Newspaper Page Text
kble editorials. Kchell's vu in the calm, dignified, conservative style peculiar to the East, where time has sobered us, and where the true editor reads a chapter of Adam 8mith with the morning omelet. Watterson's speech was in the Western rein, bright, cor uscating, piquant, as if ho did not exactly mean it?characteristics, we may observe, of tin* mighty journals which flourish on the prairies. Wo congratulate the press that our two brethren behaved so welL We would much rather have editors stay away from places and remain at home with the trusty scissors; but if they will go to conventions may all honors fall upon them, and may they bear their honors as meekly as Watterson and Schell. We Concibatulatk Hon. Thomas F. Bay ard ! His backers were wise not to ruin bo young a steed by forcing him into this race. In a few years ho will be in his best condition, and the rebellion will not handi cap him then as it would now. A Pictorial Canvass.?The succoss of Mr. Til den as a candidate for the Presi dency is a triumph of pictorial art. Mr. Blaine's friends ran into the canvass with all the correspondents in his favor. They wrote long articles in his interest, worked up "enthusiasm"?but it failed. Mr. Tilden's friends went into the pictorial line. They sent Uncle Sammy's picture to all the sountry papers, with brief, modest biogra phies, Blowing his descent from Oliver Crom well. The pictures won, and we shall no doubt have a pictorial canvass. All of this shows a discerning mind on the part of those who managed *the Gov ernor's canvass. Country editors might have written column after column?as they did about Blaine?but every one can under stand a picture, while many, especially in this warm weather, will nqt care to read a long article. Tilden's managers have shown the value of the pioture as a method qC po litical advertising. The pictures did the business. Think of a Fo^b-Year-Old like Dorsheimer haying the power to hamstring two old war horses like Perrin and Felix McCloskey! And thin is what the democratic party is coming to! Another Forger Escaped.'?We under stand that an address of congratulation has been signed by all the Sing Sing convicts who can read and write in reference to the failure of extradition. Liverpool Jack, Dutch Heinrich and Lawrence will present it to Mr. Fish and Sir Edward Thornton. The signers express the hope that the two governments will never surrender the "right of asylum." Governor Tildes, in conversation with a Herald reporter yesterday before the news of the nomination had reached the State capital, declared confidence in his ability to carry the State in November by fifty thousand majority if lie became the candi date. Now Uncle Samuel will have the opportunity of proving his words. The Best .Joke of tjie Season?William I'. Dodge'* despatch to the democratic Con vention asking it to pronounce against whiskey. PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. Moody Is in Boston. Lindens arc in blossom. Attorney General Taft 13 In Boston. run Butler calls sioop nets skap-nois. The arm or the oyster opener is resting. How mail}' packs ore you going to have* >1 hves 1ms always been a man of great luck. Blind Tom is playing in Virginia City. Ncv. Locusts are devastating Spanish vineyard.-*. Intensely hot weather prevails in California. Germans naturally take to white pantaloon*. Cbarles Francis Adams likes hard boiled oggs. J. T. Trowbridge, the author, in ut SwampHcott. John G. Wliitlicr is visiting friends in Portland, Me. C. H. Audrews, of the Boston Herald, ts at Swamp 8<ott Four hundred thousand pianos are used in the British Uiaiids. Governor Rfe, of Massachusetts, it going to Philadel phia next wee*. Dom Pedro takes bis hat of! to every woman he meets in America. Tlici-eare line nights, vocal with the tenor of Theo tore Tbot.ia* cats. Geraniums and calceolarias kept growing in a room (fill drive out Hies. Cnurcli members will not permit other people to i|ti?rrel on Sunday. Many Massachusetts couples are arranging to be mar rkjit on 1 he Fourth. Over 'i.000 trout wore caagbt near Gorbam, X. H., one day last week. At Vassar musical culture, under Professor Rltter Is at a high standard. lion. Matt. H. Carpenter has been home at Mil. waukoe tor a few days. Hair m million cans of strawberries have been put up In California this year. Some of the Vassar girls arc doing the Centennial with bote books In their bands. The newspapers of the South are mainly engaged in pulling one another's owners. Ad Irish barkeeper always looks a little crestfallen wh in be baa to draw lager be?r. It is trne that a Western editor began"A hundred Fourths of July have risen and set." Chief Justice Gray, of the Massachusett* Supreme Tourt. goes to Europe tnis week lor a couple of month". In Wales the harper still Bits all day at the door of the inn, welcoming tbe weary traveller witn national tunes. Oanburv A'ctoj;?"Doing business without advertising 0> a good deal like trying to borrow a flag on the Fourth cd July." Ralph Waldo Emerson aud daughter are in Washing Ion. Ho will address the students of the University ot Virginia. A Piute Indian graces tho street of Wmnemucea, lie v., lu high-heeled shoes, a set of furs, and a pull back dress. Tbe difference lietween Cox and Tilden If that fox puts in more >hot than powder, and Tllden more pew. in r than shot. 11 takes several weeks for a letter to go from the United StatAt to Iceland, This is what n:a??s Private Dal/ell gloomy. John B. tiougli iiu* ?o far recovered from Ills recent iliiiCfc.4 that tie ivili intend tne temperance celebration at Concord, X. It, Thurtday. The (|nality of the cho enter a> Coney Isiacd decreases with the time3. 