Newspaper Page Text
THE EXHIBITION. T*X DXPABTVENT OP ?EMISSION'S AHD HOW IT lH BCBDIVIDEP?MLINS O F BXTEAKCE?DD '17Eli AND 8AI.A1UK8 Or THE 6AT*KEEPEItS ? rflK I'.MPEBOB OV ntZU YIS1TINQ THE liBOOHDa Pan.ADH.ruu, June 28,lSTd. ?Jue of the leaat understood, if uot the least appre i"4Md, subdivisions into which tbe work of practically operating in* mi?bty ceutenn al enterprise hi- been i rlded, is the Department ?!' Admi.?i>a>n3, a bureau of inestimable importance and exceptionally intelhfeut luaaagement. There arc It's employes, d.vided into six moa j groups, lour groupa for complimentary aud rihlb,tors'gates, three return pas* check groups .?nil he wagon gale keepers. The detriment U tii ekUfl oi the Ceneral Man:; r, David '? Yates, assisted by his aid, Captain "*s. W. Keys, tbe "chief clerk; Arthur l'ttacher and t uief Inspector Colonel C. 1*. C. Bllmaker. The cliiet inspector is assisted by thirteen general inspectors, aanialy: ?J. D. Murphy, Major(Jeorye 1.. White, iJeorge u. Hat tan, J. A. Cutler, W. K. Slliii, J. I. Thayer, Major ... Harwood, G. W. Chapman, K. C. Waterman, J. A. Dugan, Captain It. \. Herring, J. V. liarton and Colonel John Lucas. The mniey groups r?r? so divided that Jlicy are rel eved twice a dar and are, consequently, .?hanged (rout one pott to another. The exhibitor*' aud complimentary urn up- bave only one relief, but man three posts. The return pass check men are placet! near all tlieexit gate-; ami are under one inspector, :\o?. j.' .%(j'l jo are kept o|?u all day and night, except tialwron the hour* af twelve iniduiglii and tour A. M.. lot the a< eommodal <mi of guards, member* of the Kiro liepartmeut and person k re- i.ling in the ground*. Cates Noe. tiSand At are for tbe tidtni&aion of workmen Irotn lour to eight X M The wagon Kate* are guarded by i wi nty ,^i\ men, under Captain John Lucas, and are - tt open lrotn lour to eight A. It. After that hour no i earns are permitted to enter the grounds except ou -ue< ul pass?*, whiei. are only issued in ca.-iti ol :tl>?o Jutc cere sity. vs Mrangora havo been much puzzled as to wM line of cars to take lu order to be landed near one {of the entrances or the frounds. It should bo stated that it would ba mora difliculi to Und a section where there are no I .'ate* than where there are many. *t the eastern end i f tbe uiain building will ba found sixteen galas, e\. fending irow ocraer to corner. Near the centre of the ?ame structure are ?*|shl more, aud at tti"" weat end six loan. West of the Centennial Hank on K I in avenue are lour gates; at the juuction of Kim and Halniont ave nues, sixteen; at tjie ceotre of Mai iimery llall, four; u?ar Kill y-second street, lour; on Ueorge's Hill, i\\o\ I <.n tbf Helmont drive, lour; at the),Men entrance, two; I a1 Horticultural Hall, lour; l.ansdown Valley, six; ! Memorial Hail, six; and in the old Kiver road, four | Jt*le?. The exhibitors' and complimentary ticket stilei are nlw.tys placed car the munev Rale"?, no that persons entitled lo irvo tickets need nut be separated lrom ac ;->tnpauyin? friends by whom their admission lees aro paid. Kxcapi hi extraordinary instances, every vtsi ? or to the }groi:iidx has been obliged io puss through the r<*j!sf?rinj; stiles; but for the sowing machine iiimi's ficurstoa a separate arrangement was made, whereby the operatives entered the ws*on ^'ulo as a jiarade, the ri'imWr bein* counted by Inspectors, and u lilut)k check previously lurmsbed 'by the compaDv filled out for the amount lor tho admission foes. TMK WKIT POINT CAOKTS, being invited guests. wore not registered, but tbo or ganizations which will eater the grounds on the Fourth ?>r July will all have to pass tbruugh the stiles, the i-olors. banners, &e., to bo handed lo Inspectors at the r agon gatts and to bo delivered to the ensigns after ibeir entrance. The stilrkcepors aro held strictly re sponsible lor every mark 01 the register, and roust either show a total in ra*h or in return passes, punch ? agisters, kc. They aro also accountable lor all coun t?rte<t money takeu, and, as the position Is thus made <-n? 01 exceptional rc.-ponsiblin ?. iticy are paid *4 a day while on duty. Tho wa^?on ?Hle fceepers an I others are paid $:i per day. fcvery 'agister is daily inspected, and when one is lound to ?v out of order, the gates are immediately closed I.iko ?he guard*, the gtilekeeper* aro chiefly composed of ajen who bavo learned some trade or profession, or aave at some tltne been in remuneral.vo business. At two-thirds of thorn engaged are mercbanls who vent down in the financial maelstrom succeeding the panic, while many aro lawyers, doctors, engineers, e.lesraen and others who have l.eeu obliged to seek i e positions in order to bridge over the gmf between .'Osiness depression and tue hoped for revival of tho mture. Almost withoui exception the gtilckeopors are ? wurteons and attentive in spite ol the trials ot Lunrtii patience inflicted by person* who suppose thai the payment of a fltty cent fee gives them the privilege of cri'u ising all the employes ol the Inhibition with whom ihev come in eonlast. Many exhibitors holding photograph tickets have actually been much hurt by tho scrutinizing gare with which ibv Mile keener* e\annno t neir photograph ticket., forgetting that ihev seldom meet tbo same attendant twice in succession," aDd that ;f i? the duty of the .-til* keepers to saiislv themselves t/u#'. Uis tickets pre.#una are not on the list u.aric?"d T'?be taken up. Now and then a sills keeper can be otmd who does not meet all the requirements ut the position, but there c*.,es aro rare and tho number* are rapidly diminishing. i'erson-who visit the Kxhibition lor the lirst time generally hav<- same remark lo make about the Miles, which aro not very ?enerally favorite*, and usually ihe attendants, besides evacaining the money to decide upon its genuineness, ore obliged to instruct each individual to '*fiuah iurott*h." Instead of waiting, ns many do. lor ihe contrivance lo move o( its own ac cord. Their attention is consequently occupied utmost continually, and it i? not surprising it now and i uen their answer* io the multitude ol <pie?uons bv *Wi><-h ihoy are hourlv plied should occasionally be loth brief and unsatisfactory. Tho gale ke?) ers tell man} AMt'SUifl A.XWIHlTSS ul corpulent people who are certain before making a trial that they can never get through the narrow pa ? ase way; ot otntr- who are comuellud iu push through ?tideways: of persons who in spue of the direction* ?>i the attendants try to go through two al a time, and others who, having imagined that ?<u reaching the Kxposition ttiey would, ol" course, pas.- under some graud triumphal arch ol wekwm* leel l".