Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14, NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKKCTOKY FOR AUYEKTISKRS. HBRAI.D BRANCH OFFICE, 1,265 BROADWAY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. KOK RECEPTION OP ADVERTISEMENTS AND SALE OF WATERS. AMUSEMENTS?2d Paoe-I.i col. A*TKOLOGY-12th Page?6th roL BILLIARDS?2d Page?Klh co! BOARDERS WAMKi?-2? I'auk-M col. BOARD AND LODGING WANTED?2d PAOa?3d eoL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES?9th Page. RUSINK8S NOTICES-7tn Page-6|I> col. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Pack?Ith eoL CITY REAL EST AT K FOR >aLK-12th P A??-6th eol. CLERKS AND SALESMEN?12tu Page-5th ooL CLOTHING?12tm Pack?6th col. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS-12TH PaGE-5U> eoL CO AST WI-E SIEa.MSII IPs?1st Pack?5th col. COUNTRY ROAKD-'Jo Fage-M and 4th cols. DANCINO ACADEMIES?2o Page?4th col. Dr.NTlSTKY?12th Pace?5th col. DRY GOODS?1st Page?4tb col. DWELLING HOUSES TO LET. FURN18HKD AND UN FURNISHED?2o Face?'.Id col. EUROPEAN STEAM ships-1st Paob?4th and 5th oola. EXCURSIONS?Ut Pice?6lU col. FINANCIAL? 9th Page. FOR SALE?2o PA0E-6th col. FURNISHED ROODS AND APABTMBNTS TO LBT? 2d I'agb?2d col. FURNITURE?2d Page- 1? col. FRBNCII ADYKRTISEMENTS?12th Page?5th col. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?ISn I'agk?Ith col, HELP WANTED?MALES?12th Pace?5th col. HORSES, CARRIAGES. AC.?Ur Page?2d, 3d and 4th cols. HOTELS?2d Page?Id col. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC., WANTED-2D Page-3d and 3d CO l?. INSTRUCTION?2d l'AGK-lst col. LO-T AND Page?1st col* MACHINERY?2d PAGE-Otb coL MARBLE MANTELS-.0 Page-4th col. MATRIMONIAL?2d Page?l?t eoL MEDIC Al.?12th Page?."ith col. MILLINERY AND DR1 SSMAKINO?1?t Pad E?4th coL MISCELLANEOUS?IOth PAGK-6th col. NEW PUBlICA'1 lONs?7tii Pack-UH) coL PERSONAL?1st Page?1st'cot. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS. AC.?1st Page?6th oolumn. POLITICAL?2d Pack?ith col. POST OFFICE NOTICE-1st PAGE-6th col. PROPOSALS?2d Page?4tli col. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED?FBMALBS? 12th Page?4lh col PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR BALE OB TO RENT? 12th PaO*?Oth col. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?12m Page?6theoL REAL ESTATE WANTED?12th PAGE-tith col. RELIGIOUS NOTICES?1st Page?1st col. REWARDS-Ist Pack?1st coL RALES AT AUCTION?2d Page?5th and 6th cols. SITUATIONS WANTED?FBMALEb?12th Page?1st, 3d, 3d and -ithcoll. SITUATIONS WANTED?MALFS-12th Page?4th eol. SPECIAL N0TICB8?1st Pagk-IsI and 2d ools. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRDS, AC.?1st Page?2d eol. STORAGE? 12tii Page-6tli oil. HUMMER RESORTS ?2D !>AGK-4th col. THE TRADES? 12th Page?5th col. THE TURF?1st Pag??2<t col. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?2d PAGE-2d col. TRAVELLERS' OUIDE-Ist PAGE-flth snd 6th cols. UNFURNISHED ROllMS AND APARTMENTS TO LET? 2o Page?2d col. WANTED TO PURCII \SE-2o Page?4th col. WATCHK-, JEWELRY, AC.-12tii Page? th col. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LET?12th Page-6th col. TACHTS. STEAMBOATS. AC.?1(>th Page?(ith col. ? PERSONAL. HHI tVSTPiEftcfi^jOMifllOME IMMEDIATELY. U Dr. HAYDEN. D AN P. H.?SEND ADDRESS TO HATTY YOUNG, Herald Uptown Brunch olice. George t. reed, formerly with tiffany a Co.?Please send your address to H. EGGINGTON, 86 New Church st. OAXCE?1. 1. 3.?DOCTOR BROWN WANTS TO see you. Sbame. No more deluy. 31 T. M. OERTIE. H Harlem boat.?the young lad? who left 4 o'clock bust from Harlem at lltli st. Tuesday will much oblige gentleman who accosted her b? addressing, with Inciaeut to avoid mistake, T. J. D., Herald office. VALENTINE?IP TOU WILL KINDLY GIVE SOME address to communicate, will let you know. Please address ENGLEWOOD, box 120 Herald office. WILL H. D. MARIl'f PETERSEN, WHO WAS IN CO penhagen winter ot 1*74-5, please tend her present address to the frleud wbo assisted her ? W? ILL~"LADY FROM NIAGARA FALLS. WHO failed to keep appointment Tuesday evening, aedress an explanatory line to WALDO, lie raid office ? OTH AVENUE CAR YESTERDAY MORNING, O o'clock, handsome brunette, who got off at Murray st. and took ft package under her seat, gentleman by her side acrious to form her acquaintance It agreeable. Address SILENCE, Herald office. RkjUlGIOUS NOTICED. The ~dtfspKi/" text." 34th it.. West, ?nd near 6th av. (Green ear* of Thirty-fourth street line P<u* the teat) Third week of service. Wednesday?8 p. II., preaching by Kev. U. H. Ball, D. D. Thursday?8 1*. M., preaching by Rev. W. Llord. >'rlday?8 I*. M.. preachinz by Kev. W. P. Abbott. Attar Meetings, ut H o'clock every evening, will be conducted by Rev. W. IIumpttone. Saturday?8 P. M., meetlni of Chrlstiaa worker*, to be lad by Uncle John Vasear. Staging every evening, by Theodore R. Perklne and a cho rus. Noonday Prayer Meeting ?very day, for one hour, under tho direction of Mr. Alexan der Lyle. 8eate free to all. Helpers wanted, as ushers, workers and (Insert. Address B. P. WILLIAM;*, No 4tf Eitst 43d st. Contributions to the support of these services may be sent to KDW'AKD L. OWES. Treasurer. No. 46 hast 43d St., or No. 71 Wall st. TWOCENTENNIAl. SERMONS IN THE AMERICAN Free Church University Building, Washington square, ?est Sunday, by Rev. C. 1*. McCarthy: appropriate patriotic decorations and music. All seat* free. LOST AW r-u;ivu. I OST-BOOK 03,202 O F PIME^8AVINllS"BANK. J Finder will please leave at bank. L~o5T?A BED TURKISH LB ATIIKR POUKETBOOK, of no posa ble value save to the owner, whose name is printed upon It. The liuder will be snitably rewarded by re turning it to W. n. IRELAND HOWE, No. 203 East27thst. Lost?on mondat, brtwben bth ano iifk ?ts. and 6th av.. a small Diamond Stud. Liberal re ward will be paid for the return. CHAS DURKIN, 100 West 10th st. LOST?FROM BOAT HOUSE FOOT OF J'JD ST.,' North River, black Boat. 13 feet long; name "Liisirf;" ? liberal reward will be gtvsu for any information concern tne same. Ir OST-ON SUNDAY LAST, BETWEEN 50TH AND J .'>:W sts.. a Pix-ketbook, containing $408 In greenbacks tud a note lor $60. Any person bavin?; found the above ?i ntioned and applying toA. S. B., 437 East 84th St.. shall receive a liberal reward. L" OST OR KTOLKN?liook' ~Nt). r>7~432 OX (lllKEN wieh Bank for Savings Return book to bank. L* QNT OR STOLEN?ON MONDAY, JUNE A Wallet, containing abont $5o. certificate for 233 shares telegraph stock, three railroad peatae. letters aud telegrams addressed to undersigned: liberal reward. GEOROK F. DC KANT, 02 Broadway. ^ Uhlt ARBs. REWARDS-LOST, "IS CKN fKXC^'ARk~MiTN" / day, Jane 22. ('? o'clock, brown silk Sun Umbrella with carved Ivory handle. Apply at H?3 Htli av. IZ." REWARD?WILL BE PAID FOR THE RECOVERY of white Poodle, at 5133a av. $5 fe|/| REWARD.?LOST. ON FRIDAY, l-'KOM IBtf DLU Lexington av.. a black and tan Dog; answers to name of "Uip." Aj/k KKWARD.?LOST, BETWEEN NEWARK~AND JliU New York. Morris and Essex Itallroad. red Russia leather Pocketbook, containing valuable Papers aud be tween $0ft and $101). The at.ove reward will Le paid by re turningthe same to W. COCKLE, 130 Front st. SPECIAL NOTICES*. -dfeN?BiiNlAL~PKESKNT.~ Tte most liberal oir-r ever made. fS, If sent this wick, will entitle tu five certificates for the drawing to be neld on Moudav next. July 3, 1*7 , and In ?otnmeinoratlnn of tlto last day of the hundredth year of the existence of our republic, the purchaser wiil receive In addition gratuitously One-half Original Bond of the Industrial Exhibition Company (par value $10), which will participate iu every drawing until redeemed with a premium. Mngle certificates are only $1 each. All orders received on Monday morning will bo promptly filed. If later the amount will be returned. Address or call on MORGEXTHaC. BRUNO A CO., bankers. 23 Park row. New York, t I'oet oMce box 1.S87. N. B.?Circulars mailed tree. Remit by draft. Post offlee doner orders or registered letter. E*a iX FeksONS ~ aKK HEREBY CAUTIONED A. against uegotlstlng or purchasing a note ot Charles r, dated May 10. 1?7?, 3 months' time, tarvor of Fin ns and Mo?ser, for six hundred dollars, parable at ol Ninth America, as sama has beea lost or misplaeed ?r stolen this day. and payment ha. be. n stopped. PITSUIBBOM A M ESSE It. 203 Centre St.. N 1.. N?W Tom. June 27. 