The Ticket Completed wiili Hen-1
dricks in the Second Place.
Growling? and Grumblings of Disappointed j
Delegates in Private.
Tammany, Cleaned of War Paint, Buries the
HaLhet and Smokes the Calumet.
Kelly?In War a Ti&er, 111
Peace a Lamb.
Sentiments of the Twelve Anti
Tilden Delegates.
fieneral Feeling of Satisfaction Throughout
the Country.
Both Partiss Hopeful, but
Not Enthusiastic.
Seymour, Parker and Others
on jtlie Nominations.
New York and New Jersey Prom
ised to the Democracy.
St. Louis, June 29, 1876. j
How to got away most expeditiously is the problem
or the hour. There Is a rush in tho hotel ollices to pay 1
Mils; there is lively inquiry Tor lower berths in the ?
ileeping cars; the baggage smasher* were never so 1
Happy; tho last dinner is (airly shovelled down without i
regard to digestion, but In all tho hasto It is not impos. ,
iibiu to gather tho general effect* on men's minds of 1
.he consequence* of the severe recrimination of the
faramany people liy the friends ol all the disappointed
candidates aud especially by the Hendricks men.
these latter charge that Tammany made loola of them
tnd told them downright falsehoods. Kelly persuaded
tho Hendricks delegation that the Now York delegates '
wero secretly and heartily opposed to Governor Tilden,
and would be glad ol the opportunity to throw him
&vcr board.
"Tbejr are- not Tildon men at all,was Tainmtny a
assertion. ? They are roally lor Horatio Soy rnour, and
when tho break trom Tilden comes we can pledge Hen
dricks tho seventy voles from Now York. "
It is now ?eeu that while this piece of political
strategy was being played upon Hendricks Kelly never ,
bad more than a bare dozen votes in a delegation of .
teventy and only tnudo the assertion in the hope of
Inducing the Hendricks wn to keep up the light and 1
at least to defeat Tilden snl distract tho party. Tho ?
Indiana men, therefor*, lot I that they were badly sold j
by Kelly and were more indiguaut against him than
igaiBM any ol their opponents, At the same time ;
there was considerable feeling among a portion ol tho
delegates against the South, to wh.cli section tbey at- |
tribute their disappointment. Several luilianians de- |
nounced tho Soubcrn States bitterly for having, as |
they say, betrayed Hie West.
??We have done with them," said one excited
lloosier, "let th. m bo ground to powder hereafier;
ttit-y ui.ijr tako care of thomsolves. ludiana has dono
willt thorn."
In the Convention this mom ng the evidences of
disnpi ointment still show themselves, although they
*eio-oon swept away in the wliliiwind of sBthttiasm
with which
TUI *0*l!?ATI0? or VIC* I'HKSlI'lfcNT
was made. It was at tlrsl considered that the New \ ork
Vildeu men had t-ken up Heudncks bcc.iuse of the
.ce.itig manifested by Ins irieods against Tammany, out
lUis was not the Ucl Heudncks waa uedded upon as
likely to heal the wound in New York as well as in tho
War-t and t? give the ticket a goou cbauco in loduua
n October, Tnere were, however, many dimensions
loni tho policy or nominating Houdricks. Some j
Believed that his suit money principles would hurt hitu j
in New York; others that his well known anti-lioenac
riews would drive oil the Germans now prepared to
tupport the democratic ticket, while others sgalu in
sisted that it was usconsislant to select a candidate on
the ticket Irotn the Slate that had voted agaiust the
adoption of the democratic plaUoriu. >\ ..ou his immo
was hctoro tlio Convention all couMderauous of mis
kind were swept away. There was no dissenting voice
txcept from sore beaded Ohio, ulways read* to grumole
In a Democratic Convention. Kight patrons Irom that
Htatc votod blanks, n-tttsmjc to give the ux Governor ol
Indiana their allegeance. This was ttio last llickenug
(lame of the old lire kindled against Uei.dritks in Ohi-s
because ol hi* supposed share in Ibe slaughter of Pendle
ton in tho Democratic National Couveuuon in New
York in 1WH
kKLLV's I'lAHnl or BKAKT.
After Kelly's spoecU iu the Convention the talk of
tUe braves who follow bis banner underwent a marked
change, and one might well have supposed that tho
Serco denunciation ol Tilden heard in the hotel* for
Ibe last six or roveu da>* must have boen a dream.
The opposition to iho Governor has however aisuo a
msrked changc iu the political situation in New ^ ork.
Il has brought to the iront tho men attaint whom ihe
most enmity Has been shown hv Tammany. Mayor ;
Wlckhaiu has been Vice l'resldent ol the National Con
vention! A Oram S. Hewitt goes on the Democratic ,
National Cominitloo in plaeu o; Augustus riehell; Comp
troller Green and other personal irieud? of Mr. Tiideo
nave tho call on tho matter of Influence; lien Wood, .
Jcuator Morrisso/ and other ant. Tammany leaders
must he recng?'*ed aa Having .cd iu the ismMi^ni ol [
a New York l mud out. These facts cannot fej)
their effect ou the lut re po mcs of Now York ciQ ana
U, t*j loll In the u miuutious of State oiUcer-. aud citv
officer* in the approaching election. There is a gen< ral
expression ol regret at Goveinor Dorsiieimer's .ud.len
ll.UcSS. Last Hg"' "0 had a -live f hlll
which doubtless fioiii lhe general resemblance io at o
plesy waa called apup.- xy. Although lue L euiensnt
iiovemor is a man ol largo proportions ani great ap
parent good health, his lalior here lias fcceu very grvat
It t?a* I'Ut a natural consequence ol his oxer:Ion, there
tore, that along standing m-udy .bou.d assert us exist*
thu raocKiioiima.
The house* a* to order at Ua 1 past ten aud ,
several oetpatche* adnre^cd to the were
read Tncjr were nrmolpalij cougra ui-aious or an
...uuccmeu.s of loc .1 an . enifa wUsm One
rn n?.ii?wM?d iioncricKS lor tb? Vice l*?< sltlcnt,
??j"w.) ri'ec:viu wlib ch. rs by the Wwcm met.,
bMa np -n wan emulation -In- dv ibat H^nnncks
tr. i..u b. r hj wou.d on no
saU tckgrspue ? ins Ire ous " . i
?. nmnt permit HI* name to b put m the sceon . pice
fhis news was to with sat. .action by tbos-- ah.
?ere pleased v. itb tho p'laiiurm >nd api .? en ? .
S bad tali piece to the txkcl ' ? %P'" '
t/I m*i
the call of States lor the nomination of Vlre Presi- j
dent, all punted in quiet till Indiana wu called
aud ilie c.tll was nu lej with cheers ami yells,
which continued lur S 'inu moments, but no respouse
was made from Indiana. At length Hendricks wa< ?
nominated l>y ?ouii- irresponsible person not in the
Indiana delegation, whereupon Mr. McDonald of
Indiana announced tliat the w is-ion of hit delegation,
t-o tar as cuccerncd the use 01 Governor Heudrjck's
name, terminated when the nomination for tbo Presi
dency w t made; that he could not answer that Gov"
ernor Hendricks would accept tbo nomination If ten
dered, and that the Convention must lake the rc.-pousl
bilitv. This was regarded as hedging lor the position
and endeavoring to secure lor Hendricks such a rela
tion to the nomination that he could not refuse It
?lt!i >ut teeming to exh.blt contempt for the position i
and the Contention, which alternative would ol course
lorce htm to accepk Hi* nomination was then formally ,
made by Missouri, and Pennsylvania announced her i
united demand lor bis name.
