Newspaper Page Text
I THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 14,557. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1876.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIKKCTOUY FOU ADVEKTfSERS. s HM1I.D BRANCH OFFICE, 1.205 BROADWAY ? OI'EN DAY AMD NIGHT FOR kecbption OF ADVK KTISEMKNTS AND SALES OF PAPER*. amusements?Oni Fao*?Hth coL astrology?7*b Paw-sui coi. BILLIARDS??m Pacb?Nth ooi. BOARDERS WANTED??th Pack?4tb coL Brooklyn seal estate for balk?a* rta?-iwh SUS1NE8S OPPORL'NITIK8-Bt? Paob. USINkSS notices?5th l*ACK-0?h col. centennial EXHIBITS?In Paob?*th col. CITY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE~1bt Pagk-ME aaL CLE RES AND BALKMMBN?7*ii pAUB-3d col._? CLOTHING-Bth PAUB-6th col. , COACHMEN AMD GARDE NEKS?7tH Pagb?3d col COASTWISE STEAM nil I PS?7th PAUK-4th ud 5th oola. COPA RTNERSII1 P8-?th Pack. OOUNTRY BOARD?Htm Paob?4th and kk Mia. dentistry?In Pagb?4tb col. DRY GOODS?1st Pag*?4th col. dwelling HOUSES TO LET. PLRM8HED AMD UN FURNISHED?Is* Paok?')tli col. IUROPKAN STEAMSHIPS?7tb PAU*-4th col OROPB?tm Pack?'>th col. RECURSIONS?7*? PAC*-5th and 8th col* FINANCIAL??th Pack. FOR SALE?7tb Pao*?0th col. PT7BNI8HED ROOMS AND apartments TO LET? Is* P ao*?5th col. FURNITURB-Ttb Pack?3d col. HELP WANTED?KK MALES-7 th Pack-2d tad 3d ools. HELP WANTED?MALES?7th PACK-Sd cot HORSES, carriages, AO.-lsi PACB-ad. 34 and 4th eols. HOTELS?6m Pao*??th col. HOUSES, ROOMS. AC , WANTED?6th Pack?Sth eoL LOST AND POUMD-m I'AOX-lst ool. MACHINERY?7th Pao?-?th col. MARBLE MANTELS-7th PACC-Sd col. medical?Tm pAGB-eth col. MILLINBBY AMD DRESSMAKING?in Pag*?4th col. MISCELLANEOUS advertisements?Iuth Pace? fltbetl. MUSICAL-1st Pac*?4 th coL MEW PUBLICATIONS?5tm Pag*?6th coL PERSONAL?1ST Pagk?1st col. PlANOFOKT S, ORGANS. AO.?la* Pagb?4th col. political?Is* Pack-4tii cnl. PROPOSALS?urn Pagk-?th col. PROPERTY out OF the CITY fob RALE OB TO rrkt?1st Pag*?5th col. REAL ESTATE TO kxohange? l*t PA0B-5thcoL RELIGIOUS NOTICES?In Pagb?1st coL REWARDS -1 ST Pacb?1st col. SALES AT auction?in l'ack-6th col. UTUAIIONS WANTED?FEMALES?7*a PAOM-lst and M cols. STUATION8 WANTED?MALES?7*h PAca-3d eoL ?r ClAL notices-In Pagb?1st and 2d cols. ?OKAUE?Otb Pacb?Sthcol. IUMMEK i ESORTS?0TB Pau*?5th col THE TKAijBS-7th Pack?3d col. fHE TURF?1st Pagb?2d col. ro LET FOR BUSINESS PCRPOSES-Ist PAOE-Sth ool. rRAVELLEBS' GUIDE-7*h Pagb?5th col. cnfurnished ROOMS AND apartments TO LET ls* Pack?3th col. PATCHES. JEWELRY, AC -7th PACX-3d col. YACHTS, steamboats. AC.-IOth 1'ACB-eth col. _ PERjOfALT "TTlL pSSSoffTwilb tfAV?~feBEN~SWINDLEb BY A sewinu maehina companies ara raqaaatad to addrass f. II. IL. box S4 Herald oUice. M. M.-A ILL BE AT "C." AT ONeI FRIDAY; diaappointed at 70ar sllanea; lor God's saka ba true. P. P**-~D?WHEN SHALL YOU RETURN TO the city? I aw vary anxious to see you. M. D, NNIE DIGGE8, WHO OWNS OR DID OWN SOMB please Texaa. ADOPTION.-A VERY HEALTHY NEW BORN IN faat lor adoption. C*ll at 142 West 4fth st. Any persons' having witnessed the fall and accident to a gentleman on a Fourth avenna car, opposite the Everett House, on Wednesday evening. June 28. at about 0:45 P.M., will confer a neat tavor by com municating with H. T. WILHELM, ftii 7th at. C^0VERIH(;8 FOR TII*u FEET.?ALL KINDS OF J Boots and Sheas at reduced prices; "Iron Glads," a attnnK style of shoe for boys and youths: sportsmen and tourists can And Just the klad of shoe lor monntaln travel. CANT ELL, 23t> and -41 -Ith av. IF THE POSSESSOR OF LADY'SWATCH NO. 79.5S6. Swfna make, will communicate with Mrs. CHARLES FEAITTEUR. Washington (D. 0,; Poet office, she will be personally benefited. Letter received, plkase write when and where I can see you in the eTenlng. Address BENO, Herald office. A. A. railroad lands la Cluy county. Texas. w>U pleasa send bar addreas to Post oBlea drawer 108, Houston, M ISS ADA E. BOSWORTH?PLEASE SEND AD. dress to 0., box 166 ilarald Uptown Braneh office. ym-<u, ORGIA WANTS lO SEE YOC. WILL H. O. MARIK PETERSEN, WUO WAS IN CO T" penbagen wlntrr ot 1474-5, pinna sond her present iddmito tbo Friend who assisted her t WILL ALICK~BUROKffK,_OK"cHlCAGO, PLEASE tend ber add re is to JO, at Chicago, and to JO, II -vld oSfoi*. 111TB STAR LINE I*IKII. SATURDAY AKTKR' nonu.?Will not the lady who noticed jreutlenmn and who received from him ?llp of paper, which the placed In elde her glove, klndl.r inform him now to oammanieate with Tltoug'.i hit advertisement tn Tuesday's Herald ban been wlthoit success, he does not despair of being favored with a reply. Piease address;K, Herald office. RKLlOlOOg SOTKKS. THE~ GOSPEL^ TK.Vt; 34tli at.. Went, and near Oth av. (Green ear* of Thirty-fourth atreet line pas* tbd tent) Third week of service. Friday?8 P. M., preachlnir by Rer. W. P. Abbott. ?Iter Meetings, at u o'clock every evening, will be oonduetad by Rev. W. Humoatone. Batnrday?9 P. II., meeting of Christina worker*, te be 1*4 by Uncle John Vaasnr. tinging every evening, by Theodore E. Perkln* andacbo ms. Noonday Prayer Meeting ?very day, for one hour, under the direction ef Sir. Alexan der Lyle. Seats free to all. Helpers wanted, as ushers, workers and singers. Address R. P. WILLIAM *. No East 43d st. Contributions to the aupr-ort of these services may be sent to EDWARD L. OWEN. Treasurer. No. *?S r.ast 43d St., or No. 71 Wall st. LOV1' A . i. Ml! k*. FOUND-AN ITALIAN GREYHOUND. THE"OWNER will And, in proving the same, at 127 Rodney St., Brooklyn. E. D. Lost?on oth av . a pocketbook. contain ing money. The finder will be sni-ably rewarded by leaving it at No. 1H East :il?t st. LOHT-A DEPUTY SHERIFF'S RADGE (NAME OF Thomas Shells on It).near42d st. ami (Hit av. The Under will be liberally rewarded by leaving It at the Sheriff's office, new County Court House. ? JAMES H. snKILS. Deputy Sheriff. LOST-ON SUNDAY, BETWEEN 5 AND 7 V. M., A gold Bracelet, on Flushing av., near Walworth st.. Brooklyn. Th" tinner will lie Hot-rally rewarded on return tig It to 244 West 52d St.. New York. i "oST?A TOPAZ KAIll)ROI? AT ST. ANTHONY'S Li church excniWcn to Mrer's Grove, on Jnne 28, 1H7?. the finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at 4ti2 ICeM 43d st. *5 KK\\ AltlJss. "hskwaKD.?'losita VfHITE ^t? Uc>6,"Alf swers to name of Pet. If returned to 31W West 48tb st AOF REWARD AND NO QUK.4TlO.VB ASKED.? ir^t/ Taken by mistake or stolen flroin 120 Broadway, Mack Bag. with name. C. M. OIQNOUX. 120 Broadway, city. | l- WILL BE PAID FOR THE RETURN OF A VAM Pocket Diary, with tiie drnfts, notes and ciiock* therein, which was lost on the evening ot tbe 28th Inst.; payment has been stopped on the contents. J. A. SAXTON. 57 Re ado St.. New York. Arn REWARD.?LOST, ON 2STH INST.. IN VI. 3)l)v clnlty of Orand at., east of Bowery, a gold Hunting Case Watch and Chat*; No. 2fWt.?70 on works and 1H.8K4 en caae. The above reward will be paid on their return to B. N. HAYWARD. Hm Oraud St. dilCH REWARD.?LOST. ON JUNE 28, A DEMI JIl/U chrohoroeter Watch, heavy gold cases; mono gram "P. C." engraved in-idc case, Capt maker, Uoneva. with heavy gold link Chain attached. The above reward will be paid and no questions naked EDMUND YENNI, No. 9 Nassau st. "IPltllL J* OTIC Eh. "chance" which may ne>jr be offered again. tnaMiar*, If received by tbe undersigned on or before Monday neat, will entitle the person sealing the san.e to tve Certmates or lull .-.bares in the drawing to be held on Monday, Jaly 3. and beside-, we will present the purchaser wttl aa original half boad of tbe Indnstral Exhibition Com pany, par value BIU. Said bend being lull paid It will participate In every draw ?