1 he good old b is of chamois in have glv n way to corks and boot straps. A year ago William A. Wlieeler rolused to give his photograph to the editor ?>r i.n tllb?t'*.it?'d Jonrnul be cause be did not warn his "ftoeo in tho papers." Whitehall JSmtt:?"A base hull club t? i? b^ organized st Troy composed entirely 01 oh" ii 1-0 hall nlayer* who have been tnaimed i y playing tho funic. The club wll| Se appropriately calleil tho OM-Hmp*tcs." He?ry Clay Dean, now a Missouil farmer, -aid i<> no n.rrvicwer, ' Why should y nniu put on a ekail shirt !t *ul get dirty again. and he will soou If in ttie ,-amo ;ondition he was be.'orc ho changed shirt*. If I vivro i clerk in a millinery *bop or dollar store it uii jit ho conomy to wrar boiled linen, lint, btiu^ n tiniplu Missouri larmer and briiili burner. It doesn t hurt to ?#et IdecV ?nd yeliow stripes dnsorlbpij right angled IHM0tw Ok tbe ml at n> brmhes." CABLE NEWS From All Parts of the Old World. THE EASTERN WAR CLOUD. Servia Ready for Any Sacrifice in the Cause of Independence. THE TURKISH AND .SERVIAN LINES Austria Posting a Strong Force to Preserve Neutrality. ? . THE 1RCBB1M OF COLOGNE DEPOSED. THE EASTERN QUESTION. IMPORTANT EVENTS AT BAND IN TURKEY?THE 8EBVIANS READY FOR ANY SACRIFICE IN TIIF. CAUSE OF POPULAR INDEPENDENCE. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE HERALD BY CABLE.] Paris, June 28, 18T8. The Herald correspondent telegraphs from Bel grade as follows:? A MOMENTOUS crisis. "Events of the greatest moment may be dally expected in Servia* The people have finally de termined to take any steps and make any sacrifice necessary to secure the autonomy or Herzegovina and Bosnia. not influenced BY KI S-U. "Nothing further is aimed at. The situation i-4 uninfluenced by Russia. Servia acts independently and desires no intervention." THE DISTRIBUTION OF SERVIAN, TURKISH AND AUSTRIAN TROOPS ALONG} THE FRONTIERS. Paris, Juno 28, ISTt*. La Libert* jiublishes a private telegram from Bel grade. which Bays that the Servian army is rncampod ou the left hank ol the Ibar and the northwest bank of the Brtna. The Austrian bur.k* of the Dauube and Save are guarded by strong cordon* of troops. The Turks are at tho Bosnian towns Zvoornick and I Norlhaiar, with numerous cavalry. THE MOSLEMS ABM TNG TUB A holt WAR. Ixixnox, June 28, 1870. A special telegram Irom Athens to the Timet says : accounts received there Irom Constantinople, dated j June 22, state that nocturnal meetings are held in the I mosques, at which eminent Turks at<end. i Arms are still being purchased. FANATICAL OPPOSITION TO THE TURKISH BE rORMIi. CoxsTANTixori.i, June 2?, IS TO. [ 'iheru is some saltation among the Mohammedans aga:ust tho proposed reforms. M id tiat Pacha's reform scheme will bo modi fled in consequcucc of objection* raised at a meeting of the leading members of the Ulema. at the residence of Uie Cboik-ul-Islam. thk kbf-.divk'p roturiR ix rut oai-itax. An envoy hearing the homage ol the Khedive ot Egypt has arrived hero. prince Milan's intextions variously RE PORTED. Bbi'Shkls,' June 28, 1870. . Advices from Parts say the Turkish Kmliaasy there , know nothing concerning Prince Milan's alleged ulti- I ' malum. A trustworthy despatch from Vienna reports that I Prince Milan will Join the armv in tho held on Thurs i -Jar. ; SERVIAN ACTION FOR DEFIANCE OF THF. j I PORTE?PREPARING TO CROSS THE PUON TIER. Vik.vna. .lime 28?Evenin^. , Foh'lical Corruptwiener has received tho follow- | I ing despatch from Belgrade:? "The Servian government stopped M Cristics' mis- ! ?ion to Constantinople beeauso tho Porte deelarcd It I self unable to entertain his proposals, which had been I previously communicated contidentlally to the Turk ? ish govern meuk OVER Till; FROXTIKK. "Although real military operations are only to com menceabout July 4 some Servian volunteer corps on the Drlna and near Czlza have, nevertheless, already crossed the frontier." sebvia's strategical plan. I.oxdox, June 29, 1ST6. The Standard'* Vienna despatch says Servia's stra tegical pl*n is to hold the Turks in cneck at Niuch un til Montenegro, who is somewhat distrusted, Joins the movement. Two hundred cannon have been mounted at Kragu jevnc.z. Slavonic advices assert that the Russian Grand Duke Vladimir is in Servla incognito. thk pabis aocRas dksply au it at an. The Paris correspondent of the Standard reports that a regular war panic prevailed cm thi Bourse yes terday rounded on the bolief that it would be impossi ble to contlne the war between Turkey and Servla to the limits of tho Ottoman Empire, and that a collision between Russia and Great Britain would eventually re sult. *o Hon?, The Vienna Prettr declares that all hope for peace is gone. RUSSIA rlady. Sclavonic journals annoutico that lour Rosslan army corps have been concentrated at Voatiesensk and Uk raine. AX KNOT.ISH VUW OF TJIK ATTITfDi: OF Tn* KARTEKX rnovtxcu lists. The Timfi this morning has a special telegram Irom Vienna, which coniains the following:? ' The Servian a;< nt hero has mudo communications which leave no doubt tost Servia will go to war wiin Turkey. According to the uccnt, Servla will seek no pretext or sohterfuje lor attacking, but will act openly, and issue a manifesto stating her rjaoous.'' xontkxkoro nocirrref. A despatch Irom^Const.intlnuple to lbs Time* sivs it is supposed I do Porte is bribing Montenegro to aban don Servia. A Mt DBIN DKLAT. IItr ALMOST CK?TA:X. The Ti-rtr*' Berlin despatch ?