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WesterilMprTfifgrapli Company En joined from Paying Iti Next Dividend. A Cten That the Proposed Payment Is from the Capital and Not the Profits of the Company. AN ALLEGED DODGE TO HELP SPECIUTORS. Continuation of the Argument in the Anti Rapid Transtt Suits. gislative Lobbying for the Bleecker Street Railroad. Judge Donohue, of the Supreme Court, yesterday granted a temporary Injunction against the Western I'nion Telegraph Company, restraining the company Jrotn paying a dividend declared to be payable on the MUi ol next month. Mr. Levi A. Dow-Icy, a stock holder o( the company, made the application through bl? counsel, Mr. John M. Ouituo. At usual In such ex parte apt>licaltons the papers were not read tn court or the eoutents stated, but given privately to the Judge, who, niter reading them, announces his action In the premises and returns the in to the counsel. As soon as the (act ol the granting ot the injunc tion became known the Herald reporter called at the office of the attorney whose name was attachod to the papers on which the Injunction was granted. It was there lound that although the attor ney had returned to his ofllco from the court he had quickly departed therelrom again, Baying ho was going to tho country, and Itaving all In bis office pro fessing ignorance as to what ho had done, why he did It, or what further ho proposed to do in the matter. The nest visit was maue to the office ol the Western Union Telegraph Company. There the President or the conipuuy, Mr. Ortou, was fouud. He was entirely Ignorant of anything having been done in the mailer, although, he said, tlieie hail beou u tumor ol such pro po-eu acuou lor some time past, but it w as all lor tiie purpose ol .-| oeulaltou. Of cue thing he was renam ing company owed ooitiin*; there wore uo grounds lor an injunction against it and when the matter cemA tome before the Court on a motion to dissolve su'jh an ex pane injunction It could not stand a moment. He adUea that the papers in the case had not yet been served on tbe company, and, further, that aa the company's dividend is not pa\ablu until the liiL of July mat there will be plenty ot time within which to wipe out this temporary injunction. On in terviewing Judge Donohue in regard to the matter the latter took occasion in tbo outset to give it as his ?pinion that the code ought to be so amended as to prohibit counsel in cases like this from taking the Eiapers ont of court As 10 iho complaint upon which be injunction was ssked lor be stated that the sub Han re or it was an avormeul that the proposed divi dend was to be paid out ol the capital ol the company aud not out of its profits. A tabular statement was submitted in supportol this allegation, but whether true er otherwise of course ho couid not stato. and upon this lie granted tho injunction. The grauting ot the injunction, however, would not be uny fraud upon the company's rights, as in tho Interval before the dividend it woald have ample opportunity to move for Its dissolution and controvert Ilie allegations set forth In tho complaint. Tho injunction was made returnable on the nth of next month, whon .bo case will coinc bo tore the Court for argument and dual disposition. THE RAPID TRANSIT FIGHT. Before Judge Sedgwick, in the Superior Court, ex- I fudge Coin stock renewed hi* argument yesterday on j kohalf of ttao Sixth Avenuo Railroad Company in Ita I ?uit agaiust the Gilbert Elevated Railroad Company. 1 He relerred to the decision in#. Do Untied Stales Su- ! preme Court in tbe llitighanuo, bridge case, claiming ' that the decision in this ca%vf rattled conclusively the j fact that the defendants bavfc jo legal right to con- I struct their road over the y?c< of the plaintiffs' road | In tbe manner proposed, fie also cited tbo court to ? various important decisions iy~4De federal and State marts, showing ihst tl:/^raut to ran a railroad and tolioet fare* was really a properly of a railroad corpora Jon as much as Ita roiling stock. He strouuously in listed that It could not be taken away from them with ?ui compensation under tbo constitution. In conttn. latton, be said tliat bis learned opponent did not dis pute tbe tact that these rights existed, but attempted lo evade it by saying that they do not touch the plaintiffs' property?not come wiibiu several inches of it. Inasmuch us they did, the plain tiff*, no tonieuded, were entitled not ouly t<> their tracks hut to the road ouislde of their tracks for tbe enjoyment of ttieir Iranclnscs. whereas thu defendants propose to crowd the truck with iron pillars. In add), lion to this the defendants propose to run noisy trains ol curs overhead, atjd the plaiutifTi clam thai their paaseugera should not stiller Iroiu this nuisance. Tbe Iranchise granted to thcpluintilTs the privtlego of run ning its road properly, and could n >t be taken front it auhoui tioiupon->tiiou. Tbo State constitution guaran teed tbat no one could be deprived ol property illegally; they bad a right lo enjov their road Ireo iron; intru sion; thi-lr rights were cor|M>real rights; Ihey were en titled 10 the space above tbe track to tlio uxed slant if oecessary lo the comfort of itieir passengers. The whole matter resolved itself into thr. e questions, and the Oral question waa, Is there uuy legislation of tho Plato which in its terms and mleni justifies the entry en the.r aveuue and building there such a road is is proposed to Ve bui't l>y tbe deleiidants T Tho sec ind question was. It tnero is any legislation containing lucn terms and expresmon of such intent, Is It consti tutional? The third question was. If there is any such cgislation and if the s-ine is constitutional in lis gen eral re pec Is, is it so in respect to private nclits and in wlercticr to lb* grantees :n regard lo private property ftten i? the federal and Stats ron?iuuti<>ns v The de bnuanu, he insisted, rousl approve affirmatively all those propositions. Having shown, as lieriaituod, that Hirli prool had not been given and could aot oe, he iliscuiu>i-d tne act of IS*'-' incorporating the Ulbert Elevated Railroad Company, which aci, ue urged, did sol sulhurixe the construction of the kind ol road a Inch it was propound lo build. He contended, further, '.hat under the Kapid Transit net ol l#Tu no authority rxists for bmldiei; the tiiibert, as such act only tllows the construction of tbe road upon consent of the property UoJdera, wnirh had not beun obtained in this tase and rould uot be obtained, l.ts argument, a good tfeal ol which *as an elaboration ol the points raisi-d at the ofienlng of bis argument on the previous day, consumed the entire day. The various counsel tben tubmuted iheir briefs to Judco Sedgwick, alter which the Court adjourned. The ease has occupied the alien tlou of the Court tor tbe eotire month, snd from the miss ol pi pers lo be examined tbe presumption is tbat l decision will hardly be rendered until alter tbe cioso t>f the summer vacation. In the suit brought by the Ninth Avenue Railroad Company again*; me Greenwich Klevated Railroad Omp.m'v. '>n trial before audgc Van Bwmw in the Court of Common I'leas, several additional witnesses were called y rater day il rebuttal, after which ex-Judge tlraoll proceeded to -um up on behall of tne Klevaieil I Hanrnaii Company. He contended that this action d<v;a i aot commend ttsi ii lo the tavor or equitahia consider- ; ktlon of i he Court. Tnern was no irrcpiirsble iantase sbown?nothing that an action lor da in- ! ages w II uot redress?and for this reason the ? uit should be dismissed. In every rcspcot ' Uie suit waa t most hard and ungracioua action. The delendaitis, with public spirited enter prise, nave constructed a rapid transit road which has aliowu the people of New York how that prime u.