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COLLEGE COMMENCEMENTS. {CONTINUED FROM EIGHTH PAGE. ] 1U persistency, Itn moral dTing, deserve admiration Uld pairuoatfu. If you in your own spheres ran ussisl IB bringing tbinga of d*rkne.-n lo light, n<>( from the siean spirit of epvy or malice or because you take pleasure thereto, which is internal, but front the awlul aecesalUes of righteousness, you will deserve well of /?ar country *nd he tbe lienelictors of mankind in conclaston the speaker urged his hearers to cher I* their Alma Mater and lo lead Christian lives. HIIL HI) MIL Review of the Stock Market?k Dull Week and Irregular Prices. DECLINE IN GOLD. Capital a Drag and Money Ecsy?The Movement in .Railway and Government Bonds?Mining Intelligence. Wiu Strkit, ) Scmdat, June 'Ji, 1870.j Then are few evont* of sufficient iiu]>oriance to be ystsd Ip the ledger of tbe week. x Business In the slock market has been unusually dull, ?bowing an indisposition on the part of those whose captUI enables them to give real strength and consist ency to the market to Join in what is cltarly a gamble between a law local operators. Brokers' offices are comparatively deserted, clerks arc idie, expenses are MeumnlaitSM and the feeling of depression Is almost universal. So far as speculation is concerned?auch sa it Is?the principal leaturo was tbe strength of the granger ?locks, which were marked up to a point that enabled not a few of the ancient holders to realize a lair proilt for their patleuce. lucreased earnings are reported on these lines as the result of a sharp movement of grain, and the "point" haa undoubtedly been well allltsed. The compactness of the cliques engaged in manipulat ing Northwest and St. Paul la the chief secret of their ?access. ' In other securities, like Western Union, Pacific Hail and Lake Shore, the fluctuations have been more or leas suggestive of lacteal tactics, prices acting and re letlng obedient to tho whims of the bold plajwra whose littlo piles are at stake. Tne "point" that a dividend will be surely paid by the latter continues to be freely ilrculatcd. We can obtain no truthful information on the subject. New York Central remains quite steady It 106 a 106, notwithstanding the unfavorable bulletins daily published concerning the condition of the vener able Commodore. Tho contracts that have been' made with this com pany by shippers to carry freight at present low rates ?ntil February and even later, with the privilege of iny further reduction that may be made, are regarded is inimical to the best interests of tbe line, and sug jestivo of a determination to fight tn the pending war 10 tbe bitter end. Much interest attached daring the week to the er ?tic course of New Jersey Central, which, after run ling down to 72%, was met by a statement of President lounston that things are not so bad us they might bo ind promise to be a great deal better, whereupon the "aborts" rushed in to covcr and advanced itie figures to 70. Subsequently it further deciiued, but at the eloae presented the evidence of a sustaining power by rallying to 76%. Delaware and Lackawanna likewise lullered from depression In the early part of the week, Ihe opinion apparently being ireely shared that bottom haa not been reached In any of the coal carrying stocks, fbo Michigan Central party suoccedea In putting their favorite up to 49 and are predicting yet higher Ogures but in the race ol a summer market and the absence of a legitimate demand lor eveu the civeciultlen it is difficult to see on what ground* a permanent upward movement can take place at the present time in any stock cm the list. It Is but lair to my that there is a small constituency of prophets ou Wall street who do not look on tho ex, Isting situation through the (toggles of ipclancboly, and recommend thoir irlcnds to avail themselves of present low prices, and by buying "along the line" be preparod lor an autumn rise. While this sanguine class are not themselves openly setting tho example, nnd are ?Imply eloquent to the audience that surrounds the stock indicator, the remoteness of the result makes the prediction plausible, and Is worth remembering. Your ?mall operator, however, is generally too impecunious to wait for large profit* or take the chances of a thtee or live per eent decline against an advance of tenor Dlleen t?er cent three months bencc. He * Count* time by porno ilir:>tu, Not by figures on I Us dial. , TUK TKAlHACTIOMS OP Till WKBK. The following table represents the opening, highest and lowest sales, regular way, of the principal stocks during the past week, together with the number of ?hares dealt in:? jVo. of Open- High- Lcnc Shart*. xng. lit ?ft Atlantic and Pacific pret. 250 J% '2% 2% Atlantic sud i'acitic lei... 1,107 18 18% 17 Chicago and Northwebt'n. 16,000 42% 43% 42 C. and N. W. preierrod... 4,420 <54 % 67 64% Chicago, K. 1. and 1'aciQo 10,722 109% 109% 108% Chicago, Bur. and Quinry 265 114% 115% 114% Col., Chi. and lnd. Cent.. 060 4 4 4 C,C.. C. and 1 470 46 40 43 Clevelaadand Pittsburg.. 290 U2'{ 93 92% Chicago and Alton 570 102% lw; i02>, Del., l.uck. and Western.. 17,219 106% 107% 104% Del and Hudson Canal.... 934 1U5- 106% 105 Adams Kxpress 133 109% lmi'j 109% American Express 430 />*' ^ 69% 69 Wells, Fargo & Co llo 89% 89% Erlo 7,677 13% 14 13% Harlem fiOO 136 136 13? Hannibal and Su Joseph. S26 13% 13% 13% Han. and St. Jo. pre!.... 100 22 % 22% 22% Illinois Central 720 97 % 07% ?7% Lake Shore 188,377 55 65% 64 Michigan Central 17,578 48% 48% 46% Morris and Eseex 300 101% 102 101% Mo., Kansas and Texas... 000 9 8% Milwaukee and St. Paul.. 26,5<K) 41% 42 s; 41% Milwaukee and St. Paul pf 33,t>50 72 72% 70% New York Central 2,307 106% 107% 106 Ne* Jersey Central 30,315 77% 79 72% Sew Jersey Southern.... loo 1 1-1 Ohio and Mississippi 6,010 16% 16% 16% Pacific Mall 11,720 '25' 'ib\ 24% Panama loo lae 136 136 Paciflc or Missouri 1,600 10 10 7% tit. L, K. C. and N. prof. loo 29% 29% 29 u Tol., Wab. and Western.. 1.300 2% '2% 1% Union Pacific 200 60 CO 6o Western Union Tel 76,290 68% 69^ ?6%xd Pro. Con. L. and P. Co... 300 118% 118% 117% M. L and M. Co 2,6i0 6% 9% ? 4 M. L. and M. Co. prel.... 965 9 10 9 Gold _ 112% 112% 111% Total fbr the week 601.980 CLOS1XO NUCSS? SATURDAY, 3 T M. I'setfcMall.... v4J? ? '.'4', ;i MPpl 70*: a flow Vast Intel... 67% a 67% C.CC*!,... ? m All A faciei 17% a l7<-t C.OAIC..,.. a% a 4 VuiekrtlTer... 13 a 15% l)*l,L <k W.... 107 a I07U tjaieftsilver pf. 18 a iiC KHe 18% a la'. V ar Laud A M ??% ? !l Man A 81 Jo .. 13'. * 13% I Marl. AM pi ?% u 10 II an A >t Jo pf 2;? a 20 Adams Kx 109% a ll<i LakeSlyore.... M% a OH, Aaar Ex 0^% a 09 Mich Centra'.. -in , a i>i L f h*. . 72', ? 7H K V t Mar l:-4% * 137 *e U-FariiaM b?% a uo N i c a h K.. 100% a Hat Chic A Alios ..102 a U>3% N J On. 70-. a 7?% cie? a 1'ltu . W% a OhlaAMiat... l? . a l?v CblcA> W... 43 a 43% Nuaiii* . ? * 14u t hie * > H pi. Wl% a >+?', 1 ul A Wall ... 1%a 2 CIltAKl .]??', ? HM% I uluu I'aaMc.. W ? 00 lOAMf 41% a 41^ Miwoor l'??. 6% a 7 TUB MOJfKT MARKET. The sitnstlon ol the money market has reflected great ease. Tho supply Is abundant, wore capital is offering than can be ased, and the payment of interest and dividends will largely sugmen' the amount on kaad. Call loans bsve ranged from 3 to 1% per rent Tnue loans runntag through the year have beea done at 4 per eent. The supply ol mercantile paper is very ?mall, and nearly all grades aro subjected to a clo.