlB U 4 spertakle Ovrman gtrl to de upstairs work and wait log. Mrs. TllOM. 5 || #I?T irtTff ftT ?AS FIRHT CLASS ? IIAMBER T,11 matd and waitress or eh am be na a to and launilreea;ao abjection to a hoarding bouse ; city references A O WbW?6TH~sT (I'BKBKBT F.MPW>TBlr?l.-AB tO Bngilsh gtrl to do chaiaberwarfe aad ssaist witb ike waajUag or nlain sawing. en WBUt ?TTtf ST. tTRBSBNt EMPLOY?B**J.?A t'tS lady, gota# eat of the etty. wishes to secareagaod flaoe for a reliable girl ae t-hambermeid and waitress or agndresa FBBSBKf~EMPLOYl:h'S).--A cbaaiberwork aad wait antry. ll'J WEST -'0fH sf.-AX ^NOLIsTl PROTESTANT HO as chambermaid nr to do iiou.ewcfk . kind to chil dren; ae objection to the coantry. east v>f?T sf?chambkrmaIo XnT) to assist with the washing and ironing or waiting: geed eity reference C>m t>e seen at her present employer's. ESSFStB ST. PK is ENT EM I'LOTKirS^A young glri aa cbatafeeraMM and waitress; good elty re (maces. WBSt Ifltii 8t -A RESPFCTaBLE YOUHO _ gttt aa ehaatbarmaid: willing to assist la waiting; nootijactloa to tba eountry; best eity references. Csll lor aae day. HO P.ASf ?r.?D ST. PRK-K O gnod. competent girl to do lng> no objection to theVantry. 118 125 WBST 43D ST.?AS CHAMBERMAID A>D vaitreee; city rshrence. I MTPAIWII WMTTO?|r?IIAL??. I ('hnmhrrniBl>t>. Ar. 1 OO 18TU TWO FUOIITB OF RTAIRS I, ? *' Bp. frnl. ?A >nunn ilrl a? rhumbtrmalil and wait reaa ; city or country; heat reference. 1QQ WKW ?-WTH ST - A RICH I* ITT A BLR YOI7NO 1?)0 woman m clinrah?rm*id and waitreaa: U willing I* aealat with waehln* and ironin -; good city reference. 1 J /? \VRST "lOTH ST-A i-raTrKCTABLF.YOI'NO ITT' ' irlrl aa chambermaid and waitreaa "t #ne waaher; no oklectlona to the cmintrr : u? .?l city reference*, 14?t *M&Wd~*t-~a ' voir so oiht, "a* ?jha*- I f I) hcrmaln ud waitreaa; would do honeework; eity : j or country: irood oily rerererce. 1 ft7 "bldridge st~ toFf(.OMR.?A TOON*. l;R. I ( * 9 ? apertalile Oertnan artel n< chambermaid lu a amall famllr : t* wllMa In help ? itla waahlnir and Iroalnr. Can bp aaaa for three day* at har mother * realtlenee. 1 KQ~BAlt S?TM HT -\ RKSPKCTABt,* OIRI, AS I?)#f chambermaid anil to aMlit In the waatilnv; five year*' reference from her laat place. -i - n we?"r "7Tif "SfTX rrwrctabi .>~<i7ht, to I ? ??" do rliamherwork. waitinir, or would aeaiat In the "?-?hlns and Irenla*: two\aara' city r fcrence; no objec tion to the country. 1 hast Mtif or.. Titnin non^tovmi I f rlrl ?<? eh am bene aid and waitreaa in a email family ; beet clt* reference. (tyi A W EST'JTTHST SRCOVH FI.OO It. FRONT. - A _ I t y?unc woman aa chambermaid and ?eanii>trea*: la wltlin<r and obllrlntr: clly or toantrv. Apply for two day*. THPKESA rOOIIANK. O.jA WEST~l?Tn St.-A HFiFKeTABLB OIRL as AOU chambermaid and waltrem; beet city rafurenect. Call or addreaa. nOA WJU?t l*ftf Vt?A RKiPKCTABLE WOMAN If would tro ont by the day to do ohamberworlr or at lanndreee; beat reference*. Mr* McOOWAN. J)'| 0 WEST HnTH ST.?AN ACTIVE. WILLING OTRL a* chambermaid and waltre** III a private f.tmllr; wlllln t to aaaiit In the waahlng and Ironing; beat city refer ence. i)1? KART *?TH ST. ?jf TOONO OIRL AR HJVaW ?J I O bermaid and waltre**: no nhlection to po n *hort dl*?*nee In tha country: ha* three year*' reference from her laet place. Can be aeen nntll engaged. OS A KAftT SOTTl'sT.. BETWEEN 1ST AND 2D ATS ? tl?)U A reapectable airl. lately landed, a* chambermaid and waitreaa and to a**lat In waahlnir and Ironlnir. ?|/Vo 'WF.ST lTffl "St.?A PR0TEkTA!^T FKOI.IPIT ? )')i) woman at chambermaid and wnttrew: thorouclily onmp'teat. A fTO EAST 5TH BT., THIRD FLOOR. FRONT.?A TTvfO yoiinfr Oerman girl a? chambermaid and waltrc** In private family or boarding houte; no objection to the oonntry. A A I WEST 15TII ST.. NEAR OTH AV~, TOP T""'t floor?A resectable voting woman at chamber maid and waltrea* or to do reneral honaewnHt In a amall prlrat* familr : willing and obllylnir- oily reference. A -1 oTxTniSON AV. fpRKSEXT EMPLOYER'ftt.?A TJ ?' ynnc w man. with eood rcferencea, to do rh".tn berwork and i*al?t in takln* car? of cMldren, or a* waitreaa; no o'<Jeelton to the country. Apply lor three day*. 4Q1 fim I *H HT.-A llE>PErTABLB~fcTt'NO Twl B rl to do ohnmberwnrk and waahlnir. A Oyi EAST nnr'* ST-TWO*~SrsTER8: ONI AS T-? ebambemiald or waltroe and the other aa flrat claaa lantidrc**: no obleetioa to the city, eonntry pre ferred : beat city reference rn |~?f? AV. TOP FLOOR, BArK.?A RERHBtRTA* ?)?" t" nle Pro?e*tent rlrl aa chambermaid and to do plain waaliine. or nnre-. Call to-day ann Tuesday. /til vmhkrmaid axFneamstrkss nr A PHITATE \ ' family. Addreaa H., box 106 Herald Uptown Branch r.fltoe. Dreatniakera anil Mrnmatreuea. rrs EAST 54TH ST.. RINfJ rOl'UTn RELL.-A FIRST I ?) claaa dreeamaker dealrea a few more enraremente by the day; underaianta eattlnc end flttinc perfectly; ii a atyliah trimmer; beet oity reference*. WEST *' TH StTtop KLOOR. FRONT ROOM.? A reapectaMe yonn* rirl. who t* a perfect hand aewer. and caa ran a Wheeler A Wllaon machine, aa aewlng jr rl - wanld hare no otyectloa to take eare of children; good city reference. t)sy er WEST1 (VTll-RT.?A DRK88M AKRR WISH PR I eniraeemente by the day er week: can fnmlah machine; teruu ft 50 per day. AddreM DUtSfc". MAKKK. 0??7 m AV.?A FRENCH LADY AR SEAMKTRKS9 ,ji) J In a prlrate lamlly; no objection to the country; ( ?d referenee. Addreaa Mmu. V. 7~west stT RE A R. -O TES OUT FITTINO, wU I alterlnr. trlmmln*. operatinc. famllr aewlnir. flne button hole* i t with a droaemaker. Addreaa SKAHSTRESS all the week. Sift 7T? av ftrst fxoor._a krfxoh drks? gL?rttv.yj ?"?gs '?199 "AST 27T!f ST.?AH NURSE TffU bKaw" ? p-rinanent pl.ce ; would go to the eonntry. " Qft9 AT., THIRD FLOOR.?A RWItmiR mar ?" "> t? ?t kr the day or week dreaamaker. A .rU,75rr! ?A*?fifi55 and iruRAK?nri~mf 0 rmT.STA*rV,fn?kV?;? m ?? _.-.h??**w.?,k ln ?. "??'! Primte r.mllv In the eonntry^ w>|WB?olg|fli; eHf and country rofprence. * "1 iy JOXKS 8iT? REAR.?A RKSPECT\BLF vv/n lorr *?. Blri ,0 Jo ??""