> until redeemed wltli one of the following prises, vis. prises fltsi.iM) each '.1? prises $8a.u?Oeach 10 arises 71), 00 each 20 prises <i>,OOOeach 28 arises SO.OOOeach 25 prises 35,0n0eHeh lO arises 3U.dste.irh H> prises 2ft.0i "leach ?Op lire lO.OJOeaeb 1 To prises \Ooleath and thousands or other*, varying Itaas fUl to $8,00U Single certificates are oolr $1 -aeh. Address all orders or call without <'elay at the nflee of ftOROENTHAU, BRUNO A CO., Baaker*, 23 Park row. Maw York. Poet office >h>x I.HH7 -ISAAC O. ROYCK..2R7 BROADWAY. LAWYER.? Divorces obtalaed pr ?rnptly, without publicity; deeer a. iaeompatibiiiir. Iinbltiial drunkenness, infidelity, la bam a a treatment, conviction of felony. Passports obtained. A -ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. ? Nest drawing July I. 1 Prise of Spanish dollars 1100,000 1 Prise af Spanish dollars 5 ?,!??) t Prises of each. Spanish dollars 85J0QU end H40 other prises Gennnn Oevernment Lotterie*. Fall explanatory circular* free THEODORE BSCBOCH. Poet ofltoe box twM. i m Nassau st. Mew York. A? PARKS. EMERSON k CO. ? Keatocky Stale l otteries drawn daily. Hoy si Havana Lottery, or.?*ti uvery 17 days. Kentucky single Number Lattery, drawn July 39, 1876. Prises (suited. Information lurnlshed and rin uUrs free. la ' Mread way. Post offes aox 5.272, hew York. A B-SMITH'S kentucky St ATE LOTTERIES. ? luiscsi. ura.s t'Laaa 515? ran 1S7U. t*. 4\ .Vs. m. 7A, M". ?. 37. la, 48, 57, 44 t ststct'iT. cuh 5ie? ron 1870. ?, oa. 4a is. in. a, 7a, 22. st 4?. 21. ' All orders o.i.trees B. NATHAN. 1MI Broadway. krivk and iiarfarii. - 1 THE OOLLkltE KACB TO-DAY. ?rSCIAL DESPATCHES. WITH THE Kr.SULT. IN TIIK EVF.NINO telegram TO-DAY. BIsEASHS OF MBX A specialty. HENRY A. DANI .LS, M. D? 144 Uxlngtea a*. BeetSWfc*. 0?ae boars ir?utS te X IPICUIi NOTICE!!. Havana" 1>ott*RY.-next drawing? JcLY~i, 1K7U: 40.0 ?) tickets; SttCn.000 In prises. Addreu k. M 4 RTittKE A CO., Bankers, lOWali it.. basement. I'ust office box 4.M N?w York. Hpulili gold ud H?m bank bills bu tight and aold; drafts on Havana Issued. K-C H RON llFo ATARRH. UK A K'.N ESS: 1M PROVKD . math ad; Im?mmious relief;wraaMM cures. Dr. STODDARD. No. 8 West Mtb?t._ KENTUCKY RTAT* UJTTRKIES? DRAWN DAILY. Kentucky Maw CI rand Distribution. drawn July 29. :jO.'.U0 prises out of 50.' 00 tickets. Wool* ticket*. S10; halves, $3: qusrters. $'J SO. Royal Utvana Lottery. Grand Drawing July I. Whole tickets. $2<?: halves. flO; twentieths, 91. JACKSON A CO., Bau!:em, Brmdwar, New York. Hurricial drawings ikkntucky STaTE lot . teries. H.mmons A DICKINSON. Manager*. kKNTtJCgT. KXTRA CLtSS no. 407?jtrxu 2?. I67H. 5, 4H, 15. 47, 2, 48. 5tt. Bl. 28. 18. 67, 37. KiNTDOKr. class io ?M?jvm liH. 1876. 64, 31. 7 28. 20. 6. 40, ?4?. 71. ihi. XV 14, X KkNKT. KXTKA CMS* NO. 307?JOKK 29, 187B. 32, <H). 14. a, 72, >1. rw. V). :t7. 25, 46. KKNKT, CLASS 50. 30S?JCNK 29. 187a 77. 4ft. 64. 26, 71. 6. 34, 75, 2?. 1H, 15. 27. 52. Kali information hr applying to or addressing J. CLUTE A CO.. 200 Broadway, room No. 6, rear olBce. K?fSIUUnO" IN PHIZES?EVERY OTHER TICKKT A . Prise ?SIMMONS A DICKINSON'S Single Number Kentuckv State lottery to be drawn Julvtt). 1876; S>,!?i prices out of 50.0110 tickets: also Roya 1 Havana to be drawn on July 1. 1876. J. CLCTK A CO., 20f? Broadway, room No. 6 rear office. Like size outs, in colors, of llares and Wheeler. and Tllden and Hendricks. taken from the eat photograph*, designed for posters and transparencies. Repnhlicm clubs supplied at the lowest rates. METROPoLIT VN PRINTING COMPANT, Herald Building. 21S Broadway. NKW YORK. JUNK 28. 1ST6.?TO THK OFFICERS and members o' the societies and organisations taking part In the Brand centennial celebration July 3?i and 4tb s? The Committee on illumination. Decoration, Procession aud Police have selected and adopted a badge, which they recommend to be worn during the procession on the 3d and the festivities of the Fourth of July, and which will also serve as a memorial nf the centennial celebration. The badge consists oi a three colored ribbon, live inches Ions, which is to be fastened to the coat by means of an eagle nln. It in printed in gold, showing an eagle on the national shield, with the motto, "Virtue. Liberty. Independence." and underneath the coat of arms af the city ol New York, with the words "Centennial Celebration by the Citizens of New York, July 3d and 4th, IS7?," The badges forth* committee, varvlng slightly from the above described, will be ready lor delivery on Saturday. July I, and may be ob tained at the olllua of Wlllv Wallach. No. 4 Beenmsn st. ALEXANDER SHALER Chairman. The above badges are manufactured exclusively by ourselves, and will be ready tor delivery Saturday and Monday. Jnly 1 and 3. Societies sn I organisations will please notlly us at once bow many badges they require, that all may he supplied. Badges will be furnished to societies and organisations at $15 oar 100. SHAW A ALFRED. 14? Willi >m St., near Ann. NOTICE-IN~ORDB? To GIVE OUR employesTan opportunity of participating In the Centennial Cele brations this est* bl stamen t will be closed from .Saturday evening, July 1, until Wednesday morning. July 5. 1876. J. A C. JOHNSTON. Broadway, 5th av. and 22a st. VTKRVOU8 exhaustion.?A MEDICAL PSSAY J.1 comprising a series of lectu-es delivered at Kahn's Museum of Auateiuy. New York, on the cause aedcureof Premature Decline, showing Indisputably bow Irst health may be regained, affording a eiear synopsis ot the impedi ments to marriage and the treatment of nervous and physi cal debility, being the result of -*> years' experience. Price 25 cents. Address the author. Dr. L. J. KAHN, office and residence 51 East lOth St.. New York. 0ld*h7lk"and ~cas*imkre hats made over iuto the new stria Panama, and felt hatseleaned and trimmed, at JOHNSON'S 1.299& Broadway. PAINE'S PATENT SPRING TRAPS FOR THROWING ilass Balls now ready and for sale; the Bnest practice In the world and splendid substitute for pigeon shooting: can be nsed on any lawn: must bo seen to be appreciated; I to-'k nearly all my practice front these trans irevious to my lata matches In Kngland. IRA A. PAINE, Patentee, 76 Prince st., near Broadway. PljLVE R M AC HER' 8 8PLF-RESTORATIVE ELECTRO Belts. Ac., for tha cure of nervous, chronic and special diseases. Indorsed by standard medical and scientific au thorities In hurope and America. Pamphlets, containing lull particulars, free. Call on or address PULVEKMACHKR GaLVA>IC COMPANY. 212 Broadwav. New York. Royal Havana ^lottery.? will be drawn on July 1. Prices cashed; orders Oiled: Infor mation tarnished; highest rates paid for Spanish bills, gov ernments. Ac. TAYl6r A CO.. Baakers. No. 11 Wall st. New York. Reduced to a certainty-chance to gain flOO.OOO without loss; New York Industrial Exhibi tion Company, next Drawing.Inly 3. For further informa tion apply to ALLEN EDWARDS A FOKDUAM, Bankers, 70 Nassau St., New York. SIMMONS * dickinson'S KENTUCKY STATE SIN trie Number Lottery, drawn July 20. Every other ticket a prise. Por circulars address J. CLUTE, 153 Fulton Third louisiana state gold distribution. Nrw Orleans. July 2?, 187& $ -02,500 IN GOLD DISTBIBUTED. 20,000 tickets: rfto currem y; coupons lu proportion. For information, Ac., apply to WILLIAMSON k CO. Prize! cashed at this office. 317 Broadway. New York city. rpo stockiioldeks OK TUB PACIFIC RAILROAD x Company of hti?oitr:???i.?we? to ireqaent inquiries made of me an to what arrangements I propose to make witli the present stootholders of the Pacific Railroad in case I become a purchaser at the foreclosure sale, I desire a> say that if I purchase the property it will bo for the purpose of protecting my claims as a creditor of the railroad, aod that I shall hoi.i the property tor the benefit of no other parlies except those whose interests are protected by the decree of foreclosure. C. k. oa kribon. Yalk AND HARVARD! " THE COLLEGE RACE TO-DAY. SPECIAL DE8PA chkf. WITH THE RESULT, IK THB kvkn1no TSLKORAM TO-DAY. the turfe* a^d comrtlnaffor fooii A wild at JOHNSON's Pool Room (oldest establishment ot the kind in the United States), corner of Broadway sad 2Stli it., on the Running Races at iconic Branch; also on the College Boat Bare, Harvard v? Yale. ?Full returns re ceived oy telegraph. French pool ticaets, $"> and $3 each; combination tickets, $3 each. All orders promptly at tended to. Commission on mutual tickets 3 par cent. T. B. johnson. a UCTION an0 fkkncll POOLS HOLD ALL DAY A at NBW YORK ti'RF EXCHANUE, 1 ft and 17 West 'ihih st., ou elgbt-oared Race between HARVARD and YALb. at sprinofikld: also, this evening, on the LONG BRANCH Running Races. French Pools, $3 and s2. Prompt attention siren orders y mail or messenger, KELLY, BLISS * CO. KRRFOOT PARK.?TROTTING 3d AND 4TH OP I) July; Purse $00. for 3:20 class: Purse $75, for 2:43. to betrott'd on Monday, the 3d. Purse $?