-o scrutiny. Some names, classed as "jrilt-euged," lind ssle at low as 3% a 4 per cent, but the ^cadiag note brokers scale rates aa follows:? CBamK.vrr famii. Doublo named? ?s?zty hayt. Four Month*. First elans 3% a 6 4 a 5% Good 6 a 6% 6% a 6 8tngie named Firm class 4 a 6 5 a 6 <4 ??"d ? u 7 7 a 8 Not so well known 8 a 9 9 a 10 ??ld i-Arr.s. Double named? l'rinie ? a 6 0 s 7 Kinglo named? Good ? a 8 I a 9 The foreign exchanges have been strong snd slightly higher, leading to renewed exports ol gold. TMK OOLD MARK ST. The Oold Room speculation lias been very bearish ?*4 the price haa fallen from 112% to 111%. The doso was made at 112)f. It Is estimated that from 110,000,ooo to $1J),u>j.OOO nold huvo been told short this week on tbe prospective July disbursements by the Treasury and ibe talk about another syndicate taking a Urge amount of lour and a half per cent bond*. There bas been a good borrowing demand for hash gold all tbe week. Tbe following shows the value in gold of $100 green backs (United States Treasury notes, fractional notes and national bank notes) at twelve o'clock to-day and at the same hour of tbe days named:? J tint 24. June. 23. June '22. June 21. June 20. June 19. $89 40 $89 18 flit 98 $88 98 $88 98 988 ''J EXfoBTS AND IMPOSTS. The foreign commerce of tbo week was as follows:? Geucral merchandise. Imports, including dry goods, $4.41(2,551; produce exports, $0,233,003; spccio ex ports, $1,763,950. The total imports of merchandise since January for this year wero $153,310,430, against $170,747,337 for the corresponding period in 1876, and $211,153,681 Ml 1874. sovbbhmbnt bonus. These have beeu in active demand daring tbo week by Institutions ana private capitalists. At first they were strong, but later, In sympathy with gold, they declined, which induced still further orders that could not be supplied, owing to the small uumbcr of bonds oOermg. STATS BONOS. In the bonds of the Southern States there bas been a better demand at firmer figures, though the dealings were the largest in Tennessee* and Louistanas. On tbe latter interest is now being paid. They represent sixty per cent by composition or the original debt of the State. By the umeuduieul of tbe State constitution, ratified by tbe people, tbe whole Slate debt is limited to $15,OOO.OOU The old debt is being consolidated at the rats'of sixty nor cent, and this $16,000,000 provi sion will more than cover tbe outstanding bonds. Tbe inquiry lor Missouri bonds brought the price of plain sixes to 108. The District or Columbia 3.06s Were firm, and advanced on the passage ol a bill making standiug provision lor the interest In place of a semi-annual ap propriation. B AILROAD BUNDS. These maintained steadiness and la some instances, as lor instance the lines not involved In the present rivalry for freights, were strong and active, Tho Paeillc Issues were higher. Capital Is evidently soeking to this class of securities a chance for employment, and good bonds will reap the benelit. MIMNU STATISTICS. Until within a very recent period It haa been the common opinion of those who have not acquainted themselves with the statistics of tbe business that mining for the precious metals la tbe most hazardous, and, upon the average, the least remunerative of all industrial pursuits. We commend to such as still bold to that view the following excerpt from a trustworthy authority. The allowauoe for expenditures seems to be liberal, while the figures as to the production aro actual and apparently indisputable. "By carclul tearch among tbe records of all gold and silver mining companies incorporated in tbe United States, it haa been estimated that about $000,000,000 have been subscribed toward mining and milling com panies, from tho time of the discovery of gold in Call' lornia, up to tbo beginning of 1876. This figure repre sents the total capital stoek and assessments ol all companies of which record can be found. About sixty per cent of this A gore, or $300,000,000, was paid in cash; the balance still remalus as paper. Now what have been the results* The following will show ap proximately the whole thing:? Bullion produced $1,088,000,000 Intrinsic value of mineral lands working up to 1875 only, counting tbe produc tion as a proht of ten per cent per an num.. 760,000,000 Total $2,438,000,000 Actual capital Invested 300,0011,000 Estimated value 01 suri'uee improvements. 200,000,000 Labor oi 10,000 men at $4 per <lay lor 26 years 800,000,000 Total $800,000,000 Prolii during 20 years ? 1,578.000,000 Total $2,431,000,000 ?or a little more than $60,000,000 per year (part of this being permanent Improvement), which, upon au investment of $300,000,000, represents a profit or about sixteen per ceut per annum from the date oL.the dis covery of gold is 1840 till 1876." ooijuoa ami> PKODccm The coinage of the Philadelphia, San Francisco and Carson City mints for Ore months amounted to $26,020,4U2. The coinago for May was as lollows:? , San Francisco mint $3,814,000 Philadelphia 1,301,UNO Carson 681,160 Total $6, MO, 840 Tbe treasure shipments from San Franclsoo to China and Japan, by tbe steamer Gaelic, were as follows:? Mexican dollars $393,2*7 Trade dollars 864,42* Silver bars 80,188 Gold coin 7,710 Gold dust 3,.'>40 Total $860,140 The daily ore product of tbe principal mine* on the Comstock lode Is reported to be aa follows:? Tuns. Consolidated Virginia ftoo Beicncr 400 California :i6u Opbir ;too Cruwa Point ISO Justice 120 Choiiar-Potosl 120 MUIOMAJIDA. The Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company an nounce that hereafter the unilorm rate of twenty-five coat* lor ten words will be adopted on all messages ? between New York city and the New Kuglana States, and also tbe unltorm rate of $1 between ail such points and St Louis, cxeept daring Convention week, when tbe rate will be twonty-tlvo cents. Tbe Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Com pany have taken a contract for tbe delivery of 6,000 tons of rails to the Texas aud Pacific Railway Company, part ot which are of their own manufacture and part of the product of two private firms on the line ol their road. This contract was secured by agroeing to deliver them promptly by steam Irorn Philadelphia at Houston, Texas, for which purpose the Reading road was able to put lis own steamers into the business in order to re ceive the work lor its own region, and thus give employment to a great number of idle maa now In that suction. The directors of tbe Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltlmoro Railroad Company have declared a k. mi annual dividend of four pur cont, payable on and alter the 1st prox. Mr. W. I. Scott, of Erie, Pa., has been eleoled Presi dent ot tbo Canada Southern Railroad Company, and Mr. John Hots, of New York, President ol the Toledo . and Wabash. The London ami Northwestern Railway woris, at Crewe, Kngl.ind, tiynod out their two thousandth locomotive recently, and gave a public dinner to cele brate the occasion. The interest on Illinois State bonds, duo first Mon day in July, it Is announced, wMI be paid at tbo American Exchange National ilank. New York, July 3. The Denver and liio Graudo Railroad is completed and runmug to a point seventy-four miles from the San Juan guld region, by the Fort Garland route. A now rule on tbo Central Vermont Railroad 1 quires every member to take tha total abstinence pieJge, aud dlsmlaaal is to follow a violation or It. l'tye Chatham National Bank has declared a semi annual dividend of 6 per cent, payable July 1. Tbe Huusatonlo Railroad Company Iim declared a quarterly dividend of $2 per share on tbe preferred stock, payable July 10 at tbe treasurer's oiDce, in Bridgoport, Conn. DOMESTIC MARKETS. (iilrsiTo*, Jena 24. IST'l. Cotton, demand active; middling, IIlow middling, ; !')