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FINANCIAL AM COW 1 String and Active Stock Market?Weittm , Union at the Front. GOLD 112 A 113 1-8. ? ' Money on Call 2 1-2 aud 3 Per Cent?Gorexu roent and Railway Bonds Firm?Investment Securities Steady?Foreign Exchange Finn. Wall Strut, I Wuouuii, J una 2S?0 P. M. ( | .another icorcher to-Uay, but Ibis lima tbe fiery fur- | uet <ru In-doors. and the coau of bears alone sullered j he singeing. Ii must be confessed tbat Jay ?oul<l is j rather ? hiriate type ol Pbirbui Apollo. But ho !a ' with quickness and effect. He did ho to day and tbe bears writhed and wilted under the attack a* they would have done under a physical sunstroke outside. The symptoms of a turu in tbe market, which were jut noticeable al tbe close yesterday, were finely de veloped before noon to-day, and broke out in an erup tion In l.*ke Shore. Western Union, Michigan Central, tbe granger stocks, and to a greater or loss degree throughout tbe wbole list. Tbe first two were, how ever, eminently tbe favorites, being at onre tbe subject of the largest dealings and of tbe most important ri?e. Opening at 66X, Western Union mado Its way upward steadily, and without halt or hesitation, to 70\, when il paused Tor a time, ultimately to reccdo to and so to remain at tbe close. Tbo unexpected advance has set all tbe street goos ing as to what? it moan*, and although tlio movement is put down as the handiwork or tbe little red man of Forty-third street, brokers are about evenly divided as to whether bo Is actually short or long of the stock. Tbe Morgan-Mills party tollowed tbe leader closely with LakeRboro as a specialty, and Ciirr.ed it up from Ci tooSX, holding it there al the closo. Michigan Central, always initiative of !.ake Shore and to-day havtug the additional impulse ol' Mr. Samuel Sloan's election to the presidency of tbe cotiipaay, showed Its metal in an advance irorn SO', to K', al though at tbe end a shade easier quotations offered. There was nearly one per cent improvement in the granger stocks, due to sympathy with the favorites, and It was enlivened by a little comedy played betweou tbe Broad street clique and tbe thirty second brokers, which consisted in tbo party of the first part sending over on a run and at the tame moment a dozen or more of the present who cm dart bia rays ! parties of the second part, cacti armed with an order to purcbaso or Mil 100 shares or stock. It had the good effect ot placing many a conmiision wh?re it was needed, and promoted peasantry and perspiration. Th? only important storks that sulked and refused to participate in the general buoyancy were Pac.ilc Mail aud New Jersey Central The first was almost totally neglected, and did not vary more than an eighth the entire session, while the tatter slumped off from 74^ to 73>4, with sales on 30 and tlO days' options at 1 and 2 per cent concession to the cash price. there was a hardening also in the rate of loanablo fuuds, S and por cent bolus readily obtained tor ac commodatlou on call. This Is probably due to the near approach or the 1st or July, when many bank* aud other corporate institutions pay their semi-annual divi dends, and to the <loslre of having tho latter ready at hand lb the shape or cash. TfUC SALES TO-DAY, The transactions in stocks amounted to 20o,000 ?hares, or which about 06,000 shares represented Western Union. OhK-MMO. HIUHKST AXU LOWKST PRICKS. The following tabid shows the opening, highest and lowest prices of the day . ' Opriiiny. Higk'tL Lou*, si. New Tork Central 106\ io7'4 io5*j Harlem 13.s i:? j:Ut * "rie ]4 J3v Ukt 8horo & '55 wtboeh.... 2?4' 2* 01 Northwestern 42 \ iTu.* .Northwestern p re 1 erred... 6? w* Kock Inland 109-', 1O0?, 1 Uf, .2 'itlsborg *?.; ?? Milwaukee and St. I*aul... 40?^ 411. 40? Mil. and St. Haul prot.... ??-<, 7?i UH>" ' ulo aud Mississippi lfli, 16; 16S .Vew Jersey < entral 74 741 l?el., 1-acka. and Western. 1071071. 107 4 Union 1'aeiUc. 03 ?3 C. ?X and 1. Central 4 4 4 Western Union 791; Atlantic and Pacific Tel.... 17?, lh i->< I'anflc Mail .2iJ\ g.. Panama .. . 1:19 1;J{, 1;]1J 1 Producers' and Petroleum. 119 119'^ 119 CLOSING KRICM?3 P. M. '??* " if'-'i C.C.O*! ... 43 a 4.-, let... #!>', h 7n . u. * * I O. sv a a Ati A Pec fel. 17J, ? 18 l>el. L A \V. ..".107 *. ? HTS Vmckttlver.... )4 it l4?i hrte i-,i? T ij 1M " 2 H?n It BtJo..". 13V I 14 w ,Hl* ? 1w H * St J opt.. J* I IkrLs i, pt. II) n 1?)J? Lake shore 'tlm iii'j i!'*."!. 'V-'lJ., * 11(? Mleh Central.. 50'J I "f* ' sVl. Jl 5?^ * NY* Harlem l:nij^ * 14J ? S Express. .71 a 73 > Y C * U K..W7? t 107'*' ?-?*'* A? 8?s , tKi KJcea 73w: ? 7a2 IUL, " Im'i Ohio* Miss.. l?i>4 a 17 a ^3'4 Panama 13* * 14G 4?ff i v\"; i 4 " ^ Wab. 25a * *huiu r .,K?< 1 ?? ? ? iP\c * ? '? ? IWKi a lOdS M ??ouri l'*o ??a ~'? ?}*?% Vk * v)i PT#dp*,co -us- u?c ADVAKCS AXD SICLIXC. The following aro the chaagoe in closing prices com pared with those of yesterday ?? Aovaxcb.?Atlantic and Haeitlc Telegraph. V; Mew lenu,ali C..C. end I., 1; .Delaware and Mi ?"'U "i; Hannibal oominon, '4 ; Lake ibore, IS; >l?ehigan Central, *.; ^o^thwest. ; do. pmerred, 'i ; Ohio and Mississippi, >f; I'acitic Mail Si Froduoera* and Petroleum, ; Rock island ? St. ???UK X; do., preferred, ; Wabash, ^ ; Union PaciOo. 2; Western Union. t%. ?;old, '4. DKcuxa? New Jersey Central, The real of the market was stationary. moxit ma bk nr. Hooey was in fair demand to-day, and call loans were made on the basts of 2 and a 1* percent, with a close, however, at S per cent Prime mercantile paper is qooted at 4 and 4>, per cent. The following are the ratea oT exchange on New York at the undermentioned cttlea today:?Savannah, premium; Charleston, holiday; New Orleans, cotnmereial bank cin cinnali firmer. 50 dlscoant. and.Chirjigo, par. Sterling ezehanee was quiet and firm. ?*rime asking rates, *.(?>? and 490^; selling ratea, 4.87Xa4.8"X and iMXa4.M. Reiehmarks, M>a a06\' and a M. tables, Prime Paris, IV. 16 and S.12.V rum uold vahkct. Uold was firm and closed at 112^ against 112 at the opening. The rates paid lor carrying were 1 and 2 per rent and lor borrowing Uat to 2 per cent urxnATioxn or ran uolu axrHA>as bank Gold balances 4gg 054 Currency balances *. l'730'wU 0 ross c learanres _ . 20,840.000 CUUKlMtf HOl'fcS 8TA1KMKMT. Cnrrency exchanges |4? 414 J4A .urrency balances 3 7^?> ?old exchanges. ]. 4 399' Sold balancna. 1.610.4AJ The specie shipments to Europe to-day amounted to WW?.00 sold coin. T?X 0*lr?O STATKS TKI.UICttT. The tTnlted Mates As?istaut Treasurer to day paid out 11,044,000 gold for interest and $10,0?s> lor five twenty bonds redeemed. The sliver payments were $21,400. Revenue receipts to-day, $2?JU,'j00; Cos torn receipts, SSOO.UOO; bank notes received for redemption, tl.OOO.OOQt ?wv*K>ak>r Boxes. A strong investment dnm.ind is ayoin observable in those securities, both by banks and individual in vestors. Prices advanced \ a per cent, ?n?t the aup ?ly was short of the demand. The market closed Orm u the loiiowing quotations:? United his let currency tixes, 12Q>^ a 127; do. do., 1M1, registered, 119?, a uw%; do do, do., coupon, 1*'.^ a 123^; do. do., MOi, registered, 1HIJ, a I10^;do. do, do., coupon, ll'.S"1 da, do., new, registered, 1I7?, a llT\;do. uo.. do., co'ipou, 120\ a 12br,;o*> da, 1M7, registered, ll#5, a UtV:*4a da, an., coupon, 122*i a 122',, da do.. ISM. registered, 121 a 121,S; "lo do., do., coupon, 124 a 124)f; da len-lorties, regis tered, 117a 117J<; do. dm., coupon, 118', a U?>4"; do liven, 18?1, registered, 117), n 117,4, <0 da da, coapou. 1171% nli;>, vta tb no son. Jtsle bonds at the board were \ per ccnt low^r lor Lootstnna oefens consolidated, and firm lor Tennessee ?isos, old aid new series, nod North Carolina sines eld, ?? WfeMh dealers were eootioed. BAJft SJtAaKS. Tbe only aalea or city bank shares weru 10 Hanover at 80, and Metropolitan at 123. 1KVKHTK K>T HUAtU.S. Iuvcatmcnt shares were firm. Jersey Central wa% active at 74 a 74* a :?