*>?, in consequence ol a flnnl diplomatic eli'ort, tboSer.un declaration ol war Lassen postponed from t 1m 2Tib in t. to tho 20th. Xotw thrunding the prevai;icgd! inclination jo believe 1 Serv.a threaten ? war, her dcoiin is now <n side red Imminent. A BFIiVf AN ARMT OX JH? MA K it \ 11.>xa, Juno is;,;. Ike T.i'i^Hatt .?>?>-* that 8,000 Servians h.ive cto?.-e 1 ! the Wcrtem tronHer, and ur ? in.irciiliig on Serny< vo. PBINCI7 MlIiA.*\ IS* DANGER. l'RAi.t;.:, Juno2t*, I87H Tl?? ncwiipapor IWUir at . rts tint n con?? Iracr in murder Pnnei Milan nas be-ti discovered ntpe:-:h. The siimc partiji are concerned who wore ii-pe< Unl of lielng?oniiccted with the murder of the lue Prince Mtrh.-ii'l ? ?? G E R M A. N Y. AN A lit 111 lSU'H' DEPONED BY 1HL. Civil, PoWiB. ! IJihui, June ???, 18Tit. ILe Archbishop of Cologne, on the application ol the Crown, was to-day deposed Irom his see. by tho rneu Inr law court. rfiH.KRd OX A PTaiKB. lb* tuuipoiitorj employed by Ui? greater portion ol , the newspapers of this city, including the Ojfieiml Ucutile, struck work to-day without previous notice. FRANCE. THJS PBOSKCTTTIONS or THE COMMUNISTS CLONES?MACMABOlf'S TEBMS OF AMNESTY. Paw*, Juno 1W, 1878. President MacMahon has pardoned or reduced the sentences of eighty-seven persons who were impris oned on account of their participation in the Com munist insurrection. TSftMS Of AHNSSTT. A letter accompanies the decree of the President, saying that the measures for the suppression of the Insurrection may now be considered Accomplished, and that there will be no further criminal prosecutions except in casus involving attempts upou liio or liberty or in the cases of Insurgent leaders. Such special cases will be refcrre'd to the Council of Ministers before being prosecuted. mum orunoir or macxabos's cuimskcy. Moderate journals are satisfied with Presidont Mac Mahon's letter extending clemency to Communists. But tbo radical press is dlsaatisiled and appears to bo desirous of having a bill pa?sed prohibiting further prosecution* ? ITALY. GOVERNMENT ACQUISITION OF RAILWAYS. liomc, June 28, 1870. Tho Italian Parliament yesterday finally ratified the contract by wbicn the government acquires tho upper Italian railways, RACING IN ENGLAND. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE SUMMER MEETING? THE CONTEST FOR THE NORTHUMBERLAND PLATE?THIRTEEN HORSES IN THE FIELD? THE SNAIL THE WINNEP. I.ondo.v, June 2S, 1S7C. The race for the Northumberland Plato took place to-day at the N'ewcssilo-upou-Tyno Summer Meeting. Thin race brought to tbe starting post a lltjld of thir teen horse-, out of which tbe winner turned up In Lord Rosebery's horse. 'l'he tinail, who started with I be odds of 5 to 1 ngainst him; Pageant, at t; to 1, balu< second, and Organist, at 4 to i, third. ?CM MAST. The Northumberland Plate of r.ot) m>*#., added to a handicap sweepsiaU'-s of 13 sovs. earii. 10 forfeit aud 0 only if declared, for thr^c-year-olds and upward, tho wiuner of any handicap value 100 sovs. after May 24, 6 lbs.; of two handicaps of that value, or of any rare of 200 sovs. value, or of the Queen's Vase, at Ascot, 10 lbs.; or of any ram of 200 sovs. value, 14 lbs extra (extreme penalty); tbe second to recoivo 50 sovs. out of tho stake*; 2 miles; 76 sab*.,39 oi whom pay 5 Fove. each. Lord ltojjetiery .i br. h. The Suail, by Etca, out of Reveille, Oyrs., 7 st. d 1L>? 1 Mr. F. Uratton's b. g. l'ageant, by KUand, o :t o( Panoply, 0 yrs., 7 st. 13 Ibj y Mr. I!. C. Vyner's b. b. Organist, by Cathedral, out oftiaily, 5 vr?., 7 st. 1'2 lbs 3 THE IRISH RIFLEMEN. SHOOTING JOB THE ABF.ttCC.ttN CLP AND FL4CEM IN THE WIMBLEDON AND AAIKH1CAN TEAMS., June 28. 18TH. The competition lor tho Abercorn Cup anil places in the Irish team for Wimbledon and (lie United .States I toi'k place at Wick low to day. The wea?her was splendid, with a lignt breeze across the range. i tic kconus. The u oring at 800 and 1)00 yards was Indifferent. At ilio SuO yards range cach contestant hud illteon shot?. The lo'lowing is the result c>ul of a po.v-ible 7J:? Ktnttr iiinuh::i> yarim. Ranks CS Armstrong.. Hi Stoylli ?>.... ti7 C. Javnt ii-2 Bra ban fa 1 McKeuna Wllliain Hi,d>y.. fit! Johnston 01 Greenville o.? Mi liner l'yas <t:> Ken ;,y Golf *>."? Thy tine ;,y Fulton 04 War 1 58 Kentoa 04 Join ltigby Wilson 04 SINK nrTURKU TAkllS. Smyth . 08 John K.gby #1} Miiiner 07 Wilson ?2 Johnston ?6 Greenville ?? Fen ton M Roi ui William Rlgby ?4 Traill 61 Joynt no ijoir ?o IWR THOr*AM? TAR Or". At the 1,000 yard* tango there were twenty shots each. The following scores were made out of a possible 100:? Fulton..' 88 Tbrnue 74 Johnston 85 Dvss "" 73 William Rlgby 80 Miiiner ..iiii.i." 7~> Wilson W) Hradigan 7" Cooper 70 Maeh'entia 7t Joynt 7? liirch fto Ward..... 79 Ranks <;s Kenton 76 Hurrett 51 Smyib 70 John Kigbv 1 01 Go(l 7;j ft row n lee .' fio Armstrong 73 Strangman (io Rea 73 The highest gross totals for tho day were: John ston, 212; Smyth and William Rigby, 210 each; Fulton 208. SOUTH CAROLINA'S CENTENNIAL. OPENINO CEBEMONIES LAST EVENING. ('iiari.estox, June 28, 1878. Tho Fort Moultrie Centennial celebration was opoued last night by an imposing public reception at the Academy of Music. Colonel Trenholm delivered an address and there wero other proceedings of an inter esting character. EXCITING BALLOON ASCENSION. THE 8CHKP1' MANNA BALLOON STAJtTS FOB NEW rOBK IN A THONDEB8TORM. 1'ri la uki. phi a, June 28. 