Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRKCTOUY FOK AUVEKTISKKS. HERALD BRANCH OFFICE, 1.2W BBOAjiWAY? OPEN DAY AND NIGHT?. ?OB UCEPTIOK OK ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALE Of PAPERS. AMUSEMENTS?lira Pack?>tb eei. A M'HO LOU V?3D Pack??Sth col. B1LL1 ABDS?Uth Pa???lib eoL . HOARDERS WANThD?2D Pack?3d and 34e^la. BOARD AND LOOMING W a.XTBD?2d Pao>?C4 coL BL'.-INKSS OPPORTUNITIES-4?tk Pauk. BUSINESS NOTICE*?*? rtw-4(kNL CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS? 1st Pauk??lh eel. CITY REAL ESTATE HOB SaLE-2d Pack?1st ceL CLERKS AND SALESMEN ?I It*,Pack?6th col. CLOTIIINO-2P I'*????tli col _ , COACHMEN AND OABDENERS?11th Pa?f??h coL ?'0\STWISK STEAMSHIPS?2? Pauk?4th col. COPARTNERSHIPS-?? Pauk. COUNTRY UOAMMd Pagk-3* end 4tb cols. DWELLING HOmfKS TO LET. FUBMSII&V AIID OK FURNISHED?Id Pack?lit c >1. EUROPEAN S*EAMSHIFS-2d I'acm 4th u4 0th Nta. EXCURBIOBef?2d PAdB-ttth Ml. KIN ANC1AL?Sm Paok. POR SALK 1st Pii;r?flth col. ? _ FURNISHED ROOMS AND APABTMKNTC TO LET?3? Pack?1st nnd 2d colt. FURNITURE-Hth PAUK-6th col. HELP WANTKD-FKMALES-l^r? PAur??th col. HELP WANTED?MALE?12ra pACK?ttth col. HORSES. CARRIAGES, AO.?1st Pagk?IM, 34, 4th and Oth o?U. HOTELS 2d Par*?3d eol. HOUSES. Kui iMS, It:.. WANTED?ts Pact?2d ooU INSTRUCTION?1?I Pack??lth col. LOST AND FOUND? 1st Pag*?1st col. MACHINERY?1st Paob??th eol. MARBLE MANTELS?UTH Pauk?0th col. MATBIMONIAL-Utu PAa?-Oth col. MEDICAL?2? PAGK-eth col MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING?1st PicK-^theoi. MISCELLANEOUS?11th Page?4th roU NEW PUBLICATIONS?flni pAUK-tith col. PERSONAL?In Pack? 1st col. PI ANOKORTKS, ORG ANS. AC.?11th Pack?6th eoL POLITICAL?I?T PAGK-ttth col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?lor l'aoe?Oth froL PROPOSALS?1st Pauk?0tb coL PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES? 12th Pack?tith coi. PBOPKRTY OUT OK THE CITT FOB SALE OB TO BENT?2n Pack? l?t coL tKAL ESTATE TO EXC H ANOE?2d Pack?lit col. KAL ESTATE WANTED?8d PA<lK-ltt c<1. KLIGIOU8 NOTICES-1st Pack?1st co.t KKWARDS?1st PiO-IMul. BALES AT AUCTION?1?t Pack?'>th and Bth cols. BITUATIONS WANTED? KE MALES-12tu 1'auk-1st, 2d, Sd. 4th, 5th and Oth coin. BITUATIONS WANTBD-MALES?12to PACK-6tb col. SPECIAL NOTICES?1ST Pai;k-1m nnd 2d col*. SPORTING?DOOS, BIRDS. AG.?1st l'ACB-2d eol. STORAGE?2l> Pack?Kth col. RUMMER RKSOBTH-2V PA<;K-4tb col. THE TRADES-IItii PA<.*-rtth col. THE TURF?1st Pack ?2dcoL TO LET FOB BUSINESS PUBPOSES?2d Pauk?lit col. rRAVELLERS' GU1DK-2D PAGK-5th and 6th cols. UNFURNISHED ROOM8 AND APARTMENTS TO LET 2tl 1'AUK ?2d col. WANTED TO PURCHASE?I Itm Picr-ith cel. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC.-11th Pauk?rtth col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOB BALE OB TO LET?2d Pack? Ut col. WINES. LIQUORS. AC.?lira PAOK-4th col. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?IOtii PACK-?th col. J) H PEBMINAL. _ It. PIERCE.?do ME IIOME IMMEDIATELY. Dr. HAYDEN. ATTY YOUNG?I WISH TO SEE YOU. DAN. P. H. I DESIRE TO KNOW THE WHEREABOUTS OK Miguel Pledra. BENJAMIN A. OA1TAN, 120 Warren it., Jersey Cltv. I" P JOHN HARUADAYT FORMERLY TAILOR IN Broadway, New York, will Mad his addresi to box ?J.572 Pout omcc. New York, he will bear of something to bis advantage. OOK IN TUESDAY'S HERALD. BRITANNIC." Li How can I communicate with you ! Plea** address, stating where you received abore, HRITANMIC, Herald ollice. OSE-DO WRITE, IF BUT ONE LINE. UNCLE ANDREW M. EW?BROWN~~DRESST "THURSDAY. MENTION time of day. 1HSCBETION. R R THEBKSA.?WROTE TO DAY: DON'T FAIL TO AN swer. Address ALEXANDEB. Herald Uptown Branch efflce. WILL II. D. MARIE PETRB8EN. wllO ^WAS"!jTccT penhaicen winter ot 1H74-0, pleaee tend her present address to the friend who assisted her t "\xtiLl TO UNO LADY WHO CBOSSED 3D AY. Tf at 7tli ?t. abmit 10 o'clock Sunder evening permit I-nt letnxn whom she notieed there to lorni her a.quslutance! ddrr** RKNO, Herald office. T RKl.IGIOl? KOyriCKb. UK CiOSl'KI, TKNT. 34th *t.. Went, and near 0th ?v. (Gre?n car* of Thirty fourth street Hue past the tent.) Third week nf service. Tuesday?8 P. M., preaching by Rev. T. D. Anderson, I). 0. Wednesday?8 l?. M.. preaching 1)J Be*. O. 11. BAIL D. D. Thursday?8 I'. M., prenchinir by Bev. W. Lloyd. 1 riday ? H I'. M.. pmu-hlng bj Iter. W. P. Abbott. Alter Meetings, at 0 o'clock every evening, will be conducted by Rev. W. Humpstone. Saturday?8 P. M., meeting of Christie* worker*, to be led l<y Uncle John Vuur, Blnglng every evcnlug, by Theodore E. Perkins and n cho rus. Noonday I'rajer Meeting ?very day, for one huur, under the direction of Mr. Alexan der Lyle. Sests tree to all. Helpers wanted, ?- aahers, worker* ami sinners. Address R. 1'. WILLIAM*. No 46 Bust 4:M st. Contributions tn (he support <>f llwsr services may Wo Kent to BDWABD L. IM\ KN. Treasurer, No -In hast 43d "if.. or No. 71 Wall st. IjOST A :? i > "irtii Alt. ?Toold LoiccsLm: lost. between' Vhtii st. and c.ili *v. a->l VHh st. and !?th av. A reward itiveu brilintM* '"it I We<t fiOth st. LOBT-POCKF.TIIOOk. " '< I NT A IN I Nil ?V>. IN MADr sou av. stm-eor A. T. Stewitrt's: name A. C. Smytlie, Ureen Castle, Ind., on inside. Liberal reward will he given. Address BARUK'S Hlifl-.L, New York. Loaf?tdfjiiSalmiobtykllowcolor. c.~ h. W. In German letters engraved ou same Liberal re ward by returning to IIAKRISON, BRADFORD A CO., 2.?4 Broadway. IOST-A LABilC" RU'K GKAY, "LONG HAIRED J bnsby tail Cat. $?> reward fot his return to S3 West tilth st. IOST-A POCKETBOOK CONTAIN ISO *25 C1IKCK. J dated Sheboygan, Win.. and $1 00 change. The Under will be rewarded upon returning the same to Raab's Ex pr>*ss Company, lloboken. L~08T?A HNAU Hlltli SISKKN)V~ ANY ~ PERSON returning him to 340 West 19th st. will be suitably re warded. I OSTEON hTH~AV.. A 1'OCKETBOOE OOKTAIIOXO J it trinket and some money Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at Mrs. UObLIXK', ffll Leruy st IO-i'?A BED TI'RKIKH LliATIlKR POCKETBOOK. a of no possible value rave to the owner, whose name is punted upon It. The nuder will be suitablv rewarded by re turning it t? W IT IRELAND IIOWK, So. 30ft Baat Tt*? at. 11)81'?IS A BROADWAY rAR. NEAR 21ST ?r.~ J abont 7 o'clock P. M.. a packago of Account Books. Hi.* li'td.^r will be handsomely rewarded by returning to FULLER BROTHERS. 8D f'hamb.r* >t. L- OST-MUNDAV, 2.1TH, UOINO TIIROUOH BOTH ST.. between Mh and Park svs., a thread lace Veil. The htCf will l>n rewarded by letting It at 37 K>? IWth st. Lost-a wiiitk KlOOUt hog. A R01TAMI BE <i ard will be paid on his return to 513 3d av. LOST?8UNDAT NIGHT. A LABGE DOUBLE CASED chased gold watch and (mail Chain. Address J. W.. Ilerald Uptown Branch olflce, stating where it can be re covered ; no questions asked. IOST OB STOLKN-FROM 33 WEST 52D ST.. A J Canary; wings shaded and three feathers on left wing *ut of place. Ten Oollers <$]<? reward will be paid for Its retnrn to above So, and an question asked. STOLEN?FROM THE STABLE WIGHT OP JUNE 24. light gray tiony built Horse. about 14S han.U high, mane very thin,loot; tall, white scar on hind leg: also heurr pet of single Harness. Liberal reward will be paid for any in formation that mar Irad to their recovery. HENRY WRIGHT. 3ft Washington st.. Hoboken, N. J. 'HEWAHUb.' tORKWARD WILL "BK " I'AII) KOR ItKTl'ltN OF ?) Watcli Meal, with Initials K. f. o-i one side and 1S73 ?n the other: lost .lane HI Addrese box HKI I'ost office. I ft REWARD.?LOST. OS FRIDAY. FROM l??t ?Oil/ Lexington av., a black and tan Dog; answers to taame of "Gip " _ _ Ail" BF.WAKD?FOR THE RETURS OF TUB VEST. with Watcb aud Chain, stolen from 11 Murray st.; <|uestions asked. _ _ , ftPEI'lAL NOTlCBk. "a PPLlCAflON I'dR " ADMISSION TO THE CNStC J\ tarisn "Home.'' 5'il Bast 12'nh st.. for aged indigent people til raflneinent, residing In Sew York or Brooklyn, should be msdu to the secrctnrr, WILLIAM II. RAM?KN, at the Home. Two aged eonples can be accommodated If ?pplli'Stion be m*<!e ImmeiHately. A ? RoYAL HAVANA LOTTEBT, j\ . Sex: drawing Jal> 1. 1 Pritn of Spanish dollars >100 iKTt 1 Prise of Spanish dollars jvwmii 2 Prises of each. Mpanl'h dollars .... 