<ih disappoiuied and iuaultml at beingdriven through K it the relation ot' these incidents would till :i volume. Now and then persons whose wealth or station have alwajn purcha*4>d any prlulege desired, i.a*. |HXS|tivclv ie/ii-ea to pa,- through ilie it-term* stiles, i?ui. ther eenerally thought l??tler of it, snd came back meekly to i ? jisier with tho rest of mankind. It is now admitted thai no other arrtujemenl than that provided would have been sufllcient lo pre\uut laKe returns aioonganv average s?-t of men, and in addition lo the register* so 1'iany oil.ei oiher sale2iiurtU have b^en employed that *r?*n unintentional mistake" would Ihj lnipo*?lble. Be > idas this a complete record of thr number of visitors si' ail cUsses can tliu* lx> dail.v furntshed. The ^ustiflerabte heat to-day caused the study places au.lcaot delictiU111 retreats ol the ground* io ho well pitro&lged and largelv increased the revenue* of the ? ' Oa water and ice?-reatn stands. lh? dailv vnii ol ihe lira/illan Kmperor was re lated as usual. His Maienty arriving belcr* seven <? clock in the morning, ami proceeillng to ilit- Kusslau < vpa< iiat-tn iu Uie main timldiug. lie was accompanied l>y the liu ?ian Coraimssioners. bv whom explanations ?.?; the exhibits were n'ridc. ^nbsequeutlv he spent Seme note iu scriiiini/.ing Ihe workings ot' the Corliss a ngias in Mncbiu> rv llail. uiiri, aAer looking m various j ??fee of mechanism reii!rn<id lo the cilv ai ball-pist two o'clock. Ihe adiiinsuui- on Tu*-day were: ? K.\bihitori?, at tendants, Jsi:., paviug % mlors, tola1, :V >W> lltciphi, JID.ITI 41, SHIPPING .NEWS CKKAN Si' KAM1HLS. |J?1 1 {??? Hr? }*?hi#pt?i,,......... J *?il v a. . J 7 HotHn;' i?r?ti 4. j , (? Htiwiibir <?r??a I ii??fll4w . . . iMhvft* Vi Ktt*N4W)l* f* wiitnt. 4. ;lsi%^rmi.. i-V j 'lftv f. L \4 m??rliair (ire?a ........ . IJiii** WmwMif. .j?? hr??HO?r% W A ....' * t** ? i Hr^ndwur I MfiiftM ... * ' u i * . J.Vr? HrAMU? n f <jV(1b?ik.. uJ.y LittrNoi..'J?7 utontwn* Tft< JJbIT '!? Hr<tn,iir?f /tiijr ?^... j7Bowlingiir*"* i'lulf ^. 11.rtnd.*ti j7 )'U?tUn^ lir^i M?jy !?,| ... f VHnwImjc ' *??*!a? l I 4 Hovii.i/ mt I*??.***> 1 '*IHro*tfW4f ?' tiU. ..M? f 18 i M. |fil w.'tv ... j.intr l"v | i . . | J > ?06 ?.{??>> I ft. ... . V ll.*wUnt- iir?A? istlttf Arna . ? .9 ?i! v I ft. | Mntiff...... }.*6 H?i>.%^<r>f %'fttw ..jJuif ift.l lsiT?rpn?fi. M|Kt.. .... IJ y?v 1. ?. j I,?* ^ r imwI .. IAiM0. in 11^4 flambtirc. .i? ntomlw^r ?<*.? Hrondwiiv Rrtf-iv ii* 4 How Urn.' Uri??l1 > ftrnnitw Av 61 Kroaitwftv t BowSlur 1'? Hr;tidw*s ?7 Howlioj? i2 H -*fho ? Hrfm ??(? I-ui Hr?nl*if j 2l< Hrw?iw?r I "? liroiultvAT "I Hr ??'%?! w %r I 57 ALMANAC FOR NF.W YOHK- THIS DAY. mt'% AJII? XVI I HIOH WATBH <*i6 4 | Co?. l.'liU'l.C 12 tun * I Sao?ly Hock...morn t '11 Mow) iiu..... id urn ? ? j HcU (}?(&? ???.tnvfu ?} f*7 PORT OK NEW YORK. Jl'N'E 28, 1376. akiuvals. bt tii Rajbti.n rras? TACitrs as* s?su? witrrasToas vaiiours UK AkysstM* tfr;.Xarphr.LirwpMA.Jma? t? and | ^uee.utown l^th. with uiJie ana 3?>6 pasaeofer? to C G ( 11 *ri"kiyu. Steamer Victoria, iledderwlck, I'Uiluw June 17, via Mot hie lrtth. with Uidse aid U40 passengers to llenuersou Bru? June -!H, lnt 4~' ?1. lou t-0 2D, spoke bark Ilaakbope, ot uuil from Newcastle for Baltimore. SwHtintr CiOtidi (Pf), Krsngtiai. Havre June 17 and Ply mouth iSth, wiih mdse uni pftMfQtfeiii to I..?uia de Bvb.ati fttHMT \ ftt iff Vera ? m*. D"*k?n, liavaa? Jin# ~4, with mdae and IOC passengers to I*' Alcxindw k >ou?. Jane Uii !io 1*2 .\, Ion .DM, poke brig ufssie Merry, lor hew York : tame dav. lat !5S. l?m 79fio, US ?veauwr Hartford, t-.'Uiirt north; 27:h, )?t tt6 ini, &??)& 7 * 57, bark Nipion, ot'Sin iterlund, Arum Rio Janeiro for New Vor*. Steamer Aioetnarie. Cibh?. Litwea, Del. with md-?e to the Old Uotniftiou Steamshia 4!? Steamer Mwitrerlatid tBelg . Jackson, Philadelphia, in b?IU4l to iilJO \\ Ovll -'O. St earner Alteau>wu, Tnttle, Philadelphia, with coal to the Keadiojt li ft t o. Bark Tltir* lUai), Kerraro. Leghorn, *52 days and D'lral tar jM dare, with niarMe and rags to Pabbrbotti Broa; fiv set to Fotieh, Kdye A Ho. Bark Ann Aus). Potchieh, Marseilles 4.*# days. in ballast to I umh. Kdye *t l)o. Bark Car ib. To intend, $t Croix, 12 days with sugar. Ac, to J* H indi'ord A Co. I Bark hlica I'wirH. > ewj. ?f and from Bermuda, 6 days with produce to A K fucker, brig Nellie Ware. Ashoury. Minatitluu 26 days, with | red nr. foniic, Ac, to J O Ward A Co. ? Brig Victoria, Saunder*, Port Spain, with sugar to H . Trow bridge's Sons. Brig Robert Mowe ("of New Haven), Dearborn, Point-a ritre, 17 days, with sagar and molasses to 11. Trowbridge's Sou-*. i Br?g Dos Hcrmano* (Mex), Averastung, Vera Crn* Jane *? ; an?l Monte Flo ItJth, with su-rar to Kcheverria k Co. Brig Lady Mary (of St. Johr.s, NK), ltex. Si. Kitts, 15 flats with uiolaahCs to Jon*** k Lough ; vessel to A K Onter lirfdue. HriK Hxcelsior, Mayor, of and from Bermuda. 6 days, with produce to lieavcraft A C?. Schr Marela keyuold>. Weatordyke, Lacuavra aad Porto Cabello June 13, with coffee, kc, and paaoeugera to iialiett, lioiiiton a c<*. Schr Kate Foster. Sawyer, Port Spain, Trinidad. 15 day*, with ?uy:ar to S ?% Vf Weiah; veavel t? Himpiioti. t'lapp *% Co. June 20, )at IiH 4?.?, lou 74 10, upoke wliulin*; s* ur Ciracie M Parke;, and took from tier tbe faptain and crew of bri^ Abb|e Ellen, fimk ar K?a taabelore reported1. Schr iiildie Pierce tof Hohiohi, Hawen, Abaroa 7 dnye, with r?iue* to Jarnet DovkUm; vetael to H J Went?eri;. Jun? -7, lat JI7 24. Ion 74 3i', bark \'eranda iNor), i from Linton for Philadelphia. I Scltr Viola May, Oweu, lliU.^horo, NB, 6 day* with planter I to *V Harteaut li bound to Newark. .*ehr Licrie Major, Gerri^h, Jacksonville 10 daya, with lumber to AUop A Oia k : vessel to l*ar.?oua k Loud. Schr W U Card, Posa, ?Tsckttonvitle 8 days, with lumber to order. ?*ehr Vrnle (of Boston), Price. Georjwtown, SC. f? days, with nnval uteres to Dollner k Potler Schr 1! It Maficbt, Willey, Virginia. S<*hr?J It lloyt. Maxwell, Virginia. Svhr Sarah Wilaon. Wilson. Virginia. i Schr H Parker. Smith, Virginia Schr M hi Kvard, Cemp. Virginia. J Hchr Julius Webb. Leek, Virginia. Schr J L Kelsev. Bodine, Virginia. Sebr T Morris Perot. Randolph, Georgetown, DC. Schr Win ('ollver. Taylor, Marvlaud. Sehr John S l?ee, Vmii Oilder, rCiclimond, Me. seven daya, witli ice to die Ka*tem Ice Co; ves?el to master. Schr A 111 atoii, Pbinney, Kennebec Hiver, six daya, with ice to the r'onsumem' ice < o; venacl to tuanter. Schr Nellie C'rowell, Plielps, Kenuebec Hiver 6 days with ice to Oat^a Bros ; vessel to mahter. Schr A K Stevens. Montgomery, Kennebec River 7 days, with ice to Lawaou A Sou; vessel to maater. Mary Hlley, KHey. Keunebec Hiver 6 days, with ice to A Kict<ard?on ; veaael to niHaier. Schr Klisabeth de Hart, Low, Kenuebec Hirer rt days, | with ice to the Consumers' Ice Co; veeael to Miller A llouihton. Schr Ada Ames. Adam? Kockland, Me. <1 days, with ice to JUengber A C??; vessel to H P Brovrn A C??. Srhr K it Wharton. J