* a 731% a 73H * 73* a 71*, aeller 80 day*; Delaware and Lack awanna, 10"a 101 regular, and 104* a 104*? aeller 80 daya; Rock Island, 109* a 109*; Bur llngton and (Jomcy, 115; Chicago and Alton, 102*; Pittsburg, 82* a 93; Now York Central, 105* a 106^ a 107*; Uelawaro and Uudson, 106 ??'; Producers' and Petroleum, 119 a 119*; Untied States Expr^pa, 71. TH* rORSiUK MAKKKT. The London advice* report Contois weak and * per cent lower. United States bonds being * a * per cent lower for lead's and lMT'a, and tbe otAr issues steady. Erie common declined to 12* and the preferred to 18. To-day is settling day at the Block Exchange; ?93,000 went Into the Bank of England on balance. Tbe fol lowing are the prices at live P. M.:?Consols for money, 94 a 94 * ; da for account, 94 a 94*; 15H.5 bonds. 106 a 103*; 1887 bonds, 108^; ten forty bonds. 107*; new lives, lO?Si a 100*; Krie, 12*; Erie, preferred, 18. ! All Continental boursoa are llat to-day, Tbo Pail Mall GazttU quotes silver at 50 *?d. KAII.UOiD HON I'M. In railroad bonds Harlem coupon firsts declined (o 118, and Union Pacific firsts to 100. Union Pacific land grants sold at 101*, Wostern Pacifies at 102* a 102 V, Central raclficsat 110, Central California and Oregon 1 branch at 94*, Milwaukee and St. Paul (La Crowe U:vi sion) at 104* a lot'*, Milwaukee and St. Paul consoli dated Milking funds at 93',', and Chicago, Burlington and Quincy eights at 120. Chicago and Northwestern consolidated cold coupons wero firm and in demand at 93*. Milwaukee and St. Paul consolidated sinking I funds rose to 03J?. Tlio above mentioned bonds are being taken for Investment owing to the increasing traffic ob the roads and tlio prospect of higher prices in July, when the Interest und dividend money Is rein vented. This applies also to railway mortgages gen erally, which are strong and only offered lb small iota. The following arc tbo closing quotations for Pacific Railroad bond?:?Union Pacific firsts, 103* a 10A; Union Pacific land grants, 101 a 101','; Union Pacific sinking funds, 91* a 91*; Central Pacific?, 110 a 110*. The Lehigh and Wtlkesbirre Coal consolidated bonds | made a further decline to 82 for $5,000 and 81 lor j (4,000 and closed oficifd at 81* without a bid. These bonds being guaranteed, both interest and principal, by : the Central Railroad *f New Jersey the steady doclino ol ten per sent in their price within the pual few days is tbe subjcct or general comment and wonder, because | the directors of tlio latter company are supposed to lie amply ablo to buy more than would be sufficient to sustain the price at a lair market value for a good seven pur cent bond. Of these Londa the Central Railroad of ! New Jersey reported as among its assets on January 1, 1878, $4,783,3i>0. The query on the street is, whether the bonds offered lor sale are the property of the Jersey Central or a further issue by the coal company. KUIIXO I3TKLt.IGK.SC'K. The San Francisco stock market had another relapse I yesterday, nearly ail the prominent shares suffering more or less, and some of them to the extont of one to lour per cent, tho minor speculative* holding their own with remarkable tenacity. No special comment is in ido by the local authorities, and tlio decline seems j to bo regarded meroly as one o( episodes which | h'olp to give 7.e8l to tha busmesi ami to maintain San ! Francisco's right to be considered the stock specula ! tor's It tho great bonanza mines are not ; ?ioiub' as well as ut any period or their history we can only sty that the truth in I regard to tlicm is very Kuecosstiitly dis . guiseil. Tho bonanza kings, being only human, I are tuure or loss stricken with a desire to travel, to , visit our Csotconial, to astonish the moderately ' rich hobiM* of our watering planes and to muke the < tour of Kurope, and thus their uhsence Is a godsend , to the boars, giving then) an opportunity to strut ' their brief hour oa California street and feel that ! they are monurchs or all tlioy survey. The daily sv i crage of tho ore-bearing miucs on tho Comstock lode ' is stated in tons as follow*:?Consolidated Virginia, .">00; Kelchet. 4.000; California, 300; Ophir 300, Crown Point, 150; Clio liar Potosi and .lust ice, each 120. There nre no special items of intelligence from either of the mines quoted on this market. CALIFORNIA NlXIXri STOCKS. The following ure the closing official prices of mining stocks to-day:? Consolidated Virginia !>'}? Crown Point 10 California 73 . Yellow Jacket 30}4 Segregated Belcher... TO Alpha 48?* Opbir ...49 V Belcher 16?{ i,nollar 76 Coniidence 18 lavage 1?V Sierra Nevada 14 Consolidat'd Imperial 61, Exchequer 17 Mexican Overman 57X Gould It Currr li}4 Justice 22 Best* Belcher 46^ Caledonia 8J{ Hale K Soreross 0 inouni. The Manhattan Savings Inslltutiou will pay their flfly-rirj>t semi annual dividend on all deposits on the 1st day of July next at the rato of six per cent, per an num on sums of $2,000 and under, and five per cent per annum on sums over $2,000, payable on and after the third Monday in the month. We have received from the Stock Kxchange the fol lowing report ot the Producers' Consolidated Land and Petroleum Company, which explains itself:? Bulance net earnings from state ment or March, 18T0 $115,200-07 Receipts Irotu sale of produc tion and purchaso oil; net profits on sundry contracts and valuo ot production oil haud nt currcut price, say $2 26 per barrel. 148,055 55 $200,255 82 CONTRA. Current expenses for months of March. April and May, 1876... 50,020 72 Dividend No. 3, ot six percent, payable July 20, lb:e 150,000 00 $200,028 72 Surplus net earnings on baud on May 31,1878. $57,228 90 The E til Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad Company will pay on July 1 not only the interest on its bonded debt, but the principal of the old bunds of the KoM Tennessee and Georgia, which were issued ten years ago an 1 mature July 1. Yho Kast Tennessee and Goorgis is part of the present consolidated Cast Ten nessee, Virginia and Georgia. It speaks well lor the management of a company that In these times of de pression snd railroad default It me-ns not only its in terest but its principal. This company for many years has been under tho control and management of Mr. It T. Wilson. The following sre the spproximste turnings of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway for tho thtni week la Juno-? 1870 $54,674 1875 49.297 Increase $5,376 tit Lou s, Kauss* City snd Northern Railwsy Com pany's fstim atcd earnings:? June 16 to 23, 1870. $39,833 June 16 to 2a, 1*75. 46 076 Increase $12,856 January I to June 2:!, 1876 $1,447,0*37 January 1 to June 143, 1875 1,197.53.1 j Increase $249,534 j The Metropolitan Savings Bank w.ll pay its forty- | i sixth dividend, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, on | j snd sfter J uly 19. STOCKS AT ACCflOX. The following were sold to-day :? ily order of the execstors'?r Ktizaiietb 8. Jones, de- j CS asset-91 shares Bank of New York National Hank- j Ihg Association flw each, II"'-; U shares Trades- j men's National Bank, $4oeerh, 124: 84 shans North ? iiiver Ib<urun< >! t 'ompany. > each, 1*9 v By order M e 'tutors.?o5 <4wm Highland Mining Company of ; ' 1'utniu. county, New York, $lnii each, 50; 440 shares ! Houston snd toxas Central Railroad Company, $100 ; each, 18 V By oriler til administrator'?34 "shares Kxehaugu Fire insurant* Company, ?<0 each, 140; 20 shares Atlantic Kuc Iii'itraiice Company ot Brook* lyn, tath. 121'j; ?0 snares t.qultahle I I Irusi ?'< mpauy "l New London, Conn., $100 | each, 107',; $100 Chicago and Aorthwesiern ' Hailroaa Company trst mortgage 7 per cent 1 Siukiug fund bond, due 1885, interest February and ' August, 10#X By order ol administratrix:?") shares Brooklyn Gaslight Company, $25 each, 206; $5uo Cnned ! fetattts a-20 registered bonds, issued under act March 3, 1866, 114.V, $.!,i8i0 Great Western Railroad Company, i of Illinois, second mortgage 7 per cent bonds, due 1893, , ruupon from May 1. 