Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS WWTED-rKilflLiS. " Cook*, dfcr. ? EAST OTTH ST.?A YOCNO GIRL TO COOK. WASH i) and Iron; city or country ; wage*. $14. Call or addreaa. n if*HT 84THST ?A YOUNG hi RL~A8COOK AND excellent laundrrae; no objection lo tbe country; can be Man at preaent employer'*. ?j?) "wf>T tin -i ,im;i:sknt kmi'I.oYkki.-a 'J lady wiabea lo ' ?! a ahuation for two girla: one a* raok. the other aa chambermaid and waitress. Call to-day (?tween v aad 1 o'clock 'JQ WEST 1STII ST.-TKKKPtCTABUS'YOUN.VWO ? #0 man ai good plain rook. go.-d waaher and Ironer ill a small family , good city reference; uo objection to tba coun try. 40 BAST &0TH ST.~ihFfSEKT EMPLOYER'S).?AS O rook, a w?<man of firm rate character and a good oaok: will aaaiat in washing aud ironing. 4 5 I: A SI 41 ST ST. A COMPETENT PBK80N AS :?/ e?ok , t> willinir to assist with tha washing. Can ba af?? at present employer's. T(? PERRV~ST . KKA rT^T RBSPKCTABLK YOUNG T > ) woman aa good cook, wuber aud irouer; good refer ence. R1 BAST 19TH SY?A~ LADY LBAVINo" TOWN ? ? 1 wishes to obtain a place lor a co?k now in bur employ, whom aho ran recommend; will axalat in washing and iron lug Apply a* above. rf WEST IrtTU ST.. 11KAR.-A STEADY WOMAN ? ' I aa plain cook and good laundress; can make butter; city or country: rood reference. (t?(J WEST 49TH ST ?/TYOUNG WOM ANA8KIROT ')?' rlanii cook in a private family; will aaslat with tha washing and irnninc: country preferred; cau be aeen tor two laya at preaent employer's rr r~ WESr si.sf. st."-a young ~giri. as cook. i ') washer and I roue r and to aaailt witb housework; k?st city reference. m KAS'r IWTH ST.?A YO< N(i GIRL TO COOK, waali and Iron. Inttnire at preaent employer'". i |Wk MAD; SON AV. (PRESENT EM PLOVEB'H)T?? |U'* T?o excellent girla; one a> trood cook: tha other ut do chamherwork and aaaiat with children. I lit wlir sani st?a bekpectabl*oibLas LIU good cook; excellent waaher and ironer; uriaid nake heraalf generally rueful; fire yearn' reference from Mat place. BaBTBD ST.-TWO"YOCNG GIRLS, SISTEB8; one as irood cook and occllem baker; the other a* rood chambermaid and waitre?a; both are excellent washers and irouera; good city reference. WE8T16TB ST.. IUUH.-AN KXPEBIBNCBD mj woman a> tlrst clan cook; ia an excellent baker; lett city reference. II J w, ST lira ST.?A FAMILY, LIAY!x7/"town, i.ri wi?hea to procure a situation for n rlrl ui rook, aasher and ironer in a amall private family ; city or country, apply :?t present eniplo>er'a. 1 |J~W EST ~S:il> ST.-A IIK8P K i *T \ B L B WnMAS^AS IJL I" good cook . uuderatutida all kiuda ?if baking: ia will ing to go u ahort diatuare in the country; city reference. n"7 WKST "J4TH ST. NEAR ?TII AV*.?AS KIRST I elaaa paatry and meat cook: undartlanda Kranch lllahea; icood reference. mh\sl' J fill l (PBESBWT E MPLOYBB'B).?A younK Kir I aa cook nnd luun Ireaa iu a private family. | WE8T X0TB 8T v ? U'Alil.i- tOURli GIBL ladaj aa kooiI plaic cook : undentanda BngliaU cooking; tapnble of doin; any kind of work. I II ,1 WEST ail) ST'?AS inu?T CLAMS COOK"; J w'r tbomuKhly rompetent; would uaaiat in waehiug; three yeara' city reiereuce. "I ?;/? 18TB si . MBAR UTH a\ . SECOND kloorT? ImU Aa cook and a*sist with waahing; city or country: beat reference. Call for two dayv If)Q WEST lfmT sf.r~BEAB.- A BESPECTABLB irirl to rook, waali luid iron; ia AO excellent cook; l?e?t eity reference. 1 yn W&dT 19TH sr.. i-.etwSth~j[n1>~7TU 1.0V/ ava., two ataira up.?A scotch l*roteatant woman hi look: thoroughly underatanda her bu?ineaa, bread, biacnlt and cake ; nl?o meata. aoupa and jelliea; capable uf taking tliarire of a dairy; he?t retarencca from laat home; no ob wction to tbe country. 1?> J I EAST .wi ll ST AS cook AND TO ASSIST ?Ji7 with tbe auliini; in a private family, good city ret arence. Call for two day*. "1 ? )1 WEST 19TH ST-AS GOOD ENULISH COOK. JLOL to go ia tbe country; can take care of milk and latter; good reference. IOO WI ST 28TM ST.?A Yol'NG WO*AN AS COM ? >?? petent cook; utideratanda Engliah and American looking; good waaber and Ironer; city referenrea. 155 WEST ?D ST (PRESENT KMPLOYEB'S).?AM OO cnok, wa>lier and ifoner; willing to go iu the coun Jrr. Call lor two day*. mWKKT irr?l ST.?A RESPECTABLE WOMAN a? Hr?t class meat aud pastry cook; understands III kinds of family baking: mi objection to a boarding Iihiiu . city or country ; beat city reference. joq'WBHT> ST-A KKS PKCTA HLK YOUNO lO?7 Herman girl a* chambermaid and waitress Inn ?nail private family : city nr ? ouutry ; gnorl reference. Iri WEST a:il> ST.?A COMPETENT YOUKU ? 11 woman an an experienced English cook; thoroughly suderstanda her business; would assist with tbe coarse washing. heat reference from last place. * 1 r. 7 wliST J7TJ1 ST.TsKCoXIf FLOOR. TWO ItlSTERS J ? ' I to go logetlier; ona as good cook, washer and Irouer, the other as chambermaid and waitreas; city or country; would do all the work between them. io *> WKHT 1UTH ST.?A YOUNO WOMAN AS GOOD ? J ? 199 excellent washer and irouer; city reference. EAST ...ill nT --AS took AMI Til ASSIST with washing and Ironing; beat city reference from art employer. , km/' WEST 3iiI'll si', ? BY A RESPECTABLE YOU.NO ^'"1 woman aa cook; would aaalat win: washing aud Ironing: will be found obliging Address A. B. tmn west an-11 st.. front basementT^a w"l?r young woman to cook, waali or iron, city or coun trr: city reference. WEST 44TH ST. (PRESENT ?vri.ovI.K'SK? ? I "l A middle aged woman aa cook and to assist with Hie washing: no objection to the country ini| Ka>I- SttTH ST., "5hAll SD AT.?a YocNd i<' woman to rook, wash andiron In a atnall private Iniullj ; will go a abort distance in tbe oountry; good city raference. ?)1 I WEST -t'T 11 ST. ?A SCOTCH VfOM AN AS VERY ? II good cook; hoarding house or prtvata family ; would t?i<t In washing: city reference ? >1 T RANT -? Til si A YOf N(i WOMAN AS I'll*. _J I petent cook; willing to aaaiat with the washing If Required; good raference; country preferred. Call lor two ?*>?? EAST WTII ST.?AS EXCELLENT COOK AM) laundress In the city or a abort distance In Hie (uuntrv ; beat cltv reference. f>a)a> KAMI WTH SI.-A RMPKCTAILI >; I HI. AS Brat claaa cook ; city or country ; four yean' refcr tii ca. i).) WTll AT.?A OOMPXTKWT WOM AN Art L dinner or order conli in a restaurant or hotel; ?Terence. !)OJ EASI 4.VTII ST.-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN a? cook, waaher and irouer; bva yean' reference Vom last employer; city or country. srT?as first class cook in a boarding house; city or oouniry; good city refer 231 0*1?{ WEST 28ril ST, NKAIt JU AV _tS PIRST wOU claaa cook; would de waabing aud Ironing; beat tfty reference. ijijl) WEST 4JDST.. !STORE.?A NEAT COipETENT u*t^l girl aa cook, waaher and imner, or to do liouie rnrk ; la an excellent laundreas; city or country; beat ret'-' ?re ace. t )IO EAST MTH s-FT-yT RESFRt 'TABL E (IIRL Art m I plain cook, wastier and iroiser; no objectlou to the tountry; good city reference. WlKST I STf I >,T. IX STOKE.?A PROTEST A NT woman aa cm.k aud assist in washing, city or coan Call for two day*. 250 ?>KO MADISON aY. (PRESENT EMPLOYER'S).-A >j''0 respectable young woman us thoroughly cotape teat eooki 1* an ex? client baker au<l pastry cook. *>All ?*Ti"i sT~PlSs?aNT EMPLOYER-SI. ?iU" TwogiWa. one as cook; the other aa chambermaid and waitreaa; good reference a )(i*y WE91 TsTH ST.?A KEEP EOT A U LE WOMAN 1 a-conk and to do plain wmahing In a private fam ily, beat ra<arwne?L ijMLW J 7TII~ AV~?AS riRMT CL SS COOK AM> a*t7" baker; would aasiat in waaling; rlty or country; keat rlty raleranae iHlll" EAST imTtl ST.. BETWEEN 1 ^T AXU^Td it\f& ava.?A reapertable cirl aa cook, waaher and Iruuer; no objection to do general houaework, beat r*ter snc* mm laat pl*ce. ^ WKST aOTIl St!?A RiSPKCTABl.E PERSON aa good plain cook, or woaid do general houaework. a?a?~-| ?|M . .Ill > I |-i'.l>K\I EMPLOY K It'rt ,-A ? Ye) | a rompetent yonag wrenan a* ceok. wasber and Irimer. or tn ito general henaework . city rclereace. Call on rharaday awjr. ? ?OU EAST -'tiTII -T.?a" KESPEC I'A BJJ-. I.IUL VS ilOO slain c<Hik. vf aaber ioid iroaer. or to ilu bouaework tu a small private lair.ily; uonujictioii to tbe oinntry. :*15 34 aa cook, waaher aud irouer; beat refrrxnre. 