arris, Dresden. Me. 5 days with ice to the Knickerbocker Jce Co; venae! to luaxtcr. Schr Mary C (irahiiui. Simpson, Gardiner, Me. fi days, with ice to the Newark Ice < ompany . ve?ael t<? master. Sclirt'sar, Hammond, Bath t? da>s, with ice to order; vessel t?? master. Schr Kphraim A Anna. M?'l*ean, Saco, Me, 7 days, with Ice to the Ulster County Ice Co* vessel to master. Schr Joseph W Allen, Allen, Salem 7 daw with ice to order; vessel to master. Will discharge at ^taten Island. PASSED THROUGH HULL GATS. BOUND SOUTH. Strainer Kleauora. .1 otiuson. l'ortlaml for Mew York Steamer Ueonral Whitney, Coleman. Boston lor Mew York. Steamer vitv of New Bedford, Fish. New Bedford for New York. Steamer Delaware. Smith. Kail KIverforNew York. Sclir J A Hatfield (Br), II at Held, Windsor, N8, for New Yt>rk. schr Annie E Martin, Carroll, Kennebee for NVw York. Srlir Kdward Wooten, Younjr. Providence tor Mew York. Schr AmerloM Chief, Shaw. Protidenre for Mew York. Srlir l.aconin. Rogers. Nantucket for New York. Si'hr Davnl Faust. Talmaxe. Kennebec for New York. Ki lir l'oe i??ett. Young, Providence tor New Yiirk. Sclir >1 nrla I; Ravin, Lawrence, Providence lor New Y'ork. Srlir Qreen County Tanner, llyfle. New Bedford for Mew York. * Srlir W Brooks, Brooks. Cardlner, Me, for New York. >< hr Klias Rost. Campbell, New llaren fur New York. Schr Helen Thompson, McHenry, Kennebec for New York. Sclir Kirhard l<a?. F.ldridpc, Providence for New York. v Schr T K.I wards, Writ, Boston lor New Y'ork. Srlir Conla, W>?t. Boston for ??* \ orK. Schr S M Tyler, Tirrell, Providence for New Y'ork. Schr James K llojt, Sackett, New Haven for tleorre town. Schr Mary Ann h red more, Sherman, Providence tor Mew Y'ork. Schr Kachai Jane. Hunter. Providence for New York. Schr Amelia, Crosble, iiyannis for New Y'ork. Sclir Oceanlca. Y'ouuir. Keunebee for New Y'ork. Srlir Willard saulsliury. Hardy, Kennebec tor New Y'ork, I Sclir Modesty, Nlckerson, fiardiner lor New York. Srl'r Snreesi'. Pier?on, Providence for New Y'ork. Schr ?lamex M Bayles, Arnold. Providence lor New Y'ork. Schr Warren (JatiM, Smith, Millstone Point for New York. Srhr A Hammond. (ioh'stnith. liardlner for New Yurk. Srhr Connecticut. Dellardt. Provideow for New York. ' Sclir S 1. Thompson. Hull, Providence for New York. Schr Challenge, Terry. Poit Jetlersou lor New Y'ork. SrUr Clara Po?t. Ferris. Portcheiter for Mew Y'ork. BOUND KAST. Steamer Klectra, Young, New York for Prevldenre. Steamer TUlie. Kwinif. New Y'ork for Mew Luailas aod Korwlcli. Briv S I, Hal! (Br*. Morrell. New York lor Yarmouth, MB. Sclir Island Belle Woodman. Nf w York for St Johns, NP. Srlir Herbert Mautou. Crowed. Hoboken for l'rovideuc?. Sclir K F .Meaaei. Ls?I>, New York for Portland, Ct. Schr B i: Hull. New York for Boston. Schr 0 C Warn-n, Smith. New Y'ork for Ulonce?ter. Srhr Sallie T Chartre, Trefethen, Hoboken for Soraereet. ,-thr Silas Mcljoon. Spear, New Y'ork for Bottnu. Sclir A Onrney. Cnrney, lloboken for .New liaveu. Schr 1 H Smith. Croibie. Ainooy for Boston. Schr Miuquat. Phillips. Atnkoy lor Providence. Schr K Divert*'. Candy HotioKeu for Providence. ?chr Kichard Bill. Smith, Newark for tirlent, LI. hr I'nea* Krnesi (I S Uglilhous* supply >. Srhr T B Smith. Bowman, New Y'ork for Greenwich. Srhr Have*. New Y'ork for Boston CLEANED. Steamer Newton (Br), I.yon -, Liverpool?Bosk A Jevona Sieamsr Siate ol Indiana <Br>, Sadler, Glasgow?Austin Buldw iu A C< Steamer UulfStrram, Crowell. Charleston?J \Y Qaintard A Co. Steamer Rlliabeth, Clark. Baltimore?W Dalcel!. Meamer Annie. Steen, Wilmington. I??l?A Abluitt. Steamer Ann Ellsa. fierce, Pliiludelnbla?Ja? 11 ami. Shin Othello (Br), KfTord. Liverpool?Bewrlnir A Archl* bald. Ship Donrobin iBr). Harris, Llvernool?Snow A Burgess. Ship New World, llaTumond, London?Crinnell, .Minium A Co. Ship North America, Tucker. San Francisco? Sntton A Co. Bark Borvone iltali, Olltari, Gloucester. I.?Beuliam A Bm I'xeu. Bark Yoltnrna (ltal>, Si?\are?c. Bristol, t? Flinch, Rilvn A Co. Bark Kilinrney <Bn, Kaddo::, IVnartli I'oads?How land A Asplnwall. Bark Alma (NorJ, Wuxholdt, Cork or Falmouth?Fanch, Kdye A Vo. Bark Paulina S (Aus), l onianm icb. Cork, Falmouth or Pit moatli for ordrrs?Kloeovlch A i?n Bark Ot>wlnak A < Ausi. Osaotaak, Trulee? Fanch, Kdye A Co Burk Aurora tBri, Ckartkll . Cronsladi? .lames W I lwell A Co. Hnrk Bra/11 (Brl, llihbort. llsvre?Boyd A llinckec. Kark Gitilio < 11 atl'. I'aoilllo, l.i,bou?l.aitro. Storey * Co. Bark Abbii N I'ranklm. Ponei-., Marseilles?laiiir* He'irv. Bark Anna A Rich (Br). Murray. Baltimore?C Tobias A Bark Marv D iAu<>, Ghilianovlch, Baltimore?Slorovich & Co Bark Cave Savro Palimieni (Itali, Castaglione. Balii ] nsor*. It*? jr Weylandt (Itall, Lubrano, Hull?Punch. Edye A Co. Hrij- San Carlos. Atherton. Ma'pas. K? Miller A Houirh I ton. 1 llrle Klla i Br , l>?rt. Cork tor orders?I F Whitney A Co. Brlr-lereraiah. Forn, St Plerr* and Po'ot-a l'ltre?R P i Burk A Co. >ritr II P.mmi Ki?#y. Coftin, ridlv-Bratt. Son A t'o. Antonia <&?(?), Verjt^r. r?liu<ts, t'a ? t>*rv llr-MUf* A I srhr S%i*?b B. i*A4miw?, i'%o?r.f Islandu?V*r I ou- M t t'??. i Sriji A>!nia, Pl?ink?ti. Ilarti ? R Murray. .Ir. ! Hchf H r. tinrliu, >?cKinney, Baracoa (leciearevl from 33<i uf.lunc' ? H J Vl>ntM?rp ?(* Oo. I Srhr Sor^nfou, !? arrrll. Out Island?H J W^nbtrg & i ('o ? Srbr Snmm<?n tlla Uf. Itj an. Jordan Kirrr, NS?\V A 1 Ko->. > ihr Amelia IIram. Mm>ra. flirhinuort. Va?Van llmnt Jt I ' Brijrlit Star (Br , IlanrT. Pwth AmWuy, N.I?A T |}{?itr r. ^ >i l?r Ad* Barker, Dobbin, f Newark, NJ? S?mi>*nn, Clapp MirOi'm.Thonai, BootIjbay?Perrnion Jt Wo??iL ' Srlir Leona, Wiley, Wrllflaet?H J Wenherf A Co. i Si'lir Vddir M Biru, Knlr?, I' Hn?wn A I'o. \ *M*ht Siicnai, .^atlfrij, New HfUt<'rd?t'artwtifht A I>ot|?. ) Srhr t'liina, fii?ri!??n, IIarlfbrd--Frai?k I'id^eon. Ir. j S i?(i|> A li Miek?h Nelion, South Ajnbay?W I* Tltompson* SAILF.D. i Irteainrr* Koiluila (Hr', tor (?ulf Stream. \ CnarlraCan ; Urtitt'i|irei'i?, Bombay; Km a t Oar >. Bremen; f Aitflla < Br . l?iver|?ooi. i'hriaiopber <%?tumbn? (tier . Bre ? men; lsutii^r Bordeaux: t'omifirntiiK BaUimorr; 1 . Vu? . do, bnp myelin, t'ardena^; K II (itcb, I * .ejifa ^o? , l>auttt)as ? nrlim Dot Uaruiaaot <l?aa-, S!; I. icret?.k, Pierre Wind*! ?tintrt. , at midnight, WSW Barontvltr at suu**?t. in MA UITIM K MI SUE LLANT. Suit ilnt.Cin?>a ( ??<?'? t??n>. nf Urrcien), U'ierlrhi, wlijrii ??ilud truni l?oud(ui .June II f*?r \iw Vtirk, %vaa for iiirrly tUe American ?hip Kli?ab?tb Cittbitiy:, Bar* MvHiotA\ ti!?r), auii U\tnrr*, betora reported ibtinted at Uretttwich I'oint, tie'oa i'hita(b-lpbi?. ?h? told to. Rani NivriRTfORR <lr). 384 tcni, 10 yeart old, built at ) Sunderland, hat b*en sold by the I uited >tafa? Marshal t?s | parties in thUeitjr at # B?ua Kdwaro Almro. .Th4 built at 1'ictou, NS. la I tn,i4 ba? l?t ?? iit parties iu mis ?.aj At or about I SO. i*t. ? B*hk I TV Am fr ?m We?t ludiv? f.