*' h<"???k fdlr nrBcoK?Wft" 14- ?TH AV.-A UHHM \.N U1RL TO DO cham toth^rtin" h^"e :n^?;fLnc,t h"""""pinjf; 00 Election.' 58 K (58 j?OT^*.^rECTABLE ""rariLT 7 0 P/hNTON S|Tk- T(,P Kr'r">R-A ronvo WOMAH ?wo d?y?. hnu.ework in a .mall family. Call for ftft EaSTST ST.?TWO ?T?'aD*\ REUABLB"OFR t.J. ,.?*V I .V. ,or honor work; tb* oilier to take car* of children or to do eharoberwora. ^ C)."i CHARLTO.V ST.. IX THh~REAR.-A RRSPirr-r 1 tr J*o?lic idrl to do frrnrrnl housefrork In * .1.11 family: no objection to the country; br.t relVrene" 13fi *??T 8T.-A YouHo aiRirfoBociiT p"ln ^k,n^ ?? ? SA ?K? 1JW WKHT ST.-A TOUKO <1IRL TO DO -LO?7 ||Kht general homework jj.rood reference. 14ft f.*" ?? JT.. NKAR LRXINUTO.V at THTO A x O nn,->A Tfwinir Prntpiunt -1.1 j ?? hon.-work in a .mail family to VXS wfilL .1". Tnrni Call for two d ir.. 1' *?<"1 WMh?r ??><? troiier. 1 (l() MTII ST., third ThltOIf. A YOtJVfi reference*! *" d? * ??" **** 202 "A8T ?Ti~rtZTfouWoiwrro-Do Zrrlf *"ner?' hou"??rk in a .mall famll"; conn? PVe 205 WKWTMTff tT~A~"rrROMO OIRL TO D<> erence ^ ?*? ?'* ^ ^ 2?"> 212 UuJhwSbd"UM?~*hm ?|PgCTABL* U,BL 999 17? ".. IN TH8~REAR.-A oTa, to ref^teed",fea<r"hOI""r0rk '? * P^'v-t. family; goT* yji() Rart h5th st -a oirl to do upWraf birc"y^?7er.k; U "?_??????? cook a^d '?andren; 2^0 WEST IflTrr st.?A HKSPROTABLB OIRLTo ?2%.?'"^ ho??ework ; be.t e.t, r^feren^'c^ 232 KAHFeoTH ijt.?a rorica oiitE"toTjoukv ^ -rnl ? ??-", ; H,y reference,' 2X9 M'''7 '0T1{ ST.?A (1IRL Tfi do liPNFltii 241 ,"rH ".-A RKsmrfiMUTYOCNQ f??Ur: ^11 W ^ U "nil,Vfr'ald" 24ft WK^T *lTH "T.-av aotivr. wiluwo fURf 380 p^VS515 ??rfin? 1 A KA8T 24TII ^Tw?A RffI'^CTABLk vAfrvn &t - r-? ELp^^^SSa 411 */?T l7rH *T.-A UtUPKCTABLi #orflk rn ance. "" ; "ty or co??,%7 ?cJ!y U?. r.'s 4Xfi KA,S?' ?? ST?A vSnm wo a* poifn^T s?s^;yr-"k: 437 Ss s;? h??t city rrference< from Ta.t Si,"? * Bi#* 454 fjjV-i J" ** -* Tpt'jro (IIRL. UTRM LA VDKD peoeral hntMvork in ? private family. ' ' 1 ()7M ,STJ^T ~ * W'<?*.?N TO UO out WAStifan 1,U<? L?nl"* '" *'? Hnnitework 1 419 *p Ar> Tor ruxjR.-A h'ct 0 how#ftrk. b-.t cftv refer* limmmm% 0 .tmrv. M??*?,h?'?'prr?. Ac. ?"t "J^HCXR ff foi'RTH FLOOR.?A PROVrvrfAr o'jeeT VoT ?,n lh" ""rkof a f,m.fe hX; ?Z.*Z!: wsz earha.ned. CaU on or a<l.Hre.a Mra. M. *.. (or ,|lr? oar*. 7rsr si a voi'Ntj (.kkman widow iifuwr P k?eftrr; eary fn4 tt mi4nm. *? MWU'E 1 ft i55? *T vTiiiRD pi.Toht vr riRsf iM??nr~ i!> do ? iom"' " ,"""9^e*P'r- or would like ropy|oc 08 pojurga j)r TOgtB STinF. M.%^bo5a 242 wo^wUhJI-ifc7A *i"?*i"JTABLi OIRli Ai r?i t, "T,Hd; BITlATIOHl VTAMTMP?riCJ?AUBB. HoM?k?f pen, APHIS. SENSIBLE GENTLEMAN NEBDINO A housekeeper can hear of an American lady desiring such a p' altloa by addressing Mrs. F., Herald Uptown Branch oltlet. L.u a net re ?????. dM - C ff WEST 47TH XT (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A 'ft J roepectable irlrl at first cl?t laundress; city or coun try. Call lor two days. 199 WI^I I9TU 4T.-1II rilUT OUM UOK< ?t?t rtresi; willing and obligiug: city or country ; bent city reference. "I O WEST ~24TII ST.?AS PIRBT CLASH LAUW l?JtJ dress; city or country; good city reference. 1 '^9 WEST lBTH~h'frRKXR.-ANr EXPERIENCED -LO-, Wnmac M Wundrest; city or country; "good city ret wtacd. 1*i,-v~w7:sr 28th st.~ t ilri) Floor! back ? >? I room.? A thorourhly competent laundrees, who understand* her bu?iueas. in a private laniiiy ; is bonwt, r? Hable anil t rii%tw itih ? in every resoeet; no objection to the cullMlrv lor the summer mouthi. Cak Monday. 1 r>l EAST 32D ST.-a" 'liERPECJTA"Bl7B~VR??fKif. l'?l ant widow woman wishes to go out by tba day; boat city references. 1-VT WEST S7TH ST., REAR.?A RESECTABLE ? ' I woman to go oat by the day to wash or do bousa cleaning or would clean an office; good refer nee. i r(1WKHT MtiT ST.-A FIIWT CLASS WA8IIRR L'i't and lrouer wishes to go out by the day; bolt city reference. Inquire lor Mrs. O'KEKKE. 1 I'd WB8T ifco fk, TOP PMHIB.-A RB8PB0T ?\)t/ able woman to go ont by the day to do washing and ironing, or any other kind of work; Orel clan city ral erence ?T?>9 WBsr rrfiTlaunoSwwT"to (>o RT www the day: washing, Iroulug, Hating and pollabing; the Dent of reference. sTa 1) KAS r 4UTU ST.?A FIKST OLASg I. A UN WTU iire>*; to go oat by the day or take washing home. Vail on or addraee. o7jr HAST 390 ST.. UP TWO STAIRS. BACK.? ?*"rw A competent laundress wUhes to take tu family washing. Call on or address Mrs. (3. QUINN. 9 | if WEST 23D ST. ("PRESKNT EMPLOYER'S).?A W?U Protestant as first claae laundress; boat of refer ence. OOT WEST 44TII ST.?A tOUNO MARRIED WO OwT man wishes plain washing at 50c. a dosen. WEST "OTH *f~ KRONT liCHJHB, TOP OtJ floor.?A flrat class laundress wlshee to go out by the da or week to whsIi and iron ; understands fluting; or would take washing in tha house; bcsttreference. Call all week. A] Q EAST IVxTl ST.?A RE-l'ECTAHLE GIRL AS Tit' fir-.* rate laundress; no objection to the country; good relr. ences. A' Wt W RST ~81 ST ST.?A BBSPBOTAHLB OIRL A8 XUU Urst class laundress; good ci t,v reference. 599*EA>T 14TII ST.?A~Y0L'N(5 WOMAN AS LAUN ?i dre?? and chambermaid; understands Outing. city reference. Call lor two days. ({uq ib a v., n ha it arrS-iT.. second floor, UOO liack.?A respectable girl as first claas laundress in a private family; has the best city references. Qf ? I 2D AV.-A llliip ~ CTaIILE PROTESTANT OU"r woman to go out to wash and Iron; understands polishing; best oity relervnce. Numo. dk. 9^ BHBRIPP 8T.-A YOUNO LADY AS NCB8E TO ?d\> one or two children ; travelling or tbe coautry pre ferred. Call on or address Miss i&OURX. ?