Newspaper Page Text
AMVitKNENTk. fjjLYMPIC Tilt A I iti. "" 0->4 BROADWAY. The roolett anil pleaaanteat llouae id town. the bk.vt pantomime ever pkodicbd. rcurry dumpty, humpty dumpty. HUMFT* DU MPT V, Hl'Ml'TY DUMPTY. with ill 101 Attraction*. !"he African Ac rob its. KKvMON anil SOMERS. Tim PASCAL SlbTEKK OPERA BOUFKR. TtiR BAMBOOS. Mi** Bertha Howe* Popular Suae*. Mr. ROBER r KI1ASKR a* HtMI'TY DI'MPTY. Brilliant Transformation. Gorireoue Effect*. Mile. IDA DKVBBh'S CHAUaCIEK DaNi'KS. PKlCEa?-Sc.. MV., 15c. anil $1. 1~ V* KISIA ?T V A RIE T T K S. I 5 B A X l> aBLSIaX VARIETIES. I MATINEE TO DAY. ReaiYentillnted. I llHk ?t. ?u?l Broadway. I ''oole.l Theatre. LEADING HK X S A TIO NAl> VAK1ETIfiS OK AMEBIC*. Gr*at*u combination ?l talent in the unirerae. IN -1' -NEW ACTS. EXU1LAR ATING. PlyUANT AND SPICY. NAUGhTY DEACONS. La Minuet. | Mr. X I No! No) MY WIFE'S GARTER. U Fete de Cantinlrr. I Brown the Trairedlan. Mil** Kvrtha. New Tableaux Vlvant*. I Senor Novlmlmo. KEATING AND 8ANDS WILL* AND RuMKR. kEENK AND FORRESTER I PKiuR AND GOl'RLA-Y. liAKKY SHELDON and the GREAT HORACE WESTON. And our Armv u lt>> old ami popular Ka\nrlte*. Khiii?k> -I*- Matinee Tuiniiay. Thursday and Saturday at'J. ^VlLMoRE S CONCERT WARDEN. Mdvi SHOOK .1 PALMER. Proprietor* Mr E.G. GILMOIIB ? Manager Mr. r. B GH. MO RE. .Muaical Director THIS EVENINU, ?t ? o'clock. Mi. P. 8 QILMOUF. LBV* and tlie FAMOUS MILITARY BAND. I. Oaerture "Fia Diavol-t ' Au>ier ?J sori|(, "If on the Mead" .Guntort 3. Grand leWcili.n*, from "Iobb" I'etrelli 4 i'lan* sole. Parapliraae, "Mart*" KowalakI & Overture, Kai*er" WeMiiieyer U Solu Cornet, 'Sixth Air Yariu" (Arbiickle)... .Do Berlot 7. March. ''Salute to .Sew \nrk liiltnora K Cornet Sol.i, "Leviathan Polka" (Levy) Levy W. Great Exhibition tjatnlriili' ? 1U KoQ|forSitkufibtinr iLctalifc Wallace 11. March, "Iho Nontu rn Itoqie" C. C. Smith Box now opcu lor the sale oPaoat* for the GRAND CBNTENXIAL JUBILEE CONCERT. SUNDAY fcVENIXO, .Inly 2. I.UAi arilM* engage,!. Adulation (far ttm occ nlon only). SI. /MIATEAU MABILLK "ITIt ST. AND HD V'.. \J The *on*.i!ioii*l theatre 't .New Yvrk. ?u STAR ARTIST 4 h NEW V X D ORIGINAL ACTS. KMALE MODELS in the lineal Tableau* Vlvant* ettnnt. U Minuet do I'arl*. delightfully volnptnoaa. Iluft of talent anil vplclett entertainment in New York. ETanliikTi at H Ineid.iv. ilmrxdHy and Saturday Mati nee*. Dou't fall to vUlt t'>e Chateau MablUa. Kelly V leon h opkra iioi sK. SFarT, oppoaitd Booth's Tho lire. Last week of NORMA and THE iWo ORPH AN'S. NORMA The ONLY LEON MONDAY, July J, KELLY A LEON'S Uurlesqtie. KMOU KBOU. FROD KROC The ONLY LBOR In the cant Edwin Kelly. Lew Rnnedlct. Kdwin Leater. UHitis SQUARE TilEATKB. stieriduu Shook. Proprietor i. M. Palmer M.iuafer LAST MGHTS LAST NIGUTH of tha popular and versatile I YOKES. | FUN IN A POO | VOKKS. | FUN IN A FOG i YOKES. > TONIGHT. | YOKES. I TONIGHT. I YOKES, i who will appear TIU'RsuaV. FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS in theii itnmeuiiely laughable EatravaKauta, FUN IX A FOG. FUN IN A KOO. FUN IN A FOG. Preceded aach evening In MB. J. ft. f TODD ART andcompauy in THE POST BOY. The uma) roatineee wifl bo omitted during the Vokat en tapneat VVaLLACK's! ~ .MIGHTY DOLLAR ? V Fifth week of the Incomparable nrtina, Mr. and Mr?. W. J. FLORENCE, ?ho will appear EVERY EVEXIXG and SATURDAY MATINEB, in their famoim cotulc creation! of BARD WELL SLOTE and Mr.. GENERAL GILFLOBY, ID Woolfe American Coiueilr of the MIGHTYMHjLLAB. V Thi" cornedv wan the ONLY STRICTLY ORIO !NaL PLAY produced in thla eltv dnrlnic the eaaaen of .S7.VT6. and arhlered a LEGITIMATE SUCCESS. It ii tow in ita aecond aucccaaful run. Carriage* may b ? ordered lor 10:30l Laat "MIGHTY DOLLAR" M'lllnee (for the preeent) SATURDAY. JULY 1. at 1:3U PARK THEATRE. HROADWAY ANO 22D ST. LAST WEEK. LAST NlQllT Bt'T TWO. LAST MATINEE TO-DAY. MR JOSEPH Ml'RPIIY, MR. JOSEPH Ml'KI'll V, ?I Ota O'Hara. In Fred Marsden'a ronmntlc drama, TIIK KERHV UOW, TUB KERRY OuW. Admission. 50 and 25 cents. Reserved Seats. $1. FRIDAY. JINK 311, "ESTIMONtAL BENEFIT TO MR. JOSEPH MURPHY. BLOODS MUSEUM. WOOD'S. Tf THIS DAY. hernandez FOSTER. IAT1NEE AT 2. ROBINSON CRUSOE. EVEN INC. at 8. HAKKAWAY. AFLOAT AND ASHORE. 5TH AVENUE THEATRE. (BROADWAY AND JSTH ST.") Proprietor and Mao niter Mr. aUOUsTIN DALY POSITIVELY LAST MOUTH. NOW ACTED OVER 200 TIMES. TPPPP II QQQQ U U KERB P P 11 U Q U U E PPPPP 11 Q O U IT KK8 P II 3 QQ U U E_ p u \iyyy uuuu reek * A PUr of to-day. The intlrtt xiccfm of 1H76. Miu CANNY DAVENPORT, Mr. John Bronrhem. Mr. >?1 Mnltli Russell, Mr. H*rkln?, .1 am ? Lewla, W. Durldge. Irs. 0W>ert, Mlaa Sydney Unwell. lienrpio Drew ??Piqih" maiineh Saturday AT 1:80. July 4th. special Plyt'E MATINEE '.^10 MOLD'S FAREWELL. ill thousand miles and fourteen days and nights traral to lay Rotneo fur a charity. ROMEO AND JULIET, ACADEMY OP MUSIC. SATURDAY EVENING. July 8. Mr. Oeorge Itifnold anil Miss Sara Jewett have ^onerously inarmed to appear In the title roles. Admission. <1 ; reserved scats, *1 Ml. Box office at tl.e Academy ol Music open ? a and after lednesday, .1 ult '> Benta can be reserved prior to lhat date I set,dm* orders by mull to Central Dispeuaary, IKI4 nth av. SOWERY ThEaVkX ~ ENTIRE OtiANdK OF BILL. HILLT R VRK Y'S slat specialty combination to conjnnc ion with the Theatre Company In tin- great Drama FA'1'41, MARKSMAN. Friday, I'euvllt ul BILLY BARRY AK l? LARRY TOOLEY. 7I7U -URA.N'D QKNT: XNIAL "" ~ 1870. I O. CELEBRATION ol ilia NEW YORK centennial SAFNtiPR YERBUND, SUNDAY. July 2. a 8 P M Orand (total and instrumental! Sacred Concert at (ULMORKS CONCERT OARDEN. Chores of "?<*? male wicss, orchotra of I*"i musicians. (Jtluiore'i Celebrated Hand; Eminent Solo Artists. Coudii. tora. Dr. LKOP. DAMROSCH aud P. K. UILMORE. Adnilaalon. 41, boxes. N EW YORK centennial LOAN EXHIBITION. Iho great selection of Art Treasure*, selected from the Iiiitale galleries ol Near York, no* onou at the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF UESION. corner 2Jd at. and 4tb a? . dally truiu V A V to ii I* II and at the Metropolitan musrum of art, 128 Wont Mth at . daily from 10 A. M. t-tl P M. Tickets. 2.V esch L'"TitALFl;a ALIIAMBRA PALACE, "a IV UraS'l it., Philadelphia, it i laahlnnable re? rt of tlie eily. Iho new spectacle. A TRIP TO T!IK moon. Ma(Iiln?l Scenery, Costume* md Ooigeons Ballet; also Piviu?xade Concettv in tlie ILLUMINATED UASIDEV \l' II ITV..R S "CENTKN NI Al. II\ MN"?PRICE IOc7lN it Pv?. <?. rtii, MV In ?!ie?t tu>i?ic loi in: for mixed and male Iuiiti. nai'c i.y J E. Palnc No Ce ebratioii of July 4 enm with jut ilu^ ma-Ultlcent li.vuin; also Keller a " tu<el ol Peace."' 1UC-, aud the American National Alia. Oc. eacn. DITSON A CO-. 711 Hrosidway. VL'ANTED--100 LADIES pob EXTRA BALLET. AP <T ply at stare dour Mblo a Oarden Friday, J una :h?, hi lu to 12 o clock. |jIlTI> koYal. urn av.-?i"touno lady" I atte><laut?. Orat.d Vocal ai>J laitrumeutal Coucart liinti 7 until I o'clock, Admiaalon tree i.\-1 lit mi>\, t N EN ? LIS 11 L.vllY 1'KblHhS AN KNi.A'iKMLN T A hi |0?cru.'t lor tii? ho) d.tya or permanently ; . nclisb, I ..ilstall Frrueli, music, ilfa iftg; lilghos; releiencen In tbia I'ouutiy. Adiiie-a'' l.