Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,556. NEW_YORK. THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1876.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE POUR CENTS. DIBBCTOKY fok ADVERTISERS AMUSEMENTS?2d Pacb?l?t col. ? astbolouy? 12m pack?mh coL billiards?2d pAUB-ltt col. boarders WANTED?2d PAUB-3dco1. HOABD AND LODGING WANTiiD?2d fao?-3d aad 4th tgjii BROOKLYN UKAT. EST ATS FOB BALB?3s TutM-Oa en1. Business opportcnitikb-?th paux. usinbbs notices?7th Pacb-?1? ool. CENTENNIAL EXHIBITS?1st Paob?ilh-col CITY REAL ESTATE kor 8alk-2d Pagb?2tfc?el CLERICS AND SALESMEN?tarn Paob-4u eeL clothino-2D Paob?1 t col. coachmen AND (1ardeners? 12tu Pass?4th eel coastwl>e steamkhlps-lrr Pagb?Mh eel COL'NTKY board?2d Paob?4th Ml. pkntirtry?12tw Paob?5th coL DRY GOODS?1st Pacb?4th ool. DWBLLINQ HOUSES TO LET. FURNISHED AND UK fubnishkd?2d paod-m coL european STBAMSHIPB-ut paob?4th aad Sth cola EUROPE? 2n Paob?5tb col. exchange?2d Paob?Sth col. excursions?1st PAGB-ath nl financial-oth Pagb. FOR SALB?12th pacb?vii ool. furbishbd ROOMS AND apartments TO LBT? 2d Pagb?2d And 3d ooU. fubkitubb?12t* Paoi? eoL HELP WANTSD?kf.MALES?12th paoh-m sad4th oolt HBLP WANTED?MALES-u'th Paub?4th and 6th ool*. bouses, carriages. ac,-lit Paob?3d, u aad 4th oula HOTELS?2d fagb?4th ool HOl'sbs. ROOMS. ac.?-d Pacb-3d ooL INSTRUCTION--^ pafik-utcol. ^ost AND FOUND-ln PACB-ltt ooL achinery?12th Paob-5th col. MARBLE mantels? 12th Paob?mh ooL mbdioal?12th Paob?5th ool. riij.INKRY AND dressmaking?in Paob?ith ool. miscellaneous ADVERTISEMENTS?lora Paob? Sth and tith colt. MISCELLANEOUS?2d Paob?5th coL NSW publications?7th PAGH-?th ool. personal? 1st Pacb?lit col. pianofortes. ORGANS. ac.-ln PACB-?th eoL political?it* PAOi-eth col. POST OFFICE NOTICE?1 n f'acb?6th coL PROPOSALS?2d PAGB-ftthcol PROFESSIONAL SITUATION)) WANTED-febalbb 12th Paob?9d col. pboprbty OUT OF THE CITY FOR SALS OB TO BENT?2d Paob-2d col. BRAL ESTATE TO excflanor?2d facb-2<uoo1. BBAL ESTATE WANTED?2d Pagb?2d col. rm.IOIOUS NOTICES-ist PACM-lit coL REWARDS?in PAGB-ltt col. salks AT AUCTION?12th Paob?6th ooL Situations wanted?fbmalbs?12th PAca-ist, 2d ani 3d cola SITUATIONS WANTED malr8?12th Pao*?4th ool. spkci al notices?in Pagb?lot and 2d colt. SPORTING-DOGS. BIRDS, *C.-ln Paob-m eoL STOR*ge-2d pagb?5th ooL SUMMER RESORTS?2d Pagb?4th sad Sth cote. tuk TRADES?12th Pagb?5th ool. rilE TURF?1st Pagb?2d col. ro LET FOR business pubposes?2d PAOB-2d eol. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?1st PAOB-Sth and 6th cola UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? 2d Pagb?3d col. wanted TO PURCHASE?std Pagb?Sth eol. ?V atciiees, JEWELRY. *0.? 12th pack?Sth col westchester COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE OB TO LBT?2n Pagb?2d col. TACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?10th Pacb-Sth coL perwhaL. f WILB ur^ssth D~P ro P E R~ ADDRE s9r NET. B R. PRICE?COME HOME immediately. AN twer. Dr. hayden. TF THE POSSESSOR OF LADY'S WATCH NO. i swl?t make. will communicate with Mrt. charles fbaITTEUR. Washington (D. C.) Post uttico, the will bo peraonalty benefited. NT o. 214.?thursday, EARLY. ROSE RETURN. WANDERER, RETORN; ploato como homo to roar devoted "Kiudsraan," ud b hoary heart thall be made light. p. ttio L bt-DON' fworey7 WILL SEE totl frid ay v morning whore yoo mention, not thurtdoy. YOU KNOW WHOM. t1till H. D. MARIS peterskn. WIIO WAS 'ln co >T penhogen winter of 1374~'>, please send her present addrett to the friend who aitwttd her t SklilGlOVS IS OTIC Kb. The g'6speL TENTf" 34th ft., Wait, and near Oth a*. (Green ear* of Thirty-fourth (treat Hue paa* the 1Mb) Third week ot service. Thursday?R P. X., preaching by Rev. W. Lloyd. Krlday-S P. M.. preaching by lie*. W. P. Abbott. Alter Meetlnga, at [(o'clock every evening, will be conducted by Rev. W. Hum pat one. Saturday?3 P. X., meeting of Christian worker*, to bo lad by Oncle John Vasinr. Staging every evening, by Theodore B. Perkins and a cbe rua. Noonday Prayer Meeting ?very day, for one hour, under the direction of lb. Alexan der Lyle. Seat* free to all. Helper* wanted, a* u the re, workers and linger*. Addreia I. P. WILLIAM.s, No 40 East 43d st. Contribution* to the support of tbeee services may be tent to EDWARD L. OWEN. Treasurer. No. 4<l ham 43d St., or No. 71 Wall st. LOUT A.VU vol Itl#. Found?an iTALtAN ORKYHbONd. tWownhr will find, in proving the same, at 137 Rodney St., Brooklyn. B. 1). L~ OHT?BLACK AND TAN SLUT, PROM AMBRY'S bird (tor*. 114** Howery Liberal reward giwn. Lost. between Amity st. end Splngler Houea, one Porte sionnie, containulng four quartre* of Spanish doubloon aud 118 United States currency; a largo breastpin, with like nets. and other articles. The finder will be suitably re warded by returning same to liraud Central Hotel. LOST?ON "WEDNESDAY. IN THB 11 O'CLOCK train Irom Philadelphia to New York, a Pocketbook, with owner's name on It. containing some railroad tickets wnich are not tranaterable). and private paper*, valuable to owner alone. The Under will be liborallv rewarded by re turning the tame to S. A. POTTER, 3 John st.. New York: or to if W. GUEKNSKY, 1.423 Chestnut *t.. Philadelphia. OST-IN CENTRAL PARK, NBAR THE 6TH aV. entrance, IrtJth June. about 4 o'clock, a hunting ease Gold Wxtcli (American make) and Chain. A handsome reward will be paid for Its return to 47 We*t 22d st. *" hfcWARDs, Hi fl 'REWAlift?LOST. ON I^RllSaY, pROiTTae 3d IU Lexincton av., a black and tan Dog; answer* to tame of "Ctp." A i n k ewakd-rtrayed. F^'jTl2r"wl5f-55 VJ " *t.. a steel gray Sky Tervier (slut); answers to name of "Belle." If returned to above address reward will be ttlven. ZjlT KEWARD.-LOST, ON WEDNESDAY MORN ?IP ?i' > Ing. in the vicinity ot Grand st., a Gold Watch aud ? halo In a case. The finder will receive the above reward by lexvlug It at 26H Grand st. kkwaun.-LT)sr.~)N~iuNE as, at rock away Beach, a gold hunting ease Watch and Cuain; maker. W. U. Raymond, Elgin, III.; L. Shore* engraved In *Ide. Tlie above reward will bo paid aud no questions asked. Address 45 Murray st. LIBhKAL UK WARD WILL BR PAID FOR RE turn of large Meerschaum Pipe, female head, curved a.ulu r, in ras . No question* If returned to Dr. V. V. VAL >.N riN K. 193 West ISth St. I IRKRAL REWARD.?LOST OR 8TOLBN, BLACK J and tan Dog, answers to "Kelly." Apply at 104 Madi son av. $75 A. SPECIAL KOTlCEb. ~C t NT EN NIAL PRESENT. The Moat Liberal Offer Ever Made. . FIVE DOLLARS, T *en t this week, will entitle to five certificates tor the (rawing bold on Monday n*xt. JnlyS, 1P76: and, la commemoration of the laat day of the I0M year of ibe existence ot our Republic, the purchaser wlli receive ia addition gratultoudy One-half Original Bond jf the T adust rial Exhibition Company (par value 910). wliich will participate In every drawing until redeemed with a premium. single certificate* are fl each. All order* received on Monday morning will be promptly ?lieu ; If received later the amount will be returned. Addrt** orrx'l on MOKGKMTHAU. BRUNO * CO.. Baukera. 38 f*rk row. New Yor?; Post olBce bo* 1,837. B. B. ? Remit by drafte on New York city bank*, regis tered letter or Poet ofiles money order. -ISAAC Si BOYCB. -H7 HROADWAY. LAWYER.? Divorcee obtained promptly, without publicity-, deser r, Ineumpatlbliity. habitual druakenne**, Infidelity, in lunat treatment, conviction of ielony. Paatporta obtained. V lX~P E RS o Ns "iRK U ACTION ItD AGAINST ML JIl gotlatlng Certificate No. H7 lor ZU shares American District Telegraph Company of St. Luola. Issued to George F. Kinais. tbo same bavlng been lost or stolen and transfer Stopped. ' JOHN P. PITZHERALP, Secretary. i CARD. * ' " ' A N*W Vou*. June 28.1978. VTe, the uitderelgaed. passengers of the American bark Cnrio. fr>m St. Croix, W 1.. to New York, take this nnpor tuiiii v ol returning to Captain H. L. Townsead and officers our sincero thanks lor the kin luee* and consideration shown during the vorare <?pialn i.eorge Wlgirln. Edm Wlggtn. Klpldl Edward Koche, >e deMelio, Blanche Adlsr, Stephen H. Cook, , Cbarlet A. Boneili, Msry BooeUi. A-ROTAL HAVANA LOTTERY. . Next drawing July 1. I Prl*e of Spaalah dollar* 9100.000 I Pri*e of Kpanleh dollar* So,000 t J'rise* ef each, Spanish dollars 25.00U and B41) other prise* Otlnsi Qovtrnment Lotteries. Full explanatory circular, fre*. TilKODORE UCHOOH. Peat office box I is Nassau st. New York. [>YEETISER, WHOSE ANTKCEDKNTS WILI. SEAR Investigation. has perfected a remedy for rheumatism Sad kindred diseases, and desires x silent partner, wtib means, to cooperate In its introduction. Addreia HONA PIDB. box l*i Herald ntBee. A" ?PARKS. EMBMof" "? CO. . Kentucky State lotteries d.a?n dally. Boyal Havana Lottery, drawn every 17 dart. Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn July 2>, 1S7R I "rues cashed. Information lurniebed aud circulars Ire*. 1SU Broadway. Post nfllee him New Yurk. B-SKtTHM KENTUCKY STATK LOTTBKIK& ? KmitMrBv?lorrna clam 513 nm ]i7? U, 42, 7a, S, IS. its. SO 6?. ?. 43. S3, 75. 20, ii. KUmxsr?class< ron 1M76. ?S, 66, 20, a. au. 114, 13. 40. 4. .1. KS. V, 78. 02. All order* aSdreas R NATHAN, ini Broadway. Diseases op men a specialty? HENRY A. DANI I.S, M D? 144 Lexington av.. near SSth st. OSico hoar* frt/io H to 3. JpoR making k<>ot uekr, GiT~KNAPP*s ex 1 tract of Ho t*, Soi l by meet druggista. HTvaNA LOTTRKY.?NKXT" DitAWINU JULY f, UTS; 40.1*"'ticket*: SN0>.0Q0 In pritea, Addre** B. MaBTINKX A t'O . Banker*. 10 Wall ?*.. basement Poet offici box 4,993 New York. Spanish gold and Havana baMk MUaboagbt and sold- drafts Havana bmi K SPECIAL NOTICES. ?CHRONIC CATARRtfTDEArNESSIMPROVED mothcil: liittnlUNU relief ; permanent cure*. Dr. SToddard. Me. a Vt.? 14th?t BNTCCKY state LOTTERIES DRAWN DAILY.? Kentucky State grand distribution. drawn July 29; 30,331) prUee ont of 90,000 tickets; whole tickets. fill; halvee. ; euariers. *3 SO; Hot.i1 Havana Lottery grand drawing July i: whole ticket* ?20; halirei.B10; twentieth*, SI. JACKSON A CO.. Bankers, 309 Broadway, New York. HorviciAL drawings kentUckY'"STATE LOT . teriea.?SIMMONS t, DICKINSON. Managers. tufructT. um olass no. 4<0?juj>* 28. 1876. 64. 45, 77, 90. 15, 11, 88, 30, 89. 23. 8J. IH. 47. 34. KinTVCKT, clam no. 400?xrsn 28. i87e. as. 41, 15. 89, ?8, 18, 11 24. 75. 70 23, 431 ??MET. irrti euu no. 30ft?jvwb 2H, 1K76. 64. ?, 2?, ll. ;|1. 7 . 23, 36. 37, 41. IP. 74, 30. 40. inm*T, ckui no. 8n8-juN? 3S, 1876. 38, ?X 67. 73, as, 72. 63. 74, 41. 56, 63, IS. Full information by applying to or addressing J. OLUTB A CO., 200 Broadway, room No. a, rear office. E-OOaOOO Fn~I"RIZEK-KVRKT OTHER TICKET A . pr? so. ?SIMMON'S A DICKINSON'S Single Number Ettutuoky State Lottery, to be drawn July 28, 1876; 80.330 prises ont of 50,000 tickets: alee Royal Havana to be drawn on July 1,11*7*. J. CLUTB A CO.. i? Broadway, room No. 6, rear office. ' LIPB8IZE CUTS, IN COLORS. OF Hayes and Wheeler, taken ft on the boat photographs, designed for posterh and transparencies. Republican clubs supplied at ths lowsit rates. METROPOLITAN PRINTING COMPANY, Herald Building, 318 Broadway. OTICE.-IN ORDER TO GIVE OUR EMPLOYES AN opportunity of participating In ths Csntsnulal Cele brations this establ shment will be closed from Sutnrday evening, Jnly 1, until Wednesday mor^inj.^ul^WMTO. Broadway, 5th ar. and 22c St. VTEBVOUa exhaustion.?A MEDICAL ESSAY i.\ compr king a series of lectursa delivered at Kahn's Museun of Anatomy, New York, on the cause and curs of Premature Decline, showing Indisputably how lost health may be regained, affordlog a olasr imoptis of ths Impedi ments to man-lags and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being the result of 30 years' experience. I'rlco 25 csuta. Address the author. Dr. Ii J. K and res idence 51 Kaat 10th St., Nsw York. FLUNK'S PATENT SPRINO TRAPS 'OK THROWING ? lass Balls now ready and for sale; the ftnest practice in the world and splendid substitute for pigeon shuotiug: osn be used on any lawn ; must he seen to be appreciated; I tO"k nearly all my practice from these traps previous to my late matches in England. IRA A. PAINE, Patentee, 76 Prince at., near Broadway. OTAL HAYANA iLOTTKRY.-RWO.OUO WILL BE draws on July I. Prises cashed; orders filled; infor mation tarnished; highest rates paid Cor Spanish bills, gov ,rU'f AVi*6R^k CO., Bankers. No. 11 Wall it.. New York. Reduced to a certainty?chance to gain $IUU,0U0 withoat loss; Nsw York Industrial Exhibi tion Company. nsxt Drawing July 3. For further Informa tion apply to ALLEN EDWARDS A FORDHAM, Bankers, 79 Nassau St., New York. SIMMONS * DICKINSON'S KENTUCKY STATE SIN trie Number lottery, drawn July 29. Every other ticket a prlie. for circulars addross J. CLUTE, 163 Fulton St. THlRD LOOIfllANA STATE GOLD DISTRIBUTION. New Orleans. July 39, 1876. $308,500 IN OOLD DISTRIBUTED. 20,f.OO ticket*: 9w currency; coupons In proportion. For Information, Ao., apply to WILLIAMSON A CO. Prises cashed at this office. 817 Broadway. New York city. T0~8uTP0\VNfcR8 AND MASTERS" Opposition. Towing done by the California Tog Company's powerful towboats Valleje. Favorite and Jea. H. Redmond; vessel* taken to the docss. to sea, to Oakland and Vallejo at the lowest rates; the patronage of masters and ownsn of ves sels visiting the port of San Francisco is respectfully so licited ; vsaeis towing by the California Tug Company's boats will ssvm from 80 to 60 per cent. JOS. H. REDMOND, Ageut, No. IDS Stewart St., San Francisco, Cal. rTVTsTOCKHOLDRRS OP THE PACIFIC RAILROAD X Company ?f Missouri.?Id answer to frequent laquirlea made or me aa to what arranRaments I propose to make with the present stockholders of the Pacific Railroad .in case I become a purchaser at the foreclosnre sale. L desire to say that If I purchase the property It will be for the purpose of protecting my claims as a creditor of the railroad, and that 1 shall hol<i the property tor the benefit of no other pan lea except those wbote Interacts are protected by the decree of foreclosure. C. K. GARRISON. fAMKR INDIBN?A LAXATIVE FRt'IT u)zhnob. agreeablii to take; specific remedy for constipation and Its consequences. P. <>R1LL0T. 27 Rue Ram bateau, Paris; depot, CASWELL, HAZARD A OO.. New York. rnHu depositors or the mechan.cs and J. Traders' Savings Bank lit taapeetfully requested to at tend a meeting ia Uerraaaia Assembly Roums, at Not. 291 and 293 Bowery, en Thursday afternoon, the 39th day of June. 1876. at 8 P. M. K 6th AY., oornrr 17TH ST.?LARGE FRONT Windows to let for the 3d of July. 95 s D HPOKTIN6?DOC g. BIRDS, die. trcTioN and French pools'feoLD day~aSd evening, at IS and 17 Weft 28th it, on the four-oared nee between Uirrtrd and Yale at Springfield; French pools. SJ and $5. fronut attention given orders by mail or mesaenger. KELLY, BLISS * 00. For sale?fine importkd bkyb tkrkibks. small Hlack and Tan Terriers, Newfoundland Pups, Golden and Silver Phenaants, Ferrets. Maltese Cata, Ac. E. E. H ALB. 418 Canal at. New Tovk. POOLS BOLD AT NEW YOKK TURF EXCHANGE. 15 West JHih at., iMi nlK'nomi; Chicago ra. Athletic, at Chicago: St. Losta vs. Mutual. at St. Louts; Louisville vs . Boston, at Louisville: Hartford, vs. Cincinnati, at Cincin nati SEIBBKT * MeOLOUD. 5lC BERNARD DOG. TIGER CAT AND TWO WAG gnns for tale at AMBRY'S, U4J{ Bowery. FINB BREECH-LOADERS AND ONB FIBBING Bud will be (old at auction on Friday, at 12 o'clock, at the salesroom of TUNIB JOHNSON, 37 Nassau st; alio a great quantity ol Flags and Bunting. THE TURlf. "T P(7ti OlT an"d~freni: tf' >boLiT"soOTTfTonif. A snn's room, corner Kroadway and 2Sth it., this after noon end evening, on the trotting at Hartford, Conn., and bait ball games Mutual va St. Louie, Boston fa. Loniaville, Hartford va. Cincinnati. Athletic va. Chicago: alao on boat race between Harvard and Yale. French pool ticketa. $3 and $5 each. All order* by nail or messenger will receiva prompt attention. T.B.JOHNSON. EKBFOOT PARK.?TROTTING ID AND <TH OF .Inly; Parse $80, for 3:20 claaa: Purae $79, for 2:4.1. to be trotted on Monday, the 8d. Puna $W> tor 2 SO claaa; Purae 975. for 2 rtOclaaa, to b? trotted Tuaaday, the 4th. To clote on Saiurdar, July l,at John T. Slane'a. No. 7 Fulton at., Brooklyn, at 10 P. M. WM. McMAHON. Proprietor. T ONU BRANCH RACES. Ll JULY I, 4, ?, 8, It, ra, 13 and 15. THOS. MURPHY. Wat. B. Ratjio*, President. muwtary. Boat leave pier 8 at 9-.4S A. M. and ape rial boat from foot of 24tb ?t. at 10-.45 and pier 1 at 11 A. M. _ JJORSKS. CARB1AGEh. DM/. A GREAT BANKRUPT SALE A TO-MOBROW (FRIDAY), JUNE 3il, AT 11 O'CIiOCK PROMPT. AT Till* PRIVATE STABLE NO. 4 WEST 1UTU ST., ONE DOOR Wc.ttT OF 6TH AV.. OF 5 FAST AND RELIABLE TROTTING AND FAMILY HORSIS. ELEGANT WA GONS AND HAKNESS. IO BE SOLD TO THE INCH ES I BIDDER. WITHOUT LIMIT OR RESTRICTION. 