7 EAsT "JUTII ST.?A YOL'Ml WOMAN As COOK' I wailitf.- and Irouer ; good city reference. ? >7||" ?E>' *rTH ST A KK>PKCTaMLE til I. AR ?1| U co.vk and to eaatat with washing; no objeclina to po a abaft distance in the cssatrj I I aj EArt I I7TII ST."?A YOCNO "?JLKL A8~KljiMT t LO rfan cook; ao objection to a private boardiag house; City refereac.*. I 1 r 4TH AT. iBAEEKYi - A PROEKSSKU COOK ; *ti'J rnmpetrnt ia all branches; lirat rlasi paatry and ueasarta; would aasitt in wa?hing; nest relereuce. I ?"? 1 >r k REMPfct r\Hi f. iiil M. *1 t#T >firi aa rook, waaber and irouer; city or country , ? acelieat cltj relereace. '(/<! .10 ,\\ A H ES PKCTA BL f. \\oM\N TO 'lUx r<M<k, waan and iron, ao object lam to the country, fiMid city refereacv. "|(|7 TTH A V.?A RES P KPT'A BL E WOMAN Art 'JJi llrat olaas cook ; willing to do lbe coarse washing; beat city reference. - I aj WKSf 4:il? sT.. I I l?KE\r UirH ASH 11 f II ?Kt?l ava ? \n experienced aooian aa rook waaher ami iroaer or to de general housework ta a small latino ; would like to take her little gin, ten yeara old, along; country (?referred, good city reference 4 * OO liTti AT.?A YOf.NO WOMAX AS COOK; US * derataada nxiking and baiting ia all their branches; lt? objection to assist wl?h tho roarw washiai;. no ob^retiou to tbaeountr). t an >?e aeen at hor present rmplnvei ? .?it) BKOAOWA Y?'YOlXti QQU, AS CoOK. W Xaa waiber and ironer in small prirate latail) ; city references i.o/a oTH \\ ? K RKSin-t r tHI.K MIDDLE UIKO t)O0 woman aa brat claaa cook la a [Vrivata fatally; si> pears' healrity refereaoe f iii 7Tii ay., COKKRK uf :<?: ii >r"- two nk~ | Ti ?|>erta>ile girls owe as rook; the other as lauu iiitsi. cltv or ronatry. t^all lor twodava . STII A*.-A At-.sPECTABLE GIRL AS 1 OOK. ? > or would do hoaseworfc alone it* a nice family . gooil waaiier atid Iroaer . good rity rerereix-e A TOtNO WOMAN~As 1IK.-T CLA/IS COOK. tXDER Manila all kinds of Cuuki*S; aitv *>r country, beat city retareui-e Addreaa u, boa f.litloraldA'pt au Breach odice. (lutmbermaida. A*. ? WKPT ?ITH ST. ? A \Ol AO WOMAN Art CHAM be rut aid ai?4 tine wmsli?r at0 kiOM tiivM, noofcjtfliwi tbe ?i>?ti r ; good city reierraoe frwa. preaeot employer. ^ -V WEST 4..1H sr"-A NIC $ tilKL AS CHAMBER i>l maid and waifreas ; city e'i?tatry. Ajnl/ ?< preiaat auipleyei't, before noon if ^saillk ! siIfatioki WAirraii-rKinjUiF^ Chtmbrrm?idk. dir. ro WHIT 471 H ST?A LADY GOING OCT or TUB ? '?J city wishes In get a place for her Kir I us chambermaid auJ waitress, or lanndraaa. Call at present employer's. "1 11 f \ EAST ~ a*?TH ST.?AS chambermaid AND Xl"<* seam.trws'. by a competent ?iwu. with the best city refer?ne?; witting to wait on lady or grown children; no objMUon to the country; call lor two <ist?. m KAST MTU ST.?A YOUNGG1EL Vlfi ORt reference to do upstairs work and nurw or upstairs work and waiting; do objection to the country. Call for two day*. 1 O'J BAST 3<5TH sr7 (P RKskNT KMPLOYKrt'Si -^A 1??? yoant girl as chambermaid and waitress; willing to go to the country. 1? J - WEST ?TH ST ?A TODNO COLOBED Ollb ?)' ) to do chamberwork and watting, or aa uurie; city or country; Rood city reference. fuZprn S3TM ST.?A UirXOTAlU TOUVO iOt) cirl a* chambermaid ?r waitress in a private family; do objection to the country ; city reference. 1 A "v WKST a?TH ST.-AN ENGI'UH PROTBMRQI 1 X'J gl#l a* cbamberiualL Call on or address M. A. M. 1 QU "nvru 'sT* "soi Yh Brooklyn? a kkkni'S ,L'*0 youne woman a> chambermaid and seamstress; city or country ; reference. Call, alter for three day*. 91 Li WBST 2hth ST.?A~KB8PBCTABLK YODNO w 1 ' ' girl a> cliambermaiil and waitress; willing to as ?tat witb the washing and ironing: no objection to do general housework in a email private family. Oj\? KAST* 39TH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL AS ClIAM O" '? ) bermaid and wailre?a or One washing; no objection to the country; p'od city reference. ?)1 1 KAST MTM ST ?A YOI'NG AMKIUC A N" Gl ItL ? ' L 1 a? chambermaid and nurse; It a good, plain sewer; city reference. ?)jr. WEST 20TH ST., REAR.?A RESPECTABLE ?)It/ person at chambermaid and to do fine waabing; city reference. ?Toi) BAST ltTIl ST.. IN BAKERY.-A YOUNG GIRL to do chamberwork or to assist with children ; good* refers nces *>?>( | west M) ST. (PKXftKNT : ehmjoyib'si.-a OOl' reapectable girl as chambermaid and waitress. I ??*!?# BABT~ MTH st.-a respectable PRoTES OOl) tant worn itn t? do lifcht chamberwnrK or take c >ra of children; no objections to the country. Call, or addreaa care o! Xr< Osborne ?) I t) WEST 87TH ST.-A YOUNG GIRL TO DO chamberwork and wait on table; good city refer ence ?? i 7 KA*sr both sr.?a youno woman as ? )"t I chambermaid and waitress; will assist with the washing; sis years' reference. ?>??/? HUDSON KT - A RESPECTABLE YOUNG OIRL ua chamhermaid and waitress; willing andoblig : iiig; city or conntry; good city reference. ?)f'7 LEXINGTON AV.(PRESENT E M PI. OYiVu" rj)7? OU | A young girl aa chambermaid and waitress or nurse and seamstress. 4 -]~Q "WEST 29TII 8T.-A RESPECTABLE YOUNG I 1' ' girl to do upstairs work and make heraelf generally useful In ?> private famliy. j_oo "east irnTa-r?a young girl as cbam TijO bermaid and waitress; good city reference. Call lor two days. COCJ KAST 31 St"stt?A YOUNG AMERICAN GIRL as chambenuald aud waitress or to miua children; best city reference. Call or address. r.<T(J FAST 31 ST HT.-A YOUNO GIRL AS CHAM ' lij<7 berinnid and waitress and to assist with the wusb ing; or would do general housework in small lamily; best reference from last place. Call or address. n A (V WBST 37TH ST. "hEt!ond " I'l-OOR.?A bki <)'! ?' spectable German girl as chambermaid, or to auist in the jare of children. r .-({ 7TII AV., IJETW BEN :?TII AND ?J1'H ST-i.? t )? ?') a young woman as first class cook; would assist In washing and ironing; city or country; best city reterence. /' II 1st AV. -A respectable gihltas CHAsf Ut L bermaid or laundress in the country or city; ref erence. <y>?7 21) A v.. NE A R .vrril 8T.?A RESPECTABLE ? touu.t girl for chamberwork and waiting or housework; t:ood elty references. A youno amkkican g i ritito dctupstai rs or light b?usework in a Protestant family; good refer ences. Address hLhA. box I2(> Herald olRce. AYOtTNO WOMAN AS chambermaid AND seamstress; can operate on Wheeler A Wilton's ma chine Address SI'.AMSTKKSS. box liW llerald Uptown Branch office. A DRESSMAKER and OPERATOR ON WHEELER A Wilson's inachino wishes work in private families; would go to the country ou reasonable terms. Address DRESSMAKER, box 175 Herald Uptown Branch office. Dressmsken and Seamstresses. nO HOBOKEN AV.. JKKSEY CITY HEIUUTS-A respectable person as seamstress; Is willing to assist In hottsework. Address M. K. rrt") wes1147th ST.-A COM petest DRESSMAKER | L ?n>l ?<,amstre>s wishes a few more engagements; good refcreuce. *"*11 w address. 152 WEST 44TH ST.?to cl'T AND FIT LADIES' 473 A and children's dresses. iu a private luraily; cuu few on Wheeler A Wilson's machine; willlug to attend to growing cliildren ; no objection to the country. fcioii e vST 4i?tll st.?a RKBPKCTABLB yotso woman as seamstress: willing to do a little light chamberwork; no objection to llie country. ___ nor EAST will" ST.-A SEAMSTRESS TO uo OCT 0???) bv the day or wetlc-. accustomed to dressmaking Rnd all kluds of machine*. Call nr address. 2p AV. IS tills STORK*.?a8 FIRST CLASS _ dressmaker by the dny : ?ur? can be seen. COMPETENT KRENCII DRESSMAKER WISHES to BO out by the day. Addre?? N. X. M.. Herald Up towu Branch office. Grneral Housework. 4*. to JONF.S ST . REAR.?an ENOLISH OIRL TO DO l Ji general housework ; c ity or country : reference. 111 PARK" ItOW-A lilisl'EcTABLE COLORED wo \ \) man would like to do general housework In a small famllr; also a girl or 12 years to nurse a baby ; Brooklyn or Staten Island preferred^ Address d. k. lokA. nstii av.?a OIRL, LATELY LANDED. TO DO mineral house or upstsirs work. Cau be sseo at pres ent employer's olt"WEST 11TH ST.. REAR. ?a RESPECTABLE wo msu to do housework in a private lamllv In the city (w) St MARKS PLACE ?A rbspbotablb *jJj Scotch iclrl to do general housework lu ? imall pri vate family Call or address. 