187A. unpaid. $1,000 each, By order of the administrator of Jehn A. Merntt, de ceusnd:- 91 share* Kome, Wet et town and O$de?sourg . { H i iroad Company. $loo escn, 21 ?, a 22\ ; 2M shares | Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad Oeinpnny, com., j $lu*i each, 2 Vor account ?f whom it may concern:? $40,000 Mobile and Alabama t.faof Trunk i.auroad t ump ny, first mortgage, 7 per cent gold bonds, dne Ji.iv 1, it.4, interest January and Joly, 1175. coupons ; attached, *1,000 each, H, $4,000 Citixen.' Fire In 1 s-1 ranee '"ompaay scrip. 67; 10 tlutMa urooers'Bank, $40 each, 93; 25 sharrs National Trust Cnnpsny, $100 I Well, M. 50 shares Grocer*' Bank, $40 each. 091; 20 shares consumers' fee ( ompnny, of Now York, $100 , sach, 30 : 26 shares Cltlxcas luturanoe Company, $20 I each, 1U\. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES 3 ? C?Tal... 400 do do do do do. do. SMJO BJO 3 <0 1(M 0 0 O l'JO 5 1? 1000 8 HI 4Q0 1400 24<>0 2?HKI 13 o ?juj 2a u 15 All A Pmi lit* 1 r?c 1 ail ss, 2 " do ' l<*1 Chi * X W RK. 100 Clu IKff Kit pf. U'O do e loo :*? do b3 - O <iO .. b < ?JO IN y i i 11 it RK. *><5 do e l??> L S A M S KR. . 500 do .'>**> do J 0 tfo *.'( 3UO d?i _.b'J tSSUO V 8 O'a. r.'Hl.. 10U o US ti t. c. 1<X> ?? 0 8 :0. ?. IWUU US 3-20.r,'fli.n. W IW> 07 22^ ?7'? S* rt7?, si <17 S *7*. ?is ?* f.?C wnj ,3$ 5.^ 5b'! 5?H 10 U?K I3?S 11? in?; gUXUPAY, J una iS, 18T4 UIW CALL?10 A. M. 17U0alia 1..1A M *.... ia?i do a3 *?' Mich <;*n lilt. HIO U>l ?Ml 1400 ao? I'.l Jo. do do. ? M ..?3 do 35'. v?v SB 50 ?, 4<>* ?* 50>, tos, 50 V, ,V)?, i ?Oil 1<?' do. b3 -?"?i du ?.1 3UJ Brl* . B 200 f'tltlburk- KR liiOCbi ? K I KB I' *". so > <i > nws; : 3"?> do Hd?*a I ?*? do IO>':, 2% d.i I<*?U l??) do l<??'a !'*? 3* J Can Kit ..? 74 H'JO i>?l. 1. I W KK . 107*4 I Ml do ?'20 l"d 1 10 1 Mil A fct P RR . 4<'T, ! K00 do 4l)i ] 5cu do aJ 41 jn> do ,.ti3 3<?>MU A K? P RK pi'.. 2<<0 du WW Oil it 10 do a3 IO> d? 2i 10 Ohio A Mini RK. 100 ?lo...,. .0 14 A*!) 11:10 A JiWJO U 8 5-20, c. ?7. 4n, 70 7.K< 70 7<?S' lflf; 1U , M. . . las* (000 1 0 H ln-jn. r. 117'^ 13100 C-3 ?,c.'81 .brc 117?2 riKSl' BOAUD?I0JO A. flOOOLmT'i, con.... ??*?; 1UUO N C (I'D, u, A A C > 15 7U0)>T*Blitl'a. old.... ???*; SCO O Tenii wriae 200u l.tWB 1 ou ... ?.?'?Our, K A 0*'... 120 1000 M A filPl?tJj?r 104% <UK> do . bo ln4?i 2 KKi M v S H u>m 11.. ?:i!* ICO 1 Alb A Sa?2d ?3 H>S?? 3UJO Chi A N W cou. \>JZ\ 4IX>J Clblo A M ?'on 1 f ll>' H 00 C 1' lfl.CAObr. W4\' hOO 1 < on Pacgold... II" IOO W 1'i.cbd* . . . 109k inoo do I02?j lOOOO U 1'hc ItU l>t.b-1 l00?0 do lOrtSi W??l do iohj; do I'M < 2i*.>'*J C11 P?e 7'?, I ?.. ll'IJ? ]H CO H?r ls(,7,a.c.ho 111 5t?i Norlb Mo ln..bc HS 10 ?ln Haiiovjir Bank HJ KiO Con Coal b c 4"li 11 IA II C?s...b e 105'4 IW Mar Ij A Mlu. b 0 t*1* 1 it) do. 4CO Weft Union Tel I I-. 1 * 11 SMXI do I0>i 221 > 1 2WXI a > 2<iO Ohio A M KK .be do.... 5U do. HO Mich Ccn KK. U?K) MX? 12*?0 ?<UU 2 >1 20 > 5uo 2UO 100 do. do. M. *??; ???', Ui's ((}? fflij 7u 1 MK & do. do. do. du. 4a. du . do.. do. ..?Si 100 Mo, K A T?x...litf * Ja MRU Uu 40 00 200 du .V) Mar t ?l M pf".. b e :s mj do to 2< 0 iWi 10 ? 10) Ho... . do do. do. bH .bl 1> ?Sa 11 10'4 25 25^ M 25J? 7'ill 2ao > 4N.\| 7<u feM KVJO 21k 41 do.. IOJ S J Con KK be >? 7 2'KI do. do io 1U0 Ampricnn Kx. 8 AcIuiiah Kx bo 110 10) NY r * U R.aa.b C 1I? MJO tio 10J>i 4 ??? Erie be 14 2 K> do iVi ?? H?CI?v A Pitt* Kl.bc WJ 100 Cbi Jk AH RR. b c IWJfi 1? h i Cbi, B A g RK.... lOiJO West Un T#l..b o 14'M) do do s3 do do do do do . b3 do .?JO ,?90 do do do do do.i if '?? do 800 Mil A St 1* HK be 200 i hi 4* > W A'.U.u o ??>.? do 20(1 200 200 !U?i Sh do. n.i ..bS IWlO 3000 10' 2UX) 3 O 80li 14 l> 2400 31UO 3400 17KI 2300 MX) l-Mrfl 1100 10.1 7.XI lOO 4' O l?J?? do. b.n do... do... do... do .. do... do... do... do... do... do .. do . .53 do. ? H ?W"-' >?8 '* t b?-A ?8V ml I'lll U<> 10 ? do .... 100 Chi A NW KKpfbc HO do. . ,c 4<.0 do >3 HX? do 200 In I HO do a?l KM Chi IKIXR.bc I"" do >:t 0 ij do b 1 100 do aS HO Mil AMP KKptb ? ikm do 1 >*l fin ?i I.'O do. 500 2uo do roil D, L ? w KRbcaOO ? m do 100 do ?i.?i 100 do o :OI do MJ do >60 51* 31 51 ^ in. ar, 31 fiOTa 51 31* 3$ .^ii, MX y>'i R 7 m 7f\ 7**2 IX %>. ?IM 6?>w fllH, til', tw-1, 10.IS HOW ioi.?! 7"y 7t? 7o?" 70, TO), 7"), 1"4U 107 H4S 107L l?)7 1041; I aii <? BKKOUK WilO P. M. . 1"000 M Jk SP con e^.e ?'f? JO'iba 1/ s A M 8 RK. ?"'<iOO M 4SP7'?ifoldc M3 1'? do ?> i ?'?? t 1000 Boa. II * E ????? '*'? V' J" urc loo ?li- Con Coal .?d > J" 10 do.... ...? L?I?1 70 J? ?}" hi? 17(11 do | ?? J/m? da ,t3 TO', 2'lOTc.l A Wall KK..b3 2'. i<5& ST""' 70 200 Chi 1XW RR pf.. ???, loTi do b3 iU'j 4Kt do........ .. 6* ,'n S*. ... 7" ??" ??W -u do ?rt? <*"2 2? do ' ... loo do ?S Wj, ? >?? <?? ??.*. Ml* do ore 70 H>> do ?? ?Hit do ?" J"** UO "7 loo P C I. A P Co ?1? Si', Chl A N W ait '* 4$ 3"?tfkKU *jj*>Chl AN W BR... 4j,t lit i do bJ do ... JOOMtehOa RR ?J'. do 43K ?> mi do ........... **1 14(J0 do *.^4 tZl 4o " 60* lOJOhlo* Mlu.....ft3 10>? . \"Njc?r? m *?*??*?"? ?? j?h ?**? do '<> 4 *w do i do . 73jZ 100M11A SlPRRpr.. 7U*i i.? $2 *? <? ii)(i do .1 0 71 Htm do........... I AWRR.c HI7% 100 C, 0 A 1 C BR.... 4 ?iim 1 do 10. *4 UB o |l J[ 91(1000 UBri.e. 'Hi.. itttf fiOOOJC* 9-90.c,>e5,a 130? SKmXb HOARD?I P. If. ?0000 T?no 0*i. n.?...? 1400?htChlA NW... T???v. <tf>2 7iw do M 43$ SO"... ? M r ?<m ? f 1.IM do 4-., loOoMAHP. 14*. W ??? do b3 4 K luoochi AN W let.. 1*^ ft ? 11.9 A * aJ U f 3UUUCJi*Weogb. JJ-V. J("J do urc 55?, inmLi* Btou... H2 110) do ?.l a.? , 1000 Win A St Put. H7 HO ? do o5?i UluOO Ohio A Mlea con W I'll do uro WJi 4*0 tn P.c Kbtl?t. 106 4m do urc 5 k 11 aha D * H Can..bc W'Jj li*i do .3 12~i do I1*-*1'. 10> do bJ 5 J. d?: X'-V* >*? do 100 Mar L. A Min pf.bc '?'?* J<?' d<. urc HUfl' LAPCo bo llt?s l'-^X) do ?J b \ loo yulck Mln be l*X 60 " ao ?? ????. iiiiCug I'.il 4'i lOO do........ .b3 ^.?*g S*1,u,li .Uc 70 I?l? do .3 .'??> ail do b3 *.0,S HOOChl A NWRRpfbe tiO-J Too do...-, urc 7>' * 200 do ?!i fcUS 7 do 7" do AO'. no J? .. 70U -jrn do *I\ Yiai, do 7"% >uo do ???'* !u? do!;;. b3 7<H. loo H J C.B RR,...bc 73^ 3100 do 70 200 do 7.< , io Ao ..... ?? ??o 73'. MKI im .. ........ 70 1 ?? Mil AMP KK. .be 4 'i (VIKlina-. .bo 71 4<>0 do .. 4J|, 4<W PnelB.-Mall ? 25U 1?W do b3 41)4 10# '* .K?0 do. 41 i 400fcri?KR. ... be 13\ |u> Mil it ill 1'pr?.b c 7o"*4 ?jlu! do ....... b.H Vi? lOOOkl ABI BB. ..b? |i<> Mlcli < an.bc.uro Jog A00 ^ i. p i di> urc D?1.L Jk W RlihcbS 1 Oi Si HH> do ur I'O do 107't #?)CWAXWKR .Ui 43'. 40JObloAM It-jj 'nJO Uo 4.i'| 4 W do ... ..btt 1' 4 ?o do..::: 4?>: iuo d? .*.? i?s 1300 da l"' do IfS <:*) TO i P. M. ?S00O U SVJO.r.'BS, ? 117(i 40" aha LS A MS. b3 M a000P?cof Mo lat.. ?4.-4 IKV do ,? V.% ltiUOO MA MP con af . IW do .e 5j , 10"J0 '!.? *1* l?l,l<?C. 1H4'. I'?? do ..b3 M. 4H00 L A W B cou... 81 IV? do oO 0"JOUblo A M eon. . ...rt 17 .ba M*tr?i?lt'n Bk. 123 J VC a. 11K) Con i)oal 40 do.... a.1 56*, 100 ?? i I HI KK.. 10/ 4 ?> do bJ m;4 200 do I>i 107*. ISO do ft*l 4 iviW?itl?ftl 7-1 ??*?*? di. .. W', 4'jO do 7**Ji do . b3 .iti i r.j * * do 7" . II*' do ft*!, ill So 70s >*?" ?3 1 do .3 70'4 l**) do ,aJ &.'? , 4.,, 6o o>, aio roi A Wat. Kit. .. I do 7"*4 loo > J r*n BK 78', I ilj, do 7i'S 100 do 7*. I lO.ilrl. KH .. I"'. do "J, I.*, do -b3 13'. i'lAJ do .. 7.V, W>Xm"? HK ?? 20 ' MU A St P RR .. 41'. , ...j 4a .r,l "*J do ? w 41 * luj "do...: b3 M 14 Ml! A St P HK?f. 7o, 1 ?' 1 ?, 1'fii A S \\ bo I'l'i lid' d" .. i''*| ' j,i do 43?J 40O Dal, I.IW KR . . lo7s, , 20 1 Chi .? fi Wpf...M d ??' do a?n 104*4 Tikj do IO1 Ohio A M Kit. 03 ltt,\ MU 40 fl"1. I'"' do...... 1*1/4 o^yt d# 100 do b3 16% 4HOLSA .dll I.H i3 S4. fV". !S* 5,4) da lOOHaaAStJa 14 2200 d? f?f. COMMERCIAL REPORT. COTTOM, b!1>X 1U11I.'?C1,All, FC11 CC3 LOWKU? riA>rB QL'U.X AMD lASI?WHEAT DCl.L AMD tAB* ? CO*M KAMXB ? OAIIS (4 VI XT? POBI riBMZB?I.ABD P1BMRB? WHIBKKT QL'IRP? | PKTBOI.Bl'M rnmxi?IATAL RTOKBS QUIET? j OUJ STEADY?OBOCBBIU ITBM?FBtlOHTS UENEBALIT rUM WCBKMIUT. JUl>? 