1*7& | At a quarter past live o'clock this aiternoon Schcpp's Manna balloon started upon an attempt to reach New | York. Tho inilation began at about noon, and It was intended to cut loose at about suudown, but a severe thunderstorm coming up at live o'clock made an immediato start necessary, at the mammoth air ship swayed and strained at her moorings nnd swooped Irom aide to j sido in a dangerous manner. When tho storm came j up 1>. L'olman. tho professional aeronaut. aud l'eter 1 J. Kmc, u special police officer of the Globe Hotel, who has b id souie experience in ballooning, having been lip Willi thu uniortuhate Donaldsoo, were in the car ot tho balloon in iking a captive oscensiou, as it is called, when I a cable is attached 10 a win tla>s to hold the balloon to the earth. They Intendol coming down rgam to ' take in a pair of carrier pigeons and' make j other prepirstions tor tb?j trip to New Ycrk but the liiiib wind which suddenly arose threatened to wreck tho captive baiioon upon the Hag.-tall' ol the 1 Transcontinental Hotijl. 'l'de baiioonists iiad a narrow escape Irom impaicuient. Recognizing their danger they coined out, "(ft rin: corrl" This was hurriedly done, they at tho same time cutting th- trailing cable near the basket, sutl the l?llooo shot np like a rocket. When last seen it was movin? ;u a northerly direction, in a course toward New York. Wtifltoer it will roach Uitre It ex treme!;.* doubtful, n ? in the burned departure tbj :rron?'its maito the mistake ?if catting the cable Jtut I'i'I'A; tiie bi-kel. This left ibem wiibout a drug rope, wbtcb beir? almost tbi sam< retitlou to a bsiloon as 4 governor ?t > tj n steam engine. It is a means ol r> ulatln .'the h"ljht of Hi?? i>siioon so at to !<.??;> in any ?!?'*.? ? 1 atr ? nrrcnr. Th? balloonist* will be aim *t helplei- without .% rnd what, the*.' will do and srbertt they trill a: .hi cannot Ik? lor-irsti. If they roach tho ! earth without srrld'nt ;o ihem.v"l?e* er the balloon I nnot'i?r attempt wilt be tnndo undrr moTo tavorable auspice . A Isr < r.i?^ of peopl ? wltae ed tlsn derartaru of . th? niauf;a Iwilio m amid tho storm, an I intei. ?e exeitc- ' meni ai th" p* rtlou'' |>osttiou 01 the ieronaats *a<ni.-?rl te te i. The drayglng rope, tiefore it w,m ctif, bocatne entangled in tho i-i-;raph wires, -truck sgaltxt hor?o cars, frightened the ie*'n? and pedctrisnanil canned ? or.fastoii generally. When the bnHoantat" threw ? it * ballast n n.11 was ctrtiek on th??he..d with tiio tailing I sar.d, but not gerioaa'y injured. AS ACTUKSS KFLLLD. Li.i> a?;o, HI., June 2#, I>7*1. | Mr-. GeorgeUortuB. wlioso jtano nama was laiuUe lU?tliortie. and wno l,n? beun ti.e leading ladv of Hoidoy's Mock company for some time ps?t, Imtn in j this city and San Kruetsco, fell oat of n iccond story | windi.'v or tso Trrmont 11 onto, and alighting in tlie ' court below wan instantly killed. Th accdent o<> j curred about three o'clock this mormnu. Ur*. Nor ton waaatone :u her room at ilictlni". ^be bad not li<en at all well lately. Her busban I ts 111 actor id New York city and her Uioer u the scene painter of Ortw'a Theatro in i'llilndolpfeia. WASHINGTON. FROM OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. v, AMiiiMimx, Jane 28, 187A THE APPROPRIATION lill.I-S?SO AGREEMENT IUCHZS. Theru wa.- a good prospect of an agreemeat tonight on some ol tbe appropriation bill*, but at * late boar tho Conference Committee on the Legislative bill was still In cession, with lessening expectations ol a happy c<mk usiou. The republicans member from the llou u side, it la raid, v <us ready to agree to the propositions made by Messrs. Randall and Springer; but tbe Senators were obdurate, and there is a probability or another mooting to-mor row. If tbe hitch continue* Mr. Ilandall will probably bring lu a bill continuity this year's appropriations for fifteen days alter tho last day of June. FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. Washington. Juue'Jf, 1S7& sat. blaine's letters taken jtkom mlllioAn? MB. PIKRKEPONT'B CONNECTION THEREWITH. It will be remembered that when Mr. Olalno took tho letters Irom Mllllgan lio submitted them toJudgo Black, Mr. Carpenter and Jud?e Piorrepont, asking tbom^ as his counsel to t.iy whether, in their opinion, there .was anything iu theiu whlcU showed hU connection with any un lawful or corrupt transactions. Messrs. Black and Carpenter gavo bim their opinion which he read in public; Judge Picrrepoints connoctlon in the mat ter not generally known ami he lias recently been interrogated In writing about It by tho Judic cinry Committee. His reply to-day states that tho letters wero read to him by Mrs. Blane; that thoy wore, so far ns he reraberod, tlfteen in number and that so lar as bis recollecti^ji goes they wore tho same loiters which Mr. Blaine afterwards read to the House; that he absolutely refused'to give any opinion about them or to bo retained (or that pur pose, a* be conceived that his uppoinlmont as Minister to England macio it improper; that it seems to him that tho second letter us ho read it 4n tho rccord was shorter than tbo corresponding letter as read to him by Mr. ltlaine from tho manuscript. In this Mr. Pierre pom's memory was correct, as it is known that, by an error or the Congressional printer, a part of this letter as read to tbe House by Mr. Blamo was omitted In tho record. GENERAL M'dOUUALL DECLINES THE TREAS vutship. General McDougsll, who represents the Auburn dis trict of N'ow York Slate, received from a friend ol' President Grant tho following telegram at (.'