24.1/JO end 940 otlier prizes. ? Jertnan i?ovcmment Lotteries. Fall explanatory circulars i-ee. THEODORE ttCHOCH, Post olBco Ml 5,ftf>4. 1 Irt Saasan ?V New Votk. J^ CENTENNIAL Present to any oae (bat will send ? eluborcvv names, laolotlng V>, for S?e Certificates participating in the drawing ?f the Industrial Exhibition Company, to bo held on Monday next, .Inly 3; fl rcajr secure a premium of mm/**'; J > will sernrs Ave almre* end ? present. fr'end onters this wek. ami sd^ress MORGANTIlAtr, BRUNO Jt < 0. Bankers, 23 Park row, New York. i'ost ofhee box I.HUT. N. B. ?t irculsr- mailed i> *. PARKS, EM F RSI IN A CO. Krn.ut'k.v >tnts Lotteries drawn dsiW. Royal II .nr.ii,> Lotiery. Urawn everr 17 ilavs. Keatuclty nintrl'' Sntnher l^>ttery. drawn .iulv ISTtJ. Pri/os cs?hed, informatltm lurnlshed snd rirciilars free. IH i Kroadway I'ost office bo\ .1.272. Sew York. - KBSTVCKY STATB l/JTTBRIES OF J. S. SMITH as.vTocav?xjt*? ns?? soo. roe )*7i: ?2. ?!?. w. 7*. ff, IB, 27. ?H. A 21 ,S?. .TS. fci vrrcKY?? t. ?'s 8lO. rn* |WN<. ia. 71. 14. 3??. 41, 7.'. I". 4. M4. I A. 4B. <>.t AH orders addresa B. NATHAN, in Broodwav, or bos a ^7V Poet oflke, New York city. jV. RPECIAL SOTICBI. DISK ASKS or HI!I. The importance of the healtliiue?s of the nervous lysteni rumil be overestimated: iu power over Ilia and death and the direct bearing wlilch it lie* on human happiness st-ems to he rveoguixed: It* capabilities, its qualities au<l it? power*; the importance oflts healthful preservation. it* moderate uses, the danger of overtaxing it, whether through thought, study, or inten** appllention in mental investigation ami research. whether by tha absorbing attention necessary to the ronduct of compli cated una momentous busing inter**-t*. or by tha exces aive indulgence of the appetite* and propensities of tha system. All tlie>e are proper suhiects lor consideration. as alio the knowledge of what 1? moderation, what 1* excess, and when the** exist tha absolute necessity of promptly seeking adv.i-e Irutn an expert who. lor a long eerie* of vaar*. ban demoted hi* whole time mid attention to the atudy. investigation and treatment of all the maladies of this im portant department, to accurately determine the diseased conditions, their nature, cause* aud origin. whether arialng from the want nf exerclee. it* Irregularity or exrea*. and who. Irom hi* experience and practice, ha* learned to discover at once the derangement mid h* promptly apply the remedy, thua avoiding the painfully alow feeling alter the truth, no commuti to tha inexperienced hihI m> annoying to the pa tlent. who. vary naturally, want, to know without delay what i* the matter. the extent or the derangement, the probabilities of recit|>eratioii and tha time required. A striking example of the value of experience and practi cal observation, a? well aa the usefulness of the prompt ap plication of suitable remedies. It found in the Important Matement, coining. not from one, but a eoren public institu tions. not only at home hot abroad, thnt a very large propor tion of those who suffer from mental disturbance and auto Ime insanity permanently recover, wno are placed under treatment within it jrenr after the first aymptonia have mani- ?, lerted themselves. 11 tnetntellectualdai>nrtment or the brain naabecome ex hausted bv Intense menial application, depriving it ol tlia i Eower of connected thought, it can only recover its strength > v being proporlv fed an<l nourished by tbe u*e of certain | systematic methods. It is precisely so in every other de- j partment, whether of appetite, propensity or passion, eacb reaulring n different remeav for its recuperation and different ' means for bringing them np from their overworked ana ex hausted conditions. The importance of this branch ot medi cal pra.-tice can scarcely be overrated, lor it reaches even to I the perpetuation of family names, the securing of hereditary title* iyiil the retention of estates iu the same family. From a long and laruw experience in this direction I hare been able to command by mv success tbe thankful appreci ation of some or the first families in the city and nation; and 1 certainly can communicate raueb to cultivated minds In connection with my practical experience in what pertain* to the over-exercise of every departmsnt of the ner von* system and the mean* of recovering their powara, whether of brain, appetite, propensity or passion. HENRY A, DANIELS, M. D.. 144 Lexington near SBth at. Hours, tt>U D IVOKl'KS LEU A LLY AM) yUIETLY OBTAINED XJ for Incompatibility, Ac : msldcnce unnecessary: lee alter decree. A. UOOpllC11, Po*t oflicn box 1.097, Chicago. DISKASKS OP MKN A SPECIALTY.' IIKNKY A. DAMKLB, M. IX, 144 Lexington w. near L'Oth it. Office hours from8 to 8. K jjlROM ST. LOUIS. special despatches to the EVENING TELEGRAM TODAY. IriOK MAKING ROOT BEER, UBT KSAPl'\s BX . tract of Koati, Sold by most druggists. H' AVAMA LOTTESyI?NEXT DRAWING JULY 1, 1K7H; 40.010 tickets: 5WO i.UOiI In prlte*. Address B. M ARTINEZ A CO., Hankers, 10 Wall at., basement; Post oflicb box 4.C8U New York. Spaniah gold and Havana bank hills bought anil sold ; drafts on liavana leaned. ?oubonic oataerhT ntiMnii impbotbd ? method; instantaneous relief; permanent cures. Dr. STODDARD. No K West 14thIt. - BNTVC K Y~ STAT K ""LOTTEBI BS~'DBAWN~ DAILY Kentucky State Crand Distribution to be drawn July 2a 30,330 nrl/.es out of .V),LK?) tickeis. Whole tii'kuts. Pitt; halves, 96; quarters, <?! MX l*.u-a! liavana Lottery Crand Drawing July 1, IS76. Prise* in Kentucky il-awing of June 24 cashed here. JACKSON A OO., Bankers, 202 Broadway, New York. ENVOI'S BOAWIUHUT MEDICAL ESSAY compr slug a series of lecture! delivered at Kalin's Museum of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and enre of Premature Decline, allowing indisputably how lost health may be regained, affording a clear synopsis of the Impedi ments to marriage and the treatment or nervous and physi cal debility, being the r- suit of 20 years' experience. Price Sficeuts. Address tbe author. Dr. L. J. KAil.N,office and res idence 51 East 10th it.. New York. ilT MACY A tO. NOTIFY THEIR OUPTOBEBfl ? that their establishment, 14th st. and (Hit av., will be closed from noon of Satard.iy, July 1. nntil the morning of Wednesday, July 5. Royal Havana l<ittery.-wjoo.i?o will be drawn on June "JO. Prires cashed; orders filled: infor inatiou lurnishtd; higliait rates paid lor Spaulih billi, gov ernments. Ac. TAYLOR A (%, Bankers. No. 11 Wall it.. New York. O -OrnCIAL DIlAWTNOtrKENTLcKY STATE LOT teries.?SIMMONS A B1CK1KSON. Mallege r*. K KNTLXKV. KXTttA I'LAMt 80. 4<U ? JL'MK 2t>. l?7ti. 46, la 61, 85. '.(I. :t8, 13, 29. 22, ?7. B3. KK?Ti:CKr. ct.Ass no. 402?jckk 20. 1876. 07, 35. !t. :t7, ."xi, 8. 02, 10, .VI, 48. 1(1. 58, 30. UXNir. KXTKA CIA'"!! NO. itOl? 20, 1876. 73, 75. 08, ">5. :w, 26. 4.1. II. II, 70, 21. tlfcMtr, CLAM !?<>. 302?Jl !<( 2ll, 1876. 28, 40. 12, 52, 71. :m. 76, 6, 68, 16. 24, 5?I. 35. 23 Full information by applying to or addressing J. CIiUTE A CO.. 200 Broadway, room 6, rear office. S?$300,000 in raiz*8-E\ KHVTitiili: ticket~a . prize. ?SIMMONS A DD'KlNaON'8 Staple Number Kentucky Statu lottery, to be drawn July 21?, lH7ti, a0,:<30 prises out of.Vi.00l> ticket*; nli>o Koral Havana to be drawn nn July 1. 1876. J. CI.l'TE A CO., 200 Broadway, rvom 6, rear office. QIMMONS A DICKINSON'S KENTUCKY 8 I A l l. MX ;rle Number Lottery, drawn July 2t> Every other ticket a prise. For circulars address J. CLl'TE, li.) Fulton T1IIKD LOUISIANA STATE COLD DISTRIBUTION. New Orleans. July 2W, 1870. $34 12,500 IN GOLD DISTRIBUTED. 20,<?*> tickets: S~<0 carrt-iiity; coupon* iu proportion. For luformntlnn, 4c.. apply to WILLIAMSON* CO. Prirea cashed ut this office, 317 Broanway. New York city. O SHIP~OWNE RS A ND M ASTERS. T Towln? done by the California Tug Company's powerful towboat-Vallejo, Favorite and Jo*. II. Redmond; vessels taken to the doc.nn, to sea, to Oakland and Vallejo at the lowest rate*; the patronage of matters and owners of ves sel* visiting the nori of San Francisco Is reapeotftillr ??? licited: vessels towlnu by the California Tuk Company?l boats will save front ??