&IJ i hetinut ?t.. Pnlla?ialpbia. I t(JN\ fcRP VTIONAL LKSsOlii B1 A H:i.M II HI'I I I4H utb a> . aecoud floor. I ftVINO 1N8ITI TK, TARHfTOWN <?N HUDSON.? ' l our resident veacbers; 2^ pupils: un military or extras. A AltMAtlNAC, Principal. l,Rl _V ATR FRENCH LFSSONS OIVEN HY A FRKNt'B cent euasn with the kl?iOM toatmonlatat traualatiou. Ii. Addresa Prof A. DAKjBKY. .12 ' \teat 2-?tb at. CL<0 i'H 1 f |,!Ti RHOaDWW. HKfWF.hN :(2I> AND 43tll rV. eta?Broa l*?v price* paid (or Csat jfT CIntbinf. Jear Irr. Ac., by c? Iiu?c on or acjreaslnc " H ARRIS, 1.274. ? -NATHAN'S OLii IMTABL18HMRNr. :.3', Hfll hv , near 4th st ; tb? In/heat en us ?'n l l-rca<t .ii ? UitInuk. Carpets, Ac. Call on or addiess Mr. or Mrs. NATHAN A" Tela.TO S. Hit* liTH AV , 4?tT I ST ?St) PERCENT more than eiae.t here arlll (xialtirehr bo paid for Cast ?BClothint; A?drea? Mr. or Mr*. FLATfi). At"edward" miller** well known "estab lia^iaent. 68 Otli av.. aenr Wxrerley place, utmost value Mid for Cast off Clothing. ( sruets. Ac., by oallinf on or ?t<tresi>lnf Mr. sr Mrs. MILLER ? ? A DIMM AND OBKTLBMMM CAN RF.cMVE ItlU PER Li cent more In casta thai, eleovlio'e for Cast off Clothing I Jnwolry by eallln|t on or nddresslaK Mr. or Mm. M1NTZ, ?e..'?o?rjMMR.?*-. _ ' billiahd*. A mKrican " STANDARD llEYRL" milliard A, I" ablest alM a tar*# *to?fc of Palla. Cues Ac. at re dttood prices; NSSM hand Tabl> a at great bar/alna. W. ||. UK1PF1TH A CO.. *> Veaey at. "a 4fiy?s?tt!ORO MANP'OARRoM Bi- VBL Bl. l.lARp A Mir In Mood order, fl>' aalo losr at UkO, E. PliELAN'i, SMi at. ??4 ItAh ?t. BttLIARO BALLS CLOTH. CUES. AC. TEN PIN iisils and Plna. at ?ainBXsrer's prices, at K. ORoTR t Oft IM Ea?t 14th it. r^ollejkipRK'M Standard amkrican bevkl l J HI 11! ard Table*, wit It tlso celebrated Pbelaa A Col lender lLJ!SSX-?? ?? t>?? j CIT* lie.Vl. BITAta W* UAUt._ "t cnlrul. A - LARGE AND SM ALL IIOISES AT SPECIALLY ? rftluced prirea, for ?al? and to let V K >TKVhSSON. .Ir , 4 Piu? and Eatt 17th *t._ 4 _FROM $10u TO poo -NKW AND SECOND HAND A? Pianoa. tjp?t cla?* order, comprUin* Stein way. Chi ok* ertiiir. Decker Broa., Harden A Son, Bradbury 4c.; 7 and I 7>/ "Clave mutt t>e ?o!d *'a!l at 47 Want HHh ?t. T/*U U S A IK? I OaT 39TH HtTPs k A R P AUK- AV.. A I r vary drairnhle *.H) foot Hoime, liand?oin#ly fr#*.co?*d and | in fln?' <trder: piif? Appty to K. II. LL'DlOW k I'O., Xt>. li Pine ?t. w~.rr~ F10R SAI.E-THE FIRST I LAKS FIVE STORV BROWN j ?nun ? Real<itnee No. 4Utf Went .Y7?!i ?t . at ? vsrv low > price uid convenient Urmi GEO. W. ST A K K. 16u Broad I w?jr. j UKOOKLYM PROPEHT V b'Olt HALE AM> TO LET. TO "LET?AT 31 r> UNION ST . BROOKLYN', NEAR Court it., fine neighborhood, a three story and basemont | browu stone front House. in the best order, with all the mod | et n improvement*; root low on account of lh? owner leaving tlie city; rant $80 per month. Inquire on tbe premise* from lOtltlK WESTCHESTER COCXTY PKOPEHT V FOR SALE AND TO REST. A XH'K PLACE?CONSIST IM<? OP PIVE ACRES iV Land, Dwelling (Just put in perfect order). carriage house and other builditiorchard of apples. pears. Ac., lo rem. at i'ortchester, Westcbesttr cbuuty. Apply to D. O. II AVI LAN I). No 2 Bower . "I t tarrytown.-to "letT f!7rnishelfoit UN ; V furnished. and for sale, Cottages. Houses nud elegant Residences, at very low price*. S. EMKKESON, ii5'i i'tli av. fPO CAPITALISTS.?FOR SALE CHEAl' AND ON L term*. hv an heir to au estate. 11 acres of Land iu Morrisanla (now city of New Yutfe) : .VDfeet Irom the horse tallroMt. AMrewl;STATR. Her >l<l "Bee. I'liOPERTV OCT OK TUB ? ITK FOR MALE OR TO RENT. ^ T A. T. STEWART* HARDEN CITY. I., i. " nt LET, RRYKRAL ELEGANT and CONVENIENT DM F.I.LI.NGB, titled for wiuter ittnl sunnier residences, ? jII the modern lmpro?n> nts, car.lens, Ac. itKNT from $350 to $1.coper annum. >:p|ihi'W II. HINSDALE, Manager, at office, nd.larjnt t'< the i nllroml station. A 11 KMSIlhi) FA I'M HOUSE NINE ROOMS, ^ V fronting ou bay and ooeao, ?t Weetbau ptou, I, I.; I' itblnir, ttsliin : and gunning; a naradls* for children it low reut. JOIIN SlUHLEY, 7ft Cedar at. Tt "OXFORD. CHESTER COUNTY, PA.?A FIRST J\ eln?? brl''k Dwelling, containing eiirlit large ro-'ttis. liSlMdiB and hall, fur sale or rent, nn very n u-nnuhla t nn-; locution healthy as am in tile Slate: also taluahle s!u p- mid Machiuer>, at ena-tblrd of first coat: forufrlf n?eil a* ear work*. Address K. IIAMES I'ASS MO RE, Real Estate Agent, WesUbecter, N, Y. ~i ?FOR SALE. 5 GOOD FARM' OR Ml SINFSfi j:V. Hories; will tie sold lor lr?? than half tlielr value. In inlre ut 57 (ireut .lones st . near the Bowery. / VimmVi: "ri'ixas andtksn'kss e lands at arro ' ' 7$cents per acre. Address T!t\AS, Herald I'biladel pliia llrancb uflloe. i/LEOANT COUNTRY HOME" FOR SALE-CONSIST* J j ini: of Hplendid residence; thoroughly furnished; *m bles, outliouses of all desvrliitions; lawns, shado trees: fruit ot Hit liudt: garden ro rotable* ill abiindaucs; sen battling and lishiiig; eight minutes from house ; one hour (rum city liv bout or rail. Owuerwill sell at a sacrifice. Apply at art Charlton St. Irilmr ami> rotrLf y pare?ti acres, wxtii ' brook ; near churches, stores, seminary, luko. creamery anil depot; Orange county. OLIVER, Di'J Broadway. Ijioit'sALE-THB Mi>ST BBADTIPCLLV SIT5ATED ' Conntrv Seat i I the State: 4*i mile* up the lladvor., ou a lake alf.irdiag facilities lor boatiuir. flailing and shouting, nut found elsewhere. Address LAKK SB AT, Herald offlce /-iODD HOMES." NKAP. CITY, LOW 1MUCES,"0N""lN V.T stalmeiit plan; circulars free. B. R. KELLOOO, No. H Bromlway I HAVB aN ELEGANT 000NTRY 8RAT TO LET I lor the tuuimer, Ml hour from city; lionse completely furnished: billiard room; beautifal jrounds: plenty of shade, Irult. vegetables, ice, stabling, mountain air; good roads; no mosquitoes; rent half price. Address M., box 123 llerahl office. K~ ENT?COTTAOR, NKWLY RE KITTED; BARN, ACRE*: 1.1 miles in Jersey : fruits; garden. Room ft. tW W all st. rno CAPITALISTS.?I HAVE FOR SALE A TOT? i valuable Property of about I.HOO city lots (upward of 100 acres), havicg n water frontace of nearly three-quarters of a mile, all lying intact, and all within about 2^ tuilus and In sight ot the Grand Central depot at 42d st. and 4th av. Anv party or estate disposed to mako a safe Investment with a certain increase of value within the next tive years will do well to examiue this property which can bo bought at figures which I regard as a bargain. HOMER MORUAN, ao. 2 Pine st. TO LET AT STATKN 1ISLAND?LARQE COTTAGE, high ground, 40 Broadway, room 41. mo LET?VERY~ l.<>w7 sEVKRAL DESIRABLE COT X taues at ltoselle, N. .1 . near the depot. Apply to JAMES HARRISON. Roselle. TO LET?TWO MINUTES FROM VeLROSE STATION, House, 7 rooms, marhle mantels, gas and fixtures, barn, nieesant garden: rent $'4<). Apply at 161st It. andCort landt av. or West S4lh st. real KST.VTE TO exc'hakoe. Adwellim) oh kis'llv LOCATED TKNK tncnt property wi'll rented. to exchange lor Country Place near city. Ownet WILLIAM. G. RULE, 245 Broad way. Ijlxchanoe-hduse, NEAR THF. PARK. UN EN U '-umbered. for urn all iiohm down town; brown ttone corner Home. value 93'j MM). ?n:all mortgage, for uuencam boreu LsUt M ak i'in ul'n s. joj hroadway. Iook at this-splenshtoiff" ayd~country J home combined? For aaie or will exchange for flrat claaa itwellliiifa or French kl?t? la thla city a large. elegant Coun try Sent. with llva ?crr? of gr mud, fronting on two promt ?lent meet* arid Newark Ray: fine dock. anmmer house, boat lion.e, bath hotife, ice hnnae, Ac.: cholee Imported I'rnlta and flowers in large variety; gronnda bemtlfnliy laid out: inuil !>? neen to lie appreciated: price fhu.flnn, For permlti. map* and particular* apply to A. P. RLIVRN, 171 Broadway, room h. M" "tawwt *. J.?COMFORT a?l* hamil COOK to ciirht acrex. good building*. One fruit, exchange lor Lots, Plot or Acres on Morri* and kaaax itailroud. J. E. HAVRE, 102 Broadway. TV exchange forVe ROHAN nisE 1hw ac ril-fsl 7 iii choice trull, hm Long Branch. Add rem box "i Pout ollice, llrickuburg. N. J. w ANTKD-im mediatkly, ?10,00(> TO $7.