*,<? ? ? good "rdinary. l?V~ Net receipt*. UM bale*, hx porti constwiae, oa. .^alaa, tk>2. Mock, *.1">M. ?N? w UdUlliS, June 24, ISTrf Cotton unlet; middling. 11 l?c. . !..? iiuddiiuir. lo',c.; food ordinary, Nci receipts, 120 bale*; grots. 47j. l.oou, stock, St,4o8. . Mobil*. June 24, 1K7H. Cotton ?tea?ly: middling. 11,'ie. ? ll.V'.; I"w middling, it)>|c ? lo\c.; (rood ordinary. ?>'?c Met receipt*. liJU bait*. Kxporta eoaetwiee, 311. Palea, 2uo. Stoea. H.isn. Mayans ?n, J art* 24. IS78. Cotton quiet; middling, lie.; low niiUd.iai;. lo',c. . ^m>d oruiiary. ?y?r. .Net reci'lp a. lia?. h.\ ports coa.*t *iu, Mil. ?aies, tOU .Stock, U.M2H. CnaauuryoB. Jnne 24, 1*70. Cotton qoiet; middling. 1 IHc.; low mlOtiliua, I<>'??. a to^e. I good Ordinary. a lOe. Not receipt*. Ift Oulrn. Slilcl. M. Ml ck, 0*v. m.o, Jan* 24, ISTil Flour unchanged; sales 1.400hbls. Wheat ?ie>idy; sales 2..Va? baskets No. I Milwaukee etnb at *1 . MUOUdo red Ohio, by ?ample, at 0. JO: extra while Michigan held ?t 91 WA torn <iulat; new, ."?He. torn meal unchanged. Mill l?el unchanged. t anal freights nnchauged. Lake receipt*? Wheat, 11, <00 bn-ln-1, . lumber, 488.0UO lest. Canal alii? menu -Lumber, rt7:i,UW leet. Brr??i.o. June 24. 1870. I,nk? receipts?Wheat. 1H6.IOO bus tela; corn, I8.IHJO do.; oats, dj.OUOdo. Railroad receipt*?Hour, 2 HUO bbl*.. whom, 1.1.two bushels; Mm. 17,(joy do.; mis, 14,<XKldo.. bariev. 4<Jii da ; rye, MOdo Ouid Uilpmtali for lidl>iMr-Vkt>t, l(i,<??i bushel*. Interior points?Wheal, 3,01*1 bushels; euro. ll.MJO do. Railroad shipments ? F lour. J8.000 bblfc ; wheat. 40.000 bushels: corn. 17.000 do.: otU 14.000 da.; barley. ?>) d?. rye. **) d* Canal freights dull?Wneat. 6c. to New Yurk, tolls Included. Flour firui and uulet; Ml** <100 bbli. Wli at belli tirm : buyer* scarce: sale* 7.iOL) i.ush ?U i<ard Milwaukee at $1 28 a (1 30; three car* No. 2 Mil waukee at *1 12. Corn dull, but Ira; Ho. 2 neld at ?!e.; ?ale* (jro can high nixed at .Vic Oats nominal al 36c. * ;n>c Hyr quiet: sale* ol MJO bushels Wisconsin at about 83c. Barley inactive. Malt quiet. Pork quiet and flrMr at HO far heavy mm l.anl dull, bat Arm at 13c. High wines nominally $1 IS for city made. Tuutoo, June 24. 1878. Flowsteady. Wheat steady; Ko 2 white Mlcklns, (1 14: amber Mtchlicaa, HI 20; Jul*. $1 2'Wo. 2 do.. 97c. a M7Jic.; Nd. 2 red winter, $1 lf*)? ; No. 3 red. $1; do. Dayton Michigan. 97; rejected red, H2Sc. Corn strong; high ailxed UJie { Juse hslii at Uka, li.'^c. offered; July held at ?V.'e. low do. 48c.; no grade, 46^c.; damaged, 37e. Oat* Arm ; No. J and Michigan. 31,'?e. ; white, 34c. Receipt*? Wheal, 27,000 bushels, corn, 24,000 do., oat*. 16,t?J do. shipments?Flour, 1,400 bbl*., wheal. 14,000 bashel*. corn, 42,'Jt)0 do., oats.O.OOO do. * Chicago. June 24. 187a Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat faitly active and a itbede higher; No. 2 Chicago Spring, 91 05 spot: $1 08V July; II O&X August; No. 3 Chicago spring. 01c ; reject id, 7uc. Cora staady. with a fair demand; no. 2 at ?6*,c. spot; 4dc. a 4?).Wc July; 40'?c. August. Oats firuier; No. 2 al 30e. a MO\e spot and July; J9e. a 20^c. August. Rye steady. Barley steady. Porfc quiet. bat eteady ; $10 spot; *18 90 a *18 Oft July; $10 10 a $19 12k August. Lard quiet, bat staady; $11 I2W spot; $11 25 August. Hulk meat* easier: shoulders, 'IJiC. a 7c.; clear rib (ides, Ot,c. a O^c.; clear sides, 10c. Whiskey quiel, but steady at $1 IO. Freights?Rail to New Yorg. 20o. Receipts? Flour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 73,000 bushel*: corn. 104,000 do.; oats. 08,000 do.; rye, fl,500 do.; barley. 3,200 do. Shipments? Klour, 13,000 bbls.; wheal, 88,000 bushels: corn, 231,000 do.; oats, 35,000 do.; rye, 400 do.; barley, 800 do. HAVANA MARKETS. Havana. June 24. 1*7(1. Sugar.?The market *as quiet, but Urui lu the beginning of the week, but toward the close a better Inquiry was man ifested ; closed tirm at last week's prices: stock in warehouse at Havana and Matanxas. 342.00 > boxes and 32,000 buds.; receipts of the week. 8,000 boxes and < 00 hlida.; export* of the woek, ID.OJO boxes and 4.300 lihds., including 4,000 boxes and 4.500 bhd*. to the United States. Bacou. $30 per cwt Butter, $77 per quintal for superior American. Flour. $11 a .">0 pur bbl. tor American. Jerked beer, $4 per arrobe. llaras, $18 a $49 per quiutal for Americau sugar cured. Lard, in kegs. $38 a $30 per quintal; In tlus, $43 a $>7. Potatoes. $H 30 par bbl. Tallow, $20 an 1 $30 per quiutal. Honey and onions, noua in the market. Coal oil, in tins. 8J? a 8J? reals ? per gallon. Lumber nominal. Shook! nominal. White navy beans. 20 reals per arroba. Corn 12)^ a 13\ reals per arrobe. Hoops nominal. Freights? Vessels lor tha United States in demaud. but ? scarcity of tonnage cur tails ooeratloni; loading a: Havana for tha United States, per box of sugar, 79c.; loading at ports on the north const (outside ports) lor tha United States, per box of sugar, 75c. Tobacco?There has been coniiderahle animation In the market; some transactions were closed upon very high leims. To day was a holiday. PRINTING CLOTHS MARKET. 1'goviDKgCB. B. 1.. Juno 24. 187H. The printing cloth market ruled dull during the whole of the past week, but closed with a little tinner feeling on the part of holders; sale* of the week were 18,500 piece* at 3){c. a 3\c. for standard to extra <14x01 cloths. nsAiyciAu. A'^^ITlvTTrAMiLTON * CO., 37 BKOa2T~3t7~NEW . YORn.. .bay and sell all SeAiritles dealt In at Stock Exchange. Stocks bought or sold oa 2>.j per cant margin. Stock Privilege* for sale at lowest market rates. Coat of Stock Privilege* on 100 Shara* of any stock. Puts or 7 13 30 00 Calls. Days. Days. Days, Days, 100 Share! $25 50 100 ? 1' O Spreads 50 100 200 200 Straddles 100 150 230 300 Distance from market. Puts. Calls or Spreads, 1 to 3 per cent. Straddles are drawn at market price of the stock. Brokers oommlaion for buying put or Call on 100 shares, $6 25?Spread or Straddle $12 50? lu addition to cost. A dally report New York Stock Exchange solas, mailed free. ? new book explaining stock speculations, mailed free. Information given regarding best stocks to speculate In. T REASONABLE RATES.-MONKY ON LIFE AND Endowment luturauce Policies. Mortgages and other seourities; insurance of all kinds affected with best com panies. J. J. HABUICH & CO.. 117 Broadway Amr AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS TO "LOAN ON MORT geire; city or Brooklyn. Apply to LEVITT A WOL COTT. 10 Hne st. Fort wayne. Jackson and sauinaw rail road Bonds. Rutfalo and. Jamestown First Mortgage Bonds, lor sale by W*. it. UTLEY, No 10 Wall st. 1 ALWAYS UAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MOIlP gage New York city property; city Kallroad stocks and Bond* bought and sold. II. il URaNT, 145 Hroadway. JKRSEY" CITY "sEVEN~i'KR t'KNT BONDS FOR SALE at 100J* and interest, by JOHN LAM8, No. 1 Exchange place, Jerse.v City. 0 ON LIBERAL TERMS?MONEY ON LI KB IXSlTlt ?ance policies, Apply to L1C8 AND LOAN ASBO Broadway, rourn I. FPICE KlUOKWOOD CEMKTKRY CO.. BROOKLY>, ,lune2U, A semi-annual dlvidcud of seven i7> per cent U declared, payable to the itiK-kholders on de mand, *t the New York office of vUla company. 