8 P. M. TUe trade oiovfin nl wb* anil quiet hat pricoa ?riih | but frw exi '-ptiooi w?ro Bloadjr on cbau^a. Flour *?? <jm?t Bud *a?y. Wheat ?**? dul> and cB?y. Corn closed 1 evior. On 1 a wrro quiat. Wb .har waa quiet. Pork : bu4 lard were Uriucr. Preigbta w?rc quiet aa a whole, i bat >rtn lor ehBrt?rlHK lonna^e. Cokob on th? ?|>ut ; ruled i* iBTor of the buyer. > uturos ware l ldc. a lower. Uroceriea wara tlriu. >a*ai aior?i vera t,?iei. Oil. ware ataady. I'atroleam W.I firaci loriaa?Tba aarket lot Mraill. nr.. <ialal. but a!r >uif. Mild coffee waa naUI. bat ataadj. Tlia Kia lelagiam U la haad adrUtne?B.laa far Co It. 4 Htata. iim< 2l.t ln?t . : ll.OuObapa Bblnai.tiU to Atlantle port., It?.(**i bar* ' Btoca at data. 37,<0 > li?if? A*era(a daily reerlptt. 2,7'Ci b iga. Rica ?Market rerjr Brm. ?,??*). Ki baofr, 2.">'Jd Wa qaotaOrdinary earaoe*. I.V4a. a li'jat iair do. l*e.' B lly.; food do., |7V>. a I7?,p.: yrinie do.. I"'. a IS'(r ; est am* range for |ot?. I4^?. a 19'4>'. ? fair 10 food, IH'je. a 17V , gold, ninety day., .lara, gor.raoient b.;., Vie. a 23c.; do., irraa* ?ala, 2IV- a 23a., Singapore, do.. IH?. b20c.; CeyloB, M.'?c a IS^r.; Mataeaibo. I4^c. a !*? : I.amiayra. IO?-,e. a I7^e.; Jamaica, lie. a lie.; M. Ilomlngo. 14>,c. B 10c.; Porto Klco, 18c. a IS^c.; Coata i kica, T7e. % I He.: Mexleaa, l#>*c. a l?c : Manila. I7r. a , IHe.: Aagtntura. 17c. ft ls?.: earaailla. I4\?. B ISa ; Curacoa. 14',0. a lie Cotton ?111. market for apot colloa waa dall and | ar, with price* ralla^ la faeor of the uajer. Kaiure. were j I-We a lower. The fallowing prices tu day compare with Tuesday's price. a. follows Ttir* lav, J un* J7. WvJntmiit/. Jun' "JK. June... ll 3?3. a II 13-10 June.. 11 3333 a 1 l?i July. 11 3-V:)J a || la-m July . . 11 a?3i a 1P? Au;uit. II 3Utt it 13 August. U 27-33 it II', Sept.... 11 15 1.1 It II 31 33 .11 13-Its a II 37-32 October 11 ? ? October IP. a II 31-33 No*..,. II 31 32 a II II 16 Nov.... 11' 17 :?i it ? Dec ... 11 '.'I 33 a 11 M.I6 Dee ... II 17 33 it ? Jan ... 11 13 HJ a II 37-33 Jau II 3 33 a 11 11 10 tet>. ... 11 :tl-33 it 13 Keb .... 11 13-10 a 11T, March.. 13). a 13 3-1# March.. 11 31-33 a 13 April... 12 5-10 a 13*? April... 13 A-32 a 12 .1 IB May . 13 15 33 a 13'. Mat ... 13S ? 12 ?Isolation* are based Jn American ateudard uf classifica tion, and on cotton lu store running in qnelity uot more than half a grade above or below the trrade quoted. ' t>?i. ALiUiviu. X. <h'nuu. Trjr<uL iiMaMaMiMMi Ordinary A it |u * l).|l> 8 ?? 10 8 '3-18 Strict ordinary it*-' U'B y1^ 0Jj Hood ordiriar>, .. !? 15 10 P 15-10 10 1-10 In 1 -10 .Mrict li lid ordinary. 111*. lO4, iOji l"V Low middling II l lti ll :< 1? ll 5 10 11 r>10 Strictlo* ui;ddltn_'. II ', II \ IP, 11% Middlli i 13 13 - 13 3-16 13 ;~1? liood middling 13', 1j?, 13\ 13\ Strict *ood middling I'l 13' I:i'? i:i>4 Mi'ldlihu lair 13;, 13".. M', 13 ?? Kait M'4 14 J 14.', U j ?Sta.ued-1 iood ordinary, 8;\t>. ; strict cood oidiuary, I"W middling, lOV^c,; middling, 11.',c. Spot sale* ware an loilowt lu- Ou;,. /jut ftrnify. 1'o'al. Kxporl. --7 7 Congo mp lion 3~>? 411 3114 Speculation 17 t 31 Total 371 51 MxJ ?Delivered on contract. 7')) ball >. I'or luiurs delivery the sains worn .tsiolloer?Yesterday. alter iwo f. M.?Aiivu-i, 500 at 1131-32(1.; Scpteiu er, 1U> at II l;i-10e.; December, I'M at .11 11-Itfc.; .Tanuarj, .kKJ at II l-i-IUc. Tula), 1,3'Ji bates. Today, up to twa I*. M.? .luly. 200 At 11',c., l.iMtat 11 3:t-32e. ; Augu?t, l.loti at 11 3H-3Jr.. 0,UUU itt 117,i- ; September, tVAl at U'^C-. I 5ts) at 1137 33c.; Oetober, HO'at 11 ll-UV.. 41*) at 11 23-32C.. K?? at ll ll-IHr., 7(Xl at II 2l-3*2c : Novem. ber. ?>.? at 11 %c.. 300 at 11 ll>-M*3c., I.K?) at II 17 33c. ; Dn.'aiubor, <??.I at 11 ',c.. >,il'l"? Ml 11 17-:?2,-. .Ian uary, C'Xlat II ll-We. Total. 1H.7U0 |.a!?<, llrand total. I8.7UO l>alu>. Tb? receipt* #i tits |>.Tin vrcra a* lollowj Citlvetton. IHtltt; NewOrisnn*, l.llHS; Mobile.-'ii; Sa vannah. 333; Wilinintrtuu, 1; Xorlolk, 35M; New Vork, 1<>3; Host">i. :i8l; l'liiladelpliia, 41 lotal, 2 54 > ba:c>. Tbli day l.vt we.'k, l,3l'3. i'ltis day liml yMr, W7. Total ?!u?? hepteibber 1. 4.(>59,33t bale> Cotton lrsit;lit? closed ;ta fol low* To II ivr?, by ileum, V^c., comprstaed; to Hamburg, by tteaiu. ?,(?, complained , i ? Urvnieu. by atetin, 4c com prvaaad; to Mterpoi'l, o Hid., by (teaui; by taii, ? 33d. V i.ot a Outix. - K?cci(ds Klonr. 18.1JO.' bkU.: wheat, ' 47,3??' biubula; cora meal. I.ifi >bbl?. and il77 sacks; o?t?, 4<',iif?j busnsis; eura, 44.iK>i do.; rye, 15 U3f> do.; barley, ftuudi*.; barley malt. 3,M5o do. Tin" Hour innrkvt wax ijiual and prices ruled in lavor of tb? bay tr. I iie??!sf am uoli d to about I3.^m Bills . lucludlni; Stats. Western end South ern, ai ibe aiiiier.ed quotations. K.'? Uot:r was dull; 30) Lbls. sold nt $1 5?? a *?'> 15. Cora :ti?al was >tsady. with , ?a!ei of 1,500 bills, at $3 35 a <U 35 lor Rrmult w ii.s and , $3 u f'i .or Weitern, .Teney and I'enntylvariia yellow. : We uiiote ; ? Xo. 3 >ut? $3 7"> a *3 35 superline Statu - 3 Si a 4 30 Kxtrit ataln ? 4P'ta 5 3.1 I'ltoi. e Siatp ft 35 a 0 00 SupsrBue Weotoru 3 80 a 4 30 Kxtra Wesl'irn 4 75 a li 30 Minnesota . 5 25 a 0 7-'> lionnd boon Ol io, hblptiliig briinds 4 So a 5 30 lloand hoop Ohio, trade braudt 5 511 a 0 50 , Pa:nliy 7 OO a H .'>0 i si. lunula, !o? estri 5 Ot a rt oo 1 St. I.tmis, straight extra?. ?l r*) a 7 00 | ht. liOiiis, choice double extra. 7 OO a M 35 Si. I.ottif, eliiiice tumlly H 3.? a I) 50 Ilyo Hour, hue to supcrBno 3 70 a 4 30 i Uoulheru. No. 3 3 0>a 3 75 I Soutliorn. Mioerline 3 So a 4 30 j Sir.illiurn, t'vtr:t 4 7 ?a li 7o Koutbern, family 7 U> a !? <*t J Com meal. Western no a 3 35 t'orn mnai, ler^ey . . 3 0ia "J 35 Corn ineal. Brandy wine 3 Hi, 3 50 Corn inoal, puncheons 30 0 I a 30 >0 ?Wheat <* >? dull and easy. The s*l?? wers about 1 (n.O'O bnsbsli. at f 1 l<4a.fl 14 lor No. 3 Chicago 'pring, $1 (i| tor No. .'Ido., $1 13 a SI 17 5>r No. 3 Milwaukro spring, SI u< loi No. II d".; r<Jc. for iintiiorchanlaiilo spriutr, u5e. a SI 14 for tinirraded upriug, *1 lo i?r No. 2 Now Vork In r-pected, i?l ill it #1 is lor red winter mid $1 for amber ijtate. I.alo yeslerdaj S,0X< bu?liel? No. 3 Milwaukee j ?piing sold at fl 04 and 3.'/""I buthela No. 3 Cnlcago spring at $1 03. Cora wtt easier at the cin<?. Tltc sales were about ll5,iX>i biiihel*. at iiOc. i a 54c. for damaged and heated, 'aic. lor uu | grade, 54c. a 00' .c. for ungraded lulled, 50o. a 00c. for : low -nixed and 57c' h .'isc. tor -toamer, chieliy at the latter, j Kye ? n? steady; 3.SOO buslieli sold within lbs ranee of OOc. > a l)5c. lor Canada In bond and ssc. alkjc. lor State and I'euu- < aylvimia. Ilariey *as nulet. Hurler mull?We note sales of 13.O0O husheie city uia<lo <m private term*. Oats re mained quiet, with halei of 35,000 bushels at 30c. a 41 !{.c. lor mixed We*teru, 34c. a 45c. for wliitn do., 43c. a 45c. for white Stale,.:ti,'jc. a;i7o. for No. 2 white. New \ork Inepee tion; 33c. a 43c. for the raa^e ol talked and 34c. a 35c. lor j the range of white. Ucxniks.?We note sale el 450 rolls bagging at 12JWc. lt>.ar SMtJl'Ts. were quiet. We quoteAmerica!, dresied, i 91'JO a $300 for ?Ingle, $300 a 3335 for double and $13oit ' $13 i lor rough: Mauila hemp, ti'4e., gold; Russia, cleau, #-?' O a $310. gold; Italian, $.75 a $3t?l, gold; jute, 4'4c. a 5V?., , currency; juto butti. 3,4c.. cash, Si?ai hemp, 4>jc., gold; Istle. 5'je. a .V.c.. gold. Mot-ASSKS w as gvuerslly quiet. We quotaCnha, cen- i triiugal and mixed, 32c, a 3Sc.; clayed, 2Hc. a 3.?lc.; do. { musenvado refining, ftOc. a 34c.: do. grocery. 33c. a 4'V,; l'orto llico, M.V. a 50c.; Knglisli Islands, 32c. a 60c.; I New Orleans, lair to good. 48c. a 53c., prune to cnoice, 55a. U <"*0. Savat. i'torks.?The market wat generally qolet al Menier prices, -MA) bills. rood .South Carollua win aoitl >141 MO. We quotatiplrilt <?