General Steadtnan announced that It vs as the Inten
tion ol Ohio to present the name o! Mr. Payne, hut
now declined. In lace of the demons; ration, to prc*>ent
any twine, but seconded the nomination of lU-tiurtcka <
Everybody else did the same. The nomination by ac
clamation was demanded, but the calling of the roll j
was voted and proceeded with, and Hendricks was
nominated by every vote in the ball except eight votes
from Ohio which were casi. blank. There was no in- i
cldent except wheu the call of Tennesi-eo came, and the
twenty-four delegates stood on their feet and shoutod
in chorus,
"Tennessee casts twenty-four votes for liendrickst"
Indiana passed in her turn, but at the close acq ill- |
csced in the decision ol tho Convention.
Mr. Kelly rose as boon as the voting had concluded,
and his reception was very d lierent irom that of yes
terduy. It was seen at oiico that the opposition ol'
Tammany had ceased; thai tho war paint was washed j
off, and that the big elite! was prepared to smoke the ,
pipe of pcuco. Tho Boss look the platform aud in
lormod the Convention that no person had opposed the
nomination of Tllden moro strenuously (ban ho had,
and as he had bceu overruled by the Convention uo
oue would now strive more vigorously to clect him
President than ho would, and the Convention was as
sured that be could do some good work when he put
his shoulder to the wheel.
Ho continued:?"But as I had known Hendricks, the
good and pure and able Wostern ruler, when X wus In *
Congress lllloen years ago, 1 had been auxious to place
him at the bead ol the ticket."
The speech was a conciliating ono throughout, giving
credit lor purity, honesty and sincerity In reform to
the Gov.-ruor who had been abused by Tammany as a
fraud, a bogus reformer and a trickster lor a whole
week and urging the whole democracy to support tbo
ticket. The Tammany warrior, torriblo In war and
mild in peace, was listened to attentively, and it was
lelt that from this timo forth ihe.efforts ol'Taiurcnny
would be devoted to makiug friends with the rising sun.
Nebraska offered a resolution that this Convention
recommend to luture conventions the discontinuance
ol tho two-thirds rule, aud tnat the States instruct
their delegates on that subject In choosing them lor
the Convention in 1680. This was divided, and the
ilrst part?that making a recommendation to luturo
conventions?was voted down; but tho call upon Stales
to instruct their delegates upon this point was carried.
The thanks ol the Convcuiioa wcreotlered by iso
lation lo the local coinmlttec and to tbc clltzens oi
Lorn! or the r hospitable reception. All lb. arrange
menu were such as lobe worthy this compliment
n would bave been well, even, to have madetpeeud
vote ot recognition to Colonel Aimstrong, ol M. Lou .
who ner.onaliy organ.xed all lb. arrangement, at the
ball. The thanks to the people was a simple courtesy
responding to a warm, generous welcome. S
louis w aline cllT lor conventions, a beautl'"1
f nigral ideas. The hotels are a great
"i"\?.?U torlb. ??.!???' '<? ??"?
luruisbed In the personal Mr. uoniuooiw
and admirable secretary that the Conventlon was abl.
to secure. Bell received a vote ol thanks. ?h t
in it ue.s to wait on the President and Vice I resident
nominated were appointor, thanlt. were nM to al
most everybody and the Convention adjourned.
Alter the adjournment or the Convention Mr. Cox
and he President of the Convention, General
"ilentand. mot at .he Lludcll House. The Genera
SSTS the Congressman ,u a friendly manner, but
tbo latter repelled his advances. .
-I cannot speak to yoa as a gentleman, -aid he
combative Congressman, "since 1 regard >"ur L?
tu tho chair as unbecoming a gentleman. Toe unlali
uchs ot vour decisions and rulings are only ewusabte
by reason of your incapacity as a presiding officer.
" AcCurJiufc to Mr. Cox u.e General made no reply
but turned and walked away. Subsequently a friend
o" the General's waited on Mr. Cox with a me,sage
that the I'resldeut of the Convention regretted ho had
threatened the Congressman *ltb lba ^l*e"n #
..l Arms whan he was p-pping up and down in
Convention, aud that he warned to apologue for that
lt-Ue has not male the apology yef," said Mr. Cox,
?.?ini 1 exuect to receive it-1'
-But suppose he sends you a message of a different
cb ratter?" wm the suggestion.
- 1 am ready to neo- pt any message liom him said
Congressman Cox, drawing b.mseli up to his lull he g
^d looking horco. "wbotuor an or a hostile
lB asTt'"Stated that General McClernand laughed at the
.flair as a capital Joke ana as Mr. Cox leave.St I-ou.s
to-day .t is ?ot >^reU l"*10'8 ,or lW? UUJ ? ?M
will result iroin ihe Congressman s ire.
After Mr. Kelly made bis addre.. before the Conveu
t,o?. this morn.uu and *a? about taking b.s seat Mr B.
K Wood stepped up to him and cordially shook him
by lb? hand, at the same time ? ?
Kelly on his thorough democracy. This is the tirst
time' u eighteen year, these gentlemen h ve addrc.sod
one auotlier on any topic whatever, and thus was
established at once the mltnie eowtta'a
TneTemmauy brave#, baring washed o.l .heir war
,>aint and thrown aside their tomahawks and scalping
knlVes come to the iront iu support ol ibe ticket aud
speak'their seu'imeuis in advance of their meeting
around the council are ol the WUwam. John Kelly,
111? boss o! the organ .xat ion, so late loi war. is now o
peace. Being r?,ue.wd to state b.s present position
Mr. Kelly said:?
..As I satd in my ?pcecb ?n the Convention, the Tarn
J democracy will ???'- "
ZL?y and zealously a- they have ever .upported a
democratic candldste. wll? ?>e left
untlon.' which thai organisation has in its power l
i-Hect to remedy what bclore the nomination we re
aarcteda. evi'.a I look ior one ol the old la.hioned
democratic major,.les m the city next ^v.mher atd
,rom .he spirit that animate, our people I am sure
Fb ill not Mdi.appa.nied, A. our opposition to Gov
ernor 1'iUen was honest aud in .he Interest ot the parly
,o our support of bin, as the demo, ra.ic candidate will
be bonct and in the Interest ol .he par.y.
?1 came to St 'aid the ex chairman of the
Democratic National Committee, Mr. Augustus scuell,
?. ure .he nomination ol the strongest ticket we
flL nut ... the Held. A.-cordtng to my Judgment at
Xt tune 1 did not think Mr. Tllden the strong-si
candid 1, but as I tie Couvmuon thouaht
by my eilorts and as lar as my intlueao.
, nde.iTor .o trove that 1 was wrong aud that .he
Conv.nnou was right. 1 shal. wheel into Hue as agood
.o.d,. r. ready to hgbt the battle of democracy against a
corrupt and dangerous party."
Mayor W.ckbam ? am. o! course, well sail*
fl,.i with .he ticket 1 he great popul.ri y ol Mr lUn^
UTKk in the party and bis hold upou .ho .iemu. ratio
...........?????'>*.; j" s
I'd,on for these ptac >n .h-t ,1.. T.d.n.