1H7<*>. "jfillT*ek Io n s~ are cautioned against ne A. getiating Certificate No. 07 tor 2W sharee American District Telegraph Company of St. Louie. Issued to (Jeorir* t. Kisaam tne same having been lost or stolen and tranafer (topped. JOHN P. FITZGERALD, Secretary. ?ISAAC O. BOYCE. 2?7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? . Divorces obtained promptly, without publicity; deser tion. Incompatibility, habitual drunkenness. infidelity. in human treatment, conviction of tetony. Paaaporta obtained. A?PARKS. EMERSON .tCoT ? Kentucky State Lotteries drawn daily. Royal Havana Lottery, itrawu every I? days, Kentucky Mingle Number Lottery, drawn July 30. 1876. Prists cashed, information tarnished and circular* free. I* > Mroadway. Pest oAce box ">.272. .New York. A" ?ROYAL HA van A~ LoTTKRY. ? Nemt drawing July t. I Prise of Spanish dollars SMOOTH) I Prise ?f apaniah dollars CH'.t**) S Prises of each. Spanish dollars 25,000 and IHW other nritea. Oerman Government lotteries. Full CXpiaastory circulars tree. THEODORE ZSCHOCH. feet (Mm hex &.?4, 11? Nassau st. New York. B?KENTUCKY dTAlE LOTTF.KIES OF J. SMITH A . CO. KKItTVCKV. rXTB.l CLASS NO. 611?ro* 187?. W, 56. j:.. SH. 4U, 74. 12, 24. 32. ,V?, 44, S, 36. KKJCTUCXV. C'l.SSX NO. .">12? ron IS7B. M. 76, 2a, 110. Al. 41. O. I. M, 15. AO, 65, 4ft All orders address H. NATHAN, IH1 Hrnadway. t~10\'EEIN0S Fl?k THli FEKT.-ALL KINDS Of ) Boots and Nhoea at reduced prices: "Iron Clads." a Strong style ot Shoe roi boys ami youths; sportsmen and tourists can Sad Jaat the Kind ol shoe lor raonntalu travel. CANT .ELL. and 241 4th av. Diseases of men a specialty. IIKNRV A. DAMKI 8, M. D., 144 Ulington Mr., near 20th st. ORoe hours Itvui S to A SPECIAL XOTlliCH. I a?feT' R'o&fcRTfc." contracting "KMMUK Dil J. Liberty ?t.?Plan* and estimate* furnished tor my kind hi machinery. Large *toci of Engines, Boiler* aud Machine Tool*. HEADQUARTERS TWK.NTVSKrO.ND INFANTRY, N. G. K. N. V.. New York. June 2?, 1876. ?A meeting u! the members of tbi? regiment, who intend visiting Phila d?lphia on the 3d or July next, will tie held at the Armory. Thursday evening. Jnne J9, at 8 o'clock. Alt member* cor dially Invited. Bv order of ' Lieutenant Colonel JOHN T. CAMP. commanding battalion. Havana lottery.?next drawing july~ 40.(i ?'ticket*; #>HAUI00 In prise*. Address b. MARTINEZ A CO., Ranker*. ID Wall ?t.. basement; Po?t nfficv box 4,68'J New York. Spanish gold and Havana bank bill*bought and *old; draft* on Havana issued. ?CHRONIC CATARRH. DEAFNESS: IMPROVED > method; instantatieou* relief: perinauent cure*. Dr. 8TODDAKD. No. 8 West 1-ithst. K Kentucky state lotteries drawn daily.? Kentucky State grand distribution, to be drawn July ^9; 30,33c prise* out of SO.tXV) ticket*; whole tickets. $1"; halves, $5: quarter*. #2 30; Koval Havana grand drawing July I, 1870; whole ticket*, KM); halve*, $10; twentieth*, fl JACKSON A CO.. Banker*. 202 Broadway. New York. K~ OFFICIAL DRAWINGS KENTUCKY STATE LOT . terle*. S.WMONS A DICKINSON. Managers. KINTOCKT. KXTKA CLASS NO- 400?JVXK 27. 1871. 74, 54, 4S. 23. 67. ft, 81, (37. lit. 4M, HS. 80, S3. kkntccxy. ci.aa* fin. 4?4?jukk 27. 1876. ? 12, 74. (14. 86. 26. H>. 71. 6. 05, IV 21. 11. 46, 27. liEXKf, KXTKA CLASS .NO. 303? JUNK 27, 1870. 71. 77. 73. ao, 21, 5>?. ?5, 4. 14. :??. 8, 45. 4a Has MY. CLASS J?o. 304?JUKlt 27, 187a 19. 52, 61. 55. 18. ;.u. 8, as 63, 54, :I2. 72, 22. 35, Full Information by applying to or addressing J. CLUTK A CO.. 20U Broadway, room No. (i, rear office. ?WUO.OO'TTN PRIZES?EVERY OTHER TICKET A . Prize SIMMONS A DICKINSON S Single Number Kentucky State lottery to be drawn July 20. 1876; #I,M prises out of.">o.000 tickets: also Koyal Havana to be urawn on Julv I. 1878. J. CLUTK A CO., 20 i Broadway, room 0. rear office. Nr. R VO tfS EXHAUST ION.?A M E D1C A L ESSAY cotnpr slug a sorle* of lectures delivered at Kahn's Muieu-n of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and cure of Premature Decline. *howi<)g indisputably how lo*t health msy be regained, alTording a clear svnoosis of the imporii m?nts to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being the r- suit of 30 year*' experience. Price 25 cents. Address the author. Dr. L. J. K A H.N. office aud res idence 51 East lOih st., New York. PainS'h patent spring traps for throwing <;las* Balls now ready and for sale; the finest practice In the world mid splendid substitute tor pigeon shooting; can be used on anv lawn : must be seen to be appreciated ; I took nearly all my practice from the*e trans irevlons to my late matcncs in l-nirland. IRA A. PAINE, Patentee, 76 Prince st., near Broadway. PERFHOT 10ST^MY ROSK PKARL SETS OF TEETH at $20. i'ull and examine. Dr. WAIT. 45 Eaat 23d *t. Royal Havana ?lottery. ? w i ll be drawn on July 1. Priiei cashed: order* filled: Infor mation iurntthed; highest rate* paid for Spanish bill*, gov ?rDTAY"6RCA CO.. Banker*. No. 11 Wall St.. New York. educed"to a oFrtaTnty?CWANCK TO liAIN $100,000 without loss; New York Industrial Exhibi tion Company, next Drawing July 3. For Tortlier informa tion apply to ALLEN EDWARDS A FOKDHAM, Banker*, 79 Nassau *t. Simmons a Dickinson's Kentucky state .>in gle Number Lottery, drawn July 29, Evety other ticket a prise. For circular* address J. CLUTK, 13J Fulton s I'ECIAL despatches FROM THE CONVENTION TO-DAY IN THE EVENING telegram. T III It D LOUISIANA STATE GOLD DISTRIBUTION. New Orleans. July 29, 187a $'.(?,500 IN OOLD DISTRIBUTED. 20,000 ticket*; ?50 currency; coupons In proportion. For information, Ac., apply to williamson A CO. Prise* cashed at this office, 317 Broauwa)-. New York city. SPORTING?DOGS. BIROS, sliv. A~ ST. BERNARD dog. TIGER cat and" TWO J\. Wagons tor sale, at AMERY'S. U4J< Bowery. THK tUHK. ~ ~ SUCTION ~aND'FRENCH POOLS SOLB"DAY AND evening at New York Turf Exchange, 15 and 17 West 28th st., on the Philadelphia running race* and democratic nominations for President; French pools, $2 and $5; com mission, 3 per cent; prompt attention. given orders by mail or messenger. KELLY, BLISS A CO. A~'"UCTrON~ANb FRENCH POOLS SOLD AT JOHN son'S rooms, corner Broadway and 28th st.. thi< day, on the Races at Philadelphia and Nomination for President; also, this evening, on the Trots at Hartford, Conn., French pool tickets, $3 and $5 each. All orders by mail or rnes nenger will be promptly attended to. T. B. JOHNSON. TATfiniSALL'S TURF AGENCY. 1,227 broadway, continue their book* on all important events, and a* noon as alteration* are completed "will *eli auction and Frouch pool* at popular price*. McDOUGALL A CO. HORSES. CARBIAUKh. _ X GREAT MORTGAGE SALE. A MY VIRTUE OF A CEKTAIN CHATTEL MORT GAGE AND SEVERAL EXECUTIONS TO MB DIRECTED, I WILL EXPOSE FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION THIS DAY (Wednesday), JUNE 2H. AT 11 O'CLOCK. AT THE jBTaBLE NO. S N'EILSON PLACE (MEKCElt ST.). BETWEEN WAVEBLKY AND CLINTON PLACES, AND RE A It OF THE NEW YOKE HOTEL, TUK FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN TROTTING HORSES, FINE CABRlAUES, AC.; Including the fait buy Mare Lotta. V>\\ hi^h. 7 years old; ?iu bred by K. A. Alexander, In Kentucky; shown liue biich breeding; has fine style and elegant driver, with One open and strong gait; this u.are can trot In 2:3."> now and ha* no record; is valuable for track i nrposes and lor any gentle man's private road use; abe has few equals and no superi ors; warranted sound and kind. Handsome bay trotting Mare COLUMBUS MaID, 15V^ hands hiKh, 7 years old; got by Legal Tender, dam by Young Columbus; can go to any track and show three heats below 2*0; she in fully warranted sonnd and kind and can be driven by a child. Jleautiful brown Hambletonian mare Lady Ire*. 1V? hand>, H years old; sired by E&ward Everett, dam by Reve nue; she Is a irracelul and stylish creature, is docile and pleasant or any one to drive, is pure gaited and can speed a 2 :?!?> trait Mid was never trained; warranted sound and kind. Fast and fine bay fielding Rescue, 15U high, 8 years old; was raised by Mr. Alexander and purchased at his annual sale when 4 years old; lie trotted in 2 :32 when live years old ; can now trot in 2 :26 or 7; he was sired by Tattler, dam by Ned Forrest; he is now i-i line condition, and will trot faster this spring than ever; lie will certainly trot close to 2 :2<> this summer; he ia without spi t, iault, trick, vice or blemish ; he a warranted sound and kind. Fa<t trotting Gelding Rocket, lie Is K>^ high, 8 years old: sirea by Manila Cliarta, dam by Champion; Tie is one of the best two mite horses lu the State; when purchased bo showed a mile 2 .'