1 CM wbsr 4BTH ST.? A YOl'NO WOMAN TO DO i ' + general housework In a small American family that is willing to do part of the washing ; good reference. 1 all for two 120 "WEST 3DrH ST.?a Vol no OIRL TO DO boubewurk iu a small American family; ??st city "1 sl/s WEST l'JTII ST.?a RESPECTABLE OIKL TO loo do homework; willing and obliging; good city ref erence. i a WEST 4TH ST.-A MIDDLB AOED AMERICAN _ iv woman to do general housework la a small private laiuily. -s a i? WEST 19TH ST.?a OIHL TO DO OENERAL 14b housework In a private family . best city reterence. ?1 cij WIKT k'tii ST.-A RE SIM-'. i l'\HLK YOl'NO loo *iri to do homework: \* a ?ood plain cook, washer end Ironer; good cltv reference from last place. -1-7 west 331) ST.?TWO RESPECTABLE C.IRLS TO 1?) ( do the work of a prleate lamlly together; good elty reference*. __ nj\r EAST mstll ST.?a OERMAN WOMAN TO DO general housework; city reference^ nnvreast IfcVril ST.-A YOl'no OIRL TO DO housework in a private family; good washer and ironer; rood re to tenet*. _____ <vvi kast 4stii ST. BASKMEMT.-A Yt)UNO C.ibl AW. to do housework; good reference trom preseut k).l i WEST 1 sth ST.. REAR. kibst FLOOR. A ^ yonng woman to do general housework In a small private family. 000 EAST --" ST.?a YOl'NO WOMAN TO DO housework ; Is a good plain cook, excellent washer and ironer; good reference. - ?>.>/? ka<r ?TH ST.-A RBSPBOTABLB tqobo JqO girl to do general housework; good refereoeee; country pieferred. Oil) west47tii ST.. TWO FLIGHTS cl' -A re li-\ Zi snectable woman to do the work of a small family j country prewired ; thoronghly capable; steady place pre 1 rred 'to high w ages. rr, i west ;wrii ST.? a yoUNo woman to do .i4 4 housework In a small family ; city or country; good teffrence. ' ? ? ? 0 i - just a TH ST.. ROOM &?a YOl'NO OIRL ; i to do general bou?ework in a small prlvata family; ! g,?od reference. i) iu wl ST ITT 11 Sr-COIAJRKDOIRL ?>"*??* ?i4o eral housework. _ Miss o. BROW n. ?)4)fi i \si u:.rn ST a yoi'no kx (i LI 811 oiiiL | ,>,v^ general housework; beet rrtoreuce. ?) . i\ WEST i?Tll ST.- a RES|*i-'.ctAH'lB YOCNO tj'j-u girl to do housework ; pood reference. _ i nil EAST 14TII st?A OERMAN OIUL TO DO 4;'''* genet o kxieewerk in a private foully. . iTili WEST -MTU ST \ kksl'kcta hi.E OIHL TO 4 I ' ? ' do t-enerul Iwusework s gmtf irit) relereuce^ t i tr*k<T ovrn st -a scorcii WOMAN TO DO 4 Ls- general housework in a em^ll lamlly. ? -~ka?T I4TH ST.-a RESPECTABLE YOCNO 4,V) girl for general honsework . is a good laundress; ^11 recommended from her last pl ice. ( all or address. __ . .... I wui si v vol NO WOMAN TO DO 4??l) gen.'ral housework, city or country; good reter ^ ... ? >ii. \v ->T .ip ST -A kk.-.pectablb WOMAN 4 to do general housework; ha* a little boy eight y? ar* old . city rer?renc?. - j ? WEST ; i ii S T ? \ oihl. lately LANDr.d. 'i i ? to do general housewor? | .7i< WEST hud ST.?a RESPECTABLE vodq 4 h> girl to do general housework or wenld take care er | children. ! . - wksl i' -1 11 YOl'NO oiki. to DO j general housework; l?e?t elty reference; bo objer tioo to the meMry. _ _ _ - . . ?.- AST luril -i un i iie STOltBi.?a SWEDISH 1 e)u| woman to do general housework. beet clt) rcfer en.-e. Call for two deya WEST jstii ST.?a y'oi NO WOMAN TO DO ( m i i general housework : reuotrj or eity. rmi 1-v av itooM 11 \ Y'?cno oibl to is ouo sist With housework ; is neat end obliging. . -oo ka>>t i4iii ST -A WOMAN honsework ; is a good cook, washer aud imeer . city rtlfrtfnc# .. . ? ? - 11 rir at A bespeutahli woman to do ?')?).? general honsework In a small lamily; city or ii)ii * 11 y. ?r,'o l(iTli at . BETWEEN WD and md STB.. t c^sl .???end floor.?a respectable l.ermen girl ??> do gen eral |,.,?sework ..rup?tairs work and lake care or < *l?trea.^ I I\ ... mtm v bkspectabi.e oibl to do ' "al) hoo?e-or* . good city ecterenee. 1 lion jd AV.. CORNER ?h? ST.-A kesphtta | . f^ i,|# gtri in a private family to do general Itoiue work. got d relereuce. He?*eKee|>ers. 4(. - \re#t 13TH ST.-A VOUMtl LADT. ACt 'im 1 o plished and of cheerr?l dispositloe. a* housekeeper in a widower'* family. Call all thr *srt. . 1 o bunl. ST. THIRD flioht.-A Yl?l NO i.AHY. lo stranger lu Ike city, es boaaekeeper; widower * lam iiy prelerred. SITUATlOm WtHTBP-rEMAtas. Houi?kre|i?r<." ?st? 1,17 ?l'51 "T--A lady AS HOUSEKEEPER, call It I for on* week. I 6 t{~'THOMPSON SFI NKAR BLBSCKER.?AS JLO?> hnuvkeeper by a widow lady. Call on or MMreu HorSBKEBI'ER. f)Or WEST ?OTH ST.-AK EDUCATED YOUKQ lady a* housekeeper in a widower*! fa-nily. Mix COLE. Vr.K ?MI V2D ST.-A~~COM PETBNT LADY "l>B ~T ? '? / sire? a bom* in a crentlcmau's l.imily u boa>r keener. or would attend u invalid lady. Call tl present ?raployar**. PMLADtLPHIA -A TOD NO LADY iWTUANUErTn PiiiladelnbiaJ" cheerful turf accomplished, house keeper In a widower's family. Cull all the we*k, 218 South II lb it. IdtandrMiM. df?. f)f? WEST 221) ST. (PRE-EVT KMPLOYER'8).-A youna: woman as laumlrva* Call for two dav*. 97~wmrr trt? w.-as eikbt clashumW w I In a private larnily; bebt city ruferencei. Call tor two dayi. UROYB RT - A YOCNG LADY PROM WlTO R. i I land to take rare oMant.drv; w uid jnre lcisoni in Ttnlian to children. Addren Mrs. SEAMS. WEST OTTff ST., NKAR 8TS"a~V.-A REBEBCTA bie woman as flrat cla-i laundress; would do ehain berwork : bent e.ity reference. I A A WEST 4<jrif8T.-A HFRPVCTABLI COLORED ?1 T I trirl ?? ltni..!reM; jtood city reference. 1 f?Q lkxTSoton 0y.~7\?respectable ccrl AS J') laundress; willing to assist with tho ehambarwork. Can l>e *eea al last employer1* fba?ementV. one WW ltlTH ST.. "BETWEEN 7TH and btr are.?A French woman to Iron fine clothea in all Ita branehei. In a private family. H. 0. Oijn RABT 2BTII ST.?A KBRBKCTABLB OIKL AS laundress: no objection to the country. 2,- r ~ W E ST SOT HBP ? A COMPETENT VON A N AS lannuresa end housework: understand* milk and nutter: eity or country: good reference. A 0>Te7sT ?TH~HT., REAR, BASF ME NT.?a W0 T?) I man to go out waibing by the day; well recom mended. r97 WBST 4JI) ST.?A WOMAN TO 00 OCT BY ')?J I the day as pood washer orironer. 7jl,r nil AY.. BETWEEN 4WTR AND dflTB BTW.? I 'J'J A Protenant woman as first rla?? lanndiess-.under Hands all kind* ot French llutinir polishing and Uee?. Alio a girl, 12 year* old, to m?k? herself n*efnl or mind a baby. QQ?y 1ST A v., SEC ON I* I'lTooYt. ? K RKSPEOTAB'LR 0?'?J young Rirl hi laundress; no objection to a private boarding hon?". Qnfi~8D AX.. BRTWEEN ?7TH AND fiOTH BTR., ?71M I (lnt floor, hack room.?A* sober, steady widow wo man. having no family. wishes to go nut a few day* at wash inland Ironlnrorto take washing in thn bouae ; well rec ommended if required. it ?*?!#?*,. rtce. no JANE ST., BETWEEN' ORKRNWIOH AND *TH Jjit nva. ?A r-apeetable m?rri<'d woman na wet mirae in a private family: lias lost baby, two weoki old. Can be aeen for two dny?. A A~i>BLANEY ST.. SECOND KLOOrT^Pttf>VT AN T"T" American Prote?tant tr'rl as ntjr?e. or would do livht work aril >(??; nnderstnnda Wheeler A Wilaon maehlne; warei not in mnch tin object ui a pleaaant home in the country; good reference. ,-ri WKST 12 i ll ST--A~"KBENCn WOMAN Ol' CJOOD ? II experience aa unr?e. KQ WBBT MTTt RT.-A ttMPSCTABLB woman ?lO competent to take care of a baby from It* birth : Ave year*' reference from her lait place. bo BOCTH era Av.7BKTWEf.V-H(H STON AND " I' ' Bieerk riti.?A yonntr l.idr a* children'* n?r?e; nn ImMMb the care of children. Addren *trs. H. K. KKKNKY. 1 07 Wl'.ST 41ST ST.?AC OM PKTK VT'wOkl AN AS II" I nurse and fceamiireas: city or country. WE-l "l9TH BT.-AN AMEBICAM GIRL AS nurse and to aialat with chaml>erw<trk. mSD AV.?AS EXPERCKNCED M USE IN ANY kind ofalekneai; belt reference. Mri. HAMILTON. {~7TH AY.?KRBRCH Ofltti AB NCK.SE AND ) upstaira (tirl. orvQ FA?T 42DTr_A RESPECTABLE MARRIED ?j\)?.i woman na wet nura*; Brat child; wage* not eo much nn object ?a a irood home. n7u> EAST 2?D ST.. NEAR 3D A v.?A REfO'lLCTN Jt.'U able vounir woman aa wit nurae. O/\Q WEST ~r>Tl7 ST.