> tor 2:50 class; Purse $75. for 2 :IOclas?, to l>o trotted Tuasday, the 4th. To close on saturdar, July l,at John T. blane's. No. 7 Fulton st., Brooklyn, at 10 P. m. wm. McMAHOS. Proprietor. F" Tertwood PARK. JOHNNY MURPHY'S Groat ride against Pat alto's time, 155 miles In 7 boors, at fleetwooj Park. July .'t. on? branch races. JULY 1, 4, 6. 8, 11, 13, 13 and 15. TIIOS. MURPHY. wf. E. Batxor, presidsnl becratary. Boat leaves pier * at 9:45 A. M. and special boat from foot of 24th st. at 10:4b and pier 8 at 11 A. M. Nowc jp?k i|ayr TH IS day"OPENED A COM blnation French pool; tickets at 93 each, in connection with our popular French pools. $3 *nd $3 tickets. JOHNSON'S Pool Room, corner Broadway and28th St. SwbepVtakes 'for ffijs'i? 7lertwood~parb: MORRISANIA. N. y Fl'.IDAY, JUNE, 30, 1*70. John ororse names s. ir. Red Cloud. o S. i'.aliey names s in narsh. S. Simmons names b. g. Osr .y, John Cralti names b. m. Black Rep. Robert Smith nnmes b. g. hiind Buy. Also Sweepstakes lor $150, Gerry Walker names b. in. Lady Annie. Cherts slmiuons nsmea li. it. Cbeston. Thomas Crane names r. g. St. iitorxe. Also same day match race to wagons for $200. William Lorell names cb. m. White Stocking*. james Swing names eh. g. Trojan. All l>est? in ft; trotting to commence at 8 o'clock ore clsaly, and will be governed by the rules of the National Association GATES ii. BARNARD, Presidi lit. iioksks. carruueb. it BANKRUPT SALE ~ tiiis DAY (FRIDAY), JUNE 3u, A GREAT bankrupt SALE TIIIS DAY (FRIDAY), J AT ii O'CLOCK PROMPT. AT the PRIVATE STABLE NO. 4 WEST 1HTII ST., ONE DooR WEST OF STH av., OF ft FAST AND RELIABLE TROTTING AND FAMILY HORSES. ELEGANT WAGONS. It AKNEs.s, AC., AC., thb PP.opi.RTY OF THOMAS IIERRING. BANKRUPT, AND WILL BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDER, BY ORDER undersigned ASSIGNEE. Including very handsome tistn of bar Mares, ii?4' hands hleli. 7 and 8 years old: nre closely mated In looks, stvle. trait, speed and dispoei'ion; ?ne whs sired by Denmark, dam by lexington; her mate by krrislon; they were purctiaied in Kentucky by Mr. S. Heiman lor owner, and brought to this city; first time they were ever driven together they trotted a fall mile ir. 3:03 to road wagon: thev can now allow s ro le ou any track in u:4"> or better . tbey'are as One a family team, at they stand, for sale in New \ork; can lie driven by any one : they hs<e eleasni style and action. uiiely broken to all harness, andean trot very fn?t singly, and are warranted son ml and kind. This high bred teatS inu-t be seen to tie appreciated, as they are hands one, tonne and attractive; they are the fli.est gentleman's road team in thia city, and for family n*e have no superiors and tew eaaala The fast and highbred brown trotting Mare "Kilty D," lft'? hands higb.m years old. sired hy Alexander's Norman, dam a thoronghtired ; Kitty D.. when ft yean old trotted a mile in 1'ami two miles m 'i;is?^ she is a line, stylish driver, blooded in appearance, and is as gaosa a roaa trotter as goes the road; she can trvt ia "J :'JH to road wagon, and can always beat 2 M on any good track, and is warranted sound ttad-klnd. Beautiful trotting Mare Koee, raised In Orange county, aired bv Major mufield. 7 years old, 1ftw high ; she is very handsome, prompt, pleasant driver; is aline pv e mare and can trot In 2:4.'i. sinitle or double ; tor a gputlvmau's road mare she eannot be surpaased. as she Is very stylish and no road Is too itm* foi ber: sue is warranted sound and bind. The heantitul arid gentle black pony Dhaeton Msre Little Grade; she Is 14 hands high. 6 years Id. baa for the past two years been u>r?l by ladies and children; this mare is perfect In harnesa or under saddle. will stand without tyiug; can trot a mile in :i)s minutes: t'ie was admired mote than any poii/ at Newpoit last season. and gem tmeit In seerch o. a reliable pony should not t ill to attend tfcls sale. She is folly warranted sound. k>nd aod gentle lb every particular. Carriages consist of one est?iisioa top pbaeton, two side bar road Wa ;ons. ono foil soring top Wacon. one canopy top Ponv Phaeton, single and double Harnees, Sheets, Lap Ruhea. ac.. ac SALE POSITIVE. RAIN OR HUNK. TO the HIGH est BIDDER, WITHOUT LIMIT OR RESTRICTION. ii. J. glovkk, asolgnrr fo R THOMAS jib RRINu. BANKRU ft. A -mm will hi y a good TOP WAOON: COST . ? last month; a fine Haraoaa. $4.V Inquire nt static S3 East 12th st. A CHANCE TO BUY cheap.?EXTENSION TOP Pbaeton, seats fonr persons ; two lull spring and side bar Top Wagons; one llscht Road Wagon; best city tuskers. Private stable, 57 Rast km st. -for SALE. tii it H A NDSO mk A NO FAST THOT ? Rng Pony Victor; is a handsome chestnut; very stylish; flowing mane and tall; ?'> years old, lft hands high; win of Honest Allan; has record in 2:41. Also a Mrwwater top Wagon and Dunscomh Harness. At private stable No. It ?<st 87th st., between Broadway an doth av. HORSES. CAlttti AGES. <C. Auction house <?Was IaksklL * "kEaSSTIY 110 AMD 113 BAST 13TH ST.. NEAR 4TH AV. REGULAR SALES OF HORSES AND CARRIAGES, EVERY TUESDAY AND KRIDAY. Twemy-tour to forty-eight huur* given tu purisbtMri to Ult wMrwMi. Horaea, Carriagea, Harneea, Blanket*. Itobea. Ac., alwaya on band at private ?ale. CATALOGUE OP THIS DAY'S (KRIDAY) BALE AT 10 O'CLOCK. THE WELL KNOWN' TROTTING GELDING BLACK Prank. 15}. hauda high, 8 year* old; a prompt nod pleaaaut driver; ha* a record of - :3D over tlia fivaua vilie. Indiana, track (aee Turf, Field and Farm regia ten. and caa trot cl?*e to 2:JO: feara nothing; can be driven by a lady with pcrtect *afety. Set track llart.e?* nnd ROAD K'AGON. WITH POLE AND SHAFTS, BUILT by R. M. Mivrr*. TEAM HAY HORS-8. lfl HANDS HIGH, 6 AND 7 ye*r* uid: kind and true in ail bnrne*?: tree iro.n vice; good traveller*, prompt and alylli-h driver*; have hern ai d in a private carriairu and aold only lor want of use. Sat (aid mounted Harne** aud 54 CLARENCE. GOOD AS NEW. BUILT BY MINER A Steven*. OPEN PHaETON. IN GOOD ORDER. BUILT BY Rrew*te; A I'o. o! Brooms' at. VICTORIA IN GOOD ORDER, UUILT BY BRBffSTER A I'o of Broome *1. BAT HORSE, GOT BY RYSDYK'S HAMBI.RTONIAN; rai??*d in DuU'Iiom county: la l.V3>, high, u year* old. kind and true in all harne**. Ire* from vie#; ha* extra tine *tvle ?nd action; one of the llnetl aaddle ll?r*e* In New York ; trot* cloae to 3 raiuutea: a tine driver, double or aliigle; baa great endurauce, and warranted *ound. Set One i arnet* und TOP WAGON. NEARLY NEW, CITY BUILT. brown family uu.tsK, i5t,' hands high. 8 tears old. kind and true in all hariicaa: free from vice; a prompt and handy driver; feara nothing: suitaliln for a lady to drive ; a kuperlor horae for lamtly uae, aud war ranted aonnd. Alao. *et Harne*> and ROOK AWAY. NEARLY NEW. UBAY HORSE, 15 HANDS HIGH. 8 YEARS OLD: KIND and true in all harneaa; tree trom vice; apleudid under aaddle: ha* been driven by iadiet; It in every way tare and reliable, and warranted aouud; alio *at Harne** aud TOP PONY PHAETON. NEABLY NEW. BAY HORSE 10 HANDS HIGH, 8 YEARS OLD; KIND and true in all liarnea*. tree from vice a good traveller, prompt and atylixh driver, a II rat claaa horaa for car riage driving and warranted aound. COUPE ROCKaWaY. bay mare. r> hands high, 9 years old: kind and true in II liarneiia and under **ddle, traa trom rice, a gaud traveller, a Brat claaa mare for family driving or general una. TOP PON? PHaETON. BAY HORSE. 1S>\,' HANDS IIIGH. 