, , , B .... , v , I aver the In on were al
i 0SII.0I1 and t?l- P"P'?.a i-> ?
read . K .own 10 u?c. ami n? ?t " ??>>? ? " ?' !'r" '' ''
, , arnes!II r>varJ tu- ticket as p. cu.i .ru ? grow
" ii m i.nt . i.'i to ?t stronger and -irongcr as
111 ? lilib it ?
? i ...... i. on .iiroachcs. It will unite the democrat
t ( )i(, jv oilier Mates, and Will
?Ur ' ' ' ' <u?u. - oil from all hone-t, .U<W
iK.ndeut votee on.ndo in' tri t party.
- a ? ?' I ??' .ua.moiied by my
Congr.o m>n Cox !??> ? .? ?
constituent.? to St. Loals from Washington. and from |
the .S|xmker'g chair, despite all reasonable remonstra
tioDi. to represent liiem in this Convention I made
uo (action* or persoual opposition to Governor Tilden,
cotnmeuding hiru at all lituea on a retormer of the gen
uine sort. Mv prelereoce wait (or I|endrlcks, influenced
by persona! partiality perhspa to some extent, and by
a sectional It-eling beciiise Hendricks wan born In tba
tame town with myself, but mainly because I thought
i lie nomination ought to go to llr.* West, New York
having had so many candidates in late ycara. 1 am a
strict disciplinarian, and uo man in the democratic
party will acquiesce more readily than 1 do In the ver
dict ot the Convention. 1 urn glad to say I was the
first man requested by Mr. Tilden's friends to address
the crowd in front of the hotel on the night of the nom
ination. 1 ppoke for an hour, and have stated my i
vlaws lully, bat as that is au unrecorded speech 1 may
say that in :t 1 promised a majority ol 64,000 for Mr.
Tilden in New York city, and 1 intend to do my best to
make my promise goo<^ "
colon rt. Rouaitra.
"I was opposed to Mr. Tilden's nomination," says
Colonel Roberts, "as others of my party wore, Irom no
personal considerations, but because 1 did uot believe lie
was as strong a candidate at this time In our State as some
Western man would have been. 1 nekuowledge allegi
ance to oi/ party, and 1 should regard him as a very
poor democrat who would not work equally (or the suc
cess of his parly ticket because his personal preference
as to names to be placed ou It bad not prevailed. 1
shall support Governor Tildcu as earnestly, now tha;tho
is our Htandard bearer, as 1 should linvo supported the
caudidute of my choice."
says:?"My district will go stronger this November lor
Mr. Tildon than it ever went lor any other uiaa We
shall unito all the elements: in him. We are tbo uioro
earnest now lor Tilden because of the opposition we
made to his nomination. 1 like a man all the better
after I've had a goou light with hun, and shall take off
my coat and work lor him from now till the day of
says:?"Our doctrine is to light a man before ?bo Is
nominated if we do uot like him, and to light for him
alter he is nominated whether we like him or uot.
My district will give a good account of ltseli iu Novem
ber. Governor Tildcu, backed by Tammany, will be
Invincible in tbo eity."
Attorney for Arraars of Personal Taxes, says:?"Mine
Is a strong German district. 11 Govoroor Tilden is as
strong among the Germans as they say he is, with the
support ol Mr. Ottendorler and Carl Scburz to back
him, be will bavo a very largo vote in the district.
All will be done lor him that could be dono lor lieu
dricks or any other candidate. I don't beliove in any
cutthroat game, and my doctrine is to oppose a man
belore his nomination and support lutii in good laith
the bero of a hundred democratic battles, emphasising
his words with the decided s^hake ot the head (or wliteli
tie is distinguisned, says:?"Tla the right of every
democrat to support a candidate lairly and squarely
after toe gets the nomination of his party. I have al
ready spoken lor l'ilden in this city. 1 shall work lor
him when 1 gel home. I intend to be as true as steel
to him?as trao as tbo needle to tho pole. That's all
1 have got to say now, and my acta will speak lor me
herea ter."
Alderman William McCarthy says he la a democrat
and bound by this political lealty to bow to the will ol
thi majority. Uo will do all in his power to givo the
ticket the most cordial support.
A deririftu Gross, lu his speech at the mass meeting
last evening, sp >ke his mind Ireeiy, and was very en*
lliustastlc over the nomination of Tilden and Hen
dricKs. In his opinion the Gtrman element will rally
readily on that ticket.
Major Quiucy, Deputy Sheriff, says:?"I fought
against Governor Tiiden's nomination lu nood (aim,
(or what I telieved to bo the party good. We are uono
of us infallible. Wiser men than myself have chosen
hiut for our candidate and my opoosnion is over. Ho
is now the democratic standard bearer, and I snail
tight for him as faitulully as 11 bo had boon my llrst
Alderman lleury Gumblaton gives hia adhesion to
the nomination, but would like to bar* souie Western
man at tne hea l of the ticket. Still, a majority rules, I
and the New York democracy will givo account of ,
Alderman Shields promises his district will poll a !
heavier majority lor Tiiden and Hendricks tnau any ?
other man ever beiore. He proposes to do bu best to
effect such a result.
Aldermen William Sauer and Peter Seery were o(
the same opinion, and will support the ticket with all
their might.
tlr. John Calvin, member ol Assembly, promised to
roll up 4.500 majority tor Tiiden and Hendricks in hi*
district, lie was opposed to Tildeu's nomination, hut
as the Convoution saw Ut to place this ticket in the
Held, ho considers it bis duty to support it with all his
Coroner Woltman lakes to ibe ticket lu the same
spirit, and as he professes to be a good democrat be
abides by the decision ol tbe majority.
Mr. Ed. Kearnoy made another bet this morning ot
f'. ijOO ihat Governor Tiiden will not curry tho State of
New York nexi November. This makes over $30,000
Mr. Kearney h is pending on iho result of tbe election
In New York State.
Bernard Iteiily said:?"Of course 1 shall support,
with ail the inlluence and vigor at my command, the
uotnineos of tbe Convention. 1 was I. lavor of Hen
dricks, as 1 thought it more advisable to lake our can
didate lroiu tho West, but now that lite democratic
party ha? selected Samuel Tiiden, I shall take oil my
coal and dj all 1 can to aecure hit ?lection."
Aluerman Keonan says:?1"Tho nomination sulis me.
We have been beaten iu ou candidate, to be euro, but
this is no time to luink of that All ol us lu Now York
city must unite in order to secure the election ol Sam
uel J. Tiiden."
Colonel Thomas Dunlap says:?"The ticket ol Tiiden
and llendrteks is sure to be victorious ucxt Novcinucr.
All personal .issues are submerged in tho result ol the
Convention. It was forest-on by me all a'o.ig Hint
Samuel J. Tiideu wouni be nominated. It is needless
to say Tamilian) llall wul supi>ort hlin now with en
thusiasm, and that Mr. Kelly will direct h.a energies in
that direction."
Aldcrtnuu Ouiub'.oton says:?"It la ridiculous to bear
one or two ol our people still continue lo decry Gover
nor Tiiden. We bavo had too much of thai. We must
st itid by that gentleman's nomination as good dem
ocrats, and do all in our power o secure his election.
Thero is no other course le t open."
Alderman Tn-iney says:?"1 can do nothing else but
support Mr. Tudcu. That I will do most heartily. Wo
fought lor another gentleman, and now Hut iho battle
is over wo eau lay down cur arms and go lu with a will
lor the victorious candidate."