*r Hambarif < before re. w?rted?. wa* 70 uiilf? NW of t'aye Ortegai a ben np??Wett by J harx Kant** i He am Onvvick (of Boston', W.^lnjrn* trom <pr<)?*o ' Html. Me. wan mniu. lot Ne* York, |>u? K?to Neapurt -Hth in di*tre?, tiavluy on the J~tb. alien I ? m:1et weat of I'otnt eluditb. iu t heavy rrrtva *?a, -^prunu* aleak in the run, j an i at one time had four fee; ??! water iu tb?? bold, S? hh Ssir?oi ratt. bef.?r? refuri#4 asbore at llattaras \ leiet. ffOt off and taken t<? waa ???ia at the latter p9are ?ltttie 24, f-t the Manual at the suii of tba Baaer , Wrerbiotr Co, for $?'?> m> Sim: MftSTKJM'MA. befura raportrd missing, arrived aafely ? at Beverlv, Truaost Ms*n* KAt.ari.rtrtf.wbkb %?a? Hamad to tba ' water s edge ott Hayte-i* Bwck, ^IHttt lust,"was towrd to (be I city jraterday, a?d ?aav |HMSibi> be rebuilt. She is nfRKl In P Moitklvto, tfi'Xew Vwril, aod valued at U'i.llVJ; iusurrd i for9B,UUi? I One half iatera-t in tba ?rbr Martha Oolliuv MB tons, 1 with one-half of her maatt yard*, sails, rtrirtujt, nvra ??>ld at Bahlmara vn Muudar to Win \ Steaart f??r $1 | ttft t3i?w, J una 1ZS?timtrayors have left for Sandy Bay aad Matxne to ?urrey (be ship* Glasgow mid Hlfflktr. ashore at |U>?* place-. The Inner U Ivlag bauly on tne rocks with port bilge stove. Alt effort* lo **t the (llaagnw off have failed. sh? ha* jettteeaed uart ol bar cargo af coal. WHALEMEN. Sailed frrnn New 1 .undo* June 27, tctir Li/.iie P .Sitnatioo*. far cwuib Shetland Island*. Arr.ved at Bermuda June 10, bark Oiprej, Crapo, nf SB, With l*>bbl*u4l. Nallml tram BrminUJuni 5, bark Pacific, Borden. MB, ta criilae. Arrived at faval .1 una 1, bark Cliartea W Morgan. Tlnk haru. NB, with *j:t? bbls ap en board, which would forward by bark Aaort'or Button. Sjiokaii?V> d*ie. on sunthern edge nf Gnlf stream, trtir S J Knlgh's. Provinretown, with 12" bblt ?p and 173 ao bpbk ?rv I SPOKEN. Ship Biacbtale, from Glasgow lor ?au Francisco, May ?>, lat J 40 N, lou 20 W K.?rk l.uuulillo itlaw>, from Port Gaulle Car Honolulu, June i:<. lat 61 .N, Ion 12M 3a W. Bark Lereiu Itaoeu <U*r). Dillwitz, from Hamburg far Kan I'raucuoo, Mar 1, lat a 30 S. lou 24 21 IV. Hark Muthllile (Nor), !rum Liverpool for Mlraniirhl, June 14. lat 4H, lou 1<>. Biirk Helix (Dutch". PriMtsir, from Bristol, E. lor Sandy Hook, May 2*. lat 4W 12. loa 20fiO. OUR CABLE SHIPPING NEWS. Bristol, Juue 28?Sailed, bark* Martha TTucker, Tacker, New York: Maria Proclda (for;, do. (Scotland), June 2S?Arrived, bark Harriets Ju>keou. Bacon. Portland, Me. Bki.tjut, J una 2S?Sailed, bark Liiwlgnsuo (An*), Gladu licti. United States. Haniuc.x, June 26?Arrived, brig C R Horpu (Br), Me Brfde, Philadelphia., Juue 27?Arrived, ahlp Ivanlioe, Herrltnaa, Liv erpool. Sailed June 24, ship Fanny Tucker, Roberts, Calcutta. Cadiz, June 28?Sailed, brig Lhtie Zltiloten, Posgreen, Boaton. XlCBi.ut, Juue 28?Arrived, bark Wilhelm (Ger), Reed, Baltimore. Sailed 27tb, bark Sedml Dubrovacki (Ausl, Talinrinl. United State*. Kai.moutu, June 28?Arrived, brig Andrea Mignano(Itel), Lubrano, Boston. Gbekmock, Juue 28?Arrived, bark Unatav (Ger). Mum mer. Pemacola. Cihihit-ak, June 27?Sailed, eteamer Olympla (Br), Young (from Genoa. Ac), New York. II ambiko, June 23?Sailed, bark Nova Scotlan (Br), Hat Held, North America. Hatkk, June 2tl? Arrived, shin Nunqnam Dormio, Cous ln*. New Orieani: bark Iris (Ger), l'felffer, Charleston. Cleared 27th, bark Kate Melick (Br;, Prater, North America. LtvKBPOOL, June 27?Sailed, ateamere San Marcos (Br), Barrows, Baltimore; 28th. Indiana, Clark, Philadelphia; ?bipa J B Brown, Keater, Bombay: Kentuckian, Dunbar, United State*; United State*, Lunt, San Kranclaco (not previously). liONPOK, June 28?Arrived, bark Edward D Jewett (Br), Malmquist, New York. Cleared 27th, brig \V N H Clements (Br), Lewi*, North America. I.kith, June 27?Sailed, bark* Maurey (Nor), Christian san. United State*; Ada Barton (Br), Haye*, North Amur lea. Leghorn. June 27?Sailed, steamer Caatalia (Br), Butler^ New X?rk. Lisuon. June 27?Sailed, acbr Grace Davis, Davt*, Pletou. Plymouth, June 28?Arrived, *hlp Lillte Soullard (Br)f. Goitder Pensacola. (JuarNSTowK. Jane 27?Arrived, bark Norlna (Ans), Scop inlcb, Baltimore. Kio Ja.ikiro. June 28?Arrived, previously, bark Wini fred (Br), Hudgins, Baltimore. Bailed 28th. steamer Tenters (Br), for New York. Tiuu:r, June 27?Arrived, bark Plnland (lins), Taraet jerna, Baltimore. Sailed 27tH, bark* Cere* (Nor), OUen, United State*; So* (Nor), Tliertueusen, Baltimore. I.oniion, J u.i? 28-Bark Joe Raner. (Ger). which return ed to Carthasenii leaky, l.a. boeu surveyed and recommend. ?d to dlHchar*? carjo for repair* Brinl^.H. Chandler, from Greenock for Demerara wa. the vessel prevlouily reported .ooken June 21 di.abled, wiw tryinir to reach Queen.towu. Ship C 11 Koule (Br). Robertson, from Sourebava Marcn - for the KnBUah Channel, .prim* aleak and '?""d#r,d *** 19 Her crew have arrived at Cape Town. CGH. [The >| S waa built at Kreeport. Me. ku 1863, reared 1043 too.. and bailed from Greenock. I WSA.TKER BHPOBT. Falmouth. June 28. PM-Wlml N. moderate; fine. Uoltmau.Jub. 28. PM-Wlnd Sff. lifht; barometer. , 0.1SM. - foreign ports. Asfin'wau.. June 18?Arrived,.teamer Colon. OrlBta, New i Halle (Br), John I ''"BiB-UoI'juno 19?Arrived. ,ehr< R KWIlaen, Cropper, j j ^ArS^'b^ I-P-. ! TTnived 2.Kb. bri* illbb. Whlt?^. H.v?^ rt'A McBriie, >.?rth of llatterav TK Coleen, I Ca.bakiix. Jni>? 10-Amveo u?>* ' " ' Williams. -7?Arrived, brl? M.^ie (Br), from tbv i _ l, , Williams Hulc. Bo< Tercelru. to sail f r B<?ten loa ?teai?er? Walde?ian Dundee l?r do v," Q,,?b',<rv l , r (l Muddi*. Vom, I'a?ca Parrelt! New Y erk. Tlmraerro au. | W*er Can err lilW. I 1 *?<? | dm'SSSjftSlSlV '???. Pi' , | I {jsjsfsgfcjbss ?"???. ?isru .^uin^si'asukrsyiasi kkswtwk r"x- v"k-A"" rantlie l.>r*. lor do. d?. ^ |s((. im? Artatocret, Bor- . nick uSmloAl?arka~Adelheim. Hauaen. Glonce-ter; fUroo, i Marl* AlMon"? , Noiith B. Ju? - iin,u?. I.luicri. k. i Ulnhia^or >>?? York in about ?l d*y?: ?chr l?ena " f.HTE,N^C,ee2?-" Irw'lTd. bVrg^?le! I^HIanc. Port" ? i | Niirway; brl, Helen i ri: wfn'l'w"Iliwr?"'?'Concordia. Aberdeen; Helen*. Lon- | i don: Mame .,n.Su??d?*i?''<1- briir <i )>*v (l?an>. Jayne. 1 virVorif-" | ' ^-.u.^''Ar Speculator, for PhUa- | d'if JoSll'rpr0'.!""* 14?Arrived, briff A J Ho,.. Lothrnp. ! Boaton. . , _H bark- Jo?? fl Mor*. Carll.le Tor S??VA.June22-ln|.ort bar^^.o.^ei^tf . R A I Mr:.; j "u'V.JrdV.^.rla.MarT.'tr..orn'MV)'vll""'.1'.V.' ' S '.VuT,! ' IStb'rom n?va??.. (ur^ , tj Oolt-r Br?. I ?tJiiiix. >K. Ju"f .- ... >1#r .Hr' Iatnrli. llnmin. Nutter. N?_ V'^VC R-ill?nd ri?r. Holyhead: .. ' r, E M -??XN'? ti?v?5 n"-?^ Holder ,Br..Se* Yurk :2?th. M VM?\eil.J^IulSlione , Hr)! l.orke. Liverpool. I v?!^ru! rnue'i?->?U'd Jiip W.-I.lnjtan Ubher. Ilan I eon. Shanftiiai. __ ' \itwi ar. .Inn^^-Ar^^.^S'.. ? ?