?<>!t two miles in 3:14*4; he is a flue reso lute driver and is as game a road trotter as can be produced; warranted sound and kind. The beautiful roan Mure Ladv Hnrd, sired by Volunteer, dam the fast Abdallah ware Countess; she is 1S)? hands hlgo, 1 year- old; she can trot In 2:311; is pure gaited. well behaved and a No. 1 gi ntlenian'i road beast; she is lully warranted sound and kind. Very pretty black Horse, aired by General Knox, dam a Messenger mare, raised at Portland. Me.; trotted there last season In 2:3t>; Is 15>4 high, ttyears old; is per fectly broken, single and double; sale for anybody to drive ; good gaited and warranted sound and kind. The salest ladies' or children's pony phaeton Mare In tho citv 14 hands high. A years old; a perfect pet; sale and re liable under all circumstances; very line under the saddle ; will stand without tying and Is warranted in every parti cul? r. Carriages consist of one extension too Park I'liaeton, one Pony l'haeton, three top Koait Wagnus, (Ingle and double Harness, Ac. hale positive, rain or shin*. By order JOHN T, RILEY, Mtirsbnl and Attorney tor .Mortgagee. k ? MAJiTk OH AS. W. BARKER," "AUCTIONEER.? A< The FAMOUS brown trottlug tnare MOLL1E SMITH, 15)4 l.igb; foaled 1S-I4. got by tt v.dyk s IIAMKLETONIAN. dam by Mamtirino Chief; best RECORD, 2 33; is one ol the best TRACK MARKS alive, and trot IIEATS IN 2 515 or better to day, aud can beat ANYBODY'S horse to roail wagon; has Ave lull brothers and sisters, all of which ran UKaT2:30; ia warranted sound and gentle; will lie posi tively sold without reserve on Saturday next, Jnly I. at II o'clock, at B UtKEK Jt SON'S City Auction Mart aail New York Taltersallf. curner of Hroadwuy and 3Hth at., wbePi she will be on exhibition after to-morrow morning; pedlgv ? and all representations guaranteed. -FOR SALE, !.'? "HORSES, JUST PKOM IICjT ? alia, suitable for all purposes. 122 Norfolk. St. A" N~ E L KG ANT K XT EN SI ON T? > P P H A ETO xTdOUJ ILE and single Harness will lie s<dd less than half vr.lue; a goon to|> Bnggy and stylish sorrel Horse, at sial ic 33 East 12th St., between Broadway and University piaae. T great-baS(; a in-ii*> wi ll~ bu y th k" Host /\ elegant and stylish turnout goes in the Perk, con sisting of beautiful bay Pony. 7 years old, 15 hands, war- ? ranted sound and kind; elegant top pony Phaeiou. irold mountings, with harness to match. This turnout must bo; seen to be appreciated; it cost $1,250. Owner Mrs., BENNETT. 12fl East 17th St.. or ean be seen at private ? stable, No. 13 West 27th st.. betweeu Broadway andhtli av. ?POM BALK CHEAP, XINB OOOD business . Horsea. Apply at No. 3 Vestry St., between Varlck ' and Hudson. ?fINE LOT OP HARNESS TO RE SOLD CHEaF:v . BLANKETS. SIIBETS. NETS. AC.. LAROE<T SIOCK AT LOWEST PRICES; SAVE MfiS'EY BY UKAUVII DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER E. BARTLETT, ?2 WAItREN 8T.. CORNER Ol* COLl.fc.GE PLACE. A -FOR SALE?FIVE HORSED, SUITABLE FOR . (arming, grocer or any business cbeap. KH Elisa beth St.. between Hrootne and Grand sis. k ?TEN BUSINESS WAg'uNS. TO #173. FOR ' J\. express, grocers, butchers, bakers, milk. ?>uckago. i depot, delivery wagons. WAGON MANUFACTORY. 33S Spring st. ATOP PONY PHAETON FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN*. 35 West '.'fkb at. BREWVfKIt LANDAU, NEARLY NEW; HAND. ? some top ponev Phaeton, latest style, inv.iwnmake; open Poney Phaetou. <tt*i; squtre box top Wagon 87rt." W.V. H. ?Ii(aY. Factory, 1.404 Hioadwav ?FOB SALK,'FOUR ilOR*hS. Ylf FOR AN V KIND ? of business, at half value. Inquire at my si,op >m Stii av., between 2Uth and 21st sts CHANCE To "BUY CHEAP. IHU HI.I, SPulNtj and sldo bar Tar Waeons, two beautiful Phaetons, .me seats four persons; Dmiscoiub Harness; all by best city makers. Private stable *>U East 33d st. A -FOR SALE. FIVE HORSES. FOR OKXEKAL ? use: Grocers' or Bnichers' Wagons at a sacrifice; trial allowed. No. 57 Great Jones su adtiisisr <>f rk^ommuty l.esirer to hire a veiliclo. In good cjnditioa. to hold four, lor about three months. AdUreis l.ox 3,74*1 Post office. ? BARGAIN IN NEW AND SE('ONI? HAND COUPES. A Claienees, top Wagon* of all kinds. 1'Carta, six seat Phaet.ins. 4m 1 M a v. A" BBOWN IfoKSK?THK MOST~?TYLISII IN THK city ; trots faster than three minutes, anv lady cuu drive inn ; warranted sound and kind; top side bar Wagon, Pony Phaeinn. sinile Harness; all nearly uew; must Iw sold at a uargain on account of death of owner. 1:m West 3 st st. A -FOR SALE. 1225. COST ?tK>? THIS SPRINO, ? one of the lianusomell Winthrop Morrell Colts lu the State; 5 years. Ill}, hands, with large Honing mane and tail; ia very stylisn; warranted sonnd and kind; ean trot in three minutes; a lady c n riilo ,>r drive him; he is a perfect 1 Dne top Pony Phaeton and A pet; also equally as chvap. one Dne lop Pony Phaeton and one light top Itoad Wagon, elngte llaruees. I2t? K " ' it, private stable, between Irving place and 3d av A; HOUSE!*, CAKRilGKS, ?t. -AS EXECUTORS' WILL SELL UY PUBLIC AUCT50N, BY ORDER OF EX KC I' TORS, OX THURSDAY (TO MORROW), JUNE 2U. aT II O'CLOCK PROMPT, AT BOARDING STABLE No.12 LAFAY ETTE PLACE. THE PROPERTY OP JAMES C. BV.'YYESANT, DE CEASED. Incl mlinij the handsomest ttun otyoeng blooded client nut Mares tu this State ur any other: gar fait models of beauty and perfect pets: wore raised nn tb? faYtn ot General Wads wurth at (ioneseo. and sired by an tniuerted Arablau horse, the property of the late William tt. Seward;"they are ? year* old, l.>,'? baud* high. couipaOtly made, with flue clear, necks and heads and splendid terras, and took tbe tirat, premium at State fair for being tha closest maied. hand ?? soinest and even uctiou ami style; tbe* can be driven by any lady who can bold rein* with 1>erfect safety. and thal> right up to a locomotive; In tact, they drive themselves-, they know at much as any ordinary-driver; tlioy are without, vice, trick, tault or blemish; wiSI ? and anvwliere without, tying, aud can be cared for spltaidWlly by a lady or children tliev are always hearty, rugged niu'i neat, and will trot closet to 2:45 together with alack refcns -v are warranted souud and. kind. This team must be teen to be appreciated. Fast, handsome and Mgh bml blood bay Trottlnft Mare, 1.1X hands high, K yean old; alvjd by Alexander Abdallah : darn by Kentucky Clay; waa raised by Mr. Alexander in. Kentucky; sbu has more ityta ?nd action than any trotter to be found; trottod last spring at 1'rospeet Park a trial in 2 :34X: driven by .lack Phillip* with Ave weeks' prepara tion; timed by Vanderberfc ? Corrv, Work and several others can bo relorieil to; ebena? full mane and tail, tine set ol limbs, and require* no booting when speeding; has a. runted constitution, grant poercv of endurance and. It prop erly haudled, would trot Unr dtiwn In tbe twenties; she can beat 2:35 any and every <lr.y. and warranted sound and. kind; without fault, trick or biemiah. Also the fast and Hne blooded trotting Mare Lady Wood ~ Hark Chief. dam chestnut. 1 G'a flrst appearance trotted two abe was __ has bean u-ed altogether forjirivttto driving; ahe is a stylish and i lnasant driver ami an everyday roadster; ahe can beat 2:35 auy day. and wwrrauimi sound aud kind. Also blooded Kentucky-saddle Horse. 15J? hands high,7 years old; dark chestnut, with long. flowing mane and tail; IniH ull ifitits ; guides by motion: baa taken Ave premiums at country lairs aa bcstsaddler in country; warranted aouud and kind. Alao two elegant Brewster, of Broome at., side bar. shirting top Wagons, nearly nerw ; una open road Wagon, Brewster ol Broome St., lioarty new: one set single Harness, by Comerford; one sat by Munscombe, equal to new; one set double Harness, by Comerford, with Eugllsh and Dutch collar, good as uev. Also EnglUh Saddle and Bridle; also Blankets, Robes, Whips, Sheets. Fly Nets, Ac. Stock now on exhibition at stable. Saleiraiu or shine. By order of, RACHEL RTU YVESANT, Executrix. CEORUE D. CHAPLIN, Executor. Also tne last anil nne blooded trotting Mai ford; bred byJames B. Claj and sired by 01 three-nuaiters tliorouidibreri; she Is a rich bands uigh. tl years olsl this spring; her 111 waa at Lexington, wlsen ?i.yoois old. wlieu she trol heats In 2 :42>? aud 2:43l?; the following spring beaten by a half neck only tn 2:3V?; she since h AT BARKER A SON'S CITY ACOTION MART AND NEW YORK TAT TERSALL'S, COUNTER OF BROADWAY AND 39TII ST.. MAJOR CHAK. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. REGULAR SALES every Wednesday and Saturday. TWENTY-FOUR boors allowed for trial. THE ONLY Driving Track in tbe State. CATALOGUE OF SALE TIUS DAY AT 11 O'CLOCK. THE VERY speedy chestnut sorrel Trotting Mare Mar tha. 15?? blirli, foaled .1 line 2(>, lHit), got by a son u! Ouy Miller, datu by Euglnoer; is au elegant and very gamy driver: has trotted, driven by A. Patersou. over Fleetwood Park, in 2 i-IM1*; cau beat 2 :45 to dav ; warranted kind aud sound vxcept sliulit soreness forward; pedigree aud all rep resentations strictly guaranteed. TO I* DEPOT Wagon by Webb. HIOIILY BRED brown family or match Oeldlng, 1">'? high, 0 years old: extra style; high knee action and appear anee; sharp traveller; great pole horse; warranted souud aud kind. Till' SIDE liar Wagon by Howard. THE WELL known obestnut trotting mare Louise, 15'^ high, 8 years old; a very Iree a tad pleasant driver; cau trot sure In 2:V>: eentle for a lady to drive, and is warranted soaind and kind. NO TOP Expreis Wagon, good order. DESIRABLE BAY Ueluing, 15>f high, 7 years old; One stylish driver: <ood traveller; warranted kind. TOP WA(JON by W. II. Gray (lull spring). POWERFUL BROWN draught Horse, 1.225 pounds, 10 hlirh, 7 years old: good driver; great worker; warranted kind. TUP PONY Phaeton, nearly new. LARGE LOT new and second hand Harness. HANDSOME AND last golden sorrel Trotting Gelding (pedigree Ht sale), 15'a high. 7 years old; a game, handy and very pleasant drirer; can trot sure close to 2:50; is gentle lor a lady tn drive, and is warrauted sound and kind. SEVERAL OTHER top and no top Road Wagons, Depot, Express and Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. THIRTEEN OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. SALES NEVER postponed on accouut of weather* A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OP THE J\ "Brewster Wagon," tlie standxrd for style and quality, now read/ fur inspection nt our factory mdiunoBi, Brouclway and 47t)i ?t., 5th av. and 14th at. (Special attention I* called to our Improvement In aide bar Wagons, which enable* us to offer tbo lightest, safest and bent ridiug wagou ever produced. BREWSTER A CO ..-of Broome-at. A ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BAKKBR~"irtrri(iNrogtt" A. SPE1SD, COACH, SADDLERS. PRONOUNCED THE MOST EXTRA*iHDINARY IyOT THAT EVER LEFT KENTUCKY. MAJOR BaKKFR TAKES PLEASURE In announcing Captain GEORGE D. HANNA'S /.ot Bourbon ouunilj, Kentucky) FIFTEENTH unprecedented SALE of tie fiatAit OHRKN TROTTKHS in tl&j world, just trrivid from KENTUCKY, to take placft on Saturday, next. July 1, at 11 o'clock, at BAF.KhR A SON'S Chtf i Auuiton Mart and New York Taueraall'i. corner of Broad way and MMh at., and comprising TWENTY HEAD ?r th I richest bred In America, includ/ ug ifiien horses that can. trot in trom H minutes DOWN To 11:85. some of the finest, conpe. match or T CART HO rtSES. and the balance the? most super'> lot of PREMIUy all gaited combined SAD DLE and harness horses eve r brought from th<< Bi.UE. OKAS* region. and all warranted sound and kind. Stock: now at the Mart tor exhibf ion and trial. DR JOHN W. CLAKKK. agent for Cantnl*.i tjiinnn. in now .in hand to glvei everybody the opportunity of RIDING and DRIVING and. TESTING the SADDIJt t naiitiea and SPEED of any of thai lot BEFORE the time of *ale. Catalogues, with extended, pedigree*, ready. Sale y oaitive. No postponement. A GENTLEMAN'S COMPLETE ROAD* TURNOUT., J\ Horse, top Muggy and Harness; *11 first class. Apply to G. H. YOUNG, m West loth st. VERY PINK lToHT TVVO SEAT CUT UNDEIt Rockaway nearly new cheap at GORDON'S stables . 5 West 13th st. * A A VERY FINE. FULL SI'lU.NO TOP WAGON. ALSO* ./jl Brewater t# p on^i seal Wagon. cheap: bay Horse toi' . plmotuu, f ric*$l(K>. No. .'i West Ui* A?FOR SVurt-KIx'ifoKSES ??inTABUi FOB ANY1 ? biisinear purpose. Call in the rear of 376 and 37oi Bowery. -IRON ^JRAY MARE, 6 YEARS, IHU HANDS: ALSO j V? burly ir?e. sound and kind; free, atvlish driver; suit grocer, mf kinan. family use, Ac. 1M Division st. "a pw st ri,ash family horseTb YKARS^OLD., J.X. aor nd and kind, at a bargain. 4tHj ;id av. 'a ?'PANIO^FrICKS: top road "wagons, top -~V% Ponv Phaetons. (Ingle, double and coupe Harness:, tw*> fast Trotting lio"c?. one ladv's I'ony. 14^ hands. s<M?r,d and kind. IMOX CLUB STABLE, 20 IStli St., near Urn jdway. , ;s:3' ? A^lvtLL DISPOSE OF ONE OF THE FINE9T~BAY' a bor?es in the city for half value, |.">X handa. 7 ,rears:, '.oiinil and klud; a litdv can drive him: will aland without tying; ?old for no fault?only lor want of use; alsoonetopi l(o*d Way?n, one lop Pony l'baeton, one single seat, one man Trotting U stun, aingla and double Harness; nil asi good as new. Private stable 123 East 10th at., near Irving' place. B~ Y JOSKPH 57 WEIGEKT, AUCTIONEER.?WILL, nail at Hanover Regular Auction Sales Stables, 141 and. 143 West 37th at., between Broadway and 7tli av., general assortment Horses. Carriages, Wagon*. Trucks, HurneKS. Ac. Particular* to morrow. WF.IGERT A CO., Auctiou eers, oBice 141 Sth st., near Broadway. RKW 8TBR I7ATE8T STY LK HANDSOME FULL spring top W. gon for sale low. G. M. SMITH, 183 Prince st. B .inOX T FORGET THIS."?BAY MAKE, 0 YEARS, 15 J / hands: warranted in every respect; sate lor lady: food double, single and aartdle; l'fif etoti. perfect order, and larnesa; separata or together. 135<)th av. LEG A NT I'll A ETC N.'tllS; B UOOf 18, fl40; DEPOT J Wagons, Kockawsys, Ac., equally low; barnoss from $10; Shout*, Lap Dusters, Ac. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warren st. B_______ ROOK A WAYS, LANDAiJS 1'HAU.TONS, LAN DAULET8. road wagons, COt'PES, A. s. PLANDRAl'. 37^ and 371 Broome St. (old staud of Brewater A Co.). OR SALE-A kink LARGE CHESTNUT HOUSE, T years old. I?il, hands high ; sound and perfeot'y kind in single and double barneaa. Ota be s*?n ail this week at II hast 37th st. For sai.e-a vkrv Vine""and LIVELY t?addle Home, at a moderate pries. To he teen at DICKkL'S Riding Arademy. comer 5th av. and 31ith st, , tlO| liil-A LI VERY ""STABLE," NOW DOING A r Hrst rata businesa, Irom ft mi to flix) per day; oikhI rea soni given for retiring front busiuasa. Addreas STABLE, bos 1S4 Herald ofttoe. F-?oll SAl.K-A VERY .VINE WORKSL IIORSB. 1# han<l> hub, .' yeara old, perfectly sonnd and vary ien tie, ran tr?t in a auperinr liorae every way. To be keen at KBBITT S. 7th av. and ?!d st FOK SALE-TUE IIANJJSOMEsT PET PONY IN THE city lor children to rto\e or drive; all gaits under saddle . warra ted aounn and kind <34 Hud?on at. I'^OR >Ai.E CHEAP- TWO II.?OD wiTkk HOMES. ktiitable f ?r all narrpovea; S05 end$73; must be sold. <3 Yaudam at., near liwlwi. OK sal ? CIIKA.Y?NICK PONY WAGON; WILL trade In ; anythiug . u'ii and 22S Oth st. F T-^OR SAI^K-LOW FOR want of use only. P stylish pony bit It hay Horae; I4?i bamls; mitablo tor light li jainesa" or road use ; $J-.Y 375 Went 12t? W. For sai.k-a sji.endid bay uambi.ktoniTn Mai?, 7 yeara oC age; kind, sound and fast, htablee 1,20)1 H .aiadway. . ijHiS "VaLE-A UPLBhDlD ROCKAWAY. SlNOLK V Iiarneaa. with pair of Collars, Whip and Cover. Will be si |?i veri rlieau. as tna owner has no uae lor them. Addr ?sa fM Weal 3 lat st. F< <K S A LE-HA R J AI S7& VE R Y BOA EDI N O ST A BLE. eatablialied eight yeara: ?> stalls, plenty carriage room ; lull ul ateadv boagders; other busineee reaaon for selling. Ar Ally at SM flH :?kh st. T jA~UNKSS.-cKEAI'Esf HARNESS STORK IN NEW n Vork: goml Buscgy Harnaas. band made, tl'i; good tirocora' llarneas. K>; good nouble 'l eani Harness, $J<>, n gnod ILnrae Blankst, $1 aO Pleaae rail and examine tor jeiirietmi. FISii'KH A OSBOKN, Manufacturers, 71 Bar day st. . gVECUL JDEsi-ATCHES ' FRCOI TH& CONVENTION TO-DAY IK. THE EVENING TKLBORAX UOIISK&, CARK1AGKK. OiC. ci8o*? hand carriages.? kJ TJir?f? flue Lam lauleta, two Landau*. Coach, Clarenra, Wv* extension top Cabriolet. two Coup**. six i?t Rock?