\nu1 vt worth Dry Goods, Hoots. Shoes, Clothing or Hard ware. In exchange for good, unencumbered Real Eatate and rood per centcavh: Machinery ol iirut claaa cotton mill to exchange. k. PAG e OAVIS. 42 pine at.. New York. \irantko-a liooo'mtrse'in south Brooklyn. it in exelianire lor a email furnished Hotel, with beanti lu. ground*. at a well mown summer resort. o. H. PIERSON. No. r. Pine at. UEAI. ESTATE WANTED. W"antkd-sm\ll." nice house, south brook' lytt. wortli nbout fti.lwo. free and clear: will pay s-.uooravli, remainder lota, clear, and $!,<*?> bond. O. & pikrshn. No. s Pine at. TO LET koll bisivkss i'i/kjposes. Bennett building. Fireproof. Located on Kasaan. Ann and Falton iti. Hr?t Floor to let. suitable for bunker*, insurance office* or lawyer*. Will be let together or In purta; be alt?r*d to *uit tenant* it dolrad; adapted lor office* or storea. Reasonable rent*. Alto some ellclbla i,?w office* to let. A APPLY ON t1ie PREMISES Take the elevator. Inquire lor Janitor. F~~IRST CLASS REAL ESTATE okflcr*AND bi si nrss, 2s wait 29th at., corner Broadway; a rare oppor t null). ; ___ mo LET-larok AND small HOOM. WITH STEAM power. Apply to A- HOUGH i'ON, 6ft Atlantic av. ) RENT-STORE AND BASEMENT no. I Apply on preminea before 10 o'clock A. M. dwkllino houhen TO lkr. kni'ltlwliei:. mo LET-SMALL MOUSE. PARTIALLY FURNISHED l or iinfurui*bed. comer luih *t. and -dav,; immediate possession. nlt'lHIW a C affbkty, 02 4tli ar. t'lifumuhihl. At LOW RENT.-55 west 2sih ST.: gasfixture8 and mirror*. WILLIAM TUCKER, 22l"?th a*. rpo LET?a pollt" STORY ENGLISH iia SEME NT 1 llouie, -1>th at., imar 3d a"., in k""d order: will be rented entire at the unheard ol price of $5<) per mouth. in quire *i ALTMA.V:*, 6th a*, and Ifth ?t. flh) kt l STORY HIGH STOOP HOUSE 1 li EAST 1. tf4tlt It., near 4th a*.: in room*. In complete urder: *een froiu ii to :i without permit. kuk.mhllei) uoonm ASO ap A ut alents TO LEI. t - HANDSOMELY furnished ROOMS. SINGLY J\ . or en suite; t>rma iiioilerale: brcikla-t If deair?d. 4.> Waat jotu -t , four door* ?e?t ol Broadway. a LADY HAS (INK kligantly FURNISHED Jv k<"uu tor-'nt, tran*iently. Addreaa STRICTLY pri \ atk. Herald Uptown Branch office a~?LARGE. pi.kasani ROOMS. kukn1siieu FOR i'vi hoiimkeepiti.-, $4 to $.'i. .1j:i 35tb m , near Sth ar. "ttto LET. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT /v. Room*. per week, lor bentleiuaa and lady. Call ti ree day* at 2(k> weet 2.'nh at A FURNISHED FLOOR TO LET TO A oiarreet party; no per?< n In hotiae. 61 Ea?t 25th *t. ?tOR hol'sek KEPI KG?furnished ROOMS. $4 50 to t>7:.ball Mount, 91 50 aud up. lor ladi** or eantlemeu. 9i wnt ad ?t. liu RMS iird?TWO rouxs. *1 WEEKLY; PaRLOR. i with kaaan.eul, n.c?ly fnrniahed. $simuuihly. 5js v\ .? ?? 4^'d <t. vtkati.y FURNISHED FRENCH FLAT, PARLOR. ii il.nluir, three iwdremtn and kitelien; voniplete for houtekeeping. Apply at 432 Weat 34th at. Nicei.Y FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET.?THREE kooiui on rrat floor, nice t<* light houaekeepiog. In private heu'e No. I.'iti West uttn at. TO LET-FURNISHED BOOM, NO. a NRILSON pin o, u?t? >en Waeerley place and M eat Sth *t., on* block Irom Broadway. w riiwo SICKLY fukxlstfld FRONT roftm^. opi'o A *ite tlie uri?# at the eutrance to fairmount Park. Call at kuk Gr?en ?!.. Pb..a<ielpln*. J li>0\t h <U\ Will. lktkl rnisheo ROOMS TO quiet i'?rtle*. henderson, has i2u lleral'l office. nkarly ft rnisiied la mo k ii ai.L ROOMS; aitn lar/e front Room, top floor, $it; hath. Ac. Pri vate re.olence baal I4tb at. 6"*AhT trfll 8t.-desill*MLE ROOMS TO RKMT; refereneea required. (j kast-j7th ST. ? 11 rn imie itolfl N fi Rntshed ?' Rt it >ms, without board; hreakfh*t it deal red; ralerenae repaired. WF.sf w A-HISt.TON PL AOi.-tolkttoiir NTLR turn, without Board, Room* nicely turniihed. 1/1 #1utt 27TII ST., NEAR H Rt <au W at - rt 0< (MS I to r> nl. completely an>l elegantly turuialied aud newly refitted, for aingle g-ntle nen and 'am.he*, at the loweat aommer pric ". t^lult the timtfl: - iperhly furnlthed anit of kooina for family, with eviry conn 'rt and convenience ; at tenium and eMcient aerwauta; tutiala can be arrved from neighl>orla< rretaur .nta; tbia elegant houae. formerly the Army and Nary i'iub lloaae. ha* been aewly furniahea and refltied as a complete and model lodging lionte ; it* i-entral location ?ad pn>iioaity to tlie hninawtct. m. Jamea, Hoff man and Colemau tlonm, "lib other advantage*, incladinc low prlcea. nml make it attractiTe to peraun* of refined taate and eopreciation. Call ami aee the room*. 14 '?id. fknt -t-PLB.ASANT rurnished il't Koom*, wlih >nt hoard; houae cool and la perfect or let, term* moderate, permaa-at or traaaieat Fl'H.\IHIIKI? ROOM* AVD APART MEVl'S TO LKI'. CO SOI IIi WA.-lilMiTON SylAHE. 4TH" le>T.? tit) Neatly. furnished Booms lor housekeeping; alto Rooms lor single gentlemen. ft i LEXINGTON AV. SKAR r.TH ST ?KrkxiViliD ? 'T Rooms to reui; alto one Room tollable for two; *11 MtMltMM. 6'i W EST 35TH HT. ?RLKQANTiif FUBJIUBRD ?? lleotas; superior apcumtno.imion; private family; Board If desired; reference! cichatcced. 107 KAST ,0rH HT.-ri RXISIIKII FRONT"liOOMs". MM with Bedroom, for housekeeping; also Parlor, with kitchen, all conveniences. 1 1 /\ MACDOIOAL ST.?FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH J IV every convenience for housekeeping, to let to re spectable small families. 0||<)~ WEHT 43D ST.?TWO HANDSOMELY FUR nlthed Rconit to let, without board; bot and cold water. eras and clotett In each. 97 c MADISON AV.-LARCE. COOL. A VD AIRY I Rooms to let; lioute uewly and beautifully fitted up. 07Q WEST 320 ST.?handsomely FURKI8HED OiO Kooma, slnulv or eu tuite; bteaklust II de?ired; fumllv private; neur Elevated Railrnaa: lernit moderate. IVCVUMINIIUU KlIOJIS A (VIA APAKT AIEXTS TO bKfi. t ?TO I.PIT. TIIK FOURTH FLAT OF HOUSE NO. ^Vi ;<6K 3d av.. between and 27th tti.. all Improve inenla. to small faiuilv; rent moderate. Apply iu office on premises. A~^KIIWT CLASS FRENCH KLATS TO LKT-61 ? West 39th it.; te?t location; corner komt, A NY RESPECTABLE FAMILY WISH I NO TO HIR* it. 11 tnodrl Flat ou southwest corner Nth av. andS3dtt., over the tireut American Tea Company, rent reasonable, apply oil premises 10 lAMKS DOtU, builder. I * taa <th~ay.?choiob rtoou to ur^."mui JY -Uili st.; improvement* Call and tee owner and premises from 12 to 2. AN 8 i. KO A NT SB T "OK FLATS. NEW LY~B I' II .T, 358 Weat2Wtll St.. to let; choice neighborhood; latest im provenmin^, containing six llirht room-. Inquire In UullniiiL'. / ^iimui. park flats cnrw buildinoi V Itroudwav nud Muli *t.; all modern improvements; elevators, Ac ; modorate reuts. IpLATK?FIVB" ROOMS, OA*, CLOBKT AND DUMB 1 walter 011 the floor: stationary tuba and hath in thu hoiisa-. KimetSI: 117 and IH7 West 11th st. Lower I'art private house, 12th st , seveu rooms; reut ?4'i I'll KISTAI.LKl;. H Vblmrdon square. StOCR UNFURNIRftBD ROOMS, NKWi.v FAtMTKD*, to let to ;.'i-ntlciutMt and wile for housekeeping. Pri vate house, 221 Kast 23d at. TilLOOIt OF FIV K BOOMS AftO PANTRIES, AT MO. F 12' 1 West 01st St.; house private; nil improvements. Iihoor OF vive' "bolms .and pantkik.\""at "no" 1 1P.S East With st.; house private; all improvements. IjlKOXT AND HACK PARLOR. DIKING ROOM, 1 Kitchen Itnd Bedroom, all lu spUndia order, $3U; also Store. 112 Bank st. PAULOr. KLOOR ANi' FRONT BASEM ENT. f>4 WKST -Oth St.. opposite College (rounds; rem $2.'