.inand.ilgua yesterday afternoon, wliiio he was tu route to Wash ington:? Tho President asks ine to inquire whether vou would accept th" Trea.Miirer.ship of the (JmtM States ? To which, alter u short consideration, General Mc Doui(ali replied as follows:? Please thank the 1'resiilent for tho confidence shown in tiu< by asking if I would accept the irijttf urership ot tho I nilod Stale. The duty 1 owe elsewhere compels me to say with regrot that I cauoot, in justice to my constituents nud myself, accept. With high regards for the President and younelf. U I). M'DUCG.tLU Geueral M?f)ou?all will bo remembered as one of tno eighteen congressmen who votel for tho famous third term resolution. THE TREASURY PORTFOLIO. It is said to-night that Seuator Morrill will nut accept tho Treasury Secretaryship, ?r.d that ths President wilt nominate Congressman Khssou, of Iowa, in his atesa. | ,? , 6ENERAL WASHINGTON DESPATCHES. I * Washington, Juno 28,1876. ?JJiL.VSVBEK NEW S SCCCESSOB. The President sent tne following nomination to tho j Senate to-day:?Albert M. Wyman to be Treasurer of | tbo United States, vice .lobn C, Vow, resigned. ? ' I TUX ABMT APPROPRIATION HIIX?THE SENATE AMENDMENTS NON-CONCCRKKD IN BT THE HOUSE, AND A CONFERENCE COMMITTEE AP 1 POINTED. Iu the to-day, on motion or Mr. Atkins, of Tenuutcf, toe Swat* amendment* to the Army Ap j proprieties btll were non-concurred iu. Tke8rum appointed as a Committee oi Conference on vbat bill . Messrs. At Li us, of Tennosteo; Randall, of Pennsyl | vania, and Hurlbnt, of Illinois. In tbc Senate Mr. Sargent, Iroin tbo Committee on I Appropriations, moved that the Senate insist on its j amendment to Cbe Army Appropriation bill and agree to tbe conference asked (or by tlio House of Represent atives. Agreed to, and tbo Chair appointed Messrs. j Allieon, Logan and Tburinan members of the committee ' nn the part of the Senate. THE CANAL SUITS. A FINE IMPOSED ON AUDITOR HCHCILLi!. Aliiaxv, June 28, 1870. ! Tiie order upon tbe decision of Judge Wontbrook | rendered yesterday In tbo cut of fcchaub vs. (i cor go i W. Schuyler, Auditor of tbo Canal Department, has ! been filed. Tbe following is tbo most substantial por | tion of it:?Ordered tbat a lino of $00 be Imposed upon tbc taid Georso W. Schuyler for bis mi?coudnct, and it Is further ordered that tbe raid George W. Mcltuvler pay to tne relator tbe above sum and tor tbe costs'aod expenses of these proceedings. It In turther ordered tbo satd George VV. .schuv ler be and ba is beroby directed to bland cocimitted to tbe common Jail of tbe county of Albany, there to remain charged upon said con tempt until tho tine imposes as atoresald. together with the costs and e^pen^oc, shall be lulty paid unto said re lator or bis attorneys, tireene and Draper, and until ho shall have fully obeyed the mandate of said |ieremp tory mandamus by drawing his warrant as Auditor of the Canal Department of tbis .State upon tbe Treasurer of the Stato lor tbo payment to the raid relator. JhcoD Pchaub, ot tbe total sum of $12,450 31 and interest thereon from tba 2d cay of June, 1S76. unless bo slull sooner b? discharged by the Court, and tbat a warrant issue to carry this order Into effect. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION. Sax I-'kahcisco, June 28, 187(1. Yesterday morning three Chinamen attempted to aeaaealnate Mrs. Mtliigati, proprietress of a boarding house on Boat street, near Stockton. Tho neighbors beard her cries and rcsooed her. Tbo assailants criOapcd lifter having indicted severe wounds. The motive )? supposed to be revenge, on account o! her having procured the conthiemeiit for live years In the Penitentiary or a former christianized Cnineae servant, who wss detected in tbo robbery ol jewelry to tbe value < of several nundred dollarr. SUPPOSED MUBDER. * PeittAotu-ntA, June 28, 1878. J. M. Caoflcld, oue ol tho exhibitor* at tba Interna tional Exhibition, left the grounds yesterday afternoon In company with two females, and visited tbe house of a reputed clairvoyant on Elm avenue. In Uiia place the man died seemingly under tbe influence or asopo r dr.,and It is alleged that the women pnt morphino m o his drink bi no MeC'lam lias l.ecn arrtstcu, but the other parties effected their escape. A lilt EST OF A AIUKDEBER. " ? AXiMOAT AN EXECCTIOX UN I) EH LYNCH I.AVT. Hi xTiM<iron, W. Vn., Juue ?>, 187(1. Athe horse thief, wbo murdered J. II. Mltcbdll, : the Mar-dial of this city, yesterday, and mortally wounded Turn* r, tho livery atablo keeper, escaped back into Ohio by stealing the horse belonging to the ferryman at Middlepurt Tbe bono and rider wore both recognized by the Oh loan ^ and w< r" ??Matured and Drought hack to Itar beerrrille by ?tea,A Urge croud of people lmiu bled with the purpoe* et 1) celling tbe murderer, b?t wiser eonns^is hi.-il, olid he r*j bro ijibl Ui this ?>ty by ttjo ira n of the Chesapeake acd Ohio Railroad at >1* o'clock, When be was incarcerated In I'utnam Connt;. J.i.f. It U yet thought a l and will organise an<t tske the l?v into their oan hand*. MI7RDEB AND Alt SON, # Pir.?BiRO, Pa., Jnnc 28,1870. 1 A hot.;? In Allegbanj; City, ?.r npud by August I ('oilman aixl w ill lam Topienau, two voiig German b;. -liier:. ?as i nl re<l by it ler mi c.niy tbt< morning, i C' 110All wa.