*ivii, ?w? Coupe P.ockawar*. Mall Phaelon, Stanhope Phaetoi , two nix-Mat Phaeton*. Dog (!ar:?. T Carta. top aud do top Brewster <k Co. of Broome street Wagon*. A. 8. FLANDRA0, and 37*1 Brooms *t., old stand of Brewster A To. SALE?KOI U-i \ HAND COACH. ADDRESS "whip, Herald ("ptfiwn Urunch office, THOSE ix' 8 K ARCH ~OK THE most ELEGANT flr*? class top Pout I'haeton for lax than half coal can we owe at No. 1 Went 15th st. iprirate stabl-l. TOP 8IDEtBaR road wauo>, NKaKLY sew. at a hargaki. Apply 'JiOOth av., comer 15th st. VRT CHJEAP?A horse. TOP PHAETON, nvi: nasa. Af tin- property of a lady, left with roe to aell. P. B. MASTKRSOK. Central Park Livery Stable*, MHh it and 7th ay. WANTED TO PURCHASE?A PONY Pll AUTOS Turnont. Address EQUITABLE. Herald office. "HfANTEU?A CIIESTNl 1 COLORED IIOKSK; ll'ST TT have trood knee nctiun, and he from 15 to 15.3 high. Apply to Jons NEWCOM H. No. 47 East HSd at. Wa Nnt5?A SECOND HARD MX MtA* PAftK Phaeton, with extension top; state price and wtiere to b? seen. Addre*? O.. Herald otilce. Waxtejd^TTfoob u?>Xr? horse. black or dark Ijay. not over (even year* old, 1'S to 10 Itaud* high; to drive 'ingle and double, Address, with lull par ticulars and lowest ca*h price, T. K.. Herald (J. r. A ?s I' 1. H NDID BAY hTvTS II Kill] kind and gentle lor lady; good roadster. 210 We*t Slat it. OCD NEW AND SECOND HAND CARRIAGES -.Oil Landau*. Coupe, Coupe Rockaway?. 4 and 8 seat Park. Pony and Hlaklt Phaetons. Ironi $75 ut>: Depot Waif una, one horae Rockawaya, front $fW> up; extension top Phaetona. Ylctoriai: one line Brewster aide liar top Wagon, Sulkies and Skeleton Wagons, Road and Kxpresa Wagon*. Am clouing mr stock of aeasonable Carriage*, out ut low price*. WILLIAM II. lillAY. and i'J Wooster at. H LOSING. DRY GOODS R. H. MAOY A CO., 14th it. aud Oth ay., CLOSED from noon July 1 to July 9. Centenulal holiday. N' OVKLT1ES IN BOYS' CLOTHING. A. T. STEW A iff A CO. are offering a large aud extensive a**ortmeut of chlMron'* aud boy*' READY MADE CLOTHING. Mailable for age* Irorn two and a half to Illteeu year*, all wool, line fabric*: auUable tor auuimor and *ea-?ldo wear; workmanship, atyle and buish unsurpassed Alao, a line of Suits, a little out of aty>e, will bo offered, at a REDUCTION OK 50 PER CENT. LARGE LINE OK LINEN SUITS. BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S 1IATS, in great variety. broadway, 4TII AV., UTH ASD 10TH 8TS. TTO THE TRADE.-SO DOZEN KINESlLK UNITED x State* Flag* at lacriOee; alio Staff*. 57 Cedar *t., room 5. 2 4WWI MEN'S STRAW HATS AT *1 AND fl 50 ,Uv"U each, worth and $3. at SHAYNf.'S cloalng out summer h*t *ale. Wallack'a Theatre building, Broad ? way. ? .111 LI.l \ Kit V AM) OHESSDIAKlfllU. A" ? MALIK TILMAN. OF PARIS, IMPORTER. OKKER& ? u large aaaortment of lateat tine Parisian Summer Bonnet*, Millinery and Kngliah Crape*. 4S\ Oth av.. uear 20th at. Ladies ~ok taste wishing stylish imported Bonnet* or round llata at greatly reduced prices will llud it to their advantage to call at Mme. CAM1LLE Dh LACY'S, SmiJJ Broadway, near 19th at. OlDE KPACE~and BOX^'TAlTINTia DONti BY MA O cninery while von wait, from 1 to 2~> Inches wide. Sam plea free ol charge. All 1 ??k is a trial, aud I am aura to gain your cuatom. Ladle*' wai?t*. Ac., plaited; (htrring aud hemming done bv machine, at 1c. ver yard, by S. JOSEPH, US Forsyth it.; branch office 'JOi Pulton *?., be tween Orange anil I'iliuappie ata., Brooklyn. (kntk.WIAL EXHIBITS. ~~ Bliss ""Williams, manufacturers ok Preaaea, Dlea and special Machinery, 107 to 173 Plyrn ? outh at., Brooklyn. HE COMMISSIONERS HAVE ERECTED A STEAM T Gong, made by the I'nloii Water Meter Company, of Worcester. Mass., ou the holler building annexed to Ma chinery Halt, it *ounda three time* a day and la heard ?distinctly all over the Centennial grounds. It i* undoubt edly one of the Ht?.-*t gongs hi the country and does excrl '.lent service at tlu? Exhibition. Thl* aatue company have :a very Una diapl ty of Water Meter*. Valves, Gong* and .Regulators in Max-hiuery liall, Aectiou D, 07. EVROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. _ ^ 1 Nil AN LINE Mail, STEAMEKS, ' KOK OUEEN8T0WN AN L? LIVERPOOL. CITY OK BERLIN Satumay, July I at 1 P. M. CITY OK CHESTER Saturday, July Ift. at II :3(> A. M. CITV UK RICHMOND Saturday. July a.', at 3 P. M. CITY OK BERLIN Saturday. Augast 5, at 3 P. M. CITV OK CHEHTKR Saturday-August 1U, at 3 P. M. From pier 45, North River. Cabin, $SO anil $IOO, gold. Return tickets on favorable terms. Steerage-, $2*. currency. Urartu at li>we?t rated. Saloon*, stateroom*. smoking and bath room* auiidshi a. JOHN U. DlYLE. Aiccnt. 15 and 33 Broadway, New York H- iMXURO-AMERICAN PACKM~COjiTANY'8 LINE lor PLYMOUTH. CIIERBOL'R(i and HAMBURG. LIMBING J tine 2U I FillSIA July IS WIRLAND JuIv fijCIMBi.lA Juiy 20 Rate* ot par*aee to Plymouth, Loudon, Cherbourg, Ham burg anil all points in England, Scotland and Wale* Cabin, first autoon. gold $10O Cabin, second saloon, gold W Steerage, currency 80 KLNIIARDT a CO.. C. B. RICHARD A BOAS. i.nneral Agent*. (Jenernl l'at.*eiiger Agent*. 61 Broad tt.. New York. til Broadway. New York. (~1CSARD LINE.?B. AND N. A. R. M. S. S. Col J NOTICE. With a view to diminishing the chances of collision. the Kteatner* of this Hue take a specific course for all seasons ot the year. On theontward passage (rom Qnennatown to New York or Boaton. crowing the me'idlau of 50 at 43 latitude or nothing to the north of 43. On tbo homwward passage, crossing the meridian ef 30 at 42 latitude, or nothing to the north of 42. FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS SOWN. BOTHNIA....Wed.. June 2H| ?MUSSIA Wed.,July 12 ABYSSINIA... Wed.. July 5 I si; Y'l'ti IA.... WotL.July 1U Steamers marked ? do not carry steerage passenger*. Cabin passage, (SO. $100 and $130. gold, accordlug to ac commodation. Return tickets on lavoraule ivrius. Steerage tickets to and Iroui all parts of Europe st very low rates. Freight and passage oflice No. 4 Bowling Oroun. CHARLES O. FRANCRLYN. Agent. FASSKNGKUB i'KIt STtAMSIiTp BOTHNIA l.MUAKK from the Cunard wharf, foot ol Grand tt., Jersey City, at 10 A. M. on Wednesday, Juue 28, 187ti. t'llAS. U. FRANc'Kl.Y.N. -No. 4 UttBigQwit, N. Y'. TTNITED STATUS MAIL LINK-HIRAM W OtUl3S U TOW SI AND LIVERPOOL, ; sailing every TUESDAY", from mer Ml. North River. I WYOMING...July 4.4 A. M. I NKV Vl>A ..July 25,9 A.M. IDAHO July 18, 3 P. M. I WISCONSIN..Aug. 1.3 P.M. Cabin, ffl5, $70 and ?HO. currency. Intermediate, $40; steerage. $^8. Passengers booked to an.l flora Paris, Hamburg, Norway, | Sweden, Ac. Drafts on Ireland. England, France and tier i many at lowest rates. I WILLIAMS A GflON. 29 Broadway. M' OST DIRRCTAND ICONOW1C IROl'TE TO HOL- ? LAND. BELGIUM, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND, i | AC., AC.. VIA ROTTERDAM. Steamer SCHOTEN..j uly 111 Steamer MAAS July 20 | I heae beautilul ?team?rs, carrying the United Status mail to the Netherlands, are great favorites with the public. trips regular, rales low;comfort and living perfect. For freight. For passage. FCNCH, EDYE A CO. L. W. MORRIS, 50 Broadway. SM"TATE LINK. " . NEW YOI1K TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, DUBLIN, BELFA.-T AND LONDONDEKRY, from pier 42 North River (loot of Caual st.) a* follow*;? S I ATfc. OK INDIANA Thursday, June '29 STATE OK PENNSYLVANIA Thursday. Juiy 1.1 : ; STATE OK VIKOINIa Thursday, J?ly 37 I ' and every alternate Thursday thereafter. First cabin iftli ! to $mii. according to accnmmoilatinn*: return ticket*. $125. I Second cabin, $50; return tickets. $M>. Steerage st loweit rates. Apply to AUSTIN BALDWIN k CO., Agents, No. 72 ilroadwav. New York. Steerage ticket* at 4"> Broadway and at the aompany'i pier, !i>ot of Canal st.. North River. R North gkrm \n lloyd STEAMSHIP LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, ?OUTHAMPTON AND BREMEN. Company'* pier foot of 2d St., Iloboken. DON'AU Saturday, July I I ODER Saturday, July 15 KIIKIN ...Saturday. July S| MAIN S.iturday, J uly 22 Kates of passage trom New York to Sonthauipton, Havre or Bremen f irst Cabin, $100, gold; Second Cabin, $60, gold; Steer age. $ D, currency. Ileturii tickets at reduced rates. Prepaid Steerage Certitlcau-*, ?12 currency. Kor freight or passage apply to OKLItlt'H.'s A CO., No. 2 Bowling Ureen. ATIONAL LINE ?KK(?M PIERS 44 aND 47 N. B. KOK LoNOON DIRECT. HOLLAND, Hatarday, .Inly I. 12 M. FOR QPBENOTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. ITALY ..July I. t2;30l'.M. I SPaIN July 15. 