>4)" wkst" jarii sr.?a lady wishes to ob Oj tain a situation for a narsa that has llred a long time in tbo family; she Is competeat to take tha entire charge of a baby from Ite birth. ')C "maIHSOM ST.. TOP PLOOR.?A REBPECTARLH Uw woman aa wet nuree. Mrs. LA R BURT. A A UELANCKY ST.. 8BCOND KLOOR-AN AMER 'X r loan Protestant girl at nurse and saamstraat; under stands VV'hcler and Wilson's machine, or would do any light work and sew ; couutry preferred. A r BAST lib ST.?A TOUNO W?TmTn as" KU ItSR Ti) and seamstreti; can operate on Wheeler k Wllton't machine; two years' best city reference from last place. rj FSanklin rt.-a bebpkctablk midiilb ill aaod woman a< nurse; aniientands taking care of children; willing to assist with light housework; city refer enee. CA WEST HOUSTON ST.?A RESPECTABLE FKBKCH ? )t woman as nurne to children and to do sewing in a private family. Call on or address Mme. I)K ?ILIM r(' MARION st.'-a respr?Ttablr IrorNcToTRL ? /VI to takr care of grown children or to do light chum berwork. Can be seeu for two day^ m'WEST J4T11 ST?AN AMERICAN PROTESTANT as child's nurse or nurso for an invalid lady. Call on or address Mrs. J ONES. Ilf> \Vf;sJ 11,T'I HT., IN TI1K REAR.?A TO UNO . . !',n C\" plrl a".nnr*" or chambermaid and to do sewing^ willing to po to the country; city references. IOC WEnTjffD KTIprSSeNT AMPLOYlil'S.)_A' ?4l*r .vnuug girl to take cure of children and aula! In homework. Can be aeen until auited. lttft t.Ahl..177,fI, ST. (KlKhKHT EMPLOYER^!).-! AOtJ frenrh girl to take care or children. m3D AV.?AS NUMHK IN AMY KIND OK SICK new; but reference. Address Mr*. HAMILTON. 1 *A*T ?TTH ST.-A RE8PBOTABLB YOU NO j Bifl u aurae and to do tewing; drat claw operators K?o;l refereuce. Cull lor two days. 152 rrti av.-a little ntRL to take cake or a baby, go errande and make heraelf iiaernl. I WEsT 40TK ST. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).? I'M) At nnriie and aeamatreia; can take charge or a baby or rrown children, or wonld wait on an invalid lady; can operate on Wheeler A Wlleon'e aad other machiae*. Apply on Monday, till U o'clock. II ; n WMT MD iw..' SBOOBD rLOOR*?A TOHMtt 1UU girl, lately landed, ai anrae aad to do plain aewlng. Call ror two daye. TT.Q WEST 10TH ST.?A TOUNO PERSON, PAKIS XUO lm, Protestant. dealrea a pi am la the country for the Kimmrr months to nurae children and to aew. Call on . Monday, or addreaa Me?. li. L. URAEDLIBNARD, pastor Lot French Evangelical church. 1 fi(l aD AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S*.?A FRENCH ln?/ girl to take care of childron and do plain aewlng in a Jewish family; English and Oeraaaa ?a; no objection to the country. Of?C WBKTWTH HT.?A YOUNoltlkL AS NURSE, adUt) to lire In thta city; Unit ciaae reference. oTijf~EAST*? ST.?A Youifo 01 RL~TO TAKK Jill care of eblldren; willing and obliging; wage* mod erate. nill EAST 47TH-ST.?A RESPECTABLE GERMAN LAmJi. girl at child's ntiraa. 99Q~WEST-ifsT ?T?-A YOtr.SU WIDOW WOMAN*. dwO breaking up liouaekeeping, ae infant'a nurae or to do chamborwork. (><)( \"~KAST3?TII~ST.. riRST FLOOR?youro, ? Oi' healthy wet nurae; plenty milk; wages no object; will go to the country. ti l l WEsTffiD bT.?A NEAT, TIDY YOUNU WOMAN AT L aa nurse and ?eamatrem or to aaeiat with chamber work amlwaitiug; willing to travel; beat referenca. OK.J WE>T 'TTH ST.-AS PIMTfOLAMS IbM id'JO and seametreae; capable of taking charge of an lu lant from birth; em come well recommended. 5T|7{ 80 AV. - \ TUoKOUOIII.Y COMPETENT NUMB OWU to take charge or children and do plain aewlng; nn n Jectlon te travel with a family; good reference. King N& bell after 11 o'clock, or aildresa. ?>1 O :*(0~ST.?A RESPECTABLE YOCINO OIRL. OJ.O lately arrived from Burope, aa nurae aad seam ?treat; uo objection* to travelling. tjiurF A?sT d4rfl KT.-A YODNO AMERICAN 01BL U to take care ef childrea; good eity relereace. ?JO/"* EAST lflTH ST.?A PERSON WHO THOB Oi)') nngbly understands her fiaalnesa; falthrnl. honest and trustworthy : con take entire charge or a baby Tram Ita birth. williag te take care of grown children: highly rec ommended in every respect; tliroe years' references ? J I O W KHT 3?TH sr.. SECOND FLOOR.-A TO UNO Ox^ healthy weman as nuree. o ( (1 i:ast writ sr.-a RESPECTaBLB MABBlilb O i ?< woman aa wet nnr?e; would go to the conntry. ?J I 7 W K.^T UTril^ST. -AKKsPECTA BLK M A RKIED O r I woman aa wet aurae; hat plasty of milk; 2 weeka I ol.i doctor's reference. 1 STq Bast hoth ?t.?am norsk ok to do cham. 0"tO berwork; bas long experianoo ; no objection to the country; best reference. A 11(J WEST 4.NTH ST.-A FRENCH OIRL. SPEAK tUJ lag Uarman, aa chlldrea't nurse; undvratanda tewing. 4 Ok/ west anrii st. (Pkk?cnt emplotek'~s)~ 'tmJ A yonng k'lrl to take care of ehiloren and do plain sewing aad chatni>erwurk; ao objection to to go to the conntry. A 1*J WBST J8TH HT.. BAKERY.-A RKSPKCTABLB TIM yoang lierman woman as wet nnrse. A 1 (1 #B?T WTII >T ? A YOI'NO lilitl. 14 YEARS X I (7 or are. te take care or children or assist, - | /? west "mil stTk i .t w k v. n (if iTand 1ITII ?JtO avs ? A r ?pectalde married women, with a fresh breast of milk, wishes to fro out to wet nnree. n 17 hth av-a~co^petknT I-kr.hov as iji lil fant'a nuree and to do plain aewiag; foar yeare' city relereace I rem last place. Wanted- by as kxpkrikn. ki? protectant wouian ? situution to wait on au invalid lady and mike herneir ns^ful; city or conntry: best of reference. Can l?e seen at Yo?ng Women'* Cbriatiaa Asaoelatloa, No. 7 Bast Iftth at. Waitresses, dir. Ol WEST TOTH ST (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S^ A OX re<p?ctaMe yoang ?lrl te go to the country aa waitrets or would do chamberwork and waiting; would have no objec tion to ?ssl?t In washing; I* fnlly comnetent. very willing and van be highly recommended. Ca!l Monday. 4' ?) WIST turn sr. IPKMBNT BMPLOYBK'Si.?A O roung woman as waitrcaa and to aaaiat with cham berwork . rily or coiiiitrr. IT 'J WEST 4*TI! ST""fPRBSBNT PLACElT^A RES i.1.0 pcctable girl *a valtresa aad.te aealst with cham h'raork anu haa no objection to take care orchildren; beat city reference. Can be aeen for two dar? lOO WEST 21ST ST (P RESENT BMPLOTBR'Sl.