> to .'SI per ceut. JOS. II. REDMOND, Agent, Nn. HKI Stewart St.. San l'rauilsco, C'al. "^"?POliTINO? DOUR. BIIIDR, cWc. A SETTER DOO FOR SALE-BLACK AND TANNED, not two years ol'j; well broke: itood noea and temper. Apply to O. W. B.. 40 Hnrlintr >lip. New York. B RKKCH-LOADERS AT AUCTION. Attend the erf at sale of Breech Loaders to be told at auction THIS DaY ami TO-MORROW, rituroencini; at 12 o' tbe salesroom of TUNIS JOHNSON. 37 Nassau st. For sale cheap-ski skye terriers of tiik pnreat breed that can be Imported: weighing from 3 to 4 pounds. 27) lM >r, W. COLLINS. PooE?~!oi/d?AT "NEW TORE TCRP EXCI1ANUE to morrow on Chicago vs Athletic, at Chicago; IIait ford **. Cincinnati, at Cincinnati: St. Lmtta ts. Mutual, at St. Louis: Louisville n. Boston, at I.oni?ville. SEIBERT A MrCI.Ol D. TIIK TURF. A. F FLEETWOOD PARK REC.ULAR Jl'NE MEET ing?Third day, Tuesday, June 27, 187H. Trotting to com meuoo at 3 o'clock P. M. Class 2:40. Jobn Murphy eaten bl. g. Aleck. Chester simmona enters br. *. Darby. J. Conkliuc cetera b. g. Oyatcr Hoy. John Laniian enters g. g. Ed. Sills O 8, Bailey enters ?. m. Sarah. C. T. Backus enters s. k Botcher Boy. M. L. Bra .ton enters b in. Carrie B. Thomaa O'CenniT enters b. g. Jim Moffit. Richard I'inestan enters b. g. Alonio D. M. Sandford enter* b. m. Flora. ,1. II. Ha;ward entt ra b. tr. Little II ir.-ey. A. Hopkin 1 enters (. g. Wm. R. Roberta c. A. Denton enters t>. g. J. M. Oakley M. II. W hippie niters bl. tr. New Brook. William R. Weeks ?nWVa b. g. tllorer. B. Eeksraon enters bl. g Colunet Campbell. CI as* 2 22. William II. Crawford entcis br tn. Annie Collin*. William SaiKent enters b. in. Lady Banker. J. II. Phillip* enter" >1, in. Ad?le'd.' J. 4. Batrli^lder enters b. g. Johj II. Admlsalon $1 OATI'.S II. BARNARD, President. No free list for coachmen or crkers. 10TION AMI FRENCH I'onLS SOLD dav and #*?ninir ai NEW YORK TI'RF exchange. 15 atitf17 W?-at 2-tli ?t.,im the I'll IL ADELi'll IA runuli-* race* and DIMOCRATIC nominalimi for I'Ri.Sl DF.VT; French pool*. 82 and $"?: COMMISSION. 3 per cent. Prompt attention given orders br mail or mr-^enser. KELLY. BLISS A CO. Auction and frencii pool* sold at joun. sO.N'8 rum*, corner Broadway anil i*th ??-. e?err niorniui! nnd eeciilttR this week, on the r.tce* at Pblladei. k|iia sn<l on all hall matehe* and nomination* for Frealdrnt. French pool tickets. ?:I and ?.">e?cb. All order* by mail or messencer promptly itttended to T. B JOIINSOV. rjUTTKRS VLL'S TURF AO KM V. 1.227 BROADWAY, J. continue tlieir books on all Important event*, and as soon a* alterations are rn-opleted wtl *eli aoctlon and Frent i p-" i* at popular prices M< DOI UAl.L Jk 1 O. lIOKWElt. C'ARRIAUEll. At. "4"-FOR SALE. 15 HORSES. .11 ST FRO >1 INDl ^\. ana. suitable for nil ,.urjo e* 122 Norfolk st V -FOR SALE. FOUR IIOKSBS: SI I T ANY Bl>7 -V. neaa: good trial; cheap. Kit Eliiaoeth ?v, beteeeu Broome anM drand. "4 Lttliif "cruTAfN coach"and % ci.arknce. jIl by Ham, co?t (11,400, for ff.VI: ?e?-onci lia?>i Car rtagea taken in cxi-hance new Carriauc 1.really reduced In price*. HAM'*, fl.Vt B'oadaa?. "4 111: i: phaeton for male-made JV to order lor the owner and l.nt rerv little n^ed; price Inquire at private stable, So. 19:1 l^esin'r ton si. "OK.NTLEMiNS COMPLETE ROAD TI KNtirr Hor*e. Ton Biik.'v and Harness: all lira' das*. Apt i e 1.0. II. vol NO, West Kith *t. A?FOR i*A-'.E-RARE thiancf. MX IIOUkKs ? tstlsMe Iter terming or an? hnslnes* purpose; amour tbi-m i* Bi> road or <aiil> horse ; s|uoii trial allowed. Call In Hie r?-?r of :t7 . I o?er?. A> E LRU ANT KXiENSIMXT0PPHALr0\. Dol HLE au.i alngl* Hame?s wl!l li" sold ir>* than Half value alee s ttu.Ki top Bngar end stilish ?orr*l llorar. ai ?tal.|e :ta East 12th St.. between Hroed ruv am! I'nlver.lty piarc Zfou SAi.h* :orrt ihik.-o. fit foi: anv kind . nfhn*inr*f, at half value In^nir - at my shop, J. f> htli *v.. I?..iwcen 'iOtll ail 1 J 1st *ts \ ?TWO IHIRkI'.S VI- RY CHEAP: AND *ojnd; two Espre* Wacim* and llsrne-s. IJ4 nil *t , - vt.h. five ihiksks hir 1, n;-: it ertC# n?e: tirc r *' or Rntckeft" Wayan* av c seer tie; trial j allowed. No. 6 Or tat Jon ? it. HOUSE*, CAHA1AGES. ?t . ^ UCTlON UOt Sb OVaRCH JOHNSTON. ~ 1?. *21. 23 IIIId .5 13th It.. ?. near University place. SALBS OK HORShS ANU CARRIAGES AKB HELD EVEllY TUhSDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HOUSE WARRANTED HOUND 34 HOURS TO 8 DAYS FUR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RE LIABLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. THIS DAT, AT 10 O'CLOCK. BEAUTIFUL TEA* CHESTNUT HORSES. hatf orot li?ra. sired by Glencoi. 15)? hands. H yean old. full, long mam a and tall*, are mlc?ly matched In lise. gait. action and color; they drive together like one horse. and ate very tree Urlvsra, not afraid of a locomotive or anything else; hare not a Unit, vie* or trick of any kind; can trot eluai to Si luiimtei. and are in every way I borougbly relia ble tor any uie. end warranted aound. SET LliillT DOUBLE HARNESS, in good order, by tt uod Gibson. ELEGANT SIX-SEAT EXTENSION TOP PARK PHAETON. by Hart on A Boyle. LIGHT VICTORIA, little used, by J. B. Brewster A Co. ELEGANT WESTCHESTER ltOCKAWAY KSTAB LISIIMENT. ELEGANT TEAM BAY HOUSES, l.W band! high, 7 7la; kin year* old; fall tnanea and tail*; kind and true In * I all harneaa; iree Iruiu vice; Snely matched; they ? I drive together like one bvrse; era not ifrald ol a * I locomotive or envibiiig elae; are veiy fine, showy __ I ami atyliali drivera; they can trot together in 8!^ | inloutea, and ar< one of the moet ??ylli.b tearaa in I the city; told lor want of tiae ; warranted sound. K ! "ET FINE DOIBI.L HARNESS AND ELEGANT * SIX SKAT WESTCHEbTER ROCKAWAY, by ? I ' Brewater A Co. 41 FINiJ BAV COUPE OR CARRIAGE HORSE, 10 ? I handahlab, ? years; kind in tingle and doable Ilisrneas; not alraiu of anything; nny one can drive hiui; haa beeu lined by preavut owner elngle and r* I double, as m family carriage horae. In almoat every * I capacity; ia good, free, pleasant driver, and in v I every xay reliable for any uae; warranted lound. ?n I SET COl PE HARNESS, nearly new. > I LlOllT COUPE. little ined. by Miner A Steven*. X I HAY PACING ROAD HORSE. I?> '4 bands. 7 years old; kind in all harness and tinder saddle; has not a I vice, taolt or t rick of any kind; we* raised by nrea i j ent owner itnd'haa never Nseii in other handa; can *1 trot cloae toll uiliiutoa: goea right along aad needs XI no urging in any way; reliable In any capacity ; ~| warranted aonnd. SET SINGLE HARNESS, nearly new. by Dalton. -i I TOP SliJE BAR ROAD WAGON, built to order, by F ! Ashe. BLACK COUPE HORSE. 10 handa. 7yeara old; equally good In aingle or double harness and very Hue under saddle; ia not al'raid ot a locomotive or any thing elae ; liaa not a fault, vice or trick of auy kit<d ; U in every respect a Ural das* family car riage horae; lit and reliable lor any uae; warranted sound. LIGHT VICTORIA, in good order, by J. R. Lawrence. FAMILY COACH, in good order, by Wood Broa. PONY ESTABLISHMENT?Brown Pony Mare. 1.%bands high, 5 years old: has been a family net; is kind lu all hernes* and perfect under saddle: can be ridden or driven by failles or children ; In every way thoroughly reliable lor a fatuity, not afraid of a looinotlve or anything; warranted sound. TOP PONY PHAETON, act Uaniesa, Ac. BLACK WORK IIORSh, l.?\ hands, M years old, kind iu single aad double harness; a good last walker; Is not afraid of anything; In every way a flrat class aingle or doutfl* truck horae ; wai ranted aenud. aingle or douVIe truck horae; wai ranted aonud. TWENTY ONE other Horses; description time ot sale. GLASS Ql'ABTEB I ELEGANT EX TOP CAB COACH. BlOLET. FULL CLARENCE. | SIX PONY PHAETONS. ELBOANT COUPE. I SIX TOP WAGONS. WESTCHESTER ROCK- sIX-SEAT PARK PHAE AWAY. TON. EX. TOP PHAETON. | SKELETON WAGON. ELEGANT TEAM CARRIAGE HORSES. lt? HANDS. H YEARS; e>erj way reliable, kind; nut afraid of anything. 