7 YEAR8 OLD: klud aud true in all harue*a: free from vice; a faat traveller; prompt and atyllab driver and an extra Una ri?d borne TOP 81DE B * R ROAD WAGON. SORREL COUPE HORSE, l? HANDS HIOH. 8 YEARS old; kind and true In all harnena; free from vlca; baa Una ? ty!o aud action; fear* nothing and can ba driven by any one. PARK PHEATON, IN GOOD ORDER. SEVERAL OTHER GOOD FAMILY ROAD AND WORK Horaea. Deacriptton* timo of aale. SIX PASSENGER PARK PHAETONS, OOOD AS MEW; built bv Cruttenden A Co. BAROUCHE. IN GOOD ORDER. TWO POUR-PASSENGER PARK PHAETONS. Pine top Pony Phaeton*. Wagonette, carriaa eight paaaengora. Top and no top Road Wagona. Double and aingle Harne**. LADIKS' AND GENTLEMEN'S SADDLES AND Bridle* Ac. SALb COMMENCES AT 10 O'CLOCK. \ UCT10N HOl'Sh OP ARCH. JOHNSTON. 10. SI, J3 and -'5 13th at., uear Univeralty place. SALES OP HORShS AND CARRIAGES ARB HBLD EVERY TUESDAY A>D FRIDAY AT 10 O'CLOCK. ON EVERY HOR8E WARRANTED BOUND FROM 24 HOURS TO 3 DAYS FOR TRIAL. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND MOST BE LIABLE HOUSE IN TUB CITY. THIS DAY. AT 10 O'CLOCK. ELEGANT TEAM CHKSTNUT HORSES, with foil manea and taila. 1">% hand*. ? year* old: are half brother* and were aired byGlencoe; are nicely matched In alr.e. gait, action and color, and drive like one horae; are Ir e. atyllah drivera, uot afraid of a locomotive or anything elaa: are without fault or trick ol nny kind; can trot elota to 3 minutea; are in every way thoroughly reliable and war ranted '0 md. SET DuUilLE HARNESS, In good order, by London. ELEGANT SIX-SEAT ROCKAWAY, by J. B. Brewtter A Co. UGH T VICTORIA, little need, by J. B. Brewater A Co. PINE BLACK COUPE HORSE, 16 handa high. 9 year* old; kind in all harne**; frea from vice; baa bean n*ed la city and country a* family carriage horae; la a free, apirited driver; not afraid ut any thing: haa been uaed by preaent owner for pa*t two year* and i* in every way thoroaghly reliable; warranted aonud. SET COUPE HARNESS, In good order, by Coleman. LIGHT COUPE, little uned. bv Mluer A Meveua DARK BAY PONY MARE, aired by L.?* I aland Jack aon. with foil, loug mane and tall, 14Ji handa blgit, ? year* old; kiua in all harneaa aud extra be uuder saddle : ha* been uaed by preaent owner tor peat three year*; la not afraid oi a locomotive or anything l*e and In every way thoroughly relia ble for any uae; it extremely handaome; war ranted aonnd. SET sINoLt. HARNESS, made to order by Dalton. TOP PONY PHAETON, nearly nrw. by Brann.m. FINE BAY COUPE HORSE. 1? hauda high, s yeara old: kind In ail barnea*; tree trom vice: drive* aa well double a* *ingle; ba* been u?ed by preaent owner exclualvely aa a familv carriage horae; haa iml a fault or trick of any kind; ia nut afraid of a locomotive or anything elae; aate for any one to drive ; a thorough reliable horae for auy uae, and warranted aound. SIX-NBA T PARK PHAETON, EXTENSION TOP, by Barton A Boyle. BAY PACING ROAD HORSE, 15?i haada. 7 year* old; ^ one of the beat roadatera in the country; goe? 9! right along and needa no urging: can travel lO mllea an hour all day; haa uot a vice, fanlt or trick ol'any kind; U not afraid of anything; doe* not aby or pull, and ia in every way reliable for any u?<-; warranted aonnd. TOP SIDE BAR ROAD WAGON, nearly new, by Braunan. LOT OF SADDLES. BRIDLES. ODDS AND ENDS. Ac., to be told for account of whom It may concern. TWENTY-TWO HOUSES. DK8CBIPT10N. TIME OF S SALE EX. TOP PHAETON, KX. TOP CARBRIOLRT. PULL CLARENCE, SIX POMY PtlAK1'O.NK GLA-8 OK. COACH, SIX TOP WAGONS, 6 HEAT ROCKAWAY. DOCTOR'S PHAEION, TWO r I.EG AN T COl'PEB. LARGE ASSORTMENT every kind of Carriage. Wagon, Harneaa, Ac. Ttil* day at AKCH. JOHNSTON'S HART. IB to 2.'i 19th it, war Uuiveraity place. Weather never Interferes wltli ur aalea at 10 o'clock. ?MAJOR CMaKI.ES W. BaKKKK. AUCTlONEEU. . SPEED, CO AC if, SAIIDLERs. PRONOUNCED THE MOST EX Tit \ORDI S ARY LOT THAT EVER LEFT KENTUCKY. MAJOR BARKER TAKES I'LEASl'KE in announcing Captain GEORGE D. IIANNA'S lot Hourbun county. Kentucky) FIFTEENTH unprecedented SALE of the hitait GREEN TROTTERS in the world, Just arrived from kentucky. to take place to-morrow (Saturday, July I, at 11 o'clock, at KARKElt A SON'S Cut Auc Ion Mart and New York Tatteraall'a, corner nl' Broad war and IWth at., and comprising TWENTY HEAD of the richest bred in America. Including gieen home* that can ?rot in trom ?< uiliititea DOWN TO '1 ::!?>, tome of the fluent cnupo, match or T t'ART HOUSES, and the balance the most auperb lot or PREMIUM all called combined SAD DLE anil harneaa horaea ever brought from tltc KI.I E CRASis region, and *11 warranted aound and kinii. Stock now at the Mart tor exhibition and trial. DR. JOHN W. CLARKE. agent for ('at tain It mm*. I* now un hand to five everybody the opportunity ot KIDINO aud IJKI VINO and TESTING the SADDLE qualities and SPEED i>f anyoftue lot KE PORE the time ot title. Catalogue!, with extended pedigree*, roady. Sale positive. No postponement. A ?MAJOU CHAS W. BARKER. aT'CTIONEEK ? ? The PAMOI'S lirowu trotting inare MfH.I.I K sMI I II, 1SU l.lgti: foaled ItVtl. got by Kyanyk a H AM IILETOM A N, dam br Matubriuo Chief: bent KECORII, - :ct; Is one of the beat TRACK MARKS alire, and run trot MEATS IN 'J sioor better to day, and can beat ANYBODY'S horae to road wagon ; haa five lull brother* and aiatera. all of which can BEAT 1:90; 1? warranted sound and gentle : will he posi tively sold without reserve to-mnrmw (Saturday), July 1. at 11 o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart au J New York Tatterialra, corner of Broadwny and MSltli H., where ?be ia now ou exhibition ; pedigree and all repreaentatloni guaranteed. A~^M aToR CHARLES W. KARKKK, AUCTIONEER.? . The brown trotting raiding Waverl*y B.iy, IflU high, lualed 18711, gut by llanry K, Patchen, hat trotted lu 2:5:1, warranted aound and kind, will be anld to liighrat bidder to-morrow. Saturday. July 1. at II o'clock, at BARKER A SON'S City Auction Mart and New York Tatteraalla. cor ner of Broadwayaad :<l*tii at., where lie can now b- aeen. ^PARTIES~OOING TO THE COUNTRY ? SlloCLD nut forget captain iiannas GRAND SALE of Kentucky Horse*. TO-MOR OW (Saturday), at II o'clock AT BARKER .* SON'S, CORNER OP Broadway and 3ttlh tl BE SURE to try the stock to-day. ?Vn?lf~L0T~0F HARNESS TO HE MOLD CHEAP*: . blankets, SHEET'S. MKTS. AC.. LARGEST , NIOCK AT LOWEST PRICES: SAVE MONEY BY DEAlJVG DIRECT WITH THE MANUFACTURER. i K. BARTLETf. tiJ WARREN ST.. CORNER OP COLLEGE place. j A PINK SIDE BAR TOP BUGGY. CITY MADE. COST i (HO. for $175; aereral aNnn.1 hand Carriage* takeu j lu exchange at bargaiua. HAM'S. HroaJway. A GREAT BARGAIN FOR CASH.?SIDE MAR TOP Wagon and Harneaa, by beet maker* No. J10 Eaet ! &0ih at. Abaroain.-fine single and double har neaa; flibaoa, maker; bardly lolled. Club viable. 13J Eaat 17th ?t. I -UNITED STATES STaBLeV REFITTED; TAKES I dera at $2.% per month; 10 Stall* to let; Horace 1 and Wagona to let, I.VI aud liii Eaat II2d at. A" VKKY Ft N K"fU 1.1 7:PK1MO TOP WAHON; ALSO Brewater tup one eeat Wagon, cneap: bay llurae. 7 | year* old : 'v irranted aounii aud kind. No. West 1 Hi at. AN EX. KA PINE I'llV MADE TOP Pony PllAKTOX. built to or ler lor preaent owner, used batten tlmea. with ne Harneaa, at Mr. BROWN'S private stable. No. 1 W?at 1.1th at. / Zro ii male-pTve in o rsesT Tu it able ro r a farming, grocer or any baalneaa cheap. 104 Eliia betb at, between Broome and Urand ata. A. A BREW>TKR OPnN IIAKOUCliK, ?|.V); TWO - good, gentle Carriage lloraes, $350; one lall aprlug Top agon. $i:?-V 11" Wast MHU at. A?FOR SALS. A OOOD FARM OK HLtUNKsti ? Horaea; will be aold ler leaa than half their value. Inquire at 37 Great Jonea at., near tba Bowery. Any gentleman the city >ok a lew inoutha. and having a horae he would like to have wall cared h-r. being only n?ej to and lrt.m the depot, can ?nd him a good home by addreialng HORSE. 1K< Broadway. FiWclam matched rli'K' oir Sav brown 16 hand Coach lloraes, very a. yllab and Sue atepi en, and one flret claea 10 hand hay Coach or Saddle Horae, no . .. , _c - Yirt. Ta be a A white, dark pelnta, frstn Weaiern New _ for one week at JUane M Davla' a tablet, 110 Wee* 40th at. laitnlre of Mr. U. VAN COtT. A HOUSES, CARRIAGE!