8ALB POSITIVE, KAlN OR SHIN P.. FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE TO-MORROWS (KKIDAY'S) HERALD. H. J. GLOVER, ASSIGNEE FOB THOS. A. HERRING, BANKRUPT. AT" CENTRAL PARK RIDING SCHOOL. n Salaa. Training and Boarding Stablca, 7th av. and 58th it FOB SALE?Bandeomn pair or Bays : One road tenia ; 8 aad7 years: 14.3. good tree drivers, and both thoroughly trained to the saddle. Price $000 CHESTNUT ofcLDING. 1 .2: 10 years: will trot cloee to 3 minutes and star all day: alao gaod ladies' or genta* sad dle horse, all gaits. I'rlci> 8230. FINE BLACK GELDING; hiuhly trained saddle horse: 152: lOyears. $250. Also a number of other well bred and trained Horses. BOARD.?A few choice stalls can be had July 1. Board, inclndinc use of King. >15. L' cation Immediately at en. trance to Park; is unsurpassed tor equestrians. KRh.Lt. J. KKgLLHaRDT. A -FINE LOT OF HARNESS TO BE SOU) CHEAP; . BLANKETS, SHEETS. NETS, AC., LARGEST MOCK AT LOWEST PKICE8: SAVE MONEY BY DIRECT WITH 1IIE MANUFACTURER. E. BARTLKTT, #52 WARREN ST.. CORNER O? COLLlitlK PLACE BREWSTER LANDAU, NEARLY NEW; HAND, some top poney Phaeton, leteet style, my ? wn m*v?; open I'oney Phaeton, square box top Wagon, $70. W V.. Il.tiKAY. Factory. 1.404 B oadway. A -Fur. bale CHEAP. 13 ?H)OD BUSINESS ;i. Horses. Apply at No. 3 Vettry H, between Varick and Hudson. ?FOB SALE, FIYK HORSES, SUITABLE FOR . any butlneas purpoee. Call at 376 and 37s Bowery, In rear. rerteetly | LOU. at o A N EXTRA PAIR OF CARKIAGE HORSES: BAY, ' hlack points, l.Vi hand*. * yeara old. sound, kind and ' "y gentle : must be sold. Call on or ad.lroas WM. TA i ? I I old aland of Cochran, McLean A Co., 464 Broad- i ?ay. j Any gbntleman wishing to send his horse and waron to tr,e country for Jnly and Anirnst. where he will have good care and safe handling as a lair considera tion lor %fs moderate use, can hear of an opportunity by ad dressing S. I.. K.. 247 and :M? Water st.. New York. PKT PONY; WITIl" Pi I a KTt)N, AC.. PRICE $200, A suitable for an Invalid laity or children. Address I'ON Y, hliaabeth. N. J. A n N K si DM 1< A k~It ir BUGGY. CITY M a 1 ?E, COST J\ $4 ?>. for $17!t; several aeeand hand Carriages taken lu exchange at bargains. HAM'S, ?%<; Broadway AST PAHTY DBSlRtNO a SOUND. 8TYLli| ciE rlage llnrse. hat. I* hands, used br tiie present own-r four years, always reliable; also s six seated Germantown. in good order, may editress B. P., bos 4.8H8 New York Poet ulUre. N ELEGANT ROAD ESTaBUI if MKNT FO B~S A1.1: cbaap at 144 Sth av. ft AS DsOME, ToU NO. SOI'KD AND OENTLB RAY Mare; trots fast. Also extra dtv Top I'ony Phaoton and Boo Haraoes. at private stable. No. J West 15th si. VERY PINK FULL SPUING TOP WAGON. ALIO Brewster t p ont seat Waron. cheap: hay Horao lor tally's phaeton, price *1011. No. 6 We.t I Sin .t A "FOR Sa'lK Ft>l'R ilORSfvK, KIT FOR ANT KIND ? of iiuainoM. at half vsluf>. Inquire at iuy shop, it.< Stk av., between -'Oth end 21?t sis A -FOR SALR?F1VR I^SiiftsI' iuiTABtir'FOB . larmiag. groeor or any bnalnesa eiiaaf. ICttEllsa betli St.. betwaen Broome and Grand sts. A"_ BAUtiAlN.?Kl\K SiNttLB A.Ml>" DOUBLE. HAK iiess. Gibson maker: hardly soiled. CIuo stable. i:ttl hast 17th at. ?FOB SAI.K. FIVK HttRSES: PIIICE8, $85 TO . el.'..; will salt truck, farm ?r aa> hnalaesa. lUw riontii 5Ut av . between Hreottie nail t.raud sts A" Lit; HT ROCK A WAY, $f<n DRPOTWAOON, K& ."halts. $IU>: top Pen/ Pkaeaon, 688; pony bay Mara, $?6: Pony Phevtea. 67% 511 Tth av. ABABG At A.-iiW WI LL B L i~K B RACT1?" VL TOP pony Phaeton, rout $4W? last month;jt fine ItarneM, $46: at prfeete (table, 3r? IM east of UllmHty place, la IBth st. A. HORSES. CAIUUA6BS. ?C. -aN'Executors' IaC& ~ WILL SELL BY Pl'BLlO AUCTION. ORDER OK EXKOUTOKH THIS DAY (THURS DAY,. JUNK ??. aT 11 O'CLOCK FKOMFT. \T BOARDING STABLE no. U LAFAYETTE P1.ACE, T11K PROPERTY OF JAMES 0. STUYVESAN r, 1JK CEASED. Including the handsomest team of young blooded choitnut M?r?i 1b this State or u> other; perfect models of beauty ?ad perfect pets; * era rtued on toe farm of General Wada wortn at Genetco. and ilred bt an Imported Arabian horse, the property of the late William H. Seward; they are 8 yean old, 15}^ handa lilgn, ooiupaotly made, with One clean necka aud bead* aud spleadul forma, and taok the Mrwt premium at Mate fair for being the closest mated, hand somest and even action and style: they can be driven by anv lady whe can hold rein* with perfect ?afety. and that rtifht up to a locomotive; in tact, they drive themselves; they know at much a* any ordinary driver; they are without vice, trick, fault or blemish; will (tend anywhere without tying, and can to cared Co.- splendidly by a lady or children ; tVioy are alwaye hearty, ragged and neat, and will trot dote to 2together with slack rein*; ere warranted sound and kind. ThU tram most be seen to be appreciated. Fast, handsome and high bred blood nay Trotting Mara, Ir>H hands high. 8 years old; sired by Alexander Abdallah; dam by Kentucky Clay ; was raised by Mr. Alexander ia Kentucky : she baa more styls and action than any trotter to be fonnd: trotted last spring at Prospect Park a trial In 2 :34J?; drlveu by .lack i'hillipa with five woaks' prepara tion; timed by Yaaderbeck; Corrjr, Work and several othera can be referred to; she hat full mane and tail. &ne set of limbs, and requires no booting whaa speeding; has a ragged constitution, great power of enduranco and, it prop erly handled, would trot low down la the twenties: she cau heat 2-Vi any and every day. and warranted sound and kind . withoat fault, trlek or blemish. Also the fan and One oiooded trotting Mare Lad/Wood ford; bred by Jamas H. Clay and sired by Clark Chief, dam three-quai tors thoroushbred; she ia a rich chestnut. 1>% hinds high. fl years old this spring; her first appearance wa? Ht Lexington, when 4ysaisold, wbeu she trotted two hesta la 3:42K aud 2:-t3K; the following spring she was beaten by a half neck only In 2:?4J4; she siaee has been used altogether for private driving; she is a stylish and rlaasant driver and an everyday roadster: she can boat 3-.3.S any da>. and warranted sound and kind. Also blooded Kentucky saddle Horse. 1 !>% hands high,7 years old; dark chestnut, with long, tlowlng mane and tail; has all gaits; guldas by motion ; has taken live premiums at oountry lair* as best taddlar in country; warranted >ouud and kind. Alto two elegant Brewster, of Broome st., side oar. shifting top Wagons, nearly new; one opea road Wagon, Brewster of Broome St., nearly new: one set single Harness, by Comerford; one set by Dunscorabe, equal to new; one set double Uaraesa, by Comerford, with English and Dutch collar, good at new. Also English Saddle and Bridle; also Blankets, Robes, Whips. Sheeta, Fly Nets, Ac. Stock now on exhibition at stable. Sale rain or thine. By order of, RACHEL RTCYVKSANT. Executrix. GEORGE U. CHAPLIN, Executor. CHA& C. Dl'FK. Auctioneer. TUCTION HOTSB OF ARCH. JOHN8TOn7 iv UI, 21. 