170 Hroad way. V) M. A. BCUTt, Secretary. FttCE IjFTHH ILLlNOla CKNTKAL RAlLRO A D Company, ? N*w York, June 31, 187ft. A dividend of fear per cent lias boon declared by this compauv payable on tlio first d ty of Auguat next, to tbe binders of full paid shares, registered at the close of tbe 14th day of July ?e*t1 alter wntch and until tlio &th day of A<(in tbe trauslor book* wilt bo cloaod. L. V. P. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. lirANTEO- CHESAPEAKE AN I) OHIO COAL AND VY Lumber Honda. Addrese READY CASH, Herald Phlladelokia Braaeb office. TTrANTKD?#10.TlUO, AT * I'KH CENT. OM oTil A\ ' ft property, md fbu.u H) v* otber city property. No agents. Address B. Z., station II. Aim A/tA TO LOAN AT 6 PER CHUT INTEREST, ?OU.U'"U Ave years, iu sums to snlt. HYo rr. 14ft Broadway. A-/t iwia WANTKD-AT 5 PKIt CENT. POR A ?PtJU.UUU term of years, on ttrst olaaa property in tbla city. Priucipsis only. Addrose LOAN, iierald office. if I Off (IIW \ To LOA N on" JIOMUMMi MtlUIU suit. p>trl at ti per cent. _ 8111 I'M A ,N A MhR>KKKAlJ, B2 William ?t._ BiMNKIi!) OPPORTlNlTlBk. "7 BuQTVIkilnw 'oppoRTolTfrv.?a Jo bring A Keroeeue Lamp Business of 11 years' standing, in Bal timore, lur sale ; preeeut owners dnsire to devote their en tire time to tbeir petroleum snd other oil trade; liosln. ss stand can be bad on lease at reasonable rent. Per particu lars address box 7U6 Poet office, Baltimore. Md. "I ?wants D?a too mo man as ?jfflWm'"'iijr" Jl, from tljMO to $2,00i) cash, in a wall-paying business. Address A. B. C., Herald office. NfcW ARTICLE, HKLLI.VO PASTHR THAN I <3an manufacture it. ?Want a partner, with $i.?*JU. to en tend htilnm; also State Kigbts for cole. Queans County Land Oftke, i-SJ Broadway. EKAL ESTATE BUiilNBW OP Id YEA Kb' bTAND ing?Kavorably known; little money required from a good party; rent nominal. OMoe northwest ooxaer 43th it. and Broadway. dT~n WILL RBTABX.YiH ANY (jSTnTiTkMaN IN A tfiJU new, proiltable Hisliiesi, never introdueod ia this country; eaa make f2S weekly positively. HARU1NO, 881 Rroadway. A 4 I\7\ CASH WlUlI BUY ONK HALr' INTKKKriT IN tp'iUu tiood Will, Stock, Ac., In my business, paying IM?J per month. &>H Broa iway room 8. MAIDEN LANE DIAMONDS. irxxmio op btbasbfboer a co. ? creditors. la compliance with a eircalar call a largo meeting ol the crodltor* of Straaburger k Ca, tbe Maiden lane and St, l-ouis Jewellors, who failed laat December with liabilities of nearly $200,000, wu held at ten o'clock Saturday in tbe National Park Bank buildlag. Nearly 100 of tbe largest creditor* were present or repre sented. Mr. Morse called the meeting to order and nominated Mr. Dorranoc, of (be Arm ot Htnillle. Oorrance St Edge, for chairman. Mr. Daniel P. Appleton nomi nated Joseph Karnorcbnn secretary. Roth being elected the ttrst busiuesH in order was the report of tlio committee of live, which was made by Mr. Morse, tbesubsume of which was that tbe com in It tea bad proceeded promptly, both In the civil aud criminal courts, sgalnst lmth members of tbe nrm, Motes Strasburgor and Sanson* Rosenblatt, In tbe courts of New York. St. Louis and San Francisco; had tbeas indicted by the Grand Jury, arrestod and impris oned for several weeks, and uow oat on ball, waiting trial on tbe criminal charges. After various proposu lions from the bankrupt* the committee agreed to sub mit to tbe creditors the following proposition for comproimao of the civil nulls:?Kk-vou per cent, se rtired, in an months; eleven per rent, secured, in twi'lvo month-: ejgthl p< r cent, not secured. In eigbieen month*, uud $u.OOO in cash. Tlte twenty two por cent ta sccareJ by boud ami uiortgsg* ol Rosenblatt's father ou bit real ratein in tbbi city, which tbe committee ron?i4>>r perfectly safe This settlement will give the creditors about $70,(MM in all to pay about $180,000, aud upwaruK of $.'JA,uuO more than all the assets ol the concern show. This is regarded by the committee as the very best (hat could ever be made out of the con cern. After a prolonged and freo diacusalon by all the creditors present a rot<> ol thank* wax umnimously passed and tendered to the committee of flvt', and then the repo-1 of the committed in lav ir ol acre^ting tne compromise was adopted by a vote ol 4U to 11 Tbe mooticg tben adjourned. AWAY TO AFRICA Mr. Donald Mackenzie and party ealled from Liver pool on Saturday, Jane 10, for the West Coast of Africa, tbefr object being to eiploro and survey tbe AIriean Continent to nee If It lie practicable to admit tlio waters ol tbe Atlantic Into tbe Vnlley of tbe Helta, and tbul establish water communlcat.oo with fttabtictoa. BILMAKIM, A M .liii AS ' standard flKTKC MCCnitt il fables; aleo a Urge Mock of Kails, <'ue?. Ac., at re duced prises; secoud hand Tabl. s at great iiarisalns. W. II. UlUPKlTH * CO.. 40 Vesey st. CIOLI.KNUKR'S HTaNDARD~ aMkRICaN BEVEL J Kllllaard Table*, with tbe celebrated Phelan k Collender combination euahions, for tale in tbla city only at 7# Broad way. ti?C IIIIH THAI' iTlh (ToitUKir RUilK CtaillUM 'Jlt/??"U Is the beat la th ? world >or sale only by the pateatee, corne r Canal mid Centrv aew aad sec ond baad Billiard Tables, tbe cheapest in the market. L. ItKiKKit A rrt ?profit) ijnTSENKm. 8~Musk"M. woou'8. HERNA NDEZ POSTER. THIS DAY. EVENING AT 8. Id MONDAY; or. Ilwktwi; CRUSOE. UM| the Brigands. MATIN BR AT J, ROBINSON KTH ATKJCL'K THEATRE, tBROADWAY ANDJHTH ST.) ? ' Proprietor and Manager. Mr. AUGUOTIN DALiY EVERY NIUHT AT ?. INCLUDINO RATURDAY NIGHT, ppppp n qqqu u 0 bbbb p p 11 g xj u u e _ PPP PP II Q Q U V REE T IIQQQP U _ p u qqq<j uuuu kerb ? A Play of today. Now acted over two bandied time*. Mlie KAN NY DaVENPOhTTMr. John Brougham. Mr. Sol hmith Russell, Mr. Harklns, Jamos i*ewis, W. Davidge, Mrs. Gilbert. Mitt Sydney Cowoll, Georgie Drew. "PIQUE" MATINEE SATURDAY AT 1:3a V July 4th. 6PBCIAL PIQUE MATINEE. BOWRRYTHEATRR.-MONDAY.JUNE M. BILLY BaRRY S STAR SPECIALTY COMBINA TION. Including the following New York favoritesBILLY BARRY. LaKRY TOOi.EY. WASH. NORTON. JAM1 S QUI.NK. El'GBNB BLITZ, J. D. ORIKKIN. TIKRNKY and C RON IN, IVA WEST end MOLLIS DKMAR, with the Theatre Company, la PIRATE OK THE ISLES. ALYMl'id" rIILAfIte7 BUMMPTY DL'MPTY V./ U3J, 824 broadway. near BleecVer it. Mr. JOHN F. POOLK Muuag?r Vhe coolest end pleasante't house in town. The Summer Theatre, Mammoth Kent in motion. ULMPTV DOM H IT. Prieei, 3ftc., SOs., 15c. and ?1, with new end most attractive features. Pint appearance ot tlie celebrated nrtitta, THE AFRICAN ACROBATS. Moorn. SEAMON AND SOMERS. Pint appearance of the eharnilnii Vocalist, Mitt RKKTIlA ItuWK. Flrtt time In America, Offenbach's Petit Opera, TUB HAMHOOS. by the SUtert Miles. DBLPH1NE and JULIA PASCAL. Hl'MPTY DUMPTY. Clown, Mr. Robert Fraser. Burlesque, Mi?t E. Yonng. Mile. Ida Devere't Character Dances. HUMPTY DUMPTY'S 101 NOVEL ATTRACTIONS. MATINEES WEDNP.SDAY_AND SATURDAY AT 3. PARISIAN VARIETIES. I THRBts ARISIAM VARIETIES. I MATINEES EVERV WBKK. Popular Pricos. I ItHh ?t. ana Broadway. | Coole?t Theatre. LEADING SENSATIONAL VARIETIES OK AMKRICA. The greatest combination of talent in the universe. 