< per month. The dwelling part ok nick litti.k house No. 4 I'riuce 11. to let to a respectable lauiily. Kent |!IS. rpo ""let-nice APARTMENT*. Ml Xtflf I2TII ST."; X 4 rooms; 15tt 3d a v., rooms; lift Kast 2K|li at.. 'J rooms; also other* iu nice locatloui. Apply at oUce, 13W K.ust 13th st. t frio "LBT?PARLOR FLOOR AkD basement, BIX rooms; also Second Floor, lire rcomi. 2'*t Kast 19th at > LET?TW O FLOORS,"SfcFAKATB OR, Tt at reduced rent. Apply at 288 West H3d st. f|10 LKT?IIALK OK A BROW N STONE HOUSE ON J 4Mth st.. near Broadway; laid out lor two families, v illi latest improvements for each fiimlly aepnrately; newly painted. Innulre at J3U Weat 4iHli at. To let? FiRsrr Floor," a rooms, all light and in eo?d order, Kas, water closet, Ac.; rent moderate. .V>1 (it11 av., corner or3<ith st. TiJ"LKT?TilKKK" ROOMS ON TUK l-IKST FLOOR; all the modern improvemeuts. No. 74fl tltlt av. TO LfT-41 KlNt; ST., FRONT AND BACK PAR lort. with pantries between, and diqihk Room and Kiti hcu; rent (MM* flicv LET-UPPER PART OF HOUSE 81 BLEECKKR i it., fonr doors weit of Broadway. A ROOMS. ?i:?.-CALL AT 141 waveklky"PLACE. 480 WEST 22D ST.?THREE ROOMS ON SECOND lloor. suitable for houieki>epl'nir or irentlenien. HOUSES, 1IOON8, ?(., WANTED. " in" tliti?~Cltv" taiid Brooklvn."' Aoentleman wants a nicely furnished Room, without board, between 3d and 4th avi.. near Oramerey Park. Address J. K,. box 54ti Poet olHee. PAIR PARLORS BETWEEN 14TH AND 30TU STS.. 3d and 7th nvi.; fall and winter, two evening! of each month. Addrct* S. O., Jr., Herald office. In the Countrv WANTED-A SUMMER restdence FOB TWO OB three months; mint be fully furnished, and not over 30 miles from the city. Address, with description and terms, boq ml New York Post office. BOARDERS WASTED. 1PUIT OF ROOMS CAN BE had. WITH "EXCEL, lent Board, for gentleman and wives or gentlemen only; private family. Apply at 14M Kast 3:>d St. 1 -LArc.e'airy ROOMS,"WITH OOOD-BOARD, TO 1. transient or permanent parties; also table Board; ref erence. 53 West 2Mth at. 1 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SUITE OP ROOMS on aecond floor; hot and cold water; with or without Board. 121 Went 29th *t. d?1 TO $2 PER DAY, $A TO $10 PER WEEK.? ?IP L Large airy Boom<: lanre shady yard; first claii Honrd. 17t> Bleecker St., near Broadway. ?? 41 HI.OC KS PROM MBOADWAV.?LARGE AM) SMALL MMI to If t. with llr*t clam Roard. OH Baat 4th St. () BLOCKS PROM ^ROADWAY, 26 CLIXTOX p ace.?Pleasant front Ru?mi. with Roard; alio fine sinvle Room*: hoa*e u-wly furnished thronghout. n ELEGANT HOUSES OX MAD IS OX SQUARE"; ta will accommodate transient or permanent with first cleat Rooms. with Iloard. 2H Bait 23d at. Mm. KENT. rTH~AV~ 2B77^ELEbANT ROOMS. EX 8UITK OR ? / singly, with or without Board; permanent or transient ; ternia vary r ?asonabie. fTTH AY., 224. OPPOSITE HOTEli BRtNSWtCK.-SU ? / nerior Itooms. with Board; reduced pricea; reference* exchanged. 9~WEST 21 ST RT.? P L K A 8 AXT~RO O M~WITH HOARD; unexceptinnahls lncslltv and appointments; traasieut boarder*; re Terence* exchanged. 1 A %AVFBL4rr PLA0K. XEXr" " BROADWAY.? I" ' Front Rooms for two. $14 to with Board; jingle Boom*.$7; transient people ta en; table Bo>rd. $4. 1 *&?' 217 WF.sT.-EI.KUA vTrOOMS. EX'sI'ITE iT or singly, with lioard; location central and desirable; reference*. (>H fXIYBRKITY PLAOt.-?BM*RAL LOCATION; ?erjr sood Kooma, large and amall, with or without Hoard; private family. 2 s JD ST.. WEST. fl9L?PURNtRHBD ROOMS, PO? ?j gentlemen and wivea or single gentlemen, with or without Board; reference* given and required. i)"6l) ST'129" bast; NEA R M a D1 SOX PARK.? ? ? ) Single and doable Roams with Board; $7 and $H per week; transient boarder* taken. t)*i west ' n?fii Ir.-KLBOANTLY purx!mF8B ij? / larire and *mall Roots*, with or without Board; aum mer price*; reference* <)??D ST., 110 WEST.?TO LET, WITH OR'WITHOUT ij'l Board, cleean: cool Room*. transient or perma nent; -uromer pricea. QQTII ST., WEST, 1*17 ?II *N'DSOMKl<V FURNISHED djO double and ainirle Room*, with Board; large closets; hot and sold water In room*; All to SS. i)n east 2ist.-a pew ski rot boa'rdfjw~cax ? ?7 be accommodated ; alio tranilent and table; strictly Brat rla*a. i)Q J *SK~SET"TfV IMCKs BELOW MTii~ST.? ? ?? I'leatsat Room* and food Board; no chililreu ; all improvements; terra* low. UiTB IT,. I8H WEST. XlAl BRO4DWAT.-HAXD ? >*T aoniely furnlahed Booms, with ' unexceptionable Ho-ird; tuaiwer pricea; rrfereures exchanged. A EAST afiTH ST.-HANDSOMI5LY FURNISHED TU Rootu* and pood table; term* very moderate. 4?> 'east" 1STII ST.-FlKMsflhl) ROOMS, WITH ? J Board; gentlemen, $5 and $8 per week; transient hoarder* taken. A 7 WEST tlTH ST ? LABOB AND SMALL ROOMS, I I uewl v renovated, to rent, permanently or tranalantly, at reduced price, with Board. A "7 tiREP.NWICII* AV.?LAKG& NICELY"" FuR '1 I niaiiod Boom* to let, with or without Board; aUo hall Koom*; *hady location; auminer price*. IjfX'XOTON A V ??FURS I SUED ROOMS, WITH or without Board ; furniture new ; term* reasonable. 51 105 ro WEST 88D AT?LABOR ANO SIXOLE ROOMS. ?IO with Bo<rd, all newly furnUhed. permanently or tn>n*ientl>, at rCaaanaMo pricea: reference. nw EST :nD~sr-A PRIVATE FAMILY WILL rent handsomely turnlabad Rooma, alngly or ou auita, with or without Board. WEST l?TH ST.?NICELY MTKXISHEDLARtlE Kooma; with or without Board; relerencoa required. 1 t?Q EAST 37TH ST., BET WE EX LEXIXOTOX AND J dLi'' 4th av*?Large, liandaoine aecond flour Itoom-.; superior Board; all CMiTonlooMs; city tuiegraph 11m, Jto.; beat ri'lereuiv*; terms reason able WKLUOME R. SIIKLDoN. past ioth st? nicely furxibIIED rooms, ?uitable lor ceiitkuau and wilo or *lngle uentie men, with or without Board. 1 11 LEXINilToX AV-ROOM TO LET WITH 1 11 Hoard; terma moderate. WEST l.vri? NT.?FURBISHED ROOMS to l< t, to ladle* 01 K.'uti m mi. with or without Board. 'WEST 21ST ST. ?TO LET, WITH HOARD, 141 MJ- WEST 21>T ST.-TO LET, V It/ pleasant l^onm* at autnmei price*. w OOU WKUT :?!> PT.?UAKUK. fLKA.-AaVT KOiiMS, OariO witli Bo*rtl, in pHv .570 i WEST 24TI1 ST. ?TO LET, WITH BOARD, *ecnnd *tnrj throughout or *?parato; term* oa*y. -i.A K(iK~ PLEA." A.NT KOOM ivato tamily; term* moderate. ID AY -GOOD BOARD, CLEAX ROOMS; convenient and healthy location; pricea reasona 0 O 1 I ARCH ST., I'll 1 LADELI'HIA.?SUPERIOR *d.''T T accommodationo tor Cetitenulal visit <rs; terma very reasonable; location ttn*iirpaaao<l. NO OHARGK-LISTS AND PARTICULARS Of FBI vale boarding accommodationa. SA.SUS' Board Di rectory, 1.1HS Broadway, aeeond floor. rll.ADELPHIA-l.iMr FAlKMoLX? ~AV-sI'PE r" r Lodginga, Ui cents upward* Meals if desired; married or single. 1JHIV A TK HO t S E," FI FTK KX MI NUTB? Of IxSI 1 bition; splendid location ; ft to iJ per day. AddreM liOAKIUXU, il,ln Arch at.. Philadelphia. Private family, kksiuixu ox north bboad *1., Philadelphia, will accommodate a few boarder*. Address A. B Herald rtilladolpbi.* ilranch olUte. HOARD AXI) LUUUI.VU AVl'KO. APilYSlCIA!* V?AXf^7fMMKi?fATELV< 'boARB", Mun; aad use ol parlor tor a few boars dally; perma neat IT suited ; must be lr< a good locality. Addreaa, stating terse, is, lMK.'TOH, Herald olltcc. ___ OAKD WAXT?r^BELOW"*lTU Mt.. BKTWKKN 4TII aad 6ui avs . tklrd story froat Rnoai aad hall Bed 1, for gcatlcsaan. wife, aad danghtor, nine reara old; ?tail per moath. Aodreaa UaRVHY, U or aid oMoe. B w HOARD A BID LODOrVG WASTKD. BOARi. WANTED-KOR A BUV. Hi V K A KM OLD. IN it plain private t'atailv. beiow 12th ?t. ; alto Hee* fcr gentleman. without board. ASilSjMt. ?tatiug terms, which rnuit be moderate, W. CURTIS. Pott office Board wanted.?a gmtGkmaW DiMkn* t a Hooiu. with fall Hoard. in private family; Vacation mutt be first clae*; ri(*renc?