-AS COOP NTRSE OR ?i')0 aearaatrcas; city or country; beat city reference. 909 WEST M5TH ST.?AS COMPBTKNT NTJRSe": can brint; np an infant from ita birth; or would do chnmherwnrk; city or countrv : city reference. qm WEST S5TH ST.?NURSE AND SSAMBTREBS ? ) ?. I. to cut anil lit children')) dreaiei and would naUt In the rhamberwork; (rood city reference. ?} J^7 WEST 37TH 8T.?A HEAliTHY YODNO WO 0"I I man aa wet nune; city or countrv. Mrs DONOHCE. 3no WKST ViD ST-A YOlJNG QIRL. LATkl.Y ? )0 landed. to tnlnd a baby and mako herself useful. ?IO7 UAlb ST.. TIllKt) Ff.OOR, FRO NT.?A RE OU I spot-table woman an nurse in m private family; is willing aud useful. OQ7 2D AV.?A OOMPETBNT PERSON AS IXPANT'S OO I nurse; understands taking ear* of a baby from its birth. A 97 WEST" 42D ST.?a RESPBCTABLB GIEL TO 4 take caro of children ; country or city; beat refer ence. A OH WKST 418T ST. A RESPECTABLE HARRIED Tladv withes to go out wet tinning; best retereace. Call for two d?) *. i ?M\ WKST 40tfl #f.-i RMTBCTABLB YOCNG *irO*" girl an experienced nurso and to do sewing anil c.hamb- rwork and waiting; no abaction to the country; best city reference. /??1/\ II rr 11 AV..-TOP ? ruook!- a rEspkcta hle DO*' married woman wants to go as w*t nurse withfresb breast of milk. ~?TH AV.?A OOM"PETEll? WOMaN A9 child's nurse: 3lj yeam' reference from last place 737 741 10TH AV.?MARRIED WOMAN A3 WET nnrw. 70 I :vril AV. (PRESENT EMPLOYER^).?A COM" I Ot nctent woman ?? nnrae; thoroughly understands the rare of n child from it* Infancy; best city reference. AH' it I RS K OR MAID.?Alt ENGLISH GIRL TO OO to Europe with a family; is a good sailor. Address M. L , box 17W Herald office. HR8PKCTAB~LR~WOMAN WJSii K8 TO RETURN to Ireland; would cive her services as nurs* for her pasMfre. Address CASTLE UAKUEN. V YOUNG I AIIV AS NURMK; HtiST CITY* RBF JV. erence. Address, ior three days, Mrs. K. E. O., Herald office. YOI'NO AMERICAN GIRL WISiiF.8XF(>slfION as nuriie and to do plain sewlne: no objection to a ?hort distance in tti* country : best city telereuce. Address M. V. <1. Herald Uptown Branch office. OITCATiON WaKTKK-BV A rRF.IfCn WOMAN, A3 ? i nurso or to take care of children; willing to do anv housework. Address B. D.. box 167 Herald Uptown Branch office. Wsltrrsies. Ac. MBA8T 94TH ST.-A YOU NO SCOTCH 01RL AS waitress; would do chambarwurk or sewing; good city reference. Call tor two days. ink* WEST 20Tir ST. - A TO? NO DIRL AS FIRST IaU class waitress; ran take full rbsrte of a dining r w; also a good *->am*tr?ss; brst city reference. 1 /??!MADISON AV. IP RESENT EM l'LOTKK'S).-A8 IUO first class waitrese; understands her biuineaa thor oughly; good city relarence; citv or conutry. (11 O KAsf~35TH ST.IN THE ~ STORK A YOU NO MiO girl aa thorough waitress In all Its branches: caa take a man's place If required; good reference, fall for two days. QC7 7TH A V.?A RESPBCTABLB TO UNO OIIL A> ij?) I first claas waitress or chambermaid; city or coait* try. OrtO WEST UftTll ST. -AS FIRST CLASS WAITRESS and chambermaid or wouid do fine washing and itunuiiT; understands her oasluesa in all its branches ; beat city reierenoe from her last place. I <K1 VWV ?hT ST!?A RR8PBCTABLK YOUKG girl as waitress and chambermaid: willing 10 go a short distance in the country; reference from her last place, A IO WBsr uo ir.?toiiNu person as first clase waitress ;"clty or country; has good city ref erence, Call fi r two >.ayt rr AV??A HKSPRCTABLE" ?0U?tf? WOMAN I T u first class waitress, or ?oukl do chemberwork if required; no ubjsction to the country; best city re fere uc*. Allsrrllnneflas. M SUFFOLK ST. ROOM 12-V RESPECTABLE person, lately landed. In a respectablo family; K a good seam-tres* and willing to take toe v bar re of two children and learn them to real and write; country or city i wage* no object. Can be seeu till snited. rfn RAirr ?th at.?a lady leaving town lit' wishes to obtain a aitnation for an excellent girl, who la a >err neat sewer, alio willing to take charge of children. Can he seen at pr*ent employer's, I'.jo ' OBLATORY' ?f.. TOP FLOOR.?A WIDOW 1 _ 1 ' woman In a restaurant or kitchcn ; willing to inake hersalf uselnl. AJdresv. OOlpKAST MTII ST.?A YOI'NO UIRL AH l.ADY'S mO'? maid ; would da light cliamberwork and r ski-care of a growing child; IWe years' reference front last mace. OjtO WKST U4TII sr. - A YOl xil CIRL. AUE 17. TO OUO do light honsework in a small tamllv 11\7 ka^t jwth st.?a for.vo american oirl *1 ' ' I to do light li.tiiaewor* or to take car* ?>f growing children. Call oraddres?. |"OA 5th AV., SECON f?~ FLOOR, KBONT.?A conntr per'-on as ltdy's rniiil or tirrse. speaks I V'reiM-li; n.. on(. ctn'n to tracel or go in thenommy. Call I on or address Miss lilt A V. jr/y? 7TH AV.?A PROTECTANT ENGLISH WOMAN ] ?)?)<) as housemaid or general servant, is willing and I obliging; city or country. I "MUD3oN~AV.. THREE DOORS FROM TlLLARf I ?)| ?1 sl. iii the eandv stcr-i. Rruoklyu. ?A voun^ girl as e\rell#n' liaiinres?cr aud willing to toltg gligrge of one or t>?ochildren, in allrst class family; country preferred. Call or addrees. /?|U -'.ril AV. TRRSENT EM l'LOYKR'81.?A NORTH OJO Oeriuau kirl as lady's mal l and aoamstnss*; iM-st ref*. t-nees. 1 1 ?>Q aD AV.?A YOI'NO GIRL 1TO"SiT i.kuTt i.La.<l house*ork in :? small famil 1 ; id relerrnce. VOUNli WOMAN AS LADY'S MALD OR M KSK? nnderMinds >lr -^mtKi.ig, ant is tn rttrritiMmk tstoT: b"-t relercBc^s. Address SKAMHTKKSS, room >.17 Itonsumr* Hotel. OITCATIo.N RKgl IHED-BV Ki'l CA7l.i? Yol'XG speaking I rcnch tangnaf liccMIr; iindf - -:and. <lt*<*iuaking anrt sewing; Wllltng tn b? niefnl; city orconntry: lipst^Tlasa reference. Andre-s DsKFI U llemid I'ptvwn Hr*neh iiflc T|fAHfKl??IiY"aTttUNt; l.ADY OF REFTiaHH IT a ?itnatl'?i s? c inpanion t? an invalid trirl or elderly lady; rands well; Is gconipeWItt trarelllng companion and wiii mats nersell gtMraliy naefal; best city reference*. Ao.|re-< A. V. 8., Hatlt, V Ii. PHOKK<4MOY \LM I T \T1?NI? WAKTED raiiALKi). s Vol >iV"l,A|>\. 'WliO Has' *E\fcKAL TltAM?' j'V exprrlenee In t?a:hlng Fr*n?U. lirrmsn, hnglish and tin- rudiments of Music. <MalrM ? posuiou as govain*ss m a test da-* (austly; best referencea. Address L., Uov*rn*?s. Herald office. ___ ' ???-?? II KI.I* IV W'l'KII?I-'K.IIALK S~friO.NO. pSaKI Ol'Si/KOrt OnVkRvL HOU"#! il worn; U?rnui*u prc(?rrt4? Appij *1 21(1 Vf##t 13th il> HELP WASTED?FEMALES. PPRP.STICE WANTED FOB DRESSMAKING AT 18 Weet 33d at. A FOREWOMAN WANTED KOR a LADIEri' CNDEU icariuent io?nafkctorr whore On* eoude only ?? made: to a lady of ability and idea* a atoadr poeition aud jruod Mlarjr. Addreaa. for a few day*. U. w. P.. Herald officii. DltEitf MA KERB-FIRST cSZBT~(S31 WaOESs couataut work. Mini. C. PAT. Main aud ReE. Orange. N. J. _ Forewoman on collars and cuf#b.--a* Ex perienced poraon ca:t aecure a permanent poaitiun EMU, 9 h< VL44 Li-peuan) ?. ANTED?GOOD DRESSMAC ? R AT 1~6* EAST 37th at., star 3d a?. _ 7" ANTED?A COLORED GIRL KOR OENBBAL homework. Appl v at 108 Wen 484 at. WANTED=X~ REM FECTABL STWBLL RECOMM E N D ? ed gri11 for cenernl housework in a private American family. Apple, with referenaoa, at 185 Eaat l'-'Hth ?l ANTED?A (?ltL. ABOnTii T?> ATTKNirX LIT* tla boy during? the day. Apply at 210 Kom fl2d at. WANTKD?AsMART YOUNG"UIRL >1>K GENERAL houtowork; nun 1>? a good washer aad ironer and nn deratand oiwUni; mutt have city reference*. Apply at 63C> Lexington av. WA NTED?A MIDDLE-AGED" PROTKSTANT WO ?nau tn do general homework. Pull bell twice at Mil Eaat 36lb at. w w w w ANTKD-A LADY CASHIER IN A RESTAURANT. Addreaa. with rehreact. box 114 Herald office. XJL' ANTED?A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN AS M!r5b ?? and t<> do chamberwork ; mil at ha oblicinr : retldeni-w, Platnficld. N. .1. Call lor two daya on SEYMOl'lt IIA IT. 227 WatliioKton at.. New York. WANTED?A GIRI. TO WASH. IRON AMD BO 0F atair* work In .i family of tlirvo. Apple on Thursday, from 10 until 12. at 147 Eaat 127th at WANTED?A NEAT.' ACTIVE QlBIi TO MIND A baby at ISti Baal K!d at. WANTFD A HOOD Gl ru, FOB OEMEEAL nOUSS work in a hnuaa whero there are low hoarder*; ? good place for a kind, willing per-on: Gorman or Swede pre ferred. Call at 2(11 Baltla at., Brooklyn. ANTED?A"GOOD COOK. WASHER AND IRONER Apple, with city reference. at ?'7 Eaat 1 Hth at. WANTED?ATOCKO WOMAN *8 LAtNDREBSAND to aa>iht In lioaiework: ai'ialactory city reference re quired. Apply at 13 Weet _"Jd at. ANTED-A NEAT TOUKG fit RE. AS CHILDRRN's" miran; alao a chambermaid. Hint waaher and Ironer; ei;y rafer^ncoa. Call at 331 E.i?t lSlh at. alter f* o'clock. VVrANTED -A RESPECTABLE OtE FOR^G ENERAL " liouaawork: mnat lie irood waabar and irnner and have rlty ref.