-oes aity ul the city na be obtaineil Although situated on on ? ?ido/>t ih" island, in an out of the way and uotrc ^uented corner, it ba- yet become so great a conven ience lo people In ing up tJ>wti. even at a dietaMe Irotn Ita route, ibat it Is carrying more itassengera at double the tare than the pla nlift'* road. Il was ono of thoee Ihtnas which the community cemauds, and the horse rauroad companies may as * ell make up their minus that the commuuiij anil have It. I lie companies, slid not the liorses, *??>? tngbictird. This suit was a bare faced atlempl I y a horse railroad company, un grounds af itie most technical character, to defeat a great publiu ?nterpri-e To help them in this work ihey had called lo their assistance that army ol retainers which such tnrporations always have iu rrudmeas. Their object was to break dowa sti enterprise ol great public utility because tt may interiere with their business and protlts?a contest between private cupidity on the aae band, and the general good of tbo city and people an the other He spoke some three hours and was tallowed by Mr llanos on bebad of the Ninth Avenuo ? Railroad Company. Tbe tatier attacked tbe vsr>ooa | points raiaeu on tne other fide aim misted ihal there i were abjndam legal grounds lor br.ngmg the preseal tenon Hm argument was in substance such as has already been given in the prior states of these rapid i transit httfauons. An eflort will be made to finish tbe argumeut to-day. THE BLKECKER STREET RAILROAD. The exam uation into the a<fair* of the U eeeker Street Kailroad company waa continued yesterday, be fore the re'erce. Mr Isaac Da;, ton. Mr John T. Con ?ver. being examined by Mr. <> II. Bright, testihod that, while president o; the company he expended his awe money on behalf of the coinpaov, the company it j I nueiited to him now, a portion ot wh-ch is lor sa wry ttihdrawn; this salary he <1 ??! nut orsw Iwoauee others ? Bnuecicd with the company ?-? d"<l it more; he i LbouM have vacated at suy time the premises occupied nr fciBi tor storing materia s if the company needed j K; in Albany be sought to liave adopted measures to | r?,e.d the compat y - 1 ne. inclining an extension on ] jfce East livsr; these impruTeutntt he always con /|Mrad 9t great value to tbe company and would add | to the revenue* at the road; to present any bilia it ?u necessary to bare loirie one at Albany to look out for them anil protect them, and the presence of some one tbere to protect tbc company's Interests was necessary ; tbe sum of $20,000, or a por tion of It, covered services of tnat kind; he knows of no us? having been ma le of It, except paying board, services in drawing bills and expenses generally; be knew ol no money paid oat by toe compauy to have beea used in influencing a vote in tbe Legislature, nor did be ever hear ol It, nor has he any reason to believe that a dollar was so used; tbe person who represented tbe company at Albany was D. D. CfeBover; no one undertook to dictate to Mr. D. D. Conover what style of living h? should sdopt In Albany; If be kept open bouso be did it front his own tasie; he (witness) never at tended any of his dinners or directed hint to give them; be(D. D. Conover) always claimed he had never been paid all he ought to have been paid; they substantially pursued the same course In Washington in relat on to the extra ccnt, and did not understand thai any money so paid was to be used in influencing any member of Congress; so tar as he ever heard the money was used in tbe legitimate advocacy of tbut measure; he bad no reason to suppose that at the time the receiver was appointed the money of the company was short; the receiver had promised t'j lake an inven tory of tbe company's property with him, but never did it; notwithstanding charges a* to deficiency In the money of the company made by the receiver uu the day of election bolli the witness and Mr. ?harp were re electcd; he bougnt his Interest in tin- road Irotn George I .aw, lor which he paid ! $'J3,~&4 and #20.000 to Mr. Kustis; the road ns used now and partially equipped was so before the or j ganization of the company, and when the company j paid for it it did so In stunk and bonds; so far as he knows the money an4 accounts passed over to the re : oeiver were correct; the motive Iwr purchasing the stage lines was to gel tbem olT tbe street, they com petiug with the car lines, and he considered the purchase a bargain; the abolition of the privileges of the stage lines, anu not the actual property obtained, tortiieu the most substantial |?rt ut the contract; ho never sought so to inauagu the road as to promote tho interests of any other road or person, and it was never I run iu the interest of the Twenty thud street road; after the company was organized he tried every way to make sale of the bonds, canvassing Fourteenth street pretty tnoroughly, but lound money matters so de pressed that he could not succeed; in his judgment, if the road cannot be leased to parties having the moans to operate it, it must go to foreclosure, j on cross-examination by Mr. duhivau tbe same wlt I new* said that lor tbe last, lourteen years Fourteenth I street has been regarded as a lerry street, bul various plans to that cfleci havo lallen through; ho could not say what is a lair value for the iileecker street prop erty now; he considered the interests for wbich he paid $113,000 to bo of that value; tbe property is worth less to-day exciosivo of tho extension, but Willi the ex tension is worth about ss much as it was originally; his interest was about one-eighth; he paid tno $20,000 la greenbacks Instead or cheek to Kustis at tbe lattor's request, and on the grnand that he wanted to use it; he did not think Kustis was, ui tho time of the pay ment ol the money, a member of the Legislature, nor did he know If be was a member whan the charter of the road was passed; atier tbe road van incorporated he paid no money Into its treasury, unless for a low of the bonds be may have purchased; he con siders the company in his uebt about $8,000 or $8,000, and believes bo holds notes for at least a portion of tbe amount; 1>. 1). Conover claims he never got anything lor bis own services? that all he got went lor expenses; ho supposes tbe lour notes lor $6,000, each, made by the company in 1873 were given to Uaniel D. Conovor; it was true that it was necessary to have some oue at Albany to guard tho company's interests and against adverse interests; he could not toll on wnoin Mr. Daniel 1). Conover practised his hospitality; there were two or tureo ofl'eis made by parties to advance money to extricate the road il Sharp and himself and several others would retire as directors, but the parlies reiuseil to put up the money; these parties were J. Hilton Sctibuor, Mr. Curtis, of the Baltimore road; R. C. Martin, of Klver da!r; Benjamin 11. Hutton iuid Mr. Bishop; ho had nothing to do with an attempt to prevent the loosing of the road to the Twenty -third street road. On redirect examination by Mr. Bright ho said the proposition ol these gentlemen was to loau tno com pany (160,000 lor three years, recolving 4,600 shares ot stock a* a gift and $300,000 of the bonds as col lateral ; he and his associates required this loan to be put up in three parties' hands, to be used to pay tbe debts of the company; the