'Ihladay. LARGE ASSORTMENT of every kind of Wagon Har neas, *c., this day. at arch. Johnston's mart. i? to 25i8th?t.thi* ?lay. Weather never interlere* with onr SALES AT 10 OCLOCK. T UCTION HOUSE <?r VAN TASSELL A KEARNEY, A HO and 112 EAST 13TH ST., NEAR 4TH AV. REGULAR SALES OK HORSES AND ?CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. On every horae that la warranted aound or kind and trne in harness from one to tliroo days is given to teat warran iev*. ??? CATALOGUE or THIS DAY'S (TUESDAY) sale AT 10 O'CLOCK. PRIVATE TURNOUT. TEAM IlLU'K MARES. 154J bands high. It) j ear* old; kind and true in all harnesa; tree from vice; prompt and piuataut drivers; fear nothing; can be driveu by a locomotive with pertect safety and are a first class tond or carriage family team, and warranted sound. Set light double Harneaa. made by White. . TOP WAGON, IN GOOD ORDER, HAS POLE AND abaft1*, built by Lockwood. BAY TROTTING MARE HI LLS LEWIS, r.OT BY Volanleer. dam a Star mure (whose record Is 2 ; die was raiaed in Oranire county, by Mr. Lewi*; is l-VJ.', high. 8 yeara old. kind and true in all harneaa. tree front vice, baa a clean open gall; tiou all her heats better than'J ;3!i; needa no check, martingale or boots; la very pronpt t ut no puller; has no rec rd; la p-rlet tly gentle and Kind under all circnmatancea, and l? warranted aound. This Mare I* the dam of a liwl by Blackwo d. lor which $?l,i*J0 is offered and reluseiL Pedigree guaranteed. Set fluo 11 unless and TOP ROAD WAGON. NEARLY NEW. BAY HORSE DAVID LATIMER. OUT BY RYSDYK'8 Hauibletmilan. dam Latimer* Premium luare: ?u raited in Dutcheta county, by Mr. Latimer: 1* l.Vi)? liitrli, it year* old, kind mid true iu ail barneH. free troin vice, a proud, clean Mapper, vary *tvli*h. no weight too much and no road too Ion* for biin ; lie la thoroughly broke to aaddlc. and i* without trick or fault iu tlia atable. and U warranted aouud. ' Set Harne**. nearly new. and I TOP WAOOM, NEARLY NEW. BOAN GELDING. 10 UANDH IIKIII. ft YEARS OLD; kind and true in ail hnraera; free from vice; haa kpleudid ttyle and action: bait beru driven to a conpe ami dog cart; I* perfectly tree from vice or trick of any kind; doe* not thy or pull; I* aold only on account of the owner bavitig no u*? lor luui. | V CLARENCE, liOOD Art NEW. BUILT BY MINER A Steven*. BKKiiiT BAY TttOTTIKO MARE SIRED BY TOBK, dam Molly Morrl*. ?he by Black Noae; ia 15', hand* high, ti year* old; kind and true in all hame**: Irre Irnm vice; a anperior road mare ; I* WARRANTED TO TROT A FULL MILK IN 3:?0 OR NO MALE; I.a* beeu uacd by the present owner on the road only, and la a free and pleaaant driver. Aiao, set llarneaa, and : ROAD WAGON. BUILT BY BREWSTER. CHESTNUT HORsK, IS'. HANDS illlin. H YEARS old; kind and true in all liarnen; free from vice; Hot* clone to three minute*; doe* not ahy or pnll; a free, prompt and bandy driver and warranted tound. Set ?iniclt' and ?et donble Haineaa. liv Uri-'ga. and I NO-TOP no AD WAIiON. BUILT BY HATES. BLACK UOBSE, in1, HANDS HIGH, ?i YEARS OLD; kind and true in alt liitrne**; Iree Irnm vice; a piod traveller; haa line *tj le and actiin ; a iirat rlaa* lam iiy horxe and warranted aonnd; *et llarnea* and TOP WAGON, IN OtiOD ORDER. OKAY MAKE, l.V, HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD; kind and tine ill all iiame**; Iree irnm vice; extra One under suddle : trot* in three minute*; I* in every way kale and reliable and warranted aound; alto *et Uar ne*? and TOP PONY PHAETON. IN GOOD ORDER BAY GELDING. I5S HANDS HIGH, 7 YEARS OLD; kind ?n.l true in all harne*a; free from vice; a flr?t claaa ruailster, tborouirbly brokeu to harne** and ?addle; can be driven by a lady; tear* nothing and warranted aounA Set Hern'**. made liy Campbell, and TOP ROAD WAGON, BUILT BV BREWSTER DARK BAY 1IORSR. Ibtf HANDS IIIOII. H YEARS old ; kind and true in ail hiirnri*; free from vie*; a free driver ami good worker ;al*o tet llarncta and TOP WAGON. WITH POLE AND SHAFTS, BUILT BY Wood Bro*. BAY MARK. I5S HAND* IIIOII. U YEARS OLD; kind and true iu all harne**: Ire* from vice; very aiy Iiall : a faat traveller: an extra tine madder; ean be driven by *nr one and warranted arund. TOP PONY PHAETON, NEARLY NEW. SEVERAL GOOD KAMII.% ROAD AND WORK IIORSKS, lull dewriptlou* tinio of vale. 8 PASSENGER WAGON. HALE TOP PARK PHAETON. Clarence. Imili by Di.un. 1 Barontitea. Top Phaeton*. 8 no top Phaeton*. Rockawayt end Depot Tip and no tap Road Wacnnt. Wagon*. LADIES' SADDLES AND BRIDLEN GENTLEMEN'S SADDLES AND BRIDLES, hv Wood Olbtoa. , , SALE COMMENCES AT in O'CLOCK. A GREAT MORTGAGE SALE A BY VIRTUE OK A CERTAIN CHATTEL MORT GAGE AND SEVERAL EXECUTION'S TO ME DIRECTED, I WILL EXPOSE FOR .SALE BV PUBLIC AUCTION TO MORROW <Wednesdayi. JUNE I"*. AT II O'CLOCK, AT THE STAllt.E NO ft NEILKON PLACE iMBHCKit ST.). BETWEEN WAVERLKY AND CLINTON PLACES, AND REAR OP THE NRW YORK IIOTEli, THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN TKOTTINQ HORSES, FINE CARRIAGES, .*(' ; inrlndlng the faat bay Mare Lotta, l*'4' hijli, 7 year* old; vraa brad In It. A. Alexander, in Krntiu-ky : allow* One hlcti breeding; baa fine ?tylu und elegant driver, with line open and ?lroiig gait: tin* ir.are can trot In 'J :X> now and ha* no record . ia vuluable for track i nrpo?e* and lor any gentle man'* private road nae ; *he haa few equal* and no luperi or*; warranted aouud and kind llandaome buy trotting Mare COLUMBUS MaID. I.V-, hand* liigb. 7 year* old ; got by Legal Tender, dam by Young i .?Inoibn., can g> to any track and ?how three heat* below ?J 4ii. ahe it fully warranted lound and kind and can be driven bv a child. Beautiful brown llambletonian mare Lady Ire*. 13^ haniia. (I year* old; aired by Edward Everett, dam by Reve Tine. ah ? la a graceful and at tilth creature, I* docile and pleaaant or any one to drive. I* pure galled and ran *peed a ?j:*> ?ait and waa never trained; warranted aoond and I kind Ka?t nnd iin? bay Gelding Re*cae, 1 .V j l.igh, 4 year* old; I | waa raiaed by Mr Alexander and pun-baaed at hia uunuai ' **la wlirn 4 year* >id. he trotted in 2 TJ when five year* I old ; ran now trot In It 36 or 7; he waa *ired by Tattler, dam , liy N?d Forreat; lie la now in line condition, and will trot fii.ier Ilila aprirt than ever: lie ?ill trot cloae to 'J :'.ti tliia ?nnimrr; he it without api t, tault, trie*, vice or blemlab ; be i* warranted Miiiud anil kind. Fa?t trotting elding Rocket, lie ia I.H? high. 8 veer* old: i aired by Maitua l'b*rta. dam by Champion . na I* one of tha be.i mo n-lle horw< In the Htnle; when pnrcnaaed he ahowiHt a mile tOS'j. two mile* In '>:I4V(: he i* a flue re*o I lute driver and ia aa game a root trotter a* can be produced ; warranted aoiimt and kind. llic Ueantilul roan Mare Lady Hnrd. *lred by VolnnteeV, I "lata tha f?at Alolallali tnare t ounteaa; (lie l*I~i<{handt j liitfn. 7 jeiiti old ; ahe ran trot In 3. *1; l* pu/e gaited, well bcliaved and ii No. 1 gentleman'* road beaal; ahe la lolly iwurranteil aonad and kind. \ erv pretty black llor-e. aired by General Knox, dnm a Me*>engei mare, tilted ait Portland. Me.-.trotted there laat aenton in I* I J', high. H year* old; I* per feitly broken, tingle and double; *ate lor anybody to drive ; Ifood galled and warranted aonnd ?ntl kind. The *at>-?t taiile>' or children'* pony phaeton Mare in the city. 11 hand-high, 0 year* old. a pe'rlect pet; tale nn4 re liable undo all clrc'inotaneea; very flae under the taddle ; , will at and without tying and la warranted In everr parti ' eular. Carriage* rmiaitt of owe rxtenaion tap Park Phaeton, one Pnnv Phaeton, three top ttne-1 Wagon*, (Ingle and double llarne*t, Ac. Sale po?ltlve, rain or thine By order JOHN T. BILKV, Marihal and Attori>e> lor Mortgagee. PtiNY I'll \EI(>N TL'RNot f. aDDKESS Kgl lf AHLh. lie. aid #Acr \..r.vti li'. l?'4 llllill I'tlKS OF It t Y ? i.'elilln^t rln-rly anatr'ied. *!i lahle l.?r carriage or bu?i"r?., at aurli n lo-mimow IVednttday I. at II o clock, I at UAltKKH k .ION'S, vol Bar Htuadwa) and :?t<tii ?t. HOUSES. C'AKHIAUEH. OiC. A?MA.)OK CI!AKI.KS W. BARKER'S" ? OSEAT regular HORSE AND Carilaga ?ale. TO MokkoW (Wudoe??l?T). to morrow. AT ELEVEN o'clock, uroraptljr, AT BAltKKR Jt SON'S CITY AUCTION Mart anil New ^ ork Taltersall's, CORNER OF Hroadway mid M?tb at. HBK DESCRIPTIONS lu to-uiorrow'a Herald. ADVERTISED entries lor above close U KOl-K P. M. today. A ? MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. ?A. SPEhD, COAClf, SAI?DLEBK _ PBONOUNCKD THE MOST EXTRAORD1NABY LOT that ever i,Err kentuoey. MAJOR BARKPB TAKEN PLEASURE In announcing Captain GEOlitiE D H.iKSA'S tot Bourbon county, Kentuckyi FIFTEENTH unprecedented HALE of the fastest GREEN TROTTERS In tba world. Joet arrived froin KENTUCKY. to taku place on Batnrdajr. next. July 1, at II o'clock. at BARKER A SON'S ?