20 ORIGINAL ACTS. EXHILARATING. PIQUANT AND SPICY. NAUGHTY DEACONS. La Minuet. I Mr. X. I No I No! MY WIFE'S GARTER. Le Fete do Caatlnier. I Hrowu the Tragedian. TABL'-AUX VIVANTfi. KEATING AND KAN DS. WELLS AND ROM ICR. Miia ROSE KKENK AND WILLIAM FORRESTER. GREAT HORACE WKSTON. Miss EMILY PRIOR AND JOHN GOURLAY. HARtcY SHELDON. Mist MINNIE HALL AND FRANK STEELE. Hlauche Klberts. I Alice Gerard. I Krama Weston. Goorire Atkins. I John Krauces. I Joliu Wilton. Mile. BERTHA AND ShNOR NOVIS8IMO. Mile. Young. I Mllo. llenning. Mile- Barrett. Mile. Lewie. Louiaa Keun. I Ada Fields. Alice Gray. I Nellie Collins. Mile. Clifford Mile. Clinton. Clara Goodcherd. Annie G ilnea. Mnit Popular and exclusive cutertainnieut iu New York. Evenings at S. Matinee Tueaday. Thursday and Saturday at 2. . GILMORE'S CONCERT GARDEN. Messrs. -HOOK A PALMER Proprietor! Mr. P. S. GlLMORK Mutlcal Director Mr. E. G. Gil.MORE Manager THIS EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK. Mr. P. 8. OILMORE. LEVY AND THE FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. 1. Overture. "Jabol"' ^el"'.r 2. Nocturne. "!-ere?ade"... ' Titt'l 3. Selection, introducing gems ot "Oberou. Welier 4. Fantaele from the "Prophet" Meyerbeer 5. Solo Cornet (Arbuckle). themes from "Atilla" Verdi (I. Concert Walt*, "krolls Hailklauge" Lunibyo 7. So o Cornet, Graud Aria from "Robert le Diablo." Levy Meyerbeer 8. Polo Galcp. "Klrtt Time" 9. Fantasle Hiimnriatlc, "Lot I* Dead," with vari ation! lor all the priucipal instruments Wllmors 10. March, "Salute to >an Francisco" Stelnhauaer Admiatlun, SO centt; Oozes, f t a.-.d f4. (CHATEAU MABILLR?84TlT ST."AND 80 AT. J The sensational theatre ot New York. bO STAR ARTISTS Is NEW AND ORIGINAL ACTS. Spicy and entertaining. ?"UL Ft 20 BEAUTIFUL FORMED FEMALE MODELS In the Sliest Tableaux Vivantt extant. Lo Mlnnet de Paris, delightfully voluptuous. Bett of talent and spiciest entertainment in New York. Evenings at K Tuetdav. Thursday and Saturday Mati nees. Don't tail to vlalt the Chateau Mabille. TrELLY A LEON'S OP. RA HOUSE. 28D ST., JV opposite Uooth't Theatre. Lost week of NORMA and THE 1WO ORPHANS. NORMA The ONLY LEON MONDAY, July 3, KELLY A LEON'S Bnrletque, KROU-FROU. FROU-FROU The ONLY LEON In the catt Edwin Kelly. Lew Benedict. Edwin Laater.^ T" *B1B0 ATEKUB THEATRB, NkaR a 1ST ST~ Lots of fun, no vulgarity. Coolost theatre In the city. Evory evening at S o'elock. Matinee Wednesday and >atnrday at 3 P. V Mao age r Mr. A. .M. 1'aiaier Brilliant engagement of the popular VOKF.S, VOKKH, ' VOKKS. VOKKH. every evening and Saturday Matinee, In theft great Drui Luue success, the BUNCH OF BF.RRIK8, with new Song*, Dauces, Scencry, Ac., Ae. V Preceded hy THE POST BOV, with MR. J. Tl. STODDART, and the Company. . UTALLAOK'S. MIGHTY dollar. T? Fifth week of the Incomparable artists, MR. and MRU. W. J. FLORENCE, "h?"KVE*lfV*EVF.NINO and SATURDAY MATINEB, In their famous comic creation* of BARDWELL HLOTE and Mm. GENERAL GILFLORY, in Woolf* American Comedy ol the MIGHTY DOLLAR. V TM? romedr w** the OVLT KTRICTLT ORIO INAL PLAY produced in thin city during the season of 1?75-7U. and a. hieved a I EulTIMATE 8LCCEM11 It tl new In lu second aucoeasful mm. Carriage* may b# ordered for 10 .45. PARK THBATKK. BROADWAY AND 22D ST THIRD WEEK AND LaST NIGHM el the accomplished Irish comedian MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, MK. JOSEPH MURI'IIY, MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, ae Dan O'Dara. in Fred Marsden's romantic drama. Til K KKRRV OOW. THE KERRY OtiW, rim krhkY how, EVERY EVENING AT 8. WEDNESDAY AND BATl'RPAY MATINEB AT 2, Admission. 50 aud 36 rents ; Reserved Scats. 11. KIRALFY ALHAMRRA PALACE. Broad at.. Philadelphia. The original Spectacular Ex travaganta. ' A TRIP TO THK MOON. New Scenery, Costumes. Armor*, Jewels and gorgeoo* Bal t lets. Promenade Concerts in the garden*. N KW YORK CENTENNIAL LOAM EXHIBITION. Tlie great selection of Art Treasures, selected from the private galleries ol New York, now open at tiie NATIONAL ACADEMY OK DESION. corner si. and 4th ur., dally Irom !? A M. to ti I'. M. and at the XE'IKGPOLITAN M I'.SKI1 to OP ABT? Lit* West ltih St.. daily from 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. Ticket*, -5c. each. GRAND CBN fENNUL CELEBRATION. 1870. 1770, By the N. Y. CENTENNIAL 8AENGER VERB AND, SUNDAY. .lulv i at h P M . GRAND (VOCAL AND IS -Til UM ENTAL) 8ACBED CONCERT. AT OILMORF. S CONCERT GARDEN. Chora* ol ?>?> male voice ; orchestra ol H?> luualciaosi Gilniorx's celebrated hand: eminent solo artist*. Conduc tors, Dr Lrop. l?Kiiirn-eh and P. 8. Gilmore. Admission. $1; boxe*. $U. MONDAY, JI'l.Y 8. at 9 P. M.. grand Torch Light Procession aud Celebration In Union Square. TUESDAY. JULY 4 (CENTENNIAL DAY), Ac udemy of Music, at 11 A. M. Oration. Ode. Vocal and instrumental Music. JONES' WoOl?, AT J P. M. Grand Rural Festival. Oration. Grand Concert at 4. Exercises by the Turn Ver eitf i'opuUr Game*. Summer Night's Featival. Admission f*? cents. WHITTIER S "CENTENNIAL H V.MN"-PRI('K HM3. IN 8vo. form, toe. In sheet music toriu : Inr mixed and male voice*; uiuiic by J K. Paine. No Ce ebration ol July 4 com plete without this mairnitlrent hymn ; also Keller'* "\ngel of Peace,'' 10c.. and the Amniicnn National Air*. He. each. DITSON A CO.. 711 Broadway. B ANJO HONG AND DANCE. JITJ AND CLOfl DANC lug taught l>y J. UAbM ilt. 241 Hth av.. near 2fith el. BVROPB. INT I RLA KEN, International meeting plac,- for tourist* from all ennn tries; comfortable accommodation for 4.0UU guests. la uire chalet* np to epleadld hotel*; laige and small lumisln a Ap aruueuts. with or wltliout kitchens, in private iouging hvasea, particularly lor tamilie* healths and pnrw aunoe phere in the green plain called Boedoli,'' between liesnti ml mountain* and the picttir#"?i?e lake* of Rrlrn? sndTliun. Experience ha* Indi-putably eetabllshed (he wonder ni sue. cess and vast Importance ol onr Ahiine air (with or without the ase of goat's whey aad grapes) for the care of client diseases. In the environs are higher place*, with still purer alr~at St. Beatenborg, Abendbe.g, Murren, Weugen, Grin delwald. Ac.; ni.igniiiceut avenue or huge waluut trees la view or the grxnif mountain amphitheatre ol the "Juag ftru," the "qaeen or meaataln* " In the garden, near the Karaaat, the opera orchestra llerturtb tilays three times a uey. Daring the summer season excellent Hteatre aboer tlio direction of it. Serpeatin, manager of the Strassliurg Theatre. Reading rooms in the Karaael ^conversation house). The most c<<mtaitable an<l agreeahte sojourn lor healthy persons and Invalid* during spring, summer and au tumn. . STOKAGfc. If pofffI.SiifoN's stilRAWh WAKKiIdO.SE, :>4j Hadson *t., lor Fnrnlture. l'Uno>, Trunk*. Ac., in sep arate rooms. CHAKL.ES H. HUHDK. Proprietor. " .UAICULK li l t l'n.1.1. S'TewabT's slack, marble and wood MANfEL-T ) uew and elegant designs. fa>m $10 up; the trade liber ally dealt with. JAI and JJJ West u:u si. IfATiUSiOWiAL. ~:==:ri ?' 