other paruos refused to put iho monoy up in that way. saying they would do busi ness lu their way; the 4.500 shares of stock to l>c given tor tbo loan was a sacrifice on the pari of witness and his associates lor the purpose ol extricating the road; a similar oiler was made to a Mr. Jones, but that failed also. Ho added, further, thai D. D. Conover's claim was thai he spent all the money be got in Albany, and had nothing lor himself; that tbe old directors had actually subscribed tbo 4,600 shares ol stock to oarry out tbe Bishop proposition; his subscription was 606 shares, or one-null of all be owned, and the others were in the same proportion; the money paid to 1). D. Conover was considered as payment in lull lor hia Ave ye?rs' services to the company. The case was here adjourned until the 6th of July. SUMMARY OF LAW . CASES. In the ?uit of O'Gorman va. Kamak the motion be fore Judgo J. F. Daly was lor a judgment Instead of a new trial as erroneously reported, ? vcrdict Having been given In the plaintiffs lavor. The suit which has been a long timo on tbe court calendar!), brought by General John C. Fremont against the Texas and Kl Paso Railroad Company, was yester day discontinued by eoukeou a claim against Mr. William C. Harris was placed in the hands 01 Thomas Nolan, attorney, lor collection. A correspondence ensued between the parties in which Mr. Harris gave it as his opinion that Nolan was evi dently a pettilogger. Mr Nolan brought null lor t'JD.uOO i damages and the case was tried yosterday belore Judge | Van Vorst, wh:ch ended in a verdict being given lor | the defendant. DECISIONS. VTTPKXMK OUVBT ?CBAMBEBS. By Judge Donohuc. BeKant vs. Bekaiit.?Keierrnce ordered. In the matter of Kaynor.?Denied. Covrrt vs. Henuebergur; Sinclair vs. FPzpalrick, and Harnett vs. Meyer.? Motions granud. Grant vs. Baker.?Motion dented. Steward and another vs. Grocnka.?Dented. Memo randum. In tbe matter of Scbuler; the United .States Trust j Company va. Loe; In tbe matter oi ilie Empire City Mining Company ; Weber vs. Scliedel; Tbe Manhattan Lile Insurance Company vs. Winsor.?Granted. Donley vs. Halpin. ? Mu?t be on notice. COM MOD PLT.AS?EQUITY TEEM. By Chief Justice Daly. Jarvis vs. Olmstuad.?Judgment for plaintiff See opinion. POLICE COURT NOTES. Detectives Sttllwell and lliclly, of the Central Ofllco, yesterday morning arrested Joseph Doroin, of No. 118 Weit Fourteenth street, and GriUln T. Lefort, ol Sta pleton, S. 1., oomposing the loan brokers' flrnt o( Lelort & Co., at No. 3ft". B'Worv, on a charge o! de- j iraudipg M. Jules Aubiu<'aii ol M. Aubtneau arrived here two month* ato irom Paris, and saw an | advertisement in the newapupers calling lor a partner i in business at No. Bo* cry. He answered iho ad- j vertieement, and ou th? representations ol Doroin and l,eiori that they were doitu a thriving business be wss ! induced to place t too tu tho concern, and subsequently louud that he had bvcti deceived. (Hi the case being brought before .luatiee Smith, at the Washington Place Police Court, yesterday, n was lound on examination that a billot sale and articles of copartnership had ! been duly executed and ilgned by Aub^neau before be paid over tbe money, and that ihereiore the case was purely one tor tlte adjudication ol a civil court. The prisoners were discharged .sergeant Bergboix, ol the .Second District Court i s>iu*d, ycsterJay alteri.oon arrested Andrew Hanlev, the light weight prize on a charge of stouiinga gold watch *nd chain, value $166, Item Jeremiah Oaly, ol No. 113 Ka*t Thirty-flrst street. while tho latter was in his company on a drunkru spree. Hanlev, en being arraigned before Juitice Smith, at the Washington t Place Police Court, was remanded until to-day to await exaniinal'ou. At the Kssex Market Court yesterday, Henry Gentol, a homeless vagrant, was held lur trial lor sneaking inthe retidei rc of William Johnson, No* 4-"> and 47 ; Bowery, on Mat 1, and rarrving oO clothing valued at $124 Charles Coi.nell was heM to answer at the KMt ! Market Court ye-terday, by Justice H:\bv, for breaking j into the carpenter -hup of Charles K iisn on, at No. ' 4.S Suffolk it reel, and stealing J7 worth of carpenter's too s. COURT CALENDAR -THI8 DAY. All courts hut the following have adjourned lor the term. MtrntSI Cot RT?C'n**nxHs?Held by Judge Dono hue. - Nut 64, W, 101, 112, US. 141, 21v, 2B, ?*, 2*3, aw. US, Ml ?Si rams Covkt?CiKtrcir? Part Held by Judge l-arr*nior?.?Short causes?Noh. 31ft, 3122, 3123. 81.'4, 2737, 3147, 2*07, Mil, 4113. 131?*, 3111, 2M?. 2M1, 13?T, 27*4. Mil, UN.S Si rtaiou Colbt?;r?aaL 'faun ? Haid by Judge | 8edg?'?'k.?No o.av raleliJar. t'oano.s Pi.aas -Km m Tkum?Held by Judge Van 1 Hoesen.?Case on- No. ?4. No day ca.endar. Oocat or ??r.NiKai. .1k?sio\s? Held oy Recorder j Hack oil ?The I eoptt '"a, David Scan dim, robbery; ' Same vs. John O'ltonnoii teiouious assau.t and bat ttfy; iMte ft Litxie DriacoN. felonious assault and battery. Same vs ffllliam Mater, felonious aesonltand ; buttery; .<>M vs. <teor^t- Heis and James King, I burglary. Same vs. Thomas J. Burke, burglary, Same v., t.eorce A len. burglary, dame vs. W'lium Krown, burglary. Snnie v? ?.'hirWs vicManus and Charles Wbiii) burglary; same vs John W Russell John KvMs and Thomai Moret, burgiary. Sane Ti Charles Schneider, false preieuce*; Seine vs. Ju iui Faik.J- no* ttoUiainuh and Dantei Werner, grand larconv. .tame vs M.irtin sulitvsa. Archibald White awl l.ewis Hroari, grand larceny: Same VI- tauny Myliui atui Bernard otltn tin, grand teroenjr; Same v?. Joseph Carroll, grand larceny. Same va. Joseph tr^nciKo. .rand larcmy; SMM va. A-raham Franklin, arauu larceny, Sam*' vs. Jeremiah titfllms .ma Juhn Quiii, graad larceny ; Same vs. Marinti't Oliver, graaH lareen?, miui 's. Mary a I Hagau and Ant. Men*, grand larceny; Saiao vs John { Alexander and Ch <a Sa iuuerry. grand laruetiy ; > 'iue . V?. Kdward Orilf, ,r*ud lar eu? ; Same vs Mil baei Feeuey. grand lar> c?i; >an.e vs. John ihsvitte, grand larceny: -Same v? Manon, lelony, same va. Alexander Dowidu r, disorderly house. ALABAMA CLAIMS. WAsmxai**, June 29. 1878 In tbo Court of Commissioner* or Alabama Claims yesterday, In caa? 1,15*. i. k W. R. Wing at aL, of New Bedford, liana, lombe lots ot vessel, outfit. fee., by the destruction of the Brunswick, a ? sane I store la by ice. anil wblla disabled captured and destroyed by tbe Shenandoah June 28, 1846, tbe opinion of the ma jority ol tbe Court wis annouueed and tbe following awards wore made:?To J. k W. B. Wing, V7; Lyman Wing, $1,152 30; Joseph Faber, $1,184 26; Aiu.isa Whitney, 9424 97; Marv A. Church, administratrix, $384 66; Cynthia Camming*, executrix, $881 02; Joseph Brownell, eSfel 02; F. A. Barling, executor; $1,09.1 12; Allen T. Potter, $589 90; Francis E. Howard, $317 03; Benjamin B. Church, $1,152 30. and an "catch," (5,922 30?tbe "cstch" to be divided among those entitled thereto. Judge Kayner unnouncod bis dissent from the ma jority of the Court, and aaid he would Die hereafter aa opinion giving his views. Judgments were also announced In the following cases for loss of merchandise on the Electric Spark:? Care 18?9, Sidney B. Bevau, of New York, $1,200; oase 1,912, Frederick Bauer, or New Orleans. $272 97. THE BOND AND MOBTGAGB FOBG EBS. A clear case has ben established against Henry Hun ncville Vincent and Richard N. Bobbins, tbe bond and mortgage forger*, arrested on Tuesday. A confession has been made by tbo latter, which places the prisoner Vincent in the position or tbe leader of the gang. In 1847 Vlncvut swindled Andrew J. Berrlan