> jfiveu and required. Ad4ire*e? listing terms. L. H. K , box U3 - Post office. / antkd-koomh. betwkkn kith aso .V'TH *t*.. with Hoard for lady ?nijr. Addre** O. I I., Herald Uptown BrnDi'it office. _____ \^rANTKS~BV A iVrNTLKMAN, A Nh'KLY ITR ? ? nishfd Rwiti, with Board, in a private .JewUh family; trrin* not to exceed $10; w<?et tide preferred. Adtlre?i W. K . Ilerald cfllee. ^ HOTKM,"*' A T NEW "ENGLAND HOTEL, 30 HOWKRiCXiCI lig'it. single lloomt; lodgings, nightly, $3 weekly, f?r gentlemen ? n!jr. 7LWAVS OPKV-H RANKKORT 1I OLriti, CORNER J\. Frankfort and William sts., 85e., 3<>c., SI; gentlemen, famUle i. Belmont aorsu pclto* st.. near broad way?European plan; rooms, 50c. upward; family ruunn; a ways open. t3a MILY HOT EL, 3.1. 38 A NI > 37 ~W EST 14T H ST. - 1 Klegaut Rooms, with Board. W par day; permanent or transient; kept by an English lady. *?T ELAND'S STUItTEVANT II0U8E. CITY."?LOCA 1J twin nnd accommodations unsurpassed; prices re duced to suit ihe times; fJ 50 and ?4 per day; Room* only $1 per day aud upward. LXWTS ,t OKOBOK S. LKLAN'D. 4^T. OKItMAl.N. r.TlI AV.. 22D ST.. BROADWAY.? tJ European plan; Room*, all trom, SI and upward: su p?rb location: elevator: tiailii aud restaurant to ault tbe t.iuen WM. G. TOMPKINS, flvo years Leoee and Pro prietor. yoLTDBUS IioTEL?S2 A DAY; fTnEST LOCATION ij In citv ; try it once. ?>7si Broadway, corner 3d at. "~a?i sTitv aoAiu). t PEW HOARDERS WANTED?ATA FARM HOUSE, it <5 mlnntes lr<im city. New Haven Railroad: terrni and S7 per w?i>k -. Maiding. Mr*. WM. H. CORNELL. Mamaroneck. N. Y. 'a T "new BiUtJHT >N. STaTkN ISLAND?LA HUE, Ix. hIi.n Rooms. with excellent Board, In a Freuch iaiuily; toven uiiuuteit' walk tu lerry. Apply at No. 4 Hamilton 1'ark. ~4 T "toMI'KINSMl.I.K, SIaR PRBBtBS, STATKN J\ Inland?l*lru?Hnt Rooms, with Board, in private fam ily of adults; good location: shade; lawn; batbiug. Ad dress REFERENCE, Herald office. AT PLAINKIRLD: NEAR DKPOT^^OiTTm.KAS ant rooms: excellent table: l*rj;e lawn, well idfWdcd; rulerences .Iven and required. bos H3)t Po?t office. Plain field. N .1. A com i)odious atone mansion on the Iludtou, uu.,ur patted iu location, would aecomiuiulate ou<* faintly of u>>t more ihaa Ilea or aix person- lor the summer or louicer if demrad; lar^e t-tubla snd '-arrinitc house; relurence ra iiuired. Addrrn box 5,'JlJ Post olt'ao. i~PRW KABILlKS CAN KIND BOARD AT a"FaRM J.X. houae amone the mountains: noar ally; terms moder ate. Apply at 231 Broadway, room C, from lu to "* ~PEW BOARDERS CAN BE AC'Cl>MMODATED~AT A Pamrapo. on tbn tbore; boatinp. bathini; and tlshlui;; tea breeic : sailboats in sttendance; terms low. Inquirv of depot master for JAM KS L. SPENCER. A T A LARUE l'ARM HOUSE ON LONO ISLAND? A Lari;e Koomt, k<joi1 table, plenty milk, egjrs. vegeta bles; well (liaded-, delightful air; very hesltby; pleasant surrtnindiiiirs; no tlckucss: S7 to fs; children half; also good house near the water's ed^e; good bailung; line for lamilies and children, r'urtber particnlars with THOMAS HRENN'AN, No. 7 Murray st.. New York, where lady can be seen aud arrangements made until Saturday. A T HUrPER.V, NBAB~THk moi ktaIns-ix farm J\ house, 1 hours by Erie l!allway. Apply at 4B4 Uth av., coal office. Board, NEAR TUN SOUND, AT BREEZY LAWifj L 1.?30 miles ftoiu tiie city; 2<1 miauies from depot; good table; plenty of shado. boating and llshin*; refers to R. Cox. ISO Broadway. Apply to T. P. L.nDERUILL. Locust Valley, L. I. Board on the hud son?c ats k i ll m oTn t a i s scenery: boatlug, bathing. Ac.; terms reasonable: fruit, vegetables. Ac., lu aimndauce. Address MAPLE UROVE HOUSE. Maiden, N. Y. OARD IN CONNECTICUT IN ~ a" PARMER'S lamlly; pleasant shadua; plenty of fresh egg*, milk and vegetables: convenient to cars; uuiet auu retired; terms reasonable; no mosquitoes. Address CHARLES NORTHROP. New Mllford, Conu. Board at Cornwall,?the xooona hol-he is now ready for tummer boarders. Por particulars and circulars apply to JOHN PARR, 047 tftb av? or WILLIAM ORR. Cornwall. New York. Board on the sound, one hour by rail. Boatlng, bathing, fruit, vegetables, milk, on the place; free rides. Ac. Particulars at No. 7 West 42d st. OARD W ANTKD?ON A PARM,~BY A OENTLEMAN and wile, where there are nn other hoarders; good table rc'imred. Address, stating lowest terms, full particulars nnd references, C. B., box 340 Post office. New York. Boards is wan t s d.-sha d y "p arm housb, g alt water, boating and bathing, 87 per week. Address lock box 3 Post office, Mattituck. L. t. Board-i"n koV7kTavd~county. on a farm one mile from Spring Valley depot; one hour by rail; boat ing and bathing. Por photograph and particulars call at 142 West trtth st. CCOUNTRY BOARD?DKLIOHTKUL LOCATION"; EASY ) ol access. Address!}. C. SNYDER, Rhinebeck, N. Y. Gountry board.?three MILES PROM WASH? ingtonville; large shaded yard; extensive plar.xa: health)- location: terms f8. reference. J. A. KEMr, 41 Vesey ?t. Address box >23 Post olllce, WathlngtonVllle. N, Y. C10untry BOARD WANTED?IN A PRIVATE"P AM I LY, J not over one hour from city, tor gentleman, wife In fant aud nur*e ; must huve two large Rooms, plenty shade, lawn, piaixit. good table; board not to exceed jHOOper month. Addres.i RESPONSIBLE, box 209 Herald office. CIOUNTRY BOARD-IN PRIVATE FAMILY AT KYE. ' J 24 mile* from city, half mile from station, on New Haven ! Railroad; everything desirable; terras about $10; refer- j ences. Address box ju Post office. Bye, X. Y. /TTh ntky boardTat OAKRISON'S. OITE \_y West Point, within live minutes' walk of station ?nd i ferry. Apply to HENRRY LAWKEXCE on the premises. ELEOANT BOARD FOR SINllLlToBNTLEMEN IN A I prlrate family on Jersey City Heights. K. J.; "Ituatiou i v> ry desirable; large house unit nice grounds, and all the ! comforts of a home guaranteed: very convenient to steam Mill horse car*. Address box !JS4 New York Poit office. or apply at the Real Estate Agency ot 8. OARABRAXT, Ber- ; ten square. Jersey City Heights. IjMRST CLASS COUNTRY UOARD^ON LONG ISLAND 1 Sound; splendid boating, batliinir and fishing; steam boat stops av place. For further particulate inquire at No. 143 East 21st at. CI BBRNWICh! CT.-FIKST CLASS BOARD; KP.A80X T able rate*; abundance of shade: line view; city refer ence. Address or apply to A. M. SHERLOCK. CGREENWICH.?FTKSTCLASS BOARD; REASONABLB X rates; modern Improvements; elegant appointments; besting, bathing and flshlng. Apply at 818 Broadway, room ?. OOD BOARD-FIRST CLASS COUNTY SEAT AND i VI farm house; 97 and#H; no Jews need apply. Call ou or address D. K. RUOU, box 17U Post office, Irvinvton, X. Y ! CIOOl) BOARD AN |7~ROOMS AT l> ARM HOUsE- i T Near the CatskilU; post and telegraph offices near; relcrem e given. Address, to-day. L K. YINCKKT, Herald ! office ; after this date the same, at Freehold. N. Y. CtOOD board" at a farm "house?two hours j X from city; high irromid, overlooking the Hudson fur j I miles: gAod drives; plentv of shade, vegetables, milk and ' fruit, with stkiilitiu; near steamboat ana ear depot; terms Jf7 per week. Apply to day until H o'clock, room 100 National Hotel, Cortlandt at., or WM. JAMr.H, Stony Point, ! RockUnd county, >t. Y. 10NOBRANCH.?BOARD IN KLEGANT COTfAf;R J on Ocean av , near .1 anek's Apply at 104 Madison ?*. BRIGHTON. 8. I.