-?"? * ' ssih:&' Mt.VUT??et?. Delaware ''llimwawa'frt. June l.'??Arrived. ThooJoro. Oilman. Bo, i l?K Jun- IT-Hnll-d, Rll.d, G?car. Seend.en. yoe bec; Suabeaoi. Whltnev. Helajare^ "V1(>tl(n(ir An,)fr?,n. i Ni.rnl.er_- tv. Jaecer. Baltimore ^.nd ; *"iV.^'..Vl?t,'j??e 14?Arrived, Aral do, Tarrabochlo. Xew Clrleau, : Alice 4'U. W^'?(TuM^xl^edev. New York. Sailed lr.m. P?"^le. riilij. ma?^,nior Tonn,.,n. New Y,!vk\'"l^h H^a^n^r*en.and Me?.i.m. Trile. CUarle.ton; 1 la^VJieS.Vlr^Vemu-. ?????? ? Mc!*r.rvK?. J ane 14?Arrived, Buevla (.). Fran.en. New V,.H-iiled I %'tmal H'a'wkVnv^* Portland. Ma; : nV^rillmu" 1;uu- ? bu"ch'rj' | '"i.VVr.M.uV^lT-I'aa,ed. Armenia. Covallo. Philadelphia . f?pi',^d K'th, Annie Alnalie (.). Beard, from Montreal for I (IT do. n.' date. .1 ava ?o.*A?uapo.m S3), from Mm.rick ! fo;,Vi'?i8U.. I'epb.. Btarrett, Babbldf. l.?una !er | ""nc'of.d ItHU. Kate Howe. M, Neilly. I.ynn for Phila delphia U-lla Berrv Turner. London Tor Cardiff. bs3?& fsac-rsassa! ^ iji^ ''^o^l'le^p'o'.'^ar'utietown. ''Sa.le J I'lth. Prank. ? aliace. New York ; MriM Suar. fr ,m guul* .w*;-' T-'.-Amved, ura^en. Ton.awn. ,oEKtK ur.:i^. ,"<| froB let III Arrived Hattle 11. Card. 7.a?fc (iHt rxm k, Jaae 17?Arme?. ??a? B Harriet balled HHh, Mar*?rei. Halter. St ????". ."J?? S!o -Afrtv^. La-cb. Coboailcb. New York. OniOi.Juiii 13?Cleared, Alice Bradshew, Santbrd, Port* Torrnn: J Williams, Williams, Leghorn (igrLK. .Inn ? 7? Arriv ??*. Titos llall.Eeval <inu;>.vTi, June 7?Arrived, Bella of the it ay, Williams, Otwii* Uibraltab, June ft? Arrived, Alterracia. Pomenieh, Balti more fur enters; Peru. Westman, Pak*llra da Fka; Oak land. Keed. Independence Bay. U tMirk'h. Jane l-?? fuirj. Hi. 1'aitorlno. from Baltimore for 1|?* it-It Nailed I tit la. Lalia Rookli, Dakin, Srdnev. CB. II iKji.rfnoL June 15?i'leared, Agra. Stern. Que hat'. Iin.t.,.'uiie lti?Arrived. Kraiiia Muller, kasiing, Bo-ton; P-*onali, Situ'ey. Portland. O. Iltnuu, June 1U? Off, Siriuti titar, Whitehouse, from Dunkirk lor S? dairy, t'B Hklvort, J me li?Arrived, Jaae Sstphia, Libbey,Cnaries (M. Sailed 15tb, Maria Sarah, llaidrat. Ouebef. II tiki, June 14?Sailed, Kuropa. Jobaiaueeu, New York ; *'unfldeoce, Went, Send) llook; r'xpounder, Crocker, Key We?t: .1 B Unities. Shaw, Sydney, t'B: 15th. Lnlgla I*. Fatr lan. New Vurk. ? leu rod 14ili. John Shepard, Baryeftv Archangel. l?wn:ii. Juue 15?Sailed. Lai I s Rookb. for Philadelphia (aud paitaed Deal UUh. reported fur Sydney, CB). LivgRrnoL, June 1H?Arrived, freeman Dennis, Fletcher, La Hav?; ir?th, Cilv of liiraeriek (at, Jarolefou, Philadul phie: Sterling, Pcrnier. Onrbec; 17tn, Russia (a). Cook, New York. Sailetl, 1.1th, Huguenot. Bray. Philadelphia; Southern Cross, Hughes, Auiier (and wit off Holyhead IRth'i ; Viola. Smith, Quebec; tilth, Mrmlo, Sutherland. Sydney, CB; 17tli, Junes K Brett, (libeon. ; Beaper. Poole. San Praueisco: Vimguard (a). ?ifII, New Orleans. Cleared 16th, I'vancellne. ilanann. New Orleana; Urons var. tiiel'in, Lewes. Del; Madve WildBre. Huffman, Sandy llooK; Palermo, McLaughlin, St John, NB; KingGerdlc, Hustin, Butnbay. Off Point Lynas 13th, Rosa Bosbaor. Solis, Liverpool for Qaab?r. OffSkerries Hfh, Three Brothers, Cumming, Liverpool for Near York. Off Great Ortnshead Mtb. Herbert Blauk. Treat, Liver pool lor Valparaiso and San Kranelaru. oil Holyhead Mtii, Uric the lied, Small, Liverpool for San Francisco.) London. Jane 17?Arrived, W H II Clement#, I.pwis, I'll ilaalel itltia ; I 'el Gratia, Morehouse, Buenoa Ayrea; ^jiuie Ain*l?e is1. Beard. Montreal. Cleared 1Mb, Maria, Stewart, Pietou: ltitli, John Swjin, numhall. Philadelphia; Svea, Murenaann. Quebec: 171!?, Ratla-'e. Savarese. New York : Imngtoie. Boiin. Mlianiehi. Sailetl from Gravesend 16th. Nellie Jor.e<-, fur Fernandina; Prtisparl'e for Baltimore; Itlioue, I'or New Yoik: Idella Berrv, inr Cardiff (and arrised at Deal 16th>. LoMxtMtifttRr. June 14?Cleared, Paellik, Cruiitl, Balti more. I.iskcick, June 15?Arrived, T It Sweet, Griffith, Port land. Me. Limiufh. June 14?Pnt in. Virgo, Ivaueieh, from Glasgow far Montreal. Lisrok. J nno 11?Sailed, Uelana. Tallaccaen, Svdney, CB. Lcrhokn, June 1 :j?Sailed. Nettie Mackav. New York. MoNTMOr-K, June 17?Sailed, Svlphlde, I'edenen. New York. Haasi.lis. June 15?Sailed. Advocate. Spieer. England. NKwracTLic, June t?i?I icared, Bertolotto, Savonu. Phila delphia; Eva. for "m-w York. NmrroRT, June 1C?Cleared. Hot. Dannevig. Montreal. Pkmarth, Juno >5?Arrived, Agues Sutherland, Suther land, Keval: Speculator. Pittuian. St John. NB. Plymolth, June 17?Arrived, Rlsorlxioue, Siano, New York. (Ji't'KNKTiiWN. Jnne 15?Sailed. Cape Clear. Tupman. Hull (and paased Liiaid 18th); Sempllee, Arxorena. Loitb: El llda. Hoc. New Roaa; 16th. Seall Dnbrovaeki, (Soma, Ipswich ; Hans Georg. Gornltska, Yarmouth. soctiuhitds. Jnne 15-Safiad. Hyputia. Dakin, St John, NB; 171Ji. Nnrnberir (a), Jaeiter, Baltimore. SncrrtK, June 11?Arrived. Bernhard. Z.nrnott. New York. Pt l:nu. June H? Arrirnd. KI lie l>. (iarvln. Liahon. St Vixc'kxt. CVI, May 28?Arrived, Annie Willlama, Skin ner, Cardiff. Tralkk, June 12?Sailed, Harriet I'phatn, Pu'nam. Pic ton Trikstk. Jnne 11?Arrived, Amy A Lane, Coatlicas. Phila delohla. M'ATanroRP. Jnne 15?Sailed, Irene. Domlck Penaacola. Wi.sbkacii, Julie l?i?Arrived, Joatuina, llardner. Bo-i tn. Wick low, June 13?Arrived, Ellen H. nullivan. St Joba, NB. Kikrikxke. June 15?Arrived, Conitante, Armollno, New Y'ork for Rotterdam. BRtTORrrRRV. June 18?Captain Moreliotvae. of the Julia A Merritt. from St John, NB deals), reports having lo?t a man i Henry Treadaway) overboard on the hnmeward voy a>re. he liuvlnit been knocked over the aide bv the main boom. Fiyal, June It*?A considerable quantity of the cariro (timber) has been saved from the derelict ahlp Oceaa, ?trauded on the West Coast of Florea, and I* to be sold at auctiou on July 15, HtiLTiiiiAD, June 18?The ahlp Cora Linn, M'Vicar, from Liverpool for Vuai ac, put In this morning leaky. Livkrpooi., Jims 18?The Nydia, Harwood, from Charlea tou, has arrived here; extent of ilamagre not known; venae! not making aay water. Martini<ji *: (by telegraph)?