^?tw Auclcn Mart and New York Tatt*r??U'?. corner of Broad way anu ;??th at., and comprising TWENTY HEAD of the richeet bred in America. including icioon horsea that can trot In Irom minutes DOWN TO I1 :?'<&, some of the Hueat coupe, match or T CART IJoHSES, and the balance the m"?t auperii lot of PREMIUM all-galted combined SAD DLE aud harnesa home* ever brought from the BLUE tiRASJ-> region. and all warranted sound and kind. Stock iww at the Mart lor exhibition and trial. HR JOHN W. CLARKE, agent for Captain II anna, la now on hand to give erervbody the opportunity of HIDING aud DRIVING and TESTING the SADDLE qualities aud SPEED <>t'any of tbe lot BEFORE the time of sale. Catalogues, with extended pedigreca. roady. Sale positive. No postponement. 'A ? FOR SALE, MOST COMPLETE AND STYLISH J\.? Turnout In the State for a lady, conalatinir of a Ken tucky bay Hnrae. 0 yearn. l.1<? bunds: warranted aound and kind; can trot in 3 tuluute*. and ii one of tbe tioeat aaddln horsea In the State; also ? beautiful C spring ton I'on* Phaeton, with lam pa, and One single llarnean to match ; will ?ell separate or together for one h.Uf value inconsequence ol a death in the family. Inquire, for thru- days, at tbe Union Clnb stable, No. Jl) Kant iHth at., near Broadway. I BARG UN FOR A CASH OCHTOMEB.?BEAUTIFUL JV rlieatnui sorrnl Ilorae ; young, aound and kind: u laity can drive or rido him; fine top l'ony Phaeton; aim top lloitil Buggy. aet single Harness. 181 East 18th at . private ?table. , ?rOK SALE CHBAP, MINK OOOD BOHKM ? Horses. Apply at No. S Veatry it., between Yarick and Iludaon. PONY EBTABUBHMEST, HANDSOMEHT" EVER owned by any one, consisting ol pair Sorrel Ponies, trained for isillesto drive and ride; perfectly aound: Brew star canopy Pliaetou. with rumble. harne?*. Ac.; (old at bureau. Address OWNER, 11 - East 'J9tli M. A CHANCE TO" HI Y CHEAP, TWO VOIata irUXO A. aud aide bar TopWagons, two beantifnl Pbaetona, one teats four peri ons: unnacomb Ilan ess; ell by boat city nuikera. Private stable 5H Eaat 33d at. 'a ?FOR SAL'E. FOI~R HORSEs; SUIT ANY BU6I J\.? rt-t; price, $91) to #1)0. 14 Grand at., near Varlck. A Handsome brown maris. 10.1 iiioiT.iryKAii.s, warranted aouml mid kind; any Indy can drive hnr; alao Pony Phaeton, by Seaman ; elegant shifting top aide bar Wagon, net rubber mounted Harneaa, Kobea, Blankcta, Ac.; ?II nearly new ; tnnat positively Tie aold thla week, together or aepurute, regardleaa ot value. Araenal stables, Weat U&th st., near Broadway. "T ??VlKS'l t'LASS LI VRRY AND BOARDING STABLES J\, for sale?With or without stock; stalls for over 70 horses; centrnllv located; established & years; owner retir ing from the bualneiH W1KCKRT A CO., Anetioneeira, 141 8th at. ?io bcsTnkss \vaoons. to BmTlroR bx ? piesa. Grocer-, Butehers, Bakers. Milk, Packages. Ail vurtlMng, Depot, Delivery Wa^ona. Wagon Manufactory, 2J6 Spring at. A side hak top"wauon and' iiarnesf] by b"st makers, at n aaorlQce. Stable, 210 East fHithat. I GREAT BARiiAIN.?WILL BUY THB MOST J\ elet.'i'iit liiid atyliali turnout goes In the Park, con sisting of beautiful bay Pony, 7 years old. 15 handa, war ranted sound and kind; decant ton pony Phaeton, gold mounting*, with harnexi to match, 'rhia turnout must bo teen to be ai predated ; it cost CI.U50. Ownor Mrs. Hi'.NNETT. 1J9 E tat 17th St.. or can be seen at private stable. No. 13 Went -7tli St.. between Broadway and nth av C- tAHRIAUE*?SECOND IIAND; FOl'R AKO UZ PAS! J aenger Ho:kawaya; Jump seat Wagons; top Wagona; elliptic nnd aide bar Trotting Wagona; Phaetons, Lnndaulet, *i Clarence, Dog Cart, Ac. R. M. STIVERS. 144 to 153 East Slst st. I^LEOAMT PRIVATE EBTABL:RHMBNT. FOB BALE i very ehesp,?Glass front Landan. with patent apriug head, whereby it csn be opened i.nd abut with great facility.: maile t" order by Morgan A Sons, London: plated I<on<lon made Hnrneas to matcn : Park Phaeton, with shifting top, bv Krem stet, of Broome St.: all In capital order; also pair well hreu dark bay Horses. 18*^ handa, 7 years old. a very desirable Imnlly team. To be seen at No. 8;Hast 84th St., near 5th av. ?~~MNE STOCK. ROCK A WAYS, LAN DAI'S. PHAETONS, LANDAULET8, KOAI) WAGONS, COUPES. A. S. KLANDRAP. .172 and H74 Broome st. fold stand of Brewster A Ca). 1~jioR SALK-A VERY I INR IMPOUTED IRISH _COB Pony. 7 yenra old. lit to li hanoa high ; used to saddle and himiess, snltahle lor "Polo-." took prise for leaping at tlie Dublin Home Show; warmntod In everyway; also very styliab l.adies Pbaetou and llarneas, by best Dublin makers. Apply to THOM AS KOKSYTII, H4 West 2?th at. b()R SALE-ONE COUPK ROCKaWAY, MOVABLE II front. Polo and Shafts: one two seated Depot Wngnn, .?with Pole unil Shafts, nearly new. and both In beat of or der. for aale cheap, at 194 Kast 53d at., atable. ^ ? men HALlTcirEAP?TOP bFoGY. WITB Pol.E AN D f Shalta; In perfect order: made by one ofthe beat dty makers. Kor particulars epply to J. ('. CLABKSON, No. 1 Pine St.. between 10 and 4 o'clock to d?v. jmROM ST. LOUIS. SPECIAL DESPATCHES TO THE EVENING TELEGRAM TO DAY. IjlOR SALE?A STIVERS TOP HMDS BAR. JUST 1 beeu <lon? up: ? Doctor'a Phaeton, flrat ciaaaorder; llorae to trot in 50. cheap. Addreai Dr. K. M. P., Flaruld olee. B'jHMi uu low ro.t wait of nwmBI bay Horae. 14ft hand*; aultxhle fur any kind of light bustnt-aa or road uh: $85. 37."> Heit 1-th tt. FORHALK CHEAP?A TEAM OF BROWN MARBM, 15'j liHiida, louml and kind: tup aide her Wagon. nearly uew, nnd Hariieia; ?l?o N?j M?rr and two aeated Wagou and llarnoi. Apply itMW(?t 15th at. FORSALB-A FINK LARUE CHESTNUT ROMS, 7 yeara old, 18', handa high; aound and perfi-ct'y kind In *ingln nnd double harneaa. Can be aeen all tbU week at 11 Eaat 37tb at. OK "KALE?TWO BREWRTER (Of RROOME HT~) top Wa<:ona, Pole nnd Shu I la; line CaltVev top Wagon, Pole and Shalta, the ahoye all nearly new. S'o. 21<- Weat im*. . Ifiok sale-one BAY HORSE, 15V HANDS HIGH, 1 H years nld pan, e<ui lieat 2 :4fl; blank Mare. 15.'., Iiamla lii'-'li 7 yeari old. n ?tiod raadater; hay Ilorae. l.V, lianila lii*h. s vfiim nld. run lieat 3 mlmitoa. good doable or aingle; all the above aonnd anil kind. 2IO Weal 48th at. UOR SAI.K CHEAP?TWO OOQD WORK HO~RSES, r aultable for all nurpoaee; $<Ki and $73, unat be aold. 13 Vandam at., near lludion. Ir*OB SALS?THREE TOOStt houses, ftt, 0M and ' $I(k>; anitable for any bualoeaa; aigit (ell; uo work. Apply 430 Kant ISth at. IlUR SALE?A~ VERY- PINE SORR'bL HO RUE, 1? hatida hiich, H yeara old, perfectly aonnd and very yen tie. cantri't in 2;H?; a auprrlnr horse every way. To bo aeen at I-. BB1 TT'fl. 7th av. ami 22d at. H ENRY I) MINER. AUCTIONEER. Office and Art Galleriea 145 Broadway. AUCTION BALE OP PURE BLOODED JERSEY CAT TLE. TUESDAY. JUNE 37. at II o'clock, at the private at able No UH Eaat 13th at., be tween Broadway and 4th ar. The atock la all fane breed and e?nalata of alx Cowa, orlfi nally purchased from atock larma ofMrsara. W. B. Dinamure, >1. birintr-ton and W. Redmond, the Calvea coraprining two two year old Heifera, one yearling llelfer. three calvea and three yearling Bull*; were bred from Jcraey call Direlihof, Xo. HOB. and Jiiacy bull Jupiter. No. ti44, in Herd Book. Can be aeen Monday before sale, from IJ to U P. M. Harness for 'sale veky" low-fine ~new~ llirht double Harneaa; made flrat <-laaa by a belt city maker, at 1U7 Eaat ."Wd at. Riug 4tli bell. UARNEHS ?CHEAPEST~~HARNBSS STORE IN HEW York; cooil Bug^y Harneaa. hand made. $15; cnod tirocera' Harneaa, #2.i; good innble Team Harneaa. $30; a good Hone Blanket.. $1 Vi Pleaae call and examine tor yoaraelvea. PlStiKR A OSBORB, Manufacturer!, 71 Bar clay *1. HBK3i>ii FOR A FEW BMIMtS, D A newlr fitted np anil well ventilated private atable, with the beat ol oare; tornia low. Inquire at 233 En?t t>th at. HALP COST?nkl'OT TOP WAUON, SHIFTING ?eot?. $!?'; elegant aide liar top Huery, $135; hay l'onv, fop Pony Phaeton. Harneaa. Robea. t ??