-; ki!l"d by blotto on the lit >ro|o ? hath't, sadToppmao was badly out aoout I he bend. j The Inuo was urrd by tliu taurd rerr. It is supposed t iat roppntaii, cannot rn. >rer. af be u? badly ' ruv<L So c! .v to the )>*rpeirau>is has yet la n obtained. MANITOBA. Ofi iv.i, out, Alio it, 1$TC The long talked of redo<;< n of lorcu in tl>e guards at Kort Os?<or*e. Manitoba, taken plat e on tlieuMb Hast. Men of tbe beat character will be allowed the option of leevw* or renwinm* A FAMILY DROWNED. FATAL CATASTROPHE AT FIDDLKBS' ELBOW, IN THE DELAWARE UIVKO. P.ikt Jesvia, N. V., J una 27, 187& A report from (lushkill, I*iko county, Pa., Iwlow here, on the Delaware ltiver, gives the detail* or the drowning of a whole family. A tramping lamily of Italian!!, consisting of bu.-bacd, wifo and two ttnall children, bad been about the vicinity lor a day or two mending umbrella'. The Human ww about to become a uioilier, aud Ihoy desired to reach Stroudsburg. twelve mile* below. Being toid thai the Dataware Kivor ran to a point near that pi ice. the ltal'au thought ho would savo oxpen-e by xomg that way, and accordingly stole a rowbout that was moored in the rlvar, and. placing lin fatuity iu it, fctartcd down stream. Juat brio* Buslikill is a rapid . considered l>y rail men most daugerous. The river there make:! an abrupt turn uround the mountain, known a* Fiddler's K bow. When the Mua I boat in which the latnily were seated entered the he.ul ol the (all the umbrella mender >nw his danger ood tried to pull lor shore. At ibu flr*t move, however, his boat wjs swamped and tbe inmates were Instantly swallowed up by the strong curreut. Their bodies had itot been recovered at last accounts. . . LABOR PROSPECTS. STOPPAGE OF HI LLB AND BEDVCTION OF WAGF.S. llORTOX, Juno 28, 1R7& The Kal' River special lo the Ueraid says: "A doc ument has been circulated among the uil'.l agents asking concerted action lor u lito weeks' stoppage, and tiio result has been successful on tho part of tho originators. Tha Slade, Osborne and Barnard mills, which aro working on contracts, will run part and probably full time. li has not been decided whether tho mills will start up alter ?luiy lor a week, but if so they will clo.-.o the wuek lol loping." Low kli., Ilass., Juno 28, ISTii. William Walker Ac Co.'s woollen mill will Uko a vaca tion from duly 15 till the fall. The man ulacturora have voted to reduce ibo wagos ol help ou ,iu avcMKO of about ten per cent alter July 17. SIR. ELAINE AT HOME. Ai;ocsta. Mo., Juno 28, IS TO. Mr. Biaioo reached his homo this evening, having come through on u special car in twenty six hours from Washington. He was very much fatigued and exhausted by tho journey, and was takon immediately to his residence, tint being alio to stop a moment, 10 recotvu the congratulations of tlio largo number of friends that had assembled at tho railway station to welcnmo him. Ho is now under the earn of his laraliv physician, and 't is hoped perfect rost and ijuiet will soon restore him to health. MIDNIGHT WEATHER REPORT. War I)ErARTMKST, 1 OrrtfK nv rm: CittKr Si<i*al Okfickk, J Wa?bi\otov, I). C.. June 21*, 187(1?1 A. M. ) Probabilities For Thursday, in tho South Atlantic States, station ary or rising barometer, southwest winds, higher temperatures and partly cloudy weather will prevail. For tho Gulr State.-', Increasing ^nutlioast winds, rising barometer, warmer, ptrtly cloudy weather and numerous light loctl rains. l or Tennesioo and tho Ohio Valley, falling followed by rUing barometer, warmer southerly slutting to cooler northwesterly winds, looal rains followed fc7 clear weather. For tho Upper Mississippi and I.ower Missouri vjI leyaund tho upper luko region, northwest to south west winds, stationary or rising barometer, lalllnn followed by rising temperatures, partly cloudy or clear weather. For tho lower lake region, cooler southwest fo north west winds, stationary barometer, pnrtly cloudy woathcraud local rains. lor tho Middle and Eastern States, south went to northwest winds, party cloudy woathor and numerous light rains, riling followed by falling barometer and temperatures The I pper Mississippi and Lower Missouri rivers will rise * lightly. EFFECTS OF THE HEAT YESTER DAY. Although tUo highest reading ol the thcimomettir yesterday was slightly lower limn tliut of the dav be fore, still tho ditlercnco Mas barely perceptible, und the city population obliged to bo about tiieir ordinary avo cations suffered terribly. The ?ky ?PM cloudless, and from about ten o'clock ln,thu niorping until luui 1'. M. tbo sun blazed down upon the city Willi relonUess per sistoney. The number of sunstrokes worded below convey.-, but a luiat Impression of tbe immense amount of sufToriug wblch barely tell fehorl of that cttrumo ?ssue. Fortunately, these heated terms ure never of any very great duration In these latitudes; otherwise it is hard to eurtniso wuat would become of tho city population. rhe loitowlug record will show (Do changes in tho temperature i.>r tl.o pan twouty-loiir hours m com parison with ilioi urn-ponding date ol last .year, us in dicated by Iho thermometer at Hudnut's pharmacy, aUKIiALD Buildup:? 187.".. 1ST?I. 1S">. 187fi. :;a.M ?;*? t: .".timi' M H7 (I A. M ?7 7S ? V. M SI 87 ?? A. M 73 83 ? P. M 7S 81 MM 80 88 Averiigo temperature ye.tlcrday 84 Average t?mi*eratnre tor corresponding d.?io last year./. 