^The Stella achr, of St. Lucia, antl American burk Elvina. from Bordeaux have been In collision: apparently neither veitel was in fault; crew saved; ilx passengers drowned. Portuaiioc, Jnne 15?The bark Nydla. from Charlestown fnr Liverpool, wa-t at IO AM observed entanirled In tlala hay. She was afterward supposed to have grounded on St. Pat rick Causewav. but got oil and proceeded, the assistance of tugs being refused. I See Liverpool, above. | Shields, Jnne 18?The hark Elizn Mary. Char<?s. from 1-ondun for yuebec, arrived in the Tyne this morning, with i?ew refuting duty, and ha* been ordered to come up here by surveyor. AMERICAN PORTis. ALEXANDRIA, .lone 27? Arrived, achrs Ellwotd Burton, New London ; Lydla Mldilcton, New York ; Jennie A Shep ar.l. Ida E Latham, Geo H Squire, Albert Mason, Ellas Moure, Oakes Ames, Adella Corson, Emm* Arcy. Carrie Holiues, Earl I* Ma-no, and Georgie Clarke, from ? for Georgetown. ? Sailed?steamer E C Knight. New York; selirs f'n<'*e, Norwich : NarragaiiMtt, and J J Mooro (from Georgetown) lor . APPON Al'O, Jnne 27?Arrived, schr E C Kalgbt, Georgo town, DC. BOSTON. June 28? Arrived, steamer Panther, Mills, Philadelphia; ship Klcanu. Brown, Calcutta: bark J S Winsl >w, Morton. Buenos Ayres: schr* I<ottie, Tavlor. Bal timore'. Malabar. Walker. Hondout; William Whitehead, Tltua. Karitan Klver: Ceo E Youag. Marshall. Baltimore; O D Witherell, Uartleld. do: Belle Hardy. Baker, do. Cleared-Steamers Roman, Orowell. Philadelphia; Gen Whitney, llaiiett. New York: brig Belle Prescott. White, St Mary's, l>a; soiirs Keltou Kent. IIrown. (Jueeustown or halmontti for orders; Martha N Hail, Burgess, Philadel phia. Sailed?Brig Margaretha. BALTIMORE, .lone 28?Arrived, steamer Martha, Chance, New Yotk; -ohrs II <1 Williams, Wilsou, Charles tou ; Miunio Kaaiu, Garkill. Port Antonio; Joe F Ht Clair, Edward*, Sonera, Charleston; Ocean Belle, Mill*, New York. Cleared?Steamer Yiuelutid. Bowen, New York; hark Eitnln iBr), Hordeu. Cork; brig Mary E Dana. O'Neill, Boston: schr Wm II Rowe Wlilttemore. Plymouth. Maas; Ale* Young, Blake. Salisbury. Mas*. Win G Shattuek, Thatcher, Boston; Oliver Schofleld, Dtssrway, New Have a; M C Arnold, Arnold, do; Katie D Turner, Chamberlain, New York. Sailed?Bark Ilalio. brig Republic. BANGOR, June 2??Arrived. >clirs l.anle Co'-h. Philadel phia: Mary Ann McCann, Kavanaugh, New York; Vesta, Wentwortn, Perth Auibvy. BATH, June 27?Sallef. ttchrs Hallie 8 Godfrey, Chester; Edith L Steere, Hutching*; Win Wilson, Jones, and Wm Marshall, Cain, Philadelphia; Addie Jordan, Leavitt, Wash iugton. BEVERLY, June 27?Sailed, schr Almira Woolley, King. Philiidelnhln. CALAIS, Jane 22?Cleared, schr Marion P Chatnplin, Kreenian. Peuarth Roads lor order*. 2:'-d?Cleared. ?'hr? I: L T?y, Brown, and Ne He Eaton, Tnwn-ead, N?w York DIGHTON. Jnne 2?i?Arrived, <chr Henry .Allen, Tatem, Philn lelphls. Sailed?Schr Messenger, Spelliusn, New York. EAST MAC III AS, Jnne 24?Arrived, sehrs Allegro, Kel ler, New York. EDOARTOW N, Jnne '.'tl? Arrived. echr James Alderdice. Rockhill, Philadelphia lor Boston. FALL RIVER. June '-tl? Arrived, achr N H Skinner, Thr.iitier. Georgetown, DC. Sailed?Sclir J P Ross, tireeu, New York. 27th?Sailed, steamer Norfolk, Ford. Philadelphia, schr'* C smith. New York. XhIIII.K. .lime 2*?Arrived. sehrs Ajax, from Corpnt Christ!; Manantico, Irow Brato.s. NKW ORLEANS. Jnne 28?Arrived, steamer Hudson. Gager. New York . schr* Jennie Wood ?Br), Pissatti, Lna tan; <ieo W Dill. Walker. Tampa Bar. NORFOLK, .Ittne 2:1?Arrived. sebr? Three Brothers, Hen ley. N.-w Haven; llcnry L Wood, Curtis, and Pangnnet. In per suit. New > ork. Ni;\V BKDEoRD. June 2t}-Sall?d. *brs 11 T Hedgea, Smith. Georgetown, DC; Faany Fern. Eaten, aad Emi grant. Graliun. do. 2Stu?Arriv d. schr* Jesse Murdock. from Philadelphia: T W Spencer, Ha?crstraw: Thomas Potter, Peruana For New York. Sailed?Sehrs Joseph Hay. Philadelphia; Henry Lemuel. New York. NEWPORT, luue 27?Arrived, selirs Marion, Marion, Meiiijis. I'all Kiver lor Clinton. Also, erlirs H s Dean. While. Taunton lor New Vnrk : Gust, Martin, Ne? Bedford lor Trenton: Jos?uh I' Ross, Green. Taunton lor New Vork laud nil sailed 27th>. vivo, sehrs Planter. Hardlnir, Beaton lor New York (and sailed alter discharging part of Cargo); C C Smith. Alwnod, l.iuitton lor Philadelphia. Sailed? Sehrs Itenry Cole. Chadwick. Philadelphia: S P Brown. Tinker. Providence for do: Florence Saekett. do for New York: Caroline Cornelia. Staples, Somerset lor do; Li/xle. Taylor, i'all .'liver lor do; Mediator, Davis, do Tor do; Arm, Gtii ney. Mariou lor no. In nort ? S"-hr* Del mom l<?ck, Pendleton, and Empire, Hatch, Providence lor New Wrk; Artist. Forrester, Somev art lor do. and others, dlaic. JSth?Arrived, tclir Commerce. Woodman, Spruce lload. Me, tor New York isoe Miscellany). NKW LONDON, Jnne 27?Sailed, schr Cornelius. New York. PHILADELPHIA. June 2S?Arrived steamer Concord, SI.eerin. New York: harks Gioseppino C (Itali, Chanells, Alinoiia : Icarus . Br.. Cochrane, cie duegos: Sam Sheperd. t' liriirs e.lliertl. Gilmy. Cardenas; .lenuin Morton, rooks, St Pierre; sehrs Sallie It Bateuian. Gardiner: Re becca M Smith, tirsec, do; James II Gordon. Champion, Bath; S A Keed. Ari old. H iddam; A Nevlnjer. Smith. Kcnuebec River; Waiupi iisa. Br.miln, li!l/?heiii City, NC; lletuy A Taber, Benson, r-fuin. tot. VIso arrived, steamers Kinu- Aribnr iBr), Cowell. New York; selirs Addle P Warner, l.e*l?. Port Antonio; Althea, ltUckinnii Charleston: May Xloru, i'hinney, Savannah: Prescott IFaselttne. McDohald. Jacksonville: J S A L t' Adams. Jonea, t.arditur: Jho Middleton. Jr. Townseud, Boston: C Lnwrence, tJlaytun. do; K K Wilson. Cropper, Hamilton, : Mary Kvellae, McCiean, llonduras: tlames II Gordon, CilAiapioH, Ilath. Cleared?Steamers Nornintt, Nickarron. Boston: Catlia rlna Whit 1 sik? Harding. Providence: Tlorida, Crocker, da; Anthracite, lirumley. New \ o k; schra Eva C Y'atos, Yalas, Boston: A P Nowell. Lank, Ka?t Camhrlditc. Helled?Steamers Nor nan and t atbarine. Whiting. AI?o cleared, steamer Ohio. Morrison. Liverpool. harks Wellamo iK'isi. Wilt..etg. Ileltaet . t'anessa Padre ilialt, SelilalHno. Ipswich; Kinilio (Ital), Kerro. Cork or Fal mouth; sehrs llanna! Cuorcer. kine, I'almoatn, Jat Mary E Staples. Trott. Portland; Mabel F Staples, Cole. Bath'; F ,i Hallo**s. More!, Bangor; John Middleton, Jr. Town sent!, Boston : Sarah A Reed, Arnold. Hartford; Curtis Til ton. Somers. j.suuayra, N'rwrssrt.r. Del, June Ul? Passe<i up. brig Olga (Nor), Larseu. troui Liverpool. Lgwrs, Del. Jnue 27?Went to sen, brrks Maria, Stone man: iMtii. A i sham. PORt'LAND. Me. June 2??Arrived, achr Grand Island, Wheeler, New York. Cleared- Sctir Royal Aic^, Crowatl, Keunebec, to load io Philadelphia. '.""ill? Ai-rived, steamer Franronia. Bragit. New York Clear, d?Bark Itonus ineai. Smart, Huston to load for Europe. POKTSMOI'TH, June 27?Sailed, sehrs Tantamount, Pen dleton. tlardiner, to load Ice for New Vork. PRuYIDKnCK June 2t>?Arrlsed. steamer Wra Kennedy, Foster, Baltimore ?la Nortolk. 27th?Arrived, aches Amos Brlirn, Dunn. Ilaveratraw; Pliophe Kllasbeth M S|>e>, New York. Below ? Two lumber laden schooners unknown Sailed?Sehrs || l.earli, Johnson, Phllaoelnhls ; Mist, Mnnsev. Trenton; Flee:wing. Kenuistou; Harvest, Corwln, and I una. Melts. New York. RICHMOND, Jnne ifll-Arrived. steamer Old Dominion, Walker, New York; brigs Ei.ll iNor1, Neriand, do. light, to loid lor Trieste: Somerset. Haley, and Kva Parker (Br), slocum, do, to load lor Kurope.schr Wm Hunter (Nor), Nellsrn, Hampton Kosas, to load for Europe Cleared? Brig Bogota, Joliuaon, Klo Janeiro. San FRANCISCO. Jun^ 2'.