1 YOUNG GENTLEMAN OF GOOD STANDING IN ?ecletv would like to make Hie aequaintaiu e ol a young lady, educated and refined; object. Intellectual Im provement; if agreeaMo, matrtmoay. Aadrets ALONE, A T TO LET FOB Bl'SINESS Hl'EPOBES. BENNETT building. " " K1 reproof. L<>r? ted ?n, Aon and Fnlton >ta. Klnl floor to let, lettable Tor lukari, tuauranm aSoaa or lawyers Will he lot tocetbrr or (a pxrt*; be altered %? cult' tenauta it deaircd; adapteu lor oflScet or storea. KeaMiUeMe rent*. Alio some ?HfCibl* L?w offii-ei i<> let AFrLV O.N 111K 1'RKMISER. Take the elevator. Inquire lor janitor A GREAT BUSINESS STAND, THR BEST IW THE 1\. city.?More, 25*120, and Ksaement. rent fc!,SOU; fur a dairy atidiuneh room hat not tta equal la the city. Prompt application to JAMISON, box 121 Herald office. . B'AKKiU TO'LET-A FI K.ST CLASS LOCatton FOR a good wan. fixture* and good oven complete. la the new bnlldlnir No 464 7th av . between tttk and 36th ?u ; rant reasonable to a responsible party. Iuquire la the liquor (tore No. 4ti2 7th av. FOE RENT FOR BUS!MEM OBTTwELLINO Pru pee ea?Oaa or two Ft?r?; Immediate poeaoetloa. In quire ofSlMMONDS A wall. No. 1(1 Union square. IARtJK FINE BAtiBEKNT?BBOADWAfT WE8T J side, near 'J-d it. Inquire at t?43 Hroadwxy, In More 10 OROOERK.?TO LET,_ATRKDT7C RD RENT, THE wail ait?blUh*d Store i.uitbeaat corner of la* av, and 2nd at.; good buiincu locality. Apply to WILLIAM F. FOLEY, re il estate office, 400 Kaat 2 id it. TO LET-TWO 4 STORY BUILDINGS. 104 AND 106 Waat 4 ith it. auitable tor factory, (table or any other purpose. Inquire mi premises TO LET?ItOPTS AT 115. 117." 11# ~AND 121 EAST l.ltb it., between 3d ?nd 4th av*., auitable for liflit manufacturing busiuesa; alio In 114 Ka>t 14th it., opposite Academy of Muiic. Iuquira of F. UROTE A CO., on tbo premliei TO""LET?FURNISHED (THREE MONTHS FOR *3001. South it.. Morriitowu, N. J? double brick Home, ?table and ground*; cool and pleaaaut. Ur. DO DUE, 15 Won LHHh ?t.. Now York. 10to 8. TO LET-LAltOR AND SMALL ROOM, WITH STEAM power. Apply to A. HOUGHTON, 65 Atlantic av. rpb A YEAR, TUB HOUSE CORNER OF 1 Duunu ujd Caroline su.: m>itab:o for irrocerlea or liquor*. Apply ou premise* from 11 lo 1 1* M. TO LET?sPLEM 1)11) FLOORS. 40XH5. WITH STEAM power, Ac. 15ii West I'.tli at DWELLING HOlStS TO litil. ' (*itriiVinru. A IIAND80MELY FURNISHED BROWN STONE J\. House. near Fifth Avenue Hotel; only$150 permontb ; oho room retained on lop tloor. without board. ?IAME:-. It. EDWARDS, 107 Wo?t J3d it. I' n fu r n I a h edi. A T LOW RFNT?V) WEST WI'H ST.: GA8FIXTCRF.8 J\. and mirrors WILLIAM TUCKER. J-O Tub av. |6? LET - I'll li dwelling HOUSE I aft WAVEKLKY X place; has all improvumenti; Juit pnt in perfect order; rent, 9900; koya at Myar Mnnua'. fashlonanle tailor, 129 VVaveriey place. THORN TON M. RODMAN, Real Eatato Airent. Owl Hroadway, corner 4th it. ri^O LET?Til REE STORY *HfGii WooFITofsE, 7l2 1 l-nst 14th st. near 4th av., 11 room*; nice order. Can bo acen Iroa 11 to 3. 1AO LBT-T11REU STORY AND ATTIC HOUSE, 56 . Lexington av., near 25th at., 12 roomi; nice order; rent low. Can he ami from 11 to 3. fTO KKNT LOW-KINK LARGE HOUSE IN FIFTH 1 ward; 111 room*, all improvement!; excellent for board ing house or turnlihed ronnn; also at low reitU, No*. .172 Hroome it, lia Varick at., h3S (Ireenwlch at., 02 and 56 Wattiat. JAMES PRICE, 2U) Hudion at. I 1 EAST 28TH 8T? BBTWE"EE"4TH" ANFMADISON Tl x avi., three >tory lilirh stoop, IS rooina. In excellent order. Apul.v toowuur. 1^8 Kaat 22d it.; Kl.W. PlItNISHKU ROOMS AND APAUTMKNTS TO LET. A LARUE, handsomely furnished MODERN Room, to let, to a gentleman, without board, uear the Windior. H4 Weit 4S0i-at. ANlCKLY FURNISHED ROOM TO let BY A PRI vate tuiniiy Inquire at V12 Kait 11 tit it. A "PLEASANT HOME AT NO.' 210 WEST 47TH~3t7. two door* from Rrondway; turnlihed Room* for houia keeplni;; rent to inlt the tltnei. A "NICiLY "f?RNISIIID, C(iiEY ROOM TO let at 73 > Broadway, oppoilte Aator place. Inquire on third tlonr. l^L'RMSIIED ROOMS TO let?WITH and WITH I out liirht houiekeeplUK- Apply, for two dayi, 102 Wav orlay place. ANDsijME FURNISHED ROOMS TO~ LhT-54 Great Jonoi at., u -ar Bowery. ALL BEDROOM TO LET?TC> ONE_OR TWO YOUNG men, on the top Hoor of 4t&) 7th av. LAROK, ELBOANTLT'FURNISH KD PARLORS, $4, $5 and 9J weekly; eacl) parlor auitlng two ladle* or gen tlemen; hou*ckocpi?K privilcKc; K?a, bath. Kegldence, am Eait Kith il. TO~L T TO OENTLEMKN-NldELY FTRNISUKD laruti and hall 1,00we; batli and (pis. 40 lvin_r it. 1(T WEST' adTH HT.-HANDatiMELY "FURNISHED. L *J cool and roinfortablr turnlihed Rooui, without board; reference i. OLINTON PLACE.?HANDiOMELY FU NISH oi Roomi, large and imall, at turn wor prices. H H 29 loo East 44TH ST.. NEAR GRAND CENTRAL 1 jO depot.?Roonta, furnished completely for home keoplnc, f?r small lamllei or *lncle irentleinen ; rent $?' lo IM per week. Apply on the preiuiioi or to W. S. (SAVKY, 4H Hleecker it. It/5 WEST 29111 ST. -FINE ~ SECOND " "iW)RY Iront Room, $16; third atory from, $14; tranaient I find day boardora. I o7wt~wkst i-.Tii ST.?handsomely furnished OUU Room* for iljht hooielreepin k at rea*otiab!e prices. At A WEST '-2D sr-KtrRNi'siTED. TfO SfMQLB T I t Room* it per week; alio Room and Bedroom ! for houiekeeplUK $t 50 per week. UNPUKNlsiHHU UUU.IU AKU APAHT MK1VTS TO LKT. A i'aktmkSts wrT^frrsnmwuirrsfa-xvr. J\ 10 gentlemen only, comprising parlor, sad Irom one to three bcJrooms; baths, watrr clo.ets, Ac.; Janttrcss In bniliilng. who will take caro of the moras II'required. Applv to klJM'AKD CALL AN A.N, >1 Wood Brother*, 1,330 Broadway. A" T 43<) 4TM AV.-CUOICK FLOORS TO LKT, NEAR filtb ?t.; improvements. Call and ?? owner and premises from 13 M. to 2 P. M. ?FIK T OL ASS~FkKMCU PLATS TO LKT. ?! i Wont 39th it., corner house; best location. A AVKkV UK.SIKAULK FIRST FLOOR IN LAUHK house: consists of H large airy rooms, H closets. water closet and other conveniences; newly painted. Apply to Matthew uvrneh, 142 iuu :?dd >i. A HALF OF LARUK DWELLING HOUSE. 41A WEST at.; altered Inr two familiea; location drat else*; to a email Amerl an lumily; references exctiaaged: rent AIT,Ki.fc.oANl SET OF FLATS. SEWlV BUILT, MS Went 3lMt at., to let; elioica neighborhood; lateat improvements, containing six light rooma. Inquire buildltg. PAHLOR FLOOR, WITH ROM BASRMHMT, 4M Watt 30th it., opposite College Urounds; rent per month. A t'<7fIW "ALB AUCTION HALE of a large number of Lots and of severs! Dwelling Houses at the Lake View station. In tbe city of Peterson, on Tuee day. J ana 37. hale 19 comaianee at I o'clock P. If. Thl? ante Is positive. torlose oat an aetata. No Irea passes; no band of mus.r Terms liberal. fc.rie trains learn Chambers at. at 13 o'clock. JOHN li. IIINuLK, Auctioneer, l'.it. r-uo . N. J. Auction Balk af eleraat Household Furniture. PRTKR BOWK, Auctioneer. Salesrooms earner Hth st. and University place. Sella, Wednaeday, Jane 2H. at 10 o'clock, at the prlrata residence Ko HO nil av, the entire elegant Farnitnre af the above house, consistIr.t of I'mrlor Halts, in satin brocstal ?u.l reps, black wa nut and gilt Pier and Mantel Ulrrora, mirror front Armmm and Boa* aaea, Vt ardriil<e>. nil 1'amtings. lace sail damns* CartalML ("urn ces and Lambrequins, black walnut Bedsteads I'reaelng < nges, Bureaus, marble top I antra Tables: Pljrnptoa Bed steads, Waahstands, Extension Tablaa. Solas Lounges and real bronte Chna.ieilars; moqaet, velvet and Brussels Car pcts.lialr aau spring Uattresees.leattier Pillows aed Holsters, Utebfti Utensils. Ac. Catalogues at a?ctl>>aeer ? salesrooms. TO LKT?THIRD FLOOR OF PRIVATE DWELLING 127 Hast lllth St., near 4th ar.; all conveniences for housekeeping; raut moderate. rjno LET?MICK APARlM t?>i TS l 1 h"*A.ST 13 I'M ?T.', i 1 4 rooms, I?J*t East ?Htli st., 3 rooms; :W Downing st., ' 3 rooma; :'!W l ast 34th st., 3 rooms; also others at low ' r uts. Applv at Office, IUU Kast 13th ?t. j rpO LKT?AT 310 JhASf UN ST., Tllh SKi l?ND AM) j L part of Third Floor, or Third Floor, to a family of i adnlta. with owner; no bill. fo LKT?FIRST FLOOR, A ItOOMM; ALL L1UI1T and iu ci ol order; gas, water closets. Ac. .No. 001 Oth ar., corner Oth st. rpo" LET?A YERY COMPLETE, COMMODIOUS A Fr.