70 sCKMruoKae At nine o'clock yesterday mornlnc John Kr.ick. ngod thirty-live, residence unknown, was overcome by tin) nt the corner of Spring and Elizabeth streets. Ho was sent to BHiavuc Hosnitul. David Vitu llorn. a^edl thirty-live, of Ko. 7 Ludlow place. was overcome by tho heat hi Broadway and fourteenth si rout. Ho WW attended by Dr. Born mud tent to B'.'lhivue. Krank Young, nged l^pnty-iiif, a Herman by birth, of No. 8?>9 Second avenue, was sunstrusk at half pafet two yesterday afternoon on the corner of avenuo A and Twentieth street. Taken to Hellcvue. 1 hoinas l-'alrbri lee, naed iorty lotir, of N'o. 1,481 Third avenue, wan found yesterday at Twenty-11 rat etrect met Broadway prostrated by the beat He was attended at the Twenty-ninth preciuct and left lor home. A man named William Bock, employed in loading a lighter at tbo loot of Boralemon street, Brooklyn, was prostrated with the heat yesterday afternoon. He was iinnblo to give ''is name. At lour o'clock Kdwar.l Wadsworlh, thirty-five years of ape, was sunatru^k 08 tircoae uveuue, Brooklyn, near Broadway. Ha waa taken to his homo, No. oi>, Chestnut street. Hugh dlavin. of No. Bfl Hackett fctreet, Brooklyn, waa MiBstruck in Hobokeu, yesterday. He was takeu to the polio* .station. Mary Ho>.'an was prostrated by the heat in Coinmu nipaw aveiiee, Jer-ey City, near tho tlcndalo Honeu, yesterday afternoon. tMiewas taken to the City Hos pital, w here she wh attended by Drs. Murray, Car penter and fate. mB wwt a hot. Roundsman Healey and Officer Devlin, of tho Tenth precinct, killed a mad ii?2 iu tho rear ot No, 17 Cnrys vio street yesterday noon. GXLMORE'S GARDEN. Tncro wore three soloists presented at Ollroore'n Garden last night?l.ovy, Kowaltfti and Arbuckle. The first and tblrd of tfioso arti-H arc cornet players par eaotUauv, the ?ecoud n pianist of rsnotvu. Tho bund ol I*. IS Uiitnorc, which has now ix-coma nutli/ual in reputation, gave sonio of iU beat aelcctwiitf. These wcro tho ''KgMnt" overture of Beethoven, pl.t) cd w ith nn effect and >lan second io uw orchestra; un enticing siren.* wall*; ubou rictof melodies frotu \ erdi a '?Nabucco;'' an overture un Ruc tiau airs, u very clumsily constructed work i>v ono Karssen, a selection trum J. A fcach; a "Carnival ile Veuic ' laauuua, an<t Mr. t'. C. Smith s ".Vrfrtbern Koute" Ulop, a very Kparkllnd won.. Mr. Ko^aU . I plu>c.t his iMr iphiaic <;n tJoiincd's ? t'aufci." introducing tlio < hoMC me from the best o;h t:\ wLieh Iwrf IWON pla< ed on thostaite lor tw> uty-tHe year* lieu n enceri.-d and be played bie.owu "Ventro a Terre" go'.opk M. Ko wi.'akl is now one of tl.oso rare InterprviWx of i> > i.iusio ot which ttit tnrirv, ons may ?ell ho pro'i 1 l>o noble grand rolls out ua Hck?>t touee bci.cMh hw fingers and proves it-cif to I ? i :.,j Jr>'. of nil instru mottts. M. Uowalaki ims orcl??sirated i<-r l.cvy 1'roch's air and varmm-. ?n<i or?t?e?tration is tho vi n k of a tboroogh m-iMeiaa, and when i/ vy jiIjjs the comet nolo ho will create a fenuInn MMSiion. OUR FIREMEN'S l'AY. The 7bo Breoicu are at present vary oosioui teg >rd> IBS their pay lor Ibis inooth. Tbc ii.ira^rapli hi yes terday's KuuLn, whu '.i stated (hat Comptroii^f tire' M hod retu'ed to ?ud tbe waaranta until the month ? up. en ^uturdsy ?nofiuo;% eaus*?l no itttl i otcU^ wen'. Tbe atvutb expires a: twelen o'clock cn I' h.;hl, aiei u ih? i'?nk? are elweeu oa Monday i'ie in< u ?MMfget IMtr msatev u?til Wertnc'da). It < nupci diM Mm Com pi roller will k in "? ? warrants curly on sunrrtay a < tnai. Iho <*ntire Jepor;u??Bl will lie paid oil" beler*tbree o uioel;, (be bour tbe boait* clo#e. THt rXKNTKJV UNION'. The regular mouUily m.-eting uf tbe Carvou' l.uiua was held laat light at Tarn Matt, m Fourth street, m ilrr tbe preei J< n< v ol K'dward Kranke, and vt <c*r* l?.r tbo enxmntr j ear were elected. Tho uutuu will partlet. pote in IIm two om tho Iwth of July. TAMMANY HILL LAST HOT. Head. St. Louis Telegram? fcr Reasons. PREPARATIONS iOli TILE FOURTH. Detective Adams, of tlie t' Oilier, was yestcr day detailed f< superintend ihc dccoratiou.. and Illumin ations of police he:id'|u.irtors and tho different statiof houses on tlio iid and lib prox. At lho Central Otflc* throo strips of cloth, colored red, white and blue, wil bo placed in cacli window to be illuminated by < andl?i fixed iu a stand behind litem. Tho Mulberry blreet Iront ot tfin Central "tfirewii be aUo illuminated by JUti Chinese lanterns and ,t lar.* glass ahtcld with the words. "Police Department.*' loaves ol absence will be denied to officers after to day. Monday and Tuesday every oilicer will be re quired to be on duty or in rosorve. l ite I'iro Commissioners have ordered tljn Fire Hall in Mercer t-lroot to bo decorated and Illuminated on the :i?f uttri 4tb of July. Tito dreoratiun of the differ ent cngllio houses M lelt to the la-to and wishes of t*i" members of the various eontpauies. THE FRENCH WORKMEN. The French Workmen selected by the several unions ol Paris to visit this country for the pur|>u..,o ?? examining into the trade workings in tins country, :m cxpcoiod to arrive in tills city to-day at ten o'clock via tho steamer Canada. The executive commit: cou.jistiug of iT. reron, m. uruioro ana m. semny, up pointed to ntak" arrauiteiueiilJi lor receiving liiorii. ni-t last evening at No. 102 Prince street. Alteraprolraotu t rossion it was resolved that all French workntcu wlabiii.; to parts ipato join injprocession and proceed to pier i.\ North lliver and them reuetvo their brethren ... tUey lauil Irom t!