( turpentine ?t 20I.C. Hioin? iiioii to cooll sunine'd, %1 7" * $1 76. fur? Washington, $ J 'J5; do., Wilmington, #2 37,'j ? $2 So. Adn<v.? Iroin Wiloitugtun wero ?> follows:?Wilmington ?Uosin, strained, $1 26; good strained. el !I0. Tar Hrm,$l Uo. lurpcmina firm ; soft, $1 HO. Spirit* steady, 27c. OilWo uuie tales here or about 4,000 gallons sperm oil fur niaaulacturlug private tcrniii. We quote.?Lin seed, Clink*. Stic., cottonseed, crude. IISc. i Souiborn yellow, 4Sc. a 60c.; yellow winter, &?lc. a Me.: white wintur, tt-V.: lard, present aake, HOe. a H8c , *porm. crude, *1 36; do., bleached winter, $1 0.>: do., natural do., $1 HO; whale, crude, Northern, 80c.; do.,Southern, .Vjc. : bleached wltlor. 70c. a 72c.. olive. catkt, SI 17'j a ?1 22.'.,; do.. cases, ft 35a$4 40; winter, bleached B*b. 4Mc.; crude Bib. U5c. a 37c. Ptfttot-itOfc?The market wat Briner; 5,000 bbls. re Rued sold at l.Vti'c. The closing price* were a* followsCrude, In bulk,H%c. aOc.; do.. In lib!*., lie. j rcHned in bbla., lA^e,; do., in e??n?, 1m*4c. Kellued at Philadelphia, 101,0. a IJJ(i; du. at Baltimore, li'4c. Advices troiu ttie Creek were n* lollowsParker's quiet and brtn; United, $2 117,',; altered. $2 0?.'4; bid. $2 Ob'4. shipment. *2 2li'4. Oil City weak ; T'nltefl, (Ufa bid: shipment, $2 25 a 30. PauvisiOHK.?Receipts?I'ork. 37d biila.; lartl, 2.1*3 tierce*, cut meats, Ui packages; bacon, 111 tiercel and 1,524 boxes; bcel. la>> tierces and Oftt) bbla. Ttic pork market was Brtuer. The closiag "call" prices were as follows:?July. flH 3-> bid. $10 ?o asked; Augu-t, CIO 56 bid. $19 70 asked; September, Sin 7.~> bid, till 06 asked. The tales were about 2.."><??tlerecs at $1? .V>. $1H HO a $IH H5 for August, and flu SO a $10 Ho for September; spot sales were 100 bbla. mess, at $11160, cash; SO lbs. prime nirta sold at flit 75, and .xbbls. larolly, at$10. Cutnieaia were firmer; sale* were HM tiercrs pickled bams, at I *c? and lO.UUO lb*, pickled hams, 11 Ihe. average. at ll>?e. Kreihbams were quoted at lo'ie. a 12c , fresh bellies at B^e. a 10c., flea led bams at ll'4c. ? li^i pickled bellies at ?44c. a 0-..C., ai d boxed bellies at tt.'ju, a 11'jC. Hacon was steady wllu sales nf 100 boxes o-ty louix clear, on private teruis; city lonfr clear quoted at lt>?? and Western at 10',e. Beef was quiet and unchanged, rttilas. mess sold the range. We quote Barrels, extra mess. 911 a $12; plalu mess. $H a $10; packet. $12 a $111; tierced, city extra India, $22 a $23; India mess, $21 ;jirime mess. $^U Beef bams were dull aud Irregular; at $22 a t-* for prime Wes.ern; smoked meats were Inactive,'looted at M',c. !br haina, aud 10c. for shoulders. The lard market wks Urinvr; the tales were about 5.OU0 tierces at $11 4>; $11 V>. $11 ;>J>a and $11 m for July, $11 oo, $11 H"> and *11 HT.'a for Auirntt, and $11 75 a $11 *1 for September. Spot tales were 2SO tierees city at ll,Jae.: 1.IAI0 tiercel Western al$110>, $11 :<)>,. $11 40. $11 4.1 and ?ll 50. Kellued was qunted at 12'4C. lor Mouth America. 12c. for Continent auil 1 Ic. for Cnlia. S iles were 40.I tierces tar Cuba at I lc.. and I0t) tierees city No. 1 at 1 Ic. Butter and cheese were quiet and eteady. Kit'k.-The market waaitrong and active. We quote'? Carolina, fair to prime, .V,c. a tiKc.; Louisiana, fair tu jrotid, a 'i;4c.; uo.. prime, Oc. a U^c.; Kauz"on, fair to ^oi.d, H'4c. aH',e.; I'attia. Kood, 7'4c. a7*ic., gold; Ran jfouTi. In bond, 2%c. a 2'4c., gold. Siroait.? Ihe markel lor raw was Orm : OT'i hhds. Cuba told at Sc. lor fair. Kellued eat strong. Wo qnote;?l air to good refining, Sc. a ; Cuba, grocery, lair to cholee, ss4c a 8y.; do., centrllugal, hhda. aud boxes, snt. M to 13, s ?e. a '.141V; nolaMN, bMl. SMI boxes, lljje ?7'.- . I'orto Kito, refining, t inini.m to nrime, 7c. tKi,c.; do., gro cery. fair to choice, Sl4c. a st^c.; rellaed, standard A, li?e. a 10 ?c.; off A, "\c. a M'?e. ; crushed, IU*gc ; powdered. It If,I. a Hi'ic. ; pr^nulateil, IO?,c. a loi^c.; serof.d quality do., 10'4c. a ?ut loaf, Illfje. STKAai.NK.?lteeelpt*?12tiere?. and l'S bbls.; 60 tierees prliue told at l!i34c. ? quoted at 13,'^'. a 1'' '4 \ TSiLLow. ?Receipts?12-"> hbdt. and 4.p>7 bnl*. The market was quiet at S.'jc. a s It-lbc. WMLskKT.?rteceipts? l:tO libit, whiskey and 50 bbls. alco bol. The market was quiet. We note sales of 60 t?Mj at $1 12 cath atd .y) bblt. at $1 l-l a ?1 1 :i? j, 7 da> t. I't;ui<:ii.-t.?Market foe all descriptions or tounaga wa* quiet egrept for petrti'ieur.. which <r?s lairly a<'iiv*, chiefly for ilalilc, ioadpig. at stronger prices Berth room in the instance ??? grain to Liverpool was lower, but apart from thit there was no change The engagements were;?Ti' Liverpool, per ttcaia, U2.4JOO bushel* grsln at 7d.; boxes chrcte at 65s.: ba- itt quoted ut 42s. 6-1 . asked. To 1/ouil'in. by sail. MJ0 bi>l*. ttnur at 2t. Ud., aud per steam l,i<*l linxet elieete at .Vs. The charters comprised An Austrian nark -now here) frmn Baltimore !o Cork furordsrs, with U.200quarters gra:n at 7s.; an Paiianbart 'now bnmi lialtimore foi ante to?*ie, wilh 5,'?>i quar ters do at Hs Ad.; iwo e?s?e!i, of 4,'<l(> and H.i/iO i;nartert respe- theiy (now here.1, then-e f-ir taiae vnvage st h?. ttl , a British ship (to a. rivei, from Baltimore to Antwerp or wnn H,V aj bhla ref-ned petioleum alts. I0>^4.; aRrltish bark 110 arrive), thence lor asuie vntnt-e. with j,.'esi bbls. do. at 4a 10,*|d . a tiermau "lil|>. hcuce to Antwerp or Bremen, with 10,1bills do. at 4s 4,'vt. ; a 'iermsu ship Jto arrive-, Irnot Baitimure to Bremen, with *,<"JO bb'.t. du hi 41. Hd.; an American brig, hen ? to Danish or tierman Baltic, with -l.tXk) kbit do. at 5a. <V1 . 17th -Inly clearam.-a. a Belgian elilp. from Philadelphia 10 Ane-vorp. with 1,1'IU bbls. do. at 4s. 1M.; a Norwegian brig, hence lu Rorga. with l.s"! bbls tlo. at 6s. $i?<i., a Korweglun bark, hence to Cronatadt, with 4.2<ri btfa. do. ea private terms; an American schooner, ben-t tw Maiseilles. with ...Vs. libit, crude petroleum at 4a. **! ; a British bark, heacs to Uer man Baltic, with 2 ?*?) bids, refloed petrnleum al .1%. :tI und a gratuity : a vessel, reported out and home to the Med'tei. ranean. with neneral ear.n sub iet tint, t i'li petroleum as private terms NKW YORK CATTLE MAKKETB. V.'?i.vk?ti>T, June 2X. la76. ??cunt roa two pats. lull >Aeeji oa>f us/ funj. krntm. Ai?i, Ot/r'?. i.un'n. hoqf. Slatietiistreat I,(e?7 2 IW s*t ? Korty-olglith street ' ^ 2TI0 ? 1'ortletli >'reeI. ? ? ? 461 Jersey City I.'2ai ? M.!?l;l 1,6X1 Total! 7 .V_-? ..,(>"?? 4.o*4 Hi 1 vks ? Trade tluw avid ie?-rat ear loads ol home I eat tie unsold at noon. I'rket ?%,r. a l<l'4e. per lb ; wels' la ?icwi. a S cwf. KriNi .e'? lb-, a 67 lbs. lias been all?we<t net. lienrralsales vn ?5 Mis lotliei wi net Ti e herds ss a'mt? quot'd ranged p.ia~ t fair, being In general -roarse. hm lit At Sixtieth street yard* T. C haslman sold lor self IW cart nf horn d catile ->*let at lollews:?Itl Illinois aieeit al * v per lb., weight ? tel.; 21 Illinois ?teeia it l>e per 111., weight 7 cwt., 17 llllMia slaovs at I>e In., with fl on pei head. ws-;i t 7!< c?-.; at Illinois sl-ers at per in., weight 7 4 cat.; t?n Illinois sieora at t>'4c. p?r la., weigiit 7!4 cwl : >'lt Illinois steer* at ?'4c. |iefib . weight 6'4 cwt ; I<1' llllnnt* tteer at I' r. ner |h . weight ? \ cwi. ; 311 Illinoisstaets ntn' c per lb., weight ewt . ifj Illinois tiaers at . pnr lb.. Willi $1 un per her head nelxlst 7t4 cwl.; 2<l f 11 its--i * steera at I1' per lb., slili iille. on pat' bead, welrt.* 7>i cat ; 10 llltmus ? eers si M te. per in., wrigut 7', cwl.: ^4 Illinois steeri at H?? per lb , with $1 on ps' head, weight 7', cat i lit Illinois steers a| per lb , with H on |iai bean, waixhr "',rei. T. tfbeeier s-ila for dowdlsii A Wright lls> lows eieets st ilijC per lb., walgtet "'4 cwl ; 24 Iowa ?leer. a; It 4c. per lb , with f 1 off pe- beau, weight * cwt , 4 l iwa stears at lOe per In., eeight M rwi.. 12 lewa steers at in', per It., Weuht M cwt. ; held en sale, I r<r oad of luwa steers. it. Wailsi so.d lor Hurt's, Wsixets A 4?tv ?llll leu Illinois steers st t?'4c per lb., seeigbt 7 ?wt ; Jt? lllinms t'eert si Uric, per lb wltu $1 off per head, weicht (teat. ? 