38 and 25 , 3th it., near University place. SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES ARE HELD EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HORSE WARRANTED SOUND FROM 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST RELIA BLE HOUSE IN THE CITY. OENTLEMEN HAYING HORSES OR CARRIAGB8 to sell, or those wishing to buy. will Bnd our business continued on precisely the same strict and honorable principles which hxve always characterised the dealings ol our house and won the respect and confidence ot the business community, as well as the public at large. A ?MAJOR CHARLES W. BARKER. AUCTIONEER. A. SPEED. COACH, SADDLERS. PRONOUNCED THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY LOT THAT EVER LEFT KENTUCKY. MAJOR BAKKFR TAKES PLEASURE in aunoonclng Captain GEORGE I). MANNA'S (of Bourbon county, Keutucky) FIFTEENTH unprecedented SALE of tbe fastest GREEN TROTTERS In the world. Just arrived from KENTUCKY', to take place on Saturday, next, July I, at U o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S Oitjr Auc Ion Mart and New York Tattenall's, eomer of Broad way and 3Wth St., and comprising TWENTY HEAD of the richest bred In America. Winding cieen horses that caa trot in from 3 minutes DOWN TO 21:3ft, some of the finest coupe, match or T CART IIOKSES, and tbe balance the most super > lot of PREMIUM all-raited combined SAD DLE and harness horses ever brought from the BLUR GRASS region, and all warranted sound and kind. Stock now at the Mart ler exhibition and trial. DR JOHN W. CLARKE, agent for Captain llanna. Is now on hand to give everybody the opportunity of HIDING and DRIVING and TESTING the SADDLE qualities and SPEED of any of tne lot BEFORE tha time of sale. Catalogues, with extended pedigrees, ready. Sale positive. No postponement. -MAJOR VI IA S W. B A RKER, AUCTIONKKM ? The FAMOUS brawn trotting mare MOLLIS SMITH, l">)a high; foaled I8B4. got by Rysdyk's H AM BLKTONI AN, dam by Mainhrino Chief; best RECORD, 2:3S; i* one of tbe best TRACK MARES alive, and cm trot HEATS IN 2:20 or better to-day, and can beat ANYBODY'S horse to road wagon; has Are full brothers and sitters, all of which can BEAT Situ; Is warranted sound and gentle; will be posi tively sold without r<>?orve on Saturday next, July 1. at II o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S t'lty Auction Mart and New York Tnttersalls, comer of Broadway and 3lhh St., where (be it now on exhibition; pedigree and all representations guarantee ri. -IRON GRAY MAKE. ? TKaRS: FREE. STYLISH > driver: bay llorie. sound and kind. 124 Division st. BREWSTER TOP WAGON AND HARNESS LOW tor cash; alto a handsome bay Horse, at stable. IS Weit 27th st. 4 BAY MARE. 15X HANDS. 8 YEARS OLD, FBBo J\ feet In every respect; a lady can drive her. 35 West 29th st. A A? rOR BALK CHEAP, LADV'S TURNOUT; A ? handaotne Horae and top P?nr Phaeton, nearly new, and set of fin* Htroeia; alao a Ann florae: anlt butcher, yrocer or expreat a to. 3T>a Eaot Both at., near 1st at. BRRW8TKR OPBN BAROUUHB, fllO: TWO (rood, gentle Carriage Homes, 93SO| ona fall spring Top W??ou, 9(35. 110 Weat ">oth at. < Byjosrpu"e. weigert, auctioneer^ Kvary Thnrrday at nanovor Regular Auction rialea Sliblo. 141 an 143 WMt '7th *t.. between Broadway nnd 7lh av., will tall thla day. by catalogue, at above (tables. bay pacing Mara, 7 yeara old, true In all harneea, eery Teat and can be driven by ledica. Sorrel Pony florae, aonnd, kind and food driver. Top aide bar Wagon. Bucxakiu Marn, Ind and true In all harnoa*. Pony Phaeton in rood order. Two eeat depot Wacnn. Imported Kutr liai hoirakie Saddle. Fancy Hiding Brldlea. Bay Mare 0 yeara old; warranted aonnd, kind and gentle In all baraeaa and under the aadd'o: liandeome ahirt ing top-bar Wagon, nearly new (to pay advanced: net rubber mounted Slagle Harness; donnle Light Harneas; handaorae Coupe Rnckaway, In perfect order. light full Clan-nee, by Wood Broa.; elaraat Phaeton turnout, with atyllah Oray Mare, gentle, afraid of nothing, pan be driven to pony phaeton by a child: top Pony Phaeton, by Seaman ; other Horaea, Carriagea, Wagona. Ilarneaa. to., a. per catalogue, Buyera invited. Sale positive, rain or ahlne. WEIGH KT A CO.. Auctloneera, 141 Bth at., near Broadway. AROAlN.-HORSE. TOP GROCEKY~WAGO.V AND Ilarneaa, $100; separate If required; half value. 410 Weat 30th at. CVarrTaukh chkap^lakwk AHhORTMENT car J rlages. different atylea, slightly allied (shopworn): sev eral te-ond hand Buggiea. Bofkawaya, Family. Depot Wag ona and Herneae, at MANUFACTURERS' UNION CAB HI AGE KBPOHfTORY. t?i Broadway. C~ARRIAGB REPAIRING?PaRTIES Wirt III NO their ciirriagea dona np dnrlng the anraraer montha will do well to call and have an eulmate on aatae, for first claaa work, at very moderate charger BARTON k BOYLE. No. 6 7th av. (iarbiagb* of all kinds.?top BuaoiKfi, pony J Phaetona. Rockawax. light extenaion top Park Phae tona. and otbera of mv own make, at mannfartnrere' pricet and warranted. Look at my work In Philadelphia Centen? nial Exhibition, No. 7.SH7 CH'8 GRUBS'. 306 Canal H., New York. BLEOANT PRIVATE B8TABL1KHMENT, FOK BALB very chaap.?Glaaa front Laadau. with patent aprlng head, wbereby It can be opened and ahnt with great facility: made t? order by Morgan A Hons, London: plat <-d I<on'I on made Haroeaa to match : Park Phaeton, with shifting top, by Krewatei. of Broome at.: all In capital order: alao pair well breu d?rk bay Heraoa. IH'i hands, "yeara old. a very desirable family team ; will (ell alngly. To bo eeen at No. 8 Kaat H4th at. near ftth av. Mk SALB?THR DAM O. DANDELION, CLASH 3d*: can take apiece ovary time: la a g>od roadater: eound and kind; cheap fur caah. .">95 Atlaotic av.. Brooklyn. rR SALK?TWO GREAT WORK HORHKK; SLIT cart, truck, oxpreaa or farm work: alao aoveral Tracks, esoreaa and bnalneaa Wagona, uew and second hand. Repog Itoij. corner IIndaon and 13th all. ~ Tor"SALE?HORi*t. HARNP.88 AND TRDCK. *250; cost and well worth $M0. Call at MS Eaat 11th st. FTm RALE?A NO-TOP WAGON, AHA FT 8 AND P0L8. ?iaed bnt flvwtlmea and boilt to order by "Hrewater. or Broome at. Can bo eeen at private (table. 111 West Slat at. F" or Talk?a hTnu->o*b bay mark. ia. i. bt Kysdyk'a Hambletonian. 8 yeara old: will ?bow on the track J ISO or better; aonnd and kind. Addroaa 8. 8., Herald office. . IflOlt HALB?POl'R YOUNG ~~HOHSKs, PKOM TO ' 9100: suitable lor anv bualneaa; nan tell. Apply at 430 Kaat IHlb at. FOR SALE CIIEAP-TWO OOOD WORK HORHRfl; suitable for any bntfoeeo: $4.> and ; muat be aold. 1 nun ire at 73 Vandam at., near Ilndaoa. FOR SALR?a- FULLBLOODED. FRESH MILK Durham t'ow; makes li pounds ol buttar per week. 428 East l?that IjiOR BALE-BROWN IIORIIB, 1S.S HANDS; GOOD 1 worker ud driver: price 94ft. Apply to 303 Weat 4^d st.. New York. HARNB8S.-OHRAPEST HARNRdS flTORB IN NEW Tork; good Boggy liar nee*, baad made. Sl.'i: rood Oro?er?' Harness. RM: good no a We Team Harnraa, $."*): a good Horaa Blanket. CI Ad Please call aud examine lor yoorselvea FISMBR k ORBOKK, Maoufacturira. 71 Bar clay at Half a dozbn bugoirb and tw?travelling Ambnlaacea. second band, wanted: perfect order; vary cheap ; caah. Addreaa LI VERY. Herald olftca, MI HT HB ftOI.D.?A PERFECT LAHY'S TUBNOCT Tor tale: new phaeton, baraeaa, blanket*. Ac ; borae very pleasant driver; portectly sound and kind; 8 or it \eattold. CanbeaeeaM RBBITP8 nable, eernar 7th no. and -".id at. ON K LANDAU \M? ONE COUPS. IN GOOD OB der; rami be aold this week. To be see a at M. CL'B LKY'S. No. IOH Kaat I3tb at, near 4tli av. OALK?Mil K IN-llANO OOACU. AODRKS8 WHTP, O Ilerald Uptaarn Breach office. F BCoND hand lam>ai We ofOr lor aalo a nice oarond haad Iuutdau. very Ha^it; Won d auawer for tountey ae well a? rity o?e , our own raako and aa gwd a* tea lor actual aarvtce. J. B. MKEWMfhK k CO .14* Kaat ?>th at. S'BOOKD HAND aiiSiflii 7 Three flee Laadaaleta, two Landaas. Coach, Clarence, live I'aiirioleia, extenaion top Cabriolet, two Hoopoe, ait saat llocaawata two Conpe Rockaoaya. Mall rbaatoa, Maohope Phaeton, two tii-aoat Phaotuna Hog Oarts. T Carta, tup aad nu top Broaiiter A Co. ol Brixniio street Wapnaa A K FLAVOR A L. ?17'J and 974 Broome at. old stand of Brewster k Co, ShCoND Ha.NO H ANN EM?TWO HETK OP hXPKKM or wagon, 9 O a eet. twe (eta of light road at 910 aad 9li. I.A74 Broadway, near *)th at. rpnr" ~waoo*ettil hbatInu-p??ur. J aaltaliid lor Park or caaatry Apply, any hoar, at pri vato atabla 37 West 13th ?t. Hlag ball _ _ _ TOP diol ~BAB BOAD ItaOOM an d If ANN BBS. nearly sow, at a k at gala, store m Mh av., (uraar 19th a* HORSES. CARRIAGES. ?kc. VEBY' CHKAP-tmbbk" horkks, fkoil V I.SOOIm., for waiit of use. Apply to wm. GARdNEB, 575 Grand it. w [ttndsoil PHAKTON, depot and country un. wi offer a bow aud Tory light vehicle for summer uae, to carry four panma, weighing only !m*j pnundt. For aale at oar warerooma, 5ui av. and -'it ??.. >>r at tlrn aetory. J. B. BftKWSl kk * CO.. 14s kait 25th ?t. cxtanted?for TWO :monthh ^lthr w gkntlk 11 llori-e h<rs~aJpasturod for lialf nanni charge, tea mil*a from city (Westchester). Addreu HORSE, box 150 Harald office. W^NTKII-XfINK KOAD housk FOB hi8 kkkp the next two or three monlhi; will be tiled (or pri vate driving only; will be eplendidly handled and cared for in tha country JOHN h. COMER. No. h Marray it. Wamtbd-a toowci', sown tbam of hobsbb; g?n<l action-. 