>e ateanicr The delegate* will ilitm bo conducted to No I0J I'rlncc M.reel aud lodged ami leaste I l?urm this aud ncxi week tlicy will \ i. it :h< Ceuicuti^u ('HAULER OF LIFE INSURANCE. The ? -r of the Chamber of l,ifc Insurance r? potn t ie ?..!?? ?:.t paid by twenty-seven coiupau,,-? duriug tho past ntou'.h upua policy claims tu bo a.t fol lowr:? Louses bydo*'.'.i $l,titw.ft;j >>, Matured endowments J'J!,:ilS * > Total U GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. At a tnoellnj oT the t'lran I Army of tho Republic, Le!d last c*o:tir.g in the Or.nanta Assemble Koom?, It was reported tnat the majority of the t.rand Arm* would embark lor Philadelphia on Monday morning ncsu REDUCING THE LIQUOR LICENCE/ TWo Prr-tdout ol tlio Esci-e Hoard, Mr. tieorjo W I Morion, ti.'i 1 a recent interview with Major Saner in I roifrciiou to the slow uiatiner in which both the ip|Un' ? and beer dealers w?ro ikying their licence* for th? present year. Ho partly attributed tin* t.t the preaont iiu.rd tunes, but mainly in the recent raid on the h^uor i slums uu Sunday*. i'o meet ib?>?<4 univr'^cnciea no pro I poised to reduce the general licence Iroin $75 to #AU. i Tlits reduction was ol course accepted mid a cu'eoto ' ban been vent by tho ExedOtire Committee unking thru to at once comply with 11><- requirements ol the law. LOST IN PORT. Tiinni.n Norton, a sailor ou board the bark Ella Bur naml. lying at the Paroma uvenuo pier in Jersey City, i foil Iimu the yardartn at eleven o'clock yesterday fore, noon and mm drowned. The body wan not recovered. HOTEL ARRIVALS. i Count Ladirlas Hoyos, Anstrinn Minister at Washing ! ton, un<l Rai on d? Stnirnoi)', ol Hnssia, uie i-o|o?ming at tho Hotel Brunswick. Governor John I.. Bevorid(/<\ | ol Illinois, is registered ut tlio Gilsey House. Pay In | specter Gilbert E. Thornton, United States N?vy, Is , quartered at tho .St. James's Hotel. Postmaster Jona ! K. Smyth, of Albany, In staying at the It'll (ft Avenue j Hotel. I.icutenant & Siepanoff, ol the Ru?*iau Navy. Is at tho Windsor Hotel Dr. Si^mund R. Bluta, of tl>? ! Austrian Legation at Wa>.lnr?tfion, Is at the Wcttia n I ster Hotel. Count Von llcliustatt, or (iertuauy, it residing at the Grand Central Hjlel. l!uv. l>r. E. I.. Maroon, of Philadelphia, Is at the St. Ueuis Hot !. Captain A. Fernandez, of tho Spanish Army, is at the Hoiftnan House. NO SPECIFIC FOB LOCAL SKIN AILMENTS CAN rops iii popular favor with GLENN'S Sri.niitit -o*r. "Mill's Hair ami Wiimhiii Ovk," black or brown, TiUc. A BKNNETT BUILRING PI REPROOF. located ON XAS.-saL. VNN AND PULTON STS, IIANIISOMEI.Y AMI WKLL HEATED OKi'U'E.-. TO LET OR VERY REASONABLE TERMS. Sl. l fABI.K Foil LAWYER*, BANKEKit AMI INSURANCE OFFICE* AI'l'I.Y ON THE I'KKUIsKK. A GREENBACK-PLATFORM FOR INDUSTRY. Hard ni"iicy pi,uform far ruiurred idleness Wouoti I kilts I'AUtT roK Pais. A GKNTI-EMAN'# PEARL CASSIMERE hat, $2 fi?. worth (1; ?pticlslty, straw Rat*. 1.1 New Church ?i . up ?tairs. A.?the PIUDE OF the SEASON IS, I VQI KSTIOV^ ? ably. KMIX'* elnSiill awl uiia|.pru?Hi?el? Kocky Mountain bsavsr, the perfect dre** 11 a r l,?r warm wemher. ItmJ*. I men ol i t*te awl refinement rboulu mak? tU?ir Burrba*>m <i. i.|: :,>'r ol bi.i nii.r??. 212 Broad* iy or in the Hfth Avenue | llotel. ' A KEY. DIAMOND" has BhKN PRODI CEO IN > VriSM hf iliamond pla Umacefjratal qatiri* with a liquid p?i I i? laadaef dHtiMfiri" which are loo small to l>* <iut. an 1 th? i chipping* and cull i"K' that are takm off of dttmiis<l> dur ! lair the pracrna <o" shaping tliem Th*?e aio 1'ti.i-nv Mia , UMni. flfir 111?t ro. I? p rpctual. **lu only ut PI* H . AKII lll/'MI'llRl.V S Jewelry More, TJV Broadway, >.pf>n? ' StewartV AirS faf Ulistisulstlct Ihi. I Uav uo agent BUNTING I1.AGS IOR SAI.T, IN LOTS AT WHOLE sale, todecoit'e l.i?4Uiuiif? *t low price*. II. i*. A fl. I*. SMI III. 1* nnd7<i Worth -i. OONT MHi K Wllil rili. HEAT.- WI AH , MilAYKK'H *?tr' ? <l?il IIAi.r Hat, prlct> .W. Wal lack's Tbcakna II noon-. i KEEP'S CDSiyfi SHIRT*, MADE To MK.IUURK.^. Hie < i, .?' i"P S**: "?t the sll^huAt < UH|fstion I<? I ikavr rpp r " ?' keep ? *Mrl? *eli i* peMvctl' Mti>fa. - ! t-r. . ...III. . t>. aiulWI Af.rU it.. PIlitMeltdkU. LAIMYCi Ii:K-TAl RAM'. \KftU. TIUJ Art.' { Oallery and * lleUilm the tumlu pavllle*. Is in esery rs i spent.. lir-t cla*' ristmnM. POIJriCAL BANNERS'" PLAI* A^^lttMRAlTtJ M4l t Itt'a4i?'latter*. lllWKil * <?lt \ WAN, *>. SODA WATER "aPPARAI; S Kilt (ILL ? Aerated ?.<<rera?**. JollN MAi TIIEWS, in Wis j St., eilj. SL.NS.IBI.r, PUACill Al. REMEUY THE WIOlV Sn : Kt t ri.' I'l ? ?? f id only by Ivt.VSI'IU TRl'.-S ! ttuMI'AN^ . ? "..I Itr >m1wa.v, I TtJfTB TO LET?ALI. ?i/.E?. J. W. TTLKH, :.TT? Bo^,.r*. WHiS. Toi p: ;.s ?o. R.uvHH s-, PRACMCAL W. aser and iapurttf vf Ituaan Hair. No, M Easv ISIUi si. WATI.i%< M.I.IERS." VICIIV, * CARBONIC V ID. Biiir' Klssln??a,1 rtaVa*i. Arti^-'tal luimi",. i. .1 . ; ;>*d i . 'if',) -i.rl ? ".i'l:m ttie count ". Address CARL II. st-lJ 'l.TZ. Htu H'oni, NawY.i*. el -XfcW IREATIVk. ExMfln'xiSiii ITII'.IR / SMtcrisial '.srAimefit, sens I'rse. Itr- RRtTWM A STOOD tKD. No. ? lfth't. Dick..-' - hitherto im i kable, as"HRtoinx Utv>rif!. dropi.t, cainr. b, cair iln?. ';r:nef. pout. I'tea I instisw, 'l-jpfWda; tlioie of the tifarl, bl.'.id, fi*t'i, ?,i!oe.*?. I H.?idr. ?> n?tai? eland, promt:ure itabtlify; A>'. Treatise ' frva explains ag ?H-i-e??iul inwiiusa hr SK.SllRI. I \DK V? HOfli Wertd Pesrlesn Miasrai 8oruiK Wafer nad Or. III". STll. i;er#r?H?n roonit and eniv depot, JtJ0 I Mreadwaj. >?* Vefk. rrm -jc a call? mm kaMh