-AS ImO first ela?s waitress; willing to aaeiat ta chambtr worlr; city or country. Mlacei ninruaa. ill WEST 531) ST (PRESENT employer S -EX AT perlenced and cempeteat person ae lady'e maid, nurae or eeamstreas; would go to the conntry. linTWEhT IttTlllir.. R^VSE^MEJfT. ?TWO RESPECT able women to go oat by the day to work la a bote) or restaurant. ~KK tNKUN ST.-A OE * MANPKO TK 8 T A NT girl in an American lamlly 157 1?7 WEST tlhT sr.-A respe?:table woman ? M wl.lies to go ont working by the day; understand* all kinds or w^rk. o I y WEST ~I3TH ST.?A MIOULB-AOSD WOMAN LO wivliea to go with a Tamils to Ru ope; is capable of taking entire charge of ladiea going to Karopt: l>ee from eea ?nkT,*s. ind speak# French A'tdresa by lerter, M. It. (>|4Q MUUtBBKY ST -A BksrKCTABLB WOMAN 4,1/1/ to go out by the day In a aaloon. O'l I WEST *Fh st~a~smart respectabiTe Out women to go out by the d?y to do work of any kind: best relereace. sjsjy EA.iT 35fit Tsf,?A IUVM1 WOMAB~TO BO OtlO parlor work ; city or country; good reference. pbSnch ladV?s MAlO in ~a~ private PA* llf: enta and fltt dressea; caa dreas lialr; good refer enrn M. D , box 11M Herald t'ptowa Branch < Bee. Fbe xcTTl aiiY'.sma id.?trit obrstar ds all" r i n b work pertafalngto the position; accustomed to travel liag. A<Mrevs 0. la, Herald Uptown Broach ottce. HXTVATIOIVS WA NTKI>?K*i*IALKH. TWO AMERICAN WOMEN. PRUT BUT AMTH, DESIRE ?nt ploy incut in * family, or will lake antlre charge of a buardla* UuUM | city or couutry. AdUreaa X I. A, Herald Uptown Branch "#? IntolllgiOM AI.AHUK NUMBER (IK CAPABLE tfKRYANTB AT Mr*. LOW EH, 131 1Mb at.. h?t*"n ?<? ??<? 4th ??? PROrESatOSALilTt ATIO*n WAKTBb nSMAUDS. 0?> 7' EAST iwflf bY.rfiiec6l>I) FLOOR^A vofR5 Ou I lad; wiahei a actuation ua imveraaaa In the coun try; ap?aki French, Herman and English fluently; good reforeneea l'a;l <r addreaa. HELP " U AKffeO-KkcffiLE HiAIN, ISTBLLIGhNT OII?L W ANTED?FOR general bouai-work ; two la faintly; $2 par weak. II W?it lltb at., near Broadway | OtRL WASTED FOR GENERAL HOl'fKWOHK A In a Kinall family; Uuruian preferred. Call at I4'J Watt 4Mib it. WANTED?TWO UOOD. TIDY OIRLK; ONE AS chambermaid and waltreaa; on* good oook aad vacher; Proteatanta preferred, 133 *V#?i 44tli ?t. WANT! D-A COM~PETBNT>EKSON~AS~<:H AM BET? maid and waltreas. and to aaalat with washing and Ironing. Apply at ?W W.nt '>?'th ?t. AXTKD-XXTbDtE AUED WOMAN TO WAIT OX un Invalid during the day. 4<) King at. A NTK 1>?Alll It I. AS Kl 1UIT OLAStt COOK AN D TO auUt with eoarae washing. Apply at 10 Raat 73d at. A.XTED-A IIIKL FOK (IKNKUaL iIOUHEWOKIC No. 710 "th av.. third floor. w w w WANTED?A NURSE; ONE WHO UNDRR8TAND8 taking eare ot children. Call tor two dayi at lit) Wnt 44th it. "117 ANTED?TEN OOOD OPERATORS ON WHREIiER tl A Wilron'e machine on linen atilta: irood flulahera. Apply, lor three dayi. to JOHN CU.SNINUHAM. 3i>? Bowery. WanTed-kirbt class laundhkhs in thr country, to wwh and Iron for an-rMil famiW. do liirht ?hamberwork and aaaiat in the cure of two aniall children; beat city referencea required. Apply at 37 Waal Waahing ton ai|iiarp. baaement door. TV aXTKD-A 'sN ART. TIDY. COM i'KTBNT OIRI-, TO II take entire charge of two aniall enildren and tew ; beat city reference* required. Apply at 37 Weat Wnahlngtou adoare, baaement door WANTED- A YOUNO PROTESTANT OIRL TO TAKB care of one child . muit waur u cap and apron and have cltv reference*. Apuly, between U .30 anil 12 o'clock, thia day, at 28 Weat 2 .th at. J\ .VI K I) - A OIK L AS r 11A1Mm- RMAl 5" an D waitreaa in a mechanic*' boarding h?uar. No. 0 3d ?? ANTBD?AT NO.' Mi Wk8T HOUSTON ST.. A WtV man for Keuernl houaework ; a good waaher and Ironar. NT80-AT 3t.7 BAST 98TB NT.. A NEAT* TIDY girl; reference reqnlrpd. wTstrd-a tIdy Wet "nurse with about six ?T montha milk ; bring phi alclan'a certificate. Apply at 90H .-,h av. flrat Hat. TV W WA w ANTED-A MIDDLE AUEI> person TO TAKE charge of children. S. II. BALL. 143 6th av. WANTS D-A OIBL TO 00 TO SOUTH OR A NUB, N. T> J., to cook, wash and iron in an Engliah family. No. 1&?J Eatt 27th at. "WaNTED-FIYB KIltHT CLASS WAITRESSES, II muat underatand the buaineaa well, for a oouutry ho tel. Apply at 12 A. M.. M3 Weat :i-'il at. ANT ED?A uood cook, WARMER and 1RONER, with recomtn ndaliona. Apply at IJ1 Kaat loth at. ANTRD?A WELL MuOVItmiWBD WOMAN AS laundreaa; mnat oe a good ahlrt Ironer; wageaflK. ply at (>t. Luka'a Hoapital, S4th at. aud Sth a*., before w w WASTE D-A NEAT. BB8P80TABLB WOMAN (Prutoatnat) for dairy and haniberwnrk. Apply at Ht. i.uku'a Uoauital, 54tb at. and Sth av., with refarenoea, before 12 II. A _ SITUAfiO.\? WANTED-iiAi^T An enolisu uentlEman""tIIokol'oii'Ly and practically acquainted with farming, wishes the nian agemt'iuof a largt> farm or ebtute; moileraio aalary; Urat claaa rrfcrencea Addreaa M. 0>? box I? Herald odiee. OEKMAN WlliLINO T(jT~DO ANY KIND OF work In the ?lty. Addreaa CHRISTIAN OA1NS, 4UU Eaat 14th at A YOUNO MAN (AUSTRIAN), WHO SPEAKS OBR JY man, 1'rench, Engllah. Italian and MUtIc, wialiea a aituation with a prirate family, haa trnrelled with Mr. II. W. Scovtll, of Waterburv, Conn , in Europe, and ia highly recommended. Addrcta F. 8., box 1 Ml Herald Uptown Branch office. A~ HOY. To YEABM,\ WtSHBS A SITUATION AH waiter in a hotel; good reiorence. Call at 318 8tanton at., third floor. T KESPEtTTABLE FKENCHIMAN WISHES A SITUA" il tion n? ooi?k And carver; upttka good KdkIUU. Call on or *ridren? U. L, Hrooibo at. A SSTSSWaS "1" KKsl'Ki: I AHL.K. HTBADY YOUNO MAN Afi COM lor two <l?y*, No. 'i6H M<4iiOi> Vf- _ _V j rilTITATlON WANTED?BY A KBSFKOTABLE TO UNO ?t SS-r;-: Branch office. TirlNTKD?SV a YOUNrt OOLOUBO MAN, WELL V\ reco?m"n^d . .It-Uon .. w.Uor ln j. , rlv?U Urn IIT ; ba? lived ?ix !??? U? one plac*. Apply on Mond?y ? jio. 0 Wilt 8Mt>? "*? ? I : ILKKKH AM) HALIttiMMi?" . YOL'KU WCKN*K0 U'aUOIST ?VAMTM A BITUA A i!"?. l>?o l" the country; ipeaki "j"""1- Addrew DBUUtiiST. box 4,:?w Putt office. How York. ? K "nvVMn", "ooH. and ".ccounu; per "I YOL'VII MAN. AOED IS, WW UBS A KHOaTIOX office. _ ? T~StTilSlNW MAjTTfi'KAKINd RNtiLIsH. FHBKUII, :,",sr*s;r.'iT &?.""