15ti to 16 hand*. Addreu. stating loweit caali prico. MILLS, Herald uptown Hranch ofllca. WaVTBU?a chkbtbc* OOLORfcD hokmb; must hh? mod kne?? action, and be from 15 to 15.3 high. Apply lo JOHN NKWt'o.m b, No. 47 b?iw4?*. WILL bk SOLO TO ?Jtr . '1 obatik ai)vanl'ks? twn Das ltd* oar i'.oad Wairoui: also two Pony I'liaa tona At the eale?ro<>m of TUNIS JOHNSON, Auctioneer, 97 Nastaii it., on Friday. june MO, at 1.' o'clock. aios" BA?li7-TliREB SPLENDID NEW TOP bx <51-') )>r*aa or Grocery wacom. Moan at Mabla 1-4 Watt l?th il DRV GOODS qEoSuTg. b. n. macv a oa, 14th it. and Oth av., CI.OSKD ?? noon July 1 to Jalyls Centennial holiday. All I.I-.1m0 It y A\D oukssm AKIlVt*. ~a ?MARIE T1LMAN, OF PABIS,TMPOKTEft. offers A. a largn aiaortuu-nt or latest fina Parisian Hubdiw Bonneti, Milllnary and english Crape a. 423 6th *v., uaar 2*1 th it. _______________ adies OF TASTE WISHING STYLISH IMPORTED jj Bonnets or round Hati at greatly reduced nrices will Bnd it to their advantage to call at mme. CAMlLLE oe LACY'S, Broadway, near ith* it. ini) oth av., pibst ~k LOO B. k< 'onT)\1 y is loo wealth, an artletlc modiite will cut. baste and drape ladies' ilressei aud will furulah good dressmakers to tluish at $1 5u to $2 per day, witboot board ; out of fmhioa ana mlsilt dresses altered a<iual to new. Please call aud lee specimens cb vtgini AIi 10 VIIIIII I st. ~ Boh a Williams; manufacturers o# PreMe*. dlai and tpecial Machinery, 107 to 173 Plym outh it. Brooklyn. EliROPKA.v MTKA.MSI1I i?s.' ' " . line mall stkaliebs, _ FOR oueenstown AN ii 14 VKBPOOL. CITY OF BERLIN Katur ay, July 1, ut 1 P. M. CITY OF CHESTER Saturday, J nly 13. ut ildoa. M. CITY OF RICHMOND Saturday, July 22, at a P. M. CITY OF bkitl.l N Saturday. Auicuat 5, at 3 P. u. CITY OF chkstkk Saturday, August 1w, at 3 P. M. From pier 45, North llivcr. Cabin, 960 and $1UI, gold. Ileturn ticket! ou favorable tonus, ntecrage. iris, currency. Hralti at loweit rate*. Saloona, itateroouii, imok ng and butb roiunt aiuidi .1 a. JOll.n it. ualh, \_eei, 15 and 3i Broadway. New York HAM bu k?> am brio AN paobkt COMPANY'S i. INK for PLYMOUTH. chkkbouku and HAAlBl.'Rli. LtSfiINO Juu? j?l flusia July 13 WIRLANO Jul* July jo raea of pamage to Plymouth, Loudon, Cherbourg, Ham barg and all poiuU in Knglaud, Scotlaud aud Walaa i? Cabia. Drat aa:oon. gold .....$100 CahA. aecond lalooti, (old,. 00 Steerage, currency 80 kokhabui a 00.. C. B. BICHABI) A BOAS, lieueral Ar?uta. General Paisenger Agenti. 61 Broad it.. New York. 01 Broadway. New York. CtfNABD LINB.-B. ann~ N. A. b. mT~8. h ctt NOTICE. With a view to diminishing thn ehaaoei of colllilon, the iteauera of thli line take a ipeciflc eouree far all leaaons of the rear. Oi the outward paisage from Queanatown to New \ork or Boiton. crowing the me'ldlaaof su at 43 latitnde or nothing to the noith of 4u. On the homeward paeaage, oroaiing the meridian of50 at 42 latitude, or nothing to tue north of 4*J. FROM NEW YORK FOB livkbpool AND QUEENS TO W N. BOTHNIA ...Wod.. June ^sl *uUSSLA Wed.. July 12 ABYSSINIA.. Wed.. July 51 scY! ut A.... Wed.,Ju,yl9 Steamera marked * do not carry steerage paiieu^era Cabin pauage. fs9, $100 and $130. gold, according to ao< eommoiation. Return ticket! on lavorable terma. Steerage tickets to aud irom all parta of hurope nt Tory low ratea. Freight and paaaage Olllco No. 4 Bowling Ureea. FRANCKLYN. ag?nt. UNITED STATES MAll. link-STKAM TO ql'kkns TOWN AND LIVKBPOOL. ?ailing every tl'EBDAT, from pier id. North River. WYOMING.. July 4.4 A. M. i s kv vl?A . ..Inly 25, ? A. M. IDAHO Inly is, .ip. M. | WISCONSIN..Aug. 1,3 P.M. Cabin. fo\ fin anil **?>, currency. - Intermediate, $40; ite>-rage, $-?. Paaaengen booked to aui fiom Parii. ila.nbnrg, Norway, Sweden, ac Drafts on Ireland. England, trance and (lor many at luweet ratea. WILLIAMS k ocion. 29 Broadway. SPECIAL notich.-THK SPLENDID mail 8TEAM ?hip Wyoming **il* from piar 4 . North kiver, loot of i Kin*: >?., f r t^ueenalown and Liverpool. ou Tueailay. J uly 4. at 4 o'clock A. M.: pnaaeiige r to embark Monday evening. yor piiaaago apply to tvllll AMS A OITIO.V, 29 Broadway. Most d7rect and *oonomiu iiioiik to hol bkloicm, tiik RHINE, switzerland. AO., *0.. VIA ROTTEHDAM. .Steamer 8choten.. J uly u| Steamer maa9......July 20 < brae beantilul ateauier*. carrying the ( lilted statea mail to the nrth> rlanda. art* sreat faroritea with tbe public. Trlpa regular, ratea low; cotulort and living perfect. For freltfht, for ttuajn. FUNCH, RDYE k CO. l. W. MORRIS, 30 Broadway. ATIONAL LINK.?KROM PIERS 44 am1> 47 S. B. kdk lomdon DIRECT. holiiand, -Mturday, July 1, 13 M. FOR (jueknstown AMI lil VhKPOOL, ITALY.... July 1. i2:3t) P.M. i sim IS. July 15. 11:30 A.M. THE QUEEN. .July s, 3 P.M. | fcNOLAND.. jmy 22, 3 P.M Cabin paanage. (70 and (8o, rurrenev. Return ticket* at reduced rate*. steerage p*??Hge, ijH. currency. Draft! luned from ?1 upward at current price*. Apply at tba company'* office, 69 Broad a ay. k. W. J. HURST. Manager. WILSON'S LINE FOR SOUTUamftoN AND HULL, nailing from pier 53 North River, a< fallow* i? HINDOO July 1 i otiiello July 20 COLOMBO July 15 | aiuuit 12 Firat cabin. >7(1, currency: aecond cabin, $4.">, currency. bxcunlun tick*!* on rary favorable term*. Through tlckata lamed to Continental and Baltic port*. Apply for full par ticular* to CHARLES L. WRIGHT i CO., 5tt Soutli ?t. Ct wkstern steamship LINK, r TO BRISTOL knulaND) DIRECT. Railing Iroin pier 18 Eaat Kivar a* follow*: ? CORNWALL, Stamper Tuesday, Jnly ii SOMERSET. Weatern Tuesday, July 23 Cabin paaaage, 975; intermediate. $45; tteerage. (30, currency; excursion ticket*.$12<>: prepaid (teerara c*rtlS catea, $2". A|>ply to W It mi iru \ N, a toot. 7<) Sooth at A" NCOOB LINE UNITED (TaTE* Matl STEAMERS. NEW YORK anl> GLASGOW. ki UTOPIA....July 1. Noun i BOLIVIA July 15, 11 A M victoria.. -July 8, S P. M. i A 1.8ATI A Inly 21. 3 P. m NEW YORK AND LONDON. A NO LI A July 8, 3 P. ft. f al STRALlA Aug. 5,8 A. M UTOPIA....Jnly 23, 2 P. m i i'.lvsIa... Aug. ib, ? P. M. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW 1ivbefool, LONDON OR LONDONDERRY. Cabin*, $85 to (bo.currency, according to accommodation*. Excursion ticket* on favorable term a. Btaarage, (.8. currency; intermediate. $.15, currency. drallr lun^d lor any amount al current ratea hkndhhnon agente. No. 7 bowliag Orean American line. Weekly Mail steamship *ervle* between philadelphia AND LIVERPOOL, calling at ljuaenatown. Balling every tharnday Irom rhiladelphia and Balling every Wednesday from Liverpool. The following steamer* are appointed to *a!1 from Phila delphia-? e ?LORD OLIVE ... Jan* 22 i ?CITY of limbiuck Jnly is OHIO June :r.i I.N III ana July 30 PENNSYLVANIA. Jnly il| ILLINOIS July 27 1'lllck OK PASSAGE I.N CURRENCY, Cabin, $75 to $11*>, according to 1 ?ration. Steerage and intermediate ticket* to and iroai all paiata at tba loweat rate*. ?steamer* marked with a (tar do net carry Intermediate. Pa***ngi<r accommodations ler ail classes unsurpassed. Fur paaaaire. rate* of freight ami iniormaliun apply to PETER wklout A s?nb, General ageati. ?.ift Walnut it., Philadelphia; GEO. W. COLTON. 