-ONE FAMILY OF ADULT* and a lew gentlemen can obtain superior Accmnmoda tiuns iu a Ueliglitfully located prlrate mansion ; five minute* from landing; spacious grounns, stables, carriage house: nl?oaneatlv furnished Cottage, with private table. Ad dress box 137 Poet office. New Brighton. SUMMER BOA lib?CAT8KILL MOUNTAINS. AT K. BUMP'S, Windham Centre, Ureeue county, X. V. solemliil Board, tine actuery mid good bath. Inquire at 24 I M. >lark?s place. (SUMMER BOARD NEAR 8AU HAKBOR-LARCE j O Rooms; grounds extend 10 the hitler, which afford | guod batliln? and boating. For particulars addrets E. N., i box :m i'ost office. -Sag Harbor. L I. WANTED?BOARI?7ON 8TATEN TsLAMD, FOR ON K adult; shady place, near landing; teruie not exceed ing $7 per week: north shore preferred. Address D. SHORT. 177 Me.cer st. A-ONKKUS.-l.-ei UAilllU Iff ON AV.. BETWEEN BAH 1 eoclt place and Lainartine iiv ? Pleasant Rooiua and Board; terms moderate. tl'MMER RESORTS. ATLANTIC HOTEL. BATH, L. I.: BoA RDINU ; UKA sonable prices; splendid sea bathing; stcaui cars iroui Greenwood every half hour. Bath, l l-locust orove Bothf,?and pavTl lon flatu residence of ex Mayor Ounther,. with an ad ditional wing, containing ?*> rooms, fronting the t?a> and u.ean; excellent bathing, fishing, boaliug, Ac. For board apply on the premises or by note to JOHN HOoPK. BbtjLEYARO HOTElT COLLBOK~P<>INT~ WOOD-i 1.. I.?This v. ell known favorite resort is beautifully situated. Irontiug on l*>ng Isimid Sound : llrst class accom limitation for boarders, families or single gentlemen; best accommodation, bathing and boatiug. 4- trains daily to and from New Vork. J. M. iJONNhLLY. HOARDIXU-AT THE HOYf~UOU8K, SKA CUFF. U I. Mrs. R. llnyt is now prepare! to Hirnlsh Hoard by the day or week, at very reason able rates; the house Is well shaded with plenty of ptaiua room, giving Hue views of wowd ami water sceuory ; bathing, boatiug and fulling cast he obtained. Buckingham iiotrl,~"atla'niic city, atlVS tic and Kentncky avs.?first class, f2 per liar: dinuer "?> cents; coaches free at depot. PETEJUf A CM. / 10Z/.ENS' HAMILTON HOUSE, STAMFORD. CORN.? tuis and w.ier iu svery room; high ground; perfect health, good battling and fine drives. / iROTON LAKE HOUSE.?THIS POPULAR RUMMER \J resort is iio* open lor the reception o! summer board < er?; good Sshiug and boating; tsiuis moderate. Address A. VAN XOSTKAND, ? roton I.ake, Westchester county, X. Y, HO~ KOK TUB MtH NTAI.NS ! Forest Home,'s Lake N J.?Pure mountain air; splendid biack bass ll-hin , . teriu-i from $1. S)to #17 AO. A. BROWNSOil, Proprietor. ittatisxy iiaim Delnwsre Water Hap, Pa. A dttligtilfnl pi ice to spond a qniet 4th; SV2 hours from New Vork, vta Delaware, Lackawanna and \t estern Kail read: send for irciilar. W. A. HKODHEaD A fsONS. LONu BRANCH?LEVY'S COITAOB, CHELSKA AV? near ilceau av., large conifortahle Ho ins with first class Board at reason* <ie prices. Apply as above, or to K W BL.OSS, t?7 Liberty st.. X. Y. M- APLhTON MANSION fS fllK SUm RBS OF Kingston, X. V.?.V lew pleasant Rooms left; l:>orl< adults .vanted; terras $7. Photograph ol place ami arr??j;n inents made at HIO Henry St., Mrooklvn. MaRLBoRuUOU* lloi'SE, ML'IUIaS' HILL,' C(>? ner nth nr. and :iHth st.; American plan; the coolest and most delightnil pari of lh'< city; prices reduced to suit the times; $3 per day ; fl7 uO per week. XJUKWnOlPifoUSE~NI I>, XJ.-THK~BEST Al large lamily hotel near New Vork : first etas* accommo dations; prices low. Apply to F. T. K hi I'll. Proprietor. PAVILluX ilMTHU NEW BRIUHTUjT . 7 lT--Xl?W open; aceomnio'latio is for sinflj gentlemen. Sl'i Mr week aad upward. Call vr a idress ft. F. COLK. PATILIO*, BlVESSIDt., N. J.-CLOSE TO Philadelphia, on New lvrk KaUroad; trains hourly; excellent boating, Ashing, Ac.; Isrge looms, |Mirches. gas, high ceilings, grove, orchard, Ae.; coot, accessible, Srst class aad moderste. N. 8. BEAD, Riverside, V. i. SI HNER RESORT*. PAUfifTluTKL. WHITE NL'LPiU'K Sl'INti* "tAEA Lake. i? ri iw up?n for the reception of tcuriti. Connected wiiU this hotel ire iuc Sum white sulphur baths in the country. Address KIM. LKLA.N'D A OO., Saratoga Spring. P.VKKY HOCSE. AT HIUULASD FALLS, ON IHE Hudson near Wait Point, opens June 10; terma rea sonable. W1LLET PA KEY. Proprietor. ^THOMSON HOUSE L and RE.NOVU HOTEI., on tbe Philadelphia aid trio Railroad. The>.e superior and popular resorts have been llioron^hy rrluriiubea ami prepared lor tbe ennrtalnmcnl ot |u?n iliiriUK the centeuuial year. Located on one of ike principal routes of travel between the Nortbweai *ud the Centennial Exhibition, in the midst ol beautiful foreat soenery. where the air and water are the parent, thev will be found attrac tive and beneficial reaeria tor health and pleasure aeekeri. aa well aa convenient resting placea for touritta and travellers. The country adjacent to the>e aplendid hotels affords the finest trout Ashing and gunning in ihe Eattern States. For circular* ol Informstion, ic., address B. M. N. TAYLOK, Proprietor, Thomson House Kane, fa. JACOB H. KCHAK BACH Kit. Proprietor, Kenovo Hotel, Kenovo. Pa. rpAPi'AN UEllOCES. NYACK, At TUB HUDSON, 3S i lullek fr. in Vork, aceeaalblo either by boat or rail, l> now open. Kooma, lor families or siairle ireutlemen, can be secured un tbe premises. WM. P. Ml'NKOE. rnHK UNIT 11) STATES HOTKL AT FAR Ku<TkAWAY, X Lont Island, la now opeu lor the receptlou uf uueata. MICHAEL MULKY. Proprietor. XXf OODBO0BNE HOUSE. JOHN H. WALDORF, PRO 11 prietor, Woodbourue. Sullivan county. N. Y?? Summer retort. Accuiuino<latiiina for 4<> boardera: board $1 per da} ; house lour milea from railroad station ; pure air; uo mosqui toea; trout streams near; Ixiardera carried bv at am to ?nd Iroui railroad depot tree of charm: alio a free ride given once per week, Persons desiring farther Information can uiitulii the same from the proprietor by calling at No. 131 t'li r e? at . Now York, mi Friday. J une :tli. IX7H. ~ EUROPE; IO.NO S HOTEL", NEW BOM) ST. AND CLIFFORD J si.?TM- well kuuwn com tunable hotel tor families ami t'eitl lemen, l lie only unr in tliia central sltualton. haa now a mo-t commodious and luxuriously appointed smoking ami reading room, with ? larm bay window commanding a ino-t cbei-riul view of thU important and tashiouable thorough f.ire; vonr vlaii ia solicited should you not already ha?e made i ll .Ice pi ? hotel in the Weal l'nil of l.oiidon. Under the niuu.iiieiueui of W. I. and Mr* Chambers. PKOPOMAbb. ' OKFU'B TBtTSTEEi'OF THE .SAILORS' SNUG HAR j hor. No 7-i Wall ?t.. New York. June 27, 18711 ? Sealed | propositi*. will lie recehed at thin olHce until 12 o'clock at noon, on the 1st dav of July next, fur tiirulahtng 050 lineal l??t of HI no Coping. tlx;*): IJUU feetof Blue Siuuo t uriiiu*. fiaX; about "J.ijuO feel ut Blue Stone FIhk, rubbe<i and Jointed aa ni'r drawing; all to be delivered ou their uock at tne Sannr'a Snug Harbor, Staten Iaiand. For plana uud npeclBcaiiona apply only to U. P. Smvth, Superinieud ent. at Ibn Governor* oftico at the inatilutlnu. Bid* to bo aililr>">ad to Tru*toe? of Sallora1 Snug Harbor, anil marked "Blda tor Stone." The Trustees do not bind tbeinnelvea to accept any tiida which shall ot he deemed for the Interem of the in-tltniion. fMOMAHIIRFK.VI.BAF. font r?Her. EXCHANUK. WANTED?PtAMONns| Ft PXtn iU', I'IaNOS. SIL verwure. in ?tohauve for Sto k in a Transportation t'ompany Addresa Rt liULi'll, l.erald Branch olnce, Phil adelphia, Pa. Wanted "to exchanok^htociTof a company with line proapecia lor Farm ?r uood suburban Prop erty, clear. Addreas STOCK. Herald Philadelphia Branch elticc. __ ~ tiTOUAbk. P UA.VD (ENTR tL STOKAUE WARBWifSE, "1P'()R vJT Furniture, Pianos, U air team Jic.: inspection invited; Broadway and 47th at. MORUAN A BKOTHEK, Proprietors. g?TQtU0t IN P LASTS BSD BOOMS AND D0PT8 FOR * Knrnltnre, Bagi;am. Carriages, Ac. 100. Ill, 