-renca. ,'K:t Eaat 4lat at nrANTED?TWoToERMAN GIRLS; ONE ab cook! vf and one a* laondreta; mnat hava rood reference. Call, from 0 to 12, at 71 Weet 4' th at. tV'ANTED-A GIRL TO DO SEWTNO AND WAIT ii upon a lad.v in delicate health, about leaviov town : highcat ref'eroncea required; prel'ereiico given t? one wear inir cap and apron. Apply at 63 Weet 35th at., after 12 o'clock. w WANTED? A WET NttRJiE. TO TAKE CHARGE OF nti infant at lier own home. Addraaa L. L. L.. 3ij8 Weat 23d it. WANTED^a-COMPETENT PERSON ~AS_INFANT'S nurae and aeamatreaa. Apply, with city refereucee, to morrow, at 139 Mad Won a v. Tlf AEintD?oW ' A*'llih.N'TLKMAN'S PI.A(7e7~tN *TlfE 11 conntrv. on the llndaon. eliamhermaid and wnitroKa; muat hate i_-ood city referenoea. Apply at 131* Eaat IStli at. after 9. SITUATIONS" \V AVTEli-rJ/tUi:^ A CIVIL UNtlINEEIt. KAM1 LIAR WITH KMLKOAD JY couatrai'tion aud the cpeniii); of town plot.a, ia open for an enirajrcment. Addreaa W. .S. St'OTT, C. E., care of W. K Scott A Co., '_'4 Pine tt.. New York. S^ RXi%itIEN<:ED~MAN WISHES' a" hTfUATION IN eity or couutry; underatanda farming; can take cart- of liorsea. and can milk cnwi. Addraaa B. SHELDON, box 1J7 Herald office. A VOUNO MAN-GOOD COMPANION, WILL A(1 J\ company a gentleman on a ranch. Addreai A. C., Herald olllca. \ YOL'NG ITALIAN MAN WISHES A SITUATION il aa waiter in a hotel or private family; apeaka Italian, l'rrnch and Engllah. Addreea WAITER, Herald Uptown Branch office. "T TO UNO MAR R IE D M A Nr DKSIR ES A~ SITUATION J\. aa janitor, porter, Ac. ; can mark and wrlta a fair hand; wairea not ao much nn object aa a permanency: heat recotn inendation from proaeut employer. Addreea F. U.. box 104 H<ra.'d offioe "7 URSPECTaBLK (lOLORKD MAN WISHES A J\ eitnatlon aa porter in a atorr ; can furniah a firat claaa atore referonoe from laat place. Addreia T. S. P.. HHSth av. FINST CLASS HE AD WAITER SPEAKINli ENG ll-h. French and Oerman. want! a aitnation; unexccn* tionable reference from the laat employer. Call on or ad drcaa earn ot 783 Broadwav, aecond floor. AYOUNO COLORED MAN WANTS A SI'lTA 1'ION aa waiter; city or country ; good reference. 269 Weat 47th at., top floor. A MOTHER WANTS A SITUATION FOR HER BOT, A 15 veara old; born in tlila cit.v;Juat from achool, una ia a ir'ioil Christian; la willini* and quick to learn. Call oa or addrraa PARENTS, WW 84th at., corner ofStb av. COLORED M \N AS FIRST CLASS WAITER IN A private family ; brut city reference. 26 East 5i>th >t. Butler ok waiter?thoroughly under. stands his duthu; city ur country. C?ll on or address E. P., ?IB 3th av . for two day*. SITUATION ~WaN?rD.?A YOUNG GERMAN Alt KAR nter; can milk; take care of horses. Inquire No. 2 Weal at. \\fantkd-a situation mTaTyoung man in a TV private family as hntler; boat refereuee. Address M. 8., 44 Taylor at., Brooklyn ( L.K11KS AMD SALESMEN. ~ "T"^^PKKlfe',r:Ki:> "':'?ILADRLPniA bookkeeper J\ ia desirous of almilar position in this city: time enouvh to discuss aalary alter a lew roontba' trial: best references. Adores* I'll IL tDhLI'll I AN. I'ost office box 4.014. Ot'OUNTS INVESTIGATED. BOOKS- WRITTEN UP by an experienced accountant; terma roaaonable; prompt attention: first data mercautile references. Addreaa \V. 8.. box 2,'I83 l'ost office. DRUGS.-SITUATION WANTED. Br A DRUGGIST OP 10 years' experience In a village of 8.0(A) Inhabitants. Address A. B.. box 17H Herald afflce. 7?Xl*KRIKNCED l>RUO~CLBRK REQUIRED, CAPA X!i ble of taking full charge; well recommended. Apply at (192 Mh av.. Brooklyn. WANTEJ-KY A COMPETENT MAN, A POSITION as buyer ?fnotions and trimmings for an out-of-towa house. Address It., box 20H Herald office. WANTlCD-NOTIONS CLKRK KOR LONG BRANCH* luquira, between I and 2 P. M.. at 45S Broadway. E. O. WREDMaNN * on, WANTED?AM EXPKItlENOED GENERAL OKRMAN dry goods salesman. Apply to J. McLOUGllLIN, 831 8th av. AN TED-TWO- ~E~XPERIENcl(D SALESMEN'. TO sell mustard, aalad. oil, vinegar, Ac., on salary and commissiou. Apply, between 8 and 9 A. M., at i.64 Pearl at., corner Pulton. XNTKI^AN ASSISTANT DRUO CLEKK. APPLY to W. P. DE P0RE8T, 5th ay., corner Dean, Brook lyn. WANTED?TWO PIRST CLASS DRY OOODM KaE?? men tor suits nnd shawls. TERENCE HARKEN, 03, 37 and 39 Catharine at, ""COACHMESI ASM OARDRitEUS. i ^COACHMEN'S SITUATION WANTEI? BY AYOUNO il man; understands gardening; can milk; willing to make himself useful; good relerence. Address COACH M.IK, box 2UI llarald ofiice. THUROUGil COACHMAN'S SITUATION WANTED? By a young man ; city or country; competent to take cbarte of a gentleman's country seat; seven years' Ui.t class reference. Address L. box 2i>4 Herald office. A yoir.vti man wishes a situation am oar. deucr or coachman : understands tba cue of horses Serf'ctly and is a goad driver. Address or call on U. R.,Ufj irimnn St. A~1ARDENEr7SITUATION 'WANTED'-BY aTTrST classman; understands hot and cold graperie*. fnrt, ttowers and vegetable*; care and management ot n ge'.tla m?n's place; lias the best of refer.uia. Addreaa U.K., llarald Uptown llranch office. VCOACHMAKITtJATION WANTED US eio man : would make liimsMf generally i:saful;bcst city reference Address K., box 120 Herald oPSce. QBNTLEMAN WANTS v MITt VTtON POR KM coachman; first cla*.; aingle: city or ceuntry; will make himself useful. Address ADAMS, box IUO lletald office. / tOACHMAN. GAR~D~ENEItANl> M AKK MY#ELF~I I? V/ lui in ? geutleman's place , terms modoraia. Address KEPBKENt 1:. bos 119 Herald oOh ? (lOACHMAN^ EX PI RIP.Nl ED MAN; WILLING AN6 J obliging, city or country; nnaxreptionahle city refer ence. Address lJEGl.lN. 215 West ]3tli at., private stable. / 10 AC TlMAN AND GROOM?rtY A~ YOUNO^INGLIsJI VV man; lias lived with best families. Address, box 124 Herald offier / ioaTTtm'an-s siication "waWkd-by a first 1 ' rlsnaraan; la a good groom; can come well revont Uivnded in every respect. J.xMf.S, 124 West 4Ath at. SITUATION WAN TED-AS PliWT CLASH COACH' t' man, by a single vonng man; 6r?t class city relerenen. Address J. R., U'?< West 31st at. "llfANTKD?A SITUATION AS A PIRST* CLASS II ' rosouinan and understands wailing on tabl<? In Kti^ liati stvle: first class ret?rance from la?t employer: city or contftrv. Addrass K".. I'ox 121 llerald office iiki,P wkfrfaD-M \ ijK". t |io\ HANfhTu ri> MAKr.'HiM.-Kl.r i.i.mVkai i.V Jv useful in a itowntown mannfa?Hurtng lionse; itmipi ha am art and active ai^l not afraid of work ; wajrea #2 iier week. Address. ? ith refer^uf'es, Ac . M. CO., Herald ofllce. UENTS r<? SOLFVlfr-OKDBKS l-oifKM.tRiilNC 1.1 pictures at the Unltad Statea Copying Hoase, UJ7 A a t rnr. whalemen s hxadouartem#, io.? Jv Sontn ??., wan tad immediau-ly, coopers, b at ?te<r?r.. cooka. aenmea and ordinary seamen. Apply exciualtely ta ,t. IIORJSON. a" ?TKN h'H.ICITORS WANTED. *1 TO fn rKB JVs <'??> Vrn"kfort House. 2'i? William at. ___ lioY~W \ NTkf?-AN AI'TIVeT INTELLIilENT Bt?T, l> asont 14 years old: must live Willi his parents and e..nie will recommended. Apply, fram 10 to lloolock, ta C. M OLNKY. -i" East 14th si VIKht CLASS"WHITE*"?'?R roLOKED COOK." n?R JT large boardinii lioute. Immediately. Wot lltli it, WANTKIt?'>?? Atil'.NTS, TO SELL PATENT SNAP, per l/00|. for whips; novelty, new ; sell- at sighl; >sm ?hi rnsile.!, I ?c. !!?:< Hw?