?*. ??. ????.? ??? ?t., New York. ?? ?fIitViiI.A DAY IIOUlM salesman. WITH W A*?; Apply to E. MCCAFFREY, 601 F ul ton ?t.. Brook lyu. t "COACHIIK* WD OXHIIK^BM. ~v?rtirt'ATtOH "ifAN TED-AH COACHMAN ANO l gs&res ?&*???* 14th it. ud I?th w. ? ? ,,n.fiHMAH BY A TEMPERATE MAN: THOK B., 107 M*c<loU(r?l ?t. ? -jr~ THOROUGH OOACttiUR AM? mgjt MAN, Ad1tr<"?< iiONO. Her^'d .fflee ?nAmUr^l'UtA8 8?$S I sLbTwr^tsssr* *2fc? j: *>?? "??mirnnAN-TsTfL-ATION WANTED?in city or office, lor two day*. ? oftiimi u i\ (SWISS) WANTS A SITUATION.? A \ii U ? ?.M,Adriver. mid?r?t*u<U the care of hor?i and cwriwi! V?o1.r"t.nlMS "l floweri and re?et?b!.*. Call oil er JfddWii A. I... ?"?< Hr?onn it. ? t'u i v W1SI1KS A SITUATION KOH HIS yfipiWMas i!0th it. or08 Will ?!. ?"XS?MiTv? a I'll tilv MlbPLfc-AOED, WISHES A r<? ^ .Hm i? ?nd fllteen rr*r*' be?t dty relerencei. \d-ria J 7s. H.reld Uptown Branch office. /-IdAl HMVN 'HARDENER. I I K' I. MAN. WIBfllM '^^sss^sssessbss. 3JS Weit 4I?? it. ___ ?? ???'. - rl7>ACllMAN AND UBOOM. SINGLE; UNDKB C ?An". Ardent..*; good city reference. Addrc, W.. box I IS Herald office. ?? Ad'"*" W box JJ# Herald office. - ~ ."v?a a SITUATION AS COACHMAN OCOTCHMAN WANTS A ^nd m?ha ,liin.elf w; S ? ?UT?fereC? Ad^? SCOTCHMAN, box TSJ ll?r?M office. ? ? r* ^liiifiTfnv \VaNTKU BV* A Ot HM AN MAN, T() S woAk ? fHriu or garden: uoder?undi the ?-'? j| boreei c?n milk. Ac ., w.g.. no object. Addreii L., box l? lleruld office ?_ ^?*ii itimm WANTED?BY A YO0KO GERMAN 2 us and l*? l>u?n? ?*. ? HKLP VyA?TEl)-.llAI-t>. ? v frnJlTo MAN IO l*KNl> BAR AND SlAKB 1 "? i/NTS \V \NTB0 ? I" SKIjL cKNThNNIAl. I?KO- I A^"T^iwrsxvfiaM gtfag! rias^HSSsae&'ss&s XV Sooin iv, w?D?? ? aad itont Amen eaVan'd'i'ierroan'yonS* gre.l. band.. Apply .*clu?lv.l, lo j. HORISON. . ? ?s-ss ?? IIB vD. irrBir^^ARN.'-rO? CO?^ANT?^ XV ploymenttUatpaJTi apply to CANTOS T?A w, it? I Clinmbera ?t. ? I riiwiT FNKBOETIO BOOK A<?KNTit OF OOOD AO I W.ntc.l to aolieii ordera lor two Orit cla.. boon*, rtcrtin?RT,,: fx* "* ? 1 t?r iv'tfD-FIVK YoUNO MKN AS I^>CAL AOfcNTS, W ?Jl?^ruUr weekly ^rr ?????!#? ? roro?n??eloe. to ! *&U ?HBN?Vn^ CLINTO*.Vo?? office. Buffalo. !*. T. '' - I 1I7-ANTJ- D-A FEW ?JOOl> MEN TO SRLLANO KB I' 'A BEs^Cf ABLE & A itlou l? *rp.laur?n*2ico?k ?ad ?F? ?" ktgt.ik. AddrtM O, L. <M * 20 Til* TKAWKS. T 'niir OLm mrmrrninnr wiim'i'swx J\. will work cheap| bait of irfereuoaa. Addeaa I'AI ADA. 1"4 Foraythat. rpo mineral watev ma.nlkai n -fin \ 1 lion ivuiited by * competent in?a for ;ha manulaciur in It aud bottling of mineral watera; al?o in pot tle* tit* various salts In either solid ?tate or llqntd: rof'ra to Kirruer employer. Addrcee C F. CUA8. PZLLOJI. 18)4 iieary M. Wanted-a pkactk al chemiSt usaduatb ?? or the School of Mines. (Vnmbla Colli-ice; a ycuns man profaned. Address box J'KJ Hulfalo (N. Y ) foal olttca. itTAHTlTO-AIf EXPEttXKNCKO FEKSO* AS DK ?? ?i(ru?r an'i Hilar in a wholesale clock inannlaot?rr; must underitand tlia business in all lit branch'1 . one having held iii^h a poattlou brlora preferred. Apply at UIN Church at., up stairs. WamtmqLax RXFEWBNCBlT (MLDErT WHO oai make carton pierre oruamanta. AO.Ire-s O. II. 1 IIONi-oi- .s, st l.iiii a. COOPERS WANTBD-ON N I.W ROl ND HOOPED flour barrela and half barrels A. T BlilliUS. 04 Rat&era alto. BOAaDKHS WANTSdr 1?FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH IIOAHH. FOR FAM ? lllea and single gentleman, al iu.nler.ita rale*. 110 Waver'ey Place. 4~ Til ?T.r NO. 85.?LAROJC AN D ~sIa LTT KOOM\ with Board, at rttuaouabl* price*. 5Til AV.'. I14L?MRH. HEAVER OFFKHS KCI IS OP Aparuueuta, with or without private table or without board. rTII AV.. SS -VEKV Sbhirablr ROOMS. WITH OR C/ without Hoard, co . forts of a refined; aummcr prices. <{w? to i'kk' wee k~~f<iiTikit it n fsTi ed~"itor? m s, <F<) witti Boar.l; families acrnmmodaUd equally low. 87 Clinton place (Sth at.), near Sth av. 7 WEST :?l> ?T.?H AMDSOXBLT PCBN18HRD Rooms, singly or en suite, with or without Board. l/\ wavi ki.ey PLACE. XKUi BROAD#AT.? J * " Kront Rooms. for two. $14 to?J", with Board; eiiiKle H.Kirov, #7 ; transient people taken; tublo Hoard, $4. "1 | Til sr.. 217 WEhT ELEtiANT ROOMS. EN SUITE I ' I or siuglv, with board; location central and desirable; references. , ? wKsr mist" st . " hetwkk5~~.vriiTv. anTi Hroadwav.?Pleasant Koonta, with Hoard; references exchanged. 1(1 CHEAT JONES ST. CENTRA LUT OPPOSITE tX I ?/ Curette place.?Airy, neat, pleai-ant Rooma, with flrit olaaa Board. O'J ffKST :*)TII ST. ? EI.t(iA NT1.V KI ItNISIIEl? uo Rooma, en anil* or alngly, with or without llnurd; r.'fexenee. (ion ht., no. i:m irastTnka r m a dTs <is PA ItIC7? U't Sinirlr anrl double Ito ima. with llo-trd, 47 to per | week; tranaleut .in l lai.i bear^aia takem. 9 (f "HEStoN PI.ACE.-PLi ASA NT FltiiNT rutoMs". I Ld\> with IWanl ? a!an tine alncle R outPihoute newly j tnrniahod tbmiiRliout. RAST lof"ST.-X PRIVATK EAMILV CAN ?I ?> acrommodale two or three partira with Board and Rooma. 0(1 EArtT 2IST NT.-A KEW SELECT UOAItDERit I ? t ran ba accommodated; alao trnnaient aud table; ?trictly llrat cla*a ?jo ;i >. 37 WKMP 14TI1 ?t.- SLBOAXT rooms". OO, with Board ; permanent and transient; $'J per dav ; I Ttti.lH Hoard; krp' by liniciiali lady. OQ EAST 201H SI ?Kl'ltNlMI I I) ROOMS." WITH ! 00 private batha. In let, with private table or without board, tu famiUea or rentlemen ; NMNMN, 4 - EAST 20TII ST.. ft BAH BROA DWAY.-BOOMS, 1 ?) with or without Hoard, tranaieut or permanent: ref- j eranoei. ~4 (1 WEST~ 16TH ST., BETWEEN BTU AND 8TH i T:i/ ava?Handanmrly furnlabed Rooms to let, with ' Board; tranalent or permanent. "Iiin Ea"sT 31ST" ST.?1>ESIRAB|7e ROOMS TO l.ET. 1' 'with Board, permauent or tranalent; table board; | aonthern ex.oaure. 19n k"ast iotTi St.?pleasant oocble and ! 1--U ainsle Room, with llrat cluaa Hoard. 1 ??7 KAST^tTII ST.