11:30 A.M. THE yUEKN..Julys. J P. M. | ENGLAND. ..Jnly 22, 3 I'.M Cabin passage. <7f) and currency- Return ticket! at reduced rates. Steerage putsage, $*ff, cnrrency Dralts Issaed from II upward at current prices. Apply at the company's oflice, OH Broad?#ay. v _F. W. J. IIURST. Manager. KD HTAR LINK. < ? - Appointed to carry the Belgian end United States mails. The following atrtmer* are appointed to sail TO ANTWERP. Krom Philadelphia. : From New York. VADtRLANU lone- 2" KRNILWORTH June 8 NEDEKLANK Inly 14 | ?Wi IZKKI.A.ND July 1 prices ok Parage in cukrkncy. First Cabin <W | Secuml Steerage tickets to and Irom ati points at toe lowest rales Pavenger accommodation* ft r all clause* nasurpaeeed. Kor passage, rates of freight and other Inlortnatlou apply to PBTEIl WkIUIIT k SONS. i>en. r?l Agent., .'? r7 Walnat St.. Phllsdelphla. OKOKUK w. COLTON, H2 Broad ?t.. New fork. JOHN MCDONALD. Passenger Agont, N? . 8 Hattery place. New Y'ork. Anchor line united states mail steamer* NEW YORK ANI? OLA SHOW. EI MIOPIA lulr I. Noot.I BOLIVIA July l?, 11A M. VICTORIA July H, 3 I'. M | ALSATI A .'nly 22. 3 P. M NI-.W YOKE AND LONDON. AN <1 LI A July 8, a P. ft. I Al STRaLIa Aag.5,'1 A. M UTOPIA.. Jnly 22, J P. |. ELYnIA... AM. 10, BP. M. NEW YORK TO GLAWJOW. I.IYKRPOOL. LONDON OR 1,0 NDONDRKRV. Cabin*. $05 to $00 enrren if, according to accommodations. Eicnrsioa tick ft* on ravoiable terms. Steerage, $.8. carreaq <; Intermediate. $35, currency. Drafts issaed for ? ny amount at current rate* y UKNDbRtfON BROTHS KS. Ageutt. No. 7 Bowling Green EtROPEAt STKANUtHIPH. 0""jfLy DIRECT LINK TO FKAMlClI"" THE TKANSATLA.VIIC COMPANY'S MAIL STEAMER* HKTWKf.N SK*' YORK AND IIAVKK. CALLING AT PLYMOUTH (G. U.J for the I muling of passe uger*. The aplend.d vmmIi on tbiH favorite rout* for tbe Ceutl nent Icablus provided with electric bellM will mM Irorn plor 43 North River, taxi of Harrow ?t.. as follow*:? LABRADOR, S?a:iter .. July I, at 1 I*. M. CANADA, Frangeul Saturday, July 8, at 1 I". .M . AMKIUQl'E. i'ou/.ol/. Saturday, iuly IS, in 11! nooc . ?ST. LAURENT, Kwhemi'i Inly 22, at Hli A. M. PRICE OK PASSAGE IS GOLI> (including wine) :? Kim cabiu. SI iO to sfl'Ji>, according to accommodation. Second. #72; Third cabin, $tu Return ticket* at reduced rate*. Steerage, CM, with superior accommodation*, Including; wine, bedding and utemdls, without extra charge. Steamers marked thus * do not carry steerage passenger*. LOL'IS DK BKHIAN. Agent. 5ft Broadway. \ituite STAK LINK. II FOR yUKENslOWN AND LIVERPOOL. CAKKTINO THK UNITED STATES MAIL. The steamers of thl* linn take tho l.ane Konteo reeona met'ded by Lieut. Maury, U. S. N.. going south ol tbe Bank] on the to Uueenatoiru ail tbe year ronnd. I.TKM ASU' July s, at 4 P. M. CELTIC I it I v 1ft, at 11 A. M. BRITANNIC July 2W, ?< 11 A. M. UK KM .V NIC August 12. at 10 A. M. CELTIC auknit in. ut 3 p. m. From White Star Dock*, pier 52, North Kir r. Raten?Saloon. i and 810<>. in gold; return tloketasoa reasonable term*. Steerage. #28. saloon staterooms, smoking and bathroom! are nlacerf: umlrishtps. where the noise and motion uroleail, affording .? degree of comfort hitherto unattainable at sea. fur inspection of pi.tux and other Information apply autha> eouioauy a office, Si Broadway, New York. K. J UOWUi Ago at.. \y LLSON'S 11NK ror"south amPT.IS ANu huxlT II aalhng front pier 63 North Klver, a* follow* :? HINDOO July 1 I OT11KLLO Juljr JB COLOMBO July l.r?| NAYAKI.NO Au^u it 12 Kir?t cabin. $70, currency: second cabin, 445, currency. Excursion tickets on very favorable term*. Through tltftet* issued to Continental and Baltic port*. Apply for full par tlcular* to CHAKLhS L. WnMi A CO., Ml South at. HEAT WESTERN STEAMSHIP LINK ~ LT TO BRISTOL (E.NCLaND) DIRECT. sailing from pier 18 East River aa follow*:? CORNWALL. Stumper Tuesday, July 13 SOMERSET. Western Tuesday, Juty '?> Cabin pMsiage, #7.i; intermediate, $t"<; steerage^ 930, currency; excursion ticket*.$12"; prepaid ateerage oortid cales. fcirt. Ato W I* MORU'N. >i?o' 7'i > h ??. COASTM INK STEAMSHlrs. PANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIFIC MAIL,' STKAMS1UP LINKS. Kor CALIFORNIA, JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA, N?W ZKALAND, BKITISH COLUMBIA, OKKOON, Ac. Sailinic troiu pier 42 North itiver. Kor SAN KKANCiSCO via InTUMUS OK PAVAM/k, Steamsiilp CoLoN Saturday, July B"> bteamahi|) At'AI'lILCO Saturday, Juijr Xi eouiiectlni; for Ceutrul America itud South Paciflc po aa. Front SAN I'' It A NCI SCO to JAl'AN' uud CHINA. Steumship Ul'I'Y OK PKKIN Saturday, July'l. For frciifht or pH>aat;e apply t? WM. P. CLYOi'. A CO. or II. J. BL'LLAY. Superintendent No. 0 Bowline (ireen, pier 42 North hlver. foot Can al >?. OK NASSAU. iTP.?RBOULAB MAIL STKAMSSHEP LKOleuves New York July I. Ml KKAY, FKKKlS i, CO., 02 South at. li'OR "NEW ORLBANS DIRECT. " r T11K CROMWKLL LINK. Tile steamship KNICKERBOCKER, Captain Kemhle. on SATURDAY', July 1, at 3 o'clock P, M., troin pier No. i* North Kiyer. Thronxh bill* ol liidinir eiven to Mobile and all principal, poiula on the Mlaaisi>lppi Kiver. 1 Cabin passage, #??<). Sleeravre, $2.'>. App.y to CLARK A SKAMAN, 86 Weat at. Nr., HAVANA "AND MKX1CAN MAIL8S. lTnB ? Steamers loave pier No. 3 North Rivor at 3 P. M. FOR HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF MEXICO Tburaday. July ?t CITY OF VKKA CKl'Z Saturday, J uiy S FOR VKKA CRUZ AND NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. !*ro|(reao, Campoachy, Tuapau und l anipico. CITY OF MEXICO Thursday, July 6 For freight mid pasaitxe apply to F. ALEXANDRE k SONS, 31 and 33 Broadway. Steamers will leave New Orleans July tf and July 3Ufor ' Vera Crut and all the above porta. TEXAS LINK FOR OALVKSTON. ToUCHINO AT KEY West, carrying the United statea malt The ateumer CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Captain PeuoinKton, will sail on Saturday, July I. at 3 P. M., Irom pier 20 Kast River. Through bills of lading (riven to all poiuts on the Houston ui.d 'I'exaa, > entral International and ilreat Northern, tial vestou, Houston and Henderson, and the Galveston. Ilarrii burn and San Autonio Railroads. Frelichts and insurance at lowust rates. For froiuht or passage, having an|>erior accommodation*, apply to C. II. MALLORY A CO., 153 Maiden lane. ONLV 1)1 RECT LINE FOR .FLORIDA.?WEEKLY line for Port Royal, S. C.; Fernundina. Fla.; Brunswick, U4. Salhinr every Thursday from pier 20 Ka?t Klver The steamer CITY OF DALLAS Captain Hinea, will (all Thuri day, June 2i>, at 3 P.M., for Fernandlna an 1 Port Royal. Through tickets iaaucd to all points in Florida. For lrelght or pasiaue apply to C. H. MALLORY A CO., or HERMAN GhLl'CKK, 1.3 Maiden lane NEW YORK "AND HAVANA DIRECT MArirUNim These first claaa ateainabipa will tail at 3 P. M. from pier 13 North River, M of Ceaar at,, for Havana direct, as i'ollowa ?? COLUMBUS Thuraday, June 29 WILMINGTON Tueaday. Ju v II For freight and passage, having uniurpaaaed accommoda tion-, apply p oi.YDE A CO., No. 0 Bowling Oreeu. McKELLBK, LULINO A CO.. Ageufa in Havana. F MOUUAN'd NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS AND Texan steamships.?The BRAS II EAR will suit from inor :IU North River mi Saturday, July 1. at a J*. M., for New Orloans direct, transferring Texas freight there to Morgan'* Louluana aud Texas Railroad for Morgan City. thence per Morgan's steamer* tu Texas port*. Through l.illM ot lading slgopii to all poiuta oil the Mississippi River, Mobile, Gal veston, Indlanolu, Corpus Cbristi, ltockport, Bra/.o* San tlngu. Brownsville and tu all point* on the Galveston. Har risburg and San Antonio, Houston and Texan Central, In terustlonal and Great Northern Tcxm Pacific and Trans continental Kailroads. Freights lor St. Marys and Fulton landed at Rockport. Lighterage and channel dues at Corpus Christ! and Brasos Santiago at the exponse and risk ol consignee. Insurance can be effected under open policy of C. A. Whitney A Co : to New Orleans, \ per ceut, to Texas ports. 7?per cent. Kur freight or fnrtlier inlormatlon apply to CHARLES A. Wlllf.\tV Si CO., Ageuts; offlcs, pier 3>i Norih Hirer. FOR-!!ALIFAX.N. 8., AND ST. JOHNS. N. P. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE Steamer* leavo pier 10 North River following day*, ai 3 f. M. liKUliuE WA8HINOTON Friday. Jnne JO OBOKUE CROMWELL Tuesday. .1 uly 11 Mo?t direct, i|uickest anil cheapest rout* tu Nova Srotl*, Newfoundland uud tiie Luwit St. Lawrence. Excellent pas senger accommodations. For Irelirht or p**sage apply to CLARK A St A MAN. 8<> West st. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COM PAN I, aulling from pier 37 North River. Kor Norfolk, City Point and Richmond, Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays at 3 P. M., connecting witn the Virginia and Teunes*ee Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line. Piedmont Air Lina, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and with the com pany'" steam lines to interior points In North Carolina and Virginia. Newborn and Washington. N. C. <Tia Nortolk), every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lewes. Uet.. Monday. Wedunsday and Friday at 3 P. M., connecting with Maryland and Delaware railroad*. Passenger accommodation* unsurpassed. Through passniro tickets and bills of lading to all points at lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk, Ac., >4 per ceut. Freight received daily at nicr 37 North Jlivar. General ollices, 1UT Greenwich st. N. L. McCUEAUV, President. TRAVBLLKRH' GUIDE. A'^catskill crkkk daily line.-steamer ? NEW CHAMPION .Holidays, Weduosdays and Fri day*; steamer WALTER BRKT1' Tuesday*, Thursday* and Saturday*, at 6 P. M., from pier 42, loot of Canal st., con necting at Catsklll with Western stago*. Fare, ? i LBANPEOPLE'S LINE.?STEAMBOATS LEAVE Jx. pier 41 North lllvcr daily, Sumiav excepted, at ?> P. M , lor Albany and all pi.lnt* North and West; creat rednetions iu (are. Excursion tickets to Albany, Saratoga, Montreal and return. Meals on European plan. Albany jnd troy byDay boats^c. vihbard ami DANIEL DREW.?Leavo Vestry St. pier at 8:10 anil 24th St. at S :3<t A. M., lauding at Nyack and'1 any town (b> ferryboat). West Point. New1 urg. Poughkeepsie, Kliinebeck, Catakill aud Hudson. Closu connection at Albany with new train at tl:.iO P. M. for the West, over New \ ork Central aud commencing June 2tJ by special train to SARA'i'OOA and ROUND LAKE. To West Point ami Newburg and return some day. <1. PngkkNpli*. ?1 Ml ?HIGHLANDS or THE humor* iy dayuoht! . The M A It Y POWELL, lor West Point. Newburg, Poughkeepsie. Rondout and Kingston, landing at Coaxens% Cornwall. Milton and New Hamburg. and Marlboro by lerry. will leave pier Si? North River (Veatry st.) daily. Sunday* excepted, at H::KJ P. M. Connects at Poughkeepsie with evening trains for the North. -BAR ATOIJ A- Dill EOT RO1JTB, VIA "~C 111 ZENS' . tine Elegant steamers leave pier 41), North River, foot I.eroy st.. dailv, except Saturday, at 11 P. M Through fare only K! .10: excursion tickets, good lor 30 day*, 94 M. BltOOKI.YN, NEW YORK AND .NEWBl RG.~ BY steamboat ARMENI A.? I.oavn Fulton St., Brooklyn, atO: Vestry It, New York, at l?:JO. and 24th st.. at !? <!> A. )(,. finding at Youkers, iotia Island, Co*?en?, West Point ami Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Brooklyn, 7 P. M. I fckets for the ronnd trip, #1. CIOMMEROIAL TRAVELLERS FIND fr SAVES / iiiouey by nslng Roe'* Hotel Guide. Office &l Cort landt *t. CIITIZBNS* LINK STEAMBOATS FOR TROY AND ALL / point" Northoast and Wnst, leave dally, except Satar day. at fi I* M., from pier4? North River. I) AILY LINE TO NORWALK.?FAKE KEDl'CEG. Bv the swift steamer A RRoWSMITII, leaving Jewell'* wliaif. Brooklyn, at 2 :30 J*. M.. pier 37 East River, 2 :45 P. M . and toot of 331 St., 3 P. M.; returning. leaves Norwalk at 7 ;.V) A M., dally (Sundays excepted); connecting each way with the Danoury and Norwalk and New Haven railroad*. Fare, 36 cents; excursion ticket*. EiO cents. J">X('LBSlnN TICKETS FOR PHILADELPHIA. NEW j Line and Long Branch at Overin'* Express, ?U West &>d *t , corner Broadway. F- EN.NSYLVANIA RAILROAD' G RE AT TRUNE LINK AND UNITED STATES MAIL ROCTB. Train* Leave New York, via Desbrosses and Courtlaadt Street* Ferrle*. as MUiw*: ? Bxpress for llarrishnrg. Plttslinrg, the West and Houth, Mitli Pulluiaii Palace Cars atlacbeil, A. M., tt and H W P. M. Sunday. ? and * :.?> P. M. For WillKuuport. L?:k Haven, t'orry and Erie at H:30 A, M. and h::?5 p. M.. cunnectinK at Corry for Tituivlile, Pe troleum Centre aud tlio Oil Regions. For Baltimore, Washiugton and the Soath, "Limited Wash ington Express ' ol Pallman Parlor Cars dailv, exrept Sumiav, w :#< A. M.; arilrs M ashlngton 4 III I' M. Kegu lar*tK:4<iA M., 3 and H P.M. Minday I* P. M. Exprrs. for Philadelphia. 7. 7 ?:??. ? 4", !t:30A.M.. 12:311. :t, 4. 4:10, 9. rt, 7, h Mi fl I?. M and 12 night. Bunday 5. ti. 7. 8:30 and U P. M. Emigrant aad second claan, 7 P M. For f 'enttnulal Depot at 5 :3f>. ?*?, 7:90, 8 A.M.. and 3 P. M. Ketiirninir, leave Centennial Depot at L 4 ft ::*i, tt aad 7 i>* r. M, For trains to Newark. Klitabeth. Rabway. Princeton, Tren ton, Perth Amtxiy. Fleinlngton. Belndere and otner points, see local schedule* at all ticket ofllr*s. Trains arriv*: ? From Pitt?bnrg. H SIO and 1<>:30 A. M. and If .20 P. M. dally: 10:1(1 A. M. and <i:MIP M. daily, ex cept Monday. from Washington and Baltimore. il *iA. M., 4, 5:10 and 10 .JO P. M.; Sunday ?:?> A. M From I blladeluhia .:.rt :2n, ?::?l. lo:|0. II 'JO, II .So A. M? 3:10, 4 ?|M. il;IU 8:10 and III 20 P. M.: Suudav, ii 2<i. f.: *i. 11 ? A. M . '? :o" and IOrJO P. M Ticket OlDees .*i2tl and 1*44 Kroadway. No. 1 Astor House, and font of Desbroew-s and Coartlandt ?ts: No. 4 C.'urt st., Brooklyn; Nos 114. lid and 118 Hudson st , lloboken; depot, Jersey t'lty. Kmigraat Ticket OMee, No. 8 Mattery pl*?FBANK THOMSON, D. M. BOYD, Jr . General Manager. General Paeeeurer Agent, TRAVELLERS* ClIUE. fALL RIVER I,INK To BOSTON, vU Newoort anil Fall Kivtr ?The wjrld raA'iVDttf steamboat* BRISTOL ft ml I'ROVIDKNCE leave pier 28 North River, foot of Murray ?t . Uiti'y (Suudays included), at 6 K M. Through tickets sold at oil the principal hotels la the city. ' For whitestonk, lloyds hock, odli Spring. Laureltuu and Otntor Bay. Stenner Oolden Oate dally (except Sunday) from pier II. East Klvar, foot Pike st.. at J P. M.; 33d si.. Ea?i glwr,2:2U. OLD ESTABLISHED LINK FOR 8TUYVE8ANT, CAT# kill nod Intermediate lauding*.?Steamer ANDREW II AltOER. Iroiu Franklin at. (oier 35), Tuesday, Tluiradav aud Saturday; tleamer MONITOR, Mcnday, Wednesday aod Friday, at 5 r. M. __________ PHILADELPHIA via long branch and the New Jersey Southern Railroad.-Fare lower than by any other route, commencing June 19. 1S7<1. l.euve New York from pier S North lilver, loot Ractor ?t.. 0 :4i A. *f. for Long Branch and Seanrlgbt. Ac; U:4"> A. M.. tor Philadel phia. Long Branch. Torn* River. Waretown and Vlaeland, 5:311 P. M. lor Philadelphia, Long Tneaerton; 4:4" P. M., lor Long Branch Tom- River and Waretown, j : 0 P M. accommodation lor Long Branch. Sunday! U 3U A. M. for Long Braueh, returning at 5 P. M. ^ HNEDgJ, u M Stoninoton link roS boston. ~~ Reduction of Fare. Steuiners RHODE INLAND and N A It RAO AN SETT, from pier 33 North lUver, fnol of Jay tit., at 5 P. M. Providenca Line, from pier 27 North River, loot of Park place. 8team>hipe KLECTRA and OALATE a. at 4 :30 P. M. RXC URSIOXS. ' A? DEL1UIITFUL EXCURSION "* TODAY AND EVERY DAY. JARRETT A PALMKlt'S PALAC& STEAMER PLYMOUTH ROOK. FOR EOCKAWAY BEACH and the ATLANTIC OCBA* A FTP. 1". NOON TRIPS ON LY THIS WEEK. GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. Madrigal Boys. Moxart Glee Club, Select String Orchestra, Church Chime* Horace Walton, banjoiat, Ac. Leave foot of22d it., N. It. at 1:30o'clock. Leave pier No. 3, N. It., at 2 o'clock. FARE, for the whole excursion FIFTY CENTS Single trip tickets (to or from Rockawey) 36 cent* %? NKXT SUNDAY, July 2. and every day thereafter, the PLYMOUTH HOCK will make two trips, a morning aud alleruoon excursion. ~y^~?ROCKAWAY BEACH EXCURSIONS. TWENTY MINUTES OiTtHB ATLANTIC OCEAN. FOUR EXCURSIONS DAILY bv the favorite and commodious excursion steamefa. AMI.ItlCUN aud NEVKRSINE. Musical entertainment hy the celebrated ORPHEUS GLEE CLUB. AMERTCl'SI,EAVES 24th at, N. R. am p m. S:30 and 1:18 H 45 and 1 :25 I ? Wi 1:4" |l?:20 aud 2 :>J0 NEVKRSINK LEAVES EAST RIVKR. Uth at.. E. R. i S. lat, Win-b'g. I Oraud kt.. N Y. I Brooklyn. A. M. P. M. A. ?. 1". M A. M. P. M A M. P. M. 10th ?t., N. R. I Vcsey *t. I Fulton St., B'n. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. CCOO 1J-4.'. | and 1?>|h:30 and 1:I0|U:00 1 JHO Steamers leave ltiaikawuy at II A. M , 5 aud 5 .15 P. M. Fare. 35 cents. Excursion tickets, 50 cents. lteturu tickets good ou cither above boats. NOTICE ?No delay from low tide. Ouly ooats uiakiug the upper lauding* at Rnckaway. On SUNDAYS tho steamer* WILLIAM COOK and ARROWbMlTil will make excursion to Roakawar la cunnectlou wlttt the above boats. A. -EXTRA EOCKAWAY EXCURSIONS. The mammoth pleasure steamer WILLIAM 'COOK, with spacions decks und broad awnings, will leave every day, coinineuciug Tuosday, Juno -7, fioui Weut 24th st*. al 10:30; West 10th st. at 10:45, pier No. 2 North River at 11 aud Brooklyn at 11 :lo A. M. Proceeding directly dowu the hathor and oat on tho ATLANTIC OCEAN to the most popular watering place In this country, utters paste ugers are allowed THREE HOURS TO ENJOY THE COOL BREEZES ON THE BKACIL lietnrnlu.'. leaves. Rockaway at 4:3ti P. M. No crowd?every passenger guaranteed a comfortable, shady seat Fare lor the whole excursion 50 cents. Phillips' Olee Club ; Professor Soltan, tBe renowned Cor. net player and pianist, will entertain passenger* on the trip. Return tickets are good on the AMEKICUS and NEVER SINK for those who desire to stay ou tue beach ister. A~*ISHI.N'd BANKS EVERY DAY (SATUKDAYfl ? excepted).?Ocean steamer SKTII LOW, leaving Harrison St., North River, H:3U; Hth St., East Hiver, 7; plel 27 East River, 7:15s lOtU st.. North River. 7:40; pier d North River, S A. M. Tickets, $1. AL. G. FOSTER, Managar. j^H 1?1776.-FOR CONEY ISLAND DAILY?1H76. The ne v steamor 1DLEWILD will run to Conev Island on aud after Sunday. June 11. everyday, leaving 33d st., N. R.. H A. M.. 12 M. and 3 P. M.; loth St.. N. R? W :10, 12 :10 and 3:10 P.M.; Franklin st., N. It., U UK>, 12 ;30 and 3 -M P. M.: pier -J N. R.. 0:3U, 12:3ti uud 3:3 P. M. Tho PILol BOY leaves 23d St.. N. R.. 10::>(l. 1:30 aud 4:3U P. M.: Kith St.. N. R, 10:40, 1:4<I anil4:40l'. M.; Franklin st? N. It., in:50. 1:5i> and 4:5(1 P. M ; pier 2 N R.. 11 A. M.. 1 and 5 P. M. ELIZA IIANCOX, June IS. from EAST RIVER, wilt leave 38d st , M A. M., 12:3 > aud :i :30 P. M.i .'3d St.. l> -.10 A. M? 12:40 and 3:40 P. M.: Sth ?t.. ? A. M., 12 MOand 3 -J*) P. M.; Fuliou ferry, Brooklyn, U :35 A. M., 1 KJ."> and 4105 P. M. A~A.~DAILy AND SUNDAY KXl.'URSK INS TO . Fort Lee, Pleasant Valley and Shady side.?steamboat* leave Canal st. daily at 6:45 and 10 A. M.; 2, 5:15 aud 7 :IS P. M. Sunday at It, 10 and 11 A M,; 12 M., 1, 2, 3, 4,(1 and 7 P. M.; lauding at 24th and 34th sts. (d-llly aud Sunday) in miuntes later. Round trip, 25e.: children half price. D A -A.-TO CHARTER. STEAMBOAT FORT LEE; J\f will accommodate 400 paweugers; price $SO to $1(0 perday. Apply in the aiternoou at 17 Fulton st. DELIGHTFUL AND QUIBT DAILY FA.MlJ.V~EX CURSION'S TO HANDY IIOOK. The elegant steamer JESSE HOYT anil CRYSTAL WAVE, or th? New Jersey Southern Beilroad line, leave pier 8, Kortli Hlvcr, luut Hector St., at 9:4.1 A. M. Returning arrive in New York 1:11)1*. M. Alto leave pier H at 3:'f0aud 4:K>P. M., and arrive in New York on the return trip at H P. M. Oil SUN DAYS leave pler8nt9.:jO A. M , commoting at Sandy Hook with train for Lang Brunch. Returning leave Long Hrancb ? P. M. W. 8. SNEDEN, General Manager. XlLY FAMILY EXCURSIONS~ TO FISHING Bank*.?Un and after Sunday, Jane 2.1. the populai and well known Steamer TWILIGHT will leave daily, Saturday excepted, an follows:? Harrison at.. X. R..H A. M.; Grand at., E. It, 8:13; Peek slip. R. R. *30; loth ?t.. K. R., S:45. piei 2, N. R., !i o clock. Returning l>y 5 P. M. Halt and fishing tackle on board. Mmic and refreshments. Fare for gentlemen. 91; ladies. AO canta. Ij*OB EXCURSIONS?THE LARGE FIRST CLASS FA 1 vorite Steamboats Sleepv Hollow, now called lb* LONG BKANt'li, antf METAMORA. Engleewood, Alpine. Dud ley's, Spring lllll, Myers' and Ion* Island Groves. with Barge* and Boat* ol all kind*. J. MYERS, corner Morton and neat st*. Akaxo aoiuur utoniox to tii centen Ur Mai,. an EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FAMILIES. twelve hours at ska. The magnificent kldewheel steamer ISAAC BELL, 1,800 tout, will leave I'ler 37, North River, New York, at six P. M.. on Saturday. July I iind H, for Philadelphia, remaining there at Race street wharf, convenient to car rontea. trout Sunday noon to Thursday P. M., giving four fall days al Philadelphia. Table supplied with the beat tbe market affords; dinner, 4 to 7 P. 1 stateroom passenger* only will be taken, to the number of 200, to avoid u crowd; rata for tha entire trip, including stateroom accommodation and maali, $25; tha ?hip can be inapected at piar 37. For tickets, cabin plan, Ac., apply at office of OLD DO* MINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 107 UnwnwM st., corner of Fulton, or at ticket offices 229 and 3U8 If roadway, or COOK. SON A JENKINS' Tourists offices, 201 Broad' w ay. IO.VA ISLAND. JTE8T POINT AND? NEWBURG.-SEK a lvartisoment of steamboat Armania. Bock aw a y~b k ac ii -st k am k b m arion leaves ?tally from :ttth at., at 9 A. M.; Franklin it., at lu A. M.; lare 84 coats; excursion tickets U) cauta; leave iba Beach at 4:90*1'- M. FECIAL DESPATCHES ' FROM THB CONV KNTION TO DAY IN THE EVES1NO TELEGRAM. w EST POINT, NEWBURG, Pol'uHKEKPMlB AND retoru siiiue day by day line steamers. POST OFFICE NOTICE. POST OFFICE NOTICE.?THE FOREIGN MAILS FOli the week ending Saturday. July I. 1S76, will close at tills office on Wednesday, at 7 A. M.. tor Europe, par steam ship Hoi lima, via yueenstown; on Thursday. at II :30 A M., lor Europe, per steamship Lcsslng, via Plymouth, Cherbourg and IIammrg; on Saturday, at 10 A. M., lor Europe, pal steamship City of Berlin, via Quoenstown and at 10 A. M tor France direct, par steamship Labrador, via Havre, and at lo A. M., for Scotland direct (rautt ba ?pa dally addressed*, per steamship Ktlnopla, via Glasgow,) and at IIJUA..M., for Eurontt par steamship Donau, via Southampton and Bremen. Tsie mall* lor the West Indies, via Havana, will leave New > ork June 29. The sail* for China, Ac.. wilt leave San Francisco J nly 1. Tbe nialia for Australia. Ac., will leave San Francisco Jnly 19, IH7M. T. L. JaMEs. I'ostmaater. PIAXOfOUTEN. ORBAWI, ?m . ^ V"? rol" RKNT, i'PKKiHT. sy i; ARB AND ORAN D J\, Pianos of our own make; also lor sale and rant, a number of line neeond hand I'lanoe. In perfect order. WlLlr 1AM KN ABE A CO.. No. 112Stfc av.. above lHth 8. "a"?PIANOFORTES TO Ri.NT, OF OUR OWN MM& A> lactura. also second hand Pianos lor cala at moderate p ires. By CHICKE1UNG A SONS, 180 btb be., cornel l*th ?t. A~"BRAUTIFIL SOU ARB PIANOFORTE. *75; CHICK J\. erlng upright Pianoforte, carved legs, every improve ment, great ?arrilice ; will ba rented. J. RIDDLE. lSWaverley place, aaar Broadway. A. -FROM 9100 TO *900.-NBW AND SECOND liANO > Piano*. Orst cla?s order, comprising Steinway. Chick enng. Decker Bros., Chambers, Bradbury Ac.; 7 and 7 octavo must be sold. Call at 47 West 10th st. A LADY WILL SELL A BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD * A octave Pianoforte, also elegant Pier Minor, less tbaa If 17.1. cost fumi. 2M Kasi ltd si., near 2d av. A BEAUTIFUL ROSEWOOD 7'4 (KTTAVB PIANO A forte, overstrung baee, fluo. 218 Baat 8Mb at., uaat 3d av. IMMENSE BARGAINS IN NE* AND SECOND HAND Pianos for cash, ou monthly Installs en la, or to rati; don't fall to calL KRAKaUKR. S&2 Bowery. MAONIFICBNT 7-OCTAVB ROSEWOOD PIANO, forte. Steinway k Sous ; rare sacrlUce. Seen at GO .? DON'S, 107 Hleecker st. PBLOUBBT, PELTON k CO., 841 and 843 Broadway. New York city, manufacturers of THB STANDARD ORGANS, unrivalled la tooa, design and finish of cane, and ta ga?ral workmanship; superior for parlor, school or eburab : prl^n liberal; rented and sold oo lustaltaanti. Call aad iriaiha or sand for catalogue. PIANOS.?IF YOU WISH TO BENT OB BUY CHEAP, est and l>es? call on MERKKLL, No. M I'nloo sqeara. P"r?VATE FAMILY OFFER F.Tit gut**, SUPERB 7 l3 rosewood Piano, cost last March, speculator*? dealer oan make Money on It. Call residence, IHHaat Uth at JTRlNWAV s/cillcKEKiNtrS, *?F.BBK'WfA"rStS i and othar Brat class aew aad second band eqaare aad upright Piano* and Organs at extraeedlaary law priaea for cash or to let. until paid for as par contract; le raat la tUy ar coaatrv. HORACE WAT EBB I ?ONIl dM * s