> ill' av.. Nawark. N.J. WANTED COM PR PENT M\s as BARKRKPER ff IWai mil av. s l - A s 'I mvn iM) \V |VV (WITH ol; WII*|T<7| f V\ chltdrem, be to take care of a horse, iniik ami make himself generailv naeOil na a sir a I rountrr place: she as lenndres. aod lo asslat about the bouse: references required, t ail at 2" hvehange place, room I. :i to 4. TXf ANTED?.AN r.NEUCi Tit' Vol. No V V.N fO sRLI. V? an article ?lre*<i? Introdtccil among ri?ar dealers; ri feranres required. AiMtrosa I'oet office lio\ 4.IW2 \ir^NT?D A PtiRTEil""WIIO' I NMEP.ST\NI?S SHIP Vf pin/ and par?inir i"a?es, wrl'es a gm<d baud. Djiirea w.-ll. Call, not beiore I". a( I v?H 2d av.. eornproi N?h a;. u'AMi-ri * waiter t.\i> to ub <jEneral IT li'insework. Iuf|iiire at' 14?* Wonstcr at., from 9 to 11. i'OI it > M A K r TOUNti JHBN TO SELL IT something new which w II ?ell at lixnt. Call at Na.?. |MMd Itll i 'anal st., bvitaeen 8 and 9 a'clock. Xif?-A RAKK.BBVS11. A TIDY VoCNO MAN not afraid to wora; mast apeak barman and EnglUb. Inquire at the Yaadcrbiit Uouaa, Yaodarbllt Landing, a. i. HBLP WASTED?JIALKS. WA^ft D- *1 AITt R*. At 'I House, Rock aw ay Uaacii; uluv. tii per month A. K. SAM! ELI.S. WTAhiTtr)?AN intellioekt centleman. Vt good ildmi. who writ** t good legible hand ?M i or |?*w?r nilMMlli. and ru fi?t nl(<f>el?rf re rrences *? to heaesty uud iutegri tv. at araaaoaaltle salary. Atldre<s. IP4 'UB P*f * tienler* i? tii pnrloai occupation, a ad with wooui. M. L t, Her ald office. . t lUK TRAMS." A~YuDSiT8\?8DE. WtiRTPoST U YEARS ilAS'lSK'K a mauager of wood pulp faetorici Id Norway. wishes a ?itualiao as manager, foreman or engineer; <=bu uremi the verv best certificates for ability and /nod btharior. Ad dress Mr J KSPER^EN*. room 4, Mo. 1? Sooth William al_ or box .146 1'aat olhce. O ITC ATI ON W A NTED? BY A V I RtST C1.ASMCAKl'M 0 tar. Addren W. KINO. 161 West :Wd ?t. WANTED?A PRACTICAL CHEMIST. GRADUATE <>f the School of Mlues, Columbia < "liege: ? joung man preferred. Addroaa box 3AO Buffalo iN. V.) Put oBw. "11r ANTJ: 1 ni "urLIA liLr. MAN, FOR OXTH DROPS, TT licoricn .nid A. li. work: steady Job. if satisfactory. Aridrev. < ONPECTIONRR. Herald office, for on* week. Mr HAiii.. wShF* clans restaurant ak? Ctfscn I onntar nn Broadway next to theatre and hotel: rant only $Kl. with Baa; ram chance fur a n.?n with small capital. Apply 0H Broadway. A SAFE A?f? BUSINESS TO RE MS* posed of under peculiar circumstances; capital reqnlrvd to take possession. 9l..VAi. mu?t be settled by July 1. Ap ply, in Brat instance, li? A. I'. TV, box 17B Herald office. AOOOD STOCK OK STAPLE UROl'KKlRH; WILL take good notei at roaaonable time. Address VERBIS, Herald office. SjTmpLK ROOM-SPLENDID KOC A'l ION, ESTAB lulied, paying business, doa u town; a bargain. WILLIAM W. SIIA W, 41 Exchange place. A KINK COR NEK LIQUOR STORK, DOWN TOWS, J\. far *ale at half It* valoe: alio Maniple Rooms. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar st. A LIQUOR i'KlKK?PBOMiXKKT CORNER: LA KGB bustiies* dona: cheap, through di?v>luiion ofpitrtnar ?hip. LLOYD. aB Broadway. A? ONE~OP THK~OLDSS!T downtown sample . Rooms in thi* city lor sale; owner retiring. Apply to l.l.OYD, ill Broadway. II ARK "<ril A.VrR IhTk* S U.K. A Kl R-T 'CLASS corner Liquor Store, in a thicklr populated neighbor hood: no reasonable otter will he refua >d. Apply IU onae to flAFFNKY A SMI I'n S Store Agency. 17 Centre it. "I I'IRST CLASS KfcSl'.U RANT AND BARROOM Jx. on a prominent thoroughfare down town, cheap thi* d*>, or at auction to uiorrnw. UAFI'NEY .v SMITH. Auctioneers, 17 Centre at. KfllST CLASH 'VtlBNER LIQUOR 'stork FOB kale?Che?|i Iea-e and low rent. Call at. !?> Morton M LOT OF FLAO POLES* FOR SAKE?CHEAP. Call corner Weil and tMarkson st. Apply immediately.--<nrr.N away koeIboo. A handsome Sample Knom on Ktoadway; cost $I,'JCKX Address SACRIFICE. Herald office. BURST CLASH BAKERY FOR SALE: OOOD LOCA t<oi<. 1 mjiiire of F. KROEUEK. 031! 2d av. I TOR SALK?AN OLD EST ABI jfMtBD OROCBRt] corner l-t!i *u and 4tb av. A. S. BURNISTON", Aaaignoa._ Fml '8AL&-A SECOND HA?I> HERRI NO'S .lEWEJ^ era' Sale. 76 Inches high, W.? iocbe< wide. oombin?tio? lock, rodruwem. COKTOS A CO.. 14 Maiden lane. IK>R 8ALBTcIIRAP^A SPLENDI D_LlQt!OR" STORK 1 mid l.ager lloer Saloon with three yuan' luaaa : rent (SJ.'i per month, with Stock or without lb Apply ou premisea 159 Mott kt., near Hrund. ^>E SALE-FOSHaT"HOUSE, CORNER OF CHARI? ton nod. West ?ta. Inquire on |iremlse<i. F'OR SAJ jc?THE BOTTLE iTlIblXESS Af 1M 7TH nr. ; Horse. Wagon. Flxtorea and Stock: $'J,0UQ. or Ian without stork; eaally learned. ?[S5r SALE?AN OLD EWAfLISHKD WHOLESALB 1 aud rciail tirocery and rr?.*islon dowulown Store, one 01 the lu'ni and moat promiuant iu thn city: folly nocked and doing flru elasn trade: will be aold nt a bargain, part cash and loilanee In Seenritiei or Real Eatata; an un usual opportunity ior a grocer. Apply to H. L. 1'HaLON. U1 Eaat 17th II. FOR~SALP, OR ToTeT-WITII KIXTCRBS TH AT well-Known Liquor and Lager Boor Salonu, with long leaae, corner Union av. aud Box at-, near railroad depot, (irttenpoim. Inquire in store. HI,TEL KOR~ SALE-REED HOllsk" a~TLAnTTo City; famished; tertna reaaonable. P. DAY, B7 South 3d at, Philadelphia. l~AROE QUANTITY KINE, IVORY HANDLED. SIL I 1 ver plated Morldeti Cutlery, taken (or dcht. will be aold at extravagantly low prioea. in any qanntitiaa; alao Piano very cheap. Call at Mine. DEMOrEHT'B, 17 Etlt 14tb au, basement. A F M ARBLE SODA WATER AND ROOT BEEE APPA, ratua. allttyles. for aalo below cost. J. M. WHITFIELD A HON, 3U2 Water St. t&l <)IWi OASH WILL BUY A KINE STATIONER* Store, Circulating Llbraiy of 1.400 volumes, stock of Klreworas. Flags. Soda Water aud Cigar Stand, hrst class Fixtures; actual value, $4.<>00; owuer retiilng from buxiiiess ou uccount of legacy leti him in Enrope. For further particulars address LOUIS BEER. 18 Centre St. ^ MAC H iW KKV . ~ ~ B""(lILEli~Kf)R Sa'LE^L*ARlJF. TUBu'CaR, OP M(5K em construction. Apply at LESLIE BOILER WORK , U'i Pearl sU. acroas Penniylvanla Railroad, Jersey city, near the ferry. FOR 8alb?engine, l&XSU can be been run nlng at 113 Fulton st.. N?w York. FOR 8ALE-ENGIXE 15X30. CAM BB BKKX RUK ning at 113 Fnlton it.. Now York. SEVEN HORSEPOWER HOIHTINO ENGINE FOR ?Hie cheap; upright boiler. Ill Broadway, room 38. WA NtEO-S I-. CO NI? H AND HYDRAULIC FrKSS capacity 00 to 1UU ton*. Addttai 1.U34 Pine It. Pltllt, delphla. n HORSE PORTABLE HOISTING ENGINE AND Hollar at a bargain; two Hoisting Drums ; all in par fee i order. Apply immediately to THEO. SMITH t BRO., foot of F?vcx it.,_Jer?ey CUy _ PURSTITURfc.. " v^rvAfrriMirr'&tirsd^ fcrgtrRop?~v?ra: A icll their magolttcent Household Furniture, Tlx. Parlor, Library, Chambar and Ifiulng Room Furniture and elegant Stel%way A Son'i Piano at sacrifice. Call at private residence I3U Want 23d it., aaar nth a*. ?WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN . lor Fiirnlturu, Carpets and Redding at B. H. COW PERTH WAIT 4 OO.'S. 1.4 and 157 Chatham St. An Im mcuie Stock at low price*. UOTION ROOM";* E AST~13TH, ST^^'WlTURB, Carpet*. Mirrors, Pianos. Be<lroom 8eta. Parlor Salts, Arranire*. Desks, Ac., at pHrata sale at au tion prices. SIO'BILI, WILL" BUY" A MAGNIFICENT CRlST son coteline Parlor Suit, lataat style: also Bedroum Suits, Planolorte, Dressing Cases. Baraaua, Wasbstaud, Carpets, 50c. per yard. Call at rasidanca 21 East 20th u., near Broadway. CENTENNIAL FURNITURE. CARPBTsTlmtRORS Spring and Parlor Beds, Ac., at centennial pi lees and on centeunlal terms ot payment, at OEORGB A. CLARKE'S. 747 Broadway. UE>SiNO CASKS. FRENCH PLATE. $35! Bureaus, Bedstead*. Washatands, Excelsior Mat. treaae*. $2 .V): Parlor Suits, Wardrobes unusnally low. Call and examine my stock. KILL<EK.V8, 23 East 13th ?t. (Wblte banner wrong side of street, i I FAVOR'S AUCTION H^tUSE, 13 EAST 14TII ST.?ALL . kinds Furniture, ricli aud common; private sale; auc tion prices; owner wants money. Investigate. /BRO REFRIGERATORS. ICR CHESTS. POLARIS Coolers, Newport and Saratoga Coolers. Refrigerators repaired. LESLEY, L2H West J3d st. (?1T\/TTWW\ WORTH or furniture and car 3H'/wtUUU pet* at greatly reduced prices: now ta tlie time to buy Chamber Hult* from flH; Parlor tiiiits. walnut Bed?te?d*. W; walnut Rtireana, ?ti: Kitenaion Tablet, $8; Brussels Carpel (I. CO W PERTH WAIT S. Km and 157 Chatham St.; liireo bulldlnc. thirteen wartronm a okntistr*. ~ BK.UTIIKCL ^ARTIFICIAL YtSflf?S;'SYnciXS $1*; warranted. New York Dental Rooms, 202 tfth ??,, near 16that. Established 1851. tlAUBI.E .tlAVl'bli>. AT PRICKS "NEVER approached 'before. Slate a:id Marble Mantels. Lariceti assortment In the city. PENRHYN SLATE COMPANY. SO Union srniare. 