42 Broad sc. New York. JOlfN McDONai-D, pasaanser Agatit, No. 8 Battery place. i^tatk LINK. NEW YORK TO 0I.A800W, liverpool, DUBLIN, BELFAST AND londonderry. from pier 42 North River (loot of Canal at.) a? follow*:? STATE OK INDIANA Thur?dey. June 2* STATE OK pennsylvania Thursday, July 13 STATE OK VIRGINIA ... Tbnraday. July z7 and every alternate 1'bursday thereafter. Klrit cabin. $85 to (no, according to accommodation*; return tickets, $125. Second cabin. fso. return tickcta. mx}. Steerage at loweat ratea. Apply to AUsTI.n BALDWIN A CO., Agente, No. 72 hro*dway, Now York. (tr.braob rickk th AT 45 broadway AND AT THE COMPANY'S l'ir.k, FOOT OF CANAL ST., NORTH riVKR. ONLY DlRKtrr LINK TO FRANCE. thf. ukneral thanimtlantic oomfany's mail stkamkr- beiwk. n NEW YORK AND ha\re. 0all1nii AT I'lymoith (U. b.J tor the landing of pavaengara. The *plendid veaaela on tlii* larorite route for tUa Oantl nent (eaklm provided with electric ball*) will *all irutn pier 43 North Hirer, foot of Barrow et., aa followa larualxir. ^an^lter July i, al 1 P. M. C*Naim, Krangeul satarday. .lul.v 8, al 1 P. M. amkkkji'E, i'eiuoli .Saturday. July 15, at 12 aooti. ?st lai RENT, k*che?ne? lu ) .2, atnii K. M. PRICK OF pa**AUK IN OOLD tiuclndlng wine) Drit cabin. $1 id to $I2H, acconling It arcommo.iatioa. sernml. $72: Third cabin, $*o. Ilea lira t|pkei? at reilnced ratea. fteeratre kft), with ?uperlor *ecomm?datten(, laeludlng wiue. baddmir and nteaalla. without axlra charge maanara marked tbila ? do m<>t earra ?leer aire paaaeagera, L<>i ix dk bkhian. Agent. 5# i iruadway. WHITE (tab LINE. for uukknstown and liverpool. cakkyrsio THE UNITltD HTATKS MAIU Tbe ateaa.era of thta line take tba Lane Route* rewwn mendeal by Lieut. Maury, u. 8. N.. going *outh ul tba Bank* ou the pateage to qaeenatoaa ail tbe year roatxL ufrtnasic inlv 8, at 4 P.M. ch LTIC ?'? Julv 13. at 11 A. M. kkitlnnic Jnlv2?. ?t ii A. ti. oki1m vNlfl Anguat 13. at l?A. M. CELTIC Aagual iu. at ? P. M. Krmi White Mar Docka, pier 5?, x.,rth klv r Rate*?Saloon. (Ml and (100. In gold: rataru ticket* oa rra*oa?ble tarma Meera^e. $2A e saloon atateroomi, amokibg aad bathroom* are nflieed amldablp*. where the noiae aad motion areleatt, alvrtjig a degree of com fart bitnerto onattalnabla at *ea. Ker ln(p*<*tloa ofnlana and otber Information apply at the oompaay t odea, s7 Broadway, Now yotk. B. J. OOBTZa, AgaaV F EUROPEAN NTEAHKHIM. N*'obth okbmak lloyu ^ (.TLAMSIIJP link BBTWBEN new yohk. Southampton and u h kmr.n. Company's pier foot ol .'<1 *1.. Hoboken. DON A U... .Saturday, J illy 1 I OUKK Saturday, July 15 EHhl.N ..haturdav. July 8 | M A IS.... Saturday, J uly 'J2 hates of trow New York to tioutbaraptuii, Havre or lireuioii I irol Cabin. $1<X), gold; Second Cabin, $60, gold; Steer age. $ 0. currency. Return tickets at reduced ratea Prepaid Mromse Ciirtlflcates. currency. Kor (reiKbt or passage apply to OKl.Kli?H."> A CO. N<x - Bowling (ireep. COVSTH 1SI5 STEAMMIUPs. PANAMA TRANSIT AND PACIFIC MAIL * I STKAMSHir LINK A. For CALIFORNIA. JAPAN. CHINA. AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, OI1KUON. Ac. Sailing Iroin pier 4'.' North Klver. For SAN FRANCISCO via InTIIMUN OF PANAMA, Rtcainsnip COLON Sutnrday, July 15 btsamsiiip ACAPCLCO Saturday, J my 2D connecting lor Central America and Smith I'aciitc porta. From SAN FRANCISCO to J APAN and CHINA. Steaiohip 011 Y OK PKEIN Saturday, July 1. For freight or passage .ipplr to WB. P. OLYDK A CO. or II. J. BCLLAY. Hapcrintandent, No. ii Bowline Urcun. pier 4'J Nortb i iver. font Canal st. OH NASSAU. N. P.?REGULAR BAIL HTEAMSIIIF LEO leaves New York Jolv 1 ? MBbeat. fErris a ca. ea south u. ctar ball line. D UNITED STATKS and brazil M AIL STl'.ABSIUPS, sailing monthly Iroui Watson I wnarl. Biookiyn, N Y., tor PARA. l'KKNAMBUCO. B UilA and KlO JANEIRO, calling ut St. John's, Porto Kioo. Mil.LI Is MARTIN. Satardajr. July ft. JOHN BUAMALL. Auiiuit -. , Passenger aecuiu limitations flr.t clxss. For freight and ituo^a. *( reduced rates, apply to J. TI'CKKR A 00, Agi'UU, ">4 Pine It. Fob Sew orlkans i?iBor. TUB CROMWELL LINE. Tile steamship KNICKERBOCKER. Captain Kemble. en SATURDAY. July 1. at 8 o'clock P. M., ?rotn pier No. 0 North Hiver. Through bill* ol lading glvou to Mobile and ail principal points on the Mississippi River. Cabin passage, $.>U .steerage, f'JA. App.y to CLARK A SRAM AN. srt Westat. VT Y.. HAVANA AND MEXICAN MAIL BS. LINK J.1 ? Steamers l>nve |r.?r No. J North River at ?'? P. M. FOlt HAVANA DIRECT. CITY OF MEXICO Thitreday, J uly ? CITY OF YERA CBl'Z Saturdav, J uly H KOR VERA CRUZ AND. NEW ORLEANS, via Havana. Progroso, Catnpeachy, Tuspan ami Tanipico. CITY OF MEXICO Thursday, J uly B For freight and nanta^e apply to F. ALEXANDRE A SONS, 31 and *1 Broadway. Steamers will leavo New Orieoiis July 9 and July 30 for Vera Cms and all tbe above port*. rriBXAS LINE KOR OALVKstTON. TOW^lM AT KKT 1 West, currying the Inited Statei maiL The et?ami-r CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Captain PeiiniiiirUm, will sail on Saturday, July 1. at K P. M.. from pier JO Kxst River. Through bills of lulling given to all points on the Houston a- d Texas, i antral Intcrt atioaal and Great Northern. Oal veston, Houston and Henderson, and the Oalveston. ilanls buru and San Antonio Railroads. Freights and iniurancii at loweet ratea. Kor freight or pmnait", having unperior act'oinmodailoni, apply to C. H. MALLOBY A CO., l.Vi Maideu lane. NLY DiRK.f LINK KOR FLORIDA.?WKEKLY liuii for Port Royal, S. C.; Keruandlini, r la.; Bruuawick, (U. Sniiinn ivry Tiiur?il?y Iroiu pier 20 Ke?l Itiver Tb? ?t?ani*r CITY OK DALLAm, Cuptain Hinet, will eail Thurs day, June'if, at 3 F. M., for Ktritandiua ami Port Rovnl. Tiirough ticket# is?u?d to all points in Florida. Kor freight or passage apply to C H. MALLORY A CO., or HERMAN OKLPOKI'., I >3 Maiden lane NEW YORK AND HAVANA DIRECT MAlL LrNE^. Tliese llrst class sti'aiuKhips will sail at 3 P. M. front tiii>r 13 North River, foot of Cedar sk, lor Havana direct, as follows *? COLUMBUS Thursday, June 39 WILMiNOTON .Tuesday, Ju v 11 Kor freight and passage, having unsurpassed accommoda tion*. applr j? (j|,YDI-: A CO.. No. 0 Bowling Orcen. McKELLEU, LUL1NO A CO.. Aiceufs in Havana. o OB HALIFAX, N. a, AND ST. JOHNS, N. f. CROMWELL STEAMSHIP LINE. MORiiAN'S NEW YORK, NEW ORLEANS AND Texas ktoaiuslilps. ?Tlirt BRASHEAR will sail Irom pier 30 Nurth Uiver on Saturday, July 1. at 3 P. M , for Nrw Orleans direi't, transferring Texas freight there to Morgan'* lionlsiana ami Texas lull mad lor Morgan City, the rice per Morgan's steamers to Texas ports. Through bills ol lading signed to all points on the Mississippi River, Mobile, Oal vestou, lndianula. Corpus Christ!, Rockport. Brasos San tiago, Brownsville and to all points on the Oaivcston, liar riaburg uud .-Min Antonio, Houston and Texas Central, In ternutional and Oroat Nortnerit Texas Pacific and Trans continental Railroads. Frslghts lor St. Marys and Fulton landed at Rockport. Lighterage and channel dues at Carpus Christ! and Brasos Hautiago at the expense and risk ot consignee. Insurance can be effected under open policy of 0. A. Whitney A Co : to New Orleans. \ per cant, to Texas ports. \ per cent. Per freight or further information apply to CHARLES A WHlT.stY k CO., Agents; office, pier 3J F M ^Steamers leave pier 10 North River following days, at 3 OKOROE WASHINGTON Friday. June 30 GKOHUK CBOMWBLL Tuesday. Julv 11 Most direct, quickest and cheapest rnnte to Nova Sootla, Newfoundland and the Lower St. Lawrence. Kxcellent pas senger accommodations, l or Irelght or paesare apply to CLARK A SKAM AN. Hii West sl OLD DOMINION STP.AMSHIP COMPANY, falling from pier 37 North Rivor. Kor Noriolk, City Point and Richmond. Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at b P. M.. connecting with the Virginia and Tennessee Air i.ine, Atlantic Co set Line. Piedmont Air Line, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and with tbe com pany?steam lines to Interior points in North Carolina and Virginia. Newbera and Wasulngtou, N. C. <*ta Norlolki, every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. . _ Lewes. Oel.. Monday. Wediie?iiay and 1-rldayat 8 P. X, connecting with Maryland and Dataware railroads. Passenger accommodation* unsurpassed. Through passncre ticket* and bills of lading to all points at lowest rates, insurance to Norfolk, Ac., ht percent. Freight received daily at pier 37 North Ri?ar. Oeneral offices, lUT Greenwich it. N. L McCRKaDV, President. TRAVBIiLGRS' til I!>??>. A"^-CATSKILL t.KICi-.K DaILJ LINB.-STKAMER ? KKW CHAMPION .Motulav*. Wedueaday* and frl d?i?: uteatner WALTER BitKTI Tuewlaya, I hureday* and Saturday*, at 0 P. \l.. from pier ?U. lout of Canal at., con necting at Catakiil with Western at azea. Care, die. A~~ LBANY?PBOPLK>8 I.IN K.-STEAMBOAT* LRAVK pier 41 North Kiver daily, Sun<lay excepted, at i> P. M., lor Alimnv and all p< Int.