and Archi bald Brown out of $750. He was tried and sentenced to two years in the State-Pnson. In 1861 be was con victed of forgery in the first degree and sentenced to ten years in tbe State Prison. Ho was pardoned out by Governor Hoflmnn. In company with George H. Bacon, Richard N. Bobbins and T. C. Walker,, he started out the bogus bond uiid mortgago forgeries. On W?dnes duy bo was uommittcd by Justice Smith for trial In de- , fault of $5,000 ball, while Bobbins was remanded to ; Police Headquarters, where he made a coufcsslon. ON TUS EXAMINATION' being resumed yesterday morning at tbe Washington Place Court, Mr. Prime made affidavit ol complaint, ui levins that on the lltb lust, he received lrum Mr. S. C. Johnson. In Philadelphia, a bond and mortgage purporting to have been .signed by Mrs. Ilitnnali G. Speedling, whirh Johnson said were uiyen him by Vin cent iu the presence of Bobbins at No. 57 Broadway, for tbe purpose of borrowing or purchasing jewelry and money. Mrs. Speedling then testified that the bond aud mortgage in question had never been executed by her. Mr. Thomas P. Kippard, ol No. 104 Bieecker street, testified to tbe presence of the prisoners in John son's office, and the leaving by them of the boud and mortgage there. Robbing said, on being sworn, '*Tho bond and mort gage uow shown were givon lo mo by Henry Hnnnevilia Vincent, who said they were signed and executed by Hannah 0. Speedling " AUTINU ON THIS CVIDISOX, Justice Smith committed Vincent on a further charge of forgery in default of $5,000 baiL Bobbins was sent to the House ol Detention as a witness against Vincent in delault ot $2,000 bail. In tbe afternoon Vincent signified his Intention of Informing on tbe remainder of the gang. Detective Ferris accompanied Vtncfnt to the letter's house, where the prisoner produced two forged deeds, the first conveying five lots of ground at Forty seventh stroet and Filth avenue. The other forged in strument was a deed aud conveyance of the premises Not 54 William street. Both these forgeries Vincent declares were executed by Bobbins. On the opening ot tbe examination at tour o'clock yesterday evening a clear casool attempt to obtain money by falso pre tences was established against Bobbins. Mr. Francis Plain, o jeweller ot No. i65 Sixth avenue, testified that ou the 22d of June a proposition was made to him through Mr. S. C. Kloane, the real estate broker, to exchange his stock of jewelry and good will In b'.s place of business, valied at $4,500 lor a mort gage purporting to have been given by Mrs. Anna C. Speedling to Benry H. Vincent, and held by Bobbins. Mr. Aloane testified that Robbins requested him to undertake the negotiation, and represented the Instru ment as genuine. Mrs. Speedling on being examined swore that the document was forged. Robbins on being formally examined gave his name a* Richard Newman Robbins, aged sixty-five years, born iu Maasa ehusetts, a real estate speculator, residing at the Frank fort Mouse. He was commuted for examination. Other arrests may be expected In a few days. Tbe case Is now la the hands ol District Attorney Phelps and will go to the Grand Jury at once. STABVING IN THE 8TBEETS. DESPAIR AND LOVE OF A DESTITUTE MOTHER? OFFICIAL CHABITT TOO EXACTING. Officer Mechan, of the Nineteenth precinct, charged Elizabeth Worth, at the Fifty-seventh Street Police Court, with abandoning hor Infant son on tbe steps of tbe Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Sixty-ninth stroet and Third avenue. II* charged John Ryan, a school teacher from HufUlo, with aiding Mrs. Worth in getting rid of her child. The officer Mid that be arrested Mrs. Worth just m she had toft the cbtld ou the steps of the Asylum, and that Ryan was around the eorner of Third avenue watching for the poltcfe. Mrs. Worth admitted having place! the child wliero the ofllccr bad stated, for the purpose of having him taken care of by the Sisters of Charity, but In connection with thin admis sion she told such a harrowing tale of destitution and misery that It won Tor the woman the sympathy of the Court. She said she was a native of Newark, N. J., and was the mother of two children, bnetde the infant in her arms. She had boen employed as wet nuree In this city, but through ill health had lost her breast milk and consequently her situation Her other two children were lu tbe care of her sister, in this citv, and, ol course, it would not be right for her also to become a harden upon her. Friends provided for her lor several days, but she had not eaten anything for two days past, and her weik and exhausted condition was sufficient evidence ot ner truthfulness. In fact ?be was' barely able to remain on her Iccl belore the Judge while she told her pitilul tale. She said sbo did net want her Infant, who was as deur to her as her life, to perish in her arms for want of fi>od, and she asked Mr. Kellock, Superinten dent of the Outdoor Poor, to send them both to a hospital. Mr. Kellock said that ir she wanted to go to ! a hospital she should part with her infant, who would { he sent to Kandail's Island, and she had heard such | frightful storiea of the cruelty to tbe children of that ; place by their nursoa that she reiosed tbe offer. Mie j then applied to the Home of the Friendless for I aid. but the reiosed to leave her child there, j either, because they would not promise lo return the I little one to her when she might call lor him. She had | heard so much of the kindness ol the Sisters of Chanty, I being herself a Protestant, that she determined In h.'-r 1 extremity to appeal in them, and lor the purpose went ? to tho Unman Catholic Orphan Asylum above men- j tiotied. <ine ol the Sisters lold her tbat they could not receive tbe child under the circumstances, but sbe | understood her to say that IT left on lhe doorstep he j would be taken In and cared lor in the Home. She | took this as a hint, and walked from West Third street, i whore she slept on Wednesday night, all the way up ! town to leave the child at the door ol the . aavtuni. At Fifty ninth street she became ex b usted and sat down on the sidewalk to rest. { she then thou*ni of the river and bow easy it would be lor her vo close her troubled lite and put an end to I her sufferings under its dsrk waters. Tbe prisoner : Ryan (who **.? on his way to the Third avenue stables, : and recognuinc a fellow creature In tntifortnne) kindly | offered Ins hemccs in helping her to reacn the asylum. ; She bad no previous acquaintance with bim.' Tbe I Court thereupon discharges Ryan, and Offloor Gemer, j of the Society for the Prevention ot Cruelty to Chil dren, took the child to tbe Sew York Infant Asylum. The mother was sent to a hospital by the Court, and when she is well tbe rhlld will be returned to her. DISSEMINATING VICE. Guion Ferd'nand, Jules Freahct, Lszare Drelfnss, Felix Drelluss and Tbotnas Sboffe wero jvaterday taken before Justice Wand ell, at the Tom be Police Court, on a charge of selling obscene prima. The j prisoners were arreted by Mr. Anthony Comstocx and j Detecttvo J. A. Hriiton, assisted by officers of the i Twenty-sixth precinct On his way to tbe station house j Lazire Dreifuss escaped from tbe custody of the j ofllccr and ran a distance of tlx blocks. Tlie ofllce s i chased bim and flted three shots. when be stopped and soirendered. The prisoners, who are employed by the Transatlantic Steamship Company, were held In f-J.OOo ball each to answer Detective Mrttton aays that Officer MrCaflrev, of the Ninth precinct, was present when the pictures ?vere purftiased