4th av. and 17th st. New York. Manufacturers of all kinds of State Work. 1.10X BROTHERS1" SLATE ~MANTTiLs?EXCELLENT . wo-k; new designs: lowest prices 47 Dey St., New York. Manufacture? of all kinds ot Slate Work. W ATi:ftKS. .IKYVKMIY. Aic. \" T 77 BLEKCKE!I ST..~NEAU BR"6aOWAY.-M5nEY advai:e?.| on Diamonds. Watches, .lewelrr. Ac.; alao Pawnbrokers' Tickets b ujrht of Diamonds, Watches, Ac. 77 Bleerker ?t. "iTii'KRTCAN OFFICE ?*7.\0<? ? DfAMOYDS. WATCIL J\ Jewelry, Silverware. Valtiablea, Ac. bniight. sold and enchanted." Loans effected. Established l.V>4 .1. H. B -.ERIXr.ER. Dealer. TJ6 Broadway. At BOB BROADWAY. OPPOSITE llTII sc -DIA monds, Watthes. Ac., bought and sold. Loana nego tiated. RoHEKT.I. ROSENTHAL. \1 ???>; BROADWAY; CORNER 4TH 6T.?DIAMOND!^ Watches. Jewelry, S.Ik-, l.aeraand Personal Property ef every description bno.lH and sold. Loan* negotiated. JAMES P. MATTHEWS MONK1 on OIaMONIM. KIRS. AC.?Ill A.MONOs! Watelte? .Icuelrr. Sllf?r M are. Silver Plstrd W ave. 1 autela Hair Hhiitt l*, seal Sa.'-iues. Laces, Silk*. Ac., bought and sold back at a v?ry -mall advance Or t.RoRUE C. Al.I.EN. Jeweller. l.".?) B'nidwnv. near2!*h ?t TtTATCHRS AND .IEWEI.RV RK.I'AIKED BY KII(?T II idaas worktueti llEtliUiK C. ALLEN', Jeweller, 1,100 Broadway, near Cfth at. ?>(| NASSAl lit., RlK)M I IIVYMAN LKiiPojuil. ?}'t For -ale r*fy to ilo<? the bn*ine?>i, l?la m.?ida, \\ atrhe* and .tew?*lrv. AKTROL,OtiV. VWoMfiKKFt'l. t'llil.D, OIFTED WTTH SF.CfiVD si*ht. tell< ev rvihing without iu*'altonitig. 12U Wt*t 4t>th at., near Broad*.ty. \ hl'sTNESS AN0 MEDICA1 ClXl^VoYANI NOT ^1. to he enualleil ? names, likenesa, A>'. t >fR? ? 15<? West 2 >th at., between rtth and 7th ara. A_>.? I V POSITION. ?GREATEST Bl SIN ESS OLA IIL , voysnt. Mr*. FOsTER, "?t I.axington av., nsar ?j.'.th st. ; 2V. to .H)r, ATTE.vrio.V-CONSULTATION. BUSINRHS~ law "uita, enemies, l.isse*, absent friend*. I.ire, inarriase and de?tb ; pay refa*?d unless satisfled 3IJ >aih av. Mme sINGIII, Clairvoyant. ME. R?Sa Rh\ I. \ i.? toi & Wliui K LIFE FROM ? radleto tbo gra\ *. 472 t^anal it. Pee $1. MF.DIl 'tis. t - Mlis Woitt hSTER, PHY.-K I AN. BOARD \ND j\? nuriinc 141) ? h?ri<o>si., bet. Ma>bingvuii ami West \-ilR. OR MM! .IKINULI". CURE ALL FEMALE ? complaints, whatever the matter. 142 West 4->th ?t. A-MME. RESrtLu Ull'WIr i; i4TnCK~Ii??.a N.rr ? Eaat 5ldat.. Brat door from ."?th av Ailviee Iree. t I Dfc a no MMI bo rf- i'on i'1111: :> i i m. CON* .1 ? snliatlon ?? aii tc nal? omplam'. 47 VV*?i l.tth at. V?OR ANO MME MAl'TtirhAU; JK>'YEARS' PKAC~ ? tire. IIIHM I2.? LibertV st.. near Greenwich. 1 ?R WHlrKIIBAD. a"r." KasT :>?TII ST.. NBAItliii .1 " av.?All Female I'nmpialnis .aleiy treated farfJ-V I tl! WMTRROOK. I" WEST ?D >r. NEAR lilt i \iT It way.?Female complalnti a *|K'clalt,v. Hears 0 to 5, M~RS. iTvojfs, FEMALR PM~YsTclA N. CUiTES ALL complaints; no cure, no pay. No. 40 East 2tHh ?*. SCCCEssr0 L~CURE* *Gl'ARAKTBRD?ALL CASEs| By Dr. or Mae. WEST, 45 Bieeeker at., near Broadway. A _ ULBI AT irCTlO*. ~A -"JOHNSOft, AUL^ioNKK A> ?M him V7 Naaeau ?t. THIS DAT, AT 10* O'CLOCK. BLKOAWT HOUSEHOLD FCRNITCRK. AT TBR PRIVATE RBSIQRXCB IS LAFA.YRTH PLACK. BETWEEN 4TI1 ST. AND ASTOR I LACK. TUIB Pl'tMTl'RK IS COMPARATIVELY NBW. bavlux been but little uaed. snd will ooiupri** iu part, SITERS SLACK WALNUT BEDSTEADS, DRESSINO Cimi, ??IvM, (ntiHll u4 infmtai CtrnMi; nr*t class hair Ualtrraies, Taatliar Bad*. Pillow*. Ac.; in fuel, the bedding ??* nitda r((>rdliu at com ; |nu a*aertina*l of SUrer ware. Chiuaware, Glassware. .Vc. THREE SOLID CARVED ROSEWOOD BXLTBB Salt*. elaborately osrved Arum. Secretary Cylinder Boofc cu*, Library Tables, Una Oil Painting*. Water Colcrs. Ju, On FRIDAY. at 10K o'clock. IMMENSE SALE OF SECOND HAND FCBNITUSB, at salesroom 37 Nnsaaa M. Any qiaitltr of Carnet*. Refrigerators. < 'ilclnths, tea fw lor and lirtiroum Sola Badding. Ac. T.ARQE ASSORTMENT OF SILK A1?D WOOLLEf FLAGS. Wool Ian Bunting, Ac.; also sold ta par storage aa(. advance*. TWO FINE SIDE BAR ROAD WAGONS. Two One Pooj Phaeton*. All uow on r\liibitiooi Al CTION KALE JillS ~*I>AY. Over B&>."00 worth of elegant nart ro*tly Household Furniture, Stuinway A Son'* and Windsor Pianofortes, at lire >tory brown MOM mansion No. 120 \t'?n -3<l i-t.. near Ml. av., cjiumencing at 1" o'clock?MasniUceot iulaitl Pailor Kuiu, Ki*gere*, Taaa t art una. Mirrors, inlaid Centra Tables, Cabinet*, Jnr. dinirrt,, Oil I'aint n ;i, Chamber Fqrnitura, Be?k stnaif?. Dressing Cases, Bur am. Wardrobe*. Washstinds, Iiair and sprinsr Mattrr*>a?? ?> and It-iircloth Knit*. Turk ish Suit". Bookc.a?es, Ladv\ Scrretaira. Library Table*, Dining Room Btiifci, Extension Table, Clialr* In 1* at bar. t'liiua Diancr and Tea Set*. Lounges. H illstand*, Kasomostl Furniture,Be. LI'KB I'lTZGERAlJ). Auctioneer. V. B.?Goods packed and shipped. city or country. rtT-o "w. keeleI:, auctioneer. """"" Art Galleav, S'l Liberty *t.. corner Naseau. On exhibition to-day (Tlnmlay), a brilliant eolle* tinn e< WATER COLOR PAINTINGS. from nolar drawing*, represrutative <>I iantous paintln** in tbe European galler ies. To lie sold at r.iutlon Friday and Saturday, June SB and July I. at 12 o'clock. \UCTi~ON S ALB.? PRTER" BOWE, AICTIO N E R R. *?11* i'riday, Julie :t<>, at 11 o'clock, at No. 107 Wash ington *t . the old established Liquor store belonging to tba liite Patrick JleTeriiae. consisting of Bar, Counter and Back Bar, I 4 pull ule Pump OIhs* Ware, Block, Desks, Chairs, Table*. Bedsteads. Beading, Ac., 4c. UCTION SALE Ricir HODSRHtlLD ftJENTTtTBi THIS (Thursday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at five story brown stone mansion NO. 47 WEST 1HTU ST., BETWEEN r.TH AND OTH ATI* Chicksrlng octave Pianoforte, St*i?Way's four round 7'i oc eve Pianoforte, Pnintiusrs. Works of Art. PA It LOR SUITS, richly carved in "damuk satin" aa4 "silk brocade." TurKluh und Spanish Lounge*. Easy Chairs inlaid and marble tup Centre and i!on*ole Table*, Cabinet^ Ktiwto'S plale Mirror*, bronte Clock*, Figure*. Statuary. 1IKDROO.M SETS cnnslstlnc elaborate Bedtteada. Dreuiug I'wK, Wnkhstundf. Cliift'ounlers, Hne nalr and spring Mat tro?es, Pillows. Blankets: alao vinicle and double Bediteed*, Bureaus ; rep, nlueh and haircloth Suit*. DININU Ft!UNITtRE?Extension Tablet. SidebMTd Chairs In leather. Silverware, Crockery, Library and Secre taire ; Bonkcaves, Library Tables, Turkiih Salt, De*k, two Hall Stands; velvet, BrunHels and ingrain Carpets j Klicheu Furniture, Ac. N. B.?Sal* positive. Take siztli iivenuu or L'uivenlty place car* Cora etent men to r^ move, pack or ubip goods. ROBERT C. CASH IN, Ano tloueer. A~Ut!TlbN.-BXTRA LAKOE HOUSEHOLD FDRWI tore sale this (Thursday) morning, commencing at 10 o'clock, at residence 10."> East i:<tb St., naar 4th av.. Velvet. Brussels, iugraln Carpet*: Parlor Suits, in satin brocade, rep* and haircloth; Pianoforte, Palntlnpv Curtalos, Clocks Mlrrnrs, Vsseh, Bedsteads, Bureau*. Washscandi. Dressing Cases, Wardrobes, spring and bair Mattresses, Lounges, Bedding, Extension Table*, Sideboard; 200 lot* i!, China, Silver Ware, Cutlery, Ao. Goods packed and deliv ered for purchasers. E. ROTH, Auctioneer. y~Joseph e. weioem. aiicthineer.?wiLii sell this day, at 10% o'clock, sharp, in one lot, witboal reserve, that elegant Coulectiunery, lea Cream Saloon and Fruit Store, iucludlnis cheap Lease, und located directly ap posite Macy's, three doors lrom lHh St., 'JO : 6th nv.; ever* thing in mini elegant and completo order; new luasbl* top Fixtures; store is now doing a bnsine** of cearlv $50 per day; present owner compelled to *ell on account of other business; parlies laoklng for a business of this de scription will Und It an unusual opportunity; terms cash on day ol sal*. WEIQBN A CO., Auctioneers, 141 Stb su, near Broadway. BY~JOSEPH E. WEIGhRT. ACCTIONEK.i, WfLL tell In oue or more lots entb'e Stock, Plants, Fixtures. Ac.. Brst clan* i'loral Estsbllahment on lu-morrow, commend ing o'clock alternooa, without reserve; buyer* Invited. JOSEPH K WKIOKRT A Co . Auctioneer*. 