-A H A N 1JSO M ELY FURNISH EI) 1 J m. I lar/e Room, aecond floor; alao email Room, with or | without Board. 200 WEST4TH ST. ?NI0BLY FURNISHED ROOMS to let, with or without Board; to C7 per week. qio a4Tn sr., near sm av.-rooms for OlO honaokeaplaK; Rooma with or without Board. Call one week. Philadelphia. u>?? pine st.-Lodoino and Board (comTort home) at moderate prleo. A. BECKER. . Philadelphia boardino~mrs! 5X5deman 222 Weat Rlttenhnuae aquarc; choice Apartmenta; anperlor location; 20 minutes to Centennial. PRIVATE HOUSE. KIFTEEN MINITTES OK EXIUbT 1 lion; aplendld location; $1 to $2 per day. Addreai BOARDINU, 2.120 Arch it. PEItiiONS IjOOKIN(J *OIK COOL. PLEASANT ROOMS, with good Boant, lit low price, call at No. 4.') 7th av. BOARD AND MIIMHN(i " WAltlD. pBNTLKBAy'ASb 'WtKS llOARD^I HIRD \T story, front Itooin: aonthern exposure; location he. twern Mitdlaon mj. uni! Broadway; parinanant If aimed; atata lowat tcrma, wfckeh muat not axee>d #Hii per month. Adilreaa V1MDEX, Herald Uptown Branch olUee, ttWFjai*. A I.WAYli "open.-kranrpokt house. corner IV Frankfort tad William atk.. 35c., 50c., $1, gentlemen, families. A~~T NKW ENGLANDHOTElT BOWKIlY~ALL llprli t single roum*; lodging 50e. nightly ; weakly; for gentlemen only. ELMONT HOTEL. FOLTON KY, NEAR BROAD (European Room*. Always open. B way (European plan).?Rooms, 5<>c. upward; laiuily JMTY HOTEL, BROADWAY AND 8TH ST.?ROOMS V ' and Brut class table, i'2 per day; ilngla Booms, $3 weekly; table Board,$?> weekly. <sT ELAXtVS RTCHTF.vant HOI'SK. CITY."-loca J J tlon and accommodations unaurpasned. prices re duced to suit tlie tlniei: <3 50 and $-1 per day; Kooui* only 91 per day and upward. I.EWIS A OBOItOH K. LELAND. MARLBOROUGH HOUSE. MURRAY HILL,, 00*" ner (Kb av. and 3*th st.; American (ffnu; the coolest aud mult dallghtftal part of tbe city; price* reduced to luit the times; f3 per day; *17 Wper wmK. ST. OERMAIN,~STII~AV., iwD ?f.~ASP M^oTdWAY. Unsnrpansed location; Koimi all front; elevator, hatha; Hoard to suit times, $- to $3 peroay; Booms, European plan, #? and WM. O. roMI*KINS. Proprietor. C'OI \TRV~BOAUU. \ MITYVILLK. Ik HOI KS kkuSi CITY BY SOUTH J\. ern Railroad.?Kirst clan BiMrd at private house, near <ireat South Bay; excellent ttsblBn, guunlrie and i.oeilng; terms moderate. Address ? R. A., An:ityville, L. f. Board onTGE croton laKE-for families hsrlntr ctiildren; rooius new and large: good tl"hlng. boating and fowling. Addrae. WM. 1>. VRKDENBURUIi. Ratousb. BANG'S ovk obovr cottaTTesT "niuiiLAXO Fall*. N. Y. ?Now open to receive guest*. B?BOARD IK YONRfcllS?K I.KMM HOUSE, WITH airy Rooms and a superior tabic: high ground; prira *7 to $10 a week ; rtahling tree. Apply on tbo promises, soatheast corner of Palisade and Olenwood are. Board in tub cm ntry-at Cornwall. ON the ilud?on; a few Kood Koouis to let with Board at rLlnden I'ark; terms very moderate. C If. RINO, I'ronrlelor. B~OARITaT A FARM HOI'SK, IN ORANHE COUNTY. n<*ar Mlridletown; mountain air; terta*, CO per week. Call for two days in :r?i Peart at. A TS K I LL Mi)r NTAi 5 BOAR'D MAY BE SECURED ainnrg the larmert hv application at Registry office, 370 Watt 34til it., over North River Havings Bank. J. r. WILLIAMS. CI ATSR1LL BOARD.-A PLEASANT PLACE MAY BE found seven inlles west of Catsklll village; high ground, nttractive scenery. ?alks and drive*. Address II. 0., box 12 Poet office. Oafxklll, N Y. COUNTRY BOARD-OKLI(IffTPtJL LOCATION; BABf ol iiccess. Address O. C. K.NVDER, Rhineheek. N. Y. (pOUNTRT BOARD FOB ROYS.-PROFRSMOR PAUL J E. (ilRAKD, I'rincliml ol Ulrard Institute, 35 East 6!ld si., has secured. on the hanks of Poconlc Bay, L. I., opposite Shelter Island, a beautiful country place of over lm acres, with woods and splendid accommodations for flshlnir. boating. sea oathlnir. Ite., where lie will take hie boarding scholars and a limited number of other young Kentlcmen. Terms moderate. Apply at the lustitnte be fore Jme U7, day of^lepartar*. C10UNTRV BOA KD. ?KAMI LIES MAY BF. ACCOM MO J dated with lirst class Hoard. In a private lamllv. at reasonable rates, near Uldirefleld. Conn. Address SPEC IALTY. M Hast IMIst, New York, or W. W. FLKWWhL L1NO, Kidsleld, Conn. Five oifsix persons ca.v~bb accommodated with Board at Oreenwood. N. Y., on the Frle Railway, f inlles from New York; terms moderate. Address Mrs. E. SIIRIYER, Urcenwood Iron Works, Orange county, V. Y._ (?Toon corntby board can be procurf.d at T a laritt lions" near Croton Lake, with every conveni ence uece^sary for comfort and pleasure ; plenty of imlt and milk ; alio boailnn and llnhlnir corvenlent. For terms, par ticulars, 4a, address J. B. FOSIIAY, l>ox 30>"i Post oliice, Klnir Sin*. N. i. HUnsoS RIYEH BOARD.?FINE SITUATION, 20 minutes out. 10 from depot; ltl<b ?-?round, lawn, sliade, xarden; modem luiprnvuments; Croton water; stables; fine drives; terms moderate. Address C. I)., Fort Wnhlaitoa. MI'.M M Kit UKKBHTS. A-.IF.NKIN80NS lloTKL, lll<; IILANDM, MO.N ? mouth county. N. J.. Is now open. Access by Long Branch line. Pier S, N. R . and Sea Bird, Pier 35, N. R. JAMF.s .I EN K I.VSO.V, Proprietor. Bates oottaor.-fir?t class board and Room*. Ocean av.. Long Brunch N. 3, Bath, l l -i.oTtst orovk iiotf.l and itaviT7 ion (late rnsiqence of ex-Mayor Ountlier), with an ad ditional wing, containing 50 rivots. lr?ntinK the bar aud ocean ; escollent battling. Ashing, boatiag, Ac For board apply on tbe premises or by note to Joll > lloi iI'E. BOCLKVARI) HOTI'.l! col.LKUK PolN'l WI)..|?>'. L. I.?Thie well known favorlie resort Is heaetlfuily aituated. fronting on Lung Island .Hound: flrst class accom modation for boarders, families or eingie gentlemen; beet accommodation; bathing and boating; 4- trains daily to and from N-w York J * DONNELLY. / 1ATSKILI. MOUNTAINS. MAPLE OROVK iibl';.?E V> now open Tor the reception of boarders; pleasantly lo cated in tli* vicinity of a sulphur spring poee> sset all the attractions of scenery, retirement. he?oufal drives, Ac. For pn-llcelars address J. II. STODDARD, Cairo, (ireene coatity. N. V. CmTntral HOUSR. NRWTOWN,CONN.