113 aud 115 Kaat 44th at. WA.VTKU TO PL'KCHASfe,. W" ANTKD-A wkll established cake bakery. which will prove cash aalee; location 6th or Mth av . between 2Uth and 60th sis. Addresa Frankeuatlne Hotel room 4H. MHCELLANKOtS. TTfrgvcirrairf*m'-gra^ A recovered I'roin an itineas and unable to find a position, wii-lies to lie asslated by American ladiea and return to her home. Addreaa K.. 83 South 5th av.. aoeond door. T~ EAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES IX QUANTITIES OP 5 lbs. and upward, cheaper than any house in the city, at THE WELLS TEA COMPANY, 201 Fulton St., between Church and Orqcnwich. FIRE AT HUNTER'S POINT. LOSS ESTIMATED AT FBOM FIFTY THOUSAND TO ONE HUNDBED THOUSAND DOLLARS. Shortly after eight o'clock yaaterday morning fire was discovered Issuing irom tbe Johns Roofing Com pany's buildings, near tbe Long Island Railroad depot, Hunter's Point The flames .spread with great rapidity, anil In lose than thirty minutes the Smith pottery ware house, the Long Island City Tool "Works, Kenbrands pottery, O'Oara boiler shopa and the I'armely Chemical Works wera all wrapped li) flame*. A southwesterly breeze drove the flames about enough to keep away all wlio attempted to enter the bulldiogx lor the purpose of securing movable property. The Isiund City Fire Depnrtir ent responded with alacrity to the Are alarm and worked with a will. It was too late, however, to do more than prevent the spread of the fire. For a time It was teared tbe fire would catch nil uf the contiguous property. By eleven o'clock the flames were pretty well subdued, and au hour later the scene of tho disaster was a mass of Smouldering ruins. It will be remembered that the illicit whiskey still found at I.on? Island City last week by the revenue officers was In O'Hara's boiler factory. Thin fact was ihe subject of considerable comment during and alter the Are, as tnccndiarlsm was strongly hinted nt. The total loss is variously estimated at from $50,000 to $100.0001 The former figures probably indicate the correct amount. With the exception of the Jobns Rooting Company's factory, none of the property de stroyed was insured. This was covered by several Kew York compantee to the extent of $25,000. THE GREAT FIEE IN SCOTLAND. NAMES OF THE VICTIMS OF TH* CONFLAGRATION ' AT ATB. (Ayr, Scotland (June 16), correspondence of London News.] A most destructive fire, attended with terrible lose of life, occurred to-day at Ayr, at the oarpet manufactory and wool works of Mr. James Tcmpleton. The prem lees comprised Tour blocks of buildings. A number of women who were at work ran out soreamiov from the building, exclaiming that otbors were within unable to etcnpe. Shortly afterwards the flamee shot op through the roof, whioh It'll in with a crash. NAMKS OF THK VICTIM*. Up to half-past nine to-night the following porsoni were reported as missing, and no double are enter talued that they have all perished in the flames:?James ltarr, overman, aged fifty, residing In Mill street; Mary Calrney, aged tweuty-ono, residing in Cross street; Marian Rowan, aged fifteen, slater to above; Margaret Butney. aged forty-four, Fort street; Agnes Murray, aged twenty-four, Cross street; Marv Cong&tere. aged fourteen, Wallace street; Catherine Kwans, nged fifteen, Cross * treat-; Janet Walker or Smellie, aged twenty-two, Wallace street; Marv Irvine, need twenty, Wallace sireet; Jane lteid, aged twenty, Wallace street; Mary Reld, aged eighteen, a ster or the above, Mnry Jane McOill. aged thirteen, Cross street; Mnry MoDerment, aged fourteen, Walser si root; .lane Young, aged soventeun, George street; Khzabeth MeConuell, aged sixteen, Russell sireet; Margaret Mitchell, aged thirteen. Cross street; Mnrtha Reld. uired fourteen, Church street; Martba Colvln. 'aged nineteen, Camck street: Catherine liillan, aged imeen, lieorge street; Margaret McAnslane, used eleven. Clones Vennel; Elizabeth Clark, aged thirteen, Cross street. In addition there is one more death at least, mat or , the girl who leaped from one or the windows and was conveyed to the town hospital. She died about three liours after admlMion. Her name was Catherine McKinnon, aged seventeen, residing In Newton street. HOW CORBETT DIED. An Inquest waa beM yesterday before Coroner Siraras as to tbe death of Patrick Cor belt, of No. 64 Franklin avenue, Brooklyn, wlio was found dead In hia bed on Monday morning last. William Kelly, of No. 58 Franklin avenue, testified that ho heard a dispute on tbe sidewalk, in front of de ceased's residence, about half-past eleven o'clock on Saturday night, and saw Corbett lying on the flags and a crowd about him ; saw Byrne, Darmody and Sweeney standing near; tbe brothor of deceased waa under tbe Influence of liquor at tbe time Edward F. Orabans testified tbat he heard loud talk on the aldewnik about midnight, but could not recognise any voice except that of deceased, who was sitting In a chair in front of his door; his attention was next called to Corbett's having tailcn from his chair to the sidewalk; there waa no tine near him at the time. l>r. A. W. Shnpard. who made tbe poet mortem examination of ine body, testified that be found a contused and laeerated ; wound about one half inch in length, and another sim ilar wound, three-quarters of an inch in length, a little l>ehind the left ear; in his opinion death resulted Irom compression of the brain, produced by a blot oi extrav a-ated blood, caused by violence applied to the skull Alexander ityan testified tbat he ssked Corbett to keep an eye on his place while he went to get seme beer: on his return deceased jumped ap from his chair ana commenced to shout and roar; Parmody and Byrne were In tho erowd which be attracted around hiui. but Byrne went home when witness told him to do so. The jury found a verdict to tbe effect that deceased came to bis death by violence caused b? one or more falls in Iront oi bis residence, and tbey found also that Darmody, Sweeney and Byrne were net la any way implicated In hia death. SUPPOSED ABDUCTION. A telegram was yesterday received at Police Head quarters from the Thirteenth pfrectnct stating that a boy bad been foond there who was supposed to have been stolen. Tbe boy was sent to tho Central Office, where he gave bis name as Charles Brown, of Na 211 Madison street. He Is about tnree years eld, of light completion, and dressed in s dare straw hat and light clothes. Captain Cope land telegraphed to the Seventh precinct and ascertained tbat no oae named Brown lived at No. 212 Madison street. It Is regarded as singu l lar tbst the child baa net been claimed. A general alarm was sent not giving a dcoerlpllon or the child to all the peUea stationa REAL ESTATE. The attendance wu very slight In the Exchange salesroom yesterdny and no Important business *u transacted. A- J. Bleecker k Son, in foreclosure, sold one gore lot between Forty first and Forty-aecond streets, 180 (eel west of Fourt^ .venue. 50.10x23x25x24, about, to Seorge V. Hocker, the plaintiff. for ? 1,000. Tbls plot, situated in tbo middle of a block, has, of course, no value except to tbo bolder of the adjoining street loU. It is said, howerer, that tbo Ueni upon It amount to moro tban $13,000. F. H I.udlow k Co. sold, lu foreclosure, a bouse and lot on th. north aide of East Sixty-third street^ 95 leet w<?t of Madison avenue, 25x100.6, to the pUt?tll?. for $11,7)0. Tbo other announced aalea w*?