>. r?l I 7th ar Half value," $ i 25 - s p i . e x d i d n e w TOP juf preaa or Grocery Wagon, made to order. 124 Weat I inh at. I~M PORTA NT TO TRVCKMRH. - STABLE OP alalia and Parlor Floor nod Bnaement, with one Room on tlurd floor, to let very cheap; 112 Bank at.; rent, $32 fur all. S. STOKES, 2H4 Waahtngton rt. ROC KA WAYS. $130. the cheapett In the world. rhaetona fambrolla. canop) or leathor topt, from SU.\ I'epot Wagon a. SlJhl; Bagglea, $140: Park Phaeton a, Ac. Harneea. from $10; Lap Dnatera. Kheati, Xeta Ae. JOHM MOORE, 57 W arte a at. ORCOND BAND CARKlAOKk? O Three fine Landauleta, two Landaoa. Coach. Clarenre, Ave Cabriole iv extenalon fop Cabriolet, two Coapea. alx aeat Koekawavt. two Oonpe Hoekawaytt. Bail Phaeton, Stanhope Phaeton, two ili aMI Phaetooa. Dog Carta, T Carta, top and ao top Brawetor A Co. of Broome -.treat Wagona A. ?. FLANDRAC. :I7*J aad 374 Rrneene at., nld itaad of Hrowater A Co, Sf)DA WATER WAOON FOR SALE CHE.tP._IN ^ ^ quire at the Laag Iiland Brewery. 87 3d ay., Brooklyn SECOND IIAM" T CART. ' lateat atyle aplendtd order, at a bargain. A. T I?KV AREST A CO.. ?2H and iKfO Broadway. Thome" in search of the most klkgant flrat rlaaa fop Pony Phaeton for leea than bait roat ean lee one at No. 1 Weat I5tfi at. private liable). bpBWl?*b linn wmiiiR siisi ism n a bargain. Sttflth a*., i-orner 15th at. ASTRiJ^A CHF.STSUT COLORED TlORSE; MOTT have good knee action, nnd he from 15 to 15 3 high. Apply to JOHN NKWCOMH, No. 47 Eaat ?2d at. WAN'TKD?A POUR SEAT BO TOP PARK WAOON or l'haetoa, in good order. Addreaa bos 2.781 Peat office. T 3 HOOD HOR>RS. St'ITABLE POB ANY BUSINESS, at panic prieca; S45 to $V>; Pony, cheap No. 4 7th av. " FOR A NEW TOlrl.XPItP.-RWAUOX AND ?Pll') Itarneaa . a j,-eat bargain. 91)6 B>?t 30th at. gtllt WORTH ?900-LaDY'H DRiriXO PONY*; *? tbrav lioriea, lit lor any work; two Espraia Wag ona, IM"7thav 41 ?><! ?HANDSOME SIDE BAR SlllPTINO TOP fl^Vi Road Watjin. city bitilv. Apply at Coope office. I 2.1 r.aet 12th at. _______ ffiYllTwH PH \EroN?CSED"sOBE; ?NiHT $4<>T; '?l I" aeitnitle fur do-n>r To tie aOOH at So..? Weil 1 ."at b at , rear atabl* ~?/Wi SADDLES TO l>KT. til/'./ forFonrtliof.ini}. Apply to PK.T1.KK a CALHOUN CO., | liIO Broadway. HOBSKS. CARRIAGES. AC. _ VF.W AND SECOND HAND t.'ARRlAufcSC Landau*. Coupe. Coupe K<n k>?>t>. 4 ?nd 1 irtt 1'ark, 1'ynv and Ui>ku i'baetous, I rum #75 up. Depot Wagone. on* horse Kockaway*, from >ftO up; extension top I'bvt'ina. Victoria*: one Una Brewster side liar top W Sulkies and Skeleton Wagons, Road and KlpltH IVh.mik. Am clodug m? -lock of *c?*niiahle Carriages. ont hi low price*. __ WILLIAM II. IjK AV, iKI and 22 VVnxWr at. ?AL.K? AT ACCriUII. A-tunis Johnson, auctioneer, ? old Rtund 37 Nassau it. THIS DAY AND TO-MORROW, AT 13 O'CLOCK EACH DAY. GREAT SALE ok the finest breech-loaders ever imported to thia conntrv. and mada In the best maker*, ?old to cloaO tba cootifnuint of an English importing house. On THURSDAY. at 10>; o'nlofk. ELEGANT moYhKIIOLD FURNITURE. AT THE PRIVATE RESIDENCE 18 LAFAYETTE PLACE. THIS FURNITURE IS COMPARATIVELY NEW, kr.vtngbeen but llttls used. and will comprise in part. SUPERB BLACK WALNUT BF.D^TEADS. DRESSING Cases, velvet. Brussels and ingrain Carnets: Hr?t class hair Mattresses, feather Bed*. Pillow*. Ac.; In fact, the baddlnir waa made regardles* of coat; great assortment of Silver ware, ( biniiware, Glassware. Ac. THREE SOI.fO CARVED ROSEWOOD BELTER Suits. elaborately carved Arinonr, r>eeretary Cylinder Book case, Library Tables, line Oil Paintlnv*, Water Color*. Ac. Catalogues now ready, and tbe Furniture can bo seem uy permit from the auctioneer. TUNIS JOHNSON 37 Naatau at. A UCTION" SALE THIS!) AY. J\. Over $.Vi,000 worth of elegnnt and costly llouaeliold Furniture. Stelnwav A Kan's and Windsor l'lnnofortea. at live story brown i>u>ne mansion No. 120 West 23d at., nearBtl. ?*., commencing at lO o'clock?MaitnlHceut inlaid J'arlor Suit", Etageres, lace Curtain*. Mirror*, inlaid Centre Tables. Cabinet*. Jar diul'-rs,, Oil I'nintiuir*, Chamber Furniture. Bed stead*. Dre-sing Case*. Bureaus, Wardrobe*. Washstand*. hair and spriug Mat tresses. rep and haircloth Suit* Turk i?h Suits, Bookcase*. Lady's Secretaire. Library Table*. Dining Room Bntret, Extension Table, Chairs in leather. China Dinner and Tea Set*. Lounge*. Ilall*tand*. Basement Furniture, Ac. LUKE FITZGERALD, Auctioneer. N. B. ? (ioods packed and shipped, city or country. yy UCTION BALE AUCTION SAI-E of a large number of Lots and of *evoral Dwelling llnntes at tbe link a View nation, lu tbe city of Peterson, on Tues day, June 27. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock I*. M. This snle I* positive, to close ont an estate. No free pasae*; no band of music. Terras liberal. Erie train* leave Chamber* *t. at 12 o'clock, john II. HINDLE. Auctioneer, Pat?r*on, N. J. JST:-NOW"ON " EXHIBITION AT THE ~~ ScbencK Art Gallery, No. Go Liberty st., the Work* of Mr. K. A. Blake lock, the woll known artls*, previous to his departure for Europe. To be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, June 2H at 12 o'clock. EDWARD SCHENCK. Auctioneer. Tuition" sale. JX Rich Household Furniture. THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, at H> o'clock, at Ave story brown *tone tnansinn NO. 47 WEST l?TH ST., BETWEEN 5TH AND ?TU AVP. Chickeriug upright 7H octave Pianoforte, Stelnway'* lour round 7'.t octave Pianoforte, Paintings, Works of Art. PARLOR AND DRAWING KOU*( SUITS, richly carved rosewood and walnut 'rame*. covered In irim*oli. tau aud gold brocade aatln aud colelaine; Turkish and Spanish Lounges. Easy Chair*, inlaid marquetrie and ;rilt Centre and (Console Tables, rosewood Etageres. Cabinet*. French plate Mirror*, lace Curtalu*, French Mantel Set*. tK) day Clock*, Musleal Boxes, Library and Secretaire Bookoaaa*, Books, Library Tables. Turkish Milt. Writing l>e?k. BEDROOM FURNITURE CONSISTING elaborate and plain Redroom Set*, inlaid and (rill Bedsteads. Dressing Cases, Bureaus, Waslistaud*. single and doubln Bedstead*. 33 fine hair and spring Mnttrek*es. feather Pil low*. Blankets, Toilet Set*. r*|i and plush Suit*, marble top Tables. Chairs. Kocker?. reclining Chairs. Lounge*. DINING FURNITURE?Extension Tables, Sideboard. Chair* in leather. Silverware. Crockery, two Hall Stands; velvet, Brussels aud irgraln Carpet*; Kitchen, servants' Furniture, Ac. Take Sixth avenue or University place car*. N. B.?Men to remove, pack or shin good*, itv or country. ROBI'liT C. CASH IN, Auctioneer. XRT.-(i.-w. kebler." auctioneer. A Art Galleay, 53 Liberty st? corner Nassau. On exhibition to morrow (Wednesday), a brilliant collec tion o? WATER COLOR PAINTINGS, from *o|ar drawings, reprc*entntive ot tainou* paintim* In the European gailer le*. To be mid at auction Friday and Saturday, June 3D and July I. at 12 o'clock. 1 UCTION NOTICE?WEDNESDAY. Jl'NE 2*. ATU A o'clock, at 13 Park row. all the elegant Fixtures of a Wine and Tea establishment; splendid Show Mills. Bo gardus Mills. Steam Engine. Shafting, Pulley*, elegant Mir rors, silver Beer I'uiiip*. ?ilver pluteil Ware, Coffee l'rn?. hot water I'm*, Castors, (Dataware, Bar Counters, blftck walnut Chairs and Tables. Paintings and everything apper taining to said business : also 'ease of premises to be sold. EDWARD PETTINOKR. Auctioneer. LFKElV LLOY D, AUCTIONEER. WILL, THIS DAY. at 10 o'clock, sell the Fixtures mid Contents in tlio Maniple and Lunch Kootn, Ml Chatham, coruer Chamber* *t.; marble top Table*. Ac. Sale po*tit\e Auction, -extra lakub iioi sbhuld rtRNL tare sale this (Tuesday) inorniuv. rommencinc at 10 o'clock, at resideuce lt)6 East 13th St.. near 4th ?*.. Velvet, Rrns>ela. IngraiD Caruets; Parlor Suits, in aattin brocade, reps and Iialrcloth . P'anororte, Paintings, Cnrtiiins. Clock* Mirrors, Va?e?, Bedateads, Kureau*. Washatands. Dressing Cases, Wardrobes, rpriiiii aud hair Mattresses, Lounge-, Bedding. Extension Tables, Sideboard, 200 lot* tilasa, China, Silver Ware, Cutlery, Ac. Goods packed aud deliv ered for purchasers. K. ROTII. Auctioneer. A UCTION SALE of elegant Household Furniture. PETER BOWK, Auctioneer. Salesroom* corner Sth it. and University place. Sell*, Wednesday, Jane 28, at 10 o'clock, at tbe private residence No. 140 .'