> -Cleared, bark Henry Buck, Sornian. Victoria and I'ort Townsend. Sailed-Bark Gen Cobb. Delgoey, Seabeck Se.llOMK. June 1W?Arrived, snip oermaaia. Raker, San FranelsCa. , s%Y\NNAll, Juse 28?Cleared, steamer garafoua. Hooper. Baltimore vaadaalledj. VINEYARD HaVKN. June ae-Salle* acbra Helen Them peon. Harriet Lewis. Viol*. Vary, Alice B, t:i?r? So*. >rr niiJ Ella ts'l utlid WlLXINtiTDN, N'c, Jiid? 27?Arrived, ittuierD J Ko l-v. Prioo. Baltimore; bark Lydia Petcbau itJerj, Kecht*r, Liverpool. r AC HTM, STKA.nUOATS. Oil . ?Ilk) hoat.s,v ALL kinus and SIZES:" SPOON ? Oara. metallic Lilrboaw. cheap. :t?.n >?uth il.. near t.oiivrueurtlip. MTKPHKN ROHhRTS. ??TKA>iKHirk HTE AM BOATS. TUOS OK AI?L ? ?Uee; Steam Yacht;, r crrvtioat*. Freight Propeller* Hud ??l t'ropertr ia c?ufral for *ale bjr rttRU LKICk C. SCHMIDT. Xo. 1 Month William ?U "\ I THE OLD EdTABbUUBD PLACE. NO. 40* WA - i ter it., near Oatharlna Market?Metallic and woodia Bo?t?. all kifda. JOHN T. HMiTH. (1AT BO AT. U? KBBTLONO, IX FiHST CLAS*~OBD E It. J for *alr cheap. Inquire for particular* at 10 and 12 Junta* ilip, feed store. IilOB SALE??TEA*""LADNi:H FLASIL 38 FBKT LONO. Sfeotwtde; Atbeock engine, cylinder HI to 11 mile? nit hour; finitlied in bard wood and in excellent order. Can be *een at Both1* landing, toot of Court kt.. Brooklyn. Addreu J. K.JI ALSEY, ltd Water at.. Sew York. filOB BALE?A SHELL BOAT DiUOOD CONDITION chcap. Apply to JACOB BLOOM. D4 Ci'dar nt; FOR SALE?THE BBACm UL ANdTaST HATLXNO sloop Yacht Brccu, of about :*) ton* harden. For particular* apply at the ofllce or JaS. W. MICKEY, No. tf Ka?t ISt h at. L""lGHT DRAUGHT P HEIGHT PROPBLLKB AT A oarnaln; tollable for poaah trade or other biulneet; 140 tons; freight houxe on deck; ready for bo?ine*a ; uo reaMia ablfi offer ri'fufe?l. Apply immediately to THEO. SMITH A BBO., foot of Keaex at., Joraey City. STEAM launch FOR SALK. X! FRET, NEW. AD tires* MORGAN'S Steamboat Works, Noank, Conn. rpuB laui; est *Xm!>khiknt" and "ueaFest L Bo*ta in the city. 234 and 23j South ?t. KL'CKKK DAt.Y. niSCELLAKBOPb. AllSOLL'TRTjlYORCKS'ogTAl.NE1) FROM DIPpfiTtT em State*, for numsrou* cituM*, without publicity; legal everywhere; nochar^j In adraase ; wlrioa free. M. Ilix'SE. Attorney, MM Uroadwar. TJAVASIA LOTTKKY. OFFICIAL LIST OF DRAWING 972, WHICU TOOK rSlACK JUNE 20, 1876. -Yo. Prist, ih'o. 1 *300 9 a*. 35 81*) 40 800 127 I(im 137 5"*>, 185 800 a 17 300 214 :nx> 2441 3(>( 274 .. ..1000 s.*w 500 :?>4 ax, 412 :kki 4S4 JO" 4*o... ..:k? 004 :w,' 774 oou 822 800 897 31X1 <>11 soo 1?44 :*? fu? soo 977 300 979 10t) Has 300 lose 300 1170 300 J202 3*X' 1231 :?x* 1240 30(1 1250 300 1321 :?*' 14<>3 300 1431 500 141*2 300 1015 500 1551 :#x 1607 800 1035 aoo 1040 ....1000 1730 300 17.J0 000 1788 30" 1707 30ti 1H47 300 li?W 300 19*18 300 aoas 3uo 2* >90 30" 2145 300 2151. :?*> 2227 101.111 2270 300 2347 300 2372 300 2375 300 2378 500 2379. 30i 2400 :*KI 2728 3*) 2735 aOO 2741 500 2707 300 2822 3. 0 2092 8fXI 3011 30< 3'>59 3<MJ 3113 3:10 3180 3** 3192 300 3204 500 3227 300 3-'47 3(X> 3252 300 3250 800 3200 300 3275 300 3207 ?*> 3127 300 3356 :xx) 3301 3rt 3129 ....1**). 9434 aoo 3404 MOO 3408 !XXJ 3HI8 300 3619 K*X> HH45 :HKJ 8054 31X) uiv'i.j :n.?o 3082 3*)0 3603 3U0 37"0 3UI 3783 300 3817 1<XX> :j8ii> :??!) 3825 :too ;i89*j 30ii ;ox>j 3 X) 3968 30J 4042 300 4t*78 :i*.\> 4120 :?00 4170 1000 4231 100" 4281 !S<iO 4424 80O 44Xt 447.? 4540 . 4.... I ."100 4557 3.XI 4609 :nx> 4**72 :ioo 4*V.*0 50" 47"2 300 4719 :w*i 47: *2 300 4*27 :#*> 4!?>'i 500 Priie. | .Vo. Prim. I AT* .30" 1414 ?X> :?jo 981)4 ...*1(*X> (Hill 9917 !iOC* 9936 lOtm 0039 iiOO 9954 3*X> 9".X>9 in* 1<?*22 5*") 10085 ft?x> 1"I28 .'?*.) 10208 3(X> 10238 ....300 10200 300 10304 300 10312 10* X) 10410 :U)U 10475 300 :**, 10650 aoo 10675 :#xt 10717 .... :ioo 1"7 il 1000 I*i795 30 i 10850 300, 10888; 3 JO 10900 300 10916 30" lo95:i sm 1"97| 300 10088 30O 1001*3 51X1 11026 :?*> 11035 3'V 11111 1000 11140 ??i 11154 3!X> 1119*1 500 I 1200 30 I12i*f OCX) 11282 50" 11321 'JOO 11377. ...iKHX? 11389 300 11415 301 I l"x'.4 ;!(*> 11. >08 300 11004 3?.X) 11000 :?* 11781 500 118*8 50* 11?17 300 11852 .... NXXi 12054 300 12001 3**) 12099 30(>i21742. 12146 300 12148 300 12184 SO 12216 300 12222 300 12241 3 4) 12247 500 12200 son 12289.. lOOOtXI 1244 0 aoo 1244 1 300 12505 SO* 12059. 300 12730..... SO > 12742 300 12706 30 i 12790 .300 12834 3.X) 12870 >00 12990 300 131X12 3m 13026 300 13079 300 13083 300 1*1091 30" 13152 301 i 13174 800 13222 30u 1X232 800 1320'J 0(X) 13277 300 13344 300 18347 3m 13^11) 3tX* 13 lOti 300 13437 ...60f*X4 13472 3m 13518 1000 18626 500 13542 30.i 13552. 300 13000 31V) 13864 300 13800 31X1 13088 300 13727 bO* 13820 30O 13K"> I .MX) 13859 3(1" 13890 lOIIO Il94."? 300 13970 *?i 131*97 300 lOtXI 14255 3*X) 14283 30*1 i43ii :m 14:?:? 3*w> 14348 ,AX) 143^X1 a<?l I 1477 :?X) 11532 :*x> 14'wv. :kiii 1157 J 300 14575 :??* 14590 -VX) 14022 r.kl 1404'.* :*x Prut. 1!* i04..m -MTM *30o 19644... .lux* 19780 :?MI lixwa 3*i* 2*XW8 3"0 20 155 0<N> 20099 31W 20134 300 20141 JO .11 20184 :*X) 20205 3*' 2**222 1000 20223 5lO 20249 300 20295 300 20315 lOUO 20:69 ^?* 20388 1000 20432 XX) 2*441 500 ?204">6......3"0 2**492 300 20498 3*M ?2<>.>40 5tX) 20553 300 20571 3<XI 2U.'?78 3*XI 2X109 .."<00 J*X&3 300 21*716.... HX*) 207^6 101X) 20743. ... .300 20764 3*X) ?20767 301 21.1849 31 X> 20982 300 2100* 1000 21022 : 00 21023 ....lCXl" 21165 30" 211*r7 300 21177 30" 2118IJ 300 21223 300 21276 500 21313 31*0 21372 100" 21439 300 ?1463 1000 21491 500 21557 : 00 21904 300 21696 300 2I7<X> 30; 300 21758 300 21770 300 218(19 300 21818 30U 21800 5CXJ 21870 300 21873 30" 21929 300 21972 SO!* 21982 300 22112 1000 22209 JOO 22214 HXt 22 J78 3<X) 22299 300 22327 300 22 154 1000 22369 i-00 22376 300 22508 1000 22514 :>00 22599 OOO 22607 30" 22612 300 22*579... . 300 ?188ft 30" 22798 !C0 22803 :?*) 22842 300 22898 3(X) 22940 500 22HH0 5W? -^1*91 300 2:<*?X> 5-' 23096 /CO 23090 300 23119 JOIX) 23126 30" 23132 30* 23130 30n 23174 300 29258 :?X* 29297 300 29336 300 29431 MX) 29408 JOOO 29 81 am 29492 3(K) 29592 300 29015 101 *0 2B633 :*X) 294W7 JO) 29716 30(* 29791 300 2i*797 300 29931 ...10000 28051 300 291)81 600 30003 300 30019 3(X) 30154 300 30242 31X) ?*2 ">0 500 30649 300 XJ375 5*X) 30387 300 3O40H :*x> X*4*;5 500 3H564 30" 30820 3'X) :tO?77 300 3fXX)8 3"0 30913 300 :*) *29 300 31026 30(1 31028 UOO 31114 300 :*1263..;...:tiX) 31305 300 31347 :?X) 3146(1 300 31494 300 315U3 ?*) 31540 300 31505 300 31.148 3>X) 31717 300 31729 300 31772 300 31923 3*10 31908 31X1 32U07 300 32 '51.... 300 32210 300 32258 300 32290 300 32293 300 32307 300 32314 300 3J339 300 32341 3"0 32527 300 32562 3"0 32621 300 32030 300 32849 10(0 32692 .300 32700 300 32749 300 32816 300 32866 l'JOO 32881 300 32**1 3()0 32915 300 <2926 ?X) 32992 500 43061 300 33068 300 33094 300 3 192 300 332 ? 300 33:58 300 33265 300 33.4*7 :?