141 Sth *t^ near Broadway. BY ISIDORE J. HWARZKOPF. Al'CI IONEER?SELLS, lt)H o'clock. 771 7th av., large etock Groceriee, Teat, Coffees, Cigars. Floar. Soap, Candle*, Canned fruit*. Spice*, splendid Fixtures, Scales, Ceantari, Shelving*, Bins, One young Horse and Wagon; positively In lota, without re serve. Grocer* and itoalers attend. C" lROCKKR> AUCTION.?HENKY LOTZ. ACCTION J eer, **11*. Thursday, June ^0. at 10,X o'clock A. M., en tire Stock of reuul Mora 586 8th a v., near 42d at, to alow btulneta jgjDWARD SCHBNCK, AUCTIONEER. Administrator'* *ala to done Jb? estate of the lata 0. H. Xorgsh Primte steak of valuable aad choice-old Wine*. Brandies, Whiskeys, Ac. Br BDWAXLD 8C1IBNCK, this day, June 29. at Me.? Liberty st., at 12 o'clock. Embraced la the catalogue are old Madeira, Fort, Sherry and Italian Wine*; Rye Whiskey. Bourbon Whiskey, Brans dies ol very rare quality. Sample taken torn each lot. all of which U now in (tore. Catalogue containing particulars now ready at office. By order B. C. Wilson, Esq.. executor. Also a choice lot of ilavana Cigar*. EDWARD SCHBNCK. Asctloneer. Ed. pettinoer, auctioneer?the engine. Boiler. Shifting and Belting told at auction at II Park row on Wednesday will be retold for acoonnt ol btddM on Thursday, 29th, at 1 i o'clock A. M_. at same place. COLTON, Al'CrTIONEUR.?HOUSEHOLD PURXl ? tnre. Piano, Mirr >rs, 50 or BO Carpet*. Ac. Thin daj (Thursday), June 29, at the anction room*, 53 KaA 13th sb, near Broadway, the entire Furoltnre of a private dwelling, removed from the upper portion of the dtj, and nut be cloned out thia day; among thie stock there are very man) rich good*, and more than the ususl qaantlty of plain goodsj 60 or 00 Carpets. good Bedding and belt Hair M >ttresse% 1 euoeriof rosewood Pianoforte, 1 Plcard Sofa Bed, 1 Payne's de., (olid biaek walnat Chamber suits, Sideboards Bookcases, 6 or 8 Parlor Suite. French plate Pier and Mantel Mirror*, library Tables, aad also a lot of dry good*; cata loguee early. N. B.?The carpete will be tola about or 8 o'clock; alto a largo quantity of woollen and silk Bunting and Flaga lor the Centennial. WAlTEiitO. AUCTIONEER.?BOOTS, SHOES AND . Household f nrniture.?Sella thie day, lOJi o'clock, 2j2 Bowery, entire Stock and Fixture* of largo boot and thoe establishment, consisting of a full llue of line men's and ladies' Uoote and Shoet, all rresh and well selected etock; alao elegant Fixtures?vis.. Drawer*. Counter!, Deaka, Chairs, Chandeliers, Carpets. Ac.; also entire ele gaut Furniture of private family, fine Parlor Suit*, Bureaus. He dittoed* and Bedding, Carpets, Mirror*, Range. Cooking I'tenslls, Ac. \ po*itivelj In lota. Dealers an I tfida Invlred GAFPNET A SMITH. AL'CllONi.iiivo, u at., will tell at auction, on Thursday, at lO o'clock, t lie } urniture, Ac., of a boarding house; removed to 413 East 23tb at. fur convenience of sale. /"IAFFNEY k SdlTIi, AI'CTIONKEUs. OFFICE fl VjT Ceutre St., will aell on FHday next Stock and Fixture* ol a Brat class lieetsuraut aud Barroom, in a good location down town. Can bo pnrchated at private lale to-day. 8. WRINBKIUiKR. AUCTIiTnEER, SKLLS" THIS ? day, Thursday. June 29, at 10>i o'clock, at 73 Bowery, lieneral Merchandise. Furniture, Liquors, Wine*, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes. Ac., 4c. IV TRAVER. AUCTIONEER?MOKTUAOK 8AL1 . tbi* day, at 1Q>. o'clock sharp, by virtue of a chattel mortgage, at No. 181>Htli av.. one line silverplated Sluw I case, one walnut Counter, Ci*ar Flcnre, Mirror, with tnar 1 bin and Hracket*. Uas Fixtures, Cigar lighter, Slielvin| und Hack Fixture*. Window Showca*.-, Figure lu window. Partition, Stock. Ac. WILLIAM II. SHIELDS. Attorney for Mortgage*. OU18 HAYEK, Alt'I'lONKRK. 8EI.LS THIS DAY^ at 1<> o'clock, the large stock ami flxtnrevof 8ho< Store SS 1st av., without reserve; positively in lots; dealer) | especially Invited. NVSSItaVmT~ AUCTIONKBB, 281 BOWEHTT . sells this day. at lO,'t o'clock, at No. 4HS sixth av., I near JHth st.. Stock aud elegant Fixture* of saloon: elegant Tar, Back Bar. ale Pump, Icebox, Mirror, Bagatelle Table*, Chairs. tllaas Ware. Ac,: no reserve;dealer* invited MUSS BACMi AUCTIONEER. 2?I BOWERY, ? sell* this day, at 11 o'clock, at No. 290 Eaat 10th St., noar avctino A, tbe entire Household Purnltnre of fool story house: Brunei* and ingrain Carpets,' Parlor and Chamber Suits, Piano 7),. octave, black walant Bedsteads, Bureaus, Waatmand*, Wardrobe*; marbUt top TaMea, diuing room and other Chair*. Hair and other Mattrssser Feather Beds. rUnkets. Qnllta, Sheets, Pillows. Crockery Cooking Utensil*. Range stove*. Icebox, Ac.; sals positive* in lot*. Dealers invited MNI'SSBAIM, AUCTIONEER. L'61 HOWER* ? sells Fridav lint class comer Drug Store, lane stocl ; linns. elegant Fixtures, first eiass Soda Fountain. Pa* : Oculars tomorrow. MARSHAL'S 8 ALB.?sRKBaCHER, AUOTION BKB, will sell this day, st 11 o'cloi-k, at .No. 8 Rivingtou st.. IH cases Brandy, H rases Scotch and Irish Whiskies. 28 case* I Champagne. H cases It hi no Whine. II cases Claret, 3 cases RMsaiiee Wine nnd 17 cases of assorted Liquor; alao 2 I Desns. ."-ale. Chairs, Mattrsases, Pillows, Carpet*. Ac., to | pay storage. ? LOUIS LEVY, Marshal. M" *oiiT<iaois"sai k.?pkti'. it bowk: 'aiJctTunberI sells Cms ilny. si the stlearnonts, corner 8th *t. ana | 1'niversilv Place, at 11 o'clock, one Davidson Combination anil one Mittnacht Safe, three Desks, Chair*. Ac. MARVIN 1 U CLARK, Attorney for Mortgagee*. .Marshal'* Bareaa, 7H j Nassau si. T>AWNBROKI.K'S i.\LK WATC 11KS AND JRWMLKt! J ,IAMKN ,m;.\H. Auctioneer, will aell, this day. at talos ronois oil Jiew howeri mid No. !> Oliver st., at 11 o'clock, "><<i lot* of k'"!d and silver Waiches, gold and diamond Jew, JI'.v, Opera Classes. Wverware, ancient Coins, Musical and ' Mathematical ln*troments. Fancy Hoods, Ac. By order of | J. II AKI.*N. PSI llndson st ; 1 > MVN HROK KR s S VI.K.?R FIELD. -iENERAL AUC I uonxer. baleinnim Bowery, will sell, this day, at 11 < tl< .k. i. ?l lot* men's and women * t'lothmK. Dr?>*e*, ! Miawl*. Hemmints, Underelothinx, Ou"ts. Blankets. Bed air,-. Moots, Mioes, Ac . Ac. ? also Coats, Pantt and Vvsts, I Hy order I* Fri el. \MIII*m*hnrg. (JIMON AKUAII \M, ACcTtOXKBR-SKLLS AT Id i ? e'l locks at No. -13 raat Sleth *1., Meek and 1 ixturrs ol ! a large I'igar More, in loi*. Dealers Invited. c HERMAN, SHERIFF S AND . dENKRAL AUU is, tlooimer I Large anil sen?ral aale of high < la>> Wines, Liquors, Ciirars, I 1(11 Flgnre, on? Flag an J Pole. Ac. Friday, Jntie;#!, a; lu1, o'clock, at No 13 Bowery, the en i tiro Stock ssf an imp irtcr, houm ging of 8.'* barrets choice old Rom Bon aud li ve \vhIai.??_. ysriont nrunds; casks imported Brandi ", Hin, Ituni. Port and sherry Wines, casks and eases hlcli gtside Rhtn- an l Mmel Wine, Claret, Bar^nndy, Port ano Sherry Wtuos. SaatefM*; also case* ol thie Ini. ported Brsudiss, vu.-ions vintages; Hin. Bitter*, klmmel, ease* and basket i ? lian;. ?/na, II large lot il fli.e Havana end .1 ,nies-.ic < igais, oi.a new t Igar t- it^ura : also on* large pole end H sg, Ac. S?i? positive, without te*erve. UTILLIAM ABBOTT, AVOTIONRB , WILL SELL fT this day, .ii i o c.ock. Hie Content* of the Llnisat Store at :<<? Kast Broadway, line Counters, large Preneb plate Mirror, Ale Pumps, lee chest, iilaasware; also a alee iviodk of Liquor*, Ac. WnJ.TJI ?'' AINS.-WILL HE sold AT AI't'TIOB, fT *l*v3,at UBtK.e, on the premise*, the lste Ko*> i I'enee o! .1 ohn I*, .li-iiklna, decoa?ea, fronting on WesicbeatS* a. . tro'inds ample ami well shndid JaMKSH.JBN KINS. Auctioneer. Munht Vernon, S V. Win fE siLPin it sphin(is.?park hotel, ?T Ciiery Valley, Utseg.i county.-N. V.. lighten with | gas; term* for two. |I6 to If2d; for one. f 10 to $15 per week; | *i Mper day. BVANS A JAMRBJL