from Sbofle and that ho atado no attempt to make in arrest, t barges sre to he made against bim before the Com missioners. WHAT IS FATHERS IS MINE. Frank C Brown, aged twenty one. son of a Boaton merchant, was arrested nt the Fifth Avenue Hotel, where he la stopping, by Detective Dunlap, of the Twenty-math precinct, on ? despatch received from Boston, charging mm wiin havinit forged bis father's name to a check for f.l.Oou and abs. ending with the < proceeds. Six hundred dollars were found in the . prisoner's posses-ion when arreelect. He was dre.s*ed in the beiaiht of laabiou. white flannel suit, fancy strpod shirt, diamond studs, low cut patent leather i shoes and atriped stockings. On being arraigned oe- ' lore Justice Smith at th? Washington Place Court he j ?ald he considered bis father's money to I* his own He wss remanded to tna Thirtieth street station until to day. AN ACTOR BOBBED, Wt'.lkain Blake, a comedian engaged at Tony Paator'a ltro'Wway Theatre, on Wednesday night went out on a spree with John Turner, a song and danr* periormer, employed in the Theatre Coraiqoe. Turner Invited bin to his rcatdence. No. ?!* ( bristle street, where Blake remained all night. On waking i:p lie loni.1 thai h i gold watch at.d cuain. valued at gluo were misaing. Me caused ti e arr. s; o: turner, who, on betes '.irraimed be lore Justice 4Mth, at the Washington Place 1'eltce court, yesterday, declared tie ??s uaoccnv He was hvtd to answer in dclauit ol gMO bait TOO MUCH MATRIMONY. HOW A HASCAL WAS COXTBONTKD WITH THUS WIVES WHOM HB HAD SHCZIVZD. James McElror, of No. 222 Rut Fifty-Srat street, Mi brought up at the FUty-seventh Street Police ('-? art by Officer Cottrell, Twenty-se< ond precinct, on ? rhnrge of bigamy. It was alleged that he had three wires, his first, Mary M cQaade, to whom be had been married in 1867 in this city, being now in California, flu second was Mary Daffy, now residing at No. 140 East Klghty-lourth street To her be was married in April, ISM, the result of their anion being a handsome boy. Both were in court to substantiate the complaint mwlobr wile No. 3, whose maiden name is Annie H. W. Parts, and whom be married in Jamaica, L. I., on the 28th Inst. The mau who performed the marmci) ceremony was a iriend of the accuaed, aud Miss 1'trks was given to understand that lie was a regularly urJained minister of tbo Gospel. Sho now behoves th?t be was merely a Justice of the Peace. She bad given tbe prisoner $2.oou in cash aiier their marriage. Stic got back $500 of It aud he deposited $1,000 more in the Sixth National Bank in hi* own name. The remaining $600 be routined from wbich to pay expenses to t>e incurred by him la the ?nle of two tc nemo lit* in Provtoenec, 1U 1., for wbioh she bad circs him power of attorney. He was absent on this mission wlieu wives Not. 2 and 3 were brought together by Iriendg of the former. Wile No. 3 then sent a de spatch to McKlroy, to Providence, asking hint to hurry home, that she was very I1L This was to prevent his sale o( the property la Providence, and it had the de sired <? fleet. He returned without loss of time, but only to be arrested as he stepped Ironi the train at the Grand Central depot. Judge Kiibreth Mid th't the hut two marriages hav ing taken place out of tbi* count v he had no jurisdic tion over the prisoner, i it he rauauded tho ucguseU until the officials of Jaoii ?> aud Brooklyn can w no titled ol the case. CLUBBED UNNECESSARILY. Officer George H. Townsend, or tho Tweniy-soeond precinct, was arraigued at tbe Vifty-seventh Street Po licu Court on a ch.irgo of brutally clubbing Edmoud Gough, ol No. 621 West Forty-ftcond street. Besides breaking his arm he also cut hlin twice severely on the The clubbing took place on tho 18th of June in the house where Gottgh resides, (iough was arrest*! ou the occasion, but was discharge ou the admission of the officer, as line been alrua<H reported, that he had used his club ''indiscriminately'' on people whom he believed to have boen hi* ara-tilanu. Two wituessos, one ol whom is a fireman, wore in court afed aatd infor mally that the clubbing ol Gough wis a most out rageous affair. The case will be taken up to-day br Judge Kasmiro for examination. In the meantime the officer was allowed to go on his parole. CARRYING BURGLARS' TOOLS. Id tbs Court of Special Sessions yesterday Ooorga Martin was round guilty ol carrying barglaw' tools and sentenced to tho Penitentiary ror twelve aon'bi. Martin la said to be a noted cracksman. PACIFIC MAIL SUBSIDY. In the case of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company against Richard Irwin, to recover $750,000 alleged to have been paid to him by Alden B. Stockwell, and ille gally expended, a further hearing of testimony was set down for lour P. M. yesterday. Owing to tbo absence of an Important witness for the prosecution tbo refer ence went off until Pridav next at eleven A. M. Among those present were Mr. Rulus Hatch, Richard Irwin, Mr. Vanderpocl, Mr. S. Boardman and the referee. WHO PERISHED FIRST? Testerday a ease of some interest was brought be fore tbo attention of Hon. William D. Veeder, Kings County Surrogate's Court. It appears that among the Ill-fated passengers ol the City or Waco wbo embarked for Galveston on board ol that vessel in tbe early part of November, 1876, were Henry R. Rogers and Re becca L., his wife. Mrs. Rogers bad $5,000 IB tbe Williamsburg Savings Bank mhorown name. Charles W. Rogers, brother of Henry R., made application to Surrogate Veoder for loiters of administration npon the estate ol his brother's wile, claiming that be was next of kin. Tbe claim to Mrs. Rogers' money in the bank was on the ground that sb? died first. This lact is assumed by a presumption ol law, tbat tbe husband being the stronger would survive the longer in the water. Mrs. T. Bates, of London, England, a sister of Mrs. Kogers, has engaged counsel to look alter the money la the bank, and a citation was issued requiring Charles W. Rogers to show cause why his letters ol administration should sot be set aside. Tbe question belore the Surrogate is which perished first, tbe husband or tho wile? If both went down at the same tune to whom does tho $5,000 go?to the wife's heirs or to too husband's? Captain Block of the bark I.ucindu. of Riga, Russia, tbo mate of tbe ship Caledonia, of liath, Me., Captain PoMa, of the Abdiel, of Liverpool, testified to being noar tbo scene of the wreck aud to tbe impossibility of saving stir of tbe passefiger*, tbe latter mcBttoaiDg the finding of a body which bad been washed ashore having tho name Henry Rogers on some of the clothing. ? Another hearing will be given on July 20. CAPTURE OF COUNTERFEITERS. A SUCCESSFUL BAID IX EEOOKLTN BY THZ DE TECTIVES OF THE SECBET 8SBTICB BUBEAU. The appearance or finely executed counterfeit note* of the denomination ot f 6 on different national banks, which have followed each other in rapid succession during the past six months, has been the soarco of an usu^ictivity among the detective* of the Secret Ser ? vice division in this city to discover the source whence thejr'eama Frequent arrests of the "shovers of tbe queer" have been rasde, bat in ssveral Instances the parties arrested were the victims and not the partici pators with the principals in (be criminal operation. But others were arrested, tried, convicted and sen tenced for passing counterfeit money, and, from tne evidence'taken at their trials, with ths admiasion of the parties themselves made to the detectives, Chief Klmer Washburae was convinced that an extensive and well organized system of counterfeiting was in active operation within this city or Brooklyn. The whole fores of the bureau has been at work lor weeks put to discover the headquarters ol the gang, and their exertious bave ri>sulted in a great snocess. Kvery precaution was taken by the principal counterfeiters to guard against surprise* ami capture, and it was only by "uliadowiug" them day and oiuht thai the detectives succeeded in ultimately bringing mem to bay. This ther have done effectually. The headquarter.