-ONB ortNR J healthiest resorts In New England; a few desirable Rooms left. tiat>kTll-hlmmit hill HOUSB, one MILR ) from the village. Is n?w open for summer boarder*; terms reaeonahle; temperance. P. M. OORTCHIU*. Proprietor. in i more" Otsego Lake, Coopcrsttiwn. N. Y., now open. Address W II. moWAKD. Manager, Coopers town or W. II MARMORE. :??) 5th a? , corner 30th st? where plan* of the honse can i>e examined. EbVli HUANCII -THE <l#,AKF.M>ON IS NoM OPRN a* a Srst class family hotel for permanent or transient gaests at mod - MM r. .ie? Mrs. M. n. HTM Alb. JAKKslfii lloi si A si MMBR BOARDINil IIOtTsR. J sis mile* ?re*t of Newhurg, N. Y ?flood beating and Ashing; term* $7 io fl2 per week : reference glren, Ad dressjAMES M. WKSTCOTr. box .".HO Post othen. Neabnrg. N. Y. XTORWOOD lloi -I. NORWOOD. NEW JERsK\ Tbe beet large family hotel near New York . Arst ciaee accommodates*, price* lew. Apply to F. T. RR1TM. Pre TTOTBL FK? 11 Ol SU3IXKR neiORTI. ^ItWi'Sjritbwnr IBSciWiVr hka6m. 1? 'tA 11 Families deslrinr hoard for the huod ?Ybea?;"aB lb fumliirtioftlioiin; ? pud pltct for rklMfM, Vo terms address at above. Captain A R. SAMCELLS proprietor. OnTint point"hoVsk. orient Point. L. I . u?? open. Situated no tbo tilrmt end ul Lunt Ul?u4, fronting Oardlaar's May; only a ???? limit's walk to tlx water; splendid bathlag, drivtuf aad sailing; flsblug unexcelled: tcna* moderate. eudforoir cular. M. B. PARSONS A OU., Pruprlrton pAViuoN HOTEL \KW~BKIOHTON. L?NOW X upon; accomiuolatiuus for start* gentlemen. 913 par week *n 1 upward. Call or address K. Y. cole. PAVIUOM KUl ^rHlVK.vSrU/. N. J. CLOiJ* TO Phil idMphla, on New Vork K illro id; trains hourly; excellent boating, llsliiug. Ac.; large rooiuii, porches. gas, high i-rlting?. grove. ofeli >rd. Ac ; cool, accessible, Aral claaa and moderate N >. KKAI). Kiver-ide, N. J. I)ai:K HOTEL. WHITE HL'LfHL'K HrtjToH. SARA toga Lake. In now op'n for tho reception of gnests. Connected with this hotel are the finest white sulphur bath* In the co intry. Adores* HIM. LhLANl) A OU., Saratoga Spring*. Thomson "hoi'SE ' and RENOVO HOTEL, an the Philadelphia unci Erie Kuilroad. These superior and popular retorts hare been thorough!) refurnished and prepared for the eutariaituiieiit of gaestj during the cen.euuial year. Located on one of the principal muta* of travel between the Northwest and tht Centennial Exhibition. in the nildat of beautiful forest ronery, where the air and water are the purest, they will be found attractive and beneficial resorts for healtl and pleasure i-ekeri. at well a* convenient raiting placet for tourists and traveller*. The country adjacent to thess splendid holds affords the finest trout flailing and gunnlnj to the Eaateiu States. For circular* el inlormatioa, Ac. address K. M N. TAYLOR. Proprietor. .Thomaanii House. Kane, Pfe JACOB H. SCH AN BACHER. Proprietor. Kenovo Hotel, Reitoeo, Pa. The ocean hoi be."s im"ppan point, stamkord, Conn., delUhtlutlv located on the Sound, now opea for the teaion: One beach for bathing, bnatlng and Dshingi accommodations lor lainiilea unexceptionable in all re spects. I'or particulars address OCEAN HOUSE. Stam ford. Conn. KOK s\i,F,. \ KIN P. SAMPLE INI) lunch" room." near V Stock Exchange, doing a profitable business, for sals cheap. MITCHELL. 77 Cedar st. A -CORNER" LIQUOR STORKS, CORNER HOTELS, . Restaurant!. Broadway Sample Rooms, Cigar Store* at great bargain*. M 11 I 'll ELL. 77 C?dar at. ?KOK HAL ?, BAhKKIEs. fJSUY OOODS AND ? gentloineu'i Kurmshiug .Stores, corner tirocery Store* mitchell. 77 Cedar at. A KIKST class CORNER LIQUOR STORK POB aala aheap; good lease : cheap rent. IN) Morten at. LOT OK a.AU POLKS KOK HALK CHEAP; ALL ?ilea. JO IN WALflff. 380 Wost st. A blacksmith AND WHEELWRIGHT SHOP FOR sale with Stock. Fixture*. vc Kor particulars inquire ol MOORR A M AN EE, No*, a. 5 and 7 Macdougal et. AN OLD KSTABL1SI1ED NEWSPAPKK STAND AND Route of 173 customers; will he told cheap; beat lo cation : call and examine. MM lf>lh av. f~fioR sXLc:^sE7.FRTi8TNu "flour SusiWiiSt 1 large local and Southern trade; now on exhibition la ?Machinery llall at the Centennial; llrat premium awarded in IS7I by Amarlciiu Institute. 'New Vork. Address J. M. KILE V, .' Walnut >t., Philadelphia. IT i It HALE?HOTEL, WITH RESTAURANT If tachad. near one of ihe principal railroad depot* of New Vork; no agenta need apply. Kor further information addree* R. S. D., Herald otliee. I.10U SALE?A CANDY AND MlLK~HTOKE. APPLY 1 at U3 Lewii *t. I" T)? s A I. ill K OLD AND VfKLL StfOWIT COR* 1 iectionerr nnd Ice Cream Saloon and Depot; tatab Halted oter years; no botiut fur good will; the beat chance in New York tor a practical man. Apply on premlaet, 13B Utlt av. FOlt SAI.K?A KIRST CLASS LttjUOK HTORK IX A thickly populated neighborhood Apply at once al OAFFNEY A SMI H'S Store Agency, 17 Centre it, InOR HALR?FIXTl/RKH O? LlyCoR STORK. WITH 1 first claa* Uelrigerator fur boer, ale, Ac. Apply at 741 3d av. OB HALE?FIRST CLASS RKsTAt'RANT, OYR _ ter House and Ice Creniu Saloon ; benutifnl place; chea| rent and lung ieaao : greatest bargain lit the world. Apply to.lOIlN KELLY, 248 Hudson at , coruer Uroutne. No agent*. F T7I1RST CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE; (iOOD LOCA J? tion. Inquire of K. ICKOEI1KR. 092 !ld ar. ICEHOI SKS ANU BOXES ! OR BKKR, HL'TCHKHS reataurantt; llutcher*' Fixture*. mathbso.S, 34th *t., near 11th ar. ARRLK SODA WAT&R AND ROOT'BBKR APPA ratu*. all atvle*. for *al? below cost. J. M. WillTKlKl.D A SON, at? Water et SOAP FACTORY KOK SALE?NOW DDI >11 A GOOD hualne**; Improvement modern; all in running order| only twenty rainutea from New York, reuijn fur aelling. Call or address S. 11., Itki -d at., New \ ork. r ?RUSINESrC FOR HALB. PAYINU ?lfl PKB i woek , 3 year*' standing on a good avenue. Addresa II. M. N., box 5 station 0. $225 Boiler fok~'sale?laroe tubClar, op~ii?)K eru