1 Illinois ite rs at ufyt per lbs. weight s cwt. f ,V Kajau sold lor self 12 lllinnts steers si Inc. par ih.. weight *'? ewr At ler-e.r ?'Itr ?sr?ts Honey A Meflie ?? a sold lor l>. M. Maxwell K| Illinois s eers at i?a, a 1' c. per lb , weight * cwt ; far s. W. Allerton 13a stilt ltd 1 iiiiioik ?te*ra hi ?*?. a per lb . witU utpi at frWe, I*er tb.. j weight 7 cwt team. K. Vugie aold for M ?rr1.? i v% aixels Mill led IIUduU H??n at t?c. per lb.. with a fraction <?lT per ; |t? ., *eucht ?*mueU & licii-U'lein ?vld :ar lltr?ch, ; M?\er a Co. 'jii still led Illinois ideri ?t l(*c. j>?r lb.. weight ; H ewt. ; held on >41# 77 ?till fed Illinois -te?r?, Dudley A Toffsy ?oid lur Morris ,t W*l\t*Is .1% nil, l.d I III- | noi* ?teer? at ttc. y*r In., wei/ht 7 r?rt Mini'i 'W ?lilt fed Illinois steer* ?tMc j/er lb., with $1 on per liiii weight 7 O. i)?nu?tl ?oli| fur 8. W. atl??*rtou *'?t Illinois * j at t'V*. l>*r lb ., fill '?<?.? ,ir per head, weight 7 . .-wt M. J LuuterLacij ?old lor Jdorrit .fc Waix* !? 74 ?$U1 led Illinois steer* ki Uc a 9)^c. par lb., weiubj 7 cwt. scant: for llfrsch, Merer a Co. ?J >till fed Illinois steers at ftc, a t?^o. j>er lb., weight 7 cw*. scant; for K. Olover IB Missouri steers at 9c. *>er lb., weight b'4 cwt; 1M Mlseoun kieer* at Ue. per lb., with #1 on uer l?e*d, weight 7 cwri. ; Missouri ateeri at t)>4C. per lb., with *15 ou per lit*ad, weight 7 cwt., ft'routf. M. lioldachtuidt sold for ? llirM'h, Meyer A Co, IS Illinois steer* at rt^c. per lt?., ; weight 7fj. cwt. . II) lUluoi* ?ieer* at t)c. per lb,, welch t ewt. 1*1 lljimta Me?r* at i>\?i per lb., weight 7*.; ''Wt., ' ?cent; for Klopfer a t'o. *2'j MUtutirl steer* st,.?"4e. per lb , wr>igtu 7 rwL. string; 11 Missouri steers a; 1?V. per tb? > weight* 7\ cwt. a 7V, cwi <J. K ah n aold fur KaUn .t k m a* xi I Still ted bull*. gross aei^ht 1.4UU lbs- per bend, at 4<\ per lb . Sni>p j?vp L*mk> ?-Trade glow, j.?*nerai fcslt*? in stsftll tola. Shtip kiI4 hi 4 :?c. a tic. jxt II*.; Umbw at af^-c per lb. W Rlllett ?olq !'J8 Obi?> sheep, weiybt lb??., at ! 4 ?,??. per lb.; 113 Ohio ?h?'ep. weight ?*.4,-,t) lbs., at 4fL'c. per lb.; '3 ObU> sheep, woljrlit 1*960 lbs., ai 5*?c. per lb.; It? ' Ohio itlieep, wciifbt lbs., at tic. per lb.; ki*v X F1Jco<k t sole! 10U Ob|o sheep. Weight H,2Uii lbs., at "jo. per lb.; -?6 | Otiie nhcep, weight Ibit , at 5^e, ;ier 11#.; 1111 Onto tlieep. aetght lO.tJCO lot . at per In.; 4tV? Kentucky 1 am In, weight 2tf,lt*i lbs, at d'^e. per lb.; 310 Virginia laiubn, weight Is.iKMi lbs . at 7c per lb.; 71 Viririnia 1 ujHs, weight 4.2.0 lb>? at 7,'ac. per lb. ; 10 Kentucky lambs, weitht 7ao Iba, at 7' >. per lb.; 74 Jersey Iambi' weight 4.<??X? lb*., at ?' ,c. per lb.; ICS Jersey lambs, w??iffht 0,330 lb^., at lK*. per lb.; t'tl .lemey latub*. weight 4,:i4?? lb?., at V- . per lb. 'mid ?fc Buckiu'jrkam wold M Ohio #Ueep, w?igLt 4,tviO lba, at 5l4r. per lb : 57 Ohio sheep, weifht 5,3(IO|ba., ! at ??Jper lb,; 10? Kentucky lambu, woiuht 7,^f? lb?., at I 0j4i\ per lb. : 1H4 Kentucky lambu, weight 13.OU0 lb-., at 7c. t?er lb.; 204 Kan lucky lambs, weight lJ,7SOlb?.. at T^c. per , lb.; 4'k) Kentucky lanib*. saifkt 25,0^0 lb#., at 7,|C. per lb. Vism asd 'The animal* to hand are generally esii w In qunlity, and have been "#14 Irotn 5c. a 7 4c. per to . % Sth buttermilk led calvt^ at 4> . a 4^e. p?*r lb., trado heiiitf slow. MU CH Cowm.?Onlv a tew hoad were dis|^o%cd ?f. Trices ranged front $40 to $??.' per head, calres included. H?m,? ?One car Tottci ol Ohio hogs, entt&iatft greis waljfht 19*' lb*, per !j?rfd, aold at 6^4'c. per ll?, DOMESTIC MARKETS. (UurciTOji. J UM 2S, 1870. < 0U011 may, aiidillins. ll'.i : low mtddtlllK, HI' .'' ; /."id ordin.-n 1, Si' ..? Kei receipt?. Ill Kxporls coiutarikA, *?. Stici. ISO. Stock, s.aux. .Niw OlUUJia.JnM 38, 1871 Cotton quiet; miiMliiv:, 11 >,i\ : low tnindlliiK. IWiJc.: pood Ordlnni v. Net recripn, l,?SS bnlu?. I'xpori. coaat *i >., is.J. ?*le<, 1,0 "Jl ttMek.HU.T70. Mulit.B, .futie 'J8. IKTt'. Cotton <re?k; mid ling. 11 : low middling. It?>,i-.; tro??d ordinarv, t>iv Set r.oelpLn. :itt bales, livporU cokkU I wise, TK. ?<;;?.?, SlO'.W, Savamka!!. June a*, 16TU. Cotton quiet; middling, lie. ; low tuiddlin^. ; igood I swiner 1,b*je. Set rei*tpt?. bitlps; gnus. :rJ7. Exports I Ci,??;w.,e, Mock. 4,2*1. riiAKi.RvTOt, Jnue SM, 1874 Cottcn?llolldsy Stock, J.TUU bale* Om?*<;o, June 2S. 1S78. i Klour uncliiuiKed; i?l')S I..'"**) Wheat dull; So. 1 Milwaukee club. ?1 M; extra white Miefeltfan,$1 M Com ! dull; ..ile^ ul XCKW bu-' at 07<*. a .V?c. (>at? >iuiet; eales | of hiau< ?i ? t orn meal nucliaured. Milile'il u?- j thaa.'ed. Canal frei?l.t? niiehaiicvd. UaJIroad ire.gtiIa ? Kleur. U-V. to Bostou '. - V. to Sow Yorfc ; 2'?<j to Altian*. J.uke ieceipt??\\ Uent. U.MOJ tiutlieU; ooru, 17 7tkl do.; lum ber. 4.1.t?.<? ft t'anal .htpnient?- Lumber, i'7 ,oot? ft. : tlraiu on Ilia from Xullalo and Oaweco lor tide water i ye?tordn) noon?Wheat, h.i; ,(K>i huabels; earn, ilia.'X)0do.; ; o.ius, Mu,0Uv> do.; barley, do ; peaM, 7, ttm. Bt r? ALO. June J8, 1S76. | Rei-eipts Iit Iskn---Klour, l.Rfm bbls.: wheat. I'.'li.iiOO ; buikelst ooru. J7U,uOOdo. By railrMili-flMr, 'J,f1 bbu ; ! v> heat, ii.fJOO bitsbe1*; com. ltk'J<iti do.: oats, ll!.tsi0 do.; l arley, kii ? do.; rye,do. Shipment! by caual to tide- ! water?VS he?t, Ul i.n.huihrli; iurt, lli.CMO do. To the I interior?Wheat. ".(**? bd?i?>ls By railroads?flour, 2,4tK> ! bill... wheat, t?.tw a> bu-liela; corn, do.; oat?, TJ.lKX) do.; barley, KX? do.; rye, J.OKI do. Canal IVuitflitK weak, shndinu ?le. for whea:, ol^c. !or roru to New York. 1 "lour flnti; ijood demand, anofatlons uu.-bai-.^fil; sales l.l'UJ bbls. \Vh?:?t in better demand: lower; ?ale ol lti.tHOhu?h? rli ilreen MarClnbat^l 10; "J.000 do. So. 1 Minnesota at (I L'O; U.OO )do. So. 1 hard OttlutU ou private term*.. Corn ijuiet, eaiy; tales '..'.MM bu^iel.-. by sample, at 47',u.; !>. .0iido. Iii^-li mixed nud yellow nt l.jOO do. So. 'J mixed at Mr. Oats retailing only; held a'. a IKV. ? live?A tiua'.l sale of Wlseonsin ahadint; *<?". Malt dull, l'ctk Cull at fJ'i for heavy mets. Lard dull at 11,'jr. llighwiues nomina ly SI 13 '.or oily make. ? ToJ.Xiui, Jn us L*S, |H"t: [ l-iour t'.nner. Wheat Qrmert Xo. 2 white Wahash. ft lUU; No. 1 while Michigan. #1 27: extra do, $1 .H',; sniber j Mirhlitan, ?l 111; .1 uly. $1 1 No 3 red winter. August, | fl 15; Xa 3 red, tHMc.; do., Dayton and Michluan, vfcle.; rejeeted red, 7Wv. Torn tinner; bii;li mixed, o'Jc.; July, f?l',c; Aneu?t, ; low tnlxed. 4!?*?c.; August, held at 51V.; no urade, 4n\ ; damaced, o7o. Oaf* unlet: So. ?l? .C.; Mii hitran. :t'Jc.; rejeeted, -4;ic. Receipts? husbclo wbeai, l?,0(l< I d?. eoru, 14,fkKiJo. oats. Shipment*? 2'iKI bbls. flour, ltl.UUQ bushels wheat, 27,1X10 do. corn. Cntrsuo, Jane 1870. Vlonr qniet and unchanced. Wheat stronv and biKher: No. 'i Cliieaito sprms, 91 03',' a til 04'^ ; elosi'd at If I M, ? pot and J two; $1 1*4', a 1 04>4, July: flOO'j. August; So, 3 Chicago spring, ; re.ieried, 7">c. a 75)ji: Com a<' i tive, flrtu uiul hiidter; No. "j mixed, 4>>v:., <;atU ur .1 uuo; ' 4H'jc.. July; 4tP1c., bill togu*l. Oatu sternly ; So.'J at 30c., i ?pot. Rye firmer at 67^.'. ab<4c. Barley active, liriner and higher at Ol'^c. a I'ork aotlte. linu and higher; I? 1: i a flu 40, snot i 9^0 22%. Jul>. l.anl firm and higher: (II 2i. spot: till ^2'-, a $11 July. Hulk Meats?Sliouldor?, 7' .r. a 7^,c.; clear rib Hide*. OTijc.; clear sides, lO'.e. Whiskey llrm at $1 10K. Kallruad trelghts, 'JOo. to Sew York. Receipts? k'lonr, KOOO bbls; wheat, 'JOO.UIObuabeU; CortJ, lo.t**' do.; oats, 84.000 do.; rye. 4,000 do. ; barley, 3,01*) do. Ship ments?flour, bbls.; wheal. M*' bimhels: corn, C0-<,000 do. ; oats, 43,000 do.; rye, 000 do.; barley, 8,'TJO do. HAVANA MARKETS. Havana. June 2H. 187(1. Spanish Bold, 217 a 217!?. Exchange weak; un the United j State*, sixty days, currency. H14 a R discount; short tighjt, 'U a >0* discount. Sugar, in lull' demand. No. 12 D. S.. I 7?, 11 if, reals per arrotie. To morrow will he a holiday 1 here. EUROPEAN MARKET. I Loxmm I'lminci: MAiigrr.?Lonoox, June 2*?Evening.? Linseed oil 23?. 