* were raided on a night or two ugo and a conquerable quantity of the counterfeiters' material was scu*d and three ot the uaug were ar rested. A dwelling hou-c m a secluded part ol the city ot ftrooklyn was the plaoo selected lor their operations. Here the detectives louud engraver*' tools, printers' material, dies and blocks, and all the ilnest outfit of the counterfeiters' art, together with $70,Quo in fin ished and unfinished oouiiterleit national bank notes, the counterfeiters being actually engaued at work when the detectives pounced upon them I be material seized consisted of plates for tbe race, the back, the Treasury seal and tbe signatures of the officers of tbe banks on which the counterfeits were to be msde, in addition to which waa a plate used tor printing paper to resemble the fiuTVUS paper used by the Treasury Department. Two or three of the principal operators of the gang are still at large, but tbe detectives are on their track ana they will soou share the close quarters of their associates Yesterday other parties were arrested In different parts of the city, detected in passing tbe counterfeit note* issued from the Brooklyn mint, on the Hampden National Bank, Massachusetts; the Merchants National Bank, of New Bedford, and counterfeit national currency. These parties am supposed to ne the agenu of the Brooklyn gang The names of the prisoners are Ran som Warner. Kdgar O'ltfin and T. W. Jenkins, alias D. A Craig They were taken before United .States Com missioner (inborn yesterday, sad held in default ef 110.000 ball each to await examination. Tbe detec- i lives are still at work and hope to bag the whole gang-, ' bat as the matsrtsi for flooding the country with the well executed counterfeit notes of the basks referred to a Dove h?a been seized the public will have no mors to fear from tbem. LOST TIME. Mr. C. K. Frink, of Minnesota, had his pocket pfsked or a watch and chain (raised at while he waa at tending an auction sals at tbs cornsr or Broadway sod Grand street yesterday morning. l ae ship Ladoga, at pier 10, East River, was boarded by river tfci?-vc? yesterday morning. .V gold watch and chain and some jewelry, valued It all at $1T4, were stolen. SOOTHING SYRUP. Coroner Elitngor yesterday received n letter from Dr. Falter, in this city, stating thai he had been sailed to attun<l a sick chlM si No. 547 West Thirty-ninth street yesterday "morning. When ho arrived there the little girl, Mary Jani Soantlor by name, was dead. A druggist In Ninth avenue, named Dtrsber, had pro scribe! sotue mmltcikc for the child to make it steep, The doctor found s bottle of soothing syrup, which the mother saiu had "soothed tbe life out of that child." The coroner will make a tboronfb investiga tion. HARLEM RACING STEAMBOATS. Yesterday the Untied States local Inspectors of steam ships in this city concluded their investigation into ths cause of the collision between the Harlem steamboats My Ivan Dell and Harlem, which occurred on the 17th inst. in tne Kast River Upwaid of fourteen witnesses were examined by the Inspectors during Wednesday and yesterday. I'be matter was adjourned last even ?ug till July ti. For four yevs past the inspectors nave been attempting in vain to pat a stop to the practice of racing which exists between ths Harlem opposition kSMa HOW CAN SHE LIVE? AKOTSSB Till OF ? ABM HIT AT TBI BASTM Or A BCW1KO MAOHISX OOMFAXY. Yesterday a highly respectable woman, it prtrnt In reduced circumstances, detailed to a Hiiun re porter tbe following case ot hard*hip, endured at the hand* of a sewing machine company:? "I will ?t?w, sir," aoe began, "that the only reavoo why I tell my story to you la that I cat look to no one for help or redress but the New Yoaii Herald. It la true torn* time haa elapsed since the transaction be tween myseil and the VeM Sewing Machine Company took place, bu; that does not make it any the leaa hard upon me. In 1872 1 waa called upon in the month ol August by an agent of the Weed Sewing Machine Company and urged to take a machine upon the ordi nary terms ot payment I did not understand the uaa of the maehlne and bad never tried one, so I refused to lake It. Ha Arcnt on insisting upon my taking It, and, although I really did not at tba time jwant It, he aent one to me. Boring the whole time I had It I only used bis apoola of cotton upon It, and could h.'.re r jrn the machine but very slightly. I made my payments as well as 1 could, but my husband is a con firmed invalid, snd mr sou, who was oca om.y arrroKT, had three or four long and dsngerous aicknesses which havo permanently unfitted him for work. During bla lllneaaea 1 had to <ieprtve him ol' many things in order to make the payments which I did. They amounted In all to $50, or $15 less than 4bo whole cost of the machine. Ou one occasion when the ageot came I told him tho machine would not work, and thai 1 was sure It was a second band one. He subsequently took It away. 1 son I two ladles, a.^ 1 was too III to go n>y Sftlf, to pay the $l\ but instructed them not to do bo antll thi'v bad seen tho machine that was to lie sent buck to tiio, in order to try whether or not It was in good working order. The man in charge ot the com pany's office in t'nion square said the machine waa not there, and that I might consider myself lucky II 1 got It back at all. Hesi les the $14 winch was due npon it the com pan r claimed au uoli.ak* and twixtt fiv* ctints for acaovixo TBS MACUI.NK. from my house. Now I am reduced by rny husband's manr years' sickaos aud thu state of my hoy's health to great distress. The machine would help me to sup ply tbem with the necessariea of life, but 1 have not the money to mak>: ihe payment, and the machine, the only u.eane by which I can hope to get it, Is taken away from me. Neither run I get a cent of the $50 already paid upon it. The man wbo persuaded me lo let the company take away the macbinc is named Huti>cb:cr. lie said that I had better do so, or it would put me to expense, as thu companv could get It by a replevin suit. He said at the *amo time that If I bought It lor a new one 1 was badly takoa In. A lawyer of the city haa odcred to take my case up against tho compauy. If 1 can find the $16 to pay the portion ol tne price remaining duo, but I am penniless, and so completely helpless. I could look to no one or expect help in any direction; so I thought, at leaat, I would tell the Herald, so that others might be warned by my case." All the vouchers of payments, and all correspon dent relative to tho cute were shown to the reporter, and seemed fairly to bear out the statemect of the poor woman. It may bo added that the person making the complaint la, apparently, a verv well educated, re spectable woman, cautious and cnreful In statement. When she recited the troubles that have come upon her by reason ot tbe chronic sickness of her husband mid son and hor present destitution she was much moved, as sho looked upon the reoovery ot the machine i? her only escape from penury. THE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION. Tbe