F.x- Alderman 1. J ward Gilon, an ardsnt Tatnoiany
man, exprc-scd himself perfectly sails fled with tbe
result, and promised that his party would do ? very
thing in its power to give the nominesa a most cordial
support, lie does not disguise the fart that Tammany
Hali would rather have had a Western man lo head tho
ticket, predicating a more rertain success Irotn past
experiences. When tbe republicans, taking their can
didates from tho West, elected them for four consecu
tive tortus, the tact cannot be disguifed that the West
holds ilie bounce o4 power. Tho opposition to Gov
ernor Tiiden was by no means pcrsouai. Nothing was
said Uy Tammany men against his capability or
greut reform principles, and the uominauou as made
will rouso tbe wontvl enthusiasm ol yoro, no mattor
what post diligences existed.
In the Ursi wlat ol their disappointment and cbagrla
the Indiana men found it diiUcult to reconcilo them
selves with the situation, but a night's rest basebanged
their touo and to dit they are happy autf harmonious.
M . lowing, ol oniu, is raid lo feel greatly tbe failure
ol his candidate, but ne yields gracefully to the views
o. a majority.
ijccinrxTs or widjbsdat's r;oitr.
Some Incidents ot eventful Weauesday were not
properly recorded in the chronicle of that day, necitnso
ol toe pressure an I li.e lateness ot the hour, one ol
the-e was the decision in the N?w Jersey delegation.
Senator Stockton w is 111 lliat delegation, but Was not
its ctiiiimvau. ttiat honor having been denied a Jersey
m. naudam.n f distinguished service and given on
tbe . arpet-bng piuioip.e to a New Yolk lawyer
wQo sleeps on the Nuw Jersey Side. Slock 'on had
thu sagacity to perceive Ihat the voleol New Jersey was
cast in ill ? Kelly into, est, though laueilo i with Parser's
i ante, bt-uaiiso at a critical stage ol the bahot, when the
eignteen votes of New Jersey would have nominated
Tilden. it *w mi ?Mi>t*D( 0 u> ib* rings m keep those
Votes out ol | ? Tilden column. Whatever was the pro
text?and Ike iirtuiiM tliil tklivu done out of loyalty
to Parker <te< eived nt>?e but very stupid persons?It
was not strange that it waa said at the moment that
tbo charmau of the Mew Jersey delegation was In the
Tammany interest. It may have been that tbls gentle
man waa only slow to perceive the real nature of tbe
case, but In that sort ol rapid, fierce conflict tbe slow
men should keep to tbe wall and the safe places.
Senator Stockton, tfierulore, wben be rose
and proposed that tbe delegation have leave
to withdiaw wlib a view to considering a
change of vote, was politically r.gbt, and
was acting as Governor Parker must himself bave de
sired in preventing that gentleman's name troin beicg
used as an obstacle to the viciory of Tilden Out
be was viliiied aud abused as a traitor, and this line of
observation produced at night
in the room of the* Jersey delegation. That night a
man said that there were six traitors among tbe Now
Jerseyiiien, and Stockton was one of them. Tbe Sena
tor was In the room and beard wbat was laid. He
approached tbe person and said be beard bi* nam'
spoken, aud the man repeated what he had said.
Stockton remonstrated wiib bim quietly for rashly im
pugning meu's motives, bat tbo man, misunderstanding
the Senator's quiet demeauor, became very violent, and
tbe Seuator knocked htm down ami then another
rushed in aud was knocked down in turn. There were
tureeof tnem on the floor at ouo time, and in a short
tune the ^onator clcarod tbe room and did tuuch to
correct those wh?> assume that a man will not defend
himself as occasion requires because ho sa gentleman.
Another circumstance whs tbo activity of Mr. Doo
llttb), ol Wisconsin, us a disorgunUcr. Scarcely wits '
any one point determined ero this gentleman had j
soiuu new proposition to make on the j
same subject As the ball was large, tbo Chair- :
man's voice feeble and tbe couluslon great, it waa
a horculeun labor to bring anything to a vote, and
when itny poiut had reached that stage and seemed
doue with there seemed a leuling ol relief that so muib
at last was over. At tnls point Mr. DooIiUc commonly
arose with a request for reconsideration?that ull that
had been done should, to obligo bim, be regarded as
not done, and that tbe Convention should begin again
and incorporate his little idea. He reuuudod men of
Ltucoln'a small boy on the Mississippi steamer who
warned the captain to stop tbo boat aud tl~b out tbo
apple be bad dropped overboard
Sr. Louis, June 20, 1876.
The Convention was called to order at twenty min
utes past tin A. U. The interest iu the proceedings
has evidently greatly abated, aud many delegates have
lelt, leaving their alternates. Tbe galleries contain
but lew spectators. Prayer was oil'rod by the Epis
copal Bishop, Dr. Robertstn.
The Cilur announced several telegram!, which were, ouo Irorn Sedaliu, Ma, saying: ?
We tired 10J guus lor Titdeu, and nopo Hendricks
Will be tbe candidate tor Vice l'residen..
Another was received Irorn tbe Mayor of Cincinnati
and others, approving the nomination olTudcn; one
troin Jackson, Miss, pledging the Staie to tbe ticket,
and one irom Mount Vernon, 111., saying:?
the notniiiatiou of Ttidou was received hero with
great outUusiasm.
Many others of a similar character were received in
dorsing the piutlorm and tbe candidate.
Tbo Cuaik announced that tbe next business was the
nomination 61' a Vice President. Wheu Indiana was
called lor Its nomination tbo State was greeted with
much enthusiasm. Indiana lulling to present a can
didate some one Irom bis soat in Illinois nominated
Mr. McDoxalo, of Indiana?Mr. Chairman?When
ever we Qnd ourselves brought lace to lace with a great
re-ponsibility 1 know no means of saving it excepting
we tako coun-el by our Judgment and by our con
scienco. i bo mission of tho delegation Irom Indiana '
lo mis Convention, *o tur at least us tlie name ot
Governor Hendricks is concerned, was ended yesterday,
when wo had a struxglu from tho time
the canvass opened In tliis city until it closed
lust evening to place U m bclore tho country for the
oillce which, as mucll as any inau in all tnis broad land,
he was qualilied lo till, i lie Convention saw proper to
decide otherw iso, aud, so far as that decision is con
cerned, we bow to ibe will of the Convention, lbe
democracy ol ludiana bas never yet sullercd its llag to
trail in the Just, ha* never yet lowered its standard lo
lbe common enemy. Whether we shall be uble to
comp.y witb the wishes of this large and most respect
able assemblage 01 democrats in what we may be al<ie
to do in our State In the coining election is one ol the
questions ol the future I have already stated that the
mission Oi tho deiegaiiou of Indiana, so lur us the
name ol Governor Hendricks is concerned, ended
on yesterday eveiiiug. Wo have no authority to
say to this Conveuiiun that if it tees proper to
pluce bis numo upon ibe ticket that be will accent I
it. Tbereiorc, we do not propose to place ourselves 1
in any lal?e position upou that subject. When >
we say that, Mr. President, we do not say it because |
tbe odice of Vice President is beneath hiui; u has been
beid by men more distinguished than he, more known j
to history, and whose patriotism has Illumined some
of ibo brightest pa/es ol history, and ol ihu history ol
our own party. For myeell, Mr. Presideut, I can only
stty that upou this question the Convection must take
ibe resi>ousii>ility?-(loud and prolonged cheering aud ,
cries of uetiurick-.) Ail ellort3 on tlie part ot tbe
speaker to conclude his senteucewcre lutiie.