*. ?C. r*r toe INSURED? ' -4WI JfCTT* 1 Uei 25 or ."?>> bet very beat Warden llo?e. at lS)?e. "A penny nind, ? peuuy earn-'d." Mexican Onaa lima mocks, larjte aise. $3 90. Harueaa. Sheets, Robes, Whip*, Nets, Ac.. cheap. TUNIS JOHNSON. _3H Liberty at. BARGAIN ?NEW COUP*! T~ OA HI'. H SKAT Phaeton. 10 Bugles. Wagons, 6 Livery Carriage*. 460 3d ?v: ____ ?10 BUlUNhM* WAGONS, **> TO SlJSl SMI SX . pren. fliMert', Butchers'. Baker*'. Bilk, laundry. Package. Advertiainsr. Delivery Vafaoi. Wagon Manufactory. WhfltafN. ?TOP A NO OPKN PONY~PHaMOR* 1XTXSSIOX ? top Phaetons, Ilep?t Wagons. tup and open Koc.a wayi, 4 and 8 sent Coupe*. Coupe Rockawav? at reduced price*; 25 tap and o|.e? hand Wafani. by city maker*; Harne?* uf all styles. Sheet*. Lap Duster* of all ?tylea; Whip*. Net., Ac. W.M. II. GRAY, *.X) aud J- Wouster st. T BR0w7uoa>i-riiK m7>st stylish in tub J\ city; t?0t? faiter than tliroe mlmitra: any lady cuu drive hl'n; warranted lound and kind; top aide bar Wsgcn, Pony Ph*eton. *iugle Hartieas; all nearly new; must be ?old at a bargain on uccount of death of owner. 138 Wert 3lst?t. AHEaW|PUL~TOP ~ sfoK BAK WAOON, SET Harness. Lap Kobe, Sheet, Ac., balance of gentleman's road turnout; mutt be sold to-day. together or separate; no offer within reason refilled. Arsenal Stable*, Weil 85th at., near Broadway. IRON ORAt MABR. S TRAM, UK MAMOS; ? also bay llorso, loutid and kind; ft-se, stylish drivers. 124 Division at. . A LL HORSEMEN SHOULD USE RiTTKK'S ELASTIC J\ Check Rein Guard; never fail*: alwa>s ready ; agent* wanted; 15 cent* 2 lor 25 cent*. A. J. RITTKH, b"x t>7 Po?t office, Habivny, N. J. A PRIVATE POXY ESTABLISH MKT?PAIR BOBKKL J\ Poulea. llrewter Canopy. Phaeton, with Kumble; llanieaa; all perfect. Address OWNER, 112 Kaat 2#th st. CTutifiAGES, HARNE8H. HOKSR OLOTMlvO-LARUR J reduction* tor balance nt season; Phaeton*, sua; Huffs >?<, $110; Or? t Wagons. f 145; Ilockuwavs, Sri3 ?; Park Phaeton*, cut under Kockaway*. Ac.; Harness, every ityle. $ l<i to $U0u; Sheet*. IUc.| Lap Ouatera, $1; leather and linen Neu, EarTipa, Whips. Ac. JOHN MOORE. 57 Warrenet. If* LEO A NT LONDON M KDK OLASS FRONT LANDAU, li ?1 tli pat' tit ?priu| head, whereby It can bo opened or cloaedjritu great facility by the occupant; plated London made Barnes* to match; also Park Phaeton, with shilling top, by Brewster, of Broome ft.: offered ch ap for want of use. Private stable No. H East *4th it., near 5th av. OR SALS?HO~KSE~ HARNESS AND TRUCK. *250; coat and wall worth $5.10. Call at 525 Kaat Utli it, fORiTALK?A NO-TOP WAOON, 8HAFTSAND POLR, uaed hut live time* and hntlt to order by "Brewster.'' of Br-ome st. Can be seen at private stable. 111 Weat 51st *t. F~ ok sale-at -ih east 20nr st.. a $.y*j pony-, two Saddle*. Bridle, Ac., for $100. perfectly safe for chil dren to ride or drive. OR BALE?HORSE, TRCCiTaNDTiXrNESS, 8EPA rate or together. 226 West st. F F Fob sal at a bargain. for want of use. styilsh pony built Horse, suitable for Uirt.t btinl ne?*. $75; aiso good Express Wagon, $05. 375 Weat 12th st. TjK>R SALS-A GENTLEMAN'S TUKmYiIT. CONSIST r ing ot brown Horse, 15 hands; a Waterman side bar top Wagon, with Kood set of llaroesa. Can be *eea at U3M Weat 27tn st. For sale - four hokses, kkom ISs to $100. not half value; suitable for any buainesa. Apply at 42U Kaat lstb at. HARNKUB.-CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE 1M NRW York; Kood Bu^gy Haruess. hand made, 915; rood Oroeer-' Harness, $2.i;irood double Team llarueae, $:*); a good Hone Blanket, $1 50. Pleaae call and examine lur yunrselvea. FIHdEK A OSBORN, Manufacturer*. 71 Bar clay st. NLt SI26 TOR BRAUTlfUL BASKET PONY PHAE ton, platform spriugs, rumble, polo, abaft*; fine order. A. KLaNDKAU, .*72 Broome ?t. 0 SUPERIOR COUPE OR FAMILY HORSE-ONE OF A carriage team, offered in consequence of hi* mate sud denly becoming lame; dark hay, all bla k point*. 7 years old, l'tl4 baud* niich ; prompt and line driver anywhere you put him . sired oy Young Patcben, dam a Memhrlno mare; absolutely fearless of auythlng; warranted sound, kin.: and reliable in every particular. To >>? (old by M^or CH ARLK8 W. BAKKEU. at the City Auction Mart, corner Broadway and UHth st., July 1, at 11 o'clock SECOND RAND CARRIAGES.? Three fine LandatileU. two Landana, Coach, Clarence, live t'abnoletN, extension top Cabriolet, two Coupes, six seat Bockawat*. two Coupe Rockaways. Mallj Phaeton, Ntanhupe Phaeton, two elx-aeat Phaetons, Dog Carts, T Carl*, top aud no top Brewster A Co. of Broome street Wagons. A. S. FLANDRAU, M72 and 874 Broome et., old stand of Brewster A Co. SALE?POL'K IN IIAND COACH. ADDRES8~WHIP, Herald Uptowu Br,inch otHce, WANT. D-A OMR HORSE LANDAU LET; MUST BE in good order. Address HOWABi>, box 116 Herald office. WANTED-MJR BOARD ONE HORSK IN BXCUaNOE or p rfly exch.m.'O lor Apartments in first class loca tion; stable Irom 40th to SBtli at. Addrosa PROMPTNESS, box 1W Herald office. \V"ANTEO-A-STOUT TRUCK" HOKSK; MUST BR vT icouiiouicd to eliy work and perfectly *oun<! and kind. Addrea*. with particular*and price, D. X Heraldothce. WANTEO-THIS DAY. VrIDAY." AT~^12 O'CLOCK, parties to purchase the Pony Phaatou and Tup Road Wagons, t? be sold at auction at .-47 Nuaaatt at. TUM8 JOHNSON, Auctioneer. ANTED?A FIVE (JLaSH LANDaT FOR CASH. Apply to II. B. SIRE, Brandretb House, New York. s w ?ale and Harvard. THE COLLRflE RACE TO-DAt. SPECIAL DESPATCHES. WITH THE UBSULT, IN THE EVENINO TELKlSRAM TO-DAY. ?SPL' NDID BATlloRSK, ? YEARS OLD, ?Pl ?). 1 ? hand*; sound, kind and geatle for a lady. 216 West Ulst st. AU? FOR FINKST PHAETON PONY JN THE CITY O0(? for lady to drive; three Horse*, $30 to $60. 207 Wes. lOtli at. FOB HOKSK, TOP EXPRESS OR OROCKRY Wagou and Haruess; two other Horses, cheap. flM West 30th st. _______ $?jrV\ -saobTRcTeT"horsk. phaeton, har ?)?)U. ncsa. Robes, Cutter, Whips, .saddle. Bridle, Sheets. WM SHAW. 384 Broadway. c DRY OUOIM iLOsiKb. B. H. MACY k ca. 14th ft. aud ttth ?., CLOSED from noon July 1 to July5. Centennial to 11 day. dlLMKERV AND DUBSSMAKlNto. A ?MARIE TILMAN, OF PA HIS. IMPORTER, OFFERS J\? h lurtii assortment c.r latost lino Parisian Summer Honnete, Millinery and English Crapee. 423 t'.tb nr.. near SWh m C RvrBNNIAl. EXHIBIT.*). BLlBS * WILLIAMS, MANI. FACTURERS ~ OP Presses. Dies ?nu ipecial Machinery, 1(17 to 173 Plym outh si, Brooklyn. PIASOFOHTE*. OKOAKS, A?FOR KENT, t'FllUlMr.'?ylI'AKfr AND tiRAND ? I'iui'H or our own make; alio lor saie and rant. ? number ol lino second hand Plmi >i. In perfect order. WILL IAM KNaBE A CO.. No. I li ">:h nr.. af.ove liilli 4 ? PIANOFORTES TO K sr. OF OUR OWN M 4 N U ^'V? lecture. also second baud I'ianui lor sale at moderate p I ret. Hy CHICKEIUNll A SONS, 130 6tU av., corner 1Mb it. A BEAUTIFUL SQUARE PIANOFORTE. $7V, CHICK ?rln? uprijchl I'lunotorto, carved laic*, ever; Improve nicnt, great sacrifice; will be rented. J. BillDbK, 13 W.iverler place, near Broadway. A BEAUTIFUL CARVED ROSEWOOD 7 OCTAVE Hiiwiortt, ovntruni. coit |40V, for |IUl No. 210 Eait 3<Hn ?t. sacKiKioV-fo"vtTrous b corn b reiT kle gently carved 1'ianolnrte. Mallet k Havis maker*. 7 ociavei; all modern improvements; cost for lass $2(J0. ?Jti East id at. naar 2d av. -closinu <VuT- la?i7k.~eLfi< i ax~t~htoi'K OK . Piano*: half price; U AIIMOUK'S estate, 3SH Bleecksr ?t.; tioo, >iso. ashx). A-FKOM ?H*1 Tti NEW AND SECOND HAND , Pianos tirsl elms order, cmiiorislnir (SirIn way. Chick eriuir. I> cker Km.., Harden A Hon, Bradbuiy, Ac.; 7 and 7V; octave; mast be (old. ('all at 47 West lOtu at. IjUMILY OOINU ABROAD HAS BfcNT TO OUR w.treruorus too PIa?os to be sold regardless of cost; tlier are In perfect order and will be sold at a great sacrifice, hrA .