Bar Association of tbia city haa appointed the follovng delogates and alternatea from tbe First Judi cial d strict to tbe Convention for organising a State Bar Anociation:? Defecate* Alternate*. Elliott I. Sbepard. E. Ellury Anderson. Albert Muthewa George Van N'ess Baldwin. Clifford A Hand. John A. Beall. Hamilton lull. Frederick H. Bests. Cadwallade: E. Ogden. Osborn E. Bright. Jobn K. Potter. John M. Bowers. Charles W. nndford. Augustus C. Brown. Charles Tracy Oliver P. Bnel. Cornelius Vaa^aniword. Houidas Campbell George H. Year an. Thomas C. Campbell. William Allen i'.iUer. William R. Darling. William 6 Choi.a. Id ward K. DeLancoy. Frederic Ii. Coui-rt. Junes F. Dwighi Benjamin F. I'ul ing. t'liarloa D. IngersolL Henry E. Howian-. John J. McCook. Henry H Anderson Elward MitchelL Jobn McKeon. Samuel Biker. Ooverneur M. Ogdei H it ry W. Sedgwick. Francis F. Marbnry. Jamo'a M. Varnum. Charles A. Peabody. AUred Wagctafl, Jr. POLICE >BECAUTIONS. Tbe following general rder, containing direction as to tbe Fourtb of Jnl)? debra.ion, was sent to all tbe police captains by order ot Sip#?M*?ndeat Waning yesterday afternoon Upon Tuesdsy, the Fourthil ,\ly next, you will order ou duty the whole of your co4c?nd, except that por tion of it which may otberwlt*?e specially detailed. No leave ol absence will be grated for that day exoept in cases of emergency. The number of aceidents tbt usually occur on or about the Fourth of July, Iromho careless use of fire arms, makes il necessary to vigujualy enforce the ordi nance prohibiting the dischargin of firearms of an v de scription in the city of New Yck. ' Tbe sale and use of dangerous Qreworics, such a-jnakes," ?'chatters," "double headers," "Union er Nung America torpe does, is also prontbited Dy ordUnro. Th? ordinance prohibiting ti Uncharging of Ore artna to tbe oily of New York tviog boon amended lis proristona do not apply tocrorne or Fleetwood parka, (iroro Hill Park, Sylra p.ric, Kearn's Park, Jones' Wood Colosseum. Washitton Park Hamilton Park, Bender's Schutsen Park. lielienew Oardea Sutler's Fast Hirer Park. Hart* Rirer Park, Lion Park, Heents' Elm Pars, XationatVk. Christ's Park. Karl Park and Hudson Klrer Park The Fourth ol July thla year, ling the hundredth anniversary of American mdopetsncc, and unusual preparations and extensive arrangt?tiu baring been# made (or Its celebration by i!lumlaa>n. firework v>fe., great care and watehfalness on lb part of thirpoliee lorce will therefore l>e required in e.Jr to pjtfeixx Are ami accidents. You will instruct the membera^jrcur command that they must be watchful, aUMfiffre to and Ann In the discharge of their duty on thjtfH You will also direct the mem#) of your command to arrest any person who malltously throws torpe does or 'gmtes Chinese erackei/ioward pedestrians or horsts, or who in any wins >?t torpedoes or fire crackers against the imm^Kte remonstrances of householders, or who Injurious* nses t]reworks in the erening. You will he cvehl to regalatorour command no as to keep in the station house a sulctent reserve ol men to meet any sudden emergency lUt may occur, either wltuiu or without your preotact, %d this reeerre must be kept constantly ready. n is important that your telegrapMnstrument should be In proper working order and prtwrly attended to by the aergeaat in command. 6KOKGK W. WALLING, Npertntendenv HABD SWEARING ON BOTH BIDES. Commissioners 8mith and Wbebfer yesterday opened the trial of Patrolman Philip Smith, ol the Twenty-ninth precinct, who was charted with gross and improper conduct. Jennie Carter, the complainant, charge* that, on the night of the 11th inst, she met Patroittan Smith in Madison square and asked him to tell Mr where she conld And lodgings. He directed her l? a bouse of assignation in West Twenty-sixth Mreet. The officer denies the charge, and said that at the time ot the al leged occurrence ne was oil duty and iAfeis own house. The case has been referred to a fall board fot action. SINKING FUND COMMISSIONERS. Tbo Sinking Fund Commissioners met yesterday Mayor Wickham and Aidermaa Joba Retlly, chaittnaa of the Finance Committee ol the Common Council, were absent. Acting Mayer Lewis, Comptroller Gresn, Recorder Racketl aad Chamberlain Tappea, tbe oilier members of the commission, were present, the aetikg Mayor presiding. Tbe lease et tbe ferry mania* lrow the toot of Chambers street to Jersey City was amende* to make tbe award of tbe irnaeblae to the Sne Railway Company, tbe party 1a interest Similar actioa was taken in regard to the Twenty-third street ferry lease. Tbe directors ol tbe aew ferry from Whitehall atreet to Kiatea Island were directed to meke eight reaad trips daily. Tbe Commissioners reeoived to execute, in obe dience te a mandamus, a lease to ths People's Perry Company of tbe terry between Grand street, tbia city, aad Grand street, Brooklyn. BUSINESS TROUBLES. Messrs. Vaa Vorsu Bills A Co., elotb Jobbers, of Broome street, bare tailed. Their liabilities amoant te between (91,000 aad $90,000, and they show assets sg gregnting nearly $ SO, 000 Thomas J. Miller, tea dealer, ot No. M Water street, has made an assignment lor tbe benefit of hie creditors. The Kelipse Rating Powder Company, of Na 169 Duane street, which was reeeatly formed with a capi tal of $24,000, is said to be in difficulties. In the County Clerk's office yesterday there were died assignments of F. A. Metncke te Joba L Lindsay, Charles H. Mayor end Julian Samson to Emaiaaael I ?ing, Thomas C. Stryker to Cbeeter Woirerton, Henry U. Higgins to John D. Develin, Giles Vaaherger aad .Simon S. Gangs to Solomon H. ?ataall, aad James c. Center to Jamea B. Irwin. PROBABLY FATAL ACCIDENT. Frauds Craft, ol No. 1*1 Mulberry street, was yea terday knocked down by a Foarth areaae car, oa tbe corner ot Broome aad Mulberry streets, rsoemng a fracture of the skull and seme monads on the tee aad less. He was seat to BeUertse Himwtnl CENTENNIAL FRA' One Hundredth Annivera&i Battle of Fort Moultrie CROSSING THE CH. New York, South Carolina, Georgic Massachusetts Clasping Hands,! ONE COUNTRY, ONE DEST1 CS Alt l.KSTOJC, & C., Juse! The celebration of tbe Fort Moultrie Ces ??* opened Tuesday night by u Imposing pub be ] ception to ibe visiting military at tbe Acsilmjr c Music. Colonel Trenliolm, on behalf of tbe coaaltta of citizens, made an addrras of welcome, la tbe wm ofjwblch he eatd:?Tliere la tbe same need now thi tbere was tn 1770 lor union among the people. Moll ing but frequeut intercourse and thai n at oral ml dence and respcct whieb rests upon ?