Mr. Woodson, ol Missouri?Mr. President, 1 leol ex
treinely gratified on this occastou that we are told by
the deiogate from ludmna tbai tbe responsibility of !
placing Governor Hendricks In nomination for the |
,-cionu oitlce in tbe giit ol the Aineritau
people bas devolved upon this Conven
tion. ((^heers.) The Missouri delegation have ,
instructed me, as the representative oi litis t,r>iat |
S'ate, io say thai Missouri is a unit and we believe '
ibe ?mire democratic |iariy ol America will oe a unit ;
in suj p <ri ol Tlldeu auu Hendricks. (Cheers.) Gover
nor Hendricks has no truer iri n l Irom his own native
State, or one wbo is wiillug to sund oy aim
louger than 1, When his unuio was placed in nomiua
1 <ion lor the first office within tha gilt ol this Conven
tion 1 stood by mm; but, goutlemen, if 1 was disap
pointed in the lealuaiion oi my expectations, I, this
morning, icel thai 1 can rejoice when 1 fMncmb r that
the (iisll.iguisltvd rotoruier, the pro! <und stu esin.n, '
the honest man, S J. I ildcu, has been nominated by
this Convention. (Applause.) And, now Krutl< men, ,
let mo ssy Ibis, place S.nuuel J. Til. ea uj on the ticket
first, Thomas A Hendricks uext?(applause)?and liici*
insert** upon your banner under the?o names re
trenchmeni und reform, hones', adminisirat.ou, aud '
from Maiue to Call.o. nia our Ha* will lost In tr.ump i
ucxl November. (Applau-".) 1 second the nomination |
ol Uoveruor Hendricks. (Applause.)
Mr. Wallacb, ol I'UuMylvanta?Tbe Pent.sylvan.a I
i delegation, in obcdioitc ? to the uilliugness of Indiana I
Dial mis Convention should take tin? responsibility ol i
! nominating Mr. HeudriCnS, give their support lo lhat ;
gi-lillt-roau. (Great app au?c.) With the Governor o! |
New York, Mr. Tildeu, lor President,and the mlveruor j
i oi Indiana, Mr. Heudri< KM. lor Yi<'? President, upou I
; ibis in Km we will fcu trium.ii.aiu n S'ovemMr.
(.ipplause.) 1 arose,-ir, to uiovo mat this Von vent. on j
o) acclamation nurture I'Ihhiim a. Hendr.cks nominee
lor Vice President ol the t otted Stales. ureal up- j
plause snd waving ol hanilkercMftM iid < heers.)
Mr. Stkadnax, ol (ill 'j? Tliu delegation irons the State j
of Ohio had ibuugnt ol offering the name ol one ot her
dts iDguishrd aona lor Vire rreardcut ot the I uttea
dial)-*?tho Hon. Henry U l ay e. We, however, ae i
Oiice to present Ins name, snd second tne nomination of
Thomas A. Hn<rNk?. (Applau )
Governor Rannn.%, oi Missouri?1 send up a resolu- |
lion to tlie net reury whim 1 desire to uave rend.
The Secretary read it, as follow*:**
knol'SA Thai I' Is lbe duty ul this Convfjpti >n to telecl ?
for Vice President >? >? who i? i !??? peer i?i liuii who been |
auminalad for lh?* I'rfodeMeV?tefo era) -and leu.-v ng turn j
lion i iioiti A.. 11 inlrl k<, o, )u nan i. Is tlie lull measure '
. I ibid position, ainL also, ttial .u at judgment it is Id* >
itult >i?serve bi> fvuiitr.v aud Ui? party in tula position u j
auaiiuateu unit rlf. ted, ?o, tliere <u?. u iuiiaate lipn uuaiil
tnuasty mr tbis tiWce.
Mr. Abbot, o. New Yorfc, said:?1 renew tlie mo.
ttun ol boiiator A'uliaco, 01 Ponnsyivama, that tlie rules
be su.<pcudod a.i i in .1 ae vuto i>y acclamatiwo lor lue
nomiiiatioii ol i hoiiias A. Hendt u ka. 1 will teii Ibis
Co v< uiion wily Iboinas A. Hen ricks is not the
prupi riy ?l in nana. He i* tin1 properly ol the di'tuoc
ru> y oi ih ? t nit d tales. (Cheer-.) I say twai thue
is in li e land who eah refuse ihp uuiniua
? lton ol tiio ( oiiven.ion, aid Tiioutaa A. Hen
i .Irioka, uiagiiilli eul man as lie is, wou>d as so?>n cuin
mitsuicidKM r> fuse the wis ,c-of th--entire d-moc
racy Otitic and. (App nu?e.) lbe democracy ol the
lanil will do ail ill i can lor bis succcas, and as Ins
name rM io tic the ehoiccoi ibe uiuniry I >a> to the
democracy ol lodi ina i < u nave uo ri?;hi io r* se your
vimo utiim?t it wiion he i.eoplu o. this I'ne-n *.mt n.
TIioChaii:?I ue question la ilponniio moaus lo die- I
1 p. u?e with a call oi inu roll upou ih ballot .or Vice
i 1' resident.
| The moll on was lost, and the -Secretary oulied the |
roll of th* Slates on the hull at for the of
candidate iur l ho Vice FriUMlcucy.
The roll wast then proceeded witn and resulted u to]
Connecticut Hendricks 12
Mew ^ ork Hendricks Jo
Domwure Hendricks. 0
Obio I Hendricks 30
(Blank 8
Rhodo Island. H.udrtoks 8
l'enusy lvauia Henuricks 50
Tennessee. Hendricks 24
South Carolina Henuricks 14
O'egon Hendricks 0
Hendricks 16
.Nortii Carolina Hoodricks 20
Colorado Hendricks 0
New Jersey Hendricks 19
California Hendricks 12
Vermont Hendricks 10
\ irpnia H< ndnckg 22
"??i Virginia Hendricks 10
Nebraska Hendricks o
?Arkansas Hendricks 12
Wisconsin Hendricks JO
Nevada ? Hendrt'ks 0
Mississippi Hendricks 10
Maryland Hendricks 16
Maine nuricks 14
Kansas Hendricks 10
Illinois Hendricks 42
Massachusetts Hendricks 26
Florida Hendricks...... 8
Georgia Hendricks 22
jowa Hendricks 22
Louisiuuu Hendricks IB
Kentucky Hendricks 24
New Hampshire Hendricks 10
Alabama. Hendricks.. 20
Missouri Hendricks !.. 30
Minnesota Hendricks 10
Mionlgnn Heudricks 22
Attueoudol the roll ludlanu was called, when Mr.
?? iliiams arose and said :?
fho Indiana delegation aro no. authorized to say
that Governor Hendricks will accept tu>s nomination
I hey lire uot authorized to say tbul be will not utcopl
ii. (Cries ol "(iooil!" "(roodI" aud cheers.) We have
no right lo do .jo; hut, sir, iu view ol this mighty
demonstration the ue.egalion Irom Indiana acquiesces
tu tlie decision ol this Convention. (l.uuu cheers aud
cries ol "(Jood!"--Voices, "Announce ilie vote.")