-ncli Flat; every convenience and Bret class order and Que ut'igliborb od. Respectable families wlthont chil dren will inquire of tbe owner, 11AN8, No. 330 West 4Sth St., near MMt av. HALKS AT AUCTION. A?Ttm.S~j6'HN?ON. AUCflONEKR, OLD BTA>1> 87 Nassau sL ON UONOAT AT IO^ TiVLOCK. AT THB KALEd room 37 .V assail sL VERY ELEOANT MOUHSUOLO FURNITURB (JIAI)F. by Rons A Brunur snd Moore), from a gentleman's private mansion. PARLOR Fl'RNlTrRE OUNnlBTB IN PART. KLKOANT rosewood embroidered ?uite, 10 pieces, moquet ('arpcts, line marble Statuette of "K*e," with pedostal; large rourble C'isrd Receiver and Vases, superb Brontes, rosswood ?llt Centre Tables, lace ('nrtaius and (Cornices, Reception C-iRlra, t se?ood I'latio. stool. Cover, Ac. LIBRARY AMI OINlNii ROOM FURNITURE, Ex tension ens Chandailar, velvet Carpets, superb Bookcase and Library Table, alto elegantly bound library of Standard Books. elaborately Carted black walnut bed rot? in Set, Lounges, Hookers, Chair*. Toilet Sets, linglish body Brussels t'nrpet?, I'ler and Mantel Mirrors, curled hair Mattre*?ae, Oilcloths. Chandeliers, basement and kitchen Furniture, with which the isala will common a. ON tuesday AND WEDNESDAY, AT 13 O'CLOCK ?ni b day, cie?t sale ol Breech-loaders, tbe Oncst Ouns ever seen In il ls market, to dose the cwMignment of au Knglisb imparting house. ON THURSDAY. AT 1H LAFATRTTB PLACE, ALL the elegant Furniture in tald house. A OCTtUB "SALE THIS l>A Y.-OVKR "fBSo"WORTH ^ V. of elegant and costly Household Furniture, Ktaluway Ac .-on's and Win isor Pianofortes, at Ive story brown stone mansion No. I3() West J3d st , neertttl. av., commencing at 10 o ciock?Magailiceut Inlahl Parlor Salts, fctagerrs, lace I'nrtains, Mirrors, inlaid Centre Tables. Cabiuets, Jar dinlers, Brontes, Oil Palatlags, ( hainber Furniture. Bed steads. Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Wardrobes, Waslistinds, hair and spring Mattresses, rep and haircloth Suits Turk ish Suits, Bookcases. Lady's asecretalra. Library Tablaa, Dining Room Buffet, l.ttentlon Table, (.hairs In leather, t'hina Dinner and lea Seta. Lounges. Hall-tends, Baeenient Fnmitiire, Ac. LI kh fc'11%l>KR >LD. Au< tioueer. N, B. (l.iods packed and shipped, city or Wiry. j^RT.-NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE Schenca Art (iallary. No. af) liberty st, tba Works of Mr. R. A. Blakelock, the well known artist, previous to his departure for Rerope. To be sold at anctloa oa WEDNhHDA V. lone JH at 13 o?nefc. KHWARU SC'HKNt K. Aactioneer at Aimos. _ ~Xttc"ri6*" *AI.K -POSITIVELY ~ to-day.-eKHI A Household Furniture THIS (Monday) MORNING, at 10o'clock, at lire story brown stone mansion MO. 47 WEST 18TH ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND <5TB AYfc ('bickering upright 7 V, octave Pianoforte, Steiuway ? mur round 7\ octave Pianoforte, I'aiiitin 1. Works of Art. PARLOR AMD DRAWING ROOM SI'ITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut "raoies, covered In trim son, tan and gold brocade aatlu and cotelaine; Turkish ana Spanish lounges. Easy (hairs, inlaid inariiuetrie and Kilt Centre ami I Console Tables rosewood Eiag-*res. Cabinet!, French plata Mirror*, laca Cnriaiua. French Mantel Sat", 8" da/ Clock*, Musical Boxes, Library nnd Seerotalre Bookcases, Books, l.ibrarv Tallica. TurkUh Suit. Writing D?k. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plaiu Bedroom Sets, inlaid and gilt Bedstead* Dressing Cava Bureaus, Wasiistands. single and douhl* Bedsteads, 83 Una hair and spring Mattresses, Mather Pll low*. Blaukets, Toilet Sou. rap and plusb Suit*, marble top Tables, Chain. Rockers. reclining Chairs, Lounges. 01 NINO Fl" UN in' RE?Extension Table., Sideboard. Chain In leather, Silverware. Crockery, two It all Standi; valval, Bru-?el? aud Ingrain Carpets; Kitchen, servants' Furniture, 4c. Taka Sixth avenue or Uulveralty place car*. N. B?Men to remove, pack or ship goods ? It* of country ROBERT C. CASIHN, Auctioneer. UCTION.?EXTRA' TakOE HOUSEHOLD PUKMfr tare sale this (Henday) morning, commencing at it o'clock, at resilience l'V> Eaat 13th at.. near|4th av.. Velvet, Brussels. ingrain t'arpeta; Parlor Suits, In aatln brocade, rep* and haircloth; Pianoforte, Paintings, Curtains. Clocka Mirrors. Taaea. Bedsteads, Hitreaua. Wasiistands. Dreaaing Ca-ea, Wardrobes, rprimc nnd hair .Mattresses, Lounges, Bedding, Extenaiuu Tabiaa, Sideboard. 200 lota Glan, China, Silver Ware. Cutlery, Ac. Goods packed and deliv ered for purchasera. E. BOTH, Auctioneer. BY DANIEL A "maTHEWsT~AU0T1ONE?.R.-KALEai riKiiu 57 I.IBEHTT STREET, between Broadway ao4 Nassau at. Tt'KSOAY. .Itiue -'7, at 10? o'clock, at tale* room. "V" BC1 Al* TRADE SALE OK BRONZE GOODS, Ac., wiinou?>res*rve. to cloae a partnership account?vis., Ink Traya, Paper Weights. Figures, fine Clocka, Ivory Kexea Ac , lu lota to auit the trade. Now ready lor exaiainatiol with catalogues. B~y Isidore j. swarzkopp, auctionher aella 10'- o'clock, 140 Bleeckcr at., entire Pigtnrai, Kurnilure, l iiinnwaru, Glassware. Cutlery. Table Linen, A ., of Drat claaa Restaurant; sale positive, in one or mora lota. Dialers and restaurant men Invited. JJY J. W. CAMPBELL, JR.. AUCTIONEER. ? Sella on WEDNESDAY, no reserve, at Mr. Myers' Storage Ware rooms, corner Weit I lth at. an A lludaon. te pay storage, on acoount of whom It mav concern, a large and general assortment Of Furniture, Couuiers, otbel Eoods, Ac,; ubout $l,5o<> worth. Parties Interested are ereby noli tied. C A M I* B E1. L.' Jr. Office, No. 7 West 3d at. QABINET F URN ITU RE. B1SSELL. WELLES A MILLETT. Auctioneer*. will make a peremptory auction saie of uiie of the choicest stocks of Cabinet Furniture In New York, on TUESDAY, June 27, commencing at 10** A. M., at No. IKI Bluecker St., one block west ol Broadway, by older of It H. O. Murphy, Ksi| , who is declining buai nesa, bis entire stock of ricli Cubinet Knruitnre, valued al over MX I, and comprising In part rich l'arlor Suits, la cotallr.e, striped and plain rep : Bedroom Salts, In roee woou, black walnut, tuaplo, Eust l.ak ?. eliustnut and aah; Dresaing Casus. Koreans, Lllirarv Caaet. two and tlire* doors; Extension Tables, ltiiffeti. Lounges, easy and re ception Clmire; inlaid. Centre aud Library Tablea, inlaid Cabinet". Ladies' Desks. Wall Pockets, Brackets, Ac. Those who deslru to purchaae Inruimre that is well made should not fail to be presviit, as evurv article In the entire estab lishment will be sold to the highest bidder and without My reserve whatever. Catalogues ready Tuesday morning. June 2l. BISSELL, WELLES A MILLETT, Am Auctioneer*. IS Murray *k C1EORGR HOLUI took. AUCrlONKEItT?TiuLBEOOK T and Rollins sell this d?y at "J o'clock, at 452. 