3d. par ewt. KI\A.VriAL, ? f REASONABLE RATfcrt.-MONEY ON UKE AND J\ Endowment Insureuco Policies, Mortgages ami other securities; insurance of all kinds effected with neat cuu p antes. J. J. HABRICU k CO.. 117 Broadway RY AMOUNT TRUST FINDS TO~LOAN OlTllOBT iia<.t; city or Brooklyn. Apply to LEVITT A WOL COTT. 10 Pine st. ??TOt;KsPEt:ULAKlUSCAN KECEIYR A(AMPLB ? copy ol thli week's doings In Wall si. free; contain* predictions as to future prices ?t stocks, with quotations of stork privileges for seven to 60 days ami information as to lien mode of operating. Address Tl'.VIIItlUiih k CO., Stock Brokers, 'XI Broadway, corner Wall at,. New York. LEX. KKOTI11NUUAM A VoCrAKKKRtl.12 WALL st.?Reliable puts and calls. Send for explanatory eircnlar. jjKY DOCK S A VINO S B A~N K, 34l~ANil 343 BOWERY, corner ol 3d St. The Trustees of this Institution have declared tlie semi annual dividend on all deposits entitled thereto July L 1B7H, as follows 81 x per cent on all sums of <2,000 and under, aod Ave per cent on the excess over $2,000. Deposits made on or before July lOwiU draw interest from J uly 1, 187u. ANIJIIEW MILLS, P:esi<leat William V. Wcistcb, Secretary. fThLAWARK. LACK AW \ N N A AMI -WESTERN R AIL 1J road Company, New York, .Itine 27, IH7U. A quarterly dividend ol two end one-hell par 1 ent will t>e paid .Iulv2'l. Transfer books done Juan .hi ami open Jul) 22, 18711. r llKltK. II. OIRBKNS, Treasurer. X<-ELsioRVAVINOS BANK. J Oorntr 2 ul st, aad Otli av. fifteenth Dividend. | On ami after Wednesday,.I uly it*. isTtl there will be paid I t? depositors a (--toi-anuual Interest dividend at the rale of j six r?r cent par snn mi on all ioai of live rtolUrs and ?j> ? vrsrtl. mil unt ex ceding une thousand dollar., aud of Die [ *r cent per annum on ?utns over one thousand dollars nad | not exceeding two thousand dollars nuU lour per'-ant per eauwa oa the excess of two fiousaud dollais. wUi< u shall liate t>aeu deposited at least oue month prior tojulyl, , IMTil. Imere-t not -:all?d for w!!1 be credited as principal ilep isits in?de aot later than July IO will draw Interest fnirn July 1. K N. MA/.AItO. President. II. E. Till HI! Lit, \ ire I'rrsideuk OxomiK c. Wai.imi, Himvar> C"lALVBSfd*. HOi.'SToN aM? HKNDhRsoN RAIL T road Company of l"<71.?'The Coupons due July I, |p>7d. ?n the h?nil? uf the above ennpany a ill be pan! in keid by V. P. J AM !?-? k CO., 40 Wall ?i. IOiIS SKAI.T, President. al*ay? havk money to loan o> mokF C?i<e New York ,?t > property; elty K.vllrnad -to.ksar.d Bon Is bought .ind sold. II. L. M' AT, 14*- Mroauway. 0 911 New Vork and Brm-kl) i Re 1 Estate. Hit per cent tn-'.tey for Hrrt vlase loans. Money loaned on iupkoykT* nbw yore P.nperty at H a .1 7 per cent, at ;ue,.>t e> . , tfetv an I I e*>elu>ld Morts,?je? ?: *e?/ terms tih.ti. W. hTaKK. 1 ?') llrosdway. N^vMMuyy7?a vot'N't vri m*w7 hnarcially emoarrasaed, desires to meat an U luorftole ifctritnnniu w uo ? >uld laa.l her Immediate assleMtmliess BKK KKENOR, box 120 Herald I ptown Brandt office OmVh ItuitiKWixMI lNSrit t.Vi'Kl '<). .BKOOKLYM, l">7d. ? A aeini ?mia>l dl-.derid et seven i7> p -reent is deoared. par^bl* to the etcekn< lder. nrt de in.fid. at the New fork office of this coinfiany. 170 Broad war ? 1. A. sCoTT, seiretsr;. I ! l< E ?>b i HE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD t'owp tny. New Vo?g, JaaeSI, l-<7t'. A ilvidead of ftar per cent ns> o-.? n ?I'.iwM by tois kuaiprinr psraHe ttie ?-,? day 01 iug?<t aext, to the li 'dflrs oir la.i | aid shares. rtx'"rr?d ??'. t'>e close ef the 14tn d?j J*(f naxt. after wuleli end until the ">th da? o! Antra, lie hooka will i,eel. .ed L V I RAXDOLril, Treasurer ftMl* fiMTii\n natminaT. m?nk. I Nca %nitk. hiae .'4. I*7<1. The iiretiori Ol this liana ,iave this l*> .1 clared a semi annual dividend f > rue per txratsl* to the >t<>rk hetoers nn and a'lei the 1st of .1 .!< n? until wbl> h tiae the translei l?>oka will teinaia eh e<i M. II villi, Cashier. tir IJ,|, rsKI.I. A KKPOfl 11 >1! 8 tl.AlM "F %'** ' II again-t oreaa National Rsnk : said elaini ? ilt oe i-asd in Octoocr Address A. R., not lilt herald 'Hre. \\*aniei?- a Mian <o "fa-Vjiu, AT -IX P1.1: . r.xi II ;? r SOI;urn; seiered lit In-t ot irlgaga n well I proved "ill av. pt. wrtr ; ,.rm. ipe s irnly n dress T. M., sta ll m h New fork PtW iffi ? tl'VNll.O-A UMN or "MM PtlK ONK YK\h"; A*" TV ple-tcurlt}. I ir pi.tictiaf. add ?.? Y. T? Urn I olhce. i-i||| T11 "1.0AN- i.N ! NIRniOVEO PltoPKRTY in lu.i,t< t irdoi rwesrtr-lonrtli >a'd;legslea |.?a>e> eulv. Ad.Ui -? Al [OtiSK V ho* '223 MeraM effi e. it') -Tllll W\>llv?~ON \ MRi?r t'l.V". I.KfC ?J1??)"" hold, t.ear City Hell; nam') warned fn- en Urgemeat of preta'seai MtlMeis utx> also apply. Addres A I. ilerald office. (J>?? V M? M.'hl --V- ? .I\|t !!, ii;t.?E ?P""''""' ?on. y n 1 ult lai pro^esl* ?.t| orftperti. ? r sal*. t41-e.? V Ml' \ :IA ai, llera<d offi.e. FlffAXClAL.. J?o 71| in '*ami.h, a? *iji fLkDuct, Of tpO.UUU <4i;< on improved city broperly. Ad'treas t. J., km lid ImU i ptowii Branch tin A I /"? llilll lo I,OAS UN MOBTOAUB" IV CtOO.UUU amounts required; part *1 *1 per ?-'?! II V ATT. 111 MtNKS<. OPHOHTtMTIEft. A' VaKT.VKH WASTED WITH ?l,'a*i IX A FIHSl c.ais lie creaiu. bakery arid confocllouery i>?slne?s; a luari Willi ? knowiedre of th? buatu >? preferred OAPP NKY k MMITH, 17 Ceewe sk \NKW ABTlCLBTMKbLIMU PA8TER THAN I CAJf manufacture It ? W*ut a partner, with SI.1"* ', lo as tend business . ?!?<> Stair Ki^liU fur sale. t^'uem Oouult Laud Office, if:-.' Broadway. \ tiOOU OPPOBU'NITY-TO_ LET. At MODERATP J\ rant, liru claai IJestauratit, Kn. 411 Broadwav; fix ln^i Inr >?!?. Apply on primuses ur lu fc. I LO( k J CO., 'MO Broadway. \i '?* I'KTKNT PARTNHB?TO TaKI'. CIIAKiiE ft b *>k? and rutsld.' basiuesi, will) about JM.OkJ. will Hud a desirable i iianm in u wholesale furmtura manufac tory ; -t*am. complete machinery and trade nil over the rr-unlry. inquire of ur addre*? .1 >t; II I'.f'l BKll, 140 Ea>l b'Jd >t, to U A. M and alter .< I'. M. VhiioifuK m.i i. ?vam ki> xoNk niTTao iEoSIT} :K>? families atixlou. to patronise. lo'iulreofMr DA> lu new block, :td ar amer.Vdh at.. Brooklyn. Vi AniAl.M' Willi fl.uuo (TO CONTROL 11 li i in >?* II > a ill lliid all op|H?ininfty of luakiuu _"?AI pel cent on it iu tau months by addressing T. C., itftt i.'anal ? New York. VmTtsinKSS ~iAV WITH PKOiTi^lU T?ri6,uou wanted. to take fall charge of au old established bu?* urM ('all on or address X., 'J'i Clinton place. A N ACT1VK B I' 8IN'RSK PAKTVER \Vi\TKI> -WITH J\. lUmi i-'.K". to extend note; uo rink; good profits. Address U.. bin .'111 Herald office. I ) I HI N ? . Il'l'i i: I I M I \ -VV A N I ! H A PARI* i O I) purchase an niton >t in a manufacturing business. A>U drew VI. 11. J . II, raid offl?a. l|lMMr lioOM FOB HALK ? BKST LUC ATI (IN ~XV 1 ' city. Aur party wauling busluc** aIII do well to ad ilteu, at nnce, tt ASIIIXiiTl> V Herald office. I | in i. in ill- .t PBBtoN W iXTBD room STO i tW. 1 * All ladies i|v one In greatly needed. Inquire of Ml. day, Sid. " 'i n >i. H'ooki * u. h'di: l>l?l?o>AL OXL OK TilK BKST M vBKETii OM the welt Mile; leading avnuua. full partieularl ul TAYLOR * LANK. 7t? Barclay ?fc Hwim, v VALi'AHLE hutk ii'r'.iKiiY"ijTwoiTiil Itiirorder, with number of Aeren adjuiniiii' ?uilkiaal lor workiui: oeveral quarries, I ilealre In placo the property In tbe haudt of rejpon^ibla party. In >*11 or extdmOK* loi oilier Ileal K>tat?. Addrao .1. S. NKILL. No. ."> > Meekmau ?t. PlRTNKR \VANfi:i>- riin.AilKLPHIA Bl'Sl.NKS'iC paying largely, $1,000 required, half down. I1ANKINS. L's Weal 29th it. rjUlK AI?VEUTLSKlT"woi LI) I.IKK TO PURi'llArf* i au Interest lu a desirable OIHre bnniness. I'leane ad dre?