*! 33308 300 3340T. 600 33649 300 33 >52 300 33T.54 3'X) 83566 :?? 33017 :xx) 33827 300 3:<?.->8 :xx> 33681 JOO 33770 300 33836 300 :?)34 :4"0IU723 :??J ,'i< *:t8 300114745 :XX> 6047 :i'X*! I4H' rj 301 23302 30J 33S93 ....1030 23378 :XX)|33924 :KX) 23458 HX* I'33981 500 ?23490 300 US ?<3 300 23 507 300 84060 300 23514 JWJ01S4078 500 23568 .VX!,3419?i 3*10 21604 300 3615 300 ^W77 id* JiSU9l 300 287UO 1CHXI 23725 300 237*X) l*X**i 2 765 3(X* 23788 H?X) 2379*) 14XXI 23792 ....1000 2371*9 SU) 2380C] 30(* i:i?7:t :**" 28897 :r*o 23991* l*x> 24050 24(?2..; 24104 . 4122... 34212 3<X) 34214 500 31385 3(X) 34435 50(X) (344*17.. .11**) 34540 300 :?? 4 300 :i48l2 :?x) 31818 1*"? 34849 :<"0 34988 1"U0 3XM5 3<X) 30071 300 35(180 SOU 35122 yoil 15127 3* JO 35147 S(?) :t"h)i35t4M bOI> ,.:XX>|35149 IIUI .300 35177 300 ,3(X) 24142 3U >35-* *J 3(X) 2414.'. 3U0|8&239 24190 300135273 !kX) .M )."> 1 3* X?| I 4M it i. ;* *J, 21190 :?X)|3-'' lOS! 500 ,Vw8 :xx* 14M*1.' ?MX?U4a09 5IX)I*5431 5f?J il3H :?.(>! 14874 ....lax) 2427.* :**" 3->47t :??* ,194. 51X* 14881) XX) 24:ill :***" 3.T.81 :i*l(l ai? ,"0J 14927 :x?* 21415 oOOI'xtSl :x?) 09159. . :H"|)4'*8.I *X*ol24459 :X>I 'i5732 5IX) 638T 5301 17 ... l(XX*i 15110.., (*. SUM 15129.. 03:18 1000 15108 ?**) :i7v* 300 15211 :?>> :?3 :?x? 15260. :?*) 5407......:wo 15:107 :^*0 153.:8 300] ...:xx*; j44->*t crx; M6 21484 :XX> 5M8 :?X) 5 53 ... .300 55M2 :XX* 5?X*2 *X) 6622 30*1 .'i*t4*i :xio 64X19 3(10 5773 rax) 5779 :??) /rror, 30 j 07;"* ;*x* ;>Kiti :x?) 5*?v* :*x* M7. 597H. 15360.... 15415 X** 1545 1 kV(7 . 1555*. 15725 15726 16767. 1 .";83H. 15925. 15932. llX?l!l->037. I (XI) 15973 ..5(10 ?x; .^nxxi Mil ....300 ....300 :k m :h?i ....:**)" ..:*?* 5969... IH?I47 3W* . 1**?) . .3'X) ,.3?X> ..:*ui . .5 )t .:t*X) .'4547 300 ..30" 24582 800 24,?i9 KM 2.638 :>*> -'4749 SQQ J *8"?( *, MX* -'4947 24952... 2!W)34... 281)37... 25Q6.> .. 251*18... 25177... 251H8 :x*i 25206 .*X) 35784 1000 35781 :tm i.'*?4 :?*? :iO??i4 :x?) 35605 fx* i XXIH4 ?X* :uoa'i .'*10 SHI 7** 5()i *?244 MX* l>.202 :too .61X1 :i?exi-4 :xx* Ki.443 1"**.) 38371 3(XI :x;ii8 I***' 3*1191 :xv* :xx) :Ui*ii :?x) 38ti04 300 .300 .:<>o :??.i 5*1" 25222 300138036 SO* * 252HI 'XX* 23204 fiOOO 2521*2 :*>;i 25313 :XX* 253U3 300 25.404 :XH 2">4 2'>7s"2 !??) 2578.%......3410 ,.8001257141 1 ? ? k 1 . .300125808 :?>) .lix* >125084 ?* . .:xxi 2Moio 9 ..:?m;26: i:?t :*t ..:xx) :xi M2 :*oo 3iu:7i ::<*> :*x?:ii ;itx) :h'"IO :*.?? 36760 3?*? ;h.->4" :nr> :*?i?51... I<*?? :M9til 3 ?) ??*>'. *sk :?*) 37*116 :*?? 37091 :??) 37*H;i... ,ii*?) O <12 IKkJj 1*<156 *XX? !X(0| 16211... tf* 9 :kxi| IO280... ill 45 3m 1 l*>2;i.l... "197 laOOjllBflt. 5)" 25558 300 0273 :?XI lrt.14.' ?i:?r7 rxxi! 18358 MX) 0374 300 16370 .'>(*) 812*1 3X) 18424... or**). ...?4?X)| 18441 :*X)i2fis()s 3*X) :i7i)85 :??) t!;. ** :i>? 110478 . HV.2 :t nll*l4?l.. ?l m.. :?*0| 10518. (?CI2 30)' 10384.. |4XX)i 18569 300 it; I*?w :?*? 1H.VT3 I 20ii;.. 4*174 -1" >1*1011 1""" 28117 ?*?> 37434 . .. 30l> 1>'?<!M ;.(X) 26I4M Mxi 3744?. (:w|.' 1<?>? ||.</'?4 300 J8238 509|:<7$88. "*28 .....:?)" l''7l? 3 41 20248 :K?)|:i7nr2. .K-Uil |<??>! 1*721 800128368 ht* i:;7727. .?<.y ?'?! 18744 3(X)|28283 300137754. . ?187 1 30d|l*V.*i7 r.X?*|2rt4..4 !!??> 17H.17 300 ic?i: :?| | 19^ ;j9U:-6459 6ixii:n845 :??* ;*?i 17"7, :?? !-'?*?!? :(**.ji787i) :?* ???.n :*m I7l"7 3O0;2?5u*. 3CX*|:I7R52 ::**) ...301* ...300 17i)9l . 37145. "718S. 37198. ...3fX)'372 44 3*?) :**i|37:t44 :??* :x?) .??> 3(ll> .?*) :m) 3(X) ? ii 17117 .:?*) ? Ml... 7114... 7123... 724s. 73* *J. Ill : 11 '346, 17192 ..:??i I7:ti:* :n*3 ..8011117319 tX> .i(xx)jl7304 :xm .:*?i i7H7:i ??< x> 38H?, 3U."* **|381 1:iI.."!8IXI iS3 :?? 2?!V.*| ... inn. 2.1777 :XX1 i<i79? :?** ,1811ft 500 ::-i7i :*?> tne/M :?xi JH231 3X> :*K>|2U8IM 3**1, 3(10 17452 1" ? "J2O818 :*?>13825? ,31X1 .'J**! I 74**2 3*X)|2?*s|14 S(0[382!X) .... !"*?* T4K2. 50i>| I 74**4 H)|'.*K> IK41*t :?XI 7608 :t??i 1748*1 ...,3m 20916 80(' 38388. 3m 7011 30HJI75 *7 30U|2tHH2 800|38863 :x*l 7574 :j<* 7591 :?*? 7642. :???> 7712 77i" l'?"> 77*ii> :t?? ? 78 11 3m 7?*i2 ;*?i 7914 300 7tWM I*X* 8 125 M<?i9 31X1 8*>7" *?* mi 15 :??> Ml 43 ."**1 *140. 3m 81 ho 50" 8324 *' 8338. :tm K484 *?* ?:?.*1 :tm 84"l u?i 8 ill*I MIX) 8680 :??i K-.7I 30" kwi ;*?> 8tVi8 3(1" 87:*) 54)0 8M4 ;X?i 8a^". :?)" 17556 :x*i 17011 ;??** 17*i:t7 800 178 :mi 17m?j .x?* 178m :*?> 17964 17;**i."i ::*?> 1-114 :** h811H 1*4X1 1*.42 18207 :xxi 2UMN5 K4*i .18.|?i 300 27irJ2 :X?i IH4*U :i*l 27084 :xjo tH44 ? :i<*> J7"!*'l 80" 38459 800 27151 3.H1 .mxu 800 27 81 :x). 38644 :KM 272! I Om 3KVi4I :MM ZJ207 :**> -4K572 :k*> -"73:14 Mm 8588 :*x? 274M" I'**" 38683 .tui -'74 k. ??! N?IV2 :hO 275U5 na>1380MS :uio I?214 :XXX27tl*/ 8()"|386K'i WO I8JI6 81X)!27854 3D0 .8714 :n*> 18 :i4 :x?>:27?7t) :t.i .*?I7< 1 :>ixi|27740. . .lux I8407.....1(XIi|27873 3(X> lH4;i(i :ho!jnu78 :**? i**4*m...... :*?< ikv*7 :?? IM-?*I 1**1 300 18827 3*? ix*H6 :?? 1>TI8 300.2H/87. 18732 ?*** 1878| 1XXI 1881(1 801* 18M48 :?* 2813? SIX* 2818H :*? 28213 8U 28 45 SIX) 28269... |(**> 2SJ7* 800 18884. .:?*> 28317 28X18 :**i .'8:1 ,*l y>, 284* *5 3m 28 431 3(*i 44 300 mm?i ;iii .mx* 38972 :*?? 381*74 300 3h**>3 :**) 39I2? :?") *9103 500 ??*1*?* :x?) 39311 3m 30348 3m fc^ni .... r*?) 31*383 :XXI 103M0 300 ii)47(* :?x) 91-4 :xx) 188841 :**) 28524 3UI 39493 SIX) 9192 9200 9274 9284 99*0 .??> 9481 ... .1000 18801 :*?> ix>?? lom l?972 1"*" 1-975 i9i .5 :?* 28*14* ... 1(???i:R*".16... 30" 28679 ......'100 30061 3110 J8IX15... .25(4) *,39658 800 JM774 300 19084 1UX) 28<C' :*X) <989 > 5m 1UU10 31X828923..... UMK>t3M07 300 a"?i. ??!<.. m70.. ao?j . U -M.. 97rtl.. 9sh>.. nwellajtbovi. ~rrim.\'ir? ">w?t ....aoo ? ? .. ?o i*.?m ih363 aoo hhm ano w?i a......?*? ll?hh aob :*?' *?**? SOU jwu 1<?> 2wim am wli ?i iw4 .v? a*. ihp-jt am ? n-? }?*? j??a :*?t m- , ? i*">i"? n?? .1 ao> uvn ?? it?.v*7 u*> /sxtio uh a?;s ? .:*? i?*3t :#*> approximation PRIZES. -vo. Prur.UYa. Pri*. i it'll *100,0" 122m usk! at* i^snai sou 1 -JfH &<* i 123f? ??| ia?? ro? . i 12287 500 122-* iOO 3 ??6 500 phs?.ink P'h'. ij200....jb00j alwmido i $3.0im. _ _ t idem. 2mtai *mi ?jO.oou illuth (1500 25lttt 134*) 300 13*38 aw 92SJMQ. ua78 aooi?4?ii..._a?i 344JW :.0u $i<j,ooa j9ujj 3c? 3jh32 *X iw>5o aw 1?w JM Next dravlnf jnlj 1, 1876. k<?r tuticnuri uddreaa b. Martinez a co., bnkwi, 10 Wall ?(., bu?b?bt. tipaaitb Cold ?nd Havana bank Bill* txmcht and Mid. Drain on hitvasit latued. j^oyal HAVANA lottery. OFFICIAL DRAWING OK JUKE SO. NEXT drawing july 1. jr?. rrtm. | Wa. . _*3ou 9 aoo sr. mo 46 ?W 127 11* JU MR, 180 307 214 JOO 246 3U> 374 lt*W 836 SOU U6-? DUO 412 :*xj 4*4 :?*> 486 :*w 6114 30e UHM....SI1XV sun 500 9617 30O 9036 n** *>39 301) ?on lwm 300 300 U!M9 1(??) am irttts aoo 10063 an 10126 aw 10206 aoo 101CI8 ....300 10290 3011 10304 SIX) 10312 moo 10410 aoo 10475 800 Prix*. \ No. PHm. 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