1 lio LH.uit?Order! Ttio Secretary will announce
the result ol ibevote.
Too Clkrk?The aunouueed vote Is as follows:?
Total number id votes cast, 730.
The I'kksidknt?Bi?hl blanks.
Mr. Dull?Yes, sir, 738; of which Mr. Hendricks re
ceives idO.
tremendous cheering and waring ol bats amid
which '
Joii* Kki.i.y, ol New Y rk, arose lo address the
Chair. (Applause, auu loud oalla lor " ! Keliy!'')
Ho proceeded to the piauorni antld cheers,"ana said:?
Mr. kklly's setiKCH.
tio.v:? There is no man holding a seat III tins Conreu
tion who 11us worked moio ,-treuously against the
n?u.luUi'>n ol Samuel J. Tildeu than iny.-eli. 1 did it
in tue lull beliel tli'it it was impossible lor us lo carry
the election wiiir an Kaeteru cnutlldiilc, 1 ipive my
opinion to mis Conveuiiou yesterday that this uoml
nalniu should have gone to the Western State-. Th#
Conveuttou has decided otherwise. 1 subm t my opin
ion to tlie decision ol this Convention?(cuoers) and
now that Mr liideu is the caud.dato ol our party I you?aud I tell you that 1 an, capable of
working (cheers)?that there is uo man in tiiisCouvau
lion who wnl woik harder lor ms cectiou than iiivseii.
Iu the conviction that 1 bud upon this q.ipst.on tny
luind ran toward thai eoquent, that houest, that uu
right statesman ol Indiana. (Appiause.) 1 beard li>m
twi nty mo years ago iu Congiesi, ana 1 have watched
bis course Irom that day to thi>. is there an indi
vidual in thi.-? whoie country thutcan us-an the purity
o; thai man s cuiiratier r (Cries ot "Not, one,' and
Hppiause.) Tboreiorc, the noni nation ol ih.s Conveu
t on having been inauo, U now becomes the duly of
every democrat iu tne country to use hi* best en
deavors aud exertions to e.ect htm (Applause.) I be.
lieve il luat oo o>.ne ihi-re can be co doubt upon that
question. We should now bory ail our opinions?(ap.
p.ause)?that we entertain tu lavor ot th. cauul
dtte.- tiiut wero presented to this Conveut.on. Lot
us tiow look to the objective point, and that
ibat " Uiis repub lean pirty's power siiould be per
petuated all umicrsiaud and easily comprehend wuat
would he the inislortune lo our country. How is
It now under this a<Jir.misira; on r t/ur neopte every
where uo< mpioyed. thousands ol our busine-s men
runnin. iuto bauKruptcy, our c^minerco driven lroui
I be seas jr tne neglect ol our nanoual ruiers, evor,
thing baviug a tendency to d' stroy our busiuess mea
Is ihere any one nere mat will suppose lor a moment
that we cau have any better condition ol thrngs il this
rcpub.icuu admin.strattou should be continued in
power)* Tlicy have selected two men. Now let
me say to you. g nil. men, that "iwo swa'lows
do not muku u summer." (Lauyhler.) The party
rem.tins the same. It Is coriupt in its ten
dencies aud it is due to the honest v
to tne well intention, d acts ol our members ol Con
gress, that tue exposures ot tbe>e luiiividuais h .vc
beou , iveu lo the worut Hetorm not only comuienced
in Now ^ ork, but It was continued in Cougress, nud
wmle we are pcnoitiy wlluug to give all tho credit to
Mr. li.deu that he deserves iu tUal respect, let us turn
uur eyes to the Hou>e of Representatives and gay ?
"Well done, thou good am fa tului survunta Vou
have rendered u uobie work to the uartv aud ih?
cuoittry. and they wul ^ive you that r. ward iu their
Ie.-pee. and admiration lor your course that you de
serve.' Mr. Cuairnian, 1 will n>t continue iny re
marks any longer, but lot me say beloro conc.udiuir
III t wo appeai to tue members ol tne Convention to
bury their UitleioiKoa ol opiuiou; lo bury ihoir hates
ana tneir disappo.u.ments, aud to bury every thins
that their miuas entertained on this subject. Lot tboiu
go home to the ruisti lets aud their p. oplo and say to
tnose wiio ditferuu with toe u ntleinen who made
thes ' nominations, ihey were not our noiuinutious- I
wh prelerred otner men; we wcro b atou: other j
gentlemen wero chosen; whv slicild we continue to i
Und fiulir should we not, then, turn in aud do 1
everything that wo can?iw it is our duty to do?lo !
elect caud.dates ol ibis Convention 1 11 this bu l
done. ar. i're?idout, there cau bo no questiou aooui
the result, and that old dr'Uiocratic patty, wnich ;
loundeu this government, which mano tho people
wint they are, Mill oucu more be elevated to powei ? I
the llag whnh you nave curried in many a light wl { j
ouco more lioat in triumph over your ho ,d?(c:ie. rs) ;
and you will huvo that selt-assuranoe thu. you will |
have an honest covei uinent, an houost admin-strailon '
?ud that ll?e peop e will be once moro happy ana con
tented. (LoUO applause.)
Mr. Ha.vma, of Indiana, then addressed the Convea
Hull Ma loliowa:
Mr. Prrhiornt asu Uk.xtusmkn o* thr Convbxtion?
I you lor Hie e\pio>ion ot itindues-. toward
lim.ana, uud I have ru.iaou to say thai in the ureal eou
lost thai bus boon Made Indiana but doue nothing
more bent than ><>u would h-ive expected ber
to ao. liut 1 lako this occasion to s y to
tuc Convention and especially n> oar brethren
ot N w York luut although this oontoot uas burn b ird |
uud biuer Hid auu ?a.>sto \ou ibo tomahawk i? now
buned, to res* loruver. (Cheers) Two among tbe i
griritrrt ot all American citizens linvo been placed in ;
nomination by this Convention. They are trui and ;
tnod vapkuM in tbo aervtoe. Let tli O.dijuaruof ?
democra y now go iu the front ouce more. Tills is a ,
tight lor constitutional novi-iniueui ana reioriu. Wa '
take tbe at..ndard in Indiana lor our part of it. We 1
rui-o It tip to-day Higher Uiau {'resident*; raise it ?o j
liij?li t.iat it uiaf be ?e?'U by all Htaies aud r. ail by all !
the peopio '>1 the J*lat?8, that, like tbo urpeut of j
brass, wultn Mows -et op. It may give life
uud hope anil resolution to all who look i
on jt Hi ?>u. Iiont itns eoumry. Tbo wit,it-rue-* ol
Shirax and Uip outer waters oi Mur.iti have Ion. been
<nir corton; oui we go uow to .n? laud ot Kl.nt? I
(lutigbttr and uppUiict )?wnere are i>ruiuisvd twelve ,
wells oi water and three score and icu p.iiin trees '
Wo wilt spread ai last the least ol uur rejoicings and j
<mr restitution Kbeers.)
Mr. Millkr, oi Nebraska, otJero i a resolution recom- i
no ndmg to ail luture democratic conveutwaa not io I
ai-opt tin' iwo-thirua rule, (Crlw ol "No" and "Yes.")
'liio Cuaik taid it wa.-> not in order now, us the next
bum not was to oall toe roll of States .or tb? National i
ComWttH, which wa* done, re ultnigaa loiinws:?