| r'~aim. ea repress tue agitators who, lor mlachleToas porpoas and against (he public good, are perpetually si riving* | keep nllve tbo passion which tbe Wle con ft 1st anari and If this occasion is hsppily instrumental la Ml monizmg a better understand ing bi-tpreen the seciloi] it will have accomplished its purposes and vtadioata a claim to nationality. Tbe spirit of 1770, now* Indicates a broad and solid ground on wbloh stand; for that spirit elevates dnty a bote all aims. It placos tbo general and permanent goad of III people before alt local objccta and temporary latanal applied to tbe present state ot tbe country. II forbid us to cherish futile animosities, or to brood over dU appointment, while it obiifee ua to honor, evorywhor aud at all times self-sacrificing devotion to daty Never may tho American people oease to reveraao theft dead ol the late war; for whether In blao or ti gray, Ibese brave men laid down their lives tn otoodl ence to what tlicy felt to be tbo Impulse of honor aai tbe cell of thoir country. The bumble graves Ibroagh ont tbe land on which .rear alter year the garlaada an renewed by loving bands, will In llata servo to Mai more closely together those ol whose past separaltfj they aro the evidence, and In another cealeaaial oai descendants will realize that our tounlry coald ao achieve her destiny without passing through sue! trials. (Applause.) srxKCii or c^rTAix notes. In replying, Captain Noyes, of the Boston Light I| faatry, said:?"One hundred years ago, la atora and battle, Ibe flags of tho palmetto aad thi pine floated together in defenoo of that principles and their native land, aad Mi they are floating together again. (Appiaaaa. II Is good to be here, and together to derive ,(roa> thi memories of tbe past a guide for tho flttura Thi nsmes of Sumter, Rutledge and Marlon aro later woven with those of Hancock, Adams and others, aa4 the patriotism of theso men would be of no avail bal for tbe glorious victories of Eutaw, Fort Moalti Lexington and Saratoga. Since those days, bo? in which the two States stood side by side, they hav stood face to lace in Intestine strife. Bat tho noss bss passed away. The same stuff of whioh Revolutionary sires were made is found tn thoir < scendants, and each can reaped and honor the oil The same stars shine above, tbe same dews bathe graves of tho gray and the blue, and survivlag ooi rades of tbe deceased heroes have marched la coin mi hearing floral tribntos to decorate the tarf on the resting places or tho sons ol tho North and tho Hont (Prolonged applause.) OBOKG1A HAS KO BTOOKRS. Captain Mercer, or tbe "Savaunab Blues," said: Georgia was one of the thirteen colonies which Into the revolution and achieved tho glorious vta After that she had fallen back out ot but she beard the cry "Come back." faltering she bad oomo back, and was now < line, striving in friendly emulation with States for the welfare of tbo whole Union. (Pr applause.) Georgia looks to the future; shohai gones; she makes so apology for the past, bat i S?ta and labor* for the good of all. (Applaus behalf of Georgia bo exteaded words of cboei comrades, and declared that Georgia wished to l government pure and proud and firmly fixed In] fectlons of the people. (Ixiud applause.) oxs or TM "OLD aVAKO." Major McLean, of the Old Guard, a( Ms said:?We have coire here to testify our admtr the va'or with which you defended a oau brought sorrow and misfortune to both i to extend the hand of friendabln and prop with yon In bringing about that confident necessary to oar pros|>erityj- (Applause.)' State of tbe North greets the Kmplre St South?(cheers)?and at Philadelphia tbe friendship will bo renewed and strengths^ plause.) ?h ROW TJ tarda r- <>i coloxkl*'* arasca. / - Colonel Wilder, of Boston, aald:^0**ok God l?4tj we are a united people, and wourf^ladly blot out, I we could, that page of history tjnat marts the record f fraternal strlle. Yet U??* -rtcord adds other asm that will be florloua*n the next century?aye, mac sooner. It is to-dar two sentiment of the sober secoa thought, now passions and prejudice* ol II hoar bay' cooled and softened, and our childrea wi *vrr?ciai<n It, and why not we 1 Lincoln and Sumai are hoaored to-da-, and will be revered la history A their yreat service to the human race; and new let qw add to the lint Lee and Jackson?aye, and .iokaaiai loo. You boo or them, and why should you not? Be cause Ihcy were tho brave and true men to whom ynt gave your bovs, for a caute made holy to you by th awful sacrifice of those who went forth to battle, wit the baptism of a lather s blessing, a mother's prayei and sister's tears. It was a wild dream, but to yoa reality; ana li you fall to honor and remember thoi brave leaders you would have ao just claim to the aaa of chivalry which we accord yoa. am K-?ov*a*oa or sooth oarouka. Ri-Goveruor Bonhntu, of South Carolina, was thi last speaker. He said:?If there was a maa who waa into the war with his whole spirit \ was the map (Cheers.) We gave you the beat figlit we had (to* cheering)?-and when the war was ended 1 felt aasata yon regarded us as a foe worthy of your steal, a ad w can assure you we retarded you in t ha aaSM light ' venture to say that never before ia the aaaals ef br lory li&s 1he Anglo-Saxon race been engngad Ik soctu. war. Feelings were engendered than that Mfeisi tb?nk (lad, ended and obliterated. We felt that we I a country left. It was not your country alone, our country. It Is our country, aad shall be oar < area's and' our children's children's country, plauae.) a A SALDTS Of OX* lir.TDRCD CPUS. / During these speeches every aliuama to the grow*! good feeling betwjen the sections aad to the determination of the South to atand by the Omom wa received with hearty checring. At saarlsa yesMffda moraine a salute of one hundred gen was tired, and the church beds rsng on joyous chimes. All business was aani>ende? aad the main streets were filled with cf*w< of citizens aad visitors. The decoration of lb* *pan was very general, thousands of American flags eukver in? tho roate ol the procession Into a long visla at re< white and blue. At s<!Ven o'clook the Haa was Mnaea and a flag was pre euied to the Palmetto Guard by granddaughter of Mrs. Bernard Elliott, who fa IT made and presented a tinnier flag to flergaaaipaspe The presentation took place on the saaM of 100 years ago. The parade was One, forty companies aad about 2,MO mea. Tii company from New York, eae from Ma sixteen from Georgia, twenty-two from Itna, with the whole garrtaon, consisting pmies of infantry aad a light battery of tba F> artillery, leading the column, which was oommaa?' by General Wade ILtmpioo. attended by a brlllla stair. The .Centennial battalion, aaade up at pick commands from New York, Massacbttsetis. Gearg and South Carolina, bore bannerettes of palmetto lean symbols of fraternity, ia the muzzle* ol thi muskets and attracted much attenltoa. feature of the parade was tr.e color bands aad dram carp* from Georgia. The orator of t day, General Kershaw, rode la a carnage wttfc U* emor Chamberlain. The beat during tba dssr'was i tense, aad there were many aaae* of susatraaa. "<? ?ral of the Old (ioard were uaable to partda. At elav A. K the parade was closed with a review, aad I commands took steamers for Sullivan's Island, thf m:les distant, to attend the colebration at the Part. The celebration at Fart Moaltrie took plnoe ia I parade ground under a mammoth teak Over 6,1 persons were present. An addroa* of welcome ta t visitors was delivered by Governor Ciwlbarlala, sH which General Kershaw pronounced the erattoa, which the keynote is given in tUe lollowiag aatraat: "South Carolina bids yon welcome, thriee ' grants you as brethren and .iriaadi aad pledges y an untarnished fnitb and hun<>r that it ?? cot be the fault of her native or adopted. If oar common us?try bome of a happy, unite; and prosperous peoato a her career onward and ipward, glorious aad triaap ant forever. I speak to my countrymen?a dor Carolinian?to Americans, let vour endsbejast, ask ao mora. Together let us obliterate the paasio and prejudtoe* ol sa irrevocable, aad lameatable pa biad up its bruised aad mangled victims aad deep la lethean water* ail nut tba memory el its I aad ganeroas deeds aad grand scUieveoieate?a i man and glorious heritage of the Amaneaa (Applaaas) a SAitnr* r*o? ras ronf. At midday the United statea eioep at war Flymsn ordered hither for the purpose by the Secretary of I Navy, aaebored off the lort aad tred a sale to ef th [continued ox Misrca 1