454 and 4M Canal *t., a Keneral assortment of Household Good*, black waluut and enameled Chamber Suits, Parlor Hull* in reps aud hair cloth, pier and inautie Mirrors, Wardrobe*, Carpets, extension Tables. Mattresses, Beds, Bedding, Crockery, Glass and Plated Ware, Kitchen Utensil*. Ac. GEbliGK OEOCIHEGAN. ACUTIONEEE-W'lLL SELL on Monday, June 1><, at 11 o'clock, the Stoek and la te rest of the old established Liquor Store, northwert c?r ner oi ItMtli ?t and 11th av. C.uiao of aale, protracted tick neas of proprietor. Henry "dTmInbr. auctionkkr. ? Ollice and Art Oalleries, H4.'i Broadway. SALE OK PURE BLOODED JERSEY CATTLE, TUESDAY, J NK 27, at 11 o'clock, at the private stable No. 00 East 13th St. See lull particulars under bead of Horses and Carriage*. a. weisbkrgerTAUCTiONEErt.?ADMINISTER ? tor's sale this day (Monday) June 20. at luU o'clock,, at No. 64 Christie St., the entire Household Furniture, Wheeler A Wll nu Mewlui: Machine and other personal effect* of Daniel Camernn, deceased, by older of EWEN CAMERON. Administrator. Iloy"d. AUCTIONEER,"Wlu7 SELL" on TUESDAY" J the i'7th, at 10 o'clock A. M.. Lunch nnd Bar Room, M Chatham *t., corner Chambeis. this is a groat chance. M ORRIS WILKINS, AUCTIONEER. ELEGANT FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PUNOPORTt FINE MIRRORS CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS AND OTHER GAS FIXTURES, EI.EGANT DECORATE! CHINA, FINE CI T GLASSWARE; TURKEY, WILTOl AND OTHER CARPETS, AC. SALE BY ORDER OF HoN. WM. D. SHIPMaN, Afr 8IGNEE?OF WM. BUTLER DL NCAN, ESQ. E. H. LL'DLOW A CO. will sell, at amnion, on Tuesday, Juno 27, at 10'j o'clock, at No. 12 Washington square, north, corner of 5th av., all the >l*gni and cusily Fnrul tnre therein, consisting, In part, of rosewood Parlor Halt) ana Divan*, colored Dtuiug Boom Sulla, lu Uatuer; Librarl and Secretary Bookcases; line maple, satlnwood, rosewood, walnut and mahogany Chamber Furultuifc ; tuffted Chair*, Louiigea and Solan; elegant velvet and oilier Curtains, fin* Mirrors; Turkish. Wilton and Brussels Carpets, also eleram crystal Chandeliers, Ac.; together with Kitchen, Laundry and Servants' Room Furniture. Permits to view the farnt ture cn the day previous to the sale mav be had at the ollice ol the auctioneer. No. M Pine at., or will be sent on appllea* lion by mill. All orders for purchases will be attended *? for parties out of the city. M ORRIS WILKIN'S, AUCTIONEER. M Uiialneu Property, nortliemt corner Broome and Thompsaa at*. lit auction. K U. LUDLOW A CO. will Ml I at. auction. on Tuesday, June 27, at 12 o'clock, at ibu Exchange Salesroom, The valuable I'lot ot GronuU, with the Huilillrifr* thereon, known HM 51H aud .">lh llroome at.. northeast corner ef Thompson, 40 by 5U fent, tented lor i per uoaa. Two-third* ol the money tuay remain ou bond and mortgage 'or tlirae yearn. MQKTOAOE s \t.K " 1'KIKii If >Wh. Auctioneer, *ell< Monday. June 24, at 11 o ?'.ock, at the Auction Kooma, corner Sth at. and Uni versity p.ace, h lnr;? ami general ?*i<>rtm*nt of Household Fnrnltnra, coii*i*tlng ol Parlor Suits. Pier and Maatel Mir rors, i ottare Suits. black waluut" ?Kedstcijdu marble tu| Dressing Oase* and Bureaus, M a/hstand*. KTtension Ta> bleu, Moot Cases, SIdeboafda, Chandelier*, Eaay Chair* marble top Centre Table*. Etagerea, Solas, Lounge*. El* graving*, Book*. Stamla, hair Mettrease*, leather Pillow* Refrigerator*, Bric-scla Carpet, Ac,, Ac. lly order of tlM Attorney for the Mortgagee r t) K TO AOS "SAI j E-ttY VIRTUE or CHATTkI mortgage I will aell at tinblic vendue, on Monday, 20th ol June, ut 4 o'clock 1*. M.. trio Fixture* aud Improvements, Silver Ware Chair*, Tablet and (ill Fixture* la premise* known a* Central Park Harden, near the corner of 59th at. and 7th a*. .lOll.N V. LYKT, Attorney for Mortgagee MORTGAGE SALE.?L. S. BLACK," AUCTIONEER anil* this day jit 2 o'clock, bv order of mortgagee, al 4.Htl Canal *t? a lot of Desk*. Counters. gla*< Case*. Table*, Chalra. Sewing Machines; alto an assortment of Kuraltare, Beddiug, Ao. |)AW.\ BROKER'S iALK?R FIELD. MK.\ r.KW, ACC' X tloneer. salesroom mt Bowery. will aetl. tliia dav. a* 11 o'clock, B1*) lot* men's ntnl women's Clothing, UraWi, Shawl*. Kamiiant*. Underclothing. t/uilte. Blankets. Bed ding. Hoot*, Shorn, Ac . Ac.; alio Coat*, Pants and Vesta. By ordur N. SUch, Ud av. PAWNBROKER'S SALIC.?JAMES AO A It. AUO, tloneer. will sell, th|? day, at salesroom Ml New Hoar cry and No. !> Oliver It., .Wl lota of Silk and other lireaaee Crape and Lace Shawl*. Remnant*. Underclothes. Mheeta Spread*, Table Linen Hoot*., shoes, i.alter*; also Coat*. Paff talonus and vests, By order of Jn?. Blumauer, 444 7th a*, RicTiakd Walters' *' sons" auctionkkrsT Marshal's sals Oroceries, Ar.. Tnesdav. 27th Inst . al IUl? o'clock, at salesroom. -7 East Broadway. Urge a*sort meiit ol Groceries, vl*.:?Hbla. Flour, boxes Soau, baa* Coffee, Tea, Spire*, condensed Milk, Liquor*. Pickle*. Ac. i also .Vl silk Umbrellas. ilOBi*0 0. NVALSll. Mar*aal. RICHARD WALTERS' SONS. A li C TI o N E E Rii. ~ ~ " Flr*t class Kngllsli Chop Mouse. Mortgage sale Will aell on Monday, at 11 o dock, at 49 John st .Fixtures Ac., of'tlrat clans English Chop lloute mi.i Kcitaurant. consisting of elegant Bar and back Bar, oyster and lunch Connier*. Mirrors, Inner Cigar Caea, Bramhall Range. (ilrerplated Ware. Oiaa*ware, Cutlery, malloxanr Chairs, handsome ga* Fixtures, Pictures, Stove*, waiuut Partition*. PETER F. URKF.NF.. Attorney for Mortraeee. SJ HRRMAN, Sit K RIFFS A NO UENERAL ALCTIO*. eer. Marshal's *nlc of Wine*, I.ii|nora, Champagne, Cigar*, Iron Hjfea. MoMIAV, June ?1, al 10)< o'clock, al No, la Bowery. 45 bbl*. choice old Bourbon and Kve Whlakey* 'ri*.Kab lar. iloweii, Tyler, (^abimit, Aahland, Ac.; nl* i ;|00raae* in*, ported Win** and Llquora, eases ami baskets ol Champagne, ! Uar*. Ir-in 9K JOSI-.PII M. 1111,1., City Marihal. ZmxSI ABKAQAM. ACOnOIHU, okrlflj mos O lancey at.. *ell*. at 10 o'clock sharp. No. 1..VI9 2d ar., near Slst *t., lartre stock of a Ory and Fancy Oond*. Yankee Notions, Ladle*' and (lentlemen'a Furniebing Woods Store ,? Velvet*. Ribbon*, Coaatar*. hlioweaae*. Stools, Ac-, la lota without reserve. Dealer* Invited. S'HKRIFF - SALE.?THIS IIAV, JINK 2?,' IWbTaT li ' o'clock noon, at 1S7 Weat .tin at., under and by vlrtaa of *ev*ral execution*, one bay Mora*. WILLIAM O. CONNER, Sheriff. (iinaoi: J. Wodp, Deputy. ? ? ? | WILLIA M S. MOCNT, At'CriONEBR, 1110 DUAMI Mfc Wednesday June 'M, at 12 o'clock, the balaaoa of the private *t?rk ot remarkably choice Old Wine*. Brandiea, Ac , from the cellar of the lata K A. Oownlnthleld, Beatna; Very choice old Oodard, l^irer and otard Brandies, Ilordea aud Ouarta Sherries, Bourbon ami II) e W Itirkie*, Bne crusted Old Port*, exceedingly choice Old Madeiraa; also. Champagne*. Claret*. Sauternes, Itock* and Burgundies The Itooda compri*ing good* rarely offered at aactlen. Send lor catalogue; ready Taeaday. WATCH KM. JKWKLI1V. dic.~ MLEfct EER ?T.. NEAR HROAOWAV.-MONEY advanced on ntamomla, Waicbes. Jewelry, Ac.; alaa Paanbrokera Tiuketa bought of Ulamonda, Watahaa, Ae. 77 Mieeeker it. mkhican orrioK-?7o.tioo-ihamo.vds, watch AM.V Jewelry.^Hllverwar*. Valuahlea, Ac., bought. and exchamred Loan* effected. EetnbiUhad L J. U. B/.KE1XUER. I>ealer. 7K6 Broadway. Monet on diamonds. rtJM, ac -diamondr. Watches, Jewelrv, Silver Ware. Silver Mated Ware, t atnel* Hair Shawls, Seal Sa.- me*. Lace*. Milk*. Aa.,boagbt and sold back al a very mall advance t?y OEOROK O. AI.LK.N, Jeweller. I.ISO Broadway. aear21Rh at. AfCHBs A ND jkwKLRV RKPAIREO in FIRST M elaas workmen. (ii.OKHE a ALLEN, Javallan 1,191) Broadway, near ,9th at. WANTED TO ri'KOHABR A~Mit"oF DUMONll Karrlage: the diamond* ? ist weigh 11* or IH * arete each, and ain?t be chaaa fur ca Addree* UIaMO VDS, buz 113 Herald uflka. ?>Q NASSAU ST., ROOM I?DAYMAN LKOPOLIt.-i Ot' For sale verv cheap (to eloee the baiinaeaj, Dta. nioude, Watalie* ana Jewelry. FINK ARTS. TIOtTSff' C|kLHl a"*T~< i a i/lKHip~; A erty at., rorner Naaaae, en exblMilen Wedaeaday, June 2S, a brilliant eolieetlon of Water Oolor I'alatlng*, from *oi*r , rawing*, representations el faa**a |iafaMai< la tha European gailerlee by emineut artist*. Take ealj at auction oa Frtiay aa4 Batatday, Jaae to aad Jabr L j 12 e'claek.