* adjourn* FORKCLOSURK 8ALEH. Shortly alter tbo panic ol 1873 it became apparent that the then h.gta price* for city real estate could not any lon?c-r bo maintained. At that turn 'here existed > class or shrewd real estate speculator no bad fore seen and profited by the great rise in land which too place from 1867 to 1971-2 They bougl.t law lines of real property, paying as llttlo cash ?. possible and leaving the greater portion of the purchase money on mortga?A operating oo a consUnlly rising market, ?11 or them made money-some amassed large fortunes. In the rail or 1873 came tbo crash. Houses and lots became almost Impossible <?r Kale: those holding heavy blocks or encumbered real es tate found themselves in n very etn jarrasse position; interest money had to be met, under penalty ol foreclosure?taxes and assessments might be left to accumulate at the rite or twelve |?*r cent per annum The owners or the lee made ev.ry exertion to stave oU foreclosure proceedings. In some cases tlie.v paid oul their whole substance in inter^ moucy hoptug co^ tinually tor a change in tbe market. Meantuiiejaiue. steadily decline*. Equities were lor the no-1 Pa? ? gi.eak or the speculative elans or real estate hold - worthless or, at the best, or doubtlul V"lufi-Al(>0"' *'"y' 1H74 lororInsures commenced to be uiiusually lreMiieut, hb.1 thev have continued with unabated vigor (romtb.t day to this. In the lace or these lorw:losiire s^es t became dlflicult to dispose or property U l,ru?te1sajd or at public auction. No owner, unless obliged t<> ?pii was wllliug to meet the ut terly ruinous rates obtained at lenal It is estimated that moro tban three-quarters ol the weak holders have failed, gone into Ibankruptcy mad. n?riiifiimont? or boon foreclosed on. Great u*rgaiuB hav been made duriug the last tWB,vc"?^J' Ejy. those who watch the foreclosure sales at the Real jm t ito Fxrhaii<-e Meanwhile an actual decline ol rully Luc third his been established on choice uptown building lots In the line ol improvement, say from sixtv-llfth to Kigbty-sixth street and from Madison te SeVond avenoe, while the decline on Fifth avenus lots in the same reg'on has been even t^ater fbose who watch the growth or me city will hava noticed That It Invariably follows the line or city railroad.; thus Third Second and Madtson itcuuoi bavt wn buiU up more or less rapidly, owing jTtfusn racllities or transit The great declln* In vacant lots coupled with the decline in labor and htilldlDff materials, has had th? effect ol giving new lift to the building Interest, which 'r i-TTof lb^sfretU r r\rrKo& asas out^l'n ^5e*?g donefor*?>ther^Vin?l'ar wte?pH?ei ...rtin?? notahlv in Fifty-fifth, Fifty-sixth. Fifty eiohth ^xiy-second, Sixty-third, Slxty-flfth, Seventy tirst s'evontv-rourtb. Seventy-fifth and other street* m?st ot the contemplated improvements being betww Madison and l.exlngton avenues and on avenue. There aro in this region quite ? houses valued bv the owners at from $.6,000 to $M,000, which are enenmberod with first and second mortgage! 7L , 22 ?vt-nt or *18 000. The owners gel enough rent I ^ ,at"Ss? and taxes. Now at the price at which I lots can be bought immediately opposite or in the same vicinity new buildings can bo et*oted__cquallj grnnri in nfirv resucct and placcd on tto? market loi *18 000 or $20,000. Under theso ctrcumsttuces tht fndi^nieSt to build can readily be weja Tbe com ?nnncemeut of building would seem to indicate that w? {TaT^ the opinion or those best calculated to Judgjs ' lnwoat prices tor such unimproved property m can be "lade immediately avallaole for the erectlon or stores apartment houses, tenements or dwlllMfc In point or fact, times can hardly be s& v^.^r?!;^ayrn^ptc,^^r % banks, individuals and corporations?the "ho^e aOLOtn panled by steadily declining values, such n" *>as not ofber ^fo?*closure^salosU antT ;s'\. STW? ?? ment in building which Is about commencing, we very "The revival of building would go rar toward restor Ins the general prosperity or the city, it w?uId' 8'*" work to a Buneroui class who, lor th? last three } ears, M had compaVatlvely little to da Bat It is impos ylbio thai building should flourish to tho extent li did prevlons fo" the panic without ^ owners or vacan i_ ?nnrt idealities come down ana meet uw mar L.t-lth.^u'To seTl at from thirty to forty per cent WAcUve\ruiMfnrgPand remunerative rents in New York ?AS 9 all classes of the community. THAHSFKRS. u nth a* w a 75.3*1 ft. ?. of Md sj.. 25x100; M. Dooley and wire te M. McCaffrey AAyioos '. *7' 32d ?!??. ?.. 110 ft. W "f 20X10?-5-' 13TO) 0. Voeltzlnir and *tfe to M Koehler.W 2d av. a.saa ft ?. or iisth .tj, i?.?*ioa?. r. K iuibti; F. Nom No. s 11 Htli ?t ? "? 2HO ft e. of 4lh a*., 20x100, M. Hren B. ?' Klgn?ai w% te ?* 1 Jottoiiim??n (referee) to E. M. Bra?leia...e.v, 134th St.. n. s.. 2C5 ft. ra?t '-",Xl ' 4 000 H lllldreth (refiiree) to J. R. Stronu MOHTllSOl'S. McNeill. Mlehael and wire to E. Barker. 161 and ltlS Slmw'V- ?i'"l?U. to O.pSr.uniil, n. s. u? 127th St.. ^ A?M^toVdree3fuC^iV Company. g ^ cSmwuTiltyJ tV'A* W. tireeniiaf..- of49th ?.. &^ 3.000 Me*leanaI1jfame?"an< w*H? te kmi?rant loda.iriai Bank, e. ?? of 4th St., n. of 1'erry; 1 y^ar 2.U0? FIRE DEPARTMENT. The umt ol Foremsn Dennis Murphy, or Kngias No. 43, was placed on the roll of merit yesterday, by order of the Fire Commissioners, for having, at the risk ol his llff, saved Mrs. Nellie Mullen from drowning us the morning ol ihe -4th mst. Throe bid* were received for furnishing forage to th? department- Thai of Banks k Kitllertoa being thi lowest, lor $?,'270 60, wen accepted. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Reports were yesterday received by the Park Depart meut from a committee or the Academy of Design, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the New York Chapter of American Architect*, recommending, as a work of art, the statue or I^fayette, presented to the city by the French government. Mr. olmxtead was thereupon directed to ttnd a suitable site for the statu* In Central l'ark. A motion is also under consideration lor the erectloa ol a statue of William H. Seward. Hids lor ">.000 cubic yards of screen gravel wen awarded to John S. Masterson, at $2 OH a eubic yard. The opening ol proposals lor ihc paving of Washing ton square has been adjourned to July 12. DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS* A meeting of the Department of Docks was held yes. tenia}. President Wales In the chair. Commissioner Westervelt was also present, bat Commissioner Pi mock was absent. The business transacted was purely of a routine tin racier and devoid ol Interest. Reports from the engineer* were read, showing the amount ol work done since the liut meeting. It was de> cided to close the offices of the department Irom Mon day to Wednesdsy next, Inclusive, in honor of the Cen tennial. MUNICIPAL NOTES. Sureties on proposals for building a Fewer la 116th street, between Seventh and Kightn avenues; paving Fifty-sixth street, between .Second aud Third avenues, and Ninety-second street, from Third to Firth a venae, and laying crosswalks on Madison avenue at Eighty* sixth. Eighty-seventh, Kiglity.eighth and Eighty-ninth street*, and on Lexington avenue at he veaty-eighth street, have been approved by the Comptroller. Tha coat of tha improvements will amount to ?17,744 60. Owing to the 'ib?enre ol the Tammany Aldermen wt?o are in St. I.oum there will be ao meeliag of tha Common Council to-day. The City Hall was alsaeat totally deserted yesterday, even by tho third haatfc FATAL ACCIDENT. George Davison, aged thirty fiva, a bricklayer, tf No. SM West rortytbfrd street, Ml ftvaa a third story 'scaffold on a aew buildiag oa Teath aveaaa | sales day sad was instantly killed.