*11 av., the entire elegant Kurnlt jre of the above home, oousistliig ol l'nrlor Suit* In istin brocatel and reps: black walnut and gilt I'ieraml Miuitvi Mirrors. mirror from Armoiies ami Book i Hae?. Wardrobes. oil Paiuting*. lace and damask Curtain*, Cornices aud Lambrequins. black walnut Bedsteads! 'remaink Cage*, Bureau*. marble top Centre Tablet. fly nipt un llml steads, Waslistands. Extension Tables. Sofas, Lounges and real bronze Chuuilelier*: moquet. vclret and Brussels Cer midspring Matlresses.fcatlier Pillows aed Holsters, kitchen Utensils, Ac. Catalogues at auctioneer* salesrooms. t DABIEL a. mat hews." auctioneer, sales* room .">7 LIBERTY ST.. between Broadway and Nan nan it. this MAY at l"l; o'clock. at salesroom. SPECIAL Tit A 1)K sale OK BltONZK GOOD-. Ac.. without ro nerve, to close a partnership account?fit. Ink Trays, Paper Weights. Figure*. (lna Clocks. Work Boxes, Ac., In lots lo suit (ha trade. Catalogues at (ale. 0AB1RR rUBXITUBB. * BISSELL. welles A HILLETT. Auctioneer*. will make a peremptory auction sale this DAY (Toesdayi, June .'7, ruiumenctiif; at IOt? A. V., of one of the choicest stocks of Cabinet Kurniture ill New York, at No. IKI Bleecker it., one bloek west of Broadway, by older of It. H. U. Murphy, Esq , who is declining busi ness, his entire stock of rich Cabinet Knrnlture. valued at over IMi.Otm. anil comprising in part rich Parlor Suits, In coteline. striped and plain r?p?; Bedroom Suits, la rose wood, black walnut, maple. East Lake. I'heataut mid ash; Dressing Cases, Bureaus. Library Ca?ea, two and three doors; Extension Tables, Buffets, Lounges, easy anil re ception Chair*; inlaid Centre and Library Tables; inlaid Cabinets. Ladies' Desks. Wall Pockets, Brackets, Ac. Those who desire to purchase furniture that is well made should not fail to be present, as every article In the entire estati lishment will be sold to the highest bidder and without any rererve whatever. Catalogues ready Tuesday morning. June 27. BISSELL. WELLES A MILLETT. Auctioneera. 15 Murray ?t gFwAROiCHENOK. AUCTIONEER 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S BALK To close the estate ol the late C. 11. Morgan. PRITATE STOCK OK VALUABLE AND CHOICE OLD WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS. AC,, By EDWARD 8CHRNCK, on thursday neit, Jane 20, at No. Liberty st., at 12 o'clock. Embraced in the catalogue are old Madeiia, Port. Sherry and Italian Wines, Kje Whiskey, llourbon Whiskey, Bran dies of very rare quality. Sample taken from each lot. all of which it now in store Catalogue containing particulars now ready at office; also a choice lot of Havana Cigars. By order B. C. Wilton, Esq.. Executor. EDWARD SCHESCK. Auctioneer. FCOLTON. auctioneer. ? Large sale of Knrniture, removed froo an nptown private family, and must lie sold ?n Thursday, J line it, at I our auction rooms 58 East With at.; there ia a very large amount, and among the assortment abont .*?or 60 I arpets together; any amount of pialn Parlor, Dining Room. Bed room anil Kitchen floods; about 10 loads In all. Details on Thursday morning F -JOSEPH HROKMAN k CO.-KP RNITCRE SALE ? lu Brookirn. Wednesday, Jnne 2*. at IO A M., at !IS?? lllcks St., near Jnralemna St.; good Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room Knrniture. fine pier and mantel MIrwr*, Paintings, Engravings, Curtain*. Axmlnster and ether Car pets. ' ________ ROM ST. LOUIS. F SPECIAL DESPATCHES TO THE EVENING TELEORAM TODAY. no AND <Rk IT aT ONCE.?A CHANCE SELDOM \JT offered.? 4 lir?t class Confectionery sad Ice Cream Saloon, witli valuable Leas* and Hrsl class Ki stores com plete:cost best location in N'ew York; near I4tk I at . caa bo hough! very low at prlval* tale tor the neat two ?lay*, and It not sold will he put up at pnellfl auction In one ! lot without reserve. Korpartlcalsrt apply to W ElOERT A Co.. 141 Kth st , near Rr?ad*ay. _____________ HENRY D. MINER. AUCTIONEER Office and Art naileries, *4~> Broadway. SALE OK PURE BLOODED JERSEY CATTLE, TUESDAY, J t NE 37. at 11 o'clock, at the private stable No IKI Kaet l.ltli st. See fall particulars under head of Horses and Carriages. f S. WEI N BEROEIt. AUCTION EES.-REGULAR 1. sale ol general Mercbandlaa this day rfoeeilayi. Jnu* 27. ai I OK o'clock, at 7:? Bowery; Furniture, Oil Paintings, Dry flood*, Clothing, Catlerv. tc p. tbaver,~a i <;tuTn ekr7?MtmTUAUh sale, ? this day. a*. HHj o'rlock, at Sw Great .lone* street, I by virtne of a chattel mortgage, all the Partiiture of a Brst class hoardlag house; ftne Parlor. Cbanbar. Diulag Boom and Kitchen Kariiitnre; beat hair and other Msttre*s??, Bedding, len doxen Centennial Psns. Ac. . three good Work Horses. LEWIS MnDERMoTT. Attorney for Mortgagee. MM'SSBAUM. a! cTIOSKER. '/SI BOWERY? ? (Mils this ilaj at o clock, at No. hj I st . near tivid. an clegantlr fitted up Barber Shop; pateat chairs, cup case, ? ash stand, Ac. MNI'SSBAIV. U?C riOVKER.~ Si BOWK BY, ? sells this day, at In', o'rloaa A. M., IXH East 47th | st . ite4r ltd ?>? St<wk no.i rixtarea of S?'??. Bar. Rack I Bar, Hsgate te T blea. I hairs, Mirrors, Ai* ; :>ncitltriv in I lot.. I e 'e^s ?? L ? ARdtlXL'i *LM ?ifV Tinfl'E 0? I* EXi.tT*. , ,ii sen, iia?. at II A M.. ai ? Suffolk si., 1 a let or Brush Mateiialt, Bl??fc!b Hat'. Bristle*. Tamptc.i, L Ao? WUiJAil AlsT.MwiM, M M4LBH AT APCTMW. ORRIS WILKI.VS. AUCTIONEER. ELEGANT Fl'BNITCBR. ROSEWOOD FTANOFOSV& KINK MIRRORS CRYSTAL ClUNDELIKBB ANB OTHER HAS KIXTliRES. kLBGANT DKCORATED I'll IN A, KIN K CUT GLASSWARE; TURKEY, WILTON AN l? OTHER GAB PETS, AC. SALE BV order OK HON. WM. D. 8IIIPMAN. AS 8IC.NKE-OF WM. B8TLBB OL'NCAN, ESO. E. H. LUDLOW A CO. will aell. at auction, on Tuesday, June 27. at 1(1), o'clock, at No. IJ W aahit-nloii siriirr, north, comer of Jth av.( all the elegaut and tmtljr Fnrnl tnre therein. consisting. in part, of rosewood Parlor Soirs and Divans. colored Mining Koom Suits, in leather: Library ami Secretary Bookcases; line maple. sat I u wood. rosewood, walual and mahogany Chamber Furniture: tuffted Chairs. Lounges and Sofa*; elegant velvet and other Curtalus, hue Mirror*; Turkish, Wilton and Brussels alao elegant crystal Chandeliers, Ac.: together with Kitchen, Laundry and Servants' Room Furniture. Permits to view the furni tll* III the day previous to the sale itmv bo had at tlie offico of the auctioneer, No. 'i I'ine at,, or will be sent on appllca tion by mall. All order* for purchaiea will bo attended to for part let out of the city. Fawniiiiokers1 haul?& riBld.~~i jbnbbai. Auctioneer, salesroom No. 89 Bowery, will aell this day, at 11 o'clock. tMiU lots Men's and Women's Clothing, I>re?se?, Lace and other Shawls. Remnants, L'nderclothlnir, Uullts, Blankets, Bedding, Boots, htio ??. Ac.. Ac. ; also < oats. Pauls and Vesta. By order R. Simpson A Co., llw Bowery. PAWNBROKER'S*SA 1,K TIIIS DAY.?J AM BH AGAB. Auctioneer, will sell. ?t 59 New Bowerv. 50(?'lots of Dresses. Shawls, K-muauts, Talile Linen, Cnderdothln*, Sheets. Spread*. Hoots. Shoes, Coats, Pautaloons and Vests, By order of Solomons & Co., Hth av. _ Richard Walters*' sons. aYitionf.eks. Marshal's sale Groceries. Teas. Klonr, Jre. Will aell tills day (Tuesday), at lo'j o'clock, at salesroom, 27 East Broadway, large wholesale stock of Groceries via. : ?2.'