\DARD AM EltlCAN PIANO COMPANY, 93 West I4?li at. MAGNIFICENT 7 OCTAVE KOtfBWOOD STEINWAY Piauoiorte. having carved legs, rare baiitlia. at UOK KON'ri. 167 Ulevckerst. PELOU BET. PRt.TUN k CO.. S41 and *43 Broadway. Ninr York cltyr manufacturers of THE HTANOAKD OBOANS. unrivalled In ton, design and linlah of case, and la general workmanship; superior tor parlor, school or charch : prices llber.ilt rented and aolJ on lustalmouta. Call and exaimae t?r send ftir Malagas. T>BIVATE FAMILY OFFER FOR $J?10. SUPERB 7 1-3 X rosewood Plauo; cost <!*<) last March; speculator or dcalar rail mass money on it. Call residence. ."?4 Kast f*tIs at. PKIVATK FAMILY OirER. FOR LESS THAN faoo 7 1-3 octave rosewood Pianoforte, coatBMXt lael March; speculators or dealers can inako money. 57 East Mth si. r>7 E?i j im*. STEINWAY'S. CHICKKRI.nO'S. WEBMrrf. WATERS' and other brat rlasa new and second hand aquare and upriptu Pianos and Organs at eatraordlnary low prices r?r eash or to let, until paid for as par contract; to rent In city or country. HORACE WATERS k SUNB. 481 Bioadway. MIMICAL, fnhtkh iio.i uiVkk o.n ilit-. i'Ianofoktk by a 1 pupil or European nialtera at moderate tertaa. Addreea ?? II. K , box 1SH Herald ofliee. POLiTltAU ?IFE Biait'cOTB',' IN' COLORS, Havre and Wiiealer. and 'flideu ana llendriekf. take a from the beat photographs, dealgsad fir puetera and treoapareneias. Itepa^llean eluba sunpiled at I be lowtgl rate*. METROPoLl f aN PKINTINW COMPaKT. Herald Bulldlnir. Ult Broadway. IsIIK FRfCNOS OK O.trfiR maMI KL ?MOCLO KEEP their beads cool. wear BH A Y.N KB' hall a?ai ? liat; prwa :?) Bo. Broadwaj iw ail.u k < Theatre BaHdlng) uKKi'uritt. BRAl^lIn L*" ARTI?IClAL TSktiriiSr^iNifl^fU warranted. New York Dantal Boons, MM Oiii av., ?oar l?Hh at. hitabliibed IH1L Vl'r\ HEAL RHT&Tfe 'Oil KALE.^ ? itrmiT" A BARGAIN?Ml'HT IK sold. FOUB STORY F1RBT V? class brown stone Iloo.s SUiiUllUl 1301b sk, UOU 5tb av ; location unnurpasst d: price 91't.OUU. M. E CRAMTO A SON. 1,?1 3d av., Harlem Bank. "V"ALK AND HARVARD." ~ 1 TUK COLLEGE BACK TODAY. SPECIAL DESPATtMIBS. WITH TUB RKSULT, IK TUK EVENING^ TFI.I.iiKAM TODAY. V\ i-at" iitf*. fOB HALE -AT A GKfiAT BARGAIN, NO. 27 GROVE it.; 26x10(1. Apply tu 1IOMEK MORGAN, No. 3 Piue M. BROOKLYN PROPERTY KOK SAL.E AND TO LET. ABABGAIN.?B2.700 WILL PU RCHASE A" THREE ?lory brick Dwelling. routed lor $l'?l; ea.v terms. _______ II. A. SI'aktrtd. IiU Broadway. PROPERTY Oi r op THE < ITY "POK BALE OR TO RENT. J^T A. T. STEWART'S GARDEN CITY. U ? TO LET, SEVERAL ElACANT and CONVENIENT DWELLINGS, titled for winter and Hummer residences, ? itli all tlie modern improvements, uarlcus, Ac. KENT from $:i."jii to i*I.uni per annum. Apply to W. U. HINSDALE, Mauager, at office. adjacent to the railroad slatl >u. AT OXFORD! CHESTER COUNTY, PA.?A FIRST clasa brlrk I'welling, containing eight larre rooms, batnrootn and hall, for sale or rent. on very reasonable terms; location healthy as any in the Stste: also valuable Shops and Machinery, at on"-tlilnl of first mat lorni rly used as car works Address H. H AMES PASsMOBh, Keal Estate Agent, Westchester. N. Y. A" OOW. HI ALTHFl'L HOME AND FARM, WITH from tu 200 acres. In the most picturesque and at tractive section of far-lamed old Berkshire county, with Its pure air and pure water and totally free from Kite, chills it d mo-qultoes, and convenient of access by through cars and public conveyances with New York city, will be sold at a irreat bariritin, witn crops and Immedla'e pos^esHlon. to a prompt purchaser: buildings. fences, Ac., all in excellent order, and meadows all fitted for machine work; priee only par acre, one-third cash, balaneo to suit. Particulars can be hatl of the owner in pernou iwlio resides upon the ad Joining farm) liy catling at Crook's 'otel, S4 Chatham at.. New York. Will let the Uwelllnir House, Ac., with use ot horses nnd carriage, cows. garden, poultry, Ac., if not sold promptly. A COttSTBY HKAT, FURNISHED COMPLETE, TO JX rent to < arelu, parties for #10 per month. For partic ulars Inquire at I ving placc. Elegant cocntby home for sale?consist Ing ol'splendid residence; th->nm?lilv famished: sta bles. outhouses of all descriptions; lawns, shade trees; fruit of all kinds , garden vo.retables In abundance: seabathing and flsMnc: eight minutes from house ; one hour from city by boat or rail. Ownerwill sell at a sacrifice. Apply at 3tl Charlton at. Good h<>mks. near city, low pbices. or in staimant plan; circulars Iree. E. B. KtLLOCG, No. 3 Broadway. TO LET-VERY LOW SE VEkTlDKSIRABLBP30T taces at Rosalie, N. ,1 , near the depot. Apply to JAKES HARRISON. Boselle. |l<m -CoVnTBY SEAT. LONG ISLAND; 40 ? acres, dwelling, baru, crib, fruit: cheap. WQOPHULX. 207 Frout st New York. RfiAL ESTAfl: TO" EXC HANGE. FOR SALE OR KXt'lfANOKKOR PHILADELPHIA Property?Valuable Quarry In Hnboksn. opposite '.:8 th St.. aud two Lots on the hill, near Winklen's tower. H. C. THOMPSON, Washington -quare. Philadelphia. TOLET = FOR " Bt MSKSS ~ PIKPQ8ES. Bennettbcilding.~ "" Fireproof. Located on Nassau, Ann and Fnlton st*. First Floor to let. suitable for bankers, incuranee offices or lawyers. Will be let together or in parts; be altered to rait tenants II desired; adapted lor offices or stoma. Reasonable rent*. Also some eligible Law offices to let. APPLY ON THE PBEMtSEB. Take the elevator. Jnonire tor Janitor. A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE OFFICE TO LET. 1,164 J\. Broadway, between 27th and UHtli sta.; $20 per month. LYNCH A GOMIEN. A RESTAURANT LAGER BKKR STOBE T? LET.? A Good business (tend. 202 William it, Frankfort Hunt* office. A -TO LET. A PABT OR WHOLE OF A STORE. 2l> Inquire at 48 Nassau tt. Also a Doctor's Office at 162 West 34th st. STORE TO LET WITH FIXTUBE8- TWO KTORY house and stable; 429 West 44th st.; $4"> a month. EDMUND U. MAHTINE. 1,301 Broadway, T~~o let-57argband 8m"aL"l"room, with steam power. Apply to A. HOUGHTON, :>:> Atlantic av. TO LET?aPLKNDID~?LO<>B11,^?I>X8S. WITH STEAM elevator, power, Ac. 15M West 19th st. TO LET?4ft GREAT JONES ST.; RUILDMtG, 27X42; will be completed hy August 1: consists of two ?t?r?s and two apartments above of four rooms each : lot. -"xt'lO. L J. CABPENTKB, 20 :td av., Bible House. TO GB0CKB8.?TO LET, AT REDUCED BENT. THE well established Store, southeast corner ofl?t av. and 23d st.; good bu?ine>* locality. Apply to WILLIAM K. FtiLRY, real estate office. 400 East 2:Id st. R htoky"_br"ick iTouhe, with jpiHW, store, on 8th av., suitable for any business purpose, and lurnished with all tha modern improve meats. Inquire 2ti7 West Mth st. HCt H ^Tli AY7^5toKK AND BASEMKNT; skkn OO I from R>; to l?| 8. RICH. No. 74 Murray st. DWELIJIKG HOliNKS rrO Uii, " " Kuriiisned." A^n PEB MONTH. ?BOARD FOB TWO ADULTS and child; completely furnished private brown stone reiidenee. Call at ;1I4 Kast A7th St. Vnfantiihfd. A?TO LET. 134 WEST 3BTH ST.. WITH CABPETS, ? Mirrors and Gas Fixtures; newly painted: *100 per month. Apply on premises or to Mr. LK8TEK. 232 West 52d st. r LET?FOUR STORY HOliBK. IN K I,KG ANT order. West 29th St.; fine neighborhood ; $100 a month. EDMUND H. MAitriNK, 1,301 Broadway. tT BE NT?UN K IT R N181 IE i? OR PA RTLY FblBNMHED House, high stoop brick, three sto y, at 139 Kast i-'Sth St.: tenant compelled to leave; will take lesa than what he pays up to May next. (,'nil on premises. _ FURNISHED BOOMS AMD APARTMENTS TO LET. A VERY PLEASANT SUIT OF "TWO OB THBEE J\_ handsomely furnishud Rooms: also siugle Uooms, lar^e or small, without board or housekeeping. 47 Wost 12th st, NICELY- FURNISHED" ROOli TO LET-TO A gentleman, without hoard. 12:t West 2IHh st. a "nicely" furnished room and bedroom J\. rented, separate or together, to a gentleman anil wife; pri vlleuu of light housekeeping; terms moderate. 217 West 13th ?t. A?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HEN . tlenien or gentleman audwlfo; strictly private fatn IIV. terms moderate. :tn7 Wm 4.r>th st. AT 420 4TH AV.-CHOICK FLOORS TO LET, NEAK 2IHh St. ; iuipiovetnunts. Cull aud sea owner and premises from 12 t? 2. ?FURNISIIED ROOMS: THE CMEAPEST IN TIIB ? city; clean, air.v and cheerful. 