* North ami We*t; great redaction* lu (are. Excursion ticket* to Albany. Saratoga, Montreal and return. Meai* on European plan. ALBANY .ND TROY BY DAY BOATS C. VTBBARD ami DANIEL DREW. ? Leave Ve?try at. pteratS:tO and 2-Hh at. at k :3'> A. M., lamling at Nyaek and Tarry town tby ferryboat!, Waat Point. N'ew nrg, roiuhkeepele, Khinebeck, Catakill and Hudaou. CloM connection at Albauy with new train at 8:.iO P. M. for tlio West, over New York Central uud commencing June 2B by apeclal train to SABATOOA and ROUND LAKE. To Weit Point and.N.iwIiuru anil return aurae day. Sl. Ponglikeeinl*. f 1 Au i ?HZGliLANDS OP TBK~HUDSON BT DAYMUHTl A. The MARY POWELL. for Wait Point. Newburg, Poughkt-epale. Ilondout and Klugitoa. leading at i'o??ena', Cornwall. Milton and New Hamburg, and Marlnore bv ferry, will leave pier ;?> North River (Veatry at.) ilally. Sunday* excepted, at 3:30 P. M. Connects at Poughkeepaie with evening traina fur the North. I^saratooa-dIrect ROUTE, VIA ciTIZKKd' ? line. Elegant ateamera leave pier 49, North River, foot Laroy it, d uly, except Haturdav, at tf P M. Through fare onl i (J ?'?()': excuralou tii-kota, good for 90 days. 94 SO. BROOKLYNr MBW_ YORK AND NEWBI'~rT}~ BY ?tcamboat Alt.MKNlA.?Leave Fulton at., Brooklyn. at9: Veatry at.. New York, at and 24th at.. at ?: i.l A. M? 1..inline at Yankera lona Iiland, i.'ouem, Wert Point ami Cornwall. Returning, arrive at Brooklyn, 7 IV M '1 tcketa for the round trip, ft. (1ITIZBNLINK STEAMBOATS FOB TROT^iTaLL J point' Northeaat and Weat. leave dally, except Satur day. at tl I' M., from pier 4a North River I) AII.Y LINK TO NORWALK.?pake REDUCED. By the *arll\ rteamer AKROWKMITH, leaviag Jewell'a wharf. Brooklyn, at it :30 P. M.; pier :I7 Eaat River. 'J :4ft P M . and foot or 3.JU it., 3 P. M.; returning, leave* Norwalk at 7:.'>0 A. M.. dally (>undaya excepted); connecting each way with the Dam.ury and Nor walk ami New Haven railroad*. Pare. MmH! exeur?ioa tlckota. .'*> cent*. J EXCURSION TICKETS >OK PHI LAllKLPHI A. NEW ?j Line and Long Braaeh at Oratin'* Expr***, 6J Watt it id n . corner Broadway. Fall river line to ho-ton, via Newport and Pall River -The world renowned ateamtioat* BRISTOL and PROVIDENCE leave pier "JS North Klver. foot of Murray at.. daily (Sunday* Included), at 6 P.M. Through ticket* told at ail the principal hotel* in the city. F TJ10R WHITE8TONB, LLOYD'S DOCK, COLD r Spring, Laurel toe and Oyator Hay. Mtetioer Oolden Date daily except Sunday) from ular (1. Kaat River, foot Pike *t.. at i P. M.; U:id at., Ba?t River, 2 :2U OR BONDOUT AND EINOSTON, CONN (JTINO WITH _ tiie U later and Delaware Railroad. laaditir at Highland Pall* jWe*t Point). Cornwall. Newhnrg. Marlboro. Milton, Pnughkeepai*, Kmpai. ateaniboate THOMAS CORNELL and J\MBS W. II.\l<i>WINa Iron pier fool of Spring*!, North River, dally, at 4 P. M. OLD BHTABLIsnP.D LINK POR MfTTIMt CATS kill and intermediate lan itng*. ?Steamer ANDRKW HARDKR, iroia Pranklln "t. iDler 3S), Tuewlay, Thur?da? and Saturday; eteamer MONIT IR, Monday, Mednenday and Kriday. at ?> P. M. ^____________ PIIILADBLPHIA YIA LONO BRANCH AND TIIB N'ew Jeraoy Soatlieru Railroad. ? Kara lower than by an? other route, commencing June lit. 1S7B. Letvo New York lr..m pier S North Itlver. loot Reetor at., 1:4 > A V. for Long Braacli and Saa Hirht. Ac, A. M, for Philadel phia Ling Branch, Tnma iliver. waratawn anil Vlneland, M. for Philadelphia. Long Braanh.tand Tacaerton; 4 P. M.. lor l<ong Branch Toaia Kiver and Waretewn, ft: 0 Y. M. arcomiandatloa for Long Branch. Kaadaya M MO A. M. lor I-ng Branch, murniag at 5 P. M. FKNNS.Y1.VAM A RAILROAD ORKaT TRUAS link AND I'NlTl'.D STA fKs MaIL BOCTE. Train* Leave New fork, via Deebrooeaa and C'onrtlandt Street* Kerriea. a? loliow*: ? Expreaa for llarri?hnrg. 1'ittat urg. the We?t and Month, with Pullman Palaoe ('ara attach* I, ?;;io A. M., 0 and 8 ;:*> P. M. Sundar. ? and 8 -*) P M. For Wtlllainaport, Lock llaven. Carry and Brie at 9dn A, M. and ?:*) I*. M., i-nnnrctintfat Curry for Tltanvtlla, l'a trnlenm Centre and the Oil Ragioaa Fnr Baltunure, WaeMngton and the Soath, "Limited WaM InKton Kaproaa" oi Paliman I'arlor Car* dailr, exeapt huuiiev, VM A. M.; arrive Waahington 4 :lu P. M. Regu lar at S ;40 A M . n and ? I*. M. Sunday ? P. M. Rxpreae lor Philadelphia. 7. T M *>. ? "ft A. M.. 13310. ?. 4, 4 in, ?'>, f. 7. s-^o HP. M. and IJ night. Sunday 5. <. S :*) and W P. M. Eralgrant and **cond claaa, 7 P M. K..r Centennial Depot at 5 :*). MD, 7 m, HAM., and 9 p. M. Katamiur. leave Oantannial Depot at L 4 45, i fi :;u, ? and 7 !'? M, t u j l'i r traina to Newark. Klliabetli. llanway. Prince too, Tren- ! tun. Perth Am boy Platniugten, Belvidorai and otaar I nointa. aee leva, arbednle* at all ticket oflieea Trama arrlva Prona Pitt>l)uei:. 0 3" and ll? :?) A. M. and i IliauP, M. daiiy; 10:11) A M and <? >>l? M. daily, ex cept Menday. Kroiu Waahington and Baltiatur*. li::?)A. I M.. I, Ti :ln and lOrJD P. M.; .inaday t?:*i A. K. Prom I Mladelnhia ? M.'>. H'Jii, ti^ki. I<> It). 11 "Jtt. 11 *i A M? ' 3'l". 4, 6:1*1. W :l'k 0:'d|i " Ml and 10HU P M.; Snaday, (MM. II au. ?*|. 11 :;ai A. M .BiMinnd lo w P. M Ticket OlHee> .ijfl and H44 Broadway, No. I Aator Hot***, end foot of Daabroaee* and t;?nrtlaadt ate, Mai 4 Cfort au, Hrooklyn; Noa 114. I IS and IIS iladaaa at., Hak.ikaii; depot, .laraey City. F.migrant Tlekat OAca, No. S Battery "'"p'RAK* THOMSON. D. M. SOTD, Jr., Wanarai Manage* B?lal PniiMif A?*aV TltAVKt. LI'.ltN' GIJIOK. OTONINGTON LINK FOR BOSTOM. ? Reduction of Kara. steamers RliOOK INLAND and S AIIH All VNSETT. friM> pier XI Nora:, River, loot of Jav ??. at 5 P. M. frovitlcoi** Line, lrnrn pier 27 North River, loot of Park place. Steamship* ELECT*A un J GALATi-.A. at ? .30 P. St. i l.'STK A I.I A PIONEER I.J N I.?SU IP GiiOROtf .1V THOMPSON, for M? Ibonrne. In ami I July 1. and bark 1. S \ KU i. NT, for Stdnej, de.oatrh, J>ily !<">. will take a few paa-rnyers. (fable. $2'ai. current-.; intermedials, Irlln. currency. Apply to K. W. CAMERON A CO., 23 .Soutil William ?(. K Xt'l' It MIOSIS. A ? DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION ' ' A. to day and every ray. JARRETT * PALMER'S PALACE STEAMER PLYMOUTH HOCK. FOR HOCKAWAY BEACH and the ATLANTIC OCEAN, ohakITmusical FESTIVAL. Madrigal >lo*urt Glee Club, Select String OMMrtn, Chureh Cbixuee, liorifte W esUin. bunjuist, Ac. AFTERNOON TRIPS ONLY mis WEEK. FARE, for the I.* are foot of 2'Jd it.. N. It., at 1 30 o'clock. Utvg pier No. 2. N. R.. at ? o'clock. whole excursion FIFTY CKNT> Siugle trip tickets (to or hum Rockawayj 3.'> cent* v NEXT SDN DAY, July 2, nod svery day thereafter, the PLYMOUTH ROCK will niaku two trip*, a morning and afternoon excursion. A TENDER TO THk " ~ Pi.VMOUTH ROCK will be run from the New York East River pier, WUUaaa* bare and Boonklvn EVERY MORNING AND EVENING after July 4, connecting with the PLYMOUTH ROCK at pier 2 North River, on tier ROOKAWAV H E AC 11 and AT 1.ANTIC OCEAN trip outward mid homeward. TtiU will b? mi accommodation to thousand* ol residents of Williams burg. Brooklyn and of the oast aide who desire a sail on ' the pride of .New York harbor," the most superb pleasure steamer la the world. For particulars of time nl landing, Ac., aee next week'a announcements. A -ROCKAWAY BEACH RXCURSlONtL TWENTY MINUTES ON THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. FOUR EXCURSIONS DAILY by the favorite and roniiuodloua excursion uoamer*, AMEKICUS ant NEVKRSINIL Musical entertainment by tne celebrated it bv tt ORPHEUS (1LEE CLUB. AMEKICUSLEAVES 24th ft, N. K. I lUth ?t., N. R. I Vesey st. I Fulton ?t.. B'n. A. M. P M. A. M. F. M. A. M. J'. M. A. M. P. M. 8 :30 and 1:15 and I :ViT? I IMJ? 1:4U I ?:20 and 2 :U) NKVERSl.Nk LEAVES EAST RIVKR. 8th *t., E. R. I S. Int. Wmsb K. I Ora?ul it.. N.Y. I Brooklyn. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M A. M. P. M I A M. P. M. BOO 18:43 | 8:1ft and 1? |S:30 and l:lii|HM> 1:30 Steamers leave Rockaway at 11 A. M , 5 andS :l& P. M. Kara, 3.'