? barrels Flour, 1 <> barrels rice. 1 boxes Kamllv Soap, 50 boxes I'tckles, lO barrels Chicory, Condensed Milk. Ilecker's Flour. Clothespins, bags Beau < olfee, chests Te*, Castile Soap, Oil, Imported I'lckles, Canned (ioods. Mustard. Spires, rases Claret, Wines, Liquors, Ac.; Brushes. Bx tracts, 25,000 Clears, 10 donea, Scales. Ac RICHARD C. WALSH. Marshal. HERIKF'S SALE?STOCK ANIt FIXTURES OP Liquor Store.?GERARD BETTS. Sheriff's Auctioneer will soil this day fTnesday). .In tie 27.atlO'; o'clock. ?? H44 West 44th st.. the Fixtures of the above place, coneist iiiir of Bar and Fixtures, Chairs, Tables, wla'sware, Mir rors, Ac.. Ac. WILLIAM O. CONNER, Sheriff. M. LrsTKANGt:, IH-poty. 0 HE BIFF'S 8ALBOF STOCK AND FIXTURES OK A O Grocery Store -OKUARD BETT8, Sheriff's Auctioneer, will sell this day. (Tuesday) June 27. at lOWYrflosk. at HIS loth av.. Stock and Fixture* of the above nlace, consisting ofTea. Coffee, Spices, Canned flood*. Starch. Ac., Ac.: also two Wagous. WM. C. CONNER, Sheriff. John H. Hailil, Deputy. I I.I.I A M S MOI'NT. Al'l"TIONEER, 100 DI'ANE ST. Wednesday, June 28, at 12 o'clock, the balance , of the private stock ot remarkably choice Old Wines. Brandies. Ac.. from the cellar of the late K A. Crowulnshleld. Host on; Very choice old Lodard, Lever and Otard Brandies, Gordo* and Dnarte Sherries, Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys, tine] crusted Old Ports, exceedingly choico Old Madeiras; also. Champagne!, Clarets, Sautcrties, flocks and Bnrgondies, comprising goods rarely offered at auction. Send tor catalogue: ready Tuesday. 11,1.1 AM AHHOTT A rcTIONEEBT?' olBre, No. 3 Chum Iters *t.. New Vork. Executor's sain of temn lots of I.and 25x120, more it le?>, on St. Mary's av., Clifton, village of Bdgewater, near New York av.. Staten Island, will bo sold on the premise* on Wednesday, June 'JS, at 12 o'clock noon, io close the *s tato ot Joseph M. O'Connor, deeeased. Particulars given at the sale or at the oRico of tbe auctioneer. BACHABIAH .IAOI F.H, CHARLES O'CONNOR. K v er ti tor*. ' FOB BAAsB.. tt" blacksmith and WIIEELWBIOflT SHOP FOR A sain with Stork. Kix*.??es. tr. For particulars inqulr* of MOORE A MANF.K, N?? t. ft and 7 Maedougal st. ?sample koom," cujab and Ltrxoii booms' Ai best locsteil place, near Stuck Bxcliange; for sale cheap. mitchell, 77 Cedar st. -FOR SALE, CONNER LIQUOR STORES. COR ? tier Hotels, Clear Stores, Kestauranta, Bakeries, Con fectionerles. MITCHELL,. 77 Cedar St. "A SHIRT STORE FOR SALE?ESTABI.ISI I ED ? Jx years: good location for ra-h trado : order trade of 40U private orders; prise fft'O. 1,215 Broadway. A FIRST CLASS DOWNTOWN SAMPLE BOOK FOI salo cheap-Good business: low rent. COPELAND, 202 Broadway. A BUTCIIUB SHOP KOB SALE?EVERVTHI Nil J\_ complete. Inquire at RIO Hth av. I i ill SALE. FIRST i'I. ASS CORNER LIQCOB ? Store; business $ J0 to $2.% dalh . P. (lAFFN'KV. 2B7)? Bowerj. OAL OFFIOE~AND TRADE FOR SALE?$10 PEli c month. Including rent and good will. 11A N K1N S A CO . as West Hfltll ?t IHR8T CLASS MARKET FOR SALE?DOIBO liOOH bittiuct". Apply at 22S Bast 2<>l!i st. iiUm sa'le-very cheap bhildijio stonr, oav " be seen on Uth st., between tRh and 7th avs., or ad dress MINER A BROWN. .">Kth st., near Broadway. IVJK SALE?ClOAR STOIth (SAMPLE ROOM AT tacheti); lower part of Ilroadway*. piisa<-\slon immedi. ately. Apply to tlFORCE 4'. MOORE, lft Chambers St. f'iWU BA LB?THE BEST tUillNKH*' LI?<lvOR"sTOnB 1 enSthav. Apply to WILLI AM M KIK !>,. 4Hi ?th *v. For salb?one share in pasqub island club. Apnly to WM. N. BEACH, tMi Wall st. F_ur "salk-as "oi.ii established gbocerv] corner 13th st. and 4th av. A. S. BI R.VISTo.V. Assignee. IjlOR "sale?A FIRST CI,ASS CORNER l.lgi'OR 1 Store doing a go ml business; will be sold cheap on easy terms. Address B. K.. Herald office. BioR SALE (AH ARB C1IABCE)?AM OLD B8TAI' Ilshed Family Liquor Store, doing a .??tod pa.vlug eaali business; vatlsfart.irv reasons given lor selling. Inquire at KELLY'S livery stable. East -"?th st., near :td av. I~pOB SA LE?TH E OLD ESTABLISH ED RESTADBANT and Lager Beer Saloon No. 4Sfl Brooms st. ; cause of telling, ilentn of the prop-letor. Inquire In the saloon. w Firs/ class bakery kor sale.-oood loca tlon. Inquire nt K. KROhtiLE, (biJ'.'4 av. Fob BAiJt?tkn new skwino machines. in perfect order: fully wnrranted In everv retpect; priest very low to caah buyers. Mwwiiw. 8th av. MARBLt to DA WATER ASM BOOT tttft Atfc> ratua, all ttvlet. for ?ale below coat. M WHITFIELD A SON, 382 Water St. SAKE KOR SALS.?ORB HRBRINli'B PATBX1 "Champion" Snle, i'l bv !>% Inchnt and 2S Inche* deep, outside measurement*' contain* latent improved burgiat proof and 1a an rood a? new ; will be told low in conaeniienre of cioamgmit a >>u*inet>. Addrets or call apoti JAMES H. DIJKAND. 16<> .Main it.. Rnhway. N. J. "li; ASH I NT,TON MARKET -A BEEK. MtTTTON, LAMB j VV anil Veal Stand for tale. at a great bargain . stead now paving lar/a profit*; reason for telling, another bnsi next. Call at I.SflO ."til av., near 77th at., between 7 aad 9 111 Ilie morning or ."i and !? in the *\eriiug ACAA ?A BAROAIN-KOR SAT.K TIIK WELL kunvn lte?t nrant, W5 Broailwav. next ihmr Ir Tonv Pattor'a, and oppotlte the Metropolitan Hotel; thU ti a chance uliloin met with; tatlafactory reaton lor telling rent very low. ' : Mtl HO KK1. ~ Boiler Koft~8U,g?lar?je tcbclai:. of mod orn eon .traction. Apply at LESLIE HOILBK WORK :?> l'earl at., acrot* Pennsylvania Railroad, Jersey city, near the ferry. SEVEN HORSE-POWER HOISTING ENOINE KOH tale cheap; norlght boiler. Ill Hrosdwey. room 311. WANTED?A SECOND HARD. DOHRLB ACTTNOt horizontal Engine, with cylinder about SxTJInobeaj matt be in first clan order Apply to JUAN U. RIBON 141 and 148 lot ??.. Jersey City. _ ANTED-A PAPER BOX MAKER'S ROUND KNIPI complete. Address box I:*' ?iatlon A ANTE D-PRI StTnO PRESS. .NOT LESS TH A* 39>43;alto Half Medium Cordon. Addreat PRINTER, bog IM) Herald office. mLlMERY ANI) UHEKNMAK1NU. a _MARIE TILMAN. OK PARIS, IMPORTER. OKKER1 J\, a Urge axortment of letett Ana Parisian Sumniel Honnets, Millinery and English Crapes. 439 6th sr., ueai Wtli St. 1ADIES OK TASTE WISHINO STYLISH IMPORTED J Bnnnem or roand Halt at greatly reduced prices will And It to their advantage to call at M me. CAM ILLS DM LACY'S, Mj( Broadway, near l?t>- St. Mme. picard. l \te with m HAILLABD. make* np Udiea' own material; latest stylet; fen Costume*. Nainsook and Hatlste, at coat. to East IStk st. rLAITINO KOR LADIES' DRESSES, DIKKERIR1 pattern*, one and two coats per yard, IIM Caaal a:. (EXTEIVMAL EXHIBITK. ~'3 BLIS8" A WILLIAMS. MANUFACTURERS OP I'resse*. Diet ana speeiel Machinery, 167to 173 fly? oath tt. Brooklyn". ___ _ .... 'X j"' .? j - pftsT OPCICB ?OTIC*r^ POS-TfOfKIt'E SoTH K.-rllE KORKION MAlfaS KOR the week ending Saturday, Jaly I. 1x70, will does at | thl* office on Wednesday, at 7 A. M.. lor Europe, nor Moan thlp Bothnia, via ijueenatown ; ?n Thursday, at 11 :>0 A. M.. i for Europe, per steamship Leasing, via Plymouth, rhsrVonry and llatni.nrg; on Saturday, at 10 A. M . for Europe, pei ? titamahlp i'iiv (>f Htrlin, vta Quecnetowa aad at I' | A. M tor France diroot, per steamship Labrador, vis I Havre, and at IDA. M.for Scotland direct (must be ape rially sddre*sedi. per ?teamahlp Ethiopia, via Oliegow.i and at 11 W) A. M.. for Eurone per steamship Doaen. vie ; houtiiampton and Bremen Tito taads for the weet Indle? j via Havana, will leave New > ork Jane 3D. The ma'U I for China, Ac., will leave 8m Kranelseo Julv l. The mailt for Aiittralln, Ac., will laaya Kan Krancitco July 10. lH7*t. T. L. JAMKh, Postmavtei I1II.ITH AL. ~ Foi-inciANs sih?i;ld keep theib ' fiEiD" cool, wear shajraa's celebrated half <?unee llat. the leading turn mar ttyle for gentlemen; price t'2 So. Wallack'r Theatre Kmlding. PHUPDHAlih. " OKFICE TBCSTEES'OK THE SAILolS'TfiiltfariaiC bnr. Mo 74 Wall tt.. Row York. Jane 17, IK7H -Sealet, prunotala will be received at this office until 13 o'oloek a< noon, ua the 1st day of July next, for fnrnlsblne #1) llMh (eet of Blue Stone Coping, dx:lO; l.'jou foot of Blao Stoes Curbing. b\'JU; about fset ot Blao Stone Klag, mbbtx and Joinisd at per drawing; all to bo delivered on ib#4? nock at tiie Sailor's Snug llsrbor, Stalen lalaad. Cor and ?peciScatioM apply only to R. P. Saiyth, 4operlat?nd ent. at the liovcrnor t office at (be InMltutlon. Bids tit bo addrstaed to Trustee* of Salter*' Snag Harbor, and Marked "lllds for stone." The Tro*?e?a do set Mnd thamtelrvia tt accept any bMs which ?hall - ot be deemed to ttio latere si of the In-tltittl"Tt TIP IMA-" ORKRNI.RaK. t'otttroller. T1 m1 k ici'm?\. ==s a" preSClfT lap^*1 JBL Engl, h snu ? title, thla ?amraor In PlointsIC Addrem Mrt. cTROBCK. Plalnteld, N. J. Private krbrch lerbomr oTtex by a "riBEMOl irentiotnen wita the hignest taatiwewMU: IWBtlsilss. I Mr. Address Prnt A. DAKBKY. 33?wiae?3IWi it. TWO YOU NO PARISIAN LADI1M oh iton itttont at their residence, HflMi U? 4 1MB <t