>. tiainfiis huaiuesa, price, Ac., HOMO, bok 17- llanild I'plown Braneli ufHce. r[M> LBI?AT T11K"\K"l?Fr.\K HOl'SK, ItiKlkAWA? A Beauli. L. I., Shontitiij Uallery for the saaaoii. price ?t JUO . Mh. A K. S Wlt'ELLM. 1(1(1 fASII WILL Bl'V O.VK-IIAI/K IN fKBKST 131 iptuu (iood Will. Slock, Ac., iu my bu?iue*>, paying $lltm per month. 6">s Kuiadtray, ronut tl. ijjul roii IIA LI i\ti:kk>t is \ uTno kstab" lulled luauulacturlBK iron buaiui'ts; will pay lioni ?li to $ls per week : Inuic laaae; ofu-ap reut; plenty ut work. Adarers ('ASII, box 1-t Herald olllre, for three day*. dfl'lUUk ?PARTNRB WANTED, WITH ?1.00o7"T(i ?jpLa' fUV'. taka half intend in an oat) ca?U buaiuaii tout of town), capable of $C.0l) t yearly prulitt Principala preparod to talk bimiuei* call A r OKAY, -II WMI :t-'d ?i ^I'lll'lll ?1*AKTNKit W iSTKI); BtSI.NKnS Y5T ipl.tMM;, tabli>lied ; yearly Kuarantaed ; cap able of uuliuiitad extension. "Ml Bleeeker St.. h>w*r ball. $?) ( WW I ?wantbo.'T "party WITH $3,000 "to iWU'/, iure-l In a cucus already In runuiuic urdar, Willi a com plats aompany, now parlornitUK; only liiosa moaning bunine** naed answer. Audrasn 11., Herald Phila delphia Branch ofllco. 4.111 ||7\<| will~pl;b?":haisl an Fvtbuki'Fi* a very protitablo busiuesa. (.'ail, betwoea IU and I J, at H.1R Broadway, roam t>. ?Jis ? >| | I WW I -A 111*; NTI.K \l AN 01 IIVANCIAL nblliiv wanted with S'JO.iOI, as treasurer hi a inuniiiaL-turliiKstock cotnpauy ; urtlcla staple as Uoui . larga cash urdora on hand paying per cent profit. Ad dram 11 v it\ EY, Hara)4oBoo. $-i| < W W I -l'AKi.NKIl WANTED, IN MILL. AND fJsl.v/'/w. .ilver bullion aaparatin^ and _ rr&uiUi basinet-; established ac 3 pa> iiiff Urco prolits. Su cKauc? of les?. H. (J. LOCKK, i:? 8th ?t. OBITDARI. n ARItlKT UAKTINXAU. A cable da<pateli Trom London anuimnesu deaA ol M:ss Harriet Marlint-au. hbo -lifd on Ta?.i<lay ulftiit, in licr coveuty-liith year, at her rogidenco, "The Isnulti," Ambleside, Weal more land county, Knptand. Mine Martiueaa wun norn June 1.', 1U02, at Norwich, aud was (lio hixth of eight children. The founder ol (lie U.irtinuau family was driven from Krunce by the revo cation of the Edict ot Nan ten and ecitle.1 iu Norwich, where he became well and favorably known si a Mli-goon. The profession was haodeii down from ou? genoratlon to another in th? Martineau fisitiily till 11 defended lo the uucle of Harriet, who was regarded aa one of the best provincial Burgeons of his day. From all that can lie learned, it appears that to ail hit nieces ho gavo the best instruction that the uifc'bbor* hood ronld oflord. From au early nge Utss Harriet Martlnuau showed evident tratUol the character wtilcti in alter years distinguished her. >bo resolved, when quite young, lu be independent, cirvu out her own loriube, and make h?r own way tn the world by Iiternrv tfsertmn. Wheu Just twenty-one yearn orag?, in 1823, her tlrst work, en titled ?? Devotional Exercises lor the I'ne of Yoaag People," appeared. From tbiu time she continued hard at work until severe illnt*? caused tier to tier energies. lu the following year ?' Christmas Day" appear#0, and In llt'Jo a xe<|<i?l to It, " The KrtsM. ' made ita appearance. " Principle ami Practice." and "The Rioters ' tollowed in lS_f>. sndthesu in turn were lolloped by 'Mary Campbell,' "The ram Out," and a "Sequel to 1'rlnclplc and I'rac'.lce." Her sym paiby with the working classes, lu whose wolfare abe ever evinced a strong, wax ibown la a aeries ol tract* aud a tale called " My Servant Itachei." In Um yoar 1831 a work, "Traditions of Palestine," appearec ( irotn bur pen. la this work she exhibited a more elevated tone, and her subsequent writing-) also bore that imprest In 1834 Miss Mar visited the United, where abe bad already 1 won numerous Iriends by her writings. Iter stay hers was a pleasant one, and the numerous association! which sue torined while on her travel" in the New World comprised the subject ol a work under the till* of -'Society in America," "inch was published la 1837. In this work she discu-sed polities, domestic economy, civilization Mid religion "A Hotrcmpeet of Werners - Travel" rollowod In 1ST8. In 1H39 her first novel, "Oeerbroon," was published. Th.s is regarded as hvl most popular work. "Tbo Hour and the Man. " haviiis lor it* hero Toulsssnt 1'Ouvorture, followed In IMC and ran through three editions. Itelore this work wai complete her health became greatly impaired, and, alter writing a series el tales far chii dren, she wits forced to retire from any active pursuit of work. Uer Illness continued flroin lS.'W tc I js44, and was irunint in experience to herself ane iienefl to her lellow ereatures, as shown in her volume entitled "Lite tn the Sick Room," which was published ' tn 184."., "Forest and Game Tales" was the nett work sbe published after her long Illness. In IS*fl -In mido a visit to the Kast, and her experiences tn that expedition arc described In n work in which her Its pn-sstons ar<i recorded of "Kartorn Life, Past am Pre-eni." I'hiiosophicai research al?>> occupied hei mind, as a volume ot "Letters" exchanged Itetwees Imrseil and hor friend, Mr. H. O. Atkinson. ? philosophical Stad'-nt, "On the -I.sws of Msn'i Nature and Development" will attesf. ?h? also published in h condensed version ? Compte's "l*4MUve Philosophy. 1 she contributed i. Ihe I'-n/iLr 't Jin*rnat. Ow' n iMf mid other period, cals. Slim Martineatl w.i.-acousclontiocs woman. II?r refusat to accept a government pension wtiieh w?i tendered by Lord MalMwrtiS was declined by ber from a leeling that she c >'iid not wbare in the proceeds of a syMctn of taxation which sue reprobate.! in her werlu. Ail through hi" she was an Indeiatlgable and labor,ob*. worker, *ud she lias lelt many evidences be bind h'er ot unnrtng toil. A friend ol the operative classes, she used bor pen zealou-dy In tho reformation of many ol the wrongs they suffer under. Her works are numerous and emblMce religion, travel, politics, education, trade, reform, philosophy and romsucc. BAD WHIHKKY IN H \Hf.KJJ. On Tuesday, trie 'Jttth imi.. It even tie Agent Mcl.eer, a-s.sted by Mes'n*. Hall and Ryan, oi tr.e tinprrvisvr's office, seized an illicit dUtlllery located on the corner ol lOtuh street and Third avenue, in Collector Coster's district. The officers experienced much difficulty u I iting InM the building, but on entering loucd the distillery in fnll operation Ibeprooerty seued ?wn Si?ted ot one <-opper still el'about 400 gallon* eapacitt, tome d.000 ga'loun of molasses mash, a issnuvv ef rum, two pumps, a lot of rubber base sad ail other appuite nanres of a complete distillery The es'abltsbmeat had been running lor soiau wi-ekx. rb? illicit dis tillers escaped, leaving ail their rrNMhtng tiubiud tbero The oflc-rs who mane the set*ure heid po?sesst?a until the place was turned over u> the Collector'! offleers. THi; DNIUN .SQUARK ~UOMIO?l>E. Coroner Ku-kboff yesterday rtnpanrl ed a jary is thecsneol William Mchroeder, the tterma^ baker, of No. 310 Pev m street, Rrooklyn, wno was sesaoJted .taieep os a bench ia I nion ?<{usre last Sunday iM?rat?g. aioi .. U<? lied at ileile.'tte Usip Ul on fue day ntgiti. rbe ajtoj^y v??t death was the i. *uit ?i IMaratiMi ?f the bta.n. t!k> iaqeeet wtU be he <1 alter the fourth. "qimffff" THE HOSl'ON VoittDlDK. Bi.sroN. Mars., J-me is 147* John X Jordan, the colored cattediao o( c.oaete at Ihc ttoston sad Albany I'.aiiroad depot, who HA been uiidtr suspicion ol ruurdenag tbe unknown maa ane wasiottnd in the closets last i'hurnfay. conk-'-'vd the murder j vsierday, but says it wqtm ?eu <teien? I he Coroner s jury louad a verdict M scrurdsnce wab nit coniesf Ion. 4fBUCK BY UetmflKO. Cmmmiwt, rem., iane ?> mm ? Near t'oepers ironworks, Lve or ata u?ik. 'ivm > ('? V*n in t*t?io? !0'.Unt;y k(de?i ' and h s son badly buried by iifbiaiof last ersaiag