? cents. Excursion tickets, SOc ills. Return ticket* irood on either above boats. NOTICE.?No delay frum low tide. Only bonta makinic the upper landings at Rockaway. On SUNDAYS the (teamen WILLIAM COOK and ARROWSMITII will make excuraiou to Rockawav is connection with the above boats. A?EXTRA ROCKAWAY' EXCURSIONS. ? The mammoth pleasure steamer WILLIAM COOK, with spacious decks and broad awninjrs, will leave every diiv, commencing Tuesdiy, June -7, from Went J4tb St.. f 10:30; West 10th at. at 10:4^, plor No. 2 North River at it and Brooklyn at 11 :I0 A. M. Proceedlnic directly down the hmli?r and out on the ATLANTIC OCEAN to the most popular watering place iu this country, ?hw> pttuemfer* are allowed TOREK IIOI'RS TO ENJOY THE COOL HRKK/EH ON 'ItlE REACH. Raturnluif, leavee Hookaway at 4:H(> P. M, No crowd?every passenger guaranteed a comfortably shady neat. Fare lor tbe whole excarelon 5i) cents. CONTERNO'S CELEBRATED 2HD REOT. BAND. PHILLIPS' tILKK CLUB: PKOKESSOR SOLTAU, THE RENOWNED CORNET PLAYER AND FI AN 1ST, will entertain passengers on the trln. Return tickets are good on tbe AMERICUH and NEVER SINK for tbose who desire to stay on tne beach later. A" ?FISH I NO* BAN KS EVERY DAY "(SATURDAY! ? excepted).?Ocean steamer SETH LOW. leaving Harrlxon st.. North River, 0 .30; Sth St., East Hlver, 7; plsr 27 Ean River, 7:15; UHli at . North River, 7:40; pier B North River, 8 A. M. Tickets. $1 AL. O. FOSTER, Manager. j^Ul?1774?FOR CONEY ISLAND DAILY?Ii7?.? Tbe new steamer IDLICWILD will ran to Coney Island on aud aRer San lay. June 11, everyday, loavlnir 2:id sr. N. R.. ? A. M.. 12 M. ana J P. M.; loin st.. N. R?, 12:10 and 3 10 P.M.; Franklin it., N. R., 9:20, 12:.W aud 3il> P. M.; pier 2 N. R.. 9 JO, 12 :3.? and 3 :3 P. >1. The PILOT BOY leaves 2;id st, N. R. 1U:.10. 1 .30 and 4:.'I0 P. M.: lOtn St.. N R, 10:40. 1:10 and 4:40 P.M.; Franklin St., N R., 10 :50, 1 and 4 y>h P. M : pier 2 N. It.. II A. M.. J and 5 P. M. ELIZA IIANCoX, June 18. from EAST RIVER, will leave 3*1 st , t? A. M., I.':80 and 3;3(>P. M.; 'J.'ld St., 0:10 A. M? 1240and 3 40 P. M.; Sthst.,?:20 A. M., 1J :'>0 and 3 M P. M., Pulton ferry, Brooklyn, 9:33 A. X., 1:05 aud 4 . A ?AT-DA1L.Y AMD SUNDAY EXCURSION'S TO JX. Fertile. Pleasant Valley and Shady Side.?Steamboats leave Canal st. daily at H:4r> and 10 A. M. : 2, 3:15 and 7:15 T. M. Sunday at U. 10 and 11 A M.; 12 M.. I, 2, 3, 4,? an4 7 P. M.; landlnx at 24tb and 34th sta. (diUly and Sunday) 10 miuutes later. Round trip, 23c.; children half priae. i _?Zto CHARIER^ STEAMBOAT FORT LEE; J\. will accommodate 4t*) pasaeneers; price fMtoflOO per day. Apply in tbe afternoon at 47 Knltm st. A?FOR EXOUIIBIOM8?fALOON STEAMKK WTO ? inlnic; Harces llep ibllc, Chicago, Baldwin,Caledonia and Anna. Oriental, Excelsior, Karttan Beach, Alderney Park, Cold Spring ?nd iona Island Grovel- Address or inquire at 384 Weet st., opposite Christopher street ferry. H. b. CROSSKTT. ?CHOLERA RANKS, SATURDAY Nl OUT, J U LT ? 1.?Ocean steamer SET11 LOW, pilot Captain Saru. Greenwood, leaving Harrison it , North River, 12 M.; lUMI at., North Hlver, 12:10; 8th at.. East River, 12 :M>: pie J 27 Enst River. 1 A. M.; tickets $2. Steamer WILLIAM FLETCHER la place of Beth Low to Fulling Banks. Snna day, July 2. AL. O. t OST..R. Manager. Daily family excursion to fihhing banrb? Cool breeses! good iishinic.?The popular and welt kuown steamer I'Wil.IOHr leaves dally (Saiwrda/n ex Oepted), Harrison St., N. K., SAM; Grand at., B. R.,8:15j piar 27 R. K.. H:30; 10th st., N. R.. 8:4ft; pier 2 N. R.. 1 o'clock.; retnrning by S P. M. Bait and Bahlng tsckla on board; music and refreshment*. Fare for gentlemeu, 811 1 idles. .'?<) cents. This steamer is handsomely fitted u| with staterooms and all aecommodations of a first olvai hotel. Foil EXCURSIONS- THfc LA ROB FIRST CLASS FAe ?orlte Stsstnhoata Sleep* Uollow. now called iho LONQ BRANCH, Mud MKT AM OKA. EnglSSWwod, Alpine, Dui ley'e, Spring IIill, Mjer?' and lona l?Und Grorei. with UtrgtKMl Natid all kinds. J. MYERS. corner Mortoa and ff?? *t?. _________ ORAND~EXCURSION, JULY 4, 187B. FOR WEsl Point ami Nrwburg.? The Iwn sad magnificent etsami-r Tliomaa Cornell,leaving foot or Spring it.. plar 41 North River. at S A. M ; Fulton ?t.. Brooklyn, at S:'M) A. M. j Cunard Dork. Jersey City, at S:45 A. M., and foot of 334 ?t.. North Hlver. at 1? :l5 A. M.; Bar and Refreshment! to tot. Inquire of DAN. VOI'NU, Manager, National Hotel, N'o. 5 Cortland! it.. N*w Tor It. ION A I nLAND, WEST POIKl' AND NKWMirku.-iiEH advertisement of ?tcamhoat Armenia. lira: size "ccts. in" colors, or IJ llaye* and Wheeler. taken from the best photographs. doslgnsd for poatera and transparencies. Republican cluha supplied at the lowest rstos. METROPOLITAN PRINTINO COMPANY, Herald Hulldlnr. 2IH Broadway. w MAUNIFICEST BAKOE II101. KNOT, CAPABLE OP lu>l Inc 1.000, to let. except Sunday*. Apply to J. A. MCRPHY. ftth St., North Klw.jjn board. ROiTkavTaiTBEAOH-HTKAMER* MARION LEAVES daily from :t4th at., at ? A. M.; Kraiikllu at, at lu A. M.; la re 3.'? corns; ascurtlun tieknu 50 mu; laaro tho Beach at 4:30 P. M. EST POINT, NPWBURU, POl'UHKBBPtflB AMD return tain a day by day lino steamers. PIASOFOllTKS. ORUAJI8, <tv. J I?FOR BBjft.' urdaill! Mjll AKK AND <jkand ? I'ianoa of oar own make; also tor sale and mat, a niAnbar of line second band Piano*. In perfect order. WILL 1AM K.NAHK A CO.. No. 113 Stk nr. above Itftb ?V BRILLIANT TOSKO Tk OCTAVJl WINDSuB PiHimiorte. coat fl.OW, for fJfiO; Stool. Cover. Musis Cabinet, also a taagaittcent rmr >oml Piano far $7f>. Call nt private residence No. 12 ( Went 'Aid at., noar iHh av. A ?PI A NO PORT KS TO RH.NT. OP OCR OWN MANU At fsetiire . also second hand Pianos lor aala nt motlltli p less. By CIIIt.'K KRlNO A SONS, I3u :.tb av.. Ibth ?t. ABEaCTIiTL SQUARE PtANOPOBTB, BTi; CHICK ering upright Pianoforte, carrsd log*, avory itnpruvs* meat. great aacrlllee ; will bo rented. J. MIDDLE, l:i W averlry plaoa, near Broadway. IaOWPICR. -K?l It EOVkFCOHNKHJID. BLB gantly carved I'lanotorto. Ilnll"t A T)%jrit makers, 7 Otintri. ?il modern Improvements i cost BBUO, for toss $3UI. 3H Ktw M St.. noar -d a?. I"5 HCIIlJLKit. EAST I4TII ST.-UPBIOUT AND 1 . eqnare grand I'I antra and Organs, cheap lor cash, on instalment* and to real. /'RIAT BAIMAIVS- NKW ANII nfcCOND HAND IT I'ianoa beat quality, low for ra*b, at FiSCHEB'B, 43 I. m > t JUtti si. Private pamii.v offer b? ????. mpbrb 71-3 ro*ewood Piano; co?t fU"> last Marsh. "peculator ?>r dealer can make money on It. Call residence, .'i4Kail Hth at. Private family opfkb. pok less tiiaS '$?**>, 7 1 .i octave rot*wood Ptanoforto,coat?**?? laat Marsh; spocnlntor* or dealora can mafco monoy M Bast t|k at. CJTKI.NWAV'S. WKUtR'n. CHIOKKRINO'S, WaTKBS' 0 and other first elaaa new and aeeond hud Square and l;[.riifht Piaaoa and Organ*, at entrnordiusry low prtcoa for Mk, '? to lei tin il (milt for aa psr contract; to rant in *tty oruonatry from lit < $7 per inoatb. IIOKACK WATKKS k SONS, 4^1 Broadway. WANTED- A UOOD SECOND HAND UPRIUUT Piano, i h?an for raab. Addra**, Mating U>* vary lowast K , *tatinn O. 1 "OCTAVB PIANO, All 0OOO A* BBW ?T 1 Sirinway. Wsber, Whickering: lew pries*; L'p nglt 7 ociate, <I3&; rent >ii i|iian.>rly. UOKDON A m)N, 13 Bast 14tb it. __ WMT UFFIIR KVrlCR. 3 t>osr opVit'E SotWIl run V iKEi'iN m ails f'OB 1 the weak endinK Saturdar, Jaty I. 1171, will clu*e at tblcoftimnn W?dn*?oay, at 7 A. M.. tor ' urooe par Iteam *blp lli'tliiiia, *la v'i--"i?to? n ; on Thursday, at 11:30 A. M., furl-.nrop*, p?r utoamablp !<*??<n,:, via Plymouth, < tMrboarg and Haw urg, on Saturday, at I'1 A. M.. lor Europe, psr ataatnaklp Clt> of Bsrlta, ?i< <4n?enstowB and at IO A M ler Prance direct, psr atesonbip Labrador, via Havre, ami at In A. M , for Si-.dland direct mast be (ps Siall> fc-l'iie??e,l , par Hsaiaebip Ktlnopla, via lilaagowj aii'i at II 'Mi A. M for Buroua par *tea?*lilu Donaa. via hvuibeniptoo and Bramsn TUe maila for the Wsst lodien, r a Havana, will It a?? Now ? ork .funs 2U. Tba malls for CMta.Jla .tHU leave San Pr*aol?eo July 1. Tba mall* for Aaatralla. Aa . will loss* Han Franci?eo Jaly IB, l*W T L. .IaKRS, I'oatiuaatsr. POIilTIlAL. E SI*K <;0TH. IN l^ototui,' 1 liar** and Wiiooter, , -u. taksa from the k**t abotographa. <M po*t#r* and irantparasMlaa. Reparlloa* elnfe* ?applied at the lowest rate*. MBTBOPuLiTaN PIUNTINO COl