Alabama ..Waller u Hracc.
Ar? 'tihu J. Sumner.
taliiouita K. McCopn.
Colorado It. M. Hughes.
Couueetiuut Wniiain it. llarnutn.
Unaware.... KoOiusoti Hickman.
t ior -m (iaeorai licCail.
oe rgu ticorae Barney.
lliiuo.? V* hii.ihi CL tiardy.
In ,1111.1 Tnoma* Koi n.
Iowa... M. M. llani.
Kan .-at J. K. Kaiou.
Ikcniuelt) H l>. MeHenrjr.
homsmua T J. ii is.
llatN* KmiinnJ Wi.mib.
Missouri John U. 1'rescoU
Maryl.iud 'I. I'orsoy. K. I'r iico.
Miu..iau K. lainter.
or go? h.x-tiov. John Whittaker.
Nevada. K.'btrt I*. s Keating
Nebraska i.c.>r,e l? Miller.
JIirii*-oI>i IV. 1. I.ucbran.
New York Hiram S. Hewitt.
Virgin?>? Knurl i A. ?C<vuilL
New Han?|> hire A. \V Mil.away. I ill i... Nicboli.i Vao Mack.
TeBne?.-c? \V. B. llaten
>i,u hi .noliua (ante- li Kvau.
Mi^s**<oppl DirKadata,
\ er.M'iii K II, Miuiiley.
New Jor.<ey .Mile- Ku-a.
(IllIo JotiU P. ItiisP'rtn.
iVutwyvaai* ^.Wiliuta u netti,
\\ i ciin-'ii William K. Vilas.
Wetl Virginia Alexander ? unpOelL
1?SM F. !?. siockdaie.
Mr. Mi ri'hy, o( New York, oilerod a r<>? >lution of
tU.uiks io Um Committee ou Reception and tbe cuiscns
Mtt U>ui* ur tneir Meuerots lilwrality to th? mem
ber* ol lha Convention. AUopled.
Mr. Iihowx, oi 'fcitBCMcc, oil-red a resolution ap- .
pii ntini. a committee ol ttie President ol tha conven
tion and one delegate iroai oacb Mate to visit lb?
nomiDees and lotity ibutn of their nominations.
I ha !tiat?"s named their mrmiier* of this commliteo
as loliows:?
COMMITTER of xorincATio*.
Alalmma. K it. l.>ou.
Arkii,-.?s ...I* H. WiiliamB.
Can "Mi.a. *? II Ku.ers.
Color..d '.dam WlMOO.
iMtn.-tirut W. W. h ran Klin.
IK iitwaro Ueor/r Si.umbury.
Florida I. u ilarria.
(Georgia II. A I i-rt.
Iiiiiims 1. M. .Smith.
lii liaua.... W Hanna.
1 twa 11. f Mofcte?Mfy.
Kau?aa & Blair.
Kentucky.... W. W. Hiuh.
Loutaiaaa. L. W. Martin.
Mam* s. J. Anderson
Mwiictmmi j. j. a uoil
Michigan H. J. Bedford.
MionesoU J. N. Castle
Mmsisaiippl X C. 8** It
Missouri H. J. Sparnliort^
Nebraska Q. B. Scoucld.
Nevada R. P Kmiim.
Now Hampsbir* U lull.
Now Jersey Patrick Heury.
New York H. C. Murphy.
North Carolina W J. Orami*.
Ohio Isaac C. Collins.
Oregon Mark V. Brow a.
Pennsylvania B. B Wright.
Rhode Island .....William B. Beach.
South Carolina. M. P. O'Conaefc
iennessee Thomas O'Ooiih
Texaa J W Dwyer.
Vermout Joseph Kind.
Virginia U. C Neai*.
W Si Virginia. J. D. Canute*.
Wisconsin Joseph lUUia
TH? TWOTHiaU* wu.
The following resolution, which wai fed ny Mr.
Webber, ol Michigan, was read: ?
Resolved, That it be recommended to tu.ure national
democratic conventions, an tba naiiae of tlie democracy bore
in convention assembleU. thai the so-called two-thirds rial*
be aIjuIialie mi onwisa and umideesn ry. aad tiiat the
Slates tie requemad to Instruct their del*irai?s to the
Democratic National Convention which i< to be held la IMHC
whether it is desirable to continue the two third, rule
Ion er in torce in the national convention*, and that tb*
National Committee insert such request in tbelr call for the
Mr. Bears, of Tennessee?I move to lay that resoht
tion ou tlie laohj.
A Oklboatb? I demand tlte yeas and uaya.
Ybe roll was culled, and the rote resulted la yeti 3M
nays ?. so tb* motion was deloatea.
Mr. Wallacx, ol Peuusylvama. called for a divlsioi
ol the question by dividing the riuoiutiou, ending tb*
Ural proposition at the word "aboii-bed."
A OcutdArK from MiM.sooai?I move tb* prevwat
question upon tlie original resolution.
Mr. Mai.ijlck?It is scarcely necessary for me to Bay
a division ol the question is in order either before or
alter the main question be recorded. I desire simply
to bring this Convention to u vote upon in* naked
question a^ io w nuttier we ore to have instructions iron
States in regard to tne alioiitiou ol the two-thirds ruie,
or whether tUU Convention la to instruct mture con
ventions as to their actions.
Tne PitKBioKNT?The .enilciuan frem Pennsylvania
demand -a division or tbo question. The Clerk will
rem) tn it portion upon wiuc.i ho demands a division.
The Cikrk read as follows:?
Kesolved. That it be ri enm mended to future national
d*muer*tic ci mention*, sa tiic -cine ot the democracy her*
iu Convention assembled, that the two-tliirds rale be aboi
is e-l hi unwise aud tiunec ssarjr.
The resolution was adopted, tn J the Secretary read
the .second part us io lows:?
Resolved. I'liat tne States be requested to instruct theli
delegate* to the Democratic N ilional Cunveatlifn. whcb ll
tube heiil in ltfso, ? hetlier it is desirable tocuitiaue the
t?e-tbirdi ml? longer in ores in nation .1 conventions, aad
ih u Hie N i.i ni?l k'tintiuillee insert such request in tbelr
call tor the Convontion.
The resolution was adopted.
The following was passed:?
Resolved, I'liat tlm thaaks ol ibis Convention are ten
derail to tlie lion John A. Mct'Iainsnd, of Illinois. for ibe
able and impartial Way in whta*) lie has ill .charged tba
duties uf |iri?odiag o.llcor o tbis Convention.
Mr. Rilby, ol Nevada, introduced the ivtiowing.
which was unanimously adopted:?
Kes lived, I hat the thanks ot tlie Convention be tendered
to toe President aud Board ol Directors ot ibe Merchants'
ExtUxiuie ol ht. iieais ( r their lme? ilitv in D>csenttug t ie
a-e of th-ir .tia^niU.-eiit buildinx for tne deleg ol the
i;onven.l <n. and also to the diii us of St. t.ouls tor tbeii
.eiierun bo.pitaiitj, (Cneers >
A resolution was offered requesting the Recording
Secretary to prepare uu official report ol the C inven
tion and tba the Natiouai Committee print It. Aureed
Mr. Smiley, of Vermont, offered a resolm^u that
the place ol holding tlie uext National ConveiHion be
leit o tbo National Committee, aud tuat tbo iiusi* of
re;>ret-cnlatlon be the stmo a* now.