comtrucilou. Apply at LESLIE hoii.KR WORK , 3'i Pearl *U, acros* Pennsylvania Kallruad, Jersey city, uear tho ferry. ? rfrvo heavy cuain ITlinos, oxk medium sixIb J. Jack Screw, one Wiudlasa (double geared) for heavy truck, for sals cheap. Apply to euglneer, at works, Ul Cannon st. WANTED?A SECOND HAND. DOCBLE ACTING, hori/.ontiil Engine. with cylinder Hbout 11x12 inche*) must bo In tirst clan order* Apply to JL'AN (>. RIBuN 141 and 1411 1st xt . .Icriey ( it; ANTED?A SK< OND 11 AND horizontal EN iflu*. in first rule order, nf good make, cylinder 13 oi 14 inches diameter; also a second liund tubular Boiler, nearly new, without patch or Haw. Send full description, with lowest caiih price, of either or both, to box HI. if oat office. Now York city, at once. HOIJSKS, ROOMS, ?!fct .. tVANTlCD." ~ In till* C'ltv >ind lii'uultlvn. ? A SINGLE RunM WANTED-IN A KIRST CLASS J\ neighborhood, by a geuilmn an ; will par $3 or $3 50 at the utmost. Addrra* A., box 1U7 Herald ollice. AV(ITNO GENTLEMAN DESIRES A rUHlnHK^ Room ill Brooklyn with a private family; luiatlon mull be in or near Sands at. Aildreaa. aUting terms, Ac., 1>. II. T., box 231) llernld officii. * ? ANTED-AT LOW RKNT, HY TUK YK Ait, A small House. either on Washington Height* or at w mine point out of town acc**?lbl>t- by niflit anil aiornioj boat Address box S4n Post office, Nuw York. W"~ ANTKD-4 NICELY k! KMl.-Mhl? IIOCSeTbKOWM ?ton* preferred, between 2"i aii'l 4tb av* and Htn an/ 2'ith at*., lor n flrit ila--? Spanish family, lor .t term of threi months Irom July 1. Aildres* P. G., Cost office box 5,527. RCRSTTUllh. " 3 T'^iRAA>~A QocMa ?A~~~ JV old, lirat claas and reliable house*, 152 and 154 Went '-!3<| it ibetwenu nth and 7th avs.) Thi? extensive stock, of our own manufacture, offered at r-tall lor next :Kidav* at manuiacturen' wholesale price*. Greatest opportunities for bargains yet offered. I'WVAI'K KAMII.V, GOING TO BUBOPE WILL jV sell their ma jn.licent Household Furniture, vi*.. par lor. Iibr.iry, chamber and dining room Pnrnlttire, and ela> ?ant 8t"inway A Son's 1'iaao. at sacritica. Call at privat* leiidence 12') Wait 23d at., near tltli av. A ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PATMBNTS TAKH* As lor r'uroitare, Carpet* and Redding at H. M. COW PP.RTIIWAITA CO.'S. I5S and 157 Chatham ?t. An im mense Slock at low pi lee*. Auction rooms. ar? p\st kith ht?purnitdrr Carpet*. Mirrors. Pianoforte*, Wardrobe*, Armour* I Cabinet*, iledroom Sell, Parlor Suite, Ac., at private tale al auatlou price*. A-CIRCUM3TANCRS COMPEL a private pamilv ? to sell. at sacrifice. * itln Parlor Sulla, coat fK> >, fot #2iA). $! "?<?; Stclnway l'iano. (335; Turkish Suit, 175: rea Huit, $-15. Chamber Beta, srltn Dressing Cases, $5H ; Bed steads, Bureau*, 4H pound hair Matlressos, flu; Kxtenaina Table, llulfet, Itookca* ?*, Painting*. ttronies, Carpet*. Call at private residence, 47 West lilth at., near Bth av. f""(iKnKO! A. CLARKE'S, 7t7 B *6 AD WAT? Superior I urnltnre. Oarpetx, Mirrora, Parlor Beda, Aa., at reduced prices and on hi* popular lyitain oi paymanta. A BARGAIN TOR CASH ?MAONIPICPNT PARLOB Salt In natin aoteliae. eA?t f7l)0, lor 9125; do., flOO( rep and haircloth fmm H5 up; Bedroom Halt*, complete, from f Hi to # 125, Pianoforte. Ac. t all for one weak befora fiurcha?>inl( eUewbaro at raiidonca 21 Laat 2<lth at, near Iroadway. IJIAVOR'S AUCTION HOOaK, 13 EAST 14Tn AT.-AMt ' kind* furniture, rich and common ; urlvata sale; ana. tlon prices; owner wants money. Investigate. K"TjB|* PATENT POLDIJiO BEDS, WITU M ATTRKSKBsT ?ra the most nsefitl articles In Table, WrltincDetlt, Bureau. Bookcase. Ae.; thry re<iaire very small spaea. ara anitable lor dwelling and business pnri>oaaa, have no appear* ance of a 'ied. all bedding plac -d in It. and. batide* drawer*, bouktaae, Ac., are useful. Manufactured by E. KISS, 154 Prlncc at. CL.OTHl!*t*. IT \ N11 A I.T'S. 17S 7TII AV.. VP. V It 2IITH KTi. li J\_ p?r cnt mora than elsewhere will positively ha paM for cast olf Clothing. Address Mr. or Mrs. AMI ALT. AT I.2T4 BROADWAY. BETWKKN S3D AND 430 sis ?Broadway price* paid for Caat olT Clothing. Jaw* elry, Ac.. Iiy calling on or addrensing it IIAHKIS. 1,274. A -NATHAN'S old BHTABLIHIIVBlTr. 33U 6TB . av., naar 4th at ; the highest value paid lor east* off I Mottling, Carpet*, Ae. Call on or addreia Mr. at Mr*. NATHAN. AT TLATTO'S, Sin flTH AV., 4nT'l ST -on PBBCBNT more than else* hrra will positively be paid for Caat* ?COkilhltg. Address ^lr. or Mr?. PLATTO. At kdward mii.lers well known estab! llsbiueiit. iW nth av., naar Wararle/ place, utmost valu* paid for Cait-oir Clothing, Carneta, Ac., by anlliag on or adaraaatag *n. or Mrs Mli.LMt AS l'UOJUOU* . 3 NO IMPOSI flON.?ORKATESf BU.ilNKSh ' AND? ? MeJini tMalrvoyant, Mr?. POSTER. She talla all avents through life, nam-s In full, cansa* marHagas. 54 Lexington av., between 24th and 25tli sts. 25c. to 50a. hUStMBSS AND MEDICAL"CLAIRVOYANT MOT to be equalled name*. Ilkenaas, Ac. Office 150 Waat 35th at, between Mil and 7th ava. MMK. COLLINS. RELIABLE AND^tTiCSTWOBtH? clairvoyant; magnetic treatment. 375 ttth av., near 17th st ' /KlCDit u? Ml - WiifiCKSrER; PHYSli IAN f'RMARii Arfft ? nuning. 14U Charles bet. Wa*biugton and Week -MME. MBSfKLL. MIOWIKK' ?IN<'E IKl'l NaT i2dst,. lint 'l.-nr :r.>m f.h av Advice fraa. ? DR. AND MMK M \i llli I.V ; ;?l VEAliS' PRAO lloe. (mire I2 i l.ilxirty at., near tircenwlch. ~DR. AlfD-MMh BOrf-CONP1DKNTIAL COB* auliati on all female toaaplalata. 17 W*it 1Mb Mb R. Will I IH I' M?, 'MU BAST f II ST, NEAR ? av.?All Kemale Coiuplaiut* safely treated for 93\ K. WESTBROOK, ltTWEST 3D >T NEAR BROaS way. r'emale coaiplaiutt a apaciaity. K. OKI N DLli ~CI' IthS PRM t f.E COMPLAINTB, whatever tlMfMae;'ia y?^l' practice. 142 W?at4Mth*. US. LYONS. PKMALB* PltTMICIAN, OVKRK ALb complaiufs; no cut. no paj No 40 haet 2<)lb <i.. 'UCckssrijL CC'RBti t)t ARAN f EED.?ALL CABai ) kr Dr. at Maa. WBST. 4b Uiaaokar ak. mk |mS3 A. A. A. 1) D I) M