222 tut llitli st. FINE Ki;RNI8HKD PARLOR FLOOR AND~SOME single Rooms to let. In a brown stone house; price low. HH Prospect pli.ce, bet wnen 42d and 4I?d sts. PIURNISHED-To OKSILKMRN, WITHOUT BOARD, a hall Room, closet aud ifas; reference. 21J Writ 15tli st. Handsomely furnished rooms, ien suite or singly: every convenience for housekeeping; terms moderate. IWl W?it :14th st. Elevated. HANDSOM E L Y iTKMliHKO SECOND FLOOR All conveniences lor Unlit housekeeping; uesr Ele vated. 3?) West 51st St. N EAR 2D AV.?NICE COOL ROOM, $1 .'Hi; ALSO, large. pleasaot one; moderate 3116 Kh>i 10th st. TWO ROOMS. completely FL'RNISIIKD. FOR housekeeping; iroilern Improvements; (14 a month; house private. 1 < 1 East ?7tli st. 4TIP ST.. IW WEST. ?8ECONI) FLOOR FRONT ROOM, lurnislied <co >1 room', l? gentlemen, withont hoard. at low rent: privMe lions.'; betwei-n Mncdougal >t and (it h ?v. ?/? A WKKK I-IIR A NICELY FURNISHED >p") Floor, complete for himeke?ning for small private l.imily, at ml DevilU St.. nmf VhM. MIKVINO PLACE.-HANDSOMI'LY FURNISHED 1'nrlor Floor and Room mi second Hour to let, tran siently > r permanently; terms moderate. i||,* CLINTON plac west nth sr.?neatly I'm) furnished Set-ami Floor, with bath room attached, lorlsinilr; also, smiths Rooms f;if gentlemen, with or with out Board; English. French. Herman spoken. 127 WSST SO ST" ?TWO NIOELY FURfTlsilED ?> I connecting itooms. together or singly, to one or two gentlemen ; family strictly private ; references. 07,-. MADISON AY.-I.ARUK. COOL AND AIRY Li ? ?/ Rooms lo let; house newly and beautifully fitted up. IJKPVRNlliHED KINKUH AMii APA11T MKITki T?? LET. 'r"?p.VtfCoR tso Nas'kvflf-ft" sfoiuFs"t$ a u\? brown stone houst; II rooms, ail Improvements, #35; on* t~5; one #11. Inquire at 1.574 2d av. A?b~lowi-.r paktok a iiouse~to let?front and back I'srlors. extension Hedroom, front and hack liasemeat, hall Hedroom ou second floor; gas fixtures, bath, stationary tub?, wardrobes, Ac. s #<U per month. |:su r.ast 51st St.. near Lexington av. Ai rinsF CLASSFL ATTTfLKt CHEAP, SOUTH west corner 5:!d st and Hth a*., over a splendid tea store. ?Every convenience; S rooms, 10 closets. Apply to Janitor or JAMKS D0YI.E, builder. A#'-FLATS OF H AND Iti ltJotfS EACH; AL? ? impressments; eouvenlent to the Park; luoderatH rem; Imntedlata possesion. JOHN l> CR1MMINS, i.oiT 3d av ' T"l7lHDFM>Olt TO LET?FoUK BOOM#; UAH AND bath, oi West Jlst st. IpRI.Ncil KLAT-ri' <?NE t r. SIX ROOMS; every Improvement; 151 K5th st.. near Lexington ar.; rent*M. J. 0, WII.eON. 1.417 Mae. rpllIRD FLOOR IN private HOUSE i SIX ROOMS 1 aud seven closets ; good order; nice location; rent low to sattable t.<in11> ^:t 1 w est 44th -t. aVI LET-FIRS f "class" FRENCH*- FLATS, NINE rooms, with all modern improvements private hall *?d within one block of W asiilnglon souare. Apply on preinlsas 177 Macdnagal st.. or to K liKEVIER. Wi Mro?dwar. rpo let?S^COND TMKjR, FOUBhOOBS. PR!VAT* 1 house ; alt Improvements; reat low. 2'nt East 4Vth St. TO LET -A SI rr OF Koi R ROOMS. IN THE NEW Freueb Hat house :??rl :M av.; rant cheap. Janitor on the pr. nils*s. f"j "let-tiurd floor of a first clam private hous.-. 235 East SOtli st, r "uBT-t:o#EY Lirn.E FLAT. io? wb#t 4-id st;, ?ear nth av.; savan rooms and bathroom ; window in avary rmitn MA. K LEVY, 77S9th av., corner 4ith st. TO" let-TWO FLOORS; REST $20 and $JX Ap ply Xlb West :t:iu st. r\ LET-AfT-M EA~T 53D ST.. FIRST Fl7)OR and Baaamaiit (six rooms), with alt Impmvamants; nlea house; ieat |3U; to (Ball laully of adults only. Apply as pretulsaa. KALKil AT AUCTIOB, SUCTION* SALh TlUS UAV. Over fctft.O m worth of elegaot iiul costly Household I rulture, Stelnwav A Son . nod Windsor Piauotorte*. at bv* story brown stone mansion So. lJOWaet "-3d St.. near'itl. av , commencing at in it clock?Majrniflceut inlaid Parlor >ui??, Kiagsrts, lace Curtains, Mirrors, Inlaid Outre Tablea. Cabinets, .lar. dlnirra, Brousea, Oil Paint agi, cltumixr Furniture. Bed stead*. Dreaaing Cases, Bureau*. Wardrobr*. Washat sails, hair sod spring Mattresses. rep and haircloth Suit* I'urk i?h Suit?. Bookcases. Lady's Secretaire. Library Table*. Dining Room Buffet, Extension Table, Choirs In leather, China Dinner mid Tm ItU. Louuges. Hallstend*, Baoeineat Furniture. Ac. LUKK KlnSiiHIt iLI), Au< tioiwtr. N. B.?Goods packed and ??tipped, city or country. ART-CEO W. HKLEH. A UCTIONEEK. Art liallery. 53 Liberty St., corner Nasaau it To-day (Frldav) mid lo-inorrow,at 12 o'clock, a KBft* LlANT COLLECTION OK WATER COLOB PAINTIN01 from solar drawing*. representative of famou* painting* is the European galleries. A?TUNIS jV)IINSO.V AUCTIONEER. ? At tlio old atatid, 37 Nassau at. THIS DAY (Friday I. at 10)? o'clock, IMMENSE SALE OK SECOND HAND Fl'RNITCRB, Mi?iu?t. Brustels and velvet Carpets, Ollel?ti>s. Bedding, Kelrigeretore. Ueak. Ac.: FINK BK1?HOOM ETS. IJHItARV TABLKJs. A.NTIQUB Picture*, lot ot silk aod woollen Flags. woollen Bunting, Ac.; aim, to pay storage and charges, two POSY PHAETONM aud two TOP ROAD WAOONB, ATcTJoiT ^.uTe^R It'll M OIJDBH OLD PU IS ITU MB THIS (Friday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at Ave storv brown stone mansion NO. 47 W..ST ItiTH ST.. BE! WHEN 5I'H aNO flTH AV8, Chickerlng 7)4 octave Pianoforte. Steluway'a four round 7 V, oc ave Piauoforte, Palutings. Works of Art. PARLOR SUITS, richly carved In "damask satin" and "allk brocade," Turkish and Spanish Lounge*. Hus.v Chairs, inlaid mill marble top Centre and Conaola Tables, Cabinets, Etegeres, plate Mirror*, bronie ('lock*, Pigtires. Statuary. HkDRoii.M ^ET< consisting alaborate Bedsteads. Dressing Cases. Withstands, ChllTomilera. line hair and spring Mat tr mm#*, pillow*. Blanket*; also single and double Bedsteads, Bureaus. rep. tiluah and haircloth Suit*. MINING FUKNITI. RE?Extension Tabla*. Sideboard Chain In leather, Silverware, Crockery. Library and Seer* taire; Ho kcases, Library Table*. lurklsh Suit. Desk two Hall Stan<l?: velvet, Brussels aud ingrain Carpet*. Ki'cheu Furnillira. Ac. N. B.?Sale positive. Take sixll avenue or I'nivorsity place car* Com etent men to t? move, pack or ihlp good*. ROBERT C. CASHIN, Auo tloneer. ? UCTION.?EXTltA LARGE HOUSEHOLD FURNL J\ tare *ale this (Friday) morning, commencing at 10 n'clorK. at residence T'>'? Rait 13fh at., near 4th ?v.. Valval, Hruaaela. iuitraiu Carpet*; Parlor Suit*, In *utin brocade, reus aud haircloth ; Pianoforte, Paintings, Curtain*. Clocka Mirror*. Vaira. Bedstead*, Bureau*. Washataud*. Dreading Cases. Wardrobe*, spring aud hair Mattressea, Loungaa Bedding. Kxtcnaiou Tablea, Sideboard. 20t> lota Olaaa. China. Silver Ware, Cutlery, Ao. Oood* packed ana dali* ared for purchaaer*. K. KOTIi, Auctloueer. UdfioM "salk.-peier bowe; aUCTIuNKKR * II* thi* day, at 11 o'olock, at No. 107 Wash Intfton at , the old e*tabli*h*d Liquor *tore belonging to :1m late Patrick Mcl'eruan. consisting of Har, Counter and Back Bar. 1 4-puil ale Pump, Ulaaa Ware, Stock, Daaks, Chair*, Tablaa. Bedatead*. Bedding, Ac., Ac. Bt JONSm #? #fcIUKRT, AUCTIONBJiR?WILL sell this day, at 10% A. X., at public auctlou. without reserve, at No iii l rttb av., the entira Stock, Pruit* and Confectionery, Baskets and alagant marble ton Klxtura*, Furniture. Ac., contained In that flr*t Ft*** sturj aud sa loon? vl*., Krench plate Mirror*, black walnut marble ton Tabla*. can* *?at Diuing Chairs. Bruaaal* Carpets, Oil cloth*, lace Curtain*, tybadea and Cornloe*. Una Counters, ?liverplaied Shuwcases. Shelving* aud glas* Case*, with Drawer*, and Que Washstandr. assortsd Candle*. Krult*, Kntflislt Pickles. Sauce*, Preserves, Sardina% Oils, Brandy aud other bottled and canuad Krult*; lot line glaa* Candy Jars, allverplnted Ware, alaicant Uaa Chandelier*. ReHec tors floe Kegulutor and a great nuuibar of other flr*t claa* good*, which tnu*t be removsd tbi* day. WEIOERT k CO., Aactlonear*. lY J. W. OAimiLU U, AUCTIONEER?SELLS thi* day, at 11 o'clock, no raierva (positive remoral of all good*), the antlre Brat elait Klxtura*, Parnitnra and othar Good*, compriaing a Urge aud general aaaortmant. con tained ill first claa* Restaurant. Broadway. Goods ara too nitnicroua to mention, but worthy of thoM who wlah to purchase. CAM PHKLL'K olHee, No. 7 West :M at. (tormarly Amit>), New York, who givaa special attention to aaait aalaa. BTTsAAO 15. GOLDSTEIN. AL'CTIONEBR?OKKICB!U)2d sr.. by virtue of forecloaare of a chattel mort gage, sells at 12 o'cock, 130 Chryatin St., Horsa. Harness and Coupa. LAWRENCE A. CUBBY. AttorMy for Mort K"??? BY JOHN A. DI'NN. AUOUONEEK?WILL 8ELL tbi* day, 10^ o'clock, 1.'7 Dllancay at., the Stock of n socond hand Kurnltura dealer; black walnut Bedsteads. Tabla*, Extension Table*, Chalra, Mirror*. Buraaa*. Lounge*. Crockary, Cutlery, Engraving*, Ao.; alio, nwtet Green and Black Tea. Dealer* Invited. BY JOSP.PII E. WEHJKRT. AUCTIONKER-WILL aell tbi* day. comtrntaclnr at 2.S o'clock tbi* a ternoon. at 123 baat 42d at., antlre Stock rare Planta and lflztnr a coutaiu-d In Grand Central Kloral Eitabllshment, uear Grand Central Depot, without reserve; buyer*, dealer* ?poolally InW <d. JOSEPH E. WR1GEBT A CO.. Anc tioneer*. 