Mr. Mill k, ol Nebraska, oil red a resolutien ol
thanks to Mr. Bell tor nli efficient services an secre
tary. (Applause.) It was adopted.
Mr. Kbknan?Mr. Prcsidem, 1 am directed by the
delocuiiun irom the Mai* oi New York, who nave been
greatly in icbted tn the Res dent ?. of St.
l.uuvs. o present to that oouimiitce, In token oi our
appreciation ot tueir bi>a|>i.ati.y, the portrait ot Sam
uel J. Ti'don whicb is abo.o your ch-ir.
And permit me io say one word more. We are
now to go to work h rinoniously to elect I'llden und
Heudricks. aud tl w? elect luem I say to yoa afi rtb*
4tii oi March uext tliey win sweep tne carpn-bnggert
Irom the South aud the thieves trom th* Mirth.
The Chaik?What Is the further pleasure of the Con
vent ion r
Colonel Williams, of Indiana?I move that this Con
vention do now uiijourn.
Tbe question was put and the motion car led, and at
bul.-imst twelve o'clock P. M. tlieCouvcnli nudjouruet
tine die.
After adjourntueui, in answer to ioud calla, Mr.
Preston, ot Kentucky, undressed iheiiu<iienco, re.erring
to the uuued action ol all sectious ot the i uion m tue
scleciiou ol 1 iideu aud Heuuiicks, who were lostered
in tbe hearts of the peopl ? aud alt ready to leait io the
ellorts to wreiicU the power iroiu tbe ropuoin-an party.
B nine aud Morton aever led rciorm or lought tor
justice. Tildenuud Hendricks ban. Tbe ?outn and North
stand umteii lor he platform ol hones', money uud ib*
denunciation 'ol currupt pr dices. The democrats bava
uever ftren a tna iRO they failed to ke p. Th y were
expelled irom power when the Americans lost their
reason and ihcy returned ben thoy recovered it. He
urged the party io adiiero tirmly o priuofpie* und not
yield to local influence*, and predicted victory to the
democracy in Novemocr. At the conclusion of Jlr.
Prestou's ypeeca tbe audience quietly dispersed.
Thomas Andri ws Hendricks, of Indiana, who was
yesterday placed in nom nation as tbe democratic can*
didatc for Vico President, is live years-youuger thau Mr.
Tllde i, hnviu.' boon born in Muskingum county, Ohio,
September 7, 1819. When bo was only three years o.d
his lather removed to Sbeluy county, Indiana, rnd thai
State was his home ever afterward: Mr. Heudrickl
received a liberal education, and gradua ed from
Hanover College in 1841, after which he studied law ia
the office ol the late Judge Thomson, ol Cbumbarsburg,
Pa., aud whs admitted to tho Franklin county Bar ia
1844, the dwtinguisbedjurist, Jerominh SJ. Blaok, being
at the iiuiAh" providing Justice ot the courts of the
coauty. He returned to Indiana immediately after
cmning to tbe Bar. and began the practice 01 hi* pro>
leseton. Success was not long in < om ng to tbe younj
lawyer, and be soon acquired not onlv a compicnct
but a high piase ai t bo Bar. lie bad not been long at th?
Bar, however, when be began bis political career. la
1848 he was chosen a member of tbe lndiaua legisla
ture, and In 1830 be eerv< d in the State Constitutional
Convention. During the next five years he wan a rep>
rescntative iu Congress, and in 1856 President P ores
appointed bitn Commissioner of tbe Goncral Laud
oillce. He continued 10 hotd this position under Mr.
Buchanan's administration until 185t>, when be re
signed. In 18(H? bo was the democratic candidate Tor
Uarettor ol iudiana, but Was de cated by Henry H,
Lull", l.uiii wu- s ion aiterward chosen I'm ted Stataa
.-onutor, and in 1863 Heudru-ks became hi* eoileugue
In tue Senate. At Hie tnno tbe democracy was
a very weak minority In thai bodv, bul
Mr. Hendricks succeeded in making a great
rcim-ation in tbe Senate ootb as a aiale-uma
! and a lawyer. Ho wus active and outspoken In opposl
I t on io Uio repuiil'.cau measures ot tbe time, among
' tiicin tbe bill overturning tlie old State government:* ot
the South, tbe Civil Itijlits bill and the Fri edman'*
! Bureau bill. In tbe im|>?uchmeni trial ol Auurew
| Johnson be played nn important part, and add. d greatly
i to bis rupatatios iu a lawyer. In a tingle torm n ibe
j Se-.ate M r Henuricks acquired a position of great prom*
j innnce before the country, and he placed himself so tar
forward In bis |>arty iliat sine; 18'iS he been gener
ally regarded an aiming the aval able democratic candl
?dates lor the Presidency. But lor ibe Greeley tnove
ineut he niKht bave i ccti uoiniualed in 1*>?2, and tbtl
Vrar hlH cmincca lor the Art place on the ticket Ifert
de troyed by the inllution folly of tho West.
Alter bis retirement from tbe Senate In 1869 klr.
Hendricks returae.i to the practice ol his prolcsaiou al
Indianapolis, but he wu* not long allowed to remuia
ou ot public nle. After Greeley's nomination at Balil
more Hendricks was induc?l to acoept a nomination
lor Governor of Indlaue, in order to strengthen the
Presidential ticket, and. altera bitter canvass, he wm
elected i.y a small majority. ibe rest oi the ticket, ex
cept the Superintendent of Public Instruction, boinit
lost to the democracy. Tbe personal popularity ol
Governor Hendricks carried him ti reogh, bat be had
the adv mtage of bavin* an opponent against wh?m the
> umperance sehllutenl ol his State was arrayed. He Hot
| mod* an accept iit.e Governor, and has offi-nded only is
' one respect?by giguinu a local option liquor bill, which
| was Hunseqaently r>pealed.
(?< vernor Henlncka is a m in of strong and generous
instincts. Socially he is one of tbe mast agreeable
! meu tn public life, and he carries tbe ur
i hnnty lor which he la noted into the court
room as well as tlio exeoutivo chaofber. No
one meets bim without being charmed by his so
ciety. lie possesses a tund ot wit aad anecdote wh>< >
rn ike him a charming ooinpanion. His words are to
iicuously chose.i, bis sentences always well constructed
and b r elocution fluent and easy. Uli boiisrc is lull ol
books and paintings, and, aitnougb not a scholar u th?
higher sense, be is well versed in II cr.iture and Itai
been sn esiiec ?l y ctoee sta.ient of English and Ameri
can oratory. In busiaesa afl.nrs he is careful, methodi
cal and prompt?liberal without being extravagant?
ami ue has the reputation ol an honest man.
His nnuie on tbe tieket is expected to add materially to
Tilden's strength in the West; but whether this will
prove the case caa only be tested in tbe November cru
N HITHER ENTilUalvfiTlr.
Wjuuwrmi. June 20, 1874
The adjournment of the at. Loots Conveution fairly
opens the onvass, and tbe talk to-day baa heea tbe
'(lection, v It is generally acknowledge* by ibe thought
lui men oi both sioes thai it lea pretty even match
and that the election will be very etoee, Tks hnrd
money dem e rata say that Ur. Ttideti't nomiaatloa
puis their parly ia the field a? more decidedly bard
?easy than the republicans, because ?eltnn jMMeffl