141 bin *t., near Broadway. __ BY JOSKPIl K. WKTGKRT, AUCTIONEER.?SELLS tbi* day. commencing 10 e'eloek, at 677 7t-i av.. St nek aud Fixture* ot tut Coiifeetionery, Frail and Paper Mm. without reserve. |"VaKF>EY A SMITH. AUCTIONEER?OFFICE, IT \JT Centro at., aell thi* day. M 10 o'cloek. the Fixtures and Furniture of th* first claa* Reataaraiit and Bar Reoin HIS Fulton st.; excellent Bar, Mack Bar and Mirror, two lea House*. Gaa fixtures, round and *i(Uare walnut Table*, Chair*. Writing De?(, Range and Otentlls, Ac.; Crockary, Caator*, tiiass Ware, Knlve*. Forks. Ac. EORGh lioLBROOK AUCTION.".ER.?HuLBROOK aud Rolliu* sell tbi* day at 'X o'clock, at 4U, 454 and 450 Canal ?t., a general aaaortmant of Household Oood*, blaok walnut and enamelled Chamber Salt*. Parlor Snlt* ia rep- mid hair clotli, pier and mautel Mirror*. Wardrobe*, Carpet*. Extension Tablea. Mattreaaea, Bert*. Bedding, Crockery. Glaa* and Plated Ware. Kitchen Uteniils, Ac. HOKOSSMa'N. AUCTIONEER. SELLS TO-DAY A1 ? lo>j o'clock. r>uth *1., nearSth av.. one large Refreah< msnt Saloon, in lot*. Dealers Invited. T COOKE, AUtiflONEER-BELLs SATURDAY (TO rj . morrow), corner 120th at. and 3d ar., at 10*^ o'clock, the entire contents of a largo residence removed to sales room; sale Includes every alnd of Furniture, Parlor S?it?, line walnut Bedroom Suit*. Bedstead*. Bureau*. Watb ?taniis. Tables. Chalra. floe Bookcase*. Wardnbe*. Carpets, Tiirkiah Chair*, pure hair Mattre?*e*. ice Hose*, elegant Centre Tablea. flue Wheeler A Wilson half cabinet Ma chine; (111 l'aintiug*. Engraving*. Chandelier*, Crockery, gill traine Mirror-, Cooking Ulaaslis; ni*o email lot Gro ceries, one i^uod work Horse, two covered Jer*ey Wagon*, Harness. Sale abaolute. 0. BLAOK. AUCTIONBBlL WILL SBLL THIS . day, at 2 o'clock, at t3? I'anal at. Heuaebold Kurni ti re. Carpets. Beds and Bedilng. Store Caaes. Lathe, six Sewing Machine*. Mlrniri, De*ks, Counter*. Ac. L~So ilhilTZBERG. AUcT IONEER.-H BRTZBEBO BROI'ilEKS aeil, at 11 o'clock. 20 sth av , Jstifcli and Fixtures ol a lirst class Meat aud Vegetable Market, contain ing splendid Icehouee (moveablei. Counter*. Benchee, Blocks, Marble Slabs. Filli istands, Oyltor Counter*, f-calea, Ac.; also two beautitul young Hones and aolid Bute <er'a Wagon; together or positively in part*; batoben, dealer* ?peciaily iuvited MNUHSiiACM, AUCTUNKKR, 261 BOWKKV, . ???lis tlii.H ilit/, at II o'clock, oorn r menu* D ami 3d si., a Ural cUaa ewrucr Drug More, ealatiliabed ov#r 40 years; consisting ol l.trgo stoeg <>l Drutra. Patent Medicines. Jura. t'erlnmery, Jre.; alao elegant fixtures, 0r?t clan soda fountain, also tieneratur, cunt $I.UUO; metal show Oaeea, Si*l<-?. Counter*. Redactors, Ac.; rara chance. Drii^gUia, aperulalora and dealer* invited. Sale positive, without re serve. In oue or utoro Intl. SCSSBALM, AL'CriONKKH, Ml BO WERT, . *ells tlili day, at 2 o'clock, at No. 120 Sheriff >t stock and fixture* of tJandv, Toy and Variety Mora: Jait Caudles, Toys, Firework*. Ac. Dealers call. MORTOAUK~ SA.LH.-K FIKlaD, AUCTION iKR, anlearoom N >. Ml Bowery, will nail thla day, at "J o'clock, a lut of furniture and Mattresses. Bjr order av turner for mortgagee. PAWNBROKER'S SAL~bT-K. fIKLD.UKNKRAL AUC tloueer. aalesrooui No. AO Bowery, will toll this day, al II o'clock. "UJ lot* nen a and women'* Clothing, UrnaM, fehawla. Iteiiinanla. Underclothing, (Jullla, Hlanketa Bed illui/. Boota, Sh?ea. Ac,. Ar.; alao Coata, Pasta and Vast*. By ordei Hugh .vicAluenan. 2.i ar. fAWNBItOKKK'S MALE Til IB UAV.-JAMfc.i AOAR, Auctioneer, will aeil at 5l> New Bowery, W*' lot* Bilk Dreane*. I.ucn and Crepe -shawl*. Remnant*, Table Linen, Underclothing. Sh eia. Spreads, Blaukau, (Jullia, Boots, Shoes, Coat*. i*antHi?ona and Veata, at 11 o'clock. By or derol ll. Aulaeaa, 271* jfMMM at. PAWNBKOKKR'rt SAI.B.-THO* J. M'OKATH, ALT. tioneer, Chatham at., coraar Mulberry, will ael) tills "lay. at II o'clock, Men's and Women's Clothing, Dre**ea. Sliawla, Remnants, Qullla, Bedding, Boda, Mhoea, Ac ; alao coats, Panta an Veata. By order D. Iinakwg, 8th a*. RICHARD WALTRRS* SONS, auctionkkiu. I-'Irat c aas Bar and Keitaaran'. fixtures, Kutigr. Silver Ware. Obalr*. fables, Ac. Mortgage aale thiaday tFriday), at It o'elock, at 40Jokaet., corner Dutch: elegant Bar and Back Bar. Mirror, Icaboaae, Ulasa rt'aro. mahogany cane Obaira and Uielag lablea, elegant Uaa fixtures, luaob and oyster Counter* Silver Ware, cane Stools, IMailsA Crockery, walnut Partllieas, Brenihall Range, copper Boilar, Ac., being flxtureeofa Brat elaaa KnrTisii C.iop house. PKTKR P. OKbKMB, At torney for Mortgagee. S; IIM1MAN, SIIKRIff'S AND UKN'P.RAL AUCTION. 7. err.?Mortgage aale ol Horse. Wagon, Milk alatgh, liarneaa, Ac. I hi* day t Friday),./uoe HU. al 11 o'clock. a* No. l:t Bowery, one Korea, one top covered Milk Wma, oue Milk Slai^h. oua act ot ilarnaaa. By order of M. 1-EHTH.lNOB, Attorney for Mertya<too C HERMAN, SIIKKIKKK AND OKNKRAL AUC tlom-er.?targe anil general aale of hlgb claaa WlMML Liuaora. Cigara. Cigar figure, oue flag and Pole, A a. Tills DAY (Friday), June JU, at 103, u clock. No. in Bowery, the entire Steck ol an Importer, roneiatlag of M batnle *'l Houib n and Itye Whiskey, varietta braade; caika m K**n<Mea, Ola, Hum, P(<rt and Bhery Wine*; raaka Mil caaea high grade Rhine aad oaai Wiae, Claret. Bar fandy. Port and sherry Winea, Sauternea; alao ekeee of na imported Brandies. various vintaeee: Oln. Bitters, Klmm?li caees aad haakete Champagne . a large lot ef flue Havana aad demoatic Cigara. oae new Clear rWare; alao one large f lag aad Pale, 12x45. Mala positive, withal re serve. SUUKMAN, nil Kill f ? S vl'CT ONKfcK, ? M-araiinl'a sale of fancy Woods, Hosiery, Notion*, Ac., this day ifrtdar). Juae .'40. at It"-, o'clock, al No. 44; tjraud at . a large and general aesortmeat of Paaer tltrade. Notluna Hosiery, Mhlrta. Drawers, Hl'ibnus, Lacsa, Plow rs, Peetli?r*. Ar ; alao two A.ia ail v. rplale.l Showcases, Conn l?r>, Shelving, Ac. Bale poet lire Dealera Invited. By ordecof Wll.LlAM A T, City MarahaL V^IIKKlff S SAI.K ?t'l.l'H IIOL'SK Ft'RNIri.'WK. O OKKAHD Hivrrs. Sheriff a Auctioneer. wlU sell oa |] SATL UDAY, July 1, at 11 o'olwk A. M . al l4?A?k ar., Areadlan cinh lloane furniture yfTtie Poinltare ef the above elab Itoaae, conaiatla #f ela> gaut aad eoetly liuaeahald f iirnltare, via.Tables, chaira, sofea. Mirror*. Carpetn. Oilcloth, Billiard Table, ('haad^ Hera. (HI I'aintiujf*, Kagravlngs. fancy PI oarer stands, Aa. Ac.. contained In IM above four story hrow* itoae hoaw known aa Ik) Nth av. Ca(alo/t<ea to be lied at nberUCr odlce or ol aoctlnaesra. No. a IMil allp. New Vera, Wa. II. < AttJuaLt.. Daiputy. W. C. CONNER,Hh?rlft illiam ABHfrrr. auctionkrr, offle* No. S Chatabers at. By virtue of a chattel mortgage i will sell on this day. at o clock, the contents of Ike Uqaor Stove, at Ra M Brootne ?t.